ęagg™q™ Player: crok Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: crawl.dcss.io Filename: 2024-12-22.00:49:01.ttyrec Time: (1734828541) Sun Dec 22 00:49:01 2024 țagg§Č [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061hțagg łR)0[?7h[?25l[?1cțaggËłțagg%§ țaggvź ucrok the ChopperCoglinHealth: 27/27 ========================Magic: 3/3========================AC: 5țaggłź ëStr: 16EV: 11Int: 7SH: 0Dex: 15XL:  3 Next:  8% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 793.0 (0.0)țaggÓź Îa) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {NThrow: 5 darts (poison)țaggŻ 4Rev țagg ¶ #..........# #..........#.# #.#..........####....#######.# #.#>.....#'#......##.#.# #.# #.########.#.#######.#.# #.# ###.#.# #.#.#####.##.#.# #.#.......#țaggc¶ ž#.#.# #.##########...#######.##.....†.@##.##.######.##.##. #.##.#țagg‘¶ à#. #.##.###.##.##.##.#țaggł¶ ‚#.##.############# țaggŐ¶ Š..##.............. ############### țaggó¶ țaggMÁ țagg Ă aWelcome back, crok the Coglin Gladiator.țagg~É țagg˜g Á _Press ? for a list of commands and other information.ÿaggMă Jÿagg*ê ÿaggčë ÿaggBô  _ÿagg+ś >.....#'#......##.#.# #######.#.#######.#.# # #.#.# #.#.#####.#  #.#.# #.#.......# #######..#######.# ....†..##.# ÿaggŚś .######.. #5.0 (2.  ###ÿaggZű ÿaggšț ÿaggâÿ bgg”[ bgg<\ bggš\ bggŁ^ bggô_ bggŻc nbgg=d bgge bggÚe bgglf bggŻf bggág bggi ,bggĄi bggn nbggân ,bggZo bggźp bggr bggGr bgg°r bggFt bgg>u ,bggu bgg v bggnw bggąw bggçw bggy bggz bgg3z bggz bggë{ bgg} ,bggB} bgg{~ bggZ bgg‹ bgg6€ bggQˆ bgg‰‰ bggÀ‰ bgg9Š bgg˜ bggŹŽ bgg֎ bgg4 bgg«‘ bggĒ bggž“ bggò“ bggŁ– bgg”— bggî— bggh˜ bgg<› bgg4œ bggaœ bggčœ bgg   bggŃ  bggü  bggkĄ bgg§ Xbggš© bgg« bggb« bggŹ bggNŻ bgg± ,bggP± bggeŽ bgg!” bggL” bggä” bgg~ž bggŠč bggÏč bggdș bggEœ bggšŸ ,bgg;ż bggûÁ bgg<Ă ,bggÈĂ bggiÆ bgg„Ç bggÍÇ bggYÈ bgg^Ê bggsË bgg˜Ë bggiÌ bgg[Î bggÏ bggŚÏ bggjĐ bggÛÒ bgg<Ô bgggÔ bggŐ bggnÚ XbggüÛ bgg Ę ,bgg)Ț bggŚß bgg›à bggÀà bgg2á bgg#â bgg`ă bggˆă bggä bgg)æ bgg}ç bggšç bgg9è bggUê bggçë bggì bggőì bggwï bggêđ bgg!ń bggò bgg#ô bggčő bggßő bggŰö bgg™ű bggŃù bgg$ú bggżú bggŚü bggț bggkț bggÿ bgg· bggÛ bgg bggx bggŁ bggœ ,bgg$ bgg, bgg! ,bggž bgg} bgg% bggX bgg† bgg' bggŰ bgg bgg— bggŁ bggÓ ,bggL bggç 8There is an open door here.bgg bggŐ  _bgg$ bggî bggz ,bggË bgg• bgg  bgg% bggb bgg  bgg ,bggÙ bggŽ bgg  bgg3 bggÄ bgg‹ bgg/ ,bgg· bgg~ bgg bgg bggl bgg«! bggŚ" bgg # bggÜ# bggÊ$ bggç% bgg& bgg& bgg( bgg;) bggm) bggă) bgg22 bgg‰2 ,bggŻ2 bggR7 bggĐ8 bgg9 bgg: bggŰ> bggà? bgg@ bgg‘@ bgg^E bggûE bgg-F bggF bggxK bggłL Bbgg-Q bggŰQ bggR bgg_R bggćV bggČW ,bggX bgg#] bggË` Bbggvb bggEc bggwc bggćc bggOh bgg±i ,bgg_j bgg1p 8There is an open door here.bggq bggĆq  _bgg‚r bggXw bggy ,bggÔy bggĆ~ bgg1€ bgg`€ bgg bgg‡ bgg–‡ bggő‡ bgg‰ bggŽ bgg‘ ,bgg­ bggH• bggä– ,bggj˜ bgghž bgg  ,bgg_Ą bggÜŠ bgg © ,bggÍȘ bgg”° bgg/ł bggfł bggD” bgg_» bggPÀ 9You enter the shallow water.bgg‘À @Water bgg¶Â bggdÉ F _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.bggÁÌ 4bggmÏ bggąÔ bgg©Ś ,bggÚ bggœß bggšâ bggîâ bggGć bgg%ë bgg†î ,bgg<ń bggŽö bggú bgg?ú bgg>ę bgg† bgg? bgg{ !bgg: bgg= bggš 0bggG bggn bgg # ,bgg& bgg%* bggP, ,bgg4. bggi4 bgg\: A  You enter the shallow water.bgg; @Water bgg> bgg-B äThere is an open door here.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.bggBE 4bgg G bgg…K bgg‰N bggżN bggÁP bgg«T bggÀW 7bgg„Y bgg]] bgg` 0bggBb bgg@k Xbggßm bggîp ,bggv ,bggUw bgg w bggżx bgg{ bggÏ| bgg} bgg”} bggÖ bgg bgga bggn‚ bggȚ„ bgg«† bggï† bggˆ bgg)Š bgg=Œ bgg–Œ bggӍ bgg) bggՑ bgg’ bggS“ bggF• bggE— ,bggc˜ bggš bggu› ,bgg§œ bgg'ž bgggŸ ,bggóŸ bggźĄ bgg»ą bggìą bgg^Ł bggœ€ bggű„ ,bggŠ bggš bgg© bggJ© bggË© bgg1« bgg#Ź bggXŹ bggߏ bgg ź bgg@Ż ,bggŒŻ bggŠ± bggÉČ bggJł ,bggÓ” bggjŸ ` #.###...##.†.#  #.......####.##.##....# #.# ##.##.#'## #.# #..##.#.#####.# #.###.........# ####.#####.####### ...............######### ~###...###.#....@......b P~#....# #.#.#Ă·######### PP~....# #.#.#.........###.# ~PP....# #.................# ~~~'#### ###.#########.##### ~P...# #.#.....†...# b   bat (asleep) PPP..# #.#. PP...# #.#.# ###'## #.#.#bggĂ 2906.4 (111.4)bggßĂ bggĆ bgg#Ì Zb...bbggĘÌ ,72bgg,Ô bgg¶Ś ú  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.  You enter the shallow water. _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. _A bat comes into view.bgg 4 bggČ4 bgg%< bggî? Z _A bat is nearby!bgg&ì †.#     #.#   #.#    #.####### ...............######### #....@...b...  #.#.#Ă·#########  #.#.#      †...#    #.#.# #.#.#bggfˆÁ †.#     #.#   #.#    #.####### ...............######### #....@...b...  #.#.#Ă·#########  #.#.#    †...#    bgglbgg‘bggœ˜bgg˜›Z _A bat is nearby!bgg€čÇ#.###...##.†.#  #.####.#  #.##....# #.#  ##.##.#'## #.#  #..##.#.#####.#  #.###.bggßčI#  .#####.#######  ..............# ###...###.#.....@..b. bggș,~#....# #.#.#Ă·# P~....# #.#.#.###.#  PP....# #.bggMș“#  '#### ###.#.#####  bggoșÒP...# #.#.....†...#  ..# #.#.# bggș_ P...# #.#.# bggœș† '## #.#.#  bgg§ŸbggÀżbggĄÇ b..bggÈ9=8.4 (1.0)bgg6ÎbggžŃ: _The bat hits you but does no damage.bggžs Č  You miss the bat with your +0 war axe.You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.bgg'} Ű..b 6-9.6 (1.2Rev bgg„ bggÿ‡ ' _The bat hits you.bgg3Ę Ł#.###...##.†.#  #.####.#  #.##....# #.#  ##.##.#'## #.#  #..##.#.#####.#  #.###.#  .#####.#######  # ...###.#.b.bggÁĘ ü #....# #.#.#Ă·# ~....# #.#.#.###.#  P....# #.#  ~'#### ###.#.#####  ...# #.#.....†...#  P..# #.#.#  ...# #.#.# bgg'Ț † #'## #.#.#  bggÏá bggaé b.bggê [7=100bggÄđ bggô v _The bat closely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.bggsđ  You barely miss the bat with your +0 war axe.The bat is moderately wounded.You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.bggs-1.8 (1.2bgg8zbgg}S _The bat barely misses you. x2bgg‘ĘN  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.bggæk†bggYê„=123.0Rev+ bggcđbggóóG _You kill the bat!bggTbggÍbggńbgg?H _No target in view!bgg Ë4bggeÎbggńĐH _No target in view!bggŁ'#.###...##.†.#  #.####.#  #.##....# #.#  ##.##.#'## #.#  #..##.#.#####.#  #.###.#  #.#####.#######  #. #...###.#.. ....# #.#.#Ă·#. ....# #.#.#.###.#  ....# #.#  '#### ###.#.#####  # #.#.....†...#  ..# #.#.#  # #.#.#  '## #.#.#  bggq%bgg§&j-40Rev  _bgg ,bgg€0p _You see here a bat corpse.bgg‹bgg bggÏ bgg=#bggN$bggg)} _bggÏ)bggR+bggș,bggń,bggc-bgg°.bggÙ/bgg0!bgg·0bggŁ1bgg3bgg^3bgg’3bgg/6bggC@Ó...##.†.#  ...####.# K#  ...# #.# .#  #'## #.# .#  #####.# .#  ........# .#  ## .#  ###########.#.#  #.......†.....@...#  - #.#.#Ă·###########.###  #.#.#.........###.#  #.......#  ###.#########.#####  bgg»@· #.#.....†...#  K   kobold (asleep)  #.#.#########   #.#.#   #.#.# bggXL+9.0 (5bggŻM,20.0 (6bgg]SbggŹXz _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.bggt Æ.# K#  #.# .#  #.# .#  .#  .#  .# ########.#.# .†.....@...# Ă·###########.### .# .# ##  †...#    #.#.#  #.#.#bgg u†.# K#  #.# .#  #.# .#  .#  .#  .# ########.#.# .†.....@...# Ă·###########.### .# .# ##  †...#    #.#.#  #.#.#bgg« bgg bggž bgg . > ##.###  ##.†.# #.#  ####.# #K#  ..# #.# #.#  '## #.# #.#  .#####.# #.#  .......# #.#  .####### #.#  .....###########@#.#  .#.......†.........#  .#.#Ă·###########.###  .#.####.#  .................#  bggš. 4##.#########.#####  #.#.....†...#  #.#.######### #.#.#  _A kobold is nearby!bgg‚8 bgg9 21.0 (1 _bggY@ bggsC bgg\H ##.†.##K .. '## ##### ....... .####### #@# ....###########.#.#......†.........#Ă·###########.### .#.#### ................. ##.#########.#####....†...########bggbgg‘&2bggübggă"bggČZ+# ##.†.##K .. '## ##### ....... .####### #.# ....###########.#......†.........Ă·###########.### .#.#### ................. ##.#########.#####....†...bggcžbggÚÁf.KKbggzÂ0===3bgg”ËbggÏÎ( _The kobold shouts!bggè8ÿ.# +# ##.†##. ..K '## ##### ....... .####### #.# ....###########.#bgg9]......†.........Ă·###########.### .#.#### ................. ##.#########.#####bggË<bggFv.K---4bgg(NbggȚPbgg)°Ż  You closely miss the kobold with your +0 war axe.You puncture the kobold with your +4 short sword!bggÇž<)bggč)bgg霋4=--5.1 (1.1Rev bggáÄbggŸÈJ _You kill the kobold!bggbggc bgg (bggƒ3H _No target in view!bgg4bgg§ąbggö€H _No target in view!bggSĂ BM# .# +# ##.†## ... '## ##### ....... .########.#   Rev ..#bgg,Ê bgg9Ë ;-60 _bggÜĐ bggŐ T _You see here a +0 short sword.bgg(Z çM...# .# +# ##.†## .. '## )##### ....... .########.#  #.#bggCa bgg€b G-7 _bggšg bgg€i bggő•bggK–bgg8—bggÁ˜bgglšbggüMbggDž0bggYŸbgg=Ąbggűąbgg Łbgg„bggć©bggq«bgg—«bggvŹbggEźbggŁŻbggÄŻbgg$°bggR±bgg\Č,bgg±ČbggŽbggĄ”bggê”bgg?¶bgg<žbgg‹čbgg°čbgg!șbgg`»bgg„œBbggżbggÀbggFÁ,bggìÂbggGÄbggsÄbgg;ĆbggÈÆbggIÈbgg‘Èbgg>ÉbggæÊbgg†ÌbggÂÌbggwÍbggéÎbggCĐbggrĐbgg7ŃbggÎÓbggûŐBbggŰBbggÌŰbggÆÙbggZÛbggÛbggUÜbggȚbggèß,bgg”àbggęábggtă,bgg|äbggpæbggéçbggèbggÌèbggœêbgg9ì,bggȘìbggȘl##.# #.#.#  ##.###.#.#  ##.†#.#.#  ##.#.#  # #.#.#  bggP# #.# #)#.#  ####.# #.#.#  ...# #.#.##  ###### #.#@.#  48.1 (21.0) bgg[Ő...###########.#.##  .......†.........#  .#Ă·###########.###  .........###.#  bgg“K..........#  ########.#####  ....†...#  ########  bggX bgg/bgg‰ bggŚ7_Done exploring.bggČćbggGæbggűæbggÙę .#..#..#..#..#....0.0)bggx,bggE _Done exploring.bgg#4bgg&bggä(H _No target in view!bggÔ Ibgg.ă bggç bggYê bgg•î E _Done exploring.bggÚ4bgg7ŁWhere to? (Tab - D:1 @ (x,y), ? - help)  D - Dungeon bgg,…bgg҅bggŠšž[?25h[?0c##.##.#.#   crok the Chopper ##.####.#.#   Coglin ##.†.##.#.#   Health: 27/27 ======================== ####.##.#.#   Magic: 3/3======================== # #.##.#.#   AC: 5Str: 16 # #.##)#.#   EV: 11Int: 7 ####.#bgg{›ç#.#.#   SH: 0Dex: 15 .....##.#.##   XL:  3 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:1 #######.#@.#   Noise: ---------  Time: 948.1 (0.0) ...###########.#.##   a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N .......†.........#   Throw: 5 darts (poison) .#Ă·###########.###  .#.........###.#  ...............#    .#########.#####  bgg«›Ę  .#.....†...#   .#.#########   bggӛq_You see here a +0 short sword. _Done exploring. bggü›Š_Done exploring. _No target in view! _Done exploring.  bgg%œQWhat level of the Dungeon? (default 1, ? - help) bggG [?25l[?1cbggI42bggObggĆ"bggJ$bgg|(E _bgg0)bggm*bggȘ*bggA+bggí.bggü/bggH0bggù0bggž4bggł6bgg 7bggá7bgg6;bggŒ>,bggÓ?bgg(CbggüDbggNEbgggFbggșIbggL,bggúLbggÙNbggIP,bggëPbggȘRbggŠSbggÂSbggETbggVbggtWbgg„Wbgg”Xbggˆ\_  You see here a bat corpse.bggŁ]bggđ] _bggV^bgg`_bgg0`,bgg`bgg©abgg!bbggkb,bggrcbggôcbgg&dbggadbgg…ebggXgbggČgbgg#hbggCjbggàkbgg,lbggĆlbggónbggNpbggæpbggGqbggèrbggttbggöt,bggHvbgg‹wbggńwbggxbggàybgg]{bgg§{bggE|bgg\}bggę},bggc~bgg4bggÄbgg!€bggH€bggdbgg‚,bgg;ƒbgg„bggh…bggЅbgg†bgg™‡bggäˆ,bgg„‰bggôŠbgg‡‹bggƋbggí‹bggbggŽbggDŽbggŽbggDbggo‘bggÁ‘bggè‘bgg…”Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.bgg@•bgg––bgg,—$ _bggŁ—bggöô 2bggÔő bggű bggíű bggYú bgg ț l _You climb downwards.  There is a stone staircase leading up here.bgg{Ž bggœ = ###### #....# ####...b# ........# ........# .......@#77.9 (29.8) ###.....# ....##### ... . b   bat (asleep) bggNŸ bggűĂ bggđÆ Z _A bat is nearby!bggČRead which item? Scrolls  h - a scroll labelled BONONIYNKY[?] describe selectedbggiÄbgg©ÌbggoÓźcrok the ChopperCoglinHealth: 27/27 ========================######Magic: 3/3========================#....#AC: 5Str: 16####...b#EV: 11Int: 7........#SH: 0bgg5Ô€Dex: 15........#XL:  3 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:2.......@#Noise: ---------  Time: 977.9 (0.0)###.....#a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N....#####Throw: 5 darts (poison)....b   bat (asleep) _What level of the Dungeon? (default 1, ? - help) _You see here a bat corpse. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You climb downwards.  There is a stone staircase leading up here. _A bat is nearby!bggÛn  Okay, then.bgg=ábgg§ă. _bgg Î }#### #....####...b.......<###......#####...#bggÙŃ bgg#Ę p.bbbggG@ ƒ=8.9 (1 _The bat hits you but does no damage.bggö§ q#### ####.b........<###.........#####....#..bgg›Ș bgg±« bggR” bggȚ” &9bggĐș bggìœ : _The bat hits you but does no damage.bggń‰œ#### ####.b........<###.........#####....#..bggšbgg@bggj’bggј(.bbggƙ/-80bggœŸbggÆĄbgg“ăc######....###......b<###.........####.... #. . bggđćbgg©êbgg„ùg.b=1bggCû: _The bat hits you but does no damage.bgg'۶######....###....b###.....bggîŰÉ....####....#.  . bggTÚbggÿȚbgg`ç<<b.bggòç&2bggșíbggń: _The bat hits you but does no damage.bgglŽ /###### #....#.####....#.........#.#<#####..b..#....#####.# bgg€ž "b.bgg•č #6bggș 1-3bggĂŸ bggęÁ ' _The bat hits you.bggpO X ######. #....#.####....#.#.#.<##.b...# #....#####..#..#.. ..bgg™P K# ##bggR bggÛS bggXc R4bggŻe Q _The bat closely misses you.bggßjw  You closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.bggX}Ûb.7=6.1 (1.2Rev bgg’˜ _You miss the bat with your +0 war axe. The bat closely misses you.bgg ùI< ######. #....#.####....#.#.#bggëùń.<##b....# #....##### ...... #..#........#.##..# #..bgg țbgg"bgg-H<.b..bggŻ,70bggì bggm _Found a stone staircase leading up. The bat misses you.bgg}ŸG##.<. ######.... #....#..####....#.........#.##<# ######@....# #.b..#####......... .##..#.............##.##...r#r   quokka (asleep) # #....#bgg8 čb   bat #....#bggù€bggħh  A quokka comes into view.bggGČ...bbggł&8bgg{čbggbÈQ _The bat closely misses you.bggÄÚ?##.<. ######.... #........####.............#..........< ######..... #...@#####.......b...w...##..#....#####.........#..#.##...r # #....w   ribbon worm (asleep) r   quokka (asleep)####b   bat  A ribbon worm comes into view. wwcatching breath)  The bat hits you. ```The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.bgg)f Û...6- 5 95 darts (poison)Held bggw} € _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here.bggu ˜ _You are caught in a web!bggè ˜ _You are caught in a web! bgg# bgg$ bgg^( bggű6Or.r7=11 905 darts (poison) bgg*= bggŽ@f _The web tears apart. The bat closely misses you. bggXp­  You hit the bat but do no damage. You miss the bat with your +0 war axe. bggïq bggCs bggût bggœw bggx bggù€yr.w.. bggʁY1.3 (1.2Rev  bgg’ˆ bggđ‹P _The bat barely misses you. bggü> N  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword. bggÜB V  You kill the bat! bggF M  You hit the quokka with your +0 war axe. bgg!J h  A jackal comes into view. bggZS h.rw. h   jackal (wandering) bgg·W ˆ=62.4 (1.1Rev+  bggš`  bgge > _The quokka bites you but does no damage. bggeÏp  A jackal comes into view. _The quokka bites you but does no damage.  You miss the quokka with your +0 war axe.The quokka is almost dead.  The jackal barks!  You puncture the quokka with your +4 short sword! bgg=ĐY  You kill the quokka! bggŸŃ bgg‚Ęń.hw.h   jackal bggUâ^ 20=3.6 (1.2 _You hear a bark! bgg—é bggˆê bggbô/  --more-- bggŠB h _Your Armour skill increases to level 1! bggŐx „You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded. bggS{ dYou barely miss the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe. bggq€ JA jackal comes into view. bggž‚ QThe ribbon worm barely misses you. bggƒ  bgg6 é .hh hh 2 jackals (1 wandering)A jackal comes into view. bggć o-4.8Rev*  bggT–  bgg˜ 2- bggd€ /  --more-- bggùÖ4 _The jackal moves out of view. bggÇ~ ŰYou hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.You slash the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe! bggw‚  bgg_ƒ  bggᇠ bgg| æ.†..hh   jackal bgg‹“ 931=6.0 bgg€™  bggńœ G _You kill the ribbon worm! bgg%  bggÀ%  bgg˜+  bgg/ > _Unknown command. bggŐ a.<. ######.... #....# ....####....# ............# .....# #...<# #####.....# ###....########........@........##..#....######..h.......# ..#.##....# . #  bggƒŐ Ž #....#######  bgg‡Ű  bggÄÙ  bggđß “hh.hh 2 jackals bggá <--70 _ bggoæ  bggê x _You see here a ribbon worm corpse. bggł’ bggX“9-- bggƛ bgg@ŸF _Unknown command. bggôŒi .<. ###### .... #....# ....####....# ............# ............# #.....h....<# ######.....#.###....# h......@†. .##h.#....###### ..........# ..#.##....#  . # #....# #....#hhh 3 jackals (1 wandering)  ###### bggʖ bgg@˜ bggšJ  The jackal barks! You hear a bark! x2 bggăš bggkœ bggڝ bggíž bggĄ bgg3Ź.hhh...hh##.hhhhh 5 jackals (1 wandering) bgg­/==8 bgg3¶ bggo»\ _A jackal comes into view. x2 bgg6 Ž  You barely miss the jackal with your +0 war axe.The jackal barks! bggĐ7  bggæ8  bgg€9  bgg~:  bggGH ä h..h.hYou hit the jackal with your +4 short sword. bgg_I -9.2 (1.2 bggŒQ  bggvU S _The jackal barely misses you. bgg4 ă  You barely miss the jackal with your +4 short sword.The jackal is severely wounded.You hit the jackal with your +0 war axe. bgg,„‰  You kill the jackal!You hit the jackal with your +0 war axe. bggź„ bgg=Š bgg˜§ bggš bgg‰š bggŚź¶†..hh.h 4 bgg‡±A5-1000.4 (1.2) bggož bgg"ŒA _The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2bggSÿȚ  You miss the jackal with your +0 war axe.The jackal is moderately wounded.You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword.bgg€bggƒbgg=bggkbggĐ U. 3bggđ]9-1.5 (1.1bgg§bggȘ)J _You kill the jackal!bggžÏÌ  You hit the jackal with your +0 war axe.  The jackal is almost dead.You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword.bgg†ÒbggeÔbggUŐbgg±Úqh... 2bggĘ6432.7 (1.2bggńâbgg5æJ _You kill the jackal!bggÊ! Q  You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword.bggH$ bggƒ-   .   jackalYou kill the jackal!bggC1 573.8 (1.1bggŃ7 bgga: T _The jackal closely misses you.bggĄÓ Q  You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword.bggšÚ E†bggȚ 6525.0 (1.2bggvâ bggńă J _You kill the jackal!bggț8  .<. ###### .... #....# ....####....# ............# ............# #..........<# ######.....#.###...†#bggÇ9ł.@.†..##..#....###### ..........#..#.##....#.. # #....#. #....#  ######bggŽBbgg C4-60bgg0HbggÎKs _You see here a jackal corpse.bggù bggm sRead which item? Scrolls bggű  h - a scroll labelled BONONIYNKY[?] describe selectedbgg%ubggŹzbggú‚ç.<. ######crok the Chopper.... #....#Coglin....####....#Health: 27/27 ========================............#Magic: 3/3========================............#AC: 5bggȘƒ˜Str: 16#..........<#EV: 11Int: 7######.....#SH: 0Dex: 15..###...†########XL:  3 Next: 52% Place: Dungeon:2.......@.†.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1006.0 (0.0)..##..#....######bgg܃wa) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N..........#Throw: 5 darts (poison)...#.##....#bggN„kRev* .. # #....#. #....#######You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword.  You kill the jackal! bggs„Ž_The jackal closely misses you.You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword. bgg“„ƒ_You kill the jackal! _You see here a jackal corpse.bggҘË  As you read the scroll labelled BONONIYNKY, it crumbles to dust.  You feel aware of your surroundings. You sensed 2 altars.  It was a scroll of revelation.bggœ Ă*,,,,.<.,**,^,.....####....## ******,,,.....#### ,,,,,,,,,........# ******* *******,,........# *,,,,,,bgg%Ąž**,*h#..........<## *,,,,,,**,,*.###..## *,,,,,,*,,,,*,,,,,,*_,,,,,,,,,,*,,,,*,,,,,, *****,,,,......###,,,,,,,,, bggLĄƒ,,,,,,<,,...#.###,**,,,,,, bggoĄÄ****,,,,,...#.####,**,,,,,, *****,,,,...#.#bggĄÙ#..,*,,,,,,, h   jackal (wandering) *,,,,,,,,......bggżĄ#.#**,,,,,,, ,,**,,,,,..###.######..# *,,,,,,, *,,,,,,,,,,***,,,***,,****,,,,,,,bggĘĄbggÓą+7.0 (1bgg‰Șbgg–­Y _A jackal comes into view.bggĆŸ í *,,,,.<.,* ###### *,^......####....##*.####....##.## *.## * **,#h#.<## * **,,#.#.....## * * *,,,...###...†bggsż c#* * *_†.†. * *,,,...##..#....######**.####,<,....#.##....####,***.#.##....####,**  *****.#.##....##..,* **bgg­ż '.#.#**,**.###.######..# * **,***,,,***,,****bggÌ ì......####.......####.....................#h#......#.###.#............####....###.#.##....###..#.##....##.......#######. ...###.######.. bggțÌ &8bggÓ bggŐ bggžk] *,,,,.<.,* ###### *,^......####....##*,,......####....##,.....## *,.....## * * **,#h#..........<## * * **,.#.#######.....## * ** *,,....###...†bgg l«#* ,* *_.†.†. ,* *,,!...##..#....######* ,******,,.............####,<,....#.##....####,**bggyl…*..#.##....####,** *****,,.....#.##....##..,**.......#######.#**,**,,,....###.######..# **,***,,,***,,****bgg€wbggx]9Rev+ bggŰ~bgg˜€[ _Found a fuming inky potion.bggqòR* *,,,,.<.,* ###### * *,^......####....##*,,......####....##,...## ,*,....## * ,* **,#h#....<## * ,* **..#.#######.....## * ,** *,.....###...†#* ,,* *_.†.†. *,* *,.!...##..#....######* *,******,..............#### *bggäò-,<,....#.##....####,***,,,.....#.##....####,** *****,,.....#.##....##..,**,,,,,,........#######.#**,**,,,....###.######..# **,***,,,***,,****bgg&übggêü'10bggobgg$; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.bgghÜy* *,,,,.<.,* ###### ,* *,^......####....## ,*,,......####....##,.## ,*,...## * ,,* #*,#h#....<## * ,,* *#..#.#######.....## * ,,** *......###...†bgg-Ę3#* *,,* *_.†.†. **,* *..!...##..#....######*  *,******...............####  *.<.....#.##....####,**  *,.......#.##....####,** *****.......#.##....##..,**,,,,.,........#######.#**,**,,,....###.######..# **,***,,,***,,****bggiĘbggîàbggżăK  Found a faded altar of an unknown god.bggÒîÜ.h_h   jackalbggeï&1bggÆűbggIüY _A jackal comes into view.bgg΀ Š* *,,,,.<.,* ###### ,,* #.^......####....## ,,*........####....##...## ,*,..## *,* ##,#.#...<## *,* ##..#.#######.....## *,** #.....h###...†#* **,,* #_.†.†.  **,* #..!...##..#....######*bgg(Š " *,*****#...............#### *.<.....#.##....####,** *........#.##....####,** ****#.......#.##....##..,**,,,...........#######.#**,**.......###.######..# **,***,,,***,,****bggÙš bggGł xhh 2 jackals (1 wandering)bggÍł .=2bggbž bgg€ș T _The jackal closely misses you.bggÄ$ Ą* *,,,,.<.,* ######,* #.^......####....##,*........####....##,....## ,*,...## *,* ##,#h#.<## *bgg%% ü,* ##..#.#######.....## *,** #.....h###...†#**,,* #_.†.†.bggO% „ **,* #..!...##..#....######* *,*****#...............#### *bgg% Á.<.....#.##....####,** * #..#.##....####,** * ***##.......#.##....##..,**.....#.#**,*#bgg”% .###.######..# **,***,,,***,,****bggÖ% bggp+ bgg’. 6  The jackal barks!bgg8 j.hhbgg]8 E====3bgg‚8 /Rev bggȘ@ &_bggŐC ‹ _The jackal closely misses you. The jackal misses you.bggv"Ÿ_  The jackal barks! _The jackal closely misses you. The jackal misses you.  You barely miss the jackal with your +0 war axe.  You hit the jackal but do no damage.You barely miss the jackal with your +4 short sword.  bgg#™=---4.2 (1.2Rev+ bggr+bgg:.> _The jackal bites you but does no damage.bgg41V  You puncture the jackal with your +4 short sword!bggW;‹  You kill the jackal!You slash the jackal with your +0 war axe!bggKj††bggQȚ 60---5.4Rev* _You kill the jackal!bggqXbggÔZi _Your Throwing skill increases to level 2!bggŽËbgg)ÌbggjŐbggÖH _No target in view!bgg"d _....bgg˜d bggÎk 8_bggo H _No target in view!bgg$ü* *,,,,.<.,* ######,* #.^......####....##,*........####....##,.....## ,#,....## ,* ##.#.#.<## ,* ##..#.#######.....## ,** #....††###...†#*,,* #_.†.†. * **,* #..!...##..#....###### * *,*****#.........#### * *.<.....#.##....####, ** #.#.##....####, ,* ***##.#.##....##..,* ,*,,....#.#**,*#bggçüŽ[37m.###.######..# * ,*,***,,,***,,****bggbgg;-60 _bggD 8_bggŰbggŒžq* *,,,,.<.,* ######,* #.^......####....##,*........####....##.......##,*#.....##,* ##.#.#.<##,* ##..#.#######.....##,** #....††###...† ,****,,* #_.†.† bgg—Ÿü,* **,* #..!...##..#.... ,* *,*****#........#### ,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....####, ,** *****##.#.##....####, ,,* ***##.#.##....##.., ,,*,,....#.#,*#.###.######..# ,*,***,,,***,,bgg§1_bgg–§w-7Rev+ bgg˜Ź&_bgg7źbggăà+,,,,,,* #.^......####....##,*********........####....##,,,,,,,,,,................##********#..##,* ##.#.#<##,*.#.#######.....##,** #....††###...†###### *,****,,* #_..........†.†..... *,* **,* ###..#....#### bggYá€*,* *,*****#............... *,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....#### *,** ****###........#.##....#### ,,,* ***##.#.##....##..,*******,,.....#######.#,,,,,,,,,*####..#bgg…á„*******,,.#**,,,***,,**,**,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,bggćìbggví&8bggôbgg±übggę+9.4 (2bgg-bgg­X _h - a fuming inky potionbggÎîĘ******** *,,,,.<.,* ####,* #.^......####.... >*********........####....,,,,,,,,,..,********#.....,* ##.#.#..........<,* ##..#.#######..... ,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†##### **,****,,* #_@.........†.†....  *,* **,* ###..#....  *,* *,*****#...............  *,* *,,,,....<.....#.##.... **,** ****##.#.##....### >,,,* ***###.##....##.*******,,......#######.,,,,,,,,,*#.###.######..,*******,,........#**,,,***,,bggïś*_bgg|ű,20.4 (1bgg·ÿbggÄbggŸŸï* *,,,,.<.,* ,* #.^......####.... ,>,,,,,,*........####....,.....,*#...,* ##.#.#.<,* ##..#.#######.....bgg ì,** #....††###...†*,****,,* #.†.† *,* **,* #......##..#.... *,* *,*****#. *,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....*,** ****###.#.##.... ,>,,,* ***##.#.##....##,*,,.bgg: Š.#,*#.###.######,*,,.#**,,,***,,bggŒ§bggLšU1Rev bggnźbgg­±d _There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.bggrșä _h - a fuming inky potionThere is a faded altar of an unknown god here.  This altar belongs to (a) the Shining One, (b) Makhleb or (c) Gozag, but you  can't tell which.  Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter to  convert or escape to cancel.bgg š bggÂȘ The Shining One Followers of the Shining One are bound to the code of the honourable warrior, soldiers in their god's eternal crusade against evil. For forsaking dark magic bgg « land underhanded tactics, the Shining One rewards them and their allies with the power they need to slay demons and the undead. Especially devout warriors can even call upon angels in times of need. The Shining One's followers can convert to Elyvilon or Zin while keeping some piety. Favour - The Shining One is neutral towards you. bgg<« łGranted powers:(Cost)The Shining One occasionally guards your life. The Shining One prevents you from stabbing unaware foes. bggm« You radiate a small righteous aura, and foes within it are easier to hit. The Shining One partially shields you from negative energy. bgg˜« 3You and your allies can gain power from killing the unholy and evil. You can call upon the Shining One for a divine shield. (3 MP, Piety-)You can channel blasts of cleansing flame.(5 MP, Piety-)You can summon a divine warrior.(8 MP, Piety--)bgg« ÙThe Shining One will bless your weapon with holy wrath... once. [!]: Overview|Powers|Wrathbggebggș—ü**********,,,,.<.,* ##### crok the Chopper ,,,,,,,,*#.^......####.... Coglin ,>,,,,,,*********........####.... Health: 27/27 ======================== ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................ Magic: 3/3======================== ,,,,,,,,,********#............... AC: 5Str: 16 ,,,,,,,,,*bgg-˜Y##.#.#..........< EV: 11Int: 7 ,,,,,,,,,* ##..#.#######..... SH: 0Dex: 15 ,,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†#### XL:  3 Next: 60% Place: Dungeon:2 ***,****,,* #@..........†.†... Noise: ---------  Time: 1021.4 (0.0)bgg™˜Q*,* **,* #......##..#....## a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N*,* *,*****#...............## Throw: 5 darts (poison)*,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....## Rev ***,** ****###........#.##....## ,>,,,* ***##.......#.##....##  ,,,,,*******,,............#######bgg˜x  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#.......###.######.bgg ™  ,,,,,*******,,........#**,,,***,,  _h - a fuming inky potion _There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.  This altar belongs to (a) the Shining One, (b) Makhleb or (c) Gozag, but youcan't tell which.Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter toconvert or escape to cancel.bggZ™bggšê hMakhleb the Destroyer Makhleb the Destroyer is a fearsome deity of bloodshed and mortification of the flesh. Followers are expected to cleanse others by inflicting suffering and death on them in Makhleb's name. Dedicated followers may also access the raw energies and hell-spawned servants of chaos, so that they may better break the impure world and its false laws for their evil god's glory. Favour - Makhleb is neutral towards you. Granted powers:(Cost)You can gain health from killing. You can unleash Makhleb's destructive might.(4 HP)You can summon an infernal servant of Makhleb.(8 HP, Piety-)Your Destruction will be augmented by one of the Four Hells. Makhleb will allow you to brand your body with an infernal mark... once. (Pain)[!]: Overview|Powers|Wrathbggpwbggk€ì**********,,,,.<.,* ##### crok the Chopper ,,,,,,,,*#.^......####.... Coglin ,>,,,,,,*********........####.... Health: 27/27 ======================== ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................ Magic: 3/3bgg%======================== ,,,,,,,,,********#............... AC: 5Str: 16 ,,,,,,,,,*##.#.#..........< EV: 11Int: 7 ,,,,,,,,,* ##..#.#######..... SH: 0Dex: 15 ,,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†#### XL:  3 Next: 60% Place: Dungeon:2 bggąR***,****,,* #@..........†.†... Noise: ---------  Time: 1021.4 (0.0)*,* **,* #......##..#....## a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N*,* *,*****#...............## Throw: 5 darts (poison)bggèK*,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....## Rev ***,** ****###........#.##....## ,>,,,* ***##.......#.##....##  ,,,,,*******,,............#######bgg‚„  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#.......###.######.  bgg{‚—,,,,,*******,,........#**,,,***,,  _h - a fuming inky potion bgg»‚»_There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.  This altar belongs to (a) the Shining One, (b) Makhleb or (c) Gozag, but youbggă‚jcan't tell which.Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter tobggƒ2convert or escape to cancel.bgg~śbggXùĂGozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy Gozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy teaches that the world belongs to the rich. Those bggùùvaccepting this principle may exchange their gold for divine assistance. Followers of Gozag do not earn piety; the only way to impress this god is by amassing a fortune, and worshippers may request as much assistance as they can afford. Fortunately, Gozag's worshippers are said to have the touch of gold. Favour - Gozag is neutral towards you. Granted powers:(Cost)Gozag turns your defeated foes' bodies to gold. Your enemies may become distracted by gold. You can petition Gozag for potion effects.(400 Gold)bgg/úBYou can fund merchants seeking to open stores in the dungeon. (800 Gold)You can bribe branches to halt enemies' attacks and recruit allies. (3000 Gold)[!]: Overview|Powers|Wrathbgg!k bggęt **********,,,,.<.,* ##### crok the Chopper ,,,,,,,,*#.^......####.... Coglin ,>,,,,,,*********........####.... Health: 27/27 ======================== ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................ Magic: 3/3======================== ,,,,,,,,,********#............... AC: 5Str: 16 ,,,,,,,,,*##.#.#..........< EV: 11Int: 7 ,,,,,,,,,* ##..#.#######..... SH: 0Dex: 15 ,,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†#### XL:  3 Next: 60% Place: Dungeon:2 ***,****,,* #@..........†.†... Noise: ---------bggzu ”[40m  Time: 1021.4 (0.0)*,* **,* #......##..#....## a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N*,* *,*****#...............## Throw: 5 darts (poison)*,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....## Rev ***,** ****###........#.##....## ,>,,,* ***##.......#.##....##  ,,,,,*******,,............#######  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,*#.......###.######.  ,,,,,*******,,........#**,,,***,,  _h - a fuming inky potion _There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.  This altar belongs to (a) the Shining One, (b) Makhleb or (c) Gozag, but youcan't tell which.bggv „Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter toconvert or escape to cancel.bgg„/n  Okay, then.bgg4bggu6. _bggę.,,,,,,,* #.^......####.... >*********........####....# ,,,,,,,,,,................#********#...#* ##.#.#<#bggÈ”* ##..#.#######.....#** #....††###...†##### **,****,,* #_..........†.†....  *,* **,* #.@....##..#....###*,* *,*****#.........#*,* *,,,,....<.....#.##....# **,** ****###........#.##....# >,,,* ***###.##....##. ,bgg1,,,*******,,.....#######.,,,,,,,*#.###.######..*******,,..#**,,,***,,***,,,,,,,,,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,,**bggî1_bgg22.4 (1 _bggbgg#bggY A*********........####....# ,,,,,,,,,................#********#......#* ##.#.#.bggæ ‡<#* ##..#.#######.....#** #....††###...†##### *,****,,* #_..........†.†..... *,* **,* #......##..#....#### bgg€ 3*,* *,*****#.........# *,* *,,......<.....#.##....# *,** ***####........#.##....# ,,,* ***#.##....##.. ,,,*******,,.....#######.#bggŸ “,,,,,,,*#.###.######..#*******,,..bggü Ă#**,,,***,,****,,,,,,......#...,,,,,,,,,****,*,****,bgg 6_bgg&3bggo &_bggÍ"bgg WÌ,,,,,,,,........## ********#......## * ##.#.#.<## * ##..#.#######.....## ** #....††###...†##### ,bgg7X»****,,* #_..........†.†...... ,* **,* #......##..#....##### ,* *,**####.........####, ,* *,,......<.@...#.##....####, ,** ***####........#.##....####, ,,* ***#.##....##..,*******,,.....#######.#*,,,,,,,##.###.######..#*******,...#**,.,***,,*****,,,,,.......#...,,,,,,,,,***,**,,,,,.......*.****,, *,*,,,,,*,**,,,,*,,,,,bggl\bgg”f›ww   ribbon worm (wandering)bgg˜g.4bggüo&_bggÖs^ _A ribbon worm comes into view.bgg•ï â********# ##.#.#<##..#.#######.....* #....††###...†####### ,****,,_..........†.†...... **......##..#....#####bggSđ Ń *,**###.....,,......<.....#.##* ***####...,* ***##..******.......#######.#*,,,,,,,.#####.######..#*******,w.**,.,***,,***bggóđ 3,,,,,.......#...,,,,,,,,,***,*....****, *,*,,,,,*.##(...,,,,,,,,, ,,,,****bggœț bgg-ÿ &5bgg3 bgg % _Found 4 stones.bggÜn, ##.#.#<##..#.#######.....* #....††###...†####### ,****,,_..........†.†...... **......##..#....##### *,**###.....,,......<.....#.##* ***####...,* ***##..******.......#######.#*,,,,,,,.#####..# *******.w.**,.,***,,***,,,,,.......#...,,,,,,,,,***,*....****, *,*,,,,,*.##(...,,,,,,,,,w   dart slug (asleep) ,,,,*....w*......*********,,**,,,,bggOrbggź~^_w.bggy&6bggX‹bgg— bggύN_A dart slug comes into view.bggÂÈ—##..#.#######.....* #....††###...†####### ,****,,_..........†.†...... **bgg\É......##..#....##### *,**###.....,,......<.....#.##* ***####...,* *####.##..******....bgg€ÉÂ...#######.#*,,,,,,,w#####..# *******...bgg]Ê·**,.,***,,***,,,,,#...b,,,,,,,,***,*.....,,,,,****, *,*,,,,,*.##(.....,,,,,,, ,,,,*....w*.......,,,,,********,*,#...#.,.,,**,,,,* b   bat (asleep),,,,,,,,,,,,,bgg8Óbgg+ß>w.bggà&7bggæêbggïV _A bat comes into view.bggd, ‡** #....††###...†######## bggđ, ****,,* #_..........†.†....... * **,* #......##..#....###### * *,**####.........####,, * *,,......<.....#.##....####,* ** ***####........#.##....####,*bggC-  *####.##....##..,* ,*******w......#######.#**,,,,,,.#####.######..# bgg- g*******....#**,.,***,,**** ,**,,,,,.bgg„- Z#...b,,,,,,,,***,, ,**,,,,,.bggÇ- C#......,,,,****,,* ,bggé- ę*,,,,,*.##....#.(......,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,*,#....w#...bgg . ä***** b   bat (asleep)****,*,#...#...bgg/. 2**,,,,**bggO. ˆ,,,,,,....,,..**,bggr. B*,,,**,,**,*,,,*,,*bggŰ2 bggæ3 bggŠ> ^b..bbggs? %=bgg™? 8bggH bggdK Q _The bat closely misses you.bgg”5­  You closely miss the bat with your +0 war axe.You closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.bggï6bggÍB&_bgg\CY9.6 (1.2Rev bggM8_bggŻOT _The bat closely misses you. x2bggCˆ  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.  The bat is severely wounded.bggêˆ;You hit the bat with your +0 war axe.bggX•l†bggΘh230.8Rev+ bgg‹ bggœąG _You kill the bat!bggÖ I***,,* #_..........†.†.......,  **,* #......##..#....######*  *,**####.........####,,,  *,,......<.....#.##....####,*****####........#.##....####,* * *####.##....##..,*, *******w.......#######.#**, ,,,,,,,.#####.######..# *, *******....#**,.,***,,****, **,,,,,.#....b....,,,***,,, **,,,,,.......#.........,****,,* *,,,,,*.##....#.(......?,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,*,#....w#...***** ,****,*,#...#...**,,,,**, b   bat (asleep),,,,,,....,,.**,,,,,*,*,,,**,,**.#,,,*,,**,,,,,,,**,*,****,,**bggć e  A bat comes into view.bggèć +-1bggæ 80Rev bggî bggïò • _Found a scroll of revelation. _You see here a bat corpse.bggÍ· **......##..#....######* *,**###.....,,,,......<.....#.##** bggRžŹ* ***####... *#####..,*, *******w......#######.#* ,,,,,,,.#####.######..# *******...†###(..#**,,***bgg‰žK,,,,,.......#.@..b....,,,***,,.....#.........,****,,* *,,,,,*.##....#.(?,,,,,,,, ,bggŽžs,#....w#...,,,***** ,****#..bggÜžT**,,,, ,,,,,,,,....,.,bggč*,,,**,,**.#,,,,*,,**,,,,,,,,*#***bgg'č2,*,*,,**,,,,,bgg^ÆbggâÆ@-2bggŠÓbgg Ś% _Found 7 stones.bggàz,**####.........####,,,,*,,......<.....#.##....####,*****####........#.##....####,**, bgg |,.#.##....##..,*,, ******w.............#######.#**, ,,,,,,.#####.######..# *, ******.........†###(..##*,,****, *,,,,,.......#....b.....,,***,,, *,,,,,.#..@.......****,,* ,,,,,*.##....#.(?.,,,,,,,, ,,,,,*,#....w#....,,***** ****,*,#...#...#*,,,,**, ,,,,,,,.......#*,,,,,*,*,,,**,,##.#,,,*,,***,,,,,,,*#.#.****,,*bgga|#,#$.##...?..***,,,,,,>,,,,,,,*,,,,,,**,,,**bgg‹bgg€‹&3bggą–bgg}šy _Found 10 gold pieces and a scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJO.bgg( ț*,**####.####,*,,......<.....#.##....####,**,***####........#.##....####,**,*####.......#.##....##..,*,w......#.#**,.##.###.######..# *,.........†###(..###,,****, ,,,,,.#....b.***, ,,,,,.#.#***,,*,*.##....#.(......?.*,#....w#.*****,,*,#...#.##,,,,**,.....#*,,,,,*, ,*,,,**,,##.#.*,,**#.#.#***,,*bggș '#,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,*>,*,,,,,,**,,,**,,*bggêbggbggÏUbbbggX.=4bgg.%bggé.Ç _The bat misses you.You closely miss the bat with your +0 war axe.You closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.bgg 0bggÁ;bggg<-6.0 (1.2bgg-Ebgg8I„ _The bat barely misses you. The bat misses you.bgg±j «  You barely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.You barely miss the bat with your +0 war axe.bggšk bggx ,.bbggÀx d7.1 (1.1Rev+ bgg§ƒ bgga† I _The bat misses you.bggÄ h  You completely miss the bat with your +0 war axe.bggD HYou closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.bggQ bggć 6  The bat hits you.bggU( ‚b 2 bats (1 wandering)bbgg) 56-bgg8) !8.2bggÊ3 bgg„6 V _A bat comes into view.bggŠ>L  You slash the bat with your +0 war axe!bgg'BbggjCbggêCbggăEbggTQˆ†b   bat.bggŸT^7=69.3bggùT?Rev* bggb^bgg`G _You kill the bat!bggÿËŽ*,**####.####, *,,......<.....#.##....####,**, ***####........#.##....####,**,*####.......#.##....##..,*,w.......#######.#**,.##.......###.######..# *,.†###(..###.,****,.#.***,.#....@.....#***,,*,*.##....#.(......?.*,#....w#.*****,,*,#...#.b...##.,,,**,.#*,,,,,*, *,,,**,,##.#.,,*,,**#.#.### bggìÌ(b.bgg©Í-400bggÏŐbgg%Ù’ _The bat barely misses you. _You see here a bat corpse.bgg‘kw  You closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.bggimbggńv-.bbggpw-1.4 (1.1bggï}bgg€ _You miss the bat with your +0 war axe. The bat misses you.bggC_J,......<.....#.##** ***####.....  *####.......#.##..,*, ****w.............#######.#* ,,,,.##.......###.######..# ****...†###(..###.,*** bggŰ_A,,,,.......#............***,,†.....##**,,**.##(?...,,,,,,#....w#......***** **#.......b...##.,,, ,,,,,.........#*,,,,, *,,,**,,##.#..,,*,,***** bgg`,,,,,,,,*#.##* ,#,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,bggO`Ò>,,,...,#......#*,,,**,,,,,,*,,,,*bggŒcbgg,fbggq%b..bggȚq,20bgg!|bgg€: _The bat hits you but does no damage.bggšá**####...  *####.......#.##..,*, ****w.............#######.#* bggâš,,,,.##.###.######..# ****.........†###(..###.,*** ,,,,.......#............***,,†.....##**,,*bgg/âx*.##(......?...,,,,,,#....w#..bggSâ ....***** **bggxâŁ#.....b.....##.,,, ,,,,,...........*,,,,, bggœâp*,,,**,,##.#...,*,,***** bggżâe,,,,,,,,*#.##**,,****bggæâș,#,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,bgg ăí>,,,...,#......#*,,,**,,,...#,.bgg8ăD.,*,*bggQæbgg/èbgg)öbggś#=bggVś3bggY bggâ : _The bat hits you but does no damage.bgg  œ  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.  The bat is severely wounded.bggĂ  bggąš R..b bggU© -4.5 (1.1bggŁČ bggČ” ˜ _You miss the bat with your +0 war axe. The bat closely misses you.bgg9YN  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.bggác2.bggńf6705.7 (1.2bggûnbggźqG _You kill the bat!bggäębggdțbggNbggaH _No target in view!bggtVž #.##....##..,*,, ***w.............#######.#**, ,,,.##bggóV_###.######..# *, ***.........†###(..###..****, ,,,.#............***,,,.bgg-Wč#....†.....###*,,**.##....#.(......?....,,,,,bggXWĐ*,#....w#......#**** *,*,#...#...##.,,,**, ,,,,......bgg€WT#*,,,,,*,**,,##.#bggŠWŁ...*,,****** ,,,,,,,*#.#.###*,,**** bggÎWÓ#,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,*bggòW>,,....,#......#*,,,**,,* w   dart slug (asleep)bggXć,,...#,..,,,,**,** g   goblin (asleep)bggMX•..,,,....g**,******bgg|X"_bgg«mbgg=n4-60bggáwbggœ|s _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.bggŹ%Ń**w......#######.#**, ,,.#####.######..# *, bggŠ&«**.........†###(..###..****, ,,.#............***,,,.#....†.....####,,* ,*.##....#.(......?.....,,,, ,*,#....w#......#**** ,*,#...#...##.,,,**, ,,,......#*,,,,,*,**,,##.#...#,,*******bgg5'Ț,,,*#.#.####,,**** #,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,* >,,....,#......#*,,,**,,*,,...#,..,,,,**,** g   goblin (asleep)bgg~'*..,,.....g**,***###........_*** *,,,,,,*bgg.=V-7bggÜHbggŒM? _Found a sparkling altar of Nemelex Xobeh.bggƒe bgg-g ,.##bggüg œ###.######..# *, *.........†###(..###..****, ,.bggïh Đ#............***,,, ,.#....†.....####,,* *.##....#.(......?.....,,,, *,#....w#......#**** *,#...#...##.,,.**, ,,......##....,*, ,bgg j ­**,,##.#...#,,********,,,*#.#.####,,**** #,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,* >,,....,#......#*,,,**,,* ,,...#...,,,,**,**..,......gbggût T**,* *####........_*** #..,,,,*,****,***bggz bggŠz ]8Rev+ bgg”„ bggŸ‡ bggBë *...bgg„ë 4†###(..###..*** ,#............***,,†.....####,,* *.##(......?.....,,, *,#....w#..bgg ì 2....#*#**#..##..S. ,,.....#...., ,**,,##.#....#,,******** ,bggMì ú,,,,*#### ,#,#$.##...?..#**,,,,,,bgg|ì Ș>,,....,#......#*,,,**,,,...#....bggçì ‰*(......g.....*,*####........_..S   adder (asleep)bgg>í *** ...,,g   goblin (asleep),,***.,****,,,,,**,,*bggZő ‡  An adder comes into view.Found 4 poisoned darts.bgg@ú bggœę „.Sg.Sbgg ț _gbggùț 0===9bgg6 bggü B _The adder hisses angrily. The goblin shouts!bggąÜ/,#............***,,†.....####,,* *.##(......?.....,,, *,#....w#......###**#..##.... ,,.....#.S.., ,**,,##.#....#,,******** ,,,,,*#### ,#,#$.##**,,,,,,>,,....,#......#*,,,**,,,...#.....g.....,,**,*(..............**,* ,*####_..*** ...,,,,*******,,,,.##************,,,,,,,bggŹĘbgg„Țbggdßbggpæe.Sg.bgg)ç1---50bgg íbgg.đ _You see here a scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJO.bgg‘dr  k - a scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJObggÂoA.Sbgg2pbggŽpP=--1bggAzbggI} bgg—}F_The goblin closely misses you.bggÛÔČ  You closely miss the goblin with your +0 war axe.You barely miss the goblin with your +4 short sword.bggÖbggČ㊠.Sww   ribbon wormS   adderg   goblinThe goblin barely misses you.bggä-2.8 (1.1bggÈïbggÌò^ _A ribbon worm comes into view.bggÚô ŻThe goblin barely misses you. _A ribbon worm comes into view.You hit the goblin with your +4 short sword.  The goblin is moderately wounded.  You hit the goblin with your +0 war axe.  You closely miss the adder with your +0 war axe.bggž  w. The adder barely misses you. The goblin barely misses you. The adder bites you.bggM–5--3.9Rev* bggLbgg«T _The goblin closely misses you. bggeb bggc bgg„m bgg„qF _Unknown command. bgg1Ù  You miss the adder with your +4 short sword.You closely miss the adder with your +0 war axe.You miss the goblin with your +0 war axe. bggR.w bggé(5.0 bggš bgg ž{ _The adder closely misses you. The goblin hits you but does no damage. bggC1Ű  You miss the adder with your +0 war axe.You closely miss the goblin with your +0 war axe.You hit the adder with your +4 short sword. bgg9AŃ w. The adder misses you. The goblin hits you but does no damage. bggśAf6=-6.2 (1.2 bgg™M bggœQ= _The adder bites you but does no damage. bggä94 bgg,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,*a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N ,,,,,,,...#...........,,**,**Throw: 5 darts (poison) ,,,,,,,..(..............**,*Rev* ,,,,,,,,*####........_..**,* ,,,,,,,*** #...........,,,*w   ribbon worm ,,,,,,,,,***#...........,*** ,,,,,,**,,,,.........##.,* ,,,,,***********,,,,,,,,,* _Unknown command.You hit the adder with your +0 war axe.  The adder is almost dead. bgg\ You hit the goblin with your +0 war axe.  You kill the goblin!You hit the adder with your +4 short sword. _You kill the adder! bgg/  --more--!bgg˜f  You have reached level 4!!bggЇ/  --more--!bggX M32/334/464 1% !bggf` !bgg€b O _You feel agile.!bgg°o**...†###(..###..**** ,,!bggW.#............***, ,,.......#....†.....####,,* ,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,*,#....w#....###** ,*,#...#!bggUh.##....** ,,,......!bggˆ##....,*,,,,,,**,,##.#....#,,********#.#......@...####,,****!bggăh,,,#,#$.##..w...#**,,,,,,*>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,*,...#.,,**,**..(......**,*,,*####_..**,**** #.,,,*!bgg< y,,,,***#....,***,,**,,,,.........##.,*!bggP6(catching breath)!bggï!œThe ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage."bggCl"bgg m 5 -905 darts (poison)Held Rev* "bggSx"bggr|a _You are caught in a web! _There is a web here."bggÌđŐ11 -605 darts (poison)Rev* "bggŸę"bgg©ÿ* _The web tears apart."bgg zą,,,.##.......###.######..# * ***...†###(..###..****,.#............***, ,,,.......#....†.....####,,* ,,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,,*,#....w#....###** *,*,#...#.##....**,,......"bgg”zá##....,*,,,,,**,,##.#....#,,*******#.#..........####,,****,,,#,#$.##..w...#**,,,,,,*>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,*,...#..,,**,**..(.."bgg {....**,*,,*####_..**,*w   dart slug (asleep)*** #.,,,*,,,,***#"bgg@{%....,***"bggè"bggŽŒ‰ w.  The ribbon worm attacks as it pursues you!"bgg|\3==1"bggă”"bggy˜X _The ribbon worm barely misses you."bggDo****w......#######.#** ,,,,.##.......###.######..# * ****...†###(..###..****,.#............***,,,.......#....†.....####,,*,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,,,*,#....w#....###** **,*,#...#.##....**,,......##....,*,,,, *,,,**,,##.#.............#,,******#.#.....w....####,,****,,,#,#$.##......#**,,,,,,*>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,*....#.,,**,**...(......**,*..#####_..**,**** #.,,,*"bgg t"bggÂ~Hw."bggY.-2"bgg«7Rev+ "bggpŠ"bggPŒ"bggËm ; *#####.##....##.., ****w.............#######.#* ,,,,.##.......###.######..# ****...†###(..###..****........***,,,......†.....####,,*"bggÄn }.##....#.(?.....,,, ,,.w#...### **,*,#...#* ,,,,,................##....,*,,,, *,,,**,,##.#....w........**#.#..........####,,***,,#,#$.##......#**,,,,>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,"bggo .#,,**,**.(......####_..**"bgg@t "bgg:€ <w."bggù€ @-3"bgg܏ "bggƒ "bggeŸ **.#.##....####,**  *####.......#.##....##..,* *****w......#######.#** ,,,,,.##.......###.######..# * *****...†###(..###..****"bggëŸ f,.#............***,,,.......#....†.....####,,*,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,,,,*,#....w#....###** ***,*,#...#...........##....** ,,,,,,...........w....##....,*,,, ,*,,,**,,##.#"bggż š....#,,*****#.#..........####,,****"bgg|ż ,,,#,#$.##......#**,,,,,,*>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,*,....#..,,**,**,...(......**,*"bggșĂ "bgg;Đ `ww 2 ribbon worms (1 wandering)"bggYŃ &4"bggáÚ "bggčȚ #bggí7ț *,,......<.....#.##....####,****..#.##....####,** *####.......#.##....##..,* ******w.............#######.#** ,,,,,,.##.......###.######..# * ******#bggÎ8.w.†###(..###..**** *,,,,,.#............***, *,,,,,.......#....†.....####,,*,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,,,,,*,#....w#....###** ****,*,#...#...........##....** ,,,,,,,...........w....##....,*,,*,,,**,.##.#....#,,*#.#..........####,,**,,,#,#$.##......#**,,,,,,>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,,....#,,**,*#bggÇH3, 1 catchi
)#bgg7RK `#bggžS“`The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.#bgg<Ö#bgg'àa.w..#bgg3á”= 5 55 darts (poison)Held Rev+ #bggƒá#bgg ó#bggú #bgg4û #bgg”û_You are caught in a web! #bggrü<_There is a web here.#bgg6#bggï6#bggÙB°.ww.wcatching breath)#bggĂC˜11 65 darts (poison)Rev #bggOM#bgg€O* _The web tears apart.#bgg«ôŐ**####...........,,,,......<***####.##,** *#####.##....##.., ******w.............#######.#* ,,,,,,.##.......###.######..# *****.........†###(..###..****w..........***,, *,,,,,....@.†.....####,,*.##....#.(?.....,,, ,,,,.w#............### ****,*,#...#.....w*,,,,,.......##....,*,,*,,,**,.#...*#.#..........####,,***#bggcő3,,#,#$.##......#**,,,,>,,....,#...)..#*,,,**,,#bggpű#bggHw.#bgg•&7#bgg #bgg #bgg±Ű (1 catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe.#bgg–ߎ `````The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.#bgg‚i ł @....  The stream of webbing misses you.#bggbj   5 5 darts (poison)The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.#bggĘs /  --more--$bggÁI“ `The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.$bgg6Ò'.$bggŐÒ{=8.6 (1.1Held Rev+ $bggWÜ$bggìß& _You are caught in a web!$bgg’H$bggDIÎ0---11 905 darts (poison)Rev $bgg(S$bggV= _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm bites you.$bgg‹Ö’You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.The ribbon worm is lightly wounded.$bggÊá{w.  You slash the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe!$bggiâm=70.8 (1.2Rev+ $bgg.ê$bggäëC _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.$bggžż ***,* ##..###***####...........,,,,......<***####.##,** *#####.##....##.., ******w......#######.#* ,,,,,,.##.......###.######..# *****.........†###(..###..****w@.........***,, *,,,,,......†.....####,,*.##....#.(w.....?.....,,, ,,,,.w#...### ****,*,#...#.*,,,,,.......##....,*,,*,,,**,.#...*#.#..........####,,***,,#,#$.##......#**,,,,$bgg/Á $bggÌ Š w.  The ribbon worm attacks as it pursues you!$bggÍ 4-10$bggZÒ $bggÏŐ œ _The ribbon worm closely misses you. The ribbon worm barely misses you.$bgg—Æ$bggwÇ8-$bggèÏ$bggiÒ%bggcÒű***,,* #_..........†.†.......*,* #......##..#....######* *,**####...............####,, *,,......<.....#.##....####,** * **..#.##....####,** * *####.......#.##....##..,* *******w......#######.#** ,,,,,,,.##.......###.######..# * *******.........@###(..###..**** **,,,,,.......#.w..........***, **,,,,,.......#..w.†.....####,,* *,,,,,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,,,,,,*,#....w#....###** ,****,*,#...#..##....**,,,,,,......##....,*,*,,,**,.##.#....#,,*#.#....####,,**%bggâŐ%bgg#á@w.%bggĐá“26------2Rev %bggêé&_%bggèí’ _The ribbon worm bites you. _You see here a bat corpse.%bgg*ùÊ,,,,,** #....††###...†######## ****,,* #_..........†.†....... * **,* ###..#....###### * *,**####...............####,, *,,......<.....#.##....####, ** ***###.#.##....####,* ,* *####.#.##....##..,* ,*******w......#######.#** ,,,,,,,,.##.###.######..# * ,*******%bggüù...†###(..###..**** ,**,,,,,.......#.ww.........***, ,**,,,,,.......#....†.....####,,* ,*,,,,,*.##....#.(?.....,, ,,,,,,,*,#....w#....###******,*,#...#..##....**,,,,,,......##....,*,,,**,.##.#....#,,%bgg„ț%bggY ^_w.%bgg+ 5-3 _%bgg±8_%bgg1%bggtŃ,* ##..#.#######.....## ,,,,,,** #....††###...†####### ,****,,* #_..........†.†...... ,* **,* ###..#....##### ,* *,**####...............####, ,* *,,......<.....#.##....####,* ***###.#.##....####, ,,* *#####.##....##..,*******.......#######.# ,,,,,,,,,.##.......###.######..# ,*******...w###(..###..*** ,%bggDu ,**,,,,,.#.w..........***, ,,**,,,,,.......#....†.....#### *,*,,,,,*.##....#.(?.....,,,,,,,,*,#....w#....###* w   dart slug (asleep)****,*,#...#...##....,,,,,,......##....,%bgg*z%bgg˜z%bgg‡Kww†.%bggʇ@-4%bgg͖%bggë˜%bgg†ëŸ ##.#.#..........< ##..#.#######.....## ,,,,,*....††###...†#######***,_..........†.†......**,* ##..##**####........... *,,......<** ***####..#### *#####.##....##..,*******.............#.#*,,,,,,,.##.###.######..# *****.w†###(..###..***#............*** %bggxìŒ,,**,,,,,......†.....#### *,*.##....#.(......?.....,,,,,,,*,#....w#......###****,*,#...#*%bgg…đ%bggšúY_w.%bgg.û.5%bggä %bgg€ %bggIS D,********#.....##,* ##.#.#..........<##,* ##..#.#######..... ,,,,,,,** #....††###...†###### *,****,,* #_..........†.†..... *,* **,* ###..#....#### *,* *,*#####...............#### *,* *,,......<.....#.##....#### *,** **.#.##....####,* *#####.##....##..*******..............#######.#%bgg,T ò,,,,,,,..##....ww.###.######..#,*******.........†###(..###..**,**,,,,,.#............*** ,,,**,,,,........#....†.....####, **,*,,,,,#.##....#.(?.....,,,,,,,*,#....w#....###%bggźW %bgg^X %bgg–b @ww..%bggEc `7=--6%bggm %bggtu %bggDŰ è,,,,,,,,.*******#..... ##.#.#..........< ##..#.#######..... ,,,,,,,*....††###...†######%bggÔŰ Â***,_..........†.†.....**,* ##..#*#####........... *,,......< *,** ***####.## *####.......#.##....##..*******......ww.....#%bggWÙ ,,,,,,..##.###.######..#*****.........†###(..###..,..........*** ,,,**,,,,....%bggÙ †...†.....#### **,*,,,,,#.##....#.(?.....,%bggŸĘ %bggæȚ %bgg2ê @ww..%bggÍê &7%bggVö %bgg~ù %bggÍëÓ>*********####....,,,,,,,,,.......,********#......,* ##.#.#..........<,* ##..#.#######..... ,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†##### **,****,,* #_..........†.†....  *,* **,* ###..#....  *,* *,*#####.@.............  *,* *,.......<.....#.##.... **,** **#####........#.##....### >,,,* *####.ww....#.##....##.*******...%bggâì”.....#######.,,,,,,,..##.......###.######..,*******.........†###(..###..,**,,,,,.......#............** ,,,,**,,,,........#....†.....####%bggeđ%bggśń%bggűü@ww..%bgg±ę&8%bggĄ8_%bggX&bgg9ÂČ, #.^ >*********........####,,,,,,,,......*******#..... ##.#.#..........< ##..#.#######..... ,,,,,,,,*&bggÖÂ-....††###...†##### **,****,_..........†.†....**,* ##..#*#####...........  *,* *,.......<.....#. **,** **#####..ww# >,,,* *#####.##....&bggĂŒ*******......#,,,,,,..##.###.######..&bggÄ’*****.........†###(..###..,........**&bggŸĐ&bgg>Ń&9&bgg&Ú&bgg'Ę&bggțÆ’********* *,,,,.<.,* #### ,&bggÜÇË,* #.^......####.... ,>*********........####....,,,,,,,,,....,********#.....,* ##.#.#..........<,* ##..#.#######..... ,,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†#### ***,****,,* #@..........†.†... *,* **,* ###..#.... *,* *,*#####............... &bggUÈŃ *,* *,.......<.....#.##.... ***,** **#####..ww....#.##....## ,>,,,* *#####.##....##*******........#######,,,,,,,..##.......###.######.,*******...†###(..###..&bggrÛ8(1 catching breath)&bgg‹ää ```The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.&bgg°g&bggHpo..w.&bggûqÚ8== 5 805 darts (poison)Held &bggz&bgg„ _You are caught in a web! _There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.'bgg~ _You are caught in a web! _There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.  'bggH?This altar belongs to (a) the Shining One, (b) Makhleb or (c) Gozag, but youcan't tell which.  Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter to  convert or escape to cancel.'bggÉ'bggĄÊ'bggfŃÄ**********,,,,.<.,* ##### crok the Chopper ,,,,,,,,*#.^......####.... Coglin ,>,,,,,,*********........####.... Health: 28/33 ====================---- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................ Magic: 4/4======================== ,,,,,,,,,********#............... AC: 5Str: 16 ,,,,,,,,,*##.#.#..........< EV:  5 Int: 7 ,,,,,,,,,* ##..#.#######..... SH: 0'bggFÒDex: 16 ,,,,,,,,,** #....††###...†#### XL:  4 Next:  1% Place: Dungeon:2 ***,****,,* #@..........†.†... Noise: ---------  Time: 1080.8 (0.0)*,* **,* #......##..#....## a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N*,* *,*#####...............## Throw: 5 darts (poison)*,* *,.......w.....#.##....## Held ***,** **#####..w.....#.##....## ,>,,,* *####.......#.##....## ww 2 ribbon worms ,,,,,*******..............####### ,,,,,,,,,,,..##.......###.######. ,,,,,*******.........†###(..##'bgg§Ò#.. _You are caught in a web! _There is a faded altar of an unknown god here.  This altar belongs to (a) the Shining One, (b) Makhleb or (c) Gozag, but youcan't tell which.Press the corresponding letter to learn more about a god, or press enter toconvert or escape to cancel.'bgg=Ó‹  Gozag accepts your prayer!Gozag welcomes you!'bggoÚ/  --more--'bggæ 'bggê 'bggê' \ww<.'bggő( y of Gozag  Gold: 611.8 (1'bgg1 'bggé4 ] _Gozag waives the service fee.(bgg$ȘU  Unknown command.(bggÏȘ(bgg~ł(bgg’·č _Press < or > to pray at altars.(bggԋ ,(bggc– ow.w.(bggș— ‰11 25 darts (poison) _(bggçŸ (bgg ą (bgg‡Í ź  You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.(bggUŚ  w.  You hit the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe.(bggőŚ a=3.9 (1.1Rev (bggĄß (bggĂâ C _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.)bggd”X(1 catching breath)  You hit the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe. _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.0 war axe.heavislash the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe!  You puncture the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword!)bgg\»  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.)bgg›!9= 5 5 darts (poison))bgg(/  --more--)bggWĘI are caught in a web!)bggžäœThe ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.)bggÖn~5.1 (1.2Held Rev )bggt)bgg x* _You are even more entangled.)bgg%S)bggTŁ11 -605 darts (poison)Rev )bggB\)bggî])bgg‘ wUnknown command.-)bgg…™ )bggmœ ± _Press < or > to pray at altars.)bggaj èUnknown command. _Press < or > to pray at altars.  You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is heavily wounded.You slash the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe!  You hit the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe.)bggśu Ë $   ribbon worm  You kill the ribbon worm!)bggòx §61 =7=7.3 (1.2Rev+ )bgg¶~ )bggú Y _The ribbon worm closely misses you.)bggőûò  You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe.The ribbon worm is almost dead.You puncture the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword!)bggțp$)bggËE30/342138.5)bggš)bggO _You kill the ribbon worm!*bggÛĄU  Unknown command.*bggvą*bgg˜§*bgg­©č _Press < or > to pray at altars.*bggcœĘ,,,,,,,* #.^......####.... >*********........####....# ,,,,,,,,,,................#********#...#* ##.#.#<#* ##..#.#######.....#** #....††###...†##### **,****,,* #_..........†.†.... *bgg1 *,* **,* #$@....##..#....###*,* *,*#####...............#*,* *,.......<.....#.##....# **,** **#####........#.##....# >,,,* *#####.##....##. ,,,,*******.......#######.,,,,,..##.###.######..*******.........†###(..###..***,,,,,.#............***bgg §3_*bggEšC1-90 _*bgghź8_*bgg(¶*bggj·b8-90.5 (2*bggŒ:_*bggż= _You now have 68 gold pieces (gained 7).*bggí] ,* #.^......####.... ,>,,,,,,*........####....,......,*bgg._ *#....,* ##.#.#.<,* ##..#.#######.....,** #....††###...†*,****,,* #_.†.† *,* **,* #@.....##..#.... *,* *,*#####. *,* *,.......<.....#.##....*,** **#####.#.##.... ,>,,,* *####.#.##....##,*....#,..##.###.######,*.........†###(..###..,**,,,,,*bggÀ_ (.#.*bggh *bggÎh +1.5 (1*bggo *bggw :_*bgg€w w762.5 (2Rev *bggĆ| 8_*bgg = _You now have 76 gold pieces (gained 8).*bggy| *bgg} *bggś} *bgg̀ *bgg\„ Ž2=*bgg… *bgg‡ *bggNˆ *bgg°ˆ *bgg‹ 7*bggœŒ *bggŽŽ *bggێ h3==*bggɏ *bggđ ,*bggr’ *bgg” *bgg–” )76*bgg@• *bgg× ,*bggŠ˜ *bgg› *bggV› h4==*bggœ *bggŒą 1 _HP restored.*bggt€ *bgg € *bgg~„ *bgg© *bgglŹ *bggŹ *bgg ź *bggZ± *bggDŽ *bgg” *bgg¶ *bggčș *bggÆÄ G* ##.#.#....<## ,,,,* ##..#.#######.....## *bgg&Ć ** #....††###...†######## ****,,* #_..........†.† * **,* #......##..#....###### *bggaĆ Ă* *,*#####...............####,, * *,.......<.....#.##....####,* **#####........#.##....####,* *bgg—Ć ë,* *####....@..#.##....##..,* ,*******........#######.#** *bggÈĆ j,,,,,,,..##.......###.######..# * ,*******.........†###(..###..**** ,**,,,,,.......#............***,, ,*bggeÆ Û**,,,,........#....†...,,* w   dart slug (asleep)*bggíÆ ź*,,,,,#.##....#.(......?.....,,,,,*,#....w#............###******,*,#...#...........##....***bggÒÒ M_104.5 (12.0)*bgglÓ H=5.5 (13*bggŻÚ 8_*bgg§Ü *bgg1U„ <##  ##..#.#######  #....††###...† #_..........†.† * **,* #......##.. **bgg»U@ *,*#####......... * *,.......<.....# #........# *####....@..#.............###.......###.# ........†###(......#.........#....†##....#.(......?....w#.....+bggg­ <##  ##..#.#######  #....††###...† #_..........†.† **,* #......##.. *,*#####......... *,.......<.....# #........# *####....@..#.............###.......###.#+bgg…źŠ ........†###(......#.........#....†##....#.(......?....w#.....+bgg­·7_+bgg,ž+bggËv _A dart slug is nearby!+bggIe,*.#.#######.....##,** #....††###...†####### ,****,,* #_..........†.†...... ,* **,* ###..#....##### ,* *,*#####...............####, ,* *,.......<.....#.##....#### ,** **#####........#.##....####, ,,* *####.......#.##....##.., ,,*******.......#######.# ,,,,,,,,..#####.#.# *******..†###(..###..** ,,**,,,,,#............***, ,,**.#....†.....#### *,*,,,,,#.##....#.(......?.....,, ,,,,,,,,*,#....w#............###*****,*,#...#...........##....,,,,+bggJf5,,,,.....##....,+bggso+bggƒp86.0) _+bgg‚v+bggiy+bggúÇ* #....††###...†####### ,****,,_..........†.†...... **......##..#....##### *,*####.....,.......<.....#.##* **#####...,* *####.##..******.......#######.#*,,,,,,..#####.######..# *******...†###(..###..***,,,,,#............***,.#....†.....####, *,*,,,,,#.##(......?..... ,,,,,,,,*,#....w#......###*****,*,#...#..##....,,,,,,,.....,*,,,**,.##.#....#,+bggX 9_+bgg+ &7+bgg” +bgg† +bgg±Ă €****,,_..........†.†...... **......##..#....##### *,*####.....,.......<.....#.##* **#####...#,* *####.#..******.......#######.#*,,,,,,..#####.######..# *******...†###(..###..***,,,,,#............***,.#....†.....####, *,*,,,,,#.##(......?..... ,,,,,,,,*,#....w#......###*****#..##....,,,,,,......,*,,,##..##.#....#,,,,,,,,,*###+bggoÎ Jww+bggoÖ – ```The dart slug launches a dart at you.+bgg›f 5...+bgg‘g \3-=8+bggĘq :_+bgg1ƒ î *,* **,* ###..#....#### *,* *,*#####............... *,* *,.......<.....#.##....#### *,** **#####........#.##....#### ,,,* *####.#.##....##..,*******.......#######.#+bgg„ ",,,,,,,..#####..#******#..†###(..###..**,**,,,,#..........,**.#....†.....#### **,*,,,,,#.##....#.(......?..... ,,,,,,,,,*,#....w#............### *,,,****,*,#...#...........##....,,,,,,,.................##....+bggˆ„ u*,,.##..##.#.............#,,,,,,...*#.#..........####,,#,#$.##......#** _The slug dart hits you.+bgg  +bggÀ \4=-9+bgg­™ +bgg-œ +bgg;Í E  *,*####............<.....#.##* **#####... ,,,* *####+bggÎ ä#.#..*****#........#######.#,,,,,,..##.###.******#.........†###(..###..**,,,,.#............*†.....####, **,*,,,,,#.##(......?..... ,,,,,,,,,*,#....w#......### *,,,****#..##.... +bggDÎ •,,,,,,,,,,.......w   dart slug.+bgggÎ n....,#.#$. +bggÎ –,,,,,,,,,,,,,>,,....,#...)..#*,,,+bggdÒ +bgg;Ü :w.+bggŠÜ A-10+bggŁä +bgg‚æ +bggŐ= R  You slash the dart slug with your +0 war axe!+bgg D p$+bggI 76 =8==1.7 (1.2Rev +bgg7Q +bgg“S M _You kill the dart slug!+bggțł +bggmŽ +bggúœ +bggÁ H _No target in view!+bggȘ +bggM +bggș +bgg8" H _No target in view!+bggž +bgg<Ž +bggk• +bggs—  +bgg’— :_No target in view!+bggN +bgg© +bggI +bggp H _No target in view!+bgg%+bggă%+bggÇ(+bggÍ-+bggú1+bggm7; _+bggô:+bgg8;%81+bggb;+bggx=+bggkBL _You now have 81 gold pieces (gained 5).+bggCF+bgg“G&+bgg|H+bggnL+bggQ+bggAQ+bgg•S+bggˆW+bggbZ+bgg‹Z+bgg{\+bggĆf+bggŸh,+bggæi+bggl+bggwn,+bgg„o+bggr+bgg“}š,**,,,,........#***,, ,**,,,,........#....†.....####,,* +bggé}Ù,*,,,,,#.##....#.(......?.....,,,,,,,*,#.....#............###******,*,#...#...........##....**..................##....,*,*,,.##..##.#.............#,,+bgg~Ś,,,,,....*#.#..........####,,,,,,.....,#.#@.##......#**,,,-- +bgg8~ś,,,,,,,....>.......#...)..#*,,,**.).+bgg*‡‚....,,** ,,,,,,,,,..J....(..............**......#####........_..**,,,.....#** #....,, JJ 2 endoplasms (1 wandering, 1 asleep).....,,***#...........,*...J#*,,,,.........##.,************,,,,,,,,,*+bgg‰6 8.7 (7.0  +bggZ‰„2 endoplasms come into view.Found a falchion. Found a stone staircase leading down.+bggJ‹+bgg±•…J.J)J.+bgg –F--9.7 (8+bgg” +bggŠ” _The endoplasm quivers. _You see here 10 gold pieces.,bggIœ#..#....†....#.(......?.#..........................#........#........#@.#..>.......#...).)J.....#...........(.............#####........_,bgg•œx.....#** #.......J........#..,bggź3I..#....†....#.(......?.#..........................#........#........#@.#..>.......#...).)J.....#...........(.......,bgg 40......#####........_.....#** #.......J........#..,bggș?,bgg@,bgg“K,bggĘZœ ,**,,,,.#....†.....#### *,*,,,,,#.##....#.(......?.....,, ,,,,,,,,*,#.....#......###*****,*,#...#..,bgg/[=##....,,,,,,..........##....,*,,.##..##.#.....#,,,,,,,....*#.#..........####,,,bggI[œ.....#.#$.##......#**,,,,bgg–[;,....>...@...#...)..#*,,,*,,..)J.....#...........,,.......(..............#####.._..,bggź[i** #...........,J.,,***#...,bggÄ[P...#*,,,,.........##.,,bggȚ[Q*********,,,,,,,,, **,**,,,,, ,bggń[L_There are monsters nearby!,bgg_,bggúa,bgglIJ..J...,bggn?8120.7 (1 _,bgg§s,bgg˜u,bggƔ†..#.(......?..#.......#...................##..##.#...........*#.#..........#.#$.##...>J..@...#...)..)......#.............(......,bgg•œ.......#####........_.....J#** ...........#....#** ,bggȘ4;†..#.(......?..#.......#...................##..##.#...........*#.#..........#.#$.##...>J..@...#...)..)......#.............(.............#####........_.....J#** ...........#....# ,bggß8,bgg-9,bgg?,bgg7Cd _There are monsters nearby!,bggHq ç,**,,,,.#....†.....#### **,*,,,,,#.##....#.(......?.....,#,#.....#......### *,,,****,#.#...#...........##....,..................##....,*,,.##..##.#...#,bggđq #..*#.#..........####,......#.#$.##......#**,....>J.@....#...)..#*,,,.)......#.,,.(......#####.._...J##* #..,,***#..#*,,,,,bgg7r –.##..#*,**** **,**,bgg±v ,bgg7x ,bggӂ L.JJ.,bggt„ -1 _,bgga ,bgg ,bgg‰ j _There are monsters nearby! ,bggd‰ _There are monsters nearby!   You hit the endoplasm with your +0 war axe.  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.  You hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.,bgg4Œ ,bgg•—  $J.J   endoplasm,bgg,œ ‹81 20=2.8 (1.1Rev ,bgg?„ ,bggHš  ,bgglš ?_You kill the endoplasm!-bgg=è**,*,,,,,#.##(......?..... ,,,,,,,,,#.#............### *,,,****,#.#...#...........##.... ,,,,,,,,,.............*,,.##..##.#.......#,,,,.....##.#..........###.#.#$.##.**,>.$.....#...)..#*,)...@..#...........-bggü....J.(....#####._##* #...,,***#*,,,,.###**********,,,,,,,,#*** **,**,,,*********,-bggÏ-bgg<Z3-30-bggA-bgg- _The endoplasm hits you.-bggœ1_You kill the endoplasm! _The endoplasm hits you.  You hit the endoplasm with your +0 war axe.  is lightly wounded.  You hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.-bgg[Ăp$-bggeÇc4=25.0 (1.2-bgg,Ï-bgg•ĐM _You kill the endoplasm!-bggu-bggv-bgg߇^ _No target in view!-bgg)1 4-bggÛ2 -bggä4 -bggȘ8 -bggk= ; _-bggú@ -bggjA :6-bggFC -bggF L _You now have 86 gold pieces (gained 5).-bgg[H -bggXK 4-bggÉL -bggS -bggNS B=-bggVV -bgg[ -bggT[ $93-bgg™[ -bgg ] -bgg^` L _You now have 93 gold pieces (gained 7).-bgggb -bgg‘b -bggŹc -bggqe -bggšg ,-bggąi -bggšl -bggp ,-bggűq -bggu -bgg^u ;103-bggVv -bgg^y N _You now have 103 gold pieces (gained 10).-bggĂ| 3-bgg* -bggJ† X-bggç‡ -bggŠ -bgg_Š *103-bgg|‹ -bgg“‘ ±,,,,,,,#.#.....#......###******,#.#...#...........##....** ,,,,,,...................##....,**,..##..##.#.............#,,*-bggˑ Ń......##.#..........####,,*.......#.#..##......#**,,,.....>.......#...)..#*,,,**....)......#...........,,**-bggó‘ ù..........@.......**-...#####_..**-bgg’ Đ........##* #....,,9.........,***#..,*-bgg?’ .......##,,,,...##.,*......#**********,,,,,,,,,*.....#*** **,**,,,,,*....,,,*********,,**,,-bgge’ 4**,,,,,,,,*,,***,,,,,*-bggٖ 037.0 (12.0)-bgg>— F-8.0 (13-bggš -bggAœ _ _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 4)-bgg“ I-bgg»” -bggT˜ -bggœ ,-bgg  -bggŁ€ -bggŃ€ -bggłŠ -bggłȘ -bggœ­ -bggń­ -bggéŻ -bgg@¶ B-bggE· -bggÏș -bggbŸ -bggžŸ -bgg=Á -bggêÄ -bggÈ ,-bggyÊ -bgg–Í -bggŃ -bggHŃ -bggòÒ -bggLŐ -bggfŚ -bgg’Ś -bggÙ -bggÊÚ -bggŻĘ ,-bggĄß -bggšâ -bggRæ -bgg…æ -bggqè -bgg/ń ł.....<.....#.##....####,**,,,,,,, ###........#.##....####.**,,,,,,, ####.......#.##....##...*,,,,,,,, ..............#######.#**,,,,,,,, -bggvń !.##.......###.######..# *,,,,,,,, .........†###(..###..#***,,,, .......#............#**,,,,,,,,,, .......#....†.....####..*,,,,,,,, .##....#.(......-bggąń s,,,,,,,,, .#.....#......####*,,,,,,,, -bggÊń ‚.#...#....##....#*,,,,,, ......-bggńń ÿ.....##.....*,,,,,,,, ##..##.#.............#..******** -bgg(ò 4....##.#..........####,.**** .....#.#..##......#**,,,,,,* -bggőò <...>.......#...)..#*,,,**,,* ..)......#...........,,**,**-bggfú ,40-bggûú ,9.0 (11-bggűÿ -bggC 0 _l - a scroll of revelation-bggf-bggœ-bgg-bgg^"-bggN$-bggš$-bggŻ(,-bgg_+-bggž+-bgg˜,-bgg”.-bggÉ0-bgg1-bgg 2-bggf6-bgg”8-bggÏ8-bggą9-bgg=-bgg?-bggu?-bggÂ?-bgg‘A.bggzB.bgg.bgg©.bggă.bggQ.bggM .bgg­ .bggè .bggX .bggs.bggŹš.........## *********** ......## *,,,,,,,<,* .#...<## *,,,,.,,,,* .bggPé#.#######.....## *,,,.b,,,,* ††###...†########*,,...,,,,* †.†.......,,....,,,,* ##..#....#######.....,,,,* .....####........,,,,* ...#.##....####@#*,,,,,,,,,* ...#.##....####.#*,,,,,,,,,* ...#.##....##...#,,,,,,,,,** .bgg~W#######.###,,,,,,,,,* ...###.######..# *,,,,,,,,,*†###(..###..##**,,,,,,,,,.bgg„Čb   bat (asleep) #............##*,,,,, .bgg̏#....†.....####..*,,,,,,, #.(........bggó1,,,,,,,,,.bggù!257.0 (8.0).bggŽ"+8.0 (9.bgg>).bgg-V _A bat comes into view..bggZ*i####....#### *********** ...## *,<,* .#..........<## *,,,,..,,,* #######.....## *,,,.b.,,,* ††###...†########** ....†.†.......,,* ##..#....#######.bggÿ*Š* .......####.@.......,,,* #.##....####.##..$...,,,* #.##....####.#*,...!.,,,* #.##....##...#,,,....,,*...#.###,,,,...,,*###.######..# *,,,,,..,,* .bggÊ+Ì.†###(..###..##**K,,* K   kobold (asleep) ............##*,, ....†.....####..*.bgg/?‚  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip..bgg°?+9.0 (1.bggžH.bggĐLh _Found 8 gold pieces and a golden potion..bgg5í Ś####....## ## *#######*** ## *.......<,* #.<## *.......,,* .bgg‹í [#.....## *....b..,,* ###...†#*...* †.†..bggží ±,..* ##..#....#######.* .bggéí ####.* #.##....####.##..$....,,* .bggî #.##....####.#*....!..,,* #.##....##...#,.......,**.bgg[ò Û#.###,.......,*###.######..# *,.......,* †###(..###..##**,.....K.,* .##*,,,.......,* .bggÚś .bggÎú %  .bggû *The kobold shouts! You hear an angry hiss..bgg­ uwKw   dart slug (wandering).b   batK   kobold.bgg &==.bggŽ 60.bgg” .bggï \ _A dart slug comes into view..bgg2Š &####....## ####....#### #########** .## #..bggˆŠ Ù<,* ..........<## #........,* ######.....## #....b...,* ###...†#########..bggŻŠ * ....†.†..........bggæŠ ć* ##..#....#######* .......####...........,* .bgg ‹ #.##....####.##..$.....,* #.##....####.##....!.bgg.‹ „*#.##....##...#...* ....#.bggQ‹ €###.......w.* ###.###.bggn‹ Ę *.....K...* ###(..###..##*#...bgg‰‹ i* .......##*,,,.......,*.bgg€‘ .bgg⒠.bggm“ .bggQ” .bgg– .bggJ€ s<.bK...bgg—€ Z.wb.bggœ„ .bggÆ„ (--1.bgg Ż .bggdČ 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up..bggbő „  You barely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.You slash the bat with your +0 war axe!.bggąű .bggÓ $K.wwK   kobold.bgg 103 5=-2.2 (1.2.bggO ,Rev .bggĘ .bggw G _You kill the bat!.bggÁ o####....## .......## ##########*## #.......<.* <## #..* #####.....## #.* ...†#########..bggR€ è* ....†.†.........$* #..#....#######...* ........####....* #.##....####.##..$* #.##....####.##....!....* .bggš€ <#.##....##...#.....K...#* ..#######.###.........# ##.######..# #......w..# (..###..##*#...# .........##*,...bggë€ n#†.....####..*,,,,,,,,,*.bggw‘ .bggŁ˜ › ````The dart slug launches a dart at you..bggő.bggK)Ÿ$K...0---30.bggÊ2.bggțCI .......## ##########*## #.......<.# <## #..# ####.....## #.# ...†#########..bggqDŽ# ...†.†.........$# #....#######...# .......####....# ##....####.### .##....####.##...K!....# .bggŁDi.##....##...#.........## .bggĘDi..#######.###.# .bggZEÎ#.######..# #......w..#(..###..##*#...# ........##*,..# †.....####..#....l....# l   frilled lizard (wandering) ............. _The slug dart hits you..bggNp  A frilled lizard comes into view..bggYPG  The frilled lizard hisses angrily..bggŁ\w.l.l27-----4.bgg‹e.bggŸqâ _The kobold hits you with a +0 whip. _You see here 8 gold pieces.  You barely miss the kobold with your +0 war axe..bgg¶s}  You completely miss the kobold with your +4 short sword..bgg"~nw.l..bggț~\8--5.4 (1.2.bggˆ.bggp‹T _The kobold closely misses you..bggÀĘŹ  You closely miss the kobold with your +4 short sword.You slash the kobold with your +0 war axe!.bgg.á.bgg&â.bgg-óZw$.l.bggéó€.l   frilled lizard.bggčśg76.6Rev+ .bgg}.bgg€J _You kill the kobold!/bgg$$á  You hit the dart slug with your +0 war axe.  The dart slug is moderately wounded.You puncture the dart slug with your +4 short sword!/bgg‹0B $/bgg81Ùll   frilled lizard (unaware)  You kill the dart slug!/bgg€5b32=7.8Rev* /bgg6/bggg@/bgg[CT _The frilled lizard is distracted by your dazzling golden aura./bgg~žƒ.......<.#<. ####..... #...†######## ...†.†.........$#....#######../bggCč .#...###.##..$$!...#.........#.#######.## #..# #...l(..###..##*#.... ........##*,. †.....####..# .............#####/bggÀč/bgg5Æ/bggéÆl--80Rev+ /bggÿÔ/bgg4ÚQ _You see here 5 gold pieces./bgg–KÂ<. ####..... #...†######## ...†.†.........$#....#######...#...##.##..$/bgg|Lș##..$$!...#...@.....## ..#######.## #..# #...l(..###..##*#.... ........##*.. †.....####..# .............#######....#*/bggŰW/bgg Yn9=--9 _/bgga/bggïc/bgg«żg####..... #...†######## ...†.†.........$#....#######......##/bggšÀ##..$##..$$!...#.........## ..#######.## #..# #...l(..###..##*#.... ........##*.. †.....####..# .............#######....#./bggBÍ  llThe frilled lizard is no longer distracted by gold./bggÎ]8-=70/bggÖ/bgg©Ű3 _The frilled lizard bites you./bggă:ł  You miss the frilled lizard with your +0 war axe.You miss the frilled lizard with your +4 short sword./bggŰ;-1.9 (1.1/bggÎC/bggÆF_ _The frilled lizard closely misses you. x2/bgg=„Ž  You miss the frilled lizard with your +4 short sword.You slash the frilled lizard with your +0 war axe!/bggŻŻF$/bggïȇ9=33.0Rev* /bggZł/bggŒș/bggBœR _You kill the frilled lizard!/bgg=1/bgg72/bgg1:/bggŁ=H _No target in view!/bggŻ/bggĂŻ/bgg‰ž/bggȘșH _No target in view!/bgg>-/bgg!./bgg6/bggț7H _No target in view!/bgg„Ÿ103 _/bgg,/bggÛ/bggT:Rev+ /bggź/bggu"/bggŐ"T30==/bgg #/bggh$/bggÉ&/bgg '/bggę(/bgg»*,/bgg4,/bggM//bgg•/7Rev /bgg*1/bgg„3/bggű3@1=/bgg4/bggČ5/bggÀ8/bgg9/bgg„:/bggń</bggC=/bggœ>/bggA/bggóA!/bggHC/bggƒF/bggÒFK2=/bggqH/bgg4K/bggvK/bgg@M/bggŁP/bggæP/bggšR/bgg{U,/bggŠW/bgg»Z/bgg[#3/bgg?[E==/bggr]/bgg<`/bgg`/bgg b/bggŒd,/bggćf/bggkj,/bggŽl/bggœp/bggáp#4/bggqE==/bggœs/bggx/bgg^{/bgg {/bggP}/bggâ€/bggH%9/bgg ƒ/bgg„†M _You now have 109 gold pieces (gained 6)./bgg‰/bgge‰/bggΊ/bgg…/bgg:/bggr9=/bgg?’