=gZ Player: morningthaw Game: DCSS 0.32 Server: crawl.dcss.io Filename: 2024-10-22.18:13:17.ttyrec Time: (1729620797) Tue Oct 22 18:13:17 2024 >gJ[ [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h>g?\V)0[?7h[?25l[?1c>gOa>gwc>gkWelcome, morningthaw. Please select your species. SimpleIntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiA - Mummy Coglins ride enchanted exoskeletons able to wield weapons in both hands, wrapping slow-revving metal around their puny goblinoid frames. + - Recommended species * - Random species # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - Help Tab - Coglin Earth Elementalist?g ?g ?g Welcome, morningthaw the Mountain Dwarf. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fighteri - Artificerq - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiatorj - Shapeshifterr - Conjurer c - Monkk - Wanderers - Summoner d - Hunterl - Delvert - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-mageu - Fire Elementalist Zealotm - Warperv - Ice Elementalist f - Berserkern - Hexslingerw - Air Elementalist g - Cinder Acolyteo - Enchanterx - Earth Elementalist h - Chaos Knightp - Reavery - Alchemist Earth Elementalists know the Sandblast spell, and can later learn more earthen spells suitable for subtle stabbing or brute-force blasting. + - Recommended background?g * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Change species ? - Help Tab - Coglin Earth ElementalistCg? Cg? Welcome, morningthaw the Mountain Dwarf Fighter. You have a choice of weapons.  a - rapierCg@ g(-2 apt)  b - flail (+2 apt)  c - war axe Cg4@ \(+2 apt)  d - trident (+0 apt)e - long swordCg@ "(-1 apt)  f - unarmedCgA (+0 apt) + - Recommended random choice * - Random weapon % - List aptitudesCgB %Bksp - Return to character menu Cg2B ? - HelpEg1wEgEgItmorningthaw the Shield-Bearer Mountain DwarfHealth: 19/19 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 6Str: 18EV: 8Int: 8SH: 4Dex: 9Eg{XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)a) +0 war axeNothing quiveredEg########.....#+.....##..ß.@#+.....##..[..###+#+##EgEgWelcome, morningthaw the Mountain Dwarf Fighter.They say the Orb of Zot lies within this dungeon, but they say a lot of things.Eg EgPress ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found a ring mail.EgEg; [ _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.Fgd Fg @  Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt a + Fighting3.2  31%  +1   j + Spellcasting   0.0    -2      Fg-      b + Maces & Flails   1.3    +2      c + AxesFgW 2.4   8%  +2      Fg} R d + Polearms   1.1     0      Fg . e + Unarmed Combat   0.0     0      Fg             Fg4 |    f + ArmourFgf 3.2  31%  +1      Fg M g + Dodging   0.0    -3      h + ShieldsFg 3.2  30%  +1      Fg i + Stealth   0.0    -2  Fg         Fg a    FgD         Fgg _    Fg         Fg n    Fg _    Fg     The percentage of incoming experience used to train each skill is in brown.  Fg( Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  Fg{ g[/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsFg Gg,O  a * Fighting   3.2  4872322Hgg_ 4 c * Axes   2.4  1420Jg352 f * Armour   3.2  3518Jg 549 f - Armour   3.2   27Lg$ 45 h * Shields   3.2  41Lgڳ726 h - Shields   3.2   Mg؏5719 g * Dodging   0.0  24%MgAZ7426 g - Dodging   0.0   Mg5719 i * Stealth   0.0  24%NgO7426 i - Stealth   0.0   Og5719 e * Unarmed Combat   0.0  24%Og,7426 e - Unarmed Combat   0.0   Qg57 j * Spellcasting   0.0  24%19Qg1 74 j - Spellcasting   0.0   26RgD} RgZmorningthaw the Shield-Bearer Mountain DwarfHealth: 19/19 ========================Magic: 1/1========================AC: 6Str: 18#######EV: 8Int: 8#.....#SH: 4Dex: 9+.....#XL:  1 Next:  0% Place: Dungeon:1#..ß.@#Noise: ---------  Time: 0.0 (0.0)+.....#a) +0 war axe#..[..#Nothing quivered##+#+##  Welcome, morningthaw the Mountain Dwarf Fighter.They say the Orb of Zot lies within this dungeon, but they say a lot of things.Press ? for a list of commands and other information.  Found a ring mail. _Found a staircase leading out of the dungeon.RgRgCRgRgяSgOSgXPSgQSgTSgUSgY: _SgYSg[,Sg\Sg&`SgQb,SgcSgf/ _You open the door.Sgi3SghjSgn@  There is an open door here.SghpSgp _Sg4rSgYx]########.....#+.....##..ß.<# +.....# #..[..####+#'##.##....@...#########.# Sgx2# Sg}+5.0 (5Sg3~+6.0 (6SgSgd _e - a scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMYSgVSgSgSgSgZ,Sg-nSg+Sg,SgSgSg,SgWSgSg .# .### ....####### ..#Sg!\#.....# ...#+.....###...##..ß.<#..>..#+.....#@# 10.0 (4.0)#..[..#.# ###+#'##.# #........#########.##.##.#Sg]V#.##..Sg.A1.0 (5SgSg; _Found a stone staircase leading down.Tg 3Tg Tg, Tg TgC BTgS Tg Tg Tg Tg$ Tg\ TgQ Tg, R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.Tg Tg^  _Tg TgM Tg ,Tg8 Tg Tg ,Tg Tg Tgx Tg Tg Tg Tg? Tgk Tg6 Tgs Tg* ,Tg Tg Tg ,Tg Tg Tg ,Tgy Tg  Tg ,Tgz Tg TgU ,Tg Tg1 Tg Tg1 Tg Tg Tg ,Tgg Tg Tg%" ,Tg" Tg$ Tg % Tg=% Tg% Tg& Tg( BTg* Tg+ ,Tg, Tg. Tg. ,Tg/ Tgz0 Tg1 ,Tg2 Tg3 Tg4 ,Tg.5 TgU6 Tg7 ,Tg8 Tg9 Tg< BTga= Tg> Tg> Tga? Tg@ Tg.BUg{h17.0 (1.0)Ug3nUgpVg;..#. ####. ..##. #.##..... # #. #.##.... ##.#. #.##...# #P.P.##..+...# #.B@..##...# #####.##...# #.##...# #.....## #......####Vg<7 #.........###### #.....###...... #.##### ######.. #.# ##.VgED=8VgXLVgO= _You block the giant cockroach's attack.Vg{  You closely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.9.5 (1.5VgހVgh\ _The giant cockroach barely misses you.Vg A  You hit the giant cockroach.Vgi.Vg.NTrooper 16Vgo50.8 (1.3Vg VgS _You kill the giant cockroach!VgVg~VgVgH _No target in view!Vg; 3Vg; Vg> VgB VgrF : _VgG VgL  .K.# ... # #..####P #....#  . #.##.##..... #.#.##.##.... ##.#.##.##...##P.P@##..+...#Vg0M -###.....##...######.##...# #.##...# ### ##### K   kobold (asleep)Vg`M #.........##### #.....###...... #.##### ######.VgPQ ,10VgW `.KKVgQX E-2.8 (2Vgj^ Vgcd z _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.Wg..# .K.#  #..###P #....# . . #..##.#@##.##P.P.##..+###.....######.###...Wgߤ## ####....#####....###.....Wg>Wg]F.KWgί+3.8 (1Wg>Wg_Wgr . ...#  #K.###P #....# . . .##.#.##.###P.P.##..+###....######...######....#####Wgu Wgm} F.KWg} &4Wg Wg Wgp ... ...#  #..####P #K...# . . .#.#.##.##P.P.##..+###....######...######Wg D=5Wg Wg} = _The kobold hits you but does no damage.Wg{y   You barely miss the kobold. You block the kobold's attack.Wgy -7.3 (1.5Wg' Wgق = _The kobold hits you but does no damage.Wg C8.7 (1.4Wg Wg? y _You hit the kobold but do no damage. You block the kobold's attack.Wgo :  You slash the kobold!Wg, C)Wg 23360.1Wg Wg J _You kill the kobold!Wg' 4Wgq Wg H _No target in view!Wg Wgh Wg Wg H _No target in view!Wg!WgWgWgH _No target in view!Wgw4WgWg~H _No target in view!Wg4Wg"WgJ%H _No target in view!Xg^4XgdXgxgC _No target in view!XgtXg޲XgdzXgԶXgXg: _XgB _ You see here a +0 short sword.XgXg5 _XgMXgXgXXgXgXg.XgsXg,Xg;XgXgXgXgXgBXg,XgXgXgr,XgXg3Xg&. .. ... .#.g.. .#.....###+#.#.... #@...## - #.....#  #.....#  ##.....# #......##......# g   goblin (asleep)###.#..####P##)..##. #.##.##.....Xg 8.1 (8.0  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.Xg?.ggXg_4==9.1 (9XggXg( _The goblin shouts!XgI?# # .##.... .##..g..###+#.##..@....#####....## #.....# #.....# ##.....# #......# #......###.#..### #P##)...#XgjNXgrVZ.g..--70.1 (1Xg\Xg(`Xg& .##.#.. #...## .# #..... .# #...g.###+#.# #.# ####....## #.....# #.....# ##.....# #......# #......# ###.#..###  #P##)...#XgR) Xg0 J.gJ   endoplasm (wandering)g   goblinXg"1 A--1Xg7 Xg; ] _An endoplasm comes into view.Xg  You closely miss the goblin.The endoplasm quivers.Xg ?.JJXg 5=2.6 (1.5Xg Xg T _The goblin closely misses you.Xg  Xg Xg*" +..JXgg" (4.1Xg& Xg( u _You miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no damage. x2XgŻ Xg .J5.5 (1.4 _You closely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no damage.XgQ  You hit the goblin.  The goblin is moderately wounded.Xg[.J 8--6.9XgicXgg9 _The goblin hits you with a +0 club.Xgӳ:  You slash the goblin!XgXg .J)  You kill the goblin!The endoplasm freezes you.Xgnl6----508.3XgXg% _You are frozen.Yg5  You slash the endoplasm!.--669.7Yg<Yg?M _You kill the endoplasm!Yg,o4YgDuYgbwH _No target in view!Yg4YgYgH _No target in view!YgYgYgfYgtH _No target in view!YglYgYgYgYgf _Yg Yga7=YgYg,YgóYg۶,YgʷYg,YgջYgYg^S-S   ball python (constriction, wandering)Ygj.85.7 (6.0Yga=-6.7 (7YgYg^ _A ball python comes into view.Yg g #..###.#. ..... #...#### .# #...... .# #S....###+#.# #.# ####....## #.....# #.....# ##.....# #......# #......#  ###.#..### Ygg[ #P##)...#YgnlYgTr0.Ygra8==7.7 (1YgwYg| _The ball python hisses angrily.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpseYg! 4Ygg% Yg' F _Unknown command.Yg8 Yg YgN YgT  YgL B_No target in view!Zge3Zg0fZghZgmkZg]p: _ZgwS-8S   ball python (constriction)Zg;x8-ZgQZgvb _A ball python is nearby!Zg2 . ..##. ..#..###......#......  #...#######.#Zg*0 #.........#.##..S@.###+#.##..##)......ZgV#. ####....### #.....#Zg #.....# ##.....# Zg #......# #......###.#..###Zg΀Zg  The ball python barely misses you. The ball python grabs you.Zg57-Zgg-1 =9Constr ZgZg_ _The ball python constricts you.Zg =  You closely miss the ball python. You block the ball python's attack.  The ball python constricts you.The ball python bites you but does no damage.91.1 (1.4Zg Zgя _ _The ball python constricts you.Zgjm =  You hit the ball python.Zgt E†Zg\x t9/20= 8 752.5Zg~ Zgր O _You kill the ball python!ZgZg_ZgZg H _No target in view![g74[g@^ _No target in view![gD _[gkX[gj20===[g[gL1 _HP restored.[g~ ... . ..# ##. ..##..###.#>.....#.#......#  #...#######.# #..@......#.#-[g6.5 (4.0 #..†..###+#.# #..##)...... #.. #######.. #.....##.. #.....##.. ##.....##.. #......# #......#[g[gE-7.5 (5[gs[g; _Found a stone staircase leading down.[gW _[gԁ [g ,[g [g҉ ,[g@ [g [gϑ [g :==[gU [gB [gɗ [g [g [g [g˝ [g [g$ [g` [gɤ [g q.. h..  .. ... .. ..# # ##. ..##.#..###.#.#>.....#.# [g֭ .......@..# #######...#######.# #....#[g  #..†..###+#.# #..##)......#[g- L #..#####....##h   jackal (wandering) #..# #.....#[gX  #..# #.....##..# [g 0##.....#[g 0102.5 (5.0)[gϵ [g $3.5 (6[g [gc Y _A jackal comes into view.\gtqQ ... h.. .. ...  .. ..#  # ##. ..#  #.#..###.#  .#>.....#.#  .......@..#  #######...#  #......  #..†..###+#.#  #..##)......#  #..#####....##  #..#   #..#   #..#  \ghO ... h.. .. ...  .. ..#  # ##. ..#  #.#..###.#  \g.#>.....#.#  .......@..#  #######...#  #......  #..†..## #..##).. \gd#..#####....##  #..#  \g#..#  #..# \g3\g\g\ge] _A jackal is nearby!\gE........h... .. ... .. ..# # ##. ..# #.#..###.# .#>...@.#.#...........# \gE########...#######.# #.........#.# #..†..###+#.# #..##)...... #..####### #..# #.....# #..# #.....#\gwN\gAV^.hh\gV5===4.5 (1\g[\g_; _The jackal barks! You hear a bark! x2\g d#S...>....#....#....#....... h...ß... ... ..# # ##.# ..# #.#.@###.# .#>.....#.#............# #########...#######.# #.........#.# #..†..###+#.# #..##)......S   ball python (constriction, wandering)\g2 #..#####....##  #..# #.....#\g  A ball python comes into view.Found a stone staircase leading down.\g! \g$ D  The ball python hisses angrily.\g& \g/ .JS.hJ   endoplasm (wandering)h   jackalS   ball python (constriction)\g21 0---5\g9 \g*> ] _An endoplasm comes into view.\g6  You barely miss the jackal.The endoplasm quivers.\gN \g \gޱ e.JSJ\gg 1=--\g &6.9 (1.4\gm \g8 A _The jackal bites you but does no damage. x2\g([ :  You slash the jackal!\gg Y  You kill the jackal!\gdh \gti \gj \gu .J.hh(wandering)  \g....# .........# ........# J......## ....ß... ......# # ##.# ..# #.#@.###.# .#>h....#.# .\gu .#  #...#######.#  #.........#.# #..†..###+#.#h   jackal (wandering) #..##)......# #..#####....##  #..# #.....#\g G  The jackal barks! You hear a bark!\g hhhh 2 jackals  You block the jackal's attack.\g] K====90\g \g Y _A jackal comes into view.\g.:  You slash the jackal!\g/\g50\g1Y  You kill the jackal!\g9 h.  A jackal comes into view.\g;\g?morningthaw the Trooper#....>....#Mountain Dwarf.........#Health: 20/20 ========================........#Magic: 1/1========================J......##AC: 6\gD@Str: 18....ß...EV: 8Int: 8......#SH: 4Dex: 9# ##h# ..#XL:  1 Next: 108% Place: Dungeon:1#.#@.###.#Noise: =--------  Time: 110.8 (1.4).#>h....#.#a) +0 war axe............#Nothing quivered#########...#######.#\g@x#.........#.##..†..###+#.#hh 2 jackals#..##)......##..#####....###..# #.....#The jackal barks! You hear a bark!  You block the jackal's attack. _A jackal comes into view.You slash the jackal!  You kill the jackal!A jackal comes into view.\grA: --- \gA_The jackal completely misses you.You have reached level 2!\gH/  --more--]g;D7/272/22 3% ]g ]g4 _]go  You barely miss the jackal. You hit the jackal. The jackal barely misses you.]gY  The jackal bites you. You block the jackal's attack.]g]gJJ   endoplasmhh 2 jackals]gN65--]gu!2.2]g]g S _The jackal barely misses you.]g 4]gͶ ]gܺ F _Unknown command.]g 8  You hit the jackal.]g. Y  You kill the jackal!]g w  You hit the jackal. The jackal closely misses you.]gf ]g% `.J   jackal]g 6=-103.6]g S _The jackal barely misses you.]gM J]g? F _Unknown command.]gP  You hit the jackal but do no damage.The jackal is heavily wounded.You slash the endoplasm!]gQ \  You kill the endoplasm!]g .Sh   jackalS   ball python (constriction)  The jackal bites you.]gd4--74.9 (1.3]g]g> _The jackal bites you but does no damage.]gc']g(]g.]g2F _Unknown command.^g.  You hit the jackal but do no damage.The jackal is heavily wounded.^g0^g8^g79(6.2^g@^gCV _The jackal barely misses you. x2^gM]4^ged^gfF _Unknown command.^g±:  You slash the jackal!^g4^gr>SS   ball python (constriction)^g@5=-^gƻ/247.6 (1.4^g^gJ _You kill the jackal!^g.^g^g^gF _Unknown command.^g(B _You kill the jackal! _Unknown command.  You closely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.  The ball python bites you but does no damage.^gB4--1 8.9 (1.3Constr ^g;G^gCI_ _The ball python constricts you.^g3^g^g^gF _Unknown command.^g  You barely miss the ball python. The ball python bites you.^g$d1----20.2^g ^g_ _The ball python constricts you.^gyT ^gLU ^gv[ ^g] F _Unknown command.^g \ _The ball python constricts you. _Unknown command.  You barely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.   The ball python bites you but does no damage.^gm h0----1.6 (1.4^g ^g: _The ball python constricts you.^g ^g F _Unknown command.^gWo4^gt^g| _Unknown command.You closely miss the ball python. The ball python bites you.  The ball python constricts you. The ball python bites you.^g/m15-----3.0^gĈ^g_ _The ball python constricts you._gF4_g_g}w _Unknown command.You slash the ball python!_gF†_gv`---- 8 314.4_g_gEO _You kill the ball python!_g'_g'_g-_g8\ _Unknown command._g]9_g>_gSAH _No target in view!_gɷ_g_g_gA\ _Unknown command._g_gj_gH _No target in view!_gS 3_g _g _g 6= __g5 ,_g _gv ,_g _g _g ^7==_gߨ _g _g% _gN _g ,_g _g| _g _g _g 98_g\ ;==_g̴ _g ,_ga _g ,_gϸ _g ,_g _g _g* K9=_g _g. _g] _g _g! ,_gu _g ,_g& _g. ,_g _g _g N20=_g_ _g ,_g _g ,_g _g_ ,_g3 _gJ _g j1==_g _g _g _g _g- ,_g _g _g _g` _gi _g h2==_g% _gy ,_g _g _g _g _g ,_g _g- _gu a3==_g _g ,_g: _gR ,_gF _gy ,_g _g0 ~4==_g _g ,_g _g ,_g _gh ,_g _g; ~5==_g _g ,_gp _g\ ,_g _g@ ,_g _gP _g 9=_g _gB a6=_g _g _g _gT _gg ,_g _g _g _g _g ~7==_g _gI _g ,_g _g _gO _g _g _g& _g ,_g _gw _gT _g 9=_g _g _g _g9 _g _gX _g _g7 ,_g _g ,_gL _gg! _g)" ,_g" _gH# _gZ$ ,_g$ _g)& _g& ,_g'' _g(( _g) ,_g|* _g+ _g+ _g+ _g, _g, _g3- _gL- _g- _g. _g_/ _gz/ _g/ _g1 _g3 B_g4 _gu6 _g6 _g07 _g9 _g: _g: _gV; _g= _g= ,_g> _g? _g? ,_g6@ _gnA _gFB ,_gB _gC _gAE ,_g3F _gG _gI _gVI _gI _gtK _gL _gL _g3M _gM _gN ,_g O _g.P _gP _gP _gLQ _g`S _g-T _g]T _gT _gU _gW B_gX _gtY ,_gZ _g ^ B_g^ _g_ _g` _g` _g'a _gb _gb ,_gDc _gre _gf _gf _gg _gg _gi ,_gj _g+l _gm ,_gm _gn _go ,_gp _gr  _Unknown command. _No target in view! _ Things that are here:  a jackal corpse; a jackal corpse_gs _gGt  __gt _gu _gw _g5w _gw _gy _gz _g { _g{ _g| _g} _g~ _g~ _gq _gi ,_g _g _g ,_g' _g _g/ ,_gȇ _g _g ,_g _gg _g ,_g _g _gߎ ,_gn _gO _gv ,_g _gb _g͟ @##########...#######.# #.........#.# #..†..###+#.# #..##)......# #..#####....###..# #.....##..# #.....# #..# ##.....# #@.# #......#-B.......## #......########## ###.#..### #P##).. #. #.##.##._g6 r .#.#.##.##. B   giant cockroach (asleep) .##.#.##.##. .P#P.P.##..+. .. ###.....##._g 1217.4 (93.0)_g _gޭ ..BB-8.4 (94_g b _A giant cockroach comes into view.`gB> #.........#.# #..†..###+#.# #..##)......# #..#####....## #..# #.....# #..# #.....# #..# ##.....#.#######..# `g|Cu.#...B...@.## #......########### ###.#..### #P##)...# #. #.##.## .#.#.##.###.#.##.##P#P.P.##..+. ###.....## #####.##`gF`gNd.B9.4 (1`gO.0)`gU`gX`gd o #.#.# #..†..###+#.# #..##)......# #..#####....## #..# #.....# #..# #.....# #..# ##.....##.#..# #......##....B.@..## #......## ###.#..### #P##)...# #. #.##. .#.#.##. .##.#.##. .P#P.P.##.. .. ###..... #####.`g. `g! a.B20`g$ `gk& `g̕  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.=1.8 (1.4`g `g J _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage. x2`g5  You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.`g5 (3.2`g9 `g; = _You block the giant cockroach's attack.`g0  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.`g (4.6`g `g _The giant cockroach barely misses you. You block the giant cockroach's attack.`g  You barely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is heavily wounded.`g. V6-6.0`g% `g1( \ _You block the giant cockroach's attack. The giant cockroach bites you.`g C  You slash the giant cockroach!`gV g†`g -77.4 _You kill the giant cockroach!`g `g e _Your Axes skill increases to level 3!`g*`g +`g0`gx3H _No target in view!`g4`g`gH _No target in view!`g.`g/`g5`g8H _No target in view!agksagsagxag|H _No target in view!agagHagagjag _7=ag$ag,agagm!k  You see here a giant cockroach corpse.ag"ag" _ag,#ag#ag$,agC%ag&ag(O=ag(ag)ag*agI+,ag+ag,,ag,agx-ag.agN.ag|.ag/ag/,ag0ag1ag%9- #...#>†....#.#  #............#  ##########...######  #.........  #..†..###+  # #..##)....  .# #..#####..  ###.#.###..# #.. ag\:Q #@......#..# #..-  #.#..g..#..# ##.. #.#######..# #... #.....†...## #... ########### ###.  #P# g   goblin (asleep)    .#. ag:H .##.aguH 30.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.ag{N@g.gagO6===8.4 (11agVag[@ _The goblin shouts! You hear a loud squeak.ag #...#>†....#.#  #.#  ##########...# .. #.# .# #..†..###+# ag E.# #..##). .# #..#####. ###.#.###..# #. #.@.g...#..# #. #.#.....#..# ##. #.#######..# #. #.....†...## #. #### ###.# #P# #. # .#.# .##.#ag$ agg.ag;---9.4 (1.0)agagagag4X=--40.7 (1.3agag  _You closely miss the goblin. The goblin closely misses you.bg>:  You slash the goblin!bg@i)bgC6442.1 (1.4bgIbgKJ _You kill the goblin!bgbgbgbg$H _No target in view!bgq(bg)bg.bg1H _No target in view!bg4bgbg H _No target in view!bgbgbgjbg#bgZ^ #...#>†....#.#  #.#  ##########...#. #.. #.#. #.# #..†..###+#. #.# .#..##). #.# r.#..#####. ###.#.###..# #. #..@....#..# #. #.#.....#..# ##. bg6#.#######..# #. #.....†...## #. ### ###.#. #P##) r   rat (wandering) #. #. .#.#. .##.#.bgMp 0.0  A rat comes into view.bgb.rbgQJ====3.1 (1bg bg{l _The rat squeaks loudly. _You see here a +0 club.bgV #...#>†....#.#  #.#  ##########...#.# #.. #.#.# #.# .#..†..###+#.# bg #.###.#..##)......# #.#...#..#####....# ###.#r###..# #. #..)@...#..# #. #.#.....#..# ##. bg#.#..# #. #.....†...## #. #bgS ###.#. #P##). #. #.# .#.#.# .##.#.#bgbg [=---4bgӲbgQ _The rat closely misses you.bg bgG o6----5.6 (1.5bgy x _You closely miss the rat. The rat bites you.bgE  You hit the rat.  The rat is heavily wounded.bg [7=6.9 (1.3bgbg 1 _You block the rat's attack.bg  You closely miss the rat.The rat is heavily wounded.8.2bgbg#W _The rat bites you but does no damage. You block the rat's attack.bg#  You barely miss the rat.The rat is heavily wounded.9.6 (1.4bg= bgN; _The rat bites you but does no damage.cgz #...#>†    ##### #.. # #.# .#..† #.###.#..##) #.#... ###.#r###..#  #..)@...#..#  #.#.....#..#  #.#######..#  †...##  cgU  #P##) #. cg #...#>†    ##### #.. # #.# .#..† #.###.#..##) #.#... ###.#r###..#  #..)@...#..#  #.#.....#..#  #.#######..#  cg†...##   #P##)#. cg4cgcgZ _A rat is nearby!cg Z5  You hit the rat.cg`i.cgvdM=851.0cg jcglG _You kill the rat!cg1x Icgsz cg| cg| cg} ,cĝ cg cg cgʅ cgj cg cgp cg cg ,cg[ cg cg cg cg cg cgf ,cgy cg cg֟ cg cg cgW cg cga cgF cgv cg% cgw cgm cgs cg cgQ cg cg˶ cg ,cgn cg cgܺ ,cg[ cgf <  You see here a +0 club.cgF cg  _cg, cg cgp ,cg cg) cg ,cgb cg cg ,cg cgE cg ,cgk cg cgB Bcg cg ,cg. cgx cg ,cg cg k  You see here a giant cockroach corpse.cg cg  _cgG cg cg ,cg' cg cg. cgX cg cg/ cg ,cg cg cg ,cg, cgP cg< ,cg cg cg ,cg cg cg ,cgx cge cg cg cgD cg g  You see here a ball python corpse.cg cg  _cg cgh cgb cg cg cg ~  Things that are here:  a +0 club; a goblin skeletoncg cgT  _cg cg cg ,cg% cg cg ,cg cg cg ,cg: cg4 cg0 ,cg cg cg ,cg cg cg ,cg cg3 cg ,cgg cg cg ,cg cg cg ,cg cgR cg ,cg9 cg cg ,cg cg cg cg< cg cg cg# ....#..# ....##.# .#..g ....##.####### .#.. ....##........ ... ..ß....####### #..## .....### $...# .##..# ...# .###.# ##..# ...#.# #####@.#- .....# #.....## ##...#######.###..# .#.........#.# #...# .#..†..###+#.# ##... .#..##)......# ....#g   goblin (asleep) .#..#####....## #..## ##..# g# m#.....# #.. .#..# #.....# ...cg' 95.0 (44.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.cgm- v.gg==6.0 (45cg1 cgF5 ( _The goblin shouts!dg#.## #..# ....####.# .#...##.####### .#.g.##........ ... ß....####### ##..## ...####$ dg=##..# . ###.# #.# #####.. ....# #.....## #...#######.###..# #.........#.# #...# #..†..###+#.# ##...# #..##)......# ....#..#####....## #..## #..# #.....# #dg"..dgdgf.g--7.0 (1.0)dgdgdgK ß...# #.## #.##.. #..# #....####.# #.#.##.####### #.#...##........ ...g ß....####### ##..## ...####$..# #. ##.# #.# ##### ...# #.....## ...#######.###..# dg# .........#.# #...# ..†..###+#.# ##...# ..##)......# ....# ..#####....## #..##dg dg l.g--8dg dgû dg, M...# ß...#  ...###.. ....## .######## ##.#..# ..##........ .... ß....####### ##.g# ...###$@..#. #...## # ##..## .#.# #####..##.#dg5. {g   goblin#dg< s5--=9dgA dg C ; _The goblin hits you with a +0 dagger.dg   You hit the goblin.  The goblin is heavily wounded.6=-300.4 (1.4dg dg S _The goblin barely misses you.dgL  You barely miss the goblin.The goblin is heavily wounded.dg4M (1.8dgR dgV = _The goblin hits you but does no damage.dg :  You slash the goblin!dg C)dg =553.3 (1.5 _You kill the goblin!dg& dg i _Your Fighting skill increases to level 4!dg;R dgS dgW dgZ H _No target in view!dg dg& dg dg H _No target in view!dgJQdgQdgUXdg[H _No target in view!dg\dgdgdgH _No target in view!eg4eg3egH _No target in view!egegneg3eg<#No target in view!egeg^egWegegd~7= _egegRegveg ,eg$ eg- > _You now have 11 gold pieces.egegegegegeg9=egeg"egegieguegegegeg=egeg{egeg eg!eg#eg#eg$eg'eg})eg)eg*eg,eg.,eg/eg1eg,2,eg2eg3eg5eg5eg6egA9eg(;,eg;egM=egR>,eg>eg?eguAegAegBeg5CegDD,egDeg9Eeg+FegFegIGegJegR ######  #....#### #........ ###....#- egRx#.....###.. #.##...# ..# #.##..## ..# #....## #.. #.#...# S.#S   ball python (constriction, asleep) egR#########.#..## ..#..........## #.. #########.)#eg*Y 21.3 (18.0)  A ball python comes into view.egLZeg&`tS.S)eg`F-2.3 (19eg9degHh5 _The ball python hisses angrily.eg  eg PInnate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutationsa - Your spellcasting is much less encumbered by armour.b - You can use scrolls of enchantment on lesser artefacts.fgfg]fg  morningthaw the Trooper  Mountain Dwarf  Health: 27/27 ========================Magic: 2/2========================AC: 6Str: 18######EV: 8Int: 8#....#####SH: 4Dex: 9#........#XL:  2 Next: 55% Place: Dungeon:1###....#@..#Noise: ---------  Time: 322.3 (0.0)#.....###..#a) +0 war axe#.##...# ..#Nothing quivered#.##..## S.##....## #..#.#...# ..#S   ball python (constriction) #########.#..## ..# ...........g 0m.## #.. #########.)## _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _You now have 11 gold pieces.  A ball python comes into view. _The ball python hisses angrily.fg #######....######........# ###....#...# #.....###@.# #.##...#...# #.##..###S.# #....## ##..#.#...# ..# fg] 9########.#..## ..# ...........## # ########.)##  #....#fg fgT AS.fg $3.3 (1fg fg gg{  You closely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.gg)}-1 =4.6 (1.3Constr ggYggz _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.gg'c  You closely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python constricts you. The ball python bites you.4---6.0 (1.4gg=-gg%0_ _The ball python constricts you.ggd=  You hit the ball python.ggF†ggd--- 8 627.3 (1.3gg͗ggRO _You kill the ball python!ggggdgg gg H _No target in view!gg]ggggggH _No target in view!gggggggg@ P _ggw5=gg,ggggd,gg|gga,ggggIgga6==gggg$ggmggQgg ggK gg!gg"gg"gg#gg%gg%gg&a7==gg&ggR)gg*gg*gg_+gg-gge.gg.gg|/gg0gg2,gg3gg5gg#7ggp79=gg58gg::gg;,ggX<gg=gge?gg?gg@ggBggPggQ,ggRggTggU,ggWggjXggY,ggaZgg[gg],ggI^gg^gg`,ggFxggy,ggzggu{gg|,gg}ggK~gg,gg(ggggނ,gggg ggO,gg gggggggg=gggg,gg(gggg,ggzggܑgg ,gggggg•,ggggggݘ,gg'ggNggugggggg&gg%,gggggg ### #.###.### #.......######.#.##.#.# #.#.# #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  ggn+#.#@# - #.#  ..#  K### .. #. K   kobold (missile, asleep) #. # gg 70.3 (43.0)KK)  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.ggA((ggvP..6-=1.3 (44ggzWggO[D _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you.gg * #.......####.# #.#...... #...#.K##gg `#..#. gg ggp 2(ggaz Q.2.3 (1.0)gg ggZ W _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage.hg_ #####.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.###.#.##..@.# #.K### #..  #.. #.. #.. #..#..hgWh<3hgFnhgr= _The kobold hits you but does no damage.hgVC4.7 (1.4hglhgaq _You closely miss the kobold. You block the kobold's attack.hgh  You barely miss the kobold. The kobold barely misses you.hgi#7hgjj8=6.0 (1.3hgMphgs4 _You block the kobold's attack.hg   You hit the kobold.  The kobold is moderately wounded.hg-7.4 (1.4hghgD4 _You block the kobold's attack.hgy  You closely miss the kobold.The kobold is moderately wounded.8.8hg|hg= _The kobold hits you but does no damage.hg 0  You slash the kobold!)=880.3 (1.5 _You kill the kobold!hgȫ _No target in view!hg" 4hg hgFH _No target in view!hghgghghgH _No target in view!hg 4hghgH _No target in view!hghgGhghghg! hgI$P _hgD',hg(hgW0 _No target in view! _No target in view! _ Things that are here:  a +0 dagger; 3 stoneshgL2hgmm _hg _You now have 23 gold pieces (gained 12).hg #..# #..# #..# #..# #..# #..# #+# #..# #### #.# #..#### ...## #.# #....- ##..# #.# #.####.  ##.# #.# #. .# ###.###.####... .# ....##......... .# ###..#..####... S#J   endoplasm (asleep) ..##....# #^ J+S   ball python (constriction, asleep) ..###...# #. .# .<#..>..# 97.3 (17.0)  An endoplasm and a ball python come into view.gYmThe endoplasm quivers.hg. S.S   ball python (constriction).+  The ball python hisses angrily.-8.3 (18hghg6 _The endoplasm moves out of view.hg #..# #..# #..# #..# #..# #+# #..# ### #.# #..##### ..## #.# #......# #..# #.# #.####@# # #.# #. #.# ##.###.####... .S# ...##............# ##..#..####....J.# .##....# #^...r.+ J   endoplasm###...# #......# r   quokka (wandering) <#..>..# ######## S   ball python (constriction)#.###.#hg hg hg hgI S.Jr.hg 19.0)hg hg Y _A quokka comes into view.igbigfJ.r.6-=400.6 (1.3 _You closely miss the ball python. The ball python bites you.ig  You barely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.r.2.0 (1.4igV igS _The ball python barely misses you. The ball python closely misses you.ig ig igYou hit the ball python.ig,ig  r.  You kill the ball python!-723.4igigOr _You block the quokka's attack.  You slash the quokka!J.7=94.7 (1.3 _You kill the quokka!igхD  You slash the quokka! _You kill the quokka!  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is heavily wounded.The endoplasm freezes you.  You are frozen.ig\5--6.2 (1.5ig.ig4@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.igs  You barely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is heavily wounded.7.6 (1.4igGig$gV _The endoplasm barely misses you.ig igy5 You hit the endoplasm.igF†ig6=-868.9 (1.3 _You kill the endoplasm!igB4ig8LigO ig^B_No target in view!ig94ig[ig igC:_No target in view!ig3ig4ig8ig ;H _No target in view!ig _No target in view!ig 4ig $ igp :_No target in view!ig} 4igA Y _No target in view!ig% 4ig;, ig{5 ig ig igA ig8 ig* ig+ ig1 ig*5 igX 4ig ig 0 4ig5 ig7 ig igT ig ig igON Qign igX igQ ig igGigHig^RigzgIigiig3j$ _igmXigbnign,igpigpa7==igiqigsigbtigtigtigz _ Things that are here:  a quokka corpse; a ball python corpseig{ig| _igw}ig~ig igYigigmigig9=igigigq,igΈig_7 _You open the door.ig3igőig1ige,igig$@  There is an open door here.igig _igigޞigTigigNigigigigigig,igsig!ig#.# #.... #.# #.####. #.# #.####† ##.####...... #............ #..####......##### ...# #^.....'... .# #......###. >..# ########  ig})- #.  #.# #  #.# #  .# #  .# #.#  g   goblin (asleep) #  #g  igܹ) ig 23.9 (15.0)  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.igJwgg.==4.9 (16ig"ig-( _The goblin shouts!jgZ; #.#   #.# .#  #.# †#.#.#.##### #^.....'...# #.# >..#  #@# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.# jg .# #.#  .# #.# #g# #.#jgl #.#   #.# .#  #.# †#.#.#.##### #^.....'...# #.# >..#  #@# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  .# #.#  .# #.# #g# #.#jg _A goblin is nearby!jg####† ##.####...... #............####......##### ...# #^.....'.........###. >####### #. ##.#    jg<.#g.jgdjg(g.jgA--5.0) _jg/ kgy† ##.####...... #......######## ...# #^.....'.........### >####### ##.#   g #.kg|kg=ig.--6kgkgލkg&##.####...... #......######## ...# #^.....'.........### >####### ##.#   g.kg D=7kg-kgS _The goblin barely misses you.kg]|8  You hit the goblin.kg j)kg6939.3 (1.4kgkgJ _You kill the goblin!kg4kgQkgg H _No target in view!kgA4kgkgiH _No target in view!kg4kgkgH _No target in view!kg4kgukgH _No target in view!kg Jkgu"H _No target in view!kg:4kgnY _No target in view!kg3*4kg5kg4kg]kg3kgkgkg kgkgrkg: _kge; _ You see here a +0 club.kg<kg.#### ...# #^.....'...# ...# . >####### # ##.#  #.#  . ) - #.r   rat (wandering)r kg kgN300-kg$1.3 (2kgkgMV _A rat comes into view.kgy( W...# #^.....'.........### >####### ##.#   ).r.kg* kg0 rr.2.3 (1kg8 kg: lgX......### >####### ##.#   ).r.lglg`r.3lglglgvA>####### ##.#   ).r.lg4DlgH:r.lg@I&4lgMlgOPlgK=5.6 (1.3lglg. _You closely miss the rat. The rat closely misses you.lglPM4---lgQ&7.0 (1.4lgVlgYd _You barely miss the rat. The rat bites you. x2lg5  You hit the rat.lgh†lg5=--68.4 _You kill the rat!lgOlgvPlgVlgeXH _No target in view!lg4lgS^ _No target in view!lgR] _No target in view!lglg9lgKlg8H _No target in view!lge lg|f lg0l lgn H _No target in view!lg lg lg lg9 @ _No target in view!lg _lg : _lgl ,lgF lg5 ,lgV lgE! lg! h6==lg" lg$ ,lg% lg( ,lg* lg+ ,lg6, lg\- ~7==lg- lg ,lg> lg? lg@ ,lgA lgC lgmE ,lgF lgG lg9I lg~I lgJ lg]M lgN ,lg;P lgQ lg S lg[S lgTT lg\V lgW lg?X lgZY lg(a  #.#   #.# .#  #†# ..  #.# .#  #.# .#  #.# .# lga #.###.# #.#...# #.# -#.... #####       lga 4lgf 058.4 (20.0)lgUg F-9.4 (21lg_k lgm a _f - a scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZElg# lg$ lg' lg* H _No target in view!mgoImg1J3mgJmgKmgkP _mgPmgbQ,mgQmgiSmgiT,mgTmgUmgV,mgWmgXmgY,mgYmgZmg[,mg\mg\mg],mg^mg^mg_mg_mg!`mgNamgWbmgbmgbmgcmgdmgdmgdmgemgfmgfmg!gmg#hmgi,mg4jmgmkmglmglmgmmgomg=xC#)#.#.#  #.#.#.#  #.#.#.## ##  #.#.#.. g#  #.#.#.#### #†#.#....# #.#.#.##.#  mgy#.#...##.## #.###.##..@.#  #.###.#####.#  #.#...# ##  #.##.## #....# ###### g   hobgoblin (asleep)   mg{ 74.4 (15  A hobgoblin comes into view.mgz.gg===mg5.4 (16mgmg+ _The hobgoblin shouts!mgM#.# #.#  #)#.#.#  #.#.#.#  #.#.#.## ###  #.#.#.. ..#  #.#.#.#####g#  #†#.#....##.#  #.#.#.##.##.#  #.#...##.##@#  #.###.##....#  #.###.#####.#  mg#.#...# ###  #.##.# #....#  ######   mgmgF.gmg;---6.0)mgmgUngod+.# ) ## ##. ..#.#.#####.†#.#....##g#...##.###...##.#####....# #####.##....######nglngxm4---=--7ngCrngu- _The hobgoblin hits you.ngjl  You hit the hobgoblin but do no damage.ng-8.7 (1.3ngng@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.ngmu  You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.5=--80.0ng{ng6~W _The hobgoblin closely misses you.ng|C1.4 (1.4ngngw _You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.ng_w 91ngw ;----2.7 (1.3ng} ng܀ m _You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin hits you.ng,   You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin barely misses you.2=---4.1 (1.4ng| ng] @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.ng] ng -5.4 (1.3ng ng _You barely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin barely misses you.ngf >6.7ngN% nga' v _You barely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.ng3  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #)#.#.#     ###  ng24  ..#  #.#  #†#g#  #@#  #.#  ng^4 /..#  ##.#  ng4  ###  ng4 2    ng4 9 ng  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #)#.#.#     ###   ..#  #.#  #†#g#  #@#  ng }#.#  ..#  ##.#   ###       ng ng ng ng ` _A hobgoblin is nearby!og  You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin closely misses you.1-8.1 (1.4ogog>- _The hobgoblin hits you.og8  You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is almost dead.9.5og:og<7 _You block the hobgoblin's attack.og  You closely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is almost dead.ogF)90.9ogog@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.og~  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #)#.#.#     ###   ..#  #.#  #†#g# ogq  #@#  #.#  ..#  ##.#   ### og- u      og  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #)#.#.#     ###  ogq  ..#  #.#  #†#g#  #@#  #.#  og ..#  ##.#  og @ ###  og   og 8   og og og2# og. _A hobgoblin is nearby!You slash the hobgoblin!og4 g†ogo5 og%< #.# #.#  morningthaw the Trooper#.# #.#  Mountain Dwarf#)#.#.#  Health: 22/27 ===================-----#.#.#.#  Magic: 2/2og< ========================#.#.#.## ###   AC: 6Str: 18#.#.#.. ..#   EV: 8Int: 8#.#.#.#####.#   SH: 4Dex: 9#†#.#....##†#   XL:  2 Next: 103% Place: Dungeon:1og= #.#.#.##.##@#   Noise: =--------  Time: 492.2 (1.3)#.#...##.##.#   a) +0 war axeog1= #.###.##....#   Nothing quivered#.###.#####.#  ogb= #.#...# ###  #.##.##  #....# og=  ######     _You block the hobgoblin's attack.  You closely miss the hobgoblin.og= The hobgoblin is almost dead. _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage. _A hobgoblin is nearby!You slash the hobgoblin!og? _You kill the hobgoblin!You have reached level 3!ogF /  --more--pgh  Your experience leads to an increase in your attributes!Increase (S)trength, (I)ntelligence, or (D)exterity? qg0q7/33=3/3203qg@1 1% qg&6qg9U _You feel stronger. x2qgQ qgjR qgR qgT qgYY | _qgZ qgZ qg[ qg\ qg\ 58=qg] qg] qg_ ,qge_ qg` qgbf r-r   rat (wandering)qgl N7.2 (5.0-qg\m $8.2 (6qgp qg%s V _A rat comes into view.rg& rgOV.# ) ## ###. r.#.#.#####.†#.#...#...##.##...rg##.#####....# #####.##....######rgrg3.rrgE0rrg&====rg$9.2 (1rgrgu _The rat squeaks loudly. _You see here a hobgoblin corpse.rgg 5  You hit the rat.rgH g†rg$ 9==3=---500.5 (1.3rg& rgS G _You kill the rat!rgG rghH :---rgM rgLP H _No target in view!rg 4rgf rg H _No target in view!rgQE 4rgH rgJK H _No target in view!rg 4rgv rgȫ H _No target in view!rg"+ 4rga. rg/ H _No target in view!rg rg rg rgm rg _rg rg# rgf $30rg 2=rg rg, rgb rg rgq ,rg rg ,rga rgt rg K1=rg' rg rg[ rg rg rg rg< rg] rg rgO rg rgd h2==rg, rg rg> ,rgd rg rg rgC ,rg rg 3==rg _No target in view! _ You see here a rat corpse.rg6 rg  _rg rgM rg? rg rg rg rgB rg 9=rg rg rg ,rg rg1 rg ,rgX rg3 rg rgD rgb rg rg} rg rgc rg rg0 ,rgF rg rg rg rg  rg< rg rgW rg rg rg ,rgU rg rgw ,rg: rg rg= ,rg rgc rg rg rg rgO rg rg rg rg rg! ,rgP" rgT# rgi$ ,rg$ rgQ& rgJ' rg' rg' rg#) rg* rgG* rg* rg+ rg, ,rg - rg. rg/ ,rg/ rg0 rg1 ,rg1 rg2 rgt3 ,rg3 rg=4 rg4 rg4 rg5 rg5 rg=6 ,rgy6 rg27 rg7 rg7 rg8 rgs8 rg9 ,rgB9 rg9 rg&; ,rg; rg= rgL> rg> rg> rg? rg@ rgG@ rgv@ rg9A rgA ,rgA rgsB rg C ,rgIC rgC rgqD ,rgD rg\E rgE ,rgF rgF rgG rgG rgH rgI rgrJ rgJ rg"K rghL rgM rg&N rgXN rgO rgGP rgP rgP rgfR rgxS rgS rgS rg:U rg rg rg rg ,rgS rg rg ,rg8 rg rgX ,rg rg. x _You see here a rat corpse.  a +0 club.rgk rg  _rg rg rg ,rgBrgYrg ,rgrgrg,rg/rg3rgrgrgrg rg ,rgu rg rgrgrgIrgrg^,rgrg@  There is an open door here.rg-rg _rgrgrgc,rgrgSrg,rgurgrg=,rgrgrge ,rg rg!rg",rg #rg#rg$rg$rg%rg%rg|',rg(rg)rg*,rg!+rg,rg,,rg,rg.rg.rg.rg/rg/rg0,rg0rg1rgh2,rg2rg4rg`4,rg4rg[^ _You now have 36 gold pieces (gained 13).rg\,rgw^,rg`Brg0ergDg,rghrgirg=k,rgIlrgmrg>orguorgprgrrgsrg]srg+trgurgzw,rg{xrgyrg^|Brge@  There is an open door here.rgcrg _rgrgA  You see here a +0 ring mail.rgCrg _rgًrg,rg<,rg/rgrg$,rgrg7 _You open the door.rg3rgrg@  There is an open door here.rgrg _rgrgärg,rgrgrgͫrgrgrgrg `rg-rg,rg|rg,rgPrgrgrg,rg2rgrgrgRrgrgbrg+  #####.## #.## #... #... #... #... #.## #.#################.#  #....@..............# - ###################.#  #.## #..# ##.. ### rg2666.5 (166.0)rgcF-77rgJrgb _g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJEsgsgsgsgH _No target in view!sgy 3sg= sg? sg sgZ _sgZ sgl Bsg sg@ ,sg sg sg ,sg$ sg sg sg ,sg sg ,sg sgz sg ,sg% sgY sg sg ,sg sgD ,sg sgx sg ,sg= sg sg Bsg sg Bsg sgC Bsg sg ,sg sgP sg #P##)...# #. #.#.#.#.##.##.##.#.##.##.P#P.P.##..+.. ###.....#############.....# #.###.###@# #...#.# #......J. #...#.# #####.#.....#.#..#.#.###.#################.# J   endoplasm (asleep)#...................####################.##.## 82.5 (15.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.sg= J.J3.5 (16sg sg! ^ _The endoplasm quivers.tgsog#. #.##.##..#.#.##.##..##.#.##.##..P#P.P.##..+... ###.....##.####### #####.##.#.....#  #.##.#.###.######## #....#.# #.@...J..# #.#.# #####.#..# #.#.##.#.# #.####.#################.##...................# ###################.# #.##.tgstgx"J.tgy14.0)tg}tgtg>I O#. #.##.##..#.#.##.##..##.#.##.##..P#P.P.##..+... ###.....##.####### #####.##.#.....# tg8J #.##.#.###.# #.#.# #..@.J...# #.#.# #####.#..# #.#.# tgJ ##.#.# #.# #.# #..#tgM tgQS J.tgS &5tgdX tgA[ tg =  You slash the endoplasm!tg i.tg =7=7.0 (1.5tgw tg M _You kill the endoplasm!tgkJ 4tgaO tgQ H _No target in view!tgf tg tgX tg H _No target in view!tg_ tg` tg~d tgf H _No target in view!tg tgt tg{ tg H _No target in view!tg\4tgatgcH _No target in view!tgP4tgRtgC _No target in view!ug0#ug#ug*(ug\+ugug˻ug=ug$ug#. #.##.##..#.#.##.##..##.#.##.##..P#P.P.##..+... ###.....##.####### #####.##.#.....# #.##.#.###.# #.....##.# #...@....# #.#.# #####.#..# #.#.# )# # #.....##.# b.#.##.#####.# b   bat (asleep)#ugx.##.###..####ugNg0.0  A bat comes into view.ugug_b.bug+8.0 (1ugugO _Found a short sword. The bat hits you but does no damage.ugug&b.ug\-9.3 (1.3ugug,w _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2ug ug< ug ugx .bug) .90.7 (1.4ug ug _You miss the bat. The bat closely misses you.ug)#. #.##.##..#.#.##.##..##.#.##.##...#.P#P.P.##..+...#.. ###.....##...## #####.##...##.....# #.##...##.###.# #.....##.# #....@b..# #......##.# #####.#..# #.#.# #)# .# #.....##.# #.. ..#.#################.##.# #..#ug/,ug,ugq3ug3,10ug9ug-<Q _The bat closely misses you.ugugtugAugK.b3.0 (1.3ugyug-s _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.ug1#. #.##.##..#.#.##.##.... .##.#.##.##...# .P#P.P.##..+...# .. ###.....##...# # #####.##...# #.....# #.##...# #.###.# #.....## #.# #.....@b.# #......##.# #####.#..# #.#.# #)#..# #.....##.# #...... #.##### ##.#############.# ##.# .#.## ##..#ug<B40vg  _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2; The bat barely misses you.vgf  You barely miss the bat. The bat barely misses you.vg-mT.b5.4 (1.4vgtvgv: _The bat hits you but does no damage.vg"#. #.##.##..... .#.#.##.##.... .##.#.##.##...# .P#P.P.##..+...# .. ###.....##...# # #####.##...# #.....# #.##...# #.###.# #.....## #.# #.b# #......##.# #####.#..# #.#.# #)#..# #.....###.#.# #...... #.##### ##.###########.##.# ##.# .#.## ##..######.vgWvgOvg&.bvg!,60vg vg : _The bat hits you but does no damage.vgtvg}&b.vg~-7.7 (1.3vgvgهv _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2vg  You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage. x2vg(9.0vg f _The bat barely misses you.vg   You barely miss the bat. The bat closely misses you.vg/700.4 (1.4vgvg= _The bat hits you but does no damage. x2vg{  You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.vgAC1.7 (1.3vgn vg6Q _The bat closely misses you.vgvgvg8vg)N.b3.0vg0vg{t _You closely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.vguvg b.  You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.vg!4.3vgvg1 _You block the bat's attack.vgܕ7  You slash the bat!vg†85.7 (1.4vgvgzG _You kill the bat!vg4vg vg<#H _No target in view!vgȜ4vgvgaH _No target in view!vg\"4vg9'vg*H _No target in view!vg²4vg+vgɼH _No target in view!vg2-4vgH4vg6H _No target in view!vg4vgrvgĿ@ _No target in view!vg ovgovgpvglrvgsvgut$ _vgynvg{{vg|vg6}vg}vgvgvgvgzvg`vgvgԅvgvg@vgvgRvgvg͋vgɌ,vgvgގvg̏,vgGvgvgҒ,vgVvgvgYvgvgѕvgvgŗvgvgevgҙvguBvgVvgÞ,vgnvgvg3vg|vgvgvg,vgvgvgI,vg|vg#vg,vgvgvg8vgvgVvgvg$vglvgľvg,vgVvgIJ _You now have 47 gold pieces (gained 11).vg3vg vgvg,vgvgvg},vgvgRvg,vg>vgvgtvgvgvgvg~vgvgvgvgvgvgXvgvgvgvgIvg vg ,vgi vg vg? ,vg vg" vgN vg vgs vg vg vgM vg vg vgT vg vg^ vg! vg" ,vg# vg' vg&) ,vgZ* vg:. vg/ ,vg0 vg4 vg6 ,vg=7 vgO; vg{< ,vgM= vg@ vgcB vgB vgHC vgG vgH ,vgI vgL vg4N vgN vg_O vgR vgT ,vgT vgX vgY vgY vgVZ vgL^ vg._ vg_ vg` vgb vgc vg%d vgpd vgg vgih vgh vgh vgl vgl vgl vgYm vgo vgp vgp vg.q vgps vght vgt vgKu vgw vgx vgx vg1y vg0| vg} ,vgd~ vg vg\ ,vg vg vg܆ vg vg܇ vg vgw vg vg~ vg\ vg; ,vg vg% vg vg vg vg vg ,vgؙ vg vg5 ,vg> vgן vg ,vg vgP vg ,vgd vg3 vg ,vg vg5 vg ,vgb vg vgs vg vga vg vg vg vg4 vg vg ,vg vg vg ,vg vgf vg vg vgZ vg vgU vg vg" vg7 vg vg vgZ vg, nvg vg vgY vgE vg vg vgq vg| vg vg vg vg& vg vg vge vg vg ,vgc vgF vg ,vge vgY vg ,vg vg vg ,vg vg vgD # #.....# #.. # #.....# #.....# # ##.....# #...... # #......# #.....## # #......# #......## ###.#..###......?# #P##)...#......## vg #. #.##.##......#... .#.#.##.##..@....... -.##.#.##.##...###...h .P#P.P.##..+...# #  .. ###.....##...##########.##...#.......#.##...#vg* h   jackal (asleep) #########.#.....## ....†# #.#......#### #+# vgf #.#..# #.#.........###### #.#vga { 83.7 (78.0)  A jackal comes into view.vg h.h==4.7 (79vg vg,! ' _The jackal barks!wgb #.....# #..  #.....# #.....#  ##.....# #......  #......# #.....## #  #......# #......## ####.#..###......?# ##P##)...#......## .##. #.##.##......#.wg#.#.#.##.##.##.##.#.##.##...###..h.#.P#P.P.##..+...# ### .. ###.....##...# ##.##...# ##.......#.##...# #.#.....## # ...†# #.#......#### #+# # .#..# #.#.........###### #.# #wgPwgwg>h.wgB:--5.7 (1.0)wgјwgwga #.....# #.. ##.....# #.....# ###.....# #...... ##......# #.....## ##......# #......## #.###.#..###......?# .#.wgc 5#P##)...#......## ..#.#. #.##.##......#.#..#.#.##.##....@.h...# #..##.#.##.##...###.#. .P#P.P.##..+...# ###. . ###.....##...# #. #.##...# #. #.#.##...# #..#.....## #.†# #.#......#### #+# #. #..# #.#.###### #.# #.wgTf wgJp Rh.--wgp 6wgw wgz wg  You closely miss the jackal.The jackal bites you but does no damage.=8.2 (1.5wg^ wg S _The jackal barely misses you.wgf :  You slash the jackal!wgtn i.wgq 1129.7wgu wgw J _You kill the jackal!wg. 4wg wg( H _No target in view!wg9j wgj wgp wgs H _No target in view!wga wg  wgJ wg H _No target in view!wgl wg~m wgGs wg2v H _No target in view!wg[ wg wga wgo H _No target in view!wgw wgxx wgJ~ wg C _No target in view!wg wg: wgwgVwg&4wgҍwgCwgwgdwgwgmwg|wg1M###....## #..####..#  ##.  ## #......# ##  ###.#..##?# .P##)...#......## ...#. #..... ........#  .##.#.##.##...###.....h wg)c.P#P.P.##..+...# #######....h   jackal (wandering)#...wg(0.0wgB4-90.7 (1wgwgQ _A jackal comes into view.xg0 #.....# ###..# #.#.....# #.....##. ##.....# #...... #. #......# #.....## ####. #......# #......## ...#.. ###.#..###......?# ....#.)P##)...#......## .....#.#. #.##.#......#..#.#.##.##.xg...# #. .##.#.##.##...###.....h.#. P#P.P.##..+...# ########.  ###.....##...# #. ########.##...# #. .......#.##...# #. ######.#.....## #. .†# #.#......#####+# #.# #.#...###### #.# #.xgxg xg|h.hxg@-1xgxgxg3 #.....# ###..# #.# #.....# #.....# ...#.# #xg r.....# #...... ..xg #.# xg ......# #.....## ..###.# ......# #......## ..#..#..###......?# ..#.)# #P##)...#......###.#..# #. #.##.##......#.#..# .#.#.##.##.h# #..# ##.#.##.##...###.#..# xg( Y#P.P.##..+...# ##xgw #..# xgȐ -###.....##...# xg\ #..#xg &.##...# xg| #..#xg '#.##...# xgH #..#xg (.#.....## xgݓ #..# xg. o†# #.#......#### xg :#+# #..# .xgM /# #.#.xg X###### #.# #..#xg xgĞ xg= xg$ .h.xg &2xg xg ygs.....# ###..# #.#. .....# #.....# .... #.#. .....# #...... ... #.#.# #.....## #..###.#.# #......## ......# #. #.#..###......?# ......# #.)# P##)...#......###.#..# . #.##.##......#.#..# #.#.##.##.h.# #..# .#.##.##...###.#..# P.P.##..+...# #. #..# #.##...# #..# # #.#.###### #.# #..#yg  The jackal closely misses you.=yg 3ygyg!> _The jackal bites you but does no damage.yg|yg~\1--5.1 (1.4ygyg _You barely miss the jackal. The jackal bites you. The jackal barely misses you.ygo  You hit the jackal..2=-66.4 (1.3 _You kill the jackal!ygv %ygU =w3ygS ==-w   dart slug (wandering)ygD yg? -9.4 (3.0ygH !-yg &800.4 (4yg[ yg  ygD V_A dart slug comes into view.yg5 ## #..## #.#.## ###..# #...#.#.## #.....# ..w#.#.## #...... ... #.#.## #.....## ##..#### ##.#.# ....# #......###......# #.... .#..###......?#.......## #.)### ##)...#......###..#  #.##.##......#.@....... #..# .#.##.##..........####.. #..# .#.##.##...###......... #..# .P.##..+...# #########..... #####.##...# #..# ....#.##...##.#.....##    #.#......#### #+# #..#ygݬ yg% `.wwyg +1.4 (1yg] ygܼ zg7# ....# #.#.# ## #..##  #.#.# # ###..# ##....#.#.# # #.....# #...#.#.# # #...... ..w. #.#.# # #.....## ##..#### ##.#.# ..# #......#### #....# ..###......?#.......### #.)### #)...#......###..# #.##.##......#.......... #..# #.##.##..........####... #..# #.##.##...###......... . zgb9kP.##..+...# #########. .....##...# #..# ### ...#.##... ##.#.....##  zggC<2zgKzg~Nzg,#.# ##...#  .... ..$.### #..## #....##..# ##....# #..... ..w. ## ##..####.# ...# ### #.... #..##?#.### #.)### #)...#......###..#.......zgg.......####.. #.##.##...###........... P.##..+...# #########. . .... ### ...#.##...zg9  Found 6 gold pieces.zg ``The dart slug launches a dart at you.zg[-..zg7\]1--=3zg'rzgy8 M...# #### #.# ##...# . .... ..$.##zgz)## #..## #......##..# ##.....# ##...... ..w.# ## ##..####.# ...# ### #.... #..##?#.### #.)### #)...#......### #.##.##......#.......... #..#.#w   dart slug _The slug dart hits you.zgԆzg\ `The dart slug launches a dart at you.zgO&.zg5_2=-4zgV zg+ ##..# .........# #...##### #.# ##...# ..#  .... ..$.#### #..## #......##..# ##.......# ##....... #..w.# ## ##@.#### ##.# ...# ### #.... #..##zg"-t?#.### #.)### #)...#......####..............####. #.##.##...###.......... P.##..+...# #########... .... _The slug dart hits you but does no damage.zg:3<5zg7zgA:A _The dart slug bites you but does no damage.zggGe  You hit the dart slug.zgH-6.7 (1.3zgMLzg*Nb _The dart slug is severely wounded.zg;  You hit the dart slug.zg01.zgq3==23zg$8.1 (1.4zgzgM _You kill the dart slug!zgV zgW zga zgd H _No target in view!zg zgv zg zgu H _No target in view!zgY 4zga zgc H _No target in view!zg0 4zg zg H _No target in view!zgg 4zg5n zg0p H _No target in view!zgg zg zg zgi zg zgv $ _zg ,zg, zgj zgu zg zga ,zg zg zg O=zgJ zg zg zg zgz zg2 ,zg zgl w _No target in view! _You now have 53 gold pieces (gained 6).zg 3zg zgK zg zgl zg$ zgt zg$ ,zgJ zg zgo zg zg  _You now have 65 gold pieces (gained 12).zg zg* zg@ zg! zgG# ,zg$ zg' zge) ,zg9+ zgl. zg%/ ,zg/ zg1 zg3 ,zgB4 zgj6 zgl7 ,zg 8 zg9 zgY; ,zgn< zg1? zg9A ,zgGB zgIE zg4G ,zg;H zgJ zgL ,zgM zg#P zgQ zg3R zgS zgU zgxW zgW zgX zgE[ zg] ,zgb^ zgJa zgf ,zg_i zgyk zg}m zgm zgn zgw ##+#.# ##...###....# #. ......# ....# #.....#### #. ##....## #..## ##.......# #.  #.....# ###..# ##........# #. zgLx  #.....# #.....# ##.........# #. ##.....# #...... #....####### #. #......# #.....## ##..#### ##. #......# #......###......# #.. ###.#..###......@#.......### #.)-  #P##)...#......###......... #..  #. #.##.##......#..........# #..  .#.#.##.##..........####...# #.. zgy .##.#.##.##...###...........# #.. P#P.P.##..+...# #########...# #..   ###.....##...##..  ########.##...##.. ..#.##...# #.. zg 034.1 (26.0)zg F-5.1 (27zg zg d _h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH{g{g{g/{g{g{gzX{g{gW{g{gI,{g{gl{g,{g{g{gm,{g:{gd{g,{gZ{g{g{g ,{gk {g ,{gd {gt {g {gc {g {g{g,{g{g<{g7,{g@{g{g%{g,{g {g ",{g"{gz${g%{g%{g~&{g({g;*,{g+{g,{g-{g-{g.{g 0{gL1{g1{gH2{g#4{g5{g5{ga6{g7{g9,{gm:{g;{gF=,{g<>{g?{g@{g-A{gA{gC{gD,{gE{g3G{gH,{g|I{gJ{gZK{gK{gK{g8M{gN,{gtN{g&O{gO,{gP{gP{g0Q,{gQ{gR{gS,{gCT{gZ{gZ{g[{g[{g ^{gE_,{gT`{gb{gd,{gze{gh{gh,{g.i{gj{gk{g l{gl{g6o{go{g)p{gp{gr7 _You open the door.{g`s3{gs{gv@  There is an open door here.{ghx5 _{gx{gy{g:z,{gz{gd{{g{{g|{gB|{g}{g~{g~{g2{gb,{gā{gz{g{g,{gև{g{g},{g{gk{g,{gW{g{g,{g{g}{g,{g{gל{g#,{gY{gզ{g,{g:{g{g{g {gU{gh{g,{g{g{g{g {g{g2{g9{gj{gҷ{g{g{gG{g{gg{g{g{gy{g{g {gE{g{g{g,{g{gr{g`{g{g{g*{g{gR{gA,{g{g{g,{g{g{gm,{g{g{gK,{g*{gM{gI,{g{g{g{g{g{g{g{g!{g{g({g {g={g{g{g,{g{g{gk{g{g,{g{g{g{ge{g{g&,{g{g\{gn  #.#...#..#####....## ##..## ###.#.###..# #.....# ###..## ..)....#..# #.....# #.....## # #.#.....#..# ##.....# #......# # #.#######..# #......# #.....## # #{g [.....†...## #......# #......### ########### ###.#..###....... #P##)...#......### #@P#.##.##......#.905.1 (70 #_.~~..#.#.##.##....... #♣.PP.##.#.##.##...###.. #...P#P.P.##..+## #P.. ###.....##...#  #########P#########.{g    ###.......#.##...#  #.###.###########.#.....## {g0  #.# #.......†# #.#......####{gB6.1 (71{g%{g< _Found a faded altar of an unknown god.|gT3|g|g|g)###.#.###..# #.....# ###..##  #..)....#..# #.....# #.....##  #.#.....#..# ##.....# #......#  #.#######..## #......# #.....##  #.....†...##P##......# #......#  ###########P..###.#..###....... #...P#P##)...#......###♣[~P.#.P#.##.##......|g #_.~~.@#.#.##.##......0.0) #♣.PP.##.#.##.##...### #...P#P.P.##..+...# ## #P..####.....##...##########P#########.##...# #.....# ###.......#.##...# #.###.###########.#.....## #.# #.......†# #.#......####  #.# #####.#..# #.#.........# |g&_|gT+7.1 (1|g8_|g# _Found a robe.|g|g|g|gj|gq|g,|g|g,|g3|g|g,|g|gl# #.###.#..†..###+#.# ##...## #.###.#..##)......# #....# #.#...#..#####....## ##..## ###.#.###..# #.....# ###..# #..)....#..# #.....# #..... #.#.....#..# ##.....# #.....#.#######..####......# #.....#.....†...##P##......# #.....###########P@.###.#..###10.1 (3 #...P#P##)...#.... #♣[~P.#.P#.##.##.... #_.~~..#.#.##.##.... #♣.PP.##.#.##.##...# #...P#P.P.##..+...# #P..####.....##...# #########[|g$mP#########.##... #.....# ###.......#.##|gm+|g-E _Done exploring.}gkZI}gv0... _Done exploring.}g9 3}gT; }g,Q }gQ }gV '_}gVY E _Done exploring.}g/ }g }g 9_}g H _No target in view!g+3ggeg+g$ _ggg,gugggvgg*g,gg#g,g@gg+,gggc g g~ gyg,g#ggg7g^gg,ggg,gsgg ,g9"g%g&g,'g'g*C  You see here a +0 short sword.g<,g, _g_-gV/g1,g3g07g9,gt<gp>g@,gAgiDgvFgFgRHgJgN,gPgSgV,gWgYg[,gs\gZ^g_g(`gagbgdguegegggEigigjglgon,gbog*si  You see here a ball python skeleton.gugu _gvgxgzg&{g{g}gy,g|gBa..#.#..###.# ##....#>÷....#.# #####...........# #... ##########...#######. #.....#.....# #gi #.###.#..÷..###+#.# ## #.###.#..##)......# # #.#...#..#####....## ## ###.#.###@.# #.....# ###38.1 (28.0)#..)....#..# #.....# ##.#.....#..# ##.....# #g#.#######..####......# ##.....†...##P##......# #..###########P..###.#..###.. #...P#P##)...#.. #♣[~P.#.P#.##.##. #_.~~..#.#.##.##.glg!ggggcg0g6gޖgP,ggߛggg,gggs,ggQgӵ,gNgǸg,g!gλg,gg)  Things that are here:  a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeletongkg _grg-r  #.#....>....#..#   #.#.........##.#   #.#.........##.#####   #.#.........##........   #.#.ß.....ß....#######   #.#..........###  gh #...#.##.##..#   #...#.#..###.#   #...#@÷....#.# 48.1 (10   #............#   ##########...#######.#   #.....#.........#.#   #.###.#..÷..###+#.#   #.###.#..##)......#  #.#...#..#####....#  ###.#.###..# #....  #..)....#..# #....gggc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g g g$ g gegiInventory: 8/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) gk a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - a scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  f - a scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of mightgJg,Sg\ #.#....>....#..#morningthaw the Trooper  #.#.........##.#Mountain Dwarf  #.#.........##.####### Health: 33/33 ========================  #.#.........##........ Magic: 3/3========================  #.#.ß.....ß....####### AC: 6Str: 20  #.#..........###EV: 8Int: 8  #...#.##.##..#SH: 4Dex: 9  #...#.#..###.#XL:  3 Next: 23% Place: Dungeon:1  g]o#...#@÷....#.# ### Noise: ---------  Time: 948.1 (0.0)  #............# #.. a) +0 war axe  ##########...#######.# Nothing quivered  #.....#.........#.#  #.###.#..÷..###+#.#  #.###.#..##)......#   #.#...#..#####....#   ###.#.###..# #.....   #..)....#..# #.....  _No target in view! _You see here a +0 short sword. _You see here a ball python skeleton.  Things that are here: _a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gegeglgngU gV gM\ g2c gNh 29.1 (1 _gi g  #############.. 2 .......@.......  ..J....  ..K..#..  ####  J   endoplasm (asleep) K   kobold (asleep) gȊ g JKJKYou climb downwards.gq +9 (1.8g g> _The endoplasm quivers. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gǎ^#..<..J..K..#..#.#gg gМP.J.Kg4500 _gggK_ M#...<..J..K.#..######. ##gd g e gFl NJ.K.Jgl &1g3s gu g =  You slash the endoplasm!g } .  You kill the endoplasm!g =6=3.4 (1.5g g y _You barely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g*e :  You slash the kobold!gl B) gp 584.8 (1.4gv gTz J _You kill the kobold!g g g gJ H _No target in view!gWngngxgHH _No target in view!gK4ggH _No target in view!g@4gAg;F gFg G:_No target in view!gRJgEH _No target in view!g1Q4gTgWC _No target in view!gfggPg1gGgGgMgPgg8g ggZ4g[g^gfggCggg7g-g<g|g: _g _ Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; a kobold corpse _gggg]g,ggg,gggY,ggg.gcggg1XgXg,gggXgggg ################............<..............)..................########..#######..######....##g ..## ......# -###############  g066.8 (12.0)gUF-7.8 (13gAgPd _i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZg3gngںgEgg4gngg,gmgggqgggg,ggggg^gggg gg gUgGggg0ggg,ggggg{gmggg|gg 3#B....################...............<.................).......... #########.. ..######....##############..###..............#################B   giant cockroach (asleep)g}-79.8 (12gg..BB80.8 (13ggPb _A giant cockroach comes into view.g##.B################......<........@...)...........###........########..########..## ##... ############## #..............#################gT g'J.Bg(11.0)gs1g2g##..#...B.<.#.).#.###.#.. #..#### ##....## ##..## #.#  #ggA.Bgi&2g@gCg /A  You hit the giant cockroach.g>71.g:>32=4.2 (1.4gAgDS _You kill the giant cockroach!gS4gHgH _No target in view!g>g>g@DgFH _No target in view!gg۶g^ _No target in view!gB4gGgJH _No target in view!gؼg@ggH _No target in view!gB4gGgxKC _No target in view!g0gggg+f4gjg8lg4geg7Ig;gO _g T..#.. ##..g. #..####.....#################...........<.....-.###...........)........#.###........#########. ############.. ....##.# ############..## g   hobgoblin (wandering) #..............#################gV-6.2 (2.0gWE-7.2 (3g\gbu _A hobgoblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.g . ..... ..... #....... ##......g. #.....####....#.###############............<..###...g )....... #.###......####### #.J ########..## ...# ##..J   endoplasm (asleep).### ############..## g   hobgoblin (wandering)g f #..............#################g  An endoplasm comes into view.g- .gJ.Jg==8.2 (1g1 g6 + _The hobgoblin shouts!g........ ........#......... #...g# #..... ...####... ......#.##############...........<...###).. #J###..#######.. ########..####...# ##....##### ############..# #.............. ############## g1g2g7X.gJ.g7/--9g=gx?gw;  You hit the endoplasm.g׮q  The endoplasm is severely wounded.gٳ  A jackal comes into view.The endoplasm freezes you.g'.gh h   jackalg   hobgobling|`0---=-g׽'90.7 (1.5gg% _You are frozen.g;c  You barely miss the endoplasm.g>q  The endoplasm is severely wounded.gKD _You are frozen.  You barely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is severely wounded.  The endoplasm closely misses you.gD`The endoplasm freezes you.  You are frozen.gN.g..h25------2.1 (1.4gFUgX> _The hobgoblin hits you with a +0 dagger.g6  You barely miss the endoplasm.The endoplasm is severely wounded.g .h You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin hits you with a +0 dagger.22-----3.4 (1.3 _The endoplasm closely misses you.g6=  You slash the endoplasm!g;r  You kill the endoplasm!gD-..h.h   jackalg   hobgoblingHK--54.7gOgSn _You hit the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin closely misses you.g;  You hit the hobgoblin.g: )g&  You kill the hobgoblin!You closely miss the jackal. You block the jackal's attack.gL396.0gg T _The jackal closely misses you.gB  You barely miss the jackal.The jackal bites you but does no damage.7.4 (1.4gEIg'LS _The jackal barely misses you.g:  You slash the jackal!g†428.7 (1.3gJ _You kill the jackal!gKgsLgM_^ _No target in view!gg^gVgRH _No target in view!gKg LgRgIUH _No target in view!g4ggRH _No target in view!g+i 4g"o g0r H _No target in view!gO g g Y _No target in view!gGn gn gt g6w gc g[ gE g g z QgC g g g gt 4gy g| g gp g gq g 4gԑ g͔ g84gg,g4gggg^gigژP _gjN24=gg1,gg,gg2,ggKgT5==ggPg&gBg;g,ggk,gkgk6=ggmgҿK-K   kobold (wandering)gU21008.7 (10.0)g2F-9.7 (11ggHw _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.gg#ggF _Unknown command.gc\7. ..... ...... #.....K... ##...... #.....####..........# .@...#############....†....<....###...)........ #.###........#####. #..# ########..## ...## ##...### ############ #.............##############g]geh.KKgf:==10.7 (1.0) glgqi _The kobold shouts! _You see here a +0 dagger.g4. . ...... ..... #......... ##......K..# #.....####......# .)...#############.......†....<..###...)........ #.###.......... #..# ########..##... ...## ##..... .### ############ #............g|.K--1 _g g g m...... .. ....... ...... #........ ##......gkm`K.## #.....####..........# ..)...#############.......†gm....<#.....###...)...gm#..... #.###......#..... #..# ########..###....?...## ##..gnt... .### ############gHrgzA.Kgd{gj|`7=--2gIgd _Found a scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE.g8  You hit the kobold.g e)g=4=4.1 (1.4g7gVJ _You kill the kobold!ggg(g5H _No target in view!gAgggH _No target in view!ggggH _No target in view!g gg!gW H _No target in view!g+gggH _No target in view!g 4g'gDC _No target in view!gQgghg`ggg|gmg˟gfgggN g gagKgx: _ggga8==gg2,gDgk g g"g&,g(g`*g*#9g*E==gp,gR.,g@/g1,g7g8,g9g:g?;V30=g2<g>,g?g@g@gFgI,gZMgMgM#1gN(=gEOgP,gRgUgTUg#WgYgTZg[g']gp]a2==gS^g'`,g2bgdgdgegZigigZkgng;n#3g`nE==gjogRuG _HP restored.gugvgAzgƂg...........#.....g [..#.......# #.......# ##........##.).####.........# g3 #.....@...)...#########-gy ###†............ #.....###...........). #.....# #.#### #.....##..# ######## #....?...## ##. h   jackal (asleep) #.....### ########## #.h...# #......... g 37.1 (23.0)  A jackal comes into view.Found a ring mail.gӑgE`hh.g5==8.1 (24gg' _The jackal barks!gO #.....[.# .......# #......# #..##  ).####.............#  #.........)...######## ###.†...........gO  ###) #.....# #.###. #.....##..# ########. #..h.?...## ## #.....### #########gP  #.....# #........ #.....# ######### gS g] :h.g] 9--9.1 (1.0) gIf gmi gn.[.###.g\4# #..... ).####.......#  #)...###########g†........... #...@.###...) #.###g.h.##..# ########.?...## ##g.### ####### #........########gg:h.g l==-40ggS _The jackal barely misses you.god  You hit the jackal.  The jackal is moderately wounded.The jackal bites you but does no damage.gd-1.5 (1.4gngZrS _The jackal barely misses you.g$:  You slash the jackal!g-F†g40582.8 (1.3g6gU9J _You kill the jackal!gog~ogmxgI{H _No target in view!g4gzgH _No target in view!gs4g|g~H _No target in view!g 4g g H _No target in view!gۄ 4g g4 H _No target in view!gx g g/ g< C _No target in view!g g g. g g 4g g g g g! g g% 4g' g) g g[ gA g֛ g! 4gH+ g- g 4g gҫ g g g% g g0 g : _g g g g, gj g g g! g g/ gO gB y _f - 2 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE (gained 1)g5 g` g g g ,gz g g~ g g gfggggHgs ,gy g' gg8gbg=ggFgng)g,ggg,gg!g1#,g2%g*g,g,gg.gd2g; .....#### ....... ........l  ......... #........ .........# #........ [........# #g`< .........# ##........ .........# ##... .........## #..@....... - ........).####.......... g<...............#########  #.........)...################..g<###.......†.............<.......#.....###...........)..g<l   frilled lizard (asleep)#...†.###.###........#g =..#.....##..# ########..#####........##g^=&##....##gE 57.8 (15.0)  A frilled lizard comes into view.gOwl.lg6PF-8.8 (16gWgZI _The frilled lizard hisses angrily. You hear a bark!g՗4ggF _Unknown command.gC g Inventory: 9/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - a scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  f - 2 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ g Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of mightg9NgOgZmorningthaw the Trooper.....####Mountain Dwarf..............l.Health: 33/33 ========================......... #........Magic: 3/3gN\======================== .........# #........AC: 6Str: 20 [........# #........EV: 8Int: 8 .........# ##........SH: 4Dex: 9 .........# ##.........XL:  3 Next: 48% Place: Dungeon:2 .........## #..@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 1058.8 (0.0) ........).####..........a) +0 war axe ...............#########Nothing quivered#.........)...################..###.......†.............<.......#.....###...........).......... l   frilled lizardg\o#...†.###.###........########..#.....##..# ########..#####........####....## _No target in view! _No target in view! _f - 2 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE (gained 1)  A frilled lizard comes into view. _The frilled lizard hisses angrily. You hear a bark! _Unknown command.g]gh4gqgtg ##.....  .....#### .......l #. .# #.# #.# # #### #...#).####.......... .......########## g* ^#...)...################.. ###.......†.....<  #.....###.....)..........  #...†.###.###........########..#.....##..# ########..####gF gϐ gs g= gE 1.l.hhhh 2 jackals (1 wandering)l   frilled lizardg +9.8 (1g_ gm \ _A jackal comes into view. x2gM #... ###.....  ......####.# .......... #.....l.h.## #..# #.hh# # #### #.# ).####..........# .....########## ...)...################.. hh 3 jackals (2 wandering) #..†g!..< #.....###.....).......... #...†.###.###........########..g+h  A jackal comes into view.g,g-g/g0gd<.h.l..h.hhhg=0==60gpGg7L* _The jackal barks! x2g #...  ###... ####..... .. ........####.##gu ....... #......h..## #....l# #.....# h.h#.# ##gۥ## ).####..........#...########## ..)...################.. ..†..<g{ .....###.....)..........gdg<g_g.hh.h.-1g4gZ_ _The frilled lizard completely misses you.g#gU$gr%g(%  gN(You miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.g)gi4Y.hh....g4!-g5&3.2 (1.4g`>gA~ _The jackal completely misses you. You block the frilled lizard's attack.g  You closely miss the jackal. You closely miss the frilled lizard.You hit the jackal.g.3 .hThe jackal bites you but does no damage.  The jackal closely misses you. x2; The frilled lizard barely misses you.You block the jackal's attack.g-4.5 (1.3gg> _The jackal bites you but does no damage.g ):  You slash the jackal!g4  You kill the jackal!You closely miss the jackal. You slash the frilled lizard!g@X †.ghA 2  You kill the frilled lizard!You barely miss the jackal. You block the jackal's attack.  The jackal bites you but does no damage.gC_1--535.8gL/  --more--gEL\ _You block's attack. The jackal bites you.gYTggb] _Your Axes skill increases to level 4!gq`You closely miss the jackal. You miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you.The jackal closely misses you. The jackal bites you.0---7.2 (1.4gwg{6 _The jackal bites you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the jackal. x2; The jackal barely misses you.The jackal bites you but does no damage.gG-8.5 (1.3gg i _The jackal bites you. The jackal barely misses you.ggggWF _Unknown command.gu  You closely miss the jackal. You hit the jackal.g †   jackalYou kill the jackal!gj079.8ggS _The jackal barely misses you.gTK4gSg#VF _Unknown command.g  You barely miss the jackal.The jackal bites you but does no damage.71.2 (1.4gg4 _You block the jackal's attack.g4ggF _Unknown command.g!; 8  You hit the jackal.gC 2.gG d1=602.5 (1.3gN g>R J _You kill the jackal!g 4g gB F _Unknown command.g g` g g H _No target in view!gggg: _gAgBgggggR2==g#gNg,gg=,g-g,ggIgh3==ggg\gggg~ggxggA #..# ....  ....#  #...# ###. )######gE .. <..........####.##  ..............-80.0)  .........######.........#....# #....†...... g[........# #...............# ##....†....#.# ##.........##gD.## #.......... .).####..........#g~=...##########ggF-3.5 (11ggH _Found a spear. Found a stone staircase leading up.gggW$g:'H _No target in view!g g gx g g gE l= _g ,g gl g g g g g g< g g g ,g g gB gw g g gJ g g g gX% g& g!' g' gL) g* g+ gl+ g. g/ g,0 g0 g2 g: D.# ... ###.###.....### g; f#.....#########.  #...#...  #........##.##r  #.#..#####  ...####....# g;  #........##  ######...##### r   rat (asleep) ###.........  )######......##...  <g; ?...####.##gC u 95.5 (12  A rat comes into view.g>J yr.rgJ 5==6.5 (13gO gR - _The rat squeaks loudly.gN.# ... ###.### .....### #.....#.#...#....@....r.#........##.##.#.#..##### ...####....#gGO3#........########...##### ###. )######... <.g2SgIZ4r.gZ9--7.0) g`gmdg .# ... ###.### .....### #.....#.#...#.r.#.##.##..##.#..##### #...####....##.g v..########...##### g" g* 3r.g* A--8g(0 g+3 g x.# ... ###.### .....### .#.....#.#...#.r.#.##.##..#.#.#..##### .# gF ...####....# .##.## ########...##### gЩ D=9g@ g  g2 5_The rat bites you but does no damage.g5 gN  gg   goblin (wandering)r   ratYou closely miss the rat.A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.100.8 (1.3 _The rat bites you but does no damage.g ]  You barely miss the rat.g H  The goblin shouts! You hear a bark!g .gg=2.1g g l _The rat barely misses you. You block the rat's attack.g.g7"g.gL85-3.5 (1.4g?gB _You closely miss the rat. The rat closely misses you.gجgg#g..gXB-4.9ggg x _You closely miss the rat. The rat bites you but does no damage. x2gm<g).ggH-6.2 (1.3g gt _You barely miss the rat. The rat bites you but does no damage.gvu  You completely miss the rat. You hit the goblin.g )r   rat  You kill the goblin!g547.6 (1.4g g; _The rat bites you but does no damage.g77  You slash the rat!gw 1.ga 069.0g6gVG _You kill the rat!gzgzgv^ _No target in view!gg_gg ggѹP _g`gͽgþg<  You see here a +0 club.g2g _ggg,g1gWg,ggg,ggg,ggYg,gggBggGghg,ggg,gOg"g$,ggag ,g g g,ggg<,gSgg,gT g"gm%g%g&g)g,,g-g1g<# ###.#.. ##...# . #. #.... h. ## #.##...## ... .#########.......# S.. .................# .. g=.....##)##..#....#.# .######.# #.....@..# - .# #..####.#....## ## ##.###...#......# #####..##..#####.##.# ...................... .##...#####...g;>S   adder (wandering) ###.##..### .##h   jackal (wandering) .......## .##..#gG 27.0 (18.0)  A jackal and an adder come into view.gHgJg,Kg_t .hhhh 2 jackals (1 wandering)  The adder hisses angrily.  A jackal comes into view.=8.0 (19g2 _The adder moves out of view.gB# ###.#..>...... ##...#......#. #.... ..... #.##...##..h. #.#.Shh. ..#... ##)##..#....#.# g'C######.# #......@.# # #..####.#....##  ##.###...#......# ..##..#####.##.#............... ##...#...##########... S   adder.##..### ..## gChhh 3 jackals (2 wandering) gN  A jackal comes into view.Found a stone staircase leading down.gQK  The jackal barks! x2; You hear a bark!gRgSg~Tg_.h..hShhhhh 4 jackalsgX`9==9.0) gjgnY _A jackal comes into view.g  .......># ###.#..>.. ##...#. #. #...... #.##...##........ ########.......#.h..h..............#Shh..... ...##)##..#....#@# ####.# #........# g W #..####.#....##  ##.###...#......# ###..##..#####.##.# .................... ...#...##########... #.##..###..##..#.#g g z  Found a stone staircase leading down.  The jackal bites you but does no damage.g4 g g Z hhh...  gK FThe adder bites you but does no damage. You block the jackal's attack.g 0--30g gh 3 _You block the adder's attack.ggt .hYou closely miss the adder. You closely miss the jackal.g"n2---1.3 (1.3ggIi _The jackal closely misses you. The adder bites you.gs  You barely miss the adder. You hit the jackal.ggĦY  You kill the jackal!g-&  gkThe adder barely misses you.The jackal bites you but does no damage.gkU. 3g^3=92.6g]gS _The adder closely misses you.g^  You miss the adder. You closely miss the jackal. The jackal closely misses you.gUjh.  You block the adder's attack. The jackal bites you.gjW1--3.9g7sgv= _The adder bites you but does no damage.gr4gYgF _Unknown command.g  You hit the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.gw  You barely miss the jackal.The jackal bites you but does no damage.g v  The adder bites you but does no damage.g' (5.2g g9 > _The jackal bites you but does no damage.g g g gL F _Unknown command.g g g g a _The jackal bites you but does no damage. _Unknown command. _Unknown command.  You miss the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.  You hit the jackal.g g. . 2You kill the jackal!The adder bites you but does no damage. The jackal barely misses you.g g c2=-736.5g g S _The adder closely misses you.g4g,g_'4The adder bites you but does no damage. The jackal barely misses you. _The adder closely misses you. _Unknown command.  You closely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.  You barely miss the jackal. The jackal barely misses you.0--7.8g-gD3h _The adder barely misses you. The jackal bites you.gD+4gs3g37F _Unknown command.g2)hit the jackal but do no damage. The adder barely misses you.  The jackal bites you but does no damage.  The adder barely misses you.9.1gg> _The jackal bites you but does no damage.gi4ggF _Unknown command.gY _The jackal bites you but does no damage. _Unknown command.  You hit the adder.  The adder is severely wounded.  You closely miss the jackal. The adder bites you but does no damage.  The jackal bites you. The adder bites you but does no damage.gZe27----40.4g8cg0f+ _The jackal bites you.g64gg F _Unknown command.g2You closely miss the adder.You hit the jackal. You block the adder's attack.  The adder  You are poisoned.4==----1.7Pois g9--g/  --more--g - _The adder poisons you!g   You miss the adder.  The adder is severely wounded.You hit the jackal but do no damage. You feel sick.  The jackal barely misses you. The adder bites you.  You are more poisoned.The adder poisons you!g 19=====----3.0Pois g g( ;----g /  --more--gMs < _The jackal bites you but does no damage.g 0 You miss the adder.The adder is severely wounded.You hit the jackal.  You feel very sick.The jackal bites you. The adder bites you but does no damage.g j4=====---4.4 (1.4g2 g _The jackal misses you. The adder closely misses you.gP---gt _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gQ<g=gDg*HF _Unknown command.gb4gjgl^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!gC14g9g|=F _Unknown command.g)4ggP^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g4gge _You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.gf 4g gz g g- g g: Unknown command.You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.g/ gf0 g{7 g9 You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.You are too injured to fight recklessly!Unknown command.gd&Unknown command.Unknown command.  You closely miss the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.  You hit the jackal.gY  You kill the jackal!g% .   jackalYou feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage.gU12--65.7 (1.3Pois gg/{ _The jackal barely misses you. The adder bites you but does no damage.g g9--g g"F _Unknown command.g  You closely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.You barely miss the jackal. You feel sick. The jackal closely misses you.gJ0-7.0g/gI _You block the adder's attack. The jackal bites you.g0IgI8-gQgTF _Unknown command.gpI M_You block the adder's attack. The jackal bites you.adder bar  The jackal closely misses you. The adder but does no damage.gJ -8.4 (1.4g^Q gT > _The jackal bites you but does no damage.gQgmRgXg[F _Unknown command.g9  You slash the adder!gE  .......>.  # ###.#..>.....  .. ##...#........  #. #.............  #........ #........ #.h...... )#@#g  #........#  #.#....##  #......####.##.#.......  h   jackal### ..##  .# You kill the adder!g־ .......>.  # ###.#..>.....  .. ##...#........  #. #.............  #........ #........ #.h...... )gR#@# #........#  #.#....##  #......####.#....... ###gS  g .You miss the jackal. You feel sick. The jackal bites you.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gMgmorningthaw the Chopper.......>.Mountain Dwarf# ###.#..>.....Health: 6/33====--------------------.. ##...#........Magic: 3/3========================#. #.............AC: 6Str: 20#.##...##........EV: 8Int: 8 ########.......#........SH: 4Dex: 9 ...............#.h......XL:  3 Next: 100% Place: Dungeon:2 ...##)##..#....#@#Noise: =--------  Time: 1149.7 (1.3) #####.# #........#a) +0 war axe#..####.#....##Nothing quivered##.###...#......#[0;10;1gmPois ###..##..#####.##.# ....................h   jackal #...#...##########... #.##..###..## .....##.# _The jackal bites you but does no damage. _Unknown command.You slash the adder!  You kill the adder!You miss the jackal. You feel sick. The jackal bites you.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * --- _The jackal bites you but does no damage.  You have reached level 4!g/  --more--gax 7/40=4/414 0% gq~ h _You feel stronger.gU3.......>.# ###.#..>..... .. ##...#........#. #.............##...##........ ########.......#........ ...............#.h......##)##..#....#.# #####.# #.......  #..####.#....###.###...#......# ###..##..#####.## .................... #...#...##########...##..### ..## .....##  ##..#g3  You feel sick.gK†hg=-500g>gW[ _You are no longer poisoned.gl   You barely miss the jackal. You block the jackal's attack.ggn 5=2.0 (1.3g/t gv S _The jackal barely misses you.gj:  You slash the jackal!gpE†gs023.3gxg{J _You kill the jackal!g0 Ig5 8g7 ,g7 g/: ,g: g< _9=gc= g? ,g? gA ,g\B g=D ,gD gaF gF 10/40==gG gbI ,gJ g!L ,g{L gSN ,g O gP gQ S1=gQ gS ,gVT gU gU gwV gX ,gY g%[ _2=g/^ Xg_ ,g` gab ,gb gc 73gd 2=gKd g3e ,ge gf Bgg gg I4=g,i gj ,gzk g9m ,gm go go gp gr |5==g2s gs ,gst gJu ,gu gv gw gw gz i6=g{ g!| gY| g| g~ ,g2 g ,g gH 17=g g4 gɄ gֆ ,g] gk ,g% g gE K8=g g ,gM g BgƓ ,g~ g i9=gz ge ,g g ,g g" u20==g g g gz g Bgq ,g* g֥ gD K1=g g ,g< g ,g g ,g g g߬ S2=go g ,gد g& ge g g ,g g gj K3=g g- ,g g ,gC g ,g gK g S4=gL g/ ,g6 g Bg ,g g g W5==g gL ,g g ,g2 g' ,gr g^ a6=g g ,g@ g ,g g i7=ga g ,g g ,gP g ,g g g K8=g gt ,gi gD ,g g ,g? g5 d29=g g& gT g g ,g gK g g g gx k30==g g; ,g g ,gb g gu g g g d1=gR ,g g g g g g g( g g K2=g g ,g( g gP g g% k3=g g ,g g[ ,g gj ,g g g K4=g g ,g> g ,g. g0 ,g| g" 5==g% ,g% gf' ,g( g) 96g(* 2=g* g^, g, g, g- ,g. gS/ ,g/ gx0 g0 K7=g0 g1 ,g'2 g2 ,ge3 g4 ,g4 g5 g5 N8=g6 g7 gI7 gp7 gS8 ,g8 gq9 ,g9 g: g: K9=g$; g; ,g< g7> ,g> g`I $ - _You start resting.276.3 (123.0)40==-74gM g;P " _HP restored.ggǜgHgg5,g6gb  You see here a jackal corpse.gsg _gg)gb,gƪgЮ  Things that are here:  a jackal corpse; a jackal corpse; a jackal corpsegg@= _g2gLgKggEgg,ggѼg*,gƾg=gg!ggg,ggg,gg_g ##########  ..r......####### #@........ ##.......... #........>.. # ###.#..>...... .. ##...#......... #. #..............r   quokka (asleep) #gT #.##...##......... #########.......#.......................#.†.......g} 80.0)  A quokka comes into view.g(s?rrg,8.3 (11gge _Found a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI.g\| ########## ...?r..@..#######.####### ##.... #........>..# ###.#..>... .. ##...#. #. #.....gS} }... #.##...##... .#########.#..g} g… P.rg "9.3 (g% 1.0) gm g$ g .#.?.r@...#######.#. ##.. #....>.. # ###.#..>.... .. ##...#......... # #. #.............# #.##...##......... ..#.#.g0E=90gEg<4 _You block the quokka's attack.gg&1.6 (1.3gng _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you. x2g  You closely miss the quokka.3.0 (1.4ga.T _The quokka bites you but does no damage.g.w  You closely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you.ggܤV37--4.2 (1.2gygȯ4 _You block the quokka's attack.gPgdQ(5.4g?XgM[ _You closely miss the quokka. The quokka closely misses you.gEz  You completely miss the quokka. The quokka bites you.gVH--6.7 (1.3g gS _The quokka barely misses you.g+3  You hit the quokka.  The quokka is severely wounded.8.1 (1.4g{8g: _The quokka barely misses you. The quokka closely misses you.gL{ ..##########  gר^....?.r@...#  ..#######.........  ##..........  #........>..  # >......  .. ...... # #. .....    g ?  ..##########  ....?.r@...#  ..#######.........  ##..........  #........> # >..g?  .. ......  #. . gF 4gUM glP ] _A quokka is nearby!g :  You slash the quokka!g= 1.g5 049.5g gX J _You kill the quokka!gt4ggH _No target in view!ggog:gg8 _g gHgzgp,gggK9=gհg,ggggggvBgsgĸi40==ggqg1g`ggg,ggtg,gg?#......###...@......#######-g3...#######...... ##........... #........>.. # ###.#..>...... . .. ##...#......... .### #. #........ ...### #.##...##... .....###.......#...g61311.5 (12.0)gb=-2.5 (13gWgb _j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIgggggg,g,g,g9gg ,g gg.......l...##########.............#.............##########...................##........#######....?"...# ##....########.##### #......# #.# # ###.#..>... #.. .. ##...g:#...###.### #### #. #.. .....### #.##...##... l   frilled lizard (asleep) #.....#########.#... #...#..........#.†. gw#........##)##..#....#†##gf220.5 (8.0)g&.ll1.5 (9g ,g.a _A frilled lizard comes into view.g[..... l..##########.# ..########............#......@......#######..?"..........# ## #########.##### #.... .#g(\} #.# # ###.# ... #.. .. ##...####.### #### #. #.........### #.##...## #.....#########.#.#.................#.†g^ggQ.lgBh$2.5 (1gIpgtg( #####... ...##########l.# ########..........#######...?"..........# ## ##########.##### #. .#g) T #.# # ###.# ... #.. .. ##...####.### #### #. #.........### #.##...## #.....#########.#.g+ gn3 Q.lg3 3gX< g> g ###......#......#......#......#.#.l.##.##...?"g) @.# ###.##### # .# #.# # ###.# ... #.. .. ##...# ###.### #### #. # .....### #.##...## #.....#.#gҶ D=4gO gӽ F _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.g4  You barely miss the frilled lizard. The frilled lizard barely misses you.g35 -5.9 (1.4gL< gE T _The frilled lizard misses you.g i  You closely miss the frilled lizard.gH -7.2 (1.3g g F _The frilled lizard bites you but does no damage.gb< B  You slash the frilled lizard!gC g†gG 058.5gM gO R _You kill the frilled lizard!gŸ gA g ge H _No target in view!gK? 4g9D gF H _No target in view!g 4g( g H _No target in view!ga ga gj go  go B_No target in view!g g g g'  gr B_No target in view!gQg RgxyY _No target in view!g94g g gg-g!g$gMggHglgg@gL#g$gۛgsg9ggXg: _ggggg#......# #......# #......#..#......##########............#.g+.†.........###### #......... #........ #...?# #- ###########.##### # .# #.# # ... #.. .. # ###.### #### #. #... .....### #.##... #.....#########. #...#................ #........##)##..#...g.30.5 (2.0gE-1.5 (3gg3 _k - an amulet of guardian spiritg`gb^Inventory: 11/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [) g~c b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - a scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  f - 2 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of mightg`" k - an amulet of guardian spirit. An amulet containing a protective spirit which will cause any damage taken to bedivided between the wearer's reserves of health and magic. You found it on level 2 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Spirit} {jewellery} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified jewellery “Gringoire put out his hand for the little bag, but she drew back. ‘Do not  touch it! It is an amulet, and either you will do mischief to the charm, or it  will hurt you.’”  -Victor Marie Hugo, _Notre Dame de Paris_, Book II, chapter VII “A Wedding Night”. 1831. (p)ut on, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gggě#......#morningthaw the Chopper#......#Mountain Dwarf# #......#Health: 40/40 ========================..#......##########Magic: 4/4========================..................#AC: 6Str: 21........†.........###### EV: 8Int: 8#..................... SH: 4Dex: 9#...............###### XL:  4 Next:  5% Place: Dungeon:2#...?@..........# # Noise: ---------  Time: 1331.5 (0.0)###########.##### # a) +0 war axe.##.# # ### gg? Nothing quivered...#.. .. ##..###.### #### #. #........####.##... #.....#########...... #...#................ #........##)##..#...  _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _k - an amulet of guardian spiritgT4g)gf  You start putting on your amulet.gR+2.5 (1gg<gݰ+3.5 (2g\g+A4.5 (3gUgig+5.5 (4g,gzA6.5 (5gg _You continue putting on your amulet of guardian spirit. x5  You finish putting on your amulet of guardian spirit.  You feel your power drawn to a protective spirit.g|gd _k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)gpgpgZrgtgwgzf _g]{g| _e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY (gained 1)g}g}g#~gg  ######## #......# g)#......#  ###### ##...#......########## ....# ..%........†... #.......9.5 (3g #...............## #...............#  ###########.##### .# #.# # ... #.. .. # ###.### #### #. # .....### #.## #.....########gg^,40.5 (4gg- _Found a beast talisman.g4ggH _No target in view!g0ogogypgtg| ######## #......# #......# #####......# ###...###########...# ...%..†##0###...#....[... #.....##...) #...............#... ###########.#####.. .# #.# # . ... #.. .. ###.### #### #. .....### #.#gCg+1.5 (1gg7 _Found a scale mail and a longbow.g g ggH _No target in view!gIggЈ ## #......# #......# #####......#.###...#......g9#.#.%..@.....†.#...#..[....#..)..#.#....####.#####g.......# #.# #g   goblin (asleep)...###... #.. ...... ###.### #### #. .....###g݉D #.g~ 0  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gcg.gg4==2.5 (1gg( _The goblin shouts!gu N######## #......# #......#. #####......##.###...#......##########.................%†.gv  ####..@#..........[....#.........)..#.......g.....###########.###........# #.# ####... #.. .. ###.### #### #. .....### # #.....#########g7z g '.ggK /--3g gQ g+n######## #......## #......#.. #####......# #.###...#......######## #...................... .....%........†######...#.........[..@.#...)..#g....###########.###.......# #.# ###... #... ###.### #### . .....###. #.....####### #...#.........g].g7,g...g=8A--4gkAgBg # #......# # #......# .. #####......# #.###...#...... #.... .....%........†#...#.[.@..#.g)..#.##..# #.#.###... #... ###.### ####. .....###. #..... #...#gD=5gg 4 _You block the goblin's attack.g* :  You slash the goblin!gf)g.576.8 (1.3g#g-&J _You kill the goblin!gܞgdggH _No target in view!g@ 4g+g-H _No target in view!gH4g'gH _No target in view!g0(4g>.g0H _No target in view!g4g|gvH _No target in view!gh#g;$g3,g0C _No target in view!g gmggg)g$ _g _ Things that are here:  a +0 dagger; a goblin corpseg`5 _gsg'ggӻgg g],gXg~gggRgg,g6gzg<,gg,g,ggg,ggEg,ggg<,g/ggagg]gg,ggpgL,gSg g ,g~ gQ g ,g  g gi ,g g; gE gn g g g g(! ,g" g\# g$ ,g( g6* gB+ gp+ g, g. g. ,g/ g0 g1 ,gK2 g13 g3 g4 g4 g5 g5 ,g 6 g7 g7 g7 g7 g8 g9 g9 g<: g; g'< gC< g< g= g> ,g C ngjC g1E ,gwF gH g$K ,g]L g_O gQ ,g-S g"W g&` #..........# #####...#...######.###...#... ###.# ####........... #.##........%...... #..#.#######...#...###..[....##.............))..#g` a #.###.............#### # #@.............###- #)...........###...# ....#............###.J....#................. #..........#####.. ..##.####### #.. J   endoplasm (asleep) #..#.# ##. ##. .# #. ...####.gg 82.8 (36.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.Found a whip.gm .JJ-3.8 (37g u g'x _The endoplasm quivers. _You see here a metallic brown potion.g-S #...######.###...# ###.# ####....... #.##........% #..#.#######...#####.........[....# #......))..# #.###.....### #...#!...... #)..###..........#....###....J...#..........######....##.####### #..#..#.# ##...##. .# ###.#### # ...#### #....gyUgj`.J.gua84.8 (1.0) _gjjgmg1  #...######.###...# ###.# #### #.##..% #..#.#######...# ####.........[....# #.......))..# #.###.. #...#!. #.###.J..#.###.#..#...#####...##.# #.#..#.# .##. .##.##### # ... #g? gE H.J5g|N gQR M _You see here a +0 whip.gV =  You slash the endoplasm!g j.g% S9=7.1 (1.3g3 M _You kill the endoplasm!g5 4g: g= H _No target in view!g  _No target in view!g 4g g H _No target in view!gf 4g g H _No target in view!g`4gjgPkH _No target in view!ggw _No target in view!gJ4gggi4g!gg".4g@9guJggFQg*gggjgLg _gx#..........# #####..#...######.###...####.# ####.#.##........%..... #..#.#######...#..####.........[....#..#.......))..#...#.###...####.....###- #)...###...gH........#...###.#..#.................#..........#####............##.####### #..........#..#.# ##.........##. .# #.###.##### #...####g9.1 (2.0-90.1 (3 _l - a metallic brown potiong gC gG ,gI ,g}J gq   You now have 74 gold pieces (gained 9). _You see here 5 poisoned darts.g|t gv gv gx g$ g Bg" gњ ,gj gў g̠ g# g g7 ng #...#........#..........#..........##............##.########..........#..#.# #..........##...# ######.##### ##.  #.##g}  #.# #@#409.1 (19.0) #.# )## #?. <... #..> .. ..... .........### ..............# .....[........# ...............# ..........#g 10.1 (20 _Found a stone staircase leading down.grM _No target in view!gk 3gPl gb  _...##.#######.......#..#.# ......##...# #####.##### ##. .. #.## #.## #)##.#<....>..#..........................###...............##......[...##....#$.........#.#).### 2.0)3.1 (3g y _m - a scroll labelled BORUAH LOGOUJg<3gg(* _You now have 84 gold pieces (gained 10).g)ng=gg?gAgeggBgugg"gg1,gyg))g)g.g@ngAgoEg(Jg5gJg,g ggI g You see here a +0 scale mail. _ggUXgXg),g,gBgg,gggXg BgBg3g5g47,g7gAgIXgKgqMg4NgNgPg&YBg[g~],gn^g'gvg<g.##)##..#....#÷######## ###.###........#  #..####.#....### ##.###...#......# #..##..#####.##.###### .....................# ..#...##########....## ##..###.### ...## #..##....# ....#.#..# ..###..##.# #.... .. ###.. ..... ...... .... 94.1 (81.0)5.1 (82 _n - a fizzy green potiong R_grLg=####.###........#  #..####.#....####.###...#......#.##..#####.##.###### ......................##...##########....## .##..### #..# ....## ###..# #..#.@..#6.1 (1.0) ..... #.#..###.##.##. ...# ...###.. .... ... ....<. #. ...... #. ...... #######..gg<z7.1 (2 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g .###...##  ..##..#####.##.###### ....................# .#...##########....##  #..### #..###  ## ###..#  ..# #....#   #.#..#  # #..##@#  . ...# #....#  ##.. #........  ... .....<...  ... .........  .... #........  J   endoplasm (asleep)g [K #####.. .........J ....... ..?... .......   9  An endoplasm comes into view.Found a scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE.g9JJ.500.1 (3 _The endoplasm quivers.g(.##..#####.##.###### .................#  #...##########....##  ..### #..###  .## ###..#  .# #....#   #.#..#  ## #..##.####  ...# #.@..#  ##.. #......... ... ......< .....#....... ..... #. ####.. .. ..J ...... . ...?.  ....).# ####..  J.1.1 (1 _Found a short sword.gV.................#  ##########....##  .### #..###  ## ###..#  # #....#  . g#.#..#  # #..##.#### #  ...# #....##...# ##.. #..@....... ..........< .....#. ..... #......J ###.. .. .... ..... . ....?# S   adder (asleep) .....).## J   endoplasm ###.. .....S.#      An adder comes into view.  The adder hisses angrily. You hear a shout!J.SS 2 adders (1 wandering)SS...2 _[gֿ>31mAn adder comes into view.g##########....##  ### #..###  # ###..#   #....#   #.#..#   #..##.#### ###  ...# #....##...# ##..###....... .........@< .....#.....J. ..... #....... ##.. ......#  .... . ....?##   .....)S##  ##.. ..S..........#   b..#  b   [g 40mbat (wandering)   A bat comes into view.  