ýŒ£g³ôŸ Player: Wolftag123 Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: crawl.dcss.io Filename: 2025-02-05.19:33:17.ttyrec Time: (1738783997) Wed Feb 5 19:33:17 2025 þŒ£gAQ [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061hþŒ£gLS V)0[?7h[?25l[?1cþŒ£gÈ[ þŒ£gŸ_ þŒ£g6l jWelcome, Wolftag123. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Shifting between the states of life and undeath at will, Vampires are accomplished stabbers and casters. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Vampire Necromancer&œ£gj4 ƒWelcome, Wolftag123 the Mummy. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fighteri - Artificerp - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiatorj - Wandererq - Conjurer c - Monkk - Delverr - Summoner d - Hunters - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-mage&œ£gª> Vt - Fire Elementalist Zealotl - Warperu - Ice Elementalist f - Berserkerm - Hexslingerv - Air Elementalist g - Cinder Acolyten - Enchanterw - Earth Elementalist h - Chaos Knighto - Reaverx - Alchemist Necromancers are wizards specialising in the practice of death magic. They startout with the Soul Splinter spell. + - Recommended background * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Change species ? - Help Tab - Vampire Necromancer.œ£g.œ£g .œ£g( ïWolftag123 the Grave RobberMummyHealth: 13/13 ========================Magic: 4/4========================AC: 2Str: 11EV: 11Int: 14SH: 0Dex: 12XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)a) +0 daggerCast: Soul Splinter.œ£gJ 5..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈..≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~≈~~≈≈≈≈@..≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß≈≈#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈>.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈####≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈...œ£g( .œ£g2 µWelcome, Wolftag123 the Mummy Necromancer.The heart of this dungeon contains the magnificent artefact, the Orb of Zot..œ£gŸ9 .œ£gh¬ ŒPress ? for a list of commands and other information..œ£g³ .œ£gk· ? _Found two stairs.0œ£gYØ ŸM.≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##...≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈~~~≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.@>≈≈≈≈~~≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈###.≈≈≈..0œ£g¿ß 0œ£gŽæ 21.0 (1 _0œ£g î 0œ£ghï 1œ£güÞœ?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈..≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈.≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈@.>≈≈≈≈~~.≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈#≈.≈≈≈≈#≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß≈≈##≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈1œ£gyà >.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈#  ###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈..1œ£gËê1œ£gêð&21œ£gèø1œ£g·û] _Found a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY.1œ£gi3 1œ£g°: 1œ£gvB 1œ£giM L _Why would you want to do that?3œ£gÆ3œ£gûÎ3œ£g¢Ö3œ£gÛT _Why would you want to do that?4œ£gž4œ£gΈ _Why would you want to do that?4œ£g4œ£gD”4œ£g>4œ£g¥ŸT _Why would you want to do that?4œ£g~ 4œ£g# 4œ£gDr j _Why would you want to do that?5œ£g•85œ£g•G5œ£gI5œ£g]O _Why would you want to do that?5œ£g¿žQ6œ£gòcá?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ...≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈. ..≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈ .≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈ .≈≈≈≈≈.≈ .≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ .≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ .≈≈≈≈≈≈.@>≈≈≈≈~~ .≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈ #~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈ .###>.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈# 6œ£g%lC3 _6œ£gšv6œ£gG;« ?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ...≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈. ..≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈ .≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈ .≈≈≈≈≈.≈ .≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ .≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ .≈≈≈≈≈≈@.>≈≈≈≈~~ .≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈6œ£gÀ;ˆ #~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈ .≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈ #≈.≈≈≈≈ #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß≈≈ ##≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ >.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈#  ###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈..6œ£g˜O6œ£g°R&46œ£g˜Y6œ£g"]7œ£gpƒ........####### ?...##..≈≈≈≈≈....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈#~≈≈~≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈ #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.ß≈≈##≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ >.≈≈#59œ£g‚<9œ£g=9œ£g3?9œ£gGC9œ£gQ\š9œ£gès9œ£g©±(.B.... ......... ......... ........######## .?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ....≈≈≈≈≈.. .≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ..≈≈≈ß≈≈@≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈ ..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ ..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈..≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈ B   giant cockroach (asleep).#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈..≈≈≈â9œ£gˆ²0‰ˆ~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈##≈≈≈≈.7.0 (2 _ A giant cockroach comes into view.9œ£g©Å.BB8.0 (3 _Found 9 stones.;œ£gWà ³..... 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The giant cockroach bites you.Aœ£g°àÙ  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.10/13==--4Aœ£gÛãAœ£ggæ\ _The giant cockroach barely misses you.Aœ£g•Å  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is severely wounded.Aœ£gˆ&5Aœ£g‚ Aœ£gG _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.Aœ£g8 Á  You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is severely wounded.Aœ£gû< &6Aœ£gG Aœ£gfL € _The giant cockroach barely misses you. The giant cockroach closely misses you.Aœ£guG A  You hit the giant cockroach.Aœ£géS E†Aœ£g^ f167Soul SplinterAœ£gh Aœ£gµk S _You kill the giant cockroach!Aœ£g¯....#.!.)##......Aœ£g§O.... .(........ ..###### ......... .......@####### .?...## ....≈≈≈≈≈.. ...≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ..≈≈≈ß≈≈.ß≈≈ ..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ ..≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ ..≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~Aœ£g2žAœ£glÃK==-8Aœ£g»ËAœ£gúÑÊ _Found a coppery potion and a hand axe. _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.Bœ£gŒWY......!.)###......#(..# ######...............†######?...##:....≈≈≈≈≈....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈ß≈≈.ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ ..≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈Bœ£g¿XBœ£g>‹®1==-9 _Found a book of the Hunter.Bœ£g®C¥r....###.......# !.)###......#(..# ######................†#######..?...###:....≈≈≈≈≈....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈r   rat (asleep).≈≈≈ß≈≈.ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈Bœ£g-`Bœ£gah'20Bœ£g(wBœ£g™zV _A rat comes into view.Cœ£gü .......r....###........# !.)###..... # (# .######......†#########..?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈......≈≈....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈Cœ£gûCœ£gŽ&1Dœ£gèDœ£gSwDœ£g“IÀ ........# !.)###Dœ£gTM™..... # (# .######......†#########..?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##Dœ£gŸMW:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~..≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~Dœ£gÀ]Dœ£g~d&2Dœ£gƒDœ£g\‡Dœ£g`Úž _Why would you want to do that?Dœ£g6 ^ ..#?.!.)###..#.(.#Dœ£g a#.#######.#.†###..?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## #:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈#....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~≈≈≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ Dœ£gM ‘ ..≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~Dœ£gZ Dœ£g2! s2====3Dœ£g- Dœ£gÏf g _Found a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO.Eœ£g‹ h ..#.?.!.)###..##....(.# #.###### #. #.†#Eœ£g # ##..?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## #:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.  #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.Eœ£g/ ®≈ #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ Eœ£gQ @ #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈  ..≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~Eœ£g±1Eœ£gÐ7&4Eœ£g„BEœ£gEEœ£gVà× .#.##.?.!.)####.#.# #....(.# #.###### #. #.†## ##..?...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## #:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.  #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈  ..≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~5Eœ£gSîr #..# ?!.)###...... #  #....(#  #....######......†##########..?@..≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## #:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.#.....≈≈##.......≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈Eœ£g:ûEœ£gÿ&6Eœ£gD Eœ£g,Eœ£gd_ Á #.# #.?.!.)### #. #.# #....(.# #.###### #. #.†# ##..@...≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## #:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈. #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ ##...≈≈≈≈≈≈.>≈≈≈≈~~  ..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈Eœ£gyƒ o==7Eœ£g|Ÿ †3==8.0 (2Eœ£gŠ­ b _c - a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVYFœ£gíÊ, ?!.)###...... ##  #....(#  #....######......†##########≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## #:.@..≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.#.....≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß##..≈~~.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈9.0 (1Fœ£gwñFœ£gÙpÞ ...... ##  #....(#  #....######......†##########≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈####:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.#...@.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#.#~≈≈~..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈Fœ£gZD30Fœ£g™)3 #. #.# #....(.# #.###### #Fœ£g·-. #.†# ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈. #..@..≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈ #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈ #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈  #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ ##...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~  ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈  #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈  ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈ Fœ£g5Fœ£g/:&1Fœ£gŸBFœ£gYFœ£gÈV 8 #.Fœ£gšW  #..# #....(.# #.###### #. #.†# ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ ##:....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ #.@...≈≈≈≈≈≈. #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß #....≈≈≈≈≈. #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~ #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~ ##...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈ ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<.. #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈. ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.==2Fœ£gŘ RM?!.)###...#.......##....(.# ########........ ...†#########......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###@.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.#~≈≈~Fœ£g\  Fœ£gÔ£ &3Fœ£g­ Fœ£gz· Z  You pick up a book of the Hunter and begin reading...Fœ£góÀ +4.0 (2Fœ£g!É Fœ£gÌ €  You add the spells Sigil of Binding, Call Canine Familiar and Dimensional _Bullseye to your library.Iœ£g!0©#.?.!.)### #. #..# #....(.# #.###### #. #.†# ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###.@...≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈#....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈##...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈#.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈Iœ£gN6+5.0 (1Iœ£gj?Iœ£gBIœ£gZí M....# ?!.)####..#.......##....(.# ######........ #...†######## .≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈####.......≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈#....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈##..≈~~Iœ£gYö Iœ£g0ý &6Iœ£g¯ Jœ£g1UJœ£gôWB Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Grave ClawNecromancy6% 2  b - Vampiric Draining Necromancy13% 3  c - Animate DeadNecromancy38% 4  d - Call Canine Familiar Summoning54% 3  e - Sigil of BindingHexesJœ£gLX 54% 3  f - Dimensional Bullseye Hexes/Translocation 91% 4  g - Curse of AgonyNecromancy75% 5 4 spell levels left Jœ£gxX^[!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitLœ£gØk Lœ£gv Lœ£g”„ #...............#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.?..........!.)###Mummy#.................Health: 13/13 ========================#...............#Magic: 4/4========================#....(........#AC: 2Str: 11#...........######EV: 11Int: 14#.................SH: 0Dex: 12#.........†######## XL:  1 Next: 16% Place: Dungeon:1##.@....≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## Noise: ---------  Time: 36.0 (0.0)##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈. a) +0 dagger#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ Cast: Soul Splinter#Lœ£g… Ã....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈ #....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈ ##...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~ ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈  _Why would you want to do that? _Found a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO. _c - a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVYYou pick up a book of the Hunter and begin reading...  You add the spells Sigil of Binding, Call Canine Familiar and Dimensional _Bullseye to your library.Lœ£g5‘ P  Okay, then.Lœ£gV­ Lœ£gž Lœ£gŒÀ . _Mœ£gW]8M ......# ?!.)####..#.......##....(.# ######........ #.Mœ£gá]\..†######## #.≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈####......#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##...Mœ£gÌhMœ£ghO7.0 (1 _Mœ£g›J 'Mr....###......# ?!.)###..#......Mœ£gK .##....(.# ######........ ...†######## #.≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈####.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.#....≈≈≈≈≈.Mœ£gòY Mœ£gv\ &8Mœ£gqÊ Mœ£glï ¢Mr....###......# ?!.)###..#.......##....(.# ######........ ...†######## ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##r   rat (asleep)##....≈≈≈≈≈.Mœ£gñø Mœ£g+ &9Mœ£g` Mœ£g( Nœ£gP[ý..#.....#[... r....###......# ?!.)###..#.......##...@(.# #######........ ...†#########.≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###.......≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈#ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈≈Nœ£gmNœ£gb­`40 _Found a robe.Nœ£g/^5..############..#.....#[... r....###......# ?!.)###..#....@..###....(.# #######...........†#########.≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###.......≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ßNœ£gcNœ£gýg;1Soul SplinterNœ£gtrNœ£gü’@#.. #..############...#.....#[... r....###..Nœ£g<“È....# ?!.)###........Nœ£g_“‹.###....(.# #Nœ£g“g######.........Nœ£gš“P..†######## #Nœ£g¶“ˆ.≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###......Nœ£gՓ@.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈Nœ£g»™Nœ£g@ƍ.rr===2Nœ£gÛNœ£g³à- _The rat squeaks loudly.Nœ£gÑÁ M  #..############...#.....#[... ......###r......# ?!.)###.........###....(........#r   rat#.....Nœ£gÐ ™.r---3Nœ£g,\ ª #. #.. #..#### ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.r.# #.?.!.)###Nœ£g¶ M #. #.# ##....(...# ##..###### #.  #.†# ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈r.---4Nœ£g%¢ B #.. #.. #..##### ...#.....#[... #.### #. #......r.# #.?.!.)### #. #.# ##....(....# ##...###### #. #.† ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.Nœ£gOŠ Nœ£gz¯ I.rNœ£gÙ¹ &5Nœ£g » Nœ£g Nœ£gV #.. #.. #..############ ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.# #.@...r......!.)### #. #.# ##....(.....# ##. # #.† ##......≈≈≈. ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.Nœ£g©Nœ£gú(Zr.6Nœ£gU2Oœ£g; Ž _You see here a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO.Oœ£gmc#.. #.. #..############ ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.# #.?@.r.!.)### #. #.# ##....(........###.##.#.†###......≈≈≈.≈##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈Oœ£gœr0r.Oœ£gÃC7 _Oœ£gمOœ£gùø D=8Oœ£g>ÿ Oœ£g‰5 t _You barely miss the rat. The rat bites you but does no damage.Oœ£g”I <9Oœ£g]O Oœ£g6S ‹ _You closely miss the rat. The rat closely misses you.Oœ£g¶­  You hit the rat.  The rat is severely wounded.Oœ£g]Êx50 _The rat bites you but does no damage.Pœ£gŸ65  You hit the rat.Pœ£gFÏ.251Soul SplinterPœ£gìRPœ£g `G _You kill the rat!Pœ£gÃÉ+#.. #.. #..##### ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.# #.?.!.)### #. #.# ##....(........###.#. #.†###......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈Pœ£gŠÜPœ£grä.-2Pœ£gèìPœ£gPðPœ£gv ® #.. #.. #..##### ...#.....#[... #.###Pœ£gw o #. #.# #.?.!.)### #. #.# ##....(....# ##...###### #. #.† ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.Pœ£gÞ¡ Pœ£g7ª @-3Pœ£g@Ž Pœ£gìŽ Pœ£g ù s #.. #..Pœ£gÈù L #..############ ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.# #..!.)### #. #.# ##....(.....# ##. # #.† ##......≈≈≈. ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.Pœ£ge' R4Pœ£gŒ. Pœ£gY2 +5.0 (2Pœ£g)J z _d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJOPœ£g Éÿ   #..   #..   #..######   ...#.....#[...   #.###  Pœ£gùÉ #.   #.#   #.!.)   #Pœ£gBÊ.   #.#   ##....(......#   ##Pœ£glÊu.   #   #Pœ£gÊŠ.†   ##......≈≈≈. Pœ£g«Ê^  ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.Pœ£gÖPœ£gˆÚ+6.0 (1Pœ£g,äPœ£gÃéQœ£gYâ[ #..  #..  #..######  ...#.....#[...  #.###  #.  #.#  #.!.)# #.  #.#  ##....(... ##.# #. #.†# ##......≈≈≈.≈ ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈Qœ£gšíQœ£g>ò&7Qœ£g4úQœ£gÁQœ£gR¬ î#.. #.. #..############ ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.# ##....(........###.##.#.†###......≈≈≈.≈##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈Qœ£g°º Qœ£gÀ &8Qœ£g·È Qœ£gË Qœ£gíq¡#.. #.. #..##### ...#.....#[... #.Qœ£g\r¡### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.# Qœ£gŠrÜ##....(........###.#.Qœ£g¶rª #.†###......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈#Qœ£g+s7##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈Qœ£gø~Qœ£g9…&9Qœ£gÀŸQœ£gð®Rœ£g™1#.. #.. #..#### ...#.....#[... #.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.# ##....(...###.#. #.†#Rœ£g¢œ ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈###.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Rœ£gÊRœ£g|'60Rœ£g0Rœ£gS Rœ£gœÊ#.. #.. #..#...#.....#[.#.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.Rœ£g|S# ##....(..###.#.#.†###......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈####.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Rœ£gŠ¬Rœ£g×&1Rœ£gáRœ£g“ãRœ£gfªä#.. #.. #..##...#.....#[....##.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.# ##....(.###.#######......#.†## 2Rœ£gÃRœ£g9DÙ#.. #.. #..######## ...#.....#[....##.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.# ##....(.###.#######.....#.†######## Rœ£göJRœ£gÃP&3Rœ£gdfRœ£göhRœ£g¹PÍ#.. #.. #..######## ...#.....#[....## #.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.# ##....(.## #.†######## Rœ£g²ZRœ£gc&4Rœ£g_pRœ£g@sRœ£g÷~ #.. #.. #..# ...#.....#[....## #.### #. #.# #.!.)### #. #.###.###......#.†######### 5Rœ£g"“ Rœ£g»š #.. #.. #..# ...#.....#[....## #.###.#.#.# #.!.)### #.#.###..##.#.#.## Rœ£gJ² Rœ£gª¹ &6Rœ£gaà Rœ£guÑ Rœ£g]Ùâ#.. #.. #..####### ...#.....#[....## ##.###.#.##.# #.!.)### #.#.###...##..#..#.†##########. 7Sœ£gÜSÅ#..  #..  #..######## ...#.....#[....## #.#.###.#.# #.# #..)### #.#.###....##...#...#...##......≈≈≈. Sœ£g o<8Sœ£gîrSœ£gvt _You see here a coppery potion.Sœ£g L #.. #.. #..############## #...#.....#[....## #.#.###... #..# #.# #.!@)### #.##.# ##....#.......#.†####... 9 _Sœ£gñ > .. .. ..######## # ...#.....#[....## #..  #.###...  #...#  #.#  #.!.@###  #.#  #.######  ##....(.##.#######.....#.....##.... Sœ£gêSœ£gò%'70Sœ£gm+Sœ£g'0Q _You see here a +0 hand axe.Tœ£gâþŸ #.. #.. #..######## #  ...#.....#[....## #..  #.###... #...# #.# #.!@)### #.# #.###### ##....(.## ##.###### #........... #.........†## ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##  ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Tœ£g! Tœ£g› -1 _Tœ£gÈTœ£g Tœ£gœVD  #..  #..  #..############## # ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #..#Tœ£gŸWî #.# #.@.)### #.# #.######  ##....(.## ##....###### #....... #.†######## ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##  ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Tœ£gLdTœ£g]k&2Tœ£gW…Š _You see here a coppery potion.Tœ£gï! 8 #.. #.. #..############## #  ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #..# #.# #.!@)### #.# #.###### ##....#.......#.†####... Tœ£g4( -3 _Tœ£g¯1 Tœ£g­3 Tœ£gŽ— 5 .. Tœ£g…˜ 4.. ..######## # ...#.....#[....## #..  Tœ£gϘ ]#.###...  #.Tœ£g™ 3..#  #.Tœ£g…™ (#  Tœ£gݙ k#.!.@###  Tœ£gš #.Tœ£g[š )#  Tœ£g š #.Tœ£g÷š .######  Tœ£gQ› G##....(.Tœ£g,œ ##.#######.....#.....Tœ£gqœ Q##.... Tœ£g£œ Tœ£gÒ £4 _You see here a +0 hand axe.Uœ£gbçUœ£g¬ðUœ£gÃUœ£gGIy5 _e - a +0 hand axeUœ£gOÊ #.. #.. #..######## #  ...#.....#[....## #..  #.###... #...# #.# #.!@.### #.# #.###### ##....(.## ##.###### #........... #.........†## ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##  ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Uœ£ge!R6Uœ£gÏ"Uœ£g¯â >  #..  #..  #..############## # ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #..# #.# #.@..### #.# #.######  ##....(.## ##....###### #....... #.†######## ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##  ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Uœ£g÷ &7Uœ£g Uœ£gk  Uœ£ge Uœ£g= f_You see here a coppery potion.Uœ£g­ œ8 _f - a coppery potionVœ£gÒ¶( #.. #.. #..######## # ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #.# #.# #.### #.# #.###### ##....(.## ##...###### #........ #...†######## ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##  ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.Vœ£g]ÀVœ£gNÎ<9Vœ£gMÐVœ£g5bRM Vœ£gÌc2#..############## #...#.....#[....## #..###......# ### .....#...............######.....≈≈≈.Vœ£gŽoVœ£gÀD80Vœ£g“pM #..############## #...#.....#[....## #..###......####### #....................##.......†##Vœ£gÕx&1Vœ£g6ŽVœ£gŠ³Vœ£g4 [ #.. #.. #..######## # ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #.# #.#### #.### #....# #....###### ##....(.## ##..###### #.......  #.†#Vœ£g" Vœ£g< &2Vœ£g?G Vœ£gQI Vœ£gŠ`p #.. #.. #..######## # ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #.# #.####Vœ£g'aÉ #.### #...# #.#### ##....(.## ##.######Vœ£g‡a¿ #......  #.†#Vœ£gÇY3Wœ£gŒ· #.. #.. #..####### # ...#.....#[....## #.. #.###... #.# #.#### #.### #....# #.##### ##....(.## ##.###### #......  #.†#Wœ£gyŒ&4Wœ£gƒÇWœ£gÅcœM #..############## #...#.....#[....## #..###......#Wœ£gsdo#...............####............Wœ£gºoWœ£g‘t&5Wœ£gž}Wœ£gŠWœ£g‘ÚÞM #..############## #...#.....#@....## #..###......#...............#####...........##Wœ£gçø<6Wœ£gjWœ£g~M _You see here a +0 robe.Wœ£gޝu7 _g - a +0 robeXœ£gfXœ£g÷nš #..############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #........@.....###... ....# ####...........###.................Xœ£gÿx&8Xœ£g1œXœ£gŸáÆ #..############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# Xœ£g~âÀ### #............#.........†########Xœ£gïXœ£gdö&9Xœ£g¯ýXœ£gíÿXœ£g¿ ä #..############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# ### .....##.........†#####......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##90Xœ£gTÔ Xœ£gQŽ<Equip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 dagger (weapon)e - a +0 hand axe Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 robe (worn)g - a +0 robe[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip [œ£gО [œ£g9ìWolftag123 the Grave RobberMummy#..Health: 13/13 ========================#..Magic: 4/4========================#..###############AC: 2Str: 11...#.....#.....## #..EV: 11Int: 14#..............###...SH: 0Dex: 12#..................#XL:  1 Next: 25% Place: Dungeon:1#........@......####Noise: ---------  Time: 90.0 (0.0)#...............###a) +0 dagger#....................#Cast: Soul Splinter#...............########....(........####...........#######.................#.........†##########......≈≈â[œ£g+í9‰ˆ.≈≈≈≈≈≈## _You see here a +0 hand axe. _e - a +0 hand axe _You see here a coppery potion. _f - a coppery potion _You see here a +0 robe. _g - a +0 robe[œ£g~[œ£gu5 (0.5e) +0 hand axe[œ£gE2F _e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)\œ£gGk #..############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# ### .....######.###......≈≈≈.##.....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈.\œ£gq\œ£g;s-1.5 (1.0\œ£grz\œ£gs|\œ£gãj< #..############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# ### .....#######....(## #.....≈≈≈≈≈.#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈\œ£gŒ<2\œ£g›†\œ£g ‰\œ£g/K _ ############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# ### .....#######....(##  ##....######.......#....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ß≈≈\œ£g–c <3\œ£g~€ \œ£g¿‚ \œ£g Z#.. #..# # ...#.....#.....## #.. #.###... #.# #.#### #.### #.# #.###### ##....(.## ##.###### #.....## \œ£g_” \œ£gۚ &4\œ£g~¢ \œ£g¶€ \œ£gA— ############### ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# ##### .....#######....(##  ##....###### ......#.....#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈]œ£gvR5]œ£gÖ]œ£gfžT  ...#.....#.....## #.. #..............###... ....# ##### .....#######....(##  ##....###### ......†########....≈≈≈≈≈.#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈]œ£gÙÇ]œ£gùåC6]œ£g`...#.....#.....## #.. #.###... #...# #.#### #.### #.# #.###### ##....(.## ##.###### #. #.†#]œ£gÄ  #####.#.#. ]œ£gZ]œ£g»&7]œ£gr1]œ£gœ3]œ£g:V ...#.....#.....## #.. #.###... #...# #.#### #.### #....# #.###### ##....(.## ##.###### #. #.†# ##.##.....≈≈≈≈≈.#..#..#.. 8]œ£gÿV ]œ£gw\ ^œ£gr µ...#.....#.....## #.. #.###... #...# #.#### #.### #....# #.^œ£gé l###### ##....(.## ##.###### #.#.†# ##......≈≈≈.##..#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.#....≈≈≈ß≈≈.^œ£g!Z#... ^œ£g€*^œ£g00&9^œ£g†7^œ£g/cÎ  #..............###... ....# ##### .....#######....(##  ##....####### .......†#########≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈##.≈≈≈≈≈.#....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈^œ£gÛg0100.5 (1.0)^œ£gp€^œ£g±K«#.###... #......# #...#### #...### #........# #...###### ##....(..## ##.##.#.†###......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##...#....#....#....≈≈≈≈≈.#....≈≈≈≈≈. ^œ£gþbC1^œ£gʎ;#.###...  #............#  #........####  #.......###  #.....#  #.....######  ##....(........## ##.##.#.†#.##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##....#..... ^œ£gš^œ£g=œ&2^œ£gÌ¢^œ£g Š^œ£gè| #.###... #.# #..#### #........### #....# #.......###### ##....(........##  ##.#.#.#.†#.##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ##..... ^œ£gF· ^œ£g3¹ &3^œ£g¿ ^œ£g¯ø ^œ£gOÙ.###... .# .#### .### .# .......###### ....(........## ##.#.  #.##.†#.  ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## ^œ£gÙ<4^œ£g’^œ£g6^œ£gÒã###... # 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###### #^..##.#  ########### #######........... ........#######.@....# ######............######.####....#.## bœ£g0Ô≈≈≈≈≈..# #..####.#.#bœ£g;bœ£g\C1cœ£gևØM #.. ##.... ...#. .##... .# ### ##. ........# # ###### #^..##.#  ########### #######........... ........#######......### ######............#### ≈≈≈≈##.####....#.#####2cœ£g@§¬M #  #.. # ##..... ...##. #... .# ### ##. .....cœ£gšØ...# ## ###### #^..##.#  ###########. #######........... ........#######......### ######............####..#....#..#cœ£g¬°cœ£gÝŒ<3cœ£gtÉcœ£gDï_# #.. #. ## ... #. .. # ##. .#  ... .#  #.##. # #...# ##  #^..##.#  ##..@...##. .b#cœ£gDð¿......#..##.####....# #..####.# b   bat (asleep)##...## #.#ß≈≈ #.## #.# cœ£gžücœ£gb &4cœ£gœ l _A bat comes into view.cœ£gñ«™#  #.. #. ## ... #. .. # ###. .#  .... .#  #.##. # #...# ##  #^..##.# ##...@..##. .b.#......# ##.####....#.##..# #..####.# ##... cœ£g¶cœ£gTº&5cœ£g?Öî# #.. #. ##  #. .. # ###. .#  .... .#  #.##. # #...# ##  #^..##.# ##....@.##. .b.##......#.......##.####...# #..####.# ##...## #.# ß≈≈ #.## #.# cœ£gjX6Soul Splinterdœ£g‡û# .. #. .##  #.##..  ###. ..#  ....#.# #.##..# #...#.##  #^..##.# ##.....@##. .b.# #......###### . ##.####....# #..####.# 7dœ£gJdœ£g_ñdœ£gLódœ£g—údœ£g€dœ£gv ô..#. .## . ##.. ###. ..# ....#.# #.##.. .##...#.## #^..##.  #########......##.#..# ###...........b.# ....############ ##............#### ####....#.## ≈..# #..####.#≈##...## #. #.## #≈.. . ##dœ£gßdœ£gŽ&8dœ£gÇ!dœ£g˜(dœ£gΗ [ #. .##  #.##.. ###. ..# ....#.# #.##.. # #...#.##  #^..##.# #  #......##.#..# .b.# #......###### .#### .####....#.## ..# #..####.###...## #.# dœ£gR› dœ£g®­ Žb..b=9dœ£gÀØ : _The bat hits you but does no damage.eœ£glE%  eœ£g›IäYou barely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you. The bat closely misses you.30.8 (1.3eœ£gVeœ£g|î _The bat hits you but does no damage.  You miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage..eœ£g—eœ£g҂X2.1Soul Splintereœ£gœ˜g _The bat closely misses you.eœ£gñq& #. .## #.##.. .?###. ..# .#....#.# .#.##.. #. #...#.## .# #^..##.# .# # #......##.#..# .# #......###### .#### .####....#.## eœ£gPweœ£g×z4-30eœ£g‚eœ£gü…f _Found a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM.eœ£gÊT#. .## #.##..S .? ###. ..##. .# ....#.##b . #.##.. .##. #...#.##..# ##^..##.#..# !# ......##.#..# .# #......###### #### ####....#.## ...## #.# b   bat #.## #.# S   ball python (constriction, asleep) eœ£g‘m  A ball python comes into view.eœ£g¶’eœ£gW“eœ£gµ€..b-4Soul Splintereœ£g”¹a _Found an inky potion.fœ£gŒÖ¬ .##. ## #.##..S .?###. .#....#.##. ##.. .##. ...#.##..# # #^..##.#.b# !# ########......##@#..# .............#######......###### ...........#### ####....#.## # #..###..## #.## # ....fœ£gVØ,fœ£g¥â*b.fœ£g¯"D=5fœ£g<8: _The bat hits you but does no damage.fœ£g.îM .##. ## #.##..S .?###. ..##. .#....#.##. .###....##b ...#.##..#  #^..##.#.@# ! ########......##.#..# ...................# .#######......######..##b   bat..## #.## #fœ£g fœ£g¶#&6fœ£gG'fœ£gM*: _The bat hits you but does no damage.fœ£g|oM .##. ## #.##..S .?###. ..##.......#.##. .##..###....##b...#...#.##.@#  #^..##.#..# ! ##########.#..# ...................######b   batfœ£g…fœ£g}†U2--7fœ£gfœ£g>“b _The bat hits you. The bat barely misses you.fœ£gbÉ i #. .##. ####..S .?###. ..##. .# ..fœ£gÊ . ....#.##. .##..#  #.##....##b...# ..#.##..# # fœ£gdÿ º^..##.#.@# ! ########......##.#.. .............# #####b   bat #.## #.#fœ£g£ fœ£gÙ$ fœ£g?% fœ£g_. *.bfœ£g0 .-8fœ£g[7 fœ£gn9 gœ£g°ðì #. .##. ####..S .?###. ..##. .# .. ....#.##. .##..#  #.##....##....# ..#.##.b# # ^..##.#..# ! ########......##@#.. ...................# #######......######..##b   batS   ball python (constriction, asleep) ....#gœ£g b.=9 _The bat hits you but does no damage.hœ£gʇ‡  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #. .##. ## Mummy #.##..S .? Health: 12/13 ======================-- ###. ..##. .# ..  Magic: 3/4==================------ ....#.##. .##..#  AC: 2hœ£gˆùStr: 11 #.##....##....#  EV: 11Int: 14 hœ£g¬Ž§#...#.##b.# #  SH: 0Dex: 12 #^..##.#*.# !#  XL:  1 Next: 25% Place: Dungeon:1 ########......##@#..#  Noise: =--------  Time: 139.1 (0.0) ...................#  e) +0 hand axe .#######......######  Cast: Soul Splinter ...........#### ####....#.## # #..####.# b   bat #...## #.# S   ball python (constriction, asleep) #.## #.# .. ..# _The bat hits you. The bat barely misses you. _The bat hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (chance to affect: 67%)hœ£g r b..#@hœ£gcr V*#@hœ£gÆ J**hœ£gŽo Ÿb.*., f - batAim: a bat (chance to affect: 67%)iœ£g“©·Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#. .##. ##Mummy#.##..S .?Health: 12/13 ======================--###. ..##. .# ..Magic: 3/4==================------....#.##. .##..#AC: 2Str: 11#.##....##....#EV: 11iœ£g²ªšInt: 14#...#.##*.# #SH: 0Dex: 12#^..##.#..# !#XL:  1 Next: 25% Place: Dungeon:1 ########......##@#..#Noise: =--------  Time: 139.1 (0.0) ...................#e) +0 hand axe .#######......######Cast: Soul Splinter ...........#### ####....#.## # #..####.#b   bat #...## #.#S   ball python (constriction, asleep) #.## #.# ....# _The bat hits you. The bat barely misses you. iœ£gòª‰_The bat hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (chance to affect: 67%)iœ£gIŠiœ£g4/  You feel a surge of power! The bat struggles to resist..b40.1 (1 _The bat completely misses you.jœ£gJM .##. ## #.##..S .? ###. ..##. .# ......#.##. .##..###....##....#...#.##.b#  #^..##.#.@# ! ########......##.#..# ...................# jœ£geJå.#######......######..##b   bat..## #.## #jœ£gœM,jœ£g#d<1jœ£g¹djœ£gk' _The bat hits you.jœ£g4O,jœ£g1\‚  You barely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.jœ£g”\jœ£g®^-2.4 (1.3jœ£gNªP _The bat hits you but does no damage.jœ£gd< «  You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.3.7jœ£gÍE jœ£gFI u _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.jœ£g­  jœ£gW­ / You hit the bat.jœ£gàÜ 3†jœ£gÉâ h335.0Soul Splinterjœ£g/ë jœ£g£ë G _You kill the bat!jœ£g+iM .##. ## #.##..S .? ###. ..##. .# ......#.##. .##..###....##....#...#.##.@#  #^..##.#..# ! ##########.#..# ...................######3==-60 _You see here a bat corpse.kœ£gÁckœ£go8-kœ£gßtkœ£gÎwkœ£gØù #. .##. ####..S .?###. ..##. .# .. ....#.##. .##..#  #.##....##....# ..#.##.†# # ^..##.#.@# ! ########......##.#.. .............# ##### #.## #.#kœ£gµkœ£gG-7 _kœ£g& kœ£g kœ£g±áu #. .##. ####..S .?###. ..##. .# .. ....#.##. .##..#  #.##....##....# ..#.##.†# # ^..##.#..# ! ########......##@#.. ...................# #######......######..##S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ....#kœ£g÷ôkœ£gVø&8kœ£gý kœ£g _#. .##. ####..S .?###. ..##. .# .. ....###..#  #.##....##....# ..#.##.†# # ^..##.#..# !# ########......##.#..# ................@..# ############..........#### ####....#.## #..####.#...## ## .. . . ##kœ£g5 kœ£gð &9kœ£g»2 kœ£g¶œs#. .##. ## #.##..S .? ###. ..##. .# .. ....#.##. .##..# #.##....##....# #...#.##.†# ## #^..##.#..##!# ......##.#..# # #......###### #### ...## #.#  ==50kœ£g^¡kœ£gÅ¢lœ£g‡Ýi#. .##. ## #.##..S .? ###. ..##. .# .. ....#.##. .##..# #.##....##....# #...#.##.†# ## #^..##.#..##!# ......##.#..# # ......###### #### lœ£g,â lœ£gÂè lœ£g­HŒ4======1lœ£gÎeQlœ£g <mM .##. ## #.##..S .? ###. . ......#.##. .##..###....##....#...#.##.†# # #^..##.#..##!# ######......##.#@.# ...........## ######......###### .........####lœ£g Nlœ£gÐklœ£gr{<2lœ£g·ý lœ£gƒ 4lœ£gFV lœ£g³¶ U#. .##. .## #.##..S ##.? ###. ..##. ..# .. ....#.##. #.##..# #.##....##....# #...#.##.†#.## #^..##.#..##!# ......##.#.@# ## ......###### 3lœ£g·œ lœ£g0 mœ£gºÄ‚M .  .##. .## #.##..S ##.? ###. ..##. ..# ......#.##. #.##..###....##....#...#.##.†#.#  #^..##.#..##@# mœ£gÅÍ#####......##.#.. ................## #####......######mœ£gËÍmœ£g<Ï&4mœ£g|Ömœ£g±Ùr _You see here an inky potion.nœ£g¹ã û====== _ ##  .  #. .##. .## #. #.##..S ##.? # ...###. ..##.#..# .#..#. #.##..# #.##....##.@..#6.0 (2 #...#.##.†#.##..# #^..##.#..##!# ##......##.#..#.........#######......######.......#### ##....#.## #..####.#oœ£g¹oœ£gŸ³;oœ£gÿE < ## . #. .##. .## #. #.##..S ##.? # ... ###. ..##.#..# .#..# ....#.##. #.##..# #.##....##@...# #...#.##.†#.##..# #^..##.#..##!# ##......##.#..#....###......###### .#### ###....#.##  #..####.#7.0 (1oœ£gGV pœ£gnQ±## . #. .##. .## #. #.##..S ##.? # ... ###. ..##.#..# .#..# ....#.##. #.##..# #.##....##.@..# #...#.##.†#.##..# #^..##.#..##!# # ......##.#..#...##......###### 8pœ£g™qœ£g¬ Iqœ£gT& qœ£gd šqœ£gQ‹ M##.#. .##. .## #.#.##..S ##.? # ...###. ..##.#..# .#..# ....#.##. #.##..#  #.##....##....# #†#.##..##^..##.#..##@# #60.0 (2 #####......##.#..# ................## ......##########....#.######.# .## #.# #.# _You see here an inky potion.rœ£gon W1.0 (1rœ£gwp H _h - an inky potionsœ£gzo sœ£gp sœ£g«’ > ##  . sœ£gÀ“ Ü #. .##. .## #. #.##..S ##.? # ...##. ..##.#..# .#..# ....#.##. #.##..# #.##....##@...#3.0 (2 #...#.##.†#.##..# #^..##.#..##.# ###......##.#..#..........########......######........#### ###....#.##  #..####.#sœ£gk¶ 3tœ£gWÒ€M## . ##  .##. .##. # #.##..S ##.? # ...###. ..##.#..# .#..#....#.##. #@##..###....##....# ...#.##.†#.##..##^..##.#..##.# ##4.0 (1tœ£gxÜ BM##. .##  .. ## #  .##. .##.#..## #.##..S ##.?..# ...###. ..##.#.@# .#..#....#.##..#.##..###....##....# #...#.##.†#.##..###.#.##tœ£g2æ tœ£g³ó <5tœ£g¶ô tœ£g•‚M ##. ..##  #.. ## #  .##.#..##.#..## #.##..S ##@?..# ...###. ..##.#..##.#..#....#.##..#.##..##.##....##....#.#.##.†#.##.#..###tœ£gñ;tœ£gÅ>&6tœ£gYbuœ£gŽ—# ##. ..## #.. ## # #. .##.#..##.#..##. #.##..S ##.@..# ... ###. ..##.#..##.#..# ....#.##..#.##..# #.##....##....###...#.##.†#.##..##^..##.#..##.# #uœ£g˜œ......##.#..#....## uœ£gm¢uœ£g¥&7uœ£g¬uœ£gžµuœ£g ž+8.0 (2uœ£g­Áuœ£g¬Äc _i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAMuœ£gžm 1 # ##. ..## #.. ## # #. .##.#..##.#..##. #.##..S ##@...# ... ###. ..##.#..##.#..# ....#.##..#.##..# #.##....##....## #...#.##.†#.##..# #^..##.#..##.# ##......##.#..#.....## #......######uœ£gžÌ uœ£ggÑ +9.0 (1uœ£g©× uœ£g‡Þ xœ£g¿·xœ£g«êr.. ##.##.....## .##.. ## ##. .##.#..##.#..##.#.##..S.##....# ...##. ..##.#..##.#..# ....#.##.@#.##..#  #.##....##....# #...#.##.†#.##..#Soul Splinter #^..##.#..##.# # #########......##.#..# #...................## S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ..#######......########## .####....#.##701.0 (2xœ£góóyœ£gcF` .. # #.##. ....## # .##.. ## # . #. .##.#..##.#..##. #.##..S.##....# ... ###. ..##.#..##.#..# ....#.##@.#.##..# #.##....##....## # #...#.##.†#.##..# # #^..##.#..##.# #  #......##.#..# ##...##.#......###### #.#### #.####....#.##2.0 (1yœ£g¬Kyœ£gšNyœ£gH™##. .. # ##.##. .# ....##. ##. .##.. ## # .#...##.#..##.#..## #.##..S.##....# ...###. ..##@#..##.#..#....#.##..#.##.. #.##....##....## #...#.##.†#.##.. # #^..##.#..##.# #  ###########.#.. ##.............## ...#######......######..........yœ£g²".####yœ£gDnœ SS)  The ball python bites you but does no damage.2-- 1 =3Constr  _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.zœ£g”:Ú  The ball python's grasp on you weakens, but your attempt to escape fails.  The ball python bites you. The ball python constricts you.zœ£gü=c0------4zœ£gºDzœ£gdŠ _The ball python completely misses you. The ball python constricts you.zœ£g,öW##. .. # #.##. .## #....##.. #. #.##..# ## # .#...##.#..##.#..## #.##..S@##....# ...###.#..##.#..##.#..#....#.##..#.##.. #.##....##....## ...#.##.†#.##.. # #^..##.#..##.# #  ###########.#.. ##.............## ...#######......######zœ£gïùzœ£gcü=11 -5zœ£g÷5O _You escape the ball python's grasp.zœ£gat ©  You barely miss the ball python. The ball python closely misses you.zœ£ggv ‡ 1 =6.3 (1.3Constr zœ£gÈ~ zœ£g9 z _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.zœ£g‰Ü =  You hit the ball python.zœ£gŒÞ 1.zœ£gë ž1==--11 417.6Soul Splinterzœ£g<e _You kill the ball python!{œ£gáq{. ##. .. # # #.##. .## #....##..  # #. #.##..# ## # .. #...##.#..##.#..##. . #.##..@.##....# ... ###.#..##.#..##.#..# ....#.##..#.##..##.##....##....## .# #...#.##.†#.##..# ## #^..##.#..##.# # #......##.#..##...## ....#......######-80{œ£gÍ~{œ£g%áø .# ##.#. .. # #.. #.##. .###. #....##.. # #.. #.##..# ## # #.. #...##.#..##.#..##. .. #.##.@..##....# ... # ###.#..##.#..##.#..# # ....#.##..#.##..# ##.##....##....## ..# #...#.##.†#.##..## #^..##.#..##.# # #......##.#..##..........## .....#......######{œ£gçV-9{œ£gÌë{œ£gs {œ£g# {œ£g€= |œ£g>CB# . #. ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##.. # #...#.##..# ## #  #.. #...##.#..##.#..##.. #.##@...##....# ... .# ###.#..##.#..##.#..# ## ....#.##..#.##..# # ##.##....##....##.# #...#.##.†#.##..## #^..##.#..##.# # #....##.#..##......|œ£gDL.....## ......#......######|œ£gFK|œ£g–mD80|œ£g}F / # .. ##.#.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##.. ##...#.##..# ## ##..#...##.#..##.#..##. ... #.##....##....# .. .# ###.#.@##.#..##.#..# #......#.##..#.##..#  ####.##....##....#...#.##......#......## ####............####==1|œ£gŠ\ |œ£gSâ V . ##.#.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##.. #...#.##..# ## ##....##.#..##.#..##. ... ##....##....# .. .# ###.#..##.#..##.#..# #......#@##..#.##..#  ####.##....##....# ...# #...#.##.†#.##..#.#...##.... ≈≈##.####....#.##|œ£gOë |œ£g»í |œ£gÌð N2==2|œ£gû }œ£gÉÝ # .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##.. #..#.##..# ## ##..##.#..##.#..##. ... ##....##....# .. .# ###.#..##.#..##.#..# #......#.##..#.##..#  ####.##@...##....# ...# #...#.##.†#.##..# ###}œ£gVq#^..##.#..##.# #..#..#.# ≈≈≈..# #..####.#}œ£gÚ}œ£g«!&3}œ£gC)}œ£g„+}œ£g¿# %M ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##..  ##.##..# ## #  #....##.#..##.#..## ... #.##....##....# ... . ###.#..##.#..##.#..# ##......#@##..#.##.. # ####.##....##....## ...#...#.##.†#.##.. #####^..##.#..##.# ##..#..#.#4~œ£gëFKM . #. ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##..  #..#.##..# ## #  #....##.#..##.#..## ... #.##....##....# ... . ###.#.@##.#..##.#..# ##......#.##..#.##.. # ####.##....##....## ...##...#.##.†#.##..#.#...##....5~œ£gLŽçM . #. ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##..  ##...#.##..# ## #  #..#...##.#..##.#..## ... #.##@...##....# ... . ###.#..##.#..##.#..# ##......#.##..#.##.. #####.##....##....##...#.##.....#......##~œ£g–~œ£g9¡‰3====6~œ£gÓ£~œ£gvïd# . #. ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##.. # #...#.##..# ## # #.. #...##.#..##.#..##.  #.##.@..##....# ... # ###.#..##.#..##.#..#  ......#.##..#.##..#  ####.##....### #...#.~œ£gÐù ~œ£gNú$#^..##.#............. ~œ£g[~œ£gÔ&7~œ£g( ~œ£g ~œ£gqŸ œ# . #. ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##..  # #...#.##..# ## # .. #...##.#..##.#..##.  #.##..@.##....# ...  ###.#..##.#..##.#..#  ......#.##..#.##..# ####.##....## #...#.##. #^..##.#.#......##.#..#..........## ~œ£gAÆ ~œ£gŒÈ &8~œ£gÛÏ ~œ£gié œ£gÃG™M .  ##. #.# .. # # ... #.##. .## #.##....##..  ##...#.##..# ## # ...##@#..##.#..## . #.##....##....# ... ###.#..##.#..##.#..#......#.##..#.##..###.###.œ£g±ŠY9€œ£gêa{## . # .##. #. ##. # ...#.# .. #.#..... #.##..#.## #.##....##..  # #...#@##..# ## # #.. #...##.#..##.#..##. .. #.##....##....# ... # ###.#..##.#..##.#..# # ......#.##..#.##..# ####.##....##....# ..# #...#.##.†#.##..# ### #^..##.#..##.# #  ###########.#..#==90€œ£gùÏ tM## .   .# # ##. # ...#.# #.. #.#..# ... #.##..#.## #.##.@..##..  ##...#.##..# ## # #..#...##.#..##.#..## ..#.##....##....# ...#.1œ£g{#? ## . # .## #. #. ##.. # ... #.# #..##.#..# ... #.##..#.## #.##@...##.. # #...#.##..# ## #  #.. #...##.#..##.#..##.. #.##....##....# ... .# ###.#..##.#..##.#..# ## ...#.##..#.##..# # ####.##....##....##.# #...#.##.†#.##..# #### #^..##.#..##.# #2œ£gÆ{M## . ##  .##. # ##.. # ...#.# #..##.#..# ... #@##..#.## #.##....##..  ##...#.##..# ## #  #..#...##.#..##.#..##.###.3œ£g停£gdœ£g° øM###  .. ## #  .##.#..## ##....# ...#.# #.@##.#..# ......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##.. œ£gC± +# # #...#.##..# ## #.#.#.#.#.##œ£gdÆ œ£gßí C4œ£g€Ú ;M### ####.. ## # #.....##.#..## ##@...# ... #.# #..##.#..# ......#.##..#.##...#.##....##..# #...#.##œ£g}à u##......œ£g"㠁œ£g~ç &5œ£gˆí œ£g÷ð ‚œ£gkÄ#### ####.. ## # #.....##.#..##. #. ##.@..# ... #.# #..##.#..# ......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##..# # #...#. #.. #...##. #.##... # ###.#..##. ‚œ£g)ãC6‚œ£giž“.##...#.# #####.. ..####.. .## .# #.....##.#..##. #. ##..@.# ... #.# #..##.#..# ......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##..  # # #...#.##. .. #...##.#. #.##....##  ‚œ£gõÓY7‚œ£g… å. ##. .. ##.# .## ‚œ£gc† Ý###.. ##.. ####..#.##..# #.....##.#..##. #. ##...@# ... #.# #..##.#..# ......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##.. # # #...#.#  #.##....## ‚œ£gð‰ ‚œ£gŠ &8‚œ£gñœ ƒœ£gzSJƒœ£g'šƒœ£gdn… . ##. .. # #.# .## ###.. ##.. ####..#.##..# #.....##.#..##. #. ##..@.# ... #.# #..##.#..# ......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##..  # # #...#.##..# ## # .. #...##.#..##.#..##. . #.##....##....# ...  ###.#..##.#..##.#..#  ......#.##..#.##..#9ƒœ£gxÖ IM . ## .. #  #.# .## ###.. ##..###..#.##..# ....##@#..## ##....# ... #.# #..##.#..# ......#.##..#.##.#.##ƒœ£gm× (#ƒœ£gÎÞ ƒœ£gŒá (200ƒœ£gæ ƒœ£gßè „œ£gépF## . .##.##. # ... .. w#.. #.##..#.## ###....##.. ####..#@##..#  #.....##.#..##. #. ##....# ...Soul Splinter #.# #..##.#.. ......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##.. w   dart slug (asleep)  # # #...#.##..# ##  #.. #...##.#..##.#..##. .. #.##....##....# ...