gd  Player: Selgeron Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: Filename: 2024-10-22.19:18:36.ttyrec Time: (1729624716) Tue Oct 22 19:18:36 2024 g[?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h)0[?7h[?25l[?1cWelcome, Selgeron. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawn  u - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Demonspawn are half human, half demon. They acquire strong demonic mutations as they grow. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Demonspawn GladiatorgggxWelcome, Selgeron the Demonspawn. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fighteri - Artificerq - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiator  j - Shapeshifterr - Conjurer c - Monkk - Wanderers - Summoner d - Hunterl - DelvergUit - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-mageu - Fire Elementalist Zealotm - Warperv - Ice Elementalist f - Berserkern - Hexslingerw - Air Elementalist g - Cinder Acolyteo - Enchanterx - Earth Elementalist h - Chaos Knightp - Reavery - Alchemist Gladiators are ready for the arena with light armour, a weapon of their choice, and a few throwing weapons and nets. + - Recommended background * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Change species ? - Helpg2 Tab - Demonspawn Gladiatorg g g Welcome, Selgeron the Demonspawn Gladiator. You have a choice of weapons.a - rapier(-1 apt)  b - flail (-1 apt)  c - war axe (-1 apt)  d - trident (-1 apt)  e - long sword (-1 apt)  f - quarterstaff(-1 apt)g - unarmed(-1 apt) + - Recommended random choice * - Random weapon % - List aptitudesBksp - Return to character menu ? - HelpgW &Tab - long swordg g g Selgeron the DuckerDemonspawnHealth: 16/16 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 4Str: 14EV: 11Int: 8SH: 0Dex: 14XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1g Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)a) +0 long swordThrow: 3 throwing netsg: ##+###...#+.@.+#...###+##g g# g?& Welcome, Selgeron the Demonspawn Gladiator.They say the Orb of Zot lies within this dungeon, but they say a lot of things.g* gr Press ? for a list of commands and other gz [ _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.g gq l  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt a + Fightingg 2.0   3.0   0   i - Spellcasting   0.0   1.2  -1      g S    g U b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.2  -1      c + Throwingg! 1.7   2.4  -1      gB! j    gx! @     d - Short Blades   1.5   1.2  -1  g! *    e + Long Blades2.6   3.6  -1  g!             g8"  f - Armour   0.0   1.2  -1      g + Dodging2.6   3.6  -1  g,      h - Stealth   0.0   1.0   0                                                      The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*g, [37m] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsg a * Fighting   2.0g[/ o a - Fighting   2.0gK c * Throwing   1.7go c - Throwing   1.7gG9{ d + Short Blades   1.5gk9*g]9 o d - Short Blades   1.5g e * Long Blades   2.6g  g * Dodging   2.6g\9 p g - Dodging   2.6gQ{TargetTarget--  --  --  --  gK--  --  --  --  gѹt--  a-z] setg[-] clear selected targetcost|targetsg2g9SgSgYg`XSelgeron the DuckerDemonspawnHealth: 16/16 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 4Str: 14EV: 11Int: 8##+##SH: 0Dex: 14#...#XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1+.@.+Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)#...#a) +0 long sword##+##Throw: 3 throwing netsWelcome, Selgeron the Demonspawn Gladiator.They say the Orb of Zot lies within this dungeon, but they say a lot of things.gv`Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.gcgdguggig)g;.C  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt g.] a - Fighting   2.0   3.0   0   i - Spellcasting   0.0   1.2  -1          g. b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.2  -1       c - Throwing   1.7   2.4  -1              g/ d - Short Blades   1.5   1.2  -1  g> m + Shields 0.0gTargetTarget--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  gf--  --  --  --  --  -- g<C --  --  --  g_&--  --  g}&--  --  g9--  --  --  gΟ--  ga-z] set[-] clear selected targetg+ccost|targetsg:[?25h[?0c0 g [?25l[?1cg1.0  -1 current training targets, if any.=] set aall targetsggSg~Selgeron the DuckerDemonspawnHealth: 16/16 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 4Str: 14EV: 11Int: 8##+##SH: 0Dex: 14#...#XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1+.@.+Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)#...#a) +0 long sword##+##Throw: 3 throwing netsgEcWelcome, Selgeron the Demonspawn Gladiator.They say the Orb of Zot lies within this dungeon, but they say a lot of things.Press ? for a list of commands and other information. _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.g4gYgQgm Ig g gl P _g g gK g / _You open the door.g3 gk g g g g g g / _You open the 3g g g{ g g g: 7 _You open the door.g 3gw g Xg 7 _You open the door.g 3g g` @  There is an open door here.g gQ  _g gig,gg7 _You open the door.ggg g@  There is an open door _g g =#+##.# ##'## #####...### +@'.'.<.'.+ #####...### ##'###.##+#g6#.####......'13.0 (13.0)......#....#..##.#gVgM======4.0 (14g g _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!g_g`gagcgLjl #+# #.# ##'###.#...###.@.'.'.<.'.+0.0).#####...####..... ##'## #..#># #.# #. .. #+# # .#.gj5..###gogrL------5.0 (1gsgx~ _Found a stone staircase leading down. _There is an open door here.gIg2g g$ _gIng!#+###.#. #. ##'##..##.#########...###.........'.'.'.<.'.+.........#####...### .##...@.....##'##------7.0 (2 #..#>##.##.#.#  #..... .# #+# ##.#.###gV ..#.# ## #.# #.# #%#gg+8.0 (3gg, _Found a flux talisman.ggggH _No target in view!g" 3g# g& gP( g, _  There is a stone staircase leading down here.g. g.  _g/ g1 gE3 ,g4 g5 g7 ,g(8 g9 g; gO; gR< g}= g> g> gu? gA g8C ,gC gE g]G ,gH gWI gJ gJ g{K g0M g[N gN g-O gP gQ ,gPR gS gT ,gU gW g)X ,gX g][ g\ ,gf] g^ g` ,ga gb gd ,gd ge gFg gyg gg gj g^k gk gl g:m gsn gn go gkq gs ,g[s gEv g} .. ...#. ...  #. ...  .. #.#  # #. #.#  ##.#. #.# ##.#....##.# #######.. ##......@..###........ #####....#...##.#########.##.#.#..........'.'.'. ..#..........#####.g~ #####.##.........##l ...##..#>##.##.# l   frilled lizard (asleep). ######.......# #.# .######.#.####.^......#.#g 038.0 (20.0)gE ,9.0 (21g gE a _A frilled lizard comes into view.gŹg?ggpe _A frilled lizard is nearby!g.[.. ... #.[...# #.....#....#.##.#.##.##.#.##.##.#....##.# #######..  #.........###........ ###...@#...##.####### ##.#.#..........'.'.' # ..#..........##### .#####.##.........##l ...##..#>##.##. . ######.......# # .######.#.####. .^......#.#gn/3 .########.#g58  Found a scale mail.g#=tl.lg=:=40.0 (1.0)gfDgaH8 _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.g4 #.[###......#.##.## ##.#....##.# #######..........###........ ####....#...##.######## ##.#@#..........'.'.' #!.#####l#####.##.........#. ...##..#>##.##.. ######.......#.# .######.#.###.. .^......#.##. .#######g g >l.gx .-1g g T _Found a dark potion.g kgk5=2.3 (1.3g^rgu _You closely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.gB  You slash the frilled lizard!g2.g1RSlasher83.6gg!R _You kill the frilled lizard!g^4g g"H _No target in view!ggggrggɝ gVg:_No target in view!gIJg3NH _No target in view!gggagFH _No target in view!gU7g7g<g?H _No target in view!gg7ggGC _No target in view!g0g0g8g?gYgggg4g&$g"%g4g'gg3ggQgg9$ _g7(##..... #....#.## #.#.##.##.##.#.##.# #.#....##.# #######.. #.........###........ ###....#...##.###### ##.#.#..........'.' #@..#..###- #.#####.##........ #.. ...##..#>## .#.#######.......# .# #..######.#.#### .. ..^......#.# #. #.########.# #. .# #.# gL)?#%#g--5.6 (2.0g-E-6.6 (3gf5g _f - a dark potiong9IggHg)gg!,ggg|gKg=,ggߵg}Bggr,gg[gqXgz,gZggpgg%gg,geggk,ggug,ggggggggg+gqggg,gg3g.ggggkXgggggg4,ggg/,ggg(gcggSggg%gggg$gsg,gcggggg1ggRgggV,gggg,gg,g`gggggCg ,g ga g ,g> gg0BggBgoggQgggQg"g#,g#g $g4g7Xg7g.9,g9gc:g;g0;gZ;g$<g<g >gO>gh?gD   ..   #J   #.   #.gD  #.  #> gDm#.#####  gEx#.@...#  g1Ee#####.#  gbE #.#   #.gE#  #.# .. .. gF #.# #.[.. J   endoplasm (asleep)  #.# ###....  #.# #....#. gF#.# # #.#.##.gvN 100.6 (54.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.1.6 (55glTO _Found an escape hatch in the floor.g٫  .. #J #. #. #. #> #.#####  #.@...#  #####.#  #.#  #.#  #.# ..  #.# #.[ #.#  #.#  #.# # g/=  .. #J #. #. #. #> #.#####  #.@...#  #####.#  #.#  #.g= $ #.# ..  #.# #.[ #.#  #.#  #.# # ggC gC gTH ghL a _An endoplasm is nearby!gt#   ...  ...  #J#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #># gM  #@#####  #.....# #####.#  #.#  #.#  #.# ..  gd #.# #.[  #.# ###..  #.# #....#g82.6 (1.0) _gg9Bo...J. #####.....##### ..  #.[##...g EgPL<.JJgL&3gRgsVa _There is an escape hatch in the floor here.g>b.........J># ####....####..  #.[gg&.Jg-4 _gggX:  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.The endoplasm freezes you.g*;W3-----=gc;5.9 (1.3gdAgC% _You are frozen.g=  You slash the endoplasm!gi.gS1257.2gy gc M _You kill the endoplasm!g[k gl gp gs H _No target in view!g g g g1  g :_No target in view!g\ g9] g;b ge H _No target in view!g g g g H _No target in view!gM gbN gS gU H _No target in view!g gO g g C _No target in view!gB gjC g{G gI gs g[ g g gf; g; g? gB g- g0 g g> g;23g2g3g^7 _4==---g7gU9,g9g;g=,g!>,g>gA?P==g?g7@gj@K5=g@gAgCgEg8G,gGg IgFIgIgKgK#6g LF===gLgO1 _HP restored.gPgPghQgTgZ,...r........................#...#...-..# gZ #># #.#####r   rat (asleep)g [g=c019.2 (12.0)gcG-20.2 (13gFjgVlV _A rat comes into view.g5| ...r.....  .......  go.......  ..... #...# ... #.#g) #@#g #.#g' #.# gK#># go9#.#####  #.....# g$ #####.#  g#.#  g+#.# gc` ...r.....  .......  .......  ..... #...# ... #.# #@# #.# #.# #># #.# #.....#  ### gLa$ ghg*lgogluZ _A rat is nearby!g ...r.....  .......  .......  ..... #...#g0 ... #.# #@# #.# #.# #># #.#####  #.....#  gpe#####.#  #.#  #.# g6)| ...r.....  .......  .......  ..... #...# ... #.# #@# #.# #.# #># #.# #.....#  ###g*4  g 3g3g<gpBZ _A rat is nearby!g#.#.....#.##...r.....#..............#.##...##.##.........#.g..>#####....####gg/1.0) g _gfggQ#...##.....#.# ##...r.....#.##...g|......... #.....# ##...###....@....######.#####.># ####....####ggC==2gCgg&6' ..... #...##.# #.....#.# r.....#.##..##.........# #.....# #.##.@.##.#.........#####.#####.g6l>#####....g9g?Y.rrg@'===gB@ 3ggp- _The rat squeaks}* #####  ..... #...##.# #.....#.# .....#r......##.........# #..@..# #.##...##.##.........######.#####.g}V>#####ggF.rg0---4gggG7  You slash the rat!g1.g`33=--5.5 (1.3gg"1 _You kill the rat!gRg=^g^gdgfH _No target in view!g+4ggH _No target in view!gPgQgVgBYH _No target in view!gvg gKgH _No target in view!g}4gg,H _No target in view!g@gg|g:@ _No target in view!gMugug1zgL}gggag gggIhgkmgogn4g.gggg^ggg P _g ,g gg0gWgg\ggg6gzg,g0gggg>glg,g*gggg6gC g g!ga!g"g#,g#g$g%g%g#&g'gS(g(g(g*g*g+gJ+g,gO-,g-g.g0,g0g1gW2g2g2g4g6,g6gb8gX9g9gc:g;g<,g=g>g.@ge@gAgCgDg_EgEgGgH,gIgHKgL,gRMg&OgQBgRgS,gTgSVgWg"Xg1YgZgz\,g=]g'_g`g`gagcgadgdg6eg%ggHhgwhgjgoXgEpg8rgrgGsgtgvgvgwgMyg{,g'|g}gw,gggNg{gg1g,ggg,g͎ggggg8gg,gngngg*ggqgƟggԠgbgå,ggLgXgggέggׯgg,g ggEgK,gg_g'#.#.....#.#.# g#.........#.# #..K# #...........#  g#.........#.# #... #.#.....#.#.####..# g #.##...##.#...##..# #.........###.##..# gy#####.##### #.##..#  #.# #..#@.# -  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..g  #.##### #.#..####### g #.....# #.#.........K   kobold (missile, asleep) g #####.# #.#.##...## g#.# #.#.#.....#### g=#.# #.#...........g|K72.5 (47.0)K) _ A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.  The kobold shouts!g^(((((((g_al......@ga5==3.5 (48gyhgmf _The kobold throws a stone. The stone misses #..K# ...# ........#.# #......#.#.####..#...##..#.##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#@.#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#  gY #.#..#   #.#...   #.#.##...##  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#... gn x #..K# ...# ........#.# #......#.#.####..#...##..#.##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#@.#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..# go P  #.#..#   #.#...   #.#.## #.# #.#.# #.# #.#...gfw gw g~ gW ] _A kobold is nearby!g2 ) #..K# ...# ........#.# #......#.#.####..#...##..#.##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#@.#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#   #.#..#   #.#...   #.#.##...##  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#... g  #..K# ...# ........#.# #......#.#.####..#...##..#.##..#g  #.##..#  #.# #..#@.#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#  g C #.#..#   #.#...   #.#.## gĄ #.# #.#.# #.# #.#...gD g g g0 ] _A kobold is nearby!g .##...##.#.# .#.....#.#.# #...# .#.# #..K# ...........# .... .........#.# #... .#.....#.#.####..# .##...##.#...##..# .........###.##..# ####.##### #.##.@# #.# #..#..# g #.# ##.#..# #.# #.#..##># #.#..##.##### #.#..####### #.....# #.#.........gB #####.# #.#.####.# #.#.#.....####g g N(((((gW^<.....g_9-4.5 (1.0)gbgfW _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage.gA; .......#...##.#.## #....#.....#.#.# .#...##.# .#..K#..# .........#.# #........#.#.## .##...##.#.. .........## ####.##### #.#.#.>#  ###########............#####...##guKgLgVK.KK 2 kobolds (missiles, 1 wandering)gVO--5gt^geu _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0  ........#.# #..###...##.#.## #....#.....#.#.##K#.# .#...##..# ...K.........#.# #........#.#.## .##...##.#.. .........## ####.##### #.#.#.># ###########............gngg.K.KK)g+@-6gg~g ;1 #########  ........#.# #..###...# #....#.....#.#.##.#...# #.##K#...###..# ......>........#.# #.K.#.....#.#.## .##...##.#.. .........## ####.##### #.#.gsC#.># ###########  Found a stone staircase leading down.gJ.K2------=7gPgsV@ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.g]gӲggh^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g{1g2g9g=^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gg}ggа^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gY gXZ ga gwe ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g gL g^ g ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gO gO gV gqZ Y _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g 4g gx gF g|F gM g1P g 4g g g6 gD8 g? g1D gv 4g gȳ g' 4g, g/ g g> gc gb gYgZgAagdgg(ggg4gsg8g gggWg!g"gz)g -gw4ggڂg  You closely miss the kobold. The kobold closely misses you.g=((grkK.@gk-8.7 (1.2gvsgvm _The kobold throws a stone. The stone barely misses you.g`  You barely miss the kobold.gK.Kgv9/16 -----------9.9gGg@ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.g   You completely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.  The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger. The kobold closely misses you.7--------81.2 (1.3 _The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.g` 8==-2.5 _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage. x2g :  You slash the kobold!g )   kobold (missile)  You kill the kobold!g%6413.7 (1.2gg*!= _The kobold hits you but does no damage.g|  #.#  #.# #..# # .#.# #..### #.##...##.#.## #.... #.#.....#.#.##.#...# #.#.##.#...###.# #.# ......>. #.#.# #K).# #.#.....#.#.####@.# g} %#.##...##.#...##..# #.###.##..# #####.##### #.##..#  #.# #..#..# #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..# g} u #.##### #.#..#g g@ ,40g| g = _The kobold hits you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.6---6.0 (1.3g g| L _The kobold misses you.gI gP'7=--7.3 _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g5K #.#   #..# #  #..### # #.... #.#...# .#...###.#  ......>.  #K).# #@.##..##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#..#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#    g #.#   #..#  #..### # #.... #.#...# .#...###.#  ......>.  #K).# #@.##..##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#..#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#     You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.4----8.5 (1.2gyg V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g]H>9.7gmPgESz _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.gYV ]  You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.5=---91.0 (1.3 _The kobold completely misses you.g4|C2.2 (1.2gg _You barely miss the kobold. The kobold misses you.g3 #.#  gr #..# #  #..### # #.... #.#...# .#...###.#  ......>.  #K).# #@.##..##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#..#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#    g #.#   #..#  #..### # #.... #.#...# .#...###.#  ......>.  #K).# #@.##..##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#..#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#     You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.4-3.4 _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *[39;4gD 9mg K #.#   #..# #  #..### # #.... #.#...# .#...###.#  ......>.  #K).# #@.##..##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#..#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#    g  #.#   #..#  #..### # #.... #.#...# .#...###.#  ......>.  #K).# #@.##..##..# #.##..#  #.# #..#..#  #.# ##.#..#  #.# #.#..#  #># #.#..#   g  You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.3---4.6g gl V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gfk4==5.8ghg(kz _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the kobold. The kobold misses you.g -7.1 (1.3gx# gH' = _The kobold hits you but does no damage.g gj (8.4g3 g _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold completely misses you.gz   You hit the kobold.  The kobold is severely wounded.g* (9.7ggiS _The kobold barely misses you.gn8  You hit the kobold.ghwC)g{5===58200.9 (1.2gg g<_You kill the kobold!gg.y6=====7=g88===g=Bgm>gj?g?g?B,ghCgEg5F:==gGgKg%LL9=gNgP,g]Rg"V,gWgZ,g[g^10/16===gbBgcg7f,ggg'jgjgkgvngn:==gpgrgr=1=g!sgotgv,gwgz,g9|gX,g:ggl12===g;g׉,g<gH,gԎgΕggmK3=gggYgUg,gg,gwgwgi4===gbgc,g-gggg,g gSg:==g+gPgK5=gg,gg,g&gXgggg9=ggg#6g )==ggg,ggsW  Things that are here:  a +0 dagger; 2 stonesgg= _ggggg.gpgyg:==ggg,gg= g g gR gg,gggg6ggrg ,g"g%g/ ..h.. .....  # ###...#  #.##...=.  .......  g0.......#  #.##.#..# # ##########.##.#.@# .##-  ........#.##.#..###...# .##...##.#.##.#......# .#.....#.#.##.#...##...# .........#.##.#...###.## ...........##......>....h   jackal (asleep) g0.........#.####)).#####.. .#.....#.#.####..#.# .##...##.#...##..# #g1gc8{ 59.9 (59.0)  A jackal comes into view.g<6  The jackal barks!gSG.rhhr   rat (wandering)gG6==60.9 (60gGQgNUV _A rat comes into view.gB> ...r. ..h.. # ###...# #.##...=. ....... .......# #.##.#..# # #.@# .##  #..#gnC #......# #...##...# #...###.## .....>.... #)).# #..## .#  # g? ...r. ..h.. # ###...# #.##...=. ....... .......# #.##.#..# # #.@# .##  #..# #......# #...##...#.....>.... #)).# #..##  ggg_gd _There are monsters nearby!gi  ...r. ..h.. # ###...# #.##...=. ....... .......# #.##.#..# # #.@# .##  #..# #......# #...##...# #...###.## .....>.... #)).# #..## .#  # g ...r. ..h.. # ###...# #.##...=. ....... .......# #.##.#..# # #.@# .##  #..# #......# g/#...##...#.....>.... #)).# #..##  gG4gz _There are monsters nearby!gU, ....h.. ..r. . ..h...# ###...#.#.##...=..#..............   # #########.# .#  .......###...##...#.....##.....#...##...#.##.#...###.##h 2 jackals (1 wandering)..##......>.... .......)).#####.......#.#.####..## .  The jackal barks! _A rat _There are monsters nearby! _There are monsters nearby!  A jackal comes into view.  Found 6 poisoned darts.gU $(h.rhr1.9 (1.0) _The rat squeaks loudly.g\#.......###....(.. .....h... ...r..## ###...#.######...h.......#.............  #.##. # ######### .#  .......###...##...#...##.....###...#.##.#...###.##..##......>...........))]ǣg:' _The jackal barks!g8  You hit the jackal.g,gg   jackalg 75--4.2 (1.3 _You kill the jackal!g&g*l _Your Long Blades skill increases to level 3!gq7  You slash the rat!gsgM|X.hgy_83--5.4 (1.2gۇg}G _You kill the rat!gU+d  You completely miss the jackal.g2,(6.6g4g7A _The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2g  You closely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you.g(7.8gNg߱T _The jackal closely misses you.g4"8  You hit the jackal.g+E†g9,g@6Selgeron the Slasher#.......###Demonspawn....(.. .Health: 16/16 ========================........Magic: 1/1========================......#AC: 4Str: 14# ###...#.####EV: 11Int: 8#.##...=.......SH: 0Dex: 14#......†.......XL:  1 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:1.......@#Noise: =--------  Time: 269.0 (1.2)#.##.#..# #a) +0 long sword ##########.##.#..# .##Throw: 3 throwing nets........#.##.#..###...# .##...##.#.##.#......# g 7.#.....#.#.##.#...##...# .........#.##.#...###.## ...........##......>.... .........#.####)).#####.. _You kill the rat!You completely miss the jackal. _The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2  You closely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you. _The jackal closely misses you.You hit the jackal.g7% g@8f_You kill the jackal!You have reached level 2!guB/  --more--gv 22/222/22 0%  Your demonic ancestry asserts itself...gU`.†....gel _Your body darkens with foul flame.g` Ig͇ gi gڋ $ _g' g  Things that are here:  a jackal corpse; a jackal corpseg= 5 _g& gi  ##...## ##.....## #######......(...... #.........  #......# # ###...#.#####.##...@.......-.....†  ........####.###.##.#..# # ##########.##.#..# .####...g s71.0 (2.0-2.0 (3g g 1 _g - a ring of magical powergb g g g g #  [ ## ## ###.......####......(.......... #......# g# 3 # ###@..#.####0 #.##..... #......†................####.## ##.##.#..# ###########.##.#..# g# )## # ........#.##.####...# #.##...##.#.##.#......# #.#.....#.#.##.#...##..g$ .#gh, g- +3.0 (1g7 gt: ( _Found a ring mail.g&3g'g,g5Xgg:Bg2<gP>,g?gBg|E,g6FgGgJ,g?LgwMgPgQgdRg\Bg bs _You now have 5 gold pieces.gbgegYhghgiglgsogogrgvgz,g|gBgO,g#,ggg.gfg>,gƓgg~,g%g.g,gmg(g$,gggUgggrgs,ggg,ggngI,g\gig,gg1gT,ggg,ggpg,g*gg~,ggg,gWgg,gggE,ggsg,ggg ,gggW # ## .############# ..## #......@..# ...#######.######.....# g (.....................# ...........######.l...# ...######### #.#.## .#.#### .#.# g   goblin (asleep) ....... .. # l   frilled lizard (asleep) ....... g####.##g 304.0 (31.0)  A frilled lizard and a goblin come into view.g'gD  l.l   frilled lizard.  The frilled lizard hisses angrily. The goblin shouts!g 5==5.0 (32gRg3 _The goblin moves out of view.g/ ### ########### ..## #......@..# ..#.######.....# (..............