zg Player: Demonhunter247 Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: crawl.dcss.io Filename: 2024-10-22.11:37:29.ttyrec Time: (1729597050) Tue Oct 22 11:37:29 2024 {gG [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h{gV)0[?7h[?25l[?1c{g{g{ggWelcome, Demonhunter247. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconian n - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Draconians are versatile hybrids. They mature when reaching level 7 and develop a colour. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Draconian Wanderer{g{gdDemonhunter247 the TrooperDraconianHealth: 19/19 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 5Str: 15EV: 11Int: 12SH: 0Dex: 9XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)a) +0 daggerThrow: dart (atropa){g8 9 ######### #........ #@...#{g  #........ #########{g +{g{gWelcome, Demonhunter247 the Draconian Wanderer.The Orb of Zot is coveted for many reasons. Will you seize it for your own?{gv{gfPress ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.{gVk{gn  You begin with the following items: a +0 dagger, an atropa-tipped dart, a _datura-tipped dart, a +0 hand axe, a +0 pair of gloves, a scroll of blinking.|gV> _Unknown command.|g <Inventory: 6/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 dagger (weapon)d - a +0 hand axe Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinkingg{ggw Demonhunter247 the Trooper Draconian Health: 19/19 ======================== Magic: 1/1======================== AC: 5Str: 15 EV: 11gj.Int: 12 #########SH: 0Dex: 9 #........gXL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1 g#@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0) g#........a) +0 dagger g#########Throw: dart (atropa)g</gkThe Orb of Zot is coveted for many reasons. Will you seize it for your own?Press ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.  gYou begin with the following items: a +0 dagger, an atropa-tipped dart, a _datura-tipped dart, a +0 hand axe, a +0 pair of gloves, a scroll of blinking. _Unknown command.gHg gg<gg*g;+g+g0/g/g3| _g4gJ5g6g6gO7g8g9,g8:g;g=,g=g)?g@g@g9AgCg[D,gDgJFgpG,gHgkIgJ,g7Kgo]g^g_g`gdagagagdcgedgdgdgfggggggghgigjgzjgkg6mgamg ng3ogmpgpgpgrgs,gtgGgIIgzIgJgKgM,gNgPgRgKRgRg;TgUgVgVgZgSb . .. ... .... S....##  #...####  gb#.@..##  ####..# #  ##.#.####. #......... #.###..###gb #.# ....S   ball python (constriction, asleep) g(c#.# ... #.# ..gJcA #.#gkc.gm'74g,n,5.0 (38g'tg;x^ _A ball python comes into view.gX#..... .S....### #..@######....## ####..# #  ##.#.####. #......... #.###..### #.#gTY.... #.#... #.#..gag2b#6.0 (1g^b.0)gggjgy ]##..#.####..........S....### #.@.####g+z  ###....## ####..# #  ##.#.####. #......... #.###..### gSz  #.# ....  #.# ... gz h #.# ..g% <7gI gΊ g! 2 ## ...#.#####.#.#.#.S....### #@..#### ###....##g O ####..# # ##.#.####.  #. #.###..###  #.# ....  #.# ...  #.# ..g, g &8g gO gb . ## ... +###.#####.#.#......# ....S..@.### ....?###...###... ###....## #####..# g܄ ! ##.#.####. #......... #.###..### #.#.... #.#...g g &9gG gɘ c _Found a scroll labelled RAMIUT OSK.g ### ...#+###.#####.#.#.#.S.@..###.?###...####.. ###....##### ####.# #gf ##.#.####. #.  #.###..###  #.# ....  #.# ...ggSgt 80g\ g"gw]< ###g] ...#+###.#####.#.##g].##.....S@...####.....?###...#####...... ###....##g ^### ####..# #  ##.#.####. #gN^@.  #.###..### gi^a #.# .... g^h #.# ...gmf<1gSkgjmg+u  The helpless ball python fails to defend itself.  You hit the ball python.g7g†g.82gg8O _You kill the ball python!gugvg|gy~H _No target in view!ggRggBH _No target in view!gßg8ggyH _No target in view!g.g/gS4g7H _No target in view!g g. g gY H _No target in view!gfT3gVgLXg[g<`: _gmaQ _No target in view! _gaC You see here a ball python corpse.g3dgd _gegFm\#### ...####+###.#####............##.# #gmD.# #.....†....### #.....@###...#### #......# ###....## ######## ####..# # ##.#gm.#### #....... #.###..## #.# ... #.# g,n1 #.# g.t+4.0 (2gtgt$5.0 (3gnyg{` _g - a scroll labelled RAMIUT OSKg|gInventory: 7/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 dagger (weapon)d - a +0 hand axe Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) g#Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking  g - a scroll labelled RAMIUT OSKg69g - a scroll labelled RAMIUT OSK. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. g_Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  gScrawled over on some boyish holiday.”-Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g]Enchant which weapon? Hand Weapons  a - a +0 dagger (weapon)  d - a +0 hand axe g[?] describe selectedgP+1.0 (2gVg;Yb _A giant cockroach comes into view.gqY  # # ##. ..## .(... ... .. #.# ..#..#.## ..##B.@.##..#####.....# #......# #......# #gY {......# #......#  #.#....... ..#####.######## ............#gc gc +2.0 (1gh gk gb/## #. ## .# ##.. ..##. .( ...# ... .. #..##.# ..# #..#.## ..# #B@..##..# ####.....# #......# #......# #......# #......# #.#...... ..#####.########  .#g7g7&3g=g?gΘ}  The helpless giant cockroach fails to defend itself.  You hit the giant cockroach.gR1.g /254gɤg-S _You kill the giant cockroach!g$1g1g6g/9H _No target in view!gg2ggH _No target in view!gVgCWg[g^^H _No target in view!gggPgH _No target in view!ggnggH _No target in view!gH g 3g g g P _gs g g6 g gg  #.  #.  #. #  #.# ## .# #####.. ..##. .(b......##... ..##.# ..#..#.## ..#g4 /##....##..####.....# #......# #......#b   bat (asleep) # #...... #.#.......g! V6.0 (27.0 (3gq' gt* _No target in view! _A bat comes into view.g /#. #. #. #. # #.#### .##.....##. .(.b......##... ..g  #@.##.# ..# ##..#.## ..# ##....##..# ####.....# #....# #......# #......#  #......#  #.#.g gP +8.0 (1g% g #.. #.# #.# #.#  #.# # #.##### .# #######.....##. .(l.b....@.##... ..#####.##..##.# ..###.## ..#....##..#####...# #......# #......#l   frilled lizard (asleep)  #......# #......#g2ggիg7...bbg&9gɹg1a _A frilled lizard comes into view.g #.. #.# #.# #.# #.# # #.##### .##.....##. .(.l....b@..##... ..#.##..##.# ..# #. ##..#.## ..##. ##....##..##. ####g&....##. #......##. #......##. #......#  #......#gcG  The frilled lizard hisses angrily.gg".l....blg5#/=10g-gy/u _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.gxg ggݬB.lgF&1gVg? _You hit the bat but do no damage. The bat misses you.g7  You completely miss the bat. Your tail-slap misses the bat.g7 gZ@ t.lb.2gF gAJ u _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.g  #.. #.# #.# #.# #.# # #.##### .##.....##. .(.lb@...##... ..#.##..##.# ..# #.###..#.## ..# #.# ##....##..# #.# ####.....# #.# #......# #.# #......# #.gs # #......#  #......#g6 <3g1 gi P _The bat barely misses you.g Y gY N8--4gn_ gg _You miss the bat. The bat misses you. The bat hits you.g  You hit the bat but do no damage. The bat barely misses you.5g g : _The bat hits you but does no damage.g4  You closely miss the bat. The bat misses you.6g;g>: _The bat hits you but does no damage.g5  You hit the bat.gg .l#.##......#g/337ggG _You kill the bat!gvU  You miss the frilled lizard.Your tail-slap misses the frilled lizard.gUU9==8g[g<^\ _The frilled lizard closely misses you.g  You hit the frilled lizard.  Your tail-slap misses the frilled lizard.The frilled lizard is heavily wounded.g &9ggF _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.gx@  You hit the frilled lizard.gE†gM==4120ggmR _You kill the frilled lizard!ggigogH _No target in view!g g gʚ g H _No target in view!g<' g' g- g:/ H _No target in view!g g g g H _No target in view!gcQ4gUgdXH _No target in view!gSggggg _ggC,ggegg,gg]gg,gglgBg g% ,g g?g,gggLggAgg(gVgggggg(!gs*#########.....##.......†....##... .. #######.##..##.# ....## #.###..#.## ......### #.# ##....##....#.... #.# ####............## #.# #..............###.# #......g>+\.@.##.# #......-.......#....# #......r......###..# #.#........... #...#####.#########.r. ##............##### ##.#####'###.# r   quokka (asleep) #...... r   rat (asleep) #####........ ##.......g~8v322.0)-3.0 (13g<g_@ _No target in view! _A rat and a quokka come into view.g{gInventory: 6/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 dagger (weapon)  d - a +1 hand axe Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) gmScrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinkingg? d - a +1 hand axe. A small axe. Base accuracy: +3 Base damage: 7 Base attack delay: 1.3 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.6) is reached at skill level 14.  Your skill: 1.0; use (s) to set 14.0 as a target for Axes.  At 100% training you would reach 14.0 in about 8.4 XLs.  At current training (1%) you reach 14.0 in the equivalent of 57.2 XLs.  Current attack delay: 1.2. gDamage rating: 9 (Base 7 x 112% (Str) x 107% (Skill) + 1 (Ench)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified enchanted melee weapon “Lizzie Borden took an axe  And gave her mother forty whacks. gZ(w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.gV #########.....##.Demonhunter247 the Trooper......†....##... . Draconian. #######.##..##.# .. Health: 19/19 ========================..###.###..#.## .. Magic: 1/1========================....### #.# ##....##.. AC: 5Str: 15..#.... #.# ####..... EV: 11Int: 12.......## #.# #...... SH: 0Dex: 9........###.# #...... XL:  1 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1.......@.##.# #...... Noise: ---------  Time: 133.0 (0.0).......#gW K....# #...... d) +1 hand axer......###..# #.#.... Throw: dart (atropa)....... #...#####.#########.r. ##............##### ##.#####'###.# r   quokka (asleep)#............ r   rat (asleep)#####........##....... _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _A rat and a quokka come into view.g^ gk_ +5 (0.5gf gi 0 _d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)g& ......†....##.... #######.##..##.#..## #.###..#.## ...#### #.# ##....###....# #.# ####........## #.# ..###.# #..##.# ##....# #r......###..# #.#..# #...#####.#########.r.# ##............ ##### ##.#####'###.g #........... ##### ## #.....†gg<-4.5 (1.0g gYg .. #######.##..##.# ....## #.###..#.##....#### #.# ##....##.#.... ####........## #..##.##...r###. #...#####.#########.r.# ##............ ##### ##.#####'### g #..........#### ## †.g gQ g{ .r##r.rwandering)rg /==5g( g0, - _The rat squeaks loudly.g6 .## #.###..#.## ...#### #.# ##....###....# #.# ####........## #.# ..###.# #b..##.# ##....# #r.....###..# #.#.....@.# #...#####.###ge ######r..# ##........... ##### ##.#####'### #......... ##### ## #b   bat (wandering) #..... r   rat #g g g g> g g ...b.rr.g /--6g g? V _A bat comes into view.g; [ ...## #.###..#.###......#### #.# ##....#....#....# #.# ####b.## #.# #J.###.# #..##.# #.b.....#....# #.###..# #.#.rr@..# #...#####.g #...# ## ##### ##.#####' # ##### ##J   endoplasm (wandering) #r   quokka (wandering) #bb 2 bats (wandering) #r   ratg: gF g g gs ge! g- Bg0 b...bJ.r.rg0 A--7g: g> f _A bat and an endoplasm come into view.ggggg .b..Jb.rJr  You barely miss the rat. The rat barely misses you.=8.8 (1.3 _The quokka barely misses you.g_]  You hit the quokka.  The quokka is almost dead.You hit the rat.  You kill the rat!....bJ.b bb5040.1g  _The quokka barely misses you. The bat barely misses you.g)8  You hit the quokka.gq  You kill the quokka!You hit the bat.gKgV  You kill the bat!gsg..b..†J†b   batg?20/20831.3 (1.2gPf _The bat barely misses you.g  ...## #.###..#. #......#### #.# ##.....#....#....# #.# ####.## #.# #.###.# #.##.# #.b..#....# #.†...###..# #.#.J@...# #...#####.#...# ## ##### ##.#####' # ##### ## # # #gBgb .b  The endoplasm freezes you.19---20g A-Slow gJgY _You are frozen. You feel yourself slow down. _You see here a bat corpse.gI g&z_You are frozen. You feel yourself slow down. _You see here a bat corpse.  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the bat.  You feel yourself speed up.gcg:gg b†The bat barely misses you. x2; The endoplasm hits you.gͽw8---=4.1 (1.8gg@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.gR  You hit the endoplasm. You tail-slap the endoplasm.g[ .b.b   bat  You kill the endoplasm!g\gPc...###.###..#.# Demonhunter247 the Troopergc#......#### #.# ##.... Draconian.#....#....# #.# ####. Health: 18/20 =====================---...........## #.# #.. Magic: 1/1========================............###.# #.. AC: 5Str: 15g*d.............##.# #.. EV: 11Int: 12...........#....# #.. SH: 0Dex: 9.......b...###..# #.# XL:  1 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:1.......@...# #...#####.# Noise: =--------  Time: 145.3 (1.2)########...# ##......... d) +1 hand axe##### ##.#####'# Throw: dart (atropa)gdd#........#####....##... b   bat#...#...#...gdYou barely miss the bat.You feel yourself speed up.The bat barely misses you. x2; The endoplasm hits you. gd_The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.  You hit the endoplasm. You tail-slap the endoplasm.  You kill the endoplasm!gf _The bat barely misses you.You have reached level 2!gs/  --more--gww24/272/22 0%  _gU Bg\ g=] 55=g: &6.6 (1.3g  _You closely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.g"  You closely miss the bat.You tail-slap the bat, but do no damage.gS#g<$g+`b†gT,(7.9g>g _The bat closely misses you.gz .. #######.##..#### #.###..#.# #......#####...#....#....# ###### ##......##b...#...##..# .......†...#####.#########...# ##.........##### ##.#####'#....#####.#gg`gx(b..g,80gg _The bat barely misses you. _You see here a quokka corpse.gP* ......†....##.. #.... #######.##..##.g*_ #....### #.###..# #......#### #.# ##..#....#....# #.# ####. #.# #b##.# #...##.# #.#....# #.g+.†...###..# #.........†...# #...##############...# ##........##### ##.#####' #...###gK+G# #g .g/gm6&.bg7&9g>g@A: _The bat hits you but does no damage.gʷBg!b.g#6g!/==g;'51.1 (1.2gg+ _You barely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.g!W 9 ......†....## #....# #.##..##. #....### #.###..#. #......#### #.# ##.#....#....# #.# .## #.# #.###.# ##.....b.##.# ##.#....# ##gW {.†...###..# ##.†...# #...######...# ## ##### ##.##### # ##### ## #gf[ g[ gd &b.g2e ,20gm g-q : _The bat hits you but does no damage.g y#########..... ......†....##.  #######.##..# ### #.###..# #......#####..g #....#....# ##.## ......b#..##....#..†...###..# ........†...###############...# ##.......##### ##.#####....#####.#g5 g g !.bgZ g 3g g Q _The bat closely misses you.gȥ ,gF ..b  You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.g x7==4.4 (1.3g7 g I _The bat misses you.g%  g.You miss the bat. Your tail-slap misses the bat. The bat hits you.6-5.6 (1.2gDg _The bat completely misses you. The bat barely misses you.gAg  You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.g&)b..g2'(6.8g.gD2P _The bat barely misses you.g(g0gg"b.g-8.1 (1.3gdg| _You hit the bat but do no damage. The bat hits you but does no damage.gG  # #..... ......†....##. #....# #.##... #....### #.###..gG . #......#### #.# ##.#....#....# #.# .## #.# .###.#  #....b.##.#  #.#....#  #.†...###..#  #.†...# #... gG #...# ## ##### ##. #g2H m ##### ##g5M g8N g)V !b.gV 57=gV %90ga gAf Q _The bat closely misses you.g 5  You hit the bat.g; i.g 6660.4 (1.3g gV G _You kill the bat!gnm gm gt gIw H _No target in view!g g g, g H _No target in view!gUgTVg\g_H _No target in view!gwgg7g`H _No target in view!g|gP}ggcH _No target in view!gR? 3gs@ g C gF gJ P _gL gL gM gP gY  ####+###..## #. #..r......############. #.....#............†. #.....#....# #######.## #.....#....### #. #.....### #.#gZ  #.....#....#....# #.#..## #.#-.........###.####..............##.#g5Z  #............#....# #........†...###..#gZ #........†...# #...# r   quokka (asleep)##########...# ##...##### ##.##..ge -2.4 (2.0g@f a=-3.4 (3gm gp _No target in view! _A quokka comes into view.gP  # # ###+###..## # #..r......############ #.....#............†.. #.....#....# #######. #.....#....### #.# #.....#......#### #.# #....@#....#....# #.# #. #.# #........#.#####...##.# #.....#....# #.†...### #........†...# ##########...# ##..##### ##gZ g^[ +4.4 (1g.c g f gx-.  .   ###+###..##  #..r......########### #.....#............†. #.....#....# #######. #.....#....### #.g-D #...@.#......#### #. #.....#....#....# #. #.... #. #....#.####...##. #g].T.....#.... #.†...### #........†...# ##########...#g6gX7&5g=g?g4# . .# ##+###..## r......###########........† ######### ..####....#....# ...## ................####.........##......#...†...##........†.gtgIn.rrg&6ggg;4.# . .## ##+###..## ......###########r........† ######### ..####....#....# .## ........#####........##.......#..†...##ghCD=7g7GgOIT _The quokka closely misses you.g2  You closely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you.g-8.6 (1.2gg> _The quokka bites you but does no damage.g5Xo3----9.8g[g]g _You barely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you.g  You hit the quokka. Your tail-slap misses the quokka.The quokka is almost dead.gZd4=---71.0glg}> _The quokka bites you but does no damage.gmy 8  You hit the quokka.g; y†g 1132.2g gB J _You kill the quokka!gD g  g0 g H _No target in view!g g| g g H _No target in view!gH)g)gk,g/H _No target in view!g+|g|ggH _No target in view!gg3gzgg$ _gXgL~5==gg,gJgggTg,ggbgh6==g}g\,gRg,gog,g$gg9=g[gjgK7=gg1 _HP restored.g 3gggXW..#b.# #...# #...# #. .. #. .## #.###+###..## #g#.....@...#####-#...†.#............†..#.....#....#########.###.....#....### #.###.....#......#### #.#g #.....#....#....# #.# b   bat (asleep)#...............## #.#g?#................###.#####......##.#g~085.2 (13.0)gF-6.2 (14gg V _A bat comes into view.g g7 g gf Z _A bat is nearby!g?^!......# .......#  >...b.# #......# #.#:...##.#... #.# #.## #.####+###@.## #.##.........#############...†.#............†....#.....#....#########.##.#.....#....### #.####.....#......#### #.# #gh@#.....#....#....# #.##.......## #.##....###.#g!L  Found a book of Frost and a glowing dark potion.g%M17.0)gHTg`W; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gn#..#^!#....... #..>...b.#.....#....:...##........ #@## ###+###..## #.##.........#############...†........†...#.....########.##.#..### #.###......#### ##.....#....#....# ## g:yg$zB=8ggg_##+#####..^!..... >...b..:#......@.####+###.## ##+###..## #.#......############†.#............†.....######.##....gu### #.##.....#### ##....#....# gg &9ggo g| ##+#####..^!..... >...b..:........###+###.## gz} ##+###..## #.#......############†.#............†....#########.