„œ£gé{Ð w0w  A dart slug comes into view.„œ£gÂŽ ``The dart slug launches a dart at you.„œ£gr -..„œ£gÝf0------=1.6 (1„œ£gû„œ£g>- _The slug dart hits you.…œ£g9M##   .# ###. # ...#.. w#..#  #.##..#.## ###.@..##..###..#.##..# .....##.#..###.####....# ...#.…œ£g/#…œ£gº>Ç.ww   dart slug-2…œ£gz! „## ##. . #.# #. #.###. .# .#.. .#..# #.##w.#.## ###..@.##.. ####..#.##..# #.....##.#..##. #.####....# ...#.# #..##.#..##......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##..  # # #...#.##. …œ£gÐ( …œ£g+ @-3…œ£g÷0 …œ£g‚3 †œ£gZ¬.### . ## . .# . # .# .#. ##.# ##. l.##.... #.. #.#..# #.##w.#.## ###...@##.. ####..#.##..# #.....##.#..##. #.####....##...#.# #..##.#..##......#.##..#.## ...#.##....##.. l   frilled lizard (asleep)   A frilled lizard comes into view.  The dart slug launches a dart at you.†œ£gÓ#†œ£g4&‡9/13 --------=4†œ£g¢;C _The slug dart hits you.†œ£g-,ž  You hit the dart slug.  The dart slug is heavily wounded.†œ£gö--5.9 (1.3†œ£gD†œ£gÔOW _The dart slug closely misses you.†œ£g3l  You hit the dart slug but do no damage.†œ£g5p  The dart slug is heavily wounded.†œ£g_<b.ll†œ£gl=(7.2†œ£gC†œ£g%FO _The dart slug misses you.†œ£gv + You hit the dart slug but do no damage.The dart slug is heavily wounded. _The dart slug misses you.You hit the dart slug.  The dart slug is severely wounded.  You closely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.†œ£gï& ‡ `The dart slug launches a dart at you.†œ£g Å 8@†œ£gìù 8.5 _The slug dart misses you.†œ£g·û ;  You hit the dart slug.†œ£gÃ Ö †l   frilled lizard  You kill the dart slug!†œ£gç5 ó10/13==759.8 _You hit the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.†œ£gpœ..  .# ##.. ##  .# .  .##.#. ##.#.#. ..##....#.. #.#..#  #.##@l#.## ###....##..###..#.##..# ....##.#..#####....##... #.# #..##.#.....#.##..#.## ...#.##....##.. # #.##..# ## †œ£g×zC100†œ£g†€†œ£g€„œ _The frilled lizard misses you. _You see here a dart slug corpse.‡œ£g%æM##B.. # #.# .###.. ##. # . .# .. # #..##.#. ##.#.#....##....#.. #@#..#  #.##†l#.## ###....##..####..#.##..#....B   giant cockroach (asleep).##‡œ£gS#‡œ£gŸ%q  A giant cockroach comes into view.‡œ£g_0†.BB1‡œ£gÑ6‡œ£gåDT _The frilled lizard misses you.‡œ£g@‡œ£gA‡œ£g²I‡œ£gÇK‡œ£g ŸQ‡œ£gµC ‡œ£g$F ‡œ£göM ‡œ£g)P ‡œ£gQ c##. .##B# .###.. ##. # . .# .. ##..##.#. ##.#. ##....##.... .. #.#..# ‡œ£gÙQ + #.##@l#.#####....##.. ####..#.##..# .....##.#..##.####....##.. #..##.#..##......#.##..#.##.##....##.. # # #...#.##..# ## #‡œ£g›V ‡œ£gt^ H.B#‡œ£gœu à2 _The frilled lizard closely misses you. _You see here a dart slug corpse.ˆœ£gÍ­r  You barely miss the frilled lizard.The frilled lizard is heavily wounded..B1====4.1 (1.3ˆœ£gÎÂ_ _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage. x2ˆœ£gkþ~  You barely miss the frilled lizard.ˆœ£gá  ..BThe frilled lizard is heavily wounded.The frilled lizard hisses.ˆœ£g£Hˆœ£gÖJ!5.4ˆœ£gDj _The frilled lizard misses you.ˆœ£gÔ}V  You hit the frilled lizard.ˆœ£gn¹C .B.  You kill the frilled lizard!836.7 _The giant cockroach barely misses you.ˆœ£g4ç##. .. # #.# .# ##.. ##. # . .# .. # #..##.#. ##.#.##....##.... #.. #B#..# #.##†@#.## ###....##.. ####..#.##..# #.....##.#..##.#.####....##...#.# #..##.#..## ......#.##..#.##  ˆœ£g ˆœ£g^ ,70ˆœ£g˜ ˆœ£gƒ \ _The giant cockroach barely misses you.ˆœ£gŽ  Q‰œ£gŠuœ ##. .. # #.# .# ##.. ##. # . .# .. # #..##.#. ##.#.. ##....##.... #.. #B#..# #.##@.#.## ###....##.. ####..#.##..# #.....##.#..##. #.####....##... #.# #..##.#..## ......#.##..#.##  ...#.##....##.. # # #...#.##..# ## #‰œ£gр‰œ£gG‚s2====8‰œ£gºšÅ _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage. _You see here a dart slug corpse.‰œ£g4‡ž  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is severely wounded.The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.20.0 (1.3 _The giant cockroach closely misses you.‰œ£góT d  You closely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is severely wounded.1.3 _The giant cockroach closely misses you.You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is severely wounded.2.6 _The giant cockroach barely misses you. x2‰œ£gfÔr  You hit the giant cockroach..‰œ£gÛ‰œ£g¶áz##.Wolftag123 the Grave Robber..#Mummy#.# .#Health: 13/13 ========================##.. ##.Magic: 4/4========================# . .# .. #AC: 2Str: 11#..##.#. ##.#..EV: 11Int: 14##....##....SH: 0Dex: 12#.. #.#..#XL:  1 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:1#.##@.#.##Noise: =--------  Time: 223.9 (1.3)###....##..‰œ£gâ;e) +0 hand axe####..#.##..#Cast: Soul Splinter#.....##.#..##.#.####....##...#.# #..##.#..##......#.##..#.##...#.##....##.. # # #...#.##..# ## #The giant cockroach is severely wounded. _The giant cockroach closely misses you.You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is severely wounded. _The giant cockroach barely misses you. x2  You hit the giant cockroach.‰œ£gå” _You kill the giant cockroach!You have reached level 2!‰œ£gµ   ‰œ£gŒ(--more--‹œ£g•Ð ¬9/19==5/52 0% Soul Splinter‹œ£gÝÖ ‹œ£g4ã 4 _Œœ£gù äM## .. # 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#...#.##..#.## .# #...##.#..##.#..##. #.##....##..@.# ... 10.9 (8###.#..##.#..##.#..#  ......#.##..#.##..#  ####.##....##....##  #...#.##.†#.##..#  #^..##.#..##.#. #####......##.#..##..............## .#......######¬œ£g$ó u¬œ£gŠû ܬœ£gýþ Y _Found a cyan potion.¬œ£g  _¬œ£g ,¬œ£g“ ¬œ£gW Y#..#.##..# ...##.#..##. ###....##...  #..##.#..## ..#.##..#.##. .## .##....##....##.. ...#.##..#.##..# ## # ...##.#..##.#..##.#..# .##....##....##.@..# 5.9 (5 .#..##.#..##.#..##.# ..#.##..#.##..#.# .# .##....##....##!.. # ...#.##.†#.##..#.## ^..##.#..##.#..##. ......##.#..##. #####. ......###### .#¬œ£gb ®œ£gž)#..#.##..#.##.#..##.#....##... # #..##.#..## #.#.##..#.##. .## #.##....##....##.. #...#.##..#.##..# ## # #...##.#..##.#..##.#..# #.##....##....##@...# #.#..##.#..##.#..##.#.#.##..#.##..#.# .# #.##....##....##!.. # #...#.##.†#.##..#.## #^..##.#..##.#..##. #......##.#..##. ## .###. #......###### .#®œ£gš1®œ£g˜8+6.9 (1®œ£g;;®œ£gG®œ£g}c" ....##.#..##. ####....##.. # #..##.#..## # ...#.##..#.##. .## #.##....##....##.. ..#.##..#.##..# ## ##.#..##.#..##.#..###....##....##....# ..##.#..##.#.@##.# ...#.##..#.##..#.# .# #.##....##....##!.. #..#.##. ##.. ....####®œ£g/Y7®œ£g"r ####....##.. # #..##.#..## # ...#.##..#.##. .## #.##....##....##.. ..#.##..#.##..# ## ##.#..##.#..##.#..###....##....##....# ..##.#..##.#..##.# ...#.##..#.##..#@# .# #.##....##....##!...#..#.##.†#.##..#.##..###.#.##.# .#.##®œ£g‡w®œ£g—{&8®œ£g3®œ£g®œ£gžÉO  #..##.#..## # ...#.##..#.##. .## #.##....##....##.. ..#.##..#.##..# ## ##.#..##.#..##.#..##....##....##....# ...##.#..##.#..##.#..# ...#.##..#.##..#.##..# #.##....##....##@...#..#.##.†#.##..#.##..#^..##.#..##.#..##.# ## ##.#®œ£glÌ&9®œ£g‚ï‡ _You see here a cyan potion.¯œ£g²¯œ£g„'20¯œ£g—"¯œ£g$G _j - a cyan potion¯œ£gÙÌ ~ #..##.#..## # #.##..#.##. .## .##....##....##.. ...#.##..#.##..# ## # ...##.#..##.#..##.#..# . .##....##....##....# .. .#..##.#..##.#..##.#..# #.##..#.##..#.##..# .##....##....##.@..## ...#.##.†#.##..#.##..# ^..##.#..##.#..##.# # ......##.#..##. #####. ......###### ..##### .# #.## # #.#¯œ£guÔ ¯œ£gßÖ &1¯œ£g1Ý ¯œ£già ¯œ£gNe ò#..##.#..## # #.##..#.##. .## ##....##....##.. ##¯œ£gŸe S#.##..#.##..# ##K # ###.#..##.#..##.#..##.# ##....##....##....# . #..##.#..##.#..##.#..# #.##..#.##..#.##..# ##....##....##..@.## #.##.†#.##..#.##..# ..##.#..##.#..##.# .# ##.#..##. ## # ###### ..# K   kobold (asleep) .#  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.¯œ£g•m #.¯œ£gÔm =KK¯œ£gµ¿ •===2Soul Splinter _The kobold shouts! You hear a shout!°œ£g4Æ$..##.#..## # #.##..#.##. .## ....##....##.. ## #.##..#.##..#[##. # # ##.#..##.#..##.#K.##.# ....##....##....##.... ..##.#..##.#..##.#..# #.##..#.##..#.##..# ....##....##...@## #.##.†#.##..#.##..# ##.#..##.#..##.#..# ##.#..##. ##### ###### ..# #.K---3 _Found a leather armour.°œ£g[A ÈM#....##... ..##.#..## ..# ##..#.##. .## #....##....##.. ## .##..#.##..#[##. # .##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. #....##....##...K##.... ..##.#..##.#..##.#..###..#.##..#.##@.# #....##....##....## .##.†#.##..#.##..# .##.#..##.#..##.#..#K   kobold°œ£gØF °œ£g{Q F.K°œ£g‡S B---4°œ£g·© °œ£gŒ‹  You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold hits you with a +0 whip.°œ£g2ºe7---=6.2 (1.3°œ£gúÄb _The kobold misses you.±œ£g40±œ£g2d  You completely miss the kobold.±œ£g 9e  A bat comes into view.±œ£gØlzbb   bat (wandering)K   kobold8=--7.5 _The kobold hits you but does no damage.±œ£gç|8  You hit the kobold.±œ£gë}±œ£gù~±œ£gR±œ£g_Šf [#bb±œ£gþŠ>  You kill the kobold!±œ£g038.8±œ£g£±œ£g!€: _The bat hits you but does no damage.±œ£gŽx  You hit the bat.)±œ£g\‘i1030.1Soul Splinter±œ£g’œ±œ£g¡G _You kill the bat!±œ£g6“ÌM.##.#..## #....##... ##. ..##.#..## ..# ###..#.##. #.## .# #....##....##.. ##. .##..#.##..#[##..# # .##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. #....##....##....##.... ±œ£g4”R..##.#..##.#..##@#..###..#.##..#.##.. #....##....##....## .#.##.†#.##..#.##..##.#±œ£gaœ±œ£g¢€9===-10±œ£g©±œ£g¯®»  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; a bat corpse; a kobold corpse±œ£gØ© àM.##..# .##.#..##. #....##... ##. ..##.#..## ..# ##..#.##. #.## .## #....##....##.. ##.. .##..#.##..#[##..# # .##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. #....##....##...@##.... ..##.#..##.#..##)#..###..#.##..#.##..# #....##....##....##.###-2 _±œ£gš­ ±œ£g‹¯ ±œ£gsé ±œ£gYë ±œ£gÞñ ±œ£gïó ³œ£g‹³œ£g ³œ£g³œ£gÚ B³œ£g•&F  You see here a +0 leather armour.³œ£gB,³œ£g[7*##..##.#..# ..#.##†.#.## ###....##.. ## #..#.##..# . ...##.#..##. .# #.##....##... ##. # ...  #..##.#..## #.g# .#..#.#.##..#.##. #.##..#.## .##....##....##.@..##.#.##..#.##..#[##..# # ...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#.Soul Splinter .##....##....##....##.....##.#..##.#..##)#..# ..#.##..#.##..#.##..#g   goblin (wandering)##....##....##....###.##.†#.##..#.##..# ^..##.#..##.#..##.#..#³œ£g›E+4.1 (2³œ£gŽKH==5.1 (3³œ£g‘W³œ£g—s _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.µœ£gÅµœ£gÇ̵œ£gÄÒµœ£g-صœ£gÖÞ Ÿ.##..##.#..#.#.##†.#.###....##.. ###..#.##..# ..##.#..##. .## #.#....##... ##.. # ... # #..##.#..## #.g# .#..#.#.##..#.##. #.##..#.## #.##....##....##@...##.. #...#.##..#.##..#[##..# # #...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. #.##....##....##....##.... #.#..##.#..##.#..##)#..#.#.##..#.##..#.##..# #.##....##....##....## #...#.##.†#.##..#.##..# #^..##.#..##.#..##.#..#µœ£g¡" €.g6.1 (1¶œ£g+Qs  You catch the helpless goblin completely off-guard!  You hit the goblin.¶œ£g?[1)¶œ£g±cl77.4 (1.3Soul Splinter¶œ£g^i¶œ£gŒlJ _You kill the goblin!¶œ£gü­M#....##.... .##..##.#..# ...#.##†.#.## ##....##.. ## ##..#.##..# . ## ....##.#..##. .##. # ####....##... ##.. # ... # #..##.#..## #..# .#..# ...#.##..#.##. #@##..#.####....##....##....##.. .##..#.##..#[##..# # #...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#..###.80¶œ£gW ¶œ£g{M _You see here a +0 club.¶œ£gYë ¶œ£gz÷ 4¶œ£gnø ¶œ£gqˆ  ..##.#..# ..#.##†.#.## ####....##.. ##..#.##..# . ## ....##.#..##. .##. #. ####....##... ##.. # .. #..##.#..## #..# .#..# ...#.##..#.##. #)##..#.## #.##....##....##@...##.. ..#.##..#.##..#[##..# ##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#..###. #^..##.#..##.#..##.#..#¶œ£gŠŠ -9 _¶œ£gš§ ·œ£gŸXÉ##..##.#..# #.##†.#.## ....##.. ## ..#.##..# . ## ##.#..##. .##. #. ....##... ##.. # ...  #..##.#..## #..# .#..# #.##..#.##. #)##..#.## .##....##....##.@..##.. ...#.##..#.##..#[##..# # ...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. .##....##....##....##.... .#..##.#..##.#..##)#..##.##..#.## .##....##....##....## ...#.##.†#.##..#.##..# ·œ£g:b·œ£g—c'40·œ£gum·œ£gùo·œ£gôï·œ£g$ûs ..#.##†.#.## ###....##.. ##..#.##..# . ## ...##.#..##. .##. #. ###....##... ##.. # ..  #..##.#..## #..# .#..# ..#.##..#.##. #)##..#.## .##....##....##....##.. ..#.##..#.##..#@##..# ##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. .##....##....##....##.... ##. ......##.#..##. #####·œ£gŸü·œ£gþ&1·œ£gš m _You see here a +0 leather armour.·œ£giÃ2 _k - a +0 leather armouržœ£g®YEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 robe (worn)g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip ¹œ£g_õ..#.##†.#.##Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ###....##.. ##Mummy #..#.##..# . ##Health: 19/19 ======================== ...##.#..##. .##. #.Magic: 5/5======================== ###....##... ##.. # ...AC: 2Str: 11  #..##.#..## #..# .#..#EV: 11Int: 14 ..#.##..#.##. #)##..#.##SH: 0Dex: 12 .##....##....##....##..XL:  2 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:1 ...#.##..#.##..#@##..# #Noise: ---------  Time: 342.4 (0.0) ...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#.e) +0 hand axe .##....##....##....##....Cast: Soul Splinter .#..##.#..##.#..##)#..# [13¹œ£gÞõ„d..#.##..#.##..#.##..# .##....##....##....## ...#.##.†#.##..#.##..# ^..##.#..##.#..##.#..# ......##.#..##. #####You catch the helpless goblin completely off-guard!  You hit the goblin. _You kill the goblin! _You see here a +0 club. _You see here a +0 leather armour. _k - a +0 leather armour¹œ£ge W3.4 (1¹œ£gÏ7 W4.4 (2¹œ£g߂ Ä5.4 (36.4 (4¹œ£g‹† +7.4 (5¹œ£gž¥ t 0 _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 robe. x4  You finish removing your +0 robe.8.4 (6¹œ£gT¬ ¹œ£gú³ ¹œ£gøÔ Ú9.4 (750.4 (81.4 (9¹œ£g=í ¹œ£g®ú ¹œ£gþ /2.4 (10.0)¹œ£gÎ ¹œ£g› À 2 _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 robe. x5¹œ£gÏ& Š _You finish putting on your +0 robe.»œ£gˆn»œ£gdrÜEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  g - a +0 robe (worn)b - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear»œ£g°ry[tab] equip|unequip Œœ£gÌ2Œœ£g8<Œœ£géc..#.##†.#.##Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ###....##.. ##Mummy #..#.##..# . ##Health: 19/19 ======================== ...##.#..##. .##. #.Œœ£g&eMagic: 5/5======================== ###....##... ##.. # ...AC: 2Str: 11  #..##.#..## #..# .#..#EV: 11Int: 14 ..#.##..#.##. #)##..#.##SH: 0Dex: 12 .##....##....##....##..XL:  2 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:1 ...#.##..#.##..#@##..# #Noise: ---------  Time: 352.4 (0.0) ...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#.e) +0 hand axe .##....##....##....##....Cast: Soul Splinter .#..##.#..##.#..##)#..# ..#.##..#.##..#.##..# .##....##....##....## ...#.##.†#.##..#.##..# ^..##.#..##.#..##.#..# ......##.#..##. ##### _You see here a +0 leather armour. _k - a +0 leather armour _You start removing your armour. You coŒœ£gùe9ntinue removing your +0 robe. x4  You finish removing your +0 robe. _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 robe. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 robe.Œœ£g©nŒœ£g›q23.4 (1 _Œœ£g_xŒœ£gÀ€Œœ£gâ’+4.4 (2Œœ£g¡£,Œœ£g0¥+5.4 (3Œœ£gºŽŒœ£gýÄA6.4 (4Œœ£gÂ£g9òŒœ£gžõ+7.4 (5Œœ£g$  0 _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 robe. x4Œœ£g  You finish removing your +0 robe.  You start putting on your armour.Œœ£gM+8.4 (6Œœ£gŒœ£gì'Œœ£g12+9.4 (7Œœ£gN3Œœ£gÆPB60.4 (8Œœ£gŠœq1.4 (92.4 (10.0) 30 _You continue putting on your +0 leather armour. x5Œœ£g˜®Œœ£g'±c _You finish putting on your +0 leather armour.œœ£g”ihM##..##.#..# ..#.##†.#.## ##....##.. ## #..#.##..# . ## ...##.#..##. .##. # ###....##... ##.. # ...  #..##.#..## #..# .#..# .#.##..#.##. #)##..#.## .##....##....##.@..##.. .##..#.##..#.##..# # ..##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. .##....##....##....##....##.3.0) _œœ£gpœœ£gèqœœ£gb QŸœ£g¯..##.#..# #.##†.#.## ....##.. ## ## ..#.##..# . ##. ###.#..##. .##.#. #.#....##... ##.. .# . #..##.#..## #..# .#..# #.##..#.##. #)##..#.## Ÿœ£g3€›##....##....##..@.##.. #.##..#.##..#.##..# # ##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. ##....##....##....##.... #..##.#..##.#..##)#..###.##..#.##..#.##..# ##....##....##....##Ÿœ£gg€i#.##.†#.##..#.##..# Ÿœ£gz‰Ÿœ£g̋&4Ÿœ£gý’Ÿœ£g•Ÿœ£g6@#..##.#..# ..#.##†.#.###....##.. ## ## #..#.##..# . ##. #.##.#..##. .##.#. #.##....##... ##.. .# ....  #..##.#..## #..# .#..#.#.##..#.##. #)##..#.## .##....##....##.@..##..Ÿœ£g"›.#.##..#.##..#.##..# #.##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. .##....##....##....##.... .#..##.#..##.#..##)#..## ..#.##..#.##..#.##..# .##....##....##....##.#.##.†#.##..#.##..# ^..##.#..##.#..##.#..#Ÿœ£gê›<5Ÿœ£g㣟œ£g'šŸœ£g~- Ÿœ£g«Y 4Ÿœ£gòe Ÿœ£g/ý 4Ÿœ£g/ Ÿœ£gʝç.##..##.#..#.#.##†.#.###....##.. ## ## ##..#.##..# . ##. #.##.#..##. .##.#. #.##....##... ##.. .# .... # #..##.#..## #..# .#..#.#.##..#.##. #)##..#.## #.##....##....##@...##.. #...#.##..#.##..#.##..# # #...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#. #.##....##....##....##.... #.#..##.#..##.#..##)#..##.#.##..#.##..#.##..# #.##....##....##....## #...#.##.†#.##..#.##..# #^..##.#..##.#..##.#..#Ÿœ£g¢ŠŸœ£gº&6Ÿœ£g±Œ¿œ£gH!]M#....##.... .##..##.#..# ...#.##†.#.## ##....##.. ## ## ##..#.##..# . ##. ....##.#..##. .##.#. #.# ####....##... ##.. .# .... # #..##.#..## #..# .#..# ...#.##..#.##. #@##..#.####....##....##....##.. .##..#.##..#.##..# # #...##.#..##.#..##.#..##.#..###.7 _You see here a +0 club.¿œ£gŸîM..##.#..##.#..#....##.... .##..##.#..## ...#.##†.#.##. ##....##.. .## ## ##..#.##..# .. ##. # ....##.#..##. .##.#..##.# ####....##... ##....# .... # #..##.#..## #.@# .#..# ...#.##..#.##..#)##..#.####....##....##....##.. #...#.##..#.##..#.##..# ###.#.#.#.##.##8 _¿œ£g× ëM.##..# # ..##.#..##.#..#....##.... .##..##.#..## ...#.##†.#.##. ##....##....## ## ##..#.##..# #.. ##. # ....##.#..##.#..##.#..##.# ####....##... ##@...# .... # #..##.#..## #..##.#..# ...#.##..#.##..#)##..#.## #.##....##....##....##...#.##..#.###......¿œ£gP ¿œ£g> &9¿œ£gf ¿œ£gs ¿œ£gr ¿œ£gÐ ¿œ£g{ Àœ£g_C#..#.##..# # #..##.#..##.#.. ###....##.... ##..##.#..## #.##†.#.##. ....##....## ## ..#.##..# #.. ##. # # ##.#..##.#..##.#..##.# ....##... ##.@..# ....  #..##.#..## #..##.#..# #.##..#.##..#)##..#.## .##....##....##....##.. ...#.##..#.##..#. ...##.#..##.#..##. .##....##....##... .#..##.#..##.#..## 70Àœ£gù<..#.##..# # ..##.#..##.#.. ....##....##...##.#..## ..#.##†.#.##. #.# ##....##....##.. ##.. ..#.##..# #.. .##..# # ##.#..##.#..##.#..##.# ....##... ##..@.# .... #..##.#..## #..##.#..# #.##..#.##..#)##..#.## ##....##....##....##..#.##..#.##..#.##..# ###.#..##.#..##.#. ##....##....##....##.... 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The frilled lizard bites you.윣gÙ,@  You hit the frilled lizard.윣g:41.윣gù—Ð206.0Soul Splinter _You kill the frilled lizard!윣g5H&  #  #. #.. # #.. # #..# # #.  ...#.....#.....## #.....#  #.###...#####  #.#  #.####  #.###  #.#윣gÅOJ-70윣grX윣gã]윣g’£V  # # #. #.. # #.. # #..# # #. ...#.....#.....## #..... #.###...  #.#  #.####  #.###  #.#윣g2§h8=---8윣gX¬윣gf®윣g˜T Ö  # ###. #[ #. #.. # #.. # #..# # # ...#.....#.....## # #.###...  #.#  #.####  #.###  #.#9윣g # _Found a robe.윣gŸ:   #  ### #.# #[# #. #.. # #..  #..# #  ...#.....#.....## # #.###...  #.#  #.####  #.###  #.#윣gI =90윣góM 윣g¡n 휣gÙŠÿM#########......... ###########.[# #@################................. ###################..###############휣g?®휣g±&1휣g)Û휣gYÛÆM#########......... ###########. #.################.................#.. ##################휣gæ휣g|çr9===2휣g- 휣gDM _You see here a +0 robe.g–r ##########.........############.[################..................##################...............###g£Ôg£ J3 _g„ò ##########.........############.[.#################..................############################### # #....................#gè•<4gÂÉgÍg©óg†ögE gš¿ g QgA ú##.#### #.# #[# #.##.. #.#.. ##..# # #...#.....#.....## #.#.###...# 5gïH-##.#### #.# #[# #.##.. #.#.. #.#..# # #....#.....#.....## #.#.gÊII###...# gggœi`==6g4ž##.#### #.# #[# #.##.. #.#.. #.#..# # #.#...#.....#.....## #.....##.###...# 7g&9g»=güû##.#### #.# #[# #.##.. #.#.. #.#..# # #.# 8gkÚö##.#### #.# #[# #.##.. #.#.. #.#..# # #.# #.#### .#.### # 9g—ágŠŸ##.#### ##.# ##[# ##.##.. #.#.. #.#..# # #.# #.# ##.#### gʊm.#.### # gPž[500g‹Ä_###.#### ##.# #.#[# #.#.#.#.. #.  #.. #.#..# # #.# #.# ##.#### .#.### # 1g6š#.#.#.#### ##.# #.#[# #.##.#.# #.. #. #.. #......# #..# # #.#...#.....#.....## #.....# ##.###...##### ##.# ### #.#### .... #.### #### #.# # 2ðœ£g‹<#.##.##.ðœ£gqž•#### ##.# #.#[# #.##.#.# .. #. .. #......#. ..# # #.######. ...#.....#.....## #.....# #.#.###...##### #.#.# ###.#.#### .#.### ####.#.# #.3ðœ£gÓ¬ðœ£go<Ö#.##.##.#### ####.#.# #.#[# #.##.#.# . #. . #......#.# .# # #.######.#.....#.....## #.....# #. #.###...##### #.# #.# ###.# #.#### . #.### ####.# #.# #.4ðœ£g©È²#.##.##.#.##### ####.#.# #.#[# #.##.#.###.  #.#  #......#.# # # #.######. .#.....#.....## #.....# #. .###...##### #.# .# ###.#. .#### ......# .### ####.# .# #.ðœ£g:Ïðœ£g/Ñ&5ðœ£g ×ðœ£gûØðœ£g0„ Â#.###.#.##.#.#.#.### ####..##.# #.....##[# #.####.#.#.###.#.#.#......#.##. # #.######...# #.....#.....## #.....# #...####...##### #.##.# ###.#.#### ......#.### ####.##.# #...#6ðœ£gႠÍ#.###.#.##..##.#.##.### ####..#.#.# #.....##[# #.####.#.#.###..##.#.##......#.##. # #.######...#. .....#.....## #.....# #...####...##### #.##.# ###.#..##### ......#.#### ####.##.# #...#.7ðœ£g·ÀV#.###.#.##..##.#.##ðœ£gèÀ{.### ####..#.##.# #.....##.ðœ£gPÁ²#[# #.####.#.#.###..##.#.##......#.##.ðœ£gyÁ # #.######...#.##.....## #.....# #...##.###...##### #.##.ðœ£g§Ár# ###.#..##### ......#.#ðœ£gÓÁ„### ####.##.# #...#.#ðœ£gÎ<8ðœ£g°Ñðœ£gËÓñœ£gªl#.###.#.##..##.#.#.##.#. ### ####..#.# #.# #.....##.# #[# #.####. #.#.###..##. #.#.##. #......#.##. # #.######...#.##.....## #.....# #...##.####...##### #.##.# ###.#..##.#### ......#.##.### ####.##.# #...#.#ñœ£g×Y9ñœ£g“Ä#.###....##.##..##.##.#.##.#....# ####..#.##. .# #.....##.#. 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#.. # #..######## ##### ...#.....#.....## ### #.###... #.### #.#### #.### #......# #.###### ##....(.##  ##.# #.. #.†#4öœ£gj„öœ£gN‰öœ£gø #.# #[# #. #.. # #..  #..#######  ...#.....#.....## ### #.###... #.### #.#### #.### #.# #..###### ##....(.##  ##.# # #.†#öœ£gè4C5öœ£gñrM #.# #[# #. #.. # #..  #..######## #...#.....#.....## ### #.###... #.### #.#### #öœ£g–sÔ.### #.# #...###### ##....(.##  ##. # #.†#öœ£g[~öœ£gâ–C6öœ£g o ° [.################.................#.################..############## .#.....#.....## ###.. #..............###...#....######  .....##..........##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈## 7öœ£g†v^ #[## #. #.. # #..  #..öœ£gswØ#######  #...#.....#.....## ### #.###... #. #.#### #.### #. #. ##....(...## ##. # #. ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈öœ£gCöœ£gZ„&8öœ£gŠ¥öœ£gš÷œ£gPÒ7 #[# #. #. #.. # #..  #..#######  #...#.....#.....## ### #.### #. #.#### #.### # #. ##....(....## ##. # #. ##......≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈÷œ£gÛ÷œ£gTá&9÷œ£gXè÷œ£gOê÷œ£gԎ (M. #[# . #############. #.............. ###############..############## #...#.....#.....## ######.....#### #...................#........÷œ£g?˜ ÷œ£gùž '40÷œ£g_³ ÷œ£g*0M#. #[# #. #############.. #............... ###################### #...#.....#.....## ######.....##...............####........÷œ£gã?&1÷œ£g:C÷œ£gºDøœ£gÕ]ò ###.. #.#. #[# #. #. #.. # #..  #..##############  #...#.....#.....##  #.### #. #. #......### # #. ##....(.## ##. #øœ£gé_øœ£gúc&2øœ£g=løœ£g6Éøœ£g$ÿøœ£gœ;øœ£g54øœ£g¶øœ£gŒøœ£gd$Õ  ###   .... #.#   ... #[#   #.. #.   #.. #   #..  øœ£gŠ%í #..##############   #...#.....#.....##   #.###   #   #.  øœ£g„&{ #.   #   #.   ##....(.##   ##.  øœ£g'? #øœ£gBøœ£g.F&3øœ£gtNøœ£gšPøœ£gõX ûM ######...[# ###########............ ##################### #..@#.....#.....## øœ£ghZ à#.####..  #...............###......øœ£gpg øœ£gk &4øœ£g|q øœ£gœs øœ£g%;    ..... ###   ..... #.#   .... #[#   #..# #.   #..# #   #..#   #..###   #.@.#.....#.....##   #.#.   #.#  #.#.  #.#.  #.#  #.#.  #.##....(.##   ##.øœ£gœŸY5ùœ£gº®À    ...... ###  ..... #.#  .... #[#  #..# #.  #..# #  #..#   #..###  #@..#.....#.....##  #.#.  #.#.  #.#...  #.#....  #.#....  #.#......  #.##....(.  ##.ùœ£gÁ<6ùœ£gŠùœ£g |H ...... ###  #. [#..# #.#########.........############# .#.....#.....###................................#.#  #............. 7ùœ£gwä Š  #. [#..# #.#########.........############# .#.....#.....###...............#.#  #..........### 8ùœ£gþ² -M. ##...... #[# #########.......... ############### ..#.....#.....##  #.#...............#.#ùœ£g$ R9ùœ£g¥Æ úœ£g…&`M###. ##...... #[# #########.......... ############### ..#.....#.....#......#.....  #.#.................... .#.#50úœ£gÜcúœ£gþeúœ£gŽåCM......... ###. ##...... #..... #[# #########.......... ############### ..#.....#.....#......#  #.#.................. .....#.#úœ£g²0Y1úœ£gšœ##..!....[.#.......... ###....... ##...... #..... #[# #########.......... ############### ..#.....#.....#...#................úœ£gز2 _Found a brown potion and a pair of gloves.úœ£g÷–ãM ######...###..!....[.#..#..# ###.........##........#...... #[# #########.......... ###############  #...#.....#.....##.. ........#.#......úœ£gm£úœ£gç§&3úœ£g ²úœ£gåŽúœ£g —+M ##.# #####...##!....[..# ####.###.........#.#........B#[# #########.......... #  #..##############B   giant cockroach (asleep)..#.#.....úœ£gÇÉ4Soul Splinter _A giant cockroach comes into view.úœ£g54 k .#  ##.# #####...##!....[.. ####.#.#...@....B#[# ####..#####.#########.......... ###############..#.....#.....#.#.úœ£g6X Y5úœ£g>   .#  ##.# #####...##!....[.. ####.#.........B#[# ####..#####.#########.......... ############### ..#.....#.....#.#B.B6úœ£gê¯ Ô   .#  ##.# #####...##!....[.. ###..##B.#..........#[# ####..#####.#########.......... ###############..#.....#.....##B.úœ£g± &7úœ£g.¹ úœ£gôœ úœ£gír ™  # .#  ##.# #####...##!....[......# ###B...##..........#[#####..#####.#########.......... ###############..#.....#.....#úœ£gņ ^B.8úœ£gˆ úœ£gr‹ úœ£gôT   # .#  ##.# #####...##!@...[..B....# ####..........#[#####..#####.#########.......... ###############úœ£g*W ¡=9 _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.ûœ£g…ðh      # ûœ£gñh .#  ##.##  ######....#   #..@....[.# #  #....B....#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#  ####..#####.  #..# #  #..#   #..#ûœ£g~ôûœ£gœþ8B.ûœ£gK(/-60ûœ£g(:ˆ _You see here a brown potion.üœ£g³ý  You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach closely misses you.=1.3 (1.3üœ£g*!G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.üœ£g™Žüœ£gNµ(2.6üœ£g+Œüœ£g!À¢ _You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach barely misses you.üœ£gÐ)  You completely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.  The giant cockroach waves its antennae.üœ£g,(3.9üœ£gÆ4üœ£gz]U _The giant cockroach misses you.üœ£g;>5.2üœ£gv%üœ£gÕ'¢ _You barely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach closely misses you.üœ£gV 6.5  You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach closely misses you. _x2üœ£g~ Ç  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.üœ£gª -7.7 (1.2üœ£gØ# üœ£g+  üœ£gß+ 9_The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.üœ£gàê A  You hit the giant cockroach.üœ£gþ é†79.0 (1.3Soul Splinterüœ£gkS _You kill the giant cockroach!ýœ£gÀ¿S     #  .#  ##.##  ######....# # #..!@...[.# #. #.# # #.###  ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # #..#-700ýœ£gKƒ _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.ýœ£gÖ<û     #  .#  ##.##  ýœ£gÚ=¹######....# # #..!†@..[.# #. #.# # #.###  ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # ýœ£gJýœ£g9OG-1 _ýœ£g0Zýœ£g.\ýœ£gLý     #  .#  ###.##  ######....# #   #..!†.@.[.# #.   #.# #   #.###  ####..#####.#   #..# #.   #..# # 2ýœ£g ýœ£gÖ ýœ£gŒÁÿ ## #. .. .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #..!†..@[.# #. #.# # #.###    ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # ýœ£goËýœ£gèà&3ýœ£ghýœ£gù& Ÿ   ##   #.   ..   .#   .#   ###.##   ######....#   #..!†.@.[.# #   #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#   ####..#####.   #..# #   #..#   #..#4ýœ£gÍR a   ##   #.   ..   .#   .#  ###.##  ######....#   #..!†@..[.# #   #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#   ####..#####.   #..# #   #..#   #..#ýœ£g$_ ýœ£gÙ` &5ýœ£gœh ýœ£g»j þœ£gЎµ   ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....#   #..!@...[.# #  #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[# þœ£gY ####..#####.  #..# #  #..#  þœ£g(¯ #..#6 _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.þœ£g²_ç   ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....#   #..@†...[.# #  #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#  ####..#####.   #..# #   #..#    #..# þœ£gŒ`-7 _þœ£gggþœ£g@ r _You see here a brown potion.þœ£gØÓ ‹  ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #..!@...[.# #. #.# # #.###  ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # #..#þœ£gÛ þœ£gºà -8 _þœ£gÖ ’ _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.þœ£g/N¡  ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #..!†@..[.# #. #.# # #.###  ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # 9 _ÿœ£gÚõM  ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# #   #..!†.@.[.# #.   #.# #   #.###  ####..#####.#   #..# #.   #..# # ÿœ£gúÿÿœ£gU'80ÿœ£g«ÿœ£g÷%[ ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #..!†..@[.# #. #.# # #.###    ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # 1ÿœ£gò {   ##   #.   ..   .#   .#   ###.##   ######....#   #..!†.@.[.# #   #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#   ####..#####.   #..# #   #..#   #..#ÿœ£gÁ(&2ÿœ£g .ÿœ£g<0ÿœ£gïëW   ##  ÿœ£gÏíc #.   ..   .#   .#  ###.##  ######....#   #..!†@..[.# #   #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#   ####..#####.   #..# #   #..#   #..#3ÿœ£gâ_ X   ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....#   #..!@...[.# #  #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#  ####..#####.  #..# #  #..#   #..#ÿœ£g e ÿœ£g&g &4ÿœ£géˆ ÿœ£gi | _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.ÿœ£g•„ Ñ   ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....#   #..@†...[.# #  #.#   #.###   #.#.#   #.#[#  ####..#####.   #..# #   #..#    #..# ÿœ£gÅ¥ ÿœ£g+¶ -5 _ÿœ£g¢É  _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.brown potion.giant cockroach corpse. _brown potion.Ÿ£g๠<6Ÿ£gÅÐ brown potion.giant cockroach corpse. _brown potion. _m - a brown potionŸ£g2  ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #...@...[.# #. #.# # #.###  ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # #..#Ÿ£gì6Î7 _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.Ÿ£g¬Åz  ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #...†@..[.# #. #.# # #.###  ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # 8 _Ÿ£g²Ÿ£g$HÖ  ##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# #   #...†.@.[.# #.   #.# #   #.### Ÿ£gÇIm ####..#####.#   #..# #.   #..# # Ÿ£gºY9Ÿ£g€; - Ÿ£gÅ< Ë##  #.  ..  .#  .#  ###.##  ######....# # #...†..@[.# #. #.# # #.###    ####..#####.# #..# #. #..# # Ÿ£gÙF Ÿ£gZJ '90Ÿ£g*Q Ÿ£gS Ÿ£gD!’## ##. #.. #.# #.# ###.## ######....# ##...†...@.# #.#.# ##.### ######..#####.# #..# #. #..# # #..# # Ÿ£g?.Ÿ£gW1&1Ÿ£gÒ:Ÿ£g~@W _You see here a +0 pair of gloves.Ÿ£gô Ÿ£g£† &2Ÿ£gú Ÿ£g!’ - _n - a +0 pair of glovesŸ£g¥ Ÿ£g+ ÑEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)Ÿ£gb ¢b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  n - a +0 pair of gloves[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip Ÿ£g — Ÿ£gø¢Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##Mummy##.Health: 19/19 ========================#..Magic: 5/5========================#.#AC: 3Str: 11#.#EV: 10Int: 14###.##SH: 0Dex: 12######....######## XL:  2 Next: 27% Place: Dungeon:1#...†...@.##...... Noise: ---------  Time: 592.0 (0.0)#.........######## e) +0 hand axe#.........###Cast: Soul Splinter#.........#.##.........#[#####..#####.############# #..# Ÿ£g¥ò#.............. #..# ############### #..############## #  _You see here a giant cockroach corpse. _You see here a brown potion. _m - a brown potion _You see here a giant cockroach corpse. _You see here a +0 pair of gloves. _n - a +0 pair of glovesŸ£gp°+3.0 (1Ÿ£gwÄŸ£gÉf  You start putting on your armour.Ÿ£g.Ï+4.0 (2Ÿ£g¬ü,Ÿ£gXW5.0 (3Ÿ£gE+6.0 (4Ÿ£g¯!Ÿ£gC*Ÿ£g€1+7.0 (5Ÿ£g­4Ÿ£gV7ˆ 4 _You continue putting on your +0 pair of gloves. x4Ÿ£g9AŸ£g1IŸ£gõQc _You finish putting on your +0 pair of gloves.Ÿ£g ,8M ###. #.#  ###.# Ÿ£g'-###########†...... ########.........####..Ÿ£g}6Ÿ£gS:28.0 (1 _Ÿ£gƒ×Ÿ£gÖŸ£gfÄM ###. #.#  ###@## ###########...†......#.........#########..Ÿ£g(ÍŸ£gÍÏ&9Ÿ£g°Ÿ£g¥\ M ####... #@#  ###.## #####....########...†.....##................###..#####600Ÿ£g­š mM #####....# #.#  ###.# ######....########....#.............#Ÿ£gËÛ Ÿ£gðÝ &1Ÿ£geä Ÿ£gKæ Ÿ£g19‰M ########......#Ÿ£g(;1.## #.# ###.##....#.....#Ÿ£g?Ÿ£g£A&2Ÿ£g FŸ£gêGŸ£g5”Ÿ£g2™U## ##......# #.@# #.## #.# ###.########....# ##...†.....# #.#.........# ##.........### Ÿ£gìY3Ÿ£gÓ»QŸ£gÏÊ+M #########@.....#.##.b...## ≈≈.#.#≈b   bat (asleep)...Ÿ£g'ן£gæð§4Soul Splinter _A bat comes into view.Ÿ£gg ¡# ##.@....# #..##.b...##.## ≈≈≈.#.# ≈≈≈.###.## ≈≈.######....# ≈.##...†.....# .#.#.........# # Ÿ£gË I§§§.Ÿ£gš &5Ÿ£g; Ÿ£g3 Ÿ£gõ«# ##..@...# #..##.b...# #.## .≈≈≈..##.# ≈≈≈≈≈.####.## §≈§§§.#######....# ≈≈≈b§.#b 2 bats (asleep)#...†.....# .≈§§..#.#.# ..∩..⌠# Ÿ£g͙ Ÿ£g;Ä‹ A bat comes into view.Ÿ£gDÒÂb≈§≈≈b1 asleep)§.Ÿ£g£ n6 _Found Viduq's Weapon Shoppe.Ÿ£gÅ` ­# ##...@..# #..##.b...# #.##..b≈≈..# #.##.###.##.######....#.≈≈≈≈≈.###...†.....#K.≈§§.§#.K   kobold (asleep)#.#⌠..∩..⌠# Ÿ£gՑ Ÿ£gDŒ ¬  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.b§≈≈≈b≈≈....⌠#=7Ÿ£gµ¿ Ÿ£gžÑ P _The bat barely misses you.Ÿ£g Ÿ£gZo 20.7 (1.3 _The kobold completely misses you.You hit the kobold.  You kill the kobold!  You miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.Ÿ£gv Ÿ£gÕ M.b.*b≈.§≈≈#.§§§§§.≈≈≈§.Ť≈..*   soul wisp (summoned)..∩..⌠#Ÿ£g.— °5=====312.0Soul SplinterŸ£gÀ : _The bat hits you but does no damage.Ÿ£gOe  You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.§.*§§§b§≈§§≈§§§§.§≈≈§≈.#≈..#..⌠#6==3.3Soul SplinterŸ£g,® _The bat closely misses you. Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.Ÿ£gž˜ Ô  You completely miss the bat. The bat closely misses you.The bat hits your soul wisp but does no damage.Ÿ£g" Ù b)§§§#≈..  The bat closely misses your soul wisp. The bat hits your soul wisp.4.6 _The bat barely misses your soul wisp. Your soul wisp touches the bat.Ÿ£gO f##########......###..##b@...##.##§.*§§§.#Ÿ£gÉP '.§b§§§§###.##§≈§§§§.#######....#.≈≈≈§≈.############...†.....#..≈§≈..#............⌠..∩..⌠##############.#Ÿ£g)q   The bat barely misses you. The bat closely misses your soul wisp.b.≈≈≈.≈≈*≈≈..≈§≈≈≈.#≈b≈≈.##..≈≈§..#.∩..⌠#######50 _The bat hits your soul wisp but does no damage. _You see here a +0 short sword.Ÿ£gUž ..bb§≈≈≈You closely miss the bat. The bat misses you. The bat closely misses you.7========6.9 (1.3 _The bat hits you but does no damage. Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.Ÿ£g9O š ######## #....@.####..##.)...# .bb≈≈. #.##.≈≈*§ ###.######≈≈≈≈≈.############†..≈≈≈..#...........⌠..∩..⌠####################  The bat attacks as it pursues you! The bat hits you but does no damage.Ÿ£gi Òb§*§§≈§.#70Ÿ£gå… j _The bat completely misses you.Ÿ£gø   You hit the bat.  The bat is severely wounded.Ÿ£gHŸ£gÔC£  The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.The bat hits your soul wisp but does no damage..b.§*≈b≈≈≈§≈≈.§≈≈.#9.2 (1.3 _Your soul wisp barely misses the bat.Ÿ£gŠ # ##.....@### #..##.).b.# #.##..§*≈..#  ######....#.≈≈§≈≈.###...†.....#..≈≈≈..#.#.#⌠..∩..⌠## Ÿ£gԙ Ÿ£gb² Ÿ£gÚµ ¿  The bat barely misses your soul wisp. The bat misses your soul wisp.Ÿ£g¡Ã œb.§§§§≈b≈≈§§   bat (weak, ally target, soul-splinter..≈≈≈#⌠..∩.-300Soul SplinterŸ£g… Ÿ£gö \ _Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.Ÿ£g% º  You slash the bat!  You kill the bat!*§§≈≈*   soul wisp (summoned)Ÿ£g诈8==7=1.5 (1.3Ÿ£gû¹Ÿ£gŸE _The bat hits your soul wisp but does no damage.Ÿ£g8á ‚ # ##....@.### #..##.)*..# #.##..§§§..#  #.##.§§§≈≈.# ###.##.≈Ť≈≈.# ######....#.≈≈§§≈.# #...†.....#..≈≈≈..# #.#⌠..∩..⌠#  #.#Ÿ£gsæ Ÿ£gé Ÿ£gvë Ÿ£g‰õ ƒ§.b§≈≈≈§§§§b   bat (ally target).*   soul wisp (summoned).Ÿ£g* ³-20Soul Splinter _Your soul wisp misses the bat.Ÿ£gC # ##...@..### #..##.)*..# #.##§.b§≈..#  #.##.§§§≈≈.#  ###.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ######....#.≈§§§§.# #...†.....#..≈≈≈..# #.#⌠..∩..⌠#  #.#Ÿ£gˆJŸ£g MŸ£g{YŸ§..b§≈≈≈##.≈≈§≈b  distracted, ally target)#..≈≈≈...⌠Ÿ£gF^.=3Ÿ£g~p _The bat hits you but does no damage. Your soul wisp touches the bat.Ÿ£gJ # ##..@...### #..##§)*..# #.##..b§≈..# #.##§≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈.# ######....#.≈≈§≈§.# #...†.....#..≈≈≈..# #.#⌠..∩..⌠  #.#Ÿ£gRÆŸ£gñÆŸ£g»Ùq .§b≈§§§§§.#b§§.#..⌠The bat hits your soul wisp but does no damage.-4Ÿ£g’ìr _Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.Ÿ£g '# ##...@..### #..##.)*..# #.##..§b≈..# #.##.###.##.######....#.≈≈§§§.##...†.....#..≈≈§§.#.#.#⌠..∩..⌠# Ÿ£gŠ\Œ§.9====5 _The bat closely misses you. Your soul wisp misses the bat.Ÿ£gÀ…+# ##....@.### #..##.)*..# #.##..§b≈..# ######....#.≈≈§§§§###...†.....#..≈≈§§.#.#.#⌠..∩..⌠# †§§§≈*§§§≈≈b.#.≈≈#.≈≈≈§≈.#..≈≈§§§#⌠..∩.6Soul Splinter _The bat hits your soul wisp but does no damage.Ÿ£gÖ³ i # ##...@..### #..##.)†..# #.##§§§≈*..#  #.##§§§≈≈b.#  ###.##.≈≈≈§§.# ######....#.≈≈≈§≈.# #...†.....#..≈≈§§§# #.#⌠..∩..⌠  #.#Ÿ£gŸÃ XŸ£g<î yb§≈§≈≈≈§§≈.§#..⌠-7Soul SplinterŸ£gâò Ÿ£gÉô Ÿ£gþ• æ# ##....@.### #..##.b§..# #.##§§§≈≈..# Ÿ£gߖ I######....#.≈≈≈≈§§###...†.....#..≈≈≈.§#.#.#⌠..∩..⌠# Ÿ£gÄ †≈≈≈. .##=8Ÿ£gbË P _The bat hits you but does no damage.Ÿ£g?œ @)≈b§≈≈§§§≈§==9.8 (1.3Ÿ£g–ž Ÿ£g'»  Ÿ£gÒÇ „_You closely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.Ÿ£g†&O ##########......###..##.@†..##.##§§≈b≈..#§≈≈≈§b   bat######.........#.#Ÿ£gø*Ÿ£gË,Ÿ£gº6k##§§.#.§≈§§..#.b≈§§≈.##.§§≈§≈.##.≈≈≈§≈.##..≈≈≈..##⌠..∩..⌠##########Ÿ£gŸ;\8--400Ÿ£gÒCŸ£gîHm _The bat hits you. _You see here a +0 short sword.Ÿ£gš– ñ# ##......### #..##.)@§§# #.##.§≈§§§.# #.##.b≈§§≈.# ###.##.§§≈§≈.#######....#.≈≈≈§≈.##...†.....#..≈≈≈..#.#.#⌠..∩..⌠##.######### Ÿ£g·Ÿ •§.≈≈b≈≈Ÿ£gÆ¢ `7---1Ÿ£gE« Ÿ£g7° ‰ _The bat hits you. _You see here a bat corpse.Ÿ£g«Èï # ##.....§### #..##.@§§§# #.##..≈§§§.# #.##.≈≈b§≈.# ###.##.≈≈§§≈.# ######....#.≈≈≈§≈. #...†.....#..≈≈§..# #.#⌠..∩..⌠ #.#########  #.#.##.b§≈§§≈§.##-2 _Ÿ£gKìj _You see here a +0 short sword.Ÿ£g?œ ê # ##.....§### #..##@)§.§# #.##..b§≈§.# #.##.≈≈§§≈§#  ###.##.≈≈§§≈.# ######....#.≈≈≈≈≈. #...†.....#..≈≈§§.# #.#⌠..∩..⌠ #.#########  #.#.#Ÿ£gΣ Ÿ£gŠ¥ Ÿ£g€° =.##§≈≈≈§.#b§≈≈.#§§§§§§§≈≈≈.#.Ť≈..#..∩..⌠#######Ÿ£gËÓ €6--=3 _The bat hits you.Ÿ£gÄÖ™ ##########......###..##.)§§.####.@≈≈≈§.#.≈b§≈≈###.##.§§§§§≈.#.#Ÿ£gZך#b   bat##.........#[#Ÿ£gÛŸ£gºÜŸ£g¥æ #†.§≈.≈§≈§≈.##Ÿ£g{éT7=4Ÿ£gšŸ£gã%: _The bat hits you but does no damage.Ÿ£gÇ@  ######## ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##@.≈§≈..# #.##.≈b≈§≈.# ###.##.§§≈§≈.# ######....#.§§≈≈≈.# #...†.....#.§≈§≈..# #.#⌠..∩..⌠# #.#########  #.#.#  #.#[#Ÿ£gÇs À  The bat attacks as it pursues you! The bat hits you.≈b≈≈≈≈≈≈§.#6-5 _The bat hits you but does no damage.Ÿ£g.› Œ ##########......###..##.)†..####..≈≈≈..b≈≈≈≈###.##.§§Cast: Soul Splinter.###b   bat####..#####.################§§≈§.≈≈§§.∩.#6 _The bat closely misses you.Ÿ£gº± â ##########......###..##.)†..####..§≈≈...b§≈≈≈###.##@≈######....#.§≈≈≈≈.##########...†..≈≈§..#.........b   bat#..# #.................Ÿ£g^² Ÿ£g‰Œ €b≈§≈≈§.#§≈.#≈≈.Ÿ£gߟ .-7Ÿ£gúÆ Ÿ£gMÉ Ÿ£g·F Ö##########......###..##.)†..##Ÿ£gGG ##..§≈≈..b≈§≈≈§###.##.≈§≈§≈.#######....#@≈≈≈≈≈.##########...†..≈≈≈..#..........⌠..∩..⌠###################.#[###..#####.################ #..# #.................#################Ÿ£gøJ Ÿ£gÖL Ÿ£g k d#..##§§§≈§.#.≈≈≈§§§#§§≈§≈§#b≈≈§§.#§≈≈§§#Ÿ£gqm \7==8Ÿ£gKŸ Ÿ£gÀ  : _The bat hits you but does no damage.Ÿ£g÷ ¿ ##########......###..##.)†..####.§§§≈§..≈≈≈§§§###.##.§§≈§≈######....#.b≈≈§§.##########...†..§≈≈§§#..........⌠..∩..⌠################## #.#[b   bat#..############## ######§§.#.§§≈§≈§≈≈§§§§b§≈§Ÿ£gú &9Ÿ£g> Ÿ£gål  Ÿ£gN  4_The bat hits you but does no damage.!Ÿ£g9S0 ##########......###..##.)§§.####..§§§§..§≈§§§§###.##.≈######....#.§≈≈§§.##########...†.b§≈§§§#............∩..⌠################## #.# b   bat#...#.....#.....## ###...!Ÿ£gòŽ.###†.§##≈§≈§§#≈≈≈§≈b≈§≈.50 _The bat barely misses you. _There is a fountain of sparkling water here."Ÿ£gґ ¯M ######## #......### .##.)†.§##..≈§≈.§# #.##.≈≈≈§≈ ###.##.b≈§≈§§# #####§≈≈§§.##########†§≈§§§#.........⌠..∩..⌠####################.........#.#b   bat"Ÿ£gǓ Š≈≈§≈§§#≈≈§≈≈b"Ÿ£gDŸ <1"Ÿ£g£ = _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2#Ÿ£g  Š ##########......###..##.)†..####..≈≈≈.§#.≈≈§≈§###.##.≈≈§≈≈§#######....#b§≈≈§§.##########...†.....#..§≈§§§#...........∩..⌠################## #.# b   bat#...#.....#.....## ###...#Ÿ£gì #Ÿ£g!& ,#Ÿ£g¬6 )#§.#≈≈§§#b≈≈≈§≈§#.§≈§§≈.#§≈..§§.⌠####8==-2#Ÿ£gÉA #Ÿ£gZF b _There is a fountain of sparkling water here.%Ÿ£g·%Ÿ£gp·–A fountain of sparkling water. A decorative fountain, flowing with brightly sparkling water. You are here.'Ÿ£gºA########Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##......###Mummy#..##.)†..##Health: 18/19 ======================--#.##..≈≈≈§.#Magic: 5/5========================#.##.≈≈≈≈§§#AC: 4Str: 11###.##b≈≈≈§≈§#EV: 10Int: 14######....#.§≈§§≈.########## SH: 0Dex: 12#...†.....#..§§≈..#......... XL:  2 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:1#.........#@..§§.⌠########## Noise: ---------  Time: 652.8 (1.0)#.........#########e) +0 hand axe#.........#.#Cast: 'Ÿ£g,C,Soul Splinter#.........#[#####..#####.#################..# #................. b   bat#..# ###################..############## #####...#.....#.....## ###... _The bat hits you but does no damage. _The bat hits you but does no damage. _The bat barely misses you. _There is a fountain of sparkling water here. _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2 _There is a fountain of sparkling water here.'Ÿ£gU'Ÿ£gc'Ÿ£grLâ# ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈≈§.# #.##.≈≈≈≈§§# ###.##b≈≈≈§≈.# ######....#.§≈§§≈.###...†.....#..§§≈..#.#.#⌠@.§§.⌠##.######### #.#.# ####..#####.##..# #.#..# ##..# ##...#.....#.....## ###.§≈≈..≈≈≈§≈.#≈≈§§≈.#b§§§..#=3'Ÿ£g+P _The bat hits you but does no damage.(Ÿ£g{h# ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..§≈≈..# #.##.≈≈≈≈§§# ###.##.≈≈≈§≈.# ######....#.≈≈§§≈.##...†.....#.b§§§..#.#.#⌠.@§§.⌠##.######### #.#.# ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #.#..# #####.#...#.....#.....## ###.(Ÿ£g5ʺ....###§§†..##§≈§≈..§§§≈≈§#≈≈.#≈.#.≈§≈..#b@∩§§#-4*Ÿ£gO*Ÿ£g9Viduq's Weapon Shoppe. A shop in the dungeon, beyond sight of the world above, manned by a secretive and reclusive shopkeeper who cannot be bargained with, grants no refunds, and isinterested in nothing you may have to sell. Some shops hawk antiques of unknown provenance, and offer little hint as to the quality or nature of their goods. While standing here, you can enter Viduq's Weapon Shoppe with the > key.JŸ£g  JŸ£g€“ ########Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##......###Mummy#..##§§†..##Health: 18/19 ======================--#.##.§≈§≈..#Magic: 5/5========================#.##.§§§≈≈§#AC: 4Str: 11###.##.≈≈≈≈≈.#EV: 10Int: 14######....#.≈≈§§≈.############ SH: 0Dex: 12#...†.....#..≈§≈..#........... XL:  2 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:1#.........#⌠b@∩§§⌠############ Noise: ---------  Time: 654.8 (1.0)#.........#########e) +0 hand axJŸ£g‰” e#.........#.#Cast: Soul Splinter#.........#[#####..#####.###################..# #................... b   bat#..# ###################.#..############## #####.#...#.....#.....## ###..... _The bat hits you but does no damage. _The bat barely misses you. _There is a fountain of sparkling water here. _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2 _There is a fountain of sparkling water here. _The bat hits you but does no damage.JŸ£gÍ LŸ£g"€ ,LŸ£gª¥ LŸ£gLÍ z#.≈≈≈§.b≈§§.@∩..⌠###=6.1 (1.3LŸ£g§Ö LŸ£g$Ú t _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.NŸ£gÔÑ ######## Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ##......###  Mummy #..##§§†..##  Health: 18/19 ======================-- #.##.§≈§≈..#  Magic: 4/5===================----- #.##.§§§≈≈.#  AC: 4Str: 11 ###.##.≈≈≈≈≈.#  EV: 10Int: 14  ######....#.≈≈≈≈§.############ SH: 0Dex: 12  #...†.....#..b≈§§.#........... XL:  2 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:1  #.........#⌠.@∩..⌠############ Noise: Ÿ£gÒŒ39;49m=--------  Time: 656.1 (0.0)  #.........#########  e) +0 hand axe  #.........#.# Cast: Soul Splinter  #.........#[#  ####..#####.################## #..# #................... b   bat #..# ###################. #..############## #####. #...#.....#.....## ###..... _The bat hits you but does no damage. _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (lava, chance to affect: 67%)NŸ£g>í q b@#NŸ£gm& s**@#NŸ£gó˜ S#*.OŸ£g%j#*.*OŸ£g-E=.*OŸ£gÊ <≈*OŸ£gQç‰.b, f - batAim: a bat (lava, chance to affect: 67%)OŸ£gla########Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##......###Mummy#..##§§†..##Health: 18/19 ======================--#.##.§≈§≈..#Magic: 4/5===================-----#.##.§§§≈≈.#AC: 4Str: 11###.##.≈≈≈≈≈.#EV: 10Int: 14######....#.≈≈≈≈§.############ SH: 0Dex: 12#...†.....#..*≈§§.#........... XL:  2 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:1#.........#⌠.@∩..⌠############ Noise: =--------  Time: 656.1 (0.0)#.........#########e) +0 hand aOŸ£g"b xe#.........#.#Cast: Soul Splinter#.........#[#####..#####.###################..# #................... b   bat#..# ###################.#..############## #####.#...#.....#.....## ###..... _The bat hits you but does no damage. _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (lava, chance to affect: 67%)OŸ£gí… : (weak, ally target, soul-splinter
