tgZ  Player: Oo007 Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: Filename: 2024-10-22.09:47:05.ttyrec Time: (1729590425) Tue Oct 22 09:47:05 2024 tgv[?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h)0[?7h[?25l[?1ctg"tgJ+wWelcome, Oo007. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarf  j - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Mountain Dwarves are strong melee fighters and capable heavy-armoured casters. They can use scrolls to enchant even some artefacts. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Mountain Dwarf Fightertg! tg Welcome, Oo007 the Mountain Dwarf. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fightertg  i - Artificerq - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiatorj - Shapeshifterr - Conjurer c - MonktgD Gk - Wanderers - Summoner d - Huntertgm ^l - Delvert - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-magetg u - Fire Elementalist Zealotm - Warperv - Ice Elementalist tg Yf - Berserkern - Hexslingertg Pw - Air Elementalist g - Cinder Acolytetg [o - Enchanterx - Earth Elementalist h - Chaos Knighttg Sp - Reavery - Alchemist tg ! Fighters are equipped with armour and shield, as well as a weapon of their choice and a potion of might. tg&! S+ - Recommended background * - Random background tg@! Y# - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudestgX! ,Space - Change species ? - Helptgo! 4 Tab - Mountain Dwarf FightertgU tg tg ]Welcome, Oo007 the Mountain Dwarf Fighter. tg aYou have a choice of weapons.a - rapier(-2 apt) tg ? b - flail (+2 apt) tg ] c - war axe (+2 apt) tg z d - trident (+0 apt)e - long sword(-1 apt)  tg4 !f - unarmed(+0 apt) tgX + - Recommended random choice * - Random weapon % - List aptitudesBksp - Return to character menu tgu 3? - HelpTab - war axetgї tgcp tg{ lOo007 the Shield-BearerMountain DwarfHealth: 19/19 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 6Str: 18EV: 8Int: 8SH: 4Dex: 9XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)tg(| ua) +0 war axeNothing quiveredtg*  #### #ß.ß###tgh  ......# ......# tg ##..ß...# #ß......#tg ] #@......+ tgɁ J#ß......#tg' o ##..ß...#tgI E ......#tge  tg E......# tg ]#ß.ß### tg 0####tg҂ "tg: tgq Welcome, Oo007 the Mountain Dwarf Fighter.The heart of this dungeon contains the awesome artefact, the Orb of Zot.tgJ tg Press ? for a list of commands and other tg [ _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.tgۊ Itg tgK tg P _tg tg̔ tgc tgB tg; ,tg tgd tg* ,tg tgL tg BtgE tg ,tg tg tg ,tg tg / _You open the! 3tgX tg{ 8There is an open door here.tgd R  #####   ##ß.ß###  #......#  #......#  ##..ß...#  #ß......######## #<......'. #ß......# ##..ß...#.?...... #......#........ #......#.r ##ß.ß########## ##### r   quokka (asleep)tg +8.0 (8tgZ r.r9.0 (9tg tg Y _A quokka comes into"4tgtg] _A quokka is nearby!tg'#######ß.ß###.........##..ß...ß......#########<......'.......ß......##..ß...#@?...... #......#..rtg#ß.ß########### ##### tgtgCr.tgL610.0 (1.0) _tgtgutg8  #####  ##ß.ß###  #......#  #......#  ##..ß...#  #ß......#  #<......'.#  #ß......#.# tg#9##..ß...#.@. #......#.# #......#.....r. ##ß.ß###  tg<tgu=tg$DHr.tgD&1tgJtgO _You see here a scroll labelled AHI}V tg\] &2tgb tg^e f _e - a scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKEtgra  You closely miss the quokka.tg5=3.4 (1.4tgtgb> _The quokka bites you but does no :  You slash the quokka!tg/ /. tg& ^Trooper 164.9 (1.5tgu tg J _You kill the quokka!tgBD##### ##ß.ß### #......# #......# ##..ß...# #ß......# #<......'.# #ß......#.###..ß...#.#......#.##......#.##ß.ß###. tgCLtg,M4-50tgStgUtgW##### ##ß.ß### #......# #......# ##..ß...# #ß......# #<......'.# #ß......#.###..ß...#.#......#.##......#.###ß.ß###.##### #tg>V-6tgtgtg, 3tg tg tgj tgN ,tgV tg ntg tg ......# ......# ..ß...# ......######### ......'.......# ......#.......##### ..ß...#............ ......#........### ......#.........@# 21.9 (5 #ß.ß############........ tg ##### ..###.... ...#  .)..#.....#......#......$#tg tgf! +2.9 (6tg & tg( % _Found a tgr tgc tgU tg !ß....#########'.......#.......#####ß............### .......###.... #ß.ß############@.......#### .?......### ........# ..K...).........J   endoplasm (asleep).......$K   kobold (asleep) + 0  An endoplasm and a kobold come into view.Found a scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR.  The endoplasm tg' 7  The kobold shouts!tg K.JJ 2 endoplasms (1 wandering)JK.Jtg: 4==3.9 (1tg tg! ] _An endoplasm comes into eß....#########'.......#.......#####ß.................### ..........###... #ß.ß############....#### .?.....@###.... ..K .....) ..J.J###.#####tg>tgtgtgK.J$'.......#.......#####ß..........### .....###.... #ß.ß############........ #tgg#### .?.K....###.... .......@# ) ..J$J.###.##### #.tgpltgstgttg}! '.......#####ß......### ....###.. #ß.ß############.... #tgB"#### .?......### ....K...# .) ..J.J..###.##### #.  tga&tg['tg4 .KJ$The endoplasm freezes you.tg4W6----6tg1?tgD% _You are  You slash the endoplasm!tgn),tg3 )K.   endoplasm  You kill the endoplasm!tg7{5------33=8.4 (1.5tgAtgU _The kobold hits you but does no damage. The endoplasm hits you.tgl  You barely miss the endoplasm. You closely miss the kobold.You block the kobold's attack.9.8 (1.4tgtg[@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no' =  You slash the endoplasm!tg;  .K   kobold  You kill the endoplasm!You hit the kobold. You block the kobold's Covered6==5031.2tgG tg K = _The kobold hits you but does no* #####ß......### ....###.. #ß.ß############.... ##### .?......### .. )K ..$..###.##### #.  tgv5 tg5 %20tg= tg@ = _The kobold hits you but does no^ß......### ....###.. #ß.ß############.... ##### .?......### .. )K ..$tg..###.#####. #. ..# .. ......tgtg[.K tgX&3tgOtgy _The kobold attacks as it pursues you! The kobold barely misses you.tg6tg>7r7===4.7 (1.5tg?tgB} _You completely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no j  You hit the kobold.  tgVThe kobold is heavily wounded.The kobold closely misses you.tgB13-----tg)&6.1 (1.4tgtg@ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short :  You slash the kobold!tgf )Shield-Bearer667.6 (1.5tgݲ tgF J _You kill the kobold!tgLtgLtg9OtguRtgV,tgWtgW\14=----tgXtgZtgp[tg,]tgF_,tgatgdtg3dtgetghtghj5==tgltgptg%qtgrtgautgutg wtgytg;ytgztgh{tg{9=tgƁ6==tgZ,tgCtgtgtgxtgLJtgtgtgRtgi7===tgKtgtgHtg0tgtgtgtgؚ,tg tg/tg#8tgȠE==tgbtg0tg_tgϦtg6tgtgƪtg,tg2tgttg9=tg8tg&tglL9==tgtg1 _HP restored.tgNV.### ....###.. #ß.ß############.... ##### .?......### .. ) ..).-........###.#####..K... #. ......#  ..... .....K   kobold (asleep) 61.6 (24.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.tgf7  The kobold shouts!tgtgtgtghhK..hhhh 3 jackals (wandering)K   koboldtg]6===2.6 (25tgtg~ _A jackal comes into view. x3 _You see here 6 gold @  You now have 6 gold pieces.tgs K  The jackal barks! x3; You hear a bark!tgƛ tgZ tg1 tgz K..hhh..h.hhhh 4 jackalstg$ 13.6 (1.0)tg tg` Y _A jackal comes into view.tgz ..###.. #ß.ß############.... ##### .?......###.... .. ..).....)# .....# ......#...B...K..hhh###.#####...h.. #. ....tgtz Z# . .. .....B   giant cockroach (wandering) K   koboldtgD tg tg؄ tg tg] tgK tgw tg݈ tg tgӖ B.K.h.h..h---tgg 4tgs tg b _A giant cockroach comes into view.tgtgvtgtg tgtg tgGtgH tg  Bh.h...hh..  You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.tgBN===--tg&6.1 (1.5tg%tg(S _The kobold barely misses you.tgz tgP tgi tg 7 htg Z.  You closely miss the kobold.tg9 ^6----7.5 (1.4tg tg @ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short o  You miss the kobold.tg9r tgr p13--------8.9tgT tgn @ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short  You slash the kobold!tgtgVtg h.B  You kill the kobold!tg:p14=---7570.3tgtg;= _You block the giant cockroach's  tgYou hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately (1.5tg tg._ _The giant cockroach barely misses you. x2tga   You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is almost dead.The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.3.3tg tg n _The jackal pauses to sniff the  You completely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is almost dead.You block the giant cockroach's attack.tglz5==4.7 (1.4tgtg` _The giant cockroach completely misses  You closely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is almost dead.tgH(6.1tgtgJ _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage. x2tg a ~ _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage. x2  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.The giant cockroach is almost dead.  You block the giant cockroach's attack.  The giant cockroach waves its antennae.tga T4-7.6 (1.5tgk tgp 4 _The giant cockroach bites A  You hit the giant tg (1.4tg)tg.S _You kill the giant cockroach!tgm~  You closely miss the jackal. x2; The jackal bites you. x3tgx8/19 --------80.4tgtg> _The jackal bites you but does no|You closely miss the jackal. x2; The jackal bites you. x3jackal bites you but does no damage.jackal.  The jackal is moderately wounded.You hit the jackal.  6-----------1.8 _The jackal barely misses you. x2; The jackal bites you.tg5:  You slash the jackal!tg9Y  You kill the jackal!tg;K . 3  You miss the jackal. The jackal closely misses;Uw......#..........###....Oo007 the Shield-Bearer #ß.ß############........Mountain Dwarf ##### .?......###....Health: 7/19========----------------........# ..tgUMagic: 1/1========================.....)..# ...AC: 6Str: 18.......)# ....EV: 8Int: 8tgU........# .....SH: 4Dex: 9.......h#......XL:  1 Next: 108% Place: Dungeon:1.......@hh.....tgVNoise: =--------  Time: 83.3 (1.5)###.#####......a) +0 war axe#. ......Nothing quivered#.....tgV.........hhh 3 jackals....  You hit the jackal.  The jackal bites you but does no damage. _The jackal barely misses you. x2; The jackal bites you.  You slash the jackal!  You kill the jackal!You miss the jackal. The jackal closely misses you.tg7X _The jackal barely misses you. The jackal closely misses you.You have reached level 2!tgb/  --more--tg 9/26=2/22 3% tgq tg 4 _tg~  You closely miss the jackal. You hit the jackal.  The jackal bites you but does no damage. x3tgs10/26=4.7 (1.4tg;tgs4 _You block the jackal's :  You slash the jackal!tg Y  You kill the jackal!tg+ . 2  You hit the jackal but do no damage. You block the jackal's attack.tgD 6106.0 (1.3tg tg _The jackal closely misses you. The jackal barely misses you.tgv:  You slash the jackal!tgt  You kill the jackal!You hit theِT†)tgGR=247.4 (1.4tgtgОJ _You kill the jackal!tg#.###.... ß.ß#......... .?......###....#.# ...#.....)..# ...)###....#.#...†#..tgk2.###.#####.#. ..# ..................#######tgtg k11=-80tgtg;q _Items here: ) ††††.tg8Z.#.###.... #ß.ß#.........# .?......###....# .# ...# .....)..# ..... .)###....# .#....... .†#. ).tgT ###.#####. #. ....... # ....... ....... ....... ....... #######tgtg$G-9 _tgtg*tgr tg tgw tgV tgù tg tg ,tg tg tgU 9=tg tg tg/ S2=tg tg ,tgc tge ,tg tg ,tg tg" tg| ^3==tg7 tg, ,tgj tgB tg tg tgf ,tgl tgB a4=tg7 tg3 ,tg9 tgQ ,tgD tg ,tgs tgG tg S5=tg tg ,tg tgb ,tgL tg:" ,tg@$ tgW& t6==tg}' tgl) tg,* tgJ+ tgd- ,tg/ tge4 ,tg6 tg)9 tgx9 ^7==tgy; tg> ,tg@ tgDD ,tgE tgZI ,tgK tgN O=tg(Q tgT tgCU S8=tgW tgZ ,tg\ tg` ,tgb tge ,tgg tgk tgAl k19==tgXo tgGs tgs tgv tgzy tgy tgv{ tg$~ tg~ tg7 tg tgG k20==tg5 tg ,tg tg ,tg tg ,tgC tg tg a1==tgʙ tgU ,tgL tg tg6 tg tgW ,tgS tgC tg h2==tg tg% ,tgȲ tg ,tg tg ,tgD tg 93tgT E==tgu tga tg tg tg[ Btgv ,tg= tg tg 9=tg tgo a4=tg tg# ,tg tg tg tg tg ,tgY tg,# 5==tg$ ,tgv& tg) ,tg+ tg7/ tg/ tg1 tg: _ _You start resting.tgC 1150.4 (61.0)tgC w6==1.4 (62tgM tgP " _HP restored.tg5tg5tg8tg>Btg]?,tgAtgD,tgFtgJtgK9=tgMOtgStgNStg~UtgW,tgXtgZZ,tg[tgZ^tg^tg`tg(d,tgftghtghtgjtglm,tgZotgar,tgttg[w,tgYytg{,tg~tg%,tgtg',tg5tg ,tgtg,tg^tgE,tgtgМ,tg]tg,tg`tgtg?tgGtgҪ,tgtg-74.4 (23tgItgtgH _You start waiting.tgN3tgtgBBtg~,tgtg,tgtgd,tgtg:,tgtg,tg tg,tgtgT,tgBtg,tgtg0,tgtg,tgtg,tg tg[ ,tgtg),tgtg0,tg'tg,tgtgrtgtg!tg)C91.4 (17tg/tgg4H _You start @tgBtgWFtgNI,tgK,tgKMtgP,tgDRtg$U,tgVtgy\,tg4_tgatgatgctgUf,tg(htgj,tgltgo,tgZqtgstgttgutgx,tgztg~,tgtg,tgфtgx,tgtg,tgяtg,,tgGtgס>208tg˧tgH _You start waiting.tgQ3tgAtgKBtg,tgtg7tgatgtg,tgtgtgtgWtg,tgjtg,tgtg@,tgwtg[,tgtg,tgutg,tgYtgd,tgItg,tgstgg,tg tg tg tg tgtgRtgtgOC24.4 (16tg"tg7%H _You start waiting.tgp03tg2tg8Btg;,tg<<tgb?,tgeAtgD,tgGtgyJ,tgMtgP,tg@RtgU,tgXtgf\,tgw_tgb,tgetgh,tgjtgm,tgotgr,tg utgVztgztg|tgɁBtg,tgtg,tg:tg,tgɑtg4tgtgtg$,tg?tgGtgtgƢtg,tggtg,tgtg5,tg߳tg,tgQtg ,tg0tgy,tgtgtg)tg6tgHC51.4 (27tgtgH _You start waiting.tg3tgtgtgtgtgRtgztgtg,tgtg=,tgtg,tg tg,tg~tg,tgtgN,tgtgF ,tg!tg[%,tg&tg9)tg)tg+tg-,tg/tg1,tg(?tg0@,tgAtgC,tgiEtgU68.4 (1 _You start^3tg_tg c,tg6ftgVhtghtgjtg5n,tgptgs,tgkvtgy,tgC|tg~,tg tgb,tgtgQ,tgtg,tgtgz,tg5tg,tg)tg1,tgtg٠tgtgxtg֤,tgtgF,tgtg,tg tga,tgtg1,tgtg,tgFtg(,tgttg,tgtgC89.4 (21tgtgqtg3tgtgtg tgtg',tgztg',tgtgtgtgtg,tgtg,tgUtgtgtgGtg,tgtgtg tgtg ,tgl tgc,tg;tg,tgXtgE,tg,tgl,tg( tg9",tg#tg(&,tg'tg-,tg.tgs1,tg"3tg(5,tg6tg;=7÷308.4 (19tg=tgBtgPEtgQItg'WBtgZtg [tghtgl,tgmtgvqBtg8s,tg<tgMtgS,tgtgL,tgXtgntg<tgC31.4 (23tgtg2tg3tgtgNtg,tgHtgwtgtg,tgctg,tgPtgD,tgutgtg2tgtgtgtgtgh,tgtg`,tgtgx tg7 tg tg ,tg tg ,tg; tg ,tgh tg| ,tg/ tga$ ,tg1 tgZ} tg o57.4 (26tgؑ tgb Itgt tg* ,tg ,tg tgt ,tgt tgϵ ,tgٷ tg 261.4 (4.0)tg tgI tg tg tg. tg tg tgT ,tg ,tgX tgN tg tg tg tg tg tgW tg~ tg} tg ,tgS tgF ,tgR tg ,tg tg< ,tg tg ,tg tg tg tg tg tg tg" tg% ,tg@) tg$* tgQ* tg+ tg2 /75.4 (14.0) tgQ3 tgI: tg< tgH tgI tg}K tgR BtgT ,tgV tgY ,tg:\ tg6` ,tgb tgg ,tgi tgXm ,tgo tgr tgHs tgu tgbx ,tg4z tg} ,tg~ tgȅ ,tgۇ tg ,tg tg tg tg tg ,tgٖ tg+ ,tg tg} ,tg tg ,tgl tg tg tg tg tg^ tg tgE tgo tg tg ,tg& tgi ,tg tg ,tg tg| ,tg tg ,tg tg ,tg tgT D400.4 (25tg tg tg 3tgh tg Btg ,tg tgf ,tg tg ,tg tgk ,tg tgJ ,tg[ tg tg6 tg~ tgo ,tga tg ,tgr tg tg tg tg ,tg! tg$ tg% tg) tg0- ,tgC/ tg 2 tg@2 tgb3 tg4 ,tg6 tg8 ,tgC; tg= ,tg? tg=A ,tg~A tgC ,tgE tgUI ,tgnK tgN ,tgP tgW -21.4 (21tg#X tgt` tgec tgn 3tgp tgx Btgz ,tg1} tg ,tg tgf ,tgX tgҎ ,tg tgt ,tg{ tg ,tg tg ,tg tgG ,tgB tg+ tgo tgn tg tg tg tgɵ ,tg tg ,tg tg tgݿ tg= tg tg tg tgj ,tg" tg C37.4 (16tg{ tgG tg tg tg tg ,tgQ tg ,tg tg ,tgx tgn ,tg tg ,tg tg ,tg tg ,tg tgi ,tgs tg* ,tg tg ,tgl tg ,tg" tgx& ,tg) tg, tg"- tgN/ tg2 ,tg5 tg8 ,tg): tg= ,tg^B tgP tgR tglU ,tgV tg9Y ,tgZ tg] ,tga tgNc ,tgd tgg ,tgi tgk ,tggm tgLp ,tg2s tg(v ,tg}x tg{ ,tg} tgl ,tg/ tg ,tg tg* tg tga tg) ,tg tgb ,tg tg ,tgؚ tgF ,tg tgp ,tg tg% ,tgç tg ,tgq tg ,tg tgx tg tg> tg ,tg tgT ,tg tg ,tg9 tg ,tg tg ,tgg tg ,tg tg ,tg. tg ,tg tg ,tg tg4 ,tgU tg_ ,tg{ tga ,tgg tg ,tg tg ,tgs tg\ ,tg tgy ,tg tg ,tg tg ,tgs tg* ,tg tg ,tgC$ tg% ,tg' tg+ ,tg- tg2 ,tgI5 tg8 ,tg[: tg< ,tg> tgA ,tgD tgHG ,tg\I tgL ,tgO tgAR ,tgT tgW ,tgi tgk tg:p ,tgr tgv ,tgx tg3{ ,tg} tg ,tg tg ,tg) tg; ,tg tg ,tg tgߘ ,tg tg; ,tg< tg ,tgߥ tg ,tgY tg tg tgӰ tgq ,tgS tg ,tg̺ tg۽ ,tg( tg tg tg tgN ,tgc tgY tg tg tg ,tg tg ,tg tgW ,tgp tg2 ,tgp tg tg$ tg2 tg tg tgp tg ,tg tg9 ,tg# tg.536.4 (99tg.7.4 (100.0) tg tgF  _Done waiting.tg3tgGtg0tgtg|Btgtgtgtgtg&,tg3tg4tg,tgtgtg,tgTtgf tg ,tgtgv; ##..ß...#  #ß......#########  #<......'.......# #ß......#.......######..ß...#...........tgE>#......#........### ..#......#..........###....##ß.ß############.........##### #...@......###....# #..........# ...# #.......)..# ..... #.........)###....##..........#.......#.........÷#.......#..........)tg|.......######.#####.......#.# .......tg243.4 (6.0)tg +4.4 (7tg:&tg(f _f - a scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOURtgtgItgtgtgctg ,tgO tg tg3tgtgBtg~tgWtg,tgtgf"tg$,tg0&tg )tg+tg+tge-tg/tgu2tg2tgo4tgN;Z  Items here: ) ÷÷÷.tg>tg> _tg}@tgtgHtgtgtgtg ,tg> tgqtgtgtgtgtgtg'tgqtgtgrtgtgtgtg!,tg"tg$tg&,tg'tg`)tg3+tgj+tgL,tgh/tg31,tg42tg5tg7tg57tg!8tg;:tg<tg.=tgW>tgBtgCtg&DtgEtgpGtg"ItgItgJtg#Ltg NtgHNtg$OtgPtgR,tgRtgStgTtg/UtgUtg*WtgXtgNXtgXtgZtg;[,tg[tg9]tgp^,tg _tgr`tga,tgbtg etgnF ## ###### ######....# ..........##### tgznW.#####........##### ...###....###.....###### ##...................... ...###....######@.###### ...# #....#######.# )..# #.......... ... ..)###....###### .....tgn+ ...#.......# ....... ..÷#.......# .#....g tgnBg   goblin (asleep) ...).......# $###... ####.......# .. tgo4#.......#tg(u 72.4 (28.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0|Ag.gtg1}5==3.4 (29tgqtgo( _The goblin shouts!tgB% # ...#####......#####.###.....###### tg%K............... .######@.######  #...##.# )..# #.. ... )###. ..... ...#.......# .....g. ..÷#.. .#..... .). $###... tg&H .. ###  tg"}. ...#####......#####.###.....###### ............... .######@.###### tg} #...##.# )..# #.. ... )###. ..... ...#.......# .....g..÷#.. .#..... .). $###... .. ###  tg~ tgtgtgtgw] _A goblin is nearby!tg2   ###### ....# ..##### #####........##### ###....###.....#.........###....######.@###### # #....#######.# ..# #....... )###....#######..... ..#.......# ......g.÷#.......# ..#.....).......# #$###....# # --4.4 (1.0) _tg###### #####.... .........##### #####........##### ..###.....####### #....................... ..###....######..######  ##@# ..........#)###....#######....g..#.......# ........#÷#.......)tg##$###....g   goblin ###.. ###.  #tgtgItgg..rr   rat (wandering)tgA--5tgtgV _A rat comes into view.tgD###### #####.... .........##### #####........##### ..###.....####### #....................... ..###....######..######  #....#######.### tgPEt.......@..#)###....#######...g...#.#.......# .......r#÷...#.......)###$### ### #.. ###  #.  #tgKtgLtgVg..r.rtgW/==6tgf^tgb- _The rat squeaks .........##### #####........##### ..###.....####### #....................... ..###....######..######  #....#######.### #tg,.........g#...#)###....#######@......#.#.......##.........r÷#.....#.......)#####$### ### #.. ###  #. tg#-1 # tg!1tgN2tg:U.g..r.tgR;/--7tg]CtgvFtgStguir.=-tg&8.9 (1.5tgtgy _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no damage.tgĕtgtgs r.  You barely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you with a +0 :--80.3 (1.4tgTtg4 _You block the goblin's :  You slash the goblin!tg q  You kill the goblin!You hit the ]†)tg) 531.6 (1.3tg" tg G _You kill the rat!tgT (....# ##### ..##### ###....###.....####### ........... ###....######..###### # #....#.### .# # #.†.#...# tg )###....#######.@.....# #.##.# ÷#.##.....#......#).######$###..# #.. ###.  #.# ##. .  tgN l#.# # tg~ tg 4-20tg tgi  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpsetg֚....# ##### ........##### ###....###.....# ..... ###....######..####### # #....#.### ..# # #.†.#...# ###....#######.)@....# #.##.....#......# ).######$###..# #.. ###. #.# ##. . #.# # . tg'tgG-3 _tgݨtgtg 3tg tg tg V5=-tg Btgn tg6 tgd tg tg_ tg tg tgۥ ~6==tg tgK 1 _HP restored.tgT tg tgӭ tg tg tg tg tg tgf ,tg tg tg 9=tg tgr K _You now have 9 gold pieces (gained 3).tg tg1 tg tg tg tgT tg tg tg5 ,tg tg_ tg ,tg tg tg tg2 tg tg' tgh tg tg tg tgF ,tg tg tg tg! tgl tg6 tg; tgl tg tg tg T.#.......##...........# ÷#.......##.....#......# .).######.###.............# #..#####...  #tg) # ##...# ..  #.......# ###.# .  #.......# #.#  #.# ####.####.#  #.......# #.@.......#  ######### #.#######.# #.  .. #.# tgb #r  r   quokka (asleep) .. tg 3## tg %601tg 8.0)tg] tg? r.rtg ,2.6 (19tg_ tg: Y _A quokka comes into view.tg2 . ÷. .).  #..   ##...# .. tg Q  ###.# .   #.#   ####.####.#   #.@.......#   #.#######.#  #. r. #.# #. tg D.. ##tg] *. ÷. ).  #..   ##...# ..   ###.# .   #.#   ####.####.#   #.@.......#   #.#######.#  #. r. #.# #. .. ## tgc tg;d tgk tgn ] _A quokka is nearby!tg .#.##...........# .÷#.##.....#......# ..).######.###......#.# #..#####... #.# ##...# .. #tgn!.# ###.# . #.# #.# #.# ####.####.# #.# #@........# # #.#.# #.# r.# #tg!.## #.  ..  ##tg%tg+Dr.tgN,83.0) _tg1tgk4tg?÷#......# ..)####.###...... ### #..#####  #...#  ###.#  #.# ####.####.#tgݩs........############## #r# ..#.##..## tgtg.=4tg'tg84 _You block the quokka's 8  You hit the P†tg 6416.0 (1.4tgd tg J _You kill the quokka!tgS\ .)####.###...... ### #..#####  #...#  ###.#   ####.####.#tgT<........############## #@# #..#.##tg^ZtgZ+-7tg([ 0tg^tgBcs _You see here a quokka corpse.tgr ### #..#####  #...#  ###.#   ####.####.#........############## ##†# #.# tgG-8 _tgtgtgշ tg 3tg@ tgӼ tg tg ntg tg@ ,tg< tgN tg tg? tg tgF tg ,tg tg tg] tg tg tg tg tg tg tg tgC ,tg tg tgy ,tg tg tg ,tgm tg7 tg ,tg tg tg tg tgb tgM tg tg tg- tg tgz ,tgG tg tg' tg tg tg tg tg tg tg tg tg tgY tg tg ,tgP tg tgk tg tg" tg tg ,tg tgw tg ,tg ,tg ,tg5 tg tg ,tg tg tg ,tg tg tg ,tg) tg tgw ,tg tg tgl Btg  tge tg tg& tg1  ........#  ........#######.# #######.........# ###.....### #####.###.... #.....# ... ##.##### . #..# #@##37.0 (29.0)..(..........####..........tgF2 B8.0 (30tgw5 tg7 2 _Found 5 atropa-tipped darts.tgd 3tg@e tgh tgej ,tgo ,tg@o tgyo tgp tg t tg}  ........#######.##. #######.........###.# #######...###.###....#.....# #.....# ........g. ##.##### ........ #..# .......##.##tg} #...(..@..#.....####.. ...#.....###...#g   goblin (asleep) ####tg΁ 240.0 (2.0)tg> ?.ggtg( +1.0 (3tg tgh u _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.tgE .#.# #. #tgE.# ##.# ###.....### ##...# #####.###....#.....## #.....# ...#tgF.###.##### .#......g##..##tg=FW.##.##tg[F #...(.@...##.####tgF{#.##.##....tgFj.## ##...# tgFB ####tgJtgQ&.gtgQ+2.0 (1tgWtgZtglI=3.5 (1.5 _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin barely misses you.tg6 tg6 [5-4.9 (1.4tg#> tg&L p _You miss the goblin. The goblin hits you with a +0 dagger.tgT=8  You hit the goblin.tgTC)tgkV586.2 (1.3tgetgiJ _You kill the goblin!tgZ2M ........####### #. #######......... ##.# ###.....### ##...# #####.###.#.....## #.....# ..#.##### ..##..#......@##.###...(.....####.......#tgptghsb6=-70tgtg tgMA_You see here a +0$M##  . ........####### #. #######......... ##.# ###.....### ##...# #####.###.#.....## #.....# ..#.##### ........)##.###...(.....##.......########tgG-8 _tgtg 3tgY tgĦ tg tg* ,tg tgm ,tg tg tgK tg 9=tg: tg Xtg tgy5tg8tg:,tg;tgCtg*L,tgMtg)QtgR,tgStg|TtgRWXtgaY,tgYtg[tg]tg]tg^tg*`tgcXtge,tgetg)gtgZkXtgtgntg,tg4tgtgtgtgtgtg.tgtg?tgaPtgQtgoVXtgV,tgWtgYtgZ,tgZtgk]tgyRtg{tg|tg}tg}tgtg######### #.#######.# ##†# #..##.########.# #......######.###### ####. ####.....# #####.....g .......### #..@..# .......# #.##### .......#######.# ######.........####.....####### # #####.###........g   goblin (asleep) ## tg#.....###.....##. .###.######.......# .##..# #......... 714.2 (66.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.tgg.g==5.2 (67 _The goblin shouts!tg6   ##†# #..# #.##     ####.  #####....g.  #..@..#  #.##### #.#..# ###..... # #####.###.  #.....###. .. .##..#  tg8  tg ##†# #..#tg, #.##     ####. tgL #####....g.  #..@..# tgh #.##### #.#tg<..# #####.###.  #.....###.tg5.. tg4Z.##..# tg'` _A goblin is nearby!tgr #.#.# ##†# #..# #.## ######.# #......# #####.###### #####......# #####....g.### #...@.# # #.##### #.# ..####.....  #####.###..  #.....###. ###.######.. ##..tgx&,--6.2 (1tgPy.0) _tgtgDtg@ c #.#.# ##†# #..# #.## ######.# #......#  tgA #####.###### ######......# #####...g.### #....@# # #.##### #tg}A .#  #####.###. tgE tgqG tgQ lg.l   frilled lizard (wandering)tgR A--7tgZ tg` a _A frilled lizard comes into view.tgJtg tgh ............. ####### #.#######.##†. #.####### #......#  #####.###### ######.l ##.....# #####@.g.....## #.....#####.. #.##### .....####### ####.........#  tg4i ###.....###########..  #.....###.....##. ##.######tgotgptgxl.g.ltgy&8tgtg8 _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.tg9 d  You hit the goblin.tgm .)..lgg   hobgoblin  You kill the goblin!tg >55=9.6 (1.4tg tg* \ _A hobgoblin comes into view.tgQ,# #.#  #.#.# ##†# #..# #.## ######.# #......# . #####.###### ######...>tgEY.....# #####.@..l.### #.....#####.g.# #.#####  ###.....# #####.###. tgtgtg^l..g.tg5-200tgtgz _Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +0 club.tgM6;# #.#  #.#.# ##†# #..# #.## ######.# .#......# ...###### ######...>. .....# #####.)@l..g.### #.....#####.# #.##### .  ###.....# tg9E.###. tgF:tgnDYg.=tgrE 1tgYtg ]F _The frilled lizard bites you but does no*d tgm 6 g.  You barely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard closely misses you.3---3.0 (1.4tgv tgz 3 _The frilled lizard bites[ i  You closely miss the frilled (4.4tgtgF _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.tgB  You slash the frilled lizard!tgtg:Dg.tg_4=--8tg 5.8tgtgգR _You kill the frilled lizard!tg  You barely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin barely misses you.tgt(7.2tg_tg)O _The hobgoblin misses] t0----8.5 (1.3tg tgӋ m _You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits you.tgu >9.8tg> tg v _You barely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's\k  You closely miss the hobgoblin.tgb1=---31.2 (1.4tgtgͽC _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage. x2tg|d  You closely miss the tg@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.tgl  You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin barely misses you.tgmf18---4.1 (1.5tgstgw- _The hobgoblin hits you.tgv  You closely miss the hobgoblin.5.4 (1.3tg tg @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.tg7tg-6.8 (1.4tgtgw _You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.tgL  You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is lightly wounded.  The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.19=--8.3 (1.5 _You block the hobgoblin's attack.tgu  You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.tgu(9.8tg!{tg^~@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no i  You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.41.3 _The hobgoblin barely misses you.tgl  You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.20==2.7 (1.4tgڎtg[@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.tgq  You closely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.The hobgoblin hits you.17tgB---4.0 (1.3tgtg@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no;  You hit the hobgoblin.tgE†tg6655.4 (1.4tgtg3M _You kill the hobgoblin!tg~ b# #.#  #.#.# ##†# .#..# ..#.## ...######.# ...#......# ...###### ######...>.tgJ # #####.).@.### #.....#####.# #.##### ..#.# . tg΅ tgA 4-60tg tg% v _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.tghf9# #.#  #.#.# .###.##†# ....#..# #...#.## #...  ######.# ...  #......# ..tgfg.###### ######...>.# #####.).†### #.....#####.# #.##### ..#.# ... .# ### tg g(tg-gtgotg2pn8=---7 tgbp _tg[vtg6ytgZotgotgptgPs,tgxXtgyytgytgztgH|tg|k19==tg}tg$tgStgntgtgtgtgӄ,tgtgctgk20==tgtgOtgtgbtgx,tgtgCtgztgjtgHtgh1==tg tgtg(tg tg,tg}tgtg@tgjtgitgˡh2==tgtgtgtgtgħtgtgۨtg,tgtgHtg9=tgntg$tgfK3=tg^tg3,tg=tgtg&tgtg̸,tgǹtgntgŻh4==tg̼tg,tgtg@,tghtg),`,tgtgBtgytgtgY6==tgtgtgtgtgtgtg,tgtgtgF,tgtgtgtg,9=tgtg@tg,tg\tgtg,tgtgwtg3,tgbXtgFtgtg,tgtgtg),tg5tgtg #.....#......# ##.###.........>.... #..#####.......... ##...# ......... ###.# .......  #.# #...... .tgw  ####.####.#... ..  #.........##.# #.#  #.#######.##@###..# 90.4 (43.0)  ##†# #.##......#.  #..# #.##...  #.## #.#..... ####.# #........... .....# k#### ######...>...... # #####.).†........... #####.........tgtg},1.4 (44tgUtg; _Found a stone staircase leading down.tgntg.otgmptgstg;v,tgzXtg{tg}tg~tg~tgtgtgr,tgvtgtg:tg|tgtgtgstgtgtgtg ,tgttg1tgtg?tgtgtg,tgetgtgtg5tgtgtgCtg|tg tg'tg,tgtg`tg,tg۳tgdtg̶tgtgtg̸tg!tgXtgͺtgtg߽tg tgtgtgtgtgftgHtgtg!tgtg`tg,tgTtgtgtgEtgtgtgtgtgtggtg] ...########## ............### #..########...# ##.###...####.##### ...÷.#...# #......## ##.).....# #.......##### .........###....@......[812.4 (21 ...#......##............ ##.###.........>.  #..#####............#  ##...# #......  ###.# ##.....  #.# #........  ####.####.#.###  #.........##.####.###tgtg,3.4 (22tgtgx- _Found a leather armour.tg1|3tgr~tgetgtgtg,tgߍ,tgJtgvtg,tg\tg2tgtgƙtgϚtgtgb,tgtgtg ,tg7tgEtg(tgptgtgfF  You see here a +0 leather armour.tgtg( _tgatgztg,tgtggtg-,tgGtg(### ..### #...# ###.#####  #......## ####  #.......#######.. ##...........[....# ...............# >..........@.# ........#..##### tgX..............# ..............# ............... .#.........####. .##.####.### .##.###..# .###.tgC-23.4 (10tg,4.4 (11tgtgod _g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXTtgtg&tgtgtg(tgtgEntgtg ,tgVtgtg,tg`tg/tg,tgtgtgtgtgtgtgV,tgtg{tg,tg7tgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtg,tgtgtgDtgstg:tgL tg` ,tg tg tgtgtgtgItgtgtg3tgtg,tgtgtg",tgb#tg0%tg&,tgC(tg)tg*,tg,+tg ,tg-,tg.tg0tgJ8   >..  #.# # #.# # .#  ##### #.#  ....## #####.# tg9@ .....#######..##.#  ....[....##@#  44.4 (20.....##.#  .>.....##.# #..######.# .# #.# ...### #.# tgg9  ............####.#   .......####......#   ####.### ######.#  tg=B5.4 (21tg@tgC; _Found a stone staircase leading down.tgYTtgTtgAUtgjWtgYtgYtg^,tg_,tg_tg,atgbtgbtgctgdtgkftgftgDgtg7itgj,tgwktglmtgn,tgotgdqtgms,tgjttgDvtgw,tgSxtgztg|,tgX}tg~tg8tg~tgtg$tgtgtgNtgtgB ########  #......#  #......#  ######......#  #...@.......#  #.P###......#  #. #..>...# tgf#### r. ####.###### ## #.# ##...##.# r   rat (asleep) ####.##### #.# # #......## #####.# #.......#..##.#tgt 56.4 (1  A rat comes into view.tgW  The rat squeaks loudly. You hear an angry hiss. x2tg .SS   ball python (constriction)  A ball python comes into view.tg6===7.4 (12tgtg30 _The rat moves out of  ########  #......#  #......#  ######......#  #...@.......#  #.P###......#  #. #..>...#  .S ####.###  ## #.# #.#  #.# #  #####.# # .# tg> ########  #......#  #......#  ######......#  #...@.......#  #.P###......#  #. #..>...#  .S ####.## ## #.##.#  #.  #####. .tg4tgtgb _A ball python is nearby!tge" ######## #......# #......# ######......# #..@........# #.P###......#tgJ #.# #..>...## .S. ####.##.### ##r #.##...# S# #.#S 2 ball pythons (constriction, 1 wande…).####.#######tg #.#r   rat .# #......## #####tgHE.# .# #.#..##.#tgitgm  A ball python comes into view.tgtgtgHtgtg' SrS.SS 3 ball pythons (constrictiontg*)  The ball python hisses ;---8.0)tgftg^ _A ball python comes into view.tgF  # #......# #......# ######......# #.# #SP###......# #.## #..>...## .Sr ####.###.### ##S. #.##...# .#. #.# ..####.#######.. #.# ..# #......## ## #####.# ..# #.#..##.#tgH tgI tg vr.S. 2tg P=--9tgP tg[ < _You block the ball python's attack. x2tgL W# #......# #......# ######......# #.# #SP###......# #r## #..>...#  S.S ####.###### ##.....# .#. #.# S 3 ball pythons (constriction)####.#######.. #.# # #......## ## tg Q ,tgR f  The ball python bites something. The ball python grabs[ {Sr..Stg[ /-60tguf tgj ; _The ball python constricts'######## #......# #......# ######......# #.S.# #rP###......# tg#.## #..>...#  .SS ####.###### ##.. #.#...# .#. #.#  2 ####.#######.. #.# #......# #......# ######......# #.rS.# #SP###......# #.## #..>...#  ..S ####.###### ##...# .#. #.# .#.. #.# tgztg~O  The ball python attacks as it pursues you!\0-=tg| 2tgȏtg70 _The ball python bites^atge  You closely miss the ball python. The ball python bites you.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.tgq SS 3 ball pythons (constriction)  The ball python bites the plant. The plant begins to die.tgqA3---tgqs-1 3.7 (1.3Constr tgAztg*~m _You block the ball python's attack. The ball python constricts you.tgh~tg?  You slash the ball python!tg^  You kill the ball python!tgj  The ball python bites the plant. x2; The ball python grabs the  tgKThe ball python constricts the plant. The rat bites you but does no damage.tgb.SSr 2tgH 8 725.1 (1.4tgtgKB _The ball python loses its grip on the 7  You slash the rat!tg tgF tg .SS  You kill the rat!The ball python bites you but does no* 556.6 (1.5tg: tge Y _The ball python closely misses you.tgtg .  You closely miss the ball python. A nearby plant withers and dies.4=-8.0 (1.4tg-< _The ball python misses you. You block the ball python's closely miss the ball python. A nearby plant withers and dies. _The ball python misses you. You block the ball python's attack.  You hit the ball python.  The ball python is moderately wounded.The ball python bites you but does no damage.  You block the ball python's attack. The ball python closely misses you.tgo-9.3 (1.3tgEvtgyX _The ball python barely misses You block the ball python's attack. The ball python closely misses you. _The ball python barely misses you.heavitgB0m-1 70.7 (1.4Constr tgh0tg6tg:z _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.tg5 ?  You slash the ball python!tg7 tgB .   ball python  You kill the ball python!The ball python bites you but does no 5== 8 822.0 (1.3tgJ tgM Y _The ball python closely misses you.tg5X  You closely miss the ball python.tgCThe ball python bites you but does no damage.tgG}-1 3.3Constr tgtgz _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.tgτThe ball python bites you but does no damage. _grabs you. The ball python constricts you.  You closely miss the ball python.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python constricts you.  bites you but does no damage.tgW3--4.6tgtg_ _The ball python constricts you.tgL?  You slash the ball python!tg TE†tgPX{4=- 8 65.9tgD^tg`O _You kill the ball python!tgO.  ######## #......# #......# ######......# #....# #..###......# #.## #..>...##tg. k ..S ####.###.### ##.. #.# ##...# .#. #.# ####.#.. #.# # #......## ## #####.# # #.#..##.#tgY5 tg5 4-60tg8: tg>  Things that are here: _a ball python corpse; a rat corpsetgb: ######## #......# #......# ######......# #..@†.# #..###......# #.## #..>...## ... ####.##.### ##.. #.##...# .#. #.# .####.#######.. #.# tg.# #......## ## #####.# .# #.#..##.#tg tgG-7 _tgſtgtg  # #......# #......# ######......# #.@.†.# #..###......#tg&  #.## #..>...## ... ####.###.### ##.. #.##...# .#. #.# ..####.#######.. #.# ..# #......## ## #####.# tgW T..# #.#..##.#tg tg. &8tg tg tgzItg[|tg|9=tgo5=tgtgtg/tgstgtg!tg,tgtg@tgh6==tg(tghtgߊ,tg'tgtg,tgOtg_tg<,tgftgtg5tg|9=tgtgntgtg/tgAtgtg٣tg tg'tgtg,tgtgtgi,tgŴtgstg,tg?tgѽtg,tgtgtgtgtg?tg_tgtgtg&tgtgW,tgtgQ  Things that are here:  a ball python corpse; a rat corpsetgtg _tgtgtgtgtgVtgtg,tgAtgtg,tgHtgR  There is a stone staircase leading down here.tgtg _tg>tgtgtgtgtgtgtgJtgatgtgtgtgLtgtg,tgtgtgtg@tgtg_tgtgitgtg`tg ,tg tg_ tg tg tgtgstg,tgtgtgtgMtgtgtg{tgtgtgtgtgtg3tgL tg",tg#tga$tg&,tg|&tg'tg(,tg7)tg*tgJ3.>............##.# .......#..######.# ..........# #.# ..........### #.# ............####.#  .......####......#  ####.### ######.#  ###..# #.#  .....#. #@#  917.9 (39.0) ....... #.#  ....... #.#  ....... #.#  tg44.. #.#  >...... #.#   ..... #.#   ..... #)#   .....  tg9tgE:,8.9 (40tg>tgA# _Found a mace.tg3tgtgtgtg_tgXtgtgΐtgM,tgtgutgN,tgtgtg;tgtg+tgΜtgJtgtg2tgytg-tghtg tg<  You see here a +0 mace.tgtg _tgtgatg,tgȰtgtgEi......   >   #) ....... ....... .#### # tgb g   hobgoblin (asleep)   g.(   tg( 27.9 (9.0)  A hobgoblin comes into view.Found 5;K  The hobgoblin shouts! You hear a bark!tg0h   jackalgg   hobgoblin.htg7==8.9 (10.0) tgtg'Y _A jackal comes into >. ..)..#### . gh 2 jackals (1 wandering).h( h  A jackal comes into view.tgdtgStgtg^G  The jackal barks! You hear a bark!tg6ghhh 3 jackals..htg19.0)tgtgY _A jackal comes into  >.).####  gh.h( gh.h.KK   kobold (missile)tgh 0--30tg@ tg z _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.tgߤQ>.).####  gh..hh..KB   giant cockroach (wandering)....Bg   hobgoblinK   kobold (missile)tgtgq  A giant cockroach comes into tgh(K.BB.tgO=-1tgtg@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.tgAtg"Ctg_Ftg5U KhB..  You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits you.tgU[5-3.4 (1.5tg atgVe@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no  You slash the hobgoblin!tg+tg,tg! hB(K   kobold (missile)tg!A  You kill the hobgoblin!tg%d6=934.8 (1.4tg.tg1 tg1E_The jackal barely misses you.tgO}  You hit the jackal.  The jackal is almost dead.You block the jackal's} (6.2tgӈ tgh > _The jackal bites you but does no| 8  You hit the$tg$tg/ B. 2  You kill the jackal!tg0tg>>......#.#  Oo007 the Shield-Bearer .......#.#  Mountain Dwarf .......#)#  Health: 26/26 ======================== .......#.#  Magic: 2/2======================== .......#.#  AC: 6Str: 18 .#####.#  EV: 8Int: 8 .##.#  SH: 4Dex: 9#.#  XL:  2 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:1#@#  Noise: =--------  Time: 937.5 (1.3)#h#  a) +0 war axe#B# tg?[40m Nothing quivered#.# Kh( ...  hh 2 jackals...  B   giant cockroach.....  K   kobold (missile) You hit the jackal.  The jackal is almost dead.You block the jackal's attack. _The jackal bites you but does no damage.  You hit the jackal.  You kill the jackal! _The jackal barely misses you.You have reached level 3!tg/  --more--tgJ  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? tgC<31/313/320tg-D3 0% tgLH2 jackalsgiant cockroachtg{M1kobold (missile)tg\PU _You feel stronger. x2tg[mtgotgz h.KYou barely miss the jackal. You block the jackal's attack.tgz[0-8.9 (1.4tg|tg+ _The jackal bites] D40.2 (1.3tgf tgk _You closely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you.tg_C1.6 (1.4tgtg _You barely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you. x2tg   You closely miss the jackal.The jackal bites you but does no damage.tgV1=3.0tgztg}T _The jackal closely misses you.tgFC4.5 (1.5tgOtgR _You closely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you. x2tg5  You closely miss the jackal.The jackal bites you but does no damage.tg6 (6.0tgA tg)E S _The jackal barely misses you.tgbw  You closely miss the jackal. The jackal bites you.tglc]29--7.4 (1.4tgktgnT _The jackal closely misses you.tgK  You barely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you.tgYL-8.7 (1.3tgVtg Z4 _You block the jackal's  You hit the jackal.  The jackal is heavily wounded.tgVh30=-50.1 (1.4tgktgA _The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2tg  You closely miss the jackal.The jackal is heavily wounded.tgl rYou block the jackal's attack. The jackal barely misses you.tgH -1.6 (1.5tg= tg o _The giant cockroach waves its  You closely miss the jackal.The jackal is heavily wounded.The jackal bites you but does no damage.3.0 (1.4tgtgnT _The jackal closely misses'8  You hit the jackal.tgtgttgtgBhK.   jackaltg.1==34.5 (1.5tgtgJ _You kill the jackal!tg{  You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach misses;|-5.9 (1.4tg)tg\ _The giant cockroach barely misses C  You slash the giant cockroach!tg tgR tg hK.K   kobold (missile)  tg =You kill the giant cockroach!tg 29--77.3 _The jackal bites you.tgW tg e _Your Axes skill increases to level 3!tg:  You slash the jackal!tg †K   kobold (missile)  You kill the jackal!tg9(tg7;†tgp30=-108.6 (1.3tg[tg,_E _The kobold throws a stone. You block the stone.tgAN.).####  K...(......tgNE..........$.tgYtgwY%90tg_tgc _Found 11 gold pieces. The kobold hits you but does no damage. _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.tgZ  You slash the kobold!)=261.0 (1.4tgtgJ _You kill the kobold!tg{ ).####  †...(,| Q.......$$ tgʅ b1=-20tg, tgo m  Things that are here: _a +0 short sword; 4 stonestg|&?. .####  †)........('r.......$...............tg0tg$1G-3 _tg7tgq:tgD] tg] tg_ tg%d tgYg tgg tgjl ,tgn tg2o tgp tgs tgw tg6x 9=tgz tg} tgL ,tg tg tg tg: tg tg+ tgw tg tgW M _You now have 20 gold pieces (gained 11).tg\ 3tg tgY tgM tg tg tg tgߣ tgB tg( tg tg ,tgm tg tg ,tg tg tgf tg tg tg tgI ,tg tg tg׼ ,tg tg tg tg tg* tg tgE tgq tg; tgS tg ,tg> tg tgE tg tg1 tgY tg ,tg tg tg ,tg tg tg ,tg tgo tg tg[ tg3 tgK tgb ,tg tg1 tg ,tgT tg tg1 tgq tg tg tg tg4 tg^ tg\ tg ,tgx tg tg ,tg tg ##.).†........... #.# #####......... tg #)# #### ##........ #.#  ##....... #.# .#### ###.# #### #.# .## #.# .... #.