##.### #.##..#### #g g '90gV gÑ g ##+#####..^!..... >...b..:........###+###.## ##+###..## #.#......############†.#............†....#########.##.### #.##g g: &1gp g g e  The helpless bat fails to defend itself.  You hit the bat.g k†g 572.5 (1.3gb gۥ G _You kill the bat!g%g&g.gP1H _No target in view!gt4ggGH _No target in view!gbg'ggH _No target in view!g4g^ _No target in view!g24g#8g9H _No target in view!gfggmg@ _No target in view!gW4gV_gJag g% g g g| gX} g gDž g g gN g" gg:gg6gg`gg>ggmggCgg: _gggg$gb###+###### #........# #^!......# #..# #..>...†.## #........#gkU # #....@...#  #........#  ###+###.##  ###+###..##  #.........###########g #...†.#............† #.....#....#########.# #.....#....### #.# #.....#......#### #. _g9 You pick up a book of Frost and begin reading...gX4.5 (2.05.5 (3g'g_ _You add the spells Freeze, Frozen Ramparts and Hailstorm to your library.gCM 3gbN g·   There is a stone staircase leading down here. _            ###+######   #........#   #^@......#   #........#   #..>...†.#   #........#   #........#   #........#   ###+###.##  g | ###+###..   #...####9.5 (4200.5 (5 _g - a glowing dark potiong{ggzggg,gH       g%  ###+######  #..gT#  #^.......#  gv#........#  #..>...†g.# #........# gN#.# #....... ###+###.## ###+###..##gY#####..'1.5 (1g}gL======2.5 (2gagO _As you open the door, it creaks loudly! You hear a shout!g2 3gj g g g^ M ######## #.......g###@######...^  #........#g   hobgoblin (wandering)###+###.##g 10gK L------3.5 (1gy g{$ _A hobgoblin comes into view. _There is an open door here.g #########  #.......g  ###@######  #........#  #^.......#  #........#  #..>...†.#  #........#  #........#  #........#   gJR######### #.......g  ###@######  #........#  #^.......#  #........# #..>...†.# #........#  #........# #........# gZS------g`gc` _A hobgoblin is nearby!g ########## #.@.....g. ###'######## #........#  #^.......# #........# #..>...†.#  gք#........# #........# #........#g·g24g.g-4 _gWg#gk 0#.#..@...g.###'#.#........# #^..#...#..>...†.# ##........# ##........# ##.# #g' gE 4g.g &5gR g* g8 #.##...@.g.###'#.#........# ###..>...†.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.g4; g@ 0g.g]A &6gF gH g X  You hit the hobgoblin. You tail-slap the hobgoblin.g6 . K K   kobold (missile, wandering)  The hobgoblin is heavily wounded.A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.g 5=7.7 (1.2gR g @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.g U  The kobold shouts!  You hit the hobgoblin.g ......KK   kobold (missile)  You kill the hobgoblin!g%>(((((((g8gri@.....K.g/>24=9.0 (1.3g|gdm _The kobold throws a stone. The stone barely misses you.g#.#.#....@....K.###'#.#.# #..>...†.# #.#.# #.##.# #.##.# #.#gg{4K.g٪6--100ggg/X#.#.#.....@..K...####'#.#.# . #..>...†.# #.. g1g83K.g9A--1g=g@g%#.#.#......@K....# ###'#.#.# ..#^.# . #..>...†.# #.. gp;=g! 2ggS _The kobold barely misses you.gN8  You hit the kobold.gT")gT!gYy 73.3 (1.3 _You kill the kobold!g'`ga goab_Your Stealth skill increases to level 3!ggzgg4H _No target in view!gQl gl gr gu H _No target in view!gi g1 g gz H _No target in view!gE gُ gH g H _No target in view!g#g"$gd*g[,H _No target in view!gugwg|g #No target in view!ggg ggżg]gϾg>g*gq: _gMR _ Things that are here:  a +0 whip; a stonegGg _g%g g g;gCgggggzg,g"gQg4####.##..#.##.#####.#g##########.#.....##.......)....###########'########........  #........# #...@...$...-  #^.......# #..#.......r#........# #........  g#..>...†.# #.#######.#..#........# #..g #.##........# ### #.# g5r   rat (asleep)  g_###+###.## #.# ####+###..## #.##### .#gu 8.3 (5.0  A rat comes into view.gyr.rgA4==9.3 (6gg{- _The rat squeaks loudly.g)### #.# #.. #.# #.#####.# #.#.....# #.)....# ###'##...# #.# #....@..$.r.# #^.# #..#.# #.# #...# g%*%#..>...†.# #.#.#.. #.# #.. #.# #.# ### #.# gb-gA54r.g55--20.3 (1gs<gI?goi### #.# #.. #.# #.#####.#  #.#.....#  #.)....# '##.# .# #.$r..# ^.# #..#.# .# #..# g_j..>...†.# #.#.#. .# #.. .#.# .# ### #.# g5mgu3r.g1vA--1g}ggI### #.# #.. #.# #.#####.# #.#.....# #.)....# '##.# # #.r...# .# #..#.# # #.# >...†.# #.#.#.# #.. .#.## ### ##.# gD=2grgxQ _The rat closely misses you.gXX 5  You hit the rat.g b E$gf 6313.6 (1.3gn gq G _You kill the rat!g g g& g H _No target in view!g;{ g| g g H _No target in view!gSg ggH _No target in view!gb4gggiH _No target in view!gg^gEgm H _No target in view!g4g3V _No target in view!g̵gXgg gg\$ _g,g8ggT _You now have 11 gold pieces.gggCg,g1gg,gggZ,ggg,ggg,gqgUg,g;ggJ,ggg|gSgggPg,g,ggG,ggg,gggeg,grg;,ggg,gogg,ggg,g ggggHggggggg-g\g0g,ggggVggg(g`gg&g$gbgg#ggg_ggg-ggIg,gk g g ,g ggggVgg0,gg%g~,gg gnggoggH(.# .#####.# .#.....# ...######## ...........# ...........# ..#........# ...........######## g))#######.#......@.# -#...#.######.# ####.#.###.# .#  #...#.# #.# .#  #.###.# #.# B#  #.....# #.##### .# B   giant cockroach (asleep) ##########.....##.# .( .......†....##..... ..#######.##..##.# .g)#.#g4059.6 (36.0)g4G-60.6 (37g;gn?b _A giant cockroach comes into view.gp k#####.# #.....# .#########.......# # #........# ........######## #######.#........# ...#...#.######@# ###.#.###.# #.# ...#.# #.# #.# #.###.# #.# #B# #.....# #.######.# #########.....##.# .( gb ;......†....##..... .. #######.##..##.#....# #.###..#.## ..#gҩ g 11.6 (1.0)g; gc gb5.... ..#########........ .#.####### #######.#........ ....#...#.###### ###.#.###.# ...#.# ##B...#####.########......( ......†....##..... .. #######.##..##.#....# # #.###..#.##### #.# ##....##g_g&2ggg..#########........ .#.####### #######.#........ ....#...#.###### ###.#.###.# ...#.# ##B...#####.########......( ......†....##..... .. #######.##..##.#....# # #.###..#.##### #.# ##....##. ... ####...glJY3g}  The helpless giant cockroach fails to defend itself.  You hit the giant cockroach.g.74.8 (1.2 _You kill the giant cockroach!g4g[gH _No target in view!gggNgH _No target in view!g? 4gE gG H _No target in view!gY g gM g H _No target in view!gc gd gi gl H _No target in view!gDgg5gC _No target in view!gGgHg{MgPg^ggg.gg$ _g4ggcggggg=g4gRggg g2 g+.......######## ######.#........##...#.######.# ##.#.###.# #.##.# #.# #.# .###.# #.# #.# S.# #.######.# ...#####.....##.###.(... g2.....†....##....@.......#####.##..##.#....##.## #.###..#.##...# #.# ##....##..#g# #.# ####.....# ..## #.# #......# S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ...###.# #......# ....##.# #......##....# #.g $-8.8 (4.0g$+9.8 (5g=+g2[ _A ball python comes into view.g( \# .#..# #...#.######.# ..#.###.# #.# ..#.# #.# #.# ... ###.# #.# #.# ..S.# #.######.# .......##.###.(.†....##......##..##.#....##.##.###..#.##...# gT) 5# #.# ####.....### #.# #......# ###.# #......###.# #......# g53 g4 ,70.8 (1g-; gq= g~3# .#.# ......g#...#.######.# ...... .#.###.# #.# .....#.# #.# #.# .....# #.# #.# ....S.# #.######.# .......##.###.(.†....##..##..##.#....##.##.###..#.##...# ## #.# #......# g   hobgoblin (###.# #......# S   ball python (constriction, asleep)g##.# #......# g(<1g0g3\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.g|# ......######## #.. ###.#........# #......g #...#.######.# #. #.###.# #.# #..# #.# #.# #...... #.# #.# #.# #....S ..# #.######.# #... #####.....##.###@( ..†....##............... ###.##..##.#....##.#####  #.###..#.##...# >#  #.# ##....##..# #  #.# #### # #.# #......# ###.# #......# .##g<2ggc9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.gj# # ######### .....######## #..#.#........# #......g ...#.######.# #. .###.# #.# #. .# #.# #.# #......# #.# #.# #....S .# #.######.# #.@. gXm####.....##.###.( .†....##................ ##.##..##.#....##.#######.###..#.##...# >#  #.# ##....##..# .#  #.# ####.....# .#  #.# #......# .# g*g?+&3gc2g/4gO# # #.## #.#.#.# #......g..##.######.# #.# ###.# #.# #.# # #.# #.# #.# # #.# #.# #....S. # #.######.# #......##.###.(. †....##......g7.##..##.#....##.######. #.###..#.##...##># #.# ##....##..##.# #.# ####.....##.# #.# #......##.# gwggK  .g.SgS)  The ball python hisses angrily. The hobgoblin shouts!g0===4g gY _The ball python closely misses you.g. =  You hit the ball python.g1 s  The ball python is severely wounded.g= a.g g> 6--6.0 (1.2gG g)K _The ball python misses you. The ball python closely misses you.gG  You closely miss the ball python.The ball python is severely wounded.The ball python bites you but does no damage.g M.gg9 H--7.3 (1.3g g  g _The ball python closely misses you. The ball python barely misses you.g[ =  You hit the ball python.g:g r .  You kill the ball python!gwj e5--418.5 (1.2gq g^t l _You barely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits you.g  You closely miss the hobgoblin. You tail-slap the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is heavily wounded.g a6=-9.7g g W _The hobgoblin closely misses you.g9  You closely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is heavily wounded.gr:.81.0 (1.3gAgC _The hobgoblin closely misses you. The hobgoblin barely misses you.g  You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage.The hobgoblin is heavily wounded.g-2.2 (1.2ggW _The hobgoblin closely misses you.g:]  You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is heavily wounded.g]x7==3.5 (1.3gdl _The hobgoblin barely misses you.gh;  You hit the hobgoblin.gaE†g084.8g0gM _You kill the hobgoblin!gbgIcg w^ _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!g  _No target in view!g: _g _# #  .. # #########.# ...######## #.# #........# #.# .#.######.# #.# gV #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.........#+  #.# #.# #..†0.0  #.######.# #... ##.....##.###.(? ....##.................> .##..##.#....##.######.. g '.###..#.##...##># . .# ##....##..##.# .# ####.....##.# .# #.##.#gJ g 3-5.8 (1g gK ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gH# N-g+ g- H _No target in view!g3ggg g$: _g%g~(gc)9=g7*g,g.,g1g3gG5,gN7g9gq<,g=g3@gzB,gCgEg H,g.IgoQ #########.# #### #.........# #.........# gQ##.# #.........#  #.# #.........# ####  #.# #.........#+#  #.# #..†.... gJR##.# #....... ##.###.(........# ................>..#### .#....##.######....# gRA##...##># #....#.##..##.# #.... #.....##.# #....#.....##.# ##.###.....# #.#....gR#.#gY,92.8 (7g2Z+3.8 (8g/_ga gaR_h - a scroll labelled PIG JYQOWUgo g !Inventory: 8/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger g Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking g  h - a scroll labelled PIG JYQOWU Potions (go to first with !)  g - a glowing dark potiong/9h - a scroll labelled PIG JYQOWU. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. gStash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”-Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g\ ga g #########.#Demonhunter247 the Trooper #### #.........#Draconian ...# #.........#Health: 27/27 ======================== ##.# #.........#Magic: 2/2========================#.# #.........# #####AC: 5Str: 15  #.# #.........#+#....#EV: 11Int: 12  #.# #..†.............#SH: 0Dex: 9 ##.# #................#XL:  2 Next: 48% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.###.(........@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 293.8 (0.0) ................>..####d) +1 hand axe .#....##.g &######....#Throw: dart (atropa) .##...##># #....# ..##..##.# #....# #.....##.# #....# ......##.# ##.### ......##.# ......# _No target in view! _Found a stone staircase leading down. _No target in view! _h - a scroll labelled PIG JYQOWUAs you read the scroll labelled PIG JYQOWU, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of amnesia.4.8 (1 _Found a stone staircase leading down. _No target in view! _h - a scroll labelled PIG JYQOWUAs you read the scroll labelled PIG JYQOWU, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of amnesia. _You feel forgetful for a moment.gfgAgg3ngpH _No target in view!gdgYegAfg)lgOmgqP _gyrgrgFsgwvg#xgsxgxg{gYB ..  #########.# # #.........## ..# #.........#b g]#.# #.........#. #.# #.........#.###### .# #.........#'#....# .# #..†........@....# #.# #.....# #.###.(..............#..............>..#### #....##.#####gԄ#...##># #....# b   bat (asleep)##..##.# #....###.# #....###.# ##.###gE 7.8 (3  You open the door.g+8.8 (4gޕg`V _A bat comes into view.gd5 ..   ## #b #.........#. #.........#.######  #.........#'#....#  #..†........@....#  #................# (..............# ......>..#### #####....#># #....# #....# #....# g, ..   ## #b #.........#. #.........#.######  #.........#'#....#  #..†........@....#  #................# (..............# ......>..#########....#># #....# #....# #....# g:4ggZ _A bat is nearby!ge .. #########.# #### #.### ...# #.........#b.#.# #.........#.#  #.# #.........#.######  #.# #.........#@#....#  #.# #..†......##.# #........# ##.###.(.......# ................>.#### .#....##.######....#.##gg$># #....###..##.# #....# #.....##.# #....#gngpo29.8 (1 _geug..####....##.#######...##> ..##g g gR 3bbg 0=300gf gճ : _The bat hits you but does no damage.g M .. #########.# ########J# ..b.....# # .#####.#'##.# #..†.............#............J   endoplasm (asleep)....>..#####....#g>gl  An endoplasm comes into view.g$(..bg%&1g,g0Q _The bat closely misses you.gc~ ..  #########.# ### #.######J# ..# #.#.@b...# #.# #.#.###### #.# #.#.###### #.# #.........#'#....#.# #..†.......#.# #........# #.###.(........# g>d..............>..#### #....##.#####g hghgigs .JJ  The endoplasm quivers.gs&2gzg}: _The bat hits you but does no damage.g(7  You slash the bat!ggg!g3J..g6554.1 (1.3ggG _You kill the bat!gш  You completely miss the endoplasm.5.4gΎg}@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.g=  You slash the endoplasm!g3†ga} 626.6 (1.2 _You kill the endoplasm!g&gi)h _Your Dodging skill increases to level 2!gggڟgۢH _No target in view!g|0g1g5gi8H _No target in view!g 4g g H _No target in view!gBT gT gZ g] H _No target in view!g@ g g] g H _No target in view!g= g g9 g g : _g g No target in view! _ You see here a bat corpse.g  _gQ g} g g g g) ga ,g8 g g ,g0 ,g ,g g2 g ,g ggg]g'gg,gg g g g gggggk  ######### #.......#  #.....@.####- #..........  #########.######.##...######.# .g.......#..†........#.##### #.........#.##### #.# #.#'#....# #..†.............#You pick up a book of Winter and begin reading...g!017.6 (11.0)g!F-8.6 (12g&g4)  You add the spells Ozocubu's Armour, Hoarfrost Cannonade and Metabolic _Englaciation to your library.g> 4gg g:_No target in view!gKg"MgRgyTH _No target in view!gK g g g H _No target in view!guY gLZ g_ gb H _No target in view!g gl g7 g H _No target in view!g^3g^gcgCegKf: _ggjBg/kgvmgn,gCog>rgs,g?ugwgYy,gzg|g~g~ggVg,g gzgX,gg,g,gDg; _No target in view! _ You see here a hobgoblin corpse.gjgј _gXgg,g8geggФggg,g~g{g0,g\gP  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.ggX _ggRgܽ,g۾gDP  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.g:g _ggg,gg g,ggg1,gjggggggK,ggcgu,ggg3,ggg,gg3g6,g)gg,gogg,gLg}g],ggg,ggdgg/ggg,gQggSggg g g g g g g g* gcg,gDggw,g]g^g1g[ggggggggngggvg.gngg!g",g7#g%g0'###.##### #.# .........# #.# .........# #.# .........# #.# ....†....### #.# .....###...#####.# .....# ###....##.# ###### ####..#.# g1t ##.#@####. #.........# #.###..#### #.# ..... #.# ..... #.# ......#g   hobgoblin (asleep) #.# ......# ########.# .g....#### #g;,60.6 (4g<,1.6 (43g,g"\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.g> ........# #.# # #.# # #.# †....### #.# ###...#####.# # ###....##.# ##### ####..#.#  ##.#.####.##....@....##.###..#### #.# #..... #.# #......#.# #......##.# #......# ########.# #.g....# ### #........# #...? ..# #.########gŧ g 12.6 (1.0)gȮ g g _Found a scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO.ge+†....###.###...#### ###.... ##### ####..# ##.#.####.#........#.###@.#####.# #......#..#########g ### #........# #...?.... ..# #.#######....# ##g<3g3g;g†....###.###...#### ###.... ##### ####..# ##.#.####.#.........##.###..##### #@.....########g ### #........# #...?.... ..# #.#######....# # #######..##.####g<4gngg׏†....###.###...#### ###.... ##### ####..# ##.#.####.#.........####..##### #......#######g gw### #........# #...?.... ..# #.#######....# # #######..##.#### .......gdgD&5g!gAg!.###...#### ###.... ##### ####..## ##.#.####.........###..##### #......#######g ### #........# #...?.... ..# #.#######....# #g] #######..##.#### ........#####.##g(<6g.gr1g8  ###.... ##### ####..## ##.#.####.........###..##### #......#######g ### #........# #...?.... ..# #.#######....# # #######..##.#### ........#####.## ......# gQ <7gL g g06  gg  The helpless hobgoblin fails to defend itself.  You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage.=8.8 (1.2gQ= g? @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.g |  You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits you.g Z3----70.0gi g> @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.gU=  You slash the hobgoblin!g/]2.g`k4=---81.2gfgh ghG_You kill the hobgoblin!gʝgggħH _No target in view!g3g94g:g=H _No target in view!gggg g:_No target in view!g[g\gagcH _No target in view!g$4ggH _No target in view!g3ggIg: _gK,ggnggg~5==gg,ggٓ,gggggřg"h6==gag۞,ggw,gfg,gg"gk9=gggD7=ggg#### ####..#.# # ##.#.####.# #.........# #.###..######.# #......# #.# #......# #.# #......# #.# #......# ########.# #.@....# -84.2 (13.g$0) ## #........# #...?..... .# #.######## #.......## #.# #######... .###.#### ..> ........#  ###.##.# .....# # ######ggaF-5.2 (14g/gt _No target in view! _Found a stone staircase leading down.g 4g g4 H _No target in view!g3ggbggeP _g,g[gl'` ##.#.####.# #.........# #.###..##### #.# #......# #.# #......# #.# #......# gC#.# #......#  ########.# #......####.  #........# #...@......!  #.######## #.......#  #.# #######...# ##.#### ..>#.....# .# ##.##.# # ...# # #### gL17.2 (2.0)gLG=8.2 (3g,Rg\Td _h - a scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULOg 3g g g` g Bg# gV g g gɶ ,g g' gk ,g g gپ g g g7 g ##.#.####.#  #.........# (# #.###..##### .#  #.# #......# .#  #.# #......# .#  #.# #......# .#  g< #.# #......# .#  ###.# #......####.#  ....# #.........@!#  93.2 (5 g ##### #.......#...#   #######...#.#  # #..>#.#  # ...#.#?#  #g ^ .####.#.#    # # ###.# g / g* l .#   gP E g g+ $4.2 (6g g % _Found 8 stones.g3gg gfggg^a##.#.####.#  #.# #(#  #.###..##### #.#  #.# #......# #.#  #.# #......# #.#  #.# #......# #.#  #.# #......# #.#  .# #......####.#  # #..........@#   #.#...#  g#######...#.#   #..>#.#   ...#.#?#   g`.####.#.#   # ###.#  #.