Sg)Z Player: Shotbuck Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: Filename: 2024-10-22.17:35:15.ttyrec Time: (1729618515) Tue Oct 22 17:35:15 2024 Tg X [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061hTgX V)0[?7h[?25l[?1cTg_ Tga Tgj gWelcome, Shotbuck. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaur k - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Minotaurs are large muscular humans with bovine heads. They excel at all forms of close and ranged combat. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Minotaur HunterUgUg5Ug!BShotbuck the ShooterMinotaurHealth: 18/18 ========================Magic: 0/0AC: 3Str: 15EV: 11Int: 6SH: 0Dex: 13XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowUgCUgK######.####### ~#.......#~ ##~#......$..#~###...........###.............##.............##.............##......@...!..##.............##.............##.............###...........##UgK5#~#.........#~## ~#.......#~ #######.######UgNVUgXWelcome, Shotbuck the Minotaur Hunter.They say the Orb of Zot lies within this dungeon, but they say a lot of things.Ug_UgPress ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found a yellow potion and 11 gold pieces.UgUg[ _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.Wg[3Wg\WgaWgfdWgh: _WgiWgVk,WglWg{mWgn,WgoWgarWgs,Wg)uWg|######.####### #~~#.......#~~# #~#......$..#~# ##....## #....# #....# Wg}#....# #......<...@..# #....# #....# #...##..Wge}Q#~#.........#~##~~#.......#~~#######.#######Wgc+4.0 (4Wg+5.0 (5WgTWgAK _d - a yellow potionWgWg WgJWg^WgWgoBWg,WgNWgWg,WgtWgWg,WgIWg:WgT,WgWg,Wg WgA _You now have 11 gold pieces.WgZ3WgWgWgWgWgWgWWg,WgYWgWg,Wg~WgWg$,WgWgWgu7 ....... ## ....... #.. .. .....#l #... #.#....... #...###.#....... ...#.#......... Wg^##...#..!..... .###..#..@....... .....#.#...$..... #...#........ ######.#######... #~~#.......#~~# .. #~#.........#~# .l   frilled lizard (asleep) ##...........##.............##.............#Wg 016.0 (11.0)Wga.llWg,7.0 (12WgWga _A frilled lizard comes into view.Wg]>Wg>WgFWgIe _A frilled lizard is nearby!Wg  .......  ## .......  #.. .. .....#.  #... #.#.....l.  #...###.#.......  ...#.#.........  ##...#..!.....  #..@.......  .....#.#...$.....  #...#........  ######.#######...  #~~#..... ..  #~#.........#~# .  Wgu ##...........##  #.............#  .....# WgG  .......  ## .......  #.. .. .....#.  Wg3H ;#... #.#.....l.  #...###.#.......  ...#.#.........  ##...#..!..... WgH v #..@.......  .....#.#...$.....  #...#........ WgI  ######.#######... #~~#..... .. #~#.........#~# .  ##........Wg1I  #.........WgSI = .Wg%R WguR WgZ Wg_ e _A frilled lizard is nearby!Wg!  .......  ## .......  #.. .. .....#.  #... #.#.....l.  #...###.#.......  ...#.#.........  ##...#..!.....  #..@.......  .....#.#...$.....  #...#........  ######.#######...  #~~#.....Wg-" ..  #~#.........#~# .  ##...........##  #.............#  .....# Wg׹  .......  ## .......  #.. .. .....#.  Wgu E#... #.#.....l.  #...###.#.......  ...#.#.........  ##...#..!.....  Wg q#..@.......  .....#.#...$.....  #...#........  WgJ ######.#######... #~~#.....Wg  .. #~#.........#~# .  Wg h##........ Wg #......... .Wg 4Wg{ Wg e _A frilled lizard is nearby!Xgb (((((XgH2((You shoot an arrow.XgG...l..!===8.2 (1.2)Xg7b _The arrow closely misses the frilled lizard.Xg [  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the frilled lizard!Xg s†((((Xg Z...!Xg) 589.5 (1.3Xg Xg R _You kill the frilled lizard!Xg Xg! Xg Xg H _No target in view!Yg(4Yg.Ygw1H _No target in view!YgِYgXYgYg Yg4:_No target in view!YgYgaYgYgYg# #.#. ..∩ .###.......#.. ..#.....##... #.#......#...###.#....†...#.#..... ##...#.@!Yg 0.0.###..#...........#.#...$ #...#......#####.#######..#~.#~~#...Yg; :#~..#~# ...Yg` ##...........## ..#.....#YgYg6---20.5 (1Yg=Yg0 _Found Pevic's Book Shoppe.Yg2Z 3Yg[ Yg] Ygd BYg9j a# #. #. .∩..###.......#.. ..#.....#.#... #.#.#...###.#....†.Ygj 1...#.#.##...#..@......#---.###..#.........#.#...$.#...#.######.#.#~~#.......#~~#.#~#.........#~# .##.....## ...# Yg,r -1Ygr $2.5 (2Ygw Yg_z S _e - a purple potionYg 3Yg Yg Yg ,Yg ,Yg! Yg" Yg-# Yg/% Ygc% Yg% Yg. L _You now have 20 gold pieces (gained 9).Yg_> # #........#. ..∩...###.#.. ..#.....#..#... #.#.......#...###.#....†...#.#...........(##...#...##.###..#....5.5 (3.....#.#.... #...#....#######.#######.....##~~#.......#~~#.#~#.....#.....###.....# ...###.. 6.5 (4Yg>N = _Found 4 javelins.Zg ?3ZgAZgDZg.GZgGZgCKZgNZgO,ZgPZgSZgm] #..).# #... ..#.$.......  # #.#........##+## #. .........∩ .###........Zg]A#.. ..#.....#.#... #.#......)#...###†8.5 (2Zg]C...#.#...(Zg^##...#.........##+#.###..#...............  ZgT^B.....#.#.............. #...#..........##..  ######.#######.....# . #~~Zgx^o#~~#......+ #~#.#~#..Zg^#...##ZgfZg&g+9.5 (3ZglnZg5q2 _Found a hand axe and a whip.Zg>IZgmZgZgBZgEZgZgZgQZg2.# ...#.h.  ... #.....  ....#.....  #..).#.#... ..#.$.......  # #.#........##+#### #. .........∩. .###....... #.. .#...... #... #.#............).. #...###.#....†....#.#..(.....##...#..##+##+#h   jackal (asleep) ###..#............... ....#.#..............  #...#..........##..Zg;W31.5 (22.5 (3Zg;ZgCY _A jackal comes into view.[g& .# ...#.h.  ... #..... ....#..... #..).#.#... ..#.$.......  # #.#........##+####  #. .........∩.......  [gE'`.###.......@.......  ..#.....#.........  #.#............).. ....†..........  .........(.....  ........##+##+# ............ ............   [g Z .# ...#.h.  ... #..... ....#..... #..).#.#... ..#.$.......  # #.#........##+####  #. .........∩.......  .###.......@.......  ..#.....#.........  #.#............).. ....†..........  .........(.....  ........##+##+# ..................  [g[g[gM[g ] _A jackal is nearby!\gF ((((((h  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the jackal but does no damage.\gB\gCN.h.....∩\gOO7===3.7 (1.2\gX\gw\8 _The jackal barks! You hear a bark!\g ( (((((You shoot an arrow.\g\gIR  The arrow hits the jackal but does no damage.\g\g\g.h..∩h 2 jackals\gG-4.8 (1.1\g&\gY _A jackal comes into view.\g S  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal.\g †(((   jackal\gD% ,\g/ .h..∩\g<4 6256.1 (1.3\gq= \gQK J _You kill the jackal!\gP  (((You shoot an arrow.\g \g .h.∩\g -7.3 (1.2\g. \g C _The arrow hits the jackal but does no damage.\gS  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal!\gm†((]gX.∩]gY"1418.5]gH)]g:1J _You kill the jackal!]gv]g]g1]gH _No target in view!]gi]g]g)]g),H _No target in view!]g3]g*]g4]ge]gN: _]g]g[$]g Welcome to Pevic's Book Shoppe! What would you like to do?  a -  418 gold Faer's Handbook of Refrigerationb -  506 gold Ongewnir's Verses on Necromancy  ]gc -  242 gold a book of Air  d -  352 gold a book of Blood  ]ge -  242 gold a book of Burglary  f -  220 gold a book of Debilitation  ]gFg -  264 gold a book of Dreams ]gYou have 20 gold pieces. [Esc] exit]g+~[!] buy|examine items]gOR[a-g] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-G] put item on shopping list`g  `gShotbuck the Shooter... ......Minotaur.# ...#.....Health: 18/18 ========================... #.......Magic: 0/0....#......AC: 3Str: 15#..).#.#.†.EV: 11`g,Int: 6..#.$.....†.SH: 0Dex: 13# #.#........##+####XL:  1 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1#. .........@.......`gcNoise: ---------  Time: 39.5 (1.0).###...............a) +0 shortbow #.. ..#.....#.........Fire: a) +0 shortbow #... #.#............).. #...###.#....†..........  ...#.#...........(.....`gQ##...#.........##+##+# ###..#............... ....#.#.............. _The arrow hits the jackal but does no damage.  `g)You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal! _You kill the jackal! _No target in view! `gpK_No target in view!  There is an entrance to Pevic's Book Shoppe here.`gJ`g`gq . _`g# _`gj >.. ...?.. ... ......#.# ...#......#... #.........`g # #....#.......>. #..).#.#.†..... ..#.$.....†...... # #.###+####`g Q0#. .`g .∩. .###.....`g . `g3  #.. ..#.....#.........  #... #.#....`gQ 4)..`gj #...###.#....†.............#.#...........(..... `g  ##...#.##+##+# .###..#.`g, `g, ,40.5 (1`g6 `g>9 _ _Found an escape hatch in the floor. Found a stone staircase leading down.agRagʊagagH _No target in view!agF agG agNQ agQT H _No target in view!ag ag ag ^ _No target in view!bg}bg}bgbg~bgbg $ _bgXbg5bgǕbgbgbgbgbg"bg>bgbg8,bgQbgޤbg,bgbgT,bgbglM _You now have 33 gold pieces (gained 13).bgbgѲbgдbgbgb,bg-bgfbg,bgbg|bg,bgbgbbg,bgbgbg,bgbgbgg,bg bgVbgR,bgbgbgT.. ... #.  #.#### ..#...## #.#..^......#.###.#.......#.#.....#......#.#.>...#..@?...... 544.0)....... bg#.#.....#.)  #....#.....  #....#.......>.....  #..).#.#.†bg ..#.......†..........  # #.#........##+####+##  #.#...∩bg=bg,5.5 (15bgbg% _Found a bg6 bgY bg bg bg{ bg bgR .. .#. .#.####...#.## #.#..^ #..#.#.>...#...@...#.#.....#..).#....#....#....#.......>.....##..).#.#.†.#bg -..#.......†.# # #.#........##+####+# bg+ "bg3 16.0)bg +7.5 (2bg bgL b _f - 3 scrolls labelled XACYTE XAFIbgًbgbgkbgȖbg,bgʝbgbg,bgebgbgN,bgbgbgbghbgbgbgh,bgbgbg˾,bgNbgbg,bgbgbgm,bgbgbg,bgZbg?bg,bg_bgbgy,bgbg bgY,bgbgbg,bgbgbg,bgEbgbg,bgMbgkbg,bg bgFbgUbgbgbgbg,bgbgbg,bgubgbgbgbgmbgbgbgbg.bgBbgbgbgbgbg{,bgbg` bg# ,bgP bgbbgt,bg9bgbg,bgbg]bg,bgwbgWbg!,bg#bg$bg ',bg"(bg*bgW4#.......# #.... #.#.#####.# #....# #.#.###.#.####....#. #.#.....#.........#.r #.#####.#..^...... .... #.#.###.#......... #.....#.#.....#......... bgD5#.....#.#.>...#......... #......@................ #....##.#.....#......... #.. #....#............ # #....#.......>.... #..).#.#.†........ ..#.......†......... r   quokka (asleep) # #.#..##+####+# #.#.........∩.......;B\869.0)7.5 (30cg%o _A quokka comes into #.......#  #.#.#####.#  # #.#.###.#. #. #.#.....#.... #.r #.#####.#..^.. .... #.#.###.#...... #.....#.#.....#..... #.....#.#.>...#.... #......@....... cg׵#....##.#.....# #.. #....#... # #....#.......> #..).#.#.† ..#.......† # #.#...... #.#.........∩   cgK #.......#  #.#.#####.#  # #.#.###.#. #. #.#.....#.... #.r #.#####.#..^.. .... #.#.###.#...... #.....#.#.....#..... #.....#.#.>...#....cgL #......@....... #....##.#.....# #.. #....#... # #....#.......> #..).#.#.† ..#.......† # #.#...... #.#.........∩ cgUcgZVcg^cghb] _A quokka is nearby!cgYC #.......#  #.#.#####.#  # #.#.###.#. #. #.#.....#.... #.r #.#####.#..^.. .... #.#.###.#...... #.....#.#.....#..... #.....#.#.>...#.... #......@....... #....##.#.....# #.. #....#... # #....#.......> #..).#.#.† ..#.......† # #.#...... #.#.........∩   cgJ #.......#  #.#.#####.#  # #.#.###.#. #. #.#.....#.... #.r #.#####.#..^.. .... #.#.###.#...... #.....#.#.....#..... #.....#.#.>...#.... #......@....... #....##.#.....# #.. #....#... # #....#.......> #g49m..).#.#.† ..#.......† # #.#...... #.#.........∩ cg1"4cg.+cgk.] _A quokka is nearby!cgpC #.......#  #.#.#####.#  # #.#.###.#. #. #.#.....#.... #.r #.#####.#..^.. .... #.#.###.#...... #.....#.#.....#..... #.....#.#.>...#.... #......@....... #....##.#.....# #.. #....#... # #....#.......> #..).#.#.† ..#.......† # #.#...... #.#.........∩   cgv #.......#  #.#.#####.#  # #.#.###.#. #. #.#.....#.... #.r #.#####.#..^.. .... #.#.###.#...... #.....#.#.....#..... #.....#.#.>...#.... #......@....... #....##.#.....# #.. #....#... # #....#.......> #gw49m..).#.#.† ..#.......† # #.#...... #.#.........∩ cg4cg>cgߌ] _A quokka is nearby!cg" ((((r  You shoot an cgK cg cg .cg@ !rcg .cg .cg .cg cgV ===cg 8.8 (1.3cgյ )cgP cg  cg cg 5_The arrow hits the quokka but does no damage.cgS  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the^†(((dg0...dgz 589.9 (1.1 _You kill the quokka!dg dgp#h _Your Stealth skill increases to level 1!dgdgdg4dgH _No target in view!dg4dgHdgH _No target in view!dg3dg@dgdgdg: _dg=dgdg dgdgdgdgdgsdgdgdgCdgdgdgE-dgQ=#.#.....#.#####.#.....†..#.#.###.# #.#.....#.#.....# #S#.....#.#.>...# #.#............ #.#....##.#.....# #.#.....#....#. #.#...#.#....# #.@.....#..).#.#.†--- #...#...#.† #...#.#.#.## #...#.#.........∩#...#.###.. #...#...#.....#S   ball python (constriction, asleep) #g>9;49m...#.#.#.......... #...###.#....†..... ...#.#.(dgoC.98.9 (9.0dg_DK---9.9 (10.0)dgELdg"P^ _A ball python comes into .....†..# #.#.....# #S#.....#.#.> eg~#.#....... #.#....## #.#.....# #.#...#.# #.@.....#..).#.#.† #...#...#† #...#.#.# #...#eg∩ #...# #...# #...# #...#† (egFI .....†..# #.#.....# #S#.....#.#.> #.#....... #.#....## #.#.....# #.#...#.# #.@.....#..).#.#.† #...#...#† #...#.#.# #...#∩ #...#egGV #...# #...# #...#† (egP4egSXeg[b _A ball python is nearby!egjX  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ball python.egq.((((eg>.....egfB75===101.1 (1.2egegO _You kill the ball python!egegLegXegH _No target in view!egVeg!Weg"^eg`H _No target in view!eg egf eg1 eg eg eg P _eg eg eg eg+ eg eg& eg eg eg ,eg` eg eg ,egO ega eg  ,eg egW eg egC eg egY eg, ,eg egQ eg ,egq egW" eg*  #...#...#.......† #...#.#.#...... #...#.#.........∩ #...#.###...... #...#...#.....# #...#.#.K #...###.#....†....####...#.#............@.##...#........---.####..###..#..#........#.#..#.... #...#.egr+ #..#######.########..#~~#.......#~~K   kobold (asleep)#. #~#.........#~#....#. ##...........##....#......# ...eg3 10.1 (9.0  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ega< .KK==-1.1 (10.0)eg'C egH ( _The kobold shouts!fgND(((((((fgjfgRn|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the kobold.fgw'..J.K....J   endoplasm (wandering)K   koboldfgew9=2.3 (1.2)fg~fg] _An endoplasm comes into view.fgU ((((J    You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm.fg- fgx. fg 9 R.J.K...fg9 (3.5fgA fgC ] _The endoplasm is almost dead.fgc (((You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the endoplasm but does no damage.fg fg) fg k .J..BB   giant cockroach (wandering)K   kobold  The endoplasm is almost dead.4.8 (1.3fg fg b _A giant cockroach comes into view.fgV  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm.fgm.((B   giant cockroachK   koboldgggggg!gg"gg.B..K..91gg 06.0 (1.2ggL7gg:M _You kill the endoplasm!gg< (((((((You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold.gggg(ggƎl...B..Kgg(7.2ggggSb _The arrow barely misses the giant cockroach.ggt  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold.The arrow hits the giant cockroach.gg0{†(((K   koboldggw ..KYou kill the giant cockroach!gggg#...#...#.......† Shotbuck the Shooter#...#.#.#........ Minotaur#...#.#.........∩ Health: 18/18 ========================#...#.###........ Magic: 0/0#...#...#.....#.. AC: 3Str: 15#...#.#.#........ EV: 11Int: 6.#...###.#....†... SH: 0ggeDex: 13....####...#.#.......... XL:  1 Next: 108% Place: Dungeon:1...†..K@.##...#......... Noise: ===------  Time: 118.5 (1.3).####..###..#........... a) +0 shortbow#........#.#.......... Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.... #...#.........#..#######.#######....ggu#..#~~#.......#~~#.... K   kobold#. #~#.........#~#....#. ##...........##....#.............# ... gg+_You kill the endoplasm!You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold. ggv0_The arrow barely misses the giant cockroach.You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold.The arrow hits the giant cockroach.  You kill the giant cockroach!gg _The kobold hits you but does no damage.  You have reached level 2!gg/  --more--hg25/251/1========================2 3% hghg4 _hgŏ >(((((((hg ...†..KYou shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the kobold.hg X2---9.8hgi hg @ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.hg(((((((igd...†..KigF18=----ig&2.3 (1.3igig igH_You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the kobold. The kobold closely misses you.igN:}  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the kobold.igvn  The kobold is severely wounded.iga15---3.6igTig@ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.jg>(((((((jg ...†..KYou shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold.jgRq3-----4.7 (1.1jgkjg@ _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.jgS  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the kobold!jg@ e)jgˑjgw4=-105.9 (1.2jgjgJ _You kill the kobold!jgojgojgIwjgzH _No target in view!jgf- jgf. jg> ^ _No target in view!jg3jg4jg5jg7jgB;: _jgB<jg|<jg=jg?jg H _No target in view!lg_lg_lgdlgfH _No target in view!lg53lglg"lg$lg(: _lg(lg*,lg+lg,lg.,lg/lg0lg2,lg2lg=3lg3,lg>4lg5lg[m%###.####..###..#...#.##........#.#.. #.##.......#...#. #.##..#######.#### #.##..#~~#.......# #.##..#~#....... #.##..##......#........ #............rg.....# #...........#######..## #......<....#.. #.. ... #. .#..g   hobgoblin (asleep) .#..##r   rat (asleep) .#..#~#~~#.......#9.0).gg90.9 (6 _A rat and a hobgoblin come into view.lg:V  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.lgˊB†(lgr   rat (asleep)lgi \  You kill the hobgoblin!lg9 lg..r.rlg?7===2.2 (1.3lglg"- _The rat squeaks loudly.mg5>((mg:mgA6†rmgB-3.4 (1.2mgHmgKj _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the rat.mgb(<(mg rYou shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses theԶmg:; _The rat bites you but does no damage.mg2<(mg _pr5.8mgIb _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the rat. The rat barely misses you.mgG <(mg rYou shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the (7.0mg mgR v _The rat bites you but does no damage. The rat barely misses you.mg6 <(mg2! 2rmg " X2---8.2mg' mg* ~ _You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the rat. The rat bites<(ng rYou shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the rat.9.4ngkng$; _The rat bites you but does no damage.ng8  You shoot an`#O  The arrow hits the rat but does no $#200.6ngN+ng.P _The rat barely misses you.ng68  You shoot an arrow.ng4  The arrow hits the rat but does no damage.2-1.7 (1.1ng( _The rat bites you.ngP  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the rat!ngD\.ng9.ngP-202.9 (1.2nggngG _You kill the rat!ng 4ng ng H _No target in view!og 3og ogQogU _3=ogogEogog{og-Bog~4==ogMog,ogvog,ogmog ,ogog @,ogAogBogDogDogxEogGog2I,og"JogVLogM,ogNogPogQ,ogRog@UogV,ogWogZ,ogZog6_| _f - 4 scrolls labelled XACYTE XAFI (gained 1)og|`3og`ogbogjc,ogcogieog-f,ogfoggoghoghogViogjogZkogkogkog6mog nog9nognogpogIyP  #.##..#~#  #.##..##  #.##..#.  #######.#..##...  .....†....###...  #######..## #  ##..###  ############...##  #..@.........#..#---31.9 (29.0)  ##.#########.#..##  #. #.#..#~#ogHzr  #. #.#..#~~#  #. #.#..####  #. #.#...  #( #.#...  #. #.# og9---og%2.9 (30og6og|% _Found 5 stones.ogogsogogogogBogogogog og ,og ogog,ogDogogX .....†....###. #######..##   ##..###  ######...##  #............#..#  ##.###.#..##  #.# #.#..#~#  #.# #.#..#~~  #@# #.#..###  #.# #.#...   #(# #.#...   #.# #.#  #.#  #.# g   hobgoblin (asleep)  #.#  #g# og(&\6.9 (4.0)7.9 (5ogj*ogG.\ _A hobgoblin comes into (((((g(You shoot an|pg,}pg.(..g..pgO7===9.1 (1.2pgbpgFF _The arrow hits the hobgoblin but does no damage.pgooi(((((((pgpg<.( (1.3pgpgq _You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the"i-1.6 (1.2pgopgrp _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the$ (( You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.pgy pg; -2.9 (1.3pg pgݢ d _The hobgoblin is moderately (You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the hobgoblin but does no damage.pgE pgM g(The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.pgO ^1----4.1 (1.2pgT pgV - _The hobgoblin hits you.pg8  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.qg|~  The hobgoblin is severely wounded.5.4 (1.3qgqgˆV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.qggV  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.qgD.qgG'.qgrLp2=---76.6 (1.2qgQqg&TM _You kill the hobgoblin!qgqgqgqgH _No target in view!qg~ 3qgO qg qg& $ _qg XqgQ qg qg, qg qg h3==qg qg8 ,qg qg_ ,qg9 qg~ qg qgR qg qg  h4==qg qg ,qg[ qg ,qg qg ,qg qg~ qg 9=qg~ qg& qgX K5=qg qg qg! ,qg" qg% qg% qg & qg& qgL+ ;  You see here 5 stones.qg, qg-  _qg- qgI/ qg.1 9=qgt1 qgQ2 qg4 qg6 qgL6 qg7 qg8 qg9 qg: qg: qg8< qg= qg > qg> qg@ qg7B ,qgC qgD qgF ,qgF qgH qgI qgI qgJ qgrL qgM qg&N qgN qgP qgxR ,qg%S qgT qg3V ,qgV qgX qg Z ,qgZ qg\ qg] ,qg^ qg_ qg` qga qgPa qgc qgfd ,qgd qg1f qg g ,qgg qgh qgi ,qg{j qgk qg8m ,qgSn qgo qgp qgp qguq qgs qg)t ,qgmt qgu qgv qg w qgw qgy qg]z ,qgz qg9| qg&} qgS} qg&~ qg qg ,qgc qg΂ qg qg qg qgą qg ,qg qg3 qgK qg{ qg qgW qg qg qg| qgt qg qg qgN qg qg qg qg_ qg× qgØ qg qgp qgš qg qg! qg qgb qgd qg qg qg qg qg2 qgX qg" qgE ,qgާ qg: qgZ ,qg| qg~ qg( ,qg qg/ qg ,qg qg qgy ,qg qgԹ qg] ,qg qg qg Bqgo qgL ,qg qgO qg ,qg qg qg ,qg qg qg" ,qg qg- qgc BqgJ qg qg qgC qg qg ,qgf qg K......# ...# ......# #....... ......# +...... ......# ##.. #..... ......###.. ##.... qgO ......##..###....## ......#...........# .....##...........# ....#~#.........@.# --- qg ...#~~#...........# #######...........# qg I.#................# #.................# ..#######.#.....qg ..# .## #.#.......# .# #.#######qg ## qg V.# #.#qg 1309.6 (63.0)qgo I---10.6 (64qg/ qg2 c _h - a scroll labelled FIAKLA PAURAArg3rgrgtrgu,rgh,rg"#~#.....####....##>..#...# #........ ... +...... ##.. #.....##.. ##.... .##..###....#....1.6 (1.0)..#.... ....#~#.......... ...#~~#...........# rg #######...........#............. ... .#.......#rgrg+2.6 (2rgnQ _Found a stone staircase leading down.rge _rgci Brgt nrg{ #####.....# . .#~~#......+........# #~#.....##..# ##....###.....>..## ...# #..# ## #........##..# +............# ##.. #............###.. ##....@.......rgR| ##..###....####....S....# ...#.....# . ..#~#...........#~~#.....# S   ball python (constriction, asleep)####...........#..............#........rgW 4  A ball python comes into view.rg vS.S)rg +5.6 (3rg rg 5 _The ball python hisses angrily.sgy (((((((You shoot an arrow.sg0*...S...===6.9 (1.3 _The arrow closely misses the ball python.sg2U  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ball python.(((.sg)2 ......rr   rat (wandering)You kill the ball python!318.2sgV _A rat comes into  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the rat!((((((.sg W.......49.4 (1.2 _You kill the rat!sg" sg" sg( sg+ H _No target in view!sg 4sg? sg H _No target in view!tgKtgtgtgtgtgP _tgO,tgtg)tgܐ,tgtgߕtg......##.. #.....# ....... #......+........# #.....##........# #....###.....>..# # ...# #........# ###### # #........## tg7# +.... # ##.. #........---22.4 (3.0 ###.. ##........... ##..###....####...... #...........# #........ #...........# ####...... #...........# .....[...........# ###### #tgxN#tg9---tg$3.4 (4tg0tg( _Found a ring BtgtgQ,tgtg3tgR,tgtgitg ,tg!tg$tg',tg)tgw*tg+,tg,tg\.tg/,tg0tg4tgc6,tg#7tg8tg9,tgp:tg;tg<,tg=tg>tg?,tge@tgjAtgSC,tgiDtgFtg8G,tgGtgJtgL,tgMtgyOtgP,tgQtgmStgVT,tgTtgUtgVtg5WtgWtg#[tg[,tgv\tg_tga,tgbtgctge,tgftggtgh,tgitgjtgl,tgltgmtgn,tgotgqtgstg ttg`utgtx7 _You open the door.tgz3tgh|tg݃@  There is an open door here.tgtgV _tgtgtg,tgtgtgQ,tgtgtg,tg̐tgtg,tgtgk7 _You open the door.tgޗ3tgmtgP@  There is an open door here.tgtg _tgtgtg%Btgtg[,tgtg'tg,tgtgtg{,tgШtgtgi,tgtgtg(,tgtgNtgtgtgtgtg,tgtgYtg,tgڸtgtg,tgtgtg~,tg tg3tg,tgtgtg&,tgtgtg0tgptgWtg5}#..........##........########.....##........# .....#~~#......'........# .~#.....##........# .......##....###.....>..# ........#....# #........######### ........##...# #........##....... ........###..##+......... .<......# ##..##......... ........###..###.......... ........##..###....####.......... .#...........# #.......... .##...........# ####....... ......#~#...........# #.....[. .....#~~#...........# ###############...........# ...#........#tg,Q##'696.0)tgtgN======70.4 (47tgtg= _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!tg=D tgD tgK tgV H _No target in view!ugugugug&ugug| _ug?ugiugI,ugug\ug,ug5ugdugK,ugugugugugCugIug0,ug0ugug ,ugugug,ugugug6,ugugug,ugjugug,ug`ugug,ugugug,ugdugug,ugugug,ugLugugugugJugnugvugugugFug,ugugug,ugugxug,ug6ugwug,ug"ugug|,ugugug ,ug ug ug; ug ug ugugU,ugugXug,ugGugugz,ugugbug,ugJugug,ug!ugugr,ugugug,ug?ugVugt,ugugugkBug* ug ,ug!ug"ug9#,ug#ug2$ug$,ug%ug%ug&ug8&ugp&ug&ugw'ug'ug(ug(ug)ug)ugg*ug+ug,,ug1-ug.ugb0Bug1ug2,ug`3ug4ug5ug5ug6ug7ug8,ug9ug:ug;,ug<ug<ug>,ugr>ugi?ugU@ug@ug@ugYBugaC,ugCug6EugF,ugFugGugH,ugkIugdKug:LugL,ugMugNugNug(Oug8PugQug9QuguQugdRugDSugvSugSugTugUugUug&Vug^Xugs[Bug}]ug^ug_ug_ugaugpc,ug~duggfuggug;hug iugXkugluglugmugrx  #.# #...........#.#   #.###############.#.#...##   #...................#.....   #.###############.########   #.# #.. #.#   ### #.. #.#   #.# #.# ug-y  #:# #.#   #@# #.# ------   #.# #.#   #.#######.#   #.........#   #########.#  ###ugyu      ugv.431.4 (61ug K------2.4 (62ugug ugeug͏._i - a white potionugug ug ug̊ ugٌ ug ug ugđ ug M#..#######. #...........#.# ###############.#.#...##ugU ..................#.....##############.########..} ..# #. J  You pick up a book of Power and begin reading...ugĖ 13.4 (1.0)ug1 +4.4 (2ugܙ ugd |  You add the spells Iskenderun's Battlesphere, Bombard and Spellforged Servitor _to your library.vg_vg2,vgXvgvgvgM,vgvgvgώvg vgvg:vgc,vgvg*vgvgvg{vgvg7vg}vgvg@vgyvgvgݨvgvg/,vgvgvg,vgvg vg3,vgռvgvg$vgXvgvguvgvgvgUvg*vg,vgvgvg,vgvgvgvg(vgOvgvgvgvg(vgUvgvg,vgvgvgvgcvgzvgvgvgvgvvg,vgCvgvvgvgvg vgvg,vgvgvg!,vgtvgJ vg vg ,vg#vg#Bvg'vg\(vgF*vg\|0vg0vg0vg1vg2Bvg3vgB4,vg4vgf5vg5,vg6vg<7vg&8Bvg8vg<9vg}9vg9vg:vg:,vg3;vg<vg=,vgc=vg>vgC@,vg@vgBvgC,vgCvgiEvgF,vgGvgHvgI,vgSJvgpLvg\MvgMvg NvgOvgPvg3QvgQvg1SvgSvgSvg)Tvg4UvgU,vgUvgVvg!WvgEWvgWvgNXvgY,vg[YvgZvgZvgZvgJ[vg\vg],vg^vg_vg`vgCavgavgeg  You see here a hobgoblin skeleton.vg6fvgf _vggvggvghvg,ivgjivgjvg3l,vglvgnvg%ovgdovgovgpvgqvg rvgZrvg)svg"tvgYtvgtvg8vvgw,vgwvgxxvgy,vgzvgp|vgq}vg}vg~vgvg,vgvg"vgC, ,vg^vg̍vg  #  #.b#  #.# ########   #.# #......# #  #.# #...... vg #.# #.....†..).  #.# ###.####..#  #.##.....  #.##.....  #.##..###  #. #.##..#~~  #.# #.##..#~# vg #.# #.##..##.  #.# #.##..#.. b   bat (asleep)  ##.########.#..##..  #........÷....###..  ###########..## #..vg1500.4 (66.0)vg vgvg}>.bbvg,1.4 (67vgevg V _A bat comes into view.wg%q #.. #.#   #.#   #b#  #.# †..) #.#  #.# wgq #@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ##.# #........÷. ..## wgs #.. #.#   #.#   #b#  #.# wg†..) #.#  #.#  #@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ##.# #........÷. ..## wgRwgwgTwgZ _A bat is nearby!wg #.. #.#   #.#   #b#  #.# †..) #.#  #.#  #@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ##.# #........÷. ..## wguA #.. #.#   #.#   #b#  #.# †..) #.#  #.#  #@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.# wg ##.# #........÷. ..## wgĕwg@wgwgZ _A bat is nearby!wg. #.. #.#   #.#   #b#  #.# †..) #.#  #.#  #@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ##.# #........÷. ..## wgK  #.. #.