## ###..#### #.# .##. ....##.......# #.# ..#tg k#..#.@.....# #†# .... #.....#)# tg, <...# ##........####.###### ..## ##.....(....# tgS 2.... ##### #........... ..## ......##.................. tgz ?..# ......... ..# ####............tgG #..................You pick up a book of Flames and begin 091.0 (28.0)tgF$ ,2.0 (29tg( tg9* b _You add the spells Inner Flame, Sticky Flame and Flame Wave to your library.tgtgztg%tg(tgtgtg,tggBtgctg # ##................ #. tgH ######...>........r.. ##.).†............... ...#####............)##..........  ##........ tg" .#####.## #### #.# #@.## ###..#### #. .##. ....##.......# #.#Nothing quivered ..##..#.......# #†# ....#.........# #)###....r   quokka (asleep)tgF]##...#...#..................tg14.0)tg.rrtg+5.0 (3tgFtgY _A quokka comes into view.tgP >  #.#  ##................ #.#  >........... #.# ).†......r.. #.# ....... #)#  ..... #.#  ... #.#  .#####.## #.#  #.# #@.## #.#  #.## ###..#### #.#  .....# #.#  #..#.......# #†#  #.........# #)#  ##........#tg Z ##............( ##### #......... tg"   #.#  ##................ #.#  >........... #.# ).†......r.. #.# ....... #)#  ..... #.#  ... #.#  .#####.## #.#  #.# #@.## #.#  #.## ###..#### #.#  .....# #.#  #..#.......# #† #.........# #) ##........# ##............( ##### #......... tg ] _A quokka is nearby!tgM#....# ##.....#  ######...>......# ##.).†............r...$# #. ...#####...............# #) #### ##.............###.........b.# .#####@## ####tgx #..## ..#.## ###..### .##. ....##.......# #.#......#r   quokkab   bat (asleep)........tgDe  A bat comes into view.tgtgtgtg&.rb..b=6.0 (1tg3f _Found 10 gold pieces. The bat hits you but does no^. ##....  ######...>. ##.).†..$# #. ...#####........# #) #### ##.r.....###......@b...# #.#####.##### #### #..## ..#.## ###..### .##. ....#..# #.# #..#.# #†..# #)# .##.tgA;####.####### #(....#tgI  The bat closely misses you. The quokka closely misses you.tgJ7tgHV$ tgW,_The bat hits you but does no 8  You hit the Y  You kill the quokka!tg b.b   battg UCovered 76tg 8.3 (1.3tg tgd n _You closely miss the bat. You block the bat's attack. x2ug7  You slash the bat!ugg†ug(%9ug 9.6ug ugCG _You kill the bat!ugNy =M##.##^. ##....  ######...>ugy 1. ##.).†..$# #. ...#####........# #) #### ##..###...........## #.#####.##### #### #.# #..## #.#......ugxz #.....#ug ug 8-1000.6 (1.0) ug ug  Things that are here: _a bat corpse; a quokka corpseug@M######.##.###..# #.....## #.##^. ##....  ######...>. ##.).†..$# #. ...#####..# #) #### ##.†.....####...........###.#####.##### #.##....ugGugG!-ug H&1 _ugbNugNPug ug Xug ,ug ug ug ugz ugơ ug ug ug ,ug ug ugޫ ,ug ug ,ugٰ ugd M _You now have 30 gold pieces (gained 10).ug" ug] ug ug: ugξ ug ugY ug` ugE ug ug ugi ug ,ug ug ug" ug ,ug ug ,ugw ug ug ug ug ug ug' ugi ug ug1 ugj ,ug ug ug@ ug{ ug ug ug ,ug] ug ug ,ugq ug ugX ug ug ug ug ,ug ug. ug ug ugb ug\ ug\ ,ug{ ug ug ,ug ugC ugb ug ug ug ug ,ugi ugq ugE ug} ug ug ug  ,ug ug6 ug ,ugx ug8 ug ug ug ug  ugT ug ugx ug ug1 ,ug ug ug ,ug ug ug] ,ugX! ug" ug"$ ugM$ ug$ ugi& ug' ,ugg( ug* ugn, ,ug- ugY0 ug1 ug2 ug3 ug5 ug7 ,ug8 ug|: ug; ug< ugA= ug? ug@ ug)A ugB ugD ugbF ,ugnG ugJ ugK ,ug,M ugO ugP ugP ugQ ugT ugU ugU ugV ugX ugGZ ,ug[ ug b I....##..# #.............# ##. ...)##.## #........###### ## ugmb 2.(.....# ##......##### # ....#### ##....###### ....# #.###........# ....# #.......# ######.. ugb W...## #.......# ### ..## ##.....## ### ##@..##  #####  ug/c ugh 047.6 (46.0)ugei ,8.6 (47ugm ug,p c _h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUOug ugr ug ug ug% ug ug ug= ugi ug ugo ug ug ug] ug ug ug ug ug0 ug ,ug ugI ugS ug| ugv ug ug ,ug uga4 ##.....######## #.# #..## ##.###........######.######..## ...###.....##..........##....... #####.......#####.####..#.......#  #.............# ##.  #........###### ##........# ugD5  ##......##### ##........  ##..........#########........  #.......###.@......##........58.6 (10#.......# ########...........#.......#####........##.....###........##...#######....#######...ug5 -##..###ug6 ug;; ugb> E _Done; ug9= 3ugZ .....###.0.0)[ ugp [ _Done exploring.ugIug&ug&ug*ug-E _Done exploring.ugugZWhere to? (? - help) ug6 D - Dungeon ugsugy##.....######## #.# #..##Oo007 the Covered ##.###........######.######..#### Mountain Dwarf ...###.....##..........##.......# Health: 31/31 ======================== ugjz#####.......#####.####..#.......# Magic: 3/3========================#.............# ##.........# AC: 7Str: 20#........###### ##........# EV: 8Int: 8##......#####ugz}##........ SH: 4Dex: 9ugz##..........#########........ XL:  3 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:1#.......###.@......##........ Noise: ---------  Time: 1058.6 (0.0)ug!{C#.......# ########........... a) +0 war axe#.......#####........ Nothing quivered##.....###........ugZ{{### _a bat corpse; a quokka corpse _You now have 30 gold pieces (gained 10). _h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _Done|ugy}ugugug: _ugkugCugugugug,ugugugugugug{ug8ugug4ugzug(,ugҩugDugugƮugugSugug ugugKugug~,ugvug,ug}ugugEugugugiugugougug ugugugugugcugugugugugugfugugugug ugXugKugugugdugw,ug)ug7ug$ugmugug#ugsugugugKugNugugug1Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ugug4ug$ _ug~ugay 2ugz ugd{ ug{ ug| ug Done exploring. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You climb downwards.  Found an embroidered hat and a robe. ugK a Found a stone staircase leading down and a stone staircase leading up.  upug6 ug?    .  .#   #######.##   #.........   #.........   #......... ug@   . 81.4 (22.8)   #.g.......   #.....[...   #....>....   #...<[....   ########## g   hobgoblin    ugA ugH ugK ` _A hobgoblin is nearby!ugB$ugl8=2.7 (1.3) ugwugzw _You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's =  You slash the hobgoblin!ugb F†ug 6234.1 (1.4ug ug M _You kill the hobgoblin! ugnR .. .. ..#  #.# #. #. #. ugo #.< #.†. #.....[. #....>. #...<[. #  ugy ug2z4-50 ugy ug ug ... ... ..# #.###.#.#.##.##.<.# ug0 #.†.##.....[....##....>.....##...<[.....## ug'  ug @-6 ug  ug#  ug!#... .... ..# ##.###.#.# ugp#.# #.# #.<.# #.†.# #.....[....#  ug ugi &7 ug  ug ug%#... .... ..# #.#.###.#.# #.# #.# #.<.# #.†.#  ug΃#.....[....#  ug<8 ug ug ug't #....... .# .#.#######.###.............# # <†....[>. ugF~<9 ugT ug ug_  .... .# .#.#######.###.............# # <†...>.<[ ugp =90 ugw  ug{ l _You see here a +1 hat.ugu2ug4dWield which item (- for none)?ugQ5\- - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) [*] show all[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip ug ug ug .... .Oo007 the Covered..# .#.Mountain Dwarf#######.###...Health: 31/31 ========================#...........#Magic: 3/3========================#..........#AC: 7Str: 20ug #..........#EV: 8Int: 8#.<........#SH: 4Dex: 9#.†........#XL:  3 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:2ug g#.....@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1090.1 (0.0)#....>.....#a) +0 war axe#...<[.....#Nothing quivered############There is a stone staircase leading up here. ug W_A hobgoblin is nearby! _You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.  You slash the hobgoblin! _You kill the hobgoblin! _You see here a +1 P  Okay, ug. ug;0 . _ug;ug=9Wear which item? Inventory Items Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Floor Items ([,] to select) Armour a +1 hat[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip ugDugug82.... .Oo007 the Covered..# .#.Mountain Dwarf#######.###...Health: 31/31 ========================#...........#Magic: 3/3========================#..........#AC: 7Str: 20#..........#EV: 8Int: 8#.<........#SH: 4Dex: 9#.†........#XL:  3 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:2#.....@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1090.1 (0.0)#....>.....#a) +0 war axe#...<[.....#Nothing quiveredug############ _A hobgoblin is nearby! _You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.  You slash the hobgoblin! _You kill the hobgoblin! _You see here a +1 hat. _Okay, then.ugoH1.1 (1 _ug!ug 1A2.1 (2ugЉc3.1 (34.1 (45.1 (5 8 _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 hat. x4 _You finish putting on your +1 hat.ugB` G.... . #..# .#. #.###... #.# #.# #.# #.<.# #.†.#` 9# #....>.....# #...<[.....# ugHi ugi ugi +6.1 (1 _ugo ugq ugaugbugcuggugk,ugmp,ugs,uguugwug,{,ug|ug~ugD,ugug9ugp,ugug9ug(,ugcug{ug,ugugFug[,ugugug"ug]ugugQugL,ug]ug~ugM,ugugugŲ,ugzugug2,ugչugug,ugugbugZ,ug ugvugk.. . .#### .. ....## ... ....# .. .P .... #...####..# #...#.g'..# #... #@.# #...####..# ##.........# #..........#ug#..##.#..##########.###...##g   hobgoblin (asleep)#...........####..........###..........#ugK 1115.0)  You open the door.uge.ggug,2.1 (16ugsug:\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.uguN .. . .#### .. ....##  ... ....#  .. .P .... #...####..# #...#..g..# #... #@.# #..# ...# ....# #..###  ...##  ..###  .##  .#ug .. . .#### .. ....##  ... ....#  .. .P .... #...####..# #...#..g..# #... #@.# ug#..# ...# ....# ugC#..###  ...##  ugbM..##  ug}A.#  ug..ug4ugug` _A hobgoblin is nearby!ug5  You barely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin barely misses you.ug7 8=3.5 (1.4) ugc; ugT> @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no  You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is almost dead.ugK!(4.9ug 'ug*@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no  You slash the hobgoblin!ugE†ugH566.2 (1.3ugug M _You kill the hobgoblin!ug2Qg ..  .##....## ... ....##.≈ .. .P .....> #...####..# #...#..@..# #...#..#..# #...####..# ##.........# #..........# #..##.#..###ugQ!g   goblin (asleep) #######.###...## #...### #..##ug^  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.Found a stone staircase leading down.ug9eK .  The goblin shouts!uge4-70ugSiugl _The goblin moves out of view.  There is an open door here. _You see here a hobgoblin N-ug ug ugHug\Hug"IugxLug>PugSugYP _uguug$.. ....##. . ..... ..g....#### ...$#.....## ...........##.≈.....P.......>..≈#...####@.# 8#...#..†..# #...#..#..# ...####..##...##..........# ug!g   goblin #..##.#..##########.###...##.###ugug\] _A goblin is nearby!ug $.. .. ...##. . ..... ..g....#### ...$#.....## .  ..........##.≈.  ....P.......>..≈  #@.# #...#..†..# #...#..#..# #...####..#ugF ...# ...# .###  .##  ugzi $.. .. ...##. . ..... ..g....#### ...$#.....## .  ..........##.≈.  ....P.......>..≈  #@.# #...#..†..# #...#..#..# #...####..# ...# ...# .###  .#  ugFq4ugwug{] _A goblin is nearby!ug .. # $.. .. ...##..... g....#### ...$#.....## . ....##.≈.....P...@...>..≈...####..#####.#..†#.. #...#####........ #..##.#..#########.###...##ug ug g.g   goblinugš -9 _ugb ug ugvW.. # $.. .. ...##..g... ....#### ...$#.....## . ....##.≈.....P.......>..≈...####..#####....#..†.. #...#####......... #..##.#..###ug! (launcher)The goblin unwields a +0 club. The goblin wields a +0 sling.ugI((((ug* ....  The goblin shoots a sling bullet. You block the sling bullet.=20ug0ugt4' _You hear a shout!ugZ ~.. # $.. . ...##.g... ....#### ...$#...@.##  ....##.≈.....P.......>..≈..####..#####....#..†...#.. ug; KK   koboldA kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ug2 U(((((((ugA ....@..1ug+I ug O | _The goblin shoots a sling bullet. The sling bullet closely misses ##?$.. ...##. .K.g... .#### ...$#..@..## ..##.≈. ....P.>..≈ #...####..#####. ug+,@#...#..†..# #...#..#..# #...####..# ##.........#  #.#ug2ugv=F.KugEE (((((((Found a scroll labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU. The goblin shoots a sling bullet.ugZ...@...ugd.=2ug*ugkY _The sling bullet barely misses you.ugM4... .... .#.. ##.#.?$.. ....##...Kg...#.#### ...$#.@...## ..##.≈..P.>..≈#...####..#. #...#..†..#ugM #...#..#..# #...####..# ##.........#  #.#ugQug\J.KugKb=((ugx..28---3ugugRR _The goblin shoots a sling bullet. The sling bullet hits you.ugc#.... ..#.... .##..... ##.###.?$.. ....#.....##..#....g...##....K...#### ...$#@....## .#.##.≈.#.....P.>..≈#...####..##. #...#..†..# #...#..#..# #...####..# ##.........#  #.#ug ug ugJ.g.Kug/--4ugugugb## #... .. . .# .#.... ##.##.?$.. .....##..#g..# #.....K@.#### $#.....## ..##.≈......P.......>..≈###...####..#####.#†.ug#.#..#.. #...####..##ug  The kobold closely misses you. The goblin unwields a +0 sling.ugY!6----=-5ug-ugT0V _The goblin wields a +0 club. The goblin hits you with a +0 club.ugz:  You slash the kobold!ug )  You kill the kobold!ugd7-306.6 (1.4ugKug _You closely miss the goblin. The goblin completely misses you.ugV  #.#### #.. #..... .. . #..... .# .# #..... ##.##.# #.?$.. ..... #.....##..# #.....g..# #.....@..#### #....$#.....## . #............##.≈. #.....P.>..≈ ###...####..###. #...#..†..# #...#..#..# #...####..# [ug5 D39;49m ##.#ug1 ug8 %70ug ug z _The goblin closely misses you. _You see here a +0 short  #.##### #.. #.....# .. . #.....# .# .#ugZ b #.....###.##.# #.?$......... #.....##..# #.....g..# #....@)..####ug > #....$#.....## . #............##.≈.ug  #.....P...>..≈ug M ###...####..####. #...#..†..#ug8 J #...#..#..# #...####..#  ##.#ug uga &8ug ug = _The goblin hits you but does no  You closely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no \8=30.0 (1.4ug ug S _The goblin barely misses`ugV7-1.4ugnug u _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you with a +0 club.ugh:  You slash the goblin!ug*tC)ug x032.8ugŀugJ _You kill the goblin!ugq #. #.##### #.. #.....# .. . #.....# .# #.....###.##.##.?$.........#.....###.....@..# #.....)..#### ugBr #....$#.....## . #............##.≈.#.....P.......>..≈###...####..#####.#...#..†..#ugr #...#..#..#...####..#ug| ug| 58=ug} --30ug ug h  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a +0 slingugug-ugpug ug$: _ug'ug_(ug*ug-ug*.ug/ug3ugQ4h9==ug$6ug/:,ug<ug{?ug?ugfAugaE,ug+GugJugJK$30uguKE==ug.Mug2Q,ugVSugDVugVug}Xug[ug[ugn]ugraugaugaa1==ugcugAi1 _HP restored.ugn3ug quguugUyugyug{ug2,ug!ug}L _You now have 36 gold pieces (gained 6).ugug9=ugIugug0,ugїugJug]ugugFugugugugug,ugIugM _You now have 47 gold pieces (gained 11).ugug*ugug| #. #.  #. ug #.##### #.. #.....# .. . #.....# .# .#ug #.....###.##.# #.@..........-ug #.....##..# #.....)..#  #.....)..####ug~ #.....#.....## . #............##.≈. #.....P.......>..≈ ###...####..#####.;#..†..#ug7054.8 (21.0)ug,5.8 (22ug2ugd _j - a scroll labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU ug3 ugV ug ug: ug ug ug  ug$, ug8& ug( ug#-, ug- ug8/ ug0, ugV1 ug2 ugj5, ug;6 ug7 ug8, ug 9 ug9 ug; ug0; ugr; ug< ug$= ugA= ugz= ug> ug?, ugd? ug? ug@ ugA ug:A ugB ugC ugAD ugD ugHF ugG ugH ugiH ugI ugJ ugJ ugJ ugK ugL, ugL ugM ugN ugN ug,O ug0P ugdQ ugQ ugQ ugIS ug>Z##### #...###  ugZ#.#.@.# #.###....... #.## #......#..# #.....##.# ###.# ug [#.# l l   frilled lizard (asleep)#.##.##.##### #.. ugHa 71.8 (16  A frilled lizard comes into view. ug\g}l.l ugg,2.8 (17 ugk ugm8 _The frilled lizard hisses angrily. ugv  ##### #...### #.#.@.# ugU  #.###.......  #.## #......  #..# #.....  ##.# ###l#  #.# .  #.# #.# #.##### #.. !ug7] ##### #...### #.#.@.# #.###.......  #.## #......  #..# #..... ##.# ###l# #.# .  #.# #.# #.##### !ug$?!ug?!ugD!ugGe _A frilled lizard is nearby!!ug? ##### #...### #.#..@# #.###.##.####.#..# #.##.# ###l##.# .#.# .#.!ug[@ O##.!ug>C !ugI >l.!ugJ 83.0) _!ugO !ugR "ug##### ######...###....##.#...#....###.###.@.....##.##≈#..# ##..l...≈##.# ###.##≈.# ..#.# ≈#.# ≈#.##### #..#.....# .. ."ug"ug>l."ug&4"ug"ug"ugT ##### ###### #...###....# #.#...#....## #.###.# #.####..l....≈.#..# ##......≈.##.# ####.##≈.#.# ... ~#.# #.≈ #.# .≈##.##### #..## "uga t29--=5"ugc "ugf 3 _The frilled lizard bites you."ug##### ###### #...###....# #.#...#....## #.###.# #.####..l....≈.~#..# ##......≈.##.# ####.##≈.#.# ... ~.#.# ##.≈ .#.# .≈# "ugy%<6"ug)"ugv+< _You block the frilled lizard's attack.#ug{ B  You slash the frilled lizard!#ug F†#ugV o30=-58.1 (1.3#ug #ug" R _You kill the frilled lizard!#ugb ##### ######...###.....#...####.......#≈####.≈.~.# ##...#.# ####.##. ~##.≈ .##.....# .# .##ugmi#ugi4-90#ugbn#ugr{ _You see here a frilled lizard corpse.$ugj ##### ######...###.....#...####.......#≈####..†....≈.~.# ##.#.# ####.## #.# ... ~.#.≈..≈#.##.....###.##.#$ugOs$ug(tH-80 _$ugx$ug{$ug D1===$ug# $uge $ug ,$ug $ug $ug $ug0 $ug $ug $ugU $ugz $ugt $ug $ug $ug $ug $ug! $ug ,$ug $ugu" $ug(% $ugJ% $ugs& $ugC( $ug$+ ,$ug;, $ug/ $ug2 ,$ug3 $ug5 $ug8 ,$ug9 $ug: $ug> ,$ug> $ugC $ugkE ,$ugcF $ug,H $ugQL $ugjU .#...#....#### .###.......#≈### ....b. .####..†....≈.~##...... ..# ##......≈..~....... $ugU #.# ####.##≈........ #.#...≈~..#... . #.###.≈.....###... $ugU #.# ##.≈#.......... #.##### ##..###.@..... $ugV #.....# #..##...~~♣~.. #.....# #.##..####.~.~.♣ $ugV 5#.....###.##.### ♣~.... #..............# ♣. $ugV #.....##..####..~.≈ ~~~~b   bat (wandering) $ugV #.....)..## ##.♣.~ ..♣ #.....)..#### ~~ ♣~ $ugV _#.....#.....## .~.$ugt^ 1202.1 (22.0)$ug^ ,3.1 (23$ugf $ugi V _A bat comes into view.%ugg..#≈### ....b. †....≈.~##......  ##......≈..~.......  ####.##≈........  #...≈~..#... .  ###.≈.....###... %ugh ##.≈#..........  ##..###.@.......  #..##...~~♣~....  #.##..####.~.~.♣ .##.### ♣~.... .....# ♣.≈# .#%ug;h" ~~~~ )..## %ug^hj ..♣ ) ~~ ♣~  .~. %ug Y..#≈### ....b. †....≈.~##......  ##......≈..~.......  ####.##≈........  #...≈~..#... .  ###.≈.....###...  ##.≈#..........  ##..###.@.......  #..##...~~♣~....  #.##..####.~.~.♣ %ug9 .##.### ♣~.........# ♣.≈#.# ~~~~ )..##  ..♣) ~~ ♣~ %ug %ug %ugJ %ug Z _A bat is nearby!&ugU8..## ...#....#### ..............#≈### ....b..####..†....≈.~##....... ..# ##......≈..~........####.##≈......... ...≈~..#... .###.≈.....### ##.≈#..&ugsV3##### ##..###.......##...~~♣~.... #.##..####.~.~.♣###.##.### ♣~.............# ♣.≈####..####..~.≈ ~~~~)..## ##.♣.~ ..♣)..#### ~~ ♣~&ugZ&ugZ&ugh\&ugZd^.bb&ug$e84.1 (1.0) _&ugk&ugn&ugh#### ##### ...###....# ###...#....#### .......#≈### ####..†....≈.~## ..# ##......≈..~........####.##≈......b.......≈~..#....&ugI*###.≈...@.###... ##.≈#.##### ##..###......##...~~♣~.... #.##..####.~.~.♣###.##.### ♣~....&ugo.........# ♣.≈####..####..~.≈ ~~~~)..## ##.♣.~ ..♣&ug&ug&ug'M.b=&ug:( 5&ug/&ug21 _You block the bat's attack.'ugL'ugRb.6.5 (1.4'ug>'ug _You barely miss the bat. The bat closely misses you. The bat barely misses you.'ug ###### ###....# ####. #...#....#### #. ###.#≈####. ####..†....≈.~##.# ##......≈..~.. 'ug.# ####.##≈..... .# #...≈~..#b. .# ###.≈....@###... .# ##.≈#. .##### ##..###. .....# #..##...~~♣~....# 'ug@n.....# #.##..####.~.~.♣~ .....###.##.### ♣~. 'uga......# ♣.≈# .....##..####..~.≈ ~'ug7~~~ 'ug'ug'ug'ug ,70'ugS'ugQ _The bat closely misses you.'ugZ 4'ug 'ug (ug(ug(ug(ug&b.(ugW-8.9 (1.4(ug(ug{ _You miss the bat. The bat misses you.(ug0M ### ##### r ..## ####...#....#### .......#≈### ####..†~####......≈..~..####.##≈....b(ug'1h...≈~..#@.......###.≈.....### ##.≈#.......... .##### ##..###..............#..♣~r   quokka (asleep)#...(ugM13###~~~(ug7h  A quokka comes into view.(ugw9(ugt:(,90(ugJ(ugN: _The bat hits you but does no damage.(ug R # ### ##### . ..## ####r...#....#### .......#≈### ####..†~####......≈..~####.##≈....@.....≈~..#..b.###.≈.....###... ##.≈#...........(ug' ##### ##..###...........##...~~♣~....# #.##..####.~.~.♣~###.##.### ♣~..............# ♣.≈###(ug (ug (ug (ug' j.rb.(ug' '10(ug/ (ug3 : _The bat hits you but does no damage.)ug9 # # ### ##### ..## ####....#....#### #...r.......#≈### ####..†~##...##......≈..~.@.b####.##≈.......≈~..#....###.≈.....###. ##.≈#....##### ##..###...........##...~~♣~....#)ug[: #.##..####.~.~.♣~###.##.### ♣~.....)ug=)ug9?)ug?)ugGb.rb.)ugGH&1)ug&O)ugR1 _You block the bat's attack.)ug ,)ug )ugu )ug .r.b  You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.)ugE [0-3.2 (1.3)ug )ugQ + _The quokka bites you.*ugݎ#...##. ###### .###....# ####. ...#....#### #.h.#≈####...†....≈.~##.r. # ##......≈..~.# # ####.##≈....b.# # #...≈~..#.# # ###.≈.....###. *ug:# ##.≈#......... ##### ##..###.........# #..##...~~♣~....#h   jackal (asleep)# #.##..####.~.~.♣~ b   bat *ugv  A jackal comes into view.The jackal barks!*ugJ*ugY**ugb1==40*ug3*ug;x _The bat hits you but does no damage. The quokka barely misses you.+ug+ugm+ugou  You miss the quokka. You block the bat's attack.+ug+ugo+ugk  A jackal comes into view. x2+ugM+ug+ug+ugF +ugu!+ug<, 2 jackals (1 wandering)+ug,X25------+ug,5.7 (1.5+ug/6+ug9M _The quokka bites you. x2; The jackal moves out of view.+ugQ  The jackal barks!  You hit the quokka.+ugY  You kill the quokka!+ug+ug>5  You hear a bark!+ug2+ug+ug+ugͫ+ug.....hhh.b.hhh 3 jackalsb   bat+ug=9=7.0 (1.3+ug+ug: _The bat hits you but does no damage.+ug̓O ### #...# # ## ##### ## #### ...#....#### .......#≈###..##..†....≈.~##.@....hh.+ug/X##......≈..~....h####.##≈..........≈~..#..b.....####.≈.....### ##.≈#.. +ugVq##### ##..###............##...~~♣~....## #.##..####.~.~.♣~+ug+ug +ug+ugg+ugc+ug`+ug3+ug+ug¬7 hh.h.h.b...h 4 jackals (1 wandering)The jackal barely misses you.+ug1a6=-----+ugY80+ug+ugY _A jackal comes into view.,ug&5The jackal barely misses you. _A jackal comes into view.The jackals!  You hit the jackal.  The jackal is severely wounded.  You hit the bat.,ugu,ugDV  You kill the bat!,ug!,ug,uggM  The jackal bites you but does no damage.,ug@,ug.h..hh,ugy8/33=42=9.3 (1.3,ug,ug,ug/  --more--.ugER _The jackal closely misses> You hit the jackal but do no damage.The jackal is severely FYou hit the .ug EThe jackal bites you but does no 6-20.7 ( .ugC L _The jackal closely misses you..ugjJ  You hit the jackal.  The jackal bites you but does no damage. _The jackal closely misses you.  You completely miss the jackal.The jackal is severely wounded.  You hit the jackal..ugnq  You kill the jackal!You closely miss the jackal..ugo.ugy h.. 3The jackal bites you but does no damage.{  --more--0ugT p _The jackal barely misses you. You block the jackal's attack.0ug You hit the jackal.  The jackal is almost dead.You slash the jackal!0ugc 0ug'  †.h 2You kill the jackal!The jackal bites you but does no damage.  0ug =The jackal barely misses you.0ug T9=500ug[ 3.50ugh 0ugS 0ugi /  --more--2ug4< _The jackal bites you but does no damage.2ugU0You hit the jackal.2ug_You kill the jackal!You slash the jackal!2ug8..2ugpQ=74.8 (1.32ug 2ug B _You kill the jackal!2ugG #### #...#.#. ###### . 2ugG c###....# ####.#....#### #..#≈####..†...†....≈.~##. 2ugH ##......≈..~.........#  ####.##≈.2ugAH ]#  #...2ugH L ###.≈.....###. ##.≈#........ ##..###........2ugH # #..##...~~♣~....# 2ugR 2ugR 4-502ugW 2ugY 3ugM^#######...#.##.  ###### #.....# ####.#....#### #. .#≈####..†...†....≈.~##. ##......≈..~.........#####.##≈.# ###.≈...3ugM{##.≈#........ ##..###.......# #..##...~~♣~....# 3ugWW7-3ugW63ug\3ug_3ug2 33ug 3ug\ 3ugp h303ugI 3ug} 3ug 3ug 3ugX ,3ug 3ug a1=3ug. 3ug4 3ug! 3ugU 3ug@ ,3ugI 3ug ,3ugo 3ug8 3ug #23ug E==3ug 3ug ,3ugb 3ug! ,3ug! 3ug# ,3ug$ 3ugC' 3ug' #33ug' E==3ug( 3ugV. 3ugt0 ,3ugp1 3ugS5 3ugP= ####### ##...#...# 3ug= ]##. ##### ## ####.. ....#### #.. .....#≈####..†.......... .†....≈.~##....... ......≈..~...3ug> ####S ###.##≈............##...≈~..#........# 3ug,> |S   ball python (constriction, wandering) 3ugR>  ###.≈.....###......  ##.≈#.............. 3ugp> ^# ##..###.............3ugC w404.0)  A ball python comes into view.3ugJ ~S.S)3ugK ,1.8 (153ugQ 3ugMU 5 _The ball python hisses angrily.4ug.4 #########  ##...#...#  ##.........  #..........  ####..........  #.....@....... #..†.......... .†4ug/#...........S. ~.........####. ..........#  .#........#  ...###......  ............. #  4ugk- #########  ##...#...#  ##.........  #..........  ####..........  #.....@....... #..†.......... †#...........S. 4ugY~.........####...........#  .#........#  ...###.....  4ug L............ 4ug44ugY4ug'b _A ball python is nearby!5ug# ##...#...###.# #.# ####.[#### #.#≈####..†...# †....≈.~##.....S.#≈..~.........####.#.##≈.# ##...≈~..#.#  ###.≈...##.≈#.............. 5ug5ug9S.5ug02.0) 5ug5ug:( _Found a ring mail.5ugC# ##...#...## ##.# #.## ####.[##### #.##≈####..†.# ....≈.~##.S..# ≈..~..##≈.... #...≈~..#.# 5ugv###.≈....  ##.≈#.... 5ug5ug>S.5ug#=5ugO35ug5ug5ugk######### ##...#...## ##.##  #.# # ####.[# #### #.# #≈####..†......S...## ≈.~##.# ≈..~.. .##≈.#5ug(lK # ...≈~..#.# .≈.....###...... ##.≈#.............. 5ugz  The ball python closely misses you. You block the ball python's attack.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.5ug{.=45ug$5ugX _The ball python barely misses you.5ugT ######### ##...#...## ##.## 5ug  #.# # ####.[# #### #.# #≈####..†......S...## ≈.~##.5ug t# ≈..~... ##≈.5ug ]# .#≈~..#.5ug/ # #.≈.....###......5ugK g.≈#.............. 5ug 5ug T2-55ug+ 5ug 0 _The ball python bites you.6ugL  You barely miss the ball python. The ball python barely misses you.6ug--1 7.1 (1.3Constr 6ug6ugMz _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.6ug ?  You slash the ball python!6ug 2.6ug B 8 88.46ug 6ug O _You kill the ball python!6ug.A ###########...#...####.........## #..###[### #.... .#≈####..†## ..≈.~##...6ugA .~.####..# #......... .##...~~♣~....####6ug~I6ugI+-96ug J 06ugR6ugBT7ugs ###########...#...####.........## #..###[### #.... .#≈####..†## ..≈.~##... .~.#### ##≈....# .#7ugS........ ##..####.~.~.♣~7ugt7-7ug 507ugq7ug7ugd7ugd7ugf7ugi7ug)ma3=7ugln7ugwp7ugp7ugq7ugs7ugv7ug/v7ugw7ug?y7ug{,7ug|7ug0~7ugO=7ug܁7ug7ug>##...#...####.........## #...........# ####..........[# #..............# ###..†..........## .~##.............# .~.........####.# ..........# #@# 5.4 (5 ~..#........# #.# 7ug.....###...... ... #.................##................. ...~~♣~....####.#..#####.~.~.♣~ ≈. ... 7ug### ♣~..... ≈. ...> ..# ♣.≈###7ugړ7ug+6.4 (67ugÙ7ugԛ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.8ugN8ugdO8ugP8ugT8ugW8ugBX8ug\,8ugR^8ug^8ug_8ugga8ugc8ug#d8ugd8ugf8ug~i,8ug}j8ug6l8ugm8ug&n8ugn8ugp8uggr,8ug;s8ugZv8ug##.........## #...........# ###..........[# ..............# 8ugI..†.## .......# ##8ugp.......####.# #####?b.#8ug......# #.# #...b..#####.## 8ug7.##........8ugP.........#### .8ug....... ~♣~....####.#..## 8ug#.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈... bb 2 bats (asleep) 8ug# ♣~.......≈.≈...> 8ugA ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....8ugqo 62  2 bats come into view.8ug8ug]8ug܉8ug%  8ugSFound a scroll labelled AHI (78ugQ8ug: _The bat hits you but does no damage.9ugM ##...#...## ##  . ###[..†# 9ugN.....# ####.# #####?..# #.# #@bb...#.......####.###.##...####.............# ##9ug;N\.....#### ................ 9ug^NT~♣~....####.#..## #.~.~.♣~ #9ug|Nw  ♣~.....> 9ugNA ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#9ugR9ugTS9ug`).b9ug:a+4.4 (19ug.l9ugypV _The bat hits you but does no damage. You block the bat's attack.:ug,:ugZ .   batYou barely miss the bat. x2; The bat hits you but does no damage. x3:ug-5.9 (1.5:ug:ugQ _The bat closely misses you.:ug:ugD:ug:ug bb 2 batsYou closely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.:ug-7.3 (1.4:ug~ :ug: _The bat hits you but does no damage.:ug :ug :ug :ug :ugf  You miss the bat. The bat hits you. You block the bat's attack.:ug :ug O2-8.7:ug| :ugU : _The bat hits you but does no damage.:ugC7  You slash the bat!:ug_:ugY :ug~P You kill the bat!:ug:ug<†.:ug76270.0 (1.3:ug:ug; : _The bat hits you but does no damage.;ug##...#...##  ##.##  #.# ;ug .[# # †.## # ;ug')## ;ugC####.# #####?..# ;ug^7# #.# #.@....# ####.###.##...# ;ugz~###.b..# ### ;ugj..####...... ;ug♣~....####.#..## b   bat ;ug(;ug ;ugy;ug;ug-b.;ugAZ3=10;ug;ug 4 _The bat completely misses you. _You see here a bat corpse.;ugԍ?##...#...## ##.## #.# .[# # †.;ug## # ### ####.# #####?..# # #.# #.†@...# ####.###b##...# ....# .### ..#### ##..... ~....####.#..## ;ugʑ;ug;ug;ugR;ug.-2 _;ugͥ;ug  ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#  ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ♣.≈###.# .≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....=ug=ugr=ug#=ug#==ug5=ug=ug: _The bat hits you but does no damage.=ugs.. ##[ ....†#. #######.# #####?..# #.# #.†....# ###.###.##...# .###...........b@# .## ....#### ## .... ~♣~....####.#..## #.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈...  ♣~.......> ♣.≈###...# .≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... ♣.~ ..♣=ug=ug"=ug`=ug6=ug=ug _You see here a bat corpse. _The bat hits you but does no damage. _You see here a bat corpse. _The bat hits you but does no damage.>ugW4>ug}^>ugg`>ug>ug>ug>ugb.>ug[2-7.3 (1.3>ug>ug _The bat hits you but does no damage. _You see here a bat corpse. _The bat hits you but does no damage. _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you.>ug9 + #.##.[# #.# #..†.## #.# ###.####.# #####?..#.# #.# #.†....# #.####.###.##...# .>ug9 .###.b@.# .###.#### ##..... ~~♣~....####.#..## ##.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈... ♣~.......≈.≈...> ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... .♣.~ ..♣>ugD >ugD #1>ug E 9--8>ug%E 0>ugnL >ugO L _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat hits you.>ug=>ug>ugy  You barely miss the bat. You block the bat's attack.>ugf[2=9.6 (1.3>ug>ugT _The bat completely misses you.?ug ?ugh)80.9?ug?ug[w _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x3?ug^?ug?ug?ug?ug$T1-2.3 (1.4?ug$?ug` _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you.?ug  You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2?ug T2=3.6 (1.3?ugb ?ug" Q _The bat closely misses you.?ug|?ug}?ug}?ugBb.4.9?ugx?ug-t _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.@ug #.#  ####.[#  #.# ##..†.## ##.# ### ~.####.# #####?..#.# #.# #.†....# .#.####.###.##...#.###.b@..# .###.#### ##.... .~~♣~....####.#..###.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈... # ♣~.......≈.≈...> # ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# .~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... #.♣.~ ..♣@ug%.b.@ug ,50@ug@ugP _The bat barely misses you.@ug #.# ####...[# #....##..†@ug..## ~##..# ### .~.####.# #####?..#.# #.# #.†....# ..#.####.###.##...#.###..# .###.#### ## #.b... ..~~♣~....####.#..@ugA###.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈...# ♣~.......≈.≈...> .# ♣.≈###..≈.≈...@ugk.# ..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... ##.♣.~ ..♣@ug @ugs@ug(,..b@ug>(j3==6@ugp1@ugO4P _The bat barely misses you.@ug  #.# ####....[# # #.....##..†...## .~##...# ### ..~@ug^ .####.# #####?..#.# #.# #.†....# ~..#.####.###.##...#.###..# .### #.#### ## ##.b.@ug &.~~♣~....####.#..## .####.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈...@ug # ♣~.......≈.≈...>@ug .# ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# @ug #..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....  ##.♣.~ ..♣@ug @ug @ug *b.@ugg &7@ug7 @ug Q _The bat closely misses you.AugJ###[ # #.......###..†# .~##... ### ..~.####.# #####?......# #.# #.†....# ~..#........####.###.## .....###..........b..# .## #.......#### ## #...... ...~~♣~....####.#..##.######.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈.... ### ♣~.......># ..# ♣.≈###..# #..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....  ##.♣.~ ..♣. #.. .##.  ~~ ♣~AugAugE'.bAug$T2-8AugAugRC _The bat hits you. You block the bat's attack.Aug˱ 7  You slash the bat!Aug˺ 1.Aug 6490.2 (1.3Aug: Aug G _You kill the bat!BugK|####.[#  #.....# ..†...## ~##...# BugL### ~.####.# #####?..# ..# #.# #.†....# ..#.####.###.##...# ###..# .### .Bug2Li#### ## .BugWLJ~~♣~....####.#..##.# ####.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈....BugL ♣~.......≈.≈...>## ♣.≈### ..~.≈ ~~~~ ##.♣.~ ..♣. #... BugUBugVS3=-Bug*V10Bug\Bug]BugBugm1-BugBugBugIBugJBug,BugQBugBugO,BugBugBugBug+Bug3BugBBugBugڳ9=BugBug_  You see here a bat corpse.BugBug _BugݽBugBugBugBugBugeBug,BugBugyBugh,BugBugg,Bug~BugA _e - 2 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE (gained 1)BugQBugzBug|BuguBug ,BugPBugBug0,BugBug]BugBugBugBugBugC,BugQBugBugr,Bug0BugaBug......# ##### .......####.# #####...# .......# #.# #.†....## .......####.###.##...# ###BugGz.....#..### ....####.###### .............# BugR♣~....####.#..##.#####... ~.~.♣~ #≈.≈ 3065.0) ♣~BugY≈.≈...>#...#  ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# Bug`≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.......# .~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# Bug)y~ ♣~ ..#.... BugN&~. . #.##. ...#  . #. .) .. Bugy BugyBug,7.2 (16Bug Bug$ _Found a sling.Cugq 3Cugr Cugt Cug%v Cuggv Cugz Cugk{ Cug^ XCug ,Cug' Cug' Cug` Cug Cug Cug Cug9 ,Cug Cug Cug j............# ~♣~#.#..##.#####... #.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈.....#### Cug k ♣~.......≈.≈...>#...#  ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...#≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.......# Cug) ♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# ~~ ♣~ ..#........# Cug  . #.##@#...# . . #...)#...# ≈ ###........ . ##......## #......# #......#K   kobold (wandering) Cug N....... .#.....KCug Cugm 12.2 (5.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.Cugҧ gKK.Cugo &==Cug 3.2 (6Cug Cug ( _The kobold shouts!DugD  #.#..##.  #≈.≈.....####  .≈.≈...>#...#  .≈.≈....#...#  #≈≈≈#.......#  ..♣. #.....#.#...#  ♣~ ..#........#  . #.##@#...# . . #...)#...#  ###........ . ##......##  #......#  #......#  ......K  .#...... Dug,w h #.#..##.  #≈.≈.....####  .≈.≈...>#...#  .≈.≈....#...#  #≈≈≈#.......#  ..♣. #.....#.#...#  ♣~ ..#........#  . #.##@#...# Dugx 6 . #...)#...#  ###........  ##... #.... #......#  ...... .#...... Dug Dug Dug Dug ] _A kobold is nearby!Eugvq~♣~....####.#..##.#####... #.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈.....####  ♣~.......≈.≈...>#...  ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# .≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.......# ♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# ~~ ♣~ ..#........# .~. . #.##.#...# .Eug A  #... ≈ ##........# . ##......## #......#..#......K..#......# .EugEug2>K.Eug&--Eug4.2 (1 _EugEugN _You see here a +0 sling.Fug w#.~.~.♣~ #≈.≈.....####  ♣~.......≈.≈...>#...# ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# .≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....... ♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# ~~ ♣~ ..#........# .~. . #.##.#...#  #...)#...#.. ≈ ###.@......# . ### FugR  K.........## .## ....#.#Fug Fug,>K.FugH--5 _Fug Fug,#Fug  ♣~.......>#... ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# .≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.......# ♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# ~~ ♣~ ..#........ .~. . #.##.#.. Fug #...)#...#.. ≈ ###........# . #### #...K..# ....##Fug#. .## ....#.# #....FugFug;K.Fug&6FugFugFug , ♣.≈###. .≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#...... ♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#.. ~~ ♣~ ..#...... Fug+ .~. . #.##.#...# .  #...)#...#.. ≈ ##........# . ##..K...## #@.....# .....####. .# ....#.# #..... Fug Fugf G.KFug  Fug 7Fug Fugx Fug$.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... ♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#. ~~ ♣~ ..#...... .~. . #.##.#...# .  #...)#...#. Fug$≈ ##........# . #### #.K....# .#.........#######. .Fug$ ## ....#.# #.... .....#..Fugf.;=Fug. 8Fug5Fug~84 _You block the kobold's attack.Gug≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.# .~ ..♣. #.....#.#...#  ♣~ ..#........# # ~. . #.##.#...# .#  . #...)#...#..# ###.#  ##......## #.K....# Gug#.@....# #.......#......#.#####...###....#.###.....# .....# GugcGug&9GugGugT _The kobold closely misses you.HugfD8  You hit the kobold.HugLC$Hug-Q6720.6 (1.4HugXHugD[J _You kill the kobold!HuggM ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... Hug.~ ..♣. #.....#.#  ♣~ ..#........# ~. #.##.#...#  ....)#...#..####..###......## ##  #..........#......#.##.#...#..HugHug[--10HugHugM  You now have 70 gold pieces (gained 23).Hug,E-2.6 (2HugHug4- _You see here a +0 whip.Hug@W pM♣~.....> HugX  ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... .~ ..♣. #.....#.#  ♣~ ..#........# # ~. #.##.#...# ..#...)#...#..####..###) ## #.............##.....#Huga Hugrb +3.6 (1Hugj Hug?l Iug(@IIug6BIug?EIug0NBIug+fXIug(.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# ~~ ♣~ ..#........# # .~. . #.##.#...# .# . . #...)#...#..# ≈ ###........# . . ##......## ...## #.)....# .<....#.##.....5.6 (2.......#......#..#####.......... ###....#.## ##.....# .....# ...#.. ...### 6.6 (3 _Found a stone staircase leading up.Jug/Jug5,Jug Y##..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.......#  ##.♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# # ~~ ♣~ ...#........# # ## .~. ~#.. #. #.##.#...# .# .##.≈. . ~~~~##B #...)#...#..# ..>..≈ .~..... ###........# #####.....## ##......## #.......####.)....# #......<@...#......## #.##........... #...........#......#. #.##...#####.......... ##### ###....#.## ##.....#B ugYm  giant cockroach (asleep) .....# ...#.....###30.6 (4Jug{cq.BBJugd$1.6 (5Jug Jug̚b _A giant cockroach comes into view.Kugb2h    ..♣. #. # ~~ ♣~ .. #  .~. ~#.. #.  .#  . ~~~~##.  >..≈ .~....B   .......##  # ........####.)....# # ......<@...# # ........##..... # ............#.. # .##...#### # ####          Kugk    ..♣. #.  ~~ ♣~ .. #  .~. ~#.. #.  .#  . ~~~~##.  >..≈ .~....B   .......##   ........####.)....#  ......<@...#  ........##.....  ............#..  .##...#### ####  KugJ    Kug4Kug+Kugf _A giant cockroach is nearby!Kug֑ ...# ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ##..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....  ##.♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#  ~~ ♣~ ...#........# ## .~. ~#.. #. #.##.#...# ##.≈. . ~~~~##. #...)#...#..# ..>..≈ .~....B ###.. #####.## ##......##.@####.)....# <....#......## ##...............#......#.##...#####.......... ##### ###....#.####...#...B2.6 (1 _Kugb Lug+Y.# ♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...##..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.# ##.♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.#...# ## ~~ ♣ ♣~ ...#.# # .## .~..~#.. #.##.##.#...# .# ..##.≈. ..~~~~##.##...)#...#..#.>..≈ ~.~.....####.# .#####..B## ##......## .#.####.)....# .#.<....#......## .#.##. .#....#.....#. .#.##...#####... ### #### ###....#.## ##.....#  .....#  ...#..Lug>jLugEk.=3LugcsLuge\ _The giant cockroach barely misses you.Lug֓  You closely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach completely misses you.4.9 (1.3Lug \ _The giant cockroach barely misses you.Lug  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.6.3 (1.4LugLugU \ _The giant cockroach barely misses you.Mug2-  You barely miss the giant cockroach.7.7MugK5MugE8G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.Mug  You barely miss the giant cockroach. You block the giant cockroach's attack.9.0 (1.3MugMug-G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.Mugv j  You closely miss the giant cockroach.Mug^ )40.3MugN Mugd G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.MugQ  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is severely wounded.You block the giant cockroach's attack.Mug (1.6Mug Mug G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.Nug  You hit the giant cockroach..713.0 (1.4 _You kill the giant cockroach!NugM#.### ♣~.....> ....# ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ###..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....  ##.♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.# ## ~~ ♣ ♣~ ...#........# ## .~..~#.. #.##.##.#...# ##.≈. ..~~~~##.##...)#...#..# ...>..≈ ~.~###..####.## ##......##..####.)....# <....#......## .