Rockwell3 Level 1 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:1) a +0 short sword (2, -11, D:1) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (3, -11, D:1) a +0 dagger (4, -11, D:1) a frilled lizard corpse (skeletalised by now) (6, 0, D:1) a hobgoblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (6, 2, D:1) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (9, 2, D:1) a +0 leather armour (18, -38, D:1) a +0 spear (19, -4, D:1) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (19, -3, D:1) a +0 short sword 5 stones a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (35, -26, D:1) a +0 dagger a goblin skeleton (36, -26, D:1) a +0 short sword a +2 dagger of electrocution a kobold skeleton (37, -27, D:1) a ball python skeleton (39, -33, D:1) a +0 robe (39, -5, D:1) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (40, -18, D:1) a bat skeleton (41, -4, D:1) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (42, -26, D:1) a +0 whip (43, -11, D:1) 3 stones (44, 0, D:1) a +0 ring mail (49, -33, D:1) a +0 whip a stone (51, -16, D:1) a rat skeleton Level 2 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:2) a +0 club (3, 3, D:2) a +2 heavy scythe a +0 robe the human skeleton of Sigmund (8, 20, D:2) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, 2, D:2) a +0 club (11, 32, D:2) a +0 rapier (12, 10, D:2) a hobgoblin skeleton (14, 11, D:2) a +0 club a goblin skeleton (14, 15, D:2) a +0 hand axe (14, 27, D:2) a bat skeleton (15, 26, D:2) the felid corpse of Natasha (skeletalised by now) (16, 19, D:2) 6 stones (16, 26, D:2) a +0 whip (17, 27, D:2) a frilled lizard skeleton (22, -8, D:2) a +0 dagger (24, 24, D:2) a +0 leather armour a staff of death 3 stones a kobold skeleton (27, -5, D:2) a +0 whip (27, -4, D:2) a +3 scale mail of fire resistance a +0 flail the human skeleton of Terence a frilled lizard skeleton (34, 15, D:2) a +0 short sword (37, 30, D:2) a +0 club a goblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (39, 30, D:2) a +0 club (43, 4, D:2) a +0 dagger (43, 38, D:2) 4 stones (47, 28, D:2) a +0 ring mail Level 3 of the Dungeon (2, -14, D:3) a bat skeleton (3, -27, D:3) a flux talisman (6, -1, D:3) a +0 helmet (7, 9, D:3) a hobgoblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (12, -34, D:3) a +0 club a goblin corpse (skeletalised by now) (12, -10, D:3) a +0 short sword an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (13, -15, D:3) a +0 dagger a +0 falchion an orc skeleton (14, -34, D:3) a rat corpse (skeletalised by now) (39, -13, D:3) a +0 club a +0 sling (43, -22, D:3) a +0 chain mail (43, -7, D:3) a +0 dagger 3 stones a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (46, -24, D:3) a +0 club 5 poisoned darts (53, 15, D:3) 6 gold pieces (54, 16, D:3) a scroll of identify (55, 17, D:3) 9 gold pieces (56, -36, D:3) a bat corpse (skeletalised by now) Level 4 of the Dungeon [Shop] Bipytteass's Antique Weapon Shoppe the +2 sling "Anlirirph" {elec, rC+ rN+ rCorr} (1125 gold) rC+: It protects you from cold. rN+: It protects you from negative energy. rCorr: It protects you from acid and corrosion. a +0 mace (90 gold) a +0 falchion of flaming (222 gold) the +1 short sword of the Scuffed God {flame, rN+ Str+3} (837 gold) Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). rN+: It protects you from negative energy. a +0 long sword (105 gold) the +11 Singing Sword {sonic wave} (3000 gold) a +0 hand axe (90 gold) a +0 dagger (60 gold) (1, 10, D:4) a +0 robe (4, 32, D:4) a hobgoblin skeleton (6, 36, D:4) a +0 giant spiked club (9, -3, D:4) a +0 dagger 3 stones a kobold corpse (skeletalised by now) (10, -4, D:4) a +0 club an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (15, 12, D:4) a +0 dagger a goblin skeleton (35, 2, D:4) a +0 club (37, 17, D:4) a quokka skeleton (47, 18, D:4) a +0 robe (52, 18, D:4) 5 stones Level 5 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:5) a +0 whip (2, -2, D:5) an adder corpse (skeletalised by now) (12, -8, D:5) an iguana corpse (skeletalised by now) (24, 22, D:5) a +2 