The adder hisses angrily.  The endoplasm freezes you.g%DSSb).S..b36---3g>-g _You are frozen.  You slash the endoplasm!g@  You kill the endoplasm!gJwb..SS.....gJg   hobgoblingg c7=--11=4.4 (1.3g~\ _A hobgoblin comes into view.gY  You hit the bat.  The bat is moderately wounded.g@gbSS..g. g(5.7gWgK _You block the bat's attack. The adder bites you but does no damage.  You slash the bat!  You kill the bat!g6oYou miss the adder. You closely miss the adder.gu  The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder closely misses you.g)†g.5-37.0gjh _The adder bites you. The adder bites you but does no damage.gD  You barely miss the adder. You miss the adder. You block the adder's attack.gTg?g@-8.3g@ _The adder bites you.g2t  You barely miss the adder. You slash the adder!g;X  You kill the adder!gn†g.   adderg56/4126=9.6 _The adder bites you but does no damage. The adder closely misses you.g"gg.-11.0 (1.4 _You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage. x2  You barely miss the adder. You hit the hobgoblin. The adder closely misses you.7-2.2 (1.2gc'UYou barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage. x2hit the hobgoblin. The adder closely misses you._The hobgoblin barely misses you.  You closely miss the adder. You barely miss the hobgoblin.  The adder barely misses you.  The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.3.5 (1.3g g   _You block the adder's attack.  You completely miss the adder. You barely miss the hobgoblin.The adder bites you. You block the hobgoblin's attack.g )64.8gxpg{= _The adder bites you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the adder. You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.76.1g:g     # ###..# #....# #.#..# #..##.#### ###  ...# #....##...##  ##..###..........#  ........†@<......  .....#...Sg.......  ..... #............  ................#  . ....?........##  .....).......##  .............#  ............#  _The adder bites you but does no damage. The hobgoblin barely misses you.g(x    ###..# #....# #.#..# #..##.#### ###  ...# #....##...##  ##..###..........#  ........†@<......  .....#...Sg.......  ..... #............  ................#  . ....?........##  .....).......##  .............#  ............# g _There are monsters nearby!gF 4gR g   _ but does no damage. The hobgoblin barely misses you. _There are monsters nearby! _Unknown command.  You slash the adder!  The adder is severely wounded.  You hit the hobgoblin. The adder bites you but does no damage.7.3 (1.2 _The hobgoblin completely misses you. You block the adder's attack.g#4ggF _Unknown command.gVB  You slash the hobgoblin! †  You kill the hobgoblin!88.6 (1.3 _You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage. x2g4ggF _Unknown command.gi  You slash the adder!.g l1419.9gA_ _You kill the adder!g _Unknown command.g7 _No target in view!g 8= _g+ g, ,g0 g4 ,gI gbV 9=gW gW g`\ gh_ ,gSa g& 40=g ,g$ g ,g= g 1==### #..#  ###..#   #....# . #.#..# #.##.#### ### ...# #....##...## ##..###..........#  ........†.<...... ...#...@†. -.. #..... ###.. ....# ..... ?# . .....) ###.. ...... J   endoplasm (asleep) .#[39;4g 9m   #J.#   ##   31.9 (12.0)  An endoplasm comes into view.g bJJ.gJ F-2.9 (13g\ g- ^ _The endoplasm quivers.gbg<k   ###..# # #....# . #.#..# # #..##.#### ###  ...# #....##...##  ##..###..........#  ........†.<......  .....#...@†.......  ..... #............  ................#  ......?........##  .....).......##  .............#  ...........J.# # .............# g   ###..# #....# #.#..# #..##.#### ###  ...# #....##...##  ##..###..........#  ........†.<......  .....#...@†.......  ..... #............  ................#  ......?........##  .....).......##  .............#  ...........J.#  .............# g&g)a _An endoplasm is nearby!gT@# ###..#   #....#   #.#..#   #..##.#### ####  ...# #....##... g(Fm##..###..........#  ........†.<  .....#....†.......  ..... #....@.  ##.. ......#  .... ......?##   ).##  ##.. .......#   .J.#  ..#  #  #  gReJ.3.0) _g>[gveg. O #....#  #.#..#  #..##.#### #### ...# #....##... ##..###....... ........†.< .....#....†.......#  ......#......#  gu/ @#.. ......#  ... ......?##   ).##  #.. ...........J.#   ..#  .#  #   g/ |#    g4 gc? RJ.4gN gad g M##..##.#### ####...# #....##...####..###..........## ........†.<...........#....†.......#..... #.. .....# .?## .....)....J..## #........#  gp 1 #g] i  The endoplasm freezes you.g1 W37---5g gI % _You are frozen.g^ 6---3------=7.1 (1.2g_ gPc l _You barely miss the endoplasm. The endoplasm hits you.g R  You hit the endoplasm.  The endoplasm is severely wounded.8.4 (1.3 _The endoplasm barely misses you.g!&;  You hit the endoplasm.g0j.g[58739.7gEc _You kill the endoplasm!g4g_gH _No target in view!g 2gu3g*<g@H _No target in view!g{gS}g_gUH _No target in view!g4gNgH _No target in view!g4g.gwH _No target in view!gs"3gC _------8=g9=4====== _No target in view! _Magic restored.40=gV======1==g#,gOg9=ggN _f - 3 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE (gained 1)  Things that are here:  a hobgoblin corpse; an adder corpse _  There is a stone staircase leading up here. _gr\g*]g`ga,ggg _You now have 99 gold pieces (gained 15).g g g,gXg7VgFZXg[g&`Bgbgd,gTeggg..# .###### ###.#..># ......###...## ####.##  #.##...##.# -640.7 (101.0) #####.......#.........# ............#.÷.......# ##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........#  #..####.#....###  #.###...#......#  ..##..#####.##.###### ....................# g~[40m- _Done exploring.g3g!gU0.0).÷..... _Done exploring.g{gׁ`Inventory: 14/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) guScrolls (go to first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  f - 3 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  m - a scroll labelled BORUAH LOGOUJ Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  l - a metallic brown potion g/ n - a fizzy green potiongjS f - 3 scrolls labelled YPRURPHIAZE. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g+A Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY gA E g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  m - a scroll labelled BORUAH LOGOUJ Potions (select first with !)  l - a metallic brown potion  n - a fizzy green potion g B z[?] describe selectedgPg'2.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8gyInt: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1640.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered g[w##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........# #..####.#....###   #.###...#......#   ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#  Things that are here: gN_a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify.gtgg$.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#g  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1640.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........# gH#..####.#....###   #.###...#......#   ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#  Things that are here: g|N_a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify.gEg+1.7 (1g#)##..#....#÷#########  ##.###........#   #..####.#....### #.###...#......#    ..##..#####.##.######    ....................#   _a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton _Done exploring. g_Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapong g Inventory: 14/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=) g  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMYf - 2 scrolls of identify  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  l - a metallic brown potion gB / n - a fizzy green potiongy v f - 2 scrolls of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning  himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gs'BIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI Potions (select first with !)  l - a metallic brown potion  n - a fizzy green potion [?] describe selectedgzb.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: --------- g-d} Time: 1641.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........# #..####.#....###   #.###...#......#   ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#   _a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton; a jackal skeleton _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapongdg~lg+u.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: --------- [3gw9;49m Time: 1641.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........# #..####.#....###   #.###...#......#   ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#   _Done exploring. _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.g׀g.+2.7 (1gwg ............#.÷.......#Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷######### #.###........#   #..####.#....### #.###...#......# ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#   _Done exploring.  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapon  gbAs you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _l - a potion of invisibilitygg.Inventory: 14/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMYf - a scroll of identify  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a fizzy green potiongB. f - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll g G“This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning  himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g, mIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH g- q i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI Potions (select first with !)  n - a fizzy green potion g- G[?] describe selectedgg.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4g[======================== .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#g  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1642.7 (0.0) gT#####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........# #..####.#....###gQ   #.###...#......#   ..##..#####.##.###### g  ....................#   _Done exploring.  gAs you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapon  g[As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _l - a potion of invisibilitygg{gC.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== g.##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1642.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷######### ##.###........# #..####.#....### g[7  #.###...#......#   ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#  As you read the scroll labelled YPRURPHIAZE, it crumbles to dust.  It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. g\_l - a potion of invisibility  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.ggG+3.7 (1ggR ###.......#.........g0a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷#########gJ #.###........#   #..####.#....### gV#.###...#......# ..##..#####.##.######    ....................#     It is a scroll of identify. _m - a scroll of enchant weapon  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _l - a potion of invisibility  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _n - a potion of magicgpInventory: 13/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magicgHoe - 2 scrolls labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  gMethinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gOg, g0.....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf g6Z.....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#g  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1643.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷#########  Will/2 g##.###........# #..####.#....### gf  #.###...#......# gu  ..##..#####.##.###### g<K  ....................# gY As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. gvb_l - a potion of invisibility  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. g_n - a potion of magicAs you read the scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY, it crumbles to dust.  g4A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings.g!g"+4.7 (1g(g.+E _l - a potion of invisibilityof identify g+_n - a potion of magic  As you read the scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.g gM Inventory: 13/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=) g  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  e - a scroll of vulnerability  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magicg(Me - a scroll of vulnerability. A scroll that briefly halves the willpower of the reader and any nearby beings, rendering them vulnerable to many magical effects. The scroll cannot affect those fully immune to such effects. gDIt is an uncommon scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified dangerous_item scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gF gM gkR .....##########  morningthaw the Chopper ..............#########  Mountain Dwarf .....#######..........#  Health: 41/41 ======================== .....# ##..........#  Magic: 4/4======================== g[S .##### #........>..#  AC: 6Str: 21 .###### ###.#..>......#  EV: 8Int: 8 ......###...#.........#  SH: 4Dex: 9 #####.##..............#  XL:  4 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:2#.##...##...@.....#  Noise: ---------  Time: 1644.7 (0.0) #####.......#.........#  a) +0 war axe ............#.÷.......#  Nothing quivered ##)##..#....#÷#########  Will/2 ##.###........# #..####.#....###   #.###...#gS ......#   ..##..#####.##.######   ....................#   _l - a potion of invisibility  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _n - a potion of magicAs you read the scroll labelled BIYBRA TELIYMY, it crumbles to dust.  A wave of despondency washes over your surroundings. _It was a scroll of vulnerability.gX g4Y $5.7 (1g] g^ 9 _You drop a scroll of vulnerability.g ########## .........############# .....# ##. #........>###### ###.#..> ......###...# #####.##.....  #.##...##...? #####.. ............#.÷.......)##..#....#÷##########.###........# .####.#....## #.###...#......# ##..#####.##.#####6gHIM###### ########## .........############# .....# ##gQ. #........>###### ###.#..> ......###...# ####......  #.##...##...? #####.. ............#.÷.......# #...gCg&7gg g^#M ###### ########## .........############# .g_....#. #........>###### ###.#..> ......###...# ####......  #.##...##...? #####.......#.........# ..#gggh&8gngogR 9# .# .########## .....# gS .#######.# .# ##.# #.##### #.>..# #.###### ###.#...# #......###...#.# #.##...# gT  #.##...##...?.....# #.......#.#....#.÷.# .##)##..#....#÷##.###........#  #..####.#....###g` <9gd gg c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g-gf.g.g1,g7Xgk8,g8g<Bg=,g>g@,g;BgC,g4EgmGgGgHg_JgJgKgNBgQ,g RgS,gTg:U,gUgpW,gXg9Z,g[g]g]g^g`,gcagGc,gdg.fgfgNggi,g+jgk,glgn,g+ogUqgqgrg/u,gwgxgWyg zg{,gC}g~,ggBg؂BgggBgCg%j 81.7 (32.0) _You start waiting.gѣ42.7 (33ggJ_ _You feel your willpower return.g4gg F3.7 (1.0) gJg2h #####..# 3 ##  #####.##  gwig-4.4 (1.7g5g} _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g gg 3g g f _g) Xg ####.#>...######..# #<..@..# 6.4 (2.0#####.## ...$#.#>..#.# #.#.#g{ A7.4 (3g g! _ _Found an escape hatch in the floor. Found a stone staircase leading down.ggu g gH _No target in view!gR 3g; g gT g^ P _g% ,g g g ,g g g ,gz gs ,g5 g% N _You now have 115 gold pieces (gained 16).g9 3g g3 g ,g| g: g W#.######.#.>...######..##<.....#...#######.###.......@.....#.......###.#.#....... #.>..#.#..... #..###....... #..#....S.. #..#S   adder (asleep)g [...... #..#....... #...##.#g 94.4 (7  An adder comes into view.Found a scale mail.g S.S5.4 (8g, g / _The adder hisses angrily.g9X#.######.# .>...## #####..# ... #<.....#....#######.###...........####.#.#.##.>..##.#.....##..####.....S.##..##.......##..##[......##..##.##...#.###.# g1=gc>gKJgS.6.4 (1gLgNg K=7.6 (1.2g. g x _You barely miss the adder. The adder bites you but does no damage.g2 9  You slash the adder!gܚ 2.g >56=8.9 (1.3g g| I _You kill the adder!g? g[@ gE gNH H _No target in view!g 4g+ gG H _No target in view!gG!g"g[)g*H _No target in view!gG4ggH _No target in view!gQ$g%g%g*gk.g2: _g3g6,g7g9:g>,g@?gBgxEgEgFgcIg LgLgMgXPgQgRgLRgSg U,gUgWgY,gq}.# #. #.# ... #.#.#.#  #####.#.#.# #......)#.# #.....# #.########## +.....+ ...... .>.. #.$@..###.#.#####..#--700.0) #...........#<.....# #.........#######.## ######.............. #........###.#. #........##.>.. ##.#.....##..## #.......##..##g~.......##..#--9.9 (11gF@ _Found a great sword.g9RIgUgWgjXg]XgaM _You now have 122 gold pieces (gained 7).gd3gegYhg k,gRlgn7 _You open the door.gXqgqg~rg w@  There is an open door here.gygJz _g{g}g,gg{g,ggg,g?gPgߐgKg ggt,g0gg;,g gkg,gťgڪ7 _You open the door.g3gggb,g"ggt### # #.. .# #.###.##### #.#.......) #.#@#.# 24.9 (15#####.#.#.# # #......)#.# .# ########.....###.##########.#+......'.....'....... .>...#########.....###.#.#####..##...........#<.....##.........#######.#########.......#g}5.9 (16 _Found a dagger.ggIg`N,gR,gSgXg [,g*\g3hgig7l,gbmgdogr,g]sg~>  You see here a +0 dagger.gg _gg:g؇,ggRgC,gg`g,gygig,gDgg4,gggڡ,gg!gQ,gggg׫gggFggZg+g:Bg_gӽ,gľgEg,gcgg,gg|ggqggg,gTg(P  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.g4g _g>ggO,ggg ,ggg,gggBgEg,ggg,gmgcgV(#........###.#.##........##.>..###.#.....##..####.......##..##.......##..# #[......##..#######.......##.......# #.......###.####...# #@# #56.9 (31 #............  #.....##.###.  g ......!.. #(#. ##....... ##. #........ .. #........ . #......... gy g ,7.9 (32gg% _Found 5 stones.g4ggH _No target in view!g(6 3gV8 gJ  _gO g&S ,gT gV` v #.##..#  #.##..#  #[......##..###### #.##.......# #.###.####...# #####.####.#.# #............ ..##.....##.###........@....#(#..####......... #.........#.#. #...# #....######.#..... .#..... #g>i ]60.0)1.9 (4g3l gn T _e - a silvery potionggdgVggXgBgg,ggXg,ggfg ... #####.####.#.# .... #............ ....##.....##.###. #............#(#. .##.........###. #............. #.........#.#.###.##.........# #######.#5## .#...# #...###.##......g.# #.......# #......[#ghA6.9 (5g5 g - _Found a leather armour.gnu g.v gw g@| g@ g ,gw g ,g g؉ g ,g' g g ,g g g3 ,gٙ gw g ,g g g+ g g g g+ g gW gN g g g g g  ....######.### .... #........ ....##.....##. #............ #.##......... #.##......... #.##.........©.##########.##.........?.@.........######.75.9 (9...#########......# . ..........# ...........# ..###.......#g  # #.......# #.......# #......[#g1 C6.9 (10.0) g g * _Found a transporter.g<g;gg"H _No target in view!g# _g ....######. .... # ....##.....# # #.## #.### #.##.#©.gp##.## #.....@...........######....##......# #.. ..# # ..#  ..###.......#  # #.......#  #.......#  #......[#gL18.9 (2.0)g+9.9 (3gg. _f - a scroll of identifygkgInventory: 14/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) g( a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) g(Scrolls (go to first with ?)f - a scroll of identify  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might gD e - a silvery potionl - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magicgv f - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gC Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI g|D TPotions (select first with !)  e - a silvery potion [?] describe selectedgC gK ....######.# morningthaw the Chopper.... #...... Mountain Dwarf....##.....# Health: 41/41 ========================#.......... Magic: 4/4========================#.##....... AC: 6Str: 21#.##....... EV: 8Int: 8##.##....... SH: 4Dex: 9.#©.##########.##....... XL:  4 Next: 56% Place: Dungeon:3#.....@...........##### Noise: ---------  Time: 1779.9 (0.0)gL x#....#########......#a) +0 war axe#............#Nothing quivered#...........#..###.......## #.......##.......##......[# _No target in view! _e - a silvery potion _Found a leather armour. _Found a transporter. _No target in view! _f - a scroll of identifygN g T g [ J....######.# morningthaw the Chopper.... #...... Mountain Dwarf....##.....# Health: 41/41 ========================#.......... Magic: 4/4========================gO\ q#.##....... AC: 6Str: 21#.##....... EV: 8Int: 8##.##....... SH: 4Dex: 9.#©.##########.##....... XL:  4 Next: 56% Place: Dungeon:3#.....@...........##### Noise: ---------  Time: 1779.9 (0.0)#....#########......#a) +0 war axe#............#Nothing quivered#...........#..###.......## #.......##.......##......[# _e - a silvery potion _Found a leather armour. _Found a transporter. _No target in view! _f - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.g4k gk ,80.9 (1gBq gt  ....#########.a) +0 war axe#.. ...Nothing quivered# ......###.#.......# #......[# leather armour. _Found a transporter. _No target in view! g0u _f - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _e - a potion of hasteg g 3gW g" g Bgv  ....##### .... # ....##....# ##. #.###. #.###.##. #.##..#©.g ##.## #..1 #....##......# #.... ..# ##... ..##... ..###.......##?.. # #.......#.... #.......#....> #......[#g g $2.9 (2gp g: ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g4ggH _No target in view!gN gFO g,P gV g^ & ....#... .... ##.!. ....## ##... # #.... #.## #... #.####.##..g ` S #.##K...#©.#.## #..@... #....#......# #..... .# ##..... .# #........###.# #?.....# #.# KK 2 kobolds (asleep) ......K# #.# ....>##.# #......[#gh 0  A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.Found a gluggy clear potion.g=i gpp .KKKK.gp 4==3.9 (1gCv gz A _The kobold shouts! x2; You hear a shout! x2gR} #... #...!###.. #..... #.###: ###.##.K..#©.######### ##.................###...@#########......#.......# ....##.......... #........###?...K.#.# g@#K   kobold.....## .#g]g;g).KK.KK 2 koboldsg)/--4gt3gW9= _Found a book of Spatial Translocations.g  !###.. #..... #.###: ###.##..K.#©.######### ##.................###....#########......#...@...# ....##.... #...K....###?.....#.# .. K   kobold...... .#g) gl g .KK.K 2 koboldsg& A--5g g~ gs K=7.2 (1.3gG{ g+~ _You miss the kobold. The kobold barely misses you.g :  You slash the kobold!g )K   koboldgW t 88.5 _You kill the kobold!g g e _Your Axes skill increases to level 5!gt 4ggz ge| R _No reachable target in view!gt 4ggxR _No reachable target in view!gX4gԗgR _No reachable target in view!g4ggR _No reachable target in view!gIIgIgRgUR _No reachable target in view!g4g1g7-No reachable target in view!gDT4g[_gagg^gBgg(o4g>vgwg4gTggl4gtgwg.gggg\.g.g-1g=6g3;gt?: _gKAg-G,gHg'KgO,grQgW:#: #.... #.####.##... #.## ...K#©.##########.## ##............. #....#########. #.......#...... ##..)....... #........###...... #@.....#.# #......-g+X #.......# # #...........>##.# #.............## .#.... .#..........#.....gXt.#.#### ###.g~_.91.5 (3.0g_E-2.5 (4gocge^ _f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDOgg Igj go g't ,gu g`y ,gz g} gށ ,g) g g( gA gE g gq ,gC gL g5 ,g' W  There is a transporter here.g g  _g* g gD ,gv ,g; ,g gf g ! #...........S.##............# #[..........# #.....# #......# ....####...# .... ## #.!.# ....###. ##.@.# #.. #....## #.###:##....##### #.##g ####.##........ #.##...^...K#©.##########.##..#.##.##................. S   adder (asleep) .. #....#########..... ## #.......#..........gs Y##..)..............g x 801.5 (9  An adder comes into view.g .SS2.5 (10.0) g g / _The adder hisses angrily.gzM##.####................Sgt[.......#.........gL### #..  gΙ....###. ##...# g.... #....## g#:##....##### #.##..g .....©.####gdS   adder.g3.gD,.....ggޟggr.Sr   rat (wandering)g03.0) gg _A rat comes into view. _You see here a gluggy clear potion.gZ1... #.....##.####....r.[...............S#.............###   #.!....###. ##...# .... #....##  #:##....#########.##........ g1 .^...K#©.##########.###.##.##............ ..#########g[5g)7gB.r.Srg:C-4 _gLglOgg{.r=5.8 (1.3ggu _You completely miss the adder. You block the adder's attack. x2g29  You slash the adder!g6gF.r†r   rat71=7.0 (1.2gOg_I _You kill the adder!gJ... ##.####..[r.#.............###..####..  #.!....###. ##...# .... #....##  #:##....#####gֵ ####.##........ .^...K#©.##########.###.##.##............gygF.rgQ5--80ghg.s _You see here an adder corpse.g57  You slash the rat!g<g†g?^2=-9.3 (1.3gGgJG _You kill the rat!g/4gfgH _No target in view!g?g?gK^ _No target in view!gXgggaH _No target in view!g=P4gyXgoZH _No target in view!gkgg.gH _No target in view!g\4gEeg g@ _No target in view!g4g=ggP^g^gdg@gg#4ggg4ggSg/ggsgggggogtga : _g$g ),gZ*gH2j#......##.### #... #.....[.......†........† ....###..####.. .... ## #.-#. # #.... .. #....##g2h #.##..##..... #....#########..... ## #.......#..........g2E g=s11.3 (2.0-2.3 (3gDgFV _o - a gluggy clear potiong3ggg ,g,,gg #. #......# # #......# ##.# ####......# # #..# ###.........# #[...........# #..............†.# #...........@.†.# ....#b...####...# .... . # # #...# ....#. ##...# #. .. #....## #.## #:##....##### #.## b   bat (wandering)gz ^ ####.##........ #.##^...K#©.##########.## #.##.##.....gu(V3.3 (14.3 (2g/g3V _A bat comes into view.g  # #......# # #......# ##.# ####......# # #.# #.##.# #[.# #.†.# #.†.# .....b...####...# ......# #. #...# ..... #.9###...# # .. #....## #.#.#:##....##### #.# 9   toenail golem (wandering) ####.##........gV k #.# b   bat (wandering) .^...K#©.###. #.##.##g g gq gL g  ...b9.9b5.3 (1gv gz gu # #......# # #......# ##.# ####......# #. #.# #.##.# #[g.# #.†.# #.†.# .b####...#g #...# #9.#...# ge#.. #..###...# ## .. #....## #. #.#:##....##### #. ####.##. #. .^...K#©.#.gE #.##.##gޔg$b.bgG\0-=6g٥gb _The bat barely misses you. The bat hits you.g g$ gM gdGb.7.5 (1.2gg"s _You barely miss the bat. The bat hits you but does no damage.g # #......# # #......# ##.#. ####......# #. #.# #.##.# #[.# #$.†.# #.b@....†.# .####...# ##...###9.#...#  #.. #..###...# # ## .. #....## # #.#:##....##### # ####.##. # .^...K#©.# #.##.##gUg".bgg,80ggG _Found 8 gold pieces. The bat closely misses you. The bat completely misses you.g7 7  You slash the bat!g4†g`O-49.7 (1.2gfg G _You kill the bat!gְg^gglg5 ggD_No reachable target in view!g +4g7g|;R _No reachable target in view!g4g0gR _No reachable target in view!g04gO8g;R _No reachable target in view!g4g*gR _No reachable target in view!gNJgOJ _No reachable target in view!ggKgS gX Qg! Jg gdI 4gR gT gF 4g. g8 gAN 4gHS gT g 4g g gS gS g3_ gb g\ 4g+ g\ ge 4gm gp g3gga1=g1#gJ', _HP restored.g0###### ...... # #......# #.. #......##. ####......# #[.. #g0.# ###.# #[....# #$.†.##-gK1200.......†.# #......†####...# g2###...###9.#...#. #..##..###...#### ..  . #.#:#####.# ####.##........ .^...K#©.#########g<g<!-g<$1.7 (2gg) _Found a scale mail.gQgiRg!]g8`R _No reachable target in view!g!g"gS$g'g*g.: _g1g4,g;,g=gT>9=g@gg:gg,gg,g&!ga&M _You now have 130 gold pieces (gained 8).g/#.......#...... #.......# #......# g/.......# #......# ......#######......#  #..[...##.........#  #......##.........# #.###........# #g*0 ............†.# #.....©.......†.# 8.7 (7gU0t#....###......†####...# #... #.###...###9.#...# g0L#! .∩ #..##..###...# ##. #### . #....##g0 ## ...#.#:##....# .#..####.##....  .^...K#©.##  #.##.##....g 1E g:=∩g:;+9.7 (8gbB;∩gDP _Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss.g g g< g g gM g g& g N  There is a transporter landing site here.g g g  _g g g gĮ g g g gz ,g g  #. ......#######.. #.# #..[...##..... #.# #......##..... #.###....... #......... #.....©.... #....###......†### #...##.###...###9. #@..#.∩. #..##..## #...##...#### .. #g ) #....##5#....#.#:# #.....##..#..####. #......#. # .^... #....###. #.##.#...## #...# ## g ,35.7 (6g +6.7 (7g g) ^ _p - 2 metallic coppery potionsggggggg$,g(g)g*gO-g0g0g2g5g]9g9g;gCXgEgT2 ..##<#  .....  #.......#  #.......# #gGUB#.......# #......#######..# #..[...##....# #......##.....41.7 (5gtUz.###..............................gU.....©..............###......†###gV...##.###...###9. ...#.∩. #..##..## #...#### .. # g=Vk#....##5#....#.#:# gaA2.7 (6gig(k gfk-_Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.g" g gU g g_ ,g ,g] ,g gN g_% +..∩≈..# # ###≈..# .#...##<###  ........# .......# ......# #.##.......# ##.@......#######4.7 (2#.###..[...###.# #......##g8& #.###.....#............#.....©...........#....###......†###...##.###...###9.#...#.∩. #..##..##g2- =∩g- +5.7 (3g3 g5 3 _Found Gyigia's General Store.g4gglH _No target in view!g"gg gp ggL$ _g%,g/,g-gg,g!g]3g4###....###  .........# .........# .........## ###..≈≈≈≈≈... +r§...∩§..# # ###§.≈≈≈≈≈..# .# .@.##<### ........# gD5r#.......#  #.......# ###.......# ##........#######r   rat (asleep)#.###..[...##......#.# #......##......###..............g9o 50.7 (5 _A rat comes into view.g7 ###....### .........# .........# .........##  ..≈≈≈≈≈...  r§...∩§..# #  §.≈≈≈≈≈..# .#  #.@.##<###  #........#  ##.......#  #.......#  ##.......#  #........# #.###..[..g[88 #.# #.....g8 ###....### .........# .........# .........##  ..≈≈≈≈≈...  r§...∩§..# #  §.≈≈≈≈≈..# .#  #.@.##<###  #........#  ##.......#  #.......#  ##.......#  #........# #.###..[.. #.# #.....ggfgg/Z _A rat is nearby!gggg R _No reachable target in view!g(hE ...## ###....###  .......######..≈≈≈≈≈.... +..ghr§...∩§..# ###§.≈≈≈≈≈@.# .# §.§###...##<###........# ##.......#  #.gNi#. .......##########..[ ##gmg{9#...§.r...∩§§....r1.7 (1 _ggg&....  ...## ###....##......#  .......#########.≈≈≈§≈........+..r...∩§@.# ###≈≈≈≈≈..# .# g...###...##<### #........###.......#  ..##.# .......#########..[g4gg..r..§..≈≈§§...##g~ g&2g٬ggvM##.....  #...## ###....###  .......#########..≈≈≈§≈@.......+....r§§§§§.#..######≈≈§§≈..# .# ...###...##<###r   rat...........r§§≈.#3ggO .<. ##........  #...## ###....###  .....@.#########≈≈≈§≈........+.....r..######..≈≈§§≈..# .#...###...##<##gO/# #..... ##....  #.....# g)TgwZ<.....§§§§r§§§..##....#.gP[&4g0_gga9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g`  _No reachable target in view!gnU .<..#... ..... #...####....###.#.#......§@..###### .≈≈≈§≈§. +.§r§§§.#..### ...≈≈§§≈..# .#gvo6....###...##<### # #........# ##.......#  #.......# # ##.# #gsg~|≈§§r≈≈≈§≈....###...#### #....##.........g}-5 _ggg\ v .<.. ###... ..... #...####....###.#.#.@§..###### .≈≈≈≈§§. +.§§r§§.#..### .≈≈≈§≈..# .#.###...##<#### #........# ##.......#  #.......# # ##.# #gB .§§§.§§≈≈≈..§###...### #..........g &6g g g\ ] .<..# ###...# .....# #...####....###.#.#§..###### )....≈≈≈§§§....... .§§.r§§.#..### .§§≈≈≈..# .#..§###...##<####### #........# ##.......# #.......# # ##.# #....#≈§.....r∩≈..#....#.#.....7 _Found a glowing short sword.g|6 .<..# ###...# .....# #...####....###.#.#.######.)....≈≈≈≈§..§§r∩≈..#..###......§§≈≈≈..# .#.§###...##<###### #........# ##...# #.# ##.#gg§§r.≈.§##g&8g"gggI .<..# ###...# .....# #...####....###.#.#.######.)....§§≈≈§..§r.∩≈..#..###.§≈≈≈≈..# .#..§###...##<###### #.# ##....# #.......#  ##.#g%g!§≈§≈§≈r..§≈§.##g&9ggPg.<..####...# .....# #...############....###...............#.#§...######)...@≈§≈§≈..............r..§≈..#..###.≈§≈≈≈..# .# ..###...##<############# #........# ##.......# #.......##.......# .####gӲ§§§≈..§§§≈≈..§###...# #....gn/=60gg; _The rat bites you but does no damage.g .≈≈..∩≈...§g{ -2.0 (1.3g g _You hit the rat but do no damage. The rat barely misses you.go 7  You slash the rat!g +§§≈≈≈..§.§∩≈..≈§≈≈....###g 553.2 (1.2g] g G _You kill the rat!g]~ g~ g g H _No target in view!g gh gW g H _No target in view!g gu gE g H _No target in view!g}4ggH _No target in view!gm4g~gH _No target in view!gcg g gJ#@ _No target in view!gg8ggyg[ .<..# ###...# .....#g& #...####....###.#.#.######>...)..@.§§≈≈≈g h.0.0.§.§∩≈..#..###.§≈§≈≈..# .#.###...##<###g5n# #.# ##.#gVc #.# ##.#gw0 #.ggu"Z≈§≈≈≈.g" †..§≈.≈§≈§≈.§.###..g" .g'3-4.2 (1go)g[+3 _Found a stone staircase leading down.gbggygggx,g:g,ggJ  .<..#   ###...#   .....# gE # #...###  .##....###  #..#  ..#  #..###### g  +.>...)@...≈≈≈≈≈..- g9 #..†..∩≈..#..###  #gi..≈≈≈≈≈..# .#  #....###gi...##<###  ## #gM..#   ##.......#  g #.......#   ##.......#   #g ..g  .<..#   ###...#   .....#   #gi #...###   #.#....###  #.#  .#  g@ #.  gr +.>...@....≈≈≈≈≈   #.†..∩≈..#..   #g.≈≈≈≈≈..# .#   #gN.###...##<  # #g~J.   ##.  g8 #.  g9 ##.  gF #.g+6.2 (2gT+7.2 (3gg } _You see here a +1 short sword of venom.g*8g8$8.2 (1g>g]AS _q - a +1 short sword of venomg`  You see here a rat corpse.g _gX gq g ,g gg:Welcome to Gyigia's General Store! What would you like to do?  a -  11 gold a +0 clubb -  176 gold 2 potions of ambrosia (unknown)  c -  88 gold a potion of ambrosia (unknown)  d -  110 gold a potion of hastee -  82 gold a scroll of enchant weapon  f -  22 gold a scroll of identify  g -  22 gold a scroll of identify  h -  44 gold a scroll of immolation (unknown)  i -  33 gold a scroll of teleportation (unknown)j -  16 gold a +0 sling You have 130 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-j] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-J] put item on shopping listg7 gV? gG '###...#morningthaw the Chopper.....#Mountain Dwarf##...###Health: 41/41 ========================#.##########....###Magic: 4/4========================##.................#AC: 6Str: 21  ...................#EV: 8Int: 8#.................####### SH: 4Dex: 9gH +.>........≈≈≈≈≈........+ XL:  4 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:3#..........†..@§..#..#### Noise: ---------  Time: 1876.2 (8.0)#..........≈≈≈≈≈..# .#a) +0 war axe#...........###...##<###Nothing quivered############# #........###.......#.#.......# #.gVI  ##.......# #. #........#######. #.###..[...##....  _No target in view! _Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +1 short sword of venom. _q - a +1 short sword of venom _You see here a rat corpse.  There is an entrance to Gyigia's General Store here.g[M gP g;R  _gWR g/gC  Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt gt a * Fighting   4.4  21%  +1   k - Spellcasting   0.0    -2           b + Maces & Flails   3.0    +2      gl c * Axes   5.1  79%  +2      g! d + Polearms   2.5     0       e - Unarmed Combat   0.0     0  gQ3             f + Short Blades   0.0    -2      gxl    gx     g - Armour   3.2    +1      g$ h - Dodging   0.0    -3      g i - Shields   3.2    +1  g@$     j - Stealth   0.0    -2  g        g        ga    g?        gj_    gT    gThe percentage of incoming experience used to train each skill is in brown.  gVSkills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  g:[?] HelpgүG[=] set a skill target  g[/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  gQ[!] training|cost|targetsgngvg}###...#morningthaw the Chopper.....#Mountain Dwarf##...###Health: 41/41 ========================#.##########....###Magic: 4/4g~(========================##.................#AC: 6Str: 21  ...................#EV: 8Int: 8#.................####### SH: 4Dex: 9g~+.>........≈≈≈≈≈........+ XL:  4 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:3#..........†..@§..#..###g1 # Noise: ---------  Time: 1876.2 (0.0)#..........≈≈≈≈≈..# .#a) +0 war axe#...........###...##<###Nothing quiveredgZ############# #........###.......#.g#.......# #. ##.......# #. #........#######. #.###..[...##....  _No target in view! _Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +1 short sword of venom. gO_q - a +1 short sword of venom _You see here a rat corpse. _There is an entrance to Gyigia's General Store here.ggMggggLInventory: 17/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?) g f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - a gluggy clear potion  p - 2 metallic coppery potionsgG gN gV ###...#morningthaw the Chopper.....#Mountain Dwarf##...###Health: 41/41 ========================#.##########....###Magic: 4/4========================##.................#AC: 6gyV Str: 21  ...................#EV: 8Int: 8#.................####### SH: 4Dex: 9gW +.>........≈≈≈≈≈........+ XL:  4 Next: 75% Place: Dungeon:3#..........†..@§..#..#### Noise: ---------  Time: 1876.2 (0.0)#..........≈≈≈≈≈..# .#a) +0 war axe#...........###...##<###Nothing quivered############# #........###.......#.#.......# #. ##.......# #. #........#######. #.###..[...##....  _No target in view! _Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +1 short sword of venom. _q - a +1 short sword of venom _You see here a rat corpse. _There is an entrance to Gyigia's General Store here.g^ g_ ge g'g g+gggg g: _gg~ggggb,gg_Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +1 short sword of venom. _q - a +1 short sword of venom _You see here a rat corpse.  You see here a rat corpse.gg _goggggggV,ggUg] g gj g g g.gggcgg7gg%gKggggggg ,g gq"gH#,g#gf%P  There is a stone staircase leading up here.g&g' _gu'g^(gC)gc)g)g*g+,g+g],g[-,g-g^.g//,g/g0gb2,g2g3g4,g4g5g6,g7g}7g8,g9gu;g0<,gn<g=g>,g?g@gxA,gAgBgCBgEgE,gCFgGgH,gHgIgOgQ,gqQgRgdT,gTg)VgX,ggYgZgw\,g\g^g`,g`gagVcgcgdgggh,gEigjgk,gSlgJmg`o,gogqg s,g|sgug%x,gxg(zgV{g{g{g|g},g~gOgk,g̀ggӂ,g5gхg8,ggBgTghg,ggXggg_gYggޮggg,ggg|,ggûge,g,g:ggZgg,gg[ggvg^,ggggg#gBgg2gdgga,ggggg,gkgI _The kobold shouts! You hear a shout!g gIgg gg#gSgggQggXgggg& g g",g_#g($ge%,g%g&g'g(g(g1)g)*gT*g*g{,g-,g-g0g31g1g#2g4g6,g+8g>gA,gF,gHg7HghIgKgbO,gCPgSgU,g6WgYg|],ge_gIbgbgcgcgdgOfgfgfghgJjgtjgzkg{lg4n,gngcpgsgsgtgvgxy,gzgf{g|,g}g~grgg+gcg<,g%g{g'ghggggggWgg4#[......##..###### #.......##.......### g#.......###.####...# #....######.####.#. ....##...... #....##.....##.###.##g> #.#...gH#(#..#  #.#.##.........###..##  g##.#.##.........@.....#  ...#.##.........#.#.#.# gD ####.##.........#.#  gi.........######.#.#  g####......# #.#.#  ..........# #.#.#   S   adder (asleep) gO4..........# #.#.#   ###.......# #.#S.   # #.......# #.#  g- 96gQO90.0)  An adder comes into view.gSS.g',7.2 (91gg}/ _The adder hisses angrily.g W#.......##.......### #.###.####...#  #....######.####.#.#  #....##............#  #....##.....##.###.# g ^#.#............#(#..#  #.#.##.###..# #.#.##.......#  ..#.##.........#@#.#.#  ###.##.........#.#  ........######.#.#  #### #.#.#  .........# #.#.#  # #.#S#  ##gq # #.#..   #.# #.###   #.# #..  g۫ g g* <S.g 08.2 (1.0) g g~ g3#.####...######.####.#..............##.###.###............#(#..###.........###..##............# .......#.#.#.# ##g]5 ........###### ###......# #.#S .... ##.  ##. [# ###g9g?<S.gK@&9gKg.LgL=70.5 (1.3g g _You miss the adder. The adder closely misses you. x2gB  You hit the adder.  The adder is moderately wounded.gC-1.7 (1.2gJgMV _The adder completely misses you.gz9  You slash the adder!gf.g989=2.9ggI _You kill the adder!g[F4gLgpOH _No target in view!gm4ggvH _No target in view!gc _No target in view!gZgggMH _No target in view!gVmIgmgrg _g%gg~ggg,g2ggg gggS,ggg,gr g g ,g< g g g gX g g@ gy g g g ,g g g$ Xg)' g' g( gW+ g- gW. g/ gQ ng?S ,gT gj guk g4n ,g `g gި g ,g> g g ,g g g g= g» g? g ,g g2 g ,g ,gE ,go g g2 Bg\ g g  gG g g g g g g g g g gg ,g g@ g" ,g\$ g#) g- gt- g1 gA gB  gB n_o - 2 gluggy clear potions (gained 1)g+G 3gH gJ g/N ,gP gR gV ,gX gXZ gf 8.....>##.# #......[# ######## . .# ##.......## ...... .# ##.........# ......# #..........# ...#... #..........# ## ###.####..........#  ................#  #...............#  #######...@.....# --2020.9 (48.0) #.....$...#  #####......%  ####### gGl gl G--1.9 (49g`s g8v - _Found a beast talisman.g  Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt  a * Fighting   4.4  19%  +1   k - Spellcasting   0.0    -2           b + Maces & Flails   3.1    +2       c * Axes   5.2  81%  +2       d + Polearms   2.5     0       e - Unarmed Combat [gm  0.0     0               f + Short Blades   0.0    -2               g - Armour   3.2    +1       h - Dodging   0.0    -3       i - Shields   3.2    +1       j - Stealth   0.0    -2   gh[34m                                   The percentage of incoming experience used to train each skill is in brown.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsgt672 f * Short Blades   0.0  12%gd981 f - Short Blades   0.0   gk g .....>##.# #......[# ######## morningthaw the Chopper .....## .# ##.......##Mountain Dwarf ...... .# ##.........#Health: 41/41 ======================== ......# #..........#Magic: 4/4======================== ...#... #..........#AC: 6Str: 21 ### ###.####..........#EV: 8Int: 8................#SH: 4Dex: 9#...............#XL:  4 Next: 89% Place: Dungeon:3#######...@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 20g^ 21.9 (0.0)#.....$...#a) +0 war axe#####......%Nothing quivered####### _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _o - 2 gluggy clear potions (gained 1) _Found a beast talisman.g Ig\ g" g g ,g ,g9 g ,g  gE# N _You now have 145 gold pieces (gained 15).g; gg= ,g> gG C  You see here a beast talisman.g=Y = _gY g[ g] ,gg^ g_ ga ,gNc gd gf ,gg g;i gk ,gVl gm gUq ,gTr g1t grv ,gWw g2y g 4g ,g ,g go g ,g g g ,g( g g ,g g ga ,g g gz ,gQ g g' b #.........####  #####......%.#  ########.#  #.#  #########.#  #.........#  #.######### g  #.#####.#  #.....@.# 49.9 (28.0)#######.#  .# .#<### g E g. C50.9 (29g g 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gs _No target in view!g Ig gb g $ _g g g gz g g  g" Xg , Xgl/ Bg1 g3 ,g4 gX8 gu; ,g8< g? gA g B gB g,F gH ,gN ,g= g >  You see here a beast talisman. _g۔ gĕ Bg\ gך ,gm g g ,gb g g֩ ,ge gE gL ,g( gԱ g ,gT g g3 ,g8 gſ g` ,g) gN g" ,g g gC g ,g g! ,g g\ g ,gQ g g ,g ,g Bg* g ,g= g g ,g g g ,g gG gj g g" g g8 ,g g g ,g g gc g ,g gy gS gS go ,g g O _The white imp shouts! You hear a shout! x2g' g + gh. 3gw0 gq6 g;< gE XgUK gO ,gP ghS ,gU g##113.9 (63#...........##.......####)....................###.....................##########...........#....#.....#.########. 9   toenail golemgUi 9#######.......... 5   crimson imp##########. ##ghs B4.9 (64gz g~ & _Found an orcbow.gɕgHggBg #....###. ###.##.##.... #...## ###.##.9 #....# #...#.# ##....##.##..... .. #...###.^.##..)#. #..##...#..#..#. #..#59....##gg#. #©##..###.###...###....####......>##.....@.....#.0.0) #)....... #............ #########... #.....#.######## #######......... 5   crimson impg ########## # g"g+5.9 (1gOgٺ* _Found a transporter.g3ggg,g!gD"gV&,g'g+g:.g.g`/g`1g3,gf4gP7g>:,g<g=g@,gAg!Cg`E,gWFg;Hg;J,g3KgTgZW,gWgZgS\g\g)]g_gb,g cgegg,g`hg(kg&m,gmgnpgxr,grgwgy,g;{g>~ggVgYgg,gyglggNg ggљ,gg;gXgglgg,gAg.g%gigg)g#Xg>,gBgg,gƾg g?gggEg,ggg,ggbg,gjgg,ggRg,ggNg?,gJggS,gVgg,ggtg,ggDgggzgg,gggq,g1g)gB!g!g"g!$g&,g'gs+gr-,g4.gg0g2,g"3g5gI7,g7g59g;,g;gK=g?g"@g`@ggg/gpgVgT   #........#   #.######.#   #.#....#.#   #.#.##...#  g  #...#.<..#   ###########...#   #.............#   #.#########...###   #@##########.61.9 (46.0)gH   ##.....  ..... g  .#.... #)+.>........≈≈≈≈≈..g  # #..........§§§∩≈. gm#..........≈≈§≈≈..  #...........###...  ############# #... g<g,2.9 (47g,g< ' _Found a hand axe.gIg............0.0)....gG4....g4 g~ g_j _Key pressed, stopping explore.ggg"H _No target in view!g;ggggpg _g   #.#....#.#  #.#.##...#  #...#.<..#g - ###########...# #.............#  #.#...###  #.##########....# gR ###................ #.@................4.9 (2 #.#g  #)+.>≈≈≈≈≈ ###§§§∩≈  #..≈≈§≈≈  #g ..### g  ############# # g <## g4 )#g6 gg] _Partly explored, unvisited transporter.gg gg'4..0gg g] _Partly explored, unvisited transporter.g #.#....#.#  #.#.##...#  #...#.<..#  ####...#  #...#  #.##...###  #.#....# ###. #. #.#. #)+.>.≈≈≈≈≈. ###.§§§∩≈. #.≈≈§≈≈. #.###. ## #. ##. #.5.9 (1 _gP ##....#.<###########...........#########...############....#####.................g..#.##)+.>≈≈≈≈≈###..§§§∩ ##.. g6go&6ggg{ ..#.<###########...........#########...############....#####.................#..#.#)+@>gx|@≈≈≈≈≈##..§§§∩ ≈≈§≈ #... ggw&7gAgڊgϽ  #...#.<..#  ####...#  #...#  g #.##...###  #.#....# ###.#g=  #..# #.#.g_ # #)+.@.g s≈≈≈≈≈. ###.g §§§∩≈..# #.gȾ h≈≈§≈≈..# #.g q###...# # #.g R ##. g* F#. ##.gL H #.go g &8g gw c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gԎggޔgg[-9 _gpg9; ## .# .# ##.#4 g@#@.# #..# .....  .....## ...##.gO #..# .# #.. .. ... ... ggg.70.7 (1.8g!g$} _You climb downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g#g#g|$g&g)g.P _g0Bg1g2,gj3g4g6,gT7gT8g:,g:gq<g>,g ?g@gA,gTBg1DgEgEgFgGg$LBgLgN,gQOgPgYg[,g}[g:]gN_,g_gag]cgcgdgeggggghgjgjgkgNm,go,gNpgqg>sgzsgsgugw,g!xgygN|,g|gx~gBgYg`,ggjge,ggg#..##.#.##..##.#.##..#<.#.#g#..#..#.##.......##......###...##.# #..#.#.#####.J#.. #@...^...............######.#.......#......#..#######.#..# .# .#J   jelly (asleep) .# .# .#gI094.7 (24.0)gJ.Jg%5.7 (25ggX _A jelly comes into view.gV#..##.#.# #..##.#.# #..#<.#.# #..#..#.# #.......# #......## #...##.# #..#.#.#####J.##.. #.@..^..####.#.# #.#..# #.# .##.# ..g7gbT.Jg06.7 (1.0) g%ggI%#..##.#.# #..##.#.# #..#<.#.# #..#..#.# #.......# #......## #...##.# #..#.#.#####..##.. #..@.^J..####.###.#.# #######.#..##.#..# #.#..##.#...gWg5J.gK&7gٕggi#..##.#.# #..##.#.# #..#<.#.# #..#..#.# #.# #......## #...##.# ##..#.#.#####..##.. #...@J..####.####.#.# #######.#..##.#..# #.#..##.#...ggw.=8ggR _The jelly barely misses you.g y  You hit the jelly but do no damage. Your hands burn!g^ $37g :---9.9 (1.2g g < _The jelly hits you but does no damage.g  You slash the jelly! Your hands burn!  The jelly is heavily wounded.g C4-----g ^3------=201.1g gP R _The jelly barely misses you.gf9  You slash the jelly!g-mC^g"ngu#..##.#.#morningthaw the Chopper#..##.#.#Mountain Dwarf#..#<.#.#Health: 34/41 ===================-----#..#..#.#Magic: 3/4==================------#.......#AC: 6Str: 21#......##EV: 8Int: 8#...##.##SH: 4Dex: 9#..#.#.#####..###XL:  4 Next: 135% Place: Dungeon:4#.. #...@^......Noise: ==-------  Time: 2202.5 (1.4)............####.#a) +0 war axe###.#.......#Nothing quivered#......#..#gv######.#..##.#..##.#..##.#...  You hit the jelly but do no damage. Your hands burn! _The jelly hits you but does no damage.  You slash the jelly! Your hands burn!  The jelly is heavily wounded. _The jelly barely misses you.You slash the jelly!gdw _You kill the jelly!You have reached level 5!gR/  --more--g&n9/475----59% gM g 4 _gXPgPgcQgTgT$ _gYx40=g_Zg],gW^g`g-a:----gagd,gdg2gk1=g|hg'k,gkgWng4=====gLogq,g`rgSuguD2=gvgx,gyg{S=====gN|gg,ggk3=ggD,gg7,ggދgK4=g͌gď,gcg,gxgTO5=====ggg _Magic restored.5=g~g,ggN,ggS=====gBg96g(=g g,,gg,gKg~7==gQg1 _HP restored.g)3gg;  There is a shaft here.gugԱ _gڲg~g,ggggI9=ggg=,g g1g,ggOg,g#..##.#.# #.# #..##.#.# #.# #..#<.#.# #.# #..#..#.# #.# #.......# #.. #......## #.# ## #...##.# #.## .. #..#.#.#####..####?###.. #.. #....^.....@.--37.5 (35.0) ...........####.##.#ß.ß. ##.#.......# #.# .. ⌠#......#..# #.# ß.∩######.#..# #.. ⌠.⌠#.#..# ##. ß.#.#..# #. .#.#... .g]--8.5 (36gg7 _Found Oteull's Assorted Antiques.g 4g g H _No target in view!g8gg&| _gy*g0.##.#.# #.# .##.#.# #.# .#<.#.# #.# g"1+.#..#.# #.# ......# #.. .....## #.# ##### gH1..##.# #.## #... . .#.#.#####..####?###.. . #....^.....gn1#####.##.#ß.ß.ß# g1R.#.......# #.##...⌠.⌠.. ......#..# #.####ß.∩Sß. g1#####.#..# #.. .⌠.⌠..#.#..# ##. .ß.ß#S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#.#..# #. ....#.#... . ...g8 9.5 (1.0)  A ball python comes into view.gGS.S)40.5 (2g Jg:M5 _The ball python hisses angrily.g(  #.# #.#<.#.# #.# #.# #.. #.# #####  #.## #... . #..####?###.... . #....^.......@......# ####.##.#ß.ß.ß#  #.##...⌠S⌠..  #.####ß.∩.ß.  #.. .⌠.⌠..   ##. .ß.ß#  g d #. .....   . ... g } R #.# #.#<.#.# #.# #.# #.. #.# #####  #.## #... . #..####?###....  #....^.......@......# ####.##.#ß.ß.ß#  #.##...⌠S⌠..  #.####ß.∩.ß. #.. .⌠.⌠..   ##. .ß.ß#   #. .....   . ...  _A ball python is nearby!g ##.#.# #.# ##.#.# #.# #<.#.# #.# #..#.# #.# # #.. ## #.# ##### .##.# #.## #... .. #.#.#####..####?###.  #....^........# g,+####.##.#ß.ß.ß# #.# #.##...⌠S⌠.#..# #.####ß.∩.ß..#..# #.. .⌠.⌠.#.#..# ##. ß.ß.ß##.#..# #. ......#.#... . .......gȉgÎ>S.g21.5 (1 _g˕gogaZ F.#.# #.# .#.# #.# <.#.# #.# # ..#.# #.# ..# #.. ...## #.# ##### ... ##.# #.## #... .. .#.#####..####?###.  g[ #....^.# ####.##.#ßSß.ß# .# #.##...⌠.⌠...##..# #.####ß.∩.ß..#..# #.. ..⌠.⌠.#.#..# ##. #ß.ß.ß##.#..# #. ........#.#... . .gf  The ball python barely misses you. You block the ball python's attack.g"g .=2gOn gaq _The ball python misses you. The ball python barely misses you.g  You closely miss the ball python. The ball python misses you.g -1 3.8 (1.3Constr gW g z _The ball python grabs you. The ball python constricts you.g3Y   You closely miss the ball python.The ball python bites you but does no damage.  The ball python constricts you. The ball python bites you.gY #6gY 8-5.0 (1.2gt_ gEa _ _The ball python constricts you.g ?  You slash the ball python!g D.gF e7= 8 6.4 (1.4g g} g O _You kill the ball python!g^m 4g*n gp  gq :_No target in view!g{ g g g H _No target in view!gu4gzg}H _No target in view!ggg gH _No target in view!gA5g7g;g?H _No target in view!gggMgZC _No target in view!gAgAgHgwJgg ggggP _ggHgHg ....#.# .##.#.# #.# .##.#.# #.#g  #<.#.# #.# # .#..#.# #.# ..g \...# #.. .... g* .....## #.# #####...... ..##.# #.## #..gK x.. .#.#.#####..####@###......-gs r #....^..............#g C..####.##.#ß.ß.ß .#.......# #.##...⌠.⌠...# gy.......#..# #.####ß.∩.ß... #####.#..# #.. ..⌠.⌠.... #.#..# ##. #ß.ß.ß### #.#..# #. ........#.#... . ........g-8.4 (2.0g!-g"$9.4 (3gPg!] _r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIAgL ggM gN gQP g9S grX e=g>Z ,gZ[ ga\ gt` ,g` g|b g7f ,gg gLj gKl gl gm gt g~ Welcome to Oteull's Assorted Antiques! What would you like to do?  a -  62 gold a leather armourb -  62 gold a leather armour  c -  27 gold a coppery potion  d -  27 gold a coppery potione -  124 gold a quarterstaff  gk ,f -  124 gold a scimitar  g -  31 gold a scroll labelled TICLATUNOI  h -  124 gold a bone wand You have 145 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-h] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-H] put item on shopping listgX   a -  62 gold a leather armour  c +  27 gold a coppery potione - f - h -  After the purchase, you will have 118 gold pieces.[Enter] buy marked itemsg  c +  27 gold a coppery potion  d +  27 gold a coppery potion91g5X Purchase items for 54 gold? (y/N)gڻ  c -  124 gold a quarterstaff  d -  124 gold a scimitar  e -  31 gold a scroll labelled TICLATUNOI  f -  124 gold a bone wand fFg#a - b -  d -  124 gold a scimitar  e +  31 gold a scroll labelled TICLATUNOI After the purchase, you will have 60 gold pieces.[Enter] buy marked itemsg#X Purchase items for 31 gold? (y/N)g^ va - b - e -  124bone wand g geg 8Egcgg4#.# #.##......#morningthaw the Chopper ..# #..+......#Mountain Dwarf g.## #.# #####......#Health: 47/47 ======================== .# #.## #..........#Magic: 5/5======================== gr.#####..####.###......#AC: 6Str: 21 ....^..............# #EV: 8Int: 8 .....####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.#SH: 4giDex: 9 .....# #.##...⌠.⌠...##.XL:  5 Next: 19% Place: Dungeon:4 g..#..# #.####ß.@.ß.....Noise: ---------  Time: 2254.4 (5.0) #.#..# #......⌠.⌠......a) +0 war axe #.#..# ##..##ß.ß.ß####.g'Nothing quivered #.#..# ##.......... #.#... ...........gW#.#.#...##.###.#.#...# .## #.#.... # _No target in view! g_No target in view! _No target in view! _r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIAThere is an entrance to Oteull's Assorted Antiques here.  gs - a coppery potion; s - 2 coppery potions (gained 1)gm _r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  There is an entrance to Oteull's Assorted Antiques here.  s - a coppery potion; s - 2 coppery potions (gained 1)  t - a scroll labelled TICLATUNOIgk _Thank you for shopping at Oteull's Assorted Antiques!gg8ggg_g: _gR  There is a fountain of clear blue water here.g 5 _gg g,ggg.gug gg,gNgg ,gZg v..#  #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# ######## #.# #.# #......## #.. +......# ## #.# #####@.....# .# #.## #..........# .#####..####.###......# ....^..............#.## .....####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.# .....# #.##...⌠.⌠...##. ..#..# #.####ß.∩.ß...... #.#..# #......⌠.⌠....... gF Z#.#..# ##..##ß.ß.ß####..gHY######......'60.4 (6gsg KK   koboldAs you open the door, it creaks loudly! You hear a shout!gAL======1.4 (7g%g-z _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.g #### ...# ##.# .#.# .#.# #.# .#.# #.# .#.# #.# #########.# #.#########......#g] ..# #...K......#.## #.#########......# #.# #.## #..........# #.#####..####.###......# #....^..............#.##.####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.# gû `....# #.##...⌠.⌠...## ...#..# #.####ß.∩.ß.... ##.#..# #......⌠.⌠.......gq g; B.Kg L------2.4 (1gu g Q _There is an open door here.gJ#.##.# ..#.# #.#.# #.# #.#.# #.# <.#.# #.# ######## ..#.# #.#......#.# #....K...@'......#.## #.#......# ##.# #.## #..........# .#.#####..####.###......#  #....^....#.##.####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.#.# #.##...⌠.⌠...##..#..# #.####ß.∩.ß...... gVK[###.#..# #......⌠.⌠.gLgQA.Kg]RC------3 gR _gAXg8Zg#.##.#.#.# ##.#.# #.# ##.#.# #.# #<.#.# #.# ######## #..#.# #.#......#.# #.....K.@.'......#.## #.#......# g>.##.# #.## #..........# #.#.#####..####.###.....# #....^.#.##.####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.# #.# #.##...⌠.⌠...##. .....#..# #.####ß.∩.ß...... ####.#..# #......⌠.⌠.g`g`.K4ggBg:K:  You slash the kobold!gXV)20=5.7 (1.3gYg[J _You kill the kobold!gygggH _No target in view!g_X4g]g`H _No target in view!gg_gsgH _No target in view!gud 4gk ghn H _No target in view!g 4g g H _No target in view!g;z gz g߀ g߂ C _No target in view!g 4gM g? gF g1G gH gL gN gR : _gT _ Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; a kobold corpsegW gX  _gX gOZ g] Xgd^ ,g^ g` gkb ,gc gBd gi  #########  #.......# #>  #.#####.# #.  #.....#.# #.  #..##.#.# #.#  #..##.#.# #.#  #..#<.#.# #.# ########  #..#..#.# #.#########......# gi Y #.......# #.@....)..'......#-70.7 (5.0  #......## #.#########......#  #...##.# #.## #..........#  #..#.#.#####..####.###......# #.. #....^........#.##  ......####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.#  ###.#.......# #.##...⌠.⌠...##.   #......#..# #.####ß.∩.ß.....   ######.#..# #......⌠.⌠...... gBs [-1.7 (6gs g'v ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g?3gH,gKgKgP,gdS,gTgqVgXg YgYgU[g],gm^g"`gMb,g8cgdgh,ghgigj,g\kgmR  There is a stone staircase leading down here.gpgp _gAqgmsgv,gpwg1yg1{g{gng'gς,gggZ,gɆgňg,g0gg,gYggӍ,ggg,gԏgugugg gVg+,glggBgGg,gggߠgggggͤggggg$gqgEg,ggX,gg7 _You open the door.g3gg@  There is an open door here.gg9 _g)gZgϾ,gg7g;,g!gKgmBgxg,gqgg,g_g/gw,ggg_ ############### #########.............#g ........'.......@....... #########...............  #..............#  #..............# #..............# g#.....######.#.# g   hobgoblin (asleep) ####### #.....# .# # ......# #.....# # ......#gA 305.7 (34.0)  A hobgoblin comes into view.gk.gggc5==6.7 (35gg7+ _The hobgoblin shouts!g9 ############### .............#. ........'.......@.....g. ...............  #..............#  #..............#  #..............#  #.....######.#.#  #.....# .# #  #.....# # gWS ############### .............#. ........'.......@.....g. ...............  #..............#  #..............# #..............# #.....######.#.#  #.....# .# # #.....# #g[g\gagd` _A hobgoblin is nearby!gb# .#.# .......'........@....g.g.##.##.#.#.....######.#.#  #.....# .#.# g   goblin (wandering)# #.....# .# .#gp  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.g:gg.g.g7.7 (1.0) g$g)( _The goblin shouts!g#~# .#.#.'.g.g.>.#.#.## #..#..#.....######.#.#  #.....# .#.# # #..#g>)gJ*g@3\g.g.--g3 8g-;g>; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gE# .#.#.#'.g.g..>..#.##.## #...#...#.....######.#.#  #.....# .#.# # #.....# .#..#ggpg.=-9ggV _The hobgoblin barely misses you.gH=  You slash the hobgoblin!g`KgRg.g   gV6111.0 (1.3g;\g_M _You kill the hobgoblin!g<g{ rr   quokka (wandering)g   goblinYou barely miss the goblin.gCA quokka comes into view.ge-2.2 (1.2ggvS _The goblin barely misses you.gwh g#k g~n  You barely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you with a +0 club.gw nr>.grg   hobgoblin (wandering)g   gobling`x 4--4-----3.4gX g \ _A hobgoblin comes into view.g `  You barely miss the goblin.g? :  The hobgoblin shouts!g Br.g.g=4.6 _The goblin barely misses you.g :  You slash the goblin!g<$g%g?&gp'g0)r.g.>g=l5--2-5.9 (1.3gI` _You kill the goblin!g# .#.#.#'.r.g.>..#.##.## #....#....#.....######.#.# g` #.....# #.#.# # #.....# #.#..#gjg3g.g!F-60g%g _The quokka bites you but does no damage.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin corpseg-_.ggK-----8.2 (1.3gg _You barely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you. x2g;:  You slash the quokka!gG .g   hobgoblin  You kill the quokka!g4L^6=39.5gRgT _You closely miss the hobgoblin. The hobgoblin misses you.gR   You hit the hobgoblin.  The hobgoblin is severely wounded.The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.20.7 (1.2g g V _The hobgoblin barely misses you.g(  You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is severely wounded.g (1.9g g @ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.g1  ###############.........#.#.## g,.......@....>.. ........g..#.##  #..............##  #..............#  #..............#  #.....######.#.#   #.#.#  g{? #.#.. g`  ###############.........#.#.## g.......@....>.. ........g..#.##  #..............##  #..............#  #..............#  #.....######.#.# g  #.#.# g-] #.#..g4g g#` _A hobgoblin is nearby!gu=  You slash the hobgoblin!gbzF†g}7==43.2 (1.3ggM _You kill the hobgoblin!g\gg]g3cgeH _No target in view!g5 3g g_ g V5===== _g g$ g% gb& gE' g) gl+ ,g|, gt. g6 ####..#.##.# #.#  ###############.# ##.............#@#.#### -6.2 (3.0 .'...ge7 )....>...# ##...†..#.##.##...##>#...#  #..............#  #.....######.#.#  #.....# #.#.# g7 Y #.....# #.#..g> g\? a=-7.2 (4gD gG 9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.g= g gB go H _No target in view!g_g׈gPZ===== _g_gBg9ngΠggágyg,ggg,gggXgg2ggg,gӼ,g#.#.# #.#.# #.#.#  #########.#.#  ........#.#.####  ......)....>...# g. .......†..#.##.#  .........##>##.#### ..##.##..@.#  36.2 (9.##.##.##....... ####.#.##.##.# ....... # #.#.##.##.# ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈g # #.#.....#.# ≈......  #.. ≈.≈≈.≈§   ### ≈.§..§§   ≈.≈._§≈     gf:§g-7.2 (10.0) gg!8 _Found a broken altar of Ashenzari.g5 g g g gb g g| ,g ,g g: g" ,g g g #.#.#  #.#.#  ######.#.#  .....#.#.### )....>...#  †..#.##.#  ##>##.### ##.##....#########  ##g ......  ###.#.##.##.#....  #.#.##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈  #.#.....#.#.≈...§...≈.   #...≈.≈≈.≈§.≈ ###.≈.§§.§≈§≈S   S   ball python (constriction, asleep)#.≈§§§_§§§≈. #.≈§≈...≈.≈   g 40.2 (3.0)  A ball python comes into view.g g)& .≈§.§§S≈.S).§._§≈..§..§§§g& +1.2 (4g*- g/ 5 _The ball python hisses angrily.g& #.#.# #.#.#)....>...#†>##.#### #....######### #..@....... #...........  #..≈.  #.≈.......≈.  #...≈.≈≈.≈§.≈.  ###.≈.≈§.§§S≈.  #.≈.§._§≈.≈.  #.≈.§..§§§≈ g #.#.# #.#.#)....>...#†>##.#### #....######### #..@....... #...........  #..≈.  #.≈.......≈.  #...≈.≈≈.≈§.≈.  ###.≈.≈§.§§S≈.  #.≈.§._§≈.≈.  #.≈.§..§§§≈ g4g4gb _A ball python is nearby!g@ r#.#.#  #####.#.# g a ....#.#.#### )....>...#  †..#.##.#  .##>##.####g o ##.##....##########  gٵ ##.##.##...........  ##.#.##.##.#.... g  #.#.##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.≈ g #.#.....#.#.≈.......≈..  g#  g7 #...≈.≈≈.≈§.≈.#  g` ###.≈.≈§.§§S≈.#   #.≈.§._§≈.≈.#  g 7g   goblin (wandering)#.≈.§..§§§≈ #  g ?S   ball python (constriction)..≈.≈≈≈≈ ≈g   gY g g  §≈≈S§§.§.≈.≈§_.g≈§..§.≈g§≈≈≈≈K≈.#g1 K   kobold (wandering)A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gg +2.2 (1gf g _The goblin moves out of view.  Found a scroll of identify. _A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gP#.#.#  .#.#  #.#.####  .)....>...#  †..#.##.#  ##>##.####  ##.##....# ##.##.##.#  #.#.##.##.#.#  gQ#.#.##.##.#.≈.≈..#  #.#.....#.#.≈.≈..#  #...≈.≈≈§≈≈S≈.##  ###.≈§§.§.≈.≈.#  #.≈.≈§_.≈.≈.#  #.≈.≈§..§.≈g#  ..≈.§≈≈≈≈K≈.#   gWgYg[gd4§S§§§§.≈≈..≈..§._.§§≈gge..§≈K≈.§§§§?gle/==3gmg$q( _The kobold shouts!gj#.#.#  .#.#  #.#.####  )....>...#  .†..#.##.#  ##>##.####  ##.##....#  ##.##.##.gz#  .#.##.##.#.#  .#.##.##.#.≈.≈..#  .#.....#.#.≈....§S.≈..#  #...§§§§.≈≈.≈.##  ###.≈.≈...≈.≈.#  #.≈.§._.§§≈g#  #.≈.≈..§≈K≈.#  g@..≈.§§§§§?≈.#  K   kobold gg?gg S§§....≈.≈≈§§≈g≈._.§K§.§..§≈§gcZ≈≈The ball python bites you but does no damage.g.-4gO _You block the ball python's attack.gU=  You hit the ball python.g...#  †..#.##.#  ##>##.####  ##.##....#  ##.##.##.#  #.##.##.#.g..#  g#.##.##.#.≈K≈..#  #.....#.#.≈.≈..#  #...≈.≈≈.§≈.≈.##  ###.≈.≈...§.≈.#  #.≈.≈.§.§.≈.#  g#.≈.§.§.§.≈.#  ..≈.§≈≈§§?≈.#   gg'g.≈≈_..≈≈≈≈≈g\4--8g@ 0g`g; _The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.g`:  You slash the goblin!gh! )K   kobold≈≈§You kill the goblin!gjo3--650.1 (1.2gpgusx _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you with a +0 dagger.g8  You hit the kobold.g)§ ≈? g(1.3gMgJ _You kill the kobold!gi4gogqH _No target in view!gegggH _No target in view!ggZggLH _No target in view!g0Jgq1H _No target in view!gu4g|g~H _No target in view!gY  _No target in view!gh Qg Qgё 4g g" g g gV g g g g gb g# g% g+ gY. g} 4g g/ g; gl< gD gG g\3g^gbg]g: _gdnw4=gr,gsgw,gygek5=gg,ggg?gg,g,g<a6=gŗg,gg|7== _ You see here a +0 dagger. _g,gggo g 9=gsg,g#,g*gg,g!g%g),gm*g<1.##.##.##...........#  .##.##.#........)...#  #.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈)≈..#  .#.#.≈.......≈..#   g2#...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈.##   ###.≈.≈...≈.≈.#   #.≈§§._.≈.≈.#   #.≈.§§..≈.≈.#   ..≈.≈≈≈≈≈@≈.#  - ≈.......≈.#  gV2] ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.#   ..........#   .##########   g2Z    g20  gX@L≈71.3 (20.0)gAF-2.3 (21gg. _u - a scroll of identifyg>gEInventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=) g4  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA gf t - a scroll labelled TICLATUNOIu - a scroll of identify Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might gi e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility g[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g u - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning  g himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g3Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll labelled TICLATUNOI Potions (select first with !)  o - 2 gluggy clear potions g p - 2 metallic coppery potions  s - 2 coppery potions [?] describe selectedg+.##.##.##...........#   morningthaw the Chopper .##.##.#........)...#   Mountain Dwarf .##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈)≈..#   Health: 47/47 ======================== .....#.#.≈.......≈..#   Magic: 5/5========================#...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈.##   AC: 6Str: 21###.≈.≈...≈.≈.#   EV: 8Int: 8#.≈§§._.≈.≈.#   SH: 4Dex: 9#.≈.≈§..≈.[gc34m≈.#   XL:  5 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:4..≈.≈≈≈≈≈@≈.#   Noise: ---------  Time: 2372.3 (0.0)≈.......≈.#   a) +0 war axe≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.#   Nothing quivered..........#  .##########           _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _You see here a +0 dagger. _u - a scroll of identify.##.##.##...........#   morningthaw the Chopper .##.##.#........)...#   Mountain Dwarfg .##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈)≈..#   Health: 47/47 ======================== .....#.#.≈.......≈..#   Magic: 5/5========================#...≈.≈≈.≈≈.≈.##   AC: 6Str: 21###.≈.≈...≈.≈.#   EV: 8Int: 8#.≈§§._.≈.≈.#   SH: 4Dex: 9#.≈.≈§..≈.≈.#   XL:  5 Next: 26% Place: Dungeon:4..≈.≈≈≈≈≈@≈.#  gv  Noise: ---------  Time: 2372.3 (0.0)≈.......≈.#   a) +0 war axe≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.#   Nothing quivered..........#  .##########           _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _You see here a +0 dagger. _u - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.§.≈.§3.3 (1 _You see here a +0 dagger. _u - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _t - a scroll of teleportationg^ g^ g a gf go Xgr ,gt g!x g/| ,g ~ gg g g g g g gX gB gԩ g g' gz g$    You see here a +0 dagger.g 5 _gŹ g g g Bg g ngN g g ,g g Bg g\ ,g, g g|! ,g=" g$ g& ,g' g) g+ ,g, g90 g2 ,g3 g6 g: ,g; g= gz@ ,gA g_D gF gH ,g\I gK ,gL gN gAQ ,g0R g d gg ,g)h gk } _g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE (gained 1)gn gJs 3gx   ##.≈.≈.§.≈.≈.#  #......≈.≈≈§≈≈.≈.#  #..#.#..≈...§...≈.#  ##. #.#..≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.#  ###..##.#............#  ........#.#.##########  ........#.#.#  ........#.#.# gy 2 ##.####@#.#.# 404.3 (31.0) # #'# ... ..... ....(........#........#.#.####### _You open the door.g{ E _Found 4 stones. g' g' g<( g+ g+/ g/$ _ g4V  There is an open door here. gy7 g7 _ g8 g= gF ##. #.#..≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈.####..##.#............#........#.#.##########........#.#.#  ........#.#.#  ##.####.#.#.# ###.####'#.# ....# .......@...# .........(.#S..........# g7Gg..........###.#.########.#. g   goblin (asleep) # S   ball python (constriction, asleep)  gO 6.3 (2.0)  A goblin and a ball python come into view. gMP g Q g5Z..S.ggS) gZ4==7.3 (3 gJb gjH _The goblin shouts! The ball python hisses angrily. ga ##.   .#  .#  .#.#.#  .#.#.#  ##.####.#.#.#  ###.####'#.#  ...........#  .......@...#  .........(.#  ..S........#  .g.........#  ##.#.#######  #.#. # g9S ##.   .#  .#  .#.#.#  .#.#.#  ##.####.#.#.#  ###.####'#.#  ...........#  .......@...#  .........(.#  ..S........#  .g.........# ##.#.####### #.#. #  gC4 gL gOd _There are monsters nearby! g*F###..##.#............#.........#.#.########## ........#.#.#  ........#.#.# ##.####.#.#.#####.####'#.# ............#....#(.#S........#g.###.#.####### #.#. #. .. g. g0 g9Q.S.g gQ<;--8.3 (1 _ gC gF gn . ###..##.#. . .........#.#. . ........#.#.# . ........#.#.# ##.####.#.#.##.####'#.##.##.#.(.##....S.#.g.#..##.#.## # g .#.# #. .. .. gg  g  g BS..g g< A--9 gP  g"  g =  You hit the ball python. gw  gĐ T†g. gl >7=10.5 (1.2 g  ga O _You kill the ball python! g  You closely miss the goblin. The goblin closely misses you.1.8 (1.3 gx  g = _The goblin hits you but does no damage. g  You hit the goblin.  The goblin is severely wounded. gL [6-3.2 (1.4 gv  g6 9 _The goblin hits you with a +0 club. g:  You slash the goblin! g2) g2 584.5 (1.3 g.` _You kill the goblin! g gv g gtH _No target in view! g g g! g$H _No target in view! gR g_S gY^ _No target in view! g4 g7 gH _No target in view! gWw _No target in view! g4 g gC _No target in view! g g g g g0h7= _ gӽ gW, g gN; _ You see here a +0 club. g g= _ g g{ gB g; gO= g g gR, g/ g g gC gt g1 g, g g g, gq gI g , gr gA g, gv g g, g gw g1, g g`  g6 , g g g, g g g= .# .# #...# .. # ##............#  .......†....(.# ###.....)......# ...............# #...##.#.####### #.# #.#.#####.# ##.# #.#.......#######.@####.........#-29.5 (15.0)...................################.#.>.### #  g   g& gk'G-30.5 (16 g, g-; _Found a stone staircase leading down. g"  gH#  g&$  g6'  g) , gX- , gy2 n g3  gI3  g4  g(6 , g6  g7  g8 , g8  g:  gQ@ ß.ß.ß####.. .#.... . .# ........ g@ D ##.####.#.# #...##.## #####.####'#.# #...# .# #......# #.... # ##............# .......†....(.#####.....)......# g@ 3#.@.........#5.5 (5.0) #.##...##.#.####### #. #.####.#.#####.# ".##.# #.#.......# g$A  ######..####.........#...................###.....#############.#...>#.###### g F  gnF +6.5 (6 goI  gK 9 _Found an amulet of guardian spirit. g@3 gRC gPG gFJ gM, giP g!T, gT gU gQX gX gTY gZ g1], g] g!_ g\b, gc gfO  You see here an amulet of guardian spirit. gh g i _ gi g7l ghn gn gp gu gy g} g- g gh g= gX gʖ, gd g, gY g. ...........# grQ#.#.#...##.## #### #.#.#...##.# ..# #.... # #.#....#.# ..# ##.... .. ... ...... ###B #.# ######....... #.# #......... gO#####.###.# #.##...##.#.$...@.#.####.##.####.#.###........".##.# #.##.#.######..####. #......... ####.....####### g`V...>## B   giant cockroach (asleep) #####  go047.5 (11.0) g˿ .  A giant cockroach comes into view. g4,8.5 (12 gj g < _The giant cockroach moves out of view. g g) gU g  g . .  #.#.#...##.## #  #.#.#...##.# ..# # # #.#....#.# ..# ## ..##...  g  ###...#.# ###### ...B #.# #. #####.###.# #.##...## #.$..@..#.####.##.#### #.###........".##.# # g  ###.#.######..#### #..... ####..... ...>## g B   giant cockroach ##### g,0.0) gM.B g+9.5 (1 g g gt   #.## #  #.# ..#  # #.# ..#  ..##...  ###...#.#  g .... #.#  #####B###.#  #.$..@..# #.###........".##.#  ###.#.### #..... ####... ...>##  g+ A #####  g:   #.## #  #.# ..#  # #.# ..#  ..##...  ###...#.#  .... #.#  #####B###.#  #.$..@..# #.###........".##.#  ###.#.### #..... ####... ...>##  #####  _A giant cockroach is nearby!gj   #.## #  #.# ..#  # #.# ..#  ..##...  ###...#.#  .... #.#  #####B###.#  #.$..@..# #.###........".##.#  ###.#.### #..... ####... ...>##  ##### g~S  #.## #  #.# ..#  # #.# ..#  ..##...  ###...#.#  .... #.#  #####B###.#  #.$..@..# #.###........".##.#  ###.#.### gTb#..... ####... ...>##  ##### g\4g{cggf _A giant cockroach is nearby!g  You barely miss the giant cockroach. The giant cockroach closely misses you.=50.9 (1.4gpg G _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.gSC2.2 (1.3gZg] _You closely miss the giant cockroach. You block the giant cockroach's attack.g` *  You hit the giant cockroach but do no damage.The giant cockroach barely misses you.3.4 (1.2 _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.gT J  You hit the giant cockroach.  The giant cockroach is severely wounded.4.6 _The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.g  You closely miss the giant cockroach.The giant cockroach is severely wounded.The giant cockroach bites you but does no damage.g(5.8g#g= _You block the giant cockroach's attack.gC  You slash the giant cockroach!gE†g097.0ggS _You kill the giant cockroach!g34g<g?H _No target in view!g0gn1g2g3g7g7;: _g;g>,gF?g@giCgCgYDgUIBgKL _You now have 69 gold pieces (gained 9).g%NgNgNgEPgiQ,gQgRgTgf\ _You now have 81 gold pieces (gained 12).g8hgm" gms###...#.# #### .....#.# #.... #####†###.# #.## #.......#.####.##gn#.###........".## #.# ###.#.###### #.# #... #.# ####.....# #@# ...>## -60.0)#.....# ##### #......ß.>.ß# #..####.....##. #.ß.###...#gn/####gu\-8.0 (11gzgP|A _Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.gZN   ......#####†####.......#.###.###........".# ###.#.######..# #..........# ######.....###gEO n######.#.ß.#.. ...>## #.....@.....# ##### ß.>.ß# ####.....#g [ g[ 09.0 (1.0) gd gC [.....#.# #.#####†###.# #.##.#.......#.####.##.##.###.".##.##.# ###.#.######..##.# #.#.########.....#gvC ######.#.ß.#......>## #.# ##### #......ß.>.ß# #..####.....# #. #gC 4 gVK g/L '70gOQ gS g.....#.# #.#####†###.# #.##.#.......#.####.##.##.###.".##.# #.# ###.#.######..##.# #.#.########.....#######.#.ß.#......>## #.g# ##### #......ß.>.ß# #..####.....# ## .g^...######g<1ggsg|Ks.....#.# #.#####†###.# #.##...##.#.####.##.##.###.".##.# #.# ###.#.######..##.# #.#.########.....#######.#.ß.#......>## #.# ##### #......ß.>.ß# #..####.....# ######ggPgP&2gSgTg #####†####...#.......#.####.##.#####........".##.#  ###.#.######..### #..............#.########.....######gjx######.#.ß.#......>## ...........# ##### ß.@.ß# ####..... ##.ß.#ggg&3g g' i _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.gP g( g g g -4 _g gf   ######################### Temple ................@.......# #+##############..#####.# #..#...#.._.#..#..+...#.# #..#._.#....#..+..#...#.# ####...#+#######..#...#.# #..#...#.#._#..#.######.# #..###+#.#..#._#.#..._#.# #+##..⌠..##+#..#.#....#.# ............##+#.#....#.#You climb downwards. Welcome to the Ecumenical Temple!g) gg R___g g[ +7 (1.7g" gN _Found a staircase back to the Dungeon. _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here.gM__ggVgWF _Unknown command.g ######################### ................<....... #+##############@.#####. #..#...#.._.#..#..+...#._.#....#..+..#__#.# #+#.####+##......+_...#.#gÞ9_g350 _gң____g¥g ######################### ................<....... #+##############..#####. #..#...#.._.#..#@.+..._.#....#..+..####...#+#######..+_ ..#.+..#..###+#########.#gz____g>&6gh___gg_ ######################### ................<....... #+##############..##### #..#...#.._.#..#..+..._.#....#..+@.####...#+#######..#...#.#._#..#.#####gQ`### _.#.#._#_.#....#_.#_..#.#g-f_____gf&7gj____gTlg ######################### ................<....... #+##############..##### #..#...#.._.#..#..+...g:_.#....#..+..####...#+#######..#...#.#._#..#.#######+#.#..#._#.#...__ ..#.####..#.._.#..#...+.#g._____g&8gy____gg ######################### ................<....... 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Nothing quivered#.[gЛ 37m##'#####..⌠.#######...................#################### _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. _Unknown command. _You open the door. _Found an iron altar of Okawaru. _There is an open door here. _There is an iron altar of Okawaru here.g _____g8g=Dungeon Crawl HelpManual Contents Press one of the following keys to*Table of contents obtain more information on a certain A.Overview aspect of Dungeon Crawl.B.Starting Screen ?: List of commandsC.Attributes and Stats ^: Quickstart GuideD.Exploring the Dungeon :: Browse character notesE.Experience and Skills #: Browse character dumpF.Monsters ~: Macros helpG.Items &: Options helpH.Spellcasting %: Table of aptitudesI.g>Targeting /: Lookup descriptionJ.Religion Q: FAQK.Mutations V: Version informationL.Licence, Contact, History !: Display diagnosticsM.Macros, Options, Performance Home: This screenN.Philosophy1.List of Character Species2.List of Character Backgrounds3.List of Skills4.List of Keys and Commands5.Inscriptionsg?M6.Dungeon sprint modesg~ #.#._..#..#...#.._.# morningthaw the Chopper#.#....#..#._.#....# Mountain Dwarf#.##+######...#+#### Health: 47/47 ========================#......#..#...#.#._# Magic: 5/5========================#.####.#..###+#.#..# AC: 6Str: 21#.#_.+.#+##..⌠..##+# EV: 8Int: 8#.#..#.............# SH: 4Dex: 9#.######+#.####+##.. XL:  5 Next: 29% Place: Temple#.#@.#...#.+..#..### Noise: ---------  Time: 2517.7 (0.0)#.#..#._.#.#._#_.#.. a) +0 war axe#.#..#...#.####..#.. Nothing quivered#.[g m##'#####..⌠.#######...................#################### _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here. _Unknown command. _You open the door. _Found an iron altar of Okawaru. _There is an open door here. _There is an iron altar of Okawaru here._____gg N  You kneel at the altar of Okawaru.g k /  --more--g}Warmaster Okawaru Okawaru is a dangerous and powerful god of battle. Followers are expected to constantly prove themselves in combat, and may channel Okawaru's might to enhance their prowess. Okawaru demands that followers prove themselves by their own strength alone, and so worshippers are forbidden from gaining allies by any means. Okawaru pays little heed to easy victories, but will reward worshippers for heroic feats against mighty foes. Favour - Okawaru is neutral towards you. Granted powers:(Cost)Okawaru requires that you fight alone, and prevents you from gaining allies. You can gain great but temporary skills.(2 MP, Piety-)You can speed up your combat.(5 MP, Piety--)You can enter into single combat with a foe.(7 MP, Piety--)Okawaru will gift you throwing weapons as you gain piety. Okawaru will grant you a choice of weapons... once. Okawaru will grant you a choice of armour... once. [!]: Overview|Powers|Wrath [J/Enter]: join religiongPEgGgN#.#._..#..#...#.._.# morningthaw the Chopper#.#....#..#._.#....# Mountain Dwarf#.##+######...#+#### Health: 47/47 ========================#......#..#...#.#._# Magic: 5/5gN========================#.####.#..###+#.#..# AC: 6Str: 21#.#_.+.#+##..⌠..##+# EV: 8Int: 8#.#..#.............# SH: 4Dex: 9gN#.######+#.####+##.. XL:  5 Next: 29% Place: Templeg'Od#.#@.#...#.+..#..### Noise: ---------  Time: 2517.7 (0.0)#.#..#._.#.#._#_.#.. a) +0 war axe#.#..#...#.####..#.. Nothing quiveredgTO#.##'#####..⌠.#######...................#################### _Unknown command. gO_You open the door. _Found an iron altar of Okawaru. _There is an open door here. _There is an iron altar of Okawaru here.  gO"You kneel at the altar of Okawaru.gPa  Okawaru welcomes you!g>]/  --more--gdT__g/y  of Okawaru ......8.7 (1 _g[U__gmg #.#._..#..#...#.._.#.#.#....#..#._.#....#.#.##+######...#+##......#..#...#.#._#.#.####.#..###+#.#..#.#.#_.+.#+##..⌠..##+#.#.#..#.##.######+#.####+##.#.#_@#...#.+..#..###+#.#..#._.#.#._#_.#.#.#..#...#.####..#.._#.##'#####..⌠.##......########g ___9g U___g` gB&  ._.#...#+######...#+#####.....#..#...#.#._#.####.#..###+#.#.._.+.#+##..⌠..##+..#.............########+#.####+##..._.#...#.+..#..###+g& /.@#._.#.#._#_.#.....#.####..#.._#'#####..⌠.#######g1 __20___g7 e___g7 g< f___gr>  g  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#..#._.#....#..+...#+####### #..#...#.#._#..# #..###+#.#..#._# #+##..⌠..##+#..# #g :_#g #g> 2#g[ U__#g d _There is a staircase back to the Dungeon here.#gD  <# +#..#####.# ..#...#.._.#..#..+...#.# ..#._ ..###+#.#..#._#.# +##..⌠..##+#..#.# #gݒ L__#gl -3 _#g ;_#gٖ #g  <.# #..#####.# #...#.._.#..#..+...#.# #._.#....#..+..#...#+#######..##...#.#._#..#.###g = #g U__#gx &4#g  U__#g$ #g.  <.# ..#####.# #...#.._.#..#..+...#.# #._.#....#..+.....#+#.. #...#.#._#..#.# ###+#.#..#._#...⌠..##+#..#. #gK 9_#g &5#gѮ #g $g1#.<.##..#####.# .#...#.._.#..#..+...#.# .#._.#....#..+..#...#.# ##...#+#..#...#.# .#...#.#._#..#.######.# .###+#.#..#._#.#..._#.# ##..⌠..##+#..#.#....#.# $gR+.##+#.#....#.#$gr__6$g9_$g$gEM#.<.# +#..#####.#.#...#.._.#..#..+...#.# ..#._.#....#..+..#...#.##...#+#######..#...#.# ..#...#.#._#..#.######.# ..###+#.#..#._#.#..._#.# +##..⌠..##+#..#.#....#.# .##+#.#....#.#___7_$g #..# #+#..#####.# #..#...#.._.#..#..+...#.# #..#._.#....#..+..#...#.# ####...#+#######..#...#.# 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Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple here.%g6%%g%%g&%g_*%g,%g0P _%g4,%g6%g8%g.<,%g=%g@%gA,%gB%gC%gD%gE%gHE%gF%gH,%gI%g/J%gK%g/K%gK%gM%gnO,%gP%gZQ%g8S%gjS%gT%gU%gW%g X%g_X%g Z%gB\,%g\%g^%g>_,%g_%ga%gc%g1d%gd%gf%g h%gOh%gh%gi%gk,%gTk%gl%gm%gm%g^n%g"p%gq%gq%grr%gfs%gyt,%gt%gu%gv%gw%gw%g|%g},%g}%g.%g,%g%g%g@,%g%gք%gB%gv%gy,%g։%g %g%g͌%g%g%gr,%g*%g(%g,%g%gT%ga%g%g%g%gР,%g%g'%gפ,%g]%g%gp,%g%g%g>%gf%g%g,%gl%gk  You see here a giant cockroach corpse.%g%g _%gg%g%g0.# #......⌠.⌠....... .. .# ##..##ß.ß.ß####.. . %gR9.# ##..........# . . .. ...........%g#.#.#S..##.## # #####.#.#...##.# ..# #...%g4# #.#....#.# ..### ##... ###..... .....%g #.####@..#.# ######... #........#.# #........ ######†###.# #.##...##%gZ< #.......#.####.##.#####.###........".##.# ##.# ###.#.######..#### S   adder (wandering)#.# #...............#.########.....#############.#.ß.#......>##%g5| 606.2 (35.0)  An adder comes into view.%gz%gj..SS%gO,7.2 (36%g%g/ _The adder hisses angrily.&gb+.# #.####ß.∩.ß...... .# #......⌠.⌠....... ..###ß.ß.ß####.. # ##..........# . ... ...........  &g+ #.#.#...##.## # ### #.#.#...##.# ..# ## #.#..S.#.# ..### ## #....@.##..... . #.####...#.# ###### #........#.# #.......#####†###.# #.##... #.......#.####.##.## #.###........".##.#  #.# ###.#.######..###&g+ #.# #.............. #.########.....######&g-&g2K.S&g308.2 (1.0) &g6&g8&gP \  You hit the adder.  The adder is lightly wounded.&g 5=9.4 (1.2&g &g 6 _You block the adder's attack. x2&g C  The adder is lightly wounded. &g} _You block the adder's attack. x2  You closely miss the adder.The adder is lightly wounded.bites you.  You are poisoned.&gڊ V==4-----&g ^10.7 (1.3Pois &g) &gl , _The adder poisons you!&g }  You miss the adder.The adder is lightly wounded.&gO y5=--1.9 (1.2&gB &g _You feel sick. The adder closely misses you. You block the adder's attack.&gI  You hit the adder.  The adder is heavily wounded.You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage.&g 64--&gC &3.2 (1.3&g &gv R _The adder barely misses you.&g 5You feel sick. The adder bites you but does no damage. _The adder barely misses you.  You closely miss the adder.  You are no longer poisoned.&gD 53-&gv .4.4 (1.2&g` &g K _The adder misses you.&g!j 0 ∩  #......⌠  ##..##ß.ß.ß####..  ##..........# .  ........... #.#.#...##.## #  #.#.#...##.# ..#  # #.#....#.# ..###  &gj #...S@.#  #.####...#.#  ...#.#  †###.#  #...... #.###..".##.#  #.# ###. #.# #.&g s ∩  #......⌠  ##..##ß.ß.ß####..  ##..........# .  ........... #.#.#...##.## #  #.#.#...##.# ..#  # #.#....#.# ..### &gO  #...S@.#  #.####...#.#  ...#.#  †###.#  #...... #.###..".##.#  #.# ###. #.# #.&g= 4&g &gI ] _An adder is nearby!'g  You hit the adder but do no damage.The adder is heavily wounded.'ggK4=-----'g!5.6'g?'g _The adder completely misses you. The adder barely misses you.'g.  You closely miss the adder.The adder is heavily wounded.6.9 (1.3 _The adder barely misses you.'g9t  You slash the adder!  You kill the adder!'gi.'gR=368.1 (1.2'g'g: _Okawaru accepts your kill.'gR'g'gA'gb'gH _No target in view!'g^p 'gr C  Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt 'g0s  a * Fighting   4.6  20%  +1   k - Spellcasting   0.0    -2           b + Maces & Flails   3.5    +2      'gs  c * Axes   5.8  80%  +2   l + Invocations   0.0    +3   d + Polearms   2.9     0       e - Unarmed Combat   0.0     0               f - Short Blades   0.0    -2          'gs U     g - Armour   3.2    +1       h - Dodging   0.0    -3  'gt      i - Shields   3.2    +1       j - Stealth   0.0    -2      'gCt s                'gt                 The percentage of incoming experience used to train each skill is in brown.  'gt Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  'gu [!] training|cost|targets(g(g)(g+..# #.####ß.∩.ß......morningthaw the Chopper ..# #......⌠.⌠........ Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...... ..# ##..##ß.ß.ß####..(gKHealth: 44/47 ======================-- ..# ##..........# .Magic: 4/5===================----- ... ...........(gAC: 6Str: 21#.#.#...##.## #### EV: 8Int: 8#.#.#...##.# ..#(gv#.. SH: 4Dex: 9(g q# #.#....#.# ..### ##.. XL:  5 Next: 36% Place: Dungeon:4(gB#....@.##..... .... Noise: =--------  Time: 2618.1 (0.0)#.####...#.# ######.. a) +0 war axe(g#........#.# #....... Nothing quivered######†###.# #.##...##.......#.####.##.####.###........".##.##.# ###.#.######..### #.# #.............. #.########.....###### The adder is heavily wounded. (g_The adder barely misses you.You slash the adder!  You kill the adder! (gt_Okawaru accepts your kill. _No target in view!(g(gC(g(g(g  _(g 5(g: (ge O5=====(gԓ (gJ 4 _Magic restored.(g K6=(g (g (g1 (g (g ,(g (gb i=====(g& (g{ h7==(g (g1 1 _HP restored.(g (gҤ (gF (g (g (g (g٭ (g (gt ,(gԴ (g (g (gչ 9=(g (gv (gJ #.##...⌠.⌠...##. ##. #.####ß.∩.ß......<. ###. #......⌠.⌠......... ...... ##..##ß.ß.ß####... (g a.....  ##..........##... ...................# ##.#.#.#...##.##..# #####.###.#.#...##.##..# #.....# #.#....#.##.@###### ##...(ga D-31.1 (13.0)#......##................†#.####...#.########)#........#.# #............######†###.# #.##...##.#.(g o#.......#.####.##.####.#.##.###........".##.# #.#..#.# ###.#.######..####(g X#.# #...................(g; (g F-2.1 (14(g (g 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.)g<)g=)gf>)gB)g1F)g8JB)gL,)gM)gP)gY6)gZ###.###......# ... ...........#.##......J.. #)g*Z##.#ß.ß.ß#.##......... # #.##...⌠.⌠...##......... ## )gZJ#.####ß.∩.ß......<...... ### #......⌠.⌠....... ...... ##..##ß.ß.ß####......... .....)gZ##..........##....[....  .............@# ##.###.#.#...##.##..# #####.##)gZ#.#.#...##.##..# .# #.#....#.##..###### ##.......)g"[o#......##................†.#.####...#.#########.....). J   endoplasm (wandering))gk[_...##†##.....#.#)ggb: 4.1 (2.0)  )gbeAn endoplasm comes into view.Found a leather armour.)gVka.JJ)g]l+5.1 (3)gs)gu )gvP_The endoplasm quivers.)gz^  #..........# #### ###.###......#.# ..... ..........#.##.........# .##.#ß.ß.ß#.##.....J...#. .##...⌠.⌠...##.........# ##. .####ß.∩.ß......<# ###..# ......⌠.⌠......# .. #..##ß.ß.ß####.........# . ##.)gi_ j...##..@.[....# ....................######## ##.##.#.#...##.##..# #####.####.#.#...##.##..# #.# #.#....#.##..###### ##.#......##................†.#.####...#.#########.....)#........#.# #.............######†###.# #.##...##.#.#)ga )g]h V.J6.1 (1)g| *gL#######  #.  #..........#.# #### ##.###......#.# ..... .........#.##.# ##.#ß.ß.ß#.##.........# ..# ##...⌠.⌠...##.....J...# ##. ####ß.∩.ß......<# ###..## .....⌠.⌠......# .. *gI..##ß.ß.ß####...@.....# . #...##....[....# .....................######## ##.# #.#.#...##.##..# #####.#### #.#.#...##.##..# #. # #.#....#.##..###### ##.#......##................†.#.####...#.#########.....)#........#.# #..............*g`*gq+.J*g&7*g*g*gR|..)..' ######?  #....#### ##.###.......... .........# #..#ß.ß.ß#.# #..*g|...⌠.⌠...##..... ##. ####ß.∩.ß<.J ###..##...⌠.⌠...... ..##ß.ß.ß####..... #*g|G..##....[....# .......  ..............######## .##..####.#### #*g}.##.##..# # #.#....#.##..###### ##......*gE}.....##................†############.....)*g*@  Found a scroll of identify.*g.=8*gr*gx@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.*g  You hit the endoplasm but do no damage.9.3 (1.2*g*g@ _The endoplasm hits you but does no damage.*g\  You slash the endoplasm!.*g6740.7 (1.4*g֚*g *g1G_You kill the endoplasm!*g*g*g*gH _No target in view!*gF*gǁ*g^^ _No target in view!*g*g *g*g H _No target in view!*g*g*g*g[H _No target in view!*g*g*g4"*g$H _No target in view!*g3*g*g*gԒ*g: _*g˖} _No target in view! _ There is a stone staircase leading up here.*gt*g _*g*g8*g*g*g*g.*g,*g5*g*g,*g*g*g*g"*g*g*g{*g*g*gp...#############............† #..............# ##..............# ##..............# ##.....######.#.# # ######## #.....# #.########......# #.....# #.#.. .....)..'......###.....### #########......#...# - *gұ[## #..........#.........# ### .####.###......#.........# ..#.##.........##.##.#ß.ß.ß#.##.........#  #.##...⌠.⌠...##.........# ##  #.####ß.∩.ß......<......# ####......⌠.⌠..............# ..##..##ß.ß.ß####.........# .*gr7.7 (7.0-8.7 (8*g*g. _u - a scroll of identify*g *g *gm *gm H _No target in view!+gj +g' Inventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) +g Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ +g  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationu - a scroll of identify +g Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility +g@ [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top],g2 u - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} ,g~Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning  himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.,gNIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA Potions (select first with !)  o - 2 gluggy clear potions ,gN  p - 2 metallic coppery potions  s - 2 coppery potions [?] describe selected-g-g.....#############............†.. morningthaw the Chopper #######..............# Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...... ##..............# Health: 47/47 ======================== -g##..............# Magic: 5/5======================== ##.....######.#.# AC: 6Str: 21 -g######### #.....# #.#.# EV: 8-g*Int: 8 #########......# #.....# #.#.. SH: 4-gNDex: 9 .....)..'......###.....###-grXL:  5 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:4 #########......#@........#-g~Noise: ---------  Time: 2648.7 (0.0) -g## #..........#.........# ### a) +0 war axe -g.####.###......#.........# ... Nothing quivered ............#.##.........# -gsv##.##.#ß.ß.ß#.##.........###.##...⌠.⌠...##.........# ## #.####ß.∩.ß......<......# ###. #......⌠.⌠..............# .....-g ##..##ß.ß.ß####.........# ....  _No target in view! _No target in view! _No target in view! _There is a stone staircase leading up here. _u - a scroll of identify _No target in view!-g-gI -g} .....#############............†.. morningthaw the Chopper #######..............# Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...... ##..............# Health: 47/47 ======================== #-g #..............# Magic: 5/5======================== ##.....######.#.# AC: 6Str: 21 #-g  ######## #.....# #.#.# EV: 8Int: 8 #########......# #.....# #.#.. SH: 4Dex: 9 -gC Y.....)..'......###.....###XL:  5 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:4 #########......#@........#-g Noise: ---------  Time: 2648.7 (0.0) ## #..........#.........# ### a) +0 war axe .####.###......#.........# ... Nothing quivered ............#.##.........# ##.##.#ß.ß.ß#.##.........##-g #.##...⌠.⌠...##.........# ## #.####ß.∩.ß......<......# ###. #......⌠.⌠..............# ..... ##..##ß.ß.ß####.........# ....