### RC FILE last updated July 8, 2727 ### shoutout to HilariousDeathArtist < function ready() char_dump() load_message() AnnounceDamage() OpenSkills() fmore_early_threats() end > #################### # Opens skill menu # #################### { local need_skills_opened = true function OpenSkills() if you.turns() == 0 and need_skills_opened then need_skills_opened = false crawl.sendkeys("m") end end } ## Warns before leaving upstairs from a Lab ## Note, need to macro > to ===safe_upstairs ## Or add the following: ## macros += M < ===safe_upstairs { function safe_upstairs() if you.branch() == "Gauntlet" then crawl.formatted_mpr("Really leave this Gauntlet?", "prompt") local res = crawl.getch() if string.lower(string.char(res)) == "y" then crawl.sendkeys("<") end else crawl.sendkeys("<") end end } { ---------------------------- ---- Begin load_message ---- ---------------------------- function control(c) return string.char(string.byte(c) - string.byte('a') + 1) end -- See README.md for documentation. message_color = "white" -- Wrapper of crawl.mpr() that prints text in white by default. if not mpr then mpr = function (msg, color) if not color then color = "white" end crawl.mpr("<" .. color .. ">" .. msg .. "") end end function save_with_message() if you.turns() == 0 then crawl.sendkeys("S") return end crawl.formatted_mpr("Save game and exit?", "prompt") local res = crawl.getch() if not (string.char(res) == "y" or string.char(res) == "Y") then crawl.formatted_mpr("Okay, then.", "prompt") return end crawl.formatted_mpr("Leave a message: ", "prompt") local res = crawl.c_input_line() c_persist.message = res crawl.sendkeys(control("s")) end function load_message() if c_persist.message and c_persist.message ~= "nil" and c_persist.message ~= "" then mpr("MESSAGE: " .. c_persist.message, message_color) c_persist.message = nil end end ----------------------------------- ---- End leave message on save ---- ----------------------------------- } { ------------------------- ---- Begin char_dump ---- ------------------------- local dump_count = you.turns() local dump_period = 500 function char_dump() if you.turns() >= dump_count then dump_count = dump_count + dump_period crawl.dump_char() end end ----------------------- ---- End char_dump ---- ----------------------- } { local fmet = true function fmore_early_threats() if you.xl() > 13 and fmet then crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= centaur.* comes? into view") crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= hydra.* comes? into view") crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= killer bee.* comes? into view") crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= electric eel.* comes? into view") fmet = false end end } { local cheiwalk = true function toggle_cheiwalk() if cheiwalk then crawl.setopt("force_more_message -= comes? into view") crawl.mpr("Cheiwalk mode is off.") else crawl.setopt("force_more_message += comes? into view") crawl.mpr("Cheiwalk mode is on.") end cheiwalk = not cheiwalk end } ############### # Damage Calc # ############### { local previous_hp = 0 local previous_mp = 0 local previous_form = "" local was_berserk_last_turn = false function AnnounceDamage() local current_hp, max_hp = you.hp() local current_mp, max_mp = you.mp() --Things that increase hp/mp temporarily really mess with this local current_form = you.transform() local you_are_berserk = you.berserk() local max_hp_increased = false local max_hp_decreased = false if (current_form ~= previous_form) then if (previous_form:find("dragon") or previous_form:find("statue") or previous_form:find("tree") or previous_form:find("ice")) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (current_form:find("dragon") or current_form:find("statue") or current_form:find("tree") or current_form:find("ice")) then max_hp_increased = true end end if (was_berserk_last_turn and not you_are_berserk) then max_hp_decreased = true elseif (you_are_berserk and not was_berserk_last_turn) then max_hp_increased = true end --crawl.mpr(string.format("previous_form is: %s", previous_form)) --crawl.mpr(string.format("current_form is: %s", current_form)) --crawl.mpr(string.format("max_hp_increased is: %s", max_hp_increased and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string.format("max_hp_decreased is: %s", max_hp_decreased and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string:format("you_are_berserk is: %s", you_are_berserk and "True" or "False")) --crawl.mpr(string:format("was_berserk_last_turn is: %s", was_berserk_last_turn and "True" or "False")) --Skips message on initializing game if previous_hp > 0 then local hp_difference = previous_hp - current_hp local mp_difference = previous_mp - current_mp if max_hp_increased or max_hp_decreased then if max_hp_increased then crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") else crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") end else --On losing health if (current_hp < previous_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") else crawl.mpr("You take " .. hp_difference .. " damage, and have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") end if hp_difference > (max_hp * 0.20) then crawl.mpr("MASSIVE DAMAGE!!") end end --On gaining more than 1 health if (current_hp > previous_hp) then --Removes the negative sign local health_inturn = (0 - hp_difference) if (health_inturn > 1) and not (current_hp == max_hp) then if current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.30) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.70) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") elseif current_hp <= (max_hp * 0.90) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") else crawl.mpr("You regained " .. health_inturn .. " hp, and now have " .. current_hp .. "/" .. max_hp .. " hp.") end end if (current_hp == max_hp) then crawl.mpr("Health restored: " .. current_hp .. "") end end --On gaining more than 1 magic if (current_mp > previous_mp) then --Removes the negative sign local mp_inturn = (0 - mp_difference) if (mp_inturn > 1) and not (current_mp == max_mp) then if current_mp < (max_mp * 0.25) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. mp_inturn .. " mp, and now have " .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. " mp.") elseif current_mp < (max_mp * 0.50) then crawl.mpr("You regained " .. mp_inturn .. " mp, and now have " .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. " mp.") else crawl.mpr("You regained " .. mp_inturn .. " mp, and now have " .. current_mp .. "/" .. max_mp .. " mp.") end end if (current_mp == max_mp) then crawl.mpr("MP restored: " .. current_mp .. "") end end --On losing magic if current_mp < previous_mp then if current_mp <= (max_mp / 5) then crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .." mp.") elseif current_mp <= (max_mp / 2) then crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .." mp.") else crawl.mpr("You now have " .. current_mp .. "/" ..max_mp .." mp.") end end end end --Set previous hp/mp and form at end of turn previous_hp = current_hp previous_mp = current_mp previous_form = current_form was_berserk_last_turn = you_are_berserk end } # 1 - Starting Screen # ------------------- default_manual_training = true # 3-a : Pickup / Dropping # ----------------------- : if (you.god():find("Trog")) then autopickup += $?!:"/} : else autopickup += $?!:"/}|% : end # Automatically pick up gloves, boots, etc. # when the corresponding armour slot is empty { add_autopickup_func(function(it, name) if it.is_useless then return end if it.class(true) == "armour" then local good_slots = {cloak="cloak", helmet="helmet", gloves="gloves", boots="boots", barding="barding"} st, _ = it.subtype() if good_slots[st] ~= nil and items.equipped_at(good_slots[st]) == nil then return true end end end) } # Set Alias for Autopickup Exceptions ae := autopickup_exceptions ae += useless_item, dangerous_item, evil_item # Autopickup artefacts ae +=