g  Player: PezBoy Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: crawl.dcss.io Filename: 2024-10-22.18:55:28.ttyrec Time: (1729623328) Tue Oct 22 18:55:28 2024 "g [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h"g R)0[?7h[?25l[?1c"g="gW"g"g&fWelcome, PezBoy. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaur k - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Minotaurs are large muscular humans with bovine heads. They excel at all forms of close and ranged combat. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Minotaur Fighter%g= %gB %gG Welcome, PezBoy the Tengu. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fighter i - Artificer%gG q - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiatorj - Shapeshifterr - Conjurer c - Monkk - Wanderer%gG as - Summoner d - Hunterl - Delver%g H Mt - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-mage%g0H u - Fire Elementalist Zealotm - Warperv - Ice Elementalist %gRH f - Berserkern - Hexslingerw - Air Elementalist %gsH ]g - Cinder Acolyteo - Enchanterx - Earth Elementalist %gH kh - Chaos Knightp - Reavery - Alchemist %gH Fighters are equipped with armour and shield, as well as a weapon of their choice and a potion of might. + - Recommended background%gI * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Change species ? - Help Tab - Minotaur Fighter'g*'gH'gPSPezBoy the ConjurerTenguHealth: 10/10 ========================Magic: 4/4========================AC: 2Str: 7EV: 11Int: 18SH: 0Dex: 12XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)-) Nothing wieldedCast: Magic DartZot (6000) 'g6Y....#.....#......##......###......## ##......#.##.......#...#..@.......#.......##..#......#.##......## ##......##......#.....#....#'g`'ghWelcome, PezBoy the Tengu Conjurer.The incredible Orb of Zot lies far below, as if waiting for you to find it.'gm'gPress ? for a list of commands and other information.'g'gݶ[ _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.(gi (gm   Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   0.0   1.0   0   f + Spellcasting 2.0   3.6  -1  (gm         (gn  b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1   g + Conjurations 5.3   3.6  +3                   c - Armour   0.0   0.8  +1      d + Dodging2.1   2.5  +1      e + Stealth2.0   2.5  +1          (go a                                    (go         (go         (go _    (gp         (g2p     The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  (g_p The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Help(gp G[=] set a skill target  (gp [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targets2g 2g 2g% PezBoy the Conjurer....#Tengu.....#Health: 10/10 ========================......#Magic: 4/4========================#......##2g% AC: 2Str: 7#......## #EV: 11Int: 18#......#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#.......#...2g& XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1#..@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)#.......##..2gF& I-) Nothing wielded#......#.#Cast: Magic Dart#......## #Zot (6000) 2gk& #......##......#.....#2g& j....#Welcome, PezBoy the Tengu Conjurer.2g& #The incredible Orb of Zot lies far below, as if waiting for you to find it.Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.2gA+ 2g3 2g8 2g': eg;e`egfegjw26 5999 _egokeg1negnC8eg}oegqegsegHt-7egnteguegwegyC6eg%zeg {eg|eg$~egh~C5eg!egegegC4egegxegegC3eg[210eg{egiZ89egeg\egegC8egbeg:egeg4;7egegegegӠ;6eg1egeg8eg2o5ego4egegղeg C3egGegeg^Y2egegegeg[C1egegDegeg"C0egegegegD79egeg$eg3o8egeg0egtC7egegHegC6egegeg~egeg-5eg<egegGegY4egteg}egegC3egegegegC2egNegegegC1egegsego0egy698765eg eg eg C4eg3eguegegY2egnegegC1egRegOegY0egegegegD59eg eg!eg#egB#C8eg#eg3%eg&Y7egG'egp)egz*eg*C6egL+eg?-eg.eg.C5eg/eg0eg1eg2C4egm2eg-4eg4eg5C3eg5eg&7eg8Y2egH9eg7=egI##..## ... # #..## ... ##.## .....# #..# .......# ##.##..... #..# ..... #.## #.... #.# #... #@# #..48.0 (egK_48.0) #...?...##. #...>..#### #.......##. #.#......#.. #.##..... #...  #.# #.... #....  #.. #... ..... ..... eg/RegWg9.0 (491eg]eg4`3 _Found a stone staircase leading down.fg8sfgsfgtfgwfg5~0fgfgD49fgfgfgFY8fg}fg9fg=Y7fgfg7#..## ... ##.##.## #.......# ###..# #.........# ###.## #.....# #..# #...... ......# #.###......# #......##.##......# #..#.#......# #..#...@...##..#...>..## ##..<#.......# #....#.#......# #....#.##......# #....#.###......# #......##.. #...... ......###. #..... .....#....#fgt253.0)fgp11 4.0 (56fgfgȳX _c - a scroll labelled MOHIVAQOBIfgh fg{i fgMj fgm fgn fg1s 26 5fgu fgu C4fgv fgx fgLz Y3fg({ fgQ~ fgW fg ;2fg@ fgP fg fgՄ C1fg fg> fg fgӊ C0fgϋ fg fg Z39fg fgN fg o8fg fg Y7fgȞ fg fgǡ fg C6fg fg fg fg C5fg fgө fg Y4fg fg; fg Y3fg% fg fg fgܳ C2fgմ fg۵ fg Y1fgǸ fg_ fg o0fg fg fg] D29fg fg3 fg= o8fg fg Y7fg fg fgF fg C6fg: fgD fg fgD C5fg fg fg+ fgc C4fg fgfgfgC3fgfg7fgfgC2fgfgfgk fg C1fgs fg0fgZ19fgfgmfgcY8fgMfgfgKfgC7fgfg fg"Y6fgz#fg%fg&Y5fg2(fg*fg,fg-C4fg,.fg/fg1fg2C3fg3fg|5fg6fg87C2fg&8fg:fg<fg!=C1fg;>fg@fg4BfgpBC0fg=Cfg}FfgHfg0HD09fgHfgJfgLY8fg26 6 _5hgf?Y4hgL@hgAp======3hgAhgBhg!CC2hgChg%EY1hgEhgGhg:GC0hgGhgIZ89hgIhg KY8hgKhg{LhgLC7hg&MhgNhgOv4======6hgOhg5R4 _Magic restored.hgTo5hgVhgWhgXC4hgJXhgYhgZhg4[C3hg[hg\hg]?======hgF^12hgj^hgZ_hg`Y1hgahgPbhgcY0hgdhgCehg8fhgsfD79hgFghgJhhgihgKiC8hgihgjhgkhgkC7hg1lhgmhgenhgnC6hgohgphgphgqC5hgqhgshgthg^tC4hgthguhgvhg+wC3hgwhgxhg zhg`z;2hgzhg|hgu}hg}C1hg~hgEhg`hgC0hghg݁hghgD69hghgVhg*hgoC8hgȇhgNhgY7hghghghgC6hg-hghgY5hghghgY4hgQhgؗhg3hgY2hghghg{C1hgϠhg(hghgHhg-0hghgqhghgPhgD59hgDhg)hghg۰C8hgahghgY7hg7hghgǷhg C6hghg8hg6Y5hghg+hghg?C4hghg6hgC3hghghghghgC2hghghghg C1hghghghgmC0hghghghgD49hgxhghgY8hgBhghgBhg;7hghghgY6hghgOhgY5hg0hghghgoC4hghghghgC3hg2hghgC1hghghg"o0hghgZ39hghghg;hgC8hghghgo7hg hghg>C6hghg8hgZhgC5hg6hghg hgLC4hghghgQY3hghgNhgHhgC2hghghg hgN ;1hg hg; hg Y0hg hghgZ29hgHhgmhgFhgC8hghghgfhgC7hg hg6hg=hg}C6hghghghgC5hghghghg-4hghgOhg"hg#Y3hga$hg%hg&hg&C2hg'hgi(hgM)hg{)-1hg)hg)hgZ+hg,hg,;0hg -hg.hg0p19hg\1hgJ2hg}2C8hg2hg4hg!5hgf5C7hg5hg=7hgY8Y6hg8hg:hg:hg;C5hg;hgu<hgg=hg=C4hg=hgC?hg'@hgY@C3hg@hg0BigY2igigig_igC1igigignigC0igigVig igI D09ig ig ige ig Q8ig igfig;7igigigao6igigC5ig>igcigigaigC4igigig^ig C3igZigiigTigC2ig ige"igW-_##....##~~~.######.#  #....###~..#....#.#  #......#~.....###.#  ##..#.####.#####.#. .................#.#  #####.##########.#.#  .... #..#.#  ...... #....####.#  ~.~....# #.@.......#  - igN..~.....# #.#########  ~.~..#.##.  Magic Dart ....##.  #.  #b   b   bat (asleep)..  #.   ig[:098.0 (95.0)ig@-9.0 (961igFig3KV _A bat comes into view.ig ##....##~~~.######.#  PezBoy the Conjurer  #....###~..#....#.#  Tengu  #......#~.....###.#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ##..#.####.#####.#.#  Magic: 3/4==================------ .................#.#  AC: 2Str: 7 ig#####.##########.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 18  .... #..#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ...... #....####.#  XL:  1 Next: 20% Place: Dungeon:1 ~.~....# #.@.......#  Noise: ---------  Time: 199.0 (0.0) .~.....# #*#########  -) Nothing wielded ~.~..#.# #* Cast: Magic Dart ....# #* Zot (5801)  #* #b b   bat (asleep) .. #. _Magic restored. _A bat comes into view.gC40mAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)jg5##....##~~~.######.#  PezBoy the Conjurer#....###~..#....#.#  Tengu#......#~.....###.#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ##..#.####.#####.#.#  Magic: 3/4==================------ jg.................#.#  AC: 2Str: 7 #####.##########.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 18....#..#.#  SH: 0jgBDex: 12  ......jg?#....####.#   XL:  1 Next: 20% Place: Dungeon:1 ~.~....#jgb#.@.......#   Noise: ---------  Time: 199.0 (0.0) .~.....##*#########   -) Nothing wielded ~.~..#.##*  Cast: Magic Dart jg ....##*  Zot (5801) #* #bjg  b   bat.. #.jg#  jgAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionjgShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the bat.  The bat is moderately wounded.jgg.b...11 =200.0 (10 _jgXkjgljg ##....##~~~.######.#  PezBoy the Conjurer  #....###~..#....#.#  Tengu  #......#~.....###.#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ##..#.####.#####.#.#  Magic: 2/4============------------ .................#.#  AC: 2Str: 7 #####.##########.#.#  EV: 11Int: 18  .... #..#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ...... #....####.#  XL:  1 Next: 20% Place: Dungeon:1 ~.~....# #.@.......#  Noise: =--------  Time: 200.0 (0.0) .~.....# #*jg? [40m#########  -) Nothing wielded ~.~..#.# #b Cast: Magic Dart ....# #. Zot (5800)  #. #. b   bat .. #.The magic dart hits the bat. _The bat is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - batAim: a bat (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)jgIL ##....##~~~.######.#  PezBoy the Conjurer  #....###~..#....#.#  Tengu  #......#~.....###.#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ##..#.####.#####.#.#  Magic: 2/4============------------ .................#.#  AC: 2Str: 7 #####.##########.#.#  EV: 11Int: 18  .... #..#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ...... #....####.#  XL:  1 Next: 20% Place: Dungeon:1 ~.~....# #.@.......#  Noise: =--------  Time: 200.0 (0.0) .~.....# #.########gM m#  -) Nothing wielded ~.~..#.# #b Cast: Magic Dart ....# #. Zot (5800)  #. #. b   bat .. #.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - batAim: a bat (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the bat.  You kill the bat!.##~~~..#  #....###~..#....#.#  #......#~.....###.# .####..# ......#   ....        #*  #. jgM  #.  #.  #.   ..   #.     jg ...jgQ 31.0 (1Magic Dart799 _jgB jg kgx26 87654kg8}32kg}kg}C1kg~kgkg=3======kg&;0kgkgkg}<89kgkg#o8kgPkg-7kgkg0kg]kgkgS======6kg\kgkgЊC5kgkgkg5C4kgkgkg.C3kgkg kgJC2kg>kgkgY1kg]kgC0kgQkgܚ4======79kgkgkg՞C8kgkgޠkg|kg-7kgkgkgkgkg?C6kgkgkgkgGD======5kgrkgkgkgkgC4kgЯkgkgfkgC3kgkgkgkgMC2kgkgukgkg?C1kgkgkgkgC0kgEkgkgkgD69kgkgkg8kgfkgC7kgkgckgRkgC6kgkgkgkgC5kgkgkgkgIC4kgkgkgkg+C3kgkgkgkg-2kg-kgkg&kggkgC1kgJkg>kgkgEC0kgkgkg0kgaD59kgkgkg/kgZC8kgkgkgkg-7kgkgfkgkgkg*C6kgkgkgckgC5kgkgkgkgC4kgtkgkgkg-3kgkgqkgkgkg&C2kgkgkgkg;1kg=kg|kgkgC0kgqkgkgkg.49kg(kgkgkgkgC8kgkgkgkg-7kg.kgkgkgkg?C6kgkgkgkgC5kg|kgLkg@kgyC4kgkgkg kg C3kg] kg kg kg C2kgF kg`kg_kgC1kgkgjkgGkgzC0kgkg-kgkg\D39kgkgkg6kgC8kgkgkgkg9C7kgkgkg|kgC6kg-kgnkg kgK C5kg!kg!kg5#Y4kg#kg$kgz%kg%-3kg%kg,&kg{'kgV(kg(C2kg(kg *kg+kg9+C1kg+kg,kgn-kg--0kg-kg .kg5/kg0Z29kg1kg~2kgg3kg3C8kgL4kg5kg6Y7kg7kg49kg:Y6kg;kgg<kg=Y5kg`>kgM@kg@kg>AC4kgAkgCkgDkgEC3kgEkgFkgHkgnHC2kgIkgJkgKY1kgLkgNkgQkgQC0kgQkgSkgVA  You enter the shallow water.kgWV19) Water kgWkglZN _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.kg\kgL\kgq\@7) kgA]kg `kg ckg[cC6kgdkghkgkA  You enter the shallow water.kgTlU5) Water kgmkgqN _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.kg1tkg{tH3) kgukg4xkg,zkgjzC2kg{kg}kgY1kgYkgkg1kgz;0kgkglkgZZ09kgӞ8 ###..#.####.#####.#.#  +..................#.#  #######.##########.#.#  ...... #..#.#  ......# #....#### .~.~....# #........ ..~.....# #.####### .~.~..#.# #.#  .....##@# #.# - #.# #.# #.#  ####.## #.###.####  #≈.~.≈###.#......# .. #..~.~~##.#.#.##.#~~.#.....~##.#.#kga~.##.#.~...≈~~~♣##.#.#.##.#≈~≈.~.~.≈~##.#.#.##.#.~.♣~.~≈.≈...#.#.##.#kg'091.2 (90.2)kg"11 -2.2 (917kgkg4( _d - a ring of firelgflgTglgglgjlg{llgYq26 6lgsrlgrC5lgislgtlgvlgvC4lgwlg2ylgzlgzC3lg{lg|lgT~lg~C2lgslgÁlg5Y1lglglgچlgC0lg&lg|lgdlgE699lglglglgwC8lglglgєlg C7lglgalg˘Y6lgvlglg)lgC5lg0lglglglC4lg+lgVlgMlgC3lglglgPC2lglglgElglgC1lglg&lg̵lglgA;0lg+lgָlgMlgD89lglglglgGC8lglglglg-7lglglglg(lgvC6lglglg lg\-5lglglg7lgklgC4lgBlglglg-3lglglg~lglgC2lglglglg-1lgAlglglgLlg;0lglglglgD79lg|lglg%C8lg|lglglglg3C7lglg.lglglg;6lglglg1lgC5lgRlglg:lgvC4lglgolglg-3lg=lglglglg1;2lg}lglg###.#.#..#≈.. .K..# #...~#...# # ...##.~~.#..#...............~...≈ #. ............≈~≈.~. #...............~.♣~lgZ c#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈~......$...........~#..~~ #@#######.#.≈##.~# #.#.....~# #.# #.#.###..#Magic Dart #.#######.#.# #### #.........#.# lg ###########.# K   kobold (asleep) lg >.# lg0327.2 (35.0lgzg8.2 (361lg"lg'u _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.lg P ###.#.#..#≈. PezBoy the Conjurer . .K..# #...~#.. Tengulgv  .# # *..#########.~~.#.. Health: 10/10 ======================== #..*............~...≈ Magic: 3/4==================------ #. *...........≈~≈.~. AC: 2Str: 7 #..*............~.♣~. EV: 26 lg =Int: 18 #####.#*#########.♣.~~≈~ SH: 0Dex: 12 lg F......$*..........~#..~~ XL:  1 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:1 #@#######.#.≈##.~# Noise: ---------  Time: 328.2 (0.0) #.# #.#.....~# -) Nothing wielded #.# #.#.###..# Cast: Magic Dart #.#######.#.# #### Zot (5671)  #.........#.#  ###########.#  K   kobold (asleep) .#  _d - a ring of fire _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionlg Shift-Dir - straight line, f - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 dagger (asleep, 100% to hit)lg ###.#.#..#≈. PezBoy the Conjurer . .K..# #...~#.. Tengu .# # ...#########.~~.#.. Health: 10/10 ======================== #...............~...≈ Magic: 3/4==================------ #. ............≈~≈.~. AC: 2lgy$Str: 7 #...............~.♣~. EV: 26 Int: 18 #####.#.#########.♣.~~≈~ SH: 0Dex: 12 ......$...........~#..~~ XL:  1 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:1 lg#@#######.#.≈##.~# Noise: ---------  Time: 328.2 (0.0) #.# #.#.....~# -) Nothing wielded lgm#.# #.#.###..# Cast: Magic Dart #.#######.#.# #### Zot (5671)  #.........#.# lgZR ###########.#  K   kobold (asleep) .# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  lgPress: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 dagger (asleep, 100% to hit)  lgZThe magic dart hits the kobold.  You kill the kobold!lg ###.#.#. . .)..# #.. .# # *. lga#..*.. #. *. #..*. *. lg*. . #.# #. lgS#.# #. .#.# lg` #......... lgC .# lg mg B......mg)11 5=9.2 (1Magic Dart0 _mg/mg2mg mg@ mg& 26 698mgi+ o7mg, Y6mg, mg8/ mg/ ;5mgi0 mg#6 o4mg7 C3mg7 mg8 mg: C2mg; mgR< mg> Y1mg@ mgB mgZB ;4======mgB ;0mgD mgF mg"I mgoI D59mgJ mgM mg]  #.#####.#..#####. #....# #.#..#≈ . #.)..# #...~#.# #....#########.~~.#. #...............~.. #..............≈~≈.~ #...............~.♣#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈.......@...........~#..~-mgu^ ######.#.#######.#.≈##.~#l#.# #.#.....~Magic Dart#.#.# #.#.###..#.#.#######.#.# ####.#.........#.#g   goblin (asleep)#g###########.#l   frilled lizard (asleep)#..#mg*m 40.2 (11.0)  A frilled lizard and a goblin come into view.mgrn mgw .lgg.lwandering)mgA} p==1.2 (128mg mg k _The goblin shouts! _You see here 6 gold pieces.ng] #.. #####.#..## PezBoy the Conjurer ###. #....# #.#..#≈ Tengu . #.)..# #...~#. Health: 10/10 ======================== .# #....#########.~~.#. Magic: 3/4==================------ #...............~... AC: 2Str: 7ng #..............≈~≈.~ EV: 26 Int: 18 #...............~.♣~ SH: 0Dex: 12 .#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈ XL:  1 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:1 .......@...........~#..~ Noise: ==-------  Time: 341.2 (0.0) ######*#.#######.#.≈##.~ -) Nothing wieldedng #*#.# #.#.....~ Cast: Magic Dart ng#l#.# #.#.###.. Zot (5658)  ng#.#.#######.#.# ### #g#.........#.#  g   goblinngT2 #.###########.#  l   frilled lizard (wandering) #. .# ng| _The goblin shouts! _You see here 6 gold pieces.  ngAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - frilled lizardng`Aim: a frilled lizard (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)ng{?S #.. #####.#..## PezBoy the Conjurer ###. #....# #.#..#≈ Tengu . #.)..# #...~#. Health: 10/10 ======================== .# #....#########.~~.#. Magic: 3/4==================------ #...............~... AC: 2Str: 7nge@ #..............≈~≈.~ EV: 26 Int: 18 #...............~.♣~ SH: 0Dex: 12 .#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈ XL:  1 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:1 .......@...........~#..~ Noise: ==-------  Time: 341.2 (0.0) ######.#.#######.#.≈##.~ -) Nothing wielded #.#.# #.#.....~ Cast: Magic Dart #l#.# #.#.###.. Zot (5658)  #.#.#######.#.# ### #g#.........#.#  g   goblin #.###########ng@.#  l   frilled lizard (wandering) #. .# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - frilled lizardng AAim: a frilled lizard (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  You miscast Magic Dart.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.ngG/  --more--og^k  Nothing appears to happen.  The frilled lizard hisses angrily.ogGog՟ #..  ###.   .   og.#  #l#.#  #.#.#  #g  #.   loga #.  og  og"11 2.2 (17) Contam _og\ogزog7D #.. #####.#..## PezBoy the Conjurer ###. #....# #.#..#≈ Tengu . #.)..# #...~#. Health: 10/10 ======================== .# #....#########.~~.#. Magic: 2/4============------------ #...............~... AC: 2og"8QStr: 7 #..............≈~≈.~ EV: 11Int: 18 #...............~.♣~ SH: 0Dex: 12 .#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈ XL:  1 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:1 .......@...........~#..~ Noise: ==-------  Time: 342.2 (0.0) og8######*#.#######.#.≈##.~ -) Nothing wielded #l#.# #.#.....~ Cast: Magic Dart #.#.# #.#.###.. Zot (5657) Contam  #g#.#######.#.# ### og8#.#.........#.#  g   goblin #.###########.#  l   frilled lizard #. .# og9Nothing appears to happen. _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (100% to hit)ogM ? #.. #####.#..## PezBoy the Conjurer ###. #....# #.#..#≈ Tengu . #.)..# #...~#. Health: 10/10 ======================== .# #....#########.~~.#. Magic: 2/4============------------ #...............~... AC: 2Str: 7 #..............≈~≈.~ EV: 11Int: 18 #...............~.♣~ SH: 0Dex: 12 ogM .#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈ XL:  1 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:1 .......@...........~#..~ Noise: ==-------  Time: 342.2 (0.0) ######.#.#######.#.≈##.~ -) Nothing wielded #l#.# #.#.....~ Cast: Magic Dart #.#.# #.#.###.. Zot (5657) Contam  #g#.#######.#.# ### #.#.........#.#  g   goblin #.###########.#  l   frilled lizardogN  #. .# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the frilled lizard!  You kill the frilled lizard!ogPV ) #..  ###.   .   .# ogjW  * #†#.#  #.#.#       #.  ogW ogI og 5.g.og }6-3.2 (16 _og ogV pg3 #.. #####.#..## PezBoy the Conjurer ###. #....# #.#..#≈ Tengu . #.)..# #...~#. Health: 10/10 ======================== .# #....#########.~~.#. Magic: 1/4======------------------ #...............~... AC: 2Str: 7 #..............≈~≈.~ EV: 11Int: 18 #...............~.♣~ SH: 0Dex: 12 .#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈ XL:  1 Next: 60% Place: Dungeon:1 .......@...........~#..~ Noise: g49;49m=--------  Time: 343.2 (0.0) ######*#.#######.#.≈##.~ -) Nothing wielded #*#.# #.#.....~ Cast: Magic Dart #g#.# #.#.###.. Zot (5656) Contam  #.#.#######.#.# ### #.#.........#.#  g   goblin #.###########.#  #. .# The magic dart hits the frilled lizard! _You kill the frilled lizard!Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger (100% to hit)pgD #.. #####.#..## PezBoy the Conjurer ###. #....# #.#..#≈ Tengu . #.)..# #...~#. Health: 10/10 ======================== .# #....#########.~~.#. Magic: 1/4======------------------ #...............~... AC: 2Str: 7 #..............≈~≈.~ EV: 11pgEGInt: 18 #...............~.♣~ SH: 0Dex: 12 .#####.#.#########.♣.~~≈ XL:  1 Next: 60% Place: Dungeon:1 .......@...........~#..~ Noise: =--------  Time: 343.2 (0.0) ######.#.#######.#.≈##.~ -) Nothing wielded #†#.# #.#.....~ Cast: Magic Dart #g#.# #.#.###.. Zot (5656) Contam  #.#.#######.#.# ### #.#.........#.#  g   goblin #.###########.#  pg2F]#. .# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinpgoFAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin!  You kill the goblin!pgM  #..  ###.   .   .# pgM * #*#.#  #)#.#      #.  pgXP.†pg84.2 (1Magic Dart5 _pg<pgqgW #.. ...... #.. #....# #####.#..####. #....# #.#..# . #.)..# #...~#.# #....#########.~~.#qg #...............~.. #..............≈~≈. #...............~.♣ .#####@#.#########.♣.~........$...........~#..#######.#.#######.#.≈##. #†#.# #.#... #)#.# #.#.###. #.#.#######.#qg!.# ## #.#.........#.# #.###########.##..#qgqg!26 -54qgqgqgk: M#######.......... ........#.. #######.#.. #.)..# #...~.##########.~~.#.~.≈~≈. #.@.............~.♣ .#####.#.#########.♣.~~........$...........~#.#######.#.#######.#.≈##qg*; #†#.# #.#.....#.#qg B qgxH {-63qgM qgcO rgv\f21)  _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.049rg`o8rgua~2======7rgf6rghrghrgi;5rgjrglrgEY3rgErgzGrg2IY2rgAJrgO1rgS~  Things that are here:  a +0 dagger; a goblin corpsergVrg'WJ0 _rgXrg[j  You see here a frilled lizard corpse.rg^rg_L599 _rg`rg.crgergPfC8rggrg8jrglY7rgnrgorgrrgr;6rgtrg vrgxrgxC5rgxyrg{rg}rg}C4rgrgrgWrgLJC3rgЈrgTrg!rgzC2rgurgMrgrgqC1rg`rgrgrg}C0rgrgCrgrgD89rgyrgrgNY8rgrgrgrg,C7rgIrg˥rg<rgxC6rg&rgrg{rgݬC5rgЭrgrgrg@C4rg9rgPrgrgbC3rghrg1rgpo2rg6rgAY1rg$rg@rgrg}C0rgBrgfrgrgD79rg1rgrgrgC8rg?rgrgrgC7rgrgrg ##...## ##..## ...+. ##.## ##..## ...#.. #.# ##..## ...#..###.###..### #.#...#.#...## ...###.....### ......###.### . #..#.#######...) #######.... ......422.2 (76.0) #.....##....# #####.#######.####....# #rg*.....#.# #.)..# ###..#.#.# #....#########..≈≈≈.#.# #.............. #≈.≈.#.# #.............. #≈.≈##.# #........ #≈.≈#..#####.#.#########. rg#rgzg3.2 (776rgarg0  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a goblin corpse  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a goblin corpseYou see here a frilled lizard corpse. _Found a dagger.rg0%Jrg\&rgp(rg+Y5rg(-rg.rg/C4rg0rg.3sg##...## ##..## ...+.... ##.## ##..## .# ...####.. #.# ##..### .# ...#..###.###..##..).# ### #...#...#.#...## .#..#.#...###.~.#.....### ......#........~###.### ....# #.....~#.#######...)#########...#..............#5.2 (2.0)#.....##....#########.#.#######.####....# #.#......#.# #.)..# #...~###..#.#.# #....###.~~..≈≈≈.#.# #.....~#≈.≈.#.# #......≈~≈#≈.≈##.# #.......~sg?#≈.≈#..#####.#.###.♣.~sgnsgf6.2 (33sgDsg$ _Found a spear.ug4uggug`ugugY2ugzugugdC1ug^ug ugugC0ugugug>ugD69ugQug ug)Y8ug,ug..ug0ug0C7ugM2ug~6ug8ug9C6ug:ug">ugJ...#......###..# #.......## .........####.##....b..####.... ........## #..##.......# #....## .......## ##.###.......# #.. #.....## ##..#.#.......####..#.## ##...## ##..##...+.##.## ##..##..#.......#######.###.# ##..###..#.............. ###.###..##..).#@### #. ..#.#...###.#..#.#...###.~.~....# #.....### #......#........~.....#Magic Dart ###.### #....### #.....~.~..#.#ugK#.#######...)#########.....##.##.......................#####.# b   bat (asleep)#.....##....#########.#..####.# #####.####....# #.#..#≈.~.≈ ....#.# #.)..# #...~#..~.~ugSt 33.2 (7  A bat comes into view.ugUugQVug_[[bbugbf4.2 (85ugjugm[ _Found an embroidered scarf.ugт k...#......###..# #.......## PezBoy the Conjurer .........####.##....[..####....## Tengu ug= ........## #..##.......# #....## Health: 10/10 ======================== .......## ##.###.......# #...... Magic: 3/4==================------ #.....## ##..#.#..b....####..#.## AC: 2Str: 7 ##...## ##..##....*....+......... EV: 26 Int: 18  ##.## ##..##..#.*.....#######.## SH: 0Dex: 12 ug ] #.# ##..###..#.*............... XL:  1 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:1 ###.###..##..).#@### #.........# Noise: ---------  Time: 434.2 (0.0) ..#.#...###.#..#.#...###.~.~....# -) Nothing wielded #.....### #......#........~.....# Cast: Magic Dart ###.### #....### #.....~.~..#.# Zot (5565)  #.#######...)#########.....##.# ug $ #.......................#####.# b   bat  #.....##....#########.#..####.# #####.####....# #.#..#≈.~.≈ ug9 ....#.# #.)..# #...~#..~.~A bat comes into view. _Found an embroidered scarf.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (100% to hit)ugA ...#......###..# #.......## PezBoy the Conjurer .........####.##....[..####....## Tengu ........## #..##.......# #....## Health: 10/10 ======================== .......## ##.###.......# #...... Magic: 3/4==================------ #.....## ##..#.#..b....####..#.## AC: 2Str: 7 ugA2##...## ##..##.........+......... EV: 26 Int: 18  ##.## ##..##..#.......#######.## SH: 0Dex: 12  #.# ##..###..#................. XL:  1 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:1 ###.###..##..).#@### #.........# Noise: ---------  Time: 434.2 (0.0) ..#.#...###.#..#.#...###.~.~....# -) Nothing wielded ug8B|#.....### #......#........~.....# Cast: Magic Dart ###.### #....### #.....~.~..#.# Zot (5565)  #.#######...)#########.....##.#  #.......................#####.# b   bat  #.....##....#########.#..####.# #####.####....# #.#..#≈.~.≈ ....#.# #.)..# #...~#..~.~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  ugBPress: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the bat!  You kill the bat!ugHD    ugH  † *  ##.## *  #.# ug.I*)  #.... #....###  ugdI1.  ugI..       #.)..# ugJ/ ugR3...ug11 9=5.2 (1Magic Dart4 _ugugGvg### #.##....#~~#..#.......#.......##~##.##....[..####....##~..##.# #....### .###.......# #...... ..#.#..†....####..#.### #.....+.......... ##.#..#.#######.###  #.# #..#.@........ ##.###..##..).#.######.........# .#.#...###.#..#.#...###.~# .....### #......#.......# ##.### #....### #.....~.~..#.#  #.#######...)#########.....##.#  #.......................#####.#  #.....##....#########.#..####.## ####.####....# #.#..#≈.~.≈#vg-vg26 -63vgvgvgd # .###### #.##....#~~ ###########.##....#~~# .#..#.......#.......##~##.##....[..####....##~~..##.# #....###~###.......# #......#~ .#.#..†....####..#.#### ..#...+........... #.#..#.#######.#### #.# #..#......... #.###..##..).#.######.........# vg #.#...###.#..#.#...###.~# ....### #......#.......# #.### #....### #.....~.~..#.# #.#######...)#########.....##.# #.......................#####.#.....##....#########.#..####.##vgM vg1 {-72vgG vg vg{ .##...####.##..###~#  .###### #.##....#~~ ##########.##....#~~## #..#.......#.......##~~###.##....[..####....##~~..##.# #....###~.###.......# #......#~.#.#..†....####..#.#### .#...+............ .##..#.#######.##### .# #..#......... .###..##..).#.######.........# #...###.#..#.#...###.~.....# ...### #......#........~.....# .### #....### #.....~.~..#.# .#######...)#########.....##.# .......................#####.# # vgvga81vgѵvgwg#.##...#....##~#.##~ .##...####.##..###~# .###### #.##....#~~ #########.##....#~~##..#.......#.......##~~#.##.##....[..####....##~~..##.# #....###~.###.......# #......#~..#..†.@..####..#.####.#.+............. #..#.#######.###### # #..#.................. ###..##..).#.######.........# #...###.#..#.#...###.~#.### #......#........~.....# ### #....### #.....~.~..#.# wg:[#######...)#########.....##.#wgwg|a90wg{wgwg4oM ##..<..........#####~###  ##..........##~#.##~  ##......#.##...######~# ##......##.###### # #......###.#########.##....#~~###.###..#.......#...#.####[..###~~~.## #..##.## ##.###....@..# #......#~.. ..## ##..#.#..†....####..#.####.# .## ##..##..+............. ## ##..##..#######.###### # ##..###..#....................~..~.~wgwgc4059wgnwgwg7RQM##.......#....### #~#  ##..<..........#####~###  ##..........##~#.##~  ##......#.##...######~# ##......##.###### # #......###.#########.##....#~~###.###..#.......#...wgS#.####[..###~~~.## #..##.## ##.###.......# #......#~.. ..## ##..#.#..†....####..#.####.# .## ##..##..+............. ## ##..##..#.......#######.######...~wga\wg aa18wggwgiwg wM##......# ~##.......#....### #~#  ##..<..........#####~###  ##..........##~#.##~  ##......#.##...######~# ##......##.###### # #......###.#########.##....#~~###.###..#.......#...#.######~~~.## #..##.## ##.###.......# #......#~.. .wge .## ##..#.#..†....####..#.####.# .## ##..##.........+.............#.#.~wg wg a27wg wg v _You see here a scarf of shadows.{gn4{gn{gp{gpJ6 _{gto5{gu{gx{gyv4======4{g{{g{g{gC3{gy{g{g {g]C2{g{g {g){gC1{gM{gÒ{g{g=Z======0{g{g{g{gؘD49{g{g${gY8{gџ{g<{gӣY7{g{g{g{gC6{g/{gX{g{gdC5{g{gm{g{gC4{g{gC{gŷ{gC3{g{g {g{gټC2{g{g{g\{gC1{g`{g {gaY0{g{g {g{g3D39{g{gN{g:Y8{g{gr{g{g(C7{gm{g {g{gC6{g{g{g1{g]C5{g{g@{g{gC4{g({g{g{gC3{g3{g{g{gC2{gV{g {gVY1{g{gN{g{gC0{g{g!{gZ29{g{gZ{g{g~C8{g/{g{g{gKC7{g{gb{gY6{gh{gj{gC5{g{gE{gM{gY4{g{g{gmY3{g{gt{g{gFC2{gu{gL{g{gC1{g){g{g   You enter the shallow water.0) Water {gP {g N _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.{g Z19{gh {g {g {gK C7{g {g {gb {g C6{g {g {g {gX C4{g {g {gG Y2{g {gn {g C1{g8 {gn {g# {g {g D09{g {g {gk {g C8{g {g {gK {g1 Y6{g {gf {g ;4{g {g {gF C3{g {g {g~ {g  {gA C1{g {gC {g {g; C0{gn {gb {g [498{g~ {g< {g {g! C6{g:! {g! {g" {g" C5{gr# {g?% {g& {g& C3{g' {g' {g ) o2{g) {g^* Y0{g* {g+ {g, {gH, D88{g, {g5- {g- Y7{g0. {g. {g/ {g/ C5{g40 {g1 {g1 {g1 C4{g2 {gV3 {g/5 o2{g5 {g6 Y0{g*7 {g78 {g79 Z79{g9 {g: {g; Y7{gd; {g"< {g< Y6{g= {g= {gN> {g> C4{g> {g? {g1@ {gj@ C2{g@ {gfA {gA Y1{g@B {gB {gC p69{gD {g0E Y8{gE {gF {gG {g8H C6{gH {gR {gS {gKT C4{gT {gY {gSZ Y3{gZ {g^ {g_ {gB` C1{g` {gRc {gc {gc C0{g)d {gRf {gf Z58{gPg {gi {gni {gi C6{gi {gk {gl {gm C5{gum {g6p {g?r {gr C3{g"s {gu {gw o2{g x {gy ^0) {gy {gY{ {g | Z49{g| {g5~ {g Y8{g {g$ {gZ Y7{g {gq {g {g C6{gO {gt {gC {gw C5{g {g {g Y4{g[ {g) {g Y3{gޓ {g> {gu Y2{g {g {gї {g ;1{gd {gw {gV {g C0{g^ {g {g4 {gf D39{g {g {gڡ Y8{g {g {g) Y7{g {g> {g Y6{gK {gq {gn Y5{g, {ga {g7 {g C4{g {gb {gv {g C3{g {g) {g {g( C2{g {ga {gF {g| C1{gظ {go {g  .....  ###.### B... ### ##.....### ...# #~# ...#.#...## ... #~### # .###.###..###..# #~~~### #.# ##..##... ##~~#~# # ##.## ##..##.. ......##~#~#~~  ##...## ##..##.## ##~#~#~~ ##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~# ......## #..#..##......#~##~# Magic Dart........####.##.##......#~##~# ...#......###..#.###~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~B   giant cockroach (asleep{ga B) ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~{g 2568.6 (126.4){g {g `. BB{g g970{g {gY _A giant cockroach comes into view. _You see here a sedimented emerald potion.gH ..... PezBoy the Conjurer  ###.### .... ###  Tengu ##.....### ...# #~#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## B.. #~### # Magic: 3/4==================------ .###.###..###*.# #~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##.*. ##~~#~# EV: 26 Int: 18 # ##.## ##..##*. ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##*## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:1 g\##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: ---------  Time: 569.6 (0.0) #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~#  -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~#  Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~#  Zot (5430) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~#### B   giant cockroach ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~ _A giant cockroach comes into view. _You see here a sedimented emerald potion.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actiongvShift-Dir - straight line, f - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (100% to hit)g  .....PezBoy the Conjurer###.### ....###Tengu ##.....### ...##~#Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## B..#~### # Magic: 3/4==================------ .###.###..###*.##~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##.*.##~~#~# EV: 26 Int: 18 # ##.## ##..##*. ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##*## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.....## ##..#[39gG ;49m.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: ---------  Time: 569.6 (0.0) #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~# -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~# Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~# Zot (5430) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~#### B   giant cockroach ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - giant cockroachAim: g [39;49ma giant cockroach (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.g g  [.B...gx" ~11 =70.6 (129 _g, gx! ..... PezBoy the Conjurer  ###.### .... ###  Tengu ##.....### ...# #~#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## ... #~### # Magic: 2/4============------------ .###.###..###B.# #~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##.*. ##~~#~# EV: 11Int: 18 # ##.## ##..##.* ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##*## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: =--------  Time: 570.6 (0.0) #.......## ##.##.###......#~g"##~#  -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~#  Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~#  Zot (5429) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~#### B   giant cockroach ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)gq .....PezBoy the Conjurer###.### ....###Tengu ##.....### ...##~#Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## ...#~### # Magic: 2/4============------------ .###.###..###B.##~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##.*.##~~#~# EV: 11Int: 18 gr# ##.## ##..##.* ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##*## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: =--------  Time: 570.6 (0.0) #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~# -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~# Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~# Zot (5429) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~#### B   giant cockroach ..##[3g?s7m ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is severely wounded.gggsX.B...gm1.6 (18 _gg gP v ..... PezBoy the Conjurer  ###.### .... ###  Tengu ##.....### ...# #~#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## ... #~### # Magic: 1/4======------------------ .###.###..###..# #~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##B.. ##~~#~# EV: 11Int: 18 # ##.## ##..##*. ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##*## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: =--------  Time: 571.6 (0.0) g #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~#  -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~#  Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~#  Zot (5428) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~#### B   giant cockroach ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _The giant cockroach is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (severely wounded, 100% to hit)g ..... PezBoy the Conjurer  ###.### .... ###  Tengu ##.....### ...# #~#  Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## ... #~### # Magic: 1/4======------------------ .###.###..###..# #~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##B.. ##~~#~# EV: 11Int: 18 # ##.## ##..##.. ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0g3Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##.## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: =--------  Time: 571.6 (0.0) #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~#  -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~#  Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~#  Zot (5428) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~#### B   giant cockroach ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ## .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~ ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachgcAim: a giant cockroach (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  You kill the giant cockroach!g 2 .....   .... ###  ...# #~#  ... #~###  #~ #.# †.. ##~~ ##.## *. ~#~   *## ~#~#~~  ~#~~ ~##~#  ~##~# ~##~# ~~####  ~#    #~~#   .### ##~#  g2+..gg"8 .....PezBoy the Conjurer###.### ....###Tengu ##.....### ...##~#g#`Health: 10/10 ======================== ...#.#...## ...#~### # Magic: 1/4======------------------ .###.###..###..##~~~### AC: 2Str: 7 ## #.# ##..##†..##~~#~# EV: 11Int: 18 # ##.## ##..##.. ......##~#~#~~ SH: 0g#+Dex: 12  ##...## ##..##.## #......#~#~#~~ XL:  1 Next: 110% Place: Dungeon:1 ##.....## ##..#.@# #......#~#~~## Noise: =--------  Time: 572.6 (1.0) #.......## ##.##.###......#~##~# -) Nothing wielded .........## #..#..##......#~##~# Cast: Magic Dart ..........####.##.##......#~##~# Zot (5427) ....#......###..#.##......#~##~## ...###......###.#.........#~~####gH$  ..## ##......##.#....######~~# ##  .## ##......#.#....# #~~# #~  ## ##.......#....