-g 8  _No target in view! _No target in view! _There is a stone staircase leading up here. _u - a scroll of identify _No target in view!  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.-g^ -g +9.7 (1-g -g + _There is a stone staircase leading up here. _u - a scroll of identify _No target in view!  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _o - 2 potions of heal wounds.g.g0.g.gж.g0,.gŽ,.g>,.g.gͿ.g.g.ga.g.g,.g6.gr.g.ge.gO.g,.g,.g'.g.g,.g\.g.gc,.g.gI.g,.g.g.g<,.g.g8.g,.g.g[.g ,.g`.gw.g,.gd.g.g,.g.g.g,.g.g.gN.g}.gX.ge.g,.gv.g .g.g=.g.g8.g7B.g.g.g.g.gz.g.gc,.gE.g1.g|.g .g .g! ,.g .g .g,.g.g-.g.g.g^.g/.g%.gC.g.g.gS,.g.gt.gG,.g.g.g,.g).g".g$.gc$.g$.g&.g(,.gg*.g,.g#.,.g..g00.g1.g1.g2.g4.g9.g :.g<;.gz=.g>.g?.g?.gA.gC.gC.gD.gJ.gXK,.gL.gM.gN,.gO.gR.gS,.gsT.gV.g;X,.gY.gNZ.g[.g-\.g\.g7^.g_.g_.g`.g3b.gQc,.gd.gf.gl########............# .............÷....(.# #######.....)......#  #.................#  #.##...##.#.####### ##.##.####.#.#####.# .glm..".##.# #.#.......# #####..####.........# ................@.### 92.7 (43.0) ....#############.#.>## .# #### [#.g]mq .# .. .. .. .gKs.gs,3.7 (44.gz.g}) _Found a chain mail..g8-  _No target in view!/g ....# ...÷....(.# .....)......#  #...#  #.##...##.#.####### .##.####.#.#####.# /g 0".##.# #.#.......# ..####.........# ### #.# >## #.#  #[##.##..#../g  .../g/g984.7 (1.0) _/gk!/g"0g] ............÷....( #######.....).....  #...........##...##.#.####### ##.##.####.#.#####. .".##.# #.#.......# ####..####..0g]r.# ..........################@# >## ### [##..0gf0gf&50gQm0g2o0g #######.....).....  #...........0g##...##.#.###### ##.##.####.#.#####.# .".##.# #.#.......# ####..####......... .................###############.# >## ### [0gC #..0gQ#.#0g0g&60gT0g0g$ #...........##...##.#.###### ##.##.####.#.#####. .".##.# #.#....... ####..####..... .................###############.# >## ###  #......#.##...# .# #0g(.<70g30g`7S _You see here a +0 chain mail.0gP <80g 0g ) _u - a +0 chain mail1gf1gInventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [) 1g܇+ b - a +0 scale mail (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) 1g Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH 1g+ i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA 1gN t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might 1goi e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility 1g[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit1g7[top]1g u - a +0 chain mail. A suit of armour made entirely out of tiny metal rings. Base armour rating: 8 Encumbrance rating: 14 It can be maximally enchanted to +8. If you switch to wearing this armour: 1gYour AC would increase by 2.3 (6.9 -> 9.2). Your EV would decrease by 1.5 (8.5 -> 6.9). You found it on level 4 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour 1gY“Nought can Deform the Human race  Like to the Armours iron brace” 1gL -William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”, 99-100. 1803. 1g=I(w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.3g3g 3g #.................#morningthaw the Chopper#.##...##.#.#######Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...... ##.##.####.#.#####.#Health: 47/47 ======================== .".##.# #.#.......#Magic: 5/5======================== ####..####.........#AC: 6Str: 21 .................###EV: 83gInt: 8 ...#############.#SH: 4Dex: 9 .>###.#XL:  5 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:4 ###3g?4#@#Noise: ---------  Time: 2698.7 (0.0)#.#a) +0 war axe#..3go@Nothing quivered#......#.##...#.# #.#As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _o - 2 potions of heal wounds _Found a chain mail. _No target in view! _You see here a +0 chain mail. 3g_u - a +0 chain mail3gA9.7 (13g 3g$s _o - 2 potions of heal wounds _Found a chain mail. _No target in view! _You see here a +0 chain mail. _u - a +0 chain mail  You start removing your armour.700.7 (23g-W1.7 (33g!W3gX3guY+2.7 (43g]3g b3g@b+3.7 (53gd3g f 010 _You continue removing your +0 scale mail. x43g;f3g(3g'  You finish removing your +0 scale mail.  You start putting on your armour.4.7 (63g3gA5.7 (73g3g+3gZ+6.7 (83g3g93gm3g$7.7 (93g߲3gLC8.7 (10.0) 3g3g5 9 6 3gW_You continue putting on your +0 chain mail. x53g3gz3g_ _You finish putting on your +0 chain mail.4g4g4g4gF _Unknown command.4gOk 4grr Inventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)b - a +0 scale mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]5g c b - a +0 scale mail. A leather suit covered with metal plates attached to each other in overlapping rows to provide full protection, but at the cost of reduced freedom of movement.Base armour rating: 6 Encumbrance rating: 10 It can be maximally enchanted to +6. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would decrease by 2.3 (9.2 -> 6.9). Your EV would increase by 1.5 (6.9 -> 8.5). Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “Nought can Deform the Human race  Like to the Armours iron brace”  -William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”, 99-100. 1803. (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.5g 5g< 5g  #.................#morningthaw the Chopper#.##...##.#.#######Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...... ##.##.####.#.#####.#Health: 47/47 ======================== .".##.# #.#.......#Magic: 5/5======================== ####..####.........#AC: 9Str: 21 .................###EV: 6Int: 8 ...#############.#SH: 4Dex: 9 .>###.#XL:  5 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:4 ####@#5g% Noise: ---------  Time: 2708.7 (0.0)#.#a) +0 war axe#..Nothing quivered#......#.##...#.# #.# _You continue removing your +0 scale mail. x4  You finish removing your +0 scale mail.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 chain mail. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 chain mail. _Unknown command.5g+ 5g> 9.7 (1  You finish removing your +0 scale mail.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 chain mail. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 chain mail.Unknown command. _You drop a +0 scale mail.6gŘ36gߙ6gԝ6g),6g-,6gx6g6gJ6g6g,6g[6g6go,6gG6g6gݲ,6g6g6g6g6g6g6g ,6g6gV6gj,6g6g6g,6g36g6g,6g!6g6gy,6g6g6gIB6g[6g,6g 6g6g6g6g6g\6g,6g6g6g,6g6g6gB6g6g,6gc6g6g:,6g%6g6g,6g6gv6g\,6g6gU6g,6g'6g6gi,6g6gn6g6g?6g6g6gX6gI,6g6g6g,6g6gp6g6g36g4 6gu 6g ,6g\ 6g 6g,6gM6g6g6g*6g6g6g,6g6g{,6g6g6g 6g 6g4!6gc"6g$,6g$6g%6g&6g'6g'6gh)6gg*,6g*6g,6g3-,6g-6g.6g/6g06g06g16g3,6gi46g56gm6,6g66g86g8:,6g:6gl<6g=,6gI>6g?6gA,6gA6g"C6ggHn6gH6g(I6goJ6gK,6gWL6gM6gVOB6gP6gRB6gT6gSU6g|U6gU6g}W6g&X6gTX6gX6gY6g[,6g\6g_6g`,6g!a6gb6g/d,6gd6ge6gjX6gj6gk6gk6gam6gcn6gn6go6g&q6gr,6gLs6g u6gv,6g]w6gx6gRz6gz6g"{6g}6g~,6gb6g6gs,6g6g06g6,6gr6gx6gX6gA6g6g6g6gX,6g6g6gB6g6g6gȚ6gқ6gM6gg,6g6g6gܣ6g6gN6gm6g6g=6gͩ6gݬ6g6gD6g$6g6g5,6gO6gq6g,6g6g6g,6g6g 6g6gB6g6g~,6g<6g6g66gg6g6g6g,6gP6g16g,6g6g6g!,6g/n6g6g,6g6g;6g_,6g6g6g,6g6g6gc6g 6gC 6g 6gX6g-6g,6g6g'6g6g6g6g#6g#,6g#6g8*B  You see here a +0 scale mail.6g$+6g+ _6g,6g.6g06g406g06gD56g:B6g7>6gBB6gF6gH,6gI6gO6gQ,6g?S6guX6g^B6gc6ge6ge6g9g6gl6go,6gFq6gu6gw,6gx6g}6g),6gJ6gI6g,6gX6go6g6g46gJ6gH6g&,6gu6g6g,6g6gի6g6gE6g6g6gp6g6g6gd6g6g"6g6g6g6g,6g6g36g0,6g6g-6g96g6gH6gW6g5,6gu6g6g6g 6g06g 6g(,6g6gO6gr,6g6g56g,6g`6g6g,6gO6g6g,6g6g6g(X6g,6g6g6g,6g_6g6g,6g6g6g!n6g'j6gBk6g'l,6gl6gn6gp,6gp6gr6gt6gMt6gt6gw6gx6gBx6gy6gz6g1|6gY|6g}6g~6g,6gs6gS6g ######.#..# #......⌠.⌠. #.#..# ##..##ß.ß.ß #.#..######........ #.#................ #.#######.#.#...# #.# #.#.#...# ########.#######.#.#.... .................#.#.... #######@##########.#.####K.....##.#....#.##.#.##.###### ..#.##...## ##.###. #.# K   kobold (missile, asleep)## #.# #.########.#. 85243.0)KK[6g34m)A kobold comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.The kobold shouts!((6gt?s..====346gZE6gPW _The kobold throws a stone. The stone hits you but does no damage.6g i #.#..# ##..##ß.ß #.#..######....... #.#....... #.#######.#.# #.# #.#.#...########.#######.#.#... .................#.#... #######.##########.#.## #K.@...# #.#... #.##.#.# #.#### # ..#.# #.. .## # #.##.  #. ## #.# #.#######. #.......K----4.0) 7g&n=---6.1 (1.47g,7gB0z _You closely miss the kobold. The kobold hits you but does no damage.7gAv  You slash the kobold!  You kill the kobold!7ge)7g587.3 (1.27gB7gP _Okawaru accepts your kill.7g97g 7g#$7g 'H _No target in view!7gO7g7g7gdH _No target in view!7g67go67g;7g^MH _No target in view!7g _No target in view!7g7g7g7g7g7g!: _7g./ _No target in view! _No target in view! _ Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; 2 stones; a kobold corpse _7gJ6B7g7  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; 2 stones; a kobold corpse7g9:7gH; _7g;7gr>7g@7g@7gYB7gC7gE,7gF7gH7gJ,7gK7gO7gSB7g>U7gW,7gX7gfZ7g\7g6]7g|^7gH_7ga7ga7gb7ge7gg,7gh7gk7gm,7g!o7g0q7gs7g]:gz]:g]:gZ_:g'a:gTa:gb:gc:gj ##########.#######.# #.................. :g(kp#.#######.########## #.# <#.)....#  #.# .#.##.#.#  :gSk#.# .#.#..#.#  :g|k#.# .#.#.##.#  #.##.#.#....#  :gk#..@.#.###### -940.4 (55.0) :gk######.#   #.# ###  #.# #.. :glN#.. :g:lA#..  :gclo#..  #. :gl2 #.:gr:gas!-:gs%1.4 (56:gw:gGz9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.:g :g| :gH :g :g5 :g :g :g} :gf ,:gU :g :gc :g :g :g :g ,:g :ge :g :g+ :g0 X:g/1 :g2 :g3 :g+7 X:g: ,:gd< ,:g(= :g> :g@ ,:gA :gB :gXD ,:gD :gdE :gyF :gF :gG :gG :gJ ,:g]J :gK :gHN ,:gO :gQ :gU X:g,W ,:gW :g ] X:g`  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; 2 stones; a kobold corpse:ga :g2b  _:gb :gc :gd ,:gie :gQf :gwg ,:gg :gi :gCj ,:gj :gk :gl :gl :gm :gZn :gjo ,:go :gp :gv :g6x :g'  #.##.#.##.#.# #.# #.##.#.#..#.#  #.##.#.#.##.#  #.##.#.#....#  #....#.######  :g ######.# # #.# ###### #.# #..... #@# #.....:g  #.# #..### :g #.# #..... ... #.#:g f ...#.##.# .....:g_ #.##.# S   adder (asleep) .....#.##.# :g .S....##.##.# #.##.#:gÀ !:g: -68.4 (27:g :gÍ XSS.:gK ,9.4 (28:gO :g  :g6 K_An adder comes into view.;g8.##.#.#. .##.#.#.#.##.#.#.......#.##########.#  #.#####.......###......##.....#.S....##......##......##;g;qS.70.4 (1.0) ;gKK;g #.....#.##########.#  #####.....###...#......####..S...###......##..S.1;g t  You slash the adder!  You kill the adder!;g, r†;gH ?64==2.6 (1.2;g ;g P _Okawaru accepts your kill.;gd ;g ;g, ;g H _No target in view!;gO 4;gn ;g H _No target in view!;g;gi;g;g8 H _No target in view!;gM;g;g5;gkH _No target in view!;g;g;g#;g]&H _No target in view!<g_<g_<gsgY _No target in view!<g<gy<g<gQ<g!3<g6(,<g1P _<g8a _ You see here an adder corpse.<g);<g; _<g=<<g:><gA,<g>B<gC<gF<gG<gFH<gnJ<gM<g\M<g/N<gS<gnU<gU<gV<gY<g[<g\<g\<gW`<gfX<g>m #...†..# #.##.. #......# #.##. #......# #.##.<gm #......##.##.#......#.##.#......###.##......###.##......#..####@########--<gm80.6 (8.0 #.#   #..  <g.ni ### .< <g]nF## <gt8--<g||:1.6 (9<g}; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.<gQ<gR<g&X<g\ZH _No target in view!<g I<gа <g 2.#...#....#......##......#..####.#######<g  #@#  .r###.# .<. ### r   quokka (asleep)<gֻ &0<g r.r<g +2.6 (1<g o _A quokka comes into view.=g>  You barely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you.=g5=3.8 (1.2=g=g > _The quokka bites you but does no damage.=g==g=-5.1 (1.3=gfB=gD =gE_You closely miss the quokka. The quokka closely misses you.=gJ|  You closely miss the quokka.The quokka bites you but does no damage.=g| -6.3 (1.2=g =gp 4 _You block the quokka's attack.=gO C7.4 (1.1=g! =gV p _You barely miss the quokka. You block the quokka's attack.=gs   #......#  #......#  #......#  #......#  #......#  #......#  ####.###  =g#t#@# #.r.#  ###.#  .<.  ### >g^   #......#  #......#  #......#  #......#  #......#  #......#  >g####.###  #@# #.r.#  ###.#  .<. ###>g:$ >g2>g>g>gs _A quokka is nearby!>g%[6-8.7 (1.3>g>g/ _You barely miss the quokka. The quokka barely misses you. The quokka bites you.>gm  You closely miss the quokka.7=9.9 (1.2>g8n>gp> _The quokka bites you but does no damage.>g v  You slash the quokka!  You kill the quokka!>gN† >g1591.1>g>gP _Okawaru accepts your kill.>g  You see here a quokka corpse.= _  There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here. _>gk >g !>g +`>g+,>g~,>g->g.,>g.>g/>gW0>g|0>g0>gP1>gb2>g2>g_3>ge4>g5,>g5>gj6>g7>g)7>gg7>g9X>gYn>g >g@n>g?>g`>gw>gX>gfB>g>g:>gR>g>g>g׭>g>g>g>g>g>gi>gh>gV,>g>gA>g>g,>g>g1>g,>gu>gѽ>g,>g>g>g$,>g>g>g,>gk>g<>g,>gM>g>gO,>g>gy>g,>g>g>g,>g#>g>g,>gM>g.>g,>gN>g>g&,>g>g>g,>gs>g?>gC,>g>gp>g,>gn>g>g,>g[>g>gK,>g>gQ>g>g>g>g>g,>g>gu>g'>gL>g>g>g>g >gE>gb>gM>gm>g>g9>g>g>g=>g*>g,>g7 >g >g >g >g >g >g\ ,>g >g' >g >g>g3>g>g,>g>gO>g,>g`>g>g}>g>g>gL>g,>gq>g>g`>g>  #.#######.#......  #.# #......#. >gu #.# ######.#.  #.# .  #.# ..  #.# >gO...  #.# ##.#  #.##o#..#.#  >g9 #.@..###########.##-  #######............  #.#######.### >g f #.##<#.)....#  #.##.#.##.#.# #.##.#.#..#.# o   orc (wandering) #.##.#.#.##.#>g>Y #.##.#.#....# #....#.######>g#23076.1 (85.0)>g#F-7.1 (86>g (>g,q _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 club.>g/ #.#.#.......#  #.# #......#..#  #.# ## ######.#..#  #.# .##.#..#  #.# .##.#..# #.# .##.#.... #.# .# #.#.# #.##o# ..#.#  #..@.##.# #######. #.#.#  #.##.#.#..#.#  #....#.#>g ooThe orc shouts!>gO====8.1 (1.0) >gD>gH1 _You block the orc's attack.?gx=---9.3 (1.2?gӒ?gؔ _You barely miss the orc. The orc closely misses you.?g---80.6 (1.3 _You barely miss the orc. The orc barely misses you. You block the orc's attack.?gp  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!?gi)?gZ571.8 (1.2?g*?gP _Okawaru accepts your kill.?gI?g4J?gN?gOH _No target in view!?g I?g ?g ?gS P _?g ,?g ?g! <  You see here a +0 club.?g a _?g B?g ?g ?g ?gj ?g ?g! ?gQ ?g ?g. ?g ?g ?g ?g ?gM ?g| ?g; ?g ?g ,?g ?g ?g8 ,?g ?g ?g ,?g= ?gc ?g ,?gj ?ga ?g ,?gQ ?gD ?g ?g ?gh ?gb ?g ,?g ?gx ?g ?g ?g ?g ?g ?g ?g ?g0/ 4 #.................####.# #.#######.#.......# #.# #.#.....#......#..# #.# #.#.###.######.#..# #.. #.#..##.# #.#..# ##. #.##.##.# #.#..######?g/  #.##.##.# #.#........ #.##.##.######.#.####### #.##)##@.......#.# -98.8 (17.0) #....###########.####### #######................. #.#######.######## #.##<#.)....# #.##.#.##.#.#?g/ #.##.#.#..#.# #.##.#.#.##.# #.##.#.#....#?gI0 8-?g3 ?g[5 E _Done exploring.@g9I@g.....###...##..##..##..##.)0.0)..@gE _Done exploring.Bg3Bg4Bga6Bg/@BgXBBgF: _BgKBBgLBgRBgSBgGTBgdUBgxYBg_Bg`BgaBgiXBgkBgm,BgoBgrBgt,Bg.uBgxBgy,Bgv{Bg}BgBgBgBg#BgBgQBg,BgUBBgBgBgBgBgBg,BgeBg)Bg,BgBgBg;BgBgBgBgBg¡BgBg_Bg,BgЧBg,Bg&BBgBg!BgBgBgbBg....#....^#.##..... ..........####.##.#ß.ß.ß#.##..... #.#.......# #.##...⌠.⌠...##..... #......#..# #.####ß.∩.ß......< ######.#..# #......⌠.⌠......... # #.#..# ##..##ß.ß.ß####..... # #.#..######..........##....[ # #.#...................... ######.#.#######@#.#...##.##..# 122.8 (24.0) .......#.# #.#.#Bg...##.##..# ########.#.#.#....#.##..### .................#.#......##..... #######.##########.#.####...#.### ##<#.)....# #.#........#.# ##.#.##.#.# #.######.###.# ##.#.#..#.# #.##.......#.###  ##.#.#.##.# #.##.###........ Bg7 Bg Bg\ Bg* Bg Bg3 Bg ,BgI Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bgu ,Bgz Bg Bge ,Bgm Bgx BgO Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bgj Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg Bg BgM ,Bg BgA BgP ,Bg BgQ Bg} Bg Bg! Bg" Bg# ,Bg$ Bg& Bg' ,BgT) Bgm3 %  Bg3 !You see here a +0 leather armour.Bgy= K _BgG ......## #.####..## .####.........# #........# BgM &.......#.##.........# ###### .#ß.ß.ß#.##.........# #..#.# ...⌠.⌠...##.........# ##.##.# ##ß.∩.ß......<......# #####..##.# ...⌠.⌠..............# #.........# ##ß.ß.ß####.........# #... .........##....[@...# #.........#39.8 (17.......######## ####.####.# #.#...##.##..# #####.####' #.#...##.##..# #...... #.#....#.##..#########........... #.#......##.........÷....(.#.####...#.#########.....)..... #.#........#.# #......... #.######.###.# #.##...##.#.#####BgQ BgS Dg5Dg'6Dg<DgBDg4Dg"DgDgI 4Dg Dg EgQEgދEgoEgEgEgDEgsEgğF  You see here a +0 leather armour.EgEg% _EgEgݦEgEg Eg7EgEgEgEg1EgEgEgEg EgEg,EgEgjEgT,Eg0EgEg ,EgEgEg,EgEgEg,EgEgEgK,EgEg_Eg9EgsEg_EgEg,EgXEgZ###.#.#...##.##..# #####  #.#.#...##.##..# #. ###.#.#....#.##..#########... ....#.#......##................÷. #####.#.####...#.#########.....). Eg #.#........#.# #............  #.######.###.# #.##...##.#  #.##.......#.####.##.####.#  #.##.###....@...".##.# #.#..52.8 (13  #.##.# ###.#.######..####.... #Eg#R####.##.# #................... ...######.....########### ########.#.ß.#......>## # .EgZ\.....######## #.###.....ß.>.ß# #.#######.....# #.#.....##.ß.## #.#.EgEgEgFg[FgFgKFg"Fg]%Fg(,Fg)Fgl,,Fg4.Fg0FgI5,FgT8Fg9Fg;Fg;FgO=Fg?FgBFgBFgCFgd.#.####...#.#########.....)..... #.#........#.# #......... #.######.###.# #.##...##.#.##### #.##.......#.####.##.####.#.##### #.##.###........".##.# #.#..... #.##.# ###.#.######..#### #.##.# #..................... ..##.########.....############ ####.#.ß.#......@## #.....#.#7.8 (5.0) ..........######## #.###.#[# .....ß.>.ß# #.###.#.# .####.....# #.#...#.. ....##.ß.## #.#.### ##.##.#...... ##.####### #.#..###. ##.# #.#..### ##.# #.#....#. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.Ggk Ggk Gg?s Ggz Ggl{ 28.8 (1 _Gg Ggf ? ..... ...  #.... ....  #...##....  ...#.....  #. .........  )#..# #........  ......#......O. 5 #...@.....#  #...........  ...............  ..##.##..##.... . .Y. #..# ##. .#. ...#Y   ice beast (asleep) . # ....O   ogre (asleep) .[..  OYYOYou climb downwards.Gg7 6==9.6 (1.8Gg Gg _The ogre shouts!  Found a mace and a cloak. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.Igx4IgIgPJg, Jgݥ Inventory: 20/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Jg` Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might JgЦ  e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic Jg@ [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]Ng morningthaw the Chopper..... ...Ng͑ Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ......#.... ....Health: 47/47 ========================#...##....Magic: 5/5========================...#.....AC: 9Str: 21#. .........EV: 6Int: 8)#..# #........SH: 4Dex: 9......#......O.XL:  5 Next: 67% Place: Dungeon:5#...@.....#Noise: ==-------  Time: 3159.6 (0.0)#...........a) +0 war axe...............Nothing quivered..##.##..##..... .Y. #..# ##..#. ...#Y   ice beastg 9m. # ....O   ogre.[.. _You see here a +0 leather armour. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.  You climb downwards. _The ogre shouts!  Found a mace and a cloak. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.Ng~ Ngm Ngg Ngj RgRgRgq.OY.Rg<--60.6 (1 _RgRgSgH,SgȐ7O.Sg9Y...SgA--1SgҚSgTg Tg TgtoO.Y..Tg6&2TgTg|UgHj4UgsUg9xUgZgO.=3UgdUg[m #.#.####...#.#########.....)..... #.#........#.# #................ #.######.###.# #.##...##.#.##### #.##.......#.####.##.####.#.##### #.##.###........".##.# #.#...... #.##.# ###.#.######..####........ #.##.# #......................# ..##.########...Y.#############.#4 ####.#.ß.#......@## #.....#.# ..........######## #.###.#[# .....ß.>.ß# #.###.#.# .####.....# #.#...#.. ....##.ß.## #.#.###.. ##.......##.#...... ##.########.#..###. ##.# #.#..###. ##.##.#....#. _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.UgnUg;wUg5-5.1 (2.5UgUg} _You climb upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.Vg$ c  You barely miss the ice beast.Vg% 5=6.3 (1.2Vg+ Vg,. @ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.Wg`  You slash the ice beast!  The ice beast is moderately wounded.Wg-7.6 (1.3WgWg7 _You block the ice beast's attack.WgG  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.The ice beast is moderately wounded.34-------3----------8.8 (1.2WgMWgH _The ice beast hits you. The ice beast freezes you!Wg\  You barely miss the ice beast.The ice beast is moderately wounded.The ice beast barely misses you.Wg.70.1 (1.3Wg,Wgi@ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.Xgj  You completely miss the ice beast.The ice beast is moderately wounded.XgjR27-----------Xgjo2---------------1.4Xg|sXg.vH _The ice beast hits you. The ice beast freezes you.XgR =  You barely miss the ice beast.The ice beast is moderately wounded.2.6 (1.2 _The ice beast closely misses you.Ygj  You slash the ice beast!  The ice beast is severely wounded.Yg0=3.8YgTm _The ice beast closely misses you.Yg  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.The ice beast is severely wounded.Yg\ s8=----5.0Yg Yg @ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.Zg?  You closely miss the ice beast.The ice beast is severely wounded.------6.2ZgOY _The ice beast hits you but does no damage. x2Zg<  You barely miss the ice beast.The ice beast is severely wounded.7.4Zg)E ZgG @ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.[gu  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.The ice beast is severely wounded.[g8V9=8.6[g[gK@ _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.[gu|  You slash the ice beast!  You kill the ice beast![gm.[gc#.#.####...#.#########.....)..... morningthaw the Chopper #.#........#.# #................ Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...... #.######.###.# #.##...##.#.##### Health: 29/47 ==============---------- #.##.......#.####.##.####.#.##### Magic: 3/5[g==============---------- #.##.###........".##.# #.#...... AC: 9Str: 21 #.##.# ###.#.######..####........ EV: 6Int: 8 #.##.# #......................# SH: 4Dex: 9 ..##.########.....#############.# XL:  5 Next: 137% Place: Dungeon:4 ####.#.ß.#......@## #.....#.# Noise: ==-------  Time: 3179.8 (1.2) ..........########[g=,#.###.#[# a) +0 war axe .....ß.>.ß##.###.#.# Nothing quivered .####.....#[gx#.#...#.. ....##.ß.###.#.###.. ##.......##.#......  ##.########.#..###.[g  ##.##.#..###.  ##.##.#....#.[gŌ  _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.  You hit the ice beast but do no damage.The ice beast is severely wounded. _The ice beast hits you but does no damage.  You slash the ice beast!  You kill the ice beast![gm _Okawaru is honoured by your kill.You have reached level 6![g/  --more--\g34/553/6===--69% \gB\gf4 _]g#wM.....##................÷....(############.....).......................####.###.# #.##.........#.####.##.####.#.#######........".##.# #.####.#.######..####. #.##.# #..................... ..##.########...@.############ ####.#.ß.#......>##....#......########[ .....ß.>.ß##.###.#.#]g]g=--800 _]g]g]gF .#......##.÷....(. .#.####...#.#.....). .#.#.# #...... .######.###.# #.##...##.#.# .##.......#.####.##.####.#.#####. ]gEG _.##.###........".##.# #.#. .##.# ###.#.######..####. .##.# #.# .##.##....@##.#..#.ß.#......>## #.....#.#.#]g}G 8# #.###.#[#.ß.>.ß# #.###.#.#. ####.....# #.#...#.##.ß.## ]gG >#.#.###. #.# ]gG [#.#......# #.# #.#..###. #]gG R.# #.#..###.#]gQ ]gQ A--1]g[ ]gӦ M#.##..#########................##................÷....(############.....)........................####.###.# #.##...#......#.####.##.####.#.#######........".##.# #.####.#.######..####.. #.......@..............## .##.########.....############ ###.#.ß.#......>##....#. .........########]g X#.###.#[#.]gH ]gֵ \5=2]g ]g ^g66Z#....#.##..#.# #......##......÷....(.# #.####...#.#.....)......# #.#.# #......# ######.###.# #.##...##.#.# ##.#.####.##.####.#.#####.# ##.###.".##.# #.#.# ##.# ###.#.######..####.# ##.# #.# ##.#.....#.#..#.ß.#......>## #.....#.#.### #.###.#[#.#ß.>.ß# #.###.#.#......# #.#...#.^gI7##.ß.## #.#.###. .# #.#......#. .# #.#..###.^g@^gfAA--3^gK^gM^g?....#.##..#.#. ......##......÷....(.#. .####...#.###.....)......#. .#.# #.......#..###.# #.##...##.#.#. #.#.####.##.####.#.#####.#. #.###.".##.# #.#.#. #.# ###.#.######..####.#. #.# #.###. #.#.....#.#. #.#.ß.#......>## #.....#.#.#.######## #.###.#[#.#.ß.>.ß# #.###.#.#......# #.#...#. .##.ß.## #.#.###....## #.#......#.# # 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M. # ##############.#.# ..#.#.###)....>..÷..#.##.# #### ...##########........cg? #. .....######.#.##.##.#........)...#..#cg1J <2cgQ w _There is an escape hatch in the floor here.cg, $M##.# #. ##############.#.# ....#.#.####..)....>...#÷.. >##.#### ...########## ..............##.##.##...........cg +#..cg cg e7=3 _cg2 cg dgxM ####.# #. ##############.#.# ..#.#.###..)....@...#...÷..#.##.# .....##>##.#### dg ..............##.##....##########...## #..dgtdgC4dgdgc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.dgdg5dg dgdg]-5 _dgdgX..... ........ .......# ........##.## ........... ... .........##...# ...............5 ..o.o) oo...o.... o..........  ...o......... ...o..........# dg? ..S............ . S   water moccasin (asleep) ........##..... . ooo 3 orc wizards (asleep) ........# ....# oooo 5 orcs (asleep) .dg~  You climb downwards.  The orc shouts! x3; The orc wizard shouts! The orc shouts! x2dgo.ooo...oooo$SSooooooodg@L====6.5 (1.7dgOdgY _The water moccasin hisses angrily.  Found 14 gold pieces. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.ggwq ggt ,ggy BggR o.o.oo..o....o..o.oS..s   scorpionsooo 3 orc wizardsooo 5 orcsgg i8----70ggG ggr [ _A scorpion comes into view.hg86hgEhgrJ o.s.  You barely miss the orc wizard.hgV  The orc wizard points at you and mumbles some strange words.hgm  You resist with some effort.hghgbhg.hg,hg5hg .ooo.o....oo.o..oS.s.o   orc priest (wandering)ooo 3 orc wizards(…)==--8.7 (1.2hghg+ _An orc priest comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.hg>l 4hg} hg F _Unknown command.jgRjgjgjg F _Unknown command.jgJ _Unknown command.jgw 4jg jg F _Unknown command.kgD4kg4kgGkgUkgVkgldoS.oo _Unknown command. _Unknown command.  The orc priest shouts!  The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.kgr8*kgL  2 orc wizards The orc wizard mumbles some strange words.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!kg$! .{oo.  Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.kgkgkg:kgq  The orc priest miscasts a cantrip.kg%6kg/  --more--kg .o.os.hits you with a +3 hand axe.kg' 4=90kg kg, ### ###.#  #...#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.# ##############.#.# kgґ .............#.#.#### 4 ...........)... ............÷..#o# ..............##>##.#### ..............##.##....########## ..............##.##.##.......... .....######.#.##.##.#........)... o   orc wizard kgA s.....# #.#.##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈)≈.. o   orc .....# #.#.....#.#.≈.......≈.. .....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.≈.# _The water moccasin completely misses you.kg 7You climb upwards.kgJ kg @7---31.2 (2.5kg kg _Reactivating autopickup. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.kg kg 3---kgD kg > _Unknown command.lg3 4lgwlg2F _Unknown command.lg4lglgّF _Unknown command.lgh p  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!lg8} )   Okawaru accepts your kill.You hit the orc wizard. You block the orc wizard's attack.lgR >20=2.3 (1.1lg lg] X _The orc wizard closely misses you.mg mgmg9mg%F _Unknown command.mg  You closely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is moderately wounded.mg -3.5 (1.2mgmgoA _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.mgo  You closely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is moderately wounded.84.7mg\ mg   You closely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is moderately wounded. _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.  You closely miss the orc wizard.  The orc wizard is moderately wounded. _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.mg1G bar  The orc wizard curses to no one in particular.mgCN }  The orc wizard gestures at you while chanting.mg mg ^5-=5.9mg mg 1 _The puff of flame hits you.ng s  You hit the orc wizard.  The orc wizard is severely wounded.ngs5-7.0 (1.1ng}ngA _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.ngϿ   You closely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.6=-8.1ngfm _The orc wizard barely misses you.ng)%  You barely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.ng&-9.3 (1.2ng-ng0[ _The orc wizard completely misses you.ng |  You hit the orc wizard.  You kill the orc wizard!nge)ngo =340.4 (1.1 ngC_Okawaru accepts your kill.ngngLe _Your Axes skill increases to level 7!ngjY f ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.######.#.# #.#.#.#### '.)...@>...# #.÷..#)##.# #.##>##.#### #..##.##.... #...##.##.## #.....######.#.##.##.#.) #.....# #.#.##.##.#.≈)≈ #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.≈ #.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.≈.ngc ngc C7-10 _ng$k ngp  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a +0 robe; an orc corpsepgq### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# ####.#.# .#.#.#### .)...)@...# .÷..#)##.# pgr.##>##.#### ..##.##....# ...##.##.##. .....######.#.##.##.#.). .....# #.#.##.##.#.≈)≈. .....# #.#.....#.#.≈.≈. .....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.≈.#pg̅s-2 _pgc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.pg ###...## ##############. .............#.#.####)...)>......÷..#@##.#.....##>##.####.....##.##....##########...###.. .......# #.# #..###.≈.≈...≈.≈.# pgpgC-3 _pg4$pg(  Things that are here: _a +3 hand axe; an orc corpseqgD84qgqgcG _b - a +3 hand axerg rg! Inventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) rgh" Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation rg" Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might rg" i e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility rg" [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]sg* a - a +0 war axe (weapon). A military axe with a long haft and a single-bladed head. Base accuracy: +0 Base damage: 11 Base attack delay: 1.5 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.7) is reached at skill level 16.  Your skill: 7.1; use (s) to set 16.0 as a target for Axes.  At 100% training you would reach 16.0 in about 3.4 XLs.  At current training (83%) you reach 16.0 in about 3.9 XLs.  Current attack delay: 1.1. Damage rating: 17 (Base 11 x 127% (Str) x 123% (Skill)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified melee equipped weapon “‘God speed the kiss,’ said Max, and Katie sigh'd,  With pray'rful palms close seal'd, ‘God speed the axe!’” (u)nwield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.tgJZInventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of might  e - a potion of haste  l - a potion of invisibility [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|g~Z1m<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ugZ b - a +3 hand axe. A small axe. Base accuracy: +3 Base damage: 7 Base attack delay: 1.3 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.6) is reached at skill level 14.  Your skill: 7.1; use (s) to set 14.0 as a target for Axes.  At 100% training you would reach 14.0 in about 2.8 XLs.  At current training (83%) you reach 14.0 in about 3.1 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.9. Damage rating: 14 (Base 7 x 127% (Str) x 123% (Skill) + 3 (Ench)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. You took it off an orc on level 4 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified enchanted melee weapon “Lizzie Borden took an axe (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.wgsInventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of might  e - a potion of haste  l - a potion of invisibility wg[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]zgzgzg!9###.#morningthaw the Chopper#...#Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ......#.#.#zg'"Health: 48/55 ====================----#.#.#Magic: 6/6zgA"3========================zgT"u#.#.#AC: 9zg"Str: 21 ##############.#.#EV: 6Int: 8 zg".............#.#.####SH: 4zg"+Dex: 9 zg"...........)...)>...#zg"}XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:4 zg#o............÷..#@##.#zg#~Noise: ---------  Time: 3244.4 (0.0) zg.#>..............##>##.####zg@#6a) +0 war axe zgS#..............##.##....########## Nothing quivered zge#[..............##.##.##........... zgy#.....######.#.##.##.#........)... .....# #.#.##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈)≈..zg#  .....# #.#.....#.#.≈.......≈..  zg#k.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.≈.#  .......# #.# #..###.≈.≈...≈.≈.# Things that are here: zg#_a +0 dagger; a +0 robe; an orc corpse _There is a stone staircase leading down here.  zg#Things that are here: _a +3 hand axe; an orc corpse _b - a +3 hand axezg#zg}*zg*zgC1zg3zg  ####.# #. ##############.#.# ..#.#.###..)...)@...#...÷..#†##.# .....##>##.#### .......##########........#.#####.......).##.##.#.≈≈≈≈≈≈≈) #.#.....#.#.≈.......≈..#####..#...≈.§≈.≈zg zg +5.4 (1zgV& zg)  _a +0 dagger; a +0 robe; an orc corpseThere is a stone staircase leading down here.  Things that are here: _a +3 hand axe; an orc corpse _b - a +3 hand axe _There is a stone staircase leading down here.{g:z ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.######.#.# #.#.#.#### '.)...@>...# #.÷..#†##.# #.##>##.#### #..##.##.... #...##.##.## #.....######.#.##.##.#.) #.....# #.#.##.##.#.≈)≈ #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.≈ #.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.≈.{g{g{g&6 _{g{g_  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a +0 robe; an orc corpse|g* ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.#  ####.#.##.#.#.#### .'|g!.)..@)>...##.÷..#†##.#  #.##>##.####  #.##.##....  #..##.##.##  #.....######.#.##.##.#.)  #.....# #.#.##.##.#.≈)≈  #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈|gs.≈ ##.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.≈|g[|g$7 |g! _|g|g}g\5 ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# ###.#.##}g].#.#.####.'.).@.)>...##.÷..#†##.# #.##>##.#### #.##.##.... #.##.##.##}g]h #.....######.#.##.##.#.) # #.....# #.#.##.##.#.≈) }g]# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.#.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈.}g#^}gef}gfT9=8}gn}gp}g ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# ##.#.##.#.#.####.'.)@..)>...##.÷..#†##.# #.##>##.#### #.##.##.... #.##.##.##}gS #.....######.#.##.##.#. ## #.....# #.#.##.##.#.≈ .# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈ .###.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.≈≈}g}gw&9}gA}g}g[ ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.@...)>...##.÷..#†##.# #}g\W.##>##.#### #.##.##.... #.##.##.## #.....######.#.##.##.## #.....# #.#.##.##.#. .}gP\.# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈ ..###.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.}gxe}gf'50}gm}gq  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a goblin skeleton}gy2 ###}g ###.# #...# #.#.#}g #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####}g\k.')...)>...##.÷..#†##.# #.##>##.#### #}g{.##.##.... #.##.##.##}g #.....######.#.##.##.#}g# #.....# #.#.##.##.#.}g.# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.###.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈.}g }g}gL@50=}g&1 _}g}g>}gvd> ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.)...)>...##}gd.÷..#†##.# #.##>##.#### #.##.##.... #.##.##.##}gd #.....######.#.##.##.## #.....# #.#.##.##.#..# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.###.....### #.####..#...≈.§≈}gl}gm&2}gmt}gw}g` ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.#}g #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.)...)>...##.÷..#†##.# #.##>##.#### #.##.##.... #.##.##.##}g= #.....######.#.##.##.## #.....# #.#.##.##.#..# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.###.....### #.####..#...≈.§}g <3}gg}g6}gVo ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.)...)>...##.÷..#†##.# #}go.##>##.#### #.##.##.... #.##.##.## #.....######.#.##.##.## #.....# #.#.##.##.#.}go.# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈.###.....### #.####..#...≈.}gUx}gxT1=4}g}gց}g ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.)...)>...##.÷..#†##.# #.##>##. #.##.##.... #.##.##.## #.....######.#.##.##.## #.....# #.#.##.##.#. #......# #.....# #.#.....#.#.≈ '......###.....### #.####..#...≈}g}g&5}g}g}gq ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.)...)>...##.÷..#†##.#}g܍ #.##>##. #.##.## #.##.##.## #.....######.#.##.##.#  # #.....# #.#.##.##.#. ##......# #.....# #.#.....#.#. .'......###.....### #.####..#...}g2}g&6}gT}gv}g! ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#.####.'.)...)>...##.÷..#†##.# #.##>##. #.##.## #.##.##.}g0 #.....######.#.##.##.# # #.....# #.#.##.##.##......# #.....# #.#.....#.# ..'......###.....### #.####..#}g7<7}g }g| ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#..'}g&}.)...)>...#.÷..#†##. # #.##>##. #.##.## #.##.##.}g}  #.....######.#.##.##. # #.....# #.#.##.##.}g~#......# #.....# #.#.....#. )..'......###.....### #.####..#}gRU2=}gɆ8}g"}gŎ}gMU ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#..'.)...)> .#.÷..#†## #}g# #.##>## #.##.## #.##.## #.....######.#.##.## # #.....# #.#.##.##}g#......# #.....# #.#.....# .)..'......###.....### #.####..#}g}g%&9}g }gZ}gMm ### ###.# #...# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #.#.##.#.#. }g #.'.)...)>.#.÷..#†# #}g.##> #.##. #.##. #.....######.#.##. # #.....# #.#.##.}gH#......# #.....# #.#..... ..)..'......###.....### #.####..}g}gl'60}gB}g}gi  ###. #... #.#. #.#. #.#. #.#.  #.#.#. ##}g.'.)...)>.#.÷..#†# #.##> #.##. #.##.}g #.....######.#.##. # #.....# #.#.##.}g #......# #.....# #.#.)..'......###.....### #.####}g }gT3=1}g}g}g  ### # #.# #.# #.# ##.# #.#.##..)...).#.÷..## #.## #.## #.## #.....######.#.## # #.....# #.#.###......# #.....# #.#.)..'......###.....### #.####}gǥ}g{&2}g}gǮQ _There is an open door here.}g  # #. #. #. ###. }g:#.#.#'.)....#.÷..# #.. # #... # #.... # #.....######.#. # # #.....# #.#.#......# #.....# #.#.)..'......###.....### #.}g\ }g -3 _}g&}g'}ge  # # # # #### #.##.'.) }g >.....#.÷ .###### #... .# #..... .#}g@ #...... .#}gҧX #.....######.#. .# }g 3# #.....# #.#. .#......# #.....# #.#.)..'......###.....### #.}g}g`&4}g\}g }g 5}gZ!  #### #.#.'.) #>.....#}g! y.÷ #.###### #... #.#}g!  #.... #.# # #.# #.....######.# }g! #.# # #.....# #.# #.}g " #......# #.....# #.# #......)..'......###.....### #.}g) }gz) ?4=}g) 5}gX. }g3 }g { #### #  ######.'.)  #>.....#.  #.###### #...  #.# #  #.# #  #.#}g  #.....######.  #.# # #.....# #.  #.#......# #.....# #.  #......)..'......###.....### #.}g }g &6}g }g }g<   # ######.'. #>.....# #.###### # #.# # #.# # #.# #.....###### #.# # #.....# # #.#......# #.....# #}gs=  #......)..'......###.....### #}g=D }gD 7}gH }gPJ }g/ R  # # ######.' # #>.....# # #.###### # # #.# # # #.# # # #.# #..... # #.# # #.....# }g # #.#......# #.....# # #......)..'......###.....###}g K5=}g 8}g }g }ggH P  ## ######.' .# #>.....# .# #.###### # .# #.# # .# #.# # .# #.# #..... .# #.# # #.....# .# #.}ggI #......# #.....# .# #......)..'......###.....###}gO }gO &9}geS }g-U }g G  ## ######.' ..# #>.....# #.# #.###### # #.# #.# # #.# #.# # #.# #.# #.....###  #.# #.# # #.....# #.# #.#......# #.....# ..# #......)..'......###.....### }g^ =70}g }g }gL   ## ######.'.# #>.....# ##.# #.###### # .#.# #.# # .#.# #.#}gRM  # .#.# #.# #..... .#.# #.# # #.....# .#.# #.#......# #.....#.# #......)..'......###.....}gzS }g T &1}gW }gY }g   ## ######.'.# #>.....##.# #.###### # ..#.# #.# # #.#.# #.# # #.#.# #.# #..... <.#.# #.# }g # #.....# ..#.# #.#......# #.....#.# #......)..'......###.....}g9 }g B=2}g| }g }g/H   ## ######.'.# #>.....##.# #.###### #.#.# #.# # ##.#.# #.# # ##.#.# #.# #..... #<.#.# #.# # #..... #..#.# #.#......# #......# #......)..'......###.....}gM }g?N &3}gQ }gR }g   ## ######.'.# #>.....##.# #.###### #.#.# #.# # .##.#.# #.# # .##.#.# #.# # .#<.#.# #.# # # .#..#.# #.#......# #.# #......)..'......###}g\ }g <4}g` }g"L  ## ######.'.# #>.....# .#####.# #.###### #.#.# #.# # ..##.#.# #.# # ..##.#.# #.# # ..#<.#.# #.# # # ..#..#.# #.#......# #.# #......)..'......###}g P<5}gS}gV}g54}g;}g~gf ###################... ######## ######.............' .......# #>....@############# .#####.# #.###### ....#.# #.#  ......## #.#########......#..... ~gI ~g &6~g~g@~g%  ### ######.' #.# #>...@.## ~g?#.#####.# #.###### # #.....#.# #.# # #..##.#.# #.# # ~gC#..##.#.# #.# # #..#<.#.# #.#~gdO # # ~gj#..#..#.# #.#......# # #~g.# #......)..'......### #......## #.#......#~g~g}C7~gP  ###  # ######.'  #.# #>..@..##  #.#####.# #.###### #  #.....#.# #.# #  #..##.#.# #.# #  #..##.#.# #.# #  #..#<.#.# #.# # #  #..#..#.# #.#......# #  #.# #......)..'......###  #......## #.#......#~g<8~gX~g~g  #### # ######.'~g #.# #>.@...##~g #.#####.# #.###### #~gX #.....#.# #.# #~gW #..##.#.# #.#~g # #..##.#.# #.# # #..#<.#.# #.# # # #..#..#.# #.#......# # #.# #......)..'......### #......## #.#......#~g~g&9~g~gl~gJ . #### # ######. #.# #>@....# #.#####.# #.######  #.....#.# #.#  #..##.#.# #.# #..##.#.# #.~g d# #..#<.#.# #.# #  #..#..#.# #.#......#  #.# #......)..'...... #......## #.#......#~g =80~g ~gJ ~g t #### # ###### #.# #@.....# #.#####.# #.###### #.....#.# #.# #..##.#.# #.#~g P #..##.#.# #.# #..#<.#.# #.# # #..#..#.# #.##......# #.# #......)..'......~g { #......## #.#......#~g <1~g ~g c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.ghg|hgmgsgw-2 _gxgN.......... ...#............##...#................... #. ......o{oo<S..#..)#..# #..o...o.oSo#.#.........#.....o..o......s.. #...<.............. ..... #..Y..gOO..............###...5  ..$................##.##..........##.............. ... #..........##....#........ .#. ... ##...##>..#.... # ... #.. ........[. .... #...... S   water moccasin #$.. .#.... s   scorpion (asleep)gGO ##.. ...... o   orc g]PgUg?[gOagh.S.os.sgs-3.2 (1.8gg> _You climb downwards.  Found 9 gold pieces. Found a stone staircase leading down. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g$s j Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.g g g'  .......... ...#... morningthaw the Chopper.........##...#... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ...................... #. ... Health: 55/55 ========================...o{oo<.S.#..)#..# #.. Magic: 6/6========================o...o.oS.#.#.........#.. AC: 9Str: 21  ...o..o..o..s... #...<. EV: 6Int: 8  ............. ..... #..Y.. SH: 4Dex: 9  ..............###............... XL:  6 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:5  ..$............@.........##.##.. g͞ 6 Noise: ---------  Time: 3283.2 (0.0)  ........##.............. ... #.. a) +0 war axe........##....#........ .#. ... Nothing quivered##...##>..#.... # ...#.. ........[..... #......S   water moccasin#$.. .#....s   scorpion##.. ......o   orc _a +0 club; a goblin skeleton _There is an open door here. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You climb downwards.  Found 9 gold pieces. Found a stone staircase leading down. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gK n  Okay, then.g gI . _gjglgmgy.S..oo   orcgz24.2 (1 _gIg6ggFggg#o..#..ooo 2 orcsg#&5g|.g0g,ggg}g/g oo.oss   scorpiono   orc wizardoo 2 orcsg &6g gb gw:  You hit the scorpion.g<ggўggr  The scorpion is moderately wounded.gDo.oo..SS   water moccasins   scorpionoo 2 orc wizards (1 wandering)o   orcg;5=7.4 (1.2gֹg A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.gcC  The orc wizard shouts!  gHYou hit the water moccasin.  The water moccasin is lightly wounded.gg+g3 ..goo    orc wizardggo 2 orcsYou slash the scorpion!g!8*gK oo 2 orcs  The orc wizard mumbles some strange words.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!gK~ g> g: /  --more--gc  Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.g g$ g g Go...oo   orc wizardo   orcg 5=8.5 (1.1g g"  _The scorpion barely misses you. The water moccasin closely misses you.gz<You slash the water moccasin!  The water moccasin is severely wounded.You hit the scorpion.  You kill the scorpion!gN@_  Okawaru accepts your kill.g@gZAgAgCg8OQo{{o.S@.o ooo 3 orcs g[T1549.6g"aY..#{gWfI _The water moccasin bites you but does no damage. x2g g<g$gF _Unknown command.g  You closely miss the water moccasin.The water moccasin is severely wounded.You closely miss the orc.gU  The water moccasin bites you but does no damage.gg3ggroo{o   orc wizardooo 3 orcs2---90.8 (1.2g gZ6 _The orc hits you with a +0 club.g1# N-g/ g4 F _Unknown command.g0+You slash the water moccasin!almost dead.hit the orc but do no damage.  The water moccasin bites you.  You are poisoned.g1g51=====--5----Pois g>/  --more--g`o ...  2 orcsThe water moccasin poisons you! The orc hits you but does no damage.gPw:*gPoo 2 orcs  The orc wizard casts a spell.gy,g,4so{s   scorpionoo 2 orcsThe orc wizard flickers and vanishes!g0=2.0gg#S _A scorpion comes into view.gB  You slash the water moccasin!  You kill the water moccasin!Okawaru accepts your kill.gI  You can now gain great but temporary skills.You hit the orc but do no damage.You feel very sick.g0J gJ gV \.s.†s   scorpiono   orcgAX *49/56-97-3.2g$c /  --more--g leav-- _The orc hits you but does no damage.  Your Fighting skill increases to level 5!gg] _Your Axes skill increases to level 8!ga4ggo> _Unknown command.gJgYou slash the orc!  You kill the orc!gmN_  Okawaru accepts your kill.grO,gYTgTg`.oo)oo 2 orcsgd_6--84.4gEogqS _You feel very sick.gqJ gM gO g6P gL^ oso.os   scorpiono   orc priestoo 2 orcsg7_ d5------50gl go u _You feel sick. Something hits you but does no damage.gBg;g g *.o.s.o   orcgz*T4-6g)5g8u _You feel sick. Something hits you but does no damage.g-gg-ggŐg...s.oo   orcg\3--7gg-$ _You feel sick.g6  You barely miss the orc. You miss something. You feel sick.  The orc hits you with a +0 dagger.g> :*g J  You hear some strange, mumbled words.g1 g g gO g3 `  You are confused.g  o.o†@o   orc priesto 2 orcsSomething hits you but does no damage. The orc hits you but does no damage.gd 39=---Conf Pois You hear some strange, mumbled words.g4 /  --more--gS  A puff of flame appears from out of thin air!gHgM].o{gM~3=----4----g!NL 0 ==8.6 (1.2gV9{gY) _The puff of flame hits you!g-O--g6g:> _Unknown command.g4gۓg\g|You feel sick. Something hits you but does no damage.g..ss   scorpiongk1=--90gg0=--- _The orc hits you but does no damage. Something hits you.g3%  ggIn your confused state, you trip and fall back down the stairs.  You feel sick. Something hits you but does no damage.gkoo 3 orcsgK28-3--------ga&300.6 (2gg _The orc hits you with a +0 dagger. Something hits you but does no damage.g g g> g9 F _Unknown command.ggFgHgpF _Unknown command.g/ggPg]F _Unknown command.g% g; g g  _Unknown command. _Unknown command. _Unknown command.  You feel sick.  You are no longer poisoned.  Something hits you but does no damage. The orc closely misses you.g+ g; ooo   orc priestooo 3 orcsgP l7-1.6 (1g+ g  ############# ######### ######4  #.......# #@{....########### #.#####.# #.######  #.....#.# #o##..##.#.# #.#g{o#..##.#.# #.##..#<.#.# #.# ######## o   orc#..#..#.# #.#########......##.......# #......)..'......##......## #.#########......# _Something hits you but does no damage.gp -----You climb upwards.gg8=4====-3.1 (2.5gg - _Reactivating autopickup.g/  --more--ga _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gggg*> _Unknown command.gigg g'%> _Unknown command.gYou bump into the rock wall. Something hits you but does no damage.Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.gr5=4.1 (1.0gVg^ _Something hits you but does no damage.g!+  You bump into the rock wall.  You feel less confused.g+A 4 5g2g#5i _Something hits you but does no damage. x2g U  You closely miss something. You slash something!g 5=6.2 (1.1g g2 i _Something hits you but does no damage. x2gH .You hit something. You hit something but do no damage.g'N J  You hear some strange, mumbled words.g[ }  Something tries to affect you, but you resist.g ;5--g @====7.3g g S _Something hits you.gK  You miss something. You barely miss something. Something completely misses you.g֞>4--g)-8.4ggvS _Something hits you.g  You barely miss something. You miss something.-9.6 (1.2gdgi _Something hits you but does no damage. x2gK![  You closely miss something. You barely miss something.g!#5g!'10.7 (1.1g(9{g+i _Something hits you but does no damage. x2gӮS  You hit something. You closely miss something.g|  You hear some strange, mumbled words.  A magic dart appears from out of thin air!g&>817g>.---1.9 (1.2gFgIl _The magic dart hits you. Something hits you.g1    ######...  g1 ( #@{....#   #{######   #o#   #.#   #.# g&2 #..#<.#.# #.#   #.#   #......)  gi2 Y You closely miss something. You completely miss something.g    ######...   #@{....#   #{######   #o#   #.#   #.#  #..#<.#.# #.#   #.#   #......) gP ,  gG  Something hits you but does no damage. x3; Something hits you.g o6----3----gM !3.1g g V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g! Q gV!    ######...   #@{....#  g! #{######   #o# g! `  #.#   #.# g! #..#<.#.# #.# o   orc wizard  g," M #.#o   orc   #......)   You barely miss something. You miss something.  Reactivating autopickup.g    ######...   #@{....#   #{######   #o#   #.#   #.#  #..#<.#.# #.#   #.#   #......)   g    ######...   #@{....#  g~ #{######   #o#   #.#   #.#  #..#<.#.# #.#   #.#   #......)  g An orc wizard appears from thin air! Something hits you.* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gvDeactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.gAs   ######...   #@{....#   #{######   #o#   #.#   #.# gf #..#<.#.# #.#   #.#   #......)   g> oThe orc wizard hits you with a +0 dagger.3--2--------4.2 (1.1g-g0g'/  --more--g4W _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g You barely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.You miss something. Something hits you but does no damage.5.3ggO _The orc wizard barely misses you.g 4g0 T _Unknown command.gO  You closely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.You hit something. Something hits you but does no damage.gG    ######...   #@o....#   #{######   #o#   #.#   #.#  #..#<.#.# #.#  g #.#   #......)   The orc wizard casts a spell at you.g   ######...   #@o....#   #{######   #o#   #.#   #.#  #..#<.#.# #.#   #.#   #......)     The puff of flame hits you!g: 5/56 ----1--------=6.4g g V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *g+g gg g~n gq F _Unknown command.g#6  You barely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.You closely miss something. You block something's attack.6----gG7.6 (1.2gg'A _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.gv g 8-g g F _Unknown command.gkgqKInventory: 21/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO gt- g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - a potion of hastel - a potion of invisibility [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gB  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery"=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  iHAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  m - a scroll of enchant weaponrREPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of mighte - a potion of haste  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - 2s of heal wounds  p - 2 metallic coppery potions75%g  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  t - a scroll of teleportation  s - 2 coppery potionsbotg g^o - 2 potions of heal wounds. A magical healing elixir which causes wounds to close and heal almost instantly.It is a common potion. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item potion (q)uaff, qui(v)er, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g#gR+g5,morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru *.....Health: 30/56 ============------------Magic: 1/6====--------------------AC: 9Str: 21EV: 6Int: 8############# SH: 4Dex: 9######### ######............ XL:  6 Next: 98% Place: Dungeon:4#.......# #@o....########### Noise: =--------  Time: 3317.6 (0.0)#.#####.# #{######a) +0 war axe#.....#.# #o#Nothing quiveredga5#..##.#.# #.##..##.#.# #.##..#<.#.# #.######### o   orc wizard#..#..#.# #.#########......# o   orcg5#.......# #......)..'......##......## #.#########......# _Unknown command.g5You barely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.You closely miss something. You block something's attack. g5c_The orc wizard hits you but does no damage. _Unknown command.g~?  You barely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.You closely miss something. You block something's attack. _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage. _Unknown command.  You feel much better. Something hits you.g?H298.6 (1gGDgFA _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.ghI _Unknown command.g9feel much better. Something hits you.  You closely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.  You barely miss something. Something hits you.g^c6-9.7 (1.1gdg[ _The orc wizard completely misses you.g~  You slash the orc wizard!  You kill the orc wizard!g  Okawaru accepts your kill.You slash something!  Okawaru accepts your kill.  gBReactivating autopickup.g3)o.o   orcgagwPmorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru *.....Health: 27/56 ===========-------------Magic: 1/6====--------------------AC: 9Str: 21EV: 6Int: 8g############# SH: 4Dex: 9######### ######............ XL:  6 Next: 118% Place: Dungeon:4g4#.......# #@)....########### Noise: =--------  Time: 3320.8 (1.1)#.#####.# #o######a) +0 war axe#.....#.# #.#g8FNothing quivered#..##.#.# #.##..##.#.# #.##..#<.#.# #.#gn######## o   orc#..#..#.# #.#########......#gF#.......# #......)..'......##......## #.#########......#You slash the orc wizard!  You kill the orc wizard!Okawaru accepts your kill.gYou slash something!  Okawaru accepts your kill.Reactivating autopickup.g3g/  --more--g{ _You feel a bit more experienced.  You have reached level 7!g/  --more--gO ~9/617-7 9% g g 6 _gY 4g_ gd > _Unknown command.gYou closely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.2gB===2.0 (1.2g#g!L _The orc completely misses you.g  You hit the orc.  The orc is almost dead.303.2ggb1 _You block the orc's attack.gr+ p  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!g3 f)gc7 ,40g> gcA P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g{  ###################### ######...................# #>)....###################### .....# ###.##...##.# #.## #..........# g g( .-5g1 g k _Items here: )) [ †.g xPick up what? 21/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 dagger  b - a +0 dagger Armour (select all with [)c - a +0 robe Carrion an orc corpse [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]gqgxgmorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru *.....Health: 30/61 ===========-------------Magic: 2/7======------------------g@AC: 9Str: 21############# EV: 6Int: 8######### ######............ SH: 4Dex: 9#.......# #>)....########### XL:  7 Next:  9% Place: Dungeon:4gXb#.#####.# #@######glNoise: ---------  Time: 3325.2 (0.0)g#.....#.# #.#a) +0 war axegh#..##.#.# #.#g!Nothing quiveredgǀU#..##.#.# #.#gq#..#<.#.# #.#g########g g#..#..#.# #.#########......#g. g/q#.......# #......)..'......#gP #......## #.#########......# gc]#...##.# #.## #..........#gt-  g9_You block the orc's attack.  gYou slash the orc!  g!You kill the orc! gA_Okawaru accepts your kill. gҁr_Items here: )) [ †.  Okay, then.ggg6g|g&. _g~ ###################### ######...................# #>)....################.# #)###### .... ###.##..#.#.#####..####.###......# gg=1=g"6.2 (1 g _gggU g g g g ng gj K2=g gY ,g gp g g g g g V33====g g# ,g ggg gggg\gk4=====gZg g g{ g g$ g g gK5=ggg9gg,ggg#6g$b=4===ggj,gug,gggg1 g!g!#7g"<====g"g#,g$g%,gq&g'g'98g(g)g*g*g+g,g,g-g3.p9=5====gX.g/g80gr0g41gS2gw2g3gO4gr4g5gt7g7`40=====g8g|:,g;g\<,g<g >gD>S1=g>gC@,g@gBg9BgBgCg&D{2=6===gDgEgFg1Ig0JgXJgJgK,gLgMgMM3===gmNgtOgOgPg Qg$QgQgRgRN44=gSgTgTg2UgHVg`Vg(Wg\5=You slash the orc!  You kill the orc! _Okawaru accepts your kill. _Items here: )) [ †. _You start resting.g_071.2 (45.0)g`]7====2.2 (46g-cgd% _Magic restored.g~M ##################### ######..................# #>)....####################..#..##.#.# #.##.#g?g03.2 (1.0) g gk _Items here: )) [ †.g M ##################### ######.................)....###############)######..#..##.#.# #.##.#g g -4 _gQ gC y _There is a stone staircase leading down, spattered with blood here.gr###### ######.#.# #>@....###.#####.# #)###### #.....#.# #.# #..##.#.# #.##..##.#.# #.##..#<.#.# #.# # #..#..#.# #.##......# #.# #......)..'......##......## #.#......#.g,gA-5 _gWgi  Things that are here: _a +0 dagger; a +0 robegpZ= #### # ###### #.# #@)....# #.#####.# #)###### #.....#.# #.# #..##.#.# #.# #..##.#.# #.# #..#<.#.# #.# # #..#..#.# #.##......# #.# #......)..'...... #......## #.#......#gagbz6=====6 _gqgg}jy _There is a stone staircase leading down, spattered with blood here.gbU3gyWgoZgZgb_g_g:`gagd97ge2=gfgi,g kg0ngjng4pgNrgr%8g tgvgvg^xgzg_{g,}g;,ggȄa9=grgF,ggЍ,g}g̒g1V50=gBg6g,gȡggۤK1=ggMggge,ggy,g;gg^U2=g3gg,gtgH,ggigD4=gqgg!gggWgg,gg*5=gggD6=gg,g.,g{g^ g g#7gK2=g g,gggZgg,g["Q8g#g )g)g]+g-g.g/g@2g259=g2gS4gh7g7gA9g6<,g=g\@g@$60g@2=gTBgDg EgFgdI,gKguMgMg@OgY_ _You start resting.gB`1425.2 (49.0)g`#1g`7=6.2 (50ggg_j" _HP restored.gg"gg g&07.2 (1.0) gg.......... ...#............##...#................... #. ......o{oo<...#..)#..# #..o...o.o..#.#.........#.....o..o......... #...<............o. ..... #..Y................###...5  ..$........o..†@.........##.##..........##....os........ ... #..g........##....#........ .#. ... ##...##>..#.... # ... #.. ........[. .... #...... s   scorpion gw#$.. .#.... o   orc priest ##.. ...... oo 2 orcs gղ g:=gqgںgk .o.ogKjYou climb downwards. The scorpion barely misses you.gh&5=8.7 (2.5g3g8 g9_You block the orc's attack. The scorpion barely misses you. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gQ  You slash the scorpion!  The scorpion is severely wounded.gg.o.o 0-=9.8 (1.1g*g{ _You hit the orc. The orc closely misses you. The scorpion stings you.g4gg=F _Unknown command.g z  You slash the scorpion!  You kill the scorpion!g †o   orc priestoo 2 orcsg]   Okawaru accepts your kill.You closely miss the orc.g 8*g޽  The orc priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh against you.gW?gn d.o@g 659-g 321-30.9gYgo _Pain shoots through your body! The orc barely misses you.gN-gEg F _Unknown command.g7p  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!gP )   orcOkawaru accepts your kill.You closely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.gUg  The orc priest begins to cast a cantrip, but forgets the words!gK.og522.1 (1.2g gO : _The orc hits you but does no damage.g 4g g? F _Unknown command.gŽ  You hit the orc priest but do no damage.You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!gF )  Okawaru accepts your kill.The orc priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh against you.g1---6----==g3.2 (1.1gg' _Beogh smites you!g"gzggF _Unknown command.g: m  You hit the orc priest but do no damage.g 5--40g g W _The orc priest barely misses you.gj  You closely miss the orc priest.0------5.4 (1.2ggD _The orc priest hits you with a +0 short sword.g  You slash the orc priest!  The orc priest is severely wounded.The orc priest mumbles some strange prayers to Beogh against you.37------4-----------==6.6ggp' _Beogh smites you!g~  You slash the orc priest!  You kill the orc priest!g&C)g}W-----8--7.8gBg+P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g } ug gq g 98g; go g =-------gL gʍ Bg` gE 9=5====g g ,g5 g gF g! g g L40=g9 g ge <====g g gɪ g g g׭ gI 1=gL 2=6===g g2 Bg g0 g g g: 93g1 g g ;===g g8 ng gV g N44=g gK ,g g! ,g g 5=--- _You start resting.g 061.8 (24.0)gO @7====-gt %2.8 (25gW g % _Magic restored.g<gg g,gg&,gggID6=g(h====gg 7=g"g)ng /g83;8g7,g7gk9g<,gQ>gAgB#9g(B(=gCgxG,gHgPLgLgMg6Q,g RgSgSV50=gTgWge JJ   jelly (wandering) _You start resting.g=m-79.8 (17gn-80.8 (18gun _A jelly comes into view.gS. ... #...# .##...# ###.... ...# ....... .#$....#. . ...o{oo<...# .....J)#..# #. o...o.o..#.# ....#. ...o..o..... ...#...<.O .. ..#..Y. .###. ..$.)<##.##..# g.##....)†. ... #..# .##....#..#. ...###...##>..#.... # .#.. .......[..... .#.....#$.. . .#....##.. #.g9  Found 5 gold pieces.gJ.JggO)1.0) gu gZ _The jelly quivers.gfn ... #...###...######....#. ..#$....#. .o{oo<...# .....J.)#..# #. ...o.o..#.# ..#.o..o..... #.#...<.O... #.#..Y.###.$.)<.##.##..###....)†.... #..# ##....#.#. ...# ##...##>..#.....#.. .............. ..#......#$.. #.#.#.....###.. #....giguU.Jg&vT1=2g@gg$##.## . #.... . ... l#...#gs##...######...... ...#..............#$....#. .. .o{oo<...# #.......)#..# #.go..#.# .....J.......#.... .o..o..... #.##...<.Ogńg.. #.##..Y ..gI...###......... $g .....)<.##.##..##.g1##....)†.. #..# gY......##....#..........#. ...#g##...##>..#.....# ....#.. ...# .[..gil   iguana (asleep).... ..#.........J   jelly#$.. .#.#.#.....####.. #..........g%  gCDAn iguana comes into view.g3gŘ.l.Jl3gg0 _The iguana hisses angrily.g( # .. ..... ##.## . .#.... . ... ......# #...###...######l..... ...# ...............#$....#.. .. o{oo<...# ###.)#..# #.o..#.# ...............#.... gP) Io..o..... #...J....##...<.O #.##..Y ...###..............)<.##.##..##..##....)†.. #..#g})  # .....##....#..........#. ...#g) ##...##>..#.....# .... g) '#.. ..........# .[...... ..#.........g) #$.. .#.#.#.....##gc/ g{8 J.lg8 .=4g6E h _The jelly barely misses you.g g J.lg0 e2=5.9 (1.1gĬ g w _You barely miss the jelly. The jelly hits you but does no damage.g  You hit the jelly. Your hands burn!  The jelly is moderately wounded.g `.l g?49-6----60g;g 3 _You block the jelly's attack.g}.t  You slash the jelly!  You kill the jelly!g0g:X.l.g<X-34=8.0 (1.1gBg^EP _Okawaru accepts your kill.g  You barely miss the iguana. The iguana closely misses you.gv.50-g 9.1gg;S _The iguana barely misses you.g$[)  You hit the iguana.  The iguana is moderately wounded.43----90.2g_gm+ _The iguana bites you!g  You closely miss the iguana.The iguana is moderately wounded.g-E----1.3gfg> _The iguana bites you but does no damage.gv  You slash the iguana!  The iguana is severely wounded.gv 2---5---=2.4gY g + _The iguana bites you.g v  You slash the iguana!  You kill the iguana!g E†g 9-30 _Okawaru accepts your kill.g% g e _Your Axes skill increases to level 9!gGN-gVQg=YH _No target in view!g _g,gg"3g5F6===gdggggg!gq g gd44=ggI;===gg#,g6'g,g-W5=gz/g3,g5g:,g!<g1@,gBg6FgFQ6=7gF+====gIg;O4 _Magic restored.gOgTgY,g[g[_g_U7=gagrege<====g/hgk,g ngqgq%8gsgrx,gzg},gg ,gZgg҉K9=gg,g9g,ggSgO50=gg,gg]g«gʭga1=g gEBg,g?g,gvg2=g,gg,ggg%3gg,gHg,ggg|K4=gag,gg~,gg,g8ggD U5=g g,ggS,gg[gK6=g+g",gc%gI),g%+g.97g /2=g0g5,g7g:,g<g2@,gFgJ;8gLg%P,gRg"V,gXg[a9=g]gbgbgdgbh,gjg0ngnV60=gpgu,gqwg{,g6~g&,ggFgK1=gUg1 _HP restored.g3g|gc  You see here an iguana corpse.gУgg= _gggvD gJQ m ...  .. # # .. . ..... ##.## . . #....  ... ......# #...## ......##...######....... ...# ...............#$....#.. . o{oo<...#.###.......)#..# #... .o.o..#.##........#-558.4 (65.0) gR o..o......?.##..†.....##...<.O #...#..Y.... ...........###................... ...........)<.........##.##..##....s   scorpion (wandering)..s...........#g`R 8-ga g'e _ _A scorpion is nearby!gz .. ......# .# .. #....... ..#.## . #.##.... ..... ... .......# #...##.##...######....... ...#..........#$....#..# ..... {oo<...#.###.......)#..# # og .o..#.##.........#. ..o......?.##..†@....##...<.O...# ......... #........##..Y....###..............)<..##.##..####....)†.g1.. #..# ####....#..#s. ...#  g}b##...##>..#.....# # ...... ..........# .[gށ...... ..#..g}gڏs.s9.4 (1.0) _ggg#Lw# .. #....... ...#.## . #.##.... ..... ... .......# #...##.##...######............#..........#$....#..# ..... oo<...#.###.......)#..### .o..#.##.........#. .o......?.##..†.....##...<.O...# gL...... #....@...##..Y........###..............)<..##.##..####....)†.s.. #..# ####....#..#......#  ##...##>..#.....# #..... .. ...........# .[...... ..#gM#$.. .#.#.#.....##g}QgX];s.g]C=60ghgkgq& #.## . #.##.... .... ... ... .......###...##.... ##...######............#..... ........#$....#..# ......... o<...#.###.......)#..### ..#.##.........#. o......?.##..†.....##...<.O...# ...... #........##...........###.....@........ )<..##.##..##.... ##....)†.g' s... #..# ##. ##....#..#......#  ##...##>..#.....# #.. ...........# .[.. .... ..##$.. .#.#.#.....#####.. #.....g* gy5 @s.g6 &1gAA gC g: ;=g 2g| g t _You barely miss the scorpion. You block the scorpion's attack.gn  You slash the scorpion!  gHKThe scorpion is severely wounded.g5=3.5 (1.1g g,# g^#q_The scorpion closely misses you. You block the scorpion's attack.g  You hit the scorpion.  The scorpion is almost dead.g0-4.6gglA _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.gPz  You slash the scorpion!  You kill the scorpion!g#\2.g `Y51-5.7gkf _Okawaru accepts your kill.g4g g H _No target in view!g5 g6 g7 g; g@ gMA $ _gD gjE gG gG gH g{J gL ,gN gQ gT ,gV gcX gVZ ,g\ ga ,ge gk L _You now have 86 gold pieces (gained 5).g1o 3gq gt gDv ,gw gx gO{ ,g8~ g gv ,gN g g gK g g g ,gΑ g8  ..... .. ......#  .....# ..#.. #..........  ......##.##.. . #.......##.  ......... .###.  .........##...######..  ..................#.....#..# .  ...o{oo<...#.###.......)#..###  o...o....#.##.......#  ...o....##..†.....##...- g  .......###........##...  .......###.............  ..$...)<.........##.##........##....)†............ #........##....#..........#.... g ##...##>..#.....# #.. #..............# . .... ..#.........gC 077.7 (12.0)g F-8.7 (13g gq . _v - a scroll of identifyg{g&Inventory: 22/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationv - a scroll of identify Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - a potion of haste [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g/0 v - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll g0H“This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gM Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA Potions (select first with !)  p - 2 metallic coppery potions  s - 2 coppery potions [?] describe selectedg}+gk3 ..... ........#morningthaw the Cleaver.....# ..#..#.......... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *...........##.##.. . #.......##. Health: 61/61 ========================............... .......###. Magic: 7/7========================.........##...######.......... AC: 9Str: 21..................#.....#..# . EV: 6Int: 8...o{oo<...#.###.......)#..### SH: 4Dex: 9g3o...o....#.##................# XL:  7 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:5...o.........@.##..†.....##... Noise: ---------  Time: 3578.7 (0.0)..............###........##... a) +0 war axe..............###............. Nothing quivered..$...........)<.........##.##........##....)†............ #........##....#..........#....##...##>..#.....# #..#..............# .g%4I.... ..#.........You slash the scorpion!  You kill the scorpion! _Okawaru accepts your kill. _No target in view! _You now have 86 gold pieces (gained 5). _v - a scroll of identifyg5g;gB* ..... ........#morningthaw the Cleaver.....# ..#..#.......... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *...........##.##.. . #.......##. Health: 61/61 ========================............... .......###. Magic: 7/7========================.........##...######.......... AC: 9gCStr: 21..................#.....#..# . EV: 6Int: 8...o{oo<...#.###.......)#..### SH: 4Dex: 9geCBo...o....#.##................# XL:  7 Next: 51% Place: Dungeon:5...o.........@.##..†.....##... Noise: ---------  Time: 3578.7 (0.0)..............###........##... a) +0 war axegC..............###............. Nothing quivered..$...........)<.........##.##........##....)†............ #........##....#..........#....##...##>..#.....# #..gC4#..............# ..... ..#.........You kill the scorpion! _Okawaru accepts your kill. _No target in view! g0D_You now have 86 gold pieces (gained 5). _v - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.gTA9.7 (1g\g_ _Okawaru accepts your kill.No target in view! _You now have 86 gold pieces (gained 5). _v - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _p - 2 potions of berserk rageg gf g g g g Jg ,g{ g g ,g g g gh g_ g gd ,g gB g ,g g gn ,g  gt ,g gs L _You now have 95 gold pieces (gained 9).g.# 3g$ g' gJ* ,g+ g- ge/ ,g 0 gr1 g2 ,g`3 g~4 g5 g6 gH7 gH9 g; ,g< gr> g? g? gh@ gC ,gD gK N _You now have 109 gold pieces (gained 14).gQ  ......##.##.. . ..O..........  . #............##...#### ..#.................... .............<...#.### .............#.##....gR m .................##. #..............###. ##.@............### #...............)< #.........##....)† #.........##....#... ##........###...##>. ##.....#..##...O   ogre (wandering) ##..............# ##.....#.....#.# #....###.gFS %...#...g,W 0989.0)g\ p.OOgo] 5==9.7 (20ge gh & _The ogre shouts!g  ..#.. ####.##.. . ..........  #..O##...####...........<...#.###....#.##.............## #....### ##.......### #...............)< #.........##....)† ...##....#....###...##>#..##..............##.....#.....#.#ggFF.Og;--600.7 (1.0) ggkgKZ .. .. .## ..#..  .####.##..  .......  #...##...####..O.........<...#.####.##..................gL)##+########......)<#)†.....#..##........###...##>##.....#..##......##.............gOgXF.OgXA--1g`gbgT gi l.O2gj gl g2  You slash the ogre!  The ogre is moderately wounded.==3.8 (1.1g9 gA Q _The ogre barely misses you.g{  You slash the ogre!  The ogre is heavily wounded.40g g Q _The ogre barely misses you.g'r  You slash the ogre!  You kill the ogre!gi)gR*695.9 (1.1gg?i _Okawaru is honoured by your kill.g<54gx<g>H _No target in view!gT_g_g_`gwdgeg*f$ _gj,g/l,gmgpg%r,g^sgugx,g@yg{g\},g$gg1,gg#g,,ggԑgggSg>g,g,gɤg,gg ,gίgM _You now have 116 gold pieces (gained 7).gy3gg_g,gνg.gg>gg{g,g7gJg,gg#. #### # #.. #..# #. ###..##..##.#...##....#....##....## #..#......# #..#...@[.# --## #..... ##.##..#......#... ##............## ..#..#....##........##.##.. .#................. .......#......##...#####.......#.....................#?.................<...#.###...go#. #### # #.. #..# #. ###..##..## .#...##....# ....##....## #..#......# #..#....@.# ## #... g##.##..#......#.##......## ..#.. ##....##..##.##.. . ##........ ..#....##...#.#....#.?...<...#.###.gX021.9 (16.0)gG--2.9 (17ggs _You see here an orb of guile.gd g g gb g g< : _g gS g g g gb g g& g g@ ,g g g ,g/ g g\ ,g g g ,g g Xgx g ,g{ g g ,g gS g ,g g< g ,g g g ,gy g g ,g g g g  g g' g) ,gu g5 g ,g gp g g4 ga g g gK g g g! ,g " g$ g$ ,g% g& gS' ,g' g( g) g) g * g- g!6 #.#### #### #...# ...# ## ##.#.# ...#... #..#.# .......##..#.# ##.......#...#.###.......h##.....#..@.........##..... #..##..#.........# ##..#..##......... #. ####......#......... #.. #..##.......## h   howler monkey (asleep) #..##..##.......# ..##....##....# ..##....##......##.....gC9 -45.9 (23g> u.hhg> ,6.9 (24gvG gL  gM gdM <_A howler monkey comes into view.gM g A #.# #.### ##### #...# #...#####.#.# ....#.#..#.# #.##..#.# ##.#...#.###.##.....#.h.#..##......#..##..#.###..#..##.# . ####......#. .. #..##......##. ..##..##.....##....##...##....##.gRCgI6h.gI?.7.9 (1gJ .0) gOgRgS#.# #.### ##### #...# ##...###.#.# ....#....##..#.# #.###..#.# ##.#...#.###.##.....#.h.#..##.>#..##..#.###..#  ####......#. #..##......##.###..##.....# . gXZh..8gw\gQ^; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gZ  You hit the howler monkey.  The howler monkey is moderately wounded.=50.1 (1.2g& gC D _The howler monkey hits you but does no damage.ga  You barely miss the howler monkey.The howler monkey is moderately wounded.g b ,10gf gth [ _The howler monkey closely misses you.gZ  You hit the howler monkey but do no damage.The howler monkey is moderately wounded.g]57--2.2 (1.1gng1 _The howler monkey hits you.g; #.# gC#.### ##### #...# ##...######   ....#....#   #........#  gh* ##.........  g$###..........  g#....@h......  #..##..............>  #..##..#.........### gř/ ##.........#  g`#........... . ........##.# .........# . gH..........#  g7 #.# #.### ##### #...# ##...######   ....#....#   #........#   ##.........  ###..........  #....@h......  #..##..............>  #..##..#.........###  ##.........#  #........... ........##.# .........# ...........#g;gSL(catching breath) _The howler monkey hits you. _A howler monkey is nearby!  You barely miss the howler monkey.  The howler monkey is moderately wounded.  The howler monkey hoots and howls with incredible vigour!  gTu6--=========30gWgZ* _You hear a shout! x4gJ  You hit the howler monkey.  The howler monkey is heavily wounded.gܾ2--6----=--------4.3 (1.1gtg 1 _The howler monkey hits you.gl}  You hit the howler monkey but do no damage.The howler monkey is heavily wounded.g<~0---5---------------50gg1 _The howler monkey hits you.gIP You closely miss the howler monkey.The howler monkey is heavily wounded.gQ [1=6.4 (1.1gW g` D _The howler monkey hits you but does no damage.g-4  You hit the howler monkey but do no damage.The howler monkey is heavily wounded.The howler monkey hits you but does no damage.=========70g`g9y _The howler monkey hoots and howls with incredible vigour!gn  You hit the howler monkey.  The howler monkey is severely wounded.gSoV=--------8gxZ _The howler monkey hits you but does no damage.g0  You slash the howler monkey!  You kill the howler monkey!g1.g62=---77--------9.6 (1.2ggP _Okawaru accepts your kill.gmgng2sguH _No target in view!g83g9g<g#Goo   orc (wandering)gL0.0  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 whip.gX oooo 3 orcsAn orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe.g7^4-60.6 (1gcglu _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 hand axe.gi4#.# #.### ##### #...# ##...###### ##.#.# ....#....# #..#.# #.#.##..#.# ##.#...#.###.o.##.....#.....o.#..##.o.#..##..#.g5q###.  #..##......##.# ##..##.....# ..#....##...# .. gbPo.o.o>-1g#.# #.### ##### #...# ##...###### ##.#.# #....#....# .#..#.# #.#.##..#.# ##.#...#.###.o.##.....#......@...o.#..##.o>.#..##..#.###. #..##.....##.## ..##.# ..# ....##... gUg>gggCwo.o.o.oo   orc priest (wandering)ooo 3 orcsg.32ggdz _An orc priest comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gݺ h#.# #.### ##### #...# ##...###### .##.#.# #....#....# .#..#.# #.#.##..#.# ##.#...#.###.o.  ##.....#.......@.o.  #..##.o.>.  #..##..#.###.o.  ##..#..##.# .......#.. ..##.##.## ..##.# ..# ##.# ... g g g g g 3o.o.o..>o.og /==3g g. , _The orc priest shouts!gY p  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!g c  Okawaru accepts your kill.You closely miss the orc. You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!ge gLm ))..o.   orcOkawaru accepts your kill.gp *6===8-4.8 (1.2gw ghy 2-gp /  --more--g 8 _The orc hits you but does no damage.g\gYou slash the orc!  You kill the orc!gg).o>g7Z4=50ggH _Okawaru accepts your kill.g4gRgp> _Unknown command.gE&#.# #.### ##### .#...# ##...###### .##.#.# #....#....# .#..#.# #.#.  ##..#.# ##.  #...#.###......). ##.....#........@.o. #..##.)..>. #..##..#.###. ##..#..##.# #.......#... .##.##.## ##.# ..###.# ... gOIgQ0o.gUR,-6 guR _gYg]  Things that are here: _a +0 whip; a +0 ring mail; an orc corpsegwgx8-g#gF _Unknown command.g$)d  You barely miss the orc priest.g).=7g|2g6A _The orc priest hits you but does no damage.gf 4gj g) F _Unknown command.gY  You hit the orc priest.  The orc priest is heavily wounded.g r2-===8g! g ? _The orc priest hits you with a +0 dagger.g ~  You slash the orc priest!  You kill the orc priest!g C)g h4/62-84=9g7 g# P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g g! gtgF _Unknown command.guagbg+kgnH _No target in view!gzVgWgHYg]gef _gfg4ja5=gGlgzod7====gpgr,gtgu,gvgxk6=gyg{R====gg4,gDgg[K7=gg,gg,ggk8=gMg,g]gP,gңgNggggR%9gggGgɵgA,gg}gE60=gg,gg/,gvggU1=grgm,g7ggJg"g,g g`gD2=ggg,ggg,ggg^ Bg4R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.gGl= _ggt,g-gj"g#,g%g*g0gk0g2g8Bg9gA<g>,gq@g CgE,gGgNgGP,gQg1SgTgTgUgWg_#......).........# .......))........# ### .......)..>......# ..# ........###.....## ... .........#.##...# ... ................###.# # .......##.##..# .......##..##.... ........#@.--708.8 (39.0) .##...........##.....# g`..# .......##......# ..#. ................ .... .........#.#...... .........####!.....# .##..............#..... #.......##...>...... .......###...##....gki8--gj%9.8 (40gQpgsr; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gA g g gM H _No target in view!g8QgQgYg[H _No target in view!g"3g#g%gB'g'$ _g+,g-,gB/g 2g3g34g 5g6g7,g8g=Xg>,g4?gwp _e - 3 potions of haste (gained 2)g3gg g ,gFgzg,gxg gBgg!,g"g$g&,g'g(g),g*g,g,,g-g/g1,gq1g2g4,g4g:Xg<...##.....#..# ##......##.# ......##### #.#.......##.## ####..........# .#.....## ##....>.......# ###...##.....### ...#.....@# .#..##.........## g<)#..###.........# .....#.........###...<.....##..##.........................##.##..##...... #..# ##.g@-26.8 (17g@,7.8 (18gCg H* _v - a ring of flightg( g#) gJ* g- g/ ,g3 gx5 g7 ,g8 g: g< g%= g= g@ gC gaC gD gMG gM XgP g[P g\Q gT g'V ,gV gRX gY gY goZ g\ gv] ,g)^ go_ g:` gf` g` ga gb ,gb gc gd ,ge gg gi ,g8j g/k gk ,g l gn g o gEo gPp ,grq ,gq gs ggu ,gu gw g x g2x g^x g"y gy gy gz g| g| ,gG} g~ g g g3 g g g˂ gF gK gŅ g g~ g gS g g gϋ g ,gō g g ,gҐ gÑ gy ,gӒ g g ...............#..##.##..##.....## #..#####...###.....### ##....#### #.......##.##..##.### .[........#...#..##gܛ  .................##### ...........#......# ...#.####...#54.8 (27 ### ##.##  ### g w ....[ .... .... g B5.8 (28gd g - _Found a pair of gloves.gg`Inventory: 22/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) gJewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)v - a ring of flight Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA g t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g6  v - a ring of flight. A ring that grants its wearer flight. You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Fly} {jewellery} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified jewellery g7 “What surprised him the most, however, was the logic of his wings. They seemed  so natural on that completely human organism that he couldn't understand why  other men didn't have them too.”  -Gabriel Garcia Marquez, _A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings_. 1955. trans. Gregory Rabassa. 1972 (p)ut on, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g$g7g|..................#morningthaw the Cleaver ....##.##..##.....##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **.... ....... #..#####...###Health: 62/62 ======================== ....#......### ##....####Magic: 7/7======================== ....# #.......##.##..##.##AC: 9Str: 21 ....# .[........#...#..##EV: 6Int: 8 ..... .................##SH: 4Dex: 9 ...### ...........#......#XL:  7 Next: 84% Place: Dungeon:5 .... .......@.#.####...#Noise: ---------  Time: 3755.8 (0.0)[10;1gd0H.......##### ##.##a) +0 war axe.......###Nothing quivered.......Fly .....##....[........ _No target in view! _No target in view! _e - 3 potions of haste (gained 2) _v - a ring of flight _Found a pair of gloves.  You fly up into the air.gg-6.3 (0.5gQg _e - 3 potions of haste (gained 2) _v - a ring of flight _Found a pair of gloves.  You fly up into the air. _v - a ring of flight (left hand)gHa4gbgBhgSkg[o,gpgr,g/tg ygO{,g|gg:#### ##....#### .#.....# #.......##.##..##.### ...[........#...#..##.... [...................## #.....####.............#......#... ....#.####...# . .#.##### ##.## . ...# ### #..## 9.3 (3.0g#......### [. ##.....## #.....## #..... ###.## ##g@B60.3 (4g{gX# _Found a robe.gb0g 7]Inventory: 22/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=) g7 k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon g8' r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gbg?g.......#......### ##....####morningthaw the Cleaver .#.....# #.......##.##..##.##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **.... gs.......# ...[........#...#..##Health: 62/62 ======================== ........ [...................##Magic: 7/7======================== #.....####.............#......#AC: 9Str: 21 ....... ............#.####...#EV: 6Int: 8 ..#........##### ##.##SH: 4Dex: 9 ............####XL:  7 Next: 84% Place: Dungeon:5#......@..##Noise: ---------  Time: 3760.3 (0.0).#......###a) +0 war axe.......[.Nothing quivered.##.....##Fly #.....###[39;gO49m.....###.#### _e - 3 potions of haste (gained 2) _v - a ring of flight _Found a pair of gloves.  You fly up into the air. _v - a ring of flight (left hand) _Found a robe.ggDgg g # #.......##.##..##.## .....[........#...#..##. [...........## #.....####..#...... ....... .g/.#.#### . .#.##### ##.#...# ###  #..## .#### ......[..##.....###Fly gUgg0+1.3 (1g{ggr  ....[........#...#..##. [...........## #.....####..#...... ....... ..#.#### . .###### ##.#.gė .# ###  #.## .#### ...###.....## #.....## g  g{ gӢ &2g g# W _You see here a +0 pair of gloves.g& <3g) g+ - _w - a +0 pair of glovesgM##.......##.##..##.## # ...[#...#..## ........ [........# #.....####...#... ....... ....#.####...###### ##.## ....#####...######..........##.....######.....g%g%&4g7-g.gHM.......### ##....#### ##.......##.##..##.## # ...[#...#..## ........ [........# g+#.....####...#... ....... ....#.####...###### ##.## ...#gJ####...###gr##.........#.##.....###gN#.....##ggg65gggwXM... #..#####...### .......######....#### ##.......##.##..##.## # ...[#...#..## ........ [.......# #.....####..#... ....... ..g..#.####...###### ##.## ...#####...######..........##.....#####gcg6gmggh1 PM##.##..##.....## ....#..#####...### .......######....#### ##.......##.##..##.## g1 # ...[#...#..## ........ [......# #.....####..#... ....... ....#.####...#g1 |##### ##.## ...g2 \####...##g22 j####..........#gO2 *####.##gu: g: &7gA gYC gԍ MM......... ##.##..##.....## ....#..#####...### .......######....#### ##.......##.##..##.## # ...[#...#..## ........ [......# #.....####..#... ....... ....#.####...###### ##.## ...####...##.#......####.....8gƦM##..............# ##.##..##.....## ....#..#####...### .......######....#### ##.......##.##..##.## # ...[#...#..## ........ [......# #.....####..#... ....... ....#.####...###### ##.## ...####.........##.....##g<9gggw}.##.#.......#.##.##..##.....##.#..#####...###.#......######....#### ..#.....###.##.##..##.##.##...[.#...#..##..[.## .#.....####.#......#..#.####...# ...#.##### ##.## #.#.# ###.#.##..#......####..#..##.....###  #.....##g\xgy'70gOg'g#.##.# #........#.##.##..##.....##.#..#####...###.#......######....#### >..#.....###.##.##..##.##.##...[.#...#..## #.[.## #.#.....####.#......#..#.####...# #..#..#.##### ##.##  #..#.# ###..#.###..#......###.#..#.##.....### g;F #.....##g!g"&1gg0#.##.# #g;#..............# <.##.##..##.....## †.....#..#####...###g.#......######....#### #>..#.....###.##.##..##.##.##...[.#...#..## .#.[. .#.#.....####g.#.......#.####...  #.. .#..#g.##### ##. #..#g# .# ####..#.##gG .#..#......###..#..#gk z!...##.....### g F #.....##gf,g'-&2g4g6_ _Found a fuming amethyst potion.gD#.##.##..............# )<..##.##..##.....## )†.....#..#####...### #gRE.#......######....#### ##>..#.....###.##.##..##.##.##...[.#...#.. ..#.[g{EJ. #.#.#.....####.# #gE.#.#### # #.. ..#..#.##### ##.gE #. #..#.# .#..#gE .##..#..#......####..#g!F..#.!...##.....### gzFF #.....##gTg5U&3g'\g,]g M.##..†<.....##### ###g ........... <g  ..##.##..##.....## )†g9 ....#..#####...### ...........######....#### gb ##>..#.....###.......##.##..##.#.##...[g T#...#..# ..#..........[g ].#.#.....####..#... #g E................#.####. g # #.. ..#..#g ##### ##.#. #..#...........#gC [##.!...##.....##g g &4g% g4 g(p _M..............#......... .##..†.....##...<.....###..##. ###.......... <gp ..##.##..##.....## )†......#..#####...### ..........#......######....#### gp ##>..#.....###.......##.##..##.#...##.gp N#...#..# ..#..........[gp F.#.#.....####gq \..#... #................#.####. g>q # #.. ..#..#........##### ##.#..#.........g g+ &5gV g N _You see here a +0 cloak.g4g5&6gr>g?$ _x - a +0 cloakg] gd Inventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) g e F b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)w - a +0 pair of gloves  x - a +0 cloak ge Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) ge Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO ge g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ gf d j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon g(f i r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation gBf iPotions (go to first with !) gzf [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g4 x - a +0 cloak. A cloth cloak. Base armour rating: 1 It can be maximally enchanted to +2. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 1.1 (9.2 -> 10.3). g4 eYour EV would remain unchanged. You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon. g4 rStash search prefixes: {inventory} {cloak armour} {cloak armor} {auxiliary armor} {auxiliary armour} g5 8Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour g=5 }“O Bell my wife, why dost thou flyte?  Now is now, and then was then:  Seek now all the world throughout, gZ5 5 Thou kens not clowns from gentlemen: g{5 L(w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gZgg...............#.........#morningthaw the Cleaver .##..†.....##...<.....####Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **.... ###........##............#Health: 62/62 ======================== ###......................#Magic: 7/7g ======================== )<.........##.##..##.....##AC: 9Str: 21 )†.............#..#####...###EV: 6g[Int: 8 #..........#......######....#### SH: 4Dex: 9 ##>..#.....###.......##.##..##.## XL:  7 Next: 84% Place: Dungeon:5 ...........##...@........#...#..# Noise: ---------  Time: 3776.3 (0.0) ..#..........[................... a) +0 war axe g.#.#.#.....####.............#..... Nothing quivered #........................#.####.. Fly g˟# #.. ..#..#........##### ##.#. #..#...........#g##.#..#.........##g'..#..#......####..#..........# _Found a robe. gOf_You see here a +0 pair of gloves. _w - a +0 pair of gloves gw_Found a fuming amethyst potion. _You see here a +0 cloak. _x - a +0 cloakgNg+7.3 (1ggaA8.3 (2g3gvg+9.3 (3ggAB80.3 (4ggA1.3 (5ggu10 _You see here a +0 pair of gloves. _w - a +0 pair of gloves _Found a fuming amethyst potion. _You see here a +0 cloak. _x - a +0 cloak _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 cloak. x4gggZZ _You finish putting on your +0 cloak.g,wgp~Inventory: 24/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [) g~s c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)w - a +0 pair of gloves Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) gScrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE g) h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIgRm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation gliPotions (go to first with !) g[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gtMMw - a +0 pair of gloves. g&A pair of gloves. They are worn on the hands, and cover all but the largest claws. Base armour rating: 1 It can be maximally enchanted to +2. gWIf you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 1.1 (10.3 -> 11.5). Your EV would remain unchanged. g5You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon. gStash search prefixes: {inventory} {gloves armour} {gloves armor} {auxiliary armor} {auxiliary armour} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour gQ(w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gG g...............#.........#morningthaw the Cleaver .##..†.....##...<.....####Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **.... ###........##............#Health: 62/62 ======================== ###......................#gs Magic: 7/7======================== )<.........##.##..##.....##AC: 10Str: 21 )†.............#..#####...###gmEV: 6Int: 8 #..........#......######....#### SH: 4Dex: 9 ##>..#.....###.......##.##..##.## XL:  7 Next: 84% Place: Dungeon:5 g  ...........##...@........#...#..# Noise: ---------  Time: 3781.3 (0.0) g/h..#..........[................... a) +0 war axe #.#.#.....####.............#..... Nothing quivered gX#........................#.####.. Fly gy# #.. ..#..#........##### ##.g#. #..#...........###g@.#..#.........##..#..#......####..#..........# g_w - a +0 pair of gloves _Found a fuming amethyst potion. _You see here a +0 cloak. g(_x - a +0 cloak _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +0 cloak. x4 _You finish putting on your +0 cloak.gg22.3 (1 _g gf  You start putting on your armour.g+3.3 (2gmgA4.3 (3g"g}(g($5.3 (4g-g3g14$6.3 (5g7ga9 1 _You continue putting on your +0 pair of gloves. x4g9g=gv?c _You finish putting on your +0 pair of gloves.g1HgHgJgPgRg;V; _gXg[,g]gldgHng###....