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the bat's soul is dislodged from its body.OŸ£gG" vSoul Splinter  --more--PŸ£gïòQ  The bat looks weaker.PŸ£gõ+....).≈≈≈≈b≈≈§*≈≈≈.≈≈≈.PŸ£g#ûZ9==7.1 (1PŸ£gýS€ _The bat barely misses you. Your soul wisp barely misses the bat.QŸ£gYS # ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈≈..# #.##.§≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈b≈≈§.# ######....#.≈*≈≈≈.# #...†.....#..≈≈≈..# #.#⌠@.∩..⌠# #.# #.#.#  #.#[# ####..#####. #..# # #..# # #..# ##### #...#.....#.....## ###§§≈≈≈≈§bŸ£gÊS#;64H8QŸ£gyTQŸ£g,Uˆ _The bat misses you. Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.QŸ£g ±# ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..§≈≈..# #.##§§≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ######....#.≈*§≈≈.###...†.....#.b≈≈≈..#.#.#⌠.@∩..⌠###.# #.#.# ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #.#..# #####.#...#.....#.....## ###.The bat misses you. Your soul wisp touches the bat.QŸ£gȟ ú≈.≈§†*   soul wisp (summoned)QŸ£gµ /419QŸ£gÃÁ QŸ£g„Ì ; _The bat dies!RŸ£gHž4 # ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈≈..# #.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈≈≈§.# ######....#.≈*§≈≈.# #...†.....#.†≈≈≈..# #.#⌠@.∩..⌠# #.# #.#.#  #.#[# ####..#####. #..# # #..# # #..# ##### #...#.....#.....## ###RŸ£g0¡RŸ£g«­x≈§≈§*RŸ£g¶Ž/-60RŸ£gºŒRŸ£gÒSŸ£gC À# ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈≈..# #.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈≈≈§.# ######....#.≈≈§≈§.###...†.....#.*≈≈≈..#.#.#⌠.@∩..⌠###.# #.#.# ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #.#..# #####.#...#.....#.....## ###.§§==-1SŸ£g%ž TŸ£gšRd# ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈Ť..# #.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈§≈§.# ######....#.≈≈§≈§.###...†.....#.*≈≈≈..#.#.#⌠..@..⌠###.# #.#.#  ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #.#..# #####.##...#.....#.....## ###.....#TŸ£gÜ_k≈†*TŸ£g=w&2TŸ£gA¢TŸ£gMŠa _There is an entrance to Viduq's Weapon Shoppe here.VŸ£gl?~Viduq's Weapon Shoppe. A shop in the dungeon, beyond sight of the world above, manned by a secretive and reclusive shopkeeper who cannot be bargained with, grants no refunds, and isinterested in nothing you may have to sell. Some shops hawk antiques of unknown provenance, and offer little hint as to the quality or nature of their goods. While standing here, you can enter Viduq's Weapon Shoppe with the > key. You are here. (>)enter.WŸ£g}~WŸ£g¡‹########Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##......###Mummy#..##.)†..##Health: 19/19 ========================#.##..≈Ť..#Magic: 4/5===================-----#.##.≈≈≈≈≈.#AC: 4Str: 11###.##.≈≈§≈≈.#EV: 10Int: 14######....#.≈≈§≈§.############# SH: 0Dex: 12#...†.....#.†≈≈≈..#............ XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1#.........#⌠.*@..⌠############# Noise: ---------  Time: 662.1 (1.0)#.........WŸ£gŒo[40m#########e) +0 hand axe#.........#.#Cast: Soul Splinter#.........#[#####..#####.####################..# #.................... *   soul wisp (summoned)#..# ###################..#..############## #####.##...#.....#.....## ###.....#The bat looks weaker. _The bat barely misses you. Your soul wisp barely misses the bat. _The bat misses you. Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.The bat misses you. Your soul wisp touches the bat. _The bat dies! _There is an entrance to Viduq's Weapon Shoppe here.WŸ£g4ŽWŸ£g„›XŸ£g†/ XŸ£g}; [Welcome to Viduq's Weapon Shoppe! What would you like to do?  a -  20 gold a +0 daggerb -  35 gold a +0 flail  c -  35 gold a +0 long sword  d -  256 gold a +4 mace of protectione -  2 gold 2 stones  f -  7 gold 7 stones  g -  8 gold 8 stones  h -  35 gold a +0 war axe  i -  165 gold a +2 whip of holy wrath You have 13 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-i] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-I] put item on shopping listkŸ£gœ ########Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##......###Mummy#..##.)†..##Health: 19/19 ========================#.##..≈Ť..#Magic: 4/5===================-----#.##.≈≈≈≈≈.#AC: 4Str: 11###.##.≈≈§≈≈.#EV: 10Int: 14######....#.≈≈§≈§.############# SH: 0Dex: 12#...†.....#.†≈≈≈..#............ XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1#.........#⌠.*@..⌠############# Noise: ---------  Time: 662.1 (0.0)#...kŸ£gßÉ Å......#########e) +0 hand axe#.........#.#Cast: Soul Splinter#.........#[#####..#####.####################..# #.................... *   soul wisp (summoned)#..# ###################..#..############## #####.##...#.....#.....## ###.....#The bat looks weaker. _The bat barely misses you. Your soul wisp barely misses the bat. _The bat misses you. Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.The bat misses you. Your soul wisp touches the bat. _The bat dies! _There is an entrance to Viduq's Weapon Shoppe here.kŸ£g‰â mŸ£gD¹1 # ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈§..# #.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈§≈≈.# ######....#.≈≈§≈§.# #...†.....#.†≈≈≈..# #.#⌠.@*..⌠# #.# #.#.#  #.#[# ####..#####. #..# # #..# # #..# #####. #...#.....#.....## ###.....mŸ£gÛè##.##..#≈≈.#§≈.#§§.§§§3.1 (1 _You swap places.nŸ£ghÀ # ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈§..# #.##.≈≈≈≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈§§≈.# ######....#.≈≈§§§. #...†.....#.†≈§§§.# #.#⌠@.*..⌠# #.# #.#.#  #.#[# ####..#####. #..# # #..# # #..# ##### #...#.....#.....## #####§†.§§§§*∩4nŸ£g ynŸ£gš¿ ý# ##......### #..##.§†..## #.##..≈§§..# #.##.§§§≈≈.# ###.##.≈≈§§≈.# ######....#.≈≈§§≈.##...†.....#.†≈§§§.#.#.#⌠*@∩..⌠###.# #.#.# ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #.#..# #####.#...#.....#.....## ###.nŸ£g§!....##.#..≈§§§§§§§§≈.§§⌠###5 _You swap places.oŸ£g߶K# ##......### #..##.§†..## #.##..≈§§..# #.##§§§§≈≈.# ###.##.≈§§§§.# ######....#.§§§≈≈.###...†.....#.†≈§§..#.#.#⌠*.@§§⌠##.### #.#.#  ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #.#..# #####.##...#.....#.....## ###.....#oŸ£gˆË,#.§§.*@..⌠###6oŸ£g2úi _There is an entrance to Viduq's Weapon Shoppe here.oŸ£gHø%# ##......### #..##.§†..## #.##..≈§§..# oŸ£g/ùÑ#.##.§§§≈≈.# ###.##.§§§§§.#  ######....#.§§§≈≈.###...†.....#.†≈§§§.#.#.#⌠.*∩@.⌠###.#  #.#.#  ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #oŸ£gŸùf.#..# #####.# oŸ£gAýoŸ£gh ®....###.)†..#oŸ£gs G.≈≈§.#.§≈≈≈§§§§§≈≈§≈§≈§§§≈≈..*oŸ£gœ_5=====7 _oŸ£gÎ oŸ£gÉ%oŸ£gßÒoŸ£g‚Õ# ##......### #..##.)†..## oŸ£gØ#.##..≈≈§..# #.##.§≈≈≈§.# ###.##§§§§≈≈§# ######....#.≈§≈§§.## #...†.....#.†§≈≈..#. #.#⌠..*§@⌠## #.######### #.#.# ####..#####.##..# #.#..# #oŸ£gzÝf.#..# #####.# oŸ£g˜åoŸ£gŸ2"###..#..≈≈≈.#.§§≈§.≈§≈≈≈.§≈§≈≈≈#⌠..∩*####oŸ£gª3&8oŸ£g¢<oŸ£gE?oŸ£gš]é# ##......### #..##.)†..## #.##..≈≈≈..# #.##.§§≈§§.# ###.##.≈§≈≈≈.# ....#.§≈§≈≈.## ...†.....#.†≈≈≈..#. .oŸ£gå^I#⌠..∩*.@## .# # 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 ### #.# #. ... #.# ##......≈≈≈.  #.. #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈.  #..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈.  #...@.# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.  #.##....≈≈≈≈≈. .rS##...##....≈≈≈≈≈. . ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈  .#. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈..  .. #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<zŸ£gWL s  # ... #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~  #..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~  ##zŸ£gým zŸ£grq zŸ£gšt <  The rat squeaks loudly.zŸ£g– §g.rSg   hobgoblin (wandering)S   ball python (constriction, wandering)r   ratzŸ£g9‚ 0===3zŸ£gC‹ zŸ£g9 \ _A hobgoblin comes into view.{Ÿ£gÆ Š  #.#  #.##....(  #.###.  #.# #  #### #.# #.{Ÿ£gA!  ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈.  #..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈  #..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈  #..@..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.  #g......##....≈≈≈≈≈. .r##...##....≈≈≈≈≈. .S# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.  #.#.B #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈  #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈ B   giant cockroach (wandering)  ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈ g   hobgoblin (  #..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~ S[37{Ÿ£g="m   ball python (constriction, wandering)  ##r   rat{Ÿ£g“)%  {Ÿ£gRíA giant cockroach comes into view.g..rS.B.g====4 _The hobgoblin shouts!{Ÿ£g«õ  #.#............. Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.##....(....... Mummy #.###........... Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# #........... Magic: 4/5===================----- #### #.# #..........# AC: 4Str: 11 ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈. EV: 10Int: 14 #..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈ SH: 0Dex: 12 #..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈ XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 #g.@..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈. Noise: ====-----  Time: 724.1 (0.0) #..r....##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ e) +0 hand axe{Ÿ£ge € ....S.##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ Cast: Soul Splinter ....B# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ #.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈. #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈ B   giant cockroach (wandering) ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈ g   hobgoblin #..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~ S   ball python (constriction, wandering) ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ r   ratA giant cockroach comes into view. _The hobgoblin shouts!  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - ratAim: a rat (chance to affect: 67%)|Ÿ£g˜èŠ r.***#|Ÿ£g.)B*#|Ÿ£gŏ;*..|Ÿ£gªU -*.|Ÿ£g$z k@., f - you|Ÿ£gž| M@*|Ÿ£gX€ |Ÿ£gë€ Œr., f - ratAim: a rat (chance to affect: 67%)|Ÿ£gJf .r}Ÿ£g¹-Ág*.r, f - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (chance to affect: 67%)}Ÿ£g¡ #.#............. Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.##....(....... Mummy #.###........... Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# #........... Magic: 4/5===================-----  #### #.# #..........# AC: 4Str: 11 ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈. EV: 10Int: 14 #..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈ SH: 0Dex: 12 #..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈ XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 #*.@..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈. Noise: ====-----[}Ÿ£g ¡33m  Time: 724.1 (0.0) #..r....##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ e) +0 hand axe  ....S.##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ Cast: Soul Splinter  ....B# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈.  #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈ B   giant cockroach (wandering)  ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈ g   hobgoblin #..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~ S   ball python (constriction, wandering) ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ r   ratA giant cockroach comes into view. _The hobgoblin shouts!  Aiming: }Ÿ£gD¢6[39;49mSoul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (chance to affect: 67%)}Ÿ£g¡t}Ÿ£gIb  You feel a surge of power! The hobgoblin struggles to resist.}Ÿ£gý}Ÿ£gÇEÑSg.B.BS)=---5.1 (1 _The rat closely misses you.Ÿ£gÃ{ #.#............. Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.##....(....... Mummy #.###........... Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# #........... Magic: 3/5==============---------- #### #.# #..........# AC: 4Str: 11 ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈. EV: 10Int: 14 #..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈ SH: 0Dex: 12 #..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈ XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 #Sg@..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈. Noise: =--------  Time: 725.1 (0.0) #..r....##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ e) +0 hand axe[1Ÿ£gË|K .....B##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ Cast: Soul Splinter .....# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ #.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈. #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈ B   giant cockroach ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈ g   hobgoblin #..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~ S   ball python (constriction) ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ r   ratYou feel a surge of power! The hobgoblin struggles to resist. _The rat closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (chance to affect: 67%)Ÿ£gGm  g**Ÿ£gÓ° -*.Ÿ£g6H [*.#.Ÿ£gA*#€Ÿ£gEœr., f - rat, p - hobgoblinAim: a rat (chance to affect: 67%)€Ÿ£gGƒgr/hobgoblin (chance to affect: 67%)€Ÿ£g߬a #.#............. Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.##....(....... Mummy #.###........... Health: 19/19 ======================== #.# #........... Magic: 3/5€Ÿ£gr­L==============----------  #### #.# #..........# AC: 4Str: 11 ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈. EV: 10Int: 14 €Ÿ£g«­ß#..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈ SH: 0€Ÿ£gð­CDex: 12 €Ÿ£g®B#..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈ XL:  2 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:1 €Ÿ£g?®5#S*@..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈. Noise: =--------  Time: 725.1 (0.0)€Ÿ£gk® €Ÿ£gŠ®€#..r....##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ e) +0 hand axe  .....B##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ Cast: Soul Splinter€Ÿ£g×®·  .....# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ €Ÿ£g&¯Ç #.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈.  #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈ B   giant cockroach €Ÿ£g{¯+ ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈ g   hobgoblin €Ÿ£gïÓ#..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~ S   ball python (constriction) ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ r   ratYou feel a surge of power! The hobgoblin struggles to resist. €Ÿ£gQ°‚_The rat closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - hobgoblinAim: a hobgoblin (chance to affect: 67%)€Ÿ£g –Ú (weak, ally target, soul-sp
)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the hobgoblin's soul is dislodged from its body.€Ÿ£g|€Ÿ£gœ/  --more--€Ÿ£gÅ$A  The hobgoblin looks weaker.€Ÿ£g]&€Ÿ£g 4ÉS.gBr*.  The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.  The rat bites you.€Ÿ£g×6Z8--6.1 (1€Ÿ£gR€Ÿ£gÅ[Y _Your soul wisp barely misses the hobgoblin.Ÿ£g˜ˆ #.#. #.##....(. #.###.# #.# #.Ÿ£g3Ò #### #.# #.# ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈.≈ #..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈. #.S##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈. #.g.@.# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.≈ #.Br*...##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ ......##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ .....# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈ #.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈. #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈< ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~[16;Ÿ£gàÓI5H #..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈ ##≈BS.  The hobgoblin barely misses your soul wisp.The rat barely misses your soul wisp.9==7Ÿ£gÕb _Your soul wisp closely misses the hobgoblin.Ÿ£gíò ± The rat barely misses your soul wisp. _Your soul wisp closely misses the hobgoblin.  You closely miss the ball python.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.  The hobgoblin barely misses your soul wisp.8-- 0 8.3 (1.2Constr Ÿ£gø ‚ _The rat closely misses your soul wisp. Your soul wisp touches the hobgoblin.Ÿ£g˜m S  You hit the ball python.Ÿ£g.‡ ‘ .Br   ratŸ£g¶Ã €*   soul wisp (summoned)You kill the ball python!The hobgoblin hits your soul wisp. The rat barely misses your soul wisp.Your soul wisp touches the hobgoblin but does no damage.10 49.6 (1.3Ÿ£gýÆ Ÿ£g6Ê G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.Ÿ£gOÁ   Your soul wisp touches the hobgoblin but does no damage. _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.  The hobgoblin hits your soul wisp. The rat closely misses your soul wisp.  9==30.8 (1.2Ÿ£gbƁŸ£g‰Êa _Your soul wisp barely misses the hobgoblin.‚Ÿ£gÄ«  You completely miss the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.The giant cockroach barely misses you.  The hobgoblin barrat bites your soul wisp.  Your soul wisp touches the hobgoblin but does no damage.‚Ÿ£gýK  ‚Ÿ£gf(--more--ƒŸ£g&   The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.  The rat barely misses your soul wisp.  The hobgoblin hits your soul wisp but does no damage.  Your soul wisp touches the hobgoblin.ƒŸ£ga -.(ally target)r   rat*   soul wisp (summoned).ƒŸ£gK£ 6512.1 (1.3ƒŸ£gc® W _The hobgoblin dies!„Ÿ£g‹€  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.The giant cockroach closely misses you. The rat bites your soul wisp.„Ÿ£gÁ‚(3.4„Ÿ£gü˜W _Your soul wisp touches the giant cockroach.„Ÿ£gúÊA  You hit the giant cockroach.„Ÿ£gQû„Ÿ£g#Å r.r   rat (ally target)*   soul wisp (summoned)  You kill the giant cockroach!84.7„Ÿ£g-3„Ÿ£g75 _Your soul wisp touches the rat.„Ÿ£gAU   You barely miss the rat.The rat is moderately wounded.The rat closely misses you. Your soul wisp misses the rat.„Ÿ£g`V y==4=====6.0„Ÿ£gå† Q _The rat bites you but does no damage.„Ÿ£gí à  You closely miss the rat. .  rat  The rat is moderately wounded.7.2 (1.2 _The rat barely misses you.„Ÿ£g‚Œ„Ÿ£gŽÆ8.5 (1.3 _You closely miss the rat. The rat misses you.…Ÿ£gÈœ œ  You hit the rat.†…Ÿ£gÈ Å629.8Soul Splinter _You kill the rat!…Ÿ£g`c   #.#  #.##....(  #.###.  #.# #  #### #.# #.  ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈.  #..# #.# ##.....≈≈≈≈≈  #..##.# #.....≈≈≈≈≈≈  #..@..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈.  #.##....≈≈≈≈≈.  ......##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.  .....# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.  #.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈  #... #.. ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈  ### ...# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈  #.[…Ÿ£g÷c þ40m.# ..≈≈≈≈~~~  ##=====-400…Ÿ£gƒf …Ÿ£gq Ï  Things that are here: _a rat corpse; a giant cockroach corpse; a ball python corpse…Ÿ£g`bŒ  #.#  #.##....(…Ÿ£g=c€  #.###  #.# #  #### #.# #.  ...# #.# ##......≈≈≈  #..###.# ##.....  #..##.# #.....  #.@†..# #....≈≈≈ß≈≈  #.##....≈≈≈≈≈.  ......##...##....≈≈≈≈≈.…Ÿ£g§c  #.....# ##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.  ##.#.. #.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈  #.... #.. ##..≈~~  ###. ...# #.#~≈≈~ #. #..# ..≈≈≈≈…Ÿ£gÝcI  ##…Ÿ£gVl…Ÿ£gÞuG-1 _…Ÿ£g8y…Ÿ£g˜ˆ†Ÿ£g €Š #....(#.... #### ...##≈≈≈ #..###.#≈†Ÿ£gó€: #..##.# #.....≈#.#..†..###....≈≈≈ß#..@....#≈≈.#......###.....# ##..... #..##. #≈≈≈ß≈≈ †Ÿ£gV˜†Ÿ£g³›&2†Ÿ£g%£†Ÿ£gS¬†Ÿ£gxI¿  #.##....(  #.###  #.# #  #### #.# #  ...## #.# ##......  # #..###.# ##.....†Ÿ£gJ}  #$ #..##.# #.....  #.#..†..###....≈≈≈ß  #.##....≈≈≈≈≈  #......##...##....≈≈≈≈≈  #.....#.##..##....≈≈≈≈≈  ##.#.. #?#.####...  #.... ##.. ##..≈~~†Ÿ£g?J>  ###.# ...# #.#~≈≈~  #. #..# ..≈≈≈≈ †Ÿ£ghJ{#. ## 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What would you like to do?  a -  45 gold a +0 helmetb -  75 gold a scroll of enchant armour (unknown)  c -  6 gold 6 stones  d -  252 gold a wand of acid (6) (unknown)  e -  120 gold a wand of iceblast (5) (unknown)  f -  25 gold a +0 whip You have 16 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-f] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-F] put item on shopping list£Ÿ£gº6£Ÿ£g0=£Ÿ£g5U ##.#..##.#.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~ Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈ Mummy###.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈ Health: 19/19 ========================#.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈ Magic: 5/5========================#.....#.## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈ AC: 4Str: 11#####.#.## #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß≈ EV: 10Int: 14#....# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ SH: 0Dex: 12##...# ###.>.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:1#...###@..###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈. Noise: ---------£Ÿ£gW‰[40m  Time: 790.8 (0.0)#.......###e) +0 hand axe#...#####Cast: Soul Splinter#...###### _You now have 16 gold pieces (gained 3). _o - a scroll labelled FEGOIKUCAIC _Found a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY. _c - 2 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY (gained 1) _Found Adamimem's General Store. _There is an entrance to Adamimem's General Store here.¥Ÿ£g¬‚Ö##.#..##.#.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~#.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈###.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈#.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈#.....#.## ##≈.≈#####.#.## #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß≈#....# ##≈.≈##...# ###.>.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈##...###∩@.###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈.#.### #...##### #...# ¥Ÿ£gž„21.8 (1 _¥Ÿ£gòŠ¥Ÿ£g/Ž¥Ÿ£gæA× ##.#..##.#.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈ #.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<.. ###.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈. #.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈. #.....#.## ##≈. #####.#.## #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß #....# ##≈. ##...# ###.>.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈ #...###@..###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈ #.### #...##### #...#  #####ŠŸ£gðŸ2 _There is an entrance to Adamimem's General Store here.ŠŸ£g/Qü  #.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈##.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈. #.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈....#.## ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈#### #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß #....# ##≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈#...# ###.>. #...###∩..###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈.#......@### ##### ...# 3 _ŠŸ£g,RŠŸ£g>O #.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<.. ###.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈. #.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈. #.....#.## ##≈. #####.#.## #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß #....# ##≈. ##...# ###.>.≈≈≈≈≈≈. #...###∩..###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈ #.### #...##### #...#  #####4ŠŸ£gøÌ ŠŸ£g?è ;ŠŸ£gbh v #.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<.. ###.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈. #.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈. #.....#.## ##≈. #####.#.## #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ #....# ##≈. ##...# ###.>.≈≈≈≈≈≈. #...###∩..###≈≈≈≈≈≈. #.### #...##### #...# #####5ŠŸ£gO ª  #.....###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<.. 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·Ÿ£g"`7 _žŸ£gnüž _Why would you want to do that?¹Ÿ£g*ã^.#.##..##....≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈~ .#..##.#.####...≈≈≈≈≈≈..>≈≈≈≈~~.###..# ##..≈~~≈≈≈≈<..≈≈≈≈≈ #¹Ÿ£gnä…#.#......# #.#~≈≈~≈≈≈~≈≈.≈≈≈≈  #.#####..# ..≈≈≈≈~~~≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈  #.....#.## ##≈.≈≈≈≈  #####.#.## #≈≈≈ß≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈ß≈≈ #....# ###≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈ ##...# ###.@.≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈# #...###∩..###≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈.. #.### #.... #...##### ###  #...#  #####¹Ÿ£gÊ빟£gxï-8 _¹Ÿ£gpy _There is a stone staircase leading down here.ŒŸ£gBK4ŒŸ£goOŒŸ£gŒTŒŸ£gTgC9 _ŒŸ£gg – #..##### 2 #..)..@#  ...######    You climb downwards.  A malevolent force fills the Dungeon... and a teleportation trap spontaneouslymanifests!ŒŸ£g<7/  --more--ÀŸ£gÒ‘ #####$.#######.###.###.......@.......#######.#)g..##ÀŸ£gé#.# ##.##.##.##.#g   goblin (asleep)#.##.#You are yanked towards a nearby monster!ÀŸ£g ÀŸ£gš® Your surroundings suddenly seem different.  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.ÀŸ£gßÀŸ£gMeC70.6 (1.8Soul SplinterÀŸ£gˆmÀŸ£gj{G _Found a short sword, 6 stones and 14 gold pieces.ÅŸ£g+  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  Mummy  Health: 19/19 ========================  Magic: 4/5===================-----  AC: 4Str: 11 #### EV: 10Int: 14 #$. SH: 0Dex: 12 #######.###.###  XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2 .......@*......  Noise: ---------  Time: 870.6 (0.0) #######.#*g..##  e) +0 hand axe #.# ##.#  Cast: Soul SpÅŸ£gÙ+Žlinter #.# #.# #.# g   goblin (asleep) #.# #.#A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club. _Found a short sword, 6 stones and 14 gold pieces.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (asleep, chance to affect: 67%)ÅŸ£gD· Ž ***@.)gÅŸ£g”F 6#.ÅŸ£g¯° T##*ÆŸ£gt0>##.ÆŸ£g†v:#*ÆŸ£g>¹@...*ÆŸ£ghÜf*.#*ÆŸ£gWf¬*g, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (asleep, chance to affect: 67%)ÆŸ£g¯Ž 3Wolftag123 the Grave RobberMummyHealth: 19/19 ========================Magic: 4/5===================-----AC: 4Str: 11####EV: 10Int: 14#$.SH: 0Dex: 12#######.###.###XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 870.6 (0.0)#######.#)*..##e) +0 hand axe#.# ##.#Cast: Soul Splinter#.##.##.#g   goblin (asleep)#.##.#A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club. ÆŸ£gZ ž_Found a short sword, 6 stones and 14 gold pieces.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (asleep, chance to affect: 67%)ÆŸ£g7l Ž g  You feel a surge of power! The goblin struggles to resist.  The goblin shouts!ÆŸ£g¥þ ÆŸ£gj Lg(ÆŸ£g, Q====1.6 (1 _ÆŸ£g›ÆŸ£gŠÈŸ£gC±à  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  MummyÈŸ£gÕ±:  Health: 19/19 ========================  Magic: 3/5==============----------  AC: 4Str: 11 #### EV: 10ÈŸ£ge²kInt: 14 #$. SH: 0Dex: 12 #######.###.###  XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2 .......@*g.....  Noise: ====-----  Time: 871.6 (0.0) ÈŸ£gª²Ž#######.#)(..##  e) +0 hand axe #.# ##.#  Cast: Soul Splinter ÈŸ£gä²Ö#.# #.# #.#ÈŸ£g>³á g   goblin #.# #.#You feel a surge of power! The goblin struggles to resist. ÈŸ£gu³._The goblin shouts!  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinÈŸ£gµ³VAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)ÈŸ£g~œl .gÈŸ£g®-#.ÉŸ£g¥b@##gÉŸ£g‹Èž#gf/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)ÉŸ£gná Wolftag123 the Grave RobberMummyHealth: 19/19 ========================Magic: 3/5==============----------AC: 4Str: 11####EV: 10Int: 14#$.SH: 0Dex: 12#######.###.###XL:  2 Next: 62% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.*.....Noise: ====-----  Time: 871.6 (0.0)#######.#)(..##e) +0 hand axe#.# ##.#Cast: Soul Splinter#.##.##.#g   goblin#.##.#You feel a surge of power! The goblin struggles to resist. _The goblin shouts!  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure) [ÉŸ£gPû â21d Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - goblinAim: a goblin, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)ÉŸ£gBŠ : (weak, ally target, soul-splin
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the goblin's soul is dislodged from its body.ÉŸ£g_ vSoul Splinter  --more--ÊŸ£gfFT  The goblin looks weaker.ÊŸ£g/^Qg*ÊŸ£gׄ=---2.6 (1 _ËŸ£gðSËŸ£gÏT)You hit the goblin.ËŸ£gˆoËŸ£g6x³ *.#.#ËŸ£gzË·8---3.9 (1.3 _You kill the goblin!ËŸ£gŽ(ËŸ£gҎ ###### #$....# #######@###.###........*......#######.#)(..#####.#..#.#ËŸ£g©€J-40ËŸ£gb¬ËŸ£ge®ÌŸ£gY‡W##### #@....# #######.###.###........*......#######.#)(..#####.#..ÌŸ£gü Ÿ*)-5ÌŸ£gžÔW6.9 (2ÌŸ£g~6 _You now have 30 gold pieces (gained 14).Ο£gæ #######*....#######@###.###........)......#######.#)(..## #.####.# .. Ο£gœòΟ£gfõ+7.9 (1Ο£gSýΟ£g^ _You swap places.Ο£gÃÎ r#######*....########.###.###.......@)......#######.#)(..## #.####.#  .. Ο£g¯Ó Ο£g‡Ü P.*Ο£gðà &8Ο£g ê Ο£g¡ì ÏŸ£gl©v####### #.....# #*###.#..#.#)(..##.####.# #.# ..#.# ##.# #.##.#9  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpseÑŸ£g­Á Ø####### #.....# #*###.#.)#.#)(..##.####.# #.#.# ###.# #.##.#ÑŸ£gcÄ ÑŸ£g?Ð ÑŸ£gö F.*ÑŸ£g¯. 4=====80 _ÒŸ£g:éà####### #.....# #.###.#.*.#.#)(..##.####.# #.# ...#.# ####.# ÒŸ£g+ê@)*ÒŸ£gêï&1ÒŸ£g±úÒŸ£gÀ¹L####### #.....# #.###.######..)*.#.#)(..#####.#.####.# #.# ...#.# #####.# ÒŸ£gîÛj.*2ÒŸ£gŒèÒŸ£gàèÒŸ£g@n · ####### #.....# #.###.######. .).@*. #.#)(..#####. #.####.# #.# ... #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#ÒŸ£gµ… ÒŸ£gה &3ÒŸ£gŒ < _You swap places.ÓŸ£g<Å ####### #.....# #.###.######. .)@.*. #.#)(..#####. #.####.# #.# ... #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#*.ÓŸ£gÈF=====4ÓŸ£gœÖÓŸ£gÕØÓŸ£g~(˜ ####### #.....# #.###.######. .@.*. #.#)(..#####. #.####.#ÓŸ£g)è #.# ... #.# #### #.# #.# #.#ÓŸ£g(/ÓŸ£g¹:2*.ÓŸ£gÀ@&5ÓŸ£g.JÓŸ£ga _You swap places.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpse _You swap places.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpseÓŸ£g Go ####### #.....# #.###.######. )*.ÓŸ£g/Hü #.#)(..#####. #.####.# #.# ... #.# #### #.# #.# #.#ÓŸ£g…IÓŸ£gQ2*.ÓŸ£gHV-6 _ÓŸ£g7_ÓŸ£g`ÓŸ£gÉCÉ ####### #.....##.###.######.+.*.#.#)(..#####. #.####.# #.# ... #.# #### #.# #.# #.#*)7ÓŸ£gÊ_ÓŸ£gœ¶ ¬ ####### #.....# #.###.######. +.*). #.#)(..#####. #.####.# #.# ... #.# #### #.# #.# #.#ÓŸ£gጠÓŸ£gÆ 2*.ÓŸ£gÈ &8ÓŸ£g¢Ð ÓŸ£gÓ ÔŸ£gˆå„ ####### #.....# #.###.######. +....@.*.). #.#)(..#####. #.####.#  #.# ...  #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#ÔŸ£gOðÔŸ£g}ý2*.ÔŸ£g/þ&9ÔŸ£g]ÔŸ£g= ÔŸ£g¿W # #.....# #.###.######. +...@.*..). #.#)(..#####. #.####.#  #.# ...  #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#ÔŸ£gíÔŸ£g,&2*.ÔŸ£g•''90ÔŸ£g¿/ÔŸ£g'5ÔŸ£gDßm # #.....# #.###.######. +..@.*...). #.#)(..#####. #.####.#  #.# ...  #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#ÔŸ£g în*.1ÔŸ£gVõÔŸ£g¿@C # #.....# #.###.###### +.@.*....) #.#)(..##### #.####.#  #.# ...  #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#ÔŸ£gÓ\H*.ÔŸ£gpu5=====2ÔŸ£g*/ v # #.....# #.###. +@.*.....) #.#)(.. #.####.#  #.# ...  #.# #### #.#  #.#  #.#*.ÔŸ£g2 &3ÔŸ£gÂ8 ÔŸ£gñb ÔŸ£gTž ?##.#..###....b....'###...#..#.#b   bat (asleep)*   soul wisp (summoned)ÔŸ£g…® ‹a +0 club; a goblin corpse _You swap places.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpseAs you open the door, it creaks loudly!  A bat comes into view.ÔŸ£g° £ ...bSS   adderb   bat (ally target)*   soul wisp (summoned)You hear an angry hiss.ÔŸ£gÐ Ë======4Soul Splinter _An adder comes into view.ÕŸ£gÌ`w #### #... # #... #.....##...#.###..b.@.*......)#..S#.#)(.. #... #.####.# #... #.# ... #... #.# #####... #.##... #.##... #.#  A bat comes into view...@*.bbb 2 bats (1 wandering, 1 ally target)5------=-----5ÕŸ£gc’ _The bat hits you but does no damage. The adder bites you. _There is an open door here.ÕŸ£gÿj‡ ##### #...# # #...# #.....##...#.###.'*.)#.bS#.#)(.. #..b. #.####.# #..... #.# ... #...... #.#  #....... #.# #........ #.# #......... #.#ÕŸ£g¥uÕŸ£gRx,ÕŸ£gÚ¶<b@'....b)6==----=====-----6ÕŸ£g&ö _The bat closely misses you. The adder misses you.ÖŸ£gê—  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  Mummy  Health: 16/19 ====================----  Magic: 4/5===================----- ##### AC: 4Str: 11 #...# #######  EV: 10Int: 14 #...# #.....#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####...########.###.### XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 ......b@'........)...... Noise: =--------  Time: 896.9 (0.0) #####..S########.#)(..## e) +0 hand axe #.... #.####.#  Cast: Soul Splinter ÖŸ£g¶Ü#....b #.# ... #...... #.# ### #....... #.#  S   adder #........ #.#  bb 2 bats (1 wandering) #......... #.#  _There is an open door here. _The bat closely misses you. The adder misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - batAim: a bat (chance to affect: 67%)ן£gí¢‹ b@****#ן£gß%ן£gÆ/O..###ן£g¹æO.##ן£gGc@'##ן£gj¹š@S#, f - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)ן£gy( .  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  Mummy  Health: 16/19 ====================----  Magic: 4/5===================----- ##### AC: 4Str: 11 #...# #######  EV: 10Int: 14 #...# #.....#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####...########.###.### XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 ......b@'........)...... Noise: =--------  Time: 896.9 (0.0) #####..S########.#)(..## e) +0 hand axeן£g)  #.... #.####.#  Cast: Soul Splinter #....b #.# ... #...... #.# ### #....... #.#  S   adder #........ #.#  bb 2 bats (1 wandering) #......... #.# Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)  You feel a surge of power! You miscast Soul Splinter.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.ן£g2 /  --more--ÙŸ£gû'@  Nothing appears to happen.ÙŸ£gø-ÙŸ£gØ?|The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.ÙŸ£gšIÍ ##### #...#   #...#   #### ......) #####.b###.#)( #....   #..... #.#  ÙŸ£g\J- #.#   #.#  #........ #.#  #.........  ÙŸ£gMŠ4---7.9 (1Contam ÙŸ£g7VÙŸ£gªZ” _The adder bites you. The bat misses you. The adder closely misses you.ÚŸ£gޟ   Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  Mummy  Health: 14/19 =================-------  Magic: 3/5==============---------- ##### AC: 4Str: 11 #...# #######  EV: 10Int: 14 #...# #.....#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####...########.###.### XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 ......b@'........)...... Noise: =--------  Time: 897.9 (0.0) #####.bS########.#)(..## e) +0 hand axe #.... #.####.#  Cast: Soul Splinter #ÚŸ£g™  >..... #.# ... Contam  #...... #.# ### #....... #.#  S   adder #........ #.#  bb 2 bats #......... #.# The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you. _The adder bites you. The bat misses you. The adder closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)ÛŸ£gh' ÛŸ£gHS.ÛŸ£güQ8..ÛŸ£gal-..ÛŸ£góŠ7..ÛŸ£g¹«8..ÛŸ£gDž šS.f/p - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)ÜŸ£gý'^  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  Mummy  Health: 14/19 =================-------  Magic: 3/5==============---------- ##### AC: 4Str: 11 #...# #######  EV: 10Int: 14 #...# #.....#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####...########.###.### XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 ÜŸ£g§(J......b@'........)...... Noise: =--------  Time: 897.9 (0.0) #####.bS########.#)(..## e) +0 hand axe #.... #.####.#  Cast: Soul Splinter #..... #.# ... Contam  #...... #.# ### #....... #.#  S   adder #........ #.#  bb 2 bats #......... #.# Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)  You feel a surge of power! You miscast Soul Splinter.  Nothing appears to happen.ÜŸ£gBŒy  --more--ÝŸ£g²—7  ##### #...#   #...#   #### .....b.....) #####..###.#)( #b...    #.#   #.#   #.#  #........ #.#  #.........   The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.ÝŸ£gš˜+8.9 (1ÝŸ£gª§a _The adder closely misses you.ÞŸ£gŸ  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  Mummy  Health: 14/19 =================-------  Magic: 2/5=========--------------- ##### AC: 4Str: 11 #...# #######  EV: 10Int: 14 #...# #.....#  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####...########.###.### XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2 .....b.@'........)...... Noise: =--------  Time: 898.9 (0.0) #####..S########.#)(..## e) +0 hand axe #b... #.####.#  Cast: Soul Splinter #[ÞŸ£gžÁém..... #.# ... Contam  #...... #.# ### #....... #.#  S   adder #........ #.#  bb 2 bats #......... #.# The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage. _The adder closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)ÞŸ£g€1o S.ÞŸ£gí= 8..ÞŸ£gkÐ j@S#.ÞŸ£gœš@S#f/p - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)ߟ£g\q *Sߟ£gOA**ߟ£g€J•.b, f - bat, p - adderAim: a bat (chance to affect: 67%)ߟ£g{ Wolftag123 the Grave RobberMummyHealth: 14/19 =================-------Magic: 2/5=========---------------#####AC: 4Str: 11#...########EV: 10Int: 14#...##.....#SH: 0Dex: 12#####...########.###.### XL:  2 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:2.....b.@'........)...... Noise: =--------  Time: 898.9 (0.0)#####..S########.#)(..## e) +0 hand axe#*...#.####.# Cast: Soul Splinter#..... #.# ... Contam #...... #.# ####....... #.#S ߟ£gp Ð[30m  adder#........ #.#bb 2 bats#......... #.#The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage. _The adder closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - bat, p - adderAim: a bat (chance to affect: 67%)ߟ£gHÝ 7 (1 weak, 1 ally target, 1 soul
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the bat's soul is dislodged from its body.ߟ£gý¶ M  --more--àŸ£gÉÇQ  The bat looks weaker.àŸ£gª qThe bat hits you but does no damage. The bat completely misses you.àŸ£gì VThe bat closely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.àŸ£gs,a.bb.*àŸ£gï/+9.9 (1àŸ£g‰;àŸ£gý=5 _The adder bites you but does no damage.៣g+v”You closely miss the bat. You barely miss the bat. You hit the adder.៣gïw៣g…x៣gày៣gŠ,៣g0‹u The bat hits you but does no damage. x2; The adder bites you.៣grg12--901.2 (1.3៣g˜៣gœš _The adder closely misses you. Your soul wisp closely misses the bat.៣gEXø  You barely miss the bat. You barely miss the adder. You hit the bat.  You kill the bat!The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you.*.   bat (weak, ally target, soul-splinter៣g[Ç 0-----6-752.4 (1.2 ៣gš[–_The adder closely misses you. The bat barely misses you. The adder bites you.៣gĪƒ _Your Spellcasting skill increases to level 3!៣g#€5  You hit the bat.៣grŒ †SS(distracted, ally target)*   soul wisp (summoned)  You kill the bat!You closely miss the adder. Your soul wisp touches the adder.៣g•6823.7 (1.3៣gÏŒ៣gÊ] _The adder barely misses your soul wisp.៣g¡* w ##### #...# # #...# #.....##...#.###..@.'.)#.*S#.#)(.. #..... #.####.# #....... #.#  #......... #.#  #... #.# #.. #.#  #. #.#៣g[b É SSThe adder barely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the adder.៣g f H---40៣gRr ៣gH{ Œ _The adder bites you. _You see here a bat corpse.⟣g5Á### ##### #...# #.....# ######.@.########.###.##.......†.'........).....######.*S########.#)(.. ###.#.. .....##...#......... #.#S. ⟣gG.-5⟣g)(M _Your soul wisp touches the adder.⟣gGq7### ##### #.@.# #.....# ######...########.###.##.......S.'........).....######.*.########.#)(.. ###.#.. ....##..⟣g™Å  Your soul wisp touches the adder.†*   soul wisp (summoned)Wolftag123 the Grave RobberMummyHealth: 11/20 =============-----------⟣gMÌMagic: 3/6============------------AC: 4Str: 11EV: 10Int: 14#####SH: 0Dex: 12#...######## XL:  2 Next: 131% Place: Dungeon:2#.@.##.....# Noise: ---------  Time: 906.7 (1.0)######...########.###.## e) +0 hand axe.......†.'........)..... Cast: Soul Splinter######.*.########.#)(..# Contam #..... #.####.##....... #.# .. *   soul wisp (summoned)#......... #.# ###......[4⟣g(ÍÔ0m... #.##......... #.# _The adder barely misses your soul wisp.The adder barely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the adder. _The adder bites you. _You see here a bat corpse. _Your soul wisp touches the adder.  Your soul wisp touches the adder.⟣gxΆ _The adder dies!You have reached level 3!⟣gÍÙ/  --more--䟣gJë®  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? ꟣g¥· 3/25-7==--336% Soul Splinter꟣gLÅ ꟣gÐß U _You feel stronger. x2럣gõó #####...#######.....######.@.########.###.##.......†.'........).....######.*.########.#)(..# #..... #.####... ......##..#..*.4=7 _럣g€„ í#####...#######.....######.*.########.###.##.......@.'........).....######...########.#)(..# #..... #.####... ......##... b   bat (wandering)..*   soul wisp (summoned)b 럣g•ª 5  You swap places.럣gšž ˜bb8럣g<» × _A bat comes into view.Things that are here: _an adder corpse; a bat corpse쟣g‹+» ##### #...# # #...# #.....##.*.#.###.†.'.)#...#.#)(.. #...... #.####. #.. #.#  #. #.#  #. #.#쟣gs,e*   soul wisp (summoned) #. #.# #.b #.#쟣gÀ.쟣g ?쟣gB,쟣gÐKQ.*bb   bat (wandering, ally target)*   soul wisp (summoned).쟣g;PE9Soul Splinter _쟣géW쟣g2[쟣gŠRH ##### #...#  #...# #.....#...#.###.쟣gT1.†*'.).#...#.#)( #....... #.#### #. #.#  #. #.# #.....b... #.# #. #.# #.. #.#쟣gÊU쟣g?W쟣giX쟣gY쟣gŸb.*b...쟣g®£«--10 _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.쟣gO  ##### #...#  #...# ##...#.###.†.'.)>.#..*#.#)( #....... #. #..b..... #.# #...... #.# #......... #.# #......... #.# #......... #.#b*..=1쟣g&4 ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.쟣g~ ; ##### #...#  #...# ##...#.#.†.'.)#>.#b*.#.#)쟣gW F #....... #. #....... #.# #......... #.# #......... #.# #......... #.#  #. #.#쟣gè4 B쟣g*g 6b.*쟣gm T..(ally target)쟣g9p d5==2쟣gk« P _The bat hits you but does no damage.쟣g— ± ##### #...#  #...# # #...#. #.b.*†.'.) #>.#...#.# #....... #. #........ #.#  #. #.# #. #.# #. #.#  #. #.#쟣gÇ£쟣g€쟣g§쟣gÁÈO.b-3쟣g›Ò쟣gÂÖ[ _Your soul wisp barely misses the bat.ퟣgo¶w ##### #...#  #...# # #...#. #.b*†.'. #>.#...#.# #....... #. #. #. #. #. #. #. #. #. #. #.ퟣgÖÔb....-4ퟣg© ##### #...#  #...# # #...# #...@.b....†.' #>.#...# #. #. #.. #. #ퟣg †.. #. #.. #. #. #. # #. #ퟣgퟣg3)v b.  The bat attacks as it pursues you! The bat hits you but does no damage.ퟣgsi—=5 _The bat barely misses you. x2ퟣgŒ6ë ##### #...#  #...#  #... #..@.b.....†.' #>.#... #.. #.  ...# #. .... #..... #. .... #.##### #.ퟣg39ퟣgõG·b.6==4===6ퟣgEKퟣgvNI _The bat misses you.ퟣgþ“Ù ##### #...# #...# #... #.@.b......†.' #>.#... #... #. ...#.# #. .... !. #. ...... ..# #. ...... ..# #. ###### #.. #.ퟣg—ퟣgŽšZb.7ퟣgf¬‡ _Found a white potion. The bat closely misses you.ퟣgW¶î ##### #...# #...# #... #@.b.†.' #>.#... #...# #.  ...#.# #. .....!. # ......#..# # ......#..# # ########.. #ퟣgÊÌ,ퟣg~ÙO.b8ퟣgüf _The bat barely misses you.gšß#####...##########...#####..........†.'....b#######...#####...# #....... ...#......!.#......#..#.....#.########.. ..g› Bgà&.bg'7§-9 _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gu©gªgçŽ(.bg8¹•7======20.9 (1.2gšÂgÃŃ _You miss the bat. The bat closely misses you.gÓµ#####...##########...#####..........†.'....>.#######...#####.# #....... ........#.........b!.#S.......#..........#..###########.. ...S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#..  A ball python comes into view.10 _The bat hits you but does no damage.ðŸ£g8"ø##### #...# #...# ##########...##..........†.'.#>.#######...##.@.# #. .#.# #. .b!.# #.ðŸ£g>#‹S.#..# #..#..# #.###.. #....##..ðŸ£g©%ðŸ£gÑ(ðŸ£gÊ1—b.b   batðŸ£g±bðŸ£g£r52ðŸ£g“žI _The bat misses you.ðŸ£g"j##### #...# #...# ##########...##....†.'.ðŸ£gÕl`#>.#######...##..@# #. .#.# #. .b.!.# #. S.......#ðŸ£gÐmb........###########.. #.... ðŸ£gÁoðŸ£gqðŸ£gôyžb.b   batðŸ£g×|&3ðŸ£gcƒðŸ£g,‘Q _The bat closely misses you.ðŸ£g)Ú 5  You hit the bat.ðŸ£gqë î†18==75.2 (1.3Soul SplinterðŸ£gÖï ðŸ£g²ò 1 _You kill the bat!ðŸ£g;ù ñŸ£g-4 ñŸ£g“Í#####...##########...#######..........†.'......>.#######...#######...# #....... ........#..!.#.S.#..#.#.##ñŸ£gF›A-6ñŸ£g-œ 0ñŸ£g¯¯† _You see here a bat corpse.ñŸ£gX&Ó #####...##########...#######..........†.'......ñŸ£g°&œ#>.#######...############...# #....... ........#†##........@.#.ñŸ£g,'œS#...#...#ñŸ£g2.ñŸ£g3h5====-7 _ñŸ£g9ñŸ£gü?r _You see here a white potion.ñŸ£gZ"u ##### #...# #...# #... #.†.' #>.#######...#...# #. .#†## #. !.# #. S.#..# #. ..#..# #. ##########..# #. .... ##... ##..  .#ñŸ£gf,ñŸ£g.0-8 _ñŸ£g†6ñŸ£gi9òŸ£gmHN##### #...# #...# #...##.†.'.#>.#######...#######...# #. .#†## #. ..# #. S.#..# #. ..#..# #. ##########..#....##...##.. òŸ£g+RòŸ£g•Vs9==9òŸ£gú]òŸ£g±br _You see here a white potion.óŸ£gP'›30 _p - a white potionóŸ£g—"ç ##### #...# #...# #... #.†.' #>.#######... ######...# #. .#†## #. .# #. S.#..# #. ..#..# #. ##########..# #. .... ##... ##..  .#====1óŸ£g&ì  ##### #...# #...# ##########... #...óŸ£gnì +.†.'óŸ£g³ì [ #>.óŸ£gZí „#...#...# #. .#†## #. .# # S.#..# # .#..# # óŸ£g¢í Ö###..# # .... ##...óŸ£g‹î S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ##.. .#óŸ£g7 óŸ£g÷ &2óŸ£gË óŸ£gi óŸ£g­ˆ  ##### #...# #...# ##########... #....†.' #>.#######...#...# #..#†## #S.# #.S.#..# #.#..# #.##..# # .... ##...S   adder (asleep) ##..S   ball python (constriction, asleep)  .#óŸ£gT– óŸ£gý¬ S20==óŸ£gIÆ 3óŸ£guÛ óŸ£g )Y _An adder comes into view.ôŸ£g■ #####  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #...#  Mummy #...#  Health: 20/25 ===================----- ##########...#### Magic: 4/7=============----------- #..........†.'... AC: 4Str: 13 #>.#######...#### EV: 10Int: 14 ########...# #....... SH: 0Dex: 12 .........#†## #....... XL:  3 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:2 S......@....# #....... Noise: ---------  Time: 933.2 (0.0) .S.......#..# #....... e) +0 hand axe .........ôŸ£gɘ à#..# #....... Cast: Soul Splinter .##########..# #....... ....  ##...  S   adder (asleep) ##..  S   ball python (constriction, asleep) .#  _p - a white potion _An adder comes into view.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - youôŸ£giž v@**#ôŸ£ggÄe*.##õŸ£grŽe*.##õŸ£gÏŒg*.##õŸ£gY*.#õŸ£gy[p***..õŸ£g!e***.õŸ£g O**..õŸ£gúKA**÷Ÿ£g7Q#####Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#...#Mummy#...#Health: 20/25 ===================-----##########...#### Magic: 5/7=================-------#..........†.'... AC: 4Str: 13#>.#######...#### EV: 10Int: 14########...# #....... SH: 0Dex: 12.........#†## #....... XL:  3 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:2S......@....# #....... Noise: ---------  Time: 933.2 (0.0).S.......#..# #....... e) +0 hand axe.........#..# #....... Cast:÷Ÿ£g R£ Soul Splinter.##########..# #...........##...S   adder (asleep)##..S   ball python (constriction, asleep).# _p - a white potion _An adder comes into view.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight lineOkay, then.÷Ÿ£g£Y÷Ÿ£g‘]. _÷Ÿ£gøí §...##########...####..........†.'...>.#######...############...# #................#†##S....S#..#...###########..# ÷Ÿ£gvî Ÿ....##... ##.. .# ÷Ÿ£g ÷Ÿ£gø 24.2 (1 _÷Ÿ£gz ÷Ÿ£g; øŸ£g q] #...# #...# ##########... #....†.' #>.#######...#...# #.#†## #øŸ£gqü.S.# #J.S.#..# #.#..# #.##..# #  .... øŸ£gr6 ##...øŸ£g9r± ##.. .#J   endoplasm (øŸ£gSr‡S   ball python (constriction, asleep)øŸ£gorøŸ£g‚}l  An endoplasm comes into view.øŸ£g=øŸ£gøŸ£g·‚øŸ£gø .S.J..SSJS)øŸ£gˆ;5Soul SplinterøŸ£g˚øŸ£g/ 5 _The ball python hisses angrily.øŸ£gó¢g #...# #...# ##########... #..........†.' #>.#######...#...# ##.#†## ##..S.# #$.J..S.@...#..# #$.#..# #.##..# #. ....  ##... ##.. .#øŸ£gŽ³øŸ£g*·øŸ£gŸ·øŸ£gŠžøŸ£g7Ãe..J.SSøŸ£gÁÅ&6øŸ£gÖÏøŸ£gÔ+ _Found 23 gold pieces.ùŸ£gµš #...#  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #...#  Mummy ##########...## Health: 20/25 ===================----- ùŸ£gÿ0#..........†.'. Magic: 4/7=============----------- #>.#######...## AC: 4Str: 13 ##########...# #..... EV: 10ùŸ£g$ÝInt: 14 #..........#†## #..... SH: 0ùŸ£gEDex: 12 #.............# #..... XL:  3 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:2ùŸ£gi/ $..J.SS@...#..# #..... Noise: ---------  Time: 936.2 (0.0)ùŸ£g‹º $..........#..# #..... e) +0 hand axe ùŸ£gøŽ...##########..# #..... Cast: Soul Splinter . ....  ##...  ##..  S   adder ùŸ£gõ.#  J   endoplasm  S   ball python (constriction)ùŸ£g>c _The ball python hisses angrily. _Found 23 gold pieces.  ùŸ£g`æAiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionùŸ£g‚xShift-Dir - straight line, f - ball pythonAim: a ball python (chance to affect: 67%)ùŸ£gÿŠm S.ùŸ£g9..ùŸ£g  SùŸ£gA }., f - adderAim: an adder (chance to affect: 58%)ùŸ£g(òSSball python ball python (chance to affect: 67%)úŸ£gó#...# Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#...# Mummy##########...## Health: 20/25 ===================-----#..........†.'. Magic: 4/7=============-----------#>.#######...## AC: 4Str: 13##########...# #..... EV: 10Int: 14#..........#†## #..... SH: 0Dex: 12#.............# #..... XL:  3 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:2$..J.S*@...#..# #..... Noise: ---------  Time: 936.2 (0.0)$..........#..# #..... úŸ£g†/e) +0 hand axe...##########..# #..... Cast: Soul Splinter.....##...##..S   adder.#J   endoplasmS   ball python (constriction) _The ball python hisses angrily. _Found 23 gold pieces.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select actionShift-Dir - straight line, f - ball pythonAim: a ball python (chance to affect: 67%)úŸ£gËêh (ally target), weak, soul