#   #.#   #b#  #.# †..) #.#  #.#  #@#  #.#  #.#  #.#  #.# wgcL H #.#  ##.# #........÷. ..## wgnR 4wgX wgZ  wgS[ T_A bat is nearby!wg `(((((((wgz ,wg*{ wgJ D......bwg͂ ;===2.6 (1.2)wg wgA c _You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the bat.wgm `(((((((wg<  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the bat. The bat misses you.wgwgwgEs.....b. wg-3.7 (1.1wgjwgGD _You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the bat.xg`(((((((xg6mxgHoz  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the bat.xgoxgvJ....b..xg x-5.0 (1.3xgTxg: _The bat hits you but does no damage.xgn`(((((((xgt,xg ......b  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the bat.xg-6.2 (1.2xgg _The bat closely misses you.xgz  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the bat.xgfk  The bat is severely wounded.xggxgoxgp(7.4xguxgx _The bat closely misses you. The bat barely misses you.xgQ`(((((((xgr  You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the bat.xgxg`J....b..xg(8.6xgxg: _The bat hits you but does no damage.xg P  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the bat!xgd .((xg 2...xg 1419.8xg xgǢ G _You kill the bat!xg~ xg~ xg xg H _No target in view!yg4ygygH _No target in view!yg8Iygygiyg1 _ygygygU,ygygyg,yg yg|ygyg>ygygygByg,yg9,yg}ygp,ygygyg,ygygSyg,ygyg7ygpygygygyg ygR yg yg yg yg yg yg ygygyg(yg3ygBBygygIyg,ygygygyg#yg',ygc*Byg,yg,yg-yg6/yg0yg[1yg2ygH7yg7,yg8yg`9yg:yg:ygC;yg6F _You open the door.yg2GygBI@  There is an open door here.ygJyg9J _ygJygTLygM,ygnMygNygMO,ygOygPygAQ,ygRygSygT,ygVWM _You now have 48 gold pieces (gained 15).ygX3yg~XygZygZ,yg [yg\7 _You open the door.yg,]3yg]yg`@  There is an open door here.yg`yg` _ygaygbygd,ygdygg@  There is an open door here.ygiygi _ygAjygvkygl,yglygn7 _You open the door.ygVs  There is an open door here. _yguygvygvyg1wyg}xygz,ygzyg{ygH},yg}ygyg,ygāygɃygyg.ygyg[yg ######....# #.####.#.# ####....#....#####....#.#.# #..+....'.......#.....#.#... yg #####.##....#######.#.....#.###  #......'....'...# .....†..#.#.  ###.#.##....###.# #.#.....#.#..  #.#.##....# #.# #.#.....#.#.>.  #.#.##....# #.# #.#......  #.#.##....# #@# #.#....##.#---  #.#.##........# #.#.....#.... ygۓ #.#.##........# #.#...#.#....#  #.#.##........# #.......#..).  #.# B.......# #...#...#.... yg #.# ####....# #...#.#.#...B   giant cockroach (asleep) yg. #.# #....# #...#.#....... ygh ##.# #....# #...#.###..... yg #..# #...#...#.....yg7053.8 (44.0)yg֠\.BByg.H---4.8 (45ygAygiopen the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _A giant cockroach comes into view.yg   . .'  ....#####  #......'....'...# .....†  ###.#.#  #. #.# >  #. #.#  #. #@#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........# )  #.# .B......#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# ygJ x   . .'  ....#####  #......'....'...# .....†  ###.#.#  #. #.# >  #. #.#  #. #@#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........# )  #.# .B......#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....# ygJ ##.# #....#  #..# ygQ 4ygoV yg0X f _A giant cockroach is nearby!yg״    . .'  ....#####  #......'....'...# .....†  ###.#.#  #. #.# >  #. #.#  #. #@#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........# )  #.# .B......#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# ygO [   . .'  ....#####  #......'....'...# .....†  ###.#.#  #. #.# >  #. #.#  #. #@#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........# ygP  #.#.##........# )  #.# .B......#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# yg)W 4yg] yg_ f _A giant cockroach is nearby!yga   . .'  ....#####  #......'....'...# .....†  ###.#.#  #. #.# >  #. #.#  #. #@#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........# )  #.# .B......#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# zg:S   . .'  ....#####  #......'....'...# .....†  ###.#.#  #. #.# >  #. #.#  #. #@#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........#  #.#.##........# )  #.# .B......#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# zg4zg5zg:f _A giant cockroach is nearby!{g ((((((You shoot an arrow.{g+{g@4......B===5.9 (1.1){gc;{g=b _The arrow barely misses the giant cockroach.{g ((((((You shoot an arrow.{gݠ{g{g d.B....{gz-7.2 (1.3{g̰{g%f _The arrow completely misses the giant cockroach.{gx (((((((You shoot an arrow.{g3{g{gE.B.....8.5{g {g"c _The arrow closely misses the giant cockroach.{gJ  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the giant cockroach.{g  The giant cockroach is severely wounded.4-9.8{g {g 4 _The giant cockroach bites you.{gJ  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the giant cockroach.{gk  The giant cockroach is almost dead.The giant cockroach barely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the giant cockroach.{gÖ j.{gښ P-861.0 (1.2{g {g S _You kill the giant cockroach!|go||g}|g=|g{H _No target in view!|gZ6|g:7|gf=|g~? |g?:_No target in view!|g}I|gz _5=|gZ|g< ####....####......+....'.......#...#####.##....##########|gl......'....'...# .....†..#.#.##.#.##....###.# #.#..... #. #.|g^>.#.##..|g......#.##....####.#.#.##........#....#|g3---.|g88#.......#..)|gQ..|gr3.|gpg   goblin (asleep).|g!......g.#.## ######## #...#.#.#.....|gx -3.0 (2.0|g G---4.0 (3|g>|g1u _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.|g   ###  ..# .....†  #.#   #.# >  ....# #.#  ....###.#  .......@#  ........#  ........# )  #.# ........#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# ....g.  #.##  |gY'  ###  ..# .....†  #.#   #.# >  ....# #.#  ....###.#  .......@#  ........#  ........# |gKZ^)  #.# ........#  #.# ####....#  #.# #....#  ##.# #....#  #..# ....g.  #.##  |g]b|gb|gi|g }gK? }g@ ,}g7A }gB }gC }gD }gnD }gE }gF }gXF }gF }gkG }gOH }gvH }gH }gV }gXX ,}gX }g ` }g)a }gva }ga }g`i }gj }g7k }g%l }gys }gt }gBu }g(v }g} }g ,}g }gf }gՊ ,}g }g }gl ,}g? }gS }g ,}g$ }g }g }gݮ }g. }g }gݸ }g }g }gľ }gr ,}g }g }g }g= }g }g }g ,}gr }g }gX}gX}gl}g B}gu }g1}gQ}g}g}}g)}gF}g}g}g=,}g}g}gd}g}g }g}g}g}g}g}g }g }g`!}gf#}g$,}gN%}g&}gh(}g(}g)}gI.}g0}g0}g}1}g_3}gx4}g4}g5}g59}g:}g;}g;}g=}g>,}g ?}g@}gKB}gB}gC}gkG}g|J}gJ}g L}gO}gP}gP}gQ}gZT}g`W,}g Y}gT\}g^,}g$`}gc}gf,}gk,}gm,}g'o}g:r}gxB}gy}gj|,}g}}g߀}g`}g}g}g}g}g}g}g}g ,}gW}g}g`,}gd}g}g,}gg}g}g,}g}g}g,}gs}gư}g,}gβ}g }gD,}g}g}g3,}g}g,}gw}gn _e - 2 purple potions (gained 1)}g3}g}g }g#.####........ #............. #..^.......### #....... ## #..........##########... #....................... ........................ #.........)............. ..........@.....# --- .....>.....######.....# }g.÷.........# ....## ÷..........# ....# .##+####+### ....# ∩.........# ......S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ..........# ....S.. ..........# ....... .....)....#}gI2678.4 (112.0)}gH---93}gd}gA^ _A ball python comes into view.~g^..... ## ..##########... ............... ........................ .)............. ~g/.......@.....# >.....######.....# .÷ ....## ÷ ....#  ....# ∩ ......  ....S.. ~gRE ....... )....#~gP^..... ## ..##########... ............... ........................ .)............. .......@.....# >.....######.....# ÷ ....## ÷ ....# ....# ∩ ......  ....S.. .......)~g4~g~gb _A ball python is nearby!~g X  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ball python.~g (((((..†~g D @.....~g^F D5===80.7 (1.3)~gJ ~g L O _You kill the ball python!g4g$5g ;g=H _No target in view!gݩ4ggrH _No target in view!g`g3aghgjH _No target in view!gx3g\zg^~g g4: _gg...... ..^### ...... #### .##########.... ........... ..........).... ............# >.....######@....# --- gr÷.........# #.......## .# #.......# ##+####+### #.......#........# #......... .# #.......†J   endoplasm (asleep)gĒ# #.........)....# #........J....#g̗,10g?JJ.gnG---2.7 (2gdg#] _An endoplasm comes into view.gViV  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm!g;o7(((gyoR((...g;7....g1†.g2@62===3.9 (1.2gc _You kill the endoplasm!g#g]$g$,g.H _No target in view!gV _No target in view!g( 3g* g. g0 g5 : _g5 gB  #####......##########................... ............. )..... ...# >.....######.....# # #.......## ....# #.....@.# ---4gB 0 +####+### #.......# # #.. .......# #.......†...# #....)....# #....### #..#_gB O...# #.. gB 1+##+#'###gJ 9_g K #---g9K $5.9 (2gR gU N _Found a hand axe. Found a faded altar of an unknown god.g m_gA H _No target in view!g3ggqgOgͥ$ _g ,g........... .............. )....... ...# >.....######.....# # #.......## .....# #.......# ####+### #.......#####.## #......#6.9 (1 ......# #.g†.....## #.....)....# #....##.# #.#_#....# #... ##+#'#####....##.> ........#gܼ9_gR+7.9 (2g6t_ _Found a stone staircase leading down.g,g452Level 1 of the Dungeon <>>>>_∩(Press ? for help)  #####.##....#######.#.....#.#####.#..^.......###   #......'....'...#......÷..#.#.###.#.............   #####   ###.#.##....###.#.#.#.....#.#.....#..........##########.....   #.#.##....# #.#.#.#.....#.#.>...#.........................   #.#.##....# #.#.#.#.......................................  gn7 #.#.##....###.#.#.#....##.#.....#.........)..............   #.#.##........#.#.#.....#....#........................#   #.#.##........#.#.#...#.#....#.......>.....######.....#  #.#.##........#.#.......#..).#.#.÷.........# #.......##  #.#.##........#.#...#...#.......÷..........# #.......#    #.#.######....#.#...#.#.#........##+####+### #.......#####.#  #.#.# #....#.#...#.#.........∩.........# #......@......#  ##.#.######...)#.#...#.###.................# #.......†.....#   #..#.............#...#...#.....#...........# #..............   #.################...#.#.#............)....# #...........##.   #.# #......# #...###.#....÷............# #...........#_#   #.# #......####...#.#...........([40g\8@m.......# #..............   #.# #.....†..)..##...#.........##+##+#'#####..............   #.# ###.####..###..#......................##...........>..   #.##.##........#.#.....................#  #.##.##.......#...#..........##........#  #.##.##..#######.#######.....##........#  #.##.##..#~~#.......#~~#......'........#gp|3@>g#......................Shotbuck the Shooter ......................Minotaur ......)..............Health: 25/25 ======================== ..................#Magic: 1/1======================== .>.....######.....#AC: 3Str: 15 .......# #.......##EV: 11Int: 6 .......# #.......#SH: 0Dex: 13 ####+### #.......#####.#XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:1 ......# #......@......#Noise: ---------  Time: 687.9 (0.0) ......# #.......†.....#a) +0 shortbow ......# #..............Fire: ag$) +0 shortbow .)....# #...........##. ......# #...........#_# ......# #.............. ##+#'#####.............. ........##...........>.. ........# _You kill the endoplasm! _No target in view! _No target in view! _Found a hand axe. Found a faded altar of an unknown god. _No target in view! _Found a stone staircase leading down.gV*,g/g3gP9 g9: g:BYou see here a ball python corpse.g>g? g@_ggg6gP g gg gg g/g1 g g"g&g(g_)g +g.g0g3g6g{=e### ######.# g'># #.............# g># #.......†.....## g?# #..............#ge?# #...........##.##### .g?# #...........#_#..... .g@# #..............####gM@!#.....g@-..# g@.##.....gA,# gA94.9 (7gEB# #######.......# gB8# #gB"# gC:..# #gdC!#gC[# #########gD*# g~DQ>..#gD8############### g+E$...##............#g\EgFgNg>Rc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g#gLevel 1 of the Dungeon <>>>>_∩(Press ? for help)  #.#.##........#.#.#...#.#....#.......>.....######.....#    #.#.##........#.#.......#..).#.#.÷.........# #.......##  .#  #.#.##........#.#...#...#.......÷..........# #.......#  .#  #.#.######....#.#...#.#.#........##+####+### #.......#####.#  #.#.# #....#.#...#.#.........∩.........# #.............#g0  ##.#.######...)#.#...#.###.................# #.......†.....##  #..#.............#...#...#.....#...........# #..............#  #.################...#.#.#............)....# #...........##.#####   #.# #......# #...###.#....÷............# #...........#_#.....  gR #.# #......####...#.#...........(.......# #..............####   #.# #.....†..)..##...#.........##+##+#'#####..............#  #.# ###.####..###..#......................##...........@..# g #.##.##........#.#.....................# #######.......#  #.#gj#.##.......#...#..........##........##.......#  #.##.##..#######.#######.....##........##.......#  #.##.##..#~~#.......#~~#......'........##########  #.##.##..#~#.........#~#.....##........#gš  #.##.##..##...........##....###.....>..# g #.##.##..#.............#....# #........############### g ##.########.#..##.............##...###........##............#  #........÷....###.............###..##'......................# gI ###########..## #......<......# ##..##......................# gY##..###.............###..###......................#gafH_@gig7z### #.......#####.#Shotbuck the Shooter gz.# #.............#Minotaur .# #.......†.....##Health: 25/25 ======================== .# #..............#Magic: 1/1======================== .# #...........##.#####AC: 3g\{yStr: 15 .# #...........#_#.....EV: 11Int: 6 .# #..............####SH: 0Dex: 13 #####..............#XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:1 ...##...........@..#g{Noise: ---------  Time: 694.9 (0.0) ...# #######.......#a) +0 shortbow g{...##.......#Fire: a) +0 shortbow ...#g{L#.......# ...#g |}######### ...# >..# ...############### g9|...##............# _No target in view! _Found a hand axe. Found a faded altar of an unknown god. _No target in view! gg|_Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a ball python corpse. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g,}g~ggDglP _g2gfgggggg c .###### #.......## #.# #.......# #.# ## #.#####.# # #......# g˧# #.†.....## # #.....#  #.##.###### # #.#@#......7.9 (3 # #..............###### ####..............# ##...........>..## #######.......## #.......# ..# gb#.......## ######### ..#There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.g ggQ _You see here a -1 hand axe.g;  There is a faded altar of an unknown god here. _You see here a -1 hand axe.  This altar belongs to (a) Yredelemnul, (b) Okawaru or (c) Trog, but you can't  tell which.  Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter to  convert or escape to cancel.gJgg.######.....#Shotbuck the Shooter .# #.......## #.#Minotaur .# #.......# #.#Health: 25/25 ======================== ## #.......#####.#Magic: 1/1======================== g(# #.............#AC: 3Str: 15 # #.......†.....##EV: 11Int: 6 # #..............#SH: 0Dex: 13 # #...........##.######XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:1 # #...........#@#......Noise: ---------  Time: 697.9 (0.0) # #..............######a) +0 shortbow ####..............#Fire: a) +0 shortbow ..##...........>..# ..# #######.......# ..#g#.......# ..##.......# ..########## ..#There is a faded altar of an unknown god here. _You see here a -1 hand axe.  This altar belongs to (a) Yredelemnul, (b) Okawaru or (c) Trog, but you can'ttell which.Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter tog2convert or escape to cancel.g   Yredelemnul accepts your prayer!Yredelemnul welcomes you!g/  --more--gc ....##..#@#.........You can now light the black torch and reap souls in Yredelemnul's name.You can now recall your undead harvest.g of Yredelemnul *.....8.9 (1Torch gg  Yredelemnul will now gift you temporary undead servants when you light the _torch.gI U  Unknown command.gJ gP gS _Press < or > to pray at altars.g3 gB Level 1 of the Dungeon <>>>>_∩gC (Press ? for help)  #.#.##....# #.#.#.#.......................................   #.#.##....###.#.#.#....##.#.....#.........)..............   #.#.##........#.#.#.....#....#........................#   #.#.##........#.#.#...#.#....#.......>.....######.....#    #.#.##........#.#.......#..).#.#.÷.........# #.......## #.#   #.#.##........#.#...#...#.......÷..........# #.......# #.#   #.#.######....#.#...#.#.#........##+####+### #.......#####.#   #.#.# #....#.#...#.#.........∩.........# #.............#   ##.#.######...)#.#...#.###.................# #.......†.....##   #..#.............#...#...#.....#...........# #..............#   #.################...#.#.#............)....# #...........##.######   #.# #......# #...###.#....[40gMD Lm÷............# #...........#@#......   #.# #......####...#.#...........(.......# #..............######   #.# #.....†..)..##...#.........##+##+#'#####..............#   #.# ###.####..###..#......................##...........>..#   #.##.##........#.#.....................# #######.......#   #.##.##.......#...#..........##........##.......#   #.##.##..#######.#######.....##........##.......#   #.##.##..#~~#.......#~~#......'........#gD #########   #.##.##..#~#.........#~#.....##........#   #.##.##..##...........##....###.....>..#   #.#gD #.##..#.............#....# #........###############   ##.########.#..##.............##...###........##............#g\E2@>g g[# .######.....#Shotbuck the Shooter .# #.......## #.#Minotaur of Yredelemnul *..... .# #.......# #.#Health: 25/25 ======================== ## #.......#####.#Magic: 1/1======================== # #.............#AC: 3g*$ ]Str: 15 # #.......†.....##EV: 11Int: 6 # #..............#SH: 0Dex: 13 # #...........##.######XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:1 # #...........#@#......Noise: ---------  Time: 698.9 (0.0) # #..............######a) +0 shortbow ####..............#Fire: a) +0 shortbow ..##...........>..#Torch ..# #######.......# ..##.......# ..##.......# ..########## ..#g]$ You can now light the black torch and reap souls in Yredelemnul's name.You can now recall your undead harvest.Yredelemnul will now gift you temporary undead servants when you light the _torch.Unknown command. _Press < or > to pray at altars.g$ g% g- g0 gn4 Q _g6 ,gR7 g8 g9 ,g: g? ### #..####.# #.............# #.......†.....## .# #g_@ ........# .# #....##.###### .# #.....#_#...... .# #.....###### #####....# ...##.@..# 701.9 (3 g@ ...# #######.......# ...# #.......#.# #.......#.# #######g@ ##.# >..#.############### gA :...##............#gA gF 8_g$I c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gX6_gg9gF _Unknown command.g~g?g"ggB22.9 (1 _g gM= ######### 2 ...gggg@#  ...######   g   Robin (wand, asleep) g   hobgoblin (asleep) gg 2 goblins (asleep) g>gDU+ ggggg)ggg  You climb downwards.  The hobgoblin shouts! The goblin shouts! x2; Robin shouts!gL====3.6 (1.7gϾ _You hear an angry hiss. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g g Recognised items. (Select to toggle autopickup)(_ for help) Magical Staves (select all with |)a - unknown magical staves Jewellery (select all with "=)b + unknown jewellery Wands (select all with /)g+ c + unknown wands  d + wands of flame Scrolls (select all with ?)e + unknown scrolls  f + scrolls of butterflies (rare) Potions (select all with !)g + unknown potions Missiles (select all with ()h - boomerangs  i - darts  j - javelins  k - large rocksl - stones  m + throwing nets Miscellaneous (select all with })n + Gell's gravitambourines [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up[Esc] exit g Letters toggle autopickup [.|Space] toggle selected [-] unrecognised [top]g:geggX#Shotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 25/25 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 3Str: 15EV: 11Int: 6SH: 0Dex: 13#########XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2...gggg@#Noise: ====-----  Time: 703.6 (0.0)...######a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch g   Robin (wand)g   hobgoblingg 2 goblins _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _Unknown command.You climb downwards.  The hobgoblin shouts! The goblin shouts! x2; Robin shouts! _You hear an angry hiss. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g^)4gc1g4g N  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Robin.g\ x===-4.7 (1.1ge gKj / _Robin is lightly wounded.g_x  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Robin.g1k  Robin is moderately wounded.g2G-5.9 (1.2g;g?r _Robin laughs in a distinctly smug fashion.gUx  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits SS   addergeg   hobgoblingg 2 goblins  Robin is severely wounded.An adder comes into view.gM-7.2 (1.3g{g  _Robin hits you but does no damage.  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Robin.gˇg-AS.gĔ-8.4 (1.2g/g ( _Robin is almost dead.You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Robin. The arrow hits the goblin.g7 gA ggg 2 hobgoblins  The goblin is heavily wounded.gA -9.5 (1.1gL g` ( _A hobgoblin comes into view.You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Robin. The arrow hits the goblin.g n  The goblin is severely wounded.go  Robin says, "My army is invincible!"Robin roars a battlecry!g \g(1 strong)(strong)g H====10.6gM g7 _The goblins go into a battle-frenzy!You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Robin.  You kill Robin!gG& ] )g u  With your torch unlit, their soul goes wasted...g[ Z.   hobgoblin (, 1 ally target)Z   Robin the hobgoblin zombieg g) Shotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 26/26 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 3Str: 15EV: 11Int: 6SH: 0Dex: 13#########XL:  2 Next: 113% Place: Dungeon:2..SgggZ@#Noise: ===------  Time: 711.7 (1.1)...######a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch S   adderg   hobgoblin (strong)gg 2 goblins (strong, 1 ally target)Z   Robin the hobgoblin zombieRobin roars a battlecry! g P_The goblins go into a battle-frenzy!You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Robin.  You kill Robin!With your torch unlit, their soul goes wasted... _The dead are walking! The goblin hits Robin with a +0 dagger.g  -You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Robin.  You kill Robin!  With your torch unlit, their soul goes wasted... _The dead are walking! The goblin hits Robin with a +0 dagger.  Your Fighting skill increases to level 3!You have reached level 3!gT /  --more--g  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? g M31/312/253 7% gyhobgoblin (strong)2 goblins (strong, 1 ally target)gR _You feel agile. x2ggAReally fire in your ally Robin's direction? Y - Yes  N - Nog4fg6Shotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================AC: 3Str: 15EV: 11Int: 6SH: 0Dex: 15#########XL:  3 Next:  7% Place: Dungeon:2..SgggZ@#Noise: ===------  Time: 711.7 (0.0)gւp...######a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch S   adderg   hobgoblin (strong)gg 2 goblins (strong, 1 ally target)Z   Robin the hobgoblin zombieYour Fighting skill increases to level 3!You have reached level 3!Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? _You feel agile. x2  g+Okay, then.g$g?g@. _gB gdL gg 2 hobgoblins (1 strong) gM 4--2.7 (1gW g\  have reached level 3!  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!  Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? _You feel agile. x2 _The goblin hits Robin with a +0  Robin hits the goblin.  The goblin dies!g"gg .g.   hobgoblin (   goblin (strong)gPY10---3ggd _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g8g9gUE.ggg 2 hobgoblins (1 strong, 1 ally target)=4gLgR{ _Robin barely misses the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin barely misses Robin.g* g gW .S.   hobgoblin (strong,g &5g gB r _Robin barely misses the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits gggg 2 hobgoblins (1 strong, 1 distracted,…) The hobgoblin hits Robin!g;&6gg5B _Robin hits the hobgoblin but does no damage.g4g\>  The hobgoblin hits Robin.gIg).g   hobgoblin (strong) gQ&7g6gI _Robin is destroyed!gt (((You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the hobgoblin.The arrow barely misses the goblin. The arrow hits the adder.gggKg.gggg 2 hobgoblins (1 strong)g/6==8.9 (1.2g g3 _The adder is lightly wounded.gLW  The arrow barely misses the goblin. The arrow hits the adder. _The adder is lightly wounded.  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow complet  The arrow hits the goblin.  You kill the goblin!g6^)( gC s  With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gE g3N w gSZg., 1 ally target)Z   goblin zombieThe dead are walking! The hobgoblin misses you.gQ 1420.1gOY grZ gd /  --more--gc7 _The adder bites your goblin zombie.g ZThe adder barely misses your goblin zombie.g 5--10g gN N _The hobgoblin barely misses you.gThe adder barely misses your goblin zombie.Your goblin zombie hits the hobgoblin but does no damage.ghi29----2g!g$% _The hobgoblin hits 4(g g  Your goblin zombie hits the hobgoblin but does no damage. _The hobgoblin hits you.  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the hobgoblin.The adder bites your goblin zombie.  The hobgoblin hits you  Your goblin zombie closely misses the hobgoblin.==3.2 (1.1gJ gU b _The adder closely misses your goblin zombie.gV  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.gHW  The hobgoblin is moderately wounded.The adder barely misses your goblin zombie.gWb30=-4.3g_gcv _The hobgoblin misses you. Your goblin zombie hits the hobgoblin.gj  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!gq)   hobgobling<You kill the hobgoblin!  With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...  The dead are walking!  The adder barely misses your goblin zombie.  The adder bites your goblin zombie.g )Z(ally target)  hobgoblin zombieg\ Q=75.6 (1.3ggig!/  --more--g W _Your goblin zombie is destroyed!g#g%Really fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - NogI g uShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 30/31 =======================-Magic: 2/2========================AC: 3Str: 15EV: 11Int: 6SH: 0Dex: 15#########XL:  3 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:2...gS)Z@#Noise: ===------  Time: 725.6 (0.0)...######a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch S   adder (ally target)g   hobgoblinZ   hobgoblin zombie _Your goblin zombie is destroyed!Okay, gO g . _g.gSgp<---6.6 (1 _gg#   The adder bites your hobgoblin zombie. Your hobgoblin zombie hits the adder.g P=--7g gn \ _The adder barely misses your hobgoblin}g~T1=8gcgZ _Your hobgoblin zombie hits the adder. The adder bites your hobgoblin zombie.gz8 g{&9gՀgL| _The adder bites your hobgoblin zombie. Your hobgoblin zombie misses the adder.g"  The adder completely misses your hobgoblin zombie.30gԖgd _Your hobgoblin zombie barely misses the adder.g)   The adder bites your hobgoblin zombie..gS 1g g Y _Your hobgoblin zombie is destroyed!g gN B=2g g S _The adder closely misses you.g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder!  