#.........##...............NugJ-40Nug?Nug NugWM.####.~.~.♣~ #..### #.### ♣~.......≈.≈...> ....# ♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ###..~.≈ ~~~~≈##≈≈≈#....  ##.♣.~ ..♣. #.....#.# ## ~~ ♣ ♣~ ...#........# ## .~..~#.. #.##.##.#...# ##.≈. ..~~~~##.##...)#...#..# ...>..≈ ~.~##..####.## ##......##..####.)....# .#.......<....#......##...###...#.NugNugy@-5NugNug3NugNugNugxnNug<#.≈#.................####.######.###....................###...~~♣~....####.#..##.#####.. .##..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....#### .##.### ♣~.......≈.≈...>#...# ......# ~♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# ##..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.......# ## ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.#...# #### ~~ ♣ ♣~.@...## ...## .~..~#..##.##.##.#...# .# .Nugh...##.≈. ..~~~~##.##...)#...#..# .....>..≈~.~.~.....####........# #..#####....## #### †..# b....####.)....#b   bat (asleep) #..#.......<....### #..# ...........##........... ...#.............#......#.Nug+9.0 (4NugNugNugab.bNugF,50.0 (5NugNugV _A bat comes into view.Oug" ♣#.~..  ♣~....>#...#  ~♣.≈###..≈.≈.. ~~~~~#..  ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#  ~~ ♣ ♣~.@...#  .~..~#..##.##  ..~~~~##.#>..≈~.~b~..... ..........##  †..# .......)....#  .........<  ....... Oug5 ♣#.~..  ♣~....>#...#  ~♣.≈###..≈.≈.. ~~~~~#.. OugR h ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#  ~~ ♣ ♣~.@...#  .~..~#..##.##  ..~~~~##.#>..≈~.~b~...............##  †..# .......)....#  .........< ....... OugC 4Oug Oug0 Z _A bat is nearby!Pug0 ##.≈#.####. ##..###. #..##...~~♣~....####.#..##.##### #.##..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....#### #.##.### ~♣~.......≈.≈...>#...#.# ?~♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# ..####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.# .## ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.#...# .#### ~~ ♣ ♣~@....#.# .## .~..~#..##.##.##.#...# ..##.≈. ..~~~~##.##...)#...#..Pug2m.>..≈~.~b~.....####.# ##..#####....## ##......## .†..#.....####.)....# .#..#...<....#......## ##..#.....##.# .#......#Pug5Pug!7PugHF-b.PugF3=1.0 (1PugQPug7U _Found a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE. You block the bat's attack.Pug4 ##..###.......... #..##...~~♣~....####.#..##.#######..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....#### ### ~♣~.......≈.≈...>#... .......# ?~♣.≈###..≈.≈....####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... .## ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.### ~~ ♣ ♣~.....#..... ....## .~..~#b@##.##.##.#...# ..##.≈....~~~~##.##...)#...#..>..≈~.~.~.....####........# ##..#####...........## ### .†..# ...####.)##<....#..Pug ....## #..##.... ..#.....####...#####...b.2-2Pug' _The bat hits you.RugQW..##...~~♣~....####.#..##.#######..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....#### ### ~♣~.......≈.≈...>#... .......# ?~♣.≈###..≈.≈....####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... .## ##.♣.~..b♣.##.....#.#Rug## ~~~♣ ♣~.....#..... ....## .~..~#..##.##.##.#...# ..##.≈....~~~..)#...#..>..≈~.~.~.....####........# ##..#####...........## ### .†..# ..####.)##RugJ<....#......## #..##.... ..#....####...#####...#### #### ###....#.#Rug&A  You enter the shallow water.RugWRug$ ..b  Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.3Water Rug8g _The bat closely misses you.Rug##..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....#### ### ~♣~.......>#... .......# ?~♣.≈###.####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... .## ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.### ~~~♣ ♣~.....#..... ....## .~..~#.b##.##.##.#...# .Rugi6.##.≈....~~~~##.##...)#...#..>..≈~.~.~.@...####........# ##..#####...... ### .†..# .####.)....# #<....#......## #..##.... ..#....##Rug,##...#####...### ..### ##### ###....#.# .##  ##....RugRug,RugRug&Rug8.b1--4.6 (1.6RugRugL' _The bat hits you.Rug### ~♣~.......>#... .......# ?~♣.≈###.####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... .## ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.### ~~~♣~♣~.....#..... ....## .~..~#..##.##.##.#...# ..##.≈....~~~~##.##...)#...#..>..≈~.~.~..b..####........# ##..#####.......@...## ### .†..# .####.)....# #<....#......## #..##.... ..#....####...#####...### ..### ##### ###....#.# .#Rug # .###.... ##  Rugq!b.RugQ2=5Rug 0RugV Rug7 u _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.Sug/  You hit the bat.  The bat is severely wounded.Sug.b 6.9 (1.3SugjSugu _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.SugDW d.####.~.~.♣~##..### #.##.### ~♣~.....>.....# ?~♣.≈###..≈.≈....# ..####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.... ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.# .#### ~~~♣~♣~.....#........# ## .~..~#..##.##.##.#...# ##.≈....~~~~##.##...)#...#.. SugX ......>..≈~.~.~##.. ##..#####....## ##......## .†b....####.)....# .<....### ##.##...............##..# #....##...#####......... ..### ..### ##### ###....# .##.###Sug[ Sug^ ,SugXf [b.-70SugTn Sug q Tug 5  You hit the bat.Tug i.Tug 3==5=9.2 (1.3Tug& Tuge G _You kill the bat!Tug.##..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....#### .##.### ~♣~.......≈.≈...>#...# # ?~♣.≈###..≈.≈....#...# ####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#.# ## ##.♣.~...♣.##.....#.#...# #### ~~~♣~♣~.....#.# ### .~..~#..##.##.##.#...# .###.≈....~~~~##.##...)#...#..#TugѪ>..≈~.~.~..@..####.# ..#####.## ##......## †..# .####.)....# #..# .<......# .##.# #....#......#.# #....##...#####.### ..### ##### ###....#.## ## .# ##.....#TugTug5-600Tug.TugVug,IVugVugBVugvVugVugVug2Vug+VugbVug9=VugVugcVugGVugVugVugVugVug4VugpVug Vug,VugVugVugA  You enter the shallow water.Vug4@Water Vug]VugN _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.Vug<VugVugNVug0VugQVug%Vug,VugVug  ####.##≈............# #.# #. #...≈~..#........####.###. .# ###.≈.....###............. ##.≈#.................### .##### ##..###................... .....# #..##...~~♣~....####.#..#..# #.##..####.~.~.♣~##≈.≈.....###.##.####~♣~.......≈.≈...>Vug .........#~@~♣.≈###..≈.≈....- .....##..####..~.≈~~~~~≈##≈≈≈#... .....)..## ###.♣.~...♣.##.....#. .....)..#### #.~~~~♣~♣~.....#.... .....#.....###♣..~..~#..##.##.##.........##.≈....~~~~##.##...) ..P.......>..≈~.~.~.....####..  Vug r##...####..#####...........## ##.   #...#..†..# #............####. VugN070.8 (10.6)Vug,1.8 (11VugVugd _k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAEWugU3Wug3Wug_Wug;,WugBWugWugWugWugWugWugcWugkWug,WugWug%Wug,Wug~WugWug,WugWugWugWug,WugWug,Wug]WugWugWugWugWugEWugn,Wug0WugWugB,WugWug3WugoWugWug0WugWug,WugWugWug,Wug2WugsWug,WugWugWug,WugwWugzWugaWugWugWuge WugA ,Wug Wug Wug ,Wug, WugWug,WugWug2WugWugWug$WugWug,Wug_WugWugBWugWug,Wug/Wug,#Wug$Wug2$Wug$Wug&Wug',Wugd(Wug*WugU+Wug+Wug+Wug*.WugU/,Wug/Wug1Wug 3Wug=3Wug3Wug5Wug%7,Wug7Wugt:Wug;,WugU<Wug>Wug?Wug@Wug@Wug CWugDWugDWugFWug"HWug[IWugIWugJWugLWugIN,Wug"OWug*QWugR,WugSWugUWugSW,Wug^XWug[Wug\Wug%]WugF^Wug`Wugc,WugGgWugiWug|k,WuglWugnWugp,WugqWug;tWugLv,Wug>wWug>yWug3{,Wug|Wugl~Wug,WugЁWug Wug,Wug-WugWug,WugȌWugWug,WugWugWug,WugWugWugћ,WugWug)Wug',WugWugpWug,Wug7WugЧWug-.........<....##### ...........##............ ...............#......#.. ....##...#####..... .######### ###....#.## ## ##.....# ###.....#  #....#....  #@...#####  ....B...####  ###~.~#.#Wug #.≈.~#≈. #≈.~ ~~♣ ..~♣~ ...B   giant cockroach (asleep) ..≈. .~.♣ ##~~ .#≈ WugV0422.8 (51.0Wug1f.BBWug,3.8 (52Wug3Wugkb _A giant cockroach comes into view.Xugl...##...... .....##. ....##...#####... .######### ###....#.## ## ##.....#  ##.....# #....#....XugPE#######....#####.....B.@#### ###~.~#.#  #.≈.~#≈.≈.~ ~~♣...~♣~ .....≈. .~.♣ ~.##~~ .#≈. ~.. ♣~♣~. ~..Xug}Xuga:.BXug04.8 (1.0) XugXug Yug7C  You slash the giant cockroach!Yug01.Yug=8=6.3 (1.5YugYug S _You kill the giant cockroach!YugS.##. #.#......#.. #....##...#####........... ..# ###....#.## .## ##.....## ##.....# # #....#.... ##....#####.####.###~.~#.# #.≈.~#≈.# #≈.~.~~♣.# ..~♣~~.......≈...~.♣ ~..YugU##~~~.#≈. ~....~♣~♣~. ~..YugZYug[4-70Yug`YugLbYug #.##. ##.#......#.. ##....##...#####........... #..# ###....#.## ..## ##.....# .## ##.....# .# #....#.... ###....##### ##.####.###~.~#.# #.≈.~#≈.# #≈.~.~~♣.# ..~♣~~...... ...≈...~.♣ ~..#~~~.#≈. ~... .~♣~♣~. ~..YugN# Yug$ @-8Yug( Yug]* ZugnZugZugtZugoZug,ZugcXZug#ZugZug,Zug1ZugZug8,ZugZugZug^,ZugZugvZugg,ZugOZugZugA  You enter the shallow water.Zug8@Water Zug{Zug-N _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.ZugZugZug}ZugZug0Zug±ZugbZugٴ,ZugZugSZugZugZugrZug=Zug,ZugZugZug/BZugZugZugZugZugZug,Zug4ZugZugRZug)ZugZugZugaZug,ZugZug7Zug  You enter the shallow water.Water Zug _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.ZugZugZugeZugZugZugyA  You enter the shallow water.Zug@Water ZugZugD  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.ZugZug&ZugZugZugNZug50ZugnZugZug(ZuglZugZug],ZugNZugZug,ZugZugZugZug,Zug Zug Zug ZugD Zug ZugZugHZugZugZug',ZugZugXZug,ZugZugnZug,ZugtZugZug Zug#!Zug!Zug#Zug7%,Zug%Zug'Zug(Zug(Zugz)Zug+ZugV,,Zug,Zug/Zug[0,Zug0Zug2Zug.4,Zug4Zug6Zug78Zug8Zug8Zug:Zug <,Zug<Zugl>Zug?Zug?Zug@ZugBZugC,ZugDZug4FZugG,ZugHZugKZugM,ZugNZugOZugQ,ZugRZug*UZug`VZugVZug)XZug^YZugS[Zug[Zug\Zug+]Zug^,Zug3_ZugcbZugPcZug}cZugcZugUeZugf,Zug4gZugHhZugCiZugi,ZugjZug k,ZugJkZug%lZuglZuglZuglZugsmZugmZugnZug2nZugoZuguo,ZugoZugMpZugpZugq,ZugqZug>r,ZugrZugsZug:u,ZuguZugpwZug5xZugxZugyZugzZuga{,Zug{Zug}Zug%~,Zug~ZugFZugBZugZugӈBZugnZugNZug؏ZugZugx,Zug ZugڑZugZugnZugSZugǕ,ZugZugZug/,ZugZugUZugf,ZugۚZugUZug/,Zug˝ZugZugП,Zug?Zug|ZughZugZug)ZugZugAZugGZugZugZugZugrBZug;,ZugϴZugTZug6,ZugZug*ZugT,ZugZugѽZugv,ZugZugZug[,ZugZugZugA,ZugZug5Zug# #.##.#...# .# ..g. ...)#...#..# ...# ##........# .~... # ##......## .~... ####.)....# ..~.~. ..#......########..~~~. ....................~. ....#......#....@......# ###...............#########....#.######## ##.....###.....########....#.......## g   hobgoblin (asleep) #####....#######..#### ......#### ##....# #~.~#.##### ####.#ZugU513.7 (85.4) _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  A hobgoblin comes into view.Zug>.gg==4.7 (86ZugZug"+ _The hobgoblin shouts![ug k # .# ....  .g.#  .~... #  .~... )....# ..~.~. .########..~~~. .............~. #....@......# .........######  [ugF #.########  .#  ##.....  #....#.......##...#### ......#### ##....# .##### ####.# [ug-) # .# ....  .g.#  .~...   .~... )....# ..~.~. .########..~~~. .............~. #....@......# .........######  #.########  .  ##..... [ug #....#.......##... ......#### ##.....##### ####.[ug &4[ugK-[ug(0` _A hobgoblin is nearby!\ug ...#.# .......#  ##.#...# .......)#...#..# .g.###...~ # ##......## .~.. ####.)....# ..~. ...#########..~~ ##..............~. \ug} ....##........... ###...............#########....#.########....##.....#######  #....#.......## #####....#######..### ......#### ##....\ugȂ \ugڊ .gg   hobgoblin\ugq 8--5.7 (1.0) \ug _\ugŒ \ug ]ug6#.#...#  .# # ...$.## .##.#...# .# ...... ...)#...#..# .....#. .# ..~g..#  ##......## ..~...# .)....# ..~.~.# #......#..~~~. #.~. #......#.# .######  ###....#.#  ##.....#  ##.....#  ]ugC#....#.##  ....#..####  #### ##....#  ]ug]ugL.g]ugZA--6]ug]ug+ _Found 11 gold pieces.]ugۭb#.#...#  # # #...$.##  ##.#...# .# #.......# )#...#..# #.....#. #.# #..~...#  ##......## #..g...# ]ug .)....# #..~.~.#. .#......#..~~~. .~..# #......#.# #.######  ###....#.##  ##.....#  ##.....#]ugή  #....#.##  ....#..####  #### ##....# ]ug;( ]ug]ug&7]ug]ugd^ug#.#...#  # # #...$.# #.#...# .# #.# .)#...#..# #.....#..  .# #..~...#  #......## #..g...#  #.)....# #..~.~.#. #......#..~~~...# ^ug~..#  .#......#.###  .######  ....#.##  ##.....#  ##.....#  #....#.##  ....#..####  #### ##....#  ^ug"^ug+F~g^ugq,&8^ug]3^ug.6^ugP;... #.# ##### ......# $.### #.#...# ..##)#...#..#...#.. .......##.~...# )....# #.g~.~.#.. #########.@~~~...#..~..####.....### ...............###### ##....#.######## #.....#######  .......## ##....#######..###^ugZD=9^uga^ugd@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage._ugk=  You slash the hobgoblin!_ugg†_ug78221.0 (1.3_ug3_ugM _You kill the hobgoblin!_ugiKQM# ..... #.# ##### ......# $.### #.#...# ..##)#...#..#...#... .......##.~...# )....# #.@~.~.#.. #########..~~~.........~..## .#......#...........### _ugO_ug\P4-20_ugU_ugXv _You see here a hobgoblin corpse._ugM>### ..... #.# ##### ......# $.### #.#...# ..##)#...#..#...#... .......##..# _ug)....# #.†~.~.#.. #########..~~~... ...................~..## ..... ##_ugz_ug_G-3 __ug_ug%`ugI`ug`ug`ugu`ug`ug`ug,`ug`ug\`ugD`ug`ug'`ug`ugc`ug`ug`ug`ug`ug`ugM _You now have 81 gold pieces (gained 11).`ug\3`ug `ug `ug ,`ugL `ugi`ugm`ug`ugC`ug`ugq,`ug`ug`ug;`ugi`ug`ugK`ug:,`ug`ug`ug ,`ug `ug7"`ug$,`ug&`ug '`ug/#.# #.†....## #.###.##...# #...# ..### #..r ...####.###### #...  .......###..  .#..##.#####......  ≈.....#### #.#  ≈...>#...# #.##  .≈....#...# #@.###  ≈≈#.......# ##...#  ....#.#...# ###.##### ## # #.....### ##.##.#...# .# #.......## ##...)#...#..# #.....#....# r   rat (asleep)##........# #..~.`ug1[37m..###.# ## ##......## #..~...# # .####.)....# #.†~.~.#..`ug5- 36`ug5K3.0)  A rat comes into view.`ug>g.rr`ug>5==7.0 (14`ugtE`ugH- _The rat squeaks loudly.aug# #.† #...#  #... #..r#..... #.#>#...# #.## #@.###  ##...#  ###.#####  # #.....###  .# #.......##  #.....  #..~..   #..~...# # )....# #.† aug˽  #.† #...#  #... #..r#..... #.#>#...# #.## #@.###  ##...# aug ###.#####  # #.... .# #..... #.....  #..~..  #..~...# )....# #.†aug4augaugZ _A rat is nearby!aug:####... #.†....## #### #.###.##...#...#..### #...#####.###### #..r#............###...#..##.#####........###aug >## .≈....#..### ≈≈#....##...# ...#.# ###.##### .#........# .....#####.#...# ......## ...)#...#..#....#...##..aug_.~...###. ## ##......##.~...# #augaugK.raugRA--8.0) _augaugaugе ..# ########...#  #.†....## #### #.###.##......#..### ####.###### #...#............###..r##..##.#####.......#..### >## .≈....#..## ≈≈#....##...#...#.# ###.##### .#........# .....### ##.#...# ......#aug #...)#...#..#...#...##..##.aug aug K.raugR A--9aug aug bug'# ..# ########...#  #.†....## #### #.###.##......#..### ####.###### ............###..#..##.#####....@r.#..#######.#.###># #.## .≈....#..## ≈≈#....##...#...#.# ###.##### .#........# ....#####.#...# .....##...)#...#..#...#...bug2E=40bugX8bugy;1 _You block the rat's attack.bug:.# ..# ########...#  #.†....## #### #.###.##......#..### ####.###### ............###@.#..##.....r...#######.#.###bugW>#.#.## .≈....## #..## ≈≈#....##...# ...#.# ###.##### .#........# #####.#...# ..##bug)bug&1bugQ _The rat bites you but does no damage.cugQ7  You slash the rat!cug[Y2.cug]532.5 (1.5cugacugdG _You kill the rat!cug 0## # ##### .# #####...# .# #.†....## ##### .###.##...# #...# .....#..### #...# cug ####.###### #...# .........###...# #..##.#####.....@.# ≈.....#######.#.### ≈...>#...# #.#.## ≈....#...# # #..### ≈#.......# ##...# ...#.#...# ###.##### cugF #........# # #.....### #.##.#...# .# #....... #...)#...#..# #.....#....#cug cug 4-30cug^ cugq cug k-dugdugndugKdugdug,dugdugdugdugIdugdugdugadugdugdugdugh,dugdug&dug dug;dug*dugdugkdugdug-dugdug,dugXdug<dugdugdugdugHdugdugdugdug dugdug,dugddugdugdug1dugdugXdug2dug_dugdug dug dug= dug dug dug=dugjdugdugdugzdugdug(dugdugdug!dugdugdugdugdugdugdugdug@dugdug_dugdugdugdug8!dug"dug"dugl#dug>%dugs&dug&dugY'dug(dug+*,dug*dug^,dug-dug-dugJ.dug/dug0dug0dugj1dug3dug3dug&4dugl4dugQJ #.#.##  ##.#..###  ##..##...#  #..#####.#####  #.## #.....###  #.# #.......####  dugJ #.....#... .## #..~...### ## #..~...## 71.5 (28.0) # #.†~.~.#.. ########..~~~...##  dughK............~..##  .....###  .....######    .########   dugK.#   .#######  dug1LdugPdugRE _Done exploring.eugIeugd.#..#....##.. #..#####......0.0).#.eug(.eugkeugnE _Done exploring.fugIfugRfug fug fug\ E _Done exploring.gug#.#.##  ##.#..###  #..##...#  ..#####.#####  .## #.....###  .# #.####  .# #.....#....#  ## #..~...###.#  # #..~...##.@#   #.†~.~.#..##  gug5..~~~...##  ..~..##  #.###  ######  #  #  #  gug}gug)2.5 (1 gugU _guggug0gug_IM##  #.#.## #.#..## #..##...# .#####.##### #...### .....### ....#...### #.~...##.. #.†~.~.#..## #######..~~~...##  ..#guggug&3guggugogug- M....... ##  #.#.## #.#..## gug-. #..##...# .#####.##### #### .....### ....#...#~...### #.~...##..#.†~.~.#..##  gug|. g.~ ..#gug4 gugJ5 &4gugi8 gugF: jug%4jugȸjugjug9#.# #.#.###  #.#.##  ##.#..### #..##...# jugp#..#####.##### #.## #.....### #.# #.#### .# #.....#..@.# .## #..~...###.# # #..~...##..# jug=# #.†~.~.#..## #..~~~...## .~..## .#..### .######jug=S .# jugjug&5jugjugjug+A #.# #.#.### # #.#.## # ##.#..### #..##...# #..#####.#####jugB  #.## #.....### #.# #.#### #..# #.....#.@..# .## #..~...###.# .## #..~...##..# .# #.†~.~.#..## .#..~~~...## ....~..## .#jug{B .....### .###### #.#jugB  jug I jugtI &6jugM jug^O jug #.# #.#.### .# #.#.## .# ##.#..### .###..##...# .##..#####.##### .##.## #.....### .##.# #.#### .#..# #.....#@...# .## #..~...###.# .## #..~...##..# .# #.†~.~.#..## .#..~~~...## ...~..## .#.....### .###### .#.# 7kuga.....###...# .......# ######.#.### .# #.#.##  .# ##.#..### .###..##...#  .##..#####.#####  .##.## #.....### .##.# #.....@.#### #..# #.....#....# ..## #..~...###.# .## #..~...##..# .# #.†~.~.#..## ########..~~~...## .~..## #...........### ..........###### kug)kug&8kugdkugRkuge ###### #...# ......###...# .......# #######.#.### .# #.#.##  .# ##.#..### .###..##...#  .##..#####.#####  .##.## #....@### .##.# #.......#### #..# #.....#....# ..## #..~...###.# .## #..~...##..# .# #.†~.~.#..## ########..~~~...## ............~..## #...........### kug kug8 &9kug kugL kug+( 4kug+ kug- lug #.###### #...# .###...# .#####.# .#.#.### #...# #.#.## #...# ##.#..### .###..##...# #...##..#####.##### .##.## #...@.### #...##.# #.#### #...#..# #.....#....# .## #..~...###.# .## #..~...##..# )....# #.†~.~.#..## .##..~~~...## ......~..## .#.### lug lug '80lugn lug luga#.###### #...# .###...# #.#####.# .#.#.### >#...# #.#.## .#...# ##.#..### .###..##...# .#...##..#####.##### .##.## #..@..### .#...##.# #.#### )#...#..# #.....#....# .## #..~...###.# .## #..~...##..# .)....# #.†~.~.#..## .##..~~~...## .lugAc.....~..## #......#.### lugilug\j&1lugolugrmug;4#.###### #...# .###...# #.#####.......# .#.#.### .>#...# #.#.## mug~.#...# ##.#..### .###..##...# #.#...##..#####.##### .##.## #.@...### #.#...##.# #.#### .)#...#..# #.....#....# .## #..~...###.# #......## #..~...##..# mug$L#.)....# #.†~.~.#..## #......##..~~~...## ......~..## .#......#.### mugwmug&2mugmugsnugxGWhere to? (Tab - D:2, ? - help)  D - Dungeon nug nug###.###### #...#  Oo007 the Covered .........###...#  Mountain Dwarf ##.#####.......#  Health: 33/33 ======================== nug...#######.#.###  Magic: 3/3======================== .>#...# #.#.##  AC: 8Str: 20 ..#...# ##.#..###  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###..##...#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #.#...##..#####.#####nug   XL:  3 Next: 83% Place: Dungeon:2 ......##.## #.@...###  Noise: ---------  Time: 1582.5 (0.0) #.#...##.# #.......####   a) +0 war axe nug.)#...#..# #.....#....#   Nothing quivered ........## #..~...###.#  #......## #..~...##..#  #.)....##.†~.~.#..##    #......########..~~~...##    ...................~..## nug  .#......#...........###   _The rat bites you but does no damage.  You slash the rat! nug5_You kill the rat! _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _Done exploring.nugnugnugnugnug^#Bnug#,nug6%nug'nugj(nug(nug(nug+nug6-,nugsOnug`4nughnugonug#pnugq,nugqnugsnugt,nugDunug5xnugiy,nugznug2}nug'  There is a stone staircase leading down here. _ougr3oug sougv9  You climb downwards.ougcwougxoug| _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.  Found 14 gold pieces.  There is a stone staircase leading up here.oug67oug@   ###.   ... ##  # .. .#  #.##.##.#  .......#  #.....#  #...l.#   #.$.@#  ===601.2 (18.7)ougA ######          l   frilled lizard      ougAougGougpJe _A frilled lizard is nearby!pug$ a  You miss the frilled lizard.pugCm 9--2.6 (1.4) pugt pugw F _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.pugl 8--pugF &3.9 (1.3pug pug _You barely miss the frilled lizard. You block the frilled lizard's attack.qugB  You slash the frilled lizard!qugBi.qug?555.3 (1.4qugqugR _You kill the frilled lizard!qug4 ###.  ... # .. #.##.###.....@.#.$.<########qug,; qug; 4-60qug:? qugA qug###.  #... ## ... ##.###........$.<########qugqug"@-7quge qug rugrug*rugrugPBrugM  You now have 95 gold pieces (gained 14).rug rug!rug$; _You see here 3 stones.rug%rug&&rug&rug(ruge*rug*rugn+rug-rug.rug.rug/rug82rug3rug3rug35rugn7rugh9rug9rug:rug<rug>,rug?rugAArug,C,rugDrugOFrugGrugHrugHrugIrugJrug0KrugKrugMrugO,rugPrugqQrugRrugRrug:SrugUrugVrugVrugvWrug YrugZrugGZrugZrug.\rug]rugb]rug]rug^rugarugParugbrugcrugd,rugerugfrugg,rugi,rugfjrugjrugjruglrugmrugmrug(nrugorugpv....# ....#  ...#  #..>   #..#rugvG  #...   #.###  #@..# 29.3 (22.0) ###.#rugZw&  #.#  #.#########.#.........#.........#.........#########.#rugQ|rug|&30.3 (23rughrug; _Found a stone staircase leading down.sug>sug>sugJsugxOXsugRsugZ! sugZi....#.  #....#.  #......##  ........#  sug([ #.......#  #......#  .S.....#sugc[ #..@.. #..######## sug[#.......... ##.########  #...#   ###.#   S   ball python (constriction, asleep)suga\ #.#   #.#  #.#  sugUh 3.3 (3.0)  A ball python comes into view.Found a scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR.sugLq{?.SS)sugq+4.3 (4sug(zsugm5 _The ball python hisses angrily. sugU_There is a stone staircase leading down here.tugg* ....#. #....#. #......## ........# #.......# #......# .?.S...####  #..@..#  #..########  #...  ##.  #...#  ###.#  #.#  #.#   tuggO ....#. #....#. #......## ........# #.......# #......# .?.S...####  #..@..#  #..########  #...  ##.  tugh1#...#  ###.#  #.#  #.#   tugp4tugwtug{b _A ball python is nearby!tugNn#....#.  #....#.  #......##  .#  #.# #......#tugn .?.S...####  #.@>..#  #..########  #....  ##.######## #...#tug0o ###.#  #.# #.# #.#tug\stugyE.Stug..# #..######## #.......... ##.######## #...# ###.# #.# #.# tug F #.#tug  The ball python bites you but does no damage.=6tug tug¨ 9 _You block the ball python's attack.uug?M..s# #....#.. ###.. #.###......# ...?..S@.###########..>..# #########..........#s   scorpion (asleep)..#uugij  A scorpion comes into view.uugu.ssuughU1--7uug,uugs _The ball python bites you. The ball python barely misses you.uug }#.#...s# #....#.. ###.. #.###....@.# ...?..S..###########..>..# ########..........##.########uug T..###uug<  The ball python barely misses you. The ball python grabs you.uug} V.suug2 {-1 8Constr uug uug _ _The ball python constricts you.vug  The ball python's grasp on you weakens, but your attempt to escape fails.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.vugW .sThe ball python constricts you.The ball python bites you but does no damage.vug a29---9vug,vugJ_ _The ball python constricts you.wugH_ ##.#.... . #........ #....#.#. #....#...##.....s##.# #.# ###...@..#.?..S..#####..>..# #..######## wugI#.... ##.######## #...# ###.#  #.#wug6Mwug[UT.swugU> 8 -40wug\wugd`9 _You escape the ball python's grasp.wug.  ##.#....... #......... #....#.#.# #....#..#.##......###.s..# #.# ###..@...##....?..S..#####..>..#  #..######## #..........wug/ K ##.######## #...# ###.#  #.#wug1 wugK= .sThe ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.wug= -1 =1Constr wugE wugdH Y _The scorpion completely misses you.xug |  You closely miss the scorpion. You hit the ball python.xug †  You kill the ball python!xug G 8 72.8 (1.5xug xug U _The scorpion barely misses you.xugO  You closely miss the scorpion.The scorpion stings you but does no damage.30-4.1 (1.3xugQ xugT U _The scorpion barely misses you.yugsr  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.yugKt!5.4yugK{yug7~A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.yug!={  You barely miss the scorpion. The scorpion stings you.yug=W28-6.7yugDyugfGA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.yug/   You barely miss the scorpion. The scorpion stings you.  You are poisoned.4=======----8.1 (1.4Pois yug3 yug6 H _The scorpion poisons you! The scorpion stings you.zug2  You barely miss the scorpion.You feel very sick.zug(19====-------9.5Pois zugzugf!. _The scorpion stings you.zug zug You barely miss the scorpion. You feel sick. The scorpion barely misses you.zug}k7-----50.8 (1.3zugszug] zugzugd3_The scorpion stings you but does no damage.zugQ  You slash the scorpion!  The scorpion is heavily wounded.zugq6--=2.1zugrzug1d _You feel sick. The scorpion barely misses you.zugy2  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.The scorpion is heavily wounded.You feel sick. You block the scorpion's attack.zug 3 q5---3.4zug{; zug> V _The scorpion closely misses you.{ug<  You slash the scorpion!{ug9 .  {ug!6You kill the scorpion!{ugB{ugͬOo007 the Covered##.#.......Mountain Dwarf#.........Health: 14/33 ==========--------------#....#.#.{ug7EMagic: 3/3========================# #....#..AC: 8Str: 20#.##......##EV: 8Int: 8#..........#SH: 4{ugkKDex: 9#.......#XL:  3 Next: 242% Place: Dungeon:3###..@...#{ugeNoise: ==-------  Time: 1654.7 (1.3)#....?..†..####a) +0 war axe{ug#########..>..#Nothing quivered#..########Pois #..........##.#########...#{ugex###.##.#The scorpion is heavily wounded.You feel sick. You block the scorpion's attack. _The scorpion closely misses you.You slash the scorpion!  You kill the scorpion! _You feel sick.{ugٯR _The scorpion closely misses you.{ugYou slash the scorpion!  You kill the scorpion! _You feel sick.  Your Axes skill increases to level 4! Your Armour skill increases to level 4!{ugI7You have reached level 4!{ugr/  --more--|ug`8/404/41480% |ug|ugR _You feel stronger.|ugVC` ##.#.......... #.#. #. .##......###....|ug/D ##.####....?.@†..############..>..#.Nothing quivered.Pois .#.#.#.#|ugmL|ugMQ7--50|ugR|ug7V$ _You feel sick.}ug5fJ}ugrjT16---}ug ro 0  You start resting. You feel sick.}ug=vK-6.7 (1}ug}x}ugR{[ _You are no longer poisoned.~ug^I~ug'D17=8=9=~ug_ B~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug:20~ug;==~ugo~ug,~ug ~ug9,~ug~ug~ug~ug~ugc~ugD1=~ug~ugm!~ug!~ug"~ug%,~ug=&~ug#(~ugX(~ugE)~ug+~ug+#2~ug,0=~ug -~ugr/,~ug0~ug2~ug2~ugs4~ug5~ug6~ug6~ug7~ug8K3=~ug8~ug9,~ug}:~ug;~ug;~ugt<~ug=,~ug5>~ugf?~ug?L4=~ug'@~ugAA,~ugA~ug6C,~ugrD~ugaG~ugG~ug%I~ugK~ugjK#5~ugK;==~ugM~ugN,~ugO~ugUD90.7 (34.0) ~ugZ~ug*]H _You start resting.~ugjI~ugl~ugl~ugso~ugLp~ugsp~ugq~ugs~ugs56=~ugt~ugt~ugu~ugv~ugv~ugw~ug x~ugx~ugy~ugy#7~ugz0=~ug{~ug}~ug~~ug)~ugɂ~ug~ugƃ~ug.~ugX~ug.~ug~ug 58=~ugl~ug~ug~ugA~ug~ug,~ugO~ug~ug~ug~ugq~ug829=~ug͘~ugq~ug~ug~ugZ~ugz~ug~ugL~ugs~ug~ug,~ug@~ugwk30==~ug>~ug~ugޢ~ugޣ~ug,~ug˥~ug,~ugT~ug91~ugɩ2=~ug~ug,~ug~ugd,~ugF~ug,~ugO~ugP~ugV~ug#2~ug(=~uga~ug,~ugָ~ug~ugػ~ug~ug~ugN3=~ug$~ug,~ug~ug-720~ugQ~ugq~ugH _You start resting.~ug^3~ug~ug@~ugu~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug~ugg54=~ug~ug0~ugo~ug~ug~ug ~ugD~ugb~ug~ug~ug~ugy~5==~ug2~ug~ug<~ugO~ugk~ug~ug~ug~ug4~ugA~ugc~ug~ug86=~ug~ug~ug ~ugl ~ugC ~ugl ~ug ~ug~ug~ug=~ugj~ug~ug~ug D7=~ug&~ug,~ug~ugW~ug~ug~ug~ug ~ugD!~ugs#~ug#~ug#88=~ug#~ug-%~ug`'~ug'~uga(~ug),~ugs*~ug+,~ug,~ugC/~ug/D9=~ug 0~ugZ1,~ug.2~ug4~ugG4~ug4~ug9_ _You start resting.~ug[@-45.7 (25~ugBx40==6.7 (26~ugE~ugG" _HP restored.~ug_T3~ugU~ugW~ugZ,~ugU\,~ug]~ug"`~ug\`~uga~ugdO=~ug f~ugg,~ug|h~ugj,~ugk~ugin,~ugo~ugq~ugq~ug5s~ugu~ugu~ug[w~ugy~ug[z~ugW{~ug~,~ug\~ug~ugŁ~ugт~ug{~ugʄ~ugȆ~ug2~ugY~ugɊ~ugʌ~ug ~ug~ug,~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug~ugŗ~ug~ug,~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug(~ugW~ug~ug~ug֨~ug~ug~ug3~ugE~ug~ug~ug~ug6~ugd~ug~ugն,~ug~ug,~ugW~ug},~ug~ug~ug)~ug~ug~ug1~ug4~ug,~ug~ugU~ug~ug~ug(~ug\~ugh~ug~ug,~ug5B~ug~ug,92.7 (4~ug%~ug:~ugH _You start waiting.~ug3~ug0~ug~ug~ug(~ug~ugp~ug~ugN,~ugW~ug~ug~ug! ~ug",~ug#~ug%~ug,&~ugl(~ug),~ug,,~ug.,~ug20~ugE1~ugk1~ug-2~ug3,~ug4~ug7~ug8~ugc9~ug;~ug;~ug5=~ugh?~ug?~ug@~ugB~ugC~ug1D~ugF~ugF~ug$H~ugI,~ugJ~ug L~ugL~ugM~ugN~ug+O~ugEP~ugRR~ugR~ugS~ugU~ugU~ugV~ugBY~ugY~ugZ~ug\~ug]~ug_~ug*`~ug]`~uga~ugc~ugc~uge~ugPg~ugg~ugh~ugkB~ugvC818.7 (2~ug({~ug}H _You start waiting.~ugI~ug~~ug~ug,~ugԎ~ug؏~ug~ugȑ~ug~ugm~ug~ug~ug,~ugИ~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug9~ugg~ugz~ug~ug0~ug~ug~ug5~ugܧ~ug~ug6~ug~ug~ug~ug~ugϰ,~ug~ug~ugdz~ug~ug ~ug3~ug\~ug^~ug~ug~ug ,~ug~ug~ug~ugf~ugT~ug~ug~ug*,~ug[~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ug~ug<~ug~ug ~ugB~ugO~ugk~ug~ug~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ug~ug~ugE~ugB~ugC48.7 (30~ug~ugH _You start waiting.~ug3~ug~ug~ug~ug ~ug$ ~ugk ~ug ~ugA~ug}~ug"~ugT,~ug~ug7~ugl~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug>,~ug ~uga"~ug"~ugr#~ug%,~ug.'~ug)~ug,)~ugS*~ug,,~ug-~ug0,~ug1~ug3~ug3~ugZ5~ug<7~ug7~ug8~ug:~ug:~ug <~ug@>,~ugI?~ugA,~ugB~ugE,~ug=F~ugZI~ugI~ug)L~ugCN~ugN~ugO~ugQ~ugQ~ugR~ugT~ugT~ugU~ugW~ugW~ug,Y~ugZ~ug[~ug\~ug8^~ugd^~ug_~ug-b,~ugb~ug~ug@,~ugB~ug-C~ugSC~ug D~ugoE,~ug5F~ugTH~ugH~ugI~ugK~ugK~ugN~ugO~ugO~ugQ~ugW.925.7 (27~ug&X~ug\~ug`@ _You start waiting.~uggm3~ugm~ug!p~ugep~ugJs~ugs~ugs~ugt~ugkw,~ugx~ug{~ugB{~ugk|~ug~~ug~~ug~ugh,~ug~ugDž~ug~ug~ug,~ug~ug͌~ug~ugٍ~ug~ug0~ug~ug~ug/~ugב~ug~ug=~ugA~ug,~ugݗ~uge~ug~ug~ugC~ugn~ug~ug~ugס~ug9~ug\~ug~ug~ug1~ugO~ug%~ug~ug*~ugF~ugy~ug~ugO~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ugV,~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug?~ugl~ug~ug~ug>~ug~ug6~ugV~ug~ugR~ugp~ugB~ug6,~ug~ugC54.7 (29~ug ~ug~ug3~ug1~ug~ug,~ugq~ug~ug~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ug!~ugX~ug~ug~ugw~ug@~ug,~ug~ugs,~ug~ug~ug5~ug~ug~ug ~ugf~ugh~ug~ug( ~ug ,~ug~ug+,~ugX~ug,~ug&~ug~ugD~ugI~ug~ug~ug~ug$,~ug1~ugo!~ug!~ug#~ug%~ug &~ugP'~ug)~ug)~ug*~ug,~ug-~ugt.~ug/,~ugK0~ug_1~ug1~ug2~ug&3~ugH3~ug3~ug6,~ug7~ug9,~ug9~ugJ;,~ug<~ug"=~ugG=~ug=~ug?~ug?~ug@~ug#C~ugYC~ugE~ugF,~ugF~ug H~ug6H~ug4I~ugJ~ugK~ug4L~ugN,~ugO~ugR~ugLR~ugrS~ugV,~ugZX~ugZ~ugZ~ug[~ug9^~ugu^~ug_~ugmb,~ug}c~uge,~ug g~ugGi,~ugj~ugm,~ugun~ugp~ugp~ugq~ug t~ug3t~ug;u~ugv,~ugww~ugx~ugx~ug)z~ug|~ug|~ug~ug'~ugT~ugw~ug؈.2003.7 (4~ug(~ug~ugN~ugt3~ug-~ug~ug<~ug7~ug~ug~ug~ug,~ugӦ~ug~ug~ugŨ~ugީ~ug ~ug~ug~ugӫ~ugf~ug,~ug/~ugf~ug~ug~ug,~ug~ug1~ugb~ug~ug~ugi~ug~ug\,~ugy~ug~ug7~ugc~ugk~ug~ug~ugm,~ug~ugV,~ug~ug`~ug~ug~ug~ugJ~ug~ugX,~ug~ug,~ugQ~ug,~ugP~ug{,~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug~ug;~ug~ug,~ug~ug,~ug~ug~ug)~ug8~ug~ug~ug~ugo~ug~ug~ug,~ug"~ugw~ug~ug~ug,~ug~ug! 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~ugm ~ug ~ug= ~ug ,~ug. ~ugP ,~ugê ~ug ~ugN ~ugޮ ~ug^ ~ugݱ ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug. ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ugy ,~ug{ ~ug ~ug ~ug0 ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ugc ~ug ~ug ~ugA ,~ug ~ug ~ugD ~ugi ~ug ~ug ~ug] ~ug ,~ugI ~ug_ ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug5 ~ug] ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug& ~ug ~ug1 ~ug_ ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ugR ,~ugB ~ug ,~ugx ~ug ,~ug; ~ug ,~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug~ ~ug ,~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug& ~ug ~ug8 ~ugo ~ugd ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ug< ~ugj ~ug ~ug ~ug ~ugf! ,~ug" ~ug$ ~ug6% ~ugY& ~ugN( ~ug( ~ug) ~ug$, ~ugc, ~ug- ~ug/ ~ug/ ~ug1 ~ug3 ~ug3 ~ug4 ~ugg6 ~ug6 ~ug7 ~ug9 ~ug9 ~ug< ~ugi> ~ug> ~ug>@ ~ug!B ,~ugC ~ugE ,~ug\G ~ugI ,~ug K ~ug|M ~ugM ~ugN ~ugP ~ugQ ~ug^R ~ugT ,~ugfW ~ugY ,~ugxZ ~ug\ ,~ug/^ ~ug` ~ugO` ~ugla ~ugc ,~ugfe ~ugg ,~ugh ~ugk ,~ugl ~ugp ~ugq ~ugr ~ug$u ~ugu ~ugv ~ug~ .366.7 (99~ug -7.7 (100.0)~ugŅ ~ugn  _Done waiting.ug3ug-ugӓugCugug,ugugugug?,ugޡug! _f - 2 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR (gained 1)ugugtug-ugugugکugIugugugƬugEugͮugïugugxugٱugugug]ugugNuguugεugugug0ug?ugdugugugrug ug,ugQugug .... .#... ... ..... (.##..... ......#.. ugm##.#.......####......... #.##....#.#.# #.##.@..#... 79.7 (12.0) #.##......## #..........# #.##.......#ug #.###......#.......÷>..##..#########..........ugugE-80.7 (13ugug% _Found 2 stones.ug3ugugug,ug> ug ugW,ugWugug(H +># #.# ####.## ..... .#.... .....  #(.##..... #......#..ugq ##@#.......2.7 (2.0)###..........##....#.#.##.##....#...#.##......###..........#ug#.##.##.###.....÷..#ugug#ug#$3.7 (3ug'ugB*; _Found a stone staircase leading ugv ugڎ ug ug Xug ,ug| ug| ug D.. ).#.. ... #.# ..+># #.. # ... #} s#..@....... 5.7 (2 #(.## #......#...֥ "#ug{ ug̬ +6.7 (3ug& ug # _Found a"1ug4,ug$5ugn7,ug!9ug;ug3=ugj=ug>uglBugE,ugGugJugBM,ugNugQugY.# ##.### ugZ.###.#......###..?..#..#.#...###...#......#.#).........)...#ugCZ#..# #.### ugmZd91.7 (5+>##.#....# #.##....#.# ugZ_####.##.#.......ugZ+.......#....######..........#ugZ([ugPeA2.7 (6ugonuggq* _Found a short sword.ug7ugugugugugԖugug6ugD,ugTugHug...  .....  ..... #  ..... .# ug # #.#.##.### #.###.#......###?..#..#.#...#####..@#......#.#ug ...).........)...#.....#.........# .... #.##......#ug. .K. +>##.#....#ugP! #. #.##....#.#K   kobold (asleep)ugT. ####.##.#..... +.......#....### ###ug$ 4.7 (2  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ugK.Kug4==5.7 (3ug<ug@ _The kobold shouts! You hear an angry ..... .....  ..... #  ..... .#  # #.#  #.###.#  #..?..#ug  ####..@#  ...).........)...#  .....#.........#  ..K. #.##......#  ugh... +>##.#....#  #. #.##....#.#  . ####.##.#....... ug'( +.......#....###  ugE- ugږ ..... .....  ..... #  ..... .#  # #.#  #.###.#  #..?..#  ####..@#  ...).........)...#  ugZ.....#.........#  ..K. #.##...... ... +>##.#.... #. #.##....#.#  . ####.##.#.... +.......#.... ugug ugŨug] _A kobold is nearby!ugV  ...... ..... ..... # ..... .# # #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #..?..#..#.#...# ####.@.#......#.##...).........)...#ug2 .#.........#S..K..#.##......#.. +>##.#.##... #.##....#.#S   ball python (constriction, wandering)..####.##.#.......K   kobold.<.+.......#....###  ###.#ug  A ball python comes into view.Found a stone staircase leading ug< D  The ball python hisses angrily.uge ug   bat (S   ball python (constriction)<ug  uK   koboldugF 4--6.7 (1ug ug V _A bat comes into] ....... .....## ..... #. ..... .# #. #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #..?..#..#.#...# ####@..#......#.# #.S.).)...#.K.#.#.#.##..#.b.....+>##.#..##....#.##....#.# ...####.##.#....... .<.+.......#....###  ###.#ugug[ugugug^ug.S)Kb..bugA--7ugugݾug ....... ..... ## ..... . ..... .# . #.#.##.### ###.#......## #..#.#.. ####...#......# #..S)K........)...#....b..#..........#.##.........+>##.#...K   kobold###....#.##....#.#...####.##.#........<.+.......#....###ugu ug[ ug ug^+   batK   kobold8 _You see here a scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE.ugcugV  e - 3 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE (gained 1)ugug_ug\bS.S   ball python (constriction)K   kobold=9ug;ug%4 _The bat barely misses you. The kobold barely misses you.ugugougug%  ugYou barely miss the kobold. The bat closely misses you.b.S.401.1 (1.4ugug= _The kobold hits you but does no}S!  You slash the kobold!  You kill the kobold!  You closely miss the ball python. The bat hits$Uc.)bugYd39-22.4 (1.3ugbug2eC _The ball python bites you but does no ..... ## ..... # . ..... .#. #.#.##.###.###.#......###....#..#.#...####@S.#......##...)....b....).........#.........# .......#.##.......+>##.####....#.##....# ...####.##.#........<.+.......#....### ###..........#ugugug b..  The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no,30ugug _The ball python closely misses you. You block the ball python's attack. _You see here a +0 short sword.ugl {....... ..... ## ..... # . ..... .#. #.#.##.####.###.#......####...b.#..#.#...#.####)S.#......##...).@.......).........#..# #.##+>##.####....#.##....# K#.<.+......####.. ###..........# #( ugy ug+  ug- s The bat hits you. The ball python barely misses you.ugi. @-4ug<9 ug.W Y _The ball python closely misses you.ugl. ..... ## ..... # . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #...b.#..#.#...# #.####)S.#......#.# #...)..)...# .#.# .......#.##......# .......+>##.#....####....#.##....#.#...####.##.#....... #.< #.. ###. ugugiug!| ..b  The bat hits you but does no damage. You block the ball python's{-1 5Constr ugugz _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts*ug]95 b.  You closely miss the ball python. The ball python bites you.  The ball python constricts you. The bat hits you but does no damage.  The ball python bites you but does no[7-6.7 (1.3ug AugC_ _The ball python constricts you.ugU?  You slash the ball python!ugEZ^  You kill the ball python!ug%[ug8\ugfP†.bug$kB 8 38.0ugsug,vj _You barely miss the bat. You block the bat's\ ....... ..... ##.. . ..... .# . #.#.##.### #.###.#......## #.....#..#.#..#.####)@.#......# #...).........)\ :.......+>##.#...###....#.##....#.#  ...####.##.#........<.+.......#..####.. ###....#ug_ ug` ugh 'b.ug3i Z8-90ugCs ug[w _You block the bat's attack. _You see here a ball python ...###....... ..... ##.. . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### ###.#......## #...@.#..#.#..#.####)†b#......# #...).........)...#..........#.##.........+> ...####.##.#.......<.+.......#....###ug'ugG)ugr3ug4'10ugK=ug)@Q _The bat closely misses you.ugH......### ....... ...... ## ..... # . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #....@#..#.#...# #.####)†b#......#.# #...).........)...# .......#.........#.ugI#.##......#.......+>##.#....# ###....#.##....#.#...####.# ugAUugU1ugD]ug_u _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.ugSugug({  You miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no (1.3ug@G _You block the bat's attack.ugdugug* (1.2ugEugyj _You barely miss the bat. You block the bat's ......### ....... ...... ## ..... # ..#. #.#.##.####.###.#......###....#..#.#...#.####)†@#......#ug ...).b.......).........#.........# .#.##........+>##.#....###....#.##....#. #.<.+.......#....###. ###..........#ug ug ugy 6..bug ,40ug! ugز P _The bat barely misses you.ug1  You hit the bat.  The bat is severely wounded.b. 5.8 (1.3ug&ug)Q _The bat closely misses you.ugE ....... ...... ## # ..##. #.#.##.###.###.#......###....#..#.#...#.####)b.#......#ugo...)...@.....).........#..# ..#.##....+>##.####....#.##....# ...####.##.#.......#.<.+.......#....###. ###..........# #(.##..ugugugLCb†ug$40ugK==6ug 0ug ugU 1 _You block the bat's attack.ugX . ...... ## ..... # . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #.....#..#.#...# #.####b†.#......#.# #...)...)...# .#.# .......#.##......# .......+>##.#.# ###....#.##....#.# ...####.##.#....... #.<.+.......#....###ug[m #.. ###..........#  #(.##.ugugug#Jb)ug$&7ug+ug.: _The bat hits you but does no ...... ##.. . ..... .# ugt. #.#.##.### #.###.#......## #....b#..#.#..#.####)@.#......# #...)..)...#.#.....#.##.........+>  ...####.##.#........<>e####.. ###....#ug΄ug;ug!š _The bat closely misses you. _You see here a ball python corpse.uge   You hit the bat but do no damage.The bat is severely wounded.ugS ug-.bug.20.1 (1.3ug!ug>%= _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2uge......###.. ...... ##.. . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### ###.#......##ug*< #...@.#..#.#..#.####)†.#......# #...)..b......)...#..........#.##.........+>##.#...###....#.##....#.# ...####.##.#.......ugeC<.+.......#....###ugugugug(b.ugP=-10ugGugug ug 8-ug ugx ug  You closely miss the bat.The bat is severely wounded.ugEug<†bug5=2.4 (1.3ugug= _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2ug......