WËÒgÕ¢ Player: myself Game: Custom seed 0.32 Server: crawl.dcss.io Filename: 2025-03-13.12:11:03.ttyrec Time: (1741867863) Thu Mar 13 12:11:03 2025 XËÒg5{ c[?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061h)0[?7hXËÒg| [?25l[?1cXËÒgr‰ §[?25h[?0cPlay a game with a custom seed for version 0.32.1-6-ge8736a44df. Choose 0 for a random seed. [Tab]/[Shift-Tab] to cycle input focus. Seed: 18303170615615315369  [-] Clear [d] Today's daily seed The seed will determine the dungeon layout, monsters, and items that you discover, relative to this version of crawl. Upgrading mid-game may affect seeding. (See the manual for more details.)[Enter] Begin!ZËÒg4 [?25l[?1cZËÒglZËÒg%ŽWelcome, myself. Please select your species. SimpleZËÒgj'<IntermediateAdvanced a - Mountain Dwarfj - Humans - Coglin b - Minotaurk - Koboldt - Vine Stalker c - Merfolkl - Demonspawnu - Vampire d - Gargoylem - Djinniv - Demigod e - Draconiann - Sprigganw - Formicid f - Trollo - Ghoulx - Naga g - Deep Elfp - Tenguy - Octopode h - Armataurq - Oniz - Felid i - Gnollr - BarachiZËÒg·'A - Mummy Formicids are humanoid ants adept at digging. Their limbs are exceptionally strong and they live in a state of permanent stasis. + - Recommended species * - Random species ZËÒgï'Œ# - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudesSpace - Pick background first ? - HelpZËÒg (+ Tab - Formicid MonkcËÒghdcËÒgkicËÒgðmïWelcome, myself the Demonspawn. Please select your background. WarriorAdventurerMage a - Fighteri - ArtificercËÒg"nóq - Hedge Wizard b - Gladiatorj - Shapeshifterr - Conjurer c - Monk k - Wanderers - Summoner d - HuntercËÒgEnŒl - Delvert - Necromancer e - BrigandWarrior-magecËÒgenfu - Fire Elementalist Zealotm - WarpercËÒg„nsv - Ice Elementalist f - Berserkern - HexslingercËÒg¡nw - Air Elementalist g - Cinder Acolyteo - Enchanterx - Earth Elementalist h - Chaos Knightp - ReavercËÒg¾n/y - Alchemist cËÒgÛnÝMonks start with a simple weapon of their choice, an orb of light, and a potion of divine ambrosia, and gain additional piety with the first god they worship. + - Recommended backgroundcËÒgünx * - Random background # - Recommended character ! - Random character % - List aptitudescËÒg8oWSpace - Change species ? - Help Tab - Formicid MonkeËÒgúeËÒgÞ eËÒgÆ!D [?25h[?0c [?1051l[?1052l[?1060l[?1061l