You kill the adder!g] )gP  Z(ally target)Z   adder zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gU?41==3.8 (1.2g.[g^v _The dead are slithering! The hobgoblin misses your adder zombie.ggJtReally fire in your adder zombie's direction? gp"Y - Yes g' N - Nogy g" +g5# 4Shotbuck the Shootergj# %Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....g# mHealth: 31/31 ========================g]$ 8Magic: 2/2g$ 3========================g$ 5AC: 3g$ .Str: 15g3% -EV: 11gg% -Int: 6g% -SH: 0g% .Dex: 15g& #########g<& XL:  3 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:2g|& 8.....gZ@#g& Noise: ===------  Time: 733.8 (0.0)g' ...######g) a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch g   hobgoblin (ally target)Z   adder zombie _The adder closely misses you.You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder!  You kill the adder!With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _The dead are slithering! The hobgoblin misses your adder zombie.Okay, then.g1 g6  g7 _g<7 gA4ghGgdKq You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder!  You kill the adder!  With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _The dead are slithering! The hobgoblin misses your adder zombie. _Unknown command.g8gggF _Unknown command.gg8ggF _Unknown command.gӘJg|F _Unknown  The hobgoblin barely misses your adder zombie.g4--4.8 (1gg< _Your adder zombie bites the /  The hobgoblin closely misses your adder zombie.--5 _Your adder zombie barely misses the  Your adder zombie closely misses the hobgoblin.g&6gqg; _The hobgoblin hits your adder zombie.g  Your adder zombie bites the hobgoblin.7ggd _The hobgoblin barely misses your adder zombie.g  Your adder zombie bites the hobgoblin but does no damage.8g#g'; _The hobgoblin hits your adder zombie.g( 8 g) &9gl/ g3 _Your adder zombie misses the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits your adder zombie.gL  Your adder zombie closely misses the hobgoblin.40g g ; _The hobgoblin hits your adder zombie.g-  Your adder zombie barely misses the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin hits your adder zombie.g|) 1gהgiU _Your adder zombie is destroyed!g+<gB6)ggB.-2gHgJg0>(((((((g|r _Your adder zombie is destroyed!  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin closely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!gC ....Z))Z   hobgoblin zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g?4===4.0 (1.2gKgБ+ _The dead are walking!gإ g` g g H _No target in view!g> 4gD g>G H _No target in view!g%4g&gh*g-g2; _g=" #.Z)@<#---.######.  j - a wand of flame (16)  Things that are here:g>,50gDC.Zg9EG---6.0 (2gIgMe _a +0 short sword; a +0 animal skin; a +1 helmetg^JgZgBg } _You swap places.  Things that are here:  a +0 dagger; a +0 sling; a +0 daggergZgg _g#g~gg,gggg,gg'gQ,g gjg##.#############.....Z.))<#.......######..@...........#####...######.#.#.#..J   endoplasm (asleep).#Z   hobgoblin zombie.Jg,51.0 (5goi.Z, ally target)g+2.0 (6gcgS] _An endoplasm comes into view.g  # #.##########  ###.......))<#  #......Z######.  .......@.......  ........#####..  ..######. # .# .# .. .# .Jg y # #.##########  ###.......))<#  #......Z######.  .......@.......  ........#####..  ..######. # .# .# .. gD i.# .J g՛ 4g g a _An endoplasm is nearby!g+s # #.##########  ###.......))<#  #......Z######.  .......@.......  ........#####..  ..######. # .# .# .. gx+X.# .Jg$3 # #.##########  ###.......))<#  #......Z######.  .......@.......  ........#####..  ..######. # .# g.# .. .# .J ggggMa _An endoplasm is nearby!gg&Level 2 of the Dungeon<(Press ? for help)# #.#############.......))<#  #......Z######.  .......@.......  ........#####..  ..######.    #   .# .#  ..  .#  .J  g_ g=g;gOShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#......Z######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 752.0 (0.0)gZP........#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#..J   endoplasm (asleep, ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie.J _You swap places.  gP~Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a +0 sling; a +0 dagger _An endoplasm comes into view. gP_An endoplasm is nearby! _An endoplasm is nearby!g#RgbZgW]g-8c (((((J  (You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm.  The endoplasm quivers.gSg>g$.Z.....J.g7===3.2 (1.2gg6a _The endoplasm is heavily wounded.g (((((You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the endoplasm but does no damage.g&ggv.Z...J.g((4.4gSg"gReally fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - Nog2gL'Shotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2g`M.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0).......Z#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie..  gMThe endoplasm quivers. _The endoplasm is heavily wounded.You shoot an arrow.  gMThe arrow hits the endoplasm but does no damage. _The endoplasm is heavily wounded.Okay, then.gNgUgX. _gegReally fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - NoghgKShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0).......Z#####..a) +0 shortbowg%M..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie.. _The endoplasm is heavily wounded.You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the endoplasm but does no damage. _The endoplasm is heavily wounded. _Okay, then.Okay, then.ggg;. _g:gb Really fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes g ' N - NogTgShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0).......Z#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie..  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the endoplasm but does no damage. _[0;10g{;1mThe endoplasm is heavily wounded. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Okay, then.ggC. _gKg"MReally fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - Nog=gShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0).......Z#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie..  The arrow hits the endoplasm but does no damage. gd_The endoplasm is heavily wounded. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Okay, then.gJgqg. _gxgyxReally fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? gzIY - Yes  N - Nog*g AShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0).......Z#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie.. gA_The endoplasm is heavily wounded. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Okay, then.g3IgL. _gOg5Really fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes ga' N - NogobguShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0)g|v.......Z#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch .#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie.. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Okay, then.gYwg~gM. _ggReally fire in your hobgoblin zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - Noggz^Shotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================#AC: 3Str: 15#.##########EV: 11Int: 6###.......))<#SH: 0Dex: 15#.......######.XL:  3 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ===------  Time: 754.4 (0.0).......Z#####..a) +0 shortbow..######.Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#Torch g*.#J.J   endoplasm (ally target).#Z   hobgoblin zombie.. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Okay, then.g.gg7. _gn~..#..#############.......))<.......######..Z......#####..######.....# .###.## J..#.gqg0rgyS.ZJ.gkz5---5.4 (1gzg= _You swap m---g ((((You shoot an arrow.g+Z..J..===6.5 (1.1gH3g6` _The arrow completely misses the endoplasm.g݉  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm.  You kill the endoplasm!g(.Z   hobgoblin zombieg!# ..ZendoplasmZ   hobgoblin zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gS'587.8 (1.3ga4ge_ _The dead are walking!gkgpH _No target in view!gt4gìgH _No target in view!gMgNg@VgNXH _No target in view!ggAgg!H _No target in view!ggg ^ _No target in view!g:g ;gEg%JC _No target in view!g`4gg<gggvgg1Qg$ggggPgv Qg 4g g! g$v gv g0 gʁ gD  _gi  _You swap places.go ,gA gtm #.......######..#.........................#####.....######........# #Z###.###.######.##..............Z...# #######.#..##  #..@## ---63.8 (6.0 #......[ #...###......#.# ##.##.#.## #.#.# #.#.. ###.Z.Z---4.8 (7 _Found a robe.g(4g*gӻggԾg,gDgggg,g gggg,gCgg"gqgPggYgg,ggg@g g#,g%g39g%;g_?gs@g@gBgEgIgK,gZMgPgSgU,g~WgpZg:e&.....))<# ...######..# ...... ...#####... ###........ #.###.########## ###.##........#.. ........#####.#.### ###.#..##...#.#.@.##...###.Z.#.#Z#.# #......[......#.# #...###...#.#.#.# ....#.# #####.#.#B# .##.#.# #.#.#..B   giant cockroach (asleep)gf_#.#.# #.#.###endoplasm#.#.. #.#.#### #.#..gk075.8 (11.0)g*mgsngw%Z.ZB.Blly target)Z   hobgoblin zombiegy,6.8 (12gx _A giant cockroach comes into view.gڦ (((You shoot an'g'g(gG)g3Z#B...#..gS4;===8.1 (1.3)g<g@c _The arrow closely misses the giant cockroach.g^$8  You shoot an arrow.g[  The arrow hits the giant cockroach but does no damage.g]29--9.3 (1.2gg4 _The giant cockroach bites you.g \  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the giant cockroach.g  The giant cockroach is lightly wounded.  The giant cockroach barely misses you.gh30=-80.4 (1.1g8g!G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.gtO  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the giant cockroach.g6B but does no damage.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.completely misses you.  You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the giant cockroach!  You kill the giant cockroach!g .ZZ   endoplasm zombiegiant cockroach zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gHM=511.5g&glg/  --more--g;, _The dead are walking!g4ggggagHgg,gQgg9L1=gge) _HP restored.ggggg g g gWg,gggg|gtg,g$gggggLg:=g!gR$g&g=(g)g6+gw+g,g0gB7,g8gl:g:g"<gBgqCgPDg!Eg>FgsFgGgHgiK,g8Lg'NgOgcP,gQgRg4TgWUgUg9VgVgqXgYgPZg'[g^\,g:]g^gD`g6agfbgNcgcgdgggig k,glgqD _You now have 54 gold pieces (gained 6).gu4gvg.ygzg_|g~g,grgÆgggg=,gҌggg1ggg"gg?gŚgiggggg,gJgggˣ,g}gugg,g(,gتg֬ggggdggg1g.g#gM,ggg7ggg,gSgggrgggg gg`ggg,ggg`gg ggggTggggMggfggggg|,gsgag?g gR,g3ggzgLgLg,gggg|!gU"g#g$g%gC&g!+g.g0g2g-5g5g7g=g2@gBgDg[FgFg~HgKgPgSgTgyV,gRXg\g_gbgdg+g,gaigjmgQpgs,gtgwgzg|g,gBgzg3gMgdg,gCgwggiggg@gg̟gggggڥgggުgg٬gg+gg\g,geggggй,g`gggggYgggQgg,g3g- _You swap places.ggg~gm- _You swap places.g24gggxgg,glgXgZgNgW,g g gZ g gj g g0 g g^ g g gB! g# ,gz% g) g* g, g- gC/ gx/ g}0 gU2 g4 g6 g6 gi7 g9 gX: gE< g> ,g? gC gxF gOH gJ gM gZM gN gZ You see here a +0 robe. _gZ g 4g g gݮ Xg? g g g g. ,gѾ gX g g g g ,g g3 gH g gG g g g g g gP g g g> g3 gW g gy g g} ,g g gd g g g g g gp z ##.###.######## .######.##........#. ............#####.#. #######.#..##...#.#. #...###...#.#. #......[...... ####...###...#.#.g O ###.ZZZ#.# #####.#. #.@.##.#.# #.#Z---851.5 (70.0) #.####.#.# #.#Z #. #.#.. #.#. .. #.### #.#. g ... ..##.## .##. ...#..Z .. #. #######gA  ># #. g go gF' .Z.Zgiant cockroach zombiehobgobling' H---2.5 (71g- g1 ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g~ g g g g gV g g g Bg g g gL gv g g  ............#####. #.#..##...#.# #...###...#.# #......[....####...###...#.####..Z.#.# #####.##.ZZ##.#.# #.# #.####.#.# #.# #@# #.#.. #.#g& z.# #.### #.#..... ..# #.##.##.#. ... #..K.. #.#.#### #.># #.# #  K   kobold (asleep)g ### #.#  giant cockroach zombie ..#g 4.5 (2.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gI g .Z.KKlly target)g 5===5.5 (3gZ g ( _The kobold shouts!gjO  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the kobold.  You kill the kobold!gU((()Z   giant cockroach zombieg,ggZ....Z   hobgoblin zombieg}536.7 (1.2ggd _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gPr4gxg@{H _No target in view!g>F 4gH gL gN gO gQ ,g~Q % _gT gX g7Z g$[ g^ Xgd` g c ge g g gCg gh g3l gn g!q gs ,gu gaz g g` g g g g gލ gd g˓ gu g gʛ gW ,g> g g g ,g g g g g g@ g gS ge  ####...###.. ###..Z.#.# ##.#...##.#.# ..#.####.#.# ... ##.# #.#.. ... ###..####.### .. #..Z......# g+ #.##Z##.#....... #..@.##.#.###### ---65.7 (9.0).....>####.#.# ####### #.#.#  ..#.#  ###.# .# g g gm MZ.#Z   endoplasm zombieg K---6.7 (10.0)gU gb f _Found a dagger. _You see here a +0 dagger.gƽ4gǾg7g<gg _g,g\gR  There is a stone staircase leading down here.g:gYgggr _g-ggggB,gg$gggBgag g? g gg gg,g",gjg g;g g#g_&g&g)g+gl-g.g0gp1g1g3gb6g9gB;g<<g=,g>gAgCg[EgGgIg:Ig JgGMgCOg QgS,g8UgXYg[g]g_g`,gagCdgig$jg/kglglgmgogqg&sg-ugw,ghxg(zg{g|g}ggVg ggggggg gIgFgnggg|g>gg@ggg $ .......r. ..... ..... ..### ....  ... .### .. .... #. ##### #### #.## #...##  #.@# #....#  ##.###....#gdf# #.Z##....## #####.Z......# #..####.....# #.##.....# ##.# r   rat (asleep)#.....#####..#gj#......##.Z...######.##Z##.#g-85.7 (19gogQlZ., ally target)g,6.7 (20gpgpV _A rat comes into view.g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the rat!  You kill the rat!.((((((Z   giant cockroach zombiehobgobling".......Z.Zendoplasmgiant cockroach zombieZ   hobgoblin zombie5===7.9 (1.2)g gg @_With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gg_ 4gr` g e gi gXk gn ,gfq gTu gv gy ,g { g} g 1 ############# #g........# .............# ....#........#.#........## #........ .#....# ... #@# #######g --- #.## #...##  #....# Z###... Z.##....## ###........# #. g   hobgoblin (asleep)####.....# #.g. cendoplasm #.....# ##giant cockroach zombie #.....#####.. Z   hobgoblin zombieg { 9.9 (2.0  A hobgoblin comes into view.g) g g9 g .gZ.glly target)g V==-90.9 (3gd g^ + _The hobgoblin shouts!g`  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin!  You kill the hobgoblin!g .(((((Z   endoplasm zombiegiant cockroach zombiehobgoblingmp gw u......Z.gz =8=2.0 (1.1g gR d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes g gj g݈ g g g g gŏ BgR  # ###[########## #[.# .# ... #.#g  ..# #.## #........# .##..@.# ..---3g Q0####Z# ##### #Z## #...## #Z.# #....#g #.###....# #..##....## #gF ........# #####.....# #gs k #.....# ##g[ g G---4.0 (2g˭ g 8 _Found a leather armour and a robe.g g g g gG gT gy ga ,g g gl gi g3 g| g g߯ g g0 g g: gu g0 gټ g g gX gT g g g; gV g g g@ g g g` gE g g gB g g~ gf gw g g g g g g-gJ,gg g ggegg gmgg.g g#"gc"g$g/F  You see here a +0 leather armour.g1g1g 3gZ4g4 _ge5g9gj<g=g.>g?g@gAgCgN0.gO<  .   #)   #.   #.#   #..  gTO ##.### Z## 906.0 (12.0)....Z[########## #.....Z.........########.........# ##........#gOi #........#  #........#  ####....##  ####.#gQgRgSga?Z.Zg"b&[gb,7.0 (13ghigm# _Found a club.gB4gTEgKguMgMgNg/RgU,g+[g`ge,geggpgtgwga|gggggg{ggVg4gvg!g՟gs  ....[..#  ....$.#  .....#  .!..#   ...##  g ...   #)#   #@# 11.0 (4.0)   #.## gN  #Z.#   ##Z#### g #.....##  #.....[##########  #.....[.........#  #######.........#  ##........#gg=gGgڸZ.ZZ   hobgoblin zombieg+2.0 (5gg# _Found a robe.ge9g9g<gDg\HgIgIg1O,gSg_<  You see here a +0 club.g=eglhgkgogbp _gysg{g͂gHgFg,ggfggggW,g gx   #....  #.... ###.... #...#.#+# #....[..#gZ #.....$.# #.......# #..@..# #..Z..######.  #...Z....?...  #####)#####..   #Z# g #.##   #..# g  ##.####  gѶ)#.....##ga+6.0 ( (5g&g^ _k - a sedimented purple potiong g g* g ,g ,gD gը g{ gU g g g g gF g g gZ Bg. M _You now have 68 gold pieces (gained 14).g g g g g g6 gP g g g0 g g ,g g gc g\ g g g g# g( g, g0 g?4 g4 gg7 g< gA gD gG gM ,gJP g&U gwY g6\ g6_ g_ ga gf gi gQi g}k gt ~ _h - 2 scrolls labelled FIAKLA PAURAA (gained 1)g1{ g~ g~ g߁ g g‰ g gޏ g g g g g g g Bg g g g gd g g g j #....[..# ..........  #.......# ........##  #.......# .........  ###....Z# .......#  #.....######......#  #.......ZZZZ......#  #####)#####.......# #.# #.Z.....# #.## #.@.....# #..# #.......#  ##.####.......#  #.....##......#  #.....[########## #.....[.........# #######.........# ##........# #........g& 033.0 (16.0)g gJ..ZZg,4.0 (17g g?9 _l - an amulet of magic regenerationggSg&Bga*g/g~3g6g9,g'<g6BgCgFgYHg-KgbKgzMgRgaWgDZg1^,g_gJegiglgKo,gwpgrgugvgwgygzg{gZ}ggAgFg,ggggCgZgg˖g™gSgVgng[gmggӨgg gHg;g| _f - 5 scrolls labelled XACYTE XAFI (gained 1)glg`gػ4ggwggg,ggzggg"g,g^gwg?gggggg Bg~gM _You now have 81 gold pieces (gained 13).g8gg?ggg>gyg3g@,gg gggg=ggxgh,gg0$5 _You swap places.g1)4g*g-5 _You swap places.g[0g1gW34g4g^6g7g:g%<gO>g>gW@gDg>IgJgLgLgNg{RgUgWgY,gZg_gcgeg0ggpi,gjgogNu,gwg]y,g {g}ggnggBggJg0gJ,ggggU,gƞgEgڣg]gg gggTggñg޳,gFggg,g,gggfgugg3,ggggggg,gg\g8gg^gYg!gggg g$g+ggggg&gg`gg( g gggg_g ### ##########go .. #..ZZ....# #. #Z######.# #####.###Z# #Z#gw3 #.....@...# #Z#74.0 (40 #.###$##########.# #. #.....##.# ...##.....##.######g ..>........Z........ #......##g......## #...$. #g......##..... #......#g [#.... #......#g/ggxg%.ZZ   giant cockroach zombieg%,5.0 (41g+g. g.-_Found a stone staircase leading down.gJg%gҕgzgg֙gMg؞ggkggHgg(gG _You now have 95 gold pieces (gained 14).gBgCggggg3g[gggnggd,ggggg,g ggg{,gPgM _You now have 102 gold pieces (gained 7).g"gQ&g&g(gS.g4,g7gM=R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.g@4gBg!F5 _You swap places.g2IgJgLgLgNNg(QgSg*Ug_Vg|XgXg+Zg]g`ag bgdgxfgfghg.kgmg]ogpgrgsgstgwgzg|gf~gрggʂgهgg#gg˔BgNg8gg<,ggBgèg(BgJg gg,gIgogѺg6gggݾgNgGggg=gggggggO,gggggggIg9g6g4g,ggN _You now have 112 gold pieces (gained 10).ggg)g gqgCg g ggggbggg9gg g"g#go$g'g*gI,g.g80g}0g0g3gJ4g5g*6g6g:g<gJ>g,@gt@gAgfCgEgGgGgNHgMIg:LgPgQgwSgUgVgWg[g^g`g'agMbg/fg(hg%jgk,glgpgrgtg#v,gvgxgX{g|gAg,gggsgg!g,g2gg˕gGggaggg٠gg¥gg?Bg,gggXgg,ggDgggggggggggggg0gwggggg[ggGgW g g+gg8gg9g[gggg`gM!g!g["g'g(g0*g+g .,g/g24g7g9g;g=g=g>gBgEgGgIgKgKgPgPQgpTgVgVgXg4YgBZg\g_g)ag^bgdgWdg&eg^hgjgXlg)ngogogpgrgugugwgxgxgyg/|gU~g4gVgg܁gwggggrggg4gggg}gg gJg"g^gĚgggvggNgig=gg)g,gcgg<ggJgggѯg2g_ ################### ...........ZZ.Z.@.# #################.# #..ZZ....# .# #.######.# .. #.# #Z# ... g..# #Z# ..B.B   giant cockroach (asleep) ########.# ..... endoplasm #.....##.# ......Z   giant cockroach zombie #.....##.#######Z   hobgoblin zombieg21040.0 (65.0)g#ggz.ZZ.Z, ally target)gG,1.0 (66g_gb _A giant cockroach comes into view.gx ((((BYou shoot an arrow.g,g"gge{.ZZ..B..g ;===2.3 (1.3)g=gL _The arrow hits the giant cockroach but does no damage.gJ (((((((You shoot an arrow.g gj.B.....g-3.4 (1.1g7g:b _The arrow barely misses the giant cockroach.g. (((((((You shoot an arrow.gvg B......  The arrow closely misses the giant cockroach.g-4.6 (1.2g+gU _The giant cockroach misses you.g t (You shoot an arrow.g BThe arrow barely misses the giant cockroach.g 5.8 _The giant cockroach barely misses (You shoot an arrow.gF( BThe arrow closely misses the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach bites you.g(]29--6.9 (1.1g/g2G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.g3t (You shoot an arrow.g BThe arrow barely misses the giant cockroach.gg8---8.1 (1.2gNg4 _The giant cockroach bites you.gۉ8  You shoot an arrow.g*  The arrow hits the giant cockroach but does no damage.9=9.4 (1.3ggx _ _The giant cockroach barely misses you. x2g t (You shoot an arrow.g31 BThe arrow closely misses the giant cockroach.g1 .50.6 (1.2g8 g< G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.g$  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the giant cockroach.  You kill the giant cockroach!gR .Z   endoplasm zombiegiant cockroach zombiehobgobling p ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombiesWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gsR=621.9 (1.3g{g7+ _The dead are walking!gvg)ghg0H _No target in view!g! g! g<# g ) :30g4 = _g5 ,g7 g@ Bg B g{B i1==g+D gH gL gO ,gP g9V gZ gM\ g\ g ^ gJd 5 _You swap gk 4gml gn gr gwt gu gx gx :=gy g(~ g g g g g( g] g׏ g g ,gM g g g gA g{ ,g٥ gv gi g g gW g g g g g g g g~ g gm gl g gM g g g` g gi gZ g ~#########.# .# #Z######## .##........# Z##..Z.....# Z##........# .##....Z...# .##.....Z..# .........###[#.. ---66.9 (15.0) .....#####.......###.#.. .....# #......## .....# #......# .....# #......#...# #....... .....# #....... .....# #...... ..g "g g g g# gW .Z.Z.Zg H---7.9 (16g g? , _Found a pair of boots.g.# # #.## # #.Z......# # #........# # #...Z....# # #........# # #.....Z..# #......Z.###[#.#####.###.#.# #......## # #......# # #......## #....... # #....... # #...... gёgKgՓg}g.Z.Z.Zg$18.0)ggmg .#  #.########  #..Z.....# . #........# .. #........# ... #....Z...# ... #..# .. .......Z.###[#...#Z.#####.###.#...## #......## # ## #......# # #......## #....... # #....... # #...... g gY g gB g .Z.Z.Zgo &9g g gmO=.# #.# ...#........# ..##...Z....# ?..##........# ....##.....Z..# ##... ##........# ... ..#.###[#...#ZZ.#####.###.#...## #......## .# .# # #......# ..# #......# #### #....... Z 2 giant cockroach zombies# #.......# #. gRg1Wg^<.ZZgf_'70gggRkc _Found a scroll labelled JICYH NUSS.gj.# #.# ... #.# ...# #...Z....# ?..# #.# ....# #.....Z..# ###....# #........# #......# .###[#...#ZZ.#####.###.#...## #......## #.# ..# # #......# #.. S..# #......# #### #### #. S   adder (wandering)# #. ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies  gigg͏g.ZZS., ally target)gc&1gghY _An adder comes into view.g5.Z.Z.Z #####.# ########### ........Z ?....# ...Z..# ###.  #........# #......# #####........###@#...### .......ZZ........####.......###.#...###...## #.#.S.# .. ....# #########. .# #......g g+.ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombiesg+&2gx4g8V _You see here a +0 pair of boots.ggg gggZ.Z#..SS   adder (distracted, ally target)Z   endoplasm zombieZZ 2 giant cockroach zombiesg&3gge, _m - a +0 pair of bootsg (((S  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.g!!g{"g"g#g3$g.,Z..Z.S.Z   hobgoblin zombie===5.1 (1.2g 9g<` _The adder is moderately wounded.ggReally fire in your giant cockroach zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - Nogg.Z.Z.Z#Shotbuck the Shooter #####.#####Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.########....Health: 31/31 ========================#........# ...#Magic: 2/2========================#...Z....# ?..#AC: 3Str: 15#........# ....#EV: 11Int: 6#.....Z..# ###....#SH: 0Dex: 15#........# #......#XL:  3 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2 #####........###@#...###Noise: ===------  Time: 1075.1 (0.0) .............ZZ..Z......a) +0 shortbow .#####.......###Z#.S.###Fire: a) +0 shortbow .# #......##[39gF;49m #.#...#Torch .# #......# #.. .... .# #......# #########S   adder (ally target) .# #.......Z   endoplasm zombie .# #.......ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies .# #......Z   hobgoblin zombie _An adder comes into view. _You see here a +0 pair of boots. _m - a +0 pair of boots  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder. _The adder is moderately wounded.Okay, then.ggY. _g1gxPut on which piece of jewellery? Jewellery (go to first with "=) g l - an amulet of magic regeneration[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip gߑg|g.Z.Z.Z#Shotbuck the Shooter #####.#####Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.########....Health: 31/31 ========================#........# ...#Magic: 2/2========================#...Z....# ?..#AC: 3Str: 15#........# ....#EV: 11Int: 6#.....Z..# ###....#SH: 0Dex: 15#........# #......#XL:  3 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2 #####........###@#...###Noise: ===------  Time: 1075.1 (0.0) .............ZZ..Z......a) +0 shortbow gs.#####.......###Z#.S.###Fire: a) +0 shortbow .# #......## #.#...#Torch .# #......# #.. .... .# #......# #########S   adder (ally target) .# #.......g=Z   endoplasm zombie .# #.......ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies g{>.# #......Z   hobgoblin zombie _An adder comes into view. _You see here a +0 pair of boots. gˢ_m - a +0 pair of boots  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder. _The adder is moderately wounded. _Okay, then.g=I_You see here a +0 pair of boots. _m - a +0 pair of boots  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder. _The adder is moderately wounded.Okay, then.gcgg. _gg-*Wear which item? Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 leather armour (worn)m - a +0 pair of bootsgM[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip gVg_gg.Z.Z.Z#Shotbuck the Shooter #####.#####Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.########....Health: 31/31 ========================#........# ...#Magic: 2/2========================#...Z....# ?..#AC: 3Str: 15#........# ....#EV: 11Int: 6#.....Z..# ###....#SH: 0gh{Dex: 15#........# #......#XL:  3 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2 #####........###@#...###Noise: ===------  Time: 1075.1 (0.0) .............ZZ..Z......g`ha) +0 shortbow .#####.......###Z#.S.###Fire: a) +0 shortbow .# #......## #.#...#Torch gho.# #......# #.. .... .# #......# #########S   adder (ally target) gh{.# #.......Z   endoplasm zombie .# #.......ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies .# #......g1iZ   hobgoblin zombie _You see here a +0 pair of boots. _m - a +0 pair of boots  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder. _The adder is moderately wounded. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.gylgwmgmgvngpx.ZZZZS.#..gx5---6.1 (1ggOkay, then. _Your giant cockroach zombie barely misses the adder.You start putting on your armour.  You continue putting on your +0 pair of boots.  The adder barely misses your giant cockroach zombie.  Your giant cockroach zombie closely misses the adder.g2I.ZgU=--7.1 (2gsgQ _The adder bites your giant cockroach zombie.g'gz/  --more--gk .ZYour giant cockroach zombie bites the adder.g1 +8.1 (3g g&  _The adder barely misses your giant cockroach zombie.You continue putting on your +0 pair of boots.The adder bites your giant cockroach zombie.9.1 (4g g x _Your giant cockroach zombie barely misses the /  --more--g N  The adder barely misses your giant cockroach zombie.  Your giant cockroach zombie barely misses the adder.gS,80.1 (5gPXg\Y4 _The adder bites your giant cockroach zombie.g\gegiZ _You finish putting on your +0 pair of boots.g8###### .Z.Z.Z #####.# ########### .......Z ?...# .Z..# ###   #@.....# #####........###.#...### ...............ZZZS.....####.......###Z#...#### #.#...#.. .... Z   endoplasm zombie# #########Z 2 giant cockroach zombies   hobgoblin zombie.gggZMZS. .# #......# #.. ....S   adder (ally target)########.  Your endoplasm zombie hits the adder.g3-1.1 (1g#g}B _Your giant cockroach zombie bites the adder.g  Z.Z.Z# .# #######.# ...... #.# ....# #...Z....# .?..# #.# ....# #.....Z..# ###....# #.# #.@....# .###Z#...### g I.ZZS.. #####.