# ...)<.........##.##..##.....## ...)†.......#..#####...### ...#..........#......######....## ...##>..#.....###.......##.##..## .......##............#...# .....#..........[................ ...#.#.#.....####.............#..#............#.## #### #.. ..#..#..#gn#####  #. #..#..#  |#..#..#.##  ..#...... . #..# h   hound (asleep) .gnM...!...##.....###h..####.....## #gOv 8.3 (2  A hound comes into view.Found a twisted jewelled staff.g1%hg ghg0.gtgƏ==g9.3 (3ggg& _The hound barks!gН.)<##.##..##.....##.)†.....#..#####...###.#..........#......######....# #...##>..#.....###.......##.##.. #..............##............#...#..........[.......#.#.#.....####.#.#.............#.## .#### #..#..#..#@.###### .# #..#..#..#...# .# .|#..#..## .##..#..#..## ..#..#..#....# ......h!...##[39;4gb9m.....### ......####.###.... #..... ###.##g}gڠgAh.gZ5--90.3 (1ggg#....)†.....#..#####...## #....#..........#......######.... ##...##>..#.....###.......##.##.. ##..............##............#.. .#..........[.#.#.#.....##### #....#............#.# gVg#.#### #..#..#..#..#### ..# #..#..#.@#...# #.# #.|#..#..## ..##..#.h#..## .....#..#..#.g...#......!...##.....### .......####.....## #.... #.....##... ###.## ##gg=<h.gA--1gggg.=2ggrj _You miss the hound. You block the hound's attack. x2g g &3gg gؽ _You barely miss the hound. The hound barely misses you.gEg"F#1gGF1-4g\PgjS _You barely miss the hound. The hound barely misses you. The hound bites you.gN\  You hit the hound.  The hound is lightly wounded.ggk57--6----g7&5.4 (1.1g@ _The hound bites you.gy^  You closely miss the hound.The hound is lightly wounded.g_V8-6.5gigl _The hound barely misses you. The hound closely misses you.g   You barely miss the hound.The hound is lightly wounded.gZ6-70gLg* _The hound bites you.gq  You barely miss the hound.The hound is lightly wounded.8g g [ _The hound bites you but does no damage. You block the hound's attack.gL }  You miss the hound.The hound is lightly wounded.gM h7=----9gV gGY S _The hound closely misses you.g  You barely miss the hound.The hound is lightly wounded.g4]6-800.6 (1.1gJg7R _The hound bites you but does no damage. The hound bites you.g2X  You barely miss the hound.The hound is lightly wounded.5-1.7 _The hound closely misses you. The hound bites you.g=  You slash the hound!  The hound is severely wounded.6=20gcg33 _You block the hound's attack.g L  You closely miss the hound.The hound is severely wounded.-3gVgY[ _You block the hound's attack. The hound bites you but does no damage.g t  You slash the hound!  You kill the hound!g. H†gf W90-4g g# P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g9 4gB g#F H _No target in view!g)g)*g$,g^/g2l7==== _g5g6E7=g&8g;,g=g@g@gBgEgbFj8=====gXHgJ,g9KgL,gMgOPgP&9gQgSg$Tg2YBgYg[g0[g\g]g]M60=g_g`,gagd,gfgihl1=geigkg:kglgm,gngjpb2=gqg]sgt,g}vgya  You see here a hound corpse.gfzgz _g{gT}g~,gggg:=g̓gĈ ........#[..............#.#.#.....####..........#........................# g` #.#### #..#..#..#..#####  ..# #..#..#..## ##.# .#.|#..#†.###  ..# ..#..#..#..#### gC ... #..#..#..#..#  ... .......@...##.....##- ........####.....## gp ...#....# #.....  ..###...# ###.##  . ##### ## g#g7026.7 (22.0)gwF-7.7 (23gr _z - a fuming amethyst potiong# g g! g2 g ,g g g ,gA g@gx,gzg ###...##>..#.....##### .#..##..............##.. ...........#..[.. gD ...#.....#.#.#.....####.... ..###....#............ ..# #.####.#..#..#..#..#........# gz 2... ..# #..#..#..#..#........... .. ##.# ....#.|#..#†.#g ...# g .. ..# ..#..#.@#..#..#......###... ...#..#..#..#..........#... ..............##.....###g ?..........####.....##......#....# #..........###...# ###.##gX ..... ##### ##.#...##g.##....#..........#......##### ....###...##>..#.....######..##........##.........#..........[..#.....#.#.#.....####.###....#..............# #.####.#..#.. ..# ##..#..#..#.... ##.# ...g†... ... ..### . ... ....#..#..#..#..................##.....##......####.....##..#....# #......###...# ###.##..... ##### ##.#...g7230.7 (3.0)g+1.7 (4g(g0z _You see here a staff of conjuration.g.4g$2g:g=g7B; _g;CgE,g[Gg JgLgZLg NgUgX,gfZg]g_gS`g)bgdgBg,ghgkgo,gqg~tgw,gzg|gǀ,gYg߄ga,g"g`g),gg g#,ggV #....###....#...... #....# #.####.#..#..#..#. #..... ..####..#..#..#..# #.... ##.##.....#.|#..#† ...... #..##...#..#..#..# ..... ###..#..#..# ....#........... ...............## .......@.........#....#  g................###...#  ................# #####  #.#.#...# #########..####..###....#......g\43.7 (12.0)4.7 (13g-gb _y - a scroll labelled DUMAES WAURAg ^glg|,g}g~g[g"gkggƆggggg\ggggz,gugg.,gg;gL,g2gg,g~gOgggبgg2,ggggggFgmgԴg<ggg߸gWgg,gggkgg=ggggg2gBgggxgggggg0g:,ggug8,g/ggW,g4ggqggg g) gw gJ gggLggg!,gggggj g|$g%g[&g&g*gz,,g&-g^0g]1g1gE2g5g46g6gF7g8:gM;g;g)<gD?gy@g@gRAgCgtEgEgJFgqIgJ,gJKgMgNglOgOgIRgS,gqTgWg'XgoXgmYg[g'],g]gagbgbgdggg3i,gnjgggR,gӟggg3g[gSggg̭gްggg4gg}g̻ggUg,gggg1g|ggtg]gg gX,ggg,g0g,gg/x _t - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1)g4g g`g1,gggU,gg+g,gMgg,gGgg g; gp g  #.......#   ##.......#.........   #...................   ##............).....   #...................   ##...........#.......   ##...###+####. gvy  ##...# #........   #..@## #........   #....# #........   ###.## ##.......   ## ##.....#  ##.....  ##....   #....    #....    #.... gq.916.7 (72g,7.7 (73ggQS _A - a scroll of vulnerabilityg% g &Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - 2 scrolls of teleportation  y - a scroll labelled DUMAES WAURA [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g?f A - a scroll of vulnerability. A scroll that briefly halves the willpower of the reader and any nearby beings, rendering them vulnerable to many magical effects. The scroll cannot affect those fully immune to such effects. It is an uncommon scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified dangerous_item scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g5,g.2 #.......#.......... morningthaw the Cleaver  ##.......#.......... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....  #................... Health: 62/62 ========================  ##............)...... Magic: 7/7========================  #.................... AC: 11Str: 21  ##...........#....... EV: 6Int: 8  ##...###+####....... SH: 4Dex: 9  ##...# #........ XL:  7 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:5  #..@##g35[39;49m #........ Noise: ---------  Time: 3917.7 (0.0)  #....##........ a) +0 war axe  ###.####....... Nothing quivered  ####.....# Fly  ##.....  ##....   #....   #....   #....  _You see here a hound corpse. _z - a fuming amethyst potion _You see here a staff of conjuration. _y - a scroll labelled DUMAES WAURA _t - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _A - a scroll of vulnerabilityg6g\>A8.7 (1g%? _z - a fuming amethyst potionYou see here a staff of conjuration. _y - a scroll labelled DUMAES WAURA _t - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _A - a scroll of vulnerability _You drop a scroll of vulnerability.gHT  You see here a scroll of vulnerability. _g?S,glBg+ _You reach down and open the door.gV  There is an open door here.g _gy #......< ##............)# #............... ##...........#..... ##...###'####.... ##...##...##......gI ##..?###.#.##.........## #....# #.#.##.........## ###.## #@#.###........### ### #.#.# ##.....#..## ..#.. ##... ..###. ##.....#.. ...#....### ....#....### ######..... ####....### #.......##gK\324.0)3.7 (15gЄD _A - a scroll of identifygC*Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - 2 scrolls of teleportation  y - a scroll labelled DUMAES WAURA [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g x A - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g. PIdentify which item? (\ to view known items) g Scrolls (select first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  y - a scroll labelled DUMAES WAURA Potions (select first with !)  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion [?] describe selectedgBg#...................<... morningthaw the Cleaver##............)........#. Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....#........................ Health: 62/62 ========================##...........#........... Magic: 7/7========================##...###'####........... AC: 11Str: 21##...##...##............ EV: 6Int: 8##..?###.#.##.........##. SH: 4Dex: 9#....# #.#.##.........##. XL:  7 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:5###.## #@#.###........### Noise: ---------  Tgime: 3933.7 (0.0)### #.#.# ##.....#..## a) +0 war axe..#.. ##......... Nothing quivered..###. ##.....#.. Fly ...#....###.....#....###. ######........ ####....###. #.......##..  _A - a scroll of vulnerability _You drop a scroll of vulnerability. _You see here a scroll of vulnerability. _You reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of identifyggg#...................<... morningthaw the Cleaver##............)........#. Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....#........................ Health: 62/62 ========================##...........#........... Magic: 7/7========================##...###'####........... AC: 11Str: 21##...##...##............ EV: 6gInt: 8##..?###.#.##.........##. SH: 4Dex: 9#....# #.#.##.........##. XL:  7 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:5###.## #@#.###........### Noise: ---------  Time: 3933.7 (0.0)### #.#.# ##.....#..## a) +0 war axe..#.. ##......... Nothing quivered..###. ##.....#.. Fly ...#....###.....#....###. ######........ ####....###. #.......##..  _You drop a scroll of vulnerability. _You see here a scroll of vulnerability. _You reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of identify [2g ;3d As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.g2A4.7 (1g g $see here a scroll of vulnerability.reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _A - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _y - a scroll of brand weapong_ggggۻ .   ##.....#.   ##...###'####   ##...##...#  ?###.#.##  ....# #.#.####   ###.## #.#.###.##   ### ##.#.# ##.....#..#   #@.#.. ##........6.7 (2   #..###. ##.....#.  #.... #....###  #...... #....###  ######.# #......   _. ####....###   .## #.......##  # ##.   ##.....gg:+7.7 (3gp\ _Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One.gg4gggg,gKgvg,g.gg,gbgXgg g ,gW g g ,g gg,g=g5!gD#,g#g6'gT(,g(g+g_-,g .g01g=2g}2gd3g6gk8,g9g=<gs=g>g`>g-  g;gThere is an open door here. _g*g Bgf!g@,g BgEgVIgJgKg*OgR,gTg9WgZ,g6`,gg,gE~4g~g+ggPg6,gg~gp,gg_gggïg5gĴ,gEgggŸg,gu*g`gagbgkc,gcdgreg,ggqggdhgjgDjgljgjggBggg  #####  #..)#  #@# #.# 97.7 (60.0) #.# #.### ## #.##...# ##. #.## ##.#.# #.. ##..# #..#.# # #...## ##..#.# ##. ##....# #...#.###. #..#..####.....#... ##.###..##..##.....gsg %8.7 (61gCgk# _Found a whip.g g8 g g( g; g g ,g g g g g g g g g ,g g g ,g8 g g g g gl g g g ,g gn ,g gR g ,g g g! ,gm" g3$ gy% ,g}& g( g) g#* g* gv. g/ g10 g\1 g&3 g4 g=5 g6 g%9 gi@ BgI gI g=K gL gN ,gP gLR gfU ,gOW g\ vg ng g g g gt ,g& g g(g9gO>gg@,gBgFgI,gLgOgQ,g Tgg#,ggQ,g`g3g,gx,g,g gX g-,gggG!,g"g&gHY,gF\g_g^c,g`eghgk,g_mg"gۊ,gkggD,g g3#>..#.....###.......##.##..##.## ..........##............#...#..## .#..........[...................# .#.#.....####.............#...... ........................#.####... .#..#..#..#..#........##### ##.# ..#..#..#..#...........#### g:...#.|#..#÷.#.........## .#..#..#..#..#..@...### 4093.7 (95 ..#..#..#..#..........# .............##.....### ..........####.....## .....#....# #.....# ....###...# ###.### ....# ##### ### #...# #####g[ _Done exploring.g Jg m........0.0) gi g gV E _Done exploring.g Inventory: 26/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - a scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - 2 scrolls of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gTgFg)#>..#.....###.......##.##..##.## morningthaw the Cleaver ..........##............#...#..## Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **.... .#..........[...................# Health: 62/62 ======================== .#.#.....####.............#...... Magic: 7/7======================== ........................#.####... AC: 11Str: 21 g͚.#..#..#..#..#........##### ##.# EV: 6Int: 8 ..#..#..#..#...........#### SH: 4Dex: 9 ...#.|#..#÷.#.........##XL:  7 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:5 .#..#..#..#..#..@...###Noise: ---------  Time: 4093.7 (0.0) ..#..#..#..#..........#gHa) +0 war axe .............##.....###Nothing quivered ..........####.....##Fly .....#....# #.....# ....###...# ###.### ....# ##### ### #...# g~##### _y - a scroll of brand weapon _Found a glowing golden altar of the Shining One. _There is an open door here. _Found a whip. gf_Done exploring. _Done exploring.gڣgJg_gάg 4ge gv# g2& g* ; _g. g0 g1 g2 g7 g< ,g@ gE gH ,gEK g3P gR ,gUT gW g)Z ,g[ gq_ gb ,gAd gg grj ,g$m gp gr gr gt gpx g{ ,g} g g ,gB g g ,g‡ g g% ,gv g g ,g g- gM g gߚ g( .......<...#.###.......)#..###... )#.##.........#... ........##..÷.....##...<.. ..............###........####...... ..............)<...##.##.......##....)......#.......##....#..........#......# ........###...##@..#.....###.....108.7 (15.0) #.....#..##.....##...... ##...#..........[..... ###.....#.....#.#.#.....####..... gǣ ###....###....#.................. .##....###.####.#..#..#..#..#....  ###........####..#..#..#..#......  ###....###.##.....#.|#..#÷.#.....  .......##..##...#..#..#..#..#.... g~ g# g c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.ge 4g` g g 89.0) _g9 gu # g..# ....# #.)...###6 #....@# ####### ggg.10.4 (1.7gUg# _You fly downwards.  Found a flail. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g8 g gX g g( g0 Q _gѼ g gȾ gh gE g~ g% gi g* ,g g gO ,g g g? ,g g g ,g? g+ g g( g gF g? ,g g g) ....##..# ##...#......#.....####......@.###.....#.....###... ###.)...###g###....<#gr #######g   gnoll sergeant (polearm, asleep)g 9.4 (9.0  A gnoll sergeant comes into view. It is wielding a +4 spear.g g.g)g2 9==20.4 (10.0)g g* 0 _The gnoll sergeant shouts!g ..# ### ..###..# ##.?....# ##......#.....#.. ##.....### #..####.....#.....###.g.. ###.)...###... ###....<#g+c... ######ggXG.gg:--1.0)g]g!f _Found 3 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRI.g ..# ### ..###....# ##.?...#.####.....#.#.....# #.# ##.....### #.###gi #.....#.....####...g.####.)...###.# ###....<#.. #######ggg...--2g gg g3 o Ability - do what?CostgU `Failure  Invocations -  X - Renounce Religiong| VNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-g p10% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.gmorningthaw the Cleaver..# ###Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **......###...Health: 62/62 ========================.# ##.?...#Magic: 7/7========================...####.....#AC: 11Str: 21.....#.....#EV: 6Int: 8#........#SH: 4Dex: 9##.....###XL:  7 Next: 90% Place: Dungeon:6#....@...###Noise: ---------  Time: 4122.4 (0.0)#...g.#.....###a) +0 war axe#.....####.)...###Nothing quivered.....# ###....<[34gm#Fly .....###########g   gnoll sergeant (polearm) _You fly downwards.  Found a flail. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.  A gnoll sergeant comes into view. It is wielding a +4 spear. _The gnoll sergeant shouts! _Found 3 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRI.  Okay, then. _g9( b ..# #### ..###....## ##.?...#.####.....##.....#.....# #.# ##.....### #.### #...g.#.....### #.....####.)...####.....# ###....<##..... #######.#57--6----=3.4 (1g/ gW1 B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.g q  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage.gz 49------5-------=4g gV B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear!gb1  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage.7----4--------5g;7gX:B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.gq  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage.gƓg40---=6ggQ  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage. _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear!  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage. _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage. _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear!g.  You hit the gnoll sergeant.  The gnoll sergeant is lightly wounded.-7 _The gnoll sergeant closely misses you.g&  g`You barely miss the gnoll sergeant.The gnoll sergeant is lightly wounded.-8.5 (1.1g\g"< _You block the gnoll sergeant's attack.ggQ  You slash the gnoll sergeant!  The gnoll sergeant is severely wounded.gR 39---3-------=90gZ g\ B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.gf  You barely miss the gnoll sergeant.The gnoll sergeant is severely wounded.gn f6---30g! g B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.g _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.  You barely miss the gnoll sergeant.  The gnoll sergeant is severely wounded. g_The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.  You slash the gnoll sergeant!  You kill the gnoll sergeant!gD)gEgzbmorningthaw the Cleaverg ..# ###Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....#..###...Health: 36/62 =============-----------..## ##.?...#Magic: 3/7==========--------------....####.....#g\AC: 11Str: 21#.....#.....#EV: 6Int: 8#........#SH: 4Dex: 9##.....###XL:  7 Next: 103% Place: Dungeon:6#...@....###gNoise: ==-------  Time: 4131.6 (1.1)#...).#.....###a) +0 war axe#.....####.)...###Nothing quivered#.....# ###....<#Fly #.....#######gD#####.#You barely miss the gnoll sergeant.The gnoll sergeant is severely wounded. _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.  gYou slash the gnoll sergeant!  You kill the gnoll sergeant! _Okawaru accepts your kill.gw _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +4 spear.  You slash the gnoll sergeant! g You kill the gnoll sergeant! _Okawaru accepts your kill.Your Axes skill increases to level 10!g%6You have reached level 8!g/  --more--gL 41/70=8-g 098 1% g g_ P _You feel clever.gq<g<gr@gDgOH; _gKgLz2=4===gNgQ,gFSgV,g8Yg],g_gNa93ga+===gbg/g,gjgm,gogjqj4=gurgUt,gBugvgvP5===gwgyb5=gzg|,g~g3,gpgтg"N6===g/g,ggU,g_gj7=gg,,g g?f6===g)g,gƤg٨b8=gCg,g=gٴR===g@ggI:9gtgggg,g{g~gO50=gegd7===g]g?,gggX1=gg$,ggg<===gg,gg~g&2ggggg,g-gg|3=8===ggR _Magic restored.g"g,gg g_ #4g 3=g gpR===ggYggwgg&5ggYgg:!g:$gx$g^&g@+b6=gh,gM1g1g94g.6,g`7g:,g|<g>g`?V7=g@g2BgiBgDgG,gxIgLgM&8gNgQ,gRgTgTgVg[r9=60=gvng|3g51gggg,g:g.gkL2=ggv,g"ggggg V3=gBggBgge&4gZg7gsg-gtgg8g;gggg޺65=gg~g,gg,ggI96g3=gggPggggigg&7gggQg g6,ggb8=gg,gg,gOgg>V9=ggggg,gggg g\gM70=gg< '--g_ ..# ###gJ## ..###... ..## ##.?...# ....####.. #..... #... ####.....####.....###..####.)...### ###....<# #..... ####### #####. #. #?g=#. _HP restored.g-1224.6 (93.0)gG--5.6 (94ggL$ g$_Found a scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO.  Things that are here: _a +4 spear; a +0 ring mail; a gnoll corpseg4gggg% _g9ggnggKggg:=gg|g$,gggg gggggIg,gg} _j - 4 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRI (gained 3)gK4gg_grgg;g g ,g gf gjgggg,g|ggXggEgg:gmg$gg|ggu g "g$,g%g{'g),g)g_+gQ-,gB.g/g0,gt1g3,gO4g7| _f - 2 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO (gained 1)gHB##........ ##...).#.....### ##.....####.)...### #.....##.####....<# #........# ############.####  #.#  #.#  #@#  #........  #####....  h.  h   black bear (asleep) gD-45.6 (20gH~ .  A black bear comes into view.gI,6.6 (21gFLgN7 _The black bear moves out of view.g_gf`gig n,g\qg#gO##...).#.....#####.....####.)...###.....##.####....<....# ##########.####  #.# ..##...........7.6 (1.0)g>  ####h . h   black bearggca _A black bear is nearby!g w##...).#.....### ##.....####.)...### #.....##.####....<# #........# # #####.#### #.# .#.# ..#.###.#.#####h....g׃gω;h.gL-8 _g,gˏg:##...).#.....### ##.....####.)...### #.....##.####....<# #........# # #####.#### ####.# ...##.# ..#.###.#..@h.g';i#####......####gN  The black bear closely misses you. The black bear claws you.gN]68-=9g>UgW[ _The black bear completely misses you.g   You completely miss the black bear. The black bear bites you.  The black bear claws you but does no damage.ge g7--50.5 (0.9gng8 _You block the black bear's attack.g.  You completely miss the black bear.The black bear bites you but does no damage.1.5 (1.0gИg.E _The black bear claws you but does no damage. x2g#  You barely miss the black bear. You block the black bear's attack.g &2g g E _The black bear claws you but does no damage. x2gԧ  You barely miss the black bear. The black bear bites you.  The black bear claws you but does no damage.g^ 3--7---3.6 (1.1g gx W _The black bear barely misses you.g9  You closely miss the black bear. The black bear bites you.  The black bear claws you but does no damage.g?:g59--4.5 (0.9g@g/ _The black bear claws you.gL  You closely miss the black bear.The black bear bites you but does no damage.g-5.5 (1.0g;gԪE _The black bear claws you but does no damage. x2gH gI You barely miss the black bear. The black bear bites you.  You block the black bear's attack.g$L@-6gSX _The black bear claws you but does no damage.g  You slash the black bear!  The black bear is severely wounded.You block the black bear's attack. x2gR---==7.6 (1.1ggzB _The black bear claws you but does no damage.g 9x2  You closely miss the black bear.The black bear closely misses you.  --8.7 _The black bear misses you.g  You barely miss the black bear.The black bear is severely wounded.The black bear bites you but does no damage.g Z60--9.8gm gl E _The black bear claws you but does no damage. x2g /Ibite _The black bear claws you but does no damage. x2  You hit the black bear.  The black bear closely misses you.  58-600g1/ _The black bear claws you.g?  You barely miss the black bear.The black bear is severely wounded.The black bear bites you. The black bear claws you.gأ4--6---1.9 (1.1gg٬W _The black bear barely misses you.gW%bites you. The black bear claws you. _The black bear barely misses you.You hit the black bear.u but does no damage.  g&5-7===3.0gR,g.B _The black bear claws you but does no damage.g ~  You slash the black bear!  You kill the black bear!gA. g910=4.1g.gP _Okawaru accepts your kill.gT 4gXY gZ H _No target in view!g,4gz-g/g3 _6=g3gz5g5<===g7g8,g9g;l7=g<g>,g?gvA,gBgwDgDG8===gzEgG<8gHg=J,gKgL,gMgDOgOj9====gPgTBgX60=gIYg%[,g\g],g^gy`<1g}agb,gcge,gfghgOiL2=gjgk,glg:n,g,ogpg2qg&rgu3=gw,gwgy,gzg|gw|&4gD}g~,gg,gggL5=ggʗBgD,gٙg-96g3=ggcggמggggtgţgh7g4,ggǬgg˭gg.L8=g^g+,ggg˵gg>99g3=gȸgι,gϻg,gggg g4F70=gVggBg?Xggggggg*:=gggggfgg g_gggggggg;ggg.K##...).#.....###  ##.....####.)...###  #.....##.####....<#  #........# #######  #####.######### #.# ##...## gy#.# ##.....## ######.###.......#..........@...# --319.1 (55.0)#####...........# #..........## g#.#...#....... #.#####.#.###.)##. .##.# .gyz# # .#..gLgH--20.1 (56gWgJ& _Found a trident.gngggŠgOggBgg7gbgNggggҲ,gggеggygLgg gggI,g0g.gggggY,gg7ggggqg#,ggggggg?  You see here a +0 trident.gge _ggg*g^ggggggggggg,gggzgggg,ggHg,gggtgg gU g gL g gh g/ ,g gv g(g[gg`g,gZgg,gggrggggg6gggkg,ggg1ggg gNg gg5,ggA!gm"g"g#gU$g$g%g1%g%gN&g{&g&g(g )gM),g*g*g*,g+g+g",gK,g,gU-g-g-gE.g/g0/gb/g 0g0g0g0gx1gh2g2g2g3g74gs4g4gY5g5g6g6g{8g#9,g9g:g7<gn<g<g>gU@g@gAgBgBgCgXCgzIngJg:JgJgLgvM,gMgNgIOgvOgOgYPgPgQgcQgERgRg Sg7SgSgeTgTgTgbWgX,gYYgZgZ,gZg[g)\gN\g~\g]g_g;_g_g agagbgXbgcgUegegfgEigDj,gjgkglglgmgcog1q,gqgs,gtgv| _f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO (gained 1)g\xgxgxgyg*zgWzgzg%{g4|g|g|gFXggɂg gkgg0,g׆gg,gTg)g̋,g'gSgҎg ggg,gbgegg2gygggg_gDgwgg&gkg,gbg"g%gdgΟg$gOggߢgWg,g?gѧgߨg&g~gg٭g)gٮgge,g^ggggglgg9g ggUgghgBg _i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ (gained 1)gg#ggg,ggggg0gggg&ggg:gg<grgg3ggggKgggg>gg4g~gg2g,gog2g,g>g%gggggi,ggHggIgggg,gggg5gg"gb,gEg}gg gg*g,ggg ,ggBgg_ggg,gg g!g"g$g)Bg)g..gS7y #...#### #.# #.######.# #......# #.# #.##...... #...##.# ##.## #.##.###.. ##.###.###...###......... #.# #..............####.g38########.#######...######## #.#.........# ##.## #.#.######..# #####.# #.#### #..###.@.#.##.433.1 (113.0)  ...## ##.....#.#+# #......#####... ###.#.....#.....## ..... ##...#........## ......# ##..#####.....### ......>####...## g8##........###.......+.......# ##...).#.....###.....####..... ##.....####.)...####...## g9g@gA,44gGgwJ9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.gO g gh g g g gC Bg g g gC g gl g gһ g" gK g{ g/ gl gX gp g{ ,g g g g g g g g g# g| g ,g gE g g g g g g g gE gB ,g g# F _You reach down and open the door.g g7 g g @  There is an open door here.g g! _g gg g ,g~ gY g g? gs g^ g ,g gN g g g; g&gggg!g~ggggE,gg=gg6gg6 g_ g g& gc ggg ggQ,ggHg,ghggg:gggp,gFgg>g ,gmgpggg g!g!g"g#gI%,g%gG&g'gA'g'g`)gl*,g*g.gN0g0,gQ2g3g3g/4g5g*7,g'8g9g9g:g0:gT;g<g<gA=g>g@gW@g@gBgC,g^DgEgG,gHgIgK,gKgMgO,gOgQgRg6SgSgrUgRW,gWgXgY,g~Zg[g\g]gB]gV^g_,g`g`gqa,gagbgcgcg dgeg;ggggggYigj,gSkglgoBg;pgrqgqgrgDsgt,g%ugXwgxg1ygyg{g|g2}g}gggځggygwgɆggg},g8ggggg3gՓ,ggg gOgԘgbgܛg ggygg1ggg,gg$,g(g3M _You now have 122 gold pieces (gained 6).gaggggʮ,gggg$,gggܵg!g[gJg,ggVgrgüg$gg,gg+g,ggg,gRgg,gggggggggAgg:gggcg,ggzgg4gg=g,ggg,gOgggggggSggg@,gg7,gg}v _o - 2 potions of heal wounds (gained 1)gg'ggQggg^ggRgggg7,gzgg[,ggrg< ,g g gm g gu gBggg?gXg,gbgg,gOgzgg8gg&ggg?gg!,gv"g5$g* ..# #.# #.#gq* #.# #.# ## #.# #######..  ##...##.###.........#  g*........@............ 536.1 (102 ##...##.##..####...  gn+#( ...##..# ###..  ######..# #..  #..# #.# .######..###.###.#  .................#  .###########.#####  #.######g 2g2,73g6g8% _Found 6 stones.g g g g1 g{ g g ,gU g g g g g* g gE g] g gi gh g gM g gj g ,g g g g g g ;  You see here 6 stones.gM g _gP gz gm g g gJ g ,gc gZ gl g gy g% g g( g1 g ?  ..#gW  #.##+ #.#... #.#.... ### #.#..... ##.###.# ######......####...##.###.....g <....'@................49.1 (12.0)......####...##.##..####g ..... #(.....##..# ##g ;.... ##.######..# #.... #.# #..# #.#+ #.######..###. #............. #.###########.#.# #. _You reach down and open the door.g Y _Found a stone staircase leading up.gۄJg_gg; _gN@  There is an open door here.gg _gݐg{gœggugg,g8ggggLg^g5,gg8g,g%g _You reach down and open the door.#.#.## # ....  #. ....  #.# ...  .....#  #.#.###.# ..#  #.....D.# #.#  ##@## #.#  ##...## #.#  ##.....## ### #.#  #.......## ##.###.#  #.........####...##.## +....<....'........... D   steam dragon (asleep)#.........####...##.####.......##g1 #(.....####.....## ##.######gs256.1 (7.0)g{D.Dg+7.1 (8g`g gL_A steam dragon comes into view. _There is an open door here.g #...  #.#.### #.... #.#.... #.#.... .....#  #.#.###.# ..# gE k#...@D..##.# ###'######.# .## #.# ##.....## ### #.# ...## ##.###.# #.........####...##.###+....<....'............#.........####...##.##.##..#(.....##.g J(catching breath)g ***  The steam dragon breathes steam at you.g g 6 _You block the scorpion's attack.gj  You slash the scorpion!  The scorpion is severely wounded.g,40gsgV _The scorpion closely misses you.g  You barely miss the scorpion.The scorpion is heavily wounded.g&5g"g)%A _The scorpion stings you but does no damage.g z  You slash the scorpion!  You kill the scorpion!gR q†g 51=g '96g g P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g ##### #.... #.#.## # # #....##.# #.#........##.#....#.@.#.##.#.#†###.# ..# #.......# #.# ###'##### #.# ##...## #.# ##.....## ### #.# #.......## ##.###.# #.........####...##. +....<....'gg2`5===-7gg u _You see here a scorpion corpse.gu Jg  _  You see here a steam dragon corpse.g 2 _g @  There is an open door here.g o=== _g g g #3g 1=g g g/ g gd gѺ k#.#.........##.#....#.......†.# ..##.#.#†###.#..##.......# #.#g  ###'##### #.# ##...## #.# ##.....## ### #.#gS  #...@...## ##.###.#-83.3 (6 #.........####...##.#+....<....'...........gǻ W#.........####...##.###.......## #(.....###.....## ##.#######...## #.#  ##+## #.##### #gn g g gg|gAggg,gX64=ggKggTP6===g~g#gag gg$T5=gg,ggg%5===gg,gg=b6=gg,gg,gigUg"7gG7===ggAg gMg,gAgg^T8=ggJg<===gg ,g~ggL9=gg,gjgg,gga ††.'.gB. _You start resting.g1603.3 (20.0)g\8===4.3 (21ggt% _Magic restored.gsgsgtgQw;40gZ{ng|Bg'}g}\1====g}gM~gfggggҁggڄgYL2=gg5,ggϊ,ggg(:3ggggfg,gg\g#4gД1=gzg,ggg˚gvg,gegegL5=g`g,ggBgFg:6g[gF,gg,ghgn97g1=gg#gxgNng68=gggQg~gOggggZ,g gg39gg}gg_gggg?go950=ggMg,gEgBghggg;X1=ggUgzgg<,ggFg{&2gg,gg,gggggg_E3=gg,ggggggV4=gg}ggg,ggg&5gg,ggW,gIg/gtL6=g1g\,g!ggSggg1O7=gg,gg,ggF gr g g g &8g7 g g gv gXgL9=gggggggZgg;$60g`3=g g,gggQggg&1gg ,g!g:#gq#g$g&,g&g*(g(b2=g),gE*gO+,g+gx,g,#3g,3=g-g4.,g.g/g/g/g0g0&4g1g7g8b5=g]9g9g9g:g:g_;g{<g<V6=g=g>,g>gJ?gb?g?g@,gAgJCgC&7gmDgtF,g)GgHg+HgHgIgIE8=g4JgK,g~KgaLgLgLgMgM#9gM3=gNNg*OgQOgOgQ,g5RgSg@TF70=gTgAX1 _HP restored.g YgEYgYg[gj\g\g\g]g^g^g_g`g@ag}a:=gbgcg:dgfdgdgdo  .......†.# ..##.#.#†###.# #.......# ###'#####  ##...##  ##.....## ## ##.......## ##.##.>.#.##.........####...#gip......'@...<....'.......706.3 (102.0)...#.##.........####... ##.......## #( ##.....##  ##...## #.#gp ##+## #.## #... #.## gpS#.# _You reach down and open the door.gs[ _Found a stone staircase leading down.g g g g; g g ; _g @  There is an open door here.g g _g gv g g) g g gZ ,g gk g ,g g g g gT g? gI ,g g gW ,g gx ,g g0 M _You now have 126 gold pieces (gained 4).g g gI g& g ,gF gV g g gQ gS g g g; g g ,g> g gN gr g gw g g g@ g g g gZ g6 g  g< g g, g ,gv g! g! g! g@" g# g$ ,g% g& g"( ,g( g) gn+ ,g+ g, g. ,g/ g0 ,g1 g2 M _You now have 132 gold pieces (gained 6).g3 4g"4 g5 g5 g5 gk6 g7 g8 g8 gZ9 g; g2< go< g< gG> g> g ? gs? g@ gA gA gB gC gD ,gYE gF gG ,g_H gI gTO b#......# ##...## #.##.....## ##+## #.##.....##..###.####.##.# ### #.###.## .. #.#gO ##...## .# . #.##.#.#.###.##.... #.##.....@......# 39.3 (33.0)##.###.###.###... ##.#.## .#gP ##.## .<### ### gT gT -40.3 (34gW gyZ ; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.ggIggcgggggglg6gا##...#.##.........####..#......###.......## #(...#......# ##.....## ##.###......# ##...## #.# #.....## ##+###.##.....# #...gG###.### # #.# #.# #####..## #.# ##.## ##.#...## #.#...#.###.#.#.###.##....##.##............##gt##.###.###.###....##.#.## #.# ##g##.## #.<### ####g, 3gǩf.0)  A malevolent force fills the Dungeon...g%/  --more--g=1  With a horrendous wail, an alarm goes off!  A sentinel's mark forms upon you.gh2==========4.3 (4Mark Fly g8@ _You hear a shout! x4g6 ......##### #(... ##.....## ##.## ##...## #.# ## ##+## # ..##.##### #.# #####..##g. ##.## #.......##...## #@#......##.#.#.###.##....# .##............####.###....Mark Fly ##gLgg[--------- 5.3 (1ggtg҇  ##.....## ##.## ##...## #.# ## ##+## # ..##.##### #.# #####..## g1##.## #.......###...## #.#......##.#.#.###@##....# .##............##.###.###.###....##g_LMark Fly ggeH---------6ggΖg  ##...## #.# ## ##+## # ..##.##### #.# #####..##g ##.## #.......###...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##....# g.##......@.....##.###.###.###....g$ ##.#.## #.# ##gG ##.## #.< g>g&7g4gg## ##+## # ..##.##### #.# #####..## ##.## #.......###...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##....# .##............###.###.###@###.... ##.#.## #.# ## ##.## #.<  ### #### 8g, F ..##.##### #.# #####..## ##.## #.......###...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##....# .##............##gl #.###.###.###.... ##.#.## #@# ## ##.## #.<...# g ### #####.#g! g" &9g& g( gN h##.##### #.# #####..## ##.## #.......##...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##....# .##............##.###.###.###....g  ##.#.## #.###.### ##.## #@<...#  ### #####g$ gL% '50g) gg+ gF? 2###.### # #.##.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.......# #.# ##...## #.#...... #.# g? ##.#.#.###.##....# #.##............## ##.###.###.###.... ##.#.## #.###.### ##.## #.@...# ### #####.# gE g6F &1g>H g`J c _There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.ggRggogC2 _g[## #####  ##.#..)####...# ###.#..##..#.# .#......#.### ##### # #.##....##...# ##...####### #.##....##.#.# #....#....##.##..##..#.# ##........#.#...##..##..#.# ##..........5##....####..@#.###......)....#..#..####.....#........))...##.###..##..##...........)..>.#..###..##..##..#.........###.###.###..####..#..##.........#.##...##...####......#............ #...##..##..##.............##.##  gn\##..###..##..##.............##..#  #...#...##....##............#.... gW]gbg-3.1 (1.8gg]\ _A mysterious force pulls you upwards. The hatch slams shut behind you.g6wgiwgxgSgK,g,g}BgՓg\ggMg'g gAggٝgggIgg,gg ggгgqg\g ,g&g g),gggw,ggg ,ggbggJgg4  Things that are here:  a +0 leather armour; a +0 war axe; an orc skeletonggR _g%gGggAgg.#.##...## .#.### ##### ###....# ##...# ##...#######......## ##.#.# #....#....##.......## #..#.# ##........#....##...# #..#.# ##..................# ...#.###......).........#..## .....#........[)........#...### .##...........[.@>......#.....# 67.1 (14.0) gI.##..#.........###.....##.....### ..#..##.........#.##...##.......# ......#................###.#..### #.............##.##........#... #.............##..##....## ##............#.......#........#....##...........##..# gQ.#.......##.........###.#gggg gT g gq g g g ,gc g[ g g g ,g g g g g ,g% gT g g g ,g# g g$ gC gf ,g g g> g g ,g g< g ,g ,gr g) l............[.gT( a 81 _You start waiting.g) m2.1 (15Fly g= ~ _The sentinel's mark upon you fades away.g~#.# #...## #.### ##### ###....# ...# ##...#######......## .#.# #....#....##.......## ..#.# ##.#....##...# ..#.# ##.# #.###......).#..## gLu#........[).#...### ##.[..@......#.....# ##..#.###.....##.....### #..##.........#.##...##.# #.......g*..###.#..### .....##.##...... .....##..##..........#.#.. g(gz13.0)gtgc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gv 4g1 g g, -4 _gG g v .......†.#  ..##.#.#†###.# ..# ... #.......# #.# #.# ###'##### #.# gK #.# ##...## #.# ## #.# ##.....## ### #.#  ##.##.###.## ##.###.# gr  ##.>.#.##...####...##.##6  #g :'..'........... g $ ##...#.##.........####...##.##  #......###.......## #(g #  #......# ##.....## ##.###### g m ## ##...## #.# #  #.....## ##+## #.###### gE e #.....##....... gi  ###.### # #.###### #.# #####..## g -#.#g3 g gt-5.6 (2.5gg { _You fly downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.ggggҶghgvQ _ggggggjggHgXgnBgF _You reach down and open the door.gvggIgl@  There is an open door here.gQg _ggg##.>.#.##.........####...##.###.......'....<....'...........##...#.##.........####...##.###......###.......## #(.....###......# ##.....## ##.#######......# ##...## #.# ##.....## ##'## #.######.....# #.# #.......##.### #@## #.######g6 #.# #####..## #.#  ##.## #.......# #.# #...## #.#......# #.# ##.#.#.###.##....###.##............##o   orc (missile, wandering)##.###.###.###.....#.## #.###o#####.## #.<...#g 92.6 (7.0  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 hand axe.g[`)o.g4==3.6 (8g)g8% _The orc shouts!g.......'....<....'...........#...#.##.........####...##.##......###.......## #(.... ##.....## ##.####gբ ##...## #.# ## ##'## #### #.# g ......##.##g@.########g  #.# #####@.##gD ##.## #.......#gg##...## #.#......#g##.#.#.###.##....## .##........g#.###.###.###o... ##.#.## #.###.###gף ##.## #.<.. ### #####g<gH((((gA<6....g<3-4.6 (1ggJ _The orc throws a boomerang. You block the boomerang.g3R#...#.##.........####...##.##......###.......## #(.... ##.....## ##.#### ##...## #.# ## ##'## #### #.# ......##.###gR###### #.# #####..## ##.## #....@..###...## #.#......###.#.#.###.##....## .##............## #.###.###.###o... ##.#.## #.###.### ##.## #.<..g Sp ### ##### gVgk_<o.g_O--5gfgjgc......##### #(.... ##.....## ##.#### ##...## #.# ## ##'## g#### #.# ......##.######### #.# #####..## ##.## #.......##g##...## #.#..@...###.#.#.###.##....## g$.##..........o.## #.###.###.###....gwv ##.#.## #.###.### ##.## #.<...#  ### #####g!gg<o.gP@-6gQggQK=7.5 (0.9ggs _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage.gV  You hit the orc.  The orc is moderately wounded.g, O F   Jeremiah (polearm, wandering)o   orc (missile)FThe orc barely misses you.gO/ -8.5 (1.0g17 g@  Jeremiah, Barachi Dreamer comes into view. They are wielding a +3 trident of _draining and wearing an orb of energy.g  Jeremiah shouts!  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!g )F)Fg 5=9.4 (0.9gH g P _Okawaru accepts your kill.gE7 ##.....## ##.#### ##...## #.# ## ##'## #### #.# ......##.######### #.# #####..## ##.## #.......####...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##.@..## .##............## g8#.###.###.###.... ##.#.## #.###.#### ##.## #.<...# ### ##### #F.gEbb--800.4 (1.0gWbb  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a boomerang gZ g`Inventory: 26/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 4 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - 2 scrolls of teleportation g}ay - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top] g:. g4 gA #......# ##.....## ##.###### morningthaw the Cleaver#......# ##...## #.# # Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....#.....## ##'###.###### Health: 70/70 ========================#.....# #.##....... Magic: 8/8========================###.### #.###.###### AC: 11Str: 21#.# #####..## #.#EV: 6Int: 9##.## #.......## #.#SH: 4Dex: 9##...## #.#......# #.#XL:  8 Next: 29% Place: Dungeon:6##.#.#.###.##.@.. gA[33m##Noise: ---------  Time: 4800.4 (0.0)#.##............##a) +0 war axe##.###.###.###....Nothing quivered##.#.## #.###.####Fly ##.## #.<...#### #####b#F   Jeremiah (polearm)#F##b#Jeremiah shouts!  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc! _Okawaru accepts your kill.Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a boomerang gFJbb gFG gN9b gP g ##...## #.# ## ##'## #### #.# ......##.######### #.# #####..## ##.## #.......####...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##.)..## .##..........@.## #.###.###.###........ ##.#.## #.###.####### ##.## #.<...#  ### #####b #Fb. g g6 g gwbb.b gC21.4 (1 _ gBibbb g gX ## ##'## #### #.# ......##.######### #.# #####..##  g r##.## #.......####...## #.#......##.#.#.###.##.)..## .##............#######.###.###.###@....... ##.#.## #.###.####### gN  ##.## #.<.bb#  ### #####. #Fb.b g  gH  g  g2  g  g1 bb.bbb g &2 g< bbbbb g  g gȀ$ Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety- go9% [?] toggle between ability selection and description. g# g, g #.....## ##'###.###### morningthaw the Cleaver#.....# #.##....... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....###.### #.###.###### Health: 70/70 ========================#.# #####..## #.#Magic: 8/8========================##.## #.......## #.#AC: 11Str: 21##...## #.#......# #.#EV: 6Int: 9##.#.#.###.##.)..##SH: 4Dex: 9#.##............######XL:  8 Next: 29% Place: Dungeon:6##.###.###.###@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 4802.4 (0.0)##.#.## [ g5740m#.###b#######a) +0 war axe##.## #.<.b.#Nothing quivered### #####b#Fly #F##b#F   Jeremiah (polearm)#.##b#Jeremiah shouts!  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc! _Okawaru accepts your kill.Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a boomerang bbbbbOkay, then.bbbbb _ g_ gbbbbbb.=3.4 (1 g4Gbbb gT _You barely miss the butterfly. g bbbbb4 g bbbbb g" X _You completely miss the butterfly.gޕbbbb..b5bbbbb _You miss the butterfly.g[ gLh bbbbbb.6.3 (0.9goq bbbbbbg%v X _You completely miss the butterfly.g) ggC% bbbbbbb7.2g,bbbbbbbg 3T _You barely miss the butterfly.g}  You completely miss the butterfly.ggHgg,g  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah's eyes momentarily flash bright red.gMbbbb○bbF8.2 (1.0bbbb○bb _Jeremiah hops!g,gu0 bbbbbbYou miss the butterfly.Jeremiah shouts, "O dreadful one, destroy my foe!"gC62---7---9g۪bbbbbbbgCU _Something smites you!g: bbbbbbgF bbbbbbgK F _Unknown command.g bbbbbbbg' g bbbbbbbg F _Unknown command.g"#.....## ##'## #.######.#.....# #.# #.###.### #.## #.##.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.......## #.# ##...## #.#......# #.#  ##.#.#.###.##.)..##  #.##.###.###.###.###.##.#.## #.###b###.## #.<bbb# ### #####b# #b##b# #b##F#gg;gg_ggCgo  Jeremiah lets out a twisted cry.ggd  Something smites you!gFob..bb.bbb.bgo   orc warriorgyb50-------6gI-------10g)b..bbbbbbbg9} _An orc warrior comes into view. It is wielding a +0 scimitar.g8!#.....## ##'## #.######.#.....# #o# #.###.### #.## #.##.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.......## #.#  ##...## #.#......# #.# ##.#.#.###.##.)..## #.##.b..b# ##.###.###.###b.  ##.#.## #.###.#g9,##.## #.<bbb# ### #####b# #.##b# o   orc warrior#b##F#gA,gD,gg`ggMBg"gjg %.obbb.bb.b..g_1-----1gbbb.bbbg#g #.....## ##'## #.###### #.....# #.#gC` # ###.### #o## #. #.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.......## #.# ##...## #.#......# #.#  ##.#.#.###.##.b..## g1 #.##.bb.bb#  ##.###.###.###. ##.#.## #.###.# ##.## #.<b..# ### #####b# #.# #b#F   Jeremiah (polearm) #b#o   orc warrior #F#ggggHg9,g)gg%gggg.g*  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2gg.ob)gbb...bb..F..bbg&2gcbbbbbgD$ _Jeremiah hops!g&#.....## ##'## #.######.#.....# #.# #.###.### #.## #.##.# #####.o## #.# ##.## #.......## #.#  ##...## #.#.b....# #.# ##.#.#.###.##.)..## #.##.bb...# ##.###.###.###b.  ##.#.## #.###b# ##.## #.<..F# ### #####.# #.g'&##.# o   orc warrior#b##b#ge-,g-g/Bg!0g0gH1g1g1g2g2g3gx3g3g4g&5gt7gAv.bb.bb...bF.F   Jeremiah (polearm)gdB&3gCKbb.bbbgPg+n #.....## ##'## #.###### #.....# #.# # ###.### #.## #. #.# #####..## #.# ##.## #b.....o## #.# ##...## #.#.b.b..# #.#  ##.#.#.###.##.b..##  #.##.#  ##.###.###.###. ##.#.## #.###b#g`o ##.## #.<.F.# ### #####.# #.# #.# #.#o   orc warrior #°#gyBgygzBg{,g{gE}g'.........obb).bbb.gX2---4gPbb).bbbgYe _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!g:#.....## ##'## #.######.#.....# #.# #.###.### #.## #.##.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.......## #.#  ##...## #.#...ob.# #.# ##.#.#.###.##b).b## #.##.g)# ##.###.###.###.  ##.#.## #.###b# ##.## #.<bF.# ### #####.# #.##.# #.# #.#g#,g!$,gZ+  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!g.g9..b.bg9&5gUbbgb _Jeremiah pinches themself.g( #.....## ##'## #.######..# #.....# #.# #. ###.### #.## #.##.# #####..## #.#  ##.## #.......## #.# ##...## #.#....b.# #.# .#.#.###.##.).b## .##.#.g .###.###.###b. ##.#.## #.###.###.## #.<bF.# ### #####.# #.# g g g gN g wb..o.F.F   Jeremiah (polearm)o   orc warriorgO &6g gI g7 #.....## ##'## #.######..  #.....# #.# #  ###.### #.## #. #.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.......## #.#  ##...## #.#....b.# #.# ##.#.#.###.##.b..## #.##.o#. ##.###.###.###gk8$.  ##.#.## #.###F# ##.## #.<.b.# ### #####.#  #.# #.# #.# g8> #.#g`J,gJgKg LgDV  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah's eyes momentarily flash bright red.Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.gh~ o)bbgJibo   orc wizard  You feel drained. The orc warrior closely misses you.grjP: 48/69 (70)-=7Draingz8bgzz _An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gVgq Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-9% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.g5g?gM #.....## ##'###.######.. morningthaw the Cleaver#.....# #o##......... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....###.### #.###.######## HP: 48/69 (70) ================--------#.# #####..## #.#MP: 6/8==================------##.## #.......## #.#AC: 11Str: 21  ##...## #.#....b.# #.#EV: 6Int: 9 ##.#.#.###.##.)..##SH: 4Dex: 9 #.##...........o########.gtO,XL:  8 Next: 29% Place: Dungeon:6 ##.###.###.###bb@........Noise: =--------  Time: 4817.2 (0.0)  ##.#.## #.###F##########a) +0 war axe##.## #.<.b.#Nothing quivered### #####.#Fly Drain#.##.#F   Jeremiah (polearm)#.#o   orc warrior#.#o   orc wizard _Jeremiah pinches themself.The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah's eyes momentarily flash bright red.Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.  You feel drained. The orc warrior closely misses you. _An orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.gVgWgWg8XgXg>a  You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Jeremiah's eyes close briefly, then snap open.gl.obbbbbgm49=5---3858.2 (1Hero Fly Draingyybbbbbg[}n _You block Jeremiah's attack. The orc warrior misses you.gJeremiah's eyes close briefly, then snap open. _You block Jeremiah's attack. The orc warrior misses you.  You slash the orc warrior!  The orc warrior is moderately wounded.  You hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!ghgggg  bbbbb The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.g 43/67--4------=9 (0.7gbbbbbgg@&/  --more--g9R _You feel drained.gF> You slash the orc warrior!  The orc warrior is severely wounded.gQ? g? gA gC gG You barely miss the butterfly. You block the orc warrior's attack.g_] o.obb.b.bb o   orc (wandering)9.6gg bb.bbbbgw k _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.g6  The orc shouts!  You slash the orc warrior!  You kill the orc warrior!gD_  Okawaru accepts your kill.gEggOgP,gNT,gXe ob).bb)bbbbo   orc wizardo   orc  gfThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.gOn*bbbbbbbgbDN6--g'F/  --more--g bbbbbbo   orc  The orc wizard gestures wildly while chanting.The orc wizard flickers and vanishes!gg.o{bbbbbgealth: 44/71 -38g20.3 _Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.Your life force feels restored.gӺbbbbbbbgc _Your base Axes skill increases to level 11!gegBgzggOgg2g%gg>g"gWFbbbb.b°b-1.0ghbbbbbb°bg\ _You closely miss the butterfly. Jeremiah hops!!gR#.....## ##'## #.######..# #.....# #.# #. ###.### #o## #.##.# #####{F## #.#  ##.## #.......## #.# ##...## #.#.b..b.# #.# .#.#.###.##bb..## .##.b.)#. .###.###.###bb. ##.#.## #.###°#  ##.## #.<bb.# ### #####.# #.##.# !g,!g..bbb.bbb...5=agic: 4/8-----2.0 (1.0!gbb.bbb!g"g .....## ##'## #.######..# .....# #.# #..### #o## #.##.# #####{F## #.# ##.## #.......## #.# ...## #.#....b.# #.# .#.#.###.##.b..## ##.bb.bb#.# .###.###.###b.#.#.## #.###.# ##.## #.<b..#  ### #####.# b..bb).bb-3bbbb#g#.....## ##'## #.######.. #.....# #.# ##.### #o## #. #.# #####{F## #.#  ##.## #.......## #.# ##...## #.#.b..b.# #.# #.#.#.###.##bb..## .##.bb)#.# #.###.###.###.b.# ##.#.## #.###b#  ##.## #.<b..# ### #####.#  #.# #g #.#  #.#  #.##g#g_ #g #g) #g #g #g #g #gb #g #g #gH#g#g#g #g#g@#gx#g;bb.)bb.bb....#g&4#gt bbbb.bb#g"$gDRA #.....## ##'## #.######..  #.....# #.# #  ###.### #.## #. #.# #####..## #.# ##.## #.b.b...## #.#  ##...## #.#.bbob.# #.# ##.#.#.###.##.)b.## #.##.bb.b#.# #$gR#.###.###.###b.#  ##.#.## #.###.# ##.## #.<...# ### #####.#  #.# #.#o   orc  #.# $g S> #.#$gX$ga,$ga$gJb$gb$gcc$g>d$gd$g#e$ge$g f$gf$g.g$g$h$gi$gj$gRk$gk$g-l$gl$gm$gfm$gn,$g\o$go$gp$gyb..bbb..bbFb.bbF   Jeremiah (polearm)$gWzT6=5$gb..bbbbbb.b.bb$g܇&g c  You barely miss the butterfly.&g6,&g&g &gh&g&g&g&g&g"&g&g{&g!,&g"&g%w  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2&g~%&g1...bb.bobb.bbbbbbo   orcP: 46/70 (71)=7 (0.7Drain&g=bbbbbbbbbb&g:Dw _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.&ggU l  You hit the butterfly but do no damage.&gd\ &gc &gd &gce &ge &ge &gf &g g &gg &gh &gVi &gi &gj &gj &gw  b....b.bbbb.bb.b  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x3&gIx (6.4&gˁ bbbbbb.bbbb&gk 2 _You block Jeremiah's attack.'g;= 'g-H You barely miss the butterfly. You miss the butterfly.'gR-b...bb.)..bbbb.'gR(7.1'g?]'galb...bbbbbb'gpe _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!'g[^  You hit the butterfly but do no damage. You completely miss the butterfly.'g#_ 'g_ 'gd` 'g` 'goa 'gb 'gb 'gc 'gZd 'ge 'g@f 'gKi o  You feel like a meek peon again.'gj 'gu b.....bbbbbb.bb.'gv TP: 5/8 ==='gBv <1648'g bbb{bbb.bb'g U _Jeremiah completely misses you.(g z  You hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!(g(gc(g(gO(g(g(g(gK(g(g`(gI(g(gF(gR(gW  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!(g'b.b.b..bo(g (&.bF{bbbb.o   orc(g(t7/69=8.7 (0.9(g3bb.bbbbbb(g9w _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.(g' (g=( (g( (g) (g* (gb+ (g+ (g9, (g, (g, (gj- (g. (g;/ (g/ (g0 (gv0 (g1 (g3 (g> gbbb...bbb.b..bbbb(g? (9.6(g$I bbbbbbbbbbb(gN _You miss the butterfly. Jeremiah barely misses you.)g  You closely miss the butterfly. You miss the butterfly.)g)gO)g)ga)g)gb)gp)g8)gA)g )g)g)g )g)g))g)g))g)gV)gs)g)g)g  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.)go )g+b.b...bb.bb)g4,bbb.bbb..)g,6/68=30.6 (1.0)g7Sbbb.bb.bbbbb.bbb)g=Q _You feel drained.)g \  You miss the butterfly.)gi )gՕ )gb ,)g ,)g )g )g )gS )g )g )g )g )gd )g )g )gM )g w  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2)gY )g )gĞ )g .bbb...bbbbbb.bobbo   orc)g V7===1)gm Hbbbbbbbb.bbb _Jeremiah barely misses you.*gqx2 _Jeremiah barely misses you.  You hit the orc.  The orc is lightly wounded.  You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!*g]*g*g*g,*g*g,*g'*gM,*g܎*ge 1/67--The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2  The orc hits you but does no damage.  --more--*g s  Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.*g J.bbbbbb.bbb.b.b.*g 0--4---2*g & bbbbbbbbb.bb*gv+ I _You feel drained.+gE|You hit the orc.  The orc is moderately wounded.+gK,+g3L+gL+gM+gM+gN+gHO+gO+gnP+gQ+gHQ+gQ+gTR+g{TwThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2+g{V{The orc hits you with a +0 dagger. Jeremiah hits you but does no damage.+g^xbbb.b.b.bbb...bb +g^n38/66-3+gj bbb.bb.bbbbb+gnQ _You feel drained.+g ]  You barely miss the orc.+gv +gt B+g +g +g +g +g ,+g) +gw +g +g +gd +g& +g +g0 +g3 +g +g +g  .b.b.bbbbbbbbbbb).oThe orc is moderately wounded.+g6 -4.5 (0.9+g *b.b.bbbbbbbbbb+g 2 _You block Jeremiah's attack.,gq #......# ##...## #.# # #.....## ##'## #.###### #.....# #. #........###.### #.## #.####### #.# #####..## #.# ##.## #b.b.bb.## #.#  ##...## #.#bbb..b# #.#  ##.#.#.###.##bbFb## ,gd #.##.......bbbb@########.###.###.###.o.........#.## #.###.###########.## #.<...#### #####.# #.# #.# #.##.#,g&,,gY',g',gE(,gv(,g(,g1),g),g),g]*,g*,g+,g+,g+,g],,g,,g-,gk-,g-,g:.,g30t  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!,g0,g8,g=,,g5Jb.bb.bbb.bbbbb##bb°....bbbF,gKc9=5.5 (1.0,gWbb.bbb.bbbbb##bb°bbb,g]e _The orc hits you but does no damage. Jeremiah hops!  Things that are here: ,g^H_a +0 scimitar; a +0 plate armour-gLOThings that are here: _a +0 scimitar; a +0 plate armour  You closely miss the orc.  You closely miss something. You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!-gu  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!You barely miss the butterfly. You slash the butterfly!-g&/  --more---gQ  #.# #.#-g -g ,-gܾ -g5 -gԿ -g> -g -gD -g -g -g9 -g -g[ -g -g/ -g -gY -g -gI -g' -g\ -g -g b...b...bbb.b..##b)bbbb.  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x3-gA You hear some strange, mumbled words.  A puff of flame appears from out of thin air!  The puff of flame misses you. The puff of flame hits the butterfly!  The butterfly dies!-g bbbbb.bb-g* \bbb*.-g%i -g^j O5===-go /  --more--.gfr  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!.gS=b..gGbbb.bb)b{bbb@.bb.g(k8-=6.4 (0.9.g/bbbb.bb)bbbbb.g60 _The orc hits you with a +0 dagger..g gYou slash the orc!  You kill the orc!.g$ Okawaru accepts your kill.You barely miss the butterfly. You miss the butterfly. You miss something..gt% ,.g& .g& .g' ,.g@( .g( .gT) .g>* .gV+ ,.g+ .g, .gs, .gO- .g- .g=. .g. .g. .gQ/ .g/ .gA9 t  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!.g9 .g: .gp; .g J .b.bb..b##b).b...bbbbb...gN W-9-7.4 (1.0.g3\ bbbb##bb...bbbbb.g a f _Something hits you but does no damage./g" #.....## ##'## #.######.#.....# #.# #........###.### #.##.######## #.# #####.b## #.# ##.## #.......## #.#  ##...## #.#.bb...# #.# ##.#.#.###b##b).{## #.##.....b...bb)########.# ##.###.###.###bb@........# .## #.###.########### # #.<..b# # #####.#  #.##F##.##.# /g{$ [40m/g$ /g2% /g* /g+2 cb.b...##b)....b...bbbb/g2 0./g@3 9=--8/g< bbb...bbbb/g@ e _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!1g#.....## ##'## #.######..# #.....# #.# #. ###.### #.## #.##.# #####b.## #.#  ##.## #.....b.## #.# ##...## #.#......# #.# .#.#.###.##b)..## .##.b...b#.# .###.###.###bb.# ##.#.## #.###b#  ##.## #.<...# ### #####.# 1gQ1g,1gr 1g 1gz 1go B1g 1g< 1gX1g1g1gr1gvb....b.)bb1g^===-91g Pbbbb1g&#e _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!2gd  You closely miss the butterfly.2g2g2g]2g2g2g12g2g,2gb##.b)bb=40.3 (0.92g"b##.bbb2g$e _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!2gp 2g 2gɈ 2g 2gE ,2g 2g< 2g 2gܝ 2gE 2gz 2g 2g c40=2g 2g 2g 2gͷ 2g; 2gս 2g 2g 2g 2g{ 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g t _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!2g 2g, 2gx 2g 2gz 2g 2g_ 2g} F...## ##'## #.######..###. ...# #.# #... .### #.## #.###. .# #####b.## #.# #. .## #.....b.## #.# #. 2g ..## #.#......# #.# #. .#.###.##.b..## #. .......b...)########.# #. ##.###.###.)b...@....# ##-.## #.###.### 2gr .## #.<...# ## #####.# 2g" b2.3 (2.0  A magic dart appears from out of thin air!2g0^ 2gd \b.{2gwe 37-4---=3.3 (32gj 2gm . _The magic dart hits you.3gK .## ##'## #.######..###.# #.# # #.### #.## #.# #.# #####b.## #.# # #.## #.....b.## #.# #.## #.#......# #.# # #.#.###.##.b..## # 3gL &#.b...b#.# ##.###.###.).{.@.....# .#.## #.###.# #.## #.<...## #####.#  #.#  #F#  #.#  #.#3gQ X3gR 3gS 3g\ fbb)..FF   Jeremiah (polearm)8--4.3 (13g8d [bb3gf 4g@  You closely miss something.4g 4g4g4g/ )b.).bThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah throws their arms up pleadingly.4g2---3------=5.2 (0.94gLbb4g: _Something smites you! Something hits you but does no damage.4g,9  You slash something!4g4g 4gG4g ..)###Fb....  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!4g5m4====6.2 (1.04g8b4gbf _Something hits you but does no damage.4gb64g"7,4g'<4gG F.b°bbYou barely miss something. Jeremiah hops!4gmH5-7.1 (0.94gNUTbb4gvYf _Something hits you but does no damage.5gqB5gxr,5gs5gt5g.u5g bFbbb.  You hit something but do no damage.5g bFbbbbYou hear some strange, mumbled words.  A magic dart appears from out of thin air!5gkbFbbbb..{5gh9----8.05gD{bFbbb5gFA _The magic dart hits you but does no damage.5gX3 ,5gH4 5g&5 5g[6 5g6 5gP7 5g7 5g7 5g8 5gD .Fb)bb9.0 (1.05gN ebbb5gQ _You closely miss something. Something hits you but does no damage.6gB6g}6g+6g 6gJ6g6g%6g6gë6g bFbb.)bYou closely miss something.6g3 bFbbbYou hear some strange, mumbled words.6gGubFbb6gHT====50.1 (1.16gRkbFbbb6gVn _Something tries to affect you, but you resist.6g n6g"?  You barely miss something.6g$6g3 .FbbbbJeremiah whispers, "I obey. I obey. I obey."6g~4R30-1.0 (0.96g=kbbb6g@f _Something hits you but does no damage.6g 6gy 6g 6g 6g ,6gf 6g 6g .bFbbbb6g d28-2.0 (1.06g bFbbbb6g r _You completely miss something. Something hits you.7gy  You hit something.  Okawaru accepts your kill.7g}  Reactivating autopickup.7g~,7g7g7gb,7g7g7g,7gR b)b)b.)bYou feel a bit more experienced.7gj774137gbFbb)bb7gQn _Jeremiah howls, "Why can't I wake up?"8gf~## ##'## #.######..###.# #.# #. .### #.## #.#. .# #####b.## #.# #. .## #.....b.## #.# #.## #.#......# #.# #. .#.###.##.)..## #. .bFb)########.# #..###.###b)b.).@....# # #.## #.###b# 8gx.## #.<...#  #####.# #F# 8g],8g8g8g8gr8g8gbbb).b.8gJ9-48gWbbb8g^8g)## ##'## #.######..###.## #.# #. ### #.## #.#.# # #####b.## #.# #.# ## #.....b.## #.# #.# .## #.#......# #.# #.# #.###.##.)..## #.#bFbb########.# #. #.###.###b).b)..@...# # .## #.###.# # ## #.<...# # # #####.# # #F# #.# # #.# # # 8g/8g8g8g8g^bb.bb.8g`5===-58gpbbbb8g 9gɎ49g9g9g9gV9g̚9g9g)9g9gž9g9g9,9gۥ9gG9g9g-9g|T## ##'## #.######..###.## # #.# #.. #.## #.##.##  #####b.## #.# #.##  #.....b.## #.# #.#.. # #.#......# #.# #. ###.##.)..## .##.#..bFb)########.# #...# ###.###.)..)....@.# ###..7.0 (2 # #.###.## #.  #.<...# #..  #####.# ## #F# #.# ###.# #..#..9g:g ##...#.# #..# #.# ##'##.######..###.### #.# #................. #.## #.###########.######b.## #.# #.####  #.....b.## #.# #.#...  #.#......# #.# #.#.# :g;0##.##.)..## #.# #.#... ....bFb)########@# #...## ##.###.)..)......# ###...#.###.############.##.<...# #...#####.# #####.# #F#  #.# #####.##.:g^308.0 (1:g&:g:g :g(!:g*':g(:g YM##.....## ##.#####.##...## #..# #.# # ##'########..###.###:g  ................ #.## #############b.## ###....b.#.  #.#......# ##.##.)..## #... ....bFb)########...## #)..)......:g ###..###.#############.<...##...:g :g` D===9:gi :g. ;g];g;g;g;g;gB;g;gM1=;g;g78 #.........####...##.##..####... ###.......## #(.....###..##.....## # #.. # ##...### #..# #.# # ##'... #.# ................ #.## ##########.########b.## ###  #.....b61.0 (2  #.#......# #.#.#..)..## #.. ....bFb)##.#...## ##.###.)..)......####...#.###.############.#.;gu$;gK&;gOk ;gk ;gPm ;gqv ;gx ;gWy ;g} n;gȃ T#......... .'....<....'..................... ##.........####...##.##..####... ###.......## #(.....#;gH ##..##.....## # #.. # ##...### #..# #.# # ##'#####... #.# ................;g R #.## ##########.####3####b.## ###  #.....b#.#......# #.##.#.#. Fly Drain ##.##.)..## #.##.#...;g< 1;g؅ ;g ;g+ <g## ##.###.# #######.. #.........####...##.#### '....<....'.................. #..##...##.##..####... #..#(.....##..# ###..  ##..##.######..# #..  ##...#.# #..# #.# ##'##.######..###.###.##.# #.@............... #.## #.###########.# #####b.## #.# #.##### #.....b.## #.# #.#... #.#......# #.# #.#.#.# #.##.)..## #.# #.#... ...bFb)########.# #...### #.###.)..)......#[40<g\m ###...# #.###.############.#.#<g <gi2=6===4.0 (1<ge<gw=g=g=g=gʵ=g=g3=gV.......## ##.###.# #######.. .####...##.###..# ...<....'....... .####...##.##..####... .......## #(.....##..# ###.. #.....## ##.######..# #.. ##...## #.# #..# #.#  ##'## #.######..###.###.# #.# #...# 6.0 (2#.## #.##.##### b.## #.# #.## ....b.## #.# #.#.......# #.# #. ##.)..## #.# #.#...#.. .bFb)##.# #...## ###.)..)......# ###...#.. ###.## #.=g=g=g=gi=g=g=g3====gG=g,=g=gU,=gS=gL=gT4==gr=g0=g=g =g=gUN7====g=g=gW=g65==gܟ=g=g~..FF   Jeremiah (polearm)=g      <   #( ###..   #..  #.# #..# #.# =g ##'## #.######..##  #.# #...@....... 74.0 (8  #.## #F##########  #.#  #.#  #.# )..## #.# ) )..)  _You start resting.=ggݡ#.## ##.###.# #...####...##.###.#.<....'..####...##.##..####... #.## #(.....##..# ###.. ##.....## ##.######..# #..  ##...## #.# #..# #.# ##'## #.######..###.###.# #.# #.# #.## #F#.######b.## #.# #..b.## #.# #.# .#......# #.# #.#.#.#. .##.)..## #.# #.#...# ..bFb)#.# #... .###.)..)......# ###...# .###.# #.#.#. bJeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.2/66-=5.0 (1b _[>g631mYou feel drained.?gI,?ge[ bYou barely miss the butterfly.Jeremiah howls, "Why can't I wake up?"Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.?g:\4=6---6.1 (1.1?g_kb _You feel drained.?gF?g bbbYou miss the butterfly.Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.?g0/63-7.0 (0.9Drain ?gD]bbb?g_Q _You feel drained.?gz bbb2-8.0 (1.0?gh Qbb?g _You miss the butterfly. Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.@gs  You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!@g!u@glD bbbThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.29/609@gR]bbb@gQ _You feel drained.@g@g@gbbb@....F○@gR30=---@g 80@gpebbb@gd _You closely miss the butterfly. Jeremiah hops!Ag.## ##.###.# #.. ####...##.###.# <....'.Ag| ####...##.##..####... .## #(.....##..# ###.. .....## ##.######..# #.. ##...## #.# #..# #.#  ##'## #b######..###.###.# #.# #bb.@...F.# #.## #○#AgC.##### b.## #.# #.#b.## #.# #.#. #......# #.# Ag#.#.#.#.# ##.)..## #.# #.#...#. .bFb)#.# #...# ###.)..)......# ###...#. ###.# #.#.#.#AgBAg$AgAgbb..b@..bbAg'-1Agbbb@..bbAg۳Agv ## ##.###.# #.. ####...##.###.# <....'. ####...##.##..####... ## #(.....##..# ###.. .....## ##.######..# #.. ...## #.# #..# #.# ##'## #b######b.###.###.#  #.# Agw #..b.@.bF.#  #.## #b#.##### b.## #.# #.#b.## #.# #.#. ......# #.# #.#.#.#.#. #.)..## #.# #.#...#. bFb)#.# #...#####..)..)......# ###...#..# Agw /#.#.#.#.Ag Ag ,Ag Ag: Ag7 Ag] bbb.@bb.Ag׏ ^7===-2AgԨ bbb.@bbAg Bg4Bg5Bg6Bg6BghL .bbb.@bbYou miss the butterfly.Jeremiah mumbles a slurred invocation.20----5------==9 (0.9BgVbbb.@bbBg+WU _Something smites you!Bgz |  You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!BgK| Bg| Bg } Bg>} Bgn} Bg} Bgv~ Bg Bg6 Bg Bg Bg Bg      <   #( ###..   #..  #.# #..# #.#  #.######b.###  #.# #...b@b.F....  #.## #b###########  #.#  #.#  #.# )..## #.# ) )..)  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah lets out a twisted cry.Bg_     <  Bg_  #( ###..   #..  #.# #..# #.#  #.######b.###  #.# #...b@b.F....  #.## #b###########Bg_ e  #.#  #.#  #.# )..## #.# ) Bg2` a)..)  Bgh .b...b@bbFbbBgi 5Something smites you!Bgxi >8/60 (71) Bgi ---------2---------------3.8Bg%r bb@bbbBgw V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *Cg0CgInventory: 26/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon) Cg b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) Cg v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 4 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon Cg r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - 2 scrolls of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]Dg n  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)xcloak Jewellery (go to first with "=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flightDg-  (left hand) Scrolls ?)  f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 4MYWKAIMASHRI Dg^  m - a scroll of enchant weaponr - a labelled REPUHOADIA Dg  t - 2 scrolls of teleportation  ybrand Potions (go to first with !) Dg  d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste33%Dg?  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  d - a potion of mightl - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - 2 potions of heal woundsp - 2 potions of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potionbotEg o  y - a scroll of brand weapon  d - a potion of mightEg t - 2 scrolls of teleportation. A scroll that translocates the reader to a random position after a short delay. Reading this scroll while waiting for a teleportation will instead cancel it. It is a common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item scroll Eg “Eiris sazun idisi  sazun hera duoder  suma hapt heptidun  suma heri lezidun  suma clubodun  umbi cuoniouuidi  insprinc haptbandun  inuar uigandun  [Once sat women,  they sat here then there.  some fastened bonds, (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.EgpEg wEgI......## ##.###.# #######..morningthaw the Cleaver .......####...##.###.........#Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **.... ..<....'.....................HP: 8/60 (71) ===--------------------- .......####...##.##..####...MP: 2/8======------------------ ......## #(.....##..# ###..AC: 11Str: 21 .....## ##.######..# #..EV: 6Int: 9 #...## #.# #..# #.#SH: 4Dex: 9 ##'###.######b.###.###.#XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6  #.#Eg#...b@bbFb........#Noise: ==-------  Time: 4883.8 (0.0)  #.###b###########.#####a) +0 war axe ##b.## #.##.######## Nothing quivered ...b.## #.##.#....... Tele Fly Drain ......# #.##.#.#.#.#. #.)..## #.#Egk#.#...#... F   Jeremiah (polearm) bFb)########.##...#####. ##.)..)......####...#... ##.############.#.#.#.You kill the butterfly!The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah lets out a twisted cry.EgSomething smites you! _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *As you read the scroll of teleportation, it crumbles to dust.EgwEgЇEgEgEgEgJEg{Eg۔bbb.b.@bbF..b.Eg-4--4.8 (1Egcbbb.b.@bbF..bEg  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah lets out a twisted cry.  Something smites you! _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  As you read the scroll of teleportation, it crumbles to dust. _You feel strangely unstable.HgN@\  You miss the butterfly.Hg6A,HgBHg}BHgBHg1CHgHHg3I,HgQ.b....@bbF.bbHgQV=-5.7 (0.9HgpbbbF.bbHgue _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Hg z  You hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!Hg2 BHg Hg Hg Hg  Hg2 ,Hg bbbbF...bbHgd B96.6Hg' bbbbF...bbHg+ e _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Ig#bbbbF...bb .'.......#####  ##.....#  .###..## #...####.#  <#.## #.#.####.#  ###### #.#...##.#   #+# #.###.##.#  ##.# #.# #.##.#  .###### #.###.##.#  .#......# #.....@..#  ....###.# #####.####  .....##.# #.#  .###.# #.#  ..#######.#  .#.###.)........#  Ig  ##.# ##.#########     #.####.#      #......#   You miss the butterfly.-7.6 (1.0 _Your surroundings suddenly seem different.KgcKg KguKg_Kg,KgKg,KgF,KgKg }10/60 (71)=Kgl Kg KgsKgV3===KgMKgkKgKg1KgKgKgKgBT1=Kgw$Kg'Kg),Kg*Kg3#### #+# #.###.##.# ...###.# #.# #.##.# ...##.###### #.###.##.# ...#......# #........# Kgq4>........###.# #####.#### .........##.# #.# ........###.# #.# ...#........#######.# ####.#.###.)....@...# -94.6 (7  .##.# ##.#########  .# #.####.#   #......#   ########  Kg44Kgh5KgCLgeF 4LgF LgL LgO Lg:T h===Lg%U N2Lg2Y ,LgY Lg)Z LgZ Lg*] Lgd^ ,Lg@_ Lg4a LgVc ,Lg3g ,Lg+h Lgsh O3=4Lgh 3===Lgi Lgk Lgl ,Lgm Lgo Lg+q ,Lg6r Lgt Lgv j4=Lg{ ,Lg>| Lg| <===Lg} Lg Lg BLg ...).#.....###.....####........#..####.)...###..## #...####.#....<#.## #.#.####.#..# ######### #.#...##.# ###.######### #+# #.###.##.#  #.# ##...###.# #.# #.##.#  #.# ##.....##.###### #.###.##.#  #.###.......#......# #........#  #.............@###.# #####.####905.6 (11.0)#####...........##.# #.#  #..........###.# #.#  #.#...#........#######.#  #.#####.#.###.)........# Lg \##. #.##.# ##.######### # ..# #.####.# ### #......# ########Lg Lg[ Mg7 Mg Mg Mg v5=Mg nMg\  ###.....###........>####...##  ##........###.......'.......### ##...).#.....###.....####........ #.....####.)...###..## #...####. .....##.####....<#.## #.#.####. Mg ........# ######### #.#...##. ####.######### #+# #.###.##. #.# ##...###.# #.# #.##. #.# ##.....##@###### #.###.##.7.6 (2.0) #.###.......#......# #........Mg #..............###.# #####.########...........##.# #.# #..........###.# #.# #.#...#.........##.#####.#.##.)........###. #.##.# ##.########## ..# #.####.#Mg Mg Mg{ Ng74NgNg9,NgNgf5===NgNg?6=NgnNgNg7===NgNg,NgvNgVNgJ8=Ng/NgNgNgFNg#Ng|P6===NgNg Ng Ng&Ng=NgT9=NgNgNgNgNgNg0<===NgNg,NgqK20=NgNg ,Ng!Ng$,Ng%Ng'Ng(T1=NgC+Ng,97NgC-+===Ng.Ng0Ng]0Ng1Ng&4,Ngs6Ng7N2Ng&9Ng);Ngy;5===NgR<Ng>NgT>NgE?NgSDv3=NgENgENgGNgH,NgINgRx 4=.. Ng,S;_You start resting.NgZ0358.0)Ng([\8===6.6 (29Ngd; _Magic restored.Ng] Ng Ng> Ng8 Ng Ng Ng Ngc Ng Ng ,Ngk Ng 25====Ng Ng ,Ngi Ng Ng Ng9 Ng^ Ng L6=Ng$ Ng ,Ng Ng" ,Ng# Ng$ Ng$ :7Ng& Ng. BNg0 Ng'1 NgG3 NgN9 ,Ng: Ng< NgK= T8=Ngu> Ng6@ ,NgGA NgC NgC Ng7E NgvI x9=NgJ Ng(K NgUL NgN Ng%O Ng*P NgR NgWR U30=NgTS NgU ,NgV NgY NgY NgZ Ng\ Ng\ Ng_ Nga Nga L1=Ngc Ngh XNgh Ng j NgKl Ngm :2Ngn Ngxo ,Ngp Ngzr Ngs ,NgJv Ngv T3=Ngw Ngy Ng!z Ng{ Ng} ,Ng~ Ng Ng Ng Ng Ng@ #4Ngk )=Ng BNg Ng ,Ng Ngt j5=Ng Ng Ng b6=Ng nNgo Ng ,NgF Ng P7Ng3 Ng ,NgD Ngѻ ,Nga Ng j8=Ng NgX Ng Ng Ng ,Ng Ng b9=Ng NgC Ng Ngh Ng NgJ NgT Ng ,Ng= 40=Ng ,Ng Ng Ng Ng@ Ng NgU E1=Ng Ngi ,Ng+ XNg P2Ng Ng Ng Ng' Ng nNg NgNgH43=Ng?NgCNgNgNg ,Ng Ng n4=Ng]Ng,NgNgM,NgCNgeb5=NgNgABNg8CNgCNgDNgJBNgKl6=Ng0MNg~ONgONgQNgT,NgUNgZ<7Ng]Ng_NgJ`NgJaNg_cNgcNgdNg:gNggL8=NghNgonNgqpNg,rNgrNgsNgvNgwO9=Ng=xNgzNgB{Ng*|Ng~NgN~NgNgNg$50Ng>)=NgNg\NgNgNgNgNNgNgNg|O1=NgNg ,NgNgN,NgBNg3NgNg&2NgNg,NgNg,NgBNguNgĨ#3Ng)=NgNg',Ng[NgpNgNgNgNgO4=NgSXNgV,NgNgX,NgNgNgL5=NgNgNgCNg>Ng,Ng8Ngl6=NgENg,NgNg,Ngh7NgWNgNgNg*NgwNg\NgNg5Ng|Ngb8=NgNg,NgNg,NgNgNgV9=Ng-NgNgeNgbNg,NgNg4_ _You start resting.Ng 35055.6 (119.0)Ng\60=6.6 (120NgNgT" _HP restored.Og, 4Og Og Og XOgG Og Og@ Og OgH Og Og BOg :=Og[ Og OgE ,Og Og Og ,Og Og} Og Ogc Og Ogy Og8 ,Ogw OgL ?  You see here a +0 trident.Og b _OgJ Og Og Og% Ogz BOg Og{ ,Og Og% ##### #+# #.###.##.#  #...###.# #.# #.##.#  .....##.###### #.###.##.#  .......# #........#  ....###.# #####.####  ..##.# #.#  .........###.# #.#  #...#........#######.#  Og: U#####.#.###.)...@....#  68.0) ..# ##.#########  # ..# #.####.# ### #......# ########         Og! Og& Og' Pg$Pg%Pg%Pg+Pg-PgJ.Pg'2XPg2Pg4Pg^9Pg9Pg:Pg(<Pg<,Pg=PgE?Pg?Pg?Pg@PgMBPg~BPg CPg6EPgF,PgZGPg IPgJ,PgKPgMPgiOPgOPgPPgVr.###.......'.......#####  ...###.....####........#  .)...###..## #...####.#  ##....<#.## #.#.####.#   ######### #.#...##.#  #### #+# #.###.##.#  ###.# #.# #.##.#  ....##.###### #.###.##.#  .....#......# #.@......#  70PgW.......###.# #####.####  .........##.# #.# ........###.# #.# ...#........#######.# ####.#.###.)........#  #.##.# ##.#########  ..# #.####.# ### #......#PgBXPgcPgeQgQgQg QgQg= XQg ,Qg!Qg'#Qg$,Qg2%Qg&Qg(,Qg)Qg)Qgf*,Qg*Qg/...#.#+## #.# ....## ###.# .###... ##...# .###.......## ##..### ###........>####...## ..###.......'.......##### .###.....####........# #.)...###..## #...####.# ###....<#.## #@#.####.# 83.6 (5.0)  ######### #.#...##.# ##### #+# #.###.##.# #...###.# #.# #.##.# ..##.###### #.###.##.# ......#......# #........# .........###.# #####.#### Qg/[40m..........##.# #.# .........###.# #.# Qg2Qg+4Qg QgX ,Qg Qg) Qg6  ##.## #.# ##..# #####.# #.#  #..###...#.# #.#  ##.....#.#+## #.# .....##....## ###.# #.....###.....## ##...# .###.......## ##..### ....###........>####...# ......###.......@.......##### 9.6 (6 ).#.....###.....####........# .####.)...###..## #...####.# #.####....<#.## #.#.####.# # ######### #.#...##.# ######### #Qg +# #.###.##.# # ##...###.# #.# #.##.# # ##.....##.###### #.###.##.# ###.#......# #........#Qg g _There is an open door here.Rg JRg' Rg Rg ; _Rg P  There is an escape hatch in the floor here.Rg Rg _Rg Rg& Rg RgH Rg Rg Rg Rg` Rg RgO Rgt RgI Rg Rg Rg Rg: Rg Rg< RgN Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg Rg RgQ Rg ,Rg^ Rg Rg RgI RgB Rg Rg> ,Rg! Rg$ Rg& Rg^& Rg{' Rg) Rg, Rgq, Rg- Rg00 Rg2 Rg;3 Rg4 Rg 7 Rg9 ,Rg,; Rg= RgzA RgA Rg5C RgTN =  You see here a +0 flail.RgQ RgQ _RgR RgT RgLV RgV RgBW RgY Rg^ Rga^ Rg_ RgKa Rgc ,Rg>d Rg[l ## ##.....#.#+## #.# ....####.....##....## ###.# #.....#.....###.....## ##...# ...###.......## ##..###  ###.....###........>####...##  ##........###.......'.......###  ##...[.#.....###.....####....... Rgl ##.....####.)...###..## #...#### #.####...@<#.## #.#.####109.6 (20.0) #........# ######### #.#...## #####.######### #+# #.###.##  #.# ##...###.# #.# #.##  #.# ##.....##.###### #.###.##  #.###.......#......# #.......  #..............###.# #####.## Rg3m  #####...........##.# #.# #....###.# #.#Rgn Rg@t Rgu SgSgzSg SgGSgSgSgBSgSg,SgSgMSgSgSg Sgי,Sg5SgSgSgSgY,Sg>SgSgĦSgSg{SgSg:SgSgdSgSg/Sg?SgSg%Sg۹Sg&BSgSg8Sg<,Sg$SgSgr,SgSg .....####.....##....## #.....#.....###.....# #........###....... ###.....###........ ##........###...... ##...[.#.....###....Sg ##.....####.)...### #.....##.####....<#. #...@....# #####21.6 (12 #####.######### #+#  #.# ##...###.#  #.# ##.....##.# #.###.......#.... #..............##  #####...........#  #..........##  #.#...#...... SgSgTgUTgTgTgTghTg BTgTgTgTglTg,TgSTgTg,TgTgTgTg_Tg Tg(Tg],Tg^TgTg,TgHTgTgTg##........###.......'....##...[.#.....###.....####.##.....####.)...###..## ##.....##.####....<#.## ##........# ######### ######.######### #+# ##.# ##...###.# ##.# ##.....##.###### #.#.###.@.....#......# #.30.6 (9.0)#..............###.# #######...........##.# #..........###.# #.#...#........#####.#####.#.###.)....##. #.##.# ##.##### ..# #.####.#### #......#TgcTgUg$4Ugl%Ug+Ugc.,Ug2,Uge3,Ug4UgF6Ug|7Ug98Ug8Ug:Ug;Ug1<Ug<Ug?Ug@Ug!AUgBUgCUgEUgEUgFUgjHUgJ,UgjKUgMUghP,UgRUgTUgZBUg[Ug^,Ug^`UgjbUgd,UgWfUghUgjUgkUgmUgpUgQr,UgsUg!{9. ##.##  #.######..# #####.#  #### #..###...#.#  ...## ##.....#.#+##  .....####.....##....##  #.....#.....###.....## #........###.......## ##.....###........>###Ug{v#....@...###.'.43.6 (13.0)##...[.#.....###.....###.....####.)...###..###.....##.####....<#.##........# ##############.######### #+##.# ##...###.##.# ##.....##.#######.###.......#......#Ug|UgȁUgUg^ 4Ug Ug Ug ,Ug- ,Ug ,Ug Ug  #.# #............ ##.#######...##### #.........# ##.##Ug  #.######..# #####. #### #..###...#.# ...## ##.....#.#+## .....####.....##....## #.....#.....###.....##  #....## 5.6 (2.0) ###.....###........> ##........###.......'.Ug< 8 ##...[.#.....###.....## ##.....####.)...###..## #.....##.####....<#.###........# ##############.######### #+# #.# ##...###.#Ugޟ Ugs Ug+ Vg`FVgFVg]LVgMWgG2Wg2WgR4Wgg8Wg=XWg#?,Wg?WgAWgtF ##.###.###...## #.# #......... ########.#######...## #.........# ##.## #.######..# #####.# ###### #..###...#.# >....## ##.....#.#+## #.....####.....##....## #...@.#.....###.....#7 ###........###....... ###.....###. ##........###...... ##...[.#.....###.... ##.....####.)...###..WgGO #.....##.####....<#.# #........# ##############.######### #+#WgKWgxK$8.6 (3WgNWg7P; _Found a stone staircase leading down.XglXgXgLXgtXg3XgXg,XgXgDXgGXgXgXg]XgXgXgOXgXgXgXgXgXgXgXg'XgqXg6XgXg@Xg}XgXgXgY,XgXgXgXgmXgXgXgXgSXg4XgXgXgXgbXgXgJ,XgXg$XgXg`Xg'Xg=XgXgXg}XgXg,Xg.Xg Xg,XgXgnXgJXg BXg+Xg30Xg1Xg2Xgh3Xg3Xg4Xg=6XgI7Xg8,Xg9Xg:,Xg;Xgn<Xgp=Xg=Xg=XgFXgHHXgHXgHXgOnXgP,XgxQXgTXgU,Xg WXg\Xg^,Xg_XgdXgfXgVfXg=gXgjXgclXglXgnXgpXgq,XgLrXg-tXgu,XguXgjxXg>y,XgyXg{Xg||,Xg|XgXgXgXgPXg؇XgT,XgɉXgXgBXgXg`,Xg3Xg]Xg,XgXgaXg,XgXXgsXgXg,XgXg]XgXgXg]Xg8XgXgXgWXgXg,Xg$XgXgXgPXg=XgXg,XgXgIXg,XgXgEXg,XgtXgXgkXgXgXgXgXg,XgXgXgXgXgXgF _You reach down and open the door.XgmXgXgXg@  There is an open door here.XgXg: _XgXg Xg+ Xg Xg Xg XgVXgXgXg)XgXgiXgXg#Xg,XgXgXgNXgXg"XgXgy ,XgI!Xg"Xg#Xg#Xg#Xg$Xg%Xg%Xg%Xg&Xg'BXg(Xg:),Xg)Xga*XgM,Xg,Xg,Xg.Xg/Xg(0Xg[0XgQ2XgI3Xg3Xg3XgH5Xg6Xg6Xg7Xga9Xg:Xg:Xg;Xg=Xg?,XgAXgBXg>DXgDXg4EXgFXgHXgHXgHXgJXgZLXgLXg+MXgNXgcPXgQXgqQXgRXgITXgTXgUXgVXgcXXgXXg\YXg[Xg\,XgY]XgZ_XgaXg`aXgaXgcXgeXgbeXgeXggXgiXgDiXgiXgCkXglXglXgSmXgoXg q,XgqXgsXgwt,XgtXgvXgxXgixXgxXgzXgT|Xg|Xg }XgR~XgeXgXgXg)Xg]XgXgKXgÆXg,XgĈXgXgOXgXgËXgXgލ,XgWXgWXg,XgXgXgx     ##   .#   .#   o#   ### .#  Xg ##.###.#####  ####....@.....#  +.....#######.#  ###...#  #.##.#  #.#..#  #.#..#   o   orc (asleep)#+#######...#  Xg#.##...###..######  #.#.....##........  Xg' 245.6 (97.0)  An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.XgƧy.ooXgLK====6.6 (98XgDXg% _The orc shouts!Xge % .. .  .##  ..#  Xgf B#.#   #.#  ### #o#   ##.###@#####  ####..........#  +.....#######.#  ###...#  #.##.#  Xgf #.#..#   #.#..#  Xgf #+#######...#  #.##...###..######  Xgo Xg]p f=---7.6 (1.0)Xgw Xgx : _The orc hits you but does no damage.XgDp  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!Xg e)XgI---8.5 (0.9XgXgiP _Okawaru accepts your kill.Yg4YgYgX Yg:_No target in view!YgϾYgSYg)YgAYg.Yg; _Yg>  You see here a +0 dagger.YgYg0 _YgWYgYgYg_YgYgYg$YgrYgYgnYg ##.## ##...## ###...<.## ........ #..... Yg2#...  #.##  #@.# -52.5 (4.0 ##.#  #.#  ### #)# Ygi ##.###.##### ###..........# +.....#######.#  Ygt###...#  #.##.#  YgYgE-3.5 (5YgYg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.Yg Yg Yg Yg YgC Yg Yg# nYg$ Yg% ,Ygr& Yg* nYg, ,Yg, Yg- Yg/ ,Yg0 Yg[2 YgP3 Yg3 Yg3 Yg4 Yg5 Yg6 Ygd6 Yg[7 Yg68 Ygp8 Yg8 Yg9 Yg: Yg: Yg?; Yg4> YgA ,YgaB YgC YgD Yg8E YgE YgF YgG ,Yg-H YgH YgPI ,YgI YgjJ YgK ,YgL YgL YgM ,Yg]N YgS YgKT YgTU Yg(V ,YgV YgX Yg6Y ,Yg[ N _You now have 144 gold pieces (gained 12).Yg[ 4Yg\ Yg] Yg^ ,Yg _ Yg_ Ygp` Yg` ,Ygb Ygm * _You reach down and open the door.Ygjo @  There is an open door here.Ygp 6 _Ygq Ygqr Ygt BYg!u Ygu Ygv Ygdv Yg>w YgGx ,Ygx Ygz| ,Yg[} Yg M _You now have 150 gold pieces (gained 6).Yg 4Yg Yg# YgW Yg Yg{ Yg YgZ ,YgP Yg Yg Yg] Yg YgF F _You reach down and open the door.Yg 4Yg Yg v  There is an open door here. _YgW Yg Ygb Yg Yg# Yg Yg ,Yg Yg Yg ,YgŢ Yg Yg ,YgR Yg Ygu ,Yg Yg Yg ,Yg Yg< ##...#.# #....... .# ##...### #.# ##..# ..# ..# #..####.# #.# #.....#.# #.# ##'####Yg 5#.# #.#####.# ##...## ### #.# #...@...# ##.....####.###.# #######..## ##.......# ###...##.###.........###......... .......................'......... ###...##.##..####....###.........#(.....##..# ###...# ##.......###.######..# #.....# ##.....###.# #..# #.###.# ##...## #.######bb###.###.# ##+####Yg \96.5 (43.0)7.5 (44Yg Yg Q _A - a pink potionZg Zg Zg Zg ZgP Zg BZgV ,Zg Zg( Zg Zg Zgp Zg Zg Zg% Zg Zg Zg/ Zg Zgm Zg Zg/ Zg ,Zg3 Zg] ,Zg Zg[ Zg ,Zgo Zg Zg ,ZgH ZgJ Zg ,Zg Zg Zgh ,Zg ZgV Zg! Zg<" ,Zg# Zg(% ,Zg% Zgn' Zg( ,Zg) Zg + Zg, ,Zg- ZgQ/ Zg=1 ,Zg1 Zg3 Zg4 Zg.5 Zg5 ZgB7 Zg8 ,Zg%9 Zg: Zg< ,Zg> ,Zg? Zg@ ,ZgA ZgPB ,ZgB ZgC Zg=F XZgG Zg]G ZgG ZgI ZgJ ZgnJ ZgJ Zg.L Zg&M ZgM ZgM ZgS ZgbT ZgT ZgT ZgW[ XZg_ Zg` Zg=a Zga Zgd ZgCe ,Zge ZgPh Zg4i Zgyi Zgi Zgk ZgOm ,Zg@n Zgo ZgVq ,Zgq Zgs Zg6v BZg'w Zgix Zgx Zgy Zgz Zg| Zg]| Zg| Zgr~ Zg Zg% Zg ZgJ XZgֆ Zg Zg Zg Zgp Zg ZgF Zg Zg Zgk Zgɐ ZgI Zg ZgB ,Zg Zgw Zg Zgٗ Zg/ Zg Zg" Zg| Zgۛ ZgM Zg ,Zg Zg Zg{ ,Zg Zg Zgo Zg Zg Zgy Zg ZgL Zg Zg Zgw ,ZgL Zg Zg ,Zg Zg Zg ,Zg޺ Zgϼ Zg XZg* ,Zg Zg Zg Zg" Zg{ Zg Zgq Zg Zg Zg Zg ,ZgA Zg Zg Zgs ,Zg Zg, Zg Zg Zg5 Zg Zg ,Zg* Zgp Zg ,Zg[ Zg Zg6 Zg ,Zg Zg Zgt Zgz b ### #.....#### ##.... .###.#.## # .##.# #....##F########## #.......#..........@.....# #......Zg!{ &359.5 (62 ..##.#....##.########.# #.###. .......†.# #.## #.# #.###.#.#†###.# #..# #.# # ... #.......# ##.# #.# ### #.# ###'##### #.# #.# # F   Jeremiah (polearm, wandering) #.# ##...## #.# #.##### #.# ##.....## ### #.# #...... #.###.......## ##.###.# #######.Zg{ Zg Zg. ] _Jeremiah is nearby!\g  # ##### #. #.... #.## #.#.## # ##.##. # #....##F\g٧# # #.#......# #.....  ..##.#....##.#.# #.###.  .†.# #.## #.# #.  ..##.#.#†###.# #..# #.# #  ... #.# ##.# #.#  #.# ###'##### #.# #.#  #.# ##...## #.# #. \g=C #.# ##.....## ### #.# #..... ##.###.## ##.###.# #\gɶFbbF)\gUQ====60.5 (1.0)\gоMbb\g& _Jeremiah shouts!]g}rs  # ##### #. #.... #.## #.#.### # ##.## # #....##F# # #.#......bb.# # ..##.#....##.#.# #.### .†.# # #.## #.# #]gs ..##.#.#†###.# #..# #.# # ... #.# ##.# #.#  #.# ###'##### #.# #.# #.# ##...## #.# #. # #.# ##.....## ### #.# # .##.###.## ##.###.# ]gy]gzB]g bbJeremiah says, "I don't want to hurt you. Just - go! Run!"Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.54/58--6------=---1]gEbb]gQ _You feel drained.]g  Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-9% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.^g' ^gamorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....#### HP: 54/58 (71) ======================--#... MP: 6/8==================------######.## AC: 11Str: 21#....#.## EV: 6Int: 9#.#.### ###.## SH: 4^gDex: 9# #....##F########## #.... XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6#.#......bb@.......# #.... Noise: =--------  Time: 5361.5 (0.0)..##.#....##.########.# #.### a) +0 war axe.......†.# ##.## #.# # Nothing quivered..##.#.#†###.##..# #.# # Fly Drain ... #.......#^g\z##.# #.# ##.# ###'######.# #.#F   Jeremiah (polearm)#.# ##...###.# #.### # #.# ##.....## ### #.# #.... .##.###.......## ##.###.# ###### _A - a pink potion _Jeremiah is nearby! _Jeremiah shouts!  ^gJeremiah says, "I don't want to hurt you. Just - go! Run!"Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining. _You feel drained.^g(^g^g ^gD^g^gx  You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Jeremiah cries, "Fearful master, protect me!"^gFbbbb##b43-----3---------385=^g2.5 (1^gAGHero Fly Drain ^g^gtbb##b^gU _Something smites you!^g} ,^g~ ,^g~ ^gE b..bbbb##b^gU q7=-----3.2 (0.7^g b..bbbb##b^g՚ _You miss the butterfly. Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained._g|  You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!_gBb....b.b.b##b4=-9_g b....bb##b_gBe _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!`g_  # ######## #. #.... .. #. #.#.###b# ##. # #....##F# # #.#.b....b.# #`gh ..##.#.b.b##b#.# #. .†.# #. #.## #.#  ..##.#.#†###.# #..# #.#  ... #.......# ##.# #.# #.# ###'##### #.# #.# #.# ##...## #.# #. ## #.# ##.....## ### #.# # #.##.###`gK.## ##.###.# `g#`g$`gn%B`g_&X`g&`gZ'`gK,  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!`g0`gv85.b`g59b..bbb...##.bb`g9-4.9 (1.0`g@bb..bbbbb`gE2 _You block Jeremiah's attack.bg  You hit Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is lightly wounded.bgibbb....bbb.†.# #bbg.bgaO---------5.6 (0.7bgZbbbbbbbbgc bg\_You miss the butterfly. You block Jeremiah's attack.bgL   Jeremiah is lightly wounded. _You miss the butterfly. You block Jeremiah's attack.  You slash!  Jeremiah is moderately wounded.You barely miss the butterfly. You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!bg.b#.###b.b...bbbbb bgr &1/56bgFs s-=6.3Drain bgh} b#.###bb...bbbbbbg bg_ /  --more--cgR _You feel drained.cgYou hit Jeremiah but do no damage.Jeremiah is moderately wounded.cgBcgd,cgף,cg,cgΤ,cgϮs.#.###b.b..bbbb..b##..bcg^2=-7.0cg{bb..bbbb..bbcg _You barely miss the butterfly. You miss the butterfly.cgYou barely miss Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is moderately wounded.cgcglcgcgcgcgFcgcg[cgcgcgcgWcg|  You miss the butterfly.Jeremiah cries, "Fearful master, protect me!"cgcg:cgcgcg)Vbb.b.bb..b..##bbb.cg+28------2---==8 (0.8cg4%bb.b.bbb..##bbbcg:U _Something smites you!dgn  Jeremiah cries, "Fearful master, protect me!" _Something smites you!  You slash Jeremiah!  Jeremiah is heavily wounded.You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!dg;rdgrdgrdgJsdgsdgtdg{tdgtdgYudgudgHvdgvdg/{  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining.dgNbbb.b.bbb.b.##.b†.# #..bdg3/54---------8.5 (0.7dgO bb.b.bbbbbbdgÞ3-dg/  --more--dg"' dg' F_You feel drained.egkYou closely miss Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is heavily wounded.You barely miss the butterfly.egƐ bbb.b.bbbbb..  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah trails rainbows from their fingertips.Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining.eg}19/53-----9.2eg$bbbb..b.bbbbbeg2-eg/  --more--eg R _You feel drained.fg]You hit Jeremiah but do no damage.Jeremiah is heavily wounded.You closely miss the butterfly.fgn,fgׅfg]fgfgpfgfgfgfg%fgfg-fgfg=bbbbbbbbb.....b9fgbbbbbbbbbfg] _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!fg"  You slice Jeremiah!!  Jeremiah is almost dead.fgW* fg+ Bfg?, fg, fgN- fg<   The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2bb.b...b.bbb..b##b. fg< 20/52=-3=====70.6fgE bbbb.bbb..b##bfg2K w _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.ggIThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2 _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.closely miss Jeremiah.  You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!ggձt  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!gg}gg gggg/bbgggJb#.###.gg".b.##bbbb..bb@...F....##bgg3bgg;gg*--1.3ggbbbb.##bbbb..bbbbggQg _You completely miss the butterfly. Jeremiah hops!gg[##.######## #.##.... bb #.##b#.###.# ##.## #..b.##b# #.#.#bbb..bb.@..F....# #...##.#....##b#.# #.#.†.# #b #.## #.# #..##.#.#†###.# #..# #.# #... #.......# ##.# #.# ##.# ###'##### gg\#.# #.# #.# ##...## #.# #.# # #.# ##.....## ### #.# #. .##.###.## ##.###.# #ggv  You feel like a meek peon again.gg{m ...##bgg{o.b.bb.b@.bFbb..##b.The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!gg8|t164---2.3 (1.0ggKNbb.bb.b@.bFbb..##bgg~ _Jeremiah says, "Oh, this is an awfully strange dream."hg ##.# #.##.... bb #.##.#.#.###.# hg ##.##.# #....##b# #.#.#b.b.bb.b.@bFb...# #...##.#.b..##b#.# #.###..†.# #. #.## #.# #...##.#.#†###.# #..# #.# #.... #.# ##.# #.# ##.# ###'##### #.# #.#  #.# ##...## #.# #.#  #.# ##.....## ### #.# #. ##.###.## ##.###.# #hg hgE ,hg hg hg ,hgư hg hg ,hg hg ,hg hgԺ hgq b.##°bbb.b..@bFbhg W...##bhg @-3hg bbb.b..@bFbbhg igig,ig(BigwigŸig2,igig^ig..##.b.b....@bFbbb...ig61=====4.2 (0.9igb.b....@bFbbig _You miss the butterfly. Jeremiah barely misses you.jgjg)Xjg .....@bFb.bbb.##bjgH -5.2 (1.0jg&bbFb.bb.##bjgR _You closely miss the butterfly. Jeremiah barely misses you.jgD c  You barely miss the butterfly.jgV ,jg jgG jg jg jg@ jg jg t  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!jg> jg jg!! jg+ U..bb...@bFbb.bb.##.bjga, &6jg7 bb...@bFbb.bbbjgC= 2 _You block Jeremiah's attack.kgd  You closely miss the butterfly.kg2kgkg kgkkgkgb  kg,k #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b......b.@bFbb..#  .b##.########b#  kg†.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#  kg The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.kgf  #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b......b.@bFbb..#  .b##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   kg  You feel drained.kgdb..b.@bF.bb...##.kg k14/51---7kgb.@bF.bbbkgV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *kg0  You barely miss the butterfly.kg kg    #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bF..bb#  ..##.########b#  kgK †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!kg   #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bF..bb#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   kg    #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bF..bb#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   kgy Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *kg‚   #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bF..bb#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.# kg L #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   kg `  You feel drained.kg2 b.....@bFbbbbbkgU 8/49 (71) ------1------=8Drain kg bbFbbbbbkg V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *lg lg Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [) lg v c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 4 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRIm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]mg   u - a +0 chain mail (worn)wpair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO mg g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 4 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRI  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation  y - a scroll of brand weapon Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste  l - a potion of invisibilityn - a potion of magic  o - 2 potions of heal wounds60%mgk r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  n - a potion of magicp - 2 potions of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potionbotrg  y - a scroll of brand weapon  n - a potion of magicrg w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  y - a scroll of brand weapon70%sg" sg j - 4 scrolls labelled MYWKAIMASHRI. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away sg Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.sgosgsg.morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##### HP: 8/49 (71) ===---------------------#.... MP: 1/8===---------------------#########.### AC: 11Str: 21#.... bb#.##. EV: 6Int: 9#.#.###.###.##. SH: 4Dex: 9sg?# #....##b########## #..... XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6#.#b........@bFbbbb# #..... Noise: ==-------  Time: 5378.2 (0.0)  ..##.#....##.########b# #.###. a) +0 war axe.......†.# #.#.## #.# #. Nothing quivered..##.#.#†###.##..# #.# #. Fly Drain ... #.......###.# #.# ###.# ###'######.# #.#sg.F   Jeremiah (polearm)#.# ##...###.# #.#####.# ##.....## ### #.# #..... ##.###.......## ##.###.# #######The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *You feel drained. _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *As you read the scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI, it crumbles to dust.sg,Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining!  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  You feel drained. _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  As you read the scroll labelled MYWKAIMASHRI, it crumbles to dust.  Nothing appears to happen. It was a scroll of butterflies.sg,sg@sgg    #.... bbsg    # #....##b##########  #.#b........@bFbb.b#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.# sg #.#  #.#  ### #.#   The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!tgF  #.... bb   # #....##b##########  #.#b........@bFbb.b#  ..##.########b#  tg†.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   tg.  Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *tgJb....@bFbbb.btg`6/480---tgk,-9.2 (1tgbbFbbbbtg?Q _You feel drained.ygzyg4Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) ygJewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon yg[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]{gM J f - 3 scrolls labelled JYSTIE FYDO. {gO A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.{gB{g{g$morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##### HP: 6/48 (71) ===---------------------#.... MP: 0/8------------------------#########.### AC: 11Str: 21#.... bb#.##. EV: 6Int: 9#.#.###.###.##. SH: 4Dex: 9{g%# #....