# .....# g/ #.#.##  .#.#  .. #  .# g?D ########### ..## #......@..# .#.######.....# (..........g....# .....# #.#.## .#.#  .. # .#gCggge _A frilled lizard is nearby!g ### ########### ..## #......@..# ..#.######.....# (..............# .....#  #.#.##  .#.#  .. #  .# gW g@]  ########### ..## #......@..# .#.######.....# (..............# .....# #.#.## .#.#  .. # .#gd 4gh gk e _A frilled lizard is nearby!gr3 ############.........#### ..#######.######@....#...............l....# ..........######.....# ######### ##.#.## #.#### .#.#..... .. #  .# ###.## .(  #gE5gU=gg   goblinl   frilled lizardg >9-6.0 (1.0)gDgHd _Found 3 stones. The frilled lizard misses you.g  You closely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard bites you.  The frilled lizard is seared by the foul flame within you.gZgmQ.g.g!19----3-7.2 (1.2g[(g+R _You kill the frilled lizard!gh ############# .##.........####.#######.######...................############### ##g#.# #.#### .#.# ....... ##. ###.##(.  # # #.##ggg~g.r   rat (wandering)rg4-80ggCV _A rat comes into view.g<  The rat squeaks loudly.g. 2.g 6==9.4 (1.2g* g _You hit the goblin but do no damage. The goblin barely misses L-10.7 (1.3g gc _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin misses you.g :  You slash the goblin!gj g )rr   ratg 20=---6-2.0g g J _You kill the goblin!ge  ############# .##.........####.#######.######....................############### ##.#.# #.#### r#.# ........ ##. ###.##(..  # # #..## #. g)s > 4-30gNz ge~ O _You see here a +0 dagger.g| g 5=4.3 (1.3g g _You hit the rat but do no damage. The rat closely misses you.g} 7  You slash the rat!g– D.g 1105.6gp g G _You kill the rat!g% 4g\ g H _No target in view!gE g g gҋ H _No target in view!gx gg g g H _No target in view!g@  _No target in view!g g g g H _No target in view!ghgcig+ogq@ _No target in view!ggigkg gqg"gg4 g\gggg[IgIgOg[RgggggF4gkMgNgggggeIgIgOgTguUgVg[gc1== _ge,gOgg$k,glgr2===gsgwggzgzgS|g~g,gggg^gtgg^g:==ggݓgz,gؗg1g,gag'gP,ggg####.######.....# ................# .....######)....# ###### ##.#.## #  ###.#.#  #.....# g`Z ###...#.### # (...#  ##.###.#.#@# -27.6 (12.0) # ... #.#..#..#  ### #.#.##.##  .##.. g# # #.# # #.. . g#.# .P ..  ..%  gǶ-.#g7-g2%8.6 (13ggo) _Found a flux talisman.gC3ggg:...............# ######)....# ##### ##.#.##  ###.#.#  #.....#  ###...#.### # .......(...# .# g##.###.#.#.##.#... #.#..#@.#0.0)  ### #.#.##.##  .##..#.. # #.#.## #... . #.#. .Pg) .. ..%##>.  #gog5+9.6 (1gg,; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g~3g/gggBggg?ggpg#### ######.....# ............# .######)....# ## ##.#.## ###.#.# #.....# ###...#.### ### .......(...###@# ##.###.#.#.##.#.... #.#..#..###.#### #.#.##.## #r#.##..#.. ...# #.#.##. PP.r   rat (asleep) g #... .. PPP #.#. .P ..P #... ..%gt 31.6 (2  A rat comes into view.g0zr.rgJ====2.6 (3g]g? _The rat squeaks loudly. You hear a shout!g' ######.....# ..........# ######)....# # ##.#.## g( \ ###.#.# #.....# ###...#.### ###.......(...###.##.###.#.#.##.... #.#..#..###r ### #.#.##.## #. .##..#.. ...# #.#.##. PPg1) 4 #... .. .PPP.#.#. .P ..P.#... ..% P.P.# #> ...g}4 gc =---3.6 (1 _The rat bites you but does no damage.gf5  You hit the rat.g)D.g"_3---4.8 (1.2gghG _You kill the rat!gEggB^ _No target in view!gF4g(g{H _No target in view!gmgg!g$H _No target in view!ggIggH _No target in view!g;g<<gBgDH _No target in view!gi4g^g@ _No target in view!g5g|6g<g`?gggggt gu mInnate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutationsg4v a - You are faintly shadowed, very rarely releasing foul flame when damaged in gE [Foul shadow (level 1/3) Your body is shadowed by foul flame. Foes hit you less often, and your stealth is greatly enhanced. Foes who strike you in melee are sometimes seared by the foul flame; undead and demonic foes take less damage from it, while holy beings and good god worshippers take more.gHJ Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations  a - You are faintly shadowed, very rarely releasing foul flame when damaged in g^ gZh ######.....#Selgeron the Slasher ...........#Demonspawn ######)....#Health: 22/22 ======================== # ##.#.##Magic: 2/2========================###.#.#AC: 4Str: 14#.....#EV: 11Int: 8###...#.### ###SH: 0Dex: 14  .......(...###.##XL:  2 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:1  ##.###.#.#.##.#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 334.8 (0.0)  ... #.#..#..###.#a) +0 long sword ### #.#.##.## #.#Throw: 3 throwing nets.##..#.. ...# #.#.##. PP.#... .. .PPP.#.#. .P ..[4gj 0mP.#... ..% P.P.# #> ... _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view!go go gu gw g|3g~gg..........# #####)....#  ##.#.##  ###.#.# #.....#  ###...#.### ### .......(...###. ##.###.#.#.##.#. ... #.#..#..## ## #.#.##.##  .##..#.. ...# #.#.##. .PP..gӎ/ #... .. ..PPP.##.#. .P gP..P.#g   gnoll (wandering)#... ..%P.P.P.# #> ......P. gz  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.g6  The gnoll shouts!ggؚg7gbb   bat (wandering)g4==5.8 (1ggRV _A bat comes into view.g)....#         ###(...###.###.## #@# g  ##.#  ...  #  .PP..  #... .. g.PPP.#  #.#. .P bP..P.#  #... ..%P.P.P.. gZF # #> ......P.. g/ :)....#         ###(...###.###.## #@#  ##.# g{! ...  #  .PP.. #... .. g.PPP.# #.#. .P bP..P.#  #... ..%P.P.P..  # #> ......P.. g+gx,g5g9d _There are monsters nearby!g^6 /)....#         ###(...###.###.## #@#  ##.#  ...  #  .PP..  #... .. g.PPP.#  #.#. .P bP..P.#  #... ..%P.P.P..  # #> ......P.. g~ R)....#         ###(...###.###.## #@#  ##.#  ...  #  .PP.. #... .. g.PPP.# #.#. .P bP..P.#  g z#... ..%P.P.P..  # #> ......P.. g 4g g^ d _There are monsters nearby!g ####)....#  ##.#.## ###.#.# #.....# ###...#.### ### ......(...###. #.###.#.#.##. .. #.#..#..###. # #.#.##.##  .##..#.. #.......## #.#.##.....PP...# #... #..PPg.PPP.##.#.#.#.P.bP..P.##.... ...%P.P.P...# #> .#.......P. .##.P....P..##g g gI g2 U  The bat hits the plant. The plant begins to die.gڜ g.KK   kobold (missile, wandering)g 0---6gǨ gܰ z _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.g ##.#.## .... ###...#.### ### ......(...###.## #.###.#.#.##.#.## .. #.#..#..###.## # ##.#####.#####  .##..#.. #..@....## #.#.##....gPP...# #... #..PP..PPP#.#.#.P.bP.........%P.P.P... #>#.#......gZ ..##.PK...P..##.# #..PP.PP..# ggugggc P=--7ggKR _The gnoll barely misses you.g_S  The kobold shouts!  You slash the gnoll!gx`g=agXbgdm  The gnoll is severely wounded.ggg(ybK. .bK)gy6==9.1 (1.3g _The gnoll completely misses you. The gnoll barely misses you.gc  You completely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is severely wounded.gwgpgy  A nearby plant withers and dies. The bat misses you.g>[bK...g7--40.3 (1.2g gR _The gnoll barely misses you.g6R`  You closely miss the gnoll.gSgSg [gh b.K.  The gnoll is severely wounded.gi14---------=-1.5gsgwm _The bat misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail!g g gg^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g?g3gQgj^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!ggg]g^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g74gDg^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!grggg ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gvgwggY _You are too injured to fight recklessly!ggggggf 4g+q gt g5 g g gP g~ 4g gZ gi g: g gO gB 4gV g g 4g: gU g} 4gޅ g8 g gy gr g gj 4gv giw g####).... ###.#  #.....# ###...#.### ### ......(...###.## #.###.#.#.##.#.## ...#..###.## # #.#.##.#####@#####.##..#.. #.b.....# # #.#.##...KgPP..g.. #..PP...P#.#.#.P..P..P.#........%P.P# #>#.#.......P.....##.P....P..##.# #..PP.PP..#gggh~  The bat closely misses you. The kobold attacks as it pursues you!gH  The kobold barely misses you. The gnoll attacks as it pursues you!g.Kgb...g|5=---------20g gS S _The gnoll closely misses you.gU ..........# #####)....# ##.#.## ###.#.#  #.....#  ###...#.### # .......(...## ##.###.#.#.##. ... #.#..#.. ## #.#.##.#####.##### .##..#.. #..Kg...## #.#.##.b...PP...# #... #..PP...PP.#g  #.#.#.#.P..P..P.# #........%P.P.P...K   kobold (missile)# #>#.#.......P... ..##.P....P..##g g g }g..--g8 3ga g/ g~D [######.....# ...........# ######)....# # ##.#.## ###.#.# #.....#  ###...#.### #  .......(...##  ##.###.#.#.##.  ... #.#..#..###.## g>E r### #.#.##.#####g##### .##..#.. #......# #.#.##.b...PP...# #... #..PP...PP.# #.#.#.#.P..P..P.# #........%P.P.P..# #>#.#.......P...g=I gI g9J gS bgKb   batK   kobold (missile)gRT @-4g] gw` g7  You hit the gnoll.g>X  You kill the gnoll!g.)K   kobold (missile)g (The bat closely misses you. The kobold throws a stone.g;K9)g/Q 62=5.8 (1.3 _The stone hits you but does no damage.  Training target 1.0 for Shields reached!ga~ _Your Shields skill increases to level 1!g)u ..........# #####)....#  ##.#.##  ###.#.# #.....#  ###...#.### ### .......(...###. ##.###.#.#.##. g^v O... #.#..#..## ## #.#.##.#####K##### .##..#.. #.......# # #.#.##.b...PP.. #... #..PP...PP.##.#.#.#.P..P..P.# #........%P.P.P...# #>#.#.......P... ..##.P....P..##g"y gy g bb   batK   kobold (missile)  The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.g+ H=60g^ g. _The bat misses you.Things that are here: _a +0 flail; a gnoll corpseg  You closely miss the kobold. The bat closely misses you.  The bat hits you but does no damage.   barely misses you.e kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.  The kobold is seared by the foul flame within you.0------8.1 (1.3g[ g g /  --more--g:` _The kobold is severely wounded.g0You closely miss the kobold.The kobold is severely wounded.g-9.3 (1.2gg _The bat closely misses you. x2; The kobold misses you.g/ 0You hit the kobold.g8< w)  You kill the kobold!g]> v1==----550.5g:D gG _The bat barely misses you. The bat closely misses you. The bat misses you.g< '####)....#  ##.#.## ###.#.# #.....# ###...#.### ### ......(...###. #.###.#.#.##.#b .. #.#..#..###) # #.#.##.#####  .##..#.. #.......# # #.#.##.....PP...# #... #..PP...PP.##.#.#.#.P..PP.#g| #........%P.P.P...# #>#.#.......P... ..##.P....P..##.# #..PP.PP..#g g &.bg* ,10g] g  _The bat misses you. The bat barely misses you.Things that are here: _a +0 short sword; 5 stones; a kobold corpsegz0--2.8 (1.3gR g _You miss the bat. The bat hits you. The bat closely misses you. x2g  You hit the bat.  The bat is severely wounded.glgɑg7^b) gМ(4.1ggI _The bat misses you.gQ..........# #####)....# ##.#.## ###.#.#  #.....#  ###...#.### # .......(...###. ##.###.#.#.##.#b ... #.#..#.. ## #.#.##.#####)##### .##..#.. #.......## #.#.##.....PP...# #... #..PP...PP.# #.#.#.#.P..P..P.# #........%P.P.P...g# #>#.#.......P... ..##.P....P..##ggc1==50g*gm _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.Things that are here: _a +0 flail; a gnoll corpseg  You barely miss the bat.The bat is severely wounded.g -6.4 (1.3gJ g S _The bat barely misses you. x3gY 5  You hit the bat.g_ 3†gc 6727.6 (1.2gg gdi G _You kill the bat!gOW######.....# ...........# ######)....# # ##.#.## ###.#.# #.....#  ###...#.### #  .......(...###.  ##.###.#.#.##.  ... #.#..#..###)## ### #.#.##.#####)##### .##..#.. #......# #.#.##.....PP...# #... #..PP...PP.#gz #.#.#.#.P..P..P.# #........%P.P.P..# #>^4-80ggp _You see here a bat corpse.gggKhgjglgqu2===gv,gvgkz,g}g>,gag^t3==gʇg^,gg?,gg,gogO=gqgri4=gg/,gg,g;g,ggt5==gg,gg.,gEg6,gge=gld16=ggy,gg*,gSgY 7==8==goggg$g,g.gc/=g/g+6g:gU<g<9g==g=gAgzIgJgMgQgRg,UgYgZg\gSag`bgb20g*c/==glcgegyigUjg3ngqgrg+ugygzg|gۀgg1g/==gNggggg_g3gg`gHgޚgUgdg=g@gg g g- g;_You start resting.g6gg402.6 (4gV 4.0)g=g2g0==g%3.6 (45ggz g8g_HP restored.g_gCggg%|  Things that are here:  a +0 flail; a gnoll corpseg-gx. _g2g:  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; 5 stones; a kobold corpsegf@g_A _gEgJgQg$R:==gUg1[g`,gmegmgfr,govgzggTgcggƇg1gwggҏ,gLgg,ggg7,g4gggAghg g,gg g,ggݮg,gggg,gǻg$g,gggZgg^gIg,gg g,ggQgg%ggg,gg{XggD,ggg,gg8g,gg__ ##.###..PP.PP..# #.###........# #...#.###### #####.#.# g#.......# #.###.### ### #.# #.# ... #.# #.# ## #@# #.# g.#### #.# #.# ..... #.# #.# g/..... #.# #.# gZ..... #.# ..... ..# g.#### +## .# .#gJ #+#g*-29.6 (26g-30.6 (27ggR _h - a brown potiongIg!ggng _You open the door.gyg,gg@  There is an open door here.ggZ5 _g9g,gUg _You open the door.gx@  There is an open door here.ggD _ggg\,gg;@  There is an open door _gg3gDgggYou open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open gcdoor here.  gPK _gbgg ,g:There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door.g3 JYou open the door. _There is an open g{ Hdoor here. _You open the door.  There is an open door here.g g[  _g g0g,g)gThere is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door.g3gg?You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door.  There is an open door here.ggU _ggg#gZggg ,gC%_g%You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You now have 19 gold pieces (gained 14).gX'Ig)g*g*+g+g6-g6.g.g/g0g2g2g2g 4g5,gy5g!6g6Bg9Xg:g#<,g<g!?ge?g?gZ@gzAgOC,gCgoEgCF,gFg^HgI,gMJg7LgM,gNghOgP,gQgRgISgU,gnvgwgxgwxgygAzg6{g{g{g}gQ~g~g~gIgg1gvgg,g gZg.gmğgg'gugggK,g΍g#ggDgggT,g֓gg,gg4BggŚg,g g˞BgPgBggǢgӭJggBggg,gggBgBggb,ggRgggFggXgg A  #. # r#  #.#. .#  ####..# .#  ...#... .#  P...##.# .#  .PP.##.# .#  P.#.######.####.#  gP.P.............@.#  ..P...######.######  .gP..## #.#  PP..# ###.#  # #...#  ## #.###   r   quokka (asleep) #.#   #.#  #.#  gQ.502.6 (72gjgLr.rrg,3.6 (73ggLY _A quokka comes into #. # .#  #.#. .#  ..# r#  ... .#  #.# .#  #.# .# ###.####.# .......@.# ###.######  #.# ###.# #...#gmj #.### #.# #.# #.#g #. # .#  #.#. .#  ..# r#  ... .#  #.# .#  #.# .# ###.####.# .......@.# ###.######  #.#g ###.# #...# #.### #.# #.# #.#g gNgYg(] _A quokka is nearby!gZ 1  #.#  #. # #.#  g:[ k #.#. #.#  ### ..# #r#  ..# ... #.#  ...# #.# #.#  PP.# #.# #.#  .P.#.######.####@# g|[  .P...............#  .######.###### Pg[ ..## #.#  P###.# g[  ..# #...#  ##.###g\ p #.#  #.#  g-\ g^ g@g X.rgi 84.6 (1.0) _gn g>q g- # #.#. ### #.# g... #r .. PP.# #.# #.######.####............ .P...######.####### P..# ### ..#.. #g##ggVX.rg&5gggpT  You hit the quokka.  The quokka is almost dead.The quokka bites you but does no damage.gU5=6.8 (1.2gZg]S _The quokka barely misses you.gA  You barely miss the quokka.The quokka is almost dead.g-8.1 (1.3gg/T _The quokka closely misses you.gU   You barely miss the quokka.The quokka is almost dead.19----9.3 (1.2g=Xi _The quokka bites you. The quokka barely misses you.g8  You hit the _You kill the quokka!gV=g9>gAgDH _No target in view!ggghg$H _No target in view!g t4gxgzH _No target in view!ggyggH _No target in view!gc4g!igiH _No target in view!g ggg|C _No target in view!gF[g\gN`gbggggg Igg#`20=--- _gI ng!gU!g",g#,g!$9=gD%g%a1=g+&g&g'gd'gJ(,g(g),g*g$,2===g.g.,gR/g0g1g1g=2gV3g>4,gs4g5g6P==g7g'8g 9,g9g*;,g;,g<g=g=g1>g@XgBguCgCgDgFgF,ghGg Ig Jg[JgJgLg$MgzMgMgOgP,g,QgRgS,gTgUgWgnWgWgYgoZgZg8[g']gD^g^gE_gd`glbBgcgdgeg^egDggh,gRigZkglglg(mg1ogpglpgqgJtgu,gSvgwgxg2ygygzg"|,g|g}g~ggcgg.ggƂgggggggggTgg,g}gKg/,ggɑg>ggPgg,gĚggg/ggڦgnggegg,g^g\g,gggsggg˻ggg׾ggR,gg g,ggg{,ggxggggdgQ,gg gH Bg gO ,gr g# g( ,gQ, g. g3 ,g8 gP< g> ,gB gK A _ You see here a flux talisman.guP gyQ  _g\W g] gd ,g}h gm g g% Bg g ,g gˮ gN ,g g) g ,g[ g g^ g g gy gJ g g g g ,g g g g go g g ,gp g g ,g g+ ;  You see here 3 g  _g0 g3 g ,g g7 g gi gT g g ,gZ g] g g; gn g g ,gL g g ,g g g ,g g g ,gk g: gJ ,g g g ,g g gn ,g+ g g% g{ g g g0 ,g5 g! g># g# g$ g% gH  _You now have 30 gold pieces (gained 11).g;J Bg L ngL BgQ gYR ,gS g)V gW ,gX gZ g\ ,g] g6_ gO` ,g` ga gb ,gZc g\e gf gWg guh gj g1l ,gm go gp ,gq gzy .# #..........# ##.###..PP.P .# #########.## #.###...... .#.# #...#.##### .# #.# #####.#.# .# #.# #.......# .# gBz  #.# #.###.### ####### #.# #.# #.# ..... #.# #.# #.# ##...## #.# #.# - #.....#### #.# #.# #.# . ..# #.# #.# ## #......... ...# #.# #.# #. gz ##.[...... ###.# ##.# #. ##........ #.# #..# #...#.#### #.# #'## #. .#.##.# ... #.# #. .#.##.# #'# #.gˀ 2624.5 (114.0)g5 F-55g3 g d _i - a scroll labelled QAEJ QEUXZIUROg g& gi g g? g gB ,g g gW g gX g g g g ,g g g  gM g gL gn g gD g$ g g g gp gK ,g gm gv g g g g" ,g$ g' g) ,g_+ g. gw0 ,g1 g;4 g 6 ge6 gm7 g A  ...##..# #.#######..# ##...##.##..# #..........# ##.# ## #.##..# #########.## #.  #..#..# #.# #..  ##.#..# #.# #####  #.#..# #.# #....  #.#..# #.# #.### gB ## #.#..########### #.# #.# # .# #.#.........@..# #.# #.# # .# #.#.##...#####.# #.# #.# # .# #.#.#.....####.#####.# #.# .# #.#..................# #.# # .# #.###................# #.# # .# #.# ##.[........####.# ##.## ..........# #.# #..# #.##....#.#####.# #.# #'## .# #.##.#.##.# #.# ... #.#You pick up a book of Unlife and begin reading...gH 338.5 (13.0)g0I ,9.5 (14gN gP  You add the spells Grave Claw, Animate Dead, Borgnjor's Vile Clutch and Death _Channel to your library.g g g g gs g֦ g ,gC g| g¬ g= g ,gѰ gr g g g gݵ g ,g gθ g gM g gm g ,gp g g gC g g3 g ,g g g g g< g g) gh g g gx ,g g g g g\ g g ,g' gA g7 g g gZ g ,g g g4 ,g gv gm ,g gN gf ,g g? g g\ g gg~g^ g g",ggjgggg#ghgg[gg$gjgg~gggggg !gH!g!gp#g$g$g%g'gq(g(gO)g*g,gS,g,g\.g/g/gk0g1g3gk3g4g5g7g7g`8g9g;,g<gZ>g2?g?g?gZAg!BgnBgBg)Dg*EgkEgEg:Gg2HguHgHgK,gKgTNM _You now have 40 gold pieces (gained 10).g8OgOgOgQgzRgRgSg!W7 _You open the door.gXgYXgXgZgo[g[g)\gy]g;^gl^g^g`gagagbg2dgf,gggOiguk,gwlgngzo,g{pgk{gw|g|g?}gg3gqggg%ggg{gBgEggNggg8Bggcg@  There is an open door here.g5 _gegg,gwg7 _You open the$gg@  There is an open door _gg,gg gg@  There is an open door here.ggx _g۸ggO,ggopen the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here.   staircase leading out of the dungeon here.gg6 _ggg,gg@  There is an open door here.g g _g#gPgcgggk@  There is an open door here.g~g _gngg(ggg@  There is an open door here.g$g _ggggK,g&g*,ggFggi,g!g,gg'g%,gggzggggPgggg4gyggg;,ggg,gg=g,ggg ,ggwg},g g g g gD g gP,ggcg,gggL,ggCgggggggoggg,gg)!g!,g "g#g$,gL$gh&g',gD(g+g-,g-g/g0,gd1gH3gk4,gE8g;g:=g=g=g?g@g@g:Agg,ggg,gg g5 ,g gg'g|ggsg,ggVg,g$gg g7!g"g#g%g&g'g(gZ*g*g+g-g/g/g0g2g4,g5g7gf9g9g:g>;  You see here 3 stones.g@gqA _gYBgbDg1FgFg]GgVIgJgKgLgNgP,gQgSgVgVgKXgoZg\,g_^g`g,bgpbgbgVdgegfgfgig1kgtkgGlgysgtgUtgvgwg|x,gxg#zgz,gzg}g,g3gg,g߄gxgKgggg^,gg{ggaggg,ggggxgC,g]gßggggggggg,ggg|gggcg:gqgصgg,gg<gg*g`gggŻg,ggɾBggBgg,ggsg,g<ggIggg,g4,gggcgggZ,gj,g,g?gg?g,g_g,gBgg,ggfgoggg,gE,ggmgggg4g,ggg,gg{g,gsggxggZgg,g~g|ggggggg. g"  .# #.####...#.###  g#P.# #.##..........  .###......÷......  #...........####.#  #####.##.#..# #.  ###########.##.#..# ##.#  #.........#.##.#..###...  #.##...##.#.##.#......#.  #.#....@#.#.##.#...##...807.5 (168.0)  #.........#.##.#...###.  #...........##......>$  #.........#.####)).####  #.#.....#.#.####..##   #.##...##.#...##..#  #.........###.##..#  #####.##### #.##..g$#  #.# #..#..#g_%g+g.E _Done exploring.gV4ggH _No target in view!g g g g H _No target in view!gyV g^W g3^ g_ H _No target in view!gZ 4g g9 H _No target in view!gI gJ gO gR H _No target in view!g g g5 g~ No target in view!gևQgZgOggg-g;.g)5gn7g4g3ggg gVg=.........................0.0)..#..g^ g Done exploring.g?ggggnggQg Done exploring.g9 Where to? (? - help)  D - Dungeon gmgz[?25h[?0c #.# #.####...#.### Selgeron the Slasherg{| #.# #.##.......... Demonspawn #.###......÷...... Health: 22/22 ======================== #...........####.# Magic: 2/2======================== #####.##.#..# #.# AC: 4Str: 14  ###########.##.#..# ##.# EV: 11g|CInt: 8  #.........#.##.#..###... SH: 0Dex: 14  #.##...##.#.##.#......#. XL:  2 Next: 79% Place: Dungeon:1 gh| #.#....@#.#.##.#...##... Noise: ---------  Time: 807.5 (0.0)  #.........#.##.#...###.# a) +0 long sword  #...........##......>... Throw: 3 throwing nets g| #.........#.####)).#####  #.#.....#.#.####..## #  #.##...##.#...##..#  #.........###.##..#  #####.##### #.##..# #.# #..#..# g.}I_No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 1, ? - help) gp}ge [?25l[?1cggJ2grq _gxXgzg|g}g",gUgςgg2g,ggZggNggUgˑgLg ggɖgg՗gg,ggg,gggJXggBg1gtg,ggg˷g-gbggg7ggZgOgg7gmgg,ggg,gggg'g'g9ggggggggoNo target in view! _Done exploring.  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ggg$ _ggq;2g Bgri  ### ..# .### #.# .....##.#####..  ...............  #@#30.3 (22.8) .# #.#...### ##.# ## g#C_You climb downwards.gga _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gs4gvgzH _No target in view!gHg 3ggg$ _g,g%,g=ggC####  ..# .### #.# S.....##.#####.........@.........#...#<###..............# ...###.#...### #### ##.###gkS   ball python (constriction, asleep)g% 2.3 (2.0)  A ball python comes into (3g#*gZ.5 _The ball python hisses angrily.g #### ..# .### #.# .  .....##.#####..S.  g.........@.......  ..#...#<###......  ........# ...##  #.#...### ###  # ##.# ##g6A #### ..# .### #.# .  g-B{.....##.#####..S.  .........@.......  ..#...#<###......  ........# ...##  #.#...### ### # ##. ## gNHg IgNgCQb _A ball python is nearby!g8 #### ..# .### #.# .  .....##.#####..S.  .........@.......  ..#...#<###......  ........# ...##  #.#...### ###  # ##.# ##g3g͵ A #### ..# .### #.# .  .....##.#####..S.  .........@.......  ..#...#<###......  ........# ...##  #.#...### ### # ##.g V ## g g g gr b _A ball python is nearby!g #### ..# .### #.# #.#.....##.#####..S.#.....#...#<###......#........# ....##.#...### #.#### ##.# .### .##g gU gt J.Sg 24.3 (1 _gl g g#### ..# #.### #.# .#.# .....##.#####....#.S...#...#<###......#.# #....### #.#...### ##.### ## .# .#.#g g='0S.g'&5gn,gV/gƙ  You hit the ball python.  The ball python is heavily wounded.g5=6.6 (1.3g g _The ball python barely misses you. The ball python closely misses you.gK=  You hit the ball python.g%TE†gX6867.8 (1.2g\g^O _You kill the ball python!g]g~ggH _No target in view!gC?gN@gEg!HH _No target in view!ggg9gH _No target in view!g9g:g)@gBH _No target in view!g;ggƮgH _No target in view!gt%g&g*g]-C _No target in view!ggBgggP4gdUgXg4gggC gD g I gK g g g g7 g~8 _g; g> : _g? f _ You see here a ball python corpse.gdB gB  _gC gE gH gHH gH g&K gM ,gbN gO gQ gQ gCR gT gU gU g/V ghW gX g9Y gY gZ g\ ,g ] gP^ g` ,g` gob gd ,gPe gf gdh g>p o#...#..#gp e...# #..# # #..  #. #.#  #.##.####S#  #...@.....# gp - ###.#######  #.# g;q =#### #.#..# ###.# ### #.# ##.#.# S   ball python (constriction, wandering) ....##.#####....### gq ...........†......+ .#...#<###......###ggw /40.0)gx F-8.8 (11g| g+ ^ _A ball python comes into view.g S #... #..# gZ! ...# #..# # #.. #. #.# #.##.####S#  #...@.....#  ###.#######  #.#  #### #.# ..# ###.# #.# ##.#.#...###.†......+<g #... #..# ...# g!#..# # #.. #. #.# #.##.####S#  #...@.....#  ###.#######  g#.#  #### #. ..# ###. #.# ##.#.#...g.†....