### ....... . ugM## ..... # ... .#. #.#.##.####.###.#......###....#..#.#...#.####)@b#......#ug'#...).........).........#.........#Ʋ.+>##.#ug ###....#.##....#ug, ...####.##.#.......ugM#.<.+.......#....###.!#ugFug0ugug[&.bug%-ug30ugUug8x _You see here a ball python corpse.ug9 ......### ....... ...... ## ..... # . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #.....#..#.#...# #.####)†@#......#.# #...)....b....)...# .#.# &#.......+>##.#....####....#.##....#.# ...####.##.#.......#.<.+.......#....### ug ug ug; ,.bug .=4ug ug2 Q _The bat closely misses*e ....... ...... ## # ..##. #.#.##.###.###.#......###....#..#.#...#.####)†.#......#...)...@.....).........#b..# ..#.##....+>##.####....#.##....# ...####.##.#.......#.<.+.......#....###. ###..........# #(.##..ugiug"jugpHb.5uguugv: _The bat hits you but does no damage.ugo7  You slash the bat!ugZw3†ug{%4ugg{6.8 (1.4ugBugG _You kill the bat!ugU  . ...... ## ..... # . ..... .# #. #.#.##.### #.###.#......### #.....#..#.#...# #.####)†.#......#.# #...)...)...# .#ugV .# .......#.##......# .......+>##.#.# ###....#.##....#.# ...####.##.#...... #.<.+.......#....### #.. ###..........#  #(.##.ugb ugc 4-70ug,k ug^n p _You see here a bat corpse.ug3ugAugugug1: _ugW C  You see here a +0 short ug  _ug ugug,ugugugugug ugzug%ugugw ug#ug%,ug&ug'ug)ug/*ugl+ug/ug1,ug2ug5ug7,ug%9ug<ug>,ug?ug5EugFugGugvHug4L= _You open the large door.ugTN3ugOugRE  There is a large open door here.ug5UugU _ugvVugXug[,ug\ug^ugf`ug`ugaugAdug g,ugJhugmugo,ugpugqugsugtugJtugsuugov,ug$wugPxugsy,ugXzug|ug~,ug,ugug,ug]ug8ugZ ###''.......# ####.#.......## #.............#. #.##.###.#.##.####. #.##.###.#......#ug..# #.##.....#..#.#.... #.####)†.#......#..###.##...)..†......)..(...!..@.....#.........#-49.8 (22.0) .ug,#.##......# .............+>##.#....# ......###....#.##....#.# ...... ...####.##.#.....###.#.<.+.......#....# ug . # #...###..........#  .# #(.##.......  #......#.... ug-ug{-50.8 (23ug ug¦- _Found 4 poisoned 3ug  ug ug Bug ug ,ugu ug( ug) ug) ug+ ug)6  ###''.......# ####.#.......#. #..... .. #.##.###.#.##. #. #.##.###.#.... ..#####.##.....#..#ug6 ##. ...##.####)†.#.......###.##...)..†.... #.(...@........#....#.##.......+>##.#..##.......###....#.##.......#...####.##.#...###.#.<.+.......#..ug7 `.... #.#...###...... #.# .# #(.## #......#ug> 13.8 (3.0)uga? +4.8 (4ugE ugI Z _l - a viscous black potionug ugz ugV ug! ug' ug( ugD, ug:- ug/ ,ugQ0 ug1 ug;: i ###''......#..# ####.#...........### #....#...( #.##.###......#.## C..###.#.....##.####)†.##.......###.##...)..† #.(...#6.8 (2#...#.##...+>##ug: V###.......###....#.## .........#...####.## ......###.#.<.+.....ugK;  .......# #.#...### .......# #.# .# #(.## #....ugD ugD +7.8 (3ug:K ugN % _Found 6 stones.ugugBugĎugΑ,ugsugAugÙug ugugٞug¨....#...( #.##.### .....#.## #.##.### ......#####.## ..###.#.....##.####)† #.......###.##...)..†ugOA#.###.(............#.##..................#.#................+>##.######@......###....#.# ##...####.# ###.#.<.+.... #........# #.# .# #(.#..........# #g   hobgoblin (asleep)ugͩ#####.....# ##.# #..g..# ####...ugS#.##...ug6z 61.8 (4  A hobgoblin comes into view.ughgg.ug4==2.8 (5ugug+ _The hobgoblin shouts!ugݚ( (  .....#.##  ......# ..###.#.....#)† #.......###.##...)..† #.###.(...... .##............ ................> #@......# ug#.........# ........###.#.< #........#  #........# #.# .# #( ..........#  #####..g..#  #.....# ugS9u (  .....#.##  ......# ..###.#.....#)† #.......###.##...)..†ug@: #.###.(...... .##............ ................> #@......# #.........# ........###.#.< #........#  ug:#........# #.# .# #( ..........#  #####..g..#  ug:^#.....# ug,K4ugLVugZ` _A hobgoblin is nearby!ug*s K .....#.## ......#####.##......###.#.....##.####)†#.......###.##...)..†#.###.(............#.ugs .##.......#..........+>#.######.###....#. #.....###..........###.#.<.+......#ugs  #.#...### .# #(.#.. #...#####..gugAt #.# #...####....ugw ug 2--3.8 (1 ug$ _ugP ug ug"p ......#####.##......###.#.....##.####)†#.......###.##...)..†###.(............#..##......#.......+>#.#########....#. .####.....###.......@..###.#.<.+.....# #.#...###  .# #(.#.......g..# #...#####...#.# ####....ugW,{g.--4ugo8ug8;ugBDk..###.#.....##.####)†#.......###.##...)..†###.(............#..##......#....+>#.#########....#. .####...#...###ugDB.........###.#.<.+......# #.#...### g .# #(.#..........# #...######.# ####....#####..ugOug;P.=5ugWugMZV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.uglc=  You slash the hobgoblin!uglh†ugtp567.2 (1.4ugQwugJyM _You kill the hobgoblin!ugY #.......###.##...)..†###.(............#..##......#....+>#.######.###....#. .####.........#...###.........###.#.<.+......# #.#...###  .# #(.#ug..........# #...######.##.##... ugug%-ug%80ugCugԼv _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.ugj ugj ugdl ugo ugq ugv P _ug}  #.###.(............#.##......# ..........+ ##.#########.... S..#...#...### 5###.#.<.+... .#..# #.#...#####.#.....†..# #.# .# #(......#$~ q-#######.....# ##ug~ 3 #.....#####. #.....# #.## #.....# #.## ####### #.##. S   adder (asleep)ug~  #.... #.##. #.###ug . 9  ug CAn adder comes into view.ug1 ug2 l.SSug ,70.2 (2ug ug6 / _The adder hisses ( ...... ...... ##.######...... ...####....... ug|m#S.........###.#.< .#........#  ##.#.....†..# #.# .# #( .......@....#  #######.....#  #.....#  #.....#  #.....#  ####### ugU  ( ...... ...... ugV ##.######...... ...####....... #S.........###.#.< ug>V a.#........#  ug]V l##.#.....†..# #.# .# #( .......@....# ug}V  ugV #######.....#  #.....# ugV _ #.....#  ugW Z#.....#  ug6W <####### ugQW ug#` ug` ugg ugj ] _An adder is nearby!ugg: #.###.(.. .##..... ... ##.######.###.... ...####...#... #Sug:.###.#.<.+ .#.# #.#...###.##.#.....†..# #.# .# #.....# ##.....# ug0;X #.....# #### #.....# #.## #.....# #.##ugS; ####### #.## #ugr;m #.## (1 _ugcMug+Pugj^ N #.###.( ...##..... .. ##.######.### ...####.#... #.S.###.#.<.+ .#ug^ .# #.#....##.#.....†..# #.# .# .# #.....#  #.....#  #.....# #. #.....# #.ug_  ####### #. #<_ @ c ug^j P.Sugj &2ugzq ugt ug  #.###.( ...##..... . ##.######.### ...####.#... #..###.#.<.+ugu X#.#S.# #.#....##.#.....†..# #.# .#.#.#.....# #.....# ug  #.....# #. #.....# #. #######,  # #. ugվ P.Sug. %=ugY 3ugX ugO = _The adder bites you but does no damage.ugfA 9  You slash the adder!ugJ q†ug&K ugOS t#.###.(.......... Oo007 the Chopper...##................ Mountain Dwarf.................... Health: 40/40 ========================##.######.......###.. Magic: 4/4========================...####.........#...# AC: 8ugS Str: 21#..........###.#.<.+ EV: 8Int: 8#.#........# #.#...# SH: 4Dex: 9ugS ...##.#†....†..# #.# .# XL:  4 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:3.......@.......#ugS NNoise: ==-------  Time: 2474.5 (1.3).#########.....#a) +0 war axe#.....#ugT ## Nothing quivered#.....##.#.....#ug:T #.########.ugXT ` #. ugvT 3#. #.ugT   _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.  ugT iAn adder comes into view. _The adder hisses angrily. ugT s_An adder is nearby! _The adder bites you but does no damage.  ugU You slash the adder!ug.V J _You kill the adder!ugUV @You have reached level 5!ug_ /  --more--ugD6/465/55 0% ugug 4 _ug Iug ugb  _  You see here an adder corpse.ugѦ r..###.#.....##.## ..###.#### #.###.(....##................ I #..........###.#.<.+ #.##.#...#--...##.#†....†..# #.# .#............ .#########.....##.....###...w   dart slug (wandering)...###ug ,50ug .ww--6.5 (2ug5 ugV \ _A dart slug comes into view.ugS  ## ( ... .. ... #.##.######... .w..####..... #..........< #.#@.......#  #†....†..# #.#  .........#  .#########.....#  #.....#  #.....#  #.....#  ####### ug[  ## ( ... .. ... #.##.######... .w..####..... ug y#..........< #.#@.......#  #†....†..# #.#  ug c.........#  ug L.#########..... ug: Z#.....#  ugT Z#.....#  ugn Z#.....#  ug R####### ug]# ug# ug+ ugm. ` _A dart slug is nearby!ugX ......###..###.#.....##.## #.......###.#### #.###.(. ...##......... ..................##.##.########...<.w..####.........#...##..##.#.<.+ #.#........ugd##.#†....†..# #.# .#..........##########.#......#######ugugZ<..wug%+7.5 (1ugugǯ9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.ugO  ......#####.#. ..###.#.....##.#. #.###.## ###. #.###.(# ...## .. .#.##.######.......###.<..w.####.#... #.###.#.<. #.#.# Y ...##.#†....†..# #.# . ........#ug  .#########.# #.....# ug #.....# # #.....# # ugO O# #ug$ ug$ &8ug* ug- ug> ......#####. #....###.#.....##. #.##.###.## ###.##.###.( ## ...## .. ...#.##.######.......####..<..w.####ug?G.# #.###.#.< #.#.# #.# ...##.#†....†..# #.#  ...........# .#########..# #.....#  #.....# #.....#ug?1 #ugkLugP ugQn The dart slug launches a dart at you.ugb92ug;---=9ugHug- _The slug dart hits .....#.## +# ......###...###.#.... #.##.......###.## ###.##.###.(## ...## .. ...........###.##.######.###..<..w@####.........#..#.##.##..##.#.< #.#........##.#†....†.# #.#ugX ug '80ug  ug V _The dart slug barely misses you.ugT2d  You hit the dart slug.  The dart slug is lightly wounded.ug2g3=--1.8 (1.3ug9ug<7 _You block the dart slug's =  You slash the dart slug!ug 1.uga -2=ug 3.0 (1.2ug3 ug M _You kill the dart slug!ug۠? .....#.## # #+# ......##### #....###.#.....## #.##.###.## ###.##.###.( ## ...##.. .. .... ####.##.######ugp. #..<..@.####.# #.##.##.###.#.# #.#.# #.#ug ...##.#†....†..# #.#͡...# .#########...# #..ugL...# #.....# ug E #.....#ugug*&--ugI40ugϮug-ugg .....#.##  #+# ...... #....###.#..... #.##.###.####.##.###.( ###....##.. ... .... ####.##.######.ugz #..<.@..####.# #.##.##.###.# #. #.#.# #.# ...##.#†.†..# #.# ..............#..#########.....#.## #.....#.. #.....#  #.....#ugug#4ugV=--5ug_ugug ug ug ug' ug֝ Bug֤ r   quokka (wandering)rug &6ug +7.0 (2ug ug Y _A quokka comes into view.ugK .....#.## #+## ...... #....###.#..... #.##.###. ####.##.###.( ###....##. ....... ####.##.######ugL. #..<@...####. #.##.##.###. #.##.#.# #.ugKL ...##.#†....†..# #. ...............# ..#########.....#ugwLx .## #.....# r.ugL{ #.....#  #.....#ugMTugT$8.0 (1ugZug[ugI 4 ugI @#+## ......###....###.#.....##.......#######.##.###.(....###....##......ugHJ q ........####.##.######..<....####..#.##@##..........###ugJ [ #.##.#...ugJ  ...##.#†....† 8..#######ugqS ugS T5=9ugTY ug[ ug<....###.#.....##.......#######.##.###.(....###....##......ug4= ..........####.##.#######..<....####..#.##.##..........### #@##.# ugZ=#o......##.#†....†)...................# ug=......#########r...## .... o   orc (missile, asleep)#.. r   quokka (wandering).. ug=5##### ugo oro)rAn orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.Found a club.  The orc shouts! You hear an angry hiss.ugE((((((ugug@.....r.ugB0==90ug" _The orc throws a boomerang. The boomerang barely misses you.ugg##.......#######.##.###.(....###....##...... ........####.##.######..<....####..####.##.##..........####$...##.##.# #o.....@##.#†....†).............# .r....#########...## . #.. .. ##### ug' ugug׫}ug+ _Found 11 gold ........####.##.######..<....####..####.##.##..........###$...##.##.# .o.....##.#†....†).r....@............# ug,......########### #. #.. .. #####ugBug-7((((ug%ug]]0=-ug|2ugugJ _The orc throws a boomerang. You block the boomerang.ug7% ####.##.###.( ###....## .... ####.##.###### #..<....#### ####.##.##.### #$...##.##.#.# ##.o.....##.#†....†..# ##)..rug.##......#.....##....## #.....#..... #.....#.#.. #.....#... #.ugRugEug.o.rugtR6==ug'-3ugug(ug@A ####.##.###.( ###....## ... ####.##.###### #..<....#### ####.##.##.ugA #$...##.##.#.#  ##..o....##.#†....†..#  #)...r.#ugA #......#.....# #....###ugAx #.....#l..... #.....#ugB\.#.. #.....#ug4Bg#.... #...ugSB..##l   frilled lizard (wandering)ugL  A frilled lizard comes into view.The frilled lizard hisses angrily.ugANugY .o.lThe quokka bites you but does no damage.ugrZ72---ugZ'=4ugbuge+ _The quokka bites ugP  You closely miss the quokka. You hit the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 flail.The quokka bites you but does no damage.ugY B0----ug &5.3 (1.3ug ugH : _The orc hits you but does no damage.ugI  You barely miss the quokka. You hit the orc. The quokka barely misses[.l ugQ51=ugp&6.7 (1.4ugfugqY _The orc hits you but does no damage. You block the quokka's attack.ugt  You closely miss the quokka. You slash the orc!ugug= )l.r   quokkal   frilled lizardug5Q  You kill the orc!ug֝038.1ugIug4 _You block the quokka's}r :  You slash the quokka!ugu ugN .ll   frilled lizard  You kill the quokka!ugł 549.4 (1.3ug@ ug < _You block the frilled lizard's  You hit the frilled (1.4 _You kill the frilled lizard!ug~s ####.##.###.( ###....##  ####.##.###### #..<....#### ####.##.##. #$...##.##.#.# ##...)...##.#†....†..# #)....#ug  #......#.....# #....### #.....#. #.....##..#... #.....#.#..... #ug. ....##  ..##ug A-1ug 0ugVug4ugo$ ####.##.###.( ###....##  ####.##.###### #..<....#### ####.##.##. #$...##.##.#. ##...)...##.#†....† #)..@.. #......#..... #....### #..... .......# #..... #..#.... #......#.....# ug]. ....####..##ug.V-2ugugug_ug`ugKaugcuggug]lugl3ug@m=ugsmugjougrug.sugcuug{ug@|ugG~ugugugwugougug4ug+=ughug*ugیugpug3ugugugOugugug65ugl=ugugEugugugJugugugugHugugug%uguga6ug/==ugugug ugtugĵ _HP restored.ugVugug:ugugugug4ugugugFugugy ugug=*_You now have 106 gold pieces (gained 11).ugugug:=ugug}ugugugMugug ugN ugYou see here a +0 club.ugug ugL_ug*ugugugugugug ugugugugjugugfugugp,ugzug=ug,ug!ug* ####.##.### #..<....### ####.##.## #....##.##.#######...)...##.#† ./##).... #.##......######## #[##....###  #@......# ugm+1.......#..#....... ####....#.....####  ###......### ###..### #### ug278 M .........###.## #..<....######. #....##.##.#.######...)...##.#†./##)..............##......##########....### #.......# ugF3i.......#..#.......####....#.....######.#ug:025.8 (23.0)ug:,6.8 (24ug9Aug n _You see here a +1 cloak.ugE ug ug ug ug ugz : _ug! ug]* L ####.## ###....##. ......... ##### #..<....### ug* e####.##.##... #....##.##.#########...)...##.#†.#...@##).............7.8 (1.0)ug* #)##.##......######## #[##....### #.......#ug* .......#..#..........#.....#ug+ Z##......###ug1+ #ug2 ug2 +8.8 (2ug> ugI 6 _Found a hand axe.ugI +9.8 (3ugLP ugU . _m - a wand of light (15)ugugVugRugpXug"ug$ug$ug1&ug(ug*ug+ugz,ug1ug4,ugw7ug?@  You see here a +0 hand axe.ugPBugB _ugDug.Gug0JugeJug7OugQugSugTugUug` ####.## #..<..####.##.## #....##.########...)``o#....##)......#)##.##......####....##+#.##[##....### ug`.......@.### ...........#..#....... ug`###.####....#.....##### ###......### ug`l###..### ug&aR#### ugg..................##...'36.8 (7ugnugXo(======ugo$7.8 (8uguugw= _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!ug@jugjugqugtug16####.##.... #..<.... ####.##.##..... #....##.##...... ########...)...##.ug6 ...###....##).. ...#)##.##......#....##'#.##[##....### .##.# .ug6#..#. ###.####....#.....#### ug6# ###......### ##ug7"##ug4AugAL------8.8 (1ugGugJugy M ..... ####.##. #..<..... ug ###... #....##..... ########...)...## ...###....##).......... ...#)##...#####ug6 ...##'#@##[##....#####.......# ...........#..#.......###.####....#.....#####...##ug[ ugl ug &------ug 9ug ug ug8bM### ..... ####.## #..<... ### #....##..... ########...)...##ugVc ...###....##).......... ...#@##...#####...##'#.##[##....###........##.......# ...........#..#.......##.####...#.#.##ugkug$l'40ugquguQ _You see here a +0 hand axe.ugmM ####### ..... ####.## #..<... ugDnH### #....##..... ########...)...## ...###@...##).......... ...#)##.##......#######'#.##[##....###ugon].........##.......#.#.ugn#uguugu-1 _ugN{ug}ugugvugugugk s####.####....#.####.##.#... #..<....#... ####.##.##..... #....##.##.#..... ########...)...##.#ug *...###.@..##).. ...#)##.##......#....##'#.##[##....### ...#..........ugX ###.####..# ### ug ugY 2ug ug ug8 %####.####....#.####.##.#... #..<....#... ####.##.##..... #....##.##.#...... ########...)...##.#†...###..@.##).ug . ...#)##.##......#....##'#.##[##....### # ###......######..### ug0 <3ugc ugV ug####.##.###....##..####.##.#... #..<....#... ####.##.##..... #....##.##.#.ugv..... ########...)...##.#†....###...@##).. ...#)##.##......#....##'#.##[##....### .ug##..#..ugÕ ###......###ugp###..### ug)ug&4ugugug3 4 ugy ###... ........####.##.###.....< ...#. ########...)...##.#† ...###....##)............. ...#)##@##......########...##'#.##[### ug r.....##.......# a#......##ugF #ug ugc &5ug ug ugri  ........####.##.###...ugs..<...####.##.##........#. ########...)...##.#†ug2s$ ...###....##)............. ...#)##.##......########...##'#.ugRs### .....##.......# ug}s..#..#..........#.....##ugs#ug{ugG|&6ugÄugdn _You see here a +1 ug[ 6Wear which item? Inventory Items Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) ug i - a +1 hat (worn) Floor Items ([,] to select) Armour ug ua +1 cloak[?] describe selected ug j[!] equip|wield|wearug [tab] equip|unequip ug+ ug(3 ug> d......... Oo007 the Chopper####.##.### Mountain Dwarf...#..<....### Health: 46/46 ========================...####.##.##.... Magic: 5/`> #....##.##.#.. AC: 8Str: 21..... ########...)...##.#†. EV: 8Int: 8ug> ...###....##)............. SH: 4Dex: 9. ...#)##.##......######## XL:  5 Next:  5% Place: Dungeon:3....##'#.##@##....###Noise: ---------  Time: 2546.8 (0.0)ug> |.........##.......#a) +0 war axeug ? ...........#..#.......Nothing quiveredug)? ###.####....#.....##### ###......###ugE? b###..####### ugc? M_Found a hand axe. _m - a wand of light (15) ug~? P_You see here a +0 hand axe. _As you open the door, it creaks loudly! ug? {_You see here a +0 hand axe. _You see here a +1 cloak.ugG ugEH )7.8 (1 uggH _ugM ugQ ug5R +8.8 (2ugV ugZ A9.8 (3ugA^ ugWb ugb ,50.8 (4ug'e ugj ugk ug,k $1.8 (5ugn ugo . 10 ugo _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x4ugp ugis ug6v Z _You finish putting on your +1 cloak.ugugugFugugugY: _ug>ug,ugugugٗ,ugugugugƞugpugUug,ugugugYugugugugMugwugugUug,uglug\ug ,ug־ugug,ugugugugugugugA####.##.##..........###.##....##.##.#........# #.########...)...##.#†....†..# #. ##....##)...................# .#)##.##......#########.....# '#.##.##....### #.....# ...##.......###### #.....# .....#..#........# #.....# ##....#.....####@# ##########......####...# uge###..####....## ##.....# #.K...###... K   kobold (missile, asleep)###ug 62.8 (11.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ugBK.K)ug6===3.8 (12ugug( _The kobold shouts!ug${...#  ########...)...##.#†....† ##....##)...................# .#)##.##......######### '#.### ...##...####..#..#........ ##....#.....####.#####  ###......####..  ###..####....# #####..K..# ug #.....##... ### ug>(ug.8((((ugs&....ugis9--4.0) ugzug}W _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no  #....##.##.#.# #. #...)...##.#†....†..# #.#....##).# ..#)##.##......#.....# #'#.##.##....### #.....#.##.###### #.....#.#..#........# #.....##....#.....####.# # ###......####.@.# ###..####....## #####..K..##  #..... ###... ###.##ugMug7((((ug>k7@...ugkA--5ugeuugSym _The kobold throws a stone. The stone barely misses you.ugc4  #....##.##.#.# # . #...)...##.#†....†..# # ugm5 .###....##).#.#)##.##......#.....# ##'#.##.##....### #.....#.##.###### #.....#.#..#..# #.....##....#.....####.# # ###......####@..# ###..####....## #####..K..## #.....# o ###.. ###ugfA ugA KugB .ugB ugB -ug'C 6ugRJ ugL ug:  You slash the kobold!ugD)ug5=8.1 (1.3ugugJ _You kill the kobold!ug).. ########...)...##.#†....†..# .###....##)...................#  ...#)##.###########.....# .##'#.##.##....### #.....# ......##.......###### #.....#ug,...#..#........# #.....# .####....#.....####.# #######  ###......####...#  ###..####.@..## #####... #..... ###.... ###... ###(# .#.#ugnug4-90ugug* _Found 2 stones.  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a stone; a kobold corpseugl .###....##)...................#  ...#)##.###########.....# ..##'#.##.##....### #.....# .......##.......###### #.....#...#..#........# #.....# #.####....#.....####.# ####### ugl # ###......####...#  ###..####.)..## #####. #..... ###....# ###...# ###(# .# .# ugl ugQs ug?t !-ugct '70 _ugmy ug{ uguge[Inventory: 14/52 slots ugHand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) ugArmour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) ug4 i - a +1 hat (worn)  n - a +1 cloak (worn) ugWands (go to first with /)m - a wand of light (15) ug Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - 3 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE ug*Y f - 2 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT ugIU h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO  j - a scroll labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU ug  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  l - a viscous black potionug\ugugٱ...###....##)...................# Oo007 the Chopperug)...#)##.##......#########.....# Mountain Dwarf ..##'#.##.##....####.....# Health: 46/46 ======================== .......##.......###### #.....# Magic: 5/5======================== .........#..#........# #.....# AC: 10Str: 21 ug#.####....#.....####.# ####### EV: 8Int: 8 # ###......####...#SH: 4Dex: 9###..####.)..##XL:  5 Next:  5% Place: Dungeon:3#####..@..##ugNoise: ---------  Time: 2570.1 (0.0)#.....#a) +0 war axeug###....#Nothing quivered###...####(#.#ugg_.# _The kobold throws a stone. The stone barely misses you.You slash the kobold! _You kill the kobold! _Found 2 stones.  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a stone; a kobold corpseugƹ4ug#ugug'Iugugug,ugYugCugqughug ugugugugug0ug^ugug ugug9 ugP ug ug/..#..#........# #.....# ##....#.....####.# #######  ###......####...#  ug ###..####.)..## #####.....## #.....## ###....##  ###...#  ###@# ........# ....###.# .B..#### ugB   giant cockroach (asleep) ug+5.1 (5ugb$B^Bug$+6.1 (6ug8+ugX/ _A giant cockroach comes into view. _You see here 2`^     ###...#  ###.)..## #####.....## #.....## ###....## ###...# ###@# ........# ..B.###.# .^ ..# ###ug     ###...#  ###.)..## #####.....## ugyd#.....## ###....## ###...# ###@# ........# ..B.###.# ug.^ ..# ### ugug4ugug3f _A giant cockroach is nearby!ug?##....#.....#########  ###......####..  ###..####.)..# #####.....##  #.....####....## ###......####(.......B.###^ . ### ugAugHG.BugVI)7.1 (1 ugxI _ugTOug_Rug>#....#.....####.# # ###......####...# ###..####.)..## #####.....## #.....## ###....##. ###...#.####(#.#.B###.##.^ ..## ####ugugug^&8ugugugpugqq5=9.4 (1.3ug"xugz _You closely miss the giant cockroach. You block the giant cockroach's  You barely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach closely misses you.ugb ug '80.8 (1.4ug^ ug G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.ug1 ug6 You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.ugr7ug7&2.0 (1.2ug>ugT= _You block the giant cockroach's  You completely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.3.3 (1.3ugug _The giant cockroach closely misses you. The giant cockroach barely misses A  You hit the giant /. ugQ 074.6ug V ugDY S _You kill the giant cockroach!ugM' f#....#.....####.# # ###......####...# ###..####.)..## #####.....## #.....##. ###....##).. ###...#.####(#.#.###.##.^. ..# #.. #####.#uga. ug. 4-50ug2 ug.6 * _Found a short sword.ugL<.####....#.....####.# # ###......####...# ###..####.)..## #####.....### #.....##.####....##.)..####...#.####(#.#ugk.###.##.^.. ..# #.... #### #.... #####ugBug@-6ug0ugugugugjugugug@,ugugugؕuguguge,ugrugFugug8ugcugug`,ugugugb,ugrug"ug.,ugrug%  ug-You see here a +0 short sword.ugugH _ugtug+ug,ugug!ug,ugcugug?ugqugYugJugugugugGugugugdugug,ug}ugugv,ugugugugugRugugp  ###.####....#.....##  #...####......####  #.....####..####.)   #..... #####.... ugu  #.... #####....   #... ###..####..   #.( ###...)..####  ug  #.####..........##;6026.0)  ug& ######...........#   ########.^...  ugND #....#  ug{{ #....#   ###### ug-   ugugF,3.6 (17ugug% _Found 6> ug ugH ug ugx ug ug ugR ug1 ugk ug7 ug ugy ,ugT ug ugQ ,ugS ugH ug ,ugQ ug ug ,ug ugc ugS ,ug  ug ug ug. ug ug ug7 ,ug ugG ug ,ug ug ugU ug ug ug$ ug2& ,ugh' ugq* ugV, ,ug&. ug0 ugE2 ug2 ug3 ug5 ugm7 ug7 ug8 ug: ug< ,ug= ugC      .#   .#  ######.#  ugC ......#  ......#  .....# # .......# #######ug D  #.......###....##) ugED D#.........#)##.##. #......##'#.##.##. #...........##....ughD   #.............#..# ugD z ######.####....#..  ugD n#...####..... ugH -19.6 (16ugH -20.6 (17ugmM ugO R _o - a clear potionugug ugugVugug nugugugugugugugZugzugLug:ugugugRugugugugugNugug&ug ug ug- ugc ugug'uglugug<ugugugugugug,ugugFugtugug ug}ugug ug ug}"ug($uge$ugr%ug'ug{(ug(ug)ug*ug+ug#,ug,ug.ugQ/,ug0ug1ug!3,ug3ugz5uge6ug6ug 7ug08ug9ug9ugV:ug<ugTBx #>. ugB#..# ... ###  #.. ..# ugBE .. #.###  ugB#. #... . #####.##.# ..ugC  #...#.@..####...ug0C40.6 (20 #...####........  ugOC#...####........ # ugsC#............... #### #.#.##.########. ###..ugC #...##.# . ugC#######.##.# ####.# #.......#### #..<.ugC| #.......# ####.##.##ugDugHugI,1.6 (21ugMugeO; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ugIuguug>uguggugugugwug ug= ug ugL ug ugs ug ugugugugUugFugOugugugRugugug]ugugugugYug(ug;ug~ugugn ug",ug"ug$$ugv%ug%ug%ugR'ugl(ug(ug)ug^*ug+ug+ug1,ug|'2,ug2ugF4ug5,ugY6ug7ug9ugR9ug9ug2;ug<ug=ugl=ug@ugFOugF####################.( #>............@.......  60.6 (19ug*G#..############.......  #...#### .......  ugcG##.....# ....... .#..##...##.### ....... ......##ugG###.##... . ....... ....# #####.##.### .. ....... .....#. #...#....####... .#####+## .. ugG>#...####........#....###.#.ugcNugN,1.6 (20ugSugV% _Found 7 stones.ugq######################.(.  #>.....................  #..############........  #...#### ###.....# #......#..##...##.####...........######.##...J..........#...( ####.##.###......#. ...#....####.....#####+## ...J   endoplasm (asleep) ...####..........# #....###.#.. ...####..........# #.##.......# ........ ####.##.###.(..3.0).JJ4.6 (3ugug] ugug 9_An endoplasm comes into view.ug8 ug3  ##  #######.(.  #>.........  #........   #@.......  ugǐ  #.............#..#  #............  ..J............(##............. ##.....#####+## ......# .......#  (ugh+M ##  #######.(.  #>.........  #........   #@.......   #.............#..#  ug,#............  ..J............(##............. ##.....#####+## ......# .......#  (ug54ugKCug}Fa _An endoplasm is nearby!ug######################.(.>......................############..#### #####.#.....# #.....#..#...##.###ug.....#####.##....J#...( ####. .....#.# ...#....####.....#####+## ......###..... #....###.#..##.......#.......######.##.###.(.. .#.##.########. ###....##......ugug.J.ugm25.6 (1 _ugugug.#######################.(.>......................############.#### #####.....# #.....#..#...##.####J.....#####.##......#...( #### .....#.# ...#....####.....#####+## ......###..... #....###.#.##.......#....######.##.###.(.. .#.##.########.####....##...... ...##.# ........ugsYug<[@.J..6ug|duggugQ_ ### #######.(. #>... #..##. #...#### #####. ##.....# #.#..# #...##.####.J. ###.##.#...#.##.###. .....#. #...#....####.....#####+## #...####....# #....###.# #...####...# #.##. #.######.##.###.( #.#.##.#.####....## #...##.# ugug@.J7ug"ug#ug>{=  You slash the endoplasm!ug͂i.ugh=8=8.9 (1.3ugŒugM _You kill the endoplasm!ug1  ### ######.(. #>... #..#. #...#### #####. ##.....# #.#..# #...##.####. ###.##.#  #####.##.###. .....#  #...#....####.....#####+##  #...####..........# #....###.#  #...####....# #.##  #...######.##.###.(  #.#.##.########.####....##  #...##.# ug8 ug9 4-90ug@ ugA ug  ### #####.(. #>........ #..#.. #...#### #####. ##.....# #.#..# #...##.####. ###.##.# #####.##.###. ..... #...#....####.....#####+##  #...####..........# #....###. #...####....# #.## #........######.##.###. #.#.##.########.####....## #...##.#ug  ug W-70ug5 ug' ugugug BugR ugO ug ug ugug?ug,ugugug^,ug!ugugugugugug,ugE ug&ug(,ugs)ug+ug-,ug-ugq/ug0ug"1ug1ug3ug>5,ug56ug9ug;,ugA<ug>ug@,ugpAugCug0E,ugYFugHug>J,ugZKug^Mug5O,ugGPuggRugT,ugUugvWugY,ugH[ugbuge,ugOgugvjugl,ugnugqugMs,ugtug$wug:y,ugjzug|ugU~,ugugug,ugSug ugN,ugugϒugU,ugugugD,ugougugW,ugpugΣug,ugbugug,ugBugug,ugִugmug,ug,ug'ugug7ug#ug3ugm,ug"ugSugZ,ugug}ugt,ugugUugs,ugugug,ugugug,ugug&ug,ugFugWug,,ugugDug,ugugugS,ug<uguge ,ug ug ug ,ug ug ugugug$ug2ug ,ugugug,ugugug,ugugHugugugzugugo,ugug(#ugC$,ugG%ug(Xug*ug,,ug-ugV.ugt/,ugV0ug^8ug99ugq9ug*:ug-=ugGug+J7 _You open the"L3ugNug:S@  There is an open door here.ugVugWV _ug6Xug[ug\ug]ug^ugpaug8cugwcugdugfugh,ugiuglugmugmugnug$qug,ugugug,ugugug,ugugugug ug0ugYugzugug5 ugugb,ug$ugug,ugaugug ,ug-#ug'ug),ug+ug.ug0,ug2ug:5ugf7,ug9ugF;ug+=,ugz>ug2AugB,ugCugFugOHugHugIug LugM,ugOugQugRugRugSugcVugZ,ug#[ug~\ug/^,ug^ug`ug&a,ugaugcugd,ugdugfug;g,ughugiugIj,ugjugkugSl,uglugmugnugnug1ougpugpugqugJqugLrugr,ugsug!wugx,ugXxugyug`z,ugzug{ug|,ug:}ug ~ug~ug~ugFugugĀugug<ugugɂugugOugugug܄ug4ugugugӆug4ugEugQugugugug",ugug#..###########...........###.####### #...#  ###.#  #.#  #.#  #########.#  #......@..# 79626.0) #  ugKQ#.........#  #########.# ###.# ##...#### #.......# #.##.##.# #.......#ugugugʧE _Done" Where to? (Tab - D:3, ? - help)  D - Dungeon ug3 ug f#..##########Oo007 the Chopper#...........#Mountain Dwarf##.##########Health: 46/46 ========================#...#Magic: 5/5========================###.#AC: 10Str: 21#.#EV: 8Int: 8#.#SH: 4Dex: 9#########.#XL:  5 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:3#......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 2796.9 (0.0)#.........#a) +0 war axe#.........#Nothing quivered#########.####.###...#####.......##.##.##.##.......# _An endoplasm is nearby!ug You slash the endoplasm! _You kill the endoplasm! _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _Done ug ug0& ugh' ug, _ug2. ug/ ,ug0 ugk1 ug=3 ,ug3 ug5 ug6 Bug< ug< ug@? ug? ugd@ ug@ ugB ugF XugG ,ugH ugJ Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ugK ugL ugM $ _ug N ugS 4ug ug ug ugԱ ug$  ######## ......#######..###...........# ug 808.6 (11.7)..##...# #.#..####.# # r# #. _You climb ugҿ ug a _There is a stone staircase leading up here.ugugug0ugSugug9$ _ug$,ugJugrugugugzuguglugP  There is a stone staircase leading up<######## ..##..@......#11.6 (3.0ug) #.#..####.# #.#..#  . ...## .#.##̭# #.) ###ugugv+2.6 (4ugugD$ _Found a spear.ug4Iug{7ug2;ug;ug@,ugA,ugAuggCug9I#########.........########...###...................<######## ..##.........# # #.#..####.# ugIe##.#..# .......@..# 4.6 (2######.#.##  #.# #.#.) #>####ug1Jy#> ..##ugPugmP+5.6 (3ugTugV> _Found two stone staircases leading|QugQug)Sug$VugE[ug+_,ug`uge,ugxgugjug@o,ugmpugwrugLw,ugxug=  You see here a +0'ug _ugugugugugugugҘugug#ugugugugաugugugugШug±e...###...................< # # #.#..####.# ....##.#..#..........# ug:######.#.## #.#.###########.#.)....@...#ughl#>####.#ugO#> ug²g..## ug ugF,24.6 (9ug#5.6 (1ug 0.0) ugug] _p - a sedimented brown potionugug;ugugugug0Bugg,ugugugZ,ugugnugC,ugugug,ugug$ugJ,ugugug,ugX ug ug8.........# #####.#.## #.#.########## #.#.)........# #>##########.# #> #.# .. #.### #.#  #@#  ug7#.#  #.# #.# #.##.#J   endoplasm (asleep)#....Jug 32.6 (7.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.ugu"bJJ.ugu#+3.6 (8ug'ug+^ _The endoplasm quivers.ug1#####.#.#  ########)........>##########. #....##. #.J...##ugٔug( (1ugۡuguge ########)........>########## ..##J...##ug9ug(J.ug8&5ug6ugҵug U)........>########## ..##J...####ug, D=6ug ug @ _The endoplasm hits you but does no  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.The endoplasm freezes you.ugo ]1---7.9 (1.3ugX ugm % _You are  You barely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is heavily wounded.The endoplasm freezes you.ugi39----9.1 (1.2ugeugu% _You are frozen.ugV=  You slash the endoplasm!ug_2.ugb`40-940.3ugfugihM _You kill the endoplasm!ug >########## ..##.....#####.##ug ug 4-10ug ug> ug5<ugc=!-ug=2ugAugDugugaugug,ug 1=ug,!ug",ug#ug$ug$ug/%ug&ug&ug'ug(ug(U2=ug)ug?*ugU*ug*ug ,,ugE,ug?.ug.D3=ug/ugQ2ug2ug3ug6ug6ug7ug*;,ug;ug?ugZ?U4=ug?ug,ugugQ,ugug,ug ug a5=ugf ugJ,ugug(Bug,ugugugh6==ugug1 _HP$ug@%ugw),ug)ugY+ug.O=ug /ug 0ug1Bug2ug4Bug5ugB9,ugG:ugD;ugE?,ug4@ugAugE,ugeFugHugKBugMugQ,ug>RugSugX,ugXug[ugk_,ug"`ugaug"fugjfuggughug'm,ugmugougs,ugtug6vug0z,ugzug{ug,ugyug]ugƒ,ugugˈ,ugug,M _You now have 111 gold pieces (gained 5).ugP #.# #.# #.# #.# #.#uggi #.# #.###.######.#[...?..@..#83.3 (41.0)ugu.#.######## ugɒugB4.3 (42ug[ug++ _Found a plate armour.ugugugugXug,ug,ugl,ugugVug=,ugugH #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.## #.# ###.######.# #[...@.....# #.#.#########ug\7.3 (3.0)8.3 (4ug ugD ` _q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITHugwug@xugxugF{ugR,ug,ug,ugugugq,ugugugh #.#### #.#..# #.##.# #.##.# #.##.# #.# #.# #.# ###.######.# #[...# #.#.######## #.#........#.#########o.##ugo   orc wizard (asleep)ugl 91.3 (3  An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ugo.ougc5===2.3 (4ugug2O _The orc wizard shouts! You hear a shout! You hear a bark!ug@  #.# ### #.# ..# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# ###.######.# #@.........# #.#.# #.#........ #o######### ..# ###ugL ugPU no.--3.3 (1ug[ ug` U _You see here a +0 plate[........#.#######o#........ .#########..###ugug,*ugO}  The orc wizard gestures at you while 7@ 0 =-4ug7-Conf ug>ug$BQ _You are confused.ugBPD-5ugJWugZx _You bump into the rock wall. The orc wizard completely misses you.ugN` A  You bump into the rock wall.uga @-6ugZh ugl A _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.ugA  You bump into the rock  The orc wizard casts a spell at you.ugRugi oo   orcThe puff of flame hits you.ugugX0----=7ugugq _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.uge]  You miss the orc wizard.ugT o.  The orc wizard hits you but does no  The orc wizard points at you and mumbles some strange words.ug3~8.7 (1.4 _You resist with some effort.ugʋ #.# ### #.# ug7..# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# ###.######.# #[@........# uga'#.#.#########o#........ #o#########ugv..####ug`ugN  The orc wizard attacks as it pursues you!ugF[oo.ugW39-----ug690ugoug? _The orc wizard hits you with a +0 j A  You bump into the rock wall.ugj ug9t Toougt d 4 --900ugt ug| ug W _You feel less confused.ugugh8-ugug[ug/ ^  You closely miss the 9*ug  o   orc  The orc wizard casts a spell.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!ugy 9{ug 7===2.0 (1.3ug ug _Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with X7  You slash the orc!ug.]ugbK).ug@fB4010-3.3ugmugoG _You kill the orc!ugxug oo   orcYou miss something. Something hits you but does no damage.ugQ--4.6ug9{ugx _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ugug^@o.ug0=5.9ugKug~ _You slash something! Something hits you but does no damage. x2ug+0ug:o.37--7.2ugAugEg _You miss something. Something hits you.ugugL2)ugB-8.5ug8{ug) _You miss #.# ..# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.####.######.# #{.........# #@#.######## #o#........ #.#########ugу| ..# ###ugI  The orc hits you but does no damage.ugB  You hear some strange, mumbled words.  A puff of flame appears from out of thin air!ug" ug# g3---=90ug, ug3 _The puff of flame hits you.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a +0 leather armour; an orc corpseugl ug*m ugv ugx ug 9  You slash something!ugԨ )Reactivating autopickup.You feel a bit more experienced. You hit the orc but do no damage.ugB , 4ug --3-10.9 (1.4 _The orc barely misses you. x2ug ugֽ h _Your Shields skill increases to level 4!ugUk##..#.# #.# ##.######.........)#.########o#........#.#########..###ugug&]o.-ugQ'%10ug,ug1 _The orc attacks as it pursues you! The orc hits you but does no damage. _Items here: ) [[ †.ugfugugugugsU 7  You slash the orc!ugV D)ugZ 523.1 (1.2ugB` ug%c G _You kill the orc!ug#RugS% ugCT###ugT..ugT#.ug7U#ugU).#ugU0###.#####ugBV:)`#.#######.#........ #########ugbug^b-ugc4ug\c 0ug8iugp ug*quggq]_Items here: )) [ †.ug..#.#.###.#####)........#.########........ #########..# ### ug ugG5=-ug&5 _ug uglug#.####.#####)........#.#######.#........ #########........# .####### ug9ug&6ug ugugugugoug ugQ ugugugA#6ugb2=ugugV,ugCugugugOugd ug*hh   hound (wandering)ug4,20.1 (4ugi4+1.1 (5ug:ug>X _A hound comes into #.#........ .....##.#########.......@# h#######ugugugy~h.hug57=ug<-==2.1 (1ug ug& _The hound barks!ug  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# ###.######.# #)..# #)#.#ug #.### #.#..##.##.h...@.##.#ugC ug| K.hugӖ /--3ugٜ ug ug_Ts #.# #.##. #.# #.##. #.# #.##. ###.######.##. #).##. #)#.##.###. #.#.ugT.##.##.h.@..##.#ug(Xug6dD.hugd0=-ugd4ugkugHo3 _You block the hound's u  You closely miss the hound. The hound bites you.ugE ug T6-5.4 (1.3ug% ug( = _The hound bites you but does no{\  You hit the hound.  The hound is lightly ug[ _You block the hound's attack. The hound bites you but does no  You hit the hound.  The hound is lightly wounded.4--8.0ug6ug\9* _The hound bites  You hit the hound.  The hound is heavily wounded.ugW #5ug{ 3=9.3ug&ug)@ _The hound bites you but does no damage. x2ug) 9  You slash the hound!ug5 A. ug  V=54=30.6ugC ug I _You kill the hound!ugM ugDN R #.# #.#ugN  #.# #.# #.#ugN  #.# #.# #.#ugN a #.####.######.#ugO a #.##)ugJO .#ugO x# #.##)#.ugO #ug P c#.###.##.#ug8P .uggP J.##.#ugP #ugP N.@...#ugP"Q #ugKQ ug Z ug[ ugU[ --ug[ 1ug[ 0ug{` ugHc ug\ #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.####.######.# #.##).#ug0w # #.##)#.#.###.###.##.#..##.##ugV|....##.#ugugA--2ugmugug?Iug}IugJugtO;6ugRugSugCSugTugW,ug$Yug[ugs\K7=ug']ug~`,ugauge,ugHfugi,ugjug'nug]nU8=ugbougs,ug6tug0x,ug7yug|,ug}ug2uge59=ugugug,ug6ug,ug%ugug$40ugڏ2=ugug,ugugݚ,ugugߟ,ugug91ugb(=ugߧug,ugȬug3,ugugд,ug#ug^ug2N2=ugug,ugug,ugug8,ug_ugwugK3=ugug,ug$ug,ugugug[#4ug~2=ug{ug,ugug,ugug,ugtugzugK5=ugug[,ugtug,ugugOugug[ugugEh6==ugCug` ug,ugugNugugFugfug8ugiugugugug'g### #.# #.# #...# #.# #.# #.#.# #.####.######.#.# #.##).........# #.# #.##)]'#...........##.######### #............#  #####@########73.6 (41.0) #...>...#ug'D#######.#ug0ug0#=ug0%4.6 (42ug6ug19; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ugIug:JugKugPug~TugTugX,ugZugZug)[ugz\ug`,ug`ugaugeugfugfug hugk,ugnlugougs,ug-tugeuugw,ug@xugzug,~ugx~ug~uglug4,ugug܆ug#....# ###.# ..# #..# #. #..# #.#######..###### #.# #...o...........# #.# #.# #@#.# #.# #.####.#uge.#.# #.# #.##)....#.# #.# #.##)#.##.#.###.###.##.#..#...........##.######............#o   orc (asleep)#####.#########...>...########.#ugΞ 83.6 (9.0)  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ugqug 2 orcsThe orc shouts!ug27===4.6 (10.0) ugjugyq _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 #... #..#  #..#  #..#  #..#  #######..###### #.# ugu o..o..........# #.#  #@#.# #.#  #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#. #..... ###....  #####.  #...>...#   ugXTm #... #..#  #..#  #..#  #..#  #######..###### #.#  o..o..........# #.#  #@#.# #.#  #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#. #..... ###....  #####. #...> ug_4uglugrd _There are monsters nearby!ug#.#. ##. #..# #######..#####o..o...@......# #.# #######.#.###.# #.####.#.#.#....#.# #.# #.##)#.##.###.###.##.#.............##.###ugj###............#####.########...>..ugugugy.o..oug----5ug.0) _ugug6ug ##.# #... #..#  #..# .. #..# #. #..# #.#..###### #.# #.o.o..o.# #.# #.#.#.###.# #.####. #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#.# #.# #.##)#. #.#.###.###.##.# #...##.o 3 orcs (1 wandering) ug###.#  #####.#  #...>...#ug  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 hand axe.ugxugugp.o.o..ougP==-6ugPug% _The orc shouts!ugC7  You slash the orc!ugugug.o.o.) 2 orcsugb=6-8.0 (1.4ugugsG _You kill the orc!uga?  ##.# #... #..#  #..#  #..# # #..# ##..###### #.# #.o.o..# #.# ##.#.###.# #.