##b########## #..... XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6#.#b........@bFbbb.# #..... Noise: =--------  Time: 5379.2 (0.0)  ..##.#....##.########b# #.###. a) +0 war axe.......†.# #.#.## #.# #. Nothing quivered..##.#.#†###.##..# #.# #. Fly Drain ... #.......###.# #.# ###.# ###'######.# #.#F   Jeremiah (polearm, inner flame)#.# ##...###.# #.#####.# ##.....## ### #.# #..... ##.###.......##[3{gv&9;49m ##.###.# #######The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You feel drained.As you read the scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO, it crumbles to dust.  The creatures around you are filled with an inner flame!{g-,{g.,{gX.{g.{g4  #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bFbb.b#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.# {g5= #.# #.#  F  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You feel drained.  As you read the scroll labelled JYSTIE FYDO, it crumbles to dust.  The creatures around you are filled with an inner flame!  It was a scroll of immolation.{g! e  #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bFbb.b#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#  {gk T #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   {g0   #.... bb {g  # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bFbb.b#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.#  F  #.#  #.# {gI #.#  ### #.#   Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *|gԩ  #.... bb   # #....##.##########  #.#b....b...@bFbb.b#  ..##.########b#  †.# #. #.## #.#   #..# #.#  ...  ##.# #.#  #.#  #.# #.# F  #.#  #.#  #.#  ### #.#   |g6`  You feel drained.|g|g b....@bFbbb.bF|g)1/47---1===80.2 (1|gj{bFbbbF|g&|g/  --more--~g5W _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gbFbbbFgرgֹ!bg?ubFbbFgg6g;Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) g<2 x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon g<[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g/   u - a +0 chain mail (worn)wpair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation  y - a scroll of brand weapon Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste  l - a potion of invisibilityn - a potion of magic  o - 2 potions of heal wounds60%g"k r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  n - a potion of magicp - 2 potions of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potionbotg  o - 2 potions of heal wounds. A magical healing elixir which causes wounds to close and heal almost instantly.It is a common potion. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item potion (q)uaff, qui(v)er, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gkgDzgxmorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##### HP: 29/47 (71) ==============----------#.... MP: 1/8===---------------------#########.### AC: 11Str: 21#.... bb#.##. EV: 6Int: 9#.#.###.###.##. SH: 4Dex: 9g*# #....##b########## #..... XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6#.#b........@bFbbb.# #..... Noise: =--------  Time: 5380.2 (0.0)  ..##.#....##.########b# #.###. a) +0 war axe.......†.# #.#.## #.# #. Nothing quivered..##.#.#†###.##..# #.# #. Fly Drain ... #.......###.# #.# ###.# ###'######.# #.#F   Jeremiah (polearm, inner flame)#.# ##...###.# #.#####.# ##.....## ### #.# #.....g ##.###.......## ##.###.# ####### _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gX,g/ggA.bFbbbbbF30=1.2 (1gFbbbbb _You feel much better. Jeremiah barely misses you.gHgX&Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g; 5  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)xcloak Jewellery (go to first with "=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weaponr - a labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationybrand Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste30%g  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - a potion of heal woundsp - 2 potions of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potionbotgg g=\B b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ20%g$2Mg%d a - a +0 war axe (weapon)1g gӶ g\ morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##### HP: 30/47 (71) ===============---------#.... MP: 1/8===---------------------#########.### AC: 11Str: 21#.... bb#.##. EV: 6Int: 9#.#.###.###.##. SH: 4g( Dex: 9# #....##.########## #..... XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6#.#b........@bFbbb.# #..... Noise: =--------  Time: 5381.2 (0.0)  ..##.#....##b########b# #.###. a) +0 war axe.......†.# #.#.## #.# #. Nothing quivered..##.#.#†###.##..# #.# #. Fly Drain ... #.......#g ##.# #.# ###.# ###'######.# #.#F   Jeremiah (polearm, inner flame)#.# ##...###.# #.#####.# ##.....## ### #.# #..... ##.###.......## ##.###.# ####### _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * g0 h_You feel much better. Jeremiah barely misses you.g bFbbbbbFg g gbFbFg gg&Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportationy - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gm $Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)uchain mail (worn)  wpair of glgp oves (worn)  xcloak Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  t - a scroll of teleportation  y - a scroll of brand weapon Potions (go to first with !)d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of hastel - a potion of invisibility40%gu5 4g46  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  y - a scroll of brand weapon  n - a potion of magic  o - a potion of heal woundsp - 2 potions of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potionbotg  y - a scroll of brand weapon  l - a potion of invisibilitygȍg5Et - a scroll of teleportation. A scroll that translocates the reader to a random position after a short delay. Reading this scroll while waiting for a teleportation will instead cancel it. It is a common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} g6Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item scroll “Eiris sazun idisi  sazun hera duoder  suma hapt heptidun  suma heri lezidun  suma clubodun  umbi cuoniouuidi  insprinc haptbandun  inuar uigandun  [Once sat women,  they sat here then there.  some fastened bonds, (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g=g"gEmorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##### HP: 30/47 (71) ===============---------g#.... MP: 1/8===---------------------#########.### AC: 11Str: 21#.... bb#.##. EV: 6Int: 9#.#.###.###.##. SH: 4Dex: 9# #....##.########## #..... XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6g #.#b........@bFbbb.# #..... Noise: =--------  Time: 5381.2 (0.0)  ..##.#....##b########b# #.###. a) +0 war axe.......†.# #.gp#.## #.# #. Nothing quivered..##.#.#†###.##..# #.# #. Tele Fly Drain ... #.......###.# #.# ###.# ###'#####g#.# #.#F   Jeremiah (polearm, inner flame)#.# ##...###.# #.#####.# ##.....## ### #.# #..... gZ##.###.......## ##.###.# ####### _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * _You feel much better. Jeremiah barely misses you.As you read the scroll of teleportation, it crumbles to dust.g&MYou feel strangely unstable.gL.,ge/Bg%0g3The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2  Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.g4g=b...@bFbb..bg>u23/45---2.2 (1g|Fb...@bFbbFgKQ _You feel drained.g8T   # # #. #.... bb #.##gdU M #.#.###.# ##.## # #....##.# # #.#b....b..@.bFbb..# # ..##.#....##.#b# #.### .†.# #. #.## #.# # ..##.#.#†###.# #..# #.# # ... #.# ##.# #.#  #.# ###'##### #.# #.# #.# ##...## #.# #. # #.# ##.....## ### #.# # gU W.##.###.## ##.###.# gd ,gm ...@bbFb.Fgn .-3gv rbFbbFgoz e _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!gb  # ######## #. #.... .. #. #.#.###.# ##.g( # #....##.# # #.#.bbFbb..# # ..##.#....##.#.# #. .†.# #. #.## #.#  ..##.#.#†###.# #..# #.#  ... #.......# ##.# #.#g}v #.# ###'##### #.# #.# F #.# ##...## #.# #. #g# #.# ##.....## ### #.# # #.##.###.## ##.###.# ghbbFbbFg;######## #.... ..  #.#.###.#  g # #....##.######### #.#.......§.bbFbb. #..##.#....##.########.# .# #. #.# #..##.#.#÷###.# #.. .... #.......# ##.g #.# ###'##### #. #.# ##...## #. ## #.# ##.....## ### #. ##.##.###.......## ##.###.g  ##.>.#.##.........####...##. g #.......'....<....'......... g g"9bg#I-4g):bgg-@ _Your surroundings seem slightly different.g4g3gIglggHgn4---gg'ggggg6gg ggg޷gb@  There is an open door here.ggg?g _ggVg.gz5=2===ggggWgg, #.#....b..b.bbFbb..##..##.#....##.########.#..........# #. #.###..##.#.#÷###.# #..#.... #.......# ##.#g#.# ###'##### #.# #.# ##...## #.# ## #.# ##.....## ### #.# ##.##.#### ##.###.# 90.2 (6##.>.#.##.........####...##.####.......'....<....'...........##...#.##.........####...##.##......###.......## #(.....##......# ##.....## ##.######......# ##...## #.# #.....## ##'## #.#####.....# #.# #.....bg.gXgggT4gg,g6=g#..........# #. #.## #..##.#.#÷###.# #..# .... #.......# ##.# #.# ###'##### #.# #.# ##...##  #.### #.# ##.....## ### #.###.##.###.......## ##.###.###.>.#.##.........####...##.##.......'..'...........2.2 (2 ##...#.##g1.####...##. #......###.......## #(.....## #......# ##.....## ##.###### #......# ##...## #.# # ## ##'## #.###### # #.# #.....b. ###.### #.## #b###### #.# #####b.## #.#gg gma _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g*# 4gP$ g% g+ ~===g7, gC- g- gc. g_0 g0 T7=g1 g3 ,g]4 g7 l3===g7 g9 g: gG; g< g+G F..F   Jeremiah (polearm, inner flame)gG g9P U   #. #.##  gP #÷###.# #..#  .... #...F...# ##.#  #.# ###'##### #.#  #.# ##...## #.#  ## #.# ##.....## ### #.#  ##.......##  g@Q ##.>.#.##.........###  ..'....@....'..9.2 (7  .##.........###  ##.......## #(   ##.....##   ##...## #.# g~Q s  ##'## F   #.#  gQ #.##  #.#  #.# _You start resting.g   #. #.##  #÷###.# #..#  .... #...F...# ##.#  #.# ###'##### #.#  g :#.# ##...## #.#  ## #.# ##.....## ### #.#  ##.......##   ##.>.#.##.........###  ..'....@....'..  .##.........###  ##.......## #(   ##.....##   ##...## #.#   ##'## F   #.#   #.##  #.#  g g QFFg ] _Jeremiah is nearby!gj FYou aren't carrying any items that you can evoke.gc gޕ IFFg . _g g4 Inventory: 26/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) g $ a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) g| 5 v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIAy - a scroll of brand weapon g Potions (go to first with !) [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exitg 7[top]gG  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)xcloak Jewellery (go to first with "=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weaponr - a labelled REPUHOADIA  y - a scroll of brand weapon Potions (go to first with !)  d - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of haste  l - a potion of invisibility33%g,  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  n - a potion of magic g  o - a potion of heal woundsp - 2 potions of berserk rage66gD3 g;a s - 2 coppery potions77g߾  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potionbotg:  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  d - a potion of mightgggägD..........# #.#.## morningthaw the Cleaver#..##.#.#÷###.##..# Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **........ #...F...#g##.# HP: 27/45 (71) ==============----------#.# ###'######.# MP: 3/8=========---------------g#.# ##...###.# AC: 11gگ:Str: 21## #.# ##.....## ### #.# EV: 6g,Int: 9g##.##.###.......## ##.###.# SH: 4g(,Dex: 9gYB##.>.#.##.........####...##.## XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6gd#.......'....@....'........... Noise: ---------  Time: 5399.2 (0.0)##...#.##.........####...##.## a) +0 war axe#......###.......## #(.....## Nothing quivered#......# ##.....## ##.###### Fly Drain g%u#......# ##...## #.# ##.....## ##'###.###### F   Jeremiah (polearm, inner flame)#.....# #.##.....b.###.### #.###b#######.# #####b.## #.# _Your surroundings seem slightly different. _There is an open door here. _There is a stone staircase leading up here. _You start resting. _Jeremiah is nearby! _You aren't carrying any items that you can evoke.g8Fgkg:Fgg^ TFFg^ #8g^ -400.2 (1 _grh :Fgk gbFb g4&1gSfbFbggZ g*[ g` |  Jeremiah cries, "Fearful master, protect me!"g` gj bb.FFgDk g16------2---2gs ubb.Fgvx U _Something smites you!gGybbbFgg&bb.FbFgqBgXbbFbF3gpbbbFFg}#.##...## #.### ##### ###....# #...# ##...#######......## #.#.# #....#....##.......## ..#.# ##........#....##...# ..#.# ##..................# ..#.###......)...#..## ....#........[)..#...### 5 ##....[..#.....# g##..#.........###.....##.....### .#..##.........#.##...##.. .....#................###.#..### .......##.##........#....# .............##..##...........## #............#.......#........# #......##...........##.....#..# #.......##.........##......##.#gG---------ggCV7=4.7 (2.5gNg^Q{ _You fly upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gTQ4gRgyTgX,gYgFZV3===g\g_g:`T8=gbge,ghg m,g3pgtgus19====gJxg{,g~g,gXggΉgAggM20=ggggg0g|V4===gg,gg91g<1=gg,gͰg!g_<===gǶg,gּggL2=gg,gg\,gg3=5===gg,gg&,gg+gdg g g]4====gHgs,g~g,gg,ggIgT5=gggP6===ggW ,g ggL6=gg},ggg<===g!gY%,g#(g+g,T7=g).g`1,g3g`9,g=g?g?@G7===ggg L8=gQg1 ,gd gg`gyg~(R===g,g/gc0T9=g2gh7,g :g>,gogsg=sgGvgRzgzgO}ggCL2=ggggg#,g1ghl3=gg,ggs,gg,g-ggcL4=ggı,gggglg,gg_ _You start resting.g.506.7 (54gw5==7.7 (55gg" _HP restored.g 4g g% g6& 18.7 (1.0)g[. gE   ..........# #. #.## #..##.#.#F###.# #..# .... #.......# ##.# #.# ###'##### #.# #.# ##...## #.# ## #.# ##.....## ### #.#  ##.##.###.## ##.###.#  ##.>.#.##...####...##.##6  #'..g` '...........  ##...#.##.........####...##.##  #......###.......## #(#  #......# ##.....## ##.######  ## ##...## #.# #  #.....## ##'## #.###### F   Jeremiah (polearm)  #.....# #.# #.....b.  ###.### #.## #b###### #.# #####b.## #.#You fly downwards.g :=gj  bbLevel annotation: JeremiahJeremiah says, "Oh, this is an awfully strange dream."Jeremiah mumbles a slurred invocation.gb 34------7---10.2 (2.5gci Ebbg_n _Something smites you! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g _bbg Mbbgl# g# g,) gl) g1* gQ5 ÷b.bbbFgC: `5------1.2 (1.0gB wb.bbgL/ #.##...## #.### ##### ###....# #...# ##...#######......## #.#.# #....#....##.......## ..#.# ##........#....##...# ..#.# ##..................# ..#.###......)...#..## ....#........[)..#...### 5 ##....[..#.....# ##..#.........###.....##.....### .#..##.........#.##...##.. .....#................###.#..### .......##.##........#....# .............##..#g/#...........## #............#.......#........# #......##...........##.....#..# #.......##.........##......##.# _Jeremiah hops!---g8gހ-2.7 (2.5gg֊{ _You fly upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g4g_gg\gOgb6=gMg,gg! ,g~g,gg 7= _You start resting.g(-7.7 (5.0g)[8===8.7 (6g;1g3% _Magic restored.gT g g g! A9.7 (1g4& g,   ..........# #. #.## #..##.#.#b###.# #..# .... #..b....# ##.# #.# ###'##### #.# g, #.# ##b..## #.# ## #.# ##..F..## ### #.#  ##.##.###.## ##.###.#  ##.>.#.##..b####...##.##g, i6  #'..'........... g, $ ##...#.##.........####...##.##  #......###.......## #(g- l#  #......# ##.....## ##.######  ## ##...## #.# gY- @ #  #.....## ##'## #.###### F   Jeremiah (polearm) g-  #.....# #.# #.....b.  ###.### #.## #b###### #.# #####b.## g- F#.#  You fly downwards.g/ <===g3 gB4 g4 g5 ,g6 g6 g; i  Level annotation: Jeremiahgq< g< g> ,gJ ÷.bFbbbb.bb.g .21.2 (2.5g bbbbb.bbgp w _Jeremiah hops! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gtbbbbb.bbg|nbbbbgBg},gg gңgLgŤg;gg*gggٱ/b..bbbFbb..bbbgb8=2.2 (1.0 _gGbbbbbbbbgl#.##...## #.### ##### ###....# #...# ##...#######......## gƎ#.#.# #....#....##.......## ..#.# ##........#....##...# ..#.# ##..................# ..#.###......).........#..## g....#........[)........#...### 5 ##..g..[..@......#.....# g=##..#.........###.....##.....### .#..##.........#.##...##..gb .....#................###.#..### g׏.......##.##........#....# .............##..##...........## #............#.......#........# #......##...........##.....#..# gF#.......##.........##......##.#g:=gg~-3.7 (2.5gtg{ _You fly upwards. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gv gw gy g 9g Bge g g M40=gA g g gD g g g2 g g; g~ g g O1=g g1 g g g ,g g g L2=g4 g g g Xg ,g g g" V3=gm g ,g ga ,g g ,g% g b4=g g^ ,g g ,g g _ _You start resting.gq 046.7 (23.0)g w5==7.7 (24gI g " _HP restored.ggggeG8.7 (1.0)g-gO"  ..........# #. #.## #..##.#.#÷###.# #..# .... #.......# ##.# #.# ###'##### #.# #.# ##...## #.# ## #.# ##....F## ### #.# g- ##.##.###.## ##.###.#  ##.>.#.##...####...##.##6  #'..'...........  ##...#.##.........####...##.##  #......###.......## #(#  #......# ##.....## ##.######  #gb# ##...## #.# # g. #.....## ##'## #.###### F   Jeremiah (polearm) gY #.....# #.# #.....b.  ###.### #.## #b######g #.# #####b.## #.#You fly downwards.g2:=gg}F.bbgg.50.2 (2.5gEbbg5  _Level annotation: Jeremiah _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gP #..##.#....##.########.# ..........# #. ##..##.#.#÷###..... #.......#gyQ ###'##### #.# ##...##  ## #.# ##...F.## ###  ##.##.###....bb.## ##.###.# #.>.#.######...##.##g%R .......'....<....'...........#...#.##..####...####.......## #(.....##.....## ##.#####.# ##...## # ##'########..... .....b.gaR z###.### #.## b######gY gZ g[ g2\ gi bbb.bgmj 5=1.2 (1.0gs bbb.bgy 2 _You block Jeremiah's attack.gu#..##.#....##.#.# ...# #. #.## #..##.#.#÷###.# #..# .... #.......# ##.# #.# ###'##### #.# g#.# ##...## #.# ## #.# ##..bF.## ### #.# ##.##.###...bb.b## ##.###.# ###.>.#.##.####...##.##.'....<....'.##...#.##.####...##.##.g2 #......###.## #(.....##.#......# ##.....## ##.######.g&#......# ##...## #.# #.#.....## ##'## #.######.#.....# #.# #.....b.###.### #.## #b#gyg<gg,ggWg5 _  Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining.gP"bbbb..bb3/432bbbbbbg0Q _You feel drained.g` #.#....b..b.bbFbb..# ##..##.#....##.########.# #..........# #. #.## ##..##.#.#÷###.# #..# #.... #.......# ##.# ##.# ###'######.# # #.# ##b..## #.# # #.# ##..bF.## ### #.# ##.###...bb@.## ##.###.#  ##.>.#.##.........####...##.####.......'....bb...'............##...#.##..##...##.##.#......###..ga#(.....##.#......# ##..##.######.#. ##...#.# #.#.....## ##'##.#######.....# #.# #.....b...gfgzggggShgBigigigmjgkglgUlgXr  Jeremiah wails, "Just end it! Let me go!"Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining.g }".bbb..Fbbbb.bg}1/42-7---3gbb..FbbbbgQ _You feel drained.g ) Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-g( p10% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.g g g #.#....b..b.bbFbb..# # morningthaw the Cleaver#..##.#....##.########.# # Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **..............# #.#.## # HP: 41/42 (71) =======================-#..##.#.#÷###.##..# # MP: 7/8gU b=====================---.... #.......###.# # AC: 11Str: 21#.# ###'######.# # EV: 6Int: 9#.# ##.bb###.# # SH: 4Dex: 9g \## #.# ##b..Fb## ### #.# # XL:  8 Next: 41% Place: Dungeon:6##.##.###...bb@.## ##.###.# ## Noise: =--------  Time: 5553.2 (0.0)  ##.>.#.##.........####...##.###. a) +0 war axe#.......'....b....'............. Nothing quivered##...#.##.........####...##.##.. Fly Drain #......###...b...## #(.....##..#......# ##.....## ##.######.. F   Jeremiah (polearm)g #......# ##...## #.# #..#.....## ##'###.######..#.....# #.##.....b... _You block Jeremiah's attack.  Jeremiah hits you from afar with a +3 trident of draining. _You feel drained.g Jeremiah wails, "Just end it! Let me go!"Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining. _You feel drained.g g g g g g g ,g gggtg gg~|  You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.g ggggeb.bbFb.bb<bb.bg|5------3854.2 (1Hero Fly Drain gbbbbFbbbbbbg("R _Jeremiah closely misses you.gQo  You barely miss Jeremiah. You completely miss the butterfly.gsSbbb.g\tIb.FbgtAb..bbgt1b.g7uEb<bguu..gu .gubgvg-wgw&5.0 (0.8ggIbg{$bbg?b.FbgֆKb..bbgbg*;b<bggbgg gŌg8m_You barely miss the butterfly. Jeremiah closely misses you.gg*y oYou barely miss Jeremiah. You completely miss the butterfly.You barely miss the butterfly. Jeremiah closely misses you.You slash Jeremiah!  Jeremiah is moderately wounded.hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!You slash the butterfly!  --more--g0 ggggOgy,gq.bb.bF..b.b.bb.b.b.gmb. 2===7 (0.7gbbb.bbbbg ] _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!g8You hit Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is heavily wounded.You slice the butterfly!!  You kill the butterfly!gF,gFgKGgGg@HgHg2IgIgPgQgdQgQgoRgrSgWw  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2gWgiXgcA..b.°bbbbbF...bbb.b.ged6--6.5 (0.8go°bbbbbbbb.bgQu$ _Jeremiah hops!g#..##.#....##.########.#  ..........# #. #.##  #..##.#.#÷###.# #..#  .... #.......# ##.#  #.# ###'##### #.#  #.# ##..b##  #.# g## #.# ##...°b## ### #.# .##.###.bbbb..## ##.###.#>.#.##..F..@...####...##.# #.......'..bbb.b..'........... ##...#.##.........####...##.## #......### #(.....## #......# ##gz ##.###### #......# ## #.# # ## ##' #.###### #.....# #. #.....b ###.### #.## #b#######ggvbb.bb....b.bbb.bbb..bgv---------7.5 (1.0g6bbbbbbbgb.bbbbg2g+..........# #. #.###..##.#.#÷###.#. .... #.b....##.# ###'#### ##.b.## ## #.# ##.bb..## #####.##.###...b...## ##.###.# ###.>.#.##..Fbb....####...##.##gl.......'b.bbb@...'............#...#.##.......b.####...##.##......###.## #(.... ##.....## ##.#### ##...## #.# ## ##'## #### #.# ....b.##.###b####### #.# #####b.##.#gg,gZgggg'g`ggggg?gg,gg(gg1gggggggz .bbbb.b..b..bbb@b.b...bg @-8g |bbbbb.bb.bbbb@bb...bg  g #..##.#.#÷###.# #..# .... #.......# ##.# #.# ###'##### #.# #.# ##bb.##  #.### #.# ##.bb..## ### #.#.##.###b.b....## ##.###.#>.#.##..Fb.b...####...##.# #.......'..bbb.b..'........... ##...#.##....@....####...##.##gq #......###b...b..## #(.....## #......# ##... ##.###### #......# ## #.# # ## ##' #.###### #.....# #. #.....b ###.### #.## #b###### #.# #####..## #.##.## #.....b.#gE# #.#ggEgg6ggg5ggggggggg( g g^ g g< g g/ g] g9 g ggpgbgg,gg  Jeremiah looks at their weapon with confusion.g7g*,b..bbb..bbFbbbbbbb.b.bb.....g8-i1/41==9gF8YbbbbbbFbbbbbbb.b.bbg-?w _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.g ..........# #. #.###..##.#.#÷###.# #..# .... #.......##.# #.# ###b##### #.# #.# ##.. #.# ## #.# ##.bbb.## ### #.# ##.##.###..b....## ##.###. ##.>.#.##.bFbbbb..####...##.# #.......'bbb@b.b..'.......... ##...#.b...####...##. #......#..## #(.....[3g9;49m #......#..## ##.#### #......# ##...## #.# #.....## ##'## #.##### #.....# #.# #.....b###.### #.# #b##### #.# #####..## #.#gOgSg>,gg*gg=gggg-,gg*g,ggK,ggPgg,gggg:gg;gA  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining!gg#b...b.b.bbbbbFbb....b@b..bbb.bbg/33/39----4---60g).bb.bbbbbFbbb@b..bbb.bbg'0g9Q _You feel drained.g"   its you with a +3 trident of draining! _You feel drained.  You closely miss Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is heavily wounded.  You miss the butterfly. You slash the butterfly  You kill the butterfly!gd  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!You hit the butterfly.g /  --more--g;0 gThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!You completely miss the butterfly. You barely miss the butterfly.You closely miss the butterfly.g,g#g[gggXggg1ggg g3g}ggFg,ggpgg:m'b.bbbbb.bbF...bb@b.....b.b.1.2 (0.7bbbbbbgbF...bb@bbg ] _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!g RYou closely miss the butterfly. _You slash Jeremiah!  Jeremiah is almost dead.  You miss the butterfly. You hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!gu# gL+ g*2 g2 ,g3 ,g4 gj4 g4 g75 g5 g9 w  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x3g9 g@ ,gWA gA g#B g|B gP -.bb.b.b...Fbbb.bbb.b.. 8----==9g4[ Hbb.b.bbbbbbb@bbg` w _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.gThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x3 _Jeremiah hits you but does no damage. You feel drained.barely miss Jeremiah.You barely miss the butterfly. You miss the butterfly.You barely miss the butterfly.gggggtggEgg gg'g%  29/37--5===The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!Jeremiah gazes at their orb, transfixed.gh//  --more--gS  Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining.gb.bbbb.bbFb...bb@<b.bb..g]k7-----2.6gEbbbb.bbbbbbg I _You feel drained.gg O  You hit Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is almost dead.You miss the butterfly. You completely miss the butterfly.You slash the butterfly!  You kill the butterfly!g[ --The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!g /  --more--gSa  You barely miss the butterfly.g,g:ggggXggggg:ggagg_gggYou feel like a meek peon again.Jeremiah hits you with a +3 trident of draining.gb..bb.bbb.Fbbbbb.b.b.bgQ6=1gt"643.3gbbb.bbb.Fbbbbb.bb.bgd I _You feel drained.g3   You barely miss Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is almost dead.You barely miss the butterfly. You hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!g=  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!You hit the butterfly.g5D /  --more--g4  gH#.# #####..## #.#g)The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!You barely miss the butterfly.g2gZ;g-<gAgHg$IgIgBJgJgJKgKg4LgLgOaThe butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x2g]...bb.b..b.Fb.bbbb.bb.b.g^-4.3 (1.0gi4bb.bb.Fbbbbbbgo* _You block Jeremiah's attack.g % _You block Jeremiah's attack.  You closely miss Jeremiah.  Jeremiah is almost dead.  You barely miss the butterfly. You closely miss the butterfly.  You hit the butterfly.  You kill the butterfly!gC(t  The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours!g(g5.,g.,g8/,g.0g3,gC4,g4g4g 5g>5g5g5g!6gH6g6Bg@bb....b..b.bFb...bbb.bb..bbgbAD===5gXJvbbb..bbFbbbb.bb..bbgOg\/  --more--gp _You closely miss the butterfly. You block Jeremiah's attack.gYou slash Jeremiah!  You kill Jeremiah!Okawaru is honoured by your kill.ggr%g,g3g;ggBgJgQgyXgu`gygghmgWngw.......)...........g{27/60--------686.2 (0.9Drain g|gga _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x13g { p .# #. #. #..##.#.#÷###.# #.. .... #.......# ##. #.# ###'##### #. #.# ##...## #. ## #.# ##.....## ### #. ##.##.###.## ##.###.g{  ##.>.#.##..)......####...##. #.'..@.<....' ##...#.##.####...##. #......###.## #(..... #......# ##.....## ##.  #......# ##...## #.# #.....## ##'## #.g|  #.....# #.# #..... ###.### #.## #b  #.# #####..## #.#gG 98g߅ Y=--------7.2 (1.0g g g/*}M#..##.#....##.#######..........# #. ##..##.#.#÷###..... #.......####'##### #.# ##...##  ## #.# ##.....## ###  ##.##.###.......## ##.##.>.#.##..@......####...##.......'....<....'........#...#.##..####...####.......## #(.....#......# ##.....## ##.####.# -8 _Items here: ) [[ †.giglPick up what? 26/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))  a - a +3 trident of draining Armour (select all with [)  b - an orb of energyc - a +0 robe Carrion g-mthe barachi corpse of Jeremiah [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]ggg #..##.#....##.########.# morningthaw the Cleaver..........# #.#.# Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....#..##.#.#÷###.#gns#.. HP: 28/60 (71) ===========-------------.... #.......###. MP: 5/8===============---------#.# ###'######. AC: 11Str: 21g#.# ##...###. EV: 6Int: 9gR## #.# ##.....## ### #. SH: 4Dex: 9##.##.###.......## ##.###. XL:  8 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:6##.>.#.##..@......####...##. Noise: ---------  Time: 5568.2 (0.0)#.......'....<....'......... a) +0 war axe##...#.##.........####...##. Nothing quiveredg|`#......###.......## #(..... Fly Drain #......# ##.....## ##.####g#......# ##...## #.#g#.....## ##'###.#### #.....# #.##..... ###.### #.###b#### gIYou slash Jeremiah!  You kill Jeremiah!Okawaru is honoured by your kill. _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x13 gj_Items here: ) [[ †.  Okay, then.g#gg%D _g 4g g g Q _g :9gܫ g ,g gO g I6===g> gk g U30=g_ g gU gw gD ,g g g <===g g gF E1=gk g ,g g ,g gE g :2gg g g G7===g g g" gC g j3=g3 g gC g> g g' <===g2 g ,g g g: E4=g| g ,g 5=8===gh  You kill Jeremiah!  Okawaru is honoured by your kill. _The butterfly disappears in a burst of colours! x13 _Items here: ) [[ †. _Magic restored.g g: gY ,g go b6=g= g gI <===gK g6 ,g g ,g gQ g :7g g gE g8 g ,g: g j8=g g ,g gK ,g g4 b9=g  g  ,g g ,g g ,g8 gu g N40=g< g ,g g~ ,gJ! gl" g" L1=g:# g$ ,g6% gE& ,g' g( P2g5) g!* ,g* g[, ,g, g. g"/ ga0 g1 g%2 O43=g2 g4 ,g4 g@6 ,g7 g9 gY9 X4=g: g< g< g= g> ,g? gmA b5=gVB gWD ,gG g`I ,gI gJ ,gK gM gM V6=gO gBQ ,gQ g?S ,gTT gU <7g.W gX ,g2Y gZ ,gC[ g\ g ] L8=g;^ g` ,gf gg l9=gh gk ,g-l gn ,gp gr c50=gs gov ,gw gy ,gnz g| g| V1=g0~ g ,gR g ,g΅ g g g% g <2g gw ,g g[ ,g gʗ L3=g g) g8 ,g g ,g g gT V4=g g g) g, >5=g gN g gj g g gB O6=gI g( g gm g BgC g9 &7g g ,g g ,g g ,g g gO E8=g gV ng5 g g g+ O9=gv g ng g g 760=g g g 1 _HP restored.g gc g g g g gD g gS g g g g g :=g g @  There is an open door here.gI 6 _g  g, gv ,g g j  You see here a steam dragon skeleton.g! g-" _g3# g!% g& g9& g& g) g* gO+ g+ gp- g. ,gv/ g0 g1 g1 g_2 g5 g6 ,g:7 g8 g ; ,gq; g= gu> g> gH? gA gwC ,gJ ngO gP gP gQ gS gWU ,gU gW g>Z ,g\ g^ Bg:_ g` ga ga g^b gc gd g-e ge gLg gg g!h g g ng gT gr Bgث g8          ############  #@.......701.2 (133.0)  #.####.....#.#.###  .... #..##.#....##  ###.># #..##.#...  #..###..##.#....  #..............###  ##.###..##.#.#÷  .# #.....#... ##.######'g* g ,24g g ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g E gE gE gjG gH g M gN gN gN ggO gS R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.gjT gT _gfU gV gWX ,gX gIZ gZ ,g*[ g[ gQ\ ,g}\ g] g^ g^ g_ g` ga gb gjb gc gd ,gEe g`j Xgm g0o goo ,gp g?q ,gq gr gls gs gt g"u gu ,gu gv gw gw g x gy gz gz gi{ g| gE} ,g} g g" ,g! g g gO g@ gU g9 ga g g! g ,g g g ,gm g( g gÔ g gq g g' g g֛ gʞ Bg g ,g g% g ,g" g gZ g g gv R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.g g _gͷ g@ g ,g> g g ,gl g g ,g$ g g   There is an open door here.g g _g g9 g/ ,g_ g g g g^ g g ,g g g ,g g# @  There is an open door here.g^ g _g g g4 ,g g g ,g g g ,g g g g g g g< ,gG g There is a stone staircase leading down here. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.n open doorn open door g = Things that are here:  a boomerang; a +0 hand axeg- g _g gU g! ,g g g g g# gV% g( g() g/ g0 g2 g3 g4 g6 gp9 g9 g; g@> gA ,g B gxC g|E ,gPG gMI gL ,gM gR gKS gS gdT gU gV gV gtW g[ g^ ngC_ g_ g}e gg Bgi g,j ,gj gno gp ,gq gr gs gt gvt gu gv gw gTw g"y gy gy g{z g} g} ,g~ g V  #.########  ###.####.........  #........#######.  g #.#.###...## #.....# ##...## ##.## #.# #@# ####67.2 (65.0) gR #'# #>.. ... ###. ..... ## ....... ......... +.........+ #.....[...# _You reach down and open the door.gш C _Found a robe.gXgXgYg]g_`g2e; _gif@  There is an open door here.ghgZi _gjgngp,grgzg>}g<~g~gJgͅ,ggߊggggg,ggF _You reach down and open the door.gJg@  There is an open door here.gg _ggg0Xg,gЮg;g;ggDZggZ,gg(g,ggggrg¼ggggEggT,gggZ,ggg&,ggsg,g|g ggDgggggAgg~ gl BgI ggH,gggYgggK##+# #.# #####.#### #.# #.# # #.# #.# ## #.#.###. #.#.....gN( #.#####. #.##.#########.##.[......@..# #.800.2 (33########### ## # gyr    g9   gE g"g#,1.2 (34g(g*) _Found a scale mail.gY gOZ g`[ g^ g` gd Bgd ,ge g7g gh gh gi gik gm g]m g.n go g"q gdq g:r gs gu g^u g9v gw gy gz gz g B  You see here a +0 scale mail.g gƍ 6 _g1 g< g g gÒ gK g g g g ,g> g Bg ng2 Xg g= ,g g g g gC g g; g g g g ,g  _You reach down and open the door.  There is an open door here.g L _g g ,g g9XgNg,gl g g gZ ,gg{g"gg;  ##.##  #.#  #.#  ##'## #...## ###.....## ######.......## ##.##.[.####.........####...#......'@........'.....^26.2 (25...####.....[...####...g##.......## ##.###.....## ###.##...###. ##'## #. #.# #. #.# #. ##.## #. _You reach down and open the door.gTS _Found a crystal plate armour.g#gZ$g'g-gI0gL5; _g7@  There is an open door here.g:g: _gF<g>gp@g@gAg DgIBgJgPLgLgMgEQgTSgSgUgmWg[gs\gt^gagc,gdgigjgkglg]ogogggSggggggg6,gggggZgg,ggg,ggg^,g g gM g g|gg>ggggxgggggggg&gW-ng1BgE3g5g7,g9g`=g?g?g@gCgDg"EgEgFg7H,gHgCJgRgTgzTgTgWgY,g~g,gg?XggNBg{ggg:,ggg,gEggggwgggg\gggggeg,gggޮg7gg5g:,gggȴ,gKg|gl,gAg˸gĹgg~gQglBggg)ggg,ggggggg',ggg ,ggg=,g ggggg(ggaggg{gg6g[,ggggPgFgg,gDggwggg5gTggg!g#gWggg ,g g g g3 gg6g,gg3%g0&g_&gE'g-g;.gt.g.gu4g5gD5g5g;g>BgGXgLgMgWMgMgTgUg5VgVg(]g^g!_g_gegRf,gYggkgmg_mgmgmuXgygc{Bg,gg[ggk,gg8g,gg@gQ,ggg4g Y  Things that are here:  a +0 ring mail; a +0 dagger _g& ,g ,g g g ,g gc"  Things that are here:  a +0 robe; a +0 dagger; an orc skeletong% g% _g_) g- gt/ ,g0 g7 gR; ,g3< gA gG ,gI gN gP ,gP g)T gOV ,gkW g[ gp\ ,g<] g a gb ,gYc gg gi gi gW g g g. g g2 ,g g g g g gJ g g g2 g g g g9 g gv ,g g@ gl g g& gj gH g g gt g g g gc g= g ga ,g g g` ,g= g g ,gu gg g ,g g^ gu g gg g @  There is an open door here.g< 6 _g g Bg g gZ g g9 gO gr g g g_# g% ,g% g' gT/ gJ1 ,g1 g3 g4 g4 gu5 g8 g9 g>9 g9 g< F _You reach down and open the door.gZ> 4g> g_B @  There is an open door here.gC gkD _glE gG gI ,gJ gL gON gN g'P g*U BgU gW g6Y gY gHZ g\ g] g] g^ g` gXb gb gc gse g"g gbg g8h g1j gk gl gl gn gq ,g g ####.# ##.##  .....# #..#  ###### ##.#  ###.#  .## ### #)#  ..## ##.###.#####  ...####..........#  ...'.....#######.#  ...###...# #@#  6014.2 (188.0) ..###.##.# #.#  .## #.#..#.#  ## #.#..# #.#  ######...# #.#  #...###..#######.#  .....##..........#  ......#.##########  ........#  g g g) E _Done exploring.gcE 4g#F gk .......... ...'....0.0) gp E _Done exploring.gCJgg _glXg XgKg,g\gʶgP  There is an open door here.g6 _gPg #.# #...# #..####.# ##.##  #.# ###.# #.......# #..#  #.# #.# ##'####### ##.#  #.#####.# ##...## #.#  #.......# ##.....## ### #)# #######..## ##.......## ##.###.# #.........###.........####................'.........'.....######.###...@.....###...# 320.0) ###...# ##.......###.##.# .#g$ #.....# ##.....## #.#..# ..# #.###.# ##...## #.#..# ..###.###.# ##+#######...# ..........# #.##...###..##### #####.##### #.#.....##.......  #.####........#.######  #.#.......##...........#gE Jgl g ,g g3 ng?   There is an open door here. _g; ...###.# #.## #.# #.#.# .#÷###.# #..# #.# #...# .......# ##.# #.# ###.# ##'##### #.# #.# #.# g> #...## #.# #.#####.# .....## ### #.# #.......# ......## ##.###.# #######..## ## )####...##.###.........###.<....'..............'.53.2 (19.....####...##.##..####....###.....## #(.....##..# ###...# ##...## ##.######..# #.....# # #...## #.# #..# #.###.# ##'## #.######..###.###.#  #.# #.................##.## #.###########.##### ##..## #.# #.######## gjF gF gN4gPgZ} JgP g g g ,g gm g2 g" g= gI g g g ,g gA g, g7 There is an open door here. _Done exploring. _There is an open door here.  gj j _g gl # #..###..##.#....##.########.# #..............###.# #.## .####.###..##.#.#÷###.# #..# ......# #.....#.......# ##.# ####### ##.######'##### #.# #.# ##...## #. ####.# ##.....## ### #. ##.##.###.......## ##.###.#  ##.>.#.##..)####...##.#68.2 (15  #.......'....<....'.........  ##...#.##.........###.  #......###.......## #(.....  #......# ##.....## ##.#####  #......# gm } ##...## #.#  #.....## ##'## #.##### #.....# #.# #......  ###.### #.## #.gp gRgggggw _Done exploring. _There is an open door here.  ggI _gEgggggLggg:g gg ggg$gglggBggeg!g$g$g|&g(ge+gM,g.g0g3g4g5g1>      ######### #########   #.......####.......# g?  #####.####.....#.#.###.#   #......# #..##.#....##.##   #.###.># #..##.#..........   #.# #..###..##.#....##.##   #.# #........###.# 81.2 (13   #.####.###..##.#.#÷###.# g.#.##..)......###   #.......'....<....'..go g g g g gY g g5 g16 g)> -#.# #..............###.##.####.###..##.#.#÷###.##......# #.....#.......######## ##.######'#### #.# ##...##  ####.# ##.....##  ##.##.###.##  ##.>.#.##..)..... #...@...'....<....'..g> 90.2 (9.0) ##...#.##.........### #......###.......# #......# ##.....## #......#.....## ##'###.....# #.####.### #.## #.# #####..##g? geF gUH gKgGLgMg7[g5|gg&gg,g g7gw,gzgǞgQ,gig  ##.>.#.##..)......##  #.......'....<....'.  ##...#.##..##  #......###.......## #......#..## #......# ## .....## ##'##   #.....# #.#   ###@### #.## 7.2 (7  #.# #####..##   ##.##   ##...## #.#......# ##.#.#.###.##.(..## #.##...........[[34gam##### ##.###.###.###.[..[..  ##.#.## #.###.###### #.## #.<...#gggLgSgT,g0ZXg\g^,g`gcg f,gggkg:ngngyx,gy,g~,ĝ,g(gg,gΛggĝgg< #......# ##...## #.# #.  #.....## ##'## #.######  #.....# #.# #..  ###.### #.## #.#######  #.# #####..## #.#  ##.## #.......## #.# g ##...## #.#......# #.#  ##.#.#.###.##.(..## #.#  #.##...........@########.# 110.2 (13.0)  ##.###.###.###.[..[......#  ##.#.## #.###.###########  ##.## #.<...#  ### #####.#gM #.# ### #.# ##### ##.## #.# ##...## ##.#.## #.#########.....# _There is an open door here.  Things that are here:ggg2V _a +0 plate armour; a +0 scimitarg=ugvg~gg@o4gvggv 4gӴ g  _g ng$ Bg g g ,g g g ,g g #.#.#.###.##.(..## #.# ##...........[########.# #.###.###.###.[..[......#  ##.#.## #.###.########### #.## #.<...#  ### #####.# g w #.#  ### #.# ##### ##.## #@# ##...##7.2 (7.0) ##.#.## #.#########.....# ##.###.####...............##gU  #.##........#######........# ##.#.#.###..## #.##...#.####...###.....# #.###.##.# ####......###...## #.# #..#.# #.......#.# ##.## #.# ##.#.# #.#...###.# #.# #.# #.#.#g E g) g g g4g`gªg* 4g g gb g Bg( gV g gb g4 ,g g g ,gL g g; ,g+ ,g ,gQ g   #.#  ### #.# ##### ##.## #.# ##...## ##.#.## .....# ##.###.####...............##.##........#######........###.#.#.###...## #.##...#.####...###.....# #.###.##.#####......###.@.## #.# #..#.#23.2 (6g #.......#.# ##.## #.# ##.#.##.#.. #.# #.# #.#.##.#...###.# #.# #.########..........# ##'## #.....#>..#......#######...## #########.#......# ##.....## ####.######...# ##.......## ##.##.#  ##.[.####.........####...#.##g g! g# gg,gegg,gXgggb ,g g9g,gg@  There is an open door here.gg _gMggLgg gm(##.#.#.###...## #.##...#.####...###.....# #.###.##.#####......###...## #.# #..#.##.......#.# ##.## #.# ##.#.##.#.. #.# #.# #.#.##.#...###.# #.# #.########..........# ##'## #.....#>..g(Z#......#######...## #########.#......# ##..@..## ####.##9  ####...# ##.......## ##.##.#  ##.[.####.........####...#.## #.......'.........'.....^..... ##...####.....[...####...#.### ######.## ##.......## ##.##.#g`) ..##.....##..# .#####..# ##...## #.## .# ###..# ##'## #.#g)gg0g1g 4gg)g$g&gH(,g)g',gQ.,g/g1g3g4g5g8@  There is an open door here.g:g; _g;g<g>g>g?g]AgC,g]DgNFgGg.Hg2IgYKg`NgNg'Pg`  ####......###...##   #.......#.# ##.##   #.#...###.# #.#   ##.#...###.# #.#   #..........# ##'##   #......#######...##   #......# ##.....## g b  ####...# ##.......##   ##.@.####.........39.2 (10.0)   #.......'.........'.   ##...####.....[...   #######.## ##.......##   #........# ##.....##   #.#####..# ##...##   #.# ###..# ##'##   #.# #....# #.#   #.###.##.#gbgigk] _You see here a +0 crystal plate armour.ggb240.0)g*g{3 _t - a +0 crystal plate armourgP g Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)t - a +0 crystal plate armour Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon g P r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIAy - a scroll of brand weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g5H t - a +0 crystal plate armour. An incredibly heavy but extremely effective suit of crystalline armour. gHBase armour rating: 14 Encumbrance rating: 23 It can be maximally enchanted to +14. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 6.9 (11.5 -> 18.3). Your EV would decrease by 5.2 (6.9 -> 1.7). gH{You found it on level 6 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} gIMenu/colouring prefixes: identified armour (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g$ g ####......###...##morningthaw the Cleaver  #.......#.# ##.##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....  #.#...###.# #.#HP: 60/60 (71) ========================  ##.#...###.# #.#MP: 8/8========================  #..........# ##'##AC: 11Str: 21  #......#######...##EV: 6Int: 9  #......# ##.....##SH: 4Dex: 9  ####...# ##.......## XL:  8 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:6  ##.@.####.........## Noise: ---------  Time: 6140.2 (0.0)  [1g "0;14H#.......'.........'. a) +0 war axe  ##...####.....[...## Nothing quivered  #######.## ##.......## Fly Drain  #........# ##.....##  #.#####..# ##...##  #.# ###..# ##'##  #.# #....##.#  #.###.##.##.#Things that are here: _a +0 plate armour; a +0 scimitar _There is an open door here. _There is an open door here. _You see here a +0 crystal plate armour. _t - a +0 crystal plate armourgJgȲ+1.2 (1gOg _a +0 plate armour; a +0 scimitar _There is an open door here. _You see here a +0 crystal plate armour. _t - a +0 crystal plate armour  You start removing your armour.gӿ+2.2 (2ggg+3.2 (3ggA4.2 (4ggug+5.2 (5gIg  210 _You continue removing your +0 chain mail. x4g~g<g?  You finish removing your +0 chain mail.  You start putting on your armour.gg+6.2 (6gDg 7.2 (78.2 (8g9 g g +9.2 (9g g= g 050.2 (10.0)g g # 18 1 _You continue putting on your +0 crystal plate armour. x5g( g* i _You finish putting on your +0 crystal plate armour.geg\k%  Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt  a * Fighting   6.9  33%  +1   k - Spellcasting   0.0    -2  g*l         b + Maces & Flails   7.3    +2       c * Axes  11.6  65%  +2   l + Invocations0.2   2%  +3  gl! d + Polearms   6.1     0       e - Unarmed Combat   0.0     0  gl            g.m0 f - Short Blades   0.0    -2      g7n         g - Armour   3.2    +1       h - Dodging   0.0    -3      gnU i - Shields   3.2    +1       j - Stealth   0.0    -2      gn            g1o        gzo            goThe percentage of incoming experience used to train each skill is in brown.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  go[?] Help[=] set a skill target  gp[/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  gFp[!] training|cost|targetsg29571 g + Armour 3.2  13%g~ 402 g * Armour   3.2  24g+ gm1  ####......###...##morningthaw the Cleaver  #.......#.# ##.##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....  #.#...###.# #.#HP: 60/60 (71) ========================  ##.#...###.# #.#MP: 8/8========================  #..........# ##'##AC: 18g-3 Str: 21  #......#######...##EV: 1Int: 9  #......# ##.....##SH: 4Dex: 9  ####...# ##.......## XL:  8 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:6  ##.@.####.........## Noise: ---------  Time: 6150.2 (0.0)  #.......'.........'. a) +0 war axe  ##...####.....[...## Nothing quivered  #######.## ##.......## Fly Drain  #........# ##.....##  #.#####..# ##...##  #.# ###..# ##'##  #.# #....##.# [17g3 d #.###.##.##.#You start removing your armour. _You continue removing your +0 chain mail. x4  You finish removing your +0 chain mail.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 crystal plate armour. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 crystal plate armour.ga9 g: g5? gA giJgǂ{.......'..gʊy _Done exploring.gXg`Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=) gSa~ k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIAy - a scroll of brand weapon ga[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ga - a +0 war axe (weapon). A military axe with a long haft and a single-bladed head. Base accuracy: +0 Base damage: 11 Base attack delay: 1.5 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.7) is reached at skill level 16.  Your skill: 11.6; use (s) to set 16.0 as a target for Axes. gM At 100% training you would reach 16.0 in about 1.4 XLs.  At current training (50%) you reach 16.0 in about 2.5 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.9. Damage rating: 19 (Base 11 x 127% (Str) x 137% (Skill)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified melee equipped weapon “‘God speed the kiss,’ said Max, and Katie sigh'd,  With pray'rful palms close seal'd, ‘God speed the axe!’” (u)nwield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.gKgg8 ####......###...##morningthaw the Cleaver  #.......#.# ##.##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....  #.#...###.# #.#HP: 60/60 (71) ========================  ##.#...###.# #.#MP: 8/8========================  #..........# ##'##AC: 18Str: 21  gV#......#######...##EV: 1Int: 9  #......# ##.....##SH: 4Dex: 9  ####...# ##.......## XL:  8 Next: 68% Place: Dungeon:6  ##.@.####.........## Noise: ---------  Time: 6150.2 (0.0)  #.......'.........'. a) +0 war axe  ##...####.....[...## Nothing quivered  #######.## ##.......## Fly Drain  #........# ##.....##  #.#####..# ##...##  g#.# ###..# ##'##  #.# #....##.#  #.###.##.##.# _You continue removing your +0 chain mail. x4  You finish removing your +0 chain mail.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 crystal plate armour. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 crystal plate armour. _Done exploring.g4gg  You finish removing your +0 chain mail.  You start putting on your armour. _You continue putting on your +0 crystal plate armour. x5 _You finish putting on your +0 crystal plate armour.Done exploring.Setting a skill training target for Axes at 16.0.gT 4g! g gQ gǥ _g gЦ gW g© gի g) g gӭ gͮ g g g @  There is an open door here.g$ g _gҷ g[ g g gѽ g g g& gp g8 ga g g g| g g g g1 ) ####......###...## #.# #..#.#  #.......#.# ##.## #.# ##.#.#  #.#...###.# #.# #.# #.#.# g  ##.#...###.# #.# #.########  #..........# ##'## #.....#>..  #......#######...## #########.  #......# ##.....## ####.###  ####...# ##.......## ##.##.#  ##...####....@....####...#.#g q610.0)  #.......'..g ^....  ##...####.....[...####...#.# g8 ######.## ##.......## ##.##.# ........# ##.....## ###.. .#####..# ##...## ga #.## .# ###..# ##'## .# g .# #....# #.# g #.# .###.##.# #.#  #.#g g g g?Jggmg5,ggɢ,gg̫g<ggDggK,ggQV  There is an open door here.g _gTg gg,ggg$ggg-,ggg,gg-g,ggJg=,ggg,g}gg,gwg Xgtgc,gkgg #g$g%g;<gXBg6DgHgNg`VBg<\gY]g]g_gIfg@j,ghlgv]  Things that are here:  a +0 ring mail; a +0 daggergygz _g|gHg<ggggi,gg  Things that are here:  a +0 robe; a +0 dagger; an orc skeletongg _g:g@grgggg,gggD,gggj,ggg|gggg,g4gg,ggg_,ggg,ggg#,ggg,g,gJgggg,gggggnggw,g{g'g' g{ gr gAg,g%gg,gsgrg,ghgg4,ggg ,g gC$g$,g7%g(g?*,g*g,g1.,g>3ng4g5g&6gd6g;Xg>g>,g?gBgC,gDgFgGg)HgiHg*KgLgaLgLgnOg6PgxPgKQg"TgTgUgkUgDXg3Y,gYg\g]g]g8^g0agb,gQcgegfg;gghgjgk,gWlgngogdpgpgrgsgsgtgvg{Xg~nggYg=g5ggggv,ggigi,ggg,gggLggggg1gg—gLggg͙gWggޚgƛgE,ggg5gogggg֡ggv  There is an open door here. _ghgg,g<gʪgCg|gg|g},gg"g,gcgUg,ggg,g#gxg,gLBgg,gBgg gHg}gpg,gg=g,ghggmggggM,ggg,,ggg,grg,g g g gBgrg##.........## #..... ...#######........# #...# #...## #.##...#.# ##.## .....# #.###.##.# #.# #.. #...## #.# #..#.#########.##### ##.## #.# ##.#.##.........# .# #.# #.#.##.######..# .# #.########### #..###. ##'## #.....#@....### ##.....258.2 (98 #...## #########.....####.....# .....## ####.####.....#..... ......## ##.##.# ###........###.....####...#.########.....###. .......'.....^.......##........##  ...[...####...#.######...[.#..... g  ......## ##.##.# ##.....####.).  .....## ###..# #.....##.####. gg c _There is a stone staircase leading down here.g4gggG34g:gAg"E89.2 (1.0) _gHgG  You fly downwards.  You hear the roar of battle.g/  --more--gk             ## 7  #@.......   #########    g    g`gg+9 (1.7glg  There is an entrance to a bailey on this level. Hurry and find it before the _portal closes forever! _There is a stone staircase leading up here.g        # #< #gH       gYg;$60gu0 _ggg`:     g3a   # #<. #    gna   gfgYg&1gjgFlg" P        # #<. #       2gd# g~% gU_ @      g_  # #<. #       g(f gf &3gEj g8l g # g#<. # ggn&4gggr##<.#g<5ggg p##<.#gg,&6g@gdg p##<.#g3 g3 &7g{ gB gv Z##<.#g| gb} &8g gς gi##<./#ggR&9gg[ _Found a crooked glass wand.g##<./.#gg+'70gggW##<./.#g]<1g_g`gN ##<./.#gS gT &2gdX g7Z g_ ##<./.  #g g &3g} g g ##<./. #g(g )&4g$2gHtU <./.gx<5g{g|g4 ..g g &6g?g'g +7.9 (2gg$- _B - a wand of roots (8)gt gw g( +8.9 (1gb gO gggW&9gigHg`g7=80g{gcgWg9g%&1gg gR gW g_X &2gM\ gl_ g g g( &3g3 gN gxo4g%.gg&5ggEg6iL.##gngo&6grgtg|v.# #  gb <7g g gk v.# #  g@q gq &8gu g~x gr v.# #  ggy&9gCgg?#.# #  gCgiD'90gGgIg 8.#.#.#.#.#.# .# g] 0#  gg&1ggjg)#.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #  g<2gggܷ + ################ ................. ##################g g &3gl gG g1 + ################ ................. ##################gr5 g6 &4g8 g; gn+ ################ ................. ##################g)<5g)g+gM+ ################ .................#gbg &6ggPglM+#.#Fly Drain gRrgr&7gugwgM+#.#gGg&8gtg g1 M+#.####ge7 g7 &9g; gw= gn ....##............#.......#......#........'g gZ (300gO g5 7 _You reach down and open the door.gAM..... ######.....##.....................#..........#..........##.#..#gEgE&1gBIg VQ _There is an open door here.g M  ########...........@..#.....##'###....#.##.#g8 g -2 _g g g@ .  ########...........##'###........#gA!geg&3g gI g~Qq### . .  #########...........##'###.......###gVg%X&4g\g6_g_M### .. .. . ##########................##'###.### #.#gegf&5gkjglg M### .... .... .. ###########.......#..........#..... #.#g <6g! gNM### .... ..... ..... ########.....##@......###.#..........#..... #.#g<g&7gi gg[}### .... ..... ..... # .....##.# .###.# .# .# ...g\..... #.# g`gDa&8gcgdgW### .... ..... ..... # .....##.# .g###.# .# .# ........ g gJ &9ggs _You hear the faint creaking of a portcullis nearby.g'### .... ..... ..... # .....##.# .###.# .# .# .#.#.....##'###... g]g '10ggg= f### .... ..... ..... # .....##.# .###.# ..# #...# ....#..........#.....##'###..... #.# g? g@ 1gE g]H g### .... ..... ..... # .....##.# .###.# ...# .# ..........# .#..........# .#..........# .#.....##'### .#..... #.# .# gg&2gEgZg?### .... ..... ..... # .....##.# .###.# ....# #.# ..........# #.# .# #.#.# #.#.....##'### #.#..... #.# #.# 3g  ###.....###########............###....# .#.#.... #.#4g` ###.....###########............### #.#### #.#ggA&5g2gg=T ###.....###########............### ##'###.##.#g B<6g9EgFgQ ###.....###########............### ##'##g #.#  #.##.#gF g &7ggg .....###########............### ##'## #.#  #.# ##########.#8ggFgM a .###########............### ##'## #.#  #.# gM 3...........#gS g1T &9g!X gZ g = ###########............### ##'## #.#  ### g[ f#.# ############g g% '20g& g g3*A ##............### ##'## #.#  ###  #..g/<1g@2g4g' .....### ##'## #.#  ###  ###glg&2gggO  ##'## #.#  ###   #########g V<3gZgw\g ##'## #.#  ###   #########Fly Drain 4gk < ##'## #.#  ###   ######### ..........Fly Drain gq gr &5gu gw g6 /##'## #.#  ###   ######### .......... ###########. #### g g &6g g g<##'## #.#  ###   ######### .......... ###########....... #########gcg&7ggg #.#  ###   ######### ..........###### ###########....... #########g;!g:g&8ggcg ^..... #.# #.# ..... #.# #.# .... #.# #.# ### #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# # #.#. #.#ggӰg9gggb ..... #.# #.#  ..... #.# #.#  .... #.# #.#  ### #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# gkb # #.#.# #.##g=s Z30gk j..... #.# #.# ..... #.# #.# .... #.# #.# g ### #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# # #.#.# g #.# # g~ g &1g g gx #.# #.#  #.# #.# gCy #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# # #.#.#  #.# # gVg&2g$gg8n #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# # #.#.#  #.# # g=gp=&3g@g}BgWAb #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.#  #.# #.# gA#.# #.# #.# #.# .# #.# gA## #.#.# gA #.# # gGg(H&4gKgMg #.# #.#  #.# #.# .#  #.# #.# .##.# #.# .##.# #.# .##.# #.# .#.# #.# .# # #.#.#  #.# # gg)&5g/gg 2 #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.#  g #.# #.# #.#  #.# #.# #.# .# #.# #.# # #.#g# .#  #.# # g gj &6gǨ g g g g g} g 4##'###...  ### ...####### #### #.........###########g} g &7g g g>..... ##'######...  ## ...####### #### #.........###########g%g-gw8g{g$g; ..... ##'######... g ## ...####### #### #.........g;###########gQg"&9gggBvM..... ##'######... gv ## ...####### #### #.........#g{g{'40g6~ggpM..... ##'######...  ## ...# #.#######.#g#g#&1ggQgkT M###.#. ....... ##'###.####...  ##.# #.# #.#gQZ g[ &2ga^ g` g@ 4Mg ##......##.#  #. .....#.. ##'###g #..##########...........  #.# #.# #.#g *###g g &3g g gU!M ######## ##......##.# # #.. ...... ##'#############...@.......#..#.########...  #.# #.#.# #.##..#4ggg7. # .##.# ...###.# #.#.# #.# #...# #.# #...# #.# #...# #.# #.. .##'### #.# #..# . #.# #.# #. . #.# #.# #..#.# #.# #.# #..#.#g #.# #.# ....#.# #.# #.#.##.#.# #.# #.# .. #.##.# #.# ##. #.#g.# #.#######.# ##### #g.#g} g &5g  g3 g # . # ..##.# ...###.# #.##.# #.# #....# #.# #..#gy# .# #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.##'### #.# #..# .. #.# #.# #. .. #.# #.# #..#.g# # . #.# #.# #..#.#g $  #.# #.# ....#.# #.# #.#.##.##.# #.# #.# .. #.#g$ #.# #.# ##. #.#.# #.#######.# ###### #.#g * g* &6g. g1 g ##.......# .......###.# #.## ..###'########## #.# .........#.####### . .#  ....#.##.##.##############g<7gWggz .....###.# #.## ..###'########## #.# .........#.####### .   gJz#^..#.##.# .. #g#gf&8ggg)   ..###'########## #.# .........#.####### . gl* ###  #^...##.## ... # #######gb0 g0 &9g4 gL6 gJ f.# #.# #....# #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.##'### #.# #..###gK . #.# #.# #..... #.# #.# #..#.# .. #.# #.####..#.# # #.# #.#^..@.#.#giK x #.# #.#.##.##.# #.# #.# ...##.##.# #.####.##.#.# #.#######.# # #.#  #gK gQ gR '50gU gW g .# #.# #....# #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.##'### #.# #..#########. #.# #.# #....g! .. #.# #.# #..#.#. #.# #.####..#.# ## #.# #.#^.@..#.#g=!Z #.# #.#.##.##.# #.# #.# ...##.#gU!#.# #.####.##.#.# #.###gl!Q####.# # #g~!.# g!1 #g!g9(g(&1g,g.gnZ`# #.# #... # #.# #..# # #.# #..# # #.# #..# ##'### #.# #..#########  #.# #.# #.....g[1  #.# #.# #..#.#  #.# #.####..#.#  #.# #.#^..@.#.# #.# #.#.##.##.# #.# #.# ...##.# .# #.####.##.# # #.####gW[B###.# gag+b&2gfghg<| ###'########## #.# .........#.####### ### # ^..  #.##@##...## ######## .....###g g&3gg\g  ##'########## #.# .........#.####### gH e## # gi #^....#  .##.##g g#... ####### .....g d#####Fly Drain g g &4gX gO g7 M..... ##'############.......... ###### ..####..# #^....##.##  ... #########. ......####### ####### #.........#5g-6M...... ##'############..........# ###### ..### g##^..@.###.##  #... #######. ......# #.#######.#g<6gg gWM###...... ##'############..........g^W# ###### ..#### #^....#.##.## g}WV #... gW#####.# #.####.##.#g^g `&7gfgM##.......# .. ###...... ##'############.......... ###### g3?..#### ##^....#.##.###.# #.#....##.#gg{&8g g g NM ######### ##.......# ..# ###...... ##'###gD S#########.......... #..#.####### ..### #^....g #.# #.#.##.##.#gX gٲ g 9g] g5 gK M  ######### ####.......# ..# ####.gK 7..... ##'############.......... #..#.####### ..g(L ####..#.# # #.# #.#^....#.####gT gT '60g{Y g[ y _You hear the faint creaking of a very distant portcullis.gP7M   ######### ####.......# ..# ####...... ##'############.......... #..#.####### .. #.# #.####..#.###.#g=&1ggg+[M#    ######### ####.......# ..# #####.......g,T ##'############......... ... #.# #.# #..#.#######g<, ..#g3gO4&2g[8g~:gmM #    ######### ####.......# ..# #######............gr- ##'############ ... #.# #.# #...........##.##gg+&3g g" gbnM #    ######### #####.......# ..# #######......##### g........# #.# #..#Fly Drain .....#.#gg&4gfgg QM #    ###############.......#<...# #######.g ......##### ........# #.# #..##..#g$ 6<g &5g# g% 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gM #    #############g##.......#<..@# ##.#.##.######.......##### ........# #.# #..##..#ggW&6g4g&g G#... #######.##.#<.@.#.###.#.##.######..# #.# #.........# #.# #..######.# #.# #..#.# #.# #..#.##'### #.# #..##. #.# #.# #.... .... #.# #.# #..#.#7g g, g [E#... gT[#######.##.#<@..#.###.#.##.######.g[X.# #.#. #.........# #.#. #..######.# #.#. #..#g[.# #.#. #..#.##'### #.#. #..#g[. #.# #.#. #..g!\. ..... #.# #.# #..#.#g.cgc&8gfhg3jg +  ###  ....  .....  ..... #######  .....##.#@...#  .###.#.##.######.  .# #.#..#........  .# #.#..#..######  .# #.#..#..#  .# #.#..#..#  .....##'### #.#..#..#  ..... #.# #.#..#.  ..... #.# #.# #..#.#g g &9g7 gD a _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gIt ###.....################.......#<........###.#@##.######. #.#..#.......gI#..###### #..#.... #.# #.####..#.#gPgYQ.70 _g7UgWg  ###.....################.......#<...#.....###.#.##.######. #.#@.#.......gf###### ####### #.# #.#^....#.#go<1gg`g ###.....################.......#<........###.#.##.######. #.#..#.......######g! Fly Drain #.# #.#.##.##.#gY2gJgg,g+Xgggngggg,gQghgggtgg,gggg%gggggig0gggghgBg!gR",g"g$g&,g&g(g6*,g*g)-g-g-gZ.g/g1,gJ2g4g5,g76g7g8,gs9g:g+<,g<g>g?g?gV@gAgdC,gCgxDgD,gGEgFgG,glGg.HgI,g[Ig+JgJ,g"KgKgL,gMgRgSgUgUgxVgXgNZ,gZg(\g],gK^gK_gi`g`gag~bgcgdgtdgegfgggXgghgigig>jgmkgmgmg8ngp _You hear the faint creaking of a distant portcullis.gqgqgrgTtgpugug$vguwgfygygJzg{g}g}gz~ggҁgggg,gӆgg,gggڌ,gTg3a### ....... ....... gn....... ############## .......##.......#<...# g7............###.#.##.### ............# #.#..#....g ............# #.#..#..## g.......@....# #.#..#..#419.9 (47.0) g #...........# #.#..#..# g.#......##'### #.#..#..## g\#...... #.# #.#..#.... gZ#...... #.# #.#..#..#. #...... #.# #.####..#. g ####### #.# #.#^....#. g Z #.# #.#.##.##.  #.# #.#....##. grgtggp{`gXg(ggqggg gggGggg?gpggȒgz]. g..####### # .# gԘV..##############24.9 (5.0)gE`....##.......#<............###.#.##..........# #.#..#.gr........# #.#..#..........# #.#..#.g...........# #.#..#.#......##'### #.#..#.g͙S#......##.# #.#..#.gggg g g g gS g~ Bg g` g6 g gL gk gr gU gZ g g g g g, g4 g! g# gM# g$ g) ).....ß......# ........# .......#######g*  ####...........# #..............###......########......##...................30.9 (6..............# #..............# #.......# #g+ #####...........# # #......##'### #.... #......##.# #.... #......##.# #g,+ r #......##.# #g+ g0 g2 gqgcgKgg=gg,g gLgJggggg< _Found a flagged portal.g]gggv.........∩...ß............. .....# ....ß# ..# ß####### g ####.@.........# 4.9 (4 #.....# ###.....######.##...........#...........#..................#..................#......#####...........#g1g"gqgS4gTgXgw[gL`BgNa,gfbgdgfgVfgQgg8m....##..........ß...∩...ß.......#.................#ß.....ß......#.gmB...# ....ß..@......#######7.9 (3#########.....# #....gm...#  ###........#### .........##.. ............gm  .............  ............gnf..  ..........gJnE g(ogtgfvg g gq g g gX gz ,g% gq g 2#.....ß....# #..........###. #..ß.....ß #......###............##ß...∩...ß.......#.......#......@........# 40..ß.....ß......# ##........# #....ß.........####### ##########...# #.....#  ###......## ..## g/gggglA #....D...### #.....ß....#  #..........### #..ß.....ß  #......## #...........###ß...∩...ß.#.......@....#.........# #..ß.....ß......##........#  #....ß...#################.# D   steam dragon (wandering) #g.# ###.# #g 0.DD1.9 (1g_ _A steam dragon comes into view.gq##.#####. ....##Dß....# ........###. ß.....ß ...## #...........###ßß#...........##...........ß.....ß##.....#....ß.........################ #....###.D2 _There is a flagged portal here.gXK #. ..##.#####. ...##ß....# ...D....###. ß.....ß ...## #....###ß...∩...ß#...........##...........ß.....ß##..... ....ß.........################ gz.D3 _g@g ## #. ..##.#####. ...##ß....# ........###. ß..D..ß .@.## #...........###ß...∩...ß#...........##...........ß.....ß##.....#....ß.........################  The steam dragon bites you but does no damage.gt 57--7---=4g G _The steam dragon claws you.g  You slash the steam dragon!  The steam dragon is moderately wounded.The steam dragon bites you.gh3---=5gZ _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.gKu  You slash the steam dragon!4-geK&6.8 (0.9gTz _The steam dragon is heavily wounded.g   You hit the steam dragon.  The steam dragon is severely wounded.The steam dragon bites you but does no damage.-7.7 _The steam dragon completely misses you.gThe steam dragon is severely wounded.The steam dragon bites you but does no damage. _The steam dragon completely misses you.You slash the steam dragon!  You kill the steam dragon!  Okawaru accepts your kill.g"[ggYgg gg g g> 6/69 (73gv--g---82=8.6Drain _The steam dragon scales are intact enough to wear.g gi _Your Fighting skill increases to level 7!g~ #. .## #. .. ###.#####. #.### #.....ß....# #.###. #..ß..[..ß...... #....@..## #........ ###ß...∩...ß.# .......... ##...# #..ß.....ß......# ##.# #....ß. #.gS--9.6 (1.0 _gUg6glS  #. .##.. ###.#####. ........###ß.........###.ß..[..ß..............##....###ß...∩...ß#g,T S............. .##.......# ##########..#.............. g u--50gy . ###.#####. ........###ß.........###.ß..[..ß..............##.....###ß..@∩...ß#............. ##.......#  #..ß.....ß..###.............. 7--1gX #. ..g ###.#####. #.### #.....ß....# #.###. #..ß..[..ß...... #.......## #........ ###ß.@.∩...ß.#......##.# #..ß.....ß......# ##....# #....ß. # #.... ###g g&2g g5g 4g g`gy08===3.6 (1 _You start resting. Magic restored.gP #. .. ###.#####. #.### #.....ß....# #.###. #..ß..[..ß...... #.......## #........ ###ß..@∩...ß.# ..... ..##.# #..ß.....ß......# ##....##....ß.##.#.....###.gL_ j8=4gf gi g 6#. .. ###.#####. #.### #.....ß....# #.###. #..ß..[..ß...... #.......## #........ ###ß...@...ß.# ..... ..##.# #..ß.....ß......# ##...##....ß.##.##....####.#5g gU _There is a flagged portal here.gJg g,ggdj9====gng,ggt,gg,g:g=60gcJA 61.6 (6 _You start resting.2.6 (7 _You hear the creaking of a portcullis.g-+g ,g/g1g6,g9x1=g[=g=g!AgC,g EgIl2=g[KgM,gOghSgSg:UgWg9X&3gZg^,g*`gcg dgeg+t4=gu,gcvgz,g:|g~g~gO5=ggڇBg,ggR6g,gggwggb7=gXgG,gvg̳,ggg4V8=gڽggggHgg Bggy_ _You start resting.g89.6 (27.0)9=90.6 (28 _HP restored.gK gQL gT g] g/^ 11.6 (1.0)gm ,g[3  #####  ##...## a Bailey #..@..+  #.....#  #..∩..+  ##...##  #####  The world spins around you as you enter the gateway.g5:=g:;∩gE-2.3 (1.7gg _You enter a bailey!  Found a gate leading back out of this place. _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here. g.3 P##### ##...## #..∩@.+ #.....# #..∩..+ ##...## 30 _ g 6##### ##...## #..∩.@+ #.....# #..∩..+ ##...## ##### g%  g &4 g  g  g####.o.........'..g.######∩o   orc (asleep)g   hobgoblin (asleep) g&  You reach down and open the door.  An orc and a hobgoblin come into view. g5 gBo.g.og===5 g-;∩ gI@ _The hobgoblin shouts! You hear a shout! x2 gM W##.####### .o....###...##......##..∩..@.g..# #.....###### #..∩..+ ##...##  gy g.og.∩---6 _There is an open door here. g2 W∩  g W=--7.2 (0.9 g ∩ _You closely miss the orc. You hit the hobgoblin. g4# ∩You barely miss the hobgoblin.The hobgoblin is almost dead.You hit the orc but do no damage. The orc hits you but does no damage. g4-8.2 (1.0 g{∩ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage. gӏ=  You slash the hobgoblin! g} )∩  You kill the hobgoblin! g&9 g;∩ gs _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage. gi∩500.1 (0.9 gp!;∩ g$w _You completely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage. g 4 g0 gF _Unknown command. g|4>1.0 g7 g;s _You barely miss the orc. The orc hits you but does no damage. gi 4 gp  gt F _Unknown command. g  You hit the orc.  The orc is moderately wounded. gd  Mgg   gnoll _Unknown command.The orc hits you but does no damage. g -2.0 (1.0 g =∩ g v _A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +3 hand axe. gp p  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc! g  g [.g  g +9 (0.9 g¶ ;∩ gJ P _Okawaru accepts your kill. g=  You hit the gnoll.  The gnoll is moderately wounded. g/I g g   hobgoblinYou block the gnoll's attack. gRj3.9 (1.0∩ g`y _A hobgoblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe. g t  You slash the gnoll!  You kill the gnoll! g g<_  Okawaru accepts your kill. g.p∩p   human  g=3=4.8 (0.9 g;∩ gu _A human comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe. ggg   hobgoblin-5.7∩ _You hit the human but do no damage. You block the human's attack. g  You slash the human!  The human is heavily wounded. g\ {.∩  g 0=6.6 g h _The human barely misses you. g h  You hit the human but do no damage. gb g∩g   hobgoblinThe human is heavily wounded. g 0-7.5 g =∩ g < _The human hits you but does no damage. gT  g4U You barely miss the human.The human is heavily wounded. gah.∩  gb80---- g;c^7---=8.5 (1.0 gm=∩ gq; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe! g`  You closely miss the human. g&2 g∩g   hobgoblinThe human is heavily wounded. g2p1=----9.4 (0.9 g,? gD  gD%_You block the human's attack. g  You slash the human!  The human is almost dead. gSf.  g_0-=10.3 g  g; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe. g ∩You miss the human. g 0-1.2 g* ;∩ g6 Y _The human is almost dead. g~H  You barely miss the human.The human is almost dead. gQ gg   hobgoblin----2.1 g$Y  g\ < _The human hits you but does no damage. gz  You closely miss the human.The human is almost dead. gPK.  g53---6---=3.0 gQ _The human hits you with a +0 war axe!gNO  You completely miss the human.The human is almost dead.g]Wg∩g   hobgoblin-9g<\g9`R _The human barely misses you.g:t  You slash the human!  You kill the human!gg .g∩g ealth: 53/73 ---agic: 6/8---97-4.9 (1.0 _Okawaru accepts your kill.Your life force feels restored.g@gJf _Your Axes skill increases to level 12!guy ∩You barely miss the hobgoblin.g[4-5.8 (0.9g;∩g@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.ga <∩gb (6.7gh gso w _You closely miss the hobgoblin. You block the hobgoblin's attack.gvE |  You slash the hobgoblin!  You kill the hobgoblin!gN V)∩ g|S X7===7.6gvX g[ P _Okawaru accepts your kill.ggwg∩ _No target in view!g*X∩g^/gt2H _No target in view!g-L gqL gM gO gT 5=gU gY ,g;[ g^ R===g9_ gb g2b @6=gSb g~c g\e ,g|f gh ,gi g8l <7gm gu h - _You start resting.g{ 25.6 (8.0∩8===-6.6 (9g ;∩g % _Magic restored.g>4g@g:DgHBg6IL8=grKgpQ,grRgUgU<===gVgEYgYV9=g0[g],gW_gb,gEcgf=60ggg"k,grlgogqgvqgtb1=g\vgygygzg},g%ggO2=gg,g`gn,ggg>&3g/g3,gg>,gg,gg-gZE4=ggfF5=67=gNgl8=ggg<,gg,g#gUg&9gg-g^gg ,gXgNgsM70=gOg,gg,gg}gV1=ggI,gg@gggg[ g g g g&2g[g=,g/g,gmgW_ _You start resting.g%774.6 (48.0)g%S3=5.6 (49g/+g8." _HP restored.gߗ 4g4 ;∩gM gF+##.#..#..#..## ...###### #####.......# ##...##).....# #..∩..'@...# #.....###### #..∩..+ ##...## #####'g{g16.6 (1.0)gg  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a hobgoblin corpseg @M ### #..##  #...##### #####..##...##@.....#∩..')...#+#...######..∩..+##...####g g; -7 _gk  _Items here: )))) [[[[ ††.ggi?Pick up what? 28/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))  a - a +3 hand axeb - a +0 hand axe  c - a +0 war axe  d - a +0 war axe Armour (select all with [)e - a +0 leather armour  f - a +0 leather armour  g - a +0 leather armour  h - a +0 ring mail g"Carrion a hobgoblin corpse an orc corpse [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit gLetters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]g:gAg2Hmorningthaw the Cleaver##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##.Health: 73/73 ========================#..Magic: 8/8========================#..AC: 18Str: 21#..##EV: 1gHInt: 9#...######SH: 4Dex: 9#####.......#XL:  8 Next: 97% Place: a Bailey##...##@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 6577.6 (0.0)#..∩..')...#+#a) +0 war axe#.....######Nothing quivered#..∩..+Fly gH~##...####### gI_You start resting. _HP restored.  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a hobgoblin corpse g7I_Items here: )))) [[[[ ††.  Okay, then.gNS4gX=∩g [. _gv{gԃ@Inventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) gBWands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (8) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesgk:m - a scroll of enchant weapon gƄ[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g{ g g -morningthaw the Cleaver##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru **....##.Health: 73/73 ========================#..Magic: 8/8========================#..AC: 18Str: 21#..##EV: 1Int: 9#...######SH: 4Dex: 9#####.......#XL:  8 Next: 97% Place: a Bailey##...##@.....#Noise: ---------  Time: 6577.6 (0.0)#..∩..')...#+#a) +0 war axe#.....######Nothing quiveredg` l#..∩..+Fly ##...####### _You start resting. _HP restored.  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a hobgoblin corpse _Items here: )))) [[[[ ††. _Okay, then.gؤ Y∩g g gZB 4g}C gL gO gP % _gT ,ga t  You slice the human!!  You kill the human!gZd x  Okawaru is honoured by your kill.gi gs )F'FFF 3 bullfrogsg| 66--6-----99=90.1 (0.9gQ g  You closely miss the bullfrog. You slash the bullfrog! The bullfrog hits you. _x2g4gogUF _Unknown command.g\z  You slash the bullfrog!  You kill the bullfrog!g!b_  Okawaru accepts your kill.gj.F. 2geo+----go*121.0gxgaz gzo_You hit the bullfrog but do no damage. You block the bullfrog's attack.g#gggP F _Unknown command.gX _You hit the bullfrog but do no damage. You block the bullfrog's attack. _Unknown command.  You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is lightly wounded.  You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2g.79ggHU _The bullfrog barely misses you.gz4gP~gF _Unknown command.g~ 4g g dThe bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2 _The bullfrog barely misses you. _Unknown command. _Unknown command.  You slash the bullfrog!  You kill the bullfrog!g8 _  Okawaru accepts your kill.g  You slash the bullfrog!  A bullfrog comes into view.gB K)Fg+ 562.9 (1.0gl g. ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.gA 4g8J gU _Unknown command.You barely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is severely wounded.g_ [F.gK` 5-3.8 (0.9gYh gm B _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2gK&g&8-g.g1F _Unknown command.gz  You slash the bullfrog!  You kill the bullfrog!gݒgg†F'.   bullfrogg4 *894.7 _Okawaru accepts your kill.g&g-g _Your Armour skill increases to level 5!gogg#gдF _Unknown command.gS###### ##†...# ##..@..# #...#.F'..~#...#..#.#..##..# ≈≈~#...###### ≈#####.......# ##...## ggTF.gm7==-5.7 (1.0 _gh$g)  Things that are here: _a +2 heavy hand axe; a +0 ring mail; a human corpsegb  You barely miss the bullfrog.gC.=6ggB _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2gTk  You hit the bullfrog but do no damage.g\597.5 (0.8gtg? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g; 4g g^ F _Unknown command.gL=  You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog is heavily wounded.g= 5=8.4 (0.9gE glH 6 _You block the bullfrog's attack.gK  You barely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is heavily wounded.g  FF 2 bullfrogs (1 wandering)The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.  A bullfrog comes into view.gt R==-9.4 (1.0g g 6 _You block the bullfrog's attack.gDK  You closely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is heavily wounded.gV F.FThe bullfrog gives a loud, deep croak! You hear a shout!gXo76--=600.3 (0.9g`gsd, _The bullfrog hits you.gdb  You barely miss the bullfrog.g F.The bullfrog is heavily wounded.g[0-1.2gg4 ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g  You completely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is heavily wounded.gg F..The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.gB-2.1gsg6 _You block the bullfrog's attack.gdp b  You barely miss the bullfrog.g} F'  The bullfrog is heavily wounded.The bullfrog releases a deep croak.gn~ (3.0g gċ ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g< > ###### ##†...# ##.@)FF# #...#..'..~~ #...#..#.... #..##..# ≈≈~ #...###### ≈ #####.......# ##...#g #).....#  #..∩..')...#+#  #.....######g g g} L  The bullfrog attacks as it pursues you!g fFF..g ^8--4.0 (1.0g0 g7 ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.gs i  You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog is almost dead.You barely miss the bullfrog. The bullfrog hits you.3-7===8 (0.8gz gV~ B _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2g6x  You hit the bullfrog.  You kill the bullfrog! g' )   bullfrogOkawaru accepts your kill.You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. gl56---22-5.7 (0.9 g0 g, _The bullfrog hits you! gd  You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is heavily wounded. g`57---6.6 g g5? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. g  You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog is severely wounded. gɀ-7.6 (1.0 g g? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. gD@z  You slash the bullfrog!  You kill the bullfrog! gGE† gKK==68 gP gSP _Okawaru accepts your kill. g 4 g  g H _No target in view! g8Z ########††..##..).#..@#..'..~~..#....##..# ≈≈~Fly #..∩..+ g#4!gG>3=!g?!gTC!gC!gE!gG!gH!gJ!gN!g)O&5!gQ!gU,!gW!g[!gZ\!g]!ga!gb!gc!gg!g%h!gJhE6=!g j!gsm!gm!gmo!g^s,!g0u!g}!gy}#7!g}3=!gC!g !gb!g!g!g!gI!g!go&8!g/!gY!gޖ!gޘ!gܝ!gG!g,!gD!g&9!g!g,!g!g!gȬ!g!gd!g!gѲF70=!gb!g,!gT!gb!g!g 1=!g^!g!g3!gt!gA!g~!g0!g<2!g!gY,!g!g,!g!g!g!gE3=!gj!g,!g5!g,!g!g!g,#4!gO3=!g!g!g!g!g!g & !g p!g p   human (wandering) _You start resting.!g X59.6 (37∩!g/ -60.6 (38!ga =∩!g u _A human comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe.!gj l ##### ##††.!gj +##.@p..# ..'..~~.#..#....##..# ≈≈~!gj / #...###### ≈ #####..#...##).....!g k o∩..')...#+#...######!gx } ppThe human shouts!!gSy n5====1.6 (1.0)!gӀ !g < _The human hits you but does no damage."g"g[=---2"gԊ"gMx _You closely miss the human. The human hits you but does no damage."g(  You slash the human!  The human is moderately wounded."g.48---=--3.5 (0.9"ga3"gx7; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe."gl  You closely miss the human.The human is moderately wounded."g68--7------4.3 (0.8"g"gZ; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe!"gr  You hit the human but do no damage.The human is moderately wounded."gs 5-5.2 (0.9"gD{ "g~ < _The human hits you but does no damage."g{  You hit the human.  The human is heavily wounded."g{ 0----6-----=6.1"g "g ; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe!#g  You hit the human.  The human is heavily wounded.#g6K---7.0#g #g; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.#gC?  You barely miss the human.The human is heavily wounded.#g?@-9#gYI#gI< _The human hits you but does no damage.#gh  You hit the human but do no damage.#gR(8.8#g#g] _The human is heavily wounded.#g  You closely miss the human.The human is heavily wounded.#g58-5-----9.7#gå#gA; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.#g<   You barely miss the human.The human is heavily wounded.55--70.6#gLD #gE ; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.#g  You hit the human but do no damage.The human is heavily wounded.#gX(1.5#g#g< _The human hits you but does no damage.$ġ  You hit the human but do no damage.The human is heavily wounded.2.4$g$gR _The human barely misses you.$gK  You hit the human.  The human is heavily wounded.$gs0-----3.3$g$g; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe!$gŚ  You hit the human.  The human is severely wounded.$g (4.2$gL $g < _The human hits you but does no damage.%g  You hit the human.  The human is severely wounded.%g-5.2 (1.0%gp%g7  You hit the human.  The human is severely wounded. _The human hits you but does no damage.  You hit the human.  The human is severely wounded. _The human hits you but does no damage.%g%t _The human hits you but does no damage.  You hit the human.  The human is severely wounded. _The human hits you but does no damage.  You barely miss the human.  The human is severely wounded.%g c1-6.1 (0.9%g(%g,-< _The human hits you but does no damage.%g  _The human hits you but does no damage.  You barely miss the human.  The human is severely wounded. _The human hits you but does no damage.  %gYou barely miss the human.  The human is severely wounded.%glD07.0%g"%gn  You barely miss the human.  The human is severely wounded. _The human hits you but does no damage. %g You barely miss the human.  The human is severely wounded. _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.%gB  You hit the human but do no damage.8 (0.8%g %g ^ _The human is severely wounded.&g4t  You slash the human!  You kill the human!&g<C)&gA1338.6&goH&gsKP _Okawaru accepts your kill.&g|]>###### ##††..# ##..@..# #...#..'..~~ #...#..#.... #..##..# ≈≈~ #...###### ≈ ##...## &gGa&gaQ1-9.6 (1.0&gg&g###### ##††..# ##..@..# #...#..'..~~ #...#..#.... #..##..# ≈≈~ #...###### ≈ ##...## *gW<7*g*g- _Items here: )) [[ ††.*g:###### ##††..# ##..)@.# #...#..'..~#...#..#.#..##..# ≈≈~#...#######≈~#####.......# ~##...# *g*gnI=8 _*g͸*gD*g) x ########††..# #####..)..#~~≈≈≈...#@.'..~~~#...#..#.....#..##..# ≈≈~~##Fly ~#..∩..+*g+ <9*g% *gr' *g=S r###### ###††..# ≈###..)..#~~≈#...#.@'..~#...#..#.#..##..# ≈≈~~.#...#######≈~.#####.# ~~##...##).....# ~ *gS G#..∩..+*gF\ :∩*g\ '70*gCc *gf +g5######### ##††..#≈≈####≈##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~#...#..@..~~~~.#...#..#.#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~#...#######≈~.#####.# ~##...##).....# ~#..∩..')...#+# ~ +g7<1+g+gQ _There is an open door here.+g]######### ##††..#≈≈####≈##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~g#...#..'@.~~~~.#...#..#.#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~#...#######≈~.#####.# ≈~##...##).....# ~~g   goblin (wandering)+g.#..∩..')...#+# ~~#.....###### ≈≈≈ +g}  A goblin comes into view. It is wielding a +0 hand axe.+g3~gg==2+g+g( _The goblin shouts!+g2 ######### ≈##††..#≈≈####≈≈~##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.#...#..'.@~~~~g.#...#..#.#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.#...#######≈~.#####.# ≈~##...##).....# ~~#..∩..')...#+# ≈~#.....###### #≈ +g98 +g0@ {.g∩+g@ /--3+gI :∩+gK ,gѩ######### #≈##††..#≈≈####≈≈~##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#..'..~~~~..#..#.@...g##..#≈≈≈~~.~~,g.#######≈~...#####.......# ≈~~~~~##...##)~..∩..')...#+# ≈...###### #≈≈≈≈∩..+ #####...##,g,g,g Cpg.p   human (wandering)g   goblin,g^A--4,g,gu _A human comes into view. It is wielding a +0 war axe.-g_:≈######### #≈~##††..#≈≈####≈≈~.##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~p.#...#..'..~~~~.#...#..#..@.g.#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.#...#######≈~.#####.# ≈~-g;\##...##).....# ~~#..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~#.....###### ##≈#..∩..+ # -gD-gF-gwUp.g.p-gU/==5-gc -g?d!_The human shouts!-gKD-6-gGV-gZy _You barely miss the goblin. The goblin hits you but does no damage.-g t  You hit the goblin.  You kill the goblin!-g -g r~p)-g G-7.4 (0.8-g -g P _Okawaru accepts your kill..g] ≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..'..~~~~p... #...#..#.@.)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~~~~~~~ #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~ #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈ #..∩..+ ##### [1.g^I7d ##...##.gr.p-8.4 (1.0.gx.g^y.g + ≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~..g[  ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..'..~~~~.... #...#..#@..).p.... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.g f.# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~~~~ #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~ .g  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈ #..∩..+ #####  ##...##.g .g Tp..g @-9.g <∩.g .g k ≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~#..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~#..'@.~~~~.#..#...)p....g ##..#≈≈≈~~.~~ #...#######≈~..... #####..≈~#...##).....# ~~~∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~...###### ##≈≈≈≈≈..∩..+.g@ "#####.gR .g p.80.g .g .gc  ≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..@..~~~~.... #...#..#...p...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~...g 3 #...#######≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~ ##...##).....# ~~~~~~~ #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~ .gh  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈  #..∩..+ #####.g\ .g p)∩1.g<:∩.gQ _There is an open door here./g  ≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#.@'..~~~~.... #...#..#..p)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~~/gY  ##...##).....# ~~~~~~~ #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈  #..∩..+ #####/g/gYp./g-2 _/gS$/g'/grX ≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#@.'..~~~~.... #...#..#.p.)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~~~~/g ##...##).....# ~~~~~~~  #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈  #..∩..+ #####/gv/gp.3/g/g/g≈ ######### #≈~ ##††..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#.@'p.~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~~~~##...##).....# ~~~~~~~ p./g&4/gb/g;P D=5/gz[ /g` _You closely miss the human. The human barely misses you./g \  You hit the human.  The human is lightly wounded./gA [8-6.3 (0.9/g6 /g ; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.0g|  You barely miss the human.The human is lightly wounded.0gS}-7.3 (1.00g.0g3 _You block the human's attack.0g   You barely miss the human.The human is lightly wounded.0g}f4--8.2 (0.90g0g; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.0g   You hit the human but do no damage.The human is lightly wounded.0gq(9.10gB0g3 _You block the human's attack.0g  ∩You hit the human.  The human is moderately wounded.9 (0.80g0g`R _The human barely misses you.0g ∩You slash the human!  The human is heavily wounded.0gt o1--=90.9 (1.00g) ;∩0g ; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.0ggI   You slash the human!  The human is almost dead.69--1.8 (0.90gP 0gS ; _The human hits you with a +0 war axe.1gt  You slash the human!  You kill the human!1g"C)1g\-2040-2.71g1gP _Okawaru accepts your kill.1g- _No target in view!1gK41g@N1gX,1g^y70=1g"_1gc1g\c1gd1gh,1gi1gml1=1gy1g|1g~1g~&21g1g,1g1g,1g11gb3=1gB1g˘1gB,1g11g1gHV4=1gb1g,1g1g,1g[1g<51g1g,1g1g,1gj1g1g66=1gD1g 1g1g"1g:1gB1g1gV7=1g1g,1g1gu,1g1gY1g&81gF1g,1g1g,1g1gs ÷÷- _You start resting.1gA1820.7 (28.0)1gl9=-1.7 (291g 1g" _HP restored.2gh ≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#@.)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~~~~~~~  #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈ #..∩..+ #####2g:∩2g12.7 (1.0)2g2gz2gM ≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~#..)@.#~~≈≈≈≈~~#...#..)..~~~~#...#..#...)....#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..Fly ##~2g2gv&32g~2g2g| ≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..@..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.......# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~  #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈4 _Items here: )) [[ ÷÷.2g4 ≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##.@)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~.....  #####.......# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~  #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈2gm5I=5 _2gI?2gR  ≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##@.)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#≈~..... #####.......# ≈~~~~~~  ##...##).....# ~ #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~  #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈62gY c ≈######### #≈~##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~.##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.#.@.#..)..~~~~....#...)..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~Fly .####..∩..+#####2g <72g 2g/ 2gN 1 ≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #@..#..)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#≈~..... #####.......# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~  #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~ 2g , #.....###### ##≈≈≈≈≈  #..∩..+ ##### 2g <82g- 2gF 2g ≈######### #≈~##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~.##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#..)..~~~~..#...)..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.#######≈~....Fly .###...##2g2g&92gy"2g$3g ≈######### #≈~##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~.##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#..)..~~~~..#...)..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.#######≈~...3g#####.......# ≈~~~~~~..Fly +#####3g<∩3g'303g;∩3g3g %≈ ######### #≈~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~. ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.. #...#..)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #.@##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.......# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~ #..∩ 3gL  3g^<∩3g&13gB∩3gI ≈######### #≈~##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~.##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.3gI...#..)..~~~~..#..#...)..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.#######≈~...#####.......# ≈~~~~~~3gI##...##).....# ~#Fly 3gI2∩3gU`∩23g_3ga3g ≈######### #≈~##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~.3g`/##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#..)..~~~~..#..#...)..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~3g~.#######≈~...#####@......# ≈~~~~~~3g-##...##)3g~..∩..')...#+# ≈≈3g˫=Fly 3g<∩3g &33g;∩3g3g