#   gt+5.2 (1g+6.2 (2g9g?S _i - a purple potiong 3g= g gV ,gn XgX g g gJ g g g= ,g g2 w.# #......# #.## #......# #. #...... ### ....... ###.#... #######...#. #..>#. ...#.# .####.# # ##  .. ##ge X400.2 (41.2 (5g g a _j - a scroll labelled VESKAR WOITgQ3gQgyTg4UgUg[g \,g\gJ^g^,gI_gf`goa,gagBdgd,gNegfgLgg|ggggigjgj,glg#m,gmgogqXgr,gsgugv,gwgxgy,g$zgl{gD|,g|gt~g0,ggg,gfgg,gUgՆgO,ggg,ggg|g͐ggg],gtgg`ggLgg,ggVgy,gzggg٢g{g%g,g6gg,g̫gܮ;  You see here 8 stones.g*g _gag$gX,gg gA,g!ggֻ,ggg,gdggJ,gg2g,g3gg,gggS,g5gg,ggqggQggl,ggM _You now have 24 gold pieces (gained 13).g(3gg*g,gZg(gggsgggAg gLgs,gggggMgggJgg0g!gJggg,gYg`g5g`g]gg,gg2gg gigtgO,ggggOgg g Bg g ,ga g,gtggg,gggygggg,gg:g,ggg_ ,g!g"g$,g%gn'g(,g)gK+gO,,g,gd.g"/gU/gC0gh1g22,g2g4g5,g6g7g8,g9g\:gj;,g;g3=g=,g>g?g@,gEAgCBgFM _You now have 39 gold pieces (gained 15).gG3gWHgEJgJ,gJg,LgLgMg[MgNgQO,gOgPgQ,g:RgTBgUg4^g^g _g_gxdg egGegegOjgjgk,gogpgIpgpgug\v,gvgzg{,gC|gg!gSgWggggIggBggLBgggB,g0g,gFg7g,g^ggk,gg?gg2gӸ,gg9,gggoBgeg,g.gg g.ggg,gggl,ggg_,gggG,ggg0,gg4g ,g g g ,g ggggGgLg},ggg,gagGgBggj,gg!gO#,g#g%g&,gr'g)g+*,g*g,g.,g.g0g1,g1g3gO4,g4g56gj7,g7gD9g!:,g@gu@gAgBgC,g1DgjEgFg:FgFg9HgH,gNIgJg"LBgKNgDOBgLWg%X,gXg[g\g9]g]g_gOa,gBbgcgd,gegqgg5h,ghgjg`kgkglgmgn,gogpgq,gqgsg\t,gtgVvgxBgbyg\zgzgJ{g}gn~,ggggglgg,gLgggׇgJgg,gggguggyg?,g8gHg~,gg[gIg}g3gSg]BgҜg,gygg,g^gۧgK,g5gg,ggg:BgRg,g*gpgٷ,gggF,g<gag],gggg-,gggPBgYg/,ggn ###  #.###### #...... 561.2 (160.0)#.#####.  #.#####. ##########.#..... #.......)....######### #'########...........# .......# #...........# .......# #..#........#### .......# #...........######## #..ggE _Done exploring.gBg3gOx0.0).......goJ.......gg*E _Done exploring.g.gk4MInventory: 10/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking  h - a scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO  j - a scroll labelled VESKAR WOIT Potions (go to first with !)  g - a glowing dark potion  i - a purple potiong6h - a scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. g-Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”g\u-Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gwZ g-a gg   Demonhunter247 the Trooper  Draconian  Health: 27/27 ========================  Magic: 2/2========================###############AC: 5Str: 15###############EV: 11gg Int: 12###############SH: 0Dex: 9#.#############XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:1#......@#######Noise: ---------  Time: 561.2 (0.0)#.#####.#######d) +1 hand axe#.#####.#######gBh Throw: dart (atropa) ##########.#.....####### #.......)....########### #'########...........### .......# #...........###gh  .......# #..#........######  .......# #...........######## #..  _You see here 8 stones. _You now have 24 gold pieces (gained 13). gh _You now have 39 gold pieces (gained 15). _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO, it crumbles to dust.g|q gq +2.2 (1g^v gx .243 _You now have 39 gold pieces (gained 15). _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.g gq ZInventory: 9/52 slots g Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking  j - a scroll labelled VESKAR WOIT gN Potions (go to first with !)  g - a glowing dark potion  i - a purple potionŽg^Mgj - a scroll labelled VESKAR WOIT. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control? ŽgN Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”-Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÎgÎgÎg  Demonhunter247 the Trooper  Draconian  Health: 27/27 ========================  Magic: 2/2========================###############AC: 5Str: 15###############EV: 11Int: 12###############SH: 0Dex: 9#.#############ÎgXL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:1#......@#######Noise: ---------  Time: 562.2 (0.0)#.#####.#######d) +1 hand axe#.#####.#######Throw: dart (atropa) ##########.#.....####### #.......)....########### #'########...........### .......# #...........### .......# #..#........######  .......# #...........######## #..  _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.  As you read the scroll labelled VESKAR WOIT, it crumbles to dust.  You assume a fearsome visage. Nothing appears to happen.Îg################################################################.#####.########.#.....#######....############...........####...........####..#........###Îg+3.2 (1ÎgÎg* JYQYAV ZOALULO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.  As you read the scroll labelled VESKAR WOIT, it crumbles to dust.  You assume a fearsome visage. Nothing appears to happen. _It was a scroll of fear.Ŏg[Ŏg\Where to? (? - help)  D - Dungeon ƎgƎg.([?25h[?0c  Demonhunter247 the TrooperƎgb)  Draconian  Health: 27/27 ========================  Magic: 2/2========================###############AC: 5Str: 15###############EV: 11Int: 12###############SH: 0Dex: 9#.#############XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:1#......@#######Noise: ---------  Time: 563.2 (0.0)#.#####.#######d) +1 hand axe#.#####.#######Throw: dart (atropa) ##########.#.....####### #.......)....########### #'########...........###Ǝg* .......# #...........### .......# #..#........######  .......# #...........######## #.. As you read the scroll labelled JYQYAV ZOALULO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.  As you read the scroll labelled VESKAR WOIT, it crumbles to dust.  You assume a fearsome visage. Nothing appears to happen. _It was a scroll of fear.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 1, ? - help) Ǝg [?25l[?1cƎg5) 42Ǝg * Ǝg`0 ƎgH1 ƎgQ6 [ _Ǝgu7 ,Ǝg7 Ǝg: Ǝg< ,Ǝg= Ǝg3@ ƎgdB ,Ǝg-C Ǝg~G ƎgPI ,ƎgaJ ƎgL ƎgN ,Ǝg$P ƎgtS Ǝg}V ,ƎgV ƎgOY Ǝgz[ ,Ǝg\ Ǝg:_ Ǝg` ,Ǝg b ƎgDd Ǝgf ,Ǝgf Ǝgk T  Things that are here:  a +0 whip; a stoneƎgm Ǝgm  _Ǝgn Ǝgo Ǝgq ,ƎgVr Ǝgs Ǝgu ,Ǝgv Ǝgw Ǝgy ,Ǝgy Ǝg{ ƎgG} ,Ǝgm~ Ǝg Ǝg ,Ǝg Ǝg ƎgC ,Ǝg Ǝg` @  There is an open door here.Ǝg Ǝge  _Ǝg Ǝg۔ Ǝg ,Ǝg Ǝgz Ǝg ,Ǝg Ǝg Ǝg< ,Ǝg Ǝg Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.Ǝg$ Ǝg2 Ǝg $ _Ǝg- ƎgS ;2Ǝg3 V  You climb downwards.Ǝg Ǝg) q _The adder hisses angrily.  There is a stone staircase leading up here.ǎg-cǎgwl! ##.  #J.  # ...  #. ##.# #S###.##... .......###  #..@...# 86.0 (22.8) #...##.#  ##.##  #. #. #. S   adder #. J   endoplasm #. ǎg}mǎgtǎgHyd _There are monsters nearby!Ȏg8 ##.# #J# ... #. ###.##S###.##...# #.......@### ####..<...# #...##.###.## ...#. ...#. #####. #.#.ȎgȎgȎgxa.J.SȎg.87.0 (1.0) _Ȏg%Ȏg)Ȏgu .#.# . # #.##.# .#..## .J. #. ###.# #.###.##.@.# #.S......### ####..<...# #...##.###.## ...#. ... #. #### Ȏg Ȏg_ Ȏg `.J.SȎg &8Ȏg Ȏg Ȏg)k ;  You hit the endoplasm.Ȏgm Ȏgq \  You kill the endoplasm!Ȏgs Ȏgt Ȏg{ .b.Sb   bat (wandering)Ȏg* >75=9.3 (1.3Ȏg Ȏg V _A bat comes into view.Ȏg  .# .# . # #.##.# .#..# # ... #. ###.# #.###.##@..# #..b.S...### ####..<...# #...##.# ##.## ... #. ... #. #### #.  #.Ȏg Ȏgt Ȏg Ȏg Ȏg9 Ȏg,r..b.Sr   quokka (wandering)b   bat (wandering)Ȏg5-900ȎgȎgqY _A quokka comes into view.Ɏgm.# .# . ##.##.# .#.# ...  #. ###.##.###.##...# #r..b.S@.### #####..<...# #...##.# ##.## ... #. .... #. #### #.  #.  #....bb=1 _The adder closely misses you. The adder barely misses you.Ɏg  You hit the adder but do no damage. You tail-slap the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.ɎgɎgɎg*Z  You hit the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.Ɏgn\..r..S@b< r 2.6 (1.3ɎgɎg: _The bat closely misses you. The adder misses you.ɎgOe  You closely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.ɎggɎgj  You hit the bat but do no damage. The bat hits you but does no damage.ɎglɎgub.r.S@.ɎgTv-3.8 (1.2Ɏg(Ɏgz _The adder barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.Ɏg?7  You hit the adder.Ɏg#o  The adder is moderately wounded.ɎgRL  The bat hits you but does no damage. x2ɎgFɎg_..rɎg(5.0ɎgZɎg= _The adder bites you but does no damage.Ɏg{  You closely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.Ɏg  You barely miss the quokka. The bat hits you but does no damage.ɎgTb.6.3 (1.3ɎgɎg _The adder bites you but does no damage. x2; The quokka barely misses you.Ɏg    You barely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.You hit the bat but do no damage. You miss the quokka.ɎgɎg  The bat completely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.ɎgW .b  The quokka bites you but does no damage.Ɏg-7.5 (1.2Ɏg%Ɏg;){ _The adder bites you but does no damage. The quokka barely misses you.Ɏg  You miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.Ɏg؝  You hit the quokka. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2  The adder bites you but does no damage.Ɏg& /.bɎgʥ -8.8 (1.3Ɏgo Ɏg > _The quokka bites you but does no damage.Ɏg ,  You hit the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.You hit the quokka. You hit the bat but do no damage.Ɏg^1   The bat hits you but does no damage. The adder closely misses you.The quokka bites you. The bat barely misses you. The adder barely misses you.Ɏg; u<.b  Ɏg; _4---600.0 (1.2ɎgB ɎgF T _The quokka closely misses you.ɎgW  You closely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.Ɏg ]  You hit the quokka. The bat hits you but does no damage.Ɏg b. The adder closely misses you.The quokka bites you but does no damage.Ɏg -1.3 (1.3Ɏg Ɏg K _The adder misses you.ɎgJ8  You hit the quokka.Ɏg|MY  You kill the quokka!Ɏg1OɎgIQ\  You hit the adder. The bat hits you but does no damage.ɎgWb.. b   batɎg[6822.5 (1.2Ɏg`Ɏgb= _The adder bites you but does no damage.ʎgl9  You slash the adder!ʎgܟX  You kill the adder!ʎgxʎgg.b   batʎg.#Demonhunter247 the Trooper.#Draconian. #Health: 23/27 ====================----#.##.#Magic: 2/2========================.#..#AC: 5Str: 15# ...EV: 11Int: 12#. ###.#ʎgVSH: 0Dex: 9#.###.##b..#XL:  2 Next: 127% Place: Dungeon:2#......@.###Noise: =--------  Time: 603.7 (1.2)#####..<...#d) +1 hand axe#...##.#Throw: dart (atropa)##.## ...#. ....#. ####b   batʎgE#.#.#.You hit the quokka.  You kill the quokka!You hit the adder. The bat hits you but does no damage. _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You slash the adder!  You kill the adder!ʎg _You miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat hits you.  You have reached level 3!ʎg/  --more--ˎg\  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? ˎg {9/33=3/36734% ˎg >batˎg _You feel stronger. x2; Your scales feel tougher.̎g>{  You miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.̎gT?(4.9̎gD̎gFP _The bat barely misses you.̎g_ ̎gH` ̎gwa ̎g&g %.b̎gg -6.2 (1.3̎gl ̎go t _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.̎gTP.# .# . # #.##.# .#..# # ... #. ###.# #.###.##.b.# #.### #####..<...# #...##.# ##.## ...#. ....#. #### #.#. ̎gX̎gZ̎gk`+b.̎gFae30=70̎g6g̎g k: _The bat hits you but does no damage.͎gP.# .# . # #.##.# .#..## ... #. ###b# #.###.##.@.# #........### #####..<...# #...##.###.## ...#. .... #. #### ͎guQ*͎gU͎g+\+b.͎g\&8͎g>b͎geu _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.͎g.# .# .# . # ###.## ..#..## #.b.# #. ###@# #.###.##...# #........### #####..<...##...##.###.## ... #. ....#. #### ͎g͎g͎gl͎g &9͎g#͎g: _The bat hits you but does no damage.͎gC͎gC͎gK&b.͎gL72910.4 (1.2͎gW _You hit the bat but do no damage. The bat hits you. The bat closely misses you.͎g" #  .# #######.##.##.....b#..# #@..# #. ###.#.####.##...# ..........### ...#####..<...# ####...##.# ##.##...͎g <. ....####͎gQ K3010͎g ͎g` n _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat misses you.͎g)_  You hit the bat.  The bat is severely wounded.͎g_ ͎gf Qb.. ͎gg -2.7 (1.3͎g!m ͎go v _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat closely misses you.͎g  .# .# .# .#  .# # #######.##.# #...b@.#..# #.####...# #. ###.#.# #.###.##...#.. #........### ...#####..<...# ### #...##.###.##... #. ....͎g ͎g b.͎gx ,30͎g ͎g u _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.͎g~x .# .# .# .# .# # #.##.# #..b@..#..# #.####...# #. ###.#.# #.###.##...# .. #.### ... #####..<...# ###  #...##.#  ##.## ... ͎gh #. ....͎g͎g 4͎gG͎gv _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat closely misses you.Ύge5  You hit the bat.Ύg3†Ύgc1=75.9 (1.2ΎgΎgG _You kill the bat!ΎgYΎgZΎg^ΎgaH _No target in view!Ύg; SHIFTΎgj Ύg  Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - FreezeIce32% 1  b - Frozen RampartsIce69% 3  c - HailstormConjuration/Ice69% 3  d - Ozocubu's ArmourIceΎg g69% 3  e - Hoarfrost Cannonade Ice/Alchemy100% 5  f - Metabolic Englaciation Hexes/Ice100% 5 2 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitώgώgZώg_Demonhunter247 the TrooperDraconian.#Health: 31/33 ======================--.#Magic: 3/3========================.#AC: 6Str: 17.#EV: 11Int: 12.# #SH: 0Dex: 9#######.##.#XL:  3 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:2ώg#..†@..#..#Noise: =--------  Time: 615.9 (0.0)#.####...#d) +1 hand axe#. ###.#.#Throw: dart (atropa)#.###.##...# ..#........### ...#####..<...# ####...##.###.## ...#. .... ώg5_The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat closely misses you. _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you. _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat closely misses you.ώgsYou hit the bat. _You kill the bat! _No target in view!ώgҶP  Okay, then.ώgPώgdώgO. _Ўg5ЎgЎgЎgUH _No target in view!Ўg5Ўg]6Ўg&:Ўg=H _No target in view!Ўg Ўg? Ўg_ Ўg H _No target in view!ЎgL ЎgM Ўg}R ЎgT H _No target in view!Ўg Ўg Ўg Ўg H _No target in view!юg}3юg~юgюg$ _юgBюg{юgHюgD2=юgюg.,юg&юg,юgюgюgюgTюgOюgh3==юg"юgJNo target in view! _HP restored.юgJ3юgюglюgq,юg.юgyюg_,юgюgюgѨюg<9=юgюgюgG,юgюg̮юg,юgbюgюgюg,юg$юg'юg{юgĹюg6юgaюgюgюgюgiюgюgюgюgюgюg7юgюg,юgюgюg,юg8юgюgюg`юgJюgQюg|,юgюgюg,юgюgюg,юgюgюgюgU..##..##..# ...# ######.###.##..........##.#....##..# #.#.#......####.#...@......S-#.##.####..:..########.##.# ^##.юg:_.........##.# #########.##.# #.##.# S   ball python (constriction, wandering)#######.##.##..†...#..##.####...#.#юgm039.9 (24.0)юgG-40.9 (25юgюg^ _A ball python comes into view.юg2..# #..# ###..# ....# .#######.###.# #..........# #.#....##..# #.#.#......###.#.#.S.#.##.####..:.#юg.##.# ^##...##.# ##.##.##.##.# #.##.##..†...#..# юgюg !eS.1.9 (1.0)юg(юg+Ҏg..# #..# ### #..# .. ...# .# ######.###.# #..........# #.#....##..# #.#.#......###.##.#.S.#.##.####..:.  #Ҏg.##.# .^##.  .##.# .[# ##.##.# ..##.##.# ..##.##.# ...#..†...#..# ... Ҏg Ҏg 4S.ҎgV &2Ҏg/ҎgH _Found a ring mail.Ҏgj..# #..# ### #..# .. ...# .# ######.###.# #..........# #.#....##..# #.#.#......###.##.#.S.#.##.####..:. #.##.# #.^##. .##.# #.[# .#. #.##.# #..##.##.# #..#  #.##.# #...  #..†...#..# .... ҎgnҎgbvsS.S)Ҏgw/==3Ҏg<~Ҏg5 _The ball python hisses angrily.Ҏg8=  You hit the ball python.ҎgҎg^  You kill the ball python!Ҏgx y .  A bat comes into view.Ҏgs >21-5.1 (1.2Ҏg Ҏg 0 _The bat moves out of view.Ҏg Ҏg 8-Ҏg< Ҏg1 H _No target in view!Ҏg] Ҏg+ Ҏg% ҎgP H _No target in view!ҎgȪ Ҏg Ҏg̱ Ҏg< H _No target in view!Ҏg7=4ӎgӎgH _No target in view!ӎg0ӎgӎgӎgH _No target in view!ӎgź3ӎgӎg1ӎg7ӎg$ _ӎgӎgFӎg#..# ####..##.. ...##.# ######.###.# #..........# #.#....##..# ##...###.####ӎg3Q#.#................#.##.####..- ######.##.# #.^##. ӎgg.......##.# #.[# .#..# ######.##.# #..# .b  ӎg#.##.# #..# .. ######.##.# #... ..b   bat (wandering) ..†...#..# .... # .####...#.# #.## . ###.#.# #ӎg,60ӎgjӎgӎg/.ӎgE-7.1 (2ӎg^ӎg' _No target in view! _ You pick up a book of Spatial Translocations and begin reading...ӎg+8.1 (3ӎgӎge _You add the spells Blink, Momentum Strike and Lesser Beckoning to your library.ӎgҩӎgӎgӎgخӎgӎgܱӎgӎgӎg\ӎgU,ӎg0#..# ### #..##.. .....##.# .#######.###.# .##..........# .#ӎg.#.#....##..# .# #.#.#......###.#####.#.#...b#.##.####....##.# #.^##..ӎg##.# #.[##..#..##..##.# #..##.......#.##.# #..##.##..##..##.# #...... .... b   bat (wandering) †...#..# ....... ### ###...#.# #.###.# ӎgi+9.1 (1ӎg}..ӎg,50.1 (2ӎgӎgUӎg-3ӎgx.ӎgu3ӎg;V..# #..# ###..( #..##.. ...  ...##.# #.# ӎg3<######.###.# #.# #..........# #.# #.#....##..# #.# #.#.####.######.#...........0 ӎgZ<J #.##.####..... ӎgz<###.##.# #.^##........ ӎg<....##.# #.[##..#..## ###.##.# #..##........  #.##.# #..##.##..##. ###.##.# #...... .... . ...#..# .......ӎg= ###...#.# #.###.#ӎg AԎgbb   bat (wandering)Ԏg9 +1.1 (1ԎgaԎg3% _Found 5 stones.Ԏg ..# #..# ###..(  ...  #.#   #.#   #.#  ##..# #.#  ....###.#####..  Ԏg[.......@......b  ##.............  #.^##.........  #.[##..#..##..  #..##.........   #..##.##..##.  #...... .... .  ....... ###  Ԏg  ..# #..# ###..( Ԏg{" l ...  #.# Ԏg$   #.#   #.#  ##..# #.#  ....###.#####..  .......@......b  ##.............  #.^##......... Ԏg@/  #.[##..#..##.. #..##.........   #..##.##..##.  #...... .... . ....... ### Ԏg1 ԎgM2 Ԏg; Ԏg;@  Ԏg@ ԎgVA 6_A bat is nearby!ԎgA Ԏg^ ..# #..# ###..( #..##.. ... ...##.# #.#  ######.###.# #.#  Ԏg9_ #.# #.#  #.#....##..# #.#  #.#.#......###.#####.  #.#.b.  #.##.####......_.##.# #.^##.##.# #.[##..#..##..##.# #..##.........  Ԏgz_ ,#.##.# #..##.##..##. #.##.# #...... .... .#..# ....... .### Ԏgb Ԏgd Ԏge Ԏgm n._bԎgn &2Ԏgu 9_Ԏgx 6 _Found a shimmering altar of Xom.Վg"Y#..# ###..(#..##.. ... ...##.# #.# ######.###.# #.# #..........# #.# # #.#....##..# #.# ... #.#.#......###.#####.... #.#............ #.##.####_ #.##.# #.^##.....b....[ Վg Z..##.# #.[##..#..## #.##.# #..##........ #.##.# #..##.##..##. ## #.##.# #........... . .#..# .........###.#.# #.###.#### .#.# #Վg>_bb2-=3Վg:_ՎgZ _Found a ring mail. The bat hits you.Վg~~#..# ###..( #..##.. ... ...##.# #.# .###.# #.# # .# #.# .#( .#....##..# #.# . .#.#......###.#####. .#. .##.####._. .##.# #.^##.....b....[.##.# #.[##..#..##. .##.# #..##......... .##.# #..##.##..##. ## .##.# #........... . #..# .....#.# #.###.#### #.# #ՎgՎgՎge_b.4Վg&_ՎgJ _Found 5 stones. The bat hits you but does no damage.ՎgU,Վgxb].b3=ՎgJc&5.3 (1.2Վg|_ _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.Վg#.. ......##.# #.## #####.#.# ..........# #..#(#....##..# #.# #....#......###.#####...........#.####_ #.^##.[[##..#..##.....##.....b...##..##. ###......... . #..# .........### ..#.# #.###.#### #.# #..ՎgՎgՎg 6_b..Վg %60Վg.Վg23_Վg~k3 _The bat misses you.ՎgKmՎge...##.# #.## #####.#. ..........# #..#(#....##..# #.# #....#......###.#####...........#.####_ #.^##.[[##..#.@##......##...b....##..##..###......... .# #..# .........### # ..#.# #.###.#### #.# # #.Վg4f.. # ###...ՎgՎgՎg_b.7_ _The bat hits you but does no damage.ՎgN Վg< Վg !_Վg P..b8.5 (1.2Վgy Վg@ _Վg v _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2Վg BՎg _b.