### ##~# #~ Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachg$Aim: a giant cockroach (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _You kill the giant cockroach!g(%g 2/  --more--gf  You have reached level 2!g/  --more--g5 k5/156--2 4% g g, 6 _gx26 6 _g~54--3gC2ggnY1ggVY0gS2====19ggg#C8gXgZgC7ggY6gx====543210g=gg}3====09gRg^Y8gFgY7g@gY6ggn====5gvgY4gUgnY3ggcY2ggC1ggggSC0gg g% x4====399g g&gC8g0gUY7ggUgC6g[gg4X====5g-gY4gggC3gg g C2g!g#Y1g$gM&g9'C0g'g)5====89g'+g,Y8g .gM0Y7g0g3g&4C6g4g7g7X====5g59g:Y4gc<g>Y3gt?gAguAC2gvBgUDY1gjEgIGY0gHg{JgJu6====79gKg(Z~~~~#~~#~#~~~#~~-.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~g`1620.6 (48.0)gc11 -1.6 (498gcjgekW _e - a sedimented emerald potionggg8ggMgƓW26 7gu6geg6n====5gUgggaC4gggpgګ;3ggggC2gggg;1gggg#C0ggg&gD69gg" ..~  ... .   .. ..  ##.#....  .......#.  ... ..#... ## .### ..... .. ### ...####...########.####~# g.#...##.........@.....#~### ### .###..###..###.......##~~~###~# # ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# .## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~# ##..#..# #......#~#~~###~# ..## ##.##.###......#~##~# #~ .....## #..#..##......#~##~# #~~# ......####.##.##......#~##~# #~~g230.6 (9.0)gXt11 1.6 (10.0)8g<g[ _f - a scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIUgQ Jg gq m26 7gʢ ,gU g ;6g3 g˥ g g C5g gҫ g g C4g gܰ g Y3g g g Y2g g gļ g" C1gb g gU g C0g g g gi D59g g gR 87654g  ~~~≈ ≈~≈≈≈ . ...~... .~(. .. ....... ...# ....... ...# #####.#.....## ..$#.##  ............#.. .......  ........#...##...#.######  ###.###.....### 45.6 (14 ###.....####...########.####~# #...#.#...##...............#~# ..###.###..###..###.......##~~~## .## #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~ ## ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~ # ##...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~  ##.....## ##..#..# #......#~ ##.......## ##.##.###......#~##~#gm g g6.6 (153g g% _Found 4 poisoned darts.g/ g g g% g[ gÞ C2g| ,g g ;1g g g ~~..~....#  ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈  ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈  ...~.......~(. g w ....... ~....#  ....... #...# # ####.#.....###..$#.##### ..........#..+...w ......##...#.###### #.###.............#....### gIJ Magic Dart...####...########.####~# .#...##......#~### ###gw .###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug (asleep)  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~g 18.6 (2.0)gI f9.6 (30g* g T _A dart slug comes into view.g@  PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 15/15 ======================== ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 5/6====================----  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7  ....... ~....# EV: 26 gInt: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@******w  Noise: ---------  Time: 649.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###  Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#  Zot (5350) gi.#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug (asleep)  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~ _Found 4 poisoned darts. g_A dart slug comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - dart slugAim: a dart slug (asleep, 100% to hit)gR PezBoy the Conjurer~~..~....#Tengu~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈Health: 15/15 ========================~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈Magic: 5/6====================----...~.......~(.AC: 2g/T Str: 7....... ~....#EV: 26 Int: 18....... #...# #SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@******wNoise: ---------  Time: 649.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######-) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#Zot (5350) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~gT Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - dart slugAim: a dart slug (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug.  The dart slug is lightly wounded.g S......wg w11 =50.6 (149 _g5 g gTgmgWgF _Unknown command.g  PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 15/15 ======================== ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 4/6gA================--------  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7  ....... ~....# EV: 11Int: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 g$####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@******w  Noise: =--------  Time: 650.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###  Cast: Magic Dart g.....####...########.####~#  Zot (5349) .#.#...##...............#~### ### g###.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~ g*_The dart slug is lightly wounded. _Unknown command.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gWPress: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)g. PezBoy the Conjurer~~..~....#Tengu~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈Health: 15/15 ========================~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈Magic: 4/6================--------...~.......~(.AC: 2g/ Str: 7....... ~....#EV: 11Int: 18....... #...# #SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@******wNoise: =--------  Time: 650.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######-) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#Zot (5349) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ gL0 #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug.  The dart slug is moderately wounded.gA I......gn /  --more--g ``````The dart slug launches a dart at you.g......4--1.6 (18gYg% _The slug dart hits you.g  PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 14/15 ======================-- ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 3/6============------------  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7  ....... ~....# EV: 11Int: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 g3####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@******w  Noise: =--------  Time: 651.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###  Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#  Zot (5348) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~The dart slug launches a dart at you. _The slug dart hits you.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)gZ:PezBoy the Conjurer~~..~....#Tengu~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈Health: 14/15 ======================--~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈Magic: 3/6g============------------...~.......~(.AC: 2Str: 7....... ~....#EV: 11Int: 18....... #...# #SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@******wNoise: =--------  Time: 651.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######-) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#Zot (5348) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†g&...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug but does no damage.  The dart slug is moderately wounded.g .....w.2.6 (17 _g g  PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 14/15 ======================-- ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 2/6========----------------  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7  ....... ~....# EV: 11Int: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 g####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@*****w.  Noise: =--------  Time: 652.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###  Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#  Zot (5347) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~The magic dart hits the dart slug but does no damage. _The dart slug is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart sluggCyAim: a dart slug (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)g\:PezBoy the Conjurer~~..~....#Tengu~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈Health: 14/15 ======================--~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈Magic: 2/6gP========----------------...~.......~(.AC: 2Str: 7....... ~....#EV: 11Int: 18....... #...# #SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@*****w.Noise: =--------  Time: 652.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######-) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###g3Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#Zot (5347) .#.#...##...............#~### ### gΕP##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ g#...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g, Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  g\tThe magic dart hits the dart slug.  The dart slug is heavily wounded.g]%*.....gh&M5==g0/  --more--g@p `````The dart slug launches a dart at you.g.....3----3.6 (16gg% _The slug dart hits you.gY  PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 13/15 ====================---- ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 1/6====--------------------  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7  ....... ~....# EV: 11Int: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@*****w.  Noise: =-------- gG[ [39;49m Time: 653.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###  Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#  Zot (5346) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~The dart slug launches a dart at you. _The slug dart hits you.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)gPezBoy the Conjurer~~..~....#Tengu~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈Health: 13/15 ====================----~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈Magic: 1/6====--------------------...~.......~(.AC: 2Str: 7....... ~....#EV: 11Int: 18....... #...# #SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@*****w.Noise: =--------  Time: 653.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######-) Nothing wielded ##.###............gI .#....###Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#Zot (5346) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug but does no damage.  The dart slug is heavily wounded.g9*.....g:m4.6 (15 _gR@gBgM`g`gggjF _Unknown command.g#   PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 13/15 ====================---- ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 0/6------------------------  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7 gW%  ....... ~....# EV: 11Int: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@*****w.  Noise: =--------  Time: 654.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....###  Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#  Zot (5345) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~g% ~ _The dart slug is heavily wounded. _Unknown command.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)gX   PezBoy the Conjurer ~~..~....# Tengu ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈gLY  Health: 13/15 ====================---- ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈ Magic: 0/6------------------------  ...~.......~(. AC: 2Str: 7  ....... ~....# EV: 11Int: 18  ....... #...# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.#.....###..$#.#####  XL:  2 Next:  4% Place: Dungeon:1 ..........#..+..@.....w.  Noise: =--------  Time: 654.6 (0.0) ........#...##...#.######  -) Nothing wielded ##.###.............#....### gFZ S Cast: Magic Dart .....####...########.####~#  Zot (5345) .#.#...##...............#~### ### ##.###..###..###.......##~~~###~# w   dart slug  #.# ##..##†...........###~~#~#~# ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~ #...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug.  You kill the dart slug!g(` U  ga x         #...# #  *****†.      ge  #.# †     g7 *.....gP 205.6 (1Magic Dart4 _g gp gn go g{t gv F _Unknown command.g M...~~.~#..g N..~....# ~~~~≈≈≈ ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈~.......~(..~....#  ....... #...# # g3 ####.#.....###..@#.#####..#..+........†. ........#...##...#.###### ##.###.............#....## .....####...########.####~#gh gD g 26 -63 _g g 4==11 -7.6 (22gs g = _You now have 12 gold pieces (gained 6).g;M~...~~# #...~~.~#....~....## ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈# ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈~.......~(....~....#  ....... #..@# # ####.#.....###...#.#####..#..+........†. ........#...##...#.###### ##.###.............#....###...g#gge26 8.6 (11gggpv-M.##### .#~...~~# #...~~.~#.. ..~....# ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈## ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈≈~.......~(.#...~...@#  .......###...# # ####.#.....###...#.#####..#..+........†. ........#...##...#.######.##g-}gM1====90gggM #.##### .#~...~~# #.....~~.~#.. ..~....##  ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈### ~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈≈≈#~.......~@.#.~....#.#  .......###...# # ####.#.....###...#.##### ..........#..+........†.gݮgc6039gDg gF_You see here 4 poisoned darts.g g ==11 18g gn * _g - 4 poisoned dartsgXJgZg\5==26 7ga _HP restored.====6gbg cC5gcgeg fC4gfghg&iV==3gigkglC2glgnY1gogXqgqf2====0gqgrgftgtD29gug_wgwC8glxg)zg~z;7g{g|g8}B====6g}}g-~ggC5gڀgwgɂC4gg gfC3gggC2gRggɉC1ggg A3====gq;0gggD19gԐgngC8gg~g;7gig!guX====6gfgjY5gGggvC4gggC3gggbC2gggѣC1gOgs4====0gggD09g=g6gC8gKg(gC7gHg gdX====6ggC5gvggʲY4gIgiY3ggӵY2gTg,C1gg÷ggYv5====0g$gguE299ggٿg+C8gggC7ggggX====6ggNgC5ggrgC4gg/gC3gHgY2gqg`Y1ggg=t6====0ggg"gD89gHggxgC8gZgg<gC7ggggB====6g$ggTggWC5ggvg%Y4gg]ggC3ggRgg)C2gpge  You see here a dart slug corpse.ggJ1 _gg gl...~~.~#..~~..~....## ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈### ~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈≈≈# ~.......~..## .....~....#.# # g....###...#.# .# ....###...#.######..#### ...#..+........†@'...... .#...##...#.######...... ............#....###b...Magic Dart...########.####~# ### ##gi.......#~### ### .###..###.......##~~~###~#b   bat (asleep) ..##†....###~~#~#~## #..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~# ##..##.#####~#~#~~~~#guK 718.6 (57.0)  You open the door.gq11 9.6 (580g)gV _A bat comes into view.g ...~~.~#.. PezBoy the Conjurer  ~~..~....## Tengu  ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈### Health: 15/15 ======================== ~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈≈≈# Magic: 5/6====================---- ~.......~..## AC: 2Str: 7 .....~....#.# #  EV: 11Int: 18 ....###...#.# .#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ....###...#.######..####  XL:  2 Next: 20% Place: Dungeon:1 ...#..+........†@*......  Noise: ---------  Time: 719.6 (0.0) .#...##...#.######**....  -) Nothing wielded ............#....###bg+d[39;49m...  Cast: Magic Dart ##...########.####~# ###  Zot (5280) ##...............#~### ### .###..###.......##~~~###~#  b   bat (asleep) ..##†...........###~~#~#~## #..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~# ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~# You open the door. _A bat comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)g ...~~.~#.. PezBoy the Conjurer  ~~..~....## Tengu  ~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈### Health: 15/15 ======================== ~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈≈≈# Magic: 5/6====================---- ~.......~..## AC: 2Str: 7 .....~....#.# #  EV: 11Int: 18 ....###...#.# .#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ....###...#.######..####  XL:  2 Next: 20% Place: Dungeon:1 ...#..+........†@'......  Noise: ---------  Time: 719.6 (0.0) .#...##...#.######......  -) Nothing wielded ............#....###b... [39;49gm Cast: Magic Dart ##...########.####~# ###  Zot (5280) ##...............#~### ### .###..###.......##~~~###~#  b   bat (asleep) ..##†...........###~~#~#~## #..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~# ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the bat.  You kill the bat!     ..##.# # .# .#  * **.... ....  ###  ###†g3'...g<9=20.6 (1gdMagic Dart79 _g]g_gZ% Jg& g1' W26 8g* 7gY+ C6g+ g, gA- C5g- g-/ g/ ;4g/ g0 g>1 -3g1 ,g3 g4 C2g4 g5 Y1gl6 gz7 g7 t6====0g;8 g9 g: g: D69g&; g= @  There is an open door here.g> g> J8 _g? gkA g6B gwB C7gB gD gE g:F '====gtF 16gIG gH gI gQJ C5gJ gM ggX ~.~#.. ~....## ≈≈≈≈≈≈### #≈~≈≈≈≈≈# .. ..~..## .##.# #### .### gY #...#.# #..# ~~≈≈# #...#.######... +........†.'....@....^.[-344.0) #...#.######.......######....###......... #####.####~########## g_ gb -5.6 (154gh g{k # _Found a robe.g g gn g 3g o2g g g Y1g g gi A  You enter the shallow water.g U0) Water g d _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g gB I58) g gK g g< C7g g g Y6g gX g ^  ## g g  .#  #..  #### .##... ≈≈### ##.#### g ≈≈≈≈# ##@....# .## ##...#...b. #.# #######...### ##.Magic Dart.# #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈# #.######..####...####. .....†.'.........^.[..b   bat (asleep) #.######.......######. ..#....###......... ###.####~##########g* 243.2 (7.6)g, f4.2 (85g2 g?6 V _A bat comes into view.gr9  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  ## Health: 15/15 ========================  .# Magic: 5/6====================---- #.. AC: 2Str: 7 ..####  EV: 26 Int: 18 .##...  SH: 0Dex: 12 ≈≈### ##.####  XL:  2 Next: 29% Place: Dungeon:1 gs≈≈≈≈# ##@***.#  Noise: ---------  Time: 744.2 (0.0) .## ##...#.**b.  -) Nothing wielded #.# #######...### ##.  Cast: Magic Dart #.# #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈#  Zot (5255) #.######..####...####. .....†.'.........^.[..  b   bat (asleep) #.######.......######. ..#....###......... ###.####~########## _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. _A bat comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)gz   PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  ##g * Health: 15/15 ========================  .# Magic: 5/6====================---- #.. AC: 2Str: 7 ..####  EV: 26 Int: 18 .##...  SH: 0Dex: 12 ≈≈### ##.####  XL:  2 Next: 29% Place: Dungeon:1 ≈≈≈≈# ##@....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 744.2 (0.0) .## ##...#...b.  -) Nothing wielded #.# #######...### ##.  Cast: Magic Dart g #.# #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈#  Zot (5255) #.######..####...####. .....†.'.........^.[..  b   bat (asleep) #.######.......######. ..#....###......... ###.####~##########g Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the bat!  You kill the bat!g   ##  .#g R#### ...    ##@***.#  **†. gP }  ##.   †g Z.[gz /.....g+ 11 37=5.2 (1Magic Dart4 _g g g}g4g!g26 32gXY1ggY0ggZ49ggpgC8gg gUC7ggg;6gZg\gt6====5g g g gG C4g g gg C3g|gggC2gGgWggiX====1ggg~gC0ggggD39gU g"g%o8gm'g)g*C7gB+g -g.g0Y6g2g=Y5g?g@gCgCC4gRDgGgoIgIC3gJgMgNg  gF~~~###~# ####.# ##~~#~#~## #. #~#~#~~~~# .. #~~~~# #. ###~# .. ##~# #~## gg -5.2 (304gg!; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gx 4gNz g| gK n====3g ,gt Y2g g gۊ gh C1g) g g6 Y0g g: g\ 89gE o8g՜ gU g C7g gx g gܢ C6g g g' Y5g̦ g g g C4gY g g g$ C3g g g gS C2gװ g< g Y1g gs gE 0798765432ga g g, g C1g; g| g g C0g g g Z69g. g& gk Y8g\ g g g C7g g g- g C6g g g Y5g1 g g g C4g| g> g Y3g+! g" g# g>$ C2g$ g% g' g++ ;1g+ g, g. gO. C0g. g0 gU; ###########..####.#  ## ###......>.....#  ~###~######.#######  ~#~#~## ##.#  ~#~~~~# #..#  ~#~~~~####..#  ~~###~#.....#  #~# #~####.########  #~# #~~##.......@.#  39.2 (34 #~~~#..######.#  ~~~#..# .# ####~~#~#..# )# #gY< " ##~~#~#..# ># # #~~####.## .# # #~~##...# .# ###~~#..#.# .# #.##~#..#. gB gpE i40.2 (3559gJ gL G _Found a club. Found an escape hatch in the floor.gw2 4gs3 g5 gP: 8g; g/< ;7g< g|? gA gA C6gB gC giE gE C5gSF gL <  You see here a +0 club.gN gO J4 _g5P g{V  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.3 _gW gY gt[ g[ C2g{\ g.^ g` Y1g1a gsc g*e Y0g0f g h gi gi D49grj gJk g0l Y8gl gm g^o go C7g p g r gy  ##~~#~#..# #>#   #~~####.## #.#   #~~##...# #.#  ##~~#..#.# #.# g_z .##~#..#.# #.# ###~####.# #.# ..#~~#...# #.# ..#~~###########.#  ..##~~#........#@#  ..##~~~.######.#..l.#  ..###~..#....#.####.#  Magic Dart ....#~.....###.# #  #.####.#####.#.#  .............#.#  g7{ nl   frilled lizard (asleep) #.##########.#.#  ........# #..#.#  ...####.# #....####.#g -52.2 (12gф g3.2 (136gd g a _A frilled lizard comes into view.g ##~~#~#..# #># PezBoy the Conjurer  #~~####.## #.# Tengu  #~~##...# #.# Health: 15/15 ======================== ##~~#..#.# #.# Magic: 5/6====================---- .##~#..#.# #.# AC: 2Str: 7 go###~####.# #.# EV: 26 Int: 18 ..#~~#...# #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 ..#~~###########.# XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 ..##~~#........#@# Noise: ---------  Time: 853.2 (0.0) ..##~~~.######.#.*l.#  -) Nothing wielded ..###~..#....#.####.#  Cast: Magic Dart ....#~.....###.# #  Zot (5146) #.####.#####.#.# .............#.# l   frilled lizard (asleep) g#.##########.#.# ........# #..#.# ...####.# #....####.# _There is an escape hatch in the floor here. _A frilled lizard comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (asleep, 100% to hit)g: ##~~#~#..# #>#  PezBoy the Conjurer#~~####.## #.#  Tengu#~~##...# #.#  Health: 15/15 ======================== ##~~#..#.# #.#  Magic: 5/6====================---- .##~#..#.# #.#g<  AC: 2Str: 7 ###~####.# #.#  EV: 26 Int: 18 ..#~~#...# #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ..#~~###########.#  XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 ..##~~#........#@#  Noise: ---------  Time: 853.2 (0.0) ..##~~~.######.#.*l.#   -) Nothing wielded ..###~..#....#.####.#   Cast: Magic Dart ....#~.....###.# #   Zot (5146) #.####.#####.#.# .............#.#  l   frilled lizard #.##########.#.# ........# #..#.# ...####.#[gz=m #....####.#  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the frilled lizard.  The frilled lizard is heavily wounded.g(g/  --more--gH  The frilled lizard hisses angrily.g*l.11 ==4.2 (15 _gggW ##~~#~#..# #># PezBoy the Conjurer  #~~####.## #.# Tengu  #~~##...# #.# Health: 15/15 ======================== ##~~#..#.# #.# Magic: 4/6================-------- .##~#..#.# #.# AC: 2Str: 7 ###~####.# #.# EV: 11Int: 18 ..#~~#...# #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 ..#~~###########.# XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 ..##~~#........#@# Noise: ==-------  Time: 854.2 (0.0) ..##~~~.######.#.l..#  -) Nothing wielded ..###~..#....#g.####.#  Cast: Magic Dart ....#~.....###.# #  Zot (5145) #.####.#####.#.# .............#.# l   frilled lizard #.##########.#.# ........# #..#.# ...####.# #....####.# _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)g: \ ##~~#~#..# #># PezBoy the Conjurer  #~~####.## #.# Tengu  #~~##...# #.# Health: 15/15 ======================== ##~~#..#.# #.# Magic: 4/6================-------- .##~#..#.# #.# AC: 2Str: 7 ###~####.# #.# EV: 11Int: 18 g< ..#~~#...# #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 ..#~~###########.# XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 ..##~~#........#@# Noise: ==-------  Time: 854.2 (0.0) ..##~~~.######.#.l..#  -) Nothing wielded ..###~..#....#.####.#  Cast: Magic Dart ....#~.....###.# #  Zot (5145) #.####.#####.#.# .............#.# l   frilled lizard #.##########.#.# ........# #..#.# ...####.# #....####.# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the frilled lizarg7= Ed.  You kill the frilled lizard!gA *  #>#   #.#   #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#   ...#   #    gtB       g4 '.g 5-5.2 (1Magic Dart4 _g gf gggIgFgm26 3g521gggC0g!ggBD39gggGC8ggY7gg<gv5====6gkggC5g<gY4gg=Y3gggX====2gggC1gCggY0gZ29ggeY8gg;Y7gg1g6====6ggY5g8ggY4glg!ggC3gpgwg ====2gggC1gVggfgC0g3gggD19ggggC8gOgqggC C7g g&#g$g8%C6g%g'g0)g)C5g)*g{,gj.Y4g2g4gi6g6C3g7g9g:gN;C2g;g=gt?Y1g@gCP  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.gEgBFJ0 _gFg-J<  You see here a +0 club.gKgLK09 _g-MgOgPY8gQgRgSY7g0TgUgVgQWC6gWgYg0[Y5g\g]g^gC_C4g`gagbY3gcgegfg)gC2g;hgig%kY1gkgngqogpC0gpgqgrgSsE099gsgtgvY8gvgwgkxgxC7gAygyg{o6g|g}Y5g~gR  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ggCJ4 _ggPgg\C3ggggC2gg gY1gggҖY0gghgg7D89g"ggSgC8gfgmgyo7g`ggQC6gggǫg]gC5ggQH ..  ###########. #.........#.  ##.#######.#.  ##.....# #.#.  ##...#...†.#.#. ###....#.#. ≈≈≈~~~≈≈##.. #-- ###...####.###.#.# ....^.[...##.#.# #####..##.#.# .............†.#.# ##########..####.# ###......>.....# ###~######.####### #~#~## ##.# gb1914.2 (59.0)g11 -5.2 (604gzg_R _h - a black potiongngo4gpg|rgw26 3gxY2g8zg{Y1g|g}g~g~C0g;ggZ79ggg΅g7C8gyg0gY7gmg_gY6g:gg>gC5g1g&g1gY4ggmgܕC3g8gʗg#Y2gggTgߜC1gXg̞gܟgJC0gg+gLgD69gggGgC8gggީY7gjgggC6g,,gY5g9gg޲Y4g\ggGgC3gggg\C2ggggC1gIgNggC0gPgnggHD59gg#g-gC8g7g0ggpC6ggggY5ggMgC4gg~gDgC3gLg gJgC2ggggyC1gggg+;0g}gggD49gg+ggC8g}gg]A  You enter the shallow water.gU7) Water gDgN _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g9g@6) gggWY5gggg;4gDgg  You enter the shallow water.3) Water  g*_Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g^1) gggg;0gFggZ39gOg g!   You enter the shallow water.8) Water g g  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is goig^ng to be slow.gLgH7) ggg gC6gQggY5g@g7ggPC4ggggC3gg gB!Y2g!g=*^#####.###### ### ##....~...~~### #≈≈ ##........~~.~#. #≈##......~~..~.... #≈≈≈≈≈~~~≈~~~~≈≈≈≈≈ ##≈≈≈≈.~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈ .. ###....~.......~.. ... ###.........~....# ....+@.........###...# g*....####.#.....###...# ............#..+.... ........#...##...# ###.###............ ###.....####...###### ##...#.#...##......... ##..###.###..###..###.. ##..## #.# ##..##†......gY0####.................'68.0 (52.8...........##........g6g911 ======9.0 (531gR=g? _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is goign?Fng to be slow. _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!gf  #####.###### # PezBoy the Conjurer ## ##....~...~~### Tengu #≈≈ ##........~~.~#. Health: 15/15 ======================== #≈##......~~..~.... Magic: 5/6====================---- #≈≈≈≈≈~~~≈~~~~≈≈≈≈≈ AC: 2Str: 7 #### ##≈≈≈≈.~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈ EV: 11Int: 18 ..... ###....~.......~.. SH: 0Dex: 12 ......###.........~....# XL:  2 Next: 45% Place: Dungeon:1 ......'@.........###...# Noise: ======---  Time: 969.0 (0.0) ......####.#.....###...#[39;gh 49m -) Nothing wielded ................#..+.... Cast: Magic Dart ##.. ........#...##...# Zot (5031)  ... ###.###............ .. ###.....####...######  . ##...#.#...##.........  ##..###.###..###..###..  ##..## #.# ##..##†......  _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - yougUg|\#####.###### # PezBoy the Conjurerg^]## ##....~...~~### Tengu#≈≈ ##........~~.~#. Health: 15/15 ========================#≈##......~~..~.... Magic: 6/6========================#≈≈≈≈≈~~~≈~~~~≈≈≈≈≈ AC: 2Str: 7#### ##≈≈≈≈.~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈ EV: 11Int: 18..... ###....~.......~.. SH: 0Dex: 12......###.........~....# XL:  2 Next: 45% Place: Dungeon:1......'@.........###...# Noise: ======---  Time: 969.0 (0.0)......####.#.....###...# -) Nothing wieldedg#^................#..+.... Cast: Magic Dart##.. ........#...##...# Zot (5031) ... ###.###.............. ###.....####...###### . ##...#.#...##......... ##..###.###..###..###.. ##..## #.# ##..##†......  _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g^Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - youg4m:Okay, then.gDz4g{. _ghhgMi4gDkgYlgp26 0 _  g`qThere is an open door here.grgqsa29 _gvg wgewC8gwgfygJzgzX====7gF{g{~g0#≈≈ ##........~ #≈##......~~.. #≈≈≈≈≈~~~≈~~~~########≈≈≈≈.~~~≈~.~g #.....####....~..... #......###.........~ #......'...####......####.#.....#>......@......#..------73.0 (4#.####............ ....####.###... ....###.....## ...##...#.#...## #####..###.###..###.. ##..## #.# ##..##† ##..## ##.## ##..## ##..## ##...## ##..##gg8------4.0 (56gg{; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gS gT 4gW g_Y gZ C5g^ 4g2_ gb guc gc C3gd gf gh gh C2g4i g'k gl gsm ;1gm go gq g:r ;0gr g t gu gTv D19gv g`{ g| g } C8gs} gJ gM g ;7gW g' g gӆ C6g) gD R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.g g J5 _g g| g gv ;4g g g g C3g g g gt C2g g gH g3 C1g g͢ gJ c11 0g g L _You now have 17 gold pieces (gained 5).gŨ g/ ?26 09g g g gڭ g7 (11 g ;8gC gƱ 7 _You open the door.g g W26 7g g @  There is an open door here.g_ g J6 _g gF gϾ g/ C5gԿ g g gz C4g g g* g C3g gp g  #.......###......###.  ##........'.  #.........##......####  #...#'#>..............  #...#.#.#.####...  #...#.#.#.......####.#  g W#...#.#........###....   #...#.#.......##...#.   #...#@#..######..###.#  .......#..# ##..## #  ........#..# ##..## ##.#Magic Dart  ........#..###..## ##...  ..g.....#..##..##  ...........##.## ##...g   hobgoblin (asleep)  gE R........# #.....  #######.. ##.####.......   #..###......#.g9 097.0 (23.0)g g8.0 (242gx g \ _A hobgoblin comes into view.gN #.......###......###. PezBoy the Conjurer ##........##......'... Tengu #.........##......#### Health: 15/15 ======================== #...#'#>.............. Magic: 5/6====================---- #...#.#.#.####........ AC: 2Str: 7 #...#.#.#.......####.# EV: 26 Int: 18 #...#.#........###.... SH: 0Dex: 12 #...#.#.......##...#.# XL:  2 Next: 45% Place: Dungeon:1 #...#@#..######..###.# Noise: ---------  Time: 998.0 (0.0) ......*.#..# ##..## #.# -) Nothing wielded ....gӿ[35m**..#..# ##..## ##.# Cast: Magic Dart ...*....#..###..## ##... Zot (5002)  ..g.....#..##..## ##.... ...........##.## ##..... g   hobgoblin (asleep) ........# #..# ##...... #######.. ##.####....... #..###......#. _There is an open door here. _A hobgoblin comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (asleep, 100% to hit)g #.......###......###. PezBoy the Conjurer ##........##......'... Tengu #.........##......#### Health: 15/15 ======================== #...#'#>.............. Magic: 5/6====================----g{ #...#.#.#.####........ AC: 2Str: 7 #...#.#.#.......####.# EV: 26 Int: 18 #...#.#........###.... SH: 0Dex: 12 #...#.#.......##...#.# XL:  2 Next: 45% Place: Dungeon:1 #...#@#..######..###.# Noise: ---------  Time: 998.0 (0.0) ........#..# ##..## #.# -) Nothing wielded ........#..# ##..## ##.# Cast: Magic Dart ........#..###..## ##... Zot (5002)  ..g.....#..##..## ##.... ...........##.## ##..... g   hobgoblin (asleep) ........# #..# ##...... #######.. ##.####.......gR8 #..###......#.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!g   #....... >. ..g5 .#..... .....   *.#..#   ....**   ...*g  ..†       g #..#          gj :....gs 11 54=9.0 (1Magic Dart1 _gMy gz g6-26 0g 249998g3Y7g+4g5g5C6gk6g7Y5g9g:g:C4g;gU<g<C3g+=g>g>t6====2g?gAgCg DC1gDgIGgHgkI;0gIgKgLgVMD89gMgOg6QgQX====8gRRgSgUgUC7gCVgXgcZgZC6ga[g^g'_g_C5g[`gagbg`cC4gcgLeg2fggC3ggghgigHjC2gjgkglgmC1gzmgogry11 0grgx ........### ##....†.....#..##..## ##............##.## ##.............#..#..# #########...##.#### #.###..###......#.##### #.# #.###......###[.....#.# #.##......## ......'@# #.#......## -1020.0 (21.0)### #.......##  #...>..##  #.......## . #.#......## #.##......## ## #.###......### #.. ##......##. ##...... gՀ1_You open the door.gC _Found a robe.g9AJgCgpFgKr26 79 _gL@  There is an open door here.gNgJOJ8 _gzPgwRg~TgUC7gVgZgV[g[C6g\g^gagaC5gNbgdg}fgfC4gggjgkg>lC3glgmg ogoC2gog"qgrgrC1grgytgug7vC0gwgxgygzD69gzg{g:|g|C8g|g}g}g~C7gk~g ggY6gPgog͂C5gvgĄgguY4ggňg2C3gg#gBy11 2g̕gR gg˙_You open the door.gMggО26 gf1g(g<g{ g gThere is an open door here.g^g|g\#0 g_gg59go8ggg<c11 7gg7 _You open the door.ggfW26 6ggO@  There is an open door here.g_gJ5 _gggY4g5ggg C3g}ggRgY2gg!gY1ggfgC0gmgg498g|g ggC7gigggC6gggg6C5gggg,C4gg#g0gC3g/gVgg"C2gggg<C1gggg^C0ggPgMgD39gPgtgkgC8gbggEgC7g`gYgUgC6gHgRgNgC5gXg gu g C4go g4 ggFC3ggoggrC2ggHgtgC1ggggC0gWggn Z29g!g9+ #..#### #........ #.....# #..... #...#.#########.#### #.............#.# #.) #..##.####..#.#.# # #..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# #... #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# #.... #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# #.... #..##.#@##≈.≈#..#####.#.- g;,#.. #.#.##...... #.#.# ###########.#. #.#.# #†#. #.# #)#. #.# #.#. ..# #.#. ### #.## #g1,71.0 (5g3q11 2.0 (528g\8gi: _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 5)gg4gtgg26 76g8ggg<C5ggggC4gtg|gWgC3gCgTg&gC2ggg goC1ggggQC0gggaZ19gg[gwgC8ggg; #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# # #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# # #..##.#.##≈.≈#..#### #.. #.#.###....... #.. #.#.# ########## .. #.#.# ######. #.#.# w......##.#.# .......@....# #########.### ........# gOMagic Dart#######.#  ### w   dart slug (asleep)   g-82.0 (10g_.wwg g3.0 (117g%g}(F _A dart slug comes into view.g(g #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# # PezBoy the Conjurer #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# # Tengu #..##.#.##≈.≈#..#### Health: 15/15 ======================== #.. #.#.###......... Magic: 5/6====================---- #.. #.#.# ########## AC: 2Str: 7 .. #.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 18 ######. #.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 .......##.#.#  XL:  2 Next: 54% Place: Dungeon:1 .w*****@....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1083.0 (0.0) #########.### [40g1m -) Nothing wielded ........#  Cast: Magic Dart #######.#  Zot (4917)  ###   w   dart slug _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 5) _A dart slug comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - dart slugAim: a dart slug (100% to hit)gyf#..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# # PezBoy the Conjurer#..##.#.##≈.≈##.# # Tengu#..##.#.##≈.≈#..#### Health: 15/15 ========================#.. #.#.###......... Magic: 5/6====================----#.. #.#.# ########## AC: 2Str: 7.. #.#.#EV: 26 Int: 18######. #.#.#SH: 0Dex: 12gR.......##.#.#XL:  2 Next: 54% Place: Dungeon:1.w*****@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1083.0 (0.0)#########.###-) Nothing wielded........#Cast: Magic Dart#######.#Zot (4917) ###w   dart slugAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - dart slugAim: a dart slug (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug.  The dart slug is moderately wounded.g~ygYK.w....g:11 =4.0 (1g|B6 _gȆggE t #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# # PezBoy the Conjurer #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# # Tengu #..##.#.##≈.≈#..#### Health: 15/15 ======================== #.. #.#.###......... Magic: 4/6================-------- #.. #.#.# ########## AC: 2Str: 7 .. #.#.#  EV: 11Int: 18 ######. #.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 .......##.#.#  XL:  2 Next: 54% Place: Dungeon:1 g ..w****@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 1084.0 (0.0) #########.###  -) Nothing wielded ........#  Cast: Magic Dart #######.#  Zot (4916)  ###   w   dart slugThe magic dart hits the dart slug. _The dart slug is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)g #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# # PezBoy the Conjurer #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# # Tengu #..##.#.##≈.≈#..#### Health: 15/15 ======================== #.. #.#.###......... Magic: 4/6================-------- #.. #.#.# ########## AC: 2Str: 7 .. #.#.#  EV: 11Int: 18 ######. #.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 .......##.#.#  XL:  2 Next: 54% Place: Dungeon:1 ..w....@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 1084.0 (0.0) #########.###  -) g[39;49mNothing wielded ........#  Cast: Magic Dart #######.#  Zot (4916)  ###   w   dart slugAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the dart slug.  You kill the dart slug!     . #.. #.#. #.. #.#.#  .. #.#.#  g #.#.#    ...****        ###  g*.....g4705.0 (1gcMagic Dart5 _g g"gg4gqgW26 4gK 32g g g C1gPglgC0gQggZ09gY8gEgg(v5====7gogNY6gg-gY5g8gC4ggsgX====3gwgdgC2gEggC1gRggO C0g5!g"g"E899g"g$g %Y8g%gX&6====7g'g*(g}(C6g$)g+gP,g,C5ge-g$/g1Y4g1g3g4gB5X====3g5g7g.9g:Y2g;g<gT=C1g=g?gb@g@C0g5AgBg gE |#.#.##..##.####..#.#.##..##.#...≈≈≈.#.##..##.#.##≈.≈.#.##..##.#.##≈.≈##.##..##.#.##≈.≈#..##..##.#.###.#..##.#.# ##....g..@..##.#.# #.#.##.#.# #. .##.#.# #g .# #. .# gG gxM H.gg}N a28gU gX gc #.............#.# PezBoy the Conjurer #..##.####..#.#.# Tengu #..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# Health: 15/15 ======================== #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# Magic: 3/6============------------ #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# AC: 2Str: 7 #..##.#.##≈.≈#..# EV: 26 Int: 18 #..##.#.###...... SH: 0Dex: 12 gҝ#########..##.#.# ####### XL:  2 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:1 #.....g*@..