====55g{5g 5g5g7_A bullfrog comes into view.5g|6gz  You slice the bullfrog!!  The bullfrog is severely wounded.6g|6g8#6gb===-6.6 (0.96g+6gڔB _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x26gyb  You barely miss the bullfrog.6gK6g6g6gF∩.@F~---7.56g:∩6ga _The bullfrog is severely wounded.6g2∩6g#9--6g.:∩6g _Unknown command.You slash the bullfrog!  You kill the bullfrog!6gf_  Okawaru accepts your kill.6g6gپ6gM ∩~ 2You hit the bullfrog.6g538.5 (1.06g<∩6g? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.6g͹0∩6gd6g6gF _Unknown command.6g,   You hit the bullfrog but do no damage.The bullfrog is moderately wounded.You closely miss the bullfrog. You block the bullfrog's attack.6g -9.3 (0.86g# 6gT ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.6g- 46g93 <∩6g6 F _Unknown command.6gd∩  You closely miss the bullfrog. You block the bullfrog's attack. _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. _Unknown command.barely miss the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is moderately wounded.  You barely miss the bullfrog.6g.50.2 (0.96gw#6g|'B _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x36g~<46gD6gwSDYou barely miss the bullfrog. _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x3 _Unknown command.  You slice the bullfrog!!  You kill the bullfrog!6gS6gb_j ..†∩6g_   bullfrogOkawaru accepts your kill.6gxd97==1.16gl:∩6g;pL _You hit the bullfrog. You block the bullfrog's attack.7g7g7g<∩7g@F _Unknown command.7g ∩ You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog is heavily wounded.7gQ8-87g>-----2.07g <∩7g, _The bullfrog hits you.7ge0∩7gf9--7go7gsF _Unknown command.7gwE ∩7gyxYou closely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is heavily wounded.7g$y&97g?:∩7g}B _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x27g3 ∩You closely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is heavily wounded.7g3(3.87g?7g_B? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.7g  You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog is severely wounded.7gW -4.8 (1.07g 7g ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.7g z  You slash the bullfrog!  You kill the bullfrog!7gY ∩.@† 7gV x9=---505.6 (0.87g :∩7ga P _Okawaru accepts your kill.8g\48g8gH _No target in view!8g _No target in view!8go48gyp8gr8g=v; _8g+x,8g|y8gM},8g8gǁ8g:=8g8g8g)N9===8gʼn8g4 _Magic restored.8g48gf8g=R  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  You see here a bullfrog corpse.Water _8g8gl8g8g<===8g,8g,8g*8g8g4B8g8gv#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.......# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~~~~~~~ #..∩..')...#+# ≈≈~~~~~ #....†###### ###≈≈≈≈≈ #..∩..†~~~## ...###### 8g##...##~~~~#.g.... #####~~~~@'.....# -~~~~~#....####~~~## g.####### ## g   hobgoblin (asleep)8g?~g   goblin (asleep)8g 66.6 (11.0)  You reach down and open the door.  A goblin and a hobgoblin come into view.8g8gc∩.g8g<g.gg8g'K====7.6 (128g8g> _The goblin shouts! The hobgoblin shouts!9g#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~.. #...#≈~..... #####.# ≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....# ~ #..∩..')...#+##≈≈~~~~~ #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈ #..∩..†~~~##....###### ##...##~~~~#......######~~~~~@g....# #~~~~~#g...## ##~~~##...## ##### #### 9gS∩=---8.0) _The hobgoblin barely misses you. The goblin hits you but does no damage. _There is an open door here.9g v  You slash the goblin!  You kill the goblin!9gg, )  Okawaru accepts your kill.You hit the hobgoblin.9g/I---9.5 (0.99g:9∩9gn=@ _The hobgoblin hits you but does no damage.9gcz  You hit the hobgoblin.  You kill the hobgoblin!9gOB) 9g)70.49g9gP _Okawaru accepts your kill.9gOV∩9g&9gH _No target in view!9gX+  _No target in view!9gA'49gR*9g19g39g3% _9g89gVCd  Things that are here:  a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour9gF9gKG _9gI9gQ9gV,9gb9gl9go,9gp9gt9guz,9g,9g™,9g9gF _You reach down and open the door.9g49g9gk@  There is an open door here.9gؽ6 _9g9g9g9g9g,9g]9g9g,9g^9g`9g_  Items here: )) [[ ÷÷.9g#9g|$ _9g-&9g)9g%1,9gQ3:gN  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  :gHOThings that are here:  a +0 war axe; a +0 ring mail _Water :gQ:g?R:g,T:goWater Water :gWater :g@Water :gC:gn:gͻ:g. ###  F~##  ≈.~~##  :g#≈.~~~# ######### ###≈~..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈@~...# -  ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#  #...#..)..~~~~......'..#...#..#...)........#..#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .:g*)#...#######≈~.......~#F   bullfrog (wandering) :g_###.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈# ..##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈## ∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##:gn97.4 (27.0).F-8.4 (28Water  _A bullfrog comes into view.:ge ## .### ≈.~## ≈.F~##  ##≈.~~####### ###@~..~÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...# ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....# #...#..)..~~~~'.. #...#..#...)........#.. #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .....#######≈~.......~# ##.......### .##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~:gQ :g= :gp q~FF:g P====9.4 (1.0):g :gx < _The bullfrog gives a loud, deep croak!;g(k  You hit the bullfrog but do no damage.;g6[d=---900.3 (0.9;gU _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.;g0g  You barely miss the bullfrog.---1.3 (1.0;g8p;gP~B _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2;g  You slash the bullfrog!  The bullfrog is severely wounded.=2.1 (0.8;g ;g ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.;g   You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is severely wounded.-3.0 (0.9;g U _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.<g  You barely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is severely wounded.-8 (0.8<g<gB _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2<gb  You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is almost dead.4.7 (0.9<gi<gl6 _You block the bullfrog's attack.<gC  You barely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is severely wounded.<g(5.6<g<gU _The bullfrog barely misses you.<g   You barely miss the bullfrog.The bullfrog is severely wounded.The bullfrog hits you.8-6.5<gp <g ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.<gc  You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is almost dead.7.3 (0.8<g"<g? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.=g{  You slice the bullfrog!!  You kill the bullfrog!=g.E†=g 9/80-38.2 (0.9 _Okawaru accepts your kill.=gO =g g _Your Armour skill increases to level 6!=g߼=gK=gz=gSH _No target in view!=g  ##.###≈.~##~####≈.~~~######### ###≈†..~#  ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈@...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....# ...#..)..~~~~......'..∩#...)..#...=g ~~~~~~~~~≈## ..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##=g :∩=g m-9.2 (1.0Water =g =∩=g B _Found a gate leading back out of this place.=g?  ##.###≈.~##~####≈.~~~######### ###≈†..~#  ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~@...# ...#..)..~~~~......'..∩#...)..#....=gy@ 3Fly Water # #####≈≈~~~~~≈≈## .†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###=gC =g2Q 'p∩p   vault guard (wandering)=gQ s80=-10=g] ;∩=gk } _A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 broad axe.=g0zd##'p### ≈.~##~####≈.~~~######### ###≈†..~#  ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#......#..)..~~~~..@...'..∩#...)..=gz #...##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ...#######≈~.......~# # ##.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈# .##).....#≈~≈#.')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈=gz≈##†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###.†~~~##....#######=g=gP.pp==1=g=gܙ- _The vault guard shouts!?gN0 ## '.### ≈p~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# # ###≈†..~#  ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##  ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...  #...#..)..~~~~.@....'..∩  #...#..#...)?gIO.#...  #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..  #...#≈~.~# # ###.##≈~≈#.##).....#≈~≈## ∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ?gvO..†######..###≈≈≈≈≈### ∩..†~~~##....#?gS?ge.p ∩--2?g[n9 ∩?gq?gE>'.### ≈.~##p~~####≈.~~~######### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...####..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#......#..)..~~~~......'..∩#...)..#...##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..#######≈~.......~# # ###.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈# ..##).....#≈~≈# ∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ..†######..###≈≈≈≈≈### [4?g>0m∩..†~~~##....####### ..##~~~~#......#?g@?gJ.p∩ ∩--3?gSE∩ ∩?gwV?g '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈p~~~# ### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...).#... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .. #...#≈~.~# ##.##≈~≈#.##).....#≈~≈[3?g7m## .∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ...†######..###≈≈≈≈≈### .∩..†~~~##....# ...##~~~~#......#?gz?gx.p∩∩?gZB=4?g:∩?g?gm '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈p..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##?g ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...).#... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..?g #...#######≈~.~# ##.##≈~≈# #...##).....#≈~≈## ..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###.∩..†~~~##....?gV# #...##~~~~#......#?g ?g y†p∩5?g ?g ?gKV  '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~##?gV  ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~p..## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...?gW  #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...).#... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~?gJW .~# #  #####.##≈~≈# ##...##).....#≈?gW Y~≈## #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈### #..∩..†~~~##....?g.X ]####### ##...##~~~~#......#?ga ?gh w.p∩?gJi &6?gs :∩?gw ?g  '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~.p..#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#....#... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.~# # #####.##≈~≈#  ##...##).....#≈~≈##  #..∩..')...#'#?g {[40m#≈≈~~~~~≈≈##  #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈##  #..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......#?g Z.p?g &7?g ?g  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpse@g| '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...@gj #...#..)..~~~~..p...'..∩ #...#..#..@).#... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.~# # #####.##≈~≈#@gd ##...##).....#≈~~≈## #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈@g### #..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......#@g@gbk.∩p@gU-8 _@g@g@g, '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#.@.)...p....#... #..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.~# # #####.##≈~≈# ##...##).....#≈~~~~≈## #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##@gd- #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈### #..∩..†~~~##....###  ##...##~~~~#......#@gd1@g=∩p.∩@gh>&9@gI@g\AgU'.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 9/9========================######### ###≈†..~#AC: 20Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 2Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 4Dex: 9#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#.@.)..p.....#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6919.2 (0.0)#..##..g9m#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......# _A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 broad axe. _The vault guard shouts!  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpsePress: ? - help, v - describe, . - travelThe floor.Ag j∩@.∩Ag8 .)The vault guard shouts!  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpsePress: ? - help, v - describe, . - travel, g - get itemItems here:  a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpse.  The floor.Bgk ∩).∩  The floor.Bga..∩BgXM.pHere: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail  The floor.Cgn '.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 9/9========================######### ###≈†..~#AC: 20Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 2Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 4Dex: 9#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#.@.)..p.....#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6919.2 (0.0)#..##..g g37m#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......# _The vault guard shouts!  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpsePress: ? - help, v - describe, . - travelHere: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail  The floor.Cg CgB . _Eg Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-5% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.EgEgY Eg '.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 9/9========================######### ###≈†..~#AC: 20Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 2Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 4Dex: 9#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#.@.)..p.....#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6919.2 (0.0)#..##..Eg] #≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......# _The vault guard shouts!  Things that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpsePress: ? - help, v - describe, . - travelHere: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail _The floor.Ega> ∩p.7------44520.2 (1Hero Fly ∩ _You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Gg0 Gg wEvoke which item? Wands  B - a wand of roots (8) [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selectedIgLIgZUIga'.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 7/9==================------######### ###≈†..~#AC: 24Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 4Int: 9Ig2b##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 5Dex: 9#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#.@.).p......#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6920.2 (0.0)#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axeIgb0#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Hero Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......#IgbThings that are here: _a +0 hand axe; a +0 leather armour; a goblin corpsePress: ? - help, v - describe, . - travelHere: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail _The floor. _You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Ig ~ '.###  morningthaw the Cleaver ≈.~##  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***... ≈.~~##  Health: 80/80 ======================== ##≈.~~~#  Magic: 7/9==================------ ######### ###≈†..~#  AC: 24Str: 23 ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##  EV: 4Int: 9 ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...  SH: 5Dex: 9 Ig#...#..)..~~***.....'..∩  XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey #...#..#.@***p*.....#...  Noise: ---------  Time: 6920.2 (0.0) #..##..#≈≈≈~***~..~.# ..  a) +0 war axe #...#######≈~.......~# #  Nothing quivered  #####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#  Hero Fly  ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈##  #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##  p   vault guard  #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###  #..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......# Here: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail _The floor. _You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - vault guardAim: gW;49ma vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mailIg W'.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================Igg ##≈.~~~#Magic: 7/9==================------######### ###≈†..~#AC: 24Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 4Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 5Dex: 9#...#..)..~~###.....'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#.@.)#*#.....#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6920.2 (0.0)#..##..#≈≈≈~###~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~#g m #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Hero Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......#Here: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail _The floor. _You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - vault guardAim: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mailIg ∩(rooted) _The floor. _You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.  Aiming: Fastroot  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - vault guardAim: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail  The roots erupt in riotous growth!Ig:∩Jgc ~~.∩.p.~.~Roots grab the vault guard.The grasping roots constrict the vault guard.JgdL======1.2 (1Jgo:∩JgpJgz/  --more--Kg1E _The vault guard struggles to escape constriction.Kg@ W∩KgK KgO > _Unknown command.LgֆThe grasping roots constrict the vault guard.------2Lg2Lg? _The vault guard struggles to escape constriction.Lg^JThe grasping roots constrict the vault guard.Lg?~p.∩LgE------3Lgi:∩LgL"& _The vault guard escapes!Ng~Ng|o∩p.Ng@&4Ng:∩NgNg> Ng Evoke which item? Wands  B - a wand of roots (7) [!] read|quaff|evokeNgM ][?] describe selectedOg OgO Og '.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Og Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 7/9==================------######### ###≈†..~#AC: 24Og NStr: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 4Int: 9Og: %##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 5Dex: 9#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩Og XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#.@.p........#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6924.2 (0.0)#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Hero Fly Og @##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......# _The vault guard struggles to escape constriction. _Unknown command.The grasping roots constrict the vault guard. _The vault guard struggles to escape constriction.  The grasping roots constrict the vault guard. _The vault guard escapes!Og0 : Og '.###  morningthaw the Cleaver ≈.~##  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***... ≈.~~##  Health: 80/80 ======================== ##≈.~~~#  Magic: 7/9==================------ ######### ###≈†..~#  AC: 24Str: 23 Og ,##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##  EV: 4Int: 9 ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...  SH: 5Dex: 9Og  #...#..)..***~......'..∩  XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey Ogj 0#...#..#.@*p*.......#...  Noise: ---------  Time: 6924.2 (0.0) #..##..#≈≈***.~~..~.# ..  a) +0 war axe #...#######≈~.......~# #  Nothing quivered  #####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#  Hero Fly  ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈##  #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##  p   vault guard  #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###  #..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......# Og `The grasping roots constrict the vault guard. _The vault guard escapes!  Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - vault guardAim: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail  Og (lightly wounded)Pg='.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 80/80 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 7/9==================------Pgܜ######### ###≈†..~#AC: 24Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 4Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 5Dex: 9#...#..)..###~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a BaileyPgF#...#..#.@#*#.......#...Noise: ---------  Time: 6924.2 (0.0)#..##..#≈≈###.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quiveredPgɝ#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Hero Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##p   vault guard#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......#The grasping roots constrict the vault guard. Pg_The vault guard escapes!  Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - vault guardAim: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail  Pg7(lightly wounded)Pgv∩(rooted) _The vault guard escapes!  Aiming: Fastroot  Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f/p - vault guardAim: a vault guard, wielding a +0 broad axe and wearing a +0 chain mail  (lightly wounded)  The roots erupt in riotous growth!Pg<∩PgJ`  Roots grab the vault guard.  --more--QgU; ~~~.p.≈~~∩The grasping roots constrict the vault guard.  You hear a croak. You hear a shout!Qg\VK=======5.2 (1Qg_<∩QgSc? _The vault guard struggles to escape constriction.Qg}3'.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈†..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#..@p.#... Qg~#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.~# # #####.##≈~≈# ##...##).....#≈~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## #....†######..####..∩..†~~~##....####### QgIQg?The grasping roots constrict the vault guard.  Prince Ribbit comes into view.Qg∩FF   Prince Ribbit∩QgT=------6Qg:∩Qg: _The vault guard hits you but does no damage.Qg1 [  You completely miss the vault guard.Qg| mThe vault guard is lightly wounded.  The grasping roots constrict the vault guard.Qgϛ F.∩You grasping roots sink back into the ground.Qga r75--------9 (0.7Qg :∩Qg C _The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe.Rg};=  You hit the vault guard.Rg2HuF.7.6RgRRg&V9 _The vault guard is lightly wounded.RgU  You hit the vault guard but do no damage.The vault guard is lightly wounded.Rg<MF.Rg66--RgQ8===8.3Rg<∩RgX _The vault guard barely misses you.Tg-  You slash the vault guard!  The vault guard is moderately wounded.Tg∩F. Tg$50-TgPY7---=9.0Tg:∩TgkC _The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe!Ugn  You hit the vault guard but do no damage.Ug0WF.∩UgUg.-7UgUgf _The vault guard is moderately wounded.Ug^W  _The vault guard is moderately wounded.  You closely miss Prince Ribbit.  You feel like a meek peon again.The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe!59-----6-----024=30.4Fly ∩ _Prince Ribbit barely misses you.Vg^You feel like a meek peon again.VgG_FThe vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe! _Prince Ribbit barely misses you.You hit the vault guard but do no damage.The vault guard is moderately wounded.  You closely miss Prince Ribbit. You block Prince Ribbit's attack.Vgth ∩pp 2 vault guards∩You block the vault guard's attack.60=----1.2 (0.8VgKVgd} _A vault guard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 broad axe.Wgq∩-WgWgƳF _Unknown command.Xg`j  You closely miss the vault guard.The vault guard is moderately wounded.You closely miss Prince Ribbit. Prince Ribbit hits you.Xg {p.49----5-----=2.0Xg<∩XgņC _The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe!Xg] 9∩Xg1^ Xg`h :∩Xg/k F _Unknown command.Yg[Q _The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe! _Unknown command.  You hit the vault guard.  The vault guard is moderately wounded.  You hit Prince Ribbit.  Prince Ribbit hits you but does no damage.Ygm0 ∩p.∩The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe!  Prince Ribbit catches a mosquito with his tongue.YgnY29----------4YgnO------3.0 (1.0YgG{:∩Ygk~Ygz/  --more--Yg . _Prince Ribbit hits you![g1[go Ability - do what?Cost[gFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-[g%5% [g]g[?] toggle between ability selection and description.\g ]\gh\g;v'.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 29/80 ========----------------##≈.~~~#Magic: 4/9==========--------------######### ###≈†..~#AC: 20Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 2Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 4Dex: 9#...#..)..~F~~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#..@p...p....#...Noise: ==--\g:wJ-----  Time: 6933.0 (0.0)#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##pp 2 vault guards#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###F   Prince Ribbit#..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......# _Prince Ribbit hits you!\g}You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.You block Prince Ribbit's attack.\gΏ∩p.∩\gtc6-2-----4\g[45-4.0 (1Hero Fly \gː\grN∩∩\g+; _The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe.]g ]g wEvoke which item? Wands  B - a wand of roots (6) [!] read|quaff|evoke[?] describe selected_gd_gdq_g0V'.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***...≈.~~##Health: 26/80 =======-----------------##≈.~~~#Magic: 2/9=====-------------------######### ###≈†..~#AC: 24Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 4Int: 9_g##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 5Dex: 9#...#..)..~F~~......'..∩XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey#...#..#..@p..p.....#...Noise: =--------  Time: 6934.0 (0.0)#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# .._gga) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Hero Fly _gF##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##pp 2 vault guards#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###_glyF   Prince Ribbit_g#..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......# _Prince Ribbit hits you!  _gYou gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.You block Prince Ribbit's attack. _gI._The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe._g֡N∩Okay, then._gj_g֭:∩_g. __g_g5Inventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies_gm - a scroll of enchant weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]`g=p   q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)xcloak  u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands /)  B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weaponr - a labelled REPUHOADIA  y - a scroll of brand weapon Potions (go to first with !)25%`g ? v - a ring of flight (left hand)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationd - a potion of might  e - 3 potions of hastel - a potion of invisibility `g a n - a potion of magic58ag @ f - 2 scrolls of immolation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  o - a potion of heal woundsp - 2 potions of berserk rage75agJ  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ agKa s - 2 coppery potions83bgy i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potionbgy.botcgY7  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIAdg j p - 2 potions of berserk rage. A potion which can send one into an incoherent rage. It is a rare potion. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified potion (q)uaff, qui(v)er, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.egSeg^egJm: '.###  morningthaw the Cleaver ≈.~##  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ***... ≈.~~##  Health: 39/120 =======----------------- ##≈.~~~#  Magic: 2/9=====------------------- ######### ###≈†..~#  AC: 24egmStr: 23 ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##  EV: 4Int: 9 ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...  SH: 5egm;Dex: 9 egm#...#..)..~F~~......'..∩  XL:  9 Next: 53% Place: a Bailey egn#...#..#..@p..p.....#...  Noise: =--------  Time: 6934.0 (0.0) eg:n#..##..#≈≈≈~~.~~..~.# ..  a) +0 war axe egbn#...#######≈~.......~# #  Nothing quivered  #####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#  Berserk Hero Fly egnV ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈##  #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##  pp 2 vault guards  #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###  F   Prince Ribbit  #..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......# egn}_Prince Ribbit hits you!  You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.eg#oYou block Prince Ribbit's attack. _The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe. _Okay, then.egFoNA red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk!eg]yThe vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe. _Okay, then.  A red film seems to cover your vision as you go berserk!  You feel yourself moving faster! You feel mighty!  Prince Ribbit lets out a mournful croak.Prince Ribbit hits you but does no damage.egCp.egV+5.0 (1egegEX _The vault guard barely misses you.fga  You slash the vault guard!  The vault guard is moderately wounded.You slash Prince Ribbit!fg٨3=5 (0.5fgfg@ _Prince Ribbit hits you but does no damage.ggK4gg Ygg9]F _Unknown command.hg  You hit Prince Ribbit.  Prince Ribbit is moderately wounded.You hit the vault guard but do no damage.hg oF§p.hg( 0-6.0hg hg r _Prince Ribbit blinks! The vault guard completely misses you.ig=  You hit the vault guard.igwt40=-4 (0.4igigf _The vault guard is moderately wounded.jgAi  You completely miss the vault guard.jgOF≈jg&8jg+jg*1f _The vault guard is moderately wounded.kgX  You slice the vault guard!!  The vault guard is severely wounded.kg/kg2R  The vault guard hits you with a +0 broad axe.kg4lg|≈F.plgn34--==7.3 (0.5lgSlgJV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *lgD>  You closely miss the vault guard.The vault guard is heavily wounded.mgp W≈~Fmg #3mg# I===--7 (0.4mg D _You hit the vault guard.ng  You barely miss the vault guard.The vault guard is heavily wounded.ng9 F~You slash the vault guard!ngV=-8.2 (0.5ng;ngAB _The vault guard hits you but does no damage.og9y  You slice the vault guard!!  You kill the vault guard!ogL )   vault guard Okawaru is honoured by your kill. You can now speed up your combat.You closely miss the vault guard. You slash Prince Ribbit!  Prince Ribbit hits you but does no damage.og *5/121--===86====7 ogˇ4_The vault guard hits you but does no damage.ogl/  --more--qg'G  Your base Fighting skill increases to level 8!Your base Axes skill increases to level 13!qgbTqgMXd _Your Invocations skill increases to level 1!rg^You barely miss Prince Ribbit.  Prince Ribbit is severely wounded.You hit the vault guard but do no damage.rg]=---9.2rgyrg@ _Prince Ribbit hits you but does no damage.sgJ|  You slash Prince Ribbit!  You kill Prince Ribbit!sg'Y ~  Okawaru accepts your kill.You closely miss the vault guard.sg_X9=--7sgshsg\lC _The vault guard splashes around in the water.sg} e  You barely miss the vault guard.sg~ 1-40.2sg\ sg= f _The vault guard is moderately wounded.tgk  You closely miss the vault guard.The vault guard is moderately wounded.tgn6=-7tgtgyC _The vault guard splashes around in the water.tg$ ?  You slash the vault guard!tg 0=1.2tgs tgd c _The vault guard is heavily wounded.ug '  You slice the vault guard!!  The vault guard is severely wounded.ug'.=7ug 8ug><B _The vault guard hits you but does no damage.vg"  You slice the vault guard!!  You kill the vault guard!Okawaru is honoured by your kill.vg .P)vgU.vgYw '.###  morningthaw the Cleaver ≈.~##  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****.. ≈.~~##  Health: 37/123 =======----------------- ##≈.~~~#  Magic: 3/9========---------------- ######### ###≈†..~#  AC: 24Str: 23 ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##  EV: 5Int: 9 ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...  SH: 5Dex: 9 #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩  XL:  9 Next: 127% Place: a Bailey #...#..#..@)........#...  Noise: ==-------  Time: 6942.2 (0.5) #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# ..  a) +0 war axe #...#######≈~.......~# #  Nothing quivered  #####...vgx....##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#  Berserk Hero Fly  ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈##  #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##    #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###    #..∩..†~~~##....#######    ##...##~~~~#......#  The vault guard is severely wounded. _The vault guard hits you but does no damage.  You slice the vault guard!!  You kill the vault guard!Okawaru is honoured by your kill. _You hear a splash. x2 -You slice the vault guard!!  You kill the vault guard!  Okawaru is honoured by your kill. _You hear a splash. x2  Your base Armour skill increases to level 7!You have reached level 10!  --more--zg40/13510-104% zg zg4 _{gs{g{gB{gӉ{g@{gPA1 _{g{g{g  You feel a strong urge to attack something.134Fly {gJo _You feel like a meek peon again.{g*  You are no longer berserk.You are exhausted.27/90 Slow -Berserk Fly {g{g4You are no longer berserk.  You are exhausted. _You feel yourself slow down.  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  Things that are here:  a +0 war axe; a +0 ring mail{g`{gͻQ8- _{g{g{g{gk4=={g{gN9{g{gDo  Items here: )) [[ ÷÷. _30={gQ1={gV=={g,{g{g{g{gh25==={gl{gw${g',{g*{gT6`  Items here: )))) [[[[ ÷÷.{g9{gT:?3 _{g<{gAV  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.{gC{gC _{gpE{gYJd  You see here a bullfrog corpse.{gEM{gM04={g'N<=== _{gQ{g]Z #...#..)..~~~~.... #...#..#...)...... #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~.. #...#######≈~..... #####.......##≈~~~~~~ ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~ #..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~ #....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈ #..∩.@†~~~##....######--62.1 (19.9) ##...##~~~~#......#  #####~~~~~')....##  #~~~~~#)...##  ##~~~##...## ########## {g ^9--{gf<∩{gh{g4{g{g{g,e6=={gy{gT5={g{g,{gZ{g N6{gT {g{g;=={g{gQ37{g{g{gO7=={g{gM$.#..).......'†∩{g,i 72.6 (10.5 _You start resting.{g-k8=4.1 (12.0{gn6:∩{gu9[ _You feel yourself speed up.|g2R|gR|gT|g]B|g`b9=|g:c|gx==408===|g\~,|g|g|g:1|g7|g$∩|g|g  ∩82.1 (8.0) _You start resting.3.1 (9Fly |gq:∩|gc _You recover from your berserk rage.|g |gA |g. |g= |g <===|g\ 2=|g8 ,|g |g ,|gg |g |g˾ 53=|g F9==|g |g ,|gd |g |g |g |g |g :4|g |g |g ;==|g |g! |gd T5=|g |g& |gj |g |g ,|g |g; |gv L6=|g |g& _ _You start resting.|g 096.1 (13.0)|g `10/10===7.1 (14|g <∩|g| % _Magic restored.}gM}g}g}g}gh}g,}g8d  You see here a bullfrog corpse.}g7 _  There is an open door, spattered with blood here. _}g$`  Items here: )))) [[[[ ÷÷.}g}gC=== _}g}g>}g}g3:8}gE}g4######### ###≈†..~###÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...####..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....##...#..)..~~~~......'#...#..#...)........#.}g..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .#######≈~.......~######.......##≈~~~~~~~~~##...##).@...#≈~~~~~~~~~≈7002.1 (5.0)#..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##}g#....†######..###≈≈≈≈≈###}g#..∩..†~~~##....#########...##~~~~#......#}g#####~~~~~')....###~~~~~#)...##}g'<##~~~##...############}g}gZB∩}g\}g}gN}g}g}g]}g#,}g%}g)}g%hg9=50=}gl,}gZr}gwB}g|}gk|:1}g~}g}g}gԈ}gV}g32}g}g}g+}g)}g}g}gߚ}gN}g֞T3=}g }gT,}g}g,}g}g}gԱL4=}g'}gB}g,}gR}gG}g35}g}g}g}g}gf6}g,}g\}g}gN}gd77=}gw}g}g,}g}g B}g }g #8}g )=}g% }g ,}g3 }ge P9}gs }g) }gY }g }g0 ,}g, }gK% }g% N60=}gP( }g + }gL+ }g- }g1 ,}g4 }g7 }g(8 L1=}g: }gV? ,}gB }gF ,}gJ }gP }gWP :2}g2S }gW ,}gY }g\ }g\ }ga }gf P3}gh }gl }gQl }gn }gq }gq }gt }gtx }gx O64=}g{ }gM B}g< 5=}g >67}g n}gf }g }g( L8=}g }g% ,}g }g }g }gV }g }g }g 99=}g }g }g  }gS }g }g }gF }g# }g' }g' '70}g', }g22 ,}gf4 }gV7 }g7 }g; }g@ }g@ &1}gF }gJ }g%K }g N }gDR ,}gU }gq] x2=}g` }ga }gc }ge }g*f V3=}g=h }g 45=}g H6=}g <7}g X}g ,}g }g }g &8}g" }g }g }g }g ,}g }g] }g E9=}g }gJ }g }gL }g }g< W80=}g }ge }g }g }g ,}g }g <1}gz }g} ,}g6 }gE 23=}gF }gK B}gN }gN V4=}gQ }gV }gBW }g` ,}gPa }g2d }gHh <5}g(k }gr ,}gt }g_ ,}gN }gl }g &6}g }gQ }g }gy }g }gղ L7=}gE }gV ,}g> ,}g }g\ }gD }g V8=}g2 }g< }g }g }gq }g }g }g[ }g &9}g }g ,}g$ }g }g. }g }g| .'÷∩.. }g Q_You start resting.}gY ]121.1 (119.0)∩}g $90}g 8=2.1 (120}g }g2 " _HP restored.~g!~g"~g$~g1X~gV6~g8~g8~g:~g=~g~@~g@~gB~gF~gI~gJ:=~gK~gO~g"R,~gS~gY~g_~g{_~gb~gl  Items here: )) [[ ÷÷.~glp~g^q _~gx~g{~g3B~g@~g~g,~gc~g  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  Things that are here:  a +0 war axe; a +0 ring mail~g ~g _~gO~g:~gߢ~g~g~g '.###  ≈.~##  ≈.~~##  ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...@........#... 35.1 (13.0)#..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.......~# ~gk[40m# #####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#  ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈###....÷######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......# _Items here: )) [[ ÷ †.g5 g Pick up what? 28/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))a - a +0 broad axe  b - a +0 hand axe Armour (select all with [)c - a +0 chain mail  gE id - a +0 leather armour Carrion a goblin skeleton a human corpse gx [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]g_  a + a +0 broad axe[Enter] accept (1 chosen)gv'.###morningthaw the Cleaver≈.~##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..≈.~~##Health: 90/90 ========================##≈.~~~#Magic: 10/10 ========================######### ###≈÷..~#AC: 21Str: 23##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##EV: 3Int: 9##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...SH: 4Dex: 9#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: a Bailey#...#..#...@........#...Noise: ---------  Time: 7135.1 (0.0)[3g|4m#..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# ..a) +0 war axe#...#######≈~.......~# #Nothing quivered#####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#Fly ##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈###..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈###....÷######..###≈≈≈≈≈####..∩..†~~~##....#######  ##...##~~~~#......# _HP restored. _Items here: )) [[ ÷÷.  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  Things that are here: _a +0 war axe; a +0 ring mail _Items here: )) [[ ÷ †.6.1 (1∩ _C - a +0 broad axeg ;  ≈.~##.~~####≈.~~~######### ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...###..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#......#..)..~~~~......'..∩g .#..#...[..#...##..#≈≈≈@~.~~..~.# ..#######≈~.......~# #.Nothing quivered.Fly ∩#####~~~~~')....##g C∩∩gM ^7Water g :∩g r  Things that are here: _a +0 broad axe; a +0 chain mailg@&M'.### .~##  ≈.~~# ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈÷..~ ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## #..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...g&#..)..~~~~'..∩.#..#...@........#.##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.......~# #g& #####..#≈~≈##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈##g&4∩g29∩g#3&8gG3 _g^@D∩∩gGn _Items here: ) [[ ÷ †.g.'.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ gg'.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# g.######### ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... gY#...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...[.#... #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.~# # g#####.gl##≈~≈# gd`..∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ....÷######..###≈≈≈≈≈### g]..∩..†~~~##....# g)E∩∩g'40g>D∩∩gg '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######### ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...[..#... #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. #...#######≈~.~# # .##≈~≈#[gX ym ...##).....#≈~≈##∩..')...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## g 9∩g &1g g g'.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## gi##≈.~~~# ### ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##  ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...  #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩  #...#..#...[..gH#...  #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# ..  #...#g≈~.~# # .##≈~≈# g##).....#≈~≈## g5)∩gV+g!g9"&2g/$∩ g03∩g@3g '.### ≈.~## ≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ### ###≈÷..~#  ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...## . ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#... #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩ #...#..#...[..#... #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. #...#≈~.~# # .##≈~≈# ∩3∩gY'.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  # ###≈÷..~# # ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##....)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#. ...#..)..~~~~......'..∩. ...#..#...[..#... ..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. ...#≈~.~# # .##≈~≈# ##).....#')...#'# g<g&4g :∩gg@'.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# #g ###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##. ..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.g#..)..~~~~......'..∩.gC$#..#...[..#... ##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .. #≈~.~# # .g7##≈~≈# ')...#'## ######..# †~~~##....####### g<5ggҿgc M ## '.### ##  #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######## ###≈÷..~# ### #÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...)..~~~~g/d !'..∩...#..#...[........#.....##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# .... ..#######≈~.......~# # #Fly #######gso <∩go 6g x gEy g ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# g  ###≈÷..~# ### ÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##....?)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?g #..)..~~~~.....@'..∩.g- #..#...[..#.....? gQ ##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.# ....!gq }#≈~.~# ### gī ).....#≈~≈## ..## g 5∩g &7g :∩g ( _Found three items.g@## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~###g..#≈≈####≈≈~...##....?# )..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?! #..)..~~~~...∩...? #..#...[..#.....?$g$*..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##....!# #gKo≈~.~#####≈~~gnc≈# .....#≈~≈## gX...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##gk..###≈≈≈≈≈### gP!g!&8g,<∩g0k _Found three items. _There is an open door here.g?## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### ..#≈≈####≈≈~...##....?# ..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?!# ..)..~~~~......'@.∩...?# ..#...[.#.....?$# gu..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##....!#≈~.......~####### ##≈~~~~~~~~~≈##≈~~~~~~~~~≈###'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈##..###≈≈≈≈≈### gޥg-9 _glggM ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### #≈≈####≈≈~...##....?## #~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?!# )..~~~~......'.@∩...?# #...[.#.....?$# #≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##....!## ≈~.......~####### ##≈~~~~~#≈~~~~~#'##≈≈~~ g! gV" '50gn. g ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~# #≈≈####≈≈~...##....?## #~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?!# )..~~~~......'..@...?# #...[.#.....?$# #≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##....!## ≈~.......~# gڒ g: &1ga gɞ j _There is a gate leading back out of this place here.g$K  '.####≈.~##~####≈.~~~ #### ###≈÷..~#######≈≈####≈≈~...##....?##~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?! )..~~~~......'..∩...? gL #...[........#..@..?$≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##....!####≈~.......~####### Fly #......#ge ∩2 _∩gf g!/ #≈.~##~####≈.~~~ #### ###≈÷..~#######≈≈####≈≈~...##....?##~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?! g"8)..~~~~......'..∩...? #...[........#.....?$≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.@..!## ####≈~.......~####### go"Nothing quiveredFly ')....##g-g-&3g7<∩gg9g=#≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~# ≈≈####≈≈~...##....?## ~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?!# g97..~~~~......'..∩...?# ...[.#.....?$# ≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##..@.!## ≈~.g_=~# ##≈~gd≈# #≈~≈## g&grZ∩4g<∩g×g #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~# ####≈≈~...##....?## ≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?!# ~~~~......'..∩...?# [.g^Z#.....?$# )~.~~..~.##...@!## ≈~.~# ##≈~gc≈# #≈~≈## g># g ggT&5g gge#≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~# ####≈≈~...##....?## ≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?!# ge~~~~......'..∩...?# [.#.....?$# )~.~~..~.##....@## g f9≈~.~# g/fo≈~≈# ≈~≈## gQfgrfY# ...##gp9∩g q&6gSyggR+7.1 (2g(g‹7 _d - 3 potions of might (gained 2)g,M'.### ##  #≈.~~# ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### g`####≈≈~...##....?# ≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?! ~~~~......'..∩...? .[........#.....@$# g≈)~.~~..~.##.....##.......~####### #≈~≈ ≈~~~~~~~~~≈##ggD+8.1 (1ggA9.1 (2gIg] _D - a scroll of teleportationg M ## '.### ##  #≈.~~# ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### ####≈≈~...##....?# ≈≈≈≈~~....#.....?! ~~~~......'..∩..@? .[........#......$ ≈)~.~~..~.##.....## #≈~.......~#######Fly g g! ,60.1 (1g4 g g<M ## '.### ##  #≈.~~#g ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### ####≈≈~...##....?# g≈≈≈≈~~....#.....@! ~~~~gz'..∩...? g!.[........#......$ ≈)~.~~..~.##.....##g:HFly ggY&1ggg+2.1 (2gKg` _E - a scroll labelled ESODWEWNIMg˘bM ## '.### ##  #≈.~~# ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### g-+####≈≈~...##....@## ≈≈≈≈~~....#......! ~~~~'..∩...? .[........#......$#gtHFly g_A3.1 (1ggogܱ+4.1 (2gg$l _E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM (gained 1)g'  ##'.####≈.~##~####≈.~~~ # ###≈÷..~##########≈≈~...##.....## ≈≈≈≈~~....#.....@!# ~~~~......'..∩...? .[..#......$g' `Fly ###≈≈≈≈≈###g2 <∩gI3 +5.1 (1g; ;∩g'> g ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~#  ###≈÷..~####### ≈≈~...##.....## ~~....#.# ......'..∩...?# [.#......$# )~.~~..~.##.....## ≈~.~####### g g <∩g" &6g ;∩g g $7.1 (2gXgg _o - 3 potions of heal wounds (gained 2)ggh ##'.####≈.~##~####≈.~~~###≈÷..~####### ###≈≈~...##.....## ≈≈≈~~....#....... gg~~~......'..∩ [..#......$ )~.~~..~.##.....#Fly .#######g/pgp+8.1 (1gwggi$9.1 (2gga` _F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHAg  '.####≈.~##~####≈.~~~###≈÷..~####### ###≈≈~...##.....## ≈≈≈~~....#....... ~~~......'..∩ g /[..#... )~.~~..~.##.....# ≈~.......~####### g YFly ...#gg,70.1 (1ggg] +1.1 (2gJ&g(? _You now have 160 gold pieces (gained 10).gښ4g:∩ggE  '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# g{ B# ###≈÷..~########≈≈~...##.....##≈~~....#.#g ~......'..∩....# .[.#g .# ≈)~.~~..~.##.....## #≈~g Q.~####### #≈~≈# ≈g4 p~≈## #≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ###≈≈≈≈≈### ..# ....#g ∩2.1 (1∩gN '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ## ###≈÷..~# ≈####≈≈~...##.....## ~≈≈≈≈~~....#.# .~~~~......'..∩....#.[.#.#≈)~.~~..~.##.....###≈~.~##≈~≈# #≈~≈## ##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## .###≈≈≈≈≈### ...# .....#gQ<3g,VgWgj '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷..~#≈####≈≈~...##.....##~≈≈≈≈~~....#.#.~~~~......'..∩....#gƆO.[.#.#≈)~.~~..~.##.....###≈~.~# .##≈g@~≈# .#≈~≈## '##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## g'Q..###≈≈≈≈≈### ....# ......#g<4ga:∩g?g\{M ## '.### ##  #≈.~~# ##≈.~~~# ### ###≈÷..~####### ≈≈####≈≈~...##.....# ~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...~~~~......'..∩ ...[........#....... ≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....## ###≈~.......~#######Fly g_gA`&5ggd-T ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷..~# #≈≈####≈≈~...##.....## #~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.# g-)..~~~~......'..@....# #...[.#.# #≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....###≈~.~# ..##≈~≈# ..#≈~≈## #'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## g$.F#..###≈≈≈≈≈### #....#gE4<6g7gL:j _There is a gate leading back out of this place here.g ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷..~# .#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....## .#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.# .)..~~~~......'.@∩....# gda.#...[.#.# .#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....###≈~.......~# ...##≈~≈# ...#≈~≈## .#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## ##..###≈≈≈≈≈### ##....#g 2∩g -7 _g :∩g' gB $ ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷..~#######.#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....##gB .#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.#.)..~~~~......'@.∩....#.#...[.#ggC .#.#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....###≈~.......~#######.##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#.#≈~~~~~~~~~≈## ..#'##≈≈~gC p~~~~≈≈## ###..###≈≈≈≈≈### ~##....#gK gL &8gS :∩gT g~  ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷..~####### ÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....## )..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.# #..)..~~~~......@..∩....# #..#...[.#.# #..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....###≈~.......~#######.##≈~~~~~~~~~≈#.#≈~~~~~~~~g~ ~≈##.#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈###..###≈≈≈≈≈### ~~##....#g g4 &9gË gy Q _There is an open door here.gi ## '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷..~#######÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....## .)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.# .#..)..~~~~'..∩....# .#..#...[..#.# #g^#..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....## .#≈~.~#######.##≈~~≈# ).....#≈~≈## )...#'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈###..###≈≈≈≈≈### ~~~##....#g g[.80 _gggGM#### '.### ##  #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######## ###≈÷..~####### ÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....# .)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~...@#......)..~~~~'..∩ .#..#...[........#....... ##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....##Fly ###≈≈≈≈≈###gO<1g{U;∩gVgM#### '.### ##  #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~# ######## ###≈÷..~####### ÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~..@##.....# .)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#......)..~~~~'..∩... .#..#...[........#.......#Fly ....#####~~~~~≈≈##g0<∩g&2g;∩gZgl uM#### '.### ##  #≈.~~# ##≈.~~~# ######## ###≈÷.@~####### ÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....# .)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#...)..~~~~'..∩ .#..#...[........#.......##.##~~~~~~~~g5)<3g61g2gC #### '.### #≈.~## #≈.~~## ##≈.~~~## ###≈÷@.~####### #÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....## .g.)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.# ..#..)..~~~~......'..∩....# ..#..#...[..#.......# gx.##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....## ..#≈~.~####### gZ{.##≈~≈# #).....#≈~≈##ggY&4g|gg M#### '.### ##  #≈.~~# ##≈@~~~# ######## ###≈÷..~####### #÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....# g~ ..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.......#Fly .##~~~~~~~~~g <∩g &5g ;∩g g7 M##### .'.### ##  #≈@~~## ##≈.~~~# ######## ###≈÷..~####### #÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....##Fly ∩.#~.......~g @ :∩g@ &6gI gcR g8 gw oInventory: 32/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  a - a +0 war axe (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venomC - a +0 broad axe Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) g Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies g [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gAC - a +0 broad axe. An axe with langets, spikes, a lengthed haft and a single-bladed crescent head. Base accuracy: -2 Base damage: 13 Base attack delay: 1.6 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.7) is reached at skill level 18.  Your skill: 13.9; use (s) to set 18.0 as a target for Axes.  At 100% training you would reach 18.0 in about 1.2 XLs.  At current training (45%) you reach 18.0 in about 2.3 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.9. gYDamage rating: 25 (Base 13 x 132% (Str) x 144% (Skill)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. You took it off a vault guard in a bailey. g Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified melee weapon “Weapon, shapely, naked, wan! g1](w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.gjgrg{morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..Health: 90/90 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 21Str: 23#####EV: 3Int: 9.'.###SH: 4Dex: 9g6|k#≈.~##XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: a Bailey#≈@~~##Noise: ---------  Time: 7186.1 (0.0)##≈.~~~#C) +0 broad axe gb|######### ###≈÷..~#######Nothing quivered #÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....##Fly g|i..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.......# ..#..)..~~~~......'..∩....# ..#..#...[........#.......# .##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....## ..#######≈~.......~####### _E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM (gained 1) _o - 3 potions of heal wounds (gained 2) g|_F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA _You now have 160 gold pieces (gained 10). _There is a gate leading back out of this place here. _There is an open door here.g;∩g+6 (0.5g;g+[ _o - 3 potions of heal wounds (gained 2) _F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA _You now have 160 gold pieces (gained 10). _There is a gate leading back out of this place here.n open door _C - a +0 broad axe (weapon)ggWIInventory: 32/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +0 broad axe (weapon)a - a +0 war axe  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) g x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g C - a +0 broad axe (weapon). An axe with langets, spikes, a lengthed haft and a single-bladed crescent head. Base accuracy: -2 Base damage: 13 Base attack delay: 1.6 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.7) is reached at skill level 18.  Your skill: 13.9; use (s) to set 18.0 as a target for Axes.  At 100% training you would reach 18.0 in about 1.2 XLs.  At current training (45%) you reach 18.0 in about 2.3 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.9. Damage rating: 25 (Base 13 x 132% (Str) x 144% (Skill)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. You took it off a vault guard in a bailey. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified melee equipped weapon “Weapon, shapely, naked, wan! (u)nwield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.g gmorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..Health: 90/90 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 21Str: 23#####EV: 3Int: 9.'.###SH: 4Dex: 9#≈.~##XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: a Bailey#≈@~~##Noise: ---------  Time: 7186.6 (0.0)##≈.~~~#C) +0 broad axe ######### ###≈÷..~#######Nothing quivered #÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....##g?Fly ..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.......# ..#..)..~~~~......'..∩....# ..#..#...[........#.......# .##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....## ..#######≈~.......~####### _o - 3 potions of heal wounds (gained 2) _F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA _You now have 160 gold pieces (gained 10). _There is a gate leading back out of this place here. gn>_There is an open door here. _C - a +0 broad axe (weapon)gF4gg(X _F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA _You now have 160 gold pieces (gained 10). _There is a gate leading back out of this place here.n open door _C - a +0 broad axe (weapon) _Setting a skill training target for Axes at 18.0.g sgbsgugwg]yg,~qWater _gU _Found a lumpy grey potion and a scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE.g-###### #~.@.##9.6 (3#~~..#≈.~## #~...~#≈.~~##  #...~##≈.~~~#  #########?!###≈÷..~#######  ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.## ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.......# #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩....# #...#..#...[..#.......#gVggQ _There is an open door here.gQ/g/g1g14g#6gg:; _g<g`?,gAgHghK,g"MgPgRg?Sg3Ugb[,g[gUe#########~.'.#####~~..#≈.~###~...~#≈.~~## #...~##≈.~~~##########?@###≈÷..~#######94.6 (5##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##.....####..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.......##...#..)..~~~~......'..∩....# #...#..#...[........#.......# #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..ge~.##.....##  #...#######≈~.......~#######  #####.......##≈~~~~~~~~~≈##...##).....#≈~~~~~~~~~≈##gfg,o;∩gqW _G - a lumpy grey potiong?J ###### ###~.'.### ##~~..#≈.~## #~...~#≈.~~## #...~##≈.~~~# ##@.###≈÷..~# ##÷÷..#≈≈####≈≈~...##..... ##..)..#~~≈≈≈≈~~....#. #...#..)..~~~~......'..∩.... #...#..#...[.#. #..##..#≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....  #...#≈~g.~#  #####.##≈~≈#  ##...##).....#≈~≈##g:∩gQ+5.6 (1ggKA6.6 (2gp&g(n _g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE (gained 1)g 4g&gFBgmggg>gg g,#g#%gb%g&g(g-g/@  There is an open door here.g2[Water _g3g5gg7?g8gk;g=,g?gFAg,ggg,gg8g ,g g ghggg@  There is an open door here.gwg _ggge,gg:g,g?g$#########~.'.#####~~..#≈.~###~...~#≈.~~## #...~##≈.~~~# ####..###≈÷..~####### #≈≈####≈≈~...##.....## #~~≈≈≈≈~~....#.......# )..~~~~......'..@....# 211.6 (15.0) gu%#...[........#.......# #≈≈≈)~.~~..~.##.....## ####≈~.......~####### ..##≈~~~~~~~~~≈# ..#≈~~~~~~~~~≈## #'##≈≈~~~~~≈≈## #..###≈≈≈≈≈### #....#######g3&g,gY/j _There is a gate leading back out of this place here.g4ggg{82.0) _gg9 #. .. ###.#####. #........### #.....ß....# #..........###. g9Z#..ß..[..ß...... #................## #..................Dungeon:7 ###ß...@...ß.......# ..................... ..##...............# #..ß.....ß......# ##..............# #....ß.........#######  g,:*##########...........#  #..............#  ###..............#gZ:D g <gRDg-3.4 (1.8gΑg _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.gQ= gF hInventory: 33/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +0 broad axe (weapon)a - a +0 war axe  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom gG Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies gG [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g;  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  wpair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)  B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH g} i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  y - a scroll of brand weapon  D - a scroll of teleportationE - 2s labelled ESODWEWNIMF - a labelled ESUSIGGAHA Potions (go to first with !)41%g Q g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  d - 3 potions of might  e - 3 potions of hastel - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - 3 potions of heal woundsp - a potion of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potionbotg Hy - a scroll of brand weapon. A scroll that imbues a weapon with a random brand. Any existing brand will be replaced with a different one, and any brand forbidden by your current god will not be chosen. Artefacts cannot be branded in this way. Melee weapons will commonly be branded with the flaming, freezing, heavy, venom or protection brand, and rarely with the draining, electrocution, spectral, vampiric or chaos brand. Ranged weapons will commonly be branded with the flaming, freezing, heavy or draining brand, and rarely with the electrocution or chaos brand. It is a rare scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control? (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gȴVBrand which weapon? Hand Weapons  C - a +0 broad axe (weapon)  a - a +0 war axe  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom g [?] describe selectedgW #. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7213.4 (0.0).....................C) +0 broad axe..[33g Rm##...............#Nothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............#  _g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE (gained 1) _There is an open door here. _There is an open door here. _There is a gate leading back out of this place here. _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.gK  #. ..  ###.#####.  #........###  #.....ß....#  #..........###.  #..ß..[..ß......  #................##  #..................  ###ß...@...ß.......# gO  .....................  ..##...............#  #..ß.....ß......#  ##..............#  #....ß....... ##########... #......There is an open door here. gate leading back out of this place here. _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _n empty arch of ancient ston  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison.g, #. ..  ###.#####.  #........###  #.....ß....#  #..........###.  #..ß..[..ß......  #................##  #..................  ###ß...@...ß.......#  .....................  ..##...............#  #..ß.....ß......#  ##............ #....ß....... ##########... #......#.[39;49gwm ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7213.4 (0.0).....................C) +0 broad axe (venom)..##...............#[11;3g8HNothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............#  _There is an open door here. _There is a gate leading back out of this place here. _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison.4.4 (1 _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon)g;g6-Inventory: 32/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon)a - a +0 war axe g) b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g8Ya - a +0 war axe. A military axe with a long haft and a single-bladed head. Base accuracy: +0 Base damage: 11 Base attack delay: 1.5 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.7) is reached at skill level 16.  Your skill: 13.9  At 100% training you would reach 16.0 in about 0.5 XLs.  At current training (45%) you reach 16.0 in about 1.2 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.8. Damage rating: 21 (Base 11 x 132% (Str) x 144% (Skill)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified melee weapon “‘God speed the kiss,’ said Max, and Katie sigh'd,  With pray'rful palms close seal'd, ‘God speed the axe!’” (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ggg gn#. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#goNoise: ---------  Time: 7214.4 (0.0).....................C) +0 broad axe (venom)..##...............#Nothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............#  _There is a gate leading back out of this place here. _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon)gtxgx+5.4 (1gg= _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe.g gO Inventory: 31/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon)  b - a +3 hand axe  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=) g { k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gd b - a +3 hand axe. A small axe. Base accuracy: +3 Base damage: 7 Base attack delay: 1.3 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.6) is reached at skill level 14.  Your skill: 13.9  At 100% training you would reach 14.0 in about 0.0 XLs.  At current training (45%) you reach 14.0 in about 0.0 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.6. Damage rating: 16 (Base 7 x 132% (Str) x 144% (Skill) + 3 (Ench)). This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. It can be maximally enchanted to +9. You took it off an orc on level 4 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Axes} {one-handed} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified enchanted melee weapon “Lizzie Borden took an axe (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g3g64g<gE>#. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23g*Fm#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7215.4 (0.0).....................gFC) +0 broad axe (venom)..##...............#Nothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............#gF  _Welcome back to the Dungeon! _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  gGlYour +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe.gPA6.4 (1gVgX* _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe.3 hand axe.g g> Inventory: 30/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon)  q - a +1 short sword of venom Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=) g  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gq - a +1 short sword of venom. A personal stabbing weapon with a short grip. Base accuracy: +4 Base damage: 5 Base attack delay: 1.0 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.5) is reached at skill level 10.  Your skill: 0.0; use (s) to set 10.0 as a target for Short Blades.  At 100% training you would reach 10.0 in about 1.5 XLs. Damage rating: 6 (Base 5 x 97% (Dex) x 114% (Skill) + 1 (Ench)). Venom: It poisons victims. This weapon falls into the 'Short Blades' category. It is good for stabbing helpless or unaware enemies. It is a one-handed weapon. gIt can be maximally enchanted to +9. You found it on level 3 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {ego} {branded} {Short Blades} {one-handed} {venom} {melee weapon} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified enchanted ego melee weapon (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, (s)kill target, or (i)nscribe.g1gg#. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......g{EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7216.4 (0.0).....................C) +0 broad axe (venom)..##...............#Nothing quiveredg&x#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............#  _There is an empty arch of ancient stone here.  As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) gb5_You drop a +0 war axe. _You drop a +3 hand axe.gg+7.4 (1gg   As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe.3 hand axe.1 short sword of venom.gXgInventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) gWands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterfliesm - a scroll of enchant weapon  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation g=[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ge -  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)xcloak (worn)  u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  m - a scroll of enchant weaponr - a labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportationEESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA Potions (go to first with !)  d - 3 potions of mighte - 3 potions of haste38%gG 4g  v - a ring of flight (left hand)  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAHl - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - 3 potions of heal woundsp - a potion of berserk rage  s - 2 coppery potions76g| m - a scroll of enchant weapon. A scroll that places an enchantment on a weapon chosen by the reader, increasingboth accuracy and damage. Weapons can be enchanted up to +9. Magical artefacts cannot be enchanted at all. It is an uncommon scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll g“To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g Enchant which weapon? Inventory Items Hand Weapons  C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) gGIFloor Items ([,] to select) Hand Weapons a +3 hand axe a +1 short sword of venom a +0 war axe gz[?] describe selectedg g #. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7217.4 (0.0).....................C) +0 broad axe (venom)..go ##...............#Nothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............# As you read the scroll of brand weapon, it crumbles to dust.  Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe. _You drop a +3 hand axe. _You drop a +1 short sword of venom.g@ g #. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................XL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7217.4 (0.0).....................C) +1 broad axe (venom)..g ##...............#Nothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### ##########...........# #..............# ###..............# Your +0 broad axe drips with poison. _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe. _You drop a +3 hand axe. _You drop a +1 short sword of venom.  As you read the scroll of enchant weapon, it crumbles to dust.g g? +8.4 (1g g_ _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe.3 hand axe.1 short sword of venom.  As you read the scroll of enchant g _weapon, it crumbles to dust. _Your +0 broad axe of venom glows red for a moment.g7#g(Inventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) gt)Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ggUg#. ..morningthaw the Cleaver###.#####.Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#........###Health: 90/90 ========================#.....ß....#Magic: 10/10 ========================g΍#..........###.AC: 21Str: 23#..ß..[..ß......EV: 3Int: 9#................##SH: 4Dex: 9#..................gDXL: 10 Next: 14% Place: Dungeon:7###ß...@...ß.......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7218.4 (0.0).....................g:9C) +1 broad axe (venom)..##...............#Nothing quivered#..ß.....ß......#Fly ##..............##....ß.........####### g##########...........# #..............# ###..............#  _C - a +0 broad axe of venom (weapon) _You drop a +0 war axe. _You drop a +3 hand axe. g_You drop a +1 short sword of venom.  As you read the scroll of enchant weapon, it crumbles to dust. _Your +0 broad axe of venom glows red for a moment.gg%g.gg g g g g ,g# ,g ,g˞ g) g ,gm g g ,g< g8 gx $ (# #.  .. #. .## #. .. g ###.#####. #........### #.....ß.@..# 22.4 (4 #....###..  #..ß..[..ß...... g) #................##........###ß...)...ßgk ..................##...............##..ß.....ßg "#g g< +3.4 (5g g % _Found 6 stones.g 4gߑ g g g< BgҞ ,g g g` g g g g ,g g g g ge g g ,g? g g gH g g g gA g g g g g g< gk ,gU gx gq ,g gK g: g g gX g g g g9 g? ,g@ gA g. g~ gN g g g g g g ,gS g g4  .. ##########... ###............g  >....... #.#.#@# 40.4 (17.0) ###.#...# .......#.# g l.##...#.#  #...#.### # #.....g .# #.###..#.#.#g m .........#.#g _ ##.....##(#g} g ,1.4 (18g gb 9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.gggDgg,g,g=gg[g]g!ggkggP##### ...#############.>.........@.......###.#.#.###.......g;###.#...# ..............#.# .......#.##...#.# ..k.......#.###.......k   wyvern (asleep)# #.......#.......#.###..#.#.#................#.g"#g+ 14.4 (3.0)g2 k.kg +5.4 (4g gl Y _A wyvern comes into view.gS#######......(##########.###..........>...###.#.#.######.#...# #........#.# #.k#.##...#.# #... #...#.###.g$# #.......#.#.###..#.#.#..........#.##?##.....##(#ggY) k.  Found 5 stones and a scroll of identify.=6.4 (1g0gR3> _The wyvern bites you but does no damage.gy   (extremely poisoned)You slash the wyvern! The wyvern looks as sick as possible!  The wyvern is heavily wounded.=7 _You block the wyvern's attack.g  You barely miss the wyvern.The wyvern is severely wounded.The wyvern bites you but does no damage.g)$89gV@--8.3 (0.9g g+ _The wyvern bites you.gΠv  You slash the wyvern!  You kill the wyvern!gD.g -7-9.2 _Okawaru accepts your kill.ggQgpf _Your Axes skill increases to level 14!gugvg/xgzg; _ggM90=gɂg1 _HP restored.g4gNJgg ,g0gg,gjgTgg:=gԢggggbgʫg gOgggb,gSgA>...................###.#.#.###.........###.#...# #................#.# #.........#.##...#.# #...#...#.###..# #.......#..#.###..#.#.#...........#.-g##.....##(##.###.#...##.###+######...........# ###.#.###.####.# #....####.#####....#######.##.....ß....#...g.58.2 (9.0gI-9.2 (10.0)ggz. _a - a scroll of identifygb4g:Inventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)g;u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)a - a scroll of identify  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ g; j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g/x a - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper g constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning  himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g* Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA Potions (select first with !)  s - 2 coppery potions  z - a fuming amethyst potion  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potion [?] describe selectedgi g"  >...................morningthaw the Cleaver###.#.#.###.........Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..###.#...# #.........Health: 90/90 ========================.......#.# #.........Magic: 10/10 ========================#.##...#.# #.........AC: 21Str: 23#...#.###.........EV: 3Int: 9# #.......#.........SH: 4Dex: 9#.###..#.#.#.........XL: 10 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:7.........#.##@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 7259.2 (0.0)##.....##(##........C) +1 broad axe (venom)###.#...##.###+###g# ###Nothing quivered...........#Fly ###.#.###.####.##.#..........####.#####....####........###.##.....ß....#...You slash the wyvern!  You kill the wyvern! _Okawaru accepts your kill. _Your Axes skill increases to level 14! _HP restored. _a - a scroll of identifyg$ g* g72 . >...................morningthaw the Cleaver###.#.#.###.........Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..###.#...# #.........Health: 90/90 ========================.......#.# #.........Magic: 10/10 ========================#.##...#.# #.........AC: 21Str: 23#...#.###.........EV: 3Int: 9# #.......#.........SH: 4gI3 Dex: 9#.###..#.#.#.........XL: 10 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:7.........#.##@.......Noise: ---------  Time: 7259.2 (0.0)##.....##(##........C) +1 broad axe (venom)###.#...##.###+######Nothing quivered...........#Fly ###.#.###.####.##.#..........####.#####....####........###.##.....ß....#...You kill the wyvern! _Okawaru accepts your kill. _Your Axes skill increases to level 14! _HP restored. _a - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.gW@ B60.2 (1gE gpI > _Okawaru accepts your kill.Your Axes skill increases to level 14!HP restored. _a - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _s - 2 potions of curingg D4gGgHgOgTgX\ _You reach down and open the door.g9Yg Zg^Xgf`guagagMbgcgdgdgReg1ggi,gkgngpgqg5rgptgu,gvgygFzgzg{gN~g%,gOgÃgS,ggg?,gg$%gt ##############  #......(...[.# g######..........@.# ..................###### gƓ........................ #.###.............###### g"1..# #.............# #.# #.............# #.# #.............# #.###.............# ....#.............#g 78 M############ ( ###### ###### ........................Fly ####.........#g֟0733.0)gv,4.2 (14gg$n _You see here a +1 cloak.gß g 15.0)g g D _a - a +1 cloakg*Og\W,Inventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)  x - a +0 cloak (worn)  a - a +1 cloaku - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) gW]Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation gX[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gz a - a +1 cloak. A cloth cloak. Base armour rating: 1 It can be maximally enchanted to +2. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would increase by 1.0 (21.1 -> 22.1). Your EV would remain unchanged. You found it on level 7 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {cloak armour} {cloak armor} {auxiliary armor} {auxiliary armour} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified enchanted armour “O Bell my wife, why dost thou flyte?  Now is now, and then was then:  Seek now all the world throughout,  Thou kens not clowns from gentlemen: (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gfVgpXg#a@morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..Health: 90/90 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 21Str: 23EV: 3Int: 9SH: 4Dex: 9##############XL: 10 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:7#......(...@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 7275.2 (0.0) ######............#C) +1 broad axe (venom) ..................######Nothing quivered ga(........................Fly #.###.............###### ..# #.............# #.# #.............# #.# #.............# #.###.............# _a - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _s - 2 potions of curing _You reach down and open the door. _You see here a +1 cloak. _a - a +1 cloakgjA6.2 (1gpgYW7.2 (2gGg+8.2 (3g0gۑA9.2 (4ggxB80.2 (5ggA19  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _s - 2 potions of curing _You reach down and open the door. _You see here a +1 cloak. _a - a +1 cloak _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 cloak. x4g g!g G  You finish removing your +0 cloak.g+1.2 (6g(gA2.2 (7ggg+3.2 (8ggA4.2 (9grgsg/5.2 (10.0)g6gd 22 _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x5gCggVZ _You finish putting on your +1 cloak.g-g:<iInventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)u - a +0 chain mail  x - a +0 cloak Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g]nx - a +0 cloak. A cloth cloak. Base armour rating: 1 It can be maximally enchanted to +2. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would decrease by 1.0 (22.1 -> 21.1). Your EV would remain unchanged. You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {cloak armour} {cloak armor} {auxiliary armor} {auxiliary armour} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “O Bell my wife, why dost thou flyte?  Now is now, and then was then:  Seek now all the world throughout,  Thou kens not clowns from gentlemen: (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gP morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..Health: 90/90 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 22Str: 23EV: 3Int: 9SH: 4Dex: 9##############XL: 10 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:7#......(...@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 7285.2 (0.0) ######............#C) +1 broad axe (venom) ..................######Nothing quivered ........................Fly #.###.............###### ..# #.............# #.# #.............# #.# #.............# #.###.............# [1g" c8d_You see here a +1 cloak. _a - a +1 cloak _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 cloak. x4  You finish removing your +0 cloak. _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x5 _You finish putting on your +1 cloak.6.2 (1 _a - a +1 cloak _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 cloak. x4  You finish removing your +0 cloak. _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x5 _You finish putting on your +1 cloak. _You drop a +0gInventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn)u - a +0 chain mail Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (6) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g, u - a +0 chain mail. A suit of armour made entirely out of tiny metal rings. Base armour rating: 8 Encumbrance rating: 14 It can be maximally enchanted to +8. If you switch to wearing this armour: Your AC would decrease by 7.9 (22.1 -> 14.2). Your EV would increase by 4.4 (3.0 -> 7.5). You found it on level 4 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {body armour} {body armor} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified armour “Nought can Deform the Human race  Like to the Armours iron brace”  -William Blake, “Auguries of Innocence”, 99-100. 1803. (w)ear, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.gygXg morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..Health: 90/90 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 22Str: 23EV: 3Int: 9SH: 4Dex: 9##############XL: 10 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:7#......(...@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 7286.2 (0.0) ######............#C) +1 broad axe (venom) ..................######Nothing quivered ........................gc JFly #.###.............###### ..# #.............# #.# #.............# #.# #.............# #.###.............# _a - a +1 cloak _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 cloak. x4  You finish removing your +0 cloak. _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x5 _You finish putting on your +1 cloak. _You drop a +0 cloak.gg2+7.2 (1gPg _You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 cloak. x4  You finish removing your +0 cloak. g0 _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x5 _You finish putting on your +1 cloak. _You drop a +0 chain mail.ghgm  Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt  a * Fighting   8.5  23%  +1   j - Spellcasting   0.0    -2           b + Maces & Flails   9.0    +2       c * Axes  14.0  46%  +2   k + Invocations1.2   2%  +3   d + Polearms   7.4     0   l + Evocationgns0.5   2%  +1   e - Unarmed Combat   0.0     0                       f * Armour   7.0  27%  +1       g - Dodging   0.0    -3       h - Shields   3.2    +1       i - Stealth   0.0    -2    [39;4gUoC9m                                          The percentage of incoming experience used to train each skill is in brown.  Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green.  [?] Help[=] set a skill target  go}[/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  [!] training|cost|targetsgggmorningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..Health: 90/90 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 22Str: 23EV: 3Int: 9SH: 4Dex: 9##############XL: 10 Next: 17% Place: Dungeon:7#......(...@.#Noise: ---------  Time: 7287.2 (0.0) ######............#C) +1 broad axe (venom) ..................######Nothing quivered ........................Fly #.###.............###### ..# #.............# #.# #.............# #.# #.............# #.###.............# [39;4g9m_You start removing your armour. You continue removing your +0 cloak. x4  You finish removing your +0 cloak. _You start putting on your armour. You continue putting on your +1 cloak. x5 _You finish putting on your +1 cloak. _You drop a +0 cloak. _You drop a +0 chain mail.ggpgggg͎ggqgɖgRg;,g5,ggNggxgngrgJ,g gog,ggʳgW,gεgVg,ggwg",gggg,ggg,gg(gyg)gegg,gGgg... #######... (...[.#.>.. ......#..... ............ ................@..ß....99.2 (12.0) ......############......# .....# .... ......#.......#.. ......#. ......# gZg.300.2 (13gNg ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g gd 4gW g? ........ßo........ .... g ...[.# ...>.# !.#...........@.ß....F#.# g #.....## ..# ..# ...g> F   bullfrog (asleep)# ...g o   orc priest (asleep)# ....#g[ 0.0)  An orc priest and a bullfrog come into view.Found a potion of might.  The bullfrog gives a loud, deep croak!g g gW .oF..Fog 4==1.2 (1g g4 g _The bullfrog swells and bulges.gvv#.#.ß.....ß#..o. #.[.# #...>.# #!.#..@ß..F..ß#.# ##.....#.# .# ......## ......## ......## ......##gzg{g\~.oF.--2gsggQ#........#.ß.....ß#......... #####..o .[.# #...>.# #!....############..............ß.F...ß############.@.......# #.## g-Rt........## #.......### #.# #.......# # #.......# # ####+#####gVgWg}cr.o.FgdO=-3gIlg;o? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g c  You closely miss the bullfrog.g L.og &4g g= ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g+b  You barely miss the bullfrog.g5z.o5.1 (0.9g=glAB _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage. x2gv2 b  You hit the bullfrog.  The bullfrog is lightly wounded.g< z.o6.1 (1.0gC ggF ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g5  You hit the orc priest but do no damage.  The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.  The orc priest hits you but does no damage.gP6\89-7.0 (0.9g>g%, _The bullfrog hits you.g| (very poisoned)The orc priest hits you but does no damage. _hits you.  You slash the bullfrog! The bullfrog is poisoned.  The bullfrog is moderately wounded.  You hit the orc priest.   but does no damage.gX8*gn  The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you.g @5--8.0 (1.0gbg4 _Pain shoots through your body!g{  You slice the bullfrog!!  You kill the bullfrog!gC  Okawaru accepts your kill.You slash the orc priest!  You kill the orc priest!g:&[)@.g+*W-20==9 (0.9g0g3P _Okawaru accepts your kill.gɆ4gԎgdH _No target in view!g gG gm g H _No target in view!g 4gă g g ; _g g &6g1 gG ,g g• ,gn gE b7=g g ,g g0 ,g~ g g V8=g gŴ ,g g/ <9g g g g g ,gJ g gQ M90=g g g ,g" gF  Things that are here:  a +0 mace; a +0 leather armour; an orc corpsegU g _g g g go g g~ g 3=gV g z _d - 4 potions of might (gained 1)g g gg ,g` gU g ,gn g- gp ,g g gh g gI g- gY g ggF _You reach down and open the door.gggRgB @  There is an open door here.gb _gg,g0ggS,gxgVgggg g",gs"g'g0.......############.........# .......# #....##.....#.## .......# #....'........# .......# +....#.......## .......# #....#.......#....# #....#.......#....# #....#.......## #....####+####....# #..@.# --- ######## #....#  #....#  #...###  ##.# #. o   orc priest (asleep) #. #o g; 37.9 (29.0)  An orc priest comes into view. It is wielding a +0 hand axe.gDtoo.gHEV==-8.9 (30gLgY> _The orc priest shouts! You hear a shout!gQ |.# #....##.....#.##.# #....'.........# +....##.# #....#..# #....#.#.# #....#.#.# #....####+####.# #....# ######### #.@..# #....##...### ##.##  #. #o #.  #.g o.o   orco--9.9 (1.0)g gs  g d_An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 flail.g#'........# +....### ###+### #########...####.##  #o .o.. ##gy'g2<o.g7g&X--40gHgi _The orc priest looks braver for a moment.g*+....### ###+### ######## ##..@####.##  #o .o.. ##⌠ ..gDgG&o.o.o 2 orcs (1 wandering)og&&1g]0gZ7x _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 short sword.gq+ (very poisoned)ooThe orc shouts!  You hit the orc priest but do no damage.The orc priest is poisoned.g56==2.8 (0.9gOg' _You hear a shout!g;K o  You slash the orc priest!  The orc priest looks as sick as possible!g>L gLX + o. extremely poisoned)o.  The orc priest is heavily wounded.gX 5-3.8 (1.0gUa g9e A _The orc priest hits you but does no damage.g &  gL VYou hit the orc priest.  You kill the orc priest!gV g g o.ooo 2 orcs.gT ]1-4.7 (0.9g f _Okawaru accepts your kill.gUgc<o.gr89-5.7 (1.0g+q _You closely miss the orc. The orc hits you with a +0 flail.g@q  You slice the orc!!  You kill the orc!gg\)o.   orcgl-6.6 (0.9gJg_P _Okawaru accepts your kill.gh.# #....#..# #....#.#.# #....#.#.# #....####+####.# #....# ########## #....# ##....# #...###g1i ##@##  #. #o# #.# . #.# . ... .## .⌠. ... ...#gmgv<o.gvd90=-7.6 (1.0g}gJk _Items here: )) [ †.g K=8.5 (0.9g4 g _You barely miss the orc. The orc barely misses you.g C9.5 (1.0g g2 j _You barely miss the orc. You block the orc's attack.g]ep  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!gZmD)g$sC=50gpzf _Okawaru accepts your kill.g4g#gF/H _No target in view!g:UgUgWgT_gkbgHf; _g l  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; a +0 chain mail; an orc corpsegWogK.g\ j78---4.5g&j gWr S _You feel very sick.g  You slice the kobold brigand!!  The kobold brigand is severely wounded.You feel sick.g e7-===5.8 (1.3ga gd E _The kobold brigand hits you but does no damage.g@  You slice the kobold brigand!!  You kill the kobold brigand!  Okawaru accepts your kill.gٮK.KKK 3 kobolds (2 missiles)go5---3-7.2 (1.4gb _You feel sick. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g_g8-ggF _Unknown command.g&  You hit the kobold.  The kobold is severely wounded.g '5-8.5 (1.3g.g43C _You feel sick. You block the kobold's attack.gcN-gFlgpF _Unknown command.gt  You hit the kobold.  You kill the kobold!gݑ_  Okawaru accepts your kill.go. 2 kobolds (1 missile)4=-10/10===70.0 (1.5ggߩL _You feel sick. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g- _Unknown command.gC  You slice the kobold!!  g54You kill the kobold!g.'2)   kobold ( _Unknown command.  You slice the kobold!!  You kill the kobold!  Okawaru accepts your kill.g'ofeel sick.  You are no longer poisoned.gq01((((g0,(((g⌠....@)g?=1.4 (1.4Fly ggdm _The kobold throws a stone. The stone barely misses you.gQ4gXg\F _Unknown command.g .+#.#+#####...#####..# .##.......⌠...... ...#####...###### +#.#+   #.# # g #######.K.# ......#..##.... ##############.......#<........###.#.##.######.# #.#..#.......######g g -2.9 (1.5g g _The kobold hits you but does no damage. You block the kobold's attack. _Items here: (( ))) †.g 4g gܛ F _Unknown command.gy ggz [5=4.3 (1.4gՀ g _You hit the kobold but do no damage. The kobold hits you but does no damage.g 4g gf F _Unknown command.g1t  You hit the kobold.  You kill the kobold!g: )  Okawaru accepts your kill.g?===5.7Fly gg[ _You feel yourself speed up.g4g:g|H _No target in view!ggagg5gk"s6= _gJ#g#g$g&g 'g(gi*g*&7g/g1,g2g3g3gm4g%6gg68gS7g|9g9g:g<g<L9=g=g-@gn@gdAg0C,gCg Eg@EW80=gEgG,gGgH,gSIgJg1K&1gJLgN,gSPgQg0RgmSgTgT&2gUgVgVgWgXgXgYg~ZgZL3=gQ[gy\g\g3]g^,g_g/`gh`V4=gag;bghbgdg@egqeg$fgggg&5ghgig!jgjgDl<6glgFn,g/ogTp,gqgrgKrL7=grg(t,gtgugvg wg$ygyV8=gzg|,g3~g,ggAg&9gggg߅g†,gggLj790=ggggcgggB  Things that are here:  gEa +0 dagger; a stone; a kobold corpseg g _ggggMggΣg}g:=gCggxgɱg/gg-gg<gQggggN,ggZg,gjgqgggpggw,ggegg4g`gghgggF _You reach down and open the door.g94gg@  There is an open door here.gg _g$g]ggg-g/g,gggggg2g,gtgggggg9gdgg6gggggg-gfg%ggg@ggE,gggd,gggg:ggggggglg%geggg,g2ggv,ggdgg0ghg.ggAgggg0ggg ,gag(ggggg\ g g g g gF g ga g g g5 g gpgggggAggxggBgg?g),ggLg,ggWggAgsg{g1glggIgggqggT g g gz"gu#g#g$gh%g%,g?&g&gb'g'g'gY(g(g)g)g)gk*g*g*gC+g,gD,gw,g-g-g-g.g.g2/g/g/gO0g0,g1g1g1g#2gT2g2gV3,g3g4g4g4g4g=5g5,g6g6g7gN7gw7g7g8g^9,g9gs:,g:g3;g;g;g<gv<g<g=gI=g=g/>ga>g>g>gd?g?g?gG@g@g5A,gAgBgABglBgBgCgCgDg!EgFg3FgFgGgI,gOIgZJg2KgVKgKg,ggqgCXg,ggg,gظgg,ggg,gggq,ggtgb,gg)gkgggRg,ggg,ggg,gXggX,ggrg,gtg]g,gg_g/,ggHg,gCg ggLg[ggc,ggggggg gMgvgggguggg g gg,gegg,ggg,gggHgggj!g#,g$g]&g(gh(g:)g*g],g,g-g.g1,g:2g6gA......... .#####...#####..# .ß.......# .. +#.#+ ##.# ......... #. #.# #.#....# #. #.# #.# ß......##o #.# #'#.....##. ##)## ##.. .......########. #.).#####... ##...........##.######..##....... .............##.@................gB^- .............####################.......##.......#<...# #............###.#.##.######............# #.#..#............# #.#..#..##### o   Blorkula the Orcula (dormant).......# #.#..#..######...........# #.#..#..# #......##'### #.#..#..#####gCF2549.7 (174.0)gMt.oog_NG-505gfTg^ _Blorkula the Orcula comes into view. He is wielding a +0 scimitar.g## .......⌠........ .... ...#####...#####..ß.# ..# +#.#+ ##.... #.# #.# #. ..# #.# #.# #. .ß......# #.# #.# #'.# #o# ##)## ## ..########.# #.).##### ###.##@######..##.......##..................####################.......#<...# .###.#.##.#####.# #.#..#.......# #.#..#..####......# #.#..#..#.#####...........# #.#..#..#ggw.o1.0)gg> _Blorkula the Orcula mutters, "Such pretty colours everywhere..."g-   You slice Blorkula the Orcula!!  Blorkula the Orcula is heavily damaged.You block Blorkula the Orcula's attack. Blorkula the Orcula bites you.gt. 88-9/10 ---===2.6 (0.9g5 gs8 L _Blorkula the Orcula draws vitality from your injuries!g  You closely miss Blorkula the Orcula.  Blorkula the Orcula is heavily damaged.Blorkula the Orcula hits you but does no damage.g_9---3.5g2g\ _Blorkula the Orcula barely misses you.gGu?  You hit Blorkula the Orcula.  Blorkula the Orcula is severely damaged.Blorkula the Orcula hits you but does no damage.--4.4g{gG _Blorkula the Orcula bites you but does no damage.gB   You closely miss Blorkula the Orcula.  