#### #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#.# #.# #.##)# #.#.###.###.##.# #..##. ###.#  #####.#  #...>...#ug F ugG ug=P r.o.ougP U--90ugY ug|_  Things that are here: _a +0 short sword; an orc corpseugW 5  You hit the .oThe orc is moderately wounded.ugq e3--=90.2 (1.2ug ugz 6 _The orc hits you with a +0 whip.ugwm7  You slash the orc!ugpugww.   orcug3{081.4ugug-G _You kill the orc!ugAr4--2.7 (1.3ugHugJv _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage. x2ugC3.9 (1.2ug{ug, _You barely miss the orc. The orc misses you.ug_ ug (5.1ug. ug7 _You closely miss the orc. The orc closely misses  You hit the orc.  The orc is moderately wounded.ugLV5=6.3ugug|1 _You block the orc's>G  You barely miss the orc.The orc is moderately wounded.ugG&7.6 (1.3ugMug9Qp _The orc completely misses you. You block the orc's 7  You slash the orc!ugC)ug599.0 (1.4ugugG _You kill the orc!ugp  ##.# #... #..#  #..#  #..#  #..# .#..###### #.# .@).# #.# #.#.###.# #.ugEq  #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#.# #.# #.##) #.#.###.###.##. #.##.  ###.  #####.  #...>...# ug~ ug~ 6==-30000ugԅ ugS l _Items here: )) ††.ugX ##.# #... #..# #..# #..# #..##.#..###### #.##)).# #.##.#.###.# #. #.#.# #.# #.## #.#.# #.# #.## #.#.###.###.## #.## ###ug #####. #...>...ugugG-1 _ug ugwug3ugͦugժugugug,ug>ugugugug?ug9=ug!,ug,ugwugug,ugug]ug,ugugug,ugougugi,ug ugug  #o#  #.#  #.#  #.# ##.#  #.# #...  #.# #..#   #.# #..#   #@# #..#  ug; #.# #..#  #.#########..###  #.......))........  ###########.#.###.   #.#.# #. o   orc (asleep)   #.#.# #.   #.#.###.`  9.0 (8  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ugy.ooug~5==10.0 (9ugug`(7 _The orc shouts! You hear a shout!ug..o #.#...# #..# .#########..#####.......)).......###########.#.## #.###ugug.o--1.0 (1ugug^ugB##..o #.#. ##########..#####.......)).......###########.#.## ug GugHugVo.oo 2 orcs--2ug<_ugxiq _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0{ ##o. o#.#. ##########..#####.......)).......###########.#.##ugug@P.oug^2---=3ug ugD= _The orc hits you with a +0 short sword.ugugH  You closely miss the orc.An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.ugwo.oo 3 orcsugg3=--4.3 (1.3ugug:P _The orc barely misses you.uguugug"ug  You closely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.  An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ugug( /o.oo   orc wizard (wandering)ooo 3 orcsug (5.6ug& ugQ2 : _The orc hits you but does no damage.ugJ) U  The orc wizard shouts!  You slash the orc!ug1 V  You kill the orc!ug\3 ug%? .oo.o 2 orcsug;C ?61==7.0 (1.4ugM ug R ' _You hear a shout!vg'vgF.ovgd1---8.3 (1.3vg)vg-o _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 club.vgvgvg .o.oYou hit the orc but do no damage. The orc hits you but does no damage.vg8*vg oo 2 orcs  The orc wizard casts a spell.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!vg vg+ .o{Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.vg1==9.6vgvg $Q _The orc closely misses you.vgOvgPvgdQ--vgQ 20.9vgNYvg] vgG^vg^f_You closely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no 7  You slash the orc!vg vg .)   orcvg 2-3--2.1 (1.2vgC vg G _You kill the orc!vgt9vgP.ovg[0-3.4 (1.3vg vg n _You barely miss something. Something hits you.vgnC4.8 (1.4vgeuvgx _You barely miss something. Something hits you but does no damage. x2vgvg[1=6.1 (1.3vgfvg _You closely miss something. Something hits you but does no damage.vgp >7.4vg vgD y _You hit something. Something hits you but does no damage.vgc8.6 (1.2 _You barely miss something. Something hits you but does no damage. x2vg92vgϑC=30.0 (1.4vg6vgz _You miss something. Something hits you but does no>1.4vgrvg y _You hit something. Something hits you but does no'  You barely miss something. You block something's attack.2.8vg- 8{vgz0 f _Something hits you but does no vgc 014.2vg vgh o _You closely miss something. Something hits you.vgC5.4 (1.2vg;vgo _You hit something but do no damage. Something hits you but does no'  You closely miss something. Something hits you but does no  You hear some strange, mumbled]S2=6.7 (1.3vg,vgn _Something tries to affect you, but you resist.vgF-8.0vgvgz _You miss something. Something hits you but does no X-9.3vg] vg_ O _You closely miss something. You block something's W0-40.6vgvgq _You barely miss something. Something hits you. x2vgm39-1.9vgvgo _You closely miss something. Something hits[:C3.1 (1.2vgAvg_E _You barely miss something. Something hits you but does no damage.vg4 9  You slash something!vgk g  Reactivating V.ovg0 `overed40824.4 (1.3vg vg 6 _You feel a bit more y  You barely miss the orc. You block the orc's' (5.7vg) vgU : _The orc hits you but does no damage.vg8 vg -6.9 (1.2vg vg _You closely miss the orc. The orc barely misses you.vgJ$q1=8.2 (1.3vgv+vg>. _You closely miss the orc. The orc closely misses you.vgl7  You slash the orc!vge)vgV539.4 (1.2vgvg/G _You kill the orc!vgM ##.. #.#.  #.##..####vg\vg5-500vg vg*w _Items here: )))) [[ ††††.vg &M ##. )#.#.  #.##..##..vgW vg\ 2=-1 _vgҳ vg vg OM##. .##.. )#.#  #.##...#.#vg vg &2vg vg vgZf ##. .### ..#)##.#....#.#  #.......))........ vgsvgjs&3vgxvgc|vg?3  #. .### ..###.#....##..  ###########.#.###. vg: <4vg? vglH w _Items here: )))) [[ ††††.vg  #. .###] #)##.#...####  #.#.# #. vg q3=5 _vgA vgo vg}"  . .### ..#)##.#....#  #.#.# #. vg, <6vg"2 vg/4 vgՠ X  .### ..#)##.#....#  #.#.###. vg vg< &7vgt vg vg' M  ..#)##.#....#########..#####  #....... vgG vg &8vg$ vg' vg|  #)##.#....#########..#####......))........#  ###..... vg vg ^4=9vg\ vg vgI  )##.#....#########..#####......))........##########.#.###  #####. vg^ S60vg_ vg  )##.#....#########..#####......))........##########.#.### #.#.#   #. vg9 vg &1vg vg: vg4vg4vg';vg=vgvg`vgevgvg^+vg+vg36vg8vgd4vgivgOlvg4vgvgvgvgUvg9vg vgv  #.#  #)# ##.#  #.# #...  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  #.#..# #.vgw I)).# #.#.###.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.###.# #. ###. #####.# vgK 2vgӇ vg) vg #.#  #)# ##.#  #.# #...  #.# #..#  #.# vgZ)#..#  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  #.#vg..######  #.)).vgE#  #vg9.#.###.#  vgd#.#.# #.#  vgN#.#.###.#   #.   ###.   #####.#   #.vg4)vg)T5=3vg/vg1 vgۊ} #.#  #)# ##.#  #.# #...  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  #.# #..#  vgJ #.#..###### # #.)).# # #.#.###.# # #.#.# #.# # #.#.# #.# # #.#.###.# #. ###. #####.# #...> vgB<4 vg vg vgt#.# #)# ##.# #.# #... #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.#..###### #.#.)).# #.# vgP.#.###.# #.#.#.# #.# #.#.#.# #.# #.#.#.###.###.#.###.#####.##...>. vgq  vg &5 vgu vg vgc#.# #)# ##.# #.# #... #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.#..###### #.##.)).# #.##.#.###.# #.##.#.# #.# #.##.#.# #.# #.##.#.###.###.##.# vgºk###.#####.##...>. vg vg/q6==6 vg vgo vg.#.# #)# ##.# #.# #...  vg"/#.# #..# #.# #..#  vgW/R#.# #..# #.# #..# #.#..###### #.#  vg}/#.)).# #.# # vg/=.#.###.# #.##.#.# #.# #.##.#.# #.# #.##.#.###.###.# vg/#.####. vg/`#####.##...>. vg9 vgX:&7 vg? vgvB vg#.# #)# ##.# #.# #... #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.#..###### #.# #.).# #.# #.#.###.# #.##.#.# #.# #.##)#.#.# #.# #.##)#.#.###.###.##.#. vg-y##.###.#####.##...>...# vg2 vg&8 vg# vgl _Items here: )) ††. vgx vgIRPick up what? 17/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 hand axe  b - a +0 whip Carrion an orc corpse vgan orc corpse [Up|Down] select vg [Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top] vg vg vg(J#.#Oo007 the Covered#)###.#Mountain Dwarf#.##...Health: 46/46 ========================#.##..#Magic: 5/5========================#.##..#AC: 10Str: 21#.##..#EV: 8Int: 8#.##..#SH: 4Dex: 9 vg(H#.#########..###### #.#XL:  5 Next: 83% Place: Dungeon:4#.......@)........# #.#Noise: ---------  Time: 3068.4 (0.0)###########.#.###.# #.### a) +0 war axe#.#.# #.# #.##) Nothing quivered#.#.# #.# #.##)#.#.###.###.##.#...........##. vg<) ###............ #####.####### #...>...#  vg)You slash the orc! _You kill the orc! _Items here: )))) [[ ††††. _Items here: )))) [[ ††††. _Items here: )) ††.  Okay, then. vg0 vg1 vg"7 vg:. _ vgj 3 vgl  vgr  vgw  vg{ : _ vg  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; an orc corpse vg"  vg  _ vg؄  vgD  vgq , vgV  vgҎ  vgs  vg  vg  vg  vg X vg , vg9  vg?  vg , vg  vg  vg , vg  vg  vgA , vgx  vgu  vg , vgi  vg  vg , vg  vgv  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg , vg  vg  vg9 , vg  vg  vgP , vg  vg  vg , vg  vgr  vgX , vg  vg  vg  , vg   vgM  vg , vg  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg6# , vgG$  vg&  vg+ , vg,  vg.  vgb3 , vg4  vgx6  vgA; , vg;  vg>  vggB , vgC  vg=E  vgJ , vgK  vgAN  vgS , vgT  vgV  vg[ , vg]  vg9_  vgNb  vgb  vgc  vgbe  vg9i , vgi  vgj  vgn , vgo  vg8p  vgt , vg}t  vgFw  vgsz , vgz  vga|  vgm , vg  vg  vg  #> .. # ## .#  ##.# ## .. ###.#.#.# vg@ #. #.##...w.#.#.### #......# #.# ..# #@# #.# #.# #.### #.# #.# vg L#...# #.# #.####.# #.##)###.###.#######.##...........# w   dart slug (asleep)#.# vgь u#..###.####.######.# vg #..# #...........#.##..# ######.####. vg 1102.4 (34.0) vg a.ww vgw ,3.4 (35 vg  vg \ _A dart slug comes into view. vg ####> .. ### .#  ## .# #  .. ###.##. #.##.....#.### #...@.w#..# ####.###.##....###.# #.#)#.###.#####..........#.###.####.#####.# #.......... vgL  vgR `The dart slug launches a dart at you. vgȆ.3--=4.4 (1.0) vg vg- _The slug dart hits you.vgUvgJ#>#vgw).#vgȋF#> vg.#vgB*.. vg(.# vg*## vg0*.# vgs## .# # vg # .. ###.#.#.# vgM#. #.##.....#.# vg.### #....@w# #.# vg$..# ####.### #.# vgs#.# #.### #.# vgV#.#!vgY@#.# ###vg!vg̐=#)# vg4##.###.###### vgC vg|)#.# vg#..###.####.#vg #.# vg@9#..# #.vgv#vgvg1vgqvgО-vg 5vgvgvvg5 =  You slash the dart slug!vg> i.vgB >5==6.8 (1.4vgrJ vgEM M _You kill the dart slug!vg^#>##.# #> #.# .. #.# ## #.# ### #.#B# vg# .. ###.#.#.# #. #.##.....#.# .### #.....@# #.# ..# ####.### #.# #.# #.### #.# #.# ###)# ##.###.###### vg]B   giant cockroach (asleep)#.# #.##.# #..###.####.##.# #..# #.#vg"vgvg^ j.BBvg [4----7vgA  0vgavgb _A giant cockroach comes into view.vgvgu9--vgzvgvg*@' #>vg@k #.# #>  #.# ..  #.# ##  #.# #  ## #.#.#  # .. ###.#.#.#  #. #.##...B.#.#  .### #.....@# #.#  ..# ####.### #.#  #.# #.### #.#  #.# #...# #.#  #.# ###.# #.#  #)#   #.#   #.#   #.# #..#  vg Q #>vgs  #.# #>  #.# ..  #.# ##  #[39;49m.# #  ## #.#.#  # .. ###.#.#.#  #. #.##...B.#.#  .### #.....@# #.#  ..# ####.### #.#  #.# #.### #.#  #.# #...#   #.# ###.#   #)#   #.#   #.#   #.#vg P #..# vg vg vg\ vg f _A giant cockroach is nearby!vg#`  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.=9.1 (1.3vgavgcG _The giant cockroach bites you but does no  You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.The giant cockroach bites you but does no$ )10.4vgl* vg- U _The giant cockroach misses\  You closely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.vgش [5=1.6 (1.2vg` vg G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.vgC  You slash the giant cockroach!vgE†vg%6vg 2.8vghvgDS _You kill the giant cockroach!vg{M#.#.)...#. .##>#######.#.##> #.#.#.. #.#.# ##vgy{ #.#.#  ## #.#.#  # .. ###.#.#.#  #. #.##...@.#.# vg{).### #......###.# ..# ####.### #.# vg{#.# #.### #.##.#{#.# ###.# #.#vg{S#)# ##.###.#####vg{!#vg|?#.#!|!#vg2|D#.# #..###.####.#####vg}|!#vgvg+-3vg# 0vgvg| _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.vgJ#.#.##### ..# #.#.)....#.#.# #>########.#.# #> #.#.# .. #.#.# ## vg.#.#.#  ## #.#.# # .. ###.#@#.# #. #.##...†.#.#  vg.### #......###.# ..# ####.##vg# #.##.# #.### #.#vgL#.# #..#.# ###.# #.#vg#)# ##.###.#######.# #...........#vgD vg d6==-vg&4 _vggvg\vg3vg?vgFvg,vgBvgovgvgvg,vg(vgvgvg5vgP2=vgvgIvg/,vgvg,vg8,vgvgvg,vgOvgvgvgvgXvgvgvgvgvgvg......... <. ...###. .# ........< .. ..##...... ##.## # #.#..##vgS .... ....##.#..# #.. ..........# ######.#.## vg|s#.#####@###.#.###23.8 (9vgu #.........##.#.)..vgi #######.#.#vgb#>##### vgx#.#.##>vgw'S #.#. ## #.#.# .. ###.#.#.#vgvg#4.8 (1vg# 0.0) vgcvgB9 _Found a stone staircase leading vgD vgTE vg2G vgJ vgHK vgO ,vg;R ,vg:S vgT vgaX ,vgY vg:\ vgd K#### ######### #.. .........## .<. #...###..... #.##.#........<## .... ....##......vgf ...#####.##.#... #.#..###...:..@........##.#..# g#####...............#  #.##########.#.## #.#####.####.#.####.........##.#.)..#######.#.##>##### g   goblin (asleep) #7.8 (3vgj .0)vgr bg.gvgs +8.8 (4vgz vg~ s _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0!  #### # #.. . .<. #...### #.##.#.<# .... ....###...#####.##.#... #.#.. #.g.:vg T.##.#..# #.#####..# #.#.#.## #.#####.### #.#. #.........# #.#.) #######.#.# #> #.#.# #> vg #.#.# ..  #.#.# ##vg vg .g:.vgt +9.8 (1vgc vg vgw ####  #.. . .<. #...### #.##.#.< #. .... ....## #...#####.##.#... #.#..vgm #..g:.##.#.. #.#####. #.#.#. #.#####.### #.#. #.........# #.#.) #.#.# #> #.#.# #> #.#.# ..  #.#.# ##vg\vg&.gvg9''30vgK,  You slash the goblin!vgvC)vg!=8=2.1 (1.3vgvgJ _You kill the goblin!vgcz  #### .# #.. ... .<. #...###... #.##.#. #.. .... ....## #...#####.##.#... #.# #...vgz v.##.# #.##### #.##.#. #.#####.### #.#. #.# #.#. vg!{ #.#.# #>  #.#.# #> vg[{  #.#.# ..  #.#.# ##vg vga 4-30vgX vg  You pick up a book of Callings and begin reading...  You add the spells Summon Small Mammal, Call Imp, Call Canine Familiar and  Summon Blazeheart Golem to your E-4.1 (2vg vg- - _You see here a +0 . #### #.##### #.. #...... .<. #...### ..... #.##.# #... .... ....## #...#####.##.#... #.# #..@).##.# #.###### #.###.# #.#####.### #.# #.# #.# #.#.# #>  #.#.# #>  #.#.# .. vg# s #.#.# ##vgk W5.1 (1vg vg1vg1vg2vg5vg>##.[ ####  #.###### #..  #....... .<. #...### .....## #.##.#vg~>L #.... .... ....## #...#####.##.#... #. #.@.).##.0 #.##### #.>p #.#####.### #. #..# #. #######.#.# #>vg>  #.#.# #>  #.#.#  #.#.# ## vgGvg3L+6.1 (1vgMvg;P# _Found a robe.vgBvgvg,vgvgavg`,vgؗvglvgV## ..[ #### #.##########.. .###......... .<. #...#.w........#####.##.#... #@..vgGO ....# #...#####.##.#...  ##...)...........# #.#####......... #.# #.######### #.#####.### w   ribbon worm (asleep)#.........########.#.#vg2 #.#.#vgͧ+9.1 (3vg .  A ribbon worm comes into view.vgj,40.1 (4vgfvgӷ8 _The ribbon worm moves out of view.vgvgvgWvgAvggM###  ..[ #### ### #.##########.. ....###.....<. #...#.......@..#####.##.#....?.w...#........... ....#..### #...#####.##.#... ##...)...........##w   ribbon wormvgG*##vg&]+1.1 (1vgfvgi _Found a scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ B ### ..[ ####  #.#.. #.###.<. #...#...w..@...#####.##.#.?.....#. ....#..###.#...#####.##.#...# #.##...).#. #.######. #.# #.#. #.#####.####. #..#  #.#.#vg9HvgRn.w2vgYvgv\vg\      ####   ..[ ####   #.#..   #.###vgR.<. #   #....w@....#####.##.#  .?.....#.  #..###.#...#####.##.#   #. #.##...)   #.##.#####  vg2U #.##.# #.   #.##.#####.###   #.##.#  vgsH #.#.#vg!vg  (catching breath)o   orc (wandering)oAn orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0,  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.vgILk 4  0 3vg M-Held vgVvgaj _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.vg9  The web tears 8  4 ==4vgVvgh% _The orc shouts!vg h  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.vgS 5-5.4 (1.3vg vg 9 _You block the ribbon worm's\]?  You slash the ribbon worm!vgas  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.vglko. vg$m5=6.6 (1.2vguvgyY _The ribbon worm closely misses  You slash the ribbon worm!vgvg†o.o   orcvg>90-7.9 (1.3vgCvgO _You kill the ribbon worm!vg`rm      #####  ..[# ####   #.#..   #.###.<. #   #....@.....#####.##.#  .?.....#.  vg td#..###o#...#####.##.#   #. #.##...) # #.##.#####   #.##.# #.   #.##.#####.###   #.##.#   #.#.#vgwvg܀<o.vgŁU--80vgvg vgvgj_You see here a ribbon worm<       #####  ..[# ####  #.#..   #.###.<. #  #...@†.....#####.##.#vg P .?...o.#.  #..###.#...#####.##.#  #.. #.##...)  #. #.##.##### ## #.##.# #.  #.##.#####.###  #.##.# vgy S  #.#.#vgZ( vg) '=9vgF0 vg3 Q _The orc closely misses you.vgcbP##### ..[##### #.##########.. #.###...........<. #####....†.....#####.##.....?..@o.#........... .####..###.#...#####.##.#vgb  #.. #.##...)......... #.##.####### #.##.# #.##### ####.### ........ #######.# vgqvgXrX0----50vgzvg}7 _The orc hits you with a +0 flail.vgvgUj38-----2.2 (1.3vg vgq _You closely miss the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 flail.vgo  You hit the orc.  The orc is lightly wounded.3.6 (1.4vgvvgzu _The orc hits you but does no damage. The orc barely misses you.vgQ7  You slash the orc!vg C$vg 514.9 (1.3vgpvgG _You kill the orc!vgb r    #####  ..[# ####  # #.#.. . #.###.<. #. ####....†.....#####.##.#. ....?...@.#. . ####..###.#...#####.##.#. vgc #.. #.##...). #. #.##.#####. ## #.##.# #.# #.# #.# .# vgm vgn b9=-50vgs vg j  You now have 119 gold pieces (gained 8).  Things that are here:vg E-6.9 (2vg| vg O _a +0 flail; an orc corpsevgvg-vgvgBvg:40vg92=vgvgy,vgUvg:!,vg9#vg',vg^*vg/a1=vgE2vgM6,vg7vg<,vgA>vgCB,vgDvgqJ92vgJ2=vgNvgR,vgTvgW,vgjYvg<],vg _vgbvg?cK3=vgdvghvghvgRjvgnvgnvg]pvguvguU4=vgwvg{,vg}vg,vgكvg҈,vgvgߏvg$K5=vg;vgH,vgvg,vg˝vgf,vgvgݩvg&h6==vgfvgvgױ,vg vgǴvgvg$vgLvg5vg7,vgֿvgfvgvg9=vgvgvg      ####### vgE #....[# ###   #.####.  #.###....<vg)  ######....†.....#####.#  #.....@...).#vg.  #J####..###.#...#####.#  #..# #.##...)  #..# #.##.#####  ##.# #.##.# #.  #.##.#####.## J   endoplasm (wandering) #.# .########.#.  #.#.f - 3 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR (gained 1)vgL0859.0)vg,6.9 (30vgvg] _An endoplasm comes into      #######  #....[#   #.# #.## vg t #.###.<  ######....†.....#####.  #....@....).#  #J####..###.#...#####.  #..# #.##...)  #..# #.##.##### vg  ##.# #.##.# #.  #.# #.##.#####.  #.# #.##vg  #.# .#.#  #.#vg vg ]J.Jvg 07.9 (1.0) vgj vg ^ _The endoplasm      #######  #....[# vgF   #.# #.##  #.###.  ######....†.....#####  #.J.@.....).#vgm  #.####..###.#...##### vg̈́  #..# #.##...)  #..# #.##.#####  ##.# #.##.# #. vg&  #.# #.##.#####.  #.# #.##  #.# .vg R#.  #.vgU vg .Jvg &8vg vg vgQP=  You slash the endoplasm!vgUWi.vgD[-2=vg[90.3 (1.4vgAavgdM _You kill the endoplasm!vg-n,     #  #....[#   #.# #. vgo #.###  ######....†.....  #..).#  #.####..###.#...  # #..# #.##...)  #..# #.##.#####  ##.# #.##.# #  #.# #.##.#####  #.# #.## vgIo #.# .#  #vg}vgA~4-10vgvgvgyvgzvg3{vg}vggvgĀvgvg3vg{vgֈvgvgʍ,vgOvgevgvgvgIvg@vgݕ,vgZvgIvgvgvgCvg/vg,vghvgbvgvgâvgvg٣vgͦ,vg vg3vgavgvgvgVvg,vgvgͱ,vgtvgvgvgvgvgvgsvgvg&vg+vgTvgvgvgvg&vgjvgvgvgvgKvgvgvgavgvgtvgvgvgvgvvgvgvgvgMvgsvgivgvgvg\vg1vgZvgvgvg)vg[vgvg vg,vgZvgvgvgvgvgvgZ,vgvgovgvg%vg8vg vgw vg vg vgvgkvgvgvgvgvgvgvg$vg#vg^#vgH%vg'vg0+vgk+vg,vg*/vg2,vg$4vg5vg`9,vg:vg?{  Things that are here:  a +0 flail; an orc corpsevgvg _vgvgY g  You see here a ribbon worm vg>  _vgvgvgvgvgvgvg,vg vgM&<  You see here a +0* _vg+vgI/vg3,vg46vgU9vgk=,vg0?vg{......# #.# .# .####.# #.# .# .# #.########.##.#####. .# #............. -vgsb29807.0) ## ##########.##.###### ########## #.# .# vg)........# #.# .# ########.# ... .( #.# #.. .. #.# ####... #.#..# vgI.#.#vgvg,98vgvgӺ% _Found 9 stones.vgڜvgZvgxvgvg,vgM,vgǭ,vg vgvgQ,vg9vgevg,vgvgϾvg0,vg vgvg........ #....####### #.##.# ....# #.##.# ####.# #.##.# # #.########.##.#####.# # #...................# vgmh# ##########.##.####### ######### #.##.# .......# #.##@# 304.3 (5.0)vgq#####.##.......(.$..[. #.##.##........#.# #.# ####........ #.# #..####.##.# #..# .#.# #...#.# #### vgMvg+5.3 (6vgTvgC- _Found a leather armour. vg1  vgь  vg  vg  vg[  vg  vgJ , vgn  vg  vg8  vgڥ ;  You see here 9 stones. vg  vg  _ vga  vgv  vg  vg>  vg  vg , vgy  vg: N _You now have 134 gold pieces (gained 15). vg5  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg!  vgp  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg|  vge  vg B vgA  vg  vgW  vg;  vgH  vg , vgD  vg;  vg , vg  vg7  vg  vg  vg]  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg , vgY  vg  vg  vg  vg  vgA  vg  vg  vg  vg  vg , vg  vgA , vg  vg$ N _You now have 150 gold pieces (gained 16). vg'  vg'  vg+(  vg)  vgl,  vg,  vg9-  vg.  vg{1 , vg1  vgy3  vg:6 , vg6  vg7  vg: , vg:  vgE<  vg? , vg?  vgA  vgD , vgfD  vgE  vgF , vg5H , vg3K , vgK  vgN  vgg  vg1j Y _A quokka comes into view.!vgs .##.#^.........#.##.# #....#.# #  ###.###.##.  #..## #..  ###.###.####. !vg d #..#..r....  #.#@# #..## ##.# #.# #.# #.# . #.# # #.!vg*5 .##.#^.........#.##.# #....#.# #  ###.###.##.  #..## #..  ###.###.####.  #..#..r....  #.#@# #..## ##.# #. #. #.# #. #. !vg; 4!vg@ !vgC ] _A quokka is nearby!"vg$:v.## #.###.############..##.# .....^.........# ###########..##.# # #....#.# # "vgV;# ###.###.##.# # #..## #.. # ###.###.####.# # #..#@.r....# # #.#.######## # #..# "vg; # ##.# # #.# #.# ##."vgX<[# #.##."vg?"vgH:r."vgVI8=6.3 (1.0) "vg8N"vgQS _The quokka barely misses you.#vgP:  You slash the quokka!#vg\O†#vg`547.7 (1.4#vgOe#vgFhJ _You kill the quokka!#vg5## #.###.### #..##.# ^.# ..##.#  #vg#....#.# #  ###.###.##.#  #..## ##..  ###.###.####.#  #..#.@.....#  #.#.#  #..##  #vgD##.# #.#  #vgr#vg(4-80#vg#vgs _You see here a quokka corpse.#vg-? #.###.###  #..##.#  ^.# #vg@ ..##.#  #....#.# #  ###.###.##.#  #..## ##..  ###.###.####.#  #..#.†@....#  #.#.#  #..##  ##.#  #.#  #.# #vg@b  #.#   #.#   #.   #vgH#vgI>-9 #vgJ _#vg N#vgO#vg#vgo3#vgO#vgX#vg,#vg#vg!#vg$'? #####.#.#   #.......# .#  #.###.### S# #vg')..##.# .# ...^.........# .#  ########..##.# .#  #....#.# S# #vg:(?###.###.##.#  #..## ##.@.#  ###.###.####.#  #..#.†.....# #.#.######## #vgk(#..# ##.#   S   adder (asleep)#vg(#.#   S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#.# #vg(e #.# #vg61 41.7 (2  A ball python and an adder come into view.#vg3#vg<.S.SSS)#vgT=&==#vg=2.7 (3$vg<$vg/ _The adder hisses angrily.%vg>1 #####.#.#  #.##.#  #.###.####.#  ..##.# #S#  ^...# #.#  ..##.# #.#  #....#.# #.#  %vg 2 ###.###.##S#  #..## ##..@#  ###.###.####.#  #..#.†.....#  #.#.#  #..##  ##.#  #.#  #.#  %vg2J#.#  %vg7%vgPBF.S%vgB3-3.7 (1%vgJ%vgL@ _The adder bites you but does no damage. x2%vgmq %vg[u %vg| F.S%vgp} G-5.0 (1.3%vgH %vg _You miss the adder. The adder completely misses you.%vgY7  You hit the adder.%vgb%vgl .SS The adder is moderately wounded.%vgl(6.3%vgr%vg[u= _The adder bites you but does no damage.&vgo=  You barely miss the ball python. You barely miss the adder.The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python closely misses you. You block the adder's attack.&vgbp(7.6&vgv&vgyv _You block the ball python's attack. The adder barely misses you.&vg   You closely miss the ball python. You hit the adder.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.&vg%5--1 8.8 (1.2Constr &vg&vg)= _The adder bites you but does no damage.&vgIThe ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you. _The adder bites you but does no damage.barely miss the ball python. You hit the adder but do no damage.The ball python constricts you. The adder bites you but does no damage. x2  The ball python bites you but does no damage.&vgJ.50.2 (1.4&vgfP&vg^S_ _The ball python constricts you.&vgG ?  You slash the ball python!&vg*U .  You kill the ball python!You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.&vgY > 6=&vg[Z  8 51.6 _The adder barely misses you.&vg_ &vgdb g _Your Armour skill increases to level 5!'vg-######...####.#...... #.###.### #######..## ..^........ #######..##.# ....#.# 'vg-##.###.##..## ##.S.# ###.###.####.#.†.....#.########..####'vg7'vg8,20'vgj='vgi@S _The adder closely misses you.'vg>.....######...####.#...... #.###.### #######..## ..^........ #######..##.# ....#.# 'vg[##.###.##..## ##.S.# ###.###.####.#.†......#.########..###'vg,'vg<S.'vg &3'vg7'vgS= _The adder bites you but does no damage.'vg 9  You slash the adder!'vg r†'vg 'vgȚ Z #.........#  Oo007 the Covered######....##.#  Mountain Dwarf#####.#.##.#  Health: 46/46 ========================#.......##.#'vg; :  Magic: 5/5========================#.###.####.#  AC: 10Str: 21 #######..##.# #.#  EV: 8Int: 8 'vg w..^.........# #.#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #######..##.# #.#  XL:  5 Next: 102% Place: Dungeon:4#....#.# #@#  Noise: =--------  Time: 3355.0 (1.4)###.###.##†#'vgo   a) +0 war axe#..## ##...#  Nothing quivered###.###.####.# #..#.†.....# #.#.########  #..##  ##.#  #.#  'vg `You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage. _The adder barely misses you. _Your Armour skill increases to level 5! _The adder closely misses you. _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You slash the adder!'vgH % 'vg{ e_You kill the adder!You have reached level 6!'vg> /  --more--)vg E52/526/66 1% )vg )vgݛ 4 _*vg֧*vgY*vg*vg *vgаP _*vgx  You see here an adder corpse.*vgr _*vg*vgJ*vg,*vg=*vg*vg^*vg*vg*vg*vgx,*vg*vg*vgB*vg*vgB*vgo*vg,*vg^*vg*vg,*vgX*vg*vg*vg3*vgx*vg*vgs*vg*vg*vg*vgK*vg,*vgR*vgL,*vg*vg*vg0,*vg*vg*vgz*vg*vg *vg*vg*vg*vg *vg*vg,*vgQ*vg*vgO*vg,*vgL*vg*vg3*vg:*vg?*vg*vg*vgn*vgq *vg$,*vg{*vgR*vg*vg*vg*vg*vg#,*vg*vg *vg$*vg %*vg%*vgh'*vgR**vg**vgV+*vg-*vg0*vg0*vg1*vg3*vg;7,*vg=8*vg{:*vg=*vgc=*vg=*vg?*vgfB,*vgB*vgD*vg:F,*vgF*vgG*vgoI*vgI*vgJ*vg&L*vg0P*vgP*vgQ*vgR*vgS,*vg5T*vg=U*vg$W,*vgW*vgZY*vgb\*vg\*vgk]*vgY_*vgb,*vgc*vge*vgqg*vgg*vgh*vgk*vgv#.###  ....# ..[. ....# ...*vgvv ....# #.. .##.# ...*vgvv .##.#  .##.# *vgv; .##.#####.# *vgvO ..........#  *vg w/-92.0 (37.0) *vg/wk.##.####### #.## *vgw.##.# #..# .##.############..#  ....(....[........#  ........#.#######.#  *vg$x###...............# #..####.####.#.## #..###...###.#.# *vg.*vgt!-*vg%3.0 (38*vg݅*vg# _Found a robe.+vgP3+vgR+vg%W+vgZ+vg^,+vgq_+vg:gq ) #.####.####..[.........##......+vgg ##.# 4.0 (1.0). .........## +vgh.##.####### #.## .##.##..# ..# ..# ....#+vgp+vgQq+5.0 (2+vgv+vg y' _Found a falchion.,vg&3,vg(,vgg,,vg\6eM[# ). #.#####.####[...# ......#,vg6z...######.....#....<.....#0 ##.#####. ..........# #.#,vg6D ##.#,vg@,vg}E+6.0 (1,vgG,vgJM _Found a chain mail. Found a stone staircase leading up.-vgv-vg-vg3-vg-vg -vgx,-vgF-vg>-vg-vg:-vg-vgh-vg-vg -vg1$-vg(,-vgg+-vg--vg2,-vg?4-vgW;<  You see here a +0 robe.-vg>-vg? _-vgA-vg7D-vg:H-vg}H-vgI-vgZL-vg0P-vgvP-vg{R-vgT-vgW-vg/X-vglY-vg[-vg^-vg3_-vg`-vgAd-vg^h,-vgj-vgm-vgp,-vg>r-vgNt-vgw-vgw-vgxy-vg|-vg~-vg~-vg9-vg-vg-vg؃-vgF-vgW-vg-vg-vgk-vgI-vg2,-vg܎-vg -vg-vg-vgR-vg-vg,-vgǛ-vgg-vg,-vg-vgP-vg,-vge-vg-vg #########  -vgXb#...  #)..........r.# ###  ##[##  -vg"s#.).#  ##.### #.# #####.####  .....# #.#####....[...# #### #....# #.#............#-vgQ... #....# #.#.######.....# r   quokka (asleep) #### #.##.# #......<.....#### #.##.# ###.######.#### #.##.# #.# #.#-vg| 417.0 (21.0)  A quokka comes into view.-vgr.r-vg",8.0 (22-vg-vg+ _Found a\ #########  #######........  #).........r..# ### .vg^ #@# ##[##  #.# #.).#   #.# #####.####   #.#.[...#   #.#............#   #.#....#   #......<.....###   ###.###   #.# #.# .vg #########  #######........  #).........r..# ###  #@# ##[##  #.# #.).#   #.# #####.####   #.#.[  #.#.........  #.#....#   #......<....  ###.  #.# .vg].vg)] _A quokka is nearby!.vg؉  ###############........ #).....@...r..# ### #.#####.#####.###[# #.# #.).# ##.### #.# #####.### ..#####....[ ####.#.......... .......# #.#.######..... ####......<.....######.######.###.vgw .vg >r..vgǕ #9.0 (` .0) _.vgL .vg /vg`T##.#).r...# ### #.#####.#####.###[## #.# #.).# ##.### #.#.....# #.#/vga| #....# #.#.#  #....# #.# #.##.# #.. /vgc/vg/n:r./vgn/=20/vgmu/vgZxS _The quokka barely misses you./vgB :  You slash the quokka!/vgL C./vg]P -1.3 (1.3/vgV /vgX J _You kill the quokka!/vgN ##.#).....# ### #.#####.#####.###[## /vgr F#.# #.).# ##.### #......# #. #....# #. #....# #. #.##.# #. /vgL /vgJ 4-20/vg /vgI 0vg'e_##.#0vge#)..@...# ### #.#####.#####.###[## #.# #.).# 0vge 0vgq0vgq@-30vgJ{0vg$0vg$%0vg&0vgy)0vg(-0vg-0vg1,0vgw7,0vg80vg:0vg=,0vgC?0vg|A0vgD,0vgaF0vgI0vg}L,0vgM0vgO0vgR,0vgU0vgU0vgX,0vgZ0vgZ0vg],0vgQ^0vg_0vgb,0vg4c0vgd0vg^g,0vgh0vgQj0vg!m0vgm0vg'n0vgo0vgr,0vgs0vgMu0vgAx0vgjx0vgy0vgz0vgB0vg0vg,0vgp0vg0vg,0vg0vgD  You see here a +0 quarterstaff.0vgL5 _0vgH0vg#0vg,0vg0vgw0vg,0vg,0vg0vg0vg0vg50vgS,0vgC0vg0vg0vg0vg0vgz0vg,0vgn0vgͼ0vgt0vgQ0vg0vg0vg2,0vg0vg0vgv0vg0vgr0vg0vgW0vg0vg60vg0vg,0vg+0vg0vg,0vg]0vg0vg0vgN0vg0vg_0vg0vg0vg0vg0vg0vg0vg0vg?0vg,0vg;0vg0vgK0vg0vgG0vg0vg0vg*0vg0vgd0vg0vg0vg0vg`0vgX0vg0vge 0vg 0vg0vg_0vg&0vg0vg0vg0vg0vg70vg,0vg0vg 0vg(#,0vg$0vgN&0vg(,0vg)0vg+0vg=.0vgq.0vgV/0vgl10vg30vg.40vgC50vg70vg:,0vg%<0vg>0vgA,0vgkC0vg*G0vgqJ,0vgL0vgO0vgR0vgS0vgT0vgW0vgZ,0vg/\0vg^0vga0vg0b0vg5c0vgre0vg\h,0vgi0vgl0vgo0vgTo0vgp0vgzu0vgNx,0vgy0vgz0vg},0vg6~0vg0vgP0vg0vg-0vg0vgԆ0vg0vg0vg0vg0vg0vgJ0vg0vg40vgk0vg0vg0vgҔ,0vgb0vgx0vg0vgۘ0vg50vgo0vg70vgh0vg70vg0vg0vgS0vg0vg٢0vg;0vg0vgԥ0vg0vg0vg0vg60vg}0vg,0vg0vgA0vgf0vg0vg-0vg<0vg¶0vg0vgo0vgŸ0vg<,0vg0vgټ0vg0vgB0vg0vg0vg0vg0vgW0vgT0vg#.##..#.†.....# #.##.#.######## 0vg#.##..## #.###.# #.##.# ..##.# 0vg%[### #.# .. #.# ## #@# 93.3 (70vgQ0.0) [.......# ######### 0vg30vg0vgS,4.3 (710vgW0vg# _Found a robe.1vg1vg.1vg51vg}1vg1vgB1vg>1vg1vgs1vg1vg,1vg$1vg1vg_ #.# #.#.########  #.# #..##  #.# ##.# ####.# #.# .....# #.# ###### #.# ..... ### #.# 1vgF##### B....#####.# #..[...@...##.########## 1vg1B   bombardier beetle (asleep)1vgB7.3 (3.0)B8.3 (41vg1vg.d _A bombardier beetle comes into view.2vg #.# #.#.# #.# #..## #.# ##.##.# #.#.# #.## #.#. .#### #.## /B....#####.# #..[..@....# #.#2vgR{.B9.3 (12vg 2vg1$T _Found an ivory wand.2vg # #.# #.#.# # #.##. #..## # #.##. ##.##.##. #.#.##. #.#2vg )##. #.#. ..####. #.## #/.B...#####.# #..[.# #.#2vg 2vg R.B2vgF (5002vgf 2vgF 3vg;%.# #.# #.#.# .# #.# #.# #..## .# #.# #.# ##.# .######.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.# .## #.# #.#. ...####.# #.## #/.....#####.# #.B[.# #.#3vgSE3vgF&13vgdN3vg!Q3vgQa =#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.# #.# #..## #.# #.# #.# ##.# #.######.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.# #.## #.# #.# #.....####.# #.## #/.....#####.# # #.B.# # #.##3vgr D=23vgw 3vg{ _The bombardier beetle bites you but does no damage. _You see here a +0 robe.3vgR E  You slash the bombardier beetle!3vg > Mww   ribbon worm The bombardier beetle is heavily wounded.A ribbon worm comes into view.3vg c1-=3.6 (1.33vg 3vg 6 _The bombardier beetle bites you.4vgC  You hit the bombardier beetle.4vg jw. 4vgS2=-4vg5.0 (1.44vgD4vg?e _The bombardier beetle is almost dead.4vg3t  You hit the bombardier beetle but do no damage.4vg\ w.  The bombardier beetle is almost dead.4vgEG-6.3 (1.34vg<4vg*^ _The bombardier beetle barely misses you.4vg} E  You slash the bombardier beetle!4vg) † (catching breath)  You kill the bombardier beetle!You slash the ribbon worm!4vg/  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.4vg 4vg B =4vgϺ x 4  0 137.6 _You are caught in a web!4vg_ /  --more--6vg+ Held Your Fighting skill increases to level 4!6vg6vg] _Your Axes skill increases to level 5!6vg 6vgg y0- 8  4 80 6vg 6vg = _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm bites you.7vgq{ #.# #.# #.#.  #.# #.# #.# #..##  #.# #.# #.# ##.# ##.######.# #.# #.# ).# #.# #.# )#.# #.# #.# .#.####.# #.# .# #/..w..#####.# .# #.@[.# ## #.# # #. #7vgp#.#.#...##7vgN97vgq7vgɡ _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage. _You see here a bombardier beetle corpse.7vg r #.# #.# #.#. #.# #.# #.# #..## #.# #.# #.# ##.##.######.# #.# #.# #).# #.# #.# #)#.########### #.# #.# #.#......####.# #.# #.# #/..w..#####.# ..# #@†[.## #.7vgt# .# #.# .# #.# #.# #.# ..# ###7vgQ (catching breath)7vg  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.7vgk7vgB^ 4  0 -107vg-Held 7vg7vgH j _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.8vg'8vg'45---- 8  4 =18vg'8vg5.8vg0E _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm bites you.8vgy##.#.†.... #.#.######..##  #.# # ###.######.........# #.# #)#.########### #.#............####.# #.######### #/.@w..##### ..###.†[....... ############ .#8vgZ#..###8vg8vg6h6=---28vgS8vg"9vgZ  You barely miss the ribbon worm.The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.=3.8 (1.29vgc9vggC _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.9vg  You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.5.1 (1.39vg 9vg C _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.9vg2     You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.7=9vg3 &6.3 (1.29vg; 9vg ? X _The ribbon worm barely misses you.:vg  You barely miss the ribbon worm.The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.7.6 (1.3:vg:vgX _The ribbon worm barely misses you.:vg  (catching breath)  You slash the ribbon worm!  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.:vg  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.:vgtL  4  0 =8.9Held :vgT :vgW . _You are caught in a web!:vgF<:vg =8= 8  4 -90;vg;vgn _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm closely misses you.;vg߁?  You slash the ribbon worm!;vgG†;vgɑ^4-21.1 (1.2;vgǙ;vg6O _You kill the ribbon worm!;vg5A.# #.# #..#.†.#.# #.# #.#.##.# #.# #.# #..##  #.# #.# #.# ##.# .######.# #.# #.# ).# #.# #.# ;vg)#.### #.# #.# .#.####.# #.# .# #/..@..#####.# # ###.†[.#  ;vg*#.# # #.# # #.##.##.#..# ;vg;vgm4-20;vg;vg*x _You see here a ribbon worm corpse....# #.# ####.# #.#  ..#########.#   The adder hisses angrily.u _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.=vg# #.##)#.# #.# #.##.##.#..####.# #.#.##.#...†..#####.#.# ###.†[.## #.# ..>...# #.##.# #.#.##.#.K.S...@..##.#.######....# ######=vg{=vg=vgU.K.SK==3.0) =vg'=vg( _The kobold shouts!>vgfC.# #.##)#.# #.# #.# .###.##.#.####.# #.#.##.#...†..#####.#.# ###.†[.# .# #.#.>...# #.##.# # #.##...##.#.K.S.@...##.##...######....## ######>vg1i>vgZp>vg2zh.K.S>vgz/--4>vg܁>vgm>vgd>vgp .KYou closely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.>vg0qV=-5.4 (1.3>vg x>vg{V _The adder completely misses you.>vgMZ  >vgN\  You closely miss the adder. The adder barely misses you.6.7>vg:d >vgg = _The adder bites you but does no damage.?vg?vg]-7.9 (1.2?vg?vg" _You closely miss the adder. The adder barely misses you.?vg0^  You miss the adder. The adder completely misses you.?vg^-9.2 (1.3?vg f?vghR _The adder barely misses you.?vg  You slash the adder!  The adder is severely wounded.=60.6 (1.4?vg?vgq _The adder closely misses you. You block the adder's attack.?vgU  You completely miss the adder.The adder is severely wounded.-1.8 (1.2?vg ?vgc = _The adder bites you but does no damage.@vg(^9  You slash the adder!@vg'a@vgi^ .K@vg'mX8-3.0@vgs@vgcvI _You kill the adder!@vgC4.3 (1.3@vgd@vgb _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold hits you but does no damage.@vgC5.5 (1.2@vg@vg _You completely miss the kobold. The kobold closely misses you.@vg :  You slash the kobold!@vgH A) @vg -6.8 (1.3@vgl @vg J _You kill the kobold!Avgڒ#.# #.##)#.# #.# #. #.###.##.#.####.# #..##.#...†..#####..# ###.†[. #.# #. #...>...# #.##.# ## #.##...##.#.@....##.##...######....# ##AvgX ######Avg;-Avg70Avg8Avg  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a kobold corpseAvgYB #.# #.##)#.# #.# # ##.###.##.#.####.# #.##.#...†..#####.# ###.†[#.# #.  #...>...# #.#  #.# ### #.##...##.#)....##.##...######....# ### ######Avg^Avg7_G-8 _AvgcAvgeAvgF Avg BAvg Avg? ,Avg2 AvgW Avg ,Avg Avg Avgu Avg Avgl Avg ~  Things that are here:  a +0 dagger; a kobold corpseAvg Avg  _Avg Avg< Avg. ,Avg Avg Avgѷ ,AvgY Avg Avg` ,Avg Avgt Avg ,Avgd Avg Avg ,Avg Avg1 AvgQ ,Avg Avg| AvgR Avgi Avg Avg# Avgc ,Avg Avg AvgB ,Avg Avg BAvgd Avg Avg ,Avg Avg< m  You see here a bombardier beetle corpse.Avg Avg=  _Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avg Avgo Avg Avgr Avg?! Avg$ Avg$ Avgz& Avg) Avg- AvgO- Avgf. Avg0 Avg2 ,Avg>3 Avg6 g  You see here a ribbon worm corpse.Avg; 5 _Avg< Avg@ Avg]D ,AvgF AvgK AvgKO AvgqO AvgP AvgR AvgT ,AvgU AvgZ Avgz^ ,Avg_ Avgb Avgd Avgd Avgf AvgTh Avgj Avgj Avg"l Avgo Avgr ,Avgs Avgw Avg4| ,AvgC Avg AvgD ,AvgΉ AvgJ Avg| ,Avg( Avg4 Avg@ Avgz Avg Avg Avg ,Avg{ Avg Avg ,Avg Avg Avg ,Avg Avg Avg3 ,Avgf Avg AvgQ ,AvgR Avg Avg ,Avg AvgD Avg ,Avg; AvgZ AvgZ ,Avge Avgq Avg ,Avg Avg Avgf ,Avg Avg Avg| ,Avg* Avg Avge Avg Avg Avg  Avgb Avg AvgU Avgm Avg[ Avg Avg, Avg Avg Avg Avgl Avg Avg ,Avg% Avg Avg? Avgh Avg Avg! Avgx% ,AvgB& Avg( Avg* ,Avg+ Avg- Avg^1 Avg1 Avg2 Avg4 Avg7 Avg7 Avg8 Avg: Avg< ,Avg>= Avg= Avgf? ,Avg? Avg5@ AvgA BAvg7B Avg)D ,AvgD Avg F AvgI BAvgI AvgL ,AvgL AvgM AvgO ,AvgO AvgP AvgeR ,Avg$S Avgt  ##.###..#.# #>  #.####...##.# #.#.########>  #...........# #.#.#........  ######...#####.#.#.####### ##.#.#.#.#  #.######### #.#.#.# #.........####.#.#.##.#######.##.....#.##.### #@.....###.#632.8 (6Avgu 4.0)#...# ####.### #.####.# #.### #.##.##...# #.##.####.# #.##)###.###.###### #.##...........# #.##..###.####.## #.##..# #........Avg+v E Avgv Avg<{ Avg:~ E _Done exploring.BvgIBvg6..0.0)................Bvg1,BvgE _Done exploring.CvgbICvg:,CvgC-CvgJ4[ _Done exploring.DvgODvgWhere to? (Tab - D:4, ? - help)  D - Dungeon EvgccEvgv6 #.# ##.###.########.#.##> Oo007 the Covered#.####...##.##.#.########> Mountain Dwarf#...........##.#.#........ Health: 52/52 ========================######...####Evgw#.#.#.####### Magic: 6/6========================##.###.#.#.#AC: 10Str: 21#.######### #.#.#.#EV: 8Int: 8#.........####.#.#.#SH: 4Dex: 9Evgxq#.#######.##.....#.#XL:  6 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:4#.### #@.....###.#Noise: ---------  Time: 3632.8 (0.0)#...# ####.### #.#a) +0 war axe###.##.### #.#Nothing quivered#.##...# #.##.####.# #.##)###.###.###### #.##...........# #.##..###.####.## #.##..# #........  _a +0 dagger; a kobold corpse _You see here a bombardier beetle corpse. Evg)y_You see here a ribbon worm corpse. _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _Done exploring.EvgyEvgzEvgEvgCEvgP _EvgEvg΍EvgLEvgЏEvg|,EvgёEvgEvgBEvgEvgHEvg{EvgEvg EvgxBEvg%Evgr,Evg_EvgţEvg,EvgEvgEvgE,Evg۬Evg EvgEvgZEvgpEvgEvgEvgdEvg:EvgYEvg,Evg̿EvgEvg,EvgOEvgEvg,EvgEvgEEvg(EvgEvgEvgMEvg,EvgyEvgEvgEvgEvg8Evg5Evg;,EvgEvgEvgEvgREvgrEvgEvg,EvgEvg"EvgEvgEvg5Evg)Evg,EvgEvgEvg,EvgEvgJ Evgj ,Evg Evg Evg,Evg9Evg:Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.EvgEvgEvg1$ _EvgKEvg/5EvgEvgEvgEvgEvgʏ[  ##############  ....... 59.6 (26.8) ############.#  Evg_You climb downwards.EvgJEvgEvga _There is a stone staircase leading up here.FvgDqIFvgrFvguFvgDv$ _Fvgz,FvgW{Fvg{Fvg6|Fvg}FvgFvg%FvgFvgFvgFvg8FvgyFvgFFvg,FvgnFvgFvgFvgFvg#FvgFvgFvgFvgFvg[FvgeFvg,FvgFvgYFvg ,FvgLFvgΚFvgn,FvgFvguFvg,Fvg"Fvg'FvgFvg#FvgUFvgFvgLFvgFvg֤FvgGFvg`,FvgFvgתFvgP#.##.##.##.#Fvg#.##.##.# #.# Fvg< #@# 73.6 (14.0 #.......[#########FvgIFvg,4.6 (15Fvg7Fvg # _Found a robe.Gvg@VGvgVGvgWGvgZGvg]GvgbBGvg dGvg5dGvgGeGvggGvgSjGvg~jGvgHkGvgkmGvgp,GvgpGvgrGvg3u,GvgIvGvgwGvgz,Gvg{GvgQ}Gvgi,GvgGvgGvgC,GvgGvgGvg#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# Gvg#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.####.#####.#.###.......@..#82.6 (8.0)Gvg#########.##  .# Gvg;e.#.#.#Gvg[G)#.)Gvg{GvgGvg+3.6 (9GvgGvgs _Found a battleaxe and a sling. _You see here a +0 robe.HvgHvg;Hvg Hvg$Hvg](Hvg,: _Hvg,-Hvg)1,Hvg2Hvg5Hvga9,HvgA:Hvg=Hvgt@,HvgCHvgFHvgJ,HvgLHvg-OHvg3S,HvgTHvgxXHvgb#.# #.####.#####.#.###.......[..##########.## #.# #.# #.#  ###.###.#  .......@# Hvgb ........)J.............##########.#.#.##....$##..... J   jelly (asleep)Hvgcw......##......Hvgh+9.6 (6HvgoJ.JHvgp,90.6 (7HvgvHvgX _A jelly comes into view. _You see here a +0 battleaxe.Ivgn####.#.##......[..########.# #.# #... #.###.###........)#######J......##########.#.#.#  #....$.#.... .......##...... .#...##Ivg}z44---- 6 =1.6 (1Ivg{I-4 war axeCorr (-4) IvgNIvg _The jelly hits you. The acid corrodes you! You are splashed with acid!Jvgˆ  You slash the jelly! Your hands burn!  