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the ball python's soul is dislodged from its body.úŸ£g¬vGSoul SplinterúŸ£gy/  --more--úŸ£gNC  The ball python looks weaker.úŸ£gíJThe ball python bites you but does no damage.úŸ£gzThe ball python closely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the ball python.úŸ£g S.J..**   soul wisp (summoned) úŸ£g›$±1=5====9=7.2 (1Soul SplinterúŸ£gB.úŸ£g×1C _The ball python dies!ûŸ£g÷Œ#...# #...# ##########...##..........†.'.#>.#######...##...# #.#.#†## #.#.....S.# #.$...J...@..#..# #.$....*.....#..# #....##..# #.. ##.. .# ûŸ£gÜüûŸ£gåþûŸ£g“ ì..J.S (ally target)The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder misses you.ûŸ£gæ &8ûŸ£grûŸ£g¿3 _Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.ûŸ£gmm ûŸ£gyr ê  You miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.  The adder barely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.ûŸ£gÓz Œ.*   soul wisp (summoned) ûŸ£gò 6239.5 (1.3ûŸ£gR‡ ûŸ£gÀŠ I _The endoplasm dies!üŸ£gò¿üŸ£gÈÇ{*.(ally target)üŸ£gËÈ)40.8üŸ£gßÏüŸ£gÓ{ _You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage. x2üŸ£gÒÞ“  You hit the adder but do no damage. Your soul wisp misses the adder.2======2.0 (1.2 _The adder bites you but does no damage.üŸ£gŒ ð  You hit the adder but do no damage. The adder misses you.Your soul wisp touches the adder. The adder bites you.üŸ£gŒ \0--3.3 (1.3üŸ£g{* t _Your soul wisp closely misses the adder.üŸ£gÃD   You barely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.The adder bites you but does no damage. Your soul wisp misses the adder.üŸ£gªKüŸ£gæU74.6üŸ£g˜WR _The adder barely misses you.ýŸ£gî[  You hit the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.1=-5.9ýŸ£g€­Š _The adder barely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the adder.ýŸ£g9ô7  You hit the adder.ýŸ£g‘ ýŸ£g¿.**   soul wisp (summoned)ýŸ£g &˜6===467.2Soul SplinterýŸ£g, ýŸ£gò,C_You kill the adder!ýŸ£gŵ « #...# #...# ##########... #..........†.' #>.#######... #...# # #.#†## # #.# # $......@*..#..# # $.#..# # ...##..# # . ....  ##... ##..  .#ýŸ£gXÓ J-80ýŸ£g$Õ ýŸ£g]Ú ‹ _You swap places. _You see here an adder corpse.þŸ£gÓ¿< #...# #...# ##########... #..........†.' #>.#######... #...# # #.#†## ##.# ##$†*..#..# ##$.#..# ##...##..# ##.. ....# ##... ##..  .#*.-9 _þŸ£gA] #... #... ##########... #...†. #>.#... #...# # #.#†## # ##.# # #$....@.*...#..# # #$.#..# # #...##..# #  #.. .... #. ##...# ##..  .#þŸ£g%|T*†þŸ£g‹r2==50þŸ£gë‘þŸ£gL/ # # # #...† #>.# #...# # #.#†## # ##.# # #$...@.*†...#..# # #$.#..# # #...##..# # #... .... #.. ##... #.. ##..#. .##.þŸ£g‰þŸ£g§2*.þŸ£gl0D===1þŸ£g€7þŸ£g9EþŸ£gҐL # # # #. #>.# #...# # #.#†## # ##.# # #$..@.*.†...#..# # #$.#..# # #...#..# #  #... .... #... ##... #... ##.. #... .# #...þŸ£gΑþŸ£gÙ2*.þŸ£g«ž&2þŸ£g·þŸ£gEßþŸ£g•# 5  #   #   #   #   #>.#   #...# #   #.#†## #   ##.# #   #$.@.*..†...#..# #   #$.#..# #   #...#..# #   #...# ....   #...# ##...   #...# ##..   #...# .#   #...#  þŸ£gË> „*.3þŸ£gúT þŸ£gëv         #   #>.   #...#   #.#†##   ##.#   #$@.*...†...#..#   #$.#..#   #...#..#   #...# ....   #...# ##...   #...# ##   #...# .   #...# þŸ£g| þŸ£gҘ £*.3==4þŸ£gò¡ þŸ£g€± ÿŸ£g—L ÿŸ£gVNÍ     #  #>. ÿŸ£g£NÞ ##...#  #.#†##  ##.# ÿŸ£gÓNò #@.*....†...#..#  #$ÿŸ£g÷N~.#..#  #...#..# ÿŸ£gOŽ  #...# .... ÿŸ£gGOÏ #...# ##  #...#ÿŸ£gsO˜ ##  #...# ÿŸ£g¯Ob  #...#ÿŸ£gøO( ÿŸ£g WÿŸ£g,_ÿŸ£g§_/*.ÿŸ£g•f&5ÿŸ£gWsÿŸ£gQ€ÿŸ£gìˆ+6.2 (2ÿŸ£g%‘ÿŸ£g6•> _You now have 45 gold pieces (gained 15).ÿŸ£gCš p########.......>.###############...# ..........#†####....*.....†...#..........##########..# ....## ## ÿŸ£gŒ r7====7.2 (1ÿŸ£g‡¿ ÿŸ£gçÊ ÿŸ£g–Ò v4==8.2 (2ÿŸ£gçØ ÿŸ£g]Ü = _You now have 53 gold pieces (gained 8).¿£gµ˜########.......>.###############...# ..........#†####....*.....†...#.......##########..# ....## #####¿£g·¿£gÚâœ.*9.2 (1¿£gC* .......>.###############...# ..........#†####....†...#*..........##########..# ....## #####.*¿£gu7 ¿£gä8 60¿£g E ¿£gílˆ>.###############...# ..........#†####..........†...#...*..##########..#...# ....## ## ###¿£gLp¿£gÌ{P.*¿£gšƒE====1¿£g·„¿£g¡‡¿£gÈ5È....... #>.##############...#  ##†##.............†........#..# ¿£g³6ç...##########..# ..*##..##...#####¿£gú]Ã5==2 _You swap places.¿£g‚Í#######....... #>.##############...#  ##†##......†........#..# #########..# ...*##..##...#####¿£gB‰T.3¿£g,‘¿£gÚ§ŸM #######....... #>.##############...#  ##†##.....†........#..# #########..# ..  #...###..#####¿£g+Ž¿£gJ·&4¿£g­»¿£g)Ê¿£gã=ËM #######....... #>.##############...#  ##†##.....†........#..# #########..#  #...#....#...#¿£gL?&5¿£gðD¿£g«F¿£gƒó¿£g‡ö¿£g¥ü¿£gfÿ¿£gýÈJ¿£g»Ê¿£g†¿£gž‰¿£g뎿£g~‘¿£g­h¿£g×z;¿£gê)Q¿£gðXø   # #. #>.# ##...#  #.#†##  ##.#  #.†...#..#  #.#..#  #...#..#  #...# ##. #...# ##. #...# . ¿£g#\¿£gˆ`B=6¿£gÂf¿£g˜h¿£g ™ #   #   #   #.   #>.#   #...# #   #.#†## #   ##.# #   #.†...#..# #   #.#..# #   #...#..# #  ¿£g. #...# ##.   #...# .# ¿£gÛ¿£g<ž&7¿£g²§¿£gé©¿£gí" #. #. #. #. #>.#¿£g‚Ë. #...# #. #.#†## #. ##.# #. #.†...#..# #. #.#..# #. #...#..# #. #...# ¿£g:b#...# #...# #...# #...# ¿£g¿£g-&8¿£gÚ¿£g_¿£gGíÛ#.#.#.#.†#>.#.#...# #.#.#†## #.##.# #.#.†...#..# #.#.#..# #.#...#..# #. #...#...#...#...# ¿£g‰õ¿£gpþ&9¿£gM¿£gjy ¥#.#.#.#...†.#>.#.#...# #.#.#†## #.##.# #.#.†...#..# #.#.#..# #.#...##..# #.#...#..#..#.#.¿£gSz -..# ¿£gۀ ¿£g1„ '70¿£g“š ¿£gÉea#...##...###########...##...†.'#>.#...##...# #.#.#†## #.##.# #.#.†...#..# #.#.#..# #.#...##..# #. #.# ¿£g l¿£g¹n&1¿£gŸt¿£güv¿£gÑM#...# #...# ##########...##..........†.'.#>.#######...##...# #.#.#†## #.##.# #.#....#..# #.#.#..# #.#...##..# #.#..# ¿£gÚØ¿£g‘Û&2¿£g+à¿£g%äs _You see here an adder corpse.¿£gܚü#...# #...# ##########...##..........†.'.#>.#######...##...# #.#.#†## #.##.# #.#.†@..#..# #.#.#..# #.#...##..# #.#. ¿£gC¢¿£gƒ¥-3 _¿£gž·¿£gÁŽ <#...# #...# ##########...##....†.'.#>.#######...##...# #.#.#†## #.##.# #.#.†.@.#..# #.#.#..# #.#...##..# #. 4¿£g3B 5#...# #...# ##########...##....†.'.#>.#...##...# #. #.#†## #.##.# #.#.†..@#..# #.#.#..# #.¿£gœB #...##..# #. ¿£g›M ¿£g®R &5¿£gY ¿£g \ ¿£g} ¿£gž ¿£gú ¿£g0 ¿£gúv ¿£g“ ;¿£glfM### #...# #########...#####..........†.'.... #>.#######...##############...#   #†##...@...#†...#..#........#..# #...##########..# #.............¿£gÈkY6¿£gžÓM### #...# #########...#####..........†.'.... #>.#######...##############...#   #†###.....†...#.#...........#..# #...........#.##¿£gû(<7¿£g™+¿£gy ¿£gS| ¿£g… ¿£ga‡ ¿£g‹t #####...##########...#####..........†.'....>.#######...###############...# #....... ..........#†##.#...#.†...#....#....#.###...#8¿£gra z##### #...# #...# ##########...##....†.'.#>.#...##...# #. #.#†## #. ##.# #.#.†...#..# #.#.#..# #.#...###..# #.#...# ....#...# ##...#...# ##..#...# .# ¿£gÞg ¿£g¹r <9¿£gis ¿£gtXL##### #...# #...# #...##.†.'.#>.#######...##...# #. #.#†## #. ##.# #. #.†...#..# #. #..#..# #. #...##########..##...# ....#...# ##...#...# ##.. 80¿£gú7š##### #...# ##...# #####...##...†.'.#>.#######...###...# #. ##.#†## #. ###.# #. ##.†...#..# #. ##...#..# #. ##...##########..# #. ##...# #....#...# ###...#...# ##..#...# .# ¿£gÖC<1¿£gÀG¿£g$Òà ...###########...#######..........†.'.......#>.#######...##################...# #....... ..........#†##.#...........†...#.....¿£gœÓä##########..#..#..#.#...#¿£gÍÛ¿£gß&2¿£g™ä¿£g÷¿£g;î ##########...########..........†.'.......>.#######...##################...# #....... ..........#†##.#................†...#.##########..# #.... ##...# ##... .#.# . . .###¿£gÎ"Y3¿£gHQ ë ##########...########..........†.'.......#>.#######...##################...# #....... ..........#†##.#........†...#.###########@.# #.....# ##...##...¿£gý\ ¿£gUa &4¿£gãh ¿£g £ ¿£g¥H Ì#...#.#...†.'.#>.#######...#.###...# #. #.#...#†## #. #.##.....# #. #.#.†...#..# #. #.#.#..## #. #.#...##.@# #. #.#...# #.....#  #...# ###...#  #...# ##...#  #...# .#.#  #...# . .  #...# . .  ##### :.5 _Found a book of the Hunter.¿£gŸ>ò ..........†.'.......#>.#######...##################...# #....... ..........#†##.#.......†...#.############..#### #.@...# ## ##...#....¿£gºH¿£gJ&6¿£g"N¿£gÛP¿£gƋ&#.†.'.)#>.#######...#.####...# #. #.##...#†## #. #.# ##.....# #. #.# #.†...#..# #. #.# #.¿£gú#..## #. #.# #...##..####. #.# #...# #..@..# #...# ###...# #...# ###...# #...# .#.# #...# . .. #...# #. . ##### :. ...¿£gÿ£gÌÆ&7¿£gcο£gŽÐ¿£g8±f >.#######...########.###########...# #....... ..........#†##. #...... #.†...#...############..#### #.....# ### ###...# .#.#. .. ...8¿£g¹‰#>.#...#.#) ##...# #. #.# #...#†## #. #.# .....# #. #.# .†...#..# #. #.# .#..## #. #.# ...##..####. #.# ...# #.....# ...# ###.@.# ...# ###...# ...# .#.# ...# .. .. ...# ##. .. :. .#.. ....¿£gô¿£gx’&9¿£g™¿£gò›¿£g;P Q¿£g›ø »#>.#...#.#)(...# #. #.# .#†## #. #.# .....# #. #.# †...#..# #. #.# #..## #. #.# ##..####. #.# # #.....# # ###..@# # ###...# # #.#.# # #.....# ###.(... :...#.........¿£gY ¿£gÀ b90 _Found 5 stones. ¿£güOå #########...# #....... #.### ..........#†##. #.# ....†...#......#..############..#### #.....# ###...### ###@..# #.#.....(.....##........#. ¿£g9Z ¿£g„\&1 ¿£gPe ¿£g›Þ ¿£gç‹Ã ..........#†##. #.# .....†...#......#..############..#### #.....# ###...### ###... #@#.#.......##.(.........#.. ¿£gH&2 ¿£gі ¿£gV™ ¿£gõ †....†...#.....#..############..#### #.....# ##...### ###...# . #.#.#.g.........##.( ## :...## ....... .#g   hobgoblin (asleep).#.   A hobgoblin comes into view. ¿£g+ ñ.gg===3Soul Splinter _The hobgoblin shouts! ¿£gVŸ# #. #.# †...#..# #. #.# #..## #. #.# #..####. #.# # #.....# # ###...### .# ###...# ..# #.#.#.# #.@..g.# ###.(. :...#..........#..[.#.....# ## ¿£g{À ¿£g.Ñ^g.---4 ¿£g™ÿ ¿£g„ u # #. #.# #†...#..# #. #.# #..## #... #.# #..####......... #.# # #.....# ... # ###...### ... # ###...# .. # #.#.#. # #..@g. # ###.(. .:...#....................#.......[.#..........# ##. _Found a leather armour.=--5 ¿£gª# ¿£gÆ+W _The hobgoblin closely misses you. ¿£gRã;  You hit the hobgoblin. ¿£gsïE† ¿£gÎøm506.4 (1.2Soul Splinter ¿£g  ¿£gÝG_You kill the hobgoblin! ¿£g*sB# #. #.# #†...#..# #......... #.# #..## #......... #.# ..####......... #.#  #.....# .... ###...###... ###...#.. ¿£gtV #.#.#. #...@. ###.(. ..:...# ¿£g]tŠ..........#..../ ¿£gžtž.......[.#..####. ¿£gŽ‰J-70 ¿£gîœÝ _Found a shiny fluorescent wand. _You see here a hobgoblin corpse. ¿£g˜~ ú# #. #.# #†...#..# #...#.# #..## #...#.# ..####...#.# #.....# ..###...###.###...#.#.#.#.#...†###.(....:...#........#..../.[.#...... ¿£g”¡ z-8 _ ¿£g°Fý.# #. #.# .†...#..# #...#.#.#..## #...#.##..####...#.# #.....# .. ###...###. ###...#. #.#.#. #.... ###.(. ...:...###### .... ... .#..../ .[.#..... .####.. ¿£gKS ¿£g!y&9 ¿£gwšŒ _You see here a hobgoblin corpse. ¿£gå,” †...#. .# #########..### #.....#  ##...### ###... #.#.#..†###.%....:...######............. ..#.........# .. ¿£g÷Ž%1000.4 (1.0) _Found a maw talisman. _You see here 5 stones. ¿£g Ü  .# #########..### #.....#   ¿£gtÜ ##...### ###... #.#.##...†######.(.%....:@..######..............  ¿£g—Ü M...########## ¿£gíè  ¿£gs  ¿£g[ e1 _% ¿£gʺ'.#..## #.#.##..####....#.# # #.....# ... # ###...###. # ###...#. # #.#.#. # #...†. ##.(. # ¿£g‚»G.%....@...######...#..../.[.#......####...# ..# ¿£gCÈ3% ¿£gSÍ&2 ¿£gOç ¿£g1èx _You see here a book of the Hunter.¿£gêÍ .#..## #.#.# .#..####..........#.# .# #.....# ......... .# ###...###.. .# ###...#. .# #.#.#. .# #...†. .##.(. ##.%...@:...######...#..../.[.#....####...# ..#¿£g+5ž%3 _%¿£gXÖ‘.#..## #.#.# ..#..####..........#.# ..# #.....# ......... ..# ###...###........ ..# ###...#.. .¿£gÃÖÞ.# #.#.#. ..# #...†. ..##.(.#¿£gæÖè#...%..@.:...#######.#¿£g×v.#.#../¿£g~×N#.[.#....#.####..#.# ..#¿£gZðW%4¿£gñ8%¿£g ô¿£g³©2.#..## #.#.#.#..####.#.#.# #.....# ..........# ###...###.........# ###...#.........# #.#.#.........# #...†..# #.(.# #...%.@..:...######¿£gà #. #. #.#.../ #.[.#.....  #.####..  #.# ..  #%5¿£gä¿£gË. ¿£g ##.#..## #.#.# #...#..####.#.# #...# #.....# . #...# ###...###. #...#¿£gŠ 1 ###...#. #...# #.#.#........ #...# #...†.. #...# #.(.¿£g &# #...%@...:...###### #. #.¿£gÑ 7 #.#..../  #.[.#.....  #.####..  #.# ..  #¿£g[* ¿£g}. &6¿£gŒ@ ¿£g» ‡ #.#..## #.#.  #...#..####.#.  #...# #.....# .  #...# ###...###.  #...# ###...#.  #...# #.#.#.  #...# #...†..  #...# #.(.  ##### #...@....:...###### #. #. #.#..../ #.[.#..... #.####.. #.# .. #¿£gºï Ä7 _You see here a maw talisman.¿£gÚ ¿£gŽi&8¿£gXz^ _q - a maw talisman¿£gâ×!#.#..## #.#.# #...#..####.#.# #...# #.....# . #...# ###...###. #...# ###...#. #...# #.#.#. #...# #...†.. #...# #.(. ##### #.:...###### #. #. #.#..../#.[.#.....#.####..#.# ..#¿£gÂâ¿£g÷¿£gºø9¿£g~¿£gº¿£gï ù.#..## #.#.# ...#..####.#.# ...# #.....# . ...# ###...###. ...# ###...#. ...# #.#.#........ ...# #...†.. ...# #.(.  #.:...###### #. #. #.#..../ ¿£gY& ¿£g»* '10¿£g¶; ¿£g„¥ B#..## #.#.# #..####.#.# # #.....# ......... # ###...###........ # ###...#........ # #.#.#........ # #...†. # #.(.  #.:...###### #. #. #.#..../#.[.#..... 1¿£gÍL á#..## #.#.# #..####..........#.# # #.....# ......... # ###...###........ # ###...#.. # #.#.#. # #...†. # #.(.  #.:...###### #. #. #.#..../#.[.#.....#.####..##¿£g—a <2¿£g9f ¿£glh ¿£gº:#..## #.#.# #..####..........#.# # #.....# ......... # ###...###.. # ###...#. # #.#.#. # #...†. # #.(.  #....###### #. #. #.#..../#.[.#.....#.####..#.##¿£gê<&3¿£gûJ¿£g3Nx _You see here a book of the Hunter.¿£g×ïÝ#..## #.#.# ..####....#.#  #.....# ...  ###...###.  ###...#.  #.#.#.  #...†.  #.(.  #.:@..###### #. #. #..#.[.#.....#.####..#.# ..###¿£gu`4 _¿£g^( .#..## #.#.##..####....#.# # #.....# ... # ###...###. # ###...#. # #.#.#. # #...†. # #.(. # #.@...###### #. #¿£g’,†. #..#..../ #.[.#..... #.####.. #.# .. ###¿£gð6¿£gu>&5¿£g–o¿£gqux _You see here a book of the Hunter.¿£gåZ  You pick up a book of the Hunter and begin reading...¿£gGó&6¿£glö¿£gbû= _Unfortunately, you learned nothing new.¿£gȂ¿£g …Ä Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Grave ClawNecromancy¿£g_…S6% 2b - Vampiric DrainingNecromancy¿£g)†š13% 3  c - Animate DeadNecromancy38% 4¿£gV†œd - Call Canine FamiliarSummoning61% 3  e - Sigil of BindingHexes¿£gx†n61% 3  f - Curse of AgonyNecromancy¿£g›†#75% 5 ¿£gֆ’ g - Dimensional Bullseye Hexes/Translocation 95% 4 7 spell levels left ¿£gü†^[!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exit¿£gO ¿£g\i v........#..## #..........#.#¿£gXx Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ##########..####..........#.#Mummy ##.....# .........Health: 25/25 ======================== ####...###........Magic: 7/7======================== ####...#........AC: 4Str: 13 ##.#.#........EV: 10Int: 14 ##...†........SH: 0Dex: 12 ##########.(........XL:  3 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:2 ##........@...######Noise: ---------  Time: 1016.4 (0.0)#.................e) +0 hand axe#.................Cast: Soul Splinter[12¿£gmy ;8H#...........#..../#.........[.#.....#...........####..#...........# ..############# _You see here a maw talisman. _q - a maw talisman _You see here a book of the Hunter. _You see here a book of the Hunter.  You pick up a book of the Hunter and begin reading... _Unfortunately, you learned nothing new.¿£g(‚ ¿£gS ÖMemorise Call Canine Familiar, consuming 3 spell levels and leaving 4? Y - Yes  N - No¿£g"V¿£gÛw¡........#..## #..........#.#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ##########..####..........#.#Mummy ##.....# .........Health: 25/25 ======================== ####...###........Magic: 7/7======================== ####...#........AC: 4Str: 13 ##.#.#........EV: 10¿£gLxZInt: 14 ##...†........SH: 0Dex: 12 ##########.(........XL:  3 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:2 ##........@...######¿£g|xGNoise: ---------  Time: 1016.4 (0.0)#.................e) +0 hand axe#.................¿£gÈx+Cast: Soul Splinter#...........#..../#.........[.#.....¿£gyi#...........####..#...........# ..############# _You see here a maw talisman. _q - a maw talisman ¿£g“y,_You see here a book of the Hunter. _You see here a book of the Hunter.  You pick up a book of the Hunter and begin reading... _Unfortunately, you learned nothing new.¿£g$+7.4 (1¿£g ‰¿£g"•} _This spell is astonishingly dangerous to cast!¿£gњ+8.4 (2¿£g³€¿£gá­¿£ghŽ+9.4 (3¿£g⌿£g Ç¿£g°Ì,20.4 (4¿£giÔ¿£gÜš _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x3¿£gá¿£gÃé¿£gìc _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'.&¿£gœy" ##########..### # #.....# .. ##...###. ###... #.#...†#########.(............###### ..... #..../#1.4 (1 _&¿£gÑ}&¿£g<„&¿£g   #.....#  ##...### ###... #.#..†#########.(..................###### ..... #..../[.#......&¿£g²? &2&¿£g†V &¿£gɺ ÿ ##...### ###... #.#..†......#########.(..................###### ..... #..../[.#.......####.3&¿£gXŸ &¿£g Ÿ '¿£g`«'¿£g,­zEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip (¿£gž (¿£g`÷####...###........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ####...#........(¿£gŽMummy ##.#.#........Health: 25/25 ======================== ##...†........Magic: 7/7======================== ##########.(........AC: 4Str: 13 ##............######EV: 10Int: 14#.................(¿£g“›SH: 0Dex: 12#.................XL:  3 Next: 50% Place: Dungeon:2#........@..#..../Noise: ---------  Time: 1023.4 (0.0)#.........[.#.....(¿£gÑÁe) +0 hand axe#...........####..Cast: Soul Splinter(¿£gÿv#...........# ..############# (¿£g'¥_You see here a book of the Hunter.  You pick up a book of the Hunter and begin reading... (¿£gSw_Unfortunately, you learned nothing new. _This spell is astonishingly dangerous to cast! (¿£g}Æ_You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x3 _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'b'.(¿£g{!P  Okay, then.(¿£gÑ+(¿£g§5D _)¿£g6 5  ###... #.#...†......#########.(.................###### ..... ..#..../[)¿£g67 k...#### )¿£gNA )¿£g5g O4.4 (1 _*¿£g,#m ###...#.  #.#.#........  #...†........  #*¿£gR#.(........  #.*¿£go#J###### #.*¿£g#S.. #..... *¿£g¬#q#.#..../ #.*¿£gÅ#c.#..... #.*¿£gß#L####.. #.*¿£gú#|# .. ###*¿£gšš©5 _You see here a +0 leather armour.*¿£g Õ©M###...#####...#......#.#..... #...†....########.(........*¿£g~ÿ######........../[.#...####...........# ..6 _*¿£g ŠzM.....# .###...##.###...#........#.#....... #...†.....########.(........######........#..../[.#.....#...........####..*¿£gxµ<7*¿£gp¿*¿£gDÃ+¿£g×u÷#.....# . ###...###.. ###...#........ #.#.#........ #...†........ #.(........ #.###### #.#.#.#..../.#.[.#...#.####..#.# ...# .+¿£g€+¿£gž&8+¿£g ø+¿£gÞ&·#.....# . ###...###........ ###...#........ #.#.#........ #...†........ #.(........ #.##.#.#.#..../.#.[.#..#.####.#.# ..## ..+¿£gˆ0<9+¿£gOO+¿£g˜ƒ 7#.....# . ###...###........ ###...#........ #.#.#........ #...†........ #.(........ #.##.+¿£gº„ ªS#.#.#..../.#.[.#.#...####....##....# ....####### ...#S   ball python (constriction, asleep)..##.>+¿£gN š  A ball python comes into view.Found a stone staircase leading down.+¿£gP +¿£gŽ  +¿£gîŠ f.SS)+¿£gp© +¿£g » 530Soul Splinter+¿£g¢À +¿£g€û 5 _The ball python hisses angrily.,¿£gHz›#.....# . ###...###........ ###...#........ #.#.#........ #...†........ #.(........ #.##.##.S..##.#..../...##.[.#.##.....####....##........####### ....# ...###.>,¿£gÊwS.1,¿£g³›7#.....# . ###...###. ###...#. #.#.#.. #...†..  #.(........ .#.#  #.#  #.S...#  #.#..../...#  #..[.#.#  #.  # ....# ....####.>,¿£gìœ,¿£gÁ³0S.,¿£g!ÕC2-¿£g•„  You slash the ball python!†-¿£gs–t3=3.7 (1.3Soul Splinter-¿£g]Ÿ-¿£gŠ¡O _You kill the ball python!-¿£gÁNw#.....# . ###...###. ###...#. #.#.#. ##...†. # #.(.. . #.# #.# #.....# #.#..../...# #..[.#.# #.# #....# # #....##....#####.>-¿£gsn`-40-¿£gx _You see here a ball python corpse.-¿£gµW ð ##...### ###... #.#.#..† #########.(... #............######### ........†...#...@/.[.#.......####....####-¿£g.{ z-5 _.¿£gè‘Ì###...###. ###...#. #.#.#. #.#...†. #..(.. . .# .# .†....# .#....@...# .[.#.# .####....## .¿£gÍšR6.¿£gªÏ‡7.7 (2 _r - a wand of charming (8)/¿£gµ§ 4/¿£gŒ¯ /¿£g`³ N _There are no items here./¿£g¶ /¿£g zEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip 2¿£gSh2¿£g£r2¿£g{ž ###...###........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber###...#........Mummy#.#.#........#. Health: 25/25 ========================#...†........#. Magic: 7/7======================== ########.(........... AC: 4Str: 13 ............#########EV: 10Int: 14 ....................#SH: 0Dex: 12 ...............†....#XL:  3 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2 ...........#....@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1037.7 (0.0) .........[.#........#e) +0 hand axe ...........####....##Cast: Soul Splinter ...........# #....# ############ #....#2¿£g³{È#....#####.>### _The ball python hisses angrily.  You slash the ball python! _You kill the ball python! _You see here a ball python corpse. _r - a wand of charming (8) _There are no items here.2¿£gx„P  Okay, then.2¿£gˆ2¿£gC¹2¿£g^Ì. _2¿£gËŒ r ###...###. ###...#. #.#.#. # #...†. #2¿£gœ X#.(.. #.# #.# #.†....# #2¿£g;œ L.#.# #2¿£gZœ b.[.#.# #2¿£gwœ Š.####....## #.# #....# 2¿£gîœ ^# #....#  #....#  ####.>  ###2¿£gŽÒ H8.7 (1 _2¿£gÉÔ 2¿£g„é 3¿£g; ü###...###. ###...#. #.#.#. #.#...†. #..(.. . .# .# .†....# .#.# .[.#.# .####....## 93¿£gN 3¿£g¥ž 3¿£gåÌ zEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip 5¿£g’u5¿£gs„5¿£gž‹Æ ###...###........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber###...#........Mummy#.#.#........#. Health: 25/25 ========================#...†........#. Magic: 7/7======================== ########.(........... AC: 45¿£gå‹VStr: 13 ............#########EV: 10Int: 14 ....................#SH: 0Dex: 12 5¿£gŒÉ...............†....#XL:  3 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2 ...........#....@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1039.7 (0.0) 5¿£gkŒ.........[.#........#e) +0 hand axe ...........####....##Cast: Soul Splinter ...........# #....# ############ #....##....#5¿£g"Š####.>###You slash the ball python! _You kill the ball python! _You see here a ball python corpse. _r - a wand of charming (8) _There are no items here. _Okay, then.5¿£g†—P  Okay, then.5¿£gê™5¿£gS³5¿£gi¶. _5¿£g>ø5¿£gÝÿInventory: 18/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (8) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 2 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - a scroll labelled FEGOIKUCAIC Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - an inky potion  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]7¿£g’£ ‰r - a wand of charming (8). A magical device which causes a creature to become fiercely, but briefly, loyal to the user. Noise: A bit loud You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {wand} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified wand “But it isn't charm as veneer, as facilitating ooze or unguent,  but charm that identifies and goes out to meet itself in others  wherever it may be met with.”  -Michael Hofmann, “Hell, he'll be frozen stiff!”, London Review of Books, 2022. “He held up his hand, and they all stopped, and I thought he seemed to be  saying, ‘All these lives will I give you, ay, and many more and greater,  through countless ages, if you will fall down and worship me!’ And then a red 7¿£g€ ± cloud, like the colour of blood, seemed to close over my eyes, and before I e(v)oke, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.;¿£gŸ Inventory: 18/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)  a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (8) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 2 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - a scroll labelled FEGOIKUCAIC Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - an inky potion  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[[;¿£gYŠ"37mtop]<¿£gÀË:r - a wand of charming (8). A magical device which causes a creature to become fiercely, but briefly, loyal to the user. Noise: A bit loud You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {wand} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified wand “But it isn't charm as veneer, as facilitating ooze or unguent,  but charm that identifies and goes out to meet itself in others  wherever it may be met with.”  -Michael Hofmann, “Hell, he'll be frozen stiff!”, London Review of Books, 2022. “He held up his hand, and they all stopped, and I thought he seemed to be  saying, ‘All these lives will I give you, ay, and many more and greater,  through countless ages, if you will fall down and worship me!’ And then a red  cloud, like the colour of blood, seemed to close over my eyes, and before I e(v)oke, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.>¿£g¹ö ###...###........ Wolftag123 the Grave Robber  ###...#........ Mummy #.#.#........ #. Health: 25/25 ======================== #...†........ #. Magic: 7/7======================== ########.(........ ... AC: 4Str: 13 ............#########  EV: 10Int: 14 ....................#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ...............†....#  XL:  3 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2 ...........#....@...#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1039.7 (0.0) .........[.#........#  e) +0 hand axe ...........####...>¿£g\ø°.##  Cast: Soul Splinter ...........# #....# ############ #....#  #....#   ####.>   ###     _There are no items here. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you?¿£geá @*****#?¿£gðö n*.*#?¿£gŒ {.*.*.?¿£g˜7*.@¿£g£ˆo.*.*@¿£gâ‹Œ*.*.*@¿£g‰J[*.*.@¿£gg Ž.*.***@¿£gÓŠ Æ*.*.*.#..@¿£gÈó e*.#@¿£g|o.*.*@¿£g—ðo.*.*A¿£g{*.**A¿£gH=E**A¿£gö6š*.*.#.....A¿£g3Ÿq.*#*A¿£gô¯o.*.*A¿£gÆÁL***A¿£gOÜw*******.....A¿£g,"9.*A¿£g^Z.***.A¿£g!ž9.*A¿£g™+ V..**A¿£gÃj W..**A¿£gÒ# e#**....A¿£gFy V#.*A¿£g¡š L.†*A¿£g’•A**A¿£g…³f***.#B¿£g©ëŠ******..#B¿£gÁ®º...##...*..*.B¿£gÑ9#*B¿£g:3=.*B¿£gavf†***B¿£g¢› B¿£gÉš B¿£g<Œ R ###...###........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber###...#........Mummy#.#.#........#. Health: 25/25 ========================#...†........#. Magic: 7/7======================== ########.(........... AC: 4Str: 13 ............#########EV: 10Int: 14 ....................#SH: 0Dex: 12 ...............†....#XL:  3 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2 ...........#....@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1039.7 (0.0) .........[.#........#e) +0 hand axe ...........####....##Cast: Soul Splinter ...........# #....# B¿£g#œ ”############ #....##....#B¿£g¥œ ™####.>### _There are no items here. B¿£g(Ÿ _Okay, then. B¿£g¿ '_Okay, then.B¿£g3À YAiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight lineB¿£gÑÀ !Okay, then.B¿£g¿Ö 4B¿£gÀ D _C¿£gÝbRead which item? Scrolls  c - 2 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - a scroll labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedF¿£ge  ###...###........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber###...#........Mummy#.#.#........#. Health: 25/25 ========================#...†........#. Magic: 7/7======================== ########.(........... AC: 4Str: 13 ............#########EV: 10Int: 14 ....................#SH: 0Dex: 12 ...............†....#XL:  3 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2 ...........#....@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1039.7 (0.0) .........[.#........#e) +0 hand axe ...........####....##Cast: Soul Splinter ...........# #....# ############ #....##....#####¿£g ˆ 9m.>### _There are no items here. _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line _Okay, then.  Okay, then. _G¿£gÍÖRead which item? Scrolls  c - 2 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - a scroll labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedH¿£g~DH¿£glLH¿£gb ###...###........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber###...#........Mummy#.#.#........#. Health: 25/25 ========================#...†........#. Magic: 7/7======================== ########.(........... AC: 4Str: 13 ............#########EV: 10Int: 14 ....................#SH: 0Dex: 12 ...............†....#XL:  3 Next: 53% Place: Dungeon:2 ...........#....@...#Noise: ---------  Time: 1039.7 (0.0) .........[.#........#e) +0 hand axe ...........####....##Cast: Soul Splinter ...........# #....# ############ #....##....#####H¿£g$cM.>### _Okay, then. _Okay, then.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line _Okay, then. _Okay, then.H¿£gÉcP  Okay, then.H¿£gÁhH¿£g9pH¿£gޒ. _H¿£gÿãm  You aren't wearing any rings or amulets.H¿£gëóI¿£gu$D _J¿£g(µ  ###... #.##...† ########.(... ............######### ........†..#....[..####....##  J¿£g ÄI40.7 (1 _J¿£gÓâJ¿£g"Z  #.##...†. ########.(.... ............######### ........†..#....[..####.@..###  ###########J¿£g?RY1J¿£gZÑ ..† ########.(.... ............######### ..............†..#....[.#...####....##  ###########J¿£gõ ñ###.>. #### 2J¿£gëã ò########.(.. ............######### .................†.#....[.#....####....##  ##############.>.. ##### 3K¿£gš27.(. ...#..# ..# .....†....# #..# [.#........# ####....## # #....#  #..@.# #....# ####.>.. #####K¿£gö<K¿£gÛA&4K¿£gCMK¿£g ã'.(. ...## # †....# #.# [.#..# ####....## # #....#  #...@# #....# ####.>.. ######5K¿£gUçK¿£gpíK¿£gÚöA..........######### ........†....##........#[.#...####....#  ############.>....# ######## K¿£gÝ*Y6K¿£gpqŠ............†....##....[.#....####....## .  ... ##########..# ....#####@>....# #######K¿£g8x<7K¿£gyK¿£g€‹ # ...†....# #........# .[.#........# .#####....## ..# #....# ...# #....###..# #....#....# ####.@....# # 8K¿£g1“ K¿£g<º c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.K¿£gē\# ..†....# #.#........# #..[.#........# .#.#####....## ..# #....# ....#  #....###..# #....#....# ####.>@...# # K¿£gð¶`9 _L¿£gäŽ# †....# ..# #. #........# ..#... [.#........# ..#.## ####....## ...... # #....# ....#  #....###..# #....#....# L¿£gFµÞ####.>.@..# # L¿£gnœL¿£go¿'50L¿£gLËL¿£gSU# †....#...###. #.#...#... [.#.#...#.## ####....##....... # #....# .....#  #....###..# #....#....# ####.>..@.# # L¿£gàL¿£g &1L¿£g\,L¿£g#Ð h########. #.....†##....[.#........#...#.######....... .....# #....# .....# ###### #....###....#####.>....########2L¿£g× L¿£g° Ç##.(........ ...################### #.L¿£g…° ». #......†##...L¿£g"± ".. [.#........#...#.###.###......... .....##.....# #########....#####.>....########L¿£gÁŒ L¿£gÅ &3L¿£g³Ì L¿£gAÏ M¿£gŸZMM...† #..)..< ##.(........ ...################### #. #......†##....... [.#........#...#.#####.... .....#.@...# #########..###....#.####.>....###4M¿£gR\M¿£g—^M¿£g®ÇM#.##### ...† #..)..< ##.(........ ...################### #.. #......†##...M¿£gª®×.... [.#........#...#.#####.... ..........#### ########..####....#....#.#M¿£gbÓY5M¿£gôbFM.M¿£g–ej #.##### ...† #..)..< ##.(........ ...################### #. #....†##....... [.#........#.@.#.###.##.... ..........#### ###### #....###..####M¿£gnM¿£gçC6M¿£g€a` ##..##### ...†)..< ##.(...##### ......############# #. ........#...# #.†##.#....... [.###...####....##.@....... #### ######..### #M¿£gÄèY7N¿£g`)k#.#. #..##### N¿£g*e†. #..)..<# .(. ...###### ###### #.##...# #..#†....#...###... N¿£gK*j#.#...#... N¿£gh*[.#.N¿£gƒ*·#...#.###.#####....##.N¿£g *#N¿£gç*á# #....##.....# #....###..### N¿£g6+N####.>.N¿£gQ+F...####N¿£gž+$#####N¿£gÖ6N¿£gG:&8N¿£gD@N¿£gÌBN¿£g‹a  ..†)..< #.(....##### .....############# #.# ........#...# #.†##... #....... [.###.#..####....##........ ##### #####..###  ....# .##N¿£gügN¿£gm&9N¿£g#uN¿£gcvN¿£gÛãÞ†. #..)..<# .(. ....###### ###### #.# #...# #..# †....#...###... #.#...#... [.#.#...#.###.# ####....##.# # #....##...@.#####  #....###..### #....#....# ####.>....###60N¿£gœèN¿£g­” ~†. #..)..<# (. ....###### ###### #.# #...# #..# †....#...###... #.#...#... [.#.#...#.###.# ####....##.# # #....##....@#####  #....###..### #....#....# ####.>....#########1N¿£gƒú N¿£g{ü N¿£g- N¿£g> N¿£gU6FM#N¿£gš7#### † ##..)..< (........ ....################### #......#...# #..#....†..###... ..#... [.#........#...#.#####....# .......##### ######..####....#....#.##N¿£g....3O¿£gàØO¿£gn%&M # #..#### † ##..)..< (........ ....################### #.# #....†##...# ...# [.#........#...#.###.####.........# ..# #....##.....#######.#4O¿£gÄn\. . . #..##### . ##..)..<# . ....###### # #.# #...# #..# †....#...###...# #.#...#.@.# .#.#...#.###.# ####....##.........# # #....##.....##### #....###..####....#....#####.>....# O¿£gq&5O¿£g‹ŠO¿£g«O¿£gq o   #..#####  ###..)..<#  ....###### # #.# #...# ##..# †....#...###...# #.#...#..@# #.#...#.###.# ####....##.........# # #....##.....##### #....###..####....#....#####.>....#########O¿£g±y O¿£gñ| &6O¿£g O¿£gçƒ P¿£g£ P¿£gP¿£gÕP¿£gžP¿£gÁœïM .  #..#######..)..<...... ....###### .############# #.# ## ....†###@..#..#.#........#...#.###.# ####....##.........#....##..#....7P¿£g}óP¿£giô P¿£gÀô P¿£g õ P¿£gƒõ(. P¿£gÑõ P¿£gôö/#..##### P¿£gj÷w ###..)..<# P¿£gð÷ ....###### # ##.# #...# ##..# P¿£gZø†....#...###.@.# .#...#...#.# P¿£gËø.#...#.###.# ....##.........# P¿£g·ù #....##.....#####  #....###..####....#....#P¿£g&m####.>....# P¿£g‹P¿£g$&8P¿£gRP¿£gP¿£gõ TM#.# . ..  #..#######..)..< ...... ....###### ############# ##. ##†###..#...# ........#...#.###.#........9P¿£g€* P¿£g Œ#.#   .  ..  #..#####  #####..)..<#  J....######  ##.# #...# ##.@# †....#...###...# #...#...#.# #...#.###.#....##.........#  #....##.....##### J   endoplasm (asleep)#....###..###  #....#....# P¿£g# P¿£gY> <70Soul SplinterP¿£gEG P¿£g%L ] _An endoplasm comes into view.P¿£g¥ \#.# # .# ..  #..####...#######..)..< ..... ......J....###### ############ ##. ##†###..#... .......#...#.### #.............#######..###....#1 _Found a club.Q¿£gŒ  #.#.. #..#####...#######..)..<......J....##### ############ ##.# .......#...# ##.†##..#...##.## ##....##........  ....#####..###....####.>Q¿£g ‚.JJ2Q¿£gšQ¿£g,Q¿£gR =  You slash the endoplasm!Q¿£g(d 1.Q¿£gÝn t7=4.0 (1.3Soul SplinterQ¿£g“p Q¿£gÁs M _You kill the endoplasm!Q¿£gõ! …M#.#  # .# ..  #..####...#######..)..< ..... ...........###### ############ ##. ##†###.. .......#...#...#.#...-50Q¿£g'ÌM#.#  # .# ..  #..###########..)..< ..... .......@...###### Q¿£gS:################.##.#. ## ..†....#...###...#.#....R¿£gé s-6R¿£gnEQR¿£gљu#.# #.# #.#  #  .#  ..  #..#####  ...#..)..<#  .###### .##.# #...# ##..# #†....#...###...##...#...#.##...#.###.#....##.........# #....##.....##### R¿£gøš&7R¿£g· R¿£gvšR¿£g3È .#.# #.# .###.# ..# ##!.#  ....#  ....  #..#####  ...#..)..<#  .###### .##.# #...# ##..# .# †....#...###...# .##...#...#.# .##...#.###.# K#K   kobold (missile, asleep) ....##.........# .# ....##.....##### .#   A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.8Soul Splinter _Found a viscous silvery potion.R¿£g)ý ­#.# #.# .## #.# ..#  ###!.#  .....#  #....  #..#####  ...#..)..<#  .###### .##.# #...# ##..##.# ....#...###...##.##...#...#.##.##...#.###.##K# ##.........##.###.....######.# R¿£g) &9R¿£gr S¿£g‡_.##. ###!.#.....##.... #####...#######..)..<#........###### #############.##@# ....#...# ##..###....#S¿£gá‡Í###.##K##.........##.#####..### ....#S¿£gª–S¿£gè™'80S¿£g1¶S¿£gÜŒS¿£gÃ. ###!.#.....#.... #####...#######..)..<........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##K##.........##.#####..### ....# ..? ##.>1S¿£gùS¿£gc)e _Found a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY.S¿£gä  ###!.....#.... #####...#######..)..<........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##K##.........##.#####..### ....# ..? ##.>#  ####### KK)The kobold shouts!S¿£gÍö ](((((((S¿£gÞm S¿£gI| è .....@.r   quokkarK   kobold (missile)The kobold throws a stone. The stone closely misses you.S¿£gË~ E====2S¿£g‰’ $ S¿£gx“ K_A quokka comes into view.S¿£gI€ †....#.... #####...#######..)..<........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##K##.........##.#####..### ....# r.? ##.>..#  ####### S¿£göƒ S¿£g÷Ž Dr.S¿£gI‘ [=---3S¿£g™ S¿£g̜ L _The kobold misses you.S¿£gzÖ   You hit the kobold.  The kobold is moderately wounded.r. 1-------4.3 (1.3S¿£gOV _The kobold hits you with a +0 short sword.T¿£gž8  You hit the kobold.T¿£gU“T¿£gh›Ur.T¿£gŽŸ‘605.6 _You kill the kobold!T¿£gÏâ  You closely miss the quokka. The quokka closely misses you.2=---T¿£g¢Ï!6.9T¿£g8×T¿£gžÚS _The quokka barely misses you.T¿£gm1µ  You hit the quokka.  The quokka is moderately wounded.T¿£g>8.1 (1.2 _The quokka bites you but does no damage.T¿£g§•Ì  You barely miss the quokka.The quokka is moderately wounded.The quokka bites you but does no damage.T¿£g±¬0--9.4 (1.3 _The quokka bites you.T¿£gêÖ   You hit the quokka.  The quokka is heavily wounded.90.6 (1.2 _The quokka barely misses you.T¿£gù O  You hit the quokka but do no damage.The quokka is heavily wounded.19---1.9 (1.3 _The quokka bites you. x2T¿£g– C  You hit the quokka.)43.2Soul Splinter _You kill the quokka!U¿£g«ÚG #.... #####...#######..)..<........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....#####.........##.####...#-40  Things that are here: _a +0 short sword; 5 stones; a quokka corpseU¿£g Æ4 U¿£gœÇ`#####...#######..)..<U¿£gÌ—........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##)##........#####..### .....#U¿£gÔàU¿£gän20=-5 _U¿£g øU¿£g…ù...#######..)..<........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##)##.........##.#####..### ....# ..? ##.>...##  ######## .. ........U¿£g,U¿£gÃ!C6U¿£g^jù........##### #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##)##.........##.#####..### ....#........?.....# ##.>....#........#######  ########........# .......S   adder (asleep).....$.S...  An adder comes into view.Found 8 gold pieces.SS.7U¿£gÍmU¿£gž‘ U¿£g’!_The adder hisses angrily.U¿£gW* #############.##.# ....#...# ##.##....####.##)##.........##.#####..########.#######....#.......@?.....# ##.>######  ####### S$.....#########U¿£g8, U¿£g­< yS..8Soul SplinterU¿£g0_ V¿£g/BÄ.##.# #...# ##..##.# #...###...##.# #...#...#.##.# #...#.###.##)# ##.##.# ##.....######.# ###..#.# #....#......# .>....#.# #.# ......S.#.#.# ...$.....##S..V¿£g©DB=9V¿£g"QV¿£gÖtŒ _You see here a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY.V¿£gåÔ}#.##.#.#...# ##..##.#.#...###...##.#.#...#...#.##.#.#...#.###.##)#.##.##.#.##.....######.#.###..#.#.#....#?.....##.>....#.#  #.S# .# .# .# ...$..... ##V¿£gVÚV¿£gdã<S.V¿£g­æ]1=100 _V¿£g{ïV¿£g>ñV¿£gšS  V¿£gí  You closely miss the adder. The adder closely misses you.=1.4 (1.2 _The adder bites you but does no damage.V¿£g* V¿£gè -2.7 (1.3V¿£g×V¿£gdŽ _You barely miss the adder. The adder closely misses you.W¿£gÕeW¿£ggs2==4.0W¿£gÒoW¿£g‰rÅ _You closely miss the adder. The adder misses you. The adder closely misses you.W¿£gR×>5.3W¿£gdCŸ _You miss the adder. The adder barely misses you. x2W¿£gmƒ„  You hit the adder.  The adder is lightly wounded.6.6W¿£gÌa _The adder misses you.W¿£giš 91W¿£g.² µ-7.9 _You completely miss the adder. The adder bites you. x2W¿£gÂW ›  You hit the adder.  The adder is severely wounded.W¿£g b W¿£g—c W¿£gÉc Z0--9.2W¿£g‡m W¿£gOp g _The adder bites you. The adder barely misses you.W¿£gX¶  You hit the adder but do no damage.The adder is severely wounded.W¿£g7%d18---10.5W¿£g{*W¿£gFR _The adder bites you. The adder bites you but does no damage.X¿£gx,¡  You hit the adder but do no damage.The adder is heavily wounded.X¿£gÅ.f9=-1.7 (1.2X¿£gª8X¿£gkVR _The adder barely misses you.X¿£g0ëÚ  You miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.3.0 (1.3 X¿£g*ùŠ_The adder barely misses you. The adder closely misses you.X¿£g×k˜  You barely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.X¿£gn(4.3X¿£gi _The adder closely misses you.X¿£gaj X¿£gÑ}L You completely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.5.5 (1.2 _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder misses you.X¿£gÖ| g  You barely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.20==6.8 (1.3 _The adder bites you but does no damage. x2X¿£g°ð 0  You closely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.19-8.1 _The adder bites you.X¿£g‰B I  You miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.9.4 _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you.X¿£g®  You hit the adder.  The adder is severely wounded.8--20.7X¿£gX¿£gh _The adder bites you. The adder closely misses you.Y¿£g ç’  You miss the adder.The adder is severely wounded.Y¿£gvéj17--2.0Y¿£gIñY¿£guõg _The adder bites you. The adder barely misses you.Y¿£g'7  You hit the adder.Y¿£gá.D.Y¿£gà8³ 873.2 (1.2Soul Splinter _You kill the adder!Y¿£g…JY¿£gvTg _Your Armour skill increases to level 1!Y¿£gn3 Y¿£gEF....#...# ##.##....####.##)##.........##.#####..########.#######....#........?..... ##.>#######  #######.# Y¿£gÈ Y¿£gÝšV18=-Y¿£gÉ340 _Y¿£g›6 ##....####.##)##.........##.#####..########.#######....#........?.....# ##.>.#######  ####### Y¿£gʟ@-5Y¿£gÓŽY¿£gû8'†....#...###...##.#.#...#...#.##.#.#...#.###.##)#.##.##.#.##.....######.#.###..#.#######.#....#.?.....##.>....#..####### #.##.##.##.##...$.....##6Z¿£g• 4 ....####.##)##.........##.#####..########.#######....#........?..... ###.>.######  #######.# Z¿£gk°<7Z¿£gû»Z¿£gR.#...#...#.##.#.#...#.###.##)# #....##.##.# #....##.....######.# #....###..#.####### #....#....#.?.....##.>....#..####### ##.# #.# #.# #.# #...$.....? ##Z¿£gŸZ¿£g B=8Z¿£g6M{ _Found a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY.Z¿£g‚.#...#...#.##.#.#...#.###.##)# ##....##.##.#  #....##.....######.#  #....###..#.#######  #....#....#.?.....#  ####.>....#..####### ##.# #.# #.# #.#  #...$.....?  #9=9Z¿£gH‡Z¿£g_ˆZ¿£gŽ÷###.##) ##....##.........##.#  ######.#..########.#######Z¿£g-ø¯....#........?.....###.>.###### #######.# $.....?..Z¿£g\ø<###########. Z¿£g‚Z¿£gÙ '30Z¿£gpZ¿£g „é##....##.........##.  #####..########.#######....#........?.....###.>.###### #######.# Z¿£gV† $.....?..########### Z¿£gŽZ¿£gö—&1Z¿£g¥œZ¿£gƧ>#....##.##.# #....##.....######.# #....###..#.####### #....#....#.?.....# ####.>....#..#######Z¿£g3šQ ##.# #.# #.# #.#Z¿£g…šü #...$.....?.. #.Z¿£g¿ÉZ¿£gÎÛ&2Z¿£gŸãZ¿£gîåZ¿£g  #####..########.#######....#........?.....###.>.###### #######.# ##.?..