Blorkula the Orcula is severely damaged.Blorkula the Orcula hits you with a +0 scimitar.85.3ggG _Blorkula the Orcula bites you but does no damage.g  You barely miss Blorkula the Orcula.  Blorkula the Orcula is severely damaged.g1 **** Blorkula the Orcula points at you and mumbles some strange words.gZ .o@.70-----7--------6.3 (1.0g` gc [ _The zap hits you! The zap hits you. The zap hits Blorkula the Orcula.gc C  You slash Blorkula the Orcula!gJz bb.bbbbbb 4 vampire bats7gt g  Blorkula the Orcula avoids the killing blow by scattering into a rainbow of _bats!g{i gi You barely miss the vampire bat. You slash the vampire bat!  You destroy the vampire bat!g(mg?ogsh .b. 3gO  That felt strangely unrewarding. You block the vampire bat's attack.g.=8ggC _The vampire bat bites you but does no damage.gA  You hit the vampire bat.  The vampire bat is lightly damaged.  You closely miss the vampire bat.gJH.bg2KW1------gK9.2 (0.9gSgeWF _The vampire bat bites you but does no damage. x3g gk 8-g g /You closely miss the vampire bat.x3 _Unknown command.  You barely miss the vampire bat.  The vampire bat is lightly damaged.  You slash the vampire bat!g gA ..b8===--=60.1g g F _The vampire bat bites you but does no damage. x3g ( &  gt( jYou barely miss the vampire bat.The vampire bat is lightly damaged.g* g4 pb..-1.1 (1.0g: g? F _The vampire bat bites you but does no damage. x3g d-g F _Unknown command.gggggx _Unknown command. _Unknown command.  The vampire bat is almost destroyed.  You closely miss the vampire bat. The vampire bat bites you.  The vampire bat draws vitality from your injuries!gdD.bg502.0 (0.9gEg C _The vampire bat bites you but does no damage.g/ggCgt~ _Unknown command.You closely miss the vampire bat.g' gYb.  The vampire bat bites you but does no damage. x2g9 _The vampire bat completely misses you.gq{g|gg gQ_Unknown command.You slash the vampire bat!  You destroy the vampire bat!gT . 2g  That felt strangely unrewarding. You miss the vampire bat.The vampire bat bites you but does no damage.===3.8ggnX _The vampire bat barely misses you.gx  You slice the vampire bat!!  You destroy the vampire bat!gS gI .   vampire bat _The vampire bat barely misses you.You slice the vampire bat!!  You destroy the vampire bat!  That felt strangely unrewarding.  The vampire bat bites you but does no damage.  The vampire bat bites you.g  0=4.7g! g H _The vampire bat draws vitality from your injuries!g4 4gL g, F _Unknown command.g  You barely miss the vampire bat.-5.6g g{ C _The vampire bat bites you but does no damage.g N-g g F _Unknown command.gYrgIsgzgd{(6.5ggzs _You miss the vampire bat. You block the vampire bat's attack.gs4gxgyF _Unknown command.g   You slice the vampire bat!!  You destroy Blorkula the Orcula!Okawaru accepts your kill.gC)gAE17=7.5 (1.0g g! _A faint prismatic mist rises from Blorkula's broken form and then dissipates.gĪgXgrgF _Unknown command.g+4ggH _No target in view!g4gGgH _No target in view!gMB 4gED gE gyF T9== _g^K 2=gK gaM gM gN gRP gP ;==gQ g-S g'T V3=gT gU g8V gV g~X ,g`Y gZ gp[ &4g'\ g"e ^10/10=== _Magic restored.5=gf gg gg gi R===g4j gk l6=gl gm gn gn g^p ,g0q g_r gr &7gs gu ,gv g{ <8gk| g} ,gg~ g g g g g L9=g gJ g gA 80=g gk g gՏ Xgl &1gO g ,g, g ,g gT g &2ga g ,g gI ,g g b3=g g ,g gݡ ,g gۣ g: O4=gä g. ,g g gP &5g g4 g g g ,g g' g| &6g gY g g= gɳ ,gz g b7=g gi ,g go g gm g gz V8=gk g. ,g" gn g g* g g 9g g" y90=g^ g gS ga g1 Z  Things that are here:  a +0 scimitar; a +0 robeg! %###...  +#.#+ ## .ß ..(.#.......⌠.......g6 . ...#####...#####.ß.......# .+#.#+ # ..... #.# ß #.# #.# #' ........# #@# ##)## ##--623.5 (56.0)########)# #.).##### ###.######..##...... ..............##................. Fly ..............###################gl )g ]--4.5 (57g g % _Found 5 stones.gn gL g> g9 gc g g ,gB ###.#  #.# ..#... ..$[# #.# ####... ...## +#.#+ ## .ß ..(.#g .## +.........⌠........ +...#####...#####.ß.......# .+#.#+ # ..... #.# 5.5 (1.0)ß #.# #.# #' ........##.# ##)## ##. Nothing quivered ........########)# #.).#####.. Fly .g gW G=6.5 (2g, g - _Found a leather armour.g%|g|g%gH _No target in view!g G4gfMgPH _No target in view!g|~4gg܅g؈g _g, _You now have 173 gold pieces (gained 13).ggkBg,ggN _You now have 191 gold pieces (gained 18).g4gggn,gglgk,ggL _You reach down and open the large door.gS  There is a large open door here. _gW,gYg]g_,gaghgkgl,gQngp,g=qgrgdt,grugwg5ygygzg|g2Jgg5ggg# g ,g g g ,g gm gH g gh g$ g( ,g + g5. g0 g{0 gW1 g*4 gn7 ,g< g? gB ,gC gF gH ,gJ gO g{P gP gQ g4T gV ,gX g[ g] g] g_ gb gd gd gHf gh gj ,gk gv giw gx g| g~ gG g g\ gą g" g} gЌ ,g g gu gْ ,gʔ g g~ g՘ g g+ g g) g g g* g g g g ,g g g ,gS g| g ,gM g* gG g gd gu g_ gμ g g g"  ###.#.#.###. # ####.#...# #. g5 +#.+ .......#.# #. ##.#. #..#  ..... #+# #.##...#.### #....#.# #.##....... #....#.###.###..#.#.#. #.................#.# #.!.##@#####.....##(# ........# ###.#...##.### .#c/####. ...........# # # .####.#.###.#### .# #.#...... .####.#####....# c   centaur (asleep) .##........###.g  .##.....ß....#.. #..........###g p 83.5 (57.0)cclaunchg er)A centaur comes into view.Found a wand of roots (13).  The centaur shouts!g ((((The centaur wields a +0 orcbow. The centaur shoots an arrow.g 2.../g 6===4.5 (58g4 g# < _The arrow hits you but does no damage.g! ##.#...# #   #.+ .......#.# #  ##.#. #.##...#.# #   ..... #+# #.##...#.###   #....#.# #.##.......#   #....#.###.###..#.#.#   #.................#.##  .##.!.##.#####.....##(##  .......@.# ###.#...##.##  #c/####.............#   # .####.#.###.##    .# #.#........   .####.#####.   .##........###.   .##.....ß....#.   #..........##   #..ß..[..ß...g&g.;c.gt56((gI..gi86---5.5 (1.0)g3gF _The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you.g'   # ####.#...# #   #.+. .#.# #   ##.#. #.##...#.# #   ..... #+# #.##...#.###   #....#.# #.##.#  g'  #....#.###.###..#.#.#   #.........#.  #.##.!.##.#####.....##( #....c.@..# ###.#...##.  #..#./####.#   #. .####.#.###.  .( .# #.#  gN( g.. .####.#####  ## .##.###   .##.....ß....#   #.   #..ß..[..ßgU5 g> 4(g F.=6g g _ _Found 2 poisoned darts. The centaur shoots an arrow. You block the arrow.gL  # ####.#...#   #.+... .#.#   ##.#... #.##...#.#   ......#+# #.##...#.  #....#.# #.##.  #....#.###.###..#.#.  #........#. g #.##.!.##.#####.....##(  #....c@...# ###.#...##.  #..#./####.  #.# .####.#.###.  .(. .# #.#  ..# .####.#####  ##. .##. # .##.....ß....  #.  #..ß..[..ßgf _The centaur shoots an arrow. The arrow hits you. _Found 2 poisoned darts. The centaur shoots an arrow. You block the arrow.unwields a +0 orcbow.  The centaur hits you but does no damage.  You block the centaur's attack.  The centaur hits you but does no damage.gEh7=---7ggi? _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.g  You barely miss the centaur. You block the centaur's attack.--8.4 (0.9 _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.g=  (extremely poisoned)You slash the centaur! The centaur looks as sick as possible!  The centaur is severely wounded.The centaur hits you but does no damage.gh0=9.3g*go? _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.gJ   _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.  You barely miss the centaur.  The centaur barely misses you.gJ 1-90.2gYW U _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.gx y  You slice the centaur!!  You kill the centaur!g# [)g( 8=9-1.1gU5 g7 P _Okawaru accepts your kill.gMgggH _No target in view!g*ugugwgzg6; _gv,g~gĄg&9gggg90=g  # ####.#...#  #.+...> .#.#  ##.#... #.##...#.#  ......#+# #.##...#.  #....#.# #.##  #....#.###.###..#.#  #......#  #.##.!.##.#####.....##  #....@....# ###.#...##-6.1 (5.0  #..#./#### # #.## .####.#.###.  .(. .# #.#  ..#[ .####.#####  ##.gݡh#. .##.  # #. .##.....ß #. #  #..ß..[..ßggbE-7.1 (6gvg _Found a plate armour. Found a stone staircase leading down. _You see here a +0 orcbow.g9 4g g g g} % _g" g' gi( g_* ge. q _s - 3 potions of curing (gained 1)g1 g1 :=g3 gv8 >  You see here a +0 orcbow.g]; g; _g= gD ,gD gI Q _B - a wand of roots (19) (gained 13 charges)gL 4gN gfQ gS ,gqU gyY g5\ ,g)_ gBb guf ,gg gk C  You see here 2 poisoned darts.g=m gm _gn gjp gr ,gs g{ g~ ,g gb g g[ g g g- ,gƎ g g1 ,g gg ge ,gқ g0 g 8 .##...##.#####.... ...)....# ###.#..  #..#..####.........  #..#.#####.#### #..(.......# #.# #..#[####..####.## ##.#.# .##......  #.#.# .##.....ß  #@#.# #......713.1 (16.0)g   #.........<.# #..ß..[  #.###.##.#### #.....  #. .... #.  ## ### ###ß...) .. ..##...   #..ß  ##.....g g ,4.1 (17g g2 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g?g@gBg]HgK,g`Q,gES,gTgXXg[,gK\g^gS`g`gagGdg+fg|fgZhg_ogr,gsgug #..(.......# #. #..#[####..####.##### ##.#.# .# .## #.#.#..# .##.....ß.. ######.#.#..# #...... #.........<.# #..ß..[.. #.###.##.####..##.. #..........##........ ####@#####.###ß...)20.1 (6.0) ..)............. #######.......##..  ##########..ß  ##.......  #....ß  ########  #  ###glg8+1.1 (7g8gI _Found a giant club.g6p gp gfr g&z BgR Xg g g… g g gՈ g g g g gX g gb g b  You see here a +0 giant club.gf g _g gʞ gҟ g g g g g2 g g g ,gh g b  You see here a +0 giant club.g g߲ _gf gH g g: g` gE g gr g g gj g g g ngp g g3 g g g g g g g gl g g ,gx g gv g gK g gi g g g g gZ gg g7 g g g gX g g g g g g0 g gO g g  g g ,g g v _o - 4 potions of heal wounds (gained 1)g># g# g5% g& gp) g) gr+ g- gs. g. gm/ g1 ge2 g2 go4 g_6 g7 g8 g8 g6: g; g; g< gg> g? g@ g@ g3B gD gE gF gdI gK ,g*N g P gQ ,g6S gU gW gX gY gE\ g] ,g^ ga F _You reach down and open the door.g/d 4gXe g'k @  There is an open door here.gFm gm _g o gt gAv ,gw g8y R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.gOz gz _gU{ gT| g2~ ,g~ g( g gM g g g$ ga g gm g ,g g g g gN g' g ,gO g gc g g> g g4 gj g\ g g    #<#.#   #.#.#   #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#   #.#.#   #@#.### 71.1 (50.0) #.#...# ######### #.....### ##.....+>..... #......####.#.#.### ###......####.#...# # #.+...>.........#.#  ####.#.....##.##...#.# # #.......#'###.##...#.###g g ,2.1 (51gh g ; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.gUk `g-o Xggp ,gp g>r gt ,gHt gnu gv ,g]w gGy g2z gz gz g9| go} g} g~ g4 gÀ ,g g̔ R  There is an escape hatch in the ceiling here.g8 go _g٘ g Xg= g ,gK gj gP Xg5 ,gϻ g g{ Bgg g gQ g g; g g3 g gB g ,g gj g ,g4 g: g ,g g g1 g g" g9$ gy% ,g& g#+ g, g'- gi- gA1 g2 ,g3 g7 g8 g#9 gp9 gB ngD gD gcE gI gK ,gM gQ gT gT gU gZ g~ g g Bg g' g g] g g ,gT g؛ gs ,g g5 g ,g gڳ Xg g go g5 g: gL ,g gk g gy g g g g g g g g{ g g g g g g gw g g g gA g g ge gc ,g g{ g gw g g/ g( ,gE g g .............................#### #.......##...............##### # g ##########..ß.....ß......## ##..............## #....ß.........######## ##########...........## #..............## ########..............## g .......@..............##819.1 (47 ........................ ................ ............... ........................ ...........#####........ ...........# #......# )..........# #......# .... #......g8 C20.1 (48g  g ) _Found a long sword.gQ g g g Xg3 Bg ga g ,g g g Bg^ gv g g: g g gG g g gy g g g g gR g] g gD ,gD g#gWggggO g g gLg6gg!ng!g(g,g-,g.g_2g4g5g 7g9g;,g=g@Ag~CgCgzEgIg`L,gNgQg,UgUgWgZg]g^g_gdE  There is a large open door here.gggh _gjgmgpgqgrgl{g&,gg6g!,gg^gЖ,g,g4,gYggw,g{ggl,ggg־,g$g|g,gg ########### #....# #.# ########### ##....# #.# ..........#####...### #.# #.##########...##)## #.###### #.#######.#.ß.ß.#)# #........ #.........#.._..#.# #.##### g#........[#.ß...#.# #.# ..........##...'#.#+ ##.# .........(.#####@..#####..# 52.1 (32 ..#####'.........⌠# # .......'...#####...#####..# # ...#...#..## +#.#+ ##.# # .....####.# #.# #.# # .##### #.# #.# #.# # .##.# #.# #'##### .##.# ##)## #.. g.########)# #.).#####... _You reach down and open the door.ga _Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados.g_9 4g=; g0D gF gK ; _gN gQ g5R gxT gX g[ ,gi] gfg   #....# #.#  ##....# #.# .#####...######.# #...##)##...##.## #gg ######.#.ß.ß.#)#.ß.ß.#..# .#.._..#.#.._..#.#######. .[#.ß...#.#...ß.#.# #.##...'#.#'...##.# #.(.#####..@#####..# #.5g{h .0) #####'.........⌠..# #...'...#####...#####..# #. .#...#..## +#.#+ ##.# #. ...####.# #.# #.# #. #### #.# #.# #.# #.gh 9 #.# #.# #'#######. #.# ##)## ##..# #gi )# #.).#####..# _You reach down and open the door.gk Y _Found a shadowy altar of Dithmenos.gPzg{g(|ggg% _gR,ggg_g3.........#####...######...##)##...##.######### #######.#.ß.ß.#)#.ß.ß.#.........# ........#.._..#.#.._..#. .......[#.ß...#.#...ß.#.# ##...'#.#'...##.# g_(.#####...#####.. #####'.........⌠........'.... .#...#..## +#.#+ ##.####.# #.# #. #### #.# #.# . .....##.######..##.............##  .....##.......................... g_7.1 (2'...#...ß.#.._..#.ß.ß.##...######g?8_gȲL======8.1 (3gg> _As you open the door, it creaks loudly! _Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.g4ggug8g% _gg gY,gQgIg,gg/ #..#####...######.# #.###...##)##...##. #.#######.#.ß.ß.#)#.ß.ß.#. #..#.._..#.#.._..#.###### #..[#.ß...#.#...ß.#.# ..##...'#.#'...##.# ..(.#####...#####..# ..#####'gr..⌠..# ..'...#####@..#####..# ------61..#...#..##...'#.#'...##.# ..####.#.ß...#.#...ß.#.# .##### #.#.._..#.#.._..#.# .# #.#.ß.ß.#.#.ß.ß.#'###### .# #.##...##)##...##. .##)######.).#####...##.######..##..gJ..## _You reach down and open the door.g` _Found a shimmering blue altar of Sif Muna.g 4g g_ gy gi % _gR g$ R  There is a fountain of clear blue water here.g5 g; _g g gI g g g" g$ gZ% g% gu( g* ,g#+ ga- gq/ ,g$1 g7  Things that are here:  a +0 short sword; a +0 chain mail; an orc skeletong]9 g9 _g$; gC Y  Items here: )) [ ÷.gBK b _gL gL gkM gO gQ ,g7S g?U gVW gW gY g?[ g)] g] gk^ g` g.c ,gd gf gi ,gk gk gEm gm gn gu Xg%w F _You reach down and open the door.g1 ######### #.........# ...(...[.# #...>.....# .........# #.........# .############.........# .............)ß.....ß.. ############.........# # #....##.....#.## g 1.......# ###....'........# ..# #.'@...#.......## ------......# #F#....#.......# ....# #. #....#.......# ........# # #....#.......# ........# #....####+####........# #....# #.# F   bullfrog (asleep) #gG # #....# #.# ########### ##....# #.#...#####...######.#g } 77.1 (16.0)  A bullfrog comes into view.gȒ F.FThe bullfrog croaks.g K====8.1 (17g* gq ? _The bullfrog hits you but does no damage.g{  You slice the bullfrog!!  You kill the bullfrog!gD U#†go31===-9.0)ggP _Okawaru accepts your kill.gGN-ggUH _No target in view!gq 4g]s gYy g{ gL ; _g  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  You see here a bullfrog corpse.g& g _g gʋ gď ,gÐ g] gc ,g g Xg g͡ ,g g g( gq g7 g g ,g g۰ g ga gE g g( ,gX gԽ ,g= g w _z - 3 fuming amethyst potions (gained 2)g\ 4gv g: g g gE g g ,g g1 g gy gv g g g g gg g gp g g gN g g gt  There is an open door, spattered with blood here.  You see here a bullfrog corpse.g g _g` g g} g g g g g g g gj g g3 g g g` gf gO @  There is an open door here.g g _g g gE" g" g# g% gU' ,g ) g+ g;  #..........  #.ß.....ß.#  #.........# # #.........# # #...>.....# # #.........# ############.........#.# ...)ß.....ß...> ############....@....# ---906.1 (27.0) # #....##.....#.## # ###....'........# # #.†....#.......## # ##.#....#.......#g+= = # #..#....#.......# #.##....#.......# #.##....####+#### # #.##....# #.#g@ g#A H---7.1 (28gTE gH ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gjggg>gMgПg,g٨BgQgج,g̭g!gSggҲgggggfXgTgg\,g5g9gg g@ghgg gg-ggg`gggSggZgg5g{             ########  g #####......##   #.........@.#  19.1 (12 #.ß.....ß.#.#   #.........#.#   #.........#.#   #...>.....#.#   #.........#.#    #g######.........#.##   .......)ß.....ß...>#   #####.....####  gBg gIE _Done exploring.g4gg0.0)............gg"gȼE _Done exploring.g       #  #####......##  #.#  #.ß.....ß.#.#gb  #.#.#  #.#.#  #...>.....#.#  #.#.# #.#.## .)ß.....ß...># #.#### g4g320.1 (1 _gggW! #  #####......##  #.#  #.ß.....ß.#.#  #.#.#  #.#.#  #...>.....#.# #.#.##.#.##.)ß.....ß...>##.####goZgd[&1g`gbgk # #####......## #.# #.ß.....ß.#.# #.#.# #.#.# #...>.....#.# #.#.##.#.##.)ß.....ß...># #.####gg&2ggg # #####......## #.# #.ß.....ß.#.#ge #.#.# #.#.#  #...>.....#.#  #.#.# ##.#.## ..)ß.....ß...># #.####gġ&3gg  #############......##....g.ß...@.ß.#.#........#.#>.##.........###....##.....#.##g}g&4gmgUg  # #####......## #.#g- S #.ß..@..ß.#.# #.#.# # #gS .#.# # #...>.....#.# gy # #.#.# ##g 8.#.##.g !..)ß.....ß...># ###.........#### g S# #....##.....#.##g gB &5g g S #############......##.....ß.....ß.#.#...@... g  #>...####.....#.## # ###....'........#gq gy g &6gx gh g Z ## #####......## #.# #.ß.....ß.#.# #.#.# ## #.#.# .# #...>.....#.# .# #.#.# .##.#.##...)ß.....ß...># .g F####.........## .# #....##.....#.## .# ###....'.#gD <7g g  #############......##.....g ,ß.....ß.#........ ## .>.Fly .gB #........# .# #.†....#.......##g g &8g g gh #############......##.....ß.....ß.#........ ## ..###########Fly #.......## .# ##.#....#.......#gg&9gYgc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gg g7o Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) go ' t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?) go  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH gp i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  j - 3 scrolls of butterflies  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA g(p  D - a scroll of teleportation  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA g{p [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gj - 3 scrolls of butterflies. A scroll that surrounds its user with a flight of beautiful butterflies, blowingback other creatures nearby with the flapping of their wings. This scroll is completely useless to you: you cannot coerce anything to answer your summons. It is a rare scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified useless_item scroll gH “It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like  big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements,  but it has now been realized that this is a very old-fashioned view held by  people totally out of touch with modern thought. The things that really change  the world, according to Chaos theory, are the tiny things. A butterfly flaps  its wings in the Amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of  Europe...” go -Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, _Good Omens: The Nice And Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch_. 1990. (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g1 g4morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..########Health: 90/90 ========================#####......##Magic: 10/10 ========================#...........#AC: 22Str: 23#.ß.....ß.#.#EV: 3Int: 9#.........#.#SH: 4Dex: 9 ###.........#.#XL: 10 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:7 .#gY5#...@.....#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 7929.1 (0.0) .##.........#.#C) +1 broad axe (venom) .############.........#.##Nothing quivered .............)ß.....ß...>#Fly .############.........#### .# #....##.....#.## .# ###....'........# .# #.†....#.......## g5.# ##.#....#.......# _You see here a bullfrog corpse. _There is an open door here. _Found a stone staircase leading down. _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _There is a stone staircase leading down here.gf=B30.1 (1gBgGD _There is an open door here. _Found a stone staircase leading down. _Done exploring. __There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You drop 3 scrolls of butterflies.gj g {Inventory: 26/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) g} +Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA Potions (go to first with !) [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]ggg morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..########Health: 90/90 ========================#####......##Magic: 10/10 ========================#...........#AC: 22Str: 23#.ß.....ß.#.#EV: 3Int: 9#.........#.#SH: 4Dex: 9 ###.........#.#XL: 10 Next: 31% Place: Dungeon:7 .##...@.....#.#Noise: ---------  Time: 7930.1 (0.0) .##.........#.#C) +1 broad axe (venom) .############.........#.##Nothing quivered gh!z.............)ß.....ß...>#Fly .############.........#### .# #....##.....#.## .# ###....'........# .# #.†....#.......## .# ##.#....#.......# _There is an open door here. _Found a stone staircase leading down. g!_Done exploring. _Done exploring. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _You drop 3 scrolls of butterflies.g)g[BgKgKg\4gSggF+1.1 (1gcgl #...h....#........# #.. #. #....>).. ##..###........ ......  $........?..... 8 .......@5......  ##....  ##.########.##  #  h   howler monkey (asleep) 5   white imp (asleep) g g h5h5You fly downwards.gy J====9 (1.8g g- > _You drop 3 scrolls of butterflies.  You fly downwards. _The white imp shouts! The howler monkey howls!  Found a scroll of identify, 13 gold pieces and a dagger.  Found a stone staircase leading down. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gux (catching breath)  You barely miss the white imp.========2.8 (0.9ggy _The howler monkey hoots and howls with incredible vigour!g# }  You slice the white imp!!  You kill the white imp!g g.h. ==------3.7gK gN P _Okawaru accepts your kill.gF....h..#.##..... #...h# #........ #....>)##..###...$?.......<##..............##.########.#####h 2 howler monkeys (1 wandering, 1 catc…)g.  A howler monkey comes into view.Found a glowing great sword.ggM)h.g$Whhcatching breath)gL------4.7 (1.0gg g1(_The howler monkey howls!gه.....####.# ....)..#.###...h.....# #.........## #...h.....#. #....>)##..###..g/.$.?#.......<$##..............##.########.#gV$####.##gčgg.h.hg/--5gg/+ _Found 14 gold pieces.gF #.##..# .....####.# ....)..#.#. #..h .......# #. #..h.>)##..###...g˲ &$..?#.......<$##..............##.########.#####.##gʷ g P.hgc O=-6g g ; _You block the howler monkey's attack.gW  You slice the howler monkey!!  You kill the howler monkey!gk_ a.   howler monkeygc >2==7.6 (0.9gl gn P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g (very poisoned)  You hit the howler monkey. The howler monkey is poisoned.  The howler monkey is lightly wounded.  The howler monkey hits you but does no damage.gQ1--8.5ggB; _You block the howler monkey's attack.gpS  You closely miss the howler monkey.The howler monkey is lightly wounded.  The howler monkey hoots and howls with incredible vigour!gSJ=========9.4g\bC _You hear an angry hiss.g  You slice the howler monkey!!  You kill the howler monkey!g `.†g%f3===------40.4 (1.0gx-g0P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g1S------ggH _No target in view!gk g g. g H _No target in view!g9 4g g# g& g  ; _gd g ,g g^$ .....####.# ....)..#.## #.........##.........#.#.gG% E†.>)....##..###.......................$......#---<$##.Fly #g. +2.4 (2gG/ G---3.4 (3g5 g7 . _b - a scroll of identifyg Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) g Scrolls (go to first with ?)b - a scroll of identify  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation g. K E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g;u b - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g{Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA Potions (select first with !)  z - 3 fuming amethyst potions  A - a pink potion g| G - a lumpy grey potion [?] describe selectedgt g .....####.#morningthaw the Cleaver....)..#.##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#.........#Health: 90/90 ========================#.........#Magic: 10/10 ========================# #.........#AC: 22Str: 23#. #..†.>)....EV: 3Int: 9##..###..........SH: 4Dex: 9g .................XL: 10 Next: 33% Place: Dungeon:8$........@......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7943.4 (0.0).......<........$C) +1 broad axe (venom)##..............#Nothing quiveredg ~##.########.####Fly #.#gB x##  You slice the howler monkey!!  You kill the howler monkey! g~ _Okawaru accepts your kill. _No target in view! _No target in view! _b - a scroll of identifygچ g gC .....####.#morningthaw the Cleaver....)..#.##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru ****..#.........#Health: 90/90 ========================#.........#Magic: 10/10 ========================# #.........#AC: 22Str: 23#. #..†.>)....EV: 3Int: 9##..###..........SH: 4Dex: 9.................XL: 10 Next: 33% Place: Dungeon:8$........@......#Noise: ---------  Time: 7943.4 (0.0).......<........$C) +1 broad axe (venom)##..............#Nothing quivered##.########.####Fly #.#[40g 6m##  You kill the howler monkey! _Okawaru accepts your kill. _No target in view! _No target in view! _b - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.g gO +4.4 (1g g= 9 _Okawaru accepts your kill. _No target in view! _b - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _z - 3 potions of resistancegJggF ,g ,gZ,g>#.##.D# # .....####.# ....)..#.##  #.........#  #.........#  #.........##. #..†.>)##..###......$...#.......<........$.##..............####.########.####D   steam dragon (wandering)#.###gw 5  A steam dragon comes into view.gE  The steam dragon hisses angrily.g%z.DDz   wightgT&+6.4 (2g/g6x _A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +3 long sword.gv #.. ##.##z.# .....D####.# .....)..#.# #....  .......# #. #..†@>)##..###........$.##.......<$.g##..............####.########.#####.##g-ggyo.z.Dg+7.4 (1gggz. . #. #.. ##.##..# #g.....z.####.# ....D)..#.# #....  g:.@.....#.g #. #..†.>)##..###.....gQ..$.##.......<$.g##..............####.########.#####.gg)w.z(catching breath)g~ ******  The steam dragon breathes steam at you.g݋§§@§§§..gCF=====8ggҙD _The ball of steam hits you but does no damage.g# .... . .... #. #..# ###.##..# #........####.#gV....zD)..#.## #.# #..@§.....# # #...§.....#.gN #. #..†.§)..... ##..###....§...... ......g̢§..... $.........## .......<........$.gd..............###.########.####gggg=z..gHzD.§§gAl...§§..§.g~.....z 2 wights......g(F-----9ggs _A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +2 flail.g?  You slash the steam dragon! The steam dragon is poisoned.  The steam dragon is moderately wounded.gD 7  You hit the wight.gMI  A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +0 scimitar.g\M P: 85/88 (90)-P: 9/10 --------gM A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +2 battleaxe of freezing.The wight hits you with a +3 long sword.gV /  --more--g .zzz§§§§..§.§.. gvery poisoned)..zz 4 wights...  You feel drained.  The steam dragon bites you but does no damage.g===50Draing~g2 _You block the steam dragon's attack.gk_4gcjg. _Unknown command.You slash the steam dragon!  The steam dragon looks as sick as possible!  The steam dragon is almost dead.You barely miss the wight.ggS  You are engulfed in a cloud of scalding steam.gg 2--8-----A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +2 mace.g/  --more--gVu .z. #.zz.†..§.....§.§...... extremely poisoned)...§...z gW5 wights.......#  The wight hits you but does no damage.bites you but does no damage.1.3 (0.9gdgk< _The steam dragon claws you but does no damage.g!You slash the steam dragon!  You kill the steam dragon!Okawaru accepts your kill.g5q  The steam dragon scales are intact enough to wear.  You hit the wight.gsgZgsgI 79/87--You are engulfed in a cloud of scalding steam.g /  --more--gTA .z..##.zz..[......zzzzz 5 wights.  The wight hits you with a +3 long sword.gealth: 79/90 -6-2.2 _You feel drained.ggLa _Your life force feels restored.g/You hit the wight.ggrgOg..zz....zz>The wight is severely damaged.-3.1gCg4 _The wight hits you but does no damage.g4gP\ _Unknown command.gSx  You slice the wight!!  You destroy the wight!gggg`g..zz...z 4g 81/91agic: 8/10--84.0 _Okawaru accepts your kill.ggi _Your Fighting skill increases to level 9!gQ&4g2gK6F _Unknown command.g g g g q _Unknown command.You slash the wight!gf g_ g/ ..zz.zThe wight is heavily damaged.The wight hits you with a +2 battleaxe of freezing.g/ W72---9g: g? , _The wight freezes you.gi 4gt gv F _Unknown command.gL  You closely miss the wight.The wight is heavily damaged.g(5.8g g( _You hit the wight.gggۧgF _Unknown command.g))You hit the wight.  You slice the wight!!  You destroy the wight!  Okawaru accepts your kill.  You can now enter into single combat with a foe.gl  Okawaru will now gift you throwing weapons as you gain piety.gg]..z 3g(*3=--9=6.7gg~e _You hit the wight. The wight barely misses you.ggbggF _Unknown command.g-  You hit the wight but do no damage.The wight is severely damaged.g.g:M.zg6;0-7.6gEgIn _You barely miss the wight. You block the wight's attack.g<>N-gIgTNF _Unknown command.g]w  You slash the wight!  You destroy the wight!gӘ  Okawaru accepts your kill.You slash the wight! You slice the wight!!  You destroy the wight!g ))   wight  Okawaru accepts your kill.gƪo68--42==8.6 (1.0ggg/  --more--g$6 _The wight hits you with a +2 mace.gA You barely miss the wight.The wight is heavily damaged.gB 64---7-----9.5 (0.9gIL gkO 0 _The wight hits you with a +2 mace.g{ O--gC gJ > _Unknown command.g  You hit the wight but do no damage.The wight is heavily damaged.60.4g g < _The wight hits you but does no damage.gKw 4g g F _Unknown command.gU&  gΩrYou barely miss the wight.The wight is heavily damaged.gl-1.2 (0.8gg3 _You block the wight's attack.gQgggF _Unknown command.g]$  You closely miss the wight.The wight is heavily damaged.g$^65=2.1 (0.9gS.g0< _The wight hits you but does no damage.gw  You slash the wight!  You destroy the wight!gC)gnn=---3=3.0g5 gFP _Okawaru accepts your kill.g\MgMgUgXH _No target in view!g& ## #.... . .... #. #..# ###.##..# # .####.# .......)..#.## #.))......# #.).# # #.........#. #. #..†.>)..... ##..###. .......$.....##.......<.$.##..## g0 gO1 =--4.0 (1.0 _g9 g< gU4gWgY<6g]g[_,gagdf8===ggg>j<7g.lg\n,gog rglrg ugjg9Z8===gԅg,gXg$,ggȗgQL9=g2ggF9==gagg>gggW70=gEg,gڵgg;==gYgg &1gg?,g@g,gfg 2-- _You start resting.g0828.0)g`10/10===3.0 (19gqg% _Magic restored.g2ggg,ggb3=gg],ggg<===ggl4=gqgg"ggggOg<5gg7 g g g ,g x6=g g& Bg) ,g4 gK l7=gL g'S BgrW ,gY gR^ <8g` g2e ge gh g%m ,g[o gs gzt &9g(w gH} g} g3 g@ g M80=g, g$ g^ g g ,g gg g V1=g g ,gӜ g g gH g4 <2g g{ ,g g ,g g# <3go gI ,g g ,gY g gr E4=gy g ,g? g& ,g@ g g V5=gY g^ Bg ,g g g &6g g[ g g* g gN &7g g ,g gx ,g g b8=g g ,g1 g gY g g' gk g O9=g g  ,g g g g^ g( go '90g" g% g% g' g* ,gk, g2 $ g2 ;_You start resting.g8 /8036.0 (53g!9 Z1=7.0 (54g> gA " _HP restored.gU- LM  # #. .... #.  ###.##..# #g- .####.# .......)..#.#)) #.)..  .......#.#. #..†.>).....Fly g&. X.................##g: g; *8.0 (1.0)g/C gE g3M.  # #. .... #.  ###.##..# .####.# .......@..#.##...#.)) #.).. # #.........#.Fly g2G...<........gM<9gAgjt _You see here a +3 great sword.g6 ....##. . #. #..####.##........####. )..#.##...#.))@.....# #.).#....Fly ...<........##..............##gϝg.40 _ggHg " .... #...# # #.... . .... #. #..# ###.##..# # .####.##.)..#.## ...#..# #.).......# # #.........#. #. #..†.>)..... ##..###. ....... $....gT .##  .......<.$.  ##.##g` gӪ B=1g gU k _Items here: ) [[ †.ggdwPick up what? 26/52 slots (_ for help) gHand Weapons (select all with ))  a - a +2 flail Armour (select all with [)b - a +0 robe  g*c - +0 steam dragon scales Carrion a steam dragon corpse [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit g8Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]ggSg....morningthaw the Cleaver#...#Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.# #....Health: 91/91 ========================. ....Magic: 10/10 ========================#. #..#AC: 22Str: 23###.##..# #EV: 3Int: 9........####.#SH: 4Dex: 9#.......)..#.##XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8...#.)@......#Noise: ---------  Time: 8041.0 (0.0)#.).......#C) +1 broad axe (venom)# #.........#.Nothing quivered#. #..†.>).....Fly ##..###.............................$...............#g^#.......<........$.##..............## _Magic restored. _You start resting. _HP restored. _You see here a +3 great sword. _Items here: ) [[ †.  Okay, then.gggg. _g  .... #...## # #.... . .... #. #..##.##..# #.####.# #.)..#.## ...#.@)......# #.).......# # #.........#.g%  #. #..†.>)..... ##..###.. ........ $......gD a## .......<g] E.$. gq 9 ##.##g g$ g6% 22.0 (1 _g/ gq8 _You start resting.HP restored. _You see here a +3 great sword. _Items here: ) [[ †. _Items here: ))) [[[.gx g{ Pick up what? 26/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))  a - a +2 battleaxe of freezing  b - a +3 long sword  c - a +2 mace Armour (select all with [)d - a +0 robe  e - a +0 robe  g{{ f - a +0 robe [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]gp gz g ....morningthaw the Cleaver#...##Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.# #....Health: 91/91 ========================. ....Magic: 10/10 ========================#. #..#AC: 22Str: 23####.##..# #EV: 3Int: 9.........####.#SH: 4Dex: 9#.......)..#.##XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8...#.@)......#Noise: ---------  Time: 8042.0 (0.0)#.).......#C) +1 broad axe (venom)# #.........#.Nothing quivered#. #..†.>).....Fly ##..###.............................$...............##g .......<........$.##..............## _HP restored. _You see here a +3 great sword. _Items here: ) [[ †. _Okay, then. _Items here: ))) [[[.  Okay, then.gr 4gl g . _gu #...#### #.... g . #. #..#####.##.........####. #.......)..#.## ...#.))...... #.@.#.....†.>)....Fly .............##.########.####gH3.0 (1 _gg#$E _Items here: ) [[ †. _Okay, then. ))) [[[.  Things that are here: _a +0 scimitar; a +0 robegv 4g{ gԅ g- g % _g g g ,g gC g ,gð gL g #.......)..#.## ##...#.))......#....##.).......#....## #.........#....##. #..†.>).........##..###.............. .....................[ $...............##...# .......<......@.$....# 8.0 (5##..............##...# ##.########.#### ### # ...#  ##### g A9.0 (6g g ( _Found a ring mail.gn g g g g ,g g g; $ _You now have 205 gold pieces (gained 14).gNB Bg-C g gX g@ ,g g g9 Bgl g& ,g .g Bg/ g g g    .  #.  #..  #..#  ##...#   #..>..###   #.......#   #@#  79.0 (30.0) #.#   #.#   #.# .... #.# #...###.###   #....#...#  ....###.#  #..##.#  80.0 (31 _Found a stone staircase leading down.gpgqgqqgsgyO78 M. . .  #..# #...# >..##gy;#......0.0)#.....##... #.gzW#.# #..< #.# gMz%#.gzm ....###.gg +1.0 (1gg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g#JggؘBg<Xgg,g<gӢgzggggHgɨgggggجgggg±g:gVg^gggsgQ##...## #..>..###  #.......#  #.....#.#  ##...##.# #######.####.# #.....<.# #.# gG......#####.# #.# #...## #@# #.### 9.0 (8## #........[..# #...# . ........##.# ###.# g#. #..####.# ####.##..# .#g _#.#.....####.##.# g*? #.......)..#.##.#### #.#  ...#.))......#....# #.#  ghw #.).......#....# #.#gg,90.0 (9g g) _Found a scale mail.g3f gf gy ng6~ ,g~ g ge g g! g+ g5 B  You see here a +0 scale mail.g! 6 _gd gը g ,gE g̱ g ,g gܽ gq ,g g g ,gb g g* g g8 g< g gH g g g ,g g g ,g g g g; g gh g ,g gf g ,gJ g# g' ,g- g[1 g"5 ,g7 g(; g> ,gv@ g5D g]F ,gG g.J gL ,g`N gP gS gT gU gW g?d gd gg gk gYp ,gKs gv gz ,g ,g ,g} g Bg% #............####.###.####.......)..#.###. #....#.))......####.# #..###.).......#..?. #..# #.........# #.. #..# #..†.>)....#####..##..###.......... ........................ ####.)@...............# ##........<......... ####..............# gɸ "##.########.#### #... ...# #### ##### gI H  #............####. #.####.......)..#. #. #....#.))...... ###.###..###.). ..?.##..# #.g  #..##..# #..†.>)#..##..###.. ####.@.. ##.< ####. ##.g #. #... ...# #### ##### _You now have 218 gold pieces (gained 13).g 1116.0 (26.0)gb ,7.0 (27gW g _You see here the +3 long sword of the Inferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}.gKgKgMgQgTgX; _g~YgZ\g\g^gagc,gqegggSjgjg+lg u #.#####.#........ ............ #..#####.##..#### #..#####.##..# # #............#### #.####.......)..# gu#.# #....#.))######.###..###.).......@.##..# ########..##..# #..†.>)#######..##..###........................#######.)...............##........<.......####.............##.########.###... ...#g:|221.0 (4.0)g|+2.0 (5gǃg. _b - a scroll of identifyggInventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn) g- c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck) gq v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)b - a scroll of identify  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation gY E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA g [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g#G b - a scroll of identify. g5$yA useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or g$ proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll labelled ESUSIGGAHA Potions (select first with !)  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potion [?] describe selectedg?g֕#.#####.#........ morningthaw the Cleaver.................. Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#..#####.##..####. Health: 91/91 ========================#..#####.##..# #. Magic: 10/10 ========================#............####. AC: 22Str: 23#.####.......)..#. EV: 3Int: 9#.# #....#.))..... SH: 4Dex: 9.######.###..###.)...... XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8.......@.##..# #........ Noise: ---------  Time: 8122.0 (0.0)#######..##..# #..†.>).. C) +1 broad axe (venom)#######..##..###........[g ~m Nothing quivered........................ Fly #######.)...............##........<.......####.............##.########.###... ...# _Found a stone staircase leading up. _Found a scale mail. _You see here a +0 scale mail. _You now have 218 gold pieces (gained 13). _You see here the +3 long sword of the Inferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}. _b - a scroll of identifygg#.#####.#........ morningthaw the Cleaver.................. Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#..#####.##..####. Health: 91/91 ========================#..#####.##..# #. Magic: 10/10 ========================#............####. AC: 22Str: 23#.####.......)..#. EV: 3Int: 9#.# #....#.))..... SH: 4Dex: 9gV.######.###..###.)...... XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8.......@.##..# #........ Noise: ---------  Time: 8122.0 (0.0)#######..##..# #..†.>).. C) +1 broad axe (venom)#######..##..###........ Nothing quivered........................ Fly #######.)...............g##........<.......####.............##.########.###... ...# gƪ_Found a scale mail. _You see here a +0 scale mail. _You now have 218 gold pieces (gained 13). _You see here the +3 long sword of the Inferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}. _b - a scroll of identify  g8As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.g^A3.0 (1gFg#s _You see here a +0 scale mail.now have 218 gold pieces (gained 13).see here the +3 long sword of the Inferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}. _b - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _F - a scroll of acquirementggInventory: 26/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM  F - a scroll of acquirement Potions (go to first with !) [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gXF - a scroll of acquirement. A wonderful scroll which causes the creation of a valuable item, with the readerchoosing from a small selection. The items offered will often be a good match for the reader's skills; and if nothing recommends itself, the reader can alwayschoose a heap of gold. It is a very rare scroll. gX>Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified good_item scroll He had stopped trying to think. He just repeated his litany over and over: “I aman animal, you see that. I don’t have the words, they didn’t teach me the words.I don’t know how to think, the bastards didn’t let me learn how to think. But ifyou really are... all-powerful... all-knowing... then you figure it out! Look into my heart. I know that everything you need is in there. It has to be. I never sold my soul to anyone! It’s mine, it’s human! You take from me what it isI want... it just can’t be that I would want something bad! Damn it all, I can’tthink of anything, except those words of his... ‘HAPPINESS FOR EVERYBODY, FREE, g;YAND NO ONE WILL GO AWAY UNSATISFIED!’”  -Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, “Roadside Picnic”. 1972. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.giChoose an item to acquire.  a - a manual of Axes  b - a +1 demon trident of venom  c - a serpent talisman  d - 930 gold pieces (you have 218 gold) [!] acquire|examine items [a-d] select item for acquirement[Esc] exitgp+ Acquire a manual of Axes? (y/N)g> #.#####.#........ morningthaw the Cleaver.................. Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#..#####.##..####. Health: 91/91 ========================#..#####.##..# #. Magic: 10/10 ========================#............####. AC: 22Str: 23#.####.......)..#. EV: 3Int: 9#.# #....#.))..... SH: 4Dex: 9.######.###..###.)...... XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8.......@.##..# #........ Noise: ---------  Time: 8123.0 (0.0)#######..##..# #..†.>).. C) +1 broad axe (venom)#######..##..#g ##........ Nothing quivered........................ Fly #######.)...............##........<.......####.............##.########.###... ...# _You see here a +0 scale mail. _You now have 218 gold pieces (gained 13). _You see here the +3 long sword of the Inferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}. _b - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _F - a scroll of acquirement4.0 (1gi g now have 218 gold piecesg  (gained 13).g @see here the +3 long sword of the IngC 6ferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}. _gi !b - a scroll of identify g ? As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. g F_F - a scroll of acquirement _g EYou see here a manual of Axes. Something appears at your feet!gK gK &5gP gfR F _You pick up a manual of Axes and begin studying.gNR4gGSg\g^gfbBgreBgggj,gkglgm,gng[og+pgNpgpgqgs,g^tgug8vgqvgxgzg},g~ggfggdg^,gg0 _o - 5 potions of heal wounds (gained 1)ggt,g",g #.# #  #.#. #.#. .g9.# .# ..## #..# ###.# #<)...##..### #....  #(..@...# #.#.# 47.0 (2gj2.0) ####..#.## #.#.# g9 .........# #.#.#  ##.......#####.#.#### #..............g#.......######..#### gV#.......# #..#### #.####..# #...... #. #..# #.####.gBE gg,8.0 (23gg9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.g$ 4g& g) g - g+1 Bg3 ,g25 g; Bg~; g= ,gy> gD@ a _b - a throwing netgA 4gB gC gE ,gJG gI gL g5L gdM g0S ++ . #.# #. #.#.##. ##.#.##.# #...  ##...# #..# ##.....#####..# ###..$..<)@..##..### #...#.....##.......# #.###...# ####..#.## #.# Throw: throwing netgS ##.. .........# #.#. ##.......#####.#.. #..............## #.......######. #.......# # #.####..# g#Z * +++ .. #.# # .. #.#.# #. ##.#. ##.# #... ##...## #..##.....#####..# #..$..<@...##..### #g_[ #.#.....##.......# #. ##...######..#.## #. ##.. .........# #. #.. ##.#####. ... # ###. #.#######. #.# # #.####..# #gEb 255.0 (7.0)gb +6.0 (8gˆ  _You see here the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}.gA7.0 (1g^"g% _j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}g:g'Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  C - a +1 broad axe of venom (weapon)  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+} Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) gJewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g&Zj - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}. An axe with langets, spikes, a lengthed haft and a single-bladed crescent head. Base accuracy: -2 Base damage: 13 Base attack delay: 1.6 This weapon's minimum attack delay (0.7) is reached at skill level 18.  Your skill: 14.4  At 100% training you would reach 18.0 in about 0.6 XLs.  At current training (54%) you reach 18.0 in about 0.9 XLs.  Current attack delay: 0.9. Damage rating: 32 (Base 13 x 132% (Str) x 147% (Skill) + 7 (Ench)). glHoly: It has been blessed by the Shining One, dealing an additional three-quarters of any damage that pierces undead and demons' armour. Undead and demons cannot use this. rN+: It protects you from negative energy. Will+: It increases your willpower. Stlth+: It makes you more stealthy. This weapon falls into the 'Axes' category. It hits all enemies adjacent to the wielder, dealing less damage to those not targeted. It is a one-handed weapon. (w)ield, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ggۈgLomorningthaw the Cleaver+++Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****...#.# #Health: 91/91 ========================..#.#.#Magic: 10/10 ========================#.##.#.AC: 22gŎStr: 23##.# #...EV: 3Int: 9##...## #..#SH: 4Dex: 9###.....#####..### XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8g<d#..$..<@...##..### #. Noise: ---------  Time: 8157.0 (0.0)#.#.....##.......# #. j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r##...######..#.## #. Throw: throwing net##.. .........# #. Fly #.. ##.......#####.... #............. ###. #.......###### gr#. #.......# # #.####..# #  gP_b - a throwing net _You see here the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}. _j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}gԏYour +1 broad axe of venom stops dripping with poison.  The +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+} softly glows with adivine radiance!goA5 (0.5gg# _You see here the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}. _j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  Your +1 broad axe of venom stops dripping with poison.  The +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+} softly glows with adivine radiance! _j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}g; g Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) g 1 j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) g* DJewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)g B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - a scroll labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top] g  g Rmorningthaw the Cleaver+++Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****...#.# #Health: 91/91 ========================..#.#.#Magic: 10/10 ========================#.##.#.AC: 22Str: 23##.# #...EV: 3Int: 9##...## #..#SH: 4Dex: 9###.....#####..### XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8 g2 <#..$..<@...##..### #. Noise: ---------  Time: 8157.5 (0.0)#.#.....##.......# #. j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r##...######..#.## #. Throw: throwing net##.. .........# #. Fly #.. ##.......#####.... #............. ###. #.......###### #. #.......# # #.####..# #  _You see here the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}. _j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+} gs Your +1 broad axe of venom stops dripping with poison.  The +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+} softly glows with adivine radiance! _j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+} g  g  g  g  g g g gY gh gլ, gP  There is a stone staircase leading up here. gQ6 _ g g  gض, g g. g gߺ g gK, g gN _You now have 232 gold pieces (gained 14). gZ4 g g- gi, gN g g: g g& g, g giN _You now have 242 gold pieces (gained 10). g g gn g  g gP g g[ g g g6 g\ g~ g g# gX g7 g}, g g~ g g g' g g, gL g g g g2 g{ g, g g g- g` g gy g, g gA g: gq g g g`, g g  g  gJ g g g g< g g g! gk g gI g> go g g/  gB , g  g  g" , g  g g , g g g g2 g gy g{ g g g g&, g g" g gk g g[  g!, g" g# g$ g$ gg% g& g( gR( g( g* g+ g, g, g/ g/ g20 g0 g2 g3, g4 gD6 g`7, gZ8 g9 g: g; g; g< g BX gA, g gx g, g g gn, g" gh  g  g  ga  g  g# gj gC g geB g g ge g g(  #  .##  +++.#  ∩+.#  ++'.#   #.@.# #.# # 2050.0) #...# #.#.#  g8 ###.# ##.#.  ##.## #...  ##...## #..####.....#####..##.....<....###.#.....##.......##.##...## gL.## _You reach down and open the door. g3#Y _Found Qoazong's Jewellery Emporium. gٯ J g  g  gc ; _ g: @  There is an open door here. gz  g 6 _ g  g 7Welcome to Qoazong's Jewellery Emporium! What would you like to do?  a -  480 gold an amulet of faith (unknown)b -  360 gold an amulet of the acrobat (unknown)  c -  360 gold an amulet of the acrobat (unknown)  d -  432 gold a +6 ring of dexterity (unknown)  e -  300 gold a ring of ice (unknown)  f -  300 gold a ring of ice (unknown)  g -  432 gold a +4 ring of protection (unknown)  h -  300 gold a ring of protection from cold (unknown)  g #i -  240 gold a ring of resist corrosion (unknown)  j -  180 gold a ring of see invisible (unknown) You have 242 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-j] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-J] put item on shopping listgk g g "morningthaw the CleaverMountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.Health: 91/91 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 22Str: 23#EV: 3Int: 9.##SH: 4Dex: 9+++.#XL: 10 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:8+@+.#Noise: ---------  Time: 8209.5 (2.0)++'.#g j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r#...##.# #Throw: throwing net#...##.#.#Fly ###.# ##.#.##.## #...##...## #..####.....#####..##.....<....##..### _You now have 232 gold pieces (gained 14). _You now have 242 gold pieces (gained 10). _You reach down and open the door. _Found Qoazong's Jewellery Emporium. _There is an open door here.  There is an entrance to Qoazong's Jewellery Emporium here.g. gٶ gݸ . _g52g2gJ3g=6g/7g/<enow have 242 gold pieces (gained 10). _You reach down and open the door. _Found Qoazong's Jewellery Emporium. _There is an open door here. _You reach down and open the door.g<g?@  There is an open door here.gAg B _ggggggYg,gdg< g g g9 g g gWgggg~gg gGgggs,ggtggg;gggggg!gg@,g@gDAg$CgbCg Dg FgG,gHgRIgIgIgJgLgMg(NgNgOPgQ,g@RgSgUgHUgUgWgHYgzYg)Zg[g]gD]gK^g_g`giagagUcgdg+egegggi,gigljg^k,gkglgGmgdmgmgng og&ognogpgpgpgqgqgrgrgrgsgtBgwg(Xg,gڇggBgg,gugg gg1gܐgvgҗgԘg gqgg,ggg,gPgg-ghgggZgggggMgg)g,g gggggbgH#.. ###.# ∩##.# .##.# ♣## #.#.# #.# #. #####.# ..# #. #.....######Y #.# #. #.##.@......Y ..# #. #.##.######## g3### #.# #.##.# #.###.##.# #....#...##..##.#### YY 2 yaks (asleep)#..##.##..##.gf####..##.#gx 91.5 (57.0)  2 yaks come into view.gw.YYYYg5==2.5 (58g`g7) _The yak bellows! x2gR #..  #.# # #.# # #.# gի K## #. #.# .# #. #####.# .# #. #.....######.o .# #. #.##..@....YYY .# #. #.##.# #.# #.##.# #.###.##.# #....#...g ##..##.#### Y 3 yaks (1 wandering)#..##.# g o   orc (wandering)#..##.# .###..##.#g* o  A yak and an orc come into view.gl g g W  The yak bellows! The orc shouts! You hear a shout!g g >YoYY.oYoo 2 orcs3.5 (1.0)g g s _An orc comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.g4 #..  #.#  #.#  #.# g(5 A #. #.# # #. #####.# # #. #.....######Yo. # #. #.##...@..YY.o. # #. #.##.# #.# #.##.# #.###.##.# g5 #..##.#### #..##.# #..##.# .####..##.# .g9 gb; g< g= g> g]H o.YY.Yg e65=g g h10/10===g g 4 _Magic restored.gZ X6=gД gi g go g0 ,g g ;7gG 5===g g ,g@ gɪ ,g gj <8g g g@ gڲ g gH gN g ga L9=g g ,gU g ,gc g g P70=g2 g ,g gI g g g g &1g g g+ gL gt ,g gm <2gh g ,g g: g L3=g g ,g g ,g g g V4=g g ,g) gB ,g g <5g* g g7 g gc g gf g> g E6=g g ,gF g ,g g g& #7gO 3=gW g ,g gX ,g g <8g> g ,g g ,gW g g &9gr gR ,g g/ gW M80=g g ,g gT" ,g" g$ 91ga$ 3=g$ g(& ,g& g' ,gc( g) g) &2gA* gY+ ,g+ g- ,g- g. <3g/ g21 ,g1 g2 ,g3 g75 b4=g'7 ,g= g> gA g\B g]C gE gF V5=gPG gH ,g K grM gM g.O g8R gR &6gT gsV gV gW gY g-Z &7gZ g.\ gl\ g\ gX_ g` gU` ga ga L8=gzb gh gvh gh V9=g)j g&l ggl gm gIp gp gt gv g[v '90gv gAx ,gx gy g&z gz g{ g*| 61=ga| g| g g0 gu g g  Things that are here:  a +0 club; a boomerang; an orc corpseg| gҌ _gǎ g g gL g g g͙ g :=g5 g g g 6Water g g g ?g gV gT Welcome to Togruru's Distillery! What would you like to do?  a -  112 gold a potion of ambrosia (unknown)  b -  42 gold a potion of attraction (unknown)c -  56 gold a potion of brilliance (unknown)  d -  56 gold a potion of brilliance (unknown)  e -  42 gold a potion of curingf -  70 gold a potion of enlightenment (unknown)  g -  70 gold a potion of heal wounds g ~ h -  42 gold a potion of lignification (unknown)  i -  112 gold a potion of mutation (unknown)  j -  280 gold 2 potions of resistance You have 242 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-j] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-J] put item on shopping listg@ g gQ >morningthaw the Cleaver#.# .Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****...#≈. #Health: 91/91 ========================#.#≈ ≈##Magic: 10/10 ========================#..##.. .≈..AC: 22Str: 23#.###..##..g <EV: 3Int: 9#.# ##.....####SH: 4Dex: 9#.# #..~≈~....#XL: 10 Next: 55% Place: Dungeon:8#.# #..≈@≈.#Noise: ---------  Time: 8403.0 (91.0) #####.# ##..≈~~.#j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r #.....######.......#g }Throw: throwing net #.##.....†))..........Fly #.##.################.# #.##.## #.##.# .#...# #.#### _No target in view! _No target in view! _Magic restored.  Things that are here: _a +0 club; a boomerang; an orc corpseThere is an entrance to Togruru's Distillery here.g g gA . _gj g[k g m gVs gu gz [Water _gE{ g~} g} )g~ gv g g2 g ğ g ,g g g g> g g gO g gm g g- g gȕ g& gv g gZ g' g g g g g{ g g{ g4 gܥ g( g: g g gܪ gy g gv g g g: ,gϲ g _No target in view! _Magic restored.  Things that are here: g v_a +0 club; a boomerang; an orc corpse _You now have 255 gold pieces (gained 13).gb 4g g g )..#≈.≈##.#≈.≈### .. ##.. .≈... .# ##..##.. #. .# #.....####. .# .~≈~....#.#.# .≈∩≈.##.#...#####S##..≈~~.##.##........ gu ####.......##.##@## .†))..............# ############.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..# #.##..# S   water moccasin (asleep)g  #.##..# #.##..# g /...#..#g; 18.0 (15  A water moccasin comes into view.g} g `.SSgA g ,9.0 (16g gh 8 _The water moccasin hisses angrily.gߍ#.# .≈#  ..#≈.≈# #..  .#≈.≈####..   .≈...#.#  ##.. #.#.#  ##.....####.#.#  #..~≈~....#.#.# ga ..≈∩≈.##.#...#####.#  ##..≈~~.##.##.@...S..# ###.......##.##.######.# †))..............#  ############.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  gN#.##..#  grgU4S.g220.0)g4gIg~g#.# .≈#  ..#≈.≈# #..  #.#≈.≈####..  ##.. .≈...#.#  ##..##.. #.#.#  ##.....####.#.#  #..~≈~....#.#.#  #..≈∩≈.##.#...#####.#  ##..≈~~.##.##..@.S...#  .##.##.######.#  )).....#  #.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  #.##..#  gg0S.gY&1gg8g"  _The water moccasin hisses angrily.  You slice the water moccasin!!  The water moccasin is severely wounded.  The water moccasin bites you but does no damage.  The water moccasin bites you.  You are poisoned.gg# 0==-===9 (0.9Pois Fly g& gH) 5 _The water moccasin poisons you!gO  You slash the water moccasin!  You kill the water moccasin!g* ] †g DOkawaru accepts your kill.g Sever88-8--2.9 (1.0 _You feel very sick.g g f _Your Axes skill increases to level 15! gQ g g gb g3b6- g3 _You feel sick. g65- g g g 3 _You feel sick. g&4 g g03 _You feel sick. g#3 gF=- g g3 _You feel sick. gt8- g gn3 _You feel sick. g&2 g g} _You feel sick.  1= gMFly  gj _You are no longer poisoned. g&2 g g, g gT, g g+ gb&3 g g g gR g g g7 g gE4= g g, gL g" , g  gr  g #5 g 3= g  g^, g g2 gp g g<6 g gz, g gVB g<7 gM gD g g g gL8= g g, g g g g g g#9 g3= g g g gN g#!, g! g#=90 g# g$ g)% g% g(X gF)L1= gp) gd, gQ- g- g- gz1j  You see here a water moccasin corpse. g&3 g3 _ g4 g4 g6 g)6 g6 g9 g@;#.# .≈#  ..#≈.≈# #.. ≈z #.#≈.≈####.. .z ##.. .≈...#.# .. #..##.. #.#.# .# .....####.#.# .# gAo .~≈~....#.#.# .# .≈∩≈.##.#...#####.#  .≈~~.##.##...†..@.#  ---  g>A.....##.##.######.#  ..# .# .##..# .#  gnA~#.##..# .# #.##..# .#  gAuzz 2 wights (dormant)#.##..# .# gAA#.##..# .# gA?#.##..#  gA  gJ059.9 (37.0) gK gS.z.zzz gTc=-60.9 (38 g\ gOdX _2 wights come into view. g  .≈#  #.# .≈# ..≈. ..#≈.≈# #.. .≈.  #.#≈.≈####.. zz.   .≈...#.# .z.  ##.. #.#.# #.#  ....####.#.# #.#   g c~≈~....#.#.# #.#  ≈∩≈.##.#...#####@#  ≈~~.##.##...†....#  ##.##.######.#  ...........# #.#  ######.##..# #.#  #.##..# #.#  z 3 wights (1 dormant) g #.##..# #.#  #.##..# #.#  #.##..# .#  g  ga  g  g+ ..z.zzz g 11.9 (1.0) g  gz y _A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +0 great sword.!g  ≈.≈≈..# #.# .≈# ..≈.. . #.. ß.≈.z#≈.≈####.. ... #.. .≈..!g݈z.z##.. z ....### ~≈~....#.#.# ∩≈.##.#...##### ≈~~...†...##.##.##### ......... #####z 4 wights (1 dormant)#!g%!g!gR!g5 ..z.z 3 wights  A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +3 falchion.!g&2!g!g72 _The wight moves out of view.!gN  A wight comes into view. It is wielding a +3 falchion.The wight moves out of view.  You slash the wight! The wight convulses!  You destroy the wight!  Okawaru accepts your kill.  Okawaru grants you throwing weapons!  --more--"g0"gh<G) 2"gkA>9==3.8 (0.9"gJ"gAO5 _Something appears at your feet!"gq  ..≈≈.≈≈.#  .≈≈.≈≈..# #.# .≈# ≈...≈..# . #.. .ß.≈..##≈.≈####.. ....z #.. .≈...zz##.. . ....### ~≈~....#.#.# #(∩≈.##.#...##### ≈~~"gr ..†...##.##.##### .........z 3 wights #####"gu "gw "gy "g F.z"g 6--4.8 (1.0"g߉ "g k  Things that are here: _a +0 falchion; a +0 robe"gT "gU 9--"g[ "gj^ F _Unknown command."g~b&  "gbfYou slash the wight! The wight convulses!  You destroy the wight!"g e"glm.)   wight"gq?61==5.6 (0.8"gy"gW} "g}B_Okawaru accepts your kill.#g\ #g #gZ#g*F _Unknown command.#gV#|#  #.#  #..≈≈.≈ #.# .≈# #..≈.. . #..≈.ß.≈..##≈.≈####.........# #.. .≈...#.##....zz###.. ....###) ~≈~....#.#.# #(#g !∩≈.##.#...##### ≈~~..†...##.##.#####z 2 wights ......... ######g#g<z.#g5-6.6 (1.0#g #g& _Found a staff of conjuration. The wight hits you but does no damage.  Things that are here: _a +0 great sword; a +0 robe#g6Mq  You hit the wight. The wight convulses.  The wight is lightly damaged.#g>UM.z#gUG-7.4 (0.8#g\#gm`3 _You block the wight's attack.#g#ge#g^#g  #g #gE "_Unknown command.#g #g  You barely miss the wight.The wight is lightly damaged.  You slash the wight! The wight convulses.#gzV84--8.3 (0.9#g#g#!c _The wight hits you with a +3 falchion! The wight hits you but does no damage.#g w  You slash the wight!  You destroy the wight!#g/ )   wight  Okawaru accepts your kill.You slash the wight! The wight convulses.#g! S--2=9.2#gE) #g`, < _The wight hits you but does no damage.#g;  You closely miss the wight.The wight is almost destroyed.#g 6-70.0 (0.8#g #g < _The wight hits you but does no damage.#gFS#gS8-#g]#gaF _Unknown command.$gqu  You hit the wight.  You destroy the wight!$ge)$g;539 (0.9$g$gޜP _Okawaru accepts your kill.$gj$g$gl$g!F _Unknown command.$g$g$g $g{ H _No target in view!$g4$g$g! $g%% _$g2'$gz+$g+$gS.$g1$g.2&6$g4$g7$g7$g9$gu<$g<$gV>$gDR7$gG,$gwJ$g|M$gM$g P$gU$gUL8=$gY$g],$g`$gc,$gd$gg$ghV9=$gm$gq,$gs$gw$gRw'90$gy$gA}$g}$g$g΃$gj$g$g$gL1=$g$g$g M#.≈≈_≈≈.|#  $go#  ≈.≈ #.# . . #..≈.ß.≈#≈.≈####........ #.. .≈...#.##...@).#$gG-87.9 (17.0)##.. #.#.#####)### ....###) ~≈~....#.#.# #(#  Fly #.#$g#:_$gݫF-8.9 (18$gz:_$g _Found a burning altar of Makhleb.  Things that are here: _a +0 great sword; a +0 robe%g4%g'%g:_%g ##.≈≈_≈≈.#  #..≈≈.≈≈|#  #..≈≈.≈≈.##  .≈# #..≈≈.≈≈..#  .# .≈# #..≈...≈..#  .#≈.≈# #..≈.ß.≈..#  .#≈.≈####.#  .. .≈...#.##...)@.#  .%g##.. #.#.#####)###  ####.#.# #)#  ≈~....#.#.# #(#  ∩≈.##.#...#####.#  ~~.##.##...†....#  ##.##.######.#  # #.#  %gq.##..# #.#  %gF_0.0)%g29.9 (1 _%g%gu  Things that are here: _a +3 falchion; a +0 robe%g%g3%g%g%g~%gM% _%g%gO%gW%g%g1= ######. . .......#. .........  #..≈≈≈..#  #.≈≈≈≈≈.#  ##.≈≈_≈≈.#  #..≈≈.≈≈|#  %g8P#..≈≈.≈≈@##  .≈# #..≈≈.≈≈..%g9# .≈# #..≈...≈..# %gS:.#≈.≈# #..≈.ß.≈..# %g:].#≈.≈####.........# %gR;|.. .≈...#.##...)).#%g;y##.. #.#.#####)###%g%<####.#%g<) %g<≈~....#.#%gO=;(&gc5M&g6 ## ##&g0######. #..........≈≈≈. #.≈≈≈#.≈≈_≈≈.#  ##  ≈.≈≈..# &g. &g.#≈.≈# #..≈.ß.≈..# &g #&g H_94.9 (5&g+5.9 (6&g:_&g}'z _You see here a staff of conjuration.'gR'goS'ggU'g^'gf`'g a% _'g eX'goe'gYf'gig'gg'gh'gi'gj'gj'gk'gTm'gn'gn'go'gt'gu,'gQv'gw'g}x,'gy'g+z'g {,'g{'g|'g}'g}'g:~'go'g,'g'gS'gA'gr'g'g#'g",'g'g'gŠ'g'g^'gr'g #####  #######...#  ####.......#.#  #..@.........# 508.9 (13.0)'g #.###..≈≈≈..##  .) #.≈≈≈≈≈.#  ≈≈≈ ##.≈≈_≈≈.#  #≈∩ #..≈≈.≈≈|# #≈ #..≈≈.≈≈.##'g+ # .≈# #..≈≈.≈≈..# #.# .≈# #..≈...≈..#'gLm ..#≈.≈# #..≈.ß.≈..#'g;_'g2,9.9 (14'g'gD _Found a hand axe. Found Nolenoil's Distillery.(gk(gs(g(gg(gO(g(g3(gq,(g<(g(gl(g(gQ(g>(g,(g(gw@  You see here a +0 hand axe.(g(g- _(g(g(gCTWater (g(g(g(g?)(g(gk(g%Welcome to Nolenoil's Distillery! What would you like to do?  a -  224 gold 2 potions of ambrosia (unknown)b -  56 gold a potion of brilliance (unknown)  c -  56 gold a potion of brilliance (unknown)  d -  42 gold a potion of curing(g#&e -  70 gold a potion of enlightenment (unknown)  f -  140 gold a potion of haste  g -  84 gold 2 potions of lignification (unknown)  h -  42 gold a potion of lignification (unknown)i -  56 gold a potion of might  j -  112 gold a potion of mutation (unknown)  k -  112 gold a potion of mutation (unknown) You have 255 gold pieces. (gX&[Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items(g&[a-k] mark item for purchase (g&[/] sort (type)[A-K] put item on shopping list*gc*gv*gmorningthaw the Severer##### Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#######...# Health: 91/91 ========================####.......#.# Magic: 10/10 ========================#............# AC: 22Str: 23##########.###..≈≈≈..## EV: 3Int: 9.........).# #.≈≈≈≈≈.#SH: 4Dex: 9###.#≈≈≈#####.≈≈_≈≈.#XL: 10 Next: 63% Place: Dungeon:8#≈@≈# #..≈≈.≈≈|#Noise: ---------  Time: 8517.9 (8.0)#≈.≈# #..≈≈.≈≈.## j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r#≈.≈[40*gm# #..≈≈.≈≈..# Throw: throwing net#.#≈.≈# #..≈...≈..# Fly ..#≈.≈# #..≈.ß.≈..##.#≈.≈####.........##..##..≈.≈...#.##...)).##.###..##...#.#.#####)####.# ##.....####.#.# #)#Things that are here: _a +3 falchion; a +0 robe _You see here a staff of conjuration. _Found a hand axe. Found Nolenoil's Distillery. _You see here a +0 hand axe.  There is an entrance to Nolenoil's Distillery here._ _*g*gz*g*g*g%qWater _*gJ]*g_*gڛ*g,*gs*g*g*gt*g*g*gl*g*g*g'*gw*g*gB*g *g6*g*gȲ*gA*g,*g<*g*gH*g*g#*g*g*g߼*g**g*gj [*g m_a +3 falchion; a +0 robe _You see here a staff of conjuration. _Found a hand axe. Found Nolenoil's Distillery. _You see here a +0 hand axe. _You now have 275 gold pieces (gained 20).*g *g@  _r - 2 scrolls labelled REPUHOADIA (gained 1)*g(' *g!2 [39;49m[3*g7= /9;49m*g< *g^ *g4 #############.##..# #.##.##..# #.# #.##..# #.# #.##..# #.# #.##..# .#  ##.##..#  ###########...#..#  #................#####. ##.#.....###...#@......> 676.9 (159.0) ..............##..###### ####.....#######..## #####...## ##...## .........# #..>..### #####....# #.......#  ##.#.# #.....#.#  ####.#.# ##...##.#  ......#######.####.#7.9 (160*g Q _Found a stone staircase leading down.,gt:J,gX,g`,ga,gx1  There is a stone staircase leading down here. _,g2,g,E`,gF,gJH,,gI,gK,gIM,,g.N,gP,gY,g\B,g"],g_,gT`,g`,g\a,gh,gMj,g1k,grk,gl,gp,guB,gXxB,gz,,g1n,g,gڗ,g],g,gU,g,gܞ,,g,g,gm,g,g ,gW,g,gp,g,g,g ,g{X,gT,gB,gd,gj,gB,g,g#,g',g+,g0B,g2,g3,g4,gk6,g6,g(7,g7,g8,g8,g;<B,g=,g@=,gZ>,gB?,g?,g?,gJA,gA,,gDB,glC,gD,gD,g6E,gF,gH,,gmH,gI,gJ,g6K,gbK,gL,gM,gM,g+N,g-O,gO,g!P,gdP,glv,gm,,gn,gbp,gp,g'q,gq,gs,gt,,gu,gEw,g֋,g<,gf,,g/J,grp,g,,g,,gG,gK,,gfL,gbn,g5s,gJu,gvB,g{n,g|,g|,g},gZ,g,g`,g,gt,gB,gχB,g],g,g<,g,,g2,g,g>,gQ,g&X,g|,g,,g,g,gB,g,g?,g #....# #.# #.### #.##.# #.# #.# # #.##.# #.# #.# # #.##.####.# #.# # #.##......# #.# # #.######### #.# # #.# #.### #.# ### #.... #@# #.# ##### #.⌠.⌠...ß#.####### #.....V))#........ #.⌠.⌠...ß######### ######..# ##V   vampire (dormant)  [1,gw8d820.9 (143  A vampire comes into view.,gV.V,g7B14,ge _Found a glowing scimitar and a sling.-g$R+#.##.# #.# #.# #.##.# #.# #.# #.#.##.####.# #.# #.#.##......# #.# #.#.######### #.# #.#.# #.###.#.# ### #.....#.####..##.# #####.#.@.⌠...ß#.#######.#....V.))#.........#.⌠.⌠...ß################..##  ##V.2.0) _There is a fountain of clear blue water here.-g\ p#.##.# #.# #.# ##.#.##.# #.# #.# #.#.##.####.# #.# #.##.##......# #.# #.##.# #.# #.##.# #.###.##.# #### #.#.####..##.# #####.##.⌠@V...ß#.#.##......))#.##.⌠.⌠...ß########..## ###-g =3 _You block the vampire's attack. The vampire completely misses you..gnC4.8 (0.9.gi _You closely miss the vampire..g- #  You hit the vampire. The vampire convulses.  The vampire is lightly damaged.  The vampire hits you but does no damage.5.7 _The vampire bites you but does no damage..gAB 4.g'E .g~M F _Unknown command..g  You slash the vampire! The vampire convulses.  The vampire is moderately damaged.=6.5 (0.8.gs.g _The vampire barely misses you. x2.g.gF _Unknown command./goJ/g _Unknown command. _The vampire barely misses you. x2 _Unknown command. _Unknown command.  You closely miss the vampire.  The vampire is moderately damaged.  The vampire hits you but does no damage.-7.5 (1.0/gU _The vampire bites you but does no damage./gr- /g!8_Unknown command./gv  The vampire hits you but does no damage. _The vampire bites you but does no damage. _Unknown command.  You barely miss the vampire.  The vampire is moderately damaged.  The vampire hits you. The vampire bites you.87--8/10 -----8.4 (0.9/gi~/gD _The vampire draws vitality from your injuries!/gI _Unknown command./gP  You hit the vampire. The vampire convulses.  The vampire is severely damaged.The vampire barely misses you.9.2 (0.8 _The vampire bites you but does no damage./g^ J/gm _Unknown command.You slash the vampire!  You destroy the vampire!/gy C⌠ /g5 Y--7=30.1 (0.9/g /g P _Okawaru accepts your kill./gY)J/gbF _No target in view! _Unknown command.0g/ _No target in view!0gUG8= _0g Q0g+]h-----0g^0g_0gf`0gbl9=0ge0g]'9==901===0gh0g=10/10===0gB#.##.# #.# #.# #...# #.##.####.# #.# #.#.###.##......# #.# #.#...#.######### #.# #.####.# #.###.####.# ####### #.........#.####..##.# #####.#####.⌠.⌠...ß#.#######.# #.....@))#.........# --#.⌠.⌠...ß########### ######..##  #### #.##.# #.# #.# #...# #.##.####.# #.# #.#.##.##......# #.# #.#.#.# #.# #.##.# #.###.##.#[0g 37m ####### #.#.####..##.# #####.##.⌠.⌠...ß#.#.# #......@)#.# #.⌠.⌠...ß## ######..## #### 48.1 (18.0)===--9.1 (190g:C _You see here a +5 scimitar of distortion.1gk J1g9dY....0.0)1gj1gE _Done exploring.2g J2g <2g 2g E _Done exploring.3gR#.##.# #.# #.# #...# #.##.####.# #.# #.#.##.##......# #.# #.#.#.# #.# #.##.# #.###.##.# ####### #.#.####..##.# #####.##.⌠.⌠...ß#.#.# #......)@#.# #.⌠.⌠...ß## ######..## #### 50.1 (1 _ _You see here a +0 sling.3gq1 3g'7 Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - 2 scrolls labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation 3ga8 [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]5g8 g - 3 scrolls labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll 5g=9“To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.5g-( 5g. 5gU #.##.# #.# #.# #...#morningthaw the Severer#.##.####.####.# #.#.#### Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##......####.# #.#..... Health: 91/91 ========================#.############.# #.###### Magic: 10/10 ========================#.############.###.###### AC: 22Str: 23#.############........... EV: 3Int: 9#.####..##.#######.###### SH: 4Dex: 9#.⌠.⌠...ß#.#######.#XL: 10 Next: 67% Place: Dungeon:8#......)@#.........#Noise: ---------  Time: 8850.1 (0.0)#[5gkW 37m.⌠.⌠...ß###########j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r######..########Throw: throwing net###############Fly ############################################################ _No target in view! _You see here a +5 scimitar of distortion. _Done exploring. _Done exploring. _You see here a +0 sling.  As you read the scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE, it crumbles to dust.1.1 (1 _You see here a +5 scimitar of distortion.Done exploring. __You see here a +0 sling.  As you read the scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.6g6gInventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) 6gpWands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ  r - 2 scrolls labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]8gk[ i - 2 scrolls labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.8gg 8gs#.##.# #.# #.# #...#morningthaw the Severer8gBt#.##.####.####.# #.#.#### Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##......####.# #.#..... Health: 91/91 ========================#.############.# #.###### Magic: 10/10 ========================#.############.###.###### AC: 22Str: 23#.############........... EV: 3Int: 98gu#.####§§##.#######.###### SH: 4Dex: 9#.⌠.⌠§§§ß#.#######.#XL: 10 Next: 67% Place: Dungeon:8#....§§§@#.........#Noise: ---------  Time: 8851.1 (0.0)#.⌠.⌠§§§ß###########j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r######§§########Throw: throwing net8gJu###############Fly #############################################8gua############### _Done exploring. _Done exploring. 8gu_You see here a +0 sling.  As you read the scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE, it crumbles to dust. 8gv_You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.  As you read the scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ, it dissolves into smoke.8gq.##.####.####.#.##......####.#.############.#.############.#.############...####§§##.#####.⌠.8g<'.#####....§§§@#.......⌠.###########§§###################################################################################8g+2.1 (18g8g~ __You see here a +0 sling.  As you read the scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation. 8g>q As you read the scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ, it dissolves into smoke. _It was a scroll of fog.8gQ Inventory: 27/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand) Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fog  r - 2 scrolls labelled REPUHOADIA  D - a scroll of teleportation [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]9g  r - 2 scrolls labelled REPUHOADIA. A disposable arcane formula inscribed on parchment by a professional scribe or sorcerer. Anyone can evoke the power of the arcane formula by reading it out loud, but the nature of that power is not a priori apparent. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: unidentified scroll 9g “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.:g :gj#.##.# #.# #.# #...#morningthaw the Severer#.##.####.####.# #.#.#### Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##......####.# #.#..... Health: 91/91 ========================#.############.# #.###### Magic: 10/10 ========================#.############.###.###### AC: 22Str: 23#.############........... EV: 3Int: 9#.####§§##.#######.###### SH: 4Dex: 9#.⌠.⌠§§§ß#.#######.#XL: 10 Next: 67% Place: Dungeon:8#....§§§@#.........#Noise: Silenced  Time: 8852.1 (0.0)#.⌠.⌠§§§ß###########j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r######§§########:gThrow: throwing net###############Fly ############################################################ _You see here a +0 sling.  As you read the scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.  As you read the scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ, it dissolves into smoke. _It was a scroll of fog.  As you read the scroll labelled REPUHOADIA, it crumbles to dust.:g:g3.1 (1  As you read the scroll labelled VEYNOCZ DOJE, it crumbles to dust. _You feel momentarily disoriented. It was a scroll of revelation.  As you read the scroll labelled HAWIUT BOKLIEZ, it dissolves into smoke. _It was a scroll of fog.  As you read the scroll labelled REPUHOADIA, it crumbles to dust. _A profound silence engulfs you. It was a scroll of silence.;ga4;gec;ge;g|f;gjX;gBm,;gNn;gp,;gq;gs,;gt;gjw,;gx;g{,;g5|;g'~;g~;g;g;g;g;gq;gͅ;gP;g؋,;g2;g,;g;g);g;gs;gӘ;g>;g;g;g;g";g;;g;gu;g;ge;g;g,;g2;g,;g;g4;g};gp,;gB;g;g;g";gB;g;g;g;gs;gQ;g;g6;g;g3;gU;gm;g;g;g,;g:;gW#.####...⌠.⌠.........)--------- .⌠.⌠...#####..#;g 86.1 (33.0) _You start waiting.7.1 (34;g:$ ;g G_Your hearing returns.=gb 4=gPn >g.4>g)1>gY8>g.:>g:>g?>gB>g=D>gD>g|E>gJ>gL,>gM>gR>gT,>gJV>g   There is a fountain of clear blue water here. _>gO>g>g>g>gR  There is a fountain of clear blue water here.>g6>gx _>gi>g>gX>g,>g>g>g,>ge>g'>g),>gV*>g.>g=0,>g0>g5>g6>g6>gi7>gW~>gX>g#n>g>gB>g>g,>g,>g>gC>gb>gۧ>gK>gQ&>gB>g>g,>g>g>g,>g>g,>g,>g>g+`>gG>g,>g->gb#.......# #..#####.##..# #.## #.####..# #............####. #.# ##..# #.####.......)..#.## #.# #...# #.# #....#.))...... #.# #.#.######.###..###.)....... #.# #.#.........##..# ## #.# #.########..##..# #..÷.>).... #.###.########..##..###.......... #........>ggN.@................932.1 (45 #####.########.)................# #####.# ##........<......... ......# ####..............# ####### ##.########.#### ### #....>g......# ### ############ ### ###>g.?gy #.####..# #............####.  #.# ##..# #.####.)..#.  #.# #...# #.# #....#.))...... ##.# #.#.######.###..###.). ##.# #.#.........##..# #.. ##.# #.########..##..# #..÷.>)... ##.###.########..##..###..... ##.....................#####.#########.# ##<. .......# ####..... ######## ##.########.##  #..........## ###############?gG3.1 (1.0)?g5 ?g _You see here the +3 long sword of the Inferno {spect, rN+ Dex+3}.Ag 4Ag(%Ag),Ag-; _Ag0Ag"4BAg8Ag;,Agz>AgPAgVAgcWAg[Ag`AgdAgJeAgjAglAgq,AguAgXAg,AgAg]Ag,AgZAgWAgĘAgJAgUAgAg3,AgaAgk  You see here a howler monkey skeleton.AgAg. _AgȲAgAgD,AgAgt....................##.# ###.# ###..#####.##..####.##.# #.#  #..#####.##..# #.##.# #.#  #............####.##.# #.#  #.####.......)..#.##.#### #.# Ag #.# #....#.))......#....# #.# #.###..###.).......#....# #.# .....##..# #.........#....###.# ..##..# #..÷.@)# 452.0)..##..###..........# Ag3..............[..## .)................##...####  ##........<.............#  ####..............##...# ##.########.#########Ag #..........# ############AgAgHAgc _There is a stone staircase leading down here.BgȌBgBgBgrBg86.0) _BgaBg 7 # #.g #...#######  ..........# 9 #.@..#  #....#  #.....#  ##....#  #....#  g   gnoll (asleep) ....... ......... Bg NggBg{ +9 (1.8Bg Bg= { _You fly downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.CgA+ #. #.g#...#.# #@<..# #....# #.....# ##....#  #....# ......  . ..CgCgT.gCg370 _Cg Cg t + # #.. ##..g#######.......@....#.##...##.<..#### #....# #.....###....# #....# . ..........Cg Cg K.gCg &8CgJ CgD CgQw K=9.8 (0.9Cg| Cg P _You barely miss the gnoll.Dgu  You slice the gnoll!!  You kill the gnoll!DgP_  Okawaru accepts your kill.Dg g)(polearm)  You hear a shout!  A gnoll comes into view. It is wielding a +0 halberd.Dg7==50.6 (0.8Dg Dg9 _You hear a shout! The gnoll shouts!DgeP#####.g.#..g +... #... #..g.##..g#.@.....#.##...##.<..# #### #....# #.....# ##....# #....#g   gnoll sergeant (polearm, wandering) ......ggg 3 gnolls (2 polearms, 2 wandering) .......  .Dg  A gnoll sergeant and 2 gnolls come into view.The gnoll sergeant shouts! The gnoll shouts! x2DgDgDg.gg.g)g)DghL====1.6 (1.0DgDg _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.  Things that are here: _a +0 flail; a gnoll corpseDgJe #### #... #..g +..g #... #... ..##.gg#######  .......@.....#  ..##...##.<..#  #### #....#  #.....#  ##....#  #....#       Dg~ #### #... #..g +..g #... #... ..##.gg#######  .......@.....#  ..##...##.<..#  #### #....#  #.....#  ##....# #....#     Dg4DgDg_d _There are monsters nearby!Dg t  You slash the gnoll!  You kill the gnoll!Dgz ,Dga! DgF( .gg.)g 2 gnolls (1 polearm)Dgp- j8==--2.5 (0.9DgZ8 Dg= P _Okawaru accepts your kill.Dg 9  You slash the gnoll!Dg m  The gnoll is severely wounded.Dg ~.g.gDgs H--3.3 (0.8Dg Dg < _The gnoll hits you but does no damage.Eg T7  You hit the gnoll.EgU` .gThe gnoll is almost dead.The gnoll barely misses you.Ega0-4.1EgalEgkqE _The gnoll sergeant hits you but does no damage.Eg The gnoll barely misses you. sergeant hits you but does no damage.  You closely miss the gnoll.You block the gnoll's attack.  from afar with a +0 spear!Eg85--9/10 ----5.0 (0.9EgI$Eg[)R _The gnoll barely misses you.Egcu  You slice the gnoll!!  You kill the gnoll!Eg= )   gnoll (  Okawaru accepts your kill.The gnoll barely misses you.EgA--9EgrEgE _The gnoll sergeant hits you but does no damage.EgV| ##### #...# #...# +...# #...# #.gg#  ..##..@#######.....)).....#...##...##.<..#. ######....# #.....##....#Eg3}` #....#  Eg J  The gnoll hits you with a +0 halberd.Eg]77--6.9 (1.0EgyEgG _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +0 spear.  Things that are here: _a +0 halberd; a gnoll corpseEgw  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage.Eg5 5=7.7 (0.8Eg( Eg. * _You slash the gnoll!Eg r  You hit the gnoll.  You kill the gnoll!Eg )  Okawaru accepts your kill.You closely miss the gnoll sergeant.EgP X------8.6 (0.9Eg Egi E _The gnoll sergeant hits you but does no damage.FgmK  The gnoll sergeant blocks your attack.Fgm]8-9.6 (1.0Fg$wFgzE _The gnoll sergeant hits you but does no damage.Fg4q  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage.Fg62--8--60.4 (0.8Fg;Fg>B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +0 spear!FgEh  You barely miss the gnoll sergeant.FgLh67---1.3 (0.9Fg%FgB _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +0 spear.Fgs h  You barely miss the gnoll sergeant.Fgi o63--2.1 (0.8FgB Fg9 B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +0 spear.Fg  barely miss the gnoll sergeant..  You slash the gnoll sergeant!  The gnoll sergeant is moderately wounded.Fg: 58--9===9Fga Fgl B _The gnoll sergeant hits you with a +0 spear.Fg  You hit the gnoll sergeant but do no damage.-3.8 (0.9FgҹFgi _The gnoll sergeant is moderately wounded.GgE  You slice the gnoll sergeant!!  You kill the gnoll sergeant!Gg{ C)Gg Y-70==4.6 (0.8GgDGgP _Okawaru accepts your kill.Gg4GgGgH _No target in view!GgV4GgZGg^]H _No target in view!Ggl Ggm Ggq Ggmv Ggy A9 _Ggfz Gg~ Q==Gg Gg ,Gg Gg Q60Ggt GgW ,GgU Gg j1=Gg Gg Gg R10/10===GgМ GgJ R _Magic restored.GgW Gg Gg L2=Gg Gg ,Gg Gg R===Gg) Gg( P3Gg Ggs ,Gg Gg ,Gg Gg P4GgH Gg ,Gg Gg BGg e65=Gg5 Gg ,Gg. Gg> ,Gg Gg Ggj X6=Gg' GgL ,Gg2 Gg ,Gg Gg- <7Gg8 Gg ,Gg Gg Gg &8Gg& Gg ,GgL GgN ,Gg] GgE Gg L9=Gg Gg ,Gg Gg: BGg Ggj P70=Gg Gg{ Gg Gg Gg ,Gg Gg <1Gg Gg ,Gg7 Ggt! ,Ggl$ Gge' <2Gg( GgL, ,GgO. Gg2 ,Gg04 Gg\6 Gg6 L3=Gg8 Gg; ,Gg= Gg@ ,GgE GgAI GgI #4GgI 3=GgK GgYQ BGgS GgS &5GgU Gg\X GgX Gg Z Gg] ,Gg_ Ggb Ggc L6=Gge Gg{h Ggh Gg/j Ggm ,Ggp Ggs l7=Ggu Ggy ,Gg{ Gg ,GgT Gg- Gg &8Gg GgK BGg Gg̓ Gg Gg Gg< &9GgU Ggž ,GgS Gg) ,Gg Gg; Gg M80=Gg Gg ,Gg Gg ,Ggb Gg Gg߸ O1=Gg Gg Gg Ggp Gg Gg &2Gg GgD ,GgI Gg ,Gg/ Gg Gg &3Gg Gg GgY Gg GgW Gg GgU Gg Gg+ E4=Gg Gg ,Gg Gg ,Gg Ggr Gg V5=Gg Gg ,GgA Gg; ,Gg Gg Gg 6Gg9 Gg ,GgR Gg ,Gg Gg <7Ggh GgD ,Gg, Gg ,Gg Gg" Gg# L8=Gg# Gg% Gg% Gg' GgZ+ Gg+ V9=GgQ- Gg0 ,Gg2 GgT6 Gg6 Gg8 Gg; GgA< '90Gg= GgB ,GghF GgG ,Gg6I GgK Gg3L L1=GgM Gg,R 1 _HP restored.Gg)U GgnU GgZ Gg^ ?  You see here a +0 halberd.Gg_ Gg_ _Gg` Gg c Ggd Gge Gg6f Ggi F _You reach down and open the door.Ggl Ggm :=Ggco Gg;u Gg=v Ggv GgMy Ggۂ @  There is an open door here.Gg Gg' _Gg( Gg Gg ,Gg Gg Gg] ,Gg Gg GgZ ,Gg Gg GgF Gg} Gg Gg Gg Gg Ggt Gg  ##########+###...#......##...# #..@.....'...#--- ##.......#...# ###+#####.))# ..##..)####### .......)).....# ...##...##.<..# ... ######....# .. #.....# . ##....# Gg 39067.6 (103.0)Gg( H---84Gg Gg 1 _m - an amulet of reflectionIgPIg9Inventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)Igm - an amulet of reflection Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogr - a scroll of silence [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]IgXC m - an amulet of reflection. An amulet which improves its wearer's ability to shield against attacks. If no shield is worn, the force the amulet emits can serve as a weak shield on its own. Regardless, any ranged attacks the wearer blocks will be reflected back toward the attacker. It affects your shielding (+5). You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Reflect} {jewellery} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified jewellery “Gringoire put out his hand for the little bag, but she drew back. ‘Do not Ig!D: touch it! It is an amulet, and either you will do mischief to the charm, or it  will hurt you.’”  -Victor Marie Hugo, _Notre Dame de Paris_, Book II, chapter VII “A Wedding Night”. 1831. (p)ut on, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.IgIgIgqCmorningthaw the SevererMountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.Health: 91/91 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 22Str: 23#####EV: 3Int: 9######+###...#SH: 4Dex: 9#.......##...#XL: 10 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:9#..@.....'...#Noise: ---------  Time: 9068.6 (0.0)##.......#...#j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r###+#####.))#Throw: throwing net..##..)####### Fly .......)).....#...##...##.<..# ... ######....# ..#.....#Ig#2 .##....#  _Magic restored. _HP restored. _You see here a +0 halberd. _You reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _m - an amulet of reflectionIgIgY+9.6 (1IgЭIgHPYou see here a +0 halberd.reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _m - an amulet of reflection  You start removing your amulet.Ige,70.6 (2IgIgIg+1.6 (3IgIgNIg+2.6 (4IgjIgIgp+3.6 (5IgIgk _You continue removing your amulet of guardian spirit. x4IgIg Ig  You finish removing your amulet of guardian spirit.  You start putting on your amulet.Ig\+4.6 (6IgvIg Ig +5.6 (7IgW Ig Ig +6.6 (8Ig' Ige A7.6 (9Ig! Ig' Ig( /8.6 (10.0)Ig- Ig0 9 _You continue putting on your amulet of reflection. x5  You finish putting on your amulet of reflection.Ig: /  --more--JgWW  You feel a shielding aura gather around you.JgyXJg^JgaW _m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)JgaJgInventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?) Jgw f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogr - a scroll of silence [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]NgNgNgmorningthaw the SevererMountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.Health: 91/91 ========================Magic: 10/10 ========================AC: 22Str: 23#####EV: 3Int: 9######+###...#SH: 9Ng5Dex: 9#.......##...#XL: 10 Next: 70% Place: Dungeon:9#..@.....'...#Noise: ---------  Time: 9078.6 (0.0)##.......#...#j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r###+#####.))#Throw: throwing net..##..)####### Fly .......)).....#Ng...##...##.<..# ... ######....# ..#.....# .##....#Ngv You feel a shielding aura gather around you. NgJ_m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)NgNgNgNg!Og Ogg Og Og. OgӮ Og ; _OgƷ ###########+###...# #.......##...# #........'...# ##..@....#...# #+#####.))#  ..##..)#######.......)).....# ...##...##.<..#... ######....#.. #.....#Og . ##....# #....#OgM 9.6 (1'.......................#............##......##Og Og M======80.6 (2OgR Og! 5 _As you open the door, it creaks loudly!Pg{Z4Pgl[Pg`Pgk###########+###..........##...'##.......#.. ###@#####.))0(.....##..)#######.............))................##...##.<....#######..Pgl.... #....#### ##...  ......PgxPgyL------1.6 (1Pg΃Pg_ _Found 4 stones. _There is an open door here.Pg_JPgPg|###########+###...# #.......##...# #........'...# ##.......#...# ###'#####.))# #(@....##..)#######------Pg0................)).....#..##...##.<..#.#######....#>... .....#####. ##....# Pg*r. #......# #....#  .. ......  ...... Pg3A2.6 (1PgPgÿ3 _Found a stone staircase leading down.QgZJQgaQg^fBQgjQgkQglQgtmQgtQg.......#####......@######+###...##.....#.......##...##.....#........'...##.....##.......#...###..... ###'#####.))#.......##(.....##..)####.......@...........))...##...##.<...#######..>..... #...Qg.##......##. ##..... #......# #.. @   Maggie (asleep)... ........# ...##..... ........#  Qg# 4.6 (2  Maggie the Vainglorious comes into view. She is wielding a +0 broad axe.Qgj.@@Qg4==5.6 (3QgQg5$ _Maggie shouts!Rg1-I.. .# #####.......######+###...# #....@#.......##...# #.....#........'...# #.....##.......#...###.....####'#####.))# ##(.....##..)###.....))...##...##.#######Rg.>....... .##......##. ##.## #...........# ##..... ........# RgZ3Rg>P.@Rg?4--6.6 (1RgdIRgMRgv(v. . ####..#####+#.##@#.' .......#....####'#####.))# ##(.....##..)###...........)).......##.........#######>............. #.#......##. ###......# #..........@--7Rg*RgZ4Rg  You slash Maggie!  Maggie is moderately wounded.Rg ******Maggie gestures at you while chanting.Sg K@...Sg ..Sg{ |85--====8.4 (0.8SgSg0 _The bolt of fire hits you.SgB  You hit Maggie.  Maggie is moderately wounded.Sg]=---9.2Sg Sg9 _Maggie hits you but does no damage.SgZ#  You slash Maggie!  Maggie is heavily wounded. ******Maggie casts a spell at you.Sg>[@.....Sg67-------====90.1 (0.9SgsSg 1 _The bolt of fire hits you!!Sg+  You slice Maggie!!  Maggie is almost dead.Sg,]8-----9 (0.8Sg5SgD89 _Maggie hits you but does no damage.Sg l  You hit Maggie.  You kill Maggie!Sg^ e)Sg 7=---1.7 _Okawaru accepts your kill.Sg Sg^ g _Your Armour skill increases to level 8!Sgt P---Sgv Sg y H _No target in view!TgTgTgzTgTgT% _Tg TgTg7L9=Tg;Tg?,Tg Tg8,TgTgm70=TgTg,TgTgd ,Tg|TgTg#&1TgTgS,TgTg."Tg"Tg/$Tg(Tg)&2Tg+Tg}/,Tg$1Tg5,Tg7Tg;b3=Tg=TgA,TgCTg/H,TgRJTgnOl4=TguSTgu5Tgy,Tgw{Tgw,TgKTgNTg0E6=TgTg5,TgTgݏ,TgTgl7=TgsTg,TgƜTgk,Tg\TgTgh&8TgTgTgTgdTg,TgTg]Tg9TgTg,TgTg,TgTgXTgM80=TgaTg",TgTg,TgwTgiTgV1=Tg`TgA,TgTg0Tg&2Tg1Tg,TgETgA,Tg!Tg<3TgTg;,TgTg,TgTgfb4=Tg[ Tg[ ,TgLTg',TgTghTgiO5=TgTTgp$TgH0-cc   centaur (wandering)Tg:1139.7 (48.0)Tg;G-40.7 (49TgETgPZ _A centaur comes into view.Tg.........###### #####+###... #........')###.##.....####'#####.))...(.....##..)###............)).........##...##......#####>Tgc...... #.....##......##. ###......# .........# . ##..... Tg2 cclauncher)The centaur shouts!Tg (((The centaur wields a +0 orcbow. The centaur shoots an arrow.Ug/3...Ug(0;===1.7 (1.0)Ugd9Ug{>< _The arrow hits you but does no damage.Ugc. .# ###########+###...# #.....#.......##...# #.....#........'...# #....)##.......#...# .##.....####'#####.))# ........##(.....##..)####............))....##...##.<.#######.....>c...... #..........##......##. #.##......# #.......##..... ..# . ..Ug*UgUg Ac.Ug386---2UgUgUg&  The centaur wields a +0 orcbow. The centaur shoots an arrow. _UgThe arrow hits you but does no damage.  You hit the centaur.is lightly wounded.unwields a +0 orcbow.  The centaur hits you but does no damage.UgzW=--3.6 (0.9UgUgh5 _You block the centaur's attack.UgV  You barely miss the centaur.The centaur is lightly wounded.  The centaur hits you but does no damage.UgW(4.5Ugg`Ugc5 _You block the centaur's attack.Ug Dis lightly wounded.  The centaur hits you but does no damage. _You block the centaur's attack.  You hit the centaur but do no damage.is lightly wounded.  x2; The centaur barely misses you.Ug 075.4Ug Ug ? _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.Ugg  You hit the centaur.  The centaur is moderately wounded.Ugg (6.3Ugq Ug!u t _The centaur barely misses you. You block the centaur's attack.UgU  You completely miss the centaur.The centaur is moderately wounded.The centaur hits you but does no damage.Ug(7.2UgQUg5 _You block the centaur's attack.Vg Dp _You block the centaur's attack.  You hit the centaur but do no damage.  The centaur is moderately wounded.The centaur completely misses you.kicks you but does no damage.  The centaur hits you but does no damage.Vg)EV8=8.1VgOVg S? _The centaur kicks you but does no damage.Vgy  You slice the centaur!!  You kill the centaur!Vglv.)VgU=9==9.0Vg!VgP _Okawaru accepts your kill.VgT[Vg'\Vg2gVgFjH _No target in view!Vg Vg Vg Vg* H _No target in view!VgZ 4VgO^ Vga Vgb % _Vgf Vgh Vgei &9VgNo Vg"t ,Vgju Vgy ,Vg${ Vgd~ Vg~ '90Vgl Vg VgR Vg߅ Vg BVgb VgΏ L1=Vg Vg Vg,  ###### .......######+###...# #.....#.......##...# #.....#........'...# #....)##.......#...#.##.....####'#####.))# ........##(.....##..)### .............)).. .)##...##---57.0 (8.0 ..#######. ....>...  ........####. ## .##......# # ..........#  ###..............# Vg #.....# )..  Vgۯ Vg G---8.0 (9Vg VgE ) _Found a long sword.Wg߉ JWg̑ ,Wg Wg ,Wg Wg/ WgW Wg Wg[ Wg :=Wg Wg Wg Wgr Wg. Wg3 Wg Wgݷ Wg Wg Wg Wg Wg9 Wg> Wg Wg Wg Wg] Wg" Wg WgT WgB Wg Wg| Wg: Wg Wg% Wg WgJ Wg Wgi ,Wg Wg Wg< ,Wg WgU Wg' Wg Wg/ Wg Wg ,Wg Wg Wg# ,Wg| Wg Wg Wg9 Wg! Wg# Wg& Wg(' Wgf( Wg , Wg. Wg/ Wg/ Wg1 Wg3 Wgm3 Wgt4 Wg5 Wg6 Wg'7 Wg7 Wg{8 Wg9 Wg: Wgk: Wg= Wg5? Wg? Wg? WgA WgZB ,WgC Wg~D WgE ,WgF WgF WgcH WgH WgI Wg{N WgEO ,WgO WgP WgQ WgQ WgR WgS WgU ,WgU Wg;W Wg'X ,WgX WgY Wg"[ ,Wg[ Wg\ Wg ^ ,Wg^ WgK` Wga Wga Wgeb Wgd Wgj (..##...##....#### ...#................... ...#................... ...#.................. ...#................. ...#...##....##....# . #########....##....##... Wgbk #......#......... #......#.