The jelly is heavily wounded.Jvgp$39JvgO------=2.8 (1.2JvgߐJvg0< _The jelly hits you but does no damage.JvgQ:  JvgUQYou hit the jelly. The acid corrodes you! Your hands burn!  The jelly is severely wounded.Jvg(R36----2-4.0JvgMR18(-8JvgYJvg\K _The jelly misses you.Jvg$   You hit the jelly but do no damage. The acid corrodes you! Your hands burn!  The jelly is severely wounded.Jvg~% D21----------Jvg% !5.2Jvg+ Jvg/ E _The jelly hits you. You are splashed with acid!Jvg< 9  You slash the jelly!JvgC)Jvg V-------306.5 (1.3Jvg4JvgI _You kill the jelly!Kvg>#.#####.#.## #.[..# ##.## #.# # #.# .. #.# ###.###.# .)#....####.#.#.# #....$. ##............##......#.#...##KvgKvgE4-70KvgcKvg\N _You see here a +0 sling.Kvg4#.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# # #.# .. #.# ###.###.# .Kvg)#.#.)#.####.#.#.# #....$. ##....Kvg........##......#.#...##Kvg(Kvg$22Kvg R=-8 _KvgKvgLvgB4LvgCLvgLBLvggM,LvgNLvgRb3=LvgoSLvgVLvgWLvgXLvg?\,Lvg]Lvg:a,LvgbLvgeLvg fT4=LvggLvgj,Lvg lLvg'o,LvgpLvgsLvgltL5=LvguLvgx,LvgQzLvgp}Lvg}Lvg~Lvg,LvgLvg3LvgoT6=Lvg[Lvg׎Lvg LvgBLvgLvgLvg.LvgLvgE7=LvgLvg,LvgSLvgc,Lvg LvgLvgLvg{LvgLvg$8LvgLvgyLvg;,Lvg Lvg,Lvg%Lvg,LvgžLvgLvg>9=LvgLvgLvg,Lvg)LvgLvgLvglLvgLvgLvgF30=LvgbLvg,Lvg LvgLvgLvgLvg,LvgLvgbLvg>1=LvgLvgTLvg<,LvgLvgX,LvgvLvgLvgA62=LvgmLvgHLvgLvgOLvgLvg ,LvgH Lvg Lvg  k 735.5 (37.0) _You start resting.Lvg 10 6.5 (38+0 war axeLvg Lvg@ [ _You are no longer corroded.MvgpMvgˬMvgMvgXMvg#3MvgֶF=MvgMvgϷMvgMvg,MvgMvg:MvgtMvgD4=MvgMvg,Mvg1MvgCMvg{Mvg{Mvg,MvgZMvgVMvgS5=MvgMvg@,MvgMvg,MvgMvgMvgMvgMvgMvg+56=MvgKMvgMvg,MvgMvg@,MvgFMvgMvgk  37=OO   ogre (wandering) _You start resting.Mvg -50.5 (14Mvg ,1.5 (15MvgMvg` _An ogre comes into view. It is wielding a +0 giant spiked club.NvgP  [..#  #.# # #.# .. #.# ###.###.#Nvg .......)#######.#  ........)@......#  ........#########  ###.#.#.#Nvg,t #.O..$. #  Nvg6; Nvgrc  [..#  #.# # #.#Nvgc .. #.# ###.###.# .......)#######.#  ........)@......# Nvgd ........#########  ###.#.#.#NvgJd #.O..$ #Nvgzd7 Nvgd Nvgd   Nvg%n4NvgUsNvgw\ _An ogre is nearby!Ovg{ #.#####.#.## Oo007 the Covered #.......[..# Mountain Dwarf #########.## Health: 37/52 =================------- #.# Magic: 6/6======================== # #.#Ovg!|u AC: 10Str: 21 .. #.# EV: 8Int: 8 ###.###.# SH: 4OvgO| Dex: 9 .......)#######.#  XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:5Ovgn| Ovg|........)@......#  Noise: ---------  Time: 3751.5 (0.0) Ovg|........#########  a) +0 war axe ###.#.#.# Nothing quiveredOvg|E #.O..$. ##.....Ovg| ....... O   ogre (wandering)Ovg}1 ##...... Ovg5}#.#...## Ovg}_You are no longer corroded. _You start resting. _An ogre comes into view. It is wielding a +0 giant spiked club. _An ogre is nearby!Hit: a) +0 war axePress: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - youPvgV #.#####.#.##Oo007 the Covered#.......[..#Mountain Dwarf#########.##Health: 37/52 =================-------#.#Magic: 6/6========================# #.#AC: 10Str: 21.. #.#EV: 8Int: 8###.###.#SH: 4Dex: 9.......)#######.#XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:5........)@......#Noise: ---------  Time: 3751.5 (0.0)........#########a) +0 war axe###.#.#.#Nothing quivered#.O..$.##............O   ogre (wandering)##......#.#...## _You start resting. Pvg 6_An ogre comes into view. It is wielding a +0 giant spiked club. _An ogre is nearby!Hit: a) +0 war axePress: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - youOkay, then.Pvg_ Pvg . _Qvg #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# # #.# .. #.# ###.###.# .)#.# ..# .# ###.#.#.# #.O..$. ##..... ....... ##...... #.#...##O.O===2.5 (1QvgQvg& _The ogre shouts! Qvg@_You see here a +0 sling.Qvg}4  #.#####.#.## #.[..# ##.## #.# # #.# .. #.# ###.###.# .)#.# ).# .# ###.#O#.# #....$. ##..... ....... ##...... #.#...##Qvg8 Qvg@ <O..Qvg>A 7---3 _QvgI Qvg`L RvgRvg^Evoke which item? Wands  m - a wand of light (15)Rvgr - a wand of warping (8) [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedUvgUvg6UvgZ#.#####.#.##Oo007 the Covered#.......[..#Mountain Dwarf#########.##Health: 37/52 =================-------#.#Magic: 6/6========================# #.#AC: 10Str: 21.. #.#EV: 8Int: 8Uvg###.###.#SH: 4Dex: 9.......)#######.#XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:5.......@).......#Noise: ---------  Time: 3753.5 (0.0)......O.#########a) +0 war axe###.#.#.#Nothing quivered#....$.##............O   ogre##......#.#...## _An ogre is nearby!Hit: a) +0 war axePress: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - you _Okay, then. _The ogre shouts! _You see here a +0 sling.Uvg) #.#####.#.## Oo007 the Covered #.......[..# Mountain Dwarf #########.## Health: 37/52 =================------- #.# Magic: 6/6======================== # #.# AC: 10Str: 21 .. #.# EV: 8Int: 8 ###.###.# SH: 4Dex: 9 ....***)#######.#  XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:5 ....***@).......#  Noise: ---------  Time: 3753.5 (0.0) ....**OUvg*.#########  a) +0 war axe ###.#.#.# Nothing quivered #....$. ##..... ....... O   ogre ##...... #.#...## Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - you _Okay, then. _The ogre shouts! _You see here a +0 sling.  Aiming: Warp SpacePress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight lineVvg_#.#####.#.##Oo007 the Covered#.......[..#Mountain Dwarf#########.##Health: 37/52 =================-------#.#Magic: 6/6========================# #.#AC: 10Str: 21.. #.#EV: 8Int: 8###.###.#SH: 4Dex: 9....###)#######.#XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:5....###@).......#Noise: ---------  Time: 3753.5 (0.0)....###.#########a) +0 war axe###.#.#.#Nothing quivered#....$.##............O Vvg`[30m  ogre##......#.#...## _Okay, then. _The ogre shouts! _You see here a +0 sling.  Aiming: Warp SpacePress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight lineSpace twists violently! The rupture engulfs the ogre!Vvg VvgRL 7........O _The ogre shouts! _You see here a +0 sling.  Aiming: Warp Space  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight lineSpace twists violently! The rupture engulfs the ogre!  The ogre is severely wounded.23-------=======4.5 (1Vvg5T VvgW D _The ogre hits you with a +0 giant spiked club!Wvg U 8  You slash the ogre!Wvg^ 2)Wvgd  hopper4=------65==-----5.9 (1.4 _You kill the ogre!Wvgl Wvgfo h _Your Dodging skill increases to level 1!WvgY7 #.......[..# #########.## #.#### #.# ... #.#####.###.#........)#######.#..).......#.#########Wvg%8####.#.#.#  #....$.# ##......# .......###......# #.#...## .. WvgAWvgrAa-------60 _XvgXvg z _You see here a +0 giant spiked club.Xvg #########.## #.##### #.# ... #.######.###.#.........)#######.#..).......#<).######### ####.#@#.#  #....$.# ##......# ...Xvg ....###......# #.### ..  #. #.Xvg7<XvgA--7XvgjXvg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.YvgE3YvgYGYvgKYvgPa5=YvgRTYvgTYvgIWYvg+[Yvg[YvgX]Yvg`YvgMaS6=Yvg&cYvg@g,YvgiYvg.....##\vg$a{##.##.# \vgk\vgk&6\vgHs\vg:v\vg Q#.# #### #.# ... #.# #####.###.# .........)#######.# ..s.......).# <.......).## \vgc ####.#.#.## #....@.# ##......# #.# ##.##.##. #.#\vg\vg\vg7\vg\vgs&\vg'G=8.9 (2\vgi,\vg00; _You now have 158 gold pieces (gained 8).]vg>M#########.###### ... #####.###.# .......)#######..........).......<.......).#############.#.#@##......#  ###.........#]vgG. #.#]vg;]vg+9.9 (1]vg]vg]vgؘ <M.......[..#########.###### ... #####.###.# )#######...).......]vg- <.......)@#############.#.#.###......# ##......#..#.#]vgP -###.##.#]vg ]vgݣ '60]vgޫ ]vgy ]vg& gM#####.#.#.......[..#########.###### ... #####.###.# )#######..@).......<.......).#############.#.#.##......#]vg' .......###......##.....##]vg_0 ]vg0 &1]vg6 ]vg8 ^vgM #.### #####.#.#^vg>.......[..#########.######^vg` ... #####.###.# ^vg~(#######.^vg..).......<.......).#########^vg####.#.#.##.^vg׌a##.......^vg5..#...##^vg^vgP^vg&2^vgm^vgR _You see here a +0 battleaxe._vg5 ####.#.##......[..########.# #.# #### ...#####.##.........)#######.#)......<_vg).######## ####.#.#.## .##.........#...##.....##_vg_vg-3 __vg_vg_vg[ #.#####.#.## #.[..# ##.## #.# #### #.# ... #.# #####.###.# .)#.# _vg>\.).# <.).# ####.#.#.## #......# ##......# #.........# #.##......# # #.#...## _vgb\E .....##_vg)f_vgmf_vgf4_vgl_vg3o`vg_ #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# #### #.# ... #.# #####.###.# .)#.# ..).# <.).#.####.#.#.##`vg #......# ##......# #.........# #.##......# # #.#`vgx...##  .....##`vgE`vg&5`vg`vg`vgJ`p #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# #### #.# ... #.##.###.#.)#.#..).#.<.).#>.####.#.#.##`vg!aL #....# ##......# #.....# #.##......# # #.#...##  .....##`vgUl`vgl6`vght`vg\w; _Found a stone staircase leading down.`vgg #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# ##### #.# ...# #.##.###.##.)#.#s..)`vg&.#.<.).#.>.####.#.#.##. #......# ##......# #`vg..#s   scorpion (wandering) #.##......#`vg+ # #.#...##  .....##`vg``vg&7`vg`vg`vgoVb #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# ##### #.# ...# #.# #.###.##.)#.#`vg)W[.s..).#.<.).#.>.####.#.#.##.. #......#. ##......# #.........# #.##......# # #.#...##  .....##`vg[`vg\`vggM..s`vgg&8`vgp`vg@s`vg #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# ##### #.# ...# #.# #.###.#.##.)#.#`vg`#....s..).#.<.).#.>.####.#.#.##. #......#`vg.. ##.....##. #.........#`vgc# #.##......#`vg| # #.#...## `vg7 .....##`vg`vg`vgD.s`vgs&9`vg`vg_`vgi b  You barely miss the scorpion.`vgӈ 6=71.2 (1.3`vg% `vg A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.`vgt  You barely miss the scorpion.2.5`vg `vg; D _The scorpion stings you but does no damage. x2`vg{ >3.8`vg `vg u _You closely miss the scorpion. You block the scorpion's attack.`vg  You slash the scorpion!  The scorpion is heavily wounded.`vgX 51-`vg .=5.0 (1.2`vg `vgf  `vg a_The scorpion closely misses you. The scorpion stings you.`vgo  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is severely wounded.`vgpp A49--`vgp .-6.3 (1.3`vg]y `vgv| . _The scorpion stings you.`vg  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.The scorpion is severely wounded.`vgy B-7.6`vgp `vg v _The scorpion barely misses you. You block the scorpion's attack.`vgd  You barely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is severely wounded.`vgd -8.8 (1.2`vgam `vgp V _The scorpion closely misses you.`vgy  You barely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is severely wounded.`vg X50=80.0`vg `vg> D _The scorpion stings you but does no damage. x2`vgS <  You slash the scorpion!`vga 1.`vgg | 881.3 (1.3 _You kill the scorpion!`vgo `vgr h _Your Stealth skill increases to level 1!avg  #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# ##### #.# ...# #.# #.###.#.##.)#.# #avg 4..).##....<.).##...>.####.#.#.###..... #......#.. ##......#avg& p#... #.......# #.# #.##.....#[. # #.#...##  .....##avg avg 4-20avg avg % _Found a helmet.avg}: #.#####.#.## #.[..# #.## #.# ##### #.# ...# #.# #.###.#.##.)avg?~#. #..). #....<.). #...>.####.#.#.## avgm~ #..... #......#.. ##.....##.... #.........#avg~ #.#$. #.##......# [.#.avg~. # #.#...##  .....##avg܊avg^avgR1=-avg3avgēavg+ _Found 11 gold pieces.bvgbvggbvg8bvg,bvgbbvgbvgbvgJbvg,bvg^bvga2=bvgbvgbvg bvgCbvgbvgYP  There is a stone staircase leading up here.bvgbvg _bvg5bvg%  bvg"-There is a stone staircase leading down here.bvgPbvg _bvg?bvgbvgbvgs9=bvg`bvgbvgbvgGbvgbvgbvg*,bvg bvg ,bvgbvgN _You now have 169 gold pieces (gained 11).bvg3bvgbvg"bvgbvgbvgbvgu!bvg%,bvg%bvg)bvgw,,bvg-bvg/bvgp2bvg2bvg3bvg5bvg8,bvg:bvg=bvgJA,bvgBbvgDbvg|G,bvgHbvgLbvgNbvgObvgObvgQbvgW2.........# ##......# ..###....##.........# ...##.#..##.##......# ...[.#..##.##.#...## bvg1Xi..##.............## #. #.##.##.##.##.# #.###.##.##.##.##.# ..........bvg`X# .....##.....@...# 903.3 (20.0)bvgXL.......###.##.#.# ....... #.# .# bvgX....... #.# .#....... #.# >#bvgX...... ... ........ ### ## bvg7Y bvg8_bvgz_bvg_%4.3 (21bvg2dbvgog; _Found a stone staircase leading down.cvgڑcvgocvgcvgcvgacvgcvgcvgΝcvgɠ,cvg\cvgcvg,cvgIcvgcvg,cvgncvg|cvg ,cvgcvgUcvg,cvgվcvgPcvg,cvgcvgcvgI,cvgcvgcvgZ,cvgcvg@cvgr,cvgcvgcvg,cvgcvgcvg,cvg]cvg7cvg1,cvgcvgcvg,cvgXcvgIcvgBcvg5cvg[,cvgcvgcvg,cvgcvgcvgcvg cvgq cvg cvgcvg:cvg%cvgcvgMcvgcvgScvgcvgcvg-cvgcvgcvg$ cvgU cvg !cvg4&Xcvg2'cvg(cvg(cvg)cvg*cvg,cvg,cvg$-cvg.cvgL/cvgk/cvg/cvgm0cvg1cvg1cvg2cvg2cvg4cvg5cvg5cvg7cvg8cvg8cvg49cvg:cvg<cvg$=cvg=cvg>cvg@cvg@cvg$AcvgoBcvgnDcvgDcvgEcvg9Fcvg@HcvgHcvgIcvgMJcvgL,cvg8McvgNcvgP,cvg+QcvgRcvgS,cvgGTcvg>Ucvg?W,cvgWcvgmYcvg[cvg[cvg\cvgQ^cvgz`cvg`cvgacvgecvgj,cvgjkcvgmcvgo,cvgpcvg@rcvgtcvgucvgucvg?wcvgy,cvgkzcvg`|cvgÂ7 ...##.#..##. ...# .. ...[.#..##. #... ..# ..##.......cvg S..###..##. #.##.##. ....#.. #.###.##.##. ..... ............. ... .......##....cvgBH #.# .........###. #@# # #.......# #. # #.#.# #.......# #. cvg|l#.##.#.# #.......###. #.$....# #........... ####.### #.......#### #.# #.......#cvg"S   adder (asleep) #.# ####.#####.########.#cvg>#..........#cvgRx 47.3 (43  An adder comes into view.cvgcvgtj. SScvgU,8.3 (44cvg!cvgYs _The adder hisses angrily. _You see here 10 gold pieces.dvg,  ...# .. ...[ #... ..#  ...###..##.  ....#..  S....  ... .... #.# . #@# # .#  # #.#.# .#  #.##.#.# . #.$....# . ####.### . #.# #.......#  #.# ####.####  #.#.#  #..........# dvg[  ...# .. ...[ #... ..#  ...###..##.  ....#..  S....  ... .... #.# . #@# # .#  # #.#.# .#  dvgʾ ?#.##.#.# . #.$....# . ####.### . #.# #.......#  dvg ~#.# ####. dvgx Z#.#. dvg B#..........dvg 4dvg) dvg ] _An adder is nearby!dvg###..#### .#...##...# .. ...[.#..###... ..# ..##......###...###..##. #.......#..##.###.##.###....S..................#.................##... ...## #$# dvgi. #..# ##.#.###.$..........####.### #.......####.# #........# ####.####.########.dvg dvg%P.SdvgP&89.3 (1.0) _dvg,dvge/evg"!M...# ..###..##### .#...##....# .. ...[.#..## #... ..# ..##......##...###..##. #..##.###.##.##...#.....S@..........##...#.#...#.#......##.. #$# ###..## #.#.# #.......# #.S   adder#.#evgk-evg-/=50evg 4evg6= _The adder bites you but does no damage.fvgI  You closely miss the adder. The adder barely misses you.1.5 (1.2fvgfvg3 _You block the adder's attack.fvg>C2.8 (1.3fvgXEfvgHx _You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.fvgD  You slash the adder!  The adder is severely wounded.fvg5=4.0 (1.2fvgfvgz _The adder barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.fvg The adder is severely wounded. _The adder barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.  You closely miss the adder.  The adder is severely wounded.The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.fvg 1==--5.3 (1.3Pois fvg5 fvg b _The adder poisons you! The adder misses you.fvgE:7  You hit the adder.gvg; †  You kill the adder!gvg)49--92-6.6gvgI gvgP$ _You feel sick.gvgx . ..###....## ##### .#...##.#..## ....# .. ...[.#..## #... ..# ..## ###...###..##. #.##.## #.#..##.###.##.## # #.....@..## #.#...#.#.### #...#$# ###.# # ##.##.#.# #gvg.# # #.##.#.# #.### #.$....# # ####.### #. #.# #.#  #.# ####.####gvggvgKb8--70gvggvg _You feel sick. _You see here an adder corpse.gvg . ..###.... ##### .#...##.#..gvg ....## .. ...[.#.. #...# ..# ..## ###...###..##. #.##. #.#..##.###.##. #gvg2 #....@†..## #.#...#.#.gvgPR #...#$# ###.#  ##.##.#.# #.# gvgx #.##.#.# #. #.$....# # ####.### #. #.gvgͧ:# #.# gvgm #.# ####.####gvg8gvg@-8gvggvg$ _You feel sick.gvgC gvgC gvgD gvgI 3  You feel sick.gvgN j7-gvgO j _You are no longer poisoned.gvgO gvgP gvg:T ,gvgT gvgX gvgTX K8=gvgY gvg[ ,gvgL] gvgy_ ,gvg` gvgb gvgb U9=gvgc gvgkf ,gvgg gvgi ,gvgMj gvgl gvgl gvgm gvg/p gvgp L50=gvg>q gvg\w Xgvgw gvgSx gvgz gvgz N1=gvg{ gvg} ,gvg~ gvg\ ,gvg! gvg gvgڄ gvgm gvg gvgO K2=gvg> gvgŠ gvg gvg? gvg gvg b  You see here an adder corpse.gvg gvg  _gvg gvgݖ gvg ,gvg gvg gvg* 9=gvg gvg N _You now have 179 gold pieces (gained 10).gvgO 3gvg gvgϦ gvg ,gvg gvg gvg ,gvgɭ gvg< gvgd ,gvg gvgJ ,gvg! gvg N _You now have 191 gold pieces (gained 12).gvg 3gvg' gvg gvg ,gvg gvg gvg ,gvg gvgN gvg ,gvg gvg gvg ,gvgV gvg gvg ,gvg gvg gvg9 ,gvg gvgj gvg" ,gvgH gvg2 gvg ,gvg gvg# gvgp gvg gvg gvg gvg gvg1 gvg gvg5 gvg ##....##....<.......).#. #...>.####.#.#.###(######.....# #...................#####.....###....##.......##### ##.#...##.#..##.##........##[.#..##.##.##...# #..#.@.##...........96.6 (38.0)###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.#.......#..##.###.##.##.##.##.#......................#.....†...........##..#.#...#.#...........###.##.#.#gvg]  #...#.#.###.......# #.##.#.# ##.##.#.# #.......# #.##.#.# #.##.#.# #.......###.##>#.# gvg gvg ,7.6 (39gvg gvg` % _Found 5 stones.hvg hvgĵ hvgW hvg hvg hvg@ Bhvg hvg hvg hvg? hvgD ,hvg hvg^ hvg ,hvgW hvg hvg hvg hvgk hvg hvg hvge hvg hvg ;  You see here 5 stones.hvg 5 _hvg hvg hvg hvg% hvg hvg@  # ..... ###### ... ... #### ... #.  #.## ###. ####### #.. ....##... #.# ##....... #@# #....< #.# #...>.## hvg, C.######(######.....#  ...##### .######.....###....##... ##### ##.#...##.#..##.# ....## #.......[.#..##.# #...# #..#...##......... ###...###..##.###.##.##.#hvgx 44005.6 (8.0)hvg +6.6 (9hvg hvg d _s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOMivg. 4 ivgG/ .....##### ...  #####. ...#.## ###. #######. ....##......# ##..ivgk/ ....<>.####.######(######.....# ivg/ H.............####ivg/ F##......ivg/ 5...##.##ivg/ h#.......#..##.###.##.##.## ivgH; ivg%< +7.6 (1ivgTB ivg_D jvg  ...  #####. ...#.## ###. #######. ....##......# ##......<>.####.######@######.....# ...................#####.######.....###.....#.....###.##......................... jvg}jvgjvg8jvgjvgsL _You see here 5 stones.jvgU9 #####. ...#.## ###. #######. ....##......# ##......<>.####jvg9.######(######.....# .......@...........###########.....###...##### ##.#...##.#..##.##...#jvg9l.#.....jvg:z#.....†...........##...... jvg :jvgBjvgC-9 _jvgIjvg'Ljvg #. ...#.## ###. #######. ....##......# ##......<>.####jvg.######(######.....# .............####.######@....###...##### ##.#...##.#..##.##jvg  ....## #.......[..##jvgU......#.#...#.#...........###.## jvgjvg'10jvg[jvgjvg+jvgg,jvg3jvgq5jvgjvgjvgjvgjvgjvgjvgjvgjvg`jvgjvgjvgkjvg@jvgAjvgSHjvgJjvg 4jvg<jvg jvg9jvgO:jvgAjvgbDjvgBjvgjvg jvgjvg$ jvgT% jvgP+ jvg8. jvgG "... #. ...##.## ###. #.##.. ....##.#.# ##.#.# #....<.#.# #...>.####.#.######(######.....# #..jvg #####..######.@...###....##.##### ##.#...##.#..##.##.....## #.......[.#..##.##.jvg >#...# #..#...##.###...###..##.###.##.##.##.#.jvg߀ #..##.###.##.##.##.#.jvg O........jvg #.....†...........##.#.#...#.#.###.##.jvg4 jvg jvgӋ &1jvg۔ jvg kvgGl... #. ...# #.## ###. #.##.. ....##.#.# ##.#.# #....<.#.# #...>.####.#..######(######.....# #..#####..######..@..###....##.##### ##.#...##.#..##.##.kvgl_....## #.......[.#..##.##.##...# #..#...##.###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.#..##.###.##.##.##.##.........#.....†...........##.#.#...#.#.###.##.#kvgukvgu&2kvg8{kvg}kvgIM... #. ...# ##.## ###. #.##.. ....##.#.# ##.#.# #....<.)#.# #...>.####.#.#.######(######.....# #..#####..######...@.###....##.kvgX##### ##.#...##.#..##.##.....## #.......[.#..##.##.#.#...# #..#...##.###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.kvg#..##.###.##.##.##.##.........kvg #.....†...........##.#.#...#.#.###.##.#.kvg_kvg&3kvgKkvg}kvgF] ... #. ...# #.#.## ###. #.###.#.. ....##..)#.# ##....#.# #....<.kvg]).#.# #...>.####.#.#..######(######.....# #..#####..######....@###....##.##### ##.#...##.#..##.##.....## #.......[.#..##.##.#.#...# #..#...##....###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.#.#..##.###.##.##.##.##.#.........#.....†...........##.kvg]A##.#...#.#.###.##.#.#kvg ekvgVe&4kvgkkvgmkvg  #.## ###. #######.##. ....##..........)# ##.........<)#.>.####.#.#kvgE .######(######.....# #......................###########.....###....##...##### ##.#.@.##.#..##.## ....## #.......[.## #...# #..#...##............kvgj o.....kvg ...#...#.#.###.......# #.##.#.# kvg kvg3 &5kvg kvgE lvg  . ....##..........)# ##...#....<)#.>.####.#.#.######(######.....# #.................lvg##########.....###...##### ##.#...##.#..##.## ....## #....@..[.## #...# #..#...##...........###...###..##.###.##.##.##.#####...##.##.#.# #.......# #.##.#.#lvgD lvglvg/ &6lvg%(lvg|*lvg%m##.. ....##.)##.# ##.)#.# #....<.).##.# #...>.####.#.#.#.######(######.....# #....................#####.lvgm.######.....###....##.##### ##.#...##.#..##.##.lvgn....## #.[.#..##.##.#.lvg:n#...# #..#...##.#lvg[n###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.##.lvgzn~#..##.###.##.##.##.##.##.....lvgnm##.....†...........##.lvgn"##lvgnh#.#...#.#...........###.##.#.#lvgn#...#.#.###.......# #.##.#.###.##.#.# #.# #.##.#.#lvgz<7lvglvglvgS '#.. ....##.)##.# ##.).#.# #....<.).##.# #...>.####.#.#.#.######(######.....# #......#.lvg 5.......#####..######.....###....##.##### ##.#...##.#..##.##.....## #.[.#..##.##.#...##...# #..#...##.####...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.#  lvg #...  #.....†.......lvg= Y  #.#...#.#.....lvg_ a#...#.#.###.lvg} + lvgH lvg 8lvg] lvg lvg #.. ....##.)##.# ##......).#.# #....<.).##.# #...>.####.#.#.## lvg .######(######.....# #......#.........#####......#.######.....###....##.# ##### ##.#...##.#..##.##......#lvg" n....## #..#..##.##.#...#lvg? #...# #..#...##.## lvg[ ###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.# #.lvgw #..##.###.##.# #.lvg &...... lvg #.....†...........# lvgľ >#.#...#.#..........lvgݾ F#...#.#.###...... lvg& lvg &9lvg5 lvge O _You see here a +0 helmet.mvgQ mvg UWear which item? mvg Inventory Items Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn) mvg [ c - a +0 buckler (worn)  i - a +1 hat (worn)  n - a +1 cloak (worn) mvg Floor Items ([,] to select) ArmourmvgJ va +0 helmet[?] describe selected mvgh j[!] equip|wield|wearmvg [tab] equip|unequip pvg' pvg50 pvg8 #.. ....##..........)### Oo007 the Chopper#.# ##.............).. Mountain Dwarf#.# #....<.......).### Health: 52/52 ========================pvg9 #.# #...>.####.#.#.## Magic: 6/6========================.######(######.....# #......## AC: 10Str: 21pvgB9 ...................#####......# EV: 8Int: 8pvg9 .######.....###....##.........# SH: 4Dex: 9 pvg9 a##### ##.#...##.#..##.##......# XL:  6 Next: 92% Place: Dungeon:5  pvg9 -....## #.......@.#..##.##.#...## Noise: ---------  Time: 4019.6 (0.0)pvg9 #...# #..#...##.............## a) +0 war axe ###...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.#pvg>: Nothing quivered #.......#..##.###.##.##.##.##.# #.............................# pvg: #.....†...........##.........## #.#...#.#...........###.##.#.##...#.#.###.......# #.##.#.###.##.#.# #.......# #.##.#.# _You now have 191 gold pieces (gained 12). _Found 5 stones. _You see here 5 stones. pvg: _s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM _You see here 5 stones. _You see here a +0 helmet.pvgD pvgbE 320.6 (1 _pvgK pvg9Q pvg~W A1.6 (2pvgJ` A2.6 (3pvgac pvgk pvgl +3.6 (4pvgq pvg%y pvgy +4.6 (5pvg~ pvgJ  9 _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +1 hat. x4pvgƁ pvgT pvgj E  You finish removing your +1 hat.pvgƓ pvgi $5.6 (6pvg pvg A6.6 (7pvg pvg8 pvg +7.6 (8pvgʰ pvg pvgQ +8.6 (9pvg1 pvg pvg #9.6 (1pvg 0.0) pvg pvg 10 _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 helmet. x5pvg? pvgQ pvg [ _You finish putting on your +0 helmet.rvg% rvg rvgS rvgrvgrvg P _rvg,rvgrvgrvgc!,rvg3"rvg$rvg&rvg&rvgx'rvg(rvg*rvg*rvg|+rvg-rvg&0,rvg0rvg2rvg4,rvgh5rvgA7rvg:,rvg;rvg>rvg.B,rvg-Crvg|HrvgK,rvgLrvgLNrvgP,rvgYQrvgRrvgLU,rvgUrvgXrvg(Z,rvg[rvg\rvg_,rvg`rvg~brvgJe,rvgfrvgshrvglkrvgkrvgtlrvgymrvg-orvgcorvg.prvgrrvg>u,rvgvrvgZwrvgrxrvgxrvgxrvg5zrvg{,rvg|rvg}rvg_ #.# #.#  .# #.# #.#  #. .# #.# #.#  #. s# #.# #. #.# .# #.# # # ###.### .# #.#####.#. #.#.....# .# #[.rvgփ #.#.. #########. rvg/#........@.# #. ###.....############### #.rvg! #.....# #..........# #. rvgAm###.######.########.###. rvg\k#........##..) rvgw#.#######..... s   scorpion (asleep)rvg #.# #....<.......).rvg rvgɄ#.# #...>.####.#.#.rvg .######(######.....# #.....rvg,49.6 (2rvgj.ssrvg6-50.6 (21rvg rvg [ _A scorpion comes into view.svgp #.# #.#  .# #.# #.#  #. .# #.# #.#  #. .# #.# #.#  #.# s# #.# svgҘ # ###.### .#  #.#.....# .# [ #.#.....##.#  #........@.#  ###.....####svg+  #.....#   svg(###.. #........svg=) .svgh  #.# #....<)svg" #.# #...> svg*(....# svg22 #.# #.#  .# #.# #.#  #. .# #.# #.#  #. .# #.# #.#  #.# s# #.#  # ###.### .#  #.#.....# .# svg2[ #.#.....##.#  #........@.#  ###.....####  #.....# svg2=  ###..svg2 #........) svg3. #.# #....<svg63$) svgU3#.# #...> svgp3H(....# svg+:svg{:svg>svg@_ _A scorpion is nearby!svg[)#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #. #.# #.# #.# #. #.# #.# #.# #.# #s# #.# #.## ###.####.# #.#####.#.##.#.....##.# #.[.#.#.....##.# #.##...@# #.####.....##### #.##.....# #.# #.#svg ###.######.#.###.##........##.)##.#..)#.# #....<.).##.# #...>.####.#.#.#.######(######.....# #.svgsvgP.ssvg"1.6 (svg1.0) _svgsvgtvgD   #.# #. #.## ###.####s#####.#.#.....#.......[..#.....##########..........# ###.....##############.....# #..........# tvg###.######.########.###.#........##)#######......).<.......) #.# #...>.####.#.#.#tvgktvgP.stvg.=2tvg;tvgA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.tvg2 m  You completely miss the scorpion.tvgf3 &3.8 (1.2tvgy: tvg9= A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.tvgb  You barely miss the scorpion.tvg(5.0tvg< tvgD(A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.uvg  You slash the scorpion!  The scorpion is moderately wounded.The scorpion closely misses you.uvg&-6.3 (1.3uvguvgA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.uvg   You slash the scorpion!  The scorpion is almost dead.49uvgnA--=7.5 (1.2uvguvg . _The scorpion stings you.uvgO E  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.The scorpion is almost dead.The scorpion barely misses you.50=--8.7uvgݹ uvg A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.uvg  You barely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is almost dead.-60.0 (1.3uvgl _The scorpion closely misses you.vvg[}  You slash the scorpion!.#.# #.#Oo007 the Chopper#.# #.# #.#Mountain Dwarf#.# #.# #.#Health: 50/52 =======================-#. #.# #.# #.#Magic: 6/6========================#. #.# #.# #.#AC: 11Str: 21#.# #.# #.# #.### EV: 8Int: 8# ###.####.# #.#####.#.# SH: 4Dex: 9#.#.....##.# #.......[.. XL:  6 Next: 115% Plvvg~9ace: Dungeon:5#.#.....##@# #########.# Noise: =--------  Time: 4061.2 (1.2)#..........##.# a) +0 war axe###.....############### #.# Nothing quivered#.....# #..........# #.####.######.########.###.##........##..........)# #.#######.............) #.# #....<.......).# #.# #...>.####.#.#.# The scorpion barely misses you. _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.  You barely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is almost dead. _The scorpion closely misses you.You slash the scorpion! _You kill the scorpion!You have reached level 7!  --more--wvgD7/597/77 8% wvgwvg04 _xvgܶxvg<xvgxvgxvg: _xvgxvgj8xvgxvg,xvgxvg,xvgFxvgzxvgxvg)D9=xvgxvgmxvgxvgXxvgxvgL9=xvgxvgxvgxvgxvgxvg0xvg,xvgLxvgxvg,xvgxvgxvg,xvgVxvgxvg ,xvg xvg xvgxvg&xvgxvg0xvg"xvg_#xvg%xvg(xvg;2.#... ############## .. .......<.....# .## ############.# .. #.#  ###[ #.#  #...#### #.#  #..?@..# #.# #.# -77.2 (16.0) #....###.# #.# #.#  #### #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# # ###.####.# #.## #.#.....##.# #... #.#.....##.# #### #..........#xvgG;xvg;!-xvg;%8.2 (17xvgAxvgE# _Found a robe.yvgM3yvg2yvgsyvg,yvgJ$yvg"',yvge(yvgT, _f - 4 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR (gained 1)yvg!03yvg1yvg4yvg<.#. .. ############# .. .......<..... .### ############. ..### #.# ###[.. #.... #...#### #.yvgJ=#s.#......# #.# #..@###.# #.# #. ####.# #.# #.# #. #.# #.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.# #.yvg=#.###.####.# #. #.#.....##.# #. s   scorpion (asleep) #.#.....##.# ## #..........# ###.....##########yvgmD281.2 (3.0)yvg:Lp.ssyvgL$2.2 (4yvgTyvgX[ _A scorpion comes into view.zvg- .#. ..  .. < .###  ..###  # ###[..  ... #...####  #..#......# #.#  #s..@###.# #.#  ####.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.. zvgR .#. ..  .. < .###  ..###  # ###[..  ... #...####  #..#......# #.#  #s..@###.# #.#  ####.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #..zvgp _A scorpion is nearby!zvgz+O .#. ..  .. .< .### ### ..### ##.. ###[.. # .... #...#### # #..#......# #.# #zvg+ #s.@.###.# #.# # ####.# #.# #.# # #.# #.# #.# # #.# #.# #.# # #.###.####.# #zvgS, #.#.....##.# # #.#.....##.#  #...# ###.....zvg 1zvgT.s3.2 (1 _zvgFA 5  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is lightly wounded.  The scorpion closely misses you.=4.5 (1.3 _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.{vg]  You barely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is lightly wounded.5.8{vg{vg A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.{vg  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is moderately wounded.2---7.0 (1.2{vg{vg1 _The scorpion stings you. x2{vgN  You closely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is moderately wounded.8.3 (1.3{vgݮ{vgXU _The scorpion barely misses you.{vgu <  You slash the scorpion!{vgF i.{vg 3/60---19=9.6 _You kill the scorpion!{vg\ {vgb e _Your Axes skill increases to level 6!|vg%V .#. ..  .. .<# .###  ##. ..###  ##..#####[..  .....#...####  #..#......# #.#  #.@..###.# #.#  ####.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.###.####.# #.#.....##.#  #.#.....##.#  #..# ###.....|vgL|vgE4--900 _|vg|vg|vgW96 .#. ..  .. .< ## .###  ##. ..### ##..#####[.. .....#...#### #..#......# #.# #@...###.# #.# ####.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.###.####.# #.#.....##.# #.#.....##.# #.# ###.....|vgBW--1|vgG|vgI|vg[ |vg[ |vg\ |vg` ,|vgIe w5=|vge |vgh ,|vgi |vgk ,|vgl |vgo ,|vgp |vgs |vgs #6|vgs 2=|vgt |vg;w ,|vg)x |vgz ,|vg{ |vg~ |vg; %7|vg |vg ,|vgM |vg ,|vgs |vgΉ |vg K8=|vg |vgƍ ,|vg |vgؓ |vg |vgA |vg6 |vg |vg |vg 9=|vg |vg |vgV |vg |vg L60=|vg |vg |vg |vg9 |vg |vgx |vgh |vg |vgW |vg |vg |vg5 |vg |vg |vg  # #.## |vgM  ...  ... .......< ###. .### ######## ##.. ..#########..#####[.. .......@..#...#### ######.#..#......# #.##.##....###.# #.##. ####.# #.# #.##. #.# #.# #.#|vg #g #.# #.# #.# h   hound (wandering)#h #.###.####.# g   gnoll (polearm, asleep)#. #.#.....##.# #.#.....##.#|vgn 113.6 (22.0)  A hound and a gnoll come into view.|vg |vg[ g.hh|vg gg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)gThe hound barks! The gnoll shouts! You hear a shout!|vgc R====4.6 (23|vg% |vgm0 r _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.}vg8  # .#.### ....  ... . ###.#.###  ##... ..####..#####[.....#...#####.#..#......# #.# #.##....###.# #.# #.#####.# #.# #.# #g# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #h# #.###.####.# #g# #.#.....##.#  #.#.....##.#}vgh }vg }vg }vg }vg1 'g.hgJ   jelly (wandering)Jgg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)}vg :---5.6 (1.0) }vg5 }vg X _A jelly comes into view.~vg6#.#.### .... #######... .......###.#.### #########... ..### ~vg#######..#####[.. ...........#...###########@#..#......# #.# #.##....###g#####.# .# #.#h#g##.###J~vg.....g.g 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 wandering)........~vg-  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.The jelly quivers.~vg~vg  The gnoll shouts! You hear a shout!  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.~vg\~vgO hgJ.Jgg 4 gnolls (2 polearms)~vg P==-6~vgs~vg3 _You block the gnoll's attack.~vg|x.#.### .... #######... .......###.#.### #########... ..### #######..#####[.. ...........#...###########.#..#......# #.# #@##....###g#####.# h# gJ##.###......~vg2gg## #.........##.....###~vg~vgg.54----7~vg!~vg9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0"F9  You slash the gnoll!vgJvgKvgoLvgaX{hgJ. 3 gnolls (1 polearm)vg&\>21=8.8 (1.2vgbgvg kI _You kill the gnoll!vg+&  vg ,cYou hit the hound.  The hound is moderately'8_g .vg8n48------20.0vg;AvgE- _The hound bites you. x2vg_"  You hit the hound.  The hound is heavily!# K---1.2vg6- vg1 g _The hound barely misses you. The hound bites  You hit the hound.  The hound is severely wounded.vgu*V5-2.4vg+4vg 8g _The hound bites you. The hound barely misses you.vg77  You hit the hound.vgvgvgrvg, gJg.J   jellyggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm)vg=  You kill the hound!vgi4--83.6vg vg8 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.vgvg < _You barely miss the gnoll. The gnoll hits you but does no  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is moderately (6.0vg vg R _The gnoll barely misses  You slash the gnoll!  The gnoll is almost dead.vgr41--=7.2vg9vg8 _The gnoll hits you with a +0  You slash the gnoll!vg4vgQJ. 2vgS-30-8.4vgvgaI _You kill the gnoll!vgDH  You hit the jelly. Your hands burn!vgH  The jelly is lightly wounded.  The jelly hits you but does no damage. The jelly closely misses you.vgRBg.vgzRr36---9.6vg[vg_< _The gnoll hits you but does no!  You slash the jelly! Your hands burn!  The jelly is severely wounded.The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 t1----=30.8vgq vg} < _The jelly hits you but does no}1  You hit the jelly. Your hands burn!  The jelly is almost dead.27-----2.0vg=vgz _The gnoll closely misses you. The jelly hits you but does no^9  You slash the jelly!vg)l )gg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)  You kill the jelly!vgpx--6-3.1 (1.1vgxvg7|< _The gnoll hits you but does no - .... #######.. .......###.#.### #########... ..### #######..#####[.. ...........#...###########.#...# #.# #.##....######.# g# .##.###......## #......... ###.....###  vgvgb8=40vg vg$ _You block the gnoll's attack.  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; a +0 spearvg g23--5.3 (1.2vgo vg: t _You barely miss the gnoll. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.vgq  You slash the gnoll!  The gnoll is severely wounded.vgIc1---=6.4 (1.1vg vg9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.vgj  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is severely wounded.vgSka2--7.6 (1.2vgsvgw? _The gnoll hits you but does no damage. x2vgfg9  You slash the gnoll!vgjvgrZ.   gnollvg,vX8-8.8vgr|vgmI _You kill the gnoll!vgS ?40.0vgZ vg] _You barely miss the gnoll. The gnoll barely misses you.vgvgfG01.3 (1.3vgvg-u _You closely miss the gnoll. The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.vgL  ....  ...  ###  ##... ..###  #..#####[..  ...  #.#  #.#  #@# #.#  #g# #.# #.#  vg!v#.# #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #..   ###    You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is heavily wounded.vgp ....  ...  ###  ##... ..###  #..#####[..  ...  #.#  #.#  #@# #.#  vgqb#g# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #..  ###    vg|  The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *vgJ}K18-2.6vgvg3 _You block the gnoll's attack.vgt  You closely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is heavily Y9-3.8 (1.2vg3vg < _The gnoll hits you but does no 9  You slash the gnoll!vg6 f)vg<: 1405.0vgPA vgC I _You kill the gnoll!vgk  .......###.#.### #########... ..### #######..#####[.. ...........#...###########.#...# #.# #.##....###)#####.#  .##.######.###### vgMtJ-60vgAzvg~i  Things that are here: _a +0 flail; a +0 spearvg3vgvgvg"`20=vg#vg#vg%vg(,vg"*vgX-,`2vg2S1=vg74vgY7,vg;vg>,vgB@vgCvgZC72vgDvgyGvgGvgHvgK,vgEMvgOvgOI3=vgoQvgcSvgSvgUvgWvgWvgIYvgU\,vg:]vg^vg_S4=vg`vgcvgdvgevgqvgrvgsvgvvgw$25vg(w0=vgxvg{vg|vgf}vgvgЀvgvgvg:#6vgY(=vgvg7vgvvgvgvg[vgÓvg1,vg"vgvgʪS8=vgvg/,vgvgvgvgıvgda9=vgvg,vgvgvg&>30=vgHvgvgvgLvgvg,BvgvgOK1=vgvgb,vgvg,vgvgvg?92vgvg,vgvg,vgwvg<,vg?vg93vg 0=vgpvg,vgQvgvgvgBvgyvgK4=vgvg=vgevgvg ,vgA vg vg S5=vgxvgvgvgvgHvgvgvgevgvgvglvgK6=vg`vg"vgM"vg=#vg%,vg~'vg)vg*97vg$,,vgX7vg:i8=vgR<vg>vg>vg)@vgB,vgUDvgF,vg9HvgJa9=vgLvgR,vgSvgV,vgWvgYvgZM40=vgo[vg],vgj_vga,vgcvgbevgeK1=vggvgci,vgkvgom,vgnvgq,vg\svguvgv92vgwvg@z,vg{vgK~,vgvgFd43=vgvgA,vgƉvg3,vgEvgkvgW4=vg5vg,vgvg ,vgEvg,vg5=6=78=vg,vgBvg9=vgBvgvg1L50=vgvge,vgvgy,vgvg,vgEvgvg N1=vgvg,vgvg$,vgPvgtvg%2vgvgd vg vg vg vg vg vgzvgD3=vgvgDvggvgvgvg.vgvg,vgkvg 94vg!2=vg!"vgY$,vg9&vg',vgM)vg-K5=vg:-vg/vg1,vg3vgB6,vg7vg+:vgx:N6=vg;vg=,vgU?vgA,vgCvgcE,vgJvgL;7vgMvgaP,vgRvg T,vgVvg Xvg@XD8=vgYvg[,vgP]vg_vg&`vg`vghc99vgc2=vg\evg7gvgbgvghvgjvgkvgwlvg ovgHovgpvg_x - _You start 5vgBvgh" _HP 3vgt vg vg ,vg_ ,vg vgQ vg vg vg vg6 9=vg vgg ,vg vg vg vgB vgt vg vg vg, vg[ vg vg ,vg vgl ,vgP vg+ ,vgt vg vg vg vg ,vg vg ,vg vg ,vg, vgs vg vg vgb" ,vg$ vg[' vg' vg) vg+ vg, vg]- vg0 vg0 vg1 vg3 vg3 vg@5 vgt8 ,vg= vgDE 2307.0 (26.0) vg~E vg K vgN H _You start\ 3vg3] vgn` vgwc ,vge vgf vgg vgi vgi vgJk vgl vgl vgm vg o vg^o vg*q vgr ,vgs vg7u ,vgu vgRw ,vg>x vgy ,vgVz vg{ ,vgo} vgu vg vg vg ,vg% vgy ,vgы vgy ,vgH vg vg vg vgB ,vg vg. vg vg vgx vg vg vg vgA vg vg vgޡ vgT vg vg' vg vg8 vgd vg vgl vg vg vg vg vg{ vg -31.0 (24vg% vg vg H _You start waiting.vgo Ivg vgp ,vg^ vg vg vg vg* vg vg vg vg% vg ,vg vgc vg vgA vg vg vgW vg vg9 vg vg vgW vg vg ,vgI vg vg vg) vg vg vg vg ,vg vgx ,vg vgC vgd vg vg ,vg% vg vg vgI vg vg" vg vg# ,vg vga vg vg> vg vg vg0 vgA ,vg! vgl$ vg$ vg8' vg* vg+ vg, vgQ. vgp. vg!/ vg0 ,vg1 vg14 ,vg5 vgl7 ,vg(8 vgL: ,vg<< vgA ,vg vg ,vg) vg ,vgU vg ,vg vg ,vgc vg^ ,vg vgz ,vg vg ,vg vg1 -91.0 (23vg\ vg9 vg H _You start 8vgZvg\vgt]vga,vgghvgi(414vgjvgnvg^qH _You start;~3vgvgBvg,vgvg,vgIvg,vgDvgvg2vghvg,vg9vg',vgvgD,vg vg,vg*vg,vgvg,vgtvg,vgvg,vg vg2,vgvgkvgvgCvg¼,vgvg,vgvg,vgvg-32.0 (18vg vgvg^@ _You start waiting.vg3vgvgvgz,vg?,vgvg,vgvgG,vg vg ,vg vg,vgvg,vgAvg5,vgvg,vg vg!,vgL#vg%,vgx'vgG*,vg+vg.,vg@0vg03,vg4vgV7,vg8vg"<,vg?vg,vgvgvg vgfvg8vgZvg vg ,vgCvg,vg\vg,vgvg -54.0 (22vgAvg(#vg%vg23vg3vg}7,vg;vg;,vgj<vg>vg>vgJ@vg:C,vgEvgTH,vgJvgjN,vgIPvg,S,vgTvgW,vg`Yvg.[,vgC\vg~^,vgJ_vgkd,vgfvg4i,vgJjvgZm,vg ovgqvgqvgrvguvguvgwvgy,vg0{vg}vg}vgvggvgvgvg…vgvgvgC73.0 (19vgTvgvg_Ivg֞vgn,vgu,vgǥvgf,vgJvg5vg,vgSvg,vgvg,vgvg;,vgvg,vgvgx,vgvg_,vg vg,vg`vgv,vgvg,vgrvg/,vgvgvg=vgvg,vg*vg,vg vg,vg"vg,vg"vg,vgDvg,vgrvg2,vgvgvgvgvg,vgvg,vgvgvgvgvgvg~vg *Dvg^,,vg3.518.0 (45vg\3vg}8vg;vgG3vgJvgO,vgGSvg?TvgrTvgUvgX,vgaZvg],vg^vg_,vg`vgVb,vg]dvg;gvgggvghvgk,vgmvgjo,vgovglqvgqvgrvgu,vgvvgbyvgyvgzvg~vg~vg]vg`C31.0 (13vgvg6vgߟ3vgvgvgǥ,vg%vgUvgvg5vgxvgvgvg$vgvg,vg?vgvgvgvgvgǿvggvgHvgkvgvg,vg1vgvgvgvg,vgvgvgvg vgvg6vgvgvgvgvvgm,vgvgvgvgEvg,vg[vgvvgvgvg,vgvgG,vgvg-51.0 (20vgvg{vgvgE3vgvgvg,vg,vgvg ,vgvgA,vgQvgY!,vg"vg^&Bvg',vgc(vg),vg*vg,,,vg,vg/,vg*1vg74,vg5vg8,vg!:vg<,vg >vg:@,vgAvgDvgDvgFvgIvgIvgJKvgN,vgOvgRvgRvgTvgFVvguVvgWvgZvg?Zvg[vg^,vge`vgbvgbvgcvgd,vgvevg$g,vgehvgi,vgivgQk,vglvgn,vg pvgcr,vgsvg3v,vg wvgIx,vggyvgz,vg{vgM},vg~vg,vgivgƁ,vgsvgԅ,vg+vgՈ,vgvgۋ,vgFvgC,vgvg{,vgOvg,vgvg,vgvgP,vg͡vg?,vgvgj,vgOvgSnvg3vgCC97.0 (46vgvgDvg%Ivg,vgvg,,vgvgvgvgvg6vgXvgvg~,vg%vgvgvgSvgK,vgvgvgvgvg5,vg vg,vgvg,vg#vgn,vgYvgvgvgMvgvgvgvg,vgvg,vgvgD,vg6vgE,vgvg,vgvgvg*,vgivg,vg_vgl,vgvg ,vg: vg ,vg vg,vgvg`vgvgvg,vgvg,vgSvg ,vg!vg$,vg8'vg*,vg ,vg/,vg0vg5,vg(6vg=D631.0 (34vg/CvgEvgS3vgeTvgW,vg[vgv\,vg]vg`vg`vgEbvgCevg~evggvgj,vgkvgn,vg pvgrvgrvg]tvgx,vgjzvgZ~,vgRvgovgvg(vgsvgvg~vg^,vg:vgvgvgkvgĐ,vgvgvgvg~vgvgvg:vgovgvg<vg,vgUvg-,vgvgL,vgvgi,vgҩvg}vgvg vg-53.0 (22vgvgvgvg3vgAvg,vgvgvgEvgvg,vgvg,vgbvggvgvgvg4vgovgvgvgvgvgtvgvgvgQ,vg{vg,vg,vg,vgAvg,vgJvg vgivgvgF ,vg vg,vg9vg,vggvgnvgvgvgvgVvgvgh",vg#vgc&,vga(vgi+,vgU-vg2C74.0 (21vgY9vgL<vgG3vgHvgNnvgqNvgO,vgQvgS,vgSvgU,vgzYvg\vg]vg^^vgXavgavgcvgevgevg,gvgi,vgTkvgm,vgovg)q,vgqvgjs,vgtvgEuvgluvg>vvg'xvg]xvgyvg|,vg}vg,vgvg5,vgۃvgo,vgBvg݊vg,vgvg,vghvg,vg-vg˖vgvguvgo,vgvg՟,vgvg}vgvgvgӪvgvg>vgJ,vguvg,vgpvg˷,vg vg;,vgпBvgIvgvgvggvgu,vgvgvgFvgvgvgvgAvgvgvgcvgvgGvgvgz,vgvg",vgvgevgvgavgvgvgvg`,vgvgvgvg vg%,vgWvg,vgvg vg@ vg vg,vgvg,vgvg],vgvg,vgIvg,vg{vg\,vgfvg vg6 vg!vg",vgJ$vg'vg?'vg(vg,,vg[-vgi1,vgI3vg 6,vgq8vg;,vg.