<g;ggpgab _A ball python is nearby!g #... #..# ...# #..# # #.. #. #.# #.##.####S#  #...@.....#  ###.#######  #.#  #### #.# ..# ###.# #.# ##.#.#...###.†......+<g. #... #..# ...# #..# # #.. #. #.# #.##.####S#  #...@.....#  g###.#######  #.#  #### #. ..# ###. #.# ##.#.#....†....<g#gg$g(gt*b _A ball python is nearby!g#... #..# ...# #..# # #.. #. #.# #.##.####S# #....@....# ###.# #.# #### #.#..# ###.# #.# ##.#.# ##.#####....###†....g͟-..+ ggI.Sg89.8 (1.0) _gggl n#... #..# ...# #..# # #.. #. #.# #.##.####.# #.S.# ###.# #.#  #.# ##.#.# gn gr iS.S)gGs '50gOv gx g =  You hit the ball python.g C.gQ =9=2.1 (1.3g gn O _You kill the ball python!gi 4gm gp H _No target in view!g g g? g H _No target in view!gt gr g g H _No target in view!g 4gn g H _No target in view!g| 4g~ g΁ H _No target in view!gT 4g g C _No target in view!grgrgvgzg_gggg ZgZg^gagפgggg&gg _gد,g/ggggagEgs,gʴgg,gggU r# ####.# ..#.## .#... .....###.gx..# #............# #.....##.###......##.#-#. #.####....###.##.####.#.## #.........#.# ###.#######.# #.# +#r   rat (asleep) ### ## ###.# gɾW#.# ##.#.#gr8.1 (6.0-9.1 (7ggTS _A rat comes into view.gxU r#  ####.#  ..#.## .  #... .....###.  #..# #........  ....# #.....##  #..###......#  # #.....@....# gy #. #.####....##  #.#.##  ....#.#  ###.#  #.# +#  #.# ###.# g r#  ####.#  ..#.## .  #... .....###.  #..# #........  ....# #.....##  #..###......#  # #.....@....#  #. #.####....##  g#.#.##  ....#.# ###.# #.# +#    g&4g3gZ _A rat is nearby!gEd r#  ####.#  ..#.## .  #... .....###.  #..# #........  ....# #.....##  #..###......#  # #.....@....#  #. #.####....##  #.#.##  ....#.#  ###.#  #.# +#  #.# ###.# g0 r#  ####.#  ..#.## .  #... .....###.  #..# #........  ....# #.....##  #..###......#  # #.....@....#  #. #.####....##  #.#.##  ....#.# ###.# #.# +# g:   gggygZ _A rat is nearby!g!0.#  r# #####.#  ...#.## g`"W#... .....###.##..# #.............# #.....##  #..#### #........#. #.####...#.##.####.#.##.........#.####.#######.#  #.# +# ## #.# .# #.#g^*gI+360.1 (1 _g1g 3g. r#######.#  .....#.## ........###.# #........# ## #..###...... #..........## #.####....####.####.###.........###.#######. +# ## g"gg#&1g<(gu+g.. r########.# #......#.## .#.........###.# #........# ##.# #..###...... #..........## #.####....####.####.#.##.........###.#######.g5 #.+#gyg2ggg 8.. r#######.# #.## .#......@..###.# #..##........# ##.#g  #..###...... #..........## ... ... #.# #.#  #r# ########.# #......#@## . #.........###.# #..###......... ....# #.....##.# #..##### #......#. #.####...#.##.####.#.##.........#.#ggc.rrgE====4gݟC _The rat squeaks loudly.g7  You slash the rat!gE†g3k93=---5.3 (1.2g g^G _You kill the rat!g}g~:---gpguH _No target in view!ggJgg?H _No target in view!g7j4gmgoH _No target in view!ggg6gH _No target in view!gag7cgfgiH _No target in view!g g"g&&g,)@ _No target in view!gޟ4ggggggBgņgug[gΌgggggـg΁gggֱ _ _ You see here a rat corpse.#r...#................. #. #@# -#######†# ......#.## #.........###.##..###.........#.....##r   quokka (wandering)#......###....##60g.rr-7.3 (2g&gY _A quokka comes into view.g F #....#.  .r... ..... ... ... #.# #.# #@# #†# #.## .  ...###.#  ........  ....# #.....##.#  ......#  # #..........##  #.  gy  #....#.  .r... ..... ... ... #.# #.#g{  #@# #†# #.## .  ... ... ....# #.....##.#  ..... g{ # #..........# #. gW g g g ] _A quokka is nearby!gF #....#.  .r... ..... ... ... #.# #.# #@# #†# #.## .  ...###.#  ........  ....# #.....##.#  ......#  # #..........##  #.  gzl #....#.  .r... ..... ... ... #.# #.# #@# #†# #.## .  ... ... gwmZ....# #.....##.#  ..... # #..........# #. gIsgtg%yg}] _A quokka is nearby!gs#....###....#.#.r...##.....#........ #.#######†# #.## ........###.# #..###.............# #.....##.# #..###...... #..........##gY.r8.3 (1 _g{ z ##.## #....###..##..r..#......##...# #.#######†##.## ........###.# #..##........# #.....##.# #..###......g~ g ~.r9g gs g  #.#  ##.## #....###. #####..........r..##.@.###.## #.#######†##.## ........###.# #..##........# ##.#gb M  The quokka bites you but does no damage.gH _0---=70g. g + _The quokka bites you.g-x `  You barely miss the quokka.gx -1.5 (1.2gz~ gׂ > _The quokka bites you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the quokka.The quokka bites you but does no damage.g e18-----2.7g g + _The quokka bites you.go  You hit the quokka.  The quokka is moderately wounded.g]p h6----4.0 (1.3gv gx + _The quokka bites gX g g: ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gP 4gW gwZ ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g 4gc gT ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g] g- g g ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g} g, ggk^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gwguxggzV _You are too injured to fight recklessly!ggggTg(g)g-g1gʡgg[ggQK #.# ##.## ##....##  #....#.  #.....#  #####.....#  .......r..#  #.@.# ##.## #.# #.# #†# #.## .  ...###.#  ........  ....#  g~| #.#g>i ##.## ##....##  #....#.  #.....#  #####.....#  .......r..#  #.@.# ##.## #.#g" #.# #†# #.## .  ga... ... ....# g: ggmggkNA quokka is nearby!g$:  You slash the quokka!gl,O†g`-gO7Selgeron the Slasher#.#Demonspawn##.##Health: 16/22 =================-------##....##Magic: 2/2========================#....#.AC: 4Str: 14#.....#EV: 11Int: 8#####.....#SH: 0Dex: 14.......†..#XL:  2 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:2#.@.#Noise: =--------  Time: 875.2 (1.2)##.##a) +0 long sword#.#Throw: 3 throwing nets#.#########†##......#.## .#.........###.##..###.............# #.....##.# _You are too injured to fight recklessly! g8_You are too injured to fight recklessly! _You are too injured to fight recklessly! _You are too injured to fight recklessly! _A quokka is nearby!You slash the quokka! _You kill the quokka!You have reached level 3!gD/  --more--g<  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? g+]M20/273/363 0% g*cgfR _You feel agile. x2gx+3gJ,g-gk2| _g 4g4K1=g|5g7,g/8gT:,g:g<,gs<g=~2==g>gx?,g?g@,gBAg,g;g gh3==ggRggSg ,gh g ,ggKgh4==gg,gg8,gg,gggU#5gE==g gJ"g"gK#g?&,g&g(,g)gW*g*O=g,a6=g|,g-,gP.g0Bg2,g2g3~7==gi4g51 _HP restored.g73g7g9g;g<,gJ=gM>,g>g?g@gBAO=g8BgCg*DgDgYFgHgHgAIgJg L,gLgMgO,gOgHQgR,gcSgX+ #+#  #@# - #.# gY##.#####....######## #....#........ #.....######## #####.....# .......†..# #####...##g^###########+.........+........................'912.2 (37.0)gdgkeM======3.2 (38gigl= _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!gzg{3g~gJgl  There is an open door here.gʆgT _g܇gىg,ggݍg,ggg+,gg;gv,ggg,ggݝ7 _You open the door.g3gxg@  There is an open door _g\ggH      ##g[  ..  .S  .#.# ##############..$.# +.........'.@.....# ------#.........####.....# #.......## .##.# gY##.....## ..  ##...## #.  ##'## #   S   adder (asleep)#.#  #.#  ##.### g) gL222.2 (9.0)g_gv.SSg{N------3.2 (10.0)gg0Y _An adder comes into ##  .. g ..  S#.#  ##############..$.#  +.........'.@.....#  #.........####.....#  #.......## .##.#  ##.....## ..  ##...## #.  ##'## #  #.# #.# g] ##  ..  ..  S#.#  ##############..$.#  +.........'.@.....#  #.........####.....#  #.......## .##.#  ##.....## ..  ##...## #.  ##'## #  #.# #.# gb4ggg4k] _An adder is nearby!gޚ  .# . .#.# .#.##  #.... . ...... .S#.#  #..$.#  +.'..@....#  #..####.....#  #.......## ..##.#  ##.....## .... g  ##...## ####.  ##'## #  #.#  #.#  ##.###  g g .S4.0) _gg g g'K=5.4 (1.2g-gy/y _You closely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.g  You slash the adder!  The adder is almost dead.gS6-=g 6.6ggph _The adder bites you. The adder closely misses you.g7)  The adder is almost deadThe adder bites you. The adder closely misses you.  You miss the adder.  The adder is almost dead.The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.gA*======--7.8Pois g 0gC3j _The adder poisons you! The adder closely misses you.g9  You slash the adder!gU& gҠr.You kill the adder!g4--23-9.0g©g$ _You feel sick.g<g9--gg H _No target in view!gqgBggH _No target in view!gg:g#gH _No target in view!gugnvgE{g ~H _No target in view!gRS _No target in view!g| _No target in view!g0Jg>4g$ g>& Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutationsa - You are faintly shadowed, very rarely releasing foul flame when damaged in g: g@ gO   Selgeron the Slasher.# .  Demonspawn.#.#  Health: 24/27 =====================---.#.##  Magic: 3/3========================#.... .  AC: 4Str: 14......  EV: 11Int: 8..#.#  SH: 0Dex: 16##############..$.#  XL:  3 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:2+.........'..@....#  Noise: =--------  Time: 929.0 (0.0)#.........####.....#  a) +0 long sword[11;g,Q 5H#.......## ..##.#  Throw: 3 throwing nets##.....## ....  Pois ##...## ####. ##'###  #.#  #.#  ##.###   _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view!gR gOy]3- _You feel sick.2--g* _You feel sick.-g _You feel sick.1-gU _You feel sick. _You feel sick.  g؇_0--gȈg _You are no longer poisoned.gތga1=g̐gڒgEgg,gdg,gߚgg 9=ggȠgOK2=g͡g,ggB,gg?,gԪgig֭h3==g@g,g8gǴ,ggv,gg~4==geg4,gggngggggfgh5==gg,gggAgg.,ggv~6==gg,gg,gog,g7g7==gg,gYgxgBgg,gg;g9=gg1L _You now have 46 gold pieces (gained 6).g3g@gg,ggfg,gggY .###  . .#  #.##.#.#  #.#.. .#  #.#.# .#  #.#.##.#   ##......#   #.....@.#  - gX#..#.##.#  ###########....# .#  .......'.......# .#  .......####.....#.#  ......## #..##.#J#  J   endoplasm (asleep) .....## #.......# #...## #####.### ##'## .#g068.0 (39.0)gF-9.0 (40g g] _An endoplasm comes into view.g۠ .###  . .#  .#  #.#.. .#  #.#.# .#  #.#.##.#  ##......#  #.....@.#  #..#.##.# ...# .# .....# .# ##.....#.#  ##  .#  ##  .# g6Y .###  . .#  .#  #.#.. .#  #.#.# .#  #.#.##.#  ##......#  #.....@.#  #..#.##.# ...# .# .....# .# ##.....#.#  #g_7#  .#  ##  .# g=gO>gCgFa _An endoplasm is nearby!ghs .###  . .#  .#  #.#.. .#  #.#.# .#  #.#.##.#  ##......#  #.....@.#  g1t#..#.##.# ...# .# .....# .# ##.....#.#  ##  .#  ##  .# gW ' .###  . .#  .#  #.#.. .#  #.#.# .#  #.#.##.#  ##......#  #.....@.#  #..#.##.# ...# .# .....# .# ##.....#.#  ##  .#  ##  .# gggga _An endoplasm is nearby!gv.### ...#  #.##.#.#  #.#..#.#  #.#.##.#  #.#.##.#  ##......#  #.......#  #..#.##@#  ##########....##.#  ......'.......##.#  ####.....#.#  ## #..##.#J#  ## #.......#  ## #####.###  #'## .#  #.#  gN( g&gN970.0 (1.0) _ggg..#.##.##..##.#.###.....#.....#..#.## ##########... ......'...####.....## #..##.#J## #.......## #####.## #'## .# .#  gg1gYggx#.##.#.#.##.###..........#.## ##########... ......'...####.....## #..##.#J## #.......## #####.## #'## .# .#  ##g<2gP gg6Z.###.......g7Q#.## ##########... ......'...####.....## #..##.#J## #.......## #####.## #'## #.# .# # ## ....########gC<3gEg:HgWJJ   _An endoplasm is nearby!An endoplasm is nearby!  The helpless endoplasm fails to defend itself.  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is almost dead.  The endoplasm freezes\5--4.2 (1.2ggb% _You are frozen.g:;  You hit the endoplasm.gAf.gLE86=5.4gIIg)LM _You kill the endoplasm!ggagg(H _No target in view!gg gc$gN'H _No target in view!gg>gAgH _No target in view!g gK ggH _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!g<g=g!BgmDC _No target in view!gg`gwgE3g/4gV7g:gZgggڶg&gk'g*go-g@gtA3gC gnD4_g&H6=-gH,gIghKgKgbLgHNgtNgNgO97g'P[==g1QgIR,gRgSg^TgTgTgUgW,gWgXgYgZ9=gdZg+[g\,g\g]g^,g&bgbBgvcgMd,gdg fgg,g|gglngl,glgmgo,gpgqgs,gtgmug/w,gwgyg{g{gG|gT~g,ggƂgBgƓg*,ggg7,ggܜggggJg,g,gNXgӪg,gQgӮgBgjg3,g,gg,gigPBggZ. ###  ..#  ####.### g1 #..@...# - #.##.#.#  #.#..#.#  #.#.##.#  #.#.##.#  ##......#  #.......#  g#..#.##.# #####....##.# g21010.4 (35.0)g2!-gw%1.4 (36ggo^ _j - a scroll labelled PUPROZ GAORgV ug [ g\ g^] g] ,g^ gJ` ,g` gb gc ,gc gd ge ,g*f g!g gfh Bgi gj ,gk g l glm ,gm gn go ,g;p gs Xgu gw g'x gx gRy gz ,gz g{ g| ,g| g} g~ ,g~ g g g g gs @  There is an open door here.g g/  _g g gQ ,g g g، ,g> gޏ g g; gǒ gb gY g g% g g g ga g gh g g gs g! gR gڢ g7 g g8 g g_ gN g g g  #.## #.#. #.#. #.#.g; l ##... #.... #..#....#################..........'@........'.......37.4 (2..(.###.........####..... ##.......## #..## ##.....## #....g F ##...## ##### ##'## # #.# # #.# # ##.### # g 1_You open the E _Found 5 stones.g 3g g g} g : _g %  g There is an open door here.g gW  _gn g gf g g? g gH g gR g( g ,g9 gY g ,g g ;  You see here 5 stones.g g.  _g g g  ,g g! g" ,g[# g$ g& g' g( gm) g- ,g9. g3 Q... .... #.#. #.. #.#.##.# g3 I#. ....# #. #..## ######.###...###########.............'.... #.@....(.###...g!4 % #####...#.###.. #..###.###..... #.## #.###...#g4 .## #.###'## ## #.#  #.#  ##.# g4 .##....g': -48.4 (11g: ,9.4 (12gw? gA Q _k - a pink potiong)g*gV-g/H _No target in view!gggagcggW$ _gb,gf .[.  ...  ... .... #.#. #.. #.#.##.# g;~#.#....#  #.# #..## #######@###...##########50.0).................'#######......(.###.#####...#.###..... #..###.###.... #.## #.###...#.## #.###'###gq## #. #.#g.g]+1.4 (2gg=# _Found a robe.g^g^gvgXg7g,ggӺg'ggOgg,ggg,gggRggggg,gg,gggg/gggjng5",g#g$gy(Bg*g7#........########.......# #.....##.......### #####.##.........##.....#.[.....####♣♣ ## #.##.##.......#....♣♣ #..) #.#..##.............♣♣♣♣.+. #.#.####.#.##........♣..♣ #.#.###.#.##.##....♣@♣ ##.....67.4 (16.0)#.#....####♣♣♣♣♣ ##.###..###..#.## ###.###...#################....## .............'.........'.......## ###......(.###.........####.....######...#.###.......## #..##.#..###.###.....## #......#.## #.###...## ####g%=g>,8.4 (17gCgFE _Found a hammer. Found a runed translucent door.gQ gГ g g H _No target in view!gh_gp7  Crazy Yiuf shouts!gSsgtgxg> _Crazy Yiuf whimpers, "Island ragdoll fast!"gg| _Crazy Yiuf says, "Blight water knee!"gIg _Crazy Yiuf cries, "Orb! Line illywillydillykilly ena."gng3gןgjgQggɾg,ggg2,ggfg,ggeg6,g(gg,gsgg,g1gggT,gggh,ggog ##  ###########....  #..........l...  #......@#  #.......###  #.........#  #.[.....####♣♣ # g#.......#....♣♣ ♣♣#..) #.............♣♣♣♣.+l   frilled lizard (asleep) ##.#.##........♣..♣#...# #.#.##.##....♣.♣♣♣ ### #.#....####♣♣♣♣♣giz 85  A frilled lizard comes into view.g~wl.lgO4=6.4 (18g\g8 _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.g7  ##  ###########....  #.........l....  #......@# #.......###  #.........#  #.[.....####♣♣  #.......# ♣♣#..) #.............♣♣♣♣.+ ##.#.##........♣.. #.#.##.#.♣♣♣   gbx ##  ###########....  #.........l....  #......@# #.......###  #.........#  #.[.....####♣♣  #.......# ♣♣#..) #.............♣♣♣♣.+ g##.#.##........♣.. #.#.##.#.♣♣♣  gg_gge _A frilled lizard is nearby!g ##############.#..l.....#.#########.### #.........##.[.....####♣♣ ####.#....♣♣ ♣♣#..)# #.............♣♣♣♣.+...###.#.##........♣..♣#...##.#.##.##....♣.♣♣♣ ###g` _ggg@  You hit the frilled lizard.g C.g+=8=8.6 (1.2gVgR _You kill the frilled lizard!gxgzg'gH _No target in view!g 1g2gG^ _No target in view!g4ggH _No target in view!gg4g$g&H _No target in view!g4gn^ _No target in view!g=gg+g|C _No target in view!gDgAgglgggggpglrggg3gDg@g(gޮ$ _gnggXg,ggg,g## .....g###########....-  #...............#.##.#. ########.......######### ##.....##.......### #####.##.........##.....#.[.....####♣♣ ### #.##.# g   goblin (asleep)#.......#....♣♣ ♣♣#..)# #.#..##.............♣♣♣♣.+...# #.#.####.#.##........♣..♣#...# #.#.##95.6 (7.0-6.6 (8gg r _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gx #####  #######.....g  #....@.......  ........#.##.#. gy ######### #      #.[ ###   ♣♣#..)#  +...#   g ? #####  #######.....g  #....@.......  ........#.##.#.  ######### #      #.[ ###   ♣♣#..)#  g [+...#   g 4g$% g]) ] _A goblin is nearby!g  #####  #######.....g  #....@.......  ........#.##.#.  ######### #      #.[ ###   ♣♣#..)#  +...#   g  #####  #######.....g  #....@.......  ........#.##.#.  ######### #      #.[ ###   ♣♣#..)#  +...# g   g2 g g g ] _A goblin is nearby!gb ###.....g# ##.....# #........#.##.#.# # #.#### #.....# #.### #####.# #.# #. #.[.....####♣♣ g/c ### #.##.#. #.#....♣♣ ♣♣#..)# #.#..#. #.♣♣♣♣.+...# #.#.##. ##.#.##.♣..♣#...# #.#.##.gtn g4o 27.6 (1 _gu gy g}## #.....g# #.# .#.##.#.# # .##### #.....# .### #####.# .# g#......# .[.....####♣♣ ### #.##.#.# .#....♣♣ ♣♣#..)# #.#..#.# .♣♣♣♣.+...# #.#.##.# #.#.##.♣..♣#...# #.#.##.#gg&8g:gg t# #.....g# .# #.##.#.# # ########### # #.....# [.....####♣♣ ### #.##.#.# gN<9gg# #.....g# .# #.##.#.# # ########### ## #.....# .....####♣♣ ### #.##.#.# gg(100g gWgq# #.....g# .# #.##.#.# # gr>############## # #.....# ####♣♣ ### #.##.#.# g|g}&1ggg# #.....g# .# #.##.#.# # ###### #.....# ####♣♣ ### #.##.#.# g g gg  The goblin hits you with a +0 dagger.  The goblin is seared by the foul flame within you.g\6-=2ggNa _The goblin is moderately wounded.gIe8  You hit the goblin.gmC)gq6323.8 (1.2g1wgyJ _You kill the goblin!gJgH _No target in view!g[ 4g)b gd H _No target in view!g gg g3 g H _No target in view!gM ggN gU gc H _No target in view!gI g" gz gk H _No target in view!g 4gv Y _No target in view!g g gU gNm g?n gr gIH _No target in view!g)g!ggH _No target in view!g7g8g=g@H _No target in view!ggίgMgH _No target in view!g&g'g/-gJ/C _No target in view!gVgGg<gQgRgWg^ggggngQgTRgkXg\gdIgeg4ggg$ _gj,gvl,gmglngogOpgpg+rgsg\t,gugw,g_xg)zg{,gF|g}g,ggg,gggg gMgg,gg*g,gGgޏg,gg+g,g"gggg٘gÙgw,ggWgߞgRggygi,gۡggE,ggjg,ggzgu,gͧgg,gg<gf* #.# #....## #.# #.##.## ##.## #....... ##...## ## #..... #.#  >. #...###########.# g- #.##..............#  #.....#############  ####@## -96.6 (21.0) #.#   #.#  ... #.# ..#..#...ggȵF-7.6 (22gg@8 _Found a stone staircase leading down.g@s 3ggt gu g| V####.##.....##...#####.##### #..... #.#  >. #...###########. #.##..............#.....############g| [####.##  #@# 0.0)...##.#...#<##..g g +8.6 (1gV g 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g 3g% g ng Xg ,g g g ,g g g ,g g{ g; ,g g g gz g g_" g $ g$ g$ gY& g( ,gG) g* g, ,g, g/ Bg1 M _You now have 61 gold pieces (gained 15).g3 g4 gi4 g5 g7 g(8 ,g@: g ; ,g< ,gb ge Bgug gb #.##....#.#.# #.##........ ###......... #...........# #.#.........# #.#.........# #.####....### #.# #....# #.# ####.#'..###### ......g......### #......... .....## g   goblin (asleep)+.(.......+ .......#.......(.# ..#...#....... gԦ [40m226.6 (28.0)  You open the door.  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.g g.g===7.6 (29 g j_The goblin shouts! _Found 4 stones and 4 atropa-tipped darts.g%..... ###...# ....#....#...###....## #....# ####.g&D .#...###### #.g...# . #.......# .### ##..# .....#+.(+..#.......(.##...##.#.....#.#...#g *gU3(g.gg4B---8.6 (1.0) _g<g?Q _There is an open door (1.2g`gy _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no damage.g :  You slash the goblin!g"j)g&1731.0g,gJ/J _You kill the goblin!gs4g؛g[H _No target in view!ggg g4#H _No target in view!gjggȐgH _No target in view!g=g>gCEgRHH _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!g;Jg]=C _No target in view!ggqgɵgg0&gJ'g-g0ghgNgag.g"4g )g,gggagg8JgwgguggggSg(gE: _g?p _ You see here a +0 club. _gAg_gfBg@kgIm7 _You open the door.g?p3gqguH  You see here 4 atropa-tipped darts.gxgoy _gn{g}g,ggzgc,ggygގ,gg7 _You open the\ggf@  There is an open door here.g>g _gGgg3gZg]+g..Xg0Bg5ng=g>gX?g?gBgxJXgQXgSBgUgZBg[g],g^g`gb,gdg~ggh,gbigslgo,gog/tgv,gxgngЁgLgg܃g؅,gigȇgBg gk #.#........  #.g ..#.####....#  #.# #.#.# #....#  #.# #.#.# ####.#  #.####.#.# ##'#  #.##.....# ##.).  #.##.#.### ##....  #.##.#.## ##..... g| ......####......-  ####.......+.(....  #....####.....  #.#.## ##.....  #.#.## ##....  #....# ##... g   goblin (asleep)  ###.## ##'  #.# #.# #.# #.gk091.0 (60.0)gF-2.0 (61g _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.g7 #.g  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# ##' #.# ##.) #.# ##....g1 #.##.#.##  #@......# ####.......+.( #....# #.#.##  #.#.## ##.... #....# ##.. ###.## ##' #.# #. #.# #.g  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# ##' #.# ##.) #.# ##.... #.##.#.##  #@......# ####.......+.( #....# #.#.##  #.#.## ##.... #....# ##.. ###.## ##' #.# #. #.# _A goblin is nearby!g|Z #.g  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# ##' #.# ##.) #.# ##.... #.##.#.##  #@......# g[####.......+.( #....# #.#.##  #.#.## ##.... #....# ##.. ###.## ##' #.# #. #.# #.g  #.g  #.# #.#.#  #.# #.#.#  #.# ##' #.# ##.) #.# ##.... #.##.#.##  #@......# ####.......+.( #....#g9  #.#.##  #.#.## ##.... #....# ##.. ###.## ##' #.# #. #.# #.g[ g! g g  gK O_A goblin is nearby!gE ## #.#........g ..#.####... ####.##.#.# ##'#....# ##.).#.#.### ####.#.## ##.......####..####.......+.(...####..## ##.....#.## ##.......# ##...###.## ##'..g gglauncher)The goblin shouts!  The goblin unwields a +0 club. The goblin wields a +0 sling.g (((((The goblin shoots a sling bullet.g .....==3.0 (gI 1.0)g g C _The sling bullet hits you but does no damage.g\O. ## #.#........g ..#.####... ####.##.#.# ##'#....# ##.)# ####.#.## ##.......####..####.......+.(...####.## ##.#.## ##.....# ##...###.## ##'gage ((((The goblin shoots a sling bullet.gX....g.-4g1g ##. ## ..#.####... ####.##.#.# ##'#....# ##.)# ####.#.## ##.......####..####.......+.(...####.##.#.## ##.....# ##... _The sling bullet hits you but does no*.ggO--5gB gg{  #.####. ## #.#.......... ..#.###g... ####.##.#.# ##'#....# ##.)# ####.#.## ##.......####..####.......+.(...####.##.#.## ##.grgL]((((((g#g.@....g0===6g. g+ # #.####. ### #.#.......... ..#.###g... ####.##.#.# ##'#....# ##.)# ####.#.## ##.......####..####.......+.(gv,...####.##. _The goblin shoots a sling bullet. The sling bullet misses you.g=6 The goblin unwields a +0 sling. The goblin wields a +0 club.g<7/--7g;gN?= _The goblin hits you but does no damage.g-:  You slash the goblin!gߏe)gݔ_41--8.2 (1.2ggJ _You kill the goblin!gJg gg:_No target in view!gy _No target in view!ggg]g?H _No target in view!g_gagegthH _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!gZg[gY _No target in view!g g g2 g g g gE gÏ g g g gv gw gc} g g g g g go gp gu gx g? g g) g5 g@] g-^ gb g[e gU Jg g 4g g gd g ggg[ggggMg2gg7gRgIggjg`gc$ _gg# _g2 Things that are here:  a +0 club; a +0 slingg{K _gtXgg8gggg,ggggJggg,ggg7 ,g gBggg ,gc!g(,g+Xg,g+0,g0,gn1g<3g4,gc5g)7g8,gx9g;g<,g=gi?g@,gAgCgCEBgFgGgbHgHgQJgL,gMgNgO,gPgPRgS,gTg\g]g=_,g_g#agbggcgcgdgf,g,gg3jggkgk,gmgpgpg qg wBgxgzg},g`gigTg܅ggg,gGgWgk,gؓg7g,ggϤXg3g',gég2,gg[| _j - 2 scrolls labelled PUPROZ GAOR (gained 1)g3gegOgggcgPg]Bg͹gBggȿ,`ggg8,gg,ggg^,ggg\,g}gg,g%gTg,gbggV,gFgg,gOgugMggNggxggfgg,grggpggg g ,gegg,gLgg,gg9g,ggRgySBg.UgV,gWg|Yg_[,g\gf]gW_,g`gaguc,g]dgeggggghgigFl,glgQngOpgpgqgrgt,gNugug)zg_~Xgt###......##.#####....### ................÷......' ###...#...#<###......###  ##........# #....###  ##.#...### ##.###  #.##.## #.#  #.####.# #####.# .# ...##.#  - g1##.##.# #.......S.# ##.##.# #.###.###.# ......