=9.8 (1.3Վg 8_Վgw _You closely miss the bat. The bat closely misses you.ՎgJ #..##.. ...   ...##.# #.# .# ####.###.# #.# # #........# #.# ..#(# #....##..# #.# #.####.##### #........ ##.####....._..# ##.# #.^##.....@..b.[.# ##.# #.[##..#..##.....# ##.# #..##............ ##.# #..##.##..##..#####.# #........... .# .........### # .#.# #.###.#### .# ##. ...[37Վg9L am #ՎgM\ Վg[] _b..2-600Վgg :_Վg j ' _The bat hits you.Վg_.bՎg#g2.0 (1.2_Վg'l _You miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.֎gV#..##.. ... ...##.# #.# ..# #.###.# #.# ..#.# # #.# ..#(# ....##..# #.# #.....# .#......###.#####......# ..####._..# .# #.^##.[.# .# #.[##..#..##b....# .# #..##............# .# #..##.##..##..####.# #.............## .........###..# #.# #.###.#### ..# # #֎g[39;49m #. ..# ֎gδ.b3=30֎g(r_ _The bat hits you but does no damage.֎g...##.# #.# ..# # ##.###.# #.# ..#.# .......# #.# ..#(###..# #.# ##.....# #......###.#####......#..........(####_..# .# #.^##[.# .# #.[##..#..##@....# .# #..##............# .# #..##.##..##.b#### .# #.............# .........###..##.###.#### #..# r   ֎g[40mquokka (asleep)  # #. r..# b   bat . # #..#. ֎g!b A quokka comes into view.֎g֎g h_b.4֎gy8_֎ggd _Found 4 stones. The bat closely misses you. x2֎gd5֎g;?>_b.֎gg@-5.3 (1.3֎gd_ _You closely miss the bat. The bat misses you.֎gd,֎g _..b  You miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.6.6֎g8_֎g: _The bat hits you but does no damage.֎gB  You barely miss the bat. Your tail-slap misses the bat.֎gY_b..=7.8 (1.2_ _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2֎g27  You slash the bat!֎gG֎ge `_.rr֎g[ b...#֎gm 059.0֎g>' &_֎g'+ G _You kill the bat!֎gj ##.#. ......(######..... #......###.#####.# ...........(####............._..#  #.^##..........[[##..#..##.....##.......##..##..###...........# # .........### .# #.###.#### #r  # #. .. .  #.. ֎gk *###֎go ֎g=| _r.-700֎gh ֎gh 3_֎g ֎g ......(######..... #......###.#####.# ...........(####............._..#  #.^##..........[[##..#..##.....##........##..##@.####...........# # ..###r .# #.###.#### #. ֎g  # #. . .  #.. ###  #֎g ֎gW _r.=1_ _The quokka barely misses you.֎gw 7_֎gV \1--2.2 (1.2֎g 8_֎g* h _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you.֎g9_֎gd28----3.4׎gR\ _You miss the quokka. The quokka bites you. The quokka barely misses you.׎gR  You closely miss the quokka. Your tail-slap misses the quokka.4.6׎g\8_׎gs> _The quokka bites you but does no damage.׎g7_׎g׎g\6----5.8׎g׎g p _You hit the quokka but do no damage. The quokka bites you.׎g The quokka bites you but does no damage.hit the quokka but do no damage. The quokka bites you.  You hit the quokka.  The quokka is severely wounded.  The quokka closely misses you.  The quokka twitches its whiskers.׎g:7.0_ _The quokka barely misses you.׎g8  You hit the quokka.׎g2L_.׎g088.2׎g:_׎g/J _You kill the quokka!׎gՈ%_׎g׎gB_׎g2H _No target in view!׎gx W_׎gn ^ _No target in view!׎gK 7_׎gd V_׎g H _No target in view!׎gR __ _No target in view!׎gVc 3׎g\e ׎gh ׎gh ]7=- _׎g n ,׎gn ׎go ׎gJr ,׎gs ׎gu ,׎g&x ׎g z ׎gz h8==׎gs} ׎g ,׎g ׎g ,׎g ׎g> ,׎g ׎gȎ ~9==׎g ׎g ,׎g ׎g ,׎g& ׎g ׎g ,׎g l30=׎g ׎g ,׎g ׎gh ,׎g2 ׎g ,׎g ׎g a1=׎g1 ׎g ,׎gx ׎g3 ,׎gP ׎g ,׎g ׎g ~2==׎gK ׎g ,׎g1 ׎g ,׎gY׎g ,׎g׎g~3==׎gk ׎gn ׎g,׎g/׎gH׎gb,׎g@׎g׎g$................(####............._..# .# #.^##..........[.# # #.[##..#..##.....#  #..##............#.##.##..##..####............# # .........###..# ###.#### #@.# -  # #..$..J ׎g%. #..##...#J   endoplasm (asleep)#.## .... #׎gk2 _705.2 (27.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.׎g3F-6.2 (28׎g;:_׎g7?* _Found 6 gold pieces.؎g8#.####_..# #.# #.^##..........[.# #.# #.[##..#..##.....# #.# #..##............# #.# #..##.##..##..#### #.# #.............#  ؎g r###..#.# #.###.######..# # # #..$..J@..# .. #..#####..# #... #..#  .### #..#  #  ...# #.## .. ... ## ## ؎g_=7.2 (1؎gg.0)؎g2:_؎g؎gw\_JJ    An endoplasm comes into view. _Found 6 gold pieces.  The helpless endoplasm fails to defend itself.  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is moderately wounded.  The endoplasm freezes you.1--8.5 (1.3Slow ؎gh :_؎g\ B _You are frozen. You feel yourself slow down.؎gt r_ You are frozen. You feel yourself slow down.  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is almost dead.The endoplasm freezes you.  You are frozen.  You feel as though you will be slow longer.؎gu q29---=10.3 (1.8؎gx} 8_؎g) W _The endoplasm closely misses you.؎g =  You slash the endoplasm!؎gK M_.؎g| ؎g Y30-322.1؎gu :_؎g M _You kill the endoplasm!؎gx __ _No target in view!؎g$؎g$؎gz*8_؎g-H _No target in view!َgb7_َgcَgj&_َgmH _No target in view!َg-__ _No target in view!َg- _You feel yourself speed up.1=َg}َgəَgʚَg َg َg^َg#2َg/E==َgَgP,َgQَgo,َgَgӪ,َg?َg93َg[==َgَg²َgFَg2َg*َgκ,َgَgَg ,َg,َg #.##.####...._..# ##.##.# #.^##..........[.# ...##.# #.[##..#..##.....# ##.##.# #..##............#  #.##.# #..##.##..##..#### ##.##.# #.............# .َgI.#..# .........###..#..#.# #.###.######..#.#.# # #..@......#-26.6 (14.5)#... #..#####..#####... #.. #..# ..# .### #.. #..# #.# ##.. ...#َgV....#. #.##  ........ ...  ####<.## ##َg8_َg==-َg?%7.6 (15َg:_َgq _ _Found a stone staircase leading up.َg,8.6 (16َg:_َg6= _You now have 45 gold pieces (gained 6).َg/e9_َg6fَgm8_َgboH _No target in view!َg __َg_ H _No target in view!َg. __ _No target in view!َgY َgZ َg\ َg_ َgOe : _َgm Bَgho ,َgr َgUt ,َgu َg َg َg1 َgt َg+ َg َgn َg/ َg َg) َg3 َg َg َg ,َg@ َg َg َg َg ,َg Xَg~ ,َg َg َg ,َgx َg4 َg6 ,َgv َgn P  There is a stone staircase leading up here.َge َg 5 _َga َg0 ,َg َg ,َg0 َg َge َg َg َg َg َg َg َg َg ,َg َg" َgc َg5 ,َg َg Bَgz0َg/2,َg2َgo4َg5َg6,َg]8َg,:,َg:َg>َgA,َg;CَgIEَgbH,َgWIَgkKَg.M,َgMَgoTَgiBَglَgm,َgsoَgUqَgw,َgxَg@nَgۆَgRَg]َg3َg,َgَg9َgَg,َgَgԗَg^َgјَgfَgَg{َg՜َgَgَgxَgǠَgَg,َgَg َg,َgَg, َgY You see here a bat corpse.َg}َg _َgَgOَgWBَgzَgaBَgَg,َgxَgԾَgf,َgَg.َg,َgَgَgَg:َgَgFَg,َghَgَg&Rَgjَg,َgbَg َg ,َg َgَgv #.# #######.##.####.... #.# #..†...#..#........ َg=#.# #.####...#.####.### #.# #.####.#.### #.# # #.###.##...#...####.### #........#####........# َg#####..<...#...###.#..# #...##.#.####.###.# ##@###...###.####.. َg$#.# ##.....## #... #.# ######.####<. #.# ##.###.# #.# ######.#.## #.# .........## g   goblin (asleep) َgY#.# ########## #g#َg&/85.6 (57.0َgi',6.6 (58َg-َg3u _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ڎgvF..†...#..#.....####...#.####.###.####.#.### #.# .###.##...#...####.##........#####........####..<...#...###.# #...##.#.####.#####.###...###.####.. #@# ##.....## #. ######.####<. ##.###.#######.#.#.........############ g#ڎgG.ڎg*RڎgES17.6 (1.0)ڎg^Yڎg"gڎgh####...#.####.#####.#.### #.# ##.##...#...####.##.......#####........####..<...#...###.# #...##.#.####.####.###...###.####.. #.# ##.....## #. ######.####< ##.###.#######.#.#.........############g# .ڎgv<8ڎghڎgŃڎg#.### #.# ##.##...#...####.##.......#####........####..<...#...###.# #...##.#.####.####.###...###.####.. #.# ##.....## #. ######.####< ##.###.#######.#.#.........## ##########g#.9ڎgqx M##.##...#...####.##.......#####........####..<...#...###.# #...##.#.####.####.###...###.####.. #.# ##.....## #. ######.####< ##.###.#######.#.#.........## ########## g#.90ڎgz ڎg} ڎg .......#####........####..<...#...###.# #...##.#.####.####.###...###.####.. #.# ##.....## #. ######.####< ##.###.#######.#.#.........## ########## g# .ڎg ڎge &1ڎg ڎg ێg;####..<...#...###.# #...##.#.####.####.###...###.####.. #.# ##.....## #. ######.####< ##.###.#######.#.#.........## ########## g# .)..ێgWێgJ &2ێgێgz% _Found a rapier.ێg.tm  The helpless goblin fails to defend itself.  You slash the goblin!ێg}D)ێg^553.8 (1.2ێgێgJ _You kill the goblin!ێgw4ێgێg9 H _No target in view!ێg<ێgێgێgpH _No target in view!ێg&+ ێg, ێg+4 ێg6 H _No target in view!ێg ێg ێga ^ _No target in view!ێgO 4ێg!W ێgX H _No target in view!ێgY 3ێg ێg ێgP ێg : _ێg k _No target in view! _ You see here a +0 dagger.ێg ێg?  _ێgϻ ێg2 ێgο ,ێg ێg ێg9 ) #.# ######.####<. #.#  #.# ######.#.## .........## .# ########## ) ێg .#.# 6.8 (3.0.)..>.#ێgW A7.8 (4ێg7 ێgb ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ێg54ێgʔێgH _No target in view!܎g4܎gǑ܎g!H _No target in view!܎g ܎g ܎g܎gH _No target in view!܎g>܎g܎g^ _No target in view!܎g=2 4܎gc7 ܎gv9  ܎g9 :_No target in view!܎g 4܎g ܎gb C _No target in view!܎gd 3܎gYe ܎gh ܎gck ܎g&l $ _܎gp ,܎gv  ######.#.##.........## #### )#.# .8.8 (1......)......<.###.###.##########܎g) ܎g +9.8 (2܎gW ܎g 6 _Found a stone staircase leading up.܎g܎g܎gN܎gH _No target in view!ݎgݎgݎgݎg͠ݎg/ݎg̣$ _ݎg|,ݎg,ݎgݎg5ݎg,ݎgݎgݎg,ݎgݎg~ݎg,ݎg?ݎgݎgPݎgݎgݎgݎg,ݎgrݎguݎg=,ݎg8ݎgݎgR,ݎg-ݎgݎgkݎgݎgݎg,ݎgiݎgM _You now have 57 gold pieces (gained 12).ݎgݎgݎgXݎgݎg,ݎgMݎgݎggݎgݎgݎgݎg,ݎgݎgݎg9,ݎgݎgݎg:ݎgݎgxݎgݎg,ݎg ݎgJ ݎg ݎgy ݎgo ݎg& P  There is a stone staircase leading up here.ݎg* ݎg  _ݎg ݎgH ݎg ,ݎg< ݎg0 ݎgU ݎg ݎg ݎgH ݎg Bݎg ݎg ݎg< ݎgr ݎg> ݎgw ,ݎg+ ݎg! ݎg" ݎg" ݎg*# ݎg$ ݎge& ݎg& ݎg^' ݎgr( ݎg+ ݎg6 #.##...........## #.##.########### #)##.##.##.# #.##.# #####.##.# #..#.##.# #. ######.##.####. .....)......<.. ##.###.#########.# #.# #.# #.#>.#####S   adder (wandering).#S#ݎg> 18267.0)ݎg]? ,7.8 (28ݎgpE ݎg~I Y _An adder comes into view.ގg ########### )##.# .##..# #####.# #....# #.# ######.##.####.#. .....)......<..#. ##.###.######## #.# >##S.ގgގg~\SS.ގg 18.8 (1.0)ގgގg/ _The adder hisses angrily.ގg )##.# .#####...# ####### .....)......<. ##.###.######## #.# >## #S....ގg ގg <S.ގg6 &9ގg1 ގg ގg .#####...# ####### .....)......<. ##.###.######## #.# >##S #....ގg ގgn S.  The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.ގgm 1===--=30Pois ގg ގg , _The adder poisons you!ގg!$ 27==-----2.1 (1.3ގg<* ގg, t _You barely miss the adder. You feel sick. The adder bites you.ގgo  You closely miss the adder. You feel sick.ގgth6----3.3 (1.2ގg=ގgJ@ _The adder bites you but does no damage. x2ߎg  You slash the adder!  The adder is severely wounded.You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage.ߎgx5=-4.6 (1.3ߎgߎgR _The adder barely misses you.ߎgg You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage. _The adder barely misses you.hit the adder.almost dead.  You are no longer poisoned.ߎgF 05.9ߎg`&ߎg2 _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You closely miss the adder.The adder is almost dead.ߎg3(7.2ߎg8ߎg ; _The adder closely misses you. The adder barely misses you.ߎgs  You hit the adder.  The adder is almost dead.ߎg-8.4 (1.2ߎg8ߎg= _The adder bites you but does no damage.ߎgC9  You slash the adder!ߎg0I2.ߎg M>6589.7 (1.3ߎgRߎgNUI _You kill the adder!ߎgͫ ߎg ߎg ߎg H _No target in view!ߎgY ߎgZ ߎgQ` ߎg|b H _No target in view!ߎg7 ߎg ߎg ߎg H _No target in view!ߎgt~ ߎgC ߎg ߎg H _No target in view!ߎgRߎgEߎgߎgH _No target in view!gj4gng&qC _No target in view!g 3gY g0 g% g Z7=gM Bg Bgl Bg 8==g ,gs g Bg ,g g gL h9==g g ,gk g0 g g[ gk g ,g l30=g g ,g$ gp ,g g gQ g* ,g K1=g g" g\" g" g# g-$ gl$ g% ,g_& gw( g( a2==g!) g* g* g2+ g, g-- gq- g/ ,g'0 g6 ]- _You start resting.g: 066.7 (27.0)g; d3==-gZ; %7.7 (28g> g>A " _HP restored.gOngqInventory: 8/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (go to first with () g^rn b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking Potions (go to first with !)  g - a glowing dark potion  i - a purple potiongA12a - a +0 dagger. A double-edged fighting knife with a sharp point. Base accuracy: +6 Base damage: 4 Base attack delay: 1.0 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.5) is reached at skill level 10.  Your skill: 0.5; use (s) to set 10.0 as a target for Short Blades.  At 100% training you would reach 10.0 in about 4.9 XLs.  At current training (3%) you reach 10.0 in the equivalent of 24.4 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.9. gW2;Damage rating: 4 (Base 4 x 97% (Dex) x 107% (Skill)). This weapon falls into the 'Short Blades' category. It is extremely good for stabbing helpless or unaware enemies. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Short Blades} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified melee weapon “He drew his dagger, that was sae sharp,That was sae sharp and meet, (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.g5ugl|g#.##.#Demonhunter247 the Trooper#.##.# #####Draconian#.##.# #...#Health: 33/33 ========================#.##.# #.#.#Magic: 3/3======================== ######.##.####.#.#AC: 6Str: 17 .....)......<..#.#EV: 11Int: 12 ##.###.#########.#SH: 0Dex: 9#.##.#XL:  3 Next: 58% Place: Dungeon:2#.##@#Noise: ---------  Time: 867.7 (0.0)>.##.#a) +0 dagger####.#Throw: dart (atropa)#.##.##.#...gs3... _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _You start resting. _HP restored.gg-8.2 (0.5gg. _a - a +0 dagger (weapon)gЍgg<gHH _No target in view!gK g8 g g H _No target in view!g gq g$ g& H _No target in view!ggѶggH _No target in view!g3gggg& _gg,gagg,gGggg,ggBg,g,gg|gyggg g,ggg,ggg ,g| gR g gy,g` #.#  #.# .# #.# .# #.# .# #.# .# ##.## .#  ##...## l####.....#######.######...............@.......  ####.....################...## #####  l   frilled lizard (asleep) 84.2 (16.0)5.2 (17 _A frilled lizard comes into view.g #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# ## #.#  ##...## #l#  ###.....#######@###### g ........................ ####.....#################...#####g G6.0)g g g<  The helpless frilled lizard fails to defend itself.  You puncture the frilled lizard!gC† gb/607gעgR _You kill the frilled lizard!gdgk g gH _No target in view!gGg#ggH _No target in view!gv4gX5g:g=H _No target in view!gggg"H _No target in view!g[g\g`gbH _No target in view!gsg+grgɂgglP _ggggg>ggg_ggg)gIggݓg:gg,gAgg$gigg6gggƢggOgcgYgg5ggk,gԨgg,ggCg]gggEgfg̱gg>g   #w   #.# g5* #.#  #.#  #.#  #.# .  #.# #@#   #†# #.#  .############.#  .................# ##################g~   w   ribbon worm (asleep)   g19025.0)g,3.2 (16gg _No target in view! _A ribbon worm comes into view.g˱ .w..  #†# #. ###.############. ................. ##################g? g 14.0)g g gs.w.  #†# ###.############ ................. ##################ggǶ&5ggپg s.w.  #†# ###.############ ................. ##################g+Wwwcatching breath)g0 ```The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.g 1HThe stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.gS=...g 5 6dart (atropa)Held g_gj _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.ggެg?gӵN _You are caught in a web!gCgCgRIgXLN _You are caught in a web!g&g3g)gN _You are caught in a web!g_ 4gf gZh N _You are caught in a web!g g gf g N _You are caught in a web!gK~ gZ g' g &You are caught in a web!g 4g!gg\4gbgeg4ggg؉JgPgI 11 7dart (atropa)g g2 % _The web tears apart.g= #.#w.#.#w   ribbon worm gAgҝP.wg&8gNg gTw#.#.† ###.########### ................ #################gWg]P.wg]&9g1cgMegN ] #.#w.† ###.###########w   ribbon worm go g8 .g} 0wg '10ga g9 gf.w.  #†# ###.############ ................. ##################grgv.w1gggSM.w.#†##.# w   ribbon wormgD=2ggY _The ribbon worm closely misses you.ga gra &3gFf gi _ _You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.g h  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.g} &4g' g Y _The ribbon worm closely misses you.g h  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.g^ -5.1 (0.9g g' Q _The ribbon worm misses you.g (catching breath)  You barely miss the ribbon worm.The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.g   The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.gVP 5 6.1 (1.0dart (atropa)Held g|TguV. _You are caught in a web!g"LgLggQg7TN _You are caught in a web!g!4ggN _You are caught in a web!gi4gogrN _You are caught in a web!ggIggN _You are caught in a web!g4ggP _You are caught in a web! _g g g g/# . _g 4g g g9 4g'@ g$C ga g gC gSggggCg@gȧg\g24g\8g;g 4gggCLgLgARg7Tg4gggh11 -7dart (atropa)gg% _The web tears apart.g3   You barely miss the ribbon worm.The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.g4.=8g9g<C _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.gp (catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.gu  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.g  5 9dart (atropa)Held g g . _You are caught in a web!g g g g N _You are caught in a web!gif gf gl gn N _You are caught in a web!ggOg~gN _You are caught in a web!gGA4gGgIN _You are caught in a web!gggqgP _You are caught in a web! _gag$bgahg@k. _g]ggggZggEgxgg}11 20dart (atropa)gKgf _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm closely misses you.g n  You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.gQ &1g g X _The ribbon worm barely misses you.g  You barely miss the ribbon worm. You tail-slap the ribbon worm.gF-2.0 (0.9g1g9 _The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.g   You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.You tail-slap the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.g ]0---3.0 (1.0gg0 _The ribbon worm bites you.g{u   You hit the ribbon worm. You tail-slap the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.gu&4g{g~X _The ribbon worm barely misses you.g\  You barely miss the ribbon worm. Your tail-slap misses the ribbon worm.The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.gi\ d25------5gza g~d 0 _The ribbon worm bites you.g^  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.6gbgeX _The ribbon worm barely misses you.g  You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.You tail-slap the ribbon worm, but do no damage.ggV6---7gcgc _The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.gZd  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.gdc22--9 (0.9gjgm0 _The ribbon worm bites you.g  You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.8.8ggC _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.g̅ (catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.g  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.gg 5 9.8 (1.0dart (atropa)Held gg^. _You are caught in a web!g\ gz 3--11 -30dart (atropa)gg4* _The web tears apart.g  You barely miss the ribbon worm. You tail-slap the ribbon worm.  gw IThe ribbon worm is almost dead.g 5=1.7 (0.9g g* X _The ribbon worm barely misses you.g& \  You hit the ribbon worm. You tail-slap the ribbon worm.g/ q†g:3 092.6g7 g`: O _You kill the ribbon worm!gʴ M.#.##.# g> g 5-3.6 (1.0gv g x _You see here a ribbon worm corpse.gBM†#.##.# ###gIg}JG-4 _gNgPgIM.†#.##.# ..#gTg̖W24=5gjg9gM.#.##†# #.#g%gJ&&6g%*g+gѴM#.##.# #.