/bgg•/bggŁ—,/bggG™/bgg°<14/bggčŸ/bgg!ŁM _You now have 114 gold pieces (gained 5)./bggæ©/bgg7Ș/bggT­/bggh±<22/bggÌČ/bgg¶M _You now have 122 gold pieces (gained 8)./bggêž/bgg:č/bgg…ș/bggÁM  You now have 128 gold pieces (gained 6)./bggnÁ%8/bgg,Ă/bggóÆ< _You see here a +0 whip./bggâÉ/bgg-Ê/bggÌ/bgg†Őù.......## #.......<.# ......<## #..# ##.....## #.........# †#########..# /bggÖm†.†.........$# #....#######.........# ....####............# #....####.##...# #....#...)@....# -/bggPÖe...##...#.........## ######.###.........# ######..# #..../bgg%Ś! ..###..##*###.####.........#####.........#/bggß1204.0 (31.0)/bggžßF-5.0 (32/bgg æ/bgg5èS _m - a golden potion/bgg Ö3/bggçŚ/bgg!Ü/bggà/bggèäB/bgg–ç,/bgg=é/bggÜë/bggčî,/bggEđ/bggƒó/bggö/bggYö/bgg#ű/bgg“ü/bggűü&35/bggáț/bggăM _You now have 135 gold pieces (gained 7)./bggŁ 3/bgg /bgg-/bggÂ,/bgg/bgg/bggR,/bgg”/bgg /bggC,/bgg©/bggë/bgg…",/bgg©#/bggš&/bggș),/bgg+/bgg./bgg0,/bggÊ1/bggb4/bgg7/bgg[7/bggï8/bgg;/bgg>?,/bggl@/bgg^D/bggŠF,/bggŸG/bggŒI/bggòK,/bggțL/bgg)S/bggUU,/bggV/bggbX/bggÊ[,/bggg\/bgg^/bgg•`,/bggŹa/bggŠc/bggŽe,/bggRf/bggOh/bgg1j,/bgg–k/bgg\m/bggbo,/bgg}p/bggPs/bggŰu,/bggnw/bggè{/bggj‰ß.#.##....####.##...).....# #.......#.##....##...#.........## ...........#######.###.........#.....###.######..# #.........# ......†###(..###..####.........# ....#............###...........#/bgg~Š#....†.....####..#.........# ....#.(........................# ....#...........@#####.........# ..#...........##....##.........# ..............##.....#.........# .##.#.............#..########### .##.#..........####..#***#.#..##......#**,,.g.,*/bgg‹tg   goblin (wandering) >.......#...)..#*,,,*#..*#...........,,**.#*.....**,*/bgg‘-28.0 (23/bgg˜H.g/bggy,9.0 (24/bggú„/bggŒŹs _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club./bgguÎ ...).... #.## #.. †###(..##.. ........###.... †.....####..#.. (.................. .......@# .....##....# .....##.....# .........#..# ####..#*** ..g,* >)#..* .#*  /bggvd ę...).... #.## #.. †###(..##.. ........###.... /bgg7e ±†.....####..#.. (.................. .......@# .....##....# .....##.....# .........#..#####..#/bgg^e ƒ..g,* >/bgg’e P)#../bggÏe @.#*/bgggt /bggÊu /bggq€ /bggㄠ] _A goblin is nearby!0bggëp#.##....##...#.........## ...#######.###..0bggą x# ###.######..# #..# †###(..###..####...# #............###.....# #....†.....####..#...# #.(..................# #...0bgg›!J#####.........# #...........##.@..##.# .....##.....#.# ##.#.............#..########### ##.#..........####..#***.#..##......#**,,..g,*.....#...)..#*,,,##..* .....#...........,,**.##......0bggê!†.**,######_0bggE'0bgg‹/[g.g0bgg0.===30.0 (10bggR0.0)0bggű70bggŰ;( _The goblin shouts!0bggPÏ$..#######.###.# ###.######..# #.# †###(..###..####.# #............###...# #....†.....####..## 0bggĐ#.(................# #............###### #...........##....##.# .##..@..#.# #.#.......#..########### .#..........####..#*** .#..##......#**,..g.,*.....#...)..#*,,.##..0bggMĐô*#...........,.#*.## .............#*,0bgg‡Đ######........_..#*,*##* #...,,,*0bggÔ0bggȚ,g.0bggńȚ0---10bggwç0bgg\ê0bgg}aœ###.######..# #.# †###(..###..####.# #............###...# #....†.....####..## #.(................# #............###### 0bggsbș.##....##.# .##.....#.# #...#@.########### .#....####.g#*** .#..##......#**.....,* .....#...)..#*...##..##.............#*.##......#*,# #####........_..#*,* ##* #............,0bggŻb^,*,***#.,***0bggn0bggoP=--20bgg·u0bggÓxL _The goblin misses you.0bggÜO  You slash the goblin with your +0 war axe!0bgg–áD$0bgg:ć‚135 43.1 (1.1Rev 0bggÊë0bggŠîJ _You kill the goblin!0bggH 40bggžM 0bggôO H _No target in view!0bgg*” 0bggÖ” 0bggÿ» 0bggrŸ H _No target in view!0bggß| 0bgg‡} 0bgggƒ 0bggw… H _No target in view!0bggűí 0bgg‡î 0bggÚó 0bggö H _No target in view!0bggŃ] 0bggÈa 0bggSc 0bggŻe H _No target in view!0bggÏŚ 40bgghȚ 0bggá C _No target in view!0bgg J0bggò‘ 0bggȚ“ 0bggę— ; _0bggy™ L _ You now have 142 gold pieces (gained 7).0bggè™ C420bgg⚠0bggĄ < _You see here a +0 club.0bggŽŁ 30bggG„ 0bgg_§ 0bgg@Ș 0bgg‡Ș 0bgg©« 0bggŻŻ 0bggł± 0bggë± 0bggÈČ 0bgg۶ 0bgg“ž 0bggæž 0bggčč 0bgg·» 0bggźœ 0bggŸ 0bggÖŸ 0bgg”Á 0bggDĂ 0bggĂ 0bggIÄ 0bggÆ 0bggjÇ 0bggÇ 0bgg_È 0bggìÉ 0bggÒË 0bgg{Ì *1420bgg‘Í 0bgg}Đ 0bgg Ò 0bggJÒ 0bgg7Ó 0bggáÔ 0bggȘÖ 0bggŰÖ 0bggŰŚ 0bgg0Û 0bggîÜ 0bgg2Ę 0bgg1Ț 0bggxà 0bggâ 0bggdâ 0bggőæ 0bggë 0bggĐì ,0bggî 0bggÉï 0bgg"ń 0bggcń 0bggò 0bggaó 0bggüô ,0bggÈő 0bggùű 0bgg?ú 0bggƒú 0bggXû 0bgg„ü 0bggšę 0bggÇę 0bgg@ț 0bggŽÿ 0bggÌ ,0bggC 0bggò 0bggÎ ä**#............### ,,.........##..# *****#.........#  ##.##.....### ******,,*#.......# 0bgg$ a,,,,*,,**#.....#.# ***,,,** #.....#.# ****,** #######.# ,,,,,,*********#@# -53.1 (20.0) *****,,,,..(.....#* 0bgg€  *****#######..***  #...,* #####* 0bggÚ 0bgg[ !-0bggy %4.1 (210bggF 0bggv % _Found 4 stones.1bgg&1bgg·1bgg|1bggn1bggô,1bgg˜ ,1bgga 1bgg 1bggj 1bggÎ 1bggkX1bggđ,1bggž1bggž1bggæ1bgg 1bggŸ1bgg1bggĄ1bggè1bggs1bggő1bggQ!,1bgg<"1bggï#1bggG&,1bggă&1bggĄ(1bggő)1bgg2*1bgg +1bggË,1bgg,.1bgg.1bgg/1bggx2%  1bggÙ2You see here 4 stones.1bggF7K _1bggȘ71bggń8,1bggł91bggN;1bgg<1bggè<1bggż=1bgg<@1bggšA1bggëA1bggŒB1bgg3D1bgg~E1bggŸE1bggF1bgg H1bggUI1bggżI1bggXJ1bggúK1bggˆM1bggÛM1bggÍN1bgg>R1bggžS1bggT1bggÔT1bggvV1bggX1bggRX1bggcY1bggî\1bgg¶^,1bggÙ_1bgg\a1bggŐb1bggc1bggÂc1bggÊf1bgg"h1bggah1bgg!i1bggkm1bggśn,1bggp1bggăr1bggđt,1bggAv1bgg]y1bgg3{1bgg±{1bgg°|1bgg—~1bgg±€,1bgg‚1bggŠ1bgg–Œ1bggćŒ1bgg Ž1bgg1bggϑ,1bggű’1bggœ”1bgg.–1bggf–1bggK—1bgg/™1bgg ›,1bggò›1bggš1bgg}Ÿ,1bgg‚ 1bggeą1bggG€1bggŽ€1bgga„1bggÏŠ1bggĄš,1bggő©1bgg†ź1bggRŻ1bggŁŻ1bgg°°1bgg ł1bggߎ1bgg6”1bgg/¶1bgg?ž1bgg…ș,1bggŒ1bgg\œ1bgg%ż1bgglż1bggfÀ1bgg(Ä1bggŠÌ^,,,,,,,,,,.......##.#..........##,,,,,,,.........#.#..##......## ,*,,,,,,,.......>.......#...)..## ,**,,,,,,......)......#..........,,,,,,........................,,,,,...........#####........,,,..........### #........  *,,,,,,............####........ 1bggÎč *,,,,,,.......@.##.............91.1 (37,,.##########..... *,,,,,,,,.......##** ##.##. *,,,,,,,,.......,,,*########..##. *,,,,,,,,.......**,,......#..###. *,,,,,,,,.......********#...## #.  *,,,,,,,>.......***#######.## ##  *,,,,,,,,.....(.,,,.........#####  *,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,***########...... 1bggYŐ1bggŐŐ,2.1 (381bggîÜ1bggß% _Found 4 stones.1bgg"1bgg•"1bggP*1bggp,H _No target in view!1bggB 1bggŚ 1bggž% 1bggc) H _No target in view!1bggôŠ 1bggO‹ 1bggΏ 1bggM‘ H _No target in view!1bggŒV 1bggW 1bggvY 1bggö` 1bgglj Ÿ..#.#..##...... *,*>.......#...).. ,,**)#.........*.. ,,,##### ****## #  *1bggÓj j...#### *.##....***.###########0.0)  *,** ##.##  *1bggxk È..,,*########..##  *.##,,......#..###  *.#*******#...## #  *>.#**#######.## #  *,(..,,.........##  *...#**########.....  *1bgg°k O,* ######1bgg”s 1bggx +3.1 (11bggaz 1bggh} 9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.1bgg, u1bggć B1bgg• B1bggž• 1bggŸ– 1bggç– 1bggn— 1bggž˜ 1bggHš 1bgg€š 1bggk› 1bggü  1bggĘĄ 1bggą 1bgg‚ą 1bgg€ 1bgggŠ 1bgg˜Š 1bggí§ 1bggÖȘ 1bggÜŹ 1bgg­ 1bggź 1bggőŻ 1bgg©± 1bggë± 1bggćČ 1bgg” 1bggƶ 1bgg· 1bggAž 1bggaș 1bggąŒ 1bggÒŒ 1bggŸ 1bggí 1bggÉÄ 1bggÿÄ 1bggúĆ 1bggË ;  You see here 4 stones.1bggÍ 1bgg‘Í  _1bggĆÎ 1bggűĐ 1bggÔÒ 1bgg Ó 1bggTÔ 1bggzÖ 1bggZŰ 1bggŒŰ 1bggèÙ 1bggÜ 1bggÜĘ 1bggWȚ 1bggYß 1bgg^á 1bggÈă 1bggúă 1bggæä 1bggÀæ 1bggŽè ,1bggáé 1bggzî 1bgg/ń ,1bggeó 1bggžű P  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.1bggìû 1bggkü  _1bggŒț 1bgg X1bgg” 1bggï ,1bggÚ1bggr1bggÁ1bggó1bgg\1bggĐ1bgg&B1bgg$+1bggï5 *,,,,,,,,,,,,.......##.#.... *,,,?..r......#.#..# 1bgg:6Ț***,#..>#  ******,,*#....$1bgg_6d)#  *,,,**,*##1bgg~6ˆ.....  *,,........#####1bggš6l*,,,*****#.....### #1bggč6*,,,* #....?.............####1bggÔ6`,,,* #........##.1bgg‰7:**** *##..............###### *........####  *1bgg§7t...........### *1bggÄ7g........##....... 1bggȚ7'*.1bggû7Û........######### r   rat (asleep) 1bgg8l*.>.......#########1bgg285 *1bggM89......(.....1bggh8% 1bgg€8"*...............###1bgg›8!1bggFy 316.1 (23.0)  A rat comes into view.1bggŠG,7.1 (241bggŒP1bgg…Tc _Found a scroll labelled IVAM GAICA.1bgg“Ê2 *****,..##..##.# *,,....#.#... *,,.?..r...#.# ***,#.......>..... ******,,*#....$1bggË«)# *,,,**,###..... *,,,,,,....### *,,,*****#....###  *,,,* #....###1bgg9ˆ *,,,* #.........##....1bggsËo***** *##........#######1bggĄËƒ #..#### #1bggÇË^......##### #1bggìËz...##...... #.1bggÌ’.. #.>.......########1bgg9Ìe *(.........1bggkŰ1bggĘŰ18.1 (1.0)1bggà1bggŸäŽ _You see here a scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT.2bgg<'ș **,,,......... **###...##..##.# *,.....#.#.. *,,.?..r...#.# 2bggń'***,#.......>..... ******,,*#....$)# *,,,**.###.... *,,,,,.....### *,,,*****####  *,,,* #....?....## *,,,* #2bgg)(ë..##...***** *##..###### ##### #....####2bggX(k #.##..... #2bggˆ(–.. #>.......#######2bgg42bgg:5$9 2bggW5 _2bgg0=2bggç?2bgg7íű ***,,,****,#.#...# ##............ *####...##..##.# *,.....#.# *,,.?..r...#.# ***,#.......>..... ******,,*#....$) *,,,*#.###... *,,,,......## *,,,*#####....# *,,,* #....?....# *,,,* #..##..***** *##..##### #.####  #2bgg$î....### #.##.... #..2bgg&ô2bgg?ęc.rr2bgg ț1===202bggÈ2bggF - _The rat squeaks loudly.2bggÁ]ś**,,,,,,,,,..# ###...####.#.#...# ##............####...##....#,,.?......#.# ***,#...r...>*****,,*#....$)2bggd^ó*#.###..,......#####.....##?...#,,,* .##..***** *##.#####.#####...###....2bggéa2bgggjF.r2bgg k0---12bggXr2bggÖt2bggäN  You hit the rat with your +4 short sword.2bggUæ2bggôéV  You kill the rat!2bggë2bggŒì2bgguöÁb$b   bat (wandering)2bggY Ź142 6=--2.3 (1.2Rev 2bgg; 2bgg€ V _A bat comes into view.2bgg_] o******,,**,*,,,,,#.##....#.(**,.....,,,,#.#.....##...####.#.#...# ............*###2bggœ] W#..b##..##.#.*.....##.#.*,..?..#.# ***,#.......>2bggì] Ș******,,*#..$@$)#2bgg^ ™*,,,*#.###..*,,,,......*,,,*#####......2bgg?^ –### *,,,* #....?2bggm^ ¶..##*,,,* #....***** *##2bgg•^ G#######.####2bggĂ^ 7#...####2bgg”g B2bgg3q ..b2bggq 0b2bgg‡r +-32bggăr 02bggü} 2bgg•€ 2bgg‹Æ t******,,**,*,,,,,#.##....#.(.**,.....,,,.#.#.....#.###...####.#.#...#.##.*###.#...##..##.#.*.##.#.*,..?.2bgg!Ç Ê#.#..#***,#.b......>.******,,*#..$.@.)......#.*,,,*#.###.*,,,,.#*,,,*#####.### *,,,* #....?.#*,,,* #.2bgg[Ç ß##.***** *##.##...#####.2bgg‚Ç #2bgg·Ê 2bgg“Ì 2bggăŐ 2bggbÖ .=42bggÊß 2bgg&ä s _The bat barely misses you. _You see here 9 gold pieces.2bggăX ’******,,**,*,,,,,#.##....#.(.**,.....,,,.#.#.....#.###...####.#.#...#.##..*###.#...##..##.#.*.##.#.*,..?.#.#..#2bgg`Y È***,#.b......>.#******,,*#..$.$)......#.*,,,*#.###.  *,,,,.#*,,,*#####.### #2bggŠY Ó*,,,* #....?.#*,,,* #.2bggžY š##.***** *##.##..2bggàY `#####.#2bggU\ 2bgg·] 2bgg~k !b.2bggèk .52bgg t 2bggw  2bgg6w B_The bat barely misses you.2bgg.° „  You barely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.You slash the bat with your +0 war axe!2bgg:» o$2bgg‹ż K76.4 (1.1Rev 2bggȚż 2bgg=È 2bgg„Ê G _You kill the bat!2bgg»> 2bgg?? 2bggéF 2bgggI H _No target in view!2bgg:° 2bggÀ° 2bgg=č 2bggF» H _No target in view!2bgglg 2bggh 2bggdp 2bggZs H _No target in view!2bggĄó 2bggHô 2bggŹû 2bgg|ę H _No target in view!2bggŠG 2bgg«H 2bggK 2bgg P 2bggŽT 2bggNX ; _2bgg] 2bggç] :72bggÖ_ 2bggŸc M _You now have 147 gold pieces (gained 5).2bggÇf 2bgg g &2bggôh 2bggm 2bggrm :562bggo 2bggés M _You now have 156 gold pieces (gained 9).2bggÙy 2bggz 2bggœ| 2bgg 2bggæ ,2bgg€ƒ 2bgg‡ 2bggu‡ :612bgg/‰ 2bgg, M _You now have 161 gold pieces (gained 5).2bggš 2bggϏ 2bgg{‘ 2bgg• 2bgg«— 2bgg ˜ *1612bgg°™ 2bggš 2bgg=  2bgg…  2bgg ą 2bggæ€ 2bggú§ 2bgg/š 2bggë© 2bggŽ 5 *###........#...##..##.#.*...................##.#*...?................#.#..#***,#........>******,,##............)......#*,,,*#.###....2bggmŽ ....*,,,,.......##*,,,*#####.........###  *,,,* #....2bgg“Ž t.##-  *,,,* #2bgg” W## ***** *#### #.#### #......# 2bggB” “#.##. #. #2bggi” p>.######## *(.........2bgg” 2bgg/œ 037.4 (11.0)2bggšœ F-8.4 (122bggżĂ 2bggĐĆ d _n - a scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT3bggwŒ33bggò3bgg‘’3bggG•3bggۘ,3bggFš3bggűœ,3bgg3bgg;Ÿ3bggC ,3bggƒą3bgg•€3bgg}§,3bggȚš3bgg”«3bggź,3bgg°3bggEł3bgg”3bggΔ3bggű¶3bggJč3bggÒ»3bggŒ3bggcœ3bgg6Ä_ *,,,,,,,,,,**,,,,... *,,,,,,,,,.##..,,... ******,.##.#...,.#.##.. 3bggtÄù**,......,,.#.# ###...####.#.#.. ## 3bggŸÄ»####.#...##.. #........# 3bggÎÄ©#...@.... ###.#.3bggöÄă....> *****#..##.....)..3bggĆü*,,,*#.###...............*,,,..............3bggJƆ*,,,######.........*,,,* #...............*,,,* #...............***** *##......3bggoĆ#3bgg Ë245.4 (7.0)3bgg”Ë+6.4 (83bggȚÏ3bggÒ` _o - a scroll labelled IVAM GAICA3bggńa33bggob3bggÆe3bggZg,3bggök„3bggÙqȘ **,......,,.#.# ###...####.#.# ##............####........#...###...............#......... ###.#..............*****#..##....)*,,,*#@###....#..g..... #...######.3bgg‚rƒ #..,* #.. #.,,* #.... #**** *##....g   hobgoblin (asleep) #...... #...... .3bggòvy 8.4 (2  A hobgoblin comes into view.3bggŒ}f.gg3bggj~J====9.4 (33bgg=„3bggŸ‡+ _The hobgoblin shouts!3bgg'„ˆ ###...####.#.#............#####...## #........ #.. ###.####**#..##3bgg„È #...##.###.... #...g@....... #...###### #..,* #... #.,,* #... #**** *## #.3bggȚ„‘ # # #3bgg)ź3bggâźa=---50.4 (13bgg3Ž3bgg6·O _The hobgoblin misses you.4bggK1°  You closely miss the hobgoblin with your +0 war axe.You hit the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.4bgg 7o$4bggĘ;Ź161 9---1.5 (1.1Rev 4bggŸ?4bggBM _You kill the hobgoblin!4bggnŒ4bgg4bggБ4bgg[”H _No target in view!4bggH-44bggï/4bgg2H _No target in view!4bgg4bgg4bggƕ4bggЗH _No target in view!4bgg‹94bggí94bgg‘=4bggG?H _No target in view!4bgg±Ä44bggEÈ4bgg°ÊH _No target in view!4bgg44bgg54bggg54bgg74bgg94bgg=‹ _44bgg“=4bggU?x _No target in view! _You now have 164 gold pieces (gained 3).4bgg8@4bggf@&4bggó@4bggÚC4bgg†D4bgg­D4bggE4bgg2F4bggÏF4bggôF4bgg1G4bgg4H4bggcI4bgg‹I4bgg*J4bgg‘K4bgghL,4bgg™L4bggêM4bggȘN,4bggęN4bggP4bgg|Q4bgg€Q4bggR4bggSS4bggźT,4bgg+U4bggWV4bggáW4bggX4bgglX4bgg‹Y4bggüZ,4bggŻ[4bggò]4bggùdÖ*,,,,,,>,,,* *####....*,....,,,,.#*****#*,....,,,,..,,,,,..##.....*,.g...,,,.#**####*,.....,,,.#*....#*,,,....,,.##....#*****#..##.#.....#.##....# *#..........#.#.....# ###@..####.#.#...#- ##.......4bgg}eŸ####........#...##..##.##...................##.##..............#.####.#..............>g   hobgoblin (asleep)######..##............)#...##.###.........#.............#4bggÏj~ 63.5 (12.0)  A hobgoblin comes into view.4bggBmR  The hobgoblin shouts! You hear an angry hiss.4bggCq‚  Natasha, Servant of Life and Death comes into view.4bggy˜ .ggNatasha hisses.4bggśyB164==4.5 (134bggr~4bggŠ€0 _Natasha moves out of view.4bggÈž >,,,*  *,....,,,,.# *,....,,,,.. *,..g..,,,.#**### *,.....,,,.#*.... *,,,....,,.##.... *****#..##.#..... *#.......... ###@..# ##.......... ####........#.. #.............. #.............. ###.#..............> 4bggŁÈ_..##............) #...##.###......... #.....4bggˆaœ >,,,*  *,....,,,,.# *,....,,,,.. *,..g..,,,.#**### *,.....,,,.#*.... *,,,....,,.##.... *****#..##.#..... *#.......... ###@..# ##.......... 4bggOcé####........#.. #.............. #.............. ###.#..............> ..##............) #...##.###......... #.....4bggYk4bggßk4bggŹv4bggȘy` _A hobgoblin is nearby!4bgg„‡Ń *********,** **# *......>,,,* *#### *.......,,.#*****#.. *.....h.,,..,,,,,..## *...g...,,.#**####. *.......,,.#*.... *,,.....,,.##............*****#..##.#.....#.##....*#.@........#.#... ###...####.#.#...# ##.................. ####........#...##..##. #......#. #.........#. h   Natasha ###.#....>g   hobgoblin ######..##.) #...##.###.4bggçŒ4bggo4bggńJ  Found a stone staircase leading down.4bggšÒ.w...hgw   ribbon worm (wandering)h   Natashag   hobgoblin4bggäš:--5.0)4bgg@ą4bggŹŠ^ _A ribbon worm comes into view.5bggŁc *,* *,.......< #########.## **# #>...# *#### #..........###***#.. #......w.....,,,,..## #......h...#**#### #....g.....#*.. #..........##.......*****#.@##.#.....#.##..........#.#...5bggYf ###...####.#.#...# ##................ ####........#...##..## #.......# #...........# ###.#......> ######..##)5bgg5bggx5bggĄ5bgg­ zw....hg5bgg$!A--65bgg>*5bggl,5bgg;°  You closely miss the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.You hit the hobgoblin with your +0 war axe.5bggû’5bgg'”5bggŁž .w.$hw  You kill the hobgoblin!5bgg9ąŸ164 28-----42=7.7 (1.2Rev 5bggúȘ5bgg@­( _Natasha claws you.5bgg#Î  You slash Natasha with your +0 war axe!  Natasha is almost dead.You closely miss Natasha with your +4 short sword.5bggé#p.w 5bggÚ$a9=----=5bgg %B8.9Rev+ 5bggK,5bggî.I _Natasha misses you.5bgg6‰You closely miss Natasha with your +4 short sword. _Natasha misses you.barely miss Natasha with your +0 war axe.hit  You kill Natasha!5bggà’E$5bggč—[=81-70.0 (1.15bggy 5bgg•ąl _Natasha screams in fury as she dies!5bggŹ*#####.. *.# *,.......<########.## **#####.>...# *#######***#.........,,,,..##w...#**####.....#*#.....$@...##........######..##.#.....#.####.......... ###...####.#.#...# ##.................###..#...##.....#....5bgg1}...# ###.#..>5bggă5bgg}  .5bggÀ 0w5bgg˜ U--105bgg5bggQ _You see here 7 gold pieces.5bggŒ•ä  You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is moderately wounded.You slash the ribbon worm with your +0 war axe!5bggŚo$5bgg”ą}6==2.2 (1.2Rev* 5bgg5š5bgg2ȘO _You kill the ribbon worm!5bggM5bgg5bggŻ!5bgg$H _No target in view!5bgg.Ż5bgg°5bggl”5bggț·H _No target in view!5bgg*5bggÔ*5bggù05bgg4H _No target in view!5bggö™5bgg·š5bggʟ5bggđĄH _No target in view!5bgg 5bgg# 5bggĐ5bggH _No target in view!5bggjŠ5bgg)‹5bggŠ‘5bgg‚”C _No target in view!5bgg,5bggŸ5bgg;5bggˆ5bggS­5bggź5bggqł5bggšŽAUnknown command.5bggű\ źM**,* *#####.. *.# *,.......<########.## **#####.>...# *########**#.......,,..##....#**####.@...#*.....$$...##........######..##.####..........###...####.#.#...#.. ........5bggyb 5bggˆc 5bggd N30=--5bggąd .30Rev+ 5bgg?e _5bgg _You now have 170 gold pieces (gained 6).6bggôń6bggÆò6bgg~ó6bggÆő6bggàún6bggMü6bgg«ü@1=6bggę7Rev 6bggÊę6bggŒÿ6bggűÿ6bggû6bggH,6bgg:6bggN6bgg•6bgga6bgg 6bgg *1706bggŒ 72=6bggÁ 6bggì 06bggĘ 6bggÁ6bgg6bggż6bgg»6bggö6bggœ6bggĆ6bggh3==6bgg6bggȚ6bgg"6bggđ6bggŸ,6bggą6bggz,6bgg[6bgg%"~4==6bggú"6bggô$6bgg$',6bgg(6bggv+6bgg,%76bggŰ,6bggp/M _You now have 177 gold pieces (gained 7).6bggȘ136bggŃ26bgg±56bggb6X85=6bggę66bgg;M _You now have 185 gold pieces (gained 8).6bgg§<36bgg}=6bggq?6bggcA,6bggB6bggżC6bggżE,6bgg†F6bgg+L6bggŰSé*,,,,,,,,,* ##..#*,,S..,,,,** #..***#.#***,,* #_... #.# **,* #. #.# *,*#####.. #.# *,.......<#########.## **#####..#......>...# *#####..########..................###..........#######.....#..........#*............##..........##.........######..##.#.....#.##....# S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ##..........#.#.....# ###...####.#.#...#.. ##.6bgg \\96.2 (22.0)7.2 (236bggß^6bggIb^ _A ball python comes into view.6bggŃÍß   *,,S..  ***#.# #_ #.# **,*  #.#  #.# < #########.##  6bggQÎË#......>...#  #........@.# #................ #..........###### #..........# #..........# ######..##.# 6bggvÎC##..... ###...6bgg2eà   *,,S..  ***#.# #_ #.# **,*  #.# 6bggșe? #.# < #########.##  #......>...#  #........@.# #................6bgg6fI #..........###### #..........# #..........# ######..##.# ##..... 6bggvfC###...6bggCsU_6bggnt:_6bgg,xb _A ball python is nearby!6bgg'śŒ ##. ##..#,,S..,,,,*.***#.#***,_**,* *#####.. #.# *,.......<########.## **#####.>.@.# *####..#######..............##....#######......#*6bggÔśk..........##........######..##.####...........# ###...####.#.#...#6bggȚÿ9_6bggÉ88.2 (1.0) _6bggB6bggÄ7bggæ^o*******#.. ##. ##..#,,S..,,,,*.***#.#***,_**,* *#####.. #.# *,.......<########@## **#####.7bgg…_á>...# *###########...........########.*..........##........######..##.####...........#7bggb7bggAc7bggj|._SS)7bggk&97bggÏp7bggês7bgg§,ú******,,,,,,,,....K.,,,********#.. ## ##..#,,...,,,,*.***#.#***,_S# **,* *#####.. #@# *,.......<########.## **#####......>...# *####.........#######....................##...######...*K   kobold (asleep)..........##........######..##.##7bgg697bggô@e_.S7bggžA(4007bggfH7bggĘK _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +2 dagger of freezing.7bgg/šÔ  You barely miss the ball python with your +4 short sword.You barely miss the ball python with your +0 war axe.The kobold shouts!7bggĆ­j.KK7bggEźb==1.4 (1.2Rev 7bgg‰Č8_7bggh”Ÿ _The ball python barely misses you. The ball python completely misses you.7bggóç  You barely miss the ball python with your +0 war axe.You hit the ball python with your +4 short sword.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.7bgg8Ż .K The ball python closely misses you. The ball python bites you.7bgg_0--- 2 -7bggVS2.6Constr Rev+ 7bgg{%7bgg·(z _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.7bggΛT  You slash the ball python with your +0 war axe!7bggSž7bgg4§ă.K_$K   kobold7bggàȘÊ185 12 9-3.7 (1.1Rev* 7bggű°8_7bgg4ŽO _You kill the ball python!7bgg§˜,,,,,,,>****************.......,,,,,,,,,,......,,,********#....... ##. ##..#,,.K.,,,,*7bgg3^.***#.#***,_.# **,* *#####.. #.# *,.......<########.## **#####.>...# *####7bgglœ.....#######.................##.......#######....7bggˆ9*..........##........7bggç7bggÚF.K7bggYk-40Rev+ 7bggŻ7bggÛQ _You see here 6 gold pieces.7bggwsž*,, #.^,,,,,..>......##*************#.........,,,,,,,,.#(.......,********#......... ##.....,,,* ##..#,,...,,,,*.***#K#***,_**,* 7bggt~$*#####.. #.# *,.......<########.## **#####.>...# *####....#######...............##.....#######.*7bggPÀ _Found 2 boomerangs. Found a stone staircase leading down.  The kobold hits you with a +2 dagger of freezing.7bggűk27-----=57bggô…:_7bgg|‰- _The kobold freezes you.7bggv  You closely miss the kobold with your +0 war axe.7bggŚl6.9 (1.2Rev* 7bggZ7bgg? › _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold barely misses you. x27bgg“šz_  You closely miss the kobold with your +0 war axe. _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold barely misses you. x2  You hit the kobold with your +4 short sword.  The kobold is severely wounded.bar  The kobold hits you with a +2 dagger of freezing.24-----8.0 (1.17bggź7bggF° 7bgg{°_The kobold freezes you.7bgg+l  You closely miss the kobold with your +4 short sword.7bggz+xThe kobold is severely wounded.You hit the kobold with your +0 war axe.7bgga<e$7bgg:>n25=--919.17bgg!D:_7bgg}FJ _You kill the kobold!7bggΜ7bggT7bgg,Ą7bgg|ąH _No target in view!7bggŃń7bggUò7bggEó7bgg„ő7bggÜút185 _7bggÌû7bgg‘ę7bggÒę:Rev+ 7bggôț7bgg±7bggók6==7bggÍ7bgg9„7bgg”7bggÉ:Rev 7bggì 7bgg^ 7bgg“ #77bggŸ F==7bggŠ 7bgg+,7bgg7bggŠ7bggĐ7bggŒ7bgg77bggt7bggÒ7bgg U8=7bggó7bgga7bggŸ7bgg‘7bgg27bggi7bgg-7bggŽ7bggè7bggí7bggS 7bggÏ K9=7bggŽ!7bggM#,7bggT$7bggß%7bgg&7bggf'7bgg_(7bggŚ(7bgg„)7bgg+7bggW+i30==7bgg,7bggÓ-7bgg,.7bggź.7bggt07bggŸ07bggŽ17bgg"3,7bggȚ37bggÛ5k1=7bggĘ67bgg:,7bgg#;7bggO@n7bggA7bggțB7bgg3CK2=7bggyD7bggGF,7bggcG7bgg I,7bggŚI7bggˆK7bggČK7bgg‡L7bggN7bgg5N#37bgg]NE==7bggÊO7bggëP,7bgglUX7bggrV7bggąV7bggȘW7bgg^Y~4==7bggzZ7bggL`$-7bgg·dÄ78 M***************,,,.#.. #.^7bgg+eb,,,,,..>###************#....,,,,,,.#(..#*******#..#.........# ###.........# ##..##.........#.***#@#***,7bggjeż_.# **,* $*#####..7bgg“e#.# *,.......<......#7bggÀe7bggŠkJ_45.1 (36.0)7bgg/lF-6.1 (377bggp7bgg[{M  You now have 188 gold pieces (gained 3).7bggÈ{487.1 (387bggT€7bgg͂[ _You see here a +2 dagger of freezing.7bggc7bgg±c7bggÊd7bggĄg7bggŽj7bgg#k7bgg?o‘=7bggfq7bggŒq&947bggÒr7bggwM _You now have 194 gold pieces (gained 6).7bggIy7bggŠy7bggÿz7bggQ|7bggà},7bggŽ~7bggâ€j  You see here a +2 dagger of freezing.7bggž‚7bggŹƒ5 _7bggք7bgg†,7bgg‡7bgg5‰7bggț‹7bgg3Œ7bgg37bgg”Ž7bggm,7bgg)‘7bgg«’7bggx”,7bgg•7bgg’–7bgg…˜,7bggŽ™7bggíš7bgg]œ,7bggҜ7bggnž7bgg~Ÿ7bggŠŸ7bgg 7bggą7bggqŁ,7bgg€7bgg„7bgg/Š7bgg_Š7bgg§7bgg š7bggE«,7bggëŹ7bgg"ź7bgg(Ż,7bggÎŻ7bggé°7bgggČ,7bgg7ł7bgg;Ž7bgg°”,7bggF¶7bgg*č7bggÉș7bgg »7bggb»7bggaŒ7bgg&œ7bggRœ7bggœ7bggBŸ7bgg ż,7bggRż7bgg À7bgg°À,7bggÁ7bggŽÁ7bggfÂ7bgg‘Â7bggżÂ7bgg˜Ă7bggwÄ,7bggźÄ7bggQĆ7bggÆ7bggAÆ7bggmÆ7bggMÇ7bggÈ,7bgg»È7bggĐË7bggžÌ,7bggÍ7bggÒ7bggćÒ,7bggYÓ7bgg%Ő7bgg…Ö,7bggFŚ7bggòÙ7bggšÚ,7bggÛ7bggŽÜ7bgg,Ț,7bggèȚ7bgg`á7bggăB7bgg)ä7bggńä,7bgg\ć7bgg–èM  There is an opulent altar of Gozag here.7bggê7bggîń$........# #.^......####.... .>......#########........####... .............................. (........#########............ .........# ##.#.#..........< .........# ##..#.#######..... 7bggŽòa.........## #....Ă·Ă·###...†### ###)####..# #_..........†.†#.# ##.# #@.....##..#....###.# #.######...............###.# #........<.....#.##....## ###.## #######........#.##....## .>...# *####.......#.##....## .....#######...h..........####### h   Natasha (wandering) .............##.......###.######. .....#######...Ă·###(..###.. .....#*..#.....7bggżò"#7bgg|ù-81.1 (347bggÁù,2.1 (357bggˆÿ7bgg€ s _Natasha, Servant of Life and Death comes into view.7bgg<ç á>########.. ....................... (.#########.... ..# ##.#.#<.##..#.#######......## #....Ă·Ă·###...†#### ###)####.._..........†.†...  #.# ##.......##..#....##7bggè i.# #.#####......# #........<.....#.## ###.## #######... .>...# *####....#######...h...#####........##.###.#######...Ă·###(..###.*............#............##†.....##7bgg˜ë 7bggí 7bggêô J_h.7bgglő 13.1 (1.0)7bggFę :_7bggțț 8bgg€áJ.............. (#########..... . ##.#.#<##..#.#######.....# #....Ă·Ă·###...†#### ###)####..8bgg[â„_..........†.†...  #.# ##......##..#....## #.#####............@<.....#.## ###.## #######.h. .>...# *####.....#######.......#####........#####.8bggïâR#######...Ă·###(..###.*............#............##..†.....####.#.....#.##(...........8bggÆć8bggżï†_.h48bggù8bggÔû8bggźČÆ(######### . ##.#.#<##..#.#######.....# #....Ă·Ă·###...†#### ###)####.._..........†.†...  #.# ##......##..#....## #.#####............<.....#.## ###.## #######.@. .>...# *####h8bgg”łW....#######........#####........#####.#######...Ă·###(..###.*............#............##.†.....####.#.....#.##....#.(........... #.......#8bggÒ”8bggȚœH.h8bgg‡Ÿ&58bgg’Ç8_8bgg4Ê8bgghB W. ##.#.#<##..#.#######.....# #....Ă·Ă·###...†#### ###)####.._..........†.†...  #.# ##......##..#....## #.#####.............<.....#.## ###.## #######... .>...# *####....#######.....h........#####........##.......###.#######...Ă·###(..###.*............#............##......†.....####.#.....#.##....#.(........... #..........#.#..# ###...#####..##..8bgg+F 8bggsP L.h8bggwQ &68bggŠ_ 8bggda 8bggă F##..#.#######.....# #....Ă·Ă·###...†#### ###)####.._..........†.†...  #.# ##......##..#....## #.#####............<.....#.## ###.## #######... .>...# #####....#######.......#####........##...h...###.#######.........Ă·###(..###.*............#............##..........†.....####.#.....#.##....#.(........... #..........#.#...# ###...####.#.#...#...........##.. #8bggăă ..................8bggfç 8bggÙç 8bgg7ń O.h8bggò &78bggƒü 8_8bggÌę 9bggN:‰## #....Ă·Ă·###...†##### ##)####..# #_..........†.†....  #.# ##.# #......##..#....####.# #.######.........##.# #........<.....#.##....# ##.## #######........#.##....# 9bggj;]>...# ######.##....##. ....#######.......#######........#####.######..#######.........Ă·###(..###..##*............#h...........####.....#....Ă·.....### .9bgg<-##.#.....#.##....#.(....................#.#.....#...## ##...####.#.#...#...##... ....................##. .#...##..##.#...#9bgg@9bggXLL.h9bgg{M&89bggœW8_9bgge]9bggœ–­#)####..# #_..........†.†..... #.# ##.# #......##..#....#### #.# #.######.........# #.# #........<.....#.##....# #.## #######........#.##....# ...# ######.##....##.. ...#######.......#######.#.......#####.######..########......@..Ă·###(..###..###*......#............####.#.h..Ă·.....####. ##.#.....#.##....#.(............. .........#.#.....#...### #...####.#.#...#...##.... ...................##.#...##..##.#....#.......##.#.####.9bggu™9bggYŁh_.h9bggŚŁ&99bgg…Ź8_9bggiŻ9bggSæ _(((hpoisoned)You throw a poisoned dart. The poisoned dart hits Natasha. Natasha is poisoned.9bgg†i 9bggw r..h( 9bggx f=90.0 (0.989bgg‚ 8_9bggb… - _Natasha hisses angrily.9bggf™ő)####..# #_.†.†. .# ##.# #......##..#....# .# #.######..####. .# #........<.....#.##....####. .## #######.#.##....####.# #####.#.##....##.#..#.###.###.######..# #.Ă·###(..###..##*.#.###.##.#.h..Ă·.....####. #.#.....#.##....#.((.#.#.....#....# ...####.#.#...#...........##....#.................##.#...##..##.#.......#.##.#.####.)9bgg 9bggțźh.29----1.0 (1.09bggöž9bggô»( _Natasha claws you.:bgg“†Ç _ You barely miss Natasha with your +4 short sword.  Natasha is lightly wounded.:bggq‡–6------2.2 (1.2Rev :bgg6‘8_:bgg™“N _You hit Natasha with your +0 war axe. Natasha claws you.:bggbÆ^Natasha is lightly wounded. _You hit Natasha with your +0 war axe. Natasha claws you.  You hit Natasha with your +4 short sword.  Natasha is almost dead.  You slash Natasha with your +0 war axe!  You kill Natasha!:bgg,ĐN_$:bggÏÓ:bggȚŠ)####..# #_..........†.†...... crok the Chopper .# ##.# #......##..#....##### Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 194 .# #.######...............####. Health: 27/34 ===================----- .# #........<.....#.##....####. Magic: 4/4======================== .## #######........#.##....####. AC: 5Str: 16 :bggÿȚ..# #####.......#.##....##... EV: 12Int: 7 ..#######..............#######.## SH: 0Dex: 16 ..........##.......###.######..# XL:  4 Next: 133% Place: Dungeon:2 ..#######.......@.Ă·###(..###..### Noise: =--------  Time: 1493.3 (1.1) ..#*............#$...........###. a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N ..##............#....Ă·.....####.. Throw: 8 darts (poison) #.#.....#.##....#.((............. Rev+ ........#.#.....#............#### ...####.#.#...#..[4:bggNßù0m.........##....# ..........................##..... .....#...##..##.#.............#.. .............##.#..........####.) _You hit Natasha with your +0 war axe. Natasha claws you.  You hit Natasha with your +4 short sword.  Natasha is almost dead.:bggßÒYou slash Natasha with your +0 war axe!  You kill Natasha! _Natasha screams in fury as she dies!:bggÒàQ  You hit Natasha with your +4 short sword.  :bggƒáłNatasha is almost dead.  You slash Natasha with your +0 war axe!  You kill Natasha! :bgg»áŸ_Natasha screams in fury as she dies!Your Stealth skill increases to level 1!:bgghì/  --more--:bggóa f  You have reached level 5!:bgg°h /  --more--;bggžhv31/39=5/558% ;bgg«r:_;bgg€t6 _;bgg›łt# ##.# #......##..#....###### # #.######.........####.. # #........<.....#.##....####.# ## #######........#.##....####.# #####.##....##...# .#######.....;bgg_Ž±...#######.###.......#####.######..# #######.........Ă·###(..###..#### .#*............#@...........###.. .##............#....Ă·.....####..# .#.....#.##....#.((............ .......#.#.....#....#########.#.#...#...;bggĂŽ–##..................##. #...##..##.#....#..# .......##.#.####.)# .#..##;bgg(”K###.... ;bgg‰À;bgg‘Á;-40 _;bggČÈ;bggüÒ;bggŸÓc200-5.3 (2;bggWÛ;bgg Ę6 _You now have 200 gold pieces (gained 6).;bggƒÌĘ #.######.........####...  #........<.....#.##....####.#########........#.##....####.# # #####.##....##...#. #######........#######.###. ........##.###.######..# #. #######.........Ă·###(..###..####. #*............#............###... ##.#.@..Ă·.....####..# #.....#.##....#.((............... ......#.#.....#....##### .####.#.#...#...##....##..............##.....#.#...##..##.#...#..#.......##.#.####.)##.#..##......###.....>.......#...)..##...##;bgg^Ò;bggęÒ+6.3 (1;bgg1Ó/Rev ;bggÀĘ;bgg+ß;bggć œ#........<.....#.##....####.#########........#.##....####.##. .#.##....##...#.. ######..............#######.###. .......##.......###.######..# #. ######.........Ă·###(..###..####. *......#............###... #.#....Ă·.....####..# .....#.##....#.(@............... .....#.#.....#....;bggăć =##### ####.#.#...#...##....##. ..............##.....#.#...##..##.#...#..###.......##.#.####.)##.#..##......###......>.......#...)..##...##)......#.............##.#;bggđ ;bggÙđ .27;bggŒű ;bggŃ t8.3 (29;bggš ;bggW W _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 1)>>>__(Press ? for help) ##########  ****#############.....<..# ######  *,,,..#........##.^......####....##  *,,,,...>......#########........####....##  ******#.................................## ###########  #(........#########...............## #.......<.# =bggÈ– #.........###.#.#..........<## #.........#  #.........# ##..#.#######.....## #.........#  #.........## #....Ă·Ă·###...†#########.........#  ####)####..# #_..........†.†.................#  #.# ##.# #......##..#....#######.........#  #.# #.######...............####............#  #.# #........<.....#.##....####.##.........#  #########.## #######........#.##....####.##...).....#  #......>...# #####.......#.##....##...#.........##  #..........#######..............#######.###.........#  #..................##.......###.######..# #.........#  #..........#######.........Ă·###(..###..####.........#  #..........#*............#............###...........#  #..........##............#....Ă·.....####..#.........#  =bgg0######..##.#.....#.##....#.(@.......................#  ##..........#.#.....#............#####.........#  ###...####.#.#...#...........##....##.........#=bggŽĘ =bgg§Ț =bggęâ Lcrok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 200 Health: 32/39 ===================-----Magic: 5/5========================AC: 5Str: 16EV: 12Int: 7SH: 0Dex: 16XL:  5 Next: 18% Place: Dungeon:2=bggŽă CTime:Rev _You have reached level 5! _You now have 200 gold pieces (gained 6). _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 1)  Search for what [? for help]? boom=bgg&æ =bgg•æ =bgg2è =bgg€ò =bggČő =bgg±ù ; _=bgg#ü =bgghÿ =bgg©ÿ % =bgg* =bggű =bggÿ =bggF E3==bggš =bggö =bggŽ =bggú =bgg— =bgg7 =bgg’ =bggé +200=bgg~ =bggo =bgg@" ,=bgg$ =bgg' =bgg* =bgg* V4==bgg5, =bgg©. =bgg1 ,=bggš1 =bgg?3 =bggÈ4 ,=bggf5 =bggZ7 =bgg8 ,=bgg9 =bgg; =bggp< =bggĐ< L5==bggb= =bgg­@ =bggÛB ,=bggĐC =bggbF =bggŹH ,=bggJ =bgg*L =bgg2N =bgg­N i6===bggöO =bggőQ =bggwT ,=bgg|U =bggÎW =bggĄZ ,=bggd_ ,=bgg‹a =bggăa =bgg\c =bgg f =bggi =bggxi V7==bgg”j =bggžl =bgg§n ,=bgg‚s =bgg“u =bggÏx ,=bggčy =bgg{ =bggƒ} =bggÒ} =bgg  =bgg4‚ =bgg˃ =bgg„ L8==bggԅ =bgg&ˆ =bgg‹ ,=bgg_Œ =bggú” ś#**###############*,....#........##*,,.....>......#########******#.................#@........######## Noise: --------- 1521.3 (23.0)#.........## a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#.........# ## Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.........## #.####)####..# #_=bgg{• B#.# ##.# #. #.# #.######. #.# #........ #########.## #######.. =bggە =bgg}› 9_=bggž H _You see here 2 boomerangs.>bgg§w:_>bggnx12.3 (1.0)>bgg2~>bggv€ _p - 2 boomerangs>bgg M3>bggŒM>bggÔP>bggLQ>bgg”UȘ9==>bgg§X>bggÇZ>bgg”[>bggŽ\>bgg `>bgga>bggoa>bggqb>bggák>bggLn,>bgg’o>bggBu>bgg w>bggbw9=>bggèx>bggš|>bgg„~>bggË~>bggæ>bggՃ>bgg†>bgg[†>bgg‘‡>bggÒX>bgg‹”>bgg2–,>bgg‘—>bgg§œ%  >bggìœEYou see here a +2 dagger of freezing.>bggóž>bggPŸ _>bgg >bgg{€>bggŰŠ>bgg§>bgg8š>bgg.«>bggl­>bggČ­>bggțź>bgg ·X>bgg†ž>bggŒ>bggdŒ>bggÛœ>bggïÀ>bgg Ă,>bggßÄ>bggyÇ>bggOÊ>bgg—Ê>bggeÙ>bggÜ>bggÏĘ,>bgg±Ț>bggąà>bgggâ,>bgg\ă>bgg<ć>bgg_æ,>bgg&ç>bggÔè>bggê,>bggEë>bggŃô>bggyö,>bggś>bgg”ú>bggąü,>bgg„ę>bgg >bggę >bggK >bggn >bggș >bgg' ,>bgg >bgg„ >bgg >bgge >bggJ >bgg >bggÚ ,>bgg” >bgg >bgg  ,>bgg( >bggP >bgg?% š>bgg' >bgg) >bgga) >bggx* >bgg|, >bggQ. >bgg . >bggŠ/ >bggą1 >bggŒ3 ,>bggŹ4 >bggî6 >bggŐ8 >bgg9 >bggÔ9 >bggÈ; >bggŰ= >bgg> >bggë> >bggIA >bgg.C >bggjC >bggPD >bgg}I >bgg7K ,>bggÈK >bggčd 4######..##............)..#...##.###...............#........................#...######...............#...# #...............#...# #...............##### ###.............. #..##................>bggf 62.3 (40.0)..........#.........>.......##.............(...#...............###...............################## >bggEl >bgg5n E _Done exploring.>bggԊ >bgg”‹ >bggŒ >bgg„ q........0.0)>bggŰ„ >bggI« >bggˆ­ E _Done exploring.>bggÌÛ I>bgg%î >bgg[ń >bggÄó >bggö E _Done exploring.?bgg}P?bgg:Q?bgg—V?bggsX ?bggŽX:_No target in view!?bgg­Á :######..##.).#...##.###...#....#...######..#...# #..#...# #.###### ###.##.##.#.##.#.##.>.##.(.#.##.#?bggĆ 23.3 (1 _?bggxÈ ?bggđÉ ?bgggy L######..##.).#...##.###.#...#...######.##...# #.#...# #.###### ###.##.##.##.##.#.##.>.##.(.#.##.#?bggF ?bgg/‚ &4?bgg”‡ ?bgg‰ @bgg) ###.#..>######..##.)#...##.####..........#...######.###...# #...#...# #..@bggŻ##### ####.#### #...###.##...#..##.>.######.(......#.######...............##################@bggT <5@bggü@bggî@bggȚ##......#.# ###.#..>######..##.)#...##.###.#..........#...######.####...# #...##...# #...##### #####.#### #...####.##....#..##.>.######@bggȘ$Á#.(.......#.#######...............#@bgg€-@bgg#.6@bgg™3@bggT5@bgg]Ă“#.##.#.#......#.# ###.#..>######..##.)##...##.###..#..........#...######.### #...# #...###...# #....##### ######.#### #.@bggVÄ ..#####.##.....#..# #.>.####### #.(........ #.####### @bggßÉ@bgg%Ë&7@bgg‹Đ@bggđŃAbggR6ź#####...##..##.#.#....##.#.#......#.#..# ###.#..>.######..##.)##...##.###...#..........##...######.### #...# #.Abgg 7°..####...# #.....##### ###Abgg9Í####..#####...######.##......#..##.>.#########.(.........AbggJ@AbggÙ@&8AbggùFAbggˆHAbgghż ............#####...##..##.#.#.##.#....#......#.#..## ###.#..>.#######..##.)##...##.###AbggÀŃ....#..........###...######.###  #...# #...#####...# #......##### ############.#####...#######.##.......#..##.AbggùÀA>.#########Abgg)ÆAbggUÇ&9Abgg3ÍAbggHÏAbggȚB#...####.#.#...# .............#####...##..##.#.#.AbggnC›##.#.....#......#.#..##. ###.#..>.# ######..##.)# #...##.###..... #..........##. 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##.._..##  Fbgg_ż........ ###............###..##..##...Fbgg;gFbggËg&1FbggżlFbggűmFbggé`M(........###...###.....#............#..########### ...#.)###FbggêŠ##......###......# ..#...)..##.# ## .... ##_..###..............#...........FbggGòFbgg,ó&2FbggÂűFbggQúFbggêmMM...Ă·.....####..# (..........###....###.....#.........Fbggoß...#..########### ...##.)#####......###.... ..#...)..##.# ## .... ###........_..##.#Fbgg{x<3Fbggń}FbggLFbgg†‘.........###..# ....Ă·.....####..#.# .(......#....#####.#.##....##.###.....#.........#....#..########### ....####.)#####......###...@..# Fbggë†è...#...)..##...##..##......##.## .........##.# ####........_..##.# #..............# ####............### ......##..# #######.........#FbggOFbggN&4FbggŠ–Fbggr˜FbggÂB ŒĂ·###(..###..####.# #............###..# #....Ă·.....####..#.# #.(......# #....#####FbggfC y.#.##....##.###.....#.........# #....#..########### #....####.@#### #..##......###......#...#...)..##...##..##.......##.## FbggÍC Œ........##.#####.._..##.#Fbgg D À #..............# .####............### .......##..#Fbgg*P <5FbggÂX Fbgg ] M _You see here a +0 club.Fbgg‹ rM.###.######..# ..Ă·###(..###..####........###.....Ă·.....####..#(......... #....######....# .##.....#............#######Fbggd J..##.)#### #..##......###......# ....#...)..##...##..##........Fbgg Fbggń -6 _Fbgg* FbggÁ Gbggcz.....#######.###.#..###.######..# #.# ...Ă·###(..###..####.# .#............###..# .#....Ă·.....####..#.# .#.(......# .#.....#####Gbgg±{.#.##....##.# .##...@.#.........# .#......#..########### .#..........####.)#### .#..##......###......#...#...)..##...##..##.......##.## .................##.# .#####........_..##.# ### #...#GbggöƒGbgg„„&7GbggȋGbgg%GbggŹŒș#.##....##...#.##.....#######.###.#..###.######..# #.# ....Ă·###(..###..####.# ..#............###..# ..#....Ă·.....####..#.# .GbggŒ.#.(......##......#####.# #.##..@.##.# .....##.....#.........# #.#.......#..########### #.#..........####.)#### #.#..##......###......#Gbggύ...#...)..##...##..##.............##.## 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#...#..########### #..........####.)#### #..##......###......#.#...)..##...##..#Ibgg•IIbggJ&4Ibgg(PIbggŃQIbgg ë##..#....######## .......####.....# #.##....####.##.........# #.##....####.##...) #.##....##...#..#...####.# Ibgg"!ž###.### #.# .Ă·###(..###..##### ............###.@.........# ....Ă·.....####..## .(.........# ..#####...###....##....# .##.....#.........# ...#..########### ..........####.)######......###......#IbggŻ)IbggQ*&5Ibggm0IbggË1Ibgg ë....†.†.........# ##..#....#######.# .......####....# #.##....####.##.........# #.##....####.##...)IbggÎ À #.##....##...#.#...####.# ###.### #.# Ă·###(..###..##### .......###...# ..Ă·.....####..#.# (Ibggg ,.........#..#####..###....##..###.....#.........#..#..###########.......####.)####IbggŃ Ibggv &6Ibggö Ibgg7 IbggNÄ ·###...†########## ....†.†.........# ##..#....#######.# .......####....# #.##....####.##.........# #.##....####.##...) #.##....##...#.IbggłĆ # ....####.# ###.### #.# ###(..###..##### .......###...# ..Ă·.....####..##.......#..#####.###....##.###.....#.........#..#..###########IbgguÍ IbggHÎ &7Ibgg]Ő IbggŚ Ibgg”߀M###.....## ###...†######### Ibggˆàƒ.....†.†........ ##..####......##....##.##...)..... .#.##....##...# ...#.##.######..# ###(..###..#### ..........###...........##....#####.........Ibgg3èIbggžè&8IbggÙìIbggȚíJbgg|‘.........<## #.# ##.....## #.# ##...†########## ....†.†.........# #..#....######## .......####....# #.##....####.##.........# #.##....####.##...) #.##....##...#.# ...####.# Jbggű’Œ.### #.# ##(..###..#####.......###...#Ă·.....####..##.....#..#####.###....#JbggŁšJbggw›&9JbggkĄJbggŁJbggx xM.< .........<###.....## ##...†######### ....†.†........ #..#### ......##....##.##.@.)..... #.##....##...# ..Jbgg"Ÿ#.## ##.######..# #.........#####.........#Jbgg1.Jbgg"/'20JbggÎ5Jbgg8Jbggr =M#########.< .........<###.....## ##...†######### ....†.†........ #..##### ....#....##.##...)..... #.##....##...# Jbgg„r ~...#######.###.........#............#Jbggz Jbggžz &1Jbggï€ Jbggn‚ Jbgg%ț 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######.####....##.####....##.## ###########.## #.......<.# .#.<## #...# .#.....## #..#Ă·###...†#.#.†...# ..##..#....#.#.####.....#.#.##....####.##.....#.#.##....####.##...).....#.#.##....##...#.......##.#.###........# ..###.######..# #.........# Lbgggm.Ă·###(..###..####.#Lbgg@Lbgg&6Lbggę%Lbgg‰'LbggêŚQ.<..# ######.####....##.####....##.## ###########.## #.......<.# #.#.<## #.........# #.#.....## #...# .Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#.#.†...#.##..#....#.#.####......#.#.##....####.##........#.#.##....####.##...).....#.#.##....##...#.........##.#.###......Lbgg8Ùș...# ...###.######..# #.# ..Ă·###(..###..####.#Lbgg@áLbgg^â&7Lbgg èLbggŰéLbggCH.<..# ###### ^......####....##.####....##.## #.## #.<.# .#.#.<## #.........# .#.#.....## #.........# ..Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#.#.Ă·...#.##..#....#.#....####............#.#.##....####.##.........# .....#.##....####.##...).....# .....#.##....##...#.## .#.###.# ....###.######..# #LbggIw.# ...Ă·###(..###..####.#Lbgg?QLbggÙQ&8Lbgg \Lbgg9]Lbgg¶§.<..# ###### .^......####....##.####....##.## # #.## #.<.# #.#.#.<## #.# ..#.#.....## #.........#.Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#.#.Ă·...#.##..#....#LbggY·Ü.#....####............# <.....#.##....####.##.# ......#.##....####.##...).....# ......#.##....##...#.## .#.###.# .....###.######..# #.# ....Ă·###(..###..####.#Lbgg)čLbggÀÉhh   Natasha (wandering)9LbggőÄLbggOÈs _Natasha, Servant of Life and Death comes into view.LbggöFÌ#.....<..# ###### #.^......####....## #.####....##.## # ##.## #.<.# ##.#.#.<## #.# #..#.#######.....## #.#.Ă·Ă·###..hĂ·#.# _.Ă·...#.##..#....#.#...####.# .<.....#.##....####.##.#.#.##....####.##...).....#.#.##....##...#.## .#.###.# ......###.######..# #.# Lbgg1Hq.....Ă·###(..###..####.#LbggYJLbgg6KLbggT^. _hLbggÏT'30Lbgg§\Lbgg_LbggzÀÊ #.....<..# ######  #.^......####....## ##.####....##.## ##.## #.<.#  ##.#.#.<## #.# ##..#.#######.....## #.# #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#.# #_.Ă·...# #......##..#h...#.# #..####.# ..<.....#.##....####.##.#.#.##....####.##...).....# #.#.##....##...#.##.#######.###.# .###.######..# #.# ......Ă·###(..###..####.#LbggvĆLbggIÌe _.hLbgg`Í&1LbggƒÔLbgg;ŚLbgg;)H #.....<..# ###### #.^......####....###.####....##.## #.## #.<. ##.#.#.<## #.  ##..#.#######.....## #.  #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#.  #_.Ă·..Lbggo*p.  #......##..#....#. ##.h..####..<.....#.##....####.##. #.#.##....####.##...)..... ##.#.##....##...#..#######.###.# #.###.######..# #.# .Ă·###(..###..####.#LbggĂ-Lbgg<6N_h.Lbgg07&2Lbgg>Lbggù@LbggŁłù #.....<..# ###### #.^......####....###.####....##........## #.......## #.< ##.#.#..........<## # ##..#.#######.....## #Lbgg•Žü #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·# #_.Ă·  #......##..#.h..##...####.<.....#.##....####.## ##.#.##....####.##...)#.#.##....##...#..#######.###. ##.###.######..# #..Ă·###(..###..####.LbggÖŸo_hhLbggvż.=3Lbgg&Æ9_Lbgg?ÉI _Natasha misses you.Lbgg'iƒ #.....<..# ###### #.^......####....###..####....##.........## #........## #. ##.#.#..........<## # ##..#.#######.....## # #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#LbggőiD #_.Ă·@. #......##..#.h..##...............####.<.....#.##....####.###.#.##....####.##...)#.#.##....##...#.#######.### .##Lbggejš.###.######..# #.Ă·###(..###..####Lbggv4_LbggwU7--4Lbggv€9_LbggŽ‚( _Natasha claws you.LbggÜ› #.....<..# ###### #.^......####....###.####....##........## #LbggMĘç.......## # ##.#.#..........<## # ##..#.#######.....## # #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·# #_.@.. #......##..#.h..##...............####.<.....#.##....####.###........#.##....####.##...)#.......#.##....##...# #.#######.### ..##.###.######..# # #.Ă·###(..###..####LbggèLbgg`é_8=-5LbggÍđ9_LbggÇő› _Natasha completely misses you. _You see here a jackal skeleton.MbggRí 5 5   cerulean imp (polearm, summoned)You hit Natasha with your +4 short sword.  Natasha is moderately wounded.You slash Natasha with your +0 war axe!=6.4 (1.1Rev Mbgg>ő7_Mbggèûc _Natasha mumbles some strange words.Mbgg Qó  You hit Natasha with your +0 war axe.  You kill Natasha!You feel Natasha's spirit has finally been put to rest.Mbggb\§§.§§$Mbggbš200 =40-7.6 (1.2Rev+ Mbggn9_MbggCpe _The cerulean imp disappears in a puff of smoke!MbggFĘä#.^......####.... #####........####....## .............## ######## ######..## #.......  ##.#.#..<## #.##..#.#######§....## #.#....Ă·Ă·###.§.§#########.#_.........§§...........#......##..#.@..####### ####.........####.... .....<.....#.##....####.## MbggÓȚÙ###........#.##....####.##...)..#.##....##...#...... ..............#######.###. .#####.######..# #........Ă·###(..###..####. .#............###...Mbggćë###......###.§..Ă·_.Ă·MbggŸć„--80Rev Mbggčê7_Mbggń&.Mbggàń‡49=-9.6 (2Mbgg(ś9_MbggEù> _You now have 204 gold pieces (gained 4).Mbggi° Mbgg‚± Mbgg\¶ Mbggž F _Unknown command.NbggéÁ #.....<..# #### #.^......####....## ##########....## .............## ####### #######...............## # ##.#.#..........<## # ##..#.#######.....## # #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·######### #_..........@.........  ###..#....####### #####...............####.. ......<.....#.##....####.##......#.##....####.##...) #####.......#.##....##...# #.......#######.#####.......###.######..# # #...Ă·###(..###..####bgg˜Ä9;17HNbgg„ÇNbggzÈ340.6 (1 _NbggÛÎNbgg‰Òu _You see here a jackal skeleton.Nbgg— ##########  #.....<..# ##### #.^......####....## #######NbggїŸ####....## .............## ###### ########.........## # ##.#.#..........<## # ##..#.#######.....## # # #....Ă·Ă·###.@.Ă·######### # #_..........Ă·......... #Nbgg˘” #......##..#....####### ######...............####.. .......<.....#.##....####.##......#.##....####.##...)  #####.......#.##....##...# ##..............#######.### Nbggj™X...##.......###.######..# #NbggșŁC1 _Nbggśš8_NbggIȘNbgg°'ö # #.....<..# ###### #.^......####....###Nbggț(›.####....##...## #....## # # ##.#.#....<## # # ##..#.#######.....## # ## #....Ă·Ă·###@..Ă·## .# #_.Ă·.. .# #......##..#....# .######...............####.<.....#.##....####.###........#.##....####.##...)  #####.......#.##....##...##........#######.###.##.###.######..# #Nbggû/Nbgg°0.2NbggĄ6Nbgg.8NbggdüW_Nbgg†NbggObggĄO4ObggôS8_ObggBUObggąŽObggœ”Obgg-»:_ObggÔŒObggő=U_ObggEObgg Ö4ObgghäObggOObgg#Obggb :_Obggâ Obgg%ÁObggńÁObggŸÆ8_ObggóÇObgg:SW_ObggˆZ8_Obgg \Obgg©ÁObggÍÂObggvÍObggÙP9_ObggŐRObgg[W8_ObggžXObggŠ•Ï# #.....<..# ###### # #.^......####....## #########..####....## .................## #### .#########..## #... .# ##.#.#Obgg›–Ù...<## # .#..#.#######.....## # .## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·######### ..# #_.......@..Ă·......... #.# ###..#....####### #.######...............####.. #........<.....#.##....####.## #######........#.##....####.##  #####.#.##....##...#.... ####........#######.### .....##Obgg ›Ë###.######..# # ####..Ă·###(..###Obgg™žObgg€ŸB=3Obggž„9_Obgg`§Obgg%… È# #.....<..# ###### .# #.^......####....## .#.####....##.## .#...## # ..# ##.#.#....<## # ..# ##..#.#######.....## # ..## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·# #..# #_.Ă·..#.# #......##..#....#  #.######...............####  #.<.....#.##....####.##  #........#.##....####.##Obgg|† ś #####.......#.##....##...##..............#######.###.##.......###.######..# ##.Ă·###(..###..####Obgǧ ObggąŽ 32044Obggj“ 8_Obggő” Pbgg“ç”# #.....<..# ###### ..# #.^......####....## ..#........####....##...## .#...## #.# ##.#.#...<## #Pbggè©.# ##..#.#######.....## #.## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·# ##..# #_.Ă·..  ##.# #......##..#....# #.######...............#### #.<.....#.##....####.## #........#.##....####.## #####.......#.##....##...##..............#######.###.##.......###.######..# ##Pbgg8éc.Ă·###(..###..####Pbggđ3_Pbggń&5PbggÙö:_PbggűPbgg`DF# #.....<..# ######.# #.^......####....##.#........####....##.....## .#....## #.# ##.#.#.<## #.# ##..#.#######.....## #.## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·##..# #_PbggqE.Ă·  ##.# #......##..#....# #.######...............#### #.<.....#.##....####.## # #..#.##....####.## # #####.......#.##....##...##.....#.###.##.###.######..# ##.Ă·###(..###..####PbggMPbggÈM&6PbggđQPbggSPbggZÈ—# #.....<..# ######.# #.^......####....##.#........####....##......## .PbggTɇ#.....## .# ##.#.#.<## .# ##..#.#######.....## .## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#..# #_.Ă· # ##.# #......##..#.... # #.######.........#### # #.<.....#.##....####. ## #.#.##....####. .# #####.#.##....##...# PbggöÉ(.#......#.###.##.###.######..# # .#.Ă·###(..###..####PbggŒÔZ_7PbggNÙPbggçÚPbgg‡•.....# #.^......####....##.#########........####....##..........................###########.....##.# ##.#.#<##.#.#.#######.....##Pbggœ.## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·####### )####..# #_..........Ă·........ .# ##.# ###..#....##### .# #.######...............####. .# #........<.....#.##....#### .## #######........#.##....####. ..# #####.#.##....##... ..#######.......#######.# ..........#####..# #######.........Ă·###(..# ..##....#............###.PbggaPbgg&8Pbggy:_Pbgg}Pbggé ].#########..####....##..........................###########.....##.# ##.#.#<##.#PbggÊé g.#.#######.....##.## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·###### #)####..# #_..........Ă·....... #.# ##.# ###..#....#### #.# #.######..@............ #.# #........<.....#.##....#### #.## #######........#.##....#### ...# #####.#.##....##..#######...Pbgguê ·....#######.#.........#####..#######.........Ă·###(..#.##.....#...........##.#....Ă·.....#Pbgg)ó 8_Pbggô &9Pbgg^ù Pbgg@û QbggÏ{Đ..................#########..# ##.#.#<.#.#.#######......## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·### QbggÍ|‘##)####..# #_..........Ă·......  #.# ##.# ###..#....###  #.# #.######...............  #.# #......#.##.... ##.## #######........#.##.... >...# #####.#.##....##..#######.......#######.........#####..#######.........Ă·###(...##.....#...........##.#....Ă·.....# .##.#.##....#.(...........Qbggž…Qbggő†'50Qbgg©8_Qbggöc _There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.Qbgg8à‹#########..# ##.#.#<.#.#.#######......## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·### ###)####..# #_..........Ă·.....  #.# ##.# ###..#....## #.# #.######...............Qbgg0áQ #.# #........<.....#.##.... ###.## #######.#.##.... .>...# #####.#.##.... .....#######.......#######.........#####.#######.........Ă·###(...##.....#...........##............#....Ă·.....###.#.##....#.(........... #..........#.#.....#.#QbggCì4_Qbgg%í-1 _Qbggń8_QbggAòQbggAŽ4_Qbgg#Qbggđ–8_Qbgg…˜QbggHĘR_Qbggüă8_QbggSćQbggQjù  ##.#.#<##..#.#######.....# #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#### ###)####.._..........Ă·.....  #.# ##......##..#....## #.#####.............<.....#.## ###.## #######... .>...# #####....#######.......#####........#####.##.#QbggMkâ#.#.....#.... ###...####.#.#...#...........##.. Qbgg€t2_Qbggu&2QbggŠ}Qbggč~Rbgg/àRbgg0á$RbggTáIWhere to? (Tab - D:2 @ (x,y), ? - help) Rbgggá6 D - Dungeon RbggšP Rbgga Ÿ[?25h[?0c.........###.#.#..........< crok the Chopper Rbgg…a ;.........# ##..#.#######..... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 204 .........## #....Ă·Ă·###...Ă·#### Health: 39/39 ======================== ###)####..# #_..........Ă·..... Magic: 5/5========================#.# ##.# #......##..#....## AC: 5RbggÈa íStr: 16#.# #.######...............## EV: 12Int: 7#.# #........<.....#.##....## SH: 0Rbggđa LDex: 16 ###.## #######........#.##....## XL:  5 Next: 40% Place: Dungeon:2 RbggNc .>...# #####@......#.##....## Noise: ---------  Time: 1652.6 (0.0) .....#######..............####### a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N .............##.......###.######. Throw: 9 darts (poison) .....#######.........Ă·###(..###.. .....##............#............# .....##............#....Ă·.....###  ..##.#.....#.##....#.(...........  #..........#.#.....#............#  ###...####.#.#...#...........##..  _The cerulean imp disappears in a puff of smoke! _You now have 204 gold pieces (gained 4). _Unknown command. _You see here a jackal skeleton. _There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.  What level of the DuRbgg c 3ngeon? (default 2, ? - help) SbggŒ# [?25l[?1cSbggž-43SbggW/Sbggo8Sbggb:SbggÓ>E _Sbgg~?Sbgg›ASbggÍASbgg0CSbgg%FSbggHSbggGHSbggnISbgg(LSbgg NSbggTNSbggaOSbgg8RSbggTSbggETSbggwUSbgg,XSbggżYSbggđYSbgg [Sbgg•]Sbgg?a,SbggûbSbgg‡eSbggUh,SbggjSbggnmSbgg.p,SbggÇqSbggđsSbggçuSbggvSbggbwSbgg„ySbgg˜{SbggË{SbggC}Sbgg€Sbgg†,SbggN‚SbggȘƒSbggù„,Sbggó…Sbgg9‡@_Sbgg^‡/You now have 204 gold pieces (gained 4). _Sbgg‚‡‚Unknown command. _You see here a jackal skeleton. Sbgg„‡i_There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.  There is a stone staircase leading down here.Sbgg›‰SbggŒSbgg†Œ$ _Sbgg;ŽSbggè­SbggKź–  You climb downwards.  You hear the sound of rushing water.SbggŸŰ/  --more--Sbggzt « .  # ..  .#...  #...#  #....  .#.#####..# 3 .......@.# .######.## ..# #.## #. .. .. ### SbggZu SbggIx Sbgg-ł 067.3 (14.7)Sbgg\Ž SbggM· Í  There is an entrance to a sewer on this level. Hurry and find it before the _portal rusts away! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.TbggBêTbggŒêRead which item? Scrolls  k - a scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJOl - a scroll of revelation  n - a scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT  o - a scroll labelled IVAM GAICA [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedUbggQˆUbggLŽUbggA•acrok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 204.Health: 39/39 ========================# ..Magic: 5/5========================.#...AC: 5Str: 16#...#EV: 12Int: 7#....SH: 0Dex: 16.#.#####..#XL:  5 Next: 40% Place: Dungeon:3.......@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1667.3 (0.0).######.##a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N..#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.###.Ubgg–—....### _There is a stone staircase leading down here.  You climb downwards.  You hear the sound of rushing water.There is an entrance to a sewer on this level. Hurry and find it before the _portal rusts away! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.UbggR„h  As you read the scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJO, it crumbles to dust.Ubgg=Šb8.3 (1Tele Ubgg“©UbggČŹ~ _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.UbggąžĘRead which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - a scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT  o - a scroll labelled IVAM GAICA [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedVbggžVbggX„Vbgg䏻crok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 204.Health: 39/39 ========================# ..Magic: 5/5========================.#...AC: 5Str: 16#...#EV: 12Int: 7#....SH: 0Dex: 16.#.#####..#XL:  5 Next: 40% Place: Dungeon:3.......@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1668.3 (0.0).######.##a) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N..#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.##Tele #.....###VbggÈ­ÄYou hear the sound of rushing water.There is an entrance to a sewer on this level. Hurry and find it before the _portal rusts away! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.  As you read the scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.VbggÄŻ™  As you read the scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant weapon.Vbggœč/  --more--Wbgg}ŸWbgg ż$WbggrżÎEnchant which weapon? Hand Weapons  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) {Soledad}  i - a +4 short sword (offhand) {Nodoka}Wbgg€ż4f - a +0 dagger {Urai}WbggäżG[?] describe selectedWbgg#k WbggNl 'crok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 204.Health: 39/39 ========================# ..Magic: 5/5========================.#...AC: 5Str: 16#...#EV: 12Int: 7#....SH: 0Dex: 16.#.#####..#XL:  5 Next: 40% Place: Dungeon:3.......@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1668.3 (0.0).######.##WbggĐl Âa) +0 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N..#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.##Tele #.....### _portal rusts away! Wbggm x_There is a stone staircase leading up here.  As you read the scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.  As you read the scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant weapon.Wbggțv Wbggkw ^9.3 (11Wbggk{ Wbgg8~ G _Your +0 war axe {Soledad} glows red for a moment.XbggłRead which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  o - a scroll labelled IVAM GAICA [!] read|quaff[?] describe selectedXbggu^ Xbgge ëcrok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 204.Health: 39/39 ========================# ..Magic: 5/5========================.#...AC: 5Str: 16#...#EV: 12Int: 7#....SH: 0Dex: 16.#.#####..#XL:  5 Next: 40% Place: Dungeon:3.......@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1669.3 (0.0)Xbgg#f .######.##a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N..#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.##Tele #.....### _There is a stone staircase leading up here.  As you read the scroll labelled BASMOU AKHAJO, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable. It was a scroll of teleportation.  As you read the scroll labelled IDWEYPT PIESUT, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant weapon. _Your +0 war axe {Soledad} glows red for a moment.Xbgg7p „  As you read the scroll labelled IVAM GAICA, it crumbles to dust.  You assume a fearsome visage. Nothing appears to happen.XbggB€  ~~...# ..~~~#..# #. Xbgg€ ›~~~....##.. ~~~.......# ~ ~S..h.#.# Xbggë€ ű~~~#......## ~~...h.h...# #..#?........h#....(......+Xbgg4 Ł##.......g...#######....... .......hhhh 4 jackals (asleep) .......g   goblin (asleep) .......Xbggd šS   ball python (constriction, asleep)It was a scroll of fear.Xbggą› é  Your surroundings suddenly seem different.  A ball python, 4 jackals and a goblin come into view.The goblin is wielding a +1 dagger of venom.Xbggœ Xbgg,Ź /  --more--Ybggmčę  Found a scroll of teleportation and 3 stones.  The jackal barks! The ball python hisses angrily. The jackal barks! x2  The goblin shouts! You hear a loud squeak.Ybgg{șYbggę»Ybgg#œYbgg)żYbggeÀYbggĂ‹The jackal closely misses you. The jackal barely misses you.YbggńÒh~S...hhh@h.g.hhhhgS)The jackal closely misses you.YbggËÓS====70.3 (1YbggzĘYbggöă _You hear a shout!Ybgg{z Q  You hit the jackal with your +4 short sword.Ybggc‚ Y  You kill the jackal!Ybggź† €  You hit the jackal with your +1 war axe. x3  The jackal bites you but does no damage.Ybgg‘ˆ Ybgg”“ Ą..S$g. 3Ybggx— ·204 2=---1.5 (1.2Rev Ybggü  Ybgg€ ’ _The jackal barely misses you. The jackal closely misses you.Zbggž…].#..# #g~~...# ..#..# #.##..~~......~~~~....#.# ~~~#..S...#~~.#....h.h?.....g...#....(+ ##....#######.ZbggD†Wg   hobgoblin (wandering)g   goblin.......S   ball python (constriction)ZbggXŽk  A hobgoblin comes into view.Zbgg‚•ÇA hobgoblin comes into view.  The jackal bites you. The jackal barely misses you. x2  A rat comes into view.ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.  The jackal bites you but does no damage. x3ZbggĄšgrg.g(
)ZbggyąÇ8- 2 ---20Constr Rev Zbgg­Zbgg#ŻZbggçž/  --more--ZbggÓa” _The hobgoblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. _You see here 5 gold pieces.Zbgg›$ îYou completely miss the jackal with your +4 short sword.The jackal is moderately wounded.The hobgoblin shouts!  You hit the jackal with your +1 war axe.Zbggî0 ‰  You kill the jackal!You hit the goblin with your +1 war axe.Zbggî1 Zbgg|: /  --more--Zbggl<m  You kill the goblin![bggB)You kill the jackal!You closely miss the ball python with your +1 war axe.You hit the jackal with your +1 war axe.9=You kill the jackal![bggö/  --more--[bggțG^  The ball python is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.[bggHW g~rS$$$$g   hobgoblinS   ball python (constriction, unaware)r   rat[bgg,Xk8-7=3.7 (1.2[bggkb[bggfZ _The ball python constricts you. x2[bggö tThe ball python hisses angrily.  You hit the ball python with your +4 short sword.[bgg©© ©$r   rat[bgg ­ |12 8=4.9Rev+ [bgg[¶ [bggŹș G _You kill the ball python![bggȘÁ [bgg [bggLÍ [bggnŃ > _Unknown command.\bggÚg.... ..# #g~~. ...r~#..## ##.#~....##...∩~...#~~....#. ~~~#..@...##~~~....$$...#.#....$$$..#?...#.....(+###..... #######. .  .\bggßà;  Found a glowing drain.\bggëâ\bgg,ń|.g~r\bggČń6---50\bgg]û\bgg ‡ _The hobgoblin is no longer distracted by gold. _You see here 5 gold pieces.\bggdđ  .....#..##.~~~...# .g.~~r#..## ##.# ~....##... ∩...# ~~~~~....#.#\bggđđ †~~~~#..$...##~~~....@$...#..#....$$$?..........(+###..................\bgg€ Érr(unaware)---6Rev \bggœ \bgg‘ Œ _The rat is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. _You see here 7 gold pieces.\bggeàŻ#..##.~~~...# ..~~r#..## ##g# ~....##... ∩~...# ~~~~~....#.~~~~#..$...##~~~....$$.....#....@$$?..........(+\bggÿà###...... #######....... g   hobgoblinr   rat (unaware) \bgg3ć\bggîk ........\bgg6ï59=\bggYï&7 _\bggPś\bgg2ęQ _You see here 4 gold pieces.]bggI;Ó..#..# #. ~~~...# ... ~~~r#..## ##.# ~~~~....##... ∩~~~.# ~~~~~....#.# ~~~~#..$...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....$@$..# ..?.# .....(......+ ###.. #.. .]bgg;.]bggÓ?]bgg›A]bggđMogZ   hound zombie (wandering)g   hobgoblinZr   rat (unaware)]bgg†N&8]bgg+W]bggT[æ _A hound zombie comes into view.Things that are here: _8 gold pieces; a +1 dagger of venom]bgg@*n..#..# #. ~~~...# ... ~~~r#..## ##.# ~~~~....##.g. ∩~~~.......# ~~~~~....#.# ]bgg•*Ł~~~~#..$...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....$$@..# ..?.# .....(......+ ]bggœ*ž###.. #.......]bggß*Y#.##.]bggț*L#..Z.]bggs2]bgg‚>”gZZg(unaware).]bgg€?&9]bggđqš _The hobgoblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. _You see here 3 gold pieces.^bgg„7~~~.... ~~~r#..#####.# ~~~~....##.g. ∩~~~.......# ~~#.# ~~~~#..$...#~~~....$$...# ^bggàś..#....$$$..# ..?.......@.# .....(+ ###...... #######^bgg<Ž". #.##..Z......#....#.#^bggRZZ(unaware)^bggԝ/80^bggę§^bgg;«R _The hound zombie is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.^bggź4żr#..#####.# ~....##.g. ∩...# ~~~~~....#~#..$...##....$$.....#....$$$?.......^bgg5...(+###.......# #######.......# ^bgg<5{#Z.......#^bgg;^bggÉD$.^bggűDFgg^bggĐE#=^bggôE1^bggN^bggqS ^bgg˜S6_The hobgoblin is no longer distracted by gold.^bggˆ7 ‚~....##... ∩..g# ~~~~~....#.~#..$...##....$$.....#....$$$?..........(^bggá7 ś++######.......# #######Z......^bgg8 O.# ♣♣^bgg%8 ^bggtG ~gg(unaware)2^bgg«W e _The hobgoblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.^bggę ∩..g# ~~~~~....#.~#..$...##....$$.....#....$$$?..........(++######....... #######Z......^bgg€ .# ♣♣ ♣..♣^bgg  ^bggŒ &3^bgg% ^bggș' ^bgg™_~~~~~....#.~#..$...##....$$.....#....$$$?..........(++######............. #######Z.......# ♣♣ ♣..♣.♣ ?.♣^bggÏŁ^bggÁ€&4^bggmŹ^bgg¶Ż ^bggëŻX_Found a scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD._bgg6PÙZZ   _Found a scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD.  You completely miss the hound zombie with your +4 short sword.  und zombie is no longer distracted by gold.  You slash the hound zombie with your +1 war axe!  The hound zombie misses you._bggQo204==6.1 (1.2Rev _bggĐX_bgg\D _The hound zombie bites you but does no damage._bgg6&   You barely miss the hound zombie with your +4 short sword.The hound zombie is heavily damaged.You slash the hound zombie with your +1 war axe!_bgg'Ž7--7.3Rev+ _bgg._bggV1u _The hound zombie bites you. The hound zombie barely misses you._bgg]źă  You hit the hound zombie with your +1 war axe.  The hound zombie is almost destroyed.You hit the hound zombie with your +4 short sword._bggBČ_bgg‹ŒËg$g   hobgoblin (wandering)_bggĂ 204 --61-8.5Rev* _You destroy the hound zombie!_bgg;Î_bggöĐg _Your Armour skill increases to level 2!_bggË« J ∩..g# ~~~~~....#. ~~~~#..g...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?...#  .....(++######......########.# #.......# #..$...... #... #.#. #.......# #.♣♣....# #.♣ ♣..♣#.♣ ?.♣_bgg\± _bggęș o$gg_bgg» ™8==90Rev+ _bggWĂ _bggìÆ + _The hobgoblin shouts!_bggFD A~~#.# ~~~~#..$...#~~~....g$...# _bgg4E đ..#....$$$..# ..?.........# .....(++######.......#  ########  #.# #..$......#......... #.#. #.##.♣♣....# #.♣ ♣..♣#.♣ ?.♣ _bggJ _bggšX €$g--90_bgg\ _bggê_ `bggïûq~~~~#..$...#~~~....$$...# ..#....$g$..# ..?.........# .....(++######.......#  ########  #.#..#...#....#.##.# #.♣♣....#`bggSüT#.♣ ♣..♣# .♣ ?.♣♣♣ .♣`bgg'`bgge G$g`bggh A--1`bgg `bggèQ _You see here 5 gold pieces.`bggIl`bgg sJ.g`bggtB92`bggè{`bggN> _You now have 209 gold pieces (gained 5).`bggC 8 ~~~~~....#. ~~~~#..$...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?.........#  .....(...g..++######......########`bgg—C ©.#  ##.. #. #.... #.#.. #.......# #.♣♣....# #.♣ ♣..♣#`bggÂC Ö .♣ ?.♣♣♣ .♣.`bggKG `bggGH `bgg|Q Ìr.gr   rat (wandering)`bggR R9==`bgg?R 3`bgg‰R /Rev `bgg[ `bgg|^ `bgg&"+∩~~~......g~~g...#.# ~#..r...#~~~....$$.#....$$$?...# .....(......++#####.......g###### #.`bgg€"ž.....g 2 hobgoblins (1 wandering)♣♣....#.♣ ♣..♣# .♣ ?.♣`bggÆ+k  A hobgoblin comes into view.`bggz/:  The hobgoblin shouts!`bggƒ:.g.$rgr==4`bgg”C`bggZHV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.abggÛ|y  You closely miss the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.abggv%  abggĄ/You hit the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.abgg‹ă.g$r-5.7 (1.2Rev+ abggʕabggšĄV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.abgg|Ő  You hit the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.  The hobgoblin is almost dead.You hit the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.abgg<ƒabgg †abggą‘Ù.g$r$   hobgoblinabgg”•œ2-6.8 (1.1Rev* abgg=Ÿabgg^ŁM _You kill the hobgoblin!abggÚ/ ~~~~....##... ∩...# ~~~~~....#. ~~~~#..$...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....g$$..# ..?.....r...#  .....(......++######......@$.....########.#  ##..abggˆ0" #. #.... #.#.. #.......# #.♣♣....# #.♣ ♣..♣#abggL5abggŚ6abgg@t$g.rabgg A‡=-70Rev+ abggwHabggóKabgg N  You hit the rat with your +4 short sword.abgg» abggA k.g$abggś t=8.9 (1.1Rev* abggŽ abgg‹ G _You kill the rat!abggîÎ  gg  (unaware)You completely miss the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.You hit the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.abgg…Ï /700.1 (1.2abgg9Ű abgg(Û O _The hobgoblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.bbgg…g’The hobgoblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  You barely miss the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.  The hobgoblin is no longer distracted by gold.  The hobgoblin shouts!  The hobgoblin is heavily wounded.  You hit the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.bbggĐuȘ$4====1.3bbgg%c _You kill the hobgoblin!bbgg›čbbggcșbbggAÁbbggGÄH _No target in view!bbgg™„Í ~~~r#..#####.# ~~~~....##... ∩~...# ~~~~~....#.bbgg2ŠÆ ~~~~#..$...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?.........#  .....(++######.......$.....########.#  #bbgg¶Š€#.. #... #.... #.#.. #.......# #.♣♣....#bbggĐ°bbggé±R----20 _bbgg—žbbggPÁbbgg(Âe12----3.3 (2bbgg†Èbbgg#Ë> _You now have 212 gold pieces (gained 3).bbggH€ Š~~~r#..#####.# ~~~~....##... ∩~~~.......# ~~~~~....#.# ~~~~#..$...## ~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?.# .....(...@..++### ###.$.....# #.# #.#.. #...#...#.#..#.# bbgg ‹ bbggś‹ o2124.3 (1Rev+ bbggę’ bbgg1œ bbgg§œ 4205.3 (2bbgg2Ł bbgg€„ > _You now have 220 gold pieces (gained 8).cbgg]Fž~~~~....##... ∩~~~.......# ~~#.# ~~~~#..$...#cbggŸFì~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?.........# .....(......++######.......@.....#  #######.......#  cbggéFî#.#..#... #..cbggGˆ#.#.#.cbgg4Gę##.♣♣....##.♣ ♣..♣#cbgg)QcbggłQ+6.3 (1cbggbXcbggüecbgg|f377.3 (2cbggmcbggĄo> _You now have 227 gold pieces (gained 7).cbgg‰žĄ∩~~~.......# ~~#.# ~~~~#..$...#~~~....$$...# cbggčè..#....$$$..# ..?.........# .....(......++######.............#  ########  #.#..#... #. cbgg‡č#.##.# .#.♣♣....##.♣ ♣..♣#.♣ ?.♣cbggĂcbggÁĂZ8.3 (1Rev cbggžÉcbggšËcbggeA~~#.# ~~~~#..$...#~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?.........# .....(......++######.............#  ########  #.#..#....#.#.##.cbgge<# .>#.♣♣....# #.♣.♣..♣#.♣ ♣ ?.♣♣♣ .♣.cbgg.pcbggGq&9cbggMwcbggkz; _Found a stone staircase leading down.cbgg¶ß ~~~~#..$...#~~~....$$...# ..#....$$$..# ..?.........# .....(......++######.............#  ######## # cbggLà #.#....#....?#.#.##.# .>#.♣♣....# ..cbgg”à­#.♣.♣..♣#.♣ ♣.?.♣♣♣ ♣.♣ cbggzë=10cbggđcbggÁńW _Found a scroll of fear.cbggžê ș ....$$.....#....$$$?..........(......++######............. ########## ........?.# .>.Rev cbggxë Č..♣.♣♣ ♣ $.♣.cbggó cbggäó &1cbggńù cbggÂû + _Found 15 gold pieces.cbgg›ąź ..#....$$$?..........(......++######............. ########## ........?.#.... .>.♣♣ ..cbgg^ŁRev ZZ   hound zombie (dormant).♣♣♣ _.♣.♣cbggp«n  A hound zombie comes into view.cbggL”ÌZ.Z_2cbggŒcbggšÀ: _Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul.dbggèï?..........(......++######............. ########### ........?..#.... .>♣♣ .#.♣.♣..♣# .♣Z♣.?.♣♣♣.♣ ♣.♣.♣.♣ $.♣..♣♣ _.♣.♣ ..♣..dbgg^ >Z...dbgg dbgg 3dbgg9_dbgg3dbggEl...(++######............. #######dbgg…l~#### ........?...dbggČlc#.. .>dbggŚlź#.♣♣ .#.♣Z♣..♣# dbggmŸ.♣.♣.?.♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣.♣.♣♣.$dbgg0mÌ..♣♣ ♣ _.♣.♣. dbgg”m°..♣...#♣♣.♣ . #dbggœpdbggêz8Z.dbgg«{&4dbggš‚9_dbggɅdbggšê`###....... ########### ........?....#.#. .>#.♣♣Z...# ..♣@.♣# .♣.♣.?.♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..dbggäê.♣♣.$....♣♣ ♣ _.♣.♣.## ...♣...#♣♣.♣ .  .♣.dbggódbggró%=dbggŸó 5dbgg;űdbggƒú– _The hound zombie barely misses you. The hound zombie misses you.dbgg[‰ N ########### ........?#....#.##.. .>dbggą‰ s♣♣Z...# .♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣.@.♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.♣♣.$.♣....#dbggɉ ♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## ....♣...#dbggè‰ Đ.♣♣♣.♣ . #.♣ .♣.dbggŠ 0## ♣ dbgg§ dbgg+–  .Z_The hound zombie attacks as it pursues you!dbggȖ &6dbggûš dbggʝ D _The hound zombie bites you but does no damage. dbggù _You see here a scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD.dbgg’ 3_dbggQ dbggž9_dbgg@ebgg†Ő _k - a scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUDYou hear the slow rusting of a drain nearby.7--7ebggëÛ9_ebggFȚ1 _The hound zombie bites you.ebgg±ćč _You hit the hound zombie but do no damage.You hit the hound zombie with your +1 war axe.ebgg=æC8.4 (1.1Rev ebggeæebggì9_ebggĄï— _The hound zombie misses you. The hound zombie closely misses you.ebgg&Z ő _You closely miss the hound zombie with your +1 war axe.The hound zombie is lightly damaged.  You hit the hound zombie with your +4 short sword.ebgg[ d9.6 (1.2Rev+ ebggUb 9_ebgg0j Y _The hound zombie barely misses you.ebggüŠ â  You hit the hound zombie with your +4 short sword.  The hound zombie is lightly damaged.  You hit the hound zombie with your +1 war axe.ebggć§ i4----20.7 (1.1ebgg9ź ebgg± u _The hound zombie barely misses you. The hound zombie bites you.fbggÂS  You puncture the hound zombie with your +4 short sword!  The hound zombie is heavily damaged.You barely miss the hound zombie with your +1 war axe.fbggWT5=1.9 (1.2fbggT?Rev* fbgg[fbgg·]C _The hound zombie barely misses you.fbggé]fbgg`f…  You hit the hound zombie with your +1 war axe.  fbggŁfˆThe hound zombie is severely damaged.You hit the hound zombie with your +4 short sword.fbggig#3fbgg–gA---3.0 (1.1fbggßofbggÇt1 _The hound zombie bites you.fbgg‡M\  You puncture the hound zombie with your +4 short sword!fbggUE$fbggìYO227 477fbgg)Z8-4.2 (1.2fbgg•^9_fbggŚ`S _You destroy the hound zombie!fbggV” ìM###...... ###########....#fbgg• v...?#..#........>♣♣....# ..#.♣.♣@.♣# .♣.♣...♣ ♣.♣.♣.♣..♣ .♣♣.$.♣....#fbgg3• è♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.##...♣#fbggZ• }.♣## ♣ .fbggæž 3_fbggȟ 4-50fbgg.„ 9_fbggzŻ fbggd° b34-6.2 (2fbggÜ” 9_fbggVč > _You now have 234 gold pieces (gained 7).gbggéé  ########### ........?#gbggbéÄ....#.##.. .>♣♣ .♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣.@.♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.♣♣.$.♣....#gbgg‚éà♣._.♣.♣Rev* ...♣gbggąéf#.♣## ♣ .gbggń•_7.2 (1Rev+ gbggŃògbgg’ôgbggˆSÎ  ....#.....?#.............#......# .>♣♣....# ..♣..♣# .♣.♣...♣ ♣♣.♣.♣@♣..♣.♣♣.$.♣....#♣ ♣._.♣.♣.##♣#Rev+ .#♣5=8gbggÈTgbggÆÒ  #.....? #...... #.......#.... #.......# .>.gbggÓ « #.♣♣....# .. #.♣.♣..♣#  .♣.♣...♣♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣ ♣.♣♣.@.♣....#gbggAÓ Ì ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## ♣....♣...gbggfÓ /..♣♣♣.♣ . ##.♣ .♣. ## ♣gbgg”Ó Z .. ♣# gbggqÚ 2_gbggűÚ &9gbggß gbgg3ç gbggÔç F4930.2 (2gbggˆë gbggï ? _You now have 249 gold pieces (gained 15).hbgg” hbggȚ” CGozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy Gozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy teaches that the world belongs to the rich. Those accepting this principle may exchange their gold for divine assistance. Followers of Gozag do not earn piety; the only way to impress this god is by amassing a fortune, and worshippers may request as much assistance as they can afford. Fortunately, Gozag's worshippers are said to have the touch of gold. Title - Entrepreneur Favour - Gozag is aware of your devotion. Granted powers:(Cost)Gozag turns your defeated foes' bodies to gold. Your enemies may become distracted by gold. hbggA• You can petition Gozag for potion effects.