###Z#...# # #......## #.#...# # #......# #....... Z   endoplasm zombie # #......# ######### Z 2 giant cockroach zombies # #.    hobgoblin zombie # #.g D=2g' g+ l _Something bites your giant cockroach zombie.gQ,3 .Z.Z# .# ######## #.# ....... #.# #....# #...Z....# ##.?..# #.# .....# #.....Z..# ###....# #.# #..@...# .###Z#...### .ZZS....... .###Z#...#### g8- #......## #.#...#  #......# #....... S   adder  #......# #########    endoplasm zombie  #.   giant cockroach zombie  #. Z   hobgoblin zombiege1g2g2gH=S.Z(ally target)Z 2 giant cockroach zombiesgE>X27----3gGgI* _The adder bites you.g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.  You kill the adder!g  .#....... # ##########.......g gI gJ g g gt sZZ...g! 8=---85==4.3 (1.2 _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g* g%. h _Your Dodging skill increases to level 3!gU gW   Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt a + Fighting3.3   2.8  +2   g - Spellcasting   0.0   2.0  -4  g7X ;         b - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1          gUX h - Invocations   0.0   1.0   0  gX c + Ranged Weapons 4.8   4.2  +1   i - Evocations   0.0   1.2  -1  gX ^    gX S    gX T d - Armour   0.0   0.7  +2      e + Dodgingg Y 3.0   3.4  +1  g&Y }    f + Stealthg?Y 1.7   2.4  -1  gY                 gY a    gY         gY _    g Z g$Z a    g=Z _    gUZ         goZ gZ a    gZ _    gZ a    gZ         g[ pThe relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  g/[ The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Helpgk[ G[=] set a skill target  g[ [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targetsg2 a - Fighting   3.3 e - Dodging   3.0 f - Stealth   1.7gngsgg5#####Shotbuck the Shooter .Z.Z#Minotaur of Yredelemnul *..... ###.#########Health: 28/31 =====================---#.######## .......Magic: 2/2========================#........# #....#AC: 4Str: 15#...Z....# ##.?..#EV: 11Int: 6#........# .....#SH: 0gDDex: 15#.....Z..# ###....#XL:  3 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:2#........# #.Z@...#Noise: ===------  Time: 1084.3 (0.0) ###........###Z#Z..###a) +0 shortbow .......................Fire: a) +0 shortbow ####.......###Z#...####Torch #......## #.#...##......# #.......Z   endoplasm zombie#......# #########gkZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies#.......Z   hobgoblin zombie#....... g_Something bites your giant cockroach zombie. _The adder bites you.  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.  You kill the adder! g_With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _Your Dodging skill increases to level 3!gg(gmgpg.U vgW gZ ; _g _ gb gJc gd gMj g%m ,gOo g5t git L9=ggu gOx ,g7z g ,g< g ,g g5 g j30==gؓ gƙ ,gk gۡ ,g9 g{ ,g۬ gz g g b1==g gڸ g gU g, gd g` g gU g g g g g gY g g g^ gq g gT gL gj  #### Z.Z# ##.# ###########g Q#.######## .........  #........## #....#  #...Z....##.##.@..# ---  #.g ##...ZZ..#  #.....Z..#####.Z..# g #..# #..Z...# g1 x##..#.#...### ....gk ............ ###.##.#...###g b#......## #.#...#g q #......# #.......g 099.3 (15.0)g g9 LZ.g ?=---g '100.3 (16g g- ` _n - a scroll labelled JICYH NUSSgz4g}gVgggwg݂ggEg ggߍgNg ggœggggáBgg+g4g}gggg_ggĹgggɼgۿg,ggg7g}ggAgggg;g'g_gbgggggg gEggXg,ggggEgSgggggAg gW g gz g|g,ggg,ggg go"g#g}%g&,g'go)g,g/g/g1g5g7g0:g;g;g =g@gMDgFgeHgHg0JgOgSgUgjWgZg\g^\g]gWagvdgSfg hgigLkgkglgpgxsgtg|vgxgygzg{g~ggggggyggAg^gg=grggcggggB,ggMgggggggұgIgggggggg{ggOgygggggg,gFgg ggyg,gggX.....Z..#####....##.#.####### ........# #......##.Z........ ........###.#...#####.######## .............................. #.......###.#...####.#.####### #......## #.#...####.#.# #......# #.........Z..# #......# ###########Z####### #....... .......@.ZZ........g)27.3 (27 #. ....##.#.##.####### #...... . ..)#.##......# ..####.##......# #.# #.##g......# # ..##......# g####.######   giant cockroach zombie g!0..# g?+###ggggeg|ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombiesg0,8.3 (28ggh& _Found a war axe.g 4g gЭ g g g߱ g g g g) g! gϻ g g gԾ g g4 g ###........###.#...#####.########............ ####.......###.#...####.#.#######  ### #.#...####.#.#  #......# #.........Z..#  #......#############.####### g ; #...............Z.ZZ........  #............##Z#.##.#######  #......)#.##......#30.0)# #......####.##......# g" .. ####.#< #.##......# ## # #. ..##......# ## ####.###### gd ..#  ###    giant cockroach zombie..g g g\ g ZZ   hobgoblin zombieg +1.3 (3g g 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g 4g# g(* g`+ g, gT- g0 g0 g4 g9 g= gu@ gC g^C g3E gN gS gV gX g5Z glZ g%\ g/f ,gf gLi gl gfo go gq gv glz g| g~ g gJ g g g g g$ g' ,g g@ g g g g g g g g g ,g g 5 _You swap places.g g g g/ gD g 5 _You swap places.g 4g. g 5 _You swap places.g g g g g g ,gJ g g g gs g% g g ,g! gd& g* g - g / gV1 g1 g2 g6 g: g= g@ gB gE gE gH gM gOR gT gW gZ g\ ,g^ g\d glh gvj g gj ,gB gH g g g g ,g ga g g g ,g g* g g g g gO g g gC g* g g g g gp g g g g g g gr g g9 g g g g g gn N _You now have 124 gold pieces (gained 12).g g g g g gP g g g7 g g" gi$ g& g' g( g, g0 g&2 g24 g5 g8 ,gG: gC@ gbC gE giG g I ghK gK g'M gRQ gT g W gX gZ gc^ Bga gd gf g?i gj gm ,gn gr gu gw gy g{ g} ,g g g g g g g ,g` g0 gF g g g g! g] gݣ g g g g g ,gL g g g; g# g gq g g5 g g g g g g ,g+ g g8 gb gs g g) g g5 gU g g^ g ,g gu g g g g ,g g gU g gk9 Jg< BgG ,gJ ,gK gNN ,gP gS gW gY g\ g^ ,gd` gld g h g\j gOl gn gq gfq g|s gWw g} g g g҅ gLj ,gl g g gĖ g ga gϝ g g& g_ g# g g g gb gŲ g g gü gZ `g g gy g ,gP g g g ,g g. g3 g|5 ,g7 g: gB ,gqC gC gE g5K gN gP gR ,g&T gmW g [ g] gb^ g^ g_ gzb gRe g;g gjh gi g%j g)k gn g*r gs gt gXv gv gJx gz gɀ BgL g gP g g g g/ g׏ g g g g gL gm gU g˝ g g ,g g| g g gOXgbggg^ig8kgkglgpgsgugwgygFzg{gg+g,ggTg`gBggggggg?g]gggIg7ggZgg`gggBggqgg(,g8gog g gggg2g7g{:,g<g(g*g5+g.gb1g]g`gEbgcg5eg2 #.ZZ....ZZZ..#  ##Z#########..#####  .Z..# ##...Z....#  ##..# ##...#####.#  <#..# #..#Z# .#  ##..####Z##.# )#  .......ZZZ..# .#  #......##########.#  ..........ZZ.ZZ.@.#  218.3 (87.0) .##################  .....#...ZZ..#  .#####.#.#####.#  ##...#.#...# #.#  ##...#.#.#.# #.#  ..[g[34m......#.# #.#   ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies ##...#.#.#.# #.# #####.#.#.###.# g}.ZZ.ZZ9.3 (88gO* _Found a short sword.g}4g]ggg=gR,g)Bg ggBggg2ggrggn g>$g'g*g-,gN/g9C  You see here a +0 short sword.g;g=g?g@g[ _gj]gdgfg1ig:lgNmgo,gRqg#{,g|ggۂg,ggg܏g{XgN,g ggggggg}ggggg~g+g,ggggjg,gF&hg *g,Bg;0g.2g3g"6g7g8g49g:g<gLKv.#####.####### ................>#  .####.#.########.#  .####.#.# #.#  .....Z..# #.#  ###.####### ##.#  ZZ........ ..#  .#.##.####### #.#  )#.##......# #@#  36.3 (17 ##.##......# #.#  ##.##......# #Z# ..##......# #Z#gAL4 ###.###### #.# ......# #Z# ################Z#  #.ZZ.........# #####Z#########..##### gLgMg]Ng0OgWlZ.Z.g]X,7.3 (18g`g.e; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gogggggj,gggg]gg/gRg`,gZ:g0CgJGghJgMgP,gSgbgggigjgg gggg#gg]gggXg)gXgggggggog8ggg%ggDg ggDBgg!g#gk%g*,g*g+g1g3g>5g7g:g<<,gE>gOAgCgEgHFgcGgI,gjJgLg9OgEQ,gQgSgUgVgVogr,gsgxg|g:,gуgÝgg5ggΨggggQggPgg8ggRggggggNgEgggg#g,g g2gIgggg,ggg g"gC$gA&gb(,gD*g-gM1gK3gi4,g5g:gCDV           ###########   ..# #..@......[  70.3 (33gDk###.# #Z#########  ZZ..#.# #Z#  Z##Z#.# #Z#  Z##Z#.# #Z#  .##.##.#    giant cocg7Ekroach zombie .##.#..#   .##.......ZZZ..#  gE.##  gGgWIgRZ[.Z 2 giant cockroach zombiesgMS,1.3 (34g[g^0 _Found pearl dragon scales.gE4gGgEKgLgMgNg;Q,gUgsVgYgq[g@]gX_gWa,gbgqfgig>kgmg1pgVq,grgvgyg{g4~gg؁g,ggdgʊg!ggggggg5gggvgggogg0ggugg ,ggI  You see here +0 pearl dragon scales.ggg5gGgPg _gugg,gdggWgg,g3gUgg(gxggbggg,gggggRgg0gQ gpggg Xgegg5 g!g"gi$g$g#%g)g@.g0g2g3g5,g7g>gBg}DgZFgIg KgSKgLgQg6UgWgGYgZg\gn]g]gag!dgSeggghgjgjgkgogqgKsgtg3vgAxgxgzg|gggggw,gtggӌgAgDgg>,gtggg|g؞,ggggggog̩g>gg5gNgg?,gbgEgĸg,g[g g ggu,ggg gg=gzgggggg,gggzggg:ggFgg6gg`gggg,ggxg_gg g ,g ggg ,gggg !g#,g$g'(g*g,gr.g0gP0gk1g4g5g6g7gN8gv8g9g;g;g<gc=gy>g@@gy@gBgDgXFgavghgBg,geBggݤg;gs,ggHgg,gkgggg|g9M _You now have 127 gold pieces (gained 3).ggggBgg+gyg(gg7,ggggZgogg!gg)gggggyggLgggBgggggg!g$g&g&g'g(,g*gn2g04g5g7gG9g;,gP=gEgqGgGHgVIgQJgL,gMgRgTgVg0YgyYg`ZgagwdgeglggigoigvkgsgugvgOyg{g{gk}gggglgg2grggtgRggog¦gݧg?g٩gЯggvggg}gûggSg;ggggUggJgpg,g1g'gg'gAgCggg,gg5 g gf gU g! g! g# g) g- g/ g2 g4 g_5 g27 g= gA gD gG g\J g2M gM gFP g\X g*] g` gCb gd gg gUh gli gn gr gu g2x guz g{ g| g~ g g gNJ g gv g g{ g. g g gm g& g g@ g} g g gT gp gڸ gX g gR g! g g g g5 g@ g ,g/ g g g gV g gw g g g g g g g gY ,g g g gL g g g ,gV g gF! g! g# g$ ,g & g( g* g+ g- gb. ,g/ g3 g7 g9 g< gS> gA ,gAH gH gcL gN gQ g3S g9U ,gjV gY g^ g b g8d gf gi ,gk g/r gu gx gz g| g ,g gK g g g g g g4 g g gy Bg g ,g g g gS g g ge g gO g gd ,gR g gG g g g! gT# g# g$ g' gx* g+ g- g/ g$0 g0 g|3 g5 g6 g9 g0; ,g@< g|H gL gN gOQ ,gS gZ g1^ g a gc ge gfh gdi gj gr gv gy g | g|~ g؀ g! gY g, g5 g g. g9 gm g g g g g gУ g= g ,gU g׹ g g& &g' gM) g+ g+ g, g0 g2 g4 g36 g7 gg9 g9 g; g>? gIA gD gF ,g3H gK g(N gP gR gT gfU gV g0Z gE] g<_ ga g4f gh ,g&k go g t gv gx gz g| g+} gN gi g g g g g ,gy g\ g g g g: g g gî g{ g? gĺ g g g g g gW g{ g g g ,g` g g gF g g g ,gc gC g g gB gO gx ,g g[ g g g) g ! g' ,g) gZ0 gfC  #.######.##........#...ZZ.. #...ZZZ......#####.#.#####. ## ########.#..##...#.#...# #. .###Z..###...#.#.#.# #. ..##.Z....[......#.# #. ..#####..Z###...#.#.#.# #. ..## ###....#Z# #####.#.#.###. ...# #...##.#.# #.#Z#...#. ...# #.####.#@# #.#Z###.#.385.3 (114.0) gC ...# ##.# #.#....$.##.#.###.#Z ...#####..####.######[##.#..ZZ.#Z ....##.Z.......#.#######. ###.##Z##.#....... #..ZZ..... ###..)Z##.#.###### ########## Z   endoplasm zombie...>####.#.# g D ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies ###### #.#.# g-D Z   hobgoblin zombie ..#.#gG gG gEH g I gT ..Z.ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies   hobgoblin zombiegT ,65g^ g0a - _Found a leather armour.gX[?25h[?0c  Search for what [? for help]? gI [?25l[?1cg g/A3 matches: travel [toggle: !], by dist [/], hide useless & duplicates [=]  a - [D:2] +0 pearl dragon scalesb - [D:1] a book of Blood (352 gold)  g+c - [D:1] a book of Debilitation (220 gold)gLevel 2 of the Dungeon<<>>>(Press ? for help) ######### #.#############.############# #.############## #........Z.Z.##ZZZZZ........# #.ZZZ.Z........##.##########.######################.###########.# #Z###########.###Z##................Z.Z.Z##....Z.ZZ..##Z# #Z#......ZZZZZ###Z##############################.##############.##Z###Z#.###########g#..ZZZ........# #..ZZ....##.########...........#.##..ZZ.#.##############.# #.######.##........##.##....##Z#.########Z######Z###.# #Z##........##.##....##Z#Z##Z##....Z....# #Z##........##.......##.#.##.##.###.##########.##........#####....##.#Z########.##...#.###.....##.##........# #......##............##......##.....##.########........###.#...#####.###########g>#....>........Z...................ZZ.Z..................>##......##.....#......#####.......###.#...####.#.########.##......##.....#......# #......## #.#...####.#.##Z##......##.....#......# #......# #............##.##......##.....#......# #......#############.##########Z#gE###......##.....#......# #.................Z............Z##...#.#+####...........# #............##.#.##.##########.##....[..# #...........# #..............)#.##......# #.##.......# #........###########Z##......####.##......# #.##.......# #...............# #.#####.#<..##.##......# #.#gqg۬gGShotbuck the ShooterMinotaur of Yredelemnul *.....Health: 31/31 ========================Magic: 2/2========================AC: 4Str: 15EV: 11Int: 6SH: 0Dex: 15XL:  3 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:2Time:Torch _Found a stone staircase leading down. _Found pearl dragon scales. _You see here +0 pearl dragon scales. _You now have 127 gold pieces (gained 3). _Found a leather armour.  Search for what [? for help]? drag4ggggHg,g,g pearl dragon scales. _You see here +0 pearl dragon have 127 gold pieces (gained 3). _Found a leather armour.  Search for what [? for help]? dra _You swap places.g'4gg05 _You swap places.g4gg5 _You swap places.g4gggg gf g,ggQg"g%gO(g+g.,gi1g8g>gBg EgGgJgKgMgUgXgUZg@]g`gc,gkegiglg3ngog:qgyqgrgc|gg(gׄg1g·ggEgNgg#gHggggƥgfgggggCgg#ggJggd,ggggggg<gg,ggggg ,gg7ggg g. g ,g gH g g g@ g g  g7 g g g g' g g! g " g# gv) g\, ge. g/ g1 g3 g?3 g4 gF: g= ga@ gB gD gF gF gUH gnM g:P g|R gYT gV gX ,gY g\ g]^ g^_ g` ga g?c ,gXe gh gj gk gl gm gNo go gvp g's g:w gx gr{ ,g| g gk gG g ,gۊ g gb g gɗ ,g gg g g. gФ g g' gx g g g g g ,gC g g gV g gz g g g~ g g gU g g g g g Jg g Bg gS g g g, g g g} g g" ,gb" g& g* g, g/ g+2 g<5 g|5 g7 gD ,gkH gJ gO BgpQ gT gsV gW gX gY g[ ,g\ g a gc gKe g h gj g?m ,go g#u gy g~ g gӀ g0 ,g g g g g gf g ,gF ga gO gM gǨ ,g g g? gݱ g gq g g g gd gm g g7 gk g5 gw gR gT g$ g gs g g g g Xg~ gb g gl g\ gI gy g g/ g g g g g0 g g ,g6 g gQ g g] g gb g g+ g~ g_ g gj g g g g gG g! g" g# g% g% g6' g* g . g/ g1 g3 g6 ,g7 g< g? gA gB gC gE gF g&G gJ gM gN gP gtR g)T gaT g~U gRY g*\ gb Xgb ge gf gci ,g8j g%m go gp gr gu ,gv gTz g} gX g؀ g g g3 g gU gd g4 gЎ g gw gw g] g^ gK g g g3 g g g g g g5 g g6 gڹ g{ g ,g g g g g gz ,gm g g gO g7 g ,g g gQ5   ### ### #.##############  ..# #.ZZZ.Z........#  #.# #Z###########.##  #Z# #Z#.ZZ..Z.ZZ@.#   Noise: --------- 1454.3 (68.0) #Z###Z#Z###########   a) +0 shortbow #..ZZ.#Z#  Fire: a) +0 shortbow #######.# #Z# #.#  Z   [32gT7 Gmendoplasm zombie #######.#  ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies Z..Z.ZZ.#  Z   hobgoblin zombie ##########  _You see here +0 pearl dragon scales.g gg.Z..ZZZ5.3 (1.0)g"g 0 _o - +0 pearl dragon scalesgŬtInventory: 15/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 shortbow (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 leather armour (worn)  m - a +0 pair of boots (worn)o - +0 pearl dragon scales Jewellery (go to first with "=)l - an amulet of magic regeneration Wands (go to first with /)j - a wand of flame (16) Scrolls (go to first with ?)c - a scroll of butterflies  f - 5 scrolls labelled XACYTE XAFI  h - 2 scrolls labelled FIAKLA PAURAA  n - a scroll labelled JICYH NUSS Potions (go to first with !)  d - a yellow potion  e - 2 purple potions  g - a lumpy silvery potion  i - a white potion  k - a sedimented purple potiong o - +0 pearl dragon scales. The nacreous scales of a pearl dragon. It grants its wearer resistance to negative energies. Base armour rating: 10 Encumbrance rating: 11 It can be maximally enchanted to +10. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 7.0 (4.0 -> 11.0). Your EV would decrease by 2.8 (11.8 -> 8.9). You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {rN+} {body armour} {body armor} {resist negative energy} {negative energy resistance} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “His scales are his pride, shut up together as with a close seal. One is so  near to another, that no air can come between them. They are joined one to  another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.” (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g  Inventory: 15/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 shortbow (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 leather armour (worn)  m - a +0 pair of boots (worn)  o - +0 pearl dragon scales Jewellery (go to first with "=)  l - an amulet of magic regeneration Wands (go to first with /)  j - a wand of flame (16) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - a scroll of butterflies  f - 5 scrolls labelled XACYTE XAFI  h - 2 scrolls labelled FIAKLA PAURAA  n - a scroll labelled JICYH NUSS Potions (go to first with !)  d - a yellow potion  e - 2 purple potions  g - a lumpy silvery potion  i - a white potion  k - a sedimented purple potiong;`  g g}  Shotbuck the Shooter  Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....  Health: 31/31 ========================  Magic: 2/2========================###  AC: 4Str: 15 g`### #.##############   EV: 11Int: 6 ..# #.ZZZ.Z........#   SH: 0Dex: 15 #.# #Z###########.##   XL:  3 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:2 #Z# #Z#.Z.Z..ZZZ@.#   Noise: ---------  Time: 1455.3 (0.0) g1#Z###Z#Z###########   a) +0 shortbow #..ZZ.#Z#  Fire: a) +0 shortbow #######.#g_  Torch #Z# #.#g  Z   endoplasm zombie #######.#g&  ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies Z..Z.ZZ.#  Z   hobgoblin zombie g########## Search for what [? for help]? dra _You swap places. gy_You swap places. _You swap places. _You see here +0 pearl dragon scales. g?_o - +0 pearl dragon scalesgJ g g g1 gLWear which item? Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 leather armour (worn)  m - a +0 pair of boots (worn)o - +0 pearl dragon scales[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip g[N gyV g ` }  Shotbuck the Shooter  Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....  Health: 31/31 ========================  Magic: 2/2========================###  AC: 4Str: 15 ### #.##############   EV: 11g` Int: 6 ..# #.ZZZ.Z........#   SH: 0Dex: 15 #.# #Z###########.##   XL:  3 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:2 #Z# #Z#.Z.Z..ZZZ@.#   Noise: ---------  Time: 1455.3 (0.0) #Z###Z#Z###########   a) +0 shortbow #..ZZ.#Z#g`  Fire: a) +0 shortbow #######.#  Torch g` P#Z# #.#ga 0  Z   endoplasm zombie #######.#  ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies g6a Z..Z.ZZ.#  Z   hobgoblin zombie gXa u########## Search for what [? for help]? dra gza E_You swap places. _You swap places. _You swap places. ga f_You see here +0 pearl dragon scales. _o - +0 pearl dragon scalesgad gCn C.Zgn +6.3 (1g>v g)z d  You start removing your armour.gF C.Zg +7.3 (2g g+ g +8.3 (3g g^ g +9.3 (4gx g g ,60.3 (5gH g 12 _You continue removing your +0 leather armour. x4g gh g.  You finish removing your +0 leather armour.  You start putting on your armour.g +1.3 (6g g gs +2.3 (7g g g5 +3.3 (8ggA4.3 (9g%g 1g1/5.3 (10.0)g$9g; 1 8 _You continue putting on your +0 pearl dragon scales. x5gH<gIDgHh _You finish putting on your +0 pearl dragon scales.ggWLevel 2 of the Dungeon<<>>>(Press ? for help)##########.#############.############# #.###############........Z.Z.##ZZZZZ........# #.ZZZ.Z........##.##########.######################.###########.# #Z###########.###Z#g k#................Z.Z.Z##....Z.ZZ..##Z# #Z#.Z...ZZZZ@.###Z##############################.##############.##Z###Z#Z############..ZZZ........# #..ZZ....##.########...........#.##..ZZ.#Z#g)|#############.# #.######.##........##.##....##Z#.########.#g@7#####Z###.# #Z#gX<#........##.##....##Z#.##Z#glT#....Z....# #Z##........##.......##.#.#g#.#gT#.###.##########.##........#####....##.#.########.#g#...#.###.....##.#g#........# #......##...ZZ..Z.ZZ.##......##.....##.########........###.#...#####Z###########g#....>........Z...................ZZ.Z........Z.........>##......##.....#......#####.......###.#...####.#Z########.#g #......##.....#......# #......## #.#...####Z#.##Z#gc#......##.....#......# #......# #..........Z.##.##......##.....#......# #......#############.##########Z####......##.....#......# #......ZZZZZZZ..Z.Z............Z##...#.#+####...........# #.....Z......##.#.##.##########.#g#....[..# #...........# #....Z.........)#.##......# #.#g#.......# #........###########Z##......####.##......# #.#g֞#.......# #...............# #Z#####.#<..##.##......# #.#g  #.# #.......# ##..........# #.ZZ.........# g #.## #.......# #..........Z####Z#########..##### #..# #.......# #......#####........Z.Z..# ##.....Z..# ##.####.......# #......# #.###gA I..# ##...#####Z# ### #......# ###.......))<#..# #..#.# #Zg # #.....[ #......###.........####.##.# #)g # #.....[.........# #...............gؙ .......Z..# #Z# #######.........# #..g ......#####......##########Z# ##........# #####g# R####.................ZZZZ.# gK #........# ######.# #.###.################## g #........# ##Z##........#...ZZ..# ####....## #............#####.#.#####.#g  ####.# ##### ########Z#..##...#.#...# gݚ .# #.## #...## #...###...#.#.#.# #.#gI ( #..# #....# #..Z...[......#.# #.# ##.###....# ####..Z###...#.#.#.# #.# #..##....## ###....#.# #####.#.#.#gp ##.# ##........# #...##.#.# #.#Z#...#.#g  ####.....# #.####.#.# #.#Z###.#.#g  #.....# ##.# #.#....$.##.#.###.#Z#g ` #.....#####..####.######[##.#..ZZ.#Z# #......##.Z.......#   #.#######.# ######.##Z##.#.......  #..ZZ.....#ggl g   Shotbuck the Shooter  Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....  Health: 31/31 ========================  Magic: 2/2========================###  AC: 11g 9Str: 15 ### #.##############   EV: 8Int: 6 ..# #.ZZZ.Z........#   SH: 0Dex: 15 #.# #Z###########.##   XL:  3 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:2 g8 ?#Z# #Z#.Z...ZZZZ@.#   Noise: ---------  Time: 1465.3 (0.0) gk #Z###Z#Z###########   a) +0 shortbow #..ZZ.#Z#  Fire: a) +0 shortbow #######.#g  Torch #Z# #.#g   Z   endoplasm zombie #######.#  ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies Z..Z.ZZ.#  Z   hobgoblin zombie ########## gP You start removing your armour. _You continue removing your +0 leather armour. x4  You finish removing your +0 leather armour.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 pearl dragon scales. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 pearl dragon scales.g! gӜ g g4gsgg4,g gZ _You continue removing your +0 leather armour. x4  You finish removing your +0 leather armour.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 pearl dragon scales. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 pearl dragon scales. _You swap places.g4gg5 _You swap places.g4ggz5 _You swap places.gggg,5 _You swap places.gg0g4ggNggggggg\gg,gg,gg g gg.ggg&g0ggHgg3 g!gX#g.$g$g .g/g2gL4g4g5g~>g@gwAgCg,CgDg#JgKg@MgwNgWPgPgQgZg]g^g`gb,gdgyg{,g/}g~ggglggg4,g,gMg,gggCgSgggguggg~ggg ggOggggggggg~gg g$ ,g ggggg!gF$g$g!&g0gN4gD6gG8g:g<gW=gw?gFgHgL,gNgSgLUgWg`Y,gZg=bg,egfgi,gigqgtgugwgy,g{gggهgygsg؋gBg"gg̘gKg~g,ggƦgg̬gggg+gggggBggjgg^g^g ggggugggg*Jg*,gr+g1g3g4g6g8g09g:g>g*@gBAgBgEgEgFg2LgOgQgRgTgyW,gV\gF`gcgegwgzgi|g|g~gFg׆g!gggw,ggg\gg!gg,gtg _Your giant cockroach zombie waves its antennae.gHg-ggg4g<gggggg,gggggg^g ggDgQggg9gggggng5!g*"g#g$g{'g'g)g0g5g8gX;g9=g?g?gAg"HgKgpMg%OgR,g Tg&Xg[g\g^gagag4cghg^kgZmgngqgqgrgtvgwgjyg7{gw}g,ggEgg@gYgNgQgg=ggѡgiggKg٪ggAggggggg>gggggg*g:ggggIg4ggggg:gTggIggZg,ggV g0gOggkg,g^gjggg#gA%g'ge'g(g,g/gp1g\4g7g7g)BgFg Kg9OgS,gVgYg\g*_gb,gcg8ggVkgEmgogq,grgtgvgcxgwzgB~g~g ggSgՍgFgTgI,gGggɢgWgҧg}g,g+gggg߿g,gagggRgggugggg"ggg#gg<gUgy g2 g g ,g g> g# g g g g g g gR" g,% gs% g( gp0 g54 g6 g9 g< ,gC? gE gsI ,g&L gR N _You now have 143 gold pieces (gained 16).gW gE[ g] ga 4ge gn gs gw gy ,g{ gځ F  You see here a +0 leather armour.g_ g? g< g _g- gP g g g? gߑ g g g g  ####..Z###...#.#.#.# #.#  ###....#.# #####.#.#.###.# #...##.#Z# #.#Z#...#.# #.####.#.#######.#Z###.#.# ##.# #.#Z.ZZZ.##.#.###.#Z# ..####.######Z##.#..ZZ.#Z# #.Z.......# #Z##.#######.# Z##.#....... #.##..ZZ.....# )Z##.#.###### #@############ 543.3 (78.0)g5 ###.#.# #...(..#  #.#.# ######.#  ..#.#  ###.#.#   g gL g gZ s.Z4.3 (79gT g % _Found 8 stones.ge4gfg|lg6ogogpg"rgugsugSyg~g<gg,g#g͠gƦ;  You see here 8 stones.gMggag6 _ggg(gggg"gygtgg5g,glgCggUgTgg3gggg:gsgg-gg g gM g ,g g g' g" g g0 g g gL g g+ r#....... #Z##..ZZ.....# #.###### #.############ #.# #.ZZZZ.# #.# ######.# #.# #Z# .# #Z#  .#   #.#  #@# 54.3 (10 #.#  #.#  g+ #.# #.# #.##.##<#Z   hobgoblin zombieg- g. g/ g0 gM9 g.Z.Zg9 ,5.3 (11gA gD 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gח4g>ggBggФgg,ggYgg,g~g5 _You swap places.g(4gg5 _You swap places.g)4gg5 _You swap places.g04ggG5 _You swap places.ggggiggQg_ggQg,ggg,ggg ,gm#g)g-g/g1,g3g;;  You see here 8 stones.gC?gAgCgD _g;Fg-Og1TgTgUg"WgfWgXg-^gagcgJfgh,g)kg(og4rguguvgvgxgc}g;gNggggƈggqgggggg9gߤF  You see here a +0 leather armour.gPggg"g _ggQggg8gvgggggggggDgPgg+,gg+gggg,g,gg7g7gIggg+gg<g^gggwg gX g g,gg g7gT,g!g%g(g+g.,g0g!5g 9g;g>,g@gEgMgOg+RgUgaUgnWg[g_gAbgsegehghgjgogtgvgwgyg{,g|g?gggÅggh,ggSgUggUg,gHgggggҟgggg(g g,g/gOgPgqg.ggLg_ggfgg*gg,ggVgg/g,grggg gH,g5gxg1gT g g gCghggWggL,g g~&g&+g,g-g0g\1gZ3g8g;gV?gAgDgGgGg^JgQgVgzWgqZg]g`,gagggkg3lgmgIpgr,gwg~ggggXgQ,g}gg|gg-g<gg"ggg9gJgTgMgXggWgqg@gggKg,ggg'gg3gs,ggggggQ _j - a wand of flame (39) (gained 23 charges)gg1g4g,gggg&gN,ggtgRggg,gg0gggg>g|,gg4ggoggegx,ggggggg,ggg g' gI g g ,g` gg gggXgggg9gg,ggg!gg"g#g$g&,g'gh+gS-gj.g/gO1g3,g(5gO:g,>g?gBgCgE,gMFg*KgnOgRgTSgSgXg[gxaXg_cgl$ ..).....>####.##.#. ########## #.#.#.## ..#.# #.# ###.# #.# ### .# #.# ..# .# #.# #.# ..#Z####.##.##Z##.@....##Z##.#Z############.#gm1...#.Z.ZZ.........####.#################.#K K   kobold (asleep)##    endoplasm zombiegfs.618.3 (63gWtgugrvgeOZ.Z.K.Klly target)giant cockroach zombieZ   hobgoblin zombiegN,9.3 (64ggis _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club. gҌR(((( g g3 g g  g .K#.Z..Z 2 giant cockroach zombies g<===20.7 (1.4) g5( g*n _You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold. g7(D(( gD, g  gK.#ZZ.2.1 gH gn _You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the kobold. gy 8  You shoot an arrow. g^ R  The arrow hits the kobold but does no damage. gm_ (3.5 ge  gg T _The kobold closely misses you.!gz  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the kobold.  You kill the kobold!!gn ).##!g8 ZZ   kobold zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...!gx;574.8 (1.3!guF!gI+ _The dead are walking!!gr 4!gI !g !g   You see here a +0 club.!g7 5 _You swap places.!g7 4!g !gH !gl ,!g: !g5 T _You swap places.  You see here a +0 club.!g !gA !go !g !g[ 5 _You swap places.!go !g J!g !g !gn !g !g !g, !g !g !g` !g !g ,!gQ !g !g !g ,!g !g  You see here a +0 club. _You swap places.  You see here a +0 club. _You swap places.!g2 4!g7 !g m _You swap places.  You see here a +0 club. _You swap places.!g !g) !gi !g !g !g  !g| !g_ !g !g! ,!g^" !g$ !g' !gX( !gc) !g* !g* !g+ !g0 !gQ6 ,!g:7 !g9 !g; !g< !gI= !g> !g@ !g^B !g/C !gD !gD !g'F !gH !gK !gN !gwO !grP ,!gtQ !g.U !g^W !gX !gY !g[ ,!g] !g` 5 _You swap places.!gjb !gc !g8e !ge !gg !gn 5 _You swap places.!gbp !gq 4!gr !gu 5 _You swap places.!gw !gy 4!ghz !gA !gq 4!g5 !gu !g !g !g- !gɌ !g؎ !g !g !g ,!g !g !g !gA ,!gG !g !g !ga !g ,!g !g= !g !g2 !gб ,!gͲ !g !g- !gW !g !g ,!gM !g־ !g !g !g !gF !gf !g !g !gQ !gp !g !gT ,!g !g !gV !g !g* ,!g1 !g !g ,!g !g !gy !g !g !g8 !g !g z####.....# #.####.#.### #.....# ##.# #Z#.ZZ.#.....#####..####.######......##.........###########.##Z##.#...Z.ZZ..######..)Z##.#.#######...).....>####.#.# #.#############.#.# #.#.Z@......#.# #.---#Z#########.# #.#Z###### #.# #. #..Z.Z.