#gUgֺ7ggg:M#.##.# #.#g@gA&8gVEgGgM.#.# #.#ggs5==9ggg[M###.#.# #.#gXc=40g!ggchg gn 3gY ,g 6=g4 ,gf gզ Bg ,gԧ gk g K7=gԨ g) Bg ,gH g g g gF ~8==gů gJ gw g g g Bg gB g g h9==g gغ ,g! g ,gм gѽ ,g' g gG V30=g g Bg ,g g ,g! gq g K1=g( g ,g* g gL g #2g E==g' g ,g g g g4 g ,g g{ g h3==gg g g g g$ g g ,gJ gX Bg g" g g 9=g ga g0 gS g g& g& g ,g g ,g g g.#..# #..# .#..#####..# #.  .#.........# #.  ..#.#####.## #S  ............ #.  <.########### #.  .###.#.# ###....### ##..@..# #...#.# ##.##.# #. #.# #. #.#  #g #.# S   adder (asleep) #. #.# g   hobgoblin (asleep) #. #.#   g?Y[34m#.#  g 078.6 (38.0)g,9.6 (39ggh _An adder and a hobgoblin come into view.g1g(6Inventory: 8/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 dagger (weapon)  d - a +1 hand axe Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking Potions (go to first with !) g|6^ g - a glowing dark potion  i - a purple potiongo9 d - a +1 hand axe. A small axe. Base accuracy: +3 Base damage: 7 Base attack delay: 1.3 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.6) is reached at skill level 14.  Your skill: 1.5; use (s) to set 14.0 as a target for Axes.  At 100% training you would reach 14.0 in about 6.4 XLs.  At current training (40%) you reach 14.0 in about 9.4 XLs.  Current attack delay: 1.2. Damage rating: 10 (Base 7 x 117% (Str) x 109% (Skill) + 1 (Ench)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified enchanted melee weapon g : “Lizzie Borden took an axe  And gave her mother forty whacks. (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.gV g^ g|c .#..# #..#  Demonhunter247 the Trooper .#..#####..# #.  Draconian .#.........# #.  Health: 33/33 ======================== ..#.#####.## #S  Magic: 3/3======================== ............ #.  AC: 6gc LStr: 17 <.########### #.  EV: 11Int: 12 .###.#.##  SH: 0Dex: 9 ###....###  XL:  3 Next: 69% Place: Dungeon:2 ##..@..#gd i  Noise: ---------  Time: 979.6 (0.0)#...#.#  d) +1 hand axe##.##.#  Throw: dart (atropa)#. #.# g)d V#. #.# #g #.#  S   adder (asleep)#. #.#  g   hobgoblin (asleep)#. #.#gd  #.# The ribbon worm is almost dead. _The ribbon worm barely misses you.You hit the ribbon worm. You tail-slap the ribbon worm. _You kill the ribbon worm! _You see here a ribbon worm corpse. _An adder and a hobgoblin come into view.gg ?  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)gn t.SSg0o .80.1 (0.5g1t gw / _The adder hisses angrily.g.#..# #..# .#..#####..# #.# #.#.# #.# #..#.#####.### #.# .. #S# #<.##r#.# #.## #.#.## .## #....### # #.@...# # #...#.#  ##.##.#  #.##.#  #.##.#  #g##.#  #.##.#gjM  #.##.#   r   rat (asleep) #.# g.gP.Sg-1.1 (1.0ggֵV _A rat comes into view.g- R###..#### ..#..######.........# #..#.#####.### .............. #.<.###########r#S# #.###.## .###..@.### ##g K##.... #...#.###.##.#.g#.#g g\ P.Sg &2g$ g&' gI  You miss the adder. The adder closely misses you.g5=3.3 (1.2gg7= _The adder bites you but does no damage.gg(4.5gg x _You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.ge  You closely miss the adder. Your tail-slap misses the adder.5.7gkg n{ _The adder closely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.gk gel -7.0 (1.3gr gt _You miss the adder. The adder misses you. The adder barely misses you.g  You hit the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.g? -8.2 (1.2gW gN = _The adder bites you but does no damage.g`~XThe adder is moderately wounded. _ You barely miss the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.g"1====--9.5 (1.3Pois g _The adder poisons you! The adder completely misses you.g   You miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.0---90.8gL _You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage.gg  You barely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.gc27---2.1g~gv _You feel sick. The adder bites you. The adder barely misses you.g   You barely miss the adder. Your tail-slap misses the adder.The adder is lightly wounded.  You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage.g 6=---3.3 (1.2g_ g R _The adder barely misses you.g You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage. _You hit the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.  The hobgoblin shouts!g .r#g .gr   ratg 5=-=4.6 (1.3g g = _The adder bites you but does no damage.g) MThe hobgoblin shouts! _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You barely miss the adder.You are no longer poisoned.g#+ g3 X.rg.gS4 =-5.8 (1.2gP; g>> @ _The adder bites you but does no damage. x2g   You miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.You hit the rat.  You kill the rat!.g.71-7.0g gS _The adder closely misses you. The adder barely misses you.g  You barely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.g@g.g (8.2gcgK= _The adder bites you but does no damage.g  You barely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.You closely miss the hobgoblin. The adder bites you but does no damage.g069.4ggA~ _The hobgoblin barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.g1+  You miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.g+i23--1000.6 (1.2)g2gM5 _You barely miss the hobgoblin. The adder bites you. The hobgoblin hits you.g:<  You barely miss the adder. Your tail-slap misses the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.You closely miss the hobgoblin. The adder bites you but does no damage.gj1---1.8ggU _The hobgoblin hits you. The adder bites you but does no damage.g,JYou closely miss the hobgoblin. The adder bites you but does no damage. _The hobgoblin hits you. The adder bites you but does no damage.  You hit the hobgoblin.  gJ^2=3.0gPgsS _The adder barely misses you. The hobgoblin barely misses you.g   _The adder barely misses you. The hobgoblin barely misses you.You closely miss the adder. You tail-slap the adder.  The adder is almost dead.You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage. The adder bites you but does no damage. closg(4.2gg@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.glT  You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is lightly wounded.  You hit the adder.gK^ > g^ t†#.##.##.#g^ ; You kill the adder!gPc 1945.4gzi gk @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.g8 gh O #....... ###..#### ..#..######.........# #..#.#####.### .............. <.###########.#.# g {#.###.#@## .##....### ####.g...# #...#.g u##.##.##g' gE :g.g 4-60g[ g! s _You see here an adder corpse.g %  g You slash the hobgoblin!g G†g !g 53=gѤ 68=7.6 (1.2g gF 7 _You kill the hobgoblin!gh gg ##..#####..# #.# ..#..# ### #.#........#.#####.### g.............. #<.###########. #.## #.#†## .## gǶ#..@.### ## gW#.....# gD& #...#.#.# #.##.##.#  ggl4-80gzgv _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.g1 3g g g | _g gj N24=g gg g g gX g g gM g g g^ g %5g E==gU g g gE g g gD g g gi g g g) N6=g gA g g g g gH g g gF g g. #7gN (=g gB ,g g+ g_ g gI g g 8==g& ,g gv g g2 g g ge g g #9g E==g g7 ,g g0 ,g g ,g g g2 $30gS 2=g gU ,g g! g " g" g# g# g{$ g% g& K1=g& g ( gA( g) g<* ,g* gP, gq, gF- g. g/ #2g&/ E==g/ g1 gK1 g1 g+3 gM3 g3 g5 g65 g5 g7 g7 #3g7 E==g8 gq: g; g; g< g'? g(@ gG@ g@ g\B g0D gQD gD gF gTG gG 9=gEH glI gJ gJ g3K gKL gXM ,gM gO gP ,gHQ gR g|S ,gS gT gU g V g]V gW gX gY g{Y gZ g] Xg^ ,g^ g` gua ga gb gc gd gd gOe gf gg gg gKh gi gj ,g0k g.n g/o gXo go g5q gq gUr gr gs gt g1u gu gv gw gw gAx gKy gRz g|z gz g{ g| g| gh} gy~ g g g g gȃ g g g gY ,g7 gK g g g' gr g g gS g_ g g: g g g= gd g g gc g g g e  You see here a hobgoblin corpse.g4 g  _g` g/ b  You see here an adder corpse.g g  _g g# g gD ,g˪ ngs g g gZ gq g g g g g+ gN g g7 ,g g g g g g. g g׽ g g gl g g gs g^ g g g g ,g g g' ,gK g g g g g g* g[ gN g- g ,g g. g g7 g g g gG g g= g gC gy gA g ,g g- g  g2 g gX g g g g g ,g g g ,g gN ;  You see here 4 stones.g ga  _g gh# g% g& g' g) g, g, gj. g2 gQ5 g~5 g7 g~< Bg'> gA gN  ..# ##########gN U # ###..( .l......# ..##.. ... g...#.#gO  ..##.# #.# #..#.#g>O  #.# #.# #.@#.#  g]O - .....# #.# #..#(##gO  .##..# #.# ##.....#gO  .....###.#####......###### gO .....................(...# gO ###............._..#####.# g   goblin (asleep)gP #.^##..........[.# #.#g_P  l   frilled lizard (asleep)#.[##..#..##.....# #.##..##............# #.#ga Z107.6 (99.0)_gDb -8.6 (100.0)gl 9_gq m _A goblin and a frilled lizard come into view.g  ..# ############ #..# ###..(..l......# #..##.. ......g...#.# ...##.# #.# #@.#.# #.###.# #.# #..#. ......# #.# #..#(####..# #.# ##.....####.#####......###### ...g]5..........(...# ####............._..#####.# # #.^##..........[.# #.# # #.[##..#..##.....# #.#gJ8_g19.0)gC_g!gh  ..# .############  #..# ###..(..l......#  #..##.. ......g@..#.#  ...##.# #.######..#.# ##.###.# #.# #..#......# #.# #..#(##g##..# #.# ##.....# ####.#####......###### ............(...# .####......._..#####.# g.# #.^##..........[.# #.#g:_g0'10g.9_g.gI  The helpless goblin fails to defend itself.  You hit the goblin. You tail-slap the goblin.gU)l   frilled lizard (asleep)_gUg `DDemonhunter247 the TrooperDraconianHealth: 33/33 ========================Magic: 3/3========================AC: 6Str: 17EV: 11Int: 12..# .############SH: 0Dex: 9  #..# ###..(..l......#g`?XL:  3 Next: 101% Place: Dungeon:2  #..##.. ......)@..#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1111.8 (1.2)  ...##.# #.######..#.#d) +1 hand axe g`##.###.# #.# #..#.#Throw: dart (atropa) ga.......# #.# #..#(## ...##..# #.# ##.....# #......###.#####......######l   frilled lizard (asleep) g@a.......................(...# .####............._..#####.# gia .# #.^##..........[.# #.# _You see here a hobgoblin corpse. ga_You see here an adder corpse. _You see here 4 stones. _A goblin and a frilled lizard come into view.gauThe helpless goblin fails to defend itself.  You hit the goblin. You tail-slap the goblin.gc% g@cf_You kill the goblin!You have reached level 4!gm/  --more--giN40/404/4104 1% gOs9_g vO _You feel agile.gl ..# #.g# #..# ###..(..l......# #..##..gM.@...#.# ...##.###.######..#.##.###.# #.# #..#.#.# #.# #.gv{.#(##.##..# #.# ##.....# gk.#......###.#####......######.......(...# #.####.._..#####.# g#.# #.^##.[.# #.#gB_g:g],20 _g9_g  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a goblin corpseg{  The helpless frilled lizard fails to defend itself.  You hit the frilled lizard.g5d._g524.0 (1.2go gL < _You kill the frilled lizard!gu g\2`_g8;_g:H _No target in view!gO:_gggH _No target in view!gU8_gVg];_g_H _No target in view!g8_gtg;_gH _No target in view!g{:_gP|gЄ9_ggH _No target in view!gZ3g$ggg: _g g,g/gg,ggg ,ggh _No target in view! _ You see here 5 stones.g:g _ggg,ggIg,gg=g,g|gg g_g+ggg ggg,,gZg8g ,ggg(#.#########........# #..#####.############ #..#####..(.........# #..##.@.......)...#.# ...##.###.######..#.# ######.###.# #.# #..#.# #..........# #.# #..#(## #.#....##..# #.# ##.....# #.#.#......###.#####......## K   kobold (missile, wandering) #.#.....K..........( #.##.####............._..### ######.##.# #.^##..........[.#g 26.0 (12.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.gKK)._g 5==7.0 (13g'9_gG*( _The kobold shouts!g?#.######## #........# #..#####.############ #..#####..(.........# #..##.........)...#.# ...##@###.######..#.#######.###.# #.# #..#.# #..........# #.# #..#(## #.#....##..# #.# ##.....# #.#.#...K..###.#####......# #.#.................. #.##.####..._..## #######.##.# #.^##..[.g# ........##.# #.[##..#..##.....#ggAgK._g:--8.0)g;_gge#.########.......#####.################..(..................)...#gQ...##.###.############.###@# #.# .........(###....##K##.....gʵ.#......###.#####..................#.####g_..## ###### #.^##.[g# .......[##..#..##.... #######.##.......ggpK._gA--9g%9_grg2 8  You hit the kobold.g; ]$_..##g? >3=30.2 (1.2gC 9_gE J _You kill the kobold!ga 4gE '_g H _No target in view!gV :_gW gA^ ;_g` H _No target in view!gi:_gg9_gH _No target in view!g58_g06g<9_g5>H _No target in view!g3gggg: _g _No target in view! _No target in view! _g+E You now have 74 gold pieces (gained 17).  Things that are here:gcggi _a +0 club; 2 stones; a kobold corpseg~Iglg*gNg}gHg,ggcg#g`glgg2,ggGg,ggjg,gwgg),gg g g) g g g g ggUg$gIggdg,g"g=gggPgPg,gSgg,gygdgg# gb gU!g"g5"gx"gB#g#g!$gc$g*%g%g&g 'g'gQ(gu(g(g5*g*g*g0+g,g,g,gG-g.g/,ge/gP0g-1gQ1g1gb2gR3,g3go4g&5gW5g5gE6g6g47gk7gP8g9g9,g:g;gI<g<gp=g!>gC>g>g?g>@g`@g@gAgBgBgBgDgDgDg,Eg%FgF,g?Gg!HgH,gIgJgK,g\LgMg OBgPgP,gXQgiRg(S,gSgTgUgUgVgWgX,gYgZg[g[g\gN]g^,g^g_g`g`gagbgKc,gcgdgegyf,ggg$jXgkBglgnBgq,gqg+rg:sgsg0tgtgugv,g-wgxglygygyg{g{g{gf|g}gY~gx~g~gbg ,ggg,gggօ,gVgQgوggdgg,ggg(  #.# ########### #.#  #.#  gkN #.#   #.#  #.# g #.#  #.# g͔ #@#-92.2 (62.0) g #.#  #.#gm  # gC #.#  ...gmt  #.. gm .>. g!ggF-3.2 (63gg; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ggLgݐggXg>,gagg2g]ggg.gPgg]ggggXgg,ggg;gZggggJgɵgg,ggGggg<gygg̿ggRgZg g,gGgGgr,gggggrgNggggg>,ggg gGglg+gg9ggdg ,gg #.#.# #.#. #.########.## #.##........###### #.##.#####........ ########  ###.##.### #.######. #.......  #........##.######  #.#......# #.#### #.# g3 #..>.....# #@...# #.# ####  #.#......# ####.# #.# #..†  #........# .# #.# #.##  #...###### # #.# #.##  #.### #.###.##  #. #.......  #####..<  #...  ##.# g.215.2 (22g|,6.2 (23gg gJ_h - a fizzy green potiong3gg)g#Xgt*#.# #.# #.# #.# #.##.## #.##........###### #.##.#####........ #####.##.### #.######. #..#........# #.# #.###.#......# #.#### #.# #..>.....# #..@.# #.# ##g+9#.#......# ####.# #.# #..†..#..# ..# #.# #.###...###### #.# #.# #.###.### s# #.###.##..#. .# #..# s   scorpion (asleep)# #####..<..#...####.###g317.2 (1.0)g3+8.2 (2gS=q _A scorpion comes into view.ga#.# #.# ##.########.###.##........########.##.#####........ ##############.##.### #.######. #..........#........# #.# #.##########.## #.#### #.#  g#..>.....# #....# #.# ########.#......# ####@# #.# #..†...#........# #..# #.# #.#####...###### ##.# #.# #.####.#.### s# #.###.##...#. .# #........## .# #####..<....# #...##.#g9##.###..# g;gs.sg"+9.2 (1gggM #######.##........###########........ ############ #.######. #..................# #.# #.###########.#### .>#....#######.####.##..†.... #@.#####g ######s### .##.##.. .......## ####..<... #...###.# #.# ## gpg /=20gg1D _The scorpion stings you but does no damage. x2g<g<^36---1.4 (1.2gAgdDu _You hit the scorpion but do no damage. The scorpion stings you.gb  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is lightly wounded.gab7=--2.6ggA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.g3XM _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.  You closely miss the scorpion. Your tail-slap misses the scorpion.  .  You are poisoned.The scorpion poisons you!gX5====-3.8Pois g+^g_A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.gJ The scorpion poisons you! _stings you but does no damage.  You hit the scorpion.  You tail-slap the scorpion, but do no damage.The scorpion is moderately wounded.  You feel sick.gb3---5.0ggNA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.gotW  The scorpion is moderately wounded.feel sick. _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is heavily wounded.  You feel sick. The scorpion stings you.gu0==---6.2gygg|A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.g The scorpion stings you.  You barely miss the scorpion.You tail-slap the scorpion, but do no damage.The scorpion is heavily wounded.  You feel sick.g b29--7.4g g A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.gY  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is severely wounded.You feel sick. The scorpion stings you.g- q25=---8.7 (1.3g g A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.g  :  You hit the scorpion.g& .You kill the scorpion!g- --89.9 (1.2 _You feel sick.  Your Fighting skill increases to level 4!gE4 g6 e _Your Axes skill increases to level 2!g! 4gͪ g6 H _No target in view!gt<4gHAgH _No target in view!g4gygmH _No target in view!g"gt#g'g*H _No target in view!g@ glA gA gE 3  You feel sick.gJ Q4- _You are no longer poisoned.gXK 95gK 0=gK g:M BgN BguO gO gO gP gQ K6=gQ g~R ,gR gS g......)g.. ###.##### ##  >ggg#%,.bg%,70g)gB,` _Found a stone staircase leading down. The bat hits you but does no damage.g.# #.#### #.###.###.# ..# ##....... #.###.######## #.#.##  #.##  ...........########.#b..# ######g #..#>.... ......) ....# ###.###### ##.#  #>#g=gRggc&8ggT _The bat completely misses you.g#h #.# #.#####.###.# #...# ##........# #.#.###.######### #..#.## #)#.## #.#.# #.######.#####.........@..##.#######.#b#######. gh #..#>..... ......).#.. ....## ###.###.#### ##.# #. # #. >.## gj g;k gfr Kb#.gr 9g4x g { : _The bat hits you but does no damage.g 5  You hit the bat.gy 2.g 6520.3 (1.2g= g" G _You kill the bat!gzR gS gX gJZ H _No target in view!gg\gOg{H _No target in view!g*9g9g >g`@H _No target in view!gwgg[gPH _No target in view!g-`g`ggghH _No target in view!gwggng@ _No target in view!gqggfg gH gnP _gIBggg(ggQ _ There is a stone staircase leading down here.ggo _gggggg g............)<..#.# gY#.......######.###.###.# ####.##.# #.# #.##.# ####.# #.###.##.# gZ#.# #...>.##.# #.######..#####.# #.......@.# #.# -gDZ~##.# #.#  .# ##.## .# ##...# g# ###....geZ6.# ......... g   hobgoblin (asleep)(# ####......gZ:##...#####gf 37.3 (17.0)  A hobgoblin comes into view.-8.3 (18gjgm$ _Found a stone.g............)......<..#.#  #.......######.###.#########.#  ####.##.# #.# #.# #.#  ####.# #.###.# #.#  #.# #...>.# #.# #.######..#### #.# #.........# #.# g[ #########@# #.#  #.# ##.##.# ##..#g# ###..#.# .....#(# ####.....##.. ##...##### ### gc g7d 19.0)gVj gl  gS #..#>............)......<......######.###.###########.##.# #.# #.#  #### ..>#####..###........# ######## ##.####...##g###..... g~T...........(####.....#.. ##...### #####  g\ gb] 40 g=c ge g8.....######.###.###########.##.# #.# #.#  #### ..>#####..###........# ######## ##.####...## gN'g###................(####.....#.. ##...### #####  g~ g1 gd g g5Ps  The helpless hobgoblin fails to defend itself.  You slash the hobgoblin! gVF† g,Z572.5 (1.2 g` gRbM _You kill the hobgoblin! g gm g gH _No target in view! gw gax g} gH _No target in view! g.  g  g  g H _No target in view! gR  g  g  gĤ H _No target in view! g  g  g  g3  g  g : _ g e  You see here a hobgoblin corpse. gU  g  _ g  g.  g  g"  g  g- :  You see here a stone. gl  g  _ g  g(  g  g  g  gl  gv , g  g`  g  g  g=  gH  g  g  g  gO  g! , g'"  g#  g$ , gR%  g(  gr)  g)  gQ*  g[,  g-  g-  g{.  