kite shield a +0 ring mail a +0 spear a gnoll skeleton (33, 22, D:5) a water moccasin skeleton (34, -1, D:5) a bullfrog corpse (skeletalised by now) (34, 1, D:5) a blade talisman (34, 46, D:5) a +0 spear (35, 46, D:5) a +0 halberd (36, 46, D:5) a +0 heavy spear a gnoll corpse (skeletalised by now) (37, 46, D:5) a +0 halberd (64, 1, D:5) a hound corpse (skeletalised by now) (67, 15, D:5) a +0 shortbow Level 6 of the Dungeon (0, 0, D:6) 5 stones (6, -12, D:6) a +0 dagger (10, -8, D:6) a +0 leather armour (10, -7, D:6) a hound corpse (skeletalised by now) (12, -10, D:6) a book of Conjurations (13, 11, D:6) a +0 chain mail (22, 6, D:6) a +0 robe (24, -4, D:6) an iguana skeleton (30, 2, D:6) a +0 mace (37, -3, D:6) a +0 robe (48, -11, D:6) a +0 dagger Level 7 of the Dungeon [Shop] Ureby's Self-Published Books the Spellbook of Elementary Elements (462 gold) Spells Type Level a - Foxfire Conjuration/Fire 1 b - Shock Conjuration/Air 1 c - Sandblast Earth 1 d - Freeze Ice 1 e - Static Discharge Conjuration/Air 2 f - Scorch Fire 2 g - Ensorcelled Hibernation Hexes/Ice 2 h - Passwall Earth 3 the Precepts of Gerundive Groundings (484 gold) Spells Type Level a - Lesser Beckoning Translocation 2 b - Vampiric Draining Necromancy 3 c - Yara's Violent Unravelling Hexes/Alchemy 5 d - Maxwell's Capacitive Coupling Air 8 the Parchment of Elemental Confusion (418 gold) Spells Type Level a - Maxwell's Capacitive Coupling Air 8 b - Polar Vortex Ice 9 the Catalogue of Pristine Conjurations (418 gold) Spells Type Level a - Magic Dart Conjuration 1 b - Searing Ray Conjuration 2 c - Iskenderun's Battlesphere Conjuration 5 d - Orb of Destruction Conjuration 7 Nikola's Compilation of Electric Invention (462 gold) Spells Type Level a - Shock Conjuration/Air 1 b - Blink Translocation 2 c - Arcjolt Conjuration/Air 5 d - Chain Lightning Conjuration/Air 9 the Anthology of Prestidigitation (946 gold) Spells Type Level a - Apportation Translocation 1 b - Ensorcelled Hibernation Hexes/Ice 2 c - Alistair's Intoxication Alchemy 5 d - Metabolic Englaciation Hexes/Ice 5 e - Ozocubu's Refrigeration Ice 7 f - Borgnjor's Revivification Necromancy 8 g - Infestation Necromancy 8 (4, 8, D:7) a +0 glaive a +0 robe (5, 2, D:7) a +0 flail (15, 22, D:7) a +0 ring mail (17, -15, D:7) a +0 club (18, 5, D:7) 3 stones (20, 8, D:7) a +5 scimitar of freezing a +0 robe (20, 9, D:7) a +4 falchion a +0 robe a +4 falchion a +0 robe (21, 13, D:7) a +0 chain mail (24, 25, D:7) an iguana skeleton (25, -6, D:7) a +0 flail a +0 robe (27, 15, D:7) a +0 ring mail (27, 25, D:7) a +0 falchion (28, 15, D:7) a +0 long sword (29, -2, D:7) 4 large rocks (31, -7, D:7) a +0 short sword an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (32, -7, D:7) a +0 flail a +0 scale mail an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (33, -7, D:7) a +0 hand axe an orc corpse (skeletalised by now) (34, -7, D:7) a +0 dagger a +0 robe (43, 21, D:7) a +0 club (43, 24, D:7) a +0 dagger a kobold skeleton (43, 25, D:7) a +0 short sword 3 stones (44, -12, D:7) a +0 scale mail (44, 24, D:7) a +0 falchion 3 poisoned darts a kobold skeleton (44, 25, D:7) a +0 dagger of venom 8 poisoned darts (58, 16, D:7) +0 steam dragon scales a steam dragon skeleton (66, 7, D:7) a +0 short sword (66, 40, D:7) a howler monkey corpse (skeletalised by now) (67, 24, D:7) a +0 mace Level 8 of the Dungeon (4, -15, D:8) a +0 club a +0 ring mail an orc corpse (9, -3, D:8) a +0 scale mail (14, -18, D:8) a +0 falchion (15, -20, D:8) a water moccasin corpse (skeletalised by now) (33, 0, D:8) a +0 dagger of chaos (still there?) a +0 robe (still there?) (34, 3, D:8) a +0 war axe a +0 leather armour a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 flail a +0 scale mail a +0 dagger a +0 robe a +0 hand axe a +0 chain mail an orc corpse an orc corpse an orc corpse (34, 5, D:8) a +0 club a +0 whip (34, 6, D:8) a +0 whip (35, 6, D:8) a +0 spear a +0 scale mail (35, 7, D:8) a +0 spear (35, 8, D:8) a +0 spear (36, 2, D:8) a +0 pair of boots a ring of resist corrosion the Ecumenical Temple