(400 Gold)You can fund merchants seeking to open stores in the dungeon. (800 Gold)You can bribe branches to halt enemies' attacks and recruit allies. (3000 Gold)[!]: Overview|Powers|Wrath|Extrajbgg‘ For Gozag, both flesh and spirit are inferior to wealth, and therefore all monsters are turned to gold upon death. Other monsters may then be briefly distracted by imaginings of great wealth. Stalwarts can purchase immediate help in the form of potions, and may also pay to attract shopkeepers into the dungeon. Particularly well-off adherents may bribe the inhabitants of a branch of the dungeon to turn a blind eye to their presence, or even to change their allegiance. Gozag likes it when you collect gold. Gozag's powers are not affected by the Invocations skill. Overview|PowerskbggWéő Gozag does not appreciate abandonment, and will call down fearful punishments ondisloyal followers! The first of Gozag's punishments is commercial: all shops opened through Gozag'sintervention shut their doors forever. The disloyal are advised to finish their shopping before they launch their betrayal. For as long as Gozag remains angered, potions will have a chance to fail when quaffed, and any foes that are encountered may be granted potions of their own to assist them against the ex-worshipper. You may sometimes be bedazzled by the glint of coin.wrath lasts for a relatively long duration.Powers|Wrath‚bggBO #...........?crok the Chopper#............Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 249 #.......#....Health: 35/39 =====================---#.......# .>.Magic: 5/5========================#.♣♣....# ..AC: 5Str: 16#.♣.♣..♣#EV: 12Int: 7.♣.♣...♣SH: 0Dex: 16♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣XL:  5 Next: 77% Place: Dungeon:3♣.♣♣.@.♣....#Noise: ---------  Time: 1730.2 (0.0)♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.##a) [‚bgg&P Œ40m+1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N♣....♣...#Throw: 9 darts (poison)..♣♣♣.♣ . #Rev+ #.♣ .♣.## ♣ ..♣#You hit the hound zombie with your +4 short sword. _The hound zombie bites you.  You puncture the hound zombie with your +4 short sword! _You destroy the hound zombie! _You now have 234 gold pieces (gained 7). _You now have 249 gold pieces (gained 15).‚bggaR 9_‚bggiS ‚bgg˜W 9_‚bggæY ƒbgg°2_ƒbgg€°ƒbgg}”ƒbggfžF _Unknown command.ƒbgg€śƒbgg-űƒbggțűƒbggùüƒbggHmRev  _ƒbgg–L6=ƒbgg:ƒbggqƒbggłƒbgg2ƒbgg„ƒbggșƒbgg;ƒbggX ƒbgg— !ƒbgg ƒbgg”ƒbgg702497ƒbggd2=ƒbggƒbgg‹,ƒbggƒbgg­ƒbggìƒbgg_ƒbggsƒbgg¶K8=ƒbggdƒbgg·,ƒbggŸƒbggŰƒbgg ƒbgg‘ ƒbgg/#,ƒbggć#ƒbggŠ&ƒbggÀ&#9ƒbggî&E==ƒbgg“'ƒbggË+1 _HP restored.ƒbggt/3ƒbggš0ƒbgg03ƒbggz6ƒbggv?v#######.......##### #.......#.... #.......K...? #............ #.......#.... #.......# .>.ƒbggÇ?`#.♣♣....# ..#.♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣..@♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣ ♣.♣♣...♣....# ƒbgg@è♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.##♣....♣...#..♣♣♣.♣.. #K   kobold (wandering)ƒbgg*@–#.♣ .♣.♣♣## ♣ ..♣#ƒbggr@ƒbggUHY44.2 (14.0)_ƒbggäH,5.2 (15ƒbggËOƒbggiYu _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ƒbggćQ ż   #.......#....  #.......K...?  #............  #.......#....  #.......# .>.  #.♣♣....# ..  #.♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣..@♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣  ♣.♣♣...♣....#  ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.##  ♣....♣...#  ..♣♣♣.♣.. #  #.♣ .♣.♣♣#  ## ♣ .. ♣#ƒbgglê    #.......#....  #.......K...?  #............  #.......#....  #.......# .>.  #.♣♣....# ..  #.♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣..@♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣  ♣.♣♣...♣....#  ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## ♣....♣...# ..♣♣♣.♣.. #  #.♣ .♣.♣♣# ## ♣  ♣#ƒbggàê %ƒbgg|ì ƒbggâì ƒbggPô ƒbggFś  ƒbggÙś ƒbggű 9_A kobold is nearby!ƒbggVű „bgg-O###...... ###########....K...?#.#...........# .>♣♣....# ..„bggm-ƒ#.♣.♣.@♣# .♣.♣...♣ ♣.♣.♣.♣..♣ .♣♣...♣....#♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## ♣....♣... ..♣♣♣.♣..„bggá-ß ##.♣ .♣.♣♣### ♣ ..„bgg4„bgg=j.KK„bggą=-===6„bggÈ=.0)„bggD9_„bggíH( _The kobold shouts!„bggâĐS.....(++#####...... ###########.........?K.#...#....>♣..@.# ..„bggIŃÆ#.♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣...♣ ♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.♣♣...♣....♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## ♣....♣...#„bggrŃë ..♣♣♣.♣.. #.♣ .♣.♣♣#„bgg Ô„bgg‹Ę_.K_„bggîĘL=---7„bggă„bggæ„bggőĂÎ..?.........#  .....(......++###  ###.......# #######.##### #.#.... #.? #............ #.....K.#.... #......@# .>. #.♣♣....# ..#.♣.♣..♣#.♣.♣...♣♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣„bggŻÄW♣.♣♣...♣....# ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.#♣....♣...#..♣♣♣.♣.. „bggÓÍ8_„bggRÎP=--8„bggžÔ9_„bgg$Ű= _The kobold hits you but does no damage.„bggZcì#....$$$?.........#  .....(......++#####...... .##########..#.........?...........K@#......>#.♣♣....# ..#.♣.♣..♣# .♣.♣...♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣ .♣♣...♣....„bggËcȘ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## ♣....♣...„bggBv8_„bggæv#6„bggw2--9„bgg„}9_„bgg\; _The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.„bggœ!¶  You closely miss the kobold with your +1 war axe.You completely miss the kobold with your +4 short sword.„bggđ(Z50.3 (1.1Rev „bggą;« _The kobold barely misses you. The kobold completely misses you.…bggÁW  You closely miss the kobold with your +4 short sword.7--1.4Rev+ …bggÈ[…bggŽ]‚ _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold hits you but does no damage.…bgg=ÀQ  You hit the kobold with your +4 short sword.…bggÊC$…bggÎ…bgg»ÎO249 82.6 (1.2…bggœÖ…bgg ÚJ _You kill the kobold!…bggżć€ ..#....$$$..# ..?.# .....(......++### ###…bggæÈ.# . #######.#####.. #.#...... #.?..…bggPæâ #. #.....@.#.... #…bggxæx.# .>. #.♣♣....# .. #.♣.♣..♣#…bggŸæę .♣.♣...♣ ♣♣.♣.♣.♣…bggÆæł..♣ ♣.♣♣...♣....#…bggîæž ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.## …bggçT ♣....♣...#…bggńń…bggÉò%-…bggó30…bggÄú9_…bgg]w _You now have 255 gold pieces (gained 6).…bggH$55…bgga.8=…bggŽ6-4.6 (2…bggè …bgg  …bggû!_You see here a +0 dagger.…bggI{o ..#....$$$..# ..?.# .....(......++###…bggŸ{  ###.....# . #######.#####.. #.#...... #…bggș{‚.?.. #.…bggÓ{± #....@).#.... #…bggì{|.# .>.…bgg|š #.♣♣....# ..…bgg|„ #.♣.♣..♣# .…bgg1|–♣.♣...♣ ♣♣.♣…bggY|Ś.♣.♣..♣ ♣.♣♣...…bggr|Ì♣....# ♣♣ ♣._.♣.…bgg’|^♣.##  ♣....♣...#…bgg¶|…bggŠ†5_…bggD‡+5.6 (1…bggć…bggꏅbggT 4…bggp …bggŻ! …bggś! :Rev …bgg\& …bgg°& ,…bgg„( …bgg§+ …bggę+ i9==…bggX- …bggŸ1 …bgg(5 …bgg“5 …bgg@7 …bggš: …bgga> …bgg°> !…bgg[@ …bggIC …bgg1G …bgg_G …bggI …bggòK …bgg?O …bggŒO 9=…bggśP …bggT …bggŒW …bgg»W …bggzY …bgg[ …bggä_ V255…bgg§` …bgg=c ,…bggd …bggƒj 6#..$...## ...$$...# .......# ...$$$..# ....... ........# .....!. .(......++### .....# …bggüj |............# .....# #####.......#####.....# #.......###+ #...........@.......#............#.....).#...........#.......#..>........#.♣♣....#...........#.♣.♣..♣#........###…bgg(k -.♣.♣...♣♣........#♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.......#♣.♣♣...♣....#…bgg:p /60.0)…bggőp ,6.6 (11…bggv …bggz T _n - a scroll of fear…bgg?)…bggĄ)…bgg|+…bggô1…bgg—?~....#.# .$...## #....S.$$...# #....b##…bggô?f$$$..# #................# ........!. (++### .......# …bgg2@ą.....# ......# ####.......##### …bgg]@#.......#....@...##+ …bggŒ@Í#............#.........#.....).#....…bgg¶@Ì#.......#..>#.♣♣....#....…bggđ@łS   adder (asleep)#♣#.####…bggA—b   bat (asleep).♣.♣...♣♣.…bggIAG♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.......#…bggPX& …bggY0…bggbY .0)  …bggûawAn adder and a bat come into view.7.6 (1…bggj…bgglm _You hear the slow rusting of a distant drain.†bggXă.#..#.# .....g...#S...... .$.b##$$$#... .# #.!.. (++####.. ....##... ########@....# ..#........##+ ...).#.........#..>♣........g   hobgoblin (asleep)#.♣.♣..♣####†bggŚăŽb   bat (asleep) .♣.♣...♣♣.†bggëó†bgg{ô&8†bggjț†bggÿ\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.†bggè˜ H##......#..#.# .....g...#S...... .$.b##$$$. .# !.. (++## ....#... ########.....# ..#........##+ ...........).#.....>♣........#.♣.♣..♣#####†bgg  †bgg*ą †bgg­€ †bggI„ †bgg Ž †bgg ” †bggAÀ ,.....g.b.SSgbwandering)†bggàÀ /==9†bgg Ï †bgg@Ó + _The hobgoblin shouts!†bggG Œ#####.# ##... #....###..#..#.# ......#g.b .$..##$$$S..... .# !.. (++## ....... #######.....# #........##+..........).#.........#..>♣........†bggg †bggö †bgg  †bgg) †bgg, †bgg' «g...b.Sb†bggˆ' 0--70†bggł0 †bgg>4 †bggț– q  You miss the adder with your +4 short sword.†bggé— †bgg™ †bggƛ u  You closely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.†bggB§ V.g.b†bgg#š ‚=-1.7 (1.1Rev †bgg± †bgg)” b _The adder bites you but does no damage. The bat hits you but does no damage.†bgg  Ő  You miss the adder with your +1 war axe.You closely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.†bggŸ †bggI †bggš é b...g. The bat hits you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you.†bggY d2.9 (1.2Rev+ †bggÀ' †bgg•+ K _The adder misses you.†bgg­Œ Ÿ  You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.  The adder is heavily wounded.†bgg †bgg t  You barely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.†bgg‘ †bgg ź .b..gThe bat hits you. The adder completely misses you.†bggì V8-4.1†bggƒš †bggÜ« = _The adder bites you but does no damage.†bggDCN  You slash the adder with your +1 war axe!†bgggE†bgg–GX  You kill the adder!†bgg­Q .b..gg   hobgoblinb   bat†bggĂW 255 -875.2 (1.1Rev* _The bat barely misses you. x2†bggGa†bggŚce _Your Axes skill increases to level 4!†bggŠăL  You slash the bat with your +1 war axe!†bggQó‰  You kill the bat!You hit the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.†bgg~ęR$$†bgg586.4 (1.2†bggP †bggq M _You kill the hobgoblin!‡bggx‡bgg*‡bggK ‡bgg‹ H _No target in view!‡bgg^‡bggć^‡bggBc‡bggÛfH _No target in view!‡bgg„Ù‡bggoÚ‡bgg“á‡bggÏă ‡bggíă:_No target in view!‡bgg©S‡bggjT‡bggó[‡bggJ^ ‡bggt^:_No target in view!‡bggžÌ‡bggS͇bgg¶Ô‡bgg ŚH _No target in view!‡bggëK‡bggÂL‡bggűS‡bgg’VC _No target in view!‡bggp J‡bgg»‡bggæ‡bgg€‡bgg©‡‡bgg늇bggä‡bggŚä‡bgg‹é‡bggRì‡bggMe‡bgg/f‡bggÌk‡bggűn‡bgg ”‡bggʔ‡bggu–‡bgglš‡bggćž; _‡bggœ ‡bggĄ69=‡bggHĄ‡bgg/Ł‡bgg~Š‡bggȘ‡bgg–Ș:Rev+ ‡bggŰ«‡bggŻŻ‡bgg°;69‡bggȇbggp”K _You now have 269 gold pieces (gained 14).‡bggč‡bggzč‡bgg’ș‡bgg^Ÿ‡bggŃŸ775=‡bggż‡bgg3À‡bggŠĆM _You now have 275 gold pieces (gained 6).‡bgg ȇbggDÈ?Rev ‡bggžÉ‡bggÓˇbggË·bggÏ+275‡bgg Đ‡bgg2Ô‡bgg+Ś‡bggvŚ‡bgg›Ú‡bgg]܇bgg߇bgga߇bgg%á‡bgg]ç» ... .######.## ##.# #.... #.##'.. ..#  #....###.....# #.## # #......# #. # #.....# .. ## #.....# .. # #.....# #### #...........#.# ..# #........@.-++####........##### ......##........# ......#####.....# ......#........##+ ................... ................... ‡bggŐđń....).#............ ......#..>80.0)‡bggÒòN-7.4 (11‡bggcęg _o - a blue potion‡bggœ 3‡bgg8 ‡bggQ‡bgg€X‡bggą,‡bgg‡bgg·‡bggí‡bgg/‡bggé‡bggĐ-Ƈbggl0é #....  .P_P.#.#####..# ‡bgg©0W~~≈.......<.# .~..######.##  #.... #.##'...# ..# ‡bgg1l #....###.....#.#######.##  #............#.......#.  #...........#.....# ..  #...........#@# ..92.4 (5.0)  #...........#.# ### ‡bggF1$ #...........#.#  #.............# ####........########........#‡bggq1k#####.....##........##+‡bggš1 ‡bggĘ7‡bggM8+3.4 (6‡bggM<‡bgg)?9 _Found a blossoming altar of Fedhas.‡bggDș ‡bggçș ‡bgg7» ‡bggèœ ‡bggƒÄ X‡bggLÇ ,‡bggíÇ ‡bggËÉ ‡bggŒË ‡bggșË ‡bggÌ ‡bgg7Î ‡bgg?Ö Ç#...# ##.≈~~. #....  # ..P_P.#.#####..#  #.#.~~≈.......<.#  ....~..######.## ‡bgg‘Ö ï.... #.##'...# ..# ....###.....#.#######.## ....#.......#. #...#...@.# .. #...#.###.....# #...#.# ..#### #...‡bggÁÖ Ą#.# .........# ..... #........###### .......‡bggíÖ ©g   gnoll (polearm, asleep) #........# ....... ‡bggŚ —####.....# g......##+‡bgg}à +6.4 (3‡bggòà +7.4 (4‡bggçæ ‡bgg4ì s _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.‡bggŰß B #...#   #....  # ..P_  #.#<.#  ...  #.##'...# ..# #.#######.## #.......#. #...@.# .. #.###.....#  ..####  ....  .....  .......  .......  g...... ‡bggCwŒ #...#   #....  # ..P_  #.#<.#  ... ‡bggśw% #.##'...# ..# #.#######.## #.......#. #...@.# .. #.###.....#  ..####  .... ..... .......  ....... g......‡bgg–‡bggG€‡bggꆇbgg1Š\ _A gnoll is nearby!ˆbgg€á #...# ##.≈~~. #.... # ..P_P.#.#####..# #.#.~~≈.<.# ....~..######.## #.... #.##'...# ..# #....###.....#.#.## #ˆbggV^.#.#.  #.#..@..# ..  #.#.###.....#  #.#.# ..####  #.#.# ....  #.# .....#.###### .......#.#ˆbgg€Ż .......#.....# g...... #.##+ˆbgg- H8.4 (1 _ˆbggèˆbgg]ˆbggÇ^Ź #...# ##.≈~~. #.... # ..P_P.#.#####..# #.#.~~≈.<.# ....~..######.##  #.... #.##'...# ..#  #....###.....#.#.##  #.#.#.ˆbgg*`» #.#.@...# .. #.#.###.....# #.#.# ..#### #.#.# .... #..# .....#.###### ....... .##.# ....... .#####.....# g...... .#.##+ˆbgggˆbggÀg&9ˆbgg!lˆbgg5nˆbggSÁ ő##.≈~~..# ..P_P.#.#####..# . #.#.~~≈.......< . ....~..######.###.... #.##'...# .. #....###.....#.#######.## #............#.......#.  #.#.....# .. #ˆbgg©Â ò.#@###.....# #.#.# ..#### #.#.# ....  #...# ..... ########## ....... ..##.# . ..#####.....# g...... ..#...#+......ˆbgg'Ê ˆbggÍÊ (800ˆbggtÏ ˆbgg;Ń ˆbggÎß # ..P_P.#.#####..# ..#.~~≈.......<.#  ....~..######.#  #.... #.##'...# ..# ###.....#.#######.#.........#.  #...# .###.....# ..###.. ..# ...............ˆbggïˆbgg[ &1ˆbggOˆbggÔ‰bgg}Q! ..#.~~≈.......<.#  ....~..######.#  #.... #.##'...# ..# ###.....#.#######.#.........#.  #...# .###.....# ..###.. ........ ###‰bggÛQ‚...#####.. ).#............‰bggšY‰bggŒZ&2‰bgg_‰bgg?a‰bggoö  ....~..######.#  #.... #.##'...# ..# ###.....#.#######.#..........#.  #........‰bggöì# .......#.###.....#......#.# ..###........ ........ ########.. .....# ‰bggžd..#..>.........‰bgg„‰bggŃ„&3‰bggrȘ‰bgg Ź‰bgg†ŁŽ. ....~..######.## # #.... #.##'...# ..# #....###.....#.#######.## #.....#.......#. #....#.....# .. #...#.###.....# #..#.# ..#### #.#.# .... #.# ..... +####........###### ..##........#‰bgg € . ...#####.....# g...... ...#.##+.. .).#. ...#..>.‰bgg ­‰bgga­&4‰bggÀȉbgg’Ž‰bggís n. ....~..######.## .# #.... #.##'...# ..# . #....###.....#.#######.## #.#.......#. #.#.....# .. # #.#.###.....# # #.#.# ..#### # #.#.# .... # #.# ..... ++####........###### ..##........# ..#####.....# g...... ....#.##+.. ..).#. ....#..>.‰bggë| ‰bgg[} &5‰bggŒ‚ ‰bggք ‰bggȚú ­ ... ....~..######.## #.# #.... #.##'...# ..# .. #....###.....#.#.## # #.#.#. # #.#.....# .. ## #.#.###.....# .# #.#.# ..#### .# #.#.# .... .# #.# ..... ‰bggü e.++####........###### ..##........# ..#####.....# g.......#........##+..... ...).#. .....#..>.‰bgg­ ‰bgg1 &6‰bgg ‰bgg ‰bggI K ... ....~..######.## ##.# #.... #.##'...# ..#. #....###.....#.#.## .# #.#.#. .# #.#.....# .. .## #.#.###.....# ..# #.#.# ..#### ..# #.#.# .... ..# #.# ..... ..++####........###### ..##..# ..#####.....# g.......#........##+..................).#............ ......#..>.‰bgg‰bgg}&7‰bggŽ‰bggv Šbggóm‹###.# #.... #.##'...# .. #... #....###.....#.#######.### #............#.......#. #.# #.#.....# .. ..## #.#.###.....# ...# #.#.# ..#### $..# #ŠbggÆn‘.#.# .... .# #...# ......++####.......@###### ............##........# ..#####.....# g.......#........##+...........).#.........#Šbggo€>......... .♣♣....#...Šbgg…xŠbggéx&8Šbggß~Šbgg@Šbgg»â§... #....###.....#.#######.## ...# #............#.......#. #.# #.#.....# .. ...## #ŠbggăN.#.###.....# $...# #.#.# ..#### $$..# #Šbgg;ă~.#.# .... ....# #...# ......++####........###### .......Šbgg]ă|.....##......@.# ŠbggăQ. #.#####.....#ŠbggĄăS g...... #.#...ŠbggÂăV#+ #.ŠbggăăK..... #.Šbggäa.... #.....).#..... Šbgg%äm#.......#..>......... Šbggcäw#.♣♣....#............ #.♣.♣..♣#####ŠbggsíŠbggđí&9ŠbggÌóŠbggśŠbggïxŚ....# #............#.......#. #.# #.#.....# .. $...## #.#.###.....# $$...# #.#.# ..####$$..# #.#.# .... .....# #...# ......++####........###### ...........##........# ##.#####..@..# g  #.#...#+  #......  #....  #.....).#......  #.......#..>.....  #.♣♣....#.......  #.♣.♣..♣#######  .♣♣.#ŠbggezŠbgg9{'10Šbgg‘ŠbggƒŠbggiäy#.# #.#.....# .. .ŠbggÁä)$...## #.#.###..... .$$...# #.#.# ..## .$$$..# #.#.# .... Šbggòä......# #...# ......++####........###### .....Šbgg(ćÆ.....##........# ###.#####.....# g ŠbggćŚ #.#...#+  #.......  #Šbgg”ć....  #.....).#... #.......#..>ŠbggęćĘ. #.♣♣....#... #.♣.♣..♣#######Šbgg&æs .♣♣.#  ŠbggTæE♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.#Šbgg1ńŠbggțń&1Šbgg]űŠbggŻúŠbgg, «$...## #.#.###.. ..$$...# #.#.# ..## ..$$$..# #..#.# .... .......# #....# .... 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Œbgg;} #.♣.♣..♣#.### ŒbggIJY2ŒbggÖ n ~~~r#..#####.# #.... #.## ~~~~....##... #....### ∩Œbgg_ Ž...# ~~~~~....#.# # ~~~~#..$...## # ~~~....$$...# # ..#....$$$..# # ..?.........# #..ŒbggȚ ä .....(....@.++####.####.....Œbgg! œ.##........########.#####.....# ##.##ŒbggQ i # #....... #.....).#.. #.......#..>Œbgg~ S #.♣♣....#...Œbgg Œbgg˜ &3Œbgg~ Œbgg Œbgg[ M...# ... .#..#####.# #.##~##...###∩~~~......#.~~....#.# ~#..$...#~~~....$$.#....$$$?.......@.# ......(......++######.............##...#######.......#####.....#ŒbggŠ] 1#.......#Œbgg†h Œbggri &4Œbgg˜p ŒbggÂr bgg«z6M..#..# ##...# ... .#..#####.# #.##~##...###∩~~~......#.bggd{Q~~....#.# ~#..$...#~~~....$$.#....$$$?.........# ......(......++#####.............##........#...# ...#.....).#.bgg©„bggô…&5bgg\Œbgg1ŽbggÖR­ ..#..# #. # ~~~...# ...  ~~~~#..#####.# #.... #. ~~~~....##... #....###bggćSê ∩~~~.......# # ~~~~~....#.# # ~~~~#..$...## # ~~~....$$...# # ..#....$$@..# # ..?.# # .....(......++####. ###....##. #.......#####..... #.......#. #.. #. #.....).#bggf]bggE^&6bgg­ebggŐobggïp387.4 (2bggÓxbggc|> _You now have 278 gold pieces (gained 3).bgg"Žă ..#..# #.  ~~~...# ...bgg”b ~~~~#..#####.# #.... #. ~~~~....##... #....### ∩~~~.......# # ~~~~~....#.# # ~~~~#..$...## # ~~~....$$...# # ..#....$@...# #bgg‡”J ..?.# # .....(......++#### ###...## #.......##### #.#bgge·¶. # # #.....).#bgg{żbggTÀ+8.4 (1bggŁÇbgg-ÓM  You now have 286 gold pieces (gained 8).bggGÔ4869.4 (2bggăٍbggYÜX _You see here a +1 dagger of venom.bggŸŐ í ..#..# #. ~~~...# ...bggÖ Č ~~~~#..#####.# #.... # ~~~~....##... #....### ∩~~~.# # ~~~~~....#.# # ~~~~#..$...## # ~~~....$$...# # ..#....@)...# # ..?bggSÖ !.# # .....(......++#### ###...##bgg„Ö u #.##### #.#bggžÖ ­ # # #.....).#bgg ß bggșß ,30.4 (1bggłć bggŹí bggMî 4901.4 (2bggüó bgg^ö > _You now have 290 gold pieces (gained 4).bggșya.....  ..#..# #. ~~~...# ... bgg {Á~~~~#..#####.# #.... #.~~~~....##... #....###∩~~~.......# #..~~~~~....#.# #.~~~~#..$...## #.~~~....$@...# #...#.....)...# #...?.........# #......(......++####.###.............##....#######.......######.##.#.........bggÿƒbgg—„+2.4 (1bgg Œbggœ•bggł–353.4 (2bggąšbggy> _You now have 295 gold pieces (gained 5).Žbgg•Ÿ9 ..... ..#..# #. ~~~...# ...ŽbggMż‘ ~~~~#..#####.# #.... # ~~~~....##... #....### ∩~~~.# # ~~~~~....#.# # ~~~~#..$...## # ~~~....@....# # ..#.....)...# # ..?.# #ŽbggÀÇ .....(......++#### ###...## #.......##### #.# # #ŽbggáÉŽbgg}Ê+4.4 (1ŽbggÓŽbggÜȚŽbgg„ß'302Žbgg­ß5.4 (2ŽbggæŽbggŒè> _You now have 302 gold pieces (gained 7).ŽbggYćìM...  ..#..# #.~~...# ... #..#####.# ~Žbggæ##...###∩~~~.......# #.~~~~~....#.# ~~~~###~~~.......#.....)...?.........# #............Žbgg—ïŽbgg_đ+6.4 (1ŽbggŠűŽbggœŽbgg1377.4 (2ŽbggRŽbgg±> _You now have 307 gold pieces (gained 5).ŽbggÛ d.....~..#..##.~~~~...## ...~~~~#..#####.# #....~~~~~....##... #....#∩~~~.......# #......~~~~~~....#.# #~~~~~#......## #~~~~...@.....# #ŽbggŒĘ ...#.....)...# #.?.........# ##.....(......++########.............## #######.......##### #.#... #. #Žbgg™æ ŽbggIç +8.4 (1Žbgg î Žbgg\đ ŽbggEt č~..#..##.~~~~~...## ...~~~~~~#..#####.# #....~~~~~~....##... #....#~~∩~~~.......# #.....~~~~~~~....#.# #ŽbggFu &~~~~~#......## #~~~~~.........# # ...#..@..)...# #.?.........# ###.....(......++#### ####.............## #######.##### #.#... #....... #.. #.....).#Žbgg5~ Žbggé~ &9Žbgg˜„ ŽbggŽ† bgg5V+~~~~...## ...~~~~~~#..#####.# #....~~~~~~....##... #....~~~∩~~~.......# #....~~~~~~~~....#.# #~~~~~~#......## #.~~~~~.........# #.#...#.....)...# #.....?.@.......# ####.....(......++#### ####.............##bggWË #######.##### #.......#... #....... #... #.....).# #.......#..>bggiabgg#b'40bggCjbggSlbggBs ~~~~~...## ... ~#..#####.# #.~~~~~~~....##... #.~~~∩~~~.# #.~~~~~~~~....#.# ##~~~~~~~#......## #.~~~~~.........# #[.#...#.....)...# ##.....?.# ##.....(......++#### ####.##bgg"C  #. #.......# #.. # #.....).# #.#..>bgg”NbggčO&1bggWbggÇY( _Found a ring mail.bggźÛ ~~~~~...## ....#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #.~~~~~~~....##... #.~~~∩~~~.......# #.~~~~~~~~....#.# #.#~~~~~~~#......## #.~~~~~.........# ##[.#...#.....)...# # #......# # ####.....(......++#### ####.##[bggsÜ~39;49m #######. #.......# # # #.....).# #.#..bggżæbggkç&2bggïbggÉűbggDù+3.4 (2bgg“bgg4] _q - a scroll of teleportationbgg”t ~~~~~...## ....#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #.~~~~~~~....##... #.~~~∩~~~.......# # ..~~~~~~~~....#.# ##.#~~~~~~~#......## # ...~~~~~.........# # #[.#...#.....)...# # #.# # ####.....(......++#### ####.## #######. #.bggŒzç# # # #.....).# #.#bgg‚bggZƒ+4.4 (1bgg¶ŠbggŒbggÉ ț ~~~~~...## ...#..#~#..#####.# ##...~~~~~~~....##... # ...~~~∩~~~.......# # ..~~~~~~~~....#.#  #.#~~~~~~~#......## #...~~~~~.........#  #[.#...#.....)...#  #.#  ####.....(......++ ####. #######. #.# # # #.....).# #.#bgg!Ô bgg Ő &5bgg Û bgglĘ bggțS ô ~~~~~...## ... #..#~#..#####.#  #...~~~~~~~....##...  ...~~~∩~~~.......# #..~~~~~~~~....#.# #.#~~~~~~~#......## #...~~~~~.........# #[.#...#.....)...# #.# ####.....(......++ ####. #######. #. # # #.....). #.bggŰ[ bggî\ &6bgg=b bggúc bgg‰Ôà ~~~~~...## ... #..#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #...~~~~~~~....##... ...~~~∩~~~.# #..~~~~~~~~....#.# #.#~~~~~~~#......## #...~~~~~...# #[.#...#.....)...# #.# ####.....(......++ #### #######bggŐô # # # #.....) #bggAʐbggÌĘ&7bggQăbgg8ćbggUi  ~~~~~...##   #..#~~~~~~~#..#####.#   #...~~~~~~~....##...   ...~~~∩~~~.#  bgg‡Uś #..~~~~~~~~....#.#   #.#~~~~~~~#......##   #...~~~~~.#   #[.#...#.....)...#  bgg°UD #.#  bggŐUŽ ####.....(......++   ####  bggûUh #######   #  bgg Vb #   #  bggEVu #.....   #bgg `bgg–`&8bggÙfbggÓhbgg…Ôì  ~..#..#   #.. .~~~~~...## .   #..#~~~~~~~#..#####.  bgg.Ő˜#...~~~~~~~....##...  bggJŐ` ...~~~∩~...#  bggaŐ bggvŐÜ #..~~~~~~~~....#.  bggŒŐ± #.#~~~~~~~#bggźŐ#  bggĂŐŰ...~~~~~.........#  #...#.....)...#  bggŰŐ6 ........bggïŐ.#  bgg=Öá####.....(+  ####.....  #######   #  bggQÖ2  #  bggeÖ2  #  bggŒÖH  #bggŸäbgg ć&9bggkëbggtđR _You see here a +0 ring mail.bgg·: bgg/; '50bgg]A bggâB ( _r - a +0 ring mail‘bggW>șWear which item? Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 leather armour (worn)  c - a +0 helmet (worn)  j - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)r - a +0 ring mail[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip ‘bggŸ ‘bgg ‘bggĘ% à ~..#..#crok the Chopper  #.. .~~~~~...## . Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 307  #..#~~~~~~~#..#####. Health: 39/39 ========================  ‘bgg& ##...~~~~~~~....##... Magic: 5/5========================  ...~~~∩~~~.......# AC: 5Str: 16  #..~~~~~~~~....#.# EV: 12Int: 7  #.#~~~~~~~#......## SH: 0‘bggÆ& wDex: 16  #...~~~~~.........# XL:  5 Next: 88% Place: Dungeon:3 ‘bggë&  #@.#...#.....)...# Noise: ---------  Time: 1850.4 (0.0) ‘bgg' ì ##...............# a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N ‘bgg|' Č ####.....(......+ Throw: 9 darts (poison)  ####..........  #######....  #....   #....  ‘bgg€' K #....   #....‘bggĆ' r  _You now have 302 gold pieces (gained 7). ‘bggç' H_You now have 307 gold pieces (gained 5). _Found a ring mail. ‘bgg( –_q - a scroll of teleportation _You see here a +0 ring mail. _r - a +0 ring mail‘bgg=- ‘bggŐ- +1.4 (1‘bggÂ2 ‘bgg79 d  You start removing your armour.‘bgg"> A2.4 (2‘bggE ‘bggĂE +3.4 (3‘bggÓI ‘bggtO ‘bggĂO +4.4 (4‘bggKT ‘bgg~[ ‘bggÚ[ +5.4 (5‘bgga ‘bgg1c † 2 _You continue removing your +0 leather armour. x4‘bggŚc ‘bgg‚g ‘bggńk ™  You finish removing your +0 leather armour.  You start putting on your armour.‘bgg]l +6.4 (6‘bgg$o ‘bgg8u ‘bgg‚u +7.4 (7‘bggVx ‘bggź| ‘bgg>} +8.4 (8‘bggő‚ ‘bggΉ ‘bgg9Š +9.4 (9‘bggŚ’ ‘bgg՚ ‘bgg3› $60.4 (1‘bggc› 0.0)‘bggœŸ ‘bggíĄ ‰ 71 _You continue putting on your +0 ring mail. x5‘bgg’ą ‘bgg § ‘bgg}© ^ _You finish putting on your +0 ring mail.‘bggpȚ ï  .....  #....#~..#..# ‘bggÇȚ ˜  #....~~~~~...##   #..#~~~~~~~#..##### ‘bggÿȚ #...~~~~~~~....##..  ...~~~∩~...#‘bggDß È  #..~~~~~~~~....#. ‘bggàß î #.#~~~~~~~# .~~~~~......... #...#.....)... ........‘bgg-à ­. ####.....( ####..... ####### ‘bggRà [ #  #‘bgg©à H  #‘bggćæ ‘bgg”ç /1.0) ‘bggúç _‘bgg)ì ‘bgg@î ’bggȜJ’bgga’bggghJM #.......... #~..#..# ..~~~~~...## #..#~~~~~~~#..######...~~~~##.....~~~∩~~~.......~~~~~~~~....#’bggÔh5#~~~~~~~##...~~~~~......##..#...#.....)  ’bggiž##.................# ’bgg$q’bgg«q&2’bgg¶v’bggŻx’bgg .M ##.## .## #.......... #~..#..# ..~~~~~...## #~~~~~~~#..######...~~~~##..#...~~~∩~~~......’bggș„.~~~~~~~~....##~~~~~~~##...~~~~~......  ##..#...#.....)........ ##’bgg”’bgg’bggF3’bgg!’bgg[’bggη5M .. .  ##.## .## #.......... ’bgg2ž}.#~..#..# ..~~~~~...## #~~~~~~~#..#####~~~##..’bggcžˆ#.@.~~~∩~~~......##..~~~~~~~~....##~~~~~~~#’bgg‰žą#  #...~~~~~.........’bggΞU.#.. ’bggčF##.#’bggŁż’bgg~À&4’bggčÄ’bggÚÆ’bggD ^M##  .. .  ##.###.## #.......... #~..#..# ..~~~~~...## ’bgg» ƒ#~~~~~~~#..#####~~~##.....~~~∩~~~......##..~~~~~~~~....#  ’bggë ń#.#~~~~~~~#......#. ..’bgg G####’bgga ’bgg~ &5’bgg~ ’bggî ’bggœ jM ## # .. .. ##.###.## #.......... .#~..#..# ..~~~~~...## ’bggđœ œ#~~~~~~~#..#####~~~##.....~~~∩~~~......  ##..~~~~~~~~....#.#.##...’bggÌÆ ’bggÿÇ &6’bggčÎ ’bgg#Ń “bgg(óéM ### # .. .. ##.###.## #.......... #~..#..# ..~~~~~...## #~~~~~~~#..#####~~~~“bggŸó!##..  #...~~~∩~~~.......#~~ ~##......“bggžû“bgg0ü&7“bgg/“bggL“bggX§      #### #“bggÖ§W .. ..  ###.##.  ##..........  #..@.#~..#..#  #....~~~~~...## . “bggš9#..#~~~~~~~#..##### #...~~~~~~~....##... “bgg;šŽ#...~~~∩~~~.......# “bggešz##..~~~~~~~~....#.#  #.#~~~~~~~#“bggˆš(## “bggźš+#...~~~~~.........# ##..#...#.....)...#“bgg”±“bggšČ&8“bggŰ·“bggÉč“bgg‹áòM ### #. #.. ..  ##.###.##. ##.@........ #~..#..# ..~~~~~...##  “bggâÄ#..#~~~~~~~#..#####.#...~~~~~.“bgghé“bggÏé&9“bggDî“bggeńe _You hear the slow rusting of a drain.“bggW« "M #######. #....... ##@###.##. ##.......... #~..#..#  #....~~~~~...## .~~~~ “bggŰ« 6~~#.#~~~~~~~“bggŸł “bggŽ '70“bgg‘· “bggžč “bggI¶ W        “bgg·¶  ########.# #.@......# ###.##..  ##..........  #....#~..#..# #  “bggʶ Ł #....~~~~~...## .   “bgg· ^#..#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #...~~~~~~~....##... #...~~~∩~~~.......#“bggF· D ##..~....#.#“bgg'ż “bggŹż &1“bggÄ “bggéĆ ”bggHZm #”bgg [!.#  #.#  ##.###.##. ##..........  #....#~..#..# #. #....~~~~~...## . #..#~#. #..”bggH[f #.. ”bggía”bggšb&2”bggf”bggÖh”bggŸ#.# #.# ##.###.##.##.......... ##....#~..#....~~~~~...##..#~~~~~~~#..”bgg•Ò#...~~~~~~~...#...~~~∩~~~.. ”bggŐ"”bgge#&3”bggm(”bggg*”bgg ”ú#.# #.# ##.###.##....###..........###....#~..#..#....~~~~~...##..#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #”bggŚ˜7#...~~~~~~~....##... ##...~~~∩~~~.......# # ”bgg œ”bggž&4”bggì ”bggÄą”bggÉ ł##.# #.# ##.###.##....# ##..........### #....#~..#..##....~~~~~#..#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #. ”bggÎ #...~~~~~~~....##... #. #...~~~∩~~~.......# #. ##..~....#.# # ”bggŸ ”bggS! &5”bgg& ”bggk( ”bggg· Ż+#.# #.# #.# ##.###.##....# ”bggž E##..........### #....#~..#..#....~~~~~...#..#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #.#...~~~~~~~....##... #.#...~~~∩~~~.......# #.##..~....#.# #.”bggdŸ ”bggÖŸ &6”bggÂ ”bggßÄ •bgg1Ò#+#  #.# ########@# ........# .###.##....# ##..........####....#~..#..# #•bggŽ1P.#....~~~~~...## ... #..#~~~~~~~#..#####.# #.#...~~~~~~~....##... #.#...~~~∩~~~.......# #..•bggÊ9•bggò:&7•bgg"?•bggA•bggÏ>žM+####### #........# ##.###.##....#.......#..#.~~...•bgg‡E•bgg]F&8•bgg'J•bggL•bggƒHM#.......##......r#.B....#....$#.......'•bgg:IűB   giant cockroach (asleep)r   rat (asleep)•bggKQ7  You open the door.•bgg3Zj.BB•bggËZ&9•bgg/b•bgg©f™ _A giant cockroach and a rat come into view. _Found 7 gold pieces.•bgg›î—#+#......#r#......#B..$..##.......###........#•bggïJ####### #........# ##.###.##....#..........### #~..#..# #..~~~~~...## ...##..#####.#•bgg4ó•bgg°úF.B•bggÈû.80 _•bgg“ •bggÓ Q _There is an open door here.•bggï  .######+#.......r....$..# B.....##.@......###'##'##.#•bggŹ ####### #........# ##.###.##....#..........### #~..#..# #..~~~~~...## ...•bggà •bggi .=1•bgg  •bgg6 U _The giant cockroach misses you.–bggÓóÊ  You hit the giant cockroach with your +1 war axe.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.–bggGôUYou hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.–bggćô\7--2.6 (1.2–bgg8ő,Rev –bggæû–bggMÿt _The giant cockroach bites you. The giant cockroach misses you.–bgg„Î&  –bggÏÛYou closely miss the giant cockroach with your +1 war axe.The giant cockroach is moderately wounded.You hit the giant cockroach with your +4 short sword.–bggHÖb  You kill the giant cockroach!–bggÜŰN  The rat squeaks loudly. You hear a shout!–bggÁá>g.–bgg$âĘr$g   hobgoblin (wandering)r–bggáäP307 90==–bgg!ć3.7 (1.1–bggŹé–bggì\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.–bgg¶s ó##  .######+#.....g..r...$..# ##.......##'##'##.# #.# ######## #........#  ##.###.##....#..........####~..#..# #–bggpv –bggÏv –bggT~ Ë.r.r   rat–bggò~ 6---40–bggž„ –bgg'‰ Q _You see here 6 gold pieces.—bggÛŐ—bggÓŰL.r—bggÚ†138=----5—bggNà—bggÁă> _You now have 313 gold pieces (gained 6).—bggłß±## .#####.##+#...... #.# #.# #.# #...r$..# #.## #.—bggÉàš# ##'##'##.# #.# .# ##.# ##........# ##.###.##....###....### —bggæ—bgg ńï gg   goblinr   ratThe rat misses you.—bggŸń.=6—bggVù—bgg}ÿu _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.—bggȚć „  You barely miss the rat with your +4 short sword.You slash the rat with your +1 war axe!—bggĘô —bgg`ę j.g$—bgg‹ -7.9 (1.2—bgg —bgg G _You kill the rat!—bggĄ3‘. .##  ..#####.##+#.....g#.# #.# #.......# #...@$..# #.## #........# ##'##'##.# #.# .# #########.# .#........# .####.##....###..........###—bggą5—bggÄ7—bgg?ABg.B   giant cockroach (wandering)g   goblin—bgg0B+-8˜bgg" 0˜bggđ˜bggü — _A giant cockroach comes into view. _You see here 8 gold pieces.˜bgg9˜bggÁ9˜bggö@”..gg   goblin˜bgg$B$21˜bggZB|9==-9˜bggéH˜bggUM> _You now have 321 gold pieces (gained 8).˜bggÖI>. .## . ..#####. ##+#...... ˜bggTŁ#......g# #.# #.# #....@..# #.## #.# ##'##'##.# ˜bgg–,#.##.# .###.##.# ##.˜bggα.##.###.###.##....# ˜bgg–˜bgg+.g˜bggÄ/90˜bggŚ˜bgg8!~ _Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here 7 gold pieces.˜bggmÉš gg(unaware)You now have 328 gold pieces (gained 7).˜bggúÊB81˜bgg=Ò˜bggŠŐL _The goblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.˜bgg! ßM#.#>. ...## .. ..#####.#+#.....B.g ##˜bggŰ Đ#........#B   giant cockroach (wandering)..#˜bgg‚+ ˜bgg, &2˜bggû2 ˜bgg67 U _The giant cockroach is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.™bggïïp  The goblin shouts!  You puncture the goblin with your +4 short sword!™bggű}B$B™bggÚûČ=1====4.0 (1.1Rev ™bgg'™bggJ _You kill the goblin!™bggŠ€¶#? #.# #>. #..## ... ...#####..##+#.....B#.......# #.# #.# ™bgg@„í#.# #.## #........###'##'##.#  #.##.# .#########.##.# .#........##.#™bggŻ™bgg°K----50™bggr”™bggșŸ _Found a scroll of teleportation.  Things that are here: _6 gold pieces; a +0 dagger™bggí ™bgg"wPick up what? 18/52 slots (_ for help) ™bggušHand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 dagger Gold (select all with $)b - 6 gold pieces [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]šbggášbgg:> ™  b + 6 gold pieces[Enter] accept (1 chosen)šbggû$šbggV-šbgg_5>crok the Chopper#?Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 328 #.#.Health: 39/39 ========================#>...Magic: 5/5šbggË5e========================#..## ...AC: 7Str: 16...#####..EV: 11Int: 7##+#.....BSH: 0Dex: 16#.......#šbgg 6ŠXL:  5 Next: 91% Place: Dungeon:3#.....@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1895.0 (0.0)#.......#šbggI6Oa) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#.......#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.......##Rev šbggq6#........###'##'##.#B   giant cockroachšbgg˜6„#.##.# .#šbggŰ6########.##.# .##........##.#The goblin shouts!  You puncture the goblin with your +4 short sword! šbggu7ă_You kill the goblin! _Found a scroll of teleportation.  Things that are here: _6 gold pieces; a +0 daggeršbgg+?šbggž?P346.0 (1šbgg’Cšbgg‚F> _You now have 334 gold pieces (gained 6).›bggK]›bggŁ_`Gozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy Gozag Ym Sagoz the Greedy teaches that the world belongs to the rich. Those accepting this principle may exchange their gold for divine assistance. Followers of Gozag do not earn piety; the only way to impress this god is by ›bgg`Żamassing a fortune, and worshippers may request as much assistance as they can afford. Fortunately, Gozag's worshippers are said to have the touch of gold. Title - Entrepreneur Favour - Gozag is aware of your devotion. Granted powers:(Cost)Gozag turns your defeated foes' bodies to gold. ›bgg)`ÓYour enemies may become distracted by gold. You can petition Gozag for potion effects.(400 Gold)You can fund merchants seeking to open stores in the dungeon. (800 Gold)›bgge`ńYou can bribe branches to halt enemies' attacks and recruit allies. (3000 Gold)[!]: Overview|Powers|Wrath|Extra bggVă bggë bggŁő>crok the Chopper#?Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 334 #.#.Health: 39/39 ========================#>...Magic: 5/5 bggAöï========================#..## ...AC: 7Str: 16...#####..EV: 11Int: 7##+#.....BSH: 0Dex: 16#.......#XL:  5 Next: 91% Place: Dungeon:3#.....@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 1896.0 (0.0)#.......# bggIśÙa) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#.......#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.......###........###'##'##.#B   giant cockroach#.##.# .#########.##.# .##........##.#You puncture the goblin with your +4 short sword! _You kill the goblin! _Found a scroll of teleportation.  Things that are here: _6 gold pieces; a +0 dagger _You now have 334 gold pieces (gained 6). bggYț bgg ÿ bgg bggŚ  bggW  bgg   bggș F _Unknown command. bggiő G#? #.# #>. #..## .......#####.....##+#.....Bg....#.#  bgg ö –#.....).# #.# #.##.###........# ##'##'##.# g   hobgoblin (wandering) #.##.# .#########.##. bggZö A# .# bggŒę R  The hobgoblin shouts! You hear an angry hiss. bgg‚ÿ  bgg\ Ż Bg.The giant cockroach is no longer distracted by gold. bgg J====7.0 (1 bgg  bgg[ U _The giant cockroach misses you.Ąbggż!Đ  You closely miss the giant cockroach with your +4 short sword.You hit the giant cockroach with your +1 war axe.Ąbggæ"<=---Ąbgg#R8.2 (1.2Rev ĄbggI-Ąbggu0G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.ĄbggŠèĄbgg\é:---ĄbggŒńĄbgghôĄbggì  You closely miss the giant cockroach with your +1 war axe.The giant cockroach is severely wounded.You puncture the giant cockroach with your +4 short sword!ĄbggL‘Ąbggdš g.g   hobgoblin  You kill the giant cockroach!Ąbgg'Ÿl29.3 (1.1Rev+ ĄbggkȘĄbggaźV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.ĄbggĄ l  You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage.Ąbggț* ƒ ww   ribbon worm (wandering)g   hobgoblinYou barely miss the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.A ribbon worm comes into view.Ąbgg•+ /900.5 (1.2Ąbgg36 Ąbgg29 O _The hobgoblin misses you.ąbgg?Ż±  You hit the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.  The hobgoblin is lightly wounded.  You slash the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe!ąbgg ±ąbgg„ž‚.$wwąbggÍ»33441.6 (1.1Rev* ąbggLÁąbggBĂM _You kill the hobgoblin!ąbgg­”á#? #.# #>. #..## ...#####.##+#....@w......#.......####....#.....).# .#.# #.##.## #........#ąbgg5•˜##'##'##.# ąbgg1Ą6(catching breath)ąbgg˜§»  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.ąbggu2)ąbgg|3ș 5 -209 darts (poison)Held Rev+ ąbggć9ąbggû= _You are caught in a web!  There is a web here. _You see here 13 gold pieces.ąbggJń R  You struggle to detach yourself from the web.ąbggò .=3ąbggźś ąbgg’ù C _The ribbon worm bites you but does no damage.ąbggCąbggE‘11 49 darts (poison)Rev+ ąbggŽ%ąbggŠ'n _The web tears apart. The ribbon worm closely misses you.Łbgg’Šű  (catching breath)  You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.You slash the ribbon worm with your +1 war axe!Łbgg!Ź»  The ribbon worm expels a string of sticky webbing.The stream of webbing hits you but does no damage.Łbgg>6Łbgg7x 5 =5.8 (1.29 darts (poison)Łbgg_7FHeld Rev+ ŁbggŒ?Łbgg!C. _You are caught in a web!Łbgg7‹ŁbggȚ‹11 --609 darts (poison)Rev+ ŁbggΓŁbggC–* _The web tears apart.Łbggp€  You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +1 war axe.The ribbon worm is severely wounded.You hit the ribbon worm but do no damage.Łbgg>Ă8-=-8.0 (1.2Rev* Łbgg‰Łbggü‹0 _The ribbon worm bites you.Łbggž $  You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.  The ribbon worm is severely wounded.You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +1 war axe.Łbgg[ V9=9.2Łbgg Łbgg‹" X _The ribbon worm barely misses you.ŁbggZj  You barely miss the ribbon worm with your +1 war axe.The ribbon worm is severely wounded.You hit the ribbon worm with your +4 short sword.Łbggk)10.4ŁbggärŁbgg‚uX _The ribbon worm barely misses you.€bggMćR  You hit the ribbon worm with your +1 war axe.€bggxîE$€bgg/òQ334 61.6€bggTù€bggŠûO _You kill the ribbon worm!€bgg-i.........S.#? ....#.# #...#>. ...#..## ..#...#####.##+#....$@.#.####....##.....).# ..##.......# ##.......##.......## S   adder (wandering)#........###'##'##.# €bggÁph  An adder comes into view.€bggxr€bggD}R)S€bggÏ}4-20€bggŚ„€bggʇ™ _Found a glowing spear. _You see here 9 gold pieces.€bgg ’D ...... ...).. #? ...... #.# #...S.. #>. ....... #..## ....... #...#####. ##+#....@$. #.####....# #.....).# ..# #.......#€bggҒ # #.......# #.......## #........# ##'##'##.#  #.##.# .#€bggs–€bggǞU.S€bgg c=-3 _€bgg:§€bggȘ«R _You see here 13 gold pieces.€bgg%ć = ...... ...).. #? ...... #.# #...... #>. ....S.. #..## ....... #...#####. ##+#...@$$. #.####....# #.....).# ..# #.# # #.#€bgg‘æ Ź #.## #..# ##'##'##.#  #.##.# .#€bggXê €bgg·đ 0.€bgguń ]4Rev+ €bggś €bggóù / _The adder hisses angrily.€bgg|Ž @...... ...).. #? ...... #.# #...... #>. ...S... #..## ....... #...#####. ##+#....@$. #.####....# #.....).# ..# #.# # #.##.## S   adder#..###'##'##.# €bggò· €bggȘž €bggÁ W.S€bggáÁ &5€bggrÊ €bggqÍ R _You see here 13 gold pieces.„bgg69C...... ...).. #? ...... #.# #...... #>. ....... #..## ....... #...#####.S..... ##+#....$@. #.####....# #.....).# ..# #.......# # #.......#„bggç9ä#.......## #........###'##'##.# „bgg`=„bgg~DQ.S„bggÜE-6 _„bggžJ„bggzMQ _You see here 9 gold pieces.„bggŸeM  You now have 343 gold pieces (gained 9).„bggfK43=7„bggbl„bggîn= _The adder bites you but does no damage.„bgg}óś  You hit the adder with your +1 war axe.  The adder is heavily wounded.You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.„bgg5ô-8.8 (1.2„bggCę„bgg4U _The adder barely misses you. x2„bggÔ ......#......# ...)..##? ......##.# #####>. ..##..## #.#...#####@......###+#....$.S.......#.......####....##.....).# ....# #.# .####.# ..#.## .##........# .###'##'##.#„bgg  v  You hear the rusting of a drain nearby.„bgg} ,90„bgg™ „bggG = _The adder bites you but does no damage.„bggƒL Î.......# .......# ....)..# #? #......# #.# ####......# #>. ..# #..## #.# #...#####.# ##+#....$.S.#.####....##.....).# ....# #.......# .„bgg„M ò.####.......# ... #.......## ##.# „bggŠY |  The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.„bgg>Z ș8===-20Pois Rev+ „bgg4a „bggAd , _The adder poisons you!Šbgg˜&K.......#)#?#.....# ###>. .....## #.#######+#....$.S.........####....###.).# ....# ...##..# ##.#.# #'##'## #.##.# Šbgg«/p  You feel sick. The adder barely misses you.Šbggs0Ž7--1Rev Šbgg‚;ŠbggŒ>= _The adder bites you but does no damage.Šbgg™Šbggՙ8-Šbgg&ąŠbgg4€Šbgg'ą You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.The adder is heavily wounded.  You miss the adder with your +1 war axe.The adder bites you.  You are more poisoned.3====--2.9 (1.1Rev+ ŠbggG­ B _The adder poisons you!Šbggôą M_The adder poisons you!bar barely miss the adder with your +1 war axe. but does no damage. The adder bites you.ŠbggțŁ ê34329=======-----4.1 (1.2Pois Rev* Šbggy« ŠbggLź , _The adder poisons you!Šbggƒ$šYou are more poisoned. _The adder poisons you!closely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.The adder is heavily wounded.  You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.  You feel very sick.ŠbggŹ%Ł26----5.3Pois ŠbggÛ,Šbgg˜0= _The adder bites you but does no damage.§bgg>sĆ  You feel very sick. _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You hit the adder with your +1 war axe.  The adder is almost dead.  You barely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.  You feel very sick.§bggtj3---6.5§bgg|§bggÈ~z _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you.§bggóÚÜ  You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.The adder is almost dead.You hit the adder with your +1 war axe.§bggùä– $  You kill the adder!§bgg·ć§bggàí.......#crok the Chopper.......#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 343 ....)..#Health: 22/39 =============-----------#?#......#Magic: 5/5========================#.# ####......#AC: 7Str: 16#>. .........#EV: 11Int: 7#..## #.......#SH: 0Dex: 16#...#####.......##XL:  5 Next: 105% Place: Dungeon:3##+#....$.$@.......Noise: =--------  Time: 1927.7 (1.2)#.......####....###a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N[§bggìî11;6H#.....).# ....#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.......# ..###Pois Rev* #.......# ...#.......## ##.##........# .###'##'##.# .##.##.# .#You feel very sick. _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you.You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.The adder is almost dead.You hit the adder with your +1 war axe.  You kill the adder!§bggźđ„ - _You feel sick.  You have reached level 6!§bggàú/  --more--§bggæR X5/466/66 3% §bggŐY §bgg™\ 4 _šbggž"T .# .......# ....)..# #? #......# #.# ####......# #>. ..# #..## #.# #...#####.## ##+#....$.. #.####....### #.....).# ....#šbggĐ#H #.......# ..### #.# ... #.## ##.# #.# .# ##'##'##.# .#  #.##.# .#šbgg»,šbggŚ-4-80šbggő4šbggüAc _You feel sick.  You now have 350 gold pieces (gained 7).šbggîB†504--9.7 (2šbggJšbgg M$ _You feel sick.šbgg-û .# .......# ....)..# #? #......# #.# ####......# #>. ...# #..## #.# #...#####.## ##+#....$šbgg+đ. #.####....### #.....).# ....# #.......# ..### #.......# ... #.......## ##.# #........# .#  ##'##'##.# .#  #.##.# .#šbgg„S3-šbggț%30.7 (1šbgg$šbggn&$ _You feel sick.šbggŸp# šbggsq.#šbggÜq0 .......#šbgg=rY ....)..#šbggŸr< #?šbggúrO #......#šbggqsx #.# ####......#šbggEw( #>. .........# #..## #.......#šbggxb #...#####.##šbggżxP ##+#....šbgg$y.šbgg€y' #šbggÖyS.####....###šbggxzč #.....).# ....#šbggïzy #.......# ..###šbggL{> #......šbgg«{w.# ... #......šbgg|x.## ##.# #......šbggm|:..# .#šbgg}Č ##'##'##.# .# šbgg}g #.##.# .#šbggp‡šbgg9ˆ]1Rev+ šbgg’šbgg*›d _You feel sick.  You now have 363 gold pieces (gained 13).šbggȜt632-2.7 (2šbggêĄšbgg#€$ _You feel sick.šbgg5Ž  .# .......# ....)..# #? #......# #.# ####......# #>. .........# #..## #.......# #...#####.## šbggôŽ ##+#. #.####....### #.....).# ....# #.......# ..### #.......#.......#.......##'##'## šbgg˜ 3  You feel sick.šbggö˜ Š1--3.7 (1Rev+ šbgg Ÿ šbggoą [ _You are no longer poisoned.šbggyĐ .......# .......#  ....)..# #? #......# #.# ####šbgg±Ń ”# #>. ...# #..## #.# ...####### ##+#............... #.......####....####.....).# ....# #.# ..####.# ...#.## ##.##........# .###'##'##.# .#šbggȘÙ šbggCÚ &4šbggŠà šbggrâ ©bggQT##......# .......# .......#  ....)..# #? #......# #.#.####### #>........©bggòQ5# #..## #.# ...####### ##+#............... #.......####....####.....).# ....##.# ..####.# ...#.## ##.##.......©bgg2X©bggĂX\2=5©bggžY/Rev ©bggR^©bggV`©bggŹ!/......# ##### ...# ........#  ....)..# #? #......# #.#.####### #>........# #..######.# ...####### ##+#................#.......####....#####.....).# .....©bggI#ę##.# ...####.# ....#.## ##.#©bgg+©bggs,&6©bgg#2©bgg4©bggyŐ7########  #......# ###### ....# ...........#  ......)..# #? #......# #.#.####### #>........# #..######.# ©bggÖ...####### ##+#................#.......####....#####.....).# .....##.# ...####.# ....©bggŚß©bggkà&7©bggÎć©bggè©bggkR (©bggôR N########  #......# ###### .# .....#  .......)..# #? #...@..# ©bggîS #.#.####### #>........# #..######.# ...#########+#................#.......####....#####.....).# .....##.# ...###©bgg[ ©bggŐ[ &8©bggŹb ©bggíd ©bgg„R9M###### #####.. ....? ###.#.######©bgg#SȚ>.......#..######.......#.......#©bggD^©bggé^o3==9©bgg‘b©bggRfw _You see here a +0 spear of venom.ȘbggĄ‹=40Șbgg’‘ȘbggŠ“M _s - a +0 spear of venomȘbggÀ‚ J ######## #......# #####......# .#.# .....# #? #####......# #.#.######......# #>........# ###.# #...####### ##+#................ #.......####....####ȘbggŽ‡ ȘbggDˆ 33631ȘbggŒ ȘbggŽ «bggÖ)] ######## #......#######......#.##.# ......#«bgg{*l #? ######......# #.#.######......# #>........# ###.# #...####### ##+#................«bggș.«bgg/T4=2«bggĂ1«bggÀ3«bggÜ* # #......##......#.##.#.# #? .######......#  #.#.######......# «bggz— #>..#  #..######.# #...#####.##  ##+#.«bgga«bggì&3«bggç«bggÄ «bgg· ź ## #......##......#.##.##.# #?#.######......# #.#.######......# #>.«bggž ;.......# #..######.......# #...#####.......##  ##+#.«bggșœ «bggWŸ &4«bggŽÂ «bggšÄ «bggE 5 ######## #......##......#.#.###.# #.# #?#.######......# #.#.######......# #>.......# #..######.......# #...#####.......##  ##+#.«bggČK «bgg\L &5«bggrU «bggTW «bggś 8 ######## #......##......##.##.###.# #.# #?#.######.# #.#.######.# #>...# #..######....# #...#####....## «bggĄś K ##+#.«bggÚę «bggcÿ \5=6«bgg «bggö «bggG 0######## #......###########......# #.........# #.###.# #..##?#.######......# #.#.######...# #>.............# #..######.....«bgg$!Č..# #...#####.......###+#................ #.......####....####«bggG'«bggš'&7«bgg°+«bgg,-Źbgg%do######## #......###########......# #.........# #.###.# #..##?#.######......# #.#.######......# #>..............# #..######.......# #...#####.##ŹbggÚdÜ#+#......... #.......####....#### #.....).# .....#Źbgg@kŹbggšk&8ŹbggpŹbggŁqŹbggçŹbggš€Źbggh…Źbggú†Źbgg` rM###### Źbgga ”#..###########....#.### #.......?#.######...#.#.######......#.ŹbggFa \..#.#+Źbggli Źbgg?j &9Źbggo Źbggąs Źbgg\9 ­ ######## #......# ##########......# #....##.###.# #.......# #?#.######......# #.#.######......#Źbggń9 ( #>.......# ##. #...####### ##+#................Źbggò> Źbggú? U6=50ŹbggőD ŹbggÈG Źbggęù # #......# #......# #.#Źbgg‘ę #.###.## #....# #?#.######.....# #.#.######......#  #>.#  #..######.# ŹbggÚę‹ #...#####.##  ##+#.Źbgg±Źbgg"&1Źbgg! Źbggź ­bggđ­bgg~­bggä ­bggA"­bggïbm # #......# #......# #.# #.###.# #.#.....# #?#.######......# #.#.######......#­bgg€cș #>.# #..######.# #...#####.##  ##+#. ­bgg1i­bgg’i&2­bggm­bggÁn­bggHź @######## #......###########......# #.........# #@###.....# #.#.......# #?#.######......# #.#.######......# #>........# #..######.# #...#####.####+#........ #.......####....###­bggDł ­bgg(Ž &3­bggjž ­bggáč źbggPć ########......#########.........###......?#.######....#.....).# .....#źbgg4źbgg"\7=4źbggĐ źbgg\ źbggu=ź ########......#########.........źbgg€=O###..######.źbggș=]>........#źbggá=€...#.......# ...###źbgg°EźbggMF&5źbgg?JźbggPźbggQ+6.7 (2źbgg¶TźbggCWi _q - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1)źbggLtM###############...##.......#.#######>..............#źbgg-#...źbggG!źbgg"Y8=7.7 (1źbggF/źbgg„ÆM###############.......##......#.#.######......#. .. źbggĄˆźbgg1‰&8źbgg9Œźbgg ŽźbggA ;########  #......# ########### #.@.......# #.###.....# #.#.............# źbgg Ż#.#.#######.#.#######>........# #..######.# #...#####źbgg° \## ##+#................źbggó źbgg© &9źbgg źbggg źbggŽ± Æ# #......# #......# #.# #.###.# #.#.....# #.#.######.#.#>.#źbggŚ± ź#..######.##...#####.####+#.źbggÜ” źbggx¶ '60źbgg™ș Żbgg„7Î# #......# #......# #.# #.###.# #.#....# #.#.######......##.#.######......# Żbgg@<Żbggń<=9=Żbgg=1Żbggß@ŻbggłBŻbgg0Æ# #......# #......# #.# #.###.# #.#...# #.#.######......##.#.######......##>.....##..#. ŻbggĄąŻbggBŁ&2Żbggù„Żbggꊯbggÿ# #......# Żbgg!€#......# #.Żbgg;x# #.###.ŻbggS# #.#..# ŻbggxX#.#.######....Żbgg•†..##.#.######....ŻbggÏ..##>......##..######.....Żbgg\ @..# Żbgg†Żbggœ&3Żbgg/ŻbggçŻbggöŚM######## #......# #......# #.# Żbgg8Ű^#.###.# #.#.# #.#.######......#ŻbggZ۱#.#.######......##>..ŻbggƒŰv.....##..######......ŻbggžŰ\.##...#####......ŻbggčŰ7.## ŻbggšȚŻbgg%ß&4ŻbggjâŻbggYäŻbggF\######## #......# #......# #.# #.###.# #.#.# #.#.######.##.#.######.##>.......##..######.......##...#####.......## ŻbggûJŻbggȘK630=ŻbggÒK5ŻbggIOŻbgg-QŻbggx±ț######## #......# #......# #.Żbggł±é# #.###.# #.#.# Żbggα…#.#.######......#Żbggă±o#.#.######......#Żbggű±‡#>.......#ŻbggČ[#..######.......#ŻbggPČp#...#####.......## ŻbggČžŻbgg|čŻbgg“č6Żbgg‡œŻbgg(żŻbgg *à## #......# #......# #.# #.###.# #.#.# #.#Żbgg +6#.#.######[14;7H#>..#..######.#...#####. Żbggő/ŻbggÙ0&7ŻbggY4ŻbggĂ5ŻbggÚ\&#########......# ##########......# #...............# Żbgg ]Ű#.#### #.#...# #.#.####### ŻbggC]4#.#.#####Żbggg]€#>........#..######ŻbggŠ]Y#.#.ŻbggŻ]V####+#.........Żbggí]4#.......####....####ŻbggècŻbggd\1=8ŻbggnhŻbggòiŻbggQ f#########......# ##########......# #...............# #.#### #.#...# #.#.####### #.#.######......# #>........#..#######.#.####+#.........#.......####....#####.....).# .....#Żbgg# Żbggj# &9Żbgg€' Żbggś( Żbggäœ í#########......# ##########......# #...............# #.#### #.#...# #.#.####### #.#.######......# #>..............# #..######ŻbggŸ ì#..####+#.........#.......####....#####.....).# .....##.......# ...###Żbgg{€ Żbgg9„ '70Żbgg(Ș ŻbggôŹ h _You hear the rusting of a distant drain.Żbgg\Á ########......#########.........ŻbggŸ###..######>..........#######.......# ....###.Żbgg‹Żbgg&1Żbgg‰"Żbgg$°bgg tÁ ########......#########.........°bgg«t†###.....#########>..........######.#####..###...#.......## ##.#°bggT}°bgg~T2=2°bggEƒ°bggT…°bggà  ......#########.........###.......#########>..........######.#######+#.........######........# .#°bggu#°bggÏ#&3°bggT)°bgg,°bggĆĂč##########......# #...............# #.#### #.#...# #.#.####### #.#.######......# #>..............# #..####### #.#.####+#..........'.  #.......####....######.  #.....).# ......#  #.......##....###  #.###....  #.######.##. .#  ##'##'##4°bggy" ƒ#...............#  #.####  #.#...#  #.#.#######  #.#.######......#  #>..............#  #..#######  #.#.#####.. ##+#..........'.. #.......####....######. #.....).##......# #.......##....### #.###.... #.######.# #. .# ##'##'##.##.# .#°bggà( °bggB) &5°bggÉ- °bggŽ/ ±bggü¶±bggU·±bggŃŒ±bgg^Ÿ±bggfi«#.# #.###.# #.#.# #.#.######......# #.#.######......# #>.# #..######.# #...#####.#####.+#.'. .####....######. .....).##......# .##....##±bgg jæ# .###.... .######.# ±bggq±bggGrW33=6±bgg„v±bggŸx±bgg!C$.# .###...........# .#......# .#.######......# .#.######......# >...# ..######.......# # ...#####.±bggšC#####...# +#.'...+####....######...#).##......# ###....######....######.# ±bggÊC±bgg7L±bgg6M&7±bggAR±bggS±bggŽÚ °# ###.# #......# #.######......# #.######......# .....# ######.......# .# #####.#####...# #.'...+ ####....######...# ).##......# .# ##....### ±bggȚ ±bggžȚ &8±bggÿâ ±bgg]ä ±bgg . a# .# .# .######......# .######......# #....# .# ######.......# ..# #####.#####...# .'...+ ±bgg”. Ÿ####....######...# ).##......# ..# ##....### .####.... # ±bggŠ6 ±bgg.7 `4=9±bggw; ±bggrD ±bggM€Ò# .# # #### ######......# ...# ######......# ...# # ?..# .......# ...# #####.#####...# ...+ ####....######...# ).##......# ...# ##....### ...####.... ...#######.# #### .# .#±bggŸˆ±bggș‰'80±bggŸŽ±bggš‘d _Found a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICO. ±bggM’C_There is an open door here.ČbggŽęĘ# .# # ##### ......# #...# ......# #...# # #?..# .# #...# .#####...# '@..+ ####....######...# ).##......# #...# ##....### #...####.... #...#######.# ##### # .#ČbggšČbgg -1 _ČbggoČbggCČbggü‡# # # ##### ......# #...# ......# #...# # #?..# .# #...# .#####...# '.@.+ ####....######...# Čbggw€Ô.##......# #...#  .#ČbggS‰<2ČbggxŽČbggYČbggșőhM#### ....### ####. ...?.# ###.#####.@.#.............'...+##....##### .##......# #...#Čbgg'üČbggDęT5=3Čbgg‡ Čbgg8 Čbgg ô #......# #####......#.#.# .....# ######......# #...# #####......# #...# ....# #?..##.# #@..# ####.......#####...#..............'...+.####....######...# ).##......# #...#.### #...#.###.... #...######.# ##### ...# .#ČbggÒ& Čbggš' &4Čbgg;- Čbgg‚/ Čbgg7 çM######  ##### .....### #####. .... #########...# ...............'...+######ČbggÏ ČbggS &5Čbggô Čbggï Čbggo +6.7 (2Čbgge% Čbggt' a _t - a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICOłbggyák#......# ####......# ..........# # # ##### ##### #...# ......# #...# ..........# #...# #### #.@.# .#####...# .......'...+ ####....######...###......# #...# .##....### ######.# ##### .#łbgg€æłbggç?6=łbggžç$7.7 (1łbggìłbggőîłbgg€!###......# .........# # # ##### #### #...# ......# #...# .........# #...# ### #...# .#####..@# .......'...+ ####....######...# ##......# #...# ##....## #  ######.# ##### .# łbggM«łbgg!Ź&8łbgg„Żłbgg5±łbgg< '.h....##......h   hound (wandering)łbggW–  As you open the door, it creaks loudly!  A hound comes into view.łbgg łbggÒ{h..hłbgg6G======9łbggcłbgg,!8 _The hound barks! You hear a shout!łbgg~à   You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.  The hound is moderately wounded.You barely miss the hound with your +1 war axe.łbggká É32--=-----90.9 (1.2Rev łbggÿæ łbgg™é - _The hound bites you. x2łbggYM _The hound bites you. x2  You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.  The hound is severely wounded.You closely miss the hound with your +1 war axe.łbggz­0--------2.1Rev+ łbgg łbggć* _The hound bites you.Žbgg·”   You closely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.The hound is severely wounded.You hit the hound with your +1 war axe. The hound bites you.Žbggd•d29-3.2 (1.1Žbgg]šŽbggTK _The hound misses you.ŽbggŃö  You barely miss the hound with your +1 war axe.The hound is almost dead.You closely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.ŽbggÌŒ  The hound bites you but does no damage.  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger of venom.Žbgg9Žbggœl4.4 (1.2Rev* ŽbggÒŽbggki _The hound misses you. The kobold moves out of view.Žbgg"°P  You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.Žbgg”ČŽbggČœÔ $gg   goblinYou kill the hound!ŽbggfÁe363 30165.6ŽbggÊÇŽbgg1Îs _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.ŽbggR }........# # # ##### ### #...# ......# #...# ........# #...# ## #...# .#####...#####... .....'...@....... ###....######...###g......# #...# ....### #...#  #...###.# #####  .# ŽbggÖ 4#ŽbggŻ Žbgg|$ ]g.-60Žbgg3* Žbgg5 Š  There is an open door, spattered with blood here. _You see here 8 gold pieces.ŽbggûÇ# # # ##### ......# #...# ......# #...# # #...# .# #...# . .#####...#####.'...$@g.ŽbggPÈ....######...###. ......# #...# .. ....### #...# ....... #...# ....# ##### .. ŽbggÈȏ .# #  #Žbgg=ÓŽbggîÓf26--=7ŽbggIÙŽbgg"Ü9 _The goblin hits you with a +0 club.”bggié•  You closely miss the goblin with your +1 war axe.You hit the goblin with your +4 short sword.7=-8.8 (1.2 _The goblin barely misses you.”bggHšQ  You hit the goblin with your +4 short sword.”bggăźe$”bggőČI=9.9 (1.1”bggȚž”bggŸ»J _You kill the goblin!”bggątś# # # ##### ......# #...# ......# #...# # #...# ## #...# ..######...#####....#'...$.@.....######...###.# #...# ..”bgguÆ### #...# ... .... #...# .....# ##### ........# #######.##”bggRx”bggʁ˜KK   kobold (wandering)”bggR‚7-20000”bggI‰”bgg\Žk  Things that are here: _5 gold pieces; a +0 club”bggę ç# # # ##### # #...# ## #...# .## #...# ..# # #...# !K.# #####...#####....#'...$.$ ....######...###.# #...# #.### #...# #.( #...# #..# ##### #..# ”bgg” Ą##  .## .”bgg r  Found a grey potion and 4 javelins.”bgg% k.KK”bggZ& C8===”bgg~& 1”bggA. ”bggĆ1 ( _The kobold shouts!”bggá8Ż# # ##### ###### #...# ....## #...# ....# # #...# ....# # #...# .!..# ”bggc9t#####...#####.K..###...'...$.$.........######...###.## #...# #.#### #...# #.(#”bgg“9ï #...# #.# #.# ##### #.”bggč9p#  .# ##########”bggá9j.#  . ”bggț9W# ...#..”bggâ=¶bgg K.K¶bgg_0---2¶bggÚ ¶bggM¶bgg±  You hit the kobold but do no damage.You hit the kobold with your +4 short sword.¶bggÁW=--4.1 (1.2¶bggA¶bggÇ= _The kobold hits you but does no damage.¶bgg ö  You closely miss the kobold with your +4 short sword.The kobold is heavily wounded.You miss the kobold with your +1 war axe.¶bgg‘ -5.2 (1.1¶bgg`™ ¶bggáÀ = _The kobold hits you but does no damage.¶bggžJ é  barely miss the kobold with your +1 war axe.  You are poisoned.The kobold hits you but does no damage.¶bggÙK U9==========6.3¶bggL NPois Rev* ¶bgg€V ¶bggÙW ¶bgg›e /  --more--·bggê\W _You are more poisoned.·bggL* You hit the kobold but do no damage.The kobold is heavily wounded.You hit the kobold with your +4 short sword.$You kill the kobold!4---77.4 _You feel very sick.·bggÉÒ Ź--- _Unknown command.·bggŠà # ## ##### ###### # #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #.!..# #####...#####....####....'...$.$..######...###.#.# #...# #.# ### #...# #.(# . #... .# ##### #........ .# ########## .# # ..363[3;4·bggfá |7H1---80·bgguç â _You feel very sick.You now have 370 gold pieces (gained 7).  You see here a +0 dagger of venom.·bggï ‚700---9.4 (2·bggœò ·bggàś  ·bgg‡ű ·bggûű _You feel sick.žbgg4w4žbggk~\ _Unknown command.žbgg°# # ## ##### ###### žbggŠ°"# #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #.!..# #####...#####.@..#### žbggÍ° ....'...$.$..)..######...###.### žbggE±s.# #...# #.žbggČä# ## #...# #.(# #...žbgg‡Čr # ##### #........# # ########## # .žbggꌞbgg›œžbggŸH18-10.4 (1žbggùÄžbggèÇ$ _You feel sick.žbggœ·\# # # ## ##### ###### # #...# #....# # #...# #....# žbgg=žÍ# #...# #....# # #...# #.!@.# #####...#####....#### ....'...$.$..)........ ######...###.žbggvž!### # #...# #.# # #...# #.žbggëž#(# #... ##### #........# ##########žbgg…žbggyĂ26--žbggłĂe1Pois Rev+ žbggÊžbggòÌ$ _You feel sick.žbggÿ™ S.#.#.#.#.# ##### ######.# #...# #....#.# #...# #....#.# #...# #....#.# #...# #.@..#.#####...#####....####.'...$.$..)........ .######...###.### .# #...# #.# ## #...# #.(#  #...# #.# # ##### #.# # #žbggG žbggҝ !5žbggś /--2žbgg€ žbggŹ v _You feel sick.  u - a grey potionžbgg1­ E-3.4 (2žbggMČ žbgg” $ _You feel sick.čbgg†+ł# # # # ##### ####### #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #....# čbggN,Ú# #...# #....# #####...#####..@.####...'...$.$..)......... ######...###........#### # #...# #.# # #...# #.(# #...# #.##### čbgg},g ########## .čbggę7Š44.4 (1Rev čbggE=čbgg&@$ _You feel sick.čbgg&# # # ##### ###### # #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #....# # #...# #....# #####...#####....######....'...$.$..)..@....... #####...###........####  #...# #.# čbgg'Ä #...# #.(#  #...# #.#####  ########## .# ..čbggL1čbgg(3H3-5čbggđ8čbgg„;$ _You feel sick.čbggœèÉ  ##### ######  #...# #....#  #...# #....#  #...# #....#  #...# #....# ###...#####....######.. čbggdéÿ...'...$.$..).......... ####...###......@.####.  #...# #.# #...# #.(# #...# #.# ####  ########## čbggžé‡.# ...#...čbggûńčbgg§òR2-6čbggÆśčbgg°ú$ _You feel sick.čbggš.b##### #######...# #....# #...# #....# #...# #....# #...# #....# ###...#####....######.. ..'...$.$..)........... ###...###........####.  #...# #.# #...# #.(# #...# #.# ##### #.#  ########## .# ...#...#...#čbgg‘73  You feel sick.čbgg©8q=7Rev čbgg‡@čbggtC[ _You are no longer poisoned.čbggc c ...# #...... ###...#####....######.. ..'...$.$..)......... ###...###........####.  #...#  .###Rev ##.≈~~.#....čbgg«i čbggpj .8čbggHp čbggv čbggw +9.4 (2čbggŸ{ čbgg~} / _e - 5 javelins (gained 4)șbggفM#### #####..  #...# #....# ###...#####....###### ..'...$.$..)........... ###...#####....##### #........#șbgg/ßșbggRàF320.4 (1șbgg!ćșbggŻæșbgg„™ŹM#### #####...  #...# #....# ###...#####....######... ..'...$.$..)............ ###...#####.#...# #........#șbggząșbggûą&1șbggĆšșbggl«s _You hear the brisk rusting of a very distant drain.șbggcî  ##### ######  #...# #....#  #...# #....#  #...# #....#  #...# #....# # ##...#####....###### .'...$.$..)....... ##...###.####...##...# #.# ##...# #.#  #...# #.#  ##### #........########### .# ..2șbgg f ##### ###### #...# #....# #...# #....# #...# #....# #...# #....# ##...#####....######. '...$.$..)....###.####...# #...# #..# .# #...# #........# #...# #........# ##### #........###########. șbggL$ șbggÎ$ șbggó$ 3șbggƒ* șbggĆ+ șbgg„: ###### ...# #....# ...# #....# ...# #....# ...# #....# ## ...#####....######. ...$.$..).> ...###.####...##. ...# #........# #.# ...# #........# .. ...# #........# . #........#####șbggK;5. șbgg ]č4=4 _Found a stone staircase leading down.»bgg—Ț ###### # #....# # #....# # #....# ### #....# .######....######.$.$..).>####.####...##.#»bggêȚ†# #........# ##.# # #....# #.# #.»bggßš #.# # . »bggæ»bgg/ç&5»bggòë»bggȚí»bggÎÂ@ ###### # #....# # #....# # #....# ### # #....# #.######....######.$.$..).># ###.####...##.# # #........# ###.# # #.# ...# #.# ##.. . »bgg_Ă »bggMÊ»bggèÊ&6»bggÇÏ»bggĄŃ»bggH§Ï # ###### # #....# # #....# # #....# ### # #....# #.######## #####....######......... $.$..)..............># »bggš###........####.@.##.# # #........# ###.# # #.# ... # #.# ###.. # #.#  #..  ##########  # .# .»bggCšQ..#...»bggőź»bgg—Ż&7»bgg7Ž»bgg|¶»bggŽ= À######  #....#  #....#  #....# ###  #....# #.######## ####....######......... .$..)..............># ##........####...##.#  #.# ###@#  #.# #....# »bgg=>  #.# ####.....  #.# #...  ##########  ## .# ...#...#...#»bggkF »bggùF \5=8»bggvL »bggóM »bgg˜P ž#....# #....# #....# ####....# #.######## ###....######......... $..)..............># #........####...##.# .# ###.##.# #.# #.@..# »bggńP †#.# ####.....# #.# # ##########  ## .# ..»bgg$Q ™.#...#...# .≈~~.#....»bggZ <9»bggF_ »bggî` ŒbggiH#....#  #....#  #....# ###  #....# #.######## ....######......... ..)........># .####...##.# .# ###.##.# ŒbggD‹.# #..@.# .# ####.....# .# .#....# .. ##.#.#. ## ..#.#b   bat (asleep).#...b ##...### ŒbggÇ Œbggï!Œbgg&#ŒbggÛ)`bb.Œbgg7*'30ŒbggÔ0ŒbggZ5V _A bat comes into view.Œbggš#....#  #....# ### #....# #.######## #....######.........  .)..............>#  .....####...##.#  # ###.##.# # # #....#.#.# # ####@....# # #.# ######## #b. ##.#   ..#. #  # ..#.#  .#.... #  #...###  ~~.#....  _P.#.#####..#  ŒbggÏŹd6==1Œbgg̱ŒbggČQ _The bat closely misses you.Œbggf Œbggˆf ŒbggŐn Œbgg‡p Œbggù`ó###.#############......... .)..............># ......####...##.# # ###.##.#.# #....#.#.#####.... #@#....# #######b..##.# ..#.# ###..#.# .#.... #...### J   endoplasm (asleep) ~~.#.... b   bat _P.#.#####..##J ~≈.......<.# ŒbggŚdŒbggűeŒbggŽol  An endoplasm comes into view.Œbgg~p&2ŒbggwŒbggÚy: _The bat hits you but does no damage.œbgg°Ê&  œbgg_ËqYou hit the bat but do no damage.You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.œbggŃ%  œbggîŃ1You kill the bat!œbgg#Ę­$JJ .œbgg8äz370 3.5 (1.1Rev œbggìœbggˆńH _The endoplasm quivers.œbgg:òœbggĘó<.#############......... .)..............># ......####...##.# # ###.##.#.# # #....#.#.####.....## #.#....# #######..## #...#.# ##..#.# .#.... ##...### ~~.#...J _P.#.#####..##. ~≈.......<.# ..######.#œbgg?śœbggję,J.œbgg5ț4-40œbggeœbggS g _You see here 7 gold pieces.œbggà 8-œbggYœbggh^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!œbgg˜Ź#####......... .)..............># ......####...##.# # # ###.##.#.#.# #....#.#.#####.....##.. #.#....# ########.#$..##.# #..@#.# #..#.# .#.... ##..J#### ~~.#.... _P.#.#####..## ~≈.......<.# #. ~..######.## .# ..# œbgg# *J..œbgg)Ąn7=5 _œbggŐ§œbggîȘœbggß1 š _You are too injured to fight recklessly!œbgg„d œbggöd œbgg4i œbggk ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!œbgg7œbgg^7œbgg=œbggS@^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!Ÿbgg Œ`..)........>#  .####...##.# # # .# ###.##.#.#.# .# #....#.#.# .# #####.....## .# ...#.#....# ######### #.#$..##.#  #...#.# #  ##@.#.#  .#.J...# #...#####ŸbggÊŒr ≈~~.#.... P_P.#.#####..##. ~~≈.......<.# #. .~..######.## ## ..# .. #.#######.##ŸbggbĂŸbggÖĂ.=6ŸbggBÇŸbgg~ÉV _The endoplasm barely misses you.ŸbggŐA Ú  You hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.  The endoplasm is severely wounded.You hit the endoplasm with your +1 war axe.ŸbggRU $87.6 (1.1Rev  _You kill the endoplasm!żbgg”?#....######... .)........>#  ####...##.# # #  # ###.##.#.#.#  # #....#.#.#  # #####.....##  .......# ...#.#....#  ######## #.#$..##.#  #..@#.# # ##..#.#  .#.$...#   #...##### ~~. #....  _P.#.#####..##.    ~≈.......<.#[39żbgg‡@€;49m #.    ~..######.## ##   .# ..#   żbgg&FżbggÛF4-80żbggșKżbggRMżbgg§“DM #.######## #....######......... .)..............># ###...##.# # ####.##.#.#. #....#.#.# #####.....## .......# ...#.#....# ######## #.#@..##....#.# # ##..#.# .#.$...#...##### . #...#żbggæšżbgg€›l8=-9żbgg çĆ740.6 (2 _You now have 377 gold pieces (gained 7).żbgg±V H #####......... .)..............># ......####...##.# # # ###.##.#.#.# #....#.#.#####.....## ...#.#....# ######## #.#...##.# #..@#.# #..#.# .#.$...#...####. #...# .#..#  żbggÂ] żbgg ^ żbgg.^ $1.6 (1żbggčb żbgg§d żbggèĆ ..)........>#  .####...##.# # # .# ###.##.#.#.# .# #....#.#.# .# #####.....## .# ...#.#....# ######### #.#...##.#  #...#.# #  ##@.#.#  .#.$...# #...##### ≈~~.#.... 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_Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.ĂbgghŁ  .# # #.#.# .# #.# #.## # #.# #..~..### ##... ###.≈~~...# ##....# #...P_P.#.#####..##.# #..#.#.~~≈.<.### ..~..######.## # #.... ##.##'...### #..# #....###.....#.#######.## #.#.......#. #..#.....# .. #..#.###.....# #...#.#[39;ĂbggîŁ 549m ..#### #...#.# ....  #.# .....Ăbgg4« ĂbggŚ« d4=61.2 (1.6Ăbgg#° Ăbggq± ÄbggĆ»  .# # #.#. .# #.# #.## # #.# #..~..### ##... ###.≈~~...# ##..... #...P_P.#.#####..##.  #..#.#.~~≈.<.###..~..######.## .# #....###.##'...### #..# . #....###.....#.#######.## #............#.......#. #.#...Äbgg,œR..# .. # #.#.###.....# # #.#.# .#### # #.#.# .... # #.# .....ÄbggÄÁÄbgg9Â,20Äbgg~ÇÄbgg0ÉÄbgg¶j .# # #.# .# #.# #. ####### #.# #..~..### ##. ###.≈~~...# ##.. #...P_P.#.#####..## #..#.#.~~≈.<.###  ....~..######.## #.# #....###.##'...### #..# .. #....###.....#.#######.## # #............#.......#. # #...........#.....# .. ## #...........#[Äbgg{kž34m.###....# .# #.....#.# ..#### .# #....#.# .... .# #.# .....ÄbggTqÄbggêq&3ÄbggqwÄbggűxÄbgg  Ș# .# # #. # .# #. # #. ### ####### #.Äbgg ... #..~..### ##... ###.≈~~...# ##.. #...P_P.#.#####.. #..#.#.~~≈.<. ....~..######.## #.# #....###.##'...### #..#. #....###.....#.#######.## .# #.....#.......#. .# #...........#....# .. .## #...........#.###.....# ..# #...........#.# ..#### ..# #...........#.# .... ..# #.# .....[37ÄbggÙ mÄbgg? 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Ëbgg—Â.#.ËbggmÉËbggÊ08.0Ëbgg—ŃËbggìÒT _There is a glowing drain here.ËbggT€ Ëbggś€ Ëbggá« ËbggŰł ËbggÒž 390 _ËbggÛœ Ëbggæ Ëbgg“Ś m  ###ËbggæŰ  ##∩##a Sewer #.@.# #.....#  #...≈...#  #..≈≈≈..# #.≈≈≈≈≈.# #..≈≈≈..# bbbbbb 6 bats (asleep)#b..≈..b###b.bbb##  The world spins around you as you enter the gateway.ËbgggÚ Ëbggßá bbbb4 asleep)bbËbggÊY7=7 (1.7ËbggC"ËbggĘ,° _You enter a sewer!  Found a gate leading back out of this place. _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.Ìbgg'; ### ##∩## #.@.# #.....#  #...≈...#  #..≈≈≈..#  #.≈≈≈≈≈.#  #..≈≈≈..#  #b..≈..b#  ##b.bbb## Ìbggϙ ### ##∩## #.@.# #.....#  #...≈...#  #..≈≈≈..# #.≈≈≈≈≈.# #..≈≈≈..# Ìbgg…šŒ #b..≈..b# ##b.bbb## ÌbggŽ€Ìbggp„ÌbggŻÌbgg˜łd _There are monsters nearby!ÌbggÏìz#####∩##.∩.#..#...≈#..≈≈≈..# #.≈≈.##..≈≈≈..##b..≈..b# bbbb 7 bats (5 asleep)##b.bbb##.##ÌbggiöÌbggmśÌbggÂűÌbgg úÌbggÀûÌbgg¶üÌbgg țÌbgg'ÿÌbgg/ÌbggÌbggwÌbggÌbgg§bbbb.bbb3..bb..ÌbggŻ-100ÌbggÏÌbgg†V _A bat comes into view.ÍbggX] ### ##∩## ##.∩.## #..@..# #...≈...# #..b≈≈..#  #.≈≈bb≈.# ÍbggĆXÿ #..≈b≈..# #...≈..b#  ##..bb.##  ##...##ÍbggE_ÍbggC`ÍbggaÍbggÉaÍbggèbÍbggĐcÍbgg—eÍbggfÍbggdgÍbggQhÍbggviÍbggjÍbggàjÍbggÁkÍbgg‡lÍbggNmÍbggnÍbgg1w”b@bbb≈bb≈≈bbÍbggŹw21..Íbggx%=Íbgg-x 1ÍbggxÍbgg™…: _The bat hits you but does no damage.Íbgg§ÏL  You slash the bat with your +1 war axe!ÍbggłŰ»  You kill the bat!You hit the bat with your +1 war axe.  You kill the bat!Íbgg]ȚM  You now have 390 gold pieces (gained 6).ÍbggàÍbggżâ—  You miss the bat with your +1 war axe. You hit the bat but do no damage.Íbgg ăÍbggÒăÍbggćäÍbggućÍbggfæÍbggçÍbggËçÍbggméÍbgg¶ê(390 ÍbggàêN8=Íbggô/  --more--Íbggêk…  The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat barely misses you. x2ÍbggNrąb..b≈≈b.. 5 batsÍbggÉva92.9 (1.2Rev ÍbggcÍbggۂ2 _The bat hits you but does no damage.ÍbggȚh Íbggj Íbggs ÍbggŠv > _Unknown command.Íbgg°û FYou hit the bat with your +4 short sword.Íbgg You kill the bat!You closely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.Íbgg˜ r  You barely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.Íbgg3 Íbggy Íbggê Íbgg ÍbggĐ Íbggz Íbgg+ ‹  The bat completely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2ÍbggȚ Íbgg™ Íbgg Š$$bbb≈ 4 batsÍbgg= _4.1Rev+ ÍbggE Íbgg· Q _The bat closely misses you.ÎbggžőÙ  You barely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.You slash the bat with your +1 war axe!  You kill the bat!Îbggü 5You now have 395 gold pieces (gained 5).  You barely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.You barely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.Îbgg/  --more--ÎbggÊe ˜  The bat is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.Îbggžn łb≈.≈b 3 batsÎbggír 6205.2 (1.1Îbggé} „ _The bat hits you but does no damage. The bat closely misses you.Ïbggł ###  ##∩## ##.@.## #.b...# b≈..≈≈≈.≈≈b≈≈≈≈≈...≈...##.....####...##ÏbggŃÏbggĐÏbggÖ Ïbggą!Ïbgg"Ïbgg1*Jb≈Ïbgg+,60Ïbgg<2Ïbgg~7Ő _The bat closely misses you.There is an empty arch of ancient stone, spattered with blood here. _You see here 6 gold pieces.ÏbggČBYou hit the bat with your +1 war axe.Ïbgg_–  You kill the bat!You closely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.ÏbggVÏbgg}n$ 2 batsÏbggn!ą9=17.4 (1.2Rev* Ïbgg+)ÏbggU,u _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.Ïbggù xM_The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage.  You hit the bat with your +1 war axe.  The bat is moderately wounded.You closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword.Ïbggúù Ïbgg  ÏbggL (8.6Ïbgg¶ Ïbggk : _The bat hits you but does no damage.ÏbggÒÆ Ü  You barely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.The bat is moderately wounded.You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.Ïbgg+Ï Œ$   batÏbggâÒ -9.7 (1.1Ïbgg Ù Ïbgg3Ü G _You kill the bat!Đbgg„‡>#####∩####.$.###.$@..##..b≈...#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈..≈.#.....# ##...##   The bat is no longer distracted by gold.ĐbggŽ..bĐbggőŽ$40ĐbggJB=200Đbgg0•Đbgg”™s _The bat barely misses you. _You see here 7 gold pieces.Đbggï###∩##.$.##$..##.@≈...# #..b≈≈..# #.≈≈≈≈≈.# #..≈≈≈..# #......# ##.....## ## ##Đbgg.Đbgg«Đbgg<≈bĐbgg“&1Đbgg*"Đbgg’%Q _The bat closely misses you.Đbgg~ œ ###  ##∩##  ##.$.## ##.@$..##.≈..≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈b≈≈...≈...##.....####...####.##Đbggc~ Đbgg Đbgg… Jb≈Đbgg<† .-2ĐbggUŒ Đbgg= R _You see here 15 gold pieces.ŃbgglZœ ###  ##∩##  ##@$.## ##.$$..##b≈..≈≈≈.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈...≈...##.....####...##Ńbgg”]ŃbggaŃbggđgŃbggxhe=3Rev+ Ńbgg_nŃbggPqQ _The bat closely misses you.Ńbgg1ŐŃbggìŐŃbgg^ÛŃbggSȚN _There are no items here.Òbgg@c((poisoned)ÒbggsĂÒbggKË& b(b  unaware, poisoned)You throw a poisoned dart. The poisoned dart hits the bat. The bat is poisoned.Òbgg̖1=-4.6 (0.98ÒbggîÏÒbgg«ÒI _The bat is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.ÒbggțBN  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword.Òbgg5IF$ÒbggM|2=5.7 (1.1Rev* ÒbggĐQÒbggÀSG _You kill the bat!ÒbggÓÄ #####∩####.$.##Òbgg- _##.@$..###..(≈...#≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈##...####.##ÒbggăÒbggÖk-60Rev+ ÒbggșÒbggî%  ÒbgghYou now have enough gold to petition Gozag for potion effects.Òbgg5 š412=-7.7 (2ÒbggŚ%Òbgg‘(? _You now have 415 gold pieces (gained 20).Óbgg7c` #####∩####.$.####..$..###..@≈...#≈≈≈Óbggącl≈≈≈≈≈.≈≈≈.##.##Óbgg§v„4158.7 (19.7 (2Óbgg–~š9 _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 1)Óbggüúq# ∩## $.## ##..@..## #...≈...# #..≈≈≈..# #.≈≈≈≈≈.# #..≈≈..##...≈###..##..##.##Óbgg~ ‡30.7 (1Rev ÓbggÚ <22Óbgg <3=1.7 (2Óbgg Óbgg > _You now have 422 gold pieces (gained 7).Óbggű9 ïÓbggă> Ç4=ÓbggR? ÓbggJF ·Óbgg‹F D5=Óbgg=G Óbgg,I ,ÓbggJ ÓbggUK ÓbggŸK Óbgg!L Óbgg_N ÓbggÁN h6==Óbgg—O ÓbggR 1 _HP restored.Óbgg‡S ÓbggÊS ÓbggƒT Óbgg] Óbggn] Óbggó] Óbggá_ ÓbggŃ` Óbgga #=Óbgg4a Óbggáa Óbgg[c Óbggd Óbggčd Óbggie ÓbggLg Óbggëg Óbggh ÓbggÄh Óbgg{j ÓbggLk Óbgg†k ÓbggUl Óbggm Óbggÿn Óbgg)o ÓbggŠo Óbggq Óbgg)r ÓbggUr Óbggęr Óbgg„t ÓbggŠu Óbggżu ÓbggQv Óbgg«w Óbggęx ,ÓbggÊy ÓbggÚ{ ÓbggJ} Óbggo} Óbgg>~ Óbggæ€ ÓbggRŒ °#..≈≈≈..##.≈≈≈≈≈.##..≈≈≈..##...≈...###.....####...####.## #.#  #@#  #.#  #.#  #.# #.# ... b   bat (asleep) #.# #b# Óbgga 0543.0)Óbgg}– Óbggƒ— Óbggž Kb...ÓbggUž hb   bat#.##.#ÓbggŸ ,5.7 (24Óbgg‡« l _A bat comes into view.Ôbgg§ŸČ .#  #.≈≈≈≈≈.#  #..≈≈≈..#  #...≈...#  ÔbggòŸk##.....##  ##...##  ##.## #.# Ôbgg 9#@# #.#Ôbgg4  #.# ÔbggO E#.# #b#Ôbggi  Ôbgg *... #.# Ôbgg¶ 1#.#ÔbggŸ6n .#  #.≈≈≈≈≈.#  #..≈≈≈..#  #...≈...#  ##.....## Ôbgg7t ##...##  ##.## #.# #@# #.#Ôbgg}7U #.# #.# #b# ... Ôbggą7#.# #.# Ôbggż7 ÔbggÇ>Ôbgg)?Ôbgg°Jp _A bat is nearby!ŐbggŸŐbggˏ~Quiver which action? ([-] to clear) ŐbggÿItems ([,] to cycle)  a - Throw: 3 throwing netsb - Throw: 5 javelins  c - Throw: 9 darts (poison) (quivered)  Őbgg\ d - Throw: 2 boomerangs Abilities ([,] to cycle)  e - Abil: Potion Petition  f - Abil: Call Merchant  g - Abil: Bribe Branch Őbgg‰[*/%] inventory [^] all abilities[!] focus mode: off|onŐbgg9ź #..≈≈≈..#crok the Chopper#.≈≈≈≈≈.#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 428#..≈≈≈..#Health: 46/46 ========================#...≈...#Magic: 6/6========================##.....##AC: 7Str: 16##...##EV: 11Int: 7##.##SH: 0Dex: 16#.#XL:  6 Next: 22% Place: a Sewer#@#Noise: ---------  Time: 2155.7 (0.0)#.#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#.#Throw: 9 darts (poison)#.##b#...b   bat#.##.# _You now hŐbgg± Mave 422 gold pieces (gained 7). _HP restored.  You now have 428 gold pieces (gained 6). _There is an empty arch of ancient stone, spattered with blood here. _A bat comes into view. _A bat is nearby!ŐbggI” Őbgg¶ Öbgg•›Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations Branches: (press G to reach them and ?/b for more information) Dungeon (3/15) Sewer (1/1) Altars: (press _ to reach them and ?/g for information about gods) AshenzariCheibriadosDithmenosElyvilon FedhasGozagHepliaklqanaKikubaaqudgha MakhlebNemelex XobehOkawaruQazlal RuSif MunaTrogUskayaw VehumetWu JianXomYredelemnul ZinThe Shining OneŚbgg”ÌŚbggbÛ_#..