@...?... #....... ##..........##..@ ############ .  @   Psyche (asleep) Wgxl . 90.0 (3Wg m 2.0)  Psyche the Insane Magess comes into view. She is wielding a +3 dagger ofdistortion.Wg y /  --more--YgW@YgH@.@YgH5==1.0 (33YgOYg[$ _Psyche shouts!Zg...................#........... #............ .#......... ..#...##....##....# ... ########....##....##... #......#.......#......#.....?#.........@....##..........##.@########## .Zg)Zg;@.Zg:--2.0 (1.0)ZgZg0b _Psyche toys with her hair.Zgy#. #........#.... ..#........ ..#...##....##....# ......##....##.#......#.#......#.....?.#.@.##.##.# ...ZgNZgZgr2@..Zg A--3ZgZg[g5  You slash Psyche!  Psyche is moderately wounded.[g6d8---==8 (0.8[g>[gB _Psyche hits you but does no damage. Space warps horribly around you![g*[g.Psyche is moderately wounded.[g(mhits you but does no damage. Space warps horribly around you! [g You closely miss Psyche.  Psyche is moderately wounded.Psyche gestures wildly while chanting.  A swirling arc of seething chaos appears![gé[gR+[g8@[g====4.6Fast Fly [g`[gcL _The arc of chaos hits you! You feel yourself speed up.[gya<  You barely miss Psyche.[gzbb=---5.1 (0.5[gj[go] _Psyche is moderately wounded.[g  You slice Psyche!!  Psyche is almost dead.[g P==-6[g-[g19 _Psyche hits you but does no damage.[g n  You slash Psyche!  You kill Psyche![g* A) [g ---85--6.1 _Okawaru accepts your kill.[g [gK f _Your Axes skill increases to level 16![gz [g< 9--[gٕ [g H _No target in view!\g,4\gT.\g"1\g5C2 _\g6\g!7\g=8\g ;\g;\g<\g@\g:A\gB\gD<3\gGE\g/G\gjG\gH\gK,\gL\gO\gP\gDQ\gWX\gXL4=\gWY\g\,\g]\g`\ga\gb\gd\gPe\gf\g(i\gi#5\gi3=\gk\gmn\gn\g@p\gbr,\gWs\gt,\gu\g&w\gw&6\g&x\g{,\g\}\gS\g\g\g,\gφ\g{\g,\gL\g&7\gt\g,\gA\gn,\g\g+B\g\gL8=\g|\gc\g!\gՠ\g\g\g-\g\g\g\g\gV9=\gӱ\g\gM5Fast \gֶ\gw _Your extra speed is starting to run out.\g \gW\g\g\gN\g\gO\g\g\g'90\g\g\g\gh\g\gN\g\g\g#DFly \g\g _You feel yourself slow down.1=\g~&-\g:#. #....... #............. #........... #...##....##....# .....##....##.#......#.\gk#......#.....?.#..@.##.##.## ).........\g)#\g!1222.8 (26.7)\gF-3.8 (27\g\g _Found a war axe.  Things that are here: _a +3 dagger of distortion; a +0 robe]g]g ]g]g]]g...##....##### ....... ....... .......... ]g.................. ...##....##....# . #####....##....###......#.......#......#.....0.0)#..)..##..........##...############ .)...........>.....#######]g]g+4.8 (1]g ]g?,u _Found a stone staircase leading down.5.8 (2]gS2]g\5i _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1)]g{]gK]g]ge,]gP=]gs]g ]gA]g]g ]g$]gw,]gW.]g02]gJ4]g4]g6]g9]gF>B]g?^g#,^g^g^g,^gK^g ^g5B^gB^gSC^gC^gD^gF^gH,^gI^gK^gN,^gXP^gIS^gVW^gW^gY^gQ_^g_^g}`^ga^gzd^gf^g?g^gjh^gj^g n^gn^go^gr^gdu,^gv^g~##....##.......##...# .#......#  .#............#  ).............#  ##.......# ...#  ########.).....##...#   #.............#   #.............#   #..>.# ^gM  ###############                   ^g041.8 (16.0)^g,2.8 (17^g^g. _q - a scroll of identify_g_gInventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn) _g@* w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogq - a scroll of identify _g[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]_g0 q - a scroll of identify. A useful magic scroll which identifies the properties of any unknown object. It is a very common scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll _g!H“This, what is it in itself, and by itself, according to its proper  constitution? What is the substance of it? What is the matter, or  proper use? What is the form or efficient cause? What is it for in  this world, and how long will it abide? Thus must thou examine all  things, that present themselves unto thee.”  -Marcus Aurelius, _Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - His Meditations concerning himselfe_, Book VIII, X. trans. Meric Casaubon, 1634. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe._g Identify which item? (\ to view known items) Scrolls (select first with ?)  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  E - 2 scrolls labelled ESODWEWNIM Potions (select first with !)  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potion [?] describe selectedag( ag 2 ##....##.......##...#  morningthaw the Severer .#..................#  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. .#..................#  Health: 91/91 ======================== ......).............#ag2   Magic: 10/10 ======================== ......##.......# ...#  AC: 22Str: 23 ########.).....##...#  EV: 3Int: 9#.............#  SH: 9Dex: 9#.............#ag2   XL: 10 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:9#..>......@...#  Noise: ---------  Time: 9242.8 (0.0)###############ag2 5  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r  Throw: throwing net  Fly agQ3 u          _Found a war axe.  Things that are here: _a +3 dagger of distortion; a +0 robe ag~3 _Found a stone staircase leading down. _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identifyag5 ag< agH ##....##.......##...#  morningthaw the Severer .#..................#  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. .#..................#  Health: 91/91 ======================== ......).............#  Magic: 10/10 ======================== ......##.......# ...#  AC: 22Str: 23 ########.).....##...#  EV: 3Int: 9agI #.............#  SH: 9Dex: 9#.............#  XL: 10 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:9#..>......@...#  Noise: ---------  Time: 9242.8 (0.0)###############  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r  Throw: throwing net  Fly         agJ  Things that are here: _a +3 dagger of distortion; a +0 robe _Found a stone staircase leading down. _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust.agW agW +3.8 (1ag] agJ` l _a +3 dagger of distortion; a +0 robe _Found a stone staircase leading down. _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armourbg bg) XInventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom bgJ Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogr - a scroll of silence bg [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]cgMT E - 2 scrolls of enchant armour. A scroll that places an enchantment on a piece of armour chosen by the reader. Body armour and bardings can be enchanted up to the same value as their base armour rating. Bucklers, kite shields and tower shields can be enchanted up to +3, +5 or +8 respectively, and other armour can be enchanted up to +2. Magical artefacts cannot be enchanted at all. It is an uncommon scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.cgPeEnchant which item? Armour cgP a - a +1 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) [?] describe selectedegegǜ##....##.......##...#  morningthaw the Severer .#..................#  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. .#..................#  Health: 91/91 ======================== ......).............#  Magic: 10/10 ======================== ......##.......# ...#  AC: 22Str: 23 ########.).....##...#  EV: 3Int: 9#.............#  SH: 9Dex: 9#.............#eg  XL: 10 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:9#..>......@...#  Noise: ---------  Time: 9243.8 (0.0)###############  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r  Throw: throwing net  Fly           _a +3 dagger of distortion; a +0 robe _Found a stone staircase leading down. _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identify  eg^As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armoureg egeg##....##.......##...#  morningthaw the Severer .#..................#  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. .#..................#  Health: 91/91 ======================== ......).............#  Magic: 10/10 ======================== ......##.......# ...#  AC: 23Str: 23 ########.).....##...#egb   EV: 3Int: 9#.............#  SH: 9Dex: 9#.............#  XL: 10 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:9#..>......@...#  Noise: ---------  Time: 9243.8 (0.0)###############  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r  Throw: throwing net  Fly           _Found a stone staircase leading down. _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armour  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust.egKeg+4.8 (1egeg` _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armour  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust. _Your +1 cloak glows green for a while.egvegInventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +2 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) egJewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogr - a scroll of silence [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]eg  E - a scroll of enchant armour. A scroll that places an enchantment on a piece of armour chosen by the reader. Body armour and bardings can be enchanted up to the same value as their base armour rating. Bucklers, kite shields and tower shields can be enchanted up to +3, +5 or +8 respectively, and other armour can be enchanted up to +2. Magical artefacts cannot be enchanted at all. It is an uncommon scroll. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {scroll} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified scroll “To drift with every passion till my soul  Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,  Is it for this that I have given away  Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?  Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll  Scrawled over on some boyish holiday.”  -Oscar Wilde, _Helas_. 1881. (r)ead, (q)uiver, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.fgz+Enchant which item? Armour  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +0 pair of gloves (worn) [?] describe selectedig` ige ##....##.......##...#  morningthaw the Severer .#..................#  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. .#..................#  Health: 91/91 ======================== ......).............#  Magic: 10/10 ======================== ......##.......# ...#  AC: 23Str: 23 ########.).....##...#  EV: 3Int: 9#.............#  SH: 9Dex: 9#.............#  XL: 10 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:9#..>......@...#  gf mNoise: ---------  Time: 9244.8 (0.0)###############  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r  Throw: throwing net  Fly           _D - 2 scrolls of teleportation (gained 1) _q - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armour  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust. _Your +1 cloak glows green for a while.igg igIn igs N##....##.......##...#  morningthaw the Severer .#..................#  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. .#..................#  Health: 91/91 ======================== ......).............#  Magic: 10/10 ======================== ......##.......# ...#  AC: 24Str: 23 ########.).....##...#  EV: 3Int: 9#.............#  SH: 9Dex: 9igt #.............#  XL: 10 Next: 85% Place: Dungeon:9#..>......@...#  Noise: ---------  Time: 9244.8 (0.0)###############  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r  Throw: throwing net  Fly           _q - a scroll of identify  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armour  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust. _Your +1 cloak glows green for a while.  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust.igXy igy +5.8 (1ig| ig~ c  As you read the scroll of identify, it crumbles to dust. _E - 2 scrolls of enchant armour  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust. _Your +1 cloak glows green for a while.  As you read the scroll of enchant armour, it crumbles to dust. _Your +0 pair of gloves glows green for a moment.ig%igQ'4ig+igW,igk2ig53ig4,igy5igP9ig:,ig;ig=ig>,ig?ig9Bjg#####..  .........)...#  ...................#  .............#  .............#  #....##.......##...#  jg #....##.......##...#  #.........#  #.........#  50.8 (5 .....).............#  .....##.......##...# #######.).....##...# #.............# #.............# #..>..........# ###############  jgA1.8 (6jgjg& _Found a war axe.jg4jg6jgjgjgjgjgEjgjgjgqjgjg,jg jgjg,jgjgjgl,jgjgWjg,jgjg<jgjgPjg_jgjgJXjg,jg?jg"jg,jgjgNjg,jgjgqjg%,jgjg jg ,jgA jgjg,jgjgjgXjgjg0 _You now have 286 gold pieces (gained 11).jg1jg 3,jg3jg8Xjg;jg<,jg=jg>jg@,jg@kgkgkgkgPkg kg,kgkg kg kg kgU kg:kgkgkgkgkg,kgkgkg,kg kgkg'!,kg."kg#kg9%kg%kg&kg'kg),kg4*kg6+kgN,,kg,kg.kg0,kg?1kg2kg,8Xkg8kg:9,kg:kg<kg>=,kg?kg@kgCAkgAkgBkg@D,kgDkgQHkgoS-...# #..## '...##..## #...##...# ##.))##..###### ##..)####### ###########..##...# ....)).....# #...#.............# #<..# #.#...............# kgZT######....# #.#.##.......##...# .....#.....# ###@###########...# ##...##....#oo...##............# ##..########............# .#.........................)...# .#.............................# .#.............................# oo 2 orcs (1 missile, asleep) .#.............................# .#...##....##....##.......##...# #######....##....##.......##...#kgbx 93.8 (42.0)  2 orcs come into view.kgdkg1q ..oo   orc (missile)The orc shouts! x2; You hear a shout!  The orc moves out of view.kg\rK====4.8 (43kgzkg' _You hear a shout!kgɹ ..'...# #..## ..#...# #...# ###.))# #..###### .##..)####### ###########..##...# .....)).....# #...#.............# .##...##.<..# #.#...............# .#######....# #.#.##.......##...# ......#.....#o###.###########...# .##...##....#..o@.##............# .##...##....########....# ..#................)...# ..#.....# ..#....# ..#....# oo 2 orcs (1 missile) ..#...##....##....####...# ########....##....##.##...# #......#...........#kg kgC n .oYou hear a shout!kg 89-===-5.8 (1.0)kg7 kg = _The orc hits you with a +0 short sword.kg kg oo   orc wizardoo 2 orcs (1 missile)You completely miss the orc.kg8dAn orc wizard comes into view. It is wielding a +0 dagger.kg)90----6.6 (0.8kg!kg21 _You block the orc's attack.lg_Tp  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!lgXlgYlguc.o   orclggH--7.5 (0.9lgrlgvP _Okawaru accepts your kill.lg  You slice the orc!!  You kill the orc!lgR.olgw-8.3 (0.8lg,lgoP _Okawaru accepts your kill.lgFYlgcZ[1=9.2 (0.9lg^lg`x _You barely miss the orc wizard. You block the orc wizard's attack.lgD  You slash the orc wizard!  The orc wizard is severely wounded.lg7=300.0 (0.8lg lg A _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.lg  You completely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.lg 3-9 (0.9lgx lg A _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.lgXe  You closely miss the orc wizard.lgYB-1.8lgr`lgcc _The orc wizard is severely wounded.mg  You hit the orc wizard.  The orc wizard is severely wounded.mgI=2.6 (0.8mgjmgh8 _You block the orc wizard's attack.mg!J  You completely miss the orc wizard.The orc wizard is severely wounded.mg K-3.5 (0.9mg+Rmg$V8 _You block the orc wizard's attack.mgc~ _You block the orc wizard's attack.  You completely miss the orc wizard.  The orc wizard is severely wounded. _You block the orc wizard's attack.  You hit the orc wizard.  The orc wizard is severely wounded.mgA-4.3 (0.8mg1mgDA _The orc wizard hits you but does no damage.mg   You slice the orc wizard!!  You kill the orc wizard!mgv e)mg 065.1mg mgW P _Okawaru accepts your kill.mg+e 4mgsj mg5m H _No target in view!ng3ngngongng-ng% _ngng[  Items here: ( ))) [[[.ngdD..'...# #..##..#...# #. #...###.))# #. #.. ...##..)#######.###########..##....)).....#.#...#. ...##...##.<..#o#.#. .ngF..#######....#o#.#.##.......##....#.....#.###.###.. ...##...##....#.@)..##.-..##...##....########...#..)....#...#...#. o   orc priest (wandering)..#...##....##....##.......##.. o   orc (missile, wandering)##....##....##.......##.. #......#.ngF- o6.1 (1.0o)An orc and an orc priest come into view.The orc shouts! The orc priest shouts!ng/ (((The orc throws a boomerang.  You block the boomerang with an invisible shield... and reflect it back!ng Xeo.@ngYJ====7.1 (2ngbngl[ _The boomerang closely misses the orc.ng|; ##...# #..##.'...# #.# #..## .....#...# #.# #...# '#####.))# #.. #..###ngN< ##..)#######.###########..##.....)).....#.#...#.##...##.<..#o#.#....#######....#o#.#.##.......##......#.....#@###.###########.##...##....#..)..###...##....########..#).# ng< )....#.#.................. .....#...##....##....##.## ###########....##....####ngR @  You block the orc's attack.ngY ng ng `=---8.1 (1nga ng  ng ^_The orc priest looks satisfied for a moment.ng p  You slash the orc!  You kill the orc!ng ng W.ong I---9.0 (0.9ng ng; P _Okawaru accepts your kill.ogogt+8 (0.8ogogU _You barely miss the orc priest.ogؼ  You slice the orc priest!!  You kill the orc priest!oge)og97=10.6ogogP _Okawaru accepts your kill.og7GogHog' _og)(ogp*og+ogw,og>-og}.og/og0og"1og3og@4og~4og5og:ogO@,ogAogBogCog6DogDogEogG,ogIogVLog#NogNog,OogSogBUogUogvVogYog[,og\ogV^og_ogF`ogaoggogkogkogmog_pogs,og3uogvog9xogzxogsyog;{og},og}og)ogo,ogogogSog&ogAogbogJ,ogogyog#,ogFog!ogogޝogogogx,oglogog8,og,ogAogogeogogogJ,ogogogog,ogogHog,ogNogogi,ogogog,ogogog,ogogXog,ogѹogXogogog9og,og[og ogog og@og;og_ogogog4ogogog5ogogXogogognogogog ogiog,og8ogogogkogogog|,og|ogVog,ogogogog?ogog og,ogxog/og ogDoguogGog ogBognog3ogog*ogUogogogog.ogogsogogogWogW,ogog^ogog-ogfogogogogogogYog,oguog',ogog*og,ogHogogog ,ogDogog3,ogogogogogogGogxogogogogW,ogogog,og og( ogk ,og og og ,og ogM ,og ogm og og6 og} og og Bog: og ,og og$ og og og og og ,og ogw ogW og ,ogK og og/ og og og ,og og og ,og ogh og ogO og og og og og- og ogR og og og og ogC og" og# og$ ,ogb% og& og' og( ogr( og) og* og* ogM+ og- og. og. ogJ/ og\0 og61 og1 og1 og2 ogC3 og3 ,og4 og5 og5 og&6 og7 og7 og7 ,og8 ogF9 og9 og%: ,og: ,og0; og; ogW< og< og< og? og9@ ogw@ og@ ogA og~B ogB ogB ogC og)D ,ogD ogE ogF ogF og$G ogG ogH og I ogsI ogKJ ogiK ogK og L og0M ogKN og|N og O og'P ogEQ ogpQ ogR ogS og(T ogUT ogT og?V og'W oghW ogW ogX ogY og*Z og[ og\ og^ ,og_ og~a og&c ,ogc oge ogf ,ogAg og7h ogXi ogi ogj ogk ogl ogl ogm ogm ogon ,ogn ogmo ogp ogrq ogq og s ogs ogs ,ogYu ogv ogfv ogv og+z ogz ,ogT{ og| og| og:} ogu} og~ og~ og~ og% og ogw og og og@ og og ogl ogÉ og, ogY og@ og og< ,og og ogK ,ogz og og ,og ogq og ,og' og ogE og~ ogu og og& og og6 ogn ogͬ ,ogȭ og og~ ,ogű og og ,og og ogw ,ogݺ ogs og ,og ogο og5 ,og ogk og og ogj og og ,og og` og og og ogY ogd og og og ogH ogx og+ ogT og og# og og4 og og og= og og| og og og ogS og og og og> ogk og og; og og og+ og og[ og og ogM og5 ogw og og% ogN ,og og' og og ogV og ogt og og og og ,ogc og+ og og& ,og og og ,og ogS og ,og\ og ogm ,og] og8 ,og og ogb Bog] og ,ogZ og og\ ,og og og[ og og og ogN og og^ og og? ,og og og ,og og` ogk ,ogO ogH  #.###########  #...........# #.#####.###.# #.# #.# #.#.#.# #.#..@#og# N-- #######.###########  #.....#...........#  #.###.#.#####.###.#  #.#...#.#...#.#.#.#### #.#####.###.#.#.#.#..## #...........#.#...#...#  #####.###########.#####...#...#.#.........#.#...#...#ogC 2466.6 (156.0)og- G--77og! og$ X _q - a lumpy black potionpg?4pgpgypg9pgpgXpgpgpgBpgpgpgpgs,pgpgpgm,pgy,pgpg5,pg$pg,pg&pgpgpgpgpgpgT,pgpgApgpgpgdpgnpgXpgTpgpgpgkpg5pgpgpgpgSpgpgpgwpgpg,pgdpg@,pgpg8pgpgCpgpg2pgpgG pg pg pg pg pg pg pgU pg ,pg]pg}BpgFpg,pgPpgNpgJ ####### #...@.#90.6 (23.0) #.###.# pgM #####.# .#  #.....# .#  #....#.# )# ######.########### #...........# #.#####.###.# #.# #.#.#.#pg!pg,1.6 (24pg2pg/ ' _Found a falchion.pg%pg&pg6'pgz*pg,pg-pg0,pg1pgJ2pgj3pgN4pg5pg5pgy6pg8pg9pg:pgt:pgb;pg<pg=pgc=pg[E@  You see here a +0 falchion.pgN########.....##.###.######.#T#.##.....#.#.#....#.#.@)######.###########pgN" #...........# #.#####.###.# #.# #.#.#.# #.# #.#.#.T   troll (asleep)... #.#..#########....#...........#pgS{ 6.6 (5.0)  A troll comes into view.pg4Zt.TTpg[J====7.6 (6pg`pgrc' _The troll shouts!qg  You slash the troll!  The troll is moderately wounded.qg˻b==--8.5 (0.9qgqg_ _You block the troll's attack. x2; The troll claws you but does no damage.qg  You slice the troll!!  The troll is almost dead.qg 85--=-9.3 (0.8qg qg K _You block the troll's attack. The troll claws you. x2qg  You slice the troll!!  You kill the troll!Okawaru accepts your kill.qg C[qg 96/92--qg, 592--500.1qga qg\ H _The troll leather armour is intact enough to wear.rgPrg9--rgrg rgI:_No target in view!rg'rgrg _rg<7rgrg\,rgrg2rg&8rg߹rgO,rgrg,rgrgrg[L9=rgrgrg}rgrgN,rgrgrgW90=rgrg,rg!rgrrgrgrgFrg&1rg3rg,rgrg,rgrgrgL2=rgrgrgz,rgrgrgDrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrg:=rg rgS rg.,rgrgrgrgrgLrg7rgPrgrgrg^rgW!rg!rg"rg\&rg(rg)rg}*rgO,rgQ.rg.rg/rgT2rgN4rg4rg5rg7rg9rg;:rg%;rg<rg-?,rg@rg1BrgcDrgDrgErguGrgIrg1JrgKrgMrg7OrgOrgPrgSrgfVrgVrgXrgM[rg],rg_rgarg;d,rgerghrgjrgujrgkrgmrgo,rgNqrg srgurgurgyyrg |rgz~,rgOrg rgrgrgDŽrgrg,rgrgPrgXrg.rgrgērgrgƗrg%rgrgšrgrgrgrgrg,rg΢rgfrg,rgrg_rg,rgrg3rg#####.#.#.###.....#[#.##....#.#..)# #######.########## #.. #........... #.# #.#####.###. #.# #.#...#.#.#. #.#####.###.#.#.#. #@..........#.#...-rg8 #.###########.#### #.# #.....#..... #.# #.###.#.#### #.# #.#...#.#... ......... #.# #.#####.###. x   Erica (constriction, asleep) ......... #.x #........... ........# #######.##.......######+###...#.#...rg% 49.1 (49.0)  Erica the Fiery-Tempered comes into view. She is wielding a +1 scimitar offlaming.rgcxx).rg6==50.1 (50rgrg8 _Erica shouts! You hear two shouts!sgr##.....#[#.....#.#..)#######.##########.. #...........# #.#####.###.#...#.#.####.###..........#.#..###########.#### #.....#.....###.#.####...#.#... .........x####.###.. #..........#######.##########  #####+###...#.#......... #.......#.#.###sgsgj<x.sg :--1.1 (1.0)sgsg u _Erica screams, "I'll never tell where it is!"sg....#.#..)#######.##########.. #...........# #.#####.###...#.#.####.###..........#.#..###########.#### #.....#.....###.#.####x...#.#... ..........####.###. #..........#######.##########  #####+###...#.#.........sg}n #.......#.#.###.'..sgsg<x.sg"A--2sgsgPsg6  You slice Erica!!sg` O sgÍ O   two-headed ogreErica is moderately wounded.A two-headed ogre comes into view. It is wielding two +0 giant clubs.sgJ====9 (0.8sgYsgtR _Erica hits you but does no damage. You block Erica's attack.sgw ;  You barely miss Erica.sgx ]=---3.7sg, sg \ _Erica is moderately wounded.sg 5  You slash Erica!sg, O.  Erica is heavily wounded.sg, -6 =--4.4 (0.7Constr sg.4 sg6 _You block Erica's attack. Erica grabs you. Erica constricts you.tg6  You slice Erica!!tgޚ O. Erica is almost dead.tg *****Erica casts a spell at you.The bolt of poison hits you!tg, ....@You are poisoned.tg.80======----====5.1Pois Fly Constr tg]6tg9U _Erica constricts you.tgk  You barely miss Erica.  Erica is almost dead.You feel very sick.tgl75-----=---9 (0.8tgutgnzx _Erica hits you but does no damage. Erica constricts you.ugugSo Ability - do what?CostugFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-2%  b - Finesse5 MP, Piety--52%  ug,c - Duel7 MP, Piety--86% ug-g[?] toggle between ability selection and description.ug2}ugug#....#.#..)#morningthaw the Severer#######.########## Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.. #........... Health: 75/92 ===================-----#.# #.#####.###. Magic: 10/10 ========================#.# #.#...#.#.#. AC: 24Str: 23#.#####.###.#.#.#. EV: -6 Int: 9#...........#.#... SH: 9Dex: 9#.###########.#### XL: 10 Next: 92% Place: Dungeon:9#@# #.....#..... Noise: =--------  Time: 9555.9 (0.0)#x# #.###.#.#### j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r#g&=mO# #.#...#.#... Throw: throwing net .........#.# #.#####.###. Pois Fly Constr .........#.. #........... ........########.########## x   Erica (constriction).......######+###...#.#......... O   two-headed ogre#.....#.......##...#.#.#.#.###.#.....#........'...#.#.#.#.#...You are poisoned. _Erica constricts you.You barely miss Erica.  Erica is almost dead.You feel very sick. _Erica hits you but does no damage. Erica constricts you.ug  You fail to use your ability.  You feel very sick.Erica hits you with a +1 scimitar of flaming.ugG}68====--6.9 (1ugFugf _Erica burns you. Erica constricts you.ug  You barely miss Erica.  Erica is almost dead.ugp65---7.7 (0.8ug,i _You feel very sick.vg_l  You slash Erica!  You kill Erica!vg_  Okawaru accepts your kill.vg4O.O   two-headed ogrevgvg#....#.#..)#morningthaw the Severer#######.########## Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.. #........... Health: 63/93 ================--------#.# #.#####.###. Magic: 10/10 ========================#.# #.#...#.#.#. AC: 25Str: 23vg#.#####.###.#.#.#. EV: 3Int: 9#...........#.#... SH: 9Dex: 9#.###########.#### XL: 10 Next: 108% Place: Dungeon:9#@# #.....#..... Noise: =--------  Time: 9558.5 (0.8)#O# #.###.#.#### j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r#.# #.#...#.#... Throw: throwing net .........#.# #.#####.###. Pois Fly .........#.. #........... ........########.########## O   two-headed ogrevg.......######+###...#.#.........#.....#.......##...#.#.#.#.###.#.....#........'...#.#.#.#.#...You barely miss Erica.  Erica is almost dead. _You feel very sick.You slash Erica!  You kill Erica!Okawaru accepts your kill.vgk _You feel very sick.You have reached level 11!vgP/  --more--wg" 7/99=1/111 4% wg $ 4 _xgX  You slash the two-headed ogre!  The two-headed ogre is moderately wounded.You feel sick. You block the two-headed ogre's attack.xgM]1=--=xg 9.3xg&xgh*H _The two-headed ogre hits you with a +0 giant club.xg   You slash the two-headed ogre!  The two-headed ogre is heavily wounded.xge0--60.2 (0.9xg"xg~&$ _You feel sick.xgU  You barely miss the two-headed ogre.The two-headed ogre is heavily wounded.You feel sick.xgV P59-9 (0.7xgY xg[ I _The two-headed ogre hits you but does no damage. x2yg  You slash the two-headed ogre!  The two-headed ogre is severely wounded.8=1.6yg!yg $ _You feel sick.yg  You slash the two-headed ogre!  You kill the two-headed ogre!yg; )Okawaru accepts your kill.yg~m7=-112.5 (0.9yg ygD $ _You feel sick.zg߫hM#.....#[#. #....#.#..)# ######.##########. #..........####.## #.#..#####.###.#.#.#..........#.#...##########.####.....#.....)##.#.#####.# #.#...#.#... Pois Fly zgʲzgP---3.5 (1.0zg+zg$ _You feel sick.zgzg4zgzgL:6zgx5zg. g4=--zgw 6.5 (3 _You start resting. You feel sick. x4zg<l7.5 (4Fly zgzg[ _You are no longer poisoned.zgUzgzgzgzg P5zg zg: zg zg ,zgzgzgO:6zg6zgzgzgzgzgXzgzgzgD:7zgzgD,zg&zg,zg zg$8=zg%zg &zg&zgB)L9=zg)zgF*zg*,zg,zg-zgB/zg/zg;0zg2zgs2;60zg2zgS6,zgd7zg79zg9zgq:zg<zg =:1zg=zg?zg?zg AzgC,zgVEzgFzgGT2=zg~H[37mzgJzgKzgKzgAMzgMzgJNzg>PzgPL3=zgQzg,S,zg$TzgSVzg"W:4zgWzg\Y,zgMZzgK\zg\zg`]zg^zgL_:5zg%`zg2bzgbzg{czgdzgCezg fzgYhzghT6=zgizg`kzgkzgYlzgBnzgnzg@ozgpzgqL7=zg#rzgszgKtzguzgwzgw:8zgaxzgz,zg{zg:},zgW~zgQzg:9zgzg|,zgӇzg],zg!zgčQ70zg%zgzgzgzgzgzgzg`zg~O71=zgRzgzg zgzgzgzgWzgzg-X2=zgqzg/zgzgízgzg&3zgezg,zg/zgȲzgZzg)zgzg4zgzgzgOzgɸzg,zgzgzg E5=zgNzgzgzguzgqzgʿzgzgzglV6=zgzg,zglzg*zg&7zg zg,zgzg8zgzgBzg,zgzglzgL9=zgXzg$zgvzgzg,zg2zg#zgm80=zgzg]zgzgzg;zgzgzg3&1zgzgzgzgzgzg\&2zgzgzgzg.zggzgzg zgzg763=zgdzgzgzgIzgzgzg4zgzgzgWV4=zgzgzgzgzgzg^zgzgzg&5zgmzg;zgpzgzgzg&6zgPzghzgzgzgTzgzgzgzgCL7=zgzg,zgOzgazg zgpzghzgV8=zgzg<zgpzgzgzgzgHzga zg &9zg zg zgV zg\zgzg zgzgzg 90zg4zg^zgzgJzgzgg#1zg)=zgbzg,zg(zg,zgzgzgV2=zgzg!zg!zg^"zg#zg#zg$$zgd%zg%&3zg&&zgF'zgy'zg'zg(zg(zga)zg*zg*&4zg6+zg>,,zg,zg-zgT.L5=zg/zg1zga1zg2zg4zgY5zg5zg7zgY8V6=zg8zg:zgX;zg;zg=zg>>zg>zgAzg/B&7{g{g+{g{gs{g{g\{g?{g" {g &8{g {g {g {g {g,{g{g_ _You start resting.{g2690.5 (123.0){g59={g %14{g"{g#" _HP restored.{gD ....#.#..)#######.##########.. #...........# #.#####.###...#.#.####.###..........#.#..###########.####{g+O #.....#.....)###.#.####....#.#...Fly #.....#........'...#.#.#.#.#... {g0{g12.0){g{g{gw" #######.##########.. #...........# #.#####.###...#.#.####.###..........#.#..{g6x###########.#### #.....#.....###.#.####....#.#... .........{g`xX####.###Fly {gx#....)##.......#...#.###.#.#### {g~{g&3{g{g {g_Items here: ))) = ††.|g3Pick up what? 28/52 slots (_ for help) Hand Weapons (select all with ))  a - a +0 giant club  b - a +0 giant club  c - a +1 scimitar of flaming Jewellery (select all with "=)d - a ring of flight Carrion the octopode corpse of Erica a two-headed ogre corpse [Up|Down] select[Esc] exit Letters toggle [.|Space] toggle selected[top]}g  d + a ring of flight[Enter] accept (1 chosen)~g ~g#######.########## morningthaw the Severer~gL#.. #........... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.# #.#####.###. Health: 99/99 ========================#.# #.#...#.#.#. Magic: 11/11 ========================#.#####.###.#.#.#. AC: 25~guStr: 23#...........#.#... EV: 3Int: 9~g#.###########.#### SH: 9Dex: 9#.# #.....#..... XL: 11 Next: 11% Place: Dungeon:9~g#@# #.###.#.#### Noise: ---------  Time: 9693.5 (0.0)~g#.# #.#...#.#... j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r .........#.# #.#####.###. Throw: throwing net ~g.........#.. #........... Fly ~g$m........########.##########.......######+###...#.#.........~gL #.....#.......##...#.#.#.#.###. #.....#........'...#.#.#.#.#...~g~ #....)##.......#...#.###.#.####  _You feel sick. ~g_You start resting. You feel sick. x4 _You are no longer poisoned. _You start resting. _HP restored. ~gފ_Items here: ))) = ††.~gA4.5 (1~g1~g-* _u - a ring of flight~g{4 ~g> Inventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with () ~g> i b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +2 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit  u - a ring of flight ~g> Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) ~g> Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation~g> vg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH ~g ? $ i - a scroll of fog ~g_? [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gۄw u - a ring of flight. A ring that grants its wearer flight. You took it off Erica on level 9 of the Dungeon. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {Fly} {jewellery} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified jewellery “What surprised him the most, however, was the logic of his wings. They seemed g:H so natural on that completely human organism that he couldn't understand why  other men didn't have them too.”  -Gabriel Garcia Marquez, _A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings_. 1955. trans. Gregory Rabassa. 1972 (p)ut on, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.g #######.########## morningthaw the Severer#.. #........... Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.# #.#####.###. Health: 99/99 ========================#.# #.#...#.#.#. Magic: 11/11 ========================#.#####.###.#.#.#. AC: 25Str: 23#...........#.#... EV: 3Int: 9#.###########.#### SH: 9Dex: 9#.# #.....#..... XL: 11 Next: 11% Place: Dungeon:9#@# #.###.#.#### Noise: ---------  Time: 9694.5 (0.0)#.# #.#...#.#... j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r .........[3g 3m#.# #.#####.###. Throw: throwing net .........#.. #........... Fly ........########.##########.......######+###...#.#......... #.....#.......##...#.#.#.#.###. #.....#........'...#.#.#.#.#... #....)##.......#...#.###.#.####  _You start resting. You feel sick. x4 _You are no longer poisoned. _You start resting. _HP restored. _Items here: ))) = ††. _u - a ring of flightg gh +5.5 (1g gh  _You are no longer poisoned. _You start resting. _HP restored. _Items here: ))) = ††. _u - a ring of flight _You drop a ring of flight.gŞ gG g g g g ,g g g= gS gү g g gҴ g" gL g g g g g< g[ g g (#.# #.#...#.#.#.# #.#####.###.#.#.#.# #...........#.#...# #.###########.########.# .#.....#.......#=# [#.###.#.#####.##.# .#.#...#.#...#. ......gW #.###$#.#####.###.#.# ......#...@.#...........#.700.5 (5 .....########.###########.#######+###...#.#.........#.##.......##...#.#.#.#.###.#.##........'...#.#.#.#.#...#. ....)##.......#...#.###.#.#####.# .....####'#####.))#.....#....... g .....##(.....##..)#######.####### ..........)).....#.#...#..gk g +1.5 (6g} g  g 8_Found a barding.g$#.# #.#...#.#.#.# #.#####.###.#.#.#.# #.#.#...# #.###########.##.# ..#.....#.#=# #[#.###.#.#####.##.# #.#.#...#.#...#.#.g #.###$#.#####.###.#.#. #....@#.#.#.# #.#.#######+###...#.#.#.#.#.##...#.#.#.#.###.#.#.g:Y#.'...#.#.#.#.#...#.#.)##.#...#.###.#.#####.#gd####'#####.))#.....#.##(.....##..)#.#g@)).....#.#...#.ggR+2.5 (1g+gԾg1 g g g g g ,g ,gk g N _You now have 300 gold pieces (gained 14).g g g6 gs g ,g g _  You see here a +0 barding.g gZ _g g g g g gV g g2 g@ g0 J _You now have 301 gold pieces (gained 1).  You see here a +0 barding. _g.7 g8 g; g? g&G g%H g(J g#M g9P glP gU g=W gaY gY gZ g\ g9^ g^ ga_ g` gb ,gc gj  Items here: ))) = ††.gk gl _gPm gn g\p ,gp g%r gVs gvs gs gu g v ,gv gx gz gz gZ{ g| g ,g g܃ ,g g gO gЈ ,g\ g g g g g g g g gU g g g g g g gܙ g g g g gV gU g gc g g ,gO g g g gT g g ,gE g gv g g$ g g g gF gM g g g g g g+ g gE gj g gA gf g g g g gt g g gu g g g g g g g g] gD g g g g g g go g g# gs g> g_ g g g! g" g# g$ gH( g) g) g* g, g;. ,g/ g1 g2 g2 gP3 g5 g 8 g<8 g9 g; g= ,g> g@ gA ,gA gD gD BgF gG BgI gJ ,gJ gM g4N ,gN gP g:Q ,gQ gT gT BgV g_W ,gW gY gAZ ,gZ g\ gx] ,g] g#` g` ,ga gc ge gOe gQf gi gj ,gvk gGn gOo ,gp g_r gas ,g!t gv gw ,gx gN{ g} ,g~ g g ,g g" g ,gO g׎ g ,g g g ,g gK gS ,g g g ,gb g Y  Items here: ( )) ÷.g\ g _gť g= gE ,g gq g^ ,g g [  Items here: ( ))) [[[.g g+ _g gӻ g g g g g ,g gg g ,g" g .g. Bg} Xg g g1 g g@ g gC g g5g~gg>gg,gng% g g= g gfgbgg+gVg\gg!gbg ,g=g?ggggd!g]"g~"gc#gI&g_(,g8g~=g|@,g5BgAFgHg+IgLg/PgRgRgTgRYg[g[g)a,gcgcghegJgg`XggqgggڞgX,gggu,gܨgg",gŴg~  Things that are here:  a +0 flail; a gnoll skeletongDgн _gѿg  Things that are here:  a +0 halberd; a gnoll skeletonggV _g/gB?  You see here a +0 halberd.gg" _gg~gXggg@  There is an open door here.gg _gbg~  There is an open door here. _gz&g(Bg*g+g+,g,g7g8g8:,g:g;g=gF=g>g>g?g@g*Ag4gY,gggg g gH F _You reach down and open the door.gF gl g g g,gg}@  There is an open door here.g\g _ggkggggUgg4gggg ggxg,gg @  There is an open door here.gq!g! _g"g"g#g#g$g$g%g%g%gF'g'g#(g(g)There is an open door here. _You reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _You reach down and open the door.g*4gl+g>.You reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _You reach down and open the door.  There is an open door here.g/gI/ _g/g2g2,g03g 4g4g4g5g5g6g6g7g9g?  #.............#   #.............#  g?q ########...###...^#   #...#####'#   +.....#............  g@D #.....#............   #.....'...........#    #.....#...........#    #.@...##...##.....#    #'######...##.....   #. .....##....)#   .. .....##.....# gX@  ..y ..........#   ..yy ........... yyy 3 killer bees (asleep)   ..##.    ... ## .........  ....>....gH86058.0) _There is an open door here. _You reach down and open the door.   3 killer bees come into view.gnIgJgOKgKg+MgNgT yy..yy 2 killer bees (1 wandering)  The killer bee buzzes angrily. x3; You hear an angry buzzing noise.gT6===19gYg?] _The killer bee moves out of view. x2 _A killer bee comes into view.gWL  #. ########...###...^  #...#####'#######  +.....#...........  #.....#...........  #.....'  #.....#...  #.....##...##.....  #@######...##.....  #.y........##....)  y..........##..... ..yyy.............. ...y.....g . ##.....##. yyyyy 6 killer bees (3 wandering) . #######  #..  ....>  ....gJ%l  2 killer bees come into view.g&g:)F  The killer bee buzzes angrily. x2g.ng:yyy.yyy..yyy  22  You block the killer bee's attack.  The killer bee stings you but does no damage.  The killer bee stings you.  You are poisoned.g};8=-====2.0)Pois Fly gBg#D8-gQO/  --more--g;?y _The killer bee poisons you! _There is an open door here.g{vYou slice the killer bee!!  You kill the killer bee!gIOkawaru accepts your kill.ggg֋.yyy.. 5  You miss the killer bee. You feel sick.g܏j7===-3.3 (0.8ggC _The killer bee stings you but does no damage.ggJ8-gg@F _Unknown command.gm f  You hit the killer bee.  The killer bee is lightly wounded.g g y.  You feel sick. You block the killer bee's attack.g96--4.1gOgF _The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2gagb9--gkgoF _Unknown command.gM_The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2  The killer bee is moderately wounded.You barely miss the killer bee. You feel sick.  gE358 (0.7gg8 _You block the killer bee's attack.g$gɘgg F _Unknown command.gSYou closely miss the killer bee.You hit the killer bee.   The killer bee stings you but does no damage.g565.6 (0.8ggg/  --more--g8 6 _You block the killer bee's attack.g vYou slice the killer bee!!  You kill the killer bee!g- IOkawaru accepts your kill.g gF . 4  You closely miss the killer bee. You feel sick.g E52=6.3 (0.7g g ; _The killer bee stings you but does no damage.g8 g g g 0 _Unknown command.g gIF  You slash the killer bee!  gIHThe killer bee is almost dead.gM  You miss the killer bee. You feel sick. The killer bee barely misses you.You block the killer bee's attack.g1WR  The killer bee stings you but does no damage.gW4=--7.1 (0.8g$^g`8 _You block the killer bee's attack.guxgNy@--gxgF _Unknown command.g  _Unknown command.gR  You carve the killer bee like a ham!!!  You kill the killer bee!  Okawaru accepts your kill. . 3  You hit the killer bee. You feel sick. The killer bee barely misses you.3=39 _The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2g~gDg~gtOkawaru accepts your kill.You hit the killer bee. You feel sick. The killer bee barely misses you. _The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2 _Unknown command.slash the killer bee!  You kill the killer bee!gg  Okawaru accepts your kill.You miss the killer bee. You feel sick.  You are no longer poisoned.g6. 2g]q=8.7Fly gTg8 _You block the killer bee's attack.g,g{,g'1gH? _Unknown command.  You hit the killer bee.  The killer bee is lightly wounded.barely miss the killer bee.  The killer bee stings you but does no damage.  gA0-9.5gEgGF _The killer bee stings you but does no damage. x2gӳ g? 8-g gJ _Unknown command.You barely miss the killer bee.The killer bee is lightly wounded.g? )70.3g  _You closely miss the killer bee. You block the killer bee's attack. x2g ' g' g, gG/ F _Unknown command.gw You closely miss the killer bee. You block the killer bee's attack. x2  You slash the killer bee!  The killer bee barely misses you.gx 0=1.1gX g C _The killer bee stings you but does no damage.gr4g/gF _Unknown command.g/| _Unknown command.  You barely miss the killer bee.  The killer bee is severely wounded.  You closely miss the killer bee. You block the killer bee's attack.   You block the killer bee's attack.gx0=4-2.0 (0.9gY8g'<C _The killer bee stings you but does no damage.g YN-gagdF _Unknown command.gj  You slice the killer bee!!  You kill the killer bee!gիQ †   killer bee  Okawaru accepts your kill.You barely miss the killer bee. The killer bee stings you.  You are poisoned.gW 0=-48 (0.8Pois Fly _The killer bee poisons you!g}gǻ8-g /  --more--g@h _Your Fighting skill increases to level 10!gRF& You slash the killer bee!  The killer bee is heavily wounded.You feel sick.  The killer bee stings you but does no damage.88=3.6glLgO0 _You block the killer bee's attack.g&ggxg!F _Unknown command.g8_You block's attack. _Unknown command.You miss the killer bee.g:0-4.4g?gC8 _You block the killer bee's attack.g  You miss the killer bee.The killer bee is heavily wounded.g_ G-5.1 (0.7g g 8 _You block the killer bee's attack.gL W  You closely miss the killer bee.gM The killer bee is heavily wounded.You feel sick. The killer bee barely misses you.gM 379 (0.8gR gW C _The killer bee stings you but does no damage.g  You miss the killer bee.The killer bee is heavily wounded.You feel sick.g<x6=-6.6 (0.7g{gC _The killer bee stings you but does no damage.g4  You slice the killer bee!!  You kill the killer bee!g< †Okawaru accepts your kill.gBO-=7.5 (0.9gHgK$ _You feel sick.ggggF _Unknown command.g,g| _No target in view!g 4gd gT 3  You feel sick.g= w5=Fly g  _You are no longer poisoned.6g ,g g g g g g g E7=g g ,g g  g8 g gJ g V8=g gw g gd g ,g gJ <9gH ,g g7 g ,g g[ =90g- g% gn gV g g L1=g| g ,gz g! ,g|" gN) 2=gs, ,gW- g/ <3g0 g3 ,g5 g6 ,g7 g9 g!: &4g: g6< ,g< gy? b5=g@ gIB ,gC gE g_E gE gG gJH V6=gH g K ,gK gM ,gM gP <7gQ gmS ,gFT gtV ,gIW gY gYY &8gY g\ ,g\ g^^ ,g_ gb gWb E9=gb gye gg gcg gg gk  Things that are here:  a killer bee corpse; a killer bee corpsegOt gv  gXv _gw gjy g Xg  #...#####'###### #... +.....#......... #..< #.....#......... #... #.....' #... #.....# #... #.....##...## gߕ `#... #'######...##gD  gߖ z#...##††........##g/  g c#...@...........##g --g: 919.5 (42.g 0)g  g .#.....g\ .......g  gښ +#..g ..g^  g #...##.....##. g  g6 `#... ####### gw  g [#... ....>  #...   #... ...  g gڧ >=--g &20.5 (43g g3 9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gJS4gTg>WgXgdXgt\,g],gS^gagbg cgcgfgPh,gigkgl,gmgngo,gopgrg{ #....#.....#........  #...##.....##...##  #...##'######...##  #...##††........##  #...............##  #................  #................  #...##.....##. ..  #..@######## ..  #g|O. ....>  #   #..........   #..........   #...##..... ###.. O   two-headed ogre (asleep)  #...# ##### #..  #.... ###g|, g 6.5 (6.0)  A two-headed ogre comes into view. It is wielding two +0 giant clubs.gzO.Og.4==7.5 (7gg+; _The two-headed ogre shouts in stereo!g1 #...##.....##...## #...##'######...##. #...##††........##. #........##. #......... #......g* #...##.....##.  #...######## . #...@...O..# ....> #...# ...... #.# . #.# . #...##.....# ###gt #...# ###### #. #.... #### #... gg!6O.g4--8.5 (1ggsgg5O.gĕA--9gɞgg Xga2O.ggb'30gLig-lg>   You hit the two-headed ogre.  The two-headed ogre is lightly wounded.  You block the two-headed ogre's attack.3--=1.3 (0.8g ^ _The two-headed ogre hits you with a +0 giant club.g C  You slash the two-headed ogre!g 5=2.2 (0.9g g = _The two-headed ogre is lightly wounded.g_  You slice the two-headed ogre!!  The two-headed ogre is heavily wounded.g`d4--=3.0 (0.8g hgk@ _You block the two-headed ogre's attack. x2g  You hit the two-headed ogre.  The two-headed ogre is heavily wounded.--9 (0.9ggJI _The two-headed ogre hits you but does no damage. x2gC  You slash the two-headed ogre!=-4.6 (0.7g-h _The two-headed ogre is severely wounded.g5EA  You hit the two-headed ogre.g#F^5=-5.3g&PgSh _The two-headed ogre is severely wounded.gO  _The two-headed ogre is severely wounded.  You hit the two-headed ogre. _The two-headed ogre is severely wounded.  You hit the two-headed ogre.  The two-headed ogre is almost dead.  You block the two-headed ogre's attack.g B-6.0g g F _The two-headed ogre hits you but does no damage.g|K  You slash the two-headed ogre!  You kill the two-headed ogre!gT C)g[ =22=8 (0.8 _Okawaru is honoured by your kill.gQd g8f f _Your Axes skill increases to level 17!g;gggH _No target in view!gS _6789=gn=g,gXg,g),gg g; g g ggCg?g,Xgg,ggggggf g$!,gu!g "g#g=#g#gl&gg(,g(gr*g,,g],g-g/,gm0g/1gy2g2g3g4g6,g?7gX=gyA #..........  #..######..  #..# #..# ##.# #..# #..# #  #..###+##...( gA #....@....... --64.8 (28.0) #.. gAm #############  gB gGgAHG--5.8 (29gLgSP% _Found 8 stones.g=P@ _You reach down and open the door.gSJgKW@  There is an open door here.g.YgY _gZ[g]g3_,g_gbgfl #.......... ########.   #...........# #.   #..######...##   #..#....#... #..#....#..# ##.#....#..# #..#....#..# .[ #..#....#..##.... #..###'##@..(70.8 (5gl>.0) #........ #...............! #################gBtgt+1.8 (6g$zgc}) _Found a scale mail.g$g,g,g=gg7,gggg\g5gg,gAgg  #..######...  #  #..#....#...#.... .....  #..#....#..##...# .....  ##.#....#..##...##.....  #..#....#..##...[......  #..#....#..##..........  #..###'##...(..........  #.....................<  #..............@!..6.8 (5  ####################### g1g+7.8 (6gg^9 _Found a stone staircase leading up.gF' g+   Skill  Level Train  Apt Skill  Level Train  Apt  a * Fighting  10.1  27%  +1   k - Spellcasting   0.0    -2      g@,      b + Maces & Flails  11.2    +2      gh,  c * Axes  17.2  51%  +2 +4 l + Invocations   1.3    +3  g,  d + Polearms   9.4     0   m + Evocations   0.5    +1   e - Unarmed Combat   0.0     0  gR-      f + Throwing   0.0    -2                       g * Armour   8.7  22%  +1  g- H     h - Dodging   0.0    -3       i - Shields   3.2    +1  g-      j - Stealth   0.0    -2      g .         g2. _    gV.         gy. n    g.         g. Skills enhanced by cross-training are in green. Bonus from skill manuals is in  red.  g / [?] Help[=] set a skill target  g-/ [/] auto|manual mode [*] useful|all skills [_] enhanced|base level  gz/ [!] training|cost|targetsg>ggDgp  #..######...######## morningthaw the Severer#..#....#...#.... .....Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#..#....#..##...# .....Health: 99/99 ========================##.#....#..##...##.....Magic: 11/11 ========================#..#....#..##...[......AC: 25Str: 23  #..#....#..##..........EV: 3Int: 9  #..###'##...(..........SH: 9Dex: 9  #.....................<XL: 11 Next: 22% Place: Dungeon:9  #..............@!......Noise: ---------  Time: 9977.8 (0.0)  #######################j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, rThrow: throwing net[1g 9XFly _No target in view! _Found 8 stones. _You reach down and open the door. _There is an open door here. _Found a scale mail. _Found a stone staircase leading up.g+ggg"gvv4gwgrgQ,gyggg‘gӗp _e - 4 potions of haste (gained 1)gh4g}gwg,gggggԧg gBgqg#,gKgg,g|ggEgggg,gg!gGgggg!,ggg,ggMggggg,ggg,ggrgg:g g ;  You see here 8 stones.g= g@ _g g g g g gc g g g ! g% g6) ,g) g. g0 g1 g2 g7 g: g: gj@ g1E gH ,gI gM gO ,gT ,g W ,g X g[ g] g] g^ gc gd ,g f gHj gk g l g m gq gs ,gVu gx gz gz g{ g gS ,g g g g/ gD g g% gt g~ g gۖ g g9 g gɝ g g gM g ,gڥ g g g g^ g? g ,g g g ,g1 gy g gZ g g g g+ gܹ g gY g g! g g ,g g gS g gA gs g g g g g g gg g g gU g g@ gn ,g gn g_ g g g g ,g' g g. %  gl AYou see here a killer bee corpse.g  g _g gy @  There is an open door here.g g: _g g g5 ,g} g g, gP g g g g g\ g+ g* Bg$ F _You reach down and open the door.g gE g5 g  @  There is an open door here.gf g _g  g g g ge gr @  There is an open door here.g g 6 _g g g  gW gU g g gN g g g g g g= gs g g g g g g=" @  There is an open door here.g!# g# _g$ g-% g& ,g& g( gs) g) g(* gk, @  There is an open door here.gE- g- _g;. gR/ g0 g0 gl1 g2 g3 g3 g'4 gG5 g6 Bg < gi< g3= gZ= g= g> g? g? g|@ gVA g>B gxB gB g*D gD gE ggE g] a #. #####.#.# ##.....#[# ### #....#.#.. #.############.##################.....#.........#....##.###.#.###.#.#...#.#..g^ f....@.....#.#####.###10058.8 (81.0)....................#..........#.............########.#########gI^ #.............##.....#.#...#.... #####...###...^##.....#=#.#[#.### g}^ .#####'##########.....#.#.#.#.#..  ...#..................#.###.#.###g^   ...#..................#.....#....  ...'...........##.....#######.### g_ gc ge E _Done exploring.g[4g\gS0.0).........'.. ...'gge _There is an open door here. _Done exploring.gghggg]gNg@ _Done exploring.g gxgg!gg} _ggg-gpg gg,gJgg,ggmgOg~gegnggga,gOgj _Done exploring. _ There is an open door here.g]g _gg ng* gt g( ggG,ggpgDgsggggg9ggg(gg$5#....................#....... # #.............########.##### # #.............##.....#.#...#. g$########...###...^##.....#=#.#[# #...#####'##########.....#.#.#.#. '.....#............#.###.# #.....#..................#.....#. #.....'...........##.....####### #.....#...@.######'###...#.75.8 (17.0) gF%#.....##...##.....#.......##...# #'######...##.....#........'...#. #††..##....)##.......#...# ...........##.....####'#####.))#. ..................##(.....##..)##....................)). g%#.....##...........)......##...## ########...........####g+g|-gQgORg Tg]gdBg2hBg~hg}kgKmgmgogrg^t,gtugwgxgygyg{gr},gfgPggVggՇg,g+gg,gg=.##.....##...##.....#.......## .##'######...##.....#........'... .##††........##....)##.......#.. .............##.....####'#####.)) ....................##(.....##..) ................................) .##.....##...........)......##.. .#########..................##### ..).....#.......@...............84.8 (9.0) ........#...........##......##.. ........#...........##......##.. ........#....................#.. .##.....#######..............#.. .#########...##.....##..)....#...gs#...#########.......#.. .........#..........##.......#......#######gg* _Done exploring. _There is an open door here. _ stone staircase leading down here.gggYgʲgA25.8 (1 _ggV  ##########.# 10 ##  #.##########  gW g\ g -6.6 (1.8gZ g { _You fly downwards. _There is a stone staircase leading up here.gg_gggyg} _g gK!g",g#g%g]*## ##. .#$#.>..g*U#.##.#####.# #.....<...@# 9.6 (3.0#.####g*" g/B90.6 (4gE3g!5; _Found a stone staircase leading down.g gK 4gJ g ge ng g+ g Bg g gD g gw g g gp gZ R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.g g _g7 g ,gw g N _You now have 325 gold pieces (gained 24).g g9 g g g Xg gi g g g g> g g gL ,g ge g' . .D. #..##### .##...# .#..... ......##.#.....##.......#..#.#......#.# #..#.....#...#gh S .......@##.#.# .............###..#.##.#........g x#. #$#.###.####..##.## #.######...##.#D   acid dragon (asleep)........#....########>..######.##g! 102.6 (12.0)  An acid dragon comes into view.g$ t.DDgz% 5==3.6 (13g, g. , _The acid dragon roars!gt.. #..###. ...  #.. #.D# #### ..##...# .# ..... ......##.#.....##.........#.#.# #..#...# .##.#.# .............### ..#.##.#........ #. #$#.###.#### . ..##.## # .######...##.#........#....########>..####goL.Dg,:--4.0)ggg*t ( ... .. #..###. ...  ##.. ##..# ####...##.D.# .# ............##.#.....##.......#..#.#.# #..#gt ...# .##.#.# .............### ..#.##.#........#. #$#.###.#### . ..##.## >#.######...##.#........#....gu !#gx g~ J.DgY A--5g; g ; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gJ## ... .. #..#ge ##. ... ##.. ##..# ####...##...# .#....D..##.#...##..@....#..#.#......#.###..#.....#...###.#.# ...........###..#.##.#........#. #$#.###.#### . ..##.## >######...##gAH  You block the acid dragon's attack.g.=6gY _The acid dragon claws you but does no damage.g . You slice the acid dragon!!==7.4 (0.8gpgVd _The acid dragon is severely wounded.gj  You completely miss the acid dragon.The acid dragon is severely wounded.You block the acid dragon's attack.gj 6--8.3 (0.9gp gUs C _The acid dragon claws you but does no damage.g/  You slash the acid dragon!  You kill the acid dragon!g<6 C.g; ^4--9.1 (0.8gA gC P _Okawaru accepts your kill.gOgOgTgfXH _No target in view!g}ig3jgkgyng!qg=uQ _gwgwgxgQ{g}g}ggNg,gg9gHgngZgg*,gg^,ggN _You now have 346 gold pieces (gained 21).g4g<gglg̔g=gg>,ggg.............##.#......##.......#.###..#.#......#.##...##..#.....#...#............##.#.# ................### ...#.##.#........ #.####..#.#.###.#### g#...@...##.## >#-19.1 (10.0) #..######...##.# ............#....# >### #######>..#### ##.## #.# ##########.# #.....<....#g2O #.##########gߤg$G-20.1 (11g1gK9 _Found an escape hatch in the floor.gA g gU g g3 gJ ng g1 g" ,g g g g gJ g gO ,g g gQ ,g g8 g ,gA gZ g1 ,gX g g  ,gx gg gg ,g g g% ,g g g  ,g] g g  ,gY g g7 gk g g g g gp g" g) $#.#....# ..#####...#.##....##.......... ........#. ......## ...#.....###..#.#.. g* #........##..#... #.##............ ####..#... #.....#.#....#.##. #@######.####..#.#gO* 7...9....# ##.......##..####### #####..######. gw* #.............#>###########> g* ## 9   gargoyle (dormant) g* J# ##########g* a #.....<...g:1 -35.1 (15gu8 f.99g(9 ,6.1 (16g= gcG | _A gargoyle comes into view. It is wielding a +0 morningstar.g-  #.##....##...... ........#. #g . O ...#.....###..#.#. ...##. #.##........####..#. #.....#.#....#.####.#####.######.####.......9.@.# ##......g6. ~####### #####..#### #...........g`.  #>########### #g. ######## #.....<.. #.#######g1 g8 .9gC= 17.0)g> gA gK=8.0 (0.9gY _You hit the gargoyle but do no damage. The gargoyle barely misses you.g( g˃ You slash the gargoyle!  The gargoyle is moderately damaged.g3#6gw>-=7 (0.7gga g4_The gargoyle hits you with a +0 morningstar.g'k  You hit the gargoyle but do no damage.g<(0-9.4g+g-c _The gargoyle is moderately damaged.g  You slash the gargoyle!  The gargoyle is severely damaged.g ^2--=g: 40.1gZ g B _The gargoyle hits you with a +0 morningstar.gc ~  You slice the gargoyle!!  You destroy the gargoyle!gj i)g-p `3/100-88gu g,w P _Okawaru accepts your kill.g _No target in view!g^.g.g/g3g07C4 _g7g 8g9g;g;&5g<g8@,g@gC,gCgEgFg8FE6=gHGgIgIgJg,MgMgPR7=gRgwUgUgpVgX,gYgf\g\&8g]g`g8agCbgdgd&9gMfghg igigWl,glmgqg3rR100/100=gsghw1 _HP restored.gygyg3{gC  You see here a +0 morningstar.gLgރ _gggggʊgpgg:=gАggg9gggЙgg gg',g,gggNg*gDg,ggDg!gxg1gg#g_g\g6ggg׼gǾggggggggggg`gygg ,ggg,gg*gp,ggg,g2gpg\BgLg,gZgKggg-gggBgg'Bgg:Bgg4   # ### .# ##....# ## #.#..# #>##.#..# ###  #.......# #..  #@#.# #.# --88.8 (48.0) #.#.# #.# #.#.###### #.# #.#......#####.gB #...####..........###.# ###.....####.# #.###.# #.## #.####.# #....gPg*G--9.8 (49gVgH; _Found a stone staircase leading down.gK gyP gQ ,g[R gS gS gT gV R  There is a stone staircase leading down here.gW g^X _gzY gZ[ g] Bg0^ g_ g_ gG` ga gb g;c gc g&e gDf g|f gf gh gaj ,gj gk gm gCm gtm gn g!p ,gp gq gt ,gPt gv g]w ,gw gz g4 #   #.########.#.##.#........ #<..... ######@##  204.8 (15#.......#  #.####..# ##.####..# #.#.##....# #.##.##.#..# ..#>##.#..# ### ..#.......# #..####.#.## #.#g g& ,5.8 (16g gы ; _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.g4ggggXg%gagg/g0g3Bgk4g6g9,g9g;g>,g_?gBgK..##..#.##.##.##.###.##.###.########.##.#.# g;L##.#........##.# #.. ...............# .K ####.#########.###.# ......# #..@..# ... .#.. ####..# #......##..# .#. ####..# ######.#....# ..## ##....# #.##....##..... gL##.#..# ........#. ... ##.#..# ### ...#.....###K   Sonja (missile, asleep) ......# #.. #........## ##.#.## #.# #.##.......#.#.# #.# ####..#......gMgW 18.8 (13  Sonja, the Graceful Assassin comes into view. She is wielding a +0 short swordof venom and quivering curare-tipped darts.gfaK.K)g>b6===9.8 (14ghgv# _Sonja shouts!g. g˴  Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-2%  b - Finesse5 MP, Piety--50%  c - Duel7 MP, Piety--g p86% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.gg>gQh..##..morningthaw the Severer#.##.#Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##.#Health: 100/100 ========================##.##.##Magic: 11/11 ========================#.########.##.#.#AC: 25Str: 23 ##.#........##.# #..EV: 3Int: 9 ...............# K.SH: 9Dex: 9 ####.#########.###.#XL: 11 Next: 28% Place: Dungeon:10 ......#gU#..@..# ... .#.. Noise: ===------  Time: 10219.8 (0.0) ####..##......##..# .#.j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r ####..#######.#....# ..### Throw: throwing net ##....##.##....##..... Fly ##.#..#........#. ... ##.#..#### ...#.....###.. K   Sonja (missile) ......##.. #........##. ##.#.##g##.# #.##.......#.#.##.# ####..#...... _Found a stone staircase leading down. _There is a stone staircase leading down here. _Found an escape hatch in the ceiling.  g@Sonja, the Graceful Assassin comes into view. She is wielding a +0 short swordof venom and quivering curare-tipped darts. _Sonja shouts!ggg%o .VKV   vampire (wand)K   Sonja (missile)You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.g&Y9/11 -----9g:&v510---20.8 (1Hero Fly g/g49~ _A vampire comes into view. It is carrying a wand of mindburst.gRg  You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero. _A vampire comes into view. It is carrying a wand of mindburst.  Sonja shouts, "Too slow!"  You block Sonja's attack. Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are poisoned.  Sonja hits you but does no damage.ghV..Kg====--1Pois Hero Fly ggV _You are more poisoned.g  You miss Sonja.  You feel very sick. re more poisoned.  gx 97/100 ========-2.5 (0.7g g 8-g /  --more--gQ$ M _Sonja closely misses you.g.4ge5g"B` _Unknown command.You completely miss Sonja.gj 8==============---Pois You feel very sick.Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are more poisoned.Sonja hits you with a +0 short sword of venom.  You are more poisoned.gX/  --more--gs .VSonja hits you with a +0 short sword of venom.gDD---3.2gtg _You are more poisoned.You barely miss Sonja.  You feel extremely sick.Sonja casts a spell.gܜgͤ.V76-------=4.0 (0.8gHg _Sonja blinks!gw  You barely miss the vampire.You feel extremely sick.g˺ g? g|@ 68----====8gD g*H P _The vampire zaps a wand. You resist with almost no effort.gY g[Z 9--gR` gc F _Unknown command.g |  You slice the vampire!!  You destroy the vampire!gt .§Okawaru accepts your kill.g m1--305.5 (0.7g g1 8 _You feel extremely sick.gq g g 9--gl g F _Unknown command.g! 4g9" g% g( g , l53--g - ] _You feel extremely sick.gž g --...............# K....@$----6.5 (1.0K   Sonja (missile)g ;----g gh Z _Sonja is nearby!g..##.. #.##.# ..#.##.# .. # #.##.# .# # #.##.##.# .# .# .#..##.# .##.. g..# .K. .##.###.# # #...@.# ... .#.. ..# #......##..# .#. ..# ######.#....# ..# #....# #.##....##. #.#..# ..#. . #.#..# ### ...#.....###..## #.. #.##. #.#.## g#.# #.##. #.#.# #.# ####..#.g]  You feel extremely sick.g$  Sonja plants her feet in a plie.Sonja casts a spell.g5#N.Kg'47-10/11====7g;0 _Sonja blinks!  Things that are here: _19 gold pieces; a wand of mindburst (9)gzgz8-gg<^ _You are too injured to fight recklessly!g ..##.. #.##.# .. #.##.# ..  # #.##.# .# #  #.gw##.##.# .# .##.#..##.# .##.....# ...#.##.###.#.# #K.@$.# ... .#..#..# #......##..# .#.gÜK#..# ######.#....# .. ##....# #.##....## ##.#..# ..#. #.#..#g ### ...#.....###...# #.. #.## ##.#.##g2 #.# #.##  #.#.# #.# ####..#gg.K2---8gtgݱS _You feel very sick.gl y  You miss Sonja.  You feel very sick.g 39--=-9.2 (0.7Pois gi  _You block Sonja's attack. Sonja barely misses you. You block Sonja's attack.g'  You feel very sick. _You block Sonja's attack. Sonja barely misses you. You block Sonja's attack.  You hit Sonja.  Sonja is lightg'tly wounded.  You feel sick.  Sonja bows elegantly.gn(R8-9gN/g_2 _You block Sonja's attack. Sonja barely misses you. You block Sonja's attack.g Q completely miss Sonja.  g You feel very sick.Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are more poisoned.  Sonja hits you but does no damage.g V5=======-gߒ v==30.6Pois g gQ 8-g /  --more--g9 W _You are more poisoned.g'You barely miss Sonja.  Sonja is lightly wounded.  You feel very sick.Sonja mumbles some strange words.g-O§@Kgo/R1-=1.3g55g7 _Sonja blinks!g~ <. Sonja blinks!slice Sonja!!  Sonja is almost dead.  You block Sonja's attack. Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are lethally poisoned!gN 27======--====g} N2.0Pois g g / _You block Sonja's attack.gB    ..   ..  #  .# #  ##.##.# .# .# ..##.# .##.. ...# ... #.###.#  #..@K.# ... .#..  #......##..# .#.  ######.#....#  #.#   ###  #..  #.#  #.#.# #.# You miss Sonja.gn    ..   ..  #  .# #  ##.##.# .# .# ..##.# .##.. ...# ... #.###.#  #..@K.# ... .#..  #......##..# .#.  ######.#....#  #.#   ###  #..  #.# gn \ #.#.# #.# g| i _You block Sonja's attack.  You miss Sonja.  Sonja is almost dead.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  You feel very sick.block Sonja's attack. x2; Sonja hits you but does no damage.g| 2--=---7g gx V _You are more poisoned.gZ    ..   ..  #  .# #  ##.##.# .# .# ..##.# .##.. ...# ... #.###.# gZ% #..@K.# ... .#..  #......##..# .#.  ######.#....#  #.#   ###  #.. gZU #.#  #.#.# #.# You miss Sonja.gt/   ..   ..  # g/# .# #  ##.##.# .# .# ..##.# .##.. ...# ... #.###.# g/V #..@K.# ... .#..  #......##..# .#. g^0 ######.#....#  #.#   ###  #..  #.#  #.#.# #.# g5M16------You miss Sonja.  Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are more poisoned.g}A/  --more--gg2  Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are more poisoned.g,3H--3.5 (0.8g9g~=' _You block Sonja's attack.ggWgg> _Unknown command.gܝgInventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +2 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) gJewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)B - a wand of roots (19) gAScrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation g_ h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogr - a scroll of silence gƧ[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]g` Jewellery "=)m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)  B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fog  r - a scroll of silence  D - 2 scrolls of teleportation gfanPotions (go to first with !)  d - 4 potions of might  e - 4 potions of haste  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magic  o - 5 potions of heal wounds  p - a potion of berserk rage  q - a lumpy black potion  s - 3 potions of curing76%gf' l - a potion of invisibility  q - a lumpy black potion  z - 3 potions of resistance  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potionbotg s - 3 potions of curing. A potion which restores a small amount of health, and cures poison and confusion. It is a very common potion. gIStash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item potion “But if when you say ‘whiskey’ you mean the oil of conversation, gn the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows  get together, that puts a song in their hearts and laughter on  their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes...  gcthen certainly I am for it.”  -Noah S. Sweat, Jr. “If By Whiskey”. 1952 gT(q)uaff, qui(v)er, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.grgezg..##..morningthaw the Severer#.##.# ..Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##.# ..Health: 25/100 ======------------------##.##.# .# #gxNMagic: 10/11 =====================---#.########.##.# .# .#AC: 29Str: 23 ##.#........##.# .##..EV: 5Int: 9 ...............# ...SH: 10Dex: 9 ####.#########.###.#gI)XL: 11 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:10 ......##..@K.# ... .#.. Noise: =--------  Time: 10233.5 (0.0) ####..##......##..# .#.j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r ####..#######.#....# ..### Throw: throwing net ##....##.##....##..... Hero Fly g##.#..#........#. ... ##.#..#### ...#.....###.. K   Sonja (missile) gǃ......##.. #........##. ##.#.###.# #.##.......#.#.#gQ#.# ####..#......Sonja hits you but does no damage.  You are more poisoned. _You block Sonja's attack. _Unknown command.g   ..   ..  #  .# # gދZ ##.##.# .# .# ..##.# .##.. ...# ... #.###.#  #..@K.# ... .#.. g #......##..# .#.  ######.#....#  #.# g  ###  #..  #.#  #.#.# #.# You feel better.gxb   ..   ..  #  .# #  ##.##.# .# .# ..##.# .##.. ...# ... #.###.#  #..@K.# ... .#..  #......##..# .#.  ######.#....#  #.#   ###  #..  #.#  #.#.# #.# g!l  Sonja hits you with a +0 short sword of venom.  * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *You are poisoned.gl3==-4.5 (1Pois Hero Fly grg wR _You block Sonja's attack. Sonja hits you but does no damage.gh _You block Sonja's attack. Sonja hits you but does no damage.miss Sonja.  Sonja is almost dead.  You feel like a meek peon again.You feel sick.  Sonja casts a spell.g f§g'1-53 9=5.2 (0.7Fly gmgU# _Sonja blinks!gg<Inventory: 28/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) gl, j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) gArmour (go to first with [)  a - a +2 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn) g t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck) g v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)gB - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation g{ h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fogr - a scroll of silence g[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gד  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)  B - a wand of roots (19) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fog  r - a scroll of silence  D - 2 scrolls of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)  d - 4 potions of might  e - 4 potions of haste  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magico - 5 potions of heal woundsp - a potion of berserk rage61%gQ I d - 4 potions of might  q - a lumpy black potion  s - 2 potions of curing  z - 3 potions of resistance  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potionbotg s - 2 potions of curing. A potion which restores a small amount of health, and cures poison and confusion. It is a very common potion. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item potion “But if when you say ‘whiskey’ you mean the oil of conversation, g the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows  get together, that puts a song in their hearts and laughter on  their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes...  then certainly I am for it.”  -Noah S. Sweat, Jr. “If By Whiskey”. 1952 (q)uaff, qui(v)er, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ggjgD..##..morningthaw the Severer#.##.# ..Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##.# ..Health: 29/100 ======------------------##.##.# .# #Magic: 10/11 =====================---#.########.##.# .# .#AC: 25Str: 23 g\##.#........##.# .##..EV: 3Int: 9 ...............# ...SH: 9Dex: 9 ####.#########.###.#XL: 11 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:10 ......##..@§.# ... .#.. Noise: ==-------  Time: 10235.2 (0.0) ####..##......##..# .#.j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r ####..#######.#....# ..### Throw: throwing net ##....##.##....##..... Fly ##.#..#........#. ... ##.#..#### ...#.....###..  ......##.. #........##.  ##.#.###.# #.##....... #.#.#gk#.# ####..#...... You miss Sonja.  Sonja is almost dead.You feel like a meek peon again.You feel sick.  Sonja casts a spell. _Sonja blinks!gg30=1===--6.2 (1gg   Sonja is almost dead.You feel like a meek peon again.You feel sick.  Sonja casts a spell. _Sonja blinks! _You feel better.g ..##.. #.##.# .. #.##.# .. # #.##.# .# # #.########.##.# .# .# g-.##.#........##.# .##.. <....# ...#.##.###.#.# #.@.§.# ... .#.. .####..# #......##..# .#. .####..# ######.#....# .. .##....# #.##....## .##.#..# .#. >##.#..#gy ### ...#.....###.# #.. #.###.#.## #.# #.## #.#.# #.# ####..#gggKK   Sonja (missile)gaA--7g g<g4g~$gNEvoke which item? Wands g B - a wand of roots (19) [!] read|quaff|evokeg][?] describe selectedg' gg/ gZ; ..##..morningthaw the Severer#.##.# ..Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##.# ..Health: 30/100 =======-----------------##.##.# .# #Magic: 11/11 ========================#.########.##.# .# .#AC: 25Str: 23 .##.#........##.# .##..EV: 3Int: 9 <...............# ...SH: 9Dex: 9 #####.#########.###.#XL: 11 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:10 .......##.@.§.# ... .#.. Noise: ---------  Time: 10237.2 (0.0) g< X[40m.####..##......##..# .#. j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r .####..#######K#....# ..## Throw: throwing net .##....##.##....##.... Fly .##.#..#........#. .. >##.#..#### ...#.....###. K   Sonja (missile) .......##.. #........## ###.#.###.# #.##......#.#.##.# ####..#.....Sonja is almost dead.You feel like a meek peon again.You feel sick.  Sonja casts a spell. _Sonja blinks! _You feel better.gup  ..##.. morningthaw the Severer #.##.# ..  Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. #.##.# ..  Health: 30/100 =======-----------------  # #.##.# .# #  Magic: 11/11 ========================  #.########.##.# .# .#  AC: 25Str: 23 g q .##.#........##.# .##..  EV: 3Int: 9 <...............# ...  SH: 9Dex: 9 #####.#########.###.#  XL: 11 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:10 .......# #.@*§.# ... .#.. Noise: ---------  Time: 10237.2 (0.0) .####..# #...***##..# .#.  j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r .####..# ######K#....# ..## Throw: throwing net g4q .##....# #.##....##.... Fly .##.#..# ........#. .. gWq >##.#..# ### ...#.....###. K   Sonja (missile) .......# #.. #........## ###.#.## #.# #.##...... gyq i #.#.# #.# ####..#..... _Sonja blinks! _You feel better.  gq Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - Sonjagq Aim: Sonja, wielding a +0 short sword of venom and quivering curare-tipped  darts (almost dead)g*_..##..morningthaw the Severer#.##.# ..Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.#.##.# ..Health: 30/100 =======-----------------##.##.# .# #Magic: 11/11 ========================#.########.##.# .# .#AC: 25Str: 23 .##.#........##.# .##..EV: 3Int: 9 <...............# ...SH: 9Dex: 9 #####.#########.###.#XL: 11 Next: 30% Place: Dungeon:10 g_2.......##.@.§.# ... .#.. Noise: ---------  Time: 10237.2 (0.0) .####..##....####..# .#. j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r .####..#######*#....# ..## Throw: throwing net .##....#g`#.##....##.... Fly .##.#..#........#. .. >##.#..#gH`### ...#.....###. K   Sonja (missile) .......#g`#.. #........## ###.#.###.# #.##......#.#.##.# ####..#..... _Sonja blinks! g`_You feel better.  Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - Sonjag`Aim: Sonja, wielding a +0 short sword of venom and quivering curare-tipped  darts (almost dead)gH5, rooted)You feel better.  Aiming: FastrootPress: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - SonjaAim: Sonja, wielding a +0 short sword of venom and quivering curare-tipped  darts (almost dead)  The roots erupt in riotous growth!gDjgg  Roots grab Sonja.g3/  --more--g#  The grasping roots constrict Sonja.  You kill Sonja!g $..)gE 1/1017======8.2 (1 _Okawaru is honoured by your kill.g g _ _Your Armour skill increases to level 9!g>D gD g F gG g^H % _g!L z2gM gM gGN glP gP gQ gS N3gT g;V ,g;W gX g Y gY g[ g=[ J4=g[ g] ,gs_ g b ,gb gZd j5=ge gf ,gg gi N6gRj gk ,g~l g!n gn g+o gVq N7gq gs ,gUt gu ,gOv g$x `8=gx g#{ Bg| ,gW} g g T9=g gW g g gh g 940g1 g g1 g؈ gI ,g g N1g4 g ,g g ,g8 g Q42g^ g( ,g g ,gy g j3=gN g- ,g4 g ,g( g& g L4=g g ,g gح gG :5g g ,g gt ,g gǹ g< :6gZ gA ,g[ g ,g g gF T7=g4 g( ,g' g ,g g g L8=g! g> ,gb g gv :9gf g ,g g ,g gB g ;50g0 g ,g g ,gV g j1=g g g g g g g g g L2=g ge ,g g ,g g P3g5 g g g  g g2 :4g g ,g} g BgW g T5=g gv ,g gU ,g g L6=g7 g g" g& g( gO, g- g. gQ1 g2 g}2 7g2 g84 g7 g98 g9 g< gH= g= 8g= g%? gB gB gUD gF gG g7I g_L g&M g}M 9gM =gN gOO gQ gR g T g& y60=123gƎ 4=g ,gV g g E5=g; g g g g ,gF g7 gt :6g g- ,g g* g\ :7gV g ,gm gע g` g g g T8=g gѪ ,g g g gM g g L9=g gٰ ,go gɲ g gn g g ;70gn g gH g g۹ g g g gm :1gY g{ ,ge g e72=g gX Bg) ,g9 g g X3=gI g ,g g ,gG g gv &4g g3 ,g g+ 5g ,g g g$ L6=g g ,gf g ,g g g* V7=gJ g g g g g2 g gd g &8gG g ,g g g8 g gC g &9gr g g g g8 ,g g g; M80=g g g@ g g g V1=g gY ,g g gP g g go &2g gV ,g} g! ,g" go' g' &3g( g* g*+ g , g+- ,g- g:/ <4g/ g1 ,g1 g2 95g*3 )=g4 g5 ,g6 g8 g49 g: g< 96gH< 3=g< g > ,g> gE@ ,g@ g3B <7gB g E ,gE g7H ,g;I gL <8gt 9=90=123=gMz Bg;{ l4=g<} gU Bgb Bg <5g g Bg` 6g} 7=gc ,gf ,g g g gc O8=g> 9gf g g@ gf g> g ,100/101g g g b1=g g g ,g g gK g g[ g R..##.. #.##.# .. #.##.# .. # #.##.# .# # #.##gt .##.# .# .# #.#..##.# .##.. ..# ... .###.###.# # #...@.# ... .#.. ------ ###..# #......##..# .#. ###..# ######)#....# ..## #....# g P#.##....##.. #.#..# ..#. .. #.#..# ### ...#.....###..#g $# #.. #..##.. #.#.## #.# #.##.. #.#.# g #.# ####..#..You now have 365 gold pieces (gained 19).g: 243496.0)g a------57gg ) _u - a wand of mindburst (9)go4g~gg4 gq$P=g)#.##.# ..#.##.# #.. #.##.# #.# # .########.##.# #.# .# .#........##.# #.##.. ......# #... ##.#########.###.# ....# #.....##... .#.. ##..# #....@.##..# .#. #..# ######)#....# ..##### ....#  #.##....##....... .#..# ........#. .#..# ### ...###..# ....# #.. .##........ .#.## #.# ## #.##....... .#.# #.# g*[34m####.. .#.###### #.# #.....#.#....#g"/#.##.# #.. #.##.# #.# # ########.##.# #.# .# #........##.# #.##.. .g/..# #... #.#########.###.# ...# #.....##... .#.. # #..# #......##..# .#. ## #..# ######@#....# ..#####. ...#  #.##....##........ #..# #........#. #..# ### ....###..#.# ...# g 0)#.. ∩.##........ #.## #.##### #.##.......... #.# #.# ####.. #.###### #.# #.....#.#....#.# g0?#......#####.#####.######.####..#g516.0)gk5+7.2 (2gg8g> _Found Cik Pufu's Jewellery Shoppe.  Things that are here: _a +0 short sword of venom; 5 curare-tipped darts; the kobold corpse of Sonjaggig#\ _Unknown command.g4grgigg% _g,g,ggOg_ggogg,g}gmg,hWelcome to Cik Pufu's Jewellery Shoppe! What would you like to do?  a -  640 gold an amulet of faith (unknown)b -  480 gold an amulet of reflection  c -  480 gold an amulet of regeneration (unknown)  d -  960 gold a dragon-blood talisman  e -  780 gold the ring "Sokayffe" {Fire Int+2 Slay+3}f -  576 gold a +6 ring of dexterity (unknown)  g -  576 gold a +6 ring of dexterity (unknown)  h -  576 gold a +5 ring of evasion (unknown)  i -  400 gold a ring of fire (unknown)  j -  576 gold a +6 ring of intelligence (unknown) You have 365 gold pieces. [Esc] exit[!] buy|examine items[a-j] mark item for purchase [/] sort (type)[A-J] put item on shopping listgz9gAgt i.............# #...morningthaw the Severer ##.#########.###.#Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****. ....##.....##... .#..g vHealth: 101/101 ======================== ##..##......##..## .#. # Magic: 11/11 ======================== ##..#######)#....## ..##### AC: 25Str: 23 ....##.##....##....... EV: 3Int: 9 .#..#g ##........#. ..... SH: 9Dex: 9 .#..#####....#.....###..#. XL: 11 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:10 ....##...@.##........##..# Noise: ---------  Time: 10441.2 (4.0) g .#.###.##### #.##......... j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r g .#.#g@ #.# ####..#........ Throw: throwing net ge .#.###### #.# #.....#.#....#. Fly .#......#####.#####.######.####.. g ...####..........)..# ##......  g ##.# ###.....####### #####..#### #.# #.###.##..........g  #.# #.# #.#########>#########  _u - a wand of mindburst (9) g1 _Found Cik Pufu's Jewellery Shoppe.  Things that are here: _a +0 short sword of venom; 5 curare-tipped darts; the kobold corpse of Sonja gU _Unknown command.There is an entrance to Cik Pufu's Jewellery Shoppe here.ggg. _gƊgggggQ _g,gggg/gggggug,g;,gg$ggggg0g`ggggggg,ggsg,ggZgvgg<gg@,ggga .#..e g ###### ....  ..##.. #...  #.##.# .. ##...  #.##.# #..#.. .... g3 #.##.# #.##..##..# ##.##.# #.##..##..#gS##.# #.##..##@.#gs.....# #.....#...# . #####.###.##...#..##... .. # g #.....##........#.. ##.  #......##..##...#. ##.. ##  ######)#....##...#####...##e   deep elf pyromancer (wandering) g$0#.##....##.............. ##........#.^......##....  g{s ####....#.....###..#.#......giR53.2 (12.0) g_Found Cik Pufu's Jewellery Shoppe.  Things that are here: _a +0 short sword of venom; 5 curare-tipped darts; the kobold corpse of Sonja g_Unknown command.A deep elf pyromancer comes into view. It is wielding a +1 heavy long sword.g ?Found a scroll of identify.g,4.2 (13gKg@ _The deep elf pyromancer moves out of view.gJggrggnggg3g\u.. .#.### # . .#..? ###### #. . ...e ..##.. #.. . #.##.# .. #..## #.##.# #..#....... .##.# #.##..##..# #.##.# #.##..##.@# 5.0)gu##.# #.##..##..#  . .....# #.....#...# . . ####.###.##...#..##... .. ##.....##........#. .#......##..##...#. ##.. e   deep elf pyromancer######)#....##...#####...##....##....##...............gӍ[ ##........#.^......##ggg&j _A deep elf pyromancer is nearby!g#.. ...#  .. .#.#### # .. .#..?. ######. . ...e. ..##.. #.. .#...# ..##..##.....#.......# #. ##.# #.##..## .....# #.....#...# . ####.###.##...#..##... .. ###........#.. ##. ......##..##...#. ##.. ##g ######)#....##...#####...## #.##....##....g6gL.egx-6 _gqgUg .. ...... .#......# #.....#.#### ##.....#..? ##### #....#..... .##.. #....#..e## .##.# ..##..##.....# .##.# #..#..... .##.# #.##..##..#g ##.# #.##..##..#  ##.# #.##..##..#  . ....# #.....#...# . . ###.###.##...#..##... .. ##.....##........#. .#......##..##...#. ##.. ##..#######)#....##...#####...##...#g3EEEE 2 fire elementals (summoned)gu40===7g1=:EgAs _The deep elf pyromancer mumbles some strange words.g<#..### .. ...#...... .#......# .#.....#.####.# ##.....#..?.. gN#### #....#...E. ##.. #....#..e## ##.# ..##..##..@E.# ##.# #..#.......##...... ##.# #.##..##..## ..... ##.# #.##..##..# ##..g ##.# #.##..##..# g. ..# g...# #.....#...# . . g0##.###.##...#..##... .. #..# EE#.....##........#.gY ...  #......##..##...#. ##.. g}-..#gR,ggVa  The deep elf pyromancer hits you with a +1 heavy long sword!gjE☼EEEg f83/101 ------8gvSEEg P _The fire elemental hits you. The fire elemental burns you!g  You hit the deep elf pyromancer.  The deep elf pyromancer is lightly wounded.  You completely miss the fire elemental. The fire elemental hits you.g i☼○EEEg n79--------g &9.0 (0.8g ☼EE{Eg 3 _The fire elemental burns you!gKYou completely miss the fire elemental. The fire elemental hits you. _You miss the deep elf pyromancer.You slash the fire elemental! You closely miss the fire elemental.  The deep elf pyromancer gestures wildly while chanting.g N%  g-=7 (0.7gbWEEEg@gy _The fire elemental burns you! The fire elemental barely misses you.gK=gQF Ability - do what?CostFailure  Invocations -  X - Renounce ReligionNone0% a - Heroism2 MP, Piety-2%  b - Finesse5 MP, Piety--50%  c - Duel7 MP, Piety--86% [?] toggle between ability selection and description.gPggCmorningthaw the Severer#..### ..Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****....#e.....Health: 78/101 ==================------.#......# .Magic: 11/11 ========================gD#.....#.####.#AC: 25Str: 23##.....#..?..EV: 3Int: 9 #### #....#..○○.SH: 9Dex: 9 ##.. #....#.E{##gnXL: 11 Next: 37% Place: Dungeon:10 ##.# ..##..##..@E.#Noise: ==-------  Time: 10459.7 (0.0) ##.# #..#.......##......j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r ##.# #.##..##..## .....Throw: throwing net ##.# #.##..##..# ##..Fly ##.# #.##..##..#...# ...# #.....#...#. ... e   deep elf pyromancer ##.###.##...#..##... .. #..# EE 2 fire elementals (summoned)#.....##........#.. ##. ...#......##..##...#. ##.. g##..#You miss the deep elf pyromancer.The deep elf pyromancer is lightly wounded.  You slash the fire elemental! You closely miss the fire elemental.The deep elf pyromancer gestures wildly while chanting.The deep elf pyromancer blinks! The fire elemental hits you. _The fire elemental burns you! The fire elemental barely misses you.g%  You gain the combat prowess of a mighty hero.Something hits you but does no damage.g  Deactivating autopickup; reactivate with Ctrl-A.g_  The fire elemental hits you. The fire elemental burns you!g@=.e°g§E{{EEga61----9/11 g*-----9510-60.7 (1Hero Fly gEE.E _The fire elemental hits you. The fire elemental burns you!g  #..###... ...#...... .#.e....# . #.....#.####.# ##.....#..?...# #....#..○°.. .##.. #....#.E§## .##.# ..##..##.@.E.# .##.# #..#.##.{.... .##.# #.##..##..## ..... g 3.##.# #.##..##..# ##.. .##.# #.##..##..# . ...# #.....#...# . #.###.##...#..##... .. #.. EE #.....##........#.. ##. ...  #......##..##...#. ##.. ##..#gV Bg$ ,g" B.e°{E°.E49--------1gy) E§EEEgx, P _The fire elemental hits you. The fire elemental burns you!g###..###... ...#...... .#......# . #...e.#.####.# ##.....#..?...# #....#..°°....##.. #....#.E§## #.##.# ..##..##@.E°.# #.##.# #..#.##...... #.##.# #.##..##..## ..... #.##.# #.##..##..# ##.. .g.##.# #.##..##..# . .# #.....#...# . . EE 2 fire elementals (summoned)#.###.##...#..##... .. #. #.....##........#.. ##.  #......##..##...#. ##.. ##..g<gg/ggo .e.E○.E○.e   deep elf pyromancerEE 2 fire elementals (summoned)You block the fire elemental's attack. The fire elemental hits you.7---2g cEEEg 3 _The fire elemental burns you!g4P #.# .######..###.....#......  .#......# . #.....#.####.# ##....e#..?... g5 ###### #....#..°....  ..##.. #...@#E○.##  #.##.# ..##..##.E○..#  #.##.# #..#.......##......  #.##.# #.##..##..## ..... ##.##.# #.##..##..# ##..##.# #.##..##..#g59 E   fire elemental (summoned) ......# #.....#...#  #####.###.##...#..##... .. # #......#.. ##. g9g:gICgCgDgEg>OKe.☼EE°e   deep elf pyromancerEE 2 fire elementals (summoned)gP.-3gLYBEEEg\g": .# . #.# .###..###..###.........#...... #.#......# .gd #....e#.####.# ##.....#..?...######..°......##.. #....#☼○.## ..##..##EE°..# .#.......##.  ..##..## ... ###..##.##.# #.##..##. E   fire elemental ......# #.....#...#  #####.####..##... .. #gxg+gng.eEE°E 2 fire elementals (summoned)gL------4gREEEg4 _Found Great Wizards, Vol. VII.g  You slice the deep elf pyromancer!!  The deep elf pyromancer is severely wounded.You closely miss the fire elemental. The fire elemental hits you.g[& g)..° E   fire elementalThe fire elemental burns you!gW2 EThe deep elf pyromancer casts a spell at you.The pyre arrow hits you.g# EE3-===5.4 (0.7Fire+ Hero Fly g,BEEggH/  --more--g}oe _You are covered in intense liquid fire!gIJ n.EYou closely miss the deep elf pyromancer.The deep elf pyromancer is heavily wounded.You barely miss the fire elemental.The liquid fire burns you!The fire elemental hits you.g _39----6.1g TEEgt A _You block the deep elf pyromancer's attack.g^  You slice the deep elf pyromancer!!  You kill the deep elf pyromancer!Okawaru is honoured by your kill.g_gbv  The fire elemental disappears in a puff of smoke!g|cg\js$.#{gkg`p2---2-43==8gvgJyZ _The liquid fire burns you!g50   #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....#  ##...$.#..?...   #...   #...{#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#  g0  #..#.......   #.##..##..## .....  #.##..##..# ##..  #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. You hit something.g  #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....#gj   ##...$.#..?...   #...   #...{#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#   #..#.......   #.##..##..##  #.##..##..# ##.. g* ~ #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. gX   #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....# gg  ##...$.#..?...   #...   #...{#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#   #..#.......   #.##..##..## .....  #.##..##..# ##..  #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. The liquid fire burns you!g  H* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gA  #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....#  gv ##...$.#..?...   #...   #...{#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#   #..#.......   #.##..##..##  #.##..##..# ##..  #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. g b  Something hits you.g) :§g 19-----10/12==--7.5g { _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gG {  You slash something!  Okawaru accepts your kill.g9Q   #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....# gYR j ##...$.#..?...   #...   #...§#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#   #..#.......   #.##..##..## .....  #.##..##..# ##..  #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. gR iReactivating autopickup.You feel a bit more experienced.g\-  #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....#  ##...$.#..?...   #...   #...§#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#   #..#.......   #.##..##..##  #.##..##..# ##..  #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. .g5 t ..  The liquid fire burns you!gg: `3------8.2gA g2D V _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *ggInventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with ))  j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +2 cloak (worn)  c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)u - a wand of mindburst (9)  B - a wand of roots (18) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fog [Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gk  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) gRl$Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)  k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)  u - a wand of mindburst (9)  B - a wand of roots (18) Scrolls (go to first with ?) gl f - 2 scrolls of immolation  g - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll labelled EFFIV FO PANAH  i - a scroll of fog  r - a scroll of silence  D - 2 scrolls of teleportation Potions (go to first with !)  d - 4 potions of might  e - 4 potions of haste  l - a potion of invisibility  n - a potion of magicglfo - 5 potions of heal wounds57%g+6 i - a scroll of fog  o - 5 potions of heal woundsp - a potion of berserk rage g6 q - a lumpy black potion  s - a potion of curing  z - 3 potions of resistance  A - a pink potion  G - a lumpy grey potionbotg  o - 5 potions of heal wounds. A magical healing elixir which causes wounds to close and heal almost instantly.It is a common potion. Stash search prefixes: {inventory} {potion} Menu/colouring prefixes: identified emergency_item good_item potion (q)uaff, qui(v)er, (d)rop, (=)adjust, or (i)nscribe.ggYmorningthaw the Severer#: .#Mountain Dwarf of Okawaru *****.. #.# .###.Health: 30/101 =======-----------------.###..###.....Magic: 10/12 ====================----....#......AC: 29Str: 23#.#......# .EV: 5Int: 9#.....#.####.#SH: 10Dex: 9##...$.#..?...XL: 11 Next: 43% Place: Dungeon:10  ###### #...@#..°....Noise: =--------  Time: 10468.2 (0.0)  ..##.. #....#☼○.##j) +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness {holy, r#.##.#g% ..##..##.°°..#Throw: throwing net#.##.# #..#.......##......Fire+ Hero Fly #.##.# #.##..##..## ..... ##.##.# #.##..##..# ##.. ...##.# #.##..##..#. ......# #.....#...#. #####.###.##...#..##... .. # You slash something!  Okawaru accepts your kill.Reactivating autopickup.You feel a bit more experienced.  The liquid fire burns you! _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * * #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  #.....#  ##...$.#..?...   [4go0m#...   #....#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#   #..#.......   #.##..##..## .....  #.##..##..# ##..  #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. Okawaru accepts your kill.Reactivating autopickup.  You feel a bit more experienced.  The liquid fire burns you! _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *  You feel much better.gb}` #: .#  . #.# .###.  .###..###.....  ....#......  #.#......# .  g}L#.....#  ##...$.#..?...   #...   #....#☼○.##   ..##..##.°°..#  gL~ #..#.......   #.##..##..##  #.##..##..# ##.. g~~ #.##..##..# .  #.....#...# .  .. gs §  The liquid fire burns you!gX18----9.2 (1g gV _* * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *gQ  #. # #: .# .. #.# .###.###..###.........#....... #......# . #.....#.####.# ##.@.$§#..?...g( 6 ###### #....#....... ..##.. #....#☼○.## #.##.# ..##..##.°°..#  #.##.# #..#.......##......  #.##.# #.##..##..## ..... ###.##.# #.##..##..# ##..##.# #.##..##..# .......# #...# g  You shake off some of the fire as you move.  The liquid fire burns you!You die...g s0/101 --------g1 /  --more--ggInventory: 29/52 slots Hand Weapons (go to first with )) gL j - the +7 broad axe of Unpleasantness (weapon) {holy, rN+ Will+ Stlth+}  C - a +1 broad axe of venom Missiles (go to first with ()  b - a throwing net (quivered) Armour (go to first with [)  a - a +2 cloak (worn) g c - a +0 buckler (worn)  t - a +0 crystal plate armour (worn)  w - a +1 pair of gloves (worn) Jewellery (go to first with "=)  m - an amulet of reflection (around neck)  v - a ring of flight (left hand)k - an amulet of guardian spirit Wands (go to first with /)u - a wand of mindburst (9)  gN9B - a wand of roots (18) Scrolls (go to first with ?)  f - 2 scrolls of immolationg - 2 scrolls of revelation  h - a scroll of amnesia {unknown}  i - a scroll of fog g[Up|Down] select [PgDn|>] page down [PgUp|<] page up [Esc] exit[top]gU gnV,g^gbbOGoodbye, morningthaw.10996 morningthaw the Severer (level 11, 0/101 HPs)Began as a Mountain Dwarf Fighter on Oct 22, 2024.Was a High Priest of Okawaru.Incinerated by a deep elf pyromancer (18 damage)... with a pyre arrow... on level 10 of the Dungeon.gb'The game lasted 00:19:41 (10441 turns). Best Crawlers -1.59874334 freshwater VSCj-27 escaped with the Orb2.23737872 oddsox OpCA-27 escaped with the Orb3.22614997 MollyMollu OpFi-27 escaped with the Orb4.22453554 frobop TrFi-27 escaped with the Orbgbq5.21845920 BlyxxDjEE-27 escaped with the Orb6.21699434 Theoretic GrBr-27 escaped with the OrbgzcR7.21207590 frobop TrDe-27 escaped with the Orb8.19427956 fispok6969 DjCj-27 escaped with the Orb9.17955717 gosagan MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  10.15861251 Scinternac MiFi-27 escaped with the Orb  11.14967373 thewalrus OnGl-27 escaped with the Orb  12.14936909 VeryStrang GrGl-27 escaped with the Orbg g g% ? [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l