gM0  g1  g1  g2  g4  gd5  g5  gL6  g]8  g9  g9  g:  g<  g= , g)>  g{A :  You see here a stone. g}C  gC  _ gvD  gXF  gfH , gzI  g M e  You see here a hobgoblin corpse. gMR 5 _ gxS  gaU  gV , gnW  gX  gY , gZ  g\  g^ , g_  gb  gc  g/c  g`d  g3f  gg  gg  g i  gj  gl , gm  gLo  gxq , gr  gs  gu , gev  gw  gky , gLz  gz  g{ , g{  g| , g}  gD}  g}  gb~ , g~  g:  g , g  g  g  gʁ  g  gՂ  gd , g  gV  g  gB  g  g=  g8  gm  g  g  gً , g  g  g , g  gÐ  g  gԑ  g  g’  g  g  g!  g  gՕ  g  gy  g  gИ  g  g  gQ  g  gU  g  g7  g: , g  g)  g  g  g=  g  gl  g  gߤ  g1  g  g  g  g{  g<  g̩ , gC  g' , g  gĭ  g , g  g9  ga , gұ  g  gU B g=  g  g>  g  g  gc  g  g  g  g , g  gE  g  gJ  g7  g  g  g  g  g  g"  gb  g  g  g  g4  g  g  g , go  g  gF , g(  g~  g  g  g _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.a stone.a hobgoblin corpse.now have 88 gold pieces (gained 14). g} 3 g  g  g  g  g;  g  g , g/  gw  g , g  gP  g9  gh  g  g?  g  gO  g  g1  gg , g  g  g  g  ga  g8  g , g  g  g  g<  gf  g  gw  g  g  gd  g  g  g!  g  gO , g  g5  g , g  g  g? , g  g   g` , g  g  g'  gR  g  gE  gH  gt  g  g!  g>  gk  g  g  g5  gu  g  g  g  g  g_  g  g8  gp  g  g X g  g  g  g  gI  g , g   gZ  gH  g  g  gY  g!  gB!  g!  g#  g#  g#  g$  g9%  g!& , g&  g'  gn( , g(  g)  g*  g+  gw+  g,  g9-  g-  g-  g;/  g60  gd0  g0  g92  g2  g33  g3  g4  g5 , g6  g27  gi8  g8  g9  g:  g; , ga<  g=  g> , gn?  g@  g@  gA  g>A  gA  gIB , gB  g'C  gC , gC  guD  gD , g9E  gE  g.F , guF  gL  gM  gM  gEN  g7P  gQ  gSQ  gQ  gR  gS , goS  g3T  gT , gT  gU  gVV , g}V  g'W  g-X , g|X  gY  gZ  g [  g[  gB]  g@^  gt^  gJ_  g^` , g` , gfa  ga , gb  gb  gXc  gc , gLd  gd , g e  g%f  g7g  geg  gg  gi  gj  g5j  gj  g&l  g!m  gSm  gm  go  go , go  gp  gAq , gq  g>r  gr , gs  gs  gt , gZt  gt  gfu , gu  gOv  gv , g(w  gw  gVx , gx  g5y  gy , gy  g{  g| , g}  g~  g , g7  gA  g݂ , gp  g҄  gڅ , gj  gӇ  g , g  g׊  g , g  g  g̎ , gz  g  gK , g  gh R  There is a stone staircase leading down here. g  g^  _ g  g  g B g. x  #.##.##   #.##........#####  #.##.#####.......  ###.##.### #.###### gĥ  #........# #.# #  #.#......# #.#### #  #..>.....# #....# # #.#......# ####.### #.@......# #480.5 (138.0)  g #...###### ##.# #.### #.#  #. #.# #.  gO #.# #.  #. #. g #.# #.### #.#  g \##.## #.# gG  gB  g j _Key pressed, stopping explore. g'  g  g H _No target in view! gcf  gg  gg  gi  gj  gn | _ g7o  ghq  g r , gr  gs  gt  gt  gSu  gmv  gw , g!x  gy  gy  g z  gWz  g{  g| , g|  g~  g`  g  g5  g  g- , g  gʆ  gɇ  g  g  g0  g  g  g  gT  g , g  gJ  g , gG  gі  gH , g  g  g  gߝ  gr  gO  #.# ### #.# #.# ##.## #. #.# ##.#.## #.#  #.######.###.###.  gɥ  #.......## ##.....  #.######.###.####  #.# ##.#.##   #.# ##.##   gq 9 #@# #.#   #.# ######.####   #.............##   ##########.#...###  #..#>....  #.......#   ####.##.#   gۦ   ####.#   #.#  gI 395.5 (15.0) g ,6.5 (16 g  g ` _j - a scroll labelled KOOPTADINE g8  g  gF  gP H _No target in view! g 4 g  g H _No target in view! gA gB gB gD gE gAJ| _ gJ gJg<.# ##.#.##.######.###.##.......## ##......#.# ##.#.## .# ##.##  #.# #######.####............##8.5 (2.0)#########.#...### #..#>.... #.#  #..  gGhE _Done exploring. g  g Inventory: 10/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered) g c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking  j - a scroll labelled KOOPTADINE  gd Potions (go to first with !)  g - a glowing dark potion  h - a fizzy green potion  i - a purple potion gX8 6j - a scroll labelled KOOPTADINE. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  g 9  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”-Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g!g.gD #.# ##.#.## #.# Demonhunter247 the Trooper #.######.###.###.# Draconian #.......## ##..... Health: 40/40 ======================== gj#.######.###.##### Magic: 4/4======================== #.# ##.#.##AC: 6Str: 17 #.# ##.##EV: 11Int: 12 #.##.#SH: 0Dex: 10 #.########.####XL:  4 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 #@............##Noise: ---------  Time: 1498.5 (0.0) ##########.#...### d) +1 hand axe #..#>.... Throw: dart (atropa) #.......# Will/2  g_####.##.# ####.#  #.#  #.#  #..  _j - a scroll labelled KOOPTADINE _No target in view! _No target in view! g_Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled KOOPTADINE, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings.gg g +9.5 (1ggF% No target in view! _No target in view! _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled KOOPTADINE, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.g<2 #.# ##.#.## #.# Demonhunter247 the Trooper #.######.###.###.# Draconian #.......## ##..... Health: 40/40 ======================== #.######.###.##### Magic: 4/4======================== #.# ##.#.##AC: 6Str: 17 #.# ##.##EV: 11Int: 12 #.##.#SH: 0Dex: 10 #.########.####XL:  4 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 #@............##Noise: ---------  Time: 1499.5 (0.0) ##########.#...### d) +1 hand axe #..#g3>.... Throw: dart (atropa) #.......# Will/2  ####.##.# ####.#  #.#  #.#  #.. As you read the scroll labelled KOOPTADINE, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.  Throw: dart (atropa)Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - yougU<@.gu 5*.g 5*.g5*.g5*.gDC #.# ##.#.## #.# Demonhunter247 the Trooper #.######.###.###.# Draconian #.......## ##..... Health: 40/40 ======================== #.######.###.##### Magic: 4/4======================== #.# ##.#.##AC: 6Str: 17 #.# ##.##EV: 11Int: 12 #.##.#gEcSH: 0Dex: 10 #.########.####XL:  4 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 #@............##Noise: ---------  Time: 1499.5 (0.0) ##########.#...### d) +1 hand axe #..#>.... Throw: dart (atropa) #.......# Will/2  ####.##.# ####.#  #.#  #.#  #.. A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.  Throw: dart (atropa)Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight lineOkay, then.gSGgrMgNO. _gyg1Inventory: 9/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking Potions (go to first with !)  g - a glowing dark potion  h - a fizzy green potion  i - a purple potiongJgba #.# ##.#.## #.# Demonhunter247 the Trooper #.######.###.###.# Draconian #.......## ##..... Health: 40/40 ======================== #.######.###.##### Magic: 4/4======================== #.# ##.#.##AC: 6Str: 17 #.# ##.##EV: 11Int: 12 #.##.#SH: 0Dex: 10 #.########.####XL:  4 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 #@............##Noise: ---------  Time: 1499.5 (0.0) ##########.#...### d) +1 hand axe g@b#..#>.... Throw: dart (atropa) #.......# Will/2  ####.##.# ####.#  #.#  #.#  #.. A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.  Throw: dart (atropa)Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line _Okay, then.gfggg4.. _Done exploring.ggWhere to? (Tab - D:2, ? - help)  D - Dungeon g!g[?25h[?0c #.# ##.#.## #.# Demonhunter247 the Trooper g#.######.###.###.# Draconian #.......## ##..... Health: 40/40 ======================== #.######.###.##### Magic: 4/4======================== #.# ##.#.##AC: 6gޘStr: 17 #.# ##.##g'EV: 11Int: 12 #.##.#SH: 0gv Dex: 10 #.########.####XL:  4 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 g#@............##Noise: ---------  Time: 1499.5 (0.0) g##########.#...### d) +1 hand axe g#..#>.... Throw: dart (atropa) #.......# Will/2  ####.##.# ####.#  #.#  gšI#.#  #..gN Throw: dart (atropa)Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line _Okay, then. _Done exploring.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 2, ? - help) g[?25l[?1c3 _g,gngޑgԩ Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycle  Shift-Dir - straight lineOkay, then. _Done exploring.  There is a stone staircase leading down here.gҪg<% _g6giK3 _You climb downwards.  There is a stone staircase leading up here.gglU ## . #  .## #.#  #.# ..  ###.#.#  #..@..# 513.3 (13.8) #.....#  #.@......  gaM#.....####  ....... .....##.# @   Sigmund (wand, polearm, asleep) ###.### .# #. .# gg#g"\ _Sigmund is nearby!glV## .### ##.##.#... ###.#.# ..<.@............#####......... ......##.#.####.### .# # #. ...gqgC84.3 (1.0) _ggg{ @@)The helpless Sigmund fails to defend himself.32-----==5.5 (1.2 _You hit Sigmund but do no damage. Sigmund hits you with a +0 scythe!g/ 5  You hit Sigmund.gk 0-6.7gC ge 1 _Sigmund is lightly wounded.g%  You hit Sigmund.  Sigmund is moderately wounded.gB-7.9gg: _Sigmund hits you but does no damage.gB  You hit Sigmund. You tail-slap Sigmund.  Sigmund is heavily wounded.gT;*g   Sigmund mumbles some strange words.Sigmund flickers and vanishes!gT{3-----====9.1 _Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.gg}gg2H _No target in view!gPghRg Wg;YH _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!gu g%v g{ g} H _No target in view!g0gggH _No target in view!gga27---=---20.2 (1.1g gݺ _No target in view! _You hit something. Something hits you.g_---1.4 (1.2ggc _You barely miss something. Something hits you but does no damage.g 8  You miss something.gi  You hear a zap.  A puff of flame appears from out of thin air!g] gG ]8---=g 2.6g$ gh( D _The puff of flame hits you but does no damage.g# K-3.7 (1.1g g { _You slash something! Something hits you but does no damage.gU6--4.9 (1.2g8Zg[]o _You closely miss something. Something hits you.g97g[;=6.1gg 0 _You barely miss something.g%w1----7.3gZg.f _You hit something. Something hits you.gyK g.L [16-------8.5gQ gXS o _You closely miss something. Something hits you.g.7  You hit something.g5' gk6T)Reactivating autopickup.g;gA2Demonhunter247 the SneakDraconian##Health: 16/40 =========---------------.#Magic: 4/4========================.## ##.#AC: 6gB Str: 17#.#...EV: 11Int: 12###.#.#SH: 0Dex: 10#..<..#XL:  4 Next: 329% Place: Dungeon:3#..@..#Noise: =--------  Time: 1529.7 (1.2)#.)........d) +1 hand axe#.....#####g;Throw: dart (atropa).........Will/2 ......##.#.####.### .# ##. .#.. _You hit something. Something hits you. _You closely miss something. Something hits you.You hit something.  Reactivating autopickup. _You feel a bit more experienced.  Your Axes skill increases to level 3!g    Reactivating autopickup. _You feel a bit more experienced.  Your Axes skill increases to level 3! gb Your Stealth skill increases to level 4! have reached level 5!g1 /  --more--gU( g/ Demonhunter247 the SneakDraconian##Health: 19/46 =========---------------.#Magic: 5/5========================.## ##.#AC: 6Str: 17#.#...EV: 11Int: 12###.#.#SH: 0Dex: 10#..<..#XL:  5 Next: 123% Place: Dungeon:3#..@..#g0 0Noise: =--------  Time: 1529.7 (1.2)#.)........d) +1 hand axe#.....#####Throw: dart (atropa).........Will/2 ......##.#.####.### .# ##. .#..  You hit something.  Reactivating autopickup. _You feel a bit more experienced.  Your Axes skill increases to level 3!Your Stealth skill increases to level 4!You have reached level 5!g1 e  You have reached level 6!g; /  --more-- g22/52=6/676%  g  gY _Your scales feel tougher.!g^ ## .######.##.#... ###.#.# ..<.!gN...#####)@...........#####........... ........##.#...###...!g!g<-300 _!g)!g!gYM##  #.#####.# #.#...!g+##.#<..# .@..#####)........ #.....##### ........... !gJ........##.#...##...!g!g!-!g1!g!g!g  ## . # .#####.# #.#... ###.#.# #..<..# #.@...##### #.). #.....##### .... ........##.#... #####.### .# ##  #. .#  ..  ...!gU!g&2!gc!gH"g #M##  #.#####.# #.#...##.#<..# ....#####)........ #.....#####............#.."g*"g>+R3=3"g 1"g2"gA ## .######.##.#... ###.#.# ..<....#####)............#####Will/2 .#....."ghJ"gJ&4"gP"g"R"g ## .######.##.#... ###.#.# ..<....#####............#####...........# ..Will/2 ##.#"gD.."g"g['5"g'"g  _You feel your willpower return.j - a wand of flame (25)  Things that are here:"g =4="g $6.7 (2"g "guL _a +0 scythe; a +0 robe%gN:%g?Drop what?10/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (select all with () %g?s b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (select all with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Wands (select all with /)%g?j - a wand of flame (25) Scrolls (select all with ?)  f - a scroll of blinking %g@Potions (select all with !)  g - a glowing dark potion %g5@9 h - a fizzy green potion  i - a purple potion %gR@[Up|Down] select[Esc] exit %g@Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]%gO(1 turn)  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)  j + a wand of flame (25)%gJOf[Enter] accept (1 chosen)%g@f%gtDemonhunter247 the Sneak##Draconian.#Health: 24/52 ===========-------------.#####.#Magic: 6/6========================#.#...AC: 7Str: 17###.#.#EV: 11Int: 12#..<..#SH: 0Dex: 10#.....#####XL:  6 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:3#.@........Noise: ---------  Time: 1536.7 (0.0)%gu#.....#####d) +1 hand axe...........#Throw: dart (atropa)........##.#...#####.### .# ###. .#.....  You have reached level 6! _Your scales feel tougher. _You feel your willpower return.j - a wand of flame (25)  Things that are here: _a +0 scythe; a +0 robe%gu+7.7 (1%g2z%g'}4 _You drop a wand of flame (25).&gC I&gSF ,&g,J B&gK &guL &gL 95&gmM &gN &gN &gO &gQ &g(Q &gQ &g_T ,&gT &g}V i6=&g"W &gX ,&gY &gE[ ,&g\ &g] a7=&g ^ &g_ &g_ &gJ` &ga ,&gb &gXd &gd &g#e &gf &gDg 98&gg &gri ,&gi &gRk &g|k &gl &gm &gm S9=&gn &gp &g-p &gp &gBr &glr &gat &g/u ,&gu &gw b30=&gx &gz ,&g5{ &g?} ,&g} &gb &g S1=&g^ &g &g &g &gʄ ,&gB &g݆ ,&gl &g &g K2=&g &g ,&g &g3 ,&gԎ &g E3=&g˜ &g$ K4=&gӝ &g\ ,&g9 &gO &g{ &g &g &g &g &g &g S5=&g &g% ,&gʨ &g ,&g &gn a6=&g &gW ,&gذ &gd ,&gT &gP B&g &g N37=&g &gD ,&g &g &g &gx &g 8=&g ,&g &g &gR &g X&g &g K9=&gs &g ,&g &gT ,&g &g ,&g &gK &g V40=&gf &g &g &g &g &g@ &g &g ;1&gI &g ,&gn &g &g1 &g &g9 &gk &g# &g &g K2=&g &go ,&g &g ,&g &g k3=&g &g ,&g &g &g9 &g &g ,&g &gI 94&g (=&g` &g ,&g &g &g7 &gM &g 5=&g &g &g &gZ &g\ &g &g/ &gT &g 56=&g &gP &gb &g &gf &g ,&g5! &g-# &g\# &g# &g% &g% #7&g& 2=&g& &g( &g4) &g) &g+ ,&g, &g/ &g/ D8=&g 1 &g2 ,&g3 &g5 ,&gV6 &g$8 &g[8 &g8 &g: &gL; U9=&gD< &g= &g.> &g@? &g@ &g*A &gA &gC &grD &gD E50=&gE &gG &gIG &g.H &gJ ,&gJ &gL &g3M &gN &gP &gP U1=&gQ &gwS &gS &gAT &gV &gRV &gV &g\ _ _You start resting.&g]a 1635.7 (98.0)&gb Z2=6.7 (99&ge &gh " _HP restored.'gI'gަ'g'gȬB'g,'gA'g'g'g 'g'gö'g'g69='g'g'g'g'gJ'g'g,'g7'g'gz'g'gF'gX'gy'gB'g'ge'g'g'g'gJ. ##..  .##g .#####.#'g3#. #.#.... ###.#.###.## #..<..#'gXc.####...######.....#####.......@....##./.........####...###.##.....#####'gy ##.## #...........# #.........'g..##.#... ...#######.### .# ##'g}. #.# .#J   endoplasm (asleep)#....g   hobgoblin (asleep). 'g:.....#####'g-46.7 (10'g,7.7 (11'g'gxl _A hobgoblin and an endoplasm come into view.(gE. J## .. g.#####.# #.#... #. ###.# ##.## #..<..# .####..@######.....#####(g ...........##./.........####...###.##.....#######.## #.....# #...........##.#......#######.### .# ## .##.# .#(g;#. .... .. .....(g(gG18.7 (1.0)(ge(g(g.# ..#  J.## ##  ...(g6 . # #g. .#####.# #.# #.#...(gX* #.# ###.#.# ##@## #..<..# (gu .####...######.....#### ............##./.......(g.####...###.##.....#####.## #...........#(g\ #...........##.#..(g­K ...#######.### .# # .#.# #.# .#(gǮH #... (gӷ(g7&9(g`(gE(g( g#.#.#..# J.### ## .... g.(g( o.#####.# #.#... #@# ###.# ##.## #..<..# (g) P####...######.....####...........##./........####...###.##.....#####.## #.....#(gL) ; #...........##.#....#######.#### # .#.# #.# .#(gt) (g, (g.4 f.gg(g6 '50(g: (g7= (g H  You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage.You tail-slap the hobgoblin, but do no damage.1-=1.8 (1.1 _The hobgoblin hits you.(grb   You hit the hobgoblin. Your tail-slap misses the hobgoblin. .JJ The hobgoblin is severely wounded.2.9 _The hobgoblin misses you.(g =  You slash the hobgoblin!(g (gE =.J.(g (4.0(g (g M _You kill the hobgoblin!)g'  #.#.#..# #..#########)gD( ......... . J..S.... .#####.# #.#... #.# ###.# ##.## #..<..# ####...######.....####...........##./........####...###.##.....#####.## #.....# S   ball python (constriction, asleep) #...........##.#....#######.#### #)g1  A ball python comes into view.The ball python hisses angrily.  The endoplasm freezes you.)g8xS.S))g}9n49--=50)gA)gKC% _You are frozen.)g;  You hit the endoplasm.)g)gU .S.S   ball python (constriction)  You kill the endoplasm!The ball python bites you. The ball python grabs you.)gr7-- 1 3-6.1 (1.1Constr )g)gM_ _The ball python constricts you.)g@  You closely miss the ball python. Your tail-slap misses the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.)gGX-7.2)gI_ _The ball python constricts you.)go"  You hit the ball python. Your tail-slap misses the ball python.The ball python is severely wounded.The ball python bites you but does no damage.)gV8=8.3)g )g_ _The ball python constricts you.)ge  You barely miss the ball python. Your tail-slap misses the ball python.The ball python is severely wounded.9.4)gj)g,m _The ball python barely misses you. The ball python constricts you.)g _The ball python barely misses you. The ball python constricts you.You barely miss the ball python.  is severely wounded.The ball python bites you but does no damage.constricts you.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.)g{6-60.6 (1.2 _The ball python constricts you.)g =  You hit the ball python.)g $†)g )g_ )g )g7 )gl )g" )g{ 7)g -)gɟ 11 )g 1.8)g )g )gz  )g )gI +_You kill the ball python!)g )g )g& )gu )g` )g  )g= )gy :_No target in view!)gϛ )g> )g )g H _No target in view!)g+4)g0)g2H _No target in view!*g3 _No target in view!*gE4*g9*gH _No target in view!*g*g*g*g*gM$ _*g*g*ga8=*g*g*gB,*g(,*g*g*g@#9*g2=*g2*g,*g&*gB*g,*g!*g*g1L50=*g*g,*g*g,*g u*g N1=*g *gy,*g*g,*g*g9*go#2*g(=*gG*g*g),*gk*gn*g,*g` *g$ _No target in view! _ You see here a ball python corpse.*gp. _=*g.*g)1,*g 2*g4*gy6*g6*g7*gU:*g@A ### ..# #.##### ##.#####... ...# #..... #..#  ##.....###..######### >!.....@............. -85.8 (24.0)##...$.####.†........####..... #.#########.#.*gA(###.## #.# ###.#. #. ##.## #..< # .####...######.................##./....####...###.##... ##.## #........*gI\-6.8 (25*gO*gU; _Found a stone staircase leading down.*gLJ*gNH _No target in view!*gr *g׃ *g *gH H _No target in view!*g *g( *gH*gH _No target in view!+gN+g1O+gU+gWH _No target in view!+g+g+g{+g~H _No target in view!+g!z+gz+gx+gC _No target in view!+gnr+gr+gs+g?v+gx+g|P _+g&~+gf~+g++gׁ+g+g+gK _You now have 101 gold pieces (gained 13).+gO3+g+g+g?