≈≈≈..#ŚbggëÛRcrok the Chopper#.≈≈≈≈≈.#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 428#..≈≈≈..#Health: 46/46 ========================#...≈...#Magic: 6/6ŚbggŸÜ^========================##.....##AC: 7Str: 16##...##EV: 11Int: 7##.##SH: 0Dex: 16#.#XL:  6 Next: 22% Place: a Sewer#@#Noise: ---------  Time: 2155.7 (0.0)#.#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#.#Śbgg6ĘšThrow: 9 darts (poison)#.##b#...b   bat#.##.# _You now have 422 gold pieces (gained 7). _HP restored.  You now have 428 gold pieces (gained 6). _There is an empty arch of ancient stone, spattered with blood here. ŚbggÓáœ_A bat comes into view. _A bat is nearby!ŚbggÒăŚbggüćŚbggŒŚbgg[ąŚbggšk _There's nothing to open nearby.Ùbgg[kÙbggżkÙbggÉpÙbggztF _Unknown command.ÚbggöÚ^  You can't wear jewellery.Úbgg|ÛÚbgg…áÚbggôă. _ÚbggÚbggDÚbgg?"ÚbggÚ$0 _Unknown command.Úbgg%Ębgg ĘbggđŽœ The bat is moderately wounded.You hit the bat with your +4 short sword. _You kill the bat!The bat is no longer distracted by gold. _The bat barely misses you.You see here 7 gold pieces. _The bat closely misses you.You see here 15 gold pieces. _The bat closely misses you.There are no items here.  You throw a poisoned dart. The poisoned dart hits the bat. The bat is poisoned._The bat is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  Ębgg”ûYou hit the bat with your +4 short sword. _You kill the bat!You now have enough gold to petition Gozag for potion effects. _You now have 415 gold pieces (gained 20). _g - 9 poisoned darts (gained 1) _You now have 422 gold pieces (gained 7). _HP restored.  You now have 428 gold pieces (gained 6). _There is an empty arch of ancient stone, spattered with blood here. Ębggq¶~_A bat comes into view.A bat is nearby!There's nothing to open nearby.Țbgg‚P9You hit the bat with your +1 war axe.  You kill the bat!  You closely miss the bat with your +1 war axe. _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you but does no damage. ȚbggÍP: You hit the bat with your +1 war axe.  The bat is moderately wounded.  You closely miss the bat with your +4 short sword. _The bat hits you but does no damage.  You barely miss the bat with your +1 war axe.ȚbggQ~The bat is moderately wounded.hit the bat with your +4 short sword. _Țbgg)QmYou kill the bat!  The bat is no longer distracted by gold. _Țbgg{QŃThe bat barely misses you.You see here 7 gold pieces. _The bat closely misses you.  You see here 15 gold pieces. _Țbgg Q¶The bat closely misses you.  There are no items here.throw a poisoned dart. The poisoned dart hits the bat. The bat is poisoned.ȚbggĂQi bat is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  You hit the bat with your +4 short sword. ȚbggćQ‹_You kill the bat!You now have enough gold to petition Gozag for potion effects.ßbgg­ê ßbggŻś ßbggl ±#..≈≈≈..#crok the Chopper#.≈≈≈≈≈.#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 428#..≈≈≈..#Health: 46/46 ========================#...≈...#Magic: 6/6ßbggÿ .========================##.....##AC: 7Str: 16##...##EV: 11Int: 7##.##SH: 0Dex: 16#.#XL:  6 Next: 22% Place: a Sewer#@#ßbgg- ‹Noise: ---------  Time: 2155.7 (0.0)#.#ßbgg] ça) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#.#Throw: 9 darts (poison)ßbgg† s#.##b#...b   batßbggŹ *#.##.# ßbggÎ n_A bat comes into view. _A bat is nearby! ßbggđ N_There's nothing to open nearby. ßbgg |_Unknown command. _You can't wear jewellery. _Unknown command.ßbgg6 ßbggć ßbggœ ßbgg àbgg àbggwàbggÇ-- _is nearby!There's nothing to open nearby.Unknown command.You can't wear jewellery.Unknown command.àbggï*Ï≈≈≈≈≈...≈≈≈....≈..#.....# ##...##  ##.##  #.# .bàbggL+...#.#w   brain worm (asleep)b   batwàbggÌ1àbggă2àbgg#4àbgg1<z b.wwàbggq<e.  A brain worm comes into view.àbggP=%=àbggŻ=6.7 (1àbggDàbggJFI _The bat misses you.àbgg_S  You puncture the bat with your +4 short sword!àbggl $  You kill the bat!The brain worm's bulging head throbs.Something gnaws on your mind!àbgg™oX428 2---àbggêoƒ5----7.9 (1.2Rev àbggUuàbggłwa _You feel your power leaking away.ábggő? .≈≈≈...≈..#.....# ##...##  ##.##  #.# ....#.#wábggb@%.#ábggŃCábggêH<w.ábggˆI+-8ábgg­I 0ábggżNábgg­RQ _You see here 5 gold pieces.ábggžc‡.≈.#.....# ##...##  ##.##  #.# $...##w##ábggd.# ábggșmbww(unaware)ábgg1n9-9ábgg+sábggivP _The brain worm is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.ábggpô ż#.....# ##...##  ##.##  #.# $.∩b........!....#######w####... #.# # ábggóô zb   bat (asleep)ábggD »  A bat comes into view.Found a potion of berserk rage.60ábggI ábggÀ B _Found a gate leading back out of this place.ábgg€’ – ##...##  ##.##  #.# $.#######.####...∩b.....@..!....#######w####ábggȒ * #.# #ábgg•– ábgg ˜ ábgg㘠ábgg#š Â...bb3=------1ábggȘ ábggÂŹ âbggÛp  Found a potion of berserk rage. _Found a gate leading back out of this place.  You slash the brain worm with your +1 war axe!  The brain worm is no longer distracted by gold.  The brain worm is severely wounded.  You puncture the brain worm with your +4 short sword!âbggÇâbgguâbgg”]  You kill the brain worm!âbggč&o .b#$âbggG,†=5==3.1 (1.2Rev âbgg€2âbgg“5: _The bat hits you but does no damage.âbgghŽ ##.##  #.# $.#######.####...∩....b....!.#######@####... #.# # âbgg iâbggóoVbb(unaware)âbgg‘p5--40âbggŚvâbgg|Œ _The bat is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. _You see here 8 gold pieces.âbggá=ö #.# $.#######.####...∩....b....!....#######$####... #@# # âbggńCâbggÛD]4--5 âbggE _âbggjIâbggœJâbggÀ ‚$.#######.####...∩....b....!.#######$#### #.# #âbgg~È âbggęÈ &6âbggqÌ âbggŃÌ ăbgg  What are your orders?  t - Shout!  Orders for allies: a - Attack new target. r - Retreat! s - Stop attacking. g - Guard the area. f - Follow me.  Anything else - Cancel.ăbggsfP  Okay, then.ăbgg_găbggÎkăbggœm. _ăbggóăbggęăbgg>ăbggœ)H _No target in view!ăbggŽ•.$ #.# #######.####∩....b....!.#######$####....###ăbggńăbggŁ-7 _ăbggö"ăbgg$ăbgg ÿ €##.##.$ #.# #######.####...∩....b....!....#######@####....###ăbggLÿ {b   bat (unaware)ăbggÓ ăbgg] ˆ .bbThe bat is no longer distracted by gold.ăbggÄ l4286=====8ăbgg/ ăbgg" € _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2 _You see here 8 gold pieces.äbgg*ńL  You slash the bat with your +1 war axe!äbggÌűC$ äbgg…ü°428 5=39.2 (1.1Rev äbgggäbggŁG _You kill the bat!äbgg‚Rï..####.## #.# #.# #.# #$# #.# ########.####...#∩.....@...!....########$####... #.# #.####äbggYäbgg~Y5-700äbggü]äbggcäbggdj33-1.2 (2äbgghäbggk> _You now have 433 gold pieces (gained 5).äbggsë3äbggìäbggTïäbgg¶ół6======äbggVôäbgg‰ôäbggŰőäbggzűäbggÙű:41äbgg}úäbggęęM _You now have 441 gold pieces (gained 8).äbgg œ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# #$# #.# .##.####.... #∩.......@.!....T ##.####.... #.# .#.####T   Pargi (asleep)äbggș +4.2 (3äbgg +5.2 (4äbggĐ äbggŠ$ _ _Pargi the Meek comes into view.äbggŠŽ Ű  ##.## #.# #.# #.# #$# #.# .  ########.####.... äbggߎ Ê #∩.......@.!....T  ########.####....  #.# .  #.# ###äbgg 3äbggł' V  ##.## #.# #.# #.# #$# #.# .  ########.####....  #∩.......@.!....T  ########.####....  #.# .  äbgg( …#.# ### äbgg˜0 äbgg;1 äbggž7 äbgg: Z _Pargi is nearby!ćbggqƒ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# #$# .#.# ..#ćbggŒI.####.#∩........@!....T.#.####.#.# ..#.# .ćbggć*###ćbggÇ"ćbggZ$N=6.2 (1 _ćbggì)ćbgg2ćbgg”(D##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####$# ...#.# ..#.####.....$#∩.....T.!#.####.....$#.# ..#.# ...### ###ćbggk.v  Found a dark potion and 26 gold pieces.ćbgg•5T.Tćbgg60===7ćbggȚ;ćbggń>q _Pargi shouts! _You see here a potion of berserk rage.ćbgg—Śćbgg©ćdT.---8ćbggRçćbggÖé2 _v - a potion of berserk ragećbggÇh «##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####$# #.....##.# ......$#ćbgg,i Ű.####.....$)#∩.T...!:#.####.....$!#.# ......$#.# #.....#### ###ćbggÎk ćbggÌp 0T.ćbggnq B---9ćbgg–v ćbgg¶x  _Found a book of Blasting, a fuming inky potion, an arbalest and 27 gold pieces.ćbgg±' œ  You slash Pargi with your +1 war axe!  Pargi is lightly wounded.  You hit Pargi with your +4 short sword. Pargi bites you but does no damage.ćbggU( b=80.3 (1.1Rev ćbggŒ/ ćbggÛ1 ˆ _Pargi barely misses you. Pargi closely misses you.æbggžŒî  You slash Pargi with your +1 war axe!  Pargi is heavily wounded.You miss Pargi with your +4 short sword.æbggwœ=441=1.4æbgg œ7Rev+ æbgg&Éæbgg5Ë æbgg_Ëu_Pargi misses you. Pargi barely misses you. x2æbgg„ìM _Pargi misses you. Pargi barely misses you. x2  You slash Pargi with your +1 war axe!  Pargi is severely wounded.You hit Pargi with your +4 short sword. Pargi misses you.2.6 (1.2æbggë%æbgg.(r _Pargi claws you but does no damage. Pargi barely misses you.æbggEĂĆ  You barely miss Pargi with your +4 short sword.  Pargi is almost dead.You hit Pargi with your +1 war axe.æbggbÌC$ æbggÓĐo 441 7/4799æbggŃÂ-3.8Rev* _You kill Pargi!Your Fighting skill increases to level 3!æbggćŰæbggșÚh _Your Dodging skill increases to level 4!æbgg–Pœ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ###### #$# ##.....##.# #......$##æbggQü.####.....$)##∩.....!:##.####.....$!##.# #......$##.# ##.....# æbgg„Yæbgg\ZL--4æbggŠZ0 _æbggȚ_æbgggæbggmh>55-æbgg™h$5.8 (2æbggŽmæbgg”o? _You now have 455 gold pieces (gained 14).æbgg{ÁP##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #$# ##.....## æbggÀÁF#.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩..@...!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# æbggìÁf#.# ##.....## ### #æbggžÊæbgg Ëb6.8 (1Rev+ æbgg,ÏæbggfĐæbggL@’##...## ##.## #.# æbgg‘@#.# #.# # #$# ##.....## #.# #......$#  æbgg¶@v#.####.....$)#  æbggÛ@*#∩.æbggAû..@..!:#  #.####.....$!# æbggFA #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## æbggúL<7æbggQSæbgg Uæbgg1Č·##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# #æbggȘČ(.####.....$)# #∩....@.!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## æbgg‹»æbggî»&8æbggéĂæbggŚĆæbggi< & ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #$# ##.....## #.# #......$#  #.####.....$)#  #∩...@..!:#  #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....##  ### #æbggőD æbggœE &9æbggăK æbgg}M æbggŸŰ ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #$# ##.....## #.# #......$#  #.####.....$)#  #∩..@...!:#  #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....##  ### #æbggüæbggaV90Rev æbgg„ æbgg” çbggtŐ ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩.@....!:#çbggó= #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## ### #######çbggÍçbggE&1çbgg"çbggo#çbggŽ ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩.....!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....##  ### #######çbgg°žçbgg}č&2çbggÄçbggÈçbggŸ$T ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩......!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## ### #######çbggæ%çbgg“&&3çbgge+çbgg-çbgg,ß l ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩......!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## ### #######4çbgg”ç çbgg‚H P ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩......!:#çbggI Ê #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## ### #çbgg‚O çbggXP 34555çbggțU çbggĄW èbgg ƒ..###...####.## #.# #.#  #.# ##### #$# ##.....## #.# #......$# ########@####.....$)# #∩................!:#########.####.....$!# #.# .èbggu ±$# #.# ##.....##### #######èbggoèbggÔ&6èbggbèbgg>èbggoVœM...≈...##.....####...####.## .# ####### $# ##.....# #@# èbggśX.$#######.####.....$)∩................!:########.####.....$!#èbggą_èbggc`&7èbggÛcèbggŁdèbgg1YM≈≈≈...≈...##.....####...####.## .# ####### #.....# #.# .$#######.####.....$)èbggĂĆ#∩................!:###.##èbggÂèbgg„&8èbggC%èbggż,èbgg-4609.8 (2èbgg3èbgg}5> _You now have 460 gold pieces (gained 5).èbgg^! .≈.#.....# ##...##  ##.##  #.#  #########.....##......$########.###$)∩................!:##.##èbggW&èbgg '-200.8 (1èbggƒ)èbgg*èbggšđ â #.....# ##...##  ##.##  #.#  #########.....##......$########@###$)∩................!:#######.####.....$!èbggeś èbggŹś &1èbggSû èbggDü ébggćÿO## #.## #.# #.# #.# ########.# ##.....ébgg1š#.# #......$# ########.####.....$)# #∩.......@........!:# ########.####.....$!# ébgg]Ű #.# #......$# #.# ##ébgg‚#### ####### ébgg6ébgg‡ &2ébggébggźébggH­ÿ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩......!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....####.ébggzŽébggűŽ&3ébgg9șébgg{»ébgg>ˆ Ę##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩.ébggŒˆ .....!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....##ébgg‰ w### #######ébggM ébgg¶ &4ébggv• ébggі ébggű- Á##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩......!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....##ébggÌ. W### #######ébggI: ébggX; &5ébggFC ébgg~D ébgg7… Ÿ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩.....!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# #.# ##.....## ébggwŒ ébggG &6ébggГ ébggd• ébggÇț ©##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩..@...!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# ### #ébgg@ébggQ&7ébggò ébggh ébgg-n“##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #......$#  #ébggŸnț.####.....$)#  #∩...@..!:#  #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# ébggźwébggx&8ébggÄ~ébgg4€ébgg­äŒ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# #.####.....$)# #∩....@.!:# #.####.....$!# #.# #......$# ébggÄíébggï&9ébgg«ôébgg öêbgg=è##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# #êbgg‰) #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# .####.....$)# ∩.êbggâR....@!:# .####.....$!# #.# #......$# êbggóêbggô'10êbggŽ!êbggl#êbggMŠ&##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# .####.....$)# ......@:# .####.....$!# #.# #......$# êbgg”ŠêbggÌ»“12.8 (2êbgg7ĂêbggÆQ _w - a dark potionêbgg<-##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #......$# .####.....$)# ......@# .####.....$!# #.# #......$# êbggĐ<`### #######êbgg!CêbggÇC+3.8 (1êbggÇHêbggąMƒ  You pick up a book of Blasting and begin reading...4.8 (2êbgg§QêbggS„  You add the spells Volatile Blastmotes, Fulminant Prism and Iskenderun's Mystic_Blast to your library.êbgg Äêbgg=Ćêbgg#ËêbggÌêbggêbgg\êbgg©êbggêbgg˜!êbgg1%,êbggd',êbgg(êbggȘ,s _h - 2 fuming inky potions (gained 1)êbgg€.êbggß.êbggû/êbgg"3êbggÀ3%7êbggx4êbggÌ7N _You now have 470 gold pieces (gained 10).êbggä9êbgg:êbgg';êbggł>êbggí>&87êbggš?êbggBN _You now have 487 gold pieces (gained 17).êbggÁC3êbgg•DêbggFêbgg™GêbggœGêbggiHêbggDJêbggˆJ&96êbgg)KêbggnNM _You now have 496 gold pieces (gained 9).êbgghOêbgg‰OêbggPêbggQêbggœQ'513êbggáRêbggIX± #...≈...###.....####...####.##   #######  #.# ##.....#  #.# #.25.8 (11.0).) ................. #####.####.......##.# #.......# _You now have 513 gold pieces (gained 17).êbggŽXêbgg±[êbgg-]E _Done exploring.êbggN êbgga êbggÇ êbggpM0.0)......êbgg‚êbggBêbggrE _Done exploring.êbggH 3êbgg‰H êbgg"O 4êbgg&S êbgg,T E _Done exploring.êbggžŒêbggÿŒêbggŒÀêbggșÂH _No target in view!ëbggvž% ##.....## ## ## #. #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# ..# ######.####)# ..................# ######.####.# #.# #.# #.# #### ### ##### ëbggL§ëbggÚ§26.8 (1 _ëbgg ŹëbggK­ëbgg## ## ## #. #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# ..# #######.####)# ∩...............@..# #######.####.# #.# #.# #.# #### ### ##### ëbggn)ëbggï)&7ëbgg·.ëbgg20ëbggöd  ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.##.####......)# #∩....@...##.####.# #.# #.#  #.# ##.....##  ### #ëbggÙj ëbggDk &8ëbgg_o ëbgg›p ìbggűüę ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# #ìbgg8ęà #.# ##.....## #.# #.#  #.####......)#  #∩ìbgg…ę...@....#  #.####.# #.# #.#  #.# ##.....## ìbggę4 ### #ìbggęìbggT&9ìbggę ìbggZ ìbgg- ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.#  #.####......)#  #∩..@.....#  ìbggƁż#.####.# #.# #.#  #.# ##.....##  ### #ìbggR‡ìbggˆ'30ìbggǏìbggvîî ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #.# #.####......)# #∩..# #.####.# #.# #.#  #.# ##.....## ### #######ìbgg¶óìbggKô&1ìbgg;űìbggÖùìbggŠd  ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #.# #.####......)# #∩.......#ìbgge™ #.####.# #.# #.# #.# ##.....##  ### #######ìbgg3kìbggÙk&2ìbggÜoìbgg_qìbggwűS ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# ####### #.# ##.....## #.# #.......# #.####......)#ìbgg7ù: #∩........# #.####.# #.# #.......# #.# ##.....## ### #######ìbgg‘țìbggKÿ&3ìbggvìbgg{ìbggqP ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# #######ìbggkRv #.# ##.....##ìbggžRŒ #.# #.......# #.####......)# #∩........# #.####.# #.# #.......# #.# ##....## ### #####ìbggöR##ìbgg Zìbgg‚Zìbgg©Z4ìbgg _ìbggs`ìbgg{Òű ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.......#ìbggĘÒ #.####......)# #∩........# #.####.# #.# #.......# #.# ##.....## ### #ìbgg ÓìbggÙìbggĄÙ&5ìbgg;ßìbggaàìbggžZ8 ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.......#ìbgg7[ł #.####......)# #∩........# #.####.# #.# #.......# #.# ##.....## ### #ìbggaìbgg˜a&6ìbggdìbggüeìbggóҍ ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.# #.####......)# #∩........#ìbggdÓR #.####.# #.# #.# #.# ##.....## ### #ìbggÙìbggLÙ&7ìbggôĘìbggkßìbggèqó ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.# #.####......)#ìbgggrč #∩........# #.####.# #.# #.# #.# ##.....## ### #ìbgg„xìbggˆy&8ìbgg+}ìbgg<~ìbgg«Ț ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.# #.####......)# #∩..# #.####.# #.# #.# ìbgg2Ï #.# ##.....##  ### #ìbggŒ ìbgg &9ìbggÉìbggìbggW|ž ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## #.# #.#ìbggž|Ù #.####......)# #∩.# #.####.# #.# #.#  #.# ##.....##  ### #ìbgg1ƒìbgg‹ƒ'40ìbggƇìbggŻˆìbggéč ##...## ##.## #.# #.#ìbggSéu #.# # #.# ##..... #.# #. #.####......) #∩.ìbggsé: #.####.ìbgg‘éU #.# #.ìbgg”éĆ #.# ##.....  ### #ìbggșđìbgg"ń&1ìbggóőìbggśìbgg_^ r ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.#  #.# ##..... #.# # #.####...... #∩ #.#### #.# #ìbgg2_ ™ #.# ##..... ### ìbggd ìbggžd &2ìbgg h ìbggAi ìbggč Ś ##...## ##.## #.# #.# #.#  #.# ## #.# # #.#### # #.#### #.# # #.# ## ### ìbggÚ ìbgg» &3ìbggF ìbggo j _There is a gate leading back out of this place here.íbggrƒíbggűƒíbggۉíbgg Žíbggg“-4 _íbggA”íbggÖ,!########.##.# .##........##.# ######.###.##....# #..<##..........### #.###....#~..#..## ###.#....~~~~~...## #...###..#~~~~~~~#..#####.#####...~~~~~~~....##...# #íbggC.êDungeon:3#...~~~@~~~### ###..~~~~~~~~....#.# ##.#~~~~~~~#......## #...~~~~~.........###..#...#.....)...###...............#####.....(......++### ####.............# #######.......# íbggR/íbgg©7íbggä”-5.5 (1.7íbgg„œíbgg«Ÿ} _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is a collapsed entrance here.íbggły íbgg0z íbggV| íbggŸ„ íbggI‹ A  You enter the shallow water.íbggË @Water íbggՏ íbggԓ N _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.íbggҖ íbgg,— íbggJ™ íbggĄœ íbgg!Ÿ 7íbgg\  íbgg^ą íbggŹŁ 0íbggș€ íbgg.Š íbgg“§ ,íbggš íbggű© íbggćȘ ,íbggf« íbggJ­ íbggź íbggHź íbgg™ź íbgg± íbggqČ íbgg±Č íbggvł íbgg'” íbggé¶ ,íbgg;· íbgg!č íbggŠș ,íbggC» íbgg Ÿ @  There is an open door here.íbggmż íbggæż  _íbggŸÀ íbggÂ íbggôĂ ,íbggčÄ íbggĄÆ íbggêÇ ,íbgg–È íbgg›Ë íbggÍ ,íbgg+Î íbgg\Ï íbgg‹Đ íbggÀĐ íbggLŃ íbggËÒ íbgg Ô íbgg;Ô íbggÈÔ íbgg$Ö íbggTŚ íbggŚ íbggŰ íbggTÙ íbggțÙ íbgg1Ú íbgg›Ú íbggfÛ íbggGÜ ,íbggąÜ íbggzȚ íbgg0ß íbggXß íbggˆß íbggˆä íbgg5æ ,íbgg˜æ íbgg"è íbggțè ,íbgg­é íbggÔê íbggëë íbggì íbggˆì íbggˆí íbggIî íbgguî íbgg¶î íbgg`ò íbggűò íbgg$ó íbgg„ó íbggö íbggÂö íbggüö íbggáś íbggâű íbgg”ù íbggáù íbgg*ú íbggÍû íbgg§ü íbggÚü íbgg*ę íbggSÿ íbggš íbggÏ íbgg@ íbggï íbggÎ ,íbgg… íbgg^ íbggò ,íbgg… íbggá íbggŒ íbgg$ íbggb íbggƒ íbggQ íbgg» íbggû íbgg‹ íbggŁ íbggÿ íbggF íbggC íbgg` ,íbgg  íbggT íbggŠ íbggÄ íbgg íbggƒ íbgg‹ íbgg» íbgg íbggŁ! íbggÍ" íbgg# íbgg’# íbggÛ& @  There is an open door here.íbggí' íbggf(  _íbgg) íbggá* íbgg€, íbggà, íbggł- íbggZ/ íbggÌ0 íbgg1 íbggĐ1 íbgg|3 íbggM5 íbgg†5 íbggD6 íbggO: s  You now have 521 gold pieces (gained 8).21íbgg:; íbgg? V _There is an open door, spattered with blood here.íbggŹ@ 3íbggaA íbggmC íbggęD ,íbggćE íbggÙI M  You now have 526 gold pieces (gained 5).íbggBJ %6íbgg#K íbggŸP < _You see here a +0 club.íbgg¶R íbggTS íbggnT íbggSW íbggY ,íbggMZ íbggÙ\ íbggy^ íbgg¶^ íbggŹ_ íbgg2d g  You see here a +0 dagger of venom.íbgg*f íbgg‘f  _íbgg›g íbgg.k íbgg5m íbggzm íbggo íbggŻq íbggt ,íbggvu íbggÏw íbggqy íbggžy íbgg¶z íbggÿ| íbggÁ~ ,íbgg íbggà íbgg|ƒ ,íbggr„ íbgg‹† íbgg?ˆ íbggÈ íbgg@‰ íbggöŠ íbggó‹ íbgg0Œ íbgg„Œ íbggù íbgg{ ,íbggä íbggì‘ íbggÿ’ íbggu“ íbgg͓ íbgg• íbggJ– ,íbggȘ– íbggȗ íbggą˜ ,íbgg^™ íbgg0š íbggA› ,íbgg†› íbgg ž íbgg Ÿ ,íbgg  íbggRĄ íbggxą ,íbggèą íbggŚŁ íbggŰ€ ,íbgg>„ íbgg1Š íbgg"§ ,íbgg~§ íbgg–š íbggd© ,íbggÄ© íbggȘ íbggŽ« ,íbggë« íbggz­ íbggMź ,íbgg©ź íbgg3° íbgg+± íbgg_± íbggŽ± íbggëČ íbggÄł ,íbgg˜Ž íbggf” íbgg—¶ ,íbggő¶ íbggȘž íbggč ,íbggpč íbggòș íbggî» ,íbggIŒ íbggpœ íbggLŸ íbgg|Ÿ íbggŹŸ íbgg•ż íbggŐÀ ,íbggrÁ íbggË íbggŹĂ ,íbggțĂ íbggĆ íbggêĆ ,íbggKÆ íbgg7Ç íbggÈ ,íbgg]È íbggÉ íbggÊ ,íbgg^Ê íbggtË íbggKÌ ,íbgg˜Ì íbggwÍ íbggPÎ íbggŒÎ íbggĆÎ íbgg Đ íbgg»Đ íbggŃ íbggPŃ íbgg"Ó íbggaÔ ,íbggÉÔ íbggÍá ąíbggęâ íbggșă íbggëä ,íbgg>ć íbggè íbggśè íbgg;é íbggÂé íbggvë íbggì ,íbggßì íbgg,î íbggłï íbggđ íbggrđ íbgghò íbggßó ,íbgg|ô íbggö íbggBś ,íbggêś íbggB! íbggń. ...# #.#...#.##.## ...# #.##..#.##.... ...# ####### #.#.....#####. ...# #..~..### ##...#########. ...###.≈~~...# ##....#......... ...#...P_P.#.#####..##.#.###### ...#.#.~~≈.......<.###...# ........~..######.## ##### ##.##'...### #@.# ##.....#.#######.## .......#.......#.# .......#.....# ..S .......#.###.....# .......#.# ..####[íbggP0 Y40m S   adder (asleep) .......#.# .... .........# ..... ....###### .......344.7 (99.2)5.7 (100.2) _An adder comes into view.îbgg/g#....#######.#.....#####...~..### ##...#########.##.≈~~...# ##....#............P_P.#.#####..##.#.#########.~~≈.......<.###...# .....~..######.## #### ##.##'...### #..# ....#.#######@## ..îbggHB......#.# # ..S###.....#. ..####.#.... #g   gnoll (polearm, asleep)..# #.....S   adder (asleep)###### g....... îbgg/.‚  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.îbggŐ/îbggž=o S.g)gS.  The gnoll shouts! The adder hisses angrily. You hear a shout!==6.7 (1.0)îbgg:@îbggTB= _The adder bites you but does no damage.îbggöć­  You completely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.You slash the adder with your +1 war axe!îbggÇéîbggKòr$g.....îbgg óîbggÆúÒ...##.##..#.##.... crok the Chopper ...# #######îbggoû(#.#.....#####. Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 526 ...# #..~..### ##...#########. Health: 47/47 ======================== ...###.≈~~...# ##....#......... Magic: 6/6======================== ...#...P_P.#.#####..##.#.######## AC: 7Str: 16 ...#.#.~~≈.......<.###...#EV: 11Int: 7 ........~..######.## #####SH: 0Dex: 16 ##.##'...### #..#XL:  6 Next: 104% Place: Dungeon:3 ##.....#.#######@##Noise: ==-------  Time: 2347.9 (1.2) îbggüw.......#.......#$#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N .......#.....# ...Throw: 9 darts (poison) .......#.###.....#.Rev .......#.# ..####.# .......#.# g... #g   gnoll (polearm) .........# #..... ....###### ........ ....#....... _An adder comes into view.A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.The gnoll shouts! The adder hisses angrily. You hear a shout! _The adder bites you but does no damage.  You completely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.You slash the adder with your +1 war axe!îbggțŠ _You kill the adder!You have reached level 7!îbgg_/  --more--ïbgg—æE52/527/77 2% ïbggœìïbgg…ï’  Your brain swirls with designs for a static assembly. You just need some more _time...ïbggä¶ #######.....#####..~..### ##...######.≈~~...# ##....#...........P_P.#.#####..##.#.#########.~~≈.......<.###...# .....~..######.## #### ##.##'...### #..# ....#.#######.## ........#@# #.....####.....#.# #..####.##g... gg 2 gnolls (polearms, 1 wandering)g. ....#g......ïbgg? ïbggN ïbggUH  The gnoll shouts! You hear a shout!ïbgg§æg.gg 3 gnolls (2 polearms, 1 missile, 1 w
)gïbggH,80ïbgg+#ïbggÎ+ő  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail and quivering a throwing _net. _You see here 7 gold pieces.ïbggèĄ M  You now have 533 gold pieces (gained 7).ïbggčŁ ïbggí€ ïbgg>Š ïbggkł , g.ggg 4 gnolls (2 polearms, 1 missile)ggThe gnoll shouts!ïbgg‡Ž C339ïbggăŸ ïbgg4Ç s _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.đbgg.# #..~..### ##...#########.###.≈~~...#.#........#...P_P.#.#####..##.#.#######.#.#.~~≈.......<.###...# ......~..######.## ##### ###.##'...### #..# #.....#.#######.## ........#.......#.###.#.....#.@...#.#.###..g..#.#đbgg‚8.#.# #..####.#.#.# #.... #...# #g....###### g........# g...# ...đbgg;g......#+#đbggYđbgg›đbggĘ đbgg€  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.đbggĆÿggg.o   orcođbgg/-50đbggë'đbggû,S _The gnoll closely misses you.đbggöÓž  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.đbggƒŐđbggkŚđbgg°ŰđbggéÙđbggÉäż.gggg.o.đbgg_ćG-2.0 (1.1đbggäïđbggôj _You closely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.đbgg˜|©.###.≈~~...#.#........#...P_P.#.#####..##.#.######.#.#.~~≈.......<.###...# ......~..######.## ##### .###.##'...### #..# .###.....#.#######.## .........#.......#.###.#.....#.....#.#.###..@g.#.#.#.# #.g####.#.#.# #g... #...# #g.... ###### .........# .o....... #.....# ..........#+# ............đbgg7ˆđbgg/‹đbgg,—đbgg±©đbgg[Ș'ggđbgg„Ș.đbggëȘođbgg&«...đbgg•ŹđbggM­49đbgg‰­--đbggË­3đbggź 0đbgg9șđbggÁ đbggƒÁđbggșÁR_The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear. The gnoll barely misses you.đbggßÁđbggˆÿ   You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is heavily wounded.You hit the gnoll but do no damage. You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.đbgg3 đbggŸ đbgg  ‰  The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear. The gnoll completely misses you.đbggD đbggž Ăg.o.g 3 gnolls (2 polearms)đbggu D3------đbgg› ]4.2 (1.2Rev+ đbggR đbggè  đbgg h_The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear. The gnoll barely misses you.đbgg} U  You puncture the gnoll with your +4 short sword!đbgg X  You kill the gnoll!đbgg4 đbgge đbgg·) «g@$ogg1, 1 missile)đbgg§. C8-----đbggȚ. .45.3 (1.1đbggț8 đbgg«< a _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.ńbgg”ûűYou kill the gnoll! _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  You barely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ńbgg}ÿńbgg'o.. 2 gnolls (1 polearm)35--6.5 (1.2Rev* ńbgg^3ńbgg‡9v _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 spear.ńbgg`Œä  You barely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.The gnoll is moderately wounded.You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!ńbggÀX  You kill the gnoll!ńbggôÁńbgg˜ÌÖ .oggmissile  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ńbggŒÏn6-6=7.7ńbgg*Őńbgg‡Ű< _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.ńbgg^àž  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.You hit the orc but do no damage.ńbggyë .   gnoll  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ńbgg ì=533-8.9ńbggŽóńbggêöŽ _The orc closely misses you. The gnoll barely misses you.ńbgg˜Ì ŽM_The orc closely misses you. The gnoll barely misses you.  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.  You hit the orc but do no damage.ńbgg”Î Ù  You closely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.The orc barely misses you. The gnoll closely misses you.ńbggxŰ ńbggüŰ C-60.1ńbggćß ńbggE㠍 _The gnoll barely misses you. The orc barely misses you.ńbgg·% ă  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ńbgg·0 Ÿ gg 2 gnolls (1 missile)  You hit the orc with your +1 war axe. The orc hits you with a +0 club.ńbgg€1 d1--1.2 (1.1ńbggö9 ńbggÙ= 9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.òbgg‚ië  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.òbgg#tß .   gnoll  You hit the orc but do no damage. The orc closely misses you.òbggHup29---2.4 (1.2òbgg|òbggś}9 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.òbgg;Ć  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.You hit the orc but do no damage. The orc closely misses you. _The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.4 short sword.The gnoll is moderately wounded.  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.òbggHÆ gg 2 gnolls (1 missile)  You closely miss the orc with your +1 war axe.òbggHp2----3.5 (1.1òbggȚPòbgggT^ _The orc hits you but does no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail!òbggI"òbggÙ"òbggM,òbgg8/ òbggk/P_You are too injured to fight recklessly!òbgg òbgg“ òbggő òbggs ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!òbggő4 ‰  You hit the orc but do no damage.The orc is lightly wounded.òbggù> ç .   gnoll  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. You hit the orc but do no damage.òbggá? `3---4.6òbgg‹F òbgg’J  _The orc closely misses you. The gnoll closely misses you.òbggŒć ì  You barely miss the orc with your +1 war axe.The orc is lightly wounded.  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.òbggó ś gg 2 gnolls (1 missile) You hit the orc with your +4 short sword.5.8 (1.2òbgg$ü òbgg•ÿ w _The orc hits you but does no damage. The gnoll barely misses you.óbggȖ4óbggžóbgg:ąF _Unknown command.óbgg“`ô  You closely miss the orc with your +4 short sword.The orc is heavily wounded.You barely miss the orc with your +1 war axe.óbgg”j± .   gnoll  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.óbgg(k-6.9 (1.1óbgg­qóbggœwŽ _The orc closely misses you. The gnoll barely misses you.óbggêœȚ  You hit the orc with your +4 short sword.  The orc is almost dead.You closely miss the orc with your +1 war axe.óbgg\ÉÛ gg 2 gnolls (1 missile) You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.óbggùÉ^4=8.0óbggŒÒóbgg;Öw _The orc hits you but does no damage. The gnoll barely misses you.óbggeóbggveóbggmóbggqF _Unknown command.óbgg}§ _The orc hits you but does no damage. The gnoll barely misses you. _Unknown command.hit the orc but do no damage.  The orc is almost dead.  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.  You hit the orc with your +4 short sword.óbggżŠí $gge, 1 unaware)  You kill the orc!The gnoll is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.óbggăŽz533 21--79.2 (1.2óbggö–óbgg@˜óbggÍą/  --more--óbgg&ć t _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.óbgg}e Ú.#...P_P.#.#####..##.#.#####.#.#.~~≈.......<.###...# ......~..######.## ########.##'...### #..# .###.....#.#######.## ..........#.......#.###.#.....#.....#.#.###.g.$.#.#.#.# #.@####.#.#.# #.......#...# #.g.......óbgg!f —###### ...........# ........... ##.....#........ .#+#................##......$...óbggčr óbggKs -700óbgg óbggy† š _Found 10 gold pieces. The gnoll barely misses you. _Items here: $ )) [.óbgg,Ë4óbggœÒóbggûŐ> _Unknown command.ôbggYvq#.~~≈.......<.###...# .....~..######.## #######.##'...### #..# ....#.#######.#........#.......#.###.....#.....####.g.$.#.# #.$####.#.....#..# #.g.......#######... .. ##.. ......##+##.gg 2 gnolls (1 missile, 1 unaware).......##$ôbggŸvQ.... ..ôbggŰyôbggB„ä.ggge)The gnoll attacks as it pursues you! The gnoll barely misses you.ôbggú„h22=-1ôbggdŒôbggR _The gnoll shouts!ôbggÉ@   You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is no longer distracted by gold.  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ôbggIAL====2.4 (1.2ôbggęHôbgg“Ly _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll hits you but does no damage.ôbgglkôbggìkôbgghtôbggówF _Unknown command.ôbgg ôÿ  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. x2; The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.ôbggÄô…20-=---3.5 (1.1ôbggăüôbggÁÿ< _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.ôbggĘÿ L  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ôbgg/ ‡  You kill the gnoll!You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ôbggž J$$ôbgg- Œ1-12---4.7 (1.2ôbggĐ ôbggĆ I _You kill the gnoll!őbgglőbggßl4-50őbgg„rőbgg őbgg? őbgg`A ,őbgg›B őbggœD ,őbggĘE őbggH őbgg;H 650=őbggYH őbgg™I őbgg«K ,őbggêL őbggO ,őbggĆP őbggÀR őbggóR őbggçS őbgg§U őbggÙU őbggùU N1=őbgg`W őbggyY ,őbggŠZ őbggÓ\ őbgg] őbgg-^ őbggÖ` őbgga K2=őbggÖb őbggyj 1 _HP restored.őbggĆk 3őbggòl őbggÿs N  You now have 552 gold pieces (gained 19).őbggDt &52őbgg u őbgg_x W _Items here: ))) [.őbggz őbgg>z őbggœ{ őbggć} őbgg‘„ e=őbggӈ   You now have 556 gold pieces (gained 4).  d - 4 throwing nets (gained 1)őbggQ‰ %6őbgg‹ őbggE = _You see here a +0 flail.őbgg7” 3őbgg– őbggM™ őbggVœ ,őbggOž őbgg]ą W  Items here: ))) [.őbggb€ őbggÓ€  _őbgg Š őbggoš őbggvȘ őbggÂȘ őbggšŹ őbgg`Č s  You now have 562 gold pieces (gained 6).62őbgg€ł őbggșș = _You see here a +0 spear.őbggœ őbggÊœ őbggnż őbggŽÁ őbggŹĂ ,őbggaÄ őbggÿÈ W  Items here: ))) [.őbgguÊ őbggË  _őbgg]Í őbggĐ őbggTÒ őbggšÒ őbgggÔ őbggŐÖ őbggÚ ,őbgg.Û őbgg‡Ț őbgg á ,őbgg°ă őbggç őbggLê ,őbggâì őbggÀö Xőbgg­ś őbgg–ù ,őbggû őbgg°ę őbggóę %7őbggRÿ őbgg6 N _You now have 572 gold pieces (gained 10).őbggš 3őbgg1 őbggb őbggt őbgg« őbgg! őbggĆ őbgg őbgg, őbggń őbggš őbgg4 ,őbggű őbgg„ őbgg& ,őbgg őbggZ őbggò ,őbggô őbggć# őbgg|& ,őbggÚ' őbggÂ* őbgg|- ,őbgg_/ őbggy2 őbggÚ4 őbgg5 őbggÓ6 őbggĄ> őbggÁ@ ,őbggÍB őbggKE őbgg‰G ,őbgg$I őbggïO őbggŸQ őbggÈQ őbggèR őbgg±U őbggW őbgg4W őbgg&X őbggÀd  _You open the door.őbgg±h Iőbgg”k @  There is an open door here.őbggem őbgg n  _őbggÓn őbgg?q őbggür őbgg0s őbggIt őbggv őbggæx őbggy őbggŃy őbggÖ{ őbggi Xőbggć‚ ,őbggœƒ őbgg…† őbggìˆ őbgg‰ őbggXŠ őbggŠ’ n.....##.##.......... ####.......#####.....#..#........  #.......#........##'##........  #.......................##....  #.................##....  #.....).#...............##....  #.#..>............##....  #.♣♣....#...............######  #.♣.♣..♣#....@...########-526.7 (151.0) őbgg^“ ś .♣.♣...♣♣........#  ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.#  ♣.♣♣...♣....#######  ♣♣ ♣._.♣.♣.##  ♣....♣...#  ..♣♣♣.♣.. #  #.♣ .♣.♣♣#  ## ♣ ..őbgg©“ őbggHš őbgg✠T _Key pressed, stopping explore.őbggߎ IőbggLč őbggm» őbgg=ż : _őbgg§ż őbggmÁ ,őbggœÂ őbggŁË „őbggíË őbggúÌ őbggæÏ őbgg·Ń ,őbggOÒ őbgg€Ó őbggYŐ ,őbgg0Ö őbgg°Ś őbggęŰ őbggIÙ őbggšÙ őbgg”Ú őbggOÜ ,őbggżÜ őbgg„ß őbggÚà ,őbgg‚á őbgg‡ă őbgg(ä őbgg\ä őbggć őbggè őbggé őbgg.é őbggé őbgg ë őbggBì őbggČì ,őbgglï őbgglő r #.♣♣....#... #.♣.♣..♣#........## .♣.♣...♣♣........#  ♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.......#  őbggÌő |♣.♣♣...♣....#######  ♣♣.♣._.♣.♣.##  ♣.♣....♣...#  ♣..♣♣♣.♣...#  #.♣@♣.♣.♣♣##  őbggôő —##Z♣.♣...# őbggö o##♣♣♣♣♣##  őbgg@ö ŸZ   quokka zombie (dormant) őbgg ” _38.7 (12.0)ZZőbggl JA quokka zombie comes into view.őbgg 4=9.7 (13őbggZ őbggą E _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.őbgg1á . .....#  .  .  ♣♣.##  ♣.♣..#  ♣..♣♣♣.♣...#  #.♣@♣.♣.♣♣##  ##Z♣.♣...#  ##♣♣♣♣♣## öbgg‡‚. . .....#  .  .  ♣♣.##  ♣.♣..#  ♣..♣♣♣.♣...#  #.♣@♣.♣.♣♣##  ##Z♣.♣...#  ##♣♣♣♣♣##  öbggՆöbgg0‡öbggOŠöbggùŒd _A quokka zombie is nearby!öbggx°ź . .....#  .  .  ♣♣.##  ♣.♣..#  ♣..♣♣♣.♣...#  #.♣@♣.♣.♣♣##  ##Z♣.♣...#  ##♣♣♣♣♣## öbggi±3öbggVI. . .....#  .  .  ♣♣.##  ♣.♣..#  ♣..♣♣♣.♣...#  #.♣@♣.♣.♣♣##  ##Z♣.♣...#  ##♣♣♣♣♣##  öbggëN7_öbgg OöbggCU8_öbgg€Yd _A quokka zombie is nearby!öbggPȚ öbggąß 240.0)öbggÉä öbgg@ç [ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.śbggˆ]_1śbggŒśbggߎ[ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.śbggœêśbggŃë&2śbgg„ńśbggôZ _The quokka zombie barely misses you.śbggœ7_śbgg^€&3śbggĄ‡śbggŽˆ śbggψE_The quokka zombie misses you.śbggćìśbggší&4śbggŰńśbggCô^ _The quokka zombie completely misses you.śbgg–gśbggSh&5śbggBlśbgg™nZ _The quokka zombie barely misses you.śbgg‘ë7_śbggoì&6śbggSń8_śbggKöS _The quokka zombie misses you.śbggäfśbggšg&7śbgg‘lśbgg5nE _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.śbgg(+ 7_śbgg, &8śbggv0 8_śbggH3 [ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.śbggw śbgg?‚ &9śbgg.‡ śbggŒ‰ [ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.śbggc 7_śbgg> '50śbggÉ 8_śbggn Z _The quokka zombie barely misses you.śbgg0„ <1śbgg† śbgg‰ E _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.śbggá śbggŸ &2śbggđ śbggő S _The quokka zombie misses you.śbggÙo śbggÍp &3śbggku 8_śbgg›x E _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.śbggç 7_śbggÎç T1-4śbggí śbgg2ï 2 _The quokka zombie bites you.śbggžd śbgg€e &5śbggk 8_śbggGt Z _The quokka zombie barely misses you.śbgguŰ śbgg Ù &6śbggłĘ 8_śbggà [ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.śbgg\™ śbgg„š T2=7śbggő śbgg“Ÿ E _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.śbggșț śbggœÿ &8śbggíśbgg„Z _The quokka zombie barely misses you.śbggI‰śbgg!Š&9śbgg”ŽśbggG‘[ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.śbgg.ù7_śbggÒú'60śbgg’țśbgg•b _The quokka zombie barely misses you.closely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie barely misses you.closely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggé0űbgg2B=1űbggÔ78_űbggM:Çclosely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie barely misses you.űbgg˜:żclosely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggšŽűbgg`”&2űbggęŒűbggÊż űbggÀ?_The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbgg{)R3űbggx+ űbgg§+U_The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggëÜ7_űbggăĘ&4űbggÒâűbggść‚closely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggIJ7_űbgg”K&5űbggśOűbggëR _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _űbgg;SÔThe quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggrÊ7_űbggË&6űbggÒÏűbgg)Ń _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _űbggŐ~The quokka zombie closely misses you.barűbggmGűbggZH&7űbggĆMűbggFPE _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggÄ7_űbgg,Ć&8űbggâÉ8_űbggfÌ[ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggă27_űbggä3&9űbggà8űbggh:E _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggŒł€_70_ űbggúłM_The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggW@<1űbggșA8_űbggDE _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggÜ]_2űbggNçÍ_ _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie barely misses you.űbgg&dűbggÆd&3űbggjűbggŽlS _The quokka zombie misses you.űbgg±Ú7_űbgg‡Û&4űbggĄß8_űbggQâ[ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggÉX7_űbggY&5űbggÛ]űbggb`E _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggIÄűbggęÄ&6űbgghÇűbggbÉE _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggS@7_űbggî@&7űbggI}_ _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggŸÇ7_űbggÜÈ&8űbggWÎ8_űbggŃ[ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggN űbggŽN &9űbgg[R 8_űbggyU È closely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbgg3Ă űbggÄ '80űbggJÇ űbggÉ Â _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggE> 7_űbgg? &1űbggęC 8_űbggŽF Œ _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggŽÈ 7_űbggyÉ &2űbggvÎ űbgg)Ń Œ _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggg űbggŚg &3űbggGm 8_űbggwo Œ _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggWÜ űbgg!Ę &4űbgg†á űbgg„ă Œ _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggN^ 7_űbgg _ &5űbggšd 8_űbggÒf  _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage. _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.űbggÆÖ 7_űbggŃŚ T1-6űbggÆÜ 8_űbgg4à 2 _The quokka zombie bites you.űbggX ]_7űbggea q _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggž¶ űbggĆ· &8űbgguœ űbggÔż [ _The quokka zombie closely misses you.űbggn;űbggt<`49--9űbggę@8_űbggeC  _The quokka zombie closely misses you. _The quokka zombie bites you but does no damage.. _The quokka zombie closely misses you.The quokka zombie bites you.ùbggčV  You slash the quokka zombie with your +1 war axe!ùbggź^_$ ùbggÙƒ572 =90.8 (1.1Rev ùbgg ùbgg˜T _You destroy the quokka zombie!ùbggŹ” #.♣.♣..♣## .♣♣........♣♣.♣.♣.♣..♣.......# ♣.♣♣...♣....####### ♣♣.♣._.♣.♣.##  ♣.♣....♣... ♣..♣♣♣.♣...# #.♣.♣.♣.♣♣## ##@♣.♣...# ùbgg~¶h ##♣♣♣♣♣##ùbggv»7_ùbggŒ&--ùbgg:Œ10ùbggłżùbggVÄùbggâÄ#8ùbggĆf50=--2.8 (2ùbggèÇùbggPÊ> _You now have 578 gold pieces (gained 6).ùbggEF ùbggìJ ùbgg"N ùbgg.P ùbggŠç ùbgg‡è ùbggFì ùbggŽí ùbggôc 7_ùbgg°d ùbggKi ùbggŁj ùbggNÖ ùbggŚ ùbgg~Ú 8_ùbggĄÜ ùbgg¶ ùbggj! ùbgg–! ùbggK# ùbgg+' ­ ùbgg„' ùbggŒ( ùbgg) ùbgg') N1=ùbgg) ùbggš* ùbggÀ* ùbgg2+ ùbggv, ùbggŻ, ùbgg - ùbggK. ùbgg„. #2ùbggŹ. (=ùbgg / ùbgg2 ùbgg”3 ùbgg4 ùbgg)4 ùbgg36 ùbggU7 ùbggĂ7 *578ùbggP8 ùbggć9 ùbgg; ùbgg\; ùbgg < ùbggț= ùbggȘ? ùbggś? #=ùbgg.@ ùbggŐ@ ùbgg©B ùbggšD ùbggôD ùbgg F ùbgg6H ùbggI ,ùbgg_I ùbgg­L ùbgg‚M ùbggŹM ùbgg,N ùbgg¶O ùbggŠP ùbggÒP ùbggÖQ ùbggĂT ùbggLU ,ùbggśU ùbggáW ùbggVY ,ùbggAZ ùbggł\ ùbggŰ^ ùbgg_ ùbgg˜` ùbggÁd ùbggùi Bùbgg)l ùbgg[p ùbgg„p ùbggÏr ùbggˆt ùbggUv ,ùbggcw ùbgg1y ùbggđz ùbgg{ ùbggž| ùbggs~ ùbggʀ ,ùbgg„‚ ùbgg˄ ùbgg«† ùbgg߆ ùbgg=Š ùbgg\• = _You open the large door.ùbggȚ– ùbgg/— ùbggϗ ùbggœ› ùbggܜ ,ùbggž ùbggą ùbggÙŁ ùbgg€ ùbggÓ€ ùbggç ùbgg© ùbgg7© ùbggÛ© ùbgg_Ź ùbggf­ ùbggš­ ùbgg,ź ùbggń° ùbggî± ùbggČ ùbggœČ ùbggD” ùbgg†¶ ùbggÔ¶ ùbggs· ùbggoŒ ùbggȘŸ ùbggż ùbggiÀ ùbggGÄ ùbgg4Æ ùbggyÆ ùbggƒÇ ùbggÒË ùbgg—Í ,ùbggvÎ ùbgg(Ò ùbggÔÓ ,ùbggžÔ ùbggæŚ ùbggŽÙ ,ùbggŒÚ ùbggeĘ ùbggÍȚ ùbgg_ß ùbggà ùbggă ùbgg.ä ùbgg{ä ùbgg ć ùbgg0è ùbgg1ê ,ùbggë ùbggZî ùbggčđ ùbggń ùbggDò ùbggxő ùbgg‰ś ùbggű ùbggÿű ùbggJü ùbgg‡ț ùbgg1ÿ ùbggŽ ùbgg‹ ùbggI ,ùbgg ùbggæ ùbggŸ ùbggń ùbggç ùbgg ùbgg. ùbgg• ùbgg§ ùbggp ùbggW ùbgg› ùbggJ ùbggž! ùbggŁ# ,ùbggŰ$ ùbgg{' ùbgg_) ùbgg‘) ùbgg”* ùbgg- ùbggă/ ,ùbgg`3 ùbggÎ5 ùbgg8 ùbgg‚8 ùbggv9 ùbgg>< ùbggz> ,ùbgg¶? ùbggEB ùbgg7D ùbgguD ùbggÇE ùbggôG ùbggxI ùbggźI ùbggÀJ ùbggN P  There is a stone staircase leading up here.ùbggP ùbggäP  _ùbggčQ ùbggŠS ùbggÛT ùbggU ùbgg~U ùbggSW ùbggsX ùbgg­X ùbgg!Y ùbgg[ ùbggW\ ùbgg] ,ùbggń] ùbgg_ ùbgg+_ ùbggc_ ùbggJ` ùbgga ,ùbggƒa ùbggc ùbggd ùbgg»d ùbgg2e ùbggÌg ùbggq q....# #.##########  ....######..........#  )..............>###.#  ......####...##.#J#.#  ......# ###.##.#.#.#  ......# #....#.#.#  ......# #####.....##  ùbgg§q Û......# #...#.#....#  ####### #.#.#.@.##.#  #.#...#.##.#### #.##..#.##....# ####.#.....#####.#ùbgg5r > ..### ##...#########.# ~...# ##....#.........#  J   endoplasm (asleep) P.#.#####..##.#.######### ≈.......<.###...# ùbggtr m..######.## ##### ùbggû} € 652.8 (60.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.ùbggÖ~ ,3.8 (61ùbgg—„ ùbgge‡ 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.ùbggNŰG  ......# ).>###.# #.#J#.#  ###.##.#.#.#  #....#.#.#  #####.....##  #...#.#....#  #.#.#.@.##.#  #.#...#.#  #.##..#.#  #.#.....#  ##...#####  ##.... ..## .......<.# . #####úbgg˜)…  ......# ).>###.# #.#J#.# úbgg*ï ###.##.#.#.#  #....#.#.#  #####.....##  #...#.#....#  #.#.#.@.##.#  úbgg8*#.#...#.#  #.##..#.#úbggY*–  #.#.....#úbgg{*# úbgg™*č ##...#####  ##....úbgg+& ..## .......<.# . #####úbgg±1úbggk2úbggŃ8úbgg’=a _An endoplasm is nearby!úbggšÔú# ###  # #.##########  ...######..........#  ........>###.#  ####...##.#J#.#  # ###.##.#.#.#  # #....#.#.#  # #####.....##  .....# #...#.#@...#  úbggÖ‘###### #.#.#...##.#  #.#...#.##.####   #.##..#.##....#  ## #.#.....#####.#  .### ##...#########.#  ...# ##....#.........#  .#.#####..##.#.######### .......<.###...#  úbgg\ÚúbggâćŸ<JJ4.8 (1.0)úbggÊèúbggÙëH _The endoplasm quivers.úbgg)ìúbggˆ” H ##  #.###############..................>###.####...##.#<#.####.##.#J#. #....#.#.# ####..@..## .......#.#... ###### #.#.#...##.# #..### #.##..#.##... ## #.#.....### ##...######### ...# ##....#......... .#.#####..##.#.#########.J5úbgg$» úbgg Œ úbggŒ9   _An endoplasm is nearby! _The endoplasm quivers.  You hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.  The endoplasm is lightly wounded.  You hit the endoplasm with your +1 war axe.  The endoplasm freezes you.úbggŠ: #0úbggö: l-=7.0 (1.2Rev úbgg@ úbgg·B % _You are frozen.úbgg§Ž R  You slash the endoplasm with your +1 war axe!úbggč o$úbgg€Œ N578 8.1 (1.1úbggpÁ úbggá M _You kill the endoplasm!úbgg úbgg» úbgg‹ úbgg H _No target in view!úbgg̉ ’ _No target in view!úbgg úbggČ úbgg úbggí H _No target in view!úbgg• úbgg?– úbggᙠúbggBœ H _No target in view!úbggW úbgg=X úbggÎ\ úbgg_ H _No target in view!úbggÙđ úbgg–ń úbgg”ő úbgg™ś C _No target in view!úbgg.úbggô.úbggé3úbggÍ5úbggsnM ## úbggŰsí #.###############..................>#####...##.#<#.####.##.#.#.# #....#@#.# ####.....## .......#.#... #######...##.# #.#...#.##.#### #..#.##.. .úbggțsF##...úbggűxúbggŸy;-90 _úbggÇ|úbgge€úbggۀc84-60.1 (2úbggú‚úbggȅ; _You now have 584 gold pieces (gained 6).ûbggOûbggšO4ûbggQûbggQL1-ûbggUcûbggkU0ûbgg^VûbggÇWûbgg Xûbgg)XD2=ûbgg±Xûbggîi+4.1 (4ûbggTjûbggŸmûbggoE _Done exploring.ûbggÔûbgg7ûbggÆûbggj5&0ûbgg™:,ûbggÖ<E _Done exploring.ûbgg‚W’ _No target in view!ûbggïćh.# .# ### .# #.########## .######..........# ûbggŠæ )..............>###.# ####...##.#<#.# .# ###.##.#.#.# .# #....#.#.# .# #####.@...## .# #...#.#....# ####### #.#.#...##.#ûbggçę  #.#...#.##.####  #.##..#.##....# ### #.#.....#####.# ûbgg0ç..### ##...#########.# ~...#...#.........# ûbggeçFP.#.#####..##.#.######### ûbgg^íûbggKî25.1 (1 _ûbgg%óûbggiöübgg0pź#....# #....#  #....# ###  #....# #.########## #....######..........# )..............>###.# .####...##.#<#.#übggŻpŚ .# ###.##.#.#.# .# #...@#.#. .# #####.....## .......# #...#.#....# ######## #.#.#...##.#   #.#...#.##.####  #.##..#.##....# #### #.#.....#####.# übggúqô### ##...#########.# ~~...# ##....#.........# übgg-uübggČu&6übgg™yübgge|übggÌęăM#### ##  #.######### #....######......... .)..............>#####...##.#<###.## #....#.#.# ####.....## .......# #...#.#....# #.## .###7übgg;<M#### ###  #.######### #....######......... .übgg|;Ì)..............>#####...##@#<###.## #....#.#.# .......# #####.....## .übggÈ;b.# #...übggőBübgg­C#=übggŰC8übggrIübggĘJübggΙ 'M#### ###  #.########## #....######..........#)..............@#####...##.#<###.## übggŸš Ż.......# #....#.#.# #..#übggƒĄ übggŻą 35849übgg‚§ übggQȘ c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.ębgg|ębggn}ębggô€ębgg<„ębggŁˆD70 _ębggüz.P..PP.  .P..PP.  .P..PP.  PP..PP.  P..PP..  P..PP..   ..PP...######## 4 ..PP._.@.......  ..PP...........  P..PP..........  PP..P.......... PP..PP......... .P..PP.###+##.. .PP..P. ........ębggĄŽ ębggŸębgg6ŸębggQâ+8 (1.7ębgg‹éębggȚđ§ _You climb downwards.  Found a bloodstained altar of Trog. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.țbggqŻő.P..PP...P..PP...P..PP.#.PP..PP.#.P..PP..+P..PP..#P..PP...#P..PP._@<.P..PP.P..PP..PP..P..PP..PP..P..PP.###+##...PP..P.. ...țbgg2Äțbgg5Ć310 _țbggĂĐțbggÓțbggž țbggŻž țbgg…œ țbggńĂ țbgg.Ï țbggOÔ țbgg­Ô țbggpÛ țbggì Bțbgg“ï țbgg0ű țbgg~ù țbggÒę țbggĘ țbgg… țbggì țbggó țbgg 7 _You open the door.țbgg%" țbggm" țbgg6) țbggU1 @  There is an open door here.țbggÛ7 țbgg‘8  _țbggP; țbggÍ? țbggìL ö_.PP.$P.....P###...P..PP..$....P....P..PP...... ..P..PP.#@####... 7.8 (6.PP..PP.#. .P..PP..' PP..PP..#țbggIM ŠP..PP...#########P..PP._.<.......P..PP...........PP..PP...........PP..P..........țbggÉ_ A8.8 (7țbggˆc 8_țbgg‘f 6 _Found an opulent altar of Gozag.țbggű†țbgg‹‡țbggłŠțbgg‘‘țbggżšțbggșŸțbgg7 țbggș§țbggÜ”,țbgg†»țbggÈÂțbggŸË,țbgg~ĐțbggŰțbgg â,țbggąèțbgg”ò;9țbggàűțbgg~N _You now have 594 gold pieces (gained 10).țbgg§ 3țbgg,țbggűțbggK țbgg  țbgg”&ÿbgg nÿbggÿBÿbggűÿbgg&ÿbggxÿbggM#ÿbggA*ÿbggV2,ÿbgg^6ÿbgg<ÿbggăB,ÿbgghGÿbggŚMÿbgg±U5 ##########+#### #.............. ..#............... .......@.......... ...P..PP.... ...PP..P.... ...PP..PP......... #...PP..P......... g._.PP.$P.........g   goblin (asleep) ....PP..P......... ...PP..PP.######## ...P..PP..........ÿbgga090.8 (12.0)ÿbgg}a,1.8 (13ÿbgg)k;_ÿbggȚqs _A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.ÿbggßW4ÿbggŃe9_ÿbggjR _No reachable target in view!ÿbgg‰ : #+#### #..#...P..PP..PP..P..PP..PP....#...PP..P.....g._.PP.$P..PP..P..........PP..PP.#### ...P..PP...ÿbggŁ ÿbggP 82.0) _ÿbgg 9_ÿbggÔ cggł< #+####. #..#...P..PP..PP..P..PP..PP.........#...PP..P......... .g._.PP.$P..PP..P..........PP..PP.#####  ...P..PP.cggĂ8_cggáĂ&3cggĂÎ;_cggÍÒcggx5. ##########+####... #...................P.@PPcgg/QP..PP###...PP.. .g._.PP.$......PP..PP..PP.########..PP..........Pcgg,:_cggž,&4cggę7cggt;cggšțè..? ##########+####.. #.................P..PPP@.PP###...PP....g._.PP.$......PP..PP..PP.########..PP..........P...PP.cggá:_cggö&5cgg!9_cggE%a _Found 3 scrolls of teleportation.cgg%ß n..? ##########+####... #.............. ....#....... .....P..PP .....PP..P. .....PP.@P ###cgg™ß 3. ..g._.PP.$P. ......PP..P..............PP..PP.########.....P..PP.......... ....PP..PP....cggĆß wP..PP.............P..PP...########cggYđ cggÈđ &6cggêę 6_cggQ cgg6 '..? ##########+####... #.............. ....#....... .....P..PP .....PP..P. .....PP..Pcgg6 ç ###. ..g._.PP.$P. ......PP..P. .....PP..PP.########.....P..PP..........cgg7 ś....PP..PP. P..PP...........P..PP...########..P..PP.#.####...cggPI cggßI &7cggđV 9_cgg'[ cgg%‘2? ##########+####...#.................P..PPP..PP###...PP....g._....PP..PP..PP.########..PP..........P.. ...P..PP........ #########.####...P....cgg”Łcgg‰łŒg.._gcggtŽ/==8cgglÄ8_cggéÊl _The goblin shouts! _You see here 12 gold pieces.cggƒrI? ##########+####. #.......PP......PP..P###g._.PP.$.PP..P.........P..PP.########.cggksê......PP..PP..................########.####cggYwcggü‡Rg._cgg"‰6--9 _cggæ—;_cggœcggF1t--  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!  The fungus begins to die.  The fungus is lightly damaged.  You hit the fungus with your +1 war axe.  The fungus begins to die. You hit the fungus but do no damage.  You hit the fungus with your +1 war axe.cggž9/  --more--cggIù/ cggöüIYou hit the fungus with your +4 short sword.cggƒÉg.SS   ball python (constriction, wandering)cgg‰7=700.9 (1.1cggć9_cggÖ#V _A ball python comes into view.cggŠ4Q? ##########+####...#.................P..PPgPP...PP..PP###...PP......_S...PP.....PP..PP.########..PP..........P.. ...P..PP........ #########.####...P....cgg 9cgg0;cggcG€g._.Scgg2H+-1cggbH 0cgg!V:_cgg$\J _You see here 12 gold pieces.cgg‰w‚You now have 606 gold pieces (gained 12).  The ball python hisses angrily.cggóxcggzcgg拶g..._S.S)cgg†ŒX606-2cgg™cgg}: _A nearby fungus withers and dies. x2cgg•Đ o? ##########+####. #.g......PP.....PP....###.._S.PP..P.........P..PP.########.......PP..PP........cggŃ –..........########.####cggfŐ cgg¶Ö cggÌă cggtđ ƒ.g..S3cggùü ;_cggU 7 _A nearby fungus withers and dies.cggŽN . .? ##########+#### ....# ....#. .......... .....Pg.PP. .....PP..P. .... ###...PP..P. ...._.PP... .....SPP..P......... .o...PP..PP.######## .o...P..PP.o   orc wizard (wandering).PP..PP.o   orc (polearm, wandering).P..PP...........g   goblin ..P..PP...########S   ball python (constriction)  An orc and an orc wizarcgg Yd come into view.cgg“^.gS_o.....oo)cgg_/==4cgg‰k8_cggœo< _The orc shouts! The orc wizard shouts!cggźÏQ  You hit the goblin with your +4 short sword.cgg=ÙU606 You hit the goblin with your +4 short sword.  You kill the goblin!  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!  The fungus begins to die.  You hit the fungus with your +1 war axe.  The fungus begins to die.cggxâ/  --more--cggčöÁ  The ball python completely misses the fungus.The ball python grabs the fungus. The ball python constricts the fungus.cggÜùcgg? $o.o.S   ball python (constriction)cggEa36.1 (1.2Rev cgg"9_cggV'' _The fungus begins to die.cggOĘU . .? ##########+#### ....# ....#. .......... .....P..PP. .....PP@.P. .....PP.... ###..SPP..P. ...o_.PP... ......PP..P......... ...o.PP..PP.######## .....P..PP..PP..PP..P..PP...........cggæXThe ball python bites the fungus. The fungus begins to die.cgg{ëCThe ball python constricts the fungus.cggîcggúö.oo.o 2 orc wizards (1 wandering)ocgg5--70cgg·cggÿÖ _An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.Things that are here: _7 gold pieces; a +0 clubcgg ÌcggÏRPick up what? 23/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 club Gold (select all with $)b - 7 gold pieces [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit cggzÏËLetters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]cggoe™  b + 7 gold pieces[Enter] accept (1 chosen)cggÆccggqqcggD„crok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 606 .Health: 52/52 ========================.? ##########+####Magic: 7/7========================....#..............AC: 7Str: 16....#...............EV: 11Int: 7....................SH: 0Dex: 16.....P..PP..........XL:  7 Next: 13% Place: Dungeon:4.....PP@.P..........Noise: ---------  Time: 2707.1 (0.0).....PP.............a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N###..SPP..P.........Throw: 9 darts (poison)....o.PP............Rev ...o..PP..P..............PP..PP.########o[3cgg-…E5mo 2 orc wizards (1 wandering)o....P..PP..........o   orc (polearm)....PP..PP..........S   ball python (constriction)...P..PP........... _The fungus begins to die.  The ball python bites the fungus. The fungus begins to die.  The ball python constricts the fungus. _An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.Things that are here: _7 gold pieces; a +0 clubcggWŒM  You now have 613 gold pieces (gained 7).cggtŽcgg cggRĄoo..ocggąP138.1 (1cgg7°cgg¶^ _The ball python bites the fungus. The ball python constricts the fungus.cggĆł è..?. ##########+####...#.................P..PPP)..###..SPP..P....ooPP.....PP..PPP..PP.########o...P..PP.............P....PP...... ########cggœ ,cgg À l  A nearby fungus withers and dies. x2; The ball python bites the fungus.cggČĆ ƒ  The ball python constricts the fungus.  The orc wizard hits the fungus with a +0 dagger.cggáÛ O .oSP._o.oThe fungus begins to die. The ball python bites the fungus.cgg–Ü .=9cggdï cggîö < _The ball python constricts the fungus.cggÀ   You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!  The fungus is lightly damaged.  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!fungus begins to die.  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!  The fungus begins to die.cggË/  --more--cgg Ő v hit the fungus with your +4 short sword.  A nearby fungus withers and dies.cgg˜Ö cggÔŰ cggÛ cggŰĘ cgg>ï Üo.oS.o.=10.2 (1.1cggÎû cgg)ÿ ; _The ball python loses its grip on the fungus.cgg&Ę JYou hit the ball python with your +1 war axe.cggÄă Ÿ  You kill the ball python!You hit the fungus with your +1 war axe.  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!cggÉć cggIç cggßû Ù .o$_.o  A nearby fungus withers and dies.cggŒ M*_cggbÛ €  The orc wizard mumbles some strange words.cggVă /  --more--cggÆ)Ù _   orc wizardThe orc wizard flickers and vanishes!cgg|U{_cggì\=1.3Rev cgg š _Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.cggÌ ..?..##########+####....#...............#....P..PP..PP)...oP. ###..{@...P......_.PP....o.PP..P..P.########..........P..PP..........J......P..PP...########J   endoplasm (wandering) ..P..PP.#.####...cgg~§cggèșƒ.JAn endoplasm comes into view.cggŽÂL_*cgg›7o   orc (polearm)J   endoplasm  The orc wizard casts a spell.cggÜ.ż_{The orc wizard flickers and vanishes! Something hits you but does no damage.cgg°/Z0-20cggè<cggțA{ _The orc hits you with a +0 trident. _You see here 8 gold pieces.cggCű8_cggéűcggŹ9_cggâ F _Unknown command.cgg›8 ?..##########+####....#...............#....P..PP..PP).. ......oP.#####..{$...P......._@PP....{.PP..P..P.########..........P..PP....J.........P..PP...########.P..PP.#.####... .PP..PP.#........cggÍ=cgg˜>cggAF  A nearby fungus withers and dies.cggŹP€ .._J.  The orc hits you from afar with a +0 trident.cggŃQi48----3cgg_a8_cgg„e' _You hear a shout!cgg›7 O--cggęF :_cggßJ F _Unknown command.cgg/, ..?..##########+#### #.......PP.......PP).......o.....#####..@$...P_.PP...{.PP..P.........P..PP.########....J..PP..PP............########......####cggócggecggfcggà0© ..J.  A nearby fungus withers and dies. x2; Something hits you.cggĂ1g-====4cgg"@;_cgg@D: _The orc hits you but does no damage.cggïÛ2_cgg¶ÜcggùêcggĐîF _Unknown command.cggì‚L  You slash the orc with your +1 war axe!cggż‰†  You kill the orc!You miss something with your +1 war axe.cggQÇ$_J.J   endoplasmcgg©ĄŽ=---5.4 (1.1Rev cggmźcggc±f _Something hits you but does no damage.cgg8ÁcggóÁ:---cggqË9_cggąÍF _Unknown command.cgg?oĐ...?..##########+#### #......PPP.).......@.....#####...$...P......_..P....{.PP..P.........J.PP..PP.########.P..PP............########cgg9r,cggđrcggx*J..cgg“‚;-60 _cgg;_cgg#“~  Things that are here: _7 gold pieces; a +0 trident; a +0 ring mailcgg?ú 3_cgg’û 8-cggò ;_cgg F _Unknown command. cggRșș  You miss something with your +4 short sword.  You closely miss something with your +1 war axe.  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe! cggć» cggÇ.J. cggÈ>9==7.6 (1.2 cggÇÒ9{ cgg.Ś€ _The fungus begins to die. Something hits you but does no damage. cgg^gč  You miss something with your +4 short sword.  You slash something with your +1 war axe!  You closely miss something with your +1 war axe. cggŽtx _J  You hit the fungus with your +1 war axe. cgg-ul88.7 (1.1Rev+  cgg;_ cgg°…€ _Something hits you. Something hits you but does no damage. cggviŽ  You closely miss something with your +1 war axe.  You miss something with your +1 war axe.  You hit the fungus with your +1 war axe. cgglv J.  You miss something with your +4 short sword.  Something hits you but does no damage. x2; The endoplasm barely misses you. cggUw0-9.8 cggŹ cggšƒf _Something hits you but does no damage. cggđŒ cggż8- cggŻ™9_ cggF _Unknown command. cggfĂ O _Unknown command.something with your +4 short sword.hit something with your +1 war axe.  You slash the fungus with your +1 war axe!  You hit something but do no damage.  You slash the endoplasm with your +1 war axe! cggyĆ \  You kill the endoplasm! cggëÈ  cggcÒ /  --more-- cggÙÇ– .$_  A nearby fungus withers and dies. cggŃΑ_You hear some strange, mumbled words.  A puff of flame appears from out of thin air! cggz`9{ cggdš2---4=20.9Rev*  cggĐp;_ cggŸr} _The puff of flame hits you. Something hits you but does no damage. x2 cgg]±sYou miss something with your +1 war axe.  You hit something with your +1 war axe. cgg Œđ $_Reactivating autopickup.You feel a bit more experienced.  You closely miss something with your +4 short sword. cggAżi3---20-2.0 cggZÆ cgg{È` _Something completely misses you. cggÀ<  cggg= 8- cggG  cgg‘J F _Unknown command. cgg: Ï  Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.You miss something with your +4 short sword. cggÎ: (3.1 cggöD ;_ cgg3H Y _You hit something but do no damage. cggÚ  cgg‡! cggŽ.9_ cggy2F _Unknown command. cggiZ‡  You barely miss something with your +1 war axe.  You hit something with your +4 short sword. cgg [(4.2 cgg_k cggî cggOą.B6.9 (1.0) _ cggÈQ _There is an open door here.cggEXI ######## #......# #......+ #......# #B.....# #......# # ###.@....# #.#..##'#### ...........# .......##########+##...........##+###......# #........... #.......P..PP #...)cggûacggŸb-7 _cgggcggđicgg,î€#######+.B cgg«îă ###......#.#..##'#### ...........#..##########+##.....#+###.....P..PPcggPűcgg›ű.=8cgg“ęcggąI _The bombardier beetle bites you but does no damage.cggŒI(  You slash the bombardier beetle with your +1 war axe!  The bombardier beetle is severely wounded.You hit the bombardier beetle but do no damage.cggłJ1-=70.1 (1.2Rev cgg^PcggRR6 _The bombardier beetle bites you.cgg à  You barely miss the bombardier beetle with your +4 short sword.The bombardier beetle is severely wounded.You slash the bombardier beetle with your +1 war axe!cggćæo$cggFíí 646 2=35-1.3 _You kill the bombardier beetle!cggBócgg&ög _Your Armour skill increases to level 3!cgg< cgg°< 8-cggàA cggȚE H _No target in view!cggßś cgg-ű cgg!ę cgg} H _No target in view!cgg cggń cggč† cgg›Š H _No target in view!cggš 4cgg, cgg " H _No target in view!cgg;y 4cggőŒ ^ _No target in view!cgg»ț mNo target in view!cgg%D `cgg|c š _52 _You now have 652 gold pieces (gained 6).=cgg‡k cggËr cggŠs cgg]u cggd† f#########......##......+cgg,‡ S #......#cgg€‡ g #......#cggć g #......#cgg@ˆ Z####......#cggو î######.#..##'####.......@........#cggt‰ -cggș‰ ......cggú‰ ...#########cgg6Š @...............#........cggxŠ j#####'###......#........cgg‹ € g. #...............cggv‹ Z ... #.......P..PPcggŒ‹ hg   goblin (wandering)cggŒ y ... #.........)cgg I.... #.......)cgg§ !cggű 2 ######.))....P..cgg@Ž !cgg〠 cggO„ h8.3 (7.0 _A goblin opens the door. It is wielding a +0 dagger.cggČ„ cgg€đ-     #......+  #......#  #......#  #......#  #####......#  ######.#..##'####  .......@........#  ............... ............... #####'###...... g. #...... ... #...... ... #.........) .... #.......) ))cgg/I—     #......+  #......#  #......#  #......#  #####......#  ######.#..##'####  .......@........#  ............... ............... #####'###...... g. #...... ... #...... ... #.........) .... #.......) ))cggkRcggàR8-cgg~[cgg„_] _A goblin is nearby!cggJs-     #......+  #......#  #......#  #......#  #####......#  ######.#..##'####  .......@........#  ............... ............... #####'###...... g. #...... ... #...... ... #.........) .... #.......) ))cgg_—     #......+  #......#  #......#  #......#  #####......#  ######.#..##'####  .......@........#  ............... ............... #####'###...... g. #...... ... #...... ... #.........) .... #.......) ))cgg^cgg cgg=$cgg»(] _A goblin is nearby!cggÁó #......# #......+ #......# #......# #......######......########.#..##'####'................##.########.#.......######'###......# g. #......... #.......P..PP. #.........).J   jelly (asleep)cgg™Á©.. #.......).g   goblin (wandering)J.. ######.))....P ......._..P..cggÍÊg  A jelly comes into view.cggćËcggmÒÎg.Jwandering)Jg.cggÓJ====9.3 (1cggžÚcgg•ß( _The goblin shouts!cggow U+....#......#####...#######.#..##'###'................#########.......#####g### ... #................P..PP...........).......J....)......... ######.))....P######. ......._..P.....PP..Pcgg?z cggP… >J..cggn† \=---80cgg㍠9_cgg “ = _The goblin hits you but does no damage.cggPę ™  The jelly quivers.You hit the goblin with your +1 war axe.cgg” Ú $unaware)_You kill the goblin!cgg] I---1.5 (1.2cgg‹ ,Rev cgg}9_cggÜK _The jelly is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.cggó„@ #......# #......# #......######......#.#######.#..##'####.'................# ####### #.#...... ######@###......#..g.......#................#.......P..PP......J...#.........)......#)....######.))....P#######.........._..P... g   hobgoblin (wandering) #............PP..P Pcgg<‰cgg‰Šcgg”‘Aw.g_w   dart slugg   hobgoblin (wandering)cgg ’4-20cggC˜cggxœ“  You kill the goblin!jelly is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. _A hobgoblin comes into view. A dart slug comes into view.There is an open door here.  Things that are here: _7 gold pieces; a +0 daggercggiúÍ...#####...w#######.#..##'###.'................ #...............########...............#.......######$###.......g...@..#..P..PPJcggÄú..)...)..#####.))....P#######.........._..P... #............PP..P g   hobgoblin......PP..PPcggÿúM..PP.cggŽțcggA.gcggÜR-3 _cgg7;_cgg©cggRWŠ#####..w#######.#..##'###.'................ #.........#######............######$###...g.......P..PPJ..)...)..#####.))....P#######.........._..P... #............PP..PcggÀW„......PP..P.....P..PP.PcggĂ^:  The hobgoblin shouts!cggÚhĐ.gJ_Jgcgg]iE====4cggAr9_cggóvZ _The jelly quivers.cggÿîKThe jelly quivers.  You hit the jelly with your +1 war axe.e jelly is no longer distracted by gold.  Your graspers burn!  The jelly is moderately wounded.  You hit the jelly with your +4 short sword.cggś.g 47---=---5.6 (1.1Rev cggČÿcgg%P _Your graspers burn! The jelly hits you but does no damage.cggš”4 short sword. _Your graspers burn! The jelly hits you but does no damage.  You hit the jelly with your +1 war axe. Your graspers burn!  The jelly is almost dead.  cgg딈You barely miss the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.  You hit the jelly with your +4 short sword.cggÉÀÈ g$g   hobgoblin (unaware)cggÁS  You kill the jelly!cggńÈ 4----43---6.8 (1.2Rev+ _The hobgoblin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.cggƒÏcggoĐcgg™Ù/  --more--cggÆš i _Your Stealth skill increases to level 2!cggŻ1 Dg_gYou barely miss the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.The hobgoblin is no longer distracted by gold.  You barely miss the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.cggÙ2 s6522--7.9 (1.1cggÍ; cggß? % _The hobgoblin hits you.cggțőŐ _ You barely miss the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.You hit the hobgoblin with your +4 short sword.cggÀö•3-9.0Rev* cgg8cggźV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.cggȘžR  You slash the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe!cggŹcggü­&$_cggÉč«652 90.1cgg-ÁM _You kill the hobgoblin!cgg3Ł" #......# #####......# w#######.#..##'#### .'..........# #......... #........#cggÚŁ„.######$###......#.#.@...#.P..PP.$...#.).#.).######.))....#.........._..P #............PP.. #...........PP.. #.....P..PP .PP..PPcggn­8_cgg?ź4-10cggŽŽcgg>œcggŸa5-2.1 (2cggBÄcggÈ> _You now have 655 gold pieces (gained 3).cgg‰cggŠcgg鎙4=Rev+ cggl’Bcgg”“cggۖcgg—cggA˜cgg’šcggăš#5cgg ›3=cggRœcgg‚žcggʞ:Rev cggh cggé„cgg<Šcgg°§cggȘcgg€Ș+655cggÀ«cggàźcgg1ŻL6=cggU°cgg‚ČcggĐČ!cggÆłcgg¶cggx¶cggÁ·cgg‹čcggæčcggőșcggœcgg„œU7=cggcŸcgg©ÀcggîÀcggŃÁcggÄcggkÄcgg1ĆcggkÇcggăÇ#8cgg È(=cggEÉcggXËcgg‹ËcggŻÌcgg­ÎcggÏcggęÏcggĄÒcggóÒcggÂÓcggŽÖcggăÖU9=cggŰcggÉÚcggÛcggÖÛcggőĘcgg?ȚcggfßcggácggăáL50=cggÒâcggpć,cggiæcgg»ècgg écggÚécggìcggfìcggoícgg\đcgg±đU1=cggäńcgg™ôcggđôcggĂőcggùcgg|ùcgg±úcgguęcgg»ę52=cggáęcggÂțcggÒ cgg† cggÚ cggÆ cggy cgg %9cggà cggÍ M _You now have 659 gold pieces (gained 4).cgg cggK cgg cggÊ cggê cgg0 9=cgg' cggš cggĘ cgg  cggŽ cggH &  cggz JYou now have 666 gold pieces (gained 7).  There is an open door here.cggò &66cgg2 cgg' > _You see here a +0 dagger.cggÊ( cgg) cggš) cggÁ* cggc, ,cggI- cgg‹/ cgg 2 ,cgg*3 cgg5 cgg8 cggh8 cggî8 cggù9 cggí< cgg/= cgg> cggT@ cgg|B cggœB cggëC cggäG @  There is an open door here.cggJ cgg]J  _cggCL cggŽO cgg«X ±   .......######## ###### cggY A ..............# #.....  ..............# #.....  .............w# #.....  cgg-Y Ź..............#  ............# cgg–Y I $...#####  #######.#..##'##  .'.......  #........... cggÄY o #...........  cggńY Ć........######)###....  ######...........#....cggZ ùw   dart slug (wandering)  #...........#......  cggMZ ž#...........#......  #.....#......cggm] 1834.1 (42.0)cggOf >w.cgg g ,5.1 (43cggĐp cggÆt cgg?Y y .......########  ..............#  .............w#  ..............#  ..............#  ..............#  $.............# .......@# ........'...... ........#...... ........#......cgg7Z … ........######) ######......... #......... #........cggò Ł .......########  ..............#  .............w#  ..............#  ..............#  ..............# cgg·ò 6 $.............# .......@# ........'...... ........#...... ........#...... ........######) ######......... #......... #........ cggûü 4cgg  cgg# ` _A dart slug is nearby!cgglFț .......########  ..............#  .............w#  ..............#  ..............#  ..............#  $.............# .......@# ........'...... ........#...... ........#...... ........######) ######......... #......... #........cggižÙ .......########  ..............#  .............w#  ..............#  ..............#  ..............#  $.............# .......@# ........'...... ........#...... ........#...... ........######) ######......... #......... #........ cggń€cggi„cggŐ©cggg­` _A dart slug is nearby!cggŒ"Ë   .######## ####### .# #. .w# #. .# #. .# #. ..# #. $.....#####...... .#######.#..##'### .'....... .#.......# .#...............# ........######)###......# ######...........#. #...........#. #.#.cggQ,cggA-86.1 (1.0) _cggl4cggÙ7cgg+œZ     .cggâœ5######## ########   .# #......#   .w# #......+   .# #......#   .# #......#   ..# #......#   $.....#####......   .#######.#..##'####  cgg!Ÿ  .'.   ..#.#   .cgg¶Ÿ@.#...............#.   ........######)###......#   ######...#.   #.#.PcggòÉcggĐÊ&7cggqÒcgg“ŐcggŁo O ..  .....   .######## ########  .# #......#  .w# #......+  .# #......#  .# #......#  ..# #......#  $cggŒp V.....#####......#  .#######.#..##'#### .'.# ..#.### ........#...............#. ........######)###......# ######.#..cggőt cggŃ} L.wcggw~ &8cgg8† cgg‰ cggìî Đ.. ..... ...... cggï 0.# # .# #......# .# #......+ .w.# #......# .# #......# .cggŻï Đ# #......# $.#####......# ....cggÙï S..cggÿï ........#.#........#.#.cgg!đ c........######)###......#.######.#.cgg5ú <9cgg” cggc cgg/r Üww   _A dart slug is nearby! _A dart slug is nearby!  You strike the helpless dart slug from behind!  You hit the dart slug with your +1 war axe.  The dart slug is heavily wounded.  You hit the dart slug with your +4 short sword.cgg*s b=40.3 (1.2Rev cggyy cgg¶| A _The dart slug bites you but does no damage.cggJÙ Ù  You hit the dart slug but do no damage.The dart slug is almost dead.You slash the dart slug with your +1 war axe!cggëà o$cggęä 666 41.4 (1.1Rev+ cggë cggï M _You kill the dart slug!cggë^ cggŠ_ cgge cggÎh H _No target in view!cggBÌ cggÛÌ cggŃ cggtÔ H _No target in view!cggXZ cgg[ cgg0c cgghf H _No target in view!cggžä cggnć cggÎê cggŃí H _No target in view!cggjP cgg&Q cggłV cggZ H _No target in view!cggž cggŁž cggÿž cgg@  cgggĄ cgg*„ mRev  _cgg°„ ;72cggƒŠ cggŸȘ x _No target in view! _You now have 672 gold pieces (gained 6).cggCŹ cgg{Ź cggóŹ cggŐź cggP° cgg›° cgg± cggČ cgg»ł cggŽ !cggđŽ cggŸ· cgg{ș cggI» cggq» cggŒŸ cgg€Á cggÖÁ cgg8Ă cggĆ cggVÈ ,cggÚÉ cgg§Ì cggÏ cggBÏ cggMĐ cggŻÒ cgg\Ú BcggÛ cggĘ cggPĘ cggŒȚ cgg(á cggä ,cggôä cggIç cggżé cggê cggë cgg8í cggAï cggˆï cggLđ cggô @677cggțő cggüù M _You now have 677 gold pieces (gained 5).cgg6ü 3cgg ę cgg cgg ,cggcgg†cggÁ,cgg‡ cggĄ cggˆcggÎcggŸcggècggcgg[cggXcggG)`cggÍ*cgg„+,cggî+cggê-cgg_.<86cgg’3M _You now have 686 gold pieces (gained 9).cggć4cgg)5cggš5cgg™8cggù<Xcgg8>,cggÜ>cgg‚@cggŠAcgg°Acgg1BcggzEcggLF,cggvFcgg(Hcgg©I,cggIJcggšKcggŒL,cggMMcggËNcgg-PcggˆPcgg\Zncggš[cggć\cgg.]cggY^cggź`cgg.d,cggecggNgcggĂhcggîhcggicggKkcggűm,cgg=ocggápcgg˜rcggÇrcggÊscggJ}cggcggVcgg€cgg§ƒcggY†,cggN‡cggƈcgg;Š,cgg‹cggŽŒcggŽ,cggèŽcgg[cggt’,cggœ“cgg–cgg×,cgg˜˜cggf›cgg„,cggöžcggĄ cggŁ,cggs€cggE§cgglȘ,cggĆ«cggæ­cgg°°cggù°cgg̱cggg”cggBž,cggsčcggáŒcgg–ÁcggêÁcgg]ĂcggÛÈcggaÎ,cggŒŃcggĘŚcggȚcggQȚcgg9âcggrècgg|đ,cgg˜ócggËùcgg‡,cggücggècggù,cggx!cggö,cggƒ-'701cggű4cggnN _You now have 701 gold pieces (gained 15).cgg~ 3cggcggŽcggí!,cggB(cgg±UšcggY\cgg:_cggÊg,cggËncggęscgg„ƒ#..........P..PP...#######..........P..PP.#.####.. #.........PP..PP.#....... ##+#####..P..PP..'....... #.......PP..PP..#....... #.P..PP...######## #.P..PP._.<....... #.P..PP..... #cgg„‰PP..PP....-904.4 (63.0) #PP..P.... #....###.PP..PP... #.... ..P..PP.###+##.. ..... ..PP..P.. . .... .......cggF„ ... ....... ......> cgg”„ cgg cggá›\-5.4 (64cgglœ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.cgg|ž3cggóčcgg7ŸcggțĆcgg<ÉcggËcggĐÍcggçĐ,cggÓcggČÚcgg™Ę,cggÊßcggƒâcggeé,cggŃîcggòcggzű,cggYúcggbücgg[ț,cggšÿcggÀcggícgg8cgg+ cgg cgg ,cgg» cggÔcgg,cggĆ2äcggȘ=b #....###.PP..PP...... .###....###..P..PP.###+# ..........#..PP..P..  ..........#......... ..........#........ ...#......>. .##.......#........  #.......#........  #....@..#  #.# ..........# .##.......# #.......# .........# S   adder (asleep).........# J   endoplasm (asleep).....J..S.#cgg>‡ 19.4 (1  An endoplasm and an adder come into view.cggû>cggÓ?cggóEÀSSJwandering).J..cggéF-20.4 (15cggŠOcgg~T/ _The adder hisses angrily.cgg°.###....###..###+#.........#..PP..P.. ...#........ ..>.##...... #........# ...## ......S..J##..###'#cggČcgg łcggxčeS..Jcggș11.0)cgg ÂcggĆcggŐu Ą.........#..PP..P.. ...... .>##.  .#...## #....S.........J##..###'# #.. ..cggax cggy cggey cgg?… ĘS..Jgg   hobgoblin (wandering)cggօ &2cggąŽ cggë‘ \ _A hobgoblin comes into view.cggșâ ă  You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.  The adder is moderately wounded.You miss the adder with your +1 war axe.cgg9ä cggaï äJg. .Jgcgg\đ 51-cgg‡đ Z=3.6 (1.2Rev cgg‡ù cggę h _The adder closely misses you. The adder bites you.cggQ ”  You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.The adder is moderately wounded.cggbR cggȚU Ó  You closely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.cggfW cggÄ` bJg..cggBb »0===-4.8Pois Rev+ cggÊj cggZn , _The adder poisons you!cggiè N  You slash the adder with your +1 war axe!cggŒë X  You kill the adder!cgg†ì cggŃő Jg....J   endoplasmg   hobgoblincggfû …701 48-65.9 (1.1cgg? cggĐ  cgg _You feel sick.cgg±b R  You slash the endoplasm with your +1 war axe!cggCf \  You kill the endoplasm!cgguo îg.$.g   hobgoblincgg t  7--7.0Rev* cgg›{ cgg˜~ $ _You feel sick.cggKÈ  .#..PP..P.. .#. ..#. ...#......>. .##.#. #.#. #.#.##.#.#cggđÈ Y.##..g.$..# #.# ..#.#.##.##..###'###. #.. ..cggžÒ cggȘÓ #4cggÔÓ –=--80Rev+ cggĆÙ cggÄÜ  cggíÜ 6_You feel sick. The hobgoblin hits you.cggÆ} P  You hit the hobgoblin with your +1 war axe.cggՆ › $  You kill the hobgoblin!cgg’ Ž-79.1 (1.1Rev* cggV’ cgg9• $ _You feel sick.cgg7è cggùè cgg/đ cggXó H _No target in view!cggI]cggü]cgg dcggìgH _No target in view!cggïőcggÎöcgg”ücggˆH _No target in view!cggš4cggŠ&cgg9*H _No target in view!cgg©ącgg{Łcggg©cggòŹH _No target in view!cggôÿcggÙcggWcggă @ _No target in view!cgg ˆcggƈcgg†Žcgg’cgg7Ûr ...... .>##.  ..#....##..$@$ #...........S   adder (asleep)cggûÛc..S. ...cgg°éx  An adder comes into view.  You feel sick.cggê„3--300Rev* cggȚńcgg!ö[ _You are no longer poisoned.cggêáč .>##. .cggVâL ..#....##..$.$ #...@.....#.##..###'#. #.. ..  .S....... ....cggècgg/ńWSS.cggĆń@-1cggșűcgg”ę/ _The adder hisses angrily.cggșW   ..........#>.  .##.......#  #.......#  . #.......#  ..##.......#  ...........#  ..##..$.$..#  #...@...#  ...........#  ...........#  ...........#  #.##..###'##  #. #S. ..  ... ...  cggN=.... .... cggÛł ś   ..........#>.  .##.......#  #.......#  . #.......#  cgg1Ž ä..##.......#  ...........#  ..##..$.$..#  #...@...# cgg[Ž ˆ ...........#  ...........# cggŽ I ...........#  cggŠŽ ›#.##..###'## cggËŽ œ#. #S. ..  ... ... cggóŽ .... .... cgg‡œ cggŸ cgg‡Æ cggË  cgg5Ë 9_An adder is nearby!cggWË cggŠí ˜   ..........#>.  .##.......#  #.......#  cggîí œ. #.......#  ..##.......#  ...........#  ..##..$.$..#  #...@...# cggî H ...........#  ...........# cgg<î M ...........#  #.##..###'##  cgg^î h#. #S. ..  ... ... cgg‡î B .... .... cgg‰ ˜   ..........#>.  .##.......#  #.......#  . #.......#  ..##.......#  ...........# cgg ‰ - ..##..$.$..#  #...@...#  ...........#  ...........#  ...........#  #.##..###'## #. #S. .. cgg@Š < ... ... .... .... cgg“ cgg»“ cggF› cgg˜  ] _An adder is nearby!cgg, h .#>. .##.#......... #.#... #cggB, ő.#  ..##.# ....#cgge,  ..##..$.$..#...##.......#cgg†, 2.....#cggŻ, È.#.###.##..###'##cggÏ,  #. #S. ... ... ..... cggì, > ...... ...cggW0 cgg]2 cggò: >S..cggj< #4cggŒ< o=2Rev+ _cgguD cggzG cggn°Ê##.. ..  ..#......##..$.$...##........S##.##..###'# #. #.. ... .cggÚ°š........... ..######cgg·»cggBŒ.=3cggGĂcggÆÈS _The adder closely misses you.cggë9°  You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.You barely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.cgg˜:-4.2 (1.1cggË:?Rev* cggOCcggÍFV _The adder completely misses you.cggłĄ _The adder completely misses you.  