####.# #.######Z##ZZ.# #Z ###Z##Z### #Z #...ZZZ##Z Z   hobgoblin zombie########)#.############.!g W.........#....Z.........!gG 057.8 (33.0)!g IZ.!g H---8.8 (34!gs!g\ _p - a scroll labelled DYIPTO FESUIBU#g4#g{#g#gG#g#gb#gVB#g 5 _You swap places.#g}(4#g*#g.5 _You swap places.#g'14#g2#g$:5 _You swap places.#g<#g=#g=#g?#gC#gH#gK#gM,#gDQ#g$U#g/Y#gZ#g\#g_#g_#gh,#gi#g!k#g{l#g $gɸ $g $gt $g) $g $g* $g $g ?####.....# #.# #.....# ##.# #.....#####..# #......##.... ######.##Z##.# ##########..)Z##. #....).....>####.#$g>  #.##############. #@# #ZZZ......#---9.1 (9.0 #Z# #.###.# #Z###### ##Z# #ZZ.ZZ.#####Z# ######Z##ZZ#.####Z##.# ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies#Z##......# Z   hobgoblin zombie $g^ #.#########)#.####kobold $g Q#..ZZ.ZZ....#....Z$g% :---$gI $g* E _Done exploring.%gr/ J%gU 0.....%gU %g9^ %gTa E _Done exploring.%g4%g%g@%gE%gAL%g:OE _Done exploring.'g'gLevel 2 of the Dungeon<<<>>>(Press ? for help)##.###....#####...###...#.#.#.# #.##..##....## ###....#Z# #####.#.#.###.###........# #...##Z#Z# #.#Z#...#.#####.....# #.####.#.#######.#Z###.#.##.....# ##.# #Z#.ZZ.Z.##.#.###.#Z##.....#####..####.######[##.#..ZZ.#Z##......##.........######Z##.#######.#######.##Z##.#...Z.ZZ..#.##..ZZ.....###########..)Z##.#.#######.#Z#############....).....>####.#.# #.#..Z(Z.##.##############.#.# #.######.#'gp#@# #ZZZ......#.# #.# #Z##Z# #.#########.# #.# #.##.# #Z###### #.# #.# #Z##Z# #ZZ.ZZ.####.# #.# #.##Z# ######Z##ZZ.# #Z# #Z##.####Z##.### #Z# #.##Z##......##Z# #.##.#########)#.############.# #.##..ZZ.ZZ....#....Z.........# #.############.################ #.##.#'gK#.##.##<#'g^>@'gg 'g7 ####.....# #.# Shotbuck the Shooter#.....# ##.# Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.....#####..# Health: 31/31 ========================#......##..... Magic: 2/2========================######.##Z##.# AC: 11Str: 15##########..)Z##.# EV: 8Int: 6#....).....>####.# SH: 0Dex: 15#.##############.# XL:  3 Next: 89% Place: Dungeon:2#@# #ZZZ......# Noise: ---------  Time: 1689.1 (0.0)#Z# #.######### a) +0 shortbow#.# #Z###### # Fire: a) +0 shortbow#'g Z# #ZZ.ZZ.#### Torch #Z# ######Z##ZZ#.####Z##.# ZZ 2 giant cockroach zombies#Z##......# Z   hobgoblin zombie#.#########)#.#### Z   kobold zombie#..ZZ.ZZ....#....ZYou kill the rat! _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _No target in view! _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _Done exploring.'g. 'gk 'g1 'gC ,'g[ 'g 'g 'g ; _'gv 'gG 'g 'g 'gM 'g ,'g/ 'g. 'g! 'gq' ,'g( 'g* 'gC- 'g+/ 'g1 'g1 'g13 'g6 'g8 'g9 'gB; 'g< ,'g= 'gC >  You see here a +0 dagger.'g+G 'g)H 'g"I 'gJ 'gJ _'gK 'gO 'gQ 'geS 'gU 'giW 'gX 'gX 'gY 'g] 'g6` 'gZa 'gXb 'gzd 'gAg ,'g+i 'gl 'go 'gq 'gr 'gau 'gw 'g3w 'g>x 'gz 'g} 'g  'gK ,'g ,'g= 'gs 'g0 'g 'g 'g) 'g ,'g" 'g7 #..##....## ###....#Z# ###........# #...##Z#Z# ####.....# #.####.#.####.....# ##.# #Z#.ZZ.Z#.....#####..####.######......##.........###########.##.##.#...Z.ZZ.##########..).##.#.#....Z.ZZ.Z@####.#.# #700.1 (11.0)#.##############.#.# #.#.# #ZZZ......#.# #.#Z# #.#########.# #.#Z# #Z###### #.# #.##.# #ZZ.ZZ.####.# 'g #Z# ######Z##ZZ.# #Z#.####Z##.### #Z#.#....# #Z#'gޟ 'gj 'g c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.(g % (g) (g3 (gk6 (g= B(gF Z)Z.ZZ   endoplasm zombieZ 2 giant cockroach zombieshobgoblin zombieZ   kobold zombie(go 81.1 (1.0) _(gu (g  You climb downwards.(g^ 2 #..#  #..# #..# (g #.. ... #.# #.###..# 3 +@.....#  #####.## (g = (gȂ (gH (ga +9 (1.8(gk (g _Your mindless puppets stay behind to rot. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.+g‹ +g8  Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations - +g  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Light the Black TorchNone0%  b - Recall Undead Harvest2 MP+g o3% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.1g 1g$9Shotbuck the Shooter#..#Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#..#Health: 31/31 ========================#..#Magic: 2/2========================#..AC: 11Str: 15...EV: 8Int: 6#.#SH: 0Dex: 15#.###..#XL:  3 Next: 89% Place: Dungeon:31g1%+@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1701.9 (0.0)#####.##a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch _Done exploring. _You see here a +0 dagger. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.  You climb downwards. _Your mindless puppets stay behind to rot. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.1g+1g,n0------------------------2.9 (11gF01g2A _Nothing appears to have answered your call.7gJ7g,7gX7gӿ,7g/7ge------------------------7g.7g1============SS   adder (wandering)7g0175.0)7gcS============8.9 (167g7gLY _An adder comes into view.8gsE((((8g|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the adder.8g\8g .S..S===20.4 (1.5)8gS8g/ _The adder hisses angrily.8g8?(((((8g8gIS....8gҸ-1.8 (1.48gG _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the adder.8g|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder!8g@x   The adder is almost dead.The adder barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the adder!  You kill the adder!8g .ZZ   adder zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...8g8gSShotbuck the Shooter#..#Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#..#Health: 31/31 ========================#..#Magic: 1/2============------------#..AC: 11Str: 15...EV: 8Int: 6#.#SH: 0Dex: 15#.###..#8g XL:  3 Next: 112% Place: Dungeon:3+@.Z...#Noise: ===------  Time: 1723.2 (1.4)#####.##a) +0 shortbowFire: a) +0 shortbowTorch Z   adder zombieYou shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder!  The adder is almost dead.8gH The adder barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the adder!  You kill the adder!With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _The dead are slithering!8gz8g/  --more--9g҃  Your Ranged Weapons skill increases to level 5!You have reached level 4!9g@ /  --more--:ga }8/383----964 7% :gg :gfj O _You feel agile.;gCl _;gqB;gs,;gt;gw;gwU2========;gx;g{,;g;|;g9,;go;gT;g;g;gW========;g^;g,;g;g;gN;gd;g͝;g,;gǠ;g,;gŤ;g,;g;gk3========;g;gwcZ.--- _Magic restored.;gU.#.##!..#...##....;g......'40.2 (17.0)##....<..............;g9<;gM======1.2 (18;g;g _As you open the door, it creaks loudly! You hear a loud squeak. _Found a smoky white potion. Found a stone staircase leading up.<gX <g <g <g  <g 8_Unknown command.=gA4=gSC=gH=gaQ#. #..#. #. #..#. #. #..# #.##.##..# #!....... #....#.#.##....#.###..#.@<Z....#0.0).##....#####.##.<.....#......#......=gQ.#...#..#..#.[ #..=gS=g[CZ.=g`\L------2.2 (1=gc=g4gf _Found a robe. _There is an open door here.=gu4=gw=gJy=gz=g}=g ; _=g˃=g #>.  #.# # #.##..#... #.##..# .. #.##..# #.##.##..# #!.......#  #..@.#.# ------3 .##....#.###..# ........Z<.....#...##....#####.##...<.....# #......# #....... ...=g_.#.....#..#..##=g=gFZ'=gN========4.2 (2=g=g+; _Found a stone staircase leading down.>g>g>g#...... #.#....r. #>. #...... #.# ##...... #.##..#... #.##..# ... #.##..# #.##.##..# #!@......# ##..Z.#.##  .##....#.###..# ........'<.....# ...##....#####.## ...<.....#r   rat (wandering). #......#Z   adder zombie #.......>g3 ....#....>g s 5.2 (1  A rat comes into view.>g>g.rZ.rally target)>g4==6.2 (2>g/>g3- _The rat squeaks loudly.>gY u #...... #.  #...... #>.  #.....r #.# #  #......   .....   ... #.##..#  #.##.##..#  #!@Z.....#  ##....#.##  .##....#  ........'<  ...##....#####.##  ...<.....#  . #......#  #.......   >g  #...... #.  #...... #>.  #.....r #.# #  #......   .....   ... #.##..#  >g #.##.##..#  #!@Z.....#  ##....#.##  .##....#  ........'<  ...##....###>g̤  ...<.....#  . #......# >g O #....... >gL 4>g >gڷ Z _A rat is nearby!?g2a(((((((?gBH?gI?gQ...r....?gR%Z?g2S5=7.5 (1.3?g.Z?g ^j _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the rat.?g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the rat.  You kill the rat!?g†(((Z   adder zombie?gXR...?gV\088.8?gc?g_fd _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...?g ?g' ?g ?g ?g ?g ,?g d #.......##.?g  #.......#>. #.......#.# # #.....†.#.##..# ......#.##..# ....#.##..# #.##.##..#?g] ) #.#--- ##Z...#.## .##....#.###..# ........'<.....# ...##....#####.##?g Y ...<.....# . #......# #.......  ....#....?gz ,90?g g  q - a smoky white potion?g ?gk LSZ.?g S   adder (ally target)Z   adder zombie?g H---50.8 (2?g. ?gb  ?g K_An adder comes into view.@gJ 8((((@g9K ((((@g @gi @g @g @g ...S.Z..@g 7===2.2 (1.4@g @g e _You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the adder.AgAg<Really fire in your adder zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - NoAgXAga_Shotbuck the Shooter#.......##.Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.......#>.Health: 38/38 ========================#.......#.# #Magic: 3/3Agb&========================#.....S.#.##..#AC: 11Str: 15......#.##..#EV: 9Int: 6..Z.#.##..#SH: 0Dex: 16#.##.##..#XL:  4 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:3#@.......#Noise: ===------  Time: 1752.2 (0.0)##....#.##a) +0 shortbow.##....#.###..#Fire: a) +0 shortbow........'<.....#Torch ...##....#####.##Ag~b...<.....#S   adder (ally target). #......#Z   adder zombie#...........#....You kill the rat! _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...q - a smoky white potion _An adder comes into view. Agb_You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the adder.Okay, then.AgcAgjAgm. _Cg9ACg^BCgHCgeL_With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...  q - a smoky white potion _An adder comes into view. CgLv_You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the adder. _There are no items here.Egvrd. ###.>. #.......#.# #.....SEgrr#.......##.....Z.#.##..##.##.......... ##....#.##  .##....#.### ........'<.....##....#####.##Eg\s}..<.# #...Eg:wEgN†SEg15---3.2 (1EgEgZa _Your adder zombie closely misses the adder.Hgys #.# #..  #.##. #.#>.  #.......#.# # #.....†.#.##..# #.....S.#.##..##....@Z.#.##..#####.#.##.##..##.#........#Hgt#.##....#.##  #.##....#.###..# ........'<.....# ...##....#####.## ...<.....#. ##HgHgP=--4HgiHgGv _The adder closely misses you. Your adder zombie bites the adder.JgG((JgJp- .S You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the adder.The adder bites you but does no damage. Your adder zombie bites the adder.Jgp6==5.6 (1.4JguJgx= _The adder bites you but does no damage.Jg G((Jg 1.S  The adder bites you but does no damage. Your adder zombie bites the adder. _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the adder.  Your adder zombie  The adder closely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the adder.  Your adder zombie barely misses the adder.Jg -7.1 (1.5Jg Jg = _The adder bites you but does no damage.Jg G((Jg^ .SYou shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the adder.Jgv)The adder bites you but does no damage.  Your adder zombie barely misses the adder.7-8.4 (1.3 _The adder bites you.KgJG((Kg.! .SYou shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the adder.Your adder zombie closely misses the adder.The adder bites you but does no damage.Kg-9.8 (1.4KgKgva _Your adder zombie closely misses the adder.KgV|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.Kg^  The adder is almost dead.The adder completely misses you.Your adder zombie barely misses the adder.Kgc4---61.2KgKg* _The adder bites you.Kg\-G((KgKD .SYou shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the adder.The adder bites you but does no damage.  Your adder zombie completely misses the adder.Kgf5=-2.7 (1.5Kg˹Kgu _The adder barely misses you. Your adder zombie bites the adder.KgG((Kg _The adder barely misses you. Your adder zombie bites the adder.ompletely misses the adder.  The adder dies!KgH ..ZZZ 2 adder zombies  With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...Kg+6214.1 (1.4KgKgWKg/  --more--Mg / _The dead are slithering!Ngi4NgkNgso,Ngit6=NguNgx,NgyNg~,NgtNg.,NgNgѱb7=NgNgE,Ng<Ng",Ng8==NgNg*) _HP restored.Ng #........# #. ###. #.#>. #.#.# # #.....†.#.##..# #.......#.##..# #....ZZ.#.##..# ####@#.##.##..#--- #.#........# #.##....#.## #.##....#.###..# ........'<.....#...##....#####.##J   endoplasm (distracted) ...<.....# NgZZ 2 adder zombies J##......# #.......Ng>70.0)  You swap places.NgbNg?.Z   adder zombie.  An endoplasm comes into view.---5.1 (11NgNg. _The endoplasm moves out of view.OgiJOgEOg. ##.>.# ##.....†.#.##..#.......##....Z..#####.#.## #@#......#....#.###..#........'<......##....#####.#J..<.....# J   endoplasm.##.Z   adder zombie#. #.....#Og ,0.0)Og`!Og((.ZJ.(ally target)Ogy-+6.1 (1Og`/Og5Ogl   #.......##.  #.......#>.  #.......#.# #  #.....†.  #......  #.....  ####Z#  #@#  #.#  #.#  ...<  .J.#  ...<  .##.  #. #.   Pg:]   #.......##.  #.......#>.  #.......#.# #  #.....†.  #......  #.....  ####Z#  #@#  #.#  #.#  ...<  .J.# ...<  .##.  #. #. PgbPgcPgjPgmY _An endoplasm is nearby!Pg  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm.  You kill the endoplasm!Pg (((.Z   adder zombiePg: O....Pgd ?3===7.5 (1.4Pg; PgC d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...Pg Pg߬ Pg Pgh H _No target in view!Pg"4Pg3%Pg(H _No target in view!Qg(4QgɺQgQgQgQgW= _QgQg!QgiQgQgQg QgSQgQgAQg,QgQgyQgQg,QgQgQgQgQg"QgiQgQgQg",QgQgM _You now have 150 gold pieces (gained 7).Qg Qg Qg Qg Qgy Qg5QgQg9QgQgCQgQgQgv,QgQgQgQgQgQg"$ Qg"_You swap places.Qg-`Qg.5 _You swap places.Qg/Qg0Qg2Qg3Qg4Qg7Qgv:Qg2>,Qg?QgBQgFQgWHQgJQgKQgP,Qg`TQgfVQgXQgXQg\Qgs_QgbQgwdQgf,QgTgQgojQgmQgo,QgOpQgtQg/xQgGyQgyQgIzQg|Qg~QgWQgJQgQg}QgQgaQg,QgQgRQgQgeQgQQgϴ,QgzQgϺQgNQg5,QgQgbQghQgQg,Qg{Qg#QgYQg,QgQgfQgQgQg,QgQgJQgGQgQgQgQgDQgQg BQgQgQgQgqQg,QgQgQgQgQg2 ,Qgv!Qg`#Qg=%Qg&Qg',Qg(Qgx+Qg5##Z####.#####.####.##.......# #..Z.......#.... #######..#..#..## ..........[.#..####. ...####....Z........ #...#.#.....# ###...#Z#.....# ........@.....# ---#....#####.....# ....... .....# ##..... .....# #.... g....# .##### g   hobgoblin (asleep) .# ZZg59m 2 adder zombies .# Qg8 808.5 (31.0)  A hobgoblin comes into view.QgF9Qg9Qgv:Qg[A.Zg.glly target)QgA6===9.5 (32QgGQgJ+ _The hobgoblin shouts!Rg'iV((((Rg....ZZ 2 adder zombies10.8 (1.3)RgXRgp _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the hobgoblin.Rgr'4Rga0Rg3H _No target in view!Rg4RgRgAH _No target in view!Rg 4Rg Rg RgG ##Z####.##......## #.####.##.......# #..Z.......#.... #..#..#..## #...[.#..####.#...####.......#...#.#.....# ###...#Z#.....# .Z.@....# #....#####.....# . g.....# RgO ##..... .#.....# #.... ..#.. #.##### g   hobgoblin... #.# ZZ 2 adder zombies... #.#RgL (0.0Rg  Rg' .Zg.(ally target)RgC- <---1.8 (1 _Rg5 SgBi(((((((Sg5 g.... ..  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.  Your adder zombie bites the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits you.Sg-7f6--===3.3 (1.5Sgc@SgC< _Your adder zombie bites the hobgoblin.Sg  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!Sgz .ZZ 2 adder zombiesSgI 9.SglM 554.7 (1.4SgW Sg[ d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...Sg'% 4Sg' Sg+ H _No target in view!Tg?*Tg*Tg,Tg2Tg6; _Tg:Tg:Tg:P7=-Tg!=TgBTg`BTgDTgI,TgKTgNTg Oi8==TgDQTgIVTgZ,Tg\Tg`TgcTgq,TgsqTgqwTg{Tg~,TgITgT5 _You swap places.TgTgTg4Tgt:=TgTgTgTgQTgTg4TgkTg^TgITgƧTg,TgݫTgTgTgTgͻTg+Tg'Tg,TgTg TgTgXTgTgTgTg!TgLTg!TgTgTg,TgmTg TgTg TgTgTgTgTgTg,TgTg&TgTgTg,Tg"Tg Tgb.##......## .# .##.......####. .....#.... ... ..#..#..## ..# ...[.#..####.####### .................... ...#.#....Z#.###### ...#.#.....#.Z#### ...........##.Z.@# --- .#####.....## ...........# ##!... .....#.....# ...... .....#.....# ....## Tg.....#.##### ....S   adder (asleep) .....#.# ......ZZ 2 adder zombies .....#.# S...#. ####.#.#Tg7{ 32.7 (18.0)  An adder comes into view.Tg\TgTg( .ZZZ 2 adder zombies.  The adder hisses angrily.Tg(H---3.7 (19Tg0Tg22 _The adder moves out of view.Ug4UgWUg$ Ug$,Ug )Ugz*Ug>3##.##. ...#.... ... #..#..## ..# [.#..####.#######................ #.#....Z#.###### #.#.....#..#### .......##.ZZ. #####.....#####..........# ##!....#Ug3#.....# .........#.....# .S....###.#.##### #......##.# #........S   adder#.# #......#.#Ug(45ZZ 2 adder zombies ###.#.# ######.#.#  #. ..Ug714.0)Ug8Ug9UgDA.ZS.(ally target)UgA+5.7 (2UgHUgKUg ( You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.Uga Ugb o  The adder is moderately wounded.Ug;l .ZThe adder bites your adder zombie.  Your adder zombie completely misses the adder.Ugl 7===7.2 (1.5Ugas Ug v 8 _The adder bites your adder zombie.Ug Ug Really fire in your adder zombie's direction? Y - Yes Ug ' N - NoWg}Wg?##.......####.Shotbuck the Shooter ....#.... ...Minotaur of Yredelemnul *..... .#..#..## ..#Health: 38/38 ======================== Wg..[.#..####.#######Magic: 3/3======================== ...................AC: 11Str: 15 ..#.#....Z#.######EV: 9Int: 6 Wg..#.#.....#..####SH: 0Dex: 16 ..........##....##WgXL:  4 Next: 25% Place: Dungeon:3 #####.....#####Z@#Wg3Noise: ===------  Time: 1837.2 (0.0) ..........# ##Z....#a) +0 shortbow Wg?....#.....# .S.......Fire: a) +0 shortbow Wg]....#.....# ......###.Torch ....#.##### #......# ....#.##........S   adder (ally target) ....#.##......#.#ZZ 2 adder zombies ###.#.#######.#.##. ..You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.The adder bites your adder zombie.  Your adder zombie completely misses the adder. _The adder bites your adder zombie.  Okay, then.WgWgWg. _YgC...#.... ... #..#..## ..# [.#..####.#######................ #.#....Z#.###### #.#.....#..#### .......##..... ####.....#####Z.####.... .........# ##Z@...#Yg#.....# #..S........#.....# #......###.##.##### #......# #.# #..#.# #......#.# ##.#.# ######.#.#  #. ..  .# Yg4# YgYg=.ZYgz4--8.2 (1YgDYgy The adder is moderately wounded.  The adder bites your adder zombie.  Your adder zombie completely misses the adder. _The adder bites your adder zombie. _The adder bites you but does no damage. Your adder zombie bites the adder.Zg¹P(((ZgHF S..  You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the adder. The adder bites you.  Your adder zombie bites the adder. The adder barely misses you.ZgId7-==9.7 (1.5ZgPZgQa _Your adder zombie closely misses the adder.ZgdG|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder.ZgP  The adder is almost dead.The adder barely misses you.Your adder zombie barely misses the adder.41.1 (1.4 _The adder bites you but does no damage.Zg  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the adder!  You kill the adder!Zg .ZZ 2 adder zombiesZg/U 9.ZgkY 1382.5Zg` ZgCc d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...\g"8=\gE&B\g+S _You swap places.\g,\g1n _e - 3 purple potions (gained 1)\gS4\g5\g74\g8\g/=\g>\g?\g?:=\gr@\gA\gC\g9D\gE\gFE\gE\gAG\gH\gI\gJ,\gEK\gxM\gP\g3S\gpS\gT\g8V\g4\#....Z#.###### .....#..#### .... ......##....## .... #.....#####..####.... ......# ###.....##.# #.....# #........... #.....# #......###.# .##### #....Z.### #.# #....Z.@.# ---50.5 (8.0 #.# #......#.# #.# ######.#.#  .. ..#.#  ####.#\g\ .>  #. .\g]\g ^\gb_.Z.Z\gdbG---1.5 (9\ge\gh; _Found a stone staircase leading down.\g>\g\g\g\g\g\gEB\g\g2\g%,\gK\g\gB\g|\g2\gM \gC \g\g\,\g\g\g\g\g,\g6\g\g\gA\g\,\g\g\gP\gr \g!\g"\g#\g&\g'\g'\g(\g)\g)\g-.\g0\g1\gy4,\g 5\g<6\g7\g8\g8,\g:\g=\g_@,\gA\gE5 _You swap places.\g"I4\g"J\gSL5 _You swap places.\gO\gP\gP\gQR\gT\gW\gwX\g Z,\gZ\g\\g^\g_\ga,\ga\gc\ge\gf\gh,\g]pB\gtX\gu\g(x\g8y\g{,\g{\g~\g\g\g,\gK\g\g\g\g΍\g \g\g;\gǓ\g,\g\g\g\g\gE\g\g\g[\g\gv\g  There is a stone staircase leading down here. _\g~\g\g2\gM\g \g\g%\gp\g\g'? #.....Z#.#.#..# ############.#.#.#.# .....Z..Z#.#... #############.#.#  #..>.#  #.#.##  #.#Z#  #.#Z#####.#! #!#.@....... #.#########. #.  #.  \g1\82.5 (31.0)3.5 (32\g5z _r - a scroll labelled ILLUNA KIRITAD]g4]gA]g]g]g*]g' B]g% ]g ]g ,]g ]g ]g ]gW ]g ]g ]g ]gp ]g: ]g! ]gp$ ]g$ ]g' ]g?) ]g+ ]g"- ]g. ,]g/ ]gj2 ]g5 ]g6 ]g7 ]g7 ]g8 ]g; ]g= ]gA? ]g@ ]gB ,]gC ]gF ]g=H ]gH ]geI ]gL s _q - 2 smoky white potions (gained 1)]gO 4]gP ]g]S ]gHV ,]gV ]gX ]gZ ]g[ ]g[ ]g@\ ]g] ]g7_ ]gG` ]g7a ]gsa ]gb ]gc ]ge ]g g ,]gg ]gqk ]gbm ]gm ]gn ]gq 5 _You swap places.]gHt ]gu 4]gjv ]g,^g1X^g4^g#6,^g;7^g:R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.^g:=^g!?^g@^gB^gC _^gD^gG^gK^gL,^gN^g&P^gR^gT,^gU^g0Z^g\^g^^g`^g`^ga^g.e^gg^gi^gk^gk^gl^go^ggr^gs^gyu,^gv^gx^gm{^g0}^g~,^g^g>^g<###### ......... .h..# ###### ....### ..#### #........# ## ##....## #......#.# ... #####..####........#...# # ###.....##.##......## # #.................... # #......###.##@# # #......###.##.# #........#.##Z ^g#.....Z#.#.#..# #.# #########.#.#.#.##.#.# ......Z..Z#.#.Z.##.#.#h   jackal (asleep) ###########.#.####.#.#ZZ 2 adder zombies#..>.# #.#.##.#.## #.#.#^g×x 26.5 (12  A jackal comes into view.^g^g^gH .hZ..hlly target)   adder zombie^g¡5==7.5 (13^gl^gƫ' _The jackal barks!_g`& ((((( You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal._g__g7_gi  The jackal is almost dead._gzh..h...h 2 jackals (1 wandering, 1 ally target)_g9=8.9 (1.4)_gڹ_gY _A jackal comes into view._g< (((hYou shoot an arrow.  The jackal barks!  The arrow hits the jackal but does no damage._g] _gI _g _g4 _g; .h..h._gD )30.3_g _gR Z _The jackal is almost dead.`g `(((((((`g`g`gF`g|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the jackal.`g......h..Z..hZ 2 adder zombies`g -1.6 (1.3`g `gݨ> _The jackal bites you but does no damage.`g\`(((((((`g`gI|  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the jackal.`g`g........Z.hh`gr-3.1 (1.5`g6`gA _The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2`g/ m  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the jackal but does no damage.`g< i  The jackal is almost dead.`gd> `gC  The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2  A quokka comes into view.`gI .ZThe jackal barely misses you. x2; Your adder zombie misses the jackal.`glJ -4.5 (1.4`gQ `gR `g^ /  --more--agѨ1 _The quokka moves out of view.bga> You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal.  You kill the jackal!bgC .   jackalbg With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...The jackal closely misses you. You furiously retaliate!bg .Z (ally target)You headbutt the jackal.  The jackal bites you but does no damage.bgF 1405.9bg bg bg /  --more--cgJ _Your adder zombie bites the jackal but does no,f You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal.dgtThe jackal is almost dead.The jackal bites you.  The jackal bites you but does no damage.6--7.3dg<{dg~R _Your adder zombie misses the jackal.dgӪ  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jackal.  You kill the jackal!dgv.ZZ 2 adder zombiesdg)= Z.Z   jackal zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...dgm@528.6 (1.3dgPGdgUK+ _The dead are walking!dgedg"fdgldgapH _No target in view!dg4dgdg>H _No target in view!dgw 4dg dg F _Unknown"egŢegBt7=- _eg֨eg,egegegcegegegegegeegNeg7Wr.ZZ.---41.6 (3.0.....egWr   quokka (ally target).Z 2 adder zombies.>Z   jackal zombie.egHX:---eg`egDd] _A quokka is nearby!gg..# #.####### ..... ......... ...r..# ###### .....### ..#### #........# ##....## #......#.# ...####..####........#...##.....##.##ZZ....##.......@.......ggɇ[.###.##.###.### ####.##Z...#.##.#  #.....Z.# #########.#.#.#.## ......Z..Z#.#... ###########.#.###.>.gggggggg<ggi.rZZ..Z.gg22.6 (1 _gggggg3B. ..# .....#.# #.#######.. .................# ###### #....r.### ..#### #........# ##....## #......#.# ...####..####.....ZZ.#...##.....##.####ggB...............###.##Z###.### ####.....#.##.# #  #.....Z.# #########.#.#.#.## ......Z..Z#.#... ###########.#.###ggGgguHggIgg4JgglU .rZZ..Z.The quokka closely misses your jackal zombie.gg7Vq8==3gg^gg@bb _Your jackal zombie barely misses the quokka.gg4###.. ..# .....#.# #.#######' ######.### ..#### .r..# ##....## #....ZZ#.# ... ###.....#.##.# ## gg  #.....Z.# #########.#.#.#.## ......Z..Z#.#...gggg  Z.Your adder zombie misses the quokka.The quokka barely misses your jackal zombie.=4ggggPc _Your jackal zombie closely misses the  .# ###.. ..# .....#.# #.####### ........... ######.### ..#### .r..# ##....## #....Z@#.# ... #####..####.....Z..#...##.....##.##Z.....##gg6 ..............####.### ###... ...#.##.# ###  #.....Z.# #########.#.#.#gg gg Z.You swap places. Your adder zombie misses the quokka.ggh &5gg gg T _The quokka closely misses you.ig N((((igX  You shoot an arrow. The arrow completely misses the quokka.Your adder zombie bites the quokka but does no damage.igv\  The quokka bites you but does no damage.  Your adder zombie barely misses the quokka.igj ...Zr.igj e6--==6.9 (1.3igt igx + _The quokka bites you.ig 8  You shoot an arrow.igu 6 _The quokka bites you. shoot an arrow.arrow hits the quokka but does no damage.  Your adder zombie bites the quokka but does no damage.  The quokka barely misses you.Your adder zombie completely misses the quokka.ig~v -8.4 (1.5ig/ ig Z _Your adder zombie misses the quokka.jg}  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the quokka.jgN+ZYou shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the quokka.  The quokka is almost dead.  The quokka bites you but does no damage.  Your adder zombie bites the quokka but does no damage.  The quokka bites you but does no damage.r adder zombie bitejg(2/  --more--jg0V  The quokka dies!jg"Z.ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...jgH049.9jgjgŨ# _The dead are hopping!lg4lgLlglgUlg m7=-lgYlg,lglgD,lgElga ,lgY lg 8==lg lg lg lg lg lgg lg lg lg lg U. .....#. # .....#.## #######........#.............# ##### .###### #......Z.# ###. ....## #.....Z#.# ....w##..####....ZZ..#...#  ###.....##.##..@...## ---  #......................  #......###.##.###.###..  #......###.##.# ...  #..#.##.# ###  #.....Z#.#.#..# #.# lgI w   ribbon worm (asleep) #######.#.#.#.##.#.# Z 2 adder zombies ....Z..Z#.#...##.#.# quokka###.#.# Z   jackal zombielg!$ D55.9 (6.0lg% lg& lg' lg' lg0 ..#Z# ...w..Z.ZZwlly target)lga0 G---6.9 (7lg5 lg8 V _A ribbon worm comes into shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ribbon worm.mgg.# ..w..ZZ#...Z===8.2 (1.3mgmg1 _The ribbon worm is lightly mg2 Really fire in your jackal zombie's direction? Y - Yes mg ' N - Nomg mgf ......#.Shotbuck the Shooter #.....#.##Minotaur of Yredelemnul *..... #######........#Health: 38/38 ======================== ...............#Magic: 3/3======================== ###### #......###AC: 11Str: 15 mg .#### #........# ###.EV: 9Int: 6 ....## #......#.# ..w..SH: 0Dex: 16 ###..####......ZZ#...#XL:  4 Next: 44% Place: Dungeon:3  ###.....##.##.Z@Z..##Noise: ===------  Time: 1958.2 (0.0)  #......................a) +0 shortbow#......###.##.###.###..Fire: a) +0 shortbow#......