+g+g+g|+gg+g+g+g+g4,+g+gc ### ..# #.# #######.## ###........# # #.....# #..# #.##.....###..###### #.>@......... ####.....####.†..... #.....# #.###### ###.### #.# #.# ##.## #..####...##### ##............# .####...###.# ##.## #93.8 (7.0)4.8 (8 _j - a silvery potion+gI +g +g+ +g +g +g +g* h  There is a stone staircase leading down here.+g +gM  _+g +g +g ,+g +g +gi B+g +g ,+gN +g] +g +g1 ,+g +g +g +g +gB +g! +gV ,+g +g +g ,+g +gf +gH ,+g +g +g7 ,+g +gK +g ,+ga +g +g# ,+g +g6 +g +g> ,+g! +g[] +g] ,+g ` +ga ,+gb +gf +gh ,+gbi +g9l +gm ,+gn +gp +gr ,+g!s +gu +gv ,+gw +gy +g{ ,+g{ +g} +gk +g +gJ +g +g +g +g΄ +gc +g +gI +g9 ,+g +g +g6 #.# #######.###.####........# #.##.....###..# #.##.....###..##########.>....................####.....####.†........#.....# #.############.### #.#  #@# ##.## # #..####...########............##./ .####...###.##...# ##.## #....... #.......... o   orc (asleep)#. ...#######.#o. .#.# #... ...+g 1723.8 (29.0)+gB voo.+g ,4.8 (30+gh +g r _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.,gs%#.####........# #.##.....###..# #.##.....###..##########.>.................... ####.....####.†# #.....# #.############.### #.# ###. #.## ##.## #..<#.@####...######.##............##./.####...###.##...#.# ##.## #....#.. #.......#o ...#######.### .. .#.# #.##.#... .... .. ..,gjw,gmo.5.8 (1.0),g,gƊ,g s.....###########>....................###.....####.†# #.....# #.#########.,g ##.##  #.## ##.## #..<.####...######...##@...........##./ #.####...###.##.. ##.## #...o. #......#. ...#######.### .. .#.# #.# ,go #.#... ... .. ..... ####,gN ,g <o.,g ,g 6,g ,g ,g########>....................###.....####.†# #.....# #.#########.##.##  #.## ##.## #..<#..####...######...##............##./ #@####...###.##..o# ##.## #..... #......#.. ...#######.### ..#.#.# ,g-# #.#... ... .. .....#. #### ,g(,g).=7,gv.,g2: _The orc hits you but does no damage.-go  You hit the orc.  The orc is heavily wounded.-g?p-9.0 (1.2-gtv-g:yP _The orc barely misses you.-g  You hit the orc but do no damage.You tail-slap the orc, but do no damage.The orc is heavily wounded.-g6.30.1 (1.1-g-g P _The orc barely misses you.-g  You hit the orc.  The orc is heavily wounded.-g(1.2-g-gQ _The orc closely misses you.-g]  You barely miss the orc.The orc is heavily wounded.-g-2.4 (1.2-g-g _The orc barely misses you. The orc closely misses you.-g  You barely miss the orc.The orc is heavily wounded.3.6-gt-gP _The orc barely misses you.-gl; 7  You slash the orc!-gD D)-gzG 544.7 (1.1-g;N -gP G _You kill the orc!-g! -gƿ -gl -g H _No target in view!-g[ -g[ -gb -g[e H _No target in view!-g -g -g -g H _No target in view!.g@4.gD.gFH _No target in view!.g 3.g0.g.ga8 >....................###.....####.†#  #.#########.##.##  #.## ##.## #..<#..####...######...#............##./ #.####...###.##.. ##.## #....g0.0.....#......#......#######.#### ..#.#.#....#.#)..g.g~3-5.7 (1.g.g  _No target in view _No target in view! _Found a hand axe.  Things that are here:a +0 flail; a +0 chain mail; an orc corpse.g?N-.gķ.gH _No target in view!.gF .g .g .g3 H _No target in view!.g'o .go .gu .gx H _No target in view!.g 3.g .g .g~ .g5 P _.g .g .gH ,.g .g .g 5 ####./... #.####...###.##..... #)#####.## #.......##.....#...........###.#......#######.### ##...#.#.### #.# #.#.#...... ... #.......... ..... ###@#..#### ##### #).# .g% Y#.# .#.  #.# ..#.# ?#... $ r   rat (asleep).....r.gd ,43.7 (8.g +4.7 (9.gb .g V _A rat comes into view..gGm P #.####...###.##..#)#####.## #...##.....#.....###.#......#######.### #...#.#.### #.#  #.#.#...... ...#.......... .....###.#..#### ##### #@#).# .gm .#. .. ?#... $ r......g"s .g{ Yrr..gz| 4==5.7 (1.g .g - _The rat squeaks loudly./gi)#####.## #...##.....#...../gi###.#......#######.### #...#.#.### #.# /gj #.#.#...... .............##.#..#### ##### #.#).#  .#. ../g0j ?#... $r./g_jH..........#....../g+m/ggn/gy2r.K   kobold (missile, wandering)r   ratK/gy/--6/gO/g s _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip./g##.....#.....##.#......#######.### #...#.#.### #.#  #.#.#...... ....../gXG.....##.#..#### ##### #.#).#  .#. ../gx ?#.r. $/gV#.................#/g#K.....#.###...#/g/g/g lr.K./g A--7/g/g/gPg7  The kobold shouts!/gnpK.K)/gp7===8.8 (1.1/gx/g{} _You hit the rat but do no damage. The rat bites you but does no damage./g/gs :K./g 1--9.9/g /g _You barely miss the rat. The rat completely misses you./g< L  You hit the rat. You tail-slap the rat./g †  You kill the rat!/g A((/gV †.--51.0/gE` /g?b W _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage./g7 .#......#######.### #...#.#.### #.#  #.#.#...... ...........##.#..#### ##### #.#).#  .#. .. ?##........#..$#...#K...©#WZ.#.#. ......#..... .#.W#/g O#. .#.#W   phantom (dormant). >..###...# .W   AsoRock's ghost (dormant)...∩ ...#©Z   centaur zombie (dormant)K   kobold (missile)/g f  Found Avam's General Store. Found a stone staircase leading down./gh& /g+ K.W.W/g+ 4-20/g5 /ge: _Found two transporters. _You see here a rat corpse./g :  You slash the kobold!/gw ,/g3 )...#Z.W.Z /g =5=3.1 (1.1/g ` _You kill the kobold!/g3/g.4/gf;/gN>R _No reachable target in view!0gH40gG0gR _No reachable target in view!0g_0g0gK0g"R _No reachable target in view!0g^0gǭ0g۵0gR _No reachable target in view!0g;0g;0gD0gHR _No reachable target in view!0g40g0g6J _No reachable target in view!0gb 0g&c 0g8l 0gTo 0gS 0g\ 0g& 0g 0gz 40g 0g{ 0g40g0gc 1gg1g h1gp1gs1g1g1g1gW1gP31gT1gY1g_1g_$ _1g^d1gjX _ Things that are here:  a +0 whip; a stone1gr1gor _1gu1gz1gu,1gX1g@1g1g|,1g1g՗o _AsoRock's ghost ripples.1g1g1g1g1gx1g1g},1gx1g1g:,1g1g{1g Welcome to Avam's General Store! What would you like to do?  a -  11 gold a +0 club 1g b -  136 gold a +1 falchion of freezingc -  33 gold a +0 hand axe  d -  22 gold a +0 leather armour  e -  22 gold a +0 leather armour  f -  110 gold 2 potions of heal wounds (unknown)g -  44 gold a potion of might (unknown)  h -  275 gold a ring of fire (unknown)  i -  7 gold a +0 robe 1g j -  44 gold a scroll of fog (unknown) You have 101 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-j] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-J] put item on shopping list5g  a -  11 gold a +0 club  c - d - e - 5g0( f +  110 gold 2 potions of heal wounds (unknown)g - i -  j -  You are short 9 gold pieces for the purchase.[Enter] buy marked items6gXBa - c - d - e - 6gX}f - g - i - j - 7gӫf $  You are short 9 gold pieces for the purchase.[Enter] buy shopping list:gRng $ 53 gold pieces for the purchase.;ga Qj $ 97=g=g=g #.#..#..Demonhunter247 the Sneak#####†#..#.?#Draconian##....)...#..$=g HHealth: 52/52 ========================##...#....©#Z..Magic: 6/6=g ========================#.#.#......#W..=g: [AC: 7Str: 17=gR #..........#..#EV: 11=gj Int: 12###.#.#......# .#=g [SH: 0Dex: 10=g #...>..###...#. .=g XL:  6 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:3#.....@# ...#©.Noise: ---------  Time: 1760.1 (7.0)=g ♣♣♣.##.# ...###d) +1 hand axe=gi ♣. ##. .....Throw: dart (atropa)♣ #. ......#.## _No reachable target in view! =g X_No reachable target in view!  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; a stone =g _AsoRock's ghost ripples.There is an entrance to Avam's General Store here.=g=g=gL _No reachable target in view!  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; a stone _AsoRock's ghost ripples.  There is an entrance to Avam's General Store here. _You can access your shopping list by pressing '$'.>g&>g'>g'>g,>g/>gz3P _>g26,>g6>g9>g<>gS<>g<>g>>g&A,>gA>g0E>gG>gH>g I>gI>gL>gP>gQ>g>T>gT>gU>gY>g\>g_>g@`>g=b,>g\e>gg>g5k>gpl>gn,>go>g>s>gu>g%v>gv>gx>gW{>g{>gT|>g}>gt,>g>gV>gP,>g>g>g,>gP>g>g>g9>g>g|>g,>g>g>gL,>gݘ>g>g,>g>gs>gf>g>g>g>gR>gɥ>gS>g֧>gw>g>gH>gǬ>g,>gl>g0>g,>gw>g(>g,>g,>g:>g,>gC>g>gM,>g>g>gy>g>g0>g>gB>g >g[,>g>g$>g],>gV>g>g♣♣♣.##.###...######♣∩♣.###............ ♣.♣.# ##.#.........>g4 ♣.♣.# #...#.####.# ♣.♣.# #..##.###♣.♣.# #..##.# #.....# #..##.# #..####..##.#>g5 #@..........#####.89.1 (29.0) >gz#.#####........... ### ####...######. #......# #####..#>g #..# #..# #..##..#>g>g+-90.1 (30>g$>gL; _Found Zeypne's Magic Scroll Boutique.?g??g@?g@?glB?gD,?goH,?gPI?g}I?gI?gK?g;M,?gM?g O?g9Q,?g{Q?gR?gOT,?gT?gV?gX,?g5Y?gsZ?g8\,?g\?gfc?g&mMWelcome to Zeypne's Magic Scroll Boutique! What would you like to do?  a -  48 gold a scroll of amnesiab -  270 gold 3 scrolls of enchant weapon  c -  48 gold a scroll of fog (unknown)d -  24 gold a scroll of identify (unknown)  e -  48 gold a scroll of immolation (unknown) ?gm f -  48 gold a scroll of immolation (unknown)  g -  12 gold a scroll of noise (unknown)  h -  48 gold a scroll of poison (unknown)i -  90 gold a scroll of revelation  j -  114 gold a scroll of summoning (unknown)  k -  36 gold a scroll of teleportation (unknown) You have 101 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-k] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)?gn[A-K] put item on shopping listBg! b $  You are short 169 gold pieces for the purchase.[Enter] buy shopping listFg?Rj $ 283HgtRk $ 319IgiQi $ 40Jg< Pd $ 33Lg?qPc $ 81PgePghmPg>t ##....)...#..$ Demonhunter247 the Sneak  Pgt##...#....©#.... Draconian  #.#.#......#W... Health: 52/52 ========================  #..........#Z.# Magic: 6/6======================== Pgt ###.#.#......#W.# AC: 7Str: 17  Pgt#...>..###...#W.. EV: 11Int: 12  Pg#u#.....∩# #...#©.SH: 0Dex: 10  Pgu♣♣♣.##.###...##### XL:  6 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:3  ♣@♣.###........... Noise: ---------  Time: 1797.1 (7.0)  ♣.♣.# ##.#........ d) +1 hand axe  ♣.♣.# #...#.####. Throw: dart (atropa)  Pgu♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##♣.♣.# #..##.#  Pg v#.....# #..##.#  #..##..####..##.#Pg5v  #..# #...........#####  Pg`v #.# #.#####..........  _a +0 whip; a stone Pgv_AsoRock's ghost ripples.There is an entrance to Avam's General Store here. Pgv_You can access your shopping list by pressing '$'. _Found Zeypne's Magic Scroll Boutique.  There is an entrance to Zeypne's Magic Scroll Boutique here.Pg{Pg}Pg _AsoRock's ghost ripples.  There is an entrance to Avam's General Store here _You can access your shopping list by pressing '$'. _Found Zeypne's Magic Scroll Boutique.  There is an entrance to Zeypne's Magic Scroll Boutique here. _You can access your shopping list by pressing '$'.Qgc IQgO Qg( Qg P _Qgn ,QgΩ Qgë Qgۭ ,Qgf Qg} QgZ BQg Qg ,Qg Qg Qg Qg BQg   ♣.♣.# ##.#....   ♣.♣.# #...#.#   ♣.♣.# #..##.#  #♣.♣.# #..##.#   ##.....# #..##.#  ##..##..####..##.#  #..###...........#  #.## #.#####......  #@# ### ####...##  #.# #  #.. #####..#  #..≈ #..#   #..≈§ #..#   ##.≈≈≈ #..# b   bat (asQgB leep)   ..§§b #..#  #$§... #... ##.# 809.1 (12.0) _A bat comes into view.Rg) ) ♣.♣.#  ♣.♣.#  ♣.♣.#  ##♣.♣.#  ##.....#  ##.. #.. #.##  #@# ###  #.#   #..   Rg #..≈ #..#  #..≈§ #..#  ##.≈≈≈ #..#  ..§§b #..#  #$§... #... Rg ' ##.# Rg[ 0♣.♣.# ♣.♣.# ♣.♣.#  ##♣.♣.#  ##.....#  ##.. #.. #.##  #@# ### Rg[ \ #.#   #..   #..≈  #..≈§  ##.≈≈≈ #..#  ..§§b Rg[ #$§... RgWc Rgc Rgi Rg(m Z _A bat is nearby!Tg4Tg TgR _No reachable target in view!Tg4TgD TgR _No reachable target in view!Tgf TgӼ Tgs Tg% R _No reachable target in view!Ugm _No reachable target in view!Ug&Ug&Ug;,Ug70R _No reachable target in view!Ug4Ug޾Ug*No reachable target in view!Ug L4Ug3RUgUUg .♣.# #...#.#.♣###♣.♣##....##..##..###..###...........## #.#####......Ug\ .# ### ####...## #......# .§≈§ #####≈§§ §≈≈#.≈≈≈≈§ ..§§b..Ug #$§...⌠. ###### ##.#Ug .§≈≈§§§§≈§§§§b.§.Ug $10Ug6 .0) _Ug UgL Vg^Vg _VgeVgh5 __VgVVgVgVg5 __Vgk#####....##..##..###..###..........## #.#####...... #########...##..S..⌠#......# ..§§ #####≈≈≈§≈. Vg*§≈§§§#.≈≈≈§≈§ .§§§b.#$....⌠. S   adder (asleep) ###### ##.# b   bat (asleep)Vg≈≈≈..§≈§≈§§§§≈§≈§≈≈§§≈.§§b.§...⌠##### __ An adder comes into view.Vg#&1VgCVg(7 _Found Ife Fome's Armour Boutique.Vgx  ♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##.....# #..##.#  ##..##..####..##.#  #..###.# Vgiy C#.## #.#####. #.###...# #.#..S..⌠#......#  #.@.≈≈≈..#####..#  #.§≈§≈§§.# #..#  Vgy #.§§≈§≈§§ #..#  ##§≈§§ .Vgy  #$§...⌠ #...  Vg z o###### ##.#   Vg §.≈§≈§§§≈≈≈≈§≈§≈≈b.§§§§.⌠########Vg &2Vgr Vg׎ WgP ♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##.....# #..##.#  ##..##..####..##.#  #..###.# #.## #.#####.Wg{P #.#####...# #.#..S..⌠#......#  #.§@≈≈≈..#####..#  WgPT#§.≈§≈§§§# #..#  #.§≈≈≈≈§§ #..# WgP~ .§≈≈b.§# WgQ##§§§§.⌠# #...  Wg>Q####### ##.#   WgZh.@≈§≈§.#..§≈≈§§§#§§§§≈≈§≈≈≈.#.§≈≈b§.WgvZq##§§...#####WgZ&3Wg`WgeWg$J ♣.♣.# #...#.####  ♣.♣.# #..##.#  ♣.♣.# #..##.#  Wg...# #..##.#  ##..##..####..##.#  #..###...........#### #.## #.#####......... #.###########...##### Wgn#.#.@S..⌠#......#  #..§≈§≈§§#####..#  Wg]#..§≈≈§§.# #..#  #.§§§§§≈§ ##§≈§≈≈≈.# Wgt..≈≈b§.# #..#  ##$§...⌠# #... Wg ######## ##.# Wgs)§§≈.#..≈≈#..≈≈b.....#####Wg4&4WgtWgWg_3 S§..§≈≈.≈≈§§≈.#≈≈§≈≈Wg`§≈.#b..#S  ##$....#The helpless adder fails to defend itself.  You slash the adder!  The adder is heavily wounded.Wg^a%=Wga5.2 (1.1WggWg%jR _The adder barely misses you.Wg9  You slash the adder!Wg&..≈≈≈..§§≈§≈≈≈∩≈≈≈≈≈bb   bat (asleep)....####Wg 586.4 (1.2Wg Wgy I _You kill the adder!Wg0} 4Wg Wg R _No reachable target in view!Wg Wg Wg Wg4 R _No reachable target in view!WgԦ  _No reachable target in view!Wg)Wg)Wg/Wg2R _No reachable target in view!Xgtz4XgXgIR _No reachable target in view!XgC ♣.♣.# #...#.####.   ♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##.....# #..##.#  ##..##..####..##.# XgrD7 #..###.#   #.## #.#####.   #.####...#   #.#..@..⌠#......#  #...≈≈≈..#####..#  XgD#..≈§§≈≈.# #..#  ##.≈XgD #..≈≈b..# #..#  ##$.XgEM # XgiNX≈≈≈#Xg4O;-70 _Xg*UXgWXg#  ♣.♣.# #...#.####.# ♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##♣.♣.# #..##.#  ##.....# #..##.#  ##..##..####..##.#  #..###.#####. #.## #.#####. #.####...######. #.#...@.⌠#......#  #...≈≈≈..#####..#  #..≈≈≈≈≈.# #..#   Xgټ  #..≈≈b..# #..#   Xg §§§§§§≈≈≈≈b.....⌠######-8Xg#4Xg$Xgn'I _No reachable target in view! Xg'6__NoYg Ygm YgYg]< __NoYg♣.♣.# #...#.####.#.♣.♣.# #..##.# ##♣.♣.# #..##.# ##.....# #..##.# ##..##..####..##.# #..###.#####.#.## #.#####.#.####...######.##.#....@⌠#......# #...≈≈≈..#####..# #..≈≈§§§.# #..# #..≈##$....⌠########Yge§§≈≈≈..##Yg$9 Yg _YgFYgYg ♣.♣.# #...#.####.#. ♣.♣.# #..##.# ##♣.♣.# #..##.# ##.....# #..##.# ##..##..####..##.# #..###.#####.#.## #.#####.#.####...######.##.#.....@#......# #...≈≈§§.#####..# #..≈≈§§§.# #..# ###.≈≈≈≈≈#..≈≈b..# #..# b   bat (asleep)##$....######Yg? N§≈Ygԯ '20Yg& Yg __No __There is a fountain of sparkling water here.Zg G##.# ####....##..##..###..###...........#####...## #.#####..........###########...######.##ZgG}.....⌠#......# ..§≈§§@#####..≈≈§≈§.# ..≈≈§§§∩#.≈≈≈≈≈. #..≈≈b.#$....⌠.ZgG ######## ##.# ZgR0§≈...≈≈..≈≈≈≈#.≈≈≈#..§##ZgS-1 _Zg%ZZg_ZgQ####....##..##..###..###...........#####...## #.#####..........###########...######.##.....⌠#......# ..§§≈..#####≈≈§≈§@# Zg ≈≈§∩#.≈≈≈≈≈. #..§≈b.#$....⌠. ######## ##.# ZgX&.§.§≈§§≈≈≈≈§§≈≈≈Zg&&2Zg,Zg/Zg]##....##..##..###..###...........#####...## #.#####..........###########...######.##.#.....⌠#......# .§.§≈≈..#####.§§≈≈≈≈.# .§§#.≈≈≈≈≈. #..§≈b.#$....⌠. ######## ##.#Zgc^§§≈§Zgd&3Zg:kZg_on _There is an entrance to Ife Fome's Armour Boutique here.[gw` [ga Welcome to Ife Fome's Armour Boutique! What would you like to do?  a -  45 gold a +0 cloak [gb 4 b -  20 gold a +0 leather armour  c -  20 gold a +0 leather armour  d -  20 gold a +0 leather armour  e -  40 gold a +0 ring mail  f -  40 gold a +0 ring mail  g -  40 gold a +0 scale mail You have 101 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-g] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-G] put item on shopping list]go"]g)]g}10##.....# #..##.#Demonhunter247 the Sneak##..##..####..##.#Draconian#..###...........#####... Health: 52/52 ========================#.## #.#####............. Magic: 6/6]g1========================#.###########...######.## AC: 7Str: 17#.#.§§..⌠#......#EV: 11Int: 12]g1#.§.≈≈≈..#####..#SH: 0Dex: 10]g2#.§§§≈≈≈.# #..#XL:  6 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:3]gK2~#..§§≈≈≈@# #..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1823.4 (0.0)##.≈≈≈≈≈.# #..#]go2d) +1 hand axe#..§≈b..# #..#]g2Throw: dart (atropa)##$....⌠# #...######## ##.#b   bat (asleep) _No reachable target in view! _No reachable target in view! ]gS3_No target in view! _No target in view! _There is a fountain of sparkling water here. _There is an entrance to Ife Fome's Armour Boutique here.]gl9]g9]g??]gA]g0 ##..##..###..###...........#####...## #.#####..........###########...######.##.§§..⌠#......# .§.≈≈≈..#####.§§§≈≈≈.# ..§§≈≈≈∩#.≈≈ #..§≈b.]g0 #$....⌠. ######## ##.# ]g: #....§§§§§]g; 24.4 (1 _]gCD ]gG ]g` ..###...........#####...## #.#####..........##########...######.###.....⌠#......# §.§§≈..#####≈§§≈≈.# ..§§§≈≈∩#.≈§≈≈≈. #..§≈b.#$....⌠. ######## ##.# ]g  s#.≈.§§§§§§§≈]g &5]g ]ge! ^gP #..###.##### #.## #.##### #.###########...######. #.#.....⌠#......# #.§.§§≈..#####..# #.§≈§§≈≈.# #..# #..§§§§§∩# #..# ##.≈§§§≈.# #..# #..≈≈b@.# #..# ##$....⌠# #... ^gO# ##.#^gGX##..§§≈≈^g&6^g^gg^gWe  The helpless bat fails to defend itself.  You hit the bat.^g_#.####.#..#...≈≈#..§≈≈#..§≈≈≈§≈≈≈#..§≈§^g_(# ^gc597.6 (1.2^g~h^glG _You kill the bat!^g" ^g" ^g( ^g* T _Why would you want to do that?^g]> 4^g"@ ^gC T _Why would you want to do that?_g0_g_g_g_gu_gP __g?,_g-_g9_g_g_g_g_gn_g__gM _You now have 107 gold pieces (gained 6)._g3_g_gH_g|,_g*_g7_g_g _g_gR_gc,_g_g_g,_g_g_g,_g:_g]_g,_g_g_g_g_g_g_g_g_ga_g_g_g_g/_g_g],_g_g_g_g_g3_gQ_gl,_g!_g_gp,_g_g_g,_g _g>_g9,_g_g_g_g/_g_gg_g ,_ga _g _g%,_g_gq_g,_gl_g_g,_g_g_g,_g_g_g_g_gg _g"_g#,_g$_g2%_g]',_g'_g)_g*,_g+_g+_g -_gA-_g-_gj/_g1,_gh2_gC4_gE6,_g6_gB_g{FX_gXLX_gL_gPB_gcQ_gR_gdS,_gUU_g W_g;W_gW_g Y_gZ_g6[_g[_g\_g^,_gr__g`_gb,_gc_gd_gf_g4g_gXg_gh_gk_gMk_gk_g5m_g3o_g>p,_ghq_gs,_ght_gIv_gw,_gw_gBy_g0{,_g9|_g.}_g,_g_g_g-,_g%_gN_gQ-.# #..##.# .# #..##.# #.# .# #..##.# #.# .####..##.# #.## ..........#####... #####............. ######...######.## # .⌠#......# #.####.... _g'..#####..# #.@$....# 80.6 (53.0) §.# #..# #.####...> ≈∩# #..# #.# .# ≈.# #..# #.####..# ..# #..######.^....# .⌠# #............##.# _gF### ##.##.######.....#.#.#.#########.#..###........_gB1.6 (54_gb_gJ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.`g`g$`g # #..##.# # #..##.# #.# # #..##.# #.# ####..##.# #.## `g+.........#####... ..... ...######.## ## ⌠#......# #.####....######..# #..@....# .