You puncture the adder with your +4 short sword!  The adder is severely wounded.miss the adder with your +1 war axe.  The adder bites you.  You are poisoned.cgg>Ž·3===-=5.3Pois Rev* cgg{Žcgg»cgg§żi _The adder poisons you! The adder barely misses you.cgg’É  You hit the adder with your +1 war axe.  The adder is almost dead.You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.cggK — $  You kill the adder!cggX%q1--9-6.4cggg+cgg/$ _You feel sick.cggŠžcgg–Ÿ@--cggKŠcggȘH _No target in view!cgg^cgg9_cggjecgg%iH _No target in view!cggÍcggíÍcggąÔcggČŰH _No target in view!cgg{] cggù] cgg_ cgg‰b cgg g <0cggĄh 3 _You feel sick.cgg i '39cggj cggŸm 4 _You feel sick. cggÈm P_No target in view! _You feel sick.cgg8n cggho cggDs ^ _No target in view! _You feel sick.cggȘs #8cggĐs J-Rev+ cggæt cggȚv 3 _You feel sick.cgg1w 07017cggIw )-cggêw cggæz U _You feel sick. _You feel sick.  cggR{ $36cggl{ U-Rev+ cggÓ| cgg€ j _You are no longer poisoned.cgg\€ O37=cgg· cgg1„ cggt„ :Rev cgg… cgg•† ,cgg(‡ cgghˆ cggŒˆ B8=cggȘˆ cggH‰ cggšŠ cggôŠ cggŁ‹ cggìŒ cgg !cggȍ cggD cgg“ cgg‘ cgg“ cgg_“ K9=cggs• cggà— ,cgg}˜ cgghš ,cggèœ cgg Ÿ cggaŸ cgg‰Ÿ O40=cggó  cggwŁ cggÈŁ cggL€ cgg„„ ,cggŠ cggA§ ,cggç cggűš cgg>© %1cgg·© cggÎȘ ,cggi« cggțŹ ,cgg„­ cggŻ cggvŻ K2=cgg° cgg)ł ,cggÀł cgg&” ,cggÒ” cggî¶ ,cggˆ· cggƒž cggĆž U3=cggËč cgg » ,cggò» cggœ ,cggšœ cgg០cgg!ż cgg2À cggä a4=cgg|Ă cgg Ć ,cggpĆ cggìÆ ,cgguÇ cggÒÈ k5=cggbÉ cggsÊ cggšÊ cgg`Ë cggÉÌ ,cggúÍ cggÉÏ cggÿÏ cgg)Ń cggÓ cggsÓ K6=cgg¶Ô cggÖ cgg]Ö cggÉŚ cggÙ ,cggÂÙ cggôÚ cgg7Û U7=cggÏÛ cggńÜ ,cggŒĘ cggOß ,cggôß cggïá ,cggă cggűä a8=cggŒć cggUç ,cggiè cgg`é ,cggęé cgg.ë 99cgg]ë 2=cggEì cggŹî ,cggùï cgg™ò ,cgg2ó cggáô ,cggWő cggś b50=cggîś cggăű ,cggù cggČû ,cggÓü cgg=ÿ cggwÿ cgg› cgg‚ 91cggč 2=cggŒ cggÍ cgg cggk cggœ cggÔ cggF cgg7 cgg„ K2=cgg cgg cgg§ cggÛ cggü cggȘ cggù %7cgg cggl M _You now have 707 gold pieces (gained 6).cgg.! cggk! cggÁ" cgg % cgg„' cggő' 9=cggú( cggê* cggf- ,cgg`. cggç0 cggi8 Ÿ... ... .........>. .#......... #........ #.....###...##..@.$-3001.4 (65.0)#...##...#............#............#+............#cggÊ8 Ű###.##..###'###. #..# ..> ...+ .........# .....cgg......#.......# ..........#.......# ..........#.......# ..........#.......# cggt© Ÿ..........'.......+ .###....###.#####. .########.......@......s ...# #............... cgg­© Ź...# #............... ...#........ cggÒ© Û...# #......... #..# #...............cggÿ© s   scorpion (asleep) .### #######......### .#cgg·Ș ˜ #......# .#cggŒź -46.4 (43cggI° cggGž zs..scggč ,7.4 (44cggÀ cggÄ [ _A scorpion comes into view.cgg9Â#. ...#. >......#.# .....#.# ......#.# .#.# ..'.......+ ###....###.......#####. #cgg Ș........@...s..# ..# #.# ..# #.# ..# #.# ..# #.# ..# #.# ### #......# #cggYcggÎ6s.cgg‘18.4 (1.0)cggb^cggaJ%#. #.. >......#.# #.# #.# #.# '.+ ....###.#####..#.s...# # #.# # #.# # #..# #..# #.#  ###  cgg Lcgg?hus.9cggÇ6n  You hit the scorpion but do no damage. x2cgg]7b=50.5 (1.1Rev cggâ>cggCA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.cgg%pxThe scorpion stings you but does no damage.  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.  You closely miss the scorpion with your +4 short sword.  The scorpion stings you.  You are poisoned.  poisons you!cggqÁ0====-1.7 (1.2Pois Rev+ cgg„xcgg«{A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.cgg·. The scorpion poisons you! _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.  You hit the scorpion with your +1 war axe.  The scorpion is lightly wounded.  You hit the scorpion with your +4 short sword.  You feel sick.cggg48--2.8 (1.1cgg cgg„A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.cggű`ő  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.The scorpion is moderately wounded.You barely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.cggùa 7--3.9Rev* cgg0hcggńkd _You feel sick. The scorpion barely misses you.cggĄđô  You hit the scorpion with your +4 short sword.  The scorpion is heavily wounded.You completely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.cggń3=---5.0cggűcggÍü~ _You feel sick. The scorpion closely misses you. The scorpion stings you.cggj\ Qcompletely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.closely misses you. The scorpion stings you.  You hit the scorpion but do no damage.losely miss the scorpion with your +4 short sword.  .cggö\ W2--6.1cggqd cgg(g A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.cggò   You completely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.The scorpion is heavily wounded.You puncture the scorpion with your +4 short sword!cggŻò (7.2cgg€ù cggôü e _You feel sick. The scorpion closely misses you.cggŸ… ŠM_The scorpion closely misses you.  You barely miss the scorpion with your +4 short sword.The scorpion is almost dead.You feel sick. The scorpion stings you.  You are more poisoned.cgg‡† ł39=======-8.3Pois cgg7Ž cggü‘ o _The scorpion poisons you! The scorpion barely misses you.cgg*ù O  You hit the scorpion with your +1 war axe.cggœ ™ $  You kill the scorpion!cggș ˜735 35---8639.5 (1.2cggń 7Pois cgg{ cggÛ S _You feel very sick.cggí| cgg~ 9--cggc„ cggyˆ H _No target in view!cggÁë ž#. #........ >......#.......# #.......# #.......# #.......# '.......+ ....###.#####..# .cgg;ì ....# # #.# # #.# # #.# # #... # #...cggrì = #### cggŒô cggÆő k3--600cgg4ù cggț ’ _You feel very sick.You now have 740 gold pieces (gained 5).cggŻț ‡401---1.5 (2cggl cggY $ _You feel sick.cgg”WO#. #. ......#.......# #.......# #.......# #.......# cggòW?'.......+ # ....###.#####..# .#  #.# cgg/Z$ #.#  #.#  #....  #....  ##### cggacggìaI29--cggJb[2.5 (1Rev+ cggUgcggÚj$ _You feel sick.cggâcggFž8-cgg†ŸcggGącggh§Ő8- _You feel sick.-cggDšcggă«3 _You feel sick.cggFŹ:7cggőŹcggiŻ3 _You feel sick.cggçŻ[6Rev cgg†°cggÛČ3 _You feel sick.cgg{łw7405-cgg)ŽcggŐ·%  cggVžG-Rev cggŻžcggĐșj _You are no longer poisoned.cgg»cggč»cgg#œcggRœ!cggŸcggˆżcggMÀi6=cggáÁcggÂcggóÂcggfÄ,cggĆcgggÆcggœÆcgg§ÇcggŠÉa7=cggÊcggŒË,cggÌcggŸÍ,cgg±ÎcggQĐO8cgg*ŃcggÂÒcggôÒcggÔcggwŐcgg„ŐcggÖcgg8Ű,cggóŰcgg[ÚcggšÚS9=cggLÛcggÊÜ,cgg‡ĘcggśȚcgg/ßcggŒßcggZácgg”áL30=cggâcgg„ăcggšăcggaäcggčćcggȚćcggËæcggècgg8ècggÔècgg=êcggsêS1=cgg.ëcggìcgg€ìcggPícggšîcggÏîcggoïcggÙđcgg ńcggȘńcggócgglóK2=cgg<ôcggxőcgg őcggȘöcgg@űcgg|űcgg(ùcggÍúi3=cggĂûcggę,cggÀęcgg3ÿcggìÿ,cggw,cggKcggcggID4=cggÒcggŠ,cggzcggÿ,cggŹ cggü cggO S5=cgg cggo cgg‘ cgg>cgg§cggÔcggtcggÁcggècgg%cgg#cggcK6=cggcgg,,cggîcggS,cggcggącggN37=cggłcggcggZcggócgg€ ,cggT!cggĘ"cgg#cgg™#cggu%m8=cggO&cgg',cgg`(cggÉ)cgg*cggž*cggŐ+,cgg„,cggü-cggM.K9=cggÊ.cgg 0,cggč0cgg‚2,cggT3cgg5cggm5V40=cgg96cggÒ7,cggŒ8cgg9:,cggÖ:cgge<cggŻ<cggu=cggú>cgge?%1cggŃ?cggșA,cggÉBcggĂCcgg,DcggôDcggƒFcggËFK2=cgg‹GcggîHcgg.IcggÔIcgg\K,cggLcggMcggÖMcgg_NcggĐOcgg&P#3cggNP2=cgg;Qcgg°R,cggLScggæU,cggùVcgg Ya4=cggșccggìfcggógcggóhcggQkcggźo,cggûpcggTqcggÍqcggtcgg}tU5=cgg†ucggœwcggæwcgg…xcggzcgg`zcggv{cgg›|cgg}cgg…}cgg^cgg €K6=cggȀcggq‚,cggŠƒcggf…,cgg<†cggˆcgg\ˆU7=cgg!‰cggŸŠ,cgg΋cggcggvcggșcggV,cgg cgg_‘cggΑK8=cgg–’cggö“,cggȔcgg–cggI–cggĖcggA˜cggž˜U9=cgg-™cggšš,cgg`›cggۜ,cggncggϞcggŸcggŸcggț cggUĄL50=cggȚĄcggÄŁ,cggp€cggȘ„cggè„cggÆŠcggàšcgg7©U1=cgg ȘcggŹ«cggî«cgg~Źcggźcgg/źcggŻcggz°cggš°cgg\±cggÄłcggTŽK2=cggĆŽcggˆ·cgg č,cggÊčcgg°»cggœ,cggśœcggsżcggAÁcggMÂ,cggÄcgg‘ĆcggóĆ9=cggŹÆcgg.ÉcggsÊcggĆÊcggAËcggÍcggfÎcggźÎcggMÏcggÉŃcggÓ,cggíÓcgg«Őcgg,ŚcggrŚcgg&ŰcggŒÙcgg3ÛcgglÛcgg1ÜcggĆßcgglácggșácggDâcggćcggçcgg^çcggxècggëêcggûìcggAícggDîcgg°đcggŹòcggűòcggôcgg&öcgg{ű,cggúùcggôûcggț,cgg(ÿcggScggă,cggËcggŠcggPcgg–cgg: cggô cgg cggÚ cgg© cggäcggicggScggœcggÈcgg"6 _The gnoll shouts!cgg#%cgg%cggç&cggŐ*cggÇ1cggG4,cggČ5cggì@< _The gnoll bouda shouts!cggiDcggŹFcggöFcggĂHcggÿKcgg|P,cggRcgg&UcggûWcggiYcgg#[cggs[cgg–\cggęacggśe,cggKgcggPkcggÈo,cggGqcggïscggívcggßycggPzcggb{cggĄ„cggL†cggŸ‡cgg#ˆcggЈcggL‹cggù”éPP...######## PP.#.####... #..~~.©# PP.#........ #..≈≈.. # P..'........ #..≈≈.##. P..#........ #..≈≈.#© ##########+##..≈≈.##.#_.<..........#..≈≈..#g#cggx•Ò..........#..≈≈## .# P.............#.@≈≈# ...1930.0) P.............#..≈≈#..# PP............##.≈≈#g.#ß PP.###+##........≈≈####. .P......#........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈ ........#........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈g   gnoll (wand, wandering) cgg»•:........#............... .>......#.......######## ........#.......########cggj—cggą1.cgg0ž,31cgg$ŁcggŠ* _Found a transporter.cggŠAcgg=BcggGCcggÒFcggyIcggqOBcgg„Qcgg>TcggZXcggï[cggH\cgg']cggÛ_cggccggje,cggżfcggojcggqtcggÖtcggÀucggüxcgg6|cggh|cggŰ}cggVcggS„cgg„„cggł…cgg…Šcgg˔,cggm•cggz˜cggášcgg%›cgg7œcggŸcggăĄ,cggôącgg^„cggđ§cgg%šcgg©cgg•«cgg‡”D............. .................≈≈≈≈≈ .PP.......≈≈≈≈ )....%...≈≈# # .........≈≈# .# P......... ...≈≈#..# P... ..≈≈#.... P..P ##.≈≈###.# ..PP.##########.@≈≈..#.#2041.0) .PPcgg¶ÿ........≈≈.##.+ .PP........≈≈.#..#..............≈≈.##.# PP...##########..≈≈..#.# PP.#.####... #..~~.©#.' PP.#........ #..≈≈..#.# P..'........ #..≈≈.##.# cggR¶ŠP..#........ #..≈≈.#©.cgg»żcgg8À,5.5 (12cggÇcggšÊ- _Found a beast talisman.cgg‚“cgg<”cggœcggŸH _No target in view!cggÚ%cggŁ&cggŐ-cgg1H _No target in view!cggj3łM ...........≈ .PP........≈≈≈≈ )....%...≈≈# ........... .# ...P.............≈≈#..##..............≈≈#.... P..P......... ##@≈≈###.# ..PP.##########..≈≈..#.#........≈≈.##.+ .PP..............≈≈.#..#...≈≈..#.~~.©#.cggÜ4Z.##..≈≈.##.#cggț:cggł;86.0) _cgg7@cgg0Ccgg3TȚM#######+####+...........≈≈ .PP....≈≈≈≈≈ )%...≈≈## . .# ...P..##cggHUȘ.............@≈≈#.... P..P..........##.≈≈###.# ..PP.##########..≈≈..#.# .PP..............≈≈.##.+..#...####..≈≈..#.cgg­_cgg`&7cgg"hcggüjcgg[Z KM #######+####+#.!.....#+.........≈≈ .PP....≈≈≈≈≈ )%...≈≈## . .# ...P##....≈≈#.... P..P..........##.≈≈###.# ..PP.##########..≈≈..#.#......####..~~.©#cggxc cgg'd &8cggĆn cggÛp [ _Found a fuming inky potion.cgg cggĐ cgg cgg¶ cggĐ ,cggh" cggü" cggt& ,cggĄ( cgg5, cgg§0 cgg1 cgg3 cggĆ6 cggŻ? ‚ #.[.....#  #..!....#  ##  +.......# ########+####+#.!.....#.. ..........+............≈≈≈≈≈≈≈11.5 (3 ..PP..≈≈≈≈≈≈ .)..cggF@ ‰%...≈≈####................≈≈#..#...P.............≈≈#..##..........≈≈#....P..........##.≈≈###.# P..PP.##########..≈≈..#.# ..PP..............≈≈.##.+cgg‡J A2.5 (4cggÿT cggY ( _Found a ring mail.cgg‰:Qcgg…DcggbEcggOJcgg`Ps _h - 3 fuming inky potions (gained 1)cggm[Icgg·\cgg`,cgg/bcggżqcggscgg`‡ncgg‰l _u - 3 grey potions (gained 2)cggŒ3cgg:ŽcggŹ™A  You see here a +0 ring mail.cgg&cggó _cggdŸcggÇ cggÆŁ,cggdz ### ## ####.# # #.##....########## .+ ......... .# #.......# .# .......+.......+ .# #.[.....# .# 5#....... ## #.......#5   ufetubus (asleep) .# .+....... ##########+####+#.......#.. #.........+..24.5 (12.0)5.5 (13 _An ufetubus comes into view.cggűš0### #######.# ..#.#.##....########## ..+h................. ..##.......# ..#.+.......+ ..#.#.[.....# ..#5......#.......# ###..#.......# ..#.+.......##########+####+#.......#..h   jackal (asleep) .#.......................+.. .#..........cggąșcggM»16.0)cggeĆcggÊY _A jackal comes into view.cggnW### #### # # ####.# ...# ..#.##....##########.+h..................# .#.......#.#.+.+.#.#.[.....#.# 5.5......#.......# ####.cggĄnš.#.# ...#.+.##########+####+#.#..5 2 ufetubi (asleep).#................+.. ..#.... ..≈≈≈≈≈≈≈cggüyk  An ufetubus comes into view.cgg2{cggM|cgg]~cggóˆï.h5...555hcgge‰0===7cgg,“cgg'˜- _The ufetubus shouts! x2cgg N### ##### ## ## ####.# ....# #..#.##....##########.+...................#h##.#..+.+.#5...@..#.[.....#.#..5.....#.......# '####cggÆ ~.......#.# ....#.+.##########+####+#.#...#................+...#.....≈≈≈≈≈≈≈P..PP.≈cgg# cggM cgg~ cggŰ cgg€ cgg1 cggă cgg ,..hh..5.5.hh 2 jackals (1 wandering)cggE 0---8cggH cggâ& Y _A jackal comes into view.cgg” €  You slash the ufetubus with your +1 war axe!  The ufetubus is severely wounded.cggە k  You hit the ufetubus but do no damage.cggM— h  A jackal comes into view.cggØ cgg&™ cggˆ™ cggš cggŽą .h.h..5hhhh 3 jackals (1 wandering)cgg­Ł ƒ=--9.7 (1.2Rev cggÎł cggXŽ  _The ufetubus closely misses you. The ufetubus misses you.cggúæ áThe ufetubus closely misses you. The ufetubus misses you.The jackal barks!  You hit the ufetubus with your +4 short sword.  The ufetubus is heavily wounded.  You closely miss the ufetubus with your +1 war axe.  You closely miss the jackal with your +1 war axe.cggqè ,cgg}ê M  The jackal bites you but does no damage.cggČë cggźő /  --more--cggńĂ h......5hThe jackal barely misses you.The ufetubus hits you but does no damage.cggÍÄm=30.8 (1.1Rev+ cgg Țd _The ufetubus closely misses you.cggÀgKYou hit the ufetubus with your +4 short sword.cggmqÁ  You kill the ufetubus!You hit the jackal but do no damage.You hit the ufetubus with your +1 war axe.cgg©}‡  You kill the ufetubus!cgg …Ł ..hh$$hhh 3 jackalscgg0†]  The jackal barely misses you.cgg:Y740 5-1.9cgg•cggì–2-cggLŁ/  --more--cggŽg? _The jackal bites you but does no damage.cgglź„ #### ##### ####.#.# .#..#.##....###.+...#.#.#.#.h...+.+.#.hh@...#.[.....#.#.$...#.# #'####.#.#.#.+.#.#####+####+#.#...#.+.. ....#. .cggöźA≈ .....P..PP.≈cgg&łcgg†ŸB.hcgg)ż,20cggÇcgg[ËÏ _The jackal closely misses you. The jackal barely misses you. x2 _You see here 7 gold pieces.cgg`ò cgg ó cggëü cggä > _Unknown command.cggs<cgg0=cgglGcggK> _Unknown command.cgg­b«  You closely miss the jackal with your +4 short sword.You slash the jackal with your +1 war axe!cgg‰m‹  You kill the jackal!You slash the jackal with your +1 war axe!cggžu‹  You kill the jackal!You slash the jackal with your +1 war axe!cgg }S$$$cggù€574.0 (1.1cgg‡cgg‡cggû“/  --more--cgg$K _You kill the jackal!cggôÉ cgg“Ê cgg,Í cgg«Ò cggŚ P7cggïŚ E _You now have 747 gold pieces (gained 7).cggăÚ cgg.Û cgg€Ü cggœà cgg"á %53cggHá cggă cggŽæ E _You now have 753 gold pieces (gained 6).cggȚé cgg"ê ?Rev cggœë cggRï cggÌï :7cggÿń cggŸô E _You now have 757 gold pieces (gained 4).cggű cgg ù +757cggû cgg6ÿ cgg«ÿ '63cggš cggű E _You now have 763 gold pieces (gained 6).cggÁ cgg  &cggA cgg7 cggš &71cggö cgg E _You now have 771 gold pieces (gained 8).cgg cggg cggö cgg cgg™ cggæ cggŽ! cgg+ cggÆ- cgg. cggì. cgg1 cggò3 cgg(4 cgg5 cggó6 cggU9 cgg±9 cgg?; cgg< cgg,? cggˆ? cggY@ cggőK cgg™N ,cggsO cgg.R cggčT cgg U cgg‹U cggTW cggY cggèY cgg«Z cgg6] cgge_ cgg«_ cgg‹` cggúc cgg”f cggőf cgg;h cggAk cgg n cggbn cgg†o cggˆr cggt cggNt cggìt cgguv cggŃw cggx cgg­x cggz cggx{ cggŻ{ cgg›| cgg1 cggï ,cgg1ƒ cgg0… cgg'‹ ,cgglŒ cggtŽ cgg‘ ,cgg’ cggp“ cgg ” cggƔ cgg~• cggè– cgg,˜ ,cggܘ cggë™ cgg4› ,cgg6œ cgg— cggüž ,cggûŸ cggYą cggțŁ ,cggä€ cgg Š cgg“§ cggƧ cggWš cggxȘ cggŠ« cggŰ« cggrŹ cggB­ cgg5ź ,cggŠź cggx° cgg€± cgg¶± cggđ± cggł cgg.Ž ,cggƒŽ cggV” cggk¶ ,cggȘ¶ cggîž cgg’ș cgg(» ,cgg3œ 7 _You open the door.cgg‚Ÿ 3cggśŸ cggčĂ @  There is an open door here.cggŒÄ cggńÄ  _cggfĆ cggÇ cggÍÇ ,cggúÉ cggË cggéË cgg.Ì cgguÌ cggșÍ cggŠÎ ,cgg Ï cggäŃ cgg%Ó ,cggłÓ cgg„Ő cggÂÖ ,cggűÖ cggÙ cggÒÚ cggÛ cggnÛ cggșÜ cggíĘ ,cgg„Ț cggÄà cggțá ,cgg•â cggŸă cggôä cgg8ć cgg§ć cggÂæ cgg é BcggÌí cggÄï cggđ cggń cggYó cgggú Xcgg/ę ,cgg;ț cggÏ cgg cggf cggp cgg2 cgg ,cggÿ cgg cgg† cggÁ cgg cggì cgg< cggj cgge cggD cggŐ ,cggY cggV cggSomething unseen opens the door.cggÏ2 093.0 (59.0)cggí3 F-4.0 (60cggÊ8 cgg:< [ _You sense a monster nearby.cggò™cggššcggӚcgg cggŹ.+..........###### ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........ ..####. .####≈≈.....#ß #..#≈≈..#.. .. #≈≈@###+#####.# ##≈≈.# ..#g#..##.+ '.##.≈≈..cggżŹA..# # g##.# .##.≈≈...gg 2 gnolls (1 wand, 1 polearm, 1 missil
).# .......K   kobold (missile, asleep) ~.©#.' #©.....K.  ≈..#.# cggIč­ 0.0)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.Found a transporter.cggșcggŃÁ .gg   gnoll (polearm, missile)KK).cgg«Æ4==5.0 (1cggÏÉcgg‡ÏO _The gnoll shouts! The kobold shouts! You hear a shout! x2cggêń% #.........# ..........###### ........#  ........#  .####≈≈........#  #..#≈≈........#  #..#≈≈........#  .. #≈≈@# cgg€ò ##≈≈.#  #.#..≈≈.# + '.##.≈≈..  # g#.≈≈..  .##.≈≈...  # ......K  #©....... cggیŚ #.........# ..........###### ........#  ........#  .####≈≈........#  #..#≈≈........#  #..#≈≈........#  .. #≈≈@#  ##≈≈.#  #.#..≈≈.# + '.##.≈≈..  # g#.≈≈..  .##.≈≈...  # ......K  #©....... cgg–4cgg۝cgg-Ł] _A kobold is nearby!cgg'ź[+.......##### ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........ ...####. .####......#ß #..#≈≈........# #........ ....#≈≈.###+###cggŚź##.# ##≈≈@# ..#.#..##.+ '.##.≈≈....# # g#.≈≈..##.# #.##.≈≈....# ......K. ~.©#.' #©....... ≈..#.# .#..#cggșcggüŸH((((cggƒ>cggB@cggIMg...g.gg 3 gnolls (2 wands, 1 polearm, 1 miss
)cggšN\0--6cggaWcggbD _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you.cggSa P.......##### ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........ ...####. .####≈≈.......#ß #..#≈≈....# ##.... ..g.#≈≈.###+#####.# #.###≈≈.# ..#.#..##.+ '.##.≈≈.......#..# #.g#.≈≈..#######.# #g##.≈≈.... #......K. ~.©#.' .#©........ ≈..#.# #.#...##.##.≈≈.......©cggh cggüi cgg*m cggËo cggŠ| m.gg.K.J   endoplasmJK   kobold (missile)cggx} }1---7cggu† cgg% ] _An endoplasm comes into view.cgg9Ú đ≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........#   ≈........#  ####. .####≈≈........#  #..#ß #..#≈≈........#  #..## ##..#≈≈........#  #.... ...g#≈≈.###+####  ###.# #.###≈≈.#.....#  cggòÚ R..#.# #.#..≈≈.#.....#  .##.+ '.##.≈≈.@.....#  .#..# #gg#.≈≈..######  .##.# #.##.≈≈..K  ..#.# # #........ .©#.' .#©.... ..#.# #.#..... .##.# #.##.≈≈....J cgg\Û .#©.# #.≈≈...... .##.#  cgg?â cggűâ cggŐă cggÿđ Œ.K..J 2 gnolls (1 wand, 1 polearm, 1 missile.cgg±ń @-8cggbü cggæÿ cggòpQ  You hit the kobold with your +4 short sword.cgg|Y  You kill the kobold!cgg T$J.cggé’‚771 =9.1 (1.1Rev cgg.žcggŁ^ _The endoplasm jiggles.cggű ####. .####..#ß #..## ##... ...g#≈≈.###+###cgg†-##.# #.###≈≈.#.....# ..#..≈≈.###.+ 'g##.≈≈....# #.g#.≈≈.@#########.≈≈........#.cggżÚ #............#©#.' .#©J...#cgg:ù.#.# #.#.....##.##.≈≈..#g 3 gnolls (2 wands, 1 polearm, 1 miss
©.# #.####cgg`:#.cggw cggŽcgg$d.gJ.cggÙd2=-3000cggh&cggÍ-u  Things that are here: _7 gold pieces; a +0 whip; 5 stonescggì?###. .####≈≈.#  ..#ß #..#≈≈..#  ..## ##..#≈≈..#  .... ...g#≈≈.###+####  ##.# #.###≈≈.#.....#  .#.# #.#..≈≈.#.....#  ##.+ '.##.≈≈.......#  #..# #gg#.≈≈.$#######  ##.# #.##.≈≈..@.....#  .# # #.......J....#  ©#.' .#©...........#  .#.# #.#....cggŹ@€.#  ##.# #.##.≈≈.#  #©.# .#.≈≈.#   2 gnolls (1 wand, 1 polearm, 1 missile ##.# ##.≈≈.#  .# ..≈≈.#  ##.#  cggÿMcggÏN\0-=1cggqYcgg›]- _The endoplasm hits you.cgg[ËŚ  You hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.  The endoplasm is almost dead.You slash the endoplasm with your +1 war axe!cggdŐF$cggçŰ-2.2 (1.1cggŸßcggŸáM _You kill the endoplasm!cgg”,cgg$-cgg!6cggâ:R _No reachable target in view!cgg ©4cggŁ±cggÓ”R _No reachable target in view!cgg'cggȘcgg!cggö$R _No reachable target in view!cgg°‘cggL’cggĚcggܞR _No reachable target in view!cggÙJ4cgg|TcggXR _No reachable target in view!cgg5ŹcggéŹcggŹžcggŸJ _No reachable target in view!cgg·34cggą=cgg7Bcgg,šcggȚcgg €cgg±«cggqŁ4cgg’ŠcggČ°cggŻ”,cggș·cggÚÆp _The gnoll is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  The gnoll shouts! x2cgg ÌcggZÌL1-cggÈÍcggßŃO _The gnoll is no longer distracted by gold.cggÒ&cggoÓcggUÖ0cggŒŚcggźÚcggéÚK2=cggŸÜcgg.ßcggćû.#ß #..#≈≈.#  .## ##..#≈≈.#  cggć.. ...g#≈≈.###+####  #.# #.###≈≈.#.....#  #.# #.#..≈≈.#.....#  #.+ '.##.≈≈.......#  ..# #gg#.≈≈.$#######  # #.##.≈≈........#  #cggÊćë.# # #.....#  -7.2 (5.0 cggíćÈ#.' .#©...........#  cggæŸ#.# #.#.....#  cgg0æŁ#.# #.##.≈≈.#  cggOæç©.# .#.≈≈.#  #cggoæü.# ##.≈≈.#     gnoll (wandcggæi).# ..≈≈.cggźæ6#  cggÎæ #.# ##≈≈.....<..#  ...  cggžï  gg, unaware)Found a stone staircase leading up.cggKđE-8.2 (6cgg öcgg:Z _The gnoll is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.cggéG79.2 (7cggȚcgg > _You now have 777 gold pieces (gained 6).cgg“ä 3cggæ cgg[ê cggî cggTń cggȚń cgg ö cggÿ cgg cgg` cgg» 9=cggű cggG j  You now have 784 gold pieces (gained 7).  Things that are here:cgg cggń *784cggv cggk$ 8 _a +0 whip; 5 stonescgg* cggp- cgg„- cgg[0 cgg56 O _The gnoll is no longer distracted by gold.cggș; 3cggÛ= cggdB cgg)J ,cggêK cggGO cggŻ[ ,cggó] cgg+c cggÔr #.≈≈###.# ##.###≈≈.#.....# .≈≈..#.# ..#.#..≈≈.#.....# ≈≈.##.+ .'.##.≈≈.......# ..≈≈.#..# #.g#.≈≈.)####### ..≈≈.##.## #g##.≈≈........# ..≈≈..#.#P.P#.#............# ~~.©#.'.©.'.#©...........# ..≈≈..#.# ⌠ß#.#............# cgg(s V..≈≈.##.# #.##@≈≈........# 16 ..≈≈.#©.#g:g#..#.≈≈........# ..≈≈.##.#.W.#.##.≈≈........# ..≈≈..#.# .# ..≈≈........# ..≈≈###.##'# ###≈≈.....<..# cggGs M..≈≈#g.... .#≈≈......   g   gnoll bouda (wandering) ..≈≈#..## . ≈≈.....   W   IronButcher's ghost (dormant)cggŻs y≈≈#g.#ß . ≈≈....[   gg 2 gnolls (1 wand, 1 missile, 1 wander
)≈≈####. cgg€x Š  Found a robe.  IronButcher's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you.cggïx cgg±y cggڇ r.g.gg.WgWg)7.2 (8cggُ cgg”” ' _The gnoll shouts!cggXÊ cggïÊ cggÀÎ cggFŚ cgg&Û cggaĘ cggńĘ cggPâ cggőæ ,cggŁè cgg‡ë cggEó ,cggcő cggžś cgg‚û cggśÿ cgg7 cggș cgg cggî cgg€ cggF cgg, cggw cgg} cggÁ" cgg‡* ,cgg›. cggŒ2 cgg88 ,cggH: cggŽ> cggőH ,cgg`L cggP cggT cggźT cgg6V cggY cgg†^ ,cggE` cggęb cggŚe cggf cgg±g cggGj cggm ,cggęn cggèp cggźr ,cggŚs cggau cggw ,cggŸw cggùz cggJ} Bcgg# cggU ,cgg˜‚ cgg^„ cgga† ,cgg&‡ cgg6‰ cggĄŒ ,cggűŒ cggˆŽ cgg< ,cgg‘ cgg<’ cggŽ“ cggړ cggŠ˜ ,cgg#› cggT› cgg[œ cgg3ž cgg+  ,cggeĄ cggțą cgg#„ cggS„ cggNŠ cggŚ§ cggî© ,cggvȘ cgg7Ź cggb­ ,cggŽ­ cggÏź cgg㯠,cggX° cggtČ cgg·Č %9cggł cgg]¶ N _You now have 794 gold pieces (gained 10).cggzž cgg±ž cggcč cgg‹» cgg…œ ,cgg4Ÿ cggÌż cggóÀ ,cgg^Á cggŐ cgg!Ä ,cggĂÄ cggIÆ cggoÇ ,cggÈ cggyÊ cggŠË cggÌ cgg˜Ì cggPÎ cggèÏ ,cgg™Đ cggàŃ cgg3Ó cggbÓ cggÔ cgg±Ú ....#..≈≈#g.... .....#≈≈........#..#..≈≈#..###.###..#≈≈........#..##.≈≈#g.#ß###ß#..#≈≈....[...#.....≈≈####.....####≈≈..#######.....≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.......# .....≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.......# .............................# ....########...##.......##...# ....########..@##.......##...# ....#......#....#........+ ..# cggÛ N....#......#..^.#........# ..# 12 darts (poison)....+......#....#......#....#####..#...#..#...####..........#########...#..........# .....# ............# .....#..........#cggyÛ '.....#cggűß 051.2 (34.0)cggWà ,2.2 (35cgg‘ć cggźæ ` _g - 12 poisoned darts (gained 3)cgg9A4cgg3GcggČJH _No target in view!cggŐ1 cggT2 3cgg6 cgg8 cgg8< P _cggK> cggŠ> cggü> cggÛ@ cggĐB cggC cggźC cgg…E cggG cggÉG cggnH cggđI cggL cggVL cggóL cggO cgg}Q ,cgg]R cgg_T cggrV ,cgg:W cggíX cgg[ cggI[ cgg\ cggŹ] cggI` ,cggł` cggƒd cgg>f cggmf cgg]g cggi cggk ,cgg€k cgg%m cgg%o ,cgg3p cgg`u Bcgg5v cgg>~ Š ..#....#........+ ..#  cgg—~ ű..#..^.#........# ..#  ..#....#........# .#  ####..#...#..#...####  #########...##  # #.....#  cggË~ ì# #.....#  # #.....#  # #...@.+  65.2 (13cggF ,# ####'##  #### ...  # .....  # .......  # #..<....#   cggq <# #.......#    ### #########   cgg› U    cggÄ 1_You open the door.cgg–‚ Y _Found a stone staircase leading up.cgg‰ĄÜM#######...###...#+^.#... .....#........# .# ####..#...#..#...############...#.cggüĄæ.#.....+...####'## ..####... ............ #..<....############cggß©cggțȘ86.0) _cggÿŻcggZČcggĂcgg‚ŃÜ No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view! _The gnoll is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  The gnoll shouts! x2 _The gnoll is no longer distracted by gold.  Found a stone staircase leading up. _The gnoll is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. cggëŃ”_You now have 777 gold pieces (gained 6).  You now have 784 gold pieces (gained 7).  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; 5 stones _The gnoll is no longer distracted by gold.  Found a robe.  IronButcher's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you. _The gnoll shouts! _You now have 794 gold pieces (gained 10). cgg Ò§_g - 12 poisoned darts (gained 3) _No target in view! _You open the door.  Found a stone staircase leading up.cggyT ‚Things that are here:  7 gold pieces; a +0 whip; 5 stones _The endoplasm hits you.  cggöT śYou hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.  The endoplasm is almost dead.You slash the endoplasm with your +1 war axe! _You kill the endoplasm!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view!  No reachable target in view! cggKU  No reachable target in view!distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  The gnoll shouts! x2 _The gnoll is no longer distracted by gold.  Found a stone staircase leading up. _The gnoll is distracted by your dazzling golden aura. _cggcU ]You now have 777 gold pieces (gained 6).  You now have 784 gold pieces (gained 7). cggzU 3 Things that are here: _a +0 whip; 5 stones cggY†  cgg,  cgg– #######...##.......##...#   crok the Chopper ......#....#........+ ..#   Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 794 ......#..^.#........# ..#   Health: 52/52 ======================== ......#....#........# .#   Magic: 7/7======================== ####..#...#..#...####  AC: 8Str: 16 .....#########...##  EV: 11 cggG— Int: 7 .....##.....#  SH: 0Dex: 16 .....##.....#  XL:  7 Next: 67% Place: Dungeon:4 .....##...@.#  Noise: ---------  Time: 3366.2 (0.0) .....##.....+  a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N .....#####'##  Throw: 12 darts (poison) ..####... ..#..... ..#.......   ..##..<....# cggë— ê  ..##.......#   ############   _The gnoll shouts! _You now have 794 gold pieces (gained 10). _g - 12 poisoned darts (gained 3) _No target in view! _You open the door. _Found a stone staircase leading up. cgg֜  cggȘ  cggUą  cggŐ€  cgg€ł  cgg‘Ž 3 cgg«·  cgg9ș  cggQ» , cggìÀ , cgg±Á  cggd  cggêÄ You now have 794 gold pieces (gained 10). _g - 12 poisoned darts (gained 3) _No target in view! _You open the door. _Found a stone staircase leading up. _You open the door. cgg–Ç  cggÈ  cggœÈ  cgg7Í @  There is an open door here. cggźÏ  cggMĐ  _ cgg Ń  cggSÓ  cgg4Ö  cgg“Ö  cggGŚ  cgg\Ù  cgg*Ü , cgg Ę  cggvà  cggŽă  cggä  cgg€ä  cggšæ  cggFé  cggé  cggIê  cgg<ì  cggËî  cgg'ï  cggèï  cgg*ó @  There is an open door here. cggő  cggö  _ cggÈö  cggœű  cgg­ú  cgg<û  cggŚû  cgg9 @  There is an open door here. cggL  cggć  _ cgg­  cgg  cgg·  cggö  cggâ  cggł @  There is an open door here. cgg  cggx  _ cgg\  cggö  cggY , cggï  cggU!  cgg3# , cggĐ#  cggu.  cggƒ1  cggq2  cggˆ3  cgg«? @  There is an open door here. cggűA  cgg§B  _ cggŒC  cggÓJ  cggûL  cggOM  cggÎN  cggăS  cgg4V  cgg~V  cgg3W  cgg [  cgg^ B cggb  cggôd , cgg‘e  cggk  cgg“m  cggÛm  cggźn  cggŒs  cggłu  cggv  cggv  cgg•{  cgg}  cggé}  cggw~  cgg‚  cggz„  cggÀ„  cgg …  cggK‰  cggF‹  cggŽ‹  cggï‹  cggŒ  cgg2’  cgg}’  cgg\”  cgg5–  cgg ™ , cggš  cgg}Ÿ  cggQ   cgg€   cgg„Ą  cggc„  cggą© B cggcŹ  cggçź  cgg/Ż  cggòŻ  cggòČ  cggJ”  cggŽ”  cggZ¶  cggWč  cgg:Œ , cgg2œ  cggŹż  cgg Ă , cggȚĂ  cggƒÆ  cggÉ , cggÊ  cgg˜Ì  cgg`Ï  cggÒ , cggíÓ  cgg„Ś  cgg|Ú  cggÀÚ  cggYç „ cgg`è  cggÎì B cggèî  cggˆò , cggŐó  cgg;ö  cggû X cggÉę , cggŸț  cggN  cgg» , cgg  cggD  cggŠ , cggQ  cgg¶  cggÙ  cgg  cggž  cgg6" TThere is an open door here. _You open the door. cgg% 3 cggq&  cggç+  cggš. , cggt/  cggĂ4  cgg8  cgg~8  cggO9  cgg‰>  cgg A , cggC  cggÏH  cggąL , cggQ  cgg:U  cggYX  cgg”X  cggCZ  cggŐ_ 7You open the door. cgg%d 3 cggÚe  cggŚk TYou open the door.  There is an open door here. cggăn  cggoo  _ cggÓp  cgggv  cggàz , cgg7}  cgĝ  cggˇ  cgg)ˆ  cggNJ  cggv  cgg…• , cgg ˜  cggź  cggŁ , cggê„  cggĄȘ  cggśŻ , cggRł  cgg]ž  cgg”Œ , cggáż  cggZĆ  cggŐÉ , cgg—Ì  cggŒŃ  cggoÖ  cggłÖ  cgguÙ  cggżĘ  cgg‡ă  cgg1ä  cgg{æ  cggë  cggÀđ  cgg(ń  cggźô  cggœù  cggcț , cggf  cggŸ  cgg  cggŸ  cggă  cgg&  cggÓ , cgg   cgg  cggš! , cgg@#  cggă$  cggÁ* X cggq- , cgg;/  cggÉ1  cggf4 , cggĄ5  cgg*8  cgg~: , cggx;  cggł=  cggV@  cgg›@  cggmA  cgg…C  cggÏF  cggG  cggâG  cggœI  cggÆK  cgg$L , cggˆM  cggOO , cggĆO  cgg}Q  cggžR , cgg:S  cgg5T  cggșU , cggW  cggiZ  cggîc  #..........P.. ..# #.........PP.. #.####+#####..P..P #....#.......PP..P #....#.......P..PP # ##....#.......P..PP cggXd ?#..##.....#.......P..PP #J........#.......PP..P ##@...#........PP.. ..####..####....###.PP.. cgg0e Ż#........###....###..P.. #####.............#..PP. #.............#..... #.............#..... J   endoplasm (asleep) #.............#..... ##...##.......#..... #...##.......#..... cggIk ”444.2 (78.0) _You open the door. _There is an open door here.  An endoplasm comes into view. cggśs [.JJ cggt ,5.2 (79 cgg{  cggZ ^ _The endoplasm quivers. cggB· ż ..#  #.#### #....# #....# # ##....# #..##.....# #.J.......# ##@...#....... ..####..####....###. #........###....###. #####.......... #......... #....... #........ ##...##... cggß· !!cgg~đ ..#  #.#### #....# #....# # ##....# #..##.....# #.J.......# ##@...#....... ..####..####....###. #........###....###. #####.......... #......... #....... #........ ##...##...!cgge!cgg!cgg—!cggĆ!a _An endoplasm is nearby!!cgg7/š  #.P   ## #..P   ..# #.........PP.   #.####+#####..P..  !cggŹ/é #....#.PP..   #....#.P..   # ##....#.P..   #..##.....#.  !cggĘ/#.J..@....#......   ##..##....#........PP  !cgg0ű ..####..####....###.PP   #........###....###..  #####..!cgg30~.#..PP   #...#   #..!cgg\0n.#   #......#  !cgg„0*#...##.#!cggg3!cggß:.J.!cggŒ;86.2 (1.0) _!cggMA!cggúC!cggćŐY  #.P  !cgg8ÖX ## #.P   ..# #.PP   #.####+#####..P   #....#!cggwÖƒ.PP   #....#.P..  !cggŹÖ$ ## ##....#.P..   #..##.....#.P..  !cggáÖŽ #..J@.....#.PP  !cgg ŚŽ ##..##....#.PP  !cgg4Śè ..####..####....###.PP   #........###....###..P   #####....!cggdŚR.#..   #......#  !cgg”Ś #.......#   #.............#  !cggËŚL ##...##.#!cggźß!cggˆà.=7!cggć!cggłèV _The endoplasm barely misses you.!cggp„   You hit the endoplasm with your +1 war axe.  The endoplasm is moderately wounded.You hit the endoplasm with your +4 short sword.!cggù„ Y8.4 (1.2Rev !cggï« !cgg9Ż @ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.!cgg‰ Y  You puncture the endoplasm with your +4 short sword!!cggô o$!cggJ …794 9.5 (1.1Rev+ !cgg !cgg’ M _You kill the endoplasm!!cggș„ !cgg)… !cgg߉ !cgg= H _No target in view!!cggäí !cgg§î !cgg_ö !cggú  !cgg4ú :_No target in view!!cggŽK Q  #.  ## #.  ..# #.  #.####+#####..P  #....#.PP ## #....#.P  ##! ##....#.P  #..##.....#.P  #...#.PP  ##..##....#.  ..####..####....###.  #.###....###..  #####.#..  #.#  #.#  #.#  ##...##.#!cggT !cggșT ,-50!cggòT 0!cggƒ^ !cggțb c _Found a blue potion.!cggíc a9-1.5 (2!cggd /Rev !cggAi !cggul > _You now have 799 gold pieces (gained 5).!cgg5o !cggÍo !cgg©p !cgg§s !cgg } g  #  ## # ##..# #. B##.####+#####.. ..#....#!cggŸ} 9.  ##..#....#.P  ##!$##....#.P  #..##.....#.P  #.@.......#.  ##..##....#.  ..####..####....###.  #!cgg ~ x.###....###  #####.#  #.#. B   giant cockroach (asleep)  #.#. !cgg:~ ± #.#.  ##...##.#.!cgg!‹ z 0  A giant cockroach comes into view.!cggt +2.5 (1!cgg˒ !cgg!– + _Found 11 gold pieces."cgg‘c ##  ##..#  B## ..# ##..#.... ##!$##.... #..##..... #.@....... ##..##.... ..####..###"cggz­°##  ##..#  B## ..# ##..#.... ##!$##.... #..##..... #.@....... ##..##.... ..####..###      "cgg1¶4"cgg”Œ"cgg”Àf _A giant cockroach is nearby!"cgg ś  ###..# #.......B##.####+#####.. ..#.... ##..#....#!$##....##..........P ##..##....#.........####..###........###....#######......"cggâȘ"cggž«-3 _"cggšł"cgg‹¶"cggâb Š  ###..# #.......B##.####+#####..  ##..###@$####..............P ##..##....#.........####..#........###....######"cgg€j "cgg0k &4"cggîq "cggŠu { _You see here a blue potion."cggÙ “ #. #. #.  #.  ## #. #. ####..# #.........P ....##.B##.####+##### .........#....#.P .#....#.P. ##!$#.P. #..##.....#.P. #.........#.PP ##..##....#........P ..####..####....###.P #........###....###. #####.#. #.#."cggĐâ "cgg{ă 85 _"cgg ê "cggšì "cggÁT C  #.#. ####..# #.......##.B##.####+#####.........P.....##..... ##!$##. #..##......P ##..##....#.........####..#P........###....######"cgg8_ QBB"cggŐ_ .=6"cggg "cggĘi G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage."cgg\Ù Œ  You closely miss the giant cockroach with your +1 war axe.You hit the giant cockroach with your +4 short sword."cggâ o$"cggBć a87.7 (1.2Rev "cgg±ê "cgg6î S _You kill the giant cockroach!"cgg”8 4"cggU? "cgg’A  "cggŒA :_No target in view!"cggzž "cggNč "cggGÀ "cgg‰Ă H _No target in view!"cgg\6"cggƒ7"cgg2>"cggŰAH _No target in view!"cggČ"cggm"cggű"cggŃH _No target in view!"cggś&4"cggž'"cgg+"cggș/"cggę2; _"cggo;`78 M  #."cgg°;á#. ####..# #...........##.@##.####+#####..-"cggŚ;l...P..##.."cggț;[...##!$##  "cgg$<Æ... #..##.....#.......P... # "cggK<C. ##cgg_Ă80 _No target in view! _No target in view! _ You now have enough gold to fund merchants seeking to open stores in the  dungeon.805-9.7 (2#cggX #cggg > _You now have 805 gold pieces (gained 6).#cggLź3#cggŻ#cgg8°#cggˆł#cggÓł#cggÊ·,#cgg‰ž#cggËž#cggRș#cggȚș#cgg œ#cggHœ#cgg‚Ÿ#cggÂ#cggŽÂ:16#cggvĂ#cgg§ĆN _You now have 816 gold pieces (gained 11).#cggLÈ@816#cgg É#cggÌ,#cggÊÌ#cggÒË _o - 2 blue potions (gained 1)#cggÔ,#cggćÔ#cggăŐ#cggRŚ,#cggŚ#cggĆŰ#cggŚÚ#cggÛ#cggȘÛ#cggfĘ#cggqȚ#cggŠȚ#cggß#cggæß#cgg=á#cggqá#cggËá#cggđâ#cggä#cggBä#cggÊä#cggié#cggÒë#cggì#cggïì#cgg“î#cgg đ#cgg6đ#cgg„đ#cggTò#cggŁó#cggÚó#cggnô#cggś#cggÇù,#cggbú#cggëü#cggPț#cggŁț#cggÏț#cggT#cggł#cggś#cgg‡#cggŁ#cggŰ,#cgg^ #cgg #cggH#cgg‰#cgg #cgg#cgg!#cggr#cggđ#cggÿ#cgg!#cgge#cgg#cggI#cgg©,#cgg‚#cggT!#cgg[#,#cgg+$#cgg&#cgg@(,#cgg#)#cggÆ*#cgg™,,#cggń,#cggç-#cggM/#cgg‰/#cgg0#cggž1#cggÛ3#cgg/4#cggŠ4#cggo6#cgg 8#cggL9#cgg‚9#cgg;#cgg2<#cgge<#cggȘ<#cggȚ>#cgg @,#cgg]@#cgg†A#cggĄB,#cggC#cgg©K°#cggöK#cggvM,#cggĐM#cggÊN#cgg—O,#cgg P#cggíP#cggR#cggR#cggÖR#cggKT#cggV#cggÁV#cggjW#cggăY#cgg\[#cggŠ[#cggĐ[#cgg ]#cgg'^,#cgg‹^#cggN_#cggg`,#cggî`#cggMcR  There is a stone staircase leading down here.#cggld#cggçd _#cgg.e#cgg[f#cggˆg#cggÀg#cggh#cggùh#cgg§j,#cgg&k#cgg*l#cggbm,#cggèm#cggo#cggmt$ ##...####  #..!...>.#....##  #........#...####  #........#...####cggŻtÁ  #.$......#....#  #........#....#  #........+....#  #........###.##..###'###  #+####@####.##..#......505.7 (4#cggĐt6.0)  #....'....>.....+......  #....#..........#.....#cggïtG  #....#..........#.....  #### ############..... ########cggQu€   #cgg=z#cgg…z,6.7 (47#cgg~#cggv€~ _Found a stone staircase leading down. _There is an open door here.#cgg@í#cgg&ï#cggZó#cggYőH _No target in view!#cggž” ’ _No target in view!#cggŒ ’ _No target in view!#cggÆŸ #cggxż #cggiÆ #cgg&É H _No target in view!#cgg’#cggE #cggÒ'#cggz*H _No target in view!#cgg:•4#cggž›#cggVž#No target in view!#cggĄ#cgg?#cggF #cgg8 $cggÇi$cggŐl$cgg-ƒ$cggŁ_$cgg‘$cggg•: _$cgg —$cggٙ$cgg,š$cgg†›$cggž$cgg[Ą$cggĄĄ$cggĘą$cgg„$cggQš$cggČš$cggȘ$cggé«$cggŽź$cggŻ$cgga°$cggùł$cgg_Ž&30$cggW”$cggàžK _You now have 830 gold pieces (gained 14).$cggûș$cggL»$cggAŒ$cggiż$cgg•Á$cggëÁ$cggëÂ$cggÙÄ$cggkÇ,$cgg`È$cggíĐ9 ###....  #..  #....  #...  ##...##....$cggCŃ  ##...##....  #....##....  ##########...##.....  #..@...>.#....  #........#...##$cggïŃ  #........#...##  #........#....  #........#....  #........+..........   #........###.##..###   ##+####'####.##..#..  #....'....>.....+.. $cgg*Ò$cgg4Ù215.7 (9.0)$cggĆÙ/6.7 (10.0)$cggRß$cgg§áV _x - an amethyst potion$cggÛÆ3$cggnÇ$cggˆÊ$cggÍ$cggxÍ$cggáŃ,$cggSÒ$cgg«Ò$cgg9Ó$cggSŐ$cggŰ,$cgg”Ű$cggWÚ$cggłȚB$cgg ß$cggßá,$cggĄâ$cgg7ä$cgguæ,$cgg0ôù  There is an open door here. _$cgg@  There is an open door here.$cgg|$cggę _$cggĄ$cgg!@  There is an open door here.$cgg°#$cgg/$ _$cggĘ$$cgg 5ä #....#### ##########...#### #......>.#....## #........#...####$cgg5Ÿ #........#...##.......# #........#............# #........#............# #........+............# #.......@###.##..###'####$cgg6ț ##+####'####.##..#.. #....'....>.....+.. #....#..........# #....#..........# #########################$cggA=Ś.##....#..##.............'......2$cgg«E$cgg_F(======$cggźF%7.7 (11$cggôK$cggíN= _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!$cgg¶$cgg°$cgg $cggmH _No target in view!%cgg™#%cgg)$%cgg%%%cgg>%cggN@%cgguD: _%cggZN@  There is an open door here.%cggÁP%cggdQ _%cgg;R%cggF]%cgg8_%cgg‰_%cggb`%cgggj%cggÒl%cggm%cggSm%cggær%cggKt%cgglt%cggßt%cgg#}%cgg~,%cgg%cgg„%cggDž%cggő…%cggA†%cggì%cgg‘,%cgg͑%cggč–%cgg ˜%cggK˜%cggą˜%cggߞ%cggțŸ,%cgg› %cggæ„%cgg;§,%cgg˧%cgg—­%cgg-Ż,%cggȚŻ%cggú”%cggžž%cggùž%cgg'ș%cgg=ż%cggĆÁ%cggÂ%cgg=Ă%cggŸÉ%cggëË,%cgg%Í%cgg…Ò%cgg Ő%cggÔŐ%cgg^Ś%cggâĘ%cgg@à%cgguà%cggŽá%cggê%cggșì,%cggî%cggCô%cgg_ś,%cggÁú%cggî%cggÖ ,%cggb %cgg%cggÎ%cgg%cgg4"%cggÇ,%cggÓ4%cgg‚5%cgg·<%cgg J%cggțS%cggjT%cgg‘Y%cgg}_%cgg d%cggdd%cggÂg%cggŠm%cgg‡q%cggÍq%cggpx%cggù„%cggʉ,%cgg%cgg—%cgg' ,%cggÛ„%cggZ«%cggKŻ%cggnŻ%cggêł%cggŒœ%cgguĆ,%cggđÈ%cggPÒ%cggÂÚ,%cggŽà%cggȘé%cgg;ń,%cggô%cggÚű%cggRę%cgg•ę%cgg„%cggü%cggś ,%cgg` %cgg'%cgg),%cggÖ%cgg=$%cgg˜*,%cgg/%cggZSò%cggè`n%cggŰd%cggĐg,%cgg‰i%cggćn%cggBr,%cgg"s%cggv%cggœy,%cggž{%cggO€%cgg|ƒ%cgg˃%cgg“…%cgg ‰%cggcŒ%cgg„Œ%cgg[Ž%cggÁ‘%cggE—B%cggù™%cggR,%cggf %cggČą%cgg[„,%cgg§%cggŒ©%cggăź,%cggè°%cgg2Ž%cgge·,%cggêž%cgg$Œ%cgg›ż,%cgg…À%cggEÂ%cgg}Ä%cgg^Æ%cggˆÆ%cggŻÇ%cggÙÉ%cggžÎ,%cggFĐ%cggęŃ%cggwÔ,%cggŠŐ%cggŻŚ%cggQÛ,%cggÛÜ%cggșȚ%cgg±à%cggÎà%cggÔá%cgghă%cggôä%cggîć%cggæ%cggĐæ%cgg è%cgg†é,%cggˆê%cggí%cggPđA  You enter the shallow water.%cggtò%cggČò@Water %cggÚó%cgg[Ì ....+.......+.....#.........# ....#.[.....#.....'.........# ....#.......#.....#.........# ....#.......#.....#.........# ....+.......#.....#.........# %cggè]###+#.......#.....#.# ............+.....## ..................##### ........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈@≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........------85.7 (58 ........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈. %cggŠ....%...≈≈####.....####≈≈. ........≈≈#..#ß###ß#..#≈≈. %cggHˆ........≈≈#..###.###..#≈≈. %cggr§........≈≈#.........gg#≈≈.###+### g   gnoll (polearm, missile, wandering) .....##.≈≈###W##'##.###≈≈.#..... %cgg ú######..≈≈..#.#g..#.#..≈≈.#.....# ........≈≈.##.+ .'.##.≈≈.......# _Moving in this stuff is going to be slow.%cggb=------%cggI&%cggû'] _Partly explored, unvisited transporter.%cggf%cggg%cggȘh%cggŽ†S ................0.0)%cgg\‡%cggłŽ%cgg›] _Partly explored, unvisited transporter.%cggĐ%cggąĐ%cggIŰ%cggíÛR _No reachable target in view!%cggżì %cggní %cgg@ï %cggž%cgg• %cgg*%cgg­-] _Partly explored, unvisited transporter.&cgg &cggâ ›Where to? (Tab - D:3, ? - help)  D - Dungeon &cggáă&cggĄóS[?25h[?0c....+.......+.....#.........#crok the Chopper ....#.[.....#.....'.........#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 830 ....#.......#.....#.........#Health: 52/52 ======================== &cgg>ôm....#.......#.....#.........#Magic: 7/7======================== ....+.......#.....#.........#AC: 8Str: 16 ###+#.......#.....#.........#EV: 11Int: 7 ............+.....#.........#SH: 0Dex: 16 ............................##### XL:  7 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:4 ........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈@≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........ Noise: ---------  Time: 3585.7 (0.0) ........≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈~≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈........ a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N &cggô\....%...≈≈####.....####≈≈........ Throw: 12 darts (poison) ........≈≈#..#ß###ß#..#≈≈........ Water ........≈≈#..###.###..#≈≈........ ........≈≈#.........gg#≈≈.###+### g   gnoll (polearm, missile, wandering) .....##.≈≈###W##'##.###≈≈.#.....# ######..≈≈..#.#g..#.#..≈≈.#.....# ........≈≈.##.+ .'.##.≈≈.......# &cgg:őĆ_Moving in this stuff is going to be slow. _Partly explored, unvisited transporter. _Partly explored, unvisited transporter. _No reachable target in view! _Partly explored, unvisited transporter.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 3, ? - help) 'cggĘx [?25l[?1c'cggő“55'cggŚ–'cggX«'cggŸ­'cggŻ'cggï°'cggŚŽL _'cggń»'cggnŸ'cgg’Á'cgg Â'cgg?Ä'cgg2Ò'cggćĘX'cggæè'cggì'cgg4ï'cgg•ï'cggšń'cggŻû'cggtÿ,'cgg]'cggo 'cggG'cggœ'cgg„'cggo'cgg\,'cgge!'cggá)'cggš-'cggć-'cgg·/'cggł7'cgg;'cggR;'cgg=(cgg“(cggr,(cggc(cggY (cggK(cggž(cgg^(cggún(cgg,(cgg>!(cggŽ&(cgg!*(cgg}*(cggë+(cggÏ2(cggG6(cgg”6(cgg.8(cgg?(cgg"B(cggčB(cggïC(cggZK(cggőN(cggZO(cgg!Q(cggŸ^B(cgg+_(cggf(cggRk(cggșk(cgg·m(cggr(cgg‡u(cggŸu(cgg˜x(cggY€(cgg}„,(cggœ‡(cggö(cgg4”,(cgg—(cggœž(cggm„(cgg΄(cggŹ(cggŒł(cggXœ,(cggkÁ(cggćÈ(cggđĐ,(cggûÚ(cggä(cgg„ë,(cggŁń(cggąù(cggû(cggj(cggÁ(cgg}(cggp,(cggû(cggŠ#(cgg+,(cgg/(cgg€9(cggC,(cggáJ(cggœS(cggn\,(cggVa(cgg±d(cggi,(cgg1cggG?1cggæB1cgg1cggc>1cggŠ>1cgg6?1cggÁ?1cggë?1cggB@1cgg«@1cgg}A1cgg§A1cggŃA1cggJB1cggC,1cgg\C1cggîC1cgg|D1cggšD1cggÏD1cggĆE1cggżF1cggìF1cggBG1cgg H1cggâI1cgg"J1cgg—J1cgg‘K1cggŻL1cggßL1cggM1cgg-R ######### #........  #.#######  ###.......# 1cggÈRj ###########......##.#  #.........'......+ #  ##.########......# ##  #...@....###########.  ########.# #.+. #.#. #.#. #.#. #...   ####   #..(1cggCS°   #.## 1cggV-77.0 (521cgg€V1cggćV%8.0 (531cggòY1cggQ\4 _A - a scroll of enchant weapon1cggiD 1cgg]G /Read which item? Scrolls  k - 2 scrolls labelled AFE GOWADDOUDl - a scroll of revelation  n - a scroll of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportation 1cggçG 3 t - a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICOA - a scroll of enchant weapon [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected2cgg:”2cgg”»2cgg>ÁB crok the Chopper ######### Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 871 #........ Health: 58/58 ======================== #.####### Magic: 8/8======================== ###.......# AC: 8Str: 17  ###########......##.# EV: 12Int: 7  #.........'......+ # SH: 0Dex: 16  ##.########......# ## XL:  8 Next:  2% Place: Dungeon:5 2cggtÂë #...@....###########. Noise: ---------  Time: 3778.0 (0.0)  ########.##.+. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N #.#. Throw: 12 darts (poison) #.#. #.#. #...  ####  #..(  #.##  _You now have 871 gold pieces (gained 7). _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of enchant weapon2cggÄÄ’  As you read the scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify.2cggțÍ/  --more--3cggZX3cggƒ[žIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  t - a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICO Potions (select first with !)  h - 3 fuming inky potions  m - a golden potion 3cgg \æ o - 2 blue potions  u - 3 grey potions  w - a dark potion  x - an amethyst potion  z - 2 bubbling puce potions[?] describe selected4cggzß crok the Chopper ######### Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 871 #........ Health: 58/58 ======================== #.####### Magic: 8/8======================== ###.......# AC: 8Str: 17  ###########......##.# EV: 12Int: 7  #.........'......+ # SH: 0Dex: 16  ##.########......# ## XL:  8 Next:  2% Place: Dungeon:5  #...@....###########. Noise: ---------  Time: 3778.0 (0.0)  ########.##.+. a) ggâ 0;10;1m+1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N #.#. Throw: 12 darts (poison) #.#. #.#. #...  ####  #..(  #.##  _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify.9.0 (1 _h - 3 potions of curing4cgg„ő4cgguűVRead which item? Scrolls  k - a scroll of identifyl - a scroll of revelation  n - a scroll of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportation  t - a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICOA - a scroll of enchant weapon [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected4cgg± 4cggY† 4cggŒŒ  crok the Chopper ######### Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 871 #........ Health: 58/58 ======================== #.####### Magic: 8/8======================== ###.......# AC: 8Str: 17  ###########......##.# EV: 12Int: 7  #.........'......+ # SH: 0Dex: 16 4cggJŽ \ ##.########......# ## XL:  8 Next:  2% Place: Dungeon:5  #...@....###########. Noise: ---------  Time: 3779.0 (0.0)  ########.##.+. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N #.#. Throw: 12 darts (poison) #.#. #.#. #...  ####  #..(  #.##  _You open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _h - 3 potions of curing4cggÒ© 4cgg­ ~Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  t - a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICO Potions (select first with !)  m - a golden potion  o - 2 blue potions  u - 3 grey potions  w - a dark potion  x - an amethyst potion  z - 2 bubbling puce potions[?] describe selected5cggùÁ5cggŹÈ5cggEÎ3 crok the Chopper ######### Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 871 5cggżÎè#........ Health: 58/58 ======================== #.####### Magic: 8/8======================== ###.......# AC: 8Str: 17  ###########......##.# EV: 12Int: 7  #.........'......+ # SH: 0Dex: 16 5cggaÏA ##.########......# ## XL:  8 Next:  2% Place: Dungeon:5  #...@....###########. Noise: ---------  Time: 3779.0 (0.0)  ########.##.+. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N #.#. Throw: 12 darts (poison) #.#. #.#. #...5cggŹÏś  ####  #..(  #.##  5cggíÏ$_You open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _h - 3 potions of curing5cggvȚ]  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.5cggß,80.0 (15cgg*ă5cggć, _o - 2 potions of might6cggŽĆ6cggOÈ!Read which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - a scroll of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportation  t - a scroll labelled GUASYA ZICO6cggœÈA - a scroll of enchant weapon [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected6cggÄĂ7cggC 7cggH crok the Chopper ######### Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 871 #........ Health: 58/58 ======================== #.####### Magic: 8/8======================== ###.......# AC: 8Str: 17  ###########......##.# EV: 12Int: 7 7cggŸIĐ #.........'......+ # SH: 0Dex: 16  ##.########......# ## XL:  8 Next:  2% Place: Dungeon:5  #...@....###########. Noise: ---------  Time: 3780.0 (0.0)  ########.##.+. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N #.#. Throw: 12 darts (poison) #.#. #.#. #...  ####  #..(7cggöI  #.##  _A - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll labelled AFE GOWADDOUD, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. 7cggYJž_h - 3 potions of curingAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _o - 2 potions of might7cgg{X­  As you read the scroll labelled GUASYA ZICO, it crumbles to dust.  The air around you briefly surges with heat, but it dissipates.7cgg-Y+1.0 (17cggă\7cgg»^4 _It was a scroll of immolation.8cggÙO8cggˆP38cggVQ8cggNR8cgg“R8cggÎVn8cgg Y8cggŒ^T  ###  #.........#  #.#######.#  ###.......#.#  ####......##.#.# 8cgg$_˜ #.........'......+ #.#  ##.########......# ##' #......@.####...3.0 (2 ########.# #.+... .##.#... .##.#... /.8cgg¶_g#.#.... [.#.....# ...#####.. ...#..(... #.##...8cgg{e8cgg$f+4.0 (38cgg«j8cgg>m$ _Found a cloak.8cggNYI8cggÓ[8cggĐ^,8cggbX8cgg©b8cgg­c8cggOiÈ #.........# #..#  ###.#.# 8cggčiÜ ###########......##.#.#  #.........'......+ #.#  ##.########......# ##'### #........###########....# ########.# #.+....8cggùi# #@# #.#....#6.0 (2 #.# #.#....# 8cgg5jœ#/. #.#....# .[..8cgghjs#.....# ..... ##### 8cgg›jÒ#...... #..(.... #....... #.##.. 8cggÎj©######>.. #.###.## ..8cggƒq8cggr+7.0 (38cggx8cggŚz; _Found a stone staircase leading down.8cggæX8cggY8cggâ`8cggâcH _No target in view!8cggwu ›##########.......###########......##.........'+ #.######### ##'###........###########....#######.# #.+ #.#/.....#.[......# #.....#.8cggfv Ć#........# #####..#......... #..(.... #.#######>... #.###.## #### #......###8cgg‚ H8.0 (1 _8cggóƒ 8cgg † 8cggvN ###.......8cggW###########......##.........'+ #.######### ##'###........###########....#######.# #.+ ######.....##.[......# #.....#.8cgg#C#..####..8cggD? ##.##...8cggeD 8cggf8cggș&98cggš"8cggá(B90.0 (28cgg8,8cgg]30 _k - a wand of charming (6)9cggńU± ###########......##.........'+ #.######### ##'###........###########....#######.# #.+ 9cggZV\########......###..# #.....#..####... #..(. 9cgg„VT........ 9cgg›d9cgg‘e+1.0 (19cgg«i9cggápN _You see here a +0 cloak.9cgg§Ű<29cggĘ9cggŠȚ$ _t - a +0 cloak9cggÊć 9cgg.é œWear which item? Armour (go to first with [) 9cgg^é ~ c - a +0 helmet (worn)  j - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  r - a +0 ring mail (worn)9cggÁé b - a +0 leather armour  t - a +0 cloak[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip :cggWA:cgg€G:cgg­Lé  ###########......##.#.#crok the Chopper  #.........'......+ #.#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 871  ##.########......# ##'### Health: 58/58 ========================  #........###########....# Magic: 8/8========================  ########.#:cggśLH#.+....# AC: 8Str: 17 #.##.#....# EV: 12Int: 7 #.###### #.#....# SH: 0Dex: 16 :cggM##......## #.#....# XL:  8 Next:  2% Place: Dungeon:5 :cggBM'#.@......# #.....#. Noise: ---------  Time: 3792.0 (0.0) #........# #####... a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N:cggiM/ #......... #..(.... Throw: 12 darts (poison) #......... #.##....:cggŒM± ######>... #.###.## #### #......:cggœMł  ####...  ##.##... :cggȚMm ........  _Found a cloak. :cgg NŽ_Found a stone staircase leading down. _No target in view! _k - a wand of charming (6) _You see here a +0 cloak. _t - a +0 cloak:cgg†R:cggÍR+3.0 (1:cggÂU:cggŐZ:cggä[+4.0 (2:cgg^`:cggha:cgg9b+5.0 (3:cgg=f:cggBl:cggÍl+6.0 (4:cgg]p:cggût:cgg˜u+7.0 (5:cggÔx:cggézÁ 9 _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 cloak. x4:cgg{:cgg;:cggāZ _You finish putting on your +0 cloak.;cgge"3;cgg§";cggă$;cgg°&;cgg+P _;cggM,;cggv,;cgg-;cggm.;cgg$1,;cggš1;cgg±2;cgg5;cggl5;cgg6;cggȘ8;cgg”:,;cggJ;;cggŠ=;cgg?;cggF?;cggà?;cggùA;cggŸC;cggüC;cggŽD;cgg=F;cggœH,;cgg0I;cggÁJ;cggPL;cgg|L;cggM;cgg—N;cggP;cggiP;cgg·P;cggkQ;cggR;cggCR;cgg·R;cggùS;cggvU;cgg'V;cggoV;cgg•W;cggIY;cgg{Y;cggÖY;cgg[;cgg‰\;cggĆ\;cgg];cggn^;cggd_;cgg‘_;cgg<`;cggÇ`;cggÔa,;cggb;cggób;cgg{c;cggȘc;cggâc;cggld;cgg&g,;cggdg;cggh;cgg”h;cggÛh;cgg i;cgg›i;cggsj,;cggÀj;cgg%k;cggČk;cggÖk;cggük;cgg„l;cgg^m;cggm;cgg­m;cgg:n;cggzo,;cggáo;cgg]p;cgg"q;cggFq;cgg}q;cggr;cggșr;cggÔr;cgg,s;cggít@  There is an open door here.;cggZv;cggv _;cggŰv;cgg‹w;cggjx;cgg˜x;cgg y;cggez;cggÁ|;cggî|;cgg };cgg€;cggZ,;cggŽ;cggr‚;cgg'ƒ;cggIƒ;cgg}ƒ;cgg.„;cgg…,;cggX…;cgg˜†;cgg>‡,;cgg™‡;cggX7 _You open the door.;cgg͏;cggś;cggš;cgg[“;cggë”;cgg •;cgg­•;cgg˜;cggΙ;cgg?š;cggܚ;cggđœ;cggOž;cgg•ž;cggŸ;cggĄ;cgg`ą;cgg†ą;cggóą;cggD„;cggłŠ,;cgg9§;cggĄ©;cgg «,;cgg‹«;cggœ­;cggŻ;cggXŻ;cgg„Ż;cggš±;cggŠČ;cggÎČ;cgg5ł;cgg‹”;cggl·,;cggDž;cggș;cggú»;cgg7Œ;cgg“Œ;cggż;cggHÁ,;cggșÁ;cggmĆ;cggșĆ;cggÆ;cgg^Æ;cggÉ;cgg`Ê;cggˆÊ;cggË;cggÂÍ;cggŰÎ;cgg Ï;cggžÏ;cggÉÓ@  There is an open door here.;cggÄŐ;cggcÖ _;cggPŚ;cgg~ȚX;cggíß;cgg„â,;cggźă;cggæ;cgg,è,;cgg'é;cggJë;cggÀí;cggî;cggï;cgg?ń;cgg%ó;cgg^ó;cgg4ô;cgg„ö;cggkű;cggšű;cgg}ù;cggÜû;cggț;cggaț;cgg€ÿ;cggY;cggș,;cggh;cggC;  You see here 4 stones.;cgg˜ ;cgg3  _;cgg@ ;cggÂ;cgg];cgg—;cgg{;cggâ;  You see here 4 stones.;cgg;cggÙ _;cgg0;cgg;cggR!;cgg!;cgg€";cggî%;cgg“);cggÍ);cgg™+;cggŹ.;cggŚ1,;cgg‰3;cggÌ6;cgg:;cggì:;cgg°<;cggˆA;cggžD;cggűD;cggŒG;cggŠK;cggÏN;cggüN;cggZP;cgg¶Q;cgg-S,;cggèS;cgg$U;cggĘV,;cgg§W;cgg..## ;cggY3;cggő3,4.0 (97;cgga9;cgg1<N _Found a ring mail. Found a stone staircase leading down.;cgg;Î;cgg›Î;cggâÏ;cgg1Ó;cgg5Ö;cggÖ;cggTÚ;cgg Ü;cgg7Ț;cgg~Ț;cggá;cgg[ă;cggć;cggâć;cgg ç;cgg[é;cggUì,;cgg§í;cggvï;cgg9ò,;cggó;cggö;cggôś;cgg ű;cggù;cggÄú;cggžü;cggŚü;cgg¶ę;cgg^;cgg;cgg@;cgg;cggš;cgg;cggà;cggÎ;cgg 7 _You open the door.;cggÛ‰#........# #))......# .######## +## #.....# .#.. #####.######.#.. ;cgg&Ÿ #....#...+.. ###+###  ##......##.. .......#......##..#.....).#......# #@# #;cggR•903.0)#......# ##.##..#;cgg}1#......# #.....# #......###.####...######+#....# ##;cgg€˜#....#+....#;cggÌ„#....##..[.#;cgg”;cgg /4.0 (10.0);cggü$;cggr(h _Found a dagger. _There is an open door here.;cgg€¶’ _No target in view!ô=cgg˜ű: _=cggú=cggȚ,=cggÏ=cggŹ=cgg€p#..##+###+#.#  +...+.# #.#########...#.# ##........  #._.#.+##+ #....  #...#.#..# #.......!.#  +...'.#..####... =cggÚč###'###'..'........ß.#.ß.....#..#####.....).#..# #... ###+###+### #...#.) ##..# ###.# !$.S ...# .# ...##.. ..=cggțS   adder (wandering) ## ... . ..ß =cggź15.0 (2.0)=cgg_S.S=cggß+6.0 (3=cggK#7_=cggs'Y _An adder comes into view.=cgg_«°##+###+#.# +...+.# #.######## #...#.# ##........ #._.#.+##+ #... #...#.#..# #.=cggł«!.# +...'.#..####.... ##'###'..'........ß.#.ß ......#..#####..........).#..# #.=cggĘ«? =cggŹ1##+###+### #...#.).S..# ###.# !$.. =cgg%ŹS..#  ..# .. ##...#=cgg†Źê...  ## ..... ....ß ...)=cggȘ°=cggß±=cgg©Ž%  =cggàŽPFound a scroll of fear and a falchion.=cgg)ż=cggożüS..ll   iguana (wandering)S   adder=cggEÀ+7.0 (1=cggÇÊ9_=cggÍÎZ _An iguana comes into view.=cggśpZ+###+ #.# ...+.# #.# ...#.# ##.# ._.#.+##+ #. ...#.#..# #.!.# . ...'.#..####..=cgg„qs'###'..'..ß.#.ß.#..#####.).#..# #...@.S...?.+###+### #...#.). ..# ###.#_!$.# ..#.Ă·...l....# =cgg=r“........## ...........#......ß.#.ß.#.....).......#=cggńv=cggËw=cgg™‚ÚS._!$.l.l=cggˆƒ&8=cggíŽ6_=cggd’< _Found a hide-covered altar of Uskayaw.=cggĆèu  You closely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.=cgg»êP  You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.=cggòBl.=cggšòa=9.1 (1.1Rev =cggȚű9_=cggĘúK _The adder misses you.>cgg|Ÿ  You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.  The adder is heavily wounded.>cggÍ,•_l._ >cggk.`30.2Rev+ >cgg)8J__>cggĆ;p  You hit the adder with your +1 war axe. The adder bites you but does no damage._x2>cggçŠă  You closely miss the adder with your +4 short sword.The adder is severely wounded.You slash the adder with your +1 war axe!>cggS©>cggzłll._>cgg&žV888 31.4 (1.2>cgg Á>cggÄI _You kill the adder!>cggk-u  You barely miss the iguana with your +1 war axe.>cgg.64-->cggL.e2.5 (1.1Rev* >cgg‹69_>cgg°9p _You hit the iguana but do no damage. The iguana bites you.>cggȓă _ You hit the iguana with your +4 short sword.  The iguana is lightly wounded.  You hit the iguana with your +1 war axe.>cgg§”(3.6>cggHž7_>cgg‹Ą> _The iguana bites you but does no damage.>cggW _You hit the iguana but do no damage.The iguana is heavily wounded.You hit the iguana with your +1 war axe.4.7>cggT__>cgg—T _The iguana closely misses you.>cgg—ÌŁ  You hit the iguana but do no damage.The iguana is heavily wounded.>cggßÍm47-----=5.8>cggĘÖ9_>cgg6Ù >cgg\Ùb_You hit the iguana but do no damage. The iguana bites you!>cggn&O  You slash the iguana with your +1 war axe!>cgg›1w_$_>cgg?6T---6-6.9>cgg?7_>cggAJ _You kill the iguana!>cggśŰo_->cgg$á_ _No target in view!>cggȚ#>cggL$>cggy,9_>cggb6H _No target in view!>cggQ€R__>cggö€>cggȘ7_>cggÆ«H _No target in view!>cggBț>cgg§ț>cgg>cggH _No target in view!>cggÓÜ4>cggă9_>cggMæF _Unknown command.>cgg)A5+###+ #.# +.# #.# #.# ##.### _.#.+##+ #..###.#..# #.!.#..#'.#..####.....# '###'..'.ß.#.ß..##..#####.#).#..# #....@....?.# +###+### #...#.).....## ###.#_!$....# # ..#.Ă·.....# ...# .....### ...........#..........).>cggJ7 _>cgg”K;-70 _>cgg?W>cgg:^>cggö^T998->cgg__$8.9 (2>cggŃdI __>cgg*g? _You now have 899 gold pieces (gained 11).>cgg[• Ź###+ #.# +.# #.# #.# ##.### .#.+##+ #.>cgg– 6..## #.#..# #.!.#..# '.#..####....# ###'..'.ß.#.ß..# #..#####.# >cggl– Ł).#..# #.....@...?.# ###+### #...#.).....# # >cgg™– Ł###.#_!$....#  >cggӖ É..#.Ă·.....#  ## ....>cggx— l..........>cgg̟ >cggT  +9.9 (1>cggÇ€ 9_>cggàŠ ?cggœÂ .+.######## .###........###+##+ #....###..#!.#..'.#..###... ###'..'........ß.#.ß ...#..#####.........).#..# #.........? ###+### #...#.@.... ###.#_!$ ..#.Ă·.Rev* .........#####?cggÎ?cggíÎH40Rev+ ?cgg#Ï?cggaÙ9_?cggdȚU _You see here a +0 quarterstaff.?cggĆa ###........###+##+ #...###..#!.#..'.#..###?cgg bJ... ###'..'........ß.#.ß ...#..#####.........).#..# #.........? ?cgg!bä###+### #...#.).... ###.#_@$?cgg5b ?cggFbb..#.Ă·. ..#?cggXbO........Rev+ ?cgglb*.....?cgg€bA.##...####?cgg”b?cggyk*_?cggfl-1 _?cggŰs8_?cggü8_?cgg’€#9?cgg”€6=2.9 (2?cggv‡?cggźŠR _B - a brown potion?cggçż?cggFÀ?cggŽÄB?cgg€Ç?cgg·Ç?cggűÇ:Rev ?cgg!É?cggÀÊ?cggËW50=?cgg4Ì?cgg-Î,?cgg“Ï?cgg©Ń7?cggÿÒ?cggșÔ?cggŐ*899?cggÖ?cgg±Ś?cggèŚK1=?cgg9Ù?cggÛ?cgg.Û?cggˆȚ?cgg»à?cggäà?cggăâ?cgg#ć?cgg™ćU2=?cggíæ?cgg€è?cggÏè?cggÛé?cggkë?cgg“ë?cgg:í?cggșï,?cgg‘ń?cgg3ő?cggaő%3?cggïö?cggšű?cgg·ű?cggŽù?cgg8û?cggSû?cggę?cggÿ?cggRÿK4=?cgg?cggn?cggˆ?cgg„?cggM?cggg?cgg?cggd?cgg„#5?cggž2=?cggí ?cgg‘ ,?cgg?cggä?cgg?cgg9?cggæ?cgg?cggI?cggç?cgg0K6=?cgg?cgg],?cgg™?cggW ?cgg ?cgg‡!?cgg5#?cggâ#U7=?cgg­$?cggR&?cgg}&?cgg·)?cggç,?cgg -?cgg/?cgg2?cgg 2?cggÆ3?cggÀ5?cggê5?cgg 6.8=?cgg6?cggv8?cgg§:?cggÁ=?cggò=?cgg8@?cggD?cgg‡D&90?cggšF?cggJN _You now have 909 gold pieces (gained 10).?cggËL3?cggN?cggJP?cggR?cgg^R9=?cgg•S?cgg(U?cggÛV?cggűV?cggpY?cggł]?cggô]?cgg˜_?cggŽbo _n - 2 scrolls of fear (gained 1)?cgg{d3?cggŒe?cggg?cggph,?cgg„i?cggËk?cgg/m?cggPm?cgg'n?cggXo?cggŹp?cggśp?cggÍq?cggzvB?cgg{F _o - 3 potions of might (gained 1)?cgg]|?cgg˜|?cgg}?cgg$?cggh€?cggž€?cgg[?cggƂ?cgg/„?cggs„?cggŸ…?cggœ†?cggś‡?cgg"ˆ?cggr‰?cggR‹?cggی,?cggœ?cgg?cggé,?cggܑ?cgg€“?cggԙ #._.#.+##+ #...........##  #...#.#..# #.........#..# ?cggš +...'.#..####............# ###'###'..'........ß.#.ß..# .......#..#####...........#..).#..# #...........# ###+###+### #...#.).....#..# ########.#_......# ...# ....!..@.#.Ă·.....#90.9 (4?cgg;š·8.0) ###...# .................# ## .......##?cgg^šà ..ß.#.ß.#..).......# .....?cgg~š”#########... #[..# ?cggš)#?cgg˟?cgg3 ,1.9 (49?cgg°€?cgg_Š% _Found a helmet.?cgg€J ?cggžJ ?cggŚL ?cggQ ?cggȘY B?cggç` B?cggêc ?cgg4g ?cggúg ?cggWh ?cggâj ?cggŽo ?cggĂo ?cggÂt ?cggz n _m - 2 golden potions (gained 1)?cgg} ?cggU} ?cgg ?cggM‚ ?cgg§„ ?cggȄ ?cgg«† ?cggô‰ ?cggMŒ ?cggŸŒ ?cgg°Ž ?cggô‘ ?cgg” ,?cgg– ?cgg°˜ ?cggš ?cgg@š ?cggŁ§ ? _o - 4 potions of might (gained 1)?cgg© ?cgg« ,?cgg}Ź ?cggź ?cggIČ ,?cggăł ?cggï¶ ?cggwž ,?cggËč ?cggh» ?cggœ ?cggSœ ?cggŃŸ ?cgg3Á ?cggnĂ ?cggČĂ ?cgg~Ć ?cgg`É ?cggèÊ ,?cgg#Ë ?cggĂŚ š?cgg€Ű ?cgguÙ ?cggłÚ ,?cggsÛ ?cgg€Ü ?cggĂĘ ?cggçĘ ?cggÊȚ ?cgggà ?cgg“â ?cggÈâ ?cggçă ?cggè ?cggkí š?cgg&ï ?cgg€ ,?cgg ?cgg± ?cggë B?cggí ?cggš! š?cgg–% B?cggÁ0 `?cggt3 ,?cggm4 ,?cgg45 ?cggÁ8 7 _You open the door.?cggt> _?cggöG [.# ##......##..#.......#..# ?cgg1H i.# #......##..#.....).#..# .# #......# #'###+###+### ## ##.##..#.#.### ?cggUH #......# #.....##.#.... ?cgguH ‹#......###.####...###.. ?cgg”H á#####+#....# #.### #.. ?cgg”H Ë#####.#....# ##.#####.. ?cggŐH Ì#!....@....# #......... ?cggI #.....#....###......... #.....#..[.##.........# #####.#.......?cgg3I ž#.......# #.#.>..###?cgglI b#.......# #.#...## ######### S   water moccasin (asleep) ?cggI f#S#...#?cggŹI .##### ?cggÌI !?cgg5U /4027.9 (36?cgg€U ,8.9 (37?cggò] ?cggUb – _A water moccasin comes into view. _There is an open door here.@cgg:@Ł.# #......##..#.....).#.. ..# #......# #'###+###+# ### #......# ##.##..#.#. #......# #.....##.#... #......###.####...###. #####+#....# #.### # #####.#....# ##.#####@cggˆA# #!....'....# #....... #....@#....###....... #.....#..[.##. #####.#.......#. #.#.>..####. #.#...## ####### #S#...#  #.##### #.#@cggÀU@cggxV#9.9 (1@cggžV.0) _@cgga@cgg3d@cggĆę V #'###+###+## ####.##..#.#. .....##.#...##.####...#######+#....# #.### @cggț ź#####.#....# ##.####!....'....# #............#....##[.##.####.#.......#@cggKț  #.#.>..###..## ########S#...#@cggmț A.####@cgg‘ț :<@cggv 5<@cgg! '30@cggä @cgg 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.@cggæf ####.##..#.#. .....##.#...##.####...#######+#....# #.### #####.#....# ##.####!....'.............#....##@cggźg ö[.##.#####@#.......# #.#.>..###..## ########S#...#.#### <#@cggIr @cggșr &1@cgg1y @cgg:| @cggHć [ .....##.#...##.####...#######+#....# #.### ####.##.#####!....'.......#.....#....###.....#..[.##.#####.#.......#@cggÌć ˆ #@#.>..###..## ########S#...# .####<# @cgg è @cggÊđ „S.S@cgg]ő .=2@cggûû @cgg”ț T _The water moccasin misses you.@cgghŠ Ć  You barely miss the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.You completely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.@cgg=‹ -4.0 (1.1@cggl‹ ,Rev @cggȑ @cggœ” \ _The water moccasin closely misses you.@cgg ù  You barely miss the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.You closely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.The water moccasin bites you but does no damage.@cggł V7-5.1@cggò 7Rev+ @cggC @cggŃ 3 _The water moccasin bites you.@cgg…‰   You puncture the water moccasin with your +4 short sword!  The water moccasin is moderately wounded.You hit the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.@cggŠ j3---=6.2@cggšŽ @cggՏ 6 _The water moccasin bites you. x2@cggkù   You closely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.The water moccasin is heavily wounded.You closely miss the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.@cgg ú @cggQú %-@cgg|ú J7.3Rev* @cgg2 @cggÉ  @cggë N_The water moccasin closely misses you.@cggf ˆ  You closely miss the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.@cggaf ‰The water moccasin is heavily wounded.You slash the water moccasin with your +1 war axe!@cggëf 0=8.4@cggęm @cggrp  @cgg–p ;_The water moccasin bites you but does no damage. x2@cggđ (  You hit the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.  The water moccasin is almost dead.You barely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.@cggëđ #4@cggń F=--9.5@cgg‰ű @cggÀú F _The water moccasin bites you but does no damage.@cggésW  You slash the water moccasin with your +1 war axe!@cggÄ}F$@cgg„¶909 5/59=19-40.6@cgg‡Š@cggŽŒ @cgg܌D_You kill the water moccasin!@cgg7Ű@cggÎŰ@cgg’Ú@cggá@cgg6æh6@cggdç@cgg|é@cggșé:Rev+ @cgg*ë@cggEđ@cggđ@cggò@cggóó@cgg5ô@cggAő@cggäö@cggZś67=@cggqś@cggwű@cggCú@cgg™ú@cggŹú7Rev @cggžÚ8=@cgg@cgg¶@cggŰ@cggÇ@cgg!@cggD @cgg­§9=@cgg@cggË@cgg‰@cgg *909@cggb@cgg€@cggá&18@cgg@cggM _You now have 918 gold pieces (gained 9).@cggî@cggQ @cgg”!@cggă#@cggó%@cggŒ&#=@cggž&@cggê'@cgg+*@cgg,@cgg\,@cggš-@cggț1@cgg4@cggH4@cgg16@cgg9@cggÀ;@cgg <@cgg<=@cggX?@cggü@@cgg0A@cggBAcgg”AcggŃAcgg AcggĄ p _x - 2 amethyst potions (gained 1)AcggR Acgg Acgg€ AcggkAcggßAcgg Acgg AcggčAcgg)AcggjAcgg‰AcggńAcggŒ,Acggç AcggE#Acggê$Acgg&%Acgg4&AcggË)@  There is an open door here.Acgg),Acggł, _Acgg:.Acgg‡0AcggL2Acgg†2Acgg}3Acggy5Acgg77Acggl7Acgg”8AcggW;Acgg‹=,AcggÊ>Acgg‰AAcgg»C,Acgg+EAcggTGAcgg2IAcggkIAcggŠJAcggĆLAcggÂNAcggțNAcggőOAcggüR@  There is an open door here.Acgg·TAcgg=U _Acgg†VAcggĘYAcggt[AcggŁ\,Acgg _Acgg”`AcggÏ`AcggœaAcggœd7 _You open the door.Acgg7nd.........+ .........# #........# ###+###+ #........# W+...+.# Acgg‡nL#))......# .#...#.# ## ..######## +##+.#._.#.+##+ # #.....# .#..#.#...#.#..# # #####.######.#..#.+...'.#..####Acggên5#....#...+..@###'###'..'-##......##..#.......#..#####.#......##..#.....).#..# #.#......####'###+###+### #.Acggo4#......# ##.##..#.#.#########......# #.....##.#......... W   phantom (dormant)Acgg;oÀ#......###.####...###.......#####+#....# #.### #.......Acgg`on#####.#....# ##.#####.......Acggt077.6 (37.0)Acgg|ą.W_WAcggć|F-8.6 (38Acggńƒ8_Acggˆ _A phantom comes into view. _There is an open door here.Acgg˜8À ##  .+ #)) W#  +##+.#  .#..#.# #..#.+ Acgg9” +..@#  #..#....... #..#.....).#..#  ###'###+###+### AcggH9%  ##. Acggj9 #.. Acggš9. Acggș9@...# #.###  ....# AcggŽÒn ##  .+ )) W#  +##+.#  .#..#.# #..#.+  +..@#  Acgg:Ó!#..#....... #..#.....).#..#  ###'###+###+###   ##.  #.. Acgg§ÓÓ. ...# #.###  ....# AcggĘÜ9_AcggUĘAcggć8_Acgg7è^ _A phantom is nearby!Acgg ŸË ##  .+ #)) W#  +##+.#  .#..#.# #..#.+  AcggzŸź+..@#  #..#....... #..#.....).#..#  ###'###+###+###   ##. AcggÓŸ- #.. . Acggż*...# #.###  ....# Acgg9żAcggSS Q ##  .+ )) W#  +##+.# AcggîS Č .#..#.# #..#.+  +..@#  #..#....... #..#.....).#..#  ###'###+###+###  Acgg$T i ##.  #..Acgg^T ” . ...# #.### AcggˆT A ....# Acgg¶\ Acgg+] Acgg*b Acgg[p Ș # #+  .#  #. .# +###+###+ #.# ........# #.+...+.# AcggŃp s.# ))......# #W#...#.# # .######## +##+.#._.#.+##+ #. .....# .#..#.#...#.#..# #. ####.######.#..#@+...'.#..#####....#...+..'###'###'..'.....Acgg\q q##......##..#.......#..#####.#......##..#.....).#..# #.#......####'###+###+### #..#......# ##.##..#.#.##########......# #.....##.#...#......###.####...###.#####+#....# #.### #. _A phantom is nearby!Acgg„t Acgg€| F.WAcgg‘} 89.6 (1.0) _AcggŒ… :_AcggšŠ Bcggă§Á#.# #+  .+###+###+ ..+...+ #.# ))......# #.#...#.# ## .######## +##+W#._.#.+##+ .....# #...#.#..# ####.######.#..#.+...'.#..####....#...+..'###'###'..'....##..#.......#..#####..#.....).#..###'###+###+### #..#.##..#.#.######### #.....##.#........###.####...##Bcggł9_Bcggoł/=80Bcgg_č8_BcggdŒ? _The phantom closely misses you.Bcgg•ŒBcggÿaÀ _You hit the phantom but do no damage.You hit the phantom with your +1 war axe.BcggĄbY1.7 (1.1Rev BcggțiBcggalT _The phantom barely misses you.Bcggâ _You closely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.The phantom is lightly damaged.  You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.Bcggòâ(2.8Bcggă7Rev+ BcggêBcgg\ì> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.Bcgg2hl  You barely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.BcggżhŽThe phantom is lightly damaged.  You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.Bcgg=i#5Bcggpi4--3.9BcggÍoBcggśq Bcggr_The phantom hits you.Bcggőï _You closely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.The phantom is lightly damaged.5.0Bcgg‹ő?Rev* BcggœÓ_ _You hit the phantom but do no damage. The phantom closely misses you.BcggM’ _You hit the phantom but do no damage. The phantom closely misses you.  You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.The phantom is lightly damaged.  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom hits you.BcggáM#4Bcgg ND---6.2 (1.2BcggîS:_Bcgg°V> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.BcggŸŰm _ You hit the phantom with your +1 war axe.  The phantom is moderately damaged.You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.5=7.3 (1.1BcggțŰBcggđĘX _The phantom completely misses you.Bcgg9Oï  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom is severely damaged.You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.BcggĐXÉ#..# #..+ ..## ##..#+###+###+ # ##BcggYÖ..# #.+...+.# #))......# #.#...#.# # Bcgg8Y...######## +##+§#._.#.+##+ # ##.....# .#..#.#...#.#..# # Bcgg©Y #####.######.#.@#.+...'.#..#### #....#...+..W###'###'..'. ##......##..#.......#..#####BcggZ… #......##..#.....).#..# # #......####'###+###+### #BcggZï #......# ##.##..#.#.####### #......# #.....##.#........ #......###.####...### #####+#....# #.### #Bcgg°dBcggžeW0--8.4Bcgggo:_Bcgg:rJ _The phantom hits you. The phantom blinks! You blink.BcggŚÂÖ  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom is almost destroyed.You slash the phantom with your +1 war axe!BcggÇÇp$BcggrÍ„918 1/60--279.5Bcgg6Ó8_Bcgg•ÔN _You destroy the phantom!Bcgg}UBcggVBcggW[BcggŻ^H _No target in view!Bcgg|Ä.M#. ## #+ .. +###+###+ ##..+...+ #))......# #.#...#.# ## ...######## +##+§#._.#.+##+ ##.....# Bcgg2Ć #...#.#..#  #####.######.#..#.+...'.#..####....#...+..$###'###'..'....#......#..#####......##..#.....).#..# #+# ##BcggŠÌBcgg:Í<-900 _BcggxĐBcggiÒBcggv†Bcgg0‡8-Bcgg#BcggBcggÇ· Bcggvž Bcgg6č Bcgg2» BcggÓŸ <2Bcggzż BcggŽż BcggyÀ Bcgg< Bcgg~ :Rev+ BcgghĂ BcggĆ Bcgg~Ć L3=BcggŽÆ BcggÄÇ ,Bcgg'È Bcgg”É BcggîÉ :Rev BcggÂÊ BcggQÌ BcggŁÌ BcggbÍ BcggńÎ Bcgg=Ï #4BcggÏ 3=BcggrĐ BcggÒ BcggFÒ Bcgg+Ó Bcgg6Ő 7BcggGÖ Bcgg Ś BcggˆŚ X9185=BcggÒÚ Bcgg Û ,BcggÜ Bcgg*Ț Bcgg_Ț Bcggșß Bcggâ Bcggzâ #6Bcggąâ 2=Bcggžă Bcgg æ ,Bcggąæ BcggŚç Bcggüç Bcggaè Bcgg8é ,Bcgg>ê Bcgg»ê Bcggæê 7Bcgg ì Bcgg’í BcggÆí Bcgg€î BcggCđ ,Bcggń Bcggńò Bcgg9ó D8=Bcggô BcggĆő ,Bcgg)ö Bcggś BcggEś Bcggű Bcggùű Bcgg4ù U9=Bcgg©ù Bcgg…ú ,Bcgg4û BcggŰü Bcgg%ę Bcgg5ț Bcggáÿ ,Bcggș Bcgg– Bcggà L60=Bcgg  Bcgg Bcgg ,Bcggș BcggÖ BcggF ,Bcgg Bcgg» M  You now have 926 gold pieces (gained 8).Bcgg &26Bcgg4 Bcggé V _There is an open door here.BcggR 9=Bcgg· Bcggu! Bcgg7# ,BcggM$ Bcggá& Bcgg+( Bcggž( Bcgg) BcggŒ+ 7 _You open the door.BcggŹ- Bcggÿ- BcggÒ. BcggÀ3 @  There is an open door here.BcggŠ5 Bcgg66  _Bcgg 7 Bcgg$: Bcgg“; ,Bcgg< Bcgg? Bcgg2@ Bcgg|@ Bcgg—A Bcgg°C 7 _You open the door.Bcgg±E 3BcggNF Bcgg4J @  There is an open door here.BcggyK BcggÿK  _BcggL Bcgg*N Bcgg.....203.5 (46.0) ..#.......#..#..##...... '###+###+..'.###.##### #.+...+.#..#.# #.########.#...#.#..#.###........### ##'.#._.#.+##+.##.....###.#...#.#..####...#..##.+...'.#..####............# ..'###'###'..'........ß.#.ß..# _You open the door.Ccgg, [ _Found a stone staircase leading down.CcggŽnU_Ccgg†t8_CcggšwH _No target in view!Dcggâ9_DcggáâDcgg±éDcgg›ìH _No target in view!DcggbW7_Dcgg•XDcggG]Dcgg `H _No target in view!Dcgg–c3DcggidDcggćgDcggŰmDcggšn$ _DcggsV  There is an open door here.Dcgg&uDcggȘu _DcggïvDcggA|R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.Dcgg~Dcgg^~ _Dcgg Dcggâ€Dcgg‚,Dcgg7ƒDcggɌ.###.#.....# #...#.#.###.# .#...# #.#  ...##### #.#  #..# #.# ########## .#..# #.# #...(. ....#######.# #.............#.# #........?.# #.@.. ###+###+###.###........#..#...'>.............#..#..##......... ###+###+..'.###.######## .+...+.#..#.# #.#########...#.#..#.###..####._.#.+##+.##...###...#.#..####.#..#Dcgg|‘Y7.0)_DcggB’+8.5 (5Dcggi•8_Dcggé–d _D - a scroll labelled MUSHIA CA TOIMDcggż) 3DcggŽ+ Dcgg7/ Dcgg%3 BDcggÀ7 DcggÆ8 Dcgg9 Dcgg`: Dcggs< Dcgg†> DcggL? Dcggű? DcggÛF 3#### ....# ###### ###.#.....# ..#.#.###.# #.#...# #.# ##### #.# ..# #.# ########### # #.# #..# ..#######.# #..DcggÌG ”# .#.# #........?# 20.#.# #..#+###+###.###.........#....#..#...'>........#....#..#..##.........# #+###+..'.###.#########..+.#..#.# #.########Dcgg'M ,11.5 (3DcggN +2.5 (4DcggVR Dcgg.T ` _g - 20 poisoned darts (gained 3)Dcgg\ 4Dcgg*a Dcggc H _No target in view!Ecgg°ąEcggPŁEcggä€Ecgg«Ecgg­Ecgg łP _EcggÇ”,Ecgg ·EcggfčEcggÙș,Ecgg,ŒEcgg„ŸEcgg~À,Ecgg)ÂEcggđĂEcggÆ,EcggŚÆEcggőÉ,EcggeÊEcggÓ _D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM (gained 1)EcggßŐIEcggaÙEcggđÚEcggÛEcgg»ÛEcgg0áBEcggâEcgg,ćEcgg]æEcggËæEcggŸçEcgg*ëEcggmìEcgg˜ìEcggDíEcggsđEcggÉńEcggđńEcggûòEcggÂőEcggîö,EcggŰśEcggçúEcggWü,Ecgg:ęEcggrEcggĘ,EcggšEcggêEcggČEcggÙEcgg- EcggÏ Ecggß ,EcggnEcggĘEcggkBEcggȘEcgg§ ,EcggY!Ecggą#Ecgg2&,Ecggš'EcggŒ*Ecggâ,,EcggI.Ecgg€1Ecgg{4,Ecggș5Ecgg 9Ecggí>BEcggYAEcggšC,Ecgg€EEcggáHEcgg”K,EcggmMEcggQEcggÈS,EcggÌUEcggéYEcggŠ\,Ecggx_EcggąbEcgg•eEcggÍeEcggČgEcggŰjEcggn,EcggXoEcggž‹@  You see here a +0 falchion.EcggeEcggù _Ecgg)“Ecgg”˜EcggŸEcggGŸEcggĄEcggž„EcggĘ«BEcggšŻEcggïŻEcgg°Ecggö°Ecgg ŽEcgg[”EcggŒ”EcggS¶Ecgg(șEcggߌ,EcggtŸEcggÜÂEcgg?Ć,Ecgg ÇEcgg±ËEcgg2ÍEcggWÍEcggÎEcggŠĐEcggÒ,EcggĆÒEcggsŐEcgg ŚEcggBŚEcgg ŰEcggˆÜEcgg‰ĘEcgg°ĘEcggŸȚEcggźá7 _You open the door.EcggËâEcggôâEcgg]ăEcggè@  There is an open door here.EcggĘéEcggÏê _EcggUëEcggxíEcggJîEcggnîEcggáîEcggÊđEcggŻńEcggÓńEcggCòEcgg;ôEcgg2öEcgghöEcgg-śEcgg ü@  There is an open door here.EcggĘÿEcgg_ _EcggEcgg~Ecgg»,Ecgg)Ecgg 7 _You open the door.Ecgg_3EcggEcgg|@  There is an open door here.EcggEcgg‰ _EcggEcgg.Ecgg„EcggîEcgge%łopen the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here.  Ecggô'EcggV( _Ecgg/*Ecgg!-Ecgg6.Ecggv.Ecgg /Ecgg^2Ecggá3Ecgg)4EcggÁ4Ecgg":…There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here.  Ecgg°;Ecgg†< _Ecggé<EcggF@Ecgg,B,EcggCEcggFEcgg»GEcggHEcggVIEcgg LEcggNEcggWNEcggROEcggESpYou open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door.EcggçU3Ecgg8WEcgg \’You open the door. _There is an open door here. _You open the door.  There is an open door here.EcggÛ^Ecgg>_ _EcggŰ`Ecgg"cEcggg,EcggĄiEcggŒmEcgglp,EcggzrEcggżuEcggYx,EcggŠzEcgg›}Ecgg9€,Ecgg8‚Ecgga…Ecgg-ˆEcggŒˆEcgg‹ŠEcggwEcggHEcggEcggŻ’Ecggš•Ecgg»˜,EcggòEcggNŸEcgg:ą,Ecgg €EcggW§EcggkȘ,EcggUŹEcggD°EcggćČ,Ecggă”EcggˆčEcggșŒ,EcggsŸEcgg1ÁEcgg†Ă,EcggšĆEcggÈEcgg\Ë,Ecgg5ÍEcggûĐEcgg'Û  #........# #.....#....##### #........#######...#....... #.........##..(....#..##### #.........##.##....#.....## ######>...##.###.###.###.## ##########........###..< ≈≈≈≈≈ ####.........## ......####.##.........## p......@..............'. Z.....#####...........##EcggÜî ≈≈≈≈≈ #.##........## ############.##........#. #........#....#))......#. #.........##<...########. p   burial acolyte (asleep) ######....#####.....# ## Z   adder zombie (dormant) #....# #####.##### #....# #....#.Ecggiçí84.5 (72.0) _There is an open door here. _You open the door. _There is an open door here.  A burial acolyte and an adder zombie come into view.Ecgg éEcggËéEcggŐűˆ pZZ.pZZ   jackal zombie (wandering)The burial acolyte shouts!Ecggëù5==5.5 (73EcggáEcggú` _A jackal zombie comes into view.Ecgg–]J   ( > ####< ≈≈≈≈≈  .p....####.##.. ZZ.....@..............'. ......#####.... EcggT^¶â‰ˆâ‰ˆâ‰ˆâ‰ˆâ‰ˆ #.##. ##### )) <      EcggműN   ( > ####< ≈≈≈≈≈  .p....####.##.. ZZ.....@..............'. ......#####.... ≈≈≈≈≈ #.##. ##### )) Ecgg€ùl<      EcggÀ Ecggc Ecgg Ecgg$ Q  #.# #.....#.... #.#...# #.##..(....#.. #.##.##....#..... ######>...##.###.###.###.#######.###..≈≈ ####..p....####.##..ZZ....@...............'.#####Ecggf% w.≈≈ #.##. ############.##.# #.#....#))......# #.##<...# ######....#####.....#  #....# #####. #....# #....# _There are monsters nearby!EcggŒ) EcggP* Ecgg+ Ecgg12 .p..ZZEcggŚ2 A--6.5 (1.0) _EcggJ9 EcggJ; FcggòRÀ #.# #.....#.... #.#...# #.##..(....#.. #.##.##....#..... ######>...##.###.###.###.#####.###FcggœSÙ≈# ####..p...####.##..Z..Z......#####.≈# #.##.######.##. #.#....#))...... #.##<... ######....#####.....# Fcgg”T± #....# #####. #....# #....FcggYFcggíYFcggŒi Z..Z.(strong, swift)Zstrong, sFcggZj`wift)The burial acolyte drones a funeral chant.Fcggźj/==7FcgguFcggĘxT _The adder zombie is empowered. The jackal zombie is empowered.FcggŃÈG  #.# #.....#....   #.#...#   #.##..(....#..   #.##.##....#  Fcgg/Êu ######>...##.###.###.###  ####.###  #≈# ####  #....p...####.##  .Z..Z  #.#####  #≈# #.##  #####.##   #.#....#))   #.##<...  Fcgg©Ê ######....#####.....#   #....# #####.   #....# #Fcgg8ÍFcgg€ÎFcgg1ÏFcgg„Ör.p..ZZFcggEŚ.-8Fcgg ȚFcggàD _The adder zombie bites you but does no damage.FcggJio _The adder zombie is empowered. The jackal zombie is empowered. _The adder zombie bites you but does no damage.  You hit the burial acolyte with your +1 war axe.  The burial acolyte is lightly wounded.  You hit the adder zombie with your +1 war axe.  You puncture the burial acolyte with your +4 short sword!FcggĄjł -The adder zombie completely misses you.The burial acolyte hits you but does no damage.FcggÇr/  --more--Fcgg¶Š Ÿ .Z  The adder zombie bites you but does no damage.Fcgg}§ Y9.7 (1.2Rev Fcggő­ Fcgg%° = _The jackal zombie bites you but does no damage.Fcggđˆ ,  You hit the adder zombie with your +1 war ax  The adder zombie is heavily damaged.  You barely miss the burial acolyte with your +1 war axe.You hit the jackal zombie with your +1 war axe.  You hit the adder zombie with your +4 short sword.  The burial acolyte hits you with a +0 dagger.59-90.8 (1.1Fcggi‘ Fcggw’ Fcggƒ™ /  --more--Fcgg_Ÿ œ _The jackal zombie barely misses you. The adder zombie barely misses you.Fcggx%ú60=  You slash the burial acolyte with your +1 war axe!  The burial acolyte is almost dead.You barely miss the adder zombie with your +1 war axe.You hit the jackal zombie with your +1 war axe.  