###.##.# ...Torch #........#.##.# ####.....Z#.#.#..# #.#w   ribbon worm (ally target) #######.#.#.#.##.#.#ZZ 2 adder zombies mg d....Z..Z#.#...##.#.#Z   quokka zombie #########.#.####.#.#Z   jackal zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _The dead are hopping! _A ribbon worm comes into view.You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ribbon worm. _The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.  Okay, mg mg . _og^c .....#.  .....#.## .#........# #.#...# ..## #......###... . og#### #........#..###.### #......#.#...w..#..####......ZZ#...# ###.....##.##.ZZ@..## #. #......###.##.###.###..# #......###.##.# ... # #.#.##.# .### #.....Z#.#.#..# #.# og>.#.#.#.##.#.# Z..Z#.#...##.#.# .#.####.#.# ogog=og!..ZZcatching breath, ally ta…)The dead are hopping! _A ribbon worm comes into view. og"u You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ribbon worm. _The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.  You swap places.og)V ````(1 webbed)The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing misses you.The stream of webbing hits your adder zombie but does no damage.og~ogog,.Z#...Z@.og5---9.2 (1ogog; _Your adder zombie is caught in a web!pg......#. .....#.## .# ........# ##.# ....# #..## . #......###... . #........#..###.# ## #......#.#...w..# ..####.Z#...# .....##.##..Z.@.## .ZZ. ......###.##.###.###..# ......###.##.# .... .# .#.##.# #.### .....Z#.#.#..# #.# .#.#.#.##.#.# Z..Z#.#...##.#.# .#.####.#.# pg2pg3pg5pg/6pg\<..#..wZ.Zpg<C---60pgDpgHN _Your adder zombie struggles to get unstuck from the web.pgQ ) # .....#.## ######.# .............# #..## .# #......###... .. ### #........#..###.# ..## #......#.#......#..####........#@.w# ##.....##.##..ZZ..## .##.###.###..#####.##.# .... .#...#.#### # .....Z.# #####.#.#.# ..Z..Z#.#...pgi pg/ pg pg0 pg E  Your adder zombie tears the web.pgK# $ .=1pg- pg/ ? _Your jackal zombie bites the ribbon worm.qgŒ  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ribbon worm!qg s  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.qg  qg+ > Your adder zombie barely misses the ribbon worm. .Zally target)  Your jackal zombie bites the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.qgO ==2.5 (1.3 _Your adder zombie barely misses the ribbon worm.qg} r  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the ribbon worm but does no damage.qgH  The ribbon worm is severely wounded. .Z catching breath, ally ta…)Your jackal zombie barely misses the ribbon worm.Your adder zombie bites the ribbon worm but does no damage.  Your jackal zombie barely misses the ribbon worm.qgqg[C/  --more--rgQ `The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky target)3.9 (1.4 _The stream of webbing misses|You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the ribbon worm!  You kill the ribbon worm!.ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombiejackalsgp]With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...sgϓ2.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombie85.4 (1.5 _The dead are slithering!sg4sg^ _No target in view!ug( _ugnugTVug2Yug  .....#. # #  .....#. .## [.  .....#.## #.# .# .........# ##.# .# ..#.......# #..###.#....#  #......###.ZZ.@.....$#---9.4 (4.0  #........#..###.###.##  ##.#.ZZ...# ###........#.Z.##.# ##.##.....Z## .#............ ###.##.###.###..## ..###.##.# .... .#..#.##.# #.### #g6HZ.Z   jackal zombie---70.4 (5ugO'? _Found a chain vg݅ vg vg vg. vg vg! vga' vg", vgXm vg| vg Xvg8 nvg Bvg vg vg vg vg- vg( _You now have 165 gold pieces (gained 15).vg0vgcgvvgqvg2Bvg-vg,vgvg@,vgvgvg Xvgvg*vgvg;vg,vgvg:vg(,vgvg5 _You swap places.vgJ,vg2vg4vgvgsvg1vgv<nwg,wg6wgu2...###.## ....... .. ....... . ....... .#...... #. ###..... #...#$.....#  #...@#.# # # #.....#.#.###.##.## #...# #Z#......... ...#. #r. ###Z.......... .## #[...Z###.#.#.## #.# #.#.......#r   quokka (asleep)....# ##.# #.#....####Z 2 adder zombies....# #..###.#....#..###...........#wg3[m86.4 (16.0)wgT=Z.r ###.ZZ.rlly target)Z   quokka zombieZ   ribbon worm zombiewg=,7.4 (17wg'IwgMY _A quokka comes into view.xgλ5 ...###.  ## .......  .. .......  . .......  .#.......  #. ###.......#  #...#$.....#  #...@#.# # # xgK #.....#Z#  #...# #Z#  #.r ###.Z  .## #[..Z.  #.# #.#.......#  ##.# #.#....####  #....# .......# xgq ...###.  ## .......  .. .......  . .......  .#.......  #. ###.......#  #...#$.....#  #...@#.# # #  #.....#Z#  #...# #Z#  #.r ###.Z  .## #[..Z. #.# #.#.......#  ##.# #.#....####  #....# .......# xgzxgJ}] _A quokka is nearby!ygU@a(((((((ygygbygk.rZ... ###Z..ZZZ 5===8.7 (1.3) _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the quokka.yg yg Really fire in your adder zombie's direction? Y - Yes  N - Noyg+{ygQShotbuck the Shooter...###.Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....## .......Health: 38/38 ========================.. .......Magic: 3/3========================. .......AC: 11Str: 15.#.......EV: 9Int: 6#. ###.......#SH: 0Dex: 16#...#$.....#XL:  4 Next: 48% Place: Dungeon:3#...@#.# # #Noise: ===------  Time: 1988.7 (0.0)#...rZ#Z#.###.##.##a) +0 shortbow#...# #Z#.........Fire: a) +0 shortbow ...#. #.. ##gm#ZZ........Torch ...#. .## #[....###.#. ...#.## #.# #.#.......#r   quokka (ally target) ......# ##.# #.#....####ZZZZZ 5 zombies ......# #..###.#....# ......###...........# _You now have 165 gold pieces (gained 15). _You swap places. _A quokka comes into view. _A quokka is nearby! _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the quokka.Okay, then.ygyg. _{g##. .# ...###.###....  .#.#. ###.......##...#$.@...#  #....#.## # # rZ#Z#.###.##.## #...###Z#.#.. ###ZZ........ .## #[....###.#.#.## .....#.# .#### #..###.#....{g{g rZ.. You swap places. _comes into view. _A quokka is nearby! _You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the quokka.Your adder zombie bites the quokka.---9.7 (1{g+b _Your adder zombie bites the quokka but does no damage.{geK {gL :---{gpX {gKi  ## .... .# ...###. .### ....... ... ....... .. . .#. #. ###.# #...#$@....# #.rZ.#.## # # #....Z#Z#.###.##.## #...###Z#..#. #..####Z...#. ..## #[....###.#.{gj Q.#.## ##.# #.#.......#.# ##.# #.#....#### .# #..###.#....#{gl {g n M  The quokka bites you but does no damage.{gn {g y Z.  Your adder zombie closely misses the quokka.{gy /=90{gU {g a _Your adder zombie barely misses the quokka.|gX((((|ga   You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the quokka.  The quokka barely misses you. Your adder zombie bites the quokka.  Your adder zombie completely misses the quokka.  The quokka closely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the quokka!  You kill the quokka!|gdZ....ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombieZ   jackal zombieZ   ribbon worm zombie|gi?50==2.2 (1.5|gs|gu|gх/  --more--}g e _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...~gH ## .... .# ...###. .### ....... ... ....... .. ....... .#. #. ###.# #...#@.....# #.ZZZ#.## # # #.....#Z#.###.##.## #...###Z#..#. #..####....#. ..## #[....###.#..#.#####.# #.#.......#.# ##.# #.#....####.# #..###.#....#~g ~g{+BZ.~g-6---30~g6~gj:~gdJZ.~geG---4.2 (2~g2o~g$r6 _You now have 170 gold pieces (gained 5).gŐgEggxggg7gëBggggSgYgg@gg0ggg'ggggg ggwgg,ggLggAgggRgqgqgegg g g1,ggYgg}gg go"g$ga&g&g)g1g4g 7g9gj;gX>g>g@gpIgENgP,gRgaTgVgEWg%X,g%Ygz^gbgd,geg&hg/kglg;ngogrq,grgnxg|g~ggg(gg*g]gFggbgŗg gygÜgΠgHggDgigg$gtgݭgggLgg gȸggggdgPg{gglg.g@gGggagggg)ggggpggqgg,g\ggFg,gigw,ggg;,gg gl g< g Bg g ,g g gY g g g g0 g g # g( g+ gp- g*0 ,gv2 g4 g: g< gu? g? gB gG gL gO g. ###...###Z..#.# ..# .# # ....#...#.Z#.#..# .##..# #....#...###...### .##..# #....#...#.Z.....# g.. ###...###...#.# ..# #.# # ....#...#.Z#.#..# gsR#.##..# #....#...###Z..### g   hobgoblin (asleep) #.##..# #....#...#.Z.....# ZZZZZ 5 zombies #.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...### #.##..# ..#.....#...#.....gzk  A hobgoblin comes into view.gD{gR|g}g~gP,g .gZ.Z...Z.glly target) 2 adder zombiesZ   quokka zombieZ   ribbon worm zombiegp0===6gg}+ _The hobgoblin shouts!gՌ .. .# #####. .##....#.?..###....... ###....g.. ...#.#...###..#.#.. ...#.#.!...###...#.# ..#.Z.#...#.#.. . ...###Z..###...# .. .##.......#.....#.# ... .#>..####...###..Z#.# ..# .#.# # . ....#...#.Z#.#..# g@.#.##..# #....#...###...### .#.##..# #....#...#.Z.....# .#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...### ##.##..# ..#.....#...#.....g˗ng`F.gZg̟JZ..Z.g[0---7ggg  .. .# #### ####. .##.... #.?..###....... ## #...... ... #.#.g.###..#.#..#...#.#.!..Z###...#.#.#.Z..#...#.#.. ..#......###...###...# .. .g .##. #.........#....Z#.# ... ..#>. #..####...###..Z#.# ..# ..#.# ##. ....#...#..#.#..# †.#.##..## #....#...###...### ..#.##..# #....#...#.Z.....#   adder zombie.#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###... .##.##..# ..#.....#...#....g= g g g g W.Z.Z.Z.Z   adder zombie  quokka zombieribbon worm zombieg^ B---8gX g$ gԧ  .. .# #### ####. .##.... #.?..###....... ## #...... ... #.#...###..#.#Z.#...#.#.!...###...#.#.#.Z...#...#.#.. .g #......###...###...# .##. #.........#...Z.#.# .#>. #..####...###..Z#.# ..#.#.# ##. ....#...#..#.#..# .†.#.##..## #....#...###...###.#.##..# #....#...#.Z.....#.#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...# #.##.##..# ..#.....#...#gΫ gf g g g g dZgZZ.Z.g   hobgoblin (ally target)ZZZ 4 zombies9gz g g6  .. .# #######. .##.... ?..###....... ##...... ... ..Z###.. ###.......#g.gR8 ZZ### # .......#...#.#.. . ####...###...# #.......#..Z..#.# ..>. #..####...###..Z#.# ..# ...#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#.. .†#.#...###...##   adder zombie##...#.Z.....# Z   quokka zombie ...#.....###ZZ.###...# Z   ribbon worm zombiegJ>g>gCs  Your adder zombie barely misses the hobgoblin.g]P  Z.Z.ZZ 2 adder zombiesThe hobgoblin closely misses your adder zombie.gQ'30g=^ge _Your adder zombie closely misses the hobgoblin. _You see here a coppery potion.gc... .#.. .# #### ####. .##.... #.?..###....... ## g>#...... ... #.#...###.. ###......Z#g.#...#.# .!@.Z###...#.# # .#...#.#.. . ##......###...###...# .##. #.........#.Z...#.# .g#>. #..####...###Z.#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# †.#.##..##. #....#...###...### #.##..## #....#...#.Z.....# #.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...#g|,ggJ  The hobgoblin hits your adder Z.ZZ.Z.ZZZ 5.gM &1gi$g&d _Your adder zombie barely misses the hobgoblin.g ... .# .. .# #### ####. .##.... #.?..###....... ## #.Z..... ... #.#...###.. ###.#g.#...#.# .!Z@Z###...#.# # .#...#.#.. . g 0 ##......###.Z.###...# .. ##. #.........#..Z..#.# ... #>. #..####...###...#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# .#.##..##. #....#...###...### #.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...#gT g ge 5  You swap places.g g>  .Z...Z.Z. 2 adder zombiesZ   quokka zombieZ   ribbon worm zombieThe hobgoblin closely misses your adder zombie.g .=2g g O _Your adder zombie bites the hobgoblin but does no damage.g ... .# .. .# ########. .##....##.?..###.......### #....... ... #.#Z..###.. ###......Z#g.#...#.# .!.Z@###...#.# # .Z.#...#.#.. . g  ##......###..Z###...# .. ##. #.........#.....#.# ... #>. #..####...###...# #.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# #.##..##. #....#...###...### ZZZ 5 #.##..## #....#...#.Z.....# #.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...###g g g@ Z.Z.  You swap places.  Your jackal zombie barely misses the hobgoblin.g &3gD gN @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.gY \(((((gv gS ; ....gZ. You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses the hobgoblin.Your jackal zombie closely misses the hobgoblin.g e6--==4.6 (1.4g g U _The hobgoblin hits you. Your jackal zombie bites the hobgoblin.g4a  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!gk .ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombieZ   jackal zombieZ   ribbon worm zombieg g H.Zgh i7=-26.0gK g d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g(4g:g<H _No target in view!gS  ... .# .. .# ##### ####. .##....# #.?..###.......### #....... ... #.#...###.. ###......Z#Z.#...#.# gT .!.@Z###...#.# ..# .ZZ.#...#.#.. . .. ##......###...###...# .. .##. #.........#.....#.# ... .#>. #..####...###...#.# ..# .#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# .#.##..##. #....#...###...### .#.##..## #....#...#.Z.....# .#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...###gc gd 6---70g;o gr & _You swap places.g X ... .# .. .# ##### ####. .##....# #.?..###.......### #...... ... #.#...###.. ###......Z#Z.#...#.# .!@.Z###...#.#.# .ZZ.#...#.#.. .g . ##......###...###...# .. ..##. #.........#.....#.# ... ..#>. #..####...###.#.# ..# ..#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# †.#.##..##. #....#...###...### ..#.##..## #....#...#.Z.....# ..#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...g_ g g g gPV.ZZZ.g1B---8g gg  ... .# .. .# ##### ####. .##....# #.?..###.......### #...... ... #.#...###.. ###......Z#..#...#.# .@.ZZ###...#.#.# .ZZ..#...#.#.. . ##......###...###...# .##. #.........#.....#.# .#>. #..####...###..#.# ..#.#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# g[.†.#.##..##. #....#...###...###.#.##..## #....#...#.Z.....#.#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...gzgbgBgZ.ZZ.ZZ.8==9g:g`g,40.0 (2ggT _u - a coppery potiong~  .... .# ..# .# ##### ####.# .##....# #.?..###.......### #..... ... #.#...###...###.....Z.#..#...#.#.ZZ.###...#.#.#.ZZ...#...#.#... .##......###...###...# .##. #...#.....#.# .#>. #..####...###...#.# ...#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..# ..†.#.##..##. #....#...###...###.#.##..##. #....#[40g~ om...#.Z.....#.#.##..# #.....###ZZ.###...gZ g% g g g YZ.ZZ.g +1.0 (1g~ gC gZ #.# .... .#  ..# .# #######.# .##....# ?..###.......###...... ... #.......#...###.. .###...@Z..#..g- ZZZ.### # ...Z....#...#.#... .####...###...# #.......#.. >. #..####...###...#.# ....#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..†.##...###.#...#.Z.....#gܵgkgg,g9qZZ.Z.g&2gJgdgn# #.# .... .#  ..# .# #######.# .##....# ?..###.###......... ... .###.. .###....Z..#.. Z..### # ........Z.....#...#.#... .####...###...##g-o .......#.. >. #..####...###...#.# ....#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..†.##...##gtgvg wg?SZZZZ...gB=3g1gg'###.# .... .#  ..# .# #######.# .##....# ?..###.###......... ... #....Z..#...###.. .###...ZZZ.#..gc)8 .......Z....### # ........#...#.#... .####...###...# #.......#.. >. #..####...###...#.# ....#.# ##.. ..#.#..g>0gt1g-3g3g@TZZZZZ...gA&4gwKgNNg36  ### ##.## .... .#g6 b ..# .# ##### ####.# .##....# #.?..###.### #. ... #...ZZZ.#...###.. .###..ZZ...#..#...#.# ...###...#.#g6 .# ..#...#.#... ..##......###...###...#.##. . #gJ7 ...#.....#.# .#>. #..####...###...#.# .#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#..g: g"< g< gB gG rZZZZ...gH &5g7S g W gK ### ##.## .... .# ..# .# ##### ####.# .##....# #.?..###.### #.@.ZZ. ...goL #..ZZ...#...###.. .###..Z....#..#...#.# ....###...#.#.# ...#...#.#. ..##......###...###...#.##. . #...#.....#.#.#>. #..####...###...#.# .#.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#gQgRgNSgSgTg^zZZZ.ZZ..g_&6grhgjgRx ### ##.## .... .#  ..# .# #######.# .##....# .###.......###.ZZ......... ... #.ZZ....#...###.. ####.. ...### ........#...#.#.. ..####...###...##. . #.........#..>. #..####...###...#.# g,gvgS6ZZZZ.gɪ..gE&7gg*g+8.0 (2gigl _n - 2 scrolls labelled JICYH NUSS (gained 1)gfz#####.##.... .# ..# .# #########.# .##.....ZZZ###.......###Z@Z.......... ..........#...###.. .##..#...#.#....## .......# ...... ..#####...###...###. . ...#.....#.# >. #..####...###.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#.g+gĪC.Zg+9.0 (1gg& _You swap places.g"NI#####.##.... .# ..# .# ##########.....ZZ.###.......###Z.ZZ... ....@.....#...###.. .##..#...#.#....## .......# ...... #..#####...###...###... ...#.....#.# >.# #..####...###.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#.gNo†.#.##..##.. ###...#glRgRgo\`.ZZ.Zg]'50gfghgK !#####.##.... .# ..# .# #########.# .##.....Z..###.......###ZZZ.... .....Z....#...###.. .###.@.#...#.#g2 .......## .......# #...... #..#####...###...###... ...#.....#.#>.# #..####...###.# ##.. ....#...#..#.#.†.#.##..##.. #...##...#. .Z....g ,g g \.Z.ZZg. &1g gF ggggtgEgBggAg$ gT_You swap places.ggtggggg g g:ggggg?gggggT g- g ggg~g]g,g{-g/g3g5g6g7g8g;g4<g=gBg GgIgMg~OgRgRgyTgZg\g^gC`gycgcgdghgZlgXngXpg(sgsgtgyg@~g~g-gg]gKgg?g~g!ggۑggggggggdggYgDg7gggFg5gXgʹgghggºgggxggg:g@ggjg%ggbgggg<ggggaggggFgmggggggNggg0gKgg~gg g|gUgkgbggg/ggg!gs$g&g(g+gf+g,g1gJ5g:7g'9g9g:g>g@gD,gQEgWGgO ## .##### ZZZZ.# g P.###.####### Z# #Z##....# ######### Z###....Z.Z###Z......### ..........#Z.Z#..# ....#...###...###...#... gwP#..#...#.#...#..# ###...#.#...###.. .#...#.#...#. ...###...###...###.. #K K   kobold (missile, asleep)#.....#.# ...# jackal ##...###...#.# ..###gP8#...#..#.#..#gFY 75.0 (24.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.gY[gd.ZK.Klly target)ge5==6.0 (25glg w( _The kobold shouts!g\(((((((gg .Z.....K.g  (((((You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the kobold. The kobold throws a stone.ggg"Z...#.@Z.....Z   ribbon worm zombiege9=7.4 (1.4)ggf< _The stone hits you but does no damage.g (((((You shoot an arrow.gbg(egefgfgggAhgoZ...Z...K.adderjackalgpZ   ribbon worm zombiegq(8.8gxg|C _The arrow hits the kobold but does no damage.g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the kobold!  You kill the kobold!g(((()Z   adder zombiejackal zombieribbon worm zombieg]ug"vghvgwg;Z@Z......quokkajackalZ   ribbon worm zombieg6380.3 (1.5ggd _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gJr gr g g- H _No target in view!gp4gg)gYggpggugQ; _gcgggƿgg gggbg|gggCggfgggg2gQgg,ggOggO,ggg!g$,g&g+g/g}3,g6g9g=g@gXC,g\FgLgPgJSgV,gXg]g4bgDegSigjgmgBngpg=zgXgHgZgg,g$ggDg gVXgg}ggg2g gggIg6ggggCgVBgWBgBXgc<Z..#..Z.....## gcA...###.ZZ#... >.#.#...#ZZ#.#######..# #.#...###...........# #.#...#.Z.).......^...###...###....... #.#.....#ZZ....... #.#...###...####.# #.# #.#..#...#...###@#..... ---95.3 (15.0)###...#..ZZZ.......#...#...###........ ###...###........#..#####.....#..........#.###...#.......#..# quokka zombie #.#...#..#.......#..#jackal.#...###.......## ##ribbon worm zombie #.#...#......##.#gggyhgzre.Z.Zg`sH---6.3 (16g{g!~; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g${4ggH _No target in view!g4gvgg7,gg; _g gggǺg ,gggg grghggggg&gggggggigggg'gggggS ;  There is a shaft here.g g g g g g _gX gK gh$ g& gW) g , g. g1 ,gu2 g@8 g; gt> gU@ gA gD gG ,gH ge gh g'q gv} g g g g9 g gw g` g{ g g g g g gR g{ g gq g! gT g g g g( g g g% g g g g1 gz g g g[ gh g g g gW g ,g g gX g g g gN g g g^ g g g ,gY g gS! g," g$ ,g5& g5+ g6 &          g6  ########   #.ZZ.@.#   #Z####.#   #Z# .#  # #Z# .#  ## #Z# .#  ..#######Z# .# gl7   g   goblin (asleep) ZZ#........>.# g#  adder ZZ#.#######..# .#   Z   quokka zombie#...........# g7   Z   jackal zombieg> .113.3 (17g`@ g@ g`B gJ ZZ.Z.gglly target).ZZZ 4 zombiesgK ,4.3 (18gS g` s _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.g~](((((gZQg RgSRgRg Sg1[Z...g.Z g[05 zombiesg}\;===5.7 (1.4)ghdg!if _You shoot an arrow. The arrow misses the goblin.g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the goblin.  You kill the goblin!g ((()ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombieZ   jackal zombieZ   ribbon worm zombiegG...gx557.0 (1.3gg9d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g gI g g H _No target in view!ggg\ge g$g(g,; _g1g+6g29gA;g>g>gA@gEFg5IgyK,g(LgMgHPgRgUghUg(Wg4,  Things that are here:  a +0 club; a goblin corpsegBgg _gg,gؘg}ggڞggpgggg1gg+g,g=gngzgggrg,gWggglggg,g5ggggg",gggQgcgg2gs,gg go g gqgg goggPgg!g^#g&g'gt'g'g)g+g,g-g.g!0,g1g:g"<g<g=g?,gj?gIBgCgEgHgIgEJg^KgMgOgFQgESgTgTgUgYg0]g^gFagjc,g5eghgmgpg=qgqgZrgsgyg}ggg!g`g܇gg1gύgVg+ggڔg,gvgvgĜgg,gggg7gk,gbgg^gg,ggg*ggxg,gggGggggggdgmgggNgTggg4g gDg?gg,ggg g g,gggg%gw g"g$g&,g*g,g/gv1g1g^2g]6g9gT;gr=g=g>gBgDgFgGgJgKgHLg+MgPgSgTg~UgzWg@Z,g [gJ]gW_g`gKa,gbgFdgegfg(hghgkg}kglg5qgaugw,gygk|g~gmgςg,gg1g8ggg>ggϕgg$gug΢g,gsggRgg=,gg2ggJg,gzgg$ggg,gG,g+ggg gMggvgXg,gQgNggLgggg/ggTgtg6g6gggg9g5g2ggBgugfggggq g gggrgggggg g"g#g%gs+gD0g]2g5g7g9gI:g<g@gEgTHgJgLgPOgQgQg Rg1[g_g`gbgegIggigkgLlgngsgxggggljgߋgggagPgkggggdg-gG,gg]gCg9g g_gwBg3gggggggBggngMgggggaggg@gGgsg,gg g)ggXggz,ggggggg,gg1gg;gFg gcg,gj g gxBg}gggJggEg.gvgg]!g"gD#g#g%g'g'g(g)g+,g+gE1g*5g7g 9g;g>,g?g%CgDg`Eg;FgiGgHgHg\Ig&KgNgPQgRg)UgUgYWg\g%`gkbgbgccggfgigjgm,g0ngogpggqgr,gisgtgvgwgygD|g6BgggYgg݊ggˏgiggng<gg;gZgg,gg.gg8g߮gRg2gk,g=ggBggg,g$gggNgjg,gggg,ggQg gR gg,ggKg8gV,g"gpg!g$g{&g(gc(g$*g,g.g/g0g2g4g5gU5g?6g 9g;g=g?ggg"g4gPggBggxgkgEggggh,ggWgKggag,g+gggg g gugg2gKgbggg[g g| g!g %gc(g+g-g.,g0g5g[:g<g>g@,gSBgDgFgFgGgHg&J,gJgLgNgNgOg7QgxS,g UgYg]g^gb,gdgfg0ggrhgmg6ogqg0sgsgtgugvgvg?{gegg̃gagg{g)ggig̔g!g8gggggg gcgPgu,gggôgGggggggggg"gR,gggkgIgggggugNg,gh,g,gggg6ggkgFg'g,ggVggggggxg,g g gt gggg,ggI gj#gZ$g&g(g%)g*g.g 1g2gu3g5,g8gM:g=g6?gyAgCgwEgEgEGgLgYPgRgTgVgQWgIXgv\gI_gagcgegfgggkgbngzog qgrgu,gyg{ggOg*gggg ggBg)g,gLgg]gNgˢg/g!g0gg4gg*gcgg9ggδg4gع,ggżgggg4gZ,gggg&ggig,gggxg gRgggdgFg!gtggg g g g g g( g g g 5 _You swap places.g g g~ g g" g[) 5 _You swap places.g* g+ g*. g0 g2 4g^4 g: 5 _You swap places.g> gCA g'C gC gD g[K 5 _You swap places.gN gP g2R gS gXS gS gW g(Y gZ g[ g] gr` g` gb gi gm go g~r gdu gx gix gdz g g؁ g g, g g g g g gI g g֒ gW g g g̗ g ,gl g g˞ g g+ g gB g g g g\ g; gư gϲ g@ g9 g ,g g g gF g g g g g4 g go g' g gj ,g g g ,g gr g g: g g g g gY g gy g g6 g g ge gw g ,g g" gL& g]( g|* g2- g/ g1 ,g 3 gd7 gw; g= g @ g-B gD guF ,gH g P gS gU gW g0Z gY\ gc_ gb g,d ,gf gk g s g0t gw gy g>| g~ ,g gh g< g gu g= g g# ,g g g g\ g. g` gg gQ g g& g- g g g g gJ g g g g g g g g g^ g g% gz g g_ g! g1% g& ,g' g, g/ g2 g<4 gc6 g6 g7 g[< g? gA gJD gF gI gK ,gM gT g9X gY g+] ,gH_ ga gb gc gp g$t gv gx glz gP| g~ ,g g g g g gƊ g g g gO g ,g g gq g g g gf ,g g g g^ gb ,g g gɱ g g g g Bg ,g2 gB g g g g ,g g/ g_ g g g g_ g" g g{ ga g ga g( g g g g! g0! g$" gt" g" gL' g+ gG. g0 g2 g4 g7 ,g9 g@ gBR gzU gX gx[ gX] g` ,g9c gi gy  #.......ZZZZ.#  #.## .........###.####..[. #...####Z# #Z##....... #.# #.Z.Z###....Z..<.. .# #.................. .# #.......#...#......##.###.......#..#.....................###.#........# #@..............#.---290.0 (173.0)#........###..##......###...##.......##..Z.##.........#... g{  #.......#>.#Z.##..####...###.  #.......#.##..##..# ....#...#  #.....†.#.##Z.##..##....#...#  #.#.##Z.##..##....#...#  #.......#.##.Z##..##.....###Z######.#.##.##..##..# ..#....g} g~ g< gv g g H---14g g 9 _Found a stone staircase leading g8> gL ^ _No target in view!g Ll#######.#### #ZZZZ.# #.## .........###.####[. #...####Z# #Z##..... #.# #.Z.Z###....Z<.. ........... .# #....###.####.. .......##....###.........#.....###Z.##......###...#gM#..Z.##.........#..>.#.###...###...#. †.#.##Z..Z#...#  #.......#.##.#.....###Zg QgQgRgSgSgPTg8Z.ZZ..2.0) _gEgsT y #.######. ### #.......ZZZZ.##.##.. ...###..[... #...####Z# #Z##.... #.# #.Z.Z###.....<... .# #.. .# #.#....##.###.#..#.### #.###Zg~U .# #........###Z.##......###... #.......##....##...# #.#>.#Z.##..####...### #.#.##ZZ##..# ....#... #.....†.#.##..##..##....#... #.#.##..##..##....#... #.#.##..##..##.....###guX g_ Xg=g HZZ..gQh &3glr gru gb D #.##### #. #####.ZZZZ.##.##....###..[...##...####Z# #Z##.##.# #.Z.Z###.<...# .# #.# .# #.#.##.###.#..g0 . #.###ZZ. #........###Z.##......### #.......##....##...# #.......#>.#ZZ##..####... #.......#.##..##..# ....#   adder zombie #.....†.#.##..##..##....#ribbon worm zombie #.#.##..##..##....#..g E #.#.##..##..##.....##g\ g g g ZZ..Z 2 adder zombiesg: &4g g g #.##### #. #####.ZZZZ.##.##....###.gc #....[...##...####Z# #Z#.##.# #.Z.Z####....<...# .# ##.# .# #.##.##.###.#.ZZ. #.###Z #..###..##......###g  #.......##....##.# #.......#>.#ZZ##..####... #.......#.##..##..# ....# #.....÷.#.##..##..##....#gz! #.......#.##..##..##....# #.#.##..##..##.....g{%gL&g2<Z.g@3&5gG=g=@gP ###  ########.#### #. #####ZZZZ###.##............###.[..####Z# #Z#....##.# #.Z.Z###<. .# ##.##.###gsQ#. .ZZZ####........###..##......###.##....##......>.#ZZ##..####...#.. ÷.#.g6n,gwZ.ZjackalZ   ribbon worm zombiegx&6gEg1g ### . ########.#### #. #####ZZZZ###.##............###.[..####Z# #Z#....##.# #.Z.Z###<..# .# ###.####. .Z.Z....####Z.............###Z.#####.##....##......>.#ZZ##..####...#gGquokka. jackal÷Z   ribbon worm zombiegg.g@g*g2%>Z.g%&7g0g3g E ### . ########.#### #. #####ZZZZ###.##............###.[..####Z# #Z#....##.# #.Z.Z###<.g |..# .# #ZZ##.####. .Z.Z..####Z.......###..####.##....##......>.#Z.##..####...#. g g g[ ,g7 uZZ..Z.gԔ &8ga g g  ### #. ########.#### #. #####.......ZZZZ###.##............###.[..####Z# #Z#..@.##.# #.Z.Z###<...ZZ.# .# #Z##.####. ..ZZ####........###..####.##....##......>.#Z###...#gW g g g g RZZ..g` &9g g gV ### #. ########. #. #####.......ZZZZ. ####.##......###. #....[...##...####Z# #Z #.##.# #.Z.Z### #....<ZZ.# .# # #......Z.# .# #.# #.Z##.###.#.Z. #.###. #.###..##......### #.##....##. #.#>.#Z.##..####...Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombiegGT300g]gO#.#.#. ### #. ########. #. #####.ZZZZ ####.##............### #....[...##...####Z# # #.##.# #.Z.Z### #....<ZZ.# .# # #.....ZZ.# .# #. #.##.###. .Z. #.###.. #.###..##...... #.##....## #.#>.#Z.##..####gÐgg4gw,gکZZZ..Z.1ggEgY #  ###  ########.### #. #####ZZZZgs ###.##............##...##...####Z# .Z..##.# #.Z.Z###ZZ..# .#  #Z##.### g gf go g dZ..Z.g &2gd% g) _You see here the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}.ga 4gl g=n gU g gʗ g XZZ.Z.g &3gj g w _v - the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}g geg"Inventory: 22/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 shortbow (weapon)  t - a +3 trident of protection Armour (go to first with [)  m - a +0 pair of boots (worn)  o - +0 pearl dragon scales (worn)b - a +0 leather armour g%$ v - the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv} Jewellery (go to first with "=)l - an amulet of magic regeneration Wands (go to first with /)j - a wand of flame (39) Scrolls (go to first with ?)c - a scroll of butterflies  f - 8 scrolls labelled XACYTE XAFI  h - 2 scrolls labelled FIAKLA PAURAA  n - 2 scrolls labelled JICYH NUSS  p - a scroll labelled DYIPTO FESUIBU  r - a scroll labelled ILLUNA KIRITAD Potions (go to first with !)  