##.#.#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1122.0 (0.0) #.########.##.#.#  -) Nothing wielded #. ........##.#.#  Cast: Magic Dart #g .............#  Zot (4878)  #. ##########.###  #. ........#  g   gnoll #. #######.#  ## ### The magic dart hits the gnoll. _The gnoll is heavily wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)gk#.............#.# PezBoy the Conjurerg!#..##.####..#.#.# Tengu#..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# Health: 15/15 ========================#..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# Magic: 3/6============------------#..##.#.##≈.≈##.# AC: 2Str: 7#..##.#.##≈.≈#..# EV: 26 Int: 18#..##.#.###...... SH: 0Dex: 12#########..##.#.# ####### XL:  2 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:1#.....g*@..##.#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1122.0 (0.0)#.########.##.#.#-) Nothing wielded#. ........##.#.#Cast: Magic Dart#g[g]#m .............#Zot (4878) #. ##########.####. ........#g   gnoll#. #######.######Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the gnoll.  The gnoll is almost dead.g7g&l.g g+:11 =3.0 (1gB7 _ggg g *#...#.#########.#gU Y#.............#.# g c#..##.####..#.#.# g i#..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# g: g#..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# g g#..##.#.##≈.≈##.# g Q#..##.#.##≈.≈#..##g  g- L#..##.#.###.......g l#########@.##.#.# #########......g...##.#.# #.########.##.#.# #. ..##.#.# #g .............#g6 H#. ##########.####. ........##. #######.######g g /.gg? g g^ 4g ====g; 26 g 4g %6gK g g  g_ g L_The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll misses you.gq g'#.....# #.....#...#.#########.####.............#.# #..##.####..#.#.# #..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# #..##.#.##≈.≈.#.# #..##.#.##≈.≈##.# #..##.#.##≈.≈#..### #.@##.#.###........#########..##.#.# ##########.......g..##.#.# #.########.##.#.# #. ........##.#.##g .............# #. ##########.####. ........##. #######.#gg>g..gi-55gggg8-g gAg###...# #.....#.#########.###..........###..#..≈≈.#.# ≈.≈#..### #.##........########g#########g........########.##.#g .............##########.###.......ggk<g.g-1-------=64ggg] _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll hits you with a +0 club.g! ########...# #.....#.#########.###..........###..#..≈≈.#.# g.≈.≈#..### #.g##........#################........########.##.#g .............##########.###gg<g.gi-73gggx (###.###  ########...# #.....#.#########.###..........###..#..≈≈..#.# g≈.≈#..### ##........######### #########........########.##.#g .............g| g Ng.g& ====-82gT g gB.....######.###  ########...# #.....#.#########.###..........g###..#..≈≈..g#.# .≈.≈#..### ##........#################........########.##.#gg}#<g.g(%a91g.g=#...#.#........######.###  ########...# #.....#.#########.###..........###..#.##.#...≈≈g..#.# .≈.≈#..### gY##........######### #########........########gUgt<g.g2==-----300gggGU#..###.###..#...#.#........######.###  ########...# #.....#.#########.###g I...........##.####..#g##.#...≈≈..#.#.≈.≈#..### ##........######### #########........gLgS<g.gUj=169gOd _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll completely misses you.gq #.. #.# ###..###.###..#...#.#........######.###  #########...# #.....#.#########.###...........g##.####..##...≈≈..#.# .≈.≈#..### ##........g U######### #########g g"<g.g i-28ghggұ O. ##.## ###.. #.# ###..###.###..#...#.#........######.###  ########...# #.......#.#########.###g..........#.####..#.#...≈≈#..#.#gF .≈.≈#..### ##........g g <g.gϽ {-37g g g^ #### ##...## . ##.## ###.. #.# ###..###.###..#...#.#........######.###  #####g_ y####.....# #.....g.#.#########.###..........#.####..#.#...≈≈#..#.#≈.≈#..###g/q g.==5=====46gr gv { _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll completely misses you.g...##.....## #### ##...## . ##.## ###.. #.# ###..###.###..#...#.#........######.###  #####.####.gBzg...# #.....#.#########.###..........#.####..#.#...≈≈#.#.#g gn<g.g3=55g9gLp _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll misses you.gGjL####### ##.......##...##.....## #### ##...## . ##.## ###.. #.# ###..###.###..#...#.#........######.### .# #####g###...# #.....#.#########.###..........#.####..##...≈≈.glgs<g.gti-64ggzg|gH....'...'.# ##..####### ##.......##...g:##.....## #### ##...## . ##.## ###.. #.# ###..###.###..#...#.#........###.###.### g# ########...# #.....#.#########.###..........#.####..#..≈≈g g!e-73g*"g'g*g_ ! #....'...'.# ##.........# PezBoy the Conjurer ######...#.## ##.......## Tengu #...#..# ##.....##  Health: 13/15 ====================---- #####..# ##...## # Magic: 4/6================-------- g` #..# . ##.## ## AC: 2Str: 7 #..# #.. #.# ##. EV: 26 Int: 18 #..# #..###.###.. SH: 0Dex: 12 #..# #...#.#...# XL:  2 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:1 #.@# #.....### Noise: ---------  Time: 1137.0 (0.0) #.*# ###.###  -) Nothing wielded #.g# #.##### Cast: Magic Dart #..#### #...... Zot (4863)  ga #.....# #.....# #...#.#########.### g   gnoll #.............#.#  #..##.####..#.#.#  #..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll completely misses you. _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll misses you.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleg"b Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (severely wounded, 100% to hit)gU {#....'...'.# ##.........# PezBoy the Conjurer######...#.## ##.......## Tengu#...#..# ##.....## Health: 13/15 ====================----#####..###...## # Magic: 4/6================--------#..# . ##.## ## AC: 2Str: 7#..# #.. #.# ##. EV: 26 Int: 18#..# #..###.###.. SH: 0Dex: 12g #..# #...#.#...# XL:  2 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:1#.@##.....### Noise: ---------  Time: 1137.0 (0.0)#.*####.###-) Nothing wielded#.g##.##### Cast: Magic Dart#..#### #...... Zot (4863) #.....# #.....##...#.#########.### g   gnoll#.............#.##..##.####..#.#.##..##.#...≈≈≈.#.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the gnoll.  g_ B[0;10;1mThe gnoll is almost dead.g~ _g.g u11 =8.0 (12 _g g gϻ5 #....'...'.# ##.........# PezBoy the Conjurer ######...#.## ##.......## Tengu #...#..# ##.....##  Health: 13/15 ====================---- #####..# ##...## # Magic: 3/6============------------ gh#..# . ##.## ## AC: 2Str: 7 #..# #.. #.# ##. EV: 11Int: 18 #..# #..###.###.. SH: 0Dex: 12 #..# #...#.#...# XL:  2 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:1 #.@# #.....### Noise: =--------  Time: 1138.0 (0.0) #.g# ###.###  -) Nothing wielded #..# #.##### Cast: Magic Dart #..#### #...... Zot (4862)  #.....# #.....# #...#.#########.### g   gnoll #.............#.#  #[40gm..##.####..#.#.#  #..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# The magic dart hits the gnoll. _The gnoll is almost dead.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (almost dead, 100% to hit)g4  #....'...'.# ##.........# PezBoy the Conjurer ######...#.## ##.......## Tengu #...#..# ##.....##  Health: 13/15 ====================---- #####..# ##...## # Magic: 3/6============------------ #..# . ##.## ## AC: 2Str: 7g6 2 #..# #.. #.# ##. EV: 11Int: 18 #..# #..###.###.. SH: 0Dex: 12 #..# #...#.#...# XL:  2 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:1 #.@# #.....### Noise: =--------  Time: 1138.0 (0.0) #.g# ###.###  -) Nothing wielded #..# #.##### Cast: Magic Dart #..#### #...... Zot (4862)  #.....# #.....# #...#.#########.### g   gnoll #.............#.# g6  #..##.####..#.#.#  #..##.#...≈≈≈.#.# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (almost dead, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the gnoll.  gP7 3You kill the gnoll!g; %           #..# . ##.## g:<  #..# #.. #.#  #..#  #..#  #.@#  #.)#   #..#         g< g g+ gE #....'...'.# ##.........# PezBoy the Conjurer######...#.## ##.......## Tengu#...#..# ##.....## Health: 13/15 ====================----#####..###...## # Magic: 3/6============------------#..# . ##.## ## AC: 2Str: 7#..# #.. #.# ##. EV: 11Int: 18#..# #..###.###.. SH: 0Dex: 12#..# #...#.#...# XL:  2 Next: 133% Place: Dungeon:1#.@##.....### Noise: [g 40m=--------  Time: 1139.0 (1.0)#.)####.###-) Nothing wielded#..##.##### Cast: Magic Dart#..#### #...... Zot (4861) #.....# #.....##...#.#########.####.............#.##..##.####..#.#.##..##.#...≈≈≈.#.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gnollAim: a gnoll, wielding a +0 club (almost dead, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the gnoll. _You kill the gnoll!g gw /  --more--gEf  You have reached level 3!g /  --more--gT5  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? g7/19=7--2036%  _You feel clever. x2g+b4gcg&fgjt26 0 _gkgk8==59glgnY8gpgqgSr^--7g sgruP4===g v;6gtvg^xgx9===5gyg{g\|;4g|g~gVC3g ggW===2gǃgׄgv@==1g݅g|ggC0ggogZ49g875====6543====21039gY8gg76===6g^g0o5gY4ggY3gghg#W===2ggY1gggC0gog{Z29glgvY8gigY7g,gng2t7====6gggY5gzggY4gXg g Y3gd gdg`g X====2gggAgC1ggglgC0gggd!g!D19g#g$g&g&C8gS'g(g)ge*C7g*g^,gP-g-C6gO.gB0g;1g1C5gZ2g3gE5Y4g5g<7gU8g8C3g<9gC:g;g-<C2g<g=gE?Y1g?g@gZBY0gBgjCgpDgDD09gSEguFgHY8gHgIgAKC7gKgJLg/MgNY6goOgPgQgRC5gSgTgUgVC4gVg~Xg"YgYC3gYg%[g0\Y2g\g]^gy_Y1g,`g*igNjg#kY0gAqgr[799g/tgy8g*ggC7gggeC6gggVg]gwY5grg*gY4ggȤgsC3gWgggC2gKgYgg%C1gggY0g:g!898go7gg gC6gZgggZgC5gggY4ggggg0C3gggY2gggY1gggY0ggQ g ge D79g ggY8gggg~C7gggg(C6ggY g!gs"C5g#g&g(g(C4g)gs,gNc321g(y 069There is an open door here.8 _765There is an open door here.4 _3210gg59gg3gʃC8gggY7g,gяgZ;6ggg=gC5gggΛgoC4g`gӟgɡgkC3g[g@  There is an open door here.gLgJ2 _g@g4ggC1ggӲgRY0g$gg5gҺD49gg8g,gY7gg|g*C6ggggLC5gggg_Y4g=gdgJY3gB$g%g&Y2g_+g,Y1g<-g1g13Y0g3g 8g8g9D39g:g]=g>g8?C8g?gCgKEgFQ7gIg0KgKC6g>LgzOg4QgQ;5gRgUg`WgXC4gXg"\g]g0^C3g^g!bg'21029gx87654321019876ggggjC5gggg;C4gg5gg&Y3gRggC2ggggY1g1g.gC0gmgggZ09ggdg<Y8gg;gC7gsgggxC6g g gh g C5g gg{gC4gggY3gg@ggC2gBggY1g g"g$Y0g%g'g)gm*E699g+g-g/Y8g0g3g4g4C7g5g7g<Y6g=g?gAg@BC5gBgUgVo4g"^g_Y3gN`gSfgegg!hC2ghg)ng'ogoY1gtgvY0gvg{g|gs}D89g}gggC8gg'grgC7ggg[Y6g0g~g'gC5g/g7ggC4g~gӭgoY3gʲggguC2ggg*gѿC1gZggo0gsgKgD79ggggC8ggg#Y7g>ggY6gHggY5g gG gY4ggHgY3g'gsggPC2ggg7g.;x10698765gu>o4gE?g`AgBY3gCg~FgGY2gHgKgLY1gMglOg&QgQY0gTgUg5VZ59gaXgYY8gZgU]g^g _C7g_gTbghcgcC6gdggg<543210gÂg[gD49g;ggY8ggU@  There is an open door here.g݌g}J7 _ggǏgY6ggdgbY5gNgggY4ggY3gxggY2ggUgY1gݩgtgӮY0gKgղg߶p39g4g_Y8gbg;  There is a shaft here.ggJ7 _ggggC6g,g<  You see here a +0 robe.ggFJ5 _gggY4ggg32g&   ################  .....................#  ####################.#  #.........#.#  ##.#######.#.#  ##.....##.#.#.#  ##...#...÷.#.#.#  #######...######@#.#.#  -368.0 (229.0) #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈##...#.#.#  #..####...####.###.#.#  '.........^.[...##.#.#  #.......######..##.#.#  ###..............÷.#.#    #~############..####.#    #~### ###......>.....#    #~~~###~######.#######   g= 8-gg_ _Partly explored, can't reach some places.g4gg 0.0).. '.........^.[.g]&g(g(+_ _Partly explored, can't reach some places.g g, Recognised items. (Select to toggle autopickup)(_ for help) Magical Staves (select all with |)a - unknown magical staves Jewellery (select all with "=)b + unknown jewellery  c + rings of fire Wands (select all with /)d + unknown wands Scrolls (select all with ?)e + unknown scrolls Potions (select all with !)f + unknown potions  g + potions of magic (rare) Missiles (select all with ()h - boomerangs  i - darts  j - javelins  k - large rocksl - stones  m + throwing nets Miscellaneous (select all with })n + Gell's gravitambourines [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up[Esc] exit Letters toggle autopickup [.|Space] toggle selected [-] unrecognised [top[37g. m]g R  a + unknown magical stavesgg3g~  PezBoy the Conjurer ######################  Tengu g+.....................#  Health: 19/19 ======================== ####################.#  Magic: 7/7========================#.........#.#  AC: 2Str: 7##.#######.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20##.....##.#.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12##...#...÷.#.#.#  XL:  3 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:1 #######...######@#.#.#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1368.0 (0.0) #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈##...#.#.#  -) Nothing wielded #..####...####.###.#.#  Cast: Magic Dart '.........^.[...##.#.#  Zot (4632) #.......######..##.#.#[29gG ###..............÷.#.#   #~############..####.#   #~### ###......>.....#   #~~~###~######.#######   _There is an open door here. _There is an open door here. _There is a shaft here. _You see here a +0 robe. _Partly explored, can't reach some places. _Partly explored, can't reach some places.g|g\gggS*g{+4gOgTUgXgZ_ _Partly explored, can't reach some places.gX g7b PLevel 1 of the Dungeon<>>>>^(Press ? for help)######g.c #####.###### #.#############################  ##....~...~~###...........................##≈≈ ##........~~.~#..#########################.# #≈##......~~..~....###.........#.##≈≈≈≈≈~~~≈~~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈#####.#######.#.########## ########≈≈≈≈.~~~≈~.~~≈~≈≈≈≈≈###.....##.#.#.##.......# #.....####....~.......~..######...#...÷.#.#.##.......###......###.........~....#.# #######...######@#.#.###........##......'..........###...#.# #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈##...#.#.##.........##......####.#.....###...#.######..####...####.###.#.#gc #...#'#>....................#..+..........'.........^.[...##.#.##...#.#.#.####............#...##...#.######.......######..##.#.##...#.#.#.......####.###.............#....###..............÷.#.##...#.#........###.....####...########.####~############..####.##...#.#.......##...#.#...##...............#~### ###......>.....#####...#.#..######..###.###..###..###.......##~~~###~######.########........#..# ##..## #.# ##..##............###~~#~#~## ##.##........#..# ##..## ##.## ##..##..##.......##~#~#~~~~# #..#gqd #........#..###..## ##...## ##..##.####......#~#~#~~~~####..##..÷.....#..##..## ##.....## ##..#..# #......#~#~~###~#.....##...........##.## ##.......## ##.##.###......#~##~# #~####.#########........#..#..# ##.........## #..#..##......#~##~# #~~##.........#g O@>g, gL   PezBoy the Conjurer ######################  Tengu .....................#  Health: 19/19 ======================== ####################.#  Magic: 7/7========================#.........#.#  AC: 2Str: 7##.#######.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20##.....##.#.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12##...#...÷.#.#.#gN   XL:  3 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:1 #######...######@#.#.#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1368.0 (0.0) #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈##...#.#.#  -) Nothing wielded #..####...####.###.#.#  Cast: Magic Dart '.........^.[...##.#.#  Zot (4632) #.......######..##.#.# ###..............÷.#.#   #~############..####.#   #~### ###......>.....#   #~~~###~######.#######   _There is an open door here. _There is a shaft here. _You see here a +0 robe. _Partly explored, can't reach some places. _Partly explored, can't reach some places. _Partly explored, can't reach some places.gO gP g\` v1 _gf 0gng gh g4j gk D29g l g{m gn gdo C8g;p gEr gs gt C7gu gv gx gIy C6gz g{ g*~ Y5g6 g ##...#...÷.#.#.#  ...######.#.#.#  #..#≈≈≈~~~≈≈##...#.#.# ..####...####.###.#.# .'.........^.[...##.#.# ##.......######..##.#.# .###..............÷.#.# ##~############..####.# .#~### ###......@.....# 75.0 (7#~~~###~######.####### ##~~#~#~## ##.#  ##~#~#~~~~# #..#  .#~#~#~~~~####..#  .#~#~~###~#.....#  .#~##~# #~####.######## .#~##~# #~~##.........# gϏ h.#~##~# #~~~#..# g gK g՛ c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.ggLg=gXgw11 6.0 (14 _gpg #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#  2 #@#   ###  10624) ggf7 (1.73ggT} _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gݛ g 4g g ge t26 2 _g_ 1gR g% Y0gq g& p19g1 g˻ g Y8g] g 7g Y6g$ g g g Y5g gR Y4g g g g Y3g g g Y2gI g gh Y1g gU gq Y0gF g Z09gw gl g g! Y8g $ g, ;........#.......#......#...KS+....#...'.#.#Magic Dart#.# #.# #.#S   ball python (constriction, asleep) #.#K   kobold (missile, asleep) #.# #.#g: 91.7 (15.0)  You open the door.  A ball python and a kobold come into view.g< gB ..KSS)K)gC x11 ===2.7 (167gSG gM H _The ball python hisses angrily. The kobold shouts!g...######..#..#........##........+#......KS##........#........g@ g0 g ..SK26 --3.0)6g g _The ball python completely misses you. x2 _There is an open door here.g...#######.........#.#..#........+#........##......SK# #'# ggZO  The ball python attacks as it pursues you!gM`K.Sg|--45ggm_ _The ball python completely misses you. x2gMg @......#............+.....#..K.# #S# .gl gv F'SgFx i-54gE~ g g "#.....+....#K #'# S.g g g .K.SThe ball python attacks as it pursues you!g i=63g7 g _ _The ball python completely misses you. x2g@....+# #K# .S.gSDg5EgQ  'K.SThe ball python attacks as it pursues you!72gVgZ  The ball python attacks as it pursues you! _The ball python completely misses you. x2  The ball python attacks as it pursues you! _The ball python completely misses you. x2  The ball python attacks as it pursues you! _The ball python completely misses you. x2g+# #'# K.S.g|g@gtr.K.Sgi-81gsg9g}4# #'# .K.S.g+7,g=r.K.Sg9?8--=90g%GgI _The ball python completely misses you. x2  The ball python attacks as it pursues you! _The ball python completely misses you. x2  The ball python attacks as it pursues you! _The ball python completely misses you. x2 _The ball python bites you. The ball python completely misses you.g #'# .K.S.gg=g .gRK.Sgm-400599gggA  #'# .K.S.<g?K r.K.SgL 9==-18gM g S gU g .K.S.<#g r.K.Sg6 a27g= g; gK.S.<# gg O  The ball python attacks as it pursues you!g@x.K.Sgi=36ghg _The ball python closely misses you. The ball python completely misses you. x3g5& #.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.# Tengu #.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# Magic: 6/7====================---- #.# AC: 2Str: 7 #K# EV: 26 Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #S# XL:  3 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2g7 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1403.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10596)  #.# #.# S   ball python (constriction) #<# K   kobold (missile) ###The ball python attacks as it pursues you! _The ball python closely misses you. The ball python completely misses you. x3  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ball pythonAim: a ball python (100% to hit)ge#.#PezBoy the Conjurer#.#Tengugf$#.#Health: 19/19 ========================#.#Magic: 6/7====================----#.#AC: 2Str: 7#K#EV: 26 Int: 20#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#S#XL:  3 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1403.7 (0.0)gh#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10596) #.##.#S   ball python (constriction)#<#K   kobold (missile)###Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ball pythonAim: a ball python (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the ball python.  The ball python is moderately wounded.ggL.Kg8--11 4.7 (15gCgg /  --more--gP5q _The ball python bites you. The ball python barely misses you.g] #.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.# Tengu #.# Health: 18/19 ======================-- #.# Magic: 5/7=================------- #.# AC: 2Str: 7 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #K# SH: 0Dex: 12 #S# XL:  3 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1404.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.#[3gmek9;49m Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10595)  #.# #.# S   ball python (constriction) #<# K   kobold (missile) ### _The ball python bites you. The ball python barely misses you.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ball pythonAim: a ball python (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)g6 #.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.# Tengu #.# Health: 18/19 ======================-- g$#.# Magic: 5/7=================------- #.# AC: 2Str: 7 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #K# SH: 0Dex: 12 #S# XL:  3 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1404.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10595)  #.# gm#.# S   ball python (constriction) #<# K   kobold (missile) ###Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ball pythonAim: a ball python (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the ball python.  gd9You kill the ball python!g9Q #.#g$ #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #K# #.# #@# #.# guO#.# #.# #.# #.#K   kobold (missile) #<# ### g.&.g238(g&.gp9==85.7 (14gVgg/  --more--gU _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage.gQ: #.# PezBoy the Conjurerg\; #.# Tengu #.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# Magic: 4/7=============----------- #.# AC: 2Str: 7 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #K# SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  3 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:2 g<>#@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1405.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10594)  #.# #.# K   kobold (missile) #<# ### _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - koboldgwBaAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club and quivering stones (100% to hit)g #.#PezBoy the Conjurer#.#Tengu#.#Health: 19/19 ========================#.#Magic: 4/7=============-----------g #.#AC: 2Str: 7#.#EV: 11Int: 20#K#SH: 0Dex: 12#*#XL:  3 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1405.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10594) #.##.#K   kobold (missile)#<####gJAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club and quivering stones (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the kobold.  The kobold is moderately wounded.gRRg"YL.KgZm6.7 (13 _g]gag2z  #.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.# Tengu #.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# Magic: 3/7==========-------------- #.# AC: 2Str: 7 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #K# XL:  3 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1406.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #g| -.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10593)  #.# #.# K   kobold (missile) #<# ### _The kobold is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club and quivering stones (moderately wounded,  100% to hit)gK] #.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.# Tengu #.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.#g Magic: 3/7==========-------------- #.# AC: 2Str: 7 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #K# XL:  3 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1406.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.#g Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10593)  #.# #.# K   kobold (missile) #<# ###Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cyclegDShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club and quivering stones (moderately wounded,  100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the kobold.g/  --more--ge Z  You kill the kobold!g6  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #)# gk l#@# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #<# ### g gT 227.7 (1Magic Dart2 _g) g gs  #.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.# Tengu #.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# Magic: 2/7======------------------ #.# AC: 2Str: 7gt \ #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #)# XL:  3 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1407.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10592)  g? _#.# #.#  #<#  ###    _You kill the kobold!Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - youg|KgYMThat beam is likely to hit you. Continue anyway? Y - Yes gM' N - NogggIn#.#PezBoy the Conjurer#.#Tengu#.#Health: 19/19 ========================#.#Magic: 3/7==========--------------#.#AC: 2Str: 7#.#EV: 11Int: 20#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#)#XL:  3 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1407.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wieldedg #.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10592) #.##.##<#### _You kill the kobold!Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - youOkay, then.gggg. _gCF g I gN gSQ > _Unknown command.gg%4gܸgϹ^26 1 _ggۿggC0g>ggZ89ggaX====8gg?Y7gggiu4===6g!ggsC5gggDC4g#g0gY3gogW===2gggKC1gg-gC0g`ggD79gg gC8g gWgC7gggmv5====6gggB;5g>ggC4gg gL;3gg>gX====2gggjC1gKgcNgOY0gRZ69gSg{VY8g Xg[o7g^96g`f===6gcgcC5gdgfg.gC4gvhgjgkC3g%lgngom===2gqgCrC1g*sgpuY0gvgzp59gR~Y8g8gY7gg97gQ====6gȈg̋4 _Magic restored.ggC5gg͕  Things that are here:  a +0 club; 2 stones; a kobold corpseg֙gJ4 _g!gߜg0o3gסg|gg====2g%ggZC1gȫg1ggZC0gg(g%Z49gжggg.........##........##....h...##........+#........##........#'.-..Magic Dart...h   jackal (wandering).)#.#g{050.7 (43.0)g/hh 2 jackals (wandering)-1.7 (448gTg\ _A jackal comes into view. x2g  .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #......h.# Tengu #....h...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.....*..+ Magic: 6/7====================---- #.....*..# AC: 2Str: 7 #.....*..# EV: 26 Int: 20 #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  3 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: ---------  Time: 1451.7 (0.0) #.# -) g RNothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10548)  #.# #.# hh 2 jackals (wandering) #.# #)# #.# _a +0 club; 2 stones; a kobold corpse _A jackal comes into view. x2  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - jackalAim: a jackal (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)g< .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #......h.# Tengu #....h...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #........+ Magic: 6/7====================---- #........# AC: 2Str: 7 #........# EV: 26 Int: 20 #'# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.# XL:  3 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: ---------  Time: 1451.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.#g Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10548)  #.# #.# hh 2 jackals (wandering) #.# #)# #.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - jackalAim: a jackal (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal.  You kill the jackal!gR   #....†...# *..+ *..# *..# #*# #*# #@# gG#.# #.# #.# #.# #.#h   jackal #.# #)# #.#g^g]e[.h...gfM'.hgrj11 7=2.7 (17 _gpgNrg+B .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #........# Tengu gD#....†.h.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #......*.+ Magic: 5/7=================------- #......*.# AC: 2Str: 7 #......*.# EV: 11Int: 20 #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  3 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1452.7 (0.0) #.#gr -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10547)  #.# #.# h   jackal #.# #)# #.#The magic dart hits the jackal. _You kill the jackal!g?Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - jackalAim: a jackal (100% to hit)g" P.........#PezBoy the Conjurer#........#Tengu#....†.h.#Health: 19/19 ========================#......*.+Magic: 5/7=================-------#......*.#AC: 2Str: 7#......*.#EV: 11Int: 20#*#SH: 0g Dex: 12#*#XL:  3 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1452.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10547) #.##.#h   jackal#.##)##.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - jackalAim: a jackal (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal.  The jackal is lightly wounded.g gӭ d.h..'.gV m3.7 (16 _gж g g .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #........# Tengu #....†...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #......h.+ Magic: 4/7=============----------- #......*.# AC: 2Str: 7 g#......*.# EV: 11Int: 20 #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  3 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1453.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10546)  #.# #.# h   jackal #.# #)# g3#.#The magic dart hits the jackal. _The jackal is lightly wounded.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)g.........#PezBoy the Conjurer#........#Tengu#....†...#Health: 19/19 ========================#......h.+Magic: 4/7=============-----------#......*.#AC: 2Str: 7#......*.#EV: 11Int: 20#*#SH: 0Dex: 12#*#XL:  3 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1453.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10546) #.##.#h   jackal#.##)##.#Aiming: [39;g49mMagic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal but does no damage.  The jackal is lightly wounded.gmg..h'.4.7 (15 _g Z .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #........# Tengu #....†...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #........+ Magic: 3/7==========-------------- #........# AC: 2Str: 7 #......h.# EV: 11Int: 20 #*# SH: 0Dex: 12g  #*# XL:  3 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1454.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10545)  #.# #.# h   jackal #.# #)# #.#The magic dart hits the jackal but does no damage. _The jackal is lightly wounded.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)g+ .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #........# Tengu #....†...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #........+ Magic: 3/7go==========-------------- #........# AC: 2Str: 7 #......h.# EV: 11Int: 20 #'# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.# XL:  3 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 1454.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10545)  #.# #.# h   jackal #.# #)# g,#.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal.  You kill the jackal!g}     g( ..# #*# #*# #@# #.# #.#g #.# #.# #.# #.# #)# #.#g=%2.'.g,315.7 (1Magic Dart4 _g1g%3g™ g] "  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   0.0   1.0   0   g + Spellcasting 2.3   3.6  -1           b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1   h + Conjurations 5.7   3.6  +3  g  c - Throwing   0.0   1.0   0                       d - Armour   0.0   0.8  +1      e + Dodging2.7   2.5  +1      f + Stealth2.6   2.5  +1                         gy ^[40m                                             The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targetsg gw gO '.........#PezBoy the Conjurer#........#Tengu#....†...#Health: 19/19 ========================#........+Magic: 3/7==========--------------#........#AC: 2Str: 7#........#EV: 11Int: 20#'#SH: 0Dex: 12#.#XL:  3 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1455.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#ga Zot (10544) #.##.##.##)##.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal. _You kill the jackal!g: g g g g 4 Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Searing RayConjuration2% 2  b - Fulminant PrismConjuration/Alchemy 43% 4  c - Iskenderun's Mystic Blast Conjuration/Translocation 43% 4 5 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitg>*g.g5.........#PezBoy the Conjurer#........#Tengu#....†...#Health: 19/19 ========================#........+Magic: 3/7==========--------------#........#AC: 2Str: 7#........#EV: 11Int: 20#'#SH: 0Dex: 12#.#XL:  3 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1455.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10544) #.##.##.##)##.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, [3g8*7m(/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal. _You kill the jackal!g>Memorise Searing Ray, consuming 2 spell levels and leaving 3? Y - Yes  N - Nog*.........#PezBoy the Conjurer#........#Tengu#....†...#Health: 19/19 ========================#........+Magic: 3/7==========--------------#........#AC: 2Str: 7#........#EV: 11Int: 20#'#SH: 0Dex: 12#.#XL:  3 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:2#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1455.7 (0.0)#.#-) Nothing wielded#.#Cast: Magic Dart#.#Zot (10544) #.##.##.##)##.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, [3g_9;49m(/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - jackalAim: a jackal (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the jackal. _You kill the jackal!-6.7 (13gH-7.7 (22gPgX+8.7 (3g\;1glg z g{g~_You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2gq _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'.g+g 4gg^26 0 _g,gZ39ggu4===8ggY7gghgC6ggY5g^g% g W===4g gY3gggC2gDgY1gg9#Y0gl$g+p29g.g05====8g>4g5Y7g=9gJ(J..Magic Dart...J   endoplasm (wandering)..gX072.7 (14.0)gh_g3.7 (156g1fgj] _An endoplasm comes into view.ge .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #...J....# Tengu #....*...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #....*...+ Magic: 4/7=============----------- #.....*..# AC: 2Str: 7 #.....*..# EV: 26 Int: 20 #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  3 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: ---------  Time: 1473.7 (0.0) #.# -) NothgD{ing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10526)  #.# #.# J   endoplasm (wandering) #.# #)# #.# _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'. _An endoplasm comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)g}k .........# PezBoy the Conjurer #...J....# Tengu #....†...# Health: 19/19 ======================== #........+ Magic: 4/7=============----------- #........# AC: 2Str: 7gl #........# EV: 26 Int: 20 #'# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.# XL:  3 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:2 #@# Noise: ---------  Time: 1473.7 (0.0) #.# -) Nothing wielded #.# Cast: Magic Dart #.# Zot (10526)  #.# #.# J   endoplasm (wandering) #.# #)# #.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gTnPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the endoplasm.  You kill the endoplasm!grg  #........# #....*...# #....*...+ *..# *..# #*# #*# #@# #.# gs#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #)# #.#g4.†g5...'.g 11 5=4.7 (1Magic Dart5 _g gg2gG26 -54g0 gg= #.†....+....# #'# .#.##.#gFg@I{-63gOg&QgjP †....+# #'# .#.##.#gga72gggP= ....+# #'# .g=_#.##.#gHw81gIg6Lg # #'# .).g g a90g g2 gZ  #'# .).g gJ c8019gK g gqN #'# .).<gZ5====18g^gG_g8H4gHgKgOY7gPgpPC6g4Qg!VY5gVgYn====4gYg^Y3g^gUbgbC2gcgEgggC1gUhglY0glgpgqD09gqgvgwl6===8gwgq|Y7g;}g@gC6g(gwY5ggg1W===4gg]Y3ggY2ggY1g%ggQC0ggg7E499ggg t7====8ggggڦC7ggިgfgC6geggְgC5gƱgggdX====4gvgxgg4C3ggugY2gggUgC1g.gig|gC0g=g^@  There is an open door here.gg1K89 _gggSgC8g(ggg!C7gggSgc11 6gHg*= _You open the large door.ggW26 5ggE  There is a large open door here.gigJ4 _ggE  There is a large open door here.ggJ3 _ggg/Y2gggoY1g%g/gY0ggx..# #.# .....# ...########.# .........##.# #........##.#######....†...##......##........''......##........##...@..#gY#........##......########'###......##.# #########.##.##.##.##.#gI1519.7 (38.0)gs11 20.7 (3979ggQ _i - a blue potiongvgH26 8g .. ..# #.# ... ..# ...########.#  .........##.# gd #........##.###### #....†...##.@....# #........''......#g<i #........##......##........##......########'###......#g[ #.# ######## #.# gwA#.# #.#gg 1.7 (1.0)  A malevolent force fills the Dungeon... and a teleportation trap spontaneouslymanifests!g/  --more--g+`A  ###+##### #.......# #...h$..+  #....@?.#  #.......#  #.h.....#  #.K....h#  g` #......h #......... hhhh 4 jackals (wandering) #..........K   kobold (asleep) ....###.....  You are yanked towards some nearby monsters!gw  Your surroundings suddenly seem different.  4 jackals and a kobold come into view.g_  Found a scroll labelled NEGAUS XADESOA and 4 gold pieces.g  The jackal barks! x4; The kobold shouts!  A ball python comes into view.gBg*gghh.K..h....h..hhhhS   ball python (constriction, wandering)SK   koboldg/====2.7 (2Magic Dart7ggg/  --more--g M _The jackal misses you.g###+##### #.# #...h$..+ #.....@.# #..h....# #..K..h.# gEa#.....h.# #. #.. ....###S.... ggWgcgBgg9.hh.K.h..h..S.g=---3.7 (16gg _The jackal attacks as it pursues you! The jackal completely misses you. _You see here a scroll labelled NEGAUS XADESOA.gyQ###+##### #.......