You closely miss the burial acolyte with your +4 short sword.The burial acolyte hits you but does no damage.Fcgg./  --more--GcggB…  The jackal zombie bites you but does no damage.Gcggä…d58-=2.0 (1.2Gcgg†7Rev+ Gcgg_GcggL“) _The adder zombie bites you.Gcgg·‚+You closely miss the burial acolyte with your +1 war axe.The burial acolyte is almost dead.You closely miss the adder zombie with your +1 war axe.You hit the jackal zombie with your +1 war axe.Gcgg ‰ă 929 You destroy the jackal zombie!You closely miss the burial acolyte with your +4 short sword.Gcgg/  --more--Gcggê[ $  The adder zombie no longer looks unusually strong.  The adder zombie is no longer moving quickly.  The burial acolyte hits you but does no damage.  The adder zombie bites you but does no damage.GcggĄîO--3.1 (1.1Gcgg`öGcgg‹ùW _The burial acolyte completely misses you.Gcggü OYou slash the burial acolyte with your +1 war axe!GcggT —  You kill the burial acolyte!You hit the adder zombie with your +1 war axe.Gcggï ‡$$GcggK ˜34-4.2Rev* Gcgg0 Gcggu S _You destroy the adder zombie!Gcggè1 4Gcggű5 Gcggc8 F _Unknown command.HcggŐÔx  ### #.#....###   #.# #.....#....#   ######...#...   #.##..(....#..#  Hcgg0Ő #.........##.##....#...   ######>...##.###.###.   #############..##  HcggvŐq #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# ####   #.....@..####.##  .......$...... Hcgg§Ő{#.....$..#####..  HcggÎŐæ #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# #.##  ##############.##.   #HcggÖ€....#))....   #.........##<...#####  ######....#####.....  Hcgg&Öw  #....# #####.#Hcgg»ĘHcggšȚC9-50 _HcggƒäHcggîj  You now have 935 gold pieces (gained 6).  Things that are here:Hcggžîb35-6.2 (2Hcgg>ôHcggö, _a +0 dagger; a +0 robeHcgg+©” ..# #.....#....######...#....##..(.###.#####>#.###.###############.......≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# ####.......Hcgg[Șć##.....)..####..........####### #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# #.##Rev*   #....##.. HcggP±Hcggʱb7.2 (1Rev+ Hcggù·HcggߟHcgg”żv860=8.2 (2Hcgg0ĆHcgg Ç> _You now have 938 gold pieces (gained 3).Hcgg?ú ######...#....##..(.###.#####>#.###.###############.......HcggĐúe≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# ####.......##.....)..####..................####### #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# #.##############Rev+   #....###. Hcgg¶ HcggA +9.2 (1HcggÎ HcggH Hcggú J44300.2 (2Hcggô Hcggú > _You now have 944 gold pieces (gained 6).HcggiĂ  #.# #.....#.  ######...#..  #.##..(....#  #.........##.##....#..  ######>...##.###.###. Hcgg»k #############..#  #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# #### ###.....)..####.## _......Hcggćc ###........#####.. Hcgg ł #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# #.## ##############.##.Hcgg.a  #....#))... HcggO| #.........##<...### ######....#####..... Hcggn© #....# #####  #....# Hcgg%p1.2 (1Rev Hcggí,Hcgg/C _Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.Icggbǘ  #.# #.....#  #.#...#  #.##..(....#  #.##.##....#  ######>...##.###.###.  ####.  #≈# #### #.....)..####.##  #_ #.#####  #Icgg”Ç€≈# #.##  #####.##  #.#....#))  #.##<...  ######....##### IcggÚÇ_ #....# ##### IcggCÈk #....# #IcggïĐIcggDŃB=2IcggąŚIcggÙIcggŻű Icggûű Icggâù IcggZ &0IcggÆ Icgg IcggÖ! E _Done exploring.Icgg‡ Icgg|‡ IcggŽˆ IcggGŁ IcggąŁ IcggŸš IcggđȘ E _Done exploring.Icgg(źIcggĄźIcggÛŽIcgg+·H _No target in view!Jcgg‹x JcggĂz ›Where to? (Tab - D:5, ? - help)  D - Dungeon Jcggú JcggŒ. [?25h[?0cJcgg/ “ #........# #.....#... crok the Chopper  #........#######...#. Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 944  Jcggi/ p#.........##..(....#. Health: 60/60 ========================  #.........##.##....#. Magic: 8/8========================  Jcgg0 Q######>...##.###.###. AC: 9Str: 17  #############........ EV: 12Int: 7  #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# ####..... SH: 0Dex: 16 JcggW0 1  ####.....)..####.##..... XL:  8 Next: 34% Place: Dungeon:5   #_.....@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4302.2 (0.0)   ####........#####....... a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N  #≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈# #.##.... Throw: 20 darts (poison)  ##############.##.... Rev  #........#....#))..  #.........##<...###Jcggö0    ######....#####....   #....# #####   #....##  _You now have 944 gold pieces (gained 6). _Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha. _Done exploring. _Done exploring. Jcgg61 ‹_No target in view!  What level of the Dungeon? (default 5, ? - help) Lcggĝ [?25l[?1cLcgg+­ 56Lcggź Lcggw¶ Lcgg`· LcggZ» F _LcggŠ» Lcgg=œ LcgggŸ ,LcggAĂ Lcgg_Ä LcggÄ LcggÇÄ LcggÇĆ LcggUÈ LcggšÉ LcggßÉ Lcgg Ë LcggÏ LcggáÒ ,Lcgg·Ó LcggÛÖ Lcgg—Ű Lcgg+Ù *944Lcgg<Û LcggĄß LcggJâ Lcggyâ Lcgguă Lcggòć Lcgg)ç LcggSç Lcggżè Lcggőì LcggÎó Lcgg ô Lcggșő Lcggwü BLcggČę LcggH Lcgg‰ ,Lcggi LcggȘ Lcggź ,LcggŻ LcggW Lcggè ,Lcgg Lcgg Lcggy ,Lcggù LcggȚ Lcgg’ Lcggł Lcgg< Lcggg Lcgg+ ,LcggD Lcgg\! Lcgg## ,Lcggv$ Lcgg!& Lcgg\' ,Lcgg( Lcgg­) LcggĄ* ,LcggM+ LcggÖ, Lcggą- ,LcggS. Lcgg$0 Lcggy1 LcggĄ1 LcggÂ2 LcggÊ5 Lcggź8 ,Lcgg1: Lcgg< Lcggu> ,Lcgg|? LcggăA Lcgg7C LcggsC LcggD LcggoE Lcgg-G ,Lcgg$H LcggNK LcggL ,LcggźM Lcgg@P Lcgg R Lcgg0R LcggXS LcggÊU LcggÏW LcggśW LcggY Lcgg‹[ LcggȘ] ,Lcgg2_ Lcgg a Lcggšb LcggÙb LcggÜc LcggÊe Lcgg?g Lcggvg Lcggyh Lcggƒj Lcggml ,Lcgg‹m Lcgg„o Lcggat ,Lcgggu LcggŰw Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.LcggŽx Lcgg.z Lcgg¶z $ _Lcgg©{ Lcggá ;6Lcgg© LcggĘ LcggC LcggS" c  ## .# ##.# #@.#36.9 (34.7) Lcgg«" C#..# #....  #..#. ..##.# Lcgg# ›... # ... #### _You climb downwards.LcggÉ# Lcggš' Lcgg]*  Lcgg* S_There is a stone staircase leading up here.Mcggm/ IMcggg1 McggÏ3 Mcggđ6 P _Mcgg‡7 Mcgg 8 ,Mcggò8 Mcgg°: McggÎ: McggV; Mcggű< McggHB #######.@..#9.9 (3.0)#..$..##.##.....#<.##.....#..#+.....#....Mcgg‡B .#.....#..#.##.......##.##...>.... #....Mcgg”F Mcgg2Š ,40.9 (4Mcggô Mcggû ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.McggK­ McggŽ­ Mcgg ± BMcggY± Mcggăł ,Mcgg`Ž ,McggîŽ McggΔ McggÉ· ,Mcgg7ž McggË» McggŒ %5Mcgg¶Œ McggŽŸ N _You now have 954 gold pieces (gained 10).McggĂÀ McggïÀ McggWÁ Mcgg| Mcgg3Ä McggWÄ Mcgg°Ä McggcÆ McggŰÇ ,McggAÈ McggDË Mcgg;Í McggqÍ Mcgg›Í Mcgg{Î McggžĐ McggÉĐ McggòĐ McggČÒ Mcgg Ś 5#+####....h##.........#...#.. #.###+### #@......# #.......+Mcgg8Ű Ő ###.....###### #.....#....# ###.....##.# #.....#<.#h   hound (asleep) #.....#..# McggaŰ ‹+.....#.... #.....#..#.#McggKÜ +9.9 (9McggŐà { .  A hound comes into view.McggFá 050.9 (10.0)Mcgg·ä Mcggâç 2 _The hound moves out of view.Ncgg§}NcggX~NcggD‚Ncgg.… NcggZ…:_No target in view!Ncggș;Ncgg<Ncggÿ<Ncggń?NcggEŰM#+##### ......###......#NcggKEî.....h..#.....#....# ###+###NcggqE .......#.......+ ###.....######...#..##.....NcggErh   houndNcggÔE2..Ncgg$I,0.0)Ncgg™PW.hNcgg\T21.9 (1 _NcggÀVNcggeYNcgg $ . #+#####  ......#  ##......#  ........#  #...h...#  #.....#  #@#  #.......#  #.......+  ###.....######  #.....#....#  ###.....##.#  #.....#<.#  #.....#..#   Ncggp» œ #+#####  ......#  ##......#  ........#  #...h...#  #.....#  #@# NcggŐ» g #.......#  #.......+  ###.....# #.....# Ncggę» Î###.....##.#  #.....#< Ncgg$Œ L#.... Ncgg!Ä Ncgg~Ä NcggtÊ NcgguÖ T ..# . .. .#+##### ... <......# ..#### .........# #...h...##.@...# Ncgg¶Ö š#.###+### #.......# #.......+###.....#######.....#....# NcggêÖ €###.....##.##.....#<.#NcggTŚ #.....#..# _A hound is nearby!NcggÚ Ncgg3â i<.hNcggLă .=2Ncggé Ncggï a _Found a stone staircase leading up. The hound bites you but does no damage.Ocggg  You slash the hound with your +1 war axe!  The hound is heavily wounded.You closely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.Ocgg\58-=4.0 (1.1Rev Ocgg" OcggÎ * _The hound bites you.Ocgg#ŒN  You slash the hound with your +1 war axe!OcggڔE$Ocgg­™t954 9-8Ocggî™J-5.1Rev+ OcggoĄ_ _You kill the hound!OcgghIOcggąJ8-OcggOcggÄ>OcggIEOcgg+GH _No target in view!Ocgg*‘Ocgg‘Ocgge–Ocggn˜C _No target in view!Ocggž'Ocgg(Ocgg­,Ocgg /OcggƉOcggpŠOcggUOcgg“Ocgg_4OcggROcgg!OcggŁÊV.. # #. .. #.#+##### ... <......# ...###......# ..# #.# OcggśÊ˜#..@..# #.###+### #.......# #.......+ ## OcggËOcggŻŃOcggzÒ+-6OcggŹÒ0 _Ocgg#ÖOcgg:ÜOcggâÜb60-7.1 (2OcggĘ/Rev Ocgg«ßOcggđá; _You now have 960 gold pieces (gained 6).Ocgg3– Ocggœ– Ocgg7— Ocggeœ Ocgg7  c60=Ocgg‚  1 _HP restored.OcggśŁ Ocgg:€ Ocggł€ OcggY§ OcggŻ ś..  .. # # #. .. S.#.#+##### ... .<......# ...#### ...........# #....OcggUŻ /#.....### #.###+### #.......# #.......+###.....###### S   water moccasin (asleep)#.....#...OcggšŻ Ł.####.....##.##.....#<.#Ocgg_» &9OcggÉ» ,60.1 (3Ocgg}Á Ocgg>Ć a _A water moccasin comes into view.PcggˆxT .. .. # # #. .. S.#.#+#####  ... .<......#  ...###......#  ...........#  #....@..#  #.....###  #.###+###  #          <.# PcggT .. .. # # #. .. S.#.#+#####  ... .<......#  PcggZ...###......#  ...........#  #....@..#  #.....###  #.###+###  #       <PcggÁ4PcggàPcgg€%ő . .. # ## #.  ...S.#.#+#####. ..<......####......#.......@...##.##.......# #.....###Pcgg&Ű #.###+### #.......# #.......+ ###.....###### #.....#....####.....##.# _A water moccasin is nearby!Pcgg».Pcggv/+1.1 (1Pcgg–/ _Pcggÿ3Pcgg87Pcggsä Ò... .. #+## #.  ...S.#.#+#####...<......#...###.@....#.....#+#.##.......# #.....### #.###+### #.......# #.......+###.....###### #.....#....#Pcggé PcggEê Pcggrń s..SSPcggƒò B=2Pcggś Pcgg­û 8 _The water moccasin hisses angrily.Pcgg›[ Ú ..... .... ... .. #+## #. .....#.#+##### .....S<......# ...###@.....#.##+#.##.#  #.....###  #.###+### #.......#  #.......+  ###.....######  #.....#....#PcggËf cSS(unaware)Pcgg’g &3PcggŸo j _The water moccasin is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.Pcgg!é A .....#.............. ..###+## #.# .#.#+#####......S.####......#..............###+#.##.......# #.....### #.###+### #.# #.......+###.....######PcggJï Pcggmđ 39604Pcggòó Pcgg*ś a _There is a stone staircase leading up here.Pcgg_d ŹSS  The water moccasin hisses angrily.  You hit the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.  The water moccasin is no longer distracted by gold.  is lightly wounded.  You closely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.  The water moccasin bites you but does no damage.Pcgge c===5.2 (1.1Rev Pcggƒj Pcggk PcggSx /  --more--QcggJgU _The water moccasin misses you.Qcgg] ^You closely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.The water moccasin is lightly wounded.  You miss the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.--6.4 (1.2Rev+ Qcgg›QcggńS _The water moccasin barely misses you.Qcgg}À  You slash the water moccasin with your +1 war axe!  The water moccasin is heavily wounded.You hit the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.Qcgg(ÁV=-7.5 (1.1QcggŐÆQcggxÊą _The water moccasin barely misses you. The water moccasin closely misses you.Qcggˆ 4QcggJŒ QcggțŽ F _Unknown command.Qcggđ@ ƒ The water moccasin closely misses you. _Unknown command.  You hit the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.  The water moccasin is almost dead.  You hit the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.  The water moccasin bites you but does no damage.QcggŸA _58--8.6QcggőA ?Rev* QcggšF QcggJ 3 _The water moccasin bites you.Qcggúx ö  You barely miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.The water moccasin is almost dead.You hit the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.Qcggt E$QcggMˆ “ 960 -51-Qcgg”ˆ œ9.7 _You kill the water moccasin!Your Armour skill increases to level 4!Qcgg Qcggې h _Your Dodging skill increases to level 5!QcggÉò Qcgg(ó Qcggxś QcggĂú F _Unknown command.Rcggž( .....# ....... ..... .... ..#Rcgg€9#+####.#.#.#+#####.@<......#.###......#............###+#.##.......#Rcgg/€Ï #.....### #.###+###  #RcggZ€G.#  #.+ Rcgg…€L ###.....######Rcggq~-700 _Rcggł‘w59-1.7 (2RcggÖT _You now have 965 gold pieces (gained 5).RcggmŹRcggĘŹRcggč­Rcggś±RcggE¶PRev+ RcggŚ¶Rcgg·RcggežRcggŒc60=Rcgg@œRcgg#żRcggšÂ,Rcgg†ĂRcggĂĆRcggćÈRcgg4É:Rev RcggÊRcgg$ÌRcggçÎRcgg.ÏRcggĐRcggșÖf=Rcgg]ŚRcggŰŰRcggČÚRcgg ÛRcgg6ÛRcggjÜRcgg ȚRcgg:Ț!RcggŠȚRcgg ßRcgg„áRcgg)éÉ# .. ... ##########...##........# .W'........+ #........#### #$@.... #.... #..... ##+#....####+####.# .......#.#+#####W   phantom (wandering)........<......#......###......#...............#Rcggîí,80.7 (9Rcggfî/1.7 (10.0)RcggęòRcgg˜śZ _A phantom comes into view.RcggPxÛ # .. ... ##########  ...##........#  .W'........+  #........####  #$@..........  #.........#  #.........#  ##+#....#.#  ###+####.# #  .#  .< RcggyG    Rcgg s # .. ... ##########  ...##........#  .W'........+  #........####  #$@.......... Rcgg/ – #.........#  #.........#  ##+#....#. ###+####.#  .#  .< Rcggš " Rcgg.RcggÈRcgg„RcggĆ^ _A phantom is nearby!RcggC™ Ș## .... ##########.....##.#.....W'.+  #@.#### #$........... #.........# #.........#Rcgg6š ç ##+#....#.# ###+####.# #  .#.#+##### ........<......# ###......#RcggÀž RcggŽą A.WRcgg‘Ł E9652.0) _Rcgg§ Rcggß© ScggH WW  You slash the phantom with your +1 war axe!  The phantom is moderately damaged.ScggVb==3.8 (1.1Rev ScggU Scgg “ _You hit the phantom but do no damage. The phantom misses you.ScggF±ÿ  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom is heavily damaged.You slash the phantom with your +1 war axe!Scgg<Č_4.9Rev+ Scggà·ScggèșA _The phantom hits you but does no damage. x2Scgg±  You closely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.The phantom is almost destroyed.You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.Scgg– :## ... .... #### .....##........# ScggŐ ű......§........+ #....@...#### #$..W. #.........### #.........# Scgg!b##+#....#.####+####.#.# .......#.#+#Scgg*!y####........<. Scgg?)9§Scggü)_58--6.0ScggU/Scgg 2J _The phantom hits you. The phantom blinks! You blink.Scgg•”P  You slash the phantom with your +1 war axe!ScggŽœc...$ScggÂs965 -60-ScggĂe7.2 (1.2Rev* ScggQÈScggŁËN _You destroy the phantom!ScggłAScggBScggBGScggŸIH _No target in view!ScggCuScggvScggŁ{Scggc~H _No target in view!ScggäScgg”äScggÿèScgg°ëH _No target in view!ScggkScggìkScggbqScgg(tH _No target in view!ScggŐ9Scgg¶:Scgg ?Scgg7CH _No target in view!Scgg°č9 _ScggŸŽPRev+ Scgg ¶,ScggCș60=ScggRŒScggÓŸScggFżScggÀScgg ÄScggzÄ\72Rev ScggòÄScgg°Æx _No target in view! _You now have 972 gold pieces (gained 7).ScggwÈScggÀÈScggÉScggyÊScggVÌScggȘÌ:=Scgg“ÍScggrÏScgg1Ń,ScggĆŃScggÁÔScgg Ő3984Scgg_ŐScggŚN _You now have 984 gold pieces (gained 12).ScggŠŰ3Scgg$ÙScgg9ÚScggÔÛ,ScggJÜScgg=ĘScggŁß,Scgg*àScggŃâ@  There is an open door here.ScggćScggjć _ScggæScggèScgg«íŹ # ..####### .......?.  ........########### ........##........#.......@.'........+-Scgg‡îk..$.....##........####........##............o##+#+####.........### #.........# ##+#....#.#o   orc (asleep) ###+####.#.# .......#.#+##### ..<......#Scggjś1401.2 (14.0)ScggàśF-2.2 (15Scgg_üScggßx _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.ScggȚ ß###....########......?...###########.##........#..'.+$...@.##........####.......##............oo##+#+####.........### #.........# ##+#....#.##+####.#.#o   orc priest (asleep) .......#.#+#### o   orc (asleep) ..<...... ###......Scgg‰ Scgge 13.0)Scgg­& Scggî* z _An orc priest comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.TcggæŽH # ##.Tcgg!e ...########  ........?. .........###########  TcggPs.........##........#  ..........'........+  ...$...@.# Tcgg}f .........#  oo##+#+###Tcgg­9     TcggȚ.   Tcgg*<Tcggç%- Tcggv&"# ##. ...########  ........?. .........###########  Tcgg'&.........##........#  ..........'........+  ...$...@.#  .........#  oo##+#+###  Tcgg@'9   Tcggˆ'A <[9;17HTcggȚ/Tcgg~0Tcgg6Tcgg”:d _There are monsters nearby!Tcggń'####.....########......?...###########.##........#..'........+$.....##........####....@..##.....oo##+#+####### #.#  ##+#....#.##+####.#.# .......#.#+### ..<..... ### ........TcggK-Tcgg7‹o.oTcggć7-4 _Tcgg˜?TcggžCTcggJ Đ #.###..#.?..####.##.#.'........+.$.....##..o..@...##.o.##+#+####.Tcgg, o. #.#  ##+#....#.#  ###+####.#.# .#.#+ .< ......### Tcgg  Tcgg€ Tcggæ Tcggę ‰ .ooooTcgg“ Úo 2 orcsThe orc priest shouts! You hear a shout!  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.Tcgg‘% 0===5Tcgg', Tcgg 5 % _The orc shouts!Tcggo ö ##.###.#.....##'.?..#.####+.##.##.'.+#.....$.....##.#.....o@....###..oo##+#+####.#.. #.## ##+#....#.#  ###+####.#.# .#.#+ .< ......### Tcggëu ,Tcggœ{ Ûo.o##'#.##.#Tcgg/| Á#.##.##.##.#Tcggú} TcggXˆ ] oo TcggɈ C3 orcsAn orc opens the door.Tcgg‰ &6TcggV Tcgg7™ r _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.Tcgg ô  You hit the orc but do no damage. You hit the orc with your +1 war axe.  The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you.TcggU Tcgg~" Bo.Tcgg## V5-----TcggS# <7.3 (1.1Rev Tcggž+ TcggŽ/ c _Beogh smites you! The orc closely misses you.Tcgg—o L  You slash the orc with your +1 war axe!TcggŁr TcggŒt Tcgg$u Tcggb| Żo.o$o 2 orcsTcggÔ| Tcgg"€ D984 1Tcgg[€ d------8.5 (1.2Tcgg† Tcgg|‰ G _You kill the orc!TcggŸ,Ő # #.###.#.....#.'.?.. #.## +.##.# #.'TcggÍ-G.+ #....o$.....##. #....o@.....## #...o##'#+####. #... #.# #. ### #.# ##+#....#. #.# ###+####.#. #.# .#.#+ #.# .< #.# ......### Tcggż1Tcggv<8o.Tcgg=F-90TcggêDTcggIŽ _The orc closely misses you.Things that are here: _5 gold pieces; a +0 short swordTcgg/“S  You puncture the orc with your +4 short sword!Tcgg,›…  You kill the orc!You slash the orc with your +1 war axe!Tcgg © $$  You kill the orc!Tcggtź…  The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you.Tcgg/8Tcgg‡>m110.6 (1.1Rev+ UcggœUcggžĘ  # #.###.##.....#UcggEŁ .'.?.. #.# +.##. #.'. #....$$.....##. #...o@$.....## #....##'#+#### #.... #.# # ##### #.# ##+#....# #.# ###+####.# #.# .#.# #.# .< #.# ......### _You resist with significant effort.Ucgg•UcggĐ**Ucggóń…  The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you.Ucggæ|8@Ucggá}]44---10UcggQ„Ucggž–` _Pain shoots through your body!  Things that are here: Ucggă–_5 gold pieces; a +0 flail  You slash the orc priest with your +1 war axe!  The orc priest is heavily wounded.  You puncture the orc priest with your +4 short sword!UcggœŸ<$UcggìŸ)Ucgg„Y---4=2.7 (1.1Ucggą©Ucgg|Čd _You kill the orc priest!Ucgg‡łUcggòžUcgg9Á^ _No target in view!Ucgg„ÂUcggŠÇUcggćÏ^ _No target in view!UcggšĐUcggêŐUcggmÙH _No target in view!Ucggl<Ucggá<Ucgg4AUcgg-CH _No target in view!Ucgg'ÆUcggÄÆUcggßÌUcggŽĐH _No target in view!UcggšBUcgg7CUcggIUcggvLC _No target in view!UcggpżUcggțżUcggWĆUcgg»ÈUcggj:Ucgg;UcggùAUcggEEUcgg„ÌUcggÍUcggÀßUcggț/4UcggRUcgg©Ucggč©Ucgg °UcggžČUcggD Ucgg"!Ucggb4Ucgg}ZUcggd[UcggÜ]Ucggè‰# #.###.# ###.....# .'.?.. #...o.Vcggëè~#+.##.#.'.#....$$.....##.#...$@$.....##.#....##'#+####.#....##.# #.VcggdéK#######.# ##+#....##.# ###+####.##.# .#.##.# .<.#.# ......###..VcggŒéVcggäïVcggÛù:.oVcggúVcgg6û"--Vcgg_û'40 _VcggOVcgg$ l  Things that are here: _5 gold pieces; a +0 flailVcggRz c# #.###.# ###.....# .'.?.. #.##VcggÖz 6+....o......##.##.'.+#....$$.....##.##...$$@.....##.#....##'#+####.Vcgg] F#....##.# #.#######.# ##+#....#.#.# ###+####.#.#.# .#.#+#.# .<.#.# ......###...o3=1 _Vcggo‘ Vcgg·– r  Things that are here: _5 gold pieces; a +0 short swordVcgg¶ Vcggž wPick up what? 30/52 slots (_ for help) VcggKž śHand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 short sword Gold (select all with $)Vcggpž ©b - 5 gold pieces [Up|Down] selectVcgg“ž Ö[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selectedVcggùž 7[top]Vcgg«/WcggWcgg Wcgg`Í#crok the Chopper#.###.#Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 984###.....#########Health: 53/60 =====================---.'..........?..Magic: 8/8========================#...........########### AC: 9Str: 17+...........##........# EV: 12WcggžInt: 7#.....o......'........+ SH: 0Dex: 16#....$$.....##........# XL:  8 Next: 64% Place: Dungeon:6#...$$@.....##......... Noise: ---------  Time: 4441.7 (0.0)#....##'#+####......... a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#....##.# #......... Throw: 20 darts (poison)#######.# ##+#....#.#.# ###+####.#.#.# .......#.#+ o   orc#.# ........<..#.# ......###..Wcgg6…........... _5 gold pieces; a +0 dagger  Things that are here: _5 gold pieces; a +0 flail  WcggSThings that are here: _5 gold pieces; a +0 short sword  Okay, then.WcggœWcgg!Wcgg."WcggÔ%. _WcggÍÄ· #.  #.###.# ###.....#########.'?.. ##########+...........###.o......'+.#$$$......##'#+###............###### ##+#...###+####.#.#.#+..<#.#WcggÆ ###WcggÙÈWcggÖŐ oo 2 orcsAn orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.Wcgg­Ö3=2.7 (1Wcgg$ĘWcggWêm _The orc misses you. _You see here 14 gold pieces.Wcgg€b L  You slash the orc with your +1 war axe!WcggĆe WcggŰg Wcggïs á oo$o(1 wandering)You kill the orc!WcggĂx z984 3.8 (1.1Rev Wcggö€ WcggS‹ r _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.Wcgg‰Î –. .o #.  #o###.# ###.....#########.'?.. #WcggőÎ #########+...........###..'+.$$##$$$.....##'#+###WcggÏ [............######Wcgg?Ï O ##+#...###+####.#.#.#+WcggbÏ *..<Wcgg±Ś WcggÚ Wcggć z.ooWcggÏć <4=40Wcggï Wcgg!ő — _The orc shouts! You hear a shout! x2  Things that are here: _15 gold pieces; a +0 clubXcggAr? #'. .. #.  #o###.# Xcggs/###.o...#########.'?.. ##########+###.$......'+.$$##$$$.....##'#+###............###### ##+#...###+####.#.#.#+Xcgg}wXcggęxXcggYƒU..oXcgg>„/--5Xcggr„ _Xcgg}ŒXcgg5Xcggæ„A ... #'# . ... #. #.# #.###.# ###.o...#########..'..oXcgg*ŠZ?..  #.######### +.....##. #.....$......'.XcggPŠ #....$$.....## #...$$$.....##XcggqŠ± #....##'#+#### #....##.# #.......#######.# ##+#....#Xcgg–Šn #.# ###+####.#Xcgg%ȘXcgg'ŹXcggńș..o--6Xcgg‚ÁXcggHÄXcgg›  You hit the orc with your +4 short sword.  The orc is heavily wounded.XcggSš0 .oYou hit the orc but do no damage. The orc barely misses you.The orc is distracted by your dazzling golden aura.  The orc hits you with a +0 short sword.Xcgg›a=7.9 (1.1Rev XcggŁXcggÁŠ% _The orc shouts!XcggŽs N  You hit the orc with your +4 short sword.Xcggùu H  You kill the orc!XcggEv jYou hit the orc with your +1 war axe.  The orc is no longer distracted by gold.Xcgg˜ E 5$5   shadow imp (wandering)o   orcThe orc barely misses you.Xcgg}… œ5====9.0Rev+ XcggDŒ Xcgg^ ] _A shadow imp comes into view.Xcgg~5L  You slash the orc with your +1 war axe!Xcgg@V  You kill the orc!XcggQH†.5$5XcggK^=---50.1XcggŸUXcggY _The shadow imp shouts, "Turn tail, thou venomed fool-headed pustule!"Ycgg‡W .. ... #'## . ... #. #.# #.###.# ####.5...#########+..'...?.. ####...$.######### +.....## #.....$......' #....$$.....## #...$$$.....## #....##'#+#### #....##.# #.......#######.# ##+#....YcggœŒYcggò‘%  Ycgg7’IThe shadow imp gestures at you.YcggçYcgg§W----10Ycggö%Ycgg,– _You resist with significant effort.  Things that are here: _8 gold pieces; a +0 flailYcggj1: .. ...## #'## . ... #. #.# #.###.# ####.5...# +..'..@$......?.. ####...$. +.## #.....$......' #....$$.....## #...$$$.....## #....##'#+####Ycgg62 #....##.# # #.# ##+#Ycggf=Ycgg >\5==2YcggEYcggéI[ _The shadow imp completely misses you.YcggŐÿ!  You hit the shadow imp with your +4 short sword.  The shadow imp is severely wounded.You barely miss the shadow imp with your +1 war axe.YcggV-3.2 (1.1YcggÁYcggŹ W _The shadow imp barely misses you.YcggÉ·   You hit the shadow imp with your +1 war axe.  The shadow imp is almost dead.You closely miss the shadow imp with your +4 short sword.Ycggäž g4.3Rev* Ycgg1À Ycgg$Ä X _The shadow imp closely misses you.Ycggȃ Q  You hit the shadow imp with your +1 war axe.Ycgg⋠o$Ycggd“ h6=65.4YcggI˜ Ycgg› N _You kill the shadow imp!Ycgg4YcggĆYcggHYcggúYcgg ,YcggÆ Ycggń YcggŽ"YcggŁ%Ycgg&&7Ycggź'Ycggț*YcggG+:Rev+ Ycgg~.Ycgg42Ycgg2+984Ycgg€4YcggP8Ycggő8L8=YcggY:YcggȚ=Ycgg >7Rev Ycgg¶?ZcggŻZcggZcggVZcggŸZcgg)Zcgg_Zcgg Zcggu V9=ZcggO ZcggÙZcgg!ZcggTZcgg»0Zcgg9Zcgg ZcggL60=ZcggàZcgg(!Zcggœ%,ZcggŽ.c  You now have 992 gold pieces (gained 8).Zcgg/&92Zcggƒ1Zcgg4= _You see here a +0 flail.Zcggé63Zcggÿ8Zcggf@O  You now have 1010 gold pieces (gained 18).ZcggAZcggIAS1010=Zcgg DZcgg8KC _You see here a +0 short sword.Zcgg|PZcggÉPZcgg TZcgg1WZcggüZ,ZcggŠ]Zcgg=eO  You now have 1025 gold pieces (gained 15).Zcggße&25ZcgglhZcggžm< _You see here a +0 club.Zcgg‹r3ZcggûtZcggÓ|Zcgg$}&39Zcggæ€ZcggцO _You now have 1039 gold pieces (gained 14).Zcgg”‹3ZcggmZcggʓN  You now have 1044 gold pieces (gained 5).Zcgg:”&44Zcgg͗Zcggö›C _You see here a +0 short sword.Zcgg=Ÿ3ZcggLĄZcggO§N  You now have 1049 gold pieces (gained 5).Zcgg§§%9Zcgg[ȘZcggăź= _You see here a +0 flail.ZcggŠłZcggÉłZcggT·ZcggWŸN  You now have 1054 gold pieces (gained 5).ZcggòŸ&54Zcgg:éZcgg”ń< _You see here a +0 club.ZcggkśZcggŚśZcgg4ûZcggWN  You now have 1059 gold pieces (gained 5).Zcggê%9ZcggíZcggß> _You see here a +0 dagger.ZcggÓZcggvZcggFZcggÔZcgg#ZcggH#ZcggÒ%Zcggż)Zcgg/,ZcggÂ1Zcgg>BZcggŠ@Zcgg’IZcggőI,ZcggMZcggÜPZcggfY,Zcgg\Zcgg aZcggwa&63ZcggÉcZcggkN _You now have 1063 gold pieces (gained 4).ZcggKoZcggˆoZcggRrZcggwZcgg {ZcggY{Zcgg1~Zcgg{…=  You see here a +0 flail.ZcggcŠZcgg‹ _ZcggqZcggó”ZcggàšZcgg%›Zcgg2ĄZcgg{„ZcggÙ©ZcggȘZcggíŹZcgg·°Zcggl”Zcgg©”ZcggOžZcggBŒZcggôÀ,ZcggAÄZcgg+ÇZcgg5Ì,Zcgg§ĐZcgg(ÓZcggŚZcggŰŚZcggÇÚZcggsäZcggÒäZcggçZcgg îI _C - 2 scrolls of identify (gained 1)Zcggò3ZcggŒôZcggJśZcggúZcggrúZcggvûZcgg=ęZcggĂÿZcggüÿZcggƒZcgg Zcggš,Zcgg.ZcggšZcggYZcgg—Zcgg Zcggk ZcggG ,ZcggÉ ZcggZcggZcggKZcgg»ZcggkB†ZcggőD,ZcggÂEZcggXHZcgg%LBZcggO,Zcgg„PZcgg‡ST _k - a wand of charming (16) (gained 10 charges)Zcgg’UZcggÍUZcggQVZcggxXZcggvZZcgg»ZZcggš[Zcggÿ\Zcgg_ZcggR_ZcggI`Zcgg0bZcggècZcgg1dZcgg eZcgg+hZcggqr™#.  #.# ### #.# .. #.# .# #####.##.#....# #.#.....# #######.#@.####. -526.4 (71.ZcggÎrÈ0)........... #.######.### Zcggțr#............#.### #############.####.# ?Zcgg sk ...................# ..ZcggAsž ##########....###..# _ Zcggas ........##.####  ........+..#Zcgg{Zcggf{F-7.4 (72Zcgg†€ZcggσC _Found an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council.ZcggúÏ_ZcggČŐBZcggšÖZcggyÙZcggźÙZcgg¶ÚZcgg ĘZcggLß,Zcgg±àZcggÄâZcggžć,ZcggęæZcggÂèZcgg“ì,ZcggŁíZcggyőœ#.#...#.##.#######.##.#....##.#.....#.# ########.#..####.#.###.....................  #.######.###..........  #............#.#####.# ########.####.#.@.....# Zcgg…ö/..............#.#...#.# #####....###..#.#._.# ...##.#### ##.#.#...# ...+..# #.#....... ...#### #.#.#####.# ....... ... ...### #. .##Zcggßü232.4 (5.0)Zcgg+ę+3.4 (6ZcggÈZcggRc _E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZIZcggh€Zcggó€Zcgg0Zcgg „ZcggDŠXZcggđÛ#.##.#....##.#.....#.# # (# #######.#..####.#.###.## ....................... .######.###........... ...#.#####.# ######.####.#.......# ..Zcgg1’#.#...#.# ....###..# 4.4 (1##.#### ##.#.#...# .+..# #.#....... #### #.#.#####Zcggj’D.. .... ### #.#. .### #. . Zcggš’ź#.# # ## #.#Zcggv™Zcggš+5.4 (2Zcgg€žZcgguą‚ _Found 3 stones. _There is an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council here.[cgg =[cggŠ=[cggk?[cgg·B[cggÛD[cgg.IP _[cggTJ,[cgg,K[cggNL[cgg8N[cgg‚N[cgg•O[cgg1R[cggŚT,[cggżU[cgg‹W[cggŃY[cgg"Z[cggl[[cgg—^[cgg.`,[cgg¶`[cggșb[cgge[cggNe[cggvf[cggˆlB[cgg\nu _z - 3 bubbling puce potions (gained 1)[cggńo[cgg/p[cggŰp[cggŸr[cgg5u,[cgg v[cggPw[cggáx[cggDy[cggwy[cgg|[cggH~[cgg„~[cgg[cgg·€[cggZ‚,[cgg ƒ[cggö„[cgg ‡[cggU‡[cggLŒ[cggˆ[cggO[cggŽ[cggm’[cggę’[cgg—•,[cgg_–[cgg˜[cgg†š,[cggżž,[cggâŠÆ#. #.##### #|# [cgg§I  #.#... #.#   #.##.###### #.# [cggY§O  #.##.#....# #.#   #.#.....#.# # #(# [cgg‚§œ .#..####.#.###.###  [cggé§ .........>#  .###..........@#  52.4 (17.0)......#.#####.#.#  #.####.#.......#.# [cggüš1 .......#.#...#.#.#  ###..#.#._.#.#.#  ### ##.#.#...#.#.#    #.#.......#.#    #.#.#####.#.#    ...........#  [cgg۱9_[cggÉČ,3.4 (18[cggCž9_[cggÁș; _Found a stone staircase leading down.[cggç [cggR [cgg8 [cgg€ [cggu# [cgg›' B[cgga* ,[cggt+ [cggx- [cgg0 [cgg_0 [cggŸ1 [cggZ5 ;  You see here 3 stones.[cggą7 [cgg8  _[cggĂ9 [cggț; [cgg™> ,[cgg&@ [cggOC [cggŐD [cggE [cggF [cgg•L Î ###  #. ..# [cggôL ì #.##### #|#  #.#... #  #.##.###### #  #.##.#....# #  #.#.....#.# # #( [cgg.M &##.#..####.#.###.### ..................># ##.###...........#.# ......[cggZM ’.#.#.# #.####.#.......#.# #[cgg+S Č78 M ######## ........[cggÚS Û####... #####.##.#....# #.# #.#[cggțZ 19.4 (6.0)[cggž[ ,60.4 (7[cggò` [cggm s _You see here a staff of cold.[cgg;9 [cggç9 [cggs> [cggMA H _No target in view!\cggĂŸ\cggGż\cgg%Ć\cggäÇH _No target in view!\cggI9\cggá9\cgg–?\cgg!BH _No target in view!\cggÁ±\cgg9Č\cgg„Œ\cgg żH _No target in view!\cggÈđ\cgg>ń\cgg\ò\cgg™ö\cggIù\cgg‘ęP _\cggîÿ\cgg;\cgg(\cggy\cggń,\cgg\cgg1 \cgg \cggÆ \cgg#\cgg4\cggq,\cggł\cggÿ\cgg\cggZ\cggn\cgg—\cgg,,\cgg\cggœ!\cgg`$,\cgg“%\cggÌ&\cgg¶(,\cgg)\cgg§-\cgg&1,\cggŹ2\cgg35\cgg7,\cggœ8\cgg¶:\cggò<\cgg.=\cgg>\cgg@\cggÒB,\cggČC\cggŒE\cggbG,\cgg‡I\cggÊK\cggO,\cgg:P\cggR\cggU,\cgg5V\cggîW\cggSZ,\cggd[\cgg_b  You see here a staff of cold.\cggŐa\cggb _\cggćb\cggŐc\cggęe,\cggMg\cggęh\cgg"m,\cggšp\cggĆq\cggs,\cggFt\cggkv–No target in view! _You see here a staff of cold.  3 stones.\cgg‰x\cgg)y _\cggMz\cgg»|\cggÉ,\cggŒ\cgg$„\cgg‡,\cggˆ\cggx‰\cggÀ‹\cggŒ\cggŒ\cgg\cgg ’,\cgg©’\cgg͓\cgg̕,\cgg)—\cgg™\cggRŸB\cgg \cggÇĄ,\cgg’ą\cggÎŁ\cggC„,\cggń„\cggF§\cggêš,\cggŁ©\cggčȘ\cggČŹ\cggôŹ\cggź\cggČ\cgg'Ž,\cgg@”\cgg[·\cgg»,\cgg9Œ\cgg'Ÿ\cggÀ,\cggČÀ\cggúÂ\cggOÄ,\cgg_Ć\cggÂÇ\cggéÉ\cgg.Ê\cgg1Ë\cgg{Í\cgg7Đ,\cggčÒ\cggEŐ\cggŰ,\cggJÙ\cggÁÛ\cgg ß,\cggêß\cggxá\cggąâ,\cgg›ă\cggæ\cgg‚è,\cggÄé\cggšë\cggxî,\cggÿî\cggIđ\cggpń,\cggò\cggôZ  There is an ornate altar of the Wu Jian Council here.\cgg5ö\cggŹö _\cggQś\cgg<ù\cggâú\cgg'û\cggőû\cgg›ę\cggœț\cggőț\cgg{ÿ\cgg\cggÔ,\cgg8\cggÔ\cggÇ\cgg \cgg˜\cggô \cggG,\cggž\cggN\cgg`\cgg˜\cgg\cgg˜\cgg,\cggŽ\cggk\cgg$\cggX\cggą\cgg\cgg2\cggs\cggć\cgg!\cggV#,\cggS$\cggv%\cggź',\cggB(\cgg&*\cggŒ+,\cggÿ+\cggŁ-\cgg–/,\cggì/\cgg†5\cggËD]..+..# #.#.......#.#.# ..#### #.#.#####.#.#.# ...... #...........#.# ...### #.#.#.##.#.## ...##.#.........# .#.##.########### .#.# #..... .#+##### #####. <...... #......#' .......# ... .......# #.... .....### #..... .###+### #...... ggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 missile, asle
)# +.....g. .......+ .#.gg[...# #######\cgg„RÛ 618.4 (58.0)  You open the door.  3 gnolls come into view.A gnoll is wielding a +0 halberd and quivering 2 throwing nets.\cgg@_7 ggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 missile, 1 wa
)g..g.gThe gnoll shouts! x2\cggfŁ (((((The gnoll throws a throwing net. The throwing net hits you.\cggŃí\cggï\cgg&ő  6 20 darts (poison)You become entangled in the net!\cgg›ü/  --more--]cggqaË '....g   gnoll boudagggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 missile, 1 wa
).[gA gnoll bouda comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.]cggœbb==9.4 (59Held ]cggœm]cgg {ƒ _The gnoll bouda shouts! _Found a leather armour. Found a runed translucent door.]cggûĄ:You struggle against the net.]cggŁ]cgg€€]cggŠ]cgg”Čígg..g..g..g).]cgg“ł220.4 (1.0)]cggż]cggÄ _The gnoll shouts!]cgg{Æ 4]cggRÒ ]cggƒâ > _Unknown command.]cgg!r ]cggŒs ]cggȚt ]cgg»v ]cgg°ƒ ­gg..g...g..]cgg?„ /--1]cgg±Ž ]cggò“ 3 _You struggle against the net.]cggP@ ]cggÖ@ ]cggžA ]cggS ÿ gg..... 2 gnolls (swift)  You struggle against the net.  The gnoll bouda barks out a call to the hunt!]cggT /==2]cggJ^ ]cggvb \ _The gnolls pick up the pace!^cgg‚K^cggTN^cggÔO^cggÆQ^cgg0_égg...gg.g 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 missile, swift)^cgg%`†12 --320 darts (poison)^cggĄj^cggÎo5 _You rip the net and break free!^cgg)}^cggÍ}9--^cggdˆ^cgg!F _Unknown command.^cggt> ########.............###.#.#.##.#.##  .#......... .#.##########.....# +##### #####. <......# #. #..$....gg.....#....?#...g...#### ..## #..g....####+#.......#......W+.++ .#...[...#W   TWARD's ghost (dormant) ##.....########......#ggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 missile, swift) ....^cgg UY WWFound 15 gold pieces, a scroll of identify and a potion of curing.  TWARD's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you.^cggx]>((^cggzä‰  The gnoll throws a throwing net. The throwing net barely misses you.^cggßć^cgg;ó@.g.g.!ggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm, swift)^cggÖó^55--=4^cggW^cgg'  _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.  There is an open door, spattered with blood here. _You see here a throwing net.^cgg!WThere is an open door, spattered with blood here. _You see here a throwing net.  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll hits you but does no damage. The gnoll closely misses you.^cgg6dKg.^cggúdˆ6--5.5 (1.1Rev ^cgg^o^cggęr< _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.^cggæ[4^cgg{k^cgg„pF _Unknown command.^cggȘ˜ °4-The gnoll is moderately wounded.slash the gnoll bouda with your +1 war axe!  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You closely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.^cgg=Ÿ /  --more--^cggŒŸ y  The gnoll closely misses you.^cggšÎ ;*^cggk fThe gnoll bouda calls upon its god to heal the gnoll.^cgg),€gThe gnoll's wounds heal themselves! The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.^cggĂ,·2--====6.6Rev+ ^cggȘ5^cggÂ8 _The gnoll misses you. The gnoll closely misses you.^cgg±&à  You hit the gnoll bouda with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll bouda is heavily wounded.You slash the gnoll bouda with your +1 war axe!^cgg±.  You kill the gnoll bouda!You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!_cggX“ $g$gg 2 gnolls (1 polearm, swift)  You kill the gnoll!1063 -71==--7.7_cggś /  --more--_cggÉx’ --with your +1 war axe. The gnoll hits you but does no damage. _cggGy_x2_cggŚ‚_cggˆ…a _Your Fighting skill increases to level 4!_cggđb... #...........#.# ### #.#.#.##.#.## # #.#.........# #.# #.########### #.# #.....# #+##### #####.# .....# #.# ......# ######(###### _cgg đő......# .$....$g@....## ....?#...g...# ### ..## #.......# ###+### W#.# .....# ß!+.++ #P.#...[...# _cgg:ńÊW   TWARD's ghost #.....########......## gg 2 gnolls (1 polearm, swift).....#....# .####### ###.....##.#_cgg7J-80_cggż_cgg?Ô _The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip. The gnoll closely misses you.Things that are here: _4 gold pieces; a +0 club; a +0 robe_cggPb_cggśb8-_cgg m_cgg›qF _Unknown command._cgg   You hit the gnoll but do no damage. You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 halberd._cggł\48-9.8 (1.1_cggA _cggf$V _The gnoll completely misses you._cgg¶ ŸYou hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll hits you with a +0 halberd. _The gnoll completely misses you.  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword._cggű¶ _cgg*· …4---30.9Rev* _cggR· _cgg _cgg Æ y _The gnoll closely misses you. The gnoll hits you with a +0 halberd._cggšk 4_cggUr _cggït F _Unknown command._cgg܁ U  You puncture the gnoll with your +4 short sword!_cggö č $   gnoll (  You kill the gnoll!_cggG” #5_cgg„” K=-22.1 (1.2_cgg_ _cggƟ d _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll hits you but does no damage.`cggŚwő  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.The gnoll is severely wounded.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.`cgg»x-3.2 (1.1`cggB`cggK„R _The gnoll barely misses you.acgg7”   You barely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.The gnoll is almost dead.You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll is no longer moving quickly.acgg¶(4.3acgg Ÿacgg)ÂR _The gnoll barely misses you.acggš€Ÿ  You closely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.The gnoll is almost dead.acgg=You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.acggö‹C$acggh6=35.4acgg›acggæI _You kill the gnoll!acggÂaacggˆb@. #acggßb .#.#acgg/c<.### #.#.#.##.#.##acggxc.#acggœc+ #.#acggœd.# acggIe .#.#acggßeP #.########### .#.#acgggŸ #.....# .#+##### #####.# <......# #.# #......##(######.# .$....$@$....#.# ....?#...$...#.### ..## #.# .###+### W#.# .# ß!+acgghÏ.+.+ #P.#...[...# ##.....########......##  #.....#....# .#  ###.....##.#acggtacgg vacgg{v-acggùv6acgg6w 0acggű~acgg7 acggƍ acgg Ž)You now have 1070 gold pieces (gained 7).acgg“acgg·”Z1070-7.4 (2acgg† acggÊą- _You see here a +0 whip.acgg! %. #.#.#.### #.#.#.##.#.##.# #.#.# ..#.# #.########### #.#.# #.....# #.#+##### #####.# .<......# #.##......#.#(######.#..$....@)$....# #.#.....?#...$...# #.....###...## #.# #.###+#### W#.# #.# ß!+.+ #acggÌ! .+ #P.#...[...##.....########......##  #.....#....# .#  ###.....##.#acggö( acgg{) 378.4 (1acggŹ. acggi5 N  You now have 1077 gold pieces (gained 7).acggí5 acgg6 `79.4 (2Rev+ acgg;; acggŽ= - _You see here a +0 whip.acggCĘ û. #.#.#.### #.#.#.##.#.##.# #.#.#.#.# #.####acggŐĘ n# ##.#.# #.....# .#.#+##### #####.# ..<......# #.##......#.#(######.#..$...@))$....# ##.#.....?#...$...# acggôĘ ˆ #.....###...####.# acggȚ ˆ #.###+##### W#.# acgg,Ț s #.# ß!+acggJȚ N.+  #acggaȚ w.+ #P.#...[...# acggzȚ Ÿ ###.....########......## #.....#....# .acgg’Ț G#  ###.....##.#acggÍȚ acgg,ç acggÀç ,40.4 (1acgg‰ó acgggö bcggĘg4bcggpbcgg"rbcgg^ÓÀ #.#.# ### #.#.#.##.#.## # #.#.# #.# #.##### .#.# #.....# #.#+##### #####.# <......# #.# ......#.#(###### #..$....@)$....# .#.....?#...$...# #.....###...####.# #.###+##### W#.# #.# ß!+.+ #.+ #P.#...[...# ###.....########......###.....#....# . bcgg†ȚbcggßT8=1bcggżăbcggóćM _You see here a +0 whip.bcggbê ;#### #.#.#####.#.#.# .. #...........#.#### #.#.#.##.#.## .# #.#.........# .#.# #.########### .#.# #.....# #+##### #####.# <......# #.# ##.#######@###### .#..$....))$....# bcggZë o.......#.....?#...$...# .....###...####.# .###+##### W#.# .# ß!+.......+ .......+ #P.#...[# ##.....########......  #.....#....# .#######bcggÆô bcggö -2 _bcggjÿ bcggÔ m  d - 5 throwing nets (gained 1)bcgga Z3.4 (2Rev bcgg bcggS G _There is an open door, spattered with blood here.bcggF› jM+.......#####.#####.#.............#.####.##.#.# ...........###########.# #.... .#+##### #### < #@# ########'######.$....))$....#..#.....?#...$...# .....###...####.......#.#+###......##bcggđą bcgg[Ł +4.4 (1bcggŹ bcggŐŻ ccgg#2 ########.............####.#.##.#.##  ........ .##########....# +##### ##### <......# #.#######@###### ..$....))$....#....?#...$...#..##..#Rev .#+###......###.....#....# .#######ccggu;ccgg„<^9=5ccggmDccggMHg _There is an open door, spattered with blood here.ccggJőê... #...........#.# ### #.#.#.##.#.## # #.#.........# #.# #.########### #.# #.....# #+##### #####.# .....# #.# ......#.#######'###### ......#..$....))@....# ccggÉöe#.....?#...$...# ###...####.......# ###+##### W#.# .....# ß!+.++ #P.#...[...# W   TWARD's ghost #.....########......##.....#....# .####### ###.....##.#ccggŽ ccgg{ -6 _ccgg› ccggÊ k  You now have 1081 gold pieces (gained 4).  Things that are here:ccgg¶ 9817.4 (2ccgg  ccggs! * _a +0 club; a +0 robeccgg 5 }### #.#.#.##.#.## # #.#.........# # #.########### .# #.....# ccggb5 N+##### #####.# .....# #.# #.#######'#######..$....)))....# #.....?#...@...# ccggz5 Y###...####.......# ccggœ5 —##+##### #.W#.# ccggČ5 }.....# #ß!+.+ccggÜ5 Ä+ #P.#...[...#ccgg26 3########......## .....#....# .########.....##.#..  #.....#<.#ccggȚC ccggșD Z50=8.4 (1ccggN ccggĐ\ N  You now have 1088 gold pieces (gained 7).ccgg|] 089.4 (2ccgg!e ccggČg  ccggçg "_You see here a +0 halberd.dcggr ê.... #...........#.# ..### #.#.#.##.#.## ..# #.#.........# #.# #.########### #.# #.....# #+##### #####.#.# #.# .#.#######'######.#..$....))@....#...#.....?#...)...# ....###...####.# ###+##### #.W#.#.# #ß!+.......+dcggë k.+ #P.#...[...# #.....########......##.....#....# .####### ###.....##.#..dcggądcggC,50.4 (1dcgg$&dcgg22g  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a +0 robedcgg] ó### #.#.#.##.#.## .# #.#.........# .#.# #.########### .#.# #.....# .#+##### #####.# <......# #.# #......#.#######'######.#..$....)))....#.#.....?#.@.)...####...####.......####+##### #.W#.# .......# #ß!+.+.+ #P.#...[...# ##.....########......##  #.....#....# .#####  ###.....##.#..  #.....#<.#dcggU dcgg e1=1 _dcgg? dcgg ecggŐB: ........ .##########....# +##### ##### <......# #.#######'###### ..$....)))........?#...)###...####.@..###+##### #.W#......# #ß!+++ #P.#...[...# ecgg_C`##.....########......#  ....# .####### ##.....##.#.  <.#.#.ecgg­PecggPQ&2ecggÆ\ecggr_ecggwË##########....# +##### ##### <......# #.#######'###### ..$....)))....ecggæu...?#...)###...####....###+##### #.W#......# #ß!+++ #P.#...[...# ##.....########......#  ecgg€E....# .#########.....##.#..  <.#.#..#.+..ecggkCY3ecggX< …....# +##### ##### <......# #.#######'###### ..$....))).......?#...)###...####....###+##### #.W#......# #ß!+++ #P.#...[...# ##.....########......#  ....# .#########.....##.#..  <.#.#..#.+.##.#ecggâ? ecggßI Z.Wecgg`J &4ecgg|S ecgg\V ecggíH €+##### ##### <......# #.#######'###### ..$....))).......?#...)###...####....###+##### #..#......# #ßW+++ #P.#.@.[...# ##.....########......#  ....#..####### ##.....##.#..  <.#.#..#. +..#.#.#..#ecgg)L N!WecggM .25ecggZ ecggc\ fcgg<~.# #.... .#+##### #### < #.# ########'#####$....)))...#.....?#...)....###...#######+##### #..### #ß!+.@.....+ .......+ #PW#...[... ########......##.....#....#..##########.#..<.#.###.+...#..fcggc fcgg,DW.fcggČ,&6fcggj9fcggu] S###########.# #.... .#+##### #### < #.# ########'#####$....)))...#.....?#...)....###...#######+##### #..### #ßW+.......+ .......+ #P.#...[... ########......##.....#....#..##########.#..<.#.###+..fcgg` fcgg k NW!fcggŠk &7fcggÉu fcgg_y fcgg­w `..........###########.# #.... .#+##### #### < #.# ########'#####$....)))...#.....?#...)....###...#######+##### #.W### #ß!+.......+ .......+ #P.#...[... ########......##.....#....#..##########.#..<.#.###fcggԄ fcgg]… T3=8fcgg˜ fcgg’ gcggb—Œ.### #.#.#.##.#.## ....# #.#.........# ..#.# #.########### #.#.# #.....# #.#+##### #####.# .<......# #.# ##......#.#######'######.#..$....)))....# #.......#.....?#@..)...# #.....###...####.# #.###+##### #.W#.# #.# #ß!+.......+.......+ #P.#...[..gcgg͘8.# ###.....########......##  #.....#....#..##########.....##.#.. #.....#<.#.#gcgg^©<9gcgg›ČgcggòŽgcgg„ĐŽ.... #...........#.#.### #.#.#.##.#.##...# #.#.........# ...#.# #.########### ##.#.# #.....# .#.#+##### #####.# ..<......# #.# ###......#.#######'###### ..#..$...@)))....# ##.......#.....?#...)...#  #.....###...####.#  #.###+##### #.W#.# gcgg<Ń #.# #ß!+.......+  #.......+ #P.#...[...####.....########......## #.....#....#..##########.....##.#..gcggŐâgcgg\ă'60gcggKìgcggsîgcgg› U### #.#.#.##.#.## .# #.#.........##.# #.########### ###.#.# #.....# ..#.#+##### #####.# ...<......# #.####......#.#######'###### ....#..$....)))....# .##.#.....@#...)...#  #.....###...####.......# #.###+##### #.W#.......# #.......# #ß!+.......+ #.+ #P.#...[...# ###.....########......## #.....#....#..###### ###.....##.#.. #.....#<.#.#gcgg! gcggÙ! ^4=1gcggŽ( gcggŃ1 gcggL2 +2.4 (2gcgg=8 gcggö9 : _C - 3 scrolls of identify (gained 1)hcggUJ3hcgg Nhcgg>ShcggŹShcgg[XhcggîZ,hcgg(]hcgg ahcgglaK5=hcgg)chcgg j,hcggClhcggžo,hcggMqhcggŸthcgg3uU6=hcggGwhcgg‰z,hcggi|hcgg,hcggӁhcgg …hcggЅ%7hcgg™‡hcggŠŠhcggáŠhcggühcgg`’,hcggW”hcgg\˜,hcggUšhcggžhcgg‡žK8=hcggžĄhcggUš,hcggȘhcggÁ­,hcgg‡ŻhcggXłhcggŻłU9=hcgg¶hcggș,hcggš»hcggTż,hcgg ÁhcggMÇb60=hcggÈhcggNÌhcggSŃ,hcgg Ôhcgg Śhcgg Û,hcggĘhcggßhcgg:ăhcggyăhcggțçhcggìëhcggXìY103=hcggÊíhcggDòO _You now have 1103 gold pieces (gained 15).hcggŹő3hcggÏöhcgg‹űhcggÒú,hcggÇûhcgg@ęhcggĘÿ,hcggÚhcgg†hcggđ,hcggïhcggî hcgg: ,hcggi hcgghcgg,hcggáhcgg}hcggƒ,hcggehcggîhcggÙ,hcgg¶hcggBhcggĄ,hcgg} hcgg"hcggÖ%BhcggO,hcgg0.hcgg/,hcgg41hcgg 3hcggI3hcgg‡3hcgg‘5hcgg 7hcgg87hcggš7hcggv9hcggț:hcggD;hcggȘ;hcggV=hcggú?,hcgg‰@hcggŽBhcgg7DhcggrDhcggòDhcggÚFhcggĘIBhcgg˜KhcggÌMhcggNhcgg…NhcggąPhcgg˜RhcggŃRhcgggShcgg…XXhcggŐYhcgg›[,hcggL\hcggț]hcgg3`,hcgg€`hcgg/bhcggFdhcgg{dhcggüdhcggôfhcggëhhcgg*ihcgg–ihcggîjhcggŒlhcggûlhcggimhcgg5phcgg1rhcggfrhcggűrhcggeuhcggqw,hcggxhcgg+z$ hcggPz_You open the door.hcggŸ}3hcgg<~hcgg&‚@  There is an open door here.hcgg„hcgg~„ _hcgg …hcgg“†hcgg/ˆhcggaˆhcgg̈hcgg6Šhcgg΋hcggŒhcggŽŒhcgg-Žhcgga,hcggƐhcgg’hcggì“hcgg ”hcgg–”hcggz–hcgg ˜hcgg<˜hcggȘhcggšhcggù›,hcggVœhcggCžhcgg= hcggw hcggÇ hcgg[ŁhcggÄ«hcggŽŹhcggS­hcggÙŻhcggĐČhcggfłhcgg-ŽhcggđčhcggžŒhcggNœhcgg`ŸhcggÒÀhcgg&Ê,hcggűÊhcggVÌhcgg°Î,hcggJÏhcgg Ńhcgg…ÒhcggÊÒhcgg3ÓhcggVŐhcggœȚ3 #....##.# #.........# #######.#.# ##+#....#.# #.#.#####+####.#.# #### #.#..........#.#+## s....#.#...........<.... ....#.#.........###.... ..................... ######...#####'#.##.....hcggqßp .....###.#.##..... .#######.#...#.#.##.###+ #.# #.#.#.##..... #.###...#.##..... #....##....###... #######....≈##... s   scorpion (asleep) ##..≈≈####. .≈≈≈≈# #. ≈..≈≈# #.hcggSé1727.4 (65.0)hcggTê,8.4 (66hcggađhcggúò[ _A scorpion comes into view.hcgg   ..#  #.#.# .#.#  #.#.#####+####.#.#  #### #.#..........#. s....#.#...........< ....#.#......... .............. ######...#####'#. .......@...###. .#######.#...#. #.# #.#. #.###... #.... ###      hcggéŽ"  ..#  #.#.# .#.#  #.#.#####+####.#.#  #### #.#..........#. s....#.#...........< ....#.#......... .............. ######...#####'#. .......@...###. .#######.#...#. #.# #.#. #.###... #.... ###  hcggŒ”    hcgg1ŸhcggąŸhcggÆhcgg9Ê_ _A scorpion is nearby!hcgg'Pń #....##'#+####...# #....##.# #.........########.#.# ##+#....#.# #.#.#####+####.#..#### #.#...#.#+#.s....#.#...........<#.....#.#.........###.................. ######@..#####'#.###...........###.#.##....#.#######.#...#.#.##.### #.# #.#.#.## #.###...#.##. #....##....##########....≈##.##..≈≈#### .≈≈≈≈# #hcggèThcgg‰Vhcggò]i..sshcggä^89.4 (1.0) _hcggvehcgg©hhcggÜ  #...))).....##. #....##'#+####. #....##.# #.........#######.#.# ##+#....#. #.#.#####+####.#.######.#....#.#+.......#.#.....< #.....#.#####..s..@............ #######...#####'#.## #...........###.#.##...#.#######.#...#.#.##.## #.# #.#.#.## #.###...#.##. #....##....##########....≈##.##..≈≈##hcgg˜hcgg·"H.shcgg/#'30hcgg)hcggI,icggÜ8~ #...))).....## #....##'#+#### #....##.# #. #.#.# ##+#....##. #.#.#####+####.##..######.#..........#.##.#.#....< #.....#.#.### #...s #...#####'#.## #...........###.#.## #.#######.#...#.#.##. #.# #.#.#.## #.###...#.## #....##....### icgg:d#....≈## ##..≈≈icggËF€  The scorpion stings you.  You are poisoned.icggÜG”57====--=1Pois icggBNicggÀQ/ _The scorpion poisons you!icggU¶”  You are poisoned. _The scorpion poisons you!  You slash the scorpion with your +1 war axe!  The scorpion is severely wounded.You closely miss the scorpion with your +4 short sword.  You feel very sick.icgg©·›3---=2.5 (1.1Rev icggnŒicggĂŸA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.icggË0 MYou feel very sick.stings you but does no damage.  You barely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.You feel sick.icggĐ1 1---3.6Rev+ icggĘ7icgg–;D _The scorpion stings you but does no damage. x2icggKŠęYou feel sick. _The scorpion stings you but does no damage. x2  You barely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.  The scorpion is severely wounded.  You barely miss the scorpion with your +4 short sword.0--4.7icggoŹicggqźd _You feel sick. The scorpion barely misses you.icgg{'  You closely miss the scorpion with your +4 short sword.The scorpion is severely wounded.You hit the scorpion but do no damage. You feel sick.icggÎ(–49-5.8Rev* icggż/icgg|2A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.icggÄhit the scorpion but do no damage. You feel sick. _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.  You hit the scorpion with your +4 short sword.closely miss the scorpion with your +1 war axe.  You feel sick. The scorpion closely misses you.icggĆV8-6.9icggšËicggqÎY _The scorpion completely misses you.icgg}XÔ  You hit the scorpion with your +4 short sword.  The scorpion is almost dead.You slash the scorpion with your +1 war axe!icggüa­ $You kill the scorpion!icggœgR1103 808.0icggYmicgg0p$ _You feel sick.icgg`Áicgg_ÂicggÈicgg—ÊH _No target in view!icgg+icggÚ+icgg=1icgg%4H _No target in view!icggǟicggČ icggEŠicgg?©H _No target in view!icggB!icggÿ"icgg'icggß)H _No target in view!icggœ” #...))).....## #....##'#+####. #....##.# #$. #.#.# ##+#.... #. #.#.#####+####. #..######.#.#. #.#.#....< #.....#.#.### #... #...#####'#.## #.....###.#.## #.#.#...#.#.##. #.# #.#.#.## #.###...#.## #....##.... #....≈ ##..≈≈icggicggÙ7=--90icgg§ icgg{)Ű _No target in view! _No target in view! _Found 13 gold pieces. You feel sick.  You now have 1110 gold pieces (gained 7).icgg±*106--40.0 (2icgg8/icgg<2$ _You feel sick.icgg‘Œ icgg“ Read which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  C - 3 scrolls of identify  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedlcggêlcgg€ˆlcggóÏ#...))).....##....... crok the Chopper#....##'#+####....... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1110 . #....##.# #....... Health: 46/60 ==================------$. #######.#.# ##+#.... Magic: 8/8========================#.#.#.#####+####. AC: 9Str: 17#..######.#..........#. EV: 12Int: 7#.......#.#...........< SH: 0Dex: 16#.....#.#.........### XL:  8 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:6lcggx]#...@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4740.0 (0.0)#######...#####'#.##. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#...........###.#.##. Throw: 20 darts (poison)#.#######.#...#.#.##. Pois Rev* #.# #.#.#.##.#.###...#.##. #....##....## #######....≈# ##..≈≈#  _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _Found 13 gold pieces. You feel sick.  You now have 1110 gold pieces (gained 7). _You feel sick.lcgg‹’lcgg””Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI Potions (select first with !) lcggL” m - 2 golden potions  u - 3 grey potions  w - a dark potion  x - 2 amethyst potions  z - 3 bubbling puce potions  B - a brown potion[?] describe selectedncggÖ8Ô#...))).....##....... crok the Chopperncgg\:#....##'#+####....... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1110 . #....##.# #....... Health: 46/60 ==================------$. #######.#.# ##+#.... Magic: 8/8========================#.#.#.#####+####. AC: 9Str: 17#..######.#..........#. EV: 12Int: 7#.......#.#...........< SH: 0Dex: 16#.....#.#.........### XL:  8 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:6#...@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4740.0 (0.0)#######...#####'#.##. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#......ncggŸ:d.....###.#.##. Throw: 20 darts (poison)#.#######.#...#.#.##. Pois Rev* #.# #.#.#.##.#.###...#.##. #....##....## #######....≈# ##..≈≈#  _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _Found 13 gold pieces. You feel sick.  You now have 1110 gold pieces (gained 7). _You feel sick.ncggàJÁ  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  u - 3 potions of degenerationYou feel sick.ncggŽKc5=1.0 (1ncggüKBRev* ncggŽQncggœT[ _You are no longer poisoned.ncgg§¶“Read which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  C - 2 scrolls of identify  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedocgg|HocggńNocggÙVŹ#...))).....##....... crok the Chopper#....##'#+####....... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1110 . #....##.# #....... Health: 45/60 ==================------$. #######.#.# ##+#.... Magic: 8/8========================#.#.#.#####+####. AC: 9Str: 17#..######.#..........#. EV: 12ocggWžInt: 7#.......#.#...........< SH: 0Dex: 16#.....#.#.........### XL:  8 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:6#...@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4741.0 (0.0)#######...#####'#.##. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#...........###.#.##. Throw: 20 darts (poison)#.#######.#...#.#.##. Rev* #.# #.#.#.##.#.###...#.##. #....##....## #######....≈# ##..≈≈# You now have 1110 gold pieces (gained 7). _You feel sick.  ocggĐWçAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  u - 3 potions of degenerationYou feel sick. _You are no longer poisoned.ocgg[ocgg0^Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM ocggż^Ą E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI Potions (select first with !)  m - 2 golden potions  w - a dark potion  x - 2 amethyst potions  z - 3 bubbling puce potions  B - a brown potion[?] describe selectedpcggK# pcggć*Ł#...))).....##....... crok the Chopper#....##'#+####....... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1110 . #....##.# #....... Health: 45/60 ==================------$. #######.#.# ##+#.... Magic: 8/8========================#.#.#.#####+####. AC: 9Str: 17#..######.#..........#. EV: 12Int: 7#.......#.#...........< SH: 0Dex: 16pcgg#,š#.....#.#.........### XL:  8 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:6#...@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4741.0 (0.0)#######...#####'#.##. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#...........###.#.##. Throw: 20 darts (poison)#.#######.#...#.#.##. Rev* #.# #.#.#.##.#.###...#.##. #....##....## #######....≈# ##..≈≈# You now have 1110 gold pieces (gained 7). _You feel sick.  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  u - 3 potions of degenerationYou feel sick. _You are no longer poisoned.pcggä<]  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.pcggá=j62.0 (1Rev+ pcggßBpcggBE\ _m - 2 potions of heal woundspcggjÄ pcgg9Ç ńRead which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationpcggéÇ A - a scroll of enchant weapon  C - a scroll of identify  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedqcggŚœqcgg…Ąqcgg’š]#...))).....##....... crok the Chopper#....##'#+####....... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1110 . #....##.# #....... Health: 46/60 ==================------$. #######.#.# ##+#.... Magic: 8/8========================qcggțšF#.#.#.#####+####. AC: 9Str: 17#..######.#..........#. EV: 12Int: 7#.......#.#...........< SH: 0Dex: 16qcggA©"#.....#.#.........### XL:  8 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:6qcggi©à#...@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4742.0 (0.0)#######...#####'#.##. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {Nqcgg©&#...........###.#.##. Throw: 20 darts (poison)#.#######.#...#.#.##. Rev+ qcggČ©ż#.# #.#.#.##.#.###...#.##. #....##....## qcggÓ©I#######....≈# ##..≈≈#qcggö©ƒ As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  qcggȘ™u - 3 potions of degenerationYou feel sick. _You are no longer poisoned.qcggäȘ›As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _m - 2 potions of heal woundsqcggX­qcggșŻIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM qcgg;°† E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI Potions (select first with !)  w - a dark potion  x - 2 amethyst potions  z - 3 bubbling puce potions  B - a brown potion[?] describe selectedrcgg¶árcggêrcgg”ńÈ#...))).....##....... crok the ChopperrcggòŹ#....##'#+####....... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1110 . #....##.# #....... Health: 46/60 ==================------rcgg7ò$. #######.#.# ##+#.... Magic: 8/8========================#.rcgg\ò #.#.#####+####. AC: 9Str: 17#..######.#..........#. EV: 12rcgg{òÉInt: 7#.......#.#...........< SH: 0rcggòPDex: 16#.....#.#.........### XL:  8 Next: 80% Place: Dungeon:6rcggŸòù#...@................ Noise: ---------  Time: 4742.0 (0.0)rcggáòç#######...#####'#.##. a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {Nrcggó&#...........###.#.##. Throw: 20 darts (poison)#.#######.#...#.#.##. Rev+ rcgg#óT#.# #.#.#.##.#.###...#.##.rcggCók #....##....## rcggeóI#######....≈# ##..≈≈#rcggƒó. rcggĄóAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.  u - 3 potions of degenerationrcggÿóüYou feel sick. _You are no longer poisoned.As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _m - 2 potions of heal woundsrcggÎd  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.rcggè$3.0 (1rcgg| rcggú rcgg4H_z - 3 potions of hastercggË7rcgg^8rcgg<Brcgg‰=rcggAR7rcgg7CPRev rcggDrcgg‰ErcggŒErcggXFrcggűGrcggVH68=rcggHrcgg IrcggvKrcggLrcggžLrcgg0NrcggtN!rcgg0OrcggJQrcggŒQrcgg.RrcggóSrcggBT#9rcggmT2=rcgg#UrcggCYW1110rcggBZrcgg€Zrcgg{[rcggh]rcggÒ]650=rcgg ^rcggȘ^rcggr`rcggł`rcgg:arcggcrcgg>crcggôcrcggkfrcgg·fU1=rcggqgrcggoircggîircggŸjrcgg'mrcggnmrcgg'nrcggÄorcggőorcggąprcggYrrcggšr%2rcggysrcggȚurcggvrcgg»vrcgg€xrcggyrcggkyrcggj{rcggÜ{53=rcgg |rcggȘ|rcggo~rcggŁ~rcgg>rcgg–rcggՁrcgg}‚rcggœ„rcgg…?4=rcgg(…rcgg҅rcggú‡,rcggLˆrcggłŠrcggéŠrcgg‹rcggۍrcggŽrcggՎrcgg–‘rcgg9’K5=rcgg‹’rcgg̔rcgg•rcggž•rcggț—,rcggœ˜rcgge›rcggǛN6=rcgguœrcgg*Ÿ,rcggîŸrcggżĄ,rcggfąrcgg=€rcggœ€%7rcggÍ„rcggp§,rcgg$šrcgg·ȘrcggüȘrcgg€«rcgg­rcggU­rcggű­rcggT°rcgg›°K8=rcgg`±rcgg#łrcgg_łrcggÿłrcggà”,rcggŁ¶rcggdžrcgg2č#9rcggyč2=rcgg”črcggÏ»,rcggȚŒrcggËŸrcgg żrcggĄżrcggiÁrcggÀÁL60=rcgg”Ârcgg Ćrcgg.È,rcgg¶ÉrcggtÌrcgg™Ï,rcgg„ŃrcggBÔrcgghÙBrcggÔÛrcggßrcgg{ß9=rcgg‹ârcggććrcggjê,rcgg”ìrcggïrcgg˜òrcggÜòrcgg—ôrcggFśrcgg úrcggăúrcggÓürcggH rcgg~ rcggÀ rcggƒ rcggz rcgg> rcgg} rcgg» rcgg rcggó &23rcgg rcggŸ O _You now have 1123 gold pieces (gained 13).rcgg» ; ####.....####### +..'...). ####...).# +...........# rcggG Ö#.....)..... #....)......#>. #...))).....##...########....##'#+##.#....##.# 98.0 (55.0)...........#######.#.# ##########.## # rcggæ I#..######.#...#.......#.#...#.#.....#.#...#.#............#.###.#...........rcgg' rcgg“' ,9.0 (56rcgg’- rcggô/ ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.rcgg; _rcgg­= rcgg4> rcggùA ,rcggőB ,rcggyC rcggąD rcggF rcggÀF rcgg(G rcggH rcggšJ rcggéJ rcggnK rcggêN Brcgg@O rcggÚP rcgg‡R rcggÄR rcgg9S rcgg¶T rcgg-] ~  #. #.   ..> #.###.#   ... ####  .. +..'...)..  .. ####...)  ###. +......   ##.. # #.....)   #..####.# #....).  rcgg'a Ÿ #>@.....# #...)))805.0 (6.0)   ##...########....##   ###........#....  ...............#######  ##############.## #   #..######   ##   #.#.....   #.#......rcgg?e rcggïe +6.0 (7rcgg)l rcggpn 9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.rcggĄ rcggÖĄ rcggGš rcggȚȘ H _No target in view!scggő&jM.. ..... #.  ..># #.###..####.....# ....+..'...) ...<.####...) ###.... +......#...# #.).@####.#.).0>......# #...)))##...#######  ###........#....##..###### 7.0 (1scggÒ,scgg”/ scggô/-_Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.scggΈscggyŽXscggć,scgg̑scggż“scggâ•,scggǖscgg]˜scggšscggMšscgg›scgg?scggzŸ,scgg scgg•ąscggC€scgg‡€scgg„scgg“š@  There is an open door here.scgg«scggŹ« _scggŹscgg[­scggÚźscggŻscggˆŻscgg­°scggXČscggČscggëČscgg Žscgg(¶scggr¶scggč¶scggÚ·scgg…čscgg·čscggșscgg;ŒscggœscggÆœscgg!Ÿscgg‘żscgg+ÁscggXÁscggÆÁscgg3ĂscggsÄ,scgg9Ćscgg|ÆscggĆÇ,scggŠÈscgg«ÉscggË,scgg%ÌscggRÍscggàÎ,scggÏscgg„Đscgg.Ò,scggŒÒscggSŰscggĄÙscggöÙscggÚscggéÛscggÊĘ,scggVȚscggæßscggQá,scggŰáscgg(ăscggÚä,scgg'Ô  There is an open door here.scggĄŁ _scgg),scgg‡,scgg ,scggêscgg«scggf,scggoscgg #scggX%scgg“%scggz&scggš(scggÿ*,scggí+scgg{-scgg,0scggĆ0scgg1scgg3scgg45,scgg6scgg58scggì:,scggÙ<scgg?scgg"B,scggTCscggŚR°scgg§TscggX,scggdYscgg!^scggă`scgg€ascggûascgg dscgg1jXscggèk,scgg"mscggAoscggôq,scgg*sscgg„xscggç{,scggW}scgg‚%  scgga‚There is an open door here.scggű…scggp† _scggˆscgg‘scgg@š° ##########  #........# scgg›t####### #........# ......# ####........# # ......# #............). ......####.###'####..... ### ................@......O .. .......###.###.######### #.## .....>## #.###.# #... ......####.....################ ......+..'...)................... scgg<›....<.####...).......############ O   ogre (asleep) #........+...........##........## ..##.#####.....)......'..scggd›­+. ####.# #....)......##........##scggœŁĄ 58.0 (51.0)  An ogre comes into view. It is wielding a +0 giant spiked club.scgg‡ź~O.OscggÔŻ5==9.0 (52scggčscgg#Ć& _The ogre shouts!scggŻÜo# #.#  #.# # ####.#### #............).#scgg,ĘF....####.###'####.....# # ................@....O..###.###.##.#>## #.###.# #.####.....#+..'...). scggVĘQ...<.####...).#. ..scggzĘ+.##.##. scgg˜ĘE.##.#####.....)......'.+.scgg”Ęw.# #....)......##.#scggáscgg}ë4O.scggìë;--60.0 (1.0)scgg”ôscggćűtcgg„2 #### #........#  #........# # ####........#### # #....).# ####.###'####.....## #O..###.###.##.#tcgg€3Ô>## #.###.# #.####.....#+..'...).<.####...).#.+.##.##.# ##.#####.....)......'.+..#.# #....)......##.#tcgg#8tcgg A3O.tcggBA--1tcggŁGtcgg·Itcgg±Ó########## #........#  #........# # ####........#### # #.....).# ####.###'####.....### #O..tcggź±ò###.###.##.#>## #.###.# #.####.....#+..'...). .<.####...).#.+.##.##.# .# #....)......##.#tcggń±tcgg¶Ÿ*.tcgg…ż†34-----------====2tcgg ÈtcggÏËE _The ogre hits you with a +0 giant spiked club!!tcgg )s  You hit the ogre with your +4 short sword.  The ogre is lightly wounded.tcgg˜)<=---tcggÇ)R3.1 (1.1Rev tcgg­3tcggH5d _You barely miss the ogre with your +1 war axe.tcggí‰   ########## #........# #........# ....####  tcggmŠ0....).# ##'####.....### .......@O...... ##.############ >##  ) .<) )tcgg‹°  #....)You barely miss the ogre with your +4 short sword.The ogre is lightly wounded.  You hit the ogre with your +1 war axe.tcggŸcr ########## #........# #........# ....####  tcgg#d ....).# ##'####.....### .......@O...... ##.############ >##  )<))tcggfd; #....)tcggwqS  The ogre hits you with a +0 giant spiked club!tcgg"rÇ17------------------==-4.2Rev+ tcgg»ztcgg[‡l _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *tcggő‡tcgge’tcggĆŠt _You are too injured to fight recklessly!tcggX§tcgg€°tcgg;ł^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!tcggæțtcggqÿtcggtcgg\ ^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!tcgg›tcggœtcggœ€tcgg»§^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!tcgg5tcggâ5tcgg›>tcggèA^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!tcggżčtcgggștcgg„ÂtcggQĆV _You are too injured to fight recklessly!tcgg"i  You hit the ogre with your +4 short sword.  The ogre is severely wounded.  You barely miss the ogre with your +1 war axe.tcgg2jm8=--------5.3tcgg vtcgg-y; _The ogre hits you but does no damage.tcggżH Ÿ  ########## #........#tcgg I † #........# ....####  ....).# ##'####.....### .......@O...... ##.############ >##  ) .<).) tcgg”I Ë #....)You hit the ogre with your +4 short sword.  The ogre is severely wounded.You hit the ogre with your +1 war axe.tcgg«  ########## #........# #........# ....####  ....).# ##'####.....### .......@O...... ##.############ >## tcggG  )<)) #....)tcgg ) S  The ogre hits you with a +0 giant spiked club.tcgg* 3----6.4Rev* tcggȘ3 tcgg7 V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *tcggLK tcggÍK tcggÓX tcgg˜[ F _Unknown command.tcgg€Ÿ °  You barely miss the ogre with your +4 short sword.The ogre is severely wounded.tcgg$ż (7.5tcggÏÇ tcgg Ê e _You closely miss the ogre with your +1 war axe.ucgg0aM  You slash the ogre with your +1 war axe!ucggĘi<$ucggj)ucggÓn~1123 4--98.6ucggÍtucgg˜wH _You kill the ogre!ucggűtŻ##### ##........# # #........# ## ####........#### ucggxuQ## #......).# #####.###'####.....#### #..@......( .###.###.##.# .>## #.###.# ucgg©u\#.####.....#.+..'...). ucggv*<.####...).#.+.##.##.# .#####.....)......'.+..# .# #....)......##.#ucggSvucggucgg·4-90ucgg}‰ucgg?•f _Found 5 stones.  You now have 1140 gold pieces (gained 17).ucgg–>40-ucggY–%70.6 (2ucggšucgg~ Z _You see here a +0 giant spiked club.ucgg·æucgg©çucggXńucggaôF _Unknown command.ucggœÊJucggÌucggőÏg5= _ucggiÓucggÉÓ:Rev+ ucggÖucggÚucggâÚucggĘucgggßucggßT6=ucggÛàucgg9ă,ucgg‡äucggŹæucggîæ[1140Rev ucgg„èucggËêucggśêucgg<ìucggEîucggŠî87ucggŸïucggőńucgg ò!ucgg őucggűucggrűucggŁùucggŰûucggüI8=ucgg8ęucggŁÿ,ucgg ucggè ucggZ ucgg‡ ucggP ucggž L9=ucggź ucgg7 ,ucggG ucggŰ ,ucgg: ucgg‰ ucggË ucgg@ ucgg;" ucgg‚" J20=ucgg$ ucggŠ( ,ucggÚ* ucggș/ ucgg0 ucgg 3 ucggđ6 ucggJ7 =1=ucggp7 ucggČ9 ucgg/= ,ucggX? ucggèB ucgg)C ucgg I ucggôL ucgg2M 72ucggńN ucgg@R ucgg}R ucgg|T ucggfX ucggŻX ucgg„Z ucggț] ucggF^ ucgg4` ucggŽc ucggd 33=ucggCd ucggf ucggÂi ucggj ucggJl ucgg9p ,ucggÂs ucggy ucggÍy S4=ucgg]| ucggɀ ,ucggé‚ ucggŠ† ,ucggÁˆ ucggwŒ ucggéŒ $25ucgg 0=ucgg͒ ucgg…– ,ucggʘ ucgg̛ ,ucggȚ ucggĄ ucggMĄ ucggqŁ ucggÇŠ ucggP§ K6=ucggƒ© ucgg›­ ucggÊ­ ucggäŻ ucgg•ł ucggÌł ucggé” ucggmș ucggŰș 97ucggŸ ucggwĂ ,ucgg…Ć ucggŸÈ ucggôÈ ucgg"Ë ucggÛÎ ucgg[Ï S8=ucggÒ ucggŰ ucggyŰ ucgg/Ú ucggìĘ ,ucgg3à ucggiă ucggŽă ucggZć ucggƒé ucggĐé K9=ucggì ucggQï ucggœï ucggKò ucgg3ö ucggrö ucgg˜ű ucgg»ü ucgg8ę T30=ucggÿ ucgg™ ,ucgg` ucgg ,ucggI ucggŸ ucggl K1=ucgg˜ ucggƒ" ucggÆ" ucgg'( ucggW+ ucgg + ucggé- ucggž1 ,ucggÉ3 ucggR7 ucgg 7 92ucggć9 ucggș= ucggü= ucgga@ ucgg@D ucgg†D ucggÆF ucggwJ ucggžJ #3ucggĘJ 0=ucggIM ucgg”Q ,ucggŸU ucggșZ ucgg[ ucggy] ucgg3a ucgga K4=ucggőc ucggAh ucgg‰h ucggźj ucggOq ,ucggSs ucggőv ucggBw ucgg6y ucggc| ucggș| L5=ucggÔ~ ucggè ucgg,‚ ucgg„ ucggb‡ ,ucggA‰ ucgg«Œ ucggîŒ 56=ucgg ucgg„ ucggw“ ucggŽ“ ucggߕ ucggŽš ucggњ ucggmž ucggíą ucggàŁ 97ucggZ„ ucggœš ucggüš ucgg« ucgg)Ż ucgggŻ ucggƱ ucggž ucggFž ucggjș ucggÆœ ucgg Ÿ S8=ucgg&À ucggćĂ ,ucggòĆ ucggÉ ucggYÉ ucggLË ucggÏ ucgg\Ï K9=ucggíÒ ucgg„Ő ucggĆŐ ucggêŚ ucgg›Û ,ucggIȚ ucggłă ucggä T40=ucggNç ucggë ucggŁë ucggPí ucggÍđ ucgg ń ucgg{ó ucggś ucggwś ucgg•ü ucgg€ÿ ucgg& K1=ucggZ ucggú ucggV ucggw ucggŠ ,ucggž ucggû ucgg] 92ucggt ucggÔ ,ucgg˜ ucggI ucgg‹ ucggŽ ucggì* 1963.6 (93.0)ucggW+ ucgg«; j _Key pressed, stopping explore.ucggŻE ucggF ucgg›H ucgg7M ucggQ k43= _ucggÊT ucggU ucggŒ[ ucggÌ^ ucgg_ ucgga ucgg4e ucggƒe ucggŃg ucggVl ucgg»l %4ucggăl 2=ucggîn ucgg:s ,ucggKu ucggDy ,ucggź{ ucgg« ucgg€ 55=ucggH€ ucgg‚ ucgg«… ucggö… ucggĄŠ ucgg€ ,ucggV’ ucgg^— ucggŸ— ucggӗ N6=ucggđš ucggMŸ ,ucgg…Ą ucgg2Š ,ucggûȘ ucggź ,ucggà° ucggA” ;7ucggÄ· ucggŒ ucggVŒ ucgg Ÿ ucggA ucgg‹Â ucggŒÄ ucggEÉ ucgg†É K8=ucggëË ucggÉÏ ucggĐ ucggöŃ ucggBŚ ucggŠŚ ucggÛ ucgg&à ucgg—à ?9=ucggÆà ucggäâ ucggSç ,ucggGé ucgg?í ,ucgg‚ï ucgg(ś ,ucggxù ucgg/ü ucggsü E50=ucggŠę ucggn ucgg± ucggź ucgg› ,ucgg5 ucggč ucggô N1=ucgg ucggÁ ucggü ucgg‡ ucgg Bucggœ ucgg %2ucggk" ucggÉ& ucgg' ucgg2) ucggƒ- ucggÊ- ucggÔ/ ucgg>3 ucgg·3 ucgg9 ucggY< ucggÒ< K3=ucggÈ> ucggQB ucgg‘B ucggĐD ucggoH ,ucgg†J ucggŒN ucggÔN ucggO N4=ucgg,Q ucggŚU ucgg V ucgg,X ucgg„[ ucggí[ ucggû] ucggFa ucgg…a 55=ucggŽa ucggse ucgg…j ucggœj ucggm ucggŸq ucggŰr ucgg™t ucggex ucggŹx ucgg­z ucggP ucgg™ U6=ucggä„ ucggAˆ ucggzˆ ucggfŠ ucggLŽ ,ucggw ucgg” ucgg • %7ucggS— ucggš ucggĚ ucggęœ ucggÉ  ucgg[Ą ucgg2Ł ucggéŠ ucgg?§ K8=ucggw© ucggÈ­ ucggź ucggŽ± ucggr¶ ,ucgg°ž ucgg“Œ ucgg⌠ucgg ż ucggl ucggźÂ #9ucggȚ 2=ucggĆ ucggŠÌ ,ucgg“Î ucggžÒ ucggÒÒ ucgg«Ô ucgg»Ś ucgg Ű L60=ucggÚ ucggŐÜ ucgg[ß ucggćß ucggbá ucggê Ï# #.########## #. ucggnê H#.# #. ## #........# #. .# ####........#### #. .ucggȘê # #............).# #. .####.###'####..@..#### #######............)......(. ........ ..###.###.###############.###### ucggÖê Ą>## #.###.# #....... .####.....#####################.# ucggWë F.+..'...).................####...)############....#...+...........##.##.#### #####.'.+..#ucggÆò Ó### #.########## #.# ucggó 2#........# #.# # #..# #.# # ######## #.# ucggTó C# #............@.# #.# ####.###'####.....#### #######.#ucggŠó k............)......(. ........ .###.###.###############.######.# ## #.###.# #......... ####.....#####################.## ucgg»ó |+..'...).................. ####...)############.... ucggíó <...+...........##.##.####ucggźü /5022.6 (59ucgg°ę ,3.6 (60ucggÍ ucggu { _You see here a +0 dagger of draining.vcgg‚ævcggçvcggHívcggăïH _No target in view!vcggź«vcggOŹvcgg€źvcggć·vcggT»vcgg|ż: _vcgg„ÀvcggêÂvcgg8Ă9=vcggQÄvcgg±ŃvcggüÔvcggJŐvcggŰvcgglÛvcggèȚvcggFßvcggÿàvcgggävcggœçvcggűçvcggšévcgg]îvcgg9òvcgg–òvcgg„ôvcggúi  You see here a +0 giant spiked club.vcggxÿvcggK  _vcggK vcgg9 vcggs vcgg¶ vcggU vcgg[ vcggƒ vcggÉ vcgg— vcggŽ vcggæ vcgg, vcgg‹# vcgg:' vcggC+ ,vcgg- vcgg0 vcgg04 vcgg›4 vcgg6 vcgg: vcgg,? vcggw? vcggB vcggÿE vcgg“L ,vcggsP vcggĆV vcggą\ ,vcggŒ_ vcgg_n vcggâs vcggIt vcggđv vcggž{ vcggF€ vcgg­€ vcggƒ vcggśˆ vcggț vcgg<Ž vcggű‘ vcggE– vcggʛ vcgg œ vcggĄ vcggK€ vcgg~š ,vcggíȘ vcgg Ż vcggŽ ,vcggÜč vcggż @  There is an open door here.vcggsĂ vcggPÄ  _vcggkÆ vcggìÉ vcgguÍ vcggÈÍ vcgg#Đ vcgg€Ó vcgg/Ś vcgg«Ś vcggVÙ vcgg‚Ü vcggà vcggŠà vcgg{â vcggoæ vcgg ï Bvcgg ń vcggŒő vcggÁő vcgg\ś vcggEù vcgg›û vcggŃû vcggqü vcggU vcggK vcggœ vcggU vcgg  vcggÊ vcgg vcggȘ vcgg vcgg» vcggì vcgg vcgg vcggK vcgg– vcgg# vcggƒ vcggò vcggĂ ,vcggü vcggF vcgg vcggś vcggY vcgg‰! vcgg»! vcgg4" vcggŽ$ vcggì, P#######........#....##.#.# #.... ...............#######.#.# ##+#. ##############.## #.#.#####+#..######.#.......vcgg,- Ă #.......#.#......... #.#.....#.#......... vcggR- ­#.#................. #.#######...#####'#.vcggx-  #.#@..........###.#. vcggà- #.#.#######.#...#.#. #.#.# #.###.#.# #.#.# #.###...#. #.h## vcgg. Ń### .. h   hound (asleep)vcgg). H ## vcggL. G.≈ ≈.vcggm. vcgg5 5 58.6 (35  vcgg?5 BA hound comes into view.vcggN= h.hvcggn> 6===9.6 (36vcgg»D vcgg H & _The hound barks!vcggÔT .# .#  #.#. . . . . #.#######.. #.#@....... #.#.####### #.#.#  vcggiU —#.#h#  #..  ###  vcggűì Í.# .#  #.#. . . . . #.#######..vcgg…í ‘ #.#@....... #.#.####### #.#.#  #.#h#  vcggîí „#..  ###  vcggȘô vcggžő vcggôù vcggäę \ _A hound is nearby!vcggӑ Ę.......######.#.# ##+# ##############.## #.#.#####+## #..######.#..............#.#.#.....#######...#####'#...........###.#######.#... #.###vcgg„’ 1h. #.....##..###### ## .≈≈.vcgg{• vcggpž <h.vcggNŸ ;--60.6 (1.0)vcgg€€ vcggś§ S _The hound closely misses you.wcggsę  You hit the hound with your +1 war axe.  The hound is moderately wounded.You barely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.wcgg3ț659-wcggețe--1.7 (1.1Rev wcgg wcggôg _The hound bites you. The hound barely misses you.wcggRŽÒ  You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.  The hound is moderately wounded.You slash the hound with your +1 war axe!wcggè”p$wcgg0›’ 1140 -4=2.8wcgg»›qRev+ _You kill the hound!wcggŠŸwcgg`ąh _Your Stealth skill increases to level 3!wcgg€őJwcggÊöH _No target in view!wcgg”iwcggšjwcggSowcggœrH _No target in view!wcgg{)wcggû)wcggf.wcgg,0H _No target in view!wcggöe»##############.## #.#.#####+## #..######.#..............#...wcggđf#######...#####'#...........###.#######.#... #.###.. #.....##..##. ##### .. #### .≈≈.wcgg%nwcggob--30Rev  wcggào _wcgguswcgg,}wcggš}@760wcgg"~I=--4.8 (2wcgg{€wcggg‚? _You now have 1147 gold pieces (gained 7).wcgg / S #..######.#..............wcggĂ/ ›#...#######...#####'#...........###.#######.#....# #.###.. #...# #....##..##.# ##### ... ## ### .≈ ≈.wcgg:0  wcggŠ6 wcgg7 +5.8 (1wcgg ; wcggÏ< wcgglp JwcggŃp wcgg_s wcgg°s wcggËv ,wcgg€| Š#.......#.#.#.#.....#.#.##.#.........#.#######...#####'#.#wcggè| @#.#...........###.#.##.#.#######.#...#.#.##.#.# #.###.#.#.##.#.### #.###...#.#wcgg }  #.@.# #....##...6###.# #######.wcgg@} Ï ... ##..≈.### .≈≈)# wcgg}} W≈...#≈.wcgg€} ƒ.#≈..#wcggŒ„ wcgg… +7.8 (2wcgg.… wcgg?‰ wcgg Œ $ _Found a spear.xcgg2kxcggĄkxcggmxcgganxcggüoxcggàs‘=xcggltxcggŹuxcggäwxcgg!xxcggöxxcggçzxcgge~,xcgg^xcgg߁xcgg·„xcggó„xcggđ…xcgg¶‡xcggjŠxcgg§Šxcggœ‹xcgg_xcgg·xcgg+1147xcggöxcggà’xcgg’•,xcgge–xcggҘxcggLšxcggxšxcgg›xcggű›xcggʝ,xcgg]žxcgg>ŸxcggŻ xcgg$Ą,xcggąxcggŒŁxcggæŁxcggJ€xcggÔ©=  You see here a +0 spear.xcgg Źxcgg‡Ź _xcggJ­xcggùźxcggH±xcgg†±xcggWČxcggŽxcgg@·,xcggxžxcgg–șxcgg°Œ,xcgg«œxcggiżxcggFÂ,xcggtĂxcgg"Æxcgg-Ê,xcgg'ËxcggŸÌxcggËÎxcggÏxcggțÏxcggèÒxcgg™Ö,xcggŐŚxcgg5Úxcgg‡Ęxcgg?Țxcgg—Țxcgg!áxcgg4ć,xcggźćxcggĆçxcggöê,xcggŒëxcggžíxcggąïxcggàïxcgg;đxcggńxcggÆò,xcgg,óxcggAśxcggšś&62xcgg*űxcggZûO _You now have 1162 gold pieces (gained 15).xcggòüxcgg1ęxcggXęxcggÿxcggzxcgg°xcggûxcgg@xcggxcgg4xcggčxcggŃxcggM,xcggüxcggŽ xcggœ xcggĆ xcggŠ xcgg)7 _You open the door.xcggĄxcggÌxcggixcggÇ@  There is an open door here.xcggÈxcggr _xcggLxcggmxcggÎ,xcgg}xcggĆxcggî xcggc!xcggQ"xcggm#xcggÈ$xcggú$xcgg+%xcgg&xcgg'xcggX'xcgg·'xcgg*BxcggŐ+> _e - 8 javelins (gained 3)xcggî,xcgg-xcgg>-xcggN.xcggÙ/xcgg 0xcgg0xcggÍ1xcgg4xcggJ4xcggÙ4xcgg&6xcgg8xcggF8xcgg8xcggU9xcgg/;,xcggh;xcgg1<xcgg =xcggH=xcgg·=xcgg—?xcggÄBxcggCxcggŽCxcggÁExcggßGxcggHxcgg.HxcggÏIxcggÊPR #.#xcggQ%  #Y# #.#.#  #.# #.#.# xcggDQ“  #.# #.#.# xcgg\Q™ #.# ####.#... xcgg€Q™ #.# #..#.###. xcggĄQŠ #.# #..#.....xcggșQ™  #.# #..#####.xcggéQ xcggRŹ #@# #..# #) xcgg'R‘ #.########..# #. xcgg@Rs#...........# #.xcggVR xcgg‡Rś##########.## #.  #.# #.xcggŸR xcggÒR ######'######. Y   sky beast (asleep) xcggïRd #............. xcggSg #..........###xcggS  xcgg3SR#..........#xcggp\1113.8 (46.0)xcggû\,4.8 (47xcggQ`xcggĆc\ _A sky beast comes into view.xcggąg…###...Y#  #.#.#####.#...###......####..# ).########.xcggMhO............# #.##########.## #. #.# #.#####'######.............###xcggšpG5.8 (1.0)xcgg‚txcggávxcgg. 9...###...Y#  #.#.#####.#..###....####. )########...........##########.## #.# #####'######...xcgg€! xcgg" &6xcgg`& xcgg) xcgg#… ü...###...Y#  #.#.#####.#..###....####.xcggv† 4 )########...........##########.## #.# #####'######xcgg xcgg’ xcggʍ 7xcgg ’ xcggˆ” xcgg> é....###...Y#  #.#.#####.#..###xcggÊ ....####. )########...........##########.## #.# xcgg! xcggw! xcgg—! 8xcgg' xcggn* xcggm Ï######....###...Y#  #.#.#####.#..###....####. )########...........##########.##xcggÎp xcggĂx p.YYxcggy &9xcggî xcggî xcggùû °  You closely miss the sky beast with your +1 war axe.You hit the sky beast with your +4 short sword.xcggČü b=21.0 (1.2Rev xcggU xcggì ‘ _The sky beast misses you. The sky beast closely misses you.xcggâŃ đ  You hit the sky beast but do no damage.The sky beast is lightly wounded.  You closely miss the sky beast with your +1 war axe.xcggiÒ -2.1 (1.1xcggČŚ xcggŽÚ @ _The sky beast hits you but does no damage.xcggÀ1   You hit the sky beast with your +4 short sword.  The sky beast is moderately wounded.You hit the sky beast but do no damage.xcgg­2 _3.2Rev+ xcgg49 xcgg; @ _The sky beast hits you but does no damage.xcggÄż ÌThe sky beast is moderately wounded.  You hit the sky beast but do no damage. _The sky beast hits you but does no damage.  You hit the sky beast but do no damage.The sky beast is moderately wounded.  You closely miss the sky beast with your +4 short sword.xcggŽÀ g4.3Rev* xcggXÆ xcggśÈ V _The sky beast barely misses you.xcgg—  You hit the sky beast with your +1 war axe.  The sky beast is moderately wounded.xcgg'`You closely miss the sky beast with your +4 short sword.xcgg«(5.4xcgg#xcgg–&@ _The sky beast hits you but does no damage.xcggr   You barely miss the sky beast with your +4 short sword.The sky beast is moderately wounded.You slash the sky beast with your +1 war axe!xcggĄ0=6.5xcggŠŠxcgg@©V _The sky beast barely misses you.xcggáR  You slash the sky beast with your +1 war axe!xcggÁ%o$xcgg˜(xcgg­.  ####..### crok the Chopper #.##..... Coglin of Gozag  Gold: 1162  #.#xcggł/#.#... Health: 60/60 ======================== #.##.#... Magic: 8/8======================== #.##.#### AC: 9Str: 17 #.##.#... EV: 12Int: 7 #.##.#.## SH: 0Dex: 16 #$##.#.# XL:  8 Next: 105% Place: Dungeon:6 #@#xcggT0=#.#.## Noise: ==-------  Time: 5127.6 (1.1) #.#####.#... a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N #.##..#.###. Throw: 20 darts (poison) #.##..#..... Rev*  xcggÂ0€#.##..#####. #.##..# #)  #.########..# #.  xcgg1—#...........# #.  xcgg{1Ą##########.## #. You barely miss the sky beast with your +4 short sword.The sky beast is moderately wounded.You slash the sky beast with your +1 war axe! _The sky beast barely misses you.You slash the sky beast with your +1 war axe! xcggš18_You kill the sky beast!xcggÍ2-You slash the sky beast with your +1 war axe! _The sky beast barely misses you. _You kill the sky beast!  Your Axes skill increases to level 6! xcgg3A You have reached level 9!xcggà</  --more--ycggOšź  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? ~cggò%L5/659/999 2% ~cggĘ*~cgg-U _You feel stronger. x2~cggE€ úM.###############.## ### #..###....###...#  #.#.#####.#..### #.##..#.....#..~cgg?