# #..# #.####...># ∩# #..# #.# .# .# #..# #. .# #..######. ⌠# #......... ##.##.#####.#.#.#..###.`g 2.6 (1.0)  You now have enough gold to buy 2 potions of heal wounds on this level, or buy  `g)]a scroll of summoning on this level.  You can access your shopping list by pressing '$'.`g{+3.6 (2`g `gU? _You now have 123 gold pieces (gained 16).`gP`gQ`gU`gYH _No target in view!ag-9ag!:ag>agAH _No target in view!agag3aguaglag _agPagU,agagagY,agagag,agagWagh,agBagag,ag'agag,ag`agagagagag(ag ag@agagag(,ag2ag  #.# #.#  #.####.# ### ####....... ..# ..........# #. ####.## #.#####.#  #.####....##.#  #.......#....# #  #.####...>#..##.##.#  #.# #.#.#ag .#  #.####..#.##......... ####.^....###..................##.#..####.##########.......# ## ag #.#########.#.......... #.######### .##ag094.6 (11.0)ag,5.6 (12agagb _k - a scroll labelled UMIVYM FIZIFag4agagjH _No target in view!bg@4bgHbgH _No target in view!bg#..##.##.#XL:  6 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:3#.# #.#.##..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1895.6 (0.0)#.####..#.##.........d) +1 hand axe ####.^eg %....###...........Throw: dart (atropa) ........##.#..####.##### .######.......# ## #.#########.# ##.......... #.######### .## _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view!  As you read the scroll labelled UMIVYM FIZIF, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. #.# #.#Demonhunter247 the Sneak#.####.# ###Draconian ####....... ..#Health: 52/52 ======================== ..........# #.#Magic: 6/6======================== ####.## #.#####.#AC: 7Str: 17#.####....##.#EV: 11Int: 12#.......#....#gv&0m #SH: 0Dex: 10#.####...>#..##.##.#XL:  6 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:3#.# #.#.##..@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1895.6 (0.0)#.####..#.##.........d) +1 hand axe ####.^....###...........Throw: dart (atropa) ........##.#..####.##### .######.......# ## #.#########.# ##.......... #.######### .## _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view!  As you read the scroll labelled UMIVYM FIZIF, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify.eg&+eg++6.6 (1eg_0eg2t  As you read the scroll labelled UMIVYM FIZIF, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. eg2N_g - a potion of degenerationeg eg6 eg eg  eg, eg Xeg7 egh egd eg2 ,eg eg eg ,eg egB eg ,eg eg eg0 ,eg eg egU! eg=# eg# egO% eg. eg[. eg. eg?0 egC2 eg2 eg"3 eg5 eg7 egD7 eg7 eg9 egA K#.# ### #.# ... ..# #.# ..# #.# #.# egA #.#####.# #.. ....##.# #.# ...#....#####.# #...>#..##.##.# #.#.##........####.####. #..#.##.........(90egB <0.0) ..###...........#..####.############## ### ###.# ....eg'B =# egI egiI ,7.6 (11egZN eg6R % _Found 7 stones.hghg-hghghgw,hg3,hgєhghgؕhghg!,hghghge,hgbhghg,hghg5hg:,hghghgXhgBhg6hg,hghg hgT,hghghgX,hg hghg!,hghgLhghghghghg,hghghgh,hgchg=hg^,hg0hgjhg/,hghghg ,hg hgyhg+hghgQ,hg_hg:"hg<&Bhg(hgY+hg1,hg,hg3 ..# ... #.# hg+4w#.# #.#.# #.#.#  #.#.###.#  #.#.@...#  #### #.#.###....#hg4 ..# #.#.# ##. #.# #.#.###.#  #.# #.####.#.....##  #.# #...............  #.# #.###..##.###.###.#####.# #.## .# ##.......# #.# .#hg:Y32.6 (253.6 (26hg>hgOA. _k - a scroll of identifyigYmhInventory: 11/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  d - a +1 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Missiles (go to first with ()  b - an atropa-tipped dart (quivered)c - a datura-tipped dart Armour (go to first with [)  e - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll of blinkingk - a scroll of identify Potions (go to first with !)  g - a potion of degeneration  h - a fizzy green potion  i - a purple potion  j - a silvery potionigV'k - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll igWH“This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.jgIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Potions (select first with !)  h - a fizzy green potion  i - a purple potion  j - a silvery potion [?] describe selectedjg|K jgR Demonhunter247 the Sneak..#Draconian...Health: 52/52 ========================#.#Magic: 6/6========================#.#AC: 7Str: 17#.#.#EV: 11Int: 12#.#.#SH: 0Dex: 10#.#.###.#XL:  6 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:3jgS #.#.@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1933.6 (0.0)#### #.#.###....#d) +1 hand axe..# #.#.# ##.Throw: dart (atropa)#.# #.#.###.##.# #.####.#.....###.# #...............#.# #.###..##.###.###.#####.# #.## .# ##.......# #.# .# _No target in view!  As you read the scroll labelled UMIVYM FIZIF, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _g - a potion of degeneration _Found 7 stones. _k - a scroll of identifyjgU jgk[ jg4a Demonhunter247 the Sneak..#Draconian...Health: 52/52 ========================#.#Magic: 6/6jga ========================#.#AC: 7Str: 17#.#.#EV: 11Int: 12#.#.#SH: 0Dex: 10jga (#.#.###.#XL:  6 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:3#.#.@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1933.6 (0.0)#### #.#.###....#jg&b pd) +1 hand axe..# #.#.# ##.Throw: dart (atropa)#.# #.#.###.#jgb #.# #.####.#.....###.# #...............#.# #.###..##.###.###.#####.# #.## .# ##.......# #.# .#As you read the scroll labelled UMIVYM FIZIF, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _g - a potion of degeneration _Found 7 stones. _k - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.jgk jg$l +4.6 (1jgo jgdq  It is a scroll of identify. _g - a potion of degenerationFound 7 stones. _k - a scroll of identify  jgq As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _h - a potion of heal woundskgkgVkgkgskg:kg]#Bkg'G ..# .# ... <. #.# .# #.# .# #.#.# .# #.#.# .# #.#.###.#  kg'#.#...@.#  5#### #.#.###....#  ..# #.#.# .###.#  kg(#.# #.#.###.#  .# #.####.#.....##  .# #...............    .# #.###..##.###.##    .#####.# #.## .# .#    .......# #.# .#   kg/kgZ0+6.6 (2kg5kg79 _Found a stone staircase leading up.kg:y kgy kg} kg׀ H _No target in view!lgDlguElgJlgLH _No target in view!lgx3lglgKlglg| _lgllglgO!,lgR"lg?#lg%lg%lg,&lg(lgQ/..# #.# ... .<. #.# #.#.# #.# #.# #.#.# #.#( #.#.# #.# #.#.###.# #.#.....#.## #### #.#.###.@..# 40.6 (4lg0..# #.#.# #.###.#  #.# #.#.###.#  #.####.#.....##   #...............   #.###..##.###.##  ####.# #.###.# .#  .....# #.# #.# .#  ###.## #.# .# lgu0* lg,7lg7+1.6 (5lgY<lg>% _Found 3 stones.lg)E4lgHlgKH _No target in view!lgm4lgulgwH _No target in view!mgĴmgmgmgH _No target in view!mgL4mgPmg3SH _No target in view!mgmgKmgmgf _mgmgnmgmgmgmg<mgmgmgmg,mgcmgmg,mgmgmg,mgRmgmgmgmgUmgmgmg,mgmgmg,mg+mgmg ,mgdmgmg,mg\mg mg ,mg mg mgTmgmgmgmg,mgmgmg,mgmgmg,mg@mg%mg<,mgmgmg5!,mg!mg3#mg&,mg'mg)mg+mg0+mg+mg,mgO.,mg.mg/mg\1,mg1mg2mg5,mg5mg9mg=<mg<mgO=mg0?mgAmgAmgBmgbEmgF,mg}GmgHmg#KmgcKmg(Lmg NmgPmgPmgQmg^SmgT,mgUmgVmgV,mgBWmgWmgyYmgYmgZmgZmg\mgS\mg\mg3^mg_mg`mg`mgamgdBmgemggmggmgKhmgjmg>mmgummgmmgomgqmgKrmgrmgytmgvmgwmgKwmgxmgzmgzmg^{mg@~mg ..#  .w..... ..# #.#  ........ .<.. <....#.# #.#. ... #.# #.#. ... #.#.# #.#( #.# #.#.# #.#. #.# #.#.###.#. #@# #.#.....#.mg ####.#### #.#.###... #.# #.......# #.#.# #.## #.# #.#####.# #.#.###.# mg`#.# #.# #.####.#.....## #.# ### #.# #.............. w   ribbon worm (asleep) ... ..# #.# #.###..##.###.## #.# #.#####.# #.###.# #.#.#####.# #.......# #.# #.# #.#mg- 80.6 (39.0)  A ribbon worm comes into view.mgJi.wwmgɖ,1.6 (40mgmg 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.mg/#... ..........## ..# #.# ...w..... ... .<..<.......... ....( ### #.# mgw1....#. ####.#####......... ######.# #.#.###.# ####.#.....## #.# ##.............. . #.###..##.###. ..# #####.# #.###.# #.mgS4mg<P.wmg:=12.6 (1.0)mgAmgvCmga ~## #. . .#.##.. ..# #.# #.......... ... .<.#.<.w....#.....# .#...#( ### #.# ....# ####.#####........ ######.# #.#.###.#  ####.#.....## #.# ##.............. . #.###..##.##mgl mg?u P.wmgu &3mg| mgX mg ### ## . . .#.##.. ..# #.# #...... ... .<.#.<.......#..w..# .#.@.#mg (##.## ### #.# ....# ####.#####........ #.######.# #.#.###.# ####.#.....## #.# ##.............mg mgT &4mg+mgHng?$  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.49--=5.8 (1.2ng DngF0 _The ribbon worm bites you.ng (catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.ng  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ngJ[)ngA\50=- 5 6.9 (1.1dart (atropa)Held ngbnge. _You are caught in a web!ngN4ngXTngVN _You are caught in a web!ngngngngN _You are caught in a web!ng${ng=|ng.ngN _You are caught in a web!ng4ngngN _You are caught in a web!ng ng ngm ng: P _You are caught in a web! _ng : ng: ng> ngA . _ng 4ng ng ngPngPngVngYogc(catching breath)  You struggle to detach yourself from the web.og  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ogo%A-7og& 0ogE,og.2 _You are even more entangled.ogog46--11 =8dart (atropa)og}ogNE _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm bites you.ogZ   You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.og .90.0 (1.1og og  og K_The ribbon worm closely misses you.og+  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.og,W7--1.1ogN5ogG6\ _The ribbon worm completely misses you.pg&  pgYou hit the ribbon worm. Your tail-slap misses the ribbon worm.The ribbon worm is severely wounded.pg-2.3 (1.2pgpgC _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.pg<  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.pgN=(3.5pgCpgFX _The ribbon worm barely misses you.pgx=  You hit the ribbon worm.pg.8=204.6 (1.1pgpg`O _You kill the ribbon worm!pgaI %M ##.....## ### .##. .. . .#.##.. ..# #.# #..... ... .<.#.<.........#..@..# .##...##(##.## #.# #.#.###.#.pg)S pg"_ Q-50pg M #....##  ##.....## ### .##. .. . .#.##.. ..# #.# #...... .<.#.<.@.......pg8 ##.....##### .##...##(##.## #.#.# #.#.###pg pg @-6pg pg qgqgqg#qgqg:#9qg͌t=qgqgqg%qgqgqg֓qgĔqg×b50=qgqg qgMqg`qgӝ,qgqgqg qg0N1=qg'qgqqgqghqgqgqgqgqg!qgqgmqgޯqgD2=qgSqg̳qg ,qgжqg-qg,qgVqg$qg,qgqg qgqg9=qg6qg=qgd,qg]qg qg,qgqgXqg#t.....##.#... ##.### .# ## J.##.# .# ..  ... ..# qg..... ##..###  #####   #.#.##  #....##  ##@....##  ##.......## . .........##.. #............. #.........##.. ..# ###............ ... . J   endoplasm (asleep)qg ##.<......... #.# # ##.....##### #.#  ##...## #.#.# #qg920148.0)qg%5.6 (19qg|s _An endoplasm comes into view.rgd .# ## J.#  #.# .# ..  ... ..#  ##..###  ##### ......  #.#.##  #....##  ##@....##  ##.......## .  #.........##..  #.............  #.........##.. ..#  ##............ ...  ##.<......... #.#  ##.....##### #.#   #.#.# rg( .# ## J.#  #.# .# ..  ... ..#  ##..###  ##### ......  #.#.##  #....##  ##@....##  ##.......## .  #.........##..  #.............  #.........##.. ..#  ##............ ...  ##.<......... #.#  ##.....##### #.#   gn)m#.#.#  _An endoplasm is nearby!rg.....# .....##.#... ... ##.### .# ## J.##.# .##  ... rg ..# ..... ###..########......#.##  #@...##  ##.....## ##.......## #...##............. ..........##.. ..# ###........ .##.<.........##.....##### rgrg #6rg?.0) _rg4rg rgO ##.....#####.....# . .....##.#... ... ##.### .# ## J#.# .#  ...  ..# ..... ########..########## ....$..........#.##  #....##  ##.....## ### #.##..#.... .#.##.. ..# ###...... .##.<.........7 _Found 9 gold pieces.rgѲ K/........ ##.....#####.....# . .....##.#... ... ##.### .# ## J#.# .#  ... ..# ..... ########..########## ....$..@.......#######.#.##### #....##  ##.....###.......## ...## ...... .#.##.. ..# ###...... .rg< rg &8rg^ rgO rg\7.....##### ./........ #### #.....##### #.... ....# .. ....##.#... .... #.### .# ## #J.# #.# .##..#  #..# .... ########@.##### ##### ....$...........#######.#.#######....##rgK8X#.....####.......## . #.........##..#....... ..#..##.. ..# #rg@rgyA&9rgGrgIsg„m<..# ....##### ..../........ ####... #.....##### ##..........# sgZ. ....##.#... ....## .# ## #J #.# .# #@.# .... ########..##### ##### ....$...........#######.#.######sg #....## ##.....## #.## ..##...... .sgsgː'20sgsg8sg##.#<..# ##....##### ...../........ ####...## sg #.....##### ###.............# ........ ....##.#... .....## .# ## #J #.# .# #..# .... ########..##### ##### ....$...........sg#######.#.###### #....##  ##.....###.## ##..sgrsg&1sg!sg{$sgX JJ  The helpless endoplasm fails to defend itself.  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is severely wounded.=2.7 (1.1sgH@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.sgC1=  You slash the endoplasm!sg281.sg;-3.9 (1.2sge@sg?B7 _You kill the endoplasm!sgBsgMsg sgf^ _No target in view!sgMsgMsg!TsgWH _No target in view!sg! sg sg sg H _No target in view!sgr sgr sgGy sg{ H _No target in view!sg sgD sgN sg H _No target in view!sgn[sg \sg\sg^sgasg b$ _sg fBsgkfsgfsggsgi,sgisgzjsgk,sgGlsg"msgn,sg?osgEpsgr,sg+ssg:w,sgwsgzx _No target in view! _You now have 132 gold pieces (gained 9).sg|sg}sgr}sgg~sgwsgsgsgsgSsgsgsgRsgIsg _AsoRock's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you.sgSsgsgsgvsgsgШsgqsgsgڰsgsgsgsgsgp,sgcsgsgsgsgsgsgsg#sg_sgIsgsgsgsgbsgsgpsg>sgsgesgsgSsgsgsgXsgJsgsgsg"sgsgsgcsg9sg6 sgsg sg&sgysgQsg sgusg(#sgG&sg:(sg)sgy+sg-sg!.sg/sg6sg:sg<sg{?sglAtgtgtgtgWtgtgotgtg:tgKtgtgb!tg*&tg+tg-tg4BtgN5tgZ9tgn<tg>tg@tgY@tgBtgGtgMtgLPtgR,tg,TtgVtgZtg3]tg_tgbtgetggtggtgitg=otg4q,tg rtg=stgt,tg/utg-vtg{w,tgwtgxtgy,tgLztgK|tg~,tgtgtg,tgtgtgL,tg̅tgjtga,tgtgtg:,tgtgtg|,tgɔtgtg,tg tgtg,tgJtg tg2,tgtg`tgɟ,tgtgǣtg,tgϦtgtg̬,tgMtgktghtgtgqtgktg\,tgtgtgtg tgtgtg3tgntgtgotgVtgtg(tgtg,tgCtg3tgZtgtgtgtg,tgtgtgtg9tgtgtgtg;tgtgtgtg1tgtgtgl,tgtgrtgtgtgtgtgtgtg tgetg,tgCtg)tgQBtg<tg,tgtgDtg,tgtgtgtg tgtgtg*tgtg tg` tg ,tg tg tg,tgtgtg,tgFtgltg,tgtg tg,tgtgtg,tg tgtg!tg!,tgi#tg;%,tg%tg'tgP)tg)tg)tg*tg+,tg ,tg-tg-,tgp.tg*/tg0tgE0tg0tg_2tg3tgA4tg4tg6tg9,tg9tg1=tgH.#..# #....## .#..# ##.....## .#..# ##.......## . Z#..# #.........##.... =#©.# #..............# tgIW#..# #.........##.....# #.# .#..# ##............g... .<..# Z#..# ##.<.........!#.# #.#.# .#..# ##....@##### #.# #.#.#-#..###...## #.#.# #.#(# ##..# ##.## #.#.# #.#.# tgIT....# #.# #.#.###.#.# ....# #.# .#.....#.## ##### ####.#### #.#.###....# g   goblin (asleep) ##.......# #.#.# #.###. ##.#####.# #.#.###.# #. ##.# #.####.#.tgI&....###.tgV 97.9 (74.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.tgWF-8.9 (75tg^tgeV _Found a purple potion.tg .# .# ##.....##.# ##.......## . . .# #.........##.... =#©.# #............... ..# .# #.........##.....# #.# .# ##............g... .<..# tg/ p..# ##.<.........!#.# #.#.# ..# ##....@##### #.# #.#.# ..# ##...## #.#.# #.#(# ..# ##.## #.#.# #.#.# ....# #.#  ....# #.#  ####.#### # #.......# #.#.# # #.  # #.# tgݚ.# .# ##.....##.# ##.......## . . .# #.........##.... =#©.# #............... ..# .# #.........##.....# #.# tgܛ.# ##............g... .<..# ..# ##.<.........!#.# #.#.# ..# ##....@##### #.# #.#.# ..# ##...## #.#.# #.#(# ..# ##.## #.#.# #.#.# ...# #.#  ....# #.#  ####.#### tg  #.......# #.#.#  #.   #.# tgtgTtgtg] _A goblin is nearby!ugu#..#######.#.###### #..# #....## #..# ## # #..# ### . #..# #.## #©.# #....... ..# #..# #..##.....# #.# #..# ##....ugg... .<..# #..# ##.<....@....!#.# #.#.# #..# ##.....#####.#.# #.#.# ..# ##...## #.#.# #.#(# #..# ##.## #.#.# #.#.# ...# #.# #.#.###.#.# ...# #.# #.#.....#.## ### ####.#### #.#.###....## #.......# #.#.# #.###.# #.#####.# #.#.###.# #.#ugug89.9 (1.0) _ugugEugK..#.#.###### ..# #....## ..# ##.....## ### ..# ##.## .5..# ..# #.##.....# ©.# #......... ..# ..# #.##.....# #.# ..# ##.g... .<..# ..# ##.<.!#.# #.#.# ..# ##.....#####.#.# #.#.# ..# ##...## #.#.# #.#(# ..# ug ##.## #.# #.# #.#.....#.## 5   Grinder (asleep) ####.#### #.#.###....## g   goblin (asleep) ugg  Grinder comes into view.ug!4  Grinder shouts!ug).5g.5gwandering)ug)ug)2===100ug0ug4 _Grinder says, "I used to sell toenails on the black market."ugܓug>............... ugM#######.#.###### g#ugs# #....## .# ug)# ugg..## #)#### ugT4# #ugG..## .....# ug6.# #.ug/k..##.5...## ugr5# #.ugJ............# ug6# #..ugF##..g..###.# ugIQ# ##....ugÙE.....<..# ug'# ##.<.........!#.###.#.# ug|# ##.....#####.#.# #.#.# ugŚd# ##..ugR#.#.# #.#(ugO+#ug'# ugכo##.## #.#.# ug/#.#.#uga'# uge#.# #.#.###.#.# ug.# #.# #.#.....#.## ug73g 2 goblugins (wandering) ugǝ^## ####.#### #.#.###....#ug`!#ug_#.......# #.#.# #.##ug##.#ug{ ugY  ugNA goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.ug&Found a war axe.ugrug?uguug;.uggug.ug5ugb.ug gug  ggugHugugug====ug]1ugugA ugug_The goblin shouts! x2ugy# ########..##### ............... .# #######.#.###### .# # #....## g# # ## ##)#### # ####.....# # #.##.....### # #..5........# # #.........##@....###.# # ##....g......<..# # ##.<.........!#.###.#.# # ##.....#####.#.# #.#.# # ##..#.#.# #.#(# # ##.ug'$ 0## #.#.# #.#.# # #.# #.#.###.#.#  #.# #.#.....#.## # ####.#### #.#.###....##ugW) ug4 *.gug5 n45----=---ug:5 2ug= ugA b _Grinder hits you. You writhe in agony. The goblin hits you with a +0 dagger.ug& - _The goblin shouts! x2 _Grinder hits you. You writhe in agony. The goblin hits you with a +0 dagger.  You hit Grinder.  You tail-slap Grinder, but do no damage.  Grinder is lightly wounded.  You hit the goblin.ug Y  You kill the goblin!ug )g)   goblinug 39------1---4.0 (1.1ugh ug < _Grinder hits you. You writhe in agony.ug6  You slash Grinder!  Grinder is moderately wounded.ugkF V.g ug?G 740--ugrG )=5.1ugP ugS I _Grinder misses you.ugo  You barely miss Grinder. You tail-slap Grinder.  Grinder is heavily wounded.ug-.gug0-6.2ugug: _Grinder hits you but does no damage.vg Grinder is heavily wounded. _Grinder hits you but does no damage.  You closely miss Grinder.  Grinder is heavily wounded.  You hit the goblin. Grinder hits you. You writhe in agony.  The goblin hits you but does no damage. The goblin misses you.vgmR33----vg!7.3vg &vg)Q _Grinder closely misses you.vgҤ:  You slash the goblin!vgP )  You kill the goblin!vgm4---28.5 (1.2vgvgS _You barely miss Grinder. Grinder hits you but does no damage.vg,  You closely miss Grinder. Your tail-slap misses Grinder.  Grinder is heavily wounded.vgD7@5.vg7-9.6 (1.1vg@vgD% _Grinder blinks!vgT #..# #######..##### ### .................# vgM#####.#.#######.#  #....## #.#  ..## ##)####  #..###....5#  #.##.....###.  #..........).@.......#  #..##.....###.# vg ##...........)......<..#  ##.<.........!#.###.#.# ##.....#####.#.# #.#.# ##..#.#.# #.#(#  ##.## #.#.# vg#.#.# #.# #.#.###.#.# vg^#.# #.#.....#.##vgvgL.5vg),-10vgT 0vgZvgvg3Vh#..# ..##### ### ..# .#.#######.# #....## #.# ##.....## ##)#### ##.......###.....# #.##...5.###.##.).# #.vg