d - a yellow potion  e - 3 purple potions [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gh v - the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}. A pair of boots. They are worn on the feet, and cover all but the largest hoovesand talons. Base armour rating: 1 Str+3: It affects your strength (+3). SInv: It lets you see invisible. *Slow: It may slow you when you take damage. giIf you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would remain unchanged. Your EV would increase by 0.5 (9.0 -> 9.5). This ancient artefact cannot be changed by magic or mundane means. You found it on level 3 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {artefact} {artifact} {boots armour} {boots armor} {auxiliary armor} {auxiliary armour} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified artefact armour (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ggglShotbuck the Shooter##Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.Health: 38/38 ========================#.Magic: 3/3========================#.###AC: 11Str: 15#. ########.### EV: 9Int: 6#. #####.......ZZZZ SH: 0Dex: 16g####.##............### XL:  4 Next: 55% Place: Dungeon:3#....@...##...####Z# # Noise: ---------  Time: 2303.0 (0.0)#...ZZZ..##.# #.Z.Z### a) +0 shortbow#....Z.Z.# .# #....... Fire: a) +0 shortbow#........# .# #....... Torch #........##.###.............................. ZZ 2 adder zombies#........###............ Z   quokka zombie#........###..##......## Z   jackal zombie#.......##....##........ [4g 2mZ   ribbon worm zombie _You swap places. _You swap places. _Found a stone staircase leading up. _No target in view! _You see here the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}._v - the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}g gJZ.g%+4.0 (1gGgz Found a stone staircase leading up. _No target in view! _You see here the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}.g_v - the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow Str+3 SInv}  You start removing your armour.g/HZ.g+5.0 (2gxgg+6.0 (3ggA7.0 (4gggT+8.0 (5g$g& 0 _You continue removing your +0 pair of boots. x4g ,g8  You finish removing your +0 pair of boots.  You start putting on your armour.g9+9.0 (6g@gKg%L,10.0 (7gWgF^g^+1.0 (8gggysgUt+2.0 (9g{gE3.0 (10.0)gؐg  You continue putting on the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow _Str+3 SInv}. x5g/  --more--g 18  You finish putting on the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow  Str+3 SInv}.g gܿ g J _You feel!g$y  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt  a - Fighting   3.3   2.8  +2   h - Spellcasting   0.0   2.0  -4           b - Polearms   0.0   0.7  +2  g%     c - Unarmed Combat   0.0   0.8  +1   i - Invocations   0.0   1.0   0       j - Evocations   0.0   1.2  -1  d + Ranged Weapons 5.5   5.0  +1              g%[ e - Armour   0.0   0.7  +2       f - Dodging   3.0   3.4  +1      g&Z g - Stealth   1.7   2.4  -1                                                  g&            The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  g'The species aptitude is in white.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [!] training|cost|targetsg ;gDgdPShotbuck the Shooter##Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.Health: 38/38 ========================#.Magic: 3/3========================#.###AC: 11Str: 18#. ########.### EV: 9Int: 6#. #####.......ZZZZ SH: 0Dex: 16####.##............### XL:  4 Next: 55% Place: Dungeon:3#....@Z..##...####Z# # Noise: ---------  Time: 2313.0 (0.0)#...ZZZ..##.# #.Z.Z### a) +0 shortbow#....Z...# .# #.....grQ+.. Fire: a) +0 shortbow#........# .# #....... Torch #........##.###.............................. ZZ 2 adder zombies#........###............ Z   quokka zombie#........###..##......## Z   jackal zombie#.......##....##........ Z   ribbon worm zombieYou finish putting on the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim {*Slow  Str+3 SInv}. _You feel stronger.g@Y4gagocg 4g g g g gE g? ; _g gD g g gA g g g g g g g gO" g" gt$ gR( g+ g- g0 g3 g55 g8 g#9 g; gMA gF gH gK gmO gO gR g\Y g^ gga g,d gf gi gTj gUl gv g} ,g g g̈ gM g ,g g g gu g gá ,g g g g g7 gX g gh ,g g{ g g g6 g g g ,g g g g g g g: g ,gM g g g gX g0 g g g g g g g& g8 g gK g g ,ge g g g g gC ,g g g* g< gE g g g g% g  g g g gL g g g g g g+ ,g g g g g g g gT g g gY gH gT gE! g! g&" g$ gx& g' g( g) g* g + g+ gG3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 gQ9 g9 gQ? - _You swap places.gPB 4gBC gF - _You swap places.gI gJ gJ g O - _You swap places.gR 4gR gV 5 _You swap places.gX g?Y g(Z gn[ gH^ g^ g~` gBd ge gf gph gki g-k ,gOl gn gp gq gr g)t gcu gu gNv gx gz g{ g+} gW~ gT g ga Bg/ g g g g g gÍ g: gY g g8 gۖ gk g g g gJ g gv g g g g gȩ gM gȬ gg gٴ g g g\ gb g g ,g g g g g@ g g g gv g( g g" g gO g g go 5 _You swap ggggg5You swap g8"g:#gP$g%g'4g~(gV.g0g1g2gE4gb6g6g8gAgFg*HgIgKgMgXPgHQgQRgZg]g`gbgidg+fgh,gdjgOpgsgPtgugvgxg7{g{gY}gބgljg4ggFg.g<,g9gTgjggߤgggvgVg˭gggOgg gAg2gs,g5gggcggggggggg ggg g,ggKgggGgtgggg{gG g^ggIgt,ggg-ggggg,g!!g&gL+g-g/g2g4gk7g7g:gAH  There is a stone staircase leading up here.ggg g1 gvg _gg@  There is an open door here.g!g$g'g*g(.g. _g21g}>gBgEgyJgM,gOgRgVgYg[g_g`gbgggNlgmgWogqgr,gZtgzg)g:gKgggggg>gggUgLgOggggggg[ggygٽggggxg"ggIgg1gggggtgxggtg8gggvgg&ggg ,g gJggggg!,g$g*g1gU4gx6g9g;gc>g>g@g'DgGgtHgJ,gKKgNgPgQgJRgSgSg7TgVgIZg[g]g_gagbgAcg,hglgogqgPrgrguvgxgIzgJ|g,gmg gxgXg!ggggВggFgǙggggܢgЮa #............Z ...####......##...Z# #..#..ZZ.....<...Z.# #..##Z####.##......# #.. #.####.##....... #.. #..........#.... #..#######..#..#..##  #.###.....Z.#..  .......@..####..........  #####..##Z# #...#.#.... gӯ #.. #Z####Z..#.#  ##. #ZZZZZ...  g. ###....#####  .. ....g   goblin (asleep)  #...###..#jackal  #.. #........#....  #........#.###g 84.0 (71.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.gg1Z.g.glly target)gX6===5.0 (72gg: _The goblin shouts! You hear a shout!g (( You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the goblin.g,gg[m  The goblin is heavily wounded.gzggZ.g #..oo   orcg   goblin (ally target)Z   adder zombieZ   jackal zombieg16.3 (1.3)gg s _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gX  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the goblin.  You kill the goblin!gK ()Z   adder zombiejackal zombiegF_ gJ` ga gb gc go Z.Zo.(ally target)Z 2 adder zombiesgs 077.6g~ g d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g: g:< Really fire in your jackal zombie's direction? Y - Yes g< ' N - Nog g#  #............Z Shotbuck the Shooter ...####......##...Z# Minotaur of Yredelemnul *..... #..#..ZZ.....<...Z.# Health: 38/38 ======================== #..##Z####.##......# Magic: 3/3======================== #.. #.####.##....... AC: 11Str: 18 #.. #..........#.... EV: 9Int: 6 g. #..#######..#..#..## SH: 0Dex: 16  #.###..Z.........Z.#..## XL:  4 Next: 57% Place: Dungeon:3  .......@Z.####.......... Noise: ===------  Time: 2387.6 (0.0)  #####.Z##.# #...#.#.... a) +0 shortbow #.) #.####Z..#.#.... Fire: a) +0 shortbow ##o #ZZZZZ.......... Torch  .. ###....#####.... .. ................ o   orc (ally target) #...###........#.... ZZ 2 adder zombies #[39g ;49m.. #........#.... Z   jackal zombie #........#.###The goblin is heavily wounded. _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the goblin.  You kill the goblin! _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...Okay, then.g g . _g   #.  ...####......##...Z  #..#..ZZ.....<...Z.  #..##Z####.##......  #..##.####.##..  #..##..#  #..#..#..#..  ##.###..Z..Z.#..  #.Z.####. #.Z##.# #...#.#  #.)##.####Z..#.#  ##o##ZZZZZ  ...###....#####  ...  #...###.#  #...# #.#  #.#.g? g g g g Z..##ZZquokkaZ   jackal zombiego 5---8.6 (1g g+ _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the goblin.  You kill the goblin! _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _The orc barely misses your jackal zombie.gnM...#####...Z#..#..ZZ.....<...Z.#Z####.##...............#######..#..#..###.###..Z.........Z.......Z..####.........######.@##Z# #...#.# #.Z##.####Z#o##ZZZZZ...... ...###....#####............#...#####...# ##jackal###gqsgto  Your jackal zombie closely misses the orc.gvgǁ2 .ZZZ. quokkaZ   jackal zombieThe orc hits your jackal zombie with a +0 dagger.gP=--9g gΑ7 _Your jackal zombie bites the orc.gHa 9#..#..ZZ.....<...Z.#Z####.##...............#######..#..#..###.###............Z#......ZZZ.####.........######.Z##.# #...#.# ###Z#o##ZZZZZ...... ...###....#####................##...#### #####   jackal Z...ZZ  quokkaZ   jackal zombie90g\z  _You swap places. The orc hits you but does no damage. _You see here a +0 club.gj  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the orc but does no damage.g؍m  The orc is moderately wounded.ggp  The orc hits you but does no damage. Your jackal zombie bites the orc.  The orc completely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the orc.  You kill the orc!gyglZ)ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombie  jackal  ribbon worm zombieg?60==2.0 (1.4ggg/  --more--g=/ b _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...g:#Z####.##...............#######..#..#..###.###..Z.........Z......Z...####.........#####ZZ##.# #...#.# #Z)##.####Z##@##ZZZZZ.........###....#####.................###...#### #...# #####  ####.#.##gR..ZZgE6---30ggԪG _You see here a +0 dagger.g..........######..#..#..###.###............Z.......Z..####.........#####ZZ##.# #...#.# ####Z#)##ZZZZZ......#.@.###....######....................######...###........# #...# #...#####  #######.#.## #.#...gQggûgug_`Z..ZgII---4 _gygg*4gggGgggggAggggg|,ggKg],ggM _You swap places.  You see here a +0 dagger.g4gg- _You swap places.gfgggggpggggNgv,g g g gggggsgggwg,gf g#g&g&gi(g*g+g,gAgXg0g g4 gaggg9gggiggg!g g^$g$.gn0g2g5gp5g8g:gl>gT?g @g@gAg)BgBgDgEgFgGgsHgVIgJ,gKgOgPgQgRgS,gTgVgWgYg[Bg]g)^g`g`,g`gcbgcgdgegfg7gggggglgngapgqgrg\sg&tgxg}g,gg+gbggg?,gՒggigXg)g-gi,gҦggggg'gg˺gg}ggggFggy,ggggg;g,ggwggggwgg1g[g2ggggT,ggj gS gtg>ggg,g@g$gG+g/g&3g7g;g/<g#?gPgZg^gbg?j,gqlgmgtg@{g_~gqggĉgnggggɖgؘg)g~g+ggggڥg֧gϫgggg!gMg ,gggggQggRgBggggg[gggggggggg*g<g_g4go,ggg gg?gg g9gMgg2g,g= g%g'g'g(g,E _You now have 177 gold pieces (gained 7).g/g1g4g54g?7g;g=gP?gpAgAgBgHn _e - 4 purple potions (gained 1)g9LgMgQJgSgfYg*e$ #...# ####.....#.#  #...# #...Z.#.# #.....Z  ##### #####Z#.#############. #Z#..Z..Z #.################ #Z## #Z## #.## #@#ge# #.## #.## #.## #.# #.## r   rat (asleep) #.## ZZZZZ 5 zombies #r#gYf; #gmm 439.0 (45.0)  A rat comes into view.g^ngng$ogog6}.Z.Z.Zrlly target)r.==40.0 (46gC _The rat squeaks loudly.gG  #....ZZ#######.#.#############. #Z#...........Z..Z###############.#Z.r. 2 adder zombiesZ   quokka zombie Z   jackal zombiegzK gRL ,gGM gM gN gX .Z.Z.Zr.ZZZ 5gY c --1.0 (1.0)gb gg g7`q#######Z#.#############. #.#...........Z..ZZ################.Z.r. 2 adder zombies Z   quokka zombieZ   jackal zombiegc,gdg egReg@fgnp.Z.Z.Zr.ZZZ 5 gqA--2gzgb}g  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the rat.  You kill the rat!g (.ZZ 2 adder zombies   quokka zombieZ   jackal zombieZ   ribbon worm zombiegEE g^F ,g H gR d.Z..gGV ?1===3.3 (1.3g_ gc d _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gºgg(gJH _No target in view!g'a  #.#...........Z..Z###############Z#. ge gLf gf g|g gh gr F.Zgr =---40 _g*{ g~ g/ ###############Z. g g gdF.ZgXB---5g gg(Z.Z. gE,g,g-gX.g7r.Z.Zg78&6g?gBgZ.Z.Z. . gǝggwg gw.Z.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombieg&7ggٸgZ.Z.Z. .# g,gg.Z.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombiegS&8g#g$'g Z.Z.Z. .#gH '# g g Xg! .Z.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombiegU" &9g+ gR/ g Z.Z.Z. .## g] gX g4 g g g .Z.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombieg '50gt g gPgZ.Z.gQZ. .## gpTg>UgUgVg:XgXg a?.Z.gaZZ   ribbon worm zombiegb&1giglgO#Z.Z.Z ..###gSgtT,gUg_Vgm_.Z.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombieg`&2g-hgjg+/Z.Z. Z........######### gg,g,g!K.Z.g"Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombie3g,g/gTZ.Z .Z.#######.......######### ggg:g gMgg.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombieg&4ggg#.# #.#Z# #.#.# #.#Z# #.#Z# #Z# #.# #Z#.#.#.#.### g gNgt.Z.Zg&5ggg#.# #.##.# #.##Z# #.##Z# #.##Z# #.# #Z# #Z#.#.#.#.####    jackal zombieg*gA M.Z  Z   quokka zombieg &6gOg7gs #.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# #Z#.#.Z.##.#.#### gtg{Y.Z.Zg|&7gڅgg) Q#.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# ##.#.#Z.Z.# #.#.## ### g, g- gG. g7 (MZ.Z.Z  Z   adder zombieg8 &8g? gPB g1 #.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# ###Z#.#.Z.Z.@....# #.#.## ### g4 g5 g+6 g6 g? Z.Z.ZZ 2 adder zombiesg@ &9gH gJ gXe#.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# ###Z#.#Z.Z.Z.@...# #.#.## ### #g@hgiBgigUqZ.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombiegr'60gygzg##.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# ###Z#.#ZZ.Z.Z.@..# #.#.## ### ## g(g2)g)gy*g+gd,g$6\.Z.Zg6&1g\?gBgr#.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# ###.#.#ZZ.ZZ.Z.@.# #.#.## ### ### g g,gGggp.ZZ.ZZ.ZZ   ribbon worm zombiegZ&2gggb.#.#Z # ################@.......ZZ.ZZ.Z..######.#######.##### ###ggggggj.ZZ.ZZg5&3g"gNgq#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# ##.#######.#..ZZ.ZZZ..##.#.## ### ### g4ggggtg~g:Z.g&4ggg[u#.# #.# ##.# #.# ##.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# gPv#.# #.# #.#.#######Z.#...Z.ZZZ..##.#.## ### ### gyg{gi|g2^Z.ZZZ.g &5g}gg #.# #.# #.#.# #.# ##.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# #.##.#######ZZ.##....ZZZ...##.#.## ### ### g% g g gN g. g o.ZZ.ZZZg &6g g gO #.# #.# #.#.# #.# ##.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# #.# #.#######.ZZ.# #.....ZZZ..# #.#.## ### ### gQ gQ gxR gV g[ TZZ.Z.g\ &7glh g#.# #.# #.#.# #.# ##.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #.# #.# #.#######ZZ.Z.@....# #......ZZ..# g#.#######.## ### ### gwggBggpgE..Z.Z.ZZZgM&8grgg4.#.# #.# #...Z#.# #.# ##.# #.#  #Z# #.#  #Z# #.#  #Z#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#######..Z.Z.@...#  #.ZZZ#  #.#######.##  ### ### g-7g7g8g9g0:gCxZZ.Z.Z..gD&9gLgPg?#.# #.# #...Z. #.# #.# # #.# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# #Z# #.# # #.# #.# #.#ZZ.Z.Z.@..# #.Z# #.#.## g@S### ### gXDgDgEgFgEGgQv.ZZ.Z.ZgQ'70gZgx[g .# #.# #...Z.Z .# #.# # .# #.# Z# #.# Z# #.# Z# .# .# .# .# #.# .#.ZZ.Z.Z.@.# .Z# .#.##  ### g. g g gm g g g &1g( g, g(## #.# #...Z.Z # #.# # # #.# # #.# # #.# # #.# # #.# # #.# #.ZZ.ZZ.Z.@# # #.##  ### g..ZZ.ZZ.ZZ   ribbon worm zombieg.&2gN6g9g Z######...Z.ZZ########  ########## #######..ZZ.ZZ.Z. .........###############.## # ###gh gf g gg g j.ZZ.ZZgE &3g g gB########.# Z######...Z.ZZ########  ########## #######...ZZ.ZZZ. .........###############.## # ###   jackal zombie g g g gZ.  quokkaZ   jackal zombieg&4ggg=........########.# Z######...Z.ZZ######## #. ##########Z #######...ZZ.Z.Z. .........###############.## # ### ggg}Z.5g$3Z#.#####.#.# ###........########.# Z######...Z.ZZ########.  ##########Z #######...ZZ.Z... .........###############.## # ###gy'Z.Z  adder  quokkag({Z   jackal zombiegz(&6g/go1g7 P.#.# ..#####.#.# ###........########.# Z######...Z.ZZ########. #Z ########## #######...ZZ.Z.Z. .........###############.## # ###gԨ g ,gݯ Z.ZZ 2 adder zombiesg &7g gɻ g # ..#####.#.# ###........########.# Z######...Z.ZZ########.Z.  ##########Z #######...ZZ.Z.Z. .........###############.##g g gc g g, Z.Z.ZZ   ribbon worm zombiegѹ &8g g gU {.>.# #Z# ..#####.#.# ###........########.# Z######...Z.ZZ########.Z.Z #. ########## #######...ZZ.Z.ZZ .........#########g$g%gX&g&g(g2Z.Z.Z.g3&9g<g?gw################.#.###.>.# #Z# ..#####.#.# ###........########.# Z######...Z.ZZ.########Z.Z.  ########## #######...ZZ.Z..Z#ggR,gggnZ.Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombieg0'80g&g*g...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###.>.# #Z# ..#####.#.# ###........########.# Z######....Z.ZZZ########.Z.  ##########Z#gg|g#ggggZ.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombie1gg9g"#############.#.#.#.##Z #...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###.>.# #Z# ..#####.#.# ###........########.# .Z######Z...Z.ZZ.########Z. #Z#g> g gggg^gEZ.Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombieg&2ggg( #.....Z.#.Z#############.#.#.#.##Z #...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###g0 .>.# #Z# ..#####.#.# ###.........#########.# ZZ######....Z.ZZ########Z.Z#ggggTggZ.Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombieg&3ggEg ...#.#####.# #.....Z.#.Z#############.#.#.#.##Z #...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###.>.# #Zg # ..#####.#.# ###.#........Z#########.# .Z######...Z.ZZZ########.Z#g g g g g g gd Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombieg: &4gf g gJ######....Z....#.#####.# #.....Z.#.Z#############.#.#.#.##Z #...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###g.>.# #Z# ...#.#####.#.# ###Z#.........#########.# Z######...Z.ZZZ########.Z#gg%ggO%Z.Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombieg&&5g".g/gw....##.#########....Z....#.##.#.#.####.# #.....Z.#.Z#############.#.#.#.##Z #...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###.>.# #Z#.#.# ..Z#.#####.#.# ###.#........Z#########.#.Z######...Z.ZZ########Z#g,g,gg Z.Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombiegO&6gggd.....................##.##.###.##########.##.#.....Z....#.##.#.#.####.# #.....Z#.#.#..#.Z#############.#.#.#.##Z #...........Z..Z#.#...##. #################.#.###.>.# #Z.#.##Z#.# ...#.#####.#.# ###Z#.........#########.# gcYZ######...Z.ZZZ########ggg)g%g!g Z.Z.Z.Z   ribbon worm zombieg3&7ggg( 4gT* g; g= g> ,g? gA gMG ,[37mgJ gM gO gQ ,glS gY R  There is a stone staircase leading down\ g\^ gE` g` _g,c gFg g+i gj gl g-n g+p gp g{q gx gy g| ,g~ gS g g5 g gv g g g* g gؒ gE gn g g g g g g g\ g g g> gt g g gW g ,g, g gʼ gw g g g gE g g g g@ g gf gl gI ,g Bg g g ,g g g g g% ,g g ,g gn g gv g g gb g/ g  gY gi ,gQ g^ g}" g$ g& gW) g+ ,g- gJ3 g/F g Q gET gV gX gT[ ,gX^ g#b gye gg gj gn gp g=q gr gw gy g| g~ g g/ ,g؅ g gՌ g g gE ,g gp g g g g ,gݥ g g8 g" g g ,g] g g gž g g g ,g g gj gl g g gm gX ,g g g g g g, gh g g* g g g g g g ,gW gggggg8 g g| g}gggugR,gzg&gVggg!,g|"g)%g(g]+g+g&,g-g/g1gF3g4g6g7g 8gM;g=g@?g!AgC,gCEgl....#........Z.# #.#.####  #.......#..# #Z#..Z.#  .#..#.......#..# #Z#.##Z#  .###.......##.## #Z#Z##Z#  .#......##.##.# #.#Z##.##  ...#.###.##.# #...ZZ..#  ...#.#.###.##.#############  .###.#........Z.......##  ####.......Z...Z@......#  519.3 (32.0)#[....###.#.###########   #.#.......#.#  #.#.Z..####.# ##.#....# #.#gKn ...Z....# #.#  Z   adder zombie#Z###.## #.#   ZZ.# #.# #.#   ##.# #.# #.#   giwgyE _Done 4gg gu ...0.0).....Z.ZZ ZZg% [ _Done 3 of the Dungeon <<<>>>^(Press ? for help)#.....÷.#.##..##..##....#...###...###...#...............#.##.......#.##..##..##....#...#.Z.....#...#...###....ZZ.Z.#.##.......#.##..##..##.....###ZZ.###...###........#.Z####Z#.#############.#.##.##..##Z.##....#.....#...#.....#........Z.# #.#.####### #..........#.#........##.Z#####.#...###...###...#.......#..# #Z#..Z.##.# #.########.#.##....#.###Z.# ##.#..#Z..#.#...#..#.......#..# #Z#.##Z#g2'#.# #.# ####.#.##....#.###..# #...###...#.#...###.......##.## #Z#Z##Z###.###.## #............ZZZZZZ.# #.....#...#.#...#......##.##.# #.#Z##.###...ZZ..####......##...Z#####.## #......###...###....#.###.##.# #...ZZ..###.###..#..ZZ.....<...Z.# #.# #.........#.#.....#.#.###.##.##############Z# #.Z##Z####.##......## #.#####.....#...#.#Z..###.#........Z.......###Z# #..##.####.##.......####...ZZ......#..Z#.#ZZ####.......Z...Z@......##Z# #..##..........#............Z......#.##Z..####[....###.#.############.# #Z.#######..#..#..###..#...........#.#####.# #.#.......#.###.###............[.#..####.#######........# ##.# #.#.Z..####.##........Z.####............................# #..###.#....# #.#######..##Z# #...#.#.....#.#########......###......Z....# #.##.)##Z####...#.#.....#..#### #........#..###Z###.## #.###)##.Z..............##....## #......#.#..ZZZ.# #.# #.#######...###Z...#####.....#g/(/####..####........#...##.# #.# #.##............Z............# ###.....##.##......###.###.# #.#######...###........#.....# #..........................# #Z##...# #...Z....#.....# #......###.##Z###.###..###.# #.#g&  #........##...####.# #Z##....# ######### #Z# #.# #........##.###....###....Z.Z###.......### #Z# #)# #....<...##Z# #.............#Z..#..Z.....#######Z# #.# #........##.# #...###...###.ZZ>.# #Z# ###........##.###.......#..#...#.#...#ZZ#.######.# #........................###.##.g;) ..# #........###................Z.).......^.# #.# ####..##......###...###...###...###........####.# #.......##....##....Z....#.....#.#.....#..............#.# #.......#>.#..##..####...######...####.#..#.##.### #.......#.##..##..##....#...#..#.#..#...#...###.#..# #.....÷.#.##..##..##....#...###...###...#.........#.# #.#.##..##..##....#...#.Z.....#...#...###....ZZ.Z.#.# #.......#.##..##..##.....###ZZ.###...##.#.Z####Z#.# ############.#.##.##..##Z.##....#...#.....#........Z.# #.#.#### ### #..........#.###.Z#####.#...###...###...#.......#..# #Z#..Z.# #.# #.########.#.##....#.###Z.# ##.#..#Z..#.#...#..#.......#..# #Z#.##Z##.# #.# ####.#.##....#.###..# #...###...#.#...###.......##.## #Z#Z##Z###.###.## #ZZZZZZ.# #.....#...#.#...#......##.##.# #.#Z##.##...ZZ..####......##...Z#####.## #......###...###....#.###.##.# [gM* 40m#...ZZ..##.###..#..ZZ.....<...Z.# #.# #.........#.#.....#.#.###.##.############# #Z# #.Z##Z####.##......## #.#####.....#...#.#Z..###.#........Z.......###Z# #..##.####.##.......####...ZZ......#..Z#.#ZZ####.......Z...Z@......#gOgp....#........Z.# #.#.####   Shotbuck the Shooter #...#.......#..# #Z#..Z.#   Minotaur of Yredelemnul *..... .#..#.......#..# #Z#.##Z#   Health: 38/38 ======================== .###.......##.## #Z#Z##Z#   Magic: 3/3======================== .#......##.##.# #.#Z##.##   AC: 11Str: 18 #....#.###.##.# #...ZZ..#   EV: 9Int: 6 ...#.#.###.##.#############   SH: 0Dex: 16 .###.#........Z.......##   XL:  4 Next: 61% Place: Dungeon:3 ####.......Z...Zgr4@......#   Noise: ---------  Time: 2519.3 (0.0) ##[....###.#.###########   a) +0 shortbow#.#.......#.#  Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.#.Z..####.#  Torch ##.#....# #.# ...Z....# #.#  Z   adder zombie ##Z###.## #.#  Z   quokka zombie ZZ.# #.# #.#  Z   jackal zombie ##.# #.# #.# You kill the rat! _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted... _No target in view! _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _Done exploring. _Done exploring.grgrtg_g%g݄ggX% _ggJgggg^,g]g _With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...No target in view! _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _Done exploring. _You swap places.gggggdggg:gg>gg,g;gggggggtgg<g/gggggg.gOggIgggg}g+gggj,g%gxBggg;g2,gh g&g,g-g.g!1g3g6,gh8g;g>g4?g@gBgEg1H,gJgNg Sg=UgVg~XgZg]g=_gb,gdg'hgmguogqgtg#vgwg^xgyg#ggggsggg7ggg)g ggxg g,gggUg,gggggcggwggggJggQggg;  There is a shaft here.g+ggggAggu _gYg=ggTg"ggg g g\ggGg,gQg!g$gp'g'g(g4U ########  #..ZZ..#  #.####.#  #.# #.# ######## #.# #.# #.......### #.# #)# ..Z.....#######.# #.# .###.ZZ#........@.# #Z# 320.0)g6x...#ZZ#.#######ZZ# #.# #...###...........# #.# #...#.Z.).......Z.# #.# .###...###........####.# #.....#.........Z....#.# Z 2 adder zombies...###...####.#Z.#.##.### #..#...#...###.#.........# .###...#...............#.#   Z   ribbon worm zombieg?gBc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gASgLTg_gbg"dgdg3olZ^Z.gjs940.3 (1.0) _g9xg~{  You climb downwards.gdgi ..   .#   .#   .##   ..   .# ###  gO##.#..... 4 #@.....#   .........#.#.#   .....##...@   .... .......   ... #....### .. ####..  @   Eustachio (asleep) . ..# ... gӒgM @@Your mindless puppets stay behind to rot.gpL====1.0 (1.7g^gz _Eustachio shouts! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g3UDrink which item? Potions  d - a yellow potion  e - 4 purple potions  g - a lumpy silvery potion  i - a white potion  k - a sedimented purple potion  q - 2 smoky white potions  s - an inky potion  u - a coppery potion [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedg, Shotbuck the Shooter..Minotaur of Yredelemnul *......#Health: 38/38 ========================.#Magic: 3/3========================.##AC: 11Str: 18..EV: 9Int: 6.# ###SH: 0Dex: 16##.#.....XL:  4 Next: 61% Place: Dungeon:4#@.....#Noise: ====-----  Time: 2541.0 (0.0).........#.#.#a) +0 shortbow.....##...@Fire: a) +0 shortbow.... .......Torch ... #....###.. ####..@   Eustachio...#... _There is a shaft here. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.  You clig mb downwards.  Your mindless puppets stay behind to rot. _Eustachio shouts! _There is a stone staircase leading up P  Okay, then.g g8 ge . _gl g{o Drink which item? Potions  d - a yellow potion  e - 4 purple potions g9p  g - a lumpy silvery potion  i - a white potion  k - a sedimented purple potion  q - 2 smoky white potions  s - an inky potion  u - a coppery potion [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected g3 g; gC;Shotbuck the Shooter..Minotaur of Yredelemnul *......#Health: 38/38 ======================== gwD.#Magic: 3/3========================.##AC: 11Str: 18..EV: 9Int: 6.# ###SH: 0Dex: 16##.#.....XL:  4 Next: 61% Place: Dungeon:4#@.....#Noise: ====-----  Time: 2541.0 (0.0).........#.#.#a) +0 shortbow.....##...@Fire: a) +0 shortbow gE.... .......Torch ... #....###.. ####..@   Eustachio...#... _There is a stone staircase leading down here.  You climb downwards.  Your mindless puppets stay behind to rot. _Eustachio shouts! _There is a stone staircase leading up here. _Okay, then. glRn  Okay, then. g,V gY. _ gGO(((( g gmO.@.. g[b===-2.3 (1.3 g gM _You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio. g9 N((( g  g N@.. g B-3.6 g  gΙ M _You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio. g N((( g#E \  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio. gH a  Eustachio barely misses you. g0N  A jelly comes into view.Eustachio gestures wildly while chanting. gU J§..@J   jelly gV -5.0 (1.4 g7\  g^ ' _Eustachio blinks! g6] (((( g 81(You shoot an arrow. g g g:}.J§.. g,8..@. g-6.3 (1.3 g g B _The arrow hits Eustachio but does no damage. g!hh((((((( g g_ g`J....@... gH(7.6 g g  g B_You shoot an arrow. The arrow completely misses Eustachio. g" (((You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio. g g  Eustachio is lightly wounded.  An endoplasm comes into view. gLJ....