# #....$.@+ #...hh?.# #...K.h.# #....h..# #.##.. #......S.. #.......... ....###.....g,gsgggׄgDžgT hh..hh...S.  The jackal attacks as it pursues you! The jackal completely misses you.g}---45gg` _The jackal misses you. The jackal completely misses you.g8 ######'.....#####.#g= /You open the door.gH   The ball python hisses angrily.  A giant cockroach comes into view.The jackal misses you. x2; The jackal bites you.gR K...S.B   giant cockroachBS   ball python (constriction)K   koboldgT 7---11 54gea gsb > _The jackal bites you but does no damage.g 4###+##### #.....h.# #....$h.@.....# #....Khh#####.# #.# #.# #......S##.. #... #B......... ....###..... g gk g g gw g gV g g g g f  The jackal completely misses you.g kKh..S.Br   quokkahhhh 4 jackalsrB   giant cockroachS   ball python (constriction)(…)g 26 63gg) _A quokka comes into view. _There is an open door here.g###+##### #.....K.# #....$hh'@....# #.....hh#####.# g\#.......# #......S# #.......##..B..... hhhh 4 jackals#......... B   giant cockroach#r......... K   kobold....###.....gggggggg#gRN.Kh?B.r   quokkarhhhh 4 jackals.B   giant cockroachK   koboldg8=---72 _g g~gr###+##### #......K# #....$hhh.@...# #.....?h#####.# #.......# #......S# #...B...##........ hhhh 4 jackals#.r. gK   kobold#.....###.....g8g)g*ga{-81gQgg###+##### #......K# #....$hhh..@..# #.....?h#####.# #.......# ##......S# #. #.r. gxgggg^gg5 gz Zh.K'hhSS   ball python (constriction)K   koboldg a90gP g gg _There are monsters nearby!gq  Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.g  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 18/19 ======================--  Magic: 5/7=================-------  AC: 2Str: 7  EV: 26 Int: 20 ###+##### SH: 0Dex: 12 #......h#######  XL:  3 Next: 35% Place: Dungeon:2 #....$.K'hh@..#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1529.7 (0.0) #.....Sh#####.#  -) Nothing wielded #.......# #  Cast: Magic Dart #......S# Zot (10470)  #...B...# #........ [40g mhhhh 4 jackals #.r....... S   ball python (constriction) #.......... K   kobold ....###..... _There are monsters nearby!Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 2% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - jackalAim: a jackal (74% to hit)gW 7hhg d *hgAK*, f - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club (74% to hit)gN  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 18/19 ======================--  Magic: 5/7=================-------  AC: 2Str: 7  EV: 26 Int: 20 ###+##### SH: 0Dex: 12 #......h#######  XL:  3 Next: 35% Place: Dungeon:2 gl#....$.K'hh@..#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1529.7 (0.0) #.....Sh#####.#  -) Nothing wielded #.......# #  Cast: Magic Dart #......S# Zot (10470)  #...B...# #........ hhhh 4 jackals #.r....... S   ball python (constriction) #.......... K   kobold ....###.....Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 2% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club (74% to hit)  The searing ray hits the jackal.g#  Aiming: Searing Ray2  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - koboldAim: a kobold, wielding a +0 club (74% to hit)  The searing ray hits the jackal.  You kill the jackal!The searing ray hits the jackal!gg/  --more--gCJ  You kill the jackal!  The searing ray hits the kobold!gR  ###+##### #......  #....$.****@..#  #.....  #.......# #     2 gS /  g CYou kill the kobold!g gI g .hh.†?Sg 11 47==30.7 (169) Ray g g8 ^ _(Press . to maintain the ray.)g=The searing ray hits the jackal.g****   jackalYou kill the jackal!g }g}gi~gg'ggXBS†h†rr   quokkah   jackalB   giant cockroachS   ball python (constriction)g9==4----26 52--18+ ggX _The searing ray misses the jackal.g4 E  The searing ray hits the jackal!g  You kill the jackal!The searing ray hits the ball python.gY ****B   giant cockroach.g} g g} .Br††.g- 3-------8=-27++ g g O _You kill the ball python!gE  The searing ray hits the quokka.gr  You kill the quokka!The searing ray hits the giant cockroach.g{ X****gӔ )†††You kill the giant cockroach!g2-------66-3Magic Dart6) gȡg> _You finish channelling your searing ray.gm4ggogC5g<gg:V==4g\gfY3gg gm`----2gggC1ggg|3====0gggD59gg Y8gG"g{'o7g'(g(X====6g)g,Y5g4.gY0g0C4g1g4Y3g 6g8Y2gD<gmKg)Lg[L%1gLg(NgQgQgQ4gQ===g R%0g+Rg#SgPUgUgV&49g"VgWgZg[g[%8g[g`]gagbgZb%7gbgfgjg#.....#..... ...r.  ..'  ###'#####  #...@...####### #......)†††...# #.......#####.#Magic Dart #.......# #gv #.# ##r   rat (asleep) #. #.........#..........gQ 8.7 (3.0)  You open the large door.gEp11 9.7 (40gg+$ _A rat comes into view. _Found a stone staircase leading down.gPh  PezBoy the Conjurer #....# Tengu #....> Health: 19/19 ======================== #..... Magic: 6/7====================---- #..... AC: 2Str: 7 ...r. EV: 11Int: 20 ..* SH: 0Dex: 12 gP###*#####  XL:  3 Next: 66% Place: Dungeon:2 #...@...#######  Noise: ---------  Time: 1589.7 (0.0) #......)†††...#  -) Nothing wielded #.......#####.#  Cast: Magic Dart #.......# #  Zot (10410)  #.......#  #.......#  r   rat (asleep) gcQ#........  #.........  #.......... _A rat comes into view. _Found a stone staircase leading down.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)gt  PezBoy the Conjurer #....# Tengu #....> Health: 19/19 ======================== #..... Magic: 6/7====================---- #..... AC: 2Str: 7 ...r. EV: 11Int: 20 ..' SH: 0Dex: 12 ###'#####  XL:  3 Next: 66% Place: Dungeon:2 #...@...#######  Noise: ---------  Time: 1589.7 (0.0) #......)†††...#  [4gLw0m-) Nothing wielded #.......#####.#  Cast: Magic Dart #.......# #  Zot (10410)  #.......#  #.......#  r   rat (asleep) #........  #.........  #.......... Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the rat.  You kill the rat!g)|j   g|  ..... ..* ###*#####  g|0   g|(   g}Y #   g>}# g}0  g 1.''gz8=90.7 (1Magic Dart09 _gggg4gggW26 8g7gY6ggܤgFC5gwggC4gg?Y3gsgִY2ggY1g@g%7====0gggN #....### #....>.# #.....r. #...... ...... ..'# ###'##### #..@....#######- #......)†††...# #.......#####.#Magic Dart #.# #  #.# #.#r   rat (asleep)  #.  #.  #.gB+9.7 (9g5-600.7 (10.0)399gTgkV _A rat comes into view.g  PezBoy the Conjurer #....### Tengu #....>.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.....r. Magic: 6/7====================---- #.....* AC: 2Str: 7 .....* EV: 26 Int: 20 ..*# SH: 0Dex: 12 ###*#####  XL:  3 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 gu)#..@....#######  Noise: ---------  Time: 1600.7 (0.0) #......)†††...#  -) Nothing wielded #.......#####.#  Cast: Magic Dart #.......# #  Zot (10399)  #.......#  #.......#  r   rat (asleep) #........  #.........  #.......... _You kill the rat! _A rat comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)g *  PezBoy the Conjurer #....### Tengu #....>.# Health: 19/19 ======================== #.....r. Magic: 6/7====================----g d #...... AC: 2Str: 7 ...... EV: 26 Int: 20 ..'# SH: 0Dex: 12 ###'#####  XL:  3 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 #..@....#######  Noise: ---------  Time: 1600.7 (0.0) #......)†††...#  -) Nothing wielded #.......#####.#  Cast: Magic Dart #.......# #  Zot (10399)  g l#.......#  #.......#  r   rat (asleep) #........  g: f#.........  #.......... gl uAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratg Aim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the rat.  You kill the rat!g: 7   .. * .....* g d..*# ###*#####         #  g@ s    gf ?...''gӈ 11 70=1.7 (1Magic Dart8 _g gZ ggggdgW26 7gfo6g#gq&g&C5g(g*C4g?+g+g-g.C3g.g0Y2g11g2Y1g3g5g5C0g97g9gG:#7g:R====89g;g>gmAgAC8gCgGePress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - rat  Aim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)  gLG`The magic dart hits the rat. _You kill the rat! grG! There is a large open door here.gKgL+7 gL_gMg)QE  There is a large open door here.gSgkT+6 gT_gUggWgYg9ZX====5gL[g<^g`g`;4g~agbg[dgd;3gegj2gkglg#mC1gmgng_pgp;0gqg6rgYtD79gtgugvgwgxC8gxgzg*|gm|C7g(}g}g&gf;6ggĀggBC5ggagY4gkggCg;3gAg<gC2gAgߔggÙg C1g#g"ggC0gggZ69g-ggY #### ...### ...>.### .......## ........#### ...........############. ...'######......@......_ -g530.7 (29.0) ###'###################[ #.......####### #......)†††...# #.......#####.# #.......# # #.......# #.......# gݬ.#g 8_g-1.7 (308ggew _Found a mace and a helmet. Found a faded altar of an unknown god.gVV6 ### >.### ....## ....#### .......##.#'######......._#'##[# .......# g/W......)†††...# gO`g.### ## #### ##.#.'######._# '##[# #g|  )†††...# ## gۚ 36_ge { ### >.### ## #### .##.#. '######._# '##[# # )†††...# gf f## g_n gvq a45gw 8_gHz gQx .### ## .#### ..##.#. ######._# ##[# # )†††...# ## gpga54g4gg ## ### ...## ...#### ..##.#.._# #[# # ..)†††...# .J.#####.# ...# # ..J   endoplasm (asleep)# .# g  g;f An endoplasm comes into view.gv_J.Jg8v6Magic Dart3g 8_g^ _The endoplasm quivers.g]~ ## ..## ##.#### ..##.#.._# #[# # ... )†††...# #.J.. #####.# #..# # ...# ...# #### J.72g(`  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 19/19 ======================== ####  Magic: 6/7====================---- ##.....  AC: 2Str: 7 .####.....  EV: 26 Int: 20 ..#### .......  SH: 0g)Dex: 12 .....############.#.....  XL:  3 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:2 ####............@_# Noise: ---------  Time: 1637.7 (0.0) #################*# -) Nothing wielded ..####### .J.  Cast: Magic Dart g)a.)†††...# #....  Zot (10362) ..#####.# #..... ..# # .....  J   endoplasm ..#.... ..##### ...An endoplasm comes into view. g)_The endoplasm quivers.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g)Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmg*=Aim: an endoplasm (100% to hit)gPezBoy the ConjurerTenguHealth: 19/19 ========================####Magic: 6/7====================---- ##.....AC: 2Str: 7 .####.....EV: 26 Int: 20 ..####.......SH: 0Dex: 12 .....############.#.....XL:  3 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:2 ####............@_#Noise: ---------  Time: 1637.7 (0.0) #################*#-) Nothing wielded ..#######.J.Cast: Magic Dart .)†††...##....Zot (10362) ..#####.##..... ..# #.....J   endoplasm ..#.... ..##### ...AigÞming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.g2Gg[_J.11 =8.7 (11 _gDjg C  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 19/19 ======================== ####  Magic: 5/7=================------- ##.....  AC: 2Str: 7 .####.....  EV: 11Int: 20 ..#### .......  SH: 0gY Dex: 12 .....############.#.....  XL:  3 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:2 ####............@_# Noise: =--------  Time: 1638.7 (0.0) #################J# -) Nothing wielded g ..####### ...  Cast: Magic Dart .)†††...# #....  Zot (10361) ..#####.# #..... g ..# # .....  J   endoplasm ..#.... gO ..##### ...The magic dart hits the endoplasm. g0 :_The endoplasm is heavily wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)gzn   PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 19/19 ======================== ####  Magic: 5/7=================------- ##.....  AC: 2Str: 7 .####.....  EV: 11Int: 20 ..#### .......  SH: 0Dex: 12 .....############.#.....  XL:  3 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:2 ####............@_# Noise: =--------  Time: 1638.7 (0.0) #################J# -) Nothing wielded ..####### ...  Cast: Magic Dart [g(o w40m.)†††...# #....  Zot (10361) ..#####.# #..... ..# # .....  J   endoplasm ..#.... ..##### ...Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the endoplasm.  You kill the endoplasm!gp  #### .....    gp M [# ... )†††...# #....   # gq 9g g 59.7 (1Magic Dart0 _g'g\g## . ## ###.#### #.##.#..# #[# #gB #... )†††...# ##.... #####.# #.....# # .....# .....  26 -4059  There is a faded altar of an unknown god here. _You see here a -3 mace.g ###### #...... #####...... .####........ ....############.#...... ###............._# ############# .gGY #........ )†††...#....... .##### #...........# ...g۰1_go-18 _gO8_g1o _You see here a +0 helmet.g2 7 _65436===2g>7 o1g; o0gu@ gL rr   rat (wandering)gZ E_9.7 (8gC_ h50.7 (949gPg 8_gi V _A rat comes into view.g   PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu ######  Health: 19/19 ======================== #......  Magic: 5/7=================------- ## ###.r....  AC: 2Str: 7 .#### #........  EV: 26 Int: 20 g....############.#......  SH: 0Dex: 12 ###............._# XL:  3 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:2 ################@# Noise: ---------  Time: 1650.7 (0.0) g"K.####### #........  -) Nothing wielded )†††...# ##.......  Cast: Magic Dart gJ.#####.# #......  Zot (10349) .# # ...... .#gq......  r   rat (wandering) .###### g.. ... _You see here a +0 helmet. _A rat comes into view.gpAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - youg5gLThat beam is likely to hit you. Continue anyway? Y - Yes  N - Noggg PezBoy the ConjurerTengu######Health: 19/19 ======================== #......Magic: 6/7====================---- ##gt I###.r....AC: 2Str: 7 .#####........EV: 26 Int: 20 ....############.#......SH: 0Dex: 12 ###............._#XL:  3 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:2 ################@#g Noise: ---------  Time: 1650.7 (0.0) .########........-) Nothing wielded g )†††...###.......Cast: Magic Dart g ?.#####.##......gZot (10349) .# #...... .#g'......r   rat (wandering) .#gH0##### .. ... gh_You see here a +0 helmet. _A rat comes into view.gpAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - youg!Okay, then.g8_g@gS*gA,. _gPl#######.......###.r.....###...........############.#....... ##............._#......?############[#....... #.@....... †††...# # #####.# # # . # . # .###### .#.#gWgK.rg{1.7 (1Magic Dart8g{gGh _Found a scroll labelled HIOKEC ZIGRYEPT.g  PezBoy the Conjurer #######  Tengu .......  Health: 19/19 ======================== # ###.......  Magic: 5/7=================------- #### #..r......  AC: 2Str: 7 ...############.#*......  EV: 26 Int: 20 ##............._#*.....?  SH: 0Dex: 12 ###############[#*......  XL:  3 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:2 ####### #.@.......  Noise: ---------  Time: 1651.7 gJ(0.0) †††...# ##........  -) Nothing wielded #####.# ##.......  Cast: Magic Dart # # .......  Zot (10348) #....... #.######  r   rat (wandering) ..# ...# ... _Okay, then. _Found a scroll labelled HIOKEC ZIGRYEPT.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)gp  PezBoy the Conjurer #######  Tengu .......  Health: 19/19 ======================== # ###.......  Magic: 5/7=================------- #### #..r......  AC: 2g>Str: 7 ...############.#.......  EV: 26 Int: 20 ##............._#......?  SH: 0Dex: 12 g ###############[#.......  XL:  3 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:2 g2####### #.@.......  Noise: ---------  Time: 1651.7 (0.0) †††...# ##........  -) Nothing wielded gL#####.# ##.......  Cast: Magic Dart gf# # .......  Zot (10348) #....... #g.######  r   rat (wandering) ..# ...# ...Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratgAim: a rat (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the rat!  You kill the rat!ggg       #..† * _#* g$*   †††...#     #  gEg7g2...gC11 7=2.7 (1Magic Dart7 _g8_ggS 4gU g.Y g] m26 6g^ g_ C5ga gd gs l-Magic Dartl   frilled lizard (wandering)g E_4.7 (2gՄ -5.7 (34gB 8_g a _A frilled lizard comes into view.gv  PezBoy the Conjurer #######  Tengu .......  Health: 19/19 ======================== # ###.......  Magic: 4/7=============----------- #### #..†......  AC: 2Str: 7 ...############.#.......  EV: 26 Int: 20 gx##............._#......?  SH: 0Dex: 12 ###############[#...***l  XL:  3 Next: 77% Place: Dungeon:2 ####### #.@***....  Noise: ---------  Time: 1655.7 (0.0) †††...# ##........  -) Nothing wielded #####.# ##.......  Cast: Magic Dart # # .......  Zot (10344) #....... #.######  l   frilled lizard (wandering) ..# ...# ... _You kill the rat! _A frilled lizard comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk ogxnf failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)g  PezBoy the Conjurer #######  Tengu .......  Health: 19/19 ======================== # ###.......  Magic: 4/7=============----------- #### #..†......  AC: 2Str: 7 ...############.#.......  EV: 26 Int: 20 ##............._#......?  SH: 0Dex: 12 g4###############[#......l  XL:  3 Next: 77% Place: Dungeon:2 ####### #.@.......  Noise: ---------  Time: 1655.7 (0.0) †††...# ##........  -) Nothing wielded #####.# ##.......  Cast: Magic Dart # # .......  Zot (10344) #....... #.######  l   frilled lizard (wandering) ..# ...# ...Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the frilled lizard!  You kill the frilled lizard!ggզ         _ ***.  #.@***.... †††...#     #  g#?M_.......gM11 9=6.7 (1Magic Dart3 _gR8_g8UgJ g gP g ga 5====26 2g g -1g gp g g C0g g Z39gY g g '====g 18g g" Y7g# gp% g% C6g& go( g( C5g) g+ gA+ C4g, gb. Y3g/ g2 6===2g 5 g7 g7 C1g: g> gN> C0gA@ gC gC .29gC gE gXH gH W===8gI ghL gL C7g"N gP Y6gS gW Y5gY g[ g\ C4ge] g` Y3ga g.d gqd #7gd Q====2gf gti gk Y1gyl gn g|  ########## #... ###..gE} ? #..†.. .#.#.. ............._#?-78.7 (22.0) g} #############[#. #.... †...# ##...##.###..[  ##......... .......... ..##g} >###### ..#g} g 8_gc -9.7 (230g g ) _Found a chain mail.g  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 19/19 ======================== g ##########  Magic: 6/7====================---- #.........  AC: 2Str: 7 ###.........  EV: 26 g4Int: 20 g0## #..†........  SH: 0Dex: 12 gU .############.#.........  XL:  3 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:2 gw............._#.@....?..  Noise: ---------  Time: 1679.7 (0.0) #############[#.........  -) Nothing wielded g##### #...........  Cast: Magic Dart g{†...# ##..........  Zot (10320) ###.# ##........[  # #.........   ..........   ..########   ..#g*  _You kill the frilled lizard! _Found a chain mail.  gNhAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gp Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - yougp gF PezBoy the ConjurerTenguHealth: 19/19 ========================##########Magic: 7/7========================#.........AC: 2Str: 7###.........EV: 26 Int: 20 ###..†........SH: 0Dex: 12 .############.#.........XL:  3 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:2 ............._#.@....?..Noise: ---------  Time: 1679.7 (0.0) #############[#.........-) Nothing wielded ######...........Cast: Magic Dart †...###..........g Zot (10320) ###.###........[##.....................########..# _You kill the frilled lizard! _Found a chain mail.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - youg :Okay, then.g gA go . _gu##.###. #..†. ##.#._#..@...?.[#.. #... ...# ##..# ##.[.# #.....# ggo80.7 (119 _ggn0g##.###. #..†.#.#._#...@..?.[#. #.# ##..# ##.[.# #.....#. g93_gEa18gL8_gAOg?##.####.##..†.##.#.#_#....@.?.[#. #.# ##. .# ##.[..## #.....#. gga27gt8_g\gV4# #.# ###.# #..†.# .#.#_#.....@?.[#. #. # ##. # ##.[..# # #......#. g=g[G====36gGP8_g Rg # #.# ###.# #..†.# .#.#_#.g .[#. #. ##. ##.[..# ....#. g gj a45g 7_g g p11 5.7 (24g{ 7_gF # _Found a chain mail.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - you _Okay, then. _k - a scroll labelled HIOKEC ZIGRYEPTg\"g"gZ$g(g+g/26 3g1g1C2g3g5ghG##############...........####...........##..†..........# #####.#...###### ....._#.........> #####[#........  #...........  ##....# 7 gIH##........[..#### #. .... ...#########.........# ..# ###### gIN7_gVf8.7 (31g`[g]; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ggg;gdgg^ C0g ,g g} D09g g g gJ C8g g gG g C7gV gR g g? ;6g g g g; C5g g& g g! C4g! g% g& C3g& gB' g( g~* g* C2g`+ g, go. g. C1gf/ g2 g4 Y0g5 gw6 gS8 [299g8 g9 g; gb; C8g; g< g= g> C7g> g? gA gB C6gCB g D gzE gE C5gF gH gJ g K c11 4gL gO 7 _You open the door.g^ c.#########.......# .# #.......# .# #######.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #@# 705.7 (17.0) #.[....#  #...?..#  #.?....#  #......# ........# ..................#g{h g] *26 6.7 (183 _Found a pair of boots. _There is an open door here.g].# #.......#  .# #######.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.######'###.[.@..# #...?..# #.?....# #......#..#.#S   adder (asleep)S.#######gh  An adder comes into view.g7bSS.g7.0)Magic Dart2g g#/ _The adder hisses angrily.g@a  ..# #.# .# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #####'## #.[@...# #...?..# #.?....# #......# ..# S.# ..#  .....######gbb gc gk 8.gm 8Magic Dart1gr gt gcu  ..# #.# .# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #####'## #.@....# #...?..# #.?....# #......#  .gv <.#  ..# ...# .....######gK g SS   adderg v9Magic Dart0gU g v _You see here a +0 pair of boots.gLE ..# #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer  .# #######.#  Tengu #.#  Health: 19/19 ======================== #.#  Magic: 6/7====================---- #.#  AC: 2Str: 7 #.#  EV: 26 Int: 20 #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 g8#####'##  XL:  3 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:2 #.@....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1709.7 (0.0) #.*.?..#  -) Nothing wielded #*?....#  Cast: Magic Dart #*.....#  Zot (10290)  .S......#  .........#  S   adder ..........#  .....######  _The adder hisses angrily. _You see here a +0 pair of boots.  gAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - adderAim: an adder (100% to hit)g ..##.......#PezBoy the Conjurer.########.#Tengu#.#Health: 19/19 ========================#.#Magic: 6/7====================----#.#AC: 2Str: 7#.#EV: 26 Int: 20#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#####'##XL:  3 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:2g2#.@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1709.7 (0.0)#.*.?..#-) Nothing wielded#*?....#Cast: Magic Dart#*.....#Zot (10290) .S......#.........#S   adder..........#.....######Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - adderAim: an adder (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.gPg]Wh..S.gS[~11 =10.7 (189 _gbgugg7 ..# #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer  .# #######.#  Tengu #.#  Health: 19/19 ======================== #.#  Magic: 5/7=================------- #.#  AC: 2gj8BStr: 7 #.#  EV: 11Int: 20 #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####'##  XL:  3 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:2 #.@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 1710.7 (0.0) #.*.?..#  -) Nothing wielded #*?....#  Cast: Magic Dart #S.....#  Zot (10289)  ........#  gC9.........#  S   adder ..........#  .....###### The magic dart hits the adder. _The adder is heavily wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - adderAim: an adder (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)gΦ ..# #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer  .# #######.#  Tengu #.#  Health: 19/19 ======================== #.#  Magic: 5/7=================------- #.#  AC: 2Str: 7 #.#  EV: 11Int: 20 #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####'##  XL:  3 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:2 #.@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 1710.7 (0.0) #...?..#  -) Nothing wielded #.?....#  Cast: Magic Dart g_#S.....#  Zot (10289)  ........#  .........#  S   adder ..........#  .....###### Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - adderAim: an adder (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the adder!  You kill the adder!g$ ..#   .#   #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#      #.*.?..#  #*  #†      g9/..gR:g@ ..##.......#PezBoy the Conjurer.########.#Tengu#.#Health: 19/19 ========================#.#Magic: 5/7=================-------#.#AC: 2Str: 7#.#EV: 11Int: 20#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#####'##XL:  3 Next: 106% Place: Dungeon:2#.@....#Noise: =--------  Time: 1711.7 (1.0)#...?..#-) Nothing wielded#.?....#Cast: Magic Dart#†.....#Zot (10288) ........#.........#..........#.....######Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, g`A[40mQ - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - adderAim: an adder (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the adder! _You kill the adder!gL/  --more--gث f  You have reached level 4!g< /  --more--g)t24/248--84 3% g0g2R _You feel stronger.g..# #.# .# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #####'## #.[@...# #...?..# #.?....# #†.....# ..g.g gJ 26 -27 _g} g gSq V ..# #gq .# .# #.# #.# #.#g!u  #.# #.# #.# #####'## #.@....# #...?..# #.?....# #†.....#  ..#  ..# ...# .....######g{ g݁ {-36gz gݍ n _You see here a +0 pair of boots.g4g^gYgc`5 _ggk^--4ggBY3gE!g$Y2gK%g7(6===1g)g5,gl,C0g.gB@798===765gk437===21069===87g{6548===3g,|ggLgC2gggY1gg.# #######.#  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #####'## #.[....# gu#...@..# #.?....# #†.....# ........# ............######g1......g[038.7 (25.0)g!q11 9.7 (260g\g] _l - a scroll labelled ULYZOO VENIERAOg$4g&gL*g-g|3===26 59g5g5C8gb7 gt #.# #.# #.# #.# #.######'## #.[....# #......# #.@....# g #†.....#.........#...#..# ###### ....... ####### g8241.0) g>p11 2.7 (37 g gOY _m - a scroll labelled MURUPP FOMN g4 g g g gA26 6 g, gWZYou see here an adder corpse. g g'J5 _ g g g gC4 g} go3 g g g} Y2 g  g gtY1 g gP gl gC0 gR g g~ gD49 g: g gJ8 g|!Y7 g! g$ g& g 'C6 g' g- g7D #......#.?....r #......#....w..#########†.....#.......#..............#.......#..............#.......#..............#.......#.........######.......#.........# #@..######## #+###  Magic Dart ## w   ribbon worm (asleep) # r   rat (asleep) ## g I 53.7 (11.0)  A rat and a ribbon worm come into view. g Kg4.7 (125 gRS gWc _Found a scroll labelled KIWUZUEWNO. gT #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer .?....r #......#  Tengu ....w..#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== ....*..#..............#  Magic: 7/8=====================--- gg.....*.#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 .....*.#..............#  EV: 26 Int: 20 ......*#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 g ......*#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..########  Noise: ---------  Time: 1754.7 (0.0) g| #+###  -) Nothing wielded  Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (10245) ## w   ribbon worm (asleep)  g# r   rat (asleep) ## gnA rat and a ribbon worm come into view. _Found a scroll labelled KIWUZUEWNO.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (asleep, 100% to hit) gatM#......# PezBoy the Conjurer.?....r#......# Tengu....w..#########†.....# Health: 24/24 ========================....*..#..............# Magic: 7/8=====================---.....*.#..............# AC: 2Str: 8.....*.#..............# EV: 26 Int: 20......*#.........###### SH: 0 gtDex: 12......*#.........#XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2#@..########Noise: ---------  Time: 1754.7 (0.0)#+###-) Nothing wieldedCast: Magic DartZot (10245) ## guw   ribbon worm #r   rat (asleep) ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. g g.w....  g|11 =5.7 (14 _ g gg g&E  #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer gE .?....r #......#  Tengu .......#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== ....w..#..............#  Magic: 6/8==================------ .....*.#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 .....*.#..............#  EV: 11 gF Int: 20 ......*#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 ......*#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..########  Noise: =--------  Time: 1755.7 (0.0) gF  #+###  -) Nothing wielded  Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (10244) ## w   ribbon worm # r   rat (asleep) ## gF The magic dart hits the ribbon worm. _The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. gGG TAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycle gG Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (lightly wounded, 100% to hit) g#......# PezBoy the Conjurer.?....r#......# Tengu.......#########†.....# Health: 24/24 ========================....w..#..............# Magic: 6/8==================------.....*.#..............# AC: 2 g/ Str: 8.....*.#..............# EV: 11Int: 20......*#.........###### SH: 0Dex: 12......*#.........#XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2#@..########Noise: =--------  Time: 1755.7 (0.0) g #+###-) Nothing wieldedCast: Magic DartZot (10244) ##w   ribbon worm #r   rat (asleep) ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycle g Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (lightly wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. g g}f.w... gwm6.7 (13 _ g gئ gk #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer .?....r #......#  Tengu .......#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .......#..............#  Magic: 5/8===============--------- .....w.#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 .....*.#..............#  EV: 11Int: 20 ......*#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 g ......*#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..########  Noise: =--------  Time: 1756.7 (0.0) #+###  -) Nothing wielded g  Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (10243) ## w   ribbon worm # r   rat (asleep) ##The magic dart hits the ribbon worm. _The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon worm g@{Aim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, 100% to hit) g##......# PezBoy the Conjurer.?....r#......# Tengu.......#########†.....# Health: 24/24 ========================.......#..............# Magic: 5/8===============--------- g+.....w.#..............# AC: 2Str: 8.....*.#..............# EV: 11Int: 20......*#.........###### SH: 0Dex: 12......*#.........#XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2#@..########Noise: =--------  Time: 1756.7 (0.0)#+###-) Nothing wieldedCast: Magic DartZot (10243) ##w   ribbon worm #r   rat (asleep) # gy#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the ribbon worm!  The ribbon worm is severely wounded. g5 1... g: m7.7 (12 _ gA  gD  gv #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer .?....r #......#  Tengu .......#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .......#..............#  Magic: 4/8============------------ .....w.#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 .....*.#..............#  EV: 11Int: 20 ......*#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 ......*#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..#[40 gšm#######  Noise: =--------  Time: 1757.7 (0.0) #+###  -) Nothing wielded  Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (10242) ## w   ribbon worm # r   rat (asleep) ##The magic dart hits the ribbon worm! _The ribbon worm is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (severely wounded, 100% to hit) g\> #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer .?....r #......#  Tengu .......#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .......#..............#  Magic: 4/8============------------ .....w.#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 .......#..............#  EV: 11Int: 20 g\ .......#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 .......#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..########  Noise: =--------  Time: 1757.7 (0.0) #+###  -) Nothing wielded g\ Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (10242) ## g\] w   ribbon worm # r   rat (asleep) ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g]vPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  g]dThe magic dart hits the ribbon worm!  You kill the ribbon worm! gc     #......#  †  ..  ......  .....*  *  *    #+###  ge:# g g7.r....r g8u88.7 (11 _ g.  g  gAj #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer .?..... #......#  Tengu ......r#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== ......*#..............#  Magic: 3/8=========--------------- gA.......*#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 ......*#..............#  EV: 11Int: 20 ......*#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 g*B?......*#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..########  Noise: =--------  Time: 1758.7 (0.0) gJB#+###  -) Nothing wielded ghBa Cast: Magic Dart gBt Zot (10241) ## gB r   rat ## gBK#The magic dart hits the ribbon worm!  g"Cw_You kill the ribbon worm!Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycle g=C^Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (100% to hit) g3b #......#  PezBoy the Conjurer .?..... #......#  Tengu ......r#########†.....#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .......#..............#  Magic: 3/8=========--------------- .......#..............#  AC: 2Str: 8 .......#..............#  EV: 11 gbKInt: 20 .......#.........######  SH: 0Dex: 12 .......#.........#  XL:  4 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:2 #@..########  Noise: =--------  Time: 1758.7 (0.0) gb #+###  -) Nothing wielded  Cast: Magic Dart gc Zot (10241) ## r   rat  gGc###Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gc(Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (100% to hit)  gcTThe magic dart hits the rat.  You kill the rat! g7i    #......#  ††  *..  *  *  *  *    #+###  gj+ g>..... g 99.7 (1Magic Dart0 _ g^  g  gM/  --more-- gr` i _Your Dodging skill increases to level 3!g4gg26 39 _gto8g3gC7g$ggY{4===6gggC5g7gC4gg-gsgC3g[gg&===g12ggY1gg3gVC0ggcZ29gg{Y8ggu5===7gggFY6ggC5gEg_ggC4gggmW===3g gIY2ggY1gPgpg;0gMg!Z19ggg:6===g;8g\g]gC7gg Y6g g g& C5g g9m===4gggEC3gg2Y2gZgg C1gggBC0ggW Z09gZ!g#s7===8gk#g$g&Y7g)g.Y6gL/g1Y5g2g4g5W===4g[6g8Y3g9g;Y2g[=gb?Y1gT@gAgO08===199gW #.[....########## #......##.?.....# #......##†#########†.....#+.#.......##.#.......##.#..............##.#.........######[......@#.........#-800.7 (41.0)..#+####...#########+### g(Xa# .# .# .#g_gb-1.7 (428ghgik> _Found a barding.gF 4g3I gL gT o7gT gW g0X C6gY g] g3_ g_ W===5g6a g`e gh g,i C4g\k gn gq gq C3g4s gv gx Y2gy gt ..... #.....   ## #.[ ######### #.. #.@.....# #.. #......†#########†.+.......#..........#.......#..........#.......#.......... . #.......#.........##.[.......#.........###..#+####...##########. #+###g 17.7 (6.0)g; p11 8.7 (71g gf X _n - a scroll labelled KIWUZUEWNOgg:gHg'glg 26 0gtD89ggg/g)gWc11 8gug3/ _You open the door.gm26 7gg8There is an open door here.gg.J6 _ggggC5ggqgrg-4gg+gggC3g 2gpgpgC1gggY0gggv p79gh g g C8g g>gY7gggY6g]ggzgC5g[ggg5C4g~g-gg C3gFgg~gC2gg ggC1gg g. #.......#... #..........#..........#..............###........# #..## ..##   #@.##  28.7 (20.0).......#..#### .......##....# ######....... ####.### #......... ##...####. ....... #.......'.....  ....... #.###..##.....  .._..[. #. ##..#.....  .. #. ##.#.....g/c Found a leather armour.g4g:g9.7 (210g]>g?A _Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados.g #. ##.......#g j#....... ....###.. ...# #..##.......#@.####g3 [.......##....# #######....... ####.### #............. ##...####...g\ ........ #.......'......... #.###..##...._..[. #. ##..#.g~  .. #. ##.#...# #. #.[.g0 g n30.7 (1.0)69gk g g{v#. ..# #......... .# #.......... ....###..... ...# #..## #..## #..## .#.@#### .##....# #. ####.### #.. ##...####......†. #.......'..gw #.###..##..._..[. #. ##..#... #. ##.#...# #. #.[.g~ga18ggg% gN( g- g]/ gM E#.# #. ....### ...# #..##.......#..####.##.@..# #########. ####.### #........ ##...####......†#. #.......'.g #. #.###..##.#.._..[. #. ##..#.# .. #. ##.#.#..# #. #.[.##.# #. ##..#+####g g a27g gw gS #. .# #.......... ....###..... ...# #..## #..## gYT #..## .#..#### .##..@.# # . ####.### #.# . ##...####......†#. #.......'.gT ~#.. #.###..##.#.gT Z.._..[. #. ##..#.#... #. ##.#.gT #...# #. #.[.#.#.# #. ##..#+####.g] g` a36gf g i g.1g1g@3gC7g:g^?o5g@Y4g$BgCgFY3gGg>KgaMgMC2gNgPgSgXSC1g[TgVgYgjYC0gZg,\g^g_D59gR`gagYdY8geggg'kY7glg,ngpY6grgtgXvgvC5gwgNyg5{Y4gN|g~gـg;3g;g/ghgņC2gggՋY1ggo0gLggZ49gg]gg&C8gggY7gg`gY6ggHg4gC5g>g=g̱Y4gg2glC3ggg>g@gxC2gֽgg;Y1gg1ggC0gnggZ39gggY8ggbgXY7gggY6gng5g3gpC5gggC4ggg'gzY3ggg Y2g7 g gY1gJggY0gggZ29gg!gP$g= #.......#  #......g# #........ #......... ######................###.....#........'...# #........# #..## #.....@..# #..##  #........#####..##  #####.........#..#### Magic Dart #.........##....#  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile, wandering) #.........# #..... #.........[4gQ>%0m# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ##gX070.7 (37.0)geg1.7 (388gpgAv  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger and quivering poisoned _darts.g5 #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #......g#  Tengu #.....