=vg?vg+@vgvgvgvgۚvg#vgvglvgvgvgզBvgvgavguvgx,vgvg,vgIvg3vgYvgvg_vgvgپvg,vgvgvgvg6vgBvg,vgvg`vgvgAvgvgvgqvgvgvgvg,vgvgvgvgvg,vgGvgf,vg:vg'[773.0 (994.0 (100.0)vg*vg _Done vgvg=vgvg\,vg,vg<,vgvgivgvgHvg:vgvg<vgqvgVvgvg!vgbvguvg7vgvgvgvgvg ,vgvgvg,vg&vgvgvgvgvgvgwvgvgvg1vgvgvg8vgvg,vgvgvgvgOvgvg9vg%,vguvgHvg vg6 vg vg vg{,vg6vgvg\vgvgvgSvg@,vg}vgXvg\,vgvgvgt,vgvgYvgL,vgvgvgC,vgvgj vgb!,vg!vg|#vg$,vg$vg%vg&,vg'vg'vg(,vg)vg*vg+,vg+vg,vg-,*2vg{3vg4vg 5vgq5vg7vgZ8vg8vg8vg9vg:,vg';vg;vg<,vg =vg>vg@vgAvgAvgevg(,vgvgPvgx,vgHvgvgo ,vg vgvg,vgvgvgH,vg?vg&vg,vgvg,vg vg#N _You now have 204 gold pieces (gained 13).vg$vg$vgA%vg&vg(,vg(vg)vgv+,vg,vgK-vg.,vg1/vg(0vg1,vg2vg|6,vg7vgT9 _j - 2 scrolls labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU (gained 1)vg;3vgE<vg>vg@,vg@vg!BvgC,vgiDvgEvgGvgGvgCHvg JvgKvgL,vgGNvgO,vgdPvg RvgS,vgyTvgUvgWvgWvg)XvgYvg7[vg\[vg[vg8]vg)_vg`_vg_vg`vgDb,vgbvgcvghevgevgfvggvg^ivgivgjvggkvgmvgLmvgnvgMovgpvgqvglqvgrvgvtvgtvguvgDvvgwvgwvgkxvgyvg~{vg{vg |vg|vg~vg9~vgb~vgvgT,vgvgʅvg,vg vgvg{vgvg,vg7vg֍vgvgvgvgvgvg6vgvgvgPvgvgvgvgvg vg'vgvg vgRvg5vgvgXvgvgvgGvg{vgܥvgvg ,vgKvgTvg,vgvgvg,vgvgvgOvgvgݲvg3vgvgvgvgvg,vg׸vgvgR,vgvgvg,vg9vghvg@vgvgvgvgVvgvgvgvvgvg5vgvgrvgT,vgvgvg,vg{vgvgvg vgvg vg ,vgnvgOvgJ,vgvgvgzvgvgvgvg,vgvgvg,vgvgvg,vg&vgXvgLvgvg>vgvg0vg\,vgvgvgvg vg5vgvgvgvg,vgvg vgFvgnvgvgevg,vgvgvgvg8vg vgW,vg6,vgs,vgvgSvg|vgvgvgvgvgvgvgpvgvgvgvgUvg vg vgK vg vg vg vg]vgvgvgvg8vgVvg,vg1vgJvg ## .# ############### vg.# #...........@.# # 887.0 (113 .####.###########.#.### ....#.# ..... ####### vg)###.#.# #...# .......<#.#.#vgK###.#.### ########.#.#vg##...#<..####.#.#########..#####[. vg< )###.#..............#...#### #...#..########.#..#......# #.#vg'B84vg*vg>-9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.vgVvgvgvgXvg vgq vg vg vgOvgvgvgvgvgX><vgB,vgD,vgJ,vg.LvgcLvgMvgW<  You see here a +0 _vg[vgb]vg_,vgavgevgig,vgbhvgjvgim,vgnvgpvg>svgsvgtvgvvgy,vg{vg}vg,vg vgڂvg݅,vgvg\vg ,vgtvgvg vg@vgvg֒vg=,vgvgkvgB,vgǙvgvg,vgvg,vg,vgԤvgvg´;###..#####.......# #..# #..####### #.@....=.h #.######## vgj#.#############.# #.............#.# #.###########.#.#### h   hound (asleep) #.# #......############## #.# ##...#..........<.... #.# ###.#.################vg~ 914.0 (26.0)  A hound comes into view.vgvgzh..hvg5==5.0 (27vgvg & _The hound barks!vg ### ..#### #.... ...# #..# #..#######  #.@....h..  #.########  #.##.#..#.#.#.####  #..... ##...#.< X ### ..#### #.... ...# #..# #..#######  #.@....h..  #.########  #.##.#..#.#.#.####  #..... ##...#.< ###.#.vgo^4vgcvgg\ _A hound is nearby!vg ### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..##..@...h.#.##.# .# ..#.# .#.#.#### .# #......# .# ##...#..<. .# vg @h=vg A--6.0 (1.0) _vgA vg vgk### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..##...@.h=.#.##.# #.#.#### # #......# # ##...#.<.....# # ###.#.#.#vgvg2h.vgk~58-=-7vg7vg_* _The hound bites you.vgjC8.2 (1.2vgՇvg _You closely miss the hound. The hound barely misses  You hit the hound.  The hound is moderately{-9.5 (1.3vgcvg@ _The hound bites you but does no damage. x2vgП  You hit the hound but do no damage.The hound is moderately| W9-20.8vg vg { _The hound closely misses you. The hound bites you but does no]#  You miss the hound.The hound is moderately (1.2vgf*vg- _The hound barely misses you. The hound misses you.vgxl  You barely miss the hound.The hound is moderately wounded.3.3 (1.3vg^rvgDu{ _The hound closely misses you. The hound bites you but does no damage.vgа9  You slash the hound!vgce.vgl60=6=4.5 (1.2vgvgNI _You kill the hound!vg### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..##....@.=.#.##.# vge.#.#### #......# ##...#.<.....# ###.#.#.#vg <--vgP 50vgK vg vge ### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..##.....@=.#.##.# vgm vg>n A--6vgr vgt vg:### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..##......@.#.##.# vg<7vgSvg vgU G=8.5 (2vgvgX3 _u - a +6 ring of intelligencevg/### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..#.#......#.#.vgƓb#.# vgvg+9.5 (1vgvgCvg ### ..#### #.... #...# #..# #..#. #...... #.#. #.# #.# .#.# #.#.####  #......#  ##...#.<.....# #.#vg=30vgvg)vg} vg' aPut on which piece of jewellery? Jewellery (go to first with "=)  u - a +6 ring of intelligence[?] describe selected vg [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip vg vg vg' Oo007 the ChopperMountain Dwarf###Health: 60/60 ========================..####Magic: 7/7========================#....AC: 11Str: 21#...#EV: 8Int: 8#..#SH: 4Dex: 9#..############.XL:  7 Next: 46% Place: Dungeon:5#......@........Noise: ---------  Time: 4930.5 (0.0)#.#############.a) +0 war axe#.#Nothing quivered ##########.# .........#.# ########.#.#####......##################...#..........<.....####.#.################.#vgm You barely miss the hound.The hound is moderately wounded. _The hound closely misses you. The hound bites you but does no damage.  You slash the hound! vg X_You kill the hound! _u - a +6 ring of intelligencevg  vgo O You feel vg .14931.0 (0.5vgh vgu ? _u - a +6 ring of intelligence (left hand)vg vg vg/ vg vg vg_ vg nvg vg ,vgE vgS vg ,vg vg vg ,vg: vg vg\ ,vg vgK vg6 ,vg vg vg vg vg vg vg vg vgP vg vg\ ,vg vg? vg vg" vg^ vg vg ,vg vg vg ,vgu vg vg! ,vg>" vg$ vgy- \ ########vg-  #......######## #.@###.........§K.....## #...#####K...### ##..#vg-.  ...#..########## .. #............ # #.########### KK 2 kobolds (asleep) #  #.# ###############.#  #.# #.............#.#vgF { 45.0 (14.0)  2 kobolds come into view.vgG vgS §..KK   koboldThe kobold shouts! x2; You hear a shout!vg,T &==vgOT 6.0 (15vgY <§vga 3 _The kobold moves out of  ########  #......#  #.@###.  §......## #..  .K..### ##..#  ... #.. .. #....... #  ####.#  #.#   #.#  vgO  ########  #......#  #.@###.  §......## #..  vg1 .K..### ##..#  ... #.. .. #....... #  ###  #.#   #.# vg vg# vg[ :§vgu ] _A kobold is nearby!vg;§vgxvgtvg n _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.vgQ4vgWvg[F _Unknown[vgvg[ vg F _Unknown command.vgGxvg)z Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Summon Small Mammal Summoning41% 1b - Call ImpSummoning54% 2  c - Call Canine FamiliarSummoning78% 3  d - Inner FlameHexes/Fire78% 3  e - Flame WaveConjuration/Fire99% 4  f - Sticky FlameFire/Alchemy99% 4  g - Summon Blazeheart GolemFire/Summoningvgz99% 4 6 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitvg DescribMemorise|Describevg| Call Imp Calls forth a minor demon from the pits of Hell, equipped with a spear with which to jab at the caster's enemies. The quality of the imp's weaponry rises with spell power. Level: 2 School: Summoning Fail: 54% Power: 0% Range: N/A Noise: Quiet Miscasting this spell causes magic contamination and also summons a nameless horror. You can sustain at most one creature summoned by this spell.vgő Spells (Describe)TypeFailure Levela - Summon Small MammalSummoning41%1  b - Call ImpSummoning54% 2  c - Call Canine Familiar Summoning78% 3  d - Inner Flame Hexes/Fire78% 3  e - Flame WaveConjuration/Fire99% 4  f - Sticky FlameFire/Alchemy 99% 4  g - Summon Blazeheart GolemFire/Summoning99% 4 6 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitvgvgkvgOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21EV: 8Int: 14########SH: 4Dex: 9#......########XL:  7 Next: 46% Place: Dungeon:5#.@###.........vgYNoise: ==-------  Time: 4946.0 (0.0)§......## #...#####a) +0 war axe.K..### ##..#Nothing quivered...#..##########..#............##.########### K   kobold####.##.# ###############.##.# #.............#.#The kobold shouts! x2; You hear a shout! _The kobold moves out of view. _A kobold is nearby! vg_Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability. _Unknown command. _Unknown command.vge §Okay, then.vgvg vgU. _vg1o  Annotate which branch? (. - D:5, ? - help, ! - show branch list)vgf §Okay, then.vgղ vg . _vg vgڹ  Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Summon Small Mammal Summoning41% 1b - Call ImpSummoningvg< 54% 2  c - Call Canine FamiliarSummoning78% 3  d - Inner FlameHexes/Firevgd f78% 3  e - Flame WaveConjuration/Firevg 99% 4  f - Sticky FlameFire/Alchemy99% 4  vg 5g - Summon Blazeheart GolemFire/Summoningvg 99% 4 6 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitvgW DescribMemorise|Describevg Call Imp Calls forth a minor demon from the pits of Hell, equipped with a spear with which to jab at the caster's enemies. The quality of the imp's weaponry rises with spell power. Level: 2 School: Summoning Fail: 54% Power: 0% Range: N/A Noise: Quiet Miscasting this spell causes magic contamination and also summons a nameless horror. You can sustain at most one creature summoned by this spell.vgE  Spells (Describe)TypeFailure Levela - Summon Small MammalSummoning41%1  b - Call ImpSummoning54% 2  c - Call Canine Familiar Summoning78% 3  d - Inner Flame vgɏ Hexes/Fire78% 3  e - Flame WaveConjuration/Fire99% 4  f - Sticky FlameFire/Alchemy 99% 4  g - Summon Blazeheart GolemFire/Summoning99% 4 vg 6 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitvg;Hide) Describe|HidevgShow Hide|ShowvgyrMemorise)a - Summon Small MammalSummoning41%1  b - Call ImpSummoning54% 2  c - Call Canine FamiliarSummoning78% 3  d - Inner FlameHexes/Firevgz78% 3  e - Flame WaveConjuration/Fire99% 4  f - Sticky FlameFire/Alchemy99% 4  g - Summon Blazeheart GolemFire/Summoning99% 4MemoriseShowvg)@vgGvgOMOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21EV: 8Int: 14########SH: 4Dex: 9#......########XL:  7 Next: 46% Place: Dungeon:5vgO #.@###.........Noise: ==-------  Time: 4946.0 (0.0)§......## #...#####a) +0 war axe.K..### ##..#Nothing quivered...#..##########..#............#vgOh#.########### K   kobold####.##.# ###############.##.# #.............#.# _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability. vgP_Unknown command. _Unknown command. _Okay, then.Annotate which branch? (. - D:5, ? - help, ! - show branch list) _Okay,[vg]Memorise Call Imp, consuming 2 spell levels and leaving 4? Y - Yes  N - Novg vg|$ MOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21EV: 8Int: 14########SH: 4Dex: 9#......########XL:  7 Next: 46% Place: Dungeon:5vg,% #.@###.........Noise: ==-------  Time: 4946.0 (0.0)§......## #...#####a) +0 war axe.K..### ##..#Nothing quivered...#..##########..#............##.########### K   kobold####.#vg% #.# ###############.##.# #.............#.# _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability. _Unknown command. _Unknown command. vg% _Okay, then.Annotate which branch? (. - D:5, ? - help, ! - show branch list) _Okay, vg2 KK.K 2 koboldsvgn2 4--7.0 (1vg9 vgB o _This spell is dangerous to cast!vgC vgD vg0K §...K   koboldvgO F--8.0 (2vgP :§vgT vg0V vgVW vgc §..KKK§KK 3 koboldsvgPd +9.0 (3vgm vgp _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2vgvq vgy vg} c _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'a'.vgK # #......## #@.###.K§..KKK.## #...#####.#### ##..#§.§. #.... #......♣# #.K 4 kobolds (1 wandering)  ### #.# vg #.# #.#  #.# #.#.#vgJ  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.vgrvg,vg §§....KK 2 koboldsThe kobold shouts!vg5==50.0 (1vg^:§vg~3 _The kobold moves out of §§ _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.vgSG  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 54% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all!vg>$N  A tiny devil pulls itself out of the air.vgm%vgE 5K§K..K...K   kobold brigand (missile, wandering)KKKK 4 kobolds (1 ally target)5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)The kobold barely misses you. The kobold hits you but does no damage.5-------1vgO  A kobold brigand comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger and quivering 2 _throwing[ # #5.....## #.@###. K§K..KKK## #...##### .....#### ##..# .... #..#... #.♣# #.#KKKK 4 kobolds (1 ally target)### #.# 5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)#.# #.# vgB f  The kobold hits something with a +2 short sword of electrocution.vgE r  The kobold hits you but does no damage. The kobold attacks as it pursues you!vg K.K.K.-2vg vg _The kobold closely misses you. Your cerulean imp misses the kobold.vg3N-vg1<vgV?vgf :  You slash the kobold!vg v  You kill the kobold!You slash the kobold!vg vg vgL )...K)   kobold (You kill the kobold!vgK r 3.2 (1.2 _Your cerulean imp hits the kobold but does no <§vg g _Your Armour skill increases to level 6!vg # #5.....## #@.###. .§....K)## #...##### .....#### ##..# .... #.. ... # ♣# #. ### #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#.#vg#vg KK 2 kobolds (1 ally target)You block the kobold's,40vg<§vgT _Your cerulean imp hits the kobold but does no damage. _You see here a +0 7♣~.. ########....P #5.....########..?..P#).###..........§...KK@## #...##### ....#### ##..# . #..#########.. .........♣# #############  .# ##############.............###.###########.#.####vg vg vgݻ K§....  Found a scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ F-------5vg- vg _Your cerulean imp barely misses the kobold. _You see here a +0 club.vgj§ _You see here a +0 club.  You hit the kobold.  The kobold is moderately wounded.You closely miss the kobold.  The kobold hits you with a +2 short sword of electrocution.  You block the kobold'svg]57--6.4 (1.2vg(vg.a _Your cerulean imp barely misses the sblock the kobold's attack. _Your cerulean imp barely misses the kobold.  The kobold is moderately wounded.hit the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage. x2  closely misses the @8=-vg/ &7.7 (1.3vgL 9§vg @ _The kobold hits you but does no damage. x2vgľ 8  You hit the t  You kill the kobold!You hit the kobold.vgL vg .5§....)§5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)vg? %7vg 8.9 (1.2vg- 9§vgP J _You kill the kobold!vg~E♣♣♣P~.. ########vgE?.P##......#.?..P#5.###..§....@)## #...#####.§..#### ##..#.. #..vgpF#... #♣♣# #. ### #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#.#  #.####.vgF%#.#.####vgSvgT4-90vg1[vgdM _You see here a +0 whip.vgkP♣♣♣#P♣PP~..PP ########P.....P##......#÷...?..P#5.###..§...@))## #...#####.§..#### ##..#P.....P #..P#...#P # ♣♣#♣ #. ### #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#.#  #.####.#.#.####vg%vgXY)5...vg9=6===-60vgr ;§vg9$K _Found a rat^]###P♣♣♣#P♣♣PP~..PP♣########lP.....P##......vgc_##÷...?..P#).###.#...§..@.5)## #...######.#### ##..#PP.....PP #..P#...#P♣# #♣ ♣♣#♣ #. ### #.#l   frilled lizard (wandering) #.# #.#vgP`75   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)  #.# #.#.#  #.####.#.#.####vg(op  A frilled lizard comes into view.vgovga}.l5)lally target)vg~&1vgPvg8 _The frilled lizard hisses'N ####P♣♣♣#P♣♣PP~..PP♣#########.P.....P##.......#l...?..P#).###r#...§.@.5))## #...#####.#.#### ##..##PP.....PP# #..P#...#P♣# #vgO#♣ ♣♣#♣ ♣ #. ### #.# #.# #.#r   rat (wandering) #.# #.#.#5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)  #.####.#.#.####vgae  A rat comes into view.vgbvgdvgevgRgvg"|6 ÷...?5K#.l.§.@..K   kobold brigand (missile)l   frilled lizard (ally target)The rat squeaks loudly. You hear a shout!vgb}/==2vg;§vgc0 _The rat moves out of view.vgq #####P♣♣♣#P♣♣PPPP~..PP♣#########.P.....P##......#######.#÷...?5.P#).###........K#.l.§....))## #...#####.#.....@.#### ##..# #PP.....PP# #..#####PPP#...#P♣.....#♣ ♣♣#♣ ♣P ######### #.# ##############.............###.###########.#.####...#.# #......###vg}&vgo'vg_(vg\8...§   rat5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)vgF9^60=--3vg ;§vgvgr<4# ###♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣PPPPP~..PP♣#########.P.....P##......######..#÷...?..P#).###.......rK#...§5...))## #...####.r#..l....#### ##..#  #PP...@.PP# #..#### PPP#...#P♣# #...... #♣ ♣♣#♣♣♣P #.#####vg=r###  #.# #.# ###############.# #.# #.............#.# #.####.###########.#.#### #....#.# #......## rr 2 rats (1 wandering) ####.#.# ##...#...vgQ  A rat comes into view.The rat squeaks loudly.  Your cerulean imp hits the frilled lizard from afar with a -4 spear.vgRvgU]  The frilled lizard dies!vgjK.r.rr 2 rats5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)======4vg7u9§vgzA _The rat bites something but does no ## ###♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣♣PPPPP~..PP♣########PP#.P.....P##......P.K#÷...?..P#).###vgv.r#...§5...))## #...P.r#.#### ##..# #PP..@..PP# #.. PPP#...#P♣# # #♣ ♣♣#♣♣♣P #.  ### #.#  #.# #.# #.# #vg!.#.# #.####.#.#.#### #....#.# #...... ####.#.# ##...#vglvgɾvgmK.#÷..5.(1 ally target)vg/--5vgvg- _The rat bites the bush.vgO--vg#vgn _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.vgmvG  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 54% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.vgUx  You miscast Call Imp.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.vgvgvg?  Nothing appears to happen.vgQ.r#K5...vg4-------6Contam vg9§vg{@ _The rat bites the bush but does no ## ### ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣#♣PPPPP~..PP♣#♣PP#.P.....P##......PP.r#K5..?..P#).###.#...§....))## #....P.r#.#### ##..#vg&) #PP.@...PP# #.. PPP#...#P♣# # #♣ ♣♣#♣♣♣P #. ### #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.#.# #.####.#.#. #....#.# #...... ####.#.# ##...#vgB-vg//x  Your cerulean imp barely misses the kobold{>r.#÷K.§vg?&7vg,MvghQA _The rat bites something but does no  ## ### ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣ #♣PPPPP~..PP♣#♣PP#rP.....P##......♣PP..#÷5..?..P#).###♣....#.K.§....))## #...♣.P.r#.#### ##..#vg  #PP@....PP# #.. PPP#...#P♣# # #♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P #. ### #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.#.# #.####.#.#. #....#.# # ####.#.# ##...#vg vgJ f  Your cerulean imp misses the¶ .r.K§vgc &8vg 9§vg A _The rat bites something but does no damage.vgh  You miss the kobold brigand. You slash the plant! The plant begins to die.  You hit the bush but do no ÷r.§Your cerulean imp barely misses the rat.The rat bites something.vg6m5====---==70.1 (1.2vg:;§vg֓E _The kobold brigand hits you but does no damage.vgo:  You hit the kobold brigand.  The kobold brigand is lightly wounded.  You hit the plant. You hit the bush but do no damage.vgM .rYour cerulean imp hits the rat but does no damage.  You block the kobold brigand's attack. The rat bites"N 5-1.4 (1.3vg^ 9§vg` H _Your cerulean imp barely misses the` vg  You closely miss the kobold brigand.The kobold brigand is lightly wounded.  You slash the plant! You hit the bush but do no -You barely miss the rat. A nearby plant withers and dies.  The rat bites something but does no damage.  The rat barely misses  --more--vg  .  The kobold brigand hits you but does no damage.  Your cerulean imp hits the rat from afar with a -4 spear.  The rat bites you but does no damage.vg0=2.7vgvg|S _The kobold brigand barely misses' ` You slash the kobold brigand!  The kobold brigand is heavily wounded.You hit the bush but do no damage. You completely miss the W59-4.0vg5 ;§vg7 vgC /  --more--vg}C _The kobold brigand hits you but does no damage.vgTYou closely miss the kobold brigand.The kobold brigand is heavily wounded.You hit the bush. You barely miss the rat.Your cerulean imp completely misses the rat.vg4dr#...§.  The rat closely misses you.vgeT====-5.2 (1.2vgkq9§vgtE _The kobold brigand hits you but does no vg 0vg vg =Your cerulean imp completely misses the !The rat closely misses you. vg M_The kobold brigand hits you but does no * closely miss the kobold brigandvg+ !.  vgu @The kobold brigand is heavily wounded. vg , You slash the rat!vg  vg  vg "You kill the rat!vgR ,You hit the bush but do no vgS vg -Your cerulean imp disappears in a puff of smoke!vg /  --more--vgLE #♣r#÷§..   rat  The kobold brigand hits you but does no;56.3 (1.1vg;§vgC _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.vg3You slash the kobold brigand!  The kobold brigand is severely§ vg|'\60=7.5 (1.2vgT2vgP5 _You hit the bush but do no damage. The kobold brigand barely misses slash the kobold brigand!vgAa  You kill the kobold brigand!vg0vg#♣..r.§)vgj}r   ratvgM=628.7vg &;§vgn)X _You hit the bush but do no H ## ###  ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣  #♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## ♣PP#.P.....P##......###♣PP..#÷...?..P#).###.......#.r.§....))## #.♣.P..#.#### #♣♣PP#P......PP#PPP#...#P♣#.. #♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P################# M§90vg ;§vgv _The rat bites you but does no damage.  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; 2 throwing netsvgu7  You slash the rat!vg $†.§.§§P♣#vgK'76===vg''80.9 (1.2vg3;§vg"7G _You kill the rat!vgdM ## ###  ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣  #♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## vgd♣PP#.P.....P##......###♣PP..#÷...?..P#).###.....§....))## #..P..#.).....#### #♣♣PP#P....§§PP### PPP#...#P♣# #...vgq~§§.♣vgr+-1vgr 0vg4|;§vgp _You see here a rat corpse.vgJ {M ## ###  ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣  #♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## ♣PP#.P.....P##......###♣PP..#÷@..?..P#).###....vgZK {...#.†.§....))## #..P..#.)...§.#### #♣♣PP#P....§.PP# #..##PvgY Y..§PvgZ G-2 _vgf <§vgg vgV## ### ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣ #♣PPPPP~..PP♣# ♣♣PP#.P.....P##......#♣PP..#÷.@.?..P#).###.♣....#.†.§....))## #...#♣.P..#.).....#### ##..# vg'X♣♣PP#P.....§PP# #..### PPP#...#P♣# #.#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P #.# vgegu§.♣Pvgg&3vgu<§vgxvgSvgLTvg>Xvg5avge;===vgdhvgpvgpvgwvgvgvgvgevgvgtvg=vgvgMvg,vgIvg` §§§.§P#♣P vg+Q_You start resting.vg9.9 (6†.§)...P#♣PvgG87====vg%90.9 (7vg<§vg% _Magic restored.vgD{vg{vg]vgvgvgvgLvg.vgvgvgޤvg,vgvg _f - 5 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR (gained 1)vgvgn<====vgxvgvgvgvgBvg2vgvgQvg vgO  v - 2 throwing netsvgdvgJ> _You see here a +0,vgvgO vg9,vgvgvg!,vg &vg+vg/vg/vg2vg)6vgY:vg:vg=vg/@vg*D,vgIvg^U## ###♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣ #♣PPPPP~..PP♣########♣♣PP#.P.....P##......#vgU♣PP..#÷......P#).###... ♣....#.†.§....@)## #...##### ♣.P..#.).....#### ##..# ♣♣PP#P......PP# #..######## Throw: 2 throwing nets## PPP#...#P♣# #..........#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P #.#########vg&V### #.##.# ###############.##.# #.............vggVg#.##.####.###########.#.####vg]  ## ### ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣ #♣PPPPP~..PP♣########  vgO^♣♣PP#.P.....P##......########  ♣PP..#÷......P#@.###.........♣....#.†.§....))## #...#####♣.P..#.).....#### ##..#  ♣♣PP#P......PP# #..########### PPP#...#P♣# #........... #♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#.#vg^:#############.##.# ###############.##.# #.............#.#  You see here a +0 whip.vgg\5004.9 (14.0)§vgi35.9 (15 _vgovgt  Things that are here: _a +2 short sword of electrocution; a +0 dagger; a kobold corpsevgvg,vgvgvgvgP _vg,vgvgvgDvgvg.vgvgjvgvg_vg+vgvgvgvgvgXvgJ vvg!,vg"vg$,vg%vg)vgE*vgz*vg*vg,vg.,vgP/vg0vg2,vg3vg4vg6vg6vgc7vg8vgm:vg:vg?;vgz<vgI>vgz>vg>vgH?vg@,vg@vgABvg4D,vgDvgEvgG,vg1HvgXIvgpKvgK,vgYMvgO,vgPvgPvgwRvgRvgRvg TvgV,vgVvgXvgtYvgYvgZvg[vg]vg]vg ^vgh_vg`vgavgavgcvgdvgevggevgfvghvghvgTivgjvgl,vg]mvgnvgpvgpvgqqvg/svgtvgFv,vgwvgxvgyvgyvg?{vg},vg}vg~vgr,vgvgӀvgGvgvgvg7vgvg'vguvgvg,vgvg܋vg]vgvg׍vg.vgvgːvg vgvgvg?vgvgvgvgۗvg8vg-vgvgHvgvg؝vgyvgvgvgvgvgvg0vgvgvgvgnvgɩvg{vg«vgvgIvgvg@vgvgrvg vgevgvgvg-vgùvgvgavgr,vgͿvgKvg4z..############## #..............# ##############.# #.#  #.#  #.# vg #.#   #.####   #..@.#  57.9 (52 ####?#   .#   .#   vg)l.#   >#    .#    vgz##.#    .#  vgvg~,8.9 (53vgvgV; _Found a stone staircase leading down.vgX 3vg vg vgi vg vg ,vgs ,vgQ vg ,vg1 vg _e - 4 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE (gained 1)vg vg vg[ vgy vgj ,vg vg vg ,vg vg vgp vg vg vgT R  There is a stone staircase leading down vg  _vg< vg vg6 vgl vg vgvgvgqvgvgvg9vgyvgvg vgN vg vg vgK vgvgvgvgFvg,vgivgvgbvgvgvgvg,vgvgRvg vgEvgvg vg!vg"vg$(vg\*vg*vg+vg@1vg2,vgJ3vgp5vg6vg7vgi7vg9vg;vg;vg<vgBXvg DvgEvg8EvgEvgFvgGvgGvg;HvggIvgMvgOvg;OvgHPvgRvg UvgJUvgVvgXvgg[Bvg\vg|_,vg5avg-evgqivgivglvgnvgqvg"rvgtvgwvgzvgGzvgk|vgvg',vgCvgh%  vgYou see here a +0"5 _vgvgMA  You see here a +0 battleaxe.vgvg _vgrvgݙvgvgvgvgˠvg,vgvgrvgvgvgvg vg,vgӱvgvg,vgvg<  You see here a +0 robe.vgNvgc _vgvgyvg,vgvgvgvgvgvgvg,vgvgvgvg;vgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvgvg vg|vgvgvg>vgvg|vg,vgEvg4vgDBvg>vg|vgvgvgvg.......... ####.# ########.  #.# vg5% ## #.#  .. #.#  #. #># vgc #. #.# ###############(vg #.# ........<.....#.#####vg #.# #############.#.@...#vgf #.# 112.9 (54 vg######## #.#####.# #.# vgx.......# #.# #.#vgA ##.# ######.# #.# #.#vgdX #..# vg..# #.# #.# #.# #.## vg#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# vg#.# #.# #.# #.# #.#vgq.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.### #.#vgvgm,3.9 (55vg) vg % _Found 7 stones.vgX vg vg vgvgvgBvg vg vg vg vg vgvgvg;  You see here 7 stones.vgkvg _vgvgkvgvgBvgvgvg/vglvgvgvg ,vg!vg%Bvg&vg'vgT),vg#*vgO,vg-,vg.vg60vg4Xvg5,vg6vg8vg:vg:vg;vgsIvgDKvgvKvg(Lvg/QvgS,vgTvg[Xvgavgd,vgevgOjvglvgalvgmvg rvg%uBvgyvg{,vg_|vgvgBvgl;  You see here 7 stones.vgvg _vgvgבvg,vgvgBvg,vgvg؞vgmvgvgvgivgvgvg,vgvgvgvg%,vgvgvgq,vgvg%vg|,vgvg{<  You see here a +0 robe.vg5 _vgvgvg,vgvg,vg ,vg vgvgP,vgNvg:vg ,vg7"vg&vg),>6,vgX8vgS<vgm?,vg0Avg@vg,vgzvgz vg ,vgLvg=vg,vgvgEvg\,vgvg,"vg*$,vgt%vg'vg),vg*vgT-vg.,vg/vgx2vg4,vg4vg`7vg8,vgP:vg=vg-?,vgO@vgBvgD,vgFvgHvgJ,vgKvgNvg8PvgQ,vg@SvgU,vgVvgXvgZ,vgz\vg!^vg`,vg~avg$cvgAjXvgjvgjvgJlvg?nvgGp,vgkqvgPsvgv,vgDwvgxvg{,vg~,vg ,vgWvgpvgvg,vgvgvgQ,vg(vg. vg ,vgX vg*vg,vgvg.XvgzvgC,vg vg-vgq.vg1Bvg5vg 8,vg8vg<vg>,vgk?vgEvgI,vg JvgNvgOvgPvg^QvgTvgW,vgWvg [vga\,vg]]vg?`vga,vgbcvg8evgg,vggvgpjvgUl,vgKmvgq;  You see here 5 stones.vgs5 _vg,tvgovvgwvg|xvgSyvg[|vg*~,vgbvgvgu,vgvgvgvgvgZvgvg,vgݏvg`vg,vgޔvgxvgҙ,vgkvgƝvgC,vgvg&vgx,vg4vg(vg,vg'vgvgұ,vgvgvgC,vg'vgտvg,vgvgCvg ,vgbvgvgS,vgsvgvgvgXvgvgvg$,vgvg<  You see here a +0 robe.vgvg] _vgvgvg,vg!vg9vgvgyvgkvgFvgvgDvgvgvgvgvg vgivg,vg/vgvg6,vg vg vg| ,vgvgtvg,vgvg*vg4vgpvgvvgvg=!,vgj"vg{$vgm&vg&vg(vg)vg,,vg0vg^2vg]4vg4vgo5vg7vg9,vgM;vg=vg]@vg@vgAvgiDvgOH,vgIvgKvgN,vg]Pvg9SvgV,vgnXvg]<  You see here a +0`vg@a _vgIcvgh<  You see here a +0 whip.vglvg5m _vgqvgivvg[},vg.vgvg,vgvg vgS,vg9vg vg,vg5vg{vg,vg\vgvg/,vgvg[vgI,vgFvgna  You see here a rat skeleton.vg7vg _vgvg ### ###  ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣  #♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## ♣♣PP#@P.....P##......#253.9 (14vgs0.0) ♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. ♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. ♣.P..#.).....#### ##. ♣♣PP#P......PP# #. ##PPPP#...#P♣# #.  vg#P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P #.  ###  #.  #.# ###############. vgvg$vg'_ _Partly explored, can't reach some 3vg vg@/.....P##.....0.0)÷......P#).###..))## #.......vgAvgLvgO_ _Partly explored, can't reach some[3Read which item? Scrolls  e - 4 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE  f - 5 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR vg3 g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO  j - 2 scrolls labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM [!] read|quaff|evokevg3G[?] describe selectedvgvgWvgrOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8vg;Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5253.9 (0.0)vg♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axevgB;♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing netsvgj\♣.P..#.).....#### ##.♣♣PP#P......PP#♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#. ####. #.# ###############.  _You see here a +0 robe. vg_You see here a +0 club. _You see here a +0 whip. _You see here a rat skeleton. vgB_Partly explored, can't reach some places. _Partly explored, can't reach some  vgqAs you read the scroll labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of brand  --more--vg6 vgx8 Brand which weapon? Hand Weapons  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)vg8 ][?] describe selectedvgvgvg0+Oo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8vg+KInt: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5253.9 (0.0)♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing nets♣.P..#.).....####,♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#., #.# ###############.  _You see here a +0 whip. _You see here a rat skeleton. _Partly explored, can't reach some places. _Partly explored, can't reach some places.  As you read the scroll labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of brand weapon.vgP4~  ### ###  ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣  #♣PPPPP~..PP ♣♣PP#@P.....P ♣PP..#÷......P#) ♣....#.÷.§....))##  ♣.P..#.).....####  ♣♣PP#P......PP#  ##PPPP#...#P♣#  vg4#P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P  ### #.# Your +0 war axe is engulfed in flames!vgi ### ###  ♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣  #♣PPPPP~..PP ♣♣PP#@P.....P ♣PP..#÷......P#) ♣....#.÷.§....))##  ♣.P..#.).....####  ♣♣PP#P......PP#  ##PPPP#...#P♣#  #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P  ### #.# vgvgjd4.9 (1(flame)vgvg: _a - a +0 war axe of flaming (weapon)vgvgJRead which item? Scrolls  e - 4 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE  f - 5 scrolls labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUOj - a scroll of brand weapon  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH vg s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedvgvgEvgOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8vg-<Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5254.9 (0.0)♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)vgE♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing nets♣.P..#.).....#### ##.♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. vgx#P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#. ####. #.# ###############.  _Partly explored, can't reach some places. vg_Partly explored, can't reach some places.  As you read the scroll labelled ZAMUFO QAC OLU, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of brand weapon.  vg;QYour +0 war axe is engulfed in flames! _a - a +0 war axe of flaming (weapon)vg5k  As you read the scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR, it crumbles to dust.vgb5.9 (1Tele vgvgC~ _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of*y vgy vg vg F _Unknown command.vgo Read which item? Scrolls  e - 4 scrolls labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE  f - 4 scrolls of teleportation (cancels current teleport)  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUOj - a scroll of brand weapon  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedvgg)vgV3vg=AWOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5255.9 (0.0)vgA♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing nets♣.P..#.).....#### ##. Tele ♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#. vg.B####. #.# ###############. It is a scroll of brand weapon.  Your +0 war axe is engulfed in flames! vgB_a - a +0 war axe of flaming (weapon)  As you read the scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation. _Unknown  As you read the scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of  --more--vg Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM Potions (select first with !)  l - a viscous black potion  o - a clear potion  p - a sedimented brown potion[?] describe selectedvg( vg vg Oo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###vgB iEV: 8Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5255.9 (0.0)♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)vg ♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing nets♣.P..#.).....#### ##. Tele ♣♣PP#P......PP# ##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#. ####. #.#   _a - a +0 war axe of flaming (weapon)  As you read the scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation. _Unknown command.As you read the scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of vg +6.9 (1vgF vg V _o - a potion of curingvgrHvgnJsRead which item? Scrolls vgJ e - 3 scrolls of identify  f - 4 scrolls of teleportation (cancels current teleport)  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUOj - a scroll of brand weapon vgJm k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedvgQvgvg0Oo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5256.9 (0.0)♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing netsvgK0♣.P..#.).....#### ##. Tele ♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#. ####. #.# ###############. As you read the scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation. _Unknown command.As you read the scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _o - a potion of curingvgSvgǻcIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM Potions (select first with !)  l - a viscous black potion vg< p - a sedimented brown potion[?] describe selectedvgVvgvgOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5256.9 (0.0)♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing netsvgP0♣.P..#.).....#### ##. Tele ♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#. ####. #.# ###############. As you read the scroll labelled ATWORI YFAQ GOUR, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation. _Unknown command.As you read the scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _o - a potion of curingvg  ]  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to +7.9 (1vg vg P _l - a potion of attractionvg=vg{ARead which item? Scrolls  e - 2 scrolls of identify  f - 4 scrolls of teleportation (cancels current teleport)  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUOj - a scroll of brand weapon vg[Bm k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedvg* vg4 vgB WOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8Int: 14♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5257.9 (0.0)vgB ♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing nets♣.P..#.).....#### ##. Tele ♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣P#.vgC i ####. #.# ###############.  _Unknown command.As you read the scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. vg8C _o - a potion of curingAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _l - a potion of attractionvgEF vgH Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?) vg"I  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM vgI Potions (select first with !)  p - a sedimented brown potion[?] describe selectedvg vgs vg JOo007 the ChopperMountain DwarfHealth: 60/60 ========================Magic: 7/7========================AC: 11Str: 21### ###EV: 8Int: 14vgM I♣♣##P♣♣♣#P♣♣SH: 4Dex: 9#♣PPPPP~..PP♣######## XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5♣♣PP#@P.....P##......# Noise: ---------  Time: 5257.9 (0.0)♣PP..#÷......P#).###.. a) +0 war axe (flame)♣....#.÷.§....))## #.. Throw: 2 throwing netsvg ♣.P..#.).....#### ##. Tele ♣♣PP#P......PP# #.##PPPP#...#P♣# #. #P#♣P♣♣#♣♣♣  ####. #.# ###############.  _Unknown command.As you read the scroll labelled AHI XUNEHOOGYAKE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _o - a potion of curingAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. vgP ;_l - a potion of attractionvg h §  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.vgJ * #.##...#.### #.### #.#...#.##.......## #...# #.#...#...........# ###.# #.....####.....#..# #.# ###...###.###..# #.# #...#.# #..# #.# ###.#.# #..# #.# #.#.###..## #.# #. #...@...# #.#[  #####...# ##.## # #...###...######( #............... ##..###...##### ##..######### ## #...........## #.########...# #.# ###...p - a potion of enlightenmentvg  vg vg? 38.9 (1vg vg @ _Your surroundings suddenly seem different.vgL vgP hRead which item? Scrolls  e - a scroll of identify  f - 4 scrolls of teleportation  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUOj - a scroll of brand weapon vglQ m k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE  q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedvg;vgCvgJ#.##...#.### #.### #.#... Oo007 the Chopper#.##.......## #...# #.#... Mountain DwarfvgGK#...........# ###.# #..... Health: 60/60 ========================####.....#..# #.# ###... Magic: 7/7========================###.###..# #.# #... AC: 11Str: 21vgK#.# #..# #.# ###. EV: 8Int: 14#.# #..# #.# #. SH: 4Dex: 9#.###..## #.# #. XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5#...@...# #.# #. Noise: ---------  Time: 5258.9 (0.0)vgK#####...# ##.## #. a) +0 war axe (flame)#...###...######( Throw: 2 throwing ## #...........## #.vgPL #.########...# #. #.#{L  _o - a potion of curingAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. vgL_l - a potion of attractionAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  vgLNp - a potion of enlightenment _Your surroundings suddenly seem different.vgOvg{RqIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) vgRScrolls (select first with ?)  g - a scroll labelled LUUFFE VATTOXT  h - a scroll labelled QAEFFOE RAWUO  k - a scroll labelled MADOHU KOCUMAE vgR q - a scroll labelled JERHAELITH  s - a scroll labelled PILAADD YTEWOM[?] describe selectedvg vgm vg #.##...#.### #.### #.#... Oo007 the Chopper#.##.......## #...# #.#... Mountain Dwarf#...........# ###.# #..... Health: 60/60 ========================####.....#..# #.# ###... Magic: 7/7========================###.###..# #.# #... AC: 11Str: 21#.# #..# #.# ###. EV: 8Int: 14#.# #..# #.# #. SH: 4Dex: 9#.###..## #.# #. XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: g ;49mDungeon:5#...@...# #.# #. Noise: ---------  Time: 5258.9 (0.0)#####...# ##.## #. a) +0 war axe (flame)#...###...######( Throw: 2 throwing nets#................##..###...######.##..######### ## #...........## #. #.########...# #. #.# ###...###.  _o - a potion of curingAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. vgO _l - a potion of attractionAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  p - a potion of enlightenment _Your surroundings suddenly seem different.vgf ]  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to +9.9 (1vg vg7 X _g - a scroll of blinkingvg'#.##...#.### #.### #.#.#.##.......## #...# #.#.#....# ###.# #.####.....#..# #.# ###.###.###..# #.# #.#.# #..# #.# ###.##.# #..# #.# #.#.###..## #.# #.##.# #.# #.######...# ##.## #.##...###...######(##......##..###...######.##..## (## #.#.########...# #.#.#;/vgI0'60vgK5vgM7vgQ|#.##...#.### #.### #.#.#.##.......## #...# #.#.#....# ###.# #.####.....#..# #.# ###.###.###..# #.# #.vgi#.# #..# #.# ###.##.# #..# #.# #.#.###..## #.# #.##.# #.# #.# #####...# ##.## #.# #...###...######(##......##..###...######.##..## ##.##.....## #.#.########...# #..##.# ###...###..#vgvgTvg&1vgvgvg 3vgZ vg <0vgƻ vga _ _Partly explored, can't reach some$M..# #.# #.###.###.### #.###### #...# #.#...........# ###.# #..####.....#####.##.....###.###.# #..# ..#.###.@###vg%.......# #.# #####...# ##.## #.# #...###...######(##.###vg9-vgJ.22.9 (1 _vg3vg5vgN #.##.....# #.# #.###. #.##...#.### #.### #.# #.##.......## #...# #.# #....# ###.# # ####.....#..# #.# ### ###.###..# #.