#  ##.#### . ##.# ##S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ...# #### gqw370.2 (72.0)-1.2 (73gHgY^ _A ball python comes into ...........÷. .#...#<###...  ##... #....###  ##. ##.###  #.##.## #.#   #.#g #.# #@# #.......S.#  #.###.###.#  #.# #.. ###g. ...........÷. .#...#<###...  ##... #....###  ##. ##.###  #.##.## #.#   #.# #.# #@# #.......S.#  #.###.###.#  #.# #.. ###g> ggg gb _A ball python is nearby!g . ...........÷. .#...#<###...  ##... #....###  ##. ##.###  #.##.## #.#   #.# #.# #@# #.......S.#  #.###.###.#  #.# #.. ###guY. ...........÷. .#...#<###...  ##... #....###  ##. ##.###  #.##.## #.#   #.# #.# #@#gzZ! #.......S.#  #.###.###.#  #.# #.. ### g`4gdgfb _A ball python is nearby!g 6...............÷......' ##...#...#<###......###  ##........# #....### #...### ##.### .##.## #.# #.#### #.# ####.# #.# ..##.# #####.##### #.##.# #.....@.S.#gI p.##.# #.###.###.# .....# #.# #.#### #...# ### ..#  ### g g! /2.2 (1.0) g " _g' g) g_÷......' ...#...#<###......### ##.g0t# #....###  ##.#...### ##.### #.##.## #.# #.#### #.# .# #.# ##.# #####.##### .##.# #.S.# .##.# #.###.###.# gK# #.# .. .#### #.. ## .# ####  gg~&3gggdw  The helpless ball python fails to defend itself.  You slash the ball python!gXE†g"524.4 (1.2g(g*O _You kill the ball python!g _No target in view!g; gU ggH _No target in view!gpg'ggOH _No target in view!g4ggH _No target in view!g~4gpgׅH _No target in view!gB+gN,g1g3C _No target in view!gFg+g!g/g#:Qg4g.g&g8g9g=g@gPg+g2gg2 g g# g 4g g g 4g$ g gT g g/ g& gY' g* g, g g g g g g! g g g gݒ gL g g gK g g gx g g ggvg@g gggwgg2ga3g3gA5gJ7g; _ _ You see here a ball python corpse.gG _g\MXgpNBgSngUg'V,gZng[gw\,g]gN_,g_gagUbgb,gdgGege,gfg'h,ghgigjgDk,g;lg^mgm,gngcp,gqgqgGs,gsgugqv,gvg+xgOygygzgzg|g|,g}g,ggg6BggBgg0,gggg,gg͏,gegg2,gÓgOgDgݗ,g֘g,gngg,gcgg,g<gggC,ggءg.,gg,gagBgJg,g~g},gggg,ggh,gάg# ##.#.# ####....### ....÷......' ###......### # #....### # ##.  #.#  #.# #+#  #.# #@# ####.##### #.# ...†.# ##.## gI.###.######...######.###..............##......#####...###... .# #####.## ##.## # .# #.# ### .#######.#g%##..........#'...............g...>...B..........'413.4 (39.0)B   giant cockroach (asleep)g   goblin (asleep)gC  As you open the door, it creaks loudly!  A giant cockroach and a goblin come into (40gg~u _The goblin shouts! _Found a stone staircase leading down.g0{ ##..........# ÷'.......... ......... #  >..g... #  ..B.. gC|k #.# ...  #.# #'#  #.# #@# #.#.†.# ##.##....#####  #.###..............#  #......#####...###...  #####.## ##.## #  #.# ###.#gN  ##..........# ÷'.......... .........   >..g... g{  ..B..  #.# ...  #.# #'#  #.# #@# #.#.†.# ##.##.... #.###.......... #......#####...###...  #####.## ##.## #  #.# ###.#ggg'g>+d _There are monsters nearby!g4c ##..........# ÷'.......... ......... #  >..g... #  ..B..  #.# ...  #.# #'#  #.# #@# #.#.†.# ##.##....#####  #.###..............#  #......#####...###...  #####.## ##.## #  #.# ###.#gbO ##..........# ÷'.......... .........   >..g...   ..B..  #.# ...  #.# #'#  #.# #@# #.#.†.# ##.##.... #.###.......... #......#####...###...  #####.## ##.## #  #.# ###.#gd _There are monsters nearby!g;k ## # ##.#.# ### #####....##### ....÷......'..##......###.........#....### #>..g...# # ##.### #..B..##...#  #.# . gl####.##### #.# ......†.# ##.####.###.######...#######..............# ......#####...###...#####.## ##.## # #.###gogqg{L.gBg|h=-----5.4 (1.0)g,g9 _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage. _There is an open door (1.2g<gy _You barely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach bites you.gV:  You slash the goblin!g`9 )gUaT  You kill the goblin!gw67.8 _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach barely misses you.9.0gg ] _The giant cockroach closely misses _You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach bites you.g   You barely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach barely misses you.1.4gg] _The giant cockroach closely misses you.gCr  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.gD(2.6gHg?JU _The giant cockroach misses you.g C  You slash the giant cockroach!g%E†gi'_7=503.8g-g/S _You kill the giant cockroach!gЌgӍgSgH _No target in view!gg7ggfH _No target in view!gbgcgigolH _No target in view!gzgggrH _No target in view!gRgSgZg]H _No target in view!gg}gg*C _No target in view!gfLgwMgRgTgGgFgggwgygsggggJggo gp g{ g~ g Qg+h 4g| g gu gt g g g : _g j _ You see here a giant cockroach corpse.g a _g1 g gU g3 = #.........#.#  ###.#######.#  #.# ##+# .#  #.# ##...## .#  ###.# ##.....##.#  ##.#.# ##.......#.# #....###.....##.. .÷......'.............). ......###.......@.#-8.8 (5.0 ....### #>......##.### ##.....# #.# ##)†.## #.# ##'## #.# #.# [g; &15d#.##### #.#...†.# ##.## #.###.######...#####g E-9.8 (6g g- * _Found a short sword.g2 g g gB g ,gP gL gE g g gr g g g g* g gn g! gE g0 gk gC  You see here a +0 short* _g_gZgg gpgI!g,#..###  #..........## ..g#- #.####....## .#  #.####.#.## .# ## .......#.# #.. ..K.# .#######.# #.# .#.# .# ##+# #.# ..# g- .# ##...###.###.#  .# ##.....##.##@## .# ##.......#.###.## .###..........###..## ...'.............)..#g.w .###.........####....# #g9.# #>......## #..#.#  K   kobold (asleep)  ##.....## #.##.#gq.  ##)†.## #.. .g.  ##'## ### ## g;,37.8 (8g<+8.8 (9gCgIs _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.g ..  .#  .# ##  #.. ..K.#  #.# .#.#  ##+# #.# ..#  ##.#  #@##  ##.## ..## .....)..# ..####....#  #>g #..#.#   #.##.#  ##)†.## #.. .  ##'## ### ## g_ ..  .#  .# ##  #.. ..K.#  #.# .#.#  ##+# #.# ..#  ##.#  #@##  ##.## g y..## .....)..# ..####....#  #> #..#.#   #.##.#  ##)†.## #.. .  ##'## ### ## g(g)g1g4] _A kobold is nearby!gi..# #.....##.# ..### #.#  .........  .####...#.#  .####.#.## #.# ##  ......#.# #.. ...K #######.# #.# #.# # ##+# #.# #. # ###.###@#  # ##.##.##  # gp#.###.##  ###..###..##  ..'......)..#  #...##....#  # #>.#..#.#  ##....#.##.#  ##)†.#.. .  gJg)9.8 (1 g _gghg ###.........  .# #.....##.# #.  .### #.#  ........  ####...#.#  ####.#.## ###.####  .....#.# #......K ######.# #.# #.# g } ##+# #.# #.  ###.#  ##.##.##   #.###.##  ##.###..##  .'....)..#  ##...##....#  #>.#..#.#  ##....#.##.#  g4 g '40gc g- g4?L......###.#  ###.........  # #.....##.# #.  ### ##.#  .......  ... #.#  g@###.#.## #####.####  ....#.# #......K #####.# #.# #.# +# #.# #. ###.# ##.##.##  #.###.##  #.###..##  '....)..#  #...##....#  #>.#..#.#  g_@g[Eg}F&1gIgJgm  The helpless kobold fails to defend itself.  You slash the kobold!gi)gFc 13.0 (1.2 _You kill the kobold!g ggsl _Your Long Blades skill increases to level 4!g14g@7g9H _No target in view!gcogpgfugwH _No target in view!gggg g!:_No target in view!g5]g ^gDbgcH _No target in view!ggg5gH _No target in view!gUgVg[g]#No target in view!g,4gE2g5gQgeg>g& g8 g|ggBggRggggCgJgKgLgOgXTgW$ _gYg^; _ You see here a +0 whip.g#bgb _g1dgfgi,gkgmgp,g rgtgw,g yg{g~,g'g[gg,ggڇgt,g܋gggg̻ggg>gg|gg ,gg=gggig,g2ggg,gggw,gg0,gggBggWg,gSg,gI g g ,g{g_g1gg0ggGggkggr g g!g=$g*Bgd+g-g.g/gi1g3,g 5g7gg;,g<g>gD@g@gtAgCgcF,gGgIg......## #..#.#  ##.### ##@....## #.##.## # #.# ##)†.## #...... #.# ##'## ####.## #.# #.# #.#  #####.##### #.# #.#  #g†.# ##.## #.# g   gnoll (polearm, wandering)  #.###.###.######...##### #.#  #.# #.###..............######.#.# #......#####...###........#g]080.0 (37.0)g|,1.0 (38ggЖs _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.g^ #.# ##+# #.# . #.# ##.g.##  ###.# ##.....##   ##.......#. ###...........÷......'.............)..#. #<#.........#.  #>......## #..#.#   ##@....## #.##. # #.# ##)†.## #.... #.# ##'## ####. gf`#.# #.# #.#   #.# #.#  †.# ##.## #.#  .##### #.#  #.# .....#  #.# .......# g  #.# ##+# #.# . #.# ##.g.##  ###.# ##.....##   ##.......#. ###...........÷......'.............)..#.<#.........#. g  #>......## #..#.#   ##@....## #.##. #.# ##)†.## #.... #.# ##'## ####. #.# #.# #.   #.# #.  †.# ##.## #.#  .##### #.  #.# .....  #.# .......gZ g  g3 g; \ _A gnoll is nearby!g1  #.# ##+# #.# . #.# ##.g.##  ###.# ##.....##   ##.......#. ÷......'.............)..#. #<#.........#.  #>......## #..#.#   ##@....## #.##. # #.# ##)†.## #.... #.# ##'## ####. #.# #.# #.#   #.# #.#  †.# ##.## #.#  .##### #.#  #.# .....#  #.# .......# g$  #.# ##+# #.# . #.# ##.g.##  ###.# ##.....##   ##.......#. ###...........÷......'.............) <#.........#.  #>......## #..#.#   ##@....## #.##. #.# ##)†.## #.... #.# ##'## ####. #.# #.# #.   #.# #.  †.# ##.## #.#  .##### #.  #.# .....  #.# .......g0 g2 g: g> \ _A gnoll is nearby!g ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.## #.# ##'## #.# #..###. ## #.# ##.g.###.###. .# ###.# ##.##.## .# ##.#.# #.###.## ##. .#####....###.###..###. .....÷......'....)..#. <###......###...##....### .# #....### #>.#..#.# # ##.### ##....#.##.####.# ##)†.#.......#.# ##'#####.### #.# #.# #.# #####.##### #.# #.# g 6[40m#.......†.# ##.## #.# #.###.###.######...##### #.# #.# #.###..............######.#g.2.0 (1.0) _gz g gJC..............).## ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.#gY  ##'## #.# #..###.# ## #.# ##g..###.###.## ##. ###.# ##.....##.##.## ## ##.#.# ###.###.## ##. .#####....######..###. .....÷......'....)..#. <###......###...####....## .# #....### ##>......## #..#.# g[.## ##.### ##.....## #.##.#####)†.## #.......##'## ####.###  #.# ####.##### #.# ......†.# ##.## #######...##### gggEgʌ.gg)===3 _The gnoll shouts! You hear a shout!g##.####.#.## #####.#### ..............).## ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.#  ##'## #.# #..###.# ## #.# ##...###.###.## ##. ###.# ##.g...##.##.## ## ##.#.# ###.###.## ##. .#####....######..###. .....÷......'....)..#. <###......###...####....## .# #....### ##>......## #..#.# ## ##.### ##.....## #.##.#####)†.## #.......##'## ####.###  #.# g####.##### #.# ......†.# ##.## 2 gnolls (polearms)---4  ...## #.# ##.####.#.## #####.#### .........#g# #......).## ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.#  ##'## #.# #..###.# ## #.# ##...###.###.## ##. ###.# ##.....##.##.## ## ##.#.# ##..g....#.###.## ##. .#####....######..###. .....÷......'....)..#. <[3g4m###......###...####....## .# #....### ##>......## #..#.# ## ##.### ##.....## #.##.#####)†.## #.......##'## ####.gL2###  #.# ####.##### #.# _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear. 3 gnolls (2 polearms)A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.=--5 _The gnoll misses you.You slash the gnoll! .g.gThe gnoll is severely wounded.=6.2 (1.2g* L _The gnoll closely misses you.You barely miss the gnoll. _The gnoll closely misses you.  You barely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is severely wounded.The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.  The gnoll is seared by the foul flame within you.  The gnoll is almost dead.gw1 .g4----7.4gS gh _The gnoll closely misses you.You slash the gnoll!g)7 ~ 'g) 2 gnolls (1 polearm)You kill the gnoll!0-------76-8.6gO g"e Y _The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear.gah gV gl2  _You are too injured to fight recklessly! _You are too injured to fight recklessly! _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gb Jg  _You are too injured to fight recklessly! _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g 4g o _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gPw Qgn QgJ4gmng4gPgg4gghg.JgBg#Qg4ggsg4gggTQgXQg}4gqg;gtJgR]XgN4gk g*%gg"uUnknown command.g1 4gJ t _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gB4gNg[T^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gg _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gu4gogʻ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g #..........## ... ...## #.# ##.####.#.## #####.#### ..............).## ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.#  ##'## #.# #..###.# ## #.# ##.g.###.###.## ##. ###.# ##.g...##.##.## ## ##.#.# ###.###.## ##. .#####....######..###. .....÷......'....)..#. <###......###...####....## .# #....### ##>......## #..#.# ## ##.### ##.....## #.##.#####[3gU,0m)†.## #.......##'## ####.###  #.#,90ggJYou are too injured to fight recklessly! _The gnoll closely misses you.  Things that are here:a +0 spear; a ring of willpowerg  You barely miss the gnoll. The gnoll barely misses you.ggs19-----90.8 (1.2g6g9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.gS   You barely miss the gnoll. The gnoll barely misses you.5----2.0gf 9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.gF g >3.2g/ _You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll misses you. x2g|  #  ...  #. ..## #.#  .##   .# ).##  .#  #.# ##'## #.#  #.# ##...##  ###.#   ##..@....# #..........#÷......'.............) <.###.........##  ##>......##    ##.....##  #.# ##)†.##  #.# ##'##  #.# #.# #.# You slash the gnoll!  The gnoll is almost dead.g>m #  ...  #. ..## #.#  .##   .# ).##  .#  #.# ##'## #.#  #.# ##...##  ###.#   ##..@....# #..........#÷......'.............) <.###.........##  ##>......##    ##.....##  #.# ##)†.##  #.# ##'##  #.# #.#  gn The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *8/27 ---------=4.4 _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll hits you but does no damage.gA;  #  ...  #. ..## #.#  .##   .# ).##  .#  #.# ##'## #.#  #.# ##...##  ###.#   ##..@....# #..........#÷......'.............) <.###.........##  ##>......##    ##.....##  #.# ##)†.##  #.# ##'##  #.# #.# #.# You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is almost dead.g" #  ...  #. ..## #.#  .##   .# ).##  .#  #.# ##'## #.#  #.# ##...##  ###.#   ##..@....# #..........#÷......'.............) <.###.........##  ##>......##    ##.....##  #.# ##)†.##  #.# ##'##  #.# #.#   g5%The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.7--------5.6gagV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g.  #  ...  #. ..## #.#  .##   .# ).##  .#  #.# ##'## #.#  #.# ##...##  ###.#   ##..@....# #..........#÷......'.............) <.###.........##  ##>......##    ##.....##  #.# ##)†.##  #.# ##'##  #.# #.# #.#   You barely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is almost dead.gSt #  ...  #. ..## #.#  .##   .# ).##  .#  #.# ##'## #.#  #.# ##...##  ###.#   ##..@....# #..........#÷......'.............) <.###.........##  ##>......##    ##.....##  #.# ##)†.##  #.# ##'##  #.# #.#   gVwThe gnoll hits you but does no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.1--------6.7 (1.1g>l _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gQDrink which item? Potions  f - a dark potion  h - a brown potion  k - a pink potion [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedgKg:Pgu# #..........## ...Selgeron the Slasher#. #.####....## #.#Demonspawn#.##.####.#.## #####.####Health: 1/27------------------------#.........#.# #......).## Magic: 3/3========================###.#######.# #.###.#.#.## AC: 4Str: 14#.# ##'## #.# #..###.# EV: 11Int: 8 ###.# ##...###.###.## ##. SH: 0Dex: 16 .# ###.# ## XL:  3 Next: 76% Place: Dungeon:2 .# ##.#.#g*[40m ##..@....#.###.## ##. Noise: =--------  Time: 1496.7 (0.0) .#####....###..........###..###.# a) +0 long sword .....÷......'.............)..#.## Throw: 3 throwing nets <###......###.........####....### .# #....### ##>......## #..#.# # ## ##.### ##.....## #.##.### gg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)#.###)†.## #.......#.###'## ####.####.##.##.#The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear. _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *You barely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is almost dead.The gnoll hits you but does no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +g0 spear. _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  It was a potion of heal wounds. You feel much better.18/27 ================7.7 (1 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.g7  You hit the )   gnollYou kill the gnoll!gJ# #..........## ...Selgeron the Slasher#. #.####....## #.#Demonspawn#.##.####.#.## #####.####Health: 19/27 ================--------#.........#.# #......).## Magic: 3/3========================###.#######.# #.###.#.#.## AC: 4Str: 14#.# ##'## #.# #..###.# EV: 11Int: 8 ###.# ##...###.###.## ##. SH: 0Dex: 16 .# ###.# ##.)g..##.##.## ## XL:  3 Next: 101% Place: Dungeon:2 .#[39;4g9m ##.#.# ##..@....#.###.## ##. Noise: =--------  Time: 1498.9 (1.2) .#####....###..........###..###.# a) +0 long sword .....÷......'.............)..#.## Throw: 3 throwing nets <###......###.........####....### .# #....### ##>......## #..#.# # ## ##.### ##.....## #.##.### g   gnoll#.###)†.## #.......#.###'## ####.####.##.##.#The gnoll hits you but does no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear. _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *It was a potion of heal wounds. You feel much better. _The gnoll hits you with a g+0 whip. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.  You hit the gnoll.  You kill the gnoll!g _The gnoll barely misses you.You have reached level 4!  --more--gma23/334/454 1% gWgnoll _You feel  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is heavily wounded.g*500.1g R _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.gI  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is almost dead.g (1.3g g n _The gnoll misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.g\  You closely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is almost dead.2.5g9gnK _The gnoll misses you.gI  You slash the gnoll!)153.7gI _You kill the gnoll!gy #..### ##.# # #..........## ... #. #.####....## #.# #.##.####.#.## #####.#### #.........#.# #......).## ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.##  #.# ##'## #.# #..###.## # #.# ##...###.###.. # ###.# ##.)@..##.##.## # ##.#.# ##..)....#.###.## ##.. #####....###.###..###.#. ....÷......'....)..#.##. ###......###...##....###. # #....### ##[gz}0;10;1m>.#..#.# #.  # ##.### ##....#.##.###. #.# ##)†.#........ #.# ##'#####.#### g|4-40ghg  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; a gnoll corpseg\ g` 3gK .24=5==giY 6=7=8==gc gg 9==g 30=g 1=gb Xg p2==gp# BgU% g/ - _You start resting.gYI 40.7 (36.0)3==1.7 (37 _HP restored.g1Egh # #....# ... #. #.####....## #.# #.##.####.#.## #####.#### #.........#.# #......).## ###.#######.# #.###.#.#.## #.# ##'## #.# #..###.# ## #.# ##...###.###.## ##. .# ###.# ##.))..##. ## .# ##.#.# ##..@....#.###.## .#####....###..........###..###.# .....÷......'....)..#.## <###......#######....### .# #....### ##> #..#.# # ##g3u[39;49m ##.### ##.....## #.##.### #.# ##)†.## # #.# ##'## ####.###  #.# #.# #.#f - a ring of willpowerg\2.7 (1.0)3.7 (2ggg. _You see here a +0 spear.g3gBg2)g,g5,g7{  Things that are here:  a +0 whip; a gnoll corpseg:g:@= _gB,gUHBgeM gN gOThere is an open door here.gL_gKd gf_gkg4sgWyg}g܊ngXgg2,gX,gXgBgХ,g,gg{,gJgmgBggBgg,g,gpBgggBgBgggvggtnggBg g #.# #.# ######÷# #########  .....#.## #.......#  ........###.#####.#  .###............#.#  .# #.....##.###.#g#  ##......#.###.#.#  .........##.....@.#  ####....#######.###  ####.#.## #####.####  .....#.# #......).##  ######.# #.###.#.#.##   ##'## #.# #.[4g" 0m.###.###   g   hobgoblin (asleep)##...###.###.## ##..#  ##.))..##.##.## ##.#  ##..)....#.###.## ##..#  g& \641.0)5.7 (22g0 gj6 \ _A hobgoblin comes into view.g 7 #.# #.#÷# ##  .# .#####.# .......#.#  #.....##.###.#g# ..#.###.#.# .##.....@.# .#######.### .## #####.#### .# #......).## .# #.###.  ##'## #.# #.  ##..#.## ##..#  ##.)).## ##.#  ##..) ##..# g  #.# #.#÷# ##  .# .#####.# .......#.#  #.....##.###.#g# ..#.###.#.# .##.....@.# .#######.### .## #####.#### .# #......).## .# #.###.  ##'## #.# #.  ##..#.## ##..#  ##.)).## ##.#  ##..) ##..#gK [m  _A hobgoblin is nearby!gl##.# #.#   #.#  #####÷# #########  #.## #.......#  .......###.#####.#  ###............#.#  # #.....##.###.#g#  ###......#.###.#@#  ........##.......#  ....#######.###  ###.#.## #####.####  ....#.# #......).##  #####.# #.###.#.#.##  '## #.# #..###.###  ..###.###.## ##..#  ))..##.##.## ##.#  gg186.7 (1.0) _g` gQa g7g gi H _No target in view!g g g g H _No target in view!gzC 4gI gPL H _No target in view!g޹ g? go g H _No target in view!gE _No target in view!gQg44g <g]>gd+g,g-g4g5g:P _g_<g'=g=g@gBgBg CgEgigMlgm,gmgogpg~q,gzngh,g%gwgZggqggƋgDgŒggp,gg&gZgXgng]g  There is a stone staircase leading up here. _gg,ggg,g/gg,gggg^,gtg,ggg,g7gg.BgBg,g+gg,gdg   There is a stone staircase leading down here. _g gBgg,gjggg! [      #+   ####.#   ..#.#   ###.##   ##...## g!  #.######.....#   #....>..#...######   #@#####.##........-   #.# #.....######   #.# ####.##   ..# #.#   ##########.###  #.........#####  #.#####.#.#....  #.##....#<#.###  #.##....#.#.###You pick up a book of Touch and begin reading...g'1658.1 (89.0)g(F-9.1 (90g:.g/q  You add the spells Kiss of Death, Confusing Touch and Dispel Undead to your _library.g3g3g< g!g&g'gw(,g)g)g1+,g+g,g-gr.,g/g 5,g5g6ga8Bg9g:g@;,g><gH=,g >gY@gH= ..##.  #.#.# ##.  #. #.# ##..  #. #.######...  #. #....>..#..  #. #.#####.##.  #g #.# #....  #.#######.# ####.  #.@.......# #  ##################.  #.......   #.#####.  #.##....  #.##.... g   hobgoblin (asleep) gJ$ #.##....  ###.......  #.........gJR268.0)g`S/9.1 (10.0)gWg[\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.g ..#  #. #.#  #. #.#  #.  #. #....> #. #. #g #.#  g#.#######.#  #.@.......#  ##########gG ..#  #. #.#  #. #.#  #.  #. #....> #. #. #g #.#  #.#######.#  #.@.......#  ##########g gGgg` _A hobgoblin is nearby!g(   ### #  #.. ..# #  #.# #.# ##  #.# #.# ##  #.# #.#####g) m  #.# #....>..  #.# #.#####.##  #g# #.# #..  #@#######.# ####  #.........# #  ##################  #.....  #.#####  #.##  #.##  #.##  ###g1 g2 970.0) _g 9 g: gّs  The helpless hobgoblin fails to defend itself.  You slash the hobgoblin!g_g†g591.3 (1.2g^gMM _You kill the hobgoblin!gmgxggxH _No target in view!g4ggH _No target in view!g <g=gAMgVH _No target in view!gbg̳gEg$H _No target in view!g,4g1g4H _No target in view!gH4g<gC _No target in view!gr#g$g(g+gӠJg<g Jg:\ g 4g g g  _ _ You see here a hobgoblin corpse.g  _gH g ,gL g g ,g g g a    #####.##### ...b.....# #g   .# ###..# #...#.# #....>..##.# #.#####.#†# #.# b   bat (asleep)#.#######.# #####.........# ###################g= -6.3 (5.0g +7.3 (6g g# V _A bat comes into  #####.#####  #...b.....#  #@# #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.# #....> #.#  #†# #.#  #.#  #.. g k #####.#####  #...b.....#  #@# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# g  #.# #....> #.#  #†# #.#  #.#  #..  