*..  Health: 24/24 ======================== gQ#....*....  Magic: 7/8=====================--- ######...*......  AC: 2Str: 8 g#.......*###.....  EV: 26 Int: 20 #.......*'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #......*.# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: ---------  Time: 1871.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10128)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile, wandering) g#.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ## gB_darts.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)g( #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #......g#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 7/8=====================--- ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8 #........###.....  EV: 26 Int: 20 #........'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #........# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: ---------  Time: 1871.7 (0.0) g7)#........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10128)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile, wandering) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin.g ./  --more--g/      *..  #....*....  *  *  *'...#  *.# #..##   #..##     gm ..#  .  ##.g  )  #.  #. #...._..[.####.#  The goblin is severely wounded.gccg kO.g.....gY||11 =2.7 (17 _grggV  #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #.....g..  Health: 24/24 ======================== #....*....  Magic: 6/8==================------ ######...*......  AC: 2Str: 8 #.......*###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #.......*'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #......*.# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time:[39;4g 39m 1872.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10127)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ## _The goblin is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)g" M #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #.....g..  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 6/8==================------ ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8 #........###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #........'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 gR# #........# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time: 1872.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10127)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - gg# oblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin but does no damage.g' /  --more--g        #....*....  *  *  g*'...#  *.# #..##   #..##      ..#  g6.  ##.  #. gc #. #...._..[.####.#  gLThe goblin is severely wounded.gsRgX......ga3.7 (1Magic Dart6 _ggg6igK& g& go' g* g1/ f26 5g:4 4g4 gg5g-5.7 (2..Magic Dart......g   goblin (missile)........###.._..[.####.gp8-ghg3U _A goblin is nearby!g #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 5/8===============--------- ######...g......  AC: 2Str: 8 #.......*###.....  EV: 26 Int: 20 #......*.'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #......*.# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 g#.....@..# #..##  Noise: ---------  Time: 1875.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10124)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. g#...._..[.####.# ## _A goblin is nearby!Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)g3  #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 5/8===============--------- ######...g......  AC: 2Str: 8 #........###.....  EV: 26 Int: 20 #........'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #........# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: ---------  Time: 1875.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) [gw4 40mNothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10124)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin but does no damage.g9 /  --more--g"            *  *  *.# #..##   #..##              #...._..[gj  The goblin is severely wounded.gbQgY:.g..gR_|11 =6.7 (13 _g{ggjgv  #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 4/8============------------ ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8 #.......g###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #......*.'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 g x#......*.# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time: 1876.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10123)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... gt #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ## _The goblin is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleg Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)g@+ #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 4/8============------------ ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8g+ #.......g###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #........'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #........# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time: 1876.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded gR,_#####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10123)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g,Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin but does no damage.g?4/  --more--g$+              *  *.# #..##   #..##              #...._..[  The goblin is severely wounded.g;igrt3.g.gzm7.7 (12 _ggȅgJ #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 3/8=========--------------- ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8 #........###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #......g.'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #......*.# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 g{KM#.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time: 1877.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10122)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ## _The goblin is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)g #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== g]#.........  Magic: 3/8=========--------------- ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8 #........###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #......g.'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #........# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time: 1877.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10122)  #.........#####.### #.........# ##...#g[40m g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. #...._..[.####.# ##Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g0Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin but does no damage.g/  --more--gN                g *.# #..##   #..##              #...._..[  The goblin is severely wounded.gq g W.g. gߏ m8.7 (11 _g gx g@D m   #.......#  #........  #.........  ######....  #........###.....  #........'...#  #.....g..# #..##  #.....@..# #..##  #........#  #####.......  #.........  #......... #.........#  #.........#  #.........#  #...._..[ g N   #.......#  #........  #.........  ######....  #........###.....  #........'...#  #.....g..# #..##  #.....@..# #..##  #........#  #####.......  g #.........  #......... #.........#  #.........#  #.........#  #...._..[ g< g g g# U _A goblin is nearby!g  Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.g:Okay, then.gg g3. _ g  Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells. g * #.......#  PezBoy the Conjurer #.......#  Tengu #........  Health: 24/24 ======================== #.........  Magic: 1/8===--------------------- ######..........  AC: 2Str: 8 g~ f #........###.....  EV: 11Int: 20 #........'...#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.....g..# #..##  XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2 #.....@..# #..##  Noise: =--------  Time: 1878.7 (0.0) #........#####..##  -) Nothing wielded g #####.........#..####  Cast: Magic Dart #.........##....#  Zot (10121)  #.........#####.### g  #.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile) #.........# #..... #.........# #.###. g   #...._..[.####.# ##Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gT Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblin gz Aim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (heavily wounded, 79% to hit)!gVC#.......#PezBoy the Conjurer#.......#Tengu#........Health: 24/24 ========================#.........Magic: 1/8===---------------------!gJW######*.........AC: 2Str: 8#.....*..###.....EV: 11Int: 20#.....*..'...#SH: 0Dex: 12#.....*..# #..##!gW)XL:  4 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:2#.....@..# #..##Noise: =--------  Time: 1878.7 (0.0)#........#####..##-) Nothing wielded!gW9#####.........#..####Cast: Magic Dart#.........##....#Zot (10121) #.........#####.###!g$X#.........# ##...# g   goblin (missile)#.........# #.....#.........# #.###.!gcX:#...._..[.####.# ##Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  !gXPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  !gXpoisoned darts (heavily wounded, 79% to hit)  The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.!g1Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 dagger, wearing a +0 chain mail and quivering  poisoned darts (heavily wounded, 79% to hit)  The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.  The goblin is heavily wounded.!g/  --more--"g ...g  (Press . to maintain the ray.)"gt=9.7 (10) Ray "g"g L _The goblin closely misses you."g3 ****The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage."g Y...g  The goblin is heavily wounded."g [26 8019+ "gb"gFfL _The goblin closely misses you.#g****The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.#g7...g _The goblin closely misses you.  The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.  The goblin is heavily wounded. _The goblin closely misses you.  The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.  The goblin is heavily wounded.#g850---#g91Magic Dart8++ #g@#gmD  The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.  The goblin is heavily wounded. _The goblin closely misses you.  The searing ray hits the goblin but does no damage.  The goblin is heavily wounded. _The goblin completely misses you.#ga?  Without enough magic to sustain it, your searing ray dissipates.-27) #g@ #gVC S _The goblin barely misses you.$g9j$gj{-36$gr$gtW _The goblin completely misses you.&gB  Casting: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.&g 4&gD &g P _You don't know that spell.'g!r'gr'gz'gg}F _Unknown command.)g]  Casting: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.*g4*g*g4e _You don't have enough magic to cast this spell.,gmM  You hit the goblin. You claw the goblin.,gYue$,gpy---11 1245,gu,g(J _You kill the goblin!,gM##.#...  #......... #####.......... ###........'...# #..##  #..## ........#####..## ####...#..####.........##....##.........,g.,gĊ26 -54,g5,g  You now have 52 gold pieces (gained 31).  g - 13 poisoned darts (gained 4)  Things that are here:,g%11 -6.7 (23,gԢ,gc _a +0 dagger; a +0 chain mail; a goblin corpse-gPHJ-gL26 2-g:OY1-gO-gRL1===-g(S;0-gwT-gW-gNWD09-gUX-gZY8-g<\-g^Y7-g<`-gb-gbW===6-gd-gg-g?gC5-gh-gj-gjC4-g0l-gpnY3-gp-gq-gqC2-ggs-gu72-gvP===1-gdw-gey-gyC0-gz-g]~[099-g-g%Y8-g-gԆ-gW===7-g-g-Y6-g}-gVY5-g-gޑY4-gBo3-gD-g-g@3===-gN;2-gښ-g--g~C1-g۞-g-gLC0-gi-g<Z89-g-g3-gzP===8-g-g4-g~C7-gĮ-g -g\C6-g5-gP-gC5-g-g<-g;4-g-gi-gѽ{4===3-g-gfY2-g-g&Y1-g-g-gC0-g`-gt-gX===79-gj-gHo8-gY7-g-g-gC6-gK-g--gC5-g-gy-gu5===4-g-gX-gC3-gO-gw2-gC1-gP-g-gW===0-g-g -glD69-gF-gT-gC8-g-g#-guC7-g-g-g;6-g) -gs -g u6===5-g4-g-gC4-g-g-gC3-gH-g-gC2-g*-g-g&===-gX11-gf-gh!-g!C0-g#-gi%-g%D59-g&-g(-g))C8-g5*-g8,-gq,C7-g--g0-g\0l7===6-g1-g3-g3C5-g4-g 7-gM7C4-gI8-g ;-gM;C3-g<-g>-g@?W===2-g@-gC-gC;1-ghE-gG-gH;0-gKI-gK-gqL<49-gL-gNY8-gO-gR-ghRl8===7-gS-ga^6-g^-g`-g*aC5-gdb-gd-g%f-gffC4-gg-gzm@  There is an open door here.-g#.......#####.# #.......# ##.......# #.......#+ <##............  #............ ######............ #........###......#........'@..# 955.7 (69.0)#.....)..###..## #........# #..## #........#####..## #####.........#..###.........##....# #.........#####.### #.#.........# ##...#####.........# #.......'-gу-g===6.7 (703-g׎-g9 _Found a stone staircase leading up..g .gL.g^.gJ.g.gY2.g.g.gA ;1.g!.g#.g%.g%C0.g'.gA,.g~/.g/D39.gX1.g3.g6.gAC8.gG7.g^M.gOY6.gQ.g]W.gAZY5.g[.g^.gO .gT M _You now have 63 gold pieces (gained 11)..gV .gTW Q26 19.gW .gXY .g'[ Y8.g[ .g^ .g` Y7.ga .gc .ge .g$f C6.gHg .gi .gl Y5.g0n .gq .gAt y11 4.g"v .g 7 _You open the door..ga .g W26 3.g7 .g8 .g .g C2.g' .g .g Y1.g֕ .g .gG Y0.g^ .g .g .gg D09.g .g .g- .gd C8.gߪ .gh .g3 .g} C7.gj .g .g6 .g C6.g .g .g߹ Y5.gy .g .g .gݿ C4.g .g .g% .gz C3.g$ .gG .g Y2.g .g .g4 Y1.g .gB .g! .g k09999) 8.gs .gw .g C7.g .g .gw .g C6.g .g .g}.....#..####  # .....##....# ######### # .....#####.### #.......# # .g.....# ##...####......÷######### .....# #.......'.......#...... .....# #.###..##.......#.... _..[.####.# ##..#.......#..... ........#.# ##.#.......#...... ...####.#.# #.@.......#......2003.7 (33 ##.# #.#.### ##..#+####...###### ...# #.#...# ##... #+### ##.# #.###.# ###... ##.#.g`+# ##... ##.########## .> ##. ''# .g2#.#.g.gg4.7 (345.g%.g# _Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +0 barding./g] /g /gM /g /g /g `4 _/gz /g` #####.### #.......##..# ##...####......÷#########†.# #.......'.......#..........# #.###..##.......#.......... .[.####.# ##..#.......#...#.# ##.#.......#..# .####.#.# #.[.......#..# .# #.#.### ##..#+####...######## .# #.#...# ##.@..# #+### .# #.###.# ###....... # #.....# ##..... Magic Dart .########## .>.. ......#  ......# .g   g/gF zoblin (asleep) ......# g /g 5.7 (1.0)6.7 (23 _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.1g>...#####.### #.......# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer ...# ##...####......÷#########†. Tengu ...# #.......'.......#.......... Health: 24/24 ======================== ...# #.###..##.......#.......... Magic: 7/8=====================--- .[.####.# ##..#.......#.......... AC: 2Str: 8 ......#.# ##.#.......#.........# EV: 26 Int: 20 .####.#.# #.[.......#.........# SH: 0Dex: 12 .# #.#.### ##..#+####...######## XL:  4 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:2 .# #.#...# ##.@..# #+###  [401g"AmNoise: ---------  Time: 2006.7 (0.0) .# #.###.# ###**.....  -) Nothing wielded .# #.....# ##*....  Cast: Magic Dart .########## *>..  Zot (9993) ......#*.. ......#*.  g   goblin (asleep) ......#g ......# ......# _You see here a +0 barding. _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (asleep, 100% to hit)1gn...#####.### #.......##.. PezBoy the Conjurer ...# ##...####......÷#########†. Tengu ...# #.......'.......#.......... Health: 24/24 ======================== ...# #.###..##.......#.......... Magic: 7/8=====================--- .[.####.# ##..#.......#.......... AC: 2Str: 8 ......#.# ##.#.......#.........# EV: 26 Int: 20 .####.#.# #.[.......#.........# SH: 0Dex: 12 .# #.#.### ##..#+[1g33m####...######## XL:  4 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:2 .# #.#...# ##.@..# #+###Noise: ---------  Time: 2006.7 (0.0) .# #.###.# ###**.....-) Nothing wielded .# #.....###*....Cast: Magic Dart .##########*>..Zot (9993) ......#*.. ......#*.g   goblin ......#g ......# ......#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded.1g|1g/  --more--1g ......(launcher)g  The goblin shouts!  The goblin unwields a +0 club. The goblin wields a +0 sling.1gJ a(((((((1g W@......1g v11 ==7.7 (121g 1g s _The goblin shoots a sling bullet. The sling bullet barely misses you.2g...#####.### #.......# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer ...# ##...####......÷#########†. Tengu ...# #.......'.......#.......... Health: 24/24 ======================== ...# #.###..##.......#.......... Magic: 6/8==================------ .[.####.# ##..#.......#.......... AC: 2Str: 8 ......#.# ##.#.......#.........# EV: 11Int: 20 .####.#.# #.[.......#.........# SH: 0Dex: 12 .# #.#.### ##..#+####...######## XL:  4 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:2 .# #.#...# ##.@..# #+###  Noise: [402gPm==-------  Time: 2007.7 (0.0) .# #.###.# ###**.....  -) Nothing wielded .# #.....# ##*....  Cast: Magic Dart .########## *>..  Zot (9992) ......#*.. ......#*.  g   goblin (launcher) ......#g ......# ......#The goblin unwields a +0 club. The goblin wields a +0 sling. _The goblin shoots a sling bullet. The sling bullet barely misses you.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 sling (severely wounded, 100% to hit)2g P%...#####.### #.......# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer ...# ##...####......÷#########†. Tengu ...# #.......'.......#.......... Health: 24/24 ======================== ...# #.###..##.......#.......... Magic: 6/8==================------ .[.####.# ##..#.......#.......... AC: 2Str: 8 ......#.# ##.#.......#.........# EV: 11Int: 20 2gP.####.#.# #.[.......#.........# SH: 0Dex: 12 .# #.#.### ##..#+####...######## XL:  4 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:2 .# #.#...# ##.@..# #+###  Noise: ==-------  Time: 2007.7 (0.0) .# #.###.# ###.......  -) Nothing wielded .# #.....# ##.....  Cast: Magic Dart .########## .>..  Zot (9992) ......#... 2gOQ3......#..  g   goblin (launcher) ......#g ......# ......#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 sling (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the goblin!  2gQ4You kill the goblin!2g   ÷†  [        #+###   ###**.....   ##*....  *>.. **)2ge......4-8.7 (1Magic Dart1 _6g\ 26 089876547===36g 216g Y06g 6g6(d===7987658===436g;'21===06987656g6gE,6gC46g6g6gk 326g}106g;596gM=7g87gC77gI7gy11 67g],7g|i _You now have 73 gold pieces (gained 10).26 5432107gi 4987g711 6 _You open the door.26 57g7g  There is an open door here.4 _7g;37g27g"o17g#7g&7g)7g*C07gd+7g'.7g07g1D397g17g?57g7Y87gn87gi;7gkAo77gB7gE7gJC67gmL7gpQd  You see here an adder skeleton.7gS7gTJ5 _7gV7gX7g[Y47g\7gAco37gc7gf7gm7gF2  There is an open door here.1 _0297gC87g7g76547g=7g7g1#..†..........#  #.#...........####### _#................>. #[#..............##^# 7gk5#................##.# ##.......B.......##.#  ##........[..#####.#  #.................#  ...............@...# --  ...#########.......#  ..# #.......# Magic Dart  .# #######.#  #.# #.# B   giant cockroach (wandering) #.# #.# #.#7gG_75.7 (67.0)-6.7 (6837g7gb _A giant cockroach comes into view.8g1X† ._.>. #[..^# ... ...#  ..[..#####.#  ...........#  .......@...#  ####.......#  ..# #.......#  .# #######.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.# 8g† _.>. [..^# ... ...#  ..[..#####.#  ...........#  .......@...#  ####.......#  ..# #.......#  .# #######.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#8g T_8g/_ _A giant cockroach is nearby!8gF ###.#  #..†.# ##.######## .._#...>. ##[#.##^#  ..##.#B.......##.##[..#####.# #.# ...................#.#########.......#.# #.......#.########.# #.# #.# #.# #.#8g܌8g=B.8gs7.7 (1.0)2 _8gN8g  ###...........# PezBoy the Conjurer  #..†..........# Tengu ##.#...........#######  Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.  Magic: 7/8=====================--- ##[#..............##^#  AC: 2Str: 8  #........B.......##.#  EV: 26 Int: 20  ##........**.....##.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ##........[**#####.#  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2  #...........*@....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2077.7 (0.0)  ...................# 8g   -) Nothing wielded  ...#########.......#  Cast: Magic Dart  ..# #.......#  Zot (9922)  .# #######.#  #.#  B   giant cockroach (wandering) #.#  #.#  #.# _A giant cockroach comes into view. _A giant cockroach is nearby!Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)8g} % 8g} ###...........#PezBoy the Conjurer#..†..........#Tengu ##.#...........#######Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.Magic: 7/8=====================--- ##[#..............##^#AC: 28g4~ WStr: 8  #........B.......##.#EV: 26 Int: 20  ##........**.....##.#SH: 0Dex: 12##........[**#####.#XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2#...........*@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 2077.7 (0.0)...................#-) Nothing wielded...#########.......#Cast: Magic Dart..##.......#Zot (9922) .#8g~ #######.##.#B   giant cockroach#.##.##.#8g~ Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  8g& The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.8g 8gH.B.8g...8g~|11 =8.7 (11 _8g 8g$9g ###...........# PezBoy the Conjurer  #..†..........# Tengu ##.#...........#######  Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.  Magic: 6/8==================------ ##[#..............##^#  AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#  EV: 11Int: 20  ##........B*.....##.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ##........[**#####.#  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2  #...........*@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2078.7 (0.0)  ...................# 9g -) Nothing wielded  ...#########.......#  Cast: Magic Dart  ..# #.......#  Zot (9921)  .# #######.#  #.#  B   giant cockroach #.#  #.#  #.# The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)9gI ###...........#PezBoy the Conjurer#..†..........#Tengu ##.#...........#######Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.Magic: 6/8==================------ ##[#..............##^#AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#EV: 11Int: 20  9gJr##........B*.....##.#SH: 0Dex: 12##........[**#####.#XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2#...........*@....#Noise: =--------  Time: 2078.7 (0.0)...................#-) Nothing wielded...#########.......#Cast: Magic Dart..##.......#Zot (9921) .########.##.#B   giant cockroach#.##.##.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  9gKThe magic dart hits the giant cockroach but does no damage.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.9g9gk_.B...9gm9.7 (10 _9g9g:g ( ###...........# PezBoy the Conjurer  #..†..........# Tengu ##.#...........#######  Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.  Magic: 5/8===============--------- ##[#..............##^#  AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#  EV: 11Int: 20  ##.........B.....##.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ##........[**#####.#  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2  #...........*@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2079.7 (0.0)  ...................#  -) :gl)Nothing wielded  ...#########.......#  Cast: Magic Dart  ..# #.......#  Zot (9920)  .# #######.#  #.#  B   giant cockroach #.#  #.#  #.# The magic dart hits the giant cockroach but does no damage. _The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit):g ###...........#PezBoy the Conjurer#..†..........#Tengu ##.#...........#######Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.Magic: 5/8===============--------- ##[#..............##^#AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#EV: 11Int: 20  ##.........B.....##.#SH: 0Dex: 12##........[**#####.#XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2#...........*@....#Noise: =--------  Time: 2079.7 (0.0)...................#-) Nothing wielded...#########.......#Cast: Magic Dart..##.......[:g$40m#Zot (9920) .########.##.#B   giant cockroach#.##.##.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.:g+@:g_.B...80.7 (119 _:gD:g=1_:g::gD $:gVO  ###...........# PezBoy the Conjurer  #..†..........# Tengu ##.#...........#######  Health: 24/24 ======================== :gT .._#................>.  Magic: 4/8============------------ ##[#..............##^#  AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#  EV: 11Int: 20  ##..........B....##.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ##.....[m...[.*#####.#  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2 :gU T #...........*@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2080.7 (0.0)  ...................#  -) Nothing wielded  ...#########.......#  Cast: Magic Dart  ..# #.......#  Zot (9919)  .# #######.#  #.#  B   giant cockroach #.#  #.#  #.# The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.:gV Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (heavily wounded, 100% to hit):g  ###...........#PezBoy the Conjurer#..†..........#Tengu ##.#...........#######Health: 24/24 ======================== :gg .._#................>.Magic: 4/8============------------ ##[#..............##^#AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#EV: 11Int: 20  ##..........B....##.#SH: 0Dex: 12##........[.*#####.#XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2#...........*@....#Noise: =--------  Time: 2080.7 (0.0)...................#-) Nothing wielded...#########.......#Cast: Magic Dart..##.......#Zot (9919) .########.##.#B   giant cockroach#.##.##.#Aiming: :gV Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach but does no damage.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.:g _..B1.7 (18 _;g\J ###...........# PezBoy the Conjurer  #..†..........# Tengu ##.#...........#######  Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.  Magic: 3/8=========--------------- ##[#..............##^#  AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#  EV: 11Int: 20  ##...............##.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ##........[..#####.#  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2  #...........B@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2081.7 (0.0)  ...................#  -) Nothing;gK wielded  ...#########.......#  Cast: Magic Dart  ..# #.......#  Zot (9918)  .# #######.#  #.#  B   giant cockroach #.#  #.#  #.# The magic dart hits the giant cockroach but does no damage. _The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (heavily wounded, 100% to hit);g'Z ###...........# PezBoy the Conjurer  #..†..........# Tengu ##.#...........#######  Health: 24/24 ======================== .._#................>.  Magic: 3/8=========--------------- ##[#..............##^#  AC: 2Str: 8  #................##.#  EV: 11Int: 20  ##...............##.#  SH: 0Dex: 12  ##........[..#####.#  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2  #...........B@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2081.7 (0.0)  ...................#  -) Nothing wielded ;gZV[11d ...#########.......#  Cast: Magic Dart  ..# #.......#  Zot (9918)  .# #######.#  #.#  B   giant cockroach #.#  #.#  #.# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  You kill the giant cockroach!;g^I   #..† _>. [^# ;g_        .      ..#   .#  #.# #.# #.#;gI`3 #.#;g7.62.7 (1Magic Dart7 _;g^26 6544===3210===0987655===432;gY1;g ;g?!;g!W===0;g";g$;g$E899;g&;g'Y8;gh(;gJ*;g*C7;gc166===5;gp3;g4Y4;gr5<g32===108987<g 7===6<g) <g1543===2<g$]10<g˞7988===7<g)654===321069  There is a stone staircase leading down here.8 _765   #   #B   #.  ######<g/V ..  .......# .###  .......# ..#  .......# #.#  .......#########@#  - ....>....#  ..........##^#####  Magic Dart ..........##.#  ..........##.#  ....[..#####.#   B   giant cockroach (asleep) .............#  .............#  ######.......#  134.7 (52.0) .A giant cockroach comes into view.-5.7 (53Magic Dart4<gs< _The giant cockroach moves out of view.<gv <g~ (78 M  ####. ######## #<.... #.....###... 0.0)#########...>......##^##### ..........##.# . ...BB   giant cockroach6.7 (1Magic Dart3<gں <g& 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.=gHI  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu # Health: 24/24 ======================== #. Magic: 7/8=====================--- ####. AC: 2Str: 8 ######## #<.... EV: 26 Int: 20 .......# #....B### SH: 0=g JDex: 12 .......# #..*.# XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 .......# #@# Noise: ---------  Time: 2136.7 (0.0) .......#########.# -) Nothing wielded ............>....# Cast: Magic Dart ..........##^##### Zot (9863) ..........##.# ..........##.# B   giant cockroach ....[..#####.# .............# .............# _The giant cockroach moves out of view. _Found a stone staircase leading up.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  =gaJ@Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (100% to hit)=g  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu#  Health: 24/24 ========================#.  Magic: 7/8=====================---####.  AC: 2Str: 8 ######## #<....  EV: 26 Int: 20 .......# #....B###  SH: 0Dex: 12 .......# #..*.#  XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 .......##@#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2136.7 (0.0) .......#########.#  -) Nothing wielded ............>....#=g9[40m  Cast: Magic Dart ..........##^#####  Zot (9863) ..........##.# ..........##.#  B   giant cockroach ....[..#####.# .............# .............# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.=gZ=g_K.B=ga|11 =7.7 (12 _=gcg=g6i=gvI   PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu # Health: 24/24 ======================== #. Magic: 6/8==================------ ####. AC: 2Str: 8 ######## #<.... EV: 11Int: 20 .......# #.....### SH: 0Dex: 12 .......# #..B.# XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 .......# #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2137.7 (0.0) .......#########.# -) Nothing wielded ............>....# Cast: [=gLL NmMagic Dart ..........##^##### Zot (9862) ..........##.# ..........##.# B   giant cockroach ....[..#####.# .............# .............#The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)=gi  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu # Health: 24/24 ======================== #. Magic: 6/8==================------ ####. AC: 2Str: 8 ######## #<.... EV: 11Int: 20 .......# #.....### SH: 0Dex: 12 .......# #..B.# XL:  4 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:2 .......# #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2137.7 (0.0) .......#########.# -) Nothing wielded ............>....# Cast: =gMagic Dart ..........##^##### Zot (9862) ..........##.# ..........##.# B   giant cockroach ....[..#####.# .............# .............#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach.  You kill the giant cockroach!=g # #. ####.    #....#  #@#  =g>....# ^##### [   >g,.98.7 (1Magic Dart1 _>g>gy4>g'!>g&626 0598>g'>g7)Y7>g)>g.,65>g,>g-7===4>ge.>g%/>g/Y3>g0>g1Y2>g@2Y1>g2>g4m===0>g4>g 6Z49>g7>g68Y8>g8>g9>g9C7>gd:>gA;>g;Y6>gs=8===5>g=>gA@>gA>g^BC4>gB>gD>gFY3>gH>gHLo2>gKM>gR===1>g|T>gPV>gWC0>gW>gg>gj>gRkD39>gl>gxJ#. #.# .#  #.###.  #.... #  ####...#. ##### #<...... #.....# #.....### #.....# #.##....# †..........# #[@...#.# - #.....#########.# #.....>....# #.....##^##### .....##.#.....##.# #........[..#####.# #.....#.....#>gk1 #. #.# .# #.###. #.... # ####...#.  # #<......  #.# #.....####.# #.##....#.†.# #@....#.# .#.###.# _#.>....# [#.##^##### .##.# #.##.# ##.[..#####.#  #.# .#>g 060.7 (22.0)>g-1.7 (238>gPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - giant cockroachAim: a giant cockroach (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the giant cockroach. _You kill the giant cockroach! _You see here a +1 leather armour of fire resistance.>gA>g'>gթ>g>gX>gv7 _>go6>gc>g¼Y5>g'>g>g>gMC4>g>g>g9Y3>gA>g>gY2>g >g>go1>g3>g        ## ###   #.. ..#   #.# #.####   #.###...g#   #....@#   ####...#.##.#  ####### #<..........#  Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  # #.##....#  ......# #[....#.#   g   hobgoblin (asleep) ......#########.#  ..>....#  ##[0;10;>g=1m^#####  8.7 (7.0)>gkf9.7 (80>g>g\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.?g  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 24/24 ========================  Magic: 7/8=====================--- ## ### AC: 2Str: 8 #.. ..# EV: 26 Int: 20 #.# #.####  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.###.**g#  XL:  4 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:2 #....@# Noise: ---------  Time: 2169.7 (0.0) ####...#.##.#  -) Nothing wielded ####### #<..........#  ?gcCast: Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  Zot (9830) ......# #.##....# ......# #[....#.# g   hobgoblin (asleep) ......#########.# ...........>....# .........##^##### _You see here a +1 leather armour of fire resistance. _A hobgoblin comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (asleep, 100% to hit)?gC   PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 24/24 ========================  Magic: 7/8=====================---## ###  AC: 2Str: 8#.. ..#  EV: 26 Int: 20#.# #.####  SH: 0Dex: 12#.###.**g#?gND   XL:  4 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:2#....@#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2169.7 (0.0)####...#.##.#  -) Nothing wielded ####### #<..........#  Cast: Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  Zot (9830) ......# #.##....# ......# #[....#.#  g   hobgoblin ......#########.# ...........>....# .........##^##### _You see here a +1 leather armour of fire resistance. ?gD _A hobgoblin comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (asleep, 100% to hit)?g pA hobgoblin comes into view.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - hobgoblin  Aim: a hobgoblin (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the hobgoblin but does no damage.?g H.g.?g ~11 =70.7 (129 _?g ?g @gH  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 24/24 ========================  Magic: 6/8==================------ ## ### AC: 2Str: 8 #.. ..# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# #.####  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.###.*g.#  XL:  4 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:2 #....@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2170.7 (0.0) ####...#.##.#  -) Nothing wielded ####### #<..........# [39;49@g&qm Cast: Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  Zot (9829) ......# #.##....# ......# #[....#.# g   hobgoblin ......#########.# ...........>....# .........##^#####Aim: a hobgoblin (asleep, 100% to hit) _The magic dart hits the hobgoblin but does no damage.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (100% to hit)@gG  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 24/24 ========================  Magic: 6/8==================------## ###  AC: 2Str: 8#.. ..#  EV: 11Int: 20#.# #.####  SH: 0Dex: 12#.###.*g.#  XL:  4 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:2#....@#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2170.7 (0.0)####...#.##.#  -) Nothing wielded ####### #<..........# [3@goJ7m Cast: Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  Zot (9829) ......# #.##....# ......# #[....#.#  g   hobgoblin ......#########.# ...........>....# .........##^##### Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is severely wounded.@g2@g 99g.@g9;m1.7 (18 _@gzb@gd@g"   PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 24/24 ========================  Magic: 5/8===============--------- ## ### AC: 2Str: 8 #.. ..# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# #.####  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.###.g..#  XL:  4 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:2 #....@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2171.7 (0.0) ####...#.##.#  -) Nothing wielded ####### #<..........#  Cas@g^$ t: Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  Zot (9828) ......# #.##....# ......# #[....#.# g   hobgoblin ......#########.# ...........>....# .........##^#####The magic dart hits the hobgoblin. _The hobgoblin is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (severely wounded, 100% to hit)@gP  PezBoy the Conjurer  Tengu  Health: 24/24 ========================  Magic: 5/8===============--------- ## ### AC: 2Str: 8 #.. ..# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# #.####  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.###.g..#  XL:  4 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:2 #....@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2171.7 (0.0) ####...#.##.#  -) Nothing wielded @g####### #<..........#  Cast: Magic Dart ......# #.....#######  Zot (9828) ......# #.##....# ......# #[....#.# g   hobgoblin ......#########.# ...........