# # #.# #..# #.# ###. #.# #..# #.# # #.###@.## #.# #. #vg7~.# #.# #.# #####...# ##.## #.# #...###...######( #.... ##..###...###### ##..## ##. #.....## # #.#...# vg &3vg~vgvgM#..## ..# #.# #.###.##.### #.###### #...# #.#...........# ###.# #..####.....#####.##....###.# #@.# .#.###..###.......# #.# #####...# ##.## #.#...vgvg&4vgvg/vg. hM #..# #)#..## ..# #.# #.###.##.### #.###### #...# #.#...........# ###.# #..####.....#####.##....###.# #..# .###..##vg #.......# #.# #.##..#vg <5vg vgk wg. wgE0 Where to? (Tab - D:5, ? - help)  D - Dungeon wg wg #.# #..##)# #.# #.# Oo007 the Chopper#.###..### #.# #.# #.# Mountain Dwarf#.##.....# #.# #.###.# Health: 60/60 ========================#.##...#.### #.### #.#.... Magic: 7/7========================#.##.......## #...# #.#.... AC: 11wg Str: 21#...........# ###.# #...... EV: 8Int: 14####.....#..# #.# ###.... SH: 4Dex: 9###.###..# #.# #.... XL:  7 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:5#.# #@.# #.# ###.# Noise: ---------  Time: 5265.9 (0.0)#.# #..# #.# #.. a) +0 war axe (flame)wg #.###..## #.# #.# Throw: 2 throwing nets#.......# #.# #.######...# ##.## #.##...###...######(# #................. wg 0##..###...######.. ##..######### ##. As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  p - a potion of enlightenment _Your surroundings suddenly seem different.  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _g - a scroll of blinking _Partly explored, can't reach some places.wgy wg wg- wgK wg+ Bwg wg+ wg wg wgd ,wgw wg9 wg ,wg wg< wg wg> wg wg# wg wg wg wg wg" wg" wgW# wgc& wg' wg( wg( wg+ wg - ,wg- wg0 wg?2 wgu2 wg2 wg6 wg8 ,wg9 wg= wg> wg? wg? wgB wgD wgD wgE wgZH wgK wgK wgL wg|O wgQ wgR wgR wgsU wgW wgW wgX wg[ wgN^ ,wg_ wgb wgCd wgd wgae wg}g wgi wgi wgj wg]m wg^o wgo wgp wgr wgvt wgt wgu wgw wgy ,wgz wg| wg~ ,wg wg wg ,wg wg wg wg= wg/ wg wgK wg wg2 wg wgI wg wg1 wgn wg- ,wgC wg< Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.wg wg. wg $ _wg wg36wg5wgC>9  You climb downwards.wg>wg`@wg6p _The ufetubus shouts! You hear a shout!  Found a flux talisman.  wg+There is a stone staircase leading up here.wgwgh #.%.....wg0 #......# ....... #..... ##...5. ##....5###......#.......@#====wgG95.7 (29.8)....#....#. ##..#.. wg ####.... ..## ###55 2 ufetubi wgwgwgswgd _There are monsters nearby!wg wgu wg wg[ n _Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.wgfG  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 54% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.wgU N  A tiny devil pulls itself out of the air.wg wgԘ wgj  s5s   scorpion55 2 ufetubi (1 ally target)5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)Your cerulean imp says, "I'm here!"wg  5-------==--6.7 (1.0)wg [ _A scorpion comes into view.wg..55.s5.----7wgy _A scorpion comes into view.  You closely miss the ufetubus. You barely miss the ufetubus.The ufetubus slips past you!  The ufetubus hits you but does no damage  The ufetubus closely misses you.  The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.wg< ..s5You block the ufetubus's attack.wg V=-9.0 (1.3wgZwgwg/  --more-- wgGW _Your cerulean imp barely misse wgNYou hit the ufetubus. You burn the ufetubus.  The ufetubus is moderately wounded.You hit the ufetubus. You burn the ufetubus. The ufetubus barely misses you.You block the ufetubus's attack. The ufetubus hits you. wgp@ 57-- wgThe ufetubus closely misses you.Your cerulean imp completely misses the ufetubus. wg /  --more-- wg{ block the ufetubus's attack. The ufetubus misses you.The ufetubus hits you but does no damage. wgOOThe ufetubus closely misses you.   orc (polearm) wg5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned) wg*300.3 wgh wgl _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 trident. wg[n  You completely miss the ufetubus.The ufetubus is moderately wounded.You closely miss the ufetubus. You block the ufetubus's attack.  The ufetubus hits you. The ufetubus closely misses you.The ufetubus barely misses you. wg#p wgt 2----Your cerulean imp closely misses the ufetubus. wgku wgH|/  --more-- wg"  The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.  You block the ufetubus's attack. wg5 .o..s wg M-------1.5 (1.2 wg$  wgf E _Your cerulean imp hits the ufetubus but does no damage. wg   You hit the ufetubus but do no damage.The ufetubus is moderately wounded.You miss the ufetubus. You barely miss the scorpion. The ufetubus hits you.  The ufetubus closely misses you. The ufetubus barely misses you. wg 48---You block the ufetubus's attack. The scorpion barely misses you.The ufetubus hits you. wg& /  --more--wgK  The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.  The ufetubus hits you.  The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.wg~ V.owg wgO [3---2.7wg wg E _Your cerulean imp hits the ufetubus but does no damage.wgKYou slash the ufetubus! You burn the ufetubus.wg  You kill the ufetubus!You slash the ufetubus! You burn the ufetubus.wg`AYou slash the ufetubus! You burn the ufetubus.  You kill the ufetubus!  You slash the ufetubus! You burn the ufetubus.  You kill the ufetubus!  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.wgDThe scorpion stings you but does no damage.wg.o..(ally target)o   orc (polearm)5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned) wgd4--43.8 (1.1wgwgwg/  --more--wge _Your cerulean imp completely misses the scorpion.wguvZ  You slash the scorpion! You burn the scorpion.  The scorpion is almost dead.The scorpion stings you.  You are poisoned.The scorpion poisons you!  Your cerulean imp hits the scorpion but does no damage.wgq.o wgՁD39=====--wgD6====5.1 (1.3Pois wgwg|9--wgs/  --more--wgH2 _You block's attack.wgJ3KYou slash the scorpion! You burn the scorpion.wg6EYou kill the scorpion!wg9DYou feel very sick.wg A 5. ###, ally target)wgG>4--wg2GU===77-6.2 (1.1wgYNwgR; _The orc hits you from afar with a +0 trident.wgZ~ #.%..... #......## .# #...... ##..... ##....o##......#.@5#.#....##.. ##..#...# ####..... ..## ###wgR{You swap places. You feel sick. The orc completely misses you.wgҎ#3wgH---70wgwgH _Your cerulean imp hits the orc but does no damage.wg#.%..........## .## # ##....o####..............5##wg.....#.@..##.. ##..#.....# ####..... ..#####wg wgp)m .oYou feel sick.wg$*[1--wgF* 8wg1wg5^ _Your cerulean imp barely misses the orc.wg#.%..... #......## .......# #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....o.# .5## .....#..@.# #.. ##..#.# ####.....##wgr7###wg   You feel sick.  Your cerulean imp closely misses the orc.wgs25==---=9wg wgpC _The orc hits you from afar with a +0 trident.wgu"{#.%..... #......## .......# #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....o.# .5## .....#...@# #.. ##..#......#wg"# ####......##..####wg0m  You feel sick.  Your cerulean imp hits the orc but does no damage.wg1V24---10wgY8wg <: _The orc hits you but does no damage.wg[O  You feel sick. You block the orc's attack.wg[>-1wgbwg#e^ _Your cerulean imp barely misses the orc.wgj  You feel sick.  Your cerulean imp hits the orc with a -4 spear.wg@32wg wg : _The orc hits you but does no damage.wg r  You feel sick. The orc completely misses you.wgR M2=-wg} 3wg wg _ _Your cerulean imp closely misses the orc.wgwgoo 2 orcs (1 polearm, 1 distracted, 1 al…)You feel sick. The orc completely misses you. _Your cerulean imp closely misses the orc.  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 mace.wg1HYour cerulean imp hits the orc but does no damage.wg=-4wg wgP _The orc barely misses you.wg:3  You feel sick.wgҾ .ooally target)You are no longer poisoned.wg+EYour cerulean imp hits the orc with a -4 spear.wg=1=wgP7====5wgHwgwgEP _The orc barely misses you.wgwg T  Your cerulean imp hits the orc with a -4 spear.wg .o)   orcwg.-6wgwg"C _The orc dies!wg'j wgUk wgr .o5<(ally target)wg s 32-wg9s 7wg~z wgx} wgwg!P.owg:"&8wg*wg.W _Your cerulean imp misses the orc.wg3 ~  Your cerulean imp hits the orc with a -4 spear.wg E====9wgj wg ^ _The orc barely misses your cerulean imp.wg  Your cerulean imp barely misses the orc.20wgwg D _The orc hits your cerulean imp with a +0 mace.wg!W  Your cerulean imp hits the orc but does no damage.wg!!3wg".=1wg)wg,_ _The orc closely misses your cerulean imp.wgowg oo 2 orcs (1 ally target)Your cerulean imp hits the orc with a -4 spear.  wgE[An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.wg&2wgwgD _The orc hits your cerulean imp with a +0 mace.wg/ m  Your cerulean imp barely misses the orc.wg^9 U.owg9 &3wgB wgLG ^ _The orc barely misses your cerulean imp.wg- wg/   Your cerulean imp barely misses the orc.The orc hits your cerulean imp with a +0 mace!  wgt 7Your cerulean imp dies!wgF..   orc wg:4=wg4wg{&wgt+f _Your cerulean imp disappears in a puff of smoke!wg=wg@wgGo.oo 2 orcswg2H&5wgeNwgQwg*,wg0.o.owg1&6wg|9wgx<wg+ a  You completely miss the orc.wg6 .oThe orc is severely wounded.wg6 H3=7.4 (1.2wg> wgA 6 _The orc hits you with a +0 mace.wgǹ^  You closely miss the orc.wg<{ .oThe orc is severely wounded.wg-8.5 (1.1wg~wgZ: _The orc hits you but does no damage.wgI  You slash the orc! You burn the orc.wg"wg  .<o   orcYou kill the orc!wg589.8 (1.3wgxwg": _The orc hits you but does no damage.wg[f  You hit the orc. You burn the orc.  The orc is severely wounded.wgf.31.0 (1.2wgnwgq6 _The orc hits you with a +0 club.wg  You barely miss the orc.The orc is severely wounded.wg (2.2wg wg3 Q _The orc closely misses you. wgI  You slash the orc! You burn the orc. wgoA)  wg(3.4 wgt wgTG _You kill the orc! wgJ #.%..... #......## .......# #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# .<## .....#..@.# wgJK #.. ##..#......# # ####......# #..#### ### wgU wg9V!4 wgrV--40 wga wgg  Things that are here: _a +0 club; an orc corpse!wgM%..... ##!wg K.......# . ##..... ##....###....).# !wg2 .......@##.....#..).# !wgT .. ##..#......# ####......#!wgv `..#####!wg,]-5 _!wgR1!wg64  There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here.  Things that are here: _a +0 mace; an orc corpse!wgR3!wg U!wgY,!wg]!wg^!wg^$25!wg _0=!wg`!wgd,!wg5g!wgi,!wgk!wgVo!wgoK6=!wgjq!wg0v,!wg&x!wg%{!wg{{!wgm~!wg,!wg,!wgB!wg97!wg!wg,!wg!wg,!wge!wgs!wgS8=!wg!wg,!wg!wg,!wgv!wgt!wg#9!wg(=!wg9!wg,!wgJ!wgv,!wgi!wg,!wg7!wgB!wgT30=!wgK!wg,!wg!wgC,!wg!wga1=!wg!wg,!wg;!wgr!wgR 55   shadow imp (wandering) _You start resting.!wg3058.4 (23.0)!wg,9.4 (24!wg!wg] _A shadow imp comes into view."wg[ #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... "wg##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......# "wg+ # ####......#  "wg0#..####  ### "wg"wg="wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# "wgH........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..##"wg*b ### "wgN"wgՙ"wg;"wg_"wgɤa _A shadow imp is nearby!"wgh #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #......"wg ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).#"wgP #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  "wg!9#..####  ### "wgJ*"wgT  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..##"wgT t ### "wgD^ "wg^ "wge "wgn  #.%.5... #......##  "wgn i.......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# "wgn a###....).# ........@## .....#..).#"wgo * #.. ##..#......#  "wg=o =# ####......#  #..#### "wg^o " ### "wgo  "wgo I_A shadow imp is nearby!"wg  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# "wg n........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## "wgw N### "wg "wg- "wg" "wg"  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##....."wgi"  ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......# "wg" G # ####......#  #..####  "wg" &### "wg" S _A shadow imp is nearby!"wgػ * #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@##"wgT  .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## "wg{ N### "wg# "wg "wg6 "wg a _A shadow imp is nearby!"wg  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... "wg z##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## "wg) <.....#..).# #.. ##..#......# "wgJ B # ####......#  #..#### "wgi " ### "wg; *#wg< #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# #wg=........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### #wgcE#wgE#wgN#wg%V  #.%.5... #......## #wgvVi .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....##wgV ###....).# #wgV0........@## #wgV<.....#..).# #.. ##..#......# #wgV+ # ####......#  #wgW0#..####  ### #wg*W#wgDW= _A shadow imp is nearby!#wg_W#wg} #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).##wg ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### #wgH#wg#wg#wg{  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......# #wgC #..####  ###  _is nearby!#wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #wg#.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### #wg#wgV#wg#wgF #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# #wg###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  #wgB# ####......#  #..####  #wg### #wg*#wg_  #.%.5... #......## #wg8_ .......#  #......#wgf_ ##..... ##.....##wg_ ###....).##wg_p ........@###wg_ .....#..).# #wg_#.. ##..#......#  #wg.`# ####.... #..## #wgR`N### #wgh#wgi#wgp#wgx #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....##wg"y ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  #wgIyV# ####......#  #..####  ### #wgy3#wgp #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  #wgj # ####.... #..## ### #wgD#wg#wg(#wgj2x #.%.5... #......##  #wg2d.......#  #...... ##..... ##.....##wg2 ###....).# #wg2G........@## .....#..).##wg 3* #.. ##..#......#  #wg:3B# ####......#  #..####  #wgc31### #wg3#wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# #wgi........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..###wgS ### #wgS#wg#wg#wgo #.%.5... #......##  .......# #wgb #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).##wg5 ........@## #wg.....#..).# #wgK#.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  #wg50#..####  ### #wgS#wgo#wgh * #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@###wg  .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## #wg N### #wg #wg #wgG #wgğ  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....##wg k ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #wge #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  #..####  ### #wg *#wg9  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# #wg: ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### #wg1C #wgC #wgK #wgU  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... #wgU ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  #wgU V# ####......#  #..####  ### #wgU 3#wg~ / #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## #wg( L.....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### #wg #wg #wgq#wg  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #wgG #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## #wgj <.....#..).# #.. ##..#......# #wg B # ####......#  #..#### #wg " ### #wg- *$wgbc #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).#$wg&d #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wgn$wgco$wgw$wg{$wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... $wg##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  #..#### $wgG+ ### $wgw!$wgNO #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wg U #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# $wgU###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  #..####  $wgVG### $wg; #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# $wg@###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wgp$wg$wgj$wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... $wg##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).#$wgK #.. ##..#......#  # ####......# $wg $wg#..####  $wg1### $wg7$wg{ #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wgX$wgdz$wg$wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##.....$wg} ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  #..####  ### $wg*$wgq #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wgv$wg #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... $wg##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  $wgL0#..####  ### $wg|3$wg / #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## $wg L.....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wg0% 4$wg- $wg_7  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....#$wg7  ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  #..####  $wg8 1### $wg98 $wg { #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wg $wg5 $wg $wgv  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... $wg ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  $wg B# ####......#  #..####  $wg0 ### $wgT $wgv $wg ; #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# $wgU ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## $wg} N### $wg $wgp $wg{ $wgq  #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... $wg ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......# $wg ! #..####  $wg: &### $wgW !$wgG{ #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### $wgN4$wgU$wg` #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... $wg`##..... ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####......#  $wg`9#..####  ### $wga*%wgP #.%.5... #......##  .......#  #...... ##..... ##.....# ###....).# %wg1........@## .....#..).# #.. ##..#......#  # ####.... #..## ### %wg%wg%wg%wg@%wg%wgD%wg%wgFSorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability.&wg,G  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 45% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.'wgDh  You miscast Call Imp.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.  Nothing appears to happen.'wg?r_.55'wgr"2'wgEs5-------==60.4 (1.0)Contam 'wgz'wg~_ _The shadow imp shouts, "Quit, thou clouted miscreant prigger-of-prances!"(wgG  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 45% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.)wg*)wgL.5)wgD|3----------------1)wg)wgF _You miscast Call Imp. Nothing appears to happen.+wg+wg_9--+wg+wg +wg+r.52+wg:+wg/#.#.....##.# #########.###..........# #.####.....############### #.##.....# #..........# #.####.######.########.###.##........##..........)#######.#######.............).....#.# #....<.......).######5 # #.# #...@.####.#.#.## ######(######.....# #......## ..................#####......# ######.....###....##.........# ### ##.#...##.#..##.##......# ..## #.........#..##.##.#...## ...# #..#...##.............## ...###..##.###.##.##.##.##.# .....#..##.###.##.##.##.##.#+wg7>-------+wg&+wgc3=3.9 (2.5+wg!+wg} _You climb upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.,wg4,wgy,wg,wgb4=,wgU,wgk,wg,wgS,wgC,wgP4===,wgl,wgvj5=,wg),wg7,,wgQ,wgB,wgR,wg`6====,wg,wg,,wg,wg,,wgzX,wg#:7,wg)j 77.9 (14.0) _You start resting.,wgK*&,wg1,wg4K _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.,wg ,wg> ,wgܨ ,wgw ,,wgʰ 5====,wg" i8=,wg̳ ,wgM ,wgv ,wg _9=====,wgm ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg@ 40=,wg ,wg ,wg ,wgc ,wg M6===,wg ,wg a1=,wgg ,wg ,,wgS ,wgD ,,wg ,wg ,wg& M2===,wgL ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,wgO ,wg ,wg2 ,,wg| ,wg d43=,wg ,wgQ ,wg ,wg ,wg _ _You start resting.,wg> -98.9 (21,wg ]7====9.9 (22,wgJ ,wgf % _Magic restored.,wgT ,wg ,wgZ ,wg ,wgs W4=,wg! X,wg" ,wg4# ,wg# ,wg% ,wg& T5=====,wg>& ,wg& ,wg( ,wg( ,wgx) ,wg;+ ,wg{+ ,wg-, ,wg. ,,wgG/ ,wg:1 ,wg1 U6=,wg42 ,wg3 ,wg&4 ,wg5 ,wg}6 ,wg6 ,wg7 ,wg9 ,wgJ9 %7,wgV: ,wg; ,wg< ,wg< ,wg> ,,wg? ,wgFA ,wgA K8=,wgeB ,wg!D ,wgdD ,wgE ,wgF ,wgG ,wgH ,wgI ,,wgJ ,wgM ,wg4N N9=,wgN ,wg Q ,,wgkR ,wg!T ,,wgfT ,wgV ,wgV L50=,wgW ,wgY ,wgY ,wgqZ ,wg] ,,wga 1=,wgc ,,wgd ,wge ,,wgf ,wgh ,,wgi ,wg.l ;2,wgl ,wgm ,wgm ,wgn ,wgp ,wg q ,wgq ,wgs ,wg t K3=,wgt ,wgw ,,wgw ,wg$z ,,wg{ ,wgb| k4=,wgD} ,wg ,,wg ,wgj ,,wgā ,wg ,,wg ,wgz a5=,wg8 ,wg ,,wg ,wg؉ ,,wg ,wg ,wg k6=,wg̐ ,,wg- ,wg C441.9 (4,wg ,wg H _You start resting.,wg _,wg^ g7,wg ,wgҹ ,,wgu ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wg@ ,wgp ,wg K8=,wg ,wg ,,wg% ,wg ,wgD ,wg ,wg ,wg U9=,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,wg ,wgv ,wg _ _You start resting.,wg -52.9 (11,wg [60=3.9 (12,wgX ,wgl " _HP restored.,wg ,wg; ,wg ,wg{ ,wg ,wg; B,wg ,wg ,wg ,wgd ,wg ,wg[ 9=,wg ,wgN ,,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg! ,,wg" ,wgh$ ,wg$ ,wg% ,wg' ,wg' ,wgj( ,wg* ,,wg+ ,wgp. ,,wg?/ ,wg1 ,,wgR2 ,wg4 ,,wg}5 ,wg7 ,,wgq8 ,wg: ,wg: ,wg; ,wg= ,wg= ,wg> ,wg@A ,,wgA ,wgC ,wg D ,wgD ,wgF ,wg*G ,wgG ,wgJ ,wgHJ ,wgfK ,wgBM ,wgM ,wgN ,wgTP ,wgP ,wgtQ ,wg|S ,wgS ,wgcT ,wgV ,wgV ,wgW ,wgY ,wgZ ,wg[ ,wg^ B,wg` ,wgA` ,wg` ,wgd B,wgf ,,wg`f ,wgRh ,,wgh ,wgj ,wgk ,wgk ,wgm ,wgn ,wgn ,wgq ,wgEq ,wg r ,wg t ,wgYt ,wgu ,wgw ,,wgx ,wgz ,,wg{ ,wgL} ,,wg~ ,wg" ,,wg ,wg ,,wgƃ ,wg$ ,,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wgʌ ,wg ,wg, ,wg4 ,wg+ ,,wg ,wg3 ,wg ,wgj ,wgϤ ,,wg ,wg\ ,,wg ,wgت ,wg ,wg̫ ,wg ,wg ,wgq ,wg4 ,wgb ,wg ,wg< ,,wgu ,,wg ,wgN ,wg -505.9 (5,wg/ ,wgX ,wg H _You start waiting.,wg* _,wg 4,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wgj ,,wg  ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wga ,wg{ ,,wg_ ,wg ,,wg ,wgj ,wg ,wg, ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ! ,wg" ,,wge# ,wgk% ,,wg& ,wg' ,,wg( ,wge+ B,wga- ,,wg- ,wg4 -25.9 (20,wg=5 ,wgZ; ,wg= H _You start waiting.,wgK I,wgL ,wglM ,wgQ X,wgR ,,wgS ,wgU ,,wgBV ,wgW ,wg#X ,wg.Y ,wgZ ,,wgZ[ ,wgO] ,,wg^ ,wg_ ,,wg` ,wgb ,,wgAc ,wgLe ,,wg2f ,wgg ,,wgh ,wgl B,wgl ,,wgm ,wg{o ,,wg$p ,wgJr ,,wgs ,wg"u ,,wgu ,wgw ,,wgBx ,wgpz ,,wg{ ,wg} ,,wg"~ ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wgL ,wgG ,,wgB ,wg ,,wg ,wg| ,,wg ,wg ,,wgʎ ,wgߏ ,,wgd ,wgӒ ,,wg ,wg# ,wgX ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wgA ,wgs ,wg ,wgH ,,wg ,wgޥ ,wg ,,wg@ ,,wgz ,wgԯ C60.9 (35,wg$ ,wgʸ H _You start waiting.,wgO I,wg ,wgy B,wg ,wgX ,wg> ,,wg ,wg ,,wg! ,wg ,,wg ,wg9 ,,wg ,wg ,,wg| ,wg? ,,wg% ,wg ,,wgw ,wgy ,,wg ,wg ,wg! ,wg ,wg ,,wg] ,wg ,,wg0 ,wg ,wg ,wgD ,wg ,,wg? ,wg ,,wgu ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,wg$ ,wg ,wg ,wg: ,wg ,wgj ,wg ,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wg? ,wg ,,wgW ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wgB ,,wg ,wg  ,,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg0 ,,wg ,wg ,,wg| ,wg ,,wg ,wg ,wgH ,wg ,wg? ,,wg ,wgS ,,wg ,wgE ,wg{ ,wg ,wg_ ,,wg ,wg ,,wgi ,wg. ,wga ,wg ,wg B,wg B,wg' .600.9 (40,wg' ,wg). ,wg0 H _You start waiting.,wg4? I,wg? ,wg@ ,wg#C B,wgC ,wg]E ,,wg-F ,wg)H ,,wgH ,wgJ ,wgJ ,wgtK ,wgsM ,,wg5N ,wgO ,,wgP ,wgR ,,wgYS ,wg'U ,,wgU ,wgX B,wg/Z ,wgZ ,wg$[ ,wgA] ,,wg6^ ,wg_ ,wg_ ,wg` ,wgfb ,,wgc ,wg"e ,,wge ,wgg ,,wg5h ,wg=j ,,wg6k ,wgl ,wgl ,wgjm ,wg5o ,wguo ,wgp ,wgr ,,wg4s ,wgt ,,wg3v ,wgw ,,wg"y ,wg{ ,,wg| ,wg[~ ,,wg~ ,wgR ,wg ,wgɅ ,wg ,wg\ ,,wg ,wg> ,,wg ,wg̍ ,wg ,wg ,wgj ,wg ,wgN ,wgF ,wgt ,wg ,wg– B,wgb B,wg -34.9 (34,wg ,wgç ,wgl H _You start waiting.,wgN I,wg ,wg, B,wg ,wg ,wgE ,wg ,,wg ,,wg ,wg> ,,wg ,wg B,wg ,,wg ,wg ,,wgB ,wg@ ,,wgU ,wg ,,wg ,wgI ,wgr ,wg ,wg- ,,wg ,wgA ,,wg ,wgZ ,,wg+ ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg6 ,wgb ,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg. B,wgC ,,wgC ,wg ,,wg ,wg% ,wgY ,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg" ,,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wg> ,,wg ,wgg ,,wg ,wg ,,wgW ,wg,,wg,wg,,wg,wg,wg,,wg,wg[,wg, ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wgz ,wg ,wgd,wg3,,wg,wg,,wg,wgJ,,wg,wg,wg,wg,wg,,wgF,wg,,wg,wg,,wgb ,wg!,wgZ#,,wg%B,wg0-76.9 (42,wg\1,wg7,wg8:@ _You start waiting.,wgGI,wgH,wgK,,wgK,,wgL,wgN,,wgkO,wgQ,,wg2R,wg&T,,wgT,wgV,,wgW,wgY,,wgZ,wg \,,wg\,wg^,,wg_,wg'a,,wg b,wgd,,wgj,wgk,,wgl,wgjn,,wg>o,wgq,,wgy,wgxz,wg|,,wg$},wg~,,wg,wgt,,wg,wgF,,wg,wgV,,wgW,wg,,wg,wg,,wgڎ,wg ,,wg,wg.703.9 (27,wgZ,wg,wg,wgI,wg,,wgxX,wg),,wg۷,wgչ,,wg\,wg,wg,,wg,,wge,wgH,,wgL,wg,,wg,wg\,,wg,wg,,wg,wgt,,wg$,wg3,,wg,wgL,,wg,wg,,wgr,wgW,,wg,wg ,,wg,wgu,,wg<,wg>,,wg,wg,,wgH,wg3,,wg,wg,,wg6,wg,,wgM,wg,,wgi,wg,,wg,wg#,,wg,wg,,wg3,wg,,wgZ ,wg ,wg ,wg ,wg ,,wg ,wgmB,wgB,wgD,,wg,wg)-38.9 (35,wgv,wg},wg!,wg.I,wgg/,wg/,wg2B,wgM3,wgb5,,wg5,wg7,,wg8,wg[:,,wg<;,wg=,,wg>,wg?,,wg@-wg/,-wg-wg,-wg_-wgP,-wg+-wg,-wg-wg, ,-wg2 -wg -wg -wgB-wg,-wg-wg-wg,-wgi-wgO,-wg>-wg2,-wg-wg<-wgv-wgB-wg-,-wgH -wgc",-wg#-wg%,-wgp&-wg0(,-wgy)-wg*,-wg+-wg-,-wg^.-wg0,-wg0-wg0~X-wg,-wgC66.9 (28-wgr-wg-wg'u-wg,-wg,-wg-wg,-wg,-wg_-wgߥ,-wgn-wgS,-wg-wg,-wgΫ-wg:,-wg-wgd,-wgZ-wg,-wgS-wgͳ,-wge-wg,-wg-wg,-wg-wg-wgҺ-wg-wg-wg)-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wg-wg|,-wg-wg`,-wgk-wg,-wg-wgy,-wg!-wg,-wg-wg,-wgv-wg,,-wgA-wg,-wgE-wg-93.9 (27-wg-wgk-wgP -wgI-wgB-wgZ-wg-wg -wg",-wg'#-wg&,-wgh&-wg(,-wg#+-wg+,-wg,-wgD/-wg/-wg0-wg2,-wg,4-wg 6,-wg7-wg_9,-wg:-wg <-wg;<-wg<-wgH@,-wg@-wgB-wgB-wg7D-wgCF,-wg`G-wg0I,-wgI-wgJ-wg!K-wgK-wgMM-wg}M-wgN-wgO-wgaQ,-wgqS,-wgjT-wg5V-wgV-wgdW-wgGY,-wg5Z-wgk\,-wg/]-wg5_,-wg_-wga,-wg3c-wg>e,-wgCf-wg7h-wgh-wg!i-wgsk,-wgGl-wgn,-wgo-wgq,-wgr-wguB-wgw-wg@x-wgy-wg.824.9 (31-wg\-wgn-wg,-wg<X-wgB-wg,-wg-wg=-wg-wg-wg;-wg|-wgH-wgű-wg]-wg-wg1-wgw-wgb-wgx,-wg`-wg,-wgu-wg-wg-wg-wg,-wgU-wgu-wg-wgb-wg-wg-wgv-wg,-wg-wg-wgM-wg3-wg,-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wgG-wgu,-wg9-wg,-wgq-wg-wg-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wg-wg-wgh,-wg,-wg-wgF,50-wg-wg%-wg|-wg<I-wg-wg-wg]B-wg-wg,-wg0-wgs,-wgu-wgO,-wg-wg,-wga -wgj"-wg"-wg#-wgv%,-wg&-wg@(-wg(-wgo)-wgD+-wg+-wg/,-wg@/,-wg/-wg1,-wgp2-wg4,-wg5-wg7,-wgK8-wg:-wgI:-wg;-wg<-wg!=-wg=-wg?,-wg`@-wgaB-wgB-wg9C-wg?E,-wguF-wg{G-wgG-wgLH-wgJ,-wgFK-wg-wgM-wgH-wg-wgC91.9 (37-wg-wg-wgI-wg-wgeX-wg$-wg,-wg-wg:,-wg-wg15.9 (4.0)-wg+-wg-wg-wgI-wgB-wgfn-wg-wg,-wgN-wg,-wg-wgy,-wg-wg? ,-wg7 -wg -wg -wg -wg-wg!-wg-wg4-wgh-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wg'-wg,-wg-wg,-wgo-wg6,-wg=-wg -wg1!-wg!-wg#,-wg<$-wg%,-wg&-wg/),-wg~)-wgL+-wg+-wgr,-wg .,-wg.-wg:0,-wg0-wg2,-wgo3-wg5-wgK5-wg5-wg7-wg=8-wg8-wg:-wg:-wg4;-wg =-wgK=-wg=-wg?-wg?-wgO@-wgA-wgA-wgC-wg=EB-wgtHB-wgI,-wgTJ-wg:SG927.9 (32.0)-wgRV-wgX-wgOgI-wgh-wg7lX-wgl-wgm,-wg&n-wgfo,-wgo-wgp,-wg q-wg5r-wgur-wg&s-wgiu,-wgv-wg]x-wgx-wgy-wg{-wgY{-wg{-wg@~,-wg,-wg -wgS-wg-wgN,-wg6-wg,-wg-wg-wgB-wgb-wg,-wg[-wgy,-wg-wg͔,-wg -wg,-wg-wg1,-wg8-wg-wg0-wgž-wgʠ,-wg-wg,-wg9-wgz-wgڦ-wgE-wgW-wg-wgH-wgp,-wg-wg9,-wg%-wg ,-wg-wg^,-wgY-wgq-wg-wgc-wg]-wg-wg"-wga,-wg-wg-wg4-wg-wg,-wgg-wg-wg-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wgo-wg,-wg/-wg-wg-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wgg-wge-wg-wg{-wg,-wg-wg1-wg-wg-wgI,-wg -wg,-wgI-wg,-wg%-wg&,-wg-wg,-wgv-wg-wg-wg-wg,-wg-wgB-wgN-80.9 (53-wg-wgq -wgX -wgI-wgB-wg-wg5 -wgj -wg",-wgT#-wgQ%,-wgi&-wgw(,-wg)-wg+,-wg5,-wgb.,-wg20-wg1-wg1-wgN2-wg(4,-wgV5-wg?7,-wg7-wga:,-wg;-wgu=,-wg6>-wg|@,-wgAA-wg|C,-wgDD-wgfF,-wg|G-wgbI,-wg/J-wg\L,-wg,M-wgyO,-wgMP-wgR,-wg5T-wg\V,-wguW-wg=Y-wgY-wg0Z-wg\,-wgm]-wg~_,-wg`-wgb,-wg|c-wge,-wgnf-wgh,-wg8i-wgRmB-wgen,-wg o-wgq,-wgs-wg#vB-wg |/6010.9 (30-wg|-wg[-wg-wgI-wg,-wg-wg-wg,-wg,-wg -wgB-wg$,-wg-wgJ,-wg-wg-wg-wg-wg,-wg\-wg3,-wg}-wg,-wgh-wg-wg=-wg-wg,-wg-wg,-wgO-wgJ,-wg)-wgi,-wg-wgh,-wgG-wg,-wg-wg-wg-wgm-wgB-wg,-wg-wgC34.9 (24-wg-wgR-wg3 I-wgF-wgX-wg-wg+X-wg-wg>-wgr,-wg'-wgzB-wg_,-wg -wgm",-wgB#-wg%,-wgZ&-wgg(,-wg*)-wg+,-wg6,-wg.,-wg/-wgO1,-wg1-wg3,-wgq4-wgt6,-wg17-wgN9-wg9-wg:-wg =,-wg?>-wgt@,-wgA-wgB-wg;C-wgC-wgF,-wg0 _Nothing appears to happen.1wgG  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 45% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.1wgG1wg,PL.51wgPs3--------------91wgX1wg\F _You miscast Call Imp. Nothing appears to happen.4wg< G  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 45% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.5wg]U  You miscast Call Imp. Nothing appears to happen.5wgA^r1--------------=405wgfd5wggW _The shadow imp barely misses you.6wgrt  You hit the shadow imp. You burn the shadow imp.  The shadow imp is severely wounded.6wgu-1.5 (1.16wgq|6wg\P _The shadow imp misses you.6wg  You hit the shadow imp. You burn the shadow imp.  The shadow imp is almost dead.6wg-2.7 (1.26wg6wg A _The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.6wgD  You barely miss the shadow imp.The shadow imp is almost dead.6wg҆(3.96wgɍ6wggX _The shadow imp closely misses you.6wg  You closely miss the shadow imp.The shadow imp is almost dead.6wg  n  The shadow imp gestures at you.6wgW 6wgn K-------5.0 (1.16wga 6wg4 - _You struggle to resist.6wg,!M_You struggle to resist.  You closely miss the shadow imp.The shadow imp is almost dead.The shadow imp barely misses you.6wg-6.2 (1.26wg6wgA _The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.7wg`  You closely miss the shadow imp.The shadow imp is almost dead.7wga`2===7.47wgj7wgn8 _You block the shadow imp's attack.7wg%U  You hit the shadow imp. You burn the shadow imp.7wg1/1.7wg21808.67wgM97wg;N _You kill the shadow imp!7wg nM.....#%..... ####.......# . ##..... ##....###....)@# ...<##.....#..).# ..# ##..#....## ####......###7wgq 7wg 4-907wgr 7wgY 7wgH M.....#%..... ##.## .. ##.....# ##....###....).# ...<#.....#..).#Contam .....###7wg 7wg9 A-507wg7wg8wg #......#%..........##.## #. ## ##.....# ###....)........<###..)..Contam ....###8wgٸ8wg48wg====18wg[8wg8wg3  %..........###.## #....... ## ##.....# ###....)........@###..).#8wg #..# ##..#......## ####....##8wg 8wg &28wgڟ 8wg  There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here.  Things that are here: _a +0 mace; an orc skeleton9wg<49wg 9wgB9wg9wg09wg9wg9wg9wgR9wgU"9wg"W3====9wg%9wg),9wg+9wg/,9wg09wg=4,9wg169wg99wg#:6====9wg;9wg,?,9wgA9wgO9wgWi 60.0) _You start resting.9wg@X&9wg^9wgHaK _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.9wg. 9wg~ 9wg> 9wg B9wg ,9wg 9wg ,9wg 9wg O4===9wg( 9wg" 9wg ,9wgq9wg:,9wg 9wg ,9wg 9wgQ===9wga9wg9wg9wg9wg<9wgf9wgx9wg",9wgB%9wg(,9wg$+9wg1,9wgZ39wgk7f5====9wg99wg=,9wg?9wgB,9wg2D9wgG,9wgI9wg-L9wglL<====9wgM9wgeP,9wgkT9wgMV,9wgq _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.:wgi q  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# :wg #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### :wgФ   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# :wg?#..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### :wg4:wg:wg@[ _An orc is nearby!:wg%  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# :wg........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### :wg3:wgg   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# :wgEh#..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### :wgbq:wgq:wg{:wgH   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......# :wg #..####  ###  _An orc is nearby!:wgC E  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# :wg ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# :wg #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### :wg)4:wg*.:wg6b   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ###  _An orc is nearby!:wg@   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# :wg#..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### :wg4:wg{:wg[ _An orc is nearby!:wgl  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).#:wg #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### :wgi  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..##:wgܒt ### :wgԡ4:wg:wg   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### :wgLM _An orc is nearby!:wgL !  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# :wgM ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####....:wgDM _ #..## :wgsM N### :wgPW :wgW :wg$` :wgk K  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ###  _is nearby!:wg   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### :wg :wg :wg: :wg    #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  :wgc G### :wgݷ   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### :wgk 4:wg :wgK   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### ;wg,  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wg54;wg=;wgG  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..#### ;wgHL ### ;wg5  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wg;wgt;wg;wg  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### ;wg[*;wgm  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wg"i  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### ;wg[  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wgUg4;wg%p;wg{q  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# ;wg{#..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### ;wg  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## ;wgyL.....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wg`#;wg#;wg);wgR2  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ;wg2~##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# ;wg2b#..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..#### ;wg26 ### ;wg3;wg  #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wg;wg;wg;wg;wg%   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ;wg###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### ;wg   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wgt 4;wgs ;wg   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ;wg ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..#### ;wg L ### ;wg7   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wgA ;wgA ;wgJ ;wgqU   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### ;wg>   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####.... #..## ### ;wgQ 4;wg;wg   #.%...o. #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....).# ........@## .....#..).# #..# ##..#......#  ## ####......#  #..####  ### wg G  Casting: Call Imp (dangerous; 43% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.?wgh?wguV.o?wgv{3--------------=1?wg?wgb _You miscast Call Imp. Nothing appears to happen. You block the orc's attack.?wgi ?wg7 P.o?wg \58-2.7 (1.1?wg ?wg] p _You closely miss the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 club.@wg-@wg 8P.o@wg8[9-3.9 (1.2@wgB@wgFk _You closely miss the orc. You block the orc's attack.@wg @wgTP.o@wg(5.1@wg&@wg)s _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.@wg4 You hit the orc. You burn the orc.  The orc is heavily wounded.  You closely miss the orc warrior. The orc hits you but does no damage.  The orc warrior hits you but does no damage.  You are poisoned.  The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom.@wg{6==--------6.2 (1.1Pois Contam @wg@wg8-@wg/  --more--AwgVz 2 _You block the orc's attack.Bwgea You hit the orc. You burn the orc.  BwgThe orc is almost dead.You hit the orc warrior but do no damage.Bwg557.4 (1.2BwgBwg{ _You feel sick. You block the orc's attack. The orc warrior barely misses you.BwgCU?You hit the orc. You burn the orc.Bwg#c ) feel sick. You block the orc's attack. The orc warrior barely misses you.You kill the orc!    The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom!Bwgg46=======----8.6Pois BwgnBwgqV _You are more poisoned.Bwg U .....#%..... ### #.......## .. ##.....# ##.....###....o@# ...<##.....#..).# ..# ##..#....## ####......#..#######BwgCd =  You feel very sick.42------4===90Pois Bwgj BwgNo x _You block the orc warrior's attack. _You see here a +0 club.Cwg  You hit the orc warrior but do no damage.You feel very sick.Cwgiq39---20.9 (1.3CwgBCwgX _The orc warrior barely misses you.CwgE  You hit the orc warrior but do no damage.You feel very sick.The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom.Cwg# 5========--2.1 (1.2Pois Cwg Cwg V _You are more poisoned.Cwgf:  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####......#  #..####  ### The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom. _Cwg;You are more poisoned.barely miss the orc warrior.  Dwg6b  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####..Dwg #..####  ### DwgZ  The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom!DwgF17======---------=3.3Pois DwgDwgV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Dwg  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# Dwg]###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####......#  #..####  ### Dwg@m  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<##DwgmJ .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####.. #..####  ### DwgxS   #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####......#  #..####  ### Dwg@yYou hit the orc warrior but do no damage.* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *You feel very sick.Dwg6O  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## DwgOPF.....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####.. #..####  ### Dwgq[Z  The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom.Dwg*\9/60 -----------===-4.5DwgCcDwgNfV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Dwg&)  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....#Dwg) ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####......#  #..####  ### Dwg   #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####.. #..####  ### Dwg `  You feel very sick.  The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom. _You barely miss the orc warrior.* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  You feel very sick.DwgZ _5-----5.7Dwg=Dwg_Y _The orc warrior closely misses you.Ewg?  #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####......#  #..####  EwgŒR### EwgLc   #......# #.%..... #......##  #.......##  #.......  ##.....# ##.....# ###....o@# ........<## .....#..).# #..# ##..#.  ## ####.. #..####  ### Ewg| _The orc warrior closely misses you.hit the orc warrior but do no damage.  The orc warrior hits you with a +3 hand axe of venom!  You die...EwgEn-5/60 ---Ewg/  --more--Gwg'Gwg[}Inventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe of flaming (weapon) Missiles (go to first with ()  v - 2 throwing nets (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  n - a +1 cloak (worn)  t - a +0 helmet (worn)  i - a +1 hat Jewellery (go to first with "=)  u - a +6 ring of intelligence (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)m - a wand of light (15)  r - a wand of warping (7) Scrolls (go to first with ?) Gwg f - 4 scrolls of teleportation  g - a scroll of blinkingh - a scroll of butterflies {unknown}  j - a scroll of brand weapon  k - a scroll of poison {unknown}  q - a scroll of noise {unknown} [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]HwgB Hwg,HwgJHwgGoodbye, Oo007.903 Oo007 the Chopper (level 7, -5/60 HPs)Began as a Mountain Dwarf Fighter on Oct 22, 2024.Slain by an orc warrior... wielding a +3 hand axe of venomHwg ?(7 damage)... on level 6 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:11:09 (6110 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.23737872 oddsox OpCA-27 escaped with the Orb3.22614997 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb4.22453554 frobop TrFi-27 escaped with the Orb5.21845920 BlyxxDjEE-27 escaped with the Orb6.21699434 Theoretic GrBr-27 escaped with the Orb7.21207590 frobop TrDe-27 escaped with the Orb8.19427956 fispok6969 DjCj-27 escaped with the OrbHwgT9.17955717 gosagan MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  10.15861251 Scinternac MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  11.14967373 thewalrus OnGl-27 escaped with the Orb  12.14936909 VeryStrang GrGl-27 escaped with the OrbHwgdHwg0Hwg? [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l