Jingleheimer Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a bat corpse (skeletalised by now) (1, -1, D:1) a ball python corpse (skeletalised by now) (6, -30, D:1) a hobgoblin skeleton (17, -11, D:1) a +0 scale mail (27, -9, D:1) a +0 dagger (30, 8, D:1) a rat skeleton (31, 8, D:1) 5 stones (31, 13, D:1) a frilled lizard skeleton (32, 21, D:1) a +0 dagger (33, -30, D:1) a rat skeleton (36, 4, D:1) a +0 club (37, 3, D:1) a ball python skeleton (37, 16, D:1) a hobgoblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (38, 3, D:1) a hobgoblin skeleton (39, -16, D:1) 4 stones (41, -32, D:1) a ring of wizardry (42, -11, D:1) a +0 club a goblin skeleton (43, 7, D:1) a ball python skeleton (50, -30, D:1) a quokka skeleton Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a ball python corpse (skeletalised by now) (5, -8, D:2) a +0 pair of boots (19, -3, D:2) a +0 dagger (20, 7, D:2) a +0 club a goblin skeleton (21, 3, D:2) a hobgoblin skeleton (25, 1, D:2) 5 stones a +0 whip (25, 5, D:2) a +0 spear (26, -11, D:2) an adder skeleton (28, -15, D:2) 9 stones (29, -2, D:2) a +0 dagger (30, -5, D:2) 6 stones (39, -11, D:2) a +0 ring mail (42, -7, D:2) a +0 spear (42, 8, D:2) a jackal skeleton (43, 8, D:2) a jackal skeleton (44, -7, D:2) a +0 robe a +0 scythe Level 3 of the Dungeon [Shop] Duhameguto's Distillery a potion of cancellation (88 gold) a potion of enlightenment (55 gold) 2 potions of attraction (66 gold) a potion of magic (88 gold) a potion of attraction (33 gold) 2 potions of might (88 gold) a potion of haste (110 gold) [Shop] Elodearo's Weapon Boutique the +5 halberd "Murmur" {freeze, rPois rC+ Int+4 Dex+3} (651 gold) Int+4: It affects your intelligence (+4). Dex+3: It affects your dexterity (+3). rC+: It protects you from cold. rPois: It protects you from poison. a +0 dagger (20 gold) a +0 falchion (30 gold) a +1 halberd of distortion (170 gold) a +0 shortbow (30 gold) [Shop] Oskitt's Assorted Antiques a scroll of enchant weapon (150 gold) a potion of might (80 gold) a scroll of fear (80 gold) quicksilver dragon scales (1200 gold) a potion of curing (60 gold) a +0 falchion (60 gold) a +6 heavy glaive (874 gold) [Shop] Qalos's Magic Scroll Shop a scroll of teleportation (36 gold) a scroll of fear (48 gold) a scroll of enchant armour (90 gold) a scroll of blinking (90 gold) a scroll of fog (48 gold) a scroll of vulnerability (48 gold) a scroll of fear (48 gold) a scroll of noise (12 gold) a scroll of vulnerability (48 gold) (0, 0, D:3) a +0 short sword (2, 13, D:3) a hobgoblin skeleton (3, 36, D:3) a +0 whip (5, 38, D:3) a +0 mace (6, 19, D:3) a +0 robe (6, 38, D:3) a +0 leather armour a +0 club an orc skeleton (12, 17, D:3) a quokka skeleton (15, 16, D:3) a +0 ring mail (17, 32, D:3) a +0 club a kobold skeleton (22, 13, D:3) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (22, 32, D:3) an adder skeleton (24, 31, D:3) a +0 robe (29, 0, D:3) a bat corpse (skeletalised by now) (32, 28, D:3) a +0 chain mail (34, 15, D:3) a +0 flail an orc skeleton (34, 30, D:3) 9 stones (36, 26, D:3) a +0 club a goblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (38, 16, D:3) a +6 ring of strength (41, 17, D:3) a +0 ring mail Level 4 of the Dungeon (17, -17, D:4) an adder skeleton (21, -13, D:4) an iguana skeleton (22, -23, D:4) a +0 ring mail (25, 3, D:4) 2 stones (32, -7, D:4) an adder skeleton (33, 30, D:4) a ring of resist corrosion (34, 25, D:4) a +0 short sword (35, 23, D:4) a +0 dagger a +0 robe an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (35, 24, D:4) a +0 whip of venom a +0 scale mail an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (35, 25, D:4) a +0 trident a +0 leather armour an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) Level 5 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:5) a +0 spear (1, -14, D:5) a hound skeleton (8, -21, D:5) a +0 dagger (17, -5, D:5) a hound skeleton (26, -4, D:5) a +1 vampiric whip a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) (26, -3, D:5) a +0 spear a +0 spear a +0 robe a +0 club a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) (26, -2, D:5) a +1 flail of protection (27, 4, D:5) a +0 scale mail (32, -15, D:5) a +0 barding (32, 18, D:5) 5 stones (38, 17, D:5) a +0 short sword (39, 13, D:5) a quokka skeleton Level 6 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:6) a +0 club (1, -33, D:6) a +0 trident an orc skeleton (13, -44, D:6) a +0 robe a +0 great sword a +3 great sword a +0 robe a +0 mace a black bear skeleton (14, -44, D:6) a +0 robe a +3 trident (15, -44, D:6) a +0 robe a +4 battleaxe (18, -38, D:6) a +0 mace an orc skeleton (19, -41, D:6) a +0 whip (23, -46, D:6) a +0 mace (32, -39, D:6) 7 stones (48, -5, D:6) a +0 dagger a +0 robe an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (48, -4, D:6) a +0 club a +0 leather armour (48, -3, D:6) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (48, 4, D:6) a +0 leather armour (48, 5, D:6) a black bear corpse (skeletalised by now) Level 7 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:7) a +0 chain mail a +0 trident an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (3, -33, D:7) a +0 short sword (6, -20, D:7) a bullfrog skeleton (8, -18, D:7) a +0 whip (9, -15, D:7) a black bear skeleton (14, -10, D:7) a +0 rapier (17, 5, D:7) a +0 mace (25, -10, D:7) 6 stones (29, 1, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (29, 3, D:7) 4 stones (30, 0, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (31, 0, D:7) a +0 ring mail a +3 flail of venom a +0 short sword an orc skeleton (34, 1, D:7) a +0 robe a +0 dagger an orc skeleton (36, -22, D:7) a +0 scale mail (37, -30, D:7) a +0 club a +0 leather armour an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (43, -15, D:7) 5 stones (52, 4, D:7) a +0 flail a +0 ring mail a +0 whip a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) (52, 5, D:7) a +0 spear Level 8 of the Dungeon (17, 1, D:8) 5 stones (24, 8, D:8) a +0 chain mail a +0 trident an orc skeleton (25, 5, D:8) a +0 whip (25, 9, D:8) a +0 leather armour a +0 mace a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger (25, 39, D:8) a steam dragon skeleton (34, 22, D:8) a +0 halberd a +0 club a +0 leather armour a +0 club a gnoll skeleton (34, 23, D:8) a +0 flail a +0 whip a gnoll skeleton (34, 28, D:8) a +0 ring mail a +0 hand axe a +2 heavy trident a +0 ring mail a +0 trident an orc skeleton (34, 29, D:8) a +0 leather armour a +0 mace an orc skeleton (35, 21, D:8) a +0 whip (35, 27, D:8) a +2 broad axe of draining (37, -1, D:8) a +0 whip an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (38, 1, D:8) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (44, -2, D:8) a +2 antimagic shortbow a centaur corpse (skeletalised by now) (55, 11, D:8) a scroll of noise (58, 34, D:8) a scroll of noise (61, 47, D:8) a +0 whip a +0 club a +0 flail a +0 club a +0 robe a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) (62, 30, D:8) a +0 robe a +4 morningstar (62, 31, D:8) a +0 robe a +0 halberd (62, 47, D:8) a +0 spear a +0 spear (63, 8, D:8) a +0 leather armour (64, 4, D:8) a bullfrog corpse (skeletalised by now) (65, 29, D:8) a +0 robe a +0 short sword Level 9 of the Dungeon [Shop] Halotriu's Armour Emporium the +2 ratskin cloak {*Rats rPois rN+ Str-1 Int-1 Dex+1} (389 gold) *Rats: When the wearer is hurt, rats may emerge from it to assist them. Str-1: It affects your strength (-1). Int-1: It affects your intelligence (-1). Dex+1: It affects your dexterity (+1). rPois: It protects you from poison. rN+: It protects you from negative energy. a +0 leather armour (28 gold) a +0 leather armour (28 gold) a +0 scale mail (56 gold) a +0 leather armour (28 gold) a +0 ring mail (56 gold) a +0 robe (9 gold) a +0 robe (9 gold) a +0 chain mail (63 gold) a +0 plate armour (322 gold) (0, 0, D:9) a +0 club (7, -16, D:9) a +3 falchion of freezing a +0 robe (9, 1, D:9) a +0 short sword a kobold skeleton (10, -2, D:9) 3 stones a +0 club a kobold skeleton (11, -3, D:9) a stone a +0 short sword a +0 morningstar a kobold skeleton a kobold skeleton (12, -6, D:9) a +0 robe a +0 flail (12, -5, D:9) 5 stones (12, -4, D:9) a +0 dagger a +0 club a +0 club (13, -5, D:9) a +0 robe a +0 trident (14, -5, D:9) a +0 robe a +4 flail a +0 robe a +3 war axe (18, -21, D:9) a hound skeleton (18, -20, D:9) a hound skeleton a wolf skeleton a wolf skeleton (19, -26, D:9) an electric eel skeleton (23, -24, D:9) a wolf skeleton (26, -34, D:9) a hound skeleton (31, -37, D:9) a +0 robe (34, -39, D:9) a hound corpse (skeletalised by now) (37, -26, D:9) a +0 robe a +0 short sword (38, -23, D:9) a +0 robe a +4 flail (39, -3, D:9) an orb of guile a +0 robe a +4 trident of draining (41, -2, D:9) a troll skeleton (43, -26, D:9) a +0 robe a +0 hand axe (45, -23, D:9) a +0 dagger a +2 robe of willpower (46, -5, D:9) a wyvern skeleton (47, -25, D:9) a +0 buckler (52, -30, D:9) a +0 shortbow a centaur corpse (skeletalised by now) (56, -43, D:9) a wand of charming (5) Level 10 of the Dungeon (8, 7, D:10) 13 gold pieces (8, 12, D:10) a potion of lignification (9, 5, D:10) 16 gold pieces (9, 7, D:10) a potion of heal wounds (16, 11, D:10) a +0 flail of holy wrath (unseen) the Ecumenical Temple Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts Level 2 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:2) a cane toad corpse (skeletalised by now) (3, 10, Lair:2) a basilisk skeleton (3, 11, Lair:2) a komodo dragon corpse (skeletalised by now) a cane toad skeleton a yak skeleton a yak skeleton a yak skeleton a yak skeleton Level 3 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (1, 2, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (2, -1, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (2, 1, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (2, 25, Lair:3) a blink frog corpse (skeletalised by now) (3, -4, Lair:3) a rime drake skeleton (3, 1, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (3, 24, Lair:3) a wyvern corpse (skeletalised by now) (4, -1, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (4, 1, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (4, 2, Lair:3) a black bear corpse (4, 23, Lair:3) a blink frog corpse (skeletalised by now) (5, 25, Lair:3) a blink frog corpse (skeletalised by now) (8, 16, Lair:3) a blink frog corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, 26, Lair:3) a yak corpse (skeletalised by now) (14, 25, Lair:3) an elephant corpse (skeletalised by now) (16, 0, Lair:3) an elephant skeleton Level 4 of the Lair of Beasts (16, 14, Lair:4) a +3 quarterstaff (18, -35, Lair:4) a komodo dragon corpse (skeletalised by now) (22, -30, Lair:4) a polar bear corpse (skeletalised by now) (23, -33, Lair:4) a +0 falchion (33, -29, Lair:4) a +0 sling (39, -18, Lair:4) a hell rat skeleton (40, -18, Lair:4) a hell rat skeleton (41, -20, Lair:4) a yak skeleton (41, -19, Lair:4) a hydra skeleton a yak skeleton a cane toad skeleton (41, -18, Lair:4) a yak skeleton (41, -15, Lair:4) a blink frog skeleton (41, -14, Lair:4) a blink frog skeleton (42, -16, Lair:4) a blink frog skeleton (43, -16, Lair:4) a hell rat skeleton a blink frog skeleton (45, -20, Lair:4) a blink frog skeleton (45, -17, Lair:4) a hell rat skeleton (45, -14, Lair:4) a hell rat skeleton (46, -19, Lair:4) a blink frog skeleton (48, -27, Lair:4) a blink frog corpse (49, -26, Lair:4) a blink frog corpse (49, -22, Lair:4) a blink frog corpse Level 5 of the Lair of Beasts (0, 0, Lair:5) a ring of ice (4, 0, Lair:5) 6 stones (8, 5, Lair:5) a water moccasin skeleton