>....# .........##^#####Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!@gM ## ###  #.. ..#  #.#   ...#      .  #.....  #.##....#  #[....#.# @g9  >....#  ^#####  Ag &.Ag!212.7 (1Magic Dart7 _AgO(Ag)Agj26 65432Ag6===10Ag:19Ag8===76543Ag77===21009===8765Ag9Agb9C4Ag:Ag<Y3Ag=AgB?AgbG$8===21Ag5IY0AgIAgMAgfNAgNE799Ag-PAgR,AgSW===8AgTAg`AgcY7AgeAgiAgjAgfkC6AgJlAgoAgHqY5AgrAgvAgwAgVxC4AgjyAg |AgY3AgAgAgY2Ag_Ag)Ag10Ag,AgZ89AgAgAgBAgžC8AgAgqAgY7AgH6Ag75  There is a stone staircase leading down here.4 _AgAgY3AgAgzAgBY2Ag?AgcAg AgC1AgAgAgY0AgAgGAg\AgD79Ag}AgAgAg=C8AgAg AgV Ag C7AgAgAgUAg;6AgAgAgY5AgAg#AgI%Ag%;4AgP'Ag)Ag+AgG,C3Ag-Ag1Ag4Ag4;2Ag5Ag(8Agi:Ag:C1Agv<AgL?AgBAgBC0AgDAgGAgIAgJD69AgaLAgZAg]Y8AgM`AgUfAghAgki;7Ag kAg#qAgtY6AgvAg{Ag54  You see here a +0 helmet.3 _Ag\C2AgeAg,AgBY1AgAgY0AgdAg]AgZ59AgAgAgY8AgAg`676543Agln21049876AgK|Ag)}C5AgAggAgAgC4AgAg}E  There is a large open door here.AgJAgJ3 _AgӘ  There is a large open door here.2 _Ag̛Ag AgYAgC1AgAgAg>039Ag.AgjAgTY8AgAgsAg C7Ag`AgAgY6Ag1AgAgY5Ag 43AgAg2AgY1AgXAg`Ag/Y0AgSAgAg Z29Ag% 8Ag Y7Ag; ,Ag8 Y6Ag Ag05 54AgP9 Ag>d o3Agh Agj Y2Ag3 51019876Ag Ag Y5Ag AgZ Agқ AgD C4AgP Ag Ag Y3Ag Ag, E  There is a large open door here.Ag7 G2 _  There is a large open door here.1 _Agl Y0AgO Ag Ag Ag D09Ag Ag9 Ag 8#.........# #...#.........# #.##.#...._..[.####.# .. #............#.# ... ###.....####.#.# r... ##.##.# #.#.##...... #....# #.#.........########.# #.###........@....##.# #.....- ####........##.######### #....÷...##......# Magic Dart #........''......#  #........##......# #........##......# r   rat (asleep) #######gz m'###......# #.# ######## #.#Ag\ 29119.0)-2.7 (1207 _A rat comes into view.Bg@ #.........# #... PezBoy the Conjurer #.........# #.## Tengu . #...._..[.####.#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .. #............#.#  Magic: 7/8=====================--- ... ###.....####.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 r*.. ##.##.# #.#.## EV: 26 Int: 20 ..**.. #....# #.#... SH: 0Dex: 12 ....**########.# #.###. XL:  4 Next: 21% Place: Dungeon:2 ......*@....##.# #..... Noise: ---------  Time: 2292.7 (0.0) ####........##.######### BgA -) Nothing wielded #....÷...##......#  Cast: Magic Dart #........''......#  Zot (9707)  #........##......#  #........##......#  r   rat (asleep) #######'###......#  #.# ########  #.# _There is a large open door here. _A rat comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)Bg|#.........# #... PezBoy the Conjurer#.........# #.## Tengu.#...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================.. #............#.# Magic: 7/8=====================---... ###.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8r*.. ##.##.# #.#.## EV: 26 Int: 20..**.. #....# #.#... SH: 0Dex: 12....**########.# #.###. XL:  4 Next: 21% Place: Dungeon:2......*@....##.# #..... NoiBgRse: ---------  Time: 2292.7 (0.0)####........##.######### -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic Dart#........''......#Zot (9707) #........##......##........##......#r   rat#######'###......##.# #########.#Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the rat.  The rat is heavily wounded.BgSOBg8UZ..r.....BgX|11 =3.7 (16 _Bg_BgoaBg' #.........# #... PezBoy the Conjurer #.........# #.## Tengu . #...._..[.####.#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .. #............#.#  Magic: 6/8==================------ ... ###.....####.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 .... ##.##.# #.#.## EV: 11Int: 20 Bg/.r.... #....# #.#... SH: 0Dex: 12 ..***.########.# #.###. XL:  4 Next: 21% Place: Dungeon:2 .....**@....##.# #..... Noise: =--------  Time: 2293.7 (0.0) ####........##.######### -) Nothing wielded #....÷...##......#  Cast: Magic Dart #........''......#  Zot (9706)  #........##......#  #........##......#  r   rat #######'###......#  #.# ########  #.# The magic dart hits the rat. _The rat is heavily wounded.Aiming: MaBggic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ratAim: a rat (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)CgA #.........# #... PezBoy the Conjurer #.........# #.## Tengu . #...._..[.####.#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .. #............#.#  Magic: 6/8==================------ ... ###.....####.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 .... ##.##.# #.#.## EV: 11Int: 20 .r.... #....# #.#... SH: 0Dex: 12 ......########.# #.###. XL:  4 Next: 21% Place: Dungeon:2 .......@....##.# #..... Noise: =--------  Time: 2293.7 (0.0) ####........##.######### -) Nothing wielded #....CgTCk...##......#  Cast: Magic Dart #........''......#  Zot (9706)  #........##......#  #........##......#  r   rat #######'###......#  #.# ########  #.# Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ratAim: a rat (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the rat.  You kill the rat!Cg F ...#  ...#  . #...._..[  .. .  ... .  Cg .... ##.##.#  ...... #....#  ..***.#  .....**.#  . .       #.#  #.#CgG3......Cg24.7 (1Magic Dart5 _CgbCgCgg 26 4Cg 32106997===876Cgs X5===432108===8987Cg  #.........# ###########.........# #.#.......##...._..[.####.#.......##............#.#.......####.....####.#.#.......# ##.##.# #.#.#.......# #....# #.##.......########.# #.###..##.# #-3128.0)##........##. #....÷...##......# #..''......# #..##......#  #..##......#  #######'###......#  #.# ##  #.#Cg 8-Cg Cg E _Done exploring.Dg JDga5..0.0)Dg4Dg=E _Done exploring.EgEg] Read which item? Scrolls  c - a scroll labelled MOHIVAQOBI  f - a scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU  j - a scroll labelled NEGAUS XADESOA  k - a scroll labelled HIOKEC ZIGRYEPT  l - a scroll labelled ULYZOO VENIERAO  m - a scroll labelled MURUPP FOMN  n - a scroll labelled KIWUZUEWNO  o - a scroll labelled NEZXOA JEONTAP [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedFg. Fgc#.........# #. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #. Tengu#.......##...._..[.####. Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#. Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#. AC: 2Str: 8#.......# ##.##.# #.#. EV: 26 Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#. SH: 0Dex: 12#.......########.# #.## XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#......@......##.# #... Noise: ---------  Time:ge}39;49m 2312.7 (0.0)######........##.####### -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......# Cast: Magic Dart#........''......# Zot (9687) #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.#Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ratAim: a rat (heavily wounded, 100% to hit)  The magic dart hits the rat. _You kill the rat! _Done exploring. _Done exploring.Fgb #.........# #. PezBoy the Conjurer ##########.........# #. Tengu #.......##...._..[.####. Health: 24/24 ======================== Fg#.......##............#. Magic: 8/8======================== #.......####.....####.#. AC: 2Str: 8 #.......# ##.##.# #.#. EV: 26 Int: 20 #.......# #....# #.#. SH: 0Dex: 12 #.......########.# #.## XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2 #......@......##.# #... Noise: ---------  Time: 2312.7 (0.0) ######........##.####### -) Nothing wielded Fg#....÷...##......#  Cast: Magic Dart #........''......#  Zot (9687)  #........##......#  #........##......#   #######'###......#   #.# ########   #.#  The magic dart hits the rat. _You kill the rat! _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  Blink to where?Press: ? - help, Dir - move target, f - youGgU;F@*GgjQ#.........# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #.# Tengu#.......##...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#.# Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8#.......# ##.##.# #.#.# EV: 26 Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#.. SH: 0Gg^RDex: 12#.......########.# #.### XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#......§@.....##.# #.... Noise: ---------  Time: 2312.7 (0.0)######........##.######## -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic Dart#........''......#Zot (9687) #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.#The magic dart hits the rat. GgBS_You kill the rat! _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  Blink to where?Press: ? - help, Dir - move targetGgXmn .  As you read the scroll labelled MOHIVAQOBI, it crumbles to dust.Ggitp11 3.7 (16Gg~H _It was a scroll of blinking.GgzGgRead which item? Scrolls  f - a scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU  j - a scroll labelled NEGAUS XADESOA  k - a scroll labelled HIOKEC ZIGRYEPT Gg<z l - a scroll labelled ULYZOO VENIERAO  m - a scroll labelled MURUPP FOMN  n - a scroll labelled KIWUZUEWNO  o - a scroll labelled NEZXOA JEONTAP [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedHg.HgHg+#.........# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #.# Tengu#.......##...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#.# Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8HgK#.......# ##.##.# #.#.# EV: 11Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#.. SH: 0Dex: 12#.......########.# #.### XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#.......@.....##.# #.... Noise: ---------  Time: 2313.7 (0.0)######........##.######## -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic DartHgo"#........''......#Zot (9686) #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.# _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  HgBlink to where?Press: ? - help, Dir - move targetAs you read the scroll labelled MOHIVAQOBI, it crumbles to dust. _It was a scroll of blinking.Hgh  As you read the scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU, it crumbles to dust.Hgw4.7 (15) Tele HgHg~ _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.IgVdRead which item? Scrolls  j - a scroll labelled NEGAUS XADESOA  k - a scroll labelled HIOKEC ZIGRYEPT  l - a scroll labelled ULYZOO VENIERAO  m - a scroll labelled MURUPP FOMN  n - a scroll labelled KIWUZUEWNO  o - a scroll labelled NEZXOA JEONTAP [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedJgJg.JgK#.........# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #.# Tengu#.......##...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#.# Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8#.......# ##.##.# #.#.# EV: 11Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#.. SH: 0Dex: 12Jg#.......########.# #.### XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#.......@.....##.# #.... Noise: ---------  Time: 2314.7 (0.0)######........##.######## -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic Dart#........''......#Zot (9685) Tele #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.#Blink to where?Press: ? - help, Dir - move targetAs you read the scroll labelled MOHIVAQOBI, it crumbles to dust. _It was a scroll of blinking.  As you read the scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.JgL  This is a scroll of acquirement!Jg/  --more--Jge Jgj Choose an item to acquire.  a - the ring of Xom's Bemusement {rPois rN+ Dex+3}  b - the +0 pair of gloves of the Onion {Int+3}  c - a staff of conjurationd - 250 gold pieces (you have 73 gold) [!] acquire|examine items [a-d] select item for acquirement[Esc] exitMg|~v+ Acquire a staff of conjuration? (y/N)PgWbPg%}#.........# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #.# Tengu#.......##...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#.# Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8#.......# ##.##.# #.#.# EV: 11Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#.. SH: 0Dex: 12#.......########.# #.### XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2Pg}#.......@.....##.# #.... Noise: ---------  Time: 2314.7 (0.0)######........##.######## -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic Dart#........''......#Zot (9685) Tele #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.#Press: ? - help, Dir - move targetAs you read the scroll labelled MOHIVAQOBI, it crumbles to dust. _It was a scroll of blinking.  As you read the scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.  This is a scroll of acquirement!Pgf5.7 (14PgPg3 _Something appears before you!QgQgza63QgQgP _c - a staff of conjurationSg, Sg"QWear which item? Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +0 robe (worn)[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip TgP#.........# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #.# Tengu#.......##...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#.# Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8#.......# ##.##.# #.#.# EV: 11Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#.. SH: 0Dex: 12#.......########.# #.### XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#.......@.....##.# #.... Noise: ---------  Time: 2316.7 (0.0)Tg ######........##.######## -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic Dart#........''......#Zot (9683) Tele #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.# _It was a scroll of blinking.  As you read the scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.  This is a scroll of acquirement! _Something appears before you! _c - a staff of conjuration  Okay, then. _TgsWield which item (- for none)?  - - Unarmed (current attack) Magical Staves (go to first with |)  c - a staff of conjuration [*] show all[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip UgUgBUg3#.........# #.. PezBoy the Conjurer##########.........# #.# Tengu#.......##...._..[.####.# Health: 24/24 ========================#.......##............#.# Magic: 8/8========================#.......####.....####.#.# AC: 2Str: 8Ug5y#.......# ##.##.# #.#.# EV: 11Int: 20#.......# #....# #.#.. SH: 0Dex: 12#.......########.# #.### XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#.......@.....##.# #.... Noise: ---------  Time: 2316.7 (0.0)######........##.######## -) Nothing wielded#....÷...##......#Cast: Magic Dart#........''......#Zot (9683) Tele #........##......##........##......########'###......##.# #########.#As you read the scroll labelled ZOITUEZ VISIU, it crumbles to dust. Ug5_You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.  This is a scroll of acquirement! _Something appears before you! _c - a staff of conjuration _Okay, then.Uge?UgF7.2 (0.5c) staff of conjuration2UgNUgP9 _c - a staff of conjuration (weapon)Vg #.# #.##########.# #.##.......##...._..[.####.# #.......##.#.# #.......####.....####.#.# #.......# ##.##.# #.#.##.......# #....# #.#.#.##.# #.###.#.##.# #.######.##.##....÷...##......# #.''......# #.##. Vg VgZ 26 8.2 (1.01Vg Vgp Wg#.# #.#.# #.##.......##...._..[.####.# ##.......##.#.# #.......####.....####.#.# #.......# ##.##.# #.#.##.......# #....# #.#...##.#Wg#.# #.###.##.##.# #.....#######.##.##....÷...##......# #.''......# #.##......##.##......# WgfWg8#.......##...#.# ##.......####.....####.#.# #.......# ##.##.# #.#.### #.......# #....# #.#...#Wg #.......########.# #.###.##.........§...##.# #.....# ######........##.##########  #....÷...##......#  #''......#  #.##......# #........##......# #######'###......#  #.# #######Wg# #.# #.##.# WgWgf90) Wg Wg Wg:_Your surroundings seem slightly different.Xg]  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   0.0   1.0   0   h + Spellcasting 2.5   3.6  -1           b - Staves   0.0   0.8  +1   i + Conjurations 5.9   3.6  +3   c - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1       d - Throwing   0.0   1.0   0   j - Evocations   0.0   1.0   0  g^X                 e - Armour   0.0   0.8  +1      f + Dodging3.0   3.4  +1      g + Stealth2.9   2.5  +1                                      g_g16;22H                        The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targetsYg > j + Evocations 0.0bg, TargetTarget--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  a-z] set[-] clear selected targetcost|targetsdgQK=[?25h[?0c0 eg= [?25l[?1ceg 3.0  +1 current training targets, if any.=] set aall targetsfgLfg#fgW)#.......##............#.# # PezBoy the Conjurer#.......####.....####.#.#Tengu#.......# ##.##.# #.#.### Health: 24/24 ========================#.......# #....# #.#...# Magic: 8/8========================#.......########.# #.###.# AC: 2fg*Str: 8#.........§...##.# #.....# EV: 26 Int: 20######........##.########## SH: 0Dex: 12#....÷...##......#XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#.....@..''......#Noise: ---------  Time: 2319.2 (0.0)#........##......#c) staff of conjuration#........##......#Cast: Magic Dart#######'###......#Zot (9680) #.# #########.##.##.##.#fgQ+This is a scroll of acquirement! _Something appears before you! _c - a staff of conjuration _Okay, then. _c - a staff of conjuration (weapon) _Your surroundings seem slightly different.fg0fg8fg<fg>ggh4ggCiggggggN[ _Done exploring.hg[hgLevel 2 of the Dungeon <<<>>>__(Press ? for help)#.........# #.......'.......#..............###########.........# #.###..##.......#..............##.......##...._..[.####.# ##..#.......#..............##.......##............#.# ##.#.......#.........#######.......####.....####.#.# #.[.......#.........##.......# ##.##.# #.#.### ##..#+####...#########.......# #....# #.#...# ##....###'#########.......########.# #.###.# ###.............##.........§...##.# #.....# ###...........#######........##.###########..>........##....÷...##......##...........##.....@..''......##...........##........##......##....)......##........##......##...........########'###......##...........##.# #########...........##.##...........##.###############.##.#hg7#.##.##.#hg8 ^>@igHiga#.......##............#.# # PezBoy the Conjurer#.......####.....####.#.#Tengu#.......# ##.##.# #.#.### Health: 24/24 ========================#.......# #....# #.#...# Magic: 8/8========================#.......########.# #.###.# AC: 2Str: 8#.........§...##.# #.....# EV: 26 Int: 20######........##.########## SH: 0Dex: 12#....÷...##......#igbXL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2#.....@..''......#Noise: ---------  Time: 2319.2 (0.0)#........##......#c) staff of conjuration#........##......#Cast: Magic Dart#######'###......#Zot (9680) #.# #########.##.##.##.# _Something appears before you! _c - a staff of conjuration _Okay, then. ig`c_c - a staff of conjuration (weapon) _Your surroundings seem slightly different. _Done exploring.igcigeignigpigFua79 _igvigyyigyC8igzigWigY7igigE  There is a large open door here.igYigщJ6 _igigDE  There is a large open door here.igǑigJ5 _igigig igC4ig>igigY3igigigDigC2igigigigC1igigig׸Y0igigigܽZ69igZigCigig,C8igRigigigC7igigiggY6igigigigrC5ig4igigMigC4ig-igigyC3igig0igigY2igzigLigdigC1igDigNig< ig C0ig( ig igZ59ig1igigC8igFigigigig2C7igigigY6igy!ig$ig&Y5ig )igo+igy-C4ig-ig.ig?3ig4ig4C3ig6igA8ig9Y2ig:ig4=ig>igCo1igCigbDC0igEigGigIig5JD49ig6KigO_  You see here a +0 barding.ig.S`8 _igRTigVig2YY7igZigc]igX`Y6ig`igcigeY5iggigCjiglig mC4ignigrig(igQC3igigig[Y2ig^ig}#.###..##.......#..... ##.# ##..#.......#..............# .#.# ##.#.......#.........###### .#.# #.[.......#.........# .#.### ##..#+####...######## .#...# ##....###'######## .###.# ###.............# .....# ###...........# ###### #..@........# 57.2 (38.0) .# #...........# .#igK~ #...........# .# #....)......# .##...........# .##...........# ###...........##...........##############igigXig4c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.ig ig ig ig igl$ }11 8.2 (1.0)1 _ig0 ig s   ..ig8   ##.  ..#   ..   #.######♣..   #ig (=.♣   ## 3 ig U #.@#   #.##   #. ig   ##    ig |  ig I15641) ig6 ig9 +9 (1.7igs@ igG _You climb downwards.  Found 9 stones and a copper ring. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.jg'? 4jg@ jgrC jgF jgJ t26 0 _jgkK jgO jgO <39jg>Q jg S jg2V C8jgV jgW jgY jgk\ jg\ C7jg] jg_ jgb jgac C6jgd jgh ;  You see here 9 stones.jgk jgk J5 _jgtl jgB~ 0  ... #. ... .. ...♣ ##. ....♣ #..# ♣...♣  ... ♣...♣  #.######♣..♣  #......(@.♣jg  ##.......## #.<#........ #.##.#....... #....#........ ######........ ....$#### ######jg/ .64.9 (6.0jg* p11 5.9 (74jg jg” / _f - a +6 ring of strengthmgQmgQmgRmgVmgYmg^26 3mgL`Y2mgamg`dmgzgmggC1mg@imgmmgoY0mgqmgtmg3xmgxD29mg,zmg\|mgo8mg11 7mgL _You now have 80 gold pieces (gained 7).mg׍mgDmg26 65 .....♣  ##.....♣ ..>  #..# ♣...♣ ..  ... ♣...♣ ..  #.######♣..♣ ##.:  #......(..♣###...$  ##.......###...#  #.<#..........#  #.##.#......@.#74.9 (9  #....#........#  ######........#  ........#####  ######### 5.9 (10.0)4mg$mgd; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ng9ng8ePut on which piece of jewellery? ngڊJewellery (go to first with "=)  d - a ring of firef - a +6 ring of strength[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip ogogC .....♣PezBoy the Conjurer##.....♣ ..>Tengu#..#♣...♣ ..Health: 24/24 ========================...♣...♣ ..Magic: 8/8========================#.######♣..♣ ##.:AC: 2Str: 8#......(..♣###...$EV: 26 Int: 20##.......###...#SH: 0Dex: 12#.<#..........#XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:3#.##.#......@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 2375.9 (0.0)#....#........#c) staff of conjuration######........#Cast: Magic Dart...g;0m.....#####Zot (15624) #########Found 9 stones and a copper ring. _There is a stone staircase leading up here. _You see here 9 stones. _f - a +6 ring of strength _You now have 80 gold pieces (gained 7). _Found a stone staircase leading down.  Okay, then.og. _ogu ogv ogv og:y og| og `3 _og og/  ... #.  ....  ..  .. ##.  ....♣ ..>.. #..# ♣...♣ .....  og 5... ♣...♣ ....r.#.######♣..♣ ###.:....#......(..♣###...$....##.......###..@# #.<#..........# #.##.#........# Magic Dart#....#........# ######........#........#####r   rat (asleep)#########ogߚ +6.9 (1og f7.9 (22ogv og4 V _A rat comes into view.pg-3 ... PezBoy the Conjurer #. .... ....  Tengu  .. ...♣ ....  Health: 24/24 ======================== ##. ....♣ ..>..  Magic: 7/8=====================--- #..# ♣...♣ .....  AC: 2Str: 8  ... ♣...♣ ...*r.  EV: 26 Int: 20  #.######♣..♣ ###.**...  SH: 0Dex: 12  #......(..♣###.**$....  XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:3  ##.......###..@# Noise: ---------  Time: 2377.9 (0.0)  #.<#..g*49m........# c) staff of conjuration  #.##.#........# Cast: Magic Dart  #....#........# Zot (15622)  ######........# ........##### r   rat (asleep) ######### _Okay, then. _A rat comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)pgx ... PezBoy the Conjurer #. .... ....  Tengu  .. ...♣ ....  Health: 24/24 ======================== ##. ....♣ ..>..  Magic: 7/8=====================--- #..# ♣...♣ .....  AC: 2Str: 8 pg ... ♣...♣ ....r.  EV: 26 Int: 20  #.######♣..♣ ###.:....  SH: 0Dex: 12  #......(..♣###...$....  XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:3  ##.......###..@# Noise: ---------  Time: 2377.9 (0.0)  #.<#..........# c) staff of conjuration  #.##.#........# Cast: Magic Dart  #....#........# Zot (15622)  ######........# ........##### r   rat (asleep) #########Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press:pgv ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (asleep, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the rat.  You kill the rat!pg ... .... ....  .. ...♣ ....  ....♣ ..>..  ♣...♣ .....  ... ♣...♣ ...*..   ###.**...  (**$....    #.<         pg Y..:...pg* 11 4=8.9 (1Magic Dart1 _pg0 pg2 qg\qgTqgV26 019876qgPY5qgo4qgWqg#8===3qgf%qgp(4 _Magic restored.qg -Y2qg-qg/2qgt3qgJ4C1qg4qg47qg]CqgnDC0qgFqgIqgAMqgMX===09qgNqgSy11 8qgVUqgXM _You now have 97 gold pieces (gained 17).qgZ\m26 7qg]qgrZ  ......  ... .....#  .... .....#  ...♣##.....#  ....♣#..>...# # ♣...♣##......+ . ♣...♣ #.......# .######♣..♣ ###.@.....#- ......(..♣###.........# #.......###...#+##+#### #.<#..........# #.##.#........# #....#........# ######........#........##############You pick up a book of Winter and begin reading...qgf924.0)11 -3.9 (156qgqg  You add the spells Frozen Ramparts, Ozocubu's Armour, Hoarfrost Cannonade and _Metabolic Englaciation to your library.rg&rg0(r Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Frozen RampartsIce41% 3b - Ozocubu's ArmourIce41% 3  c - Fulminant PrismConjuration/Alchemy41% 4  d - Iskenderun's Mystic Blast Conjuration/Translocation 41% 4  e - Hoarfrost Cannonade Ice/Alchemy99% 5  f - Metabolic Englaciation Hexes/Ice99% 5 5 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitvgY vg[PezBoy the Conjurer......Tengu... .....#Health: 24/24 ========================.... .....#Magic: 8/8========================...♣##.....#AC: 2Str: 8....♣#..>...#EV: 11Int: 20 #♣...♣##......+SH: 0Dex: 12 .♣...♣ #.......#XL:  4 Next: 24% Place: Dungeon:3 .######♣..♣ ###.@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 2393.9 (0.0) ......(..♣###.........#c) staff of conjuration #.......###...#+##+####Cast: Magic Dart #.<#..........#Zot (15606) #.##.#........# #....#...vgl\.....# ######........#........############## _You kill the rat! _Magic restored. _You now have 97 gold pieces (gained 17).  You pick up a book of Winter and begin reading...  You add the spells Frozen Ramparts, Ozocubu's Armour, Hoarfrost Cannonade and _Metabolic Englaciation to your library.vgaP  Okay, then.vg hvglvg o. _wgٶv Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Frozen RampartsIce41% 3b - Ozocubu's ArmourIce41% 3  c - Fulminant PrismConjuration/Alchemy41% 4  d - Iskenderun's Mystic Blast Conjuration/Translocation 41% 4  e - Hoarfrost Cannonade Ice/Alchemy99% 5  f - Metabolic Englaciation Hexes/Ice99% 5 5 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitygygygPezBoy the Conjurer......Tengu... .....#Health: 24/24 ========================.... .....#Magic: 8/8========================...♣##.....#AC: 2Str: 8....♣#..>...#EV: 11Int: 20 #♣...♣##......+SH: 0Dex: 12 .♣...♣ #.......#XL:  4 Next: 24% Place: Dungeon:3 .######♣..♣ ###.@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 2393.9 (0.0) yg.......(..♣###.........#c) staff of conjuration #.......###...#+##+####Cast: Magic Dart #.<#..........#Zot (15606) #.##.#........# #....#........# ######........#........############## _Magic restored. _You now have 97 gold pieces (gained 17).  You pick up a book of Winter and begin reading...  You add the spells Frozen Ramparts, Ozocubu's Armour, Hoarfrost Cannonade and _Metabolic Englaciation to your library. _Okay, then.ygygNMemorise Fulminant Prism, consuming 4 spell levels and leaving 1? Y - Yes yg' N - NozgzgPezBoy the Conjurer......Tengu... .....#Health: 24/24 ========================.... .....#Magic: 8/8========================...♣##.....#AC: 2Str: 8....♣#..>...#EV: 11Int: 20 #♣...♣##......+SH: 0Dex: 12 .♣...♣ #.......#XL:  4 Next: 24% Place: Dungeon:3 .######♣..♣ ###.@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 2393.9 (0.0) ......(..♣###.........#c) staff of conjuration #.......###...#+##+####zgVCast: Magic Dart #.<#..........#Zot (15606) #.##.#........# #....#........# ######........#........############## _Magic restored. _You now have 97 gold pieces (gained 17).  You pick up a book of Winter and begin reading...  You add the spells Frozen Ramparts, Ozocubu's Armour, Hoarfrost Cannonade and _Metabolic Englaciation to your library. _Okay, then.zgf4.9 (15zg zg} _This spell is astonishingly dangerous to cast!zg?f5.9 (24zgzgzg f6.9 (33zgzgzgf7.9 (42zgzzgzg f8.9 (51zg#zg' _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x4zg*zg(/zgi1c _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'c'.zg zg "  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   0.0   1.0   0   h + Spellcasting 2.5   3.6  -1           b - Staves   0.0   0.8  +1   i + Conjurations 5.9   3.6  +3  zg  c - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1   j - Alchemy   0.0   1.2  -1   d - Throwing   0.0   1.0   0          k + Evocations0.0   1.0   0           e - Armour   0.0   0.8  +1      f + Dodging3.0   3.4  +1      g + Stealth2.9   2.5  +1  g m                                            zg                 The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targets{g > j + Alchemy 0.0|g |gf |g+ "PezBoy the Conjurer......Tengu... .....#Health: 24/24 ========================.... .....#Magic: 8/8========================...♣##.....#AC: 2Str: 8....♣#..>...#EV: 11Int: 20 #♣...♣##......+SH: 0Dex: 12 .♣...♣ #.......#XL:  4 Next: 24% Place: Dungeon:3 .######♣..♣ ###.@.....#|g: ZNoise: ---------  Time: 2398.9 (0.0) ......(..♣###.........#c) staff of conjuration #.......###...#+##+####Cast: Magic Dart #.<#..........#Zot (15601) #.##.#........# #....#........# ######........#........##############You add the spells Frozen Ramparts, Ozocubu's Armour, Hoarfrost Cannonade and _Metabolic Englaciation to your library. _Okay, then. _This spell is astonishingly dangerous to cast! _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x4 _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'c'.|g= |g  |g |g }g}ge4}gO}g}g26 0 _}g}gb11 599}g}g7 _You open the door.}gm26 8}g}gϥ@  There is an open door here.}gR}gʧJ7 _}g<}gF}gG}gC6}g٪}g}gݬY5}ga}g}g[}gǰc11 4}g$}g7 _You open the door.}g4m26 3}g}g"@  There is an open door here.}g}g'`2 _}g0}g:}gQ1}gm}g[}gY0}gy}gZ89}gy}gby11 8}g}gN _You now have 112 gold pieces (gained 15).}gdm26 7}g}g>}g0Y6}g}g}gcY5}g}g}g}g<Y4}g}gq...###...#'##'#### .........#.##.# #........#.##.# #........#.##.# . #........#.##.#### #.. .....#####.#.....# ..####### #.##.#### ..... #.#.....######+ ##...@ß......415.9 (17.0) #.###....... .... ###.#.# #### # # #. }g}gg6.9 (183}g}g5 _Found a runed translucent gate.~g~g~gֺ~gp~g3y .....#.##.# #.##.# .... .. .#.##.# .#ß#..ß .#.##.####.###.. ....#####.#.....#o...### ##### #.##.####....... #.#.....######++ ##....ß........###@........###.#.####.##. #  #.##. #.##.#. #.o   orc (asleep) #.#.~g ~g l7.0)2~g ~g g 4g g g= g o1gE Y0g gY g, g g D79g9 g g gv Y8g g gp g Y7gI g g6 Y6g| g g  Ravn's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you.g# g& g) g, g. g2 g8 g9 C5g: g4E l _The orc shouts! You hear a shout! x2; The orc shouts! You hear a shout!gJ gL g"O gKR ggU gW g5X C4gY g` ge gh gk go g|s gw gUy gy C3gn| gЃ g #.##.# #....o.o..o . .#.##.# #.#ß#..ßoo#ß#.##.##.####.###..ooo###.# ##.#.....#...W#####....# g̑  #.##.####.....o.......#  #.#.....######+++########....ß.............ß####.###........  ........###.#.#@###.#.  ####.##.# #.#.#....J# #.##.# #.#.##......#Magic Dart#.##.# #.#.# ......##. #.# #.#.. ......##.# #.### #.....#W   Ravn's ghost#.# #.. .....#g* Noooo 4 orcs (1 polearm, 1 wandering)#.# ### ....##J   endoplasm (asleep)g˛ X26.9 (9gٜ ,gН gO g T.oo.o#####oW.ooooo 6 orcs (g j7.9 (10.0)2g gn ] _An endoplasm comes into view.gG #.##.# #.#ß#..ßoo#ß#.# #.##.####.###..oo.###.# #.#.....#...o#####o...# .##.####....W.o......# #.#.....######+++######  ##....ß.............ß ####.###............... ........###.#.#.###.#. ####.##.# #.#.#.@..J#  #.##.# #.#.##......##.##.# #.#.##......# #. #.# #.#.........#  #.# #.#####gH :#.# #.. .....# #.# ### ....##  3 orcs ..... gM gN gN gW .o.W. 2 orcsgX l8.0)1gWa gid g t.##.# #.#ß#..ßoo#ß#.# .##.####.###..oo.###.# .#.....#....#####o...# .##.####...o.W.......# # .#.....######+++######..  ##....ß.............ß..###............... ###.#.#.###.#. g 8.##.# #.#.#..@.J# #.##.# #.#.##......# #.##.# #.#.##......# #. #.# #.#...# #.# #.####.# #.. +.....# J   endoplasm (asleep)#.# ### #....##......gL g% a90g gZ g~j.##.# #.#ß#..ßoo#ß#.#  PezBoy the Conjurer .##.####.###..oo.###.#  Tengu .#.....#....#####o...#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .##.####...o.W.......# #  Magic: 7/8=====================--- .#.....######+++######..  AC: 2Str: 8  ##....ß.............ß.  EV: 26 Int: 20 ###.###...............  SH: 0Dex: 12 g].......###.#.#.###.#.  XL:  4 Next: 24% Place: Dungeon:3 ###.##.# #.#.#..@*J#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2429.9 (0.0)  #.##.# #.#.##......#  c) staff of conjuration  #.##.# #.#.##......#  Cast: Magic Dart  #. #.# #.#.........#  Zot (15570)  #.# #.#####.....#  #.# #.. +.....#  J   endoplasm (asleep) #.# ### #....##  ......  _The orc shouts! You hear a shout! x2; The orc shouts! You hear a shout! _An endoplasm comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gO=Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (asleep, 100% to hit)g7.##.# #.#ß#..ßoo#ß#.#PezBoy the Conjurer .##.####.###..oo.###.#Tengu .#.....#....#####o...#Health: 24/24 ======================== .##.####...o.W.......# #Magic: 7/8=====================--- .#.....######+++######..AC: 2Str: 8  ##....ß.............ß.EV: 26 Int: 20 ###.###...............SH: 0Dex: 12 .......###.#.#.###.#.g8%XL:  4 Next: 24% Place: Dungeon:3 ###.##.# #.#.#..@*J#Noise: ---------  Time: 2429.9 (0.0)#.##.# #.#.##......#c) staff of conjuration#.##.# #.#.##......#Cast: Magic Dart#. #.# #.#.........#Zot (15570) #.# #.#####.....##.# #.. +.....#J   endoplasm#.# ### #....##......  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (asleep, 100% to hit)  g9You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is moderately wounded.gog?/  --more--gn  The endoplasm quivers.gh'J.g?~11 =30.9 (169 _ggghYou completely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is moderately wounded.gkh2.1 (1.27g]gO _The endoplasm closely misses you.gh   You barely miss the endoplasm. You claw the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is almost dead.The endoplasm freezes you.2--3.36gDo g7s % _You are frozen.gc;  You hit the endoplasm.gqj1.gr3=-64.5Magic Dart5gPxgzzM _You kill the endoplasm!g4g!26 4gg(o3gg"C2gEgg=8===1ggB g q4=0g g1 _HP restored.ggWgD59g!gg"g%gF&C8g'g,gv5,gV8g8W===7g;gAgtOge=6 _The orc shouts!gɉgzo5glgg7gggPggg{C4g7gg3g%4 _The orc shouts!g+g)1g4g9Y2g=gAEgJg\KC1gLgT,geUC0g$Vg|Xg \g\D49g]g_gbgcC8gdgggjY7gkg.mgogpC6gWqgrgitgtC5gtugvgt}4guC3ggo2gHg g$Y1gggY0gOggߓgeD39gg(gY8gggמY7ggGggY6gJ5gggY4ggMgC3g@g4g8g;2glgؿg;gC1gggg8C0gg,grD29ggAggB #.#..#  #.#..#  .....  #...#  #..w  #..  gH'#.#  #@# - ...o........# #.# #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.# Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.######## ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#w   ribbon worm (wandering) ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............###########g070.5 (36.0)g-1.5 (378gg^ _A ribbon worm comes into view.g  PezBoy the Conjurer #.#..#  Tengu #.#..#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .....  Magic: 7/8g=====================--- #...#  AC: 2Str: 8 #..w EV: 26 Int: 20 #.* SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  4 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:3 #@# Noise: ---------  Time: 2471.5 (0.0) ...o........# #.# c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.# Cast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########  Zot (15528) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#  w   ribbon worm (wandering) ####+++######.......###.# g. ............ß.....#.....# ..............########### _The orc shouts! _A ribbon worm comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)g% PezBoy the Conjurer#.#..#Tengu#.#..#Health: 24/24 ========================.....Magic: 7/8=====================---#...#AC: 2Str: 8#..wEV: 26 Int: 20#.*SH: 0Dex: 12#*#XL:  4 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:3#@#Noise: ---------  Time: 2471.5 (0.0) ...o........# #.#c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.#Cast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########Zot (15528) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#w  gH'  ribbon worm ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............###########Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.gɳ Hw..g |11 =2.5 (17 _ge g\ g  PezBoy the Conjurer #.#..#  Tengu #.#..#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .....  Magic: 6/8==================------ #...#  AC: 2Str: 8 #..w EV: 11Int: 20 g1#.* SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  4 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:3 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2472.5 (0.0) ...o........# #.# c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.# Cast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########  Zot (15527) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#  w   ribbon worm ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............