« ~cgg€Ź ,--8~cggŁŹ 0 _~cggÚ° ~cgg(· ~cggž c79--9.6 (2~cgg2» ~cgg*Ÿ @ _You now have 1179 gold pieces (gained 17).~cggnbM................####.###############.## ### #..###....###..#  #.#.##~cggę“###.#.. #.##..#.###.#.#~cggŃ~cgg‚,30.6 (1~cggE#~cgg%cgg†ącgg Łcgg(Łcgg9„cgg{§cgg$«fRev+ cgg”ŹcggÚŹcgg1­cgg¶źcggF±cgg±cggȚ±cggłcgg[”PRev cgg¶”cggžcggŸŒî# ##...##.#####... #..####.# #....# #>......# #...#.# ##...#########.########.......#.................#####.###############.## cgg œ…### #.......< #..###....4.6 (4....... #.####. #.#..cgg4œŁ. #.#.## #.#.#  #.#.##cggœL ####.#..cggÜĂcggxÄ+5.6 (5cgg(ÈcggzÊ9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.cggla&cggYfccggg0cggnicgg,rŠ #.# #####........+.... #.# ##...##.#####.....) #.# #..####.# #....) #.# #>......# #...))) #.# ##...########....##' #.#########....##. #.................#######. #.###############.## #.cggwrh ### #....@..<...#..###### #.#..#.#..#.#.......# #.#..#.# # #.#.....#cggąr1 #.#..#W# #.#....... #.#..#.. #.#######cggÊrÇ #.#..### #.#....... W   phantom (dormant) #.#... #.#.######cggùrÒ #.#..# #.#.# #.# #.#.###cggBs!cgg^~+9.6 (4cgg”:117940.6 (5cggì…cggìˆZ _A phantom comes into view.cggŁG  #.# ##...##.#####.....) #.# #..####.# #....).. #.# #>......# #...))) #.# ##...########....##'# #.########........#....##.# #..........#######.# #.###############.## #.# ### #.......<...#..######.# #.#..#@#..#.#.......#.# #.#..#.# # #.#.....#.# #.#..#W# #.#....... #.#..#.. #.####### #.#..### #.#....... #.#... #.#.####### #.#..# #.#.#  #.# #.#.### # #.# cggH X ####.#...# #cggÛK cgg”U „W.WcggV +1.6 (1cgg_] cggh_ €cgg š  You closely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.You hit the phantom but do no damage.€cggŽ a=2.7 (1.1Rev €cggX€cggH> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.€cggo`Ó  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom is lightly damaged.  You hit the phantom with your +1 war axe.€cggna(3.8€cggŻg€cggej> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.€cggšÛYou hit the phantom with your +1 war axe.  You barely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.The phantom is moderately damaged.4 short sword.  .€cggxÜŽ2--4.9Rev+ €cggŒâ€cggVć> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.€cgg՘ę  You completely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.The phantom is heavily damaged.You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.€cgg™(6.0€cgg: €cggÿąU _The phantom closely misses you.€cggÁù  You barely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.The phantom is severely damaged.You miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.€cgg”g7.1Rev* €cggŐ€cgg%U _The phantom closely misses you.€cgg‰ȘThe phantom is severely damaged.  You miss the phantom with your +4 short sword. _The phantom closely misses you.  You hit the phantom with your +1 war axe.  The phantom is almost destroyed.  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.€cggû’p$€cgg~˜Š1179 3=-78.2€cggž€cggÖ N _You destroy the phantom!€cggă9w ..####.# #....).>.....)))#...########....##'########.................###################.## ## #.......<...#..##### #.#..#.#..#.#....... # #.#.# ....#######€cggË:¶Rev*   #.##..#.###.##### €cggˆB€cgg C4-90€cgg)H€cgg`O€cgg5Pc86-50.2 (2€cggT€cggFW? _You now have 1186 gold pieces (gained 7).€cgg–čÈ >.....)))#...########....##'########.................###################.## ## #.......<...#..##### #.#..#.#..#.#....... # #.# ........#.##############.#......Rev*   #.##..#.......... €cggȚż°4=1.2 (1Rev+ €cggIÆ€cgg^l ù #...########....##'########.................###################.## ## #.......<...#..##### #.#..#.#..#.#....... # #.####.#........#.##############.#....... #.#.#######Rev+   #.##..#####.##### 2€cggRÔ J€cgg\Ù „€cggwÚ €cggĐÚ e5=Rev €cggMÛ €cggÎÜ €cggšȚ €cggńȚ €cgg‰ß €cggŽà €cgg!â €cggdâ €cggÂâ €cggä €cgg1ć €cggVć €cggÏć €cggêæ €cgglè €cggé +1186€cggé ;=€cggźé €cggIë €cgg<í €cggí €cggpî €cggŽń P  There is a stone staircase leading up here.€cggAó €cgg*ô  _€cgg—ô €cggöő €cggqś €cggłś €cggWű €cggÈù €cgg9û €cggû €cggü €cggŠę €cgg•ÿ ,€cgg8 €cggÿ P  There is a stone staircase leading up here.€cggł €cggG  _€cggĐ €cgg- €cgg €cggL €cggŚ €cgg €cgg1 ,€cggż €cggL €cggȚ ,€cgg{ €cggÖ €cggì ,€cggˆ €cggù €cgg= ,€cggŸ €cgg €cggù €cgg- €cgg €cggX €cggf! €cgg‡! €cggl" €cgg‘# €cgg‹% €cgg±% €cggP& €cgg( €cgg2* ,€cgg±* €cgg- €cgg>/ ,€cggÒ/ €cggb1 €cgg,3 €cgg}3 €cgg4 €cggA5 €cgg"7 €cgg†7 €cggô7 €cggp9 €cggĂ; ,€cggś= ,€cgg>@ €cgg[@ €cgg8A €cggEB €cgg”D ,€cggE €cggÈK €cgg+N €cggWO ,€cggQT €cgg:V €cggxV €cggW €cggđ\ €cgg` €cggH` ,€cggKh X€cggtm €cggŁo €cggÛo €cgggp €cggłu €cggRx ,€cggïx €cggN~ €cggù €cgg3€ €cggż€ €cggŠ… €cggˆ B€cggîŒ €cggàŽ €cgg) €cgg· €cggG” €cgg– ,€cgg6— €cggê› €cggܝ €cgg ž €cggzž €cggŚą €cggU„ ,€cggĄ„ €cggŠ© €cgg±« €cggà« €cggKŹ €cggG° €cgg+Č €cggTČ €cggÒČ €cgg§¶ €cggž €cgg­ž €cggč €cggüŒ €cggćÀ B€cggò €cggĂÄ €cggĆ €cggpĆ €cggÉ €cggË ,€cgg“Ë €cgg,Ï €cggŃ ,€cggÒ €cggœŐ €cggŸŚ ,€cggˆŰ €cggnÛ €cgg·Ę ,€cggńĘ €cgg°ß €cggćà ,€cggá €cggță €cgg8æ ,€cgg~æ €cggé €cgg·ë €cggĘë €cggVì €cgg î €cggŠï B€cgg,ń €cggÁò ,€cggęò €cgg‡ő €cggű ,€cggèű €cgg8û €cggę €cgg8ę €cgg‹ę €cgg*ÿ €cggG,€cgg‚€cggÖ€cggD€cggl€cgg߀cggŻ€cgg• ,€cgg& €cgg €cggJ€cggs€cggŠ€cgg°€cgg€cggŠ€cgg€cggä€cgg5,€cggÏ€cgg‚€cgg˜€cggË€cgg—€cggű€cgg €cggD €cgg!€cgg+#€cggÛ%€cgg&€cggB'€cggŃ*@  There is an open door here.€cggw-€cggà- _€cgg.€cggâ/€cgg€2€cggž2€cggš3€cggä5€cgg9€cgg19€cgg3:€cggD<€cggŠ=€cggÉ=€cgg?>€cggq?€cggü@€cgg)A€cggB€cggqD€cgg¶F,€cggŸG€cggI€cgg6K€cggjK€cggAL€cggJN€cgg°P€cggßP€cggÜQ€cggÎS€cggíU€cggV€cgg3W€cggxY€cgg»[,€cgg‹\€cgg`]€cggÈ^€cggî^€cggV_€cgg\`€cggŸa€cggáa€cgg^b€cggÊd=  You see here a +0 spear.€cggRg€cgg€g _€cggh€cggj€cgg+l,€cggm€cgg˜o€cgg4vÎ..#.####.#.#..................... ..#......#.#######...#####'#.##.. ..########.#€cgghvL###.#.##.. .........#.#.#######.#...#.#.# ..######.#.#.# #.###.#.#.##.. .........#.#.### #.###...#.##.. €cggÖv…..########.#...# #....##....## ..#...#..#.###.###########....≈## ......#..#.......S ##..≈≈## .##.###..#####.# .≈≈≈≈# ......#..# #)#€cggw0 ≈..≈≈ #######..# #. ≈..≈# .........# #.# ≈..#€cgg/w„# #######.## #.#€cggWwkS   adder (asleep) €cgg€wÜ#.# #.#  ######'######.# €cgg„wO #.............#€cggS|. 231.2 (7€cgg—|N9.0)  An adder comes into view.€cggO„yS.S€cggń„,2.2 (80€cggЉ€cggFŒ/ _The adder hisses angrily.cggkĐk..#. ..#. .. ... ..#.# ..#.### ..cggÓĐŃ...# ..#.###.######### ..#......@.....S. .#####.#########  #)#  #.# cggőĐD.........# #.# ≈..## .## #.# cggŃ #.# #.#  'cgg4Ń<.#  .......#cggÇhŽ..#. ..#. .. ... ..#.# ..#.### .....# ..#.###.######### ..#......@.....S. .#####.#########  #)#  #.# .........# #.# .## #.# #.# #.cggri‘  '.  ......cggƒpcggäpcggucggςĂ .#.####.#.#. .#......#.#...#####'#.##. .#.#.###.#.##. ........#.#.#.#...#.#.##.# .######.#.#.# #.###.#.#.##. ..#.#.### #.###...#.##. .#.#...# #....##....###. .#...#..#.###.#cgg'ƒÄ....≈##. .....#..#.......@....S.###..≈≈# ##.###..#####.#.≈≈≈≈# #..# #)# ≈..≈≈# ..# #. ........# #..## #.# cggDƒ‹#.# #.# ######'######.# cggZƒ6#.......# cggpƒO_An adder is nearby!cggŒ…cggW‡cggŽ7S..cgg 83.2 (1.0) _cggŚ”cgg”—cggä z#.####.#.#. #......#.#...#####'#.##. #.#.###.#.##.#.#.#.#...#.#.##.# ######.#.#.# #.###.#.#.##.#.#.### #.###...#.##. #.#...# #....##....###. #...#..#.###.##....≈##.#..#.S...###..≈≈# #.###..#####.# .≈≈≈≈# ##..# #)# ≈..≈≈# #..# #.# cgg+ć Í≈..≈## +# #.# ≈..## #.## #.# ##.# #.# #'######.# # cggpç cggÆî 2S.cgguï &4cgg™ő cgg±ś cgg”U …  You miss the adder with your +4 short sword.cggpV K=5.3 (1.1Rev cggąV cgg˜\ cggO_ e _You hit the adder with your +1 war axe. The adder bites you but does no damage.cggŐç ô  You closely miss the adder with your +1 war axe.The adder is heavily wounded.You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.cgg<è I6.4Rev+ cggeè cgg'í cgg?ï z _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder barely misses you.cggL P  You hit the adder with your +4 short sword.cgg2T E$cggˆ\ I1186 7.5cgg«` cggc I _You kill the adder!cggPč cgg ș cggEż cggD H _No target in view!cgg%y cggŠy cggS cgg‚ H _No target in view!cggđ cggœđ cggDś cgg™ú H _No target in view!cggei cggÛi cgg:o cggˆr H _No target in view!cggpí cgg1î cggłó cggö H _No target in view!cggŐVcggöWcggj^cggaC _No target in view!cgg„șcggŒ»cggÁcggPÄ‚cggí‚cggc‚cgg3‚cgg’!‚cggÇ‚cggŁÇ‚cgg“Í‚cggiĐ‚cggš2‚cgg3‚cgg=8‚cggN:‚cggZFJ‚cggUI‚cggáK‚cgg@O; _‚cggúP‚cggnQ;93‚cggxR‚cggîYK _You now have 1193 gold pieces (gained 7).‚cgg”\4‚cgg’]‚cggr`‚cggècPRev ‚cgg0d‚cggțv‚cggșy‚cgg|0‚cgg›}‚cggI€‚cggՂ‚cgg ƒ‚cgg­ƒ‚cgg2†‚cgg™‡‚cggâ‡+1193‚cggˆ‚cgg ‹‚cgg0‚cggb‚cgg덂cgg‹‚cggŹ‘,‚cggԑ‚cggi“‚cgg!•,‚cgg}•‚cgg;˜‚cgg©˜‚cggò˜‚cgg՜n‚cggLž‚cgg! ‚cggL ‚cggÀ ‚cggOą‚cggí„‚cgg"Š‚cggŸŠ‚cggpš‚cggkȘ,‚cggÔȘ‚cgg珂cgg™ź,‚cggcŻ‚cgg;ŽX‚cgg”‚cggV·‚cgg”·‚cgg ž‚cggÉč‚cggĘ»‚cggŒ‚cggwŒ‚cggŸ‚cggąÀ‚cggÎÀ‚cggAÁ‚cggâ‚cggxĆ‚cggăĆ‚cggmÆ‚cggÈ‚cggkÊ‚cggšÊ‚cggË‚cgglÍ‚cggęÏ,‚cggŠĐ‚cgg^Ò‚cgg=Ő‚cgg|Ő‚cggüŐ‚cgg“Ű‚cggXÛ‚cggŽÛ‚cggÜ‚cgg'Ț‚cggxà‚cgg„à‚cggIá‚cggűă‚cggĄæ‚cggÒæ‚cggaç‚cgg5é‚cgg8ì,‚cggđì‚cgg_î‚cgg)ń,‚cggŁń‚cgg›ô‚cggÈś‚cgg ű‚cgg—ű‚cgg­ .### #.###...#.##+ #P ‚cggn"...# #....##....###.....#######.###########....§##.....#....#.........###..≈≈####.....##.#..############.≈§≈§# #.....#<.#  #)# #≈≈..≈≈# #.....#..# ‚cggžĄ #.# #≈≈..≈## +.....#..  #.# ##≈..## #.....#..# ‚cggÖß #.# ##@## #.......##.-70.5 (33.0) ‚cgg`D #.# #'# #...>.... ##.# ... #........ ...# ..... #####‚cgg€? #### #..>..# #.....# # #ß...ß# ####### ‚cggÌE#_You open the door.‚cggRa _Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.‚cggg3‚cggÍ‚cgg揂cggî’‚cggŸ—z _  There is an open door here.‚cggš‚cgg͚ _‚cggz›‚cggž€‚cgg§,‚cggZš‚cggK­@  There is an open door here.‚cgg °‚cggú° _‚cggŒ±‚cggÇŽ‚cgg@·,‚cggì·‚cggŃș‚cggbœ,‚cgg(Ÿ‚cgg0Á‚cgg™Ă,‚cgg:Ä‚cgg)Ç‚cgggÊ‚cggÇÊ‚cgggË‚cgg΂cgg&Ń,‚cggHÔ,‚cggYÙB‚cgg™àn‚cggąäB‚cggRć‚cgg”è,‚cggé‚cggë‚cggjí‚cggží‚cggkî‚cggđ‚cggÄôB‚cggö‚cgg—ű,‚cggÔú‚cggŁû‚cggőü,‚cggćę‚cggòÿ‚cgg€,‚cggR‚cgg ‚cggÁ,‚cggŽ‚cggG ‚cggŹ ,‚cgg ‚cggd‚cggW‚cgg‚cggU‚cggă‚cggv‚cgg©‚cggF‚cgg^‚cggI,‚cggæ‚cggC%€ _You open the door.‚cgg.(@  There is an open door here.‚cgg‡4ë.#####+####.#.# #.# #.....# .........#.#+#####.# #####.# ...........<......#.# #.# ......###......#.#######'##### ..................#.......)))... .#####'#.##.......#......#...).. ...###.#.##.....###...####... .#...#.#.##.###'#######.W#...... .###.#.#.##.....@.# #ß!+......- ‚cggF5\.###...#.##.......+ #P.#...[... ....##....###.....########......# ######....§##.....#....#..####### ....###..Ť####.....##.#.. #######.≈≈≈≈# #.....#<.#.#g   gnoll (wandering) #Ť§.§≈# #.....#..#. #§≈..§## g.....#.... ##§§.## #.....#..#.#‚cggč<‘ 94.5 (24  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.‚cggŠHgg'‚cggĄI5==5.5 (25‚cggg]= _The gnoll shouts!ƒcgg€'#..........#.#+#####.# #####.# #..<......#.# #.# ####......#.#######'####..........#.......)))...#####'#.##.......##...)...###.#.##.....###...####... ƒcggŽÉ#.#...#.#.##.###'#######.W# #.###.#.#.##.......# #ß!+ #.###...#.##.+ #P.#...[ #....##....###.....########... ƒcgg;ŽÂ#######....§##.....#....#..##### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ƒcggaŽŁ########.≈≈≈≈# #.....#<.#.# ƒcgg‡Žë#≈§§.§≈# #g....#..#. #§≈..§## '.....#..ƒcgg­Ž’.. ##§§.## #.....#..#.#ƒcggюs ##.## #.......##.#ƒcggV”ƒcggіƒcggŚŠłg.g 2 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 wandering)gƒcgg‹§:--6.5 (1.0)ƒcgg]ŽƒcggìŸs _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.ƒcggGĐŸ.<......#.# ###......#.#######'#### ............)))...#####'#.##...#...)..###.#.##.....###...####.... #.#....###'#######.W##......# #ß!+.+ #P.#...[...##....###..@..########.... #####§#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈# #g....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈# #.....#..#.§≈..§## '.#§§.## #g#.# ##.## #.......####'###>.... ƒcggrö g.gg).==7 _The gnoll shouts!„cgg;o$#########'#### ............)))...#####'#.###...)..###.#.##.....###...####.... #.#....###'#######.W##......# #ß!+.+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§....#..###### .....###..Ť####g....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈# #.....#<.#.# #≈§§.§..#.§≈..§## 'g.#§§.## #.#.# ##.## ..####'###>.... ß...ß.....„cggiq„cgg‡z<g.„cggÓ{858---„cgg&|'-8„cggđ‚„cgga…8 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 club!„cgg0ôu  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.„cgg1ő„cggxg.g.„cgg”s-9.6 (1.1Rev „cggÒ „cggÏ = _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.„cggqNë..........)))...#####'#.###...)..###.#.##.....###...####.... #.#...###'#######.W##......# #ß!+„cggïNŸ..#.##+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.g...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####@....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈# #g....#<.#.#„cggOï #≈§§.§≈# #.....#..#. §≈..§## '.„cggSO #§§.## ##.# ##.## ..#„cgg‚Ob###'###>.... ß...ß„cggłO}..........# #####„cggK_„cggż_.3000„cggjh„cggk „cgg0k1_The gnoll hits you but does no damage. x2„cgghæ„  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!„cggâæU9---=„cggç1.7 (1.1„cggÊï„cggŚòš _You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll closely misses you. x2„cggđSÁYou slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe! _You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll closely misses you. x2  You puncture the gnoll with your +4 short sword!  The gnoll is heavily wounded.  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  „cggU0-2.8„cgg‰_„cgggcK _The gnoll misses you.„cggțÊL  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.„cggÓ‡  You kill the gnoll!You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.„cggRßI$$„cgg—ă°1193 8-3.9Rev+ „cgg€ë„cggèíI _You kill the gnoll!„cggl|| #####'#.###...)..###.#.##.....###...####.... #.#...###'#######.W###.......# #ß!+..#.##.+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈# <.#.# #≈§§.§≈# #.....#..#. §≈..§## '.#Rev+ ..########..>..#„cggF„„cggo„$60„cggŽ„0=-„cgg«„40„cggż‹„cggŚ˜N  You now have 1199 gold pieces (gained 6).„cgg$š9-5.9 (2Rev „cggźą„cgg,„. _You see here a +0 spear.„cggűˆ ..###.###...####.... #.#...#.#.##.###'#######.W###.......# #ß!+..#.##.......+ #P.#...[„cggQűm...##....###.....########.... #####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. „cggű;########.≈≈≈≈# #)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§..#. §≈..§##.'.„cggÀűE#§§.######.##„cggîűnRev ..##.....#„cgg»„cggĐ+6.9 (1„cggą„cgg'„cgg„ #.#...###'#######.W##......# #ß!+......+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈# #)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.######.# ##.## ..#Rev ..##ß...ß#„cggüŒ„cggŽ^1=7„cgg>•„cggb—„cggäò: ##......# #ß!+......+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.######.# ##.## „cggXóÚ..####'###>.... Rev ...########„cggpę„cggț&8„cggÛ„cgg„cgg¶pă .+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.#####..#.# ##.## ..####'###>.... ß...ß. Rev .#..?+„cggœy„cggFz.9„cggœ€„cggôƒd _Found a scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER.„cgg ć& ...##....###.....########.... #####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.#####..#.# ##.## „cgg…ćŁ..####'###>.... ß...ß. „cggŠćC.....# ..#######„cggÆć/.#„cggæćI##...#„cggMń„cggęń/210„cggaù„cggÚû„cgg0Ő ####§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'..#§§.#####..#.# ##.## ..#„cgg…0…###'###>.... ß...ß. .....##...#######>..##...# ....#„cgg9„cggs9&1„cggG?„cggÎ@„cggÛË yM....###.....########...... #######....§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#≈§§.§≈#.#.#§≈..§##.'.... ##§§.#####.. ##.## ....##.##'##>#ß...ß# #...........##...########..>..##...#....#2„cgg]G^M###...#.##.......+ #P.#...[....###.....########...... #######....§##.$...#....#..###### „cggȘG}.....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#≈§§.§≈#.##§≈..§##.'.... ##§§.####„cggËGU#.. ##.## „cggéGN....##.##'##>„cgg Hź#ß...ß# #........#.....##...#######„cgg+HB.###...#„cggČT„cggU&3„cggâ]„cgg=_…cggęmpM## #ß!+....###...#.##.......+ #P.#...[....###.....########...... #######....§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#≈§§.§≈#.##§≈..§##.'.... ##§§.####…cggcnt#.. ##.## ....##.##'##>##ß...ß# #.........#..?+…cggŽx…cgg%yC11993=…cggRy4…cggC€…cggՁ…cggûM..###'#######.W##.....# #ß!+....###...#.##.......+ #P.#...[....###.....########...... #######....§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#…cggșü≈§§.§≈#.##§≈..§##.'.. ##§§.#####.. ##.## ....##.###'### #...>.... #...#…cgg-…cggž&5…cggx…cggÌ…cgg„yM....##....###...###..###'#######.W##.....# #ß!+....###...#.##.......+ #P.#...[....###.....########...... #######....§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#≈§§.§≈#.##§≈..§##.'.. ##§§.#####..##.## #.......##.#..#…cgg‡…cggé‡&6…cgg.…cgg*’…cggܶM#####'..#......#...) ....###.#.##.....###...###..#.###'#######.W##.#.##.......# #ß!+....###...#.##.......+ #P.#...[....###.....########...... …cgg‘Ü#######....§##.$...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈##<.#.#≈§§.§≈#.##§≈..§##.'.. ##§§.#####.....#..#.##..#…cgg‹ć…cgg0æ#4…cggZæ;=7…cgg í…cggmđN _You see here a +0 spear.…cgg.... #†cgg…n†cgg/o55=†cgg]o 20†cggËu†cggíw†cggk.á #########'### ...........#.......)))..#####'#.##†cggä.ź#...)..###.#.##.....###...####.... ##.#...###'#######.W  #.###......# #ß!+..#.##†cgg/œ+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... †cgg%/…######§##.@...#....#..##### †cggJ/è......###..Ť####.....##.#.. #########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#†cggr/ș....>...#ß...ß# #........†cggN:†cggÜ:&1†cggSC†cggèON  You now have 1202 gold pieces (gained 3).†cggP22022.9 (2†cggŰW†cgg Z- _You see here a +0 club.†cggńù 7.........#.......)))...#####'#.##.......#......#...).###.#.##.....###...####..... #.#...#.#.##.###'#######.W#. #.###.#.#.##.......# #ß!+. #.###...#.##.+ #P.#...[ #....##....###.....########..... #######....§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####@....##.#.. †cgg…ú –########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.#  #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. #§≈..§##.'.....#....##§§.#####.....#..#.#.## #.......##.####'### #...>.... ##ß...ß# #........#.....##...#######†cggP †cggČ +3.9 (1†cgg[ †cggȚ ‡cggĀ  #####'#.###...)..###.#.##.....###...####.... #.#...###'#######.W###.......# #ß!+..#.##.+ #P.#...[‡cggF©...##....###.....########.... #####§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#‡cggt‰..########..>..##...#‡cgg‹‡cggӋB=4‡cgg’‡cgg –N _You see here a +0 spear.‡cgggC- ..###.###...####.... #.#...#.#.##.###'#######.W###.......# #ß!+‡cggÌCć..#.##.......+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####‡cgg*D§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#...#. §≈..§##.'‡cggND/.#§§.#####‡cggsDR#.##..#‡cgg–D3#.....##...#‡cggŒN‡cgg©O$5 ‡cggÏO _‡cgg”V‡cggÛX‡cgg†·" #.#...###'#######.W##......# #ß!+......+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.)...#....#..###### ‡cggé· .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.#####‡cggžm#.# ##.## ..#‡cgg=ž_..##ß...ß##...#‡cgg‡cgg‡cggĄÂ6‡cggíȇcggÍʇcggL> ƒ ##......# #ß!+......+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. ‡cggæ? œ§≈..§##.'.#§§.######.# ##.## ..####'###>.... ...#########..?+‡cggG ‡cgg(H &7‡cggéN ‡cggäP ‡cggßé Đ .+ #P.#...[...##....###.....########.... #####§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ‡cggê ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.#####..#.# ##.## ..####'###‡cgg ê r>.... ß...ß.‡cggœê  .‡cggÙê ƒ#..?+#...#‡cggĆô ‡cggő &8‡cggŻù ‡cgg@û ‡cgg»J X ...##....###.....########.... #####§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ‡cggK @########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'‡cgg0K .‡cggWK #§§.#####‡cggoK o..#.# ##.## ‡cggÀK i..####'###>.... ‡cggÓK ß...߇cggäK .‡cggL  ‡cggL C.....##...#######‡cgg/L .‡cgghL #‡cggM J##...#....#‡cggDM ‡cgg\ ‡cgg] &9‡cgg$e ‡cggRg ‡cggŽÏ F ####‡cggÆÏ E§##.)...#....#..###### .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# ‡cggèÏ š#≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'‡cgg Đ ,..#§§.#####‡cgg)Đ ‚..#.# ##.## ..#‡cggIĐ U###'###>.... ‡cggnĐ 2ß...ß.‡cggĐĐ ț .....##...#######>..##...# ....#‡cgg»Ű ‡cgg­Ù '30‡cggAà ‡cggÍâ ‡cggŹ= ˆ .....###..Ť####.....##.#.. ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. ‡cgg> ö§≈..§##.'..#§§.#####..#.# ##.## ..####'###‡cgg#> }>.... ß...ß####....‡cggP> … .....##..@#######>‡cggt> z ......#‡cgg1F ‡cggïF &1‡cggâL ‡cgg­N ‡cgg9¶ ć ########.≈≈≈≈###)....#<.#.# #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.#§§.#####.....#..#.# ##.## #.......####'###>.... ß...ß####........ ‡cggï¶ ù.....##...#######> .ß...ß......#‡cgg+À ‡cgg0Á &2‡cggšÆ ‡cgg–È ‡cgg H d  #≈§§.§≈#.#.....#..#. §≈..§##.'.....#...#§§.#####.....#..#.# ##.## #.......####'### #...>.... ß...ß####....‡cggbH “ .....##...#######> .ß...ß#######..?+g   gnoll (asleep)‡cgg…H Yg......#‡cgg~[ ‡cggÏ[ ‡cgg\ 3‡cgg…c ‡cgg“g  ‡cgg©g d_A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.‡cgg”« §≈..§##.'.#§§.#####.....#..#.# ##.## #.......####'### #...>.... ß...ß####.... .....##...#######> .‡cggê« Àß...ß#######..?+ #...#....g   gnoll (asleep).g......######+###‡cggßł ‡cgg0Ž &4‡cggZž ‡cggŒ» ‡cgg~ #§§.######.# ##.## #.......####'###>.... ß...ß####.... .....##...#######> .‡cggq~ zß...ß#######..@+ #...#D.......gD   steam dragon (wandering)‡cggš~ ź#####+##g   gnoll (asleep) ‡cggï… ‡cgg† G.D‡cggj‘ &5‡cgg,š ‡cgg­  Î _A steam dragon comes into view. _You see here a scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER.‡cggâ u ##.## ..####'###>.... ß...ß####.... .....##...#######‡cggÒâ Ÿ> .ß...ß#######..?+ ‡cgg㠐#..@#...D.....‡cgg©ă g#####+##‡cgg§è ‡cgg8ò G.D‡cgg8ó -6 _‡cgg‚û ‡cggxț ‡cgg/gè###'###>.... ß...ß####.... .....##...#######> .ß...ß#######..?+‡cggÉg #####...#....D.g#####+##‡cggök‡cggu7D...‡cggĘu&7‡cgg˜}‡cggƀ‡cggôĘ>ß...ß####.... .....##...#######> .ß...ß#######..?+ #####D..#......g#####+## ‡cggŠâ‡cggì:D..‡cggÚì&8‡cggő‡cggéśˆcggÊ/.....##...#######> .ß...ß#######D.?+ #####...#ˆcggŸ.....g#####+## ˆcgg["ˆcgg7+:D..ˆcggĘ+&9ˆcgg~3ˆcggę6ˆcggfMß...ß####.........######>.....##.ß...ß##D..#########..?+#####..g......#####+###ˆcggVRˆcggTˆcgg”]”D.g.gˆcggP^'40ˆcggîgˆcgg7kˆcgg€Ő Ű##'### #...>#ß...ß####.........######ˆcggńŐ C>..##......##Dß...ß##...#########..?+#####ˆcggÖ `.g........ˆcgg;Ö O#####+###ˆcgg_Ú ˆcggîÛ ˆcggźć wD.g.ˆcggqæ &1ˆcggȘï ˆcggŃò ˆcgg + B ##.## ....##.##'### #...>#ß...ß####...........##...#######>..##D.....ß...ß##...#########..?+#####.g........#####+###ˆcggd/ ˆcgg1; ŻDg.Dcatching breath)ˆcggáC ? ****  ˆcgg3D QThe steam dragon breathes steam at you.ˆcggjÓ [#§§§@ˆcggœÓ ˆcggăÔ u0--=====2ˆcggƒĘ ˆcggțà 1 _The ball of steam hits you.ˆcggíÉ& ##.## #.##.# ###'### #...>.... # #ß...ß####........ #.....##...#######ˆcggAÊë #..>..##D..# #.....##.§.#ˆcggpÊŽ #ß...ß##.§.# ##..§+ˆcgg†ÊŸ #####.@§#.g...#ˆcgg›Ê2.#ˆcggŻÊ*.#ˆcggĂÊ2.#ˆcggÖÊB#+###ˆcgg+ΈcggGŃˆcgg/Űk§Dg.ˆcggżŰF-----3ˆcgg­ßˆcggŐá‰cggé–Ł  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.‰cggÇ ‹..D ‰cggĐĄ$59‰cgg]ąœ---=----5.0 (1.1Rev ‰cgg詉cggńŹ8 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.‰cgg™sT (catching breath) You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is severely wounded.You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll hits you but does no damage.‰cgg|~“ ****  The steam dragon breathes steam at you.‰cggȘe§§?@.§§§§§.....#+#3---======60‰cggD!Rev+ ‰cgg‚‰cggŸ‰cggç ‰cgg{‰cgg»#_The ball of steam hits you.‰cgg~ƒ  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.The gnoll is almost dead.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  You kill the gnoll!#...§.§D$§.#.### 1202 0---9=-----7.1 (1.1Rev* ‰cgg܄‰cggŠD _You are engulfed in a cloud of scalding steam.‰cgg`~  .§.D§§§§§.§.....§#....####+ You puncture the steam dragon with your +4 short sword!  The steam dragon is moderately wounded.‰cggś~ _You closely miss the steam dragon with your +1 war axe.‰cggô b1------8.2‰cgg(‡ ‰cgg5‰ ] _The steam dragon closely misses you. x2‰cgg{P w?§.§................#####+### _The steam dragon closely misses you. x2  You slash the steam dragon with your +1 war axe!  The steam dragon is heavily wounded.  You hit the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.  You are engulfed in a cloud of scalding steam.  barely misses you.9.3‰cggsb Z _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.‰cggúc.$@.. _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.  You closely miss the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.The steam dragon is heavily wounded.‰cggo|slash the steam dragon with your +1 war axe!  You are engulfed in a cloud of scalding steam.  bite‰cgg k39----=50.4‰cggi'‰cgg?*1 _The steam dragon claws you.ŠcggucU  You slash the steam dragon with your +1 war axe!Šcgg>kE$Šcgg#ß...ß####.........######>.....ß...ß##...#ŠcggŒ”########.@?+ #####$...............#ŠcggUŸŠcggŁżQ1-2 _Šcgg©ÄŠcggÿËŠcgg·Ì>20-ŠcggâÌ$3.4 (2ŠcggŃŠcggłÓ@ _You now have 1220 gold pieces (gained 18).Šcgg,čò ##.## #.......##.##'### #...>.... # #ß...ß####........  #.....##...####### #..>..##...#  #.....##...# #ß...ß##...# ########..?+ #####@..#ŠcggŠč..........#..........#...#.########+### ŠcggòÁŠcgg‚Â+4.4 (1Šcgg4ÈŠcggVŃN  You now have 1226 gold pieces (gained 6).ŠcggÒȘ62=5.4 (2Rev+ ŠcggŚŠcggžÙ- _You see here a +0 whip.‹cgg­/“##§§.#####.....#..#.# .## #.......##.# ###'### #...>.... ##ß...ß####........ #.....##...########..>..##...# #.....##...# #ß...ß##...# ########.@?+  #####)..# ..........# ...‹cgg0# ...........########+###‹cgg«5‹cgg6+6.4 (1‹cgg5;‹cgg·<‹cggÏJö##§§.#####.....#..#.# ##.## #.......##.# ###'### #...>.... # #ß...ß####........ ‹cggKŒ#.....##...####### #..>..##...# #.....##...# #ß...ß##...# #‹cgg>Kł#..@+ #####)..# ‹cggjK±..........# ....# ..‹cggKZ..##‹cggłK!‹cggąT‹cgg”V&7‹cggs\‹cgg”f‹cggQge12268.4 (2Rev ‹cggžl‹cggŸoa _C - a scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHERcgg4šcggßšcggY«cggᔍcggïŒx3=cggŚÀ,cgg Ácgghcggáƍcgg$Ê,cggˍcggÏcggžÓcgg‚Ô\4=cgg֍cggáۍcggćȚcggZߍcggŃácggYæcgg(êcggsêcgg†îcggMđcgg!ôa5=cgg›őcggáùcggęcgg[ęcggÿcggcgg,cgg–cggu cggcggv96cggJcggŻcgg]cgg cggč cggÏ&=  You see here a +0 spear.cggĐ*cggŒ+ _cgg--cggö0cggű3,cgg5cggH:<  You see here a +0 club.cggÔ=cgg>U47= _cggŒ?cgg]BcggŻE,cgglGcggÈJcggrMcggĂMcggùNcggŰQcggÛTcggU%8cgg2U2=cggWcggšYcggZ\cgg‘\cgg·]cgg `cggÚbcggccggdcggČfcggicgg\i%9cggjcggčlcggy•cgg1ŠBcggA©,cgg3ȘcggÖŹcgg±°b50=cgg‹±cgg1”cggÙž,cggjșcgg]œcggśż,cgg)ÁcggéÍcggyÔï1=cggh֍cgg©Öcgg^ۍcggNڍcgg Ę,cggâʍcggȚăQ2cgg…äcggçcgg]écggécggûêcggKícgg6đcgghđcggòcgg őcgg,űcgg}űK3=cggüùcggŸücggæÿ,cggkcggÁcgg6 cggo cgg0cggo@  There is an open door here.cggVcgg#\4= _cgg’$cggĂ&cggJ)cgg~)cggĘ*cggL,cggˆ.cgg».cgg”/cggÀ8}##.############.≈§§§###)....#<.#.cggú8€#)# #Ť§§≈≈#.#.....#..#.#.# #≈≈..≈##.'.....#....#.# ##§..#####.....#..#.cgg'9G#.# ##.## #.......##.#.# ###'### #...>.... cggS9Í##.# #ß...ß####........ ...# #.....##...####### #### #..@..##...#96.4 (38.0) cgg}9b# #.....##...# #cgg¶9A #ß...ß##...# # ########...+ # #####)..# #cggß9… ..........# ..........#..........#cgg:)..........#cggÎ:cgg @cgg>Bi _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.cggc 4cggĐ cggȚ W≈.§cggs f5=7.4 (1.0) _cggÖ cggGđ Ă  #########  ##._..._.##  ##_......._##  ##...≈≈.≈≈...##  #...≈.....≈...#  #..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..#  #_.≈.≈...≈.≈._# Temple #......@......#  #_.≈.≈...≈.≈._#  #..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..#  #...≈.....≈...# cggń «##...≈≈.≈≈...## ##_......._####._..._.###########  You climb downwards. Welcome to the Ecumenical Temple! Found twelve altars.cggtò 9=cggGű y___cggM -8.1 (1.7cggŐT ]___cggÊW ’ _Found a staircase back to the Dungeon. _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here.ŽcggB” 6M #########  ##._..._.##  ##_......._## #...≈≈.≈≈...#.≈.....≈...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈.._.≈.≈.@.≈.≈._......<......_.≈.≈...≈.≈._#..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..##########Žcgg"› p___ŽcggQœ *90 Žcgg{œ _Žcgg>  Œ____ŽcggȚĄ cggš!ÒM #########  ##._..._.##  ##_......._## #...≈≈.≈≈...#.≈.....≈...≈.≈≈@≈≈.≈.._.≈.≈...≈.≈._......<......#_.≈.≈...≈.≈._#_##._..._.##cgg"(]___cgg?)(400cgg;.V__cggM/cggNM #########  ##._..._.##  ##_......._## #...≈≈.≈≈...#.≈..@..≈...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..cggƒÌ_.≈.≈...≈.≈._#......<......#_##_......._##cggM€L__cggő€.61cgg‹©ƒ____cggôȘcgg oM #########  ##._..._.##  ##_......._## ##...≈≈@≈≈...##.≈.....≈...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..cggcK#_.≈.≈...≈.≈._#_##...≈≈.≈≈...##cggB__cgg­&2cggČ!9_cggÆ#cgguˆ<M #########  ##._..._.##  ##_...@..._## ##...≈≈.≈≈...##.≈.....≈.#..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..#_#...≈.....≈...#cggóŽ9_cggô&3cgg{“V__cgg•cggÿÄM #########  ##._.@._.##  ##_......._## ##...≈≈.≈≈...###...≈.....≈...##..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..#cgg R__cggŃ.74cgg) U__cggJ cgg »Œ__cgg—ŸcggJüH__cgg~ęcgg2 r___cggQ cgg ü À# ##._..@_.## ##_._## ##...≈≈.≈≈...## ##### cgg* :_cggÁ &5cggś C__cggf cggžÇm# ##._...@.## ##_._## ##...≈≈.≈≈...## #.#. #.#_.≈.≈...≈.≈._# cgg1Í:_cggûÍ&6cgg›Ń;_cggHÔ_ _There is a burning altar of Makhleb here.cgg”źN  You kneel at the altar of Makhleb.cgg2ș/  --more--cggż cggɄ dMakhleb the Destroyer Makhleb the Destroyer is a fearsome deity of bloodshed and mortification of the flesh. Followers are expected to cleanse others by inflicting suffering and death on them in Makhleb's name. Dedicated followers may also access the raw cggó„ “energies and hell-spawned servants of chaos, so that they may better break the impure world and its false laws for their evil god's glory. cgg… yFavour - Makhleb is neutral towards you. Granted powers:(Cost)cgg(… wYou can gain health from killing. You can unleash Makhleb's destructive might.(6 HP)cggF… ’You can summon an infernal servant of Makhleb.(8 HP, Piety-)Your Destruction will be augmented by one of the Four Hells. cggc… WMakhleb will allow you to brand your body with an infernal mark... once. (Pain)cgg’… [!]: Overview|Powers|Wrath [J/Enter]: join religioncggÖÎ S Are you sure you want to abandon Gozag?‘cggç'D [Y]es or [n]o only, please.‘cgg„Ú‘cggá‘cggOè/crok the ChopperCoglin of Gozag  Gold: 1226Health: 57/66 ====================----Magic: 9/9========================AC: 9Str: 19EV: 12Int: 7SH: 0Dex: 16#########XL:  9 Next: 17% Place: Temple##._...@.##Noise: ---------  Time: 5406.1 (0.0)##_......._##a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N##...≈≈.≈≈...##Throw: 20 darts (poison)#...≈.....≈...##..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..#‘cggRéæ#_.≈.≈...≈.≈._##......<......##_.≈.≈...≈.≈._##..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..# _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.  You climb downwards. Welcome to the Ecumenical Temple! Found twelve altars. _Found a staircase back to the Dungeon. _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. _There is a burning altar of Makhleb here.  You kneel at the altar of Makhleb.‘cgg5êT   You have lost your religion!‘cggœò/  --more--‘cggéȚĄ  Gozag does not appreciate desertion!Makhleb welcomes you!‘cggßć/  --more--’cggÁ28_’cggÁ4ž  of Makhleb ......8=7.1 (1 ’cgg:5 _’cgg°9%_’cggę9’cgg;’cgg•  ‡#########._..._.##’cggMĄ D_....@.._##...≈≈.≈≈...## #...≈.....≈...# #..≈.≈≈.≈≈..# #_.≈.≈...≈.≈_# #......<......#’cggÈĄ è #_.≈.≈...≈.≈_# #..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..# #...≈.......#’cggΧ 7_’cgg„š &8’cggžŹ h___’cggź ’cggóČ /#########._..._.##_......._##...≈≈@≈≈...## #...≈.....≈...# #..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..# #_.≈.≈...≈.≈_# #......<......# #_.≈.≈...≈.≈_# #..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..# #...≈.......# ##...≈≈.≈##’cggÙž :_’cggxč &9’cgg•Œ r___’cggžœ “cgg3* ###########._..._.####_......._####...≈≈.≈≈...###...≈..@..≈...#≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈_.≈.≈...≈.≈.__“cgg+ă##...≈≈.≈≈...####_......._##“cgg‡0Œ____“cggC1'10“cggî5“cgg·7“cggDŻ ###########._..._.####_......._####...≈≈.≈≈...##...≈.....≈...≈.≈≈@≈≈.≈_.≈.≈...≈.≈._......<......##_......._####._..._.##“cggf¶o___“cggé¶^9=1“cggâ»q___“cggœ“cggŹ Ò ###########._..._.####_......._####...≈≈.≈≈...##...≈.....≈...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈_.≈.≈.@.≈.≈._......<......_.≈.≈...≈.≈._##._..._.###########“cggă'ƒ____“cgg^)&2“cggÄ.d___“cggű0”cggWĂ ###########._..._.####_......._####...≈≈.≈≈...##...≈.....≈...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈_.≈.≈...≈.≈._......@......_.≈.≈...≈.≈._..≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈..#########”cggv_____”cgg0`&3”cggąeŒ____”cggƒid _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here.”cggd Ź___”cgg~j U__”cggn 6604 _”cggŽq 9_”cggäS Ç ##.############.≈§§§###)....#<.#.#)# #≈≈..≈≈#.#.....#..#.#.# #≈≈..≈##.'.....#....#.# ##≈..#####.....#..#.#.# ##.## #.......##.#.# ###'### #...>.... ##.# #ß...ß####........ ...# #.....##...#######”cgg©T ôDungeon:6 #### #..@..##...# # #.....##...# # #ß...ß##...# # ########...+ # #####)..# # ..........# ..........# ..........#..........#You climb upwards. Welcome back to the Dungeon!”cggV ”cggŸ] ”cggBĂ -5.6 (2.5”cggÊ ”cgg€ò Ô _Level annotation: 1 runed translucent door, TWARD's ghost, amateur DsBe _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.•cggë" 3•cggŃ$ •cgge' •cgg`+ : _•cgg, •cggM, K1=•cggÉ- •cgg»2 B•cgg:4 ,•cgg65 •cggđ7 k2=•cggÌ8 •cggq: •cgg•: •cggs; •cggè< ,•cgg™= •cgg,? •cggQ? %3•cgg@ •cggB •cggpB •cgg+C •cggÌD •cggE •cggÈE •cggG •cggŽG #4•cggĐG (=•cggH •cgg‚J ,•cggYK •cggM ,•cggàM •cggŰO •cgggP U5=•cggęP •cggRR •cggyR •cggKS •cggÙT •cgg=U •cggáU •cggĆW ,•cgg—X •cgg[Z •cgg™Z K6=•cggb[ •cggLf 1 _HP restored.•cggżh 3•cggÂi •cggm •cggùn •cggo •cggïo •cgg6s •cgg‡u ,•cggŁv •cggĂz @  There is an open door here.•cggÓ| •cggœ} @= _•cgg‰~ •cggw •cgg„ƒ ,•cggĄ •cggz‡ •cggn‰ ,•cggBŠ •cgg  •cgg ,•cgg% •cgg|’ •cggT” ,•cggT• •cgg˜ •cggš ,•cgg"› •cgg֝ •cggńŸ ,•cgg4Ą •cggR€ •cggŠ ,•cggŠ •cggLš •cggÇ© ,•cggRȘ •cggò« •cgg>ź •cgggź •cgglŻ •cgg&Č •cggŽ ,•cggY¶ •cggč •cggŽ» •cggȚ» •cggfœ •cgg{è   There is an open door here.•cggE  _.........#.#+#####.# #####.# ..........<......#.# #.# ........###......#.#######'###### .................#.......)))....# #####'#.##.......#......#...)...# ..###.#.##.....###...####.......# #...#.#.##.###'#######.W#.# ###.#.#.##.......#####ß!+.......+...#.##......@'h..#P.#...[...# ...##....###.....########......## #####....§##.)...#....#..####### ...###..≈≈####.....##.#.. ######.≈≈≈§###)....#<.#  #Ť.§§≈#.#.....#..#.•cggŒ ; h   black bear (asleep)#Ť..≈##.'.....#....##≈..#####.....#..###.## ###58.6 (43.0) _There is an open door here. _There is an open door here.  You open the door.  A black bear comes into view.  Gozag incites the black bear against you.  The black bear growls angrily.•cggÌ ”h.hberserk, incited)====•cggę2 —9.6 (44 _The black bear goes berserk!•cgg>œ ›  <.. #.# ##........))).##....).##......##.###'###•cgg›œ ź.##.......#####ß!+.##......@h...#[..###.....#####..§##.)...# .≈≈####.... .•cggÂœ H#)....#<.#.#  #Ť.§§≈#.#.....#..#. •cggæœ [ #Ť..≈##.'.....#....  ##≈..#####.....#..#.#  •cgg Ÿ 5##.##  –cggŽŽ  <.. #.# ##........))).##....).##......##.###'###.##.......#####ß!+.##......@h...#[..###.....#####..§##.)...# .≈≈####....–cgg6.#)....#<  #Ť.§§≈#.#.....#..#.  #Ť..≈##.'.....  ##≈..#####.....# ##.## –cggé"4–cgg,–cgg§.a _A black bear is nearby!–cggÎyó _A black bear is nearby!You barely miss the black bear with your +1 war axe.You hit the black bear with your +4 short sword.  The black bear misses you. The black bear claws you.  The black bear claws you but does no damage.  The black bear misses you. The black bear completely misses you.–cggezÁ5-=---60.7 (1.1)Rev –cgg¶‚–cggœ†X _The black bear closely misses you.–cggÀ; The black bear misses you. The black bear completely misses you. _The black bear closely misses you.  You hit the black bear with your +4 short sword.  The black bear is moderately wounded.  You closely miss the black bear with your +1 war axe.  barely misses you. The black bear claws you.–cggœą1-----1.8Rev+ –cggvš–cgg›œX _The black bear closely misses you.–cggbq '  You hit the black bear with your +1 war axe.  The black bear is moderately wounded.  You hit the black bear with your +4 short sword.  The black bear closely misses you. x2; The black bear barely misses you.The black bear bites you but does no damage.  The black bear claws you but does no damage.2-2.9–cggM{ –cgg”{ –cgg† /  --more--—cggšsX _The black bear barely misses you.—cgg&Tž  You hit the black bear with your +4 short sword.  The black bear is heavily wounded.You slash the black bear with your +1 war axe!  The black bear bites you. The black bear barely misses you.The black bear claws you but does no damage.  The black bear bites you but does no damage.—cggÍT81=4.0—cgg]—cggi]—cgg«d/  --more--—cgg _The black bear misses you. The black bear barely misses you.—cggó ‘You puncture the black bear with your +4 short sword!  You kill the black bear!—cggę 1'—cggű €223-5.1Rev* —cggŐ —cggÌ R _Makhleb accepts your kill.—cggDJ —cggźJ 8-—cggșQ —cggìS > _Unknown command.˜cggł€˜cgg˜cggő‚˜cggŸ‡˜cggXŒ; _˜cggŽ,˜cggŚ˜cggç’˜cgg%“:Rev+ ˜cgg•˜cggΘ˜cgg(™&3˜cgg蚘cgg֝˜cggû˜cggĄ˜cgg€,˜cgg§˜cggŹȘ˜cggĘȘ64=˜cggțȘ/Rev ˜cgg!­˜cgg°˜cgg3°˜cgg챘cggùŽ,˜cggp¶˜cggüž˜cgg:č˜cggočO5=˜cgg»˜cggÍœ˜cggŸ!˜cggÇż˜cgg–Â0˜cgg·Ä˜cgg!Èa6=˜cgg|͘cgg Ô˜cggÚÖ,˜cggĄŰ˜cggçÛ˜cgg<ß,˜cggàà˜cggbä˜cggÚç˜cggè˜cggČé˜cggpì˜cggï˜cgg\ï9=˜cggÿđ˜cggûó˜cgg#ùB˜cgg—û˜cggÿ,˜cgg˜cggș˜cggœ,˜cggŻ˜cggŚ ˜cgg ,˜cgg˜cggr˜cgge,˜cggù˜cggț˜cggC,˜cggl˜cggê!˜cgg§#˜cggÓ#˜cggˆ$˜cggh&˜cggb(,˜cggì(˜cgg0*˜cgg",,˜cgg»,˜cggÌ2˜cgg/4,˜cggÈ4˜cggp6˜cggù7,˜cgg‡8˜cggû9˜cggo;,˜cgg<˜cgg>>˜cggG@B˜cgg$QB˜cgg9R˜cggÇR˜cggíT,˜cggáU˜cggŐV˜cggYX˜cgg„X˜cggYY˜cggZ˜cgg[˜cgg¶[˜cgg-\˜cggy]˜cggű_,˜cgg.`˜cggWa˜cggc,˜cggŐc˜cggçd˜cggVf˜cgg„f˜cggÒf˜cggïg˜cggæi,˜cggFj˜cggrk˜cggŹm,˜cgg$n˜cggxo˜cggPq,˜cggr˜cggs˜cggŒt,˜cggu˜cggcv˜cggâw˜cgg x˜cggÜx˜cgg¶y˜cggy{˜cgg„{˜cgg|˜cgg#}˜cggż~,˜cggN€˜cgg€€˜cgg)‚˜cggd‚˜cgg ‚˜cgg„˜cggŠ…,˜cggà…˜cgg‡˜cggzˆ˜cggóˆ˜cgg‰˜cggʊ˜cggc,˜cggRŽ˜cgg‘˜cggJ“˜cgg‘“˜cggW”˜cggŹ–˜cgg^˜˜cggŠ˜˜cggJ™˜cgg¶š˜cgg‰œ˜cggМ˜cggw˜cgg&Ÿ˜cggç ˜cggĄ˜cggÈĄ˜cgg…Ł˜cggŸ„,˜cgg»Š˜cggûȘ˜cggƒ­˜cggï­˜cggÄź˜cgg<°˜cgg»Č˜cgg2ł˜cgg¶˜cggœS #.......#   #######.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   #.#   ˜cgg`œá#######.#   .#  - ˜cgg ŸÔ#########                ˜cggOŸą    ˜cggłŚ¶520.1 (55.0)-1.1 (56 _F - a wand of polymorph (3)˜cgg J˜cgg„J˜cgg&K˜cgg!N˜cggLO˜cggÎRB˜cgg%S˜cggPS˜cggT˜cgg‡U˜cggW˜cggIW˜cgg­W˜cggìX˜cggźY,˜cggùY˜cgg[˜cgg\˜cggŸ\˜cgg9]˜cgg€^˜cggJ`˜cggt`˜cggû`˜cgge˜cggÊi” #.......#  #.#######.# ˜cggjŃ#. #.# #. #.# #. #.# #h #.# #. #.#  ˜cgg&j}#.#######.#  ˜cggGj©#.@.......#  ########### ˜cggjj  ˜cgg‰jqh   hound (asleep) ˜cggȘj2  ˜cggÄj2  ˜cggȚj- ˜cggdt17.1 (6.0)˜cggęt+8.1 (7˜cggț{˜cggÉ|B _A hound comes into view.˜cggö|˜cggÄ #.#######  ..#.......#  #.#######.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #h# #.#  #.# #.#  #@#######.#  #.........# ˜cgg>l###########       ˜cggR˜cggÀ+9.1 (1˜cgg0˜cgg‚!˜cgg+ € ###.######..#......#####.h #######.........###########˜cggtÊ ˜cggăÊ '30˜cggĐ ˜cggÒ ˜cggœhh _F - a wand of polymorph (3) _A hound comes into view.  The helpless hound fails to defend itself.  You hit the hound with your +1 war axe.  The hound is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.˜cgg†Ž5=1.2 (1.1˜cggłŽ,Rev ˜cgg$“˜cgg –z _The hound barely misses you. The hound bites you but does no damage.˜cgg(«à  You closely miss the hound with your +1 war axe.The hound is lightly wounded.  You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.˜cggŰ«(2.3˜cgg(Ź7Rev+ ˜cggt°˜cggł= _The hound bites you but does no damage.™cgg­NYou hit the hound with your +4 short sword. _barely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.The hound is heavily wounded.slash the hound with your +1 war axe!  You kill the hound!.4=3.4™cggPZ _Makhleb accepts your kill.™cgg‘™cggV’™cggś•™cgg=˜H _No target in view!™cgge;™cgg <™cggp?™cggäAH _No target in view!™cgg„‡™cggˆ™cggۋ™cggxH _No target in view!™cggę™cggț™cggŻ™cgg ™cggMB_No target in view!™cggœw™cgg…x™cgg=|™cggŽ~H _No target in view!™cgg·Č» #.# ###.######..#......#####™cggęČł #######.........###########™cggš·™cgg}ž,--4™cgg›ž0 _™cggęŒ™cggúĆ™cgg]Ž&M################# #.# ###.######..#......##### ########.........# --5™cggBt™cggąt™cggőt™cgg”v™cgg‘x™cggí{fRev ™cggÉ}™cggę}™cggO~™cgg°™cggĄ,™cgg/‚™cggĄƒ™cgg7‡B™cggՇ™cgg±‰™cgg$Š!™cggDŠ™cggù‹™cggc0™cggŽ™cgg§™cggp‘,™cggŸ‘™cgg’™cgg^“,™cgg“™cggS”™cggR•,™cgg›•™cggj–™cgg —™cgg'—™cggW—™cgg˜™cggҘ,™cggû˜™cggǙ™cggS›,™cggۛ™cgg…™cggđž,™cgg^Ÿ™cgg;ą™cgg5Ł,™cggąŁ™cggÒ€™cggŠ,™cgg8Š™cgg§™cggܧ,™cgg0š™cggr©™cgg„Ș™cgg„Ș™cgg «™cgg­™cgg°,™cgg”°™cggšČ™cgg”™cggF”™cgg¶™cggß·™cggș™cgg@ș™cgg »™cggȘÁÀ ##≈..#####.....#..#.# ##.## #.......##.# ™cggâÁĂ###'### #...>......##########ß...ß####...................#.....##...##################™cgg™#..>..##...#  #.....##...# ™cgg(ÂJ #ß...ß##...##################™cggQÂï########...+@................#####)..#################...........#™cggçÂW#...........##...........##...........##.#######+####.#.#.™cgg€ÈȚ##.#..#...#...'™cggÜÈc55.4 (20.0)#)..............™cggÉ2..#™cgg­Ï™cgg`Đ(======™cgg„Đ%6.4 (21™cggKŐ™cggŰv _No target in view! _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!™cggR) I™cggĐ, ™cggP/ ™cgg–/ ™cggź2 ™cggČ4 @  There is an open door here.™cggX7 ™cgg­7  _™cgg˜8 ™cgg: ™cggV< ™cgg< ™cggp= ™cgg ? ™cggĆA ,™cggčB ™cggPD ™cggmG ™cgg«G ™cgg€H ™cggYJ ™cggL ,™cggyM ™cgg2P ™cgg$R ™cgg‡R ™cggW  ™cgg{W 1_You open the door.™cgg„Y 3™cggÏZ ™cgg'_ @  There is an open door here.™cgga ™cggSa  _™cgghb ™cggÙc ™cgg’e ™cggße ™cggőf ™cggfh ™cggíi ™cgg"j ™cggkj ™cggˆk ™cggŁl ™cggÖl ™cggSm ™cgg„n ™cggèo ™cggp ™cggup ™cggyq ™cggcr ™cggˆr ™cggír ™cggŠw n™cggBx ™cggsx ™cgg»x ™cggÛy ™cggęz ™cgg2{ ™cggž{ ™cgg˜| ™cggĄ} ,™cggA~ ™cggę ™cgg܀ ,™cgg8 ™cgg5‚ ™cgg9ƒ ™cggsƒ ™cggڃ ™cgg€„ ™cggƒ… ™cggł… ™cggì… ™cggՆ ™cgg&ˆ ™cggaˆ ™cggƒˆ ™cgg–‰ ™cggΊ ™cggüŠ ™cgg`‹ ™cggfŒ ™cggŽ ™cgg5Ž ™cggźŽ ™cggY ™cgg’ ™cgg9’ ™cgg’ ™cgg˓ ™cgg• ™cggE• ™cgg“• ™cggł– ™cggż— ™cggò— ™cggY˜ ™cggǙ ™cgg › ™cgg>› ™cggš› ™cggʜ ™cggHž ™cgg|ž ™cgg֞ ™cggûŸ ™cggÈ  ,™cggĄ ™cggàĄ ™cggą ™cggŸą ™cggïą ™cgg«Ł ™cgg[€ ™cgg€ ™cgg­€ ™cggY„ ™cggKŠ ,™cgg”Š ™cggE§ ™cggő§ ,™cggCš ™cggôš ™cggœ© ™cggì© ™cggȘ ™cggžȘ ™cggJŹ ,™cgg­ ™cggJź ™cgg*Ż ,™cgg‘Ż ™cggO° ™cgg-± ,™cggc± ™cgg4Č ™cggł ™cgg?ł ™cggkł ™cgg#Ž ™cggæŽ ,™cgg2” ™cgg¶ ™cggű¶ ™cgg$· ™cggD· ™cggž ™cggÖž ™cggč ™cgg č ™cggÏč ™cgg§ș ™cggçș ™cgg[» ™cggœ ™cgg0Ÿ ,™cgg…Ÿ ™cggvż ™cgg~À B™cggŒĂ ™cggČÄ ™cggéÄ ™cggJĆ ™cggŸÈ ™cggÊ ™cggFÊ ™cggŠÊ ™cggrÍ ™cgg!Î ™cggOÎ ™cggtÎ ™cggĐ ™cgg Ń ,™cggYŃ ™cggćÒ ™cgg“Ó ™cggčÓ ™cggæÓ ™cgguŐ ™cggéÜ °™cggȚ ,™cgg=Ț ™cggß ™cgg}à ,™cgg1á ™cggć °™cggőć ™cggƒæ ™cgg§æ ™cgg8è ™cgg»è ™cggAé ™cggƒé ™cggóé ™cgg)ì ™cggîì ™cggí ™cgg^í ™cggSî ™cgg1ï ,™cggŰï ™cggyđ ™cggń ™cggCń ™cgg{ń ™cggPò ™cggńò ™cggó ™cggbó ™cggô ™cggßô ™cggüô ™cgghő ™cggđő ™cggäö ™cggûö ™cgg1ś ™cgg ű ™cggüű ,™cgg'ù ™cggzú ™cggńû ™cgg&ü ™cggrü ™cggĂę ™cggț ™cgg-ț ™cgguț ™cggûț ™cgg¶ÿ ,™cggëÿ ™cggă ™cgg^ ,™cgg ™cggW ™cggË ,™cgg  ™cggŚ ™cggR ,™cggÚ ™cggy ™cgg: ,™cgg‰ ™cgg0 ™cgg ,™cgg[ ™cgg ™cgg… ™cgg+ ,™cgg† ™cggF ™cggu ™cggš ™cggï ™cgga ™cgg” ™cgg ™cgg$ ™cgg ™cggO ™cggK ™cgg ™cggˆ ™cggÏ ™cggÒ ™cggö @  There is an open door here.™cggô ™cggz!  _™cggn" ™cggK$ ™cggQ& ™cgg& ™cggr' ™cggp1 ™cggż3 ™cggč4 ™cgg55 ™cggŸ7 ™cgg: ™cggk: ™cgg0; ™cgg> ™cggO@ ,™cgg4A ™cggŽC ™cgg§E ™cggăE ™cggćF ™cggŠI ™cggŹK ™cggàK ™cggÓL ™cggûN ™cggQ ™cggjQ ™cgggR ™cgg€T ™cggÉV ™cggW ™cggX ™cggN\ ,™cggÇ^ ,™cgg—_ ™cgg~b ,™cgg™c ™cggf ™cggŃh ™cggi ™cgg&j ™cgg„l ™cgg±n ,™cggp ™cggQr ™cggÊt ,™cgg1v ™cggùx ™cggćz ™cgg{ ™cggS| ™cggÇ~ ™cggä‚ ,™cgg|ƒ ™cggٌ (...#.##.......'...#P.#...[...# ##....###.....########......## ##....§##.)...#....#..####### ###..≈≈####.....##.#.. ™cgg~ ###.≈≈≈§###)....#<.#.#  #Ť.§§≈#.#.....#..#.##Ť..≈##.'.....#....###≈..#####.....#..#.# ##.## #.....@.##.# ------650.4 (94  ###'### #...>......####™cgg» _#ß...ß####.....................##.....##...###################.##..>..##...# #.#™cggí ë#.....##...# #.# ##ß...ß##...###################.# #########...'.................#. ™cgg/Ž s#########)..#################.###™cggłŽ ™cggÿŽ 6------™cggž• ™cggAŸ $ ™cggčŸ F_Key pressed, stopping explore.™cgg*  ™cggš ™cggČ© H _No target in view!šcgg^#šcggO$šcggz$šcggű,šcgg‚/ šcggŹ/:_No target in view!šcgg'«šcggä«šcggŒŽšcgg@· šcggi·B_No target in view!šcggZêšcggëšcgg8ìšcgg"őšcgg űšcggű$ _šcggAüšcggcšcgggšcggšcggNšcggŒšcggțšcgg$šcggÆšcggóšcggV šcggz šcgg šcgg2 šcgg… šcgg« šcggW šcgg”šcgg«,šcgg„šcggYšcggišcggšcggàšcggšcggû šcggț"šcgg,#šcggĂ%šcggƒ)‹ _TWARD's ghost turns its malevolent gaze towards you.šcgg .šcggÓ0šcgg1šcgg2šcgg(5šcggú8šcggü;šcggf<šcggÛ>šcgg*Ašcgg€CšcggŻCšcgg EšcggpGšcggíJšcggZKšcgghMšcgg¶Qšcgg]UšcggžUšcgg|Xšcggž\šcggt`šcggŽ`šcggȚbšcggShšcggIm,šcggUpšcgg>}y  #.# #šcgg„}E#.# #####.# ..#.# #.# ..#.#######'###### šcggČ}..#.......))[....# ..#......#...)...# šcggĘ}[###...####.......# šcgg~A#######..#.......##.# ..#####ßW+......@'[.# šcggp~»65.4 (15 ..'...#..#...[...#### ..########......## ..#....#..####### ....##.#.šcggš~Î.# ....#<.#.## ....#..#.# šcggÄ~Ž....#....# ....#..#.# šcggì~_You open the door.šcggGM _Found a leather armour.šcggßÀ3šcggûĂšcgg{Êšcgg@ΚcggÏ$ _šcggíÒšcggtŚ@  There is an open door here.šcggÍÛšcggfÜ _šcggÄȚšcggéF  You see here a +0 leather armour.šcgg˜íšcggRî _šcgg!ńšcggüôšcgggűšcggźűšcggˆúšcggÿšcggúšcgg'šcggËšcgg`šcggőšcgg)šcggšcgg‚ šcgg{ ,šcggšcggź#šcggJ',šcggx)šcgg#-šcggÛ/,šcggm1šcgg€4šcggŚ7šcgg88šcggó:šcggí>šcgguC,šcggHFšcggoOF  You see here a +0 leather armour.šcgg Sšcgg T _šcgg˜VšcggŁ[@  There is an open door here.šcggP^šcggÂ^ _šcgg[ašcgg]fšcggêm,šcggRqšcggCx‘ _TWARD's ghost says, "Live by the sword, die by the sword."šcgg~šcggu~šcgg{šcgg5‰šcgg|Žšcgg掚cggé‘šcgg—šcggcgg“šcgg!Łšcggy©šcgg]ź,šcgg3±šcgg㔚cgg|ș,šcggdŒšcgggĂ©#.#.# #.# #.....# #.# #.#+#####.# #####.# #.# .<......#.# #.# #.# šcggÁĂ·##......#.#######'#######.#......#.......))[....##.# #.......#......#...)...##.# #.....####.......##.# #šcggüĂD.###'#######..#.......##.# #.......#####ßW+@......'[.#84.4 (19 šcgg5ÄE#.......'...#..#...[...#### ###.....########......## §##.)...#....#..####### šcggiı≈####.....##.#..# Ť###)....#<.#.##šcggœÄÖW   TWARD's ghost §≈#.#.....#..#.# ≈##.'....šcggÎÄ[.#....# #####.....#..#.#šcgghĆšcggńÍšcggTÏœcggyé*'œcgg™êœcggô@!WœcggRő15.0)œcggœcggÊ( _You open the door.œcggb6   You closely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  You hit TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.œcgg$7 $57œcggR7 i----==6Rev œcggVC œcggBF - _TWARD's ghost hits you!œcggîÙ Ç  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.TWARD's ghost is lightly damaged.  You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.œcggÚ l-7.5 (1.1Rev+ œcggÚă œcggâć @ _TWARD's ghost hits you but does no damage.œcgg[2§1 war axe. but does no damage.  You closely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.4 short sword.  œcgg 3#8œcgg/3H=----8.6œcggH<œcgg?W _TWARD's ghost closely misses you.cggJV  You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  TWARD's ghost is moderately damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.cggdW 4----=9.7Rev* cgghacgg|d- _TWARD's ghost hits you!cggæŠ  You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  TWARD's ghost is moderately damaged.cggêæ1-90.8cggđđcgg·óą _You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage. TWARD's ghost completely misses you.cgg0ÎN-cgg}۝cggȚF _Unknown command.cggj!ä  You barely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  TWARD's ghost is moderately damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.cgg’"]9----10cggO,cgg¶.@ _TWARD's ghost hits you but does no damage.cggčŹ Ț  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.TWARD's ghost is moderately damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.cgg­ d46-2.9 (1.1cggv· cgg6ș - _TWARD's ghost hits you.cggœâ cgg[㠝cggŐï cggàò F _Unknown command.cggmy ë  You barely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  TWARD's ghost is heavily damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.cggz (4.0cgg`… cggDˆ @ _TWARD's ghost hits you but does no damage.žcggö;žcggä<žcggEžcgg„P MYou hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage. but does no damage.closely miss TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.  You barely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.žcgg0QY47=5.1žcggPVžcggäWW _TWARD's ghost closely misses you.žcggƒ„TM_TWARD's ghost closely misses you.  You closely miss TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.  TWARD's ghost is heavily damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.žcgg‰Ša40---6.2žcggF±žcggđł- _TWARD's ghost hits you!žcggqžcggáqžcggû~žcggρF _Unknown command.žcggα  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.TWARD's ghost is heavily damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.7.3žcggK·žcgg–ș@ _TWARD's ghost hits you but does no damage.žcgg«ˆâ  You barely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  TWARD's ghost is severely damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.žcggĄ‰a39---8.4žcgg’›žcgglž- _TWARD's ghost hits you.žcggûâ žcggĂă žcggSí žcggiđ F _Unknown command.žcggˆr . _Unknown command.  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.TWARD's ghost is severely damaged.  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.  TWARD's ghost stares at you.žcgg=s #2žcggYs =---9.5žcgg | žcgg } - _TWARD's ghost hits you!žcgg4žcggC žcggkF _Unknown command.žcgg#ˆC _TWARD's ghost hits you! _Unknown command.  TWARD's ghost is severely damaged.  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.  TWARD's ghost hits you but does no damage.žcggæˆl3=--700.6žcgg—žcggò™O _TWARD's ghost misses you.Ÿcggtë&  Ÿcgg4ìŒYou barely miss TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.  TWARD's ghost is severely damaged.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.Ÿcggeì(1.7Ÿcgg öŸcgg~ù@ _TWARD's ghost hits you but does no damage.ŸcggfEŸcggGFŸcggLŸcggINF _Unknown command.ŸcggëȘ  You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage.TWARD's ghost is severely damaged.ŸcggțëV23----=2.8ŸcggáöŸcgg·śu _You hit TWARD's ghost but do no damage. TWARD's ghost hits you!Ÿcggߙ  You hit TWARD's ghost with your +4 short sword.  TWARD's ghost is almost destroyed.You hit TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe.Ÿcgg·š_4-----3.9ŸcggW„Ÿcggˆ§Z _TWARD's ghost completely misses you.ŸcggY Ÿcgg  8-Ÿcggç ŸcggŠ F _Unknown command.ŸcggC„ ”  You slash TWARD's ghost with your +1 war axe!  You destroy TWARD's ghost!ŸcggB° C'ŸcggĄ· 9 375.0 Ÿcgg,ž _Makhleb accepts your kill.Your Throwing skill increases to level 4!Ÿcgg Á ŸcggBĂ g _Your Armour skill increases to level 5!Ÿcggžü Ÿcggzę ŸcggíŸcgg– F _Unknown command. cgg4 `#.#.# #.# #.....# #.# .#.#+#####.# #####.# #.# ..<......#.# #.# #.##......#.#######'#.#.#.......))[....##.# ##.#......#...)...##.# ##.....###...####.##.# ##.###'#######..#.##.# ## cgg !‚.#####ß!@.......'[.# ##.'...#..#...[...#### .###.....########......## .§##.)...#....#..#≈####.....##.#..#Ť###)....#<.#.##§≈#.#.....#..#.# .≈##.'.....#....# .#####.....#..#.# cgg - cgg.;-60 _ cggĘ= cggFA] _There is an open translucent door here. cggDy#.#.# #.# #.....# #.# ..#.#+#####.# #####.# #.#.<......#.# #.# #.#  cggM3.###......#.#######'#.#.#.))[....##.# .##.#......#...)...##.# .##.....###...####.##.# .##.###'#######..#.##.# .##.#####ß@'.......'[.# .##.'...#..#...[...#### ..###.....########......## ..§##.)...#....#.. cgg—ˆ# .≈≈####.....##.#..# ≈≈≈§###)....#<.#.## .§§≈#.#.....#..#.#  cggI..≈##.'.....#....# ..#####.....#..#.# cggŒ( cgg•*k5=-7 _ cggS3 cggÊ= cggĐIb8.0 (2Rev+  cggŽTx _h - 4 potions of curing (gained 1)ĄcggŹÚĄcggdȚl  Skill  Level Cost  Apt Skill  Level Cost  Apt a + FightingĄcggÔȚ4.5   5.0   0   k - Spellcasting   0.0   1.4  -2           b - Maces & Flails   3.5   1.2  -1  Ącgg ßS    ĄcggI߀ c * Axes   6.5   7.0   0   l - Invocations   0.0   1.4  -2   d - Polearms   3.5   1.2  -1   m - Evocations   0.0   0.6  +3  Ącgg§ßk e - Unarmed Combat   0.0   1.2  -1      f + Throwing4.0   5.9  -1      Ącggńßí         g - Short Blades   0.0   1.2  -1      Ącgg7à!         h * Armour   5.0   7.1  -1      Ącggá… i * Dodging   5.9   7.1  -1      j + Stealth3.3   4.8  -1                          Ącgghá            The relative cost of raising each skill is in cyan.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] HelpĄcggœáG[=] set a skill target  ĄcggÎá}[/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsącggn > l + Invocations 0.0€cgg €cggŹ ę###.#.# #.# #.....# #.#crok the Chopper ..#.#+#####.# #####.# #.#Coglin of Makhleb ...... ...<......#.# #.# #.#Health: 25/66 =========--------------- .###......#.#######'#######.#Magic: 9/9======================== ..........#.......))[....##.#AC: 9Str: 19 .##.......#......#...)...##.#EV: 12Int: 7 .##.....###...####.......##.#SH: 0Dex: 16 .##.###'#######..#.......##.#€cgg« 9XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:6 .##.......#####ß@'.......'[.#Noise: ---------  Time: 5708.0 (0.0) .##.......'...#..#...[...####a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N ..###.....########......##Throw: 20 darts (poison) ..§##.)...#....#..#######Rev+ .≈≈####.....##.#..# ≈≈≈§###)....#<.#.## .§§≈#.#.....#..#.# ..≈##.'.....#....# ..#####.....#..#.# _Makhleb accepts your kill.Your Throwing skill increases to level 4! _Your Armour skill increases to level 5! _Unknown command. _There is an open translucent door here. _h - 4 potions of curing (gained 1)€cgg' 4€cggP0 €cgg!1 €cggE( €cggÒ( €cgg. €cggș3 €cggT8 ,€cggh: ,€cgg< €cgg\ é6Rev 7€cggÁc €28=€cgg¶e €cgg†n X€cggÊo €cggsq €cgg”v €cggw K9=€cgggz €cggk~ €cggÔ~ €cggS˜ 30€cgg:› ,€cggž €cggLą ,€cggȚŁ €cggr§ €cggò§ S1=€cgg€© €cggM­ ,€cggŽ B€cgg«” €cggŽč a2=€cgg–Œ €cgg¶Ä B€cggĆ ,€cgg±Æ €cggšÈ S3=€cggêÈ €cgg0Ê €cggšË ,€cgg/Í €cgg§Đ ,€cggÙŃ €cggíć ,€cggç ä4=5€cggáè €cgghí €cggÍí S6=€cggEń €cgg_ó ,€cggÜő €cggpù €cggÁù €cggü €cggšÿ €cgg K7=€cggȘ ,€cgg4 €cggÜ €cggÊ ,€cggŃ €cggi O8€cggá €cggÊ ,€cggÙ €cggŠ ,€cggč €cggB ,€cgg˜ €cgg«! i9=€cggr$ €cgg¶' ,€cggÙ+ €cgg‚0 ,€cggÀ2 €cggÛ6 b40=€cggO9 €cggT< ,€cggń> €cggçE €cggNF €cgg+H €cggmK €cgg°K #1€cggĘK €cggqN €cgg/U B€cggÛW €cggX €cggdo 2=€cggšr ,€cggYs €cggŽx a3=€cgg(| €cggŁ ,€cggB‚ €cggI… ,€cggr† €cggŻˆ i4=€cggGŒ €cgg Ž ,€cgg  €cgg’ €cggY’ €cgg­“ €cgg*– €cggy– D5=€cggr— €cgg‹š ,€cgg„œ €cggŽŸ ,€cgg ą €cggè€ O6€cggCŠ €cggZš ,€cggr© €cggˆ« ,€cggu± z47=€cggŃČ €cgg”Ž ,€cggá” €cgg ž ,€cggvč €cgg)ż ,€cgg…Á €cggęÄ €cggQĆ W8=€cggOÇ €cggïÊ ,€cgg@Ì €cgg(Î ,€cgg&Ï €cggóŃ ;9€cgg2Ó €cggŐ ,€cgg]Ö €cggUŰ ,€cgg‹Ù €cgg.Û L50=€cgg{Û €cgg‚Ü €cggĐà ,€cggˆâ €cggÂű Ÿ1=€cggćú ;2€cgg. „€cggM a3=€cggí €cggA ,€cggò €cggy ,€cggH €cggä U4=€cgg, €cgg€ €cggx ,€cgg<" €cgg*& ,€cggÈ( €cggś. €cgg‚/ K5=€cgg'1 €cgg3 ,€cgg4 €cgg„7 ,€cgg9 €cggł< €cgg = U6=€cgg“> €cggM@ ,€cggVA €cgg`D ,€cgg›F €cggJ ,€cggYK €cggZM €cgg»M %7€cgg P €cggíS ,€cgg«U €cggY ,€cggß[ €cggN_ €cgg“_ K8=€cggêa €cgg™d ,€cgg©h €cggêj ,€cgg+ 9=60€cgg*’ €cgg+œ Ł1=€cggè €cggü  ,€cggwŁ €cggž© €cggì© U2=€cggŹ €cgg”Ż ,€cggDZ €cggöŽ ,€cgg$· €cggˆș €cggÚș %3€cgg©œ €cggdÁ ,€cgg»Ă €cggîÆ ,€cgggÉ €cggÍ a4=€cggžÏ €cggśÒ ,€cggMŐ €cggêÚ ,€cggŐĘ €cggŹé /835.0 (127.0)€cggê €cgg"ò €cggòó T _Key pressed, stopping explore.€cggc€cgg€cggy€cggč €cgg‹: _€cggĆ€cgg U5=€cgg €cggq,€cggŠ€cgg,€cgg3€cggû €cgg;!D6=€cgg{#€cgg@^H40.0 (5.0)€cggYj€cgg.lE _Done exploring.„cggŒ~„cgg˜„cgg၄cggÈš<0„cggżŹ[ _Done exploring.„cggU „cggƒV mWhere to? (Tab - D:6 @ (x,y), ? - help) „cggĂV D D - Dungeon  T - Temple „cggüă„cggąù#[?25h[?0c„cgg$úê###.#.# #.# #.....# #.#crok the Chopper ..#.#+#####.# #####.# #.#Coglin of Makhleb ...... ...<......#.# #.# #.#Health: 66/66 ======================== .###......#.#######'#######.#Magic: 9/9„cggúÆ======================== ..........#.......))[....##.#AC: 9Str: 19 .##.......#......#...)...##.#EV: 12Int: 7 „cggžúŠ.##.....###...####.......##.#SH: 0Dex: 16 .##.###'#######..#.......##.#XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:6 „cggôúž.##.......#####ß@'.......'[.#Noise: ---------  Time: 5840.0 (0.0) .##.......'...#..#...[...####„cgg1ûa) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N ..###.....########......##Throw: 20 darts (poison) „cgg†û]..§##.)...#....#..####### .≈≈####.....##.#..# ≈≈≈§###)....#<.#.## .§§≈#.#.....#..#.# ..≈##.'.....#....# ..#####.....#..#.# _There is an open translucent door here. „cggü6_h - 4 potions of curing (gained 1) _Key pressed, stopping explore. _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 6, ? - help) Šcggv} [?25l[?1cŠcggʙ 47Šcgg?œ Šcgg$ą Šcgg-€ ŠcggŁš E _Šcgg/© _h - 4 potions of curing (gained 1) _Key pressed, stopping explore. _Done exploring.  There is an open translucent door here.ŠcggÌ­ Šcgg7ź  _Šcgg\Ż ŠcggPČ ŠcggĆ” ,Šcggá· Šcgg Œ Šcggdż Šcggąż ŠcggÁ ŠcggŒÂ ŠcggnÄ ,Šcgg…Ć ŠcggđÇ Šcgg¶È ŠcggûÈ ŠcggÊ ŠcggUÌ ŠcggšÍ ,Šcgg6Î ŠcggjÏ Šcgg±Đ ŠcggàĐ ŠcggPŃ ŠcggșÒ Šcgg9Ô ŠcggdÔ ŠcggJŐ ŠcggtÖ Šcgg»Ű ŠcggóŰ ŠcggWÚ Šcgg/Ę ŠcggŸß ,ŠcggĆà Šcgg5â Šcggíć ,ŠcggKæ ŠcggŒè ŠcggVì ,Šcgg\î Šcgg‚đ Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ŠcggCó Šcggöô Šcggmő $ _Šcggßö §cgg57§cgg.6§cgg8§cggx8§cgg9§cggì@š  #  #.#.#####.#  #......@..# 54.8 (14.8) ...#.####.#  # §cggEA%_You climb downwards.§cgg°A§cggìD§cgg·Fa _There is a stone staircase leading up here.§cggXˆ›Read which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  C - a scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedšcggî šcgg« šcggb Écrok the ChopperCoglin of Makhleb ......Health: 66/66 ========================Magic: 9/9========================AC: 9Str: 19EV: 12Int: 7#SH: 0Dex: 16#.#.#####.#XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:7#......@..#šcggœ țNoise: ---------  Time: 5854.8 (0.0)...#.####.#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#Throw: 20 darts (poison) _Done exploring. _What level of the Dungeon? (default 6, ? - help) _There is an open translucent door here. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.šcggÛ –  As you read the scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant armour.šcggS' /  --more--©cggX©cggD[ŠEnchant which item? Armour  c - a +0 helmet (worn)  j - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  r - a +0 ring mail (worn)  t - a +0 cloak (worn)b - a +0 leather armour[?] describe selectedȘcggÇĂcrok the ChopperCoglin of Makhleb ......Health: 66/66 ========================Magic: 9/9========================AC: 9Str: 19EV: 12Int: 7#SH: 0Dex: 16#.#.#####.#XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:7#......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 5854.8 (0.0)...#.####.#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#Throw: 20 darts (poison) _There is an open translucent door here. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.  As you read the scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant armour.Șcgg>ÔȘcggÁ 4105.8 (1Șcggą$Șcgg (= _Your +0 cloak glows green for a moment.Șcggæ Șcggż Read which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation Șcgg Ó n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  D - 2 scrolls labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected«cggŻö«cggÎú«cggêÿ·crok the ChopperCoglin of Makhleb ......Health: 66/66 ========================Magic: 9/9========================AC: 10Str: 19EV: 12Int: 7#SH: 0Dex: 16#.#.#####.#XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:7#......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 5855.8 (0.0)...#.####.#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#Throw: 20 darts (poison) _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.  As you read the scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant armour. _Your +0 cloak glows green for a moment.«cggț „  As you read the scroll labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings.«cgg~ Z6.8 (1Will/2 «cgg>«cggì7 _It was a scroll of vulnerability.Źcggő8vRead which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  D - a scroll of vulnerability  E - a scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedŹcgg$§ŹcggőŹŹcggNłDcrok the ChopperCoglin of Makhleb ......Health: 66/66 ========================Magic: 9/9========================AC: 10Str: 19EV: 12Int: 7#SH: 0ŹcggŠłXDex: 16#.#.#####.#XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:7#......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 5856.8 (0.0)...#.####.#Źcgg·łÎa) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#Throw: 20 darts (poison)Źcgg%¶{Will/2 As you read the scroll labelled DAXTAIDGHER, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of enchant armour. _Your +0 cloak glows green for a moment.  As you read the scroll labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.Źcgg ·p  As you read the scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI, it crumbles to dust.  Źcgg;·!It is a scroll of amnesia.ŹcggùÀ/  --more--ŹcggŠî Źcgggđ +7.8 (1Źcgguó Źcggíő 6 _You feel forgetful for a moment.­cggHQ­cggTRead which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation ­cggqT» n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 7 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  D - a scroll of vulnerability ­cgg„TĘ[!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedźcgg.CźcggIźcgg™Pcrok the ChopperCoglin of Makhleb ......Health: 66/66 ========================Magic: 9/9========================AC: 10Str: 19EV: 12Int: 7#SH: 0Dex: 16#.#.#####.#XL:  9 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:7#......@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 5857.8 (0.0)...#.####.#a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {NźcggïP8#Throw: 20 darts (poison)Will/2 As you read the scroll labelled MUSHIA CA TOIM, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.  źcgg-Q‹As you read the scroll labelled VUSAASS WOUZI, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of amnesia. _You feel forgetful for a moment.źcgg’Vn  Okay, then.źcggĂYźcgg&\. _źcgg€źcggt€źcggźcggтźcggŹ…źcgg›Š} _źcggs‹źcggŒźcggźcggYźcgg⏼cgg’źcggÓźcgg ”źcggŸ”źcgg|–źcggƧžźcggÒš,źcgg ­„źcggŻBźcggVŻźcgg9±źcgg·4Y .##.#. .# ##.#.### .#..##......##...#....#..#...... #....#  .#@##  #.#.# źcggCžš##.#.# #.#.###.#####...####..#...............#Y   ice beast (wandering)#........#######..#####.###.#.#####.#źcggČ»069.8 (12.0)źcgg,Œ-70.8 (13źcggăÀźcgg€Ä] _An ice beast comes into view.źcggò)æ Y . ##.#. .  # ##.#.### .#  ..##......##.  ..#....#.. źcggl*ł #......#  #....# .#@## #.#.# ##.#.# #.#.## źcgg–*##...  źcggŸ*....  źcggă*:#........  ..#####.##źcgg+1 .#źcgg…Âû Y . ##.#. .  # ##.#.### .#  ..##......##.  źcggLĂ..#....#..  #......#  #....# .#@## #.#.# ##.#.# #.#.## #...źcggăĂL ....  #........ ..#####. .źcggyËźcgg ÌźcggÒźcggVߥ # # Y   ##.#. .# ##.#.### .#źcgg»ßf..##......##...#..#....#..##......##..@.##.#.###.#.##.#. źcggçßæ#.#.###.#####...####..#...............źcggà`#........####### ..źcggLàQ## _An ice beast is nearby!źcggæźcggŐőż.YY1.0) _źcgg=śźcggûUe# # .   ##Y#. .# ##.#.### .#..##......##...#..#....#..##...@..##..#....#..#.#.## ###.#.##.#.# #.#.## #.#####...####..#...............#........#######źcggČYźcgg_P.Yźcgg>`&2źcgg”cźcggZfźcggPÉ€... .# ## .   ##.#. .# ##.#Y### .#..##......##...#..#..@.#..# #......# źcggÄÉU#..#....#..## #.#.## ####.##.#.# #.#.###.#####...####..#.......źcgg”Ëźcgg0ÏP.YźcggÇÏ&3źcgg©ÒźcggœÔźcgg”9źcggl:%=źcggŒ:<4.9 (1.1Rev źcggȚ>ŻcggŁ _You hit the ice beast but do no damage. x2; The ice beast closely misses you.ŻcggžÆž  You closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.ŻcggâǑ57----6.0Rev+ Żcgg„ÍŻcggÜÏH _The ice beast hits you. The ice beast freezes you!Żcggż9ž  You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.You closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.Żcgg«:(7.1ŻcggI@ŻcggTBW _The ice beast closely misses you.ŻcggkŻÛ  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is lightly wounded.  You slash the ice beast with your +1 war axe!ŻcggF°`8=---=Żcgg°J8.2Rev* ŻcggÌčV _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.Żcgg­  You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.The ice beast is moderately wounded.You barely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.Żcgg(0-9.3Żcgg"ŻcggÙ"O _The ice beast misses you.Żcgg·Š  You completely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.The ice beast is moderately wounded.You slash the ice beast with your +1 war axe!Żcggͧ1=80.4ŻcggÔŹŻcgg°@ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.ŻcggzYou slash the ice beast with your +1 war axe! _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is almost dead.hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.  You kill the ice beast!Żcgg1.Żcggjq9=43-1.5Żcgg­ŻcggG Z _Makhleb accepts your kill.Żcgg–„Żcggf…8-Żcgg­‰ŻcgggŒH _No target in view!Żcgg40Żcggî0ŻcggŽF^ _No target in view!Żcgg6ŽJŻcggѶH _No target in view!Żcggž<Żcgg:=Żcgg{=ŻcggWCŻcgg…HH _No target in view!ŻcggZVM.# .#. .# ## #. .#  ##.#. .# ##.#.### .#..##...@..##...#..#....#..#ŻcggČV• #......# ...#..#....#..# .## #.#.#####ŻcggŰ]ŻcggQa;-20 _ŻcggÜeŻcgg%gŻcgg('VM# .# .#. .# # #. .# Żcgg­'& ##.#.# .# ##.#@### .#..##......##...#..#....#..# .. #......##..#..#....#..#..###.#Żcgg4/Żcgg0@-3Żcgg[4Żcggœ6Żcggš6 Żcgg7 Żcggą7 ŻcggĄ9 Żcggê9 '60ŻcggP= Rev+ Żcgg¶> Żcggû> ŻcggÎ? ŻcggqA ,ŻcggB ŻcggD ŻcggBD #1ŻcgghD )=ŻcggE ŻcggœF ŻcggËF ?Rev ŻcgguG Żcgg I ,ŻcggĄI ŻcggK ŻcggLK V2=ŻcggűK Żcgg]M Żcgg˜M ŻcggN ŻcggÿO ŻcggGP )ŻcggÌP ŻcggLR Żcgg~R &3Żcgg;S ŻcggËT ŻcggęT ŻcggœU Żcgg3X ŻcggjX !ŻcggY Żcggu[ $ Żcgg«[ J_You feel your willpower return.Żcggà[ 54=Żcgg\ Żcggą\ ŻcggT^ ŻcggČ^ Żcgg<_ ŻcggŸ` ŻcggÔ` Żcgg]a Żcggcc Żcgg˜c Żcgg+d Żcgge ŻcggÎe U5=Żcggf Żcggfh ,Żcggi Żcggrj ,Żcgg)k ŻcggFm ŻcggŒm K6=ŻcggOn ŻcggÜp 1 _HP restored.ŻcggÉr Żcggs Żcggƒs Żcgg’u Żcggțv Żcgg0w Żcgg°w Żcgg0y Żcgg\{ ,Żcgg| Żcggș} Żcggw Żcggč 9=ŻcggŠ€ Żcgg'‚ Żcgg„ ,ŻcggÁ„ ŻcggN† ŻcggȘ‡ Żcggۇ Żcgg§ˆ ŻcggŒ Żcgg)­ #. .# #. .###.#. (## ##.#.### .#.##..##......##......#..#....#@.# #......##?..gg.#..#....#..#.g..# #.#.##### #.####.#.# .###.#.# . #ggg 3 gnolls (asleep)# ##.#.### .#..##......##...#..#....#..910.5 (27.0) _You feel your willpower return. _HP restored.  3 gnolls come into view. [39;4Żcgg@ž 9m Gozag incites the gnoll against you.  The gnoll shouts!  The gnoll goes berserk! Found a scroll of teleportation.  You hear a shout!Żcggőœ t gggggggg 4 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 wandering, 1
)A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 spear.===1.5 (28Żcgg/Ç ŻcggNĐ ŻcggùĘ /  --more--°cggŐF( _The gnoll shouts!°cggÉl..#. ..# .#. . .# ##.#. #(# # ##.#.### #.#.#..##......##..g...##..#....#.@# °cggcÖ#......##?..gg.##..#....#..#.g..#.#.#.#####.#.####.#.# . .###.#.# .# # # ##.#.### .#...##......##..... °cgg±#X°cgg’$%.°cggÌ$Šg....g   gnoll (polearm)°cggł%12.5 (1.0)°cggˆ-°cgg¶0 _The gnoll shouts!°cggL Í .. #. . .# . #. . .# ##.#. #(# # ##.#.### #.#.### ..##......##......# #..#....#@.# #......##?g....# #..#....#..#....#. #.#.#####.#.##°cgg2  ##.#.# . .# ##.#.# .# # # ##.#.### .#. ..##......##.....  #..#....#..#°cggü n°cggÄ" #g°cggZ# Ògg..ggggg 4 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 berserk, 1 i