###########20==3Z¿£gT( ”4.2 (2 _You now have 61 gold pieces (gained 8).[¿£gØò #....##.....######.#  #....###..#.#######  #....#....#.?.....#  ####.>....#..####### ##.# #.# #.# #.##.?.. #. 5.2 (1[¿£g u #....##.....######.# #....###..#.####### #....#....#.?.....# ####.>....#..####### ##.# #.# #.# #.##.?..##.#6[¿£gì‚ [¿£g… [¿£g”ú ¬....##.....######.# ....###..#.####### ....#....#.?.....# .>....#..####### ##.# #.# #.# #.##### #.?..# #.# 1==7\¿£g¿e,##.....######.# ###..#.####### #....#.?.....# .>....#..#######  #.# #.# #.# #.##### #.?..# #.# 8\¿£gJd##.....######.# ###..#.####### #....#.?.....# .>....#..####### #.# #.# #.# #.\¿£g»dè##### #.?..# #.# \¿£gÓn\¿£gr&9\¿£g#x\¿£gˆ\¿£gLŸ€##.....######.# ###..########.# #....#........?.....# .>....#........# ........# #........# #..# #.##### #...# #.# #40\¿£gP©\¿£g—Ž\¿£glž\¿£g^¹2\¿£gâ¹/==\¿£goº$1.2 (2\¿£gÂ\¿£g‹Ç \¿£gÈ\¿£g{È`_c - 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Found a runed translucent door.h¿£gȟ #.#  ###.####### ### .......# #)g .####### #.. .# .. .##+ .#  .## ##### #. ........# #@## #######.# ##.#  #.# ##.##  #.# ##...#  #.## #....#  #..# #....# g   Crazy Yiuf (asleep)#.#####....#  #....##...## ####.....## h¿£gdÍŠCrazy Yiuf (asleep)9m¿£g#. ###.####### ###......# #)g###### #..#+  #.##### ........## ###### ##.# ##.## ###..# ##.#####........##...##m¿£gx+m¿£g‡,'90m¿£gë1m¿£g;4n¿£g?åÁ#.##)# ..##.# #.#  ####.####### ##### .......# #)g.# .####### #...# .# ... .# #+# .# # ######.# .........# #.## ########.# ##.#  #.# ##.##  #.# ##...#  #.## #....#  #..# #....# #.#####....# n¿£gôñn¿£gEúp.ggn¿£gÆû&1n¿£g n¿£gõo¿£gä˜o¿£gŒCrazy Yiuf the Enlightened A withered old gnoll with a long silver beard, wielding a quarterstaff and wearing a cloak. He looks like a figure from mythology! Wait, is his beard held on to his ears with hooks? Max HP: ~19Will: +AC: +EV: ++ Threat: High Class: Natural Size: Medium Int: Human You have about 62% to hit with your +0 hand axe. He has about 66% to hit you. AttackMax Damage Hit: +4 quarterstaff (chaos) 22 + chaos He has an unusual item: a +4 quarterstaff of chaos. He is vulnerable to silver and hated by Zin. [!]: Description|Quote¿£go ¿£g}= #.##)#  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ..##.#  Mummy ####.#  Health: 25/25 ======================== ####.####### #####  Magic: 7/7======================== ...........# #)..#  AC: 4Str: 13 .....####### #.g.#  EV: 10Int: 14 .....#...  SH: 0Dex: 12 .....##+#  XL:  3 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 .....##@##  Noise: ---------  Time: 1191.2 (1.0) .....##### ##.#  e) +0 hand axe .........##.##  [33¿£gŠ> YmCast: Soul Splinter ########.###.# #.# ##.## #.# ##...#  g   Crazy Yiuf#.## #....# #..# #....# ##.#####....# _Your Armour skill increases to level 1! _Found a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY. _You now have 61 gold pieces (gained 8). _c - 3 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY (gained 1) _c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY (gained 1) _Found a hammer. Found a runed translucent door.†¿£gw§s.##.#  ###.#  .####### ##### ..........# #)..#  ####### #.g.#  # ...  # #+#  # †¿£gš#.## ##### ##@#  ...# .## †¿£gÑ­Š#######.# ##.#   #.# ##.##  #.# ##...#  #.## #....#  #..# #....#  ##.#####....#  ....##...##  †¿£g¹†¿£g|ÃF.g†¿£gæÄ&2†¿£gŒÍ†¿£gÍЇ¿£gj‘ ####### ##### ..........# #)..####### #. .g. #+##.###### ##.‡¿£gӑ=.... #@## ########.# ##.####...## #..#.####‡¿£g’[ #....##...####.....## ‡¿£g|•‡¿£gMŒ.3‡¿£g¡‡¿£g£ˆ¿£g‰Ÿ t.####### ##### .........# #)..#  ####### #...#  # ...  # #+#  # #.# ##### ##.#  ...# #.# ######.# ##@#   #.# ##.##  #.# ##...#  #.## #....#  #..# #....#  ##.#####....#  ....##...##  ####.....##   #######  ˆ¿£gŠ ˆ¿£gtš &4ˆ¿£gñŸ ‰¿£gµ› ‹‰¿£gx ‰¿£gRÈ â....# #...# # ... .# #+ .# #.## .##### ##.# .....# #.## #######.# ##.#  #.##.##  #.# ##.@.# 6.2 (2 #.## #....#  #..# #....#  ##.#####....#  #....##...##  ####.....##  #######  Š¿£g˜ŠŠ¿£gD‹3Š¿£gŠ¿£g_“Š¿£gŒ“Š¿£g<™nŠ¿£gk›Š¿£gqœ,Š¿£gœœŠ¿£g ¥»..# #.## ..##### ##.# ......# #.## #########.# ##.# Š¿£g$§Ë #.# ##.##  #.# ##...#  #.## #....#  #..# #....#  ##.#####@...# 9.2 (3Š¿£gŸ§  #....##...##  ####.....##  ###### Š¿£g¢š/  Š¿£g«Š¿£g±±Š¿£g$ŽŒ¿£g#+Œ¿£g°+Œ¿£g-Œ¿£g 2Œ¿£gîF°Œ¿£gXUÈ #........# #.##  #........##### ##.#  #......# #.##  ######.# ##.#  #.# ##.##  #.# ##...#  #.## #....#  #..# #....#  ##@#####....# 206.2 (7 #....##...##  ####.....##  ####### Œ¿£gûVŒ¿£gXYŽ¿£g-Ž¿£gt-Ž¿£g.Ž¿£g4zÆŽ¿£gë,Ž¿£gA€Ž¿£gœ™œ....#.......# #)..# ....#.####### #...# ###### ...  #........# +# #........# #........##### ###............# #.##############.# ##.# #@# ##.##10.2 (4.# ##...#.## #....##..# #....###.#####....##....##...######.....#########¿£gzÜ3¿£g=ݏ¿£gÕ᏿£g†ã¿£gžè„¿£g‰é¿£gQë,¿£gä돿£gË쏿£gÝ󚏿£gœ4 #######.# ###..########.####### ##### ...#....#..............# #)..# ##.>....#........####### #...#########........# ... #........ #+# #...... #.## #........##### ##.##.......@....# #.##5.2 (5############.# ##.# #.# ##.## #.# ##...# #.## #....# #..# ....# ##.#####....# #....##...######.....##¿£gšÁ3¿£g‰Â¿£g~ÉB¿£gÏ,¿£gÊÜ,¿£g‡Ý¿£gõߐ¿£gÄâ,¿£gºã¿£g9ï`....#...#...#.##.#....#...#.###.##)# ##....##.........##.#  #....##.....######.# ....###..########.####### #####....#....#..............# #)..####.>....#........####### #...########........# ...¿£g?ðæ #....@...#  #+#8.2 (3 #........#  #.##........##### ##.#............# #.############.# ## #.# ##.  #.# ##..  #.## #...  #..# #... ¿£g}ô¿£gFü¿£gl‘¿£gä3‘¿£gÞ‘¿£g'"‘¿£gØ&,‘¿£gY+‘¿£gä+‘¿£gr/,‘¿£g?1‘¿£g)[#...# ##..##.# †....#...###...##.# .....#...#...#.##.# .....#...#.###.##)# ....##.........##.# ....##.....######.# ....###..########.####### ##### ....#....#......# #)..# ###.>....#......@.####### #...# 20.2 (2########........# ... #........# #+# #..# #.###........##### ##.##............# #.##############.# ##.# ##.###.# ##...#‘¿£g^4‘¿£g'h’¿£g¬Ÿ3’¿£g™¡’¿£gK§’¿£g5ª’¿£gr®,’¿£gõ®’¿£gn³,’¿£g¿£gÕ¶’¿£gñž,’¿£g º’¿£g¬»’¿£gŸ’¿£g‚Ÿ’¿£g쟒¿£gØä##########.##.# .#...# ##..##.# #...###...##.# #.# #...#.###.##)# ##.....# ##.....######.# ###..########.####### ##### ....#..........@...# #)..# 4.2 (4 >....#........####### #...# ######........# ... #........# #+##........# #.###........##### ##.##............# #.##############.# ##.##.# ##.##“¿£g­ˆ“¿£g—‰“¿£gˊ“¿£g“¿£gû‘“¿£gw’“¿£g’–,“¿£g—“¿£gf—“¿£gk˜“¿£g š“¿£gj“¿£gž“¿£g͞“¿£g Ž.##.# .# ##..##.# .###...##.# .#...#.##.# .#.###.##)# ..##.# ....######.# ..########.####### ##### ..#...# #)..# 7.2 (3 ..#........####### #...# ........# ... #.... “¿£g$µ“¿£g¿£gŽœ”¿£gèQ È#.##.#.# ##..##.#.###...##.#.#...#.##.#.#.###.##)#.##.#.######.# #..#.# #####.#...@.# #)..#.#..# #...##.# ...  #.# #+#  #.# #.##  #.##### ##.#  #.# #.##  #.# ##.#  #.# ##.##”¿£gRŠ W8.2 (1”¿£gu¹ ”¿£gÚåŽ.##.# # 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A wall consisting of simple rock. It can be dug through. “I know not whether Laws be right,Or whether Laws be wrong;  All that we know who lie in gaolIs that the wall is strong;  And that each day is like a year,A year whose days are long.”-Oscar Wilde, “The Ballad of Reading Gaol”. 1898.š¿£gP?š¿£g@L$#######.##.#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ..# ##..##.#Mummy ..###...##.#Health: 25/25 ======================== ..#...#.##.#Magic: 7/7======================== ..#.###.##)#š¿£gÇL¹AC: 4Str: 13 ........##.#EV: 10Int: 14 ....######.#SH: 0Dex: 12 ..########.####### #####š¿£guMFXL:  3 Next: 87% Place: Dungeon:2 ..#.............@# #)..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1255.2 (0.0) ..#........####### #...#e) +0 hand axe ###........#...Cast: Soul Splinter#........##+##........##.###........##### ##.#š¿£g‡NF#............##.##############.###.##.# ##.## _Your Armour skill increases to level 1! _Found a scroll labelled GOMUOM MEVVY. _You now have 61 gold pieces (gained 8). _c - 3 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY (gained 1) _c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY (gained 1) _Found a hammer. Found a runed translucent door.š¿£gÎOš¿£gfXš¿£gDYš¿£gËüœ#.##.#.# ##..##.#.###...##.#.#...#.##.#.#.###.##)#.##.#.######.# #..#.# #####.#.# #)..#.#š¿£g\ý..# #...##.# ...  #.# #+# š¿£gÞýë #.# #.##  #.##### ##.#  #.# #.##  #.# ##.#  #.# ##.##š¿£gÑš¿£g +6.2 (1š¿£gZš¿£g¢š¿£gÚu ç.##.# # ##..##.# ###...##.# #...#.##.# #.###.##)# ##.# ######.# ..#.# ##### #.# #)..# #..# #...# .# ... 7š¿£g@` i#.##.#.# ##..##.#.###...##.#.#...#.##.#.#.###.##)#.##.#.######.# #..#.# #####.#.# #)..#.#..# #...##.# ...  #.#š¿£ga ; #+#  #.# #.##  #.##### ##.#  #.# #.##  #.# ##.#  #.# ##.##š¿£g p R8š¿£gs š¿£gœ( Ž.##.# # ##..##.# ###...##.# #...#.##.# #.###.##)# ##.# ######.# ..#.# ##### #.# #)..# #..# #...# .# ... š¿£g~, R9š¿£g»E š¿£g á#.##.#.# ##..##.#.###...##.#.#...#.##.#.#.###.##)#.##.#.######.# #..#.# #####.#.# #)..#.#..# #...##.# ...  #.# #+#  #.# #.##  #.##### ##.#  #.# #.##  #.# ##.#  #.# ##.##60š¿£gۏ š¿£g,š š¿£g_‹.##.# # ##..##.# ###...##.# #...#.##.# #.###.##)# ##.# ######.# š¿£gÑË..#.# ##### #.# #)..# #..# 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È¿£g[× .70.0 (1.8È¿£gùÝ È¿£gœ) } _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.Ê¿£g'ö #####...<#..#>##.Ê¿£gwýÊ¿£gŠ,10Ê¿£gÊ¿£g  Ê¿£gb 5_Found a stone staircase leading down.Ê¿£g‹7 #####...<.#.#.# #.Ê¿£gµ Ê¿£gÇ &2Ê¿£gmÊ¿£g*Ê¿£g— #####...<.##......####....... ##..#..>##. .#..# #.!..Ê¿£g¢ Ê¿£g0Š &3Ê¿£gŽ« Ê¿£g T _Found a bubbling clear potion.Ê¿£g˜ ï #####...<.#...#....####...#..#.# #.4Ê¿£gû Ê¿£gE Ì¿£gÑàM ##### #...# #...# #...# #.<.# #...# ##...# #....# #.@..# #......# ....####...# ...... ##..#.>##. .#...# #.!. ##.Ì¿£g^ùY5Ì¿£gsM ...<.#.##..#.......####...#....... ##..#.#..6Ì¿£g³NÌ¿£g‚aÌ¿£g[! ï #...# #...# #...# #.<.# #...# ##...# #....# #....### #@.....#.####...#.# ##..#.>##.# .#.# #.. !.. ###....Ì¿£gÈ% &7Ì¿£gi+ Ì¿£gl- Ì¿£gÇÑ  <.###....#####..##.............@####...# ##..#>##.# #...Ì¿£g×Ù Ì¿£g5Þ &8Ì¿£g‘ã Ì¿£g*æ Í¿£ggÜÈ <.##### #....#Í¿£g°ìx.....######..##......#........####...# ##..#>##.# .# #.. !... ####...9Í¿£g‚ùÍ¿£gHÙ¯ <..###...##### #....#....# #....######..##..............####...# ##..#....>##@# ....# #......# !.... ######..# Í¿£gFöZ80Í¿£g¿ïœ .##...#### #.......# #....######..##..............####...#........# ##..#....>##.###### Í¿£g/ð# #@.....# ! ######..#  Í¿£g£ùÍ¿£g}ü&1Í¿£gäÍ¿£g-Í¿£g‰ Ó#...# ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......# ........####...# ........# ##..# Í¿£g5Š ....>##.###### .# ....# #.@....# ! .... ######..# ... 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The ball python barely misses you.The ball python bites you but does no damage.Ï¿£gÞá .-2Ï¿£gÛç Ï¿£g•ø Y _The ball python closely misses you.Ï¿£gæ w###..##..............####...# ##..#>##.###### .### #......## !Ï¿£ggí € ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##..S.... ##@. ## <.#####-3Ï¿£g!ú œ _The ball python barely misses you. The ball python closely misses you.п£gÐno###..##......# .####...# .# ##..# ....>##.###### .## ....# #......##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.##### .. ##..S....# ##.@....# ##.....# #.....# ###...<.# ##п£g%ÀR  The ball python bites you but does no damage.п£gsÙ&4п£gŒùп£g[úY _The ball python closely misses you.п£gªZ à  You barely miss the ball python. The ball python barely misses you. x2  The ball python bites you but does no damage.п£gŽ] @3-- 0 п£gÕ] _5.3 (1.3Constr п£g!e п£gk~ z _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.п£g¡ý €  You barely miss the ball python. The ball python bites you.п£gB f19------6.6п£gz. п£gƒ1 _ _The ball python constricts you.п£g/$   The ball python constricts you.  You hit the ball python.  The ball python is moderately wounded.  bites you but does no damage.  The ball python constricts you.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.п£g~& d8-----7.9п£gN. п£g_0 _ _The ball python constricts you.Ñ¿£guBa  You hit the ball python..10 99.2Soul Splinter _You kill the ball python!Ñ¿£gGM....# #....## ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.###### .## #......##.!. ######..##.# .Ñ¿£gu-##..#.#### ..##.##.##.....########Ñ¿£gŸÑ¿£gO“9=-4000Ñ¿£gTyM####  ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# .##..#@##### ..##...##.##.....##.....#Ñ¿£g-~Ñ¿£g‚@-1Ñ¿£gÞÑ¿£gfÉiM ## ####  ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##@# .##..#.##### ..##.......###......#.###...<.#Ñ¿£g°ÔÑ¿£gŽ×&2Ñ¿£g,ÝÑ¿£gßÑ¿£gN4 ŽM  ## #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.. ######..##.# .##..#.#### ..##.......##........##.....#3 _You see here a bubbling clear potion.Ñ¿£g9˜ QÒ¿£gøç1 # #### #. ....# #....### ###..##......## ........####...# ##..#>##.#######.### #......##.! ######..## ##..#.#####  ##.......#........##.....##...<.#Ò¿£gôíÒ¿£g¯ðy20==4 _Ò¿£gXöÒ¿£g”øÒ¿£g®l3 Ò¿£gmæ#### #. ....### ###..##......## ........####...# ##..#>##.#######.### #......##.! ######..##. ##..#@#####  ##.......# ##......#.###...<.##.....#Ò¿£gŒuÒ¿£g‰x&5Ò¿£gX€Ò¿£g²Õ* ....### ###..##......## ........####...# ##..#>##.#######.### #......##.! ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##..@....# ##.. ###.....########Ò¿£gûÞ&6Ò¿£g§çÒ¿£gpéÒ¿£gzMþ ###..##......## ........####...# ##..#>##.#######.### #......##.! ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##....... ## ## #######7Ò¿£g©žÒ¿£gÕï  ........####...# ##..#>##.#######.### #......##.! ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##....... ##.. ## 1==8Ò¿£gí/ ë  ##..#>##.#######.### #......##.! ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##....... ##.. ## Ò¿£g,7 Ò¿£g< &9Ò¿£gn Ó¿£g¡† >##.#######.### #......##.! ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##....... ##.. ## <Ó¿£g}§S10Ó¿£gmÓÓ¿£g¡0 # #......##.! ######..##. ##..#.#####  ##....... ##.. ## <.Ó¿£gä8Ó¿£gE;&1Ó¿£g…SÓ¿£gä›M>##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# .##..#.#### ..##...##.#.<#.....#Ó¿£g¬íÓ¿£gšðq2==2Ó¿£gñöÓ¿£g€ûÓ¿£gæÑ|M....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# .##..#.#### ..##...##.#.#...<.#Ó¿£gÀéÓ¿£gµø<3Ó¿£gR Ó¿£gs ±M###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# .##..#.#### ..##...##.##.....#Ó¿£güš Ó¿£gÞÁ C4Ó¿£gÏý WM###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# .##..#.#### ..##...##.##.....#5Ô¿£gó{ ###..##......##  .####...#  .# ##..#  ....>##.#######.##  ....# #......##.!#  .... ######..##.#  ... ##..#.#####  .. ##.......# ##@.....# ##.....# #.....# #.....# #.....# #...<.# #.....# #######Ô¿£g_%Ô¿£gI*q3==6Ô¿£g=DÔ¿£gö<4Ô¿£g ?Ô¿£gAÔ¿£g("Ô¿£g;&Ô¿£gÜ+Ô¿£gì/Ô¿£gK\ M....# #....###  ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# .##..#.####..##.@.##.###.....#######Ô¿£g}Y7Ô¿£gl Ê ....# #....### ###..##......## .####...# .# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #......##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.##### .. ##@......# ##......# ##.....#  #.....# #.....# #.....# #...<.# #.....#  #Ô¿£gÒ &8Ô¿£gå% Ô¿£glð aM####  ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!#. ######..##.# .##.@#.#####..##...##.##.....#.....#9Õ¿£gçÕ¿£gêÕ¿£gðÕ¿£g”òÕ¿£g‰ÈQÕ¿£g$‘Õ¿£g33 #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## .####...# .# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #......##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##@.#.##### .. ##.......# ##......# ##.....# #.....# #.....# #.....# #...<.#  #.....#4==20Õ¿£g×)M ######  ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #......##.!. ######.@##.# .##..#.####..##.......##......#..<.Õ¿£gª*Õ¿£gP/&1Õ¿£gç2Õ¿£gþ4Õ¿£gžìc ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## .####...# Õ¿£gí¡.# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #......##.!# .... ######@.##.# ... ##..#.##### ..Õ¿£gPí  ##.......# ##......# ##Õ¿£g†íw.# #.# #..#Õ¿£gµí’ #...#  #...<.#Õ¿£g§÷Õ¿£gëø&2Õ¿£gÒÿÕ¿£g Õ¿£geª °M  ######  ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ....# ##..# >##.#######.## #.....@##.!. ######..##.# .##..#.####..##.......#....Õ¿£gŽ³ <3Õ¿£gع Õ¿£g Œ Õ¿£g4" @ #...# ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## .####...# .# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #....@.##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.#####  .. ##.......# ##......# ##..# #.....# #.....#  #.....#Õ¿£gÃ% u=4Õ¿£gî Õ¿£g‹ Õ¿£g– Õ¿£g/˜ Ö¿£gÇ  #...# ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## .####...# .# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #...@..##.!#Ö¿£g‡Æ .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.##### .. ##.......# ##...#Ö¿£g ##.....# #.....# #.....#  #.....#Ö¿£g(Ö¿£g)55=Ö¿£g<)5Ö¿£g/Ö¿£g¬1Ö¿£gqŽÖ¿£g0Ö¿£g+¬Ö¿£g—2' #...# ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ........####...# ........# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #..@...##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.##### .. ##.......# ##......# ##.....# #.....#  #.....#  #.....#Ö¿£gÞWÖ¿£g#Y&6Ö¿£gælÖ¿£gàÊ #...# ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ........####...# ........# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #.@....##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.#####  .. ##.#  ##......#  ##.....#  #.....#  #.....#  #.....#7Ö¿£g?q Í #...# ##...# #### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ........####...# ........# ##..# ....>##.#######.## ....# #@.....##.!# .... ######..##.# ... ##..#.#####  .. ##.#  ##......#  ##.....#  #.....#  #.....#  #.....#8Ö¿£gÚ« Ö¿£gfä ;Ö¿£gÅåÖ¿£gß;׿£gOXM< #... ##..#### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ........####...# ........# ##..# >##@#######.## #......##.!. ######..##.# ...##..#.#####׿£gÚX=9׿£gQ:׿£g6;׿£gRÝpM.<.# #...# ##...##### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# .......@# ##..# ....>##.#######.#....# #......##.!.... ######..##.#׿£g¹üZ30׿£g±odM.< # ##...##### #....# ....# #....### ###..##......## ###...# ׿£gXp•....# ##..# .>##.#######.#....# #......##.!#..#...׿£gy׿£gûÇC1׿£gœ%  #...# #...# #.<.# #...# ##...#.#### #....# ....# #....####..##......##.####...#.# ##..#.>##.#######.##.# #......##.!#.. ######..##.#.. ##..#.#####.. ##.#... ##......#  ##.....#2׿£g‘×â #...# #...# #.<.# #...# ##...#.#### #....# ....# #....####..##......##.####...#.# ##..#.>##.#######.##.# #......##.!#. ######..##.#.. ##..#.##### .. ##.# .. ##......#  ##.....# ׿£gßß׿£g‘ã&3׿£gzé׿£gÈØ¿£gµ€³ #...# #...# #.<.# #...# ##...# ..#### #....# ....###....####..##......###.####...#.# ##..#.>##.#######.###......###......##.!##...... ######..##.##...... ##..#.#...... ##.#...... ##...... ##.....4Ø¿£g²¶ <..###...#..#### #....# ....###....#########..##......##..........####...#. ##..#>##.#######.######......##.!###...)..#..... Ø¿£gýØ¿£g™&5Ø¿£gºØ¿£g˜# _Found a club.Ø¿£gÍu #...# #.<.# #...# ##...# ..##### #....# ....###....### ######..##......###.####...#.# ##..##.>##.#######.###......###......##.!# #......# ######..##.# #......# ##..#. #......# ## #......# ## #...)..# ## #Ø¿£gÀ×Ø¿£g;Ý&6Ø¿£gêãØ¿£gDçØ¿£g Ž #...# #.<.# #...# ##...# ..##### #....# ....###....### ######..##......##.##.####...#Ø¿£gu Ê.# ##..##.>##.#######.## ##......###......##.!#  #......# ######..##.# #......# ##..#. #......# ##Ø¿£gž y #......# ##Ø¿£gÀ { #...)..# ##Ø¿£gß ? #Ø¿£gš Ø¿£g«$ &7Ø¿£gE, Ø¿£géH Ù¿£gƒg <.#..##### #... ....###....#########..##......##.##..........####...#.. ##..###>##.#######.## #####......##.!  ######..##.S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#.(S...##...Ù¿£gT“  A ball python comes into view.8Ù¿£goD; _Found 2 stones.Ù¿£gìs #.<.# #...# ##...# ..##### #....# ....###....### ######..##......###.##.####...##.# ##..# ##.>##.#.## ##......###......##.!# #......# ######..##.# #......# ##..#. #......# ## #......# ## #...)..# ## #.(S...# # #9Ù¿£g=A.#..##### #. ....###....###. ######..##......###.##..........####...#.. ##..# ##>##.#######.## #####......##.!  ######..##. ##.. ##.... ##) ##(S. ######Ù¿£güJÙ¿£g„P'40Ù¿£g=\Ù¿£g_Ù¿£gm- #...# ##...# ..##### #....#. ....###....###. ######..##......## #.##.####...# #.# ##..# ##.>##.#.Ù¿£gÙ&r ##..@...###......##.! #......# ######..##. #......# ##..#. #......# ## #......# ## #...)..# ## #.(S...# # # # #1Ù¿£gë\Ù¿£gxˆ^#..##### #.. ....####. ######..##......## #.##..........####...##... ##..# ##>##.####### #####......##.!  ######..##. ##.. ##.. ##) ##(S. ######S.S)2Soul Splinter _The ball python hisses angrily.Ù¿£gÚ=} ##...### ..##### #....#.. ....###....### ..> ######..##......## #.##.####...# #.# ##.. ##.>##.#. ##......###......##. #.@....# ######..## #......# ##..# #......# ## #..S...# ## #...)..# ## #.(....# # # # # #Ù¿£gŽ]`S.3Ù¿£gî®Q _Found a stone staircase leading down.Ù¿£g~Ž G## ..##### #.... ....#### ..> ######..##......## #.##..........####...##... ##..Ù¿£g) > ##>##.####### #####......  ######..## ##..S ##... ##) ##(.. ######Ù¿£gš¶ þ2---=4 _The ball python bites you. The ball python closely misses you.Ù¿£gRt ’ ## ..##### #....# ... ....###....### ..> ######..##......## #.##.####... #...# ## ##.>##.# ##......###......## #......# ######.. #@.....# ##.. #.S....# ## #......# ## #...)..#  #.(....# # Ù¿£g { v3=--5Ù¿£g’ ² _The ball python closely misses you. The ball python barely misses you.Ù¿£glr ... ....#### ..> ######....## #.##..........####..... ## ##>##.####### #####......  ######.. ##..S ##. ##) (..######6Ù¿£gˆt • _The ball python closely misses you. The ball python misses you.Ú¿£g] ..> ######....## #.##..........####..... ## ##>##.####### #####......  ######.. ##..S ##. ##) (.. ######   The ball python barely misses you.The ball python bites you but does no damage.2- 0 7Constr  _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.Ú¿£g5^  The ball python's grasp on you weakens, but your attempt to escape fails.0---8 _The ball python bites you. The ball python constricts you.Ú¿£g¢œ%..> ######..##......## #.##.####...##...# ##.##.>##.#.##......###......##.#......# ######..##......# ##..##.S....# ##.#.@....# ##.#...)..# ##.(....# ## #####Ú¿£g:¢=10 -9Ú¿£g«§Ú¿£g]ª9 _You escape the ball python's grasp.Ú¿£g#  You hit the ball python.  The ball python is moderately wounded.The ball python bites you but does no damage.-- 0 =50.5 (1.3Constr  _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.Ú¿£gX~ b grab  You closely miss the ball python.The ball python constricts you.  bites you but does no damage.16----1.8Ú¿£g/„ _ _The ball python constricts you.Ú¿£gu– =  You hit the ball python.Ú¿£g=­ 1.Ú¿£g· ‚10 913.0 (1.2Soul SplinterÚ¿£gtä e _You kill the ball python!Ú¿£geçoM... ....#### ..> ######..##......## #####...##......# ##.##.>##.########......##.######..###..###..##...)##.(....##Ú¿£g#ù7=----40Ú¿£gÀúÚ¿£gZÛ¿£gŸ¹M## ..#####  ... ....###....### ..> ######..##......## .#####...##......# ##.##.>##.########......##.######..###..###..##.#...)..###Û¿£gº@-5Û¿£gÛ¿£gœ!Û¿£gØ M #### ..#####  ... ....###....### Û¿£gT#y..> ######..##......## #.#####...##......# ##.##.>##.########......##.######..###..###.#......###.Û¿£gÀS&6Û¿£g'XÛ¿£g ZÛ¿£g(àéM  #### ..#####  ... ....###....### ..> ######..##......## #.#####...##......# ##.##.>##.########......##.######..###..##......###..7Û¿£g]åÛ¿£gPçÛ¿£gÅ< ¯M<  #### ..#####  ... ....###....### ..> ######..##......## #####...##......# ##.##.>##.########......##.######..##......###..#########Û¿£g|? t18==8Û¿£ghF Û¿£gFP Û¿£gÈä2 #.<.# #...# ##...#### ..##### #....#... ....###....### ..> ######..##......## #.##.####... #.# ## ##.>##.# ##......###......## #......# ######.. #......# ##.. #......# ## #......# ## #...)..# Û¿£gBå° #.(....# #Û¿£gWú<9Û¿£grýÛ¿£gŒÿÜ¿£g°Ì•M.<  ##### ..#####  .... ....#### ..> ######..##......#######..#......# ##.###.>##.########......##......# ######..##.(....#Ü¿£g?"Ü¿£gk#'60Ü¿£g–,Ü¿£g—/Ü¿£gmt¡M.<  ##### ..#####  .... ....###....### ..> ######..##......###.#####........# ##.###.>##.#######......###......###...)..# Ü¿£g@¢Y1Ü¿£g—šQÜ¿£gÍ~ QÜ¿£g’kc <.#### ..##### #..... ....#### ..> ######..##......## #.##..........####...#... ####>##.####### #####......#...)..##.(....#9==2Ü¿£g>rÝ¿£gQ¿Q #...# #.<.# #...# ##...##### ..##### #....# .... ....###....### ..> ######..##...... #.##.#### #.# ## ###.>##. ##......###...... #......# ######.. #......# ## #......# ## #......#  #...)..#  #.(....#Ý¿£g÷<3Ý¿£gŽÝ¿£gå Ý¿£gr˜u #...# #.<.#Ý¿£gE²## #...##l ##...# #####. ..##### #....# ..... ....###.... ..> ######..##...... #.##.#### #.#  ###.>##. ##......###...... #......# ###### #......# ## #......# # l   frilled lizard (asleep) #......# #...)..#  #.(....#.ll4Soul SplinterÝ¿£g5íÝ¿£gea _A frilled lizard comes into view.Ý¿£g“Î #...#. #.<.# ##. #...# #.. ##...# #####l# ..##### #....# .....# ....###.... ..>#######..## #.##.#### #.#  ###.>##. ##......### #......# ###### #......#  #......#  #.....# #...)..#  #.(....#.l5Ý¿£g,Ý¿£gÑb #.. <#  #.. ##..#####.# ..##### .......l# ....##.......>#######..##.....##.....###......# ###.>##.######.##.......#####..#.......).l20==6Ý¿£g?Ì B  You slash the frilled lizard!Ý¿£g‹Õ C>Ý¿£gâí t2=7.3 (1.3Soul SplinterÝ¿£g7 h _You kill the frilled lizard!Þ¿£gšA!M ..#.. ..<#  #.. ##Þ¿£gB<#####.# ..##### .# ....##.......@#######..##.........###.##.....###..............# ###.......>##.####Þ¿£geBG.............Þ¿£gçU`-80Þ¿£ga°  There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You see here a frilled lizard corpse.Þ¿£g¡>çM###.. ...#... ..#<#..  #.. #######.# ..#####  ....##...>#######..##........###.#####... #.............#..#.......-9 _Þ¿£güOÞ¿£gèx ƒ  .... #... ... #... #.. #... ..# #.<. ##..# #... #... ##....#####.# ..##### #....o.# ....###.....>#######..##.###.##.. #...#.. ###.......>##... ##......###o   orc (asleep)# #......#  #......#  #......#Þ¿£g¬ 1==70 _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.Þ¿£g²R   .... # ... # #.. #Þ¿£gS  ..# #.< ##..# #. #... ###...#####.# ..##### #.oÞ¿£g=S ö.# ....###.>#######..##.###.##Þ¿£g]S c... #....#Þ¿£g{S ø.. ###.......>##.... ##......###Þ¿£gžS —.### #......# Þ¿£gœS q #......#  #......#Þ¿£gØS Þ¿£gᗠÞ¿£g>š _.ooÞ¿£g©¬ D==1Soul SplinterÞ¿£gGž Þ¿£gÉÄ % _The orc shouts!ß¿£g:£€  .... # ... # #.. # ..# #.. ##..# #.. #... ##.#...#####.# ..##### #.o.# ....###.>#######..##.###.##.. #....#.. ###.......>##..# ##......####.###. #......# #. #. #......#  #......#ß¿£gVŠß¿£g€Íz.o--2ß¿£g0äß¿£g€êß¿£g…Cß¿£gXã  .... # ... ## #.. #..# ..# ##... ##..# ##.... #... ###.#...#####.# ..##### ##....o.@....# ....####.>#######..###.###.##.#.# #....#.# ###.......>##.#......## ##......####.###. #......#  #. #. #......#  #......#.oß¿£g€|:--3ß¿£gÍà¿£gR¯ # Wolftag123 the Grave Robber .... # Mummy ... # Health: 21/25 ====================---- # #.. # Magic: 6/7====================---- ..# ..# # AC: 4Str: 13 #... ##..# # EV: 10Int: 14 #.... #... ## SH: 0Dex: 12 #.#...#####.# ..##### #. XL:  3 Next: 92% Place: Dungeon:3 #.....o@....# ....###. Noise: ---------  Time: 1473.3 (0.0) #..........>#######..##. e) +0 hand axe #.......###.##.......... Cast: à¿£g'°Soul Splinter #.......# #............. #.......# ###.......>##. #......## ##......###. o   orc ##.###. #......# ## #. #. #......#  #......# _The orc shouts!  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club and wearing a +0 ring mail (chance to affect:  67%)à¿£gk † #o@à¿£gü o..#o@á¿£g¹=..á¿£g?¹.o, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club and wearing a +0 ring mail (chance to affect:  67%)á¿£gÄæ ý # Wolftag123 the Grave Robber .... # Mummy ... # Health: 21/25 ====================---- # #.. # Magic: 6/7====================---- ..# ..# # AC: 4Str: 13 á¿£gêç ²#... ##..# # EV: 10Int: 14 #.... #... ## SH: 0Dex: 12 #.#...#####.# ..##### #. XL:  3 Next: 92% Place: Dungeon:3 #.....o@....# ....###. Noise: ---------  Time: 1473.3 (0.0) #..........>#######..##. e) +0 hand axe #.......###.##.......... Cast: Soul Splinter #.......# #............. #.......# ###.......>##. #......## ##......###. o   orc á¿£g'è [##.###. #......# ## #. #. #......#  #......# á¿£gUè OAiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleá¿£g…è žShift-Dir - straight line, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club and wearing a +0 ring mail (chance to affect:  67%)  á¿£gÒè <You feel a surge of power! You miscast Soul Splinter.á¿£gUó /  --more--â¿£g•Yã  ....  ...  # #..  ..# ..#  #... ##..#  #.... #...  #.   #.  #. #. #. #... #. ###.......> #.  ##.###.   #. #.    You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.  Nothing appears to happen.0-=4.3 (1Contam â¿£gºŒD _The orc hits you with a +0 club.ä¿£g` ú19--5.6 (1.3 _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 club.å¿£g?óÕ6.9 _You barely miss the orc. The orc barely misses you.å¿£g€Óå¿£gÛáô8.2 _You barely miss the orc. The orc misses you. The orc closely misses you.å¿£gùm20=9.5å¿£gŽ%š _You hit the orc but do no damage. The orc barely misses you.å¿£g¢ ã  You hit the orc.  The orc is moderately wounded.The orc closely misses you.å¿£gf€ 180.8å¿£gK¬ å¿£gY± K _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.å¿£g#ö ‚  You hit the orc.  The orc is heavily wounded.å¿£gÊü (2.1å¿£gg å¿£gœ< Œ _The orc barely misses you. The orc closely misses you.å¿£gNœ€  You closely miss the orc.The orc is heavily wounded.1==7====3.3 (1.2 _The orc barely misses you.æ¿£gˆ™  You hit the orc.  The orc is almost dead.18---4.5æ¿£gØL _The orc hits you with a +0 club.æ¿£g¶ÌÆ  You hit the orc but do no damage.The orc is almost dead.5.8 (1.3æ¿£gÜÜf _The orc barely misses you.æ¿£gÈ)‘  You closely miss the orc.The orc is almost dead.æ¿£gÑ+A9=--æ¿£gC/!7.1æ¿£guOæ¿£gfWu _The orc hits you but does no damage. The orc barely misses you.æ¿£gwœ™  You hit the orc but do no damage.The orc is almost dead.æ¿£gçÍc====8.4 æ¿£gGÕJ_The orc barely misses you.æ¿£g‰  æ¿£g·‹ » You hit the orc but do no damage.The orc is almost dead.9.7æ¿£g1‘ æ¿£g‹ Q _The orc closely misses you.æ¿£gÏ ƒ  You hit the orc but do no damage.The orc is almost dead.æ¿£gÔw17--91.0æ¿£gjæ¿£gZq _The orc barely misses you. The orc hits you with a +0 club.ç¿£gX)W  You hit the orc.)--82.3Soul Splinter _You kill the orc!ç¿£gÚV:.. .... #. ... # #.# #..ç¿£gjW- .#.. ..#  #....# ##..#  #..... #...  #.#...#####.# ..##### # #.....@.....# ....### #.>#######..##ç¿£gÎW" #.###.## #.# #.. #.# ###.......>## #......## ##......###ç¿£gqXˆ ##.###.# #......#  #. #.# #......#  #......#ç¿£g:‚Ì-30  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a +0 ring mailç¿£gŒ8  .. ....# #. ...#.#.# #.. ...#.. ..# #....## ##..# #.....# #...  #.#...#####.# ..#####  #....@).....# .... #.>#######.. #.###.## #.# # #.# ###.> #......## ##...... ##.###.# #......# #. #.# #......#  #......#-ç¿£g: >[39;49m4 _è¿£gW i ......# # ###.#.##..  ...#....# #....## ##.# #... #...#####.# ..#####....).....# ....##.....>#######..###.##........ #...#. .##......#è¿£gm18=5è¿£gs,è¿£gŽ.è¿£gÏ¡» # # ###.#.##..  ...#....# #....## ##.....# #... #...#####.# ..#####....).....# ....##.....>#######..###.##........ #...##>#.###...)..#è¿£g«£è¿£g—©&6è¿£gÒ°è¿£g³è¿£gh> ###.#.##..  ...#....# #....## ###.....# #... .#...#####.# ..#####....).....# ....##.....>#######..###.##........è¿£gëhä #...##>### ####.(....#è¿£gÿ‚è¿£g‡–&7è¿£gdªè¿£g,±è¿£góÓ  ...#....# #....## ##.# #... #...#####.# ..#####è¿£g]ôU....).....# ....##.....>#######..###.##........ #...##>### ####.###.#  .#########è¿£gh Y8è¿£gÞÿ V  #....## ##.# #... #...#####.# ..#####....).....# ....##.....>#######..###.##........ #...##>### ####.###.#   #. #9==9è¿£g M...#.. ## ##..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##### ).....# ....#...>#######..###.##.....# ###.>è¿£gp0......## ####.####. #.# #......#è¿£gÈè¿£g9(500è¿£gèé¿£gµÚM###.#.##.....#.. ## ##..#é¿£gŽµ‚....# #... #...#####.# ..##### ).....# ....#...>#######..###.##.....# ###.>......## ####.###.# #......#.#é¿£g§Âé¿£gÒ&1é¿£gIÖé¿£g°Ûé¿£gCN“M # #.  ...###.#.##.....#.. #....## ##..#.....# #... #...#####.# ..##### ).....# ....#...>#######..###.##.....# ###.>#......## ##......##é¿£g"Oé¿£g»T&2é¿£gw•é¿£g§µ M .. # #.  ...###.#.##.....#.. ....## ##..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##### ).....# ....#...>#######..###.##....#.......# ###.......>#.##é¿£gbÂX=3é¿£gRÈé¿£gš   .. .... #.#. . ... ###.#.#. #.. ...#... ..# #....## ##..# #.....# #... #.#...#####.# ..##### #.....).....# .... #.>#.. #.###.## #.# # #.# ###.> #......## ##...... ##.###.# #......#  #. #.# #......#é¿£gx¡ c  #. .# #......#  ## #......# é¿£gœ× ˆ20=4é¿£gÞ@ HM .. .#. #.#.  ...###.#.##.....#... ....## ##..##.....# #... #...#####.# ..####).....# ....#...>#########.###.......# #..........#. .#é¿£gÜL é¿£gèQ &5é¿£g›d é¿£gf é¿£gå“# ....#. .... #.#.... ... ###.#.#.. #.. ...#... ..# #....## ##..# #.....# #... #.#...#####.# .. #..@..).....# .... #.># #.###.## #.# # #.# ###. #......## ##...... ##.###.# #...... #. #.# #...... #. [é¿£g/•i34m.# #......é¿£gðèC6ê¿£g…”M ..###..<  ....#... #.#..... ...###.#.#.. #.....#... ....## ##..#....# #... #.#@..#####.# ..####).....# ......>########.......###.##......#. #.#ê¿£g#³ê¿£g¯µp7 _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.ê¿£g ê¿£g- ê¿£gÔê¿£gêê¿£gŸ>M ... ..###..<. # ....#.... .... #.#...... .....###.#.#... #......#...# ## ##..##..@..# #... #...#####.# ..####.....).....# ...#..........>#######.##.###.#1==8ê¿£gÓÌê¿£gçÈ MS.l#  .. ..###..<. # ....#.... .... #.#........ .....###.#.#...# #........#...# ## ##..#....# #... .#...#####.# ..#####.....).....# ....#...##S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#l   frilled lizard (asleep)#......##ê¿£g£ß %  ê¿£g0à \A ball python and a frilled lizard come into view.ê¿£g¢÷ ê¿£giZ E.S.ê¿£g‹q ôlSwandering)l9 _The frilled lizard hisses angrily.ê¿£g‰.þ... .S.# ...l# .. ..###..<.  ....#. #.#........ .....###.#.#...# #........#@..# ## ##..#....# #... #...#####.# ..####ê¿£g,/$.....).....# ...#...>########.##.###...# ###.ê¿£gX3ê¿£g'5ê¿£g'>X.S.lê¿£gg>ê¿£gö@<10Soul Splinterë¿£gÃë¿£gZÞ#..:#.. .....# ....S.# ... ..l###..<.  ....#. #.#........ ...###.#@#...# #........#...# #....## ##..##.....# #...#...#####.# ..####).....# .......>########.##.##..  Found a book of Minor Magic...SlS)=1ë¿£g)áë¿£gbð5 _The ball python hisses angrily.ë¿£gŒ] xM..#.:# ###. ........# ....J....###..<. #.Sl..#. #.#@....... ...###.#.#...### #........#...#.... #....## ####..#.#J   endoplasm (wandering)##.......#ë¿£gŸf ^  An endoplasm comes into view.ë¿£gg >The endoplasm quivers.ë¿£g5t [.JJë¿£gØv T0-2ë¿£g߁ ë¿£g† w _The frilled lizard closely misses you. The ball python bites you.ë¿£g0Ì  You closely miss the frilled lizard. You barely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you. The ball python closely misses you.ë¿£g›è+.Jë¿£gíég19--3.6 (1.3ë¿£g¶øì¿£gµ‰F _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.ì¿£gÖlÍ  You barely miss the frilled lizard.You hit the ball python but do no damage.The ball python bites you but does no damage.ì¿£g›«õ .S   ball python (constriction)l   frilled lizard  The ball python closely misses you. The frilled lizard closely misses you.The ball python barely misses you. The ball python grabs you.ì¿£g2Ö“ 0 4.9Constr ì¿£g·éI _The ball python constricts you.ì¿£g*êì¿£gß  You miss the frilled lizard. You hit the ball python.  The frilled lizard bites you. The ball python bites you.  The ball python constricts you.  The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.16----6.1 (1.2 _The ball python constricts you.ì¿£gIâz  You miss the frilled lizard. You hit the ball python.ì¿£gëå^  You kill the ball python!ì¿£g"ð~JJ   endoplasmì¿£gŠðì¿£g:ûWolftag123 the Grave Robber..#...#Mummy#..:..#Health: 16/25 ===============---------#.....#Magic: 7/7ì¿£geü========================###.....# ..AC: 4Str: 13........# ...EV: 10Int: 14......###..<.SH: 0Dex: 12#.Jl..#.... ....XL:  3 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:3#.#@....... ...Noise: =--------  Time: 1517.4 (1.3)..###.#.#...### #..e) +0 hand axe......#...#.... ..#Cast: Soul Splinter#....## ####..##.....# #...#.#...#####.# ..#### J   endoplasm#.....).....# .... l  [39;4ì¿£gêü79m frilled lizard#..........>#######.#.......###.##......The ball python constricts you.The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.  The ball python bites you but does no damage. _The ball python constricts you.You miss the frilled lizard. You hit the ball python.  You kill the ball python!ì¿£gŒÿ _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.  You have reached level 4!ì¿£gy   ì¿£gP9(--more--î¿£gKúY20/319/94 0% î¿£g˜J _ï¿£g¯ø  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ..#...# Mummy #..:..# Health: 20/31 ===============--------- #.....# Magic: 8/9=====================--- ###.....# ..  AC: 4Str: 13 ........# ...  EV: 10Int: 14 ......###..<.  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.Jl..#.... ....  XL:  4 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:3 #.#@....... ...  Noise: =--------  Time: 1517.4 (0.0) ..###.#.#...### #..  e) +0 hand axe[11;ï¿£gÜc9H ......#...#.... ..#  Cast: Soul Splinter #....## ####..#  #.....# #...  #.#...#####.# ..#### J   endoplasm #.....).....# .... l   frilled lizard #..........>#######. #.......###.##...... _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage. _You have reached level 4!Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (chance to affect: 67%)ï¿£g_Ñ… J***ï¿£gõy:*..ï¿£g‰-*.ï¿£gJ, 6*.ï¿£gjH ¢l., f - frilled lizardAim: a frilled lizard (chance to affect: 67%)ï¿£gÈè pJlendoplasmn endoplasmð¿£gŠyOWolftag123 the Grave Robber..#...#Mummy#..:..#Health: 20/31 ===============---------#.....#Magic: 8/9=====================---###.....# ..AC: 4Str: 13........# ...EV: 10Int: 14......###..<.SH: 0Dex: 12#.*l..#.... ....XL:  4 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:3#.#@....... ...Noise: =--------  Time: 1517.4 (0.0)ð¿£gšŠ»..###.#.#...### #..e) +0 hand axe......#...#.... ..#Cast: Soul Splinter#....## ####..##.....# #...#.#...#####.# ..#### J   endoplasm#.....).....# .... l   frilled lizard#..........>#######.#.......###.##...... _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage. _You have reached level 4!Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 4% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (chance to affect: 67%)ð¿£gs]D (weak, ally target, soul-sp
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the endoplasm's soul is dislodged from its body.ð¿£g˜M  --more--ð¿£g›’ f *J  The endoplasm looks weaker.  The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.  The endoplasm freezes you.  You are frozen. You resist.8.4 (1ð¿£g;š F _Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm but does no damage.ñ¿£g€—ñ¿£g4Ÿ˜..#...##..:.###....... ...*..###..<. #.Jl..#.... ....#.#.... ..###.#@#...### #.. ....#...#.... ..# #....## ####.....# #...#.#...#####.# ..#####.....).....# ....#..........>#######.###.##..... #...ñ¿£gäŸñ¿£ge£JThe frilled lizard attacks as it pursues you!ñ¿£gû£ñ¿£gu®".ñ¿£g ¯Z*Jlñ¿£gÙ¯ñ¿£g+°9ñ¿£gÑÔq _The frilled lizard barely misses you.ñ¿£gÖà#..:#...###............ ......###..<. #.*J..#.... ....#l... ..###.#.#...### #.. ....#@..#.... ..# #....## #####.....# #... #.#...#####.# ..####....).....# .........>#######.###.##.....#. #...##ñ¿£gÿñ¿£gn ñ¿£gS5ñ¿£g'Dz..*Jlñ¿£g He1=-20ñ¿£gvgñ¿£gKM Ö.###............ ......###..< #.....#.... ....#*J.. .J###.#l#...### #.. ......#...#.... ..# #..@.## ####.# #... #...#####.# ..####....).....# ..............>###########.##...... JJ 2 endoplasms (1 wandering, 1 weak, 1 #. #...##### ##  An endoplasm comes into view.ñ¿£gÌf ) .###.#.J...#lThe endoplasm hits your soul wisp but does no damage.  The frilled lizard attacks as it pursues you!ñ¿£g^i .=1ñ¿£gfˆ — _The frilled lizard barely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.ò¿£gß+##..ò¿£g‡0....... ò¿£g³"Ð##..< #.....#.... ....#.#*J...... ... ..###.#.#...### #.. ..J...#l..#.... ..# #....## ####.# #... #...#####.# ..####.....).....# ....#..........>#######.###.##.....# #...##### ###.###.# ò¿£g/Bò¿£gî7.J.J..#.lò¿£g‰9.-2ò¿£gŠJQ _Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.ò¿£gò  ###.....# .. ........# ... ......###..<. #.....#.... .... #.#*....... ... ..###.#J#...### #.. ...J..#...#.... ..# #..l.## ####..# #.@...# #... #.#...#####.# .. #.....).....#  #...># #.......###.## #[3ò¿£g‡I o7m.......# # #.......# ### #......## ## ##.###.# #.*.J.#JJJ19--=3ò¿£gÉŸ ò¿£g‚Ð 3 _The frilled lizard bites you.ò¿£g í  ###.....# .. ........# ... ......###..<. #.....#.... .... #.#........ ... ..###.#*#...### #.. ....J.#J..#.... ..# #..l.## ####..# #@....# #...ò¿£g î Q #.#...#####.# .. #.....).....#  #..........> #.......###.## #.......# #JJ #.......# ### #......## ## ##.###.# #ò¿£g"ô ,ò¿£góô ò¿£gþö ¢  The endoplasm quivers.The frilled lizard attacks as it pursues you!ò¿£g}Ú...#*JJ.lJeak, 1 ally target,ò¿£g&h20=-4ò¿£gî ò¿£gúS\ _The frilled lizard closely misses you.ó¿£gCL18--  You hit  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.  You hit the endoplasm but do no damage. You closely miss the frilled lizard.The endoplasm barely misses you.The endoplasm freezes you.  You are frozen. You resist.  --more--õ¿£gˆaS  The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.õ¿£ggb-5.6 (1.2õ¿£gøpõ¿£gëu3 _Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.õ¿£gÝYou hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is almost dead.You hit the endoplasm but do no damage. You hit the frilled lizard.õ¿£gX%» 7--9===You kill the frilled lizard!õ¿£gP&mThe endoplasm freezes you.You are frozen. You resist.õ¿£gê1/  --more--ö¿£gÒ7 {  The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.  Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.ö¿£g!G ..   endoplasm*   soul wisp (summoned).ö¿£g H 036.8ö¿£gQ ö¿£gpR A _The endoplasm dies!÷¿£gΚwYou hit the endoplasm...**   soul wisp (summoned)58.0Soul Splinter÷¿£gï÷¿£g·E _You kill the endoplasm!÷¿£gQ÷çM  ###.....# .. ........###..<. ....#..#. #.#........ .......###.#.#...### #....S.....#...#.... *..## ####..#....# #... #...#####.# ..###.....).....# .....S   ball python (constriction, wandering)....#......#.S...*.Sally target)8-90Soul Splinter _A ball python comes into view.÷¿£gò@†: #.....# ###.....# ........# ........###..<.  #.....#...#. #.#........ ....###.#.#...### #.....S...@#...#.... #.#####*...## ####..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##...).....# .....>######.....###.##...# ###...S*.===-30Soul Splinter÷¿£gF÷¿£gAJ& _You swap places.ø¿£gž$€.###.....# ..........# . ......###..< #.....#.... ....#.#...... ....###.#.#...### #.. .S*.#...#.... ..##.#####@...## #### #.....# #... #...#####.# ..##....).....# ..........>#########.##.........# #...#### ##ø¿£g?-s  Your soul wisp closely misses the ball python.ø¿£gþI.=1ø¿£gVø¿£g†Zc _The ball python barely misses your soul wisp.ø¿£gâë  ##..........# . ##..< #.....#.... ....#.#..... ....###.#.#...### #.. .....S*.#...#.... ..##.#####....## #### #@....# #... #...#####.# ..##....).....# .........>######.....###.##........#......###.###.# #.....S*S   ball python (constriction)[ø¿£gÐì Ë34m*   soul wisp (summoned)-2ø¿£gØP %.... ###..< #.....#.... ....#.#.... ....###.#.#...### #.. ..S.#...#.... ..##.#####*...## #### #.....# #... #...#####.# ..##ø¿£g3Q |....).....# ..........>######....###.##.......# #.....# ##### ###.###.#  #. ø¿£g#` ” , ally target)The ball python bites your soul wisp but does no damage.ø¿£gíg n9=-3ø¿£gŸp ø¿£gßt d _Your soul wisp closely misses the ball python.ø¿£gџÞ ##..< #.....#.... ....#.#...... ....###.#.#...### #.. ..S.#...#.... ..##.#####*...## #### #.....# #... ø¿£ga ©#...#####.# ..##....).....# .......>#########.##.... #...#### ###.###.#  #.# # ø¿£gžÍ   The ball python misses your soul wisp.4 _Your soul wisp closely misses the ball python.ù¿£gÏ7S #.....#.... ....#.#.... ....###.#.#...### #.. ..S.#...#.... ..##.#####*...## #### #.....# #... #...#####.# ..##....).....# .......>#########.##.... #...#### ###.###.#  #.# #. . #ù¿£g:HÀ..S)5Soul Splinterù¿£gfù¿£gsFJ#.#.... ù¿£gÈFo....###.#.#...### #.. ....#...#.... ..##.#####....## #### #S....# #... .#...#####.# ..##....).....# .......>######ù¿£gñF–###.##.... #...#### ##ù¿£gGú#.###.#  #.# #.. .#ù¿£g5G– ## ## #...)ù¿£gxJù¿£gi‰.S6ù¿£g †....###.#.#...### #.. ....#...#.... ..##.#####....## #### #.....# #... S#...#####.# ..##.....).....# .......>#########.##.... #...#### ###.###.#  #.# #.. .# ## # #...)(..ù¿£g*F.Sù¿£g`h20==7ù¿£gØ(ù¿£g4,ú¿£gguŽ#. #.#........ ...###.#.#...### #..........#...#.... #.#####....## ####..#....# #... .#...#####.# ..##S....).....# .....>########.##...# ###.......## ###.###.# #.##.. .## ##...)ú¿£gzF.Sú¿£g¡|&8ú¿£gRŠú¿£gáÅ3 _ You hit the ball python.  The ball python is moderately wounded.  The ball python bites you but does no damage..  The ball python bites you but does no damage.ú¿£gÉ5=9.2 (1.2ú¿£gzÐú¿£g­ÔX _The ball python barely misses you.ú¿£gŠ4?  You slash the ball python!ú¿£gŸ]E†ú¿£gëc®1==740.5 (1.3Soul Splinterú¿£g”jú¿£gçlO _You kill the ball python!ú¿£ge0|M #.....#.#. #.#........ ...###.#.#...### #..........#...#.... #.#####....## ####..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##.....).....# .....>########.##..#.......# ###...... # ## ú¿£g@8ú¿£g<4-10ú¿£g¶Bú¿£gV„ ú¿£gs•r_You see here a ball python corpse.û¿£gðÝäM......###..<.  #.....#.#. #.#........ ...###.#.#...### #..........#...#.... #.#####....## ####..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##).....# ..†...>########.###.......# #......... .#-2 _û¿£gŽáû¿£gßäû¿£ghØ"M.. ........###..<.  #.....#...#. #.#........ ...###.#.#...### #..........#...#.... #.#####....## ####..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##.....).....# ..†...>#######.......###.##.....# #.#3û¿£g-š]M### ..# ........###..<.  #.....#.#. #.#........ ...###.#.