########### You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the ribbon worm. _The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select g̥$action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)g*CPezBoy the Conjurer#.#..#Tengu#.#..#Health: 24/24 ========================.....Magic: 6/8==================------#...#AC: 2Str: 8#..wEV: 11Int: 20#.*SH: 0Dex: 12gD}#*#XL:  4 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:3#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 2472.5 (0.0) ...o........# #.#c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.#Cast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########Zot (15527) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#w   ribbon worm ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............###########Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the ribbon worm.  gEMThe ribbon worm is heavily wounded.g9g^.w.gm3.5 (16 _gg0g   PezBoy the Conjurer #.#..#  Tengu #.#..#  Health: 24/24 ======================== .....  Magic: 5/8===============--------- #...#  AC: 2Str: 8 #... EV: 11Int: 20 g& #.w SH: 0Dex: 12 #*# XL:  4 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:3 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2473.5 (0.0) ...o........# #.# c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.# Cast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########  Zot (15526) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#  w   ribbon worm ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............########### You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the ribbon worm. _The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, [3g 9;49m(/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)g^PezBoy the Conjurer#.#..#Tengu#.#..#Health: 24/24 ========================.....Magic: 5/8===============---------#...#AC: 2Str: 8#...EV: 11Int: 20#.wSH: 0Dex: 12#*#g_XL:  4 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:3#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 2473.5 (0.0) ...o........# #.#c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.#Cast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########Zot (15526) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.#w   ribbon worm ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............###########Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.gg;W.wgWm4.5 (15 _ggQg  You barely miss the ribbon worm. You claw the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.gh5.7 (1.24ggX _The ribbon worm barely misses you.g   (catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm. You blast the ribbon worm. You claw the ribbon worm.  You peck the ribbon worm, but do no damage.The ribbon worm is severely wounded. `````The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.gI $@....6.93 _The stream of webbing misses you.gwk    You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is almost dead.gl :19-----gm \8.11g3t g(w 0 _The ribbon worm bites you.g|=  You hit the ribbon worm.g1.g 329.3Magic Dart0 _You kill the ribbon worm!gEg,m _Your Conjurations skill increases to level 6!g#gC  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt gU a - Fighting   0.0   1.0   0   h + Spellcasting 2.5   3.6  -1           b - Staves   0.0   0.8  +1   i + Conjurations 6.0   4.2  +3   c - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1   j + Alchemy0.0   1.2  -1   d - Throwing   0.0   1.0   0  go        k + Evocations0.0   1.0   0      g>/     e - Armour   0.0   0.8  +1      f + Dodging3.0   3.4  +1      g + Stealth2.9   2.5  +1                              gs                g,            gz    The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  g[/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targetsgG = b + Staves 0.0gg9gMPezBoy the Conjurer#.#..#Tengu#.#..#Health: 19/24 ===================-----.....g \Magic: 5/8===============---------#...#AC: 2Str: 8#...EV: 11Int: 20#..SH: 0Dex: 12#.#XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:3#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 2479.3 (0.0) ...o........# #.#c) staff of conjuration #ß#..ß..#ß#.# #.#gCast: Magic Dart ###..o.o###.####.########Zot (15520) ...#####ooo.#...........# ..o.....Wooo####.######.# ####+++######.......###.# ............ß.....#.....# ..............###########You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is almost dead. gM _The ribbon worm bites you.  You hit the ribbon worm. _You kill the ribbon worm! _Your Conjurations skill increases to level 6!g%gR)gp.g0g4ggg20=26 19 _g&$,g$u6===8g%g>)Y7gf*gm-Y6g.gv1g1U=5g2g5g51====4g6g8Y3g;9g:g:C2gE;g"=Y1g=g?gp?2==0g/@gCgDt7===09g{DgGY8gGgIY7gIgKgbK3==6gKg:Mm===5gMgPgcQC4gtRgFUY3gUgW4==2gUXgZg`[C1gj\g_g8`l8===0gagkcgf[499ghg,igAkgkU=8g>lgngjqC7gqgrgtgewm===6gwg"yg .#  .# #.##!###.#... ###.#..# ..#####.#..#.####...............#..- #.. #... #.#.#  #.#.#o........# #.#.g:..ß..#ß#.# #.#.. #..o.o###.####.#############ooo.#...........#g, -503.3 (24.0)  A malevolent force fills the Dungeon...g/  --more--gm.T  You fall into a shaft and drop 3 floors!g4/  --more--gC Generating dungeon...o\\/o/ gD 1building the DungeongF < \o\g> < /o/gL < \o\g=gPezBoy the ConjurerTenguHealth: 24/24 ========================Magic: 8/8========================###AC: 2Str: 8# ..#EV: 26 Int: 20...####.####.#SH: 0Dex: 12.............#XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:6#......@#Noise: ---------  Time: 2503.3 (24.0)........#c) staff of conjuration.........Cast: Magic Dart.......###Zot (15496) .##+### _The ribbon worm bites you.  You hit the ribbon worm. _You kill the ribbon worm! _Your Conjurations skill increases to level 6!A malevolent force fills the Dungeon...You fall into a shaft and drop 3 floors!gg% m4.1 (24.821495g$gH'7 _The shaft crumbles and collapses.gr< 4gd= g? gE 4g2G gG C3gSH gL 2gM gO gQ C1gQ gR g0T Y0gU g}V gOX Z89g Y g]\ g\ c11 8g;] gZ_ N _You now have 122 gold pieces (gained 10).g` gia W26 7ga gc ge ge C6gf gPg gbr G# ####. ..####.#+##.#.........#.........#<........# # ..#13.1 (9.0)#+##.# #.### # #...# ...####.####.#.............##.......######........#.........gx g~ j4.1 (10.0)5g gą 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gɰ # ### #. ..#####.#+##.##.##.#<.#..#......#....#+##.# .... #.###... # #...#.. ...####.####.#. .......# #.###### #gƴgul5.0)4gUgg  #+ ### #. ..# ####.#+##.# #.#>#.#.<.#.#g 3.#.#+##.#.. #.###.## #...#.. ...####.####.#.. .......#.. #.######  .#g g a63g g` ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g #+ ### #. ..# ####.#+##.# #.#gm.>#.#:..<.##.##.#.#+##.#. #.####....## #...#..... ...####.####.##... .##... #.######  .#g&g.a72g 4g62 _Found a book of Minor Magic.gy #+# ### #.# ..# ####.#+##.## #.##.>#.##:..<.# #.# #.##.#+##.#.# #.####....### #...#gUz&+..... ...####.####.##.... .# #.... #.######  .#g(gaw81gg4 #+# ### #.# ..# ####.#+##.# # #.# #.>#.#:..<.##.# #...........# #.#+##.# ........# #.######....### #...# +..... ...####.####.##.... ......##.... #.######g>gPEa90gJgQMg #+# ### #.# ..# ####.#+##.# # #.# #.>#.# #:..<.# ##.# #.# #.#+##.# #.# #.###  ###....### #...# +.....#...####.####.# ##......# gHq #.... #.######g(gDc2079gagg  #+# ### #.# ..## ####.#+##.# #. #.# #.>#.# #:...# ##.# #.# #.#+##.#  #.# #.###g ' ###....### #...# +.....#...####.####.#  ##......#  #.... #.###### g g3 a18g  gv a _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g\ ....... #+# ###. #.# ..# #. ####.#+##.# #.##.# #.>#.# #:.@<.# ##.# #.# #.#+##.# #.# #.### ###....### #...# +.....#...####.####. ##...... #.... #.gedg0mh27 _gYrgtg  ..... .... ... #+# ### .. #.# ..# #. ####.#+##.# #.##..# #.>#.# #:@.<.# ##.# #.# #.#+##.# #..# #.### ###....### #...# +.....#...####.#### ##..... #.... #.gg;a36g:g=gv  ...... ..... ...# #+# ### ..# #.# ..# #.#####.#+##.# #.##...# #.>#.# #@..<.# ##.# #.# #.......#+##.# #........# #.### ###....### #...# +.....#...####. ##..... #.... #.g ~ga45gg[  You pick up a book of Minor Magic and begin reading...gp11 5.1 (24g^g6L _You add the spells Blink and Call Imp to your library.g...... ..... ...# #+# ### ..# #.# ..# #.#####.#+##.# #.##...# #.>#.# #.@.<.# ##.# #.# #.......#+##.# #..###....### #...# +.....#...####.###......#.... #.#ggi26 6.1 (13gggd...... ..... ...# #+# ### ..# #.# ..# #.#####.#+##.# #.##..# #.>#.# #..@<.# ##.# #.# #.#+##.# #.###....### #...# +.....#...####.####.ge##......#.... #.#gjgura72gvg?yg!...... ..... ...# #+# ### ..# #.# ..# #.#####.#+##.# #.##.# #.>#.# #...@.# ##.# #.g.# #.#+##.# ####....### #...# +.....#...####.####.###......##.... #.#g ga81ggra _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g g g{ g~ g r11 90 _gq g i ... .# .. .. #.# ..  ..# .#  .. .# ###.  #. .#.....  #.# 5 #.@..#  ####....!.  .##.#  # gt 2g' =700g g\ i9 (1.86999g, g _You climb upwards.  Found a bubbling blue potion. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g... ..# .. ... #.# ... ..##.# # #..#.#.###.##.#.#.....##.#.#g#.>@.# ####....!...##.#...# $......#.#.#<...g#g26 3008ggVO _Found 11 gold pieces. Found a stone staircase leading up.gr... #..####.. .....#.# .......##.#.# # ..#.#.###.# #.#.#.....# #.#.# #.>.@# ####....!.g#..##.#.#..# #$..#.....#.#.#. <...g ga17gkgg/? ... #..#### ..... #.# ..... ..##.#.# ##.#.###.# gA@ w#.#.#.....# #.#.......# #.>..###.##..####.@..!.... #..##.#..##..# #$.. #.....#.#.#..<....####.#gHJ g8L a26gO gP gMD/  .. ..... #.# .. ..##.#.# # ..#.#.###.#.#.#.....#.#.......##.>..###.##..####....!..gEt #.@##.#..# $......#...<...##. #g)Mg^Ra35gyXgYg #.# ..##.#.# # ..#.#.###.#.#.#....#.#.......##.>..###.##..###....!.... #..##.#..# $....#..........#.#.######..ga44gΗgga  ..##.#.# # ..#.#.###.#.#.#.....>..###.##..###....!.... #..##.#..##...# $@...#...........#.#.######...<.... ####.####..#gg[a53gga   ..#.#.###.#.#.#....#..>..###.##..###....!.... #..##.#..##...# $....####.@.......#..#.#.######...<.... .####.####. .#.#.#gf a62gm g8o g 9 #.#.#....#..>..###.##..###....!... #..##.#..##...# g $....####.........#..#@#.#####.<.......####.##### .# gr g a71g? g@ g0 .>..###.##..###....!.... #..##.#..##...# $....#######.........#..#.#.######...@.......####.######. .# gZ0O.. #gq7g:a80gH@ga _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gggagHgu s11 989 _gg   ..   .##  ...##  ...#  . #..#  ... #..#  .....#..####  4....gX#  .#######.#.#   .#   .#   .# gq.#  .#  .#    gPF7000ggl40.7 (1.86999gE#g&} _You climb upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g? ...  ..##  ...##  ...#  . #..#  g@... #..#  .....#..####  .>@..#  .#g<@.#.#  #.# #gd@ #.#  #.# g@ #.#  #.# g@p #.#  g@ gaGgNL26 108 _g%QgSg<  ...  ..##  ...##  ...#  . #..#  ... #..#  .....#..####  .>.@.#  .#.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.#  ggLa27ggEg1 ... ## .##   . #..#  ... #..#  .....#..#### .......>...#  .#######.#@#   #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#   #.#   gv3 a36g6 g8 g ..## ...## .... #.. #..#..####....>...#######.# g$g&4gʨ;5gg6g7 ...## .... #....#..####..>...#######.# ggUa54ggg֔  .... #....#..####..>...#######.# g g#a63ggӣgH. #....#..####..>...#######.#g) gRgJa72gggi ....#..####..>...#######.# gUo gq a81gu g@w gx7..#..####..>...#######.# g=g?a90gBgtEg#w..>...#######.# gkgBc5089gggpP#######.# gvg)za18g}g1g- s   scorpion (asleep)s gog*v2Magic Dart7gg$[ _A scorpion comes into view.gL ` s.gQ <3g` ;6g gI gfw #.#.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.# Tengu #.#.# Health: 24/24 ======================== #.#.# Magic: 7/8=====================---gx #.#.# AC: 2Str: 8 #.# EV: 26 Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.#g(x XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4 #@#gNx Noise: ---------  Time: 2553.7 (0.0) gsx#*# c) staff of conjurationgx #*# Cast: Magic Dartgx #*# Zot (26986)  gx#*# #*#gy s   scorpion (asleep) g6y#s# #.#gZyT _There is a stone staircase leading down here. gy_A scorpion comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gyPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - scorpiongyCAim: a scorpion (asleep, 100% to hit)g #.#.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.# Tengu #.#.#g7 Health: 24/24 ======================== #.#.# Magic: 7/8=====================--- #.#.# AC: 2Str: 8 gT#.# EV: 26 Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.#g~ XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4 #@#g Noise: ---------  Time: 2553.7 (0.0) #.#g c) staff of conjuration #.#g Cast: Magic Dart #.#ga Zot (26986)  g%#.# #.#gD s   scorpion (asleep) #s#gcT #.#gAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - scorpiongBAim: a scorpion (asleep, 100% to hit)  gwYou feel a surge of power! You miscast Magic Dart.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.g/  --more--g  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.# g  #.#.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #@# gvq #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  g#.#  #s# gd #.#   gNothing appears to happen.g's11 4.7 (15) Contam gb_g gg  #.#.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.# Tengu #.#.# Health: 24/24 ========================g #.#.# Magic: 6/8==================------ g#.#.# AC: 2Str: 8 g7#.# EV: 11g^=Int: 20 g#.# SH: 0Dex: 12gR #.#g XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4 #@#g Noise: ---------  Time: 2554.7 (0.0) g#*# c) staff of conjurationg9a #*#g^ Cast: Magic Dart #*#g Zot (26985) Contam  #*#gO #*#g: s   scorpion (asleep) #s# #.# g,_Nothing appears to happen.  Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gRPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpiongxCAim: a scorpion (asleep, 100% to hit)gD+g#.#.#gcQ  PezBoy the ConjurergH#.#.#gH  Tengug.H#.#.#g  Health: 24/24 ========================gH#.#.#g!X  Magic: 6/8g~E==================------g6#.#.#gU  AC: 2g?-Str: 8g4#.#gĻU  EV: 11g.Int: 20g@4#.#gU  SH: 0gü.Dex: 12g4#.#gQ  XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4g(#@#gɽ  Noise: ---------  Time: 2554.7 (0.0)g;#*#gDj  c) staff of conjurationgC#*#g`  Cast: Magic Dartg;#*#giq  Zot (26985) Contam g;#*#g g%;#*#ge  s   scorpiongC#s#g g-5#.#go g gAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g{Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleg0Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpiongBAim: a scorpion (asleep, 100% to hit)  gWCYou feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the scorpion.  g7The scorpion is moderately wounded.ggZFgHggOgO)gP.gIP.gP.gPsgPas   scorpiong9Q=#.#g~Q+#.#gQ g R gGRgTg[T=gT5.7 (1gT#4 gT_gqZg%^g/ #.#.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.# Tengu #.#.# Health: 24/24 ======================== #.#.# Magic: 5/8===============--------- #.#.# AC: 2Str: 8 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.# XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4 #@#gk Noise: =--------  Time: 2555.7 (0.0) #*# c) staff of conjuration #*# Cast: Magic Dart #*# Zot (26984) Contam  #s#g #.# s   scorpion g۹,#.# #.#You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the scorpion. _The scorpion is moderately wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpionAim: a scorpion (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)g2?#.#.#  PezBoy the Conjurer#.#.#  Tengu#.#.#  Health: 24/24 ========================#.#.#g3  Magic: 5/8===============---------#.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8#.#  EV: 11gC3Int: 20#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12gn3 #.#  XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4#@#g3  Noise: =--------  Time: 2555.7 (0.0)#*#g3   c) staff of conjuration#*#  Cast: Magic Dartg3#*#  Zot (26984) Contam g4#s# #.#g>4%  s   scorpion#.# #.#gf4!  g4Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g4rPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpionAim: a scorpion (moderately wounded, 100% to hit)  gH5You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the scorpion.  The scorpion is moderately wounded.g&g"f..s.gem6.7 (13 _g\gcg! $     Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.gY{ #.#.# PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.# Tengu #.#.# Health: 24/24 ======================== #.#.# Magic: 3/8=========--------------- gQZ#.#.# AC: 2Str: 8 #.# EV: 11Int: 20 #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 #.#gZ XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4 #@# Noise: =--------  Time: 2556.7 (0.0) #*#gZV c) staff of conjuration #*# Cast: Magic Dart #s#gZP Zot (26983) Contam  #.# #.# s   scorpiongZF #.# #.# g[-_The scorpion is moderately wounded.Casting: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.g4[Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpiong[xAim: a scorpion (moderately wounded, 81% to hit)g #.#.#  PezBoy the Conjurer#.#.#  Tengu#.#.#  Health: 24/24 ========================#.#.#  Magic: 3/8=========---------------#.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8#.#  EV: 11Int: 20#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12#.#  XL:  4 Next: 32% Place: Dungeon:4#@#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2556.7 (0.0)#*#  c) staff of conjuration#*#  g  Cast: Magic Dart#*#  Zot (26983) Contam #*# #.#  s   scorpion#.# #.#  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpionAim: a scorpion (moderately wounded, 81% to hit)  You feel a surge of power!  The searing ray hits the scorpion but does no damage.gBT Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - scorpionAim: a scorpion (moderately wounded, 81% to hit)  You feel a surge of power!  The searing ray hits the scorpion but does no damage.  The scorpion is moderately wounded.gV f.s..gW z=7.7 (12Ray g\ g] gg /  --more--gFg _(Press . to maintain the ray.)g?The searing ray hits the scorpion!gS****gt<....gog@#.#.#  PezBoy the Conjurer#.#.#  Tengu#.#.#  Health: 24/24 ========================#.#.#  Magic: 2/9=====-------------------#.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12#.#  XL:  4 Next: 122% Place: Dungeon:4#@#g  Noise: =--------  Time: 2558.7 (1.0)#.#  c) staff of conjuration#.#  Cast: Magic Dart#.#  Zot (26981) Contam Ray+ #.# #.#  #.#  #.#     gE_(Press . to maintain the ray.)  The searing ray hits the scorpion! _You kill the scorpion!Training target 3.0 for Stealth reached!g-Your Stealth skill increases to level 3!You have reached level 5!g/  --more--g 8/2810-----5% Magic Dartg g 4 _gC#.#.#gg{-90 _gg9X.#######.g[C-6079) ghJgXK _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.g{P JgTQ g|W 83===7gs )654===32g.v 10gfx 4==69gy Y8gz g{ o7g} o6gB~ gn~ V==5g g[ gއ Y4g8 g} C3g! g g_ ;2g΍ gQ g {5===1g gg Y0g g gQ D59g g g C8gf gF m===7gb g 65436==21g o0g 49==876g 5g2 7==4g2 C3g3 g4 Y2ge5 gG: 1==0g< p39g3> g$A 8gA Y7gC 8===6gC g~E gE ;5g1F goG gG C4gI gsI gI C3g&J gK <===gK 12gL g)N gfN C1g} g 02989==7654==321010/10===19 _Magic restored.876===5[g+ a37m4g g gÅ o3g g g: C2g gj g5 g o1gď g& C0g3 g g Z09gL g g0 g C8g go g 76543210899876g 5g g g C4gO g g Y3gU gu gJ o2g g g^ C1g g gk g C0g gq gG g D89g g gY Y8gH gW g Y7g% g g Y6g g 5g g 43g g Y2g g g Y1g g  g o0g g p79g F  ######.#####.#  .........# #.#  #############.###  ..........#  .######.#.#  .#  .#  #.#.#  #. #. #....  .#.##  #####  g     You pick up a book of Blasting and begin reading...g 0600.0)gE' 11 118 _You add the spell Volatile Blastmotes to your library.g c.........# #.#############.### gc..........######.# #.#....#....##.#.#######  gPhg=k26 2.7 (1.0)7gogFqg #############.### ..........######.# ##.#.###..@.##.#####  g~ gי a36g g gggbg gݯg 54ggn 32g8o1gggC0gpg%gg D69ggggC8guggwg;7g6ggYgC5ggvgg%C4gggg C3gggUgC2g.ggHgC1g"gggg C0ggggW5987 .........# #.#  #############.###  #..........#  #.######.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #@# #.#.## o.oo....# #....# #######.# #.#.## Magic Dart### #####  o   orc wizard (asleep)oo 2 orcs gX9(asleep)g^^0829.0)g_g3.7 (206ghgrh _2 orcs and an orc wizard come into view.gp ######.####.........# #.# #############.##..........######....gr....#.#  ##.#o.oo......#######.g{.#.##### ##### g )g6gB%gG'4.7 (1.0)Magic Dart5g6+g-gmsM #........ ######.####.........# #.# #############.##........####  ##.#o.oo......#######.# #.#.##  g w54gg+gӳ M#.###### #........ ######.####.........# #.# #############.##........####  ##.#o.oo....# #....#  63gܗ M #.###### #........ ######.####.........# #.# #############.##........#### gF #.# #.#.##  g g a72g g gDM #.###### #........ ######.####.........# #.# #############.##........#####.# #.#.#  ###g w81ghgyg  ######........######.#####.........# #############.### #..........######.# ###  gp g a90gn g g  ######........######.#####.........# #############.### #..........######.# #  g gK c9049g g g) ........######.#####.........# #############.### #..........######.# #o.oo......  gr0g32a18gQ7g8g; ######.#####.........# #############.### #..........######.# #o.oo......########.#  g g "a27gy&g&(g.........# #############.### #..........######.# #o.oo...gA...########.# ######  o   orc wizard (asleep)  oo 2 orcs (asleep)gg2v3Magic Dart6gggi #############.###  #..........#  #.######.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.# ########.# #.#.## .o.oo..@.# #....# ########.# #.#.##  ### #####  gSgoa45gg!g14gO8g:g9_ #.###  #..#  #.######.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.## .o.oo.@..# #....# #.# #.#.##  ### #####   gFghGa54g>PgjTg-  Casting: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.g #############.###  PezBoy the Conjurer #..........#  Tengu #.######.#.#  Health: 28/28 ======================== #.# #.#.#  Magic: 8/10===================----- #.# #.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 #.# #.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20 #.# #.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #########.# #.#.##  XL:  5 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:4 ..o.oo*@..# #....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2695.7 (0.0) #########.# #.#.##  c) staff of conjuration ### #####  Cast: Magic Dart  [0gj;10;1mZot (26844)   o   orc wizard (asleep)  oo 2 orcs (asleep) _2 orcs and an orc wizard come into view.Casting: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (asleep, 100% to hit)gBLNoo  Casting: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)onfirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - orc wizardAim: an orc wizard, wielding a +0 dagger and wearing a +0 robe (asleep, 100% to hit)g d *oga' o*, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 dagger (asleep, 100% to hit)  Out of range.gv o*gu  #############.###  PezBoy the Conjurer #..........#  Tengu #.######.#.#  Health: 28/28 ======================== #.# #.#.#  Magic: 8/10===================----- #.# #.#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 #.# #.#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20g)  #.# #.#.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #########.# #.#.##  XL:  5 Next: 12% Place: Dungeon:4 ..o.oo.@..# #....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2695.7 (0.0) #########.# #.#.##  c) staff of conjuration ### #####  Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (26844) g]   o   orc wizard (asleep) g  oo 2 orcs (asleep)g Casting: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.Aiming: Searing Ray (safe; 1% risk of failure)  g Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight lineYou feel a surge of power! The searing ray hits the orc!g\         #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  ###   ..o****@..#   g ~###   ### ##### o     orcYou kill the orc!g :The searing ray hits the orc wizard!gQ_ m  The orc wizard is almost dead.g@` gh .o.o. owandering)g&m 11 4==6.7 (13) Ray gxt gv g /  --more--gV g _(Press . to maintain the ray.)gRAThe searing ray hits the orc wizard!g}kYou kill the orc wizard!The searing ray hits the orc!gz****gKO).).g\?7---26 37-7Magic Dart2+  _You kill the orc!g+X #.###  #.#  #.######.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.## gX~.).)@...# #....# #.# #.#.##  ### #####  gJ_g`m--81)g`" g,dgeg #.### #.# #.######.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.##.# #.#.##.).@....# #....##.# #.#.## ### #####gg{-90gҰgc _Items here: )) [ †.g8m #.### #.#gq #.######.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.##.# #.#.##.)@)....# #....#g#.# #.#.## ### #####ggEk70039 _ggg׎ d #.### #g! .# #.######.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# #.#.##.# #.#.g U.@.)....# #....#.# #.#. ### #####gI g #---g9 Z18g͟ g O _You see here a +0 dagger.g]?Y #. #. #.######.#. #.# #.#. #.# #.#. #.# #.#. #.# #.#.#.# #.#.).)....# ##.# #.#. ### gAFg Jh27 _gNgPg #. # #.######.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.##.# #.#.).)....# #g7#.# #.# ### g·g8===36gҏgđgr #. # #.######. #.# #. #.# #. #.# #. #.# #.#.# #.g.s.).)....# ##.# #. ### gxgi|a45gg҅g # # #.###### #.# # #.# # #.# # #.# ##.# #.).)....# ##.# # ### gga54ggDg߁   # #. #.#  #.#  #.#  #.# #.# .).)....# #.#  ### 63gÆ gZ gڡ   # #. #.# #.# #.# #.##.#.).)....##.# ###g g ===72g g ggggxg/10g gZ29gggAC8g8g=99gyO==7g.g,Y6g%g Y5g+T4==3210gm10/10===19g]gwg Y8g g"gv/  # #. #.# #.# #.# #.###.#).......).)....#214.0)g/V##.# ###g5gp8g2.7 (157g<ga?' _Found a hand axe.g gz gm g g g o6gk g W===5g g g Y4gl g gl g C3gz g g= g C2g g g: g C1gB g g gP C0gP g @  You see here a +0 hand axe.g& w09 _gQ g  gd C8gQ g g5 gl C7gl g5 gG g C6g g g! g+" C5g# g$ g!' Y4g-( g) g+ Y3g, g`1 gY3 Y2g\4 g7 g9 Y1g$; g< gp? Y0gN "7998gN gR Y7gR gW @  You see here a +0 hand axe.g)X gX J6 _gY g[ g] g] C5g^ gyd 4ge gXg gg C3g@h gCj gk gl C2gEm gn go Y1g;p g:q gr Y0g,s gUt gFu Z89gv gFw g x gx C8gIy g'} g g҂ C7g߃ g gq Y6g gJ g g C5g g g g7 C4gD g g g? C3g g gҞ g C2gC gB >  You see here a +0 dagger.g gH J1 _g g g gB C0g' g Z  Items here: )) [ †.g g K79 _g g# g= g C8gľ g g Y7g g g g C6g g g g C5gP g g g C4g# g g g C3g^ g g Y2g g g gB ;1g. gJ g g C0g g g g <69g g gC o8g g g C7g g gQ g C6g/ g g gH C5g g g g/ C4g{ gw g g C3gf g g/ gh ;2g gF gX g! Y1g gC g C0g g8 g0 go D59g gN g[ g C8gP g g g C7gw g g` g C6g- g~ g g C5g gh g! g! C4gC" g# gI% g% ;3g% g~' g( g) C2g) g+ gx, Y1g- g[. g/ g/ C0g.0 g2 gK3 g4 Z49g6 g6 gA7 C8g7 gc: g? gd@ C7g&A g"C gD gzE C6g>F gO g8W o#.#.# ...>. ...#. #.#.# . .... .#.. #.#.# .. #?..#...# #.#.# #. ....... #.#.# ####.#.#... #.#.# ≈≈≈gW ?#...... #.#.#######.# #.#..# #.........#.# #...@#########.#####.93.7 (71#.# ####............# #.#.#gX J#.###############.#.#####........#.##.######.  #.#gjX #.# #.  #.##.# #.  #.##.# #.  #.#gX e#.# #.ga g3e g4.7 (725gj g9n A _Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.gT hM#..... .#...# ...>. ...#..# .... .#.....#?..#...# #.........#####.#.#.... ≈≈≈#......##.######gT #.#.@# #.............#########.#####.####............# #..################.#####.......... ......g&U gc 5.7 (1.0)4gh g^j g 8 #.#.# ..#.. . # #.#.##..... .#...##.#.## ...>. ...#.##.#.#..# .... .#... #.#.#...#?..#...# #.#.# #.........# #.#.#g>  ### #.#.#....# #.#.#  ≈≈≈#...@..# #.#.##### #.##.#..## #....... #.# #....#########.##### #.#####............# # #.# #.############### #.#g ### #...... #.# #.###### #.# #.# # #.# #.# #gga63g!g#g #.#.#......... #.#.# ..#...#... # #.#.# #.......#...##.#.## ...>.....#.##.#.#...# ......#... #.#.#.....#?..#...# #.#.# g3]#.........# #.#.# ### #.#@#....# #.#.#  ≈≈≈ #......# #.#.#### #.##.#..## #....... #.# #....#########.### #.#####............# #.# #.############## #.#### #...... #.# #.##### #.# #.#gga72g0gghM.....#.#....#. ........... .. ..#...#...## o..#.......#..#.....>.....#.##.......#........#?..# #...@.....#### ##.#.#....# ≈≈≈......### #.#.####gj##.#..## #.......#.##....#########.####o   orc (asleep)ggv8Magic Dart1gSgr _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.gc  #.#.######. ...#### #.#.##.#....# #.#.#.........# #.#.#... ..#...#...## #.#.#o..#.......#...##.#.# .#.....>.....#.##.#.# ...#.......#... #.#.#.....#@..#...# #.#.#gd  #.........# #.#.# ####.#.#....# #.#.#  ≈≈≈ #......### #.#.### #.##.#..## #...... #.# #....#########.### #.#####............# #.# #.############# #.#### #.....g&j g: .oo==90 _The orc shouts! _You see here a scroll labelled NEZXOA JEONTAP.gjo#.#.#  ##.#..# #.#.# #####.....#### #.#.# .......#.#....# #.#.# ..............# #.#.# ......#...#...## #.#.# ..o.#.......#...##.#.# gp.#.....>.....#.##.#.# ...#...@...#... #.#.# .....#?..#...# #.#.#  ##+#.........# #.#.# ### ##.#.#....# #.#.# ≈≈≈ #......### #.#.#####.# ##.#..## #.......#.# #....#########.##g9p###.# ####............##.# ggp7#.##############g&tg|T.og8t--80039 _g!gOg y .  ##.#..#  #####.....###...#.#...............# ..#...#...## ....#.......#...#o...#.##.......#........#?..#.. ##+#.........#### ##.#.#....#≈≈≈......### #.#.####g ##.#..## #.......#....#########.########............#gq gs L.og |--18g' gx+ i _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.gwgxggVK _You can't go up here!g g gN gC gj Q.og r11 27 _g g  ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~..~.~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##Temple ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#~@.~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~#.~~###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~..~..~~.#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~~.~...~#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#....~._.~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~.~~~~...#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g   ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~.ß~~....~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##  ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#......~#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## You climb downwards. Welcome to the Ecumenical Temple!g2 K6000) g, g)3.5 (1.8Magic Dart5999g|.g1 _Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. Found a staircase back to the Dungeon. _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here.g  ~~~###..~.~~~#~<≈#.@..~≈~~~~#.~~###≈..~..~~.#~~~~.~...~#~~~#......~#~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~_~...._~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g4f_~...._g26 408 _g$9_g&g>#≈#≈#≈#≈#~~~###≈#≈~..~.~~≈#≈~#~<.~~≈#g>≈≈#....~≈~≈#~~~#@~~###≈#≈~..~..~~.#≈#~~~~.~...~#≈#≈≈~#....~._.~≈#≈~.~~~~...#~≈#≈~.ß~~....~~≈#g>≈~#......~#~≈#≈~~_~...._~~g>U≈#≈≈~~...~..~~≈gcHg{Ta57gZg+]b _Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council and a burning altar of Makhleb.g  ~~~###..~.~~#~<≈#....~≈~~~~#.~~###≈~..~@.~~.#~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~.~~~~...#_~~~...~..~~ ###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#...~...#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# g g a66g _~...._g1@≈#≈#≈~~~####≈~..~.~~#≈~#~<.~~≈#≈#....~≈~#≈~~~#.~~###≈≈#≈~..~..~~.#≈#≈~~~~.~@..~#≈#≈g#....~._.~#≈~.~~~~...#~≈#≈~.ß~~....~~≈#≈~#......~#~≈#≈~~_~...._~~≈g#≈...~..~~≈#≈g#...~...#≈≈#≈~~~..~.~~#~~#g|_~...._g,a75ggg˲/ ~~~###..~.~~#~<≈#....~≈~~~~#.~~###≈..~..~~.~~~~.~...~≈~#...@~._.~.~~~~...#g5ß~~....~#......~#~~_~...._~~~~~..~.~~#~~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#_~.~.._~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##gDD g8_ga84g_~....__gg  ~~~###..~.~~#~<.~~≈#....~≈~~~~#.~~###≈..~..~~.~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~~.~~~@...#~ß~~....~gf #......~#~_~...._~~#_~.~.._~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~..~.~.~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g _You enter the shallow water.  Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g s93) Water g _~....__g X _Found a hazy altar of Hepliaklqana and a radiant altar of Vehumet.g O ..~.~~~#~<.~~≈#....~≈~~~~#.~~###≈g e..~..~~.gN H~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~.~~~~...#gu jß~~#......~#g ~_~...._~≈~~...~..~~g _~..~.~.~~~ g ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#....~..#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g K__g n11.1 (1.61) g4 ;_g gO #~<≈#....~≈~~~~#.~~###≈..~..~~.~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~.~~~~...#ß~~....~~#...@..~#~~_~...._~≈~~...~..#...~...#≈~~#....~..# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#~~.~~..~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g Wgdg200gk_~....__glg1  ≈#....~≈~~~~#.~~###≈..~..~~.~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~.~~~~...#ß~~....~#......~#~~_~.@.._~~≈~~...~..#...~...#≈~~~..~.~~#~~~~#~~.~~..~~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~_~.~~~_~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## gX!_~.@..__g-b389g3n___gF5gs  ~~~#.~~###≈..~..~~.~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~.~~~~...#ß~~....~#......~#~_~...._~≈~~..@~..#...~...#≈~~~..~.~~#~~#_~.~.._~~≈~_~.~~~_~~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.~~~~.~.#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g @_gC a48g" _~....___g Z _Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas and a shadowy altar of Dithmenos.gŦ  ..~..~~.~~~~.~...~≈~#....~._.~.~~~~...#~ß~~....~#......~#~_~...._~≈~~...~..#...@...#≈~~~..~.~~#~~#_~.~.._~~≈≈~..~.~.~g, )~~_.~~~~.~.# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~ß......~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈## g u _You enter the shallow water.gF s57) Water gr U__g ? _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g#~~~.~...~#≈#≈≈~#....~._.~≈#≈~.~~~~...#~≈#≈~.ß~~....~~≈#≈~#......~#~≈#≈~~_~...._~~≈#≈≈~~...~..~~≈#≈#.#≈#~~~.@~.~~#~~≈#≈~#_~.~.._~~≈#≈≈~..~.~.~~~≈##....~..#≈#≈~#~~.~~..~~≈#≈~~_~.~~~_~~≈#≈≈.~~~~.~.#≈#≈~ß[40ghm......~~≈##~.~~~..#~~≈g$K__gϷm6.7 (1.66) gU__gDg#≈≈~#....~._.~≈#≈~.~~~~...#~≈#≈~.ß~~....~~≈#≈~#......~#~≈#≈~~_~...._~~≈#≈≈~~...~..~~≈#≈#.#≈#~~~..~.~~#~~≈#≈~#_@.~.._~~≈#≈≈~..~.~.~~~≈##....~..#≈#≈~#~~.~~..~~≈#≈~~_~.~~~_~~≈#≈≈.~~~~.~.#≈#≈~ß......~~≈#g#~.~~~..#~~≈#≈≈~_...~~.#≈gj _You enter the shallow water.gy705) Water gi@__g`? _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.ge #≈~#....~._.~#≈~.~~~~...#~#≈~.ß~~....~~#≈~#......~#~#≈~~_~...._~~#≈~~...~..~~#≈#...~...##g )≈~~~..~.~~#~~#≈~#@~.~.._~~#≈~..~.~.~~~#≈~#....~..##g ≈~#~~.~~..~~#≈~~_~.~~~_~~#g ≈.~~~~.~.##≈~ß......~~#≈~#~.~~~..#~~#≈~_...~~.#~gt 4_g{ m9.3 (1.63) g U__g _ _There is a radiant altar of Vehumet here.g(}  You kneel at the altar of Vehumet.  --more--g\ZgQ\ Vehumet Vehumet is a god of the destructive powers of magic. Followers will gain divine assistance in commanding the hermetic arts, and the most favoured stand to gain g\access to some of the fearsome spells in Vehumet's library. One's devotion to Vehumet can be proven by the causing of as much carnage and destruction as possible. g\yFavour - Vehumet is neutral towards you. Granted powers:(Cost)g\You can memorise some of Vehumet's spells. You can gain magical power from killing. Vehumet aids your destructive spells. g\;Vehumet extends the range of your destructive spells. g][!]: Overview|Powers|Wrath [J/Enter]: join religiong6gV>gF#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#....~._.~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ PezBoy the Conjurer #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~.~~~~...#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Tengu g;FK#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~.ß~~....~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Health: 28/28 ======================== #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#......~#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Magic: 10/10 ======================== gaF+#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~_~...._~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ AC: 2Str: 8 g~F3#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~...~..~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ EV: 26 Int: 20 gF#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#...~...#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ SH: 0Dex: 12 geGt#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~..~.~~#~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ XL:  5 Next: 37% Place: Temple #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#@~.~.._~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Noise: ---------  Time: 2819.3 (0.0) #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~..~.~.~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ c) staff of conjuration #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#....~..