gogg% gZ Z _A bat is nearby!gI4j #####.##### gS6: #...b.....#  #@# #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.# #....> #.#  #†# #.#  #.#  #.. g} #####.#####  #...b.....#  #@# #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.# #....> #.#  #†# #.#  #.#  #..  g7p _A bat is nearby!gj       #+gF #####.##### #. #.@.b.....# . #.#######.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.######.. #.# #....>..#.. #.# #.#####.## #†# #.# #.... #.#######.# ####. #.........# #.gggTbbg3=8.3 (1gXgQ _The bat closely misses you.g l       ##+  #####.##### #.# #..@b.....# #.# #.#.# ##.# #.# #.# ##. #.# #.######. #.# #....>..#. #.# #.#####.##. #†# #.# #. #.#.# ####.# #.# #.#g ,g g &9g g Q _The bat closely misses you.g1 ,g9 D80.4 (1.1gx? gA t _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.g gU g 2..bgT -1.6 (1.2g̲ g _You barely miss the bat. The bat closely misses you.gK%     ## .. .# .# #+  #####.##### #.#  #...@.b...# #.#  #.#.# ##.# #.# #.# ##...# #.# #.######. #.# #....>..#...# #.# #.#####.##. #†# #.# #.....# #.#.# ####.# gV( g) g10 %b.gR1 Z2-20g7 g9 ' _The bat hits you.g ,g g -3.7 (1.1g g _You barely miss the bat. The bat closely misses you. x2gzg`";#-4.9 (1.2g)g/0w _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2g    ###  #..  #.#  #.# #+  #####.##### #.#  #....@b...# #.#  #.#.# ##.##  #.# #.# ##...# #.# #.######.....# #.# #....>..#...# #.# #.#####.##.gH #†# #.# #.....# gg0.bg5Z3=50gg _The bat barely misses you. The bat misses you.gJ    ###  #..  #.#  #.# #+  #####.##### #.#  #.....@b..# #.#  #.#.# ##.## gL% #.# #.# ##...##  #.# #....>..#...# #.# #.#####.##. #†# #.# #.....# g&g'&6gu-gk0u _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.g`TgUgs\<.bg]-8.1 (1.2gvcgf _You miss the bat. The bat misses you. The bat barely misses # + # ###  #..  #.#  #.# #+ g! #####.##### #.#  #.# #.#  #.#b# ##.##  #.# #.# ##...##  #.# #....>..#...# #.# #.#####.##. #†# #.# #.....# gg&b.g,90gHgU: _The bat hits you but does no damage.gU7  You slash the bat!gx\C.g@aS=2090.3 (1.2g-lgjn1 _You kill the bat!gOogg/gzggH _No target in view!grgtgvg&yH _No target in view!g = _gBXgD! gE       ##  ..  .#  ####.# gF9  #..>.#   #@#  -3.3 (3.0  #.# #+  #####.##### #.  #.........# #  #.#######.# ##.gF##  #.# #.# ##...##   #.# #.######.....#   #.# #....>..#...##   #.# #.#####.##.... giKgLE-4.3 (4gPg,S; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g 3g g gC g g ng gU ,g g R  There is a stone staircase leading down g0  _g g gP g ,g g8 BgH gw g/ ,g g> g ,g5 g ,gN g g ga g gr g gf ,gE g ,g} g Bg! gP# g$ ,gW% g1' g( ,g) g* ga, ,g- g. g/ gy0 ,g2 g9 9    ## ##  #. (#  #.# .# gp;  #.# .#  #.##.##.##. #..@.......711.3 (17.0) #..#.##....  #..#.# #  #..#.# #....# ##.### #.#.##  #....####  #.......+ +gA gkB ,2.3 (18g)H gJ $ _Found a stone.ggق,gegKg,g1gxg,gĞggggŬ,grgxg ### #######..  #...(##.#  #.##.##.# ! #.##.##.# ... #.##.##.##.... gҸ5#.....# 20.3 (8.0) #..#.##.... #..#.#########< #..#.# #....# ##.### # #.#.## ## #....#### ####. #.......+ (9gg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gڈ g& 3g gx ,gU gg g g g~ g_ g= g Bgϸ ,g, g ### ### #######.. ..# #...(##.# ##.## g #.##.##.# ###.@.#.####.##.##.###...#.##.##.##......#.#####............#.## ##..#.##........#..##..#.#########<#..##..#.# #+##.##....# ...g* e##.### ##.#g +8.3 (7g +9.3 (8gh g X _l - a fuming inky potiong g ng Bgu g g} g g" g %##.g.########### .# #######........# .### #...(##.######.##.##. #.##.##.# ###...#.#####.#. #.##.##.###.....@.......#. g #.##.##.##......#.######. #............#.##.# #. #..#.##........# .# ..# #. #..#.#########<# .. ..# #. #..#.# #+# ## #.# ## g   goblin (asleep) #....#  ... # ##.### ##.# ##.#.## ##..# #g 33.3 (4  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.go a.gggd 4==4.3 (5g gY ( _The goblin shouts!gk) gl## .. g# ########## .#...# .# (##.##.#  ###...#.#####. #.....@....... #......#.#####. ....#.##.# ......# .# ..# #####<# .. ..#  #+# ## #.# ... ##.#  ##..# gd ## .. g# ########## .#...# .# (##.##.#  ###...#.#####. g#.....@....... #......#.#####. ....#.##.# ......# .# ..# #####<# .. ..#  #+# ## #.# ... ##.#  ##..# g g g(g] _A goblin is nearby!g" ### #..  #g#  ###########.#  #####........##.# ### ...(##.######.##.# #. .##.##.# ###...#@#####. #. .##.##.#.......#. .##.##.##......#.#####..#. ............#.##.# #.[ ..#.##........##.# ..# #. g..#.#########<##.. ..# #.. ..#.# #+#### #.# ##. ....# ... #. #.### # #.gga.g--5.3 (1 _gwgwg~##. #. ###########g ######.......## ...(##.######.##@#  ###...#.#####. #.............. .##.##.##......#.#####.............#.# [........##.#########<##.. ..##+#### #.# # ....^)&.gg*A--6g3gB5ggb5=7.4 (1.1ggF _You closely miss the goblin. The goblin barely misses you.g2g[4-8.6 (1.2g;gB _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin closely misses you.gwgx(9.8g g: _You miss the goblin. The goblin closely misses you.g8  You hit the g J _You kill the goblin!gIvg_wg0|g[H _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!g$g)ggզH _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!ggg*g H _No target in view!g)gH+g30gI3C _No target in view!g?IgAgCg6D$ _gRHgIz _ Things that are here:  a +0 club; a goblin corpsegKgL _g"MgNgP,giQg/SgT,gUgWgXgYgwgwgoxg<{g|,g}gngԇg۔g,ggXggܠgqgҢggE,gg$g,g gƱg,g~gKggsg"g:g-,gggXg,gcg}g,ggg'gg*gg4,g?g]g,gggggqgR,g,gg<g,g\gg,ggg,gOgggBgg g,gvgggr,g7 _You open the door.g3gGgk@  There is an open door here.gKg _g g g,gg.g,ggFg,gg5g(7,g8g;g=gi>g>gAgB,gCgfFg HgHgJg\u  There is an open door here. _g^g`ghb,g3cgdg)fgfggggigjgk,gng)pgpg qgsgnugugQvgVygn{g|,g~g],gg$g,gHg^g9,gԉgg,g4gghggUgng,ggʚggggßgagۡgHgagguggg,gg=g*,g gg7,ggйg,g]gg],ggg,ggQgmgvgKggrggggg ggggg)ggg*gg&g gggggOggag\ggg0gggggggg[geg: #######.....)# #########............# ..............#.##.#.# ####### ......################ #.....# ......### #####.### ........# #......# [.....####♣♣ ### #.##.#.# ......#....♣♣ ♣♣#..)# #.#..#.# .........♣♣♣♣@+...# #.#.##.# -822.0 (81.0).##........♣..♣#.g.# #.#.##.# g# .##.##....♣.♣♣♣ ### ##......# ....####♣♣♣♣♣ #.......####..###..#.##.####...#################....##.# g   Crazy Yiuf (wandering) ..........'.........'.......##.#....(.###.........####.....#.# ####...#.###.......## #..##.#.#-gggg"gg-0.0).......♣....... ....g./g5go8] _Could not explore, unopened runed door.g Ig 4gM g ] _Could not explore, unopened runed door.gpgqgxgzR _No reachable target in view!g94g@geB _There is an open door here. _Could not explore, unopened runed door.No reachable target in view!g+ gB- Where to? (Tab - D:2, ? - help)  D - Dungeon g<gM5[?25h[?0c#######.....)#Selgeron the Slasher #########............#Demonspawn ..............#.##.#.# #######gOHealth: 33/33 ======================== ......################ #.....#Magic: 4/4======================== ......########.### AC: 4Str: 15 ........##......# EV: 11Int: 8 [.....####♣♣### #.##.#.# SH: 0Dex: 16 ......#....♣♣ ♣♣#..)# #.#..#.# XL:  4 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:2 ............♣♣♣♣@+...# #.#.##.# Noise: ---------  Time: 1822.0 (0.0) .#.##........♣..♣#.g.# #.#.##.# a) +0 long sword .#.##.##....♣.♣♣♣ ### ##......# Throw: 3 throwing nets .#....####♣♣♣♣♣#.......# .###..###..#.##.# .###...#################....##.# gU g   Crazy Yiuf (wandering) ..........'.........'.......##.# ......(.###.........####.....#.# ####...#.###.......## #..##.#.# _There is an open door here. _Could not explore, unopened runed door. _Could not explore, unopened runed door. _No reachable target in view! _No reachable target in view!  What level of the Dungeon? (default 2, ? - help) g [?25l[?1cgJ3gg8gE _ggggggBg g.g>ggOg,gwg{$gZ&,g/)gt, 5gt7g 8,g=g?gu@g2AgFgHgbgBgUg,g.gzgYBggu,gg5gVXg! ,gsBg,ggo,g5g@g|BgGCgE,gAFgBI@  There is an open door here.gK5 _geLgxNgP,gQgSgTgU,gWgYgYg-Zg\g]gS^g^ga7 _You open the door.gc3gedgg@  There is an open door here.ghgi5 _gjgrkgk,glg|m,gmgogo,g+pg2qgHr,grgEtgu,gPvg=xgY  There is a stone staircase leading down here. _g. g3gު g ' gl  ..... .. ### .?. .  .#... ... . .  ..... ... .# ..  ....#.##.#...  ##.#..#........  ...............  .....$.@....... 69.7 (47.7) .#.#..##.###.## g 9 ## .#  .# .. .# .# .# gq _You climb downwards.  Found 12 gold pieces and a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCI.g g g8 a _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gPR4gXgZH _No target in view!ga{ _#..........# ###...?..[ ..#........ . ......... .# ......#.##.#....###.#..#.... #.....@.<.......70.7 (1.0) #.#.#..##.###.## #### .# .# .. .# .# .#g+1.7 (2ggb _Found a ring mail.2.7 (3gg> _You now have 73 gold pieces (gained 12).g?+ 3g0 g 6 g@ f... S#..#.  #.........# ###...?..[ . .#.#........ . . ........... .# ..  ......#.##.#... .###.#..# gB 0..... #.......<....... #.#.#..##.###.### #### .#.#.. S   adder (asleep) .#gN &0gO +3.7 (1gW g_ Y _An adder comes into view.g  ... S#..#.  #..........  # ###...?..[ .  .#.#........ . .  ........... .# ..  ......#.##.#...  .###.#..#........  ........@........  #.......<.......  #.#.#..##.###.##  g # #### .#  .#  ..  .#  .#  .# g.  ... S#..#.  #..........  # ###...?..[ .  g 0.#.#........ . .  ........... .# ..  ......#.##.#...  .###.#..#........  ........@........  #.......<.......  #.#.#..##.###.##  # #### .# .# ..  .# .# g1,.#gI8g9g@gD] _An adder is nearby!g ... S#..#.  #..........  # ###...?..[ .  .#.#........ . .  ........... .# ..  ......#.##.#...  .###.#..#........  ........@........  #.......<.......  #.#.#..##.###.##  # #### .#  .#  ..  .#  .#  .# g ... S#..#.  #..........  # ###...?..[ .  .#.#........ . .  ........... .# ..  ......#.##.#...  .###.#..#........  ........@........  #.......<.......  #.#.#..##.###.##  # #### .# .# ..[39;49gm  .# .# .#g#g%g-g0] _An adder is nearby!gH##.#..#........S#..#.  #.........# ###...?..[ . g .#.#........ . . ........... .# ..  ......#.##.#... .###.#..# ........... #.......<....... #.#.#..##.###.### #### .# ...# #...# g? g!-4 _g(g+g9  .....r.....###.#..#..........S#..#..# #........... # ###...?..[....#.#.............g .............# .. ......#@##.#...###.#..#.................<.......#.#.#..##.###.### ####..# #r   rat (asleep).g g3 &5g_ gJ V _A rat comes into U####..#.##..  .....r.....###.#..#......gMo <#....S#..#..# #....... # ###...?..[#.#.............@...#  ......#.##.#...###.#..#...............................<.......#.#.#..##.###.### ####..# #.g1v gQx gj .r.SSrg /==6gx g! G _The rat squeaks loudly. The adder hisses angrily.g;  #... ...####..#.##.. ...........#g #.#.r#......#.....#..#..# #...S... # ###...?..[#.#...........#... ......#.##.####.#..#.............................<.......#.#.#..##.###.###.####..# #g` g] g f.r.Sg g V1---7gS g* _The adder bites you.gNgXF.rgYG-8.9 (1.2g0bgf _You barely miss the adder. The adder barely misses you.g*  You hit the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.g`.r g)80.1ggU _The adder barely misses you. x2go  You hit the adder.  The adder is almost dead.ga2=-1.3ggx _The adder bites you but does no damage. The rat barely misses you.g  You barely miss the adder.The adder is almost dead.The adder bites you. The rat bites you but does no damage.gfY28---2.5gBgR _The adder barely misses you.g`7  You hit the adder.g" ?r   rat  You kill the adder!g6353.6 (1.1ggQ _The rat closely misses you.gO  You barely miss the rat. The rat bites you but does no damage.g-4.8 (1.2ggI _The rat misses  You hit the rat.go5E†g,9j9=--66.0g@gCG _You kill the rat!gogggH _No target in view!g$g%gX,g5H _No target in view!gggg—H _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!gd4g^ _No target in view!g84g{>gA@ _No target in view!g׷gzggg'g(gI0g4g\ggg~g@g{BgHg(LgQgҗgggAggAgggdgݗgg g g g" g g gY g g`M..##  #... ...#####..#.##............##.#..#......#.....#..#..# #....... # ###..†@..[#.#........#.........#.##.#.......................#.#..##.#### .#gg8+-7g0 _ggO n _ m - a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCIgrE-8.0 (2ggwS _You see here an adder corpse.g..#### .#....# .#####..#.##..# ............###.#..#......#.....#..#..##.# ###..††@.[....#.#.#..#...#......#.##.#...#.###.#..#........#................g.#.......<.......#.#.#..##.###.## g'g0+9.0 (1gWggKu 6..#### .... #....# .... #####..#.##..# ............##.##.#..#....#.....#..#..##.#.# ###..††.@[....# .#.#..gv ?#...#....###.#..#........#...................#.......<....... .#.#.#..##.###.## g< gj `30=90gq g* ..#### .... #....# .... #####..#.##..# #............##.###.#..#........ #.....#..#..##.##.g, # ###..††..@....# .#.#.#.#...#.#......#.##.#...#.###.#..#........#...................#.......<.........#.#.#..##.###.###.# g> <1gE gI R _You see here a +0 ring mail.gwgT"Inventory: 13/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 long sword (weapon) Missiles (go to first with ()  d - 3 throwing nets (quivered)e - a javelin Armour (go to first with [) gJ b - a +0 leather armour (worn)  c - a +0 helmet (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)f - a ring of willpower  g - a ring of magical power Scrolls (go to first with ?)  i - a scroll labelled QAEJ QEUXZIURO  j - 2 scrolls labelled PUPROZ GAOR  m - a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCI Potions (go to first with !)  h - a brown potion  k - a pink potion  l - a fuming inky potiong` gPSelgeron the Slasher..#### ....Demonspawn#....# ....Health: 30/33 =====================---#####..#.##..# #Magic: 4/4========================g............##.#AC: 4Str: 15##.#..#........EV: 11Int: 8#.....#..#..##.#SH: 0Dex: 16#..............XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:3# ###..††..@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1891.0 (0.0).#.#...............#a) +0 long sword.............#...#.#Throw: 3 throwing nets......#.##.#...#.###.#..#........#........g)D...........#.......<..........#.#.#..##.###.###.##.#### .# .. _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view!  m - a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCI _You see here an adder corpse. _You see here a +0 ring mail.gܷg'gYg8g`2.0 (1 _n - a +0 ring mailg+g0ZInventory: 14/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 long sword (weapon) Missiles (go to first with ()  d - 3 throwing nets (quivered)e - a javelin Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 leather armour (worn) gC2 c - a +0 helmet (worn)n - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)f - a ring of willpower  g - a ring of magical power Scrolls (go to first with ?)  i - a scroll labelled QAEJ QEUXZIURO  j - 2 scrolls labelled PUPROZ GAOR  m - a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCI Potions (go to first with !)  h - a brown potion  k - a pink potion  l - a fuming inky potiong;ln - a +0 ring mail. A light leather suit reinforced with a covering of metal rings. It is protectivein combat, but slightly uncomfortable due to the added weight. Base armour rating: 5Encumbrance rating: 7 It can be maximally enchanted to +5. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 2.0 (4.0 -> 6.0). Your EV would decrease by 0.9 (11.6 -> 10.7). You found it on level 3 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “Nought can Deform the Human race  Like to the Armours iron brace”  -William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”, 99-100. 1803. (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gggSelgeron the Slasher..#### ....Demonspawn#....# ....Health: 30/33 =====================---#####..#.##..# #Magic: 4/4========================............##.#AC: 4gStr: 15##.#..#........EV: 11Int: 8#.....#..#..##.#SH: 0Dex: 16#..............XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:3# ###..††..@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1892.0 (0.0).#.#...............#a) +0 long sword.............#...#.#Throw: 3 throwing nets......#.##.#...#.###.#..#........#...................#.......<......[39gX;49m....#.#.#..##.###.###.##.#### .# .. _No target in view! _No target in view!  m - a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCI _You see here an adder corpse. _You see here a +0 ring mail. _n - a +0 ring mailgge+3.0 (1g(g-  You start removing your armour.1=4.0 (2g8A5.0 (3g-:gck6.0 (47.0 (5 12 _You continue removing your +0 leather armour. x4gk&  gvYou finish removing your +0 leather armour.  You start putting on your armour.2==8.0 (6gzgg+9.0 (7g%Y900.0 (8gggg+1.0 (9gLg~r _You continue putting on your +0 ring mail. x5gz3==2.0 (10.0)g˹gH 60 _HP restored.gɼggg/  --more--g \ _You finish putting on your +0 ring mail.g$ g"Inventory: 14/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 long sword (weapon) Missiles (go to first with ()  d - 3 throwing nets (quivered)e - a javelin Armour (go to first with [) g  c - a +0 helmet (worn)  n - a +0 ring mail (worn)b - a +0 leather armour Jewellery (go to first with "=)f - a ring of willpower  g - a ring of magical power Scrolls (go to first with ?)  i - a scroll labelled QAEJ QEUXZIURO  j - 2 scrolls labelled PUPROZ GAOR  m - a scroll labelled VEDAMEWOCI Potions (go to first with !)  h - a brown potion  k - a pink potion  l - a fuming inky potiong Y b - a +0 leather armour. A suit made from layers of tanned animal hide. It provides basic protection withalmost no hindrance to spellcasting or stealthy movement. Base armour rating: 3Encumbrance rating: 4 It can be maximally enchanted to +3. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would decrease by 2.0 (6.0 -> 4.0). Your EV would increase by 0.9 (10.7 -> 11.6). Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “Nought can Deform the Human race  Like to the Armours iron brace”  -William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”, 99-100. 1803. (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ggSelgeron the Slasher..#### ....Demonspawn#....# ....Health: 33/33 ========================#####..#.##..# #Magic: 4/4========================............##.#AC: 6Str: 15##.#..#........EV: 10Int: 8#.....#..#..##.#SH: 0Dex: 16#..............XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:3# ###..††..@....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1902.0 (0.0)[40g$m.#.#...............#a) +0 long sword.............#...#.#Throw: 3 throwing nets......#.##.#...#.###.#..#........#...................#.......<..........#.#.#..##.###.###.##.#### .# .. _You finish putting on your +0 ring (1 _You drop a +0 leather armour.gJggqgggg> g] g(.. #####  ...#####....  #....##.... #####..#.##..# # g;2............##.##.##.#..#g #.....#..#@.##.#. ..# ###..††..[....#.#.#gc...................#...#g#.##.#...#.# g   hobgoblin (asleep)g.###.#..#........# #g...................#.......<.......g!...g!U4  A hobgoblin comes into view.g!g,E.  The hobgoblin shouts!g.4==5.0 (2g7g=. _The hobgoblin moves out of view.g)ggg#g.. ##### ...#####....  #....##.... #####..#.##..# # ............##.##g#h##.#..#....@.......#.....#..#..##.#g.# #................ # ###..††..[....#.#.#gQd.#.#.....# g   hobgobling` ......#.##.#...#.#  .###.#..## #...g&0g8>g.g4--6.0 (1gIg gM]p .. ##### ...#####.... g]#....##....  #####..#.##..# #  ............##.##..  #....@...g...  #..#..##.#..#  g]U#................  # ###..††..[....#.#.#  g^M...........#  .....#...#.#  g1^b#.##.#...#.#  #........# #   gZ^g  .. ##### ...#####.... #....##....  #####..#.##..# #  ............##.##..  #....@...g...  #..#..##.#..#  #................  # ###..††..[....#  ..........  .....#...#.#  #.##.#...#.  #........# #  --g g X _A hobgoblin is nearby!g)  .. ##### ...#####.... #....##....  #####..#.##..# #  ............##.##..  #....@...g...  #..#..##.#..#  #................  # ###..††..[....#.#.#  ...........#  .....#...#.#  g* x#.##.#...#.#  #........# #   g  .. ##### ...#####.... #....##....  #####..#.##..# #  ............##.##..  #....@...g...  #..#..##.#..#  #................  # ###..††..[....#  ..........  .....#...#.#  #.##.#...#.  #........# #  gJ g g gQ ` _A hobgoblin is nearby!g .. ##### ...#####.... #....##.... #####..#.##..# # .##.##..###.#..#.g.#.....#..#..##.#..##................  gj # ###..††..[....#.#.# .#.#....# # .#...#.# ......#.##.#...#.# .###.#..#........# # g g g 3g.g $7 g _gp g gڎ...#.. #####.#...#####.....##....##.....######..#.##..# .# .##.##..#.##.#..#.g.#.....#..#..##.#..##.#................... # ###..††..[....#.#.# # #.#.......#.#.#...#.# #......#.##.#...#.# ###.#..#........#.# gD=8g~g@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no;  You hit the hobgoblin.gC.g~589.2 (1.2gMgAM _You kill the hobgoblin!gAg˂g^ _No target in view!g :g:g@gCH _No target in view!ggg9goH _No target in view!g22g2g!8gn;H _No target in view!ggg&gH _No target in view!g g g# g% C _No target in view!g( g g@ g g g? gt g! g 4g g g Qg 4g gn g 3gf gT gg $b.. #.# .. #####.# ...#####.....# #....##.....#  #####..#.##..##.# #.##.##..#.##.#..#.......#.....#..#..##.#..##.#................... g  ###..††..[....#.#.##.# .#.........#.# ....#...#.# # #b   bat (asleep) ......#.##.#...#.#.#..#........#.# gA (0.0g 4-10.2 (1g& g N _A bat comes into view.gU' b.. #.#  .. #####.#  ..# ..#  .##..##.# #  .....##.##..#..  .......@.......  ..#..##.#..##..  ..............  ###..††..[....#.#.##.## ....#.# .. ...#.# # # #...#.#....#.#g4 b.. #.#  .. #####.#  ..# ..#  .##..##.# #  .....##.##..#..  .......@.......  g..#..##.#..##..  ..............  ###..††..[....#.#.##.##....#.# .....#.# # # #...#.#....#.#gg8-gOgHZ _A bat is nearby!g5 b.. #.#  .. #####.#  ..# ..#  .##..##.# #  .....##.##..#..  .......@.......  gQ..#..##.#..##..  ..............  ###..††..[....#.#.##.## ....#.# .. ...#.# # # #...#.#....#.#gKK b.. #.#  .. #####.#  ..# ..#  .##..##.# #  .....##.##..#..  .......@.......  ..#..##.#..##..  ..............  ###..††..[....#.#.##.##....#.# .....#.# # # #...#.#....#.#gLgXPZ _A bat is nearby!gt#b.. #####...#####...  #....##.....#  #####..#.##..##.# # ............##@##..#..#.#..#.............g;K#.....#..#..##.#..##..  #...................  ###..††..[....#.#.##.## .#........#.# .......#..# # # gsL......#.##.#. ##.#..##.#ggagLgyY.bbg$1 g _ggg :.#... #####....#####....b  #....##.....#  g #####..#.## # ............##.##..#..#.#..#...............#.....#..#..##.#..##.. #...................  ###..††..[....#.#.##.## .#........#.# ......g֎ T# # ......#.##.#g gÓ g g \2-=2gܡ g ' _The bat hits you.g B..#... #####....###b  #....##....@#  g2 h#####..#.##..##.# # ............##.##..##.#..#.............#.....#..#..##.#..##.. #...................  ###..††..[....#.#.##.## .