#...### #..........#...#.... #.#####....## ####..#....# #... #...#####.# ..##.....).....# ..#†.........>######.. .###.###.#û¿£gÏŒš2==4û¿£gdÇ Ž .... ###..< #.....#.... ....#.#.... ....###.#.#...### 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À£gíîÀ£gÇó&1À£gÜÀ£gã—## #.#.#. .###..... ..#...# #..:..#  #.....# .# #####.....# .. .###.# ... .###..<. .##.##.##.....#.... .... .##.#..##.#. ... ...###.#.#...#........#...#..##.#####....## ####..# ...# #.....# #... #.#.# #.#..À£g€šâ[39;49m.#####.# ..##.#.# #.....).....# .À£g À£gg¥&2À£g¬À£g0®À£gë1M #...#.### #.#.#..###.......#. #..: ########   ##### À£g±º### .............###..<. #.##.##.....#... ........##.#..##.#........ ..........##.#.#...#À£g¬À£gÈ"&3À£gv)À£gn+À£gÎ[ SM#?!# .. #...#.#..## #.#.#...###........#. #..: ########   ##### ### .............###..<. ........##.##.##.....#.... ....#.#.......#..####.....À£gìj À£gio &4À£g¯y À£gÑz £ _Found 2 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC and 2 viscous silvery potions.À£g«v 3M ..# . ##?!# . #...#.#..## #.#.#.#....###.........#. #..: ########   ##### ###. .. ...................###..<..#...#.....#.#####....####À£gò€ À£gم &5À£gc± À£g}Ž À£gèóM#.  ..# . ##?!# . #...#.## #.#.#.#....###.....##.....#. ########   ##### .......###.........# .....#.......#...#.6  You pick up a book of Minor Magic and begin reading...7.5 (2À£g©+n _You add the spells Magic Dart, Blink and Call Imp to your library. À£g$ d Spells (Memorise)TypeFailure Level  a - Grave ClawNecromancy6% 2b - Vampiric DrainingNecromancy13% 3  c - Magic DartConjuration26%1  d - BlinkTranslocation36% 2  e - Call ImpSummoning36% 2  f - Animate DeadNecromancy38% 4  g - Sigil of BindingHexes61% 3  h - Curse of AgonyNecromancy75% 5i - Dimensional BullseyeHexes/Translocation95% 4 5 spell levels left [!] Memorise|Describe|Hide|Show [Ctrl-F] search [?] help[Esc] exitÀ£g±l À£g… Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.Mummy..# .Health: 31/31 ========================##?!# .Magic: 9/9========================. #...#.#AC: 4Str: 13..## #.#.#.#EV: 10Int: 14....###.....#SH: 0Dex: 12#.....#...#XL:  4 Next:  7% Place: Dungeon:3#..@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1607.5 (0.0) ######## #.....#e) +0 hand axe .......# #####.....# ..Cast: Soul Splinter .......###.........# À£gD ÷... ...................###..<. ........##.##.##.....#.... .... ........##.#..##.#........ ... .............###.#.#...### #.. #########........#...#.... ..#À£g‘ `You slash the ball python! _You kill the ball python! À£go 0_You see here a ball python corpse. _Found 2 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC and 2 viscous silvery potions.  You pick up a book of Minor Magic and begin reading... À£g C_You add the spells Magic Dart, Blink and Call Imp to your library.À£g} À£g_ £Memorise Call Imp, consuming 2 spell levels and leaving 3? Y - Yes À£g€ ' N - NoÀ£gjÀ£g)Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.Mummy..# .Health: 31/31 ========================##?!# .Magic: 9/9========================. #...#.#AC: 4Str: 13..## #.#.#.#EV: 10Int: 14....###.....#SH: 0Dex: 12#.....#...#XL:  4 Next:  7% Place: Dungeon:3#..@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1607.5 (0.0) ######## #.....#e) +0 hand axe .......# #####.....# ..Cast: Soul Splinter .......###.........# ... À£gó...................###..<. ........##.##.##.....#.... .... ........##.#..##.#........ ... .............###.#.#...### #.. #########........#...#.... ..#You slash the ball python! _You kill the ball python! _You see here a ball python corpse. _Found 2 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC and 2 viscous silvery potions.  You pick up a book of Minor Magic and begin reading... _You add the spells Magic Dart, Blink and Call Imp to your library.8.5 (1À£gAÌ _This spell is quite dangerous to cast!9.5 (2À£g.,10.5 (3À£grÀ£gí š _You start memorising the spell. You continue memorising. x2À£gÀ£gèÀ£g/c _You finish memorising. Spell assigned to 'c'.À£g^{ w #...# .##?!# . ....#.#.## #.#.#...###.....##.....#...#  #.. ######## .......# ####..##.........#.......#...#.##.#####....#######..#[40m1.5 (1 _À£gń À£gª… À£gF¿~M#.  ..# . ##?!# . #...#.## #.#.#.#....###.....##.....# ########   ##### .......###.........# .....#.......#...#.2À£gàžM .##.  ..# . ##?!# .. #...#...## #.#.#....###.....##.....# ########  .......# #####.....# ....#.#...###.#.#..À£gþÀ£gŽ&3À£gD%À£gI&À£gºÐjM .##.#  ..# . ##?!# . #...#.### #.#.#....###@....##.....#...### #. ######## #.....#..##.#...À£g|ÛÀ£gké<4À£g}êÀ£g^T 5MÀ£g©U s #.#  ..# . ##?!# . #...#.### #@#.#.#....###.....#.....#...####.....#À£gýU O.#..##.##....À£gÃo À£ga€ C5À£gJœ 7M. #.#  ..# . ##?!# . #@..### #.#.#.#....###.....##.....#...###.......#À£gIÀ À£gâà &6À£gôÉ À£gAÌ À£gµØ...# .# .# ##.# #..# . ##?!# . . #.@.#.# ..## #.#.#.# ....###.....# #.....#...####.....# #.....## #####....###........ À£gÆ À£g•NC7À£g<ºM. #.#  #..# . ##@!# . #..## #.#.#.....###.....##.....#À£g À£g &8À£gÀ£gsÀ£g+9.5 (2À£gm!À£gŒ/ À£gã0__o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC (gained 2)À£gr/ R... ... #.# #.# #.# ##.# #..# . ##.@# . . #...#.# ..## #.#.#.# ....###.....##.....#...####.....# #..## #####. À£g¿2 À£gé6 ,20.5 (1À£g5: À£g·L } _You see here 2 viscous silvery potions.À£g-®$M... #.#  #.@# . ##.!# . #....## #.#.#.#........#1 _À£gOŠïM#..$.... ##@#  #..# . ##.!# .. #...#.#.....#2 _Found 12 gold pieces.À£gE$eM######..$.#....... ##.#  #..# .##.!# .....#3À£gb%M#####$.##....##....... #.# #..# .###...#4À£gJ\ ! ######..$.#..##....  ... #.##..# .###...##.....#À£gdc À£gåe &5À£gsm À£gMn À£gÀs ¢ ######..$.##....#....  ... #.###..# .##.!# . ....# ###### #.....#À£g„| À£g9~ &6À£g҅ À£gP† À£g+}é ..$.#....  ... #.###.@# .##.!# . . #...#.#.....# .....# #####.....# ..À£g^†À£g‰&7À£gMÀ£gđÀ£gÔü¿ ..  ... #.##..# .##.@# . . #...#.#.## #.#........# .....###.........# ...8 _You see here 2 viscous silvery potions.À£gŒ( ¥9 _s - 2 viscous silvery potionsÀ£gvŒ 2M$##....... #.#  #.@# . ##..# . #....## #.#.#.#........#À£gæ‘ À£g̓ '30À£gi— À£g%™ À£gîˆ%M#####..$.##....... ##@#  #..# . ##..# .À£gƒŠ©. #...#.#.....#À£ggÀ£g\’&1À£g’–À£gݟÀ£g”>³M######..$.#....##....... ##.#  #..# .##..# .....#2À£g÷ÌM#####$.##....##....... #.# #..# .###...#À£gÎÀ£g¯ &3À£gè+À£gœq²M####$##....##....# ##.#.#....4À£gpvÀ£g0xÀ£gŒ ­M####$#.@..###.####.#.#.#5À£g  rM####$....##.####.#..#6À£g¹ð À£gçž õM####$....##.###..#À£gâÎ <7À£guÒ À£gÔ À£g&•###### #..$.# #..@.# #....# #....# #.##.###.##..# . 8À£g”ÿ­M#####....#..À£g< À£g¢ <9À£gY À£gà ,40.5 (2À£gÜ À£gd+ > _You now have 73 gold pieces (gained 12).À£gkˆ ######......##..# .1.5 (1À£gZ—À£goë ###### #....# #.@..# #....# #....#  ##.### #.# #.# ##.# #..# .  ##..# .2À£gªÀ£gLÕz ######....#.##..#. #...#.#3À£g¬»Á ######....#.## #.# ..#..## #.#.#.#4À£gŸÀ£g)š  ######....##@### #.# .#.#....###.....#À£g® C5À£gø  ######....##....###.### #@# #.#....#.....#...###6À£g”üÀ£gþÀ£gGŽK ######....###....##....#.## #.# #..# .###...##.....#À£gŒÀ£gxŸ&7À£g%)À£gԓ ######....##....#....#.##À£g_”« #.# ##..# .##..# . ....# ###### #.....#À£g…›À£gPž&8À£gŠ£À£gü¥À£gjA  ....#....#.## #.# ##.@# .##..# . . #...#.#.....# .....# #####.....# ..À£gÏGÀ£gãI&9À£gûMÀ£gšYÀ£gLj #.## #.# #..# .##.@# . . #...#.#.## #.#........# .....###.........# ...50À£g ìì #.## #.# #..# .##..# . . #..@#.#.## #.#..###....#...##...#.......# .................###..<.1À£gbîÀ£gò ¯ #.## #.# #..# .##..# . ....#.#.## #.#..###.....##.....#...###À£g`¡Ã.#.......# ......##.##.##.....#.... ....À£g*ªÀ£g[ü<2À£gçÿÀ£gž y #.## #.# #..# .##..# . ....#.#.## #.#.#.#..###..@..##.....#...## #.....# ..##.##.... ......##.#..##.#........ ...3À£g23 À£g×B K  #.# ##.# ##..# ..##..# . . #...#.#.## #.#.#...###....#.....#..@### #.....# ######..##.#.. ...........###.#.#...### #..À£g`L À£g;N &4À£gX\ À£gq À£g, ã ##.# ###..# .. # ....#.#.## #.#.#.#..###.....##.....#...### #....@# ###### .....# ####...#..###.#.# #######........#...#.... ..#5À£gÜø W ##.# ###..# .. ##..# . ....#.#.## #.#.#.#..###.....#.....#...## #.....# ###### .....# ####..##...........#..##.#####....#######..#À£gƒ À£gû’ C6À£g— œ ..# .. ##..# . ....#.#.## #.#..###....#.....#...## #.....# ###### .....# ####..##........##..<..##....##...# #.....# #...7À£g‡g  # ....#.#.## #.#À£g/ K..###....#.....#...## #.....# ###### .....# ####..##........##..<##.##.##.....#.... ....#....#.....####...#.#.# #.#...#####.# ..#### 8À£g\† À£g&‘ À£gšàš ....#.#.## #.#À£gáàd..###....#.....#...## #.....# ###### .....# ####À£gáf..##........##..<À£g.áù##.##.##.....#.... ....#..##.#...... 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"À£gƒ) Á.# #####.....# .....###.........# .......###..<...##.##.##.....#..... .....##.#..##.#......... ... .###.#.#...### #.."À£g[0 "À£g·3 &4"À£gV9 "À£gF; #À£gu ##.# ##..# .. ##..# . ....#.#..## #.#.#.....###....#.....#...### #..@..# ########... .......# ####...#.#..###.#.#.. #########........#...#.... ..#5#À£gP5#À£gÉb #.# ##.# ## #..# ... ##..# .r. #...#.#.## #.#.#.##....###.....# #.....#...### #.@...## #.....# ... #.# #####.....# .... #.###.........# .... #...###..<.. #.##.##.##.....#..... .... r   rat (asleep) #.##.#..##.#......... ... #...###.##À£gamb.#...### #.. #.#...#.... ..#6 _A rat comes into view.#À£g #À£gv #À£g7 #À£gC $À£g¬##.# ##..# .. .##..# . r....#.#...## #.#.#.#....###.....# #.....#...### #.....# #########... #.......# ####.##..........##..<##.##.##.....#..... ....$À£gô¬–#.#..##.#.... .....###.#.#...### #..#########........#...#.... ..# ##.#####....#######$À£g·$À£g³»&7$À£gà$À£gX°° ##.# ## #..# .. . ##..# . r. #...#.#$À£gœ°Ÿ ...## #.#.#.# #....###.....# #.....#...### #.....#  # #@....# ...  #$À£gý°8.# #####.....# ....  #.###.........# ....  #...$À£g%±ï.###..<..  #.##.##.##.....#..... $À£gN±Ü #.##.#..##.#......... ...  #$À£gx±Ð...###.#.#.### #..  $À£g€±Â#........#...#.... ..# $À£gϱS ##.#####....#..#$À£g®¹$À£gßœ&8$À£g™Ï$À£g*Ú$À£g£& 4M #.# #.# ###  #..# ..#. #..# ..r. #...#.#...## #.#.##....###.....##.....#...###  ########   ######.......###.........# .....#r   rat (asleep)......#...#  The rat squeaks loudly..rr$À£g• Z==9Soul Splinter$À£gë• f _The rat twitches its whiskers.$À£gËT #.#  ##.# ###  .#. #..# ...r #...#.##...## #.#.#.##....###.....#....@#...### #### ########   ######## .............###..<.. #.##.....###.#..##.#......... ................###.#.#...### #..$À£g¶0.$À£gˆg--10Soul Splinter$À£g¯(%À£g›žl--%À£g Ô# #.# #.# ##.# ## # #..# ..%À£g›Ôù.#. ##..# .. #...#.# #...## #.#.#.# #....###.....# #...@.#...### #####.....# # #.....# ...%À£gCÕÐ #.# #####.....# .... #.###.........# .... #.......###..<.. #%À£gÕ .##.##.##.....#.....   #.##.#..##.#......... %À£g¶Õt  #.###.#.#...### #..%À£gèÕD %À£g&Ù%À£gtRùrr   rat1Soul Splinter%À£gv%À£gƒ = #.#. #.#. ##.# ### #. #..# ..#.#.# ##..# .#..... #...#.# #..r### #.#.#.# #....###.....# #..@..#...### #####.....# # #.....# ... #.# #####.....# .... #.###.........# .... #......###..<.. #.##.##.##.....#.....  #.##.#..##.#...  #.###.#.#...### #%À£gdb‰.r2%À£g`Ø× #.# .. #.# . ##.# ## # #. #..# .. #.#.## ##..# . #..... #...#.# #...### #.#.#.# #..r.###.....# #.@...#...### #####.....# # #.....# ... #.# #####.....# .... #.###...# .... #..###..<.. #.##.##.##.....#..... #.##.#..##.#. #.###.#.#...### #=3 _The rat closely misses you.%À£gŒï ¯  You hit the rat.  The rat is moderately wounded.%À£g?ñ ]29--4.8 (1.3%À£g<ø %À£gcü ( _The rat bites you.%À£g} p  You hit the rat.  The rat is severely wounded.6.1 _The rat misses you. The rat closely misses you.&À£g…Kø  You closely miss the rat.The rat is severely wounded.30=-7.4&À£gqO&À£g&À£gÑ@'À£g×¥ #....#...... #....# ..... ##.### .... #.# ... #.# .[ ##.# ## # #. #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #...@.# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....# # #.....#  #.# #####.....#  #.###.#  #.###..<'À£gÈÞ'À£gIá&3'À£gÊç'À£g¿é'À£gšZ #....# ......# #....# .....# ##.### ....# #.# ...# #.# .[# ##.# ## # #.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #..@..# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####...# # #.....#  #.# #####.....#  #.###.#  'À£g\_#.###..<'À£g¯\B=4'À£g‘c'À£gHf'À£gKšM............##.###..... #.#  .['À£géš{#.# ### #.# .#.#@### ##..# ......# #..###...### #.#.###....###.....#.#'À£g³'À£g ž&5'À£g¬œ'À£gøÀ'À£giƒ ŒM##.#......#...##.####.......... #.# #..[#.# ## #@# .#.#.### ##..# .#.....# #..###...### #.#.#.#.....'À£gϯ Y6(À£gŒ°ÛM####....##.####.#....... #.# #..#.# ###.#.# .#.#.### ##..# .#.....# #...#.###......##7 _You see here a +0 ring mail.(À£göd (À£g™h &8(À£gïp (À£gÆs ( _t - a +0 ring mail(À£g“ç—Equip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger Armour (go to first with [)  k - a +0 leather armour (worn)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  t - a +0 ring mail[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip *À£gí *À£g, ######Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.......##....#Mummy#.......##....#Health: 31/31 ========================#.......##....#Magic: 9/9========================#.......##....#AC: 4Str: 13#.......###.###EV: 10Int: 14#.......##.#SH: 0Dex: 12#.......##.#XL:  4 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:3#..@###.# ## Noise: ---------  Time: 1728.7 (0.0)#.#.##..# ..e) +0 hand axe#.#.### ##..# .Cast: Soul Splinter#....[*À£g€- í40m.# #...#.####...### #.#.#.###....###.....###.....#...########.....########## #.....# .  _The rat closely misses you.You hit the rat. _You kill the rat! _Found a ring mail. _You see here a +0 ring mail. _t - a +0 ring mail*À£gT. *À£gH@ A9.7 (1*À£g†` Š  You start removing your armour.30.7 (2*À£g¡p A1.7 (3*À£g6“ m2.7 (4*À£g5¡ *À£g‹¯ +3.7 (5*À£gKÜ l 11 _You continue removing your +0 leather armour. x4  You finish removing your +0 leather armour.  You start putting on your armour.*À£gSÞ +4.7 (6*À£go3 W5.7 (7*À£gj *À£g‘| W6.7 (8*À£gš *À£gÚ X7.7 (98.7 (10.0) 6 9 _You continue putting on your +0 ring mail. x5*À£g‚A ^ _You finish putting on your +0 ring mail.+À£gA` GM####....##.####.... #.# #####..#.# ##.#.# .#.#.### ##..# .#.##9.0) _+À£gèòbM ####....+À£gÃó¯##.###.... #.# #####..#.# ###.#.##..# ...##.+À£gòü+À£gì'40+À£gÆ+À£gû,À£gÌ²M####### ####....##.###.... #.# #####...###.# #####.,À£g\ßC1,À£g¥ 8 # #.# #.# ###### #.# #....# #.# #....# #.# #....# #.# #....# #.# ##.### #.# #.# #.#,À£gK È #.#  #####...# ##.# ##  #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.#  ##....###.....#,À£g« ,À£g2# &2,À£g°( ,À£gù* ,À£gЪê # #.# #.# ###### #.# #....# #.# #....# #.# #....# #.# #....# #.# ##.### #.# #.# #.# #.# #####...# ##.#  #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.#  ##....###.....#3,À£gì,À£g‹³-À£gʯM####### ####....##.####.......##.####...-À£gš¶Y4-À£g‚FM####### ####....##.####.......##.##....-À£gëR-À£gOW&5-À£g®]-À£gB_-À£gž· hM####### ####....#.......###.####.#.#6.À£g6×P #########.......######....#.###.#.##.....# #...#.#.À£gâÝ.À£gä&7.À£gëð.À£g«x j #########.......######....#.## #.# #....###...### #.#.#.#.À£gp€ .À£gq„ &8.À£g Š .À£gî‹ .À£gñ[ ¡ #########.......######....#.## #.# ###...##....###.....#9.À£g 4 .À£g,[ ­#########.......######....#.## #.# ######.# #....##.....#...###50.À£g±} .À£gÍ þ .......######....#.## #.# ######.# # #.#..# .......#####.....#.À£g€ &1.À£g— .À£g .À£g³ê y ######....#.## #.# #######.# # #.#..# ...### # ........######### #.....#.À£gAî &2.À£g»1 .À£g˜„ ÷ ....##.#.###.. #.# #...#######.# # #@#.#..# ...### # ....# #...#.#.#.#.###.......# #####.....#.À£g† .À£g”‰ &3.À£gî .À£gӏ .À£gÖ4_ #.#....#.##.. #.# .....#####...###.# # #.#.#..# ..## # ....# #...#.###...### #.#...#...###.......###.........#.À£gö<.À£g¢?&4.À£giD.À£gŒQ/À£g-Ë/À£gèí;/À£gXò ......##.##.....# #.# .#####...##.# # #.#.#..# ...### # ....# #...#.###...### #.# ##....###....###...................###. /À£gŠe/À£g…w/À£gNŽ<5/À£gF#.# #....# #.......# #....# #.......# ##.### #.......# #.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ##.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.@...# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#####.....## #.....# #.# #####.....# .#.###.#/À£g€F¬ .#.###.6/À£g) #.# #....# #.......# #....# #.......# ##.### #.......# #.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #..@..# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....######.....## #.....# .#.# #####.....# .#.###.# ./À£go+ ±#.###..<70À£gê+–#.# #....# #.......# #....# #.......# ##.### #.......# #.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. 0À£g[,×#.#.### ##..# . #...@.# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# 0À£g‹, ##....###.....# ##.....######.....#0À£g°,š# #.....# .#.0À£gá,œ# #####.....# .#.###.# .0À£gŒ-T#.###..<.0À£gØ40À£gáMC80À£g h#.# #....# #.......# #....# #.......# ##.### #.......# #.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #....@# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#####.....## #.....# .#.# #####.....# .#.###.0À£g“ n# .#.###..<.0À£gÊ5<90À£gœo0À£gÒy0À£g<€b ...#.##.. #.# ..####..##.# ## #.#...# .. #.#.### # ....# #...#.####..@### #.# ##....###.... ##.....#...##..........#........##.##.##.....#..... 0À£g&“0À£gǓ 600À£gš0À£g;ž0À£gÜåQ0À£gҌ— #.##.... #.# 0À£g’F...####...##.# ## #.#...# .. .#.### # ....# #...#.####...### #.# ##.@..###.... ##.....#...## #####.....# ..#........##.#..##.#......... 0À£g¢–0À£gGœ&10À£g\0À£gš0À£gÛq ž#.# ##.### #.......# 0À£g’r )#.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##..@.###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....# # #.....#.# #####.....#.###...# ....#..###..<..#.##.##.##.....#.....#.##.#..##.#.0À£gʄ Y20À£gê#.# ##.### #.......# #.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##...@###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....# # #.....##.# #####.....##.###.........# ....#....###..<..#.##.##.##.....#..... . #.##.#..##.#. . 0À£g9R30À£gÈG1À£g¹œa  #.# 1À£gaŸd.####..##.# ## #.#...# .. .#.### # ....# #...#.####...### #.# ##....###.... ##..@..#...## #####.....# ######### #.....# ........1À£gÉŸŒ...#.............###.#.#...### #. 1À£g€Å1À£g\È&41À£gÎ1À£g.Ð1À£g%r#.# #.# #.......# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##...@.#...### #####.....# # #.....# ... #.# #####..#.###.......#......###..<.. #.##.##.##.....#..... .#.##.#..##.#... .#.###.#.#...### #.51À£gt1À£g3 Q1À£gŸ 41À£g&! 2À£g ­2À£g0±2À£g ž2À£gÂÝ2À£g6UJ#.# #.# #.# #.# #####...# ##.# ## #.#.# #..# .. #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##....@#...### #####.....#  # #.....# ...  #.# #####  #.###....  #.......###..<..  #.2À£g¥U?##.##.##.....#..... ...  #.##.#..##.#......... ...2À£gŒ[…  #.###.#.#...### #..2À£gvY62À£g-Š r ######.# ## #.#..# .. #.### # 2À£g‹Š Û....# #...#.###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...## #####@....#  ######### 2À£gÆŠ R..........# ####.2À£gðŠ 5#..2À£g§ á.###.#.#..  ##########........#...#.... ..#2À£g° 2À£gï³ &72À£gäž 2À£gº 2À£g},/ ######.# ## #.#..# .. #.### ##..# . ....# #...#.###...### #.#.#. ##....###.... ##.....#...###2À£gØ,7 #####.....#  ######### ..........# ####.##.....#2À£gû,º......#...###.#####....#######..#2À£gs52À£gÔ9&82À£g6?3À£g®3À£g§  #.#..# .. ## ##..# . ....# #...#.###...### #.#.#. ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....#  ######### ..........# ####.##..........##..<.##.##..#....###...# #.....# #...93À£gé 3À£g„!3À£gvMg ## # ....# #...#.###...### #.#.#. ##....###.....# ##.....#...## #####.....#  ######### ..........# ####.##.......##..<##.##.##.....#..... ....#..#.. ## ..#.#.# #.#...#####.# .. 703À£gYS4À£gö~#.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....# # #.....# ... #.# #####.....# .... #.###.# .... #.###..<.. #.##.##.##.....#..... . #.##.#..##.#..... #....###.#.#... #........#...#.[4À£gV€=34m... ..# ##.#####....#..# ...# #.....# #... #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..#4À£gƒ&14À£g\‰4À£g04À£g–§<#.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....# 4À£gšŽ #.....# ... .# #####.....# .... .###.# .... .4À£gBš\###..<.. .4À£g€šo##.##.##.....#..... .... .##.#..##.#. .4À£gËšº...###.#.#...#4À£gj¬Ž........#...#.... ..# ##.#####....#######..# ...# #.....# #... #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..#4À£g‘Ž4À£gŸ&24À£g\Ã4À£gÇ¿#.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....#  #.....# ... 4À£g2Ãœ# #####.....# .... ###.# .... ###..<.. ##.##.##.....#..... .... ##.#..##.#......4À£g_Ã~..###.#4À£g¢Ãœ........#...#.... ..# 4À£gÒÃÃ##.#####....#######..# ...# #.....# #... #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..#4À£gÿÃ4À£gmË4À£g{Ð&34À£g…×4À£g<é4À£g#4 #.#.### ##..# . #.....# #...#.# ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....#  #.....# ... # #####.....# .... ###.# .... ###..<.. ##.##.##.....#..... .... ##.#..##.#.....###.#.#...#........#...#.... ..# ##.#####....#######..# ...#[394À£gÇ6 `;49m #.....# #... #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..#44À£gS፠....# #...#.###...### #.# ##....###.... ##.....#...## #####.....# ###### ... .....# ####.##.......##..<##.##.##.....#..... ....#..##.#...... .##...###...#.#.# #.....).....# .... 55À£g$s# ##...### #.# ##....###.... ##.....#...## #####.....# ###### ... .....# ####.##.......##..<##.##.##..@..#..... ....#..##.#......... ... .....###.#.#...### #.. ..##....###...... #.# #†.........>#######. 5À£g‘z5À£gÐ~&65À£gŸ†5À£g8‰5À£gFÁ###...### #.#.#.# ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....#  #.....# ... # #####.....# .... ###.# .... ###..<.. ##.##.##...@.#..... .... ##.#..##.#. ... ###.#.#...#####.. .#...#.... ..###.#####....###...# #.....# #... #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..##.#.# #.....5À£gÖÂD[30m).....# ....#. #.# #†.>#.75À£gẠu  ##....###.... ##.....#...## #####.....# ##### ... ....# ####.##........###..<..##.##.##.....#..... ......##.#.@....... ... .....###.#.#...#####.. ######........#...#.......########÷..#. #.# #.......###.##....... 5À£gþÆ 5À£g.È &85À£g€ 5À£g  ##....###.....# ##.....#...### #####.....# . #.....# ....# #####.....# .....###.# ....J###..<.##.##.##.....#.......... ##.#..##.#.... ###.#.#...#####.. .#...#.......# ##.#####....###...# #.#.#.# #.#...#####.# ..##### J   endoplasm (asleep)#.#.# #.....).....# ....##. #.# #÷.[15À£g! x6;23H>#..##. #.# #.###.##.9 _An endoplasm comes into view.6À£g#..##. #.# #.###.##.6À£g±˜.JJ80Soul Splinter _The endoplasm quivers.6À£g#ª##....###.....# ##.....#...###.#####.....# #.= #.....# #.# #####.....# #.(###..# #.###..<.J..)###.##.##.....#. ###.#..##.#. ####.#.#...#####.. #.#...#.......# ###.#####....#######..# #...# #.....# #... ##.#.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #.#.#.# #.....).....# ....###.. #.# #÷...>#..##. #. #.# [46À£gŠÝJ0m#.###.##.6À£gñåJ.6À£gìë&16À£gÆ÷6À£gt _Found a shortbow, 5 stones and a twisted pearl ring.6À£gŠ ##....###.....#  ##.....#...###.#####.....# #.=. #.....# #. # #####.....# #.(? ###...# #.###..<J...).# .##.##.##.....#. #. .##.#..##.#. #.###.#.#...#####..##..#...#.......# #.##.#####....#######..# #....# #.....# #... ##. #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #. #.#.# #.....).....# ....###. . #.# #÷..>#..##. . #.# #.###.##.#[36À£gœn7m.J26À£g !z _Found a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO.6À£gô©e...### #.#.# ##....###.....>##.....#...##.  ####= .. #####...(? ###...# #........ ...........###..<....). ##.##.....#.@J. .##.#..##.#............. ......###.#.#...#####..# ##........#...#.......####.#####....#######..#  ......# #... ##.#...#####.# ..##### #......).....# ....#÷...>#######..##..6À£g‚Ó”  Found an escape hatch in the floor.  The endoplasm freezes you.6À£g×V29--36À£gnïG _You are frozen. You resist.8À£gä#...### #.#.#.# Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ##....###.....#.......>.  Mummy  ##.....#...###.........  Health: 29/31 ======================--  #####.....# #.......=.  Magic: 8/9=====================--- # #.....# #.........  AC: 6Str: 13 # #####.....# #.......(?  EV: 9Int: 14 ###.........# #.........  SH: 0Dex: 12 ............###..<....). ## XL:  4 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:3 .##.##.##.....#.@J....... #. Noise: ---------  Time: 1783.7 (0.0) .##.#..##.#............. #. e) +0 hand axe ......###.#.8À£gD­#...#####..# #. Cast: Soul Splinter ##........#...#.......## #.  ##.#####....#######..# #.  ...# #.....# #... ##. J   endoplasm #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #.. #.#.# #.....).....# ....###.. . #.# #÷.........>#######..##..The endoplasm freezes you. _You are frozen. You resist.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 7% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (chance to affect: 67%)8À£gÛ*| J...8À£gal-..8À£gsŽ-..9À£g»Ÿ™J., f - endoplasmAim: an endoplasm (chance to affect: 67%)9À£gØ| g#...### #.#.#.#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ##....###.....#.......>.Mummy##.....#...###.........Health: 29/31 ======================--#####.....# #.......=.Magic: 8/9=====================--- # #.....# #.........AC: 6Str: 13 # #####.....# #.......(?EV: 9Int: 14 ###.........# #.........SH: 0Dex: 12 9À£gª} 8............###..<....).## XL:  4 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:3 .##.##.##.....#.@*.......#. Noise: ---------  Time: 1783.7 (0.0) .##.#..##.#.............#. e) +0 hand axe ......###.#.#...#####..##. Cast: Soul Splinter ##........#...#.......###.##.#####....#######..##....# #.....# #...9À£gÜ} $##. J   endoplasm #.#.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #.. 9À£g~ ›#.#.# #.....).....# ....###.. 9À£g*~ . #.# #÷.........>#######..##..The endoplasm freezes you. _You are frozen. You resist.  9À£gO~ …Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 7% risk of failure)  9À£gm~ ùPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - endoplasm9À£g‘~ ?Aim: an endoplasm (chance to affect: 67%)9À£g>\ D (weak, ally target, soul-sp
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the endoplasm's soul is dislodged from its body.9À£gxB vSoul Splinter  --more--:À£g14Þ J*The endoplasm looks weaker.30==4.7 (1:À£gkI‹ _The endoplasm closely misses you. Your soul wisp touches the endoplasm.:À£gÃIYou hit the endoplasm.:À£g9Ø*.*   soul wisp (summoned);À£g⠑106.0 (1.3 _You kill the endoplasm!;À£gŒ...### #.#.#.# ....###.....#.>. ##.....#...###.  #####.....# #.=. #.....# #.  #####.....# #.(?..# #.###..<....).# ##.##.##.....#.*@. #. ##.#..##.#.#.###.#.#...#####..##. #.#...#.......## #.< ##.#####....#######..# #. ...# #.....# #... ##. .#.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #. .#.# #.....).....# ....###.  #.# #÷.[30;À£gP9m>#..##.;À£g8F~-70 _You swap places.;À£gÙ¥ i### #.#.#.# ....###.....#.>......#...###. #####.....# #.=.#.....# #.# #####.....# #.(?.#.# #.####..<....)..# # #.##.##.....#.*.# #. #.#..##.#.#.###.#.#...#####..##. #. .#...#.......## ;À£gˆŠ ž#.<. #.#####....#######..# #.# #.....# #... ##. #.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #. #.# #.....).....# ....###. #.# #÷.>#..##.;À£gè« ;À£ghí ¡.*-8;À£g  Î### #.#.#.# ###.....#.>. .....#...###......# #.=.#.....# #.;À£g/à (# ;À£gðà (.....# #.(?.# .# #.# ;À£gGÄ ­###..<....)..# # ;À£gŽÄ _.##.##.....#..*.;À£gÌÄ ;# #...# ;À£gÅ .#..##.#.;À£gTÅ ;# #...#;À£g«Å ###.#.#...#####..##.. #...#;À£gÆ t#...#.......## ;À£gTÆ )#.<.# ;À£gŸÆ 0.#####....#;À£g×Æ )..# ;À£gÇ #...# .;À£gÈÇ n# #.....# #... ;À£g`È ##...# ;À£g®È ‡.# #.#...#####.# ..##### #....# ;À£gÿÈ {.# #.....).....# ....###....# ;À£gLÉ Q.# #÷.;À£gŽÉ >#;À£gÜÉ ..##.;À£gÊ ;À£gÃÔ ;À£g¬Ý D.*;À£gYâ q1==9;À£g'ë ;À£g <À£gø ### #.#.#.# ###.....#.>.#...###......# #.=.... #.....# #.# .....# #.(?.# # #.# ###..<....)..# ##### ##.##.....#...*.@....# #...# #..##.#.# #...# ###.#.#...#####..##... #...# #...#.......## # #####....#.. # #.....# #...###...# # #.#...#####.#.. # #.....).....#<À£gÕ d[40m## ....###....# # #÷.>#..##..*90<À£gQC #.#.#.# ###.....#.>..... #...###.. .....# #.=....  #.....# #.# .....# #.(?.# # #.# ###..<....)..# ##### .##.....#....*.@...# #...# ..##.#.# #...# ###.#.#...#####..##.... #...# <À£g‰DÇ#...#.......## ###....#.  #.....# #...# ##...#  #.#...#####.#  #.....).....### ....###....#  #÷.>#..##......#<À£gžG<À£gÂTD.*<À£g7[&1<À£g„f<À£g7i<À£gÚ #.#.#.# ###.....#.>..... #...###.. .....# #.=.... #.....# #.# .....# #.(?.# # #.# ###..<....)..# ##### .##.....#.....*.@..# #...# ##.#.# #...# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #...# #...#.......## ####....#######..##.....# #...# ##...# #.#...#####.#..#.....)[<À£gDÝ40m.....####÷.>#..##......#.*9===2<À£gýé<À£gãë<À£g^3 e #.. # #.#.#...#... ###.....>..... ..#...##......=...... #(? #........ .....###..<....###....#*...# .##.#...............# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #.. ....#...#.......## ##### #.< ###....####### ....# #...# ###...#####.#...##### #.....).....### ....####<À£gMP n=3<À£gfX I _You see here a +0 shortbow.=À£gÙX=À£gëd&4=À£gÑk=À£gt' _u - a +0 shortbow>À£g}#..# .  #...#.#############... #.#.#...#.... ###.....>....... ..#...##......>À£g&Ž=...... #(? #... .....###..<....###....#*...# >À£g^ .##.#...............# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #.. >À£g‰Ô....#...#.......## ##### #.< ###....####### >À£gŸá....# #...# ###...#####.#...##### #>À£g¶>À£g’Z<*.>À£g{&5>À£gQ‡>À£gÏ>À£gŠZ I .#..# .  #...#.############# #.#.#...# ###.....>....... ..#...##........=....... #? #........ >À£g9[ .....###..<....*###....## .##.#...............# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #.. ....#...#.......## ##### #.< ###....####### ....# #...# ##>À£g.m R*.>À£gY— Š===6 _You see here 5 stones.>À£gc\ #..# ..  ##..# . ...B#...#.#.  #.#.#.#.#......#.>.#...###.. .....# #.=..... .....# #.# .....# #.(@.# # #.*..# ###..<.# ##### ##.....#. ##.#......#.#...#####..##..... #...# B   giant cockroach (asleep)#...#.......## ##### #.<.# *   soul wisp (summoned)....####### *., ally target)7[3>À£g. ..#...###.. #.....# #.=..... #.....# #.*.# #.....# #.@..#.# #.#.###..<.# ##### .##.....#.# #...# .##.#.....# #...##.#.#...#####..##..... #...#.#...#.......## ##### #.<.##....#######..# #...#  #.....# #...# ##...#À£gâ‡\40m.B*.AÀ£gߌ9AÀ£gø¶b _You see here 5 stones.AÀ£gð; #.# ## . .. #..# .  #...#.#############. #.#.#...#.B ###.....>. ..#...##........=.*..... #( #... .....###..<###....## .##.#...............# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #.. ....#...#.......## ##### #.< ###....####### B.*.800Soul Splinter _AÀ£gG} BÀ£g % ##.# ## #..# .. .. ##..# . .... #...#.#.... ## #.#.#.#.#B.... .###.....#.>..#...###.*.... ##.....# #.=.  #.....# #.##.....# #.(..#.# #.#.###..<.# ##### #.##.....#.# #...# ..##.#.# #...# .###.#.#...#####..##..... #...#.#...#.......## ##### #.<.# ####....#..# #...#À£g2cm.BBÀ£gÖu£1 _Your soul wisp barely misses the giant cockroach.BÀ£go¥  ##.# ## #..# .. .. # ##..# . .... # #...#.##....# #.#.#.#.#..... ..###.....#.>..B......#...###.*....#.....# #.=. #.....# #BÀ£g§ P.##.....# #.(..#.# #.# .###..<.# ##### ##.##.....#.# #...# #..##.#.# #...# ..###.#.#...#####..##..... #...#.#...#.......## ##### #.<.# #####....#..# #...#BÀ£g÷¯ BÀ£gŠ° BÀ£gßî d.B.2 #.# #.# ##  . .. #..# . . # #...#.############# ### #.#.#...####.....>........ ....#...##..B ##BÀ£g(ò ,=.......  ...### ###( #... ........###..<### ##.##.....## #..##.#...............# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #.. ......#...#.......## ##### #.<BÀ£g) ….B3BÀ£gÊ CÀ£gÅÓ#.# ##.# ## #..# .. ..  ##..# . ....  #...#.##....  #.#.#.#.#..... ###.....#.>. #...###. .....# #.=B......  #.....# #.###......# #.(..# .##.....#.# #...# ..##.#...###.#.#. CÀ£gÔÕCÀ£gFà0B.CÀ£gõá.=4CÀ£g9êCÀ£gœí] _The giant cockroach closely misses you.CÀ£g§i Í  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.0-5.2 (1.2CÀ£g‚Ž CÀ£gŽ· 4 _The giant cockroach bites you.CÀ£gGa }29--6.5 (1.3CÀ£gގ CÀ£gó¡ z _You closely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach bites you.DÀ£g”8ñ  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.7.7 (1.2DÀ£g)Xu _The giant cockroach barely misses you. x2DÀ£gÌi¬  You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.DÀ£g¶k\30=9.0 (1.3DÀ£gÝuDÀ£gÐx` _The giant cockroach completely misses you.DÀ£g°1 DÀ£gy=; You hit the giant cockroach.DÀ£g$RC=DÀ£gJ^h210.3Soul SplinterDÀ£gwˆi _You kill the giant cockroach!DÀ£gk}“#.# ##.# ## #..# .. .. ##..# . .... #...#.##....  #.#.#.#.#..... ###.....#.>. #...###. .....# #.. #.....# #.###......# #.(..# # #### .##.....###.#.... ###.#.#.. DÀ£gDÀ£gM†4-10DÀ£g!ŽDÀ£góž=  w - a +5 ring of evasionDÀ£g¡£ˆ1==-2.3 (2DÀ£g›«DÀ£gO®\ _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.DÀ£gãD D#.# ##.# ## ..#..# .. ..  ##..# . ....  #...#.#....  #.#.#.#.#..... .....#.>. #...###. .....# #.†[ .....# #.###. .....# #.(..# # #.###. ##.....#. ##.#......#.#...#####..##.. 3.3 (1 _Found a leather armour.EÀ£g E #.# ##.# ## .. #..# .. ... ##..# . .... #...#.#.... # #.#.#.#.#.....#.....#.>. ..#...###. #.....# #..[ #.....# #.###... #.....# #.(..#.# #.#.###..<.# ##### .##.....#.# #...# .##.#.....# #...##.#.#...#####..##..... #...# ....#...#.## ##### #.<.#EÀ£g EÀ£g† <4EÀ£gÔ@ | _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.GÀ£g‚é ùM #.#  #.# ## . .GÀ£g  ..#..# . ..  #...#.############# # #.#.#...# ###.....> ..#...##.†.......[...###... #.....# #.......(..#.#####..##..5 _HÀ£gÐëC ##.# ##....# .. ..# ......#.#############.. # #.#.#.#..........#.##....>... ..#...##. #.....# [...###...(..# .#####..##.. ....#...#.......## ##### #.<.#HÀ£g“ê=6 _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.IÀ£gûòß#.# ##.# ## .. #..# .. ...  ##..# . ....  #...#.#....  #.#.#.#.#..... .....#.>. #...###. .....# #.†[ .....# #.IÀ£gŸó&###... .....# #.(..# # #.###. ##.....#. ##.#......#.#...#####..##.. IÀ£gþIÀ£g,-7 _IÀ£g’ IÀ£gXEIÀ£gG Ä ##.# ##....# .. .  # ....#.##############.#.#..........#. ##....>... .#...##.....# †[.@.###...(..# ...## ## ##....#######..##...#8JÀ£g`e$##.# ## ..  #..# .. .. ##..# . . #...#.#. #.#.#.#.#......#.>. #...###.# #.†.[.# #.###... # #.(..# # #.# ###.......#...#..#.#...##...#.......## ## JÀ£g»mJÀ£gHr&9JÀ£gzJÀ£g{JÀ£gÁJcM #.#  #.# ##  .. ##..# . ..#.##############.#...#..> #...##..†.@.....[....###...#(# ....# #..........#..## #JÀ£gbTJÀ£gZ'20JÀ£gÌ`JÀ£gŒ|JÀ£g)’pM #.#  #.# ## .  .. ##..# . ..#.##############.#...#..> #...##..†.......[....###... ....# #.......(..# #######..##.JÀ£g;²Y1JÀ£gû B#.#  #.# ....# ##.# ## .. #..# .. ....# . . ...#.###.....# .#.#.#.#. .....#.>. JÀ£g\ ‰...###.g# #.†.[.## #.###...## #.(..#JÀ£gÛ Ù# #.####..<.# ##### g   goblin (asleep) .....#.# .#.. JÀ£gc   A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.Found a scale mail.g[g==2 _The goblin shouts!KÀ£gä€Û#.# #.# .....#.# ## ......# ..# .. ......# ..# . ......##.##.....# #.#.#.#.#.>.###.g[## #.†.[.## #.###...## # #.(..# ##### #..####..<.......# ##### #... #... KÀ£g€‰KÀ£gt–"g.KÀ£g7šD--3Soul SplinterKÀ£gI©KÀ£g£©KÀ£gl—.# .# ##.....## .# ## .......# # .. .......# # . .......# #.####.....# .#.#.#.#.>.###.g.[# # #.†.[.## # #.###...## # #.(..# #...####..<.......# ##### #........ .... KÀ£gL!g.KÀ£g~&A--4KÀ£gb,KÀ£gˆ/KÀ£gIŽ®# # ##.....## # ## #.# # .. #.# # . .# #.####.....# #.#.#.#.>. ###.g..[# # #.†.[.## # #.###...## # #.(..# ##### # #....# ###..<.......# ##### #. =5KÀ£gQ j _The goblin closely misses you.KÀ£g £ .# .# ##.....## .# ## #.# .# .. #.# .# . .# .#.####.....#### .#.#.#..#.>. .###.g..[# .# #.†.[.## .# #.###...## .# #.(..# ##### .# #....# .###..<.......# #####.#.....# #...# .# #...# .#...#####..##..... #...#g.-6KÀ£g« KÀ£g¯ KÀ£g7€ ‰#.# #.# ##.....## #.# ## #.......#.# .. #.......#.# . .......#.#.####.....#### #.#.#.#..#.>. ..###.g...[#.# #.†.[.##.# #.###...##.# #.(..# #####.# #...# ..###..<.......# #####.#..........# #...# #.......# #...# #.#...#####..##..... #...#g.-7KÀ£g LÀ£g„lÿ #.#  #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# #..# .. #.......# #..# . .......#.#.##.....#### .#.#.#.#..#.>..###.g....[#.# #.†.[.##.# #.###...##.# #.(..# #####.# #..#.###..<.......# #####.#...# #...# .#....# #...# .#.#...#####..##..... #...#LÀ£gŸ°Ûg.=8 _The goblin attacks as it pursues you! The goblin hits you but does no damage.LÀ£gå³0 #.#LÀ£gŸŽ #.# ##.....##  ##.# ## #.......#  #..# .. #.......# ##..# . .......# #...#.###.....#### #.#.#.#.#. #.....#.>. #...###.g.....[#.# #.†.[.##.# #.###...##.# #.(..# #####.# #.#.###..<.# ##### #.....#.# #...# #.#..# #...# #.#.#...#####..##..... #...#LÀ£gv·LÀ£g]&çg.0-9 _The goblin attacks as it pursues you! The goblin hits you with a +0 club.LÀ£gÚq] #.# #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# #..# .. #.......#  ##..# . .......#  #...#.#.....####  #.#.#.#.#. ##.....#.>. .#...###.g......[#.# #.†.[.##LÀ£gs(.# #.###...##.# #.(..# #####.# #..#.###..<.# ##### ##.....#..# #...# ##.#.# #...# ##.#.#...#####..##..... #...#LÀ£gŠvLÀ£gÁg.LÀ£g‘„c26----30LÀ£g‰LÀ£gޑ_ _The goblin attacks as it pursues you! The goblin hits you with a +0 club.LÀ£gá° #.# #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# #..# .. #.......# ##..# . .......# #...#.##.....#### # #.#.#.#.#.#.....#.>. ..#...###.g.[# #.....# #.†.[.## #.....# #.###...## #.....# #.(..# #####.# #.#.###..<.# ##### .##.....#.# #...# .##.#.....# #...# ###.#.#...#####..##..... #...#g.1 _The goblin attacks as it pursues you! The gLÀ£gݶ)oblin hits you but does no damage.MÀ£g€Ž##.....####.# ##.........# .. .#  .......#.#############.....#### # #.#.#.#..........#.......... ###....>... ..#...##.g[# #.....# .[.#...###...## (..# ##### ..##..<##### .##.....#......#.....# ###.#.#...#####..##..... ....#...#.......## ##### #.<7---2attacks as it pursues you! The goblin hits you but does no damage. _The goblin attacks as it pursues you! The goblin hits you with a +0 club.with a +0 club.but does no damage.hits you but does no damage. _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.NÀ£g=©S#.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# #..# .. #.......#  ##..# . .......#  #...#.#.....####  #.#.#.#.#. .....#.>. #...###.g.[# .....# #.†[.## .....# #.###...## .....# #.(..# ##### # #.###. ##.....#.# #...# ##.#......#.#...#####..##.. 3NÀ£gÚÎ= _The goblin hits you but does no damage.NÀ£g}ÕY4.5 (1.2NÀ£gŠz _You closely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no damage.NÀ£g·„ ö  You hit the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded.5.8 (1.3NÀ£g = _The goblin hits you but does no damage.NÀ£g‰B J  You closely miss the goblin.The goblin is severely wounded.8=7.0 (1.2 _The goblin hits you but does no damage.OÀ£g € _The goblin hits you but does no damage.  You closely miss the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded. _The goblin hits you but does no damage.  You closely miss the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded.OÀ£g "-8.3 (1.3OÀ£gL0OÀ£g°…Æ  You closely miss the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded. _The goblin hits you but does no damage.  You closely miss the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded. _The goblin hits you but does no damage. The goblin misses you.OÀ£gӆœ  You closely miss the goblin.The goblin is severely wounded.OÀ£g¬/¥6-9.6 _The goblin hits you with a +0 club.OÀ£g,î  You hit the goblin but do no damage.The goblin is severely wounded.7-40.8 (1.2OÀ£gÄ÷j _The goblin closely misses you.OÀ£gíp.  You closely miss the goblin.The goblin is severely wounded.2.0 _The goblin closely misses you.OÀ£gÃI 5  You hit the goblin.)43.3 (1.3Soul Splinter _You kill the goblin!OÀ£gӍ gM  #.# #.....##.# ##.. .#...#..# . .......# ..#.#############.....####  #.#.#...# ##.....>..... .#...##...[†.......[.##...###...## .....# #.......(..# ##########..##.OÀ£g¹Ÿ Ž8=-40OÀ£g£ M _You see here a +0 club.PÀ£g·uâ ##.....####.# ##.........# .. ..  #  ......#.#############.....#####.#.#..........#.......... ##....>... .#...##.)[# ....# †[.#...###...## (..# ##### #####..##. ...#...#.......## ##### #.<.#PÀ£g}G-5 _PÀ£gê†PÀ£g6‰PÀ£g£õç #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# #..# .. #.......# ##..# . .......# #...#.#.....#### # #.#.#.#.#.#.....#.>. ..#...###.).[# #.....# #..[.## #.....# #.###...## #.....# #.(..# #####.# #.#.###..<.# ##### .##.....#.# #...# .##.#.....# #...##.#.#...#####..##..... #...# ....#...#.## ##### #.<.#PÀ£g•PÀ£g+ž6 _You see here a giant cockroach corpse.QÀ£g·]U  There are no objects that can be picked up here.QÀ£gÆaQÀ£gymQÀ£gÝmN _a giant cockroach corpseSÀ£gYk #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.# #..# .. #.......# ##..# . .......# #...#.##.....#### ## #.#.#.#.#. .###.....#.>..#...###.).[# ##.....# #†.[.##  #.....# #.###...## ##.....# #.(..# #####.# #.#.###..<.# ##### #.##.....#.# #...# ..##.#....# #...# .###.#.#...#####..##..... #...# .....#...#.## ##### #.À£gIl-40m<.#SÀ£g?±SÀ£g²ÿJ7 _TÀ£gè~3 TÀ£g9Ì}##.# ##.........# .. #  ......#.#############.....#### ## #.#.#.#..........#.......... .###....>.....#...##.)[# ##.....# †.[.#  ...###...## #(..# ##### .....# #.......## ### ####....#######..##...#9==8TÀ£g1TÀ£gTÀ£g6'  ..# .. #  ......#.#############.....#### ## #.#.#.#..........#.......... .###....>.....#...##.)[# ##.....# †.[.#  ...###...## #(..# ##### .....# ##..<######..#..##.....# #...###...#9TÀ£gá@ TÀ£gŠ~ ê#..# .. #.# ##..# . .......# #...#.#.....####  #.#.#.#.#. ###.....#.>. #...###.).[# .....# #.†.......[.## #.....# #.###...## .....# #...# ##### # #.TÀ£g› Ÿ# ###..<.# ##### .##.....###.#.# ###.#.#...#####..##...#...#.......## ####....#..# TÀ£gZè Ÿ50 _You see here 5 stones.UÀ£g2#..# .. #.#  ##..# . .......#  #...#.#.....####  #.#.#.#.#. .....#.>. #...###.)........[# .....# #.†.......[.## .....# #.###...## .....# #.(@.# ##### # #.# ###..<.# ##### ##.....#. ##.#......#.#...#...#.......## ###....####### 1 _UÀ£gÕ©™M#.# ## .#..#..# . .......# ..#.#############.....####  #.#.#...# ##.....>............. .#...##.)........[†.......[.##.@.###...##(..# ##### #... .....###..<.......# #####.#..UÀ£gÔ­UÀ£gÚÂr30==2UÀ£g[ÍUÀ£g/ÏUÀ£gaG ~M #.# #.....##.# ##. .#..#..# . .......# ..#.#############.....####  #.#.#...# ##.....>..... .#...##.)..[†@......[.##...###...##(..# ##### .....# #..........#..## ##UÀ£g.R UÀ£g`W &3UÀ£gwŒ VÀ£g‰¿°#.# ##.....##  ##.# ## #.......#  #..# .. #.......# ##..# . .......# #...#.#.....#### #.#.#.#.#. .....#.>. #...###.).[# # #.†.[.## # #.###...## # #.(..# ##### # #..###.......#...#..#.#...# VÀ£g^ÍVÀ£g@Ï&4VÀ£gãVÀ£gûãVÀ£g°…#.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# VÀ£g†í#..# .. #.......# ..# . .......# ...#.###.....#### .#.#.#.#.VÀ£gP†K .....#.>. VÀ£gy†x...###.).[# VÀ£gä†# #.†.[.## # #.###...## # #.(..# ##### # #.VÀ£g‡‚####..<.# VÀ£gJ‡P.....#.# .#..VÀ£gn‡ .#.#...#####..##. VÀ£gŽ‡ VÀ£g ÅY5VÀ£gÔCáM  #.# #.....##.# ##VÀ£g,DR..# #..# . .......# ..#.#############.....#### .#.#...#VÀ£gUDX..>.....#VÀ£gŽD®.)..[†.......[.##VÀ£gãD2...###...## ...# #.......(..# ########..##VÀ£g \1==6VÀ£gïlVÀ£gÏ û#.# #.# ##.....## .# ## VÀ£g °#.......# ..# .. #.......# ..# . .......# #.##.....#### #.#.#.#. #.>. ###.).[# # #.†.[.## # #.###...## # #.(..# ##VÀ£gc ç#### #..####..<.......VÀ£gü t#... #... VÀ£gÖ <7VÀ£g›! VÀ£g% VÀ£gLÕÀ ##.....####....... ..# ..   .#############.....#### #.#.#..........#.......... ...>...##.)[#  †.[.##...###...## (..# ##### ........ VÀ£göÕ‹#...#.......## ##### #.<.#VÀ£g„åVÀ£gœè&8VÀ£g%óVÀ£gÇôWÀ£g÷=WÀ£gŠBWÀ£geKWÀ£gNWÀ£gá œ.# ##.....## .# ## #.......# # .. #.......# WÀ£g/ ## . .......# #.#.....#### .#.#.#. WÀ£gT T#.>. ###.WÀ£gt ).WÀ£gÊ x[# # #.WÀ£gê )†.WÀ£g Œ[.## # #.WÀ£g ƒ###...## # #.WÀ£g; f(..# ##### WÀ£gV  # #..........####..<....WÀ£gq 2#......WÀ£g S . WÀ£gÐ WÀ£gYWÀ£g«6&9WÀ£gXBWÀ£gUDWÀ£gŸ› -# ##.....## # ## #.# # .. #.# # . .# #.####.....#### #.#.#. #.>. ###.).[# # #.†.[.## # #.###...## # #.(..# ##### # #.....# =60WÀ£g`j Ü ##.....##  ## #.#  .. #.#  . .# .####.....# .#.#.#.>.#.).[# WÀ£gk ™ #.†.[.##  #.###...##  #.(..# ##### WÀ£g3x WÀ£g~ &1WÀ£g‡£ WÀ£gmxg##.....##  ## #.# .. #.# . .# ####.....#####. #.#. #.>.# .).[# #.†..## #.###...## #.(..# ##### WÀ£g‹WÀ£gqŽ&2WÀ£g}«WÀ£g"ÅW _You see here a +0 leather armour.XÀ£g4AëM ##.....#  ###.## . #.......# ############.....#####...#..>.....#.)[#†.......[.##XÀ£g»AÇ...###...## #.......(..# #####XÀ£g=QXÀ£gJV-3 _XÀ£g`XÀ£gØaXÀ£g·i¬##.....## ## #.#  #.#  #.# .##.....#####. .#. .>.# .).[# .†.[.## .###...## .(..# ##### 4XÀ£gE ]##.....##  #.......#  #.......# #.......# .##.....#####.#.>.# ).# XÀ£gÁE †.[.## ###...## # XÀ£gX^ <5XÀ£gÑc XÀ£gyh S _You see here a +0 scale mail.YÀ£g ›YÀ£gž&6YÀ£g_ªYÀ£g%È) _x - a +0 scale mailYÀ£gˆ YÀ£gh cEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  t - a +0 ring mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  x - a +0 scale mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip ]À£gÿE [ n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn). A pair of gloves. They are worn on the hands, and cover all but the largest claws. Base armour rating: 1 It can be maximally enchanted to +2. If you take off this armour: Your AC would decrease by 1.0 (6.3 -> 5.3). Your EV would remain unchanged. You found it on level 1 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {gloves armour} {gloves armor} {auxiliary armor} {auxiliary armour} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified equipped armour`À£grO·Equip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  t - a +0 ring mail (worn)  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  x - a +0 scale mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  w - a +5 ring of evasion [?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip bÀ£g]j& x - a +0 scale mail. A leather suit covered with metal plates attached to each other in overlapping rows to provide full protection, but at the cost of reduced freedom of movement.Base armour rating: 6Encumbrance rating: 10 It can be maximally enchanted to +6. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 1.0 (6.3 -> 7.4). Your EV would decrease by 1.4 (9.9 -> 8.5). You found it on level 3 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “Nought can Deform the Human race  Like to the Armours iron brace”-William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”, 99-100. 1803.cÀ£gî¹ÔEquip which item?  - - Unarmed Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)  a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  t - a +0 ring mail (worn)  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  x - a +0 scale mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  w - a +5 ring of evasion [?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear|put on[tab] equip|unequip dÀ£g Wolftag123 the Grave Robber##.....##Mummy ##.......#Health: 31/31 ========================#.......#Magic: 9/9========================#.......# ..AC: 6Str: 13 ###########.....#####...EV: 9Int: 14 .........#..............SH: 0Dex: 12 ......>.............#XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:3 .......)........@#dÀ£g» 5Noise: ---------  Time: 1866.3 (0.0) ......†.......[.##e) +0 hand axe .........###...##Cast: Soul Splinter ......(..# ##### .........# .<.......# ##### .........# #...# ..........# #...# #####..##..... #...#There are no objects that can be picked up here. _a giant cockroach corpse _You see here 5 stones. _You see here a +0 leather armour. _You see here a +0 scale mail. _x - a +0 scale maildÀ£g3 W7.3 (1dÀ£g’5 ð ..........# #####..##..... #...#  You start removing your armour.dÀ£gT: +8.3 (2dÀ£güA dÀ£gìL dÀ£gGP +9.3 (3dÀ£g1^ dÀ£g)d dÀ£g¿d ,70.3 (4dÀ£gom dÀ£g*” A1.3 (5dÀ£g–Ë Ð 111 _You continue removing your +0 ring mail. x4dÀ£gHÓ S  You finish removing your +0 ring mail.  dÀ£gbØ AYou start putting on your armour.dÀ£gVÛ +2.3 (6dÀ£g¢ä dÀ£gšë dÀ£gmï +3.3 (7dÀ£gq W4.3 (8dÀ£gîdÀ£gMdÀ£gº+5.3 (9dÀ£g"dÀ£gX*dÀ£gÄ./6.3 (10.0)dÀ£geK¢ 7 8 _You continue putting on your +0 scale mail. x5dÀ£gIU1dÀ£g˜__ _You finish putting on your +0 scale mail.eÀ£g- ##.(.#  ##.....# #  #.......# . ###########.....#####...#....>....#.)...##.#†.......[.##...###...##(..# ##### ..#<#### ..........# eÀ£g<…eÀ£g–‰17.0)eÀ£gêeÀ£g”- _Found 6 poisoned darts.fÀ£g‰ŸM ####  ##.(.#  ##.....# #  #.......# .. ###########.....#####...#....>....#....)...##.# ......†.......[.## #fÀ£g •fÀ£g—&8fÀ£gŸfÀ£gÚ fÀ£gž*p#### ##.(.# ##.....##  #.......# #.......# #.......# ........#####.#.fÀ£gÞ*>.#.).##.# .†.[.## .fÀ£g+’####...## .fÀ£gF+§(..# ##### ..# .# fÀ£go+e<.# ##### .. fÀ£gÐsY9fÀ£gnû $#### ##.(.# ##.....## #.......# #.......# .#.......# ........#####.#.>.fÀ£gª Å#....>).##.# ..†.[.## .# ####...## .fÀ£g< `.(..# ##### #..# #.# 80fÀ£gˆ% Q _Found a stone staircase leading down.fÀ£gÒÇ· #### ##.(.# ##.....## #.......# #.......# . #.......# ....#.....#####......#..>.#....>.).##.# ....†.[.## .# #.###...## ...(..# ##### #...# #.# <.# ##### .. .# #...#fÀ£gÐêY1gÀ£gùZX #### ##.(.# ##.....## # #.......# #.......# . #.......# ....#.....#####......#..>.#....>.).##.# ....†.[.## .# #.###...## ...(..# ##### #...# #.# .<.# ##### .. .# #...#gÀ£g(dgÀ£g£h&2gÀ£gÏvgÀ£gøùù #### ##.(.## ##.....### #.......# . #.......# . #.......# ....###.....#####......#..>.#....>.).##.# ....†.......[.## .# #.###...## .. .(..# ##### #.. .# #.# ..<.# ##### .. .# #...#3gÀ£güŒ Ù#### ##.(.## ##.....##  #.......#  #.......# . #.......# .... ##.....#####..... #. >.#....> ).##.# ... †..###...## .. gÀ£gú‘ gÀ£g™ gÀ£gç &4gÀ£gM° gÀ£g>² gÀ£gRâ e#### ##.(.## ##.....##  #.......# #.......# . #.......# .... .....#####..... #. >.#....> gÀ£g‘ã ).##.# ... †.[.## .###...## ..(..# ##### #..# #.# <.# ##### .. gÀ£gëì gÀ£gáï &5gÀ£g¢ù hÀ£gDš#### ##.(.## ##.....## #.......# #.......# . #.......# .... .....#####..... #. >.#....> ).##.# ... †.[.## .# ####...## ..(..# ##### #..# #.# 6hÀ£g¹:ˆ#### ##.(.## ##.....## #.# ####.......# ...#.......# .......#####.#.>.#....>.).hÀ£g%K?##.# ..†.[.###.# ######...## #..(..# ##### ##..# #.## ##### .. 7hÀ£g,ShÀ£gþ 9#### hÀ£gP##.(.## ##.....## #.# #####.# ......!#.......# .......#####.#.o>.#....>.).##.#..†.[.###.#######...## #..(..# ##### ##.. o   orc (asleep)# #.# hÀ£g×0€  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.hÀ£gD=vo.ohÀ£g)D&8hÀ£gYba _Found an inky potion.hÀ£g #### ##.(.## ##.....## #.# ##.#.# #......!.#.# #......#####.#.o.o>.#....>.).##.#.†.[.###.##.###...## #..(..# ##### ##.. o 2 orcs (1 asleep) hÀ£gV( ‚  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.hÀ£g[: hÀ£g"M ¥o.o.ohÀ£gä‰ ‘==9Soul Splinter _The orc shouts! You hear a shout!iÀ£g`h#### ##.(.## ##.....## ##.# #.##.# #......!.#.# #.o.....#####.#.o.o. >.#....>.).##.#. †.[.###.#.####...## #.. # (..# ##### ##.. o 3 orcs (1 wandering) iÀ£g”€  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.iÀ£gÓiÀ£gíiÀ£g‹¥o.o.o.iÀ£gU '90iÀ£gM+iÀ£gT>% _The orc shouts!jÀ£gÙ  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #### Mummy  ##.(.## Health: 31/31 ========================  ##.....## #  Magic: 8/9=====================---  #.......# ########.#  AC: 7Str: 13  #.......# #......!..  EV: 8Int: 14  #.......# #.......o.  SH: 0Dex: 12 #####.....#####.........  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:3 ...#............@*o.o...  Noise: ==-------  Time: 1890.3 (0.0) >.............#....>....  e) +0 hand axe À£gãC0;10m.).........##.#.........  Cast: Soul Splinter †.......[.###.########.# ...###...## #.. # (..# ##### ##.. ooo 3 orcs ...# #.# ...# ##### .. ...# #...#An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club. _The orc shouts!  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)jÀ£g)˜– .o**#kÀ£gQ.*#kÀ£gµ7*.kÀ£g­kÁ*o.., f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)kÀ£g Wolftag123 the Grave Robber####Mummy##.(.##Health: 31/31 ========================##.....###Magic: 8/9=====================---#.......# ########.#AC: 7Str: 13#.......# #......!..EV: 8Int: 14#.......# #.......o.SH: 0Dex: 12 #####.....#####.........XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:3 ...#............@.*.o...Noise: ==-------  Time: 1890.3 (0.0) >.............#....>....e) +0 hand axe .).........##.#.........Cast: kÀ£g»¡gSoul Splinter †.......[.###.########.# ...###...## #..# (..# ##### ##..ooo 3 orcs ...##.# ...# ##### .. ...# #...#An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club. _The orc shouts!  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)kÀ£gñš kÀ£g‹W d  You feel a surge of power! The orc struggles to resist..oo.o.-1.3 (1 _kÀ£gŽ€ lÀ£g™¹N-lÀ£gqÆlÀ£ghÑF _Unknown command.nÀ£go“, #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# nÀ£gÁ”E#.# #.# #......!.. #.# #.#.....#####......o...#.o.o.... .>.#....>.... ..).##.#. .†.[.###.#.#.###...## #.. # .(..# ##### ##.. ....# #.# ....# ##### .. ....# #...#nÀ£gs›nÀ£g°žnÀ£gJŸnÀ£gãÆnÀ£gȐo.o.o.nÀ£gµáK-2 _nÀ£g)oÀ£gŒŠ #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ##.# #.# #......!.. #.# #.#.....#####.....o....#.o.o..... ..>.#....>.....).##.#. ..†.[.###.##.#.###...## #.. # ..(..# ##### ##.. .....# #.# .....# ##### .. .....# #...#o.o.o.=3 _The orc attacoÀ£gî‹Xks as it pursues you! The orc closely misses you.oÀ£gN™ > #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.# #......!.. #.......# #..#.....#####....o.....#.o.o.......>.#....>.....).##.#...†.[.###.####.#.###...## #.. #.(..# ##### ##...# #.# ......# ##### .. ......# #...#oÀ£g ç âo.o.o.-4pÀ£g.N  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #### Mummy ##.(.## Health: 31/31 ======================== ##.....## #  Magic: 7/9==================------ #.......# ########.#  AC: 7Str: 13 #.......# #......!..  EV: 8Int: 14 #.......# #.........  SH: 0Dex: 12 ########.....#####...o.....  XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:3 ......#.........@o.o.......  Noise: ---------  Time: 1894.3 (0.0) ...>.............#....>....  e) +0 hand axe ....).........##.À£g,R#m#.........  Cast: Soul Splinter ...†.......[.###.########.# ......###...## #.. # ...(..# ##### ##.. ooo 3 orcs ......# #.# ......# ##### .. ......# #...# _Unknown command. _The orc attacks as it pursues you! The orc closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)pÀ£gÒ® € o*****pÀ£g`& pÀ£g"9 6*..pÀ£g‘e 7*.pÀ£g g*.#..qÀ£g–Wk.*#*qÀ£gå•7*.qÀ£g£Ê­o.f/p - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)qÀ£g|ù Wolftag123 the Grave Robber####Mummy##.(.##Health: 31/31 ========================##.....###Magic: 7/9==================------#.......# ########.#AC: 7Str: 13#.......# #......!..EV: 8Int: 14#.......# #.........SH: 0Dex: 12 ########.....#####...o.....XL:  4 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:3 ......#.........@*.o.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1894.3 (0.0) ...>.............#....>....e) +0 hand axe ....).........##.#.qÀ£gÕû «[40m........Cast: Soul Splinter ...†.......[.###.########.# ......###...## #..# ...(..# ##### ##..ooo 3 orcs ......##.# ......# ##### .. ......# #...# _Unknown command. _The orc attacks as it pursues you! The orc closely misses you.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 club (chance to affect: 67%)qÀ£g; 6 (1 weak, 1 ally target, 1 sou
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the orc's soul is dislodged from its body.qÀ£g"H vSoul Splinter  --more--rÀ£gJÃQ  The orc looks weaker.rÀ£g‡Ï˜.oo.o*rÀ£g‡3=5.3 (1rÀ£gû-rÀ£gAC“ _The orc misses your soul wisp. Your soul wisp closely misses the orc.sÀ£gáµ #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #...#.....#####..#.oo.o.......>.*#....>.....).##.#....†.[.###.#######.#.###...## #.. #.(..# ##### ##...# #.#.# ##### .. .# #...#sÀ£gæ¹sÀ£g©ºsÀ£g Ô‡o.oo.6sÀ£gœïC _Your soul wisp touches the orc.sÀ£g¶®C #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.......# #.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #.........#.....#####..#.o.oo..>.*#....>.....)sÀ£gœ¯2.##.#..........†.[.###.########.#.###...## #.. #.(..# ##### ##...# #.# <.# ##### .. .# #...#sÀ£g õ£o.oo.sÀ£gÚ÷&7sÀ£g7 sÀ£gš- _Your soul wisp touches the orc.sÀ£gú #### ##.(.## ##.....## # # #.......# #.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #.........#.....#####..#.o.oo..>.*#....>.....).##.#..........†.[.###.##.#.###...## #.. #.(..# ##### ##...# #.# .<.# ##### .. .# #...#Your soul wisp touches the orc.)oo. 2 orcssÀ£g€Ÿ2[40m7-8Soul SplintersÀ£g(æsÀ£gÓ ; _The orc dies!sÀ£gŒ5#### ##.(.## ##.....## #  #.......# #.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #......... .....#####. #.)oo. >.*#....>.... ).##.#......... †.[.###.###...## #..(..# ##### ##.. # #.# <.# ##### .. sÀ£g‡P,sÀ£gâcNoo.(1 ally target)sÀ£gÀe@-9sÀ£g’qsÀ£g`u[ _Your soul wisp barely misses the orc.tÀ£gzÒ[ .oYou closely miss the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 dagger.29--8====900.6 (1.3tÀ£gŸÜtÀ£g7ôT _Your soul wisp misses the orc.tÀ£gŠT  You hit the orc but do no damage. You closely miss the orc.The orc hits you but does no damage. The orc hits you with a +0 club.8---1.8 (1.2tÀ£g;ŽtÀ£gž _Your soul wisp closely misses the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.tÀ£gcøï  You barely miss the orc. x2; The orc closely misses you.Your soul wisp barely misses the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.tÀ£gú-3.1 (1.3tÀ£gÇ!f _The orc barely misses you.tÀ£gœt u  You hit the orc.  The orc is severely wounded.You hit the orc. Your soul wisp touches the orc. )   orc (  The orc dies!9=204.4 _The orc barely misses you. Your soul wisp barely misses the orc.tÀ£g4' 5  You hit the orc.tÀ£g¢. tÀ£g÷6 Ø*.*   soul wisp (summoned)tÀ£g6~ ç===35.6 (1.2Soul Splinter _You kill the orc!tÀ£gŸý ²#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.......# #.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #......... .....#####. #.*@. >.).#....>.... ).##.#......... †.[.###.########.####...## #.(..# ##### ##.. # #.# -60 _You swap places. _Items here: )) [ ††.uÀ£g³²¯#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #... .....#####. #.*) >.).#....>.... ).##.#... †.[.###.########.####...## #(..# ##### ##.. # #.## ##### .. .*-7 _uÀ£g+ÆuÀ£gtÏY#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.# #......!.. #.......# #.. .....#####. #.*. >.).#....>.... ).##.#.. †.[.###.########.####...## #..(..# ##### ##.. # #.# )*30==9===8uÀ£g-I  #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.# #......!.. #.......# #..#.....#####..#.)@*..>uÀ£gÁI ®.).#....>.....).##.#...†.[.###.####.#.###...## #.. #.(..# ##### ##...# #.# ......# ##### .. ......# #...#uÀ£g„V uÀ£g|` &9uÀ£gf uÀ£g·i & _You swap places.vÀ£gÖ€ #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #...#.....#####..#.@.*..>.).#....>.....).##.#....†.[.###.#######.#.###...## #.. #.(..# ##### ##...# #.#.# ##### .. .# #...#vÀ£g̪2*.vÀ£g±'10vÀ£gíʄ _Items here: )) [ ††.vÀ£g¹–Œ######.(.####.....###.......# ########..........!........... #########.....#####.. .......#........)*.>....#....>.)##.#.....†.[.###.########.#vÀ£gµ—!...###...## #.. (..# ##### ##.....# #.###### .....# ##..#vÀ£gßÃY1 _vÀ£g<Æ× _You swap places _Items here: )) [ ††.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; an orc corpsevÀ£g<† N#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.......# ########.# #.......# #......!.. #.......# #.. .....#####. #.)*. >.)@#....>.... ).##.#. †.[.###.##.# ###...## #(..# ##### ##..# #.# # ##### ..# #...# ##. vÀ£gñ’ vÀ£gi– –1=====2 _vÀ£gê  vÀ£gü¢ wÀ£g`-Z ####  ##.(.##  #.....## .#######.#.........! #.......# #. ########.....#####...#)@.......>..)*#....>..)...##.#.........†.......[.###.########....###...## #.. #(..# ##### ##..  #.##### ..# ##.wÀ£ge8wÀ£gÓ=wÀ£g0a3wÀ£gßmwÀ£gǕ& _You swap places.wÀ£gô'@#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ########.# #.# #......!.. #.......# #.. .....#####. #.). >.)*#....>.... ).##.#.. †.[.###.########.####...## #..(..# ##### ##.. # #.# wÀ£gºYY4wÀ£gø0#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# ##.# #.# #......!.. #.# #. .....#####. #.). >.)*#....>.... ).##.#. †.[.###.##.####...## #.(..# ##### ##.. *.5wÀ£g Ÿ €#### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# #.# #.# #......!.. #.# #. .....#####. #.).*. >.).#....>.... ).##.#. †.[.###.#.####...## #.. # (..# ##### ##.. wÀ£gÄ wÀ£gKø Š.=6wÀ£gí  #### ##.(.## ##.....## # #.# #.##.# #......!.#.# #......#####.#.). .).#....>. ).##.#. .[.###.#.# wÀ£gÄ€ &7wÀ£gÔ¯ wÀ£gó± xÀ£gÓb’#### ##.(.## ###.....## .#  #.# #.##.# #......!...##.# #.#.....#####.##.).#).#....>.....# .##.#.#[.###.#.# 8xÀ£gàrxÀ£gÑA####  ##.(.## # ##.....## .# #.# #.### #.# #......!...# #.# #.# .....#####.# #.).xÀ£g—€n# ).#....>.....# ##.#.# ###...## #.. .# # ##### ##.. # xÀ£g4‹xÀ£g®’&9xÀ£gÁ˜xÀ£gö›xÀ£gÑ ›#### )# ##.(.## .# .....## .# .# #.### .# #......!...# .# #.# .....#####.# .).# ).#....>.....# ##.#.#  ##### ##.. .# #.# #  xÀ£gÚ& `20 _Found a whip.yÀ£gÅYQ #### )# .(.## .# .....## .# # #.### # #......!...# # #.# .....#####.# ).# ).#....>.....# ##.#.# #.# .###### .. .# yÀ£gšY1yÀ£gAM .### ) #.(.## ## .# #######.##!.# #####)........)> ......##.#..........#.#2yÀ£g ~êM .### ) #.(.## ## .# #######.##!.# #####)....... yÀ£g»~À.......).#....>.....#.#yÀ£gšÇY3yÀ£gœ·jM .### ) #.(.## ## .# #######.##.# ##### .......)............#.#4yÀ£gÜ,yÀ£gœ ”5.6 (2 _h - 2 inky potions (gained 1)yÀ£g[e #.# #.# #.#  #)# .(.## #.# ## #.# # #.### # #.# # #.# #####.# )..).###.#[.###.# ...## #.. #.# yÀ£gúu A6.6 (1yÀ£g­| yÀ£gÑ~ zÀ£gjM #. ### )(.## ## #.# #######@###.# ....#####..........##.#7zÀ£g„4zÀ£gýÐíM... #. ### )(.## zÀ£g–Ó™## #@# #######.###..........# .....# #..........#..........#######.###zÀ£g)Y8zÀ£gb /Mw... #. ### )(.## ## #.# #######.## .....# #..........#...........#w   ribbon worm (asleep).......#...........#.ww9zÀ£g^ _A ribbon worm comes into view.zÀ£gGäã..w. #. ### (.## ## #.# #######.##.# .....#####..........)............#.)>zÀ£gs 6(catching breath)zÀ£gã ] ````zÀ£g­ ‹The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.zÀ£giÈ zÀ£g»â þ.... 4 30Soul SplinterHeld  _You are caught in a web!  zÀ£gAþ YThere is a web here. _You see here a +0 whip.zÀ£g㏠zÀ£gH¬ P.wzÀ£gÑ­ &1zÀ£g¶ zÀ£gÔž C _You struggle to detach yourself from the web.|À£g(§Ž 8 2 _The web tears apart.|À£gd...#w#. ###) .(.## ....##.# ########.###|À£gM:..........####.......)............).#....>.....###.|À£g|À£gI=P.w|À£gŒ@&3|À£g·I|À£g×L|À£geM ê#.#w. ###) .(.##|À£g"N 4....##.# ########.###...............#####..........#|À£gÎN U..)............#|À£g2O í).#....>.....###.#.....[.###.########.##|À£gdR |À£gù\ P.w|À£g­_ &4|À£gYg |À£g»u |À£gû‡ ;#.#w. ###) .(.##....##.# ########@###..........#..........######..........#..)......).#....>##.#.....[.###.########.##.## #.. #.w|À£g &5|À£g7¹ |À£gúœ |À£g¢ï ‡#.#w ###) .(.##....##.# ########.###.......@..#####..)..).#....>##.[.###.########.##.## #.. # #### ##.. |À£gœò |À£gYû P.w|À£gJþ &6|À£gÓ}À£gë»  #.# Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.# Mummy #.# Health: 31/31 ======================== #.# Magic: 8/9=====================--- ### #w# AC: 7Str: 13 .(.## #*# EV: 8Int: 14 ....## #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 .....# ########*###  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:3 .....# #.......@..#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1936.6 (0.0) .....# #..........#  e) +0 hand axe ....#####..........#}À£grœ ›  Cast: Soul Splinter ......)............# ......).#....>.....# .....##.#..........#  w   ribbon worm ..[.###.########.### ...## #.. #.# #### ##.. .# _You struggle to detach yourself from the web. _The web tears apart.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)}À£gÃñÄ w...**#}À£g*n*.##~À£gÅž‹*.*##~À£gIo*#.#~À£gâzY#.#~À£gÚªo#**##.~À£gšà^#*#~À£gbw#, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)~À£gT*i .w~À£g3x ˜.w, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)~À£gª Ï#.#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.#Mummy#.#Health: 31/31 ========================#.#Magic: 8/9~À£gº« =====================--- ####*#AC: 7Str: 13 .(.###.#EV: 8Int: 14 ....###.#SH: 0Dex: 12 .....# ########.###XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:3 .....# #.......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1936.6 (0.0) .....# #..........#e) +0 hand axe ....#####..........#Cast: Soul Splinter ......)............# ......).#....>.....# .....##.#..........#w   ribbon worm ..[.###.########.### ...## #..#.# #### ##...# _You struggle to detach yourself from the web. _The we~À£g¬ Öb tears apart.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)~À£gOŒ w  You feel a surge of power!  The ribbon worm resists with significant effort.~À£gý9 :w~À£gµ_ W=7.6 (1 _€À£gFµ #.# Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.# Mummy #.# Health: 31/31 ======================== #.# Magic: 7/9==================------ ### #w# AC: 7Str: 13 .(.## #*# EV: 8Int: 14 ....## #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 .....# ########*###  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:3 .....# #.......@..#  Noise: =--------  Time: 1937.6 (0.0) .....# #..........#  e) +0 hand axe ....#####.........€À£gí¶Œ.#  Cast: Soul Splinter ......)............# ......).#....>.....# .....##.#..........#  w   ribbon worm ..[.###.########.### ...## #.. #.# #### ##.. .#You feel a surge of power! _The ribbon worm resists with significant effort.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)€À£g÷U › w...*€À£gᇠ7*.€À£gî J**€À£gáÉ J**€À£gl -#.À£gF<V##*À£g=ŏ#wf/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)À£g~œ  #.# Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.# Mummy #.# Health: 31/31 ======================== #.# Magic: 7/9==================------ ### #w# AC: 7Str: 13 .(.## #.# EV: 8Int: 14 ....## #.# SH: 0Dex: 12 .....# ########.###  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:3 .....# #.......@..#  Noise: =--------  Time: 1937.6 (0.0) .....# #..........#  e) +0 hand axe ....#####..........[40À£g$¿ Ÿm#  Cast: Soul Splinter ......)............# ......).#....>.....# .....##.#..........#  w   ribbon worm ..[.###.########.### ...## #.. #.# #### ##.. .#Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)  You feel a surge of power! You miscast Soul Splinter.  You are very lightly contaminated with residual magic.À£gÖÈ /  --more--ƒÀ£g=ÿ  Nothing appears to happen. #.# #.# #.# #.# #)#(.## #w# #.# ###  #..  #.. .. )....).#.... [#######.### #.. #.# ##.. -8.6 (1Contam _ƒÀ£gB  #.# Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.# Mummy #.# Health: 31/31 ======================== #.# Magic: 6/9================-------- ### #)# AC: 7Str: 13 .(.## #w# EV: 8Int: 14 ....## #*# SH: 0Dex: 12 .....# ########*###  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:3 .....# #.......@..#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1938.6 (0.0) .....# #..........#  e) +0 hand axe ....#####..........# ƒÀ£g ”  Cast: Soul Splinter ......)............#  Contam ......).#....>.....# .....##.#..........#  w   ribbon worm ..[.###.########.### ...## #.. #.# #### ##.. .# _Nothing appears to happen.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)„À£g¶]º w..**#„À£gÍŸy**..#„À£gÄÁ6#.„À£gT²h#*##.„À£gŽ¿^#*#„À£gš w#f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)„À£g.“ #.#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.#Mummy#.#Health: 31/31 ========================#.#Magic: 6/9================-------- ####)#AC: 7Str: 13 .(.###*#EV: 8Int: 14 ....###.#SH: 0Dex: 12 .....# ########.###XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:3 .....# #.......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 1938.6 (0.0) .....# #..........#e) +0 hand axe ....#####..........#Cast: Soul Splinter ......)............#Contam ......).#....>.....# .....##.#[„À£gR• ˆ40m..........#w   ribbon worm ..[.###.########.### ...## #..#.# #### ##...# _Nothing appears to happen.  Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 59%)„À£gód 9 (weak, ally target, soul-
)*   soul wisp (summoned)You feel a surge of power!  A fragment of the ribbon worm's soul is dislodged from its body.„À£g8 vSoul Splinter  --more--…À£gþÑÇ w*The ribbon worm looks weaker.  The ribbon worm bites your soul wisp but does no damage.…À£g¯Ù3=9.6 (1…À£gMâ…À£gMæ5 _Your soul wisp touches the ribbon worm.†À£g2_Z #.# #.# #.# #.## #)# #.(.## #w#.## #*#.# #.###.# #.#.# #†À£g6`ñ.#.#####.#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#.#.[.###.#.### #...## #.. #.# ##### ##.. .#†À£gpp The ribbon worm bites your soul wisp but does no damage.†À£gÎu/-40†À£g†À£g܃5 _Your soul wisp touches the ribbon worm.†À£gÀ€ #.# #.# #.# #.#  #### #)# ##.(.## #w# #.....## #*#.# #.###.# #.#.# #.# #.....#####.#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#.#.[.###.#.### ##...## #.. #.#  ##### ##.. .#-1†À£gË  #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)#  ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# †À£g‚n#.### #.# #.# #.# #.##.....#####.# #.).# .).#....>.....#.##.#†À£gà¬.# .....[.###.#.### ###...## #.. #.# # ##### ##.. .#†À£gù†À£gü&2†À£gF'†À£g‹)†À£gØ ß #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....##†À£gØØ Â #*#  #.# #.###  #.# #.#  #.# #.##.....#####.# .#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#.# ......[.###.#.### .###...## #.. #.# .# ##### ##.. .#†À£gúá †À£gµå &3†À£gî †À£gχÀ£gŠÛ#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)#  ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.‡À£gÂÀ# #.# #.# .....#####.# #.).# # ‡À£g*‡À£gŒsC4‡À£g°I #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.###  #.# #.#  #.# #.##.....#####.# .#.).#‡À£gJŒ.).#....>.....#.##.#.# ......[.###.#.### .###...## #.. #.# .# ##### ##.. .#‡À£gVV‡À£g}[_7==5‡À£gÖk‡À£gKtC _Your magical contamination has completely faded away.‡À£g.‰ ›#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)#  ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.# #.# #.# .....#####.# # 6‡À£gaå § #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.###  #‡À£gð ú.# #.#  #.# #.##.....#####.# .#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#.# ......[.###.#.### .###...## #.. #.# .# ##### ##.. .#‡À£g»+ Y7‡À£gÔÍ ‰#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)#  ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### ‡À£gÏ ¹#.# #.# #.# #.# .....#####.# # ‡À£g§Ü ‡À£gžå &8‡À£gŽì ‡À£g¡í ‡À£g:ð· #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.###  #.# #.#  #.# #.##.....#####.# .#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#.# ......[.###.#.### .###...## #.. #.# .# ##### ##.. .#‡À£gŸûY==9‡À£g0ˆÀ£g™£B#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)#  ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.# #.# #.# .....#####.# # ˆÀ£g‚ÊZ50ˆÀ£gԁ #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.### ˆÀ£g¬Ôq #.# #.#  #.# #.##.....#####.# .#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#ˆÀ£g×ÔW.# ......[.###.ˆÀ£gÕ»#.### .###...## #.. #.# ˆÀ£g$՝.# ##### ##.. .#ˆÀ£g߈À£g†òC1ˆÀ£g=æX#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)#  ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.# #.# #.# .....#####.# # ˆÀ£gåç&2ˆÀ£gñˆÀ£g&òˆÀ£guŸ· #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.###  #.# #.#  #.# #.##.....#####.# .#.).#.).#....>.....#.##.#.# ......[.###.#.### .###...## #.. #.# .# ##### ##.. .#ˆÀ£gTÀ&3ˆÀ£gAɈÀ£g{ʈÀ£gNË ¡ #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.# #.# #.##.....#####.# ..#.).#..).#....>.....# ).##.#.#.[.###.#.### ˆÀ£goÌ ..###...## #.. #.# ..# ##### ##.. .#ˆÀ£gŠâ <4ˆÀ£g"ú ˆÀ£gµü ˆÀ£g8Š ý#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.###  #.# #.#  #.# #.# .....#####.# #.).#.).#....>.....# .##.#.#[.###.#.### ˆÀ£gVš ˆÀ£gìº s8===5ˆÀ£g F ¥ #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.# #.# #.##.....#####ˆÀ£gïG .# ..#.).#..).#....>.....# ).##.#.#.[.###.#.### ..###...## #.. #.# ..# ##### ##.. .#ˆÀ£g.s ˆÀ£g³¡ &6ˆÀ£gh¶ ˆÀ£g¹ ˆÀ£g’Ðà#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #*#  #.# #.###  #.# #.ˆÀ£gfÑ#  #.# #.# .....#####.# #.).#.).#....>.....# .##.#.#[.###.#.### ˆÀ£g·Ñ ˆÀ£gtçˆÀ£g…í&7ˆÀ£gtôˆÀ£g#÷‰À£g5"Ò #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #*# #.# #.### #.# #.# #.# #.##.....#####.# ..#.).#..).#....>.....# ).##.#.#.[.###.#.### ..###...## #.. #.# ..# ##### ##.. .#‰À£g÷-ˆ.ww   ribbon worm‰À£g_D;8Soul Splinter‰À£gÌN‰À£gP‰À£gŽ+L#.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w#  ##.....## #.#  #.# #‰À£g•,µw###  #.# #.#  #.# #.# .....#####.# #.).#.).#....>.....# .##.#.# [.###.#.### ‰À£g21‰À£g;S.w‰À£gŠ<D===9‰À£gF‰À£gnH‰À£g±¹{ #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.# #.### #.# #..@...w...# #.# #.##.....#####.# ..#.).#..).#....>.....# ).##.#.#.[.###.#.### ..###...## #.. #.# ..# ##### ##.. .#w.60‰À£ga…‰À£gëé #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.# #.### #.# #.@...w....# #.# #.##.....#####.#.#.)..# >.).#....>.# .).##.#.# †.[.###.#.## ...###...## #.. #.# (..# ##### ##.. .#‰À£gü&1‰À£gZ‰À£gt‰À£g§… ‹ #.# #.# #.# #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.# #.### #.# #@....w....# #.# #‰À£g¿† Õ.##.....#####.#.#.)...# .>.).#....>..# ..).##.#.# .†.[.###.#.###.###...## #.. #.# .(..# ##### ##.. .#‰À£g2¥ rw.2‰À£g@« ŠÀ£gî ####)##.(.##w##.....##........# ########.###....w...... ######.....#### ....#........)..>...ŠÀ£gN È).#....>.)##.#.....#w   ribbon worm ....##.# .#ŠÀ£gp#ŠÀ£g<`w.3ŠÀ£gOBŠÀ£gUEŠÀ£gÏ ] ####)##.(.##w##.....##........# ########.###...w....... ######.....#### ....#........)..>...........).#....>...#.w   ribbon worm ....# ##### .. .#(catching breath) ŠÀ£gØ %``ŠÀ£g< CThe ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.ŠÀ£gq HThe stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ŠÀ£g0¥ ß..9=== 4 4Held ŠÀ£gQ§ j _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.ŠÀ£gÄ€.w 8 5ŠÀ£gÙá@ _The web tears apart.‹À£g=õw####)##.(.##w##.....##........# ########.###..........w ######.....#####... ....#........)..>...).#....>.)##.#.....†.[.###.########.## .‹À£g öº...###...## #.. #.#(..# ##### ##.. ...# #.###### .....# ##.‹À£gS ‹À£g× &6‹À£gþ‹À£gU= Ù #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.# ##.### #.# #.# #.# #..w.##.....#####.#.#.).# ..>.).#....>.....#.).##.#.# ..†.[.###.##.###.###...## #.. #.# ..(..# ##### ##.. .# .....# #.# .# .....# ##### .. .# .....# #...# ##.‹À£g J |.w7‹À£gAU ‹À£g™^ ‹À£ggÿ‹À£gÜê #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.# ########.### #.# #...# #.......# #..##.....#####.w.#.#.).#.>.).#....>.....#.).##.#..#.†.[.###.####.###.###...## #.. #.#.(..# ##### ##.. .#.# #.# .# ......# ##### .. .# ......# #...# ##.‹À£g¬6(catching breath)ŒÀ£g[JÝ ``The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ŒÀ£gV:..=== 4 8Held  _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.ŒÀ£g@æŒÀ£gÄ3Ñ.w9 _You struggle to detach yourself from the web.ŒÀ£g?\ŒÀ£g<^9 8 70ŒÀ£gӃ@ _The web tears apart.ŒÀ£gÚ4 #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.# ########.### #.......# #..........# #.......# #...##.....#####.#.#.@..w.#.>.).#....>.....#.).##.#...#.†.[.###.#######.###.###...## #.. #.#.(..# ##### ##.. .#.# #.# .#.# ##### .. .# .# #...# ##.[39ŒÀ£g6i;49mw.1ŒÀ£g}P„ _Items here: )) [ ††.ŒÀ£g£~  #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# #.......# #.### #.......# #..........# #.......# #....##.....#####.#.#).w.#.>.).#....>.....#.).##.#....#.†.[.###.########.###.###...## #.. #.#.(..# ##### ##.. .#.# #.# .# <.# ##### .. .# .# #...#ŒÀ£gd /[40m ##.ŒÀ£gWˆ ŒÀ£g:Œ Cw.ŒÀ£g€Ž -2 _ŒÀ£g¹Ä ŒÀ£gÉ8  #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# # #.......# #.### #.......# #.# #.......# #....##.....#####.#.#.)w.#.>.).#....>.....#.).##.#....#.†.[.###.##.###.###...## #.. #.#.(..# ##### ##.. .#.# #.# .# .<.# ##### .. .# .# ŒÀ£g!: X#...# ##.(catching breath) ``The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ŒÀ£gä 6.) 4 3Held  _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.ŒÀ£gdzŒÀ£g͆5w.ŒÀ£g³ˆ&4ŒÀ£gԔŒÀ£g,³C _You struggle to detach yourself from the web.À£g‡À£gŸ›Sw)À£gýÂx 8 5 _The web tears apart.À£gQ‘ #.# #### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# ## #.......# #.### . #.......# #.# #.......# #.####.....#####À£gEr.#.#.w).#.>.).#....>.....#.).##.#.#.†.......[.###.##.###.###...## #.. #.#.(..# ##### ##.. .# .# #.# .# ..<.# ##### .. .# À£gÂm.# #...# ##.À£geÀ£gL!&6À£gR,À£g?7À£g7# #.# # ##### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.#  ## #.# #. .. #.# #. . #.# #.###.....#####. #.#.w). #.>.).#....>..... #.).##.#. #.†.[.###.#. #..###...## #.. #.# #.(..# ##### ##.. .# #.# #.# .# #..<.# #####[À£g8 É40m .. .# #.# #...# ##.À£gèHxw.7À£grž q.# #.# ## ##### #)# ##.(.## #w# ##.....## #.# ## #.# #.  .. #.# #  . #.# # .###.....##### .#.#...@..w.) .#.>.).#....>#.)À£gEŸ .##.#  #.†.[.###.#.  #...###...## #.. #.#  #.(..# ##### ##.. .#  #...# #.# .# ##..<.# ##### .. .# .#.# #...# ##.À£g»ž À£gåÇ 5w.À£gÝÉ &8À£g”Õ À£gŸ- À£gS Ï.# #.# ##### #) #À£gU ò ##.(.## #w # ##.....## #. # ## #.# #. # .. #.# # # . #.# # #.###.....##### #.#.#..@..w..).#À£g§U  .>.).#....>#.).##.# # #.†.[.###.#. # #.###...## #.. #. # #À£gQc ª.(..# ##### ##.. . # #...# #.# .#..<.......# ##### .. . ..#.# #...# ##.À£g g 5w.À£g?i &9À£goÆ À£g‰ß À£gÄÈ.# # .### ##### # .# ##.(.## # .# ##.....## # .# ## #.# # .# .. #.# # .# . #.# # .#.###.....##### .#.#.#.@..w...).#.>.).#....> .###.).##.# .# #.†.[.###.# .# #.###...## #.. # .# #.(..# ##### ##.. .#À£guÍ7 #..# #.# .###..<.......# ##### . ...#.# #...# ##.w.80À£gü ŽÀ£gÁÎ.# #.### ##### #.# ##.(.## #.# ##.....## #.# ## #.......# .# .. #.......# # ..# . #.......# # ..#.###.....##### #.#.#.#@..w....).#.>ŽÀ£g Â{.).#....>.###.).##.# ..# #.†.[.###. ..# #.###...## #...# #.(..# ##### ##.. ..# #..# #.# ..###..<.......# ##### .. ....#.# #...# ##.ŽÀ£gàÜ<1ŽÀ£g–àŽÀ£g ãŽÀ£gÃÈ#.####### ##.(.####.....####.......# ####### ..# .. ...... .#############.....#### #.#.#..........#...w....).. ......>...@.......).#....>##.)##. †.[.###.#######...###...## #..(..# ##### ##.....# #.###..<.##### ....#.......# ##. #.....#ŽÀ£ggËR.wŽÀ£g=Û&2ŽÀ£gŠ ŽÀ£g€ #.### #####  #.# ##.(.##  #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......# #..# .. #.......# # #..# . #.......# #.#.####.....##### .#.#.#.#.).#.>..@..w.....).#....>.###.).##.#.# #.†.[.###..# #...ŽÀ£gf &.###...## #...# #.......(..# ##### ##...# #.# #.#.###..<.......# ##### ...#..# #...# ##. .#.# #...#ŽÀ£g9# ŽÀ£gÇ/ 5w.ŽÀ£g2 &3ŽÀ£gYF ŽÀ£gÖ8  ##.### ##### #.# ##.(.## #.# ##.....##  ##.# ## #.......#  #..# .. #.......# # ##..# . #.......# # #...#.###.....##### #.#.#.#.#.) #.....#.>.@..w......).#.... #...###.).##.#.# #.†.[.###..# #.###...# #...# #.(..# ##### ##...# #.# #.#.###..<.# ####ŽÀ£gˆ: s# .. #.....#.# #...# ##. #.#.# #...#w.4ŽÀ£gT ŽÀ£g†ˆŽÀ£gš ##.### ##### #.# ##.(.## #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.......#  #..# .. #.......# #  ##..# . #.......# #  #...#.##.....#####  #.#.#.#.#.)#.....#.>@..w.).# .#...###.).##.#.# #.†.[.###..# #.###...## #...# #.(..# ### ##...# #.# #.#.###..<.# ##### .. ##...ŽÀ£gɚÖ..#..# #...# ##. ##.#.# #...#ŽÀ£g ³6(catching breath)ŽÀ£gûã× ``The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.À£g¹#2..À£gú1o 4 5Held À£g×VÀ£g€Yj _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.À£g›ù•6 _You struggle to detach yourself from the web.‘À£g<í* (catching breath)  The web tears apart. ``The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.‘À£gï“‘..7 _You are caught in a web!‘À£g°‡w.8‘À£gmµC _You struggle to detach yourself from the web.’À£gJO’À£g¶Z2w.’À£gee8 8 9’À£g5o’À£gt* _The web tears apart.’À£g9>  ##.### ##### #.# ##.(.## #.# ##.....## ##.# ## #.#  #..# .. #.# # ##..# . #.......# # #...#.##.....##### # #.#.#.#.#.)#.....#.@.w.).# ..#...###.).##.# #.....# #.†.[.###. #.....# #.###.## #.. #.....# #.(..# #### ##...# #.# #.#.###..<.# ##### .. .##.....#.[’À£gq? ¬40m# #...# ## .##.#.# #...#’À£gê? ’À£g'K 2w.’À£gðM '90’À£gb w _There is an escape hatch in the floor here.–À£g|ý–À£gX!1 _–À£gX (–À£g£  #.........  .>........  #.........  #........(  #.........  #.........  #..w...... 4 #.@....!..  #...o.....  #..  ##########  o   orc (asleep) –À£gÞ# Ÿ oo  You slide downwards. The hatch slams shut behind you.–À£gñz L====2.3 (1.7–À£gÒ Ë _The orc shouts! _Found a brown potion and 4 stones. Found a stone staircase leading down.À£g݀À£gý† Your spells (describe) TypeFailure Level À£gc‚î a + Soul SplinterNecromancy16% 1 b - Call Canine FamiliarSummoning96%3  c - Call ImpSummoningÀ£g‚82%À£gт¿2 Select a spell to describe[!]/[I] toggle spell headers¥À£gŽÊ¥À£gG¥À£g>Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.........Mummy.>........Health: 31/31 ========================#.........Magic: 9/9========================#........(AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#..w......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@....!..Noise: ====-----  Time: 1992.3 (0.0)#...o.....e) +0 hand axe#.........Cast: Soul Splinter##########w   ribbon worm (catching breath)o   orc _You struggle to detach yourself from the web. _The web tears apart. _There is a¥À£gHn escape hatch in the floor here.  You slide downwards. The hatch slams shut behind you. _The orc shouts! _Found a brown potion and 4 stones. Found a stone staircase leading down.¥À£g %¥À£g '¥À£g„¬À£gô~§Where to? (Tab - D:2 @ (x,y), ? - help)  D - Dungeon ­À£gU­À£gS%Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.........Mummy.>........Health: 31/31 ========================#.........Magic: 9/9========================#........(AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#..w......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@....!..­À£gø&æNoise: ====-----  Time: 1992.3 (0.0)#...o.....e) +0 hand axe#.........Cast: Soul Splinter##########w   ribbon worm (catching breath)o   orc _The web tears apart. _There is an escape hatch in the floor here.  You slide downwards. The hatch slams shut behind you. _The orc shouts! _Found a brown potion and 4 stones. Found a stone staircase leading down.  Okay, then.­À£gÕ)­À£g€3­À£g¡7. _®À£g>žInventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (8) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]°À£gÒä™  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  ting mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (8) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3FEGOIKUCAICvPUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion33%°À£gqª  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)  g - a +0 robe  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion55°À£g[t Ó  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  l - a fuming purple potion66°À£g ‘  m - a brown potion77²À£g÷» Ö  k - a +0 leather armour  w - a +5 ring of evasion  p - a white potion88³À£g®í  w - a +5 ring of evasion  q - a maw talisman  s - 2 viscous silvery potionsbot³À£g4 ³À£ghÆ r  q - a maw talisman  r - a wand of charming (8)³À£g‹t ³À£gõKŽÀ£g—ÁŽÀ£gŸæŽÀ£gâZŽÀ£gƈŽÀ£g¯3ˆ  r - a wand of charming (8)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVYŽÀ£g ŽÀ£gòȵÀ£g~·µÀ£g¥GŽ  r - a wand of charming (8)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVYµÀ£g'¶À£g¥hr - a wand of charming (8). A magical device which causes a creature to become fiercely, but briefly, loyal to the user. Noise: A bit loud You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {wand} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified wand ¶À£gS¥“But it isn't charm as veneer, as facilitating ooze or unguent,  but charm that identifies and goes out to meet itself in others  wherever it may be met with.”  -Michael Hofmann, “Hell, he'll be frozen stiff!”, London Review of Books, ¶À£gp¥2022. ¶À£g”¥¢â€œHe held up his hand, and they all stopped, and I thought he seemed to be  saying, ‘All these lives will I give you, ay, and many more and greater, ¶À£g±¥V through countless ages, if you will fall down and worship me!’ And then a red ¶À£gÏ¥± cloud, like the colour of blood, seemed to close over my eyes, and before I e(v)oke, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.·À£g£   Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.........  Mummy .>........  Health: 31/31 ======================== #.........  Magic: 9/9======================== #........(  AC: 7Str: 13 #.........  EV: 8Int: 14 #.........  SH: 0Dex: 12 #..w......  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4 #.@....!..  Noise: ====-----  Time: 1992.3 (0.0) #...o..... ·À£gd. 9  e) +0 hand axe #.........  Cast: Soul Splinter ##########   w   ribbon worm (catching breath)  o   orc _The orc shouts! _Found a brown potion and 4 stones. Found a stone staircase leading down. _Okay, then.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 57%)žÀ£gµ” w#*žÀ£gõx a#*#.žÀ£gÞÇ 5#*žÀ£gɀ Z.@, f - you¹À£gxlN*@¹À£g™š.w, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 57%)¹À£ga i .w¹À£g]V ­.w, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 57%)ŒÀ£g†«Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.........Mummy.>........Health: 31/31 ========================#.........Magic: 9/9========================#........(AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#..w......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@....!..Noise: ====-----  Time: 1992.3 (0.0)#...o.....e) +0 hand axe#.........Cast: Soul Splinter##########w   ribbon worm (catching breath)o   orc _Found a brown potion[3ŒÀ£gŽœ7m and 4 stones. Found a stone staircase leading down. _Okay, then.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (catching its breath, chance to affect: 57%)  Okay, then.ŒÀ£gŒç ŒÀ£gìç_ŒÀ£gèŒÀ£gcëŒÀ£gÑëŒÀ£g&ýŒÀ£g­ÀÀ£g‚>•  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.ÀÀ£gqmÀÀ£g2>o. =---3.5 (1.2 _The ribbon worm closely misses you.ÄÀ£gêaInventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (8) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ÅÀ£gÓD   a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  kleather armour  ting mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans%)  q - a maw talisman Wands /  r - a wand of charming (8) Scrolls?  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3s labelled FEGOIKUCAICvPUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)22%ÆÀ£g`’ç  w - a +5 ring of evasion  q - a maw talisman  f - a coppery potion33ÆÀ£gaQ‘  h - 2 inky potions44ÇÀ£gIÛ7r - a wand of charming (8). A magical device which causes a creature to become fiercely, but briefly, loyal to the user. Noise: A bit loud You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {wand} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified wand “But it isn't charm as veneer, as facilitating ooze or unguent,  but charm that identifies and goes out to meet itself in others  wherever it may be met with.”  -Michael Hofmann, “Hell, he'll be frozen stiff!”, London Review of Books, 2022. “He held up his hand, and they all stopped, and I thought he seemed to be  saying, ‘All these lives will I give you, ay, and many more and greater,  through countless ages, if you will fall down and worship me!’ And then a red  cloud, like the colour of blood, seemed to close over my eyes, and before I e(v)oke, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÈÀ£gÈ M  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.........  Mummy .>........  Health: 31/31 ======================== #.........  Magic: 9/9======================== #........(  AC: 7Str: 13 #.........  EV: 8Int: 14 #.........  SH: 0Dex: 12 ÈÀ£g} l#..w......  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4 #.@o...!..  Noise: =--------  Time: 1993.5 (0.0) #.........  e) +0 hand axe #.........  Cast: Soul Splinter ##########   w   ribbon worm ÈÀ£g' d o   orcYou hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. _The ribbon worm closely misses you.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)ÉÀ£ga“— w**#ÉÀ£gFŽe*.#ÉÀ£g?þ9*.ÉÀ£gaoÑ.w, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)ÉÀ£g‡»i .wÉÀ£gYÑ9..ÉÀ£gf>..ÉÀ£gAk>..ÉÀ£gÖÑ`w.o.ÉÀ£g 0 äo.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. _The ribbon worm closely misses you.  Aiming: Charm  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - orcAim: an orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66%)ÊÀ£g‹ù woribbon worm ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)ÌÀ£gâ œwoorcn orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66%)ÍÀ£gù\ ù woribbon worm ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)ÎÀ£g×r ÎÀ£g; ÎÀ£gv… ¿Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.........MummyÎÀ£gä… î.>........Health: 31/31 ========================#.........Magic: 9/9========================#........(AC: 7Str: 13ÎÀ£gfˆ •#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#..w......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@o...!..Noise: =--------  Time: 1993.5 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe#.........Cast: Soul Splinter##########w   ribbon wormo   orc  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. _The ribbon worm closely misses you.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)  Okay, then.ÎÀ£gŸ¶ P ÎÀ£gÃÒ N_ÎÀ£g¿Ý ÔÀ£gI ÔÀ£gê.O You can't drink.ÔÀ£g3ÔÀ£gCD _ÕÀ£gÖÇáQuiver which action? ([-] to clear) Items ([,] to cycle)  a - Zap: wand of charming (8) Spells ([,] to cycle)  b - Cast: Soul Splinter [*/%] inventory [&] all spells[!] focus mode: off|onØÀ£g_% ØÀ£gé@ Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.........Mummy.>........Health: 31/31 ========================#.........Magic: 9/9========================#........(AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#..w......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@o...!..Noise: =--------  Time: 1993.5 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe#.........Zap: wand of charming (8)##########w   ribbon wormo   orc _The ribbon worm closely misses you.Aiming: CharmPØÀ£gŒG Dress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%) _Okay, then. _You can't drink.ØÀ£gÂv ØÀ£g$z ÙÀ£g;ó  Casting: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Confirm with . or Enter, or press ? or * to list all spells.ÞÀ£gü4ÞÀ£gQÞÀ£g*P _You don't know that spell.ßÀ£g÷iæ (catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.You hit the orc but do no damage.ßÀ£g+»  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ßÀ£g³ßÀ£gZv 4 4.8 (1.3Held ßÀ£g9ßÀ£g·i _You are caught in a web! The orc barely misses you.áÀ£g,·  You can't drink. _âÀ£gD=s  You can't drink.âÀ£g¥LâÀ£g¿n. _äÀ£g¯8  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #.........  Mummy .>........  Health: 31/31 ======================== #.........  Magic: 9/9======================== #........(  AC: 7Str: 13 #.........  EV:  4 Int: 14 #.........  SH: 0Dex: 12 #..w......  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4 #.@o...!..  Noise: =--------  Time: 1994.8 (0.0) #......... äÀ£gj;– e) +0 hand axe #.........  Zap: wand of charming (8) ##########  Held   w   ribbon worm (catching breath)  o   orc _You can't drink.Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, catching its breath, chance to affect:  57%)äÀ£gÅ· »woorcn orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66äÀ£g¿ } o*åÀ£g†?**åÀ£gënEo...åÀ£g7 Xw.o.åÀ£g¯`õw., f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, catching its breath, chance to affect:  57%)åÀ£gZ »woorcn orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66æÀ£gs çworibbon worm ribbon worm (moderately wounded, catching its breath,   57êÀ£gŸÚ»woorcn orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66ëÀ£gwëÀ£gêÌoribbon worm ribbon worm (moderately wounded, catching its breath,   57ëÀ£gHÖ Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#.........Mummy.>........Health: 31/31 ========================#.........Magic: 9/9========================#........(AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV:  4 Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#..*......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@o...!..Noise: =--------  Time: 1994.8 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe#.........Zap: wand of charming (8)##########Held w   ribbon worm (catching breath)o   orc _You can't drink.Aiming: [4ëÀ£g—Ö ª0mCharmPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, catching its breath, chance to affect:  57%)ëÀ£gŒœ ëÀ£g¯Hg 7  The ribbon worm resists with significant effort.ëÀ£gJQ/  --more--îÀ£gƹ wThe ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.==5.8 (1îÀ£gÊ^ _The orc barely misses you.ïÀ£gcK  You struggle to detach yourself from the web.  The orc hits you but does no damage.--6 _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.ïÀ£gá|i  You struggle to detach yourself from the web.  The orc hits you with a +0 flail.25-------7 _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.ïÀ£g ˆ à  The web tears apart. The orc closely misses you. 8 8ïÀ£giŠ Y _The ribbon worm closely misses you.ïÀ£gžªJ#.#######..>.(.w....o...!ïÀ£gø«X.........##########ïÀ£g„»y4------9ïÀ£gbÂïÀ£g‹ò7 _The orc hits you with a +0 flail.ðÀ£gH¥Â.S .. #.########..>.(.w....o...!.........##########S   adder (asleep)o   orc  An adder comes into view.  The adder hisses angrily..So.S5=2000 _The ribbon worm barely misses you.ðÀ£gØ'#. ##.. ..  #.#.########.S.>.(..ow....!.........##########ðÀ£gØßðÀ£g‹áðÀ£g=çO  The ribbon worm attacks as it pursues you!ðÀ£gùÆ.Sow..3--1ðÀ£gî ðÀ£g(0 _The ribbon worm bites you.ðÀ£gÄI×.. #. ##.. ..  #.#.#########....>S.(..ow.!.........##########.Sow..ðÀ£g–N.-2ðÀ£gP\ðÀ£g_ñÀ£gÏ? +ñÀ£gCO   Wolftag123 the Grave Robber .. Mummy #. ## Health: 23/31 =================------- .. .. Magic: 9/9======================== #.#.######  AC: 7Str: 13 ###.........  EV: 8Int: 14 ..>........  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.S.......  XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4 #.@......(  Noise: ---------  Time: 2002.8 (0.0) #.ow...... [ñÀ£gMP ém e) +0 hand axe #.........  Zap: wand of charming (7) #.........  #......!..  #.........  w   ribbon worm #.........  S   adder ##########  o   orcThe ribbon worm attacks as it pursues you! _The ribbon worm bites you.  Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 57%)ñÀ£gk. g w.ñÀ£gåÇ w.f/p - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (chance to affect: 57%)òÀ£g™ó4ow _bites you.  Aiming: Charm  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orc, p - ribbon wormAim: an orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66%)òÀ£g Wolftag123 the Grave Robber..Mummy#. ##Health: 23/31 =================-------.. ..Magic: 9/9========================#.#.######AC: 7Str: 13###.........EV: 8Int: 14..>........SH: 0Dex: 12#.S.......XL:  4 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:4#.@......(Noise: ---------  Time: 2002.8 (0.0)#.*w......e) +0 hand axe#.........Zap: wand of charming (7)#.........#......!..#.........w   ribbon worm#.........S òÀ£gJ‘ t[42m  adder##########o   orc _The ribbon worm bites you.  Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orc, p - ribbon wormAim: an orc, wielding a +0 flail and wearing a +0 chain mail (chance to affect:66%)òÀ£g¶£ o   orc (charmed)òÀ£gÚ — 21-6  The orc is charmed.òÀ£gô* /  --more--óÀ£gøÜ oThe adder bites you but does no damage. The ribbon worm bites you.0--===3.8 (1óÀ£gêóÀ£gøö óÀ£gy÷_The adder bites you.ôÀ£gõAÎ ... #..### ..#.. #.#.###### ###. ..>. #.S. #.( #.ow...... #. #. #......!.. #. #. #ôÀ£g²Sÿw.1=--4 _The adder barely misses you.ôÀ£gÉ...#..###..#.. #.#.#########......... ..> #.Sw(o..!.#########.S--5 _The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder barely misses you.õÀ£gµ£Ý#..###..#.. #.#.#########......... ..> #.Sw(.o..!.#########.S(ally target) The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder bites you but does no damage.6õÀ£g{á‹ _The ribbon worm bites your orc. Your orc barely misses the ribbon worm.õÀ£g?öb..#.. #.#.#########......... ..> #.w(So...!.######### .S catching breath, ally ta