#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Cast: Magic Dart #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#~~.~~..~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Zot (5983) #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~_~.~~~_~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ gG#####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.~~~~.~.#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈  #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~ß......~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈  #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#~.~~~..#~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈  #####≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~_...~~.#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ gG8You enter the shallow water. gG_Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. gGs_There is a radiant altar of Vehumet here.  You kneel at the altar of Vehumet.gIk  Vehumet welcomes you!gnT/  --more--g :_gu  of Vehumet ......11 20.3 (12 _g{ |_~...._gt gs≈~#....~._.~≈≈~.~~~~...#~≈≈~.ß~~....~~≈≈~#......~#~≈≈~~_~...._~~≈≈~~...~..~~≈≈#...~...#≈≈~~~..~.~~#~~≈≈ga~#_@.~.._~~≈≈~..~.~.~~~≈≈~#....~..#≈≈~#~~.~~..~~≈≈~~_~.~~~_~~≈≈.~~~~.~.#≈≈~ß......~~≈≈~#~.~~~..#~~≈≈~_...~~.#~≈gV __You enter the shallow water.g*26 11) Water gN1g+3? _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g≈~#....~._.~≈#≈~.~~~~...#~≈#≈~.ß~~....~~≈#≈~#......~#~≈#≈~~_~...._~~≈#≈~~...~..~~≈#≈#...~...#≈#≈~~~..~.~~#~~≈#≈~#_~@~.._~~≈#≈~..~.~.~~~≈#≈~#....~..#≈#≈~#~~.~~..~~≈#≈~~_~.~~~_~~≈#≈g.~~~~.~.#≈#≈~ß......~~≈#≈~#~.~~~..#~~≈#≈~_...~~.#~≈#g%T__g'n2.9 (1.679) g.U__g}/gM~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~~~~...#~.ß~~....~#......~#gP~~_~...._~~...~..~~≈#...~...#≈≈~~~.@~.~~#~~~#_~.~.._≈~..~.~.~~~~#....~..#≈ ###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#~~.~~..~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#~~#~.~~~..#~gS__g;g308gFggS(M≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~~~~~...#~.ß~~....~#......~#~~_~...._~~...~..~~≈#..@~...#≈≈~~..~.~~#~~~#_~.~.._≈~..~.~.~~~ ###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#....~..#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#~ ~ß......~~g/[8_gka47grK__gqsg%%M~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~.~~~~...#.ß~~....~#......~#~~_~...._~~.@.~..~~≈#...~...#≈≈~~..~.~~#~~~#_~.~.._ ###≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~..~.~.~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#~.~~~~.~.#g-_~....__g:a56g%A_~....___gBg8O ≈≈≈#....~≈~#≈~~~#.~~###≈#≈..~..~~.#≈#≈~~~~.~...~#≈≈#≈~#....~._.~≈#≈~.~~~~...#~≈#≈~.ß~~....~~≈#≈gO ~#......~#~≈#≈~~_~.@.._~~≈#≈~~~~#≈#...~...#≈≈≈#≈gO ;~~~..~.~~#~~#≈~#_~.~.._~~≈gO #≈..~.~.~~~#≈gP ~#....~..#≈≈#≈gBP ~#~~.~~..~~≈#≈~~_~.~~~_~~#gX R__g g a65g'k T__g`l g6[HM~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~~~~...#.ß~~....~~#...@..~#~~~_~...._~~...~..~~g[≈#...~...#≈≈ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~..~.~~#~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##_~ ~#~~.~~..~~gc_~...._gna74gu}_~...._gvgTM..~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~~~~...#~.ß~~@...~~#......~#~~_~...._gfUh~~...~..~~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#...~...#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~ ~#....~..#g\M__g}ea83gmk;_glgs`M~~###≈~..~.~~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~#~.ß~~....~#......~#~~_~...._ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~...~..~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##g`|~~_~..~.~.~~~gpj _~....__You enter the shallow water.gys92) Water gs_~...._ _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.gM≈≈≈≈≈≈~~###≈..~.~~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈~#...@~._.~~~~~...#.ß~~....~g#......~# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~_~...._~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~#_~.~.._~g_~....__gvn31.5 (1.61) g{_~...._ggb M≈≈≈≈≈≈~~###≈..~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~@..~#≈gzc #....~._.~~~~...#.ß~~....~ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#......~#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~~ ~~~..~.~~#~~gj |_~...._gu g200g,{ 9_g| g M≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~###≈..~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~##g! ≈~..~.@~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._.~~~~...# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~.ß~~....~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~~_~#...~...#g :_g1 b369g }_~...._g g:M≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~###≈..~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~~#.@~###≈~..~..~~.~~~~.~...~#≈#....~._. ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~.~~~~...#~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~ _~...._~~...~..~~gD _~...._You enter the shallow water.gNs48) Water gNU_~...._ggW  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.g5fM≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~###≈~..~~#~<.~~≈≈≈≈≈#.@..~≈~~~~#.~~##≈~..~..~~.#~~~~.~...~#≈ ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~#....~._.~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~ ~~~_~...._~~g<gHm6.1 (1.66) gvMgQNgď $M≈≈≈≈≈≈~~###≈~..~~#~@.~~≈≈≈≈≈#....~≈~~~#.~~###≈~..~..~~.# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~~.~...~#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##~~ ~#......~#~g g* g705g g 8 _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here.gP g g% gP g r11 84 _g g #.#.#  . ..# #.#.#  ##.#..# #.#.#  #####.....#### #.#.#  .......#.#....# #.#.#  ..............# #.#.#  ......#...#...## #.#.#  ....#.......#...##.#.# Dungeon:4 .#.....@o....#.##.#.#  ...#.......#... #.#.#  .....#?..#...# #.#.#  g##+#.........# #.#.#  ### ##.#.#....# #.#.#  ≈≈≈ #......### #.#.##o   orc  #.# ##.#..## #.......  #.# #....#########.####  #.# ####............#gI26737) g<T  You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon!gX1------=9.6 (2.5Magic Dart5g6g _The orc hits you with a +0 flail! _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.gF  You barely miss the orc. You claw the orc. You peck the orc, but do no damage.The orc is severely wounded.g i40.7 (1.14g gT _The orc completely misses you.g  You barely miss the orc. Your kick misses the orc.The orc is severely wounded.gy1.9 (1.23 _The orc barely misses you.g~  You completely miss the orc.The orc is severely wounded.gF2------3.12gwgx _The orc misses you. The orc closely misses you.gl#  You closely miss the orc. You claw the orc.  You kill the orc!gM- 1)g; 94.3Magic Dart1 _Vehumet accepts your kill.guD g8F g _Your Staves skill increases to level 1!gug1vgyg:}gqt26 0 _ggD29ggL3=g;8gugZgC7g@gg.C6gggYC5gggn4==4gPggiC3gg&C2g}gggC1gg®g 5==0gܰggeD19g%ghgC8g gKY7gghg6==6ghgg C5gggcC4gYg%gdC3g2gsg7==2gggC1gggC0ggBZ09ggegx8==8gggx1 _HP restored.g:Y7ggg g' C6g gS g c11 5g: g  _o - 2 scrolls labelled NEZXOA JEONTAP (gained 1)g g i=26 4g gb g gG C3g g g( g C2g g{# gr% g% c11 1gL' gF* 7 _You open the door.g, g0- W26 0gZ. g~2 @  There is an open door here.g4 g5 L699 _g66 ge8 g: g: C8g; g= g? g.@ C7g@ gB g^D Y6gD gE gF g G C5g@G gH gH gLI C4gI gzJ g_K gK C3g^M gR gU gZU C2g3V g X gY gZ C1gZ g[ g] gZ] C0g] g_ g_ g_ D89gQ` g6 C6g6 g7 g8 Y5g8 g9 g: g: C4g1; gG= gx? g? C3g/@ gA gB gC C2gD gE gG ggJU P #........ #.####### #......... #.# # #...gyU v #.#   gU #.........# ###.# #  gU #.........###...#   #....# #gU E g] g6c -5.3 (910gGk gm # _Found a robe.g#+##.......# #.##.########.##.# ..........## #######.###........ #.....# #. #.##### ######.# #......##[.@.# #......##...?.....# ##..... #.........# #.###### #..# #.#  #.# #.# #.# ###.# #.###...# #<.##....##.#..#ggCm6.3 (1.0)39gg; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.g{  #.##.########.##.# ..........# #######.###....... #.....# # #.##### ######.# #......####[...#### #......#g| h#...@.....# ##..... #.........# #.##### #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# ###.# #.###...# #<.#....# #g} g.##.#..########.....####g΅ gQ a78g˓ g{ gܨ p11 8.3 (27gĮ g X _j - a scroll of blinkinggP*#######.##. .......... #######.###...... #.....# # #.##### #####.# #......###[...#### #...... #.........# ##..... #.# #.#### #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# ###.# #.###...# #<.##....# #.##.#..# ###.#######.....####  #.......#.#....# gT26 9.3 (16gZgv]gT ......... #######.### #.....# # #.##### #####.# ####[...#### # #.........# ## #.# #.### #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# ###.# #gT.###...# #<.....# #.##.#..# ###.#######.....### .#.......#.#....gTL #........gQ\gOdb405gjglg  #######.### #.....# .########.# ###[...####.........# ## #.### ####..<..#####......#...#... gr gh a14gH g g   #.....# .########.# ###[...####.........# ## #.### ####..<..###≈≈≈....#.......#. g g a23g gC gO2 ########.# ###[...####.........# ## #.### ####..<..#Zot (26633) #≈..#.....>).... g8gLAa32gJggىE####.# ####[...#### # #.........# ## #.# #.## #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# ###.# #.###...# #.##....#g1> #.##.#..# ###.#######.....## .#.......#.#... .#...####gRM#...# ≈≈≈....#.......#g #≈..#.....>).. #≈....#.......#gGgZa41gngc _There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.g8 gx= g@ gH gL r11 50 _gP g#  ..#.# ## #.# .# #.##!##.# #.#.....## #.#..#... #####.#..#.###### 3......... ###...##.###### #...# .##...# .##.#.# ..#.#.# .# ........# #.#.# .. .ß..#ß#.# #.#.. .# .o.o###.####.########  A mysterious force pulls you upwards. The hatch slams shut behind you.g gO gF i6.0 (1.729gM gTP _Level annotation: 3 runed translucent doors, Ravn's ghost, amateur CoHugs4gbsgug yg}26 8g.Y7g1ggY6gggg C5ggL....#...+ ...#  ..#  ..#  #.# ## #.# .#  g”#.##@##.#  #.#.....##  #.#..#.....######.#..#.######.................####...##.###### #...# .# #...# .# #.#.# ..g.50.0 (4.0g11 1.0 (54 _p - 2 fuming cyan potionsgm 4g gz g g 26 3g g C2g g g9 gw C1g g g. go ;0g gj gֽ g" D19g g gY g c11 8g g~ 7 _You open the door.g g W26 7gO g gr g C6gZ gD g g C5gf g gb g C4g g g& g c11 3g g~ 7 _You open the door.g? m26 2g g0 @  There is an open door here.g= #####+#### g t#........#### #........'@.# 63.0 (12.0)#........##.# g #........# ... #........# ....# g #####'##.# ###.#g #.##.# .# (##.##.##.# #g #.#.....#g! *#.#..#.....#g' g$ g4.0 (131g g ) _Found 5 boomerangs.g 4g g+ g g o0g #####+#####........#####.'..# #........##@# 5.0)#........#....(##........#.....######'##.#.###.#  #.##.#..# (##.##.##.# ##.#.....###.#..#.....######.#..#.#####gC g g6.0 (209g[ ; _Found 5 stones.g7`g|Y8g,ggC7gggY6gݭgԯggDC5g=gȷ;  You see here 5 stones.g4 _32ggnY1gggRggC0gfgTg[599ggPg6gC8gggg(C7gQg$6gHggC5gjggjgC4ggvg*gC3gggY2gggo1ggY0gpgbggD89gggYgC8g g-g\gC7ggggC6g( gq gBgpC5gg5ggC4gjgggC3gbggg<C2ggMgNgC1ggQ!g#g#C0gd$gy%gB(g(D79gA)gR*g,g,C8ga-g.g47g5g5C6g|6g7g\:g:C5gP;g<g"?g?C4g@ghAgCg#DC3gDgEgoHgIC2gIgKgMgrMC1gMgOgZ 069gE\Y8g\g]g$_gg_Y7g?`gVag{aC6gagYbgdo5gdgfgfC4ggghgjY3gKjgjgmo2gmgoY1g\ogpg~vz0598gZwgxY7g}yg}6g0~gO~C5g~gWgjgC4gрgggقC3g'gɃgg;C2g{g!gˇgC1g+gg&Y0gg1gwgD49g9ggmY8gېgNgY7gggRgC6g-ggGY5ggtgנY4gmgg.##.#..##(#############.# .##.##.##.##.# .#.....##.##.# .#..#.....##.# .#..#.#######.# ............ #.# ...##.######## #.# ...# .# [..#..##############.# g8...# .# .......@.............#3031.0 (65.0) .#.# .. ...#...############### .#.# .# #...... .#.# .. +...... .#.. .# #...... .#########...... ........######+# .######gU.# ....###.#ggVg2.0 (663g<g( _Found a ring mail.g@ 4gA gD gP #.##.#..##(# #.# #.##.##.##.# #.# #.#.....##.# #.# #.#..#.....# #.# #.#..#.######### #.#. .> #.# #...##.########. #.# #...# .# .[..#..#.# #...# .#gOQ .............#0.0) #.#.# .. ....#...# #.#.# .# ##....... #.#.# .. +........ #.#.. .# #.......## #.##.......#g|Q .######+### #.######.# .....###.#g$Z gI` f3.0 (12gg gm ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g 4g^4gy5g:gl=g@Y1gDCgFgZFC0gGgJgMZ39gqOgUgXggYC8gZg\g`Y7g@ag bg$dgZdC6gegggkY5glgyngpqY4gqgsgYuguC3gvgxg}o2gy11 1gmgz _e - 2 sedimented emerald potions (gained 1)g<m26 0gggZ29gg2gY8gqggg]C7ggggY6gѝgg6Y5gIgxgЧg(C4gg{gӬg0C3ggʮgPY2gرgggC1ggggkC0g19gY8gm7gg<C6gggZY5ggKg?gC4ggzgY3ggglY2g=,gY1gggY0ggg2.......######+### #.# #####.# #.# ...###.# ### #.# .#.....# #.# #.# ####### #.# #.#  #.#####.# ## #.......#  #.#######  #@#65.0 (32.0) #<.....# ######## gBgTh6.0 (3309glg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g@gA4ghCgWFgFgJg8gMgMC7gNgPg.RgnRC6gRg]Ug\5g]g]C4gT^gR_g`g`;3g`gagdY2gdgfg@igi;1gigkgng_nC0gngepg=sgsS499gug"vg\v;8gzvgmwgzgCz;7gzg{g~g;6g@g g.gC5g͂gلgڇg C4ggg!Y3gӌgbgg;2gg%gޕg>C1gʖgvgךC0gg~gg789gգgC8gg87gWg˫g,C6ggQggNC5gдgggC4ggg gc11 3gg7 _You open the door.gg@W26 2ggg&go-1ggg@  There is an open door here.ggW+0 g_gEggg7D79gg,g~# #...# .#......................  #.#.# .......#...#############  #.#.# .####..............# # #.#.# .. +.........####.# # #.#.. .# #.......### #.# g3####.#########.......# #.# #...........######'### #.# ####.######.# ##..# #.# #.......###.# #@.##### #.# gZß.....#.....# #.## #.# #.# ..########### #.# #.# #.#Magic Dart #.........w #.#####.# #.########.# #.......# g #.#... #.#######w   dart slug (wandering) #.#######.# #.#g9g#<.....# #.#########g,90gg7.0 (318gRgy \ _A dart slug comes into view.gx3$gA #...# .#...................... PezBoy the Conjurer  #.#.# .......#...############# Tengu of Vehumet ......  #.#.# .####..............#  Health: 28/28 ======================== # #.#.# .. +.........####.#  Magic: 9/10=====================--- # #.#.. .# #.......### #.#  AC: 2Str: 8 ####.#########.......# #.#  EV: 26 Int: 20 #...........######'### #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.######.# ##..# #.#  XL:  5 Next: 39% Place: Dungeon:3 #.......###.# #@.##### #.#  Noise: ---------  Time: 3097.0 (0.0) ß.....#.....# #*## #.# #.#  c) staff of conjuration [0goC_;10m..########### #*# #.# #.#  Cast: Magic Dart #....... ..w #.#####.#  Zot (26478) #.###### ##.# #.......# #.# ... #.#######  w   dart slug (wandering) #.# ######.# #.# #<.....# #.# ######## _There is an open door here. _A dart slug comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - dart slugAim: a dart slug (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)g #...# .#...................... PezBoy the Conjurer#.#.# .......#...############# Tengu of Vehumet ......#.#.# .####..............#Health: 28/28 ======================== # #.#.# .. +.........####.#Magic: 9/10=====================--- # #.#.. .# #.......### #.#AC: 2Str: 8 ####.#########.......# #.#EV: 26 Int: 20 #...........######'### #.#SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.######.# ##..##.#XL:  5 Next: 39% Place: Dungeon:3 #.......###.#[39g^;49m #@.##### #.#Noise: ---------  Time: 3097.0 (0.0) ß.....#.....# #*## #.# #.#c) staff of conjuration ..########### #*# #.# #.#Cast: Magic Dart #.........w #.#####.#Zot (26478) #.########.# #.......# #.#... #.#######w   dart slug #.#######.# #.##<.....# #.#########Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - dart slugAim: a dart slug (wandering, hasn't noticed you, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the dart slug.  The dart slug is severely wounded.g[40mg T..wg |11 =8.0 (17 _ggg  #...# .#...................... PezBoy the Conjurer  #.#.# .......#...############# Tengu of Vehumet ......  #.#.# .####..............#  Health: 28/28 ======================== g5# #.#.# .. +.........####.#  Magic: 8/10===================----- # #.#.. .# #.......### #.#  AC: 2Str: 8 ####.#########.......# #.#  EV: 11Int: 20 g#...........######'### #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ####.######.# ##..# #.#  XL:  5 Next: 39% Place: Dungeon:3 gR##.......###.# #@.##### #.#  Noise: =--------  Time: 3098.0 (0.0) ß.....#.....# #*## #.# #.#  c) staff of conjuration ..########### #*# #.# #.#  Cast: Magic Dart #....... ..w #.#####.#  Zot (26477) #.###### ##.# #.......# #.# ... #.#######  w   dart slug #.# ######.# #.# #<.....# #.# ######## You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the dart slug. g;_The dart slug is severely wounded.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (severely wounded, 100% to hit)g_+ #...# .#...................... PezBoy the Conjurer  #.#.# .......#...############# Tengu of Vehumet ...... g8`T #.#.# .####..............#  Health: 28/28 ======================== # #.#.# .. +.........####.#  Magic: 8/10===================----- # #.#.. .# #.......### #.#  AC: 2Str: 8 ####.#########.......# #.#  EV: 11Int: 20 gt`#...........######'### #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 g` ####.######.# ##..# #.#  XL:  5 Next: 39% Place: Dungeon:3 #.......###.# #@.##### #.#  Noise: =--------  Time: 3098.0 (0.0) g`ß.....#.....# #.## #.# #.#  c) staff of conjuration ..########### #.# #.# #.#  Cast: Magic Dart #....... ..w #.#####.#  Zot (26477) g{a#.###### ##.# #.......# #.# ... #.#######  w   dart slug #.# ######.# #.# #<.....# #.# ######## Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cyclega#Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - dart slugAim: a dart slug (severely wounded, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the dart slug.  You kill the dart slug!gf #...#  #.#.#  #.#.# ....#  #.#.# .. .#  #.#.. .#  #.# ggH #.#  #.#  ##..# #.#   #.#  #*## #.# #.#  #*# #.# #.#  ... .#  ##.# #...... ... #. .gIh #<..... gvDMagic Dartg/  --more--g/ ...  Vehumet accepts your kill.g7 v429.0 (16 _ga= gL? gIrgrgtsgqvg{26 54g}o3ggFC2g`gڃo1ggXr9==0ğgZ69gg0gC8g9gY7giggV==6ggg C5ggg^C4gggC3gggC2g\gAgw10/10===1gPg:, _Magic restored.ggC0g5gg[gͫD59gg#ggiC8ggmggzW===7gggo6gqgY5g,gY4ggggY3gg"gmY2ggWo1g!gY0g5g g\gD49gggSY8g,g7g&6gigC5g,ggC4gp,ggC3gggg'C2g}ggjg'C1ggggC0gcggg D39gsggg C8gYgygg C7g[ g7 g<.#.....#.#.##############.##.# .##......#.# .............#. .##......#.# ######.######.# g}.........#.# ####..#<.....# ####.....#.# ##....#########  +.....#.# #..####  #....##.# #.##  ...........####.  ########......@..# -138.0 (39.0) ......#####  #...! #..! #(. #. . g#g '-9.0 (406g40g3 _Found 7 stones.gl gl gm glq gv g*{ o5g~ gU C4g g0 g g C3g gԏ g g C2g gz #.#.##......#.# ######.###### #....#.# ####..#<.... #.#####.....#.# ##....####### #.. +.....#.# #..####  #....##.#+## #.##  ...........####.#  ########.........# .........##### ####...@.#  #..!!##  #(...# #....# ......# ######## gR 243.0)g p11 4.0 (51g g S _q - a fuming coppery potiong}FgGgxHgbKgNg1OW26 0g>Sgbb .. ####..#<....####.....#.##....#######. +.....#...#### ## #....##.#+## #.##  gb...........####.# ########........ .........########  #..!@##(...# ...g5j+5.0 (1g'oq11 6.0 (229g*ugwI _r - a cyan potiongL gJ gE ,gk g m26 8g/ y11 7g g r _e - 3 sedimented emerald potions (gained 1)g m26 6gq g g. Y5g! g$ g g C4g g g3 gu ;3g gO g Y2g( gQ 10g_!  #.# ### #....##.#+## #.##  ...........####.#  ########.........# #. .........#####g! < #. ####.....# #. #....## #. #(...#g!  #.#.#####....#.@........#55.0 (9#..########## #.> g! 8 ### g+ 6.0 (10.0)19g1 Q _Found a stone staircase leading down.gH94g9g<g~?gCo8gfFgFC7gGg3JgMY6gdNgOg#SY5gSg*UgWgWC4g`XgCZg[g[C3g[g\g]Y2g^g^g`g`C1g-ag0cgegeC0g1fgggiZ09gfjgkgOngn;8gngPpgrY7gsgDug$} ####.##.# #.#.#.....#.#.#####.##.# #.#.##......#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #. #.# #.#.#.# #.# #.#####.....#.##.# #.. +.....#.#b.#.#########....##.#+##.......................# #.@.# ########..... ###.# #........... #.# #.#####.....Magic Dart #.####.# #....#g}#....#.# #(...#####.#.#####....# b   bat (asleep)#............###..###########.>#g -68.0 (12gڈg9.0 (136gݒgʖV _A bat comes into view.g%.  ####.##.# #.#.#.....#.#.#### PezBoy the Conjurer #.##.# #.#.##......#.#  Tengu of Vehumet ...... #.##.# #.#.##......#.#  Health: 28/28 ======================== #. #.# #.#.........#.#  Magic: 9/10=====================--- #.# #.#####.....#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 #.# #.. +.....#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20 b*#.#########....##.#+## SH: 0Dex: 12 ..****.................# XL:  5 Next: 42% Place: Dungeon:3 #*@.# ########..... Noise: ---------  Time: 3169.0 (0.0) ###.# #........... c) staff of conjuration #.# #.#####.....[39;4g. 99m Cast: Magic Dart #.####.# #....# Zot (26406)  #....#.# #(...# ####.#.#####....# b   bat (asleep) #............# ##..########## #.># _Found a stone staircase leading down. _A bat comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)gC ####.##.# #.#.#.....#.#.#### PezBoy the Conjurer #.##.# #.#.##......#.#  Tengu of Vehumet ...... #.##.# #.#.##......#.#  Health: 28/28 ======================== #. #.# #.#.........#.#  Magic: 9/10g=====================--- #.# #.#####.....#.#  AC: 2Str: 8 #.# #.. +.....#.#  EV: 26 Int: 20 b.#.#########....##.#+## SH: 0Dex: 12g " .......................# XL:  5 Next: 42% Place: Dungeon:3 #.@.# ########..... Noise: ---------  Time: 3169.0 (0.0) ###.# #........... c) staff of conjuration #.# #.#####..... Cast: Magic DartgL #.####.# #....# Zot (26406)  #....#.# #(...# gq####.#.#####....# b   bat (asleep) #............# g/##..########## #.># gAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  gܤPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - batgAim: a bat (asleep, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the bat.  You kill the bat!g"g         #. #.#   #.#   #.# #..   †* g%?..**** #*@.#  ###.#  #.#   gd #....#.# #( ####. gw#.... ##.. g]#.>#gC0DMagic Dartg[7/  --more--g ......  Vehumet accepts your kill.g_11 3=70.0 (15 _ggӷg?26 43210399gg^p10/10===8ggE765===43210898You see here a bat corpse.7 _6543g>gh 21g#Y0gg!798gAY7gggU6gY5gGgggy432go1ggY0g[gg3gpD69ggogm87654g5GgUgh321gigOjC0gjg)lgnD59g6og[ogpgsC8g tgtgwgzgģ76gQ5ggjY4ggjg!*3210gZ49g[gcY8g.gg| 76gCY5gg g #.# ##..# #.#.########.>#  #.#........####  #.#######.##  #. #.#  #. #.#  #J #.#  #.#######.# ......# g-########  Magic Dart  J   endoplasm (asleep) gF1g1230.0 (60.0)gM-1.0 (614gfgCU _An endoplasm comes into view.gP  #.# ##..##### PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.########.>#  Tengu of Vehumet ...... #.#........####  Health: 28/28 ======================== #.#######.##  Magic: 9/10=====================--- #. #.#  AC: 2Str: 8 #. #.#  EV: 26 Int: 20 #J #.#  SH: 0g Dex: 12 #*#######.#  XL:  5 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:3 #.@.......#  Noise: ---------  Time: 3231.0 (0.0) ###########  c) staff of conjuration  Cast: Magic Dart  Zot (26344)   J   endoplasm (asleep) _You see here a bat corpse. _An endoplasm comes into view.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (asleep, 100% to hit)g #.# ##..##### PezBoy the Conjurer#.#.########.>#Tengu of Vehumet ......#.#........####Health: 28/28 ========================#.#######.##Magic: 9/10=====================---#.#.#AC: 2Str: 8#.#.#g EV: 26 Int: 20#J#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#*#######.#XL:  5 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:3#.@.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 3231.0 (0.0)###########c) staff of conjurationCast: Magic DartZot (26344) J   endoplasmAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (asleep, 100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power!  The magic dart hits the endoplasm but does no damage.g] g /  --more--g n  The endoplasm quivers.g+,.Jg|11 =2.0 (13 _ggSg  #.# ##..##### PezBoy the Conjurer #.#.########.>#  Tengu of Vehumet ...... #.#........####  Health: 28/28 ======================== #.#######.##  Magic: 8/10===================----- #. #.#  AC: 2Str: 8 #. #.#  EV: 11Int: 20 #. #.#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #J#######.#  XL:  5 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:3 #.@.......#  Noise: =--------  Time: 3232.0 (0.0) ###########  c) staff of conjuration  Cast:g + Magic Dart  Zot (26343)   J   endoplasm _The endoplasm quivers.Aiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (100% to hit)gX.#.# ##..##### PezBoy the Conjurer#.#.########.>#Tengu of Vehumet ......#.#........####Health: 28/28 ========================#.#######.##Magic: 8/10===================-----#.#.#AC: 2Str: 8#.#.#EV: 11Int: 20#.#.#SH: 0Dex: 12#J#######.#XL:  5 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:3#.@.......#Noise: =--------  Time: 3232.0 (0.0)###########c) staff of conjurationg|YCast: Magic DartZot (26343) J   endoplasmAiming: Magic Dart (safe; 1% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (100% to hit)  You feel a surge of power! The magic dart hits the endoplasm.  gYLThe endoplasm is severely wounded.gg&f3.0 (12gb  --more--g A _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.gN You barely miss the endoplasm.You claw the endoplasm, but do no damage.You peck the endoplasm.  You kill the endoplasm!g /. g‘ 44.1 (1.1Magic Dart1g g R _Vehumet accepts your kill.g(l #.# #....... #.#.# ##..#### #.#.########.># #.#........#### #.#######.## #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #@#######.# #.........############g@g 26 -500gp'gJgqgh398gY7gzgT9==6gY5gggY4g/C3g==2ggY1g#go0g Z29g]!gN$10/10===8g$g%g'Y7g[(g)g_,Y6g -g-gc0g0C5g1g_2g4g4W===4g5g6g8Y3gC9g:g<o2gs>gp@g@C1gkBgBg-EY0gEgFgvN198gNgPg?QC7gQg_SgUY6gVgWgZY5gZgB\g^Y4g_gagcY3gdgeghY2ghgrjgtmgmC1gdngogyrY0gUsgtgwg|wD09gwgygz|g};8gR}gMgށC7g7ggg{ #.# #.##.# #.# #.# #.##.# #. #.# #.##.# #.# #.# #.##.# #.# #.# #.##.# #.. #.####†.#.##### #...............#################.##..........@.........#.####.-.....$#....#####.#.# #...... #....# #.#.# #.Magic Dart.... #....# #.#.# #.o.. ###### #.#.# ##o.#.#.#gZno   orc wizard (asleep)o#.#.#oo 2 orcs (asleep)#.#.######.#......gx 68.1 (33.0)  An orc wizard and 2 orcs come into view.An orc is wielding a +1 hand axe of venom.gI .oooooowandering)The orc wizard shouts!*g` oo 2 orcs (wandering)  The orc wizard mumbles some strange words.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!gtcgm .   orc{Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.gWvp==9.1 (346g~g*g׌/  --more--gI; 1 _The orc moves out of view.g #.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.##.# #.##.# #.. #.####†.#.##..#.##...#.........#.####.#.....$#....#####.#.# #.#..... #....# #.#.# #.#.... #....# #.#.# #.g! ... ###### #.#.# #.o #.#.# { #.#.##.#.# #.#. g+ gU/ --70.1 (1.0)Magic Dart5gy5 g-7 g#.# #.##.# #.#.##.# #.##.# #.#.##.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.##.# #.##.# #.. #.####†.#.##..#.##...#.#.####.# .....$#....#####.#.# #.# ..... #....# #.#.# #.#.... #....# #.#.# #.... ###### #.#.# #.o #.#.# #{ g=k#.#.# ##.#.##.#.ghg|--14gPgzg=#.# #.##.# #.#.##.# #.##.# #.#.##.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.##.# #.##.# #.. #.####†.#.##..#.##...#.#.####.# .....$#....#####.#.# #.# ..... #....# #.#.# #.#g>.... #....# #.#.# #.... ###### #.#.# ####..o #.#.# #.{ #.#.# ##.#.##.#.#gGgKa23gPg}RgD#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.##.# #.##.# #.. +#.####†.#.##..#.##...#.#.####.# #.....$#....#####.#.# #.# #..... #....# #.#.# #.#.... #....# #.#.# #....#... ###### #.#.# ####.#.o #.#.# #.{ #.#.# ##.#.#.#.#.#.#gg0a32g$g g#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.#####.#.# #.##.# #.. +.#.####†.#.#.#..#.##...#.#.####.# #......$#....#####.#.# #.# #...... #....# #.#.# #.####..... #....# #.#.# #....#.... ###### #.#.# ####.#..o #.#.# #.{ #.#.# ##.#.#.#go_.>#.#.#ggca41g!ggQi .#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.#####.#.# #.##.# #.. +.#.####†.#.#gi ~.#..#.##...#.#.####.# #......$#....#####.#.# #.# #.#..... #....# #.#.# #.####.#.... #....# #.#.# #....#.#gj D... ###### #.#.# ####.#.#.o #.#.# #.{ #.#.# ##..#gFj j#.#.#.>##.#.#gs gxv a50gz gF} g#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.#####.#.# #.##.# #.. +.#.####†.#.#.#..#.##...#.#.####.# #.gS.....$#....#####.#.# #.# #.#..... #....# #.#.# #.####.# .... #....# #.#.# #....#.# ... ###### #.#.# ####.#.#.o #.#.# #.....{ #.#.# ##..###.#.#.>##.#.gm$####ggc6299gRggk`#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#.#.# #.##.# #.#####.#.# #.##.# #.. +.#.####†.#.#.#..#.##...#.#.####.# #.ga7.....$#....#####.#.# #.# #.#..... #....# #.#.# #.####.#  .... #....# #.#.# #....#.#  ... ###### #.#.# ####.#.#.o #.#.# #.{ #.#.# ##..#gKaN#.# g~78g+ gǕ gޘ a87gԝ g gNghUgXa96gl]gz_gJ  What are your orders?t - Shout!  Orders for allies: a - Attack new target.r - Retreat!s - Stop attacking.g - Guard the area.f - Follow me.Anything else - Cancel.gV g g 11 ======805gr g @ _You shout for attention! You hear a shout!gg g 26 ------14gUgg g g ------23g g$ g'g-g0a32g:4g5gogwga41g ggu g i=50g8 g ` _Something completely misses you.gg(b689g-g?\ _Something barely misses you.gxK  You hit something. You claw something.gs#|  You hear some strange, mumbled words.  A magic dart appears from out of thin air!g8{gī19--------11 7.2 (1.18g:g . _The magic dart hits you!g IgK7----------8.4 (1.26goQgT{ _You miss something. You claw something. Something hits you.g/[  You barely miss something. Your kick misses something.g26---9.5 (1.15gv8g:o _Your peck misses something. Something hits you.g g!  oo   orc (missile)You barely miss something. Something hits you.g_" 3---90.7 (1.2Magic Dart4g( g?1   g1 An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger and quivering poisoned _darts.g  You hit something but do no damage. Your peck misses something.g .oSomething hits you. Something hits you but does no damage.g H(((((((gW V....{@.g 9/28 ------1.93g# g { _The orc throws a poisoned dart. The poisoned dart closely misses you.gp  You miss something. Your kick misses something. Your peck misses something.gQ.og----3.12g$g'S _Something hits you.g 5Drink which item? Potions  b - a potion of magic  e - 3 sedimented emerald potions  h - a black potion  i - a blue potion  p - 2 fuming cyan potions  q - a fuming coppery potion  r - a cyan potion [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedg  gm*#.# #.##.# #.#.##..... PezBoy the Conjurer#.# #.##.# #.#.##..... Tengu of Vehumet ......#.# #.##.# #.#........ Health: 9/28=======-----------------#.# #.##.# #.#####.... Magic: 10/10 ========================#.# #.##.# #.. +.... AC: 2Str: 8#.####†.#.#########.... EV: 11Int: 20#...................... SH: 0Dex: 12  .#################.##...######## XL:  5 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:3  ..........o...{@.#.####.# #.... Noise: =--------  Time: 3293.1 (0.0g>+)  .....$#....#####.#.# #.# #.### c) staff of conjuration..... #....# #.#.# #.####.#Cast: Magic Dart  .... #....# #.#.# #....#.#Zot (26282) ... ###### #.#.# ####.#.###.o#.#.# #...... o   orc (missile){#.#.# ##..####.#.########.>##.#........#### _darts.You hit something but do no damage. Your peck misses something.  Something hits you. Something hits you but does no damage. go+_The orc throws a poisoned dart. The poisoned dart closely misses you.You miss something. Your kick misses something. Your peck misses something. _Something hits you.g;  #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#  #..  †  ##########  ..o...{@.#  .....$#....#####.#.# #.#  .....  #.#.#   ....  #.#.#   ...  #.#.#  .o #.#.#  {#.#.#  #.#g<>#   It was a potion of enlightenment.  You feel very buoyant.g\; #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#  #..  †  ##########  ..o...{@.#  .....$#....#####.#.# #.#  ..... g  #.#.#   ....  #.#.#   ...  #.#.#  .o #.#.#  {#.#.#  #.#>g( g2{  You fly up into the air. Something hits you.gQ.og 8-4.1 (11) Will+ Fly g'g1+V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gg  #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.# gˀ #..  †  ##########  ...o..{@.# g .....$#....#####.#.# #.#  .....  #.#.#   ....  #.#.# g# 8  ...  #.#.# gT .o #.#.#  {#.#.#  #.#ǵ B>#   gV V #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#  #.. g1W  †  ##########  ...o..{@.#gLW  gdW .....$#....#####.#.# #.# g|W .....  #.#.# gW 4  .... gW d #.#.#  gW , ... gW Z #.#.# gW .o #.#.# gW / {gX a#.#.#  g%X U#.#>g:X & gNX ge  You barely miss something. Your kick misses something. Something hits you.* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gk C((g '..g a7-=5.3 (1.2g2 ;0g g 5 _The orc throws a poisoned dart.gC G  #.#  g g #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#  #..  g †  g ~##########  ...o..{@.#g T  .....$#....#####.#.# #.#  ..... g> ` #.#.#   ....  #.#.# g^   ... g} X #.#.#  .o #.#.# g : {#.#.#  g 8#.#>#  gm V You closely miss something. Your kick misses something.g[ #.#   #.#   #.#  gп #.#   #.#  #..  g† g(? ##########  gL...o..{@.# g .....$#....#####.#.# #.#  .....  #.#.#   .... g #.#.#   ... g, #.#.#  .o #.#.# g] {#.#.# gZ #.#>g9 g~  Your peck misses something. Something hits you.g{g,.ooo 2 orcs (1 missile, 1 wandering)g5---6.578ggV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g> oo)The orc shouts!  You hit something. Your kick misses something. Your peck misses something.gF ((Something hits you but does no damage. The orc throws a poisoned dart.  The poisoned dart hits you!gg;o..o.{.g====--=7.6 (1.17) g]Pois Will+ Fly g'gCP _You are lethally poisoned!g&#.# #.##.# #.#.##.#.# #.##.# #.#....#.# #.##.# #.######.# #.##.# #.. +.#.####†.#.#########....##................... g'.#################.##...######### .........o..o.{..#.####.# #..... .....$#....#####@#.# #.# #.#### ..... #....# #.#.# #.####.# g]'.... #....# #.#.# #....#.# ... ###### #.#.# ####.#.#### .o #.#.# #....... { #.#.# ##..#### g'#.#.########.>##.#........###g'X##.#######.##gk1_ #.#   #.#   #.#   g1#.#  #..  †##########..o.{..#g1U $#@#.# #.# g1,  #.#.# g 2  g 20 #.#.#  g42-  #.#.# gI2? #.#.# {g]2+#.#.#  gq2,#.#># g2/ #.# g2  g2gt  #.#   #.#   #.#   #.# gG  #..  †#########..o.{..# $#@#.# #.#   #.#.#    #.#.#    #.#.#  #.#.# #.#.#  #.#>g{ r #.# g% e  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g g? g .o..o.g 2---26 --806g g~ S _You feel very sick.ghg" ..####. +###†.#.#########....#...................... .#################.##...######### ..........o..o...#.####.# #.....$#....#####.#.# ####  ###.#  ... ########.#.#### .o  #....... { #..#####.##.# #.# #.#   #.#   #.#  #..  †####..# $#.#.# #.#   #@#.#    #.#.#    #.#.#  #.#.# {#.#.#  #.#>#   #.#   #.#   #.# #.#  ge5 #.#   #.#   #.#  #..  †g5P####..# $#.#.# #.#   #@#.# g5   #.#.#    #.#.# g9> #.#.# #.#.#  #.#> #.# #.# #.# g7:%  g]:@* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gyAgi1------9Magic Dart5gkg $ _You feel sick.g ####. +###†.#.#########....#...................... .#################.##...######### ..........o..o...#.####.# #.....$#....#####.#.# ####  ###.#  ... ########.#.#### .o  #....... { #..#####.##.# #.#g/  You die...gPJ0-gd/  --more--g-nInventory: 18/52 slots Missiles (go to first with ()g - 13 poisoned darts Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +0 robe (worn) Magical Staves (go to first with |)  c - a staff of conjuration (weapon) Jewellery (go to first with "=)d - a ring of fire  f - a +6 ring of strength Scrolls (go to first with ?)  j - a scroll of blinkingk - a scroll of enchant weapon {unknown}  l - a scroll of fog {unknown}m - a scroll of amnesia {unknown}  n - a scroll of vulnerability {unknown}o - 2 scrolls of identify {unknown} Potions (go to first with !)  b - a potion of magice - 2 potions of enlightenment  h - a potion of heal wounds {unknown}i - a potion of cancellation {unknown}  p - 2 potions of might {unknown} [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g8glgGoodbye, PezBoy.163 PezBoy the Conjurer (level 5, 0/28 HPs)Began as a Tengu Conjurer on Oct 22, 2024.Was an Initiate of Vehumet.Succumbed to an orc's poison... on level 3 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:07:12 (3264 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.23737872 oddsox OpCA-27 escaped with the Orbg53.22614997 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb4.22453554 frobop TrFi-27 escaped with the Orb5.21845920 BlyxxDjEE-27 escaped with the Orb6.21699434 Theoretic GrBr-27 escaped with the Orbg7.21207590 frobop TrDe-27 escaped with the Orb8.19427956 fispok6969 DjCj-27 escaped with the Orb9.17955717 gosagan MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  10.15861251 Scinternac MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  11.14967373 thewalrus OnGl-27 escaped with the Orb  12.14936909 VeryStrang GrGl-27 escaped with the Orb  13.14850245 grumposus OpRe-27 escaped with the Orbgn K [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l