#......#.# d# # #g g g[ Fb.g &3g_ g! : _The bat hits you but does no damage.g #.......#... #b #####...### #....##.....#  #####..#.##..##.# # gA ............##.##..##.#..#.............#.....#..#..##.#..##.. #...................  ###..††..[....#.#.##.## .#......#.# gܕ &.bg5 #3gX 1=4gH gd = _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2g% g g Jb.g -5.4 (1.2g g _You closely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.g ##..#.....#...........##.....b #####...### #....##.....#  #####..#.##..##.# gW ............##.##..##.#..#.............#.....#..#..##.#..##.. #...................  ###..††..[....#.#.##.##g9 g g4 g ,60g g _The bat closely misses you.g541.#..#..#......##. .........##........#..b...... #####...#####... #....##....  #####..#.##..##.# ............##.##..##.#..#.............#.....#..#..##.#..##.. #...................g4gL8g>g?&7g+EgHH: _The bat hits you but does no damage.gAggKb.g,I=8.6 (1.2gG$ g#^_You miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.g(#.. .#..#.#..#.#..#..... #......###.....##..b.....##..@......# ##.###.#..#.. #####.# ...#####.....#  #....##.....# #####..#.##..##.# #  ............##.##..#..  ##.#..#...............  #.....#..#..##.#..##g -g..g*1`  The bat closely misses   rat (wandering)g:,90g@gV _A rat comes into #..#....... #..#...... .#..#..... .#......##.r.#.##.# #.# ##.###b#..# gi.. #####.# #...#####.....##....##.....#..#.##..##.# # ..##.##..#.. ##.#..#........ glgong^pgXwsr.rgw'20gT|gQ _The bat closely misses you.g#..#....... #..#....... ##..#...... .#..#..... .#......##r.#.##.# #.# ##.###b#..#  .. #####.# .# ...  ...#####.....# .. ##....##.....# .#...#.##..##.# .#..##.##..#....#..#....... gg gg.rb.1g(g: _The bat hits you but does no damage.g3Z#..#........##..#........##..#........#..#.......#......##.#.r.##.# #.....@b..# ##.###.#..# .. #####.# #.# .... ...#####.....# ... ..#.  #....##.....# ..#. .#..#.##..##.##..#.. ..##.##..#... . .#..#......... g^g1`gaghK.rgi&2gSpgs: _The bat hits you but does no damage.g5  You hit the rat.gV  You kill the rat!g g}gdb†.g593.8 (1.2ggP _The bat barely misses you.gTgVg^Jb.g_-4.9 (1.1gfgj _You closely miss the bat. The bat misses you.gH #........ #..#........# #..#........## #..#.......... #..#.......... #...b..##..... ........ ##...@.†..# #.........# g##.###.#..#  .. #####.# #.# ...  ...#####.....# ... ..#.  #....##.....# ..#. .# ###..#.##..##.##..#.. .. .....##.##..#... . #.#..#.................gVgjgh$..bgt,50ggP _The bat barely misses you.g|}# .##...# .....##.#.........#........b###....@........#.....†..###....... ##.###.#..# #####.# #.#.....  g~;...#####.....# ... ...#.  #....##.....# ..#. ..# ###..#.##..#.... ...........##.##..#... .g΀ggNJ7.bgG&6gg: _The bat hits you but does no damage.g  You hit the bat.  The bat is moderately'c..b g-8.1 (1.2gg%u _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no #.# #..#..# #..#........## #..#.......... #..#.......... #......##..... #.b..... ##.....†..##.g.tG# .. #####.# # ...#####.....# .......#.  #....##.....# ..#....#..#.##..##.##..#...... gwgyg~%b.g,90ggI _The bat misses you.g  You closely miss the bat.The bat is moderately wounded.b.30.2 (1.1 _The bat barely misses you.gis# .#..# #....###..#.......#..b..##..................#.....†..####....... g2j##.###.#..# #####.# #.#..... ...#####.....# .......#.  #....##.....# ..#....# ##..#.##..gngvFb.g*w,10g~gˁ _The bat barely misses you. The bat closely misses you.gMs  ......###..#..b#..#..@.......##.............g#.....†..####.........# ##.###.#..#  #####.# #.#..... ...#####.....# .......#.  #....##.....# #gg gt8 g>&2g6gP _The bat barely misses you.gX,gc_5..bgu`-3.3 (1.1gtigi _You barely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.g8O#.# #.# #.# #.# gm#..#.# #..#.##.#..#.K#..#...@b.#......##.....##.............###.....†..#####.........###.###.#..#  #####.# #.#..... K   kobold (asleep)#####.....# .......g,#. g>  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.The kobold shouts!gggb..........KKg4=40gOg7: _The bat hits you but does no damage.gU^#.# #.# #.# #.# #..#.# #..#.##.#..#.....b.#..#.K.#......##.....#.#.............# ##.....†..######.........###.###.#..#  #####.# #.#..... #####.....# .......#. g XgYg=ZgcQ.K.bgc.-5gkggqQ _The bat closely misses you.gP'#.# #.# #.# #.# #..#.# ##..#.##.#..#.#..#.K.#......##.b...#.g#.............# ##.....†.#.........###.###.#..# #####.# #.#..... #####.....# .......#. gpg$ @-6geg: _The bat hits you but does no damage.g[?#........##..###.....K....##@....#...b #.....†..####.........##.###.######.# #.#..... #####.....# .......#. ...#..#g Y#.##..##.##..ggpggN_.K..bgە&7ggI _The bat misses you.g :  You slash the kobold!g Y  You kill the kobold!g g n)b..g# 6408.4 (1.1g&* g, _The bat closely misses you. The bat barely misses gl V2-9.5gr gȌ _You hit the bat but do no damage. The bat hits you. The bat closely misses you.g5 ##..#.###..#...#...........#.........##.)...#.........@....# #.....†b.####.........# #.###.######.# #.#..... #####.....# .......#. ...#..##.##..##.##..#...... ..... g g &400g g&  g' g( g_The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no gn #..go #gko #..#...go *.##go +#...gXp 7.#....g q ....##.)...#..gcq f.......# gq i#.....†.@#####gg,@ggkggg+g+g1g4gV3g Xg\g^gBc: _gcgbf,gfggigoe=gsgDu,gvg7yg=|,g gg(,g0gHg ,ggg#......##.)...#..#.............# ##.....†..##### #.........# ####.###.#..##### #####.###.#......# ... #.....#..#.# <. #.....##..#....#.#.####. #..##.##..#.....@.......-9.6 (7.0 ...##.##..#.##.#. ..................... #..##.#..##........##.# gf..................... ...#.#.##.##.#.##.##. #.....#.##....#.# .# . #...#.# ## .#.#.# .. #...#.#gygF-50.6 (8gg6 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gB gC gC gH gI gN BgVQ ,gzR gW gRX gX gwY g[ gU` Xga ,gmb g:e g9g ,gg gn ga} ...†..#####.. .# ......# #.######.###.. ##.#..#####.#........... ##..#............. #.......#.#.<....#.....>..#....#.#.####.......#................##......#.##.#....# ................@...# 6.6 (6##........##.##...# ...........# .##.##.#.##.##..#.#...##....#.##.##..#.###.#  ## .#.#.##........ .. #..#.# # #. .# 7.6 (7 _Foung~ (d a stone staircase leading down.g' 3g g g ,g ,g g g g g ,g g, g ,g g g ,g g g,ggMg\,gg g9 ,g# gS##... .###....# ..... ..#....# ..#.. #. ......## ..#.. #.# #...... ##.. #.# #....#  #.######.###....# g##.#.............##.#.##..@....... #.#.<....#.....>.......# #.#.####...........................####..#.####.#.##.#....# ...g-#.# ............# #..# # ....##.##...# .... ............# ##.#. .##.##..#.#...g,65.6 (8g+6.6 (9gg2!Z _b - a glowing green potiongggg H _No target in view!gZ _gXgҖg,gggtg!,gg- g#...... # #..... . ## #..... .. .# #....# .. g.. ..###....# .. g<.. ....#....# .# .. #. #g`##..#.# #.# #S g.. #.# #....##...#.# .######.###....# ...# #g.....###....................g J<....#.....>.......#.#S   adder (wandering)####.................#####..#.######....# ...#.#gw 71.6 (5  An adder comes into view.S..S2.6 (6 _The adder hisses angrily.gO  #...... # #..... .  #..... ..  .# #....# ..  ..###....# ..  ....#....# .#  #. #......##..#.##  #.# #.....@....S..  #.# #....##...#.## #....# ...# ......##.#.# ............. .<...>.......#.# ......# ######  gQ  #...... #..... .  #..... ..  .# #....# ..  ..###....# ..  ....#....# .#  #. #......##..#.##  #.# #.....@....S..  #.# #....##...#.## #....# ...# ......##.#.#.............<...>.......#.# ......####[34g Em### gY Jg ] _An adder is nearby!g@#.......# .. #..... .. ..# #..... .. ...# .# #....# .##..  ..###....# ....  ....#....# ..#  #. #......##..#.# #.# #......@...S. #.# #....##...#.# ######.###....##...# #.....##.#.#............ <....#.....>.......#.# ####................#####..#.###### ggg86S.g23.6 (1 _gg geUX#.......# ... #........ ..#  #........ ...#  .# #....##.##..  ..###....##....  ....#....##..#  #. #......##..#.# g{V& #.# #.S.  #.# #....##...#.#.###....##...# ....... ....#.....>.......#.# ........#####..#.###### gZgfb2S.gKc&4gylgng  You closely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.g5=5.8 (1.2ggK _The adder misses you.g  You hit the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.gē(7.0ggWR _The adder barely misses y  The adder is heavily wounded. _The adder barely misses you.  You barely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.The adder bites you.  The adder is seared by the foul flame within you.g C.gv _2-548.2g _ _You kill the adder!gw 4g#| g]~ H _No target in view!gT g gO g H _No target in view!gg gg gm g q H _No target in view!g gu gb g H _No target in view!gW 4gn\ g` H _No target in view!g gV g3 g C _No target in view!gD glj gq gq g g gE gz g{ g6 g) gN g g= g gmgngpghrggJg4ggb4ggg>lgτ _g,ggK3=gPggg~gggg,gggțgg+ggѠg'gP2=g!g;g,g^g;gg3gg g,ggkgr,gGgݸg,g g"g*gfgggL,ggg,g9ggB  .>#   . #.#   .####.#   ...#.# g(  #.....   #..#.#   #.#. #..#.#  gU. #.#. #..#@#  -94.2 (16.0)g<..##.#. #....#   #.......###...##  g #....##   #......#   #....##.##...#  g ##....###  gW #..#.#   .....##..#.####g}J  gvgF-5.2 (17gTg8 _Found a stone staircase leading down.g"?g?g(@gAg{C,gCgDgFBgGgH,g5IgIgJgJgJgKgL,gLgMgN,gOgPgR,gRgTgVgVgWgXgZgoZgZgK\gx]g]g^gP`ga,g;bgcg`e,g/fgggi,gmjg/mgo,gogSqgs,gOtgEvgx,gxgzg?|,g|g~gIgggg܃,ggg,ggggۋgsgg,ggg,ggg8,gg[gǚ,ghgCg,g9gg,gmgOgXgb,gggǯg)ggggiggg ,gggW,g<gng,g;ggJ,ggjg,g(ggBgPg,gggH,ggg%,ggaggggg.# ...#.##....# .# #..#.# #.####.# .# .....# #.# #.# .# ##.#. #.# #.# ...g ..# #.# ##.# ##. #.# #.# ... ....####.# #.# ## ##.....#.####.#  g.......@......#  ....#..#.######  # #..#.#  #..#.#  #.J#.# g\ .....# gJ   endoplasm (asleep) ##..#.# g4  g~.....#  g` #.#  g/2039.2 (44ggV  An endoplasm comes into view. A ball python comes into view.gL-40.2 (45g1g8 _The ball python moves out of  #....#   #.####.#   #.# #.#  ##.#. #.# #.#  ..# #.#  ##. #.# #.#  ... ....####.# #.#  ## ##.....#.####.#  .......@......#  ....#..#.######  # #..#.#  #..#.#  #.J#.#  .....#  ##..#.#  .....#  #.# gZ  #....#   #.####.#   #.# #.#  ##.#. #.# #.#  ..# #.#  ##. #.# #.#  ... ....####.# #.#  ## ##.....#.####.#  .......@......# g[ ....#..#.######  # #..#.#  #..#.#  #.J#.#  .....#  ##..#.#  .....# g9 #.# ggNgѓgca _An endoplasm is nearby!g".# #..#.##.####.# .# .....## #.# #.# .# ##.#... #.# #.# #... ... ..# #.# ###.# .##.. #.# #.# . ... .....####.# #.# # ## ###.....#.####.# # #..............#  ....#.@#.######  # #..#.#  #..#.#  #.J#.#  .....# ##..#.#  .....#  ...#.#[16;3g#*0H g*:k1.2 (1.0) _ gq}.....## ##.#.... #... ... . ###.# .##.. #.# . ... .....####. # ## ###.....#.### g #.............. ....#..#.######   J....##..# ....######  g4 g&2 g g g###.#.... #... .... . ###.# .##.. # . ... .....####.# # ## ###.....#.### #............. ....#..#.######  g$&  J.....###..#. .....#....#.######  g1 JJThe endoplasm quivers.The endoplasm freezes you. g1#1 g12--3 g7 g:% _You are frozen. g=  You slash the endoplasm! gf. g=6=4.3 (1.1 g gM _You kill the endoplasm! g g g gH _No target in view! g g; g7 gH _No target in view! gH4 g grH _No target in view! g} g4 gH _No target in view! g 6 g6 g$< gD>H _No target in view! g- gƽ gz gC _No target in view! gO- g. g3 g_6 gQ g  g*! g+ g gp gd g g` gpa ge gEh g`uI g~v gsys2=- _ gz g| g0} g ~ gw gZ  gT -6.3 (2.0SS   ball python (constriction, wandering) g 8- g\  g! a __A ball python is nearby! gn/ <  #.# #.#  .... ..# #.#  .##.. #.# #.# . ... .....####.# #.# # ## ###.....# # #........  ....#..#  # #..#.#  #.@#.#  #..#.#  ......#  ###..#.#  S....#  ....#.#  #####   gq W  #.# #.#  .... ..# #.#  .##.. #.# #.#  ... .....####.# #.#  ## ###.....#  #........  ....#..#  # #..#.#  #.@#.#  #..#.#  ......#  ###..#.#  S....#  ....#.#  #####  g  gn  gJ  g a __A ball python is nearby! gr   #.# #.#  .... ..# #.#  .##.. #.# #.# . ... .....####.# #.# # ## ###.....# # #........  ....#..#  # #..#.#  #.@#.#  #..#.#  ......#  ###..#.#  S....#  ....#.#  #####  g * gW  #.# #.#  .... ..# #.#  .##.. #.# #.#  ... .....####.# #.#  ## ###.....#  #........  ....#..#  # #..#.#  #.@#.#  #..#.#  ......#  ###..#.#  S....#  ....#.#  ##### #... .... ..# #.# .###.# .##.. #.# #.#  gY.. ... .....####.# #.# # ## ###.....#.####.# .# #..............#  ....#..#.######  # #..#.#  #..#.#  #@.#.# ....S......# ###.###..#.#  S....# ....#.#  #####.# SS 2 ball pythons (constriction, 1 wande…) #   __A ball python is nearby! __A ball python is nearby!  comes into view. gc[ g6`.SS.SS) g`4==7.3 (1 g[d gg8 _The ball python hisses angrily. x2 g#.###.# .##.. #.# #.# .. ... .....####.# #.# #.# ## ###.....#.####.#  .# #..............#  ....#..#.######  # #..#.#  #..#.#  g7.###.###..#.# ......S@....# ####.###S.#.#  .....# ....#.#  #####.#  #    gL  The ball python closely misses you. The ball python bites you.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you. g0-- 0 -8Constr  gI  g C _The ball python bites you but does no damage. g  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you. _The ball python bites you but does no damage.  You closely miss the ball python.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.  x229---9.4 (1.1 g_ _The ball python constricts you. g3?  You slash the ball python! gS; .   ball pythonYou kill the ball python! g>H10 850.6 (1.2 g-D gsG _The ball python completely misses you. The ball python barely misses you. gYou kill the ball python! _The ball python completely misses you. The ball python barely misses you.  You closely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.  The ball python bites you but does no damage. g} 0 1.8Constr  g g!_ _The ball python constricts you. g# ?  You slash the ball python! g) 6† g* 1 g- C10 603.0 g2  g4 O _You kill the ball python! g 4 g  g H _No target in view! g  gh  g   g H _No target in view! gg  g  g  g H _No target in view! g 4 g  gc H _No target in view! g  g|  g߃  g H _No target in view! g6  _No target in view! g Q g8  g`9  gM  g 4 g-  gz  gO)4 gN. g@4 g g gb g g g} gA g g0M gM gS gT gg gh3 gtj g{k-30 _ goX gp, giq gRs, gs g{1= ge}, g} g~ gQh2== g g, gF g g g% g, g' g gh3== gو gZ g g g gk g g gW gn gj g9= gn g% g, g* g} g, g g g, gӡ g gJ gp g g. g| #. .# #.............. ....#..#.##### #.# #..#.#  #.# #..#.#  .###.###..#.#  ......†.....# ###.###..#.#  g_W####........# .@.........#.# -S....#############.# .## #  S   adder (asleep)  g! g#y74.0 (21.0) _ An adder comes into view. g g'S.S gF-5.0 (22 g g/ _The adder hisses angrily. g4Y #. .#  #.#   #.#     †.....#  #..#.#  ####.######........#  ..S....@.........#.#  .....#############.#  .###  g| #. .#  g:#.#   #.#     †.....#  #..#.#  ####.######........#  ..S....@.........#.#  .....#############.#  .###   g gH g0s _An adder is nearby! g  #. .#  #.#   #.#     †.....#  #..#.#  ####.######........#  ..S....@.........#.#  .....#############.#  .###  g #. .#  #.#   #.#     †.....#  #..#.#  ####.######........#  ..S....@.........#.#  .....#############.#  .###   g s _An adder is nearby! gQ #. .# # ....#..#. #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.# .###.###..#.# ......†.....## ####.###..#.#.####.######........#.S...@..........#.#S.....#.#.### #S   ball python (constriction, wandering) g^ g# glS...S. g16.0 (1.0) gpt _A ball python comes into view. g  #. .# #.. ....#..#.#.# #.# #..#.###.. #.# #..#.#... .###.###..#.#.. ......†.....# #. ####.###..#.##.####.######.#.S...S.#.#.#.#.#### ## g g g{ g[.....S  g&7 g g g-9  You slash the adder! g. gw5S.S   ball python (constriction, wandering) g>?73==8.2 (1.2 g> g BI _You kill the adder! g<8 #. .# # .. ....#..#. #.## #.# #..#.# ##... #.# #..#.# ...# .###.###..#.# ... ......†.....# #.# ####.###..#.#.#S####.######.#.#.#.#.#.##### ### g gi.SS) g5--90 g g5 _The ball python hisses angrily. gY #. .# # .. .. ....#..#. #.## .# #.# #..#.# ##..... #.# #..#.# ...#..###.###..#.# ... ......†.....# #.# ####.###..#.##.#.####.######.#.S.#.##.#.##....##### ## g\ gdc>.S gcB--80 gJi gl gN #. .# # .. .. ....#..#. #.## .# #.# #..#. ##..... #.# #..#. ...#..###.###..#. ... ......†..... #.# ####.###..#. g#.#.####.######..S@...#.#.#. #....#####  ####.# g R  The ball python bites you but does no damage. gvU SS 2 ball pythons (constriction, 1 wande…)The ball python closely misses you.A ball python comes into view.The ball python barely misses you. The ball python grabs you. g 0 =1Constr  g) g(_ _The ball python constricts you. gSJ=  You hit the ball python. g\S .SS)The ball python is moderately wounded. g$T]0---2.3 (1.1 gZ gj^z _The ball python bites you. The ball python constricts you. gp=  You hit the ball python. g g g..S†   ball python g'G10 53.5 (1.2 g) giO _You kill the ball python! gC #. .# # .. .. ....#..# #.## .# #.# #..# ##..... #.# #..# ...#..###.###..# ... ......†# #.# ####.###..#.##.#.####.######.S@....#.##.# #....#####  ####. gDP #.## guK gK#4 gK 0 gP gT _The ball python barely misses you. _You see here a ball python corpse. gw=  You hit the ball python. g{e. go1=--65.6 (1.1 g gO _You kill the ball python! g.4 gz3 g$5H _No target in view! gJ4 gC gH _No target in view! g# gt$ g( g-H _No target in view! g] g" g gH _No target in view! g S gS gX g[H _No target in view! g gD gL gC _No target in view! gF gG gbL gzN g g gg g= g^9  g=:  g?  gA  g  gO  g  g{  gd3  g4  gk9  g <  gX  g#  g5  g  gh  gۜ ; g/  g  g  gq  g I g  g~ P _ g  gt  g  g  g,  g 92 g[ E== g  gI  g  g  gp  g  g  g>  gx  g  g  g h3== gk  gS  g B g:  g , g8  g  g  g"  g  g-  g  gf 9= g  g  g  g1  g  g  gA , g  gR  g;  gv  g  g2" B g"  g&#  g/$ B g%  g& , gX&  g~'  g) , g)  g*  g+ , g',  gE-  g0. , g.  g0  g1 , g2  g9 X g:  g9D  gH , gI  gL j _h - 2 brown potions (gained 1) g/M  gM  gM  gP  gQ  gDQ  gQ  g^c  gd  gx .....................#.##..#.# #..##........##.##...#.......## .....................#.###.#.... #.##.##.#.##.##..#.#.... .... #.##....#.##.##..#.###.##.. # ## .#.#.##...............#. # #..#.# #.## ###.. ####..#.###.###.##.......- .####.#.###.###.###.# # #.#.###.....# #.# #.#......#..###.## #.#.###..........†. #.#.# ##.######.####.##.#.####.######............†............ .#.##... gx .....#########118.6 (33.0)-9.6 (34 gE~ 3 _o - a ring of positive energy g1 g g g4 g) gB gP g g g g, g gN g, g_ g gq g gV gC g, g g gM g g  g g-, g gV g gD g g gT, g g} g g, g g0, g gw g, g g g, g g g, g g g, g  g g, g g$ g g g gw g` g gC gf  gg B gl  g{ , g  g g#, gq g9 gB g gf, g g g, g g(, g g gX gB gr gg g g  g! g", g_# g$ gF&, g& gW( g), gL/n g1 g2, g)3 g5 gO6, g6 g8 g9 g9 gd: ga< g= g= gH> g? g5A, gA g gh, gI g g2, g; g  gS , g*  gZ g9, g g g#` gA$ g(B gf) g) gT* gD- g., gr/ g3 g; ###  ... .>#  #.#. #.#  ## #.#.####.#  B........#.######### .#.#.#.....# ... #..#.####.#### #.#.# #..#.# #.# #. #.#@# #..#.# #.#  #..##.#.# #....# #.#  g<^#.......###...## ##.# #............## #..###............# #.....#.# #....##.##...# #..##B   giant cockroach (asleep)..###....##....### #..#....#....##..#.# #..##. #......##..#.#######..# gD=! gC-67.6 (48 gKi.BB gK,8.6 (49 gR gwWb _A giant cockroach comes into view. gIM ###  ... .>#  #.#. #.#  ## #.#.####.#  ....... B#.#. ...  #.#.#  #.#  #. #.#@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ..# ##.#  #........  #............#  .# #....##.##...#  ...##....### #..#  ....#....##..#.# #..#  #. .  g _ ###  ... .>#  #.#. #.#  ## #.#.####.#  ....... B#.#. ...  #.#.#  #.#  #. #.#@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ..# ##.#  #........  #............#  .# #....##.##...#  ...##....###  ....#....##..#.#   #. . g4 g gbf _A giant cockroach is nearby! ga:##. ... .>#. #.#. .## #.#.####.# ..........#.#########..##B#.#.#............#.........#..#.####.####  #.#.# #..###.#.# #....# ...###...## ##.#.........## #..### #.............# #....##.##...#######....##....### ....#.#  gN; g~CF.B g]D89.6 (1.0) _ gI gK g I  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.=70.8 (1.2 _The giant cockroach closely misses you. x2 g[ C  You slash the giant cockroach! gb E† gf 581.9 (1.1 gk  gm S _You kill the giant cockroach! g  gf  g&  g H _No target in view! g g g gH _No target in view! g  g gu  g H _No target in view!g:gI;g @gtCH _No target in view!gg2gmgH _No target in view!g<P gC=_No target in view!gݩgwggg'g*g8GgWgggg!4g$gF+g4gg$g3gg]gg: _guggggg,gugggggj _ You see here a giant cockroach corpse.gsg~ _gWgg,gg g-,gggY,ggg=,g,g,g"g| _j - 3 scrolls labelled PUPROZ GAOR (gained 1)g3g,gFg,ggg{,g(ggL,gg2 g...S.  ...#  gV...#  ...# .#.#.# ##..###.....# ###  ...... ..... .>#  #..# #.#.# #.# #.####@.####.#.####.#gg- #.................#.### #.####..##.#.#.#.......g#.####.....†...#..#.###...##.#.###..#.g4# .#g #.####..##.#.# #..#.# S   ball python (constriction, asleep) .# #..##.#.# #....# gx0.# #.......###...## # .# # #............## #g\, 85.9 (14.0)  A ball python comes into view.g3l.SS)gX4F-6.9 (15g:g]>5 _The ball python hisses angrily.ggt ..... .S.# ...# ...#   ##..### ###  ...... ..... .>#  #..# #.#.# #.#  #.####@.#  #............. #.####..##.#.# #.....†..guh ...##.#.#  #..##.#.#   #..##.#.#   #...  #  g. ..... .S.# ...# ...#   ##..### ###  ...... ..... .>#  #..# #.#.# #.#  #.####@.#  go#............. #.####..##.#.# #.....†.. ...##.#.# #..##.#.#   #..##.#.#  #...  #  g/gggrb _A ball python is nearby!g 3 ..... .S.# ...# ...#   ##..### ###  ...... ..... .>#  #..# #.#.# #.#  #.####@.#  #............. #.####..##.#.# #.....†.. ...##.#.#  #..##.#.#   #..##.#.#   #...  #  gʰ  ..... .S.# ...# ...#   ##..### ###  ...... ..... .>#  #..# #.#.# #.#  #.####@.#  #............. #.####..##.#.# #.....†.. g ...##.#.# #..##.#.#   #..##.#.#  #...  #  g( g g g b _A ball python is nearby!go 1....?#.......S  ...# .#.#.# ##+####..###.....# ##................. .> #@.# #.#.# #.####..####.#.####.# #.................#.### ##.####.....†...### .........##.#.####.#### #..###.#.# #....# ###...##gs gt g| F.Sg} 17.0)gx g e _Found a scroll labelled GUFEHE  .S.# .#.#.# ##+####..###.....# ##.......@......... .>##.####..####.#.# ####..####.#.####.# ................#.### ##.#.#.#.......##.####.....†...## .......####.######.#.# #....#g_gF.Sg&8ggf _Found a scroll labelled MIBBURR NOATE.gCa  You hit the ball python but do no damage.The ball python bites you but does no damage.=90.1 (1.2g)bg|eX _The ball python barely misses  You closely miss the ball python. The ball python closely misses you. x2gW1--1.3gh  _The ball python bites you. The ball python barely misses you.gLU?  You slash the ball python!g ]C.g`1802.5g[mgqO _You kill the ball python!g$4ggH _No target in view!g4gg:H _No target in view!g8ggVg~H _No target in view!gug7vg|g H _No target in view!g_gggH _No target in view!gkg###.