@..JJ   endoplasm g(8.9 g g _Eustachio asks, "How can you live without manners, virtues and honour?" g;vN((( g# gj g=_  You shoot an arrow. The arrow completely misses Eustachio. g g g g: g gJ..@. g$.J..50.2 _The jelly jiggles. g*/ |  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio! g  g J.  Eustachio is moderately wounded. g (1.5 g6  gi y _The jelly barely misses you. Eustachio hits you but does no damage. g+ N((( g  g., B @.J.. You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Eustachio.  The jelly barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the jelly! g, (2.8 g~4  gg9 S _Eustachio closely misses you. gR  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jelly. g  g8  The jelly is heavily wounded.Eustachio barely misses you. The jelly closely misses you. g  The jelly hits you but does no damage.  Eustachio casts a spell. g:J§.J   jellyJ   endoplasm g(4.1 g$ g'' _Eustachio blinks! gK  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jelly!  You kill the jelly! gOQ.J   endoplasm gv} .Z(ally target)Z   jelly zombieWith your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...The dead are walking!  The endoplasm freezes you. g gShotbuck the Shooter..Minotaur of Yredelemnul *......#Health: 35/38 ======================--.#Magic: 3/3========================.##AC: 11Str: 18..EV: 9Int: 6.# ###SH: 0Dex: 16##.#.....XL:  4 Next: 105% Place: Dungeon:4#@.Z...#Noise: ===------  Time: 2555.5 (1.4).......J§#.#.#a) +0 shortbow.....##.... gPFire: a) +0 shortbow.... .......Torch ... #....###.. ####..J   endoplasm (ally target)...#Z   jelly zombie... _Eustachio blinks!  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the jelly!  You kill the jelly!With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...The dead are walking!  The endoplasm freezes you. g; _You are frozen. g/  --more-- g1#f  You have reached level 5! g%/  --more--g|E41/45---g24/45 2% gg6 _gYou shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the endoplasm!  You kill the endoplasm!g.Z   jelly zombiegUI ]With your torch unlit, its soul goes wasted...gK gS .Z..Z@@   Eustachio (ally target)Z   endoplasm zombieZ   jelly zombiegX c2=36.8 (1.3g_ gp # _The dead are walking!gq..##. ## .###. ##.#.........###<.....# .....Z.@Z#.#.#@##.....<... .......#... ##....###.. ####..#. ..# ... .#.g}  Found a stone staircase leading up.  Eustachio asks, "How can you live without manners, virtues and honour?"Eustachio hits your endoplasm zombie with a +0 rapier!g.<jelly---70gʌgY _Your endoplasm zombie is destroyed!gE .. .# .# .## .. ## .# .####.. ##.#.....#....###<.....##.Z#.#.##....@##.....<..#.... .......#.... ##....####.. g=####..##. ..## .... .#.gegg@@Z..---8ggg* ^55   shadow imp (summoned)Z   jelly zombie3===9g g i _Eustachio gestures wildly while chanting.g R  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.g`D  Eustachio is moderately wounded.Eustachio casts a spell.gLF gR  b.@.5§b.rr   river rat5   shadow imp (summoned)bb 2 bats (summoned, 1 wandering) (…)Eustachio blinks!gS 6=61.1 (1.3guY g\ X _Eustachio casts a spell.g(0  ((() You shoot an arrow.  The arrow closely misses the shadow imp.The arrow hits Eustachio but does no damage.gj ,g Bg\ g gi g- g (2.4gI g ` _Eustachio is moderately wounded.g (You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the shadow imp.gVgWg)[  The arrow hits the river rat but does no damage.  The bat hits you but does no damage.g]P  The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.g^gek, .g4lbr5@Zb@ Your jelly zombie hits the bat. The shadow imp barely misses[4=3.8 (1.4gvg${K _You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the shadow imp.gV q  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the shadow imp but does no damage.g   The shadow imp is moderately wounded. ..r   river rat (summoned)5   shadow imp (summoned)b   bat (summoned, ally target)Z   jelly zombieThe bat hits your jelly zombie. The shadow imp hits you.g \1--5.1 (1.3g g 5 _The bat hits your jelly  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the shadow imp!  You kill the shadow imp!g §b   bat (summoned, ally target)Z   jelly zombie gr  The shadow imp disappears in a puff of smoke!gHggZ  The bat hits your jelly zombie. x2; The bat hits   Eustachior   river rat (summoned)bb 2 bats (summoned, 1 ally target)Z   jelly zombiegdzW0--6.4gŻg5 _Your jelly zombie hits the  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits Eustachio but does no damage.gjo  Eustachio is moderately wounded.gmi  The bat hits your jelly zombie. The bat hits you but does no damage.gog w  The bat hits you. Your jelly zombie hits Eustachio. The bat misses you.Eustachio gestures wildly while chanting.g`§...@(ally target)   bat (summoned)g[(7.7g~gg×/  --more-- g( _Eustachio blinks!!gs=.. .# .# .## .. # # .# .### #.. ##.#..... #....###<.....# #....rbZ@.#.#.# #.....##§...@<.. #.... b......#. .... ##....### !g\?#.. ##. ..# # .... .#. b 2 bats (summoned)!gOYou swap places. The bat hits you. The bat hits your jelly zombie.!gV.rb..@..   bat !gWU39---!g/X80!g`!geV _Your jelly zombie barely misses the bat.!ga#aYou shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the bat but does no damage.!gOThe bat is moderately wounded.!g֧!g!g!g}!gw  The bat barely misses you. The river rat bites your jelly zombie.!g]  Your jelly zombie hits the river rat but does no damage.!gbrZ@@....b, ally target)b 2 bats (summoned)!g7==70.0 (1.3!g!g< _The river rat bites your jelly zombie."gy8("g"g[  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Eustachio."g"g#   The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat hits your jelly zombie.  Eustachio screams, "Hey, you killed my favourite bat!""g.r@@Zbb..r)r   quokka, expiring)bbb 3 bats (summoned, 1 ally target) (…)"g\40=1.4 (1.4"g "g4%X _Eustachio casts a spell."gR  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio."gyl  Eustachio is heavily wounded."g|n  The quokka disappears in a puff of smoke!"g~"g~"g"g .b..§b..§bbb 3 bats (summoned, 1 ally target)Z   jelly zombieThe bat hits your jelly zombie. The bat hits you but does no damage.  Your jelly zombie misses the bat. The bat hits your jelly zombie."g=\39-2.7 (1.3"g _The river rat closely misses you. Eustachio hits you with a +0 rapier."g[8("g[\  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio."gp,"g6  The bat hits your jelly zombie. x2  Eustachio mumbles some strange words.Your jelly zombie closely misses Eustachio."g  The river rat closely misses you. The river rat completely misses you.Eustachio mumbles some strange words."g"g35@Z.b..5....(ally target)5   white imp (summoned)5   ufetubus (summoned)(…)"g(4.0"g"g"g/  --more--%gu( _Eustachio blinks!%g0You shoot an arrow.&g5MThe arrow hits the river rat but does no damage.&g[<&gM>&g@&g I8  The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat hits your jelly zombie. x2  The river rat closely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the river rat.  Eustachio casts a spell.&g3J&gL&gUY .§5.b5Zb@ &gZW40=5.3&gi&gL  --more--&g ( _Eustachio blinks!'gyi You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the river rat.'gSThe river rat is severely wounded.'g|The bat hits you. The bat barely misses you. The ufetubus hits you.The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.The river rat bites you but does no damage.'g!..5b##.5.Z.<@.b.'g]37--6.7 (1.4'gS'g _The ufetubus barely misses you. The ufetubus misses you.'gIp  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits the river rat but does no damage.'g+'g'gq  The river rat is severely wounded.'gt'g5 b..r   river rat (summoned)5   white imp5   ufetubusbbb 3 bats (summoned)The bat hits you but does no damage. The ufetubus hits you. x2'g 30-----The white imp gestures at you.The puff of frost misses you. The puff of frost hits the river rat!'g /  --more--(gp V  The river rat dies!(g>§*5   white imp5   ufetubusbbb 3 bats (summoned)Z   jelly zombie(ggX(g;§...@§b@Z..b@   Eustachio5   white imp (summoned)5   ufetubus (summoned, ally target)(gbbb 3 bats (summoned)(…)The river rat's corpse disappears in a puff of smoke!The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.8.0 (1.3(g(gױ _The ufetubus barely misses you. The white imp closely misses you.(gEHYou shoot an arrow. The arrow hits the bat.(g(g(gp(g(g  The bat is severely wounded.The bat misses you. The bat barely misses you.(g  The bat hits you but does no damage. The ufetubus barely misses you.You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the ufetubus!  You kill the ufetubus!(g|(g.(gf(gU1---(g/  --more--,gkn  The ufetubus disappears in a puff of smoke!,g^ b..@...§b..bbbb 3 bats (summoned, 1 ally target)Z   jelly zombieEustachio brags, "I can call spirits from the vasty deep."The white imp hits you. The white imp freezes you.,ga26---9.3,g,g\ _Your jelly zombie barely misses the white imp.,gI v... #.# #.# #.##  #.. # ,gJ # #.# .#####.. ##.#......#....###b@.@..# #......§§5#.#.# #.....##b.Z..<.. #.... .......#..... ##b...###.. ####..# #...# #.... .#.,gS ,,gST ,gT ,gU ,gV ,gMW ,gJe {bb..  The bat hits you but does no damage. x2,gm OThe white imp gestures at you.,g; ,g, @.19-------800,g,g1 _The puff of frost hits you!.gyl  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits Eustachio but does no damage..g.g+  Eustachio is heavily wounded.The bat barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the bat.  You kill the bat!.gq4 .g5 .g69The bat's corpse disappears in a puff of smoke!.gQ7.gp9.g;.g=.g?/g/gZ-/g/g~/  --more--/g%  The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat closely misses you.white imp hits you/g$§.bZ.(ally target) 2 bats (summoned)Eustachio hits you but does no damage./g%5=1.6 (1.3/g./g6F _Your jelly zombie hits the white imp but does no damage.0g>((((0g,0g?WYou shoot an arrow. The arrow completely misses Eustachio.0gThe bat hits you but does no damage. x2; The bat hits your jelly zombie. b@@...b..The white imp barely misses you. Eustachio hits you but does no damage.20---2.90gN _Your jelly zombie hits the white imp but does no damage.0g>((((0g7_\  You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio.0ga0gh  The bat hits you but does no damage. x3; The bat barely misses you.Eustachio casts a spell.0gje  The white imp barely misses you.0gw 55<@@....b5#5b5   crimson imp (summoned)5   white imp (summoned, expiring)5   shadow imp (summoned)(…)0gxThe white imp hits you but does no damage.  Eustachio closely misses you.0gy(4.20ĝ0gE0g/  --more--1g']L _Your jelly zombie hits the white imp but does no damage.1gʼn>((((1g7TYou shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio.1g.The white imp disappears in a puff of smoke!The bat barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the bat!  You kill the bat!  The bat's corpse disappears in a puff of smoke!The bat barely misses you. The bat closely misses you.1g3/  --more--1g  @5..§b#..5   shadow imp (summoned)5   ufetubus (summoned)  Eustachio hits you but does no damage.  The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.1g (5.51g 1g V _Your jelly zombie barely misses the bat.1gxt ( You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Eustachio.  The arrow hits the crimson imp.1g  1=The crimson imp is heavily wounded.The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.  Eustachio barely misses you.The shadow imp shouts, "Embrace thy fall, thou froward flat-headed clotpole!"1g /  --more--2g^ @The shadow imp barely misses you. Your jelly zombie hits the bat.6.82gcj2gl2 _The bat hits you but does no damage.2g Zw((((You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio.2g)WThe arrow barely misses the crimson imp.2g2g@5..§b  The bat closely misses you. Eustachio hits you with a +0 rapier.2g 8*2g5 ... #.# #.# #.## #.. #  # #5# .####  #.. ##5#......  #<*@5..#  #.......§§#.#.#  #.....##.Z...<..  #.... b......#.  .... ##....###  #.. ####..#  #. ..#  # ....  .#. The shadow imp gestures at you.2g ... #.# #.# #.## #.. #  # #5# .####  #.. ##5#......  #<*@5..#  #.......§§#.#.#  #.....##.Z...<..  #.... b......#.  .... ##....### #.. ####..#  #. ..#  # ....  .#.   Pain shoots through your body!2g%e  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *2g'2g/ ... #.# #.# #.## #.. #  2gU0# #5# .####  #.. ##5#......  #<*@§..#  #.......§Z#.#.#  #....5##.....<..  #.... b......#.  .... ##....###  #.. ####..#  2g0#. ..#  # ....  .#. 2g ... #.# #.# #.## #.. #  # #5# .####  #.. ##5#......  #<*@§..#  #.......§Z#.#.#  #....5##.....<..  #.... b......#.  .... ##....### #.. ####..#  #. ..#  # ....  .#. 9/45 -------2g[40m2g/  --more--2gR @@§.Z5##..The crimson imp blinks! Eustachio hits you with a +0 rapier.2gWH-------8.12gF_2gdN _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *2gΜ JYou shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.2g*" 2g$ NEustachio is heavily wounded.2g& 2g-   The bat hits your jelly zombie. The shadow imp closely misses you.The bat hits your jelly zombie.  Eustachio mumbles some strange words.2gk0 2g}: r§.5.##.b.5   crimson imp (summoned)5   shadow imp (summoned)2gj; 5   ufetubusb   bat (summoned)2g3< n10/45=9.42gE 2gH i _Eustachio blinks! The shadow imp barely misses you.2gw! s... #.# #.# #.## ##.. .# # #5##.##.. ##5#.2g" G#....###<.@...# #......5.Z#.#.# #.....##.b...<.. #.... ........#. .... .##....####...@ ####..# @   Eustachio#. ...# 5   crimson imp (summoned)# .... 5   shadow imp (summoned).#. 5   ufetubus (summoned)2gL) 2g=* 2g$+ 2g, 2gL- 2g7 .5...5   crimson imp (summoned)5   shadow imp (summoned)5   ufetubusZ   jelly zombie2g8 6--9002gi@ 2gD A _The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.7g7g QDrink which item? Potions  d - a yellow potion  e - 4 purple potions  g - a lumpy silvery potion  i - a white potion  k - a sedimented purple potion  q - 2 smoky white potions  s - an inky potion  u - a coppery potion [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected:g{:gZ#:g-@Shotbuck the Shooter...Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.#Health: 10/45 =====-------------------#.#Magic: 4/4========================#.## #AC: 11Str: 18#.. .#EV: 9:g.Int: 6##5##.#####SH: 0Dex: 16#.. ##5#.......XL:  5 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:4#....###5.@...#Noise: =--------  Time: 2590.4 (0.0)#........Z#.#.#a) +0 shortbow#.....##.....<..Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.... ........#.Torch .... .##....####.... ####..#5   crimson imp (summoned)#. ...#5   shadow imp (summoned)#....5   ufetubus (summoned).#.Z   [4:g`/0mjelly zombieEustachio is heavily wounded.The bat hits your jelly zombie. The shadow imp closely misses you.The bat hits your jelly zombie.  Eustachio mumbles some strange words. _Eustachio blinks! The shadow imp barely misses you. _The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.:gy6:gS9  It was a potion of curing. You feel better. Something hits your jelly zombie.x3:g4D<5@@   Eustachio (ally target)5   crimson imp (summoned)5   shadow imp (summoned)5   ufetubus (summoned):g]E(…)8====1.4 (1:gN:gSW _The shadow imp barely misses you.;g& ;g+ ^Drink which item? Potions  d - a yellow potion  e - 3 potions of curing  g - a lumpy silvery potion  i - a white potion  k - a sedimented purple potion  q - 2 smoky white potions  s - an inky potion  u - a coppery potion [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected=g7'=g40=g;Shotbuck the Shooter...Minotaur of Yredelemnul *.....#.#Health: 18/45 =========---------------#.#Magic: 4/4========================#.## #AC: 11Str: 18#.. .#EV: 9Int: 6##5##.#####SH: 0Dex: 16#.. ##5#.......=g<kXL:  5 Next:  3% Place: Dungeon:4#....###<5@...#Noise: =--------  Time: 2591.4 (0.0)#........Z#.#.#a) +0 shortbow#.....##.....<..Fire: a) +0 shortbow#.... ........#.Torch .... @##....####.... ####..#@   Eustachio (ally target)#. ...#5   crimson imp (summoned)#....5   shadow imp (summoned).#.=g<&5   ufetubus (summoned)(…)Eustachio mumbles some strange words. _Eustachio blinks! The shadow imp barely misses you. _The shadow imp hits you but does no damage.  It was a potion of curing. You feel better. Something hits your jelly zombie.x3 _The shadow imp barely misses you.=gG  It was a potion of enlightenment.  You feel very buoyant.=gI=g3X .Z@.  You fly up into the air. Something hits your jelly zombie. x3  =g^vThe shadow imp misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the shadow imp.=g_+2.4 (1=g/`^Will+ Fly Torch =g#k=gspB _The crimson imp hits you but does no damage.Agf1... #.# #.# #.## #Agg\ #.. .## #5##.##### #.. ##5#....... #....###<5....#  #........@#.#.# #.....##Z.b..<... #.... @.......#.. ......##....### #.... ####..# #... ..# # #Agh .... #.#. 5AgnAgoAgLpAgcw  The bat closely misses you.Eustachio casts a spell.AgYxAg9 @AgՅ.55b...§ZEustachio blinks!  The shadow imp attacks as it pursues you!  The shadow imp closely misses you.AgK$19Ag7=3Ag AgB _The crimson imp hits you but does no damage.Cg ((You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the bat. The arrow hits Eustachio.Cgc l  Eustachio is heavily wounded.Cg]j  The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2Cgz  r.5#.bZ.r   river rat5   shadow imp (summoned)  Eustachio casts a spell.==4.7 (1.3Cgz CgE  Cg` x_The shadow imp closely misses you. The crimson imp closely misses you.Cg Dg[ (((You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses the bat.Dg:R  The arrow closely misses Eustachio. The bat barely misses you.DgV  The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.The bat hits you but does no damage. The shadow imp hits you.DgXDgwYDg^  The crimson imp hits you but does no damage.  Eustachio mumbles some strange words.Dgj.r##r.bZ..5   crimson imp (summoned)rr 2 river rats (summoned)5   shadow imDgkp (summoned)5   ufetubus (summoned) DgWlO15--6.1 (1.4DgvDgxDg̃/  --more--Fg( _Eustachio blinks!Hg/l#.# #.# #.#####.. .# ##r##r######.. ##5#....... #....###55b...# #.......Z.#@#.#.###.....##..@..<...##.............#......##....### #.... ####..# Hg0#... ..## # ....@   Eustachio #.#. 5   crimson imp (summoned)...rr 2 river rats (summoned)5   shadow imp (summoned)Hg@=Hg>Hg>Hg@HgAHgLThe crimson imp disappears in a puff of smoke!The bat hits your jelly zombie.Hg X,.##.r#.r<b..5rr 2 river rats (summoned)5   shadow impb   bat (summoned)Your jelly zombie is destroyed!HgYb6----70HgdHgiC _Eustachio misses you.Ig" N(((Ig[IgIgIg  You shoot an arrow. The arrow completely misses Eustachio. The bat hits you.  The shadow imp barely misses you. You furiously retaliate!IgIgIgIg. .#...§.r.55#@b   river rat 5   ufetubus (summoned)(…)You headbutt the shadow imp! Eustachio closely misses you.Ign  The shadow imp gestures at you.Ig;IgI=P5==8.4 (1.3IgRCIgE2 _You resist with some effort.Ig< |  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.Ig Ig m  Eustachio is severely wounded.Ig a #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  #....###<§.r..#  #........5#@#.#.##  #5b@..<...#  #.............#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..#  # # ....  #.#.  ....   Ig  #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  Ig V#....###<§.r..#  #........5#@#.#.##  #5b@..<...#  #.............#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..# # # ....  #.#.  ....  5Ig 3--You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.  Eustachio is severely wounded.  The bat hits you but does no damage. x2; Eustachio hits you with a +0 rapier.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *The shadow imp closely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the shadow imp.Ig /  --more--Jg^  You kill the shadow imp!JgJgŘd...§b5Jg5   ufetubusb   bat (summoned)Jg@(9.7JgJg[ _The shadow imp disappears in a puff of smoke!JgJN(((Jg! LYou shoot an arrow. The arrow misses Eustachio.Jg" Jg* 5 #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  Jg$, #.. ##.#..(....  #....###<..r(.#  #.........#(#.#.##  #§.@b.<...#  #........5....#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..#  # # ....  #.#.  .... The bat hits you but does no damage. The ufetubus barely misses you.Jg y #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#..(....  #....###<..r(.#  #.........#(#.#.##  #§.@b.<...#  Jgi >#........5....#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..# # # ....  #.#.  .... Jg d  The ufetubus closely misses you. Eustachio hits you with a +0 rapier.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *The bat barely misses you. You furiously retaliate! You headbutt the bat!  You kill the bat!Jg p9/45 ----Jg  /  --more--Jg ..@..@§§  The bat's corpse disappears in a puff of smoke!The ufetubus barely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the ufetubus! The ufetubus misses you.Jg!*601.0JgJg4 _Eustachio hits you but does no damage.KgPN(((Kgz ..@..You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Eustachio.  The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.  The ufetubus closely misses you. Eustachio hits you but does no damage.2.3KgHKg|X _The ufetubus barely misses you. x2Kg\ l  You shoot an arrow.  The arrow hits Eustachio but does no damage.Kgs carrow hits Eustachio but does no damage.  Eustachio is severely wounded.  ; Eustachio hits you but does no damage.  The ufetubus barely misses you. You furiously retaliate!  You headbutt the ufetubus.Kg* /  --more--KgY  You kill the ufetubus!Kg#E§Kg%(3.6Kg,Kg!0Y _The ufetubus disappears in a puff of smoke!LgyN(((Lg..@§§.§§§You shoot an arrow. The arrow closely misses Eustachio.Lg~10/45=-5.0 (1.4LgLgq _Eustachio hits you but does no damage. Eustachio barely misses you.Lg(FN(((Lgi..@..@..5..5...5   white imp (summoned)5   ufetubus (summoned)  You shoot an arrow. The arrow barely misses Eustachio.  Eustachio screams, "This atrocity can only be purified with blood!"Lg(-6.3 (1.3Lg]Lg{i _Eustachio gestures wildly while chanting.Lg٢ R  You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.Lg.W  #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  #....###<..r..#  #.........#@#.#.##  Lg0#..@..5...#  #.........5...#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..#  # # ....  #.#.  .... Eustachio is severely wounded.LgDF #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  #....###<..r..#  #.........#@#.#.##  #..@..5...#  #.........5...#...  ......##....###  Lg{ #.... ####..#  #... ..# # # ....  #.#.  .... Lg]   #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  #....###<..r..#  #.........#@#.#.##  #..@..5...#  #.........5...#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..#  Lg 4# # ....  #.#.  .... The ufetubus barely misses you. The ufetubus hits you.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Mg #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  #....###<..r..#  Mgǟ#.........#@#.#.##  #..@..5...#  #.........5...#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..# # # ....  #.#.  .... MgI  Eustachio hits you with a +0 rapier.Mg  #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  Mg#....###<..r..#  #.........#@#.#.##  #..@.5<...#  #.........5...#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..#  # # ....  #.#.  Mgdt.... * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Mg,} #.# #.# #.####  #.. .#  # #.##.#####  #.. ##.#.......  #....###<..r..#  Mg~#.........#@#.#.##  #..@.5<...#  #.........5...#...  ......##....###  #.... ####..#  #... ..# # # ....  #.#.  .... MgiR/45 -----Mg݉/  --more--Mgs 5The ufetubus hits you.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *MgF-----7.6MgMg=N _The ufetubus closely misses you.MgJ<JYou shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.Ngn _The ufetubus closely misses you.You shoot an arrow. The arrow hits Eustachio.  Eustachio is severely wounded.  The ufetubus hits you.  You die...  Your body rises from the dead as a mindless zombie.Ng;-1/45Ngz/  --more--Og/Og6-Inventory: 22/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 shortbow (weapon)  t - a +3 trident of protection Og7Armour (go to first with [)  o - +0 pearl dragon scales (worn)  v - the +0 pair of boots of the Sacrificial Victim (worn) {*Slow Str+3 SInv}b - a +0 leather armour  m - a +0 pair of boots Jewellery (go to first with "=)l - an amulet of magic regeneration Wands (go to first with /)j - a wand of flame (39) Scrolls (go to first with ?)c - a scroll of butterflies  f - 8 scrolls of identify {unknown}  h - 2 scrolls of blinking {unknown}  n - 2 scrolls of teleportation {unknown}  p - a scroll of torment {unknown}  r - a scroll of poison {unknown} Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of attraction {unknown} Og68$ e - 3 potions of curing [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]Qg$j   b - a +0 leather armour  m - a +0 pair of boots Jewellery (go to first with "=)  l - an amulet of magic regeneration Wands (go to first with /)  j - a wand of flame (39) Scrolls (go to first with ?)c - a scroll of butterflies  f - 8 scrolls of identify {unknown}  h - 2 scrolls of blinking {unknown}  n - 2 scrolls of teleportation {unknown}  p - a scroll of torment {unknown}  r - a scroll of poison {unknown} Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of attraction {unknown}  e - 3 potions of curing  g - a potion of brilliance {unknown}  i - a potion of heal wounds {unknown}  k - a potion of degeneration {unknown}  q - a potion of enlightenment  s - a potion of might {unknown}  u - a potion of mutation {unknown}botSgXGoodbye, Shotbuck.142 Shotbuck the Shooter (level 5, -1/45 HPs)Began as a Minotaur Hunter on Oct 22, 2024.Was a Follower of Yredelemnul.Slain by an ufetubus (3 damage)... summoned by Eustachio... on level 4 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:08:05 (2554 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.23737872 oddsox OpCA-27 escaped with the Orb3.22614997 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb4.22453554 frobop TrFi-27 escaped with the Orb5.21845920 BlyxxDjEE-27 escaped with the Orb6.21699434 Theoretic GrBr-27 escaped with the Orb7.21207590 frobop TrDe-27 escaped with the Orb8.19427956 fispok6969 DjCj-27 escaped with the Orb9.17955717 gosagan MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  10.15861251 Scinternac MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  11.14967373 thewalrus OnGl-27 escaped with the Orb  12.14936909 VeryStrang GrGl-27 escaped with the OrbSg Sg ? [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l