)Your orc hits the ribbon worm with a +0 flail!õÀ£gBù‘ ed, webbed)The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.õÀ£g_MThe stream of webbing hits your orc but does no damage.õÀ£g‘Ž}  Your orc is caught in a web!7õÀ£gå·= _The adder bites you but does no damage.õÀ£g•Ÿ#.#.#########......... ..> #.w(o.S..!.######### õÀ£gèîÓ  Your orc tears the web.  The adder attacks as it pursues you! The adder bites you but does no damage.  The ribbon worm bites your orc.õÀ£gœôä).S) 2==8õÀ£gûõÀ£gV õÀ£g‹6_Your orc dies!õÀ£gÌ á###......... ..> #.w()..S......!.######### õÀ£g& ñ.w.S-9õÀ£g\N öÀ£g‰  You hit the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.öÀ£glöÀ£g†;œ)w =11.0 (1.2öÀ£gCöÀ£g|Gd _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you.öÀ£gÊKöÀ£gV"‰  You hit the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.öÀ£gVð.w 23=2.3 (1.3öÀ£gWu= _The adder bites you but does no damage.öÀ£gÚGœ  You closely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded.öÀ£gÀPU.wöÀ£gËQ-3.5 (1.2öÀ£gYZöÀ£g‰^z _The adder barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.öÀ£gSÁ ‡ You closely miss the adder.The adder is moderately wounded. _The adder barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.  You hit the adder.heavi  You hit the ribbon worm.13-------4.7 _The ribbon worm bites you! The adder bites you.÷À£gŐ    ..>........  #.........  #........(  #.).......  #.........  #.........  #Sw....!..  #@........  #.........  ##########   You hit the adder.  The adder is almost dead.You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.÷À£gíÄ£   ..>........  #.........  #........(  #.).......  #.........  #.........  #Sw....!..  #@........  #.........  ##########  ÷À£gâæo  The adder barely misses you. The ribbon worm bites you.8/31 -----------6.0 (1.3 _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *÷À£gB 7  You hit the adder.÷À£g‡ ‰ .  You kill the adder!÷À£ga Ä 9----367.3 _You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm closely misses you.÷À£g ÷À£gŠ# ÷À£gT) e _Your Axes skill increases to level 1!ùÀ£gFœùÀ£g<šøInventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)ùÀ£g%©'a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (6) (quivered) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ùÀ£göPž  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)ùÀ£gÿTw5 ring of evasion Talismans%  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (6) (quivered) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - a brown potion  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potionsbotúÀ£g;ÌþÀ£gD¥n m - a brown potion. An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.” þÀ£giŠ… -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÿÀ£g###.........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber..>........Mummy#.........Health: 9/31======------------------#........(Magic: 9/9========================#.).......AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#.w....!..XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4#@........Noise: =--------  Time: 2017.3 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe##########Drink: brown potionw   ribbon worm  The adder barely misses you. The ribbon worm bites you. _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * *ÿÀ£gï, *You hit the adder.  You kill the adder! _You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm closely misses you. _Your Axes skill increases to level 1!ÿÀ£gáiQÁ£göÇ _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  You hit the adder.  You kill the adder! _You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm closely misses you. _Your Axes skill increases to level 1!Unknown command.Á£gÀäÁ£gñìInventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]Á£gV3ƒ  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w5 ring of evasion Talismans%  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Á£gŒ5TPotions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - a brown potion (quivered)  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potionsbotÁ£g’ᘠ d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAICÁ£gsŸ €  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  f - a coppery potionÁ£g<; x  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potionsÁ£gnÁ£gÑ~  h - 2 inky potions  l - a fuming purple potionÁ£gŽÞ Á£g=Íû s - 2 viscous silvery potions. An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe. Á£g²d Á£gâ€###.........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber..>........Mummy#.........Health: 9/31======------------------#........(Magic: 9/9========================#.).......AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#.w....!..XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4#@........Noise: =--------  Time: 2017.3 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe##########Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions w   ribbon worm _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *You hit the adder.  You kill the adder! [ Á£gœ‚21d_You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm closely misses you. _Your Axes skill increases to level 1! _Unknown command. Á£g¹ï Á£gì!Á£g¬Inventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]Á£gvm¢  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w5 ring of evasion Talismans%  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - a brown potion  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions (quivered)botÁ£g = s - 2 viscous silvery potions (quivered). An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.Á£g ™Inventory: 24/52 slots  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Á£gÞ {Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - a brown potion  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions (quivered) [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[bot]Á£g•###.........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber..>........Mummy#.........Health: 9/31======------------------#........(Magic: 9/9========================#.).......AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#.w....!..XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4#@........Noise: =--------  Time: 2017.3 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe##########Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions w   ribbon worm _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *You hit the adder.  You kill the aÁ£g•&dder! _You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm closely misses you. _Your Axes skill increases to level 1! _Unknown command.Á£gqxw  You hit the adder.  You kill the adder! _You hit the ribbon worm. The ribbon worm closely misses you. _Your Axes skill increases to level 1!Unknown command.  You can't drink.Á£gցÁ£gƒ. _Á£g~—  You can't drink. _Á£g˜,S  You can't drink.Á£g‹=D _Á£g i  You can't drink.Á£g . _Á£gÅ i  You can't drink.Á£gòÈ . _Á£g =%You can't drink.   _   _Á£g“‡   _Á£g ò +Fire/throw/use which item? ([*] to toss any item) Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (6)Á£g Á£góf  ###.........  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber ..>........  Mummy #.........  Health: 9/31======------------------ #........(  Magic: 9/9======================== #.).......  AC: 7Str: 13 #.........  EV: 8Int: 14 #.........  SH: 0Dex: 12 #.w....!..  XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4 #@........  Noise: =--------  Time: 2017.3 (0.0) #.........  [4Á£gn 10me) +0 hand axe ##########  Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions   w   ribbon worm _You can't drink. _You can't drink. _You can't drink.  Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)Á£g°Åk .wÁ£gÊø>..Á£gyÕ>..Á£g». >..Á£gÜñ ‡.w**** Á£g# Á£gª<w.. Á£gG. Á£gL Úw., f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%) Á£g^  Á£gÊsh*w Á£gl) H.w, f - ribbon worm Á£gj6 …Aim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)!Á£gc[—###.........Wolftag123 the Grave Robber..>........Mummy#.........Health: 9/31!Á£g»g–======------------------#........(Magic: 9/9========================#.).......AC: 7Str: 13#.........EV: 8Int: 14#.........SH: 0Dex: 12#.*....!..XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4#@........Noise: =--------  Time: 2017.3 (0.0)#.........e) +0 hand axe##########Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions w   ribbon worm _You can't drink. _You can't drink. _You can't drink.  Aiming: CharmPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - ribbon wormAim: a ribbon worm (moderately wounded, chance to affect: 57%)!Á£g;2–w   ribbon worm (charmed)!Á£g…)Ë wThe ribbon worm is charmed.==8.3 (1 _#Á£g‘  ..> #.()...w....!.......#########.w#Á£gf5 M---9$Á£gz&¥..>. #. #.( #.). #. #. #......!.. #w. #. # $Á£göEÖ 10/31=---20$Á£gƒÍ..>. #.#.(.#.).#.#.#......!.#w.$Á£g–ÎQ#.#$Á£gÒÐ$Á£gMÛK.w$Á£gpÜ&1$Á£gnè$Á£gÜú$Á£g{à j..>. #.##.(.##.).##.$Á£gË ß##.##......!...##.#.w.##.w2$Á£g“z ..>. #.# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #......!...##.#..w.# # .w3$Á£gP| %Á£gËä###...>..()..........# ......!...##......w......##############%Á£gUâ%Á£gtæŒ1==4%Á£gŽp #.#.#########...>..()..........# ....@.!...##......w......##############%Á£gbQw.5%Á£gޜ'#.#.###### ###.# ..>.# #.# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #.....@!...## #....w.#.# %Á£g³®<6%Á£gf¶%Á£gÚž&Á£gA²#.#.###### ###.# ..>.# #.# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #......@...## #....w.#.# w.7&Á£g¥™&Á£gê­‡2==8.3 (2&Á£gÏj _m - 2 brown potions (gained 1)&Á£gLìŠ..#..  #.#.##########...>..()......@...# .....w....## ..............################&Á£g ^9.3 (1&Á£gJ¥ ÷#..###..#..  #.#.##########...>..()..........# &Á£gä¥ .....w....## ..............################&Á£gŽš &Á£gƒ² <w.&Á£g³ '30&Á£gÇ» &Á£gÛŸ &Á£gÃ[j... #..###..#..  #.#.##########...>..().......w...# .##..............################&Á£gÒ©w.1'Á£gš®‡... #..###..#..  #.#.##########...>..().....w..##..............################'Á£gë·¢w.13==2'Á£gÍ¿'Á£gwÃ'Á£g®Í9... #..###..#..  #.#.##########...>........()....w.'Á£gFÎÓ.## ..............################'Á£gtÐ'Á£grÙ<w.'Á£gÏÙ&3'Á£g‘á'Á£g§æ(Á£g„Ÿã## ...##..###!..#.. #.#.# ###.# ..>.# #.# #......w.(.# #.).#  #.#  #.# #..##  #....  #.####  #(Á£gVQ’4 _Found a sedimented black potion.(Á£g¶€€ ##. ...##..### !..#.. #.#.# ###.#.>.# #.# #......w.(.# #.).#  #.#  #.# #..## #....  #.####  #w.5(Á£gÍÁÞ ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.##.#.>.# #...@.w....# #.(.# #.).#  #.#  #.# #..## #... #.###  #(Á£gGÈ(Á£gÂÈ/w.(Á£gBÊR4=6(Á£ga(Á£g.’ Ë ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.#.####.#.>.# #..@.w.....# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #..## #.... #.####  #(Á£g'ÿ uw.7(Á£g¹¹  ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.#.####.#.>.# #.@.w......# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #..## #..... #.####  #(Á£g’á nw.8(Á£gi (Á£gž )Á£gðXV ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.##..####.#.>.# #@.w)Á£gtYY.# #.(.# #.).# #..# #..# #..## #...... #..####  #)Á£g$c,)Á£güd2w.)Á£gže&9)Á£gòm)Á£gRn,Á£g ~þ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.# #..####.# .>.# #w@.# #.(.# #.).# #..##..##..## #.,Á£ga~“.....#..#### ,Á£gAŸs5=40,Á£gÅÉ,Á£gZÌ& _You swap places.,Á£guÆ(##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.# #..####.# .>.# #w.# #.(.# #.).# #.##.##..## #.....#.#### .w1,Á£g8N ,Á£gÅŠ a##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.# #..####.# .>.# #.w.# #.(.# #.).# #.##.##..## #....#.#### .w2-Á£gVã> ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.# #..####.# .>.# #..@w......# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #..## #.... #.####  #3 _You swap places.-Á£g\K5 ##. ... ###..### !..#.. #.#.# #..####.# .>.# #.@.w......# #.(.# #.).# #.# #.# #..## #..... #.####  #-Á£gêM-Á£gi2w.-Á£gÅig6==4-Á£gŸ~-Á£g¬Õ-Á£g8_ ö## ... ###..###!..#..  #.#.########..####........>@.....##..w........().-Á£gb` ‰ .##..............####-Á£gnk -Á£gCl 5-Á£g«t -Á£g'w .Á£g?ð˜## ... ###..####!..#...  #.#.########..####........>.....##..w......... #..(.).#.##.....Á£gÒ.Á£gx&6.Á£gÃ.Á£gµ?.Á£gË¡ £## ##.. ... ###..#### !..#... #.#.# #..####.# .>.#.##..w.#.Á£g«¢ á.... #.(.#.. #.)..#.. #.#. #..# #...##  #..Á£g¥ .Á£gFÒ ƒw.7/Á£g~jÀ.$ .. ##.###... .... #######..####.....!..#...  #@#.########..####.........>w.....#..... #..(... #.)....###/Á£g‘í/Á£gýßw.7==8 _Found 15 gold pieces./Á£g€Úê.. .$ .. ##.####...# ..... #######..####.....!.@#... ..#####.#.########..####w.........>........##.......... #........(. #.)......./Á£gûéI..#/Á£gfö<w./Á£gœü&9/Á£gŽ2/Á£gˆF‘ ....... .$. ... ##...#####...#.# #...........########@.####...!..#...... ..#####w#.########..####.....>....##.......... #........(. #.)....../Á£gcyw.50/Á£g*Š/Á£g»êH.... .... ..$. ... ###.# ...#####...#.# #.# #######.@#### .....!.w#...#####.#.# #..####...........>.........##..........# .... #........(.#... #.)........# /Á£gªö<1/Á£gò /Á£gSÕ Q/Á£gñ % ......... .......$. ... ###.# ...#####...# #......@....########..##### ....!.w#....... ..#####.#.########..####.......>......#..... #........(. #.)/Á£gñ#<w./Á£g‘(/Á£g@c8=2/Á£g¿C0Á£gì}Š ...... .......$.. ... ###.# ...#####@..#.#0Á£gë±Á #...........#######.w##### ...!..#.........#####.#.########..####.......>.....#..... #..(w.w   ribbon worm30Á£g™ÓQ _The ribbon worm is no longer charmed.0Á£gôÜ].o......o...............$.. ... ###.# ...#####.@.#.# #......w....# #..##### .....!..#...#####.#.#..####..........# .......>.........# o   orc priest (asleep).....##..........# o   orc (asleep) 0Á£gûÍ  An orc and an orc priest come into view.The orc shouts! The orc priest shouts! You hear a shout!0Á£gÕr  The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.  The orc priest shouts, "Surrender to Beogh and we'll let you live!"(press Y on the ability menu to convert to Beogh)0Á£gä'/  --more--:Á£gÒÝ+.oooo ==4Beogh _:Á£g ö<Á£gþa4<Á£g¡‰<Á£g]d _There are monsters nearby!>Á£g;ˆi Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  Y - Convert to BeoghNone0% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.@Á£g֏@Á£gš@Á£gP§DWolftag123 the Grave Robber.......Mummy.o.....Health: 18/31 =============-----------.o.....Magic: 9/9========================.......AC: 7Str: 13..$..EV: 8Int: 14...SH: 0Dex: 12###.#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4...#####.@.#.#Noise: ==-------  Time: 2054.3 (0.0)#......w....#e) +0 hand axe#######..#####@Á£g횐Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions .....!..#.......Beogh ..#####.#.#########..####..........#w   ribbon worm.......>.........#o   orc priest.....##..........#o   orc.... #........(.#An orc and an orc priest come into view.The orc shouts! The orc priest shouts! You hear a shout!  The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.  The orc priest shouts, "Surrender to Beogh and we'll let you live!" _(press Y on the ability menu to convert to Beogh) _There are monsters nearby!@Á£gƒªS  You bow before the missionary of Beogh.@Á£g?¶/  --more--BÁ£g©BÁ£gh«^Beogh the Shepherd A god of outcasts, pariahs, and the dispossessed, Beogh's altars are rarely found among those of other faiths, but their missionaries may always be sought by those looking for a place to belong. Worshippers will find many friends BÁ£g¬within the dungeon, and those who prove their strength to Beogh may gain lifelong companions the equal of any adventurer. To worship Beogh is to believe there is strength that transcends species and bloodline. To worship Beogh is to be an orc. Favour - Beogh is neutral towards you. Granted powers:(Cost)Orcs sometimes recognise you as one of their own. You can smite your foes.(3 MP, Piety-)Beogh will send orc apostles to challenge you in battle as you gain piety. You can recruit apostles that you defeat into your service. Your apostles are sometimes healed when you deal damage. You can rally a vengeful horde.(8 MP, Piety-----)BÁ£gù¬.You can walk on water. [!]: Overview|Powers|Wrath [J/Enter]: join religionÁ£g³ë Á£gŽø ©Wolftag123 the Grave Robber.......Mummy.o.....Health: 18/31 =============-----------.o.....Magic: 9/9========================.......AC: 7Str: 13Á£gLù Ò..$..EV: 8Int: 14...SH: 0Dex: 12###.#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4...#####.@.#.#Noise: ==-------  Time: 2054.3 (0.0)#......w....#e) +0 hand axe#######..#####Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions Á£gù .....!..#.......Beogh ..#####.#.#########..####..........#Á£gÁù tw   ribbon worm.......>.........#o   orc priest.....##..........#Á£gú 8o   orc.... #........(.#The orc shouts! The orc priest shouts! You hear a shout!  The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.  Á£gZú ”The orc priest shouts, "Surrender to Beogh and we'll let you live!" _(press Y on the ability menu to convert to Beogh) _There are monsters nearby!You bow before the missionary of Beogh.Á£gsü i  Beogh welcomes you!Á£g]/  --more--ƒÁ£gݲ Ž  The priest grants you succour and welcomes you into the fold.ƒÁ£gÚÉ s o.o.oo   orc warriorw   ribbon wormo   orc priest (wandering)o   orc (wandering)The other orcs roar their approval! The ribbon worm closely misses you.Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......31===========-5.3 (1ƒÁ£gÅ “ _An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 scimitar.…Á£gäÏ…Á£gìÒûAn orc priest. A servant of Beogh, the ancient god of the orcs. Beogh rewards its devoted prayers by striking down its enemies. Max HP: ~15Will: +AC: +EV: ++ Threat: High Class: Natural Size: Medium Int: Human You have about 58% to hit with your +0 hand axe. It has about 69% to hit you. AttackMax Damage Hit: +0 hand axe 9 It possesses the following divine abilities, which are affected by silence:  a - Cantripb - Pain(72%,1d14) (5)  c - Smiting7-17 (7) d - Heal Other(7) …Á£gÕäTo read a description, press the key listed above. (AdB) indicates damage (the sum of A B-sided dice), (x%) indicates the chance to defeat your Will, and (y) indicates the spell range; shown in red if you are in range.ˆÁ£gÄà ˆÁ£gòÇ ÁWolftag123 the Grave Robbero......Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......ˆÁ£gcÉ $.......ˆÁ£g Ê eHealth: 31/31 ========================ˆÁ£gÑÊ .o......ˆÁ£gZË 0Magic: 9/9ˆÁ£gÒË 3========================ˆÁ£g©Î po......AC: 7Str: 13..$..EV: 8Int: 14...SH: 0Dex: 12###.#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4...#####.@.#.#Noise: =--------  Time: 2055.3 (1.0)#......w....#e) +0 hand axe#######..#####Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions .....!..#.........#####.#.#########..####..........#o   orc warrior.......>.........#w   ribbon worm.....##..........#o   orc priest (wandering).... #........(.#ˆÁ£gžÑ Yo   orc (wandering) _There are monsters nearby!You bow before the missionary of Beogh.  Beogh welcomes you!The priest grants you succour and welcomes you into the fold.  The other orcs roar their approval! The ribbon worm closely misses you. _An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 scimitar.ˆÁ£giÕ ˆÁ£gÝð ‰Á£g9ÌZ#o...... #....... #o...... #o...... #..$.. #... ###.# ...#####..@#.# #......w....# #..##### #..####..# .>.# .....##.# .... #.(.# ‰Á£gBâë.o..oo-6‰Á£g¯q ±.#.......#o......#......#.o.....#o.$....# #.......# ###@# ...#####...#.# #......w....########..#####...!..#.........#####.#.########..####...>.#.‰Á£gŠ} ^.o..oow.-7‰Á£gĞ ‰Á£gþ£ ŠÁ£g7‹]o..o...o$ #@......# ###o#.#####...#####.w.#.# #...........#######..#####...!..#....... ..#####.#.########..####.o   orc wizard (wandering)..>opriest (wandering)(
)  The other orcs roar their approval! The ribbon worm closely misses you. _An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 scimitar.You swap places.  An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.rc wizard shouts!  The ribbon worm bites the orc priest.ŠÁ£gNªº.o.o.o odistracted)==8 _The orc priest hits the ribbon worm with a +0 hand axe!ŠÁ£g«È £o.o.o...$ #.o..... ###o#.#####...#####.w.#.# #...........########..##### ...!..#....... ..#####.#.########..####.o   orc (wandering)ŠÁ£gšú  o(catching breath)o  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ŠÁ£g`& Æ  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits the orc priest but does no damage.ŠÁ£g¡ ŠÁ£g)€ G  The orc priest is caught in a web!ŠÁ£gŠ ŠÁ£ga³ Ú .o.oo.  The orc priest struggles to get unstuck from the web.ŠÁ£gCŽ .-9ŠÁ£gÈÕ ŠÁ£gOè Y _The orc warrior closely misses you.‹Á£gNåÌ..# .o......# .# #o......# #.# #.# #o......# #.@$....# #o......# ###o#.##### ...#####.w.#.##..........##..##### .....!..#. ..#####.#.# #..####.#   The ribbon worm bites the orc priest.  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.‹Á£gæê g.o.o  The orc priest struggles to get unstuck from the web.‹Á£g çA-60‹Á£g ô‹Á£gœY _The orc warrior closely misses you.Á£g°šŒ..# .g.# ..o.....# #.# #.o.....# #.# #o......# #..@....# #o......# ###o#.##### ...#####.w.#.##..........########..##### .....!..#.Á£gm©¹ ..#####.#.# #..####.# Á£g5¶Á£gw¹7  The goblin shouts!Á£g§¿Á£g±ÁÁ£g¢ÒÀ.g..o.o.oÁ£gQÓ.=1Á£g„æÁ£g6D _The orc priest struggles to get unstuck from the web. _You see here 15 gold pieces.‘Á£g&ü Ó.# .# g.# #.o.....# #.# #..o....# #.# #.o$@...# #o......# ###o#.##### ...#####.w.#.##...........########..##### .....!..#. ..#####.#.# #..####.#  .g.o.o   orc wizardo   orcg   goblinThe orc priest tears the web.‘Á£gýA :*‘Á£g ¯ o   orcg   goblino   orc priest (distracted) The orc wizard casts a spell.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!‘Á£g9œ f{=2‘Á£g¿ö ¢ _Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.”Á£gWQ.# ..# ..# #g......# #.o.....# #..{....# #.# #.o$.@..# #o......# ###o#.##### #...........##..##### .....!..#. ..#####.#.# #..####.#   Something bites the orc priest!.g.o.o ”Á£gM[0---3”Á£g”t”Á£g1zG _The orc priest hits something with a +0 hand axe!”Á£g? Ô.....g.o...o #o...... ###o#.#####...#####...#. #...........#######..##### ...!..#....... ..#####.#.#######”Á£g ,”Á£g£ ”Á£gÐ ”Á£gK ”Á£g« €.g.oo$.o”Á£gs B---4”Á£g©& 9{”Á£g- V _Something misses the orc priest.•Á£gÔI6###........g.o.o..{ #o...... •Á£g|Jé###.#.#####...#####.ow# #...........w   ribbon worm#######..##### o   orc...!..#....... g   goblin•Á£g!+ .g${w. The orc priest hits the ribbon worm with a +0 hand axe.0-=5 _The orc barely misses the ribbon worm. The orc hits you with a +0 dagger.–Á£gTÇ‘ ####.....go–Á£gqÈ0.o..${ #o...... ###w#.#####...#####.o.# #...........#######..##### –Á£g˜Í–Á£g¢Ø‹  The goblin hits you but does no damage.  The orc priest hits the ribbon worm with a +0 hand axe.–Á£gAÙ–Á£gïÙ–Á£gNHB o...oo   orcg   goblino   orc priest (distracted) The ribbon worm dies!6 _The orc hits you but does no damage.–Á£gp @ ####–Á£g* ã.....g.oo.$ #....... ###o#.#####...#####.o.# #...........–Á£g· e  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you!–Á£g  Q  The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar!–Á£gO ,–Á£g~' ogo....oo   orc (wandering)–Á£gv( "22–Á£gÚ( Q-------=7–Á£gå_ –Á£gµŠ = _The goblin hits you but does no damage.—Á£g“2* ####....###.....ogo.$ #....... ###.#.#####...#####..o#.#oo..g23--------8˜Á£gùy. ####.#........###...oog.$ #....... ###.#.#####  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you!˜Á£g" oo.g.=-9 _The orc warrior misses you.™Á£gd5  You can't drink.™Á£g9 ™Á£g/+™Á£gá.. _œÁ£g-”s  You can't drink.œÁ£g杜Á£g/¢. _žÁ£gœNInventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ŸÁ£g< ŸÁ£g% ŸÁ£g( °Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#........#Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......#........#Health: 23/31 =================-------#........#Magic: 9/9========================#........#AC: 7Str: 13###........#EV: 8Int: 14..........#SH: 0Dex: 12..........#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4.......@..#Noise: =--------  Time: 2069.3 (0.0)......oo..#e) +0 hand axe###....g..#Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions #.......##.......##.......#ŸÁ£gË( o   orc warrior#..$....#o   orc#.......#g   goblin###.#.#####The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar! _The goblin hits you but does no damage.  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you! _The orc warrior misses you. _You can't drink. _You can't drink.ŸÁ£g;4 ŸÁ£gw5 ŸÁ£gê? ŸÁ£g¯E  Á£g’’  Á£gB— E Your spells (describe) TypeFailure Level  a + Soul SplinterNecromancy16% 1 b - Call Canine FamiliarSummoning96%3  c - Call ImpSummoning82%2 Select a spell to describe[!]/[I] toggle spell headers£Á£g¿ž, Soul Splinter Attempts to force a tiny fragment of a living, holy, or demonic being's soul to take leave of their body and manifest as a soul wisp. This wisp is nominally under the necromancer's control, but will focus its attacks foremost on the creature it was created from, instinctually trying to return to its proper home once more. The victim will be weakened until the wisp reverts to where it belongs. Wisps created from more powerful souls have more damaging attacks, but are always fragile. Level: 1School: NecromancyFail: 16% Power: 88% Range: @----> Noise: Almost silent Miscasting this spell causes magic contamination. You can sustain at most one creature summoned by this spell.€Á£g!ÿ ° Your spells (describe) TypeFailure Level  a + Soul SplinterNecromancy16% 1  b - Call Canine Familiar Summoning96% 3  c - Call ImpSummoning82% 2 Select a spell to describe[!]/[I] toggle spell headers¥Á£g¶¥Á£g:¥Á£g;Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#........#Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......#........#Health: 23/31 =================-------#........#Magic: 9/9========================#........#AC: 7Str: 13###........#EV: 8Int: 14..........#SH: 0Dex: 12..........#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4.......@..#Noise: =--------  Time: 2069.3 (0.0)......oo..#e) +0 hand axe###....g..#Drink: 2 viscous silvery potions #.......##.......##.......#o   orc warrior#..$....#o   orc#[3¥Á£g‹;Ë9;49m.......#g   goblin###.#.#####The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar! _The goblin hits you but does no damage.  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you! _The orc warrior misses you. _You can't drink. _You can't drink.¥Á£gÀG4¥Á£gS¥Á£g?VŠÁ£gÇÿ#Quiver which action? ([-] to clear) Items ([,] to cycle)  a - Zap: wand of charming (5) Spells ([,] to cycle)  b - Cast: Soul Splinter [*/%] inventory [&] all spells [^] all abilities[!] focus mode: off|on§Á£géæ §Á£g†þ Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#........#Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......#........#Health: 23/31 =================-------#........#Magic: 9/9========================#........#AC: 7Str: 13###........#EV: 8Int: 14..........#SH: 0Dex: 12..........#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4.......@..#Noise: =--------  Time: 2069.3 (0.0)......oo..#e) +0 hand axe###....g..#Cast: Soul Splinter#.......##.......##.......#o   orc warrior#..$....#o   orc#[§Á£g‚ÿ â37m.......#g   goblin###.#.#####The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar! _The goblin hits you but does no damage.  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you! _The orc warrior misses you. _You can't drink. _You can't drink.§Á£g4 §Á£g7" ©Á£g|‹d  Wolftag123 the Grave Robber #........#  Orcish Mummy of Beogh ...... #........#  Health: 23/31 =================------- #........#  Magic: 8/9©Á£g@¬=====================--- #........#  AC: 7Str: 13 ###........#  EV: 8Int: 14 ..........#  SH: 0Dex: 12 ..........#  XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4 .......@..#  Noise: =--------  Time: 2069.3 (0.0) ......oo..#  e) +0 hand axe ###....g..#  Cast: Soul Splinter #.......#  #.......#  #.......#  o   orc warrior ©Á£gV®G#..$....#  o   orc #.......#  g   goblin ###.#.##### _You can't drink.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orc warriorAim: an orc warrior, wielding a +0 scimitar and wearing a +0 plate armour  (chance to affect: 50%)©Á£g©0» oggoblin goblin, wielding a +0 dagger (chance to affect: 67%)©Á£gbd Öogorc warriorn orc warrior, wielding a +0 scimitar and wearing a +0 plate armour  (chance to affect: 50%)ªÁ£g·TWolftag123 the Grave Robber#........#Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......#........#Health: 23/31 =================-------#........#Magic: 8/9=====================---#........#AC: 7Str: 13###........#EV: 8Int: 14..........#SH: 0Dex: 12..........#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4.......@..#Noise: =--------  Time: 2069.3 (0.0)......o*..#e) +0 hand axe###....g..#Cast: Soul Splinter#.......##.......##.......#o   orc warrior#..$....#o   orc[ªÁ£g>X°40m#.......#g   goblin###.#.##### _You can't drink.Aiming: Soul Splinter (safe; 16% risk of failure)  Press: ? - help, Q - select action, (/) - cycleShift-Dir - straight line, f - orc warriorAim: an orc warrior, wielding a +0 scimitar and wearing a +0 plate armour  (chance to affect: 50%)ªÁ£g4• $o   orc #.......#g   goblin ###.#.#####You feel a surge of power!ªÁ£g|=/  --more--¬Á£g[¡ O  The orc warrior resists with some effort.¬Á£g" B¬Á£g^+ ‡.ogo.¬Á£gÀ. ,70.3 (1¬Á£g!7 ¬Á£g„: Q _The orc warrior closely misses you.®Á£gÚ ŽAn orc warrior. An experienced, armoured and well-armed orc soldier, able to command a small mobof its fellows. Max HP: ~28Will: +AC: ++EV: +++ Threat: Lethal Class: Natural Size: Medium Int: Human You have about 58% to hit with your +0 hand axe (at present). It has about 72% to hit you. AttackMax Damage Hit: +0 scimitar 23¯Á£g|Ä ¯Á£gÖÕ Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#........#Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......#........#Health: 23/31 =================-------#........#Magic: 8/9=====================---#........#AC: 7Str: 13###........#EV: 8Int: 14..........#SH: 0Dex: 12..........#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4.......@..#Noise: =--------  Time: 2070.3 (1.0).......og.#e) +0 hand axe###...o...#Cast: Soul Splinter#.......##.......##.......#o   orc warrior#..$....#o  ¯Á£g Ö < orc#.......#g   goblin###.#.#####The orc warrior resists with some effort. _The orc warrior closely misses you.¯Á£gíÙ ¯Á£gîå ¯Á£gvè °Á£g›Ãú ###.#.........og###...o.$ #.......The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you!ogo..1 _The orc warrior completely misses you.°Á£gD P #.# #.# #.# #.# #.##.#.#.#.og.#.o..#####.#  #.# #.# #.# #..$....#  #.#4=2°Á£g#Q I _The orc warrior misses you.±Á£gœô #.# #.# #.# #.# #.#.####.#.#.#.og.#.o..######±Á£gÆ¥.#  #.# #.# #.# #..$....# ±Á£gøF #.#±Á£gh ±Á£g» ±Á£g~±Á£g]'rog..o.±Á£g‚T{  You hear some strange, mumbled words.  A magic dart appears from out of thin air!±Á£gØÚÚg.{22-3±Á£gã. _The magic dart hits you.±Á£g†Î #.# #.# #±Á£gÀ†û.# #.# #.##.####.#.g...#.o...#.{...#.o...#######.#  #.# #±Á£gZ‡C.# #.# #..$....#  #.#±Á£gYŒ±Á£g©±Á£g€–e  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you!±Á£g ·§ g.o{o..  The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar.17-----4 _The goblin attacks as it pursues you! The goblin hits you but does no damage.²Á£gši#........###.###........g....# o{o..######$.###.#.####    #........#  #........#  #........#  # #........#  #.####........#  ........g....#  ........o{...#  .......@o....#  .............#  ######.......#  #.......#  #.......#  #.......#  #..$....#  #.......#   The orc hits you but does no damage.²Á£g'>R   #........#  #........#  #........#  # #........#  #.####........#  ........g....#  ........o{...#  .......@o....#  .............#  ######.......#  #.......# #.......# #.......#  #..$....#  #.......#  ²Á£gWJQ  The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar!²Á£g˜L&.²Á£gVˆ9/31 -----------=5²Á£gg[²Á£gf\ ²Á£g­\H_* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *²Á£gEmõ#.###........g....# oo.######$.###.#.####...#####..o#.# ..goThe orc hits you but does no damage.*²Á£gûøJ  You hear some strange, mumbled words.²Á£gÁŽ @10/31=------6Soul SplinterConf ²Á£gí“ ²Á£g˜ Q _You are confused.²Á£g…ñ ®    #........#  #........#  # #........#  #.####........#  .............#  .............#  ......goo....#  .......@.....#  ######.......#  #.......#  #.......#  #.......#  #..$....#  #.......#  ###.#.#####  You hit the orc but do no damage. You barely miss the goblin.You miss the orc warrior. The orc hits you but does no damage.²Á£g© ?   #........#  #........#  # #........#  #.####........#  .............# ²Á£g ‹ .............#  ......goo....#  .......@.....#  ######.......#  #.......#  #.......#  #.......# #..$....#  #.......#  ²Á£gj ž###.#.#####  ²Á£gß Ç  The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *The goblin hits you but does no damage.²Á£gð J  You hear some strange, mumbled words.²Á£g»¯ –4/31 ----9===²Á£g°Â /  --more--¶Á£gš   Something tries to affect you, but you resist.7.6 (1.3 _The orc barely misses you.ÁÁ£g8ÊÁÁ£gîÌÃInventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) ÁÁ£g…Ím e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  ÁÁ£g9Οk - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO ÁÁ£gžÎE i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ÂÁ£gÙZ±  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w5 ring of evasion Talismans%  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - 2 brown potions  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potionsbotÆÁ£g7á = h - 2 inky potions. ÆÁ£gâ ¶An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÈÁ£gõíInventory: 24/52 slotsk - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - 2 brown potions  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[bot[37ÈÁ£g7ðm]ÉÁ£g—5" ÉÁ£g(7£j - a cyan potion. An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} ÉÁ£gƒEMenu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion ÉÁ£g‚›è“Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÊÁ£gyòInventory: 24/52 slotsk - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - 2 brown potions  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[bot[39ÊÁ£gqÿ;49m]ËÁ£gØ3ø l - a fuming purple potion. An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÍÁ£g\ Inventory: 24/52 slots  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - 2 brown potions  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[[4ÍÁ£gú 0mbot]ÏÁ£güYô m - 2 brown potions. An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÐÁ£gbú Inventory: 24/52 slotsk - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - 2 brown potions  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[bÐÁ£gëü ot]ÑÁ£g@ ó p - a white potion. An unlabelled flask containing a single dose of unknown liquid. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified useless_item potion “Then gave I her, — so tutor'd by my art, —  A sleeping potion; which so took effect  As I intended, for it wrought on her  The form of death: meantime I writ to Romeo  That he should hither come as this dire night,  To help to take her from her borrow'd grave,  Being the time the potion's force should cease.”  -William Shakespeare, _Romeo and Juliet_ (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ÒÁ£gg¶Inventory: 24/52 slotsk - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  v - a scroll labelled PUOCOM PULO Potions (go to first with !)  f - a coppery potion  h - 2 inky potions  j - a cyan potion  l - a fuming purple potion  m - 2 brown potions  p - a white potion  s - 2 viscous silvery potions [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[bÒÁ£gŠ·ot]ÓÁ£gÄÚ |  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAIC  p - a white potionÔÁ£gD—  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAM  o - 3 scrolls labelled FEGOIKUCAICÔÁ£g&™  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJO  i - a scroll labelled ATEETO KETSAMÔÁ£gr$ÔÁ£g}›™  c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY  d - a scroll labelled DUHUEWI WACIJOÔÁ£gÉSÕÁ£gÂB c - 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away ÕÁ£gÜ  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.×Á£g*¹#........#Wolftag123 the Grave Robber#........#Orcish Mummy of Beogh ......#........#Health: 4/31===---------------------# #........#Magic: 9/9========================#.####........#AC: 7Str: 13.............#EV: 8Int: 14.............#SH: 0Dex: 12......goo....#XL:  4 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4.......@.....#Noise: ==-------  Time: 2077.6 (0.0)######.......#e) +0 hand axe#.......#Read: 4 scrolls labelled GOMUOM MEVVY #.......#Conf #.......##..$....#o   orc warrior×Á£gðºþ#.......#o   orc###.#.#####g   goblin...#####..o#.#Something tries to affect you, but you resist. _The orc barely misses you.×Á£gPÒ4×Á£gÞÙÁ£g^ xYou are too confused!ÙÁ£gâ . _ÚÁ£gíiŠYou are too confused! _ÚÁ£gJ bYou are too confused!ÚÁ£g“j D _ÛÁ£gŒDYou are too confused!ÛÁ£gdœÛÁ£g?éD _ÛÁ£g æ _The orc barely misses you. _You are too confused!  ÛÁ£g@Z. _ÛÁ£gqe ` _You are too confused!  ÛÁ£g„f ÛÁ£gäp ÛÁ£gVu . _ÛÁ£gŸq ‡   _ÜÁ£g{P  You are too confused!ÝÁ£g±D _ÝÁ£g[. _You are too confused!  ÝÁ£g}> D _ÞÁ£g_You are too confused!  ÞÁ£g2³D _ÞÁ£g #ÞÁ£gC" K.###......# goo...######$.###.#.####...#####...#.#  #..........ÞÁ£g5% ÞÁ£gk& ÞÁ£g( ÞÁ£g) ÞÁ£g>4 €.o.goÞÁ£g¶5 ;--8.6 (1 _ÞÁ£gfE ßÁ£gÿ=uYou are too confused! _ You are too confused!ßÁ£gÞ>9--àÁ£gaVD _àÁ£gêÙ¬You are too confused! __You are too confused!  àÁ£g¡ààÁ£g5å. _àÁ£g· ŽYou are too confused! __You are too confused!  àÁ£g%º àÁ£g*Ë D _áÁ£gÍ!áÁ£gaþ#..###......# .......o......go######..$.###.#.####...#####...#.#  #..........#######..####áÁ£g”›~.oYou are too confused!You are too confused!  The orc warrior attacks as it pursues you!  The orc warrior hits you with a +0 scimitar!  You die...  Beogh appreciates the orc warrior's killing of a heretic priest.áÁ£gÑc-8/31 ---áÁ£g€Ø/  --more--çÁ£g37Inventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  e - a +0 hand axe (weapon)a - a +0 dagger  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w - a +5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)c - 4 scrolls of identify (quivered) {unknown}  d - a scroll of fog {unknown}i - a scroll of amnesia {unknown}  o - 3 scrolls of enchant armour {unknown} [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]îÁ£gö „  u - a +0 shortbow Armour (go to first with [)  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 scale mail (worn)  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  ting mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)w5 ring of evasion Talismans (go to first with %)  q - a maw talisman Wands (go to first with /)  r - a wand of charming (5) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  c - 4 scrolls of identify (quivered) {unknown}  d - a scroll of fog {unknown}  i - a scroll of amnesia {unknown}  o - 3enchant armour  v - a scroll of revelation {unknown} Potions (go to first with !)  f - a potion of curing {unknown}33%îÁ£géÄü  n - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  b - a +0 robe  h - 2 potions of might {unknown}44ïÁ£gª‰Î  b - a +0 robe  g - a +0 robe  j - a potion of magic {unknown}55ïÁ£g£  l - a potion of brilliance {unknown}66ïÁ£g”&Þ  g - a +0 robe  k - a +0 leather armour  m - 2 potions of attraction {unknown}77ïÁ£g) à  k - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 ring mail  p - a potion of ambrosia {unknown}88ñÁ£gìÅ€  s - 2 potions of heal wounds {unknown}botñÁ£g<€ t  t - a +0 ring mail  w - a +5 ring of evasionñÁ£gzà ñÁ£g =òÁ£g§ÇòÁ£gOíòÁ£gUÊòÁ£g!«òÁ£gC£ òÁ£g„z ~  w - a +5 ring of evasion  q - a maw talismanòÁ£g3 óÁ£gì|óÁ£gú_óÁ£g KóÁ£gˆóÁ£g ¡óÁ£gþ¥ óÁ£g;& óÁ£gQk ôÁ£gÎr  q - a maw talisman  r - a wand of charming (5)ôÁ£gjôÁ£g/ôÁ£g»_ôÁ£gë ôÁ£g- ôÁ£gÀÛ õÁ£g"rõÁ£gÎw“  r - a wand of charming (5)  c - 4 scrolls of identify (quivered) {unknown}õÁ£gví¡  c - 4 scrolls of identify (quivered) {unknown}  d - a scroll of fog {unknown}õÁ£g$¿ õÁ£g›Ç   d - a scroll of fog {unknown}  i - a scroll of amnesia {unknown}õÁ£gãzöÁ£gP!ùÁ£gŽª ùÁ£gíª ,ùÁ£g–º çGoodbye, Wolftag123.93 Wolftag123 the Grave Robber (level 4, -8/31 HPs)Began as a Mummy Necromancer on Feb 5, 2025.Was an Initiate of Beogh.Mangled by an orc warrior... wielding a +0 scimitar(12 damage)... on level 4 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:19:18 (2035 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.53115580 tswnHuSh-27 escaped with the Orb3.50722350 tswnTeDe-27 escaped with the Orb4.48821574 tswnMiBr-27 escaped with the Orb5.48486347 tswnTrBe-27 escaped with the Orb6.33751634 tswnMDGl-27 escaped with the Orb7.32457476 tswnTrRe-27 escaped with the Orb8.27138517 tswnDrHs-27 escaped with the Orb9.26687813 tswnSpSh-27 escaped with the Orb  10.26460741 tswnMDHs-27 escaped with the Orb  11.26319591 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the OrbýÁ£gؙ ýÁ£gp¡ ýÁ£gî­ ? [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l