####..####.#.# #.# l   frilled lizard (asleep)#.####..####.#.####.# #.................#.#### #.####..##.#.#.#........g /200.5 (8.0g ==-g $1.5 (9g gp ^ _A frilled lizard comes into view.gO" ( ####l....# .........# .........# ......... ......... .?.....?###.#  ............#  .......@# ........# .$......#   ##+####..# ###  .... .>#  ##.####..# #.#  #.####..#  #........gD ####l....# .........# .........# ......... ......... .?.....?###.#  ............#  .......@# ........# .$......#   ##+####..#g"  .... .> ##.####..# #.#  #.####..# #........g4g|gDe _A frilled lizard is nearby!g[+ ####l....# .........# .........# ......... ......... .?.....?###.#  ............#  .......@#gB ........# .$......#   ##+####..# ###  .... .>#  g{^##.####..# #.#  #.####..#  #........ggI ####l....# .........# .........# ......... ......... .?.....?###.#  ............#  .......@# ........# .$......#   ##+####..#  .... .> ##.####..# #.#  #.####..# #........gRgLSg[g^e _A frilled lizard is nearby!g. #.....######l....#.# #.##.#.............. ?.....?###.#.....#..###.#........#  ..$......# .#.#.# ##+####..###.....# ### ................. .>##.####..####.#.# #.# #.####..####.#.####.# #.................#.###gg22.5 (1 _gsggr  #.....# #.....#######l....# .# ###.#.................?...@.?###.#.....#.###.#..#...$......# .#.#.####+####..###.....# ### ................. >##.####..####.#.# #.# #.####..####.#.####.#3gO  #.######l  ###.#....@.......?.....?###....###.#....$......# .#.#.# ###+####..###.....# ##................. .># g! gn f.llg% .=4g@ gh 8 _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.g@ ###########.. l...# ###.#............?.....?###.#....###.#. ...$......# .#.#.####+####..###.....# ##................. .>gLD gM F.lg%N .-5gV gY g g 5=6.6 (1.1g $ g _You barely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.gȂ  You slash the frilled lizard!.17.8 (1.2g؝ h _You kill the frilled lizard!gB  _No target in view!g Zg<[gagfH _No target in view!ggggRH _No target in view!g}) _No target in view!g4gPgH _No target in view!g4g g C _No target in view!g~gcg܅gg6g'7gF>gFAgg?gسgŶgIg gt"g"$ _g&,g!),g*g6n#.....##.....# #.....# ######.....# ...........# #...........##.###................#............?###.#. -..# ..........###.# ..#...$# .#.#.####+####..###.....# ###................. .>###.####..####.#.# #.##.####..####.#.####.#g:-9.8 (2.0gV;F-10.8 (3gZAgC_ _p - a scroll labelled GUFEHE CAINNgg?ggFgghg ,g,gagBggg%,gggpggggmgggQ #.....# #.....# #.....# #######.....# #...........# # #...........##.###g #........# #.........# #...@......###.#. #g ......# #..........###.# #..........# g#...$......# .#.#.# g####+####..###.....# g6V .................gO( g##.####..####.#.# #.####.#.###gE g1+6.8 (6g+7.8 (7gg`c _q - a scroll labelled MIBBURR NOATEg6g7g8g;g=,g C,gCg-DgDg7Gg"IgrIg$JgvLgN,gPgR,g?Sg WM _You now have 84 gold pieces (gained 11).gXgXgYg\7 _You open the door.g]^g^g_g%c@  There is an open door here.g9egsf5 _ghgkjgjg0kg#mg(o,gogpgArgr,gsgRuBgwg9ygygAzg|7 _You open the door.g~3g0g0  There is an open door here. _gg-gvgga,gg`N _You now have 101 gold pieces (gained 17).g3ggg,gggʙ,gghg#...##### #...................# #..........####....# #..........#....# #..........#g(g#####....######'####..###gحS.........'...............g0T######...######.####..###gx #..### #.####..###gŮ ##.@.# ###.# #.####..##.g] gï~.# ##.####..... .. .........##.gJ#........# #.# ##.####..##.#........# g. #..##. g   gnoll (polearm, asleep)#........# ##. #.....gU2#........# # # #.....  #..#........# .## #.....g( g̺ g37.8 (2gc 0.0)  gGA gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.gg1g.g)===8.8 (21ggw' _The gnoll shouts!g ......# #..........####....# #..........# #....# #..........# .#####....######'####..###..........'................######...######.####..#### #..### #.####..###...# #...........##@# #.####..##.# #.# ##.####.....†... .........##.##........# .##g# ##.####..##.##.g##. .. #..##.##.## ###.....#.# # # #. #..#.# .## #. #..#.##... .# 2 gnolls (polearms, 1 wandering)gK;---9.8 (1.0)g%gs _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.g/ D # .#####....######'####..###.........'...............######...######.####..#### #..### ##............. #######..##.# #@# #...†#..g............##.##........##.##.####.#####. .g  ##..... # ## #...## #... .###...##g g H  The gnoll shouts! You hear a shout!g gggg 3 gnolls (2 polearms)  The gnoll hits you but does no F====40g g r _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0$ gM/ g.  You closely miss the gnoll. The gnoll closely misses you.g/ 27-----=---1.9 (1.1g[9 g< 9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.gF  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.  The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear.g' p4----------3.0g7 g S _The gnoll closely misses you.g! 4g* g]. ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g7 4g g, ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g.#g#go+g-^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g34gBg ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g" _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g}g+ggV _You are too injured to fight recklessly!ggggg:y4gO}gg}4gCggg4gLqgougm4ggWgp\4g._gag9ggg gI4gPgSgg6gzg%g}g~ggtgNgg#g g)gօgggg8gggn4gvgzg   You closely miss the gnoll.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.g(4.1ggz _The gnoll hits you but does no damage. The gnoll closely misses you.g?l  You slash the gnoll!  The gnoll is severely wounded.g6ms22---=5.2gtgvo _The gnoll misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.g  You closely miss the gnoll.The gnoll is severely wounded.The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear.g w0----6.4 (1.2g g < _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.g9  You slash the gnoll!g ) 2 gnolls (1 polearm)  You kill the gnoll!g! 95-7.6 _The gnoll closely misses you.g+g.l _Your Long Blades skill increases to level 5!gcn..##.  #....# #..........# #####....######'####..###.........'................######...######..######..######............###@# ##.# #.# ##.####.....† #..)..........#.##g####.###. g. ##.## ##.   # ## .## ..### ggg=jgq<g.ger,80gzg}w _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll barely misses #...##### #.........# #.### #....# #.#  #....# #..........#  #####....######'####..### .........'...............######...######.####.. #..### #.####..####.@.# #..........###.#  #.# ##.####..... #..g............##. #.##.##g####.####..##. #.##. . #..## #.## ##. #  #.# # ## #  #..#.# .## #.....gxh gj gr og) g1=-9g6{ g w _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll barely misses you.gXM .... ####...##### #.........# #.##gMZ #....# #.# #....# #..........#  #####....######'####..## .........'..............######...######.####.. #.@### #.####..##...# #........###.# #.####..##gZN #g# ##.####... #..)g...........## #.##.##.####.####..## #.##. .gNl #..## #.## ##. # #.# # ## #gSgVgc@g.g(d'50glg*qw _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll barely misses you.g< ...... ###...####....#  #..........# #####....######'####..##.........'..............######.@.#####..### #.####..####...# #.........###g# ## #g# ##.####.... #..)..........##.####.###. .. ### ##. g@gCI  The gnoll attacks as it pursues you!gKSg.gM`16----1gUgpYC _The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear.g*.. #..... #....... #.####...##### #.........# #.####....# #.#  #....# #..........# #####....######'####..###........@'...............######...######.####..#g+#..### #.####..#####.g.# #..........###g# #.####..## #.# ##.####.....  #..)............##. #.##.##.####.####..##. #.##. .. #..##. g.g5g.g   gnoll (polearm)gO6.-2g=g@g .. #..... #..... #.###.#...##### #.......# #.###.gc #....# #.# #....# #.# .#####....######'####..###...######...######.####..#g 7#.g### #.####..###...# #.###g# #.####..##.#g #.# ##.####.....†#..).##.##.##.##.####.####..##.#g; x#.##. .. #..##.#g. g*# Xgg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)g2$ a12-------=3g, g(1 _The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear. _There is an open door here.gU .. #..... #..... #.###.##...##### #.#......# #.###.##....# #.g C# #....# #.# .######....######'####..###..'######...######.####..####.#.g### #.####..####.g$ ##g..# #.###g# #.# ##.####.....†. g   gnoll (#..).##.#.#.g+ ##.##.####.####..##.#.#.##. .. #..##.#.g* g, g( g.g 2 gnolls (1 polearm)-4 _g g5 g_g#....# #.# #....# #.# .#.######....######' #.####..####.#.##...# #.###g# #.####..##.#.#.#.# ##.####.....†.#..).g! 6##.#.# g g g+ J.ggg~, ^3=--7g(8 g; g .. #.# .... #.# .... #...###.#. #...##### #........# ......# #..........###.# #....# #..........# gU 9#....# #..........# .#.#.#####....######' #.####..####.#.###...# #.###g# #.####..##.#.#.##.# ##.####.....†...##..).##.#.# .##.##.####.####..##.#.#g  # .##. .. #..##.#.# #g2 g g p'gg8g g" gi.. #.# .... #..........# .... #..........###.#. #...##### #........# ......# #..........###.# #....# #..........# #....# #..........# .#.#.######....######'####..###.....#gj.'gg. ######...######.####..####.#.# #..### #.####..####.#.###...# #..###g# #.####..##.#.#.#.#.# ##.####.....†...#.#..)............##.#.###.##.##.####.####..##.#.# #.##. .. #..##.#.#,x&9gځgFg) #.##.### .. #....# .... #.........#.... #....###.#.g=`#...##### #.......# ......# #..........###.##....# #..........#  #....# #..........# .#.#.#  #####....######@####..###.....#.........'g.g.................  ######...######.####..####.#.# #..### #.####..####.#.#####...# #................###g# #.####..##.#.#.#. #.# ##.####.....†...#. #..)............##.#.###.gӞW##.##.####.####..##.#.# #.ggg|'60ggͿQ _There is an open door here.g #.# #  #.##.###  .. #.#  .... #......#.... #.###.#.#...##### #....# ......# #.###.##....# #.#  #....# #....@.....# .#.#.# #####....######'####..###.....# # .........'.g.g................ . ######...######.####..####.#.# #..### #.####..####.#.######...# #.................# g   gnoll (###g# #.####..##.#.#.#. #.# †...#..# #..)............##.#.###..#g g Q.ggܔ m14==1 _g gȞ gYgg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)g^g&2gVg _hits you from afar with a +0 is an open door here. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door. _There is an open door here. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door.g$#g5gF6&3gx?gICre is an open door here. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door. _There is an open door here. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door.g gg &4ggre is an open door heregQ%. _You close the door. A gnolgp ol opens the door. _There is an open door here. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door.g eg+pgTqR5=5g~ _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door. _There is an open door here. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door.g%3grFR6g IA _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door.g 2'g{ gJ &7g& g=* V _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door.breaks down the door.g}#######.....# #.# #  #.##.### .. #.# .... #......# .... #.###.#. #...##### #....# ......# #.###.##....# #.#  #....# #..........# .#.#.# ####....######'####..###.....# ## ........' .> #####...######.####..####.#.# #.#..### #.####..####.#.####.##...# #.................####g# #.####..##.#.#.#.... #.# ##.####.....†...#..#.g[37gm.=8 _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll closely misses you.gV  #.....# #######.....# #.# #  #.##.###  #....#  #......# ... #.###.#. ...##### #....#  ......# #.###.##....# #.#  #....# #..........# .#.#.# ###....######g####..###.....# ### .......'.g.g................ .># ####...######.####..####.#.# #.##..### #.####..####.#.####.###...# #.................#.####g# #.####..##.#.#.#....g g gAZ7 g'.gThe gnoll attacks as it pursues you!12--9 gPu5_The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear. gӯDrink which item? Potions  b - a glowing green potion  h - 2 brown potions  k - a pink potion  g l - a fuming inky potion [!] read|quaff[?] describe selected!gC !g !g" #.....#Selgeron the Slasher#######.....#Demonspawn#...........# #Health: 12/33 ========----------------#...........##.###Magic: 4/4======================== .#................#!gZ# AC: 6Str: 15 ...#................#EV: 10Int: 8 ...#..........###.#.SH: 0Dex: 16 ...##### #..............#XL:  4 Next: 95% Place: Dungeon:3  ......# #......@...###.#!g $ Noise: =--------  Time: 2269.6 (0.0)#....# #..........#a) +0 long sword#....# #....g.....# .#.#.#Throw: 3 throwing nets ###....######'####..###.....# ### .......'.g..g............... .># ####...######.####..####.#.# #.# gg 2 gnolls (1 polearm)!gA% #..### #.####..####.#.####.###...# #.................#.####g# #.####..##.#.#.#..... _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door. _You close the door. A gnoll opens the door. _You close the door. A gnoll breaks down the door. _The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll closely misses you.The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! _The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 spear.!gp- !g; g.22========70.6 (1!gYD !g;G  _It was a potion of curing. You feel better. The gnoll closely misses you.#g #######.....# #...........# # #.##.### .. #......# .... #....#. ####.#. #...##### #.....#  ......# ####.# #....# #.#  #....# #....g.....# .#.#.# #g####....######g####..###.....# ## ........'.g.................. .> #####...######.####..####.#.# #.  #..### #.####..####.#.####. ##...# #.................#. ###g# #.####..##.#.#.#.... #.# ##.####.....†...#..##g"#g)xg'1#g1#g4K _The gnoll misses you.#g'#g/:g.#g0-2.8 (1.2#g 7#ge: _You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll misses you.#gY  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 club.#g[p19=====---4.0#gb#gtf _The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll barely misses you.$g7  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 club. _The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll bar  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll hits you but does no damage.  The gnoll hits you with a +0 club.  The gnoll is seared by the foul flame within you!  The gnoll is heavily wounded.6-----5.2 _The gnoll misses you.$g ~  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is almost dead.5---6.3 (1.1 _The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.$g?9  You slash the gnoll!$g )   gnoll (  You kill the gnoll!#######.....#Selgeron the Slasher#...........# #Demonspawn#...........##.###Health: 16/33 ===========------------- ..#................#Magic: 4/4======================== ....#................#AC: 6Str: 15 ....#..........###.#.EV: 10Int: 8 $g#...##### #..............#SH: 0Dex: 16......# #..........###.#XL:  4 Next: 110% Place: Dungeon:3#....# #....)@....#Noise: =--------  Time: 2277.4 (1.1)#....# #....g.....# .#.#.#a) +0 long sword ####....######'####..###.....# ## Throw: 3 throwing nets ........'.g.................. .> #####...######.####..####.#.# #.#..### #.####..####.#.####. g   gnoll (polearm)##...# #.................#.###g# #.####..##.#.#.#....#.# ##.####.....†...#..#. _The gnoll misses you.[19;$gE12HYou hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is almost dead. _The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.  You slash the gnoll!  You kill the gnoll!$g _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.  You have reached level 5!$g//  --more--%gnY 8/38=5/55 5%  Your demonic ancestry asserts itself...%ga %geo d _Your fingernails lengthen.&g \  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.&g ^7-8.5&g &g} 9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.'gJ  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.'gLc8=9.7 (1.2'gS'gW< _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.'g`  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is heavily wounded.'gd)80.9'g!'gj(R _The gnoll barely misses you.'g#9  You slash the gnoll!'gf)'g6132.0 (1.1'g}'gI _You kill the gnoll!'g9  #...........# # #.##.###.. #......#  .... #.#  .... ####.#.  #...##### #.....#  ......# ####.#'g n #....# #....).....#  #....# #....@.....# .#.#.# #####....######'####..###.....# # .........'.g.................. . ######...######.####..####.#.# # #..### #.####..####.#.#### ##...# #.................# ###g# #.####..##.#.#.#.. #.# ##.####.....†...#..##..)............##.#.###..#'g 'g1 4-30'g 'gR N _You see here a +0 spear.'gYBInnate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutationsa - You have sharp fingernails.b - You are faintly shadowed, very rarely releasing foul flame when damaged in (g) (g4%#...........# #Selgeron the Slasher#...........##.###Demonspawn..#................#Health: 18/38 ===========-------------....#................#Magic: 5/5========================....#..........###.#.AC: 6Str: 15  #...##### #..............#EV: 10Int: 8......# #..........###.#SH: 0Dex: 16#....# #....).....#XL:  5 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:3#....# #....@.....# .#.#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 2283.0 (0.0) #####....######'####..###.....# # (g%:a) +0 long sword .........'.g.................. . Throw: 3 throwing nets ######...######.####..####.#.# ##..### #.####..####.#.######...# #.................# ###g# #.####..##.#.#.#... #.# ##.####.....†...#..# #..)............##.#.###..# You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is heavily wounded. _The gnoll barely misses you.You slash the gnoll! _You kill the gnoll! _You see here a +0 spear.(gK,(g,(g&4(g5)g)go  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   2.0   3.0   0   j - Spellcasting   0.0   1.2  -1           b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.2  -1       c - Throwing   1.7   2.4  -1              )g d - Short Blades   3.1   1.2  -1       e * Long Blades   5.2   7.1  -1               f - Armour   0.0   1.2  -1       g - Dodging   2.6   3.6  -1       h - Shields   1.0   2.4  -1       i - Stealth   0.0   1.0   0    )g                                          The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targets*gO*gR*g[C#...........# #Selgeron the Slasher#...........##.###Demonspawn..#................#Health: 18/38 ===========-------------....#................#Magic: 5/5========================....#..........###.#.AC: 6*g\Str: 15  #...##### #..............#EV: 10Int: 8......# #..........###.#SH: 0Dex: 16#....# #....).....#XL:  5 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:3#....# #....@.....# .#.#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 2283.0 (0.0) #####....######'####..###.....# # a) +0 long sword .........'.g.................. . Throw: 3 throwing nets ######...######.####..####.#.# ##..### #.####..####.#.######...# #.................#*g*]e ###g# #.####..##.#.#.#... #.# ##.####.....†...#..# #..)............##.#.###..# You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is heavily wounded. _The gnoll barely misses you.*g]You slash the gnoll! _You kill the gnoll! _You see here a +0 spear.*gd*gYe*gl*gSn,g,gfb  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   2.0   3.0   0   j - Spellcasting   0.0   1.2  -1           b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.2  -1       c - Throwing   1.7   2.4  -1          ,g     d - Short Blades   3.1   1.2  -1       e * Long Blades   5.2   7.1  -1               f - Armour   0.0   1.2  -1       g - Dodging   2.6   3.6  -1       h - Shields   1.0   2.4  -1       i - Stealth   0.0   1.0   0 [,g36m                                             The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targets-go e - Long Blades   5.2-g = e + Long Blades 5.2-g0 e * Long Blades o e - Long Blades   5.20g( = b + Unarmed Combat 0.01g) b * Unarmed Combat   0.01gS1gG1g#...........# #Selgeron the Slasher#...........##.###Demonspawn..#................#Health: 18/38 ===========-------------....#................#Magic: 5/5========================....1g#..........###.#.AC: 6Str: 15  #...##### #..............#EV: 10Int: 8......# #..........###.#SH: 0Dex: 16#....# #....).....#XL:  5 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:3#....# #....@.....# .#.#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 2283.0 (0.0) 1g#####....######'####..###.....# # a) +0 long sword .........'.g.................. . Throw: 3 throwing nets ######...######.####..####.#.# ##..### #.####..####.#.######...# #.................# ###g# #.####..##.#.#.#... #.# ##.####.....†...#..# #..)............##.#.###..# You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is heavily wounded. _The gnoll barely misses you.You slash the gnoll! 1gP]_You kill the gnoll! _You see here a +0 spear.1gkJ1g1gY31gr[1g^1gabp9= _1g2c1gc1ghB1gQi1gel,1gm1gxp1gpL20=1g[r1gt,1gu1gYx,1gy1g|1g|L1=1g~1g,1g1g},1g1g,1gˌ1g1gK2=1gU1g,1g31g,1g1g,1g.1gi3=1g1g,1g%1g,1g1g,1gD1g941gW;==1gʵ1gl,1gA1g,1g)1g1gO1g1g1gK5=1g1g,1g51g,1g,1g',1g1gG1gL6=1g 1g,1gH1g5,1g1g1gk27==1g1g,1g1g1g1gJ1g1g1ga1g1gW8=1g1g,1g1g1gk1g1g>,1gV 9=1gY X1gz 1g $301g 2=1gi' 1g* Z1=1g2 1g_7 B1g9 1g9 a2==1gI; 1g= 1g> 1g3? 1gA ,1gG 1gI ,1g&K 1gM 1g.N U3=1gO 1gR 1g^R 1gS 1gYV ,1gW 1gbZ 1gZ K4=1g0\ 1g^ ,1g[` 1g7b 1gb 1gc 1gf ,1gLh 1g`j 1gj h5==1go B1gp 1gq ,1gr 1gs ,1gt 1gu 1g>v U6=1gv 1gx ,1gy 1g| 1gO| 1g} 1gG ,1g 1gN 1g K7=1gB 1g̈́ ,1g 1g߆ ,1g 1g ,1g) 1gt 1g h8==1g 1g 1g ,1g 1g 1gP ,1g 1go 1g2 1g 1gڤ 1g 1gF 1gͪ 9=1g 1gŮ 1g ,1g 1g 1g= 1g| 1g 1g 1gy #.......# #................#  #..........###.#. ### #..............# ..# #..........###.# ..# #....).....# # ..# #....).....# .#.#.# ..######'####..###.....# ### ..'.g............) .># 3680.0) ..######.####..####.#.## #.# ### #.####..####.#.####.# ...# #.................#.##### ##g# #.####..##.#.#.#..........#.# ##.####.....†...#..#.#### ..)............##.#.###..#.# #.# 1gE ".##.####.####..##.#.# #..#.# # . .. #..##.#.# #....# #1g 1g ,4.0 (811g 1g # _Found a whip.1g% 31g& 1gV+ 1g/- ,1g|1 ,1g2 1g83 1g3 1g8 1g#: ,1gU; 1g= 1g7? 