)°cggŚ# 0---3°cggć- °cggą1 P _The gnoll rages.±cgg†æŠYou barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.±cggšèlg.g.±cgg}éW=--4.6 (1.1±cgg©é,Rev ±cgg-ő±cgg’7 _The gnoll hits you but does no damage. x2±cggŹT ă  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.The gnoll is moderately wounded.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.±cggŠ] <g.±cgg ^ Y59---5.7±cggP^ 7Rev+ ±cggug ±cggHj y _The gnoll barely misses you. x2; The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip!±cggšá k  You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.The gnoll is moderately wounded.You closely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip! The gnoll hits you but does no damage.±cggcæ Ag.±cggç D1------±cggLç !6.8±cggNń ±cgg+ő 8 _The gnoll hits you with a +0 whip.Čcgg’‚V  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  Čcggü‚HThe gnoll is severely wounded.Čcgg”Žß . 3 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 berserk, 1 in  You hit the gnoll but do no damage. The gnoll barely misses you. x2ČcggXg7.9Rev* Čcgg?—Čcgg-›S _The gnoll closely misses you.ČcggOôČcggÉôČcgg‡ęČcggÿF _Unknown command.Čcgg7{The gnoll closely misses you. _Unknown command.  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is severely wounded.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  You kill the gnoll!Čcgg^,Čcggۖș .ggg)  Makhleb accepts your kill.ČcggۚD---9.0Čcggs­Čcgg„±S _The gnoll closely misses you.Čcgg…)Čcgg*ČcggY2Čcgg6F _Unknown command.Čcgg-DR  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.Čcgg’DČcggGO‚ g.  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!ČcggP92=20.1ČcggÈWČcgg[? _The gnoll hits you but does no damage. x2Čcggé©‹  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  You kill the gnoll!Čcggé­Čcgg“¶ . 2  Makhleb accepts your kill.ČcggÀ»84-1.2Čcgg/ĂČcggnÆK _The gnoll misses you.Čcgg­€ Čcgg] 8-Čcgg‰ Čcgg9Œ F _Unknown command.Čcggaf   You hit the gnoll but do no damage. You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.Čcgg%g (2.3Čcgg`l ČcggÚn  _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll closely misses you.Čcggò  Čcggîò È You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is severely wounded.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.Čcggæó #3Čcggô 3=3.4ČcggCü Čcgg[? _The gnoll hits you but does no damage. x2Čcggś Čcgg”Čcgg@ČcggFF _Unknown command.łcggU*‡  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  You kill the gnoll!łcggł5È )   gnoll (  Makhleb accepts your kill.łcggR:D=4.5łcggAłcggDS _The gnoll closely misses you.łcgg~Ęłcgg2ȚłcggPćłcggđŁ .. #. . .# . #. . .# ##.#. #(# # ##.#.### #.#.### ..##......##......# #..#....#.@# #......##g.....# #..#....#..#....#. łcgg•đn#.#.#####.#.## ##.#.# . .###.#.# .# # # ##.#.### .#...##......##..... łcggÖđA_Unknown command.łcggüB50łcggźłcgge’ _The gnoll closely misses you. _Items here: ))) ††.łcgg@ łcggż łcgg='łcggó(łcgg*&  łcgg2čYou hit the gnoll but do no damage.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.46łcggą6 łcggO7łcgg»7/_The gnoll closely misses you.łcggh8łcgg» 7  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is heavily wounded.slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll!łcggÙ D)łcggš & łcggû k357.6 (1.1 _Makhleb accepts your kill.łcgg\ łcgg@! h _Your Dodging skill increases to level 6!łcggƒ Ą..#... .##. ##. . .#.###.#. #(#.## ##.#.### #.#.###łcgg H..##......##......# #..#....#.)#....#.. #......##@.....##..#....#..#....#.. #.#.#####.#.## ##.#.# #. .# ##.#.# .##łcgga -# ##.#.### .#..##......##....#..#....#..# ....##......##...łcggœ# łcgg†$ +-8łcggÒ$ 0 _łcgg€* łcggŽ4 x  q - 8 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1)łcggÆ5 k5=-9.6 (2łcggÙ: łcggĐ= . _You see here a +0 spear.łcgg[3#... .##.###. . .#.# ##.#. ##(#.# # ##.#.### #.#.##..##......##......# .łcggĐ3đ#..#....#.)#....#..# #......##).....# #..#....#..#@...#.. #.#.#####.#.## ##.#.# ##. .# ##.#.# .# # # ##.#.### .#..##......##....#..#....#..# ..łcgg5N..##......##...#..#....#..#..łcgg6<łcgg=,30.6 (1ŽcggàŽcggUŽcgg#>ŽcggŁ>ŽcggBŽcggĄEŽcggúEŽcggIJMRev+ ŽcggYKŽcggČKŽcgg†MŽcggÀPŽcggQ#6ŽcggCQ3=Žcgg8SŽcggæU,ŽcggWŽcggóYŽcgg6Z:Rev ŽcggÎ[Žcgg!^Žcggg^&7Žcgg4`ŽcggÓdBŽcgg gŽcggKgŽcggvhŽcggNkŽcggk68=ŽcggČkŽcgg mŽcggpŽcggDpŽcggÀtŽcggĂwŽcgg xŽcggcyŽcggž{Žcggá{Žcgg|89=Žcgg@|ŽcggČ}Žcgg°€ŽcggŽcgg‹Žcgg7ƒŽcggxƒŽcgg€„Žcgga‡Žcgg©‡ŽcggD‰ŽcggȚ‹Žcgg*Œ&60ŽcggĄŽcggˆ,ŽcggP‘Žcgg§’,Žcggd“Žcgg •ŽcggB•K1=Žcggń•Žcgg—Žcggï—Žcgg™Žcgg”›ŽcggŸ›ŽcggŽcgg|ŸŽcggžŸŽcggߟN2=Žcggč Žcgg?ą,Žcgg!ŁŽcggY€,Žcgg „Žcgg^ŠŽcggŠ%3Žcgg?§Žcggèš,ŽcggŸ©Žcgg!«,ŽcggȚ«ŽcggX­Žcgg‹­K4=Žcgg§źŽcggÌ°,ŽcggŽ±Žcgg0łŽcgg_łŽcgg ŽŽcggŽ”Žcgg¶”Žcgg‹¶ŽcggžŽcggDžU5=ŽcggÿžŽcggLșŽcggvșŽcggŒŽcgg:ŸŽcggpŸŽcgg¶żŽcgg6ÂŽcgg“ÂD6=ŽcggfĂŽcgg©ĆŽcggJÇŽcggŸÇŽcgghÈŽcggÏÉŽcgg$Ë,ŽcggçËŽcgg‡ÍŽcggŐÏ,ŽcggčĐŽcgg#ÒŽcggÏÓŽcgg0Ô9=Žcgg ŐŽcggDÖŽcgg·Ś,Žcgg™ŰŽcggnÛŽcggČÛŽcggĄßŽcggàä? _e - 11 javelins (gained 3)ŽcgguæŽcgg§æŽcggGçŽcgg‡éŽcgguëBŽcggˆîŽcggàïŽcggđŽcgg—đŽcgg^òŽcggFô,ŽcggÛôŽcggòőŽcgg/śŽcggjśŽcgg朎cgg‰ùŽcggiûŽcgg—ûŽcggpęŽcggbt######## Žcgg­ę ..........# #  ..##......##.#  #..#....#..##  #......##.# #. #..#....#@.# .# #.#.##### Žcggæ#. . ##.#.# Žcgg)##.#. ##.#.#  ##.#.#####.#.### ##......##......# . Žcgg–..#....#.)#....#..#  #......##).....##.# ..#....#..#....#..##Žcggż \77.6 (47.0)8.6 (48ŽcggÌ Žcggà, _C - a wand of acid (8)Žcggtò‹ŽcggŐő,Žcgg©öŽcggăöŽcggZśŽcggšúŽcggüŽcggTę,ŽcggÿŽcggOŽcgg©Žcgg7ŽcggÒŽcgg•ŽcggçŽcggeŽcggùŽcggș Žcgg Žcggx ŽcggÒ Žcggš,Žcgg:ŽcggżŽcgg(ŽcggŽcgg’ŽcggîŽcggŽcggȚŽcggPŽcggáBŽcgg E,ŽcggźIŽcggLŽcggONŽcgg NŽcgg”OŽcggÉQŽcgg7T,Žcgg^UŽcgg‹XŽcgg·cH #### ########## ..............#### ?.....##......##.# #...Y#..#....#..##......##......##.# #. #.@#....#..## Žcgg!dß.# ####.#.##### #. . ##.#.# ##.#. ##.#.# # ##.#.#####.#.### ..##......##......# .ŽcggSdòY   ice beast (asleep) #..#....#.)#....#..# #....Žcggˆd..##).....##.# #..#....#..#....#..##Žcgg*ln 90.6 (12  An ice beast comes into view.ŽcggŻlHGozag incites the ice beast against you.ŽcggÁnš  The ice beast goes berserk! Found a scroll of immolation.ŽcggŻv„.YYberserk, incited)Žcggšw,1.6 (13Žcggń~Žcggb‚ Žcggę‚N_The ice beast rages.Žcggœj&  ŽcggPk†You hit the ice beast but do no damage.You closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.Žcgg8le=2.7 (1.1)Rev ŽcggtŽcgg‹wO _The ice beast misses you.Žcgg9˜OYou closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword. _The ice beast misses you.  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is lightly wounded.1 war axe.  Žcgg™Jbarely misses you. The ice beast hits you.ŽcggRš59---3.8Rev+ ŽcggêĄŽcgg„0 _The ice beast freezes you.”cggŐșÿ  You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.The ice beast is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.”cgg‚»$48”cgg·»C-------4.9”cgg%Ò˜ _The ice beast hits you. The ice beast freezes you! The ice beast misses you.”cgg>A”cggßA”cggŒI”cggxLF _Unknown command.”cggœeŚ  You hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.  The ice beast is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.”cgg–fg6.0Rev* ”cggăn”cggïqO _The ice beast misses you.”cggŸŚ  You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.The ice beast is lightly wounded.  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.”cgg (7.1”cgg’©”cggLŹ _The ice beast misses you. The ice beast barely misses you.”cgg ï  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.The ice beast is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.”cggÌ 89----”cgg !8.2”cggu ”cggĘ ‘ _The ice beast misses you. The ice beast closely misses you.”cgg"Š ÿ  You hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.  The ice beast is lightly wounded.  You barely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.9.3”cgg`Ž ”cgg’ O _The ice beast misses you.”cggĐ ”cggŃ ”cggśŰ ”cggYÜ F _Unknown command.”cggČrg  _Unknown command.  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is moderately wounded.  You hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.  The ice beast hits you but does no damage.”cggls+6000.4”cggê{”cgg–}W _The ice beast closely misses you.¶cggÛ_€The ice beast hits you but does no damage. _The ice beast closely misses you.You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is moderately wounded.You hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.¶cggš`a39---1.5¶cgg\h¶cggœjH _The ice beast hits you. The ice beast freezes you!¶cgg?¶cggÁ?¶cggőG¶cggUKF _Unknown command.¶cggëdThe ice beast hits you. The ice beast freezes you! _Unknown command.  You slash the ice beast with your +1 war axe!  The ice beast is severely wounded.  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  You hear a croak.¶cggô F F   bullfrogThe ice beast barely misses you. x2¶cggÏ1==2.6¶cggȚ¶cgg*[ _A bullfrog comes into view.¶cggƗò  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.The ice beast is almost dead.You closely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.¶cggӟ1.¶cggź 1--3.7¶cggǧ¶cgg*ȘY _The ice beast barely misses you. x2¶cggÈ &  ¶cgg* mYou hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  You kill the ice beast!¶cggá ¶cgg$ @F.¶cggK F   bullfrog¶cggQ$ “40---51--4.8¶cggđ+ ¶cgg. Z _Makhleb accepts your kill.¶cggÄ° ¶cgga± ¶cggž ¶cggț , ### ##########............#####?.....##......##.#.#....#..#....#..###......##F.....##.# #. #@.#....#..## .# ####.#.#####¶cggtĂ 3 #. . ##.#.# ##.#. ##.#.#  # ##.#.#####.#.### ..##......##......# .  #..#....#.)#....#..#  #......##).....##.# ¶cggĄĂ j #..#....#..#....#..## _Unknown command.¶cgg”Æ ¶cggÎ G.F¶cggÏ ;-50 _¶cggFÖ ¶cggțŚ ¶cggò.¶cggò/8-¶cggz8¶cggm:·cggBđĄ  You hit the bullfrog but do no damage.You hit the bullfrog with your +4 short sword.·cggń5=6.9 (1.1·cggÌù·cggüQ _The bullfrog misses you. x2·cggˇ6 You hit the bullfrog with your +4 short sword. _The bullfrog misses you. x2  You slash the bullfrog with your +1 war axe!  The bullfrog is heavily wounded.  ·cggXˆ‡You closely miss the bullfrog with your +4 short sword.  The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.·cgg‡‰L1=8.0·cgg‘·cgg«“V _The bullfrog closely misses you.·cggđ„   The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. _The bullfrog closely misses you.  You hit the bullfrog with your +4 short sword.  The bullfrog is severely wounded.  You slash the bullfrog with your +1 war axe!  You kill the bullfrog!·cgg9‡ &.·cgg‡ ·cgg„ 85-9.1·cggl˜ ·cggX›  ·cgg”› L_Makhleb accepts your kill.·cggž' =##### ########## ...............#### #?.....##......##.# .#....#..#....#..## #......##......##.# #. #.@#....#..## .# ####.#.##### #. . ##.#.# ##.#. ##.#.# --100žcggÊžcgg8 žcggü!žcggx%žcggH*–2=žcgg–+žcgg.žcgg`.:Rev+ žcggó/žcggô2žcgg>3L3=žcgg4žcgg†7žcggĐ7žcggR9žcgg=Ažcgg6D:Rev žcgg™aŰ4=žcgg`j,žcgg©kžcgg”nžcgg0oT5=žcggspžcgg%„FžcggŒ„žcgg^…žcggˆžcgg©‹žcggžcggŽžcggƒO6žcggŹ‘žcgg(”,žcggƒ•žcgg̗,žcgg™žcgg›žcggV›N47=žcggnœžcggӞ,žcggüŸžcggo„,žcggeŠžcgg©m8=žcggNȘžcgg*±„žcggłžcgg`ł%9žcggÒŽžcgg0·žcggo·žcgg’žžcggÏșžcggúșžcgg!Œžcgg<Ÿžcgg›Ÿ$50žcggĂŸ(=žcggÀžcggbžcgg­ÂžcggĆÄžcggœÆžcggòÆžcgg[ÈžcggÊžcggÚÊžcggËËžcggđÍžcgg(Î#1žcggNÎ2=žcggxÏžcggÒ,žcggŐžcgg™ŚžcggŐŚžcggÄÙžcggÜžcgg`Ü%2žcggçĘžcgg”à,žcggÿážcggNäžcggŽäžcggĄćžcggŁçžcggśç#3žcggè(=žcggčéžcggŽë,žcggżìžcggœî,žcgg˜óžcggŹő94žcgg•ö2=žcggëöžcggsù,žcgg«úžcgg/ę,žcgg„ęžcggkÿ,žcggkžcggbžcggżK5=žcgg5žcggCžcgg»žcgg”žcggő ,žcggæ žcggk6=žcggêžcgg»,žcggçžcgg’,žcggžcgg'žcggy%7žcgg˜žcggő,žcgg:žcgg=!,žcgg"žcggU%žcggŹ%58=žcggŰ%žcggx'žcgg-*,žcgg,žcggÚ.,žcggè/žcggx2žcggÈ2U9=žcgg4žcgg@C60žcgg%GžcggŒI,žcggEKžcgg8QBžcggțRžcgg[Sžcgg…SD1=žcggzUžcgg˜X,žcgg0ZžcggHp12=žcgg­qžcggét;3žcgg%wžcggĘy,žcgg•{žcggÔ,žcggŚžcgg>…,žcgg‡žcgg Šžcgg{ŠK4=žcggYžcgg›,žcgg Ă,5=6=žcggŠÄžcgg”Ć,žcggNÇžcgg„ÈžcggŸËBžcggûÍžcgg[ĐžcggòĐ9=žcgg˜ŃžcggęÓžcgg|ߣ #################### %............#### #?.@...##......##.#-92.1 (82.0) #..#....#..#....#..##... #......##......##.#. #..#....#..#....#..## ####.#$#####.#.##### ##.#. ##.#.# ##.#. ##.#.# # ##.#.#####.#.### ..##......##......# .žcgg«æžcggiç,3.1 (83žcggÓížcggnï, _Found a flux talisman.žcggșźžcgg[Żžcgg°žcggžČžcggœ”,žcgg”ș,žcggÍ»žcggŒžcgg|œžcggĆ'##..%..### #@.....##......##. #..#....#..#....#..# ...##......##......##....#..#....#..#....#..#.#. ####.#$#####.#.#####žcgg Ćh#. ##.#. ##.#.## ##.#.# ##.#.# # ##.#.#####.#.### ..##......##......# . žcgg,Ì15.1 (2.0)žcgg™Ì+6.1 (3žcggĘŰf _E - a scroll of immolationžcggŒŐžcgg|Öžcgg«ÜžcggßH _No target in view!žcggՊ3žcggŒžcggș‘žcggd”žcggç˜: _žcggj™žcggt,žcgg蝞cgg°ĄžcggłÜžcggžÔ _You now have 1232 gold pieces (gained 6).žcggöÚ,žcggüÛžcggŒȚžcgg?ážcggážcgg^ăžcgg‰ćžcgg;ï< #..#....#..#....#.. ...##......##......##....#..#....#..#....#...#. ####.#.#####.#.#####. ##.#.# ##.#.##. ##.#.# ##.#.#.#h# ##.#.#####.#.###žcggčïú#.....##......##......# #.@#....#.)#....#.......##......##).....##....#..#....#..#....#.#. #.#.#####.#.#####. ##.#.# ##.#.# # ##.#.# .#.#žcggGđ„h   hound (asleep) # ##.#.### .#.## ..##......##..... #..#....#..# žcggę\105.1 (96.1 (10.0)žcgg'žcggX _A hound comes into view.čcggŸôM #..#. .... .. .#. . #. ##.#.#   #. ##.#.#   #.#h# ##.#.###  #.....##......#  #.@#) ......##......##) #....#..#....#. ..#. #.#.## ##. ##.#.#   # ##.#.# .#.#  # ##.#.### .#.##  ..   .. čcgg©‰Ž #..#. .... .. .#. . #. ##.#.#   #. ##.#.#   #.#h# ##.#.###  #.....##......#  #.@#) ......##......##) #....#..#....#. ..#. #.#.## ##. ##.#.#  # ##.#.# .#.#  # ##.#.###  ..  čcggđčcggwŽčcgg‚’čcggł”\ _A hound is nearby!čcggŻ… #..#....#..#....# ...##......##...... ....#..#....#..#....# .#. ####.#.#####.#. #. ##.#.# ##.#.# #. ##.#.# ##.#.# #.#h## ##.#.#####.#.### #.....##......##......# #@.#....#.)#....#.##......##).....#....#..#....#..#....#.#.# #.#.#####.#.#.# ##.#.# ##.#.# #. ##.#.# .#.#. # ##.#.### .#.### ..##......##.....  #..#....#čcggž‡D..# ..čcggpŒčcggš#7čcggȍ.0) _čcgg–čcggž˜čcggF @...##......##..... #..#....#..# ...##......##..... ....#..#....#..#.... .#. ####.#.#### #. ##.#.# ##.#.# #. ##.#.# ##.#.čcgg§F  #.#h#####.#.#####.#.##....@##......##.......#....#.)#........##......##)....###....#..#....#..#.... ...#.# #.#.#####.###.# ##.#.# ##.#.# #. ##.#.# .# .# # ##.#.### .#.### ..##......##.....čcggÓO čcggP &8čcggPW čcgg4Z čcggßù û ...##......## #..#....#..#....# ...##......###....#..#....#..#....čcggxú é .#. ####.#.#####.#. #. ##.#.# ##.#. #.# ##.#.# ##.#. #.#h#####.#.#####.#. #...@.##......##.#..#....#.)#......##......##)#....#..#....#..#....čcgg­ú ( ...#.#####.#.#####.#. .###.# ##.#.# ##.#.čcggäú ,# #. ##.#.# .#. .# # ##.#.### .#. čcgg‹û s # ..##......##.....čcggg čcgg &9čcgg† čcggÀ čcggs œhh   _A hound comes into view.čcgg“s A hound is nearby!  The helpless hound fails to defend itself.  You slash the hound with your +1 war axe!  The hound is heavily wounded.  You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.čcggăt L=10.2 (1.1Rev čcggˆu čcggż| čcggœ€ R _The hound barely misses you.čcggő ô  You closely miss the hound with your +1 war axe.The hound is heavily wounded.You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.čcggăő _1.3Rev+ čcggĆü čcggÿ d _The hound bites you but does no damage. The hound barely misses you.čcggPÿ čcggăt‚  You hit the hound with your +4 short sword.  čcggƒuŽThe hound is severely wounded.You hit the hound with your +1 war axe. The hound closely misses you.čcggSv(2.4čcggš|čcggŠ€K _The hound misses you.čcgglâm1 war axe. The hound closely misses you.The hound  You closely miss the hound with your +4 short sword.almost dead.slash the hound with your +1 war axe!  You kill the hound!čcgg’éi.čcgg—îo63.5Rev* čcggëóčcggöZ _Makhleb accepts your kill.șcgg)șcggÿ)șcggÜ.șcggž1H _No target in view!șcgghŠșcgg§șcgg ŹșcggȚ­H _No target in view!șcggșcggßșcgg șcggÙ H _No target in view!șcgg·rșcgg˜sșcggàyșcggb|H _No target in view!șcggfPșcgg.QșcggŃQșcggŃUșcggWșcggŠ[Q _șcggL\șcgg\:Rev+ șcggŽ]șcgg`șcggTb,șcggäșcggTćșcggćșcggæșcggÔçșcggéșcgg`éșcgg>êșcgg`ëșcggyí,șcggKîșcggłïșcggGń,șcggśńșcggoôșcgg±őșcggóőșcggÂöșcgg2űșcggpùșcggźùșcggúșcgg:țșcgg:ÿșcgg{ÿșcggőÿșcggLșcggŸ,șcggbșcgg șcgg,șcggzșcgg€șcgg8 ,șcggÙ șcggmșcggÿșcggUșcgg„șcggkșcggĂ,șcgg|șcgg șcggșcggÊșcgg'șcgg›șcggô,șcggóșcggsșcgg,șcggÉșcgg!șcggq",șcgg*#șcggȚ%șcggU',șcggè'șcgg2*șcggë+,șcgg},șcggÄ.șcgg"0,șcgg«0șcgg=2șcgg·3șcgg4șcgg]4șcgg|6șcggő7,șcggš8șcggž;șcggH=,șcgg >șcggĘ?șcggłA,șcggXBșcggâCșcggF,șcggžFșcggÈHșcgg5RŸ####.#.# ##.#.# #...#.## #.#.## ##.#.#.#####...#####.####...................##.......#.#........#############.....#####.## șcggźRY###.#.#####.#  ##......<..#  #.@.#.####.# -#..S.....# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..#  ####. #..# șcggæRX.# #..# șcgg3SY.# #... S   water moccasin (wandering) .# ##.. șcggÌV067.5 (54.0)șcggm]H.Sșcgg_^F-8.5 (55șcggöcșcggæfa _A water moccasin comes into view.șcgg.- ####.#.#   #...#.##   ##.#.#.### ...... .#.#.. ....#  ###.#.#####.#  ##......<..#  #.@.# șcggwű #...S....# .. ..#  ##.###...#   ####. #..#  .# #..#  .# #...  .# ##.. șcggSŽJ ####.#.#   #...#.##   ##.#.#.### ...... .#.#.. ....#  ###.#.#####.#  ##......<..#  #.@.#  #...S....# .. ..#  ##.###...#   șcggs” ####.  .#  .# #...  .#  șcggÂčșcgg3șșcgg„œșcggžże _A water moccasin is nearby!șcggș3« ####.#.# ##.#.# #...#.## #.#.## ##.#.#.#####...#### #.####...... #.......#.#. #.....#####.## ###.#.#####.# ##......<..# #@..#.####.# #...S....# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# ####.# #..#  .# #..# .# #... .# ##..șcggè4șcgg5;š .SSThe water moccasin hisses angrily.șcggș;;===9.5 (1.0)șcggg@șcggŸC\ _The water moccasin closely misses you.șcggdś1  You slash the water moccasin with your +1 war axe!  The water moccasin is moderately wounded.You barely miss the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.șcgg@űb-70.6 (1.1Rev șcggćüșcggYÿ[ _The water moccasin barely misses you.»cggX*Ś _The water moccasin barely misses you.  You hit the water moccasin with your +4 short sword.  The water moccasin is severely wounded.  You miss the water moccasin with your +1 war axe.The water moccasin bites you.  You are poisoned.»cgg‘+ç2=====----1.7Pois Rev+ »cggg1»cgg45 _The water moccasin poisons you!»cgg]°›  You slash the water moccasin with your +1 war axe!  You kill the water moccasin!»cgg·ž .  Makhleb accepts your kill.»cgg>Œt58---63=2.8»cggTż»cggÁS _You feel very sick.»cggQJ»cggzK8-»cggúN»cggÀQH _No target in view!»cggNĐ»cgg©Ô»cggă»cggćH _No target in view!»cgg€B»cggC»cggȘG»cgg•IH _No target in view!»cgg&Ì4»cggŃ»cgg0ÓH _No target in view!»cggŸ@»cgg„A»cggíE»cgg$HH _No target in view!»cggŁ©»cggßȘ»cggÔź»cgg'±C _No target in view!»cgg†Ęz #...#.## #.#.###.#.#.#####...#####.####................. #.......#.###### #######.....#####.##  ###.#.#####. ##......<..#»cggMȚK##.###...#.####.##....@...# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# ####.# #..# .# #..# .# #... .# ##.. »cggÁă»cggîäc6---30»cggæè»cggë _You feel sick.»cggȚ »cggn 8-»cggû »cggB»cggĄ<5»cgg͘ _You feel sick.4-Rev »cgg0»cgg[3 _You feel sick.»cggŐW2--»cgg@»cggQ3 _You feel sick.»cggŸL1-»cggE»cggŠ3 _You feel sick.»cgg »cgg’»cgg3 _You feel sick.»cggî10»cggœ »cggŒ$z  49-»cgg2%»cgg2'j _You are no longer poisoned.»cgg•'L50=»cgg'(»cggz),»cgg:*»cgg+»cggS+»cggĂ+»cggÙ,»cgg-#1»cggq-2=»cggÊ-»cgg)/,»cgg‚/»cggá0,»cgg^1»cgg±2»cgg3%2»cggX3»cggł4,»cggŸ8„»cggC9»cgg”:»cgg$;K3=»cggm;»cggë<,»cggS=»cggw>,»cggì>»cgg<@»cggž@N4=»cggÙ@»cggJB»cgg|B»cggëB»cggÙC»cggśC»cgg.D»cggÇD»cggâD»cggûDD5=»cggAE»cggÎE»cggđE»cgg%F»cggĆF»cggæF»cggG»cggćG»cggHU6=»cgg^H»cggđH»cggI»cggGI»cggÒI»cggśI»cggEJ»cggŚJ»cggK%7»cgg.L,»cggÊL,»cggìM»cgg?N»cgg‘N»cggP,»cgg›P»cggJR»cggżRK8=»cgg"S»cgg‘T»cggßT»cgg-U»cggWB»cgg^X»cggÀX#9»cggßX2=»cggSY»cggtZ»cggZ»cgg[»cgg-\»cggc\»cggŐ\»cggÒ]»cgg^&60»cgg—^»cggŸ_»cggò_»cgg„`»cggb»cggIb»cggŽb»cggAc»cgg‡cK1=»cggd»cggwd,»cggŒd»cggTe,»cggĐe»cggAf,»cggf»cggsgk2=»cgg¶g»cggMh»cggoh»cggžh»cggOi»cggmi»cgg€i»cgg1j»cggKj%3»cggŒj»cgg?k»cggYk»cgg•k»cgg"l»cgg=l»cggwl»cggŰoč4=»cgg#p,»cggq»cggtr»cggĂrU5=»cggór»cggžs,»cgg!t»cggĂt,»cggÿt»cgg©u,»cggäu»cggÍva6=»cggw»cggrx»cggòx,»cgg,y»cggőy»cgg’z,»cggÖz»cgg—{»cggÈ|»cggć|»cggq}»cggâ~»cgg«€O=»cggl»cgg™‚»cggʃ,»cgg „»cggŻ…»cggb‹ú#.......#.#........#########.....#####.##  ###.#.#####.#  ### ##<..#  ##.###...#.####.##........# .. ..#»cggŒ ##.###...# ###..# #..######.# #..# #..# .# #..#-- #.###.#.# .# #.....# #..# .# ##....# #....##.....##.. Y   ice beast (asleep)»cgg†Œ1Y»cgg •1238.8 (65.0)»cggĕ,9.8 (66»cggđš»cgg›ž] _An ice beast comes into view.»cgg7â      ### <..#  ##.#  #........# .. ..#  ##.#   #..######.# #..#  #..#@...# .# #..#  #.###.#.# .# #...  ..# #..# .# ##..  ..# #...  .## .....  ##..  Y »cggš Ž     ### <..#  ##.#  #........# .. ..#  ##.#   #..######.# #..#  #..#@...# .# #..#  #.###.#.# .# #...  ..# #..# .# ##..  ..# #... .## ..... ##..  Y  _An ice beast is nearby!»cggŐ­ X#######.....#####.##  ###.#.#####.# ### ##......<..# ##.###...#.####.# #........# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# #..######.# #..# #..#....# .# #..# #.###@#.# .# #... ..# ##..# .# ##.. ..# .. .## .»cggŠ± Ł..... ##..$ Y#»cggűł »cgg0Ž $40.8 (1»cggKŽ .0)»cggr· »cggćč + _Found 13 gold pieces.Œcgg5  ###.#.#####.# ### ##......<..# ##.###...#.####.# #........# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# #..######.# #..# #..#....# .# #..# #.###.#.# .# #... ..# ##@.# .# ##.. ŒcggĆ5%..# ....# .## ......# .##..$.# Y.#.# ##.#.#Œcgg :Œcggę@ˆY.YŒcggÄA&1Œcgg=HŒcggËJŒcgg Ąf### ##......<..# ##.###...#.####.# #........# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# #..######.# #..# #..#....# .# #..# #.###.#.# .# #... ..# ##..###.## ##.. ..# ....# .## #.......#  Œcgg„ąĐ#.#.##Y.$..#....# ..##... #.# #####. #.# # #.##.#ŒcggR„Œcggû«@Y.ŒcggŹ&2ŒcggOČŒcgg•ŽŒcggˆ%h### ##......<..# ##.###...#.####.# #..# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# #..######.# #..# #..#....# .# #..# #.###.#.# .# #... ..# ##..###.## ##.. Œcgg&?..# ##.@....# .## #...Y...# #.#.##..$.#....# ...##....##.# .#####. #.# .## #.# ##.#ŒcggÁ+Œcgg<,%=Œcgg], 3Œcgg’0Œcgg/2W _The ice beast closely misses you.Œcgg㇠ You closely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.You closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.4.9 (1.1Rev ŒcggȌŒcggɘO _The ice beast misses you.Œcggț+§  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.You barely miss the ice beast with your +1 war axe.Œcgg—,_6.0Rev+ ŒcggĂ1Œcggƒ4@ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.ŒcggӔÔ  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is moderately wounded.Œcgg*–(7.1Œcgg›ŒcggŸ _You hit the ice beast but do no damage. The ice beast closely misses you.ŒcggWKń  You closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.The ice beast is moderately wounded.You slash the ice beast with your +1 war axe!Œcgg Lo=8.2Rev* Œcgg›QŒcggiW@ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.Œcggœ  You hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.  The ice beast is severely wounded.You closely miss the ice beast with your +4 short sword.Œcggłœ0-9.3ŒcggžÄŒcgg9ÇV _The ice beast barely misses you.ŒcggăAÿ  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  The ice beast is almost dead.You hit the ice beast with your +1 war axe.Œcgg CC-50.4ŒcggsGŒcgg‰JW _The ice beast closely misses you.Œcgg>Ÿ“  You hit the ice beast with your +4 short sword.  You kill the ice beast!Œcgg„2.Œcgg†Ș4910ŒcggźŒcggą°Z _Makhleb accepts your kill.Œcgg! ŒcggÆ Œcgg‚ ŒcggĄ H _No target in view!Œcggœš Œcgg.› ŒcggE  Œcgg0ą H _No target in view!Œcgg$ Œcggž$ Œcgg) Œcgg„+ H _No target in view!Œcgg‡ 4ŒcggHŠ Œcggš‹ H _No target in view!Œcggƒ, Œcgg1- Œcgg~1 Œcggć3 H _No target in view!ŒcggÀÒ ŒcggœÓ Œcgg Ű ŒcggbÚ C _No target in view!Œcgg%5 Œcggđ5 ŒcggȚ: Œcgg = ŒcggžÎ B##.###...#.####.# #........# .. ..# ##.###...# ###..# #..######.# #..# #..#....# .# #..# #.###.#.# .# #... Œcgg]Ï ..# ##..###.## ##.. ..# ##......# .## #...@...#  #.#.##..$....#....# ...##.#...##.# ..## ###. #.# ..# # #.# ..# #.# ..# ..#Œcgg'Ő ŒcggíŐ 5-2 _ŒcggőÙ Œcgg4Û œcgg'Â4œcggĂœcggĆœcggŽÆœcggAË,œcgg9ÌœcggœÓ#........##.. ..# ##.###...#.###..# #..######.# #..# #..#....# #.# #..# œcggÔĘ#.###.#.# #.# #... ..# ##..###.## ##.. ..# ##......# .## #.......##.#[. œcggUԆ#.#.##.@$......-œcggƒÖÄ3#....##...##.#...##.##..## ###. #.##..#  #.##..# #.##..# #..##..#œcggYĘA4.4 (2œcggFâœcggšäI _Found a shiny barding.œcgg^mœcggümœcggoœcgggqœcgg¶sœcggHw:Rev+ œcggyœcggĐ{œcgg |œcgg}œcggO _You now have 1245 gold pieces (gained 13).œcggEƒ4œcggL…œcggž‡œcggŠ,œcggA‹œcgguœcggŸœcgg(‘:Rev œcggX’œcgg§”œcgg{—œcggʗœcggL™œcgg žœcgg4 ,œcggLĄœcggƒŁœcggŠœcggpŠ!œcggŸ§œcgg§ži  You see here a +0 barding of flying.œcggi»œcggcŒ _œcggŚŒœcggĆżœcggÏÁ,œcggâÂœcggÆœcgg{ÈœcggÖÈœcggÊœcggžÌœcggćÎœcggÏÏœcggƒŃœcggČÔœcgg8ÖœcggŠÖœcggŚœcggĄÙœcgg>Û,œcggLÜœcgg^ß,œcggôßœcggÉàœcggiâœcggä,œcggôäœcggÙçœcggșé,œcgg—êœcgg”ìœcgg€î,œcggkïœcggKńœcgg3ù/.###.## ##..# ......####..# ......##.#[.# .##.........###### .##...##.#.......# .##..###.#..####.# œcggïùÍ.##..# #.#..# #.# .##..# #.#..# #.# .##..# #.#..# #@# 72.4 (18.0)#..# #.#..# #...# #..# #.#..##...... ...##....### #.#.## #.#œcgg€ęl..#..<œcggûÿœcgg€,3.4 (19œcgg\œcgg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.œcgg‰uœcggpvœcgg,}œcggÇH _No target in view!Ÿcgg5°ż _ŸcggJŸŸcgg ż,ŸcggDÄXŸcggűÄŸcggòÉšŸcggrÊŸcggÓËŸcggÈÌ,Ÿcgg«ÍŸcggHÏŸcggOĐŸcggƒĐŸcggéĐŸcggPÒŸcggFÓŸcggqÓŸcggĘÓŸcggđÔŸcggÖŸcgg.ÖŸcggźÖŸcgg»ŚŸcggâŰ,ŸcggFÙŸcggDÚŸcgg'ÛŸcgg{ÛŸcggœÛŸcggűÜŸcggȚŸcggaȚ,ŸcgguߟcggŃàŸcggYá,ŸcggŃăŸcggyëT........# ####### #.## #.#.# #.#.# #####.#.# #..=..#.# 95.4 (22 Ÿcggì..## #.# ...# #.# #..# #.# #..# #.# #[.# #. ...###### #. #.......# #. #..####.# ####.#ŸcggxòŸcggèò,6.4 (23ŸcggśŸcggÔùS _Found a glowing granite ring.ŸcggFj3Ÿcgg-kŸcggÄoŸcggrŸcggrŸcggŠvŸcggwŸcggäy,Ÿcgg?{ŸcggÜ}ŸcggȚ€,Ÿcgg:‚Ÿcgg+Žg  You see here a +5 ring of evasion.ŸcggԐŸcgg;‘ _Ÿcggx’Ÿcggy•ŸcggIąő####..#  ..# #. #######.  #D  #.  #.##  ..#   #####.#   #..=.  #.####  #.#   #.#   #.#   #.# ŸcggŁÖ  D   steam dragon (asleep) #.#  ##### #.#  ....# #.#  ŸcggŹè 300.4 (4.0)  A steam dragon comes into view.Gozag incites the steam dragon against you.The steam dragon hisses angrily.Ÿcggî­ŸcggƒŽ‚.DDberserk, incited)ŸcggF”+1.4 (5Ÿcgg»ŸcggÇœ^ _The steam dragon goes berserk!ŸcggÁĆĆ ####..# ..... ######. #D# #.#####..=..#.##### ####Ÿcgg"ÈŸcggwÎF.DŸcggEÏ+2.4 (1Ÿcgg(ÔŸcggÖżcgg:1Ö  The steam dragon hisses angrily. _The steam dragon goes berserk!  You hit the steam dragon but do no damage.You closely miss the steam dragon with your +1 war axe.bites you but does no damage.  The steam dragon closely misses you. The steam dragon completely misses you.żcgg2a=3.5 (1.1Rev żcgg 8żcggź:D _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.żcgg)Éź  You hit the steam dragon but do no damage.You puncture the steam dragon with your +4 short sword!żcgg~Ê(4.6żcgg,Đżcgg–Ò] _The steam dragon closely misses you. x2żcggșT}You puncture the steam dragon with your +4 short sword! _x2  You hit the steam dragon with your +1 war ax  The steam dragon is lightly wounded.  You closely miss the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.  The steam dragon barely misses you.żcggźU58---5.7Rev+ żcggZżcgg]M _The steam dragon bites you. The steam dragon claws you.żcggf»È  You slash the steam dragon with your +1 war axe!  The steam dragon is moderately wounded.  You barely miss the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.The steam dragon misses you.  The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.  The steam dragon misses you.żcgg'Œ(6.8żcgg'ÂżcggłÂżcgg:Í/  --more--żcgg?5 E _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.żcgg@n ôYou hit the steam dragon with your +1 war axe.  The steam dragon is heavily wounded.You closely miss the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.żcggo Š6----70Rev* żcggæs żcggßu f _The steam dragon misses you. The steam dragon claws you.ÀcggŹ¶  You closely miss the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.The steam dragon misses you. The steam dragon claws you.  You barely miss the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.1 war axe.  closely misses you. The steam dragon barely misses you.Àcggi49----8.9 (1.1ÀcggïÀcggu _The steam dragon bites you! The steam dragon barely misses you.Àcgg“ĂÀcgg†ÄÀcggÉÀcggÀÌF _Unknown command.Àcgg \_The steam dragon bites you! The steam dragon barely misses you. _Unknown command.You hit the steam dragon with your +4 short sword.misses you. The steam dragon closÀcgg( x36-------=10.0ÀcggȚÀcgg9u _The steam dragon bites you! The steam dragon barely misses you.ÀcggŻpCM The steam dragon misses you. The steam dragon closely misses you. _The steam dragon bites you! The steam dragon barely misses you.   but does no damage.Àcgg:ri7-----1.1ÀcggŁxÀcggŁ|D _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.ÀcggŰD   but does no damage. _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.  You barely miss the steam dragon with your +1 war axe.The steam dragon is heavily wounded.  You hit the steam dragon but do no damage.  The steam dragon closely misses you. x2; The steam dragon bites you!0----2.2ÀcggŚÀcggđ,Z _The steam dragon closely misses you.Àcgg8 K3=Ácgg?9 Ácgg; Ácggy; ÁcggB< Ácggű= ,Ácgg ? ÁcggĄB k4=Ácgg P ÁcggR ÁcggaR Ácgg†S Ácgg…U ,Ácgg“V Ácgg[ č5=Ácggw[ ,Ácgg\ Ácggć] ÁcggA^ U6=Ácggx_ ÁcggDa Ácgg}a Ácggƒb Ácgggd ÁcggŁd ÁcggĄe Ácgg_g ÁcggŹg %7Ácggžh Ácggj ÁcggRj Ácgg;k Ácgg m ÁcggEm Ácgg€n ÁcggĂo Ácggùo ÁcggĄp Ácggr Ácgg\r K8=Ácggms Ácggu Ácgglu ÁcggEv Ácggàw Ácgg x Ácggš{ Ácggš| ÁcggȚ| U9=Ácggs} Ácggž~ ,Ácgg8 Ácgg€ Ácgg=€ Ácggž€ Ácgg‚ ÁcggW‚ &60Ácggêƒ Ácggp… ,Ácgg[† Ácggˆ Ácgg6ˆ Ácgg%‰ ÁcggĊ Ácgg‹ #1Ácgg:‹ (=ÁcggŒ ÁcggŽ ,Ácgg“Ž Ácgg ÁcggƏ Ácgg( Ácgg ‘ Ácgg8‘ ÁcggŠ‘ ÁcggR’ Ácgg§’ U2=Ácggû’ Ácgg8” Ácggx” ÁcggI• Ácgg— ÁcggC— ÁcggD˜ Ácggż™ Ácggì™ %3Ácggjš Ácgg› Ácggæ› Ácggœœ ÁcggÁž ÁcggŸ Ácgg„Ÿ Ácgg}Ą ÁcggŒĄ ÁcggíĄ D4=ÁcggÍą Ácgg‚€ Ácggș€ Ácgg„ Ácgg^© BÁcggȘ ÁcggOȘ #5ÁcggqȘ 2=ÁcggW« ÁcggD­ Ácgg­ Ácgg9ź Ácgg)Ż ÁcggQŻ ÁcggŸŻ Ácgg‹° ÁcggŽ° Ácgg± Ácggè± Ácgg!Č K6=Ácgg•Č Ácggîł ÁcggÊ” ,Ácgg· Ácggž ÁcggVș Ácgg–ș Ácggș» ÁcggŸ ÁcggàŸ ,ÁcggÛż ÁcggiÀ ÁcggƒÁ O=ÁcggđÁ ÁcggĂ ÁcggÌĂ ÁcggòĂ ÁcggYÄ ÁcggcĆ Ácgg:Æ ÁcggfÆ ÁcggÓÆ ÁcggƒÇ ÁcggÈ Ácgg+È ÁcggPÈ ÁcggóÈ ÁcggiÉ ÁcggÉ ÁcggżÉ Ácgg>Ê Ácgg”Ê ÁcggÚÊ ÁcggË ÁcggcÌ ÁcggćÌ ÁcggÍ Ácgg7Í ÁcggûÍ ÁcggÎ Ácgg„Î ÁcggÓÎ ÁcggtÏ ÁcggöÏ ÁcggĐ ÁcggIĐ ÁcggŐĐ Ácgg‡Ń Ácgg­Ń ÁcggÛŃ ÁcggÓ Ácgg‚Ó Ácgg­Ó ÁcggÒÓ ÁcggÔ ÁcggŐ Ácgg.Ő ÁcggUŐ ÁcggőÖ Ácgg„Ś ÁcggŹŚ ÁcggÒŚ ÁcggâŰ ÁcggÚ Ácgg-Ú ÁcggÚ Ácgg?Ę ÁcggÒĘ Ácgg Ț Ácgg9Ț ÁcggńȚ Ácgg•ß ,Ácggà ÁcggÛá Ácgg§â ÁcggŐâ Ácgg,ă ÁcggFć Ácggræ ÁcggĄæ ÁcggEç Ácggšê Ácgg9ì Ácgg{ì Ácggöì Ácggäí Ácggłî Ácggăî Ácgg/ï ÁcggÒï ÁcggQđ Ácgg|đ Ácggąđ Ácgguò Ácgg‡ó Ácgg°ó Ácggô ÁcggÎő Ácggąö ÁcggÛö Ácgg.ś ÁcggŰś Ácggtű Ácggžű ÁcggÖű Ácggƒù Ácgg#ú ÁcggPú Ácggú ÁcggÎû Ácggü ÁcggȘü Ácggïü ÁcggŠę ÁcggEț Ácggmț ÁcggŒț Ácgg¶ ÁcggÔ Ácggę Ácgg6 Ácggì ÁcggŽ ÁcggÆ Ácgg> Ácggv Ácggș Ácggç Ácgg? Ácgg Ácgg] ,Ácgg„ ÁcggS ÁcggĘ Ácgg Ácgg$ Ácgg, Ácgg¶ Ácggà Ácggt ÁcggÚ ÁcggŻ ÁcggÜ ÁcggN Ácggł ÁcggȚ Ácgg Ácgg‡ ÁcggȚ Ácgg ÁcggÔ Ácgg Ácggì ÁcggÄ Ácgg ÁcggĄ ÁcggX Ácggù Ácgg! Ácgg` Ácggû Ácgg’! Ácggž! Ácggś! ÁcggŁ" Ácgg$ ÁcggŽ$ Ácgg`% ÁcggT& Ácgg' Ácgga' Ácgg­' Ácgg«( ÁcggĆ) ÁcggE* Ácgg’* Ácggœ+ Ácgg¶, Ácggê, ÁcggX- ÁcggM. Ácggs/ ÁcggČ/ Ácgg*0 Ácggm1 Ácggœ2 ÁcggË2 Ácggi3 Ácgg˜4 ÁcggŽ5 ,Ácgg6 Ácgg7 Ácggk8 Ácgg­8 Ácggù8 Ácggw: Ácgg; ,ÁcggG; ÁcggÍ; ÁcggK< Ácggn< Ácgg–< Ácgg„? Ácggb@ ,ÁcggŁ@ ÁcggűA ÁcggIB ,Ácgg†B ÁcggqC ÁcggâC ÁcggD ,ÁcggHE ÁcggÒE ,ÁcggF ÁcggĆF ÁcggSG ,Ácgg G ÁcggOH ÁcggI ÁcggyI ÁcggșI ÁcggN šÁcgg8P ÁcgguQ Ácgg]R Ácgg’R ÁcggìR ÁcggÙS ÁcggÂT ÁcggöT ÁcggYU ÁcggšV Ácgg›W ,ÁcggđÂcgg»ńÂcggòÂcggœòÂcggEőÂcggö,ÂcggjśÂcgg%ùÂcggVú,ÂcggûÂcgg‹ęÂcggÿÂcgg`ÿÂcgg!ÂcggVÂcggżÂcggÂcggăÂcggÜÂcggèÂcgg‰ÂcggT ÂcggÎ ÂcggĂ ,Âcggź Âcgg#Âcgg‚ÂcggłÂcggÌÂcgg„Âcggf,ÂcggâÂcgg‹Âcggd,ÂcggŸÂcgg Âcggm!Âcggž!ÂcggĄ"Âcgg—$ÂcggÒ%Âcgg &ÂcggŽ&Âcggö);  You see here 8 stones.Âcgg;,Âcggœ, _Âcggz-Âcggì.Âcggƒ0Âcggł0ÂcggŸ1Âcgg3Âcgg`4Âcgg4Âcggn5Âcgg7Âcggo8,ÂcggY9Âcgg:ÂcggÒ;Âcgg'<Âcggö<Âcggû>Âcggn@,Âcgg=AÂcggiCÂcgg¶D,ÂcggEÂcggIFÂcgg„GÂcggčGÂcggHHÂcggbIÂcggŃJÂcggKÂcggLÂcggNÂcgg=OÂcggtOÂcggçOÂcgg"QÂcggRÂcggFRÂcggźRÂcgg­UÂcggW,ÂcggWÂcggžXÂcggÄYÂcggCZ,Âcgg8[Âcgg\,Âcgg\ÂcggyaÂcggfbÂcggŸbÂcggæbÂcggndÂcggÇlș  #.# .##  .# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #.## ###.#   #####..########.#.#   #.....#......#....#   #.##.###.###......##   #..@## ##...........60.4 (30Âcgg™mĄ.0)   #..#.###.####.....##   #.. #.#......(......   #.. ..#######..#  ... ## #.##  ..[. #.# #.  #.... #.# #  #.#.. #.# #   #.# #ÂcggsÂcggps,1.4 (31Âcgg1wÂcggy) _Found a chain mail.Âcgg.úÂcggâúÂcgg›ÿÂcgg6 Âcggl:_No target in view!ÂcggN^ JÂcgg` ĂcggŃr3ĂcgghtĂcgg(wĂcggyĂcggn~P _ĂcggeĂcggÀĂcggU€Ăcggç‚Ăcggv„,Ăcggw…Ăcgg1‡ĂcggˆĂcggŚˆĂcggWŠĂcgg~‹Ăcgg|,Ăcgg™ŽĂcggoĂcgg’,Ăcgg“Ăcgg•Ăcgg‘–,Ăcggˆ—Ăcgg+™Ăcgg*›Ăcggs›ĂcggpœĂcggžĂcggˆŸĂcggóŸĂcggêĄĂcgg €ĂcggÒ„,Ăcgg §Ăcggs©Ăcggß«,Ăcgg­ĂcggÔźĂcgg.°ĂcggŒ°Ăcgg±ĂcggìČĂcgg·BĂcgg—ž,ĂcggččĂcgg œO _You now have 1258 gold pieces (gained 13).Ăcgg”ŸĂcggżĂcgg§żĂcgg’ÁĂcgg)ĂĂcgg€ĂĂcgg'ÄĂcgg~ĆĂcggȘÆĂcggîÆĂcgg+ÇĂcgg€ÈĂcggÊ,Ăcgg°ÊĂcggÌĂcggŽÎBĂcgg‰ĘXĂcggȚĂcggòȚBĂcgg(àĂcggŸàĂcggá,ĂcggćáĂcgg»âBĂcgg[ăĂcggÙă,ĂcggäĂcggpćĂcgg7æ,ĂcggæĂcggYçĂcggùç,ĂcggTèĂcggâéĂcggë,ĂcggnëĂcgg(íĂcggÚí,Ăcgg,îĂcggòšĂcggŒòĂcggkóĂcggDô,ĂcggŹôĂcggŁőĂcgglö,ĂcggŃöĂcgg–śĂcgg>ű,Ăcgg ùĂcggû,ĂcgghûĂcggđüO _You now have 1274 gold pieces (gained 16).Ăcgg§ę3ĂcggüęĂcggĂțĂcggtÿ,ĂcggœÿĂcggÂĂcgg[,Ăcgg¶ĂcggfĂcgg,ĂcggRĂcggËĂcggđł ###.#.###.#.# #.# #. #####....# ##..###.## ## #.......## ##......#### #.###.##.## #.......##.# .........###.#.##....... ..##.###..#....##...##.# #. # #.....##.##..###.#Ăcggűż # #.###.##.##..# #. #@# #.##.##..# #.# #.# ##.##..# #. ... #..# #.# ##.#. #..# #.# ....#  #.. g ggg 3 gnolls (asleep) #.. .g ##.g ## Ăcgg "æ99.4 (38  3 gnolls come into view.  A gnoll is wielding a +2 vampiric whip. A gnoll is wielding a +1 flail of  venom.  Gozag incites the gnolls against you.  The gnoll goes berserk!  The gnoll shouts!Ăcggo3/  --more--Ăcgg·Í €  The gnoll goes berserk! Found a long sword.ĂcggÓ .You hear a shout!ĂcggŠŐ Ăcgglç Ögg   gnoll bouda (wandering)gggg 2 gnolls (1 wandering, 1 berserk, 1 i
).  A gnoll bouda comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.==600.4 (39ĂcggÛń * _The gnoll moves out of view.Ăcgg6’;#####....# ##..###.## ##.......## ##......#####.##.## #.. .........###.#.##.......##.###..#...##.##. # #.....##.##..# #.###  #.#  .<............. ##.#.##.#.####.# ....# .#.. g.gg#.. ## ...Ăcggê–Ăcgg šĂcgg›ĂcggwœĂcgg©šÎ<gg)gggg 3 gnolls (1 wandering, 2 berserk, 2 Ăcgg~©:--1.4 (1.0)Ăcgg »ĂcggàÄ1 _Found a stone staircase leading up.ÄcggˆA ^ ###.#.###.#.# #.# #.####....# ##..###.## ......## ####.###.##.## #.......##.#.......###.#.... ..##.###..#....##.... # #....####. #.# ##.#.<.............##.#.##.#.####. #..# #.## ..gg#. ) ...gg ##.. ##...Äcgg§c $The gnoll bouda shouts! The gnoll shouts!  The gnoll rages.gg..ggg.polearm, 1 wandering==2ÄcggŁg ÄcggȚq u _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 halberd.ĆcggìĐ’M #.#..#... ###.#.###.#.# #.# #.####....# ##..###.## ......## ####.###.##.## #.......##.#.......###.#.##....... ..##.###..#....##.... # #.....#####. #.# ##.#.<.....gg...... #..# #.###.#..#gg 2 gnolls (berserk, incited)g...g.##.. ##ĆcggôÔĆcggßĘ:g.ĆcggăȚ/--3ĆcggęćĆcggžéÆcggÚȚÆcgg”à·Quiver which action? ([-] to clear)  a - Throw: 5 throwing netsb - Throw: 11 javelins  c - Throw: 20 darts (poison) (quivered)  d - Throw: 2 boomerangs  e - Zap: wand of charming (16)  f - Zap: wand of warping (10)  g - Zap: wand of acid (8)  h - Zap: wand of polymorph (3) [*/%] inventory [^] all abilities[!] focus mode: off|onÈcgg·LÈcggä_é#.#..#....# #.# #. crok the Chopper###.#.###.#.# #.# #. Coglin of Makhleb ......#####....# ##..###.## ## Health: 66/66 ========================#.......## ##......#### Magic: 9/9========================#.###.##.## #.......##.# AC: 10Str: 19.........###.#.##....... EV: 13Int: 7ÈcggĐ`..##.###..#....##...##.# SH: 0Dex: 16#. # #.....##.##..###.# XL:  9 Next: 77% Place: Dungeon:7##@###.##.##..# #.# Noise: ---------  Time: 6603.4 (0.0)#.# #.##.##..# #.# a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N#g# ##.##..# #.# Throw: 11 javelins.<.....g....... #..# #.###.#.##.#.####. #..# #.## ....#. gg 2 gnolls (berserk, incited)#.. gÈcggbô#...g.##.. ##A gnoll bouda comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip. _The gnoll moves out of view. _Found a stone staircase leading up.  The gnoll bouda shouts! The gnoll shouts!  The gnoll rages. _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 halberd.ÈcggZbÈcggîkÈcggőnÈcgg‡~   #.#   #.#       ##  .###.#. ##..#.... #. # #.....# # #@#  #.#   #g#   .<.....g. #..#  #.# #..#  # ....#  #.. g  #...g. Ècgg„ 4 ##.. ## ÈcggQ    #.#   #.#       ##  .###.#. ##..#.... Ècggp á#. # #.....# # #@#  #.#   #g#   .<.....g. #..#  #.# #..#  # ....#  #.. g #.. ##.. Ècggh Ècgg­# ÈcggŒ$ Ècgg, Ècgg‘1 d _There are monsters nearby!ÉcggìÉcggőìÉcggQóÉcggÇöF _Unknown command.Êcgg| Ù (((((((You throw a javelin. The javelin pierces through the gnoll.  The gnoll is lightly wounded.Êcggś˜ Êcggڙ ÊcggŸš Êcggœ„ gg...gg   gnoll bouda.gg 2 gnolls (berserk, incited)Êcgg[Š c4-=4.7 (1.3ÊcggÆŠ 00ÊcggZŻ Êcggył ~ _The javelin barely misses the gnoll. The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail.ËcggŹ9 (ËcggsÀ(((((You throw a javelin. The javelin barely misses the gnoll.The javelin pierces through the gnoll.ËcggqŠß  The gnoll is lightly wounded.  The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail!  The gnoll bouda gazes fiercely through you!ËcggGšu 52------9 javelins Ëcgg»šJYou feel your attacks grow feeble.Ëcggz°/  --more--Ëcgg1 ‚  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.ËcggČ3 Ëcgg·A ggg....gg 3 gnolls (2 berserk, 2 incited)  The gnoll misses you.Ëcgg’B ]=6.0Weak Ëcgg6M ËcggțY  _You hear a shout!Ëcgg—n vYou hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is lightly wounded.Ëcggűo ËcggÎp Ëcgg&r Ëcggh€ 6gggg.g 4 gnolls (2 berserk, 2 incited)  You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll barely misses you.Ëcggˆ 3=-----7.1 (1.1Rev ËcggŽ Ëcggÿ« S _The gnoll closely misses you.Ìcggć.Ìcggę/8-Ìcggà=Ìcgg”AF _Unknown command.Ìcggpą  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.ÌcggC~Bg.Ìcgg ,80Ìcggœ‹Ìcgg5{ _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll closely misses you.ÌcggźÿÌcggôÌcggÆ ÌcggŠF _Unknown command.ÌcggS(  The gnoll is moderately wounded. _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll closely misses you. _Unknown command.  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ggg.45---=9.2 (1.1Rev+  ÌcggÂa3_The gnoll hits you with a +0 flail!ÌcggwÌcggKÌcggĘÌcgg9!F _Unknown command.Ìcgg`   You closely miss the gnoll bouda with your +4 short sword.Ìcggś` 1-10.3Ìcgg{k Ìcgg"q k _You barely miss the gnoll bouda with your +1 war axe.ÌcggWê N-Ìcggű ÌcggBú F _Unknown command.Ìcgg/Ź _You barely miss the gnoll bouda with your +1 war axe. _Unknown command.  You hit the gnoll bouda with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll bouda is moderately wounded.  You hit the gnoll bouda with your +1 war axe.  Your attacks no longer feel as feeble.Ìcggösg g 5 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 wandering, 
)ÌcggÏą6---1.4Rev* ÌcggńÌcggp%Y _The gnoll bouda closely misses you.ÍcggRˆÍcgg-‰Ícgg#–Ícgg̛F _Unknown command.Ícggös} _Unknown command.  The gnoll shouts!  You hit the gnoll bouda but do no damage.  The gnoll bouda is heavily wounded.  You slash the gnoll bouda with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll bouda!ÍcggxÍcgg‰yÍcggˆzÍcgga{Ícggꇒ g#.gg.ÍcggŒˆ·ggggg 5 gnolls (1 polearm, 2 berserk, 2 
)  Makhleb accepts your kill.ÍcggŠ…29/67------8==2.5Ícgg™“/  --more--Ícgg·VJ _hits you with a +0 flail!!ÍcggfÍcggŠjd _Your Invocations skill increases to level 1!ÍcggúœőYou hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll is severely wounded.You barely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ÍcggĂ Ícgg*Ä!ÍcggđÄgÍcgg…ÊĄ.WW   phantomggggg 5 gnolls (1 polearm, 2 berserk, 2 
)The gnoll barely misses you.A phantom comes into view.--3.6Ícgg3ÓÍcggÊŰV _The gnoll completely misses you.Ícggłł„A phantom comes into view. _The gnoll completely misses you.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is almost dead.  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll!ÍcggNžÍcgglčÍcggțÄź.W.ggg 4 gnolls (1 polearm, 1 berserk, 1 iÍcgg#Ê|------9--40Ícgg­ÓÍcggcŰZ _Makhleb accepts your kill.ÍcggĐ( Ícggæ) ÍcggŻ3 ÍcggZ7 F _Unknown command.Ícgg\| ì  You puncture the gnoll with your +4 short sword!  The gnoll is heavily wounded.You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.Ícggę} Ícggڋ [gW.Ícggی C305Ícggț– Ícggąœ N _The gnoll misses you. x2ÍcggÎÖ 4ÍcggÚà Ícgg]ć F _Unknown command.ÍcggMYĄ _The gnoll misses you. x2 _Unknown command.  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is heavily wounded.  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.  The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 halberd.ÍcggFZN27-6.7 (1.1Ícgg3g$ ÍcggĄhD_The gnoll barely misses you.Îcgg‰ÎcggdÎcgg'ÎcggĄ-F _Unknown command.Îcgg/‰  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll!Îcgg•=Ű   #.#   #.#       ##  .###.#. ##..#.... #. # #.....# # #@#  #)#   #g#   .< #..#  #.# #..#  # ....#  #.. g  ggg 3 gnolls (1 polearm) #(..g.  ##.. ## Makhleb accepts your kill.Îcgg(  #.#   #.#       ##  Îcgg{w.###.#. ##..#.... #. # #.....# # #@#  #)#   #g#   .< #..#  #.# #..#  # ....#  #.. g  #(. ##.. Îcggő,·   #.#   #.#       ##  .###.#. ##..#.... #. # #.....# # #@#  #)#   #g#   .< #..#  #.# #..#  # ....#  #.. g  #(..g.  ##.. ## The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 halberd!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ÎcggŃx  #.#   #.#       ##  .###.#. ##..#.... #. # #.....# # #@#  #)#   #g#   .< #..#  #.# #..#  # ....#  #.. g  #(. ##.. ÎcggET  The gnoll hits you from afar with a +0 halberd.Îcgg‹i19----80=7.8ÎcggóÎcgg\!Îcggö*/  --more--Îcgg-óW _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ÎcggΆÓ###.#.###.######....# ##..###.## ##.......## ##......#####.##.## #.. .........###.#.##.......##.###..#....##...##.##. # #.....##.##..# #.###.#  #@# g# .<....Wgg...... ##.#.##.#.#### # ....# . #.. ) (....#.. ## ...Îcggu“\  #.#       ##  .## ##.. #. # #.. # #.#  #@#   #g#   .< #..#  ##.#.##.#.####. #..#  # ....#  #.. )  #(....  ##.. ##  ... Îcggęk  #.#       ##  .## ##.. #. # #.. # #.#  #@#   #g#   .< #..#  ##.#.##.#.####. #..#  # ....#  #.. )  #(....  Îcggàl„##.. ## ...ÎcggxBThe gnoll hits you with a +0 halberd.Îcgglyc6-----80Îcggk„Îcgg>Œ _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _Items here: ))) [ ††.Îcgg"ŃÎcgg^Ò8-Îcgg?ÛÎcggȚ> _Unknown command.ÎcggÙ ê  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  The gnoll is moderately wounded.You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ÎcggÙ &9Îcggj% Îcgg@) < _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.ÏcggìˆÏcggĉÏcggғÏcggD—F _Unknown command.Ïcgg߀  You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is moderately wounded.Ïcgg$à.20.9 (1.1ÏcggpêÏcgg/ïs _You hit the gnoll with your +1 war axe. The gnoll misses you.Ïcgg+t4Ïcggș~ÏcggL‚F _Unknown command.ÏcggÈZ}M  #.#       ##  .## ##.. #. # #.. # #.#  Ïcgg’[ç#@#   #g#   .< #..#  ##.#.##.#.####. #..#  # ....#  #.. )  #(....  ##.. ##  ...  _Unknown command.You hit the gnoll but do no damage.The gnoll is severely wounded.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ÏcggÍ1–  #.#       ##  .## ##.. #. # #.. # #.#  #@#   #g#   .< #..#  ##.#.##.#.####. #..#  # ....#  #.. ) Ïcgg3ó #(....  ##.. ## ...Ïcggą=J  The gnoll hits you with a +0 halberd.Ïcgg%>U3--2.0Ïcgg9GÏcggRV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ÏcgggíÏcggîÏcggáöÏcggûF _Unknown command.Ïcgg# ‹  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.  You kill the gnoll!ÏcggÔ Ïcggû VW. 2 gnollsÏcggp" B-3.1ÏcggW+ ÏcggZ. Z _Makhleb accepts your kill.ÏcggąË Ïcgg—Ì ÏcggÖ ÏcggÓÙ F _Unknown command.ÏcggÚ.Ô  You miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.You barely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.4.2Ïcgg:7Ïcgg0;> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.ĐcggæÇ4ĐcggKÓĐcggrÔF _Unknown command.ĐcggàÒ  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom is lightly damaged.  You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.ĐcggIáT4=5.3ĐcggÜêk _The phantom closely misses you.Đcgg•24Đcggà8Đcggü:F _Unknown command.ĐcggŽöÇ  You closely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe. _The phantom closely misses you. _Unknown command.  You hit the phantom with your +1 war axe.  The phantom is moderately damaged.  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.ĐcggĂś,60ĐcggV Đcggž U _The phantom closely misses you.ĐcggRA Đcgg*B ĐcggƒK ĐcggâN F _Unknown command.Đcgg/ł   You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword. _The phantom closely misses you. _Unknown command.  You barely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.  The phantom is moderately damaged.  You closely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.7.4 (1.1ĐcggG» Đcgg}À X _The phantom completely misses you.Đcggł%4Đcggÿ.Đcgg’2F _Unknown command.Ńcgg†Rï  You closely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword. _The phantom completely misses you. _Unknown command.barely miss the phantom with your +1 war axe.  The phantom is moderately damaged.  You hit the phantom but do no damage.ŃcggyS^5=8.5Ńcgg›\Ńcgg`> _The phantom hits you but does no damage.Ńcgg‰Ÿ4ŃcggeÈŃcggÙËF _Unknown command.ŃcggïńÉ  You hit the phantom but do no damage. _The phantom hits you but does no damage. _Unknown command.barely miss the phantom with your +4 short sword.  The phantom is moderately damaged.  You slash the phantom with your +1 war axe!Ńcggžò0=9.6ŃcggüŃcgg T _The phantom barely misses you.ŃcggP—ŃcggY˜ŃcggȘ€ŃcggH©F _Unknown command.Ńcggì„’  You hit the phantom with your +4 short sword.  You destroy the phantom!Ńcgg5©ŃcggsȘŃcggEłg.gg 2 gnollsŃcggžA15-30.7ŃcggÀŃcggĂZ _Makhleb accepts your kill.ŃcggóM ŃcggșN 8-Ńcgg4W Ńcgg|[ F _Unknown command.Ńcggű" Ż  You barely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.You barely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.ŃcggÌ# B61.8Ńcgg–+ ŃcggÄ. y _The gnoll barely misses you. The gnoll hits you but does no damage.Ńcgg‚¶4ŃcggșŃcggĂœF _Unknown command.ÒcggšÈš  You closely miss the gnoll with your +1 war axe.You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ÒcggèÉ(2.9ÒcggYÒÒcggîŐV _The gnoll completely misses you.Òcggj3ÒcggM4Òcgg·;Òcgg·>F _Unknown command.Òcgg‡«‰  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll!Òcgg źÒcggÉÍY.   gnoll =4.0 _Makhleb accepts your kill. _Your Axes skill increases to level 7!Òcggą4ÒcggȘÒcggŹF _Unknown command.Òcgg8 Ă   #.#       ##  .##ÒcggŠ ( ##.. #. # #.. # #.#  #@#   #g#   .<....... #..#  ##.#.##.#.####. #..#  # ....#  #.. )   Òcgg #(....  ##.. ##  ... You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  The gnoll is severely wounded.You barely miss the gnoll with your +4 short sword.ÒcggŒâ Ž  #.#       ##  .## ##.. #. # #.. # #.#  #@#   #g#   .<....... #..#  ##.#.##.#.####. #..#  # ....#  #.. )  #(.... ##.. ## ...Òcgg9ê   The gnoll hits you with a +2 vampiric whip.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ÒcggÊê N2-50ÒcggLò Òcgg­ô @ _The gnoll draws strength from your wounds!Òcgg  ÒcggÓ  Òcgg¶„ Òcgg»š F _Unknown command.Òcggł| ” _The gnoll draws strength from your wounds! _Unknown command.  You hit the gnoll with your +4 short sword  The gnoll is severely wounded.  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll!)Òcggù~ W-6-6.1 (1.1Òcggà„ Òcgg‡ Z _Makhleb accepts your kill.Ócgg@è #####....# ##..###.## ##.......## ##......#####.##.## #..ÓcggȘé[ .........###.#.##.......##.###..#...##.##. # #.....##.##..# #.###  #)# # .<............. ##.#.##.#.####.#Rev* ....Ócgg†öÓcgg5ś0--Ócgg]ś%70ÓcggßțÓcgg ‘ _Items here: ))) ††.Ócgg–ÿÚ3ÓcggaÓcggÓcggJ7Rev+ ÓcggËÓcggp ÓcggȘ Ócggž ÓcggȚ`4=ÓcggŸÓcgg€PRev Ócgg^Ócgg,.Q5=ÓcggÊ/Ócgg076ÓcggL2Ócgga9,ÓcggS;ÓcggGABÓcggŃC_7=ÓcggĐEÓcggżH,ÓcggJÓcggÌ\/8=ÓcggaÓcggŒc,ÓcggĘdÓcgg gÓcggPg79ÓcggiÓcgglÓcggÀlÓcggnÓcgg r,Ócgg«sÓcgg]vÓcggvC20=Ócgg€S1=Ócgg%Ócgg‚Ócgg€‚ÓcggˆƒÓcgg…Ócgg2…Ócgg ‡Ócggæ‰ÓcggPŠ02ÓcggʋÓcggOŽÓcggzŽÓcgg„ÓcggӒÓcgg“ÓcggŚ”Ócgg˜Ócgg1˜ÓcggLšÓcggŻ73Ócggć(=ÓcggeŸÓcgg%ąÓcgg[ąÓcgg €ÓcggŸŠÓcgg§ÓcggĂšÓcggÜ«ÓcggŹ=4=ÓcggMŹÓcgg'źÓcgg•°ÓcggŃ°Ócgg”Ócggò·Ócgg!žÓcggșÓcgg/»Ócggf»75Ócgg…ŒÓcggŒœ,ÓcggÜŸÓcgg>Á,ÓcggŐÂÓcggSĆÓcgg„Ć36=ÓcggÆĆÓcggbÇÓcggÜÉ,ÓcggÒÊÓcggÚÌ,ÓcggpÎÓcggŃ,ÓcggżÒÓcggŐÓcggÆŐ!7ÓcggèŐ2=ÓcggĄŚÓcgg^ÚÓcggÚÓcgg^ÜÓcggCß,ÓcggőàÓcggÈăÓcgg7äT28=ÓcggĆćÓcggóè,ÓcggoêÓcggíÓcggDíÓcggŽîÓcgg«òÓcggçòK9=ÓcggőÓcggžű,Ócggź ê30Ócgg„ Ócgg` ,Ócgg6 Ócgg@ Ócggt S1=Ócggq ÓcggÍ ,ÓcggÌ Ócgga ,Ócgg Ócggf BÓcggé! Ócggt" K2=Ócggì# Ócggł& Ócggê& Ócgg”( Ócggđ* Ócgg"+ ÓcggÀ, ÓcggC/ Ócggv/ ÓcggŁ/ 23ÓcggŠ1 ÓcggO4 Ócgg‚4 Ócgg»6 Ócggš9 ÓcggÓ9 Ócgg—; ÓcggŠ> Ócggß> S4=Ócggœ@ ÓcggbC ÓcggC ÓcggŒE ÓcggNG ,Ócgg%H ÓcggŰJ Ócgg K #5Ócgg/K (=ÓcggVM ÓcgggQ ,Ócgg»S ÓcggW ,Ócgg%Y Ócggh\ Ócgg–\ Ócggă] Ócgg)` ÓcggŁ` 96Ócgg#b ÓcggWe ,Ócggpg Ócggj Ócgg8j Ócggœk Ócggzn Ócgg¶n #7ÓcggÚn 0=ÓcggXp ÓcggŠv ,Ócgg‹x ÓcggŽ{ ,ÓcggO} ÓcggȘ Ócggà #8Ócgg€ (=Ócgg‚ Ócgg† ,ÓcggÁ† Ócgg‰ ,Ócgg¶Š ÓcggL Ócgg~ 99ÓcggÿŽ ÓcggW‘ Ócgg„‘ Ócggʕ Ócgg– ÓcggƖ Ócgg`˜ ÓcggŒš Ócggk› T40=Ócgg˜ ÓcggśŸ ,Ócgg ą Ócgg„ ,ÓcggÔŠ ÓcggĂ© Ócggî© Ócgg~« ÓcggXź Ócgg©ź K1=ÓcggÔŻ ÓcggÔČ ,ÓcggŁ· ÓcggÉ» BÓcgg7ż Ócgg€ż #2Ócgg¶ż 0=ÓcggČÁ ÓcggĘÄ ,ÓcggmÆ ÓcggaÉ ,ÓcggË Ócgg—Í ÓcggÈÍ #3ÓcggéÍ (=ÓcggŒÏ ÓcggńÒ ,ÓcggăÔ ÓcggoŚ ,ÓcggNÙ ÓcggśÛ Ócgg+Ü #4ÓcggMÜ Ócgg€á Ócgg^ă ,Ócggfä Ócggąæ ,Ócgg5è Ócggšê ,Ócgg]ì Ócggî ÓcggÀî S5=ÓcggÁï Ócggó ,Ócgg ô Ócgg‘ő ,Ócggö ÓcggIű Ócgg™ű K6=Ócgg‹ù ÓcggFû ,Ócggę ÓcggŚÿ ,ÓcggȚ Ócggv ÓcggŠ ÓcggÆ 27ÓcggL Ócggä ,ÓcggÇ ÓcggŒ ,Ócggć Ócgg ÓcggÉ N48=Ócgg" Ócgg ,Ócgg‰ Ócggș ,Ócgg" Ócggž$ Ócgg% W9=Ócggő& Ócggm) Ócgg±) Ócgg2+ Ócgg. ,Ócgg00 Ócggÿ2 ,Ócgg™4 Ócggg7 Ócgg 7 50ÓcggÊ< Ócggb? ,Ócgg Ócgg@ ÓcggŠB ÓcggÁB ÓcggQD ÓcggïN ˆ - _You start resting.ÓcggÄV 281275.0)ÓcgggW #7ÓcggW .=3ÓcggŹW 6Ócgg”_ Ócggia " _HP restored.Ócgg$á/Pick up what? 32/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 halberd  b - a +0 whip  c - a +2 vampiric whip Carrion a gnoll corpse a gnoll corpse [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]Ôcggń œ  c + a +2 vampiric whip[Enter] accept (1 chosen)Ôcgg$ŐÔcggùŚÔcggÀàŻ#####....# ##..###.## ## crok the Chopper#.......## ##......#### Coglin of Makhleb ......#.###.##.## #.......##.# Health: 67/67 ========================.........###.#.##....... Magic: 9/9========================..##.###..#....##...##.# AC: 11Str: 19#. # #.....##.##..###.# EV: 13Int: 7##.###.##.##..# #.# SH: 0Dex: 16Ôcgg“á*#)# #.##.##..# #.# XL:  9 Next: 86% Place: Dungeon:7#@# ##.##..# #.# Noise: ---------  Time: 6813.1 (0.0).<............. #..# #.# a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N##.#.##.#.####. #..# #.# Throw: 9 javelins# ....#.#.. )#(....##.. ##...  You slash the gnoll with your +1 war axe!  You kill the gnoll! _Makhleb accepts your kill. ÔcggÒáĐ_Items here: ))) ††. _You start resting. _HP restored.Ôcgg>êÔcgg¶ê+4.1 (1ÔcggIđÔcggAóL _G - a +2 vampiric whipŐcggŐcggŠ’VWear which item? Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 helmet (worn)  j - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  r - a +0 ring mail (worn)  t - a +1 cloak (worn)Őcggę’{b - a +0 leather armour[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wear[tab] equip|unequip Őcggó"Őcggo*Őcgg'2#####....# ##..###.## ## crok the Chopper#.......## ##......#### Coglin of Makhleb ......#.###.##.## #.......##.# Health: 67/67 ========================.........###.#.##....... Magic: 9/9========================Őcgg‡2..##.###..#....##...##.# AC: 11Str: 19#. # #.....##.##..###.# EV: 13Int: 7##.###.##.##..# #.# SH: 0Dex: 16Őcgg±2#)# #.##.##..# #.# XL:  9 Next: 86% Place: Dungeon:7#@# ##.##..# #.# Noise: ---------  Time: 6814.1 (0.0)Őcggê2‚.<............. #..# #.# a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N##.#.##.#.####. #..# #.# Throw: 9 javelins# ....#Őcgg!3Í.#.. )#(....##.. ##Őcgg^3...  You kill the gnoll! _Makhleb accepts your kill. _Items here: ))) ††. Őcgg‹3ƒ_You start resting. _HP restored. _G - a +2 vampiric whipŐcggț>P  Okay, then.Őcgg˜?ÖcggŻÖcgg. _ÖcggŒüÖcggBęéWield which item (- for none)?- - Unarmed Inventory Items Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +1 war axe (weapon) {Soledad}  i - a +4 short sword (offhand) {Nodoka}f - a +0 dagger {Urai}  s - a +0 spear of venom  G - a +2 vampiric whip Floor Items ([,] to select) Hand Weaponsa +0 whipa +0 halberd [*] show all[?] describe selected [!] equip|wield|wearÖcggęęy[tab] equip|unequip ŚcggI‘ #####....# ##..###.## ## crok the Chopper#.......## ##......#### Coglin of Makhleb ......#.###.##.## #.......##.# Health: 67/67 ========================.........###.#.##....... Magic: 9/9========================..##.###..#....##...##.# AC: 11Str: 19#. # #.....##.##..###.# EV: 13Int: 7##.###.##.##..# #.# SH: 0Dex: 16#)# #.##.##..# #.# XL:  9 Next: 86% Place: Dungeon:7#@# ##.##..# #.# Noise: ---------  Time: 6814.1 (0.0).<......Ścggí‘ /....... #..# #.# a) +1 war axe {Soled i) +4 short sword {N##.#.##.#.####. #..# #.# Throw: 9 javelins# ....#.#.. )#(....##.. ##... _Makhleb accepts your kill. _Items here: ))) ††. _You start resting. _HP restored. _G - a +2 vampiric whip _Okay, then.  You're wielding all the weapons you can. Replace which one?(? for menu, Esc to cancel)< or a - a +1 war axe {Soledad}; > or i - a +4 short sword {Nodoka}Űcggț ŰcggŐ )5.1 (1 Űcgg _Űcgg­ Űcggœ h  You start parting from your weapon.Űcgg;% +6.1 (2ŰcggŸ& Űcggu- Űcgg. +7.1 (3Űcggć2 Űcgg9 Űcgg—9 +8.1 (4Űcgg> ŰcggD ŰcggàD ŰcggE $9.1 (5ŰcggžI ŰcggŒL  ad} _You continue parting from your +4 short sword {Nodoka}. x4  ŰcggM 'You whisper farewell to Nodoka.ŰcggZM Űcgg{Q ŰcggW €  You finish parting from your +4 short sword {Nodoka}.  You start attuning to your weapon.Űcgg W ,20.1 (6ŰcggÏ[ ŰcggÀc ŰcggLd +1.1 (7Űcgg„i ŰcggÙp Űcggq +2.1 (8Űcggft Űcggjx Űcgg±x +3.1 (9Űcgg˜{ Űcggá Űcgg%€ #4.1 (1ŰcggG€ 0.0)Űcggƒ Űcggì… ' Űcgg† š G) +2 whip (vamp) _You continue attuning to your +2 vampiric whip. x5Űcggč /  --more--Ùcggÿ!M {SYou finish attuning to your +2 vampiric whip.  You feel a sense of dread. _You welcome your +2 vampiric whip "Suchat" into your grasp.ÙcggÈkIÙcggßlÙcggčp,ÙcggÒqÙcgg rÙcgg“sÙcgg)vÙcgg_vÙcggŃwÙcggđz,Ùcgg[|ÙcggÛ~ÙcggÙcggb€Ùcgg#ƒ,Ùcgg€„Ùcgg‡,Ùcgg«ˆÙcgga‹,ÙcggJŒÙcggȘÙcggˍÙcgg«ŽÙcgg,Ùcgg;‘Ùcgg‡’ÙcggŻ’Ùcgg|“Ùcggԕ,ÙcggG—Ùcggd™Ùcgg…™ÙcggEšÙcggž›ÙcggȚ›ÙcggžÙcgg“ ÙcggÏ ÙcggPŁÙcggiŠÙcggŁŠÙcggŠšÙcggô©,ÙcggĂȘÙcggk­Ùcggœ­Ùcgg’ŻÙcgg ČÙcgg?ČÙcggŽłÙcgg ¶ÙcggC¶ÙcggžÙcggWșÙcgg”șÙcggà»Ùcgg>Á,ÙcggăÂÙcggäÄÙcgg<ĆÙcgg“ÆÙcggęÈÙcgg.ÉÙcgg“ÊÙcggÙÌÙcggÍÙcggtÎÙcgg°Đ,ÙcggFÒÙcgg‰ÔÙcggżÔÙcggÖÙcggìŚÙcgg%ŰÙcggÙÙcggțÚ,Ùcgg)ÜÙcggîĘÙcggȚÙcggUßÙcggáÙcggWáÙcggyâÙcggWäÙcgg‰äÙcggŒćÙcggœç,ÙcggÿèÙcgg»êÙcggëÙcgg:ìÙcggïÙcgg:ïÙcggŽđÙcggeóÙcggœóÙcgg;őÙcgg·śÙcggÙśÙcggûűÙcggĘúÙcggûÙcggBüÙcgg țÙcggDțÙcggVÿÙcggÙcggRÙcgg}Ùcggș,ÙcggÙcgg–,Ùcggń Ùcgg• ÙcggŃ ÙcggÏÙcggÙcggłÙcggÄÙcggxÙcggĄÙcggĄÙcggŠÙcggŒÙcggÍÙcggî,ÙcggúÙcgg·,ÙcggïÙcggŽÙcggùÙcgg!ÙcggŒ"Ùcggè"Ùcggę#Ùcgg&Ùcgg2&ÙcggŒ'Ùcgg),ÙcggË*Ùcgg°,Ùcggç,Ùcggô-Ùcgg /ÙcggŚ/Ùcggô0ÙcggÊ2Ùcggę2Ùcgg%4Ùcgg 6,ÙcggT9ÙcggŽ;Ùcggæ;Ùcggô=ÙcggÈ@Ùcggü@ÙcggąBÙcggûDÙcggEÙcggȚEÙcgg GÙcgg;GÙcggHÙcggdI,ÙcggvJÙcgghKÙcgg‰KÙcggILÙcgg}MÙcgg™MÙcggOÙcggĘQ,ÙcggySÙcggKU,ÙcggVÙcggxW,ÙcggXÙcggUY,Ùcgg ZÙcgg.[ÙcggN[Ùcgg\Ùcggv],Ùcgg,^Ùcgg=_Ùcggh_Ùcgg`ÙcggDa,ÙcggŻbÙcggŽd,ÙcggŻeÙcgg!g,ÙcggńgÙcggCiÙcggoiÙcgg)jÙcggdkÙcgg–kÙcggUlÙcggém,ÙcggÊnÙcggŐp,ÙcggorÙcggÚt,Ùcgg/vÙcggŚw,ÙcggÁxÙcggz,ÙcggűzÙcgg3|Ùcggm|Ùcgg}ÙcggX~,ÙcggEÙcggw€,ÙcggçÙcgg„,Ùcgg©†Ùcggö‡,ÙcggšˆÙcgg;Š,ÙcggąŠÙcggś‹,ÙcggڌÙcggɍ,Ùcgg“ŽÙcgg±,ÙcggÙcggó’,ÙcggŚ“Ùcgg\•,Ùcggë•Ùcgg—Ùcgg2—Ùcggî—Ùcgge™,ÙcggUšÙcggő›ÙcggKœÙcggæÙcgg  ÙcggÖ ÙcggaąÙcgg,€,Ùcggà€Ùcgg.Š,Ùcgg§Ùcgg)©ÙcggS©ÙcggeȘÙcggś«,ÙcggĆ­Ùcggą·_923.1 (99 _You start waiting.Ùcggž$4.1 (10Ùcgg,ž 0.0)ÙcggAŸÙcgg°À _Done waiting.ÙcggAÄÙcgg«ÄÙcggœÆÙcgg2ÍÙcgg3ĐÙcggŰÓÙcggÖÙcggÙÙcggKÜÙcggÈÜÙcggCȚÙcgg áÙcggDé' .........###.#.##....... ..##.###..#....##...##. # #.....##.##..#Ùcgg~é<# #.###.## #.#$.## #)# #.##.##..# ÙcggĄé. .....##)###.#  .<............. ÙcggÁé%##.#.##.#.####. #...@..# .Ùcggâé”6.1 (2.0) ####...).... ÙcggƒêM #(....##.  ##...## ..... ...... ....##..>...ÙcgglńÙcggò+7.1 (3ÙcggȚśÙcggÀú3 _Found a stone staircase leading down.Ùcgg—ƒÙcgg:„Ùcgg|…ÙcggȘˆÙcgg;ú ##.###..#...##.##. # #.....##.##..#. #.###.#  $.## #)# #.#.....##)###.<............. ÙcggóŒ##.#.##.#.#### #......####. .####@..).... 0 #(....###...## ..<..##Ùcgg6”Ùcggč—+8.1 (1ÙcggłšÙcgg;; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.Ùcgg­ Ùcggú ÙcggÚ Ùcgg° Ùcgg ÙcggN Ùcgg© BÙcggˆ! Ùcgg_' i _e - 11 javelins (gained 2)ÙcggŃ( Ùcgg) Ùcgg-* Ùcggä+ Ùcgg{- ÙcggÄ- ÙcggS/ ÙcggN2 ÙcggH4 Ùcggv4 Ùcgg,5 Ùcgg8 ÙcggÖ9 Ùcggü9 ÙcggÍ: ÙcggG< ÙcggÀ> Ùcggë> Ùcggy@ Ùcgg°B Ùcgg~D ,ÙcggME Ùcgg4F Ùcgg†G ÙcggŁG Ùcgg*I ÙcggŁK ÙcggŠM ÙcggÀM ÙcggêN Ùcgg5R ,ÙcggmS ÙcggșW O _You now have 1287 gold pieces (gained 13).ÙcggmY Ùcgg˜Y Ùcgg'Z ÙcggÆ[ Ùcgg ] ,Ùcgg·] ÙcggQb ÙcggFc ,Ùcgg–c Ùcgg'e Ùcggg ÙcggWg Ùcggh Ùcgg°i Ùcggk ÙcggJk Ùcggl Ùcggmm Ùcggśn Ùcgg)o Ùcgg p Ùcggr Ùcggos ÙcggČs Ùcggt Ùcgg v Ùcggx ÙcggYx ÙcggGy ÙcggŃ| Ùcgg} Ùcggz} Ùcgg9„ x _q - 9 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1)Ùcggæ„ Ùcgg… ÙcggJ… Ùcggę… Ùcgg…† Ùcgg§† Ùcggن Ùcgg·‡ Ùcgg߇ Ùcggˆ Ùcgg9ˆ Ùcgg㈠Ùcggp‰ Ùcgg‘‰ Ùcggű‰ ÙcggœŠ Ùcgg|Ž òÙcgg“ Ùcggï– š  #.# #.##.#   #.####   #..........#   #######.#######   #.......#   #######.#  .#.#..  ....######## ###.#.#  #....@...# #####....#55.1 (27.0)  #...##.###.# #.......##  # #. #.# #.###.##.##11 javelins  #> #.# #.........#  #( #.# #..##.###..  Ùcgg9— H#. #.# #..##.##...   #. #.# #..##.##.##   #. #.###..##.##)#   #.........##)##Ùcggɘ E ÙcggŠŠ ÙcggæŠ ,6.1 (28ÙcggSŹ Ùcggrż ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.Úcgg!ÚcggŠ!Úcgg#Úcggm%Úcgg·',Úcggò+,Úcgg1,ÚcggZ,ÚcggA-Úcgg"/ÚcggŒ0ÚcggŒ0Úcgg2Úcgg±3Úcggš5,Úcggt6ÚcggŸ9R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.Úcgg;ÚcggÊ; _ÚcggŁ<ÚcggCß  #.......#  # #######.#  #.#.#.#.  ÚcggMC0#....######## ###.#.  #........# #####....  #...##.###.# #.......#  Úcgg…Cž ## #.# #.# #.###.##.#  Úcgg„C1 #># #.# #.........   #@# #.# #..##.###.  ÚcggÏC„ #.# #.# #..##.##..  ÚcggéC§ #.# #.# #..##.##.  ÚcggD– #.# #.###..##.##) ÚcggVD­ #.# #.........##)#   #.# ####..<....   #.# #.##.#.##.  ÚcggŽDĐ #.# #.##.#.....   #.##.####..ÚcggÈI261.1 (5.0)ÚcggAJ+2.1 (6ÚcggNÚcggŸP6 _g - 22 poisoned darts (gained 2)Úcgg›M ÚcggN ÚcggN Úcgg~P ÚcggÌQ ÚcggR ÚcggW h  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ÚcgghW ÚcggX  _ÚcggèX ÚcggßY Úcgg§Z ÚcggÖZ ÚcggT[ Úcggł\ ÚcggŚ] Úcgg^ Úcgg^ ÚcggŃ_ Úcggæ` Úcgga Úcgg˜a ÚcggËb Úcggëc Úcggd Úcggąd Úcgge Úcggf ,Úcgg`f Úcggg Úcggœg ÚcggÇg Úcggh Úcggșh ÚcggKi Úcggmi ÚcggÛi Úcggk Úcgg1l Úcgg_l ÚcggÙl ÚcggĐn ÚcggÚo Úcgg:p ÚcggÄp Úcggr ÚcggCs Úcggms Úcggòs Úcggqu Úcgg¶u ÚcggÒu Úcggv ÚcggÊv ÚcggAw Úcgg]w Úcggw Úcgg/x Úcggžx Úcgg·x Úcggíx Úcgg,z Úcgg'{ ÚcggB{ Úcgg'| Úcgg` ÚcggV€ ,ÚcggÁ€ Úcggü Úcggäƒ Úcgg4„ ÚcggŹ„ ÚcggŸ… Úcggv† Úcgg‘† Úcgg ‡ ÚcggSˆ ÚcggF‰ Úcggb‰ ÚcggበÚcggäŠ ÚcggĄ‹ Úcggč‹ Úcgg*Œ Úcgg  ÚcggȚ ÚcggŽ ÚcggŽ ÚcggŠ Úcgg™‘ ÚcggБ ÚcggĄ’ ÚcggŽ• Úcgg — Úcgg;— Úcgg˜ Úcgg㙠Úcggx› Úcgg§› Úcggvœ Úcggž ÚcggòŸ Úcgg  Úcggű  ÚcggŽą Úcgg‡€ Úcggž€ Úcgg†„ Úcggœ§ Úcgg1© Úcgg\© Úcgg>Ș Úcgg?Ź ÚcggŒ­ Úcggé­ Úcggżź ÚcggÚŻ Úcggń° ,Úcggș± ÚcggsČ ÚcggŠł Úcggźł Úcgg1Ž Úcgg§” Úcgg©· Úcggć· ÚcggÜž Úcgg:ș Úcggλ ÚcggŒ ÚcggÁŒ ÚcggŸ ÚcggçŸ Úcggż Úcggzż ÚcggÀ Úcgg»À ÚcggȚÀ ÚcggÁ ÚcggœÁ Úcgg ÚcggÊ ,Úcgg^Ă ÚcggáĂ ÚcggęĂ Úcgg8Ä ÚcggŰÄ ÚcggŒĆ Úcgg°Ć ÚcggŐĆ ÚcggqÆ ÚcggíÆ ,Úcgg+Ç ÚcggČÇ Úcgg#È Úcgg<È ÚcggdÈ ÚcggöÈ ÚcggjÉ Úcgg„É Úcgg·É ÚcggGÊ ÚcggșÊ ,ÚcggË ÚcggiË ÚcggáË ÚcggÌ Úcgg8Ì ÚcggûÌ Úcgg~Í Úcgg§Í ÚcggÓÍ ÚcggaÎ ÚcggâÎ ÚcggęÎ Úcgg4Ï ÚcggŃĐ ÚcggRŃ ÚcggyŃ ÚcggĄŃ Úcgg‘Ò ÚcggÓ ,ÚcggLÓ ÚcggńÓ ÚcggˆÔ Úcgg­Ô ÚcggŐÔ ÚcggŽŐ ÚcggÖ ,Úcgg^Ö Úcgg#Ś ÚcggĄŚ ÚcggÇŚ ÚcggńŚ ÚcggšŰ ÚcggÙ Úcgg7Ù ÚcggbÙ ÚcggîÙ ÚcgghÚ ÚcggŠÚ ÚcggČÚ ÚcggDÛ ÚcggčÛ ÚcggÜÛ ÚcggÜ Úcgg—Ü Úcgg#Ę ÚcggEĘ ÚcgglĘ ÚcggȚ ÚcggŽȚ Úcgg°Ț ÚcggŰȚ ÚcggŹç Úcggè BÚcggê Úcggë ,Úcgg?ë ÚcggŒí ÚcggBî ,Úcgg•î Úcggúđ Úcggžń ,Úcggÿń ÚcggZô ÚcggÍô Úcggńô Úcggő ÚcggÏś Úcgggű ,Úcgg»ű ÚcggŽû Úcgg°ü ÚcggÒü ÚcggYę ÚcggÉÿ Úcggó ÚcggQ ÚcggÌ Úcgg Úcgg ,ÚcggŠ Úcgg ÚcggÊ ,Úcgg^ Úcggq ÚcggP ,Úcggć Úcgg ÚcggÊ ,Úcgg’ Úcggs Úcgg ,Úcgg  Úcggć Úcgg— ,Úcggź ÚcggE ÚcggÏ Úcgg  ÚcggÚ ÚcggÄ Úcgg‹! ,Úcgg" ÚcggÂ# ÚcggŁ$ ÚcggĐ$ Úcgg$% Úcggđ& Úcggí) Úcgg* Úcgg{* ÚcggĐ+ ÚcggÇ, Úcgg- Úcgg. Úcggƒ0 ÚcggQ1 Úcggs1 ÚcggÖ1 Úcggć2 ÚcggŸ3 ,Úcggä3 Úcggë4 Úcggƒ5 ,ÚcggÌ5 ÚcggĐ6 ÚcggŠ7 ,Úcggö7 Úcggê8 Úcggv9 Úcgg™9 ÚcggÌ9 ÚcggČ: ÚcggF; Úcggc; ÚcggŁ; Úcggs< Úcgg = Úcgg2= Úcggy= Úcgg8> ÚcggÚ> ,ÚcggB? ÚcggĄ@ Úcgg‰A ,ÚcggțA ÚcggC ÚcggœC ,Úcgg)D ÚcggE ÚcggfF ÚcggŸF Úcgg:G ÚcggŸH ÚcggœI ,Úcgg,J ÚcggCK ÚcggPL ÚcggwL Úcgg M ÚcggÜQ ÚcggżR ÚcggáR ÚcggOS Úcgg€T ÚcggOU ÚcggpU ÚcggÖU ÚcggȚV ÚcggȘW ÚcggÉW Úcgg1X Úcgg:Y ÚcggZ Úcgg1Z ÚcggšZ ÚcggŚ[ ÚcggÌ\ ,Úcgg] Úcggđ] Úcgg°^ ,ÚcggM_ Úcgg` ÚcggŐa ,Úcgg}b Úcgg’d ÚcggXf ,Úcgg”g Úcgg±i ÚcggÂk Úcggôk Úcgg.m ÚcggČo Úcggd ÚcggM‚ ă #.#..#....# #.# #..##  ###.#.###.#.# #.# #...#  #####....# ##..###.## ##..#  #.......## ##......####..#  #.###.##.## ##.......##.#[.#  #.........###.#.##.........### ÚcggȂ  #..##.###..#....##...##.#.......  #..##.##.....##.##..###.#..####  #..##.##.###.##@##..# #.#..# 7061.1 (99.0) ##..##.##)# #.##.##..# #.#..# # .......##)###.##.##..# #.#..# ##. #..<..............#..# #.#..###.. #.##.#.##.#.####..#..# #.#..##... #.##.#......####..> ...## #.##.####...)...... #.#. #.##.# #.....##.##. #.# #.##.# ##...## ..#Úcgg”‡ Úcggű‡ -2.1 (100.0)Úcggì‹ Úcggٍ ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.ÚcggBŃ ÚcggĄŃ ÚcggOÓ Úcgg[Ś ÚcggžÚ ÚcggȚÚ ÚcggŽȚ ,ÚcggÛȚ Úcggß Úcgg"à ÚcggŸà ÚcggŽá ,Úcgg,â ÚcggŸă Úcgghä ,Úcggűä Úcgg‡æ ÚcggTç ,Úcggäç Úcggłë R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ÚcggŐì Úcgg'í  _ÚcggŽí ÚcggÁî Úcgg§ï ÚcggÂï ÚcggFđ Úcgg%ó Úcggśó ,Úcggˆô Úcggđő ÚcggÀö Úcggàö ÚcggQś ÚcggLű Úcgg3ù Úcggaù ÚcggÜù Úcggőú Úcggâÿ À.......##)###.##.##..# #.#..# ##. #..<..............#..# #.#..###.. #.##.#.##.#.####..#..###.#..##... #.##.#......####..>.........##... #.##.####...).............. #.#. #.##.# #.....##.##..###.## #.#. #.##.# ##...###.##..# ..# Úcgg Ț..##.. ............# ..<. ##### .......@...## ### ##70.0) .....##.####  Úcggc n..>.....# ∩.<..#### ....# ## ÚcggŐ ÚcggX ,3.1 (11Úcggw Úcgg 9 _Found Wyqueryk's Assorted Antiques.ÚcggÍ Úcgg; ÚcggAÚcggS Úcggi:_No target in view!Ûcgg'! Ț.##)###.##.##..# #.#..# ## ##..<....#..# #.#..###  #.##.#.##.#.####..#..###.#..##  #.##.#......####..>.........##  #.##.####...).............. #.#  #.##.# #.....##.##..###.## #.#  #.##.# ##...###.##..# ..#  ..##......# ..<  ##### #....## ### #.....##.#####..>.....##∩.<..#####.....#####Ûcggö% Ûcgg' 84.1 (1.0) _Ûcgg * Ûcggk+ ÛcggIłÛcgg łÛcgg+”Ûcggÿ·Ûcgg"żÛcgg?żz.##)###.##.##..# #.#..# ÛcggRżŁ#..<..............#..# #.#..###ÛcggjżŁ #.##.#.##.#.####..#..###.#..##Ûcggżš #.##.#......####..>.##Ûcgg™ż– #.##.####...).....Ûcgg°ż5. #.ÛcggÈżä #.##.# #.....##.##..###.## #.Ûcggßżć #.##.# ###...###.##..# ..ÛcggśżP ..##.. >Ûcgg ÀȘ.# ..< ##### #Ûcgg$ÀŠ.....## ### 0ÛcgguÀś #.....##.#### #..>.....# #∩.<..#### #.....# ######ÛcggÀÛcggâÆÛcgglÊ+5.1 (1Ûcgg*ÍÛcgg7Ï9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.Ücgg) 3ÜcggŠ Ücggô ÜcggÜ! Ücgg5" Ücgg& Ücggo& Ücgg<) ,Ücgg°* Ücggu, ÜcggĘ. ,Ücgge0 ÜcggÚ3 R  There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.Ücggò5 Ücgg’6  _Ücggò7 ÜcggŻ9 ÜcggŚ; ,ÜcggU= ÜcggWD ÜcggoM ÒWelcome to Wyqueryk's Assorted Antiques! What would you like to do?  a -  150 gold a runed falchionb -  75 gold a hand axe  c -  50 gold a leather armour  d -  162 gold a glowing long sword ÜcggÈM F e -  22 gold a sedimented coppery potion  f -  125 gold a granite ringg -  50 gold a scroll of identify  h -  162 gold a glowing tridentÜcggÿM Íi -  87 gold a war axe You have 1287 gold pieces. [Esc] exitÜcgg3N [!] buy|examine items[a-i] mark item for purchase ÜcggbN Ì[/] sort (type)[A-I] put item on shopping listácggWpácggșvácgg~ #.# #.##.#......####..>....... crok the Chopper#.##.####...)............. Coglin of Makhleb ......#.##.# #.....##.##..###.# Health: 67/67 ========================#.##.#####...###.##..#ácgg~Magic: 9/9========================..##...>.............#AC: 11Str: 19##### #...........##EV: 13Int: 7#.....##.####SH: 0Dex: 16#..>.....#XL:  9 Next: 86% Place: Dungeon:7#@.<..####ácgg«Noise: ---------  Time: 7080.1 (5.0)#.....#a) +1 war axe {Soled G) +2 whip (vamp) {S#######Throw: 11 javelins _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _Found Wyqueryk's Assorted Antiques. _No target in view! _Found an escape hatch in the floor. _There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.  There is an entrance to Wyqueryk's Assorted Antiques here.ácggӃ4ácggÁ…. _ácgg‘BácggïBácggDácgg™IácggăKácggQP _ácgg8RácggsRácggoSácggVácgg>X,ácgg#Yácggđ`ácggȘcácggdácggùdácggÎlácggáo,ácggÒpácggÆrácggtácgg9tácggötácggƒvácggów,ácggŐxácggŒ€_Found Wyqueryk's Assorted Antiques. _No target in view! _Found an escape hatch in the floor. _There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.  You see here a +0 long sword.ácggÿ„K _ácggXácggô‘ácggż”,ácggL—ácggߙácggE BácggąácggÿŁácggd€ácggy„ácgg„§ácgg‰©ácggà©ácggæȘácgg­ácggŻácgg?ŻácggĆŻácgg±ácggËČ,ácgg‡łácgg^”ácgg ·,ácggä·ácggŸčácgg »ácggW»ácggü»ácggüœácggÛŸ,ácggKżácggÀácggőÀácgg$ÁácggbÁácggèÂácggŠÉÒ....##.##..###.#..####.# #### #.###.##.##..# #.#..# #.# # #)# #.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #.# #)###.##.##..# #.#..# ##.## #.# ..........#..# #.#..###...####.# ácggëÉï#.#.####..#..###.#..##.........# ....####..>.........##....###### #...)...............##.#.## #.....##.##..###@##.##.#.# ##...###.##..#c..#.# .............# ####...<..# ácggÊT#...........## ####### #.....##.#### #..>.....#c   centaur (asleep) ácggXÊ~#∩.<..#### #.....# #######ácggjŐÎ 99.1 (19.0)cclauncher)A centaur comes into view.The centaur shouts!ácggÖÛ' ácggÜz(((The centaur wields a +0 shortbow. The centaur shoots an arrow.ácggbdácgg!oJ..c.ácggŹog4--===100.1 (20ácggácgg…) _The arrow hits you.ácgg‡c   #.#..# #.# #)#  #.#..# #.# #)#..# #.#..# ##.## #.# #..# #.#..# .#..###.#..# .>.........# )...............# .#@# . #...c...#.# .. ####...<..# #. ####### #. #..> #∩.<ácggśìË  #.#..# #.# )#  #.#..# #.# )#..# #.#..# ##.## #.# #..# #.#..# .#..###.#..# .>.........# )...............# .#@# . #...c...#.# . ####...<..# . #####...>∩.<ácggȘőácggśöácggOęácgg8^ _A centaur is nearby!ácggŚY.###.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #.... )# #.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #.### )###.##.##..# #.#..# ##.## #.# ácggR.........#..# #.#..###...####.# #.####..#..###.#..##.........# ...####..>.........##....###### )...............##.#.## .....##.##..###.##.##.#.# .###.##..# #.@.c...#.# ............# ####...<..# .## ####### .....##.#### ..>.....# ∩.<..#### .....###### ácggácggă#8(ácggŠŹ.ácggŽ­`2--1.1 (1.0)ácgg|ŽácggжF _The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you.ácggbÙW###.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #....# # #.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #.# ###.##.##..# #.#..# ##.## #.# #..# #.#..###...####.# #.####..#..###.#..##.# ácggAÚ3####..>.........##....###### ).......##.#.## ##.##..###.##.##.#.# ...###.##..# #..@c...#.# # ####...<..# ## ####### .<..#### # ácgg$äč The centaur unwields a +0 shortbow. The centaur misses you. x3ácggć/--2ácggcéácggUì? _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.ácgg•/ unwields a +0 shortbow. The centaur misses you. x3centaur kicks you but does no damage.  You hit the centaur with your +2 vampiric whip.  You feel betterácgg;0Œ.  The centaur is moderately wounded.  You slash the centaur with your +1 war axe!ácggœ084--ácggÎ0K3Rev ácgg[6ácgg9o _The centaur completely misses you. The centaur kicks you.âcggƒ  You slash the centaur with your +1 war axe! _The centaur completely misses you. The centaur kicks you.  You completely miss the centaur with your +1 war axe.heavi  You closely miss the centaur with your +2 vampiric whip.  losely misses you. x2; The centaur misses you.âcgg±ƒ&4âcggU‰âcgg,ŒU _The centaur closely misses you.âcggg  You slash the centaur with your +1 war axe!  You kill the centaur!âcggU C)âcgg€791=5âcgg7Rev+ âcgg5âcggLZ _Makhleb accepts your kill.âcgg=lâcggólâcggBrâcgggtH _No target in view!âcggüÜâcggšĘâcggââcgg)ćH _No target in view!âcgg;ÏâcggĐâcgg Őâcgg[ŚH _No target in view!âcgg™=âcggq>âcggŻCâcggGFH _No target in view!âcggߛâcgg§œâcggŃĄâcggY€H _No target in view!âcggÉüV.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #....#  #.##.##..# #.#..# #.# #.#### .##.##..# #.#..# ##.## #.# #..# #.#..###...####.# .####..#..###.#..##.# ####..>.........##....###### ).âcggÎę.....##.#.## ##.##..###.##.##.#.# ###.##..# #...@...#.# # ####...<..# ## ## ##.#### # âcggQâcggxd5=--6 _âcggŹ âcggÉŒ _No target in view! __You see here a +0 shortbow.âcgg2à› _âcgg‹ä*Rev 6=âcgg/ć7âcggŒćâcgg™æ0âcggçâcggIêâcgg§êK7=âcggČëâcggżò1 _HP restored.âcggŚôâcgg$őâcgg ùâcgg ęâcgg)ÿâcggtÿâcggçÿâcggâcggóâcgg)âcgg”âcggvâcggVâcgg”9=âcgg1âcgg; âcgg} âcggĂ âcgg• âcggäâcggŠâcggĂâcggÊâcggśâcggèâcggâcggGâcgg–âcgg…âcggœâcgg%,âcggô%,âcggü&âcggĂ)âcggÍ,,âcggƒ-âcggO0âcgg52,âcggx3âcgg(6âcgg8,âcggj9âcgg<âcgg1=,âcggì=âcgg?âcggś?,âcgg±@âcggȚAâcggŽB,âcggCâcggàCâcggżD,âcgg=EâcggkGâcgg I,âcggNJâcggLâcggêL,âcggŽMâcggmNâcggùN,âcggJOâcggĘOâcggYP,âcggźPâcgg~Qâcgg8RâcggtRâcggSâcggŹTâcggçU,âcggiVâcggŠZâcggć[,âcggb\âcgg=dâcgg6eâcgg|eâcggśeâcgg€hâcgg'jâcggVjâcggŸlâcgg'pâcggƒ~,âcggŸ€âcgg…ƒâcggW…,âcggú†âcggP‰âcggZ‹,âcgg‰ŒâcggŸŽâcgghâcgg·âcggâ‘âcggæ“âcggń•âcgg:–âcggü–âcggć˜âcgg›,âcggZœâcgg^žâcgg âcggR âcgg_ąâcgg:€âcggÿŹBâcggÀ­âcggŐŻ,âcgg±âcggRČâcggŽł,âcggmŽâcggÚ”âcgg·âcgg=·âcggì·âcggŠčâcgg8șâcggoșâcgg»âcgg{ŒâcggłœâcggüœâcggVŸâcgg€żâcgg„ÀâcggíÀâcggOÁâcggâÂâcgg Ä,âcggĂÄâcggÆâcgg>Ï1 #âcgg–ÏŐ #..##.##.###.##.# #.# #.###..##.##)# #.##.# #.# #.........##)###.##.# âcgg=Ó_#.# ####..<.............. #.# #.##.#.##.#.####.. #.# #.##.#......####.. #.##.####...)..... #.##.# #.....##.# #@##.#####...###.#--53.1 (47.0) ...[....##...>.......... ###############......... #.....##.# #..>.....# #∩.<..#### #.....# #######âcgg0ŚâcggÚŚâcgg[Ű%4.1 (48âcgg'ĘâcggÁß# _Found a robe.âcggQ@ _âcggB âcggÖE BâcggÂI BâcggoM âcggžN âcggmO âcggçO âcggÍQ âcgg*S âcggôS âcgg,T âcggĐU âcggÊW âcggX âcggńX âcgge <  You see here a +0 robe.âcggAg âcggŸg  _âcggÇh âcgg–j âcgg>l âcgg‡l âcgggm âcggo âcggDq âcggˆq âcggÛr âcgg·’ Ç  #.# #.###..##.##)   #.# #.........##)   #.# ####..<.......   #.# #.##.#.##.#   #.# #.##.#...  âcggô“ č #.# #.##  .# #.##.# #  .######.##.#####.  ..[....##...>...62.1 (8.0)   ################  #   #..   #∩.   #..   ###    âcgg­” âcggOš âcgg:œ E _Done exploring.âcgg$Û âcggÜ âcggöà âcggŰâ H _No target in view!ăcggÁIăcggÈ.r...[....0ăcgg 5ăcggç5E _Done exploring.ăcggÂăcgg?€ăcgg9ăcggŰŁăcgg\€ăcggMȘăcgg­E _Done exploring.ăcggl± ăcgg€Č ©Where to? (Tab - D:7, ? - help)  D - Dungeon  T - Temple äcgg"Šäcggš­6[?25h[?0c äcggź‡#.# #.###..##.##)# crok the Chopper  #.# #.........##)# Coglin of Makhleb ......  #.# ####..<....... Health: 67/67 ========================  äcggNźò#.# #.##.#.##.# Magic: 9/9========================  äcggź…#.# #.##.#..... AC: 11Str: 19  #.# #.##.####.. EV: 13äcggóźPInt: 7  #.# #.##.# #.. SH: 0Dex: 16  #.######.##.#####. XL:  9 Next: 91% Place: Dungeon:7  äcgg Ż&#@..[....##...>... Noise: ---------  Time: 7162.1 (0.0)  äcggNŻR################.. a) +1 war axe {Soled G) +2 whip (vamp) {S  #.. Throw: 11 javelins  äcgg{Ża#..  #∩.  #..  äcgg©Żƒ###   _You see here a +0 robe. _Done exploring. äcggÜŻś_No target in view! _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  What level of the Dungeon? (default 7, ? - help) ćcgg\Ÿ [?25l[?1cćcgg€Ô 48ćcgg›Ő ćcggáĘ ćcgg„ß ćcgg^ă E _ćcggŰă ćcgg)ć ćcgghć ćcgg$æ ćcggűç ćcggwé ćcggÔé ćcgg±ê ćcggđì ćcgg^î ,ćcgg^ï ćcgg”ń ćcgg|ó ćcggÚó ćcggœô ćcggZö ćcggű ,ćcggù ćcggDû ćcggĆü ,ćcggœę ćcgg5ÿ ćcgg[ ,ćcggò ćcggb ćcggz ćcgg° ćcgg ćcgg_ ćcgg† ,ćcgg ćcggó ćcggr ćcggâ ćcggP ćcgg† ćcggk ćcggą ćcggü ćcgg> Y  There is a stone staircase leading down here.ćcggÁ ćcggŰ ćcggœ : _ćcgg™ć 8ćcgg[æ ćcgg“ç ćcggXè ,ćcggĂí   ### ###.# #..@#75.8 (13.7) #.### # ćcgg(î %_You climb downwards.ćcggVî ćcgg2ń ćcgg,ó a _There is a stone staircase leading up here.æcggĄæcggc§URead which item? Scrolls  l - a scroll of revelation  n - 2 scrolls of fear  q - 9 scrolls of teleportationA - a scroll of enchant weapon  D - a scroll of vulnerability  E - a scroll of immolation [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedçcgg§ŸçcggâĆçcggŒËßcrok the ChopperCoglin of Makhleb ......Health: 67/67 ========================Magic: 9/9========================AC: 11Str: 19EV: 13Int: 7###SH: 0Dex: 16###.#XL:  9 Next: 91% Place: Dungeon:8#..@#Noise: ---------  Time: 7175.8 (0.0)çcggĘËq#.###a) +1 war axe {Soled G) +2 whip (vamp) {S#Throw: 11 javelins _Done exploring. _Done exploring. çcggÌŒ_What level of the Dungeon? (default 7, ? - help) _There is a stone staircase leading down here. çcggHÌg_You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.çcggŃ%  çcggVŃ+Okay, then.çcggÒçcggUŐçcggœŚ. _çcggŒÆ3çcggwÇçcggÊçcggoÌçcggMĐP _çcggQÓ,çcggșÓçcgg@ŐçcggìŚ,çcggæŰçcggĘÚçcgg­Ę,çcggXȚçcggÁßçcggÒâ,çcggœăçcgg@ćçcggöç,çcggßèçcggšêçcggwí,çcggîçcggđçcggűó,çcggțôçcgg™śçcggYû,çcgg1üçcggpÿçcggÿc# # ####. #. ###.####.###.###..<##!.... ...#.#####..#..... #.#........##.....###......###........@............##.....#######......#......##...#......# #..#......# ..#.....f   sleepcap (dormant)#f....###...çcggĐ,84.8 (9çcggïp/5.8 (10.0)çcggêuçcggŽx[ _A sleepcap comes into view.çcggh=– # # ###  #. #. ###.#  ###.###.###..<#  çcggá=0#!.... ...#.#####..  #..... #.#........  ##.....###......###.  .......@............  ##.....#######......  #.....   #..... .# #..  #..... .# ..  çcgg>x#..... #f.... ###...çcggŐ # # ###  #. #. ###.#  ###.###.###..<#  çcgg_Öę#!.... ...#.#####..  #..... #.#........  ##.....###......###.  .......@............  ##.....#######......  #.....   #..... .#  #..... .#  #..... çcggŚy#f.... ###... çcgg ȚçcggșȚçcgg·äçcggŹòĄ #. # ### #. #. ###.####.###.###..<# #!....#...#.#####.. #.....# #.#........###.....###......###...................... ##....@#######...... #.....# .##... #.....# .# #..çcggFó8 #.....# .# .. #.....# #f....# ###...# #...# _A sleepcap is nearby!çcggŸüçcggKę/6.0) çcggÀę _çcgg‰çcggłècgg0h3#. # ### #. #. ###.####.###.###..<# #!....#...#.#####.. #.....# #.#........####.....###......###....................... ##.....#######......ècggȚhe #...@.# .##... #.....# .# #.. #.....# .# .. #.....# #f....# ###...# #...# #####ècggńmècggtvsf.fècggw&7ècgg"}ècgg1€ècggwêj #. #. ###.####.###.###..<# #!....#...#.#####.. #.....# #.#........####.....###......###. ................ ##.....#######...... #.....# .##...ècgg~ë #..@..# .# #.. #.....# .# .. #.f...#  #.....# ###...# #...# ##### ècggpđècggvś:f.ècgg!ű&8ècggàÿècgg‰ècgg‚L·  You hit the sleepcap but do no damage.You hit the sleepcap with your +2 vampiric whip.ècggsMZ=9Rev ècgg~SècggÖVN _The sleepcap misses you.ècggMÊ@  You hit the sleepcap with your +2 vampiric whip.  The sleepcap is moderately damaged.You hit the sleepcap with your +1 war axe.90.9 (1.1Rev+ ècggÓÎècggăĐM _The sleepcap releases spores at you but does no damage.ècggńĄ  You hit the sleepcap with your +1 war axe.  The sleepcap is heavily damaged.ècggΑ[4--10ècggż˜ècggpœ _You hit the sleepcap but do no damage. The sleepcap releases spores at you.ècgg›đ  You completely miss the sleepcap with your +2 vampiric whip.The sleepcap is heavily damaged.You slash the sleepcap with your +1 war axe!ècggłń­5=-=3.0 (1.1Rev* ècggíśècgg’úV _The sleepcap closely misses you.ècgglą  You hit the sleepcap with your +1 war axe.  The sleepcap is almost destroyed.ècggŸm0-4.1ècgg&sècggw _You hit the sleepcap but do no damage. The sleepcap closely misses you.ècgg{ëš  You hit the sleepcap but do no damage.The sleepcap is almost destroyed.ècggìF-50ècggÔóècggŹśœ _You hit the sleepcap but do no damage. The sleepcap barely misses you.ècggm^à bar  You hit the sleepcap with your +2 vampiric whip.  You feel better.  You destroy the sleepcap!ècgg@e2.ècggŁhy7==36ècggŹmècggqZ _Makhleb accepts your kill.ècggúŃècggŚÒècggĆŚècggüÙH _No target in view!ècgghQècgg!RècggZVècggvYH _No target in view!ècggő±ècgg”Čècgg/·ècggŃșH _No target in view!ècggÓíècggwîècggÀïècggÚôècgg ű; _ècggźü,ècggžę,ècgghțècgg\ècggĐ Ą .k  #.# # ###  #.# #. ###.#  ècggŹ  ###.###.###..<#  #!....#...#.#####. #.....# #..#######.....###......###.......@................-#######.....#######..... #.....#.##.. #.....#.# #. #.....#.# ...#k   wyvern (asleep).....#ècgg \###...##...#ècggŃ­ 8.1 (2  A wyvern comes into view.Gozag incites the wyvern against you.ècgg~ècgg ƒ.kkberserk, incited)ècggűE-9.1 (3ècgg°!ècggö$X _The wyvern goes berserk!ècggç  ..  #.# # ###  #k# #. ###.#  ###.###<#  #!....# #.....#  #######.....### .......@....... #######.....### #.....#  #.....# .#  #.....# .#  #.....#  #.....#  ###...#  #...# ècgg›3 ä ..  #.# # ###  ècgg 4 #k# #. ###.#  ###.###<#  #!....# #.....#  #######.....### .......@....... #######.....### #.....#  #.....# .#  #.....# .#  #.....#  #.....# ècggà4 †###...# #...#ècgg\< ècgg= ècggóA ècggÄD ] _A wyvern is nearby!écggȚ`Ț  .. .# # ## #k# #. ###.##.###.###..<# !....#...#.#####  #.#.......#######@....######...................#######.....#######....#.#.# ...##écggTdécgg}eécggÉmK.kécgg/o‡=200.1 (1Rev+ _écgguvécggyécggĘ­€ . .. .# # ## #.# #. ###.écgghź3##.###.###..<# !k...#...#.#####  #.#.......#######.....######...................############...#.#.# ...écggśč^  The wyvern misses you. x2écggrș.=1écggŠżécggLĂ> _The wyvern bites you but does no damage.écgg"C È  You closely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.You hit the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.  The wyvern bites you.écggȚC ›3--2.2 (1.1Rev* écggtJ écggòM > _The wyvern bites you but does no damage.écggnj#You hit the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.  . _The wyvern bites you but does no damage.  You hit the wyvern but do no damage.is lightly wounded.  You closely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.écgg%}47--------==30écgg %écggZ(j _The wyvern closely misses you. The wyvern bites you!êcgg©°ù You closely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.The wyvern closely misses you. The wyvern bites you!barely miss the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.You hit the wyvern with your +1 war axe.  misses you.--4 _The wyvern bites you but does no damage.êcgg]?‡  misses you. _The wyvern bites you but does no damage.  You barely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.The wyvern is moderately wounded.  You barely miss the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.  êcgg@A--5êcgg_GêcggIIŠ _The wyvern barely misses you. The wyvern misses you.êcggÔśç  You barely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.The wyvern is moderately wounded.You hit the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.êcggáűu0--------=6êcggÉțêcggei _The wyvern bites you! The wyvern barely misses you.êcggȂ ç  You barely miss the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.The wyvern is moderately wounded.You hit the wyvern with your +1 war axe.êcggzƒ 5-7.3 (1.1êcgg•‰ êcggŸ ’ _The wyvern closely misses you. The wyvern barely misses you.êcgg=   You closely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.The wyvern is moderately wounded.You barely miss the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.êcgg> i24--------==80êcggśC êcggIF j _The wyvern bites you! The wyvern closely misses you.êcgg ­  .  ..  #.# # ###  #.# #. ###.#  ###.###<#  #!k...# #@....#  .....# ......... #######.....### #.....#  #.....# .#   #.....# .#  #.....#   You closely miss the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.The wyvern is moderately wounded.You slash the wyvern with your +1 war axe!ëcgg0Ì .  ..  #.# # ###  #.# #. ###.#  ëcggِY###.###<#  #!k...# #@....#  .....# ......... #######.....### #.....#  ëcgg‘M#.....# .#  #.....# .#  #.....#ëcgg@‘ ëcggü›‚  The wyvern bites you!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ëcggӜ`8/67 ------------ëcggüœ9ëcggèĄëcggà„’ _The wyvern barely misses you. The wyvern closely misses you.ëcgg¶Žû  .  ..  #.# # ###  #.# #. ###.#  ###.###<#  #!k...# #@....#  .....# ......... #######.....### ëcgg/”č#.....#  #.....# .#  #.....# .#  #.....#   You hit the wyvern with your +2 vampiric whip.  The wyvern is severely wounded.You closely miss the wyvern with your +1 war axe.ëcgg‰° .  ..  #.# # ###  #.# #. ###.#  ###.###<#  #!k...# #@....#  .....# ......... #######.....###ëcggŽ‰Ś #.....#  #.....# .#  #.....# .#  #.....# ëcgglx  The wyvern barely misses you. The wyvern bites you.ëcggh7--------10.4 (1.1ëcggԔëcgg̖V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ëcggêÖ+ * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *slash the wyvern with your +1 war axe!almost dead.2 vampiric whip.!  You die...ëcgg^ q-1/67 ----ëcgg /  --more--ìcgg}ìcggŻ…­Inventory: 33/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +1 war axe (weapon) {Soledad}  G - a +2 vampiric whip (offhand) {Suchat}f - a +0 dagger {Urai}  i - a +4 short sword {Nodoka}  s - a +0 spear of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  d - 5 throwing nets  e - 11 javelins (quivered)g - 22 poisoned darts  p - 2 boomerangs ìcggy† Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 helmet (worn)  j - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  r - a +0 ring mail (worn)  t - a +1 cloak (worn)b - a +0 leather armour Wands (go to first with /)k - a wand of charming (16)  y - a wand of warping (10)  C - a wand of acid (8)  F - a wand of polymorph (3) ìcggș†Ü[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ìcggŃŚ ìcggÛ,ìcggCç"Goodbye, crok.3143 crok the Chopper (level 9, -1/67 HPs)Began as a Coglin Gladiator on Dec 22, 2024.Was an Initiate of Makhleb.Slain by a wyvern (8 damage)... on level 8 of the Dungeon.The game lasted 00:09:26 (7137 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.53115580 tswnHuSh-27 escaped with the Orb3.32457476 tswnTrRe-27 escaped with the Orb4.26687813 tswnSpSh-27 escaped with the Orb5.26460741 tswnMDHs-27 escaped with the Orb6.26319591 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb7.25873036 tswnMDRe-27 escaped with the Orb8.25355277 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb9.24699432 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb  10.23823169 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb  11.23737872 oddsox OpCA-27 escaped with the Orb  12.23156942 tswnMDSh-26 escaped with the Orb  13.22614997 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the OrbìcggQU ìcgg‘\ ìcggë_ ? [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l