1g? 1gM@ 1g'B 1gC 1gD 1gD 1gG 1gqI ,1gDJ 1gGL 1gM 1g=N 1gN 1gwS 1gT ,1g]U 1gnV 1guW ,1gW 1gY 1gZ ,1g[ ,1g&_ B1gc 1gbe 1ge 1gJf 1gh 1gi 1g!j 1gj 1gm 1go ,1gmp 1gr 1gXt ,1gu 1gw 1gy ,1gz 1g| 1g ~ ,1g~ 1g 1gށ ,1gʂ 1gr 1ge ,1gm 1g 1gP ,1g 1gx =  You see here a +0 spear.1g 1g7  _1gj 1g A  There is a broken door here.1g 1g:  _1g 1g 1g՝ ,1g 1g˟ 1gԠ ,1gy 1g* 1g 1g] 1gV 1g; 1g 1g 1g 1g^ 1g2 ,1gα 1g 1g 1gP 1gv 1g 1g¸ ,1g* 1g 1gL ,1g> 1g 1g ,1g 1g> 1g ,1g| 1gr 1g ,1g 1g 1g ,1g4 1gA 1gu ,1g 1g2 1g ,1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1gJ 1g 1g ,1g 1g 1g ,1g 1g 1g ,1g! 1gh 1g 1gh ,1gH 1gp 1g 1g 1g B1g 1g 7 _You open the door.1g 31g 1gg @  There is an open door here.1gf 1g  _1g 1g 1gz 1g 1g 1g  1g} ,1g 1g( 1gz ,1g- 1gl 1g 1g 1g] 1ge X1gs 1gZ ,1g^ 1g 1g 1g 1g" 1gg$ 1g_& ,1gr' 1g( 1g) ,1gh* 1gg+ 1g, 1g- 1g- 1g/ 1g1 ,1g32 1g[ p  You see here a +0 spear. _  You see here a +0 spear. _1gZ` X1ga 1gb 1gd ,1ge 1g h ,1gj ,1gk ,1g?l 1gm 1gs 1gs 1gt 1gu 1gv ,1gw 1gy 1gaz ,1gz 1g{ 1gB| 1g| 1g| 1g} 1g 1gK 1g 1gb 1g 1gق 1g# 1gDŽ 1g 1gg ,1g: 1g ,1gC 1g 1g ,1g 1g 1g 1gW ,1gҍ 1g B1g 1gQ z ##########  J......@.## ##### ...#####..#### #.... ##....# #.... #....# #.... #....# # #....# #.... J   endoplasm (asleep) 1gÖ ##...##### #.... #.......# #.... ####....# #....1g .443.0 (791g ,4.0 (801gY 1g ] _An endoplasm comes into view.1g~  ########## J......@.##  ...#####..####  ##....#  #....#  #....#  #....#  ##...#####  #.......#  ####....# 2g' ########## J......@.##  2g(...#####..####  ##....#  #....#  #....#  #....#  ##...#####  #.......#  ####....# 2g.2gN/2g<62gW9a _An endoplasm is nearby!2gA#.J..## #...#####..#### ## ##....# # #....# # #....# # #....# # ##...##### #2gB #.......# # ####....# #2g]I2gJ85.0 (1.0) _2gYO2gCR2g z#.J.## #...#####..#### # #S ##....# # #....# # #....# # #....# # ##...##### #S   ball python (constriction, asleep) #.# # ####....# #2g 2g7 .  A ball python comes into view.2g &62g 2g" 8 _The ball python moves out of view.2gC #.J.## #...#####..#### # #.S ##....# ##. #....# ## #....# # #....# # ##...##### #. S   ball python (constriction)2g!  #.# # ####....# #2g 2g 2gʒ 2gT .J.S.J2g& &72gڟ 2g ^ _The endoplasm quivers.2g# ?  You slash the ball python!2g 2g S.J.2g 5=8.1 (1.12g  2g O _You kill the ball python!2g G#.J@.....## #...#####..#### # #... ##....# # #... #....# # #... #....# ####. #....# ##. ##...##### #.. #.# # ####....# #2g 2g ,902g 2gA Z _The endoplasm completely misses you.2g  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is almost dead.2g .50.3 (1.22gp 2g @ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.2g r  You hit the endoplasm but do no damage.The endoplasm is almost dead.2gr -1.4 (1.12g(y 2g{ @ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.2g  You slash the endoplasm!.2g< 042.52g4 2g M _You kill the endoplasm!2gS 2g 2g 2gթ H _No target in view!2g2ge2g2g H _No target in view!2gNj2gp2g2g9H _No target in view!2g 2g 2g2geH _No target in view!3g=3g>3gxC3gEH _No target in view!3g3g3g3g%C _No target in view!3g43gJ53g:3g<3gS3g3g<3gA3gX(3g )3g-3g.3gL;I3gD<3g]=3g@P _3g1A,3gA3g_C3gID3gD3gE3gF3gF3g'G3gyG3gH3glI3gI3gI3gK3gK,3gEL3gxM3gN,3gO3gP3g#3gQ3gފB3g3g,3gu3g3gB3g3gŖ,3g3g3g1,3gΛ3g3g,3gǠ3gߣ4 _You open the door.3gϥ33gͦ3g@  There is an open door here.3gU3g _3g3g֯3g03g3g3g3g',3g3g3g,3g3gܻ3g.,3gh3g3g,3g3g+3gP,3g3g _You now have 115 gold pieces (gained 14).#####.###############>................###..####...#####..###.###..## #...# ##....## #...# #....-79.5 (27.0)#.#.# #...# #.... # #.# ###.# #.... #.#.#####.# ##... #.........# #... ###.......##### ### ####........#  3g#........######........+.....3g]3g"G-80.5 (283g3g; _Found a stone staircase leading down.3g03g 9B3gRQ3gS3g7T,3gU3gW,3gX3gZ3g[3gV[3g[3g]3g_,3g`3gCb3gUc3gc3gc3ge3g)g3gg3gg3gjR  There is a stone staircase leading down here.3gl3gm _3gm3gNo3gfp3gp3gq3gr3g*t3glt3gt3g]w3gx,3gVy3g{3gB/    3gۃ        .###.###### ###  ...###.##########  S#.#.......>........  ######.###..####...##  3g(| #.###..## #...#   #.......# #...#  3gG #####.#.# #...# S   ball python (constriction, asleep)   #.#.# ###.#   #.#.#####.#   #.........#3g -92.5 (123g9S.S)3gޏ,3.5 (133gו3g^ _A ball python comes into view.3g) .###.###### ###  .S.....@..# .#.#.......>... ######.###.. #.###..## #...#  #.......# #...#  #####.#.# #...#  #.#.# ###.#     3gr ^ .###.###### ###  .S.....@..# .#.#.......>... ######.###..#.###..## #.......# 3gs #####.#.# #...# #.#.# 3gz 43gՁ 3go b _A ball python is nearby!3g        # #.###.###### ###  .S....@...###.  .#.#.......>.  ######.###..####...   #.###..## #...#   #.......# #...#  3gH A #####.#.# #...#   #.#.# ###.#   #.#.#####.#   #.#3gs 3g B.S3g 84.0) _3g3 3g 4ga7  ## .. #. #. #.  #. #.###.###### ### .S.###. .#.#.>  ######.###..####...  #.###..## #...  #.# #... 4gb= #####.#.# #...  #.#.# ###.  #.#.#####.  #.4gId4gqe4gek<..S4gk&54gq4gr4g=  You hit the ball python.4ge.4gk=5=6.7 (1.24g4gO _You kill the ball python!4gR4g?T4gW4gnZH _No target in view!4g4g4g4gH _No target in view!4gC4gD4gI4gKH _No target in view!4gc4g4g~4gH _No target in view!4gB>4g>4gC4gEH _No target in view!4g/4g 4gλ4gIC _No target in view!4gg4gh4gl4gCo4g 4g4g|4g4g[4g]4gag4gl4gS4g4g4gu4gt_4g4g| _4g>4g4gP 4g 4g" 4g 4g 4g 4go 4g0 4g 4g 4g> 4g 4g 4g 4g 4g 4g X4g 4g 4gM 4g 4g  ,4g 4g/ 4g 4gm 4g 4g 4g 4g 4gi 4g. 4gd 4g 4g 4g 4g5! 4g! 4g! 4gW# 4g$ ,4g#% 4gP& 4g;' 4g' 4g' 4g) 4g>* ,4gI+ 4g+ 4g&, ,4g, 4g0 4g\1 ,4g1 4g4 4g5 4ga5 4g5 4g@9 4g9 ,4g: 4g> 4g? B4gB 4gC 4gC 4g.D 4gH 4gI 4gkJ 4gJ 4g/M 4gM ,4g4N 4gRP 4gP ,4g(Q 4g3.25g{ 5gO _You closely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.5gU q  You hit the frilled lizard but do no damage.5gU -4.4 (1.25g}_ j _The frilled lizard misses you.5gU @  You hit the frilled lizard.5gO g†5g -5.5 (1.15g 5gg R _You kill the frilled lizard!5gG 5g= 5g 5g H _No target in view!5gA 45g  5gP H _No target in view!5g:w 5gw 5g; 5g H _No target in view!5g 5g 5g 5g H _No target in view!5gn5gn5gv5g5yH _No target in view!5g!5g5g5gf5g5gl$ _5g1,5gS5g؝5g+5gM5g5g5g5gs5g ,5g5g2,5g5g? _No target in view! _p - 2 scrolls labelled GUFEHE CAINN (gained 1)5gܿ5gV5g5g5g,5g5g5g,5gy5g5g5g5g<5gI #........# ####'##### ######### #.......#  #.......# #....... #.......# #.. #.......# #..5gV #.......######'##... #..........###.##... #..@.....†.'....#...- #..........###..#... +..........# #..#... ####......## #..#... #......# #..# #......# #..# 5g(#......# #... #......# #.....#### ##.....5g5.84.5 (9.05gI-5.5 (10.0)5g5glb _s - a scroll labelled GASMATHRUNUH6g36gٜ6gX6g6g6g,6gj6gҨ6g6gz6g,6g6g6g|6g6g6g6gٹ6g?6g<6gý6gv6gտ6g6gC6g!6g6g6g6g6g6g6g6g6g6g66gg#..........###..#...+..........# #..#...####......## #..#... #......# #..#... #......# #..## #......# #6gQ&#.#.####......# #..............#### ##.......# #...#.#.#......# ##.#### #......# #####.###.......#####.....##..#####....##.....###.#.#####..#.##..##.### . ............##.##. ##.#..#......#..#..##.#..#6g294.5 (9.0)6g/5.5 (10.0)6g6gDZ _t - a bubbling blue potion6g36g6gS6g(6g6gB6gx6g6g6g6gt6g6g66g,6g6g6g?6g6g 6g6g=6g6g6g 6g 6g9 6g 6g( 6gR,6g,6g ,6g6g06g6g,6g16g 6gt6g6g6g06g6g6g)6gI6g6g6g} 6g!6gC",6g=%6g"&6g&6g&6g8(6g=),6g)6gQ+6g-B6gX/6gW0,6g.16g036g%46g46g46g76g5<B6g=6g>,6g?6gB6gC,6gD6gF6gjH,6gI6gLX6g|N6gQB6gSB6gT6grXP  There is a stone staircase leading up here.6gcZ6gZ _6g[6g]6g_6g_6g!`6gc6gd,6ge6gDg6ghh6gh6g i6gk6gCl,6g%m6gn6gtn6gt,6gMv6gw6gw6g{n6gh}6gT,6g6g6g6gU6g6g[6g6g6g6gE6gƋ6g!6g6g.6gE6g6g6g6g6g6gJ6gŕ6gYB6gʘ6gؙ,6g6g6g6g{6gʝ6g6gϠ,6g6g6g6g 6g\6g6g6gB6g|6g6g6g6gU6g6g6g 6gW6g 6g6gg6gIJ6g66g{,6gڵ6g6g,6g6g.6g6gz6gĻ6g6g,6g16gz6g,6g6gC6g,6g6g6gL,6g6g`6g,6gJ6g6g9,6g6g6g>,6g6gZ6g,6g,6g6g6g6g6gP6g,6g6gx6g6g 6gn6g6g,6g6gu6g,6g^6gX6g,6g_6gW6g6g-6gd6g26g,6gK6g6g6g6g6g,6g{,6g76g6g;6g6g6g6g6g$6g6g6g ,6g+6g6gR,6g'6gc 6g 6g 6gy 6g: 6g,6ge6gC6g,6g6g6g)6g6g6gO6g6g'6g6g)6g,6g`6g|6g ,6gl!6g"6g $,6g$6gK&6g',6g(6g)6gp+,6g+6g.6g/6gK06g06g'26ga3,6g36gf56g6,6g76g<6g;>6g?6g|?,6g@6gA6g9B,6gC6gD6gD6gE6g I6g J6g[J6gJ6gM6grN6gN6gN6gQ6gR,6gS6gU6gV6gV6g6W6gY6gZ6g"[,6gV]6g^,6g _6g`6ga6gEb6gb6gd6g f,6gf6gh6gCj6gj6gk6gBm6gn,6gn6gp6gp,6gcq6gr6gvs6gs6gt6gu6gw6gT6gt6g6gY,6gs6g6g,6g6gP6gј6g;6g6g-6g6g6gӞ6gW6g,6g&6g6g,6g6gp6g6gA6g6g6g6gG6g56g6g6gt6g6g6gt,6g6gr6g  +..........# #   ####......## #  6gz #......# #  # ### #......# #  #. #.### #......# # 6g  ####.##.#.####......# #   .................#### #   #<............# # 6gf  #@#.#......# #711.5 (116.0)   #.#.#......# #### 6g'  ###.........#####..   #.....##6g`##.  6g) #.#.#.#####..#.##..#   #.#................# 6g1  #.#.#.###.#..#....   #.#.#.##.....#..#..#  #.#.#.###...........6g96g,276g6g-9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.6g\6gA]6gb6gdH _No target in view!6g#6g$6g)6gy+H _No target in view!7g'_7g2`7g0e7gqgH _No target in view!7g7g7ga7gH _No target in view!7gN7giO7gS7gUH _No target in view!7g/7g7g7g=C _No target in view!7g=7g>7gHC7gE7g7g7gp 7gcp7g q7gu7gw7gI7g7g+7g$ _7gƌX7g87g X7g7g,7gr7g7g,7g7gA7g27g7g`7g7g7gO7g7gߡ7g,7gl7gʦ4 _You open the door.7g&  # #.....[.#. 7gί[#.......#.##  #.......#....  #.......#..†.  #.......#..........  #+..........  #####...... 7gs #......20.5 (8.0) ### #......  #.##.### #......#  #####.##.#.####......#  #.................###  #####<.....# 7g°  ####.#.#......#   #.#.#......#  7gR ###.........#####7g7g+1.5 (97g7gk _Found a ring mail. _There is an open door here.7gHI7g`K7gg: _7gXl,7gm,7gn7g"q7gr7g s7gs7gP7g,7g7g7g,7g7gѡ7gG,7g37gz7g,7g7gg7g7gb7gI7g ################# #..... #.......#.......# #.....7g #.......#.......# #..... #.....[.#.......# # #.......#.......######'# #.......#..........###.# #.......#........†.' #.......#..........###.. #......@+..........# #..7gQ #.......####......## #.. ##'###### #......# #.. #.#### #......# #.. #.##.### ## #.. #####.##.#.##### #..7g] #.................#### ##. #####<............# #.. ####.#.#......# ##.7g.....................'......9.5 (8###...7g7gM======30.5 (97gE7g = _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!7gM  _No target in view!7gT7gf37gZ7g7g&: _7g0@  There is an open door here.7g7g _7gK7gB7g7g27g7g7g7gr7g7g7gL,7gD7g[7gx7g7g=7g7g=7g7gZ7g.7gu,7gt 7g7g~7g7g7g7g0,7g7g(j  You see here a frilled lizard corpse.7g*7ge,5 _7g27g47g757gb67gi>@  There is an open door here.7g3@7g@ _7gA8g8g,8g 8g8g&8g(,8g(%n8g*B8g,8g.,8g)/8gO58g6,8g78gR>8g@,8gB8gI8gYL,8gLM8g]y`8g }8ĝB8gV8g,8g8g8g܍,8g/8g8gE8g8gC8g8g,8g8g8g,8g8g֧8g,8gn8g98gѯ,8g8g|8g8g8g_8gB8gм8g8g8g98g8g8g)8g8g8g8g,8gy8g8gZ8g8g8g28g8g8g(8g8gN n8gS8gV8g{8g8g 8gK8g7e#.###.##..............#  ............#..#.######  #.###.###.###..#.#  #.....# #.# #..#.#  8g8)...#..###.###..#.#  #..........÷  ##.######.###..#.#  ##.######........#  ...............#@#  ------88.5 (58.0) ...#############.#  #### #.#   #.#   #.#   ###  8g:    ------8g?8gAE _Done exploring.8g8gv38g} ................08g$.0)8g"8g%E _Done exploring.8gz8gd8g8g¦ _There is an open door here. _You see here a frilled lizard corpse. _There is an open door here. 8gS_Done exploring.No target in view!9g/9g0Where to? (Tab - D:3, ? - help)  D - Dungeon 9g19g9g֝([?25h[?0c#.###.##..............#   Selgeron the Slasher ............#..#.######   Demonspawn #.###.###.###..#.#  Health: 38/38 ======================== #.....# #.# #..#.#9g  Magic: 5/5======================== ...#..###.###..#.#  AC: 6Str: 15 #..........÷.....#  EV: 10Int: 8 ##.######.###..#.#  SH: 0Dex: 16 ##.######........#  XL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:3 ...............#@#  Noise: ---------  Time: 2788.5 (0.0) ...#############.#  a) +0 long sword ####9gȠ#.#  Throw: 3 throwing nets#.# #.# ###         _You see here a frilled lizard corpse. _There is an open door here. _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _No target in view!  What level of the Dungeon? (default 3, ? - help) 9g [?25l[?1c9g 49g8 9g 9g?  _9g_, 9g2- 9g- 9g2 9g4 9gp5 9g5 9g8 9gp: ,9g; 9g;> 9g? ,9g@ 9g4C 9gbD 9gE ,9gpG 9g*I ,9gI 9gM 9gN 9g#O 9gP 9g>S 9gV ,9gTW 9gY 9g}[ 9g[ 9g\ 9g_ 9ga ,9gb 9gd 9gbf 9gf 9gg 9gm X9gvs n9gRu ,9gv 9g/x 9gqy 9gy 9g\z 9gQ| 9g ~ ,9g~ 9gр 9ĝ ,9g 9g 9g 9g 9g} 9gt 9g 9gU 9g 9g Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.9g 9g~ 9g $ _9g 9g' 49g( 9g|4 9  You climb downwards.9g<5 9g6 9gF _Edmund shouts! The ogre shouts! You hear a shout!  Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.  There is a stone staircase leading up here.9g,%h ##  #.###  .r..#  ##....  #...#  #...##..O  #@....... ====810.3 (21.8) #...@..##.....  ...#.#### <.. # .  @   Edmund O   ogre r   quokka  _There are monsters nearby!:g\T##.### .r..###....:g3U#####...###...#...##..O#....#<.......#...@@.##.........#.#### <.. # . r   quokka :gZ:g\:g`:gqD .rO.KO   ogrer   quokkaK   koboldA kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.Edmund hits you with a +1 dire flail of draining!:gwAP: 27/36 (38):gu------==--1.3 (1.0)Drain:g:g` :gC_You feel drained.;gnSelgeron the Slasher##Demonspawn#.###HP: 27/36 (38) ==================------....#MP: 5/5========================##r...AC: 6Str: 15#####...#EV: 10Int: 8##...#...##.O.SH: 0Dex: 16#....#<.......;goXL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:4#...@@.##.....Noise: ==-------  Time: 2811.3 (0.0).K..#.#### <..a) +0 long sword. #.Throw: 3 throwing netsDrain@   EdmundO   ogrer   quokkaK   kobold _You feel drained.Throw: 3 throwing netsPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - EdmundAim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (umbra, 62% to hit);g Selgeron the Slasher##Demonspawn#.###HP: 27/36 (38) ==================------....#MP: 5/5;g ========================##r...AC: 6Str: 15#####...#EV: 10Int: 8##...#...##.O.SH: 0Dex: 16#....#<.......XL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:4#...@@.##.....Noise: ==-------  Time: 2811.3 (0.0).K..#.#### <..a) +0 long sword. #.Throw: 3 throwing netsDrain@   EdmundO   ogrer   quokkaK   koboldThrow: 3 throwing netsPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (;g 7/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - EdmundAim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (umbra, 62% to hit)  You throw a throwing net. The throwing net hits Edmund.;g /  --more--<g) @(caught)Edmund is caught in the net!<g<gې<g.rO.@<go-2.2 (0.92 _<g <gϦ<g4 You catch the helpless Edmund completely off-guard!  You slash Edmund!  Edmund is lightly wounded.<g <g <g5<g.r..##.OK.<gV--3.3 (1.1<g%<g22 _Edmund struggles against the net. x2<gOYou hit Edmund but do no damage.<g<gb?  Edmund is lightly wounded.<g(.r..O..K<g=8=4.5 (1.2<gn<g*u _Edmund struggles against the net. The quokka barely misses you.<g3  You catch the helpless Edmund completely off-guard!  You slash Edmund!  Edmund is moderately wounded.<g6<g@uO..K <guA`24--5.7=gw=g M _The quokka bites you. Edmund struggles against the net.=gc  You hit Edmund but do no damage.Edmund is moderately wounded.=g2f=gQq K#rO..  The quokka barely misses you. Edmund struggles against the net.6.9=g>x=g|T _The quokka closely misses you.=g[4  You hit Edmund.=g!  Edmund is heavily wounded.Edmund struggles against the net.  The net rips apart, and Edmund comes free!=g- ....S@@O@S   adder (wandering)r   quokka(…)The kobold closely misses you. The quokka barely misses you.=g._5--8.1=g6=g9Y _An adder comes into view.=gJ ##  #.### =g, ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r....S..  #...@@O#  ....#.#### <..  . # .   S =g  The kobold closely misses you. The quokka barely misses you. _An adder comes into view.closely miss Edmund.  The ogre barely misses you.  Edmund says, "I'm quite good with sums, too."=g2~ ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r....S..  #...@@O#  ....#.#### <..  . # .   r  ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r....S..  #...@@O#  ....#.#### <..  . # . [=gw1K   Edmund hits you with a +1 dire flail of draining!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *=gS_ ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r....S..  #...@@O#  ....#.#### <..  . # .   r6/34 (38) ------------=g]/  --more--=g  ##  #.###  ....#  ##.... =gӹW #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r....S..  #...@@O#  ....#.#### <..  . # .    =gYou feel drained.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *>gKQ ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  >gL#...K#r....S..  #...@@O#  ....#.#### <..  . # .   r>gdO[The kobold misses you. The quokka bites you.>gJ[{S.4-------------->g[f=9.2 (1.1Drain >ge>g!jN _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *>g\Selgeron the Slasher##Demonspawn#.###HP: 4/34 (38) ==----------------------....#MP: 5/5========================##....AC: 6Str: 15#####...#EV: 10Int: 8>g]l##...#...##...SH: 0Dex: 16#...K#r...S...XL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:4#...@@O##.....Noise: ==-------  Time: 2819.2 (0.0)....#.#### <..a) +0 long sword. #.Throw: 2 throwing netsDrain @   EdmundO   ogreS   adder>g^r   quokka(…)_* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Throw: 2 throwing netsPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - EdmundAim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (heavily wounded, umbra, 62% to hit)>g' qSelgeron the Slasher##Demonspawn#.###HP: 4/34 (38) ==----------------------....#MP: 5/5========================##....AC: 6Str: 15>g( p#####...#EV: 10Int: 8##...#...##...SH: 0Dex: 16#...K#r...S...XL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:4#((((@O##.....Noise: ==-------  Time: 2819.2 (0.0)....#.#### <..a) +0 long sword. #.Throw: 2 throwing netsDrain @   EdmundO   ogreS   adderr   quokka(…)>g) _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Throw: 2 throwing netsPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - EdmundAim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (heavily wounded, umbra, 62% to hit)>g {  Throw: 2 throwing nets  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - Edmund  Aim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (heavily wounded, umbra, 62% to hit)  You throw a throwing net. The throwing net closely misses Edmund.>gq Fthrowing net >g̵ /  --more-->gv  ##  #.###  ....#  ##.... >gn & #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r..S....  ##  ....#.#### <..  . # .    >g >The quokka closely misses you.>g)  ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r..S....  ##  ....#.#### <..  . # .   r ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r..S....  ##  ....#.#### <..  . # .    Edmund hits you with a +1 dire flail of draining.  * * * LOW >g΍ ,HITPOINT WARNING * * *>gc_  ##  #.###  ....#  ##....  #####...#  ##...#...##...  #...K#r..S.... >gta ##  ....#.#### <..  . # .   r>gH&You feel drained. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *S....@1/33---20.2 (1 _The ogre closely misses you. The quokka misses you.?gSelgeron the Slasher##Demonspawn#.###HP: 1/33 (38) ------------------------....#MP: 5/5?gZ========================##....AC: 6Str: 15#####...#EV: 10Int: 8##...#...##...SH: 0Dex: 16#...K#r.S.....XL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:4#(..@@O##.....Noise: =--------  Time: 2820.2 (0.0)....#.#### <..a) +0 long sword. #.Throw: throwing netDrain @   EdmundO   ogreS   adderr   quokka(…)?gbL_The ogre closely misses you. The quokka misses you.Throw: throwing netPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - EdmundAim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (heavily wounded, umbra, 62% to hit)?g*Selgeron the Slasher##Demonspawn#.###HP: 1/33 (38) ------------------------....#MP: 5/5========================##....?g+AC: 6Str: 15#####...#EV: 10Int: 8##...#...##...SH: 0Dex: 16#...K#r.S.....XL:  5 Next: 15% Place: Dungeon:4#(..@@O##.....Noise: =--------  Time: 2820.2 (0.0)....#.#### <..a) +0 long sword. #.Throw: throwing netDrain @   Edmund?gl,UO   ogreS   adderr   quokka(…)Throw: throwing netPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - EdmundAim: Edmund, wielding a +1 dire flail of draining and wearing a +0 scale mail  (heavily wounded, umbra, 62% to hit)  You throw a throwing net. The throwing net hits Edmund.?g1/  --more--?g5f @(caught)Edmund is caught in the net!?gKEdmund is heavily wounded.?gS.@Edmund struggles against the net. The kobold hits you but does no damage.?gh1.1 (0.9Nothing quivered?g?g 6 _The quokka bites you but does no damage.?gDstruggles against the net. The kobold hits you but does no damage. _The quokka bites you but does no damage.  You catch the helpless Edmund completely off-guard!  You hit Edmund.  Edmund is heavily wounded.The ogre barely misses you. Edmund struggles against the net.?g)?g_1 S.SSS 2 adders (1 wandering)  The kobold closely misses you.An adder comes into view.2=2.2 (1.1?g6?g7?g A/  --more--AgT _The quokka barely misses you.Ag^The adder hisses angrily.  You hit Edmund but do no damage.Ag .S.SS  Edmund is heavily wounded.Edmund struggles against the net. The kobold hits you but does no damage.  The quokka barely misses you. The ogre hits you with a +0 giant club!  You die...Ag e-14/33 (38) -Ag /  --more--BgBg)Inventory: 19/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 long sword (weapon) Missiles (go to first with ()e - a javelin Armour (go to first with [) Bg c - a +0 helmet (worn)  n - a +0 ring mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)f - a ring of willpower  g - a ring of magical power  o - a ring of positive energy  r - a +5 ring of evasion Scrolls (go to first with ?)  i - a scroll of acquirement {unknown}j - 3 scrolls of identify {unknown}  m - a scroll of teleportation {unknown}  p - 2 scrolls of fear {unknown}q - a scroll of brand weapon {unknown}  s - a scroll of immolation {unknown} Potions (go to first with !)b - a potion of brilliance {unknown}  h - a potion of curing BgR[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]Cg5" Cg-#,Cgo+CgP-Goodbye, Selgeron.157 Selgeron the Slasher (level 5, -14/33 (38) HPs)Began as a Demonspawn Gladiator on Oct 22, 2024.Demolished by an ogre... wielding a +0 giant clubCg- (16 damage)... on level 4 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:02:54 (2788 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.23737872 oddsox OpCA-27 escaped with the Orb3.22614997 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb4.22453554 frobop TrFi-27 escaped with the Orb5.21845920 BlyxxDjEE-27 escaped with the Orb6.21699434 Theoretic GrBr-27 escaped with the Orb7.21207590 frobop TrDe-27 escaped with the Orb8.19427956 fispok6969 DjCj-27 escaped with the Orb9.17955717 gosagan MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  10.15861251 Scinternac MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  11.14967373 thewalrus